#it’s reasonable how others are attracted to him but am I?? The very confused aroace who has zero understanding of what qualifies as crush??
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hplonesomeart · 3 months ago
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@cookiemedo Sorry it took me an embarrassingly long time to properly respond to your lil tag inquiry. Containing my doodles in neatly formatted boxes is uh…definitely not my strong-suit as you’ve probably figured out by now lol. But I felt like your ask warranted some doodles, so here ya go!
Anyways that bowtie shall become my prized souvenir—you best believe I’m gonna wear it proudly. Look out Puzzles I’m coming for your style and then some /j
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(go to one of his theatrical broadway-wannabe concerts or perhaps a late night gameshow comedy hour sketch performance. I’m not too picky I’d be willing to pay money just to see him perform anything period)
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Yea I felt like doing something silly in order to break away from the dread of finals week coming up. What can I say? I’m a professional procrastinator. But man oh man it was a good call this time around—I mean just look as this scrumptious masterpiece right here. Time well spent for sure. Genuinely I believe to have cooked with it chat /j
This is a version without the added stars by the way. And the second one is obviously just raw image reference/the original “bereal concert meme” source. I was very tempted to put Puzzles in that same exact outfit—however I decided it would be overly time consuming to make two separate versions. Maybe once finals are over I’ll be able to do that :)
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autisticgoten · 1 month ago
More thoughts on aroace Goku/the autistic Son family (+ headcanons and postcanon ideas)
Because I couldn't justify putting them all in the art I just posted lmao
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[Image ID: An aroace flag colour picked from Super Saiyan Goku, with Goku in front of it. End ID.]
I have always read Goku as somewhere on the aroace spectrum, especially during the early series.
(Thoughts/Goku-based thesis under cut)
In early Dragon Ball, Goku often has to have social concepts such as sex, gender, romance, etc., explained to him. This, of course, is related to the running joke that he's sheltered and has no comprehension of things which are second nature to most people.
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[Image ID: A panel of Roshi saying "I am appalled by your inability to judge women!" Goku responds, "Really...?" End ID.]
(From Chapter 25, where Roshi is horrified that Goku does not objectify women. The surrounding panels are worse, typical early series jokes.)
He's 12 here, around the age where media often portrays young people as developing feelings of attraction. Though his lack of interest may be portrayed as due to his isolation, that really wouldn't have that much bearing on experiencing romantic interest when he explores the rest of the world. Toriyama consistently choosing to write Goku like this seems to say something more about him than just this running joke.
Then, of course, there's the (somewhat infamous) scene where Chi-Chi confronts Goku when they are both 18 or so and insists that he promised to marry her.
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[Image ID: Two panels. In the first, Goku thinks, "Wow... And all this time, I thought she meant something to eat! Well, I guess that's it... I did promise!" In the second, he faces Chi-Chi and says, "Okay! We'd better get married!" and she says, "Yay!" End ID.]
(From Chapter 171. Searching for this exposed me to too many people's opinions on Chi-Chi.)
Goku is remarkably casual about agreeing to marry someone, especially as he didn't really know what it meant a few minutes ago. I really don't think this is intended to be taken too seriously -- it's largely a joke about how nonchalantly Goku treats things that are super important to most people, because he has other priorities than most people.
I don't think this is a reckless/stupid moment for Goku (or a predatory moment from Chi-Chi as I've unfortunately seen people say). He's young and doesn't understand social expectations very well and you know, he made a promise. It's perfectly reasonable to him.
Goku is now 18 and still exhibits the same cluelessness when it comes to romance, even though he has been around the world and met many people, including people his age.
This moment also makes me think a lot about my headcanons of both Goku and Chi-Chi (and the whole Son family) being autistic. Goku is so so autistic to me -- he largely exists outside of social expectations and is confused when they are imposed onto him, he is focused on one thing (mastering martial arts) to the point where other things seem unimportant to him, etc. On the other hand, Chi-Chi is also autistic but in the way of attempting to adhere strictly to social expectations because she wants to Fit In (#girlautism). Women get married because they were promised to someone when they were young and that's that.
This diverts from manga canon/Toriyama's writing, but in the anime filler about Goku and Chi-Chi's wedding there's a whole dumb bit where a character called Grandma Hakkake 'teaches' her how to be a good wife by making her clean her house.
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[Image ID: A screenshot from the Dragon Ball anime where Chi-Chi is intently cleaning up a pile of dishes. End ID.]
(Episode 151)
It's so absurd that it makes me think about Chi-Chi rather desperately adhering to the social role of a Good Wife. When you consider this, it contextualises a lot of her characterisation. She is frustrated with Goku because he doesn't fulfill some socially-expected aspects of a Good Husband, such as earning the household's income, keeping Gohan in school, etc. She is frustrated because she has done her very very best to be a Good Wife and yet he doesn't seem to be trying at all.
This is NOT an attack on Goku in any capacity, I don't think he's a bad husband or father at all. There is a difference, however, between Goku's personality and the social construction of a Good Husband.
I'm thinking about this post by @gokustits where @dbfandom breaks down this rather infamous panel from the original Japanese (I highly encourage reading and interacting with the post because it's excellent).
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[Image ID: A panel where Chi-Chi is yelling "Oh, come off it, Goku-sa! You never do any work, and you never look after Gohan-chan--!! Have you ever made a single penny since we got married--!?" End ID.]
@dbfandom: The first bubble is her scolding Goku for being an absentee father, but it's through the societal lense. She's saying he's a bad father (by societal norms: aka a "provider"), but not a bad "dad", and she's angry about the year and a half in which Goku was absent but could have not been (due to the wish to Porunga to be brought back that Goku refused!)
The difficulties in their marriage largely come from this miscommunication, where Chi-Chi assumes that Goku knows these societal norms because they're societal norms, but of course he doesn't. This isn't really either of their faults, especially as they got married at 18 (!!!). It's more tragic than anything to me.
Their early relationship feels kind of like 'playing house' to me. Chi-Chi has a very specific idea of marriage and Goku goes along with it. I do think they're happy, especially before the Saiyan Saga starts, but it feels less related to the social expectations and more in spite of them. They develop a relationship and enjoy spending time together, fall in love in some capacity for sure, but when Goku is pulled in other directions that relationship is strained.
This is going more into the realm of reading between the lines/headcanon, but my interpretation of Goku's feelings for Chi-Chi are really just that he enjoys spending time with her and doesn't mind what form it takes. I view him as a sex-neutral ace (he doesn't care much either way).
I don't think there's any doubt that Goku loves Chi-Chi as their relationship ends up.
While Chi-Chi's initial feelings for Goku definitely seem like she convinces herself that she has them because she's betrothed to him, I also think she develops very real feelings for him. I read her as a little aroace-spec too, though I think she specifically enjoys romance as compared to other ways of being with someone more than Goku.
Anyway! Onto the kids!
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[Image ID: A coloured DBZ chapter cover in Japanese, with Videl, Goten, and Gohan. End ID.]
(Chapter 428/DBZ 234)
Gohan is actually the only one of the Son family I read as totally allo, lmao. Well, there's really not much evidence either way, but his romance with Videl feels fairly natural to me. If anything, they have more obstacles to their relationship than pressures.
(Except that one weird moment where Chi-Chi is excited that the girl Gohan likes is rich, but I personally don't think that influences him too much.)
I do really think Gohan and Videl is just one of these rarer cases where people fall in love in high school and get married young but end up with a pretty healthy relationship.
(It happens. I started dating my partner of 8 years in early high school lmfao, though we do certainly have some aroace-spec shenanigans going on)
Not to say they're completely untouched by social expectations and all. Being in a heterosexual marriage certainly comes with plenty of that. Gohan getting married young like his parents does also play on my mind. Even if he wasn't pressured into it, society certainly doesn't object to anything he does.
As for Videl, she is also very allo to me with her initial crush on Gohan. I like a lot of their early relationship which is built on training together.
(This only makes Super even more frustrating with how they completely strip Videl of her personality and what made this relationship interesting.)
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[Image ID: A trading card of high school Videl and Gohan back-to-back, looking at each other over their shoulders and smiling. End ID.]
I also read Gohan as autistic, though he's better at masking than Goku. He also sometimes struggles socially (though this may also be part to his isolated upbringing) and has special interests (entomology in Super, of course, but also martial arts just like Goku -- I'm sure he has complex feelings about this considering his trauma but also his earnest love for it in less high-stakes situations i.e. Saiyaman).
Okay! Finally nearing the end, onto Goten (and a bunch of my headcanons)!
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[Image ID: Three panels. In the first, Trunks says, "Y'know what, Goten?!" and Goten responds, "What?" In the second, Trunks says, "If I tried... I bet I could only beat you with one arm!" In the third, Goten says, "What?! One arm?! You can not!" End ID.]
(Chapter 433/DBZ 239)
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I love Goten. I love the energy that he and Trunks bring the Buu Saga and their fun, childish outlooks.
I read Goten as autistic too ("no way, tumblr user autisticgoten"). Alongside some of his characterisation which feels very inspired by young Goku's, his friendship with Trunks also makes me think of this.
Often, Trunks is the instigator, proposing schemes for Goten to join in on. This may be explained by Trunks being the older and more confident kid, but I also like reading this as Goten being Autistic in the way that he really wants to fill the role of Trunks' friend well.
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[Image ID: A full-body illustration of young Goten in his gi, smiling. End ID.]
(my art! full post here as I remain proud of it)
As for queer stuff, well...
We only have brief appearance of teen Goten as written by Toriyama, in the DBZ epilogue.
It's fairly brief and the most insightful thing, really, is that he mentions he's going on a date, which means he's interested in romance in some capacity.
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[Image ID: A panel where Goten says "And I had a date tomorrow, too". End ID.]
Honestly, any conclusions drawn from that alone would be pretty narrow (I'm not analysing GT or Super in this particular post).
So... now for headcanons and my personal ideas!! Everything from here is from my own writing of post-canon DB, so fair warning if you're only interested in the analysis.
I really, really like teen Goten being bisexual and aroace-spec.
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[Image ID: A digital sketch of teen Goten in a gi holding up a peace sign and saying "i love bisexuality", with a bisexual flag in the background, and another tiny doodle of him in the corner. End ID.]
(little scribble from 2023 I didn't post)
Goten is the first one in his family to actually identify as queer. This brings up a whole BUNCH of feelings when he comes out. Goku wouldn't care at all, of course. Chi-Chi definitely isn't intolerant but has some traditional ideas. Her entire marriage is built on heterosexual gender roles. She has a lot of talks with her son which lead her to consider a lot of things differently.
Goku never identifies as aroace because that doesn't matter to him but the idea helps him understand that the way he sees romance may not be the same for everyone. He and Chi-Chi talk a bit and while I think their relationship is definitely better after the Buu Saga in general due to their age and a lack of stressors, this really helps them come to terms with the unexamined issues in their relationship and how they've always had different expectations.
(Young queer people helping their older relatives understand things about themselves is so, so important to me and I just want to see it more. On a personal level, my sister and me coming out helped my mum realise she's bisexual.)
Anyway, my interpretation of teen Goten does flirt around a lot but he rarely has serious relationships and the people he dates always just end up as friends. This is because he's aroace-spec, and also because he can't conceive of anyone in his life being more important than Trunks.
In the end, as an adult he has a semi-romantic bestfriendship-based queerplatonic-y thing with Trunks. No particular labels. They just live together and are in multiple kinds of love!
(I hc Trunks as a trans man and gay but I will not go into that today because I will never shut up)
I think Gohan is definitely the first person Goten comes out to, though. After Gohan moves out, Goten has a habit of just appearing on his roof to talk with him, and this happens during one such talk.
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[Image ID: A digital sketch of Goten and Gohan sitting on a roof under a night sky. End ID.]
(an unfinished sketch also from 2023)
And, to circle back to the Autism! During one of these talks, Gohan also tells Goten that he's been doing a lot of introspection/research and thinks he's autistic (and their dad is likely autistic...). And so the family are able to put a name on that certain thing that seems to set them apart from others.
(Last personal anecdote: I got my autism diagnosis right around the time my dad started to realise he is autistic too, as runs in his side of the family.)
Anyway! I could go on and on but this headcanons segment is already too long so I'll save it for other posts.
If you made it through this monster of a post, thank you!!! I hope you found something that rings true for you.
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supercalime · 10 months ago
No one asked but I have a take haha.
I have zero problem with buck and eddie being an item, the biggest problem I have is their stans acting the way they are now with the current storyline with tommy.
I mean, I hate to break it to the b*ddie st*ns but you can think your friends are hot and like, not want to pursue them, whether you realize you’re queer or not. The fans are undermining so much of the current storyline that it makes me sad.
Im as aroace as one can be, but also I have eyes lol. I see hot/attractive people, I of course can admit that they are hot/attractive. It doesn’t mean that I want to be with them specifically sexually or romantically.
Also, figuring out your sexuality is confusing and weird. I definitely thought I had a crush on a friend solely because they were a person I got along with and spent a lot of time with and thought that was what I was supposed to do (by the time I thought I was allo).
What I mean is that it’s not always black and white when it comes to what attraction is.
Another thing, and this is pure speculation on my part: the actors are VERY aware of b*ddie and know that it’s one of the biggest reasons people keep watching the show, so they might keep on stirring the pot a bit in the interviews because they know it can create enough buzz for the show to trend and make the network/producers/investors keep renewing it so they can keep their jobs for as long as possible.
Im not saying b*ddie fans are delusional or anything like that but I am really disappointed how many of them (or at least a loud minority) is treating the canon ship as if it’s a stepping stone for another that has yet to be fully confirmed on screen. Sure there are signs in retrospect, but like I said, you can think someone is attractive without wanting to be with them.
This whole thing of buck having always been in love with eddie irks me a bit as it falls in a trope I don’t personally like (someone sticking around because they are pining over their friend the whole time and the friendship is a stepping stone to romance). I mean, if b*ddie happens and it’s done well, I’m all for it. What I really don’t want to happen is the trope I mentioned above. If it’s meant to happen, the best way in my opinion is for the two guys to develop those feelings with time, not it being a realization that they were in love the whole time. Heck, there are dcoms that did friends to lovers quite decently in the past and it wasn’t a “it has always been youuu” situation.
In conclusion, the only thing we gotta take is what is confirmed on screen, in canon. If we are supposed to listen to anyone talking about ships and storyline is Tim Menear and the other writers. And what has been confirmed so far by Tim is that Buck was jealous of Eddie being with Tommy because he was attracted to Tommy without realizing it. In canon so far, that’s what is happening and you have to accept that. The story is about Buck coming to terms with his bisexuality and him and Tommy being in a romantic relationship.
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lakunalaika · 8 months ago
[‼️TW: This post is not sexual content itself however it talks about asexuality and thus also discusses sex.‼️]
Before pride month ends I want to talk about Transformers characters that are on the aroace spectrum!!
I want to clarify that since Cybertonians don't reproduce sexually that makes them all asexual in cannon!
...However the fandom still has a lot of different interpretations and headcannons. Some of these include procreation while others are robots being sexual for the sake of "fun" rather than biology. I personally feel VERY uncomfortable with the idea of sexual reproduction in transformers but fandom is fandom and I am well aware of how it ignores the cannon so this list is made with that in mind.
As for the aromantic part of this post....
Sadly none of those are actually cannon since the creators haven't said anything about it and it's never said out loud in the media these characters are from HOWEVER I feel like most of these are very heavily implied. If you're confused about labels please look them up!
Sorry this post only contains three characters, I'm writing this literally last minute before going to the airport lol. I feel like there are maybe some more that I've missed so you're welcome to comment or reblog if you want to add to the list!
Shockwave: aromantic, asexual, could be aplatonic in some continuities.
I HAD to start with him. Speaks for itself really, if you're in the fandom you're probably familiar with how little emotion Shockwave expresses in general. Sadly though most people either see him as a completely emotionless monster or make him the super ooc :( He has no interest in sex or romance and some versions of him do not care for platonic bonds either.
The fandom sadly does not understand this, I'm not completely against him being shipped with other characters I just wish it was written properly and with his sexual/romantic orientation in mind. I feel like there's some interesting queer platonic lab partner shipping potential here but again this fandom is terrible at not sexualising him for some reason.
He does show care for others in SOME continuities, in Cyberverse we see that he used to be friends with Wheeljack and possibly some other characters. He does have emotions, even in other shows/media, we see him get visibly angry in TFP and Earthspark. So just saying that he doesn't feel anything is a straight up lie. He follows logic although we do see him make non logical choices when influenced by emotions, it's rare but it has happened.
I'm planning to make more content about him and being aroace spec soon. I want to show people that just because you don't feel forms of attraction or love towards others doesn't mean you're completely heartless. And yes I know an extremely stereotypical evil robot probably isn't the best character to use to prove a point like this but I just need people to stop mischaracterising him.
Shadowstriker: aromantic, asexual.
[most of this is refering to her in Cyberverse, thought I do mention IDW briefly]
What is it with clearly aroace female characters, usually villains, and being called masc lesbians? No offence to lesbians but please y'all let us have some representation. Sorry pooks she doesn't want a girl, she doesn't want anyone actually. Which doesn't mean she doesn't value friendship, just look at how she interacts with Soundwave and Lazerbeak! That's found family if I've ever seen it!
I think she's someone who struggles a lot with emotions and intimacy just in general, though we do actually see her emotions slipping through the "mask" more towards the end of the show, even being happy [thought it was quite bittersweet] and part of a group hug in the last episode. Well done her for actually accepting physical touch that isn't punching someone in the face! She's a very untrusting character who tends to assume the worst in everyone and is really aggressive for most of the show. She has absolutely no interest in romance or sex and is probably apothisexual/apothiromantic. But as previously stated I think platonic love is really important to her. She's the type of person who would kill for her found family, in fact considering she's a Decepticon she probably has.
She's one of those extremely interesting and emotionally complex characters and yet somehow she's always overlooked. I see people talking about wanting more well written female characters and HERE SHE IS! Honestly I'd recommend watching Cyberverse even if you're just doing it for her, it's worth it. I could write a whole essay all about her. Can y'all tell she's my favourite? Because she is.
As for shipping I do like the idea of her being in a queer platonic ship with Flamewar and Slipstream in the IDW comics they're in, though again, I don't think people know how to write qp relationships...
TFP Soundwave: demiromantic, asexual.
This one is only specific to one continuity and that's Transformers Prime. Not saying other versions aren't on the spectrum, I have a quite couple headcannons, though I feel they might be a bit ooc/self indulgent so I'm not including them since I'm trying to keep this list as "likely to be cannon" as I can.
In the show he doesn't speak and doesn't really have a face so he doesn't really express himself a lot. Though he still definitely shows emotion, just, differently I guess? He is uninterested in sex, I think he could be in a romantic relationship but it would have to be someone he's already emotionally attached to. Platonic love is extremely important to him but specifically his cassettes, they're his family. Others however.... I feel like he doesn't really care for a lot of the characters in the show but then again he doesn't show emotions much so he could just be hiding it.
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g1r-ap0ca1yps3 · 6 months ago
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Intro to my account!
Hi I'm Conan i often go by the nickname Cade <- also the name of my main oc Ik I’m so creative :b
So time for the introduction
I'm a boy i use he/him pronouns and masc terms
If you didn’t know me and have referred to me as something else that’s totally fine just please try and use the correct pronouns and terms from now on!!! ^^
i use a lot of labels for my sexuality since it’s really complicated but basically I'm aroace oriented and omniromantic + i use biromantic as a umbrella term. I'm ambiamorous which means I'm open to polyamory and monoamory relationships.
!Important! Even though I've put my sexualities and wanting a QPR I'm not open to online dating and never will be
i use a lot of labels so if you wanna see them all check out my pronouns page I'll link it at the end
[**Explaining how one can be aroace and biromantic to those who r confused: aroace is a spectrum aroace is a wide umbrella term you could have absolutely no romantic and sexual attraction or you could have them for ppl you have a emotional bond with already it’s a wide range of identities and the official definition is “little to no sexual and romantic attraction” I personally have a very hard time with experiencing romantic attraction (I’m not to be going into my personal sexual attraction I’m a minor) but I do have other forms of attraction like aesthetic attraction and physical/sensual attraction. Aroace oriented is a specific label for aroace ppl that identify as both aroace and other label for their sexuality. Sorry if this is confusing or phased wrong I tried to explain it to the best of my knowledge and ability in a somewhat short paragraph**]
I use tone tags sometimes especially with ppl idk just because I like controlling how ppl take what I say but i don’t need you to use them some ppl need others to use them due to not being able to pick up on social cues or other reasons that’s not the case I just use them to clarify what I’m saying if you want me to use them with you regularly because you need them to understand me better lmk Im happy to use them more with you specifically I just need to be told ^^
I'll talk about my mental health since I do occasionally post things about my mental health- so basically i have depression and unspecified anxiety disorder professionally diagnosed though my therapist has suggested that the unspecified anxiety disorder is probably both general and social anxiety but I don’t have those officially w. also professionally diagnosed OCD (<- most recent diagnosis lolz) I also have dyslexia and Dysgraphia so if theres any spelling or grammar mistakes in this please be patient.
Don’t call me autistic. I’m not. I love my autistic ppl but we don’t have the same disability. I know a lot of autistic ppl and yes we do have some similar traits but OCD and Autism are NOT the same please stop assuming I’m autistic just because “everyone with neurodivergence is the same” shut up please.
i listen to a lot of different music genres my favorites rn are scene, glitchcore, hyperpop, nightcore, pov: Indie, scenemo, alternative, and emo. I'm alternative kinda scene but I have a really strict uniform at my new school so I can’t really wear regularly scene clothing anymore :c I’m still involved with the community, music, and just the entire subculture in general.
I'm a huge anime/manga fan i love things like ouran host club, banna fish, SK8 the infinity, Bungo stray dogs, ohshi no ko, the stranger by the shore, toilet bound hanako kun, demon slayer, yuri on ice, sasaki to Miyano and a lot more. i read manga when i can find it online for free cuz I'm broke asf -.-
I'm a minor so any donation requests will be ignored as i cannot donate and i also don't want to repost something if i don't know if it's legit so i apologize but i will just delete those dms and comments i do hope if your in actual need of help you can raise the money but at this moment i am not able to help and am not able to confirm your legitimacy
I see people putting a dni list so I'll make one too ig? If your Racist, homophobic, transphobic, ablist, proshipper, anti-furry, anti-therian, anti-neos, anti-xeno, any other unreasonable anti, xenophobic, pedophile, zoophile, fatphobic, trump supporter, extremely judgemental, really anything toxic in General your a dni.
Yeah i think thats it I'll put the links to some of my other platforms I'll update this whenever things change
Also here’s my other account and the YouTube channel connected to it
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lalaloobzy · 1 year ago
Random aspec fictional character HCs
Matthew Cuthbert (Anne With an E)
Asexual + aromantic
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Lived his whole life unmarried like his sister but, unlike Marilla, never had any relationships in the past. Doesn't reciprocate Jeannie's feelings and tells her his love for his adopted daughter (Anne) is the only love he has room for. Was TERRIFIED when Anne tried to set him up with Jeannie.
*(this is specific to AWAE but I think it can apply to book Matthew as well)
Selah Summers (Selah and the Spades)
Asexual + aromantic
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Tbh this one might be canon (or at least heavily implied). Never has been in a relationship. Admits to Paloma that she's just never been interested in anyone in a romantic or sexual way.
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Asexual + aromantic
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Just doesn't seem remotely interested in romance or sex. Gets grossed out/ annoyed when people kiss in front of him.
*(this is specific to the anime, idk about the manga or live action adaptation)
**(I am not caught up on the anime, this may turn out to be incorrect)
Willie Jack Sampson (Reservation Dogs)
Asexual + aromantic
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Never had a love interest or showed attraction in the show (to the best of my knowledge. If she did, I missed it). Also, THIS OUTFIT SPECIFICALLY. Her hoodie is aroace colors and her socks look like a mix of the asexual flag and the aromantic flag.
Lucy Wells (Harlots)
Grey asexual/ greysexual (+possibly aromantic? Maybe demiromantic? I haven't decided yet)
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Born into prostitution but HATES sex. Avoids it as much as she can and by the last season finds a way to do her job without having to have sex. The reason I said grey ace is because she DOES seem sexually attracted to Fallon after some time of being with him (I think? I was a little confused about how she felt tbh).
Birdy (Birdy)
Asexual + demiromantic
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Everyone in his life thinks it's weird that he's so interested in birds and not girls. Admits to Al he doesn't see the appeal of sex at all. Very reluctant to go to prom with Doris and had no idea what to do when she parked the car and offered him sex. I can see him developing romantic feelings after close friendship (like with Al) which is why I think he's demiromantic.
Bilbo AND Frodo Baggins (The Hobbit/ The Lord of the Rings)
Both asexual (+ maybe demiromantic, though I can also see Bilbo as aro)
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Both remained bachelors all their lives. Bilbo lived alone and later with Frodo who was like an adopted son. Frodo lives for a long time with Sam and Sam's wife Rosie. I personally think that Sam and Frodo are in a romantic relationship, while Sam and Rosie are in a sexual relationship. Frodo seems content with this arrangement which is why I believe he's ace.
Ted Buckland (Scrubs)
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Simply because of the part where Carla says "I don't want any MAN filming me giving birth unless he's completely asexual" and then Ted walks in with a camera and Carla smiles and says "oh hi Ted!". (I think this was a poorly-aged joke about him being "ugly" more than anything but I'm still claiming it). Also when he sings the duet with Gooch and Gooch says "I want to screw you" while Ted says "I want to kiss you.
Fabian Rutter (House of Anubis)
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He's nerdy and into space (I know this is a stereotype but representation is scarce I take anything I can get... you get it right). Also his relationship with Nina is very innocent and I can't see him developing sexual attraction even when he becomes an adult.
Dirk Gently and Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Dirk- Asexual
Bart- Aromantic
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Neither of them have love interests in the show (although Bart/Ken may have been implied) so this is just how I felt about the characters personally. I think Dirk definitely had a crush on Todd and is gay but I don't think he gets sexual attraction. Bart is the opposite. I can see her developing sexual attractions and feelings but being repulsed by kissing/ dating etc.
*(this is specific to DGHDA, idk about any other versions of these characters)
Anybody feel free to add thoughts and your personal aspec character hcs <3
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zombeats · 2 years ago
(im using "any pronouns" for he/she/they + neos to make it easier for me cause i usually dont know whether "any pronouns" includes neos or not.
i also put some xenogenders in so if you dont know one or are curious, look them up!! theyre super cool! i tried to use some that are somewhat known to make them easier to find but xenogenders are kinda hard to find in general so)
(also im probably spelling names wrong PLS FORGIVE ME IF I AM im tired and idk how to spell 😕😕)
quick guide for anyone confused!!!
masc terms = masculine terms (i.e boyfriend, bro, dude, brother)
fem terms = feminine terms (i.e girlfriend, sister, wife)
neu terms = neutral terms (i.e partner, sibling, spouse, significant other)
all or any terms = fem, masc, + neu terms (i.e partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, spouse)
name: gender - pronouns - terms - sexuality
reason why i think this and/or little hc about it
Dazai: bigender (nb + male) - he/they/xe - masc + neu terms - bi + ace
he had a lot of gender crises while in the PM and eventually realized that he could be both nonbinary and male. chuuya pretended to be really irritated with all the pronoun and term changes but was very supportive and patient
Kunikida: trans man - he/him - masc + neu terms - gay + demisexual
he was very nervous about teaching at first because he didnt know if the students would know if he was trans or not but ended up "passing" really well and no one knew until he decided to tell them and then all the queer kids went to him for help/advice
atsushi: cis male - he/xe - masc terms - bi
was very nervous abt coming out and repressed his attraction to men until he joined the ADA and felt safe enough to accept who he was and came out
yosano: bigender (nonbinary and female) - she/they - fem + neu terms - lesbian ace
didnt realize she was queer until she met ranpo and he suggested she might be. after that, he helped her try pronouns and terms until they found what fit. as a way of saying thanks, she did his nails and helped him through his gender crisis
ranpo: bigender (male and female) - he/she/they - any terms - bi demiromantic ace
didnt realize he was bigender until yosano did his nails and had a gender crisis. it took him a week to figure it out and hes still embarrassed about it
fukuzawa: trans man - he/they - masc terms - aroace
never felt interested in romantic or sexual relationships and didnt realize that it wasnt "normal" until people started dating eachother and talking about sex
jun'ichirō: cis man - he/him - masc terms - straight demiromantic asexual
was super confused when his sister kept getting crushes on guys and talked about dating them when they barely knew eachother. when he tried to look up why that was a thing, he came across the labels demiromantic and asexual and realized it applied to him
kenji: cis man - he/she/they - any terms - unlabeled
doesnt care what people refer to them as, they know their own gender and thats all that matter to him. also does not care for labels, he likes who he likes
kyouka: demigirl - she/they - fem + neu terms - bi
had no time to explore her identity while in the PM so they only discovered themself when they joined the ADA. dazai was actually the one to help her find the labels and pronouns that fit her
naomi: trans woman - she/her - fem terms - pan
she insisted for jun'ichirō to call her a girl at a young age and it scared him at first. after looking it up, he realized she was trans and waited until middle school to help her find a name for herself. when she reached high school, he then hunted down an ability user who could change someone's appearance for help because they couldn't afford hormones and surgery
kirako: cis woman - she/ze - fem terms - bi
she found neopronouns when she was in middle school and experimented for months before finding ze/zir and realized how much she liked them. she didn't tell anyone about it because ze was embarrassed but then finally felt safe enough with naomi to talk about it
fitzgerald: cis male - he/they - masc terms - gay
had a long talk with every member about how he wouldn't tolerate discrimination in the guild. it was kinda awkward since everyone there was queer.
POE!!: genderfluid (female, male, agender) - he/she/ve/xe - any terms - uranic demisexual
uses karl to let others know how hes feeling (karl likes being dressed up he gave consent)!! he puts a bow on karl when xe feels feminine, a tie when ve feels masculine, and a little sweater when she feels like neither!! ranpo thinks it's adorable. also genderfluid poe is canon
melville: cis male - he/him - masc terms - gay
also did the "no discrimination tolerated" speech but it was 10x more awkward
louisa: demigirl - she/they/sol - fem + neu terms - pan
talks with poe about neos a lot!! has fun making up new ones although sol doesn't use them
lovecraft: genderqueer- they/voi - neu terms - aroace
likes trying out new neos although they never seem to fit void for long
james: cis male - he/him - masc terms - unlabeled
he feels very lonely being the only unlabeled person in the group but none of them make fun of him or say anything rude and always try to include him without insinuating/accidentally using lables for him
steinbeck: demiboy - he/cloud - neu terms - gay
jokingly makes fun of neos a lot, will kill someone who actually does
montgomery: trans girl - she/her - fem terms - bi
will constantly refer to herself in third person when shes feeling dysphoric so that the others know and try to help (for example, "hey, am i not the strongest girl in the group?")
margaret: trans woman - she/her - fem terms - pan ace
loves hyping herself up (as she should) and always makes sure to hype up other trans people and compliments them a lot
mark: trans man - he/him - masc terms - bi
sees lucy as a little sister and always helps her when shes feeling dysphoric. loves to buy her cute dresses and does her hair a lot
hawthorne: nonbinary - he/they - neu terms - gay
loves browsing queer forums and is super active in the community. always helps answer questions anyone has and loves educating people about gender and sexuality
ryunosuke: bigender (male + female) - she/he/it - fem + masc terms - uranic
only told gin and chuuya about it because he didn't feel safe enough to tell dazai. she was only able to tell him about it after chuuya told it dazai was also queer (WITH PERMISSION). IM A SHE/HER RYUU TRUTHER OK IT JUST FITS SO WELL
gin: genderqueer/apagender - any/all - any terms - lesbian
they never felt weird when people used he/him pronouns on them or used male terms. talked to chuuya about it and after a long discussion, they came to the conclusion that they just did not care what people used for them. told ryuu right after so she would stop getting mad at people for using the "wrong" pronouns/terms.
chuuya: genderfluid (male + nonbinary) - he/ve/it/nix - any terms - uranic ace
the "elder queer" amongst the PM. everyone goes to it for advice. nix actually never had a realization moment, he just always switched between feeling like a man and feeling somewhere in between. the only confusion it had was what to call this, and ve eventually found the label for it.
higuchi: astrumgender - she/star/sol/moon/xe - neu terms - pan
had no idea how to describe sol's gender until xe found a xenogender masterlist on the internet. she found it interesting and kept trying to analyze what star's gender felt like when moon saw one that seemed close to what they felt. she finally landed on astrumgender however it wasnt until a week later, when she tried it again, that xe realized it described star. gin helped her with pronouns.
ace: genderqueer - he/she/they - any terms - gay
found out about all the different gender while gambling with someone. looked it all up later and decided to settle with genderqueer cuz she didn't feel like trying out a ton of different labels (honestly me too)
kōyō: trans fem - she/they/ae - fem + neu terms - neptunic ace
thought neptunic meant "attracted to masculine people" until gin told them that it actually meant "someone attracted to nonbinary people and women". ae felt it described aer better than lesbian did so she started using that label. (honestly i keep getting neptunic and uranic mixed up. i keep thinking the terms are neptunic for liking masc people and sapphic for liking fem. then uranic comes outta nowhere to remind me of my dumbassery 💀 i gotta memorize this shit. the flags dont help either)
verlaine: ethegender - any/all - any terms - gay ace
always felt confused by their gender, he could never describe it in thought, feelings, or words. he always felt like it was at his fingertips but she just couldn't get a hold of it. xe fell down a gender rabbit hole one day and felt that ehtegender described it perfectly. this was also when it discovered the label ace.
hirostu: cis male - he/him - masc terms - aroace
thought everyone knew he was aroace until someone asked him if he had a wife during a meeting. he said he didn't cause he wasn't interested in that or sex and it was deathly quiet for two minutes before he said he was aroace to clarify. they like to tell that story to new members for a quick laugh
arthur: agender - he/they - neu terms - gay aroace
took forever to rediscover their identity. they knew something felt wrong when people used masc terms for him so he asked mori about it. it was a very awkward conversation
elise: cis girl - she/her - fem terms - straight aroace
got very confused when mori kept asking if she had any crushes yet. finally decided to ask him abt what he meant and that was when they both realized she was on the aroace spectrum
Q: agender - they/xe/voi - neu terms - unlabeled
they're actually very happy for their natural androgynous appearance, cause xe never gets misgendered. ofc voi told the PM of their neos but xe never expected them to get used and they cried when chuuya casually said "why are you talking about Q that way?? xe's a kid. leave xem alone".
karma: trans boy - he/him - masc terms - gay
had a very awkward conversation with ace when ace realized he was trans. he was seriously hoping ace just turned him into a gem to escape the conversation. surprisingly managed to teach her a lot of things about the community and proper etiquette when talking to queer people
kajii: trans masc - he/they/xe/ve/ae/div - neu terms - pan demiromantic
neopronoun collector. loves neos. gains neos each week. lost track of them and had to start over three times. ryuu loves using his div's new neos cause it adds some excitement to his life
oda: demiboy- he/she - fem + masc terms - uranic
when she met dazai, it took a lot of patience for him to teach them about pronouns and gender. had no idea dazai was bigender until xe came out to him about it. absolutely no gaydar
ango: nonbinary- he/they - masc + neu terms - gay
phenomenal gaydar, clocked everyone immediately. oda didnt even have time to come out to them, they already knew. knew about dazai, too, but wanted him to figure it out on their own
mori: fuck him, cishet (just realized two seconds after posting that i forgot to add him lol)
fyodor: agender - any/all - any terms - gay ace
i feel like he sees himself as a divine being or at least something other than human. he has this whole thing of "doing god's will/mission". and imo divine beings are genderless. so i think he would see himself as above gender. i would've just done they/them + neos but honestly? i dont think she would care about pronouns at all so. ALSO nikolai LOVES finding the most out there neos to use for fyodor he finds it so fun. he uses new ones every day
NIKOLAI!!!!: genderqueer - he/they + any/all neos - neu terms - gay demiromantic ace
i feel like nikolai just does not care about pronouns. i also think he wouldnt mind she/her but find a little displeasure in it. he would probably rate she/her as a 4/10 if 0 was hate and 10 was love. he almost feels neutral about it but theres just a little but of dislike. he also LOVES silly neos like clown or honk. he loves it even more when fyodor uses his silly neos cause fyodor is so serious all the time
sigma: aliengender - they/them - neu terms - aroace
currently experimenting with neos. nikolai is obviously helping. their whole thing is that they came from a book so they don't feel like they're "human" (imo, having emotions is what makes you human but its their existential crisis so). anyways i think because of this, they would feel a detachment from gender and would feel like no gender truly fits them but that aliengender fits best (even if its not a perfect fit)
bram: bigender (female + male) - he/she/they - neptunic
she definitely has conversations with nikolai and sigma about gender and how it's expressed. her and nikolai try to teach sigma about it but it just goes over their head (same). definitely goes into great detail describing what his gender feels like to sigma and they're honestly having a great time. gender tea parties every wednesday
fukuchi: trans male - he/him - masc terms - straight
bonded with fukuzawa over being trans. they definitely met in a gsa. tries to be supportive of nikolai but his head spins just thinking about all the neopronouns so they teach him a new set once a week to ease the process. fyodor makes fun of him for it
JOUNO<3: trans masc - he/they/xe/ae - neu terms - gay demiromantic
taught tetchō and fukuchi what neos were and how to use his. ae has no idea how fukuchi went this long without knowing what they were since fukuchi is quite literally an "elder trans" and has been in the community for decades. teases him about it sometimes when teruko isn't around
teruko: trans woman - she/star - fem terms - pan ace
taught fukuchi how to use her neos. almost killed tetchō when he asked about star's neos because she had no idea he was listening to her teach fukuchi. tries to fight jouno over who's are better (he doesn't care).
tetchō: caligovague - they/ae/jhey/kei/ve/mu - neu terms - uranic ace
after being taught what neos are by jouno, mu went on a deep dive because ve found it interesting. jhey discovered so many neo ae like it was insane and also found a very fitting xenogender. they went to jouno and talked about it and finally told everyone else (fukuchi almost had a stroke trying to learn jheir pronouns).
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYONE THIS TOOK FOREVER!!! also if you want clarification on any pronouns or genders please don't hesitate to ask!!! i had a lot of fun looking for genders and pronouns to fit them although i do worry there wasn't enough variety 😕
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shayberri789 · 2 years ago
Also a lot of his interactions during the books to me read as.... forced allonormativity?
Like with Laral - he has always been good friends with her, and she was his ONLY friend. Sure he could acknowledge she was pretty (aesthetic attraction is confusing when you don't know it can be separate to sexual/romantic attraction) but none of his internal dialogue about her reminded me of how romantic/sexual attraction is depicted in other books - cosmere included.
He generally seems utterly baffled by romance and sexual inpulses. Sure he'd prudish, and knows socially somethings are sexual, but he's never really been all that interested in romance OR sex.
With Tara - we have ABSOLUTELY no idea what their relationship was like except it was the only one of its kind he's had, that they kissed sometimes and he loved her. How this fits into my aroace kal hc is that either he was hit with a random bout of attraction (which happens) or it was platonic/queerplatonic attraction and they formed a qqp with some kissing involved bc that's what Tara wanted.
I was never convinced about his relationship with Lin either. They weren't compatible, and she always seemed more interested in him than he her. In all honesty, I thought he looked at the absolute happiness of shadolin, looked at his depression, looked again at how everyone always says romantic relationships make you better/happier, saw Lin was interested in him, and decided to give it ago to chase that happiness. Didn't work out bc he wasn't actually interested in her and she could tell.
As for company; he's always been just fine with bridge 4 and his friends. A lot of the 'attraction' he's felt for me reminded me way more of emotional 'crushes' or squishes (platonic crushes) based on my own experiences. Plus, many comments he makes strike me as aroace because I have deadass said or thought them myself, or my other aspec buddies have.
And as said above: I am so desperate for rep (the list of aro characters Wikipedia page is depressing) that I will take this character who even hints at my experiences and I will fucking die on the aroace!kal hill
Many a fandom person have made fanon of characters being gay (not even bi - fully gay, but that's a different can of worms) when they're shown as being straight or non interested in romance on screen with far less evidence than we have. If they can do it, why can't we have an aroace character without getting shit for it? (Not you OP - it's other people I've had to argue with and gotten shit from, I can tell you're genuinely curious).
Anyway I'm home for the break and my cosmere books are back in my flat so I can't go searching for quotes, and I haven't read the books in a few years (no time) so I can't list my points off the top of my head, but I vividly remember annotating aroace kal lines. There's also a meta analysis floating around (that I would find if the tumblr search function wasn't an oxymoron) about aroace kal and also aro adolin thats very compelling
In conclusion: aroace people still date for a variety of reasons, from compulsive allonormativity/amatonormativity/heteronormativity (they often go hand in hand), to confusion, to just making people happy, and it doesn't detract from their aroaceness. Additionally, I'm unconvinced hebwas ever actually rom/sexually attracted to the women he was 'interested' in, and he shares a lot of aspec experiences and thoughts, and I will die on my aroace kal hill and we deserve to get no more shit for it than people who hc other characters as gay or bi. Have a good evening
Ngl I don’t really get why people are so set on Kaladin being aro/ace when he has dated several people throughout the books. We don’t see a great deal of the relationships but he actively sought them out. Genuinely confused by this particular headcanon if anyone wants to explain it to me…
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kallulovesu · 4 years ago
Heyooo :) can you do headcannons for a platonic yandere allies ?? Am aroace so that's the kind that floats my boat, also do you ever feel tired of writing ?? Like .. ur so productive, it's awsome but like .. I hope ur doing it cuz u have energy not cuz you have followers waiting 😬 take care Plz ❤❤🥺
For the anon that asked that yandere reader ask, thx u inspired this ask ur idea is rad :3
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(A/N:) ahh thank you for the worry anon, but it’s no problem really!💞 I wouldn’t be making as much content if I wasn’t having any fun, since it’ll probably end up feeling more like chore...and I hate doing chores 😭
That one protective friend that makes sure to check up on you every second (but it’s turned up to the extreme and downright becomes unhealthy in some cases)™
It was ironic to him. Out everyone that he had gotten to know over all these years— hell, perhaps even Arthur; you were the only one he felt like understood him the most. Not many seemed to notice what was going on beneath the surface of his facade, which was why he appreciated you being there. You still liked him despite the many flaws that he had, and tried your best being with him even if it became downright tiring. Alfred would be heavily dependent on you because of this, often going to you to cheer him up— or before he was going to make a rash choice.
So it was only natural that he couldn’t see himself being without you.
You were like a best friend to him; Alfred would even go as far as to say that he felt a familial connection between the two of you. So the deep desire to protect you was normal, wasn’t it? Even when he felt himself worrying for your well-being at even the slightest approach of a stranger, it was just his instinct telling him that there was something wrong. It wasn’t anything unhealthy. Thus, would usually drag you away from anyone that he found to be suspicious; even those he was already familiar with. This would probably result in a lot of arguments, with him trying to say what was ‘best for you’ and with you denying that you needed this much...protection. You swore that it almost felt like he was just isolating you from the others, to have you purely depend on him for whatever reason you couldn’t make up.
Alfred can’t handle being apart from you— nonetheless the idea of you being angry with him, or even hating him . It truly didn’t matter if the reason was rather ridiculous or not, the idea of you hating him just...made his stomach churn uncomfortably. You were his best buddy, and basically one of the only ones he could trust with his inner worries; and the risk of it all being taken away from him because of a silly, childish mistake was all it took to send the poor boy into a state of panic. Please don’t leave him, he’d do anything to keep you there with him. Begging, gifting— you name it.
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Arthur didn’t completely seem to realize his feelings at first, confusing it with romantic attraction for a little while— before quickly seeming to realize that it was all purely platonic. He did feel a bit protective of you, maybe even possessive...but it had nothing to do with romance, nor lust. It was just him wanting to have someone beside him, someone that he could call a friend. And someone that would never leave his side.
It won’t be hard to notice how...bad his communication skills were; with him often saying things that he didn’t really mean and slightly setting you off. Arthur is stubborn, so it may take some time (and slight teasing at how much he hesitated) for him to actually apologize. You’ll probably get used to it after a while, since he’s one big tsundere.
Saying this out loud was an absolute no-no for this man— but you being around Arthur was often enough to make him the slightest bit happier. It felt a bit lonely at times, especially with less and less people being around him these past few years. So having you as a friend almost felt like a breath of fresh air.
He’s very critical of those you choose to be around with, often analyzing even the smallest of things so he can determine if they’re actually worth being around you. Which more often than not ends up... not being the case. Arthur will tell you to stay away from them; saying that they were suspicious, and probably had something bad in mind. He’ll resort to isolating you if you were to disobey him, trying to take as much of your attention— and perhaps even kidnapping you if the extreme were to happen. You were his one and only best friend, and he had to make sure you were safe. Always.
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Totally the big brother type...well, he usually proclaims himself as being one, so it isn’t that much of a surprise.
Francis will make sure to absolutely pamper you with his attention; hanging out with you, sending letters whenever he was too busy...and simply sending gifts from France. He simply couldn’t let you go off feeling unloved!
He adores talking about you; usually going off on a mindless ramble whenever someone even mentions your name, like a proud father showing off his child. Others will usually compare him to one due to how much he adores talking about you— or simply the way that he treats you. Which would quickly be disregarded with a: “oh, I’m no father! They’re just such a nice little friend to have around, who wouldn’t want to praise such a delicate person?”
On a second note....he actually did feel like a father figure to you. Huh.
Francis will often suggest helping you out with your love life, perhaps even gushing over cute guys together that you found on a random dating app— before quickly realizing that he didn’t really want this. Those silly moments were fun and all, but having you talk with someone that could just be out to use you made him a bit angry...and paranoid, mainly the latter. He will make sure that anyone that even so much dares to get close you first gets his approval first. The feeling of a broken heart was all too familiar to him, and he didn’t want you to experience such a thing.
This may result in him checking up on you...an awful lot, making sure that those around you were only the best of the best and wouldn’t end up being bad influence to you. Yes, he truly was like a father.
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A sibling-like person in his life that he didn’t feel insecure against and acknowledged him as his own person? Fuck yes!!
Jokes aside— Matthew really does care deeply for you. Perhaps it was due to the Canadian barely having those that he could...truly call close friends, so having you around almost felt like a blessing. Unlike Francis, he won’t really show you off or talk about you much, especially around his brother. The American had already stolen enough from him, so why would he let something like that happen again?
He’s extremely wary of anyone that even so much tries to make a move on you. It’s just...you were someone that he held extremely dear; and having you potentially getting hurt due to some lowlife that managed to slip into your life would absolutely break his heart. Matthew didn’t want to fail in protecting you, he would never forgive himself if something like that were to happen.
Losing you is something that he wishes to avoid completely. He’ll even go as far as kidnapping you if it came down to it, Matthew just couldn’t see himself living happily without you by his side.
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Yao likes cute things...and you’re a cute friend, so it’s a perfect match!
But seriously, he thinks that you’re absolutely adorable. Whether it be because of your personality— or your appearance, it really doesn’t end up mattering in the end. You’re his cute little friend, and that’s all that matters!
He’ll often treat you with more, yet gentler care than most of the others around him. He knew that you were well capable of taking care of yourself; but he just couldn’t help but see you as something fragile, something that he had to protect. So you can already imagine how frustrated he gets when someone treats you with even the slightest bit of disrespect— Yao will often confront them immediately, while you awkwardly have to sit back and watch it all. Almost feeling pity for the person that had to endure your friend’s seemingly never-ending complaints.
Oh, he probably doesn’t quite realize how he comes off as a father at times; seeing how much he’ll scold you for the smallest mistakes (while making sure to correct you of course!) and how he usually made decisions for you, making it hard to refuse his gestures due to his pushy nature. But it’ll probably become a normal thing for the two of you as time progresses, since it’s just...how Yao was, you assumed.
His controlling behavior will also reflect on how he treats your personal life. Yao is very selective of who he lets you be around with, so he’ll often look at your acquaintances and friends with a very critical eye, immediately expressing his distaste in them if they were even to do the smallest thing wrong. “Such a brute isn’t worth being around, (y/n).” Yao will warn you to stay away from them, but won’t bring it up any further if you decide to do what he says. If you don’t then...well, he had special friends to help him out with his dirtier work.
Yao might consider kidnapping you if this behavior keeps on repeating, but won’t feel compelled to actually do it unless something bad were to happen.
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Ivan will always try his best to be there for you! While it most likely won’t quite work with him being a rather busy person; a country, nonetheless, but he’ll do his upmost best. It was extremely hard for Ivan to make friends that...weren’t scared of him or secretly disliked him, so having you was such a relief!
Being his only friend, he’ll make sure to be absolutely devoted to you— perhaps in a way that wasn’t too healthy in a friendship, and would often be looked down upon by those looking at your relationship from an outsider’s perspective. But could one truly blame him? Ever since he was born it felt like everyone around him were either toying with him, or were utterly terrified of the boy expect for his two sisters. It was lonely...so it isn’t hard to imagine how overjoyed he was once having you in his life; someone that didn’t display the usual fright whenever he approached them, nor did you look like you were out to hurt him.
Ivan appreciated you a lot.
It wasn’t hard to imagine that you’d most likely become the target of a few other countries, your connection with Ivan wasn’t extremely hidden from the outside world... (from how much he’d senselessly mutter things about you when daydreaming, and the many times he stuck by your side) and so, others would take it to their advantage. Those like Alfred will probably try convince you to leave Ivan’s side, spewing terrifying stories of the man to try and stir up something inside of you so you could leave him. It was mainly for your own safety, yes. But it was also to make the Russian weaker. It was obvious that he was depending on you heavily, and losing you would...god forbid if that would ever happen. Ivan would completely lose himself, perhaps even snapping completely.
So don’t hesitate to tell Ivan if someone was bothering you! Ivan will make sure to get rid of the little parasite from your life in an instant, giving them a short warning whenever the two come across each other...and making sure that he got his point across! It’s better to ignore their sudden disappearance after that day, since someone like them wasn’t worth lingering in your mind.
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aroaceconfessions · 3 years ago
I'm an aromantic asexual with a trans-masc friend. We're both queer but our experiences are quite different and I'm not going to get on here and pretend like I'm the "best ally ever" or some shit but I make an effort. I really do. I listen to my friend when he complains and try my best to be and empathetic. I try and be supportive and if my friend were ever to tell me that I've said or done something that makes him uncomfortable I'd apologize and correct my behavior. I wouldn't do it again. I just wish he'd give me the same consideration.
Warning: rant incoming (Also it's 12:00 in the morning so forgive an typos or confusing sentences- I really need to get this submitted before I lose my nerve)
So, my friend and I are taking sex-ed in school- same curriculum but different periods. When I complained to him about how it's stupid that I have to take the class when most of the stuff we learn about makes me want to vomit (sex repulsion! yayyy!) he belittles me, saying that I "still need to take the class because this stuff is important" and I "never know what's going to happen when I grow up". Mind you- I've considered all this and know that I really do still need to take the class, it's just nice to be able to complain to someone. And when you complain to someone, you expect a sympathetic ear, not a lecture using some fairly aphobic arguments. Fast forward a few days and the class is discussing pregnancy. The entire class. Regardless of gender. My friend complains to me about how stupid it is that he has to learn about pregnancy because he's never going to have kids and therefore doesn't need to know this. Like. I understand that learning about pregnancy might make my friend slightly dysphoric but everyone in the class went through the same lecture. My friend would've gotten to same lesson- whether he was cis or not. (In fact, since my friend is attracted to woman there's a chance that he could be in a relationship with a pregnant s.o.- meaning there's more of a reason for him to learn about pregnancy than me but I digress.)
And stuff like this happens a lot. When I told my friend that I didn't want to be in a qpr he responded by telling me that qpr's are stupid and he could never see me being in one. I can't see myself in a qpr either but that still hurts? Queer platonic relationships are an important part of many people's aro/aroace identity and he just... calls them stupid? And then tells me he could never see me in one, which implies that he think's I'm incapable of finding any type of partner in life?? (I don't really want any type to life partner but being told that you'll never find one... ouch)
All this coupled with the fact that he outed me to his transphobic parents who think that asexuality is stupid and fake. Without my consent. Despite the fact that I've gone to lengths to keep my friends identity a secret from my parents because he doesn't want them to know. I'm terrified that his parents are going to meet mine and talk and they're going to tell them. I know coming out as aroace isn't as big a deal as any other identity but honestly, I think my parents would prefer if it I was something else. They hate the idea of me ending up alone and them finding out about my identity would probably lead to something bad, though I'm not sure what.
Of course I haven't told him any of this- partly because I'm too scared. He's my only friend and I really don't want to cause any conflict, as we recently decided to remove a really toxic friend for our lives and it was very draining and stressful. I'm scared that I'm reading too much into things or that I'm just being sensitive.
So I guess this is a rant while also being a plee for advice. I am overreacting and jumping to conclusions? Should I talk to my friend or just leave it be? Help me, aroaces of tumblr, you're my only hope.
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thedreadvampy · 3 years ago
Please stop describing aroace as not wanting or seeking out a romantic/sexual relationship. The terms describe attraction, not behavior, and this is something that has been discussed and explained to exhaustion by aroace communities. I have personally also pursued relationships because I thought I wanted that kind of relationship, and too many people try to say that means I’m not really aroace. I have aroace friends who are in sexual and/or romantic relationships.
I’m not angry at you, I know you don’t intend to cause harm, and I generally agree with your thoughts on how Martin is characterized, but I am so, so tired of people who aren’t aroace telling us who we are, how we feel, and how we behave. There are so many easily-accessible resources and explanations about asexuality and aromanticism with respect to relationships, and I urge you do some research if you feel the need to define us.
I don’t mind if you don’t reply to this. It’s the sort of conversation I would rather have privately, but I’ve seen and experienced too much harassment targeting asexual identities to feel safe going off anon.
No I'm not going to stop doing that because my feeling on this is based specifically on conversations raised by and led by my aroace friends and loved ones. as in this is a frustration that a lot of people in my life who are aroace have repeatedly expressed - that there's no space to express clearly and unambiguously that you're Not Wanting Sex And Relationships because the linguistic space is slipping for that. and they've talked a lot specifically about how that's led to them feeling more pressured to push themselves into sex or relationships, or having to constantly explain and defend their space even within aspec communities. and that's a problem. not that people who want or might want sex and romance but consider themselves broadly asexual or aromatic exist, but that with the semantic drift around aroace, there's not really a term which unambiguously expresses that that's not something they do want.
Action is not the same as desire - having had or wanted a relationship doesn't mean anything for whether you're "actually" aro or ace, any more than having dated men in the past means you're not "actually" a lesbian. comphet is a hell of a situation. I'm not splitting hairs about attraction vs behaviour - I'm talking about desire versus lack of desire.
Yes, fine, good, you can act for a lot of reasons, only some of which are genuinely held desire (trust me I know this). I'm not debating that. I'm saying that the space that's shrunk away in contemporary aspec language is a term which unambiguously means "a person who does not have a desire to have sex or relationships."
In this example, Martin spends much of the story expressing desire for a monogamous romantic relationship and nothing in his story arc, his actions, his dialogue or his fears seem to imply that that's motivated by anything other than a genuinely held desire to have a relationship with a man he is into. He's not aroace in the same way he's not a trans lesbian like. yes he could be being led by common drivers - compulsory sexuality, the desire for emotional closeness, the confusion of working out which feeling's what, only knowing how to navigate relationships through a certain lens, etc - and yes he absolutely could be either of those things, but ultimately there's nothing in the text to support that conclusion as is. He is not written as aroace, and in terms of material questions like 'what assumptions do people make about you and what's a justified assumption to make' the two things that matter when it comes to "X is/is not [identity]" are:
what do they outwardly identify as
how do they behave and what desires do they experience and express
like you are absolutely right that it's shitty for people to try and tell you you're not aroace if you are. people know their own identities best. I'm talking about group terminology that's sufficiently materialist to make sense.
like when someone says they're aroace what are appropriate assumptions to make? that this is someone who doesn't want sex or romantic relationships in and of itself, surely? that sex and romance are either low priority or actively not wanted? that they're not likely to be open to attempts to initiate sex or romance, and that their rejection of that isn't personal? that they may prefer long-term to not have a partner and that not having a partner isn't a source of great pain and loneliness and doesn't indicate an unmet need?
like that's what the term means. a term boundaries a set of basic assumptions. that doesn't mean nobody in that group can then turn around and say 'actually I am sad I don't have a partner' or 'actually I think I do want to try a relationship with you' or 'actually it's very validating when people flirt with me'.
similarly like an assumption it's reasonable to make about bisexual people, and an assumption that's embedded in the term, is 'is interested in sex or romance with people of multiple genders.' that doesn't mean I can't be bisexual and also have a complex relationship to what if any sexual or romantic desires I have and why. but it means that if I'm talking about bisexual people, I'm expecting you to join me in the assumption that yes we're talking about People Who Experience Multiple Gender Attraction. sexuality is messy and complicated let's not get it twisted. saying 'this is what the word means' doesn't remove the existence of complex experiences of self and of desire. but what the implied meaning of a word is matters and people were and are acting as if the implied meaning of 'aroace' has nothing to do with inherent desire for sex and romance which seems to me to leave a pretty substantial communication gap.
as I said in the tags - is there a more unambiguous word for 'people who are explicitly uninterested in romance and sex' than aroace? what is it? what is the word that's meant to go there? because THAT IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS UNAMBIGUOUSLY. and it doesn't mean I'm looking for a word that means 'has never for any reason pursued or experienced romance or sex' which I feel is how you're characterising what I'm saying (and I get that this is a triggering topic with a lot of baggage for a lot of people so I absolutely get why you're reacting as if that's what I'm saying). nor does it mean I'm looking for a word that means '100% gold star virgin who's never dated or had a sexy thought.' it means I'm looking for a word that means 'is uninterested in sex and romance' to describe a reason why somebody might choose to not have relationships, or to not have sex, or might have no sexual or romantic history through choice. key word might. but the fact is every time somebody uses aroace as a descriptor of 'reasons why people may choose not to have relationships' people end up 'correcting' them to say 'some aroace people have relationships' which is. kind of irrelevant to the point. some lesbians are married to men (comphet, changing sense of self, marriages of convenience, lavender marriages etc) but when I say 'she doesn't want to date him because she's a lesbian' we understand what the common understanding of lesbian is.
ultimately idk how to end this post. my point in the original post wasn't 'nobody who's aroace has experience of sex or relationships' but 'aroaceness is a reasonable reason why someone might not have had sex or relationships' and my point in the tags you're objecting to isn't 'aroace as a term should only include people who would never consent to sex or relationships,' it's 'a lack of inherent wish for sex and relationships used to be what we understood aroaceness to imply; now that no longer seems to be the implication and that leaves a gap where a lot of people, aroace and otherwise, struggle to express that experience'
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fruitquake · 4 years ago
realizations pt. 2
part one
read it on ao3
Regulus Black knows he doesn’t like girls. He wishes he did. It would make everything so much easier. But at some point, you have to accept that maybe you aren’t just a late bloomer. Maybe it isn’t just that you “haven’t found the right girl yet”. Maybe it’s just who you are.
Aside from knowing he definitely doesn’t like girls, though, it’s all very confusing. It seemed like a logical conclusion that if he doesn’t like girls, he must like boys.
But then, James Potter kissed him, and he’s pretty sure that if he were gay, it would’ve felt… special. Or it would’ve felt like anything at all. But rather, it felt exactly the same as kissing girls: uncomfortably and wetly smashing your mouths together. He didn’t say any of this to James. He didn’t say anything, actually, just left with what he knows was a terribly transparent excuse. Now, he’s in his room, sitting on the floor and staring out of the window at the few stars visible through the clouds.  
Is there something wrong with him? The question has been echoing in his mind since the kiss. Well, really, it’s been there long before, but he has managed to ignore it well enough before today. It was easy to push it to the back of his mind, and tell himself that he would figure it out eventually and it didn’t really matter.
But… He kissed James. James Potter, the guy who half the girls - and several guys - are utterly enamoured by. James Potter, who is objectively very handsome. And surely, if he were gay, kissing him would’ve felt… good? How is kissing supposed to feel? Regulus has tried it a few times by now, and it has never been the enjoyable experience that people make it out to be.
He is typing the words into google before he even registers having taken his phone out. Is kissing supposed to feel good?
Most of the search results are clinical, detached articles, explaining the biological and social reasons as to why humans like kissing. Until he stumbles upon a blog post on one of those ask-and-answer forums.
Anonymous: need advice!! my friends are constantly going on about their crushes and the people they’ve been with, how much they love kissing, all that stuff. and i just can’t relate at all. i’ve kissed a few boys, and once a girl too, and i don’t understand the hype at all? i’ve never really had a crush on anyone either, i think. all that kissing and dating and sex stuff just seem like a waste of time to me. is there something wrong with me? am i broken or something?
Regulus’s heart stutters as he reads the post through. He… relates to most of it. Is there something wrong with me? It’s the same question that’s been ringing loud and clear through his head since the kiss.
The comments are mostly stuff like “just wait til you’re older” and “you’ll get it when you meet the right person”, and Reg feels his stomach sink. Is that really it? He’s supposed to sit around and wait for “the right person” to come into his life and… fix him? He thinks about James again. James, who is kind and funny and one of his favourite people in the entire world. But kissing him didn’t feel right. It hasn’t felt right with anyone.
But then his eyes catch on another comment on the person’s post: you should look into the terms asexual and aromantic. i don’t think there’s anything wrong with you or that you are broken, but if you don’t have an interest in romance/sex it could be because you’re ace and/or aro.
Asexual and aromantic. Regulus googles both terms, spends hours reading through articles and blog posts and people sharing their experiences, and for the first time in his life he feels… seen. He hadn’t realized how lonely he felt, before discovering that he isn’t alone.
It’s a lot to take in. A lot of thoughts and questions and answers swirling in Regulus’s head. He really, really wants to talk to someone about all of this. But first of all, it’s 3 AM. Secondly, who?
James is… kinda the whole reason he’s having this sexuality crisis to begin with. He is certain he would’ve figured it out anyway at some point, but it’s thanks to James that he is up in the middle of the night, buried in research about his own identity. He doesn’t think he can talk to James about all this. At least not yet.
Then there’s Sirius. Regulus doesn’t know if he would understand. He feels some of that familiar loneliness creep up on him again. He and Sirius are finally close again. After years of division and hurt and pretending the other doesn’t exist, they have a relationship that’s actually good, and Regulus doesn’t want to ruin it. What if Sirius doesn’t understand or doesn’t accept him? He can’t lose his brother again. He doesn’t have anyone else.
Should he just… not tell anyone, then? Perhaps that is best, at least for now, he thinks. If no one knows, no one can judge him for it or tell him that it’s wrong or that his experiences aren’t real. He nods to himself, settling back into bed. It’s better if no one knows.
Regulus doesn’t get any sleep that night. Not that he really expected to. He spends the next day dozing off in class and avoiding James. Both are working out great for him until he starts awake, feeling a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He sits up straight on his chair and squints as he looks around. The classroom is empty, except for him and-
“Sorry, did I wake you?” James asks. He's standing beside Regulus’s desk, looking down at him with something like concern.
“S’fine,” Regulus mumbles, stifling a yawn.
James sits on top of the desk next to Regulus’s. “You look tired,” he says. “Are you okay?”
Regulus still doesn’t know how to react to people showing him genuine concern. It’s not something he’s really used to. “I’m fine,” he says, perhaps a bit too forcefully. He stands up, almost knocking over his chair in the process, and starts quickly packing up his things.
“Hey, uh,” James says, nervously messing up his hair in that way he does. “There’s something we should probably talk about.”
The kiss. Reg was desperately hoping James would pretend it never happened. He slings his bag over one shoulder and starts towards the door. “I’m sorta in a rush.”
James stands up. “Reg, please,” he says. “I… I really need to talk to you about it. Please.”
Regulus sighs, but stops in the doorway. “We don’t have to,” he says in an almost pleading tone, turning around to face James. “It doesn’t matter.”
“You don’t understand.” James looks at him with big doe eyes. “Reg, it matters to me.”
He regards James for a while, before nodding, signalling for him to say whatever it is he wants to say.
James takes a deep breath. “So, er… The thing about the kiss,” he begins, fidgeting nervously with the strap of his bag. “It sorta… made me realize something? About myself?”
Regulus has never seen him this nervous. He waits in silence for him to go on.
“Shit,” James mumbles, rubbing his face with his hands. “I feel like I’ve rehearsed this conversation all day, but now I just, like… Have no idea what to say.” He takes another deep breath. “Screw it, I’m just gonna say it, okay? I really fucking liked that kiss and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and also I’m bisexual.” It comes out as a quick string of words with no pause for James to breathe - or for Reg to interrupt him.
James looks at him; nervous, expectant, awaiting. But Regulus really doesn’t know what to say. He feels a tight knot in his stomach. “Oh,” he finally manages.
“Ah, shit,” James says frantically. “That’s right, there was something else I was gonna say, something important. I, er… I completely get it if you don’t feel the same way. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship, because I really care about you and I don’t wanna lose you. I just… really needed to get this off my chest.”
He sounds so genuine. Of course he does, Reg thinks and feels stupid. When has James ever been anything but genuine, honest and loyal? When has he ever judged Reg or turned his back on him for anything? James knows him better than he allows most people to, and if there’s anyone Reg can talk to about this, it’s him.
“There’s something I need to get off my chest too,” Regulus says quietly.
James’s eyes widen. “Oh? What is it?”
Reg sets down his bag and goes to sit by the desk opposite James. He doesn’t look at him as he starts talking. “I’m aroace. I don’t experience… that kind of attraction. Romantic or sexual. It’s… not exactly that the kiss made me realize it. Or maybe it did. But I kinda already knew. I just… wasn’t ready to admit it to myself, I suppose? Also I didn’t really know the word for it. But… yeah, that’s who I am and I can’t do anything to change that, just as you can’t change the fact that you’re bi, so… I hope you won’t hate me now.”
When James stays quiet, Regulus forces himself to look up. James is looking at him with an unreadable expression, and Reg’s stomach drops. This was a terrible idea. He should’ve known he couldn’t tell anyone. He has ruined everything. James opens his mouth but before he can say anything, Reg has pushed out his chair and is walking toward the door with swift steps.
“Nevermind,” he says, ignoring the stinging of tears in his eyes.
“Reg, wait!”
“Forget everything I just said.”
James finds him rather quickly, at the area behind the school that’s nearly hidden with shrubs. It’s where he comes when he needs to be alone, and he knows it’s also where Sirius comes to smoke.
Regulus is sitting on the ground with his back against a tree trunk, not caring if his clothes get dirty. James sits down about a meter away from him, but doesn’t speak, so Regulus is the one to break the silence:
“Are you upset because of my sexuality or because I don’t have feelings for you?” he asks. His voice is harsher than he meant it to be, but at least it’s not shaking.
James draws in a sharp breath, turning to face him. “I’m not upset at all!” he exclaims. “What on earth gave you that idea?”
He’s… not upset? Regulus clears his throat. “Well,” he mumbles. “You didn’t say anything.”
“I’m sorry,” James says earnestly. “I didn’t really know what to say. And you didn’t exactly give me a lot of time to think before you stormed off.”
Now Reg feels like he’s the one who should apologize. He doesn’t, though. Just stares straight ahead at the shrubs surrounding them.
“I’m really sorry I made you feel this way, Reg,” James says softly. “I promise I’m not upset. I care about you. A lot. And I, er… I may not know that much about this stuff, but I’m gonna do research on it so I can support you the best I can, because I care about-” He cuts himself off. “No, wait, I already said that part,” he mumbles, laughing nervously.
Reg smiles at him. “You hate doing research,” he says. “You avoid it like the plague.”
James laughs again. “Shut up, you wanker,” he says, shoving him gently. “This is different!”
He scoots a bit closer, putting his hand on Regulus’s shoulder. “But really,” he says, his tone more serious now. “I support you one hundred percent. You’ll always be family to me. So if you want, we can just forget all about that kiss.”
“But…” Reg looks up at him. “The kiss did mean something to you, didn’t it?”
James considers this for a moment. “I mean… it was a good kiss. And it did sorta… force me to come to terms with my sexuality. But what really means something to me is you, Reg, and our friendship. I don’t wanna lose that, ever. So… do I maybe have a teeny tiny crush on you? Yeah, I think I might, but it’s honestly no big deal. It won’t change anything between us, I promise.”
He holds out his pinky finger, and it takes Regulus several moments to realize what he’s doing. He holds up his own pinky and laces it with James’s.
“I just realized, I’m kind of an asshole,” he says after a bit. “I practically dismissed your coming out because I was so worried about my own.”
“Oh.” James chuckles. “Mate, don’t worry about it. I completely understand.”
“If you want, you can tell me again and I will try to react better,” Reg offers.
James shakes his head, amused. “I… alright,” he says, grinning. “Regulus?”
“I’m bisexual.”
Reg smiles at him. “Oh, okay!” he says, acting as though it’s the first he’s hearing of this. “That’s lovely. I’m very happy for you. And… obviously, I support you, and I care about you a lot, too.”
James’s grin grows wider. “Thank you,” he says.
They sit quietly for a while, before James speaks again:
“Do you wanna come over today? Mum is making pancakes for dessert. And we can play Mario Kart.”
Regulus groans, but can’t quite suppress a smile. “Ugh, I don’t wanna play Mario Kart against you. You always win. I swear you’re cheating, somehow.”
“How would I cheat at Mario Kart?” James asks with a laugh.
Reg shrugs, crossing his arms. “I don’t know, but I don’t wanna play with you either way.”
“Okay, well… You can play against Sirius? Or you two can team up and try to beat me together,” James suggests, nudging his shoulder. “Come on, it’ll be fun. And pancakes.”
“Fine,” Reg says, as if he wasn’t going to say yes from the beginning. “But only because of the pancakes.”
James nods solemnly. “That’s fair,” he says, and Reg tries not to smile like an idiot, but it’s hard not to because at least for now, all of the worries and doubts swirling in his chest have been driven away by a warm, relieved feeling.
“James?” he says.
He doesn’t actually know what to say, so he just wraps his arms around James and pulls him into a hug. James hugs him back tightly, and Regulus feels incredibly lucky to have a friend like him.
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asexual-society · 3 years ago
I’m non-binary aroace and I’ve been in a close relationship with a cis gay man for a few months. I have a squish and for me this relationship is important because for the first time I’m able to built close bond having an open identity and understanding myself as aroace. The other person is also experiencing intense and intimate emotions and for him it’s a new type of relationship and a little bit confusing because as an allo person he doesn’t separate sexual attraction from romantic attraction (and all other types of attraction). Recently we had a conversation where I told him that I have a non-romantic and non sexual physical attraction to him. I would like to hug ,cuddle, kiss him (not on the lips) and I would like him to show the same to me. I explained that aroace people can feel this type of attraction as a part of intimate connection with a person. For me, this is a manifestation of tenderness. I also assured him that if he is uncomfortable with it, then our relationship can remain at the same level of closeness as before. The person said that he was afraid of physical close contact with me, because he thought that he might begin to feel romantic or sexual attraction to me and that he needed time to get used to this new information. A few weeks have passed, and there is still some strange awkward physical distance between us. We still hug when we meet and say goodbye and give each other a high five, but it's not always clear to me how and when I can touch him and he seems to be trying not to touch me by accident. Now I think that I shouldn't have talked so openly about my attraction and that I scared the person away and made everything awkward? Should I bring up the topic of physical intimacy again or just let the relationship develop as it is? I would really like to know how aroace folks discuss physical attraction with their allo squishes/partners/close friends. Thank you in advance for the answer ★
I'm absolutely the wrong person to be answering this unfortunately, I've never been in this situation, the closest comparable thing for me was before I realised I was ace and one of my friends told my """crush""" that I liked him (heavy quotation marks bc it was not a crush, I just didn't know that at the time). He was also one of my best friends but didn't feel the same way (in fact he liked me as a friend, but I didn't really understand what I was feeling), and the whole thing set our friendship back several months. He was always a complete gentleman about it, and although (for unrelated reasons) we rarely see eachother these days, he's still one of my favourite people. I can't say I handled it particularly well, essentially we never really spoke about it again, and I just pined for a couple of years and then went. hey isn't it weird I never had a crush after that? (cue aro panic). But it did turn out okay, we're fine now!
It's probably a little awkward now if he doesn't feel the same way, or didn't fully understand and maybe felt like you were coming onto him, but it sounds like you guys are pretty close so I expect whatever you do it'll be okay in the end. You could talk to him to make sure he's okay in case he felt uncomfortable, but it's not your fault, you shouldn't feel guilty, these things just happen sometimes. You could just say something like "hey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I really care about you, so I hope we're okay" and go from there (if it were me I'd probably make a light self-depricating joke about being a dickhead but again, I don't really do Talking). Feelings are weird and awkward sometimes so I hope it works out for you (or at least it works better than my Never Talk About This At All Costs approach, which has successfully avoided some awkward conversations but is otherwise not very helpful).
If anyone else has some better advice than whatever this is, please (please) go ahead, I am just an emotionally constipated nerd that someone gave access to this blog.
- mod key
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47secondstoturntopage23 · 4 years ago
Annie Edison is Ace
I rewatched 1x11 of Community today (the Politics of Human Sexuality) and it just completely reinforced in my mind that Annie is ace/ demi/ somewhere on the ace spec! Like!!! Her whole “I’m fine being repressed with my sexuality” speech?? I RELATE, and it definitely sounds like something I (and a lot of other aces) would say to describe how we felt before we found the ace label
All the people she’s had crushes on/ has been attracted to can be seen as solely romantic and aesthetic, sexual but only after a strong emotional bond is formed, or as compulsory sexuality:
Jeff - Wasn’t attracted to him physically until well into s1and even then it’s never properly stated that she likes him sexually (if she does, it’s after an emotional bond is formed)
Troy - A crush but nothing suggested she liked him sexually
Vaughn - They didn’t even kiss until they were well into the relationship, never shown to find him sexually attractive
Zac Effron - Either compulsory sexuality (I Must Find Him Attractive, Everyone Else Does!) or confusion between sexual and aesthetic and romantic attraction (These Must All Be The Same, Surely!, the unaware ace says)
Abed (Han Solo/ Don Draper) - Romantic and also sensual,, as soon as he stops playing the part of the “bad boy” she doesn’t react the same way to him (though she may still like him romantically)
Dean (Freaky Friday episode) - Reacting the way she did bc he was acting like Jeff (who she likes) and also playing the “bad boy” role, wasn’t interested in him once he stopped being Jeff
Britta - Nothing to suggest she likes her sexually (that I remember? But if there is then it’s after an emotional bond was formed) but she definitely has a romantic crush on her
Rich - Romantic, nothing to suggest a sexual attraction
Other reasons I think she’s ace/ ace spec:
All of her crushes are very romantic (dreaming of marrying them and having a home together), nothing to suggest she wants anything sexual to happen with them (and if it does, only after a strong bond was formed)
“Nobody sleeps with Jeff. Not even me.” in 4x13
Very uncomfortable around the topic of sex (which isn’t exclusive to aces and isn’t something all aces experience, but there is some overlap so it’s worth mentioning)
The whole of 1x11 (”I don’t see what all the fuss was about. A giant thumb in a turtleneck! Whoop-dee-doo!”)
That Scene in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons was done in a very matter-of-fact way, like she was trying to score points in a game/ accomplish the goal of the scene rather than actually write a sex scene
In conclusion: I am aroace and want more rep but this time I have proof as to why one of my favourite characters is ace/ ace spec
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thoughtsdying · 4 years ago
The procces of realising you’re aroace: a tale by me version 2
Realising you’re aroace is suddenly comprehending why your few friends (with one exception) have always turned out to be in the queer community at the end. Like. That fenomenum of “queer radar only you don’t realise it’s there and you end up gravitating together anyway?” yup- It happens too. Only most of the time you think you’re an allied cis-het weirdo who cares too much about something that doesn’t have anything to do with you, and who cares if you feel weird when other people assume you’re hetero (or that you have a orientation at all), you sure aren’t attracked to your same gender either. Nor are any kind of trans.
And then you discover asexuality in your late teens and it feels weirdly near you, but you think you’re trying to make it so you’re special, so you dismiss any ace feels as you being a late bloomer, and only take care of including it in discussions about queer issues, and then you feel strangely hurt when a professor dismisses it as “some self descriptor weird lonely japanese men in their 40′s created who only care for 2D” which. You don’t have to tell me all the problems in that sentence. Believe me, I know. And you can’t come with arguments except well if people feel like using it, then we should respect it, bc you don’t have the words to explain asexuality except that internet in english told you it was a thing and you still don’t know except in a nebulous way what even is aromanticism, so you didn’t bring that up in the discussion at all.
And a pair of years after that you start using demisexual bc it feels less scary and very reasonable except you’ve never felt attracted to anyone, how do you even tell it? And relationships scare you, and you still don’t have any idea of what is aromanticism except it scares you and you don’t want to contemplate a life being aro. You love romances after all
(except when you have to look the other way in any kind of profound kiss, bc it’s private people, which makes you feel wiedly homophobic when you’re watching a lgbtq+ media or your best friend with her girlfriend even if it’s the same with hetero, except then it’s just that sex is weird in film and kisses with tongue are still private people!)
and obviously you still don’t want to have sex with a girl (Except perhaps those emotional dreams of touching with a friend that aren’t sex but almlost and are very comfortable anyways it could be nice you’re sure but nice isn’t desire is it?) so even although guys make you nervous and any thought of doing anything romantic-sexual with one is a “yikes” you suppose you find some really pretty in a different way you do with woman and that must be ~attraction~.
And a friend tells you that a guy tried to sound her to see if he could date you and she told him you were ace and uninterested in any kind of relationship, and you go “why?” confused and a bit elated bc holy shit what a relief you won’t have to confront him, but also a bit of panic (that’s how i come across? it isn’t my imagination, im so obvious oh no) and she tells you, “well you are almost one and you don’t have any intention of dating anybody right now so i thought it best to cut any feels on his part right now”. And it gives you things to think about.
And another two years pass except this time you’ve started to educate yourself on aromanticism bc too many relatable posts on tumblr looking into the ace tag made you “holy shit yeah this makes more sense than just asexuality” but also you keep loving romance stories except now you’ve started to recognize you’re starved of friendship in all the ambits of your live and you’re also a young adult who still doesn’t want a relationship, what do i do? And maybe you’re not demi, you’re ace and you can think sex sounds a nice activity to do with intimate friends (aro aro aro) but not something you’re into, and you’re still ace, you’re not attracted to anybody not really. What a relief. (you still can’t try on the aro umbrella)
And you question yourself bc a fantastic guy has become your friend, and your minds vibe inmensely well, and you talk during quearentine, but he gives you some weird vibes sometimes, and makes you gifts which you ignore bc holy shit a best friend! And he has money and he’s lonely! I would also give gifts to my besties if I had money! And then he confesses to you on wassap, and you realise he has put you on a pedestal and has cofessed but already said himself he doesn’t want a relationship with you bc he would corrupt you or something and anyway, he’s not really in love with you he’s using you as a mental crutch to try to not be depressed, he knows that noe but he hates psycologists. Also, can i have some time apart from you?
So you tell him you feel flattered but that you see him as only a friend, and please can you not put yourself so below me? Search professional help. I’ll stay away as long as you need.
And you start feeling uneasy, but you think it’s only that he’s a weirdo and really you’ve dodged a bullet of course you wouldn’t want to go out with him, he’s not really the kind of pretty you like. Except if you’re ace what does it matter? Isn’t it that you feel pretty repulsed by trying a romantic relationship? Or are you just justifying your own aloofness and personality problems that make impossibly difficult to try a romance anyway. People don’t control who they feel romantic feels for anyway.
Except in the following months when you’ve finally reaturned to be friends you’re so relieved to not have that shadow above you and really wouldn’t it be amazing if everybody knew you didn’t want anything to do with them romantically? To be free to be friends and hug them, and walk arm in arm or go to lunch and cinema and still be just friends? To plan your future in a line along with those friends but not be really a committement as much as you just want to enjoy talking face to face with them for a bit longer.
So you go back to read about aromanticism and maybe you cry a little but mostly you’re pretty happy and scared about it. And you tell that friend, bc he’s your bestie right now and you feel him being bi and also being interested in you in the past would make him more likely to react well. It’s not personal it’s just the way I am. And then you start crying in the middle of a starbucks for 15 min. and you didn’t now you feel so much so intensely about being aroace, and how it had impacted you without knowing and how much you hate those expectations. And he hugs you and tells you “nobody has the right to tell you how to live. if you feel like you’re never gonna be in a relationship that’s your business and you’ll be happy anyway” and you cry harder. And then you both have a sincere conversation about sex as he has experimented it and how you feel it pretty strange and weird, but maybe you’d like to try it sometime. Just not a time near now. And if it’s never that’s pretty okey with you too.
So you go home feeling a bit embarrased but also pretty elated except a week later there’s another wassap message from him, saying he feels he still loves you, and that he understands intelectually your nearness with him is friendly but still feels romantic and it confuses me and it pains me and i would prefer to not be your friend anymore, sorry, men are shit and me the worst of them.
“Ok” I write back. I’m furious and hurt and I don’t want to see his liar face anymore. So fuck you, I think. “Thanks for telling me” And I block his number and I don’t talk to him when we met with out mutual friends, and when it’s necessary I talk as if he were a stranger. Kindly but impersonal. Isn’t that what you wanted? To lost a friend? So you’ve lost me forever.
And it became clear to me that I don’t think I’ll ever understand the stupidity of not wanting to see someone just because their lives don’t revolve around you the way you like, even though you’re friends and you can talk to them about anything at all anyway, and be there for help with the shitty parts of life. There are things I’ll never felt or do for another. 
And I’m ok with that.
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instablamwriter · 5 years ago
A3! Aspec HCs | Spring Troupe Part 1
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I originally made a thread on twitter but links are possibly messing up the tags but these are expanded on those so anything there is also here.
I got inspired by Elena and thought of more HCs so I just thought of compiling it here instead. Doing 2 posts for each troupe so that they all have more spotlight time!
cw some sex talk
Disclaimers before I start
just my own hcs
i made them all aroacespec bc I can
no gender hcs included
am i projecting to some of them? lol yeah
not my main sexuality hcs for everyone
ofc everyone has very different experiences being part of the spectrum, so just my own hcs. Feel free to add or message me about these!!!
demisexual/demiromantic/pan or aroace
I say this bc I like both hcs a lot
since he never got the chance to create a lot of deep bonds in the past, he never realized it
had been kinda detached from the thought of dating and romance and just figured it will come when it comes
i’m sure neigbourhood people have definitely told him “I don’t get why you don’t have an S/O!“ and he’s always at a loss on what to tell them
he slips in some anti-amatonormativity sentiments to the preschool kids he handles
“it’s okay to want a partner but it’s also okay not to want one. it’s not everything in life“
“friends are just as important as romantic partners!“
“you shouldn’t be judged on the kind of person you are based on whether you want a family or not“
“sakuya-sen might not get married in the future and that’s okay! he’s still happy where he is!“
he loves hugs!! He wants all the hugs!! and his hugs are some of the best and he’s warm and nice
loves people liberally and with his whole heart
he doesn’t particularly contribute a lot to sex talk and has little interest in it
didn’t even know he could be attracted to people at all until he met the director
something about her acting just sparked an interest in his heart that he has never felt before (whether it’s romantic or not is up to u reader)
most of his daydreams involve hand holding and forehead kisses and cuddling by a fire or something like that
he doesn’t really think about what the director looks like and focuses on her likes/dislikes and her quirks as a person
doesn’t understand what people perceive to be so attractive about him physically so he’s annoyed by any fangirls from his school because they don’t even know him
he doesn’t really understand when someone mentions someone being ‘hot’ so by default he just compares them to the director
doesn’t particularly like sex but if the person he likes wants it, he’s willing to try and make them happy even if to him it’s just okay.
the reason his works are mostly about friendship or focusing on friendships is not because of comphet but because that’s what he genuinely treasures the most
friendships and filial ties have had the biggest emotional impact on him
he associates pining with friendships mostly
he’s also oblivious to the people that crush on him
Which is funny bc he observes people a lot and can read them well but he doesn't really pick it up if potential feelings for him
tho I also think that he’s super horny for the person does he does come to like
and it troubles him because he never had to deal with all these feelings of want before and it’s all focused on one person
he shows a lot of love thru physical touch even though he’s hmm usually politely distant of people. Or more of he’s used to it with his family and would be ok in theory hugging/patting/etc with other people but he doesn’t quite know how bc his instinct is to not carelessly touch someone unless they’re close
he’s okay with other people’s physical affection towards him tho
probably wouldn’t realize he was attracted to someone right away and confuse them for all the feelings he associated with friendship so it takes some time for him to realize that the two can be quite similar but it also feels ‘different’. Not better or worse. Just different.
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