#it's a little late but ey i tried xD
yappacadaver · 5 months
i do commissions
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 11 months
sink, m | jjk
you left your hair tie, battin’ those eyes by the sink, you leave ‘em behind think I know why – 'hair tie' by ØZI
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; friends-with-benefits going downhill thanks to shitty communication; smut (fem reader, f and m-receiving oral, heavy petting, m-masturbation, ball spanking, spit kink, breath kink, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS – fuckboy?Jungkook x rock fan!reader tired of his shit XD inspired by the song above and ofc I referenced 'Too Much' ;)
You left your hair tie by my sink again.
Oh, shit, my bad. I’ll pick it up next time I’m over. :)
You left him on read.
Went back to brushing your teeth, looking down on the clear hair tie by your sink. It was one of those squiggly ones that were meant to not leave ceases in the hair. Not one of those that could easily be secured on the wrist. He must have taken it out right after. Well. He had needed it. You would have opened the window to get that cool night air, but Jeon Jungkook was loud when he was fucking.
He sweat a lot when he was fucking. All over his back and chest, his skin glistening in the rainbow starlight generated by your mood lamp. You didn’t really care if the lights were on or off. He liked mood lighting, so he bought it and left it in your room so he could turn it on when he wanted to turn you on. Always tried to act all cool about it, as if you didn’t know exactly what he wanted when he hit you up. As if he actually needed to talk to you in-person about the latest installment of the Marvel universe.
Uh huh.
Somehow your back had ended up against his chest. Somehow his mouth had ended up by your neck and somehow his hand had ended up sliding under your shirt. Can’t stay too late, he always said. Same lines to the same old story. You half-scoffed into the mirror, switching sides of your teeth. The same routine, accidentally knocking the light switch, somehow knowing exactly where in your nightstand the remote for the mood lighting was, and then it was clothes on the floor. Your hand around his wrist and your hot breath by his ear, the fuck you think you’re doing?
“What? Too much?” he had replied with a smirk.
The shit Jeon Jungkook pulled.
Fuck it.
The hair tie must have been because he had planned to eat you out today. Precautions. He was better at it this time than the last. It wasn’t that his black hair was excessively long. A good amount simply fell past his ears when he leaned forward and, between your thighs, it stuck when he sweat. You might have lightly complained about it last time. Jungkook was self-conscious enough to remember and pull back the upper half of his hair before showing up at your doorstep. His own damn fault since he liked to plant his hands on your ass and drag you forward into his face, strong tongue consistently and firmly pressed to your clit and looking up at you with those round dark brown eyes of his. He had been trying to tease you but you saw right through him.
“A little higher up,” you had gently prompted.
The simmering waves danced through your veins as soon as he obeyed. Your hand had eventually found the back of his head. Crowning touch and locking your hips, feeling your slickness press against his lower lip and chin. The thought of your juices smeared into his double lip rings. Your tense thighs pressed into his jaw and cheeks. His long fingers sinking into the full curve of your ass.
The ghost of imprinted fingertips lingering on your skin.
You leaned over the sink bowl and spit out foam.
Jungkook had been truly annoying about it from the start. Needed to know that he was the best you had ever had. First kiss was an accident in the way that accidents don’t really happen. The kind of accident that was you getting into his face after he called you at three twenty-four in the morning and ordering you to stay on the line so he didn’t drunkenly pass out while walking home on a night out. He had even thrown up in some poor neighbor’s flowerbed mid-walk. The next day you had gone over to his place with take-out food and an annoyed attitude, confronting him after he had groggily brushed his teeth, smelling his minty breath as you scolded him that he was too old for this shit, right next to his bathroom sink.
Jungkook’s dark brown eyes had given you this look.
And you immediately knew how this was going to play out.
The kiss was to get you off my case, he said.
“But… would you do it again?”
You rinsed your mouth out and applied your lip balm.
Not seeing yourself in the mirror, but instead seeing your shocked face from back then, squeezed between his bare arms and tasting the mint of his breath, strands of his black hair against your face. You remembered the way he smelled. Like warm, crystal-clear rain. The residual notes of cologne. You had found it later on his dresser. A square glass bottle.
Calvin Klein, Euphoria for men.
Strange, you had smelled that scent on other men before but he never smelled as good as it did on Jeon Jungkook.
But he did this shit all the time. A little kiss here. A little kiss there. Loved to disappear and pop up at just the right time when you were thinking about him and suddenly you were alone with exploring hands and a smiling mouth, is it too much, and you would reply in your most unfazed tone, shut the fuck up. He would promise he wasn’t fucking around but also he wouldn’t stick around either. You didn’t chase him but also you would blow his mind every time. Like that one instance where he had thrown himself into the wall and wheezed for air after you non-stop sucked him off for three orgasms straight, only stopping because you were done swallowing.
“Fuck… How does your mouth always get me hard so fast, f-fuck…”
“Told you not to question me,” was your calm reply as you wiped your lip with the heel of your palm.
There was no way that you were going to tell Jeon Jungkook that he was driving you insane with his behavior. Maybe he really wanted you to be the one to say it. But you weren’t going to, not with his constant, too much or next time or his stupid non-accidental leaving of his hair tie by your sink. He had shirts and sweatpants left behind in your apartment, just in case. The scent of Euphoria for men lingering on your bedsheets for a few hours, but it would disappear before the morning.
Just like him.
You knew Jungkook didn’t like it that you never tried to stop him from leaving.
“If you have to go, you have to go.”
If he wanted to, he would.
You left the bathroom, holding your phone loosely.
Jeon Jungkook looked up at the ceiling and wondered if she would let him love her the way he did.
He had a sinking feeling.
It started in the way that all accidents don’t happen. His finger hovering over her name in his contacts one too many times. More than one of those drunk times actually pressing it and then immediately ending the call. And then a single one of those extra drunk times not hanging up when she answered at the second ring. The fuck was she doing up at three in the morning anyway? His drunk brain was too over the moon to care though. His impulses uninhibited and his mouth going off before his brain could keep up.
Then promptly informing her that he needed to vomit and throwing up in some random flowerbed.
Not one of Jungkook’s best moments.
For some reason, she hadn’t completely written him off for that. Both a good thing and bad thing. A good thing because at least that didn’t disgust her. A bad thing because it made him fall in love a little harder. Then she had showed up on his doorstep the next morning with breakfast and looking like a million bucks. She looked too beautiful with tousled hair and that stern kindness. Even her lips moving as she chided him, you are not a kid anymore, you’re an adult, they looked so soft and inviting and she didn’t back away from he leaned in.
His head hurt like hell but he did it.
Her perfume was sweet and smokey and addictive.
He could still remember the feeling of her hand on his chest. Only thin white jersey separating him from those five fingertips. What are you doing? It was his fault. She put him on the spot and he couldn’t admit it fast enough. Getting you off my case. She shoved him and he laughed it off, setting a precedence that he couldn’t stop. No.
“But… would you do it again?”
She had scoffed at him.
“Let’s see if you’re brave enough to meet me after dark when you’ve got a clearer head. Bye.”
There was something in that expression that dared him. Something in her body language that he couldn’t get out his head. Word on the street was don’t fuck around and find out, so Jungkook did precisely what any man would do when encountered with that information.
He fucked around and found the fuck out.
“Hey, now.”
Shit, her ass had looked so damn good in those black leather pants.
“You think I don’t know what you’re doing, punk?”
He had never met a better tongue. And her breath. He had begged her to breathe on him before. Hot and heavy like his heart, over his neck and chest and down his abs, warming the line of spit made by her wicked tongue. Unseen marks that stayed in his mind when he closed his eyes, looking down to her sensual stare, locking eyes with him as her tongue curled around the swollen head of his cock. Didn’t even need to look. So fucking hot. There was magic in that mouth. He never knew what to expect next but it was always exactly what he wanted. Soft and tight. Rough and deep. Warm tongue that curled around his girth and pressed him into the ridges, driving him insane with the sensations and the pressure.
If he had ever wanted anyone else, he had already forgot about them.
Jungkook refused to believe that she fucked anyone but him with that kind of vigor. She would place her palms on the headboard and ram her hips into him like he owed her goddamn rent. Pussy squeezing him all around. Dripping down his balls, sticking to his inner thighs. She would throw her hair back and grin after she blew his mind, sure, I can go again, like it was no big deal even though his chest was about to burst. He must be special.
He had brought a hair tie with him last night so his hair would stop sticking to his face.
He needed a haircut.
It made him so mad that she wouldn’t take the bait. She would corner him before he had his trap set and then he would balk under her stare, lips to lips to avoid saying anything. Hand to skin. Lips to his jaw, tongue playing with his earrings.
He just didn’t know.
Jungkook rolled in his bed, wishing it was her body beside his.
Stay away. She was a nightmare dressed like a daydream, everyone said. Road to ruin, everyone said. He didn’t care about that shit but he could feel the distance. Even between naked bodies and tongue to tongue, Jungkook got the feeling that she was never going to need him and that pissed him off. Was that stubbornness? Yeah. But wasn’t she being stubborn too by not giving in to what was so clearly there?
He had pulled the hair tie out and put it by the faucet, rinsing off his face to clear his head.
I’m not gonna stay if she doesn’t make me, he had said to himself, using her soft white hand towel to wipe his face. Looked at himself in the mirror and remembered that morning when she had come up behind him, yanking his shoulder and telling him he was too old for this shit. He wished she had done the same thing to him last night too.
But she hadn’t.
The sinking feeling persisted.
He texted back and he would get the hair tie next time. Next time. But she was pulling away and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t like it. It made him irritated. It made him think he didn’t need this. It made him think he didn’t want anyone else because he was addicted to her now.
It made him sad.
He looked to see if she had replied and of course she hadn’t. Reached back and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside with a click of his tongue. Needed a shower. Needed to wash her memory off his mind. Maybe make an effort to call his friends and go out tonight.
Jungkook got up from his bed, holding onto his phone.
People were scared to be messy these days. But not you. The world was always going to be chaos. The only way to be in control of it was to be at the center.
Or start it.
You liked to be alone and you liked to be alone amongst people. The kind of feeling most people dreaded. You slid in deeper, deeper into the crowd, caged by body heat and bated breath. The world was darkness alight with neon points. The thundering bass traveling up from the floor seized the heart, threatening to stop it. A steady, continuous beat before the chaos. The other audience members where whispering amongst themselves in the dark. And there you were, standing in the vacuum of space surrounded by universes abound, and you the black hole, catching bits and pieces of their excited conversations, passively devouring in their palpable anticipation.
The music started.
The mosh pit came alive.
You had earplugs to prevent permanent damage for your dangerous pastime. Drums and guitar and guttural vocals. Bodies on the floor and leaning up against yours, even jostling you, but you paid it no mind, licking your teeth and letting the vicious, subline energy burn through you. It was hard to think about anything else. The band was alternative rock but they occasionally covered heavier songs live which was a real treat for your nostalgia.
A phase you never grew out of, heh.
You headbanged along and thankfully the hair tie kept the majority of your hair away from your face.
Not that it would have really mattered here. The concert was a psychedelic and everyone here was under the influence, lost in their own high, too deep into each song, reliving old memories and creating new ones. No one would care if you were sweaty. Everyone was sweating. Still, even with the mesh cutouts on the thighs, you probably shouldn’t have worn these leather pants. Now it was becoming disturbingly hot and you were really hoping adrenaline could make you forget about it. At least you had opted for a mesh long-sleeve shirt and loose crop top with the band’s logo on your upper half. Plus, you learned from last time – a skimpy black swimsuit top under instead of a bra.
Moisture-wicking, check.
“Nice jewelry.”
“Thanks,” was your quick reply between songs. They were talking about your tangle of silver bracelets and chain necklaces, you assumed. You did not really want to engage anyone too much. Rock bands tended to attract a lot of unsavory men. You never knew who you were amongst unless you trusted too much, so it was better to be distant and vigilant.
You tensed during the interlude as the band took a break.
“Are you by yourself? Me too.”
It was years of unfortunate experience that made you relax, because now you could tell the difference between someone you could hurt and someone that could hurt you. You didn’t check your phone when it vibrated while you spoke to the man who approached you. You could feel it and your cardholder practically glued to your hip in these tight leather pants. You weren’t going to get pickpocketed without a fight. But that wasn’t what this was. The guy was calm. Young face with an oddly wise aura. Seemed a little nervous. He was cute in a shy way.
Reminded you of someone.
Intimidating with his broad shoulders and all-black fit. Black hair swept over his forehead and soft dark eyes so large that they reminded you of boba pearls. You got him to smile easily. He had a brilliant, stunning smile. Apparently, he was supposed to meet a date and they flaked on him. It could have been a fabricated story, but he seemed genuine in the way he described it. Since he had already paid, he had decided to stick around. Noticed you because, unlike everyone else tightly packed in their groups, you thrashed alone. He said he was surprised that you had come alone. Even more surprised when you clarified that you had wanted to come alone.
“Well, big bad lone wolves like me can protect timid chipmunks like you, hm?” you joked.
After all, the world didn’t stop revolving just because Jeon Jungkook didn’t try hard enough.
That made him laugh and you let him enjoy the night with you. Even without knowing someone deeply, there was just something about enjoying music together that was its own intense experience. Bonded by bass and beating hearts, by the winded lightheadedness of whipping your heads too hard, by melodies that reminded you of darker times that made you stronger now, strong enough to be alone and casually with another, impulsively letting this strange wrap his arms around your legs and lift you so you could blow your lungs out and go hoarse during the last song.
You didn’t even feel your phone vibrate again because the bass was too fucking intense.
You bounced off that broad shoulder as the lights went down, laughing manically, electricity still simmering in your veins.
“I always wanted to do that.”
“Glad I could help,” the handsome stranger was chuckling. “You’re insane.”
It was, and you took it as such, a compliment.
You didn’t see Jeon Jungkook’s double text until you pulled out your phone to get this guy’s number.
I see you.
A strange feeling. But you did as you intended and broke away, not lingering as the rest of the crowd filed out. You weren’t sure if this annoyed new guy, and at the moment you didn’t really care. Life, after all, was not a fairy tale. You wouldn’t have linked up tonight anyway, with or without Jungkook’s texts. The concert had been set in was a small venue next to a bar. People were either going through the side door or through the bar to keep the night going. You also followed towards the bar because you needed to get to the main street to get to the train.
If Jungkook had seen you, he must have brought tickets as well.
You hadn’t thought to even ask him.
You texted back.
You still see me?
You raised your eyebrows at the immediate answer, breaking out the crowd and moving towards the wall. You didn’t, however, look up. You weren’t about to give that satisfaction. Checked the time and the train schedule. Hm. You debated on whether or not to entertain this bullshit.
You look really good. Love your hair like that.
It took effort to not roll your eyes. Thing is, he could just approach you right now. The crowd was thinning out, but you ignored everybody and stayed glued to your phone. The only reason he wasn’t, then, was because he must be with others, which meant for some reason he didn’t want them to know that he was talking to you right now.
That shit really pissed you off.
You cocked an eyebrow.
Come get your hair tie.
One of those times where you actually wanted to be left on read.
But he disappointed you.
Your place or mine?
You stuck your tongue in your cheek and dropped your hand, shoving your phone into your leather pants. Didn’t bother looking around. Just started walking out the door, thinking about the fastest route to the train station. Huh. Twenty-first century and Jeon Jungkook was out here thinking only guys like him could be fuckboys. You pushed through the smoked glass, out into the cool night and bustling street lit up with streetlamps and neon signs. Maybe you should have followed that stranger tonight. No. Deep down, you knew this wasn’t right. You shook your head at no one, whipping your hair about your shoulders, and began your brisk walk, Jeon Jungkook on your brain.
Fucking idiot.
He realized it too late.
The top of her hair had been pulled back, half-up, half-down, with wisps of bangs around her face, and he recognized those black leather pants, damn, her ass looks so good, and then he still didn’t get it as her shoulders slumped. She completely ignored his reply, walking out instead.
Ten minutes and then it hit him.
Come get your hair tie.
“Sorry, guys, I gotta go.”
“What? Why? Did something happen?”
“Yup, bye.”
“Yah, Jeon–”
He didn’t even wait to hear his name being called, instead jumping over the chairs in haste and one beat away from running, just now realizing how fucking stupid he was. His heart fluttering as he knew a little piece of him was with her, but he was also mad. One of his friends had suggested the concert thing earlier tonight, and they had arrived late, staying in the back with their beers and enjoying the music. It had been a small, dark venue, but it suited the band and their heavy sound. Jungkook thought he had been going a little crazy, thinking about her all night with a drink in his hand, so crazy that he thought he had seen her silhouette towards the front. Thought he recognized that flying hair and rocking shoulders, but, no way, right? Then that same girl was lifted onto a shoulder and bouncing with her hand held high.
Devil horns and everything.
Whoever it was tipped her head back and Jungkook swore he recognized that back and those body proportions. Then her hoarse voice entered the meld of screams and instruments and boosted bass.
And he knew.
She was with someone.
Someone that wasn’t him.
He wanted to remind her. Remind her it was him that held her last night, remind her it was his mouth between her legs and his hands on her ass, but mostly he just wanted to remind himself. He wanted to know who it was that she was with but she had emerged from the doors alone. Weird. It made him feel a little better though. Selfish, Jungkook knew, but so he was. He had stayed were he was, at a table with his friends, out of her sight, but she didn’t even look up. Really. She was willing to make him feel all kinds of fucked up and not willing to even look the fuck up.
Come get your hair tie.
Yeah, okay. Okay, she wanted to use him. Fine. Fine, he was cool with that. But she left him on read. In fact, he watched her not look back and leave. Wow. And then it hit him and now he was running in the night, past flooding pools of light and wishing to catch a glimpse of mesh sleeves or black leather pants or even those heavy black boots with silver metal heel. Now he was throwing himself onto the train and trying to remember which one was her stop, wondering why he didn’t see the invitation for what it was. Now time was a thief stealing away the perfect moment and he was chastising himself for not chasing that feeling that he wasn’t so sure about.
You pulled the clear hair tie out of your ponytail. The squiggly kind that was meant not to leave ceases in the hair. The strands still ended up wild from the headbanging and the windy night. You ran your fingers through it haphazardly, annoyed when your fingers caught a snag. Scowling at your bathroom mirror as you untangled the strands and wondered why the fuck you ever let Jeon Jungkook get in your brain and drive you insane.
Fuck it.
Fuck him.
Your body was still on a high from the concert. Nerves alight, senses simulated, emotions caught in a rollercoaster. You yanked your clear earplugs out and cleaned them off in your bathroom sink, patting them dry with your hand towel and leaving them next to the hair tie.
You looked down at it.
Should throw it away.
Your hand reached out and then there were three loud thumps at your apartment door.
You jerked and backtracked, surrounded by no light except for the one from the bathroom. It was a short walk. You had to step past your heavy black boots, careful not to stub your toe on the metal heel, and peered through the peephole, seeing a large dark brown eyeball because Jeon Jungkook was too damn close to your door.
You yanked it open.
“The fuck–”
And froze.
He was panting, slightly hunched over. Wearing a black racer jacket with white stripes. It lay half off one shoulder, exposing the black tank top underneath and a peek of his right arm tattoos. Slate blue jeans with slight rips on one knee and black boots, but none of that made you stop and stare, not even his furrowed brow and annoyed expression.
“You cut your hair,” you beathed.
It was fresh. Sides cut short, with the top layer long enough to touch his brows. Currently half swept back, probably from running around. A few strands fell by his dark eyes, additional shadows to this harrowed tension. You backed up. He stepped in, one hand catching the doorframe.
Jungkook glared at you and you felt none of that fake frostiness.
“Yeah, I had a hair appointment today,” he huffed. “I didn’t come for the damn hair tie.”
It was all piling together. The moments of hands around each other’s waist, around his wrist, around his hard cock with his low voice in your ear. Don’t stop. The things unsaid and not said. The nights with him and the mornings without him. Backing away from Calvin Klein’s Euphoria still clinging to your sheets. Alone. The music of your youth, hard and rough and full of anger. The strength of a stranger and the cold air of the night, and suddenly you felt alive, alive and needing answers and fucking pissed off at all the shit Jeon Jungkook pulled.
You let him in your apartment, but not in your space.
“How did you know where I was going to be?” you accused.
The door fell shut.
Jungkook cocked his head. Dark eyes finding yours, cornering you with his gaze. You locked stares and did not back down. “Where else you gonna go but home?” he shot back.
You narrowed your own eyes and didn’t bite your tongue.
“How would a guy like you know what home even means?”
Goddamn, the one always knew how to hit him where it hurt.
He stopped moving forward.
But his heart was racing fast, remembering all the moments piling together. Lips to lips, hips to hips, and how tightly she held him, as if she wasn’t going to let him go. Not falling for any of the traps he set but drawing him closer and closer each time with that look in her eyes. Alone. Trying to forget how it felt to be held by her even through it was the most secure he had ever been.
Thinking about it now, maybe too much.
His voice wavered in the darkness between them.
“But, would you do it again?”
She paused at his question. Those eyes seemed a little less shadowy, a little less space between them but only for this second. Kept her hands by her sides though, not reaching out to him.
“How much of this was a lie?” she quietly asked.
He answered honestly.
“None of it.”
She scrutinized him. He stayed an open book. Mostly because he didn’t know any other way to cover up except run, can’t stay too late, didn’t know what was the right thing to do when clearly he had done so much wrong, didn’t know how this was going to end but Jungkook damn well knew this was gonna fuck him up for his whole life.
That sinking feeling.
“You have time to spend?” she finally asked.
Must be a dream.
You closed the distance, trying to stay awake, watching his eyes. Waiting for Jungkook to run, as he did so many times before. He always had somewhere to be that wasn’t here. Following his dark brown eyes, the memory of his taste on your tongue, breathing in the clean scent of Euphoria, closer, body heat radiating off him, and Jungkook bit his lip, causing the two silver lip rings to catch what little light there was, like punctured stars in the darkness between you and him.
His lashes lowered.
You looked at him, unfazed.
Raised your hand.
Placed five fingertips on his black top. Thin jersey fabric between skin to skin, and you walked them up his chest, staring into the windows of his soul to find the truth. Your lips formed his name, but made no sound. His own followed suit, breathing your name under a tense exhale, not yet moving, shivering as your middle finger traced his chain necklace.
“You never have time to spend,” you murmured, your breath against his jaw.
He lowered his head, gaze flickering away. Then back, mumbling even though he meant it.
“I’m sorry.”
You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head.
Opened your mouth to chastise him, but all that came out was an exasperated chuckle.
“Don’t do it again.”
You pressed your lips against his.
Jungkook stole your breath and sank into you.
Your hand pressed into his chest and his arms slid around your waist. His fingers splayed out under your crop top, pressing the slinky micro-mesh against your skin and sending a tingling sensation up your spine. He tasted like haste and hunger. Warmth spreading out, squeezing your torso between leather-covered arms, gasping when your tongue flickered against his lips. Slow. Teasing. Dragging it out. Your other hand slid under his jacket, grasping the small of his waist and digging your nails in. He winced, a small whimper, then tried to cover it up by pulling back slightly, but your tongue remained, sliding out further between his open lips.
Your eyes cracked open to see Jungkook’s lashes flutter, his hot moan warming your lips.
“F… Fuck…”
Your tongue retreated.
Exhaled, giving it the weight that made it drift over his neck and chin. He sucked in a sharp inhale, opening his eyes too. A stand-off. His thighs pressed against your thighs. His erection was straining, even in his jeans. You traced your tongue around the perimeter of your lips, seeing him track the movement with bated breath, smiling slightly as his cock twitched.
He narrowed his eyes. “Can you not?”
You cocked one shoulder, smirking with the tip of your tongue at the edge of your teeth. “Why?”
The faintest of eye rolls. “You don’t suck my dick unless I shower first. And I haven’t showered yet.”
“That really sucks,” you hummed.
With just the correct about of intonation hat you had no sympathy. Especially since your hand was sliding over his ass to follow the line of his hip and then further down, hooking your thumb over the waistband of his jeans and molding your other four fingers around the unforgiving bulge. You heard him bite back a sound, pressing his biceps against you in warning, but you merely smiled, leaning forward to graze your lips against his cheek and jaw.
His cock pulsed strongly in your grip as you whispered into his ear.
Low and hot.
“That really sucks.”
Jungkook made a noise between a whimper and a growl.
But you didn’t care, pressing your breasts against his muscular chest. You knew he could feel your lack of bra through the layers of fabric, the confusion spreading over his facial features as you backed up. There was something there, his brain was working that out, but the swimsuit fabric was thin and your hard nipples were large enough for him to barely feel if he really flexed his pecs.
You unbuttoned his jeans.
He didn’t stop you because he would be crazy to.
The tension so tight that neither of you were breathing.
You grinned.
And yanked his underwear and jeans down at the same time.
You probably wouldn’t have tried this shit if it was someone else. Jungkook was habitual creature. The kind where he kept a small tube of hand sanitizer on him at all times, and you would catch him using it all the time, so absentmindedly that it seemed to have become second nature. He would do it after getting off the train. Walking aimlessly. Standing at your front door as you opened it, rubbing his hands together and directly looking at you, cocking an eyebrow.
The first time you noticed this action you thought he was being a creep before you realized it was hand sanitizer he was putting back into his pocket. He was not, in fact, imitating eccentric cartoon villain behavior. Had you in the first half, not gonna lie.
It had been a pointed what at that time.
This time it was a sexually charged and gravelly, “What…?”
You squatted down and took his right hand, turning it palm up. Opened your mouth and drenched saliva all over his palm and fingers, the clean citrus scent of his hand sanitizer hitting your nose, hearing him hiss and feeling him tense. The tendons of his wrist stood out, black ink of his tattoos creeping out under the sleeve of the leather jacket. Your tongue lingered against the texture of his calluses along the top of his palm.
Guess he had been working out his frustrations.
You wrapped his spit-covered hand around his stiff length. Instinct and arousal and the slippery, tight, pleasurable sensation beat out any protest he had about what was happening, firmly and quickly jacking himself off right in front of your face. You calmly watched the glossy, swollen head pop in and out between his tightened fingers. All colors were desaturated due to the dark apartment. Didn’t matter. You had seen it enough times to know what he looked like.
You looked up.
Jungkook was looking down, gasping, the visible strain making his shoulders tremble. Jaw clenched, dark irises glassy, you’re so fucking pretty, shit, and you stuck out your tongue, enjoying the power. He shuddered, gripping himself tighter. Using your left hand, you hooked a thumb under the hem of your shirts, pushing them up, up, over your barely-covered breasts, revealing your hard nipples straining against the tiny black bikini top.
Those large brown eyes went wide, his lips parting.
“Oh, fuck…”
You used your right hand to shove the thin fabric away, scooping your breasts closer together to give him a good view, securing your left hand against your shoulder, easily holding the bunched-up fabric. Grinned, not hiding how pleased you were at his reaction. You lowered your right knee to the ground, stabilizing yourself.
And, now that your right hand was free, you reached forward and smacked his balls.
His black hair whipped in the air as his head snapped back, moaning sharply at the sudden impact. You slapped them again, and again. It was slightly slick from your own spit. Fast and firm. Not hard, since Jungkook hadn’t quite expressed the level he wanted yet, but then his head fell forward, erratic gasps and pupils blown out, squeezing the head of his cock hard, his entire body shaking.
“Harder,” he groaned out, depraved and deep.
You did as you were told, smacking harder and spreading out the hit over the entire area, keeping yourself exposed for him.
“Fuck… f-fuck…”
It was loud, lewd, and wet. His hand moving fast, and your fingertips repeatedly punishing his balls, his hips shaking in ecstasy. The scent of sex mixing with his crisp cologne, deliciously dirtying it. He turned his hand so it was palm up, knuckles down. You spat on his closed fingers and Jungkook moaned even louder, tipping his head back, sweat glistening along his throat.
Spit dripping down.
A bit of a mess, truly.
His head snapped back, fucked-out gaze, his voice rough and hoarse.
“Can… Can you breathe on me…?”
You leaned forward and parted your lips. Keeping eye contact, sliding your tongue out, and exhaled. Slow, heavy, saturated with warmth, leisurely drifting over his fast, tight grip on his hard cock. His eyes squeezed shut, drawn-out groan thundering in his chest. You did it again and his eyes opened, rolling back slightly, his lashes fluttering. You increased the pressure on his balls. The sharp smacks getting louder, wet thrusts, sensual sighs mixing with his desperate whine, and Jungkook tipped his hips down, fixated on watching himself cum onto your tongue and down your throat.
Hot, thick streaks.
You tilted your head back, drinking his orgasm down as you locked eyes with him, electric bliss simmering through your veins. His short black hair was damp with sweat. The strange feeling came back again, somewhere between a dream and reality, yet unmistakable clarity.
You were both sinking.
“Don’t stop.”
To be honest, Jungkook didn’t like missionary for the sheer reason that she was too damn powerful in this position. Face too damn pretty. Tits too damn perfect. Legs on his shoulders letting him get too damn deep, soft thighs against his hard abs, pussy clenching around every centimeter of his length and not letting up, her hips smacking up every time he thrust down. Okay. It just felt too fucking good. It was a damn problem. He had to grind his teeth and fuck hard so he could slow down and not cum too fast. One would think the second orgasm would be difficult to reach, but one would be fucking wrong. His was rock-hard once she was naked and even harder when she dipped her fingers into her wet pussy to smear her juices over the throbbing head of his cock before he rolled the condom down.
“Are you a virgin or what – fuck!”
She was giving him that smug smirk of hers.
It both pissed him off and made him so damn happy.
A bitch faking it would be imitating shitty porn right now. That was why he never did missionary with any other women before her. It just made him limp. Better it hit it from the back and not have to look at their faces.
God, she was so fucking pretty.
“Always a virgin, only for you,” she snickered.
“I feel so fucking special,” Jungkook growled back, emphasizing each word by pounding her into the mattress.
He did, though.
Somewhere between dream and reality. That strange feeling as he watched her hands grip her pillows, her features softening as she fell into the pleasure, smacking her hips into his, their breathless moans blending together, primal harmony, and he knew he was well and truly fucked because instead of only drowning in the physical sensations of shoving his cock into that tight, wet hole, Jungkook was thinking about how he would wake up and bury his face in her hair the next morning, inhaling the scent of her sweet and smokey perfume, hoping other people could smell her on him, thinking about how lovely it would be to look over and see those eyes roaming over his face, every day and every night.
She clenched around him particularly hard and Jungkook snapped out of his daydream.
Back into his lustful nightdream.
“Harder,” she hissed out, narrowing her eyes.
He was going to gasp, fuck you, but he was doing that already and there was no time to think because she sank lower into the mattress, angling her hips ever-so-slightly, and it was so deep, so good, so tight, losing his mind. Sweat dripping down his chest. He tucked his head back, trying not to get it all over her, bending his elbows and locking his muscles, driving his back and hips into his thrust, bending her in half and neither of them could breathe, closer, clawing up to the high, fast and intense and coiling tight in his chest, sinking down, down, deep down.
His orgasm crashed into him so hard that his arms almost gave out.
“Fuck, Jungkook!”
He was sure that the noise that came out of him was not one he wanted to be self aware of. Something between a choked groan and whining moan, lost in the pulsating walls shivering against his jerking cock, wave after wave burning through him. The high seared him like electricity and the aftermath was layers of sparks building over his skin, tingling nerves and forgetting about anything else, suspended in this feeling.
Then his muscles screamed from fatigue and Jungkook realized his back was alarmingly sweaty.
“A… ah, hah…”
She plucked the white hand towel from her nightstand and flung it over his shoulder, falling back into the pillows and gasping.
He was in the middles of wiping his face before he realized that she didn’t have a towel there the first time he came over. But a towel was always there every other time he had showed up after. Either white or dark gray. Always fluffy. He looked down. Her eyes were closed, her pants slowing down to heavy breaths. She hadn’t been looking at him during his epiphany.
She smacked his arm for a second time before he realized she was trying to get his attention.
“Put my legs down, damn…”
“Oh, shit, right…”
It took him a moment to untangle himself. She went to the bathroom, as she usually did. Their clothes were all over the floor. Leather pants. Mesh shirt. The bathing suit top. Panties. His tank top. Black boxer briefs. His jacket and jeans were out there somewhere in the hall outside the bedroom. He noticed a pair of folded gray sweatpants and white shirt sitting on the corner of her room, randomly atop a low bookshelf. He had put them there a week ago. Just in case. She hadn’t moved it.
Jungkook breathed out.
He patted his temple.
I’m in idiot.
Then vigorously dried his hair.
The feeling came back when it was his turn to clean up in the bathroom and he saw his clear hair tie by her sink. A little tangled up from use, next to a pair of clear earplugs. He should probably check his phone and tell his friends that he was fine, but it was somewhere out there in his jeans and Jungkook wasn’t going to go hunting for it right now.
He went back to the bedroom.
Damn, she was so stunning even simply lying in bed. Her gray duvet was only covering her lower half, her forearm draped over her eyes. Amazing breasts. He took a moment to ogle them, perfect nipples and all.
“Stop staring at my tits.”
Well, shit.
She raised her arm and cocked her eyebrow at him.
Not saying anything, but the message came across quite clear.
Jungkook draped the hand towel over his shoulder and picked up the gray sweatpants from the bookshelf, yanking them over his legs before looking up again. Those shadowed eyes were watching him carefully. Surprise but not quite believing. He left the t-shirt and dropped the towel onto the floor, walking over to the other side of the bed and throwing himself down onto the mattress, making her body bounce.
Side eye.
He shrugged.
“I’m tired.”
She frowned at him.
“Oh, yeah?”
He nodded.
He used his elbows to scoot himself to the pillows, resting his chin on the backs of his hands to look down at her. Her eyes followed the sleeve of tattoos on his right arm. Down and then up. Observing his facial expression carefully.
“Can’t stay too late?” she whispered. Somewhere between a taunt and weariness.
It broke his heart a little, hearing his own words said back to him. He moved one hand and lifted her forearm from her brows, seeing more of her face now. The mood lighting was still on. Points of color dancing over the ceiling above them. They reflected in her eyes even as she faced him.
Jungkook could smell her perfume, soft and sweet and not yet clinging to his skin.
“Can I stay the night?”
Her eyes narrowed. “And why would you wanna to that?”
He shrugged, realizing now that it had never been a no.
“Boyfriends stay over at their girlfriends’ places sometimes. Free breakfast.”
She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.
“The shit you pull, Jeon Jungkook.”
He leaned down. Had to fight for the kiss. Hands on wrists. His chest pressed against her breasts. When their lips touched, he could feel her smiling, so Jungkook smiled too and kissed her deeply.
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vrystalius · 8 days
How would the Hashira + Upper moons react to their S/O reader kissing them during an argument (it's up to you what the argument is about but i was thinking maybe they were jealous bc she was way too nice to someone else) Like i can imagine them being angry and when they confront her she just kisses them and says a small "Sorry" they can't help but forgive her right?
The Upper Moons getting kissed during a fight
You kiss the Upper Moons during a fight. How will they react?
Pairing: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza x reader
Note: Sorry for doing it a little differently, I only realised just now that I kind of misunderstood the ask. I’m planning on doing a version for the hashira as well where I will write it more accurately!
(Slight angst, arguments)
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Your arguments are more like debates and discussions rather than screaming. Somehow, Kokushibo demolishes you everytime. He delivers one argument after another, every single word was planned out to make you feel like you’re in the wrong everytime. You’re kind of starting to get sick of feeling stupid by him using terms you’ve never heard of. He has an unfair advantage of being alive for hundreds of years and having six piercing eyes that make you doubt your own ability to think.
This time, you’re prepared. You pulled Kokushibo in by his yukata. Your lips crashed onto his and all of his eyes widened. His jaw locked as you caressed his collarbone while his lips loved against yours for a moment. After pulling away, he became quiet for a moment, as if thinking, before speaking up.
“You use very dirty tricks. I will use them myself in the future.”
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Douma is incredibly pouty and bored during your arguments. He mostly listens while you talk, only trying to tease you into becoming even angrier every now and then. After you went on and on for minutes on why he should stop having his meals inside your bedrooms, he again grew bored. At first, Douma just checked out his nails and picked on some loose skin while listening. After you went from complaining about eating his bloody meals in the bedroom over to how you don’t wanna sit on his lap during his sermons anymore, he began to zone out. Your lips look so soft while you talk. His rainbow eyes were locked with them, dreaming of pulling you close and just shutting you up with a kiss. Yes, that’s a good idea.
While you rambled on and on, Douma grabbed you by your arm and crashed his lips onto yours. He hungrily nibbled on your lower lip while giggling quietly.
“Did I distract you? My apologies, go on! I’m listening, I swear!… What’s with that look, huh?”
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He gets nervous when you two have an argument. Akaza tries his best not to get too angry and to lash out at you. He doesn’t want to scare you, or even worse, to hurt you in any way. But sometimes, you make it really hard for him to keep his cool. To him, your irritated face and words are the equivalent of the sun hitting his skin. His fists are clenching while he tries to listen properly, but he can’t concentrate. Akaza is trying not to threaten or yell back at you to be able to listsn to your talking properly.
You noticed how hard your boyfriend was trying not to be aggressive towards you and how hard Akaza was concentrating. You sighed and crossed your arms across your chest, watching how his lower lip was quivering. You can’t help but grow softer at the sight. Your hands cupped his cold cheeks as you pulled him closer, placing a kiss on his lips to reassure him that you still love him. You saw how quickly Akaza’s face softened up after your kiss. He let out a soft sigh and placed your hands into his palm.
“Sorry for being like this all the time. I’ll… try to be better. Can I have another kiss though?”
I think Muzan would just continue to ramble on after kissing him, probably even taking offence that you have the audacity to interrupt him during his speech. Also, I really wanna write about cuddles and sleep lately, but I’ll try to restrain myself XD
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!!
Take care of yourselves <3
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
the way Pearl instantly slammed down her "check out Marina she's so ***ing AWESOME" line so fast and it's the smoothest verse she spits in the rap battle-
she was SO READY to gush about Marina she was SO THERE for the chance and when it came she didn't even have to THINK
her going from casual barely-worth-my-time roasts and boasts (talking over Frye's turn like she isn't even there) to 'did you just call marina an imaginary friend?? YO ARE YOU CRAZY SHES AMAZING'
and THEN instead of getting defensive or pissed at Frye's 'oh so she's your groupie' jab she just turns hype man literally goes AS IF! LISTEN TO THIS! before bowing out so Marina can freeze Shiver solid by cheerfully taking every passive aggressive compliment from Shiver with a smile, a hearts eyes emoji, and an uno reverse card
Shiver: "Your voice is so haunting (possibly in a bad way) must be nice for your fans (implying it isn't so nice for anyone else)"
Marina, mimicking Shiver's singing: "You're far too kind! (i see you insulting me on the sly) Love your vibe! (that's very cute~) I can learn so much from your style! (i'll give you a taste of your own medicine if you want me to~)"
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's daughter- (grow up) what do they say? Octo see octo do? (stop copying me)"
Marina: "Glad you approve- (im rubber you're glue) your praise has left me moved (not saying what KIND of moved tho). Thanks to your notes (you decide if i mean your feedback or your actual ability to hit musical notes) I'll find my own groove! (you're not actually worth copying for real~)"
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late? (if you keep acting like a kid im going to treat you like one)"
Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long. (what do you mean? im having so much fun right now!) (oh but is this hard for you? ...do YOU need a break...?)"
and then Pearl barges in with a HOW'S THAT? YOU HAD ENOUGH YET??????
like kudos to Shiver and Frye for laying out some slick jabs, but they were working as two solo acts and didn't have a power couple combo move to counter Pearlina's with m(_ _)m ....they spent the whole time on offensive defense, trying to inflict some deep lyrical cuts while Pearl and Marina were happily tossing out hooks and reeling in fresh lines as they floated high up above on their dumb little rainbow cloud together
legit Pearl's only real reaction to Frye is her going <3 <3 <3 at Marina, and Marina not even treating Shiver as someone she needs to fight with while Shiver repeatedly tries poking at her, which Pearl sees and just effing LOVES ....amazing.......
no matter who you think rapped better, it's pretty clear which pair had the most fun and got the most kicks out of this (the wives)
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simmerianne93 · 4 months
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Hello everyone!!! How are you today???!!!
I'm 3 days late with these poses.... sorry for that... but here they are!!! Finally!!! The winner pack from the last public survey: Portrait poses with triplets!!! and as such it's a free pack for everyone to enjoy, inmediatly...
Thank you so so so so much for participate in the survey! I'll be doing another one soon, so keep an eye in my socials and here for the announce!!
I really love this pack! I know I say that a lot lately haha but I trully love this one.
Back when Growing Together went on sale, a friend of mine give it to me.... I decided to play with a sim called Pilar to test the expansion pack and she fell in love with Don Lothario. I don't hate Don, I actually love him. I read an NSB that redeemed him a few years ago and I started to love him. So I was glad that my lovely Pilar fell in love with him in this save. They woohoo and my game decided to troll me and give me for the first time a pregnancy with triplets... no traits used no on the sims, nor in the lot... It was just a game's choice.
A few days later, when the triplets were beautiful infants, Pilar and Don wished to woohoo again... I was hesitant xD (I have Mccc and WW installed, and I have a % to get a sim pregnant even with the normal woohoo interaction) and every time they were going to Woohoo, I would cancel the action, but after canceling it about 5 or 6 times, I decided to let them be haha and that was a mistake, 'cause they got pregnant again... with triplets.... yeah... no cheats, no traits... it just seems that this Don and my lovely Pilar were too fertiles... hahahaha...
Anyway, I got two triplets in a row, with just two woohoo tries... and that was when I started to think about triplet packs. Actually, that's how my "Infant_poses_01" came to life... and now you have this new posepack, inspired for that unexpected event to "complete" in a way the triplet's journal... haha kind of a "memories" posepack, triplets for all ages from infants to teen/adults.
I hope you all like them as I do, because I'm in love with the way they came out:
What is on it?
12 groupal poses:
4 poses for 5 sims (2 adults and 3 infants; 2 adults and 3 toddlers; 2 adults and 3 kids; and 5 teens/aduts)
4 poses for 4 sims (1 adult and 3 infants; 1 adult and 3 toddlers; 1 adult and 3 kids; and 4 teens/adults)
4 poses for 3 sims (3 infants; 3 toddlers; 3 kids; and 3 teens/adults)
--- What do you need?
Andrew poses player.
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
"Rustic stool" chair from "Jungled Adventure" Gamepack (tho it can be use with some other "stools" from the game like the one from "For rent" Expansionpack)
"The hipster hugger" sofa from Basegame (or any 3sits-sofa, tho it can glitch a little bit depending on wich sofa you choose)
A double bed.
Invisible infant mat replacement  by mcrudd  (OPTIONAL)
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [FREE FOR EVERYONE]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr 
Lives and videos: Youtube
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for using them.
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kunajou · 2 months
Hi! I loved your nude headcanon? I think that’s what it’s called? Anywayyyssss lol can I request an aftermath of what happened after they saw like when they see the reader again and the jjk means reaction to their reactions? (You can ignore this if you want! No pressure❤️)
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! my first ask ^_^ but yes bestie, I can do that! 💕
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❝synopsis❞ ‣ what happens after they get a glimpse of their friends girlfriend/wife's nudes.
PAIRING(S) › jjk men x fem!reader GENRE(S) › fluff/(little)smut WORD(S) › 2.2k+ WARNING(S) › lot(s) scolding・solo m*sturbating (for suguru & satoru) ・allude to threesome (for suguru)・nanami being a blushing mess (for Gojo's)・yuji apologizes alot・choso doesn't know what to do when he sees you again・unrequited feeling(s)・lot(s) of pining・load(s) of ♡ POST DATE › 07/12/24 NOTE › I didn't do Sukuna's & Megumi's because my brain couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't have been weird but here's everyone else xD › READ PART ONE HERE
❝featuring❞ ‣ nanami kento, gojo satoru, choso kamo, & geto suguru ♡
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‣ 𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘 ♡ ↳ accidentally sees Gojo's wife.
"Hey Nanami-san!" Your smile is as bright as ever, running to catch up to the stone faced sorcerer. He can’t help but want to duck and hide. It's not because of you! Definitely not you, well kind of. He can't seem to get that picture of you out of his head. Daydreaming has become a part of his pass time once he lets his mind wonder, noting he shouldn't let himself think of you that way. "Wait!"
He's already late and he knows you're only going to make him later. He should keep walking but there's a soft ping in his heart that stops him dead in his tracks. For a split second until he remembers how Yaga gets when he's kept waiting.
"Keep walking," He mumbles to no one but himself as he tries to walk a little faster but you're quicker. He hadn't realized you caught up to him in record time. Standing to block his path with a soft pout on your face.
"Are you running from me?" You gasp with realization and, God, why are you making this harder for him right now? Why were you so damn cute. What is going on? Nanami tries his hardest not to make eye contact but fails miserably at that too. "What the hell, Nanami? Where are you going?"
“My apologies." He bows, listening to you try to catch your breath as he turns on his heels. "Yaga is expecting me and you know he gets when you're late.”
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“Oh! I’ll go with you if you don’t mind. I have to speak with him about something too.” Your grin makes Nanami instantly nod his head, unaware that he was agreeing for you to come with him. It isn't until you begin to tug him along by the arm that he realizes what's going on. Glancing down at you, he gets a little view of the top of your breast and quickly looks ahead once he realizes. “You're red as a tomato today. Are you alright?”
You look at him with nothing but confusion because when has Nanami ever stuttered, especially in your presence.
"You know you can tell me if something is wrong."
"I'm fine. Really." He clears his throat once you shrug. Why is he acting like this? As if you're not a taken woman? As if you're not married to Gojo of all people? He knows someone is playing a trick on him because how are you acting this clueless? He's overheard your conversations before. He’s sure Satoru told you what happened because he literally tells you everything. Even if it's something as little as what he ate that day.
Do you not care? What's going on?
The walk is silent but it's putting Nanami more and more in his head. His heart feels like it's going to beat from his chest the more he stands next to you. It isn't until you approach the steps to the front of the school.
"Did you hear me?" You bring Nanami out of his head with your question as you approach the steps to the front of the school.
"My apologies. I didn't but can I ask you something?" Pink dust across Nanami's cheeks but he can't bring himself to look you in the eyes because have they always been this pretty? “You can-”
“Its okay, Nanami. Whats on your mind?”
“D-Did you know that your husband had an indecent photo of you as his wallpaper on his phone?”
You pause, turning back to see Nanami even redder than before, the tips of his ears now being the same color. The look of horror washes over your face and for a second, he feels horrible about bringing it up. He bites the inside of his cheek and waits for you to gather your thoughts.
What the hell did he mean by that?
“I didn't?” You cock your head to the side and place your hands on your hips , wanting to know more. You're not angry (at least not at Nanami) but you need to figure out what he means. “And would you know that?”
“I, um-” Nanami breathing is harder and you've never seen him like this before.
“Nanami?” You question but realize you may be coming off too strong. "I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault, I ju-"
“I'm so sorry!” He bows at an angle and stays there as you quickly move to have his stand back upright. "I know that's something sacred between couples and I didn't mean to look and well, I did and you looked so pretty. I couldn't look away."
“Whoa. Nanami?”
He continues to ramble on but you're brain is comprehending anything he's saying right now.
“I only saw it because he was showing me something on his phone and closed out the app before moving it out of view. I'm so sorry.”
You soak in the information Nanami is telling, your face red with embarrassment because what did he mean he saw you intimately? Those photos were supposed to be for Satoru’s eyes only not everyone he wanted to show them to.
You turn on your heels and begin marching toward the gymnasium, where you know he is right now.
“Hey! Where are you going??” Nanami eyes widen, running after you to catch up. Your fast when you're angry and believe him, he knows you have every right to be. “Hey. Wait, Wait, Wait!” Nanami stops you with a hand gripping your arm but you only glance down at it before gaining your composure.
"I'm going to kill that idiot."
Honestly, Nanami wouldn't blame you either.
“I understand.” He says before swinging you back toward the main building to head back toward Yaga’s office. “But lets not let the children see, yeah?”
You agree. You wouldn't want to scare them with how angry you are right now.
‣ 𝚐𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚞 ♡ ↳ accidentally sees kento's wife.
Satoru used to tease you like crazy but ever since he caught of glimpse of you like that, it gradually got worse. It was to the point that you had to say something to Kento for him to say something to Satoru.
The thing is, Satoru doesn't know how to express his feelings. Granted, he doesn't know if he should at all because at the end of the day you are Nanami's wife and he has no right to even think of you like that but he can't help it. Kento was beyond lucky to even snag someone as pretty and smart as you. There's was part of him that did have a small crush on you but he never said anything plus that was when you were younger. You started dating Nanami, you were good for him after he lost his best friend so he never mentioned it.
Why would he? Why would he mess up a happy home?
You're Nanami's now and he's come to terms with that. At least, he thought he did. That picture only rekindled whatever feelings he had and now, you're running through his mind twent four/seven.
He can only dream of being with you. Something he's being doing recently when he's home alone, hand wrapped around his cock where your name can spill freely from his lips. He knows he's wrong. He knows he shouldn't be thinking of you like this but that picture continues to float around in his head even as he sees you standing there talking to your students. He sighs, checking his phone before realizing he has to get back to his own class until he hears someone call his name. He freezes in his tracks at the authoritative nature of Nanami's voice. He knows there's something he needs to talk to him about but he's been dodging him like crazy.
"Nanamin! Hi! I was just-"
"No." Nanami grabs Satoru by the arm and drags him somewhere into the building as you watch on. You and Satoru lock eyes but you quickly look away to listen to what Itadori and Megumi were saying.
Satoru defeatedly follows Nanami into one of the classrooms (as if he has a choice) and finds a seat on one of the desk. Closing the door, Nanami watches as the look on his face lets Satoru knows he's not in the mood for any of his bull shit today.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Satoru shrugs, letting his legs fall to dangle along the side of the desk. Nanami clicks his tongue before taking strides to stand in front of Satoru. His hand fisting his shirt as he draw him closer.
"I don't know what you're doing but you're being a nuisance to my wife."
"It's just a little bit of teasing!" Satoru smiles, "Take a chill pill."
"No." He pushes him back and frowns. "I'm being serious, Gojo. She doesn't like it and quite frankly, I don't either. I know all this is because of that picture you saw but that's all you'll ever see. It was a mistake, one I regret but don't get any ideas in that thick head of yours. Let it go, please."
Satoru clears his throat as he hops down of the desk. Both men stare each other down before Satoru gives way with a small nod.
"Glad you think that low of me." Satoru lips press into a tight smile but it definitely doesn't reach his ears. His shoulders drop as he turns away before mumbling. "But I Understand."
He watches Nanami turn to leave, no doubt going to find you and he can't but feel guilty with a hint of jealousy. All he wanted to do was express his feelings about the situation to you. He didn't know if Nanami had talked to you about it yet. He wanted to come clean but every time he was close to you, the picture would pop into his head and his mind always went to his coping mechanism.
Does he hate that he never learned how to express how he's feeling? Of course but the next time he sees you. He's going to try.
Even if Nanami doesn't like it.
‣ 𝚔𝚊𝚖𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚘 ♡ ↳ accidentally sees yuji's girlfriend.
You came over for your annual movie night but the atmosphere has been anything but friendly. You've been trying to talk to Choso but he's been more closed off than usual. Giving your short answers or not answering you at all. Side-eyeing you when you're near him or when you reach for him, he moves away like you've scorched his skin.
Yuji can see the small pout that starting to form, glancing at his brother who is sitting further away than usual. Usual he's sitting by the both of you on the floor or right next to you. Not on the other side of the couch. He feels horrible because he hasn't told you why Choso is acting the way that he is. You're so sweet and caring, he knows you'll be a little understanding.
At least he hopes.
So when you pull him to the kitchen to question him, he knows it's time to come clean. No matter how you take it.
"Yuji? Did something happen with Choso?"
"Hm?" His heart shouldn't be hammering against his chest like this but it wasn't his fault! Choso was simply doing something on his phone the moment you texted him.
"What's wrong with Choso?"
"Um..." Yuji glances at his brother again who hasn't said a word since you dragged Yuji to the kitchen. "Oh, um, that's what I wanted to talk to you about..." Yuji says, a little nervous because he doesn't know what you're going to say.
"What's going on?"
"So..." Yuji clears his throat before glancing back through the door to where his brother is still curled on the sofa. "He, um- shit-"
"Just spit it out, Yuji."
Your brows nit together as you try to recall what picture he may have been talking about until you see the expression on Yuji's face express how horrified he is when you realize what he's talking about.
"Before you get mad! Hear me out-"
"Yuji, I swear to god!"
"Hold on!" He holds his hands up to surrender as he pouts. "In my defense, he was using my phone to figure out the login for our Netflix because I couldn't remember! Plus Todo was here to help train and I'm so sorry, baby it won't happen again."
You sigh before glancing back toward Choso who's been peaking over the back of the couch at the both of you. He quickly turns away when he realizes you're looking in his direction.
"Should I go talk to him?"
"I wouldn't. Not right now, at least." Yuji holds his hand out for you to take and chuckles as you roll your eyes at him. "Baby. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay." You lean into his shoulder before kissing his cheek. "Just please warn me next time. I don't want to traumatize your brother."
You both laugh but now you're worried Choso won't be able to look at you the same again. You make a mental note to talk to him when he finally comes around.
‣ 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚞 ♡ ↳ accidentally sees satoru's girlfriend.
'Have you thought about it?'
His friend question bounces around in his head as he lays there and stares at the ceiling. He wants to give him an answer but he always wants to know how you feel about the situation. Did you object to it? Was this your idea as well?
Suguru groans, rolling over to lay on his side as he stares at his phone now. Contemplating if he wants to call his best friend or not. He has your number too but he thinks it would be highly inappropriate to call or text you at this hour. Especially when he realizes it’s one in the morning. He knows he needs sleep. He has to teach today but its kind of hard to do when your photo is constantly flashing in his mind.
‘My pretty girl,’ He remembers Satoru’s praise for you as he tries to ignore the feeling stirring in his gut like he does when he’s near you. ‘Taking my cock so generously, aren't you baby?’
He throws his arm over his eyes to shield them from the little moonlight that's casting in his room. There's a part of him that wishes he spoke to you first that day. Who knows? It probably would be the other way around but its not and that's something he has to deal with.
Wait. What is he even saying?
Suguru grabs his phone from the table and opens up his message to Satoru’s thread. He stares at the last message his best friend sent him, asking about coming over for dinner in a couple of days. Suguru hasn't responded yet. He didn't know if he would honestly. He's unsure how he was going to handle being in your presence after seeing you more intimately. He can deal with pining over the persona he's created of you but actually seeing you like that is doing something to his psyche.
Before he knows it, he's harder than he's ever been. He's seen how well you take Satoru. He knows you'll be able to take his too and the more he thinks about the more he wants to see. His hand slides down his stomach but he hesitates. He shouldn't be masturbating to the thought of his best friend's girl but... You're so fucking sexy and that damn piercing...
He wants to do things to you he shouldn't want to do.
His eyes are barred closed and before he knows it, his hand is wrapped around his cock. He moves his hand faster and brings his other hand to his nipple to play with as the image of you bouncing on his cock fills his mind. He knows you’ll be so wet and tastes so sweet. He can recall hearing how wet you were through video and it makes him wanna hear it in person. He squeezes the base of his cock like he knows your pussy will milk him and for the love of god, he knows its going to feel so fucking good. He's wanted it for far too long.
It will be a blessing for him if it was to actually happen.
“Fucking hell,” He moans, he licks his hand and goes back to work. Digging his heels into the bed the closer he gets to cumming. He manifests your moans in his ears, your pussy wrapped around him and after a couple more strokes, he shoots his load all over his stomach and chest.
Some even making it onto his face and hair.
Suguru eyes remain close because he knows the moment they open, everything will disappear and he doesn't want that.
He want to live in his delusions at the moment as he can see you sitting on top of him. He looks past you to see Satoru sitting in a chair across from the bed but the moment he does open his eyes, he sees no one.
Suguru groans, the weight of everything he'd just done comes crashing down as he grabs his phone to type his message.
What's the worse that could happen?
[01:23am] Satoru: we’ll see you there.
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© KUNAJOU 2024 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARISE -and/or- TRANSLATE ANY OF MY WORK. thank you for reading! & remember: you nice, keep going.❤️ comment/reblogs(s)/like(s) are totally welcomed!
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ “It's not a knee...” .𖥔 ݁ ˖
°Pairing: fem!reader×chuuya nakahara;
°Contain: drabble, headcanons, close to canon, mention of murders, mention of criminal organizations, hints of sex, MDNI;
°Synopsis: about how your attitude towards each other has changed and you got.... into an embarrassing situation;
°Author's note: well... it's something like nsfw, but I'm not very good at it, so... I hope it's not that bad XD...there may be grammatical errors!
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Nakahara Chuuya is your colleague, the head of the executive committee of the Port Mafia, and in fact, you are his secretary.
He is a busy man, holds the honorary title of a martial artist, and is also overworked. That's why he asked Mori to appoint you as his secretary (with your consent, of course). You weren't friends, but you weren't strangers to each other either. Previously, your work went separately: Chuuya constantly disappeared on missions, returned to the mafia office very late, and if he was carried to the outskirts of the city or another prefecture, then it was not worth waiting for him at all. He stayed overnight at a local hotel. You, in turn, were a less important person, although you were on the executive committee under his leadership.
You were rarely on missions, mostly you were engaged in official documentation and paperwork, contracts. Like a clerk, but a little more important. But, as they sometimes said about you, you were a victim, a decoy. That's what they called you because you were always in situations where mafia enemies just grabbed you and held a gun to your temple, threatening to kill you. You were a vulnerable member, and many people from enemy organizations believed that since you were on the executive committee, you should be an important person and you could be used to achieve their goals. Not that it was, no. You were highly appreciated and considered worthy of your position. Plus, you were a great beauty, and all the mafia men just admired the fact that there was such a pretty girl among them. In any case, you don't have to worry — for such threats and unauthorized touching of you, mafia crush their heads and broke ribs.
Over time, you became a little closer to each other — you don't know how it happened, but for some reason he started waiting for you after work (even if he looked like he was going to fall asleep), he could give you a ride on his motorbike or at your request he orders you a taxi. He was very busy during working hours, so he hardly paid attention to you (logically, he didn't pay attention to anyone). Sometimes, tired after battles, he would start writing reports (well, at least he tried), but his head and brain were boiling from everything that had happened, his mind was clouded by fatigue and the need for sleep, and he looked very, very tired. And yet, he managed to come up to you from time to time and ask about some points in the paperwork. Of course, you explained everything to him, he nodded silently with his eyes closed and, returning to his seat, fell into a deep sleep. All you could do was carefully pull out the sheets from under his head that were lying on the table and fill everything out yourself. He was more grateful than anyone else.
He also invited you to the bar a couple of times to have a drink in honor of the successful completion of several missions, but after you, smiling sweetly and awkwardly, said that you wern't drinking, he stop talking, make an empty face and hurriedly nod, after which he leave. Not that he was very upset; but he spent the rest of the evening at the bar over a glass of semi-sweet wine, reflecting that someone really never drinks and doesn't have such an addiction to expensive alcoholic beverages. But soon all his thoughts scattered when he returned home and calmly lay down on a wide bed, falling asleep in the blink of an eye.
Hiding the fact that he was really just too handsome and hot was useless. You just liked him as a person, but as a man he was also very attractive. He had a definite sense of style; he did not dress too pretentiously, his outfits were always good and moderate. And it was partly clear that he had been raised by a woman: idealized manners, always clean, shining red hair, gathered in a neat ponytail, neatly arranged bangs, ironed, clean white shirt; all other things are also clean and ironed, shoes are always clean and shine from the wax applied to them; He always smelled pleasantly of expensive men's perfume; not too heavy, a scent suitable for him. A couple of times you've seen him use lip balm in winter to keep his lips from cracking and bleeding. You also assumed that his house was tidy, clean and had a pleasant smell of fragrance. So, a wonderful man, a rich man, but a reasonable and rational person who knows a lot about manners and neatness, as well as about his work. He combined not only beauty and neatness, but also strength and power. And he was definitely one of those who could stand up not only for himself, but also for other important people for him. Including you. And also rides a motorcycle! Amazing.
But the situation you got into scared you a little, or rather confused you. Oh. Very confused.
It so happens that you and Nakahara have planned a birthday party for your boss, Mori-san. Others were involved in this, but it was you two who did the initial training. While his office was empty, you snuck in here and began to decorate everything that needed to be decorated. But before you could start, you heard footsteps approaching.
It was hopelessness, and Chuuya, grabbing your wrist, quickly pulled you after him. You ended up in some kind of closet, Chuuya quickly closed the door and looked at you. Everything happened so fast that both of you didn't even seem to have time to realize the situation... And now you were underneath him when he was looming over you; well, that was the only possible position for the two of you right now. Looking into each other's eyes, you listen to the sounds outside — someone has entered inside. You both fell silent, barely breathing, so that there would not be an extra creak or sigh. Since there was a closed and very small space in the closet, being here very soon became unbearable. The stuffiness weighed on your mind. So you both gradually got very hot, literally. There was still someone walking around the office, and you didn't know exactly who. Nakahara was still above you, so far he was silent. But after a couple of moments, he quietly approached and whispered in your ear:
"I don't think it's Mori-san. But who knows... We need to be quiet."
You, in turn, nodded slightly and whispered a quiet "yes" in response. You could see the outline of Chuuya, because a light light penetrated into small cracks in the closet. His body, hanging over you, seemed so tempting... But you quickly pushed away all the fragile thoughts and tried to look somewhere else. Chuuya has actually been looking at you all this time. His body was very close to yours, he could hear your slightly rapid breathing. His hands were on either side of your head. He really didn't want to... But your appearance was so beautiful and seductive that he could barely contain himself. He gently leaned closer to you and you felt his warm breath on your neck. He was breathing raggedly and heavily, probably he was hot...
And then you felt something underneath, pressing against your thigh. You couldn't see what it was, of course, but you could easily tell it was his knee. That's why you spoke softly:
"Chuuya, could you take your knee away, please? It gets in the way..."
You saw him pull back a little, and then lean over you again, and this time his voice sounded with a slight tremor:
"This is... This is not a knee...."
There was something between a sour and confused expression on his face. You couldn't tell if he blushed or not, but he did, you can be sure. He also looked away from you and tried to pretend that he was very wary of what sounds were coming from outside, but in fact he was just embarrassed that his body was reacting to you so involuntarily in such situations.
Uh...After the words he said, you were still at a loss, and, to be honest, it didn't come to you right away. You just stared at him, blinking frequently, while intense mental activity continued in your head about guessing what "it" might be, if not the knee.
Noticing that you were silent, looking at him uncomprehendingly, he was even more confused and let out a quiet "Uh ..." after which he tried to think of what to say to you. Your thoughts were not lost, and you thought that it could be the holster from his knife, which accidentally hung down and pressed so uncomfortably. Smiling slightly, you whispered:
"Got it... Is that a knife holster?..."
Oh, my God, you should have seen Chuuya's face. It simply cannot be described in words, and if possible, just repeat the words "confused" and "embarrassed" 100 times. He stared at you, then exhaled softly and said:
"Listen, y/n, this is not a holster.... This... are you... Damn, why haven't you figured it out yet..."
He swore softly and then leaned even closer to you. Oh, he wanted so much to kiss and bite your neck. But he knew he couldn't. Not yet.
Yeah, you haven't figured it out yet. And you felt it pressing against your thigh more and more.
And finally. You got it. You really got it. "It" pressing on your thigh was warm, and as it seemed to you, slightly throbbing. Your eyes widened, your cheeks turned crimson, your breathing became strangled, and you looked down. You actually felt very hot at the same moment of realization. You tried to move away at least a little, but it didn't work because the closet was too narrowly. When Nakahara saw you trying to move, he pinned your shoulders and hissed:
"Don't you dare move!... This damn closet is a million years old, it creaks like the oldest thing on damn earth."
You didn't object. No, not in such a situation and not at such a moment. Keeping silent, you tried to overcome your embarrassment while Chuuya was closely following the sounds from outside the closet. A few minutes later, the person who entered the boss's office finally came out and you and Chuuya opened the door a little. The office was indeed empty. Then, Chuuya run out of the closet with almost light speed, when you were still climbing out. Then you looked at him: flushed face, shortness of breath and wandering eyes. Only for a single moment did you manage to see the bump on his pants, after which he quickly headed for the exit.
Before he could get out, you grabbed his elbow and looked at him with a plaintive look. He quickly turned around and looked at you with a hint of seriousness and a little frustration, but nevertheless his face still had shades of embarrassment.
"Can we talk? I won't just leave it like that..."
"Y/N, It doesn't make sense. I'm sorry for all this... Never mind..."
You pulled his elbow and looked at him seriously when you said more insistently
"But... But you're-..."
"Hold on. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want me to make all my thoughts come true? If you annoy me, I promise I'll do it"
"But... I just-..."
Your voice broke off on a small squeak that you made when the redhead abruptly grabbed you and led you to the table. He also quickly, with incredible ease, lifted you up and bent over the table, facing him, as he squeezed your wrists and leaned closer
"Do you want me to fuck you right here? Is that what you want? Please, Y/N, don't do this. Otherwise, I promise I won't hold back..."
"And if I say that I want you to?..."
When those words left your lips, Chuuya's face instantly changed to pure surprise. Well done, 10 points out of 10. He certainly didn't expect such an answer...
"What... What did you say?..."
You looked at him with a slightly embarrassed and innocent look, and then said
"I said that... That I want you to..do it..."
Nakahara blinked a few times before leaning closer to you and whispering
"Do you want me to... fuck you?..."
His tone was like this... sweet and serious at the same time. You involuntarily blushed and swallowed softly when you answered in a trembling voice
Without wasting any more time and words, Chuuya knocked you down on the table completely and clung to you in a passionate kiss. You unwittingly let out a soft moan against his lips, and then squeezed your eyes shut.
After that, everything was a blur. All you remember is Chuuya unbuttoning your shirt, then his, and then the sound of a belt buckle undoing.
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Edited: LMAO I remembered that I forgot to finish the funniest moment! As you have already understood, all the actions took place in Mori's office... Not only was nothing decorated, the papers that were (unfortunately) on this desk were scattered all over the floor, and you both left the office in a lousy state. Chuuya's hair is completely out of order (by the way, so are you), his shirt is not fully tucked in, and you have the same thing.
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
Hii this is my first ever request so I'm so sorry if it's bad😭 But recently this has been like in the back of my head and I couldn't find any fics abt it. So basically it's Brothers best friend Bakugo... I'm low-key so embarrassed but I thought it would be cool for some angst 🤭 I love your works and I hope I'm not bothering, i hope you have a nice day!!
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My Brother's Bestfriend Is The One For Me!
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details: umm little confessions at the end tee hee, nothing too crazy. reader gets in their head about some tingz, silly katsuki
Word Count: 1k
hello im sorry i replied a little late, thank you sm for your request this is an awesome idea :D i hope you have a nice day too <3 i tried my best at some angst 🥲 i hope i did your request justice! also plsss someone know what im referencing in the title lolol. its not exact but its close XD
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ever since you were a kid, you had a crush on your older brother's best friend-katsuki bakugou-who was also older than you, but only by two years! so it wasn't that bad, really.
watching him grow up into the handsome man he is now was hard, especially when you were always seen as the annoying, younger sibling that just wanted to hang out with the older kids.
though something that was even harder was having to watch people throw themselves at your childhood crush, only to see them grow disappointed at his arrogant personality.
this frustrated you because you knew katsuki better than any of those losers did. you knew how to work around his rough edges, how to tell apart his real anger from his teasing words, and so many other things about him.
but if you knew him better than everyone else that was interested in him, why didn't he want you back? did he still only see you as his best friend's annoying, younger sibling? he couldn't have, right?
that exact thought lingered in your mind every time katsuki was around. there was no way you didn't have at least a small chance with him, especially considering the fact that he'd never had a serious relationship before. it wasn't that he couldn't get one, because he definitely could, but it was because he chose not to.
katsuki was ambitious, and he didn't want to let anything get in his way while he was training to become a pro-hero, and that included relationships. now maybe you were naive for this, but sometimes you really thought you were different in his eyes, and you would have a chance with him.
so here you were, sitting at the dining table in your parents house across from katsuki. your brother had invited him over, like he usually did. you forgot the reason why, all you knew was that your crush was coming over, so you were excited.
but now that you were sitting across from him, you couldn't help but squirm in your seat nervously under his gaze.
"what's up with you?" he asked, causing your family to turn their attention towards you.
your face burned. "er-nothing. i'm just tired... i didn't sleep well last night." you lied, making katsuki squint at you while your family shrugged off your excuse and went back to their conversation.
the rest of the dinner continued on, with you occasionally picking at your food and glancing up at katsuki, who had caught you looking multiple times.
once everyone was done eating, you immediately offered to wash the dishes, just trying to find any excuse to get away from your crush's intense gaze. since you were cleaning up and it was late at night, you could hear your parents go to their bedroom and your brother tell katsuki he'd be waiting in his.
as you were washing dishes you felt a presence behind you, and you knew exactly who it was.
"hey, buggy." he said, ruffling up your hair and making you groan in annoyance. 'buggy' was your childhood nickname, given to you by none other than katsuki, when he found you playing with a few bugs one day.
he hasn't let you live it down since.
"i don't even play with bugs anymore! i was like five, katsuki." you said, growling at a particular stain that wouldn't wash off very easily.
he crossed his arms, and leaned against the counter next to you, silently watching as you continued to wash the rest of the dishes.
when you were done with the last dish, you dried your hands and turned to him. "why are you here, stalking me? shouldn't you be hanging out with my brother or something?" you snarled, getting frustrated at his company. usually, you'd appreciate it, but these past few weeks he'd been oddly quiet around you - especially when you two were alone.
"maybe i just wanna hang out with you, buggy. is that a problem?"
you clenched your fists, feeling your frustration boil over. how could he act like he wasn't doing anything wrong? did he not realize that he'd been making you feel flustered and confused all the time?? these past few months he'd been behaving strangely around you, and you didn't know what to think of it.
"stop messing with me." you said in a serious tone, looking down at your feet. "you always confuse me with all the shit you say and i hate it! i don't know what to think anymore!"
a part of you felt bad for yelling at him like this, but you couldn't help yourself.
you glanced up at his face and saw his shocked expression, and you wondered what he was going to say next. probably something stupid.
he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his spiky hair, "'m not tryna confuse you... i just-ugh. you're actually not a shitty person to talk to." he confessed, reluctantly of course.
you shook your head at his words. "you don't have to lie, i know i'm probably more of a little sibling in your eyes anyway." you said, making your way around him to go upstairs to your bedroom until he stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
"you actually think that?" he sneered.
"well it's what you make me think!"
your words made him sigh and he put his hands on your shoulders. "shut up and listen okay? i'm not good at this crap, so just let me talk." he demanded, making you pout, but nod in agreement.
"i like your dumbass and i just don't know any other way to tell you..." he said quietly with bright red ears. you just continued to stare at him, not believing his words, which scared him.
he shook your shoulders slightly, "say something dammit!"
"sorry! i...i just don't know what to say." you said, bring your hands up to your shoulders to grab his and hold them in your own. "but, i like you too. i have liked you for a long time."
after hearing yourself admit you like him out loud, you let go of his hands and brought them to your face to cover your burning cheeks.
he laughed his loud cackle and brought you in for a bear hug, "no way, little buggy actually likes me?" he teased, "i always thought you were scared or somethin'."
"well, i was scared sometimes..." you mumbled.
the two of you continued to embrace each other for a while, silently, until katsuki spoke up. "y'know you're mine now, right buggy?"
your heart fluttered, "only if you're mine too."
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authors note
i lowkey got lazy in the end im sorry if you can tell 😔 but i hope you enjoyed !
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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eggluverz · 1 year
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PAIRING. jing yuan x gn!reader
SUMMARY. the general is drowning in work, and the mid-autumn festival is the perfect excuse to take a break.
SOF'S NOTE. i know it's late but i wanted to get this out still hehe hope you still enjoy the moon festival cuteness even though i missed it xD i've been in a jing yuan mood lately ngl i just wanna cuddle and have a lazy day with him :> pls enjoy!!
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You knew autumn was in the air as you walked down the streets of the Exalting Sanctum with a bag of fried songlotus roots from a nearby vendor. The trees carefully scattered throughout the streets were now vibrant shades of orange and yellow; you could feel the crisp wind blowing around you. 
And while you were able to enjoy your time outside work, visiting the bustling Mid-Autumn Fesitval in Aurum Alley, you knew the general was not. 
In fact, you hadn’t seen your partner in days now because of how busy he has been lately. You weren’t even sure if he managed to escape work within the past week. 
With a sigh, you sadly munched on another songlotus root. That simply wouldn’t do. 
You understood Jing Yuan was busy trying to keep the Preceptors out of his hair while dealing with the threat of the Stellaron on the Xianzhou. And while you knew how important it was, you also knew Jing Yuan could delegate some of his tasks. He could free up just a bit of time to enjoy the festival before it came to an end for the year. 
As you approached the Seat of Divine Foresight, you were determined to accomplish just that— Get the general to come along and explore Aurum Alley with you. 
“How are you doing, General?” you drawled, walking over to his desk and peeking behind his stacks of papers. 
He blinked blearily before a small smile formed on his face at the sight of you. “Why, I’m having the time of my life. And you?” 
You went around to his seat and gave him a brief kiss in greeting. Your hand cupped his cheek as you smoothed the dark circles under his eyes. Jing Yuan sighed and leaned into you touch.
“I’m doing well,” you said. “Would be better if you could attend the festival with me.”
He chuckled at that. 
“I know you must be having so much fun working, but I promise I can make your Mid-Autumn Festival experience even better than this,” you sang, plucking the pen from his hands and placing it flat on his desk. 
“You certainly drive a tempting offer.”
“Then accept.” 
“Perhaps I will.”
You cheered as he laughed, setting his papers aside and standing up follow you out. Like the gentleman he was, Jing Yuan extended his hand out for you to hold. You accepted graciously and the two of you walked hand-in-hand out of his office and to Aurum Alley.
It was a long walk, but time always felt short with Jing Yuan. Minutes passed by too quickly and you found yourself always wanting to spend more time with him. 
Night had come by the time you arrived in Aurum Alley, and you had just made it in time to see the lanterns lighting up the sky. The warm, twinkling lights of the lanterns lit up the dark night, planting a seed of awe in you as you watched the festivities happily. You felt a stare pointed in your direction and you knew it was Jing Yuan looking at you in admiration.
You turned back to him and tapped his chin upwards. “You should be ogling at the lanterns, not me!” 
“Can a man not do both?” 
With a giggle, you rested your head against his chest. He was warm and inviting, and you were glad he could escape his life as the general for just a little bit to enjoy this scenery with you.
“Have you tried Tall Auntie’s mooncakes this year?” you asked, feeling your stomach grumble as you took in the delicious scents around you. “I swear, it tastes even better than before!” 
“I have not.” Jing Yuan shook his head, tucking your hand back into the safety of his own. “Shall we go?”
You nodded and skipped along, excited to have another one of her mooncakes. While mooncakes could be found everywhere, in all parts of the galaxy, Tall Auntie added the Luofu touch. The filling had a mixture of red bean paste and custard made from puffergoat milk— You almost drooled at the thought. 
Noticing the dreamy look on your face, Jing Yuan laughed. He wiped the corner of your lip, eyes bright with amusement. “You have something here.” 
So, perhaps you did drool at the thought. 
Smiling sheepishly, you wiped at your mouth. “I suppose I’m craving it now. You’ll love it too, trust me.”
“I’m certain I will.” 
As the two of your approached Tall Auntie’s food stall, you ordered two specialty mooncakes and found a secluded area to munch on them. There was a bench surrounded by trees and buildings, with a view of the lanterns growing smaller and smaller in the sky, and you thought it was a perfect place to enjoy your snack. 
“What do you think?” you said, eagerly watching him take the first bite. 
Jing Yuan closed his eyes in contentment, leaning back against the wall. For a moment, he said nothing. He simply chewed, savoring each flavor as it hit his tongue. When he swallowed, he opened his eyes and nodded at you. “Delicious.”
You beamed and he ruffled the top of your head. 
“It’s just what I needed after a long week of work.” 
“You deserve it,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Even the hardworking general deserves a break.” You took a bite of your pastry and hummed in contentment. “And a mooncake.” 
Jing Yuan nodded in agreement, shutting his eyes and allowing his heavy body to relax into your touch. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Anytime. And after, we’re going straight home and sleeping in bed.”
His eyes opened at that, a teasing crinkle on his nose. “I propose we partake in some other activities in bed before we sleep tonight.” 
You laughed at his boldness, glancing around to make sure no one else heard. “Jing Yuan!” 
“My love,” he replied. 
The warmth in your heart grew as you snuggled against him once more. “Okay, but only if you get me another mooncake first.”
“You have a deal.” 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 18 days
Teen! Reader who’s strong and brave with anybody, including gods. Until a bug is involved.. so they demand everyone to kill it while they’re freaking out.
This is exactly how I am- I’m confident in a lot of stuff and will always try my best in things, but the moment I see a bug I’m screaming like a little bitch and making a run for it XD
-Being raised by such a large family, most of them being warriors, has some perks, as you were confident, independent, and able to handle almost anything that’s thrown at you.
-You were much like them, a warrior- you were ready to face any challenge head on and rarely backed down, as you were confident in your skills, something your family was proud of- knowing that you could handle yourself in almost any situation.
-There was just one thing that you could never overcome, not once, and despite seeing you so confident with other things, it was sometimes amusing to see you so terrified of bugs.
-You were late for training, something very unlike you, and Leonidas and Hercules, your teachers for the day, came to find you, heading to your bedroom only to hear loud crashes and you yelling like you were being attacked.
-Hercules easily took the door down, shouting out your name and the two men froze, seeing you up on top of your desk, looking frazzled, holding a sword like there was an intruder.
-When you heard the shout you instantly turned, your eyes wide before they closed as you screamed out, “Save me!!!” something scurried across the floor in front of you and you shrieked, leaping from the desk and into Leonidas’ arms, hugging him like a koala.
-The two men knew better than to laugh at you, trying to hide their smiles, as you were afraid of bugs, it was natural to be afraid of something, and seeing the state of your room, you had tried to defend yourself against the invader, breaking several pieces of your furniture to do so in the process.
-Once Hercules dealt with the bug including disposing of the body, you sagged in Leonidas’ arms, as all was right with the world again- you were safe from the newest threat to darken your door.
-You had to deal with their playful but harmless teasing afterwards, but you didn’t mind, they saved you- they got rid of the bug.
-At least that one.
-There was a spider ‘waiting’ for you to get home, hiding in your shower, lurking ominously.
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Everything Has Changed - Sirius Black
A/N: I am loving these requests and they are slowly making me come out of my writer’s block so... here’s another one! I loved this request and I tried to write it as she fell first but he fell harder xD hope you loves like it!  
Request - Anonymous asked: Okay since you’re not in the mood for Charlie Weasley, can you please do Sirius x Lupin!reader where he sees her for the first time since graduating Hogwarts (maybe at Jily’s wedding?) and he is just starstruck? Like, love at first sight starstruck and Remus is just like; really Pads, my baby sister?? Thanks!!
Warnings: none that I can think of but let me know if you find something :) it’s pure fluff!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :D gif isn’t mine :)    
Everything Has Changed
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello" And your eyes look like comin' home All I know is a simple name And everything has changed
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“Moony! Would you hurry up? If we’re late Lily will kill us and she would say it’s my fault!” Sirius argued as he tried fixing his bowtie.
“I’m almost done! Plus, my sister’s meeting us here. She should be close!” he yelled from his room.
“Little Moon’s coming?” Sirius muttered to himself as he tried to succeed with his bowtie.
Sirius’ relationship with Remus’ little sister as you had been known your entire Hogwarts year, was no different from James’ or Peter’s. At least for him. He saw you like that. A little sister. He felt very protective of you, but that was pretty much it. It was mostly because you were a quiet, shy girl that tried to stay out of trouble. Which is why he called you Little Moons. He thought it was extremely clever when you started at Hogwarts and you secretly loved it. He scared assholes away from you. You tutored him in some classes, even if you were a year younger. And you had a very platonic-like relationship. He hadn’t seen you in about a year now, since he graduated Hogwarts. He knew you had been back for about a month now, but still hadn’t been able to meet with you. And then, he heard a knock on the door.
“That must be her! Could you get it, Pads?” he hear Remus from his room again. Sirius sighed frustrated, giving up on fixing his tie and he ran his hands through his hair before walking over to the door. But when he opened it, he did not find the Little Moons he knew.
“Sirius!” you smiled brightly up at him. Sirius was completely starstruck when he saw you, standing there, all ready for the wedding, looking incredibly beautiful. He was snapped out of his thoughts when you threw his arms around his shoulders and he quickly wrapped his around your waist. “It’s so good to see you” you smiled, pulling away and kissing his cheek.
This wasn’t an unusual interaction between the two of you. You were pretty close back in school. But something had changed, and Sirius felt it.
“L-little Moons” he chuckled, still with his arms around your waist. “It’s good to see you too, love” he said, kissing your head. “It’s been so long” he smiled. You felt butterflies in your stomach. The same way you did every single time Srius looked at you. “Y-you look-”
“‘Bout bloody time you got here, bug!”
The two of you jumped apart when Remus came out of his room and ran your way to give you a big hug.
“Right, because you two look like you’re ready to leave? Sirius hasn’t even fixed his tie” you laughed. “And your hair is a mess!” you said, running a hand through Remus’ hair.
“I’m almost done” he rolled his eyes, walking into the bathroom.
“Do you need help with that?” you asked Sirius, who was once again struggling with his tie.
“I-” he sighed. “Would you mind?”
“Come here” you said, as he got closer and you started fixing his tie. “So, best man” you smirked. “You excited about today?”
“Yeah” he admitted. “I can’t believe Prongs is getting married” he told you.
“I can’t believe it’s to Lily” you chuckled. “For a minute there, I was sure she was going to murder him” you said, making him laugh a little. “But I will admit they are really cute together” you said as you finished fixing his tie. “All done” you said, smiling at him.
“Thanks, love” he smiled.
“James really picked the best man for the job” you smiled at him.
“Seriously, bug?” Remus said, appearing again. “You’re just going to say out loud that Sirius is better than me?” he asked, offended.
“Yeah, that was never a secret” you smirked, crossing your arms and earning a glare from your brother.
“Yeah, I’ve always been Little Moon’s favorite” Sirius said, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
“I forgot how I’ve always hated the two of you together” Remus said, rolling his eyes as the three of you left for the wedding.
Sirius had no idea what’s been going on with him today. Every now and then, his eyes decided to find you in the crowd during the ceremony. He intently tried to shake off the thought of you walking down the aisle in a white dress, when Lily came down the aisle. And now, he was just sitting at his table, drink in his hand, glaring at the way that you were laughing at Frank Longbottom’s joke. Frank isn’t even that funny. And Frank is with Alice. And why would he give a fuck about who you decide to laugh with?
“So, looking for your pick of the night?”
Sirius jumped a little when you sat down next to him. He hadn’t even noticed when you left Frank and were now back.
“W-what? What are you talking about?” he chuckled, nervously.
“Come on, Black, this was our thing. You always said I was your best wingman” you smirked.
It was true. Your relationship with Sirius even came to the point when you even helped him with girls. Over the years you had become extremely good at hiding your feelings for him, so much as to be considered his wingman.
“Oh, r-right” he chuckled. “Well, not today, love” he smiled.
“Are you sure? There are a bunch of pretty ladies here” you told him.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Yes, wasn’t it obvious?” you asked, making him laugh a little.
“So” he cleared his throat. “W-what about you? Looking for someone today?”
“Me? No” you chuckled, feeling your cheeks burn a little. “I’ve had enough of that for a while” you said, looking down.
“What do you mean?” he asked, confused.
“Remus didn’t tell you?” you asked, looking back at him. “Why I moved back here again?” you asked and he shook his head no. “I… kind of just broke up with someone” you told him.
“What? You were dating someone?” he asked, trying to ignore the feeling of jealousy inside of him.
“Don’t say it like that, Sirius. I am only a year younger than you” you glared at him, laughing.
“N-no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just… well, I didn’t know” he said, trying to play it cool.
“Yeah, not many people knew” you told him. “Anyways we broke up right before we graduated” you told him. “We had very different ideas of the future” you said. “He wanted to get married right away and have kids and I just… don’t think I’m ready for that” you told him.
“Well, not now, at least. I think it’s great that James and Lily got married, but there are so many things I want to do before I… settle down, I guess” you informed him.
“Now you sound like me, love” he chuckled.
“Well, because you make sense, Siri” you said, making him stop laughing. It had been a long time since you called him that. You were the only one he ever allowed to call him that. “S-sorry, I know you hate it when I call you that-”
“No, I don’t” he insisted. “I hate when other people call me that. But not you” he smiled sweetly at you. “And for what is worth, that guy sounds like a prick” he said, making you laugh.
“You don’t even know who he was” you told him as he took a sip of his drink.
“Doesn’t matter. Having someone as amazing as you and just letting her go? He’s a real idiot” he said, looking you straight in the eyes and placing his hand under your chin so you would pay attention to him. “You never settle for anyone who doesn’t treat you like the amazing person that you are, okay?”
You felt warmth in your heart. Sirius rarely talked about things that really matter with you, but whenever he did, you knew he always meant it. “Okay, Siri” you smiled as he kissed your forehead.
At last… My love has come along
“Well, look at that” he said when the next song started. “I believe that’s your favorite song” he smiled.
My lonely days are over And life is like a song
“Y-you remember that?” you chuckled.
“Of course, I do” he said, standing up and offering his hand to you. “May I have this dance, love?”
At last The skies above are blue My heart was wrapped up in clover The night I looked at you
Your smile got so bright that Sirius was unable to deny the butterflies he felt in his stomach too as you placed your hand in his and he walked you to the dance floor. Sirius brought you closer, holding your hand with his and wrapping his free arm around your waist and you quickly rested your head on his chest. This was a dream come true for you. The little girl inside you that had been in love with Sirius Black since you met was screaming inside of you right now. All those times being his wingman all you truly wanted was for him to see you as someone other than ‘Little Moons’. You didn’t mind the nickname. But you hated what it meant. That’s what you were to him. Moony’s little sister. But right here, and right now, it felt as if you two were the only people in the world.
I found a thrill to press my cheek to A thrill that I've never known, oh, yeah, yeah
“Merlin, would you look at that?” Lily said to her new husband.
“What?” James asked confused and Lily gently directed his face to where you were dancing with Sirius. “Oh, shit!” he said about to make his way over there but Lily quickly stopped him.
“What are you doing?”
“Stopping whatever this is!” he complained. “Moony is gonna kill Padfoot if he sees this!”
“What? Them dancing?”
“Yes! Little Moon’s off-limits! We all know that! And trust me, out of the three of us, I think Sirius would be the last one Remus would want for her!”
“James, first of all, they’re dancing! And secondly, I don’t know… something about Sirius seems… different” Lily told him. James looked back at the two of you and then he saw it too. Sirius expression when he looked at you was something that he had never seen before on his best friend.
You smiled, you smiled Oh, and then the spell was cast And here we are in Heaven For you are mine at last
“Y-you know, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m actually kind of glad you broke up with your idiot ex” he said, making you look up at him.
“You are?”
“Yeah, that means you’re back here and we’ll get to see each other more often” he smiled.
“Huh, if I didn’t know any better, Siri, it sounds like you want to ask me out on a date” you smirked at him but it fell when you noticed his expression turning nervous.
“What if I was?” he asked, clearing his throat and you laughed a little, waiting for him to finish his joke.
“You, Sirius Black, want to go on a date with m-me?” you chuckled nervously. “L-little Moons?”
“If that’s okay with you, yes” he smiled but you pulled away a little and he hated when your expression turned to a frown.
“Sirius, that’s not funny” you told him.
“Good, because I’m not joking” he said, pulling towards him again. “Look, I know that I was the biggest idiot in Hogwarts” he started. “But… I promise I have changed a lot this year as… I see you have too” he said.
“You mean I don’t look like Remus’ dorky little sister anymore?”
“No, you definitely do” he mocked you, earning a slap on his arm by you but he pulled you again and the two of you kept slowly dancing even if the song had changed a long time ago. “But… look, I don’t know what happened today that finally made me realize how beautiful you are, but I definitely do not want to take it for granted” he told you. “You’re probably the only girl, sorry, woman, that has dealt with me for so long and still likes me and… I have changed a lot this past year, you can ask your brother. I’m not the same stupid kid I was in Hogwarts-”
“You mean, two years ago?”
“Yes! After I graduated, I realized that’s not… something that I want to keep doing. I have actually missed you so much and I hated not seeing you every day and I know that you may just look at me like Remus’ stupid best friend but… if now’s my chance I am definitely not going to waste it” he said truthfully.
“Now’s your chance? Sirius, you think now is your chance?”
“What do you mean?”
“Sirius, do you have any idea how long I wanted you to ask me out?”
“Yeah” you said as if it was obvious.
“Well, why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Are you joking? You were Sirius Black and I was just-”
“Little Moons” he finished for you as you nodded.
“Yeah. I know you only saw me as Remus’ little sister” you told him.
“That’s not true” he told you. “You were always my best friend, but please don’t say that to James or your brother” he said, making you chuckle.
“You’re just saying that to get me to go on a date with you. Don’t forget I know all your tricks, Black” you smirked.
“I know, that’s why I like you so much, Lupin” he smiled at you. “So… what do you say?” he asked.
“You promise this is not a joke?” you smiled up at him.
“Love, I swear, I would never joke about this” he said, genuinely. “You can send your brothers to murder me if I am” he said.
“I’m pretty sure Prongs would join in the fun. And don’t even get me started on Mrs. Potter” he said, making you chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that” you smiled.
“Really? They have been looking at us for the past three songs” he said, nodding his head at the newlywed couple, and when you looked at them they quickly looked away. “So… Little Moons” he smirked. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
“You better take my fucking breath away, Siri-” you said, before he leaned in to give you a kiss. The kiss was everything you ever imagined it would be to kiss Sirius Black. And even more but, unfortunately, you were rudely interrupted.
“Really Pads, my baby sister?”
The two of you pulled apart and looked at Remus, James, and Lily all looking at you. Lily being the only one with a smile on her face.
“Well, you see, Moony… funny story…”
The End
Song: At Last - Etta James
A/N: aaaahh xD I hope you liked it! I have more coming up :)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
HII! Hru? Great I hope :)) can you write about everyone having a sleepover and it’s rlly late and everyone’s asleep except reader, then it splits into how the brothers would individually react to reader crawling next to them and sleeping back to back bc reader doesn’t wanna bother them but also wants to be close, if it’s not too much could you also include April? If not that’s perfectly fine! ^^
Tysm for your time! Have a great day/night!
Next to You
author’s notes: hiiii, im doing fabulous classes were canceled last minute for thanksgiving XD i hope you enjoy & ty for requesting <3
warnings: fluff c: that’s it, oh & unedited
You opened your eyes, trying to hold back a sigh. You could tell from the deep breathing and slight snoring around you that everyone else was fast asleep. What surprised you the most was that Donnie and Leo of all people were asleep. They usually were insomniacs like you.. but you guessed it was a good thing that they had finally managed to get some shut eye. You on the other hand were still struggling.
You tried to distract your brain with events of today. The sleepover had started off with a bunch of competitions in the arcade. DDR being the main event, and probably what led to everyone being so tired. After that Mikey had ordered everyone pizza. Then the movie marathon started and didn’t stop until everyone was yawning. Instead of going to their respective rooms, the turtles all decided to continue the slumber party in the projector room. A big pile of blankets and pillows were placed in the middle and slowly but surely everyone settled down for the night.
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Quietly you sat up, rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the dark room. Looking around, you found Raph not too far away and silently made your way to where he slept. You had a pillow and a blanket in your arms and as quietly as possible you placed them next to the red turtle.
You then laid next to Raph, scooting until you felt the hard curves of his spiky shell. You finally allowed yourself to sigh, feeling slightly better now that you were next to his calming presence. Maybe ten minutes later you fell into a light sleep. Sometime later though Raph turned over in his sleep and you were awoken to him throwing an arm over your stomach and pulling you to his chest.
You were so tired that you couldn’t find it in yourself to get flustered as you snuggled your head into his plastron. He was so warm! His snores were just deep rumbles that were lulling you to sleep. It didn’t take long for you to finally slip into a deep slumber. Raph of course woke up at the crack of dawn. Stretching and opening his eyes to find you, looking absolutely adorable pressed into his plastron. Thankfully no one else was awake to tease him about how dark green his cheeks turned. He allowed himself to rub his face into your hair atop your head before slowly getting up. Though he made sure to put a big red pillow as his replacement for you to cuddle into.
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Minutes went by and still you were unable to fall asleep. It was starting to get on your last nerve and with frustrated tears in your eyes you quickly got up from your spot. Dragging along your blanket and carrying your pillow as you found Leo wasn’t that far away. You quickly made your bed next to his, and laid down right beside him.
Sniffling slightly as you scooted backwards until you felt his smooth shell against your back. Leo turned around immediately, groaning slightly as he was a light sleeper. Your hand went you to cover your mouth hoping you hadn’t just woke him up. “You okay?” He mumbled behind you. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, regretting having come over and ruined what little sleep he got. “Its okay, what’s wrong?” He said as he pressed his face into your hair, an arm going around your middle. “Can’t sleep,” you sighed. He hummed and moved back slightly to start playing with your hair.
You lasted maybe 5 minutes before your body relaxed and the tension in your shoulders left you. Sleep overtook you and Leo held in a chuckle, moving to snuggle his face into your hair again as he went back to sleep too. Unlike Raph, Leo was not a morning person, so the two of you would definitely be woken up by the rest of the group, hovering over the two of you. Taking embarrassing photos and cooing over how cute the two of you were.
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You were staring up at the lair ceiling when a glow of a phone screen could be seen in your peripheral. You knew who it was immediately and you hurriedly grabbed your things before plopping down behind the purple turtle. He didn’t say anything as you got comfortable, you got as close as you dared. There was a few centimeters between his soft shell and your back. “Need something?” Donnie spoke up after a few moments.
You shook your head and then realized you needed to say something. “No” you replied and that was it. Your eyelids were starting to blink slower and slower as you noticed the glow of his phone power off. You listened as he shuffled and got comfortable again. Then out of nowhere, you felt him scoot back those last few centimeters, his shell grazing your back. Your eyes widened, sleep evading you. It was just such a shock! “Dee?” you whispered and he mumbled a reply. “Goodnight,” you said changing your mind about bringing it up. “G’night,” you barely heard him say.
Unlike Leo, Donnie woke up at a decent hour. He sat up, listening to Raph’s feet pad away. He groaned and stretched and looked over to you with a fond expression. Then he was up, heading for the kitchen to make his morning coffee.
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You rolled over, staring at Mikey’s shell. He was fast asleep, the outline of his body going up and down as he breathed in and out deeply. You smiled, wishing you could pass out as easily as he could. You rolled one more time, your back firmly against his smooth shell.
You could feel his rhythmic breathing and you found that it was comforting enough for you to finally start feeling tired. You might’ve fallen asleep if Mikey didn’t start kicking all of the sudden. His feet bumping into yours and the rustling up the blanket. You shot up, startled by the sudden movement and your movement in turn scared Mikey, as he too shot up into a sitting position. “Y/n?” He croaked, his voice cracking from having slept so deeply. “Yeah?” You whispered as the two of you looked at each other groggily, the fear immediately leaving as you both realized it was just the other.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked patting the spot next to him for you to move even closer. You were about to say that you almost had, but you kept it to yourself as you nodded and moved closer. His arms going around you to hold you tightly for a few seconds before loosening. “My world famous cuddles will put you fast asleep,” he said lowly, almost falling into sleep himself. “Go to sleep silly,” you chided, looking up to see him trying to keep his eyes open. “You first,” and you shook with silent laughter, if only it was that easy. But as his hand went up and down your arm soothingly you were out like a light. “Sweet dreams Y/n” Mikey sighed as he passed out right after you.
Mikey was also an early riser, though not as much as Raph. Mikey woke up before Donnie though. He was happy to see you still sound asleep in his arms. And he stealthily removed himself from you, ninja mode style, as to not wake you. He had to start on breakfast!
Bonus! April
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You really didn’t want to bother April, but you didn’t think you were going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon. You rolled over until your back met hers. “mmm.. Y/n?” She murmured groggily. “Sorry April,” you squeaked, not realizing you would wake her up that easily. “Its cool, but you okay?” She asked, her voice started to wake as she pulled the covers higher. “Just tired, yet I can’t sleep.” You confided and April nodded to herself.
She knew Donnie and Leo suffered from the same thing. Though she wondered if Dee ever got sleepy! Of course he did but he sure didn’t act like it! “Wanna try talking about nothing for a while?” April offered, her eyes were closed, but her mind awake and she’d talk to you throughout the night if that’s what you needed. “You’re the best,” you smiled and unbeknownst to you April’s face broke into a wide grin, “Yeah well, that’s what friends are for.”
The two of you talked about earlier today, plans in the future, college, her interests and hopes in journalism. You found that your voice became softer, and you started just humming in response instead of saying real words. “Goodnight Y/n” April whispered as she hadn’t gotten a response from you after a good couple of seconds. You hummed again and April smiled to herself as she slipped back into dream land.
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lineffability · 1 year
For the sharing a bed prompt list...2 and 8? As well as any others you want to include because they're all delightful XD
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"I- what?" Crowley, drowsy, blinked against the light coming from above. For a moment he thought it was Aziraphale, but it was just the lamp on the ceiling. He sat up, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Right. Bookshop. Lots of alcohol. Late, probably.
Wait. Did you know you talk in your sleep? Oh fuck. Oh Satan. Oh hell. Oh no. Slowly, carefully, Crowley turned his head towards Aziraphale, making sure to avoid his eyes.
"Ah? What'd I sa- I mean. Sure, I guess. I mean I didn't know. How would I?"
"How would you," Aziraphale repeated, suddenly looking a little sad, and Crowley wondered if the angel was still drunk. How long had he been out?
What had he said?
He forced himself to look at Aziraphale. The angel looked normal. Not devastated, or embarassed, or ready to flee and deny and forgive. So maybe it hadn't been so bad. He tried to remember his dream. He coudn't. It was unfair - shouldn't he be able to recall his dreams at will, as a demon? But the realm of dreaming seemed as off limits to him as that of Heaven. (Even the nightmares. Maybe that was a mercy.) Well - he remembered dreams like the humans did, anyway. In shambles.
He wondered if Aziraphale could remember his dreams: access them, rewind them, play them back and forth like a video - then again, the angel rarely slept, he was quite sure. Maybe that was better.
"Do you dream?"
"Me?" Aziraphale looked surprised, and considered the question alongside his wineglass. There was a little bit of liquid left in it. So he had been drinking, alone, while Crowley had drifted off. Oh dear. Maybe he was drowning his sorrows in alcohol, the things Crowley had said. "I prefer not to dream."
"Huh." Crowley sat up. "Why? It's fun."
"It's dangerous." Aziraphale studied his glass more intently, downing the last little gulp and abandoning the empty vessel on the desk.
"Right." Crowley swallowed. Well, he was right about that. "What... what did I..." He looked away. "...say?"
"You said I talked. In my sleep. So."
"Anything I oughta know?"
"Oh, it was only... you seemed to be in an argument."
"An argument?"
"Yes. Yes - with me, I think."
"With you." Crowley's voice thinned. He miracled his hangover back, the light pressure on his head, as if it might take responsibility for the words that had been uttered. "Makes sense. Who else would I argue with. You're very... arguable."
"You mean I am a worthy opponent. A great interlocutor. A beacon of goodness against your vile--"
"Yeah. Sure. So we just argued, huh." His shoulders relaxed a little.
"It was about pigeons, I think. You said something about no, no pigeon pie, no eating, and rats with wings and God's ugly angels and protection and-" he added a rather dramatic little whine to his voice, not like Crowley at all: "misunderstood."
"Oh." Crowley thought he remembered, now, with Aziraphale's help, a slice of the pigeon pie dream. Aziraphale chasing after the poor pigeons with cutlery in bis hands and a napkin tucked into his shirt collar. Good. Excellent. A harmless dream. Pigeons. Wings. White-ish grey wings, everywhere, he remembered that, and then when the wings had cleared there had suddenly been no more pigeons or pies - only another misunderstood messenger of peace. His angel. So beautiful, amongst all the wings. And then he had--" Oh no. Oh, oh. Then the dream had shifted. He remembered now, and wished he hadn't.
"And that was it, right. Nothing else. Yeah. Pigeons."
"Well, then you said my name."
"You said Aziraphale." Aziraphale spoke his name neutrally, without much intonation, and Crowley was glad, because he knew that was not the way he had said it.
"Sure. We were debating pigeons. In my dream. So of course I said it."
"Yes..." Aziraphale was looking at his hands. He seemed to be debating something other than pigeons. "Only it was... ah. Nevermind."
Crowley almost asked. He didn't want to: he knew he had only said Aziraphale's name, and nothing else. He had sighed it against his lips, softly, tenderly, again and again, as he had kissed him, and the wings enveloping them were grey and safe, pigeons and peace. Old messengers, dreams.
He didn't ask.
The moment passed. Aziraphale smiled, congenially, and Crowley couldn't quite parse it.
(Much as Aziraphale couldn't quite parse the way Crowley had spoken his name, in his sleep, the soft tone and the pained, peaceful expression on his face. Much as he didn't want to ask, either. It had been too... It had been too much, too nice. Too good to be able to hold on to it. It was only a dream: it would be forgotten soon enough.)
"It was only my name."
"Yeah. Only your name."
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
17 asks!! Thank you!! :}} 🦙
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XD Their names are Midori and Anastasia! :DD I originally had Midori holding Anastasia in this post because everyone else was significantly taller than her but I still wanted her to be included in the comic XDD
That interaction though turned into them having a close bond in my stories. Anastasia is always around Midori, usually being carried by him. There could be a lot of reasons why..
Anastasia IS a shiny. So I can imagine people have tried to capture her on sight in the past. I mean.. that's exactly what I did! XDD
Since Meowscarada has the highest speed stat out of the whole team.. I can imagine that he carries Anastasia around to protect her. If someone or something shows up and tries to harm or capture her? Midori will be able to flee from the attacker faster than anyone.
With that in mind, there's a lot more reasons why Midori carrying her would be beneficial. Ana has a hard time keeping up with the group cuz she's so little! Trying to walk with them would also tire her out too-
As for their separate personalities.. I pictured Midori being rather introverted and quiet. Polite, a bit shy.. but a very good friend. He's a skilled fighter though he would rather not resort to violence if he can help it-
I thought of Ana having a playful personality. Theatric, loves to joke, loves to sing. She can be sarcastic and grumpy at times but its rare. She's usually happy and chatting away with one of het teammates :}}
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(Link in ask) (In response to this post)
Aww.. what a beautiful song.. 🥺🥺 I added it to my favorites and I gotta check out other songs by her 😭
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@dubb0-g0ldfe11 (In relation to this post)
XDD That's not nearly as embarrassing as BINGUS XDDD
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Thank you! And don't you worry, I've been trying to try my best to take care of myself <:} 👍
And oof, I'm sorry to hear about your carpel tunnel :(( I hope you feel better soon! <:(((
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(Image from this post)
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I drew pixelated Grimace and Sylvester in this post at least! XDD
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@tallchest13-blog (Referencing this post)
That makes 3 of us! XDD
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XDDD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}
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Welcome back and happy late birthday! :DD
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Dang, what a lucky guy XDD
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Hey, in my defense he looks 10x more friendly with white eyes! XDD
And dannggg, G money got the drip frfr-
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD And aww!! What a cute Umbreon!! :}}}
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That's a good question.. I believe I've answered this question before but I cant remember what the answer was.. <:0
I at least have this height chart of everyone as glamrocks..? <:DD
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Hello! :DDD
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I don't wanna <:(((( He's scary looking-
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Its his own fault for coming to my door at 3AM lookin like that!! >:0
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hi hi, i wanted to say its totally okay not to post frequently, bcz your health matters much more than some silly requests<3
Do you think you could write yandere furina and venti (separately) with a reader who got drunk and became very clingy to them? If ur uncomfortable with that then It's no problem!
so i really liked this request but i unfortunately don't write for anything alcohol related aside from like brief mentions here and there so i changed it from drunk to sleepy/drowsy (fun fact, i am the type of person to become more clingy when tired XD)
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, implied being held against will, trickery, archons being cute and nice for once, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Furina with a partner that gets clingy when tired is like a dream to her. She often works late hours and gets home after dinner time, with you often eating alone because of this.. She thinks it adorable how you cling to her at night, your mood flipping in the morning as the exhaustion clears away.
You were always a sight for sore eyes, after watching Court Proceedings all day, Furina was more than happy to get home to see you. She had been held up a little later than normal, with her getting home late enough that you were likely in bed already. To her surprise though, you had waited up, fighting sleep as your eyelids tried to flutter shut, head resting against the back of the couch. Her heart fluttered as you shot up hearing her enter, a tired smile on your face as she reached out for you, pulling you into a hug. Furina hums a pleasant tune as she simply holds you, relishing in being able to hold you in her arms, knowing full well that by day break you’ll be back to your usual, less touchy self.
Yandere!Venti would love that his partner is overly affectionate when tired. He’s always super touchy feely and he loves when you reciprocate, even if it’s only once in a while. He likes especially to wake you up in the middle of the night just so he can ask for cuddles. 
Venti laid in bed looking at you sleeping, his false heart skipping a beat as he thinks about his life with you. Slowly, hea reaches over, shaking you awake just enough for you to register what is happening without remembering it in the morning. He asks you for cuddles, saying that he’s cold and misses you, knowing that you’d eagerly accept. Venti would never ask you for cuddles when you’re awake and not drowsy as he knows you’ll never accept, but he doesn’t mind, grateful for these moments with you at night. He likes being able to hold you, even just a part of you sometimes, so that he can feel your closeness to him, a physical reminder of the bond you share. Now and forever.
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vvickydisc · 1 month
I would love to hear about your three AUs! (Entangled, Springlock and Ribbons Attached)
All of them have gorgeous designs!!!
tysm!!! honestly i wish i did a little more with the springlock designs but didnt know what more i could do xd let me try my best explaining these aus haha, feel free to ask for elaboration!
Entangled AU
Is about Jax being stuck in a dating simulator with the hostess being, Ringleader Gangle!
cos it rhymes with gangle :)
In this AU, Gangle is a AI whos aware shes not real. So she tries to not be too attached to whoever plays, its hard since shes programmed to love em' throughout them playing the game correctly, because if they win they wont play again
She used to miss/yearn for the player(s) return but fucked around with coding to get rid of this feeling by deleting some saved data, ensuring Gangle won't even remember them if they 'won' and left the game
How to win is basically romancing Gangle and confessing your love to her, allowing you to leave the game. Which is why Jax is stuck here because he can't/won't "win the game" (Theres no reason for this, hes just being a stubborn asshole)
Despite Jax not playing the 'dating' part of the simulator or earning her affection in the correct way, Gangle falls in love with Jax oddly enough. The reasons as to why will be explored in the future!
couple of notes!
* Within this AU it's just them! The others won't be in this AU xd but im willing to explore some designs of how they mightve looked like
* Shoutout to the person who thought this was a Balan Wonderworld AU because Gangle was totally based off Balan with Jax being based off NiGHTS
Ribbons Attached AU
Springlock AU
like 'strings attached' and jax being the puppeter of gangle *wave off hand* you get it
If you like the asshole aspect of Jax and want him to be worse while liking Ribbun this may be the AU for you!
In this AU! Jax is actually a dead person stuck haunting this game as the Ringleader, no i won't explained how he died and how hes in the game just listen to cabinet man by lemon demon
It's quite a simple AU though, Jax makes torturous adventures based off the others fear. Gangle's prevalent fear in this AU is claustrophobia.
His main goal is to make the cast abstract for a laugh and possibly to not feel lonely? Since if they did abstract, its not like they can leave.
It's why his favorite is Gangle! He'd hate for her to leave somehow.
couple of notes!
* All the cast has some sort of clown names, Gangle being Jingle because of her bells.
* I like to think each "Ringleader!Character" has their gimmick. With Caine having "all seeing eyes" I like to imagine Jax has many expendable and extendable hands/arms? not like a spider!! think of floating gloves/hands
cos... gangle has springs and.. jax is a dead guy whos trapped as a rabbit.... you can only understand if you know about fnaf
In this AU, it's also kinda simple. I've been bouncing between the idea if I should keep Gangle as a AI and Jax as a human or just make them both human or both AI but its basically: Jax is Caine and Gangle is Bubble
Its a bit blaaand at the moment but hopefully I can come up with some ideas for this one..
The cast includes: Pomni, Kafumo, Queenie, Ragatha, Zooble and Kinger :) thanks for reading!! and sorry for answering this late :c
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