#it’s yennefer your honour
iloveyouyenn · 2 years
I really want someone who smells like lilacs and gooseberries to pass by me. I need them to smell so good that it makes me want to chase after the scent. The scent is known to make people dream after it
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The way they all just sigh and put their head in their hands and he says “Of course she has your full support” like it is the most obvious and unsurprising thing to them all.
They all really said “not again with this goddamn homosexual”
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andreacsenge · 1 year
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mile magnificent // molly ofgeography
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witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
The door to the library opens with its characteristic groan, old wood and tired hinges welcoming each visitor with a personal announcement. Jaskier doesn’t look up from the book he is reading, curled up in the bay window as he is under a pile of blankets and furs. No fire to keep him warm, only a candle guarded by a glass case behind him to make reading easier when the light of the full moon disappears behind another cloud.
There is no sound of footsteps despite the absolute silence in the library, but he doesn’t need the noise to know who came. He saw it in her eyes earlier, in the set of her shoulders and the crease between her brows. In the twitch of her fingers in his direction and in the way she wouldn’t look at him during dinner.
Lilac and gooseberries fill his nose and the smile is on his lips before his heart has even had the chance to skip a beat.
A second later, slender hands take the book away from him and inspect it. “Herzmäre,” she reads. “Isn’t that the one where the lady gets served her love’s heart for dinner?”
“Compelling,” he says, dead-pan. “You always manage to tell stories in such a way that reminds me of why I’m the bard, and you’re—“
“The one who will eat your heart?”
There should be a threat in that, but all Jaskier thinks is, Does that mean you love me, then?
He doesn’t say anything, though, lets her keep the book as she settles down in his lap like he has been waiting for her to do all night. Without moving too much, he takes one of the blankets from his shoulders and covers her with it — with no help of hers whatsoever as she keeps reading where he left off. Or pretends to do that, anyway.
Her hair is soft under his chin and slowly, gently, he lowers his head until he can press his nose to her hair and brush featherlight kisses to her scalp. Yennefer leans into it, burrowing further into him, allowing him to breathe her in, to bask in her warmth because she knows, surely she must know that he keeps the fire out only for her.
It is unspoken, their little game — though it is hardly that. There is nothing disingenuous about it, he is not playing her, only himself if push comes to shove. Still, it is unspoken, yet they always meet here, two hours before midnight. Covered by the silence of the keep, the dark of night and the treacherous tenderness of their hearts, they always do this.
He will wait for her, reading or composing by the light of a single candle. And she will come, announced by the groaning doors, take whatever he is holding and replace it with her own presence. Never once does Jaskier complain. He will only ask, “Can I have my book back now?”
And she will say, “No.”
And they will both smile, basking in each other’s warmth and occasionally pressing silent kisses to whatever skin they can reach.
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ehay · 9 months
2023 Top Five Favourites of My Art:
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Tissaia and Yen in the river. Inspired by several writers, but particularly galeaspida from AO3 with their 'quest' fics like the Bridge.
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This piece from the wonderful selkie fic by @clydethistles. I did one piece for each chapter - if you're looking for a holiday read, it's highly recommended.
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A pre-S3 Thanedd gown redesign for Yennefer. In the end, I didn't mind the official version as much as I thought I would, but a lovely long piece of fabric would have been murder to organise the drapes of with all those POV versions we saw.
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A 'what if things were different' piece to satisfy my roiling thoughts about the S3 ending. (Let them hug, your honour, and not part ways)
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And another version of a possible ending for S3. Or Aretuza Quest. So many options. This is the revision of the posted piece - I'll post the new version after this.
Tagging anyone who wishes to do their own top five review!
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lambden · 2 years
my entry for the latest flash fic challenge was revealed! the image prompt was a grand ballroom and I chose to write this ridiculously silly and also sexual-with-no-actual-smut fic where geralt reluctantly LARPs with jaskier. enjoy!!
2.9K, M, no warnings Also on AO3!
“My lord,” begins Jaskier, tentative but with that ever present edge in his voice that means trouble. Geralt sets down his knife hard. The table shakes but the wine does not spill, and the witcher is glad for this, as his companion would no doubt lunge to clean up the mess. “Is the duck to your liking?”
Geralt hisses, “Stop.”
“Oh? Shall I have the chef executed?” Tearing into his own meal with unabashed glee, Jaskier only pauses to grin at him. “Or shall I call your Knight Commander to send out his men in search of a fine pheasant for your dinner?”
“How about roasted bard instead?”
“Very well.” Jaskier accepts his fate with dignity— and a theatrical gulp and grimace. “If you wish it, sire. I’ll have them bring out the pyre immediately, and you won’t hear even a whimper from me; I consider it an honour to die in service of the best king who ever lived—“
“Jaskier, if you don’t stop, I’ll meditate the rest of the night.”
This threat finally gives Jaskier pause, although Geralt doubts he’ll stop the charade for long. He can’t even really blame the bard for his absurd behaviour; not when this is one of the more absurd situations they’ve been thrust into together. Or, rather, that Geralt has been thrust into while Jaskier has clung to his arm, ready and willing to face any and all shenanigans.
They’re on hour three of the confinement. At dusk, the royal family had taken their finest horses on an overnight journey to the next kingdom over. The official reason for the trip was to oversee the wedding of their eldest princess and a foreign prince. But the real reason is that the paranoid king suspects treasonous conspiring in his court. So in secret he hired Geralt, and told the witcher to guard his throne room overnight. If anyone on their staff tries to break in to peek at valuable documents or switch heirlooms, well— the king will have his traitor. And Geralt gets paid either way, so he couldn’t give less of a fuck.
He had been hesitant to take this job, especially since the royals reached out to him specifically and personally. But their kingdom is relatively small, and as soon as Geralt discovered that he wouldn’t be expected to accompany the nobility on their journey, the contract became irresistible. A royal salary for a job involving very little actual contact with royals. Plus a large dining hall with provided dinner, wine, and a bath and bed for him to use upon their return in the morning.
If only he’d known in advance how much the bard would love it.
For three hours now, Jaskier has been ‘sire’ and ‘milord’ and ‘your Excellency’ing him, to the point where Geralt is contemplating abandoning the throne room altogether. Geralt had scoped out all possible entrances to the monumental room, including secret trapdoors or hidden windows behind paintings. All the while, the bard had eagerly regaled him with a full set that he never asked to hear. Geralt had carefully examined each curtain for potential lurking spies, as Jaskier built a whole fiction about his wise dominion over his epic kingdom. And now that he feels comfortable enough to sit and eat, the bard insists on laying a serviette over his lap and pushing in his chair.
The lukewarm food is still better than they’ve had in weeks, but the duck is a little dry. Geralt reaches for the carafe of red wine from Toussaint, but to his extreme annoyance, he cannot fucking reach it. Embarrassed, Geralt mutters, “Pass the wine.”
The smile twitching at Jaskier’s lips is positively impish. Not for the first time, Geralt wonders if there’s any truth to Yennefer’s theory about Jaskier’s bloodline being touched by the fae. “If I do, will you play along?”
“Ugh.” The doors are unlocked and unguarded, but there’s no one here. The twilight has long faded from the curtains and they still have a long night ahead. Geralt inhales, nose flaring, and then finally caves. “Is that any way to speak to your king?”
Jaskier’s delight almost makes this silly charade worth it. The bard jumps to his feet, bleating out apologies, “I’m so— my— I misspoke, my lord, please forgive me,” and he grabs the pitcher. In an instant, Geralt’s goblet is refilled; the witcher raises a hand to stop him before Jaskier can pour him far too much. As he backs away and sets the carafe down, the chandeliers hanging above their heads twinkle in his bright gaze. “Will that be all, sire?”
“I should order you to go give Roach a sponge bath,” Geralt snorts. Jaskier doesn’t even falter, still standing at attention. “I suppose my options for what I can ask you to do within this throne room are limited.”
“Anything,” says Jaskier, too quickly. Then his pulse picks up, and blotches of pink creep into his cheeks and along his throat. Even if he didn’t mean to voice that aloud, he doesn’t walk it back either. Carefully, the bard folds his hands behind his back, and adds, “Anything you desire, my lord.”
The grandiose, sprawling throne room suddenly seems as small as a closet. Geralt takes a long sip of his wine, and doesn’t remove his gaze from Jaskier as he swallows. The bard twitches as if uncomfortable, but he doesn’t move an inch— he just stands there, blushing, hands behind his back in servitude. Geralt expects him to break the tension between them with a quip, an awkward laugh. Anything.
Back when they first started adventuring together, Geralt dreamt of having the bard like this; but Jaskier was too young, too inexperienced with the world. There were times when he’d angrily shoved his companion up against his wall and covered his mouth, and he had felt Jaskier’s warm breath on his gloved palm and the evidence of his body stirring between them. Other times Geralt had feigned a meditative state as the bard, only a dozen feet away, took himself in hand and moaned over and over. Always the same name. Geralt wonders if Jaskier still gets off thinking about him, or if his lust for the witcher faded as they travelled together.
Jaskier stands, silently awaiting his orders.
“Sit,” Geralt says, his voice unexpectedly thick. At his command, Jaskier retreats to his seat, and nearly collapses into it. “And eat. I want you to finish your plate, first and foremost. I can’t have… my most trusted advisor starving to death.”
Jaskier nods, lifting his fork and knife. His face is still pink. Satisfied, Geralt reaches for his wine, resting his elbow on the table and leaning a little more into his assigned role. The wine is good, and the food, though cooling, is still enjoyable. He makes sure to keep watch on the door, lest anyone come to interrupt their fun. But… the embarrassment that he thought would be too much to handle is nowhere to be found. Instead he finds he enjoys watching Jaskier actually do what he says for once.
As soon as Jaskier’s lips close around his last bite, Geralt rises from his seat at the head of the table. The abrupt scrape of his chair against the floor makes the bard jump, but thankfully he doesn’t choke; he only swallows his food quickly before mimicking the witcher.
Geralt tosses his napkin away, carrying only his goblet and his swords over to the royal throne. He reclines into it without hesitation, spreading his legs and rolling his head back as any real spoiled king would. In his decades, Geralt has seen a hundred nobles drunk on their own power, bloated with wealth even when their kingdoms live in poverty. He summons that same self-importance now, running his hands through his hair to undo his loose braids. It’s easy to mimic a stuck-up king.
It’s harder to maintain his composure when he rolls his chin back down to see Jaskier already staring, standing before him with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. The bard’s frippery fits him well; he looks right at home in this royal court, as he would in any. Geralt tries not to sound too distracted as he asks, “Is there something else, Jaskier?”
“No, my lord,” Jaskier answers. Again he speaks too quickly; again he’s blushing.
Geralt takes pity on him. “Why don’t you play me another of your compositions? I only invite the best bards into my court, you know. And it’s said across the land you’re the very best.”
Now he’s just teasing. Even as Jaskier frantically grabs his lute, he responds with the utmost sincerity, “Thank you, my lord.”
“Despite that witcher you follow around,” jokes Geralt. “Bit of a prick, don’t you think?”
“He is my muse, my lord,” Jaskier says. He strums the first chord of Toss A Coin. “I could no sooner deliver an insult to him than I could deride my own writing abilities, for, indeed, my work had no meaning until I stumbled across the witcher.”
“I doubt that very much. Trained at Oxenfurt, didn’t you?”
As if chastened, Jaskier lowers his head. Geralt knows better— he doesn’t have to see Jaskier’s flushed face to sense his racing pulse. “Yes…”
“And you have connections all across the Continent,” teases Geralt. He’s beginning to understand why Jaskier enjoys this game so much. “Could one witcher really mean so much to a bard as travelled and distinguished as you?”
“Yes,” Jaskier repeats. He lifts his chin; his eyes are bluer than ever. “I would never have travelled anywhere without him— or if so, it wouldn’t have meant anything. And with all the audiences I have had, none have distinguished me from the others as he has. He means everything to me.”
“Ah,” chokes Geralt, unexpectedly affected. “The passion behind your work is clear, then, master bard. You… love this man.”
“Of course,” Jaskier says. He has previously proclaimed his love for Geralt at least dozens of  times: when the witcher let him ride Roach after he twisted an ankle, and again when Lambert had asked why he had come to Kaer Morhen, and sometimes out of nowhere. Why are you staring? Just thinking about how much I love you. Geralt had always interpreted the sentiment as teasing and altogether unserious. It is impossible to avoid taking Jaskier seriously when they’re alone like this, and when damp emotion gathers in his already bright eyes. “Of course I fucking do. Um. Your majesty…?”
“Jaskier,” Geralt begins. Speaking is more difficult now than ever, and he chews his lip before probably landing on the wrong thing to say anyway: “Come kneel before your king.”
“Yes,” breathes the bard, before falling to his knees so hard he must hurt them against the polished, cold floor. Geralt does not let his pain go unnoticed, leaning forward so far out of his throne that the chestplate of his armour touches his thighs. He takes Jaskier’s blushing, bright face in his broad hands, laying his fingers on the man’s temples before kissing him deeply.
Jaskier’s mouth is a revelation. Geralt pulls him up, kissing him all the while— he never wants to break away— and Jaskier follows readily and eagerly. It takes very little work to tug the man up into his lap, and once his thighs bracket Geralt’s lap on the heavy throne, Geralt’s questing fingers sneak up to weave themselves in Jaskier’s short, soft hair.
“Oh,” the bard groans, low and desperate. His head moves with Geralt’s hands; the witcher exposes his neck easily by pulling his hair, and it’s just as easy to duck down and kiss his bare throat above his fancy collar. “The king roleplay really did it for you, huh? Or is this the wine?”
“Not the wine,” Geralt growls, nipping his pulse.
Jaskier actually squeaks, which is delightful and adorable and only encourages Geralt to bite him again. “Right. The throne, then? I can’t say I blame you, witcher dearest; I knew you’d have fun playing pretend with me. You only had to let yourself give in—”
“Far too much talking,” he complains, dragging his fangs over an exposed vein. Even though he obviously doesn’t press hard enough to draw blood, his teeth leave a monstrous pink scrape over Jaskier’s neck. Geralt should probably feel worse about that. His cock throbs inside his armour. “And it’s not your stupid game either.”
“Really? Then pray tell—”
“Jaskier,” Geralt hisses, exasperated. He’s been exasperated for hours now, and even though this isn’t how he expected his irritation to peak, he has no complaints. He reaches for the man’s hips, dragging Jaskier closer on his lap until he can rock their hips together and show him the hard, hot proof of his desire. “It’s you, you fool. Of course it’s you.” Jaskier’s eyes widen; maybe he truly hadn’t known, all these years, that Geralt returned his affections. “Do you really think I’d do all this stupid shit for anyone else?”
Before Jaskier can voice whatever further doubt is on his mind, Geralt kisses him again. This time the bard kisses back instantaneously, with the same passion he carries himself with on stage. Geralt grins into their kisses— until Jaskier does something very clever with his tongue, disrupting his brain processes entirely.
He hadn’t expected much from this contract. He quickly rewrites it in his memory as the best job he ever took.
The bard’s clothes are hanging off the arm of the throne when, from out in the hall, the witcher hears a distant creak.
Geralt’s warning is somewhat muffled against Jaskier’s lips, and he doesn’t think the bard would have enough time to hide anyway. He ends up lifting the man with one arm, determinedly ignoring the loud moan that Jaskier releases at that. It’s easy enough to set him down next to the throne; grabbing his swords in time is somewhat more difficult.
As the bard takes cover, Geralt strides over to stand in front of the door. Sure enough, it slides open and the royal family’s seneschal enters. He’s as astonished as could have been expected. “What the fuck are you doing in my lord’s throne room?!”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Geralt growls right back. “I was hired to guard this room, and instructed that no one would come calling. Why didn’t you accompany your king and queen to see their daughter off?”
“My job is to stay here and care for the castle and its staff,” the seneschal insists. A bead of sweat drips down his neck, and he does a poor job of hiding his nerves; even a human could detect his stress. He glances around Geralt at the table laden with half-eaten dinner and half-finished wine, and the curtains drawn shut to avoid watchful gazes from below. Luckily, Jaskier had the smarts to yank his clothing out of sight— and the throne, though perhaps sweaty, is empty as expected. “Perhaps… you could take your leave for the night? We’ve a few empty rooms; you could sleep there.”
Geralt huffs, amused. “And leave the most important room in the palace unguarded.”
“How much has the king offered you?” The seneschal fumbles to find coin, still sweating. “I can pay!”
The tiny snick of his dagger leaving its sheath is almost impossible to hear, but to Geralt’s enhanced senses, it echoes around the room. Before the seneschal can draw his weapon and make his attempt at an assassination, Geralt’s steel blade is up against his throat, pressing him back against the open doorframe. “Not interested.”
By the time he returns from the dungeon, Geralt is covered in a thin layer of old dust and new sweat. He’d actually cherish a bath now, although he still won’t have the opportunity until the morning. Even though the seneschal has been secured and is awaiting further judgement, he still needs to maintain his post.
But when he pushes open the doors to the throne room he sees a new king seated atop the throne; although right now, Jaskier looks more like a succubus. His body is entirely bare, and his legs, spread wide open, are an invitation that Geralt eagerly takes. He strides the length of the enormous room in only a few steps, finally coming to kneel before the throne so that he can stare up at his bard.
With a disaffected tone only betrayed by the twinkle in his eyes, Jaskier asks, “Has the threat been disposed of, witcher?”
“He’ll have to wait out the rest of the night in a cell,” Geralt tells him. “Then in the morning his king can hand down his sentence.”
“You’ve done well,” Jaskier murmurs. His hand almost feels like a benediction when it comes down to gently trace the bone in Geralt’s cheek and jaw; the witcher closes his eyes, and Jaskier exhales deep. “You deserve a hefty reward.”
“I have one in mind,” teases Geralt. When he opens his eyes, Jaskier already has a fist around his length, watching the witcher closely. Geralt grins, thrilled, and lunges for his reward.
“While the princess and her betrothed were away,
Back at home the king and his lover did play—”
“On a cold winter’s night,
Under chandelier light,
A man of such great might
And an arsehole so tight—”
“Hang on, I’ve almost got it! After apprehending a treasonous foe,
And hanging the bastard by his little toe,
The witcher returned to collect his reward,
And entered the throneroom of the great warlord…
The witcher approached him and began to talk;
‘Sire, I much desi-re to ride on your—”
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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how the hell did my dumb little blog get here? i never once thought that so many people would be interested in my hyperfixations and photoshop experiments, but here we are! to hit 22k in ‘22 is a pretty cool achievement, so thank you so much. thanks for everyone who has stuck with my blog, everyone who has seen it and decided to hit that follow button, everyone who has supported my gifs and everyone who has ever left a kind word in my tags or inbox - you have no idea how you have brightened up my days.
a follower celebration is long overdue (i had one planned at 20k and procrastinated so, well, here we are)! so how do i celebrate? i feel if i have a 'brand' for anything on this site it’s colours, so i have decided to do a little colour palette meme. if you’d like to participate then:
> chose a colour palette from this site (you can create your own or use a premade one!), you can use its name or just send a direct link > send it to me with a character, dynamic or show of your choice and i will make a set within that colour scheme > please only ask for things i blog about (you can use the search function on my blog to look for it!), i’m afraid if i have not seen the show or do not like the character/ship i will not create for it - but hopefully you’re following me for something already! > this is limited to just my followers as it is celebrating the wonderful people who have chosen to follow my blog
i also wanted to take the time to give a shoutout to all the people who make me scroll through my dash endlessly and produce content that never fails to make me gasp! honestly once i follow you, you’re pretty much stuck with me forever, but here’s to some of my favourites! you’re all incredibly talented and kind people and it’s my honour to be following you. i’m also incredibly paranoid that i have missed people so please know that if i follow you and you’re not on this list i love you, i just have a memory like a sieve! and without further ado, follow forever under the cut:
@aemondtargaryenn @aemondtargaryenss @ahsokatonas @akenoz @alina-aleksanders @alina-starksov @allsonargent @alycia-careys @amyjake @anakin-skywalker​ @anissagraces @anya-chalotra @anyataylorjoy @arthurpendragonns @aryastaark @avasillva @bethschapel @beth-cassidy​ @benjaminbarnes​ @bladesrunner​ @candicepatton​ @capinejghafa @captainheroism @castlesrichards​ @c-evans​ @cherylblossom​ @chikoriita​ @christophernolan @clarke-griffin @daniellecampbell @darcyscarden @doramilaje​ @diegoshargreevs​ 
@emmaduerrewatson​ @enidsinclaiir​ @enidsniclair @eyklarsen​ @fiveviktorklaus @forbescaroline @freddycarterz @fredy-carter @greensaplinggrace @gr-ogu @hargreevcs @harrenhals ​@harwinstrng @hermionegrangers​ @hoechloin​ @hollywoods @hope-mikaelson @howlscastle @hunterschafer 
@iinejs @inej-ghafa @iridescentides @iwillneverletgoipromise @ivashkovadrian​ @jakeyp​ @jemmasimmons @jordan-parrish @kallorys @katherineebishop @kamalaskhans​ @karolinadean​ @katmcnamara @ladystarks @lamberts @laylakeating​ @lucrezia-borgia 
@magnusedom @mcbride @meliorn @montygreen @midnightsdlx @natalia-dyer @nick-nelson​ @nobodynocrime @number5theboy @orangesyellow @padme-amidala​ @petersevan​ @phoebeswallerbridge @pugsleys
@queenage @queencalanthes​ @quellcrist @rambeaus @redbelles @reputation @richiebowen​ @ronnieandrews​ @sci-fi @scinnlaece @seance @shegos @sheistolerable​ @shinylightblue​ @something-more @soniabragas​ @sylvielauffeydottir @taliasburns @timothyolyphant @time-turner​ @theheavycrown @thematrixs @tylerposey​ @userciri​ @userdracula​ @usertriss 
@ughmerlin @viktorhargreeves @visenyatargaryen​ @yelenafbelova @yennefer-nazyalensky​ @wakandasforever @wenclair @willsilvertongue @withered-rose-with-thorns @nina-zcnik​ @zen-coleman ​@zoya-nazyalenskys
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dancingwiththefae · 9 months
2023 writing round up
Tagged by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
I have written 30 fics this year (I included wips in this). All are the Witcher unless otherwise stated:
Love be brave (geraskefer, M, 2.9k)
Jaskier is held captive and tortured for information on Geralt and Ciri. Geralt and Yennefer are on their way to rescue him, but not before his resolve finally breaks.
Pearl and Verbena (ciri & Jaskier, Essi & Jaskier, T, 1.3k)
Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and Jaskier head back to the Temple of Melitele for some respite. When Jaskier can’t sleep, he heads to library and finds a book that brings up memories he had tried to bury.
The price of justice (geraskier, M, 2.4k)
Jaskier lands himself in trouble again, execpt this time in a town that likes that adopts cruel methods of punishment.
New beginnings, old friends (geraskier, E, 25.3k)
Geralt and Jaskier try to manage their new relationship, Jaskier's recovery from his blood addiction, and call upon an old friend to help.
Part 2 of Love & Blood
once is enough (geraskefer, M, 27.1k)
When the dust settles in Kaer Morhen and everyone returns to their routines, Jaskier is left alone. A spare part amongst the rest with nothing but the drink and his own neverending thoughts for company. He finds himself sinking further and further. But how long can you last in the sea of your own mind before you drown?
Jewel of my eye (Anna Henrietta/Dandelion, M, 1.4k)
The palace of Beauclair is hosting a masquerade ball in honour of their guests, the hansa. Dandelion and Anna Henrietta are playing a game of their own.
A lucrative purchase (yennskier, E, 2.8k)
Jaskier visits a sorceress in Rinde, hoping she can create something specific for him. He gets a little more than he bargained for.
Then take me here (radskier, E, 1.2k)
what Jaskier and Radovid got up to in that scene
Light the fire (radskier, E, 1.7k)
After an evening of merriment, Jaskier and Radovid wander into the throne room where the prince has an interesting proposition for him.
Challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours (yennskier, M, ongoing - 11.6k currently)
Pirate Queen Yennefer discovers a stowaway on her ship. She plans on making an example of him, but it's a long way to their destination. And perhaps she is more interested in this man than she lets on. But nothing is ever smooth sailing in the life of a pirate. And politics, secrets and lies are never too far behind
Bitter water (yenralt, T, 742)
It had become some kind of game. This thing between them. Geralt and Yennefer always seemed to run into each other. They always parted wanting more
What it’s like to be you (yennskier, T, 1k)
Emotions are raw after the dragon hunt. Jaskier and Yennefer take comfort in each other, even if they would regret it the next day.
If he sinks to darkest night (radskier, M, 1.9k)
A prince gave up the life he knew for his siren until he could not
Sweet as wine (yenbrina, E, 1.8k)
Yennefer is bored at a dull court until she finds she has to bunk with her old Aretuza rival. You know what happens next
When you know I can’t love (geraskier, G, 731)
Blue eyes caught his from across the room. A subtle smile offered that Geralt could not return. Jaskier didn’t seem to notice.
These inconvenient fireworks (geraskier, G, 1.1k)
Jaskier is running late for work and in his rush he doesn't see the terrifying hulk of a man until his coffee is already down his shirt.
It’s not a want, it’s a need (geradskier, E, 2.4k)
Jaskier revealed a fantasy to Radovid that the prince was more than willing to fulfill. And he knew the perfect person to help him.
here we go again (Jaskier/Vespula, E, 2.9k)
Vespula is mad at Jaskier after catching him in his latest tryst. He has a plan to make it up to her. But maybe she is the one making the rules of this game they play. And perhaps she has a few secrets of her own to share.
The beast you’ve made me (radskier, E, 4.1k)
Radovid didn't believe the rumour about the werewolf that was spotted outside of the city until he came face to face with it. He couldn't have predicted what would happen next. Nor the all too familiar face that would greet him come morning.
You only need to ask (geraskier, E, 3.4k)
Geralt has seen the way the bard looks at him. And at other men. It's none of his business, of course. it was up to Jaskier to discover himself. But that didn't mean Geralt couldn't give him a little push in the right direction.
At the end of all things (milva & jaskier, T, 1.3k)
In a quiet moment in Brokilon, Milva and Jaskier come to understand each other
Lamentable (radskier, M, ongoing - currently 5.3k
The trajectory of Radovid's life takes a sharp turn when King Vizimir is killed and he ascends to the throne. The weight of expectations, whisperings in his ear, and a strained relationship trigger a rapid downward spiral.
Meanwhile, Philippa and Dijkstra's plans are all falling into place. They have the perfect king to mould. But it's time to cut some loose threads. Jaskier's life is in danger - and betrayal may come from the person he trusts the most.
Sins laid bare (Tomb Raider, Jacob/Lara, M, 2.3k)
Lara has been obsessed with the mysterious Prophet figure for a long time so goes in search to meet him. When he finally agrees to talk with her via a confessional, things escalate quickly.
A rosebud by any other name (geraskefer, E, ongoing - currently 50.6k)
Jaskier gets a client in a certain white haired witcher who just keeps coming back. The pair find themselves growing close. It's a little complicated, but they think they could make it work. Until one day, in walks a violet eyed sorceress looking for Jaskier.
What follows is an enlightening conversation, a precarious relationship, a new career and a little bit of subterfuge
Spymasters and secrets (Dijkstra/Radovid, E, 3.4k)
Radovid always pushed and pushed Dijkstra. Sometimes he needed to be put in his place.
I’ll tell you no lies (Tomb Raider, Jacob/Lara, T, 3.3k)
Jacob, having been fatally wounded during Trinity's invasion, asks Lara to kill him. Lara grits her teeth and pulls the trigger. Then she witnesses something extraordinary.
In the bleak midwinter (yenralt, G, 2.9k)
Ciri had been down lately. With Yule coming up, Geralt and Yennefer decide to do something to cheer her up.
The eye of the storm (frinfran, M, 1.2k)
After escaping Thanedd, Francesca and Fringilla find themselves alone with only each other for comfort.
The sea and the sun (yennskier, E, 9.8k)
Finding himself getting into trouble while swimming in the sea, Jaskier is saved by the most captivating creature he had ever seen. A goddess. He makes it his mission to find her again and, when he does, he finds the goddess who saved him comes with a tail and very sharp claws
Mind, body, yours (Rience/Jaskier, geraskier, E, ongoing - currently 36.9k)
Jaskier wakes up tied to a chair, injured and no memory of what had happened. Rescue comes in the form of a strange mage who gives him refuge as he heals. Jaskier quickly finds himself falling under Rience's spell. And when he tells him that Ciri would be safer with him than with Geralt and asks him to take her from under the witcher's nose, Jaskier cannot say no.
Tagging a bunch of people I know write: @bambirex @swanfloatieknight @flootzavut @between-thepages @janjan-the-ninth @cherryjuicegf @damatris @kuwdora
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andordean · 3 months
For the character ask: Yennefer and Calanthe
How I feel about this character:
I love her your honour. Hangovered ass demanding apple juice, iconic behaviour, no notes. Claims she's heartless, sacrifices everything for Ciri. Challenges gods, gets the goddess on her side. I'm sure Geralt deserved those jars of preserve flying towards his head. All Sapkowski's women are iconic, but Yen may be the most iconic of all.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Geralt. I don't have any other ships with her, though again, if a premise looks interesting, I will read it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I love the idea her and Regis may grow close, through trials and turbulations.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
She's the most misunderstood character in the Witcherverse, together with Cahir.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Rivia pogrom never happens, thanks CDPR.
How I feel about this character:
Feral, like with Ciri. I would love for her to survive longer, just to see what else she may be capable of. Her scenes with Geralt are among my favourite in the books.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Just Eist. I love them together. Nobody else need not apply.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Meve. Just imagine the things they must have been up to in their youth!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't think I have any? She rules. That's it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
She's alive and well and kicking everyone's ass across the Continent, with Eist by her side.
I realised I forgot one question - and thanks for asking @laurikarauchscat 😊
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onlymagpie · 7 months
Hi! I was so in love with Gerry's outfit you created for this art (https://www.tumblr.com/onlymagpie/721847317360164864/geralt-and-his-two-loves-at-thanedd-yennefer-and?source=share) I'm working on creating outfit inspired by your work as a mod to TW3. Can I release it though? Will all due credit to you of course! 🙌
Omg?? Of course you may share it with credit!! I'm really honoured 😭😭🙏 thank you for your work <3
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rewatching the witcher but just for them
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hannahmationstudios · 8 months
3, 13, and 14, and also 21 for red rowan, please <3
Eee thank you Kate ;v; 💜💜 taking writer asks here!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I can tell you immediately what tropes can be found repeated through my fics.
Some aspect of parenthood, present or future (wanting kids, pregnancy plots, or characters being parents already). That was easy to fit in with Red Rowan because Yennefer canonly wants children very much, so it made for a compelling narrative conflict and an interesting exploration of her character.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - characters are forced to make choices and do things they would never otherwise see themselves doing because they hope it's leading towards a good ending they deserve. Combine that with the occasional fall from grace/"I gave up everything and in the end I still lost" and it's just. Chef's kiss.
"Retired badass" is another trope I love and will use whenever I have a chance. Yes, I lived through hell and retired... but now circumstances have forced me back into the fray, and I'm about to make it everyone's problem.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hmm. Not exactly a trope, but I think I used to be a lot more into shipping than I am now. I think I'm about 50/50 with whether I even care about ships at all when I get into a media these days. I still enjoy them of course but they've drifted significantly from being my main focus of interest in creating for things I like.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Ah, yeah, a few for sure. I'm not huge on a lot of more campy fanfic tropes (that's generous - I'm extremely picky about fanfic tropes) but I'd read them if I knew/trusted the writer and wanted to see what they did with them. There are also a few darker subjects where knowing/trusting the writer and their intentions more in-depth makes it easier (or even possible) to allow for unfettered immersion.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in Red Rowan, what would it be?
For Red Rowan? Aw man, there are so many things I'd love to write for that fic (including an entire sequel of sorts I was picking at at one time), though to be completely honest you wrote the most amazing interlude scene imaginable with Camellia (there needs to be more soft Eskel/Shani in this world, you have truly done the lord's work). If I had to think of any other scenes I might like to write...
Possibly something that better explores Lambert and Keira's outcome, where they are, and what's been going on with them. There's more going on behind the scenes with the two of them - both of them have deeper issues that they're willing to let on, but both are too stubborn to just come out and talk about them, even with how deeply in love they are and how much they trust each other over all other people. I didn't want to delve too deeply into their story in the actual fic because 1) it's Geralt's story, not Lambert's, and 2) Lambert gave exactly as many details as he was meant to give, and any more would unbalance the narrative.
But... I do love them, your honour. Maybe once the big overall story wraps they can have more content. As a treat.
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saintzoya · 3 years
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Villentretenmerth told us we were made for each other. Destined for each other. And that nothing would come of it because destiny alone isn't sufficient. Something more is needed. She is something more.
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yaskefer · 2 years
Yennefer has been scrubbing at her face furiously for several minutes now. 
They managed to outrun the guards, and are currently hiding in a half burnt barn. Its dark, sooty, and smelly. Jaskier’s knees have been aching from their huddled up position behind a stack of wooden boards. 
They had a close scare about an hour ago, when some people had entered the barn. But the darkness and mouldy walls must have been enough to put them off, because they didn’t really do much other than stamping around and trying to look intimidating. 
It’s cold, and they’re pressed against each other, leg to leg, shoulder to shoulder. Yennefer started sniffing about ten minutes ago. It’s hard not to notice, despite being unable to see anything. 
“Hey,” Jaskier murmurs, softly, “Hey.” He lightly bumps his shoulder against Yennefer, and she sucks in a loud breath. 
“It’s okay to cry, you know. Coming from a professional damsel in distress.” He smiles, before realising that Yennefer can’t actually see him. 
Yennefer scoffs, “It’s stupid is what it is.”
Jaskier hums, presses closer, he doesn’t know who’s leaching warmth off whom, “Not really. You’ve lost your magic, you’re on the run, it’s cold, it’s dark, it’s smelly, you can’t see my wonderfully handsome face to console yourself. And I can’t even sing for you lest we attract attention.” 
Yennefer snorts, and then sighs. There’s another quiet sniffle and then she’s resting her head on his shoulder. 
Jaskier smiles as he hears her breath even out a little, easier and quieter, “Also, a little crying is good for the eyes, actually.” 
He hears Yennefer giggle wetly, and can perfectly imagine her face, despite the pitch dark. 
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kakashimeansplan · 3 years
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stinastar · 3 years
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I have brain rot send help
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