#it’s only set in middle school because I still don’t know what year of highschool everything else will be in
cleocatrablossy · 2 months
How Jim got that name: valley girl edition
About 1k words so pretty short, just shenanigans. It’s under the cut. I feel the need to mention they all have different names but it’s pretty obvious who’s who
Jules tapped her pencil against her desk. They were supposed to be filling out forms to see what jobs they’d be good at, in order to begin specializing in highschool. It had some questions that made sense- did you like working with people, how well do you do with understanding mechanical functions, do you enjoy menial, unending, soul-sucking tasks? It also had ones that didn’t, including things on self described personality, what other people thought of you, where of four options would you like to live, do you value connections or advancements, enjoyment of music, seeing beauty in things- as if that was ever in doubt for her- vocabulary, persuasiveness, and a whole host of other things that simply would not be necessary. So she was sat staring at the paper, deciding whether or not to take it seriously.
She leaned back into her chair, looking up into the lights. There were thirty odd minutes left in class, then she had PE so this was her one bit of respite.
She heard tapping on her desk after a few moments and jolted back upright, to be met with Scarlet looking back at her paper with interest before looking back up at her. Jules tilted her head in question. Scarlet quickly scanned the room, seeing their teacher at her desk on the other side focusing on something or other, before turning back.
“You never said you had a middle name!” She whispered, grinning. Jules nodded slightly.
“Well you can’t call me it like we do for Jessica, because I don’t think I could live if I was sharing a name with some old movie character.” She whispered back, much to Scarlet’s amusement.
“Your initials are a name though.” Scarlet replied, and even if she couldn’t see her smile it was evident in her voice.
“Jim?” She asked, resting her head on her hand.
“Yeah! Fun right?” Scarlet said.
“I… that sounds like it’s short for something. Like, just as a name ‘Jim’ sounds like it’s short for something. What would even be short for though, like there are no names I can think of that don’t also sound like they’re short for something.” She half-heartedly complained. Scarlet tapped her nails on her desk in thought.
“I can’t think of any either. Uhh, hold on. I’m gonna get an expert opinion.” Scarlet said, quickly turning around and leaning over to tap Ariana on the shoulder.
“Psst, hey. Jessica, G, hey. G. Jess. Griande. Ari. G. Hey.” Scarlet whispered. Ariana turned around and glared at her.
“What?” She asked, drawing the word out with the usual slight crackle of her voice.
“Any clue what ‘Jim’ is short for?” Scarlet asked, beaming. Jules watched as Ariana seemed to age a thousand years in a second and set her head in her hands groaning.
“Why do you need to know this?” She asked.
“Look, we just do. I’ll explain at lunch. Just, please.” Scarlet said, clasping her hands together and shaking them slightly under her chin as if begging.
“I don’t know… maybe Jimothy? Like Tim’s for Timothy?” Ariana offered after a moment. Scarlet turned back around to her.
“Hear that Jules? Jimothy!” She said. Jules nodded slightly.
“That’s a whole four extra letters though. I’d have to have five last names then.” She muttered.
“Oooh, wait this is about Jules?” Ariana asked, practically crawling out of her desk to try and lean in closer. Frankly it was a miracle their teacher either hadn’t caught on or didn’t care enough to do anything about them.
“Yeah, her initials spell out Jim!” Scarlet said, proud as could be.
“Really? I didn’t know you had a middle name, what is it? Wait, why did she find out first! We went to preschool together, Jules. Preschool. Does that mean nothing to you?” Ariana hissed.
“Well I didn’t tell her, she just saw my paper. And anyways, I’m not telling you.” Jules said.
“She mentioned it being an old movie character’s name and it has to start with an ‘I’.” Scarlet says. She tapped the line Jules had written her name on; ‘Jules I. Miller’.
“Hmm, maybe… The guy in the one princes movie we watched last year who’s really good at sword fighting? I think his name was like… Indigo Montana?” Ariana tried.
“That’s Inigo Montoya! Come on, and he’s from the Princess Bride!” Scarlet corrected, fake offense in her voice.
“Well then miss movie expert, who do you suggest?” Ariana challenged. Scarlet thought for a moment before grinning and turning to her.
“Is it, perhaps, a character from a few Disney movies? Specifically an action packed series?” Scarlet asked.
Ariana’s “Oh come on, it’s not gonna be from Star Wars.” was at the same time met with Jules staying, “I mean, yeah.”
“Okay, okay, okay. I’m guessing, Dr Jones?” Scarlet asked, leaning forward and batting her eyelids before sitting back and giggling like she’d made a reference neither of them got. Jules figured she probably had, being the only one among them to actually watch those old movies on any sort of consistent basis.
“Please, it has to start with an ‘I’ not a ‘j’.” Ariana scoffed.
“No, she got it right.” Jules said, leaning over so she could just barely bat at her.
“Okay, so. Your middle name is Indiana?” Scarlet asked.
“Nope!” Jules said, smiling as smugly as she could as she sat back.
“Indy, then?” Scarlet tried again.
“You got it!” Jules said.
“Aw, well that’s actually a sort of nice middle name. Come on.” Ariana huffed.
“I say we call her Jim from now on, to forever comment-erate-” “commemorate” “-that, this moment.” Scarlet declared.
“Oh, guys. Don’t.” Jules groaned, placing her face on the desk and holding her hand above her head as if in defeat. That got a chuckle out of the other two. That was good, they were all going to have a new joke for however long it lasted.
“Fine then. Tim.” Ariana said, smirking. Jules looked up with as exaggerated a look of despair as she could muster, doing her best not to start giggling as Scarlet had already begun to.
“Nooo.” She whisper-yelled, looking up to the ceiling and shaking her hands.
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lexsssu · 9 months
Odd (Hiroki Dan)
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TAGS: Dan/F!reader, yandere, possessiveness, obsession, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Dan was always…odd.
Even when you were both still young preteens fumbling their way through puberty and middle school, there was always something about him that stood out from the rest of the student body.
Sure, he was smart, handsome, and came from a good family especially with his father being the current superintendent general at the police force. He had all the qualities that ensured his constant popularity, but despite how amicable he was towards your peers he always retreated back into himself.
At least, that was when it came to everyone else that is.
Because the biggest oddity you could find in him is his blatant need to ALWAYS be around you.
Whether he was merely within your immediate vicinity or engaging with you in some way, the dark-haired male was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. The eyes are the windows to the soul and for someone like him who was a master at molding his expressions in whatever face he needed at the moment, his eyes clearly revealed how genuine he was towards you.
Perhaps you should be scared, especially when his expressive eyes widen and dilate whenever your eyes meet with him for even a second. How it seems as if he’d been staring at you for long periods of time without you even noticing how heated his gaze was, but…
Was it bad that you found his attention…endearing? 
Flattering even that such an eligible man such as him only had you in his eyes?
Dan never did anything that made you feel uncomfortable, but rather knowing that you had his eternal attention almost felt like a safety blanket was wrapped around you and that there was never really anything for you to fear. He is a gentleman first and foremost, but the longing within his eyes are unmistakable and the genuine smiles he bestows upon you wear down the walls you’ve placed around your heart little by little.
That is why is there really any surprise that you’re wedded beneath the sakura blossoms as soon as you’ve both graduated highschool? 
To most people, marrying so early seemed like such an archaic practice or that you were both throwing your lives away so early. 
Such a thought never passed through your mind however and much less your husband for that matter. If anything, both his family and yours were very supportive of your decision as they had all been witness to the love you both shared for one another through all these years. Plus, it also helps that his family was well-off enough and Dan himself driven enough that your father had no qualms handing you over to his new son-in-law because he knew that you’d certainly be taken care of and cherished.
However, as much as you were grateful to the family and friends that celebrated your union, nothing could still overcome the happiness that overflowed from your heart as you met this man at the altar and exchanged vows and a kiss to seal your everlasting love to one another.
Dan was certainly odd…but you loved him all the same.
“The doctor said that this is the best position to allow my seed to reach your womb and we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow her instructions. Besides, Masahiro deserves a new sibling, don’t you think so? I long to see you again growing ripe with my child…your breasts filling up with such fine drink that I’m already salivating just thinking about it…”
You don’t know what happened during work to set him off like this, but you weren’t complaining as Dan did his utmost best to practically rearrange your guts with how hard he was bearing down on you. The pillow he’d slipped beneath your hips just moments ago certainly helped as skin smacked against skin and bodily fluids dripped and stained the once pristine bedsheets.
The handsome investigator’s usually combed dark hair was in disarray as strands clung to his sweat-stained face, his movements & expression reeking of desperation and overflowing affection as he sought to get his cock as deep into you as he could. With luscious thighs wrapped around his narrow waist, hands raking against his strong back leaving faint red lines, and your lips kissed and bitten until it shone a bright reddish color, Hiroki knew that this might as well have been heaven.
For it is everything he wanted and dreamed of.
A precious young son sleeping in his own room, and the love of his life: his sweet little wife who still cared for him in spite of his need to ‘commit good deeds.’
And now that the newest member of your family was actively being made, Hiroki would make sure to continue his mission to cleanse the world of the filth that dared taint its goodness.
“ Leave it to me, darling. I’ll rack up enough ‘good deeds’ for you and all our future children so that you may all live without fears or worries… ”
With your face buried in the crook of his neck as you slept on top of him, his cock still stuffed inside your sopping cunt in order to prevent any of his seed from slipping out, the man smiled and closed his eyes and followed you into the land of dreams.
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solurae · 1 year
four eyes (more to love underneath the frames) : prologue
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nerd!miguel o’hara is the talk of the town and i wanna put my own spin on it :D sooo expect a little bit of everything hehe :DDD - HAHA AS I WAS WRITING THIS I REALISED I GOT TOO INVESTED SETTING THE SCENE SO I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES! i’ll just say this is a prologue hooray
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a distinct pair of black, rectangular glasses were adjusted by miguel’s middle finger before it glided across the pages of notes he wrote from the lecture for his genetics class. a class that you both happen to share, but neither of you knew that yet.
miguel o’hara - a man so deep in his books that he might as well be the dean of the dean’s list - payed no heed to anyone or anything that could hinder his focus. the furrowing of brows indicated further analysis rather than the annoyance towards second year business majors. no, he wasn’t the annoying, stuck-up person who would ask more questions than give answers. he thinks they’re wasting their time anyway. he was always the last person to leave the lecture theatre. miguel would be huddled by the professor, covering the whiteboard with punnett squares or outlining control variables for the next lab.
he was only person in your genetics class that had a real chance of passing the course, the scowls of your peers and your friends could attest to that.
you wouldn’t say you were on the same boat as everyone though, your friends were always nagging you to help them but you couldn’t even figure out how you understood some of the content. this specific course was an integral part of your degree and the best chance of impressing the school, you had to give it your all.
you would be lying if genetic sequences and chromosomes weren’t the only things you had memorised. you loved the hue of brown locks that would shine from the tall windows of the theatre, the curls which your eyes would follow forever if he happened to sit in front of you. the pout of his lips as he’d scratch his hair in response to a lab practical that didn’t make sense, only for him to make sense of it hours later.
his eyes were red. it was his most defining feature, and a key factor to why - to your advantage, if you really think about it - people steer clear of o’hara. as much as it increases your chances of befriending him, let alone being with him, your classmates and other students weren’t so quiet about their dislike for the irish-mexican spectacle.
he’s so quiet. too quiet.
he looks like a freak! look at his eyes, bro. what is he some fucking vampire or something?
no wonder he’s on the dean’s list because he isn’t on anyone else’s for sure.
god he’s just so…
miguel was extremely fit, which was what confused a lot of people when they found out he wasn’t a copy-paste jock that still thinks they’re in highschool like most men of his stature were. his build put them to shame regardless. after being bombarded by women and men of every cohort - only for miguel to ignore them or coldly decline - word spread like wildfire and soon enough people were disappointed that the former heart-throb of first and second year turned out to be a major loser. some people would go out of their way to show how much they don’t like him, and these are people miguel’s never even spoken to. they would “crash” into him walking across campus, try and trip him over and even go as far as sitting on the other side of the room if it wasn’t so clear already.
but he didn’t mind. he was always at the library, the lab or the cafeteria closest to the lab anyway. it bothered you to see him alone and quiet unless he had a question or an answer, you genuinely wanted to be friends with him.
but as the story goes, it’s always these type of men that have a part of themselves they keep under wraps. you just know that there’s more to his brooding and stoic nature, the carnelian shades of his eyes lured you closer as opposed to keeping you away.
you decided to do honours for two reasons: a better resume and the fact that miguel unsurprisingly decided to do it too. you had a thesis in your head and you had all year to test it out.
miguel o’hara was more than just some nerd and you were gonna need more than glasses to prove it.
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15-lizards · 2 years
More southern ASOIAF headcanons for my mental health
Robb: star football player who gets drafted for a D1 college. He is absolutely the sweetheart of the SEC world. Definitely the next Joe Burrow. Has a million followers on insta and all of his posts are professionally edited. On the outside there’s nothing wrong with him but he actually has a dark secret (he’s just dating theon). Margaery is absolutely his sorority girl gf before they both realize they’re gay.
Arya: absolutely insane. Begs Ned to go along on hunting trips and can shoot a rifle like a grown man. She’s one of those kids that eats the heart of the first deer they kill. Runs around barefoot in the backwoods and the gravel roads. Sustains herself on bug juice from the gas station and honeysuckle plants that grow outside the house. Just true southern trash I love her.
Dany: Weird horse girl to the MAX turned highschool overachiever. Still rides horses but had a breakdown and a personality 180 after middle school and is now class president bc she wanted to make friends. Is in like three thousand clubs and is somehow the head of all of them. She has such a nice speaking voice but her accent only slips out when she’s angry. Ridiculously active in the local community. We all know that girl. We all know she needs Xanax and we love her.
Catelyn: Facebook mom. Keeps their suburban front lawn looking SPOTLESS. Always cheering Robb on at his games, makes the rest of the Starks dress in the school colors and take family pictures. Doesn’t like to gossip unless that person deserves it but when she does she absolutely tears them apart. Always hosts the neighborhood block parties. Ends up feeding half the neighborhood children when her kids bring them home after they were out playing when the streetlights come on.
Theon: Drug dealer who lives in the backwoods I’m sorry. He barely graduated highschool and likes to chew dip so thick you can’t understand what he’s saying. Actually kind of smart but didn’t care enough about school. Always showed up in his stupid lifted truck. Always smells like either cigarette smoke or weed. Just gives off dirty vibes but he was always pretty chill to hang around with surprisingly. Always had weird respect for the smart kids or the ones who didn’t want to do drugs. Somehow this is all appealing to Robb
Cersei: Evil Facebook mom. Passive aggressive to your face like she isn’t even going to be fake nice. Everyone’s always kissing her ass in her comments section as she humble brags about Myrcella being on the honor roll or Joffrey making the baseball team (the Lannisters have the stadium named after them). She knows if you don’t show up to church and makes sure all of her friends (who she hates) know about it too when they have brunch afterwards. But she is so fine. True southern milf. All of Joff’s classmates never shut up about his mean hot mom.
Davos: Your nicest old man neighbor ever. He’s Theon’s closest neighbor (two miles down the road) and is always trying to set him on the right path. Will def lend you money if you need it. No one’s really sure what he does for a living but he’s probably good at it. Always letting the nearby kids run around in his yard while he keeps an eye on them from the porch. He woodworks in his spare time. Everyone nearby has a swing set or a crib or a table he carved for them. Also gives the wisest, most sage advice ever uttered by anyone ever. He dropped out so he can’t read very well but Shireen always walks down the road after school to teach him :,)
Lysa: god she is just. Batshit crazy. Slightly normal until you walk into her ugly suburban mansion (that her old ass husband paid for) and she starts talking about Qanon. Such a conspiracy theorist and Robin is most definitely not vaxxed because those give you autism duh. Tries to return clothes she got like three years ago to Target and gets mad when they won’t refund her. Gives fast food workers a hard time. Or any service workers really.
Dolorous Edd: That man is a Waffle House employee. Trains Jon how to cook while taking an order while smoking a cigarette all at once. Cleans up questionable needles in the bathroom and needs to take a smoke break outside afterwards. You have never seen a man look so jaded yet make you the most fire fucking hashbrowns you have ever eaten in your life. No one knows what he does off the clock he’s a mystery. He just comes in, complains, makes waffles, leaves. Has thrown hands with a customer. Multiple times. Never loses.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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Wc: 4k
Pairing: eren jaeger x reader
Cw: car sex, fingering, emphasis on reader being innocent and a virgin. reader is armins little sister. corruption kink
you're 6 years old when you first meet eren jaeger. apparently he'd run off some people that were bullying you big brother, armin. you admire him and mikasa immediately.
you're 8 and he's 11 when you get a scrape on your knee from playing tag. eren runs into your mothers bathroom to fish out the first aid-kit, you know he just doesn't want you to tattle, you never would anyway, but he pulls out a pink band-aid with little ariels all over it and places it gently over the cut. he stays there for a few beats, soothing the skin around the hurt area with his thumbs. his big bright green eyes look up at you, "better?" and that's the first time your heart skips for a boy.
you're 11 and he's 14 when armin starts becoming protective. "he's had like. 5 girlfriends in middle school, who knows what he's gonna be like in high-school"
it intrigue you, for some reason.
you're 13 and he's 16 when he taps furiously on your window at night, wild eyed and wearing a t-shirt and sweats. he falls ungracefully on his ass when you let him in, though he grins at you from the floor. "thanks, squirt"
you wince at the nickname, knowing it solidifies you as someone only platonic to him. armins little sister and nothing more. "what's this all about?"
he gets up and swipes imaginary dust off his sweats, looking around your room. its absurdly girly. he picks up one of your plushies and tosses it up, then catches it, peering over at you and grinning. "i hope you never change," he sighs and flops down onto your pink sheets. "girls my age are fucking psychos"
you creep closer to him, snatching your plush back. "im sure there's something you're leaving out there. im not completely dumb, you know"
he waves his hand, "yeah but you're....i don't know? innocent or whatever. you don't care about shit like boys and drama"
i do care about boys, you think, watching the way his shirt rides up to expose a hint of tan skin. you look away, squeezing your plush to your chest. "im gonna grow up eventually, ren"
he sighs and sits up, looking at you from under his ridiculously cute floppy brown hair. "Just promise me you won't go boy crazy"
you roll your eyes and sit down next to him, he leans in and licks a broad stripe against your cheek with his tongue, grinning "we have cooties"
you swat at him and wipe your cheek, groaning and calling him gross. "i know that. you and armin never let me forget how gross boys are", you side eye him. "what did you even do? really?"
he looks to the side, only now having it in him to look the least bit sheepish, "my girlfriend may have caught me with my hand down historias skirt..."
yeah, boys really are gross. but not eren, no he's beautiful and magical and makes you feel all the fluttery things. but he's also a player, a bad boy, dangerous and completely off limits. maybe your crush should have ended there, but of course it didn't.
You're 15 when you go on your first date with a boy. until now you haven’t allowed yourself to even think about men outside of the enigma that is eren jaeger, but that’s a lost cause, a stupid crush you need to let go of. and despite what eren thinks, you’re not that innocent. not in your head anyway. you’re a girl and you have fantasies. 
the guy is nice, armin likes him enough. big and tall and humble, reiner brought you flowers for your first date. the age difference is a little weird, he’s in erens grade, a senior, but you think its harmless. you’re turning 16 soon. the date goes well, you smile and giggle alot, and reiner seems smitten by the end of it. he even goes as far as to kiss your hand when he drops you back off at home, at 8pm sharp, just like he promised. he was kind and sweet, and you liked him, but you wonder what it means that there were no flutters in your belly, not like when you’re around him…
you’re still thinking about that when you open the door, and walk inside. the house is quiet, and you wonder where armin is, and eren. thinking they both must be in armins room, you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, stopping on your path there when you see eren on the couch. he’s lounging back, hand idly wrapped around a gaming controller as he watches you.
you glance around him. “where’s mimmin?”
he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “annie called”, he leans forward a little, propping his chin in his palm as he observes you quietly for a moment.
you squirm in place, his eyes are too hot. “oh” and you make to start moving again but his voice stops you. 
“so. braun, huh?” his tone is hard to discern, the words coming out cool and detached, but his eyes are that intense green. 
“yeah” you say, shifting on your feet. “he was nice. kissed my hand and everything”
“sounds like a dream” and that is definitely said sarcastically. you bristle but eren is already turning away from you, facing the TV. “didn’t think he was your type though” 
because erens been your type since forever, you guess he’s right. reiner couldn’t be more different in both personality and looks, but maybe that’s a good thing. “maybe he can be” you say softly, looking at your feet. you dont see erens eyebrows jump, or his lips twist disdainfully. 
“If you wanna settle for missionary the rest of your life, then sure, go ahead” he sounds a little miffed and that confuses you. makes you look up. you don’t even know reiner that well, but you feel the need to defend him from erens usual snarky jabs. 
“not every guy that doesn’t live on Xbox and fuck half the school is a bland guy” you huff. you feel a little guilty for calling him out but he started it. eren hated preps, that was obvious, but its not like he was a model person either, if his long track record of promiscuity was anything to go by. reiner wasnt boring he just…..wasn’t eren. but that wasn’t a flaw. It shouldn’t be. 
“you been keeping tabs on me, princess?” eren asks wryly, smirking now. you just glare at him, quirking a brow and daring him to prove you wrong, to say he’s better. 
he doesn’t. he just looks at you, sets his controller down and does that tick he’d developed since he was young of jiggling his knee, tapping his finger on it. “don’t go on more dates with him” 
you squint your eyes, “and why not?”
“because i said so” 
“you’re not my boss” 
“because..” he scratches the stubble on his jaw, gaze looking far off as he stares at his bouncing leg. “guys shouldn't touch you” 
your mouth pops open. you get that, right now, you’re too young for stuff like sex, but being touched? everyone your age had boyfriends, why should you be any different?
It feels a bit like deja vu when you tell him, “m’not staying innocent forever. dating and s-sex are apart of life. you do it, why shouldn’t i?” 
you didn’t really get his whole overprotective bit, armin, who was your brother, wasn’t even this bad. he’d seen happy almost, when you told him about your date with reiner, even, so you really don’t see where eren is coming from. 
erens lip curls in a smirk and he points a finger at you. “that’s why” he says. “you can’t even say the word sex without stuttering. what’ll you do when you see a cock for the first time?” 
your skin heats, hating that he’s right. “I’ll grow out of it” you promise him. 
he huffs a laugh. “sure thing, dork” but then his face gets serious. “you don’t need to change though. sex is lame, i promise.” 
“you seem to have alot of it, so there must be something good about it” 
“for me, yeah” he grins. “but im selfish. most men are, and you deserve better than some highschool tumble with a guy who looks like he can’t find the clit to save his life” his eyes weigh you down. “just keep bein’ you. If i come back from college and hear that you’re the towns tramp stamp, m’ not gonna be happy” 
and that’s that. 
you’re 16 when eren leaves for college. you get to 18 without ever being touched. 
you’re 18 and you wish you hadn’t begged armin to let you come to this stupid bomfire party. it’s just the first time he’s been home in the 2 years since he’d left for college, and you know that means eren is back too, though you have yet to see him. he’s supposed to be at the party though.
you wonder if he’ll react to having seen you after not for awhile, if he’ll look at you different now that you’re grown. you’re wearing a simple pleated white skirt and a pink top, the picture of innocence you’ve always been, never changing. 
being around so many people makes you uncomfortable, you want to cling to armins side, but you don’t want to be annoying so you tell him its okay to leave you. your eyes scan the mass of people on the crowded beach as you nervously hold your solo cup to your chest. 
your eyes stop their nervous skittering when they land on someone familiar. 
college eren is completely different and yet wholly the same since you’d last seen him. he’s wearing a red bomber jacket, over a black t-shirt and skinny jeans, scuffed converse kicking in the sand as he shifts from one foot to the other. you peep tan skin, a hint of a tattoo peeking on his neck and….and black hair. he’d dyed his hair, and, is that jewelry on his ear? rings on his hand?
he’s smiling easily with a pretty blonde and...and reiner. talking to them like old friends as he tilts his head back and laughs, taking a swig from his cup. he’s still chuckling and shaking his head when his eyes flick distractedly over, rove over you and then stop. even from all the way where you are the green of his eyes pins you in place. the warm glow of the bonfire dances across his features, and you see the bastard has a lip ring as well. he takes his time cataloging you and you do him, before his lips tilt, he hands off his drink and he makes his way over to you. 
your whole body is tense with nerves as he gets closer and closer.
when he’s standing in front of you, the smell of his cologne wafts over you. his smile is small and genuine. “hey, pip” 
pip as in short for pipsqueak. you have to fight the urge to grin at him, your cheeks warming pleasantly, even though you groan out loud. “m’ not little anymore” 
“I can see that” eren eyes rake over you, linger on your bare legs before dragging slowly back up. his eyes feel like a caress and when they meet yours again, you’re already tingly. you’ve never been touched sexually, and just one look from eren has you wet between the legs like nothing. “still dress like you wanna be an extra in a Bratz commercial” 
the tension disputes as you swat his arm. “shut up!! Its a fashion choice, not like you’d know. dressed like a wannabe rockstar” 
“aw, c’mon. you’d be my groupie right?” 
you roll your eyes. “you wish, jaeger”
“mm” he hums softly. “s’cute though. always has been” 
before you can even register the compliment, he’s leaning forward to peek into your cup, swiping it easily from you. “underage drinking, are we? left you for a couple years and you go rebel barbie on me” 
you squawk as he chugs all of your drink back in one gulp, crushing the cup in his fist and tossing it behind him. “ren! I wasn’t even drinking it. It was..” you wave your hand around. “for the aesthetic”
“uh huh” he drones, but then he jerks his chin. “i’ll get you another one to stand around and look pretty with then. C’mon”
cute, pretty. the compliments are gonna make your heart fly out of your chest if he doesn’t let up. you follow him as he leads you to a keg, one that’s a little ways away from the bustle of the party, close to the parking lot where you came in. 
you shyly say ‘thank you’ when he fills you a cup and hands it to you, proceeding to lean back against a car as he goes back to observing you.
to distract yourself you mumble, “you can’t just lean on a strangers car for the sake of being cool” 
the grin is back. “you think im cool?” when you glare at him he rolls his eyes and slaps the hood of the car. “she’s mine, pip. you can untwist your panties” 
you blink at him, “since when did you get a new car? and when did you dye your hair?” 
he looks at you curiously, drumming his fingers. “do you not, like. follow me on instagram?”
you look away, kicking your feet in the sand. hesitantly you admit, “didn’t wanna miss you, so i didn’t look” 
he doesn’t say anything to that. the silence stretches between you, making you nervous. should you not have said that? you guessed it was weird, after all, but it was true. If you’d looked at how erens life was progressing without you there to see it, you’d have cried and been a total lovesick girl about it. 
he finally breaks the silence. “do you have a boyfriend?” 
you look back at him. “uh...no? do you?”
the smirk you wanted ghosts over his lips again, and your eyes are drawn to his lip ring when he tugs it between his teeth. “nah, you know me. unattainable” 
“yeah, i know” you say under your breath, thinking of how eren jaeger had been an unattainable fantasy for you for years. 
“so no current boyfriend or…?” 
“no boyfriends...ever” its embarrassing to admit, but less humiliating than admitting that the reason that was is because you’re in love with your brothers best friend, the very man standing before you now. 
“that’s kinda tragic, pip” eren hops up on the hood of his car and fishes a cigarette out of his pocket. he waves a hand at you, “you’re rockin’ a bod like that and no one’s bagged you? thought you’d be beating down options with a bat by now” 
you watch the smoke that plumes in the air, the way it coils and wisps, and really look at eren. he’s tragically beautiful. his no black hair is boyishly messy, tangled around his head in a dark halo. his face is sharp and tan, his eyes striking and making you feel like you’re sinking into the sand beneath your feet.
you’ve wanted him for so long, it makes you ache. years and years of pushing away men and declining confessions for this man in front of you. you’d never expected anything from him, but you couldn’t move past the fantasy in your head. couldn’t imagine giving any of your firsts to anyone but eren. 
“you told me to stay innocent” its out before you can stop the words, they just fumble out, spilling from your lips and into the air like the smoke.
eren stills, pauses from where he’d been about to take another drag. his expression is unreadable. he flicks the ashes from the cig on the sand, stumps it out under his foot as he hops down. the wind ruffles his dark hair as he just looks and looks and looks at you. 
“yeah?” and oh, jesus, if the rough gravel in his voice doesn’t make your cunt warm immediately. “and you listened?” 
you squeeze your thighs together, an action that draws erens gaze between your legs. to late to back down now, you think, and wet your lips. “y-yeah. I did” 
“you didn’t let any boys touch you while i was gone?” eren continues and he draws closer, creeping towards you.
you shake your head, silent as he comes in front of you. he reaches up to delicately push a strand of hair behind you ear with one of his ring fingers. he keeps it tucked behind your ear as he towers over you, staring you down. “you’re still my innocent little girl, huh?” 
you wonder if this is how it feels to be seduced, seduced by eren jaeger no less. his eyes are warm, and they make you feel warm from where the rest on your eyes, and then, your lips. they part under his gaze, on instinct. “I am, ren. always have been” 
his eyes darken, and the finger behind your ear becomes his whole hand sliding to cup the back of your head, slowly fisitng your hair in it. “shit” he tilts your head up. “you can’t say things like that, baby”
baby, baby, baby. your head swims. you’re on autopilot now, speaking without thinking and you think that’s good because if you were thinking clearly you wouldn't have the courage. “i’ve always been your good girl. no one elses” 
you have one second to hear his exhale before his lips are crashing against yours, and oh. oh, he’s good. you feel the metal of his lip ring against your bottom lip as he slides his tongue in your mouth, eating you up.
“god, you’re sweet” he nips your lip. “knew you would be”
you pant into his mouth, your hands curling on his chest, “y-you’ve thought about me?”
“‘course i did, im not blind” he pulls away. “I just really like my dick and didn’t want it chopped off. armin is scary” 
you know he can be when he wants to be, knows if he saw eren ravishing his little sister against his car right now, body parts would be strewn about. and that’s just from armins verbal warfare.
you look at eren demurely from under your lashes, “i don’t want anything to happen to your…” you trail off at the end.
erens eyebrows climb up his forehead, he presses close to you, tugs you to him. “my…” he prods, eyes glinting with mischief. 
you look away, pouting. “know i can’t say it” you mumble, hating that even now, saying vulgar words is embarrassing for you.
erens chest shakes with a laugh. “you just sucked my tongue down your throat, pip, and you can’t talk about my cock? you’re precious, c’mere.” he starts walking backwards, towards his car. “we gotta be sneaky about it but-” he dips down to kiss you again, once, twice. “i really wanna touch you” 
you gulp, and nod, let him pull you to his car and open the backseat for you, climbing in after you. he shuts and locks it behind him and then he’s facing you, eren jaeger giving you his full attention. looking at you like he wants you, like he’s seeing you, like he wants to do alot of bad things to you.
you place a shaking hand on his shoulder. “im- i dont know what to do..”
you want to impress him, but pretending you’re good at something you’re not won’t do that. eren doesn’t like liars anyway. 
he scoots close to you, pulling you halfway onto his lap until you’re sitting comfortably against him. you bite your lip when you feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing against your ass under your skirt. one of his hands settles on your bare thigh, scooting it up just barely.
“you ever watch porn, sweetheart?” erens breath puffs against your ear and you squirm on top of him. 
you push down your own embarrassment, resigning yourself to be a big girl and be honest. “s-sometimes” 
“yeah?” god, why does just that word turn you on so much? “tell me what kind of stuff you watch when you touch your little pussy” 
his vulgar words go straight to your cunt, at the same time his hand slides up your thighs and slips under your skirt. you close your eyes when you feel the tip of his finger trace over the band of your panties. “they’re always a couple..” you gasp when his hand dips inside, palm cupping over your pussy. “a-and the guy has dark hair..”
“Imagining anyone in particular?” eren teases, but you hear his breath catch at the same time yours does when he sinks one long finger inside. the folds around your slit part seamlessly around the intrusion, sucking his finger in like your pussy wants it there. “so wet, baby. keep talking for me?”
ever the good girl, you push through the tingles and the heat spreading down your legs, the slick sound of his finger fucking in and out of you filling the silent car as you struggle to find words. “s-shes always inexperienced. Its her first time and...and hes gentle” you moan a little when erens thumb comes to swirl around your clit, hips lips finding your neck. he’s teasing another finger at your tight entrance when you swallow another groan and try to keep talking like he’d asked. “he’s gentle but he takes. t-takes what he wants”
“mm” eren hums, tongue sliding against your skin. you gasp when the tip of his ring finger edges in beside the other one, stretching your tight passage around his digits in thorough little twists of his fingers. “that’s real good, baby. you like the sound of that, huh?” 
eren hooks his chin over your shoulder, bunches your skirt around your waist so he can see where your little pussy is clenching and squeezing around him, clit engorged and throbbing for attention. when you don’t answer, he continues, using the slick dripping down your slit, gathering it and then pushing back into you. “I bet” he says, low, husky. “In those videos, he eats her out real nice, yeah? makes sure her little virgin cunt is wet enough to take his cock”
“y-yeah” you pant, holding his wrist but not pulling it away, pushing him more towards you. you’re starting to grind down against the pleasure, walls rhythmically fluttering around his fingers, fucking yourself on them without even knowing it. he curls them, and your head thumps back against his shoulder as you cry out. 
“i’ll give that to you” eren promises, pumping his fingers faster, his other hand coming up to cup one of your tits over your blouse, giving it a squeeze. “gonna take you home after you cream around my fingers and lay you out on your bed” he kisses your cheek, holding you firm against him when you start to twitch and writhe. “lick this little flower open. wanna feel your thighs squeeze my face when i drink the cum from your pussy, get you all loose and wet and then i wanna feel you drip down my dick when i slide it inside”
“oh god, ren!” you jerk in his hold as you feel your orgasm crest over you, gushing down his palm, as you ride his hand, milking it as tingles shoot across your whole body. A milky, creamy film rests around his knuckles when he slides his fingers out of your weeping cunt, still pulsating and twitching from the come down. 
he rubs the excess slick around your folds and clit, rubbing it in. you whimper and he chuckles and kisses your cheek. 
you sag against him, fucked out. eren brushes some hair from your forehead and kisses it. “wannabe punk pounds sweet virgin pussy into her bed” 
you look at him, confused and dazed “huh?”
eren grins at you. “s’ gonna be the name of our porno” 
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mygnolia · 2 years
out of sight, never out of mind
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s: there are people who leave- people who stay for a while and leave this absence that gets more bearable over time. but for you, nishimura riki going away felt like the worse of times, the worst the crimes, and the worst of things anyone could’ve ever done.
p: nishimura riki x fem!reader
wc: 1.3k
gr: angst lol a little fluff
cw: reader doesn't understand korean, injuries/blood (it's a fall)
a/n: guys it's like 1:30 and last night i finished this and lowkey im proud of some parts?? anyways ren's one and only riki fic also this was for xae's isru fic and i lowkey liked my idea so i finished :)
Nishimura Riki barrel rolls into your life with bark stuck in his eye and dust in his tears. You are merely six years old when you sit him down and attempt to console him through his first world problem and when he can finally see out of both eyes again, he swears on some relative’s life that you two will be friends together. 
He was right.
The playground is merely a ghost of your past- haunting your present. 
Riki has stuck with you since diapers almost, more like light up Skechers still colored blue and pink for boys and girls at that age. You can’t think back to a time where you didn’t have him right next to you, whether it was your first love failing in the end, your highschool GPA plummeting before your eyes, or the daunting question of “what happens next?” that constantly loomed over the two of you. You thought you had a few more years with him- at least one before he left you for a very long time. 
But things change. 
Nishimura Riki- Grade 1
“Soyun asked if you had cooties.” He brings up, biting into his apple as you two sit in your designated lunch spot until the tree. 
Flabbergasted, you set your animal crackers down to pick at the grass instead. “I don’t have cooties. Girls don’t have cooties.” 
“How do you know you don’t have them?” 
“Because it’s not true!” You retort, your voice reaching a defensive half-shout. “You have cooties!” 
RIki laughs and twists the stem of the fruit in his hand. “I don’t have cooties, ______.” 
If there was one thing that you felt like was constantly between the two of you, it was how you felt for each other. In a way, you looked up to Riki- the star student who always goofed around and made enough friends that could last him a lifetime and a half, but still made time to bow to the adults around him and hold your hand to drag you around his house. He learned how to balance things, and it seemed that life just happened to like the golden boy. Riki always felt like a role model- that, when he bowed and spoke politely in your native tongue, that you should’ve done the same. 
For him, he always looked at you like a little sister. You were like the flower that grew in between the cracks of concrete- something special in the middle of all other things bland. Sure, the boy was happy with his life, but you made it better, you pulled him out of his complacent shell with your bubbly personality in such a way that he couldn’t think of a life where you didn’t drag him out of his comfort zone. Even if people called it stupid, he danced to his favorite songs as you sat on the couch with a bright smile on your face. The lyrics were foreign and confusing to keep up with, but Riki seemed like he was enjoying himself, and you settled with pumping your fists in support of the grinning boy in front of you. 
Things like that never seemed to change for you two. Even if it changed from his living room to school provided dance rooms where you two would practice for his performances, you always stayed- the boy doesn’t think he could ever forget.
Nishimura Riki- Grade 5
“How much do you wanna bet I can climb this tree?” Your eyes widened at his sudden but seemingly harmless inquiry. Knowing him though, he’d try to achieve such a feat sooner or later, and you were more focused on the potential damage (and trouble) he could be in if he tried. 
“No- Riki! Do you even know how much trouble I’d be in if you did and got hurt?” He rolls his eyes playfully and does not heed your words any attention. 
“I’ll be fine.” He reassures, grabbing onto a branch. 
You will admit that the biggest injury was him scraping his arm and having to put four of your bandaids on it since you didn’t carry jumbo ones. ‘Your mom taught you well- just not well enough.’ He thinks, looking pver as you rummage your yellow backpack for more things to patch up his hand with. All RIki can do for now is sit and apply pressure to his side where he fell, and pray you don’t snitch on him. Kids recover fast- right? Once he’s all good again, he could climb that tree and do it properly. 
He ends up yelling for you on one of the sturdier high branches and grins at the look of horror on your face.
Nishimura RIki- Present
“Don’t miss me too much, alright?” He settles for once again ruining your hair for the nth time today, and you give him a slight glare in response. 
Words dripping with sarcasm, you answer, “i don’t think I’ll miss you at all.” He laughs, eyes crinkling and one side of his lip quirking the lopsided smile you remember way too easily.  
“I just don’t think you wanna admit me. Me, Riki Nishimura, traveling across the globe and not being able to have sleepovers anymore.” 
Even as tears do spring to your eyes at his lighthearted joke, you poke fun at him back. “I’m glad I’ll actually get my blanket now. You-you blanket hog.” He snickers at your insult and shoves you from outside of the line he was in. Quickly enough, you make sure he moves a spot up when needed and make fun of him when the gap between him and the person in front grows. 
You checked your phone right before you waved Riki off and bid him a safe flight with tearful goodbyes and promised returns. 
it was 3:24pm when he left.
The first few weeks were rough for you. The messages sufficed, but only for a bit. It was when he boarded that he left his phone in his pocket to fulfill his dreams in a whole new part of the world. The saturday after he left, barely a week later, leaves you bored and restless. By the time the sun is way up in the sky, you find your feet walking towards the park where it all started.
You miss him in everything. When you pass the swing set of the park near your house, you see him. You see Riki throwing bark in your direction and chasing you down the slides and across the monkey barks in ways all too vivid. And even now, you picked up bark and let it slip through your fingers a few pieces at a time, and could only think about the future where you and him would see each other again. Maybe he’d come back, persuade you to let him take you with, and you’d sit in the plane together instead of offering watery and emotional partings at the airport. You could dream all you wanted.
Your dreams were big- hell, they always were, but never big enough to step foot out of your town. No matter how big or how small, this place was yours; the store down the street you knew the directions to was yours, and the park just north of that which you could never forget. And so, the swings feel all the same and the metal creaks in the way you remember all too well. and in the swing to your left, there would be a Nishimura Riki swinging as high as he could without a care in the world, because his ambitions were larger than life. Your red sneakers cruise along the material of the rubber and you look up at the boy who’s laughing whenever he gains just a bit more height than before. 
Riki would always chase for more, and maybe that’s why he left.
interaction/reblogs are all appreciated :)
permanent taglist: @meraniki @soobin-chois @ethereal-engene (send an ask/dm to be added!)
© All rights belong to mygnolia copyrighted 2022. Any republished or reposted work on this site and sites differing from original under other names will be reported and removed immediately.
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu Boys when they neglect you for another girl PT 2(Oikawa)
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Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Word count: 2.1K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been best friends for as long as you can remember  
You thought that Iwaizumi liked you, but all thoughts of that left your head once Oikawa confessed to you when you were in your last year of middle school.
You and Oikawa started dating you in highschool in your first year and have been inseperable ever since.
You and Oikawa were as opposite as you were the same making you a perfect match.
It was the first day of your final term of your third year. You and Oikawa were planning to go the same university but to do that you obviously need to pass your entrance exams so you fully immersed in your studies.  
You have been the manager of Seijoh since your first year, but because of how time consuming it is and you now fully want to focus on your studies you decided to step down from your title. However, you still were fully supportive of the team making sure to go to every one of their games and even coming to majority of their practices with your textbooks and notes with you.
It seems someone took your place as the manager, yet you don’t know who as have been so busy all you could do in finding your replacement was stick up some posters telling whoever wanted the job to talk to the coaches. But you hope the new manager is at least half as good as you.
You decide after school, you were going to take a break from studying so you went to go to the gym to see your boyfriend and the guys at practice. When you enter, you see all the boys fussing and fanning over someone who you couldn’t tell who it was.  
You spot Iwaizumi away from the crowd tying his laces, when you approach him he looks up and smiles fondly at you, “Hey Y/N” he says schooching over so you can sit next to him.
“Hey Haji” you say ruffling his hair playfully “Who’s the celebrity?”  
“Oh Ririka-san” he responds “The new manager” when he says this he slightly scowls, but you don’t quite catch it as your focus is on your boyfriend who is being his usual boastful self infront of who you presume is ‘Ririka-san.’
As the group disperses, they all approach you with Oikawa lifting you up and spinning you obnoxiously making you laugh at his action. “Well hello to you to Tooru” you say kissing him on the cheek.
You look in front of you and there was Ririka with her hand extended out for you to shake “Hi I'm Yagami Ririka” she says “But you can call me Ririka, you’re Y/N right?”  
You shake her hand quickly dropping it responding with a dry “hi.” Oikawa notices the awkward atmosphere that you created with your response and decides to drag you away to show you his serves. You weren’t fully focused on your boyfriend, with your eyes occasionally drifting to the new girl who seemed to give you a bad vibe from your first introduction.
Practice ends, and Oikawa walks you home (per usual.) Once you are at home, you decide to social stalk Ririka to see if you can find something to confirm your suspicions on her. You’re claims weren’t based on anything besides a vibe but since she is apparently in your year and always has been you find it weird that you haven’t heard a word about her all until now. You don’t find anything on her, besides her being as ‘perfect’ as she seems.
As you and Oikawa walk home together again from the next day’s practice, you were hoping that he shared your same concerns about Seijohs manager but when you ask “Kawa.. Don't you think Ririka-san is a bit odd?”
He looks at you curiously, smiles and says “No of course not, Rii-chan is fine”
‘Rii-chan’ you think, a slight pang of jealousy surges through you at the use of this newfound nickname  
“In some ways she reminds me of you, you know?” he says chuckling, but you weren’t listening focused on the name he just called her.
“Rii-chan, huh?” you say
“It’s just a nickname Y/N, I give them to everone, you know that Y/N” he says
“Yeah yeah I know Kawa, I was just overthinking that’s all” you lie, you knew Oikawa gave everyone a nickname but this one definitely stuck on your mind then all of others and although you can admit your jealousy but there was something else bothering you.
“Well don’t overthink too much” Oikawa says giving you a kiss on the forehead “Don’t want to heart your pretty head about it.” Oikawa then lets you enter your house before taking off to his own.
Over the next few weeks, you are mainly focused on your studies, barely having any time to be with your boyfriend at all. However, if you did even have the time to spend with Oikawa, he was definitely not available since all his time was now with ‘Rii-chan,’ whenever you asked him to hang out with you or to go on dates he always used the excuse of ‘Rii-chan needs help with the schedule and since IM THE CAPTAIN I have to help’ or ‘Rii-chan has no friends in our year, and since it seems that YOU don’t want to befriend her im doing the nice thing by becoming her friend’ and with that you always wanted to reply with ‘maybe no one wants to be her friend because she’s such a bitch’ but you held your tounge.
Today you were fed up with your boyfriends lack of being around and decided to go to his house in the hopes that you can watch a movie or do something together. When you get there, you knock on his door and you hear him shout “Come up it’s open,” was he expecting you or something?
You go upstairs to his bedroom, where you know he’ll be and to your surprise when you open the door in his room it is basically set up like a movie date with food and snacks and a bunch of dvd’s and blankets set up on the floor. ‘Was he planning on you to be here?’ you think.
“Rii-chan you made I-” says Oikawa, stopping hisself when he sees that it’s not his beloved Rii-chan but only you his girlfriend Y/N.
“What the fuck Oikawa?” you ask  
“It is NOT what it looks like Y/N” he says standing up abruptly to approach you but you step back.
“Umm.. So it’s not my boyfriend of 3 years about to have a movie date with his manager after barely speaking to me, his GIRLFRIEND, for the past month?” you say folding you arms “ Did I get that right or am I missing something here?”
“Yes.. I mean No” he stammers “ It’s not a date at all, it’s just that Rii-chan say’s she never watched *insert your favourite movie here* and I thought it would be nice if I show it too her”
“Whatever you say ‘kawa” you say rolling your eyes, this seem to annoy Oikawa as he then sits back down harshly and says,
“God Y/N, ever since you met Rii-chan you’ve been so hostile for once can you not be a bitch! Me and her are just friends.” His aggressive tone shocks both you and him but he doesn’t seem to stop “All I'm saying is, you always wonder why me and Iwa-chan were your friends, haven’t you thought it was because you’re such a judgemental bitch”  
By now you were fed up, so you turn your back to Oikawa ready to leave the room but first you say “ Oikawa, I love you I always have, but I can’t be with you anymore especially since you can’t even see what’s going on. Remember when we used to have movie dates when we were ‘just friends” Your response leaves Oikawa with his eyes wide open since he didn’t expect you to basically break up with him, he thought this was a minor argument. Before he can speak, the door burst open and in comes Ririka who exclaims “Tooru! Im ready to watch M-….oh”  
“I guess I’d be taking my leave now” you say with tears in your eyes “Goodbye Oikawa this was fun”  
It’s been a while since the confrontation at Oikawa’s house and the school was a buzz since after hearing the news of yours and Oikawas break up the school immediately focused their attention on both Ririka and Oikawa the rumours of them being together spread like wildfire. However, to your surprise Oikawa apparently always combated the rumours claiming that him and Ririka were just ‘good friends and will stay that way.’
But you could care less, you still supported the team going to all the games they had making sure to stay clear away Oikawa and Ririka. You don’t go to the practices anymore since you didn’t want to submerge yourself in sweat and bad vibes anymore.
Graduation came and you were very happy, you could finally get out of this place. Once you get through the ceremony and all the boring stuff you go to the gym for one final ‘goodbye’ but before you have a chance to leave you are stopped by Iwaizumi  
“Hey Y/N” he says “how have you been?”  
“I’ve been good, pretty ‘busy’” you respond
“Busy as in, avoiding Oikawa at every cost” he says making you laugh “Come sit down with me for a second” to which you do sitting next to him on the gym bench.
You and Iwaizumi then spend the next hour reminiscing about all your past antics and stories making you laugh and smile fondly at all the nostalgia. After all your talk you pull out your phone to take a picture and you hear Iwaizumi whisper “He never deserved you” so quietly that you almost don’t catch what he says.  
Before you could respond in comes Oikawa of course panting “Y/N! Thank god you’re still hear I need to talk to you!”  
You look at Iwaizumi expecting him to say something but all his does is pull you into a tight hug and says “Goodbye Y/N I’ll miss you” he gets up and exits the room shouting “Make sure to answer my calls” making you chuckle.
Oikawa approaches you and sits in the spot that Iwaizumi does, he takes a deep breath and begins to stay “Y/N, you were right I was wrong. I am an idiot... Rii- I mean Ririka she tried to kiss me. Im sorry”
“Oikawa, you are right.. You're an idiot, but it shouldn’t of had to take me breaking up with you and Ririka trying to get with you to realise that I was right. Why did you even come here to tell me this, so I knew I was right? You didn’t need to confirm my suspicions I knew all along Oikawa”
You stand up to leave, hoping to find Iwaizumi before he goes home but Oikawa stops you. “Y/N I-I want to be with you, to go back to being how we were … don’t you want that”
“Oikawa...” you grab his hands “I love you, I always have and I always will... but I think we both know we aren’t meant to be.. Things haven’t been the best with us even before Ririka came along, it just took her to make us really notice it.”
“It’s him isnt it?” he says with tears in his eyes
“I think so... maybe it’s always been him I don’t know but we know how he is especially when we were 15 I guess you just got me to me first,” you say with tears in your eyes also
Oikawa pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear “Go get him Y/N” you look at him and smile and nod you head “We will still be friends Tooru.”
You race out of the gym to look for Iwaizumi and you suddenly bump into him since he didn’t actually move he was there the whole time and it seems your indirect confession made him tear up too. “I love you Y/N” he pulls you into a hug which you return then pulls you into a deep kiss.
In the end, you and Iwaizumi do become boyfriend and gifriend still keeping Tooru as your good friend. You all also end up going to the same University and you and Iwaizumi live the rests of your lifes together as the ‘perfect’ couple with yours and Toorus relationship as a laughable memory.
AUTHORS NOTE: Please don’t hate me for this ending!! I had a bad day sooo I decided to switch things up please give me feedback on what you think !!
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how to fake date your best friend | jake sim
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✰ summary: the rules were simple -
pretend to be the boyfriend of you, his best friend who wants the attention of their crush, for a week and a week only
no kissing (bc gross cooties amirite) allowed, unless needed in times of desperate measure 
and no matter what, absolutely, most definitely, do not fall in love. 
simple, right?
well apparently not. because news flash––jake's already broken one of the rules. 
and to give you a hint, it's neither rule 1 or 2.
✰ pairing: jake sim x y/n [ft. members of enha!] 
✰ genre: fluff, comedy | fakingdating!au, highschool!au, bestfriend!au, friends to lovers
✰ warnings: cursing, high-schoolers doing dumb highschool things, underage drinking (pls don’t actually do any of this irl), jake being a certified simp, it’s LONG (i’m so sorry), cheesy kithes bc im a sucker for kithes ( ˘ ³˘)♥
✰ wc: a whopping 9.5k
✰ a/n: it’s finally finished :’)))))) it ended up being much longer than i wanted but i had so much fun writing the characters that i got carried away lolol anywaysss i hope you guys enjoy it,,,i got a little unmotivated during the process bc i didn’t know if it was good or not but here it is heh (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ 
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Tuesday, December 8th
Jake Sim lives a simple life. 
He likes to think he leads the normal, stereotypical life of a teenage boy. Has decent grades, plays soccer after school, skateboards around the neighborhood, has a best friend who he’s desperately in love with, and has a stable group of friends. 
Okay, maybe not so simple, because this boy would physically launch himself to the moon and drill at its surface to collect moon dust for you if you asked him to––despite his deadly fear of combusting in outer space. 
But that fear doesn’t even compare to his worst one yet: not having you in his life. 
And so, he decided to just repress any and all feelings he’s had for you ever since he discovered them in middle school, when he realized he hated seeing you go to the eighth grade dance with a date––that wasn’t him. 
He decided that he wasn’t going to risk losing a life-long friendship over some dumb, teenage boy feelings. 
They were probably powered by his testosterone anyways. Yeah, that’s totally it.
He’s totally not in love with you. 
So yes, he lives a pretty normal life. Every day is the same as the last, and tomorrow will be the same as today. But he likes it like that––he doesn’t want anything to change. 
Especially not now, when he finds himself content with every aspect of his life (okay maybe except for his history grade, god, does he hate history). 
So, it catches him off guard when you arrive at the group’s usual lunch table, located outside in your school’s courtyard, looking as excited as ever. 
Jake’s the only one at the table so far. The remaining usually showed up late––Heeseung spends his first half of lunch tutoring freshmen for community service hours (but the poor boy has no idea what he’s doing), Sunghoon is probably stuck in line in the cafeteria again (he always forgets to pack his own lunch), and Jay is...well actually, no one ever knows where Jay comes from. He’s a special one. 
It catches Jake even more off guard when you skip over any greeting a normal person would give, and start speaking at one hundred words per second. 
And that catches us up to the present.
“Y-You want me to what?” Jake’s stuttering as you stare at him with your hopeful eyes from across the lunch table. 
Despite the expression planted on your face, which screams your excitement for your “brilliant, amazing, genius, Einstein-could-never” idea (or whatever other words you used to describe it––Jake can’t exactly recall the specific terms you used, they all came out of your mouth too fast), you don’t respond to his question of bafflement. You continue to stare at him, awaiting his response. Jake could compare the look on your face right now to a puppy looking up at its owner, eagerly waiting for a treat. You know, tongue out and all. 
He swallows the lump that’s lodged in this throat (is that the sandwich he’s having, or his nerves?) and continues to give you his look of confusion laced with a nervous smile because surely, you’re joking. 
You grab what’s left of your sandwich from his hands and take your own bite. Somewhere in between you arriving at the table and now, Jake’s managed to steal the sandwich you brought today. You did make the best chicken sandwiches, in his defense. 
“Well? It’s only for the week! And I promise you, after one week, if nothing happens––if he doesn’t make a move or anything––I’ll move on from him like you’ve been telling me to.” Your words are muffled from you savoring your sandwich, or what’s left of it anyways. (Mental note to self: don’t share your lunch with Jake ever again.) 
When Jake still doesn’t respond (you’ve truly gotten this poor boy paralyzed), you find it as a sign to continue. 
“I think it’s the perfect plan. Plus, if it doesn’t work out, it’ll be like the universe is telling me to finally move on, right?” 
Jake has been encouraging you to move on from your crush because well, if we’re being honest here, he selfishly wants you to himself. Even if it wasn’t romantically.
Preferably, he would kill to get to be the one who holds your hand in the hall, call you cheesy pet names, post disgustingly cute couple pics for the ‘gram––but for the sake of potentially ruining his relationship with you, he’ll just have to settle with the role of being your best friend. 
(And he’s totally fine with that! Totally. Yup.) 
But he didn’t think that you moving on would only be a mere possible outcome (that may not even happen!) from whatever this stunt is you wanna pull. 
Said stunt: Pretend to date one another and hope it catches the eye of a certain someone you have your eye on: Park Sunghoon. 
Ah yes, Park Sunghoon. The previously mentioned one who’s probably still in line waiting to get his lunch as we speak. 
Park Sunghoon, the tall, kind, intelligent, charming young boy that everyone knows. And if anyone didn’t know him, they most definitely knew of him. He wasn’t hard to miss in the halls; everything about him just radiates perfection. 
If you plucked a random high-schooler from the halls of this school and interviewed them on the Park Sunghoon, they’d say you’d be lucky enough if the quiet boy so much as sparked a conversation with you, even if it was about what last night’s chemistry homework was. 
Well if that were true, then you and the rest of the boys would be considered lottery winners. 
How that happened, how the four of you dysfunctional beings earned his friendship, the world may never know. However, Jake is fully convinced that this was the universe’s way of playing a cruel joke on him. 
For as long as Jake could remember, it’s always been just the two of you. You and Jake. Jake and you. (With the exception of Heeseung and Jay, of course, who came along in middle school) 
In fact, your earliest memory of Jake was when he peed his pants in the kindergarten during nap time. You would know, you had the privilege of sharing a sleeping mat with him that one fateful day and in result...let’s just say the smell didn’t wear off from your clothes until a week later. Five-year-old you didn’t forgive five-year-old Jake for the longest time. 
And since then, you’ve been attached by the hip. And Jake liked it like that. Jake didn’t need anyone else in his life (with the exception of Leila) if he had you. He had found his home within you, and he didn’t plan on sharing his space anytime soon. 
Nevertheless, the universe had a completely different idea for the two of you. 
Sunghoon came into the picture last year, towards the end of the school year. Despite being the new kid, he found his way into your cherished friend group and naturally, the five of you grew as close as friends could be. 
That was the problem. Jake wanted to hate Sunghoon, to despise him for being the one that you had heart eyes for, but he couldn’t. 
Not only was Sunghoon one of Jake’s closest friends, but he didn’t want to ruin the dynamic of the friend group. After you, the three chaotic boys were the next most important people in Jake’s life. 
And so, we have the typical love triangle plot that every coming-of-age movie follows. Of course, this is all unbeknownst to you––you may be intelligent and a people-person, but oh boy can you not see the heart eyes your very own best friend has for you. 
“It’ll be easier than you think, really! Look, we can even set boundaries or rules or whatever,” you propose, as if you’re trying to get him to sign a contract. 
Rules to a fake relationship? We’re not living in a Netflix romcom, are we? 
“Okay rule number 1: it’ll only be for a week and a week only, rule number 2: we don’t have to do anything too couple-ly like...” you pause to wonder for a second. 
“Like PDA or anything! You know, unless we really need to convince him,” you casually add. When he responds with radio silence and stares at you with absolute concern painted all over his face, you cough. “Jake, I’m joking.” 
Right. Of course. Obviously. 
“And of course, just try not to fall in love with me, it’ll be hard, I know,” you send a playful wink his way. 
Too late. Turns out it’s not that hard. Jake would know. 
Jake continues to stare at you in hesitation. Yeah, you’ve had your fair share of crazy ideas (that Jake always find himself agreeing to––the poor boy just can’t seem to say no to you), but fake dating you?
Jake is sure he wouldn’t be able to pull it off without slowly destroying himself. He’d just have to say no, he’s sure you can find someone else to do it for you. 
Yes, that’s it, just say no. 
Jake has to keep some of his pride in tact. 
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Jake does not say no. 
He doesn’t know what went wrong. His mind said one thing, but his words said another. 
To be fair, Jake’s actions have always been influenced by his heart, not his brain, anyways. And when it comes to you, you bet it’ll be coming from his heart. 
So here he was now, under the stare of three equally shocked and confused guys across from you and him at the lunch table, your fingers intertwined with his.
Just a few seconds ago, you had spotted the rest of the lunch bunch approaching the table, and you quickly grabbed Jake’s hand and scooted in closer to him.  
Now here you were, explaining to your friends of your sudden relationship.  
Jake is too zoned out to even physically pick up your explanation. Something along the lines of "we’ve been dating for a while but didn’t want to tell you guys yet." From the feeling of your hand clutched tightly into his and your body right up next to him, his mind was short-circuiting. 
How is he supposed to last an entire week of this if he couldn't handle innocent hand holding? Hand holding? God, what are we, back in the fifth grade?  
Two minutes into this scheme and Jake's mind has already downgraded itself to a fifth grader's.  
Jake mentally scolds himself for giving in, this was not a good idea. 
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It takes Jake approximately 12 hours to conclude that this stunt of yours may, actually, be a good idea. He knows this because approximately 12 hours after the events surrounding lunch, he receives a text from you: 
y/n [12:03AM]: thanks again for doing this for me jake
y/n [12:03AM]: ur actually the best
y/n [12:04AM]: ew ok that was cheesy but really i owe u a big one <333
Following your thread of texts is a really close up photo of you widely smiling into the camera. A smile so big, Jake’s convinced your face was probably in pain after taking that picture. 
Anyone else might’ve thought the photo looked borderline insane but because Jake’s Jake, aka a simpᵗᵐ for you, he comes to the conclusion that it’s singlehandedly the cutest thing he’s ever seen in the entire world. 
After quickly saving the selfie into his phone, Jake tells himself that maybe this won’t be a bad thing after all. I mean, anything that makes you smile like that meant it has to be a good idea, right? 
Spoken like a true simp. 
Plus, dating you––fake dating you––is pretty much the same as it was before. He already spends most of his days with you to begin with. Now, it’s just with added displays of affection. For show, obviously. Obviously. 
And look, if Jake will never get to actually be with you, then he’ll take what he can get. And if that meant fake dating you, well, he reasons that it’s better than nothing at all. 
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Wednesday, December 9th 
Jake’s playing with the rings on your right hand and you’re in the middle of dramatically telling the lunch table about the infuriating Karen you had to deal with at work the other day when Jay comes up with a grin you all know a little too well. 
“Okay that grin means one of two things: you finally grew the balls to ask out that poor girl you’ve been teasing all year or you have something planned that we won’t like,” you interrupt your story when you catch Jay’s sly expression, evoking a chuckle from Jake, who’s now found a new distraction with the bracelets perches on your wrist. 
“Excuse you, I’ll have you know that I did ask her out. It just so happens that she’s currently ‘in between boyfriends’ whatever that means. Ouch, by the way,” Jay feigns hurt from your comment by clutching the area above his heart through his shirt. Ever the drama queen. “But yes, I do have something planned. And no, it’s not a bad idea.” 
Jay squeezes his way in between Sunghoon and Heeseung from across you and begins to pull out his own lunch. Everyone’s eyes follow him as he settles in because as bad as his unknown idea may be, you’re all still curious on what this boy has to say. 
“Well are you going to elaborate or...” Heeseung speaks up for everyone after you all mentally debate one another through darting eyes on who’s going to have to bite Jay’s silent bait.
Jay then forcefully sets both hands on his table, which elicits a little jump from you as you go for a bite of your sandwich. Adorable, Jake tells himself. 
“My parents are out of town this weekend. We all know what that means...” 
Yes. We do know what that means. The four of you have seen this scenario play out many times, a little too many times for your own good. 
This meant one of Jay’s infamous house parties that he always throws whenever his parents go out of town. And because his parents are hot-shot CEOs of an important company whose name you don’t remember (it’s nothing personal, your brain can only handle so much information and this physics exam you were studying for took up 90% of your brain capacity at the moment), they’re out of town often. 
And along with Jay’s parties comes chaos. Lots of it. And that’s because...well, it’s safe to say that despite the many school-wide presentations the police officers of your school have held in the auditorium on why you shouldn’t drink underage, Jay’s parents’ liquor cabinet always seems to find itself missing many a few bottles after each party. But we don’t talk about that. Shush. 
Almost simultaneously, everyone at the table lets out a groan, much to Jay’s disappointment. 
“C’mon guys! It’s been a while since anything’s fun happened to this school, think of all the sad students in that building right now,” he extends a finger whole-ass arm and points at your school, “who are in dire need of fun and a little...” he punctuates his sentence with the hand motion of chugging down a drink, followed with a gulping sound elicited from his tongue clicking. 
You roll your eyes along with everyone else. Don’t be like Jay, kids. Listen to those police officers. 
“Jay, it’s midterm season! I have an exam on Monday and I definitely do not want to spend the nights before wasted,” you give him an apologetic look. As crazy as Jay is, you do feel bad nonetheless. The boy just wants to have fun. 
Your response is followed up with similar comments from around the table. 
“I’m helping y/n study” 
“I have an important skating performance on Sunday” 
“Uh...my hamster died?” (ok Heeseung panicked, don’t blame the guy)
Ignoring that last excuse of an excuse, Jay continues his debate nonetheless. “Just come for the sake of it! No one’s saying you have to get wasted. Pleaseeee for me?” 
Jay throws these parties so often, you’re not sure why he’s so set on making sure you’re all going to be there. Well, I guess who wouldn’t want their closest friends to be at their own party? 
That and, Jay needs to make sure his friends are there to stop him from doing anything stupid. We all know this boy has had enough embarrassing moments to last him a lifetime. 
Everyone at the table gives each other the same hesitant look. Heeseung is the first to give in, “Oh fuck it. Sure, count me in.” 
Jay’s fist pumping the air before turning to Sunghoon with the most hopeful eyes. 
Sunghoon simply sighs in return. “Alright okay, I’ll bite. But if you vomit on my shoes again, I’m out the door.” Jay’s finger is automatically drawing a cross over his heart as a promise to not ruin Sunghoon’s Nikes again. 
He then looks to you with puppy eyes. 
You, who's already staring back at Jay with a stoic look in your eyes, are stubborn and (unlike the previous weaklings) are not as easy to convince. And somehow, this began an unannounced staring contest between the two of you, a contest to see who would budge first. This isn't an uncommon occurrence between you and Jay, but the rest of the boys are still on the edges of their seats watching this duel.
Jake casually wraps an arm around your shoulder and you’re brought in close, but still undeterred from your death-stare match with the boy across from you. 
If it’s not obvious enough, Jake’s really gotten into his role of being your boyfriend, despite it only being 24 hours since he last froze at your touch. Character development, you’ll give him that. 
You almost forget he’s faking it for a quick second. And for an even quicker second, you imagine he wasn’t faking it. And you swear you feel butterflies in your stomach at that thought. 
You mentally shake the thought out of your head. Priorities first, aka, beating Jay in this staring contest. 
“Fuck,” you stutter when you finally blink, admitting defeat to a grinning Jay. “Okay, okay, I’ll THINK about it. I’ll let you know.” 
Not exactly the answer Jay was looking for, but he’ll take it. Better than a no. 
He turns to Jake next, knowing there’s no way Jake will turn down a party. Just like Jay, the boy loves himself a good party. 
But because Jake would take your physics exam this Monday for you if you asked, because Jake would bungee jump in the Grand Canyon without a safety net below him if you asked, because Jake would fake date you to make your crush jealous for you if you asked, he doesn’t hesitate in his answer this time around: “Same as y/n, I’ll let you know.” 
Jay looks at Jake. Then back at you, who he’s still clinging onto like a koala to a tree. Then back at Jake. “You two are gross. Admittedly cute. But gross.” 
You look up at the boy next to you to see him already grinning at you. 
For the first time today, you find yourself agreeing with Jay. 
Admittedly cute. 
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Thursday, December 10th 
You are having a bad day. 
You’re having the mother of bad days. 
Not only is it midterm season, but you still have all your regular weekly assignments to finish before Friday hits. So as a natural-born procrastinator does, you stayed up all last night trying to get a good amount of work done because what’s better than cramming all your work the night before it’s due? Doing it two nights before it’s due. 
Well apparently it wasn’t such a good idea. Because now, here you were, frantically throwing on whatever articles of clothing you find nearest to you because you slept through all your alarms. 
You’re lucky enough to make it through your school’s doors right as the second bell rings, even if you did look like you just walked straight out of a zombie apocalypse. 
You’re not so lucky when you find out your first class of the day, calculus, had a pop quiz. A pop quiz on the only unit you just happened to know absolutely nothing about. 
To top things off, you forgot to pack your lunch during this morning’s frenzy, meaning you’re automatically stuck sharing with Jake.
And because his mother started making him pack his own food out of a lesson of responsibility (she said something along the lines of: “Jake, you’re about to be in college and you don’t know how to pack a decent meal”), he only has a plain PB&J sandwich and a pack of Scooby-Doo gummies in his bag today (because newsflash, he still doesn’t know how to pack a decent meal). 
Not that you could care less at the moment, you were too preoccupied with catching up on your assignments to even eat. And if any of the boys noticed your zombie-like state during lunch, they did a good job of not mentioning it. They knew better than to bother an irritated y/n. 
Somehow, you make it through the entire school day and your after-school meeting for environmental club (save the trees!) in one piece. As you finally walk out of the school building, you exhale, automatically feeling lighter. At least the hard part of your day was done. 
Now you just had to wait for Jake to finish soccer practice, which usually ended around the same time as your club, and he can drive you home, where you can continue being irritated with your day in the privacy of your own space. 
You wait on the steps of the school’s entrance, waiting for a smiley Jake to come around the corner as he usually does at 5:30pm every Thursdays. 
Yes, a smiling Jake is exactly what you needed to make your day ten times better, you conclude. 
As if on cue, you hear a ding from your phone. 
Jake [5:30PM]: ugh coach is extending practice for��“team bonding” 
Jake [5:30PM]: idek what team bonding is 
Jake [5:31PM]: you ok if i cant drive you today? :// 
It’s as if the universe decided to use you as its punching bag today. 
You physically let out a distorted groan, not caring if anyone who happened to hear you thought you were a creature from out of this world, as you send him a text back.
y/n [5:32PM]: it’s all good lol have fun with tEaM bOnDiNg
Things were not all good. But no matter how upset you may be, you weren’t going to project your negative vibes onto Jake’s naturally positive ones. So you get up from the stone steps and begin your dreaded walk back home. 
It’s freezing out. You should’ve known better to just throw on a hoodie and call it a day when it’s the middle of December. But then again, you figured by now you’d be in the comfort and warmth of Jake’s car and presence...not walking home in these freezing temperatures. 
You think about Jake and how he’s probably currently suffering from not only his team bonding exercises (but really though, what are team bonding exercises?), but doing them in this weather as well. The poor boy. 
You’re quickly broken out of your thoughts by the sound of a car engine from behind you. When you don’t see it pass by you and instead hear it pull over and park next to the curb of the sidewalk you’re currently on, you automatically deduce that this is it, this is my time, I’m about to get kidnapped by whoever it is behind me but y/n, you should probably turn around and check first before you drive yourself insane in this inner dialogue. 
You turn around and squint into the front window of the car. If it were a kidnapper, this is exactly what your mother told you not to do. Her exact words were: “Run, don’t look back, and scream bloody murder.” 
Good thing it wasn’t. Just an innocent Sunghoon waving his hand at you, motioning you to get in. 
“Sunghoon?” You approach his car and stop at the passenger side’s open window. 
“y/n! It’s freezing out, I’ll drive you home c’mon,” he nods his head towards the passenger side door. 
Well, how could you say no? Sunghoon owns a nice car. Like a nice car. Like car-seat-heaters-that-make-you-feel-like-you’re-physically-melting nice. Beats getting hypothermia outside, right? 
“Why are you going home from school so late?” You ask as you settle into his car, instantly melting at the touch of the aforementioned heated seats. 
“Debate club, actually. Decided I needed another personality trait other than ice skating,” he starts the engine and begins driving towards the direction of your neighborhood. 
You laugh at his comment, you didn’t peg him as a debate kind of student. Quiet Sunghoon? Debate club? If 2 plus 2 is four...
“Hey, I don’t call you the Ice Prince for nothing! Also, don’t forget your other personality trait: forgetting your lunch every day.” 
Sunghoon quickly glances over at you to send you a dirty look (because eyes on the road, kids!), which you return with a cheeky grin. “Need I remind you that was you today?” 
“Touché,” you click your tongue. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the faint sound of Sunghoon's music in the background filling in the quietness.  
You’re humming along until Sunghoon breaks the silence, “Did Jake get stuck at practice again?” 
You don’t know why, but you swear you feel your heart beat faster at the mention of Jake’s name. No, that was always there right? Because you were with Sunghoon...your crush..obviously. Obviously. 
Ignoring the feeling, you turn your attention towards the boy driving you. 
“Oh yeah, something about team bonding. How’d you know?” 
“Eh, I just figured since he wasn’t driving you home like he always does.” He turns into your neighborhood. 
You nod at his answer. 
“You two make a good couple.” 
You whip your head at him. Did you hear him correctly?
“It was about time, really. You two have been ogling at one another for so long, Heeseung, Jay, and I almost placed bets on who would be the first to make a move.” 
He keeps his eyes on the road, casually going on about how you and Jake make the cutest couple he’s ever seen. 
You're frozen, unsure of what to think, let alone say. 
You think to two days ago, when you started this entire fake relationship because of the very boy driving you home right now. The same boy who's complimenting you on your fake relationship. The same boy who's supposed to be jealous over that said relationship. The same boy you’re supposed to be crushing over.
But now...only a mere 48 hours later, you were finding yourself okay with the fact that he was happy for you. And for the life of you, you couldn’t remember why you liked Sunghoon in the first place. Not saying he isn’t one to be crushed on, I mean, look at the guy. 
Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with the fact that you didn't feel nervous or giddy or..anything at all when you got into the car with Sunghoon. At least, not until Jake's name was mentioned. That's when you felt the butterflies. At the mention of Jake.  
But before you can come to a conclusion on why you're feeling the way you do, Sunghoon interrupts your thoughts.  
"Well, we're here! Say hi to your parents for me," he pulls into your driveway as you're still collecting your thoughts.  
You give him a quick thanks and one last wave as you enter the front doors of your house.  
Seeing that your only solution towards confusing feelings meant distracting yourself, distract yourself you did.  
Even if it meant distracting yourself with your piling assignments.  
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The next time you look up from your work, it's suddenly way past sundown and a heavy storm has taken over. You’re surprised it hasn’t started flooding yet with the amount of rainfall you were hearing. 
You check the time on your phone, the bright 8:16PM on the screen illuminating your dimly lit room. Seeing that neither of your parents have yet to be home from work, it looks like you were going to have to settle with some instant ramen for dinner tonight.  
As you trudge down the stairs of your home, the sound of light knocking against the front door catches your attention. It's been a long day y/n, you're probably hearing things, it's definitely just the rain.
Nope. There it is again, but much louder. Much more urgent.  
You contemplate any and all potential disasters that could happen from answering the door. Only a crazy person would be willing to go out in this hurricane-like weather to be frantically knocking on your door.  
And so, you assume it has to be some psychopath trying to get into your house. Yes, there’s definitely no other logical explanation. 
You scramble around your living room, looking for the next best weapon to defend you. Resorting to the flower vase your mother keeps on the table next to the front door, you hold it out in front of you, as if you're waiting for the door to burst open.  
The knocking continues, gradually getting louder. You mentally curse at yourself for dropping out of the taekwondo class your dad signed you up for when you were younger.  
Vase in hand, you swing open the door and brace for–
"Jake? What the fuck? Get in here, you're gonna get sick!"  
You’re suddenly aware of how stupid you look, holding a light pink vase with a couple of orchids as your only form of self-defense...for it to only be your own best friend. You immediately put it back on the table as Jake quickly rushes past you and into your humble abode.  
You close the door behind you and turn to face the soaked boy.  
“I come bearing gifts, also known as take-out and hot chocolate from that one cafe you love. Also my company, if you’ll take it. I had a feeling you weren’t having the best day today,” he’s simply standing there, holding up a large brown paper bag in one hand, and a deliciously smelling cup of hot chocolate in the other, but you’re looking at him as if he bought you the Moon. 
You stare in awe at the angel of a boy in front of you, silently thanking the stars for gifting you this amazing human being as your best friend. You don’t know what you did to deserve him. 
You give him a soft smile. “Jake, you didn’t have to. It’s practically a shitstorm out there,” you cock your head towards the window, showcasing the downpour of cats and dogs outside. Jake stays by the entrance as you go down the hall and through your house’s linen closet to find a spare towel for the drenched boy.
“Nah it’s no big deal, really. Just fulfilling my duties as your loyal boyfriend,” he grins, even though you can’t see him. He likes calling himself that. Your boyfriend.
Jake continues to shake his messy hair to get the excess rain off, giving a mental apology to whoever is going to have to mop up the puddle forming on the floor due to his unannounced visit. Probably you. 
Jake hears you laugh down the hall. “You’re really invested in your role, huh? Keep this up and you might actually trick me into believing you’re my actual boyfriend.” 
Actual boyfriend? Jake likes the sound of that. Maybe he will keep this up then.
Jake doesn’t have much experience in acting, unless you count that time he played the role of Town Villager #3 in the third grade play, so he never found it as one of his interests. But playing the role of your boyfriend was one he was willing to fulfill for the rest of life, even if it was just for show. 
Jake doesn’t respond to your comment, he’s instead self-aware of his blushing cheeks, thankful that you’re too busy rummaging through your linen closet to take notice. 
“Plus, you didn’t have lunch today and I had feeling you were going to be too caught up in your work to feed yourself anything other than instant ramen,” he sets down his gifts to you on your living room’s coffee table as you come around the corner, fresh towel and new set of clothes in hand. 
His eyes fall on the familiar looking pair of sweatpants and hoodie resting on the palms of your hands. 
Hm. A little too familiar. 
Then, it clicks in his head. 
His eyes narrow at you as you giggle at his reaction, “Oh, so it takes me getting drenched in the rain for you to finally return my clothes that I’ve been missing!?” 
“Hey! I’m not returning them, simply loaning them out to a friend who’s in dire need. You basically gifted them to me the second you left them here months ago.” 
“You’re annoying.” 
“Love you too,” you toss the clothes at him and take a seat on the floor around your coffee table, prepping the table with the boxes of Chinese food Jake supplied. 
After Jake changes into the stolen dry clothes, he takes a seat next to an already-eating you at the coffee table. 
“You. are. my lord and savior Sim Jaeyun,” you’re saying with your mouth full of fried rice. You sigh from satisfaction and rest your head against Jake’s shoulder as you continue chewing. He grins as he helps himself to his own serving of fried rice and orange chicken. 
You look up at him from your spot, “How was team bonding today?” 
Jake groans in response, clearly annoyed. “Stupid. I don’t get how doing trust falls and pyramid building is going to get us any closer. If anything, I almost FELL off that pyramid today!” 
You don’t know why, but you find yourself admiring him and his soft features as he continues to rant about one of his teammates, specifically, the one who almost dropped him. 
The way his messy hair, unkept from the rain ruining it, almost covers his eyes (but you tell yourself you like it this way, it looks more natural on him), the way the corners of his lips are always perked upwards (even when he’s ranting), the way his eyes sparkle whenever he’s truly passionate about whatever he’s talking about, the way his eyes look at you like–
“Stare much? Look, I get you can’t resist my good looks but at least be subtle about it,” he smirks at you as he takes another spoon of rice. 
You break out of his trance and scoff at him. 
“You’re cute when you rant,” you nonchalantly say as you move from your spot to mirror his actions and add more rice to your plate as well.  Jake’s stills at your sudden comment, unsure of how to respond. Lucky for him, you’re distracted by the mountain of food on your plate to even notice the blushing mess of a boy next to you. 
“You know, you’re lucky you’re cute. Or else I’d deck you right here and now for ditching me after school today.” 
Anddd there goes the moment. Leave it to you to follow up a compliment with a threat of violence. 
Jake finds it cute anyways. He always finds you cute. 
Jake narrows his eyes and lightly shoves you before an apology is written all over his face. “Sorry about that by the way. I feel awful about making you walk home when it was freezing out.” 
“Nah, it’s okay. Sunghoon gave me a ride, actually. Did you know he does debate? I guess you learn something new everyday,” you ramble, unaware of the boy next to you getting tense at the sudden mention of the other’s name. 
Up until now, Jake’s completely forgotten about Sunghoon's involvement in this entire scheme. In fact, the past 48 hours with you have felt so normal, so comfortable, he almost forgot about the deal in the first place.   “You think he has any clue?” Jake suddenly asks, referring to the plan. 
You immediately know what he’s referring to, as Jake practically worded out your very own thoughts. 
You shrug. “Not a single one. We’re practically William and Kate in his eyes. But honestly, that’s the least of my worries right now. I’m too distracted by my exams right now to care.” 
Jake feels guilty for being satisfied with your answer. He’s 100% sure that if convincing Sunghoon took you two an entire lifetime of fake dating, he’d be all too willing to do it. 
“Go to Jay’s party with me tomorrow,” he abruptly says, catching your attention as your mouth is stuffed. Cute. 
He pokes your cheek. “It’ll get your mind off of work and plus, what’s more convincing than showing up to a party with your amazing boyfriend?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Jake doesn’t know where he gets his sudden surge of confidence. But he does know he loves calling himself your boyfriend...even if it’s for the time being. 
Rolling your eyes and swatting his poking fingers away from your face, you ponder on his suggestion. 
“You mean my annoying boyfriend,” you stick your tongue out at him. Jake takes a mental picture and hopes it never leaves his mind. 
“But I guess you could be right. Maybe I can clear my head for the night before I study my ass off all weekend.” 
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Friday, December 11th 
The party does not clear your mind. 
If anything, it gives you enough headaches to last you at least until the end of high-school. 
You come to this revelation as you and Jake approach Jay’s home, a luxurious mansion sitting at the end of a cul-de-sac, lined with similarly luxurious palaces, located in an equally luxurious neighborhood. 
You come to this revelation when you can already feel the pounding bass of music as you walk up Jay’s driveway. 
You come to this revelation when, not even two seconds after entering Jay’s front doors––
“You’re here!” A buzzed Jay shouts at the two of you, causing the both of you to contemplate your past choices that brought you here today. Jay definitely isn’t straight up drunk yet, but Jake still makes a mental note to keep an eye on him tonight. Just in case. 
The blonde-haired boy is quick to hand over two red solo cups of god knows what, to which you and Jake immediately put down on the nearest table after Jay walks away to greet the next incoming guests (you know, to not hurt his feelings). 
You and Jake are lucky enough to have been around Jay and his parties long enough to know that going all out at these parties will not be pretty the next morning.
You cringe at the memory of last year, when you had to suffer from possibly the worst hangover of all hangovers after one of Jay’s parties. Jake will never let you forget how miserable you looked the next morning. His camera roll’s album titled “y/n blackmail pics” can vouch for that.
“Remind me again to never listen to you,” you almost have to shout at Jake over the thumping music. Jake laughs at your comment and tugs at your hand as he begins entering the house.
The two of you do your rounds of greetings to the people you know...and random underclassmen who you swear you have never seen before but somehow made it to this party. You’ve always questioned how Jay’s invite list worked. Maybe there isn’t one. That would explain how it looked like someone announced Jay was giving out free Teslas and the entire school got hold of the news. 
“Thank god you guys are here,” you hear a voice come from behind the two of you as you guys leave the main room to enter the house’s smaller, but just as luxurious looking, den. You turn to see Heeseung with Sunghoon following closely behind, trying his best not to get swept away in the crowd of people. 
The den is where you usually stayed during these parties. It’s not like there are rules of where people are allowed to party, by any means, but it’s like how a high-school’s cafeteria worked. There’s a mutual silent agreement of where everyone goes, and the den is where the party host and his friends went.  
“Okay, is it just me, or is tonight’s party just a little...too..much?” Sunghoon asks as the four of you take your seats on the main couch of the room. Jake’s quick to make space for you next to him as you go to sit, but to his surprise, you find your home right on his lap. 
“You said be convincing right?” you say into his ear as you settle yourself. Right. That’s totally why. Because you had to go along with the ruse. Obviously. 
You shift a bit so you’re more facing sideways, not blocking off Jake’s line of vision as the boy himself is..well, calling him a rag doll might be excessive. 
But he’s sure he looks like one right now, having lost all senses in his limbs, leaving him frozen underneath you. 
Jake Sim is the epitome of politeness. He was raised in a family that taught him how to respectfully greet others, how to always offer food to others before eating it himself, how to properly treat a significant other. As a result, Jake grew up to be one of the sweetest, kindest, purest people to ever walk this earth. 
(Relatively speaking, the earth is large, but so is Jake’s heart.) 
But human-beings aren’t perfect, they must have a balance. A balance of pros and cons. 
Sure, he can’t pack his own lunch and sometimes forgets to water the little succulent you gifted him that’s currently seated on his window sill. Sure, sometimes he’s too sweet for his own good, you know, like willing-to-be-your-fake-boyfriend too sweet. But aside from the minor details, Jake Sim doesn’t have many cons, no. 
But he sure can be awkward. 
And so because Jake Sim is sweet, kind, pure, and awkward, he is unsure of what to do with himself when you’re seated right on top of him. 
As if you could read his befuddled mind, you take his arm that’s resting behind you to wrap around your waist as your support as you throw one of your arms around his shoulder. And throughout this entire adjustment, his widened eyes are staring right at you. 
Bless this pure, pure boy. 
Also bless the position you’re in, blocking the two other boys from directly seeing Jake’s face. Because if they were to catch glimpse of Jake’s expression right now, your cover might be blown, just like that. You’re lucky Heeseung and Sunghoon are distracted by another classmate who came up to them. 
“Relax,” you sweetly laugh, cupping his chin with your free hand and lightly squeezing his cheeks. “You’re so adorably awkward.” 
Jake pouts at you. “I am not awkward!” 
“Right, and I’m totally dating you for real,” you playfully whisper at him, eliciting a poke at your waist in response. 
Twenty minutes of people-watching-aka-“who do you think is gonna pass out first?”-from-your-spot-on-the-couch later, the four of you draw your attention to the rowdy party host you all have the honor of calling your friend––aka Jay––dancing (that is, if you call wildly swinging your limbs in all four directions dancing) in the middle of the den. 
"Oh god, look at him," Sunghoon voices from besides you.
Heeseung's already filming the moment on his phone. Ah yes, technology. The best thing to ever happen to drunk teens' friends.  
"He's so wasted," you throw your head back as you let out a laugh. “We should help the kid out.” 
Poor Jay. He's not gonna hear the end of it after tonight.
"I don't know why he thinks these parties are such a good idea when he knows how trashed he's gonna be when he wakes up," Jake says, his hand naturally squeezing your waist as you giggle at his comment. "And how trashed the house will be."  
Jay slumbers over to where the four of you are seated, and abruptly stops right in front of the couch.
"My best friends!" Jay happily cheers. “Having fun?” 
“Watching you? Always,” you say to the boy who’s squeezing into a seat between you and Sunghoon, as if the small couch wasn’t already suffocating enough (and that’s with you on Jake’s lap). 
“But for real though, you should probably lay off the drinks for now,” Heeseung insists. “For all our sakes.” 
Sunghoon nods along and grabs the cup Jay’s currently nursing and sets it down where it’s out of Jay’s reach, much to his dismay. But the disappointment quickly leaves the dazed boy’s head, as his attention is now directed towards you and Jake. 
“Well if it isn’t mom and dad,” Jay turns to face you and Jake, certainly amused by your seating arrangement. 
“You know–” Jay points a finger at the two of you. “For a couple that’s certainly close, I haven’t seen you two kiss.” 
Jake is immediately coughing, certainly not expecting that to come out of his friend’s mouth. 
“Okay and your point is?” Jake frowns at Jay. If Jay wasn’t tipsy, Jake would’ve smacked the back of his head by now. 
“I’m just saying...” the blonde responds, both hands up in the air as if Jake is accusing him of something, when in was, in fact, the opposite. “But nevermind, Jakey boy here is probably too innocent for such nonsense anyways.” 
Yes, it’s confirmed. Once Jay sobers up tomorrow, Jake is driving over to his house (even though it’s a good ten minute drive from his own) just to smack him. 
“What do you mean I’m too–” 
Jake doesn’t finish his sentence. In fact, Jake doesn’t even remember what he was going to say. 
Jake doesn’t think nor feel anything else other than your lips planted on his. 
You’re pulling him in close, your hands cupping his face as his own are twitching on your waist, his mind flustered. You move your hands from his face to his neck, to which Jake immediately relaxes at. 
Sure, you two are in the middle of a dumb high-school party, one filled with pounding music and shouting teenagers, but right now, in this moment, Jake can only feel you. And he doesn’t want the feeling to ever stop. 
When you part, Jake’s eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, his own parted in shock. He thinks he might pass out right here and now. He thinks his heart might explode right here and now. He thinks he might lov-
“Happy?” you turn to a satisfied Jay, ignoring the looks of amusement from Heesung and Sunghoon besides him. 
“Well,” you pat Jake’s leg as you get up from your spot. “I’m gonna get us some drinks. Punch only, of course.” 
Jake’s eyes are on you as you walk away, his face tinted pink from the adrenaline of it all, his heart racing. 
Jake thinks back to three days ago, when he told himself that this idea of yours was going to be all fine. After all, it was only going to be for one week. Afterwards, he can move on with his life as if nothing happened. 
But fast forward 72 hours later, 72 hours after you and Jake started this act, 72 hours after Jake told himself it’ll be all fine, Jake knows he was poorly mistaken.
Because 72 hours later, in the middle of a party that reeked of the combined smell of alcohol and sweat, Jake knows one thing and one thing for sure.
He never wants to move on from the feeling of being with you. He never wants to move on from this.
From you. 
He’s screwed. 
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Saturday, December 12th 
When Jake wakes up, much later than he intended to, on Saturday morning, the first sensation he feels are his tingling lips, still in disbelief that they graced your own last night. 
The second sensation being his pounding mind––it’s running through ten million thoughts at a time, telling him no last night wasn’t a dream. 
Third: his heart beating so fast at the thought of you, he thinks he might beat out of his chest.
And fourth, a buzzing noise. 
Jake blindly flounders his arm to the table beside him in hopes of finding the origin of the annoying sound, aka, his phone. 
After knocking down multiple miscellaneous items on his nightstand (he makes a mental note to clean his room later), he successfully retrieves the item of search. 
Jake squints at the bright screen, mind still cloudy from a mix of 1) being half-asleep, and 2) still processing what happened the night before. 
y/n [11:10AM]: r u awake yet? 
y/n [11:22AM]: imma take that as a no
y/n [11:35AM]: lemme know when ur up 
jake [11:44AM]: just woke up sorry 
jake [11:44AM]: are you okay? what’s up
y/n [11:45AM]: r u busy? 
y/n [11:45AM]: kinda wanted to talk abt smth
jake [11:45AM]: uh well no im still in bed lmao
y/n [11:46AM]: cool im outside your door 
Jake’s eyes widen as he processes your last few texts. 
Talk? Outside his door? 
Jake’s heart is nervously pounding as jumps out of bed and quickly puts on the first plaid flannel he finds. He scrambles to his mirror and gives his reflection a quick run-down. 
He’s sporting your his favorite hoodie underneath the flannel that’s long overdue a wash and his tousled hair has seen better days, but he couldn't care less. 
Before his mind can catch up to his actions, he’s rushing down the stairs, skipping two at a time and to this front door. Because he didn’t want to keep you waiting? Because he was too excited to see you? Maybe a mix of both. Definitely more of the latter, however. 
He quickly runs a hand through his hair to try to fix it up as much as he can, to no avail, before opening the door to reveal you, sitting on the steps of his front porch. 
“y/n,” he’s breathing heavily as you turn to greet him with your sweet smile he didn’t even realize he was missing. Is it possible to miss someone overnight? Jake concludes yes, it definitely is. 
“Did you run down here or something?,” you question his out-of-breath state, a teasing tone laces the tip of your tongue. 
“Or something,” Jake mutters as he closes the front door behind him to join you on the steps when you make no sign of moving. “Have you been out here all morning?” 
“Not allll morning. I had a feeling you’d sleep in so I came around the time I first texted you. Would’ve knocked but didn’t wanna bother your family,” you hum, keeping your eyes trained on the peaceful scenery around you. 
You’ve always loved Jake’s neighborhood, it brought you a sense of peace, a sense of home. 
Or was that because it reminded you of Jake? 
“You could never be a bother,” he quickly rebuttals as he takes his seat next to you on the steps. 
You respond with a soft smile before turning your attention back to anything other than the boy next to you. Your mind seems to be lost in its own thoughts, Jake can tell by the distant look in your eyes. 
The sound of birds chirping in the distance fills the silence that falls between the two of you. 
Any other day, Jake would love this. He savors every second he’s with you, even if it’s just pure silence. 
But this silence was different. It wasn’t the usual comforting, warm silence that the two of you share on a typical day. This one held tension, tension so thick that Jake doesn’t know where to begin thinking. 
But here’s the thing. Jake doesn’t think. 
Not when it comes to you. 
He takes a deep breath. Rubs his hands together. Pats them on his lap. Turns towards you. 
“Look, I-” 
“I think I might like you.” The words come out of your mouth so fast, Jake’s positive he heard you wrong the first time around. 
He whips his head to meet your eyes, your own already staring back at him, your bottom lip nervously tucked under your teeth. 
“No, I––I do. I know I do. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job right now,” the words are all of the sudden tumbling out of your mouth as if your brain flipped a switch and isn’t able to turn it off. “In hindsight, I should’ve known better to fake date my own best friend. But these past few days made me realize how much I love being with you. And not like how I’m always with you 24/7 before this entire thing started, but being with you. I even started getting that weird, bubbly feeling in my stomach every time I so much as heard your name. And then last night at the party, I realized afterwards that I wouldn’t have kissed you if some part of me didn’t see you in that way. Even if it meant Jay would’ve been on our asses all night if I didn’t. So yeah.” 
You finish with a deep breath and look up at him to meet his widened eyes. Silence.
Jake thought he was braindead during last week’s history quiz. Jake thought he was braindead when he had to cram a semester’s worth of chemistry content the night before his exam. Heck, Jake thought he was braindead when you first told him about your idea of a fake dating him. But no, this is braindead.
He’s finally hearing what he’s been dreaming of for so long, and of all times, now his brain decides to shut off.  
“Are you..uh..are you gonna say anything?” You’re nervously fumbling with your hands, desperate to distract yourself with anything else apart from his silent stare. 
"Why are you sorry?" Jake says before his mind can think of anything else. He doesn't pay attention to his thumping heart that's one look-from-you away from exploding right then and there. "You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, you took the words right out of my mouth.” 
Now you're staring at him with the wide eyes, the words processing in your mind.
Jake realizes he's waited too long to do this. A few years too long. He also realizes he shouldn't have put on that extra layer of a flannel. The nervous tension created by the two of you was suffocating enough, and being outside under the bright sun didn’t help. 
"I like you too. God y/n, I like you too so much," Jake doesn't even care if his words are all sorts of messed up right now. He just needs you to get the idea. "I have for a while now.” 
You let out a relieved sigh, ecstasy rushing through your blood. “Really? I think I have for a while too. I’m so stupid, it took me so long to realize it. It didn’t hit me until I realized how I felt around you, compared to the guy I’m supposed to actually have a crush on.” 
Jake lets out a laugh, the tension immediately dissolving. “Hey, if it wasn’t for Sunghoon, I don’t think we’d be here right now.” 
“You’re right, I’m too oblivious and you’re too awkward to actually make a move,” you wink at him. If his heart wasn’t fluttering at the sight of you, on his porch on a Saturday morning, confessing your feelings to him, Jake probably would’ve lightly shoved you away. 
Instead, he’s turning to you with the most endeared look on his face, and you’re blushing underneath his gaze.
“What? Stare much?” You giggle, quoting the boy himself as you shyly duck your head to avoid his stare. 
Jake gently grabs your chin to tilt your face towards his, and before you can process what’s happening, he suddenly meets your lips with his own, closing the gap between you two. 
Jake thinks if the ground underneath him right now decided to open up and swallow him whole, he’d die happily. 
Jake smiles against you, feeling comfort in ways he’ll never be able to achieve without you. 
Your hands instinctively find their way into his hair, as one of his rests below your ear, thumb softly caressing your cheek, the other pulling you in by the waist. He’s naturally leaning into you, gravitating towards your warmth, unable to stop the giddy feeling bubbling in his stomach. 
He doesn’t think the feeling will ever go away. 
When you pull away to catch your breath, you rest your head against the nook of his neck, basking in his presence as his arms both find their way around your waist. You sigh in pleasure. 
“Remember at the beginning of all of this, when you told me ‘Just try not to fall in love with me?’” Jake gently says. Jake feels the slight nod you give against his shoulder as you hum in response. 
Jake whispers two more words into your ear, filling you with happiness and warmth you know you won’t be able to find through anyone––or anything––else. 
“Too late.” 
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✰ if you made it ‘til the end, ily :’))))) 
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
can i request a fic where sapnap takes the reader to his hometown? like the classic going to places he went to when he was younger. maybe playgrounds and ice cream shops idk
places i used to go
warnings: language of course, an allusion to virginap, my uneducated guess of what sapnap was like in highschool, tiny detail of long haired!sapnap, singular canon detail of underage drinking, jokish about marriage
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 2191
A/N: you are a god, anon. i love comfy and nostalgic fics like these and it was so fun to write. if you hate it dont tell me but if you like it lemme know akskdjd
inbox/requests: open
The wind whips fast on your bare fingers, cool and quick and raising goosebumps in its wake. You blink in the haze of the early sunset, head lolled to the side of the headrest. It feels good.
“That’s where I went to high school.” Sapnap interrupts your thoughts and points a finger at a collection of tall brick buildings down a side street. The silver of the lettering is dull, but you can still feel the nostalgia.
“And you’re about to see the park that me and my friends used to hang out at after work and—actually, nevermind.” His arm drops to the middle console and he looks straight ahead with slightly pinker cheeks.
“Do what?” You ask, voice all sweet, and a grin grows on your face. You turn towards him and wiggle your eyebrows.
“Nothing. Homework.” He avoids your eye contact and hikes his hand up higher on the steering wheel. “Anyways— Do you want to get some food before we head out? I know a great place.”
You two were just coming to a close on your little trip to visit his family; it was his step-mom’s birthday and you decided to make a week of it. It was your first long-term trip with Sapnap, and also your first time meeting his dad’s side of the family. You were proud to say she loved you. His little sister took a little more effort to talk to you of her own volition, but soon enough she was on your side.
You have a couple hours to kill before making your flight back home, so Sapnap has taken it upon himself to give you a quick tour of his hometown.
“Yeah,” you decide, bottom lip popped out. “Can we get ice cream after?”
“Uh, duh.” The Neighbourhood’s Stargazing starts through the speakers and he reaches to turn it down. “I’m so ready to get home and sleep.” He stretches his neck in his seat, letting out an uncharacteristically inappropriate grunt when his bones pop. You make a disgusted face, nose wrinkling, but stretch your own back, slumping down in the seat. The day had been full of packing up and this horrible hike his dad liked to do early in the mornings, so you two were pretty beat.
“Okay, we’re here,” he announces three sleepy minutes later in his best attempt at a whisper. Lifting your head off of the corner of your seat, you blink in the setting sunlight as a yawn splits your face. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and struggle to get your seatbelt off in that post-nap haze. You’d barely been asleep for thirty seconds, damn it. The air is a swampy heat when you step out of the car onto rocky gravel and nearly twist your ankle climbing over the curb. Sapnap catches you by the lower back, trying to hide his laugh but failing miserably. You slide him a dirty look, smacking his shoulder as hard as you can manage while limping towards the front entrance.
The door jingles when you two breach the doorway, alerting a bored-looking hostess that the circus has arrived. She looks at Sapnap a second longer than she should, eyebrows screwed together in silent confusion. But she leads the two of you to a booth near a large window, handing you sticky menus and promptly fucking right off to the host station. She nearly runs.
“Do you know her?” You ask, inconspicuously hiding your face in the search for their 24/7 breakfast menu. You feel his eyes on you.
“Don’t think so.” He leans on one elbow and slides his phone out of his jeans’ pocket. In the 25 seconds it takes for you to find their french toast and sides menu, he has browsed and closed his phone with an animatedly shocked look on his face.
“What?” You give him a weird look and put down the menu.
“I totally went to homecoming with that girl.” He eyes the hostess. You glance over at her again, meeting her gaze, and offer a polite smile. She turns away quickly, eyes wide.
“She’s cute,” you say, voice high and fake, and he drums his fingers on the tabletop as an amused look makes its way onto his face.
“Are you—?”
“What?” You reply right back.
Thank God the server comes up to your table then and starts asking for drink orders, or else you’d have to admit (sheepishly) you were a tiny eensy-weensy bit annoyed. Only a tad. But after requesting a Dr. Pepper and a water the conversation surrounding the nervous-looking hostess dies.
“I’m so hungry I think I feel my stomach shrinking.” You flop your head onto your arm on the table top and make a whiny noise into the stack of napkins your server left at the table. Sapnap rubs his thumb into the side of your forearm, touch warm and nearly dissolving the pangs of hunger and jealousy.
“You weren’t hungry an hour ago.” He lifts your hand to his face and plants a kiss on the back of it. Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? “I would have made you something.”
You tilt onto your chin, pouting, and stare up at his cute face. His cute, scruffy, perfectly-kissable face.
“I think I got hungry staring at you for half an hour.” A mischievous grin grows on your previously-petulant face and he just shakes his head.
“I do have that effect,” he admits with cockiness in his tone, lifting his eyebrows and leaning back into the booth with his lips pursed.
The server returns with two glasses and takes your food orders onto their little yellow notepad. You chug the water down when they leave for the kitchen, getting your lap and chin thoroughly wet in the process. Sapnap just snorts at you and shoves the napkins your way.
“So,” you start, patting dry your jeans. “tell me what you were like in high school.” You cross your arms and settle into the booth, smirk on your lips.
“What I was like?” He parrots, sipping at his soda, looking thoughtful. “Firstly, a virgin.” You make a noise. Duh. Dude had a buzz cut his junior year. (You’ve seen the pictures. His step-mom particularly likes them.) “Secondly, I was actually— well, I wasn’t popular, but I had a lot of friends. We were all semi-athletic lonely band kids but we had fun. Had one girlfriend senior year but she went to Cal Tech in the fall and I didn’t. I, um, worked at a Dairy Queen in the summers and gained so much weight I had to lose all over again for Unified Track.”
“Relatable,” you comment, drinking noisily at your water. He fiddles with the paper straw wrapper and crunches it up into a ball. It goes soaring into your drink with a quiet “Kobe” and you just give him a look. He smiles toothily right back at you. “Stop being cute, I’m trying to listen to your story.”
“Oh, my bad,” he mocks. “Anyways. That’s what I was like in highschool.” You fish the paper ball out of your water and flick it wetly at his arm. It sticks and you choke on a laugh, cheeks puffed.
Two plates of warm food are set down loudly onto the table and you thank the server with a surprised smile, Sapnap mirroring you.
Two minutes of wordless chewing passes, minds occupied just by “food, me eat” instead of anything related to your previous conversation. You realize that Sapnap is one of the loudest chewers ever, and he realizes that you fail to notice the streak of maple syrup in your hair.
“C’mere,” he mumbles through a mouthful of omelet and hash browns and beckons you with his hand. You lean closer, chewing slowly, as he pats a napkin at the strands of hair trapped in syrup.
“Thanks, baby.” You take the napkin from him and pause your assault of the warm french toast before you to clean the sticky sugar out of your hair. He just watches you, half of a smile on his lips.
You two finish your food in record time. It’s borderline vacuum-like. There’s a short grace period where you just sit like two lazy cats, slumped down in the booth and holding your full stomachs. But the check comes soon after, and you both pay your way and are out of the restaurant without any mad dashes for the bathroom. A miracle, really, because of the American-like amount of butter you both consume.
“I’m a much more functional person now,” you mutter into the cotton of his shoulder, swinging your hand in his. He just hums in agreement.
“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then,” he teases, and you just groan in response.
“I don’t feel like having diarrhea on a plane, unfortunately.” You sigh heavily when you have to split and get into your respective sides of the rental car.
The entire trip (somewhat roundabout because of the amount of side quests to show you things from his childhood) to the airport Sapnap is a chatterbox. He’s like this when he has sugar: either bouncing off the walls with energy or talking your ear off.
“That’s where my dad proposed to my step-mom. I was kinda young but I remember being surprised at how big the ring was— dude broke the bank for her.” It’s a little gazebo you catch a glimpse of through the trees in a park. It probably was an incredibly picturesque moment, and you can sense how much she must have loved it. With just meeting them this weekend, you can already see how much love those two have for each other.
You hope people can see how much you love Sapnap.
“Oh my God, it’s still there.” He points out the side of your window to what looks like a Dairy Queen that has been through World War 3. “My buddy Eric and I once spilled a gallon of that liquid ice-cream-shit all over the men’s bathroom.”
You shoot him a horrified look. “Why was it in the bathroom?”
He just smirks.
“—And that’s my Uncle Ron’s house. Had my first beer there.”
“And last, hopefully,” you add, pulling a disgusted face. The two story bungalow is cute, and one of your favorite colors: olive green. “That shit is nasty.”
He just shrugs and continues down the side street.
“Is this the park you were talking about?”
He pulls into the gravelly parking lot of a small clearing of tall trees, a picnic table and campfire sat squat in the middle. But he doesn’t respond, just turning the car off and climbing out. He reaches the passenger door without speaking, and opens it for you. You climb carefully out, confused.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and starts for a small path to the left of the picnic table. The mid-sunset shade envelopes the both of you.
“I hope this isn’t where you kill me.”
“No,” he snorts. “I just wanted to show you something.”
It’s just a few moments of stumbling through the damp underbrush before you’re coming face to face with a small, mossy pond that sits right underneath an incredibly old willow tree. He stops right on the edge of the rocky path and turns toward you.
“This your make out spot?” You ask between a grin as he snakes an arm around your waist and tugs you flush to him. Your innocent smile fades when you feel the press of his lips to the side of your neck, light and ticklish. Oh.
“No,” he murmurs, and just breathes you in. “I came here once—the night before I graduated highschool. And I told myself when I really really loved someone I’d take them here with me.” He sways with you in his grasp, a gentle and song-less dance.
You grip his shoulder tighter in your hand and lean into him.
“That’s— awfully romantic, huh?” Your voice is quiet. Almost nervous. He just makes a noise of agreement.
“So here we are.” His voice is the opposite of yours, all strong and confident.
You two just move together for a moment. The sun breaks through the tree canopy, shining bright orange down onto the glassy surface of the pond. Crickets and frogs chirp back and forth as the willow vines swing in a cool evening breeze. You watch nature come alive around you, suddenly grateful for the man in your arms.
“Don’t propose,” you whisper, breaking the gentle tension. A laugh breaks the silence and he’s pulling away to look at you. Maybe in disbelief. A strand of hair falls into his eyes and you brush it away, fingers stilling on his temple and sliding down onto his cheek. Stubble scrapes against the skin of your palm and he stares at you through those meadow eyes.
You realize in that moment that he is exactly himself. Of course he is. He’s Sapnap, and everything that encompasses that. Dark and light and fiery and cool. He always has been, and always will be.
You realize you wouldn’t mind if he proposed.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. let me know what you think
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hawnks · 3 years
You say, “But good is subjective. When you’re young, doing anything is an accomplishment. But you get out into the world, and you realize nothing you do is particularly special.”
Alright no need to call me out damn
ansjsjewjdkkd ok i have a lil story for you
so, i have played the flute for 15 years. when i started i was around 9 years old, and it was summer break. during that period i was left alone for most of the day, and literally all i did was practice. i would practice for hours and hours at a time. i sounded like i had been playing for years. i got signed up for lessons because the flute teacher at the local music school thought i was a prodigy. the only reason i had an instrument that didnt have the tone of something i’d picked out of the trash (which was basically the case with my first one lol) was because a benefactor heard me play and bequeathed me her old (expensive) concert flute. everyone had very, very high hopes for me.
but the thing that would eventually become apparent to my teachers: i couldn’t count and play at the same time. i don’t know why, but i just couldn’t do that kind of multitasking. the numbers got all mixed up in my head, and i fell out of beat very quickly. to me, music was about feeling, not accuracy. i could make anything sound good, but very rarely was it correct. which is a cardinal sin of musicianship. one that disappointed and frustrated basically everyone in my life, and set me up for a rough future as a flutist. apparently, i wasn’t gifted — i just loved it a whole lot. and for a very short while, that had been enough.
my highschool was huge. there were about 30 other people specializing in my instrument, more who could play it casually. among them, i was middle of the road, at best. i picked up bass and alto flute on my way out and into college, two instruments that are incredibly niche (i was the only bass flute player in my county), just to free myself from the constant pressure of Not Being Good Enough. or, at least, not as good as everyone expected me to be. but by then playing the flute had already lost the magic it used to have when i was younger. i no longer played for hours. i hardly played at all.
sophomore year i was home from college for the winter. i picked up my c-flute on a whim (at that point i hadn’t touched it in months), went through a collection of Vivaldi etudes on my shelf, one of my very first music books. they were simple songs, hardly impressive. i still couldn’t play them accurately. not the way someone who had played for as long as i had should be able to.
the next morning i was sitting at the kitchen table with my ma. she had run into our neighbor last night, a sweet little old woman named Sara. my ma told me Sara asked about me, and the Vivaldi i’d butchered my way through:
“She’s glad you’re playing again. She missed hearing you.”
and like….maybe this doesn’t seem all that important. the conversation took up probably 30 seconds of my life. but it kind of rocked me to my core. because i wasn’t a prodigy anymore; a lot of times I wasn’t even good.
but that didn’t matter to Sara, because she didn’t hear good or bad. what she heard was music.
subjectivity goes both ways. someone out there will love your Vivaldi, my darling. even if you play off beat.
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seraphdreams · 4 years
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Sakusa’s Little Cheerleader..
warning : smut, fem! reader, breeding kink, soft dom sakusa, MSBY team
wc - 2.5k
a/n - this is one of my older works, so the pacing might be a little weird but overall, enjoy !
summary : you’re a little cheerleader that’s so infatuated with Kiyoomi Sakusa
You’ve been a cheerleader for the MSBY Black Jackals for a few months now, but you couldn’t help but notice the quiet, stand-offish curly head. When the cheer squad and the volleyball team would have joint practices, you always caught yourself staring at him. The way his black hair swished at every move he made and how he’d avoid the other players. It wasn’t until a big win that you finally decided to talk to him.
“You guys did great!” you say in an overexcited tone. “Oh, thanks y/n-chan” Atsumu says as he wraps his arm around your neck. Atsumu was always a touchy person towards you. Some days it was more flirtatious and others, friendly. He smelled like sweat and you couldn’t wait to be released from his grip. “You too, Sakusa” you say in a quiet voice, the man slowly turning around as he was walking out of the locker room. His hair was wet and he was wearing sweatpants with a black t-shirt, he most likely showered after the game. “Thanks” he hums, sounding a bit muffled under his mask. “Hey! Hey! Hey! We should definitely celebrate this” Bokuto exclaims in an overconfident tone. “Let’s go out to eat! c’mon y/n” Atsumu says. this is exactly what you wanted, an opening to talk to Sakusa, to know more about his personality. “No” Sakusa says quickly as to shut them up when he walks out of the venue and into his car. “Don’t worry, he’s definitely coming”Hinata says as he appears from nowhere.
“What do i wear? Is it a formal event? Casual?” You thought to yourself. You wanted Kiyoomi to notice you, but what if you looked to sexy or too bummy. You settle on a white silk tight, mid thigh dress. The back was strappy and the front lifted your breasts nicely while still being modest. Your phone suddenly dinged.
“hey best friend! we’re coming to pick you up in about 10 minutes” The text read. You honestly didn’t know why Atsumu referred to you as a best friend but it really didn’t bother you. Your heart was racing, finally a night with Sakusa. A loud honk of a car startled you, making you come out of your thoughts. You quickly grabbed your purse and phone and headed out.
“Sit in the front seat!” Bokuto yelled out of the backseats car window. The wind chilly on your skin as you walked to the car. It was dark outside and the only thing you could see were the streetlights and the black car in your driveway. You opened the car door and to your surprise, Sakusa was in the drivers seat. You shyly sat down, as your heart almost thumped out of your chest. He looked so sexy in his black suit. His hair was slightly gelled back but still curly and the white mask he was wearing added the right amount of contrast to his outfit. He drove off as Hinata, Atsumu, and Bokuto were bickering in the backseat. Every so often sakusa would take glances into the rear view mirror.
“How come i look like a squirrel and Omi-Kun over here looks like a god” Atsumu complains as he fixes up his suit jacket. You chuckle to yourself at Atsumu’s comment. Sakusa takes a quick glance at you. You feel his eyes go from your pretty face down to your exposed thighs. He reaches for the volume nob to turn the music up and drown out the sound of the backseat.
You finally arrive at your destination. It’s a fancy looking restaurant with many people waiting outside. He puts his arm behind your seat as he tries to back into an open parking spot. You try not to let your eyes trail on him for too long, fearful of if he caught you. He finishes parking and you grab your purse about to open the door until you hear a “wait” from Sakusa. You do as the tall man says, watching as all four men get out of the car.
Sakusa walked around to the front of the car then to your door. He opens it for you and grabs your hand as you step out. “Thank you” you say to him, finally taking in his scent. He smelled so clean, with hints of strong expensive Versace cologne. “Thank god i got a reservation” Bokuto states as all five of you walk towards the front of the restaurant. “Right, this place is packed” Hinata replies. You look down at your outfit as you walked next to Atsumu. He nudged your shoulder, noticing you being a bit more timid than usual. He moves from your side to behind you gripping you into a bear hug. “ahhh y/n! why are you so quiet!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the feeling, he eased your stress.
“Stop being so loud and walk” Sakusa says, annoyed. You arrived at the doors of the restaurant. The inside was classy and was dimly lit. You followed behind the host as she took you to your seats. You sat near the wall in the booth with Atsumu on your left side and Sakusa across from you. He looked so handsome, just sitting there looking at the menu.
After you placed your orders and talked for a while, you feel arms wrap around your waist tickling you. It was obviously Atsumu who couldn’t stop himself from being childish in a public setting. “Stop. Obviously she’s uncomfortable” Sakusa says in a gruff voice, face still fixated on the menu in his hands. “No it’s fine, you don-“ You try to say before Sakusa cuts you off. “I’m sorry, he doesn’t know how to behave” He says now looking out the window of the booth. “Oh chill out, Omi-San” Hinata says in a playful voice that lifts the mood.
After you’ve all ate and paid for your meal, you load back into the car. Sakusa opening your door once again. The drive home was much more quieter now because the energetic crew was sleeping. “You seem responsible” You say to Sakusa as he drives. “I guess. I have to deal with these idiots most of the time”. You chuckle as the words roll of his tongue. A smile creeps from the corners of his lips as he hears you laugh. “How long have you been cheering” He asks, taking a glance at your thick thighs. “Ever since i was in middle school. I took a small break in highschool but decided to try again. How long have you been playing volleyball?” you ask him.
He starts talking about how Komori got him into it. His voice was as light as whipped butter and soothed your soul. He grabs his phone to look at his GPS, helping him find his way to drop off the sleeping idiots in the backseat. One by one, he dropped them off home, starting with Hinata, then Atsumu, to Bokuto. “Thanks bro!” Bokuto says as he steps out the car rubbing his sleepy eyes.
“It’s still kind of early, do you want to talk a bit more at my house?” Kiyoomi offers. “Sure, why not” You reply. You were honestly confused about what the outcome of this night would be.
He unlocked his front door and invited you into his home. The interior was what you’d expect from him, big and dark. The living room was spacious with a black couch and atleast a 135 inch TV built into the wall. The kitchen had dark marble and there were so many rooms, obviously all being clean. He directs you to his couch and picks up a bottle of wine with two wine glasses. He lights a candle on his coffee table. You looked up at the high ceiling, as he poured your drinks. He handed you your glass as he questioned.
“I hope you’re okay with rosè”. You nodded cutely and chucked. He sat down next to you, cautious of personal space. The night went on as you two chatted about almost anything possible. He was unusually bubbly, adding to his sexy allure. “Wait, you haven’t dated anyone in how many years?” He asked slightly buzzed from the wine. “Four” You answer with a giggle. His eyes widening. “I refuse to believe that.” He says, realizing he might’ve said too much. He slowly moves closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he looks you deep in your eyes, taking a sip from his glass. Your heart starts pounding a bit too hard and you feel pounding somewhere else as well. He sets his glass down. “Please tell me you’ve been touched atleast” He says in a low tone. “Maybe....” You tease.
He stands up, his dark figure looming over you. He grabs your hand and leads you upstairs. It was so dark but somehow he knew exactly where he was going. He opens a tall door and there it is, his bed. A california king, so obnoxiously large for no reason. He drags you to the middle of the end of the bed.
You sit down as he stands in between your legs. He lightly taps your shoulder, indicating for you to lay down. He slowly creeps atop of you, kissing your lips once meeting your face. His kisses were sloppy and tasted of alcohol. He couldn’t possibly be this drunk. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the curls at the nape. You let out a light moan as he starts to kiss your neck. You could feel his cock harden as it brushed against your pathetically clothed clit. He lifts himself up ever so slightly. “Do you want me to stop?” He questions, big dark brown eyes lidded with lust. You shake your head and pull him down to kiss you more. His hands roamed around your body, his fingers meeting the lace of your panties.
He slowly slides them down your thighs and onto the floor. He motions for you to put your arms up as he removes the small silk dress off you. You were in nothing but a bra, feeling so pathetic and small under him. You sit up and take the bra off before laying back down.
His eyes trail down to your now glossy cunt. He dips his head down and wraps his tongue around your clit. “Kiyoomi” you moan. He sticks in a long finger, swirling your slick around your walls. The pleasure is unmatched, everything about this man was so perfect to you. He starts to pump in and out, curling his finger to find your sweet spot. He adds another, keeping the rhythm. You started to clench down on him as his pace fastened. His fingers were so long and they were drilling that sweet spot of yours.
You felt the knot build in your stomach as he kept swirling his tongue around your clit and pumping his digits in. You attached your fingers into his hair as you felt your orgasm wash over you. He looked at the mess you made on his fingers and slipped them into his mouth. “You taste good” He says landing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You pant softly as you watch him undress, his body even sexier than you imagined.
He gives his cock a few quick pumps before aligning himself with your entrance. He was just the right size, and so thick. All you wanted to do earlier was get to know him but now you’re sprawled out in his bed about to take his inches. He slowly pushes himself into your sopping wet cunt, hissing at the feeling of you tightening around him. The stretch felt too good, you were for sure you were going to cum right then.
He starts to thrust, grunting as he kept bruising your cervix. “k-kiyoomi” You say through pants and breaths. He was pounding you so good, you felt your body lax. “You’re taking me so well, baby” He says leaning into your ear. Moans and skin slapping filled the large room. You couldn’t even manage to say anything but words along the lines of “omi, please”. He kept going, even harder this time. You cup your hand over your breast and play with your nipple, pinching and rolling your thumb over the bud. You felt a sudden force on the back of your thighs. Sakusa now had you folded like pretzel and he kept thrusting. It hurt but you loved the pain.
His grunts and groans making you feel hot and flustered. He rested your legs over his shoulders as he gripped your waist. His thrusts getting sloppier. You wanted to cum, you were almost there, then he reached down to your clit. He rubbed it in small circles. You felt were so close to releasing. Just a few more thrusts and you creamed all over his cock. He groaned at the feeling. “Please let me fill you up” Sakusa moaned as he was chasing his own high.
You didn’t know what to say, you were already fucked out and too hazed to even think. You nodded. He slowly pounded deep into you as he let his seed coat your insides white. “Cumming” he groaned, balls deep.
You both waited to catch your breaths. He grabbed the baby wipes on the dresser behind him and clean you both up. He was really thorough, as you expected from him. “We should probably shower” He suggests as tucks his cock back into his underwear. He runs the water in the shower. He picks you up bridal style to the front of the shower, where you both undressed and cleansed yourselves.
After the shower, he gives you his MSBY practice shirt and boxers to sleep in. You walk into the bathroom as you watch him do his skincare routine. There were so many steps but it was all so fascinating. He looks at you with a light chuckle. You sit down on the stool in front of the mirror, resting your head in your hands. “You look nice with that on” He compliments. You let your tired eyes get the best of you as you drift off to sleep.
He finishes his nightly tasks then picks you up and brings you to his bed, where you both snuggled until he fell asleep.
side story:
“Ding Dong!” You both jumped up at the startling sound of someone outside. Sakusa puts on his sweatpants and jogs down the stairs, you follow behind. He opens the door, slightly peering through. “Hey, i left my wallet in your car oh-“ Atsumu says as he looks at the both of you. You were standing behind kiyoomi like a frightened dog. “What’s this” atsumu asks. Sakusa hands him the keys to his car, without saying a word. “No wonder you were so protective of her last night, Omi-Kun” Atsumu says as he walks away from the door and walks to Sakusa’s car.
Kiyoomi turns to you with a chuckle.
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loousir · 3 years
(Vampire Story) Chapter One
Masterlist | Next Part
All characters depicted are 18+
The sound that you dread every morning has stirred you from your slumber for the first time this year. You quickly turned the ear piercing alarm off and rolled onto your side for a moment.
Bleh, why can't I just stay home...
Guess I'm grateful it'll be my last year of this...
You stretched as you stood up, yawning in the process. Today is currently your first day of senior year, and boy what a long one it's going to be. You sighed and decided on a quick shower before breakfast. Once finished with your shower, you went back to your room and slipped on whatever outfit seemed nice before heading downstairs.
Your (e/c) eyes scanned the fridge, and with seeing nothing of interest, you decided to just go with toast and some juice.
Just as you sat down to eat, your phone went off. Seeing that you got a text from "🤡". You decided on waiting to text back because food. It dinged several more times, the messages either a variation of your name/nickname or just general spam. With a heavily exaggerated sigh, you unlocked your phone and all the messages got set to seen and you simply sent a "?" in response.
The phone started to ring and you waited a few rings before answering and setting it on the counter, putting it on speaker.
"Will you PLEASE just respond after the first message?! I don't want to go over there and break in to wake you up again!"
A male voice loudly spoke to you before a loud groan was heard. "I'm in the middle of eating-" He cut you off. "I dont CARE if you're eating you can still text back!" There was a moment of silence. "I'll be there 10. You better be ready."
And with that aggressive note, he hung up and you finished eating. Taking these ten minutes of freedom to clean up a bit. You still had a few minutes before he arrived and you decided since it was nice enough, you would wait out on the front porch. Soon enough, a bright silver car pulled into the front driveway and the driver's window rolled down as you walked over to it.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping." You smiled and got in the passenger side, setting your bag down between your legs before putting on your seatbelt. "Honestly school is really like a prison once you think about it." The driver rolled his eyes as he got back onto the road and drive you both to, uh, school...
Loud chatter filled the gym as all the students were trying to get their schedules for the year. You just got yours and looked at your classes, instantly regretting not taking gym when you were a freshman. With a sigh, you went to look for your taxi driver, only to see him already staring at you with a little group of gossip girls. You walked over to them and looked to your so called bestfriend.
"What's your first hour. Mines gym."
"Haha, unlucky."
"Yours is gym too isn't it."
His head hung low and he nodded. "Yea. It sure is..." You looked over both yours and his schedules, comparing classes, seeing that you shared only gym and maths together, not counting lunch. A shiver ran down your spine as you looked around. It felt like someone was staring at you and yeah, you were in a crowded highschool gym but it just felt... Off...
"There is so someone staring at you right now." One of the "gossip girls" said. "Yeah, a hundo percent." "I think it's that new exchange student." The two girls giggle as they continue to gossip to eachother.
"Andy, how the hell do you find people like that."
"Listen dude, they migrate towards me." He said holding his hands up. "But they are right, the exchange student has been staring at you since he's seen you. Kinda creepy." Andy mumbled the last part under his breath. You looked to where said exchange student was but he didn't seem to be staring anymore.
Maybe I offended him somehow..?
---Exchange Student P.O.V.--- (Earlier)
Dear gods he's the one. I just know it.
He watched as a (short/tall/etc.) male with (h/l) (h/c) hair made his way through the gym doors next to a tall blonde. He glared at the blonde for a moment but it was more of an observant glare than a mean one. He already had his schedule so he continued to watched the (h/c) as he tried to get through the crowd to get his own schedule.
The second the (h/c) male walked through the door he couldn't take his eyes off of him. He knew the other had noticed his lingering gaze but he had to look away the second that he saw the others eyes. They were a stunning shade of (e/c) and that was when he knew.
"Its him."
He mumbled out to himself, catching the attention of a student standing close by. "You good?" The other student asked. "Yes. I'm fine." The ravenette looked up to the other. "Darian, you?" A soft smirk was shot Darian's way. "Kai. Pleasure to meet someone like myself." Darian "tch'd" and looked away. "We'll talk at lunch. Meet me out by the cherry tree."
The first bell of the day rang, sending any lingering students to start their walk to class and any in gym to simply remain there.
---Main P.O.V.--- (Present)
"Right, since today is the first day, we will let all of you get acquainted with one another and you have till the end of the week to bring in a change or two of gym clothes." The male gym teacher called out to everyone. "This week will mostly be health work which is just paperwork but it's pretty easy." He called out again before stepping to talk with the female gym teacher about whatever.
You sighed and sat down on some of the extended bleachers, setting your bag next to you. Andy sat down on the other side of you and leaned back. "Dude, Mr. Exchange student is on his way over here." Andy said through gritted teeth. You looked to where the mentioned male was only to see him a few steps in front of you.
With a small smile, you greeted him. "Hi, I'm (Y/n). You're new here right?" He nods. "Kai, it's a pleasure to meet you." His mid-length black hair moved as he bowed to you slightly. You slipped your bag onto the floor in front of your feet, motioning for him to sit down which he accepted. "Could we get to know eachother better?" Kai asked with a smile. You nodded, "Sure, if your free, wanna go to the Cafe down the street?"
"That would be lovely. Do you mind showing me around a bit while we go there? I'm still new to the area so it would be appreciated." You smile and nod again. "Andy, you wanna come with us? I'll pay." Andy looked from his phone and shrugged. "Sure."
I was hoping we'd just go by ourselves but I suppose I'll put up with this for a while. If it means getting closer to him then I'll do it. Anything to achieve my goal.
----- 1225
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magicxc · 3 years
Pairings: Soft!Dark!Steve x Black!FemReader
Summary: New to the neighbourhood, reader gets a special welcome from Steve.
Word Count: 5078
Warnings: Explicit 18+, Dub-Con, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Hand Job, Cum Eating, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex
A/N: This fic has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time and I was finally able to articulate my thoughts long enough to see this through. *does happy dance* This steamy piece is every bit inspired by @queenoftheworldisdead​ and her Home for the holidays fic, so I recommend y’all give that a read. Enjoy and lemme know whatcha think!!
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Moving always sucked for me. When I was eight years old, I moved during the middle of the school year because my parents got a new house. New district, new school, new friends. I guess that wasn’t too bad. Children are fickle as is. Up next was highschool. The eldest of three gave me privacy privileges that allowed me to move downstairs into our basement. It seemed cool until I had to drag damn near my entire bedroom down the steps by myself. Bitches, all of them. A little help would’ve been nice, but what also made things worse was the fact that I cracked my bedframe on the way down. The only good thing about that incident was that it made for a really cool, not so true, story about me getting some action. It’s safe to say my highschool life became a little lively afterwards. Then came college. Yes, my dorm came partially furnished, but it didn’t make the setup any easier. I- I guess when I think about it, all accidents aside, it really all just boils down to laziness. There’s so much lifting, and sweating, and exerted energy. It’s tiring. But at least I own up to it. I genuinely hate unnecessary labour. 
And that brings me to now. Four years later and a degree in hand, I think it’s time to leave the nest, so to speak. Although late night cramming, frat parties, and shitty cafeteria food was a vibe, I think I’m ready to have my own space where I don’t wake up to my roommate getting her guts rearranged. I mean, get it in where you can but preferably when I’m not there. Shortly before graduating, I spent my final days on campus house hunting. My ultimate preference was to find something in a nice area, have ideal yard space, with close proximity to the city, and for the love of God, have a big kitchen; because ya girl likes to eat. Which is why I felt like I landed my dream home in Hillwood. 
Thankfully my family was a great help to me moving in, this time around. Three days and two sore muscles later I was, for the most part, good to go. There was still a lot of setting up to do and rearranging of the general area, but the only thing I was missing was my vanity table. It took a little longer to ship but the large counter space and the IG ready lights made the wait oh so worth it. And now here I am, leaning out onto the railing of my porch as I patiently wait for my delivery because according to my email, it’s been shipped. Yeah, I’m one of those. Standing outside I feel the chill, autumn breeze caressing my warm skin as I gaze out into the open air, my heart swelling with pride as I reflect on my life’s journey. 
Too into my thoughts, I barely register this random man approaching my steps. It puts me a bit on edge, and I was all too ready to tell him how he was getting just a little too comfortable until I eyed his friendly grin. Fuck, why is pretty privilege such a thing. 
“Howdy neighbour” he says as he comes to a slow stop just beneath the steps. “I’m Steve and I thought I’d come on by and welcome you to the neighbourhood”
Steve? As in Rogers? Didn't they leave his ass on the moon? I mean, it does sorta look like him. Minus the fluffy looking beard and the extra muscle mass and those big, veiny, han- hold up. I’m staring and it’s safe to say he’s noticed; not that I care. Fuck, I wonder if any other moon men live in the neighbourhood. I wouldn’t mind some eye candy. 
“Steve” I like the way that rolls off my tongue. I wonder what else I’d like to roll off my tong- and there it is again. Dammit, I'm not gonna last long like this.
“Nice to meet you. This where you been hiding out?” 
“Yeah, let's go with that,” he said chuckling. “So, what brings you to Hillwood?” Steve asks. 
“Cheap prices” I said shrugging. “Thought you were on the moon?” I questioned. 
“And I thought it was courtesy to exchange names after an introduction,” Steve countered. 
“Touché Steven” Standing up straight, I gesture for him to climb up the steps and offer him my name as I slip my hand inside his. 
There’s a roughness to his palm, his thick fingers the size of sausages and I can’t help but imagine where else I’d like to feel them. We shake on it, his squeezing a little firmer than necessary, but I welcome the grip; liking the feel of his strength. It soon dwindles down to a light swaying and some minor eye fucking, either of us unwilling to let go. Eventually our handshake comes to a gentle stop as he repeats my name back to me.
Caressing my knuckles with his thumb, Steve begins “you know, if -“
Easing my hand from his grip I make my way inside to answer the phone, shouting back a quick “one sec.”
I hear him mumble out how he was saved by the bell and I find it too cute that America's hero, who was out here fighting in literal wars, gets a little shy over me. 
I reach the phone and see that it's my sister, who’s probably calling to remind me of our family video session. And as much as I hate to tell the moon man goodbye, my family will kill me if I miss another gathering. The last time we scheduled to get on a call I completely forgot, finding myself drunk as hell at one of my college's local bars. I was ten shots in and a few licks shy from the lime wedged into the strangers mouth. Why in the fuck I answered my phone is beyond me, but my drunk mind thought it was cool. Tongue out and nipples in reach, it’s safe to say that my parents weren’t impressed and my siblings have since refused to let me live it down. So, unfortunately I can't ditch this meeting to oogle mr fine on my porch. But, I genuinely love our get togethers and the way that we make time for one another even when we can't be in each other's physical presence, so I don't mind. Hanging up the phone, I make my way to the door to see if I can put the moves on this beefcake of a man before I let him go. 
“It was very nice to meet you Steve, but I have to get going. Let's exchange numbers so that you can show me around the neighbourhood sometime?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” he smiled. “By the way, what’s your favorite pastry?”
“Ohhh you’re gonna get me food? You know the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach!” I exclaimed.”
“I thought it was through love and loyalty,” Steve challenged. 
“No, not even close. It’s through food. You’re in the twenty first century now, things are changing.”
“Clearly, I have a lot to learn.”
“Yeah, clearly. But I do like cheesecake,” I mused. 
All playfulness leaves Steve’s face and he gives me this blank expression. “Y/N,” he says slowly, “cheesecake isn't a pastry.”
“But it's sweet.”
An awkward silence follows and I’m point two seconds away from feeling slow, like damn just say what you’re thinking. 
“That doesn’t make it a pastry,” Steve protested. 
“My bad, is it a cake?”
“Actually, it’s a tart”
“Steve, get off my porch.” 
I didn’t actually want an answer. Not that I mind him putting me on, but people normally pick up on my sarcasm. And why the hell is it called a cheesecake, if it's not a cake. His laughter cuts through my poker face and I find myself in a fit of giggles at his boyish charm. Apparently there’s this whole subdivision of desserts which Steve spent the next several minutes delightfully explaining. And I loved his excitement which is why I held back on my next joke. Since we’ve only just met and he doesn’t understand my sense of humor, I don't want him to shut down on me. 
The incoming video call breaks our conversation and I shush him with a quick peck to his cheek and a door to his face. Running to the couch, I pause, realising what I’d done. And I just had to laugh because I didn’t regret it for a second. I plop down on the cushions just as I hear Steve's retreating footsteps and press answer. 
“Good to see you sober,” my sister teases. 
“Shut the fuck up Ashley.”
“Y/N,” my mother lectured. “Just cause you’ve moved out of the house doesn’t mean you’re exempted from whoopings. Watch your mouth.”
“Yes ma’am,” I apoligised. “My bad, but please tell Ashley shut up about that. I feel embarrassed as is.”
“I fEeL eMbArRaSsEd As Is,” Ashley mocks. “And you should be.”
“It’s always the last child that's the most chaotic,” my older sister chimes in. 
“Girls please, do not start this. We just started the damn call,” my dad criticized.
And that's how the next hour my evening went. Some bickering here, some gossiping there, and an overall update of everyone's daily life. And I fucking love these intimate times with my family because it makes being out here a touch less lonely. I do enjoy having my own space, but sometimes I miss being in the house with them. Fighting my sisters on who gets to take a shower first or bitching about who ate who else's leftovers. Another peak moment from our conversation was them agreeing to spend the weekend out here with me, to really break in the house. It also helps to have the extra hands here to help set up my vanity table, but they don't need to know that right now. 
Finally, the weekend rolls around and currently my family and I are littered around the front room television glued into Netflix’s most talked about series. I probably wouldn't have made it past the first round of the show, but that's a discussion for another day. Debates, assumptions, and even bets get thrown around with promises to finish off the series the following day. And it's safe to consider their money gone because I'm great at predictions. Sometime later we find ourselves in a heated game of taboo, in which I leave with a face full of tears and a sore ass loser. This night is for the books. Because if I thought the bar thing was bad, I haven’t seen nothing yet and knowing my family, they will never let me live this down. But in all fairness, I'm very competitive and my dad sucked as a game partner. Like straight up shitty with his hints. I think he should pay my cable bill to really make it up to me. You know, something light - nothing too crazy. 
I promised myself a shower, to cleanse the stench of loser, and as water trickles down my back, I take in a deep breath to inhale my essential oils in hopes of relaxing my achy muscles. Combined with the steam of the shower, the mist of the oils work deep into my pores and I feel my limbs droop in relaxation. Lathering up my towel, I swipe across my skin, scrubbing it spotless. Continuing to wash myself, I rinse off the excess soap and step out of the shower thirty minutes later; feeling clean and every bit of exhausted. Moisturizing my body, I slip into my night dress and make my way downstairs to the kitchen for some herbal tea to really set the mood of tranquility.
Stepping into the kitchen, I hear several knocks at my front door and according to my stove, it's 12:33. So whoever is on the other end clearly doesn’t respect my sleep. I think about ignoring it off the fact that they’re here unannounced, but my thoughts drift back to my family and I'd hate to disturb their slumber just because I'm awake. Walking over to the door, I take a look through the peephole and sigh in annoyance because clearly the moon man doesn’t care about the time. A second round of knocks pitches me out of my spot and I find myself unlocking the door to see a beaming Steve on the other end. 
“It’s midnight,” I stressed. “What is it that's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?
“Cheesecake,”  he muttered. “I’ve been busy these past couple of days and I finally had some free time so I whipped em up. I couldn't really sleep and I needed something to keep my mind busy. Plus they’re even better when fresh,” Steve stammered on. 
“Steve -“
“And I missed you. I know that we’ve spoken here and there, and texted back and forth, but I just wanted to see you again. You’re hilarious and I could use a laugh tonight,” he murmured. “And I see now that I didn’t think this through.”
“Steve enough,” I objected. “I'm awake now.”
I lied, I'm actually very much tired, but I felt bad for him. I know how it feels to have an overactive mind that prevents sleep, so I don't mind chatting him up for about ten minutes. Plus, he made me cheesecake. When my roommate used to wake me up, in the middle of the night, the only thing she had to offer was her problems. So this seems like a fair trade. Stepping aside, I open up the door a little wider to let him inside. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry for intruding,” Steve started. “Honestly, sometimes I forget that I dont keep the same hours as regular people, but you really don’t have to.”
“Steven, I'm awake now. Just come inside.”
“You literally look anything but,” he chided. “Luckily for you, I can fix that.”
“Oh yeah? How you gonna fix that?” I query. 
“With this,” he exclaimed, holding up the box of cheesecake. 
“Well fix away neighbour cause now you’re letting all my air out,” I gesture inside the house. 
“As you wish.”
After Steve steps inside, I close the door and direct him toward the kitchen, where he places the tArT on the counter and begins describing his baking process behind it. I zone out for a bit, hungrily staring at the dessert. It’s topped with a red, cherry glaze that he smothered on top, with chunks of cherries littered in between, and I cannot wait to taste it. But maybe tomorrow because I genuinely don't care to right now. I always used to joke that I wanted a man that was good in the kitchen, but I'm realising now that I may not want the consequences in the form of extra calories; especially if he plans on giving me midnight snacks. Damn him. 
“Where are your knives?”
His question throws me out of my trance and I have to remember to keep this short before I fall asleep at the counter. The last time I did that, I was in the middle of begging my professor to curve my grade after pulling an all nighter. Sometime between him denying me and my eyelids fluttering, the next thing I saw after I woke up was an empty chair and kindly worded post it note. Not to mention future awkward conversations between us for the remainder of the semester. I haven’t known peace since.
“In the drawer over there,” I pointed out. “But Steve, I really don’t have much of an appetite tonight.”
“Then we’ll share.”
Clearly I'm not winning this argument and neither do I care to. Besides, I'm way too tired to try. 
After plating the cheesecake, I take a seat and watch as Steve brings a small forkful to my lips as I reluctantly take a bite. The creamy goodness immediately melts into my mouth and the graham cracker crust adds a nice texture to top it all off. Not to mention the cherry glaze. It's a little on the sweet side, but a very nice combination overall. I moan out my delight and I swear my eyes roll all the way back. I hear laughter beside me and I send him a glare because I can already tell that this is the beginning of the end for my self indulgence. Taking the fork from his hands, I swoop in for another bite of the cake. With a mouthful, I murmur my praises as Steve deserves it.
“I see why you disturbed my peace now, this was so worth it,” I joked. 
“Thank you,” he laughs. “It makes me want to make you something else. I haven't had a lot of people to cook for these days.”
“Well you can cook for me anytime,” I raved. 
Taking the fork from my hands, Steve takes the final bite of cheesecake left on the plate and drags it across his tongue in a final sweeping motion. I hadn't realsied that I’d stop chewing until I heard a light chuckle from him and I whipped my head around to check the timer on the stove because it's about that time for him to go. 
Stepping closer to me, Steve cups my face in his hands and tilts my head back, ever so gently. And I know I was lying before, but I'm fully awake now and a tad bit confused on where this is going. 
“Y/N, I know we’ve just met, but I like you. There were many opportunities that I’ve missed in my love life by putting the superhero thing first. And I don't intend to do that again.” Steve admits. 
To say that I'm shocked would be an understatement. All I expected was a slice of cake tonight, not a confessional. He’s handsome and a little corny in that forties sense of humor kind of way. And I'm not against a relationship with Steve, but this is really throwing me off. Either that or maybe I’m still tired. I expected at least two more weeks worth of flirting before Steve popped the question honestly. 
“So, are you -“
“You don't need to answer right away,” Steve interrupts. “But I just want to make my intentions crystal clear with you.”
“I’m actually speechless,” I laughed out. There is some giggling between us which eventually dwindles into an intense stare off. And I find myself leaning into his palm as his thumb strokes my cheek and maybe it's because I'm drowsy, but his light touches lull me into comfort. 
Leaning forward, Steve presses a firm kiss to my lips and I let him as I snake my arms around his waist. His lips are soft and sweet from the cake while his gingery aftershave attacks my nose in the best way possible, making me hungry all over again. Steve darts his tongue out and I slowly ease away, with zero intentions to take this further. But of course my pussy has a mind of her own and who am I to turn down this fine man's advances. 
Grasping onto his shirt collar just a little too tightly, I pull his face back to mine and bring him in for another wet kiss. I drag my tongue across both his lips and he takes that as a sign to open his mouth and swallow mine whole. His tongue feels hot against me and my body starts to tingle. Raising my hand around his neck, I yank the hair on the back of his head, earning a low groan from Steve. Pushing my tongue up, I slide it alongside his, flicking it and stroking it as I relish in the warm, velvety feeling.
Eyes half closed in pleasure, I peel them open and draw back once more to see Steve’s face riddled with lust. Lips moist from our make out session, and his chest heaving heavily, his eyes are now a dark shade of blue and all of this spit swabbing has my pussy throbbing. 
Placing one hand on the counter and the other on my knee, I graze my fingertips up to my thigh, and stop just shy of my hips. My night dress has ridden up from the angle, enough for him to see that I’ve gone commando, and I raise my hips just enough to pull it up completely. Steve was once holding my stare, but now my pussy commands his attention and I'm ready to see just how well this captain follows orders. 
Spreading my thighs apart, I perch both feet on the legs of the stool and sink my fingers into my cunt. There’s a moist stickiness already there which makes it all the more easier for me to thrust in both fingers effortlessly. Arching my back for a better aim, I let out a low moan and suddenly Steve is on his knees before me. 
“How about you taste a dessert of mine,” I taunted. “It's not a tart per se, but it's definitely sweet.” 
Draping my legs over his shoulder, Steve needs no further instructions as he hooks his arms around my thighs and dives in; slowly sucking on my clit as I angle my arm underneath my thigh to continue my lazy thrusting. My head falls back and I allow quiet whimpers to tumble from my lips, careful not to wake my family. Speeding up in pace, my hips push forward in a pitiful attempt for more friction as I curl my fingers upward, hitting that sensitive spot inside me. 
Digging his fingers into my skin, Steve swirls his tongue around a little more frantically when he senses my climax nearing. Using my other hand, I run my fingers through his hair and a sharp nip on my bud causes a surprised shriek to follow. I didn’t quite like the sensation of pain, but looking down, I see that my body thinks otherwise. To my surprise, there's a small puddle that's trickling beneath me and while my orgasm wasn’t earth shattering, it did make me feel fuzzy. Drips of desire continue to add to that growing pool as Steven gently removes my fingers and licks them clean. Sucking onto them longer than necessary, he pointed out that, “I agree, you are sweet.”
“Have you ever known me to lie?” I quip. 
Smirking, he raises to his feet and pulls my dress up and over my head, tangling my hair in the process. A fluffy mess atop my head, it’s a bit of an indication of what's to come next. Grabbing my neck Steve then smashes his lips to mine, our noses brushing together softly, which is a stark contrast to the rough way he’s kissing me. Pulling back, he leans his forehead against mine, with a stare that’s determined. Almost a promise of sorts, a promise to ruin me, a promise I hope he fulfills. 
“Our first time’s really gonna be in the kitchen baby,” Steve speculated unbuckling his belt. “I think I love you already.”
“What's wrong with the kitchen? Is this not the place you come to eat,” I added, undoing the top button of his jeans. 
Tugging his shirt over his head, Steve flings it to the side saying, “and I’m ready to eat again.”
“So what’s stopping you?”
“The next time I find my face buried between your legs, I promise I ain’t letting up until your legs are shaking from all the pleasure I’m giving you,” Steve answered. Tracing his fingers across my jaw, he firmly grips it continuing, “and just when you think you can’t take much more, I'm gonna come up and massage those pretty tits of yours. Pulling, tweaking, sucking, and rubbing just right, until I bring you to the edge again; all but ready to dive into your next orgasm. But I’m not gonna give it to you,” Steve taunts, leaning in closer. Placing his mouth next to my ear, he whispers, “I’m not gonna give it to you because the next time you cum, it's gonna be on my dick and I ain’t stopping until you’re fucked out and pumped full of me,” he finished, nibbling on my earlobe. “But for now, for now princess, I just wanna hammer home.”
At some point throughout his little monologue, his jeans were on the floor and my fingers found themselves back inside my cunt, lazily thrusting. Slickly combining the mixtures of his spit and my juices together, I'm somehow more turned on than I was before. 
Looking down at his member for the first time I grow a little nervous because I wasn’t expecting the moon man to be packing like this. With a swollen mushroom tip, precum leaks to the side trailing the red veins that lines his dick. Swiping a streak of precum from the tip, I scoop it up and into my mouth, moaning at the taste. It's warm and salty, but nowhere near as sizzling as I feel right now. So I draw our mixed fluids from inside of me and smear it onto his dick, using the rest of his precum as extra lube as I slowly begin to pump him. His breath hitches, stomach sucking in from the friction and I drive my hands lower fisting up and down the entirety of his shaft, as my breathing picks up. 
Taking my other hand, I nestle them between my thighs once more, but this time they’re circling my fiery bundle of nerves. Steve tightens his hold on my jaw and my leg finds a place atop the counter, giving me more room to plunge my fingers deeper. My clit in one hand and Steve in the other, I pick up my pace - stroking him swiftly, delighting in the small whimpers falling from his mouth. Taking my thumb, I apply a slight pressure over the head of his dick, instructing him to, “tell me what you want daddy”
“I want to be inside you,” he answered. 
“We’ll come on home then,” I demanded, dropping both my hands. 
Steve wastes no time as he grabs his dick and drives it straight forward causing me to shriek a lot louder than I intended. Hand still placed on my jaw, the other grabs a hold of my hip and sets off on an ungodly pace. My arms wrap around his neck for dear life and it takes everything in me not to scream my pleasure, opting to bury my face into his neck instead. 
“Oh shit doll, I have my own little super soaker huh?” He grunts in my ear. “It's a wrap for you Y/N, cause you ain’t going nowhere after this,” he swore. “You hear me?”
Sinking my teeth into his skin, I frantically nod my head yes, way too scared to give him an actual answer. 
“Nah baby I need to hear you say it. You’re mine,” he growled with a particularly harsh thrust, causing my eyes to damn near roll out of their sockets. 
Raising up from between his neck, I press my lips firmly to his croaking out that I’m yours, with a disgustingly loud moan as the angle of his hips hits my g-spot just right. 
At that, I hear a door creak open and I notice a flash of light pour into the hallway; and if there was ever a time for the earth to swallow me whole, now would be the time. This doesn’t seem to deter Steve as his movements start to pick up in speed. 
There’s a lewd sloshing sound in the otherwise quiet house and I look up pleadingly toward Steve for him, to at the very least, slow down. He pays me no mind and I decide that maybe captain ass needs a verbal plea. 
“Steve, please stop. My family is asleep upstairs,” I beg. 
“Good. Maybe they’ll get a chance to see who you belong to,” he hisses back. 
I hate him so much. Unwrapping my hands from his neck, I use them to muffle my screams as Steve refuses to let up, thrusting into me with a vengeance. My breaths come out in short, heavy pants as I feel myself on the verge of cumming. Squeezing him tighter, he must feel it too because he drops his hands from my waist and begins to rub figure eights on my clit. Shifting away from him, he twists my face forward, his warm breath fanning my face, as he proclaimed, “ain’t no running from me doll.”
Begging and praying not to be heard, I find myself lying between that very fine line of pleasure and scared. But maybe that's what makes it feel so good. The thrill of getting caught. Meanwhile Steve is muttering in my ear, like a fly that buzzes during a barbecue. And as pissed as I am at him, I find myself reveling in the satisfaction he’s forcing on my body, almost forgetting all about my dilemma until I hear speaking from up the stairs.
“Who’s down there?” My dad asks. 
Tears swell up in my eyes as I silently beg him once more, but all I get is a toothy grin in response. 
Mustering up what little energy I have left, I manage to rasp out, “it- it’s me.”
“Y/N, I know you ain’t down there eating after one in the morning,” he sighs. “Just don’t be down there all night.” 
“O- okay,” I croak out. 
There’s a brief silence that follows and soon the light turns off and a door closes shut. The tears in my eyes overflow and run down my cheeks as I bite into my palms, muffling my scream, and I feel my orgasm hit me like a mack truck. Pounding steadily away, Steve follows not too far behind with his hot seed flooding my walls. Slumping my body, my hands drop to my lap and I feel every bit of tired, fucked out, and sore, but most importantly angry. 
Grimacing toward Steve, I push at his abdomen ready for him leave and he yanks on my jaw for the umpteenth time that night, at this point, surely leaving a bruise. Facing me toward him, he pins his pelvis to mine, dick still hard inside of me, as he reiterated, “I meant it when I said that you were mine.” 
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levisgirll · 3 years
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 (𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙞 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
event: Cookiefics' cliche Collab @cookiefics
character: Levi Ackerman
prompt:  “I changed for you.” 
theme: modern au, high school/college au ♡  
synopsis: levi was known as the scariest looking guy in the whole high school, everyone was afraid of him because of his stoic expression and also because he was one of the leaders in the survey corps gang that ruled the school! everyone would avoid him, not talk or even interact with levi. but you did not care about all of that and just went to highschool like normal with your close friends. but everything changes when levi and one of his gang member interacted with one of your friends and it bothered you a lot. this both got your attentions, and with that levi now sees a real purpose of life because of you and he wants to prove to you that he is a good man (which you do notice), for y/n only.
➡ text: ahh I'm real happy that I was able to join cookie’s open collab event! I hope this turned out alright and you all like it 🥺❤️ for this fanfic, I decided to use the fact that was stated by isayama that if levi were to be in a highschool AU he would be in a group of bullies, so I will be using this! (I kinda lowkey see that too-) also I really like how this turned out (?), should I make a part 2? let me know :,) and if you enjoyed it please then leave a like or a reblog! 
a bit of angst (?), fluff, modern au, fanfiction ♡ —
Another day, going to high school. You were in your last year and just one more year and finally out of this damn place, Y/N wanted to graduate fast and just start university with her close friends. “Good morning sleepyhead!” your head was smack and you turned around ready to smack them back, and you clearly knew who it was . “Ugh Connie, I told you stop doing that!” You yelled out and tried to fix you hair. You let out a small smile when all your friends came by your side which where Sasha, Connie, Bertholdt and Jean! “Man, I’m not ready for history class at 8am! Mr. Erwin is just gonna be blabbering for so long.” Jean said with such a long sigh and you let out a laugh, “Yea, I’m probably going to doze off.” Bertholdt came by your side and opened the classroom door for you to enter first, “I’m gonna join you with that, lets seat at the back.”
As soon as you entered the classroom, you saw your seats taken by a bunch of scary mean looking guys. “Huh, who are they?” Jean said with a pissed look, you then noticed Armin being interrogated aggressively by a tall big looking guy. “What do you think you two losers doing? Can’t you see this seat belongs to me and the boss now? Screw off.” He said in a threating tone, and threw Armin’s books on the floor. Y/N was pissed and did not hesitate to react, “Y-Y/N Wait! That’s-” It was too late for Sasha to warn Y/N and they rushed towards the big looking guy and stood between him and Armin.
“Hey! What do you think you are doing?! Leave my friend alone you jerk!” You yelled out and turned around to look at Armin. “Hey, you okay?” But he just stood there with fear shown in his expression and you then felt a hand on your shoulder which startled you. “Hey....First, the name is Reiner...And second, do you even know who you are talking to?” You were taken aback by his comment, and as soon as it hit you, you just realized that you yelled out none other than one of the survey crops gang members and the boss that Reiner mentioned who was sitting on your seat was....Levi Ackerman!
Y/N was frightened but still, stood their ground and turned around towards Reiner, giving him a glare. “I don't care, respect others in this classroom. Besides, this seat is filthy right now cause you guys sat on it, so we don’t need it anymore!” Y/N pulled Armin’s arm quickly and told your friend to seat in the middle seats. You then noticed someone was looking at you, you turned around and noticed Levi was actually looking at you this whole time, he scanned your body, looking from down to up and both of your eyes met. ‘What....he isn’t mad at me?’ You wondered and turned around to look front of the classroom. Reiner was about to head towards you but Levi then spoke up and suddenly stopping him. “Leave them be Reiner. After all....we are ‘filthy’ to them.” Levi said in a sarcastic tone while he was crossing his arms, still looking at you from behind which you felt and that made you shiver. 
After many classes, you decided to meet up with your friends later on in the canteen as you headed to the bathroom. As you were walking down the hallway, you bumped into someone. “Hey Watch it!” As soon as you turned to look who you bumped into. It was...Levi. “Oh...It’s you who stood up for their friend. And....called us filthy.” He said in a calm and quiet tone and this made you get butterflies but also a bit nervous as he was actually speaking to you! Y/N then slightly blushed and turned their head quickly to the other side so Levi wouldn’t notice it, ‘What the hell...He’s actually good looking?!’
“Yea, Of course I would. Unlike you.” Y/N said crossing their arms and giving him a glare, “You are fast to judge.” Levi said with a slight chuckle, and leaned his back against the wall while putting his both hands in his pockets, still keeping his eyes on them. “Y/N...right? You are kind of interesting.” You eyes started to widen by what he said, and when you looked at Levi you could tell he was actually saying the truth. “But....you are an idiot. Don’t go around doing what you did today to Reiner to others, you will get in trouble.” Levi sounded a bit concerned, he then got off and started to walk ahead of you. ‘Is he worried about me?’ Y/N wondered and then took off.
It was no lie and a fact that Levi had been keeping his eyes on Y/N for quite a while and it turned out that Levi was actually curious about Y/N and he would always watch them during class, lunch time and would try to have small talks with Y/N sometimes and this had shocked everyone. Shocking how, Levi the most scariest guy in High school and the leader of a frightening gang was actually showing his soft side only to Y/N. Levi was in fact strongly attracted and interested towards Y/N as they were always honest, strong and had always been friendly and nice to everyone. It was then later on that the both of them had feelings for each other, but they would keep that to themselves, thinking the other did not feel the same way.
It was after school and Y/N crossed paths with Levi Ackerman who was with  Furlan and Isabel. Levi gave them a wave, signaling them to leave them be and Furlan sent a smirk to Levi and elbowed his shoulder which made Levi get a slight blush on his cheeks. “Oh, look who’s here.” Levi uttered sarcastically. Y/N gave out a sigh, thinking Levi would again tease them as he was doing it quite often nowadays, this made Y/N think that Levi probably hates them and that’s why he was teasing them as everyone said it was odd for Levi to pick on others. Although, everyone was misunderstanding that Levi was doing that for another reason.
“Back off Levi, I don't have anytime for your bullshit today.”  Y/N said bluntly and was about to leave him, but Levi quickly said after “What do you mean? I was gonna ask if you wanna walk home together, Idiot.” He said after coming beside you and ruffled Y/N’s hair. “W-What...Um okay.” Y/N was a blushing mess right now, as they walked side by side with Levi, their crush. ‘Did Levi actually say that? He is actually dropping me home?’ Y/N thought while they could smell his beautiful scent, and Y/N’s eyes then wondered to look at his attractive side profile, then to his undercut hair that was neat and clean. Levi then caught Y/N starting at him and they looked away quickly. “What? Did you shit or something?” He joked while looking at Y/N, “Huh?! N-No What the hell Levi!” Y/N lightly boxed his shoulder while their cheeks went red from being embarrassed. Levi loved seeing this side of them as they could see their reaction which he found cute. “What? I just asked, calm down.”
Y/N and Levi had a long afternoon walk, and the sun started to set down. He did not want to part away from them and wanted to spend a longer time with them, just their presence next to Levi made him forget about all his problems, issues, the gang he was trying to control and handle as many of them used their power to bully others in their High school and Y/N did mention to Levi how they hated that a lot which Levi agreed to. “Hey....” Y/N then said suddenly which got Levi’s attention and out of his thoughts, “Thanks, for dropping me home. But, I wanted to ask.” They said quietly and looked down as they held on their backpack tightly, “Hm, Go ahead.” Levi uttered in his usual calm tone to Y/N.
“I want to hang with you more! But, I promised myself I wouldn't hang out and be around bullies, so....if you want to be around me more. T-Then stop your gang bullying others! Everyone thinks you are like that too, but the more I am with you...The more I realized you aren’t like them. So, please prove them wrong. Ugh, just cause you are their leader, they are using that to their advantage and I don't like that!” Y/N finally spoke out their thoughts and was still looking down. Levi just stood there, and nodded, not saying a single word which meant that Levi agreed to what Y/N said and appreciated how they valued Levi as a person and not a bad guy and also how they knew the real him, trusting him was something he admired about Y/N a lot. But, he finally spoke and said, “I will...for you.” as soon as he said that, he turned around and left which made Y/N wonder the whole night what he told them.
The following day came, just another boring and tiring day as Y/N was finally leaving her high school as they stayed after school doing extra studying. But, that was not the case anymore as Y/N was approaching the school gate to leave, they saw a strange looking guy blocking the school gate which made Y/N nervous “Um...could you move aside?” They said to him and as soon as Y/N said that, the guy quickly went towards Y/N and held on their wrist. “So you are the one, who is changing him. Because of you....you ruined everything, even my plan!!” The guy was furious and he yelled out at you as he was tightly holding on to your wrist, Y/N winced from the pain and struggled to move their wrist away from him, “Stop it! That hurts.” Tears then started to run down from your cheeks and you closed your eyes tightly, wishing....Levi to come and save you, ‘Levi...!’
You suddenly felt your wrist not having anymore pain and his hand slowly leaving your wrist. You then opened your eyes and looked up and saw none other than Levi in front of you, holding the guy’s arm really tightly! “You are fucking dead, Zeke. Now you have done it, I’m not gonna let you slide this time.” You were shaken, frighten by what was happening and you started to worry for Levi. “L-Levi..!” You called out his name and Levi turned around to look at you and gave you a soft looking smile, “Don’t worry. I’m gonna sort this out. Wait for me near the park.” 
Y/N moved back slowly and was hesitant to leave Levi and go there all alone, “Hey. I’ll be there soon, so go on.” Levi reassured you, which made Y/N nod and turned around and started running towards the direction of the park. Y/N kept on running and running while tears were running down their cheeks, ‘What the hell is happening! Who is this Zeke guy?! Why did he come for me and what plan was he even talking about?!’ Your thoughts were running around your mind until you reached the park and you started to gasp for air.
As you sat on the swing, waiting for Levi, you started to overthink and wonder if anything bad happened to him. But, your phone distracted your thoughts as it started to ring with so many notifications, you opened your phone to see your school group chat talking about the fight between Levi and Zeke. Apparently, Zeke was the one who was brainwashing the survey gang members, and making them bully and hurt other students and one of them were Reiner. This then made sense why Reiner was being rude to Armin the last couple of weeks and it was Zeke’s plan to make every member of Levi’s gang to later on go against him, making Zeke the leader instead. Everyone talked about how intense the fight was and that Levi finished him off by knocking out Zeke.
“Levi....Please come back...to me.” Y/N began to whimper, missing Levi by their side, and feeling sadness slowly taken over them with more tears coming from their eyes. “Oi, Stop crying.” Y/N felt a hand suddenly on the top of their head, which was being caressed slowly. It took them a minute to process what was going on and then finally realizing that Levi was standing in front of them! Y/N quickly jolted from the swing and brought their arms around Levi’s shoulders, hugging him tightly and not wanting to let him go. “You Jerk! What took you so long?! I was so w-worried”. You were now tearing up even more, but this time...it was happy tears, and you were glad to know that Levi was finally by your side. He did not hesitate to hug you back and was glad you did that actually, he then proceeded to softly rubbed your back, but he was shocked to see the strong willed person he loves in tears, which then made Levi blame himself that he was the cause of this. 
After you have calmed down, they pulled away from Levi’s shoulder and looked up at him. “I left.” Levi finally said and your eyes widened, the cold breeze slowly blowing your hair as you stood there shocked while looking at this grey eyes that never left yours. “The gang. I’m done for good now.” Levi gave you a smile, a smile that he was glad by his choice and the one who pushed him to go for that choice was none other than y/n.  After the rival fight, Levi promised himself to disband the gang for good, leaving no one being there anymore and the bad kids leaving as they did not have Levi anymore on their side and to use to their advantage. Although, this decision would not even cross his mind if he haven’t met Y/N. They changed his life and made him see things in a better perspective, it was also because Y/N did state that they wouldn’t want to hang with someone who was around with people that bullied others and Levi did not want to lose them. From now on, Levi wants to make you happy, protect/support you and be your shield, you were his sunshine and someone he would cherish and wants to be by your side for the longest time. 
Levi went closer to Y/N and placed his hand on the side of their cheek, and he slowly caressed it with his thumb, rubbing away the tears that stained their cheeks. “I changed for you.” Y/N stood there blushing after hearing what Levi said and as soon Levi saw Y/N’s red face, his ears then his whole face went red too! Now realizing that Levi actually did this all just for Y/N and the promise they told Levi, that was the main reason to it all. “I can see an idiot here.” Levi said bluntly and that caused Y/N to look around, seeing who he was referring to. “Huh, Where-” Their words were taken aback by Levi flickering their forehead. “Right here.” Levi then started to give out a small laugh as Y/N brought their hand on their forehead, while still y/n’s cheeks still being red. “H-Hey! Why do you keep teasing me like that!”
Levi then grabbed y/n’s hands and held them up, and as he was holding it tightly your hands were now being warmed up. “Can’t you tell? I teased you....cause I like you.” You then started to recall all the times where he did tease you but it was only to you, and he would not do that to anyone else, he would only show his soft side to you, and his gentle kind-hearted side was something you only knew of. This then made you get butterflies and you started to get a fuzzy feeling which Levi did too. 
It was indeed a long evening, but the atmosphere and the feelings you both had and shared spoke it all and Levi then promised you that he would do his best to take care of you, make you happy and also....be the best boyfriend for you, which you agreed to! 
BONUS: One day, Y/N was going to the supermarket and they bumped into Kuhel Ackerman! She looked absolutely beautiful and you then figured that’s how Levi got his good looks. “Oh you must be Y/N! My son mentions you a lot at home, but he is too stubborn and shy to talk about you! Are you both perhaps together?” She would say with a big smile, she was really sweet and nice, you both shopped around and got along pretty well. She then asked if you could come over for dinner one day which you agreed to and when Levi found out about that, he was a blushing mess that evening. And how the tables turned how now his mother was now teasing him instead which made you giggle.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
You can’t tell me Ushijimas love affirmation is touch but he hates being touched at random.
THIS BIG GOOF OF A MAN need touch but hates asking for it and hates it as a surprise....
When you had first touched him, it might have been in middle school. You tapped in his shoulder and he jolted just a little, “Sorry, do you have a pencil i can borrow?” He raised a brow at you, “You came to school without a pencil?” You shook your head, “I write with pen but it’s math and i always mess up.... So do you have a pencil?” That was the first of many of your shoulder taps, it went for six months until Ushijima arrived by just setting a pencil on your desk before you walked in.
At the last year you had become really close friends and shared love for volleyball (although you only watched him play). It was around the time he was supposed to get out of practice that you heard a small commotion of boys outside the gym gathering around. No more than three boys who where in your class, surrounding Ushijima, calling him a left handed freak. You thought it was strange, “Hey! Leave him alone five-head!” You chucked your backpack at the boy who verbally attacked your best friend. “Just because he uses his left hand doesn’t mean hes a freak. You’re the freak because i caught you eating your buggers during lunch you fucktard!” The two boys beside the bully began to giggle like school girls, before he stomped away.
You heard a faint laugh coming from ushijima, which was very rare. “What’s a fucktard?” He asked curiously, which made you burst into a fit of laughter. You’ve never heard him swear before either. “I don’t know, it’s just the first thing that popped in my head... Let’s go home, i’m hungry.” That was the first time you held hands with Ushijima. 5:30 pm on a spring afternoon
In highschool you got more touchy. Platonically holding his hand or jumping on his back with the intention of surprising him but Tendo always gave it away with his eyes.
The ushijima fan club hated you. Tried keeping you away from him until their leader faced you one day during lunch. “Can’t you see that he clearly doesn’t want you? Why are you always trying so hard? He hates physical touch and yet here you are smothering your hands all over him! Don’t you get it, he’s never gonna date you and he doesn’t love you.” It was a little surprising to hear those words. “I don’t want to date Ushijima.” You told the girl, she gave you a rude confused look. “He isn’t looking for a relationship, he’s so focused of being the best volleyball player he can be... So why would i want to ruin that for him. If you didn’t know that, than you shouldn’t even be the fan club leader. Wakatoshi-kun is my best friend... i know he loves me. He would have told me otherwise... He’s too blunt to have kept me around for so long. Now if you’ll excuse me, I id like to eat my lunch, with my friends.” Little did you know that a few doors down, hiding away from you, Ushijima and Tendo where on their way to find you.
It was Autum at 1:10 pm when Ushijima had slowly come to realize that maybe what he felt for you was more than a friendship.
The day he lost to Karasuno, something had just been off about him. He sat alone with his thoughts. Tendo was no where around and his dorm was empty. A knock came to his done and he sighed, Tendo must have forgotten his keys again. To his surprise red hair didn’t face his eyesight but the white wall of the hall, until he looked down and you peered up at him. “Tendo sent me.” Of course he did. You blushed him aside and made him sit back down on his bed before shoving a goodie bag into his hands. “Eat.” You told him. He thought he was a man of few words. “Have you eaten?” He asked you, opening up the goodie bag. You nodded and sat beside him. He took out the black bowl container and looked inside, “This is-”
“Hayashi rice... I made it from scratch. You mentioned it a few years back while having dinner with my family. I hope it’s still you favorite.”
He rose a brow, a few years back. The last time he ate with your parents was 10 years ago. How did you remember such a small detail? “It is...Thank you.” You smiled at him. “Of course Toshi.” You watched his eyes twinkle when he took the first bite, since the game you knew he was a little off. Your hand rested on his shoulder and replaced it with your head. “Are you okay?” You asked him. He cleared his throat, “I’m alright... What about you?” His question was hesitant, as if he wasn’t about to ask but asked anyways. “I’m alright if you’re alright. But you do know I know you better than you know yourself right?” You tilded your head an examinares his face, “Unclench your jaw-” You had skimmed under his chin, cupping his perfect bone structure, “-and relax... You don’t need to be so tense. You’re not in front of the team right now, you’re in front of me.” Ushijima didn’t understand what you meant, did you believe you weren’t apart of his team? Of course you are. You’re the sole purpose this team has been kept together so perfectly , Shiratowizawas perfect, smart, incredible manager.
“Earth to Toshi? Where’s you’re head at big guy?” You gave him a small smile. He could clearly tell you where worried. “I’m alright y/n, you don’t need to worry about me.” You scoffed, “Bull. I’m always going to worry about you, even if we get old and wrinkly.” Ushijima let out a dry chuckle. “You think we’ll still be in touch by then?” He asked. He could feel your hand tense under his chin as you gave him a smile but this time, the look in your eyes was sad. “I hope so. You’re my best friend, i wouldn’t want it any other way Tosh.” He smiled back at you, “I wouldn’t want it any other way either.”
“Good, now tell me what’s on your mind.”
That night, when Ushijima spilled his emotions to you- You could feel your heart race just a little faster than it usually would and when he walked you back to your dorm and patted your head the way he usually would, you couldn’t look him in the eyes because i’d give away how utterly and endlessly in love you where with your best friend.
When graduation came along, tendo had snapped a picture of you and Wakatoshi together, the way he looked down at you as you looked at the camera with desploma in hand, excited to move in with your life. His hand was on the small of your back, something he got used to doing through the years, while your small hand tried reaching to his hip.
The small touch meant a lot to him. You where the first person in his life to accept his bluntness, to accept him for who he really was and we will forever be greatful for you.
When catching up with the former shiratowizawa team, much to their surprise you and ushijima where still not together, romantically that is, but the two of you lived in the same apartment, together... alone.... with no one to bother you. Semi nudge your waist, “So no progress been made?” He asked in a teasing manner. You wacked him with your table napkin. “Keep it down, no one needs to know.” Semi chuckled, “Trust me Y/n everyone knows but Ushijima.” You looked around at the team, they all nodded and agreed, luckly Tendo had taken Ushijima out for a private talk outside. You rolled your eyes and groaned. “Really? Is it that obvious?” They all nodded as Semi laughed at your dipair.
Once Ushijima and Tendo came back from catching up, the new wing spiker for Adlers could tell that you didn’t make eye contact with him through the whole night and the walk home was probably more awkward than ever before. “Goodnight...” You muttered, removing your shoes at the front door and rushing to your room, leaving Ushijima without a word. He raised a brow and slowly made his way to your room but a small sniffle stopped him from turning the door handle. How long had it been since you’ve been since he’s seen you cry. To be exact it was probably when you where kids... but that memory was fresh in his mind because he never liked the sight of seeing you cry. It made him feel... useless.
His hand hovered over the doorknob, contemplating if he should open the door and hold you, or give you some space. Ushijima shoved his hand back into his pocket, he wouldn’t intrude into your privacy like that. But through the night, Ushijima tossed and turned. Why have you been crying? Why didn’t you come in and ask him to give you a hug the way you did back in highschool. He turned one more time before rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the edge, maybe a drink of water could help. He looked at his phone.
2:00 am
He sighed and placed it face down again on his desk before swinging his door open.
The harsh swing of the door scared you as your hand was ready to knock on the wood. He looked down at you and noticed the red discoloration that hid under your eyes while some moonlight shined on you through the window that sat on the end of the hall. Your eyes where wide and shock but your body turned around, and back into your room. Ushijima has never seen you move so quick before. “Y/n.” He called, putting his foot in between the door and the door frame. Even if you moved your fastest, ushijima was always two steps behind ready to catch up. You sighed and looked down at your feet before letting go of the door. “Sorry... you scared me.”
He scared you? That was new.
He looked down at your fingers, which twisted and twirled between each other. “Why are you awake?” You asked him. “I couldn’t sleep.” He answered truthfully. “Oh... yeah- um, me either.”
“Why where you crying?” Ushijima was as blunt as ever, which made you nerveous. “I wasn’t crying, w-who told you I was crying?” You where terrible at lying.
Ushijimas hand cupped your cheek as his thumb carressed so closely to your lower lashes. “You’re eyes are swollen, you’re more is pink... You’re voice is a little groggy... You may know me better than I know myself but i have a few tricks up my sleeve as well.”
“I’m fine Wakatoshi-” To mentally scolded yourself, calling him by his full name was such a dead giveaway. “You only call me Wakatoshi or Ushijima when i’ve done something wrong.... Have i done something wrong?”
You sighed... Maybe tonight would be the night. “No. You haven’t done anything- that, that’s actually the problem.” Ushijima rose a brow. “I don’t quite understand...” Hs stated, of course he didn’t. As much as he was blunt, you had to be blunt back or it would get through that giant head of his. “Toshi- can we do this tomorrow- please.”
“I’d like to know what you mean, y/n.”
You’re full name... How it sounded so good coming out of his lips instead of others. You sighed and looked down at your feed before fiddling with your fingers.
“idontknowwhenitstartedbutithinkitstartedinhighschoolbutitdoesntreallymatterbecause.... iminlovewithyou.”
Ushijima grabbed cupped your chin and lifted your head, “Look me in the eyes-” you where quick to follow his command, “-and say to me again.” You couldn’t tell of it was the tears brimming in your eyes or a blush slowly crept on Ushijimas cheeks. “Tell me you love me again.” Both hands cupped your face as you have him a light laugh, causing tears to roll down your face. “I’m in love with you...” Ushijima gave you a soft smile when you kissed the palm of his hand. “I am so, endlessly, hopelessly, in love with you.” You repeated looking him in the eyes. “And i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
This is something Ushijima thought he’d never get to experience. Being a hopeless romantic, and for his best friend none the less. You raised yourself on the tips of your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck before pulling him down for a kiss that had been long awaited.
The next morning, when the sun shined through the curtains of your room- you could feel the soft cool breeze that came through the open window you forgot to close. You clenched your hand lightly against soft skin that you could already recognize. Ushijima laid beside you in deep sleep, a white sheet barely covering what kept you so wide awake last night. You snuggled back onto his bare chest and took in his scent, something you had come to not be able to live without.
The way his hands roamed around your body last night was a large progress from the first day you met.
You poked his shoulder, which seemed to be enough to wake him. “Mmm, good morning.” His voice was much deeper than usual, it brought shivers down your spine. “Good morning...” He wrapped his hand around you again and caressed your naked skin as his nose was deep in your hair. “How’d you sleep?” He asked you, his fingers teasing around your waist. “I uh- I slept very well.”
“Tired?” He asked, plating a kiss on the crown of your head before you nodded. “A little...”
“Sore?” You slapped his arm lightly, causing him to let out a laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes...”
“Stop it!” You whined, now hiding under your covers. “You didn’t seem to mind last night sweetheart... I would have slowed down if you did.” You’re blush grew deeper. “You’re so embarrassing.” You whine again, as ushijima pulls the sheet away from your face to pinch your chin with his thumb and pointer finger. He gave you a smile, “Would you want it to me some other way?” You eyes twinkled a little, before muttering, “No... I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
Basic backstories, setup and just few little things about Werewolf Cole Au. A synopsis if you will?
There's no elemental powers, Overlord, Zane isn't a nindroid, etc. Just basically a regular world with small real myths such as Werewolves.
Werewolf wolf forms aren't humanoid, but really are just big 6ft tall wolves.
Kai and Nya do live in a house near the woods and their parents were never kidnapped so they were raised by them. However they both are in a line of work that has them not home most of the time.
Kai & Nya found Lloyd on the streets being bullied from other kids. Kai immediately couldn't stand it and stepped in. When asked where Lloyd lived so they could take him, Lloyd said he didn't have one.
After a long video call later, and a quick visit by Maya, Lloyd was able to be adopted into their family and enroll in school under the name Lloyd Smith.
Kai is 20, Nya is 18, Lloyd is 14, Cole is 21, Jay is 18, Zane is 23, Pixal is 22, Skylor is 21. Excluding Cole till later, they're just a big friend group.
Kai is trying to find a good College to get into while working at Skylor and her Mother's small Noodle Shop. There is no Chen because I said so.
Skylor and Kai used to date in Highschool, but found to be better friends instead and now are just close friends.
Jay & Nya are in highschool Senior Year, and are together.
Zane & Pixal was friends with them in highschool, but now are in College together. Also a couple, and they love to visit when they can and video chat.
Lloyd is in Middle School. He's managed to make few friends there but his best friends are his adopted siblings, their friends, and his adopted cat, Meowthra.
Cole was childhood friends with Jay back in another town until one day him, his father and mother had to suddenly move out without a word to anyone. So to Jay, his childhood friend just one day disappeared.
There are Werewolf Hunters after them.
Cole gets his wolf side from Lily.
Lily doesn't pass away when he was younger, but is sick. Lou moves them to the Town where the gang are, hearing about how it's nice and close to some woods, good clean air, and he did some digging and saw nothing about Hunters being in the town because the Forest and its wildlife are supposed to be protected.
Cole is trying to figure out what to do for his mother and always goes out to the woods at night to let himself be a wolf, especially because he doesn't have complete control of his transformation like Lily.
Unfortunately Hunters did follow them.
The Hunters one day went to eat at the Noodle Shop and talked about going hunting in the Woods. Kai overheard, and he knows the Woods are not to be hunted in. Kai tried leaving a voicemail to Skylor but his phone unfortunately died mid message. He wasn't sneaky enough about it and the Hunters did notice.
At the end of his shift, locking up the Noodle Shop, Kai is jumped by the Hunters so they don't have a goody goody try and ruin their hunt.
Kai managed to get away and did run off into the woods, hoping to lead them off his tail, not find their way to his house, while also hoping to manage to get home through the woods.
Kai of course loses the Hunters, but unfortunately his ankle did get sprained pretty bad and he stops to sit against a tree once he's sure he's safe.
That's when Cole finds him after smelling some of his blood.
Kai never heard of any reports of wolves in the woods, especially none that are 6ft tall. So understandably, Kai freezes up in fear while also knowing he wouldn't get anywhere if he tried.
Cole approaches, luckily just have hunted something himself so Kai's blood doesn't affect his hunter instincts too much.
Cole slowly approaches Kai before licking his wounds. He turns Kai around and grabs him by the back of his jacket, carrying him off to his little den he set up for when he's out in the woods.
Kai freaks out and is about to yell before he hears the distant sound of a Jeep driving through the woods which leads him to shut up in fear its the hunters.
This also has Cole rush to the den.
The den is set up with a large bedroll, campfire and few other necessities because Cole goes to it when he's a human as well. It surprises Kai, but he doesn't complain when the big wolf sets him down and carries over a first aid kit.
Even after patching himself up, Kai still can't get up, but it seems the Wolf in front of him basically saved him and maybe has an owner. Plus, out of fear of running into the hunters, he decides okay he'll stay for the night.
Cole does notice Kai starts shivering when trying to sleep, so he goes over to offer some warmth. Kai while uneasy with a big wolf next to him, accepts it, not wanting to risk going against it and it is nice.
This leads to both of them falling asleep and Cole completely forgetting he's going to change back in the morning.
So Kai wakes up being hugged by this large shirtless man. His screaming wakes Cole up, leading him to screaming as well as the scramble to get apart.
The den is surprisingly close to Kai's house, so as Nya is about to head out on her bike to find out why Kai didn't come home last night, she hears him screaming in the woods.
After the screaming stops, Kai and Cole stare at each other. Kai in complete bewilderment, glancing around for that wolf from last night unaware it was Cole. Cole meanwhile is frozen, slapping himself mentally for some reason helping this random stranger as a wolf and not thinking about him turning back in the morning.
Nya calls out for Kai though, drawing his attention away from Cole and allowing him a moment to slip away.
Kai after realizing he was left alone, decides to get up, limping out of the den to call out to Nya.
Kai is brought home and his wounds are more properly treated. A call to Skylor to look out for the guys that jumped Kai and to let her know what's up.
Kai tells the story about the Wolf. Lloyd gets excited wanting to find a big nice Wolf himself, but Nya quickly dismisses it to it most likely just being a dream passing out in the woods. Hoping to delude Lloyd from going and searching the woods for said Wolf, while also not believing it herself.
Kai is basically forced to stay home till they know the Hunters aren't going to go after him again, and to heal up his ankle.
Kai keeps thinking about that night while during his little house arrest, and even dreams of the man he woke up next to, turning into the 6ft Wolf that helped him.
One night when he's okay to walk again and Nya is at Jay's house with Lloyd to help him study, and for a little sleepover, Kai sneaks out back to the woods, finding the den again and hopes to come across the Wolf again.
Cole wanders in as a wolf and freezes noticing Kai waiting for him. He was no different from Kai, constantly thinking about the other in numerous ways since their encounter.
Cole unfortunately wasn't so prepared for another meeting and turns to run away, but finds himself freezing when Kai cries out "Wait!"
Kai slowly approaches Cole.
"You can understand me, can't you?" Cole looks Kai in the eyes and nods to Kai's slight surprise.
"Are you that guy I woke up next to?" Cole whines in response, in fear of Kai knowing.
"It's okay! I... well its little weird to think about, but... wow I was actually right? Haha, I don't know how to feel about this, but I won't go ratting you out don't worry!" Cole's ears perk up in surprise.
That's when the familiar sound of a Jeep reaches both their ears. Smelling the air, Cole whines, recognizing the smell of Hunters, moving to turn and run again, but Kai stops him again.
Kai offers and brings Cole back to his house to help hide him. Cole feels like he should reject, and not trust so easily, but he finds himself following Kai easily.
That's when Kai walks in with Cole, ducking through the back door and see Nya and Lloyd who just got home because the sleep over got cancelled.
After a lot of panic and explaining later, Nya agrees to help out Cole, wanting more explaining from him if Kai saying him turning into a human is true.
Lloyd is very excited to see such a big wolf and starts talking to Cole a lot. It surprises Cole, but he also finds it enjoyable to see a kid so excited to actually see him like this after growing up and being told by Lou he should never show his secret to anyone.
Lloyd does bring Meowthra to Cole, and while Kai and Nya were expecting the usual Cat vs Dog or this case, Wolf, Meowthra surprisingly really likes Cole and they get along fine.
Lloyd helps Kai give food to Cole once they hear the wolf's tummy growl.
The next morning, Cole wakes up in the living room as human and he does explain what he is. Pleading for the trio of siblings to not say anything, especially after he smelled Hunters and learned they're the ones who hurt Kai. They of course agree to the promise.
This starts the cycle of Cole coming over some nights as a Wolf and staying the night.
Cole is excited to talk to people again after being on the run and being hidden for so long and a nice distraction from worrying about his mother.
Kai finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with Cole until he realizes he's actually falling in love with a werewolf.
Overtime the rest of the friend group also accidentally learn about Cole but agree to keep the secret. Jay especially being really happy to see his childhood friend again and getting an explanation why he disappeared so long ago.
Kai find himself talking a lot about Cole to his siblings and Skylor. Cole does the same to Jay about Kai.
Of course they do confess at some point. Or basically forced to by everyone.
Cole keeps all this a secret from Lou because his father has grown to always have a constant worry of his son and wife being hurt because their Wolf sides. He talks to Lily about everyone though when he thinks she's asleep, but she does hear it all and is happy to hear her son is happy. She doesn't tell Lou until Cole is ready.
Cole is a clingly bf when him and Kai are together, being very touch starved from only having his mom & dad for so long. Kai loves attention, so it works out perfectly.
Cole as a wolf will sometimes just pick up Kai to bring him t lay down with and enjoy cuddles. When human, he loves to come up from behind for a hug.
Kai brought Cole to work one day and Cole fell in love with the food there ofc.
When Cole first ate cake around the others, he was a wolf and they did immediately get scared with mindset of chocolate bad for dogs. Morning came and Cole reassured he was fine and is still okay to eat anything he can as a human, as a wolf.
Cole does still struggle with gaining control of his transformation but that mainly affects to him turning into a wolf every night. Lily can turn into a wolf anytime she wants.
However sometimes Cole finds himself losing to his wolf instincts and needs to hunt or gets hostile.
First time Cole loses himself as a wolf he is hostile, but Kai slowly approaches him, treating it like he would for Lloyd when he has panic attacks, and brings Cole out of it. Mostly succeeding to get close because Cole smells his own scent on Kai.
They all do try and pitch in to find a way to help Lily, and stop the Hunters.
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