#it’s the roomba that’s causing issues
nobody0805 · 6 months
Taking care of my aunts pets with @sophieorso
We’re looking after 3 cats (one needs to take laxatives every day and looks so grumpy I love him, one is extremely cuddly, and one is a bitch (I love all of them))
1 turtle (he just woke up from hibernation and is trying (and failing) to escape his enclosure)
And 1 snake that we can ignore since it only needs to be fed once a week and we’re not staying for a whole week.
Who would have thought that a fucking ROOMBA is harder to manage than the laxative cat.
The stupid thing cried for help THREE TIMES because it sucked up hair and apparently got them tangled in it’s brushes. Then it got stuck under the TV. And then it got stuck on top of fire wood.
We are trying.
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
An unusual amount of people are watching Donnie doing some programming. He had explained that he was challenged to make a game within a relatively short time frame, but hadn't explained what the game was supposed to be about yet.
His model is seated at a desk, and only seen from the torso up. Wearing a very comfy looking purple hoodie with a few pride pins, Nonbinary, Ace, and Progressive Flage, his mask, and his goggles/headphones.
"Okay, so I know what I'm planning for this game is way more than it needs to be, and I don't have a good chunk of the 'story' figured out. But I had a burst of inspiration for the game. I just need to make it actually make sense, even in this very obviously fictional setting." Donnie explains as he continues to switch between the programming screen, and a section of the environment filled with lots of random notes of what the area might be for.
The chat is tossing around their speculations of what the game is about. Especially since one of the Notes says "Need to finish mock up model, and check for potential copyright issues."
Donnie is now very focused on part of the program that has a tag saying it's for a enemy AI, and a reminder to not go to far. "Before anyone asks about these notes and tags. I need to remind you that Shelldon started as an AI assistant that could control some devices like the Roomba through bluetooth, and look at him now! My handsome robot Son who is very very very smart." He continues to gush about Shelldon and River for a few minutes, "I almost forgot my point, SHELLDON had a glitch early on that caused him to stop listening to anyone, and almost lead a Roomba army out onto the world... He was fixed very quickly, and I only had to deal with him acting like a teenager for a few weeks as a side effect."
As he talked he opened a file titled 'VT Game Assets WIP', there were multiple files each labeled like 'coffee shop', 'studio AB', 'stage 1-5' and looked through a few different 'enemies' folders to figure which one he should use in the environment labeled 'New Start Entertainment'.
"Though really the only reason I'm getting through this as quickly as I am, is because we have a huge library of random props, outfits, and of course environments. All made by Mandarin and I for no real reason other than 'just incase'." Donnie takes a moment to stretch after sitting still for like 3-4 hours. "This game as a whole would probably be judged for how quickly it's coming together and assuming it's not worth their time."
He then pulls up the fighting system- a plain mannequin fighting what could be described as a feral possessed plush toy. Once again catching some more attention and sparking some more debates in what the game was about if it needed a combat system to continue.
"Well that seems to be working properly for now, we just need to adjust for the other parts of the main setting. And actually finish the protagonist and other characters models so I don't just have a mannequin placeholders. It looks too much like we're copying that one cartoon that's getting big."
Donnie gets hyper focused on the programming and ignores chat and donations for the next hour. With the occasional muttering about what needs to changed, or they need to redo some of the textures and art assets because they aren't lining up properly.
Chat somehow never figure out what the game was about, and still continued to cheer Donnie on for working on the game.
Masterpost Part 2
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hasufin · 1 month
Probably not a hot take
I currently have on my desk three notices of data breaches which may affect me, and expect two more in the next week.
Now, clearly there are "hackers". However, I also know that if these companies followed established data protection standards these breaches would be meaningless.
These are issues because of corporate negligence and greed. The causes are twofold:
First, companies collect way too much data. They track our browsing habits. Our spending habits. Our sleeping habits. Why? in the hope that maybe later they can sell that data. There's an entire economy built around buying and selling information which shouldn't even exist. There's no reason, as a consumer, for my Roomba to upload a map of the inside of my house to the iRobot servers. It provides zero value to me, it's not necessary for the robot to operate. The company can't even articulate a business need for it. They just want to collect the data in order to sell it later.
Second, companies are incredibly lax about IT security. They're understaffed, underfunded, and they often don't bother training people on the technology they have, nor do they install and configure it (hint: a firewall doesn't count if it's still sitting in a box on the datacenter floor).
And I think the only way for companies to sit up and take notice is to make them bleed. You can issue guidelines as much as you want, they won't care because making changes and performing due diligence is expensive. They'd much rather just snoop on their customers and sell it all.
So what we need to do, is set a regulatory environment in which:
We recognize that customers, not companies are the victims of data breaches. The companies which are breached are not victims, they are accomplices.
Create a legal definition of private data. This should definitely include medical data, SSNs, &c, but should be broad enough to include information we'd not think about collecting normally (someday in the future, someone will create a toilet which is able to track how often you flush your toilet. They WILL want to sell that data. Fuck 'em.) [I would also want to sneak in there some restrictions clarifying that disclosing this data is covered under the 5th amendment - that no one else can provide your medical data in a court of law, and that you cannot be compelled to do so.]
Create a legal set of guidelines for data security. This needs to be a continuing commitment - a government organization which issues guidance annually. this guidance should establish the minimum standards (e.g., AES128 is required, AES256 certainly qualifies, it's not "the FITSA guidelines only allow AES128, we can't legally use AES512").
Legislate that failure to follow these guidelines to protect private data is negligence, and that responsibility for corporate negligence goes all the way up to the corporate officers. This should be considered a criminal, not civil, matter.
Restrict insurance payouts to companies when the cause is their own negligence.
Set minimum standards for restitution to victims, but clearly state that the restitution should be either the minimum, or 200% the cost to make the victim "whole" - whichever is higher. This must be exempted from arbitration and contractual restrictions - fuck DIsney's bullshit; no one signs their rights away.
Make the punishments for data negligence so severe that most companies - or at least their officers - are terrified of the risks. I'm talking putting CISOs and CEOs in jail and confiscating all their property for restitution.
The goal here is to make it so that the business model of "spy on people, sell their information" is too damned risky and companies don't do it. Yes, it will obsolete entire business models. That's the idea.
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muselixer · 15 days
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2024!
part three: july - september apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, suggestiveness, and capslock-implied yelling :)
"Do you wanna access my tiddies?"
"I'm not gonna lie, I really like the cum hat."
"I need to respect pronouns so bad right now."
"About to be posted up on the toilet seat."
"I should stop doing that 'cause I need to be in you the whole time."
"I'm on a cocktail of ibuprofen, Claritin D, and cough medicine, and I don't feel like a person, but let's get this bread."
"Of course Montana is debt free, bears don't get welfare."
"The baby was in the balloon?"
"And he has a gun, for the gender reveal!"
"Of course it's boring and weird. This party was basically put together by dementia grandma and her incel grandsons."
"I'm like a cactus."
"Adderall? More like... subtracterall. 'Cause it subtracts the ADHD."
"Alcohol is a scam to make me pee more."
"Is he about to kill me over my m&m preferences?"
"I'm kinda serving fallopian right now."
"Oh, uh, I gotta go fold my goldfish."
"What if we were the lemon stealing whores we found along the way?"
"No lesbians in the cookies."
"I'm just gonna chill with my balls on the windowsill."
"Your ass is not responsible for their skill issue."
"Don't forget your chlamydia. Whatever the fuck it's called."
"I should take my roomba to go see that."
"Whole Foods has Original Sin."
"I think there was an AI that learns how to fight... And a little chair that flies around. Then a destroyed house."
"And remember: 'strap' is just 'parts' backwards."
"Unfortunately, there is no vore in Rocky Horror."
"If you ever can't focus... eat dick."
"The code's so hard I made him piss rocks!"
"Can we talk about the cockroach fucker again?"
"Use teeth if you're not a coward."
"I'd be hlashing my fucking flazzards."
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jakey-beefed-it · 9 months
@rabidchilde this is all secondhand through my FLGS who got it from his GW rep and while I trust my FLGS guy to be honest with me, who knows if he's getting the truth from GW, so take it with a grain of salt, but
Basically they automated their main warehouse in Tennessee a couple years back, in the middle of the Covid wargaming boom, causing further fuckery to distribution than they would've had just from Covid. Then the robots (basically industrial-scale roomba type things that zip around the warehouse, place and pick things, then head back to recharge when they need it) started fucking up. This has not been solved.
So, rather than use their profits to buy more production facilities, rather than hire more people to run those facilities and the distribution centers, once again the profit motive has driven them to act stupid out of raw greed, turn to automation to save a few bucks on payroll, meanwhile the automation is ten kinds of fucked up and the problems haven't been solved in two years so who knows if they're even solveable with the current system.
And the end result has been massive supply issues, *especially* in North America, and they're so far behind on order fulfillment that they are planning a total moratorium in the near future in order to catch up. This will put any orders on hold for... days? weeks? months? And mean you can't order anything at all until the moratorium is over.
What this means for me, specifically, is that the allarus terminators I ordered are unlikely to arrive at my FLGS before the moratorium goes into effect and so I'll be waiting on them for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile. Which would suck under any circumstances, but I'm in a bit of a funk and the only thing that was kinda sustaining me was planning out my dumb kitbash ideas using them, and now that's out so what am I supposed to do? One of my other nerdy hobbies? I mean yeah probably I'll be fine after I have a little snit and just shift to working on d&d or something but for now, mreeeeh.
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aohendo · 2 years
Writblr Intro (Round 2)
Hey, everyone! Figured it was time to update my intro.
Call me Hendo, she/her, early twenties. I write fantasy, science-fiction, and sometimes horror, all with an emphasis on characterization over plot. In my longer manuscripts, there are always dragons, a casually queer cast, and at least one explosion.
I'm happy to do beta swaps under 15k, or honestly even longer depending on what my work schedule is that week. Said work schedule varies between "I'm basically on paid vacation for the next month" to "oh shit oh shit oh shit" without much warning, so, uh, yeah.
Tag and ask games are always welcome. If you ever just want to pop by and chat, maybe to say hi, maybe to work out a sticky plot thread, maybe to talk characters or editing, I'm here for it!
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for anything.
Reverberate | new-adult | complete, 124k | researching agents
A young special ops soldier sets out to find and kill the shareholders who murdered her family, but revenge becomes complicated when she discovers her brother imprisoned in a facility universally infamous for its mental reprogramming.
found-family/family as a choice, introspective narration, stoicism, revenge, space roombas
WIP intro | tag: attenuate/reverberate
Prince for Hire | new-adult | draft 3, 110k | doing a paper edit
A prophetic con-artist is tricked into becoming a prince and entering a conquering empress' Competition to rule the region.
rags-to-riches, learning to forgive, first steps of romance/learning to trust, magic causes more problems than it solves
WIP intro | Comic Sans intro | tag: princeforhire, pfh editing, pfh d2, pfh d3
Tyrant for Sale (working title) | new-adult | drafting, projected 100k
An assassin, a prophet, and a golden-boy prince, and their attempts to overthrow the assassin's father's tyrannical empire
Dunno what it'll feature yet but there does seem to be a wyvern, massive trust issues, and an old prophet's cave?
No WIP intro yet | tag: princeforhire2
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I just had to dismantle my roomba because it kept stopping while making error noises. Found nothing of relevance that might cause the issue, put it back together, now it works again, even better than before.
Is this how the AdMech feel on a daily basis?
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anna328p · 1 year
worldbuilding: the GHS SH series was marketed as a line of integrated housekeeping systems, basically humanoid Roombas.
They weren't very well designed. The SH3X units in particular had several issues that became prominent in the years after their release, both mechanical (joints being entirely too loose, etc) and electronic (the core suffered from leaky electrolytic capacitors, etching into the board and causing short circuits around the SoC).
The SH3X platform gained great popularity with hobbyists and hardware hackers, due to the wide availability of refurbished parts and third-party upgrades. Pretty much every local electronics shop has a full stock. They're often used as base platforms to house experimental cores.
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years
Together in the Storm Chapter 10: Olimar, the Kids are Bullying the Roomba Again
Story Summary: Olimar is back home once again, ready to rest and recuperate from everything that had happened. Yet the universe keeps throwing unwanted surprises his way, making rest difficult. He just wants to make his (now rather large) family believe that he’ll be okay. Because he is, for he has to be.
Chapter Summary: A collection of "flash fics" of some events that take place in Olimar's house around this time. Each is too short to be its own chapter so! They're all gathered here instead. Enjoy!
Read on Ao3 Here!
The Knife
Olimar hummed quietly as he slowly washed the dishes, getting lost in the repetitive task. Standing for so long was awfully painful, but he was too stubborn to stop. Dishes were always an iffy chore for him; on one hand, he could not touch greasy stuff. Period. On the other hand, he loved squeezing a soapy and wet sponge and playing with the suds a bit. Thankfully, breakfast this morning wasn't too greasy, so he was able to wash up afterwords with no issue!
... that is, until he felt something poke his leg.
He flinched a bit, stepping aside to look down. He then groaned loudly, soon hearing Nova's giggles from the other room. At his feet was the cleaning robot now controlled by Cetacea, a plastic knife tapped to the top of it. "Was poking me specifically necessary?"
"Yes." Was Cetacea's reply from a node on the kitchen counter.
"But was it?"
"Yes. Luna is a child, Louie is out of reach, Nova is my accomplice, and - to be honest - Rose terrifies me. So it must be you."
Olimar huffed as he set the rag down, now leaning against the counter. "I thought you couldn't actually feel any emotions."
"... well, even a machine possesses the self-preservation needed to stay clear of someone who once stabbed another person."
"Mom WHAT?!" Nova then squeaked, practically sliding into the kitchen thanks to his fur.
Olimar groaned louder then, hands moving to emphasize his words. "For the last time my wife didn't stab ANYONE!"
"But she did."
"My, you boys are noisy this morning." Rose teased as she walked in the kitchen, a basket of laundry in her hands. She had certainly just came from upstairs to put the clothes in the washing machine, located in the garage connected to the kitchen. "Now, who did I not stab?"
Olimar sighed now, sitting down as standing was starting to become too painful. He'd start the dishes again when he could. "I told Louie and Cetacea about the day you saved me from those bullies, back in high school. Somehow this one heard the word "slash" and thought I said "stab" instead."
"Mom saved you from some bullies?" Nova asked, now leaning against a chair, his eyes wide with wonder.
"You never told your kids how you met?" Cetacea then asked.
"For a reason." Rose set the basket on the corner of the kitchen table, though she still held onto the handles. "And for the record, sweetie, I did stab one of them."
"I-" Olimar began, his voice soon dying in his throat. He let out a few more sounds, desperately trying to talk and just... not being able to.
"Ah, then Olimar saw you covered in blood and in a leather jacket and hopelessly fell in love." Cetacea teased.
Olimar could only groan at this point.
"A leather jacket?" Nova then asked, looking at his mother.
"Yes! I think I still have it... I'll check after these clothes are in the washing machine. Anyways," she waved her hand a bit. "About the 'bullies', there were three of them and they were... much worse. They could have seriously hurt you - they would have, they thought you had money on you."
"And so you stabbed one?" Nova asked seeming... far, far too excited about this.
Rose chuckled before tapping her son's nose. "Yes, but it was only for an emergency. Okay? So don't just start attacking people." She lifted up the laundry basket, continuing on to the garage. "Unless one of your cute lil' friends is in danger~" That response caused Nova to squeak a bit, flushing up.
The door was closed before Olimar could speak, "Or, you know, don't stab anyone ever for any reason?!?"
The Jacket
"There it is!" Rose spoke to no one in particular, pulling out an old leather jacket. She was kneeling down in her and her husband's shared closet, a tub of old clothes in front of her. Thankfully, none had molded despite not being open for... Gods, sense they bought the house! Still, the jacket looked just as she left it before (plus a few creases from being folded up for so long) - black with a few spikes on the shoulders and a thorny red rose on the back. She had painted the rose and thorns on herself, she could clearly remember the day she did it and her many failed attempts to seal it.
And now, she was going to give it to her son.
She knew Nova would use it far more then she could and that the boy would love it. He'd probably wear it to school every day, show off to his friends. Hopefully it being designed for a more feminine body wouldn't be an issue for him. The last thing she wanted to do was trigger any dysphoria with the gift, but she had the feeling that literally everything else about the jacket would counteract that. Hopefully.
She pushed herself off of the floor, jacket hung across her arm. She managed to find the jacket, but now she had to find Nova. Last she saw him was in the kitchen, but there was a chance he was elsewhere in the house by now. Thankfully, though, she didn't have to hunt him down. The boy was... running up the stairs, laughing maniacally.
"Nova, no running up the stairs." She warned, watching as the boy jumped a bit in surprise.
"S-Sorry Mama. But Papa started it!"
"DID NOT!" Her husband's voice rang from the first floor, annoyed but with a playful tone to it.
Well, she wasn't going to get involved in this too much. So long as her boys didn't kill each other or mess up her house, Rose didn't care what nonsense they got into. "Well, put a pause on your game for a moment and come with me please." She then leaned her head over the stairway railing to look at her frazzled husband who was covered in... soot? Yeah, she wasn't going to ask any questions (though she couldn't help but wonder what on Hocotate they got into between her starting laundry and now). "I'll hand Nova back over to you when I'm done, okay love?"
"Okay. And tell him to play fair."
"I'll see about it." she teasingly tapped her son's nose before waving him over to the master bedroom. As they walked, though, Nova poked the jacket.
"Is this...?"
"Patience, dear." Rose teased. She sat on the edge of her bed, patting the spot next to her to encourage her son to sit by her. Once he did, she held up the jacket so he could get a better look at the front of it. "This was my leather jacket in high school. I got it when I was a little older then you - just a year older, actually, I was fifteen at the time."
Nova went wide eyed as he reached out to touch a sleeve. "Cool..."
"It's genuine leather, so it'll take a long time for this thing to break down." she explained. "It was a gift from your great aunt. Though, it was a plain black jacket when I got it. I added the spikes by hand."
"You can do that???"
Rose nodded, trailing a finger across the jacket near the spikes. "That's why they're so uneven. I did my best. I'm also the one who did this!" She flipped it over then, showing Nova the design she had added to the back.
The boy's eyes went wide as he gasped. "Oh, it's so cool! How did you do that???"
"... with a lot of trial and error, let's leave it at that." She chuckled a bit. "I know it's..." she paused, still uncertain about how careful was too careful and how blunt was too blunt when it came to this topic. Eventually, she settled on "It's built for a different body frame, but I'd still like to give it to you."
Nova turned to face her, eyes somehow wider and his ears slightly droopy. "A-Are you sure - it's-"
"I'm not sure if you noticed, but I don't exactly wear it anymore. I'd rather someone who would use it to have it."
Nova gently took the jacket from his mother's hands. He was oddly still and quiet at first before suddenly jumping out of his seat. "Thank you- thank you!" He hastily slipped it on as he practically bounced over to a mirror to get a better look at himself in it, a wide smile plastered across his face. It was a little big on him, but that was fine. He'd always been a late bloomer and Rose figured he still had one more good growth spurt in him. And if not, that was fine, he could probably just roll up the sleeves. Nova then turned around, tackling his mother into a sudden and tight hug. "Thank you, Mama."
"You're welcome, starlight." She hugged back tightly before pulling back to ruffle his hair. "Now, go back downstairs so you can play with your dad fairly. He still can't get up stairs too easily. Okay?"
"Yes Mama." And already he was off, running out of the room, the bright red rose of his jacket practically flashing against its dark backdrop.
The Conversation
Olimar was in his room, setting up the computer. Captain Charlie had contacted him requesting help regarding the little pikmin he had brought home. Of course, Olimar accepted - he was admittedly still uncertain about the other Captain's ability to care for a pikmin (which had become a permanent situation, according to Alph). It wasn't out of distrust per say, more so just... he didn't know Charlie enough. So any chance he could take to help out the little one was certainly a high priority.
But not necessarily his top priority.
He looked up when he heard the door click open, his son stepping in awkwardly. He held his new leather jacket close to him, as if for comfort. "H-Hi Papa... 'm home from school."
"Hey buddy." Olimar's ears leaned back. "Is... Is something wrong?"
Nova just nodded, now stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. "I - I - I need advice."
Olimar frowned then, beckoning Nova closer with his hand. "Come here, son. What's troubling you?"
Nova shuffled closer, not looking Olimar in the face. "D-Do you remember P-Pluto?"
"Yes, yes of course - he's been your best friend for years. Has... Has something happened between you two?"
Nova took in a deep, shaky breath. "H-He doesn't know that." He explained. Olimar furrowed his brow in worry and confusion, though he stayed quiet so his son could explain himself. "This - This past break, when - when the visual changes of my transition began, and you c-changed my name. And I begged to go to the north-end highschool instead..."
Olimar nodded slowly, now rubbing his son's shoulders. "Shhh... Shhh, remember to breath, buddy." Yes, he remembered all of it. Him asking to go to a different high school was a bit of a surprise, but it really shouldn't of been. They lived right on a district border, meaning Nova could go to school in the north-end if he was up to walking to a bus stop. Which, he was. Pluto was going to the north-end. He'd do anything for his friend.
Nova took in a deep and unsteady breath before continuing. "Pluto didn't recognize me. Last I had talked to him he thought I was going to the south-end, and I looked different and sounded different and had a different name and he didn't recognize me."
Olimar squeezed his shoulders a little tighter now. So this started months ago, then, and he kept it bottled up for so long... "And you never told him?"
"No!" Nova snapped a bit, tears pricking at his eyes. "I have no idea how he'd react if I did and I'm scared. B-But today he mentioned how he missed 'Stella' and - a-and-"
He began to cry hard then, Olimar immediately pulling him in for a tight hug. He gently rubbed circles on his back in an attempt to soothe him. "Shh, shhh, don't worry. I'm right here. Okay?"
Nova sniffled as he curled into his father, holding on as if for dear life. "I-I don't know what to do..."
His father silently rubbed circles on his back for a few moments, thinking. He eventually sighed, looking at the floor. "I-I'm sorry, Nova, I... I've never been through anything like this. I don't know what to do." He gently kissed his son's forehead, hoping it'd also help soothe him. "I'm sorry."
The boy then sniffled again. "It - it's okay. Thanks anyway..."
Olimar frowned then, his ears pinning back. Gods, he had to do something more to help his son. Right? "Do... any of your friends know?"
"No." Nova huffed. He then paused and, in a gentler voice, said "But I could tell Pollux. I haven't felt the need to, but I know he's safe."
At first, Olimar tensed. He didn't really care for Pollux all that much, he was scared that the delinquent would be a bad influence on Nova. Yet, his son seemed certain that he could trust him, so... "And would Pollux stand up for you if things went bad?"
"Yes." His answer was so immediate, with no hesitation or doubt.
"This is just my opinion, do what you feel is best. But I don't think you should be friends with someone if you're terrified they'd leave or hurt you over something you can't control. Talk to Pollux, and then Pluto. If things go bad, you'll still have Pollux. And we'll also help you the best we can. Okay?"
Nova was quiet before nodding. "Okay Papa. I'll think about it."
"Alright, son." He pulled Nova into another tight hug. "I love you."
"I love you too, Papa."
The Phone Call
Louie and Rose were in the kitchen, preparing for dinner together. It was going to be a thick, hearty stew tonight, so each of them were cutting up different vegetables for the stew. After slicing in silence for a little bit, Rose eventually asked, "So, I was curious. I know you two boys got close on a business trip together, but what exactly happened that made my husband want to basically adopt you, hm?"
Louie went silent as he mulled things over in his head, still cutting vegetables. "A lot of stuff." He eventually mumbled out. "PNF-404 is..." he trailed off then, uncertain of what to say.
"I know it's dangerous, if that's what you mean." Rose spoke up, voice grim.
The young man was silent for a moment before sighing. "... he protected me." Louie began. "And comforted me. One night I accidently called him dad when he... he came to my aid when I had a n-nightmare. And he embraced it." He then rolled his eyes slightly as he kept cutting vegetables. "Maybe a little too eagerly."
That made Rose chuckle lightly. "Yeah, that sounds like him alright. He just about cried from joy whenever I told him I was pregnant. Would scoop me up and laugh and cry so hard, a huge smile plastered on his face." She sighed a bit. "Made it easier to bear the... hardships that came with it."
Louie, unsure of what to say, decided it best to just silently reach out and pat her shoulder.
"Thanks, kiddo." She hummed. "I'm glad he was also able to help you, too. His head can be a little fuzzy, but his heart's in the right place."
"Fuzzy... head?" Louie asked.
"Oh, how do I say this nicely..." she laid down her knife, sighing. "He's a brilliant man, at least with biology, but he doesn't always make the best decisions."
"Ohhhh... yeah, yeah he's a stubborn idiot." Louie said plainly as he kept chopping vegetables.
Louie's pure bluntness got a hearty laugh out of Rose, who leaned over the counter slightly. "Yeah - yeah, that's one way to put it."
The young man just shrugged, still just slicing his given vegetables. He wasn't sure why she found it so funny, it was simply the truth.
No sooner than she had finally calmed down from her sudden giggle fit, Rose's phone began to ring. Still smiling a bit, she pulled out her phone only for her good mood to immediately vanish. After a slight hesitation, she answered the call and let out a nervous "Hello?"
Louie looked up at her, putting his knife down to pay attention as a number of questions ran through his mind.
"Y-Yeah, I've been okay." Rose answered after a pause, now taping her fingers against the counter. Another pause as whoever on the other end talked. "T-They've been okay too." Her ears then began to lean back a bit. "Yes, he's been good too. Great in school, good friends-" she was cut off by the other, the volume of the other end rising just enough that Louie could actually hear that someone was saying something, though he couldn't make out any specific words. Rose's fur slowly raised, her ears pinning back as she slightly barred her teeth. "When you can learn to fucking respect my son you piece of shit!" She then hung up, practically slamming the phone down as her fur bristled more. When she looked up and saw Louie cowering away from her, though, her ears drooped as her expression softened. "Oh, I'm so sorry Louie-" she reached for him, but didn't press further when he flinched away. "I didn't mean to scare you, I promise."
As Louie whimpered in fear a bit, Cetacea's voice rang our from the node. "M-May I ask what happened, Ms. Sonnen-Atwood?"
She sighed she she leaned against the counter. "It's just... My brother, he - he hasn't been..." She trailed off then, mulling over her words. "A-Accepting of Nova. To be blunt, he's been a cunt about it. And here he comes calling me, asking when he and our parents will get to see us again, and he still can't even use the rig- be decent towards my son." She growled a bit, but quickly cooled off as she turned to Louie. "I - I'm sorry... I just - I fucking can't with that man."
Louie was finally calming down, understanding at least partly what Rose was saying. Still, though, he was much too spooked to say or do anything in response.
"And is he taking advantage of being your parents' caretaker to not let you see them, either?" Cetacea asked, sounding worried.
"Ugh, I wish it was that simple." Rose's ears drooped down then. "They - they want to be "neutral" and "see both sides" but this isn't something you can fucking do that with! They..." She leaned against the counter more, head in her hands. "... They don't care if my baby is hurt. And - and I - I can't..." she moved a hand to cover her mouth, a distressed look on her face.
"... I'm so sorry, Rose." Cetacea awkwardly offered. "You're doing the right thing, though."
"I know." She groaned. "Doesn't make it any easier."
Finally, Louie had calmed enough to gently pat her shoulder. When she looked up at him, he pointed at her and then a dining chair.
"... What?" She asked, confused and mildly frustrated.
Louie then pulled her cutting board, knife, and vegetables over to him, then pointed at the chair again.
"... You want me to sit? Take a break?"
Louie nodded his head.
"Oh no - no I couldn't possibly leave the rest of dinner to you, I-"
"If I may," Cetacea began, cutting her off. "Louie can handle this just fine on his own. After what happened, you should take a moment to rest. Okay?"
"I..." She looked at the node, then Louie, then back to the node. "A-Alright. I'll - I'll try to not take too long."
"Take all the time you need."
Louie watched as Rose shuffled away, not resuming chopping vegetables until he saw her sit down. At that point he absorbed himself in his work, almost zoning out from how familiar he was with this task.
He realized now that he didn't know the family as well as the thought he did. Problems he hadn't expected people so kind hearted to have. But he did know one thing.
If anyone hurt his little brother, they would be dead meat.
The Snake
Olimar was laying down in a lounge chair, a open book on his chest, napping in the warm afternoon sun. Well, warm by Hocotation standards at least. He had come out to the back yard to read and enjoy the pleasant weather but... oh, the sun felt too good against his fur, he ended up falling fast asleep.
Thus, it took a few tries for his daughter to get his attention.
"H-huh?" Olimar tiredly asked, pushing himself up as the book tumbled off his chest and into his lap.
"I found something cool!" Luna squeaked, her eyes wide with excitement.
Olimar yawned as he stretched then. "Oh, that's cool." He looked at what was in her hands, but he was still so tired... his vision was slightly blurry and his brain was lagging terribly, so he wasn't exactly processing what his daughter was holding.
After a few moments of her waiting for her father's response, Luna squeaked out "It's a snake, Papa."
That woke Olimar up, the man practically jumping in his skin as he finally processed what was in her hands. It was, indeed, a snake. A very large and angry snake with black iridescent scales. To Luna's credit, she was holding it properly - one hand right behind the head, another supporting it further back, making sure it could use her arms as support. Rather impressive for an eight year old child. But it was still a very angry snake and oh Gods why did she think it was a good idea to just catch it like this???
"His name is Fluffy. Can we keep him?"
It took Olimar a few moments to calm down and answer his daughter. "N-No, sweetie, we can't."
At that her ears drooped down and she made a puppy-eyed expression.
"No." He repeated, sterner this time. "It's a wild animal, starlight, it belongs in its home."
She looked down at the snake. "But he's so friendly! He let me hold him."
Olimar sighed as he stood up then, a hand to her back. As oddly morbid as Luna was for her age, it did provide a rather helpful benefit - he could be more honest with her about how nature was without worrying if it would scare her too badly. "He's not friendly, he's scared. He thinks you're a predator that'll eat him."
"O-Oh..." Her shoulders sagged a bit as her ears drooped down.
"So he's being still in the hopes you won't recognize him as a snake and thus not eat him." He began to rub her back.
She looked up at him. "But... I can still tell he's a snake."
"Well, the animals that would prey on him don't have as good of eyesight as we do. So it usually does work."
"Hmm..." She looked down at the snake, which was still tense and still.
"C'mon, starlight, show me where you found it and we'll release it together."
That seemed to cheer her up a little and she eagerly nodded. "O-Okay Papa."
Luna led him to a far corner of the back yard, near a rock. The plants around it grew tall, as no lawn care tool could get near the rock without breaking. She knelt down by it and laid the snake down near the grass. She took several steps back then, her father laying a hand on her shoulder once she stood beside him. The snake stood still for a few moments before quickly slithering away into the long grass.
Olimar gently laid a hand on the top of her head, ruffling her hair just slightly. "You did the right thing. He's gonna go back and do... snakey things, I guess."
Luna snorted a bit before answering "He'll hunt rodents, nap on rocks, and eventually have eggs he'll have to stay away from or else he'll eat them."
Her father paused for several long moments before letting out a sigh. "Not all snakes do that, sweetie."
"... That species does, though, sense it is a kind of kingsnake.
"Oh!" She looked up at her dad then, leaning against him slightly. "You know about it?"
Olimar nodded then. "It's native to this region, so yes! Come sit with me on the porch and I can tell you more, okay?"
"Yes please!!!"
The Tiara
"Mrs. Sonnen-Atwood, help."
Rose turned to the living room node beside her, an eyebrow raised. "Oh?"
"Please, come upstairs." Cetacea begged. "I can't escape your daughter's room."
"Oh." She sighed as she stood up, turning the TV off. "Alright, I'll come save you. Just give me a moment." How did the little bot get trapped in there? Or get up to the second floor, for that matter? Oh well, she could ask it after she saved it. She quickly made her way upstairs, heading over to her daughters room. She paused as she approached Luna's door, though, hearing a voice inside.
"Oh, you're so pretty now Cetacea!"
Oh. Oh boy.
Rose opened the door slowly, peeking her head in. Luna was sitting on the floor, the cleaning robot in front of her. It was covered in glittery space stickers and had a tiara taped on it.
"... Luna, what are you doing?"
The little girl turned to her, a big smile plastered over her face. "Hi Mama! I was just dressing up Cetacea!"
Rose sighed as she opened the door wider. "That's very nice of you, dear, but you need to let it clean before you can play." She watched as Cetacea quickly made its way out of the room, a voice down the hall declaring "FREEDOM!"
"Okay Mama..."
With a nod, the older woman stepped back out to help the bot (again) who was now perched near the top of the stairs. "You gotta admit, though, you do look pretty now." She teased.
"Huh?" Cetacea then asked. "I couldn't quite tell what was happening in there. No mic or real camera on this thing, remember? Did Luna do something?"
"She tried to make you beautiful by plastering you with stickers and taping a tiara on you."
"... did it work?"
Rose raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. "Uh, sure. It did." Her ears then wiggled as she watched the little bot make its way back to Luna's room. "And what are you doing?"
"Going to get more stickers."
Rose paused for several moments before sighing. "Yeah, okay. Sure. Go ahead."
The Beast
Olimar decided not to question the fact that Cetacea was covered in stickers and had a tiara taped on it. Honestly, he knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. It's just how his dear little girl was.
No, he was going to sit here and keep reading and pretend that he didn't see the now very shiny robot scuttle on by.
A few moments of silence passed before he heard Cetacea speak: "BACK YOU FOWL BEAST, BACK!" Then followed by the sounds of Bulbie whimpering.
"Cetacea, leave Bulbie alone."
"This BEAST has messed up my tiara!"
Olimar rolled his eyes. "Poor you. Leave my dog alone."
Things remained quiet for only a moment before Cetacea re-entered the room, its tiara now only half taped down and dragging behind it. "Can you at least fix this for me?"
The Storm
Luna watched the rain roll down one of the living room windows with unease. "Is - is it gonna become a storm?" She asked.
"According to local weather forecasts, most likely." Cetacea had quickly answered.
"Oh..." Her ears drooped.
Cetacea was quiet for a moment before asking "Is... Is something wrong?"
Luna just made a whimpering noise before her ears wiggled and she looked over to see someone leaving the kitchen. "Oh, h-hi Louie. L-Lunch was good. Thank you."
Louie merely turned to her and nodded, not saying a word. When that only made her ears droop more, he walked over and sat next to her. Luna tilted her head for a moment, confused before her brother showed her his phone. It as open to the notes app with text that read "Sorry, can't talk. You okay?"
"Oh!" Luna then squeaked. She then curled into her self just a bit. "I - It might storm. Which means t-thunder." She then sighed. "I know it's silly, but it's still scary."
As Louie began to type up a new message, Cetacea spoke again. "Ah, don't worry Luna. Fear of thunder is quite common. You are far from the only person your age to have the fear - and many adults also have it."
"R-Really?" Luna asked.
Louie then nodded, showing her the message he wrote. "Thunder spooks me too. It's too loud. I usually hide away."
"Oh... But you can't hide from thunder."
"Hide?" Cetacea asked. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm hearing everything?"
"Oh!" Luna squeaked. "Louie can't talk and so is typing. I can read it out loud for you."
"It would help, yes. That being said... You can't avoid the thunder but you can make it less scary. Louie mentioned hiding, yeah?"
Luna nodded. "Yes."
"Well, why not hide in a pillow fort? Right here, in the living room. It won't block out the thunder, but it'll feel nicer."
"Yeah!" Luna squeaked. Then, "I want it in my room instead. On my bed."
"Oh? And why would that be?"
"If Papa wants to sit with us, he can't if we're on the floor." She then turned to Louie. "And if you help, Louie, you can be in the fort too!"
Louie shrugged before nodding.
"I hadn't even thought of that Luna. Hm, I may need to re-examine some of my code... Anyways, anyways, if that's your plan then I can help too! I can find countless ideas for how to make this fort. All I ask is that you also let me join."
"Are you also afraid of thunder, Cetacea?" Luna asked.
"In a way, yes. Thunder means lightning and usually rain, both of which could hurt me badly."
"Then that settles it - we're going to make a pillow fort!" Luna put her hands on her hips as she struck a determined pose. She then flinched a bit as the rain began to come down harder. "Now! Right now! Fort time!"
It didn't take long after that for the fort to be s up in her room. Louie brought in one of the nodes in order for Cetacea to provide directions on how to build the fort with what little they had available. It probably wouldn't be the most stable, but that was fine. It'd only be up for tonight anyways.
When they were a little over halfway done with the fort, Nova poked his head in. "So that's where the bot is... Uh, what are you three doing?"
"Building a pillow fort!" Luna squeaked. "Cetacea and Louie are also afraid of thunder."
Nova rose an eyebrow at that, looking at the robot in particular. It was then that the first clap of thunder arrived, booming in the distance. Luna yelped and slightly hid in the unfinished fort, looking at the window with unease. Nova's ears then drooped as he sighed. "Do... you want my help?"
"Yes please!" Luna squeaked, seeming cheered up already... though she didn't come out of hiding, either. Thus, her two brothers (and Cetacea, kinda) ended up finishing the fort for her. When she announced that the others may enter it too, Cetacea's little bot scuttled on in as Louie awkwardly hunched inside of it.
Nova, however, looked at it nervously before shaking his head. "Sorry Luna, it's uh... a little cramped for me. But I can sit outside it if you want?"
Luna nodded. "Yes, you may stand guard if you please!" Another clap of thunder, louder this time, rang through the room. Luna immediately began to whimper then as she hid against Louie, who was still trying to make himself comfortable in the not really him sized fort. Cetacea also rolled up beside her, soon ending up in the girl's lap as if it were a small animal.
As Nova got comfortable sitting beside her bed, looking up at his little sister in worry, the trio's (...Quartet's?) parents then also peeked in. "Ah, so this is where everyone went." Rose teased.
"Yeah," Nova answered as he turned to his parents, "These three are afraid of the thunder, so we all built this for them."
"Aww, I see." Olimar hummed as he sat at the edge of the bed, ducking slightly as to fit into the fort. "You think it's helping?"
Luna just nodded, now shuffling closer to Olimar. Cetacea was still in her lap, who she was... petting. Ah, but of course she was. Rose also sat on the bed's edge then, making it rather crowded, but that seemed fine by everyone on the bed. Bulbie hobbled in there too, probably wondering where everyone was. He couldn't get up on the bed though, so instead he flopped himself across Nova's lap.
"Well, I'm glad it's wor-" Olimar began, only to be cut off by a loud thunder clap that practically ran through the room. Luna cried out then, sniffling as she pressed against Olimar. He quickly scooped his child up, Cetacea still in her lap, as he rubbed her back and tucked her head under his chin. "Shhh, shh... you'll be okay, you'll be okay..." He looked over to a also nervous Louie, who thankfully was being comforted by Rose. "Let's all stay together here for a bit, eh? Until the storm passes?" Olimar offered. Then, in a playful tone, "Or when it's dinner time, whichever comes first."
Luna nodded eagerly at that, seemingly too spooked to speak.
And so the entire family - including the weird emo they adopted, old dog, and spaceship-turned-robot-turned-weird pet - huddled up together. Best they could, at least.
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pengwenstudios · 11 months
First D&D character: Yeah, she is missing the bottom half of her face because trauma and she has trust issues cause trauma.
Second D&D character: Here name is Vodka Bottle and she has a Giant Axolotl called Atlas and owns a tavern which is on top of said Giant Axolotl.
Third D&D character: I call him 'Cat on a Roomba' (CoaD) he has knives and has a -1 to his intelligence.
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searsonline · 1 year
Knock out Dust and Allergens from Floors and Indoor Air
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Vacuum cleaners are a convenience that many of us have come to rely on. From corded and cordless vacuums to upright and canister vacuums, Sears has much to offer in terms of appliances that help maintain living spaces in tip-top condition.
Choose from a Wide Collection
Shark, Bissell, iRobot and other trusted brands offer their latest in vacuum cleaners. Cordless vacuum cleaners offer the convenience of mobility, which is limited with corded vacuums since you’ll have to switch power points around the house, restaurant or office to clean different rooms. However, corded vacuums have a higher dust collecting capacity when compared to cordless ones. In addition, the canister doesn't need to be emptied frequently, which limits your exposure to allergy-causing particles. Try the Shark Navigator Lift-Away Speed Upright Vacuum with Self-Cleaning Brush Roll for unbelievable maneuverability on bare floors, carpets and furniture. The self-cleaning brush roll removes hair nonstop, while Anti-Allergen Complete Seal technology and a HEPA filter zap dust and indoor allergens.
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A portable vacuum is a smart choice since you it lets you clean a mess wherever it’s made. The Bissell 2033 Featherweight Lightweight Stick Vacuum is one such appliance that converts into a hand vacuum in a single step, letting you store or transport it easily. Weighing as little as 3lb, this machine has a dirt cup that’s easy to empty and a versatile crevice tool for corners and narrow spots.
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Clean with Next-Gen Technology
Robotic vacuums go a step further to simplify housekeeping and give you more time to do other chores or enjoy some downtime. If you suffer from joint or mobility issues, using a robot makes sense. Powered with wi-fi, these vacuum cleaners like the iRobot ROOMBA675 R675020 Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum with Patented Dirt Detect sensors, are compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and other Smart devices, and can do almost all the work of cleaning on their own. This self-charging machine can sense differences in surfaces and adjust accordingly. Irrespective of hardwood or carpet floors, the robot can comfortably suck in any debris, small or large. You can track the vacuum even when you're not home using the iRobot HOME app on your smartphone and come back later to see thoroughly cleaned floors.
Filters are essential for the proper functioning of any vacuum cleaner. HEPA filter kits are high performing and trap microbes and even the finest particles as small as 0.3 microns. Other attachments like brush rolls, motor belts, hoses, crevice tools, cleaning pads and replacement bags are always available on Sears. You can find the exact part needed for any of the popular vacuum cleaners.
Tough on Stains
Stuck with heavily stained carpet floors? Read about carpet cleaners like the Bissell portable carpet cleaner with 2 brush tools, which is a workhorse designed to remove stubborn spots and stains from upholstery, carpets, stairs and more. You can even check out specialty mops like the Shark 1.55kW pocket mop and other related options for floor cleaning.
Browse through the different categories of vacuums and floor care and find many options that fit your requirements. Sears has got you covered with a large assortment of cleaners to keep your surroundings hygienic and neat. Also, you can read more on sears blog to go through a whole bunch of products that add a sense of style and luxury to your home. 
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freakattack · 2 years
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Now that i have played every warioware game with multiplayer on it its time for me to do what i do best: Make a list
MEGA PARTY GAMES: The zenith of the wario multiplayer experience. So much to see so much to do. You can play as the characters and you can use them to be a shit head to people. Its very energetic, fun, silly, you can do a little dance if you really want to. It's the same micorgames as the ones in the first game which some poeple dont like but IDC because i have played the game and i love it and everyone else i have played this game with has never played the first one so it doesnt even matter. Im sure this was a bigger issue in 2004 but it's not 2004 so we're good.
GAY MAN WARIO: THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LAUNCH TITLE FOR THE WII U. i never will stop saying this it would have changed history. This multiplayer experience was actuaklly a little disappointing cause hteres only 4 game modes (as opposed to mega party games' 8) but hte ones that are there are super fun, I STILL havent played survival yet but sketch (pictionary) and fruit (proto-amongus) are extremely fun and havent yet gotten old even for people who dont have wario diseases in their brains. I wish i could have been around for miiverse sketch. C'est la vie
GET IT TOGETHER: This was actually the first wario ware game i ever played. Isnt that fucked up? Ignoring the fact that orbulon is a little eraser nubbin, the multiplayer is pretty good. i enjoy the fact that you can play with a second player in the story mode and there are a whole bunch of multiplayer-only modes to choose from. Unfortunately most of these are limited to 2 players which makes it hard when you have a group but the 4 player ones that are there are pretty fun too. I liek that you can beat people up in this one.
SMOOTH MOVES: I like smooth moves but the multiplayer here is laughable sorry. it's on the whole ass Wii but the only modes it has are just different flavors of passing around a single wii remote and taking turns playing microgames, which you could just do with the single player levels anyways. the visuals with the miis are funny though. I also havent played this with people in a hot minute (because the multiplayer is so lacking) but hte one where at the end youre like, tied up hanging from a tree over a crocodile pit and you take turns cutting ropes until someone falls and dies? That ones my favorite i think.
MEGA MICROGAMES: This is barely multiplayer but i'm including it anwyays because it's so funny. Have you ever wanted to share half a gameboy with someone? Have i got the game for you. I will give it credit though it was probably a fun time killer for long car rides or playdates in the pre-iphone era. God we should go back to that. No more internet no more iphone we are going to play the jimmy t roomba game
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smarthomeness · 10 months
Tackling the Roomba Dilemma: Why Does it Leave Clumps of Fur and How to Fix It
In the fast-paced world of smart home technology, Roomba has emerged as a revolutionary gadget, making household chores more convenient than ever. However, for some users, the excitement of owning a Roomba is dampened when they discover clumps of fur left behind after a cleaning session. If you're facing this issue, you're not alone. In this article, we'll explore why Roomba might leave clumps of fur and provide effective solutions to ensure a cleaner home.
Understanding the Issue:
Roomba, the autonomous vacuum cleaner, is designed to navigate and clean floors efficiently. However, some users have reported the presence of clumps of fur or hair after a cleaning cycle. This issue can be attributed to various factors:
Brush Maintenance:
Over time, the brushes on the Roomba can become entangled with hair, especially if you have pets. This can result in the formation of clumps that are left behind during the cleaning process.
Filter Clogs:
The filters in the Roomba play a crucial role in trapping dust, dirt, and fur. When these filters become clogged, the Roomba may struggle to pick up hair effectively, leading to clumps being left on the floor.
Inadequate Cleaning Patterns:
Depending on the Roomba model, some units may not follow the most effective cleaning patterns, missing certain spots and leaving behind clumps of fur.
Solutions to Roomba Leaving Clumps of Fur:
Regular Brush Maintenance:
To prevent fur clumps, make it a habit to clean the brushes of your Roomba regularly. Remove any hair entanglements and ensure the brushes are free from debris before each cleaning session.
Frequent Filter Replacement:
Regularly replace the filters in your Roomba to prevent clogs. This not only enhances the vacuum's efficiency but also ensures that fur is effectively trapped, reducing the likelihood of clumps being left behind.
Optimize Cleaning Settings:
Check the cleaning settings on your Roomba. Some models have customizable settings that allow you to adjust the cleaning patterns. Experiment with different settings to find the most effective configuration for your home.
Pre-Clean Preparation:
Prior to running the Roomba, pick up larger clumps of fur or debris manually. This can help the Roomba focus on fine particles and prevent it from dragging larger clumps around the house.
Owning a Roomba can be a game-changer in maintaining a clean and tidy home, but encountering clumps of fur can be frustrating. By understanding the potential causes and implementing the suggested solutions, you can ensure that your Roomba operates at its best, leaving your floors spotless after every cleaning session. For more in-depth tips and insights into resolving the issue of Roomba leaving clumps of fur, visit SmartHomeNess - Roomba Leaves Clumps of Hair. Ensure a hassle-free cleaning experience with your Roomba and enjoy the full benefits of this innovative smart home device
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sambrothers · 1 year
Quick Steps For iRobot Roomba Troubleshooting
The Roomba vacuum is among the top vacuums of all time. This vacuum offers several features that help users keep their personal spaces clean. But, you can still face issues with your iRobot Roomba. For such cases, you must know some effective iRobot Roomba troubleshooting methods to fix the issue. Check if there’s any blockage inside the vacuum causing the issues within the vacuum. You can also try power cycling or resetting the vacuum to fix malfunctions with the Roomba vacuum.
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newmaniawe · 2 years
9 Ways To Fix Roomba Not Cleaning All Rooms
Roomba vacuums are very efficient in their cleaning work and they are designed to clean each nook and corner of the room. Usually, vacuum cleaners robots also known as Roomba remain in the main living room and that is the most important place in the home where we sleep, eat, and spend much of our time. Roombas usually clean the room with much efficiency but some dirt and dust particles remain in the compartment of the cleaner some Roombas also clean their dust compartment themselves.
Why is My Roomba Not Cleaning The Whole House
- If there is a multi-level room it usually is due to the stairs in the house or in the room causing Roomba not to clean.  - If there are physical obstacles in the room like any furniture lying low on the ground it may stop Rooba from cleaning. - If there is systematic navigation set in Roomba then taking it to another room will disallow cleaning the room and understanding the room navigation. - If you have not well-maintained your Roomba or there is not enough light in the room area, it will not allow you to clean the room accurately.
How to Get Roomba To Clean The Whole House
There are a few steps that will guide you in making your Roomba clean all rooms. - You must set your Roomba setting to “Clean All.” - Make sure you have turned on the “Edge Clean.” - Make Sure the Room Has all the rooms lit “Sufficient Light.” - Clean the Sensor Properly - Re-position permanent floor items - Remove Clutter - Charge your Roomba fully - Check Virtual Wall status - Reset Map Configurations 1. Must set your Roomba setting to “Clean All.” In most cases, We have changed settings and it causes Roomba to stop working. The latest Roomba robots are made to clean and map the house with their advanced AI technology. Roomba I and S series have smart and intelligent technology which allows them to map the room area and clean it accordingly. iRobot Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets
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Smart Mapping Technology allows you to: - Add maps of the house and its rooms areas - Clean maps which you specifically assign them  - Stop Roomba from cleaning any of the areas in the house.  If you are facing issues with Roomba which is not cleaning all the rooms in the house, you must check your iRobot app on your mobile. You might have changed the setting and somehow, you have disallowed Roomba to stop going to that room. Change your setting to “Clean all” Reading Recommendation: Please explore more about Roomba 2. Make sure you have turned on the “Edge Clean.” Some of the areas in the room might remain uncleaned, especially the corners and edges of the room and different types of furniture and other things in the rooms. Edge Clean technology is a great feature in the latest Roombas. It allows them to clean all the areas of the rooms. If you have not changed the settings of the Roomba through the app, Edge Clean option will be on by default. People may find this option distracting and they fear that this will harm the delicate devices or the furniture in the room and they want cleaning in quick time which avoids cleaning the whole room completely. So, to avoid that they may turn off this feature. 3. Make Sure the Room Has all the rooms lit “Sufficient Light.” Roombas clean their house and their rooms very efficiently with their advanced technology and proper navigation system. Roombas navigation system is operated through the camera installed in the device. These cameras locate the room's position and its areas with the help of light. In the absence of proper light, Roombas are not able to detect the proper mapping of the house which creates a hassle in cleaning the room properly. Make sure that your room has adequate lighting installed to make them work and clean efficiently. 4. Clean the Sensor properly Most people do not take care of their operating and working devices in the house and win the rooms. A proper maintenance system is necessary to make them work smoothly. Multiple rounds of Roomba for cleaning purposes in the house gather dust and dirt particles in its bags. You should clean your Roomba regularly for about half an hour to make them work smoothly in the house. Clean the brushes and sensors of the Roomba properly and it will fix most of the issues and errors which are hindering the proper cleaning of the Roomba. Dirty sensors also cause Roomba to clean the same area and Roomba doesn't navigate through the whole house. Cliff Sensors in the Roomba are small rectangles around the edges of the Roomba. To clean them, flip them upside down and clean them accordingly. Cliff sensors avoid your Roomba from dropping off or falling off steps.  Dirt Sensors are rectangular blocks and are present in the right and left areas of the Roomba’s dustbin. To clean it, remove the dustbin from the unit and clean it with a cloth. Know More: Are Roomba Bags Reusable 5. Re-position permanent floor items Roombas can’t work properly in rooms where there is no plan surface and has many obstacles of different levels. You should try making the floor level equal from all sides and try to remove the furniture of varied surface levels which stop Roomba in its working plan and Roomba leaves so many areas uncleaned this way. 6. Remove Clutter Different household items in the room cause obstacles to cleaning. If you have created a mess of furniture and other decoration items in the room then try to throw them away from the room and try to remap the room and make sure that this time, you make the room clean and simple on its surface. Different electricity wires and connection cables make the room surface unplan which cause the Roombas to go to that area of the rooms where these wire are spread over. For accurate mapping: - Do several cleaning sessions a day. - Avoid placing dark or patterned carpets. - Remove mismatched surfaced furniture especially low-lying furniture. 7. Charge your Roomba fully Roomba can automatically charge itself through its base which detects its charging and puts Roomba on a charging session automatically. But, in other cases, you should manually plug in the Roomba and charge it. Because you leave it in the room to cleaning and after sometimes, when you come in to collect the machine and you see that the room is half cleaned. This is just because the charging was expired and Roomba did not work fully. Roomba can be charged fully in almost 2 hours. Make sure that you charge Roomba fully before using it to avoid Cleaning button issue on Roomba. 8. Check Virtual Wall status Roomba users must have seen the virtual wall feature, it is really a handy feature through which you monitor and control the Roomba movement in the house. By using the virtual wall feature, you can disallow Roomba to go to a specific area of the house. Most people use the virtual wall feature to: - Stop Roomba from entering restricted rooms. - Avoid them bumping into unstable objects. - Cleaning around delicate furniture. 9. Reset Map Configurations If you have tried all the methods mentioned above, you must try resetting your map and doing its configurations. This is a bit of time taking task but by doing this, you can adjust its settings and make it work finely. Just take out all the room items and furniture from the rooms and now put your Roomba in the room and configure its map settings. Now, you can customize everything according to your needs. iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets
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Enjoy Reading Too: How to fix Roomba Error 6 Roomba Error 14 | 8 Steps To Fix Roomba not connecting to WiFi? | Fix it Quickly Frequently Asked Questions Why does my Roomba only clean one area? If there is dust in the sensors and if they are not cleaned properly then Roomba might get distracted in its mapping navigation which lowers its cleaning efficiency. Does Roomba miss spots? Roombas clean the room properly and go into every nook and corner of the room, but the unlevel surface area or any low-lying furniture can cause it to leave that surface area and thus leave empty some spots in the room. How long does it take the Roomba to learn your house? It can up to 3 to 5 hours for Roombas to properly understand the map of the room. But, it also depends on the area of the room which you are mapping. Read the full article
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fatkinson2901 · 2 years
Why is My Roomba Not Charging ?
The Roomba not charging is a common issue among users. This issue needs to be immediately resolved, as without enough battery life, the Roomba will not function correctly. Therefore, you must instantly figure out the cause and troubleshoot it accordingly. If you are facing the same issue, don’t worry. Today, we’ll discuss the ways you can troubleshoot this method.
Troubleshooting the Roomba Not Charging Issue
There could be several reasons for the Roomba not charging issue. But it’s nothing to worry about, as sometimes these problems arise due to improper maintenance. You can try the following methods to fix the issue:
Sometimes due to dust accumulating on the charging pins, this issue arises.
You can clean the pins thoroughly using a damp microfibre cloth.
There could be an issue with the battery, you can replace the battery.
Relocate the dock, as the current location could be difficult for the robot to access.
Reboot the Roomba by powering it OFF for some time and turning it back ON.
When nothing else works, you can reset the Roomba to fix any technical issues.
These are some troubleshooting steps you can try to fix the Roomba not charging or roomba not connecting to wifi issue. Now, the problem should be gone. If the issue persists, or there’s any other difficulty you are having, you can connect with us.
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