#it’s obsessive and concerning
zoeywades-spouse · 2 years
So… I’ve been receiving anon hate, being harassed and stalked by someone from the RC fandom for months now all because of my criticisms of Niall and Ursa. Now unfortunately I found out that this same harasser has now been into the inboxes of several mutuals of mine harassing them about me.
I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve blocked so many people, I report each anon hate I receive, and I even left the RC fandom. Yet someone has such a sick and unhealthy obsession with me that they have been stalking and harassing me since I left the RC fandom in June. This has been going on for seven months.
I have received homophobic and misogynistic hate (calling me a whore, slut, bitch, etc.) and have been stalked by someone who very well is aware I don’t want them interacting with me at all. I was stalked by accounts I had blocked in the RC fandom who even went as far as to have their mutuals screenshot my posts and send them to them (they even admitted to doing that themselves). I made several posts begging those accounts (without ever giving names) to please leave me alone. They did not listen.
So I left. And for seven months I have been harassed and stalked by someone who either is in or was in the RC fandom. I was able to handle that. Because it wasn’t daily and because I get so much joy out of being on here and interacting with so many lovely people.
But now I’ve had to find out that this harasser/stalker has been into the inboxes of several of my mutuals trying to turn them against me and make up claims that I’m a bully all because I criticized a fictional character and an author who writes incest, grooming, and racist things in their books.
This is an increase in an already concerning pattern of behavior. I have made posts in the past begging people to stop harassing and stalking me. I have contacted Tumblr before and I have now been forced to contact Tumblr again. But I’m now in fear that my mutuals, who are good people, could get harassed because of me or that I could get doxxed or my safety in any way at threat. I have no idea.
This isn’t healthy. This isn’t normal.
This is unhealthy. This is obsessive. And this is concerning.
Because I don’t know what else to do and because I am genuinely afraid right now, I’m going to have to unfortunately take a step back once again.
All I can say is that if someone blocks you for the love of god please do not find ways to circumvent that block to view their account and do not send anon hate.
Be the better person because not everyone is.
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everythingmcu · 1 month
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fiftypiercings · 1 month
I can't believe I decided to read orv on a whim because I just wanted a good manhwa with no romance subplot and here I am knees deep into the novel questioning my whole life because whatever these mfs have got going on is much more nastier and visceral than any romance.
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emacrow · 4 months
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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intermundia · 1 year
i just read about the "narcissism of small differences," aka the idea that the more a community has in common, the more likely the people in it are to engage in interpersonal feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to minor differences perceived in each other, and i knew there was a reason my time in academia and fandom felt oddly similar lmao
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dclovesdanny · 18 days
Dead Serious
Damian loved his soulmate fiercely. Even if they hadn’t met, even if he only knew a few things about his soulmate, he loved them more than anything else in the world. He already had a space set up for stargazing, as his soulmate loved space, and had almost bought another animal shelter after finding out his soulmate had a dog named Cujo.
But as the newest fact sunk in, Damian could feel his world tilting on its axis. He could barely pay attention to his family crowding around him, couldn’t process their words, as he continued to stare at the fact with disbelief and protective rage.
“My parents want to rip me apart molecule by molecule.”
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decarbry · 3 months
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heroes always stop
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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Hey, Loki’s back. Well, I guess you two are ready to go.
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fullmoonfireball · 6 months
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i'm so glad that the Plasm Wraith is becoming a recurring character in the comics, even if it's at Olimar's expense-
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nextstopparis · 9 months
obsessed with the scene in 5.02 where they’re crawling up that sewer or whatever thing. merlin is fighting for his life gagging every 3 seconds and arthurs just laughing at him
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sciderman · 4 months
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lothris · 1 month
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those hips do not lie
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pondslime · 1 year
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Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady THE THING (1982) dir. John Carpenter
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eightyonefour · 2 months
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zaruba-needslove · 2 years
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Due to recent issue with some people arguing about how ‘AO3 should have algorithm’ and such... I feel like these tweets need to be shared out more. Saw this tweets thread by chance and I had to admit it's a great advice esp on fic writing or fanworks in general.
[Edit] Also since I noticed this post blowing up, if anyone ever tell you that AO3 doesn’t have a function to RECCOMMEND fics you like to others or read other people’s fic recs on the site point them to this post.
[Edit 2] Check source for the original tweet.
[Edit 3] Not OP, but usually when ppl talk about ‘rude or demanding comments’ it usually refers to those that tend to message fanwriters to write according to what they want to be either on the flow of the plot, shipping, etc to the point of harrassment/toxicity. And that would make writing not be fun anymore for some. 
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hamartia-grander · 26 days
i still have yet to play bg3 so i still dont go here yet but Wyll seems literally like one of the most compelling characters of all time and im not even joking. I havent even played the GAME but his character arc haunts me /pos. people are literally just racist to say that he isn't compelling
LITERALLY. He's utterly fascinating. He is a folk hero, a legend, the fantasy equivalent of superman. He's a warlock who is secretly pacted to a devil. He hates devils. He's an incredible liar. He's incredibly sincere. He's silly. He unironically enjoys puns and clowns. He over-exaggerates his Blade personality because it amuses him. He sometimes doesn't know where The Blade ends and Wyll begins. His hero-ness is a performance; not to hide ill intent, but to hide a broken man, to hide weaknesses and fears. It's who he is. It's always been a distant thing, a mask. It's who he thinks he must be. He loves freely and openly and will let anyone know it. He's only ever wanted to know he's loved. He still thinks his father's inability to trust or believe in him was all his fault. He still thinks that every bit of suffering he's ever experienced was all his fault. He thinks admitting to suffering would be disrespectful to the lives he's saved. He thinks he has to suffer or else his sacrifices were worthless. He thinks it couldn't be a sacrifice if he didn't suffer for it. He would take any suffering if it meant lessening someone else's. He is the first person to stand up for someone's life and safety, the first person to defend someone's worth and autonomy. He is the last person to do so for himself. He is of the least importance to himself.
He needs to be needed, because if he's not needed then what good is his power and the soul he sacrificed for the pact to get it? And if he can't be needed then he throws himself into the fray without hesitation because his purpose has always been to sacrifice himself so others may live. His life has always been one of sacrifice. His life has been recompense since the second he was born and his mother passed as a result. He saves lives to make up for it. It will never be enough to him. It will always be everything to those he saves. He just wants to be seen for who he truly is. He thinks if no one can see him for who he is then maybe it isn't who he is, and maybe he's fooled them all, fooled himself into thinking he can be a better person, be the hero they need. He wants to be known by someone. He's terrified of someone looking deeper. He sees others for who they are. He's a monster hunter who does not hunt the typical definition of "monster", who knows that monsters are not the ones with fangs and horns in his group of friends but the men who look harmless yet cause endless death and suffering to others. Not even the threat of his life was enough to get him to harm an innocent.
He wants to be chosen. He cannot fathom that someone would choose him. He chooses others over himself every time. He has so much love for others. He thinks he must constantly earn love. He is shocked when someone simply loves him. He thinks he cannot love and lead at the same time. His only role model was a father who could never put his son before his city. He is capable of immense anger. He is capable of immense kindness. He purposefully chooses the latter; he works hard to not let his anger consume him. He's still angry over things that happened a near decade ago. He thinks feeling hurt is the same as being angry and so he can't be hurt. He's always hurting. He takes pride in his achievements and he does not underestimate himself. He's not religious. He devotes himself to his cause with the dedication of the most pious believer. He stands by his friends in any battle, against any struggle. He stands against them if they choose to threaten lives. He holds on to those he cares about with bloody knuckles and teeth bared because loss has always been the hardest pain for him to bear. He has lost everything. He gives every part of himself to others. He cannot lose anyone else. He thinks he can do anything because he refuses to believe any alternative. Because he could not survive any alternative. He thinks his intent is as important as his actions, and so he must always intend to do the right thing.
He does not tolerate his boundaries being pushed or his father being disrespected. He tolerates any judgment because he thinks he deserves it. He defends his status as the Blade of Frontiers. He thinks the fear caused by his devil form is a fault of his own that he must work to fix. He hates the patriars and their farce diplomacy, their lethal hypocrisy. He thinks his father is infallible. He does not hold himself to the same regard as he holds everyone else. He thinks its okay if it only hurts him. Anything is okay as long as it only hurts him. He has to keep fighting to prove he can be a hero. He is so, so tired. He cannot for one second admit to wanting for anything, because once he starts he might not be able to stop wanting. He cannot accept that he deserves to not suffer, too, because if he does he might not be strong enough to continue suffering so others might suffer less. He might not want to suffer. He thinks he cannot regret any decision he's made, he cannot regret his pact, because it would be a dishonour to the good he's done with it. He thinks that saying he regrets his pact would be saying he regrets every life he's saved with it and he would never regret saving lives so he cannot regret his pact. He's accepted that his freedom will always be the cost of saving lives. He desperately wants to be free. His life has never been his own, to him. He thinks every choice he's ever made was his own, alone.
He is very complex. He simplifies himself to be easily accepted by others. People fall for it easily. He just needs one person to look closer. He's afraid of what they'll find if they do. He doesn't keep his cards close to his chest, he meticulously chooses which cards to hold at all. Which parts of himself are worth losing if need be. How much of himself he has to keep close in order to keep being himself. He has seen the worst that the world has to offer. He chooses every day to be kind, to see the best in things, in others. He chooses to care. He holds onto his pain because it's proof that he cares. There are several pathways that don't connect quite right in his brain which you'll notice after a few conversations with him. He is wise beyond his years. He is my favourite guy ever
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