#zerobaseone x gn reader
blandtako · 2 days
Why did it have to be a Daffodil? | Sung Hanbin x GN!Reader | Chapter 1
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➤ Summary: After having become close friends during their first year of Highschool, Hanbin and Y/N have become inseparable. Highschool, college, adulthood, nothing would change the fact that they'd always be there for one another, no matter how much it hurt. ➤ Pairing: Sung Hanbin x GN!Reader ➤ Genre: fluff, angst, highschool au, college au, unrequited love, slight smut (In certain chapters, there will be warnings). ➤ Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, allusions to anxiety and/or depression, suggestive, Hanbin is bisexual. The ff was written with the perception of a Male!Reader in mind, but I will be using gender neutral pronouns. More specific warnings will be added depending on the chapter. ➤ Status: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 (Working) | upcoming ➤ Word Count: 6,6K ➤ A/N: Finally finished working on Chapter 1! This is mainly an introductory Chapter in which we get to know Y/N and get to see a few of the characters within this story! Keep in mind that at least in the first few chapters (Probably around Chapter 4-5) the characters are attending highschool, and most romantic moments will happen after that. I hope you enjoy! This is my first ff, so I'm gonna try my best, even though I've found writing dialogues a HUGE hassle lmao. If you have any suggestion or constructive criticism, please go ahead and share it! Any help will be appreciated <3
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Y/N’s train of thoughts could be quite dispersive at times. From imagining themselves in made-up scenarios to worrying about how to optimize their time spent on video games, there was one thing in particular that they often thought about. How would their life be as a TV series? What events would be shown, and what wouldn’t be considered interesting enough to be put on screen? Their responses to themselves would change from time to time, but the one thing that wouldn’t change was the fact that even within their own life, Y/N would be a supporting character at best. Nothing particularly exciting had ever happened to them. They had a loving family, and while there could be a few small fights, it was nothing more than an argument any kind of family would have. To be fair, Y/N had never been a rebel, and while they did have their share of flaws (such as an intense need to procrastinate that led to their votes not always being the best), they weren’t the type to cause much of a ruckus. Middle school wasn’t exactly the greatest, but Y/N had soon realized that most kids used to be menaces to society around that age and thus acknowledged that there were many who had been subjected to the same type of treatment. That isn’t to say that Y/N’s self-esteem had managed to come out of it unscathed though, and their trust within humanity as a whole had descended quite a bit (although that might have just been their edgy years talking). But bullying was something many people experienced, and some cases had it much, MUCH worse than Y/N ever had, so to them it just felt a bit egotistical to complain. Besides, while there weren’t a lot, Y/N did have friends who cared for them and who they cared for. Y/N would exaggerate when it came to having to define how tough their life was, but truthfully they knew that they didn’t really have it that rough, and deep down they’d be thankful for that.  What type of TV series could ever be made about such a monotonous life? As the sunlight streamed in through the cracks in the blinds of Y/N’s bedroom window, drawing colorful patterns on the sheets and part of the wooden floor, a subdued growl vibrated throughout the entire room. A muffled groan complained in return, as Y/N was practically begging to be left alone to sleep just for a bit longer, but not even a second after the sound had made it out of their mouth, a high, loud bark responded to them right away from the end of the bed. “FINE, I GET IT!” Y/N yelled out in frustration as D/N (dog’s name) got closer to them, wagging its tail as it raised a paw in Y/N’s direction, trying to obtain their attention, to which Y/N faked crying. “See? D/N doesn’t want you to be late for your first day of high school either.” S/N (Sister’s name)’s voice came out from behind the door as she slowly creaked it open. “Mom already took D/N out for a walk before heading to work, but it hasn’t had something to eat yet. Refill its bowl when you go downstairs.” Y/N simply hummed in response, raising their torso and stretching their arms before getting off of bed to aid D/N in doing the same. Approaching the bedroom’s window, the first thing Y/N did after having woken up was open it to let fresh air inside. As they opened the blinds, Y/N’s eyes were forced shut by the brightness of the sun that now flowed into the room, filling every dark space with a cool, yet peaceful breath of air.
Blinking in rapid succession, Y/N rubbed their eyes with their right arm to adjust his sight to the rays of light they were met with. Y/N was surprised by how cold the weather had gotten, especially considering how warm the climate was just a couple of days prior. It felt like the world had simply decided to skip over Autumn, going directly to Winter. Not that Y/N could blame it, to be honest; their opinion on Autumn was perhaps controversial, but they could not stand it whatsoever. Y/N liked the colors and products associated with it, and they were a huge fan of Halloween marathons on TV. What they did not like was the abundance of bugs that would reappear throughout this season. In particular, they’d consider bed bugs the bane of their existence. Making their way downstairs, Y/N found their sister already nicely dressed and ready to leave the house. She smiled back at them, a comforting look in her eyes. “Are you ready for your first day?” She asked. “As ready as one can be when they’d rather just keep sleeping through the day…” Y/N responded sarcastically, despite appreciating their sister’s concern. She chuckled, adding a small “You’ll do just fine.” before hugging them and walking out the door. “Thanks…see you at dinner.” While Y/N and their sister never really had a bad relationship, it was only now that the two had actually started spending more time together. They had a 4 year difference, and S/N was always considered pretty mature for her age, while Y/N could be a bit dense at times. Y/N cherished her a lot, even though they couldn’t help but be jealous of how she seemingly went about her life so…effortlessly? It felt like she would be able to tackle anything put in her path, unfazed by the level of difficulty presented to her. She was also very beautiful; Y/N would often joke to her about how it wasn’t fair that their parents had tried harder when it came to conceiving her as opposed to them.
After having been woken up by D/N’s excitement, Y/N realized that it was quite early. They refilled their dog’s bowl with food and water and then slowly went to take a warm shower, after which they brushed their teeth. Y/N was surprised as to how calm they were at the moment. They felt like maybe they hadn’t fully grasped what was about to happen quite yet. High school could be quite dire for teenagers, and being someone who greatly despised attention on themselves, Y/N’s plan was to live out their school life as smoothly and quietly as possible; avoid any embarrassing situation; avoid people who looked like they could bring trouble; and attempt to be as pleasant as possible but not to the point where others would actively be seeking out for them.Unfortunately, plans didn’t always unravel the way one wanted them to, and Y/N would have soon had to reconsider most, if not all, of their ways.  Petting their dog’s head one last time, Y/N picked up their gray backpack and walked out the front door, locking it as they did so. The autumn breeze hit Y/N’s skin, coldly reminding them that summer was now gone, alongside their hobby of doing nothing throughout the entire day as there was no need to. The leaves of trees blushed hearth hues above, contrasting the sapphire color that tinted the sky. Y/N sighed as they mentally prepared themselves for the bus ride that was waiting for them. Despite having showered, they could feel their eyes doze off, struggling to remain open as Y/N was now used to getting much more sleep than what they got this night. It had been a couple of weeks now, and Y/N would always tell themselves that they had to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier as well, so that they would be prepared for the school year…alas, they always failed, claiming that they functioned much better at night. Now, they cursed at themselves for that. Brushing their thoughts aside, Y/N slowly walked to the bus stop close to their house. It was a couple of minutes walk at most, and they still had about 10 minutes left before the next bus would arrive. They tilted their head to the side as they saw cars driving in and out of a house closeby. Y/N’s mother had told them that someone had bought it and would have transferred there soon. Y/N simply spent the wait scrolling through their phone, and once the bus did get there, they were thankful to see that most of the seats were still free. Y/N was thankful that this was one of the first stops the bus had to take, so this was usually the case. As they got on, they showed their bus pass to the conductor and then went on to take a seat. It was a 30 minutes ride, and as such, Y/N thought it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea to lean their head on the bus’ window and get a bit of rest. Their gaze was initially fixed on the landscape outside, taking some type of enjoyment in observing the rest of the world wake up and also go on about their lives, but soon, their eyelids began fluttering, and his mind started to drift away to the land of dreams. Only, instead of being able to wander through Morpheus’ reign, Y/N’s mind was immediately picked up and thrown back to reality by the uncomfortably loud voice of a familiar person that had gone to take the seat right next to them.
“You couldn’t even wait for me to get on the bus…did you stay up all night playing League again? ” Y/N didn’t know whether or not this voice sounded incredibly irritating or lovingly familiar to them. Y/N’s immediate groan left space for a soft smile, as their eyes were met with the sight of the person they considered their best friend applying blush on her own face. “I don’t think we’re allowed to wear make-up…” Y/N’s voice was muffled due to them being on the verge of falling asleep. They recomposed themselves, straightening up to leave their friend more space. She paused for a second, turning to face Y/N as she spoke up. “It’s not a lot; it shouldn’t be an issue…besides, I have to look my best if I want to make a good impression on others, no? You’re going to leave me to do all the talking anyway…” The brunette exclaimed as she went back to focus on what she was doing before. Y/N simply chuckled in response, as Alice wasn’t wrong at all.
Alice and Y/N met during their second year of middle school. The two did not attend the same class, and weirdly enough, had never even seen each other around school before their meeting. Their school had organized a field trip for all classes within their year, and because theirs were the ones with the least amount of people in them, they ended up sharing a bus. Still, there were many free seats, and thus Y/N took advantage of that to basically lay on two of them to use as a makeshift bed.  Just like a bolt from the blue though, Alice and a friend of hers decided to approach Y/N to ask if they could let them sit there. Asking themselves why out of all people, the duo had to go and disturb them, Y/N groaned but let them take the seats anyway.  Normally, that interaction would have been their last, but unlike them, Alice made it clear right away that she was a big extrovert.  Alice and her friend started making riddles to all those that sat close to them, and as Y/N also fit in that category, they were brought into it as well.  It felt awkward at first, but Alice had been capable of bringing Y/N out of their shell, which Y/N was grateful for. They started hanging out together since then, and quickly became very close. “There is only one person from your class in middle school, right?” Alice asked as she put her hand mirror in her brown backpack. Y/N hummed. “Mhm, Kang Hye-na. She can be kind, but we weren’t really close.” “Don’t worry, Jisoo and Mingi will be with us too. I’ve already introduced you to them. There are also a few more names I’ve seen around, but there are quite a lot of people I’ve never met yet.” she added nonchalantly as she smiled at them. “It’s alright, you’ll carry my social life like I carry you in League.” Y/N responded by chuckling to themselves, but quickly jolted in pain after having received a jab to the stomach by their friend. “We’re doomed then.” Alice added, joining Y/N in their laughter. Y/N was indeed worried about having to meet new people. Making a good first impression was quite important, but they also didn’t really feel like having to put too much effort into getting to know them. Socializing with people truly was tough, and Y/N was never really fond of having to do that. Fortunately enough, their new class didn’t really have a lot of people.
The bus ride continued smoothly, and soon enough, the pair got off the bus alongside a number of other students who immediately walked towards the gate. An intense feeling of nausea started dwelling up within Y/N’s chest as a back and forth of students began surrounding them, as everybody attempted to get past the morning rush that was causing a cluster of people to form in front of the gates.  Students, teachers, staff…it all made Y/N’s head hurt, as they narrowed their eyes in an attempt to stay focused on the road ahead. New students clearly did not know where to go, and it quickly became a mess. Crowds were something Y/N really couldn’t deal with well. They felt out of place; they could feel their lungs burning up as breathing started to become harder and a need to escape invaded their thoughts. Like a slap to the face though, Y/N was brought down to earth by Alice’s gesture of grasping their hand to hold onto. “Stay close to me…” She muttered out as people pushed through. And almost as quickly as it came to be, the crowd dispersed, as everyone was finally able to go on their own merry way. Y/N and Alice did as well, managing to find a sign that indicated the location of their classroom.
The first thing Y/N noticed after having entered the room were the beige walls that enclosed it; they were mostly empty, giving off an eerie yet nostalgic feeling about them. There were a few maps attached to them, yet it wasn’t enough to shake off that apprehension. Two windows on one side of the room and three more at the back of it took over the role of illuminating the class, allowing light through them to repel darkness. “They’re already here!” Alice’s voice whispered (but also not really) to them, pushing Y/N to divert their gaze from the walls and onto the few people that had already arrived. Mingi and Jisoo, Alice’s friends, were already there, having taken two adjacent desks around the left side of the class. Y/N could see Alice moving from the corner of their right eye as the girl basically rushed to greet her other friends. Y/N counted six other students but couldn’t really recognize any of them, assuming they all had to be coming from other schools. Some of them were interacting with each other, while others were simply sitting on a chair, fidgeting with their fingers. That made them feel slightly better, as there were people who were in the same situation as them: riddled with anxiety.
Y/N reached Alice, greeting Mingi and Jisoo with a polite bow. The duo smiled in return. “How are you feeling, Y/N?” Jisoo asked with a small smile painted on her face. “Could be better, will definitely be missing sleeping up until lunch time…” Y/N replied, to which Mingi chuckled. “I get that; I have spent this summer rotting away in my room…” He added. “You kinda did that even throughout the school year though?” Alice’s voice interrupted. “You say that as if you haven’t been doing the same…” Mingi stated, to which Alice shrugged her shoulders. “I need sleep to be as perfect as I always am.” “Have you applied make-up?” Jisoo’s quiet voice came out, interrupting the banter between the two, and Alice struggled to find the words to respond immediately. Y/N chuckled. “It shouldn’t be an issue, right?” Their words filled with a teasing tone that Alice immediately shut down with a loud groan. The four of them kept talking for a bit, pausing themselves from time to time to observe those who they would have soon called classmates. Alice and Mingi would greet familiar faces, while Jisoo and Y/N remained still, both too introverted to really go out of their way to say hello. They’d awkwardly smile at each other when those moments happened, finding some type of comfort knowing that they weren’t alone in that struggle. Hyena had also entered the classroom at some point, but Y/N limited themselves to waving at her, to which she replied in a similar manner.
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It didn’t take long for a middle-aged woman with black hair tied into a ponytail to enter the classroom, which led to students all taking a seat. Alice and Y/N sat in two adjacent desks, right next to Mingi and Jisoo’s. The woman introduced herself as Mrs. Choi, their class’ coordinator. She began a whole speech about integrity, the importance of studying and then remarked multiple times how her role was that of acting as a liaison between the class and their teachers. To be honest, be it due to lack of sleep or be it due to the whole speech being as basic as one could possibly be, Y/N didn’t really put a lot of effort into listening to her. The words ‘introduce yourselves’ stuck out to them, and by the time the first student began speaking, Y/N realized what was going on and what they had to do. They found these types of introductions a bit awkward, but could understand why they were important…you can’t really spend the future 3 years without knowing your classmates’ names. Everyone was stating their first and last name, their age, and one thing they liked and disliked. Y/N could feel second-hand embarrassment take over them, but soon enough came to the conclusion that they couldn’t waste time feeling empathy towards others when their turn to do the same wasn’t that far away. Jisoo introduced herself, then Mingi, and as Alice was about to finish speaking, Y/N had yet to decide what to say. As soon as their friend was done, Y/N could see eyes shift onto them, waiting for them to talk. As their heartbeat became irregular, Y/N opened their mouth to speak. “Y/N L/N, I turned 16 this summer…one thing I like is…sleeping…I guess? and I dislike bitter food.” “Well, I sure do hope you won’t be sleeping during my classes.” Mrs. Choi made an attempt at a joke, to which some students chuckled. They survived that first experience, but knowing how these things work, Y/N didn’t expect that round of introductions to be the last one. Once everybody had finished introducing themselves, Mrs. Choi started talking about her subject and what the class would have been about. They had three more classes before lunch break, and three more after it. The second and third one came and went about as smoothly as they could have, despite the fact that each student had to introduce themselves again. By the time they were done, Y/N and Alice would tell each other what each student would be saying before they could even finish, pretend to be mind readers, and then chuckle at their childish sense of humor. The issues came during the last lesson before lunch break. Their math teacher, Mr. Kim, thought it would have been fun to shuffle the class a bit, assuming that everyone would have sat close to students they already knew. He wasn’t wrong, but it was still very much unneeded. Alice couldn’t contain her laughter when Y/N stared at her with imploring eyes. “Sorry, can’t save you.” she stated lightly. All students folded a piece of paper with their name written on it and gave it to Mr. Kim, who improvised a lottery.
As each name got extracted, Y/N couldn’t help but think about how pointless this whole thing was. They would have rather taken a test than having to do this. Why would a teacher force them all out of their comfort zone right from the beginning? ‘Just leave us be…’ Y/N thought to themselves, holding their temples with an exasperated look. “...L/N Y/N!” a shiver went up Y/N’s back as they could feel their skin getting warmer. Why did this whole thing remind them of the Hunger Games? They stood up, moving to the new seat that was waiting for them. The spot next to it was still empty, but the best they could have hoped for was for Mingi’s name to come up, as Alice and Jisoo had lucked out by being paired with each other. “...Seok Matthew!” Mr. Kim mouthed. ‘Oh, the Canadian guy.’ Seok Matthew had lived in Canada for most of his childhood, transferring to Korea during his last year of Middle School. He had also skipped a year, so he was actively younger than the majority of the class by a year. ‘Seok Matthew liked eating and is recently getting into cooking as well, he dislikes rain during summer…which is oddly specific.’ Y/N thought as their gaze was fixed on the young man walking towards them. Matthew was also the only person who came from his previous class, and didn’t really seem to know anybody, yet he approached Y/N beaming a smile that radiated happiness through and through. The way he spoke and expressed himself had an innocent yet contrastingly sly charm about it. One could describe the young man as being similar to the sun: it makes you want to stare at him, but the more you do, the more you endanger yourself. The type of person who’d be able to convince you to do something even if you didn’t want to. Y/N would know, their best friend was that type of person. Y/N hummed to themselves ‘Be careful, Y/N.’. “Matthew. It’s nice to meet you!” the young brunette offered a handshake, his toothy smile shaking Y/N to their core. Recomposing themselves from the initial dumbfoundedness, Y/N accepted the handshake, sporting an attempt at a smile. “Y/N. Nice to meet you too.” “I saw your keychain…” Matthew pointed at Y/N’s backpack, a small Eevee keychain being attached to it. “I’m a HUGE Pokémon fan!” “A-Ah, I see…” “What’s your favorite generation!?” Matthew’s whispering did not resemble a whisper, and Y/N’s anxiety spiked up due to not wanting to be scolded by the teacher. “Heart Gold was my first game…I’ve got a soft spot for Gen two.” “Ah! Blastoise is my favorite, I do like Gen one a lot!” Y/N nodded. Y/N was quite the fan of Pokémon as well, but they could discern that there were better moments to talk about that than lessons. “I understand that you want to get to know each other, but could you please do so another time? L/N, Seok?” Mr. Kim called them out, and Y/N immediately jolted up, mumbling an ‘I apologize’. Matthew did the same, but Y/N couldn’t really hear him, due to embarrassment having fulfilled most of their thoughts. They could feel their chest tightening, their cheeks were blushing, and their ears’ color was also darkening. Deep down, they were cursing the sunshine boy next to them, although that feeling died down the moment Matthew turned towards them to apologize. “It’s alright, don’t worry.” Y/N couldn’t really manage to say anything else, as the puppy look their deskmate was giving them was making them feel guilty for even having had such thoughts.
Once their seats were rearranged, Mr. Kim also went over the program they would have studied throughout the year, but Mr. Kim had also decided that surprises were not over with him. “Your last class today will also be with me, so I figured I’d give you a little assignment! I want you to get acquainted with your new deskmates. We’ll be doing a small test later to see how much you’ve managed to accomplish that and what your cooperation skills are looking like! Is that all good?” A chorus of yes followed their teacher’s request, but all Y/N could think about was: ‘What the hell does any of this have to do with math…’. As soon as the teacher made his way out the door, a buzzing of voices followed, as people began exchanging pleasantries to get to know each other. “Can…Can I ask you something?” Y/N turned around as Matthew’s voice spoke clearly. “Oh, sure.” “Do you want to have lunch with my friends and me?" It’s ok if you can’t, I figured that we could maybe…take advantage of that to get to know each other more?” Y/N’s brain became foggy for a second, not expecting that request. They were aware of the fact that Matthew must have felt alone in the new class, but they also weren’t much of a fan of having to socialize with a number of people they had never spoken to. ‘It’s easy Y/N, just reject saying that you’re going to have lunch with your friends and that you can’t leave them alone.’ “I…” Matthew seemed very hopeful. Those puppy eyes… “Sure, I’d be happy to. Could my friends join us too?” Those damn puppy eyes. “Of course! The more the merrier!”
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The aroma of savory meat spread throughout the entire cafeteria, making its way down Y/N’s nostrils the moment they walked through the door. Mrs. Choi had mentioned how the school’s cafeteria’s cooking was quite good, but they did not expect to be surprised THAT much. “Can you smell that? My mouth is salivating…” Matthew said, and next to him, Alice nodded with energy. Y/N hoped that Alice would have given them any reason to refuse Matthew’s offer, but their hopes were foolishly misplaced, as Alice grinned and accepted right away. Mingi and Jisoo weren’t against it either, and so the quartet made their way to have lunch together. Y/N truly felt disappointed in themselves…they thought they’d be less inclined to be convinced by people’s antics. They all got in line to get their food tray, and slowly filled them up with what they wanted to eat, with Y/N being the last. “Oh, my friends are here!” What happened after that all felt like a confused and foggy mess in Y/N’s head. The sound of footsteps protruded all around them; Y/N thought they heard Alice introducing herself, and voices they couldn’t recognize started responding back to her. Y/N turned around. A loud thud followed. They could feel something bumping into them, or maybe they were the one who bumped into it? Y/N could feel their body lose their balance, making its way to meet the floor beneath their feet, only to halt halfway through. Was there a way to prevent this incident? If Y/N hadn’t accepted Matthew’s request, would they be in this situation? They couldn’t blame the poor boy for their own incapability of standing perfectly still. Were Y/N’s shoelaces untied? Or were they simply extremely clumsy? Y/N couldn’t really tell. Y/N’s eyelashes fluttered as they continued to rapidly blink multiple times. Their vision became clearer, and everything started to be put in place within their scattered brain.
Y/N’s food tray was on the ground, food scattered all over the floor. ‘That must be the source of the thud.’ they concluded to themselves. “Are you alright?” Y/N’s head whipped towards the direction of the voice that spoke to them. Y/N was being held by a young man with short, black hair. His uniform had been stained by Y/N’s food, with grains of rice and a couple of pieces of marinated beef laying over it. Y/N’s whole face was turning red, as they could feel their chest getting heavier with each breath. They had goosebumps all over their arms, and their whole skin was getting warmer and warmer by the second. It was over. It had to be over. Y/N would have never been able to live knowing how much of a mess they had made. Disappearing right then and there was the only way they would have been able to avoid dying from humiliation. That was the only way. Y/N had to conjure a hole to swallow them up and never spit them out ever again. “Can you stand?” The young man’s question seemed genuine enough, not really emanating any type of angry vibe…yet, Y/N refused to believe that the raven haired boy that was holding them did not want to punish them for their clumsiness. “A-Ah! YES!” Y/N basically yelled out as they recomposed themselves, finally feeling ground under their feet again. “I am so, so sorry! P-please let me help!” The boy chuckled as Y/N took out a napkin from their pocket. “It’s all good! Don’t worry!” He smiled, disarming Y/N in the process. Turning to look at the food tray that laid on the ground, he opened his mouth again. “Your food on the other hand has likely seen better times…” “Oh.” Y/N mumbled. They started to lower their upper body in order to pick it up, but the boy had preceded them, doing so and handing it over to them. Y/N bowed, their head almost hitting the ground to show their gratitude. “It’s ok, really. You don’t have to worry!” Even as the boy claimed that, what else could Y/N do? They had just embarrassed themselves in front of a large portion of the school. They could feel an increasing amount of eyes laying on their figures, scanning every single one of their motions. Y/N’s survival plan when it came to high school was fairly simple. Do NOT make a scene, EVER. The least amount of attention you gather the better. You don’t want to give people a reason to think of you as memorable, you want to be forgotten, not noticed. Y/N had just failed that one task. On their first day of school to boost that up. How much of a failure could they be? “You know you could have picked something else if you didn’t want rice and beef, right?” Alice’s voice became clear, as Y/N snapped from their thoughts of impending doom. This got a laugh out of the boy who had saved them. “She’s not wrong, you could have just asked me if I wanted to eat it instead.” “Hanbin Hyung, don’t tease them like that…” Matthew’s voice was the one thing holding Y/N back from falling into an abyss of shame. Matthew’s friend chuckled. “I know, I’m just kidding. Besides, it was also my fault for standing so close to them. I’m sorry.” Y/N’s body reacted before they could properly think, as they went to shake their hands in front of their chest. “Don’t worry, I should have looked where I was going…also, I should probably clean, shouldn’t I? You guys go up ahead and take a table.” As they said so, Y/N immediately kneeled down, picking up remains of food with a napkin. “Ah, wait.” Y/N looked up to see Matthew’s friend move to talk to one of the lunch ladies, and then come back with a broom and a dustpan in his hands. He helped Y/N clean the food off of the food, and then went back to give the broom back, throwing the food he had gathered in the dustpan in the garbage bin. Y/N didn’t know what to do except from thanking the boy over and over again. From Y/N’s point of view, they were the cause of the mess, dragging in a poor guy who responded with nothing but kindness. It was sketchy, but he seemed genuine.
“Thank you…and sorry.” “I told you it’s all good!” The boy, who had introduced himself as Sung Hanbin, stated while smiling. Y/N couldn’t help but think that maybe all of Matthew’s circle of friends had positive mindsets, it felt surreal. As Hanbin and Y/N got food for themselves again, they walked towards the table the others had sat around. Alice, Mingi, Jisoo, Matthew and another young man, whose name was Taerae, sat at the table talking to each other, and when they saw Hanbin and Y/N approach them, they scooted to the side of the table to let them some space. “Cinderella, I’m not sure you cleaned everything properly…” Alice lightly mocked Y/N. “Ah, I apologize, evil stepmother, next time I shall do better.” The two chuckled, and a few giggles could be heard around them too. “We were talking about how we met each other!” Matthew said as he looked in Hanbin and Y/N’s direction, who were now sitting in front of one another. “Mhm, I told them that the moment I saw you laying on those seats in the bus, the first thing I thought was ‘That sack of potatoes is going to become my best friend.’, and it turns out I can predict the future!” Alice jumped in, explaining the story again so that Hanbin could be caught up. “...So most of your first times meeting someone are eventful moments.” Hanbin joked, referring himself to their own meeting. “I know, right? I don’t know what it is, but I can’t meet someone without dragging myself through the mud first.” Hanbin chuckled again, his eyes litting up as he did. Y/N thought he had a beautiful smile. “What about you? How did you guys meet?” Jisoo asked. “Oh, Taerae and I attended the same singing lessons! As for Matthew, our parents have known each other for a long time, so I’ve been taking care of him since he transferred here.” Hanbin explained, to which Matthew interjected. “You make it sound like I’m a baby or something…” “Yeah, my baby!~” The black haired boy went to tease the other by poking his cheeks, and a small whine came out of Matthew’s mouth, although it seemed clear to Y/N that he was actually enjoying it. Y/N smiled as Mingi yelled out a ‘cute!’. The group kept on conversing up until time came to head off to class again. “We should probably get going…” Taerae said as he tapped Hanbin’s right shoulder. Hanbin nodded. “We’ll see you around then! and take care of Matthew for me!” Hanbin chuckled as he smiled at the others. Matthew lightly hit him on the shoulder, pretending to complain. “Y/N, you’re his deskmate, you’ve gotta make sure he doesn’t get in trouble!” Mingi replied. “Well they’re not doing that well of a job considering how both of them got called out by Mr. Kim already…” Alice joined in. Y/N sighed, they waved back at Hanbin and Taerae, and then walked their way back to their classroom. Matthew’s friends weren’t that bad at all. It was surprising to Y/N how quickly they managed to make them feel at ease.
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The remaining lessons were over quite quickly, and when Mr. Kim came back for the last class, he had prepared a small evaluation test for the class to take in pairs. It wasn’t really difficult, and by then, Matthew and Y/N had had enough conversations for them to avoid feeling awkward and focus on the test, even joking around from time to time as some of the problems presented to them were quite funny. After they were done, they handed their test over, and made their way out of the class. There were a few people already out, waiting for everybody to finish. They were discussing what answers were correct for each question, and Matthew basically dragged Y/N into the conversation. The two were satisfied as it seemed like they had done a good enough job. Not too long after, the bell rang, and people started making their way out of the school. After having said bye to Matthew, Mingi and Jisoo, Alice and Y/N got on the bus back home. They were slightly tired, but the fact that club activities had not started yet made everything easier on them. “T’was not a bad first day, was it?” “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who made a mess in the cafeteria…” “Nobody even noticed…” “People were looking though.” “Not for long!” Y/N sighed. “...I guess that’s true. It wasn’t that bad. Matthew and his friends seem nice too.” Alice nodded. “Pretty cute as well.” Y/N laughed out loud in response. Alice wasn’t wrong, they were all quite handsome. Y/N could have seen all of them as potential idols or models in the future. “That’s my stop!” Alice said as she waved to Y/N. “See you tomorrow!” “See ya.” Soon enough, Y/N’s bus stop also came in sight, prompting them to stand up and move to get off. It didn’t take long for Y/N to walk down the road to reach their house, their mind empty as they only thought about wanting to take an afternoon nap. “Well, hello there.” A familiar voice called out to them. Y/N turned around to stare at the source of said voice, only to find Matthew’s friend, Sung Hanbin, standing behind them. “...Oh, hi. What…are you doing here?” Hanbin was smiling gently, and Y/N’s body couldn’t help but react by smiling back at him. They noticed he wasn’t wearing the same shirt that was dirtied in the cafeteria. Did someone lend him a new shirt? Did he get in trouble with teachers for having dirtied his school uniform? Y/N’s paranoid mind brought them to worry about things that likely didn’t even matter. “I transferred there.” Hanbin pointed in a direction behind Y/N, and when they turned around, they saw it was the house that was recently sold that Hanbin was pointing at. “Oh, I see.” “What about you?” He asked with a curious tone of voice. “I live there.” Y/N exclaimed, pointing at a house that was two buildings away from Hanbin’s own.
Y/N didn’t know what to say and how to react to Hanbin’s surprised face. His small smile turned bigger, as his eyes started to shine a light of their own. “Are you for real?!” Y/N lightly nodded their head. “Mhm.” Hanbin immediately went to grab Y/N’s hands in his own, shaking them up and down energetically. ‘...What is wrong with him…’ Y/N couldn’t help but think that, even though they didn’t mean that as a mean question, they were weirdly happy about that outburst of energy. “I’m so glad to have someone I know in the neighborhood!” He said as he finally let go of Y/N’s hand, only to take a step back, cough to himself to recompose himself, and lean a hand forward. “I should officially introduce myself: my name is Sung Hanbin, it’s nice to meet you, neighbor.” Y/N’s eyes widened as they paused for a second to stare at the young man in front of them. They opened their mouth to say something, but only a loud laughter came out. “W- I was just-” Y/N took Hanbin’s hand in their own, shaking it firmly. “L/N Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, neighbor.” If Y/N’s life were to be transposed to a movie or a TV series, Y/N knew that they wouldn’t be able to be a main character. They did not have the qualities to be one. But Sung Hanbin did. Sung Hanbin had all the qualities to be the main character of any story he’d be put in. Even if it were Y/N’s life, Sung Hanbin would end up becoming the protagonist. Y/N was ok with that, as Sung Hanbin was the person that would have turned their entire life into something Y/N would have never let go of. On that day, Sung Hanbing and L/N YN’s story began.
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niki-phoria · 10 days
you are a light of my life / 너는 내게 이정표가
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pairing: park gunwook x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 529
notes: 大家中秋快乐 <33, not super happy with this tbh, not proofread !! pls forgive any mistakes, title from zb1 - eternity
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PARK GUNWOOK smiles to himself as he steps onto yet another leaf, relishing in the soft crunch that it makes beneath his boot. the trees around you are covered in hues of yellow and orange. leaves desperately hang onto tree branches before the wind blows them away, sending them floating to the ground. 
“seems like fall is here,” gunwook comments. he stuffs his hands into his pockets, hiding his skin from the cool autumn air. 
“finally,” you sigh. the wind rustles your hair, sending stray strands covering your eyes and blocking your vision. “it felt like summer would never end.” 
gunwook hums, reaching up to brush a hand through his unstyled hair. “you’ll start complaining again when it gets colder soon,” he teases. 
“shut up,” you laugh, playfully swatting your hand at his shoulder. gunwook laughs in response, the sound making you smile brightly in return. 
a comfortable silence falls between you, only occasionally interrupted by the roaring engines of passing cars and the quiet chirps from the birds above. the sun slowly dips below the horizon, illuminating the world in beautiful but blinding golden light. 
you turn, finding your attention on gunwook once again. he seems to glow in golden hour. his eyes shine the colour of honey and his flushed cheeks only seem to add to his natural charm. he keeps pace with you easily, occasionally straying from the path to step on any nearby leaf and smiling brightly when they crunch under his shoes. 
the sunlight quickly begins to dissipate; the warmth leaves alongside it. shivers race down your spine as another gust of wind blows by. it feels icy against your cheeks as you wrap your arms around your torso. goosebumps arise against the exposed skin on your arms, refusing to disappear even when you rub your hands against your skin.  
“here,” gunwook says softly as he carefully drapes the fabric around your shoulders. his nimble hands tug the zipper upwards, effectively trapping you within the warmth of the soft jacket. it’s oversized on you, the sleeves covering your hands like mittens and only leaving your fingertips exposed. 
he sheepishly smiles at you; rosy cheeks and a bright smile paint his features. gunwook scratches at the nape of his neck - a nervous habit. “you’ll catch a cold if you keep shivering like that.” 
you would be lying if you said gunwook didn’t make you nervous. butterflies swarm throughout your stomach, getting caught beneath the lump that has formed in your throat. your heart races; you can feel it pounding faster with each passing second. 
swallowing your anxiety, you reach over, carefully brushing your knuckles against gunwook’s. a second passes before he reaches over, hesitantly taking your hand into his own. his skin feels warm against yours, though a little calloused from hours of guitar practice. he intertwines your fingers with ease, ending the action with a gentle squeeze. 
shivers race down your spine at the action. you smile softly, nervously chuckling as you knock your shoulder into his. “thank you, gunwook.” the wind carries your words away, sending a new flurry of leaves tumbling to the ground. 
he smiles brightly in return. “anything for you.” 
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if you liked this fic, please comment, reblog, or leave feedback !! and if you want to support me, check out my zb1 masterlist <33
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mixtape127 · 5 months
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ZEROBASEONE : when you ask them to bring you food !
text story
pairing : zb1 x gn reader
tags : comedy
warnings : strong language, lame jokes and running gags IM SORRY I HAD TO
notes : hope you enjoy as well and that it makes you laugh... (please) remember english isn't my native language so, bear with me please ♡
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181 notes · View notes
siyuuzii · 8 months
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PAIRING zb1! ricky x gnreader
— in which (name) is a favored upper class and would always be asked by first years to help them with their school work, continuously depriving attention to their best friend shen quanrui. having been fed up with it, mister loverman decides to confront the first years about it, ultimately leading to him confessing his love for (name) to the freshmen's...
GENRE non-idol au, fluff, drabble, friends to lovers
WARNING|S threatening freshmans?
A. NOTE all writings and reactions from these idols are from MY imagination, it does not reflect their actions and reactions irl! dàjiě/dá gē is a word in chinese, meaning big sister (dàjiě) and big brother (dá gē) or eldest sister/eldest brother, while for lǎoshī is referred to a teacher. i used chinese words since ricky's nationality is chinese.
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more under the cut !
“hey (name)! i've got something cool for you to see”
turning around you saw your best friend quanrui, walking with a swift pace, opening your mouth to say something, but instead of your soft voice that quanrui wished to hear, a young and annoyingly loud voice was heard instead. “dàjiě/dá gē (name)! come with us!! we need your help for something!” said five first year students who we're running quickly towards the both of you, well evidently, you. stopping for a second to catch their breaths before saying. “our teacher made us do a video project on how to make a diagram of a volcano erupt!” the boy in the middle said before getting cut off. “we've tried every procedures and steps and tutorials, but nothing worked! you're our only hope now!!” the shortest girl of the bunch continued with a pleading tone at the end. “oh, i... have something else to—” you tried to protest but was quickly cut short. “pretty please, dàjiě/dá gē (name)!~” all of them pleaded at the same time.
you sighed knowing your in a losing battle before agreeing to come with them. as they now grabbed you towards their room, you turn your head back to ricky to shot him an apologetic expression, while he just smiled and raised his hand up to motion a wave and walked away.
this went on for twenty. more. days. and it'll be always when he would come up to you to talk or just overall try to hangout with you, it's almost like they we're trying to keep him away from you! no, wait IT IS like they want to keep him away from you! and no way can he let that happen. so one day, after the first lunch break, he quickly went to the first year building after eating his fill to confront those pesky little attention stealers...
“hey you, your (insert random name) right?” ricky said while walking behind a group of short freshman's thats attention where quickly gathered. “y-yeah, do you need anything dá gē rick..?” now forgot to mention the ricky is has notorious reputation in all of campus. he's that typical bad boy campus crush with only one friend, that's you the school crush and also he only let's you call him ricky. “yeah, need you to stop always asking (name) for help with your stupid group projects, if your always going to rely on a senior for help then how are you supposed to learn to be dependent? and also why do you always have group projects? wang lǎoshī isn't one to give out group project every now and then—” before ricky could finish, he was quickly cut off by the truth. “okay, okay! you caught us... we don't actually always have group projects,” said the boy at the left. “we would always ask dàjiě/dá gē (name) to come with us because we are afraid that you're doing something bad to them! because you know.. they said you we're a bully....” (insert random name) continued before the girl next to him nudged his arm harshly to stop him from talking more.
not shocked by the sudden accusation, ricky simply relaxed his shoulders and reassured them that. “their my friend, not my punching bag. so stay away from them, okay?” he said in soft yet monotone voice befire turning around, once he was about to walk away a sudden ‘why?' was heard followed by a audible slap was heard. wherein, ricky only turned his head to look at them. “because i want to spend time with them for atleast once. and also because, they're going to be mine.” he said, as the group of freshman's only looked at him with a slightly shocked face. realizing what he just said, he swiftly turned back his head and slowly bolted out of the teen's gaze. ignoring the 'so you like dàjiě/dá gē (name)!?’ question.
the next day, after arriving to school, he was quick to grabbed his books and quickly went to find yoy, which turned out to be a mistake. since he saw you sitting on a railing outside your classroom with that... pesky little boy.. whispering something at your ear. when you two locked eyes, his stomach suddenly began to feel tingly, and his face not hiding it. i mean, he just can't especially on how you looked at him like the truth the you've yearned to come true was being said to you, the way you smiled so brightly with clear blushing cheeks. it's almost like his gaze was locked on you and only you can be seen and heard, and also can be the only one to break that lovesick gaze.
“right, so you, just want my attention, hm?” oh, how all his regrets on confessing his feelings to those freshmen's haved all been slipped away after you said those words.
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247 notes · View notes
flowerui · 7 months
♫ we both like apple cider, pgw
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fluff & light angst, 4.1k words ୨୧ first fic on this blog! feedback is appreciated!! ^_^ i've had awful writer's block for MONTHS so i hope i havent gotten too rusty,,,
wherein dancing is your favorite way to destress, until a certain gunwook park goes and spoils it all.
꒰ requested. gender neutral reader (no pronouns or gendered terms used), reader is a year older than gw, dancer reader, bff hanbin, one-sided enemies to friends to lovers, college au, misunderstandings, set in the us, does this count as forced proximity? light angst, fluff (it gets so cheesy idk what happened to me), drinking/underage drinking ꒱
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Dancing had always been your favorite way to unwind. After a long day of classes, practice is like a treat; the mental toll of having to listen to your professors drone on all day, and procrastinating assignments until the night they’re due is easily unraveled by dancing until you can’t feel your limbs—it’s unmatched.
That’s why, despite it being Wednesday (the second worst day of the week), you walk out of your last class with a skip in your step, like nothing could ruin your day.
Nothing except a man named Hanbin, that is.
After changing, you enter the practice room, ready to forget your worries. But before you can begin, you see a paper stuck on the wall beside the door—Hanbin must’ve finally put together the choreo for the solo and duet performances for an upcoming recital for some event on campus (truthfully, you can't be bothered to remember all the details, that's Hanbin's job), and decided on who’d best fit the roles. You’re a little late, so it’s just you who curiously shuffles over to take a look.
Seeing your name under Duet makes you smile until you read your counterpart's name. Gunwook Park.
You find a spot to sink to the floor in the back of the room. Suddenly, you’ve changed your perspective on dancing; it’s the worst thing to happen to you. You regret ever discovering this useless passion of yours, who even needs passions in this economy?!
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Hanbin would tell you otherwise, but you believe that you have pretty good ideas.
You’d tried to take an easier route and complain to Hanbin that you absolutely could not work with Gunwook for a duet. But he was adamant about not making any alterations at this point, at least not just because you don’t like Gunwook—what a traitor, what happened to friendship?
Since complaining about your unfair working conditions did fuck all, you came up with a wonderful solution. You get paired with the number one person on your shit list? Just don’t show up to rehearsals. Boom, problem solved. Though it’s easier said than done; you’re a creature of habit, and the disappointment of remembering you can’t destress with dance is depressing.
And, of course, avoiding both Hanbin and Gunwook is a chore.
It’s on day four that you consider, maybe Hanbin is right sometimes. You were only successful in avoiding everything except schoolwork because college kicks everyone’s ass, and finding free time starts to feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But, maybe ditching practice when you live with the leader of your dance team wasn’t your best idea. On Sundays, both you and Hanbin usually end up being home at the same time.
And like an idiot, you forget this detail and trudge out of your room at two in the afternoon (no, you certainly did not just wake up, thank you very much) to find something acceptable to eat.
As you’re rummaging through the pantry, you hear your name called in that tone. The one where Hanbin’s voice sounds mildly shrill and a bit patronizing, the one that lets you know you’re in trouble.
Yeah, not your brightest idea—it might take over the number two spot of your top three worst ideas, followed by trying to gaslight a random group of people into believing that Play-doh is edible after you’d had a drink too many at your first college party at number one. (To be fair, you did not expect a twenty-something-year-old man to have Play-Doh on hand and tell you to prove it. Yes, you tried. You vomited on the guy’s shoes.)
Rigidly, you slowly turn to face Hanbin, who has a terse smile on his face.
“I thought maybe you hadn’t shown up to rehearsals because you weren’t feeling well, but yesterday, Gunwook told me every time he spotted you on campus, you naruto-ran away.”
“Uh,” you fake cough into your elbow, “Must’ve been someone that looks like me? ‘Cause I have been feeling kind of under the we—”
You shriek and make a run for it when Hanbin stomps over with that creepy hamster puppet you’d given him as a gag gift last year in hand. Eventually, you get cornered and get a creepy hamster puppet thrown in your face. “You can’t just ditch practice because you have some petty one-sided rivalry—or whatever it is—with Gunwook. You’re risking embarrassing the whole team! What are you planning to do, just not learn the choreography?”
“You know it's not a rivalry...” You grumble.
“You’re being childish,” Hanbin sighs, “I’ve already told you that whatever your deal is with Gunwook is some misunderstanding, he’s a sweet guy.”
“Yeah, whatever.” You huff, probably not helping the childish accusation. You’re tired of hearing that about what a good guy Gunwook appears to be because you know what you heard.
Without another word, you stomp off to your room.
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If you had any hopes of getting out of going to rehearsal again, they’re promptly stomped on by Hanbin waiting outside of your class when you trudge out.
“Really?” You groan, and walk over to your supposed friend, “You don’t need to escort me.”
“I think I do,” Hanbin crosses his arms, fixing you with a look, like he knows you better than yourself… okay, he does ninety percent of the time, but that doesn’t mean he can act like it. “I’m pretty sure I saw you ready to head in the wrong direction before you saw me.” He says before grabbing your arm and pulling you down the hall.
“I don’t even get what your deal is with Gunwook,” Hanbin finally says when you’re about halfway to the studio, “I know you said you heard him say something… unsavory, but that just doesn’t sound like him at all. I think you should talk to him, I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding.”
“I know what I heard, Bin…”
“I’m not saying you didn’t hear what you heard, but maybe there’s some missing context.”
You try to consider Hanbin’s words, even as you absentmindedly head into the changing rooms, and reluctantly shuffle into the practice room afterward, you truly do. 
But all the rational thinking and breathing techniques in the world cannot quell your ire when you see Gunwook. Calmly walking over and refraining from saying anything uncouth is a true test of mental strength—one that you are quite afraid of failing.
“Hey—” Gunwook rises from his spot in the corner of the practice room to greet you.
“Let’s get started.” You blurt out, aware of how cold and biting your dismissal comes off. To be fair, Hanbin didn’t tell you to be particularly nice, he just insisted you show up.
“Oh, right,” Gunwook’s expression wilts, but he clears his throat and plasters a polite smile on his face. “I’m sure Hanbin already let you know he wouldn’t be here to help us out today—he’s helping Natty with her solo. I’ve got the choreo down, so I should be able to guide you if needed.”
“I practiced at home.”  You did. A little bit, it wasn’t easy with the limited space in your cramped—ahem, homey apartment. But practicing a duet by yourself, then giving up after stubbing your toe on every fucking piece of furniture in your home, and practicing it with your duet partner are two different things.
“Oh, that’s good… um, I’ll start the music.”
Your name is followed by an exasperated sigh. With reluctance—because your phone’s home screen is just that interesting—you glance up from your phone, to see Gunwook eyeing you through the mirror. 
“Could we try to get through the routine? Maybe without you scratching me this time?” Gunwook gnaws at his bottom lip, sweat beading at his temple. He’s actually been hard at work, practicing while you sat in the corner of the room—essentially sentenced to a time-out after accidentally scratching Gunwook every time you tried to run through the routine with him. Accidentally.
You can’t help the frown that sets on your lips. Only to you, it seems, Gunwook Park is an enigma. When he first joined the team, he seemed nice, and he wasn’t much younger than you, you just never got the chance to properly talk to him. However, now you never want to speak to him, the fact that you have to work so closely with him is nauseating.
Tampering down all the ugly word vomit bubbling in your throat, you mentally repeat Hanbin’s words from yesterday to yourself, ‘You’re risking embarrassing the whole team’. Not only do you find most of your teammates to be more than bearable, but you also you can’t bomb a performance because you were too petty to practice the choreography, so, even though the thought of being so close to Gunwook—having to touch him makes you full body cringe, you suck it up.
Begrudgingly, you get into position and wait for your cue. As the music starts up for what feels like the billionth time that evening, you miss the many nervous glances cast your way.
Succeedingly, you manage to not cause any more bodily harm, even when you have no choice but to get close enough to Gunwook to the point you cannot look anywhere but into his eyes. The urge to flee strikes, as unease among other odd emotions you will not address churn in your gut, but you deal with it (read: ignore it).
You manage to run through the routine once, then again, and again, and again, until your limbs feel like gelatin and you have no option but to sprawl out on the floor. It occurs to you how much you missed this feeling, you can barely believe you let your pettiness get in the way of it.
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
Turning your head to the side, there’s Gunwook, also sprawled out beside you. Huh, you don’t even have the negative energy within you to loathe his presence in the moment.
“You just did. But you can ask one more thing.”
A goofy grin splits Gunwook’s lips before he turns his head back to face the ceiling, expression shifting a little more seriously. “Did I… was there something that I like did? Or said to upset you?”
Oh. Right. So, you haven’t forgotten your distaste for Gunwook. You feel your good mood sour, as you scoff, and force yourself to finally sit up—your limbs are very much protesting, screaming at you, matter of fact, but fuck them. And fuck Gunwook Park. “Seriously?”
You glance over your shoulder, Gunwook, who sat up shortly after you, only blinks at you curiously, as though he hasn’t got a clue.
“You really don’t know? Do you just talk shit about everyone and that’s why you can’t seem to remember me?”
“What…?” Gunwook’s brows furrow, “What are you talking about?”
“I heard you." You push yourself up off the ground, fixing Gunwook with an exasperated look, "After our performance at orientation in August, you had a lot to say about my skill, and how ridiculous I looked.”
“I don't…?” You watch as the confusion and then the recognition passes over Gunwook’s features, “No, I—shit,” he hangs his head with a groan, which doesn’t serve to dissipate any of your arising confusion. “That wasn’t about you.”
“I heard you say my name, don’t bullshit me.”
“I—okay, I definitely said your name, but it seriously wasn’t about you. There was this, um, character in a film my roommate watched for some project; they were supposed to be a dancer, but they were godawful. I was talking about the character, and I didn’t even think about how they had the same name as you, or about how loudly I was talking about that.”
“Oh,” you say, rather intelligently. You consider the thought that he could be lying, but he looks at you with such earnestness, remorse practically pooling in his eyes, you can’t even entertain the thought for more than a moment.
“Yeah, oh. I’m sorry you thought I was talking about you…”
“No, I’m sorry,” you quietly sit back down, anger gone as quick as it arose, and flop back on the floor with a sigh. Having your entire view of Gunwook Park debunked in a mere minute was not on tonight’s bingo card.
“I should’ve—Hanbin kept telling me it was probably a misunderstanding and to confront you, but I just stewed in my misguided hatred. God, Hanbin’s going to be insufferable once I tell him he was right all along.”
Gunwook huffs a laugh, “I’m glad we sorted this out, finally. Um, I guess we should wrap up for tonight since it’s getting late. Can I walk you home?”
“Don’t you live on campus? You don’t have to walk me home if you just have to walk back here…”
“It’s fine!” Gunwook smiles, oddly enthusiastic. Weird, personally, you dread having to walk home after practice. “I want to, and I guess now we can get to know each other? Now that you don’t hate me.”
“Yeah… okay, I’ll grab my stuff.” You sit back up again, as much as you’d like to become one with the floor.
“Okay, cool.”
“Cool.” you can’t help but smile, seeing the wide grin on Gunwook’s face. You’re going to choose to believe the warmth in your cheeks is because you’re still cooling off from rehearsing.
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The idea of rehearsing is a lot more palatable now that you don’t despise your duet partner. The actual rehearsals aren’t too bad either… they’re actually kind of enjoyable.
Hanbin was, in fact, very insufferable when you spilled everything that’d happened that day to him. He’d been waiting up for you, sitting on the armchair in your living room, and nearly gave you a heart attack when he flicked on the lamp beside him; like he was your mother and he’d caught you sneaking back in the house.
“Hey, how was class?” Gunwook has taken to waiting for you outside your classes on rehearsal days, you even say hi to each other when you see the other on campus, and maybe talk if you’re not busy.
“Don’t get me started…” you groan, “I have no idea what my professor was on about today, but I thought his jaw was going to unhinge before he finally stopped talking.”
Gunwook chuckles, and grabs your bag from you, cradling it to his chest. “I thought I told you I could carry my bag myself?”
“And I told you that you could try to take it back.” 
You did try, and you decided you do not like freakishly strong guys. “Whatever… what about you? How was your class?”
“Didn’t go today…” Gunwook trails off, glancing down at your linked arms. A habit after losing Hanbin in crowds one too many times. It feels nice with Gunwook, though. “Um, my roommate—” he clears his throat before he continues looking forward, revealing his red ears. Oh, that’s cute.
“He kept me up late ‘cause he needed help with his film project that he’s been procrastinating. I ended up waking up at like one-thirty…”
“Really? So, you just came straight here after waking up?” You tsk, choosing to look away from his pouted lips for your sake. “Did you even eat? Let’s stop by this café a few blocks away before we rehearse. It opened last month, Hanbin and I were supposed to check it out, but I think he forgot.”
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You’re not blind, of course, Gunwook is, well, objectively attractive (subjectively as well, perchance). With much coaxing, you might’ve been able to admit it a week ago when you hated him. But, his attractiveness is far too illuminated when you’re a mere inches from his face; faced with his distractingly pretty brown eyes, and rosy cheeks. Oh God, he’s cute. He’s so fucking cute, and you are so fucking screwed.
Before you can say something so embarrassing you’d have to migrate to another country and assume another identity, you take the initiative to part from Gunwook, carefully backing away, and clearing your throat, “Should we take a break?”
Except that doesn’t even help, because when you sink to the floor to watch YouTube, Gunwook is beside you, smushed at your side to watch whatever you’re watching. You can’t even remember what video you tapped on, but apparently, you’re seven minutes into a video when Gunwook reaches over to pause it.
“Hey, um, one of my friends—his name’s Junhyeon, his frat, Zeta Rho Xi is having a party this weekend. He kinda roped me into going, and I was just wondering if you were free…? I would, um, it’d be cool if you could stop by.”
Parties haven’t been your thing for a long time; you tried to party freshman year, since people seemed to go on about the college parties. You just couldn’t get super into it, plus only things like the Play-Doh incident came from parties… and that’s why you’re not sure why you say, “Yeah, no, I should be free. I’ll check it out.”
You aren't even free, you have an essay you’ve written approximately two sentences for that happens to be due Monday. But the smile on Gunwook’s face makes agreeing feel like the right choice.
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Immediately upon stepping inside, you remember why you hate parties. One, you lose Hanbin instantly. Two, trying to push through a bunch of sweaty, drunk people (who are surprisingly sturdy) is a pain in the ass. And three, it’s loud, you already feel like you need a drink. Or maybe three.
You manage to make it to a mostly empty kitchen, and at that point, you’ve lost any motivation to go search for Hanbin or even Gunwook. For the most part, you’ve given up caring about being ‘lame’, so, you’re perfectly content sitting in the kitchen on your phone at a party while sipping on possibly the worst quality beer you’ve tasted in your twenty years of life.
It’s maybe thirty minutes until you finally look up from your phone at the call of your name over the ear-damaging volume of music.
Hanbin stumbles into the kitchen, using Gunwook as support. You can make out your friend’s flushed cheeks, even in the dim lighting, you have no idea how he’s gotten drunk so fast. “There you are! I found Gunwookie, it looked like he was waitin’ around for you, ‘cause he was just in a corner lookin’ around… didn’t you guys exchange numbers?”
“I already told you I forgot to ask…” Gunwook mumbles.
“Oh,” Hanbin lets go of Gunwook to slide up beside you, “Hey, did you know that, um—” Gunwook rushes over to slap a hand over Hanbin’s mouth, are they both drunk? It’s more difficult to tell with Gunwook, his cheeks always look pink…
Hanbin removes Gunwook’s hand with a glare, “Don’t interrupt me,” he chides, as sternly as he can while drunk. “Anyway, ‘m so glad you two figured things out. I hope Gunwook tells you about his massive heart boner for you.”
Hanbin makes it probably ten times worse by continuing, “He’s—he’s had such a big crush on you since like, um, since like the millisecond he joined the team. But this whole time you thought he was mean to you, isn’t that silly?”
What isn’t silly is the look on Gunwook’s face, he looks positively mortified.
“...Okay, Bin, I think you’re ready to go home already,” you smile tersely, side-stepping the topic for now, maybe forever actually. “Gunwook, can you help me with him?” You ignore Hanbin’s slurred protests. It must take a moment for Gunwook to recoup before he’s at Hanbin’s other side, helping you pull the drunkard up.
You avoid looking in Gunwook’s direction, despite the fact you can feel him burning holes into the side of your head. Of course, there’s no avoiding the conversation—inevitably, you’re going to have to talk to Gunwook about what Hanbin said, but maybe you can get out of it tonight…?
It’s not that you’re particularly afraid… okay, well, you are, except it’s just unnecessary anxiety. Now you feel better about admitting to yourself that you’re interested in Gunwook. But what if Hanbin’s drunk rambling was just drunk rambling, and it was all nonsense? Well, Gunwook probably wouldn’t seem so nervous if that were the case, but maybe he’s nervous because he just doesn’t want you to be under the impression that he—
“Oh, hey, I’ve been looking everywhere for Hanbin…”
“Oh, Hao, hey.” you mentally thank Hao for unknowingly rescuing you from spiraling into your annoyingly irrational train of thought.
“Do you want me to take him off your hands? We were planning to ditch before he disappeared.”
Okay, time to put on your big person pants and be an adult. “Yeah, thanks.” Handing Hanbin off is pretty easy, the man completely unbothered that he’s thrown two of his protégés for a loop (he’ll probably feel a lot worse about it tomorrow, especially when he’s hungover). What’s less easy, is being left with Gunwook.
“Well, since Hanbin aired everything out…”
“Right, yeah. We should talk, maybe outside?”
Gunwook nods, leading the way to the back door, you follow closely behind him. As not to lose him in the clusters of people, and maybe just because you want to, you grab onto his arm.
Outside, your eardrums thank you for finally getting out of there, though your nervous heart is another story, rattling against your ribcage incessantly. Warily, you avoid looking at Gunwook, distancing yourself a good few feet away from him, “So…”
“I like you,” Gunwook blurts as if he won’t get another chance to say so, “like a lot. I initially joined the team ‘cause of you actually, I hadn’t even danced since middle school. But you were so—watching you on stage at orientation felt so… enchanting.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks at Gunwook’s flattery, and he only continues, “I thought you were perfect, so obviously I immediately signed up for the dance team, even though I wasn’t even sure if I was any good at it anymore, just so I could have an excuse to see you. Only for me to never gain the courage to even talk to you…” Staring at the wooden planks of the porch beneath your feet, you see Gunwook’s beaten-up Converse come into view, urging you to look up again.
“Gunwook, I—”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel anything like that for me, I just can’t let the what-ifs get in the way of me trying anymore.” Oh, how could you not feel something for him? Surely anyone could fall for him just by staring into his pretty brown eyes.
The weird feeling in your gut, which must be those butterflies people talk about, amplifies, you think you’d have to be a fool if you didn’t feel something for Gunwook Park. “I don’t… not feel something,” you hastily avert your gaze, “I guess I’m not entirely sure what it is, but I am interested in you. I, um, would be open to exploring that.”
“I understand—wait, you… really?”
You look up in time to see the overjoyed grin split Gunwook’s lips. It’s infectious, you can’t help but mirror his smile, laugh tumbling past your lips, “Yes, you dork. You better sweep me off my feet.”  You playfully shove at his shoulder.
“I will,” Gunwook grabs your wrist before you drop your arm, thumbing at the inside of it, “are you free tomorrow?”
“I…” You aren’t free, remember that pesky essay of yours? “Yeah, I am.” Oh, well, you suppose it can wait; likely until tomorrow night, when you finally open your laptop at eleven-thirty at night, when it happens to be due at midnight. You happen to work great under pressure!
“Perfect, can I pick you up at your place at two?”
“Sure, are you gonna remember to ask for my number this time, though?” You tease, making a ‘give me’ motion with your free hand.
Gunwook’s cheeks somehow get pinker, as he finally lets go of your wrist and retrieves his phone from his pocket, handing it over with the new contact screen open. Quickly, you type in your number and then your name, cheekily adding a heart beside it.
“Can I walk you home? Or, uh, if you wanted to go back to the party, that’s fine too…”
“Nah,” you’d rather do just about anything else than go back into that mess, you’ve had enough parties for the rest of your college life, “I’m pretty tired, and I have a super important date with a great guy tomorrow.”
With a coy smile to match Gunwook’s shy one, you cozy up to his side and link arms with him, “Let’s go?”
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You’d still consider dancing to be a great way to unwind—still one of your favorites, it's just been demoted to second place.
Nothing ebbs away your stress like Gunwook popping into your room with your favorite food after you’ve been staring at your laptop screen for hours as if you were hoping your assignments would finish themselves. Or his hugs—always so warm, it’s like hugging an oversized stuffed bear. Or just… him.
Unrivaled after several years, dancing has finally met its match: Gunwook Park.
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soothinglee · 4 months
⊹conversations with bff! yujinˎˊ˗
pairing: zb1 yujin x gn! reader genre: straight crack omg warnings: profanity, kms (as a joke), timestamps are not accurate.
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[go home...?] -> please like and reblog, it helps alot !ˎˊ˗
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
I want cuddles
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Pairing : Kim Tae Rae x gender neutral reader
Synopsis : Park date with pouty Tae Rae
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : Y/N is acting cute. Cringy, YN doesn’t like Indiana Jones movies
Notes : Nina I didn’t know if you wanted to be tagged since it’s not a matthew fic. English is not my first language
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
“ Come ooon”
“ I don’t want to”
“Taerae seriously”
Looking at your boyfriend in front you, you wondered why was he being such a pouty baby.
You thought that it was a good day, sunny and not too hot but still warm enough to want to go to a park and take a stroll.
So that's what you did, you told him you had a surprise date for him and went to pick him up at work.
Sunglasses and sunscreen ready, you drove to a scenery park and not far from where you were living together. It was a great place. Many alleys, many plants, so many colors and smells.
You would be able to take a stroll nicely with your boyfriend and just enjoy the moment or at least that what you thought.
Understanding you weren't going home Taerae grew definitely pouty. And as you were both taking a walk together it truly seemed like he was bored and just wanted to go home.
Looking up from your shoulder you saw the brown haired boy walking slowly and without energy.
Without lasting one more second you went to him and put your hands on his back putting him close to you. This way you were able to fully take a close look at his face and see all of the details that was making you crazy for him.
“Tae tell me what is it ? Ever since we came out here you have been nothing but pouty... tell me what's wrong”
Just grumbling Tae Rae replied “it’s nothing really”
Pulling him even closer to you, leaving your faces just a few centimeters away from each other, you kept questioning him
“Tell me ! What is it a bad day at work ? Did the boys make you crazy ? Was it Gyuvin ? Did he break something again ?”
Just being even more pouty Tae Rae just denied it with his head
“Cooomee on tell me babe !”
Just mumbling he replied “I thought we were going home to cuddle”
Thinking you heard him wrong you replied slowly, looking at him completely confused “What”
“You said you a date planned that was really cozy and that would make me really happy us.. I thought we were going to go home and cuddle and just watch that Indiana Jones movie .. “
You couldn't even believe what you just heard and looked at your boyfriend with the biggest heart eyes that was possible. Quickly you put yourself on your toes and quickly joined your lips together.
God .. Kim Tae rae was such a cute man how could you resist him ?
“I’m sorry babe I didn't know you wanted some cuddles.. I want some cuddles too..”
This time it was Taerae turn to look at you with heart eyes. He loved it when you acted cute. He just wanted to have you cuddled up against him and slowly kissing your temple while watching a movie with you and that situation of taking a walk made him go crazy
“Listen.. we are going to leave but we'll play a game. The one that get the most different species of leaves can pick the movie”
Slowly pulling away from each other, you thought that the man of your life would just kiss you and accept but before you could understand you saw him run and starting to pick the leaves
“Hey !”
“I wanna watch the Indiana Jones movie and cuddle !”
Running after him, and picking leaves you yelled at him to wait for you.
You would have to watch Indiana Jones but being curdled up against your boyfriend would make up for it
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yjniex1 · 9 months
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about me !!
↬ vyi/kei
↬ 17, infp, he/him
↬ bias groups : zb1 , txt , boynextdoor , enhypen
↬ults: yujin , yeonjun , leehan , jungwon
↝i wish im straight & not delusional
i write :
↪ gn/male reader (mostly male reader!!)
↪i accept request sometimes!
↪ will mostly do smau!!
↪ all of this is for fun only
• my english is kinda as* so sorry for that
wip :
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scrrra · 1 year
A+ for effort! ★ 김규빈 SERIES
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written chapter below cut! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Gyuvin usually doesn't sleep in class, Ricky poking his side to tell him to pay attention being a common occurrence. However, it was the last class of the day, and coincidentally his wake up button was simply not around at the moment.
Oh maths was so boring, and Miss Kim was not the best at engaging students in class. It couldn't be helped that Gyuvin's arms were crossed on his desk, inviting him to rest his head on them. It couldn't be helped that the warm shine of the sun was just right and comforting as it kissed his skin, practically lulling him to sleep. It also couldn't be helped that Kim Gyuvin simply wanted to dream about his practice later, how Y/N was going to be there with their clipboard, telling him to hurry up with the prettiest smile on their face.
And so Gyuvin fell asleep, head buried in his arms and a small smile on his face.
Gyuvin did not wake up with that same smile on his face, instead, he woke up with blurry vision and a distorted look on reality, confusion laced in his eyebrows. He knew he was in class, but it was too quiet. Was he still dreaming? Because he could swear that the class was empty save for him and Y/N in front of him. Wait why are they there, Gyuvin thought to himself, no way I'm still dreaming.
"Hey sleepyhead, it's 3 o'clock!" Y/N smiled, tapping Gyuvin's cheek with their pen. Oh Gyuvin thought he'd pass out, again. The afternoon sun shined prettily on their face, their smile sending the already out of it Gyuvin further into a trance.
"Hmm? So?"
"Meeting? Don't tell me you forgot, is that why you fell asleep? Jungwon told me to come get you from class, I didn't think you'd actually be sleeping!"
Oh, was all in Gyuvin's head right now. He was awake, fully awake, and finally registered that Y/N's face was right in front of his. The boy jolted up, in result bumping his head with the pretty person in front of him. "I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, frantically waving his hands around as he rubbed his head.
Y/N laughed, rubbing their forehead in suit (Gyuvin was so going to scream in his pillow when he got home). "It's okay, don't worry, let's just go? So we aren't late for practice either!"
"Okay, got it, let's go."
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SYNOPSIS As one of the student managers of the boys volleyball team, it is your job to make sure that all the members are able to balance sports and studies well! It's not your fault that one of the star players has slacking grades due to sleeping in class, but oh boy does coach say it's you who has to make sure he doesn't get kicked off the team!
TAGLIST (open) ★ @wonielover @i-yeseo @jiawji @shentlngz @xinxinyy @j1nniee @dimplewonie @andsjun @keilovr @iactaid
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signing out ★ send an ask to be part of the taglist!!
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sapshorelines · 6 months
[ R U L E S ]
---------------------------------------------- !! NOTE !! NONE OF MY WORKS ARE MEANT FOR MINORS, IF YOU ARE A MINOR AND YOU ARE LIKING MY POST OR FOLLOWING YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. !! NOTE !! When wanting to request something, do know that it will take time for your request to be finish as this account is mainly for hobby purposes. !! NOTE !! If you request something, there is a possibility I may change things a bit if it makes me uncomfortable or I need to improvise. !! NOTE !! I am going to need a brief TLDR with request so I can get an idea on what to write. If you do not write much in a request, your request will be ignored. !! NOTE !! I will most likely not proof read most of my works, so if I do make grammar mistakes please let me know via comments or PM (English if my first language I'm just really dumb) !! NOTE !! None of my works represent any IRL people. These works are purely meant for entertainment purpose and shouldn't be taken seriously.
WHAT I WILL WRITE FOR (male x male, male x gn, male x FtM ONLY)
- KPOP (SKZ, ATEEZ, SHINee, NCT, TXT, P1HARMONY, ZB1, RIIZE, ENHYPEN, ONLYONEOF) OKAY WITH - FLUFF Anything fluff related, I am also fine with a bit of domestic stuff as well - SMUT From soft vanilla to full on BSDM, I am also fine with a few kinks but it really depends. - ANGST I am fine with writing your typical sad themes. However I will be a bit iffy on anything mental health related. Even though I have a few issues of my own and can base things off of that kinda, I do not want to offend anyone. (But I am willing to do research!) - MINI SERIES I am in no way shape of form to write a whole series, how ever I can do mini series once in awhile. - SHIPS I am ok with writing FLUFFS of ships between two different people. HOWEVER I will NOT write smuts of any ships.
NOT OKAY WITH - Incest - Age gaps - Any bodily fluid kinks - Yandere - Smut ships with IRL people - Relationship ab//se - Sui//de - Non con - Anything promoting racism, homophobia, etc.
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niki-phoria · 1 month
내 운명은 너와 묶여져 / you're my desire, take my hand
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pairing: shen ricky x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 593
notes: ricky my beloved <33, i've had this idea for a while but it felt fitting to write it for ricky, mentions of reader wearing lip tint/lip gloss, semi proofread, pls forgive any mistakes !! title from zb1 - take my hand
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SHEN RICKY gently knocks his knuckles against the wood, half-leaning against your opened bathroom door. the metal band of his watch shines brightly in the sunlight, complimented by the hem of his black suit jacket. “are you ready to go?” 
“almost,” you say, leaning across the bathroom mirror. your gaze meets his for a second before you return to staring straight ahead, critiquing your appearance. “i’m just doing some finishing touches.” 
ricky hums quietly, silently entering the bathroom to stand beside you. he raises a hand to push a stray strand of hair away from his face and adjusts the edges of his freshly ironed tie. “you look incredible, you know,” he says. 
you smile sheepishly, brushing the compliment off with a quiet “thanks.” your hands fumble with a small tube of an unfamiliar lip tint as you carefully apply the product. your perfume smells of strawberries and vanilla - light, but not suffocating. 
“is this new?” he asks, watching as you carefully examine your freshly pink lips. 
“yeah,” you smile brightly as you turn to face him. your lip gloss glints beneath the golden bathroom lights. “i got it a few days ago. do you like it?”
ricky smiles in return. his hands ghost against your waist, fingertips trailing down until they stop against your hips. “i don’t know,” he teases. “i think i need a closer look.” 
you don’t even attempt to hide your smirk, taking a step closer. you wrap your arms around his neck, carefully carding your fingers through the hair against the nape of his neck. you can all but feel the shivers that race down ricky’s spine in response; his hitched breath and warm cheeks give you enough of a hint. “is this better?”
ricky hums. his gaze flickers from meeting yours before lingering on your mouth. your heartbeat quickens in your chest when he leans in. butterflies swarm throughout your stomach at the lack of proximity. 
he reaches up, gingerly resting a hand against your cheek. his thumb swipes against your jawline, carefully tilting your face upwards. “can i kiss you?” he whispers; the words are barely audible over the sound of your heartbeat. 
“yes.” you tighten your grip around ricky’s body, leaning into his touch. “please.” 
he smiles brightly in response. your eyes flutter closed as he leans in. ricky’s lips feel soft when they meet your own. you can vaguely taste the strawberry chapstick he had applied mere hours earlier. your bodies mold together effortlessly - like you were made for each other. 
the seconds tick by without care. you allow yourself to get lost in your own world, forgetting about your responsibilities for a few minutes. tension slips away from your shoulders in waves. you can feel your worries disappear the longer you lean into ricky’s touch. 
you only pull away when your lungs begin to burn. you miss the feeling of the kiss as soon as it’s gone, but it’s quickly replaced when ricky begins to rub his thumb against your cheek. the sight of his flushed cheeks makes you smile. 
“is this close enough?” you ask through an airy chuckle. 
“it’s perfect,” ricky whispers, full of sincerity. his breath just barely ghosts against your lips. 
you softly chuckle as you bring a hand down to gingerly brush your thumb against ricky’s bottom lip. your fingertips smudge the pigment, wiping it away from his skin. “i think you’re wearing more lip tint than me,” you murmur, causing a flush spreads across his face, tinting the tips of his ears a shade of bright pink. 
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if you liked this fic, please comment, reblog, or leave feedback !! and if you want to support me, check out my zb1 masterlist <33
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hariboz · 4 months
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“asking them if they would kiss their ex to save your life!”
pairing: bf!zb1 x gn!reader
genre: fluff/humor
warnings: no yujin, mentions of dying, mentions of exes (obv lol), that’s pretty much it!!
notes: guys i love zerobaseone
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seolpsy · 2 months
zerobaseone — domestic things they would do as your boyfriend !
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pairing. bf!zerobaseone x gn!reader
notes. decided to write again hehehe i havent updated in soooo long but i missed u guys!! ttm :))
word count. 286, warnings. none
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kim jiwoong
- listens to you when you talk about your day.
- cooks your favorite meals.
- rests his hand on your back.
- acts goofy when you’re sad to cheer you up.
zhang hao
- sits close to you when you’re together.
- helps you finish your chores/run errands.
- makes silly vlogs about his day to send to you later.
- asks you how you’re feeling every day.
sung hanbin
- gives you massages.
- takes care of you when you’re sick.
- slow dances with you in the dark.
- offers you a bite of food before he takes one.
seok matthew
- tells you he misses you when you’re apart.
- laughs at your inside jokes.
- watches movies and shows with you, even if he’s bored.
- cuddles in bed with you in the morning before getting up.
kim taerae
- makes you a cup of coffee/tea every morning.
- sings you to sleep at night.
- interlocks your arm with his when you’re sitting next to each other.
- remembers the little things you tell him.
shen ricky
- takes you shopping.
- rubs your thumb when holding hands.
- looks at you from across the room to make sure you’re okay.
- surprises you with “just because” gifts.
kim gyuvin
- calls you when he misses you.
- gives you hugs and kisses for no reason.
- sends pictures of things that remind him of you.
- takes the peel off of fruits for you.
park gunwook
- sends you cute text messages when he’s thinking about you.
- always compliments you.
- makes eye contact with you and smiles.
- gives you his sweater when you’re cold.
han yujin
- holds your hand often.
- listens to you attentively when you talk.
- buys snacks for you when you’re hungry.
- writes you little notes in the morning before he leaves.
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© seolpsy on tumblr || all rights reserved.
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haesunflower · 1 year
moments that makes everyone think you're dating (zb1).....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fluff/comedy
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x zerobaseone
about/tags: you're not dating, but everyone seems to think you are? hmm i wonder why?
just cute things hehe...
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⠀⠀♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
for some reason, you are always invited to movie night at the dorms
the boys initially teased jiwoong, but you cleared the air and told everyone that you were just childhood friends and you've never dated
the boys reluctantly accept the story
but your legs are always intertwined at the couch, and your head is always finding comfort on his chest, and his arms are always draped around your figure
members are dumbfounded, confused, then disgusted. friends??? always holding each other like that??? in front of us????
taerae who was getting popcorn, throws a singular piece to the both of you after he sees jiwoong nuzzling his nose into your hair
"the both of you...get a room please we're trying to enjoy the movie"
"you're just jealous taerae" you snipe back, throwing back the popcorn piece
jiwoong giggles and says "taerae-ya if you wanted to be cuddled you could have just said so"
everyone in the room is laughing except for taerae
⠀⠀ ♡ zhang hao ♡ ⠀⠀
you're his lockscreen in one of his many phones
when members would ask who that is – gyuvin, ricky, and yujin (the ones that have known hao the longest) would snicker and giggle, egging the question on and insinuating that you're hao's significant other
"oh, that's y/n. my best friend from when I was in school"
"best friend huuuhhh" gyuvin teases, raising his eyebrows up and down
hao throws a pillow at gyuvin to get him to shut up
one time, ricky caught hao going through your old pictures together and compiling it for a sweet birthday message he was gonna send to you
best believe that ricky immediately informed gyuvin and yujin about what he was doing and he got teased relentlessly that day
the 3 other yuehuaz end up gossiping to the rest of the members that they have in fact, met you in person and that you are in fact, insanely gorgeous that hao is out of your league and that in fact, gyuvin said he found you stunning and hao in fact, gave gyuvin the silent treatment for 2 weeks.
⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
hanbin asks for your help often to meal prep and cook at the dorms with him – it's mostly stuff that can be frozen and reheated for the week so that the boys have healthy homecooked meals to enjoy
it's grossly domestic, you'd think the both of you were in a long term relationship
sometimes, the members catch you feeding each other
hanbin would blow gently on the spoon before catching your attention by tilting your chin upwards, "how does this taste?"
he brings the spoon to your mouth and he beams when you smile and give him a thumbs up
in the summer, the kitchen gets too hot so you find yourself dabbing at hanbin's forehead sweat while he stirs the sauce
he shoots you a grateful smile, cheek dimples on display
"god, are you two married or what?" jiwoong grumbles as he passes by
you two just chuckle
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
you're his gym buddy and actually no one knows that you exist up until a few members started asking matthew if they could join him at the gym
you always greet matt so cheerfully, giving him a hello hug (you're both foreigners)
every time you finish a set you guys high five one another, and if you lack motivation he'll say something like: "one more set and i'll give you a reward"
"oh yeah like what, matt?"
"guess you'll have to finish up and see" 😉
harmless flirting is an effective motivational tool for the both of you
the rewards range from: a pre-workout smoothie treat or a signed photocard of himself haha
gunwook and jiwoong once caught matt staring at your ass :D not his fault your ass so fat :D
so it comes as a shock to gunwook when he hears you answering a phone call from your boyfriend, right after the three of you finished a circuit
when you leave, gunwook turns to matthew and says "she has a boyfriend? i thought you were the boyfriend!"
matthew has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face and says "nah we're just friends" and takes a sip of his water
⠀⠀ ♡ kim taerae ♡ ⠀⠀
he's like your driver, and you're the ultimate passenger princess/prince
taerae rushes out of practice the moment it's over "sorry guys gotta go, y/n is waiting for me to pick them up from school"
matthew calls taerae out for being a simp, while hanbin scolds matthew to leave the loverboy alone :(
taerae has no time to correct hanbin and just rushes out of there
he doesn't like making you wait after all!!
whenever it starts to rain too, he would leave the dorms telling members he's running an errand, when everyone knows he's just going to where you are so you don't have to commute in the rain
one time, taerae and hao were out to run an ACTUAL errand when you called him in a panic to ask if he was in the area – you were drenched in the rain and your phone was about to die
taerae of course, said he would come get you :) he also made hao move to the backseat so you could be right next to him :)
⠀⠀♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
he's always on his damn phone, grinning from ear to ear or giggling to himself
when members ask him what's so funny, his face goes back to neutral and says "nothing"
the members don't know who he's texting and facetiming
while you were talking on facetime, ricky left his phone on the kitchen counter so he could make himself some food, and gyuvin took this as an opportunity to snatch his phone to figure out who you were
gyuvin was so quick, ricky didn't even realize it happened
gyuvin brought the phone to gunwook's room where they eagerly said hi and introduced themselves, then continued to ask you a bunch of questions like "how did you meet?" "how long have you been dating?" "what do you like best about ricky?"
i mean, you could answer all the questions but you had no time to – as ricky busted the door open and snatched the phone back
"sorry about that y/n, my members obviously don't have any common courtesy"
"haha it's fine ricky, they're very cute"
"cute??? cute you find them cute???" ricky sounds offended as he walks away from the two other members, shooting them a look and faking a punch
⠀⠀♡ kim gyuvin ♡ ⠀⠀
any free time he gets, he visits home so he can spend time with eumppappa
both you and gyuvin were the dog sitters and dog walkers for your building before he debuted
but he's getting a little busier nowadays, and his visits to his family home have been less frequent
you decide you'd walk eumppappa and your dog aiki to gyuvin's dorm for a quick visit, which has then become weekly tradition
the members just assume you're his significant other with how often you visit with his dog
that, and the fact that gyuvin refers to you as "eumppappa's eomma" and you refer to gyuvin as "aiki's appa"
the members don't know it's because you bought the dogs together
whatever tho, everyone thinks it's so cute
⠀⠀♡ park gunwook ♡ ⠀⠀
he's inserting you in the conversation any chance he gets
like when the boys are just playing overwatch or league of legends gunwook goes "ahhh i should invite y/n to play"
or when gunwook is trying food from a new restaurant he would excitedly take a picture and say "y/n would like this i should send some to her"
or when he's out shopping he would say "this would look so great on y/n"
or when he's helping yujin with school and he surprisingly doesn't know the answer, he says "y/n would know this, hold on let me ask"
again, every chance he gets. your name is mentioned. he's like an excited little puppy when your name gets mentioned by other people too
example, "gunwook i got ice cream - maybe you can share with y/n" and then he's bolting to his phone asking you to come over
the older members thinks it's adorable, how much he likes you
and when you actually meet the members clad in gunwook's sweater they all come to the conclusion you feel the same way for him
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A/N: i missed writing and being delulu
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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i05wook · 3 months
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Gamer bf! Gunwook who makes the prettiest house and farm for you both to live in. Gamer bf! Gunwook who will defend you from all the hostile mobs, even if it means he loses his enchanted diamond armour. Gamer bf! Gunwook who picks all the types of flowers in the world and leaves them in a chest where you last logged out along with a letter across a couple of signs. Gamer bf! Gunwook who says he’s over this stupid game, but then 10 minutes later he’s back rebuilding the farm after a creeper blew it up Gamer bf! Gunwook who if anyone touches his server, there’s murder (evidence: he’s already chased gyuvin around the dorms after he accidentally killed your family of pink sheep!!) Gamer bf! Gunwook who goes mining for diamonds and lapis so he can enchant a diamond sword for you Gamer bf! Gunwook who arranges (and builds) the cutest minecraft dates on the server. Gamer bf! Gunwook who builds an automatic farm after hearing you jokingly complain once about hating farming wheat on the game. Gamer bf! Gunwook who also built you a honey farm for the bumblebees after seeing you excited about them every time you come across one in game. Gamer bf! Gunwook who builds a statue in the shape of a brown bear for you as a surprise but now he uses it to house the baby zombie you declared as your child after you accidentally trapped it in a boat. Gamer bf! Gunwook who is adamant on placing your beds next to each other in your little wooden cottage.
@haecien @nonononranghaee
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nichoswag · 3 months
soft intimate moments with zb1
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pairing . bf!zerobaseone x gn reader
warnings !
a/n hii munchkinz i’m trying to get back into writing at least group reactions and stuff😭😭 here u go pls enjoy while i get my life together
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: jiwoong
early morning kisses as you wake up next to each other. applying your lipstick for you when you do your makeup. talking about the future. getting a pet to raise together.
: hao
listening to him serenade you with his violin. feeding each other ice cream. sneaking ticklish neck kisses when the other isn’t looking. buying plushies to add to your shared collection.
: hanbin
baking brownies and cookies together. protective handholding when someone comes too close to you. kissing your insecurities away. holding each other close after a bad day.
: taerae
singing your favorite love songs together. getting your lip gloss on his lips when you kiss. sending you tiktoks and instagram reels that remind him of you. sweet texts updating you on each thing he does throughout the day with pics.
: matthew
swimming together on hot days. sending you selfies in random places posing with random objects. picking out each others clothes for a date. wearing matching bracelets.
: ricky
forehead kisses as a greeting after spending a long time apart. making spotify playlists to jam together. wearing promise rings. buying you things all the time just because they remind him of you.
: gyuvin
playing video games together. taking faceless couple photos constantly. interlocking fingers all the time. kissing your cheek when you’re not looking and then pretending like nothing happened.
: gunwook
cooking warm dinners together. playing in the rain. having a hand on your waist or hips at all times. sending each other tiktoks of trends to do together. giving you surprise backhugs.
: yujin
sharing a milkshake with two straws. long hugs as a greeting. sending love letters when you miss each other. matching clothing color schemes and accessories. building sandcastles on the beach.
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