#it's a big club and you ain't in it
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Meanwhile, on the Right
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toshootforthestars · 2 years
Each year, the world’s masters of politics and finance ride carbon-spewing jets to the World Economic Forum in a lavish Swiss resort town bristling with armed guards, where they opine somberly about solving poverty and climate change. The very act of attendance exposes all the subsequent dialogue as hypocrisy.
The event serves primarily as a rare point of unity for political right and left wings, both of whom agree that everyone there should be in jail. If all of these professional decision-makers were really good at decision-making, they would replace the whole farce with an annual quick chat. “So then, we’ll carry on with global capitalism for another year. Agree? Right. Cheerio.”
Davos and similar conclaves can only be understood as performances. They are the stage upon which the Masters of the Universe act out the dramatic narrative of their own lives. They are exercises in mutual self-affirmation: we’re here, and we are important. What good is a powerful position without a rapt audience to listen to one’s pronouncements? Anyone can be rich, but only a select few can be influencers.
It is this intoxicating allure of performative influence that lends Davos its underlying absurdity. There is nothing very remarkable about officials who control the world getting together in private to make self-serving decisions; they do that all the time. That’s the job. The fatal flaw of the Davos crowd is that they are not satisfied simply with being in control of everything.
They also want to be good, or at least to give the public impression of being good. Thus the typical CEO and presidential interviews and panels of economic and geopolitical predictions – the real things – are leavened with piles of other cultural and do-gooder content meant to convey the idea that at the center this crowd of the world’s most cut-throat plutocrats and cold-blooded status-seekers lies a heart of gold.
*      *      *      *      *
If the minds of Davos actually believed their own bullshit, they would shut the conference down immediately, understanding that it is a threat to the values they purportedly believe.
It is no exaggeration to say this monstrosity of opulence playing out amid the ominously reduced snowpack of the Alps is such a powerful symbol of all that is wrong with the neoliberal era of the world that it will help to bring about its own downfall.
It is a symbol of cloistered elites boldly pampering themselves as they lecture on the need for sustainability; it is a symbol of exclusivity draping itself in the language of democracy; it is a symbol of the unaccountable financiers and bureaucrats and intellectuals who went to the right schools and work for the right institutions and are therefore allowed to lock themselves in an impermeable bubble, gaze out in ignorance at a world whose problems they have never experienced, and prescribe a course of action that will, coincidentally, perpetuate the dominance they have enjoyed for generations.
The utility of any actually worthwhile networking or communication or information-sharing that occurs in the halls of Davos pales in comparison to the inferno of disgust that its existence stokes among millions of angry, mistreated, locked out people around the world who will never set foot inside its security cordon.
If nothing else, the attendees of Davos should shut it down out of pure self-interest. They’re making everyone mad.  But it is in the peculiar nature of bubbles that those inside will never know what they don’t know. Convincing Davos Man that his milieu is poisonous is as impossible as convincing Thomas Friedman that talking to cab drivers has not granted him infallible insight into humankind.
The problem is not so much that Davos exists – I can imagine a world in which it served as a useful sort of exile that kept dangerous people ensconced in a comfortable simulacrum of reality away from the rest of us, The Matrix for economic thinkfluencers, a zoo where you could watch a livecam of Larry Summers explaining to Anthony Scaramucci why higher unemployment would be good. No, the problem is that The Davos Matrix is plugged directly into the mainframe. The decisions that these people make in their little atmosphere of illusion percolates out into the real world, leaving the rest of us holding the bag as wealth trickles further and further upwards, decade after decade.
The only useful thing that happens at Davos each year is the release of Oxfam’s report on economic inequality, a document that always drives home exactly why Davos is a monstrosity. This year, Oxfam found that the richest 1% of people had pocketed two-thirds of all the wealth created in the past two years. Many of those same people digested this news with equanimity in a nice warm chalet, before heading off to make proclamations on a Davos panel.
The rest of the world simmers. The rage of the lower classes compounds. Some will go fascist, and some will go socialist, and some will just buy guns and bide their time.
The Davos types will continue speaking of “global risk” without noting that their own way of living is at risk as well. There is much that all the leaders at Davos could learn from the wide, wide world. But there is nothing that we can learn from them, except who to blame.
Hamilton Nolan, “The Masters of the Universe think they are do-gooders”
The Guardian   /  Jan 2023
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martyryo · 7 days
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More vamp marla cause I keep thinking about her (click for better quality 😿)
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cant-get-no-worse · 6 months
Do you think we'll actually win tho. Like do you really believe this team has a chance or.
I think sport is the easiest, safest way to practice the vertue of relentless optimism because it bears little to no consequence if few boxes are checked. Said boxes to be checked are: has this club alrady smashed your hopes and dreams before? If no, best not hope cause the fall is higher than Barça's debt. If yes, wooo, then it's pessimism out. Pessimism and realism only wish it had the sheer tomfoolery of optimism. Optimism in sport is silly and so funny, even more so when your team has actually already faced tremendous defeats in the past. You think Napoli-Barça can hit me worse than corner taken quickly? You think Napoli-Barça can have me shout STOP THE COUNT before it gets to 8-2? Post-remontada disappointment, Neymar se queda, Liverpool, Bayern, Roma, 2019 UCL run, Messi leaving, mate that club has smashed my optimistic virginity more times than I can count. Boludo I'm NUMB. It's routine by now. I might as well have fun with it. I think we'll win, I think I'm gonna have the time of my life and if we don't eh so what? We'll go for a next round next year. The more we wait for it the more ecsatically beautiful our celebrations will be of it.
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//ignore me
#❝ there i was‚ a gangster-turned-vampire on the loose ❞「 headcanons 」#❝ two glasses and a bottle of johnny walker over here ! ❞「 memes 」#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy-boy ❞「 ooc 」#❝ that bloodsucking son of a bitch is completely full of shit ! ❞「 psa 」#❝ i'll talk your ear off‚ kid ❞「 answered 」#❝ me‚ i don't show up very good in pictures ❞「 art 」#❝ bein' a vampire ain't no way to live‚ and being eaten by a vampire ain't no way to die ❞「 musings 」#❝ be a pal and throw that chain away‚ wouldja ? i wanna chew your head off ❞「 shitposts 」#❝ get outta here with that blood of yours ❞「 promo 」#❝ beware the one who walks in the moonlight ❞「 self promo 」#❝ i can't stop myself and i don't want to‚ either ❞「 dash games 」#❝ it was gonna take some planning to get my fangs in his throat ❞「 victor bonicelli 」#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞「 billy 」#❝ take it from old sally two-shoes‚ kid ❞「 in character 」#❝ that's the trouble with vampires‚ you know ? ❞「 main verse 」#❝ i saw him for the treacherous snake he really was ❞「 secondary verse 」#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞「 tertiary verse 」#❝ send in the big guns next time ! don't fuck around ❞「 vampire fight club verse 」#❝ i'll kill you when the time is right‚ but not now ❞「 roadtrip verse 」#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞「 before verse 」#❝ i'd kill you too if i had the chance ; you and everyone you knew ❞「 wishlist 」
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taur-el · 7 months
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Thinking about Logan getting really worried when Wade's (metaphorical) mask comes off and he's not the guy dancing on the bar, making boob jokes and kicking people in the face but rather the one with his face in the toilet at the club, promising he's okay while still struggling with the side effects that come with cancer.
"No no, really its fine! Go on, go have fun ill be out in a second!"
And being the emotionally closed off manly man that Logan is, doesn't press about it but still waits outside by the door, not letting people in the bathroom, ending up causing a bar fight because hed rather get punched in the jaw then let someone see Wade like that and embaress him.
Thinking about him coming home with groceries and finding him dead asleep on the couch, but the kind of sleep that looks like it was taken by force rather than comfy. The kind where you pass out because your body has had enough and just coming to check on him every couple of minutes before eventually sitting next to him and just waits until he wakes up.
Al can't see. But she's had a smug look on her face ever since Logan has walked in the door because she can hear him walking back and forth to go check on her room mate.
"You're really worried about him, ain't you?"
"He's fine, you know. He does that. Go on. Go do what ever it was you angry men do."
But he doesn't go. He stays put. Like a loyal dog at his owners death bed, hoping if he stares enough, he'll get better. Eventually, he falls asleep too And Al is going to tease them both about this for the next month. She took photos to prove it.
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Soon enough, it evolves into him picking up tasks so that Wade can rest but refuses to tell him why. He doesn't want to embarrass him and make it feel like a big deal.
"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go walk mary puppins. You want anything from the bodega?"
"No.. actually.. could I walk her? I can take her. Being in this apartment is killing me."
"What need to get your steps in or something?"
"Something like that."
"Ah I get it. Wild cat needs to prowl. Well alright. But dont be taking our baby to any skanks house! Shes too innocent!"
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cottoncandyswisherz · 2 months
working at the pyramid
this is long a fuck for no reason so its small font lol
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softdom!chris x stripper!reader
warnings: smut, unprotected sex (double wrap w aluminum foil) p in v, oral, (male receiving) pole dancing
the club is dark. all lights are off and the only thing you can hear is jay, our dj, yelling into the mic. 
"okay fellas, its saturday, you know what that means. its time for our favorite girl to do her thangs. make some noise for our money maker, our heart breaker, MISS CLEOOOO!" 
and the crowd goes wild.
the music starts and i strut onto the stage, in character. 
the projector displays a burning sun behind me, the lights shines a dark orange. this is my time to shine. all these men are here watching me with hungry eyes and i'm about to feed them. 
laying with my back on the ground i wait for my cue. 
wake up to your girl for now lets call her cleopatra i watch you fix your hair then put your panties on in the mirror, cleopatra
i arch my back and pull at my hair. then your lipstick, cleopatra then your six-inch heels, catch her she's headed to the pyramid
i roll over onto my stomach and stretch my arms in front of me, kicking my feet slowly, making eye contact with some shmuck in to crowd before turning back on my back.
she's working at the pyramid tonight
the beat drops and it begins. 
grabbing the back of my heels i raise my hips in a kegel position and grind my hips slowly in the air.
then i raise my butt all the way in the air, holding myself up and bring my knees together and twirl them before straightening one and pointing my toes over my head. keeping my legs in that position i slowly bring them down
pimpin in my convos bubbles in my champagne let it be some jazz playin top floor hotel suite twisting my cigars floor model tv with the vcr
back on my stomach i slowly bring myself on all fours and dramatically throw my head back, allowing my hair to fall down my arched back. 
got rubies in my damn chain whip aint got no gas tank but it still got woodgrain
i get on my feet and bounce before standing all the way up
got your girl working for me hit the strip and my bills paid that keep my bills paid hit the strip and my bills paid keep a nigga bills paid
prancing to the pole, i lock eyes with a white boy. like everyone else, he's got a shit eating grin on his face. but unlike everyone else, he doesn't throw 1's on the stage. he throws a flurry of 20's. 
i grab the pole and saunter around it twice, then press my back against it and grind again. 
time to climb this bitch. 
she's working and the pyramid tonight
i turn around and step around the pole before swinging and wrapping my legs around it tilt my head back and now i'm spinning, as the pole rotates. i do my tricks and shit, giving them the show they want.
keeping my grip, the pole stops and throw my head all the way back, allowing myself to be upside down. only for a second though because i place my hands on the floor and flip into a split as the beat drops again. 
the men go insane, and i'm showered in bills. 
you showed up after work, i'm bathin your body touch you in places only i know you're wet and you're warm just like our bathwater can we make love before you go
i grind to the beat in various positions, before bringing myself back to pole, placing it between my heel and shoe so i can limp all the way to the top. 
once i'm there i hook one leg around the pole and drop my head. upside down once again. i spread my arms out and spin. 
shouting and money flying once again. 
the way you say my name makes me feel like i'm that nigga but i'm still unemployed you say it's big but you take it ride cowgirl
after a few seconds, i bring my body back up right and slide down. with my legs under me, i move my hips, so it looks like i'm riding
but your love ain't free no more baby but your love ain't free no more
then i fall back so i'm laying on my back, like before i started. 
she's working at the pyramid she's working at the pyramid tonight
and the lights shut off. 
just like that, i move off the stage and go to my dresser and drink some water. 
5 minutes go by and i've caught my breath. thomas, another employee comes in with my earnings from tonight. but i don't have time to count it, so i put the bag in my locker and go out to work the floor. 
a few of my regulars make their usual requests and soon i'm $150 richer. i walk over to the bar and ask for a lemonade and while i'm waiting a hand taps my shoulder. 
"i'm on break. " i mutter in an agitated tone, not bothering to turn around. 
"i'll pay double." 
and just like that, I GOT MOTION!
i turn around and see the white boy from earlier. 
with a seductive grin, i shake my head. "go find a seat on the floor and i'll come find you after my drink."
"the floor?" white boy turns around and looks at the room, full of idiots. "no, i want a private room." 
"those are 150 an hour..."
"where do i pay?"
is he for real...
"usually people who want them have a group."
"just me."
"you pay up front." he pulled his phone out.
"you guys take apple pay?"
i was flabbergasted. "uh... yeah i think so."
"great. you finish your drink and i'll come get you when everything is paid for."
20 minutes later i'm stepping into a private room. 
"you can play whatever music you want. i can dance to pretty much anything."
this is so fucking awkward by myself. usually there like 5 of us in here with an equal amount of guys. 
but he won't see me sweat. 
he pulls his phone out, connecting to the bluetooth. 
"okay you better be telling the truth." he begins searching for a song. 
he plays the fucking macarena. 
"be so fucking for real." i fight back a smile. "i'm half naked and you want me to do the macarena?"
"hey you said you can dance to anything." he chuckles, putting his hands up. he has a small duffel bag next to him. i can just smell the money in it. 
fuck it. i think then begin the dance. 
money falls at my feet as i do the routine and laugh. 
soon the song is over and a new one starts. 
this one slower.
i start with a little floor routine that ends with me on my knees, so i can crawl over to him.
placing  my hands on his thighs, i lift myself up and turn around so my ass is right in his face and i dance, dropping and coming back up. 
i felt his hands grip my waist, and usually, clients aren't allowed to touch us, but this ones fine as a motherfucker so i'll allow it. 
he pulls me down so i'm sitting in his lap, my back to his chest. i move my hips on him and he turns my head to the side so i'm kinda looking at him. then his hand grabs my neck and his other one drops 20's. 
the bills fall down my body and land in my lap and it's the hottest thing i've ever encountered. 
with a smile, i turn around so i'm straddling him and grind some more. i feel his erection on my clit through his shorts and it makes my pussy flood. 
if i keep looking in his eyes i'm gonna cum. so i look at the wall to distract myself. but that doesn't work because he grips my jaw and forces me to look at him. 
"eyes on me mama."
now we're locked in. eyes trapped in each other. i can't escape. 
but i have to. 
so place his hands on my hips and lean back, so my back is arched. 
i thought this would help. 
it didn't. 
one of his hands spreads on my belly and reaches up my front, his large hand on my chest. 
i come back up and decide no physical contact was the solution. 
so i get up and begin another floor routine.
he stands up and walks over to me, looking in my eyes a-fucking-gain so i turn around and dance until his hand is on my hips again with his other one the back of my neck, bending me over. 
and now we're lowkey dry humping. 
standing up right again, i turn around and take a step back. 
i can't fuck him. i'll lose my job. i'll lose my dignity. 
"we can't-"
the motion is swift when he tugs me towards him and my body collides with his. my hands automatically come up and land against his chest, and my eyes fall shut. 
my fingers spread out, trying to feel as much of him as i can. 
his lips brush against my ear. "tell me to stop, cleo. tell me to stop, and i will."
i pull my head back enough to look at him and think. 
i have two options. 
1. walk out and do my job like nothing happened with the worst case of blue ovaries i've ever had. 
2. fuck this man and walk out and do my job like nothing happened having had what i hope will be the best orgasm i've ever had.
i don't know about you but option two seems like the obvious choice. 
"i don't want you to stop." 
his fingers grip me tighter.
"you want me to fuck you?" 
my breath hitches and i slowly nod my head. 
"my name's chris. say 'yes, chris.'"
my thighs clench as i feel my pussy flood again. "yes, chris."
a sound leaves his mouth, then its pressing against mine.
i melt into the kiss. his full lips slanting over mine, demanding them to open. 
i try to focus. i try to remember who i am and that i'm a badass who refuses to submit to a stranger. i try to focus, but there's a lightening storm going off inside my body and i can't hold onto a single bolt. 
my arms wrap around the back of his neck, anchoring him to me. 
chris' large hands move up my side, the heat of them seeping through my skin and putting my body on fire. keeping the tips of his fingers against my ribs, he spreads his grip out until his thumbs trace along the underside of my tits. 
i lean into the touch. the press of his body against mine is divine torture. but then he's gone. 
his hands leave my sides at the same time his mouth leave mine. 
my eyes blink open, but instead of finding his gaze on mine, i find his hooded eyes focused on my chest. 
with slow movements, chris reaches behind me and unclips the bra i'm wearing. it falls at my feet. 
chris tongue slides across his lower lips as he eyes my pierced nipples. he uses his thumbs to rub over each one, the buds tightening and i can no longer stay quiet. 
letting out a whimper of appreciation, i raise my arms and grip his white tee. 
"fuck." he groans the words as he palms my breasts, leaving my nipples exposed between his thumb and index finger. "fuck." he says again, dipping down and taking one small barbell into his mouth. 
"oh god.." i groan, my fingers leave his sides and dig into his hair.
this isn't the first time someone has played with the piercings but with him, its so much better.
he tugs and pulls at my other nipple and i'm so needy, i'm ready burst.
"chris." i pant. "please, chris."
letting my breast pop free, chris stands back to his full height. 
my hands reach for the string of his sweat shorts, undoing the knot and tugging them down. 
dark, tight briefs are all that stand between his cock and my hands and i tug those down too until his erection bobs free. 
of course it's perfect in every fucking way. 
my fingers wrap around his length, gliding up and down. chris' hand closes over mine and squeezes, forcing me to grip him tighter. 
freak ass. 
"take off your panties." he squeezes my hand once more before releasing his grip.
letting go of him, i shimmy out of my thong.
chris strokes himself while saying, "gimme a spin."
i smirk and slowly twirl around, making a show of it, moving my hips to the music that's still playing. 
"you're fucking perfect." then he's stepping to me, lifting me, and walking me to the bar in the corner of the room. the surface has bottles and glasses on it, so i'm half on the bar and afraid of sliding off in a heap of embarrassment. 
but then chris is using his hands to spread my thighs and when he steps between them, all thoughts other than him leave my body.
my hands grab ahold of the bottom of his shirt and pull until he chest is naked in front of me. 
at this point i'm beyond wet. i should be embarrassed considering the fact that he hasn't even touched my pussy yet, but the look on his face is pure hunger. 
he taps my thigh and lets out a command. "wider."
i press my thighs open further.
chris runs the tip of his dick up the length of my pussy. "please tell me you're on the pill."
red flags wave in my peripheral. i should stop this. i don't know him. there are worries beyond pregnancy. this man is a fucking stranger.
but instead of being smart, i nod. 
chris growls gripping the base of his cock lining it up with my more than ready entrance. the hand not on his dick runs up  my side, squeezing my breast, pinching my nipple then gripping the base of my neck. 
he presses his lips against mine while pressing into me. 
his tongue shoves into my mouth and i'm filled with him. 
all i can feel his him. 
all i can taste, all i can hear, all i can smell is chris. 
i was bracing for a quick thrust. but this... this is slow.
i arch. i writhe. i moan. 
with both hands on my ass now, chris pulls me forward, so i feel all of him. he picks up his speed. pulling out, slamming in. over and over. 
his hands are everywhere now, tugging on my piercings, gripping my ass, feeling all the skin he can. 
"chris!" i cry out, feeling my orgasm approaching. 
"that's it." he moans into my mouth.
and thumb presses on my clit and i jolt in surprise. 
"oh fuck-" my head falls back.
he circles my clit, faster and faster, pressing harder and harder. 
"eyes on me mama." he demands. my eyes flutter open and find his. "good girl." his fingers don't stop.
"i'm gonna cum."
"that's right ma. cum for me."
that was the last piece of the puzzle. 
i shatter around him, shaking and convulsing.
"yes, chris. fuck! thank you. oh my god thank you-"
i'm a mess. from one fucking orgasm. 
removing his hand from my clit, chris steps back and pulls out of me, my body arching towards his, trying to keep the contact. 
he lifts me off the bar and sets me down in front of him. my legs are like jelly so i'm relieved when i hear him say "on your knees, cleo."
that fucking name. he's just took me to mars so i guess he can know my government. "my names y/n."
a smile spreads across his face as he presses a kiss to my lips and slides his had to my jaw. "on your knees, y/n."
i comply, dropping down in front of him. he drags his thumb across my lips. "open up." my mouth opens wide and allowing him to guide his cock between my lips. 
i close my mouth around him, sucking his length and it's like all his self control flies away. 
he gathers my hair into a ponytail and presses in deeper. 
"i wanna fill you up." 
he pulls back and thrusts deeper into me until i feel him in the back of my throat. 
"i wanna watch my cum dripping out of that pretty pussy." 
"i wanna cum all over your piercings."
jesus fucking christ.
"but you gotta go back to work."
he pulls all the way out, letting me breathe.
"let me back in." he says 
i open my mouth and hes back, deep in my throat. "that's my good fucking girl." he groans out and throws his head back. 
i let out a moan at the praise and his whole body shakes. 
"fuuuuuuuck.." his grip on my hair tightens and he looks down at me. 
he picks up the speed of his thrusts and fucks my face with so much force i have to lean back and put my weight on my hands to stable myself. 
i feel him twitch in my mouth and he goes to pull back but i wrap my hand around the back of his thigh and move my lips to his tip, sucking. his eyes cross and his load shoots into my mouth.
chris pulls me up by the ponytail and brings my lips to his in a kiss. this one was softer, but just as passionate. 
pulling aways he says "you know i have to see you again right?" 
"i'd like that." i whisper. 
"good girl."
niyah speaks 2930 words dawg. sorry i've been MIA. me and my boyfriend broke up lol. but uhhh im backkkkk
taglist: @mattslolita @mattssluttygf @muwapsturniolo @chaossturns
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b0ther · 6 months
ain't even jealousy
you fucking hate the basketball team, but there's no one you hate more than aomine.
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pairing : aomine daiki x reader (feminine pronouns. afab) rating : explicit, not safe for work (sexual content) type : chaptered tags : aomine is a bully im not even kidding he is quite cruel, porn with PLOT, reader is besties with satsuki, reader also has a crush on imayoshi, reader also was wakamatsu's ex, hate sex, semi-public sex, manhandling, vaginal penetration, thigh fucking, semi-clothed sex, some slutshaming going on here, reader has big tits, slight dubcon. word count : 4,323
author's note : title from 'want u back' by cher lloyd. this is comissioned by a dear friend. hope you enjoy mwah. this first chapter (and whole fic im ngl) is centered around the onsen episode.
( masterlist │ ask/request │ ao3 )
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After a long and hard day at school, all that you ever really want to do is to quickly get to your part-time job and finish up your shift. Perhaps you can get some convenient store food after that, or go straight home to shower and rest.
Whatever it is that you daydreamed of, it wasn't this.
Satsuki calls out to you, her voice soft against the bristling wind with her lithe arms circle around yours as you try to walk away, dragging her body forcefully with you. She whines your name over and over again, over the beating speaker against your ears before you finally had enough, ripping your headphones off your head, turning to face her.
“Satsuki!” You try to sound stern, but you end up whining in the same tone that she used. You can only be so serious as a high school girl, after all.
Her pink strands fall against her face messily; you use your other hand to tuck them behind her ear as she elongates the way she enunciates your name and begs, begs, begs you to listen to her. “Please! Just—”
“Satsuki!” You groan, shaking her off your body. “I’m busy. I have a part-time job, I’m failing maths, I have club activities. I can’t just… ditch everything and go !”
“You can!” It’s like she was not listening to a single word that you uttered. “It’s a month away and on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday—which you can begin asking for a leave day starting today , they will definitely let you if you do it a month in advance!—and maths!? That’s easy! I’ll teach you!”
You slant your eyes at her, arms crossing on your chest. “Alright. What about my club activities?”
“You mean your journalist club? One that encourages their members to leave their comfort zone in order to bring back interesting stories? One that basically has a crush on the basketball team?”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, don’t be dramatic.”
She gasps. “Don’t you love me!?”
“Don’t do this to me…”
“If you love me at all, you wouldn’t even think twice about going with me. Imagine me, a girl, going alone on an all-boys’ trip to some secluded place—”
“You’re being dramatic—” You tried reiterating your point.
“I’m not!” She whines, even louder this time, attracting attention from all the other Touou students around you. “You literally have nothing to lose by coming along! Give me five reasons—five good reasons—and I will literally stop bothering you.”
You shake her off again, and this time, Satsuki lets go and stumbles back a couple of steps as the mischief on her eye continues to shimmer. You have never lost an argument to Satsuki—but there is a first for everything, and you have a feeling that you are going to break some personal records today.
“First,” you take a deep breath as you hold up a finger. “Aomine’s gonna be there—”
“Perfect!” Not giving you a chance to speak, she cuts you off, eyes glimmering like starlight. “You like him!”
She strikes a nerve with this one.
One of your eyes twitches as you cross your arms under your chest. The excited smile on her face fades in an instant, recognizing in an instant that something is wrong.
Recognizing in an instant that something she should have known about is wrong.
She blinks a couple of times, trying to use all that intelligence in her head to analyse the error in what she said (which turns out pretty useless—guess all that she is good for is basketball).
“Have you been paying attention at all?” You begin to blabber after letting out a huge gasp, arms waving around in the air. “We’ve been friends for years— years ! Since the first year of middle school, and you know nothing of  my strong, burning opinion of Aomine!? Flash news, Satsuki, it’s not love!”
“You—” She stammers, “You talk about him a lot!”
“I complain about him a lot!” You correct her, blowing out air in frustration, feeling somewhat betrayed that your best friend had just accused you of liking your archnemesis… your enemy… your… your rival.
The point is! You hate him!
You would rather live in a world without television and the internet and good music if it means that you will have to never hear him say another word.
You shiver in annoyance.
Just saying his name irks the hell out of you. Imagining his face causes a feeling close to that of an explosion in your chest. You just wanna grab him by his face and shove him down a flight of stairs.
You cannot even count all the shitty things he did to you in high school: revealing your crush on Nijimura Shuuzou not just to the then-basketball team captain, but the entire student body; tripping you in the cafeteria multiple times; stealing your undergarments during P.E. and commenting crassly about how you were two sizes under his favourite adult model. Granted, you never told Satsuki about the last thing. That shit was just too embarrassing—you were glad that no one else was in the room when he threw your bra back at you.
Still, your frustration remains at her. Jogging down memory lane boils your wrath, and you close your eyes to calm yourself down.
He’s just a bully.
A damned bully.
And you would be damned if you are going to willingly spend your weekends in the same vicinity as him.
“Well… Dai-chan likes you!”
You roll your eyes.
Yeah, right.
You would agree if she had claimed that he found you attractive, or he thinks you’re hot. But liking you? Highly improbable—impossible, even.
Aomine Daiki does not seem like he is capable of feeling any emotion aside from boredom and mischief. The only thing he loves, or even likes, is probably his beloved Aya-chan from his gravure magazines.
You’re not even sure if he still likes basketball.
Which is a shame—seeing someone so tall gradually shrinking to the size of nothing, even if you despise the guy, the whole ordeal with whatever-the-fuck Satsuki’s basketball team went through still managed to extract some sympathy from the bottom of your heart. You’ve been paying attention to Aomine, after all, albeit not under any positive light.
“Whatever,” from past experiences, you know better than to argue against Satsuki. “I don’t care anymore. And you know what? Aomine himself and your blatant disregard of your best friend’s feelings—me!—should be enough to fit all five criterias!”
You know that look in her eyes, the way her lips press against each other and how one of her hands is clenched into a fist. 
“I’ve been friends with him for 16 years, (Y/N),” she bumps her fist against her chest in pride. “Best friends, even! I know him better than you do!”
You scoff. “People who like someone don’t bully them, Satsuki. Open your eyes.”
“He isn’t bullying you!” She groans.
“Oh, so now not only are you attempting to kidnap me, but you’re also defending my bully?”
“Argh!” Satsuki hugs your arm again, earning her a groan from you. She calls out your name again, enunciating each and every syllable. “ Pleeeaaaaseeee? You don’t have to pay a single dime! You don’t even have to see Dai-chan if you want to. Imayoshi-san will be there—you like him, right?”
You slant your eyes at her in suspicion, not buying anything she just told you. You just know that you will have to see Aomine sooner or later if you come with her to the onsen. 
“No man is ever worth that much headache, Satsuki.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, still shaking you ferociously. “But it’s Imayoshi-san!”
You decided to come along. Because of course you did.
It’s either that, or Satsuki pestering you for the rest of the month, bringing either Imayoshi or Aomine or whoever she thinks will get your attention.
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And Imayoshi Shouichi? Sure. He’s hot as hell.
But is he worth dealing with Aomine?
You like to think not.
Satsuki dragged you along to a basketball team meeting—the one that would be discussing the practice trip and the whole onsen ordeal.
It wasn’t like you needed to be there at all. You know just a little more than the average person about basketball. All that you were preparing for the onsen was your clothes and deciding whether it’s you or Satsuki who should be bringing her hairdryer.
“Why me?” You said, crossing your arms when the attention of the entire basketball team was redirected towards you, and Imayoshi laughed. The only problem they were facing was convincing Aomine to come along.
And you were happy with not being the babysitter. You were happy with twiddling your skirt as you sat on the edge of the stage of the hall, scrolling down your social media timeline as the team argued on how to get that blue-haired freak into coming.
That was until Satsuki ruined your afternoon by offering up your name.
To your surprise, everyone in the team seemingly agreed almost immediately to offer you as a sacrificial lamb to feed Aomine’s ego and coax him to at least come to the trip.
“He likes you,” Wakamatsu scoffed when you asked why, and you glared at him, but said nothing. Out of respect, you guess, to the upperclassman. It’s not like you respect him, though. You’re on bad terms with a lot of the basketball team, but no matter your disagreements with Wakamatsu, you will never dislike him the way you loathe Aomine.
“He does have a soft spot for you,” Imaoyshi mused as he flashed you a smile—and lord , you cannot say no to Imayoshi. Especially when he’s being so nice.
You saw Satsuki smirking from the corner of your eyes and internally cursed her.
That was how you found yourself climbing the ladder leading to the rooftop. 
And that was how you found Aomine with one hand between his backpack and head, and the other holding an obscene magazine.
He doesn’t even spare you a single glance—probably thought you were another manager or even worse: Satsuki again. But the moment you open your mouth to call out to him, his head snaps in your direction, an eyebrow raised in amusement as he pushes himself to rest his body against his elbows.
“What are you doing here?”
You try not to let your rage spill. You try to keep the boiling water down. You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and continue to climb the ladder before approaching him.
Think rational, you think to yourself, he hadn’t even said anything yet.
“The Captain wants to see you,” you manage to say between your gritted teeth, staring down at him before looking away. Imayoshi didn’t ask you to make Aomine see him, but Aomine probably respects Imayoshi more than you, so you try to throw him under the bus just to get out of the situation quicker.
“Imayoshi-san?” He frowns before repeating his initial question: “What the fuck are you doing here?”
I want to punch him.
“You own this roof or something?”
“Calm down,” he scoffs, tilting his head before eyeing your body up and down. You shift your weight into your other leg, ignoring the uneasy feeling on the pit of your stomach. “I just wanted to know.”
Sighing, you glance up at the sunny sky, sweat starting to form on the base of your neck and you are dying to leave at that very moment. You shelter your eyes from the sunlight, despite finding it more appealing than Aomine’s face.
“We’re discussing the practice trip thing—whatever, and also the onsen trip,” you lazily explain, not bothering to hide your disinterest. “Imayoshi-senpai wants you to be present for the meeting. Obviously.”
You cannot fathom the fact that you were explaining his basic responsibilities as a club member to him. What a fucking child.
“You coming with us?”
His focus seems to be misplaced, and you glare at the sky, imagining it was his stupid face.
“I’m going with Satsuki,” you correct, still not willing to look at him. “I don’t give two shits about you or the basketball team.”
“Hey,” he sits up, wrapping his fingers around your wrist before tugging your body towards him. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
You scoff, finally letting your gazes meet before pulling your hand away. “Fuck off.”
He, in fact, does not fuck off.
Aomine pulls on your wrist again, this time hard enough for you to lose your balance and fall, your knees landing on the coarse floor as the bottom of your skirt rides up your thighs. The skin of your knees scraping against the gravelled surface and you curse, jerking your hand away only to immediately shove his shoulder.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” You shriek, annoyed at how he remains unmoving even as you push him again.
He towers you, even when sitting, and keeps his eyes peering down at you.
Maybe it’s the heat that day; summer has just ended, but even the soft Autumn breeze cannot conceal the searing flare creeping up the skin of your cheeks. Aomine slants his eyes and grabs your wrist yet again—you weren’t quick enough to retract away from his athletic instincts, and so, you fall again when he pulls you in closer.
You hiss in pain as your knees drag more against the floor, desperate to find your balance only to grab on his shoulders.
“Hey,” He calls out to you, a lame attempt for your attention. “Look,” he says again, and your dumb ass looks.
He grabs the magazine on his lap and tautens the pages together, showing you the spread where he left off before you interrupted his peaceful afternoon. “(Y/N), remember Aya-chan?”
The girl that ruined your life?
How can you forget?
You cannot hide the distaste in your eyes as your eyes scan her beautiful, black hair falling against the sheer material of her white uniform top. The black lace bra she was wearing underneath is apparent as she pushes her two tits against each other, legs spread to reveal an equally seductive pattern on her panties.
Before you even realise, Aomine’s arm begins to wrap itself around your waist as he holds you up, fingers creeping up the side of your torso, tracing invisible lines before resting on one of your breasts. Your stomach begins to churn in excitement, embarrassingly enough, and you press your legs instinctively when the muscle between your thighs tighten as he continues fondling you.
You circle your arm around his neck under the pretence of keeping your balance.
“Mhmm…” He clicks his tongue, resting his face on the side of your upper arm—his nose touching the side of your tit as his hand palms your other one. “I feel like you’re no longer two sizes under Aya-chan. Maybe a size under? Maybe the same size?”
You grit your teeth. “You talk big. Have you ever seen her outside your magazine? She probably edits her photos.”
He grins, gaze shifting to drink in your frustration. “No, but you’re real, and I’m groping you right now. Isn’t that better?”
“Better than your pretty Aya-chan?”
Aomine raises an eyebrow, humming knowingly. You can’t even believe the word escaping your mouth.
“You have a cute side to you after all,” He muses after a short, mocking whistle. “What do you want me to say? Want me to tell you how much better you are than her?”
“Want you to shut the fuck up.”
“Calm down, tiger.” He laughs, pulling away from your arm. He tosses the magazine to the side, straightening his back to press a short kiss to the peak of your cheekbone. His hand begins to work; he slowly kneads your breast while continuously trailing kisses down to your ears. Your nipples brush against the fabric of your damned lace bra, and he stops for a moment only to tug on where your bud is protruding.
A whimper leaves your mouth.
“Excited are we?” He whispers, voice dropping lower as he presses his lips against your ears. “I like hearing you like that.”
“Shut up,” you run out of words, turning your head to the other side, exposing your neck to him. Which turns out to be a bad idea, as he takes it as a sign to sweep his tongue over the skin of your neck.
“God,” he chuckles. “Who would’ve guessed that you can be this sexy?”
He pulls away from your neck, and drags his hand from your tits to rub against your torso, feeling the material of your uniform. He presses one hand on the small of your back, pressing his forehead against yours. In a swift motion, he pulls on your body, drawing out a squeak as he lays you down against the concrete floor.
“What if…” he trails, rubbing a thumb under your eye as he hovers over rested body. Your cheeks sear with heat, alongside your chest and the pulsating on your cunt. “...I just fuck you right here?”
“W-what?” You whimper.
He laughs. “I’m hard as hell. You made me this way.”
“You were the one groping my tits!”
“You liked it,” he shrugs, pushing himself off of you, forcing both your legs open as he moves between them. His fingers begin to unbutton your uniform, unravelling the bra you are wearing underneath. Sucking in a deep breath, he stops midway down your torso, and without taking his eyes off your chest, he asks, “Want me to stop?”
Your cheeks flare, and you don’t answer him. You don;t even look at him.
He takes a quick glance at your expression.
“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.”
A wide smirk forms on his face, fingers continuing to unbutton your uniform all the way down.
“Do me a favour and get up for a bit,” he murmurs, pressing one of his hands against your back once again to get you to sit up. The feeling of his palm against your bare skin sends you to shivers, coupled with the soft wind whistling between the two of you.
“What’re you—”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his fingers fumble with the hook of your bra. It took him two wrong moves before getting it right with the third—the fabric loosens around your body, and you pull him closer to conceal your humiliated expression.
“See,” Aomine chuckles after some awkward motion, tossing your stupid bra to the side when he finally gets it off. “You’re so pretty like this.”
“Shut up,” you groan, nails digging into his skin deeper and deeper.
He pulls himself away from your grip, taking a nice hold on your torso to pull your ass up his lap, letting you fall against the hard floor again.
“Goddamn,” he mutters, roaming his touches against your legs. His eyes cannot leave the heaves of your jugs.
“Stop fucking staring,” your hiss, trying to pull your uniform together, hiding your chest away from him.
Aomine scoffs, using one hand to unbuckle his pants. Your eyes travelled from his face to the loose button on his collar to the wet stain on the grey briefs around his hips to the bulge underneath them.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
He tilts his head at your question, furrowing his eyebrows as he takes his cock out from under his briefs. “Fucking you?”
The precum leaks from the tip of his cock, little drops of white strings rolling down his length. He pulls your hips closer to his body and presses it flat against your soaked panties.
He groans at the contact. Your warm slick welcomes him entirely as he presses more against the fabric, rubbing his tip along the length of your pussy.
“S’that feel good?” He whispers, hastily hooking his fingers on your panties, pulling it up your legs, then tossing it to go with your bra. He presses his arm on the side of your head, leaning into you again.
“Don’t put it in,” you whine, trying to hold back your hips from rolling. “You’re gonna get me pregnant.”
“You can’t say shit like that,” he groans against your neck. He positions the tip of his cock against your cunt, and even with your sopping lips, you aren’t sure if you are ready to accommodate his size at all. 
“You don’t want to be a teen dad,” you bite your lower lip, hand going to rub his neck.
“I wanna fuck you, though,” he breathes, using his thumb to run along your wet slit. “Wanna fuck you raw, wanna cum inside’a you.”
You tremble with his words, feeling two of his fingers now circling your pussy. “D— don’t be stupid.”
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he whispers, making your cunt wish it has something to tighten around. “D’you know how long I’ve been wanting to get you like this?”
He pushes himself off of you, and holds your wounded knees as he watches your chest heaves, heavy tits rolling with every staggered breath. He flips your skirt over, exposing even more of your cunt to the chill.
He rubs his length against your slick, his tip now pushing against your swelling clit. “I’d jack off and wonder if you were tighter than my fist,” he wraps his cock with his hand and places it again on your entrance, pushing in a slow, deliberate motion.
Between your drooping eyelids, you saw him inaudibly mutter a curse.
“Used to wanna fight Wakamatsu ‘cus he’d stuff this pussy all he wanted. Right?” He scoffs with a stupid, satisfied smile that you wish you could wipe off his face. “Shame that you broke it off, huh? Did he dump you when he realised how much of a whore you are?”
“Shut up…”
“Well, I don’t care. More fun for me.”
“Who else have you fucked in the basketball team?” He grunts. “In Touou?”
“Shut— shut the…”
You slap the back of your hand against your mouth—not willing at all to let him hear you be satisfied with his size—biting down on the flesh as he pushes his cock in. All of his cock in.
His cock is dragging against your wall, kissing every possible inch of your insides. Your hole continues to burn as he stretches you wide open, draining every last bit of energy from inside of you.
“ F-fuck…”
Your hand goes to fondle your own tit, rolling your hard nipple between your fingers, sloppily trying to garner more and more pleasure. His dick fills you more and more, stuffing you full, before finally stopping.
“Don’t act all reserved now,” he raises an eyebrow as you mewl out his name. He stays still for a moment, a bud of sweat rolling down his temple before pulling out of your homey cunt. “You don’t have to lie.”
Aomine bites his lips, letting his cock rest between your pussy lips. He sees the way they engulf his dick, moving his hips to rub against your core.
“Letting me fuck you on the school rooftop,” he murmurs, “where’s your fucking self-respect? Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t your first time getting dicked down up here.”
Your eyes slant up at him, but he quickly shuts down any of your retaliation by pressing his thumb flat against your clit, slowly circling the nub. Your teeth press down hard on your bottom lips.
“We aren’t— we are not …” You babble, putting a thumb between your teeth to stop yourself from moaning, “...having sex.”
He scoffs, drinking in how your eyes roll with your head turned to the side.
“I was inside you just a moment ago.”
Filthy noise of his cock squelching against your cunt filled the air—if someone were to come after you, they would hear Aomine’s dick fucking your pussy lips.
“Fuck,”Aomine spits, pressing your legs tightly against each other then down on your lips.
“A-ah,” You gasp as he drills into your thighs, the tip of his cock rubbing quick and hard against your swollen clit. “Oh my God—”
“Are you cummin’?” He breathes, one hand reaching to roll your tit on his hand. “Fuck, baby,” he murmurs, and you whine at the nickname. He snickers, “You’re so sexy like this, y’know that?”
Your back arches, little whimpers of encouragement swallow your pride whole as you fall completely into him. Aomine grunts at the expression, seeing the lewd expression on your face. He picks up the pace, slamming his hips against your ass.
“M’gonna cum,” he hisses. “Fuck. Wish I could shoot my load into your tight little cunt.”
“Fuck it,” you manage to spit between your groans, “F-fuck it. Just— oh God, just don’t stop—”
Your words rile him up even more—he tightens his grip on your leg, his fingers bruising your fragile skin. Your head begins to spin. Your slam your fists against the ground and your mind numbing orgasm comes the moment strings of Aomine’s thick, white cum comes flying down your skirt and stomach.
“Shit,” he loosens the grip on your legs, letting them fall even with your still convulsing ass and core. His gaze stays on the tip of his dick, the white cum oozing from it, then to your face—your parted lips, dumb eyes, and the sweat dripping down the side of your head down your neck.
He feels himself getting harder as he watches your plump lips whine, wondering how they would wrap around his thick length, if the colour of your lipstick would stain the veins of his cock.
“You coming to the onsen trip?” Aomine tries to distract himself.
You roll over, blindly reaching out for the bra that he tossed God knows where.
“Fuck you.”
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fellow + gidel ssr time fellas
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(This bastard took an entire soft pity :(( but hey, I got a Dorm Uniform Jade dupe and finally FINALLY my first Dorm Uniform Floyd on the way, so I ain't too pressed about it.) RISE UP FELLOWIVES NOW’S YOUR TIME
***Character profile, voice lines, Groovy, and vignette spoilers below the cut!!***
First off! His official profile, coffin, and candy (Fox Candy):
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(School) Grade/Class: None
Birthday: May 17 (Taurus)
Age: 26
Height: 181 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Hometown: ???
Club: None
Best Subject: Mathematics (specifically Arithmetic)
Hobby: Watching theater
Dislikes: Saving money
Favorite Food: Apples
Least Favorite Food: Potatoes
Special Skill: Sewing
We finally get confirmation of Fellow’s age! (He had previously said in Playful Land that he was 20-something.)
I love that Fellow’s best subject is math Deuce is jealous/j; it makes so much sense given that his inspiration, Honest John (and Fellow himself) aren’t good at reading. It’s that whole “kids are either good at math or English” stereotype. In Japanese, the phrase 算数 is used. 算数 refers to arithmetic, or very basic math taught in elementary school (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing). That specific phrase explains Fellow’s elementary level of understanding. His dislike being saving money is also related to numbers; he spends the money he has right away to get by in the moment. Fellow doesn’t really have the skill or the luxury of financial planning, he has to focus on the here and now, looking out for both himself and Gidel.
OMG, his favorite and least favorite foods???? 😭 Playful Land has apple (core) flavored candies and popcorn… and again, this is a reference to Honest John and Pinocchio’s first encounter! He takes the kid’s apple and eats it, lol cnsvwiwguwkw Potatoes being his disliked food… Maybe it’s because it’s the “poor” man’s vegetable? Because potatoes are so versatile, keep for a long time, and are filling because of the starch content, Fellow might resort to eating them a lot, so perhaps as a result he got sick of the taste.
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What I find most interesting about Fellow’s profile are his listed hobby and special skill. He largely comes off as despicable and a slimy scammer (which he is, don’t get me wrong), but we can see different sides to him in these details—both the inner child that had his dreams trampled but remains hopeful about the future and the big brother figure/guardian to a child. Gidel is actually formally referred to in Fellow’s profile as his (non-blood related) brother, which made my heart melt 🥺 TWST must know I have a thing for beastmen who act shitty but are actually excellent mentors to the children/j
Fellow enjoys watching theater. It’s a way of transporting you away temporarily to new worlds with crazy stories and emotional performances. When words aren’t enough, you sing. And when singing isn’t enough, you dance. It’s an area that’s so full of life and joy, at least from the audience’s perspective. I’m thinking that watching theater must have been a form of escapism for Fellow, especially with how accessible it is (think of like street performances). Watching theater might also serve a dual purpose of teaching Fellow how to come across as amicable and friendly, which says a LOT about his character. He’s resourceful and able to learn from unconventional sources, then is able to apply those skills to real world situations.
Fellow’s special skill being sewing is surprisingly very cute! If you’ve taken one look at his and Gidel’s designs, we may have already spotted some of his handiwork. There’s mismatched fabric patches on their clothes!! The stitches look so clean too. The patterns not matching is probably because Fellow just used whatever scraps he was able to get his hands on, but I also like to imagine that he tried to make the best of the situation by incorporating the mismatched fabrics in a fun way (like the diamonds in his pants).
Next, can we talk about the composition of that GROOVY????
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It’s another reference to the same Pinocchio scene! Fellow’s holding his book like Honest John did and it looks like he’s trying to teach Gidel the alphabet from words scratched on the sidewalk. Notice how the C is written backwards too 😂 He even wears glasses like when Honest John was trying hard to act like an intellectual.
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And Gidel!!! Pencil and pad of paper in hand, he looks so interested to learn (something which was hinted at in Playful Land). Gideon in the film is also shown with a pen and pad of paper, scribbling down nonsense as Fellow pretends to diagnose Pinocchio.
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Gidel glances up at Fellow with an expression of admiration. I love how wholesome their relationship is depicted as, it leaves a warm feeling in the heart.
The framing of this Groovy is very interesting. We have Fellow to our left—a direction has historically been associated with evil (in Italian, the word for left is even sinistra, as if to imply something sinister) and in the darkness. Gidel is the one to our right and in the light. It presents Fellow to us as someone who has given up on his dreams—but not completely, since we see some light touching his hat, gloves, and highest features + he is currently teaching Gidel and still has dreams of opening his own school. Gidel is shown in the light because he’s still a naive child that doesn’t understand how the world works. His dreams haven’t been destroyed yet, and there’s hope for him to have a better life since Fellow is looking after him and instructing him.
CHECK THIS OUT, GIDEL FOLLOWS FELLOW TO CLASS LIKE MARY'S LAMB OR SOMETHING????? Gidel pops out from under the desk or out of/behind Fellow's cape! Gidel also joins Fellow on the homescreen.
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Some of Fellow's expressions are so priceless... For example, look at him in Flight! There's an unsure face and a little bead of sweat. (He makes a lot of pathetic accompanying sounds too, lol) Flying takes magic, so he's probably not confident or powerful enough to maintain flight for long stretches of time--though when he does nail it, he looks ultra smug.
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How uncool, Fellow-san...
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His attack sprites are very similar/identical to what we saw in Playful Land--Fellow's just playing for the opposite team now.
Gidel hops into battle to assist, so I guess they count as the first two-character card. It's been a while since I've seen these animations, but I think I can appreciate them a lot more now. I'm noticing new little things like how Fellow adds a bunch of showmanship into his attack, little flashy flourishes and even presenting Gidel with his arms splayed, as if welcoming a star to the spotlight. The attention to detail really is crazy for these.
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If you want to read his voice lines in full, you can find an excellent fan translation of them here! I'll just be remarking on things I noticed while combing through the voice lines myself:
First off: bro calls himself Fellow Hones-SAMA???????? OKAY, KING 😭 Love that confidence you got goin' on there...
bifabsiyofbefe Love how he just reads a textbook and then flat-out admits he has no clue what the heck it's saying. Hey, honesty is a virtue.
Ace 💀 He has the balls to play a prank on an adult... I kind of want to know what the prank was, but at the same time I feel like I should be shaking my head and telling him off for doing it in the first place. I do appreciate that Ace being shitty brought out Fellow's true personality there for a second though, I live for it when Fellow gets real steamed and starts shouting that the NRC students are brats or that they should drop out if they have no motivation in school.
The way Fellow automatically clocked that Kalim is way too trusting and would surely be in danger even if he wasn't the one to come for him... Fellow, watch your back. Jamill WILL come for your sketchy ass for what you did back then.
I didn't find anything super interesting in Fellow's comments about Ortho, but I do think it reveals that there is value in him coming to school. It's only at NRC where Fellow can see such a curious thing like Ortho, and that speaks to the value of really going out there and being exposed to different things. That's part of Lilia's own growth arc too, and a large part of why he now spreads that same rhetoric.
Fellow remarks that Ramshackle is "pretty sweet", which means one of two things: either this is the refurbished post-book 6 dorm OR it's still the shabby pre-book 6 dorm, but since Fellow and Gidel have never really had their own stable housing, even run-down old Ramshackle seems like a massive upgrade.
Fellow and Gidel must have been so happy to see that lunch at NRC is free and served buffet style (so there's no limits to how much you can take). On top of that, they got dead chefs from 5 star restaurants staffing the kitchen! Those two really hit the jackpot, I hope they eat well.
AVUSDGVUADOVIAISDBIDAS THE DIALOGUE IMPLYING FELLOW CASUALLY BYPASSED THE SCHOOL'S BARRIER AND OTHER SECURITY MEASURES... So Chenya-core of him, really. Fellow may not have magical might, but he's seriously street smart to have found a way in like he has.
Small detail but I appreciate how Fellow has lines which call attention to Gidel. It doesn't just remind us that Gidel is there too, but it also demonstrates to us that Fellow actively tries to include him in the conversation despite Gidel's muteness (a condition which may lead others to outright ignoring him or talking down to him).
LAST THING (though it's not in MysteryShopTL's linked post): in his birthday greeting to the player, Fellow says that both you and him don't have talent for magic, so you should get along. I didn't think the game would acknowledge the player and Fellow's similarity in that sense, so it was very nice to be proven wrong.
And to finish off this post (which ended up being way more massive than I thought it would be), a quick summary of the vignettes!! If you want to read them in full, please check out MysteryShopTLs’ post!
In vignette 1, Fellow and Gidel are putting on a street performance in Silk City. Fellow collects fees from the onlookers and then tries to milk more out of them by spinning a story about how Gidel is a puppet that can walk without strings. Buuut Gidel moves like a normal living being and sneezes, which ruins the ruse and leads to the crowd getting mad at them. The duo run off, but Fellow reveals that while the locals were looking at Gidel, he used magic to steal some of their precious metals and jewelry. In the next vignette, Fellow and Gidel have moved on to Fairest City. It's said that they live a nomadic lifestyle and hop from place to place, never staying for too long in any one location because word of their scams may spread and cause a situation where they cannot reasonably make money through their lies. (Cute detail: Fellow listens to Gidel's suggestions on where they should go next and even praises Gidel's smarts.) This time Fellow's trying to auction off a magestone that he claims will allow anyone who holds it to use magic. The people of Fairest City don't believe him and give him the cold shoulder, which upsets Fellow (since he really hates it when others look down on him). He ends up using his UM to get his audience to be more pliant and manages to sell the magestone for a pretty penny. At the end of this vignette, Fellow drops a line about how he and Gidel are so free, how they can do whatever they want since they have nothing holding them back. I really love that thought~
The setting is Sunrise City! Fellow and Gidel are being chased off by an angry person they tried to rob. It looks like they're unsuccessful today and will be going hungry. Gidel tries opening a random can of OIL in search of food, so Fellow scolds him and tells him to leave it be. Apparently Gidel does this a lot when he's hungry (just grabbing random shit and trying to eat it), even though Fellow has tried teaching him how to read. THIS IS WHAT THE CONTEXT OF THE GROOVY IS, FELLOW SQUATS DOWN (like we literally see his 2D model lowering) AND DRAWS IT ON THE GROUND FOR GIDEL TO SEE. O is for orange, I is for ice-cream, and L is for laugh. Fellow realizes that L is the only non-food word, but he couldn't come up with anything else. I wonder if like... this is some common game they do to distract from hunger. They have to imagine the food they could have but can't. And L being "laugh"? That can't be a coincidence. Fellow could have used any other L word as an example, even if he couldn't come up with a food that starts with L. It makes me think he picked "laugh" on purpose in an effort to lift Gidel's spirits and to try and distract from their circumstances.
Aaaah, as I was saying! Fellow gets upset that he doesn't know as much as your average 26-year old would since he never went to school. Gidel seems to sense his frustrations and reassures him with a pat, which reenergizes Fellow. He says he'll try to find some food, so Gidel should focus on making a fire. While gathering wood to burn, they come across a job posting by a shady rich man that Fellow and Gidel supposedly did another job for in the past. Fellow suggests that they check out the job and if they don't like it then they can leave. ADSKJBBSLDIADBLUBAB These are the events leading up to Playful Land... meaning that Fellow’s showmanship is wasn’t something he developed at the amusement park, but as a general coping and survival mechanism to get by day-to-day.
I uh. May or may not have cried a little at Fellow and Gidel's really wholesome interaction 😭 I MEAN YEAH OF COURSE I'M A SUCKER FOR BIG BROTHER CHARACTERS (and we certainly see that in how Fellow scolds Gidel and looks out for his wellbeing, both in the vignettes and in Playful Land) but also???????? ? ? ? ? ?? ?????? ? ? ? ?? I love Love LOVE how Gidel is shown to be supportive of Fellow as well. Fellow as the older person, the adult, and the able-bodied one of the duo is pulling most of the weight when it comes to getting resources and handling communication. However, Gidel plays an important role in their dynamic as well. He's the heart and the emotional support that Fellow needs when he's down in the dumps and being hard on himself. Gidel not only serves as a "reason" for Fellow to work hard (to support a child), but he also gives Fellow motivation and hope that tomorrow can be another day. YOU CAN REALLY TELL HOW MUCH THESE TWO CARE AND LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER OTL
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sugurizz · 1 year
(SMUT/NSFW +18 - Minors DNI!)
𑣿 DJ! Choso who's animating the party you're attending. He's constantly focused on his set, barely minding the simmering crowds surrounding him. All the merged noises, laughs, loud voices and endless flashing lights seem to do little to phase him. Baggy yet enticing eyes only glued to the equipement under him, his skilled fingers push and pull on the different keys and buttons, making the perfect combinations of the newest hits, and driving the crowds crazier by the minute.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who you couldn't quite dart your glance away from. He was the calmest yet most charming, silent yet most graceful of all people who were around you.
And mayhaps it was just your imagination, or your bored self being already mentally checked out of the party, and wanting just to have a heated moment with him all on your own. But you could've sworn his dark irises often locked with yours, in less than a random way.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who has just finished animating his part of the night, briefly thanking the crowd and wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the night before making his way out of your sight.
and it was rather time for you to leave too. You felt quite dazed by the whole ambiance, having some growing headaches along the way. You looked for your jacket and put your handbag on, exiting the club in your glamorous dress and glittery makeup.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who was dressed in his teddy black hoodie. his meaty fingers wrapped around a freshly lit cigarette, eyes looking into the dim roadlights. You run into him just stepping out the building, making your glances lock for another time, only a bit longer, and deeper.
He took a final puff from his cigarette before stomping the flame down, letting a deep 'Hey' escape his lips.
You snapped out of it, just realizing you may have stared a bit too long. And thus you pushed a shy 'Hey' as well, almost dying of embarassment.
'Pretty'. He said as he inched closer, eyes boldly brushing over your thick thighs and puffy breasts, hugged by the fabric of your tiny dress.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who has you chilling in the back of his mc Laren, his arms wrapped tight around your waist seemed to distract you from your warm, cosy conversation. Though you weren't even complaining, his deep tone had your kitty throb, and the irresistible smokey scent of his clothes made you feel even more vulnerable.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who's suckling on your neck, squeezing the flesh of your butt into his large palms. Your poor dress is fully undone, nipples almost spilling from your collar and clavicles already sore from his plump lips on your skin.
'mmh...Sorry for leaving hickeys, 's bad habit of mine...'
you could feel how sticky your thong got. And his leg fevershly rubbing your pussy lips wasn't exacty helping, having you choke on your moans.
He unclasped your bra and fondled your breasts, tugging on your nips and nibbling till they're sore and raw. He leaned back against the backseat and folded his arms behind his head
'Wanna ride me?' A lazy smirk curled his lips upwards, staring adoringly at the way you struggled to balance yourself on top of him.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who's bouncing you up and down his big cock, his knitted brows and gritted teeth somehow made him even hotter. You fucked your little pussy on his dick till you almost passed out, hearing an adorable chuckle with a 'Aww, pretty babe's tired ain't she?'
He gripped your asscheeks tight and took full charge, thrusting inside you at the pace of someone who hated your guts.
'Ahh, Chosoo! I-I can't a-anymore! fuck!'
'Shhh...you're a big girl now arent'cha? know you can take me...Trust me'
He hugged you and pushed in deeper, his groans vibrated against your neck as you braced your pretty acrylic nails on his large chest with all power you had left.
'Aww poor babe, cock feels so damn good doesn't it, huh?'
𑣿 DJ! Choso who has you seeing stars, screaming your head out as you squirted on his abs.
'Come on, gorgeous, make a mess for me. cum till you cry on this cock.'
He pulled you in for the sloppiest kiss, whispering how proud he is of you cumming so good for him. You could barely string a few words together. Braindead from how good he fucked your tiny pussy.
𑣿 DJ! Choso who drove you back to your place and softly layed you on your bed...
.. You woke up the next day realizing that he kept your soiled thong as a little souvenir, leaving you a handwritten note with his number on in exchange..
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weebsinstash · 5 months
I want yandere Alastor being the biggest fucking hypocrite on the block and getting painfully humbled by reality so fucking bad you don't understand
I want a story where you stumble into becoming his friend with benefits, become the person who gets him interested in sex as a physical activity, and then one day you ask him "hey, what are we?" And his response being ABSOLUTELY RUDE AS HELL, albeit unintentionally, and you immediately cut him off from sex because his reply was basically the equivalent of "you're fun to sleep with, but the rest of you? No :)" (and also maybe he didn't even fully mean it, maybe he only partially meant it but he can tell he's forming some kind of new emotion for you and he doesn't want that to become a point of weakness for him so he's pushing you away but once you're actually gone he wants you back more than ANYTHING--)
I want yandere Alastor who laughs in your face if you nervously ask him if you're his girlfriend or something but then when you show up around town with another man less than a week later and he sees how easily you REPLACED HIM, he's just absolutely losing his mind. What do you MEAN you were still sleeping with other men this whole time?!?! The Radio Demon was getting SLOPPY SECONDS??? WHY would you let these-these disgusting bastards DEGRADE YOU-- meanwhile you and him could've been having like hardcore bdsm sex with actual degradation or some semi respectful form of it and he's STILL over here "B B BUT THESE MEN PROBABLY DONT EVEN RESPECT YOU--" and neither did you, you laughed in my fucking face you bitch!!!
yandere Alastor just having to sit and have a fulllll glass of whiskey and ruminate on his thoughts as he tries to come to terms with these sudden EXTREMELY POSSESSIVE feelings and urges he has. What do you MEAN he wasn't providing anything for you that you couldn't get somewhere else AND BETTER AND ALREADY HAVE BEEN? what do you MEAN you're making gifts for and going out and having actual fun dates with some of these men? What do you fucking MEAN YOU'RE 'ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH SOMEONE ELSE NOW' AND WOULDN'T SLEEP WITH ALASTOR EVEN IF HE APOLOGIZED BECAUSE YOU REALLY LIKE THIS GUY--
Alastor hardcore coping, trying not to think about you at all, telling himself he just needs time and this'll all blow over and he wont even think about you anymore, and eventually finds his feet carrying him to your favorite jazz club that he would take you to, AND YOU'RE ALREADY THERE WITH ANOTHER MAN. Now THIS is what causes Alastor to finally have a public episode. No, some RANDO can't come with you HERE, this is YOUR place, OUR place, it's special, it's for Alastor and you ONLY!! basically turns him into a little kid stomping his foot going no no no that's MINE!!!
This narcissistic ass man really ain't shit, over here responding to your actually extremely valid question of "what are we?" because you were actually trying to respectfully ask him if there were any certain boundaries or if you were now exclusive, and he hits you with some deflective dehumanizing diversion like "what makes you think I would have THOSE kinds of feelings about YOU?" until he's painfully aware you're sleeping with another man, kissing another man, making hot meals for another man, holding his hand tenderly as you take a leisurely stroll, GOD FORBID HE CATCHES WIND OF ANY MARRIAGE TALK, HE WILL FUCKING L O S E IT
Juat the idea of him being so close to having what he wants - your body, heart, AND mind- and he fucks it up big time and ruins your relationship and self esteem so badly. He tries to pretend that he doesn't need your attention and/or affection but the second he doesn't have EITHER, he's a jealous mess trying to literally one-up whomever you're with, show off, impress you, usually digging his hole even deeper. Alastor becoming more unpredictable over time, literally losing sleep over you, absolutely CONVINCED 500% that all of these, shall we say, "more modern men" that you're choosing are not even worth the dirt in the treads of your shoes.
Just twirling my hair kicking my feet thinking bout yandere Alastor, becoming dead-set on genuinely and fully believing he has to save you not just from these men, but also yourself. Oh honey, he's so sorry, CLEARLY this is his fault for not watching over you better. He already knew you were... delicate and naive, but here you are, running around letting these men treat you like some kind of object just because you need what you perceive as acceptance and validation. It almost breaks his heart, truly, but don't worry darlin'! He's a southern gentleman and, SURELY he can turn up the charm and make it clear to you that you MISUNDERSTOOD HIM, right? :) You're going to GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE, right? :)
genuinely, i feel like this man is more likely to try and gaslight you into believing you completely misinterpreted what he said instead of just apologizing let alone ADMITTING that he himself didn't communicate jack shit about shit, wasn't honest or up front about his feelings, and may have even be intentionally cruel to you in a moment of weakness to try and keep his own insecurities at bay, but then is fully capable of convincing, some may even say BRAINWASHING you into believing, oh sweetie, if these DEGENERATE DELIQUENTS somehow convinced you that your best friend and future husband is somehow your enemy, then, CLEARLY he hasn't been keeping you close enough to properly care for you and help you keep a clear head, has he? guess it's a good thing both of you are Sinners and he has NOTHING but time to show you EXACTLY what his intentions are. So, dear doe, which do you like the sound of more: a spring wedding, or a summer wedding, or maaaaaybe you two could even get hitched during some lovely acid rain so your new spouse can demonically laugh at all your screaming "gentleman callers" captive in the wedding audience who "accidentally" weren't put under any gazebos or any sort of protection while being forced to watch Alastor take you away--
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spidybaby · 6 months
The "A" Team
Summary: Kylian needs your help to get out of an awkward situation.
Warnings: none ❤️
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Kylian was impatient, knee bouncing as a sign of it.
He was in a PSG meeting, all the players needed to be there for a very long talk about the new season changes with Luis Enrique.
Kylian was leaving, but that didn't mean he wasn't forced to go. He tried his best to get out of there.
He wasn't going to be there for the new season, so why was he there?
Hakimi and him were making jokes and messing with Ousmane and Fabian. Earning a few glares from the technical team and making them stop.
He needed a plan, he wanted to get out of there. He was thinking about taking a nap, he felt tired.
"Don't yawn again, you're making me yawn." Achraf hit him with his arm. "Why are you even here for? You're fired."
"I'm not fired." He says, the sassy tone makes Achraf smile. "I put up my two weeks."
"Six months better say." Ousmane joins. "Kylian Saint Germain ain't going to be Kylian Saint Germain anymore." He jokes, sad that at the end his friend will leave the team.
Kylian laugh, he can't deny that he will miss the team, the trainers, the family he created there, and people who he will forever love.
When they give them a few minutes to get something to eat or drink at the little table they set for that, Kylian got an idea.
You were home, resting from a flue. You were free to help him to get out of there. Maybe if you called him he can fake an emergency.
He texted you, ready to settle the plan and make it work in the next fifteen minutes he has to use his phone and to eat something.
You were doing some tv marathon, watching Sponge Bob while eating some popcorn. When your phone rings, you check that kylian was asking you to call him in five and ask him to pick you up.
You smile, he was bored and helpless with the talk.
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Credit of the pic to: @kylianmbappee, thank you for letting me use it for this ❤️✨️
You continue watching Sponge Bob, waiting for the time to go. When you checked if the five minutes passed, you were ready to act.
Kylian was with Achraf, Fabian and Luis Enrique when his phone rang, he smiled. "Lover boy can't spend a moment without his lady." Fabian says.
"C'mon, let us say hi to our favorite girl." Achraf jokes. He always request to talk to you and mess with you over the phone.
"Let me put her on speaker." He smiles, he knows the show is about to start. "Bonjour, bébé."
"Kylian, oh my God, please, I need you." You fake cry, it sounds so real that he almost forgets about your plan. "I don't know what happened, I don't have anyone to call, please come. I don't want to be alone here, ky please."
The looks of the three men is a poem, the worried eyes, and open mouths. They're down.
"Joder, where is she?" Fabian says, he's very much worried about you. "Joder, Ky you need to go."
He was about to turn to where they were seated when you kept going.
"Kylian, please hurry. I need you here." You cry harder this time.
"Kylian, go. This meeting can wait." Luis pushed him to the door. They all are worried. "Hurry, go."
He takes the speaker off, you still acting up and crying for help. He asks you where you are, pretending to be worried, and he wins a few glares of people around them.
"I'm on my way, amour, wait please." He grabs his coat, Achraf is asking him is he needs a ride, he shake his head no. "Don't hang up, I'm on my way."
"Text me when you're with her." Hakimi pats his back as he runs to the door. "Be safe."
He exited the club quickly, telling his driver to take him home. Once they're two blocks away from the club he laughs.
"You're such a great actress. If you want, I can get you a role on a show." He jokes with you. "I'll be home in a few, mon amour."
"Bring me some boneless and a soda, a big one, like really big." You say, hungry after that big role you pull. "And some dessert, maybe two pieces of cake." You exaggerate.
"Everything for you, I'll be there as soon as I get your things."
You smile knowing that your role was good and you will have your man all the evening with you.
While he gets back to you, you are still streaming Sponge Bob, realizing and thinking about what a krabby patty taste like.
"Amour, I'm home."
You turn your head to him, getting up and walking to him with your arms open, ready to greet your lover.
"Hello, Mister Mbappé, I heard your girlfriend had a thing going on, poor girl. She's really unstable." You kiss him, smirking about your joke.
"She is, but you know what they say, the crazier the better." He kisses you again, pecking your lips many times until he pulls away.
"I got you your wings and your cake, plus the biggest soda I could purchase." He hug you from the back, pointing at all the things he got you.
You two sit down to watch a movie, not thinking much about the day or the meeting.
"Hakimi just texted me, he's asking if I'm okay." You show him the text. "I'm just going to ignore it for the day."
"Yeah, I left my phone on airplane mode." He smirks. "I'm spending some time with my fav member of our A team."
"We're an A team." You smile, hugging him while cuddling on the couch.
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sunrisesfromthewest · 1 month
Playing Hard To Get Pt 2
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Summary: The aftermath of the club left you bruised, agitated and with a little more pocket change. Although you didn't get exempt from completing your report......you're not exactly by yourself when everyone excepts you and Armando leaves to go home.
Warnings: Guns | Rated R Words | N-word used | Suggestive language and actions
Previous Part: Pt 1
Thanks for the Armando pictures @yeahnohoneybye 💓💓
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Watching multiple women walk out the back had everyone on their toes as they didn’t see you among them, but hearing one of the dancers say something along the lines of how BP was about to go crazy had Armando alarmed.
Beckoning one of the women over he sees her glance at her friend with a smirk before walking towards him with a sway.
Acting as if he was interested, he lets her dance a bit before questioning her about all the girls coming from the back.
“You see that pretty thang from earlier perform.”
Humming he waits for her next reply, hands practically itching to push her off of him.
“BP likes to get a taste from newcomers but don't worry about that baby we can have our own fun as well."
Before he had time to even react to her words, gunshots go off causing the whole club to erupt in chaos. Pushing the girl away he quickly pulls out his gun from underneath his shirt and head towards the dressing room.
“What the hell was that!” Rafe yells over the still loud music and screams of the once vibrant club patrons.
"Sounds like it came from the back room!" Armando responded.
Shooting a few bodyguards, he hops onto the stage and runs towards the direction that you exited through a few moments earlier.
Gun drawn he walks through the short hallway, senses heightened from the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
"You one brave Bitch to think you could just pull a gun on me!" Big Papa shouts, keeping a tight hold on your bruising wrist as he fights against you.
Turning the corner, Armando entered the room just as the suspects manages to backhand and disarm you. Falling back into the wall vanity, you groan at the stinging sensation from the impact.
"Don't you make a fucking move!" Armando ordered, shifting his gaze between you and the suspect.
"OH, I see now your ass five-o!" he growled, keeping your gun trained on you as the other entrance opens to reveal the squad entering with their guns aimed at the man.
"Put the gun down, you don't want to add more to your charges or worse leave out of here in a damn body bag!" Mike insisted, moving forward a few steps.
Reaching out a hand behind your back, you pat the hard surface in search of a weapon to defend yourself.
"Nah y'all pigs done came in and fuck up my joint and you think a nigga leaving here in handcuffs......fuck that shit!" Raged BP as he tightens his grip on the weapon.
"Shit! This nigga finna crash out, we need to do something now!" Marcus yelled keeping his gun on the suspect.
Making eye contact with Armando, you see him widen his eyes and mouth no as you grab your discarded purse.
"I'LL SHOW YOU A FUCKING CRASH OU-" before he could finish you hit his wrist hard with your purse and slam your heels into his groin area.
Dropping the gun, he falls to his knees clutching his private, while cursing you out with a high pitch voice.
Lunging forward you grab your gun and press it against his sweating forehead, "WHO'S THE MOTHERFUCKING BITCH NOW HUH!"
Shifting your agitated eyes up you see all the men staring with a pain-stricken expression.
"Damn Y/N I ain't think you was gonna do all that!" Armando gulped, slipping handcuffs around the groaning suspects wrists.
"What I have to work with what I got and plus he fucked up my weave!" you explained, removing your gun from BPs head to put on your silk robe.
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Arriving at the precinct, you sit down in your chair and place your sparkling heeled feet on top of your desk. While setting your small tote in your lap to double check that no money didn’t fall out after using it as a weapon.
"Y/N I can't let you keep that." Rita stated walking over to you to collect the money for evidence.
"Come on Rita, the man messed up my hair and I'll consider this as compensation y'all know my beautician isn't cheap!"
Laughing Kelly steps in,“Hey! Y/N put that work in on that pole, she deserves every penny!"
Muttering thank you; you continue to count your money while smacking Rafe's hand away as he tries to steal a bill and pointing your heeled feet at Dorn's approaching form.
"Aye I'm just coming to collect that twenty you owe me.”
Smacking your lips you remove your feet from the desk and scoot forward to hand him his change, "Y'all bet not start that 'You owe' me mess, at least wait till I get my hair done."
"Only thing I want is you, baby."
Turning your chair in Armandos direction you give him a small glare as you watch him cross his arms while leaning against his desk with a smirk.
"Like I said tell that to your little work girlfriend."
"And Like I told you......I just did."
Moving away from his desk, he walks over to stand in front of your sitting form causing you to peer up at him with raised brows. Placing his hand on your arm rest he cages you in and leans his lips towards your left ear.
"Second warning, princess."
Shifting away from his warm looming figure, you gaze into his brown eyes and briefly peer down at his dangling chain.
"Those warnings don't mean nothing to me." you commented, leaning back some more to catch his reaction.
Blinking down at you Armando traces his eyes down your face, "You’ll learn after you receive your third one." he replied in a low tone, before standing back upright and walking back to his desk.
Shivering from his words , you glanced around to see the team gazing between you and Armando awkwardly.
"I thought we was still at the strip club for a second." Marcus mutters as he and Mike heads to the breakroom.
Right when you turn to your desk to start your report, you feel a bill being snatched from the stack in your hand and seeing a familiar tattooed form dash by had you growling out their name.
"Rafe! You luck my feet hurt to damn much to chase after you!" You shouted, quickly sticking your money into your bag and placing it into your drawer.
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As time passes by you continue to fill out the information from tonight's case with tired eyes, everyone had already finished theirs and left......well except for Armando who was currently typing away on his computer.
Yawning you get up to walk towards the breakroom, bare aching feet being soothed by the cold tiles of the precinct floors.
Entering the room, you make a beeline straight towards the coffee machine and after pressing a few buttons you hop onto the counter beside it as the machine works it magic.
Closing your eyes you release a content sigh from the smell of the beverage beginning to waft through the air but while you take in this peaceful moment you failed to notice Armando's approaching figure.
Feeling hands brush against your thighs had you jumping and shooting your eyes open, only to relax a bit when you see Armando standing in front of you.
Running his hands down your exposed shimmering legs, he pushes them apart to stand in between them.
"Why you keep fighting against this?"
"Against what?" you asked stopping the movement of his tan hands, already feeling yourself becoming hot just from his simple touch.
“The possibility of us.” Armando answered, dragging you closer to the edge of the counter while keeping a soft grip on the back of your knees.
"I already told you before I'm not interested."
"You're saying one thing, but your body says another, mami." he remarked, moving his hand under your robe, and playful pulling at your thong strap.
Rolling your eyes, you try to scoot away from his overwhelming figure but his grip on your hips keeps you in place.
"What are yo-"
"Tell me if you want me to stop." he stated, cutting you off while pressing his front against yours.
"Arma-" before you could utter his name, your mouth drops open as he begins to press firm hot kisses down your exposed neck.
Mind becoming scattered you don't know whether to keep him close or push him away.
"Use your words baby.... let me know if you want me to stop." he muttered pressing his warm lips against your soft ones.
Digging your nails into his firm shoulders,he wraps your thick brown legs around his waist causing you to moan into the kiss.
However, the sensation of his hard covered member grinding against your thin thong had you pushing at his firm chest, "W -wait, Armando!"
Freezing his movements he sucks in a deep breath, staring you down hungrily while waiting for you to speak.
The nerves in your belly were going crazy from the way his intense dilated eyes trail down to your partially opened robe.
Looking back up he sees the dazed look on your face making him gently grab your right hand.
"Don't go quiet on me Y/N," he breathed bringing his lips to your bruised wrist.
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby."
Shaking away the lustful thoughts clouding your brain, you use your other manicured hand to move him back.
"You really wanna know what's on my mind?" you smirked, hopping off the counter and turning your attention to the coffee machine.
"Wouldn't have asked if I didn't." he taunted, rolling his lower half against your ass,resulting in you gripping the counter to prevent yourself from meeting his movements.
Wrapping his arms around your waist,he gives your flushed brown cheek a kiss and reaches a hand down to play with the strap keeping your robe together.
"Just thinking about how you went all day ignoring me and trying to make me jealous but the minute you seen me twirling on that pole you went back to begging." you commented, fixing you and him a cup of much needed coffee.
"Ain’t nobody was begging sweetheart,I was just simply returning the same energy you been giving to me." he growled ,extending his hand to grab the cup you prepared for him while releasing you from his hold.
"Oh yeah and what was that."
"Teasing me as if you want to take this to the next level but then acting like I'm just a 'colleague'. " Armando explained, keeping his eyes on you while taking a sip of the hot beverage.
"Oh, you're so cute to think that's how I tease." you added, heading back to your desk,no longer interested in drinking your coffee.
Following after you amused, he watches you log out your computer and gather your things.
Causing him to turn his attention to his own desk to complete the same motions.
Missing the sight of you sliding a certain piece of clothing down your glittering legs.
"If what you been showing me this whole time wasn’t your form of teasing then I can’t even imagi-”
Before he could finish, a soft material hits the side of his head making him freeze on the spot as his eyes land on your thong.
" See ya on Monday!" you purred, walking fast to the front of the precinct.
Snatching up the discarded thong and stuffing it into his pocket; he grabs his few belongings and quickly chase after your retreating figure with newfound desire.
"Your gonna learn to stop running from things you start, Y/N!"
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Author’s Note🎙️:Hope you guys enjoyed I had to dig deep on Pinterest for that visual of Y/N stripper outfit😭 and I got carried away with typing a Mike Lowrey x reader one-shot😁.
Let me know if I should do one more part to this ⬆️.
Tag-list: @poppetbaby02 @livirosa@dyttomori @cibresworld @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @theclownmimi @blackgirlmagicforever @3amvaiya @thesizzler @bitchyglittersuit @leahnicole1219 @babywinter @housewifewithnohusband22 @undevidedattentionsblog @delusionalbutterfly @ky44 @thatwassofetch @pandorafrost @yeahnohoneybye
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veritasangel · 15 days
Cobalt Honour
Ft. John Price (intro to MC au - here)
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sum: price takes it upon himself to train one of 141's recent prospects, personally. hopefully there's no ulterior motive behind his actions
warnings: sfw, fempov, price is a little manipulative, slight power trip, calls you 'kid' & 'doll'
a/n: this is the sfw part of cobalt honour, will upload the smut version soon wc: 1.5k
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Price, the president of the 141 MC and had a reputation for being ruthless. A man with a silver tongue, he could talk anyone into anything.
He'd seen your type before-eager, determined, yet not quite perfect. You'd be a clean slate though, and he liked that. He'd take you under his wing, mould you into what the club wants, what he wants.
You'd rolled up to the clubhouse one night, noticing Price's Harley already parked out front. The place was quieter than normal, most of the guys out on runs, or causing trouble elsewhere. Yet Price had called for you this evening. Other prospects were lumped in with Gaz, the club’s VP, learning the basics and running trivial errands. But not you. Price had other plans for you.
You walked through the door as it creaked open, and there he was, leaning against the bar-a cigarette dangling from his lips. He looked up when you came in; his keen, blue eyes fastened on yours.
"Doll-" he greeted, his tone low and dangerous. "You're late."
"Sorry-got held up," you said, trying to sound a lot more confident than you actually were. You knew that Price picked up on weakness easily, and he wasn't too fond of it.
He nodded, pushing off the bar and putting out the cigarette in the ashtray. "No excuses. If you wanna be part of this club, you're gonna have to be sharper than that… Come with me."
He didn’t wait for an answer but turned and strode toward the back door. You followed him out into the night, the coolness hitting your face as you went outside. The club's garage was behind the clubhouse, and Price led you there. Fluorescent lights stuttered to life at your entrance.
Tools of every description lined the walls and a couple of bikes around in various states of repair. "I'm gonna teach you something tonight. 'bout what it means to be part of this club. The others might think they know what's up, but you and me? We're gonna do things differently."
"What're we workin' on?
“Not what, but who,” Price corrected. "This ain't about bikes, kid; this is about fixin' you up. And I'm gonna polish you until you shine brighter than anyone else in this damn club, you got that?"
He nodded his head toward the bike on the lift. "We got a job to do tonight. Not one of those bullshit errands Gaz has the other prospects running. This is the real deal. And you're gonna do it with me."
The bike on the lift was a beast, a custom modded Triumph Thunderbird 900, he thought it might have more power than you’re used to handling. But Price knew you could, if he trained you right. He's gonna make sure you're ready for anything the 141 throws your way.
Price snatched a pair of gloves and tossed them to you. "You ever hotwired a bike before?
You shook your head.
He smiled, lips curling upwards. "Tonight we're gonna hit a rival's stash. They've got something I want, and you're gonna take it. But first, you're gonna learn how to do this, quick and quiet."
He moved in a little closer and extended to you a pair of wire strippers. "Watch close."
Over the next hour, Price walked you through it, his hands brushing against yours as he showed you the little tricks. He was patient but firm in teaching. Subtle pressure from him, keeping you on edge but also motivating you to do better. Each time you did something wrong, he'd correct you, his voice smooth with a hint of steel beneath.
Leading a job, especially with Price by your side, was a big deal. It was the kind of test that could make or break a prospect. You hung on his every word. Price was different from the others; he didn't just bark orders or throw you head-first into dangerous situations without a second thought. He was methodical, calculated, and every lesson taught to you was in interest of moulding you into the perfect asset for the 141, for him.
The job went off without a hitch, just the way Price had planned. With you on point and him guiding you through every step of the way as the two of you moved through the rival's territory. Your adrenaline buzzing in your veins as you did every motion precisely.
You'd just pulled a major score with Price, and you hadn't messed up once. The realisation filled you with a heady mix of pride and relief. The ride back to the clubhouse was a blur as your mind replayed the events of the night over and over again inside your head. You'd proved yourself to the one person whose opinion truly mattered.
You followed him inside, the place still empty this evening so it was just you and Price, the silence between you charged with unspoken words.
He said nothing at first; merely lit a cigarette and took a slow drag, his gaze drifted over to where you stood, anticipation and vulnerability across your face as the silence stretched between you both.
"You look like you're waiting for something." Price said in that smooth, teasing voice. "Something on your mind?
You met his gaze, not wanting to show weakness. "Just wanted to hear your thoughts on how the job went.”
"You were there, no? You know how it went." A slow, knowing smile curled on his lips. "God, haven't seen someone so eager for approval in a long time."
You swallowed at his words, because he had a way of making you feel exposed, like he could see right through the façade you so carefully maintained. "I just thought it was kinda a big deal. Wanted to make sure I did it right.".
Price sat back against the bar, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I'm sure you do. You're hungry for praise… desperate to know you've made an impression.
His words cut deep, irritation and humiliation flared inside you. Still, you just couldn’t ignore the truth in his words. You wanted his approval, like a lifeline. You knew it and so did he.
Price took another drag on his cigarette again, the smoke curling up round him like a shroud. "Tell me, doll, why does it mean so much to you? Why do you need to hear it from me?
You hesitated, feeling shy under his scrutiny. "I just want to know that you think I'm worth the effort you're putting into me…since you're the president.
Price's face softened a fraction, his eyes sharp as any predator that played with its food. "You are more than worth the effort. Tonight, you proved yourself beyond any doubt.
He pushed off from the bar, the cigarette burning down between his fingers as he walked up to you. There was a new intensity in his gaze now, a possessive gleam sending a shiver down your spine.
"You did a damn good job tonight," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Better than I expected. You were… perfect… everything I've been working to instil in you."
You felt the wave of relief and pleasure at the words, hearing the validation you needed finally come through. "Thanks, Prez.
Price smiled wryly, almost predatorily. "You wanted my approval so badly, and now that you got it, how does it feel?
You met his gaze, the weight of his words making you a little giddy. "It feels… good. It's what I've been working for."
"Good," he whispered. "Because I like watching you chase after it. It's a good reminder of the power I have over you here. And let me assure you, I'm far from finished with you yet.
His words are both a promise and a warning. He was the one shaping you, ensuring you could manage in this club and you'd follow anywhere he led you, trying to prove yourself.
Price's hand reached out, his fingers brushing lightly against your cheek, the touch both tender and possessive. "Keep this up, and you'll get all the praise you're looking for. But it's not just about making me proud, but earning your place here, proving that you earn a spot here… Maybe even beside me.”
You nodded, your breath catching slightly at his touch. "I understand."
Price's smile was a bit wider now, his eyes mirroring satisfaction. "Good. Now, get some rest. We have more to do, and I'll be expecting you to keep up this level of performance.
As he turned away, leaving you with the ghost of his touch and the weight of his approval, you knew this was just the beginning.
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༄ MC 141 m.list // general m.list
© veritasangel ↣ do not copy any of my works.
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bloodlineee1 · 1 month
i’d love to see a jey uso x reader from you! something silly followed by some smut maybe. just light hearted relationship stuff.
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Pairing: Jey Uso x Reader.
Warnings: smut Minors DNI 18+
i loved this idea so muchhh i hope you guys enjoyyyyy!!!!
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I get out of the shower and realize I forgot to grab a towel. were at Jey's twin brother's house visiting and at home, we usually have towels in our bedrooms so it totally crossed my mind.
"babe" y/n yells.
"yeah?" Josh yells back from downstairs.
"Can you bring me a towel please"
"Can you bring me a towel please" Jimmy mocks.
"I heard that Jonathon" y/n laughs yelling at him.
"Man shut yo ass up before you get me in trouble" Jey laughs.
"yeah, one second" he gets up from the couch and throws a pillow at Jimmy.
after a few minutes, he finally walked in with a towel in his hand.
"here" he puts his arm out to pass me the towel.
"took you long enough" I walk towards him and try to snatch the towel.
"say goodbye to this towel 'cause you ain't getting it now" he snatches the towel back.
"babe, give me the towel." I bend around his back to grab it.
"say please" he smacks my ass and moves the towel again.
"Joshua come on it's cold" I smack his arm.
"say please" he taunts.
"Please, now give me my towel" I suck my teeth and put my hand out.
"say it nicer" he pushes more.
"Josh stop playing bro," I say purposely because I know he doesn't play that "bro" shit.
"oh, I'm bro now?"
"yeah, uce" I laugh.
"oh really? keep it up" he laughs too.
"Can you just give me my towel Jey" I say his stage name which he also hates.
"Now you definitely not getting this towel" he chuckles.
"I'm not walking around your brother's house naked," I say annoyed at this point because its cold asf.
"what you gonna do for this towel?" he smirks.
"anything you want," I say obliviously.
"oh really? bend over then" he jokes he pulls me by my waist.
"Yeah, you crazy" I grab the towel and try to walk away.
"am I?" he pulls me in with the towel that he never let go.
"yes, you are" My breath hitches from how close he is we've been married for 3 years and he still makes me nervous.
"yeah?" he starts rubbing my clit.
"Yeah," I moan.
"you've been walking around with this stank-ass attitude all damn day I know this is what you've been wanting" he whispers in my ear.
"I don't have an attitude" I roll my eyes.
"yes you have ever since you and Trin went out with the girls last night" he puts a finger in.
"Well, when you come home horny from the club and your man is giving lectures about drinking "too much" instead of taking his dick out and fucking you till you cry you'd have an attitude too," I say annoyed and so horny.
"mhm ill give what you want like I said bend that ass over" he smacks my ass.
15 minutes later.
"Ugh! fuck babe!" y/n moaned loudly, trying not to break her arch in her back. She gripped the sheets, with her eyes rolling to the back of her head as Jey held her by the waist and drilled her.
"Baby wait" She whimpered, moving up some.
"Whea' you goin'? Huh?" he grabbed her by the hair and whispered into her ear.
"Mm, It's too much" She whined, reaching back to push at his stomach.
"This what you wanted, remember? Take this shit like a big girl" He let her hair go and fucked her deeper than before.
He slowed his pace down.
"Fuck me back" He demanded slapping her ass.
She let a short moan slip out and he stopped moving, waiting for her to do what he said.
She gripped the sheet again, moving her hips in a circular motion. He bit his bottom lip, mesmerized by how her ass moved so perfectly.
"Mmm," She muffled, holding in a moan before she started throwing her ass back on him.
"Fuck y/n." He groaned, watching her ass effortlessly jiggle.
He felt his peak near, gripped her hips, and put his leg up.
Her mouth fell open and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"Take dis shit" Jey gritted, gripping her hips tightly as he pounded into her.
"Tell me you love me, baby," He said, knowing the state she was currently in, she couldn't say anything.
Moans were stuck in her throat, she couldn't form a sentence at the moment at how much pleasure she was feeling.
"I can't hear you" He taunted, slowing down.
She gasped "Shit! I love you!" She moaned "I love you so much"
"I love you too baby," He said softly
"You gonna cum for me?"
"I-I-I can't" She whined.
"Yes, you can baby, come on give it to me" He coached.
He could feel her body trembling below him, feeling his peak coming too but wanted to make sure she got hers first.
He put his leg down and pushed more into her back letting her body collapse. Not stopping his deep strokes as she now lay on her stomach and he laid on top of her.
"You like makin' me feel good right?" He whispered in her ear. She immediately nodded, feeling him in her stomach the deeper he grind into her.
"Then let it go, mama. Let me feel it" He softly kissed the side of her face and she kept clapping her walls around him as the tears that were building up in her eyes started to spring free.
"Make me feel good and cum fa' me" He whispered with a shaky voice.
"Oh fuck" She dragged out as the orgasm ripped threw her body
"Just like that baby. Good girl" He cooed, kissing the side of her face, stroking her through it.
His eyes started drifting close but he immediately pulled out and released himself inside her.
"damn," they both said in unison.
They turn our heads towards the door after hearing a knock.
"aye get yall nasty asses up and get dressed we going out to eat" Jimmy yells from the other side of the door.
"aii" Josh yells back still lying on top of me.
"and clean my sheets" he adds.
"see" I smack Josh on his chest.
"Jon leave them alone lord knows what we be doing in their house" Trin laughs.
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