#it’s ok we shall prevail
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tomatoluvr69 · 6 months ago
Yayyyyyyy my labor day weekend plans. We’re driving to the Smokies to paddle to a remote lake island bc I can’t backpack right now, then camping there until Tuesday <3 goodbye weekend warriors if I don’t return to this blog it means I got eaten by a bear or had too much molly and drowned but either way I died doing what I loved. Love you all H.A.G.S.
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creepling · 1 year ago
Hi, I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a ssktjl Barry x reader, where they're both members of the league and are both under the control of Brainiac, they end up being super lovely dovely and affectionate to each other, whilst simultaneously kicking the suicide squads ass.
It's completely ok if you don't want to write for him, or you're not interested in the prompt.
Hope you're having a good morning/ afternoon/ night.
eee anon sadly i’m only really writing digger for ssktjl (brainrot and all that) and idk if i can do barry justice😭 other than the flash movie this is the second time i’ve seen him in something so i’d need to watch more of the movies to try my hand at him. but i don’t want to leave you empty handed and i really like your request, so i wrote a little drabble!! sorry it’s not much but i hope you like it<33
tags: gn!reader x brainiac!flash. alludes to reader having super strength but can be read as enough to pin someone down, ment of killing.
“Well, well look what the psyche ward dragged in. What do ya say, honey, shall we put them out their misery?” You snark, your eyes glowing a dark, sinister purple. You’re not anything like the citizens of Metropolis remember you as, a caring superhero willing to risk your life to save others. On this day, you were out for blood.
“No, let’s have some fun first! You take the first pick,” Barry smirks, caressing your cheek. The Suicide Squad exchange puzzled looks.
“I thought they were brainwashed, how the hell are they still in love!?” Harley proclaims. Her eyes flash with shock at the sight of you charging towards her, grunting as you pin her to the ground with just the pin of your foot.
“Love always prevails,” you chuckle, “Oops, I think love is a touchy subject for you, let’s talk about something else!”
You whistle in command, and Barry moves at the speed of light, smacking the spare three squad members in the face until they collapse in pain. He stops right beside you, kissing your cheek, before shooting off to confiscate their weapons.
“If you wanna kill us, just do it already,” Deadshot spits.
“Oh, we’re going to take our time with you, then we’ll kill you,” Barry says, eyes glazing dark.
“Oh, I love you,” You sigh, admiring your true love among the chaos.
“I love you too, sweetie.”
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10 hours without the comfort of my beloved stay safe y'all it will be OK and we shall prevail /hj😭😭😭
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srbachchan · 2 years ago
DAY 5634
Jalsa, Mumbai                  July 21/22,  2023                 Fri/Sat  1:26 AM
🪔 .. July 22 .. birthday greetings to Ef Hitesh Gohel from USA .. keep well .. 🙏🏻🚩
अरे भैया  ! का बतायें  ! चार दिशाओं में काम किए आज हम  , अलग अलग विषय को लेकर  । और सब हो तो गया लेकिन , अच्छा नहीं हुआ  । तो कल , यानी की अब तो आज हो गया है , उसको फिर से करेंगे , और आशा है की अबकी बार वो ठीक होगा  ! 
in the World of the translate what has been expressed ☝🏽 is that .. well first off .. that I am a Brownie .. the colour of the finger was given to me thus .. was going to comment about this, but better sense prevailed and kept it to myself .. my yellow pencil flutters in the pen box beside me .. 😳🤣 .. 
is that .. what shall I say .. now this is the translate , not a continuity of the sentence above .. and I am not using the finger directional emoji .. ok .. my work today has taken me to all the 4 directions of the World .. on different issues and topics .. and all have been addressed, but not to my satisfaction .. so , tomorrow - well it’s tomorrow already now - I shall make another attempt to improve it .. and I hope that this time it is done better ..
Good no ? keep doing it again and again till it works right .. something will give in time .. because time also gets fed up when you keep at it .. so it eventually gives up and .. then .. the door opens , and we walk in .. isn’t it .. ? or rather ain’t it .. !!!
Alright ..  so .. San Diego and K , the project .. a great moment for the film and the makers and all those that went there for the release of the first look for it .. I was pushed hard by Nagi Sir to come along, but work and medical restrictions have kept me away from many such occasions .. so .. but I must admit the first look was pretty darn good .. wasn’t it .. style, music, frames .. everything .. 
.. and finally the reveal of K .. KALKI .. mythologically so important .. 2898 AD  !!
‘AD’ has been changed has it not .. ?
yes  .. AD , which i think was ‘anno domini’  , meaning ‘in the year of the Lord'.. was changed to CE - common era .. and BC, became BCE - before common era ! 
Why so .. have no idea .. it was related to the birth of Christ , before and after . hence .. but , each region in the World has its own year and month and named according to their calculated calendars ..  
many considerate Ef are sending in messages to me ‘to get to bed ..’ .. but i wait .. wait for Abhishek and family to arrive .. they have just landed , and I shall go to sleep after meeting them .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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fanatical4creation · 1 year ago
INVERTED! Insanity and Killer
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Hey i'll tell ya a secret, i give duo names to my characters, this is the Insaneduo (this is what qsmp has done to me). Anyway, now "FANATICAL WHY ARE THEY-" shhh sh sh i'll explain, that's what this post is for. Btw this drawing is OLD but yet useful, the only change i'd do is Insanity's eye, it's in the wrong side.
Let's start with Killer or Kiki (do you love me?) for the most intimate, he's from an alternative timeline called Something changed, based on the comic/au Something New originally created by @/rahafwabas. Something Changed is an AU where the human get bored from Sans' face and change the sprites Underswap's, i mean he surely wanted something new eh? (ba dum tss)
That's all. Pfft-there's nothing new that's why the name is Something Changed, would it be to fit the swap theme or the story itself
Now let's talk about Insanity shall we? He's originally created by Zero danteero, he's... uuuuh he's something new.... ok i'll stop- anyway he still have his classic story it's just his visuals that changed, i guess... BUT here's the thing y'know Nifty from Hazbin? That's him, but he rarely talks, he's more like an animal but still an insane maniac, he walks all curved and everything he's a insane beast.
Btw i'll probably re-do Insanity, bc he's too complicated to draw and i want to animate him, so expect a new design on him.
Nightmare found both of them in their own universes there's not much to talk about Insanity's bc it's like-... It's like how a kennel takes in a dog, lmao 😭. But both Kiki and Sane causes a lot of trouble when they first came in to Nightmares place... th-the omega timeline.
Nightmare wanted to make a prision in the OmegaTimeline to contain them "oh but Fanatical that's so dumb" everyone knows, he tried to convince everyone it wasn't and he failed bc "the evil only prevails if the good fails" as he says, but it's mainly bc "against facts there are no arguments." as i say.
The Insaneduo come together in every mission, it's the assassin and the damage dealer (🤓), they're almost perfect but they need another one to complete the trio, who would it be?...
"FANATICAL WHY ARE THEY USING ELETRONIC ANKLES???" Well, remember the prision i mentioned Nightmare wanted to do? Yup. Nightmare did it anyways but hidden from everybody else, i still don't know if Core is omniscient or not so i'm working on it.
The ankles are to make sure they don't scape or get close to the the OmegaTimeline city thing or the doors, since the prision is way way way far away from the city bc-.. y'know, it's an empty void, and it's underground, y'know i've seen an livestream from FmsDraws that he says if you dig to the ground of the void of the OT it'll be all black and with inverted gravity, so i'm still working on how it looks, but i got some concepts...
That's all u need to know for now, maybe everything changes bc i'm still learning about OmegaTimeline, so be patient for fucks sake.
Killer sans (c) @/rahafwabas
Insanity sans (c) Zero danteero (idk which social media he/she/they are)
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aether-link · 8 months ago
Let’s have a sad hc fic of yangvik shall we? (emotions are all over the place and been thinking of this for a few days).
Cw: death, extreme depression, heartbreak syndrome, old age.
First up, I personally have this thought that Raava just genuinely extends the life force of every avatar. (All my homies pour one out for kuruk😔) Compared to their companions who don’t really have that light energy extension. SO…
Yangchen and Kavik are the same age right? They are pushing 100 or around early 100s, Yangchen over time has personally given Kavik days off from avatar duties to be with his family and other tribesmen. Mostly a week too two weeks he has, Kavik mostly goes on hunts that also take majority of that time. By the time he gets back, he always brings back at least a new wound or scar. Yangchen doesn’t really like that, when she finds a scar or a fresh opening somewhere she’s on it, quickly healing it. Though Kavik is mostly riddled by now, she always shakes her head in disapproval though forgives him.
Things start to slow down for Kavik. His health mostly, the sheer stress of the past catching up to him. Duty and fights taking a toll mentally but more physically. A day he goes to set out, preparing for a hunt. He is home with what family he has left, Yangchen is there to (thanks to his mother, Yangchen is always welcomed to his home and family no matter) but this day was different for him. Things felt off, slow, uncomfortable for him. The weirdness of slow breathe, Kavik had to sit down. A few deep inhales until a wave of pain struck him in the chest, clutching himself there. Yangchen flew into action without even speaking a word. She was on it. Supporting his weight while he sits keeling over, using her healing she figured out what was happening to him. A silent heart attack.
Panic set into her, wide eyes. Eyeing Kavik’s face that is now drenched in sweat. Fear now over takes her, her knowledge in the human body is vast, once a person has an attack the rest that follow are more harsh until death, if your lucky.
Yangchen upset spoke with a stern voice at Kavik. Telling him do not go hunting, he is in no condition no more. Only for Kavik give her a smug smile with a look that she knows to well, a look of “I’ll be ok, it’s alright…” but no. Yangchen brows flex, eyes sharp, a frown dawned on her face. Her figure shadowed over him who was still slumped in the seat he took, reality grew on his own face. She was the boss. His life is now in her hands from now on.
Months had past since the attack. Kavik felt less in energy then before, what he would report to Yangchen on the daily on how he felt. It would give so much relief when he was ok. More extra comfort is when they slept together, respectfully. Yangchen would have a routine throughout the night checking Kavik when he sleeps. A hand on his back, chest, then pulse checks on his neck and wrists. To catch anything of the abnormal through out his body. Things seems to be fine until a week later.
Yangchen doing her check ups, half asleep for to be fully awake after discovering that Kavik is silent. A silence that was eerie and deafening. Throughout that night a second silent attack had happened, before her check ups, just her luck. Yangchen is in a horrible mess, scrambling to a lifeless Kavik who slept by her. There where no signs on his face, no signs of stress on the outside, the only evidence she could find was his still heart that felt like it was strangled from the attack that hit hard, feeling it with her water bending. Yangchen now beginning to hyperventilate, mute sobs. Running her hands over his chest trying to bring him back though nothing prevailed. Finally she let it out with a scream that bursted the windows, rattled the doors of the home they lived in. So loud that it made other water tribe members wake and rush too the house, only to find what cause such a scream of horror.
She hasn’t slept in weeks, dark circles under eyes, pale complexion and now underweight. Her solid rock that gave her peace is now gone. Yangchen started separate herself from the world. Started to ignore pleas, asks for help, avatar duties, literally everything. The woe was taking over her day by day, to weeks, to months evolved to years. Chaos was dawning. Even spirits started to break worlds without her interference and cause destruction. People and nations kept at her, everything was too much now. Even Raava that tried her best to ground her was unsuccessful.
Yangchen looked like death itself, a being of no other. Strangely things where going quiet, all the pleas stopping over time that kept falling in deaf ears. Finally she thought to herself, a perfect time to flee and disappear without witnesses. The place she now stays at, the cove in the side of the mountains where no one could see. Yangchen lazily mopes day in and day out. Her depression completely took the wheel of her life now, she could bearly eat anything and when she did, pain. Pain shot through her chest, specially around her heart and lungs. The suddenness made her think rapidly, more attacks? This was something else, she never even felt like this before until now. The pain grew in waves then stopped, it was torment.
The pain and the depression was at its maximum at this point. Yangchen laying against the wall of rock. Hissing the pain out when it struck. Her heart felt like it was tearing apart, it hurt to breath. Raava broke the silence, for a moment Yangchen had forgotten about her, her words where soft and comforting to hear after a while of stress. When Raava spoke, she mentioned something that Yangchen had never heard of when it came to human health. Why didn’t anyone tell her? Why didn’t anyone report such a rare like thing in history.
Broken Heart Syndrome. Valves of the heart ripping apart slowly over time from suffering from extreme depression, stress or grief of a lost loved one. Kavik’s loss affected her so harshly that she never wanted to admit it. But it was true, he was the last being and even thing that gave her joy, happiness, a reason to live another day. Why did she hang on after so long after his passing? Was it self false hope? Perhaps. The pain is back, Raava’s words faded when it became to unbearable. Grunts and gasping for air came from Yangchen, her hands death grip her robes in a fight for life. Things where blurring, sound was getting more and more quiet. Raava spoke more, her final words sounding like a gentle guidance. Yangchen started to realise what was happening to her, to herself. Her last few moments. The gasps sounded horrific to the ear, weakness grew all over. Yangchen’s body gave a last ditch effort, an effort too cry. To let it all out once and for all. For this this life. Soft lights shun around her, just making it out from failing vision until complete darkness. Raava. Saying her goodbyes to this avatar who lays before her motionless and finally at peace, the great air avatar Yangchen.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months ago
I've had the pleasure of hearing "Hamas isn't antisemitic, look, this source says they also murdered Arab Israelis !" completely seriously.
hamass looks at them the same way that terfs look at FtM transgender people
They're traitors who deserve to die because they've aligned themselves with the Jewish people.
Let's have some fun with the original charter, ACLU has a translated copy, nobody on the political left is going to go against them.
Link to the ACLU pdf of the charter
The souls of its Jihad fighters will encounter those of all Jihad fighters who have sacrificed their lives in the land of Palestine since it was conquered a3) by the Companion(9) of the Prophet, be Allah's prayer and peace upon him, and until this very day.
Conquered, I thought they were indigenous??????
(Hamas) which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state its position, clarify its purpose, discuss its hopes, call for support to its cause and reinforcement, and for joining its ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab: and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. Thus we shall perceive them approaching in the horizon, and this will be known before long
The time(16) will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad(17), which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)(18)
Love this one
When Moses came and threw his baton, sorcery and sorcerers became futile.
They cry about Jewish people but still have adopted and appropriated most of their prophets and leaders, should have stopped with Abraham if they wanted to claim kinship from Ishmael.
[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
I can't read anymore of it, it's turning my brain to jelly and affirming everything I've read and heard about why none of the other islamic countries are taking in palestenian refugees.
I still remember the person that got really really mad at me for pointing out if they couldn't find food listed as halal they could check for kosher labeling and be just fine, as long as it didn't have alcohol at least, since halal is pretty close to kosher lite.
Cheeseburgers are ok but still no bacon.
But ya whoever tried to convince you of that was insane.
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the-white-soul · 4 months ago
*Flowey mumbles as well before taking a bite of his chocolate with a small smile. It feels weird saying his name.* For Asriel.
*Still, he can’t help but be glad this Chara was able to appreciate a friend, even if their Asriel is gone now.* Do you think we’re best friends in every universe? I think so. At least for a little bit.
*Flowey, noticing Noelle kiss Kris, is reminded how this may be some people’s last days. He gazes at Frisk and smiles mischievously before grabbing, pulling them in, and kissing them… Aaaand stealing the chocolate from their mouth. Of course. He giggles as he pulls away.*
Hmmm… I don’t think I’ll ever want to eat regular chocolate again~ Oh, don’t pout too much. *Flowey breaks off a larger piece from one of his 3 chocolate bars and hands the piece to Frisk to make up for it.* Here.
Okie dokes! Enough stalling. Let’s kill the bastard chief.
(Frisk) "Yes, let's kill this guy!"
(Chara) "Better start now."
(Frisk) "Right, *whispers to Flowey* btw I loved that. Thank you. I hope we can stick together."
(Chara) "We need to bring you to somewhere no monster has been for a while yet still has a lot of emotional weight to the monsters. The top of MT Ebott shall do the trick!"
*Frisk and Flowey walk out and start going to the underground*
(Chara) "I hope this works."
(Kara) "We can hope forever but until we do something that hope is meaningless. So let's get going!"
(Noelle) "*Brought the thorn ring just in case* So, should I use the thorn ring only when I need to?"
(Kara) "Hmm, I'm not sure. Can you handle the pain for one day?"
(Noelle) "Yes. I promise you it'll be fine."
(Chara) "I'll be honest here, I don't want to see any kissing or anything at all during the battle until I know we've either won or are close to death."
(Noelle) "What if we lose?"
(Chara) "Then we died."
(Noelle) "What if they..."
(Chara) "Just don't do anything gross until I tell you to, capishe? Jesus, it's one fucking day. And if I see either of you talking about how much you love each other, I will describe in great detail the ways Jack loved me as well. I bet it wouldn't even matter if the public knew anyway. They'd love him anyways."
(Noelle) "Ok, I promise we won't."
(Chara) "Great. Then on cue, we'll grab our weapons and charge the base with everything we have."
(Jack) "Shoot any monster you can please."
(Sergent) "Umm, sir, can you give our crew an inspirational speech."
(Jack) "Great idea! Men and women stand tall! *All the guards look at him* Thank you very much for being nice enough to be part of this. Now, you must kill those ravenous beasts! Chop their head off! Make them suffer for all they've done. For we as humans will prevail! *Everyone cheers then he whispers to himself* What a bunch of sheep."
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mt10lt20 · 1 year ago
Finally, an Ace Combat Fanfic (or two)
Finally got my AO3 account approved, so I posted my first (two? Do 2 Chapters count) fanfics, and its of Ace Combat Zero & 6 (Ciphixy & TaliSham) - Featuring... some plot with subtle horror AND smut. Also, I realized that I cannot write pure vanilla T_T
AO3 link here - F*ck like you fly
Additional notes that were not mentioned on AO3 as they were linked to HCs: under the cut.
The protags are technically male. But because I sometimes also draw them as females + because they are faceless, they are written to also have some feminine qualities in their appearance. Or, they may not be human at all, considering the way they fly; and their wingmen will do well not to forget that they are predators, no matter how alluring or nice they seem to be.
AC6’s Shamrock/Talisman are my rare pair. Their story started out when I was thinking about how they’d ever get together, considering how much baggage Shamrock has. And I just happened to write it down, and by that time it was already a full-length fic. Might as well dump it on AO3.
ACZ and AC6 go together for me. I find them like mirror images of each other and hence, easier to write or draw as a “set”. Besides a weakness for the Angel and Demon trope (I blame Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett for writing Good Omens), I think ACZ and AC6 were purposeful corporate “mirror projects”: ACZ and 6 were developed around the same time (release date 2006/2007 - the only 2 main platform games in the AC series developed so close to each other), and both teams prob practically, in a very corporate fashion, were given tasks to focus on building FACELESS protagonists that were opposite just to ensure no overlaps when the biz was running 2 similar projects. As a testimony to some of the development similarities, the Garuda team even had a 3rd wingman (but dropped), very similar to the Galm Team.
Note: This a hypothesis based on understanding & practical experience of messy, large corporate cultures. Unproven in the Namco (pre-merger) context, but I guess similar patterns prevail across industries?
So, I think the Demon of Ustio was conceived first and management just went like ok, corporate has a demon now, this faceless thing is gonna be a challenge if we’re running 2 concurrent games cos we just can’t make them LOOK different, let’s do an angel/ angels for the other one so there will absolutely be no way we can clash the characterizations. The Angel and Demon trope was just too convenient and I think that resulted in Cipher and Talisman being developed to achieve the same outcome (ace pilots who are a cut above the rest, instrumental to winning the wars they were in etc), while being the exact opposite of each other.
A feared mercenary bound to no rules | An admired leader in the air force. Lone contributor | Strategist. Fear inspiring | Awe inspiring. Faces off against a wingman who breaks orders | Stays together with a wingman who breaks orders. Both their wingmen are also highly effective but one turned out to want to kill them | the other will die for them.
At the end of the day, Ciph & Tali would both be annoyed at how similar they really are despite trying to be so different (affectionate) - hence the basis of their beef in the chaotic ACZ/6/7 AU that sometimes features here. But they do have a grudging respect for each other and might bond over their shared love for capable-idiot wingmen (again affectionate), and TROUNT lol.
And after all, both are still to be feared, bringing salvation and destruction in their own way. Cipher - all shall fear me and despair | Talisman - all shall love me and despair. Pun intended cos they fly Eagles, but not to Mordor.
Would like to try writing Trount sometime, perhaps as a 3rd chapter. But due to their lighter hearted nature, they are a little more challenging to write with the subtle-horror undertone vs the ACZ and AC6 pairs. I will get there!
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bingejesus · 1 year ago
The Chosen Spoiler Review S4 Episode 2
So again, another spoiler review….proceed with caution—
Ok so Episode 2 starts off with Jesus having a dream of standing in a field and John the Baptist walks up in chains, then rips them off, making Jesus cry/smile. John gestures to the path beyond them as if saying, “The way is prepared.”
We get a fantastic scene with Andrew and Jesus where they discuss grief and how it is different for everyone. They even make jokes and laugh, saying that John’s memory will still be honored. Jesus makes the point that sitting shiva is usually done in the deceased’s home, but since John’s home was the open road, he gets the group together and they head out—only Jesus knowing where they are going.
We get a scene where Judas and Zee are washing clothes, and Judas complains that they should be out there doing ministry, gathering people, being efficient, especially since they are running out of money and should be taking collections. Zee tells him the mundane things are important too, and they shouldn’t feel too important to do mundane tasks Jesus asks them to do. It’s a neat scene that starts to really show Judas’ perspective and plant the seeds of his eventual betrayal.
Meanwhile, now that Ramah has returned, she and Thomas discuss getting married, which her father has refused to give his blessing. However, they figure out a loophole that allows for special circumstances (and following Jesus is a special circumstance). And while on the road, they ask John (Zebedee’s John) to be one witness for Thomas and there is a very sweet moment where Ramah asks Jesus to give her away as her spiritual father. She says that she has left her father, and endured his harsh words for it but she obviously doesn’t regret it. Jesus seems hesitant, and takes the moment to tell the group that he has not come to bring peace, but a sword (division), that you must “hate” father and mother to follow him. He does however, say that after the mourning period is over they will discuss the marriage matter further.
Atticus storms into Quintus’ office while he is having a bust made of him. Atticus warns him that Jesus is starting something—maybe even a war and he needs to do something. Quintus comments that he seems spooked, and Atticus just says again that he needs to do something. Oh and earlier, Quintus had given orders to Gaius that the Tent City needed to be cleared out and it’s obvious that Gaius is extremely hesitant and actually doesn’t do much to make life difficult for them.
Jesus and co make it to Caesarea Philippi where there is a pagan Temple known as the gates of hell (as said by Philip). And this is where Jesus asks, “Who do you say I am?”
John says that some think he’s Elijah, James says that some think he is the prophet Jeremiah, and Philip says some think he is actually John the Baptist, but then comments that’s obviously not true. So Jesus asks again and Simon speaks up and says, “You are the Christ, son of the living God.” And Jesus gives him the name Peter, saying “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Later on, while they are going to settle down for the night, Peter is quiet and staying off to the side in deep thought about what Jesus said while everyone else (particularly James and John) argue about what it means and why he gets the supposed position of authority. Matthew goes over to Jesus and he asks the same question. They talk about Peter’s obvious hatred for Matthew, and Jesus helps him realize that while he is not pleased with Peter’s behavior at all, Matthew did hurt him and has not apologized. I think this moment is amazing because it actually speaks a lot to how I experience Jesus’ lessons a lot of times. He doesn’t yell or condemn or tell me how wrong and evil and awful I am—he gently guided me into realization that a lot of times, I cause much of my own problems. He also says that you don’t ask forgiveness to be forgiven, but to repent. Forgiveness is a gift given by the other person.
The next day, while making their way back, Andrew and Peter discuss everything, and it’s super fun. Matthew does apologize and Peter doesn’t know how to respond, obviously still angry. There is a cool moment where Matthew and Tamar talk and she tells him that he must feel honored to be the scribe for Jesus. Matthew says that he knows when to write things down when Jesus gives him a certain “look”.
James and John continue to seethe about not being given authority and new names. Peter asks Jesus what he should do about Matthew and he says he should forgive 70x7 times, or completely and always. And he reminds Peter that even though Matthew did evil to him, if he hadn’t, he would have never met Jesus. Reiterating this idea of God’s sovereignty even in the bad times, which will definitely be relevant later. The next morning we see the group together working when Peter, having spent the night sleepless, comes up and hugs Matthew and tells him he forgives him. Matthew hugs him back as everyone stares in amazement. I cried because it was so beautiful to see.
Amazing episode with a lot of quiet and introspective moments and conversations. I really enjoyed this”calm before the storm” so to speak. As usual writing was amazing, visually beautiful, and spiritually fulfilling. I loved this episode that really brought home the reality and humanity of not only the disciples but Jesus. Jesus truly is comply divine as well as human, and I think this episode showed it in a subtle way that I loved.
Episode 3 review coming next! And WOO BOY 😭
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gayleviticus · 1 year ago
reconciling the pastoral epistles not being written by Paul and also part of inspired scripture can be awkward, in that you're often trying to say 'well, the misogynist bits weren't actually by Paul so who cares' while also maintaining God wanted it in the Bible anyway.
but i think it makes sense w the understanding that the Bible is an anthology of various voices that sometimes agree, sometimes disagree, sometimes half-agree. and the theological significance of acknowledging the pastoral epistles aren't by Paul isn't so much as to rob them of any significance or authority, so much as it is to make the distinct voices clearer.
acknowledging 1 Timothy is non-pauline means we can read the authentic letters of Paul on their own terms, and hence discover that Paul was actually a big supporter of women in ministry - speaking favourably Junia and Priscilla, sending Phoebe to deliver Romans, assuming women will be prophesying at church. Without 1 Timothy running interference scholars even conclude stuff like the infamous 'i do not permit women to speak in church' in 1 corinthians is a later interpolation and not authentic.
does this mean we should then throw all the disputed and non-authentic epistles out of the bible? i dont think so, because there can still be meaning and relevance regardless of their provenance and especially in them showing us how christian theological reflection on Christ developed in the early church. 1 Timothy shows us how Paul's successors understood Paul - it doesn't mean they're right, but it's another voice that contributes to the richness of the Bible. more data from which to work with is never a bad thing, but the task falls to us to synthesise it and determine which voices prevail when contradiction emerges.
and so i think the purpose of identifying the pastoral epistles as non-Pauline isn't to immediately delegitimise them out of hand, but to go 'ok, well we have Paul saying one thing, and his later interpreters saying another - who should we follow here? who is embodying the Gospel?'
and i think that's kinda just an extension of the natural process we go through with interpreting and applying Scripture in general. Proverbs says the evil will always be punished and good always prevails, but Job says bad things happen even to good people. Joshua says violence and extermination is good; Jesus says turn the other cheek. 1 Timothy says women shall not have authority over a man; Galatians says in Christ there is neither male nor female. Romans says obey the government because they are only a terror to evil people, not to good; the Prophets speak against the rulers of their day and get persecuted for it.
people conditioned to read the Bible as a direct lawbook from God might panic when we see these disagreements, but really it's in the diversity of voices that we find real truth. any statement has exceptions, any idea has counterarguments, any thesis has an antithesis. we even see that in the history of church doctrine: Jesus is neither just a man nor just divine, but both. God is neither purely one monolith nor three separate gods, nor three-in-one.
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meggettes · 10 months ago
Bridgerton spoilers I am live-blogging below LEGIT SPOILERS
—Spoiler Break—
Episode 2 (blazed thru e1)
Eloise is a stand up comic that’s why she sucks so much lol at least now she’s found an audience maybe she might calm down (no im not thinking of my sister why would you say that)
Will Colin finally woo Penelope with writing? With his pen even??? 👀
i am feeling Francesca so hard the quiet observant pianist is so strong
Benedict is my FAVORITE would he third for the mondriches I could believe it
Was totally unprepared for Cressida character development but am surprisingly fully here for it
Also what the fuck even pen’s own mother believed she isn’t lovable that is so messed
Colin is the only one who is like of course you’re lovable (i know because it me, he doesn’t yet think to himself)
STAHPPPPPPPPPP “kiss me it’ll mean nothing just pls” IS NUTS AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This is only episode 2!!!!!!!!! Way too early in this trope!!!!!! Unless…
Unless it’s a turned table!!!!!!! Aaahhhh!
Episode 3
he dreams in bodice-ripper 💀
Better than I could have anticipated he is so down bad what a puppydog babygirl
Oh my god who is danbury’s guest is it Sophie’s stepmother??? Is that how Sophie is going to bewitch Benny boy at the final ball of the season??? (I am Benedict centric in case you couldn’t tell) (so much so that I actually read his book) (they’re gonna change it a bunch but I can’t wait to see how that season goes. and then the Francesca and Gregory seasons)
Alone under the willow tree scandal-scandal-scandalous (if anyone saw)
They are so— I am so on board now the mutual pining I had no idea this was what we were in for thank god legit better than I expected
Wow literally what the fuck is wrong with people saying this fucked up shit to this girls face
if Ben wouldn’t third for them I would 🥵
GALLANT that’s the word! He is being very gallant! Not enough gallantry about I’m afraid
I am here for this Debling guy and our shiny Penny! The banter is superb :)
Also is he a Shakespearean actor is that why he knows what to do with his arms (nothing, properly)
Also I fucking love Eloise’s embroidered surcoats they are glorious
Is Cressida more likeable now because there’s a persistent sadness in her eyes instead of the meanness of previous szns
Is Colin really looking so different this season because his tailoring is different than everyone else’s? And they claim it to be “French”??
Speaking of tailoring, Penelope looks like a leading lady now instead of previous szns because her new wardrobe finally gets her waistline correct. It was much too high previously, making her look uncomfortable and juvenile. This proper underbust empire waistline is so gorgeous makes such a difference
Omg Cressida’s spark of interest in lord naturalist is so sweet!
camel thru eye of needle ✨Jesus Reference✨
ok Cressida and rugged bird man endgame
has anyone else noticed each of the Bridgertons has a prevailing one of the five senses? Daphne touch, Antony smell, (Benedict I would say is sight,) and Colin seems to be taste. Or maybe it’s just a mouth kissing thing. But I guess we shall see. Oh and Francesca sound.
And as a potential interest for Benny okay!! Two faves sharing the screen let’s watch em cook
Francesca is so pretty wtf who is this actor she looks like belle from the animated beauty and the beast disney like fr right off the cel n her big baby browns
This balloon hullabaloo! Dashing strong menfolk! Let the swooning and fluttering commence
The innovations ball!
Oh? OH?? Violet suitor???????
Put this dress of Cressida’s on the Met Gala carpet!
TILLY DO LESS (love her all about her)
Violet mom of all time aww she loves her kiddos
Stop he is not
Please COLIN
oh thank god
Debling is a great guy
randomly this cellist looks like Daniel Brühl kinda
Aw Violet sad for her boy
Ditzy sister preggers??
this episode y’alllllllll
Episode 4
Iike this red hair pale blue dresses combo on my girl Nicola is STUNNIN make those Irish eyes SPARKLE
This Francesca suitor is so WONDERFUL
they are CUTE
John Sterling!!!
her tweed over-jacket is taking me out of it a bit
Sitting in companionable silence!! Sparks flying among introverts!! Dare I say
Ok Mondrich, keep the club just don’t work in it! easy solutions
sweet Fran is such a quiet lil cutie pie aww
oh shit Colin realtalk wow cook king the lads were not ready for it not on his level
Violet, mom among moms
Can there finally be a season with no broken proposals pls it upsets me how much that happens on this show like it’s a casual thing to do
widower slow burn with widow ready for it here for it golden bachelor
is this……. ship inklings bw Eloise n Cressida rn
Omg Danbury isn’t one bit a fan of her brother
Lord Kilmartin WROTE her SHEET MUSIC
She’s Not Drinking The Lemonade
Lol Colin gonna get a front row seat to Pen’s proposal ughhhhhhh tensionnnnnn
JK about the ship-inklings actually but that was a nice moment
Oh Debling is iq-eq smart and I like him he is a sharp cookie he can’t propose to her now he likes her too much to get in the way of all that
Oh no his feelings are hurt :( no proposal
He’s a straight shooter girl he’s straight shooting you oops
HATE when diagetic music is off key with the score it is a PEEVE
Frannie is so happy awwww
POLIN are they going to KISS in the CARRIAGE
momentary 💔 but immediate 💓
Carriage hookup!! Titanic who!! Steamy!!!!!
way to go girl speedrun from never been kissed to finger blasted in the back of the family limo
this part 2 teaser what drama what will he do when he finds outttt
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birlwrites · 2 years ago
OK SO I know you answered questions about Evan, regulus and bartys opinions on the marauders BUT I couldn't find any posts about the marauders opinions on reg, I am assuming they do not exist but maybe i just. Did not perceive. ANYWAY i was wondering about it and Also their opinions on lily and regulus being friends? You probably said something about that already actually this is rambley(how does one spell that) so I shall stop now :)
they do exist but they're OLD old afjdlghdkgdjf, fortunately i was already hunting through the dark lord wip tag for Reasons so here they are!
regulus and james
regulus and remus and peter
this is a pro-rambling blog we support rambling (we have to because otherwise i'd have to be incredibly negative towards myself and i'm not into that)
when they think lily and regulus are secretly dating they're like. grossed out but they feel like they understand the situation. when lily VEHEMENTLY DENIES THIS to sirius, the marauders suddenly get MUCH MORE CONFUSED because if they're not having secret meetings to hook up...... then why are they having secret meetings
and then of course there's the revelation of why lily and regulus are *actually* friends, which sirius gets before the rest of them do
i think the prevailing question is 'but what do they possibly see in each other,' which is at first kind of muddled by the question of 'why is regulus hanging out with a muggleborn,' and will continue to be the question until/unless they see them actually interact. the two of them occupy such different Personality Niches in the marauders' collective consciousness that sirius is the only one who can really figure out how they might get along (and even then, he struggles at first to figure out what they even have to talk about)
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cooltf2facts · 2 years ago
*writes how some of the mercs described their parents* ok, good. Also here’s the prophecies that go with the newest thing y’all got sent.
You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned. You shall be betrayed by the one that calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.
You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone,You shall find what you seek and make it your own,But despair for your life entombed within stone, And fail without friends, to fly home alone.
Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,One shall be lost in the land without rain,The bane of Olympus shows the trail,Campers and Hunters combined prevail, The Titan's curse must one withstand,And one shall perish by a parent's hand.
You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze,The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise. You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand,The Child of Athena's final stand. Destroy with a hero's final breath, And lose a love to worse than death
A half-blood of the eldest gods, Shall reach it against all odds, And see the world in endless sleep. The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. A single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze
The mercs all exchange glances with each other. Finally, Medic asks, “Are we meddling in the affairs of gods? Because…well…let’s just say…I’ve entered through many voids and seen lots of things…but I have never heard of anything like this,”
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srbachchan · 2 years ago
DAY 5515
Jalsa, Mumbai                Mar 23,  2023               Thu 10:14 PM
🪔 .. March 24 .. birthday wishes to Ef AMIT Trivedi .. happiness and wellbeing .. ❤️🌿.. from the entire Ef family ..  ..
So despite the inconvenience of damaged body .. there must be desire and effort to repair .. which is being done with care and comfort of the Ef and well wishers , and for which there is repeated gratitude and love ..
Work schedules have been done and the charts start filling up again .. to the joy of the ‘moi’ .. for there is no better pastime than work ..
Yes the rib and toe are in a state of revolt .. but revolts must be tendered with and a solution to be found .. and find we must .. we no , I ..
Watching the inspirational stories of the greats of the World, gives an afterthought of a want to follow, imitate, and conduct oneself in similar ..
I watched one today .. and the desire to express what the celebrity did in the film, does impact the lesser mortals like me .. but endeavour shall be made and the will to complete its function we hope, shall prevail ..
.. and as I do dwell on this in walks the Son with another Trophy .. his team Jaipur Pink Panthers wins the Sports Honours trophy, The Virat Kohli Foundation Sports Honours , from the many contenders - well rewarded , well deserved and a pride for the Father .. 👏😃
his team Jaipur Pink Panthers won the Kabaddi Championships and now this honour , received in competition with several other sports teams from Cricket and Football .. 
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.. thats the Kabaddi Championship Trophy .. 
and this the Sports Honours tonight ..
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.. when you achieve Bhaiyu .. its the most prized moment for the Father - ME  !!
Abhishek wins Filmfare Best Actor for ‘Dasvi’ in film ; his team Jaipur Pink Panthers wins the Championship Trophy in the Kabaddi League .. and now his team JPP wins the Honours Trophy as the most favoured team among other Cricket and Football leagues .. 
Ok so there really is no other effort needed to write more .. time to savour and zzzzz .. 😴
My love 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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buildarocketboys · 8 months ago
Frankenstein Chapters 19-22 @tumbleclub
Quotes and observations/dumb comments/possibly smart comments under the cut:
Chapter 19:
Company was irksome to me; when alone, I could fill my mind with the sights of heaven and earth; the voice of Henry soothed me, and I could thus cheat myself into a transitory peace.
Kind of sweet that Henry doesn't count as company 🥹
the means of materially assisting the progress of European colonization and trade.
Big L for Clerval. Colonialism not so sweet
I now also began to collect the materials necessary for my new creation, and this was to me like the torture of single drops of water continually falling on the head.
Waterboarded by the obligation to create a monster wife for the monster son I created then abandoned...is this the title of a Tingler?
The memory of that unfortunate king and his companions, the amiable Falkland, the insolent Goring, his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city which they might be supposed to have inhabited.
Not in the slightest what I'd associate with Oxford; how times change huh?
We left Oxford with regret and proceeded to Matlock, which was our next place of rest. The country in the neighbourhood of this village resembled, to a greater degree, the scenery of Switzerland; but everything is on a lower scale, and the green hills want the crown of distant white Alps which always attend on the piny mountains of my native country. We visited the wondrous cave and the little cabinets of natural history
I've been to Matlock and Matlock bath and I kind of get what he means here. I've been to the cave as well, and you get up there by cable car (these days, anyway - probably not in Victor's or Shelley's day although I don't know for sure). Pictures for the (present day) vibes:
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I was guiltless
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Sometimes I could not prevail on myself to enter my laboratory for several days, and at other times I toiled day and night in order to complete my work.
Big ADHD mood
Chapter 20:
she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness. He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man and hide himself in deserts, but she had not;
I think he has a solid point here tbqh - who knows what the other one will turn out like?
They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species.
This is what I'm saying!!
a race of devils would be propagated upon the earth who might make the very existence of the species of man a condition precarious and full of terror
OK but imagine if this had happened and there was a Frankenstein's monster apocalypse? I'm sure someone must have written this "sequel" (and if not maybe I should 🤔
and trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.
As much as I think he's making solid points, I do think this was a bit hasty.
I have endured incalculable fatigue, and cold, and hunger
You are my creator, but I am your master; obey!”
The creature really does have some banger lines, fair play
I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery. Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful.
Notice he never says he'll kill Frankenstein
I shall be with you on your wedding-night
😏 (look I get that this is an important line - that Frankenstein turns over in his head later - but come on, I had to)
I walked about the isle like a restless spectre, separated from all it loved and miserable in the separation.
There's just some really beautiful lines and turns of phrase in these chapters, and this is one of them. Haunting even though he's not dead
But it refreshed me and filled me with such agreeable sensations that I resolved to prolong my stay on the water, and fixing the rudder in a direct position, stretched myself at the bottom of the boat. Clouds hid the moon, everything was obscure, and I heard only the sound of the boat as its keel cut through the waves; the murmur lulled me, and in a short time I slept soundly.
On one hand this sounds very peaceful, on the other I don't think I could fall asleep on my own on a rowing boat out at sea!!
I endeavoured to change my course but quickly found that if I again made the attempt the boat would be instantly filled with water. Thus situated, my only resource was to drive before the wind. I confess that I felt a few sensations of terror.
How mutable are our feelings, and how strange is that clinging love we have of life even in the excess of misery!
“I do not know,” said the man, “what the custom of the English may be, but it is the custom of the Irish to hate villains.”
Oops. OK but this is dumb of Frankenstein tho bc he was already off the coast of Scotland - I feel like the Scots would be equally offended to be assumed to be English
Chapter 21:
��Have my murderous machinations deprived you also, my dearest Henry, of life? Two I have already destroyed; other victims await their destiny; but you, Clerval, my friend, my benefactor—”
Bro are you TRYING to look guilty??
A fever succeeded to this. I lay for two months on the point of death
Why is he such a fainting feverish wallflower?
I saw around me nothing but a dense and frightful darkness, penetrated by no light but the glimmer of two eyes that glared upon me
Why is this giving me Frodo on Mount Doom vibes? It's very "I'm naked in the dark...I can see him with my waking eyes!"
Chapter 22:
They were my brethren, my fellow beings, and I felt attracted even to the most repulsive among them, as to creatures of an angelic nature and celestial mechanism
There's an interesting comparison to be made here, I think, between Frankenstein being attracted to "even the most repulsive" of his fellow beings (even if he feels like he has no right to be among them) and being unable to feel that towards his creation.
they died by my machinations. A thousand times would I have shed my own blood, drop by drop, to have saved their lives; but I could not, my father, indeed I could not sacrifice the whole human race.”
“Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time.
When I first read this I thought "oh, Elizabeth's sharp, and she IS, but she's got the wrong cause
But as brother and sister often entertain a lively affection towards each other without desiring a more intimate union, may not such also be our case? Tell me, dearest Victor. Answer me, I conjure you by our mutual happiness, with simple truth—Do you not love another?
but the apple was already eaten, and the angel’s arm bared to drive me from all hope.
Another reference to the Garden of Eden, but now Victor rather than the Creature is Adam (or possibly Eve)
I will confide this tale of misery and terror to you the day after our marriage shall take place
So, I know what's coming but I can't remember if he manages to tell her before it happens or not. I think yes? But will be interesting to see.
Memory brought madness with it, and when I thought of what had passed, a real insanity possessed me; sometimes I was furious and burnt with rage, sometimes low and desponden
Interesting to me that he's spent so long fearful of telling the truth in case people think he's insane, but now he really does (at least by his own admission) become insane, probably not in small part BECAUSE he's been unable to share the truth with anyone
The agonies of remorse poison the luxury there is otherwise sometimes found in indulging the excess of grief.
This is just another skilfully written bit of prose that rings true
Great God! If for one instant I had thought what might be the hellish intention of my fiendish adversary, I would rather have banished myself for ever from my native country
Oh dear :/
But, as if possessed of magic powers, the monster had blinded me to his real intentions; and when I thought that I had prepared only my own death, I hastened that of a far dearer victim.
I don't think the monster is magic, bro, I think you're just kinda dumb for not considering it
that what now appeared certain and tangible happiness might soon dissipate into an airy dream and leave no trace but deep and everlasting regret.
Some more nice turns of phrase
as I touched the shore I felt those cares and fears revive which soon were to clasp me and cling to me for ever.
...uh oh
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