#it's a physical... thing? entity? to io
incendiorum-arch · 1 year
io feels their magic mainly in two places - their chest, right below their heart (a proximity that makes them call it cor secundum - second heart), and in their arms. if io is actively using it they can feel the warmth and energy of it burning in their chest and along their arms, especially their inner arms and down into the palms. this feeling is shared by most magic-users in their canon. an energy in the chest, always present even if it's duller when passive, and an energy that trickles along the nerves of the arms and hands. the exact feeling of it (for io it's warm-hot, for latona it's cool, if not chilling) changes from person-to-person, but there is certainly a commonality among all of them.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
I'm here to distract people from the sadness because there's some super WILD shit going on with Avalon and Asher's discoveries within the Vex Network.
So when you find all three secrets (not chests, extra three secrets that involve destroying the three Vex type pyramids with Vexcalibur in each section), you get an extra section to teleport to where Mithrax shows a simulation of what Asher has been working on. He simulated... well. The Veil.
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This is exactly the same as the one from concept art, aka where we can see the full thing. The stuff on the left? People theorised egregore, but it didn't look like egregore to me, but also I never figured what else it might be. And here we can see what it is. It's the Tree of Silver Wings.
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My other post with pictures of the Tree, both the one Io (which this one is identical to) and the one from the raid (which is more evolved so to say).
This feel like some sort of a joined manifestation of both Light and Dark. Perhaps some primordial entity. Or as the artist put it: "physical manifestation of incomprehensible cosmic energy. Window into the mind and memory of the universe." Something from Before(TM)? From the original Garden or from the beginning of the universe? Something from the Witness' "first victims" as Nezarec put it, but who were they? The Garden itself? I am losing my mind.
The garden grows in both directions. Ulan-Tan's symmetry. Etc etc.
Video with Mithrax's dialogue.
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sephdb · 2 years
Glitch deep-dive: Hotel boss gate skip
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On Jan 15th 2023 a new user, thezorazora, joined the Analgesic Productions discord and shared a very intriguing twitch clip of them playing Anodyne(2013)'s iOS version and clipping past the gates blocking access to the boss.
Normally to get to the boss of this dungeon, you'd have to explore across all four floors to get to both sides of the lower floor and disable the two sets of gates in that room.
All you need to trigger this glitch is to take the elevator from floor 3 to floor 1 when both sets of gates are still up, and a bit of luck(as I'll explain later in this post). If it fails, just take the elevator back up to floor 3 and try again. Success rate is about 50%, even with frame-precise inputs.
Deep dive on how exactly it works under the cut!
So, what's actually happening here, and why does it only happen 50% of the time?
The short answer to what's happening is that Young is colliding with the gates in front of the boss room and they push Young out of their hitbox.
But this is supposed to be where the player gets teleported to, so how is that in any way colliding with the gates?
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The answer lies in exactly how collision gets calculated in Anodyne's engine, Flixel.
All entities not only keep their position, but also their last position. This allows for Flixel to do collision resolution on fast-moving objects, with their effective hitbox being the whole rectangle spanning both positions. The last position gets set to the current position at the start of each entity's update call, and movement is done at the end of that. In-between, entities set their velocity and other physics variables, and that way every frame, the last and current position are correct.
When the player gets warped across the map, however, a few things happen:
Entities on the current screen get unloaded
Player position(but not last position) get set to the warp point
Entities on the new screen get loaded
Game update stops without running an update call on all entities
An interesting thing happens when you warp from floor 3 to floor 1: the apparent hitbox of the player gets incredibly large, and, more importantly, intersects with the gates on the new screen:
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The very next frame, if the gates' updates run first(before the player's update, which would correct this hitbox by setting the last position), they check collision with the player and this absolute unit of a hitbox is what they see. This then triggers the glitch.
Note the "if the gates' updates run first", because that shouldn't happen according to the explanation thus far. In step 3 above, the gates get added to the list of entities, which at that point only has the player in it. That means they go after the player in the update order.
Fortunately(for us, not the game), there is another part of the game that messes with the order of entities: the draw function. When a draw call happens, the entities get sorted by their "lower y" position(ie: the position at the bottom of their hitbox), top to bottom, to get the layering right when entities visually overlap. For some more reasons, this value doesn't get updated for the player until its update runs.
As the player's y bottom value is still that of before the warp, they are way below the gates, so they get put after the gates in the draw(and update) order.
Then the next update call happens, the gates update first, and see the enormous hitbox, etc etc.
So if it's this simple to trigger, why is it so inconsistent?
That's because while Flash can only draw at 30 frames per second, Anodyne's updates try to run at 60. So for every draw call, there is about 2 update calls(there is some random jitter bc of performance varying across frames, sometimes there's 3 update calls).
This makes it essentially random whether there will be a draw call in-between the update call that performs the warp and the next. With no way to make sure the update and draw calls line up perfectly at that moment, it's going to stay about a 50/50 shot at landing the glitch. Luckily it's only a few seconds to retry, with a large amount of time skipped not doing the rest of the dungeon.
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kamabrahr · 3 years
Writing Requests open!
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Kieran here, ready to polish their English skills with some drabbles, headcanons, oneshots, and anything your heart desires as long as they follow the rules!
I currently am mainly into the wrestling fandom, so here’s the list!
Wrestlers I can certainly write for
Adam Cole
Bray Wyatt
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Chuck Taylor
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Darby Allin
Dean Ambrose  (I consider him a COMPLETELY different entity from Jon Moxley...sue me.)
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Kingston
Jeff Hardy
Johnny Gargano
Jon Moxley
Jungle Boy
Lance Archer
Malakai Black
Marko Stunt
Matt Jackson
Mustafa Ali
Nick Jackson
Orange Cassidy
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns
Sammy Guevara
Seth Rollins
Shawn Michaels
Tony Khan (*cough*)
Trent? (?)
Triple H
Wheeler Yuta
AJ Lee
Alexa Bliss
Anna Jay
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Britt Baker
Dakota Kai
Hikaru Shida
Io Shirai
Jamie Hayter
Kris Statlander
Liv Morgan
Maki Itoh
Nikki A.S.H.
Penelope Ford
Rhea Ripley
Ruby Riott
Sasha Banks
Shayna Baszler
Stephanie McMahon
Tay Conti
Thunder Rosa
If they’re not on this list, you are totally always welcome to ask if I can write for them, and maybe I can, depending on how much creative juice I have in me!
And here are the rules to getting that content:
 Send an ask, if you’re not sure on what you want, then you are always welcome to DM me.
Specify what you want (headcanons, drabble, oneshot) with which wrestler(s), and whether it’s fluff, angst, comfort, NSFW, or others (throw me an AU and I might just grab it!). If it’s something more complicated, I will go over to your DMs and ask you for more specifications. If you don’t specify anything, it’s free real estate for me, and you’re going to have to see what you get on my Russian Roulette for you.
Specify the kinks if there are any. If it’s a no-no kink for me or a kink I’m not used to, then I will go over to your DMs if you’re not on anon to talk it out, see what we can do, and if it’s anon I unfortunately might just have to chop you off the board, I apologize.
You can also specify on certain things like genders, petite, plus-sizes, some illnesses or physical conditions like a person with vitiligo, scoliosis, an amputee, etc., but please don’t go super specific on appearances like blue eyes, brown curly hair or the likes. I might write a wrestler x wrestler or a wrestler x OC for you if you really want it and I’m in the right mindset, but beware, the writing is in my hands and you might not get exactly 100% of what you want.
Please be patient! I’m a kindergarten teacher with loads of work in my hands and some very fussy parents to handle with on the daily (the children are great, the parents...eh), so I’ll get to you, I promise, it might take some time!
With that all said, send ‘em over!
- Kieran
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witchystarryskies · 2 years
New witchy starry journaling/study sideblog
I’ll start off this blog by say I’m 100% digital. all the study notes, journals, grimoire entries, even visions boards I keep in digital notes between Goodnotes 5 on iOS and Evernote everywhere else.
If you’re part of the minority who keep most things digital do let me know and let’s share tips.
If you keep physical journals and are reluctant to go digital allow me to extoll the virtues of digital journaling my good sirs.
Any amount of pages, any size, any color, in any order, that you can change at any point.
ALL the colors in the world and all the stickers/decorations/fonts etc you can make or have access to on the whole of the internets.
Because I also use digital tarot decks, runes and a space app, I can easily add screenshots of them to the journal
s e a r c h   f u n c t i o n - I can’t count the times I experienced something that had already dreamed of and went back looking through my dream journal to check the time and aspects, or needed to find a certain ritual to double-check the steps or tools needed, or forgot what plants were associated with which planet and I can’t imagine having to look through physical notes to find them, no matter how organized and thoroughly indexed (which mine would most certainly not be) ((also many apps can search through handwritten notes too now))
The amount of money I saved not having to buy and restock all the above physically. huge bonus, ngl. You can keep your own expansive, personalized magic library virtually for free. (if you use free note-taking apps. $8 for the full version of Goodnotes is still a fantastic investment tho)
Collaborating on the same notes with your witchy friends. Haven’t personally done that since I felt these notes, even if not technically part of a grimoire, are a bit personal, especially since you’re meant to record your own personal associations to build your own relationship with plants, entities, planets, symbols and whatever else you’re working with. I’ve never even shared altar shots, and rarely ritual shots. But in the case of study notes and just building collections, I'm not completely opposed to collaboration with the right people. Definitely need older, wiser, sager input always.
Clean workspace - I realize a messy workspace is Peak Aestheticc for many especially witches and artists, but just from a pure logistical point I don’t have the space for everything I use. My desk is smol and full enough as is with books, devices and PC paraphernalia. Only having an iPad, pen and a stand (and occasionally an external keyboard) is doing wonders for my mental state. Also means..
Portability -  I can journal anywhere anytime, with all my tools on hand.
Working with a device you’re attuned to 24/7 - This one’s a point of debate. I’ve heard many say your phone makes a great digital tarot deck, etc, because of how much time you spend on it, attuning it to your exact energy far more often than you would your runes or tarot deck. I’ve definitely been dumbfounded by how well my rune app knew me right out the gate and responds almost with the same salty, snarky attitude I’m used to (or think with). Like, almost every time I’ve used them, I have to think “gee you didn’t have to call me out this hard” and I’m not sure if this is a universal experience with app users cause... well, there aren’t many yet.
Join the experiment? Share thoughts? Tips? Do you think it’s somehow “less potent” if it’s not a physical experience? Is the physical experience (tactile stimulation, pen on paper ASMR, etc) a big part of your journaling experience?
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duckyreads · 2 years
Auuugh they are discontinuing the iPod touch and I hate everything about that.
I don’t want to have to use a phone to get these functions. I want my phone to be a separate entity. I want to cling to my delusions of increased privacy.
Plus, my dumb-phone is a flip phone. There is no greater satisfaction than ending a call by clapping it shut like a clackety claw. 🦞
Now I’m trying to figure out if I should try to acquire the ‘new’ model before it’s too late, just so that I can hold on as long as possible to this way of doing things. My current iPod can’t handle the latest iOS, which means as my favorite apps update, they slowly become inaccessible, rendering the device obsolete even when its hardware/physical shell still functions
Just ugh.
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Nymphs of Magix: Profiles (1/3)
Sabrina Yanli Sotterana/T'ana
(Character Death)
Home World: Loc'Brennah
Purview: Fairy of Transformation (Rumoured to have been born a witch)
Hair Colour: Black Eye colour: turquoise-green Skin: black with pale blue-green marbling along her spine, shoulders and hips Height: 5'/152.4 (shortest of all the Nymphs) Personality Key Words: (low-key) mischievous, inquisitive, contemplative, relaxed Hobbies: People watching, harmless pranks, lazy about as a cat, investigating rumours Favourite Foods: anything with intense flavour, anything tart Pixie: Mógū, Pixie of Mushrooms and Fungi (Aggressively energetic, talks about herself in the third person, carries various poison powders on her persons at all times.) Status: Unknown – all contact was lost, no attempts to locate her were successful Last Known Location: Unknown – somewhere in the far edges of the Magical Dimension near the Tumultuous Nebulae, a region of space known for dimensional rifts and wormhole like anomalies.
Loc'Brennah is a dark world, literally a realm of constant night. Its people possess dark toned skin, often marbled with small patches of pastels. The 'World of Hidden Things', its people can see in almost total darkness, and have the unique species wide ability to see through illusions and deceptive magics. Their visual range can cause discomfort when off world and they often wear tinted glasses to help regulate the problem.
The people of Loc'Brennah have a language that is only half verbal, speaking in an apparent monotone, their inflections are done through physical actions in a subtle sign language and micro expressions that makes their language almost impossible for the UTS to translate properly, leaving many outsiders feeling uncomfortable when interacting with the Loc'Brennei.
Sabrina is actually considered to be a very expressive individual amongst her people, since her time at Alfea learning to emote for non-Loc'Brennei, she was considered to be 'excessively exuberant' in the terms of her people, and wears baggy clothing when she can to hide the automatic 'over' emoting she developed.
As The Fairy of Transformation, Sabrina excels at all form of transformative magics, and is a top tier shape-shifter. Made uncomfortable by other peoples discomfort, she avoids them where she can, but is not by any means anti-social.
She enjoys spending her free time as a cat and watching the general flow of life and people around her. She met T'ana and Yanli for the first time in her cat form, and they assumed she was an actual animal, tempting her with small treats of food and spending the day giving her cuddles.
After an awkward reveal the trio had a laugh about it and decided not to worry about it. T'ana and Yanli continued to spend time giving cat-form-Sabrina pats, cuddles and ear scratches.
Sabrina was raised by her two paternal aunts after her mother passed away and her father went into seclusion to deal with his grief. She doesn't talk about them often but has a good and loving relationship with them.
While they don't not get along, Sabrina occasionally had difficulty working with both Io and Ellena because of their exuberant personalities, and though she considers T'ana and Yanli to be her best friends, Sabrina often finds herself working with Syffa to solve mysteries around the magical dimension.
Some years before the Fall of Domino, Daphne began getting inexplicably sick, normally in short bursts and strange things began happening throughout the Dimension. An increase of strange and often negative occurrences drew the attention of Sabrina and Syffa who saw some kind of pattern in the seemingly unrelated cases. Following a lead, they promised to be back in just a few weeks.
Their last known location was in the Tumultuous Nebulae. After contact was lost, several searches for the missing Nymphs were launched, but while Syffa's body and their ship was recovered, no sign of Sabrina was ever found.
Home World: Melody
Purview: Fairy of Resonance
Hair Colour: black Eye colour: dark brown Skin: alabaster with a hint of peach Height: 5'2”/157.08 Personality Key Words: compassionate, mediator, elegant, patient, caretaker, cheerful Hobbies: playing the Guzheng (a (type of zither) string instrument that looks like a board with 21 strings), making soups, being with her friends, people watching Favourite Foods: soups Pixie: Tùzǐ, Pixie of Rabbits (absolute fraidy-cat, will hide behind Mógū and Ambra, once kicked a monsters head off in a moment of terrified bravery.) Status: Deceased Current Location: Hidden Cemetery - Melody
Normally the most elegant and demure of the Nymphs, she comes from an old family of fairies and wizards who specialise in combat with spiritual type monsters and curses that afflict the spirit.
The eldest of several siblings (some adopted), she lets her playful side show when indulging their childish antics.
Her favourite flower is the Lotus and she enjoys making soups for the people she loves. (Soup was the only food she never messed up, regardless of what kind it was.)
Seemingly the least likely to throw hands, Yanli will verbally berate anyone who dares to talk shit about her siblings or friends.
Yanli was trained from a young age to play the Guzheng, and used it in several of her magical Ritual Spells. Ritual spells are a more uncommon but not rare form of magic that take a little longer than a normal spell but can be more finely tuned to one's needs. Musical Ritual Spells were particularly common amongst the Melody clans who specialised in spirit hunting, and Yanli created dozens of spell songs over the course of her life, all written down in a personal spell book.
Yanli was called home to assist with a case of suspected possession just as the search for Sabrina was winding down. The case turned out to be more widespread than first suspected, not a small case of spiritual possession as first thought, but an entire small town under the influence of a 'still unknown' entity. Yanli gave her life protecting her family and releasing the victims from their spiritual imprisonment.
After her death, several clans tried to ask for spells from Yanli's book (which she had previously denied) but no one could find it.
(The only member of her family who doesn't respond with 'we don't know where it is' is the oldest of her adopted siblings Mo Ying, who's reply is “even if it wasn't destroyed, she didn't want you to have it.”)
((Mo Ying absolutely has her book. Yanli was (and still is) his favourite sibling, he was often accused of having a 'sister complex' before his family realised he was gay.))
Sotterana / T'ana
Home World: Eraklyon
Purview: Fairy of UnderGround* (Lit. 'The unfertile Bounty of the Element of Earth')
Hair Colour: Brassy blonde Eye colour: deep amber Skin: bronze-tan Height: 5' 8”/ 172.72 cm (Tallest Nymph) Personality Key Words: steady, hard working, patient, fidgety, compassionate Hobbies: metal work, people watching, petting Cat!Sabrina, listening to Yanli play, making things from spare pieces of wire, collecting interesting looking rocks Favourite Foods: crunchy things like flaky pastry, savoury things Pixie: Ambra, Pixie of Treasures (easily distracted, adores shiny things.) Status: Deceased Last Known Location: The Labyrinth of Pazzia – outer reaches of the Magical Dimension
Born on the continent of Isis on Eraklyon, T'ana comes from a long line of Intuitive Magicals who have been forging magical weapons since the Unification of Eraklyon. The first known Fairy in the family, it wasn't until T'ana's early-teens when her family realised her mild hyperactivity was a result of her Magical Core having no proper/sufficient outlet.
Her family, filled with craft masters and Heroes raised all their children in preparation of joining the family trades, which lead to T'ana developing control of her magic before any outbursts occurred. During a collaboration with another family (Yanli's clan), Yanli and T'ana were told to wait out of the way, only to be found by the creature their families were hunting, together Yanli and T'ana managed to fight the creature off, revealing T'ana's status as an Active Magical/Fairy and cementing their friendship forever.
T'ana's over abundance of energy growing up made her a little twitchy, and she took to bending small pieces of wire into various shapes to keep her hands busy and out of trouble. Once the route of the problem was found and addressed, she kept the habit used to the way it helped her mind focus. (Occasionally swapping out wire bending for stroking Sabrina's fur.)
As a fairy whose purview covers all subterranean matters, from ores and minerals, to fault lines and tectonics, her ability to navigate unfamiliar tunnel and cave systems is unparalleled.
Physically the strongest (and tallest) of all the Nymphs, T'ana sports the standard 'super' strength of stone and metal type fairies, which is bolstered by her years spent learning her family's craft as a weapon smith.
When not performing her duties as a member of the Nymphs, or just hanging out with her friends, T'ana could be found working along side her family, both as a crafter and as back up for Hero family members.
T'ana was lost not long after Yanli, and the remaining Nymphs often wondered if her grief over loosing her two best friends played a part in her death.
T'ana and two of her cousins went hunting rumours of an evil (possibly Fairy Hunting) wizard, and became trapped in an ancient and cursed labyrinth. The only surviving party member claimed that the third member had turned on them suddenly, ranting about how they were never appreciated.
Wielding their prize creation, a knife that turned a magic user's power in on itself, they managed to stab T'ana before the surviving cousin could stop them.
The knife caused T'ana's magic to turn against her, transforming her into a stone statue, and released a magical shock wave that caused the entire area to collapse. Both T'ana and her killer were lost in the ensuing destruction, no retrieval party was able to find them, and eventually her family accepted her death and tried to move on.
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techtricks393 · 3 years
Technology Fundamentals Explained
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
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technews429 · 3 years
The Only Guide for Tech
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes
technology329 · 3 years
The Facts About Tech Uncovered
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes
thefirstknife · 3 years
Sorry for very long ask, but om the subject of this week's talk with Savathûn... i hadn't considered her saying "stand on the line and look up" as literally looking up at her in front of you? That's really interesting, but seems almost... too heavy handedly trying to influence us? But an unknown 3rd party beyond light and dark would be really strange to introduce this late in the story. But it made me think about week 2 of presage, Nosiris makes a point to differentiate between the Darkness and the Entity to Caiatl. This season's activities also have lots of lines about who might control the taken now that Savathûn (presumably) doesn't. It's probably just the black fleet, but could there be someone else? A Worm God? One of the things from Drifter's trip outside the system? Winnower's dad?
Yep, there's definitely something here that we don't fully understand.
The mention of "The Entity" back in Presage was really strange to me because that was the first time we actually heard that there's something different between Darkness and whatever The Entity is.
For now, I'm thinking this is referring to the Winnower. Because in the story so far, it's always been Darkness and Darkness was equated to the Black Fleet aka the Pyramid ships. But even back in the Unveiling lorebook, we learned that the Pyramids and Darkness and Winnower are not all exactly the same thing. Same as Gardener and Traveler and Light aren't the same thing.
In this case, Gardener and Winnower would be the actual entities that govern the universal laws of physics and life and all that. They do that by utilising the paracausal forces we know as the Light and Darkness. They both have things (living or otherwise) that are tied to them in some way; Leviathan (from the Fundament) and the Traveler for the Light and Gardener / Worm Gods and Pyramids for the Darkness and the Winnower, for example. Probably many other things that we don't know about as well (like the creatures from the ice planet which are obviously of Darkness).
If this is true, then what Savathun is referring to is the Winnower itself and trying to tell us there's something behind pure Darkness and the Pyramid ships. However, wouldn't we know that already? Because the Winnower spoke to us through Unveiling and through the Pyramids and through the Tree on Io. Unless that was just something speaking to us on behalf of the Winnower. Or, potentially, only the player knows it's the Winnower. Everyone else still refers to it as Darkness. The Unveiling has somewhat 4th wall breaking vibes imo.
We know the Taken and the power to take was never originally of Hive origin. Oryx acquired the power by slaying the Worm god Akka and communing with the Deep, therefore proving that he is worthy of wielding the power to take. So what Savathun and Mara and others are saying through the dialogue about the Taken is true. They were never Hive and Oryx did simply borrow them. From the Deep. Something else IS controlling them; the Winnower. It's explicitly stated in Unveiling:
It was the first defector—the first predator. It changed everything. Now the oozeballs needed sensors to watch for danger, and brains to integrate those senses and generate plans of survival, and swift neurons and muscles to enact that plan. This was the Cambrian Explosion, the great birth of complex life on your world. I caused it. I, the defector, the destroyer, the one who takes.
Ofc, I could be wrong and Destiny could still introduce something else. I wouldn't say it's too late to do so; we have three full expansions to go through yet. However, from what we currently know, I do believe that what is being refered to here (The Entity) is the Winnower itself, the entity that controls the Black Fleet and the Taken and the Worm Gods and possibly the Vex ("They are not all mine, not in the way that admirers such as my man Oryx are mine: utterly devoted to the practice of my principle. But some of them have, nonetheless, found their way home.") and countless others we may not even know about.
The Unveiling lorebook in general is one of the most important lorebooks tbh. There's still much to, heh, unveil when it comes to the whole thing and the Winnower. At the end of Unveiling, Eris doesn't mention Winnower or Gardener; she talks about the Light and Darkness. She also talks about messages from the Darkness in the Arrivals storyline and the Singular Exegete lorebook. Winnower is only ever named and mentioned by the Winnower themselves, in Unveiling. Never by anyone else. It's what makes me think that we, as players, know more and that in-universe, the characters still don't really know the connection and difference between Darkness as a tool, Black Fleet as the physical enactment of that tool (equal to the Traveler) and the Winnower themselves, as the Entity that created and drives both.
Or it's something entirely new. Idk.
As a side note, makes me think differently about this thing with Expunge Vex names. Was Savathun telling us about the Winnower through this? Was it Quria? Or the Vex themselves? I'm going insane :)
22 notes · View notes
technology643 · 3 years
A Biased View of Tech
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes
techtips924-blog · 3 years
Indicators on Technology You Need To Know
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes
techtips292-blog · 3 years
Getting My Tech To Work
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes
techtricks817 · 3 years
The Best Strategy To Use For Technology
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8.Human augmentation Human augmentation is a broad term that encompasses innovations that seek to improve human abilities and productivity. Physical augmentation, such as prosthetics, AR lenses, and RFID tags infused inside humans, are all part of the field of human augmentation. This can aid in the enhancement of human cognition, perception, and action abilities.
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Io, T), and others that involve processing large amounts of data in real-time will benefit from the introduction of Distributed Cloud technology. 10.Augmented reality and virtual reality Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two popular tech trends that have exploded in popularity in recent years and expected to continue to do so in the coming years.
They operate in various fields, including gaming, transportation, education, healthcare, and many others. For example, Ed-Tech platforms are increasingly favoring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to improve students' learning experiences. Conclusion, In the year 2021, these will be the top technology developments you should all be aware of. You've already figured out that all of these tech trends connect in some way.
As a result, you won't have to think about which tech trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would broaden your awareness and give you an advantage over the competition. Understanding these technological developments would undoubtedly provide you with more excellent career and business prospects! Elena Smith .
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow.
The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is. As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations.
It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.
Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with Virtual, Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives.
Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Fun fact: 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.
In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data.
Many “things” are now being built with Wi, Fi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or Io, T. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
Cyber Security Cyber security might not seem like an emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures.
AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.
0 notes