#it’s not disrespectful to touch your significant other
iwatcheditbegin · 6 months
I’m convinced these people are kids or just very sheltered.
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shiroisotto64 · 1 year
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- Ozzie spoils his significant others. He loves to see them happy. Literally anything you want you get no questions asked!
- ( i don’t know what I was on when I said fizz could cook forgive me ) Ozzie tries to make breakfast whenever he isn’t to busy in the morning! And he lets them ramble on about whatever they want to!
- he’s super supportive of you and whatever your profession is! He doesn’t take disrespect towards his partners. You can dress as sluty or as comfy as you want. No judgement.
- he just tends to sit back and watch the chaotic things you and fizz do and get into. as long as your both not hurt in the process. If so then you’ll be (very lightly) scolded! Be careful next time.
- you’re really only seen next to Gina me fizz. He’s a sin fizz is super popular and you may be to depending on what your profession is. It’s just the best way to keep you safe honestly. You all go on trips whenever y’all wanna get out of the house tho. He lets you both choose we’re to go.
- ozzie checks up on fizz to make sure his limbs are functioning and while the smaller imp bounces around you sometimes cuddle fizz while he waits. Ozzie thinks it’s really cute.
- asmodeus is REALLY bad at keeping your relationship a secret. Yet so is fizz so it’s alright. They can’t hide the way they look at each other! And you of course. Ozzie has been caught on camera making lovey eyes to many times to count. 😭
- he’s always down to fuck if your up for it. It’s pretty easy to get him going. As we saw a good pair of puppy eyes and a smooth big daddy and your good. 👍🏽
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- he’s so silly. Like actually. He’s all over you and flirting non stop! You can barely keep ‘em off you. He loves quality time and physical touch.
- he runs off of praise and attention from both you and ozzie. He’ll roll over and play dead of left to his own devices for to long.
- you and Ozzie watch in awe as he fusses over his little girls. He pampers his little pets like no other. He has the most fun during walks and bath time! They get water all over the place and he loves whipping his skates out! (Doesn’t want him skating in the mansion.)
- random fashion shows. He loves showing off all of his outfits and stuff. Different hats and everything. He even convinces Ozzie to get him different color limbs for when he wants to match em with the current color.
- he curls up on which ever of you is close when he’s tired. Just slings himself onto you honestly. But be careful! Sometimes it’s a trick. 💀 he’ll nip at you when you let your guard down and run off while giggling the little shit 😭
- Ozzie randomly hums and sings and he randomly imitates different horns and loud instruments. Fizz has made a beat out of his horns before.
- he still pulls pranks. Like screaming in your ear to wake you up in the morning. He’s been fussed at to many times for this so now he uses his horns. (Yay?)
- blushes when shown genuine affection or compliments but turns his head away to hid the blush if in public and regain his composure.
- a total show off but who’s surprised.
- fizz gets turned on if your protective of him. Especially if you can fight. Ozzie is more lax if he knows you can take care of yourself and fizz. But fizz brags about how safe he feels and how sexy it is that you get so worked up over his safety.
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acidinduceddaydreams · 3 months
First Real Love with Skz
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Skz x reader who was in a toxic relationship before them
Synopsis: In which you experience love, the real kind, for the first time.
Warnings: major tw for trauma in terms of mental and physical violence done by a significant other. Please don’t read if this triggers you.
a/n : this fic was my baby for a long time. Now it’s yours, please look after it. I pray it brings some comfort to you!🫶🏼
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He feels honored that you choose him to be apart of your life.
Doesn’t pry too much when you bring up your past. If you want to tell him you will and he’s content with that.
He finds you so incredibly intoxicating. He can’t believe that someone would ever treat you badly. He would fight tooth and nail to make sure you’re always happy.
Literally so in love with your more childlike/ whimsical view of the world now that you two are together. Your personality definitely changed for the better once you met him and realized that being safe should be a prerequisite in a relationship.
Doesn’t ask about your past relationship much. Mostly relies on you telling him about it when you feel comfortable enough.
Absolutely at your service!!! If you’re having particularly unpleasant or difficult feelings or are in your own head he’s at your beck and call. Whether that’s cooking for you, feeding you (which you won’t admit you like) or even leaving you alone for a bit.
The babies (his cats) are by your side 24/7 to ground you and get you out of your head because “ they wouldn’t want their mom to be sad.”
Cannot fathom the idea of someone hurting you in any way whatsoever without wanting to beat them up.
Unlike Minho, Changbin will not leave you alone if you’re having a particularly bad day. He thinks you’re so precious so he will never leave your side even in a particularly bad situation.
Binnie gives the best cuddles!!!! I am 100% convinced. Cuddling is a must! It’s like free therapy. (He, himself is free therapy but wbk) his hugs and cuddles make you forget about what’s going on in your head bc binnie’s cuddles make everything better.
He’s appalled that someone could treat another human with disrespect and violence let alone you!
He’s your number one fan in everything you do. Celebrates your small wins just as grandly as the big ones. Oh you ate breakfast today. Suddenly your name and “I’m so proud of you” is all he knows how to say.
Paints with you. Yk when you put the canvases parallel to each other and paint something for the other person. Yeah you guys do that all the time as a grounding technique but also just as a way to show love to one another.
He’s so good at reading body language!!!!!! He is absolutely crushed when things like holding your hand or stretching his hand out to touch your cheek make you flinch, not because he’s mad or angry at you but rather at the person who ever dared to treat you this way.
Wdym personal space? Hannie’s never heard of it. He’s so good at getting you out of you head. He knows what triggers you and sometimes know when something will trigger you before you do.
He’s so attentive bc why wouldn’t he be when he has you to look after. This boy loves you so much and he shows it every day.
Bakes for you!!!!!! Sometimes you two bake together but he usually does it in advance to you telling him you need a little extra love today.
So in love with you. Tries to show you the beauty that you are because you haven’t felt beautiful till you met him. “Oh baby you look even more gorgeous than you did yesterday, I didn’t even know that was possible.”
You remind him of sunshine and he reminds you of the sun. Clearly neither of you can exist without the other.
He is super playful and witty naturally but he tones down the more mocking side for your particularly hard days. He loves you in ways that you didn’t know you could be loved.
On regular days though you two share a similar sense of humor. He loves that about you. Never lets it go too far though.
Absolutely a sucker for you. The boys tease him for being soft for you but he doesn’t care. You’re his baby and he doesn’t care who sees that.
This boy is so whipped for you. He always listens to you even if what you have to say is something he has no idea about. It feels so amazing to have someone listen to you. To truly listen. He makes it look easy even though listening and not interrupting is quite hard.
He’s not a big fan of skinship but your hands are always within his and he loves it. He’s genuinely so feral for it but you don’t need to know that.
He’ll make sure to show you how someone treats someone they love every day. He’s so attentive and that makes going to him whether it’s with a problem or just to talk so easy because you know there’s no judgment from him.
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hyunjinsjeans · 1 month
He knows (Han ver.)
Felix ver.| Seungmin ver. | I.N ver.
Synopsis: after an unfortunate event you decide to tell Jisung that you are ready to give it another go.
Type: Fluff 🧸, angst ❤️‍🩹, female reader 💃, SFW 👍
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, description of medical emergencies and health issues, mentions of mental health issues. Uhm there is mentions of dogs being horny(?)
Word count: 3111 words (your honor, I plead oopsie daisy!)
AN: This one is a little heavier, please don’t read if you are sensitive towards the topics described in the warnings. Something about my favorite soft boy Han made my brain go “pain” and here we are, BUT I promise it gets really cute and comforting in the end. Again, I couldn’t stop writing 😭
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You cleaned up the kitchen after finishing eating dinner and drank a tall glass of water. You rubbed your stomach and looked around the house. Jisung was going to be home in a few hours, probably tired from his trip to Paris. 
He had been gone for only a couple of days, not even an entire week. 
You knew this was hard on both of you, but felt like maybe he was making it harder than it had to be. It had been over a year already… he should relax a little now. But he could not, he still felt guilty every time he walked out the door with a suitcase in his hand.
With a sigh, you decided to head to bed. His flight would land almost at midnight and then Ji would have a couple days off. He was most likely going to come home and slide into bed beside you, quietly attempting to cuddle you without waking you. It always failed because you missed him too much to not notice his warmth and his gentle touch when he wrapped his arm around you and kissed the back of your shoulder. 
It all happened the year before. The boys were promoting a single and had been invited to a fashion show in New York, their schedule was crazy, they were away for a little over a month - which was odd, since they were not touring or playing shows. 
You and the other girls, the significant others, had a group chat, “SORacha”, was the name given by the boys. Everyone was a little on edge with how the American media was treating the boys, especially the disrespectful and downright racist paparazzi who seemed to start following them around everywhere. For you the worst part was coming home to a sad looking Bbama, both of you obviously missed Jisung.
You were only 8 days away from seeing Han again, things had been normal around the house. You went to work and then came back home to walk Bbama, having dinner with the fluffy dog eating behind you from their dish on the floor. Some days you went out for drinks with your friends, most of all you kept in touch with the other girls. It was like a support group while your boyfriends and husbands were away. You would help each other in the most mundane things, and you would also reach out to each other to keep everyone's spirits up.
That night you had gone out for a drink with your coworkers, but you were not drinking much since you needed to get home to read some materials for your Japanese class. Jisung had insisted it was fun learning a new language as an adult and you signed up for the course only to find that it was more demanding than you anticipated. Regardless, you were a diligent student so you prioritized your study time over having that second bottle of soju.  
It did not change much, by the end of the night you found yourself blinking away tears in confusion as you were blinded by the bright lights shining atop of you inside the ambulance. 
Your emergency contact, LeeKnow!Reader arrived at the hospital in her checkered pj’s. You were already in the ER by then and she was not allowed to see you until after the doctors were able to get you stable. Everything happened too fast, two of your drunk co-workers (sobered up by the scare and adrenaline) explained to LeeKnow!Reader what had happened. You did nothing wrong, you said your goodbyes and went to cross the road during a red light, following the zebra lines on the pavement but a car drove past disregarding the stop light. They hit you so fast you were pushed into the air a few meters to everyone’s shock. Thankfully, you landed against another car’s hood. Although it broke a couple of ribs, it meant you did not hit your head on the pavement. 
You required surgery for the internal bleeding and the doctors were clear you would be in the hospital for at least a few days to make sure you would be okay since you did get a neck and back injury. 
LeeKnow!Reader did not even ask you, she signed the papers and arranged for you to have the emergency surgery, without questions she picked up the phone to immediately call your husband, and then your mother. She knew you were not going to want to interrupt Han in whatever he was doing but this was serious. So she called him. 
When you woke up in a hospital room after the surgery, he was there with your mom and your sister sitting next to him. 
You felt awful. Not only physically but also mentally. All he ever asked you to do when he left home was to take care of yourself (and his fur baby). And you managed to get yourself ran over by a drunk driver. 
Recovering was not easy, you had a cast around your middle and on your left leg. You had to wear a neck brace for a couple of months and even after you dealt with a lot of pain from the simplest things like sitting or laying down for too long. 
Jisung was worried, to an extreme extent. He felt guilty he was not there with you when it happened. He liked to think that he would have picked you up and that he could have avoided you needing to cross the road. It did not help that you became so weak so quickly. He knew you to be independent and strong but during your recovery you were unable to walk the stairs of your two story home. You could not go out to walk with him and take Bbama to the dog park. You could no longer turn to the gym for an outlet for your anxiety, and you felt useless. 
You were different. It was obvious to your friends and to your husband. He could tell, he was not stupid and he was also not blind. He saw you shut him out, you were shutting everyone out in fact. You stopped singing around the house because you were not doing chores. Instead you could only sit and read or knit in absolute silence. You were no longer looking for playlists to have as background noise while you went outside to take care of your garden - hell, the garden was a mess you did not even touch anymore. You slept so much too, sneaking naps here and there. You avoided phone calls and texts too. And you began losing weight fast, no longer having an interest in food. Jisung had to knock some sense into you, get you off of autopilot. You could not help it when he was face to face with you, pointing out that you were in pain and it was easy to see. He felt guilty you had been hurt in his absence and he was feeling guilty maybe he was doing something wrong now that he was home. Han demanded to know if it was him and his work or both. He felt like somehow he had let you down but he wanted to make it better. 
It was not him, you were depressed from the feeling of confinement within your own body. Like you had a broken thing that did not work but you had to still push it around as if it did, only to be frustrated when even breathing was painful. You had cried to him, and he held you with the gentleness no one but him knew to have with you. What made things worse in your head was the idea that this accident had indefinitely put a pause on your lives… just when you and Han decided it was a good time to start your family. Of course you were not in shape to have a baby, this broke your heart as it added up with all the other “can’t”s that began appearing in your life since coming home from the hospital.
And while you were better today, well over a year after the accident, you still saw the hints of guilt in your husband’s eyes every time he left home for a trip somewhere far away. If he could, he would bring you along, but you were still waiting for your citizenship and couldn’t leave the country until your paperwork was processed… it would be at least another 6 months.
You took your necklace and earrings off and left them near your vanity, you twisted your wedding ring in your finger and left it there. At night, you liked to keep it on as a reminder that your husband would always be there for you even if he wasn’t in bed with you.
Jisung got in the car at almost 1:00 am, he was tired and a little jet lagged. He wanted nothing more than to sleep in the comfort of his own bed, next to his favorite girl. 
He wondered how your day had been, since you only went back to work a couple months ago. He knew you were excited about it, about getting your life back. Han was also excited about seeing you shake the gloomy attitude, and it began the second you got your casts off and started your physical therapy. Jisung loved how determined you looked, a small girl fighting a 2lb weight in each hand. But he was so proud to see you face recovery with courage. 
As of late, you were able to do everything you used to although some days you had to take it easy thanks to your back injury that was still healing. 
Jisung entered the home and was met with silence. Not even Bbama made a sound, he knew his dog must have been sleeping with you upstairs. Upon entering your shared bedroom he could see he was correct, as you slept with a peaceful expression and an arm wrapped around the fluffy white dog. 
You heard the sound of light footsteps on the floor and the sheets moved behind you. Jisung’s scent of flowers and fresh rain reached your senses and the familiar weight of his arm around your waist confirmed his presence to you. A deep sigh left your body, all muscles in your body able to relax in his company as if he was a warm bath to drown all your worries in. 
“Didn’t mean to wake you, Y/N” he whispered against the exposed skin of your shoulder before laying a soft kiss there. “You should sleep.”
“I missed you,” you confessed with your hand leaving your little dog to hold onto your husband’s hand. “You should sleep too.”
“Mmm,” he nuzzled against your neck, “I’m sure I missed you more.” He babbled a little, exhaustion taking the best of him. 
You did not reply to that, already swallowed by sleep in his comforting embrace. 
“Oh my God…” Jisung ran to his small dog, pulling him away from the other small dog. “Where are your manners? How are you not embarrassed?” He talked to his own dog and you laughed at it from the bench. 
“Look at this,” Jisung’s ear were bright red as the other dog’s owner approached, “it’s not a female! Put that away!” He urged his dog to calm down. 
You laughed harder as your husband apologized for Bbama’s behavior. He had been humping other dogs a lot lately, you thought it was fair to either let him have a girlfriend or neuter him. Jisung was unsure of what to do, the scene at the dog park might be the wake up call he needed. 
You covered your mouth with your hand and fake-coughed to hide your laughter as Jisung walked back with the small dog on the leash again.
“Why is he so horny?” He whisper-yelled. 
This only fueled your amusement and you giggled. “He wants to get some, let the poor guy have sex!”
“I know he humps the duck plushie regularly, but this is a lot…” Jisung complained, “and why is he humping other male dogs?” 
You looked down at the innocent looking little white ball of fur and offered your husband a kind smile. “Love is love, Ji!” 
Jisung rolled his eyes but he put his hands up in defense, “not that I don’t respect that… but seriously, what’s up with him?” 
You shrugged, looking away you saw a couple with their big labrador and a little boy. The boy held the dog’s leash and the dog seemed to know it was better to pretend the boy was guiding him. 
“Maybe he knows I want a baby…” you said before registering that the words in your mind had left your mouth, “wait!” You snapped your head back in Jisung’s direction.
You felt all color drain from your face and your blood rushed to your feet. Jisung’s eyes were opened wide and round like plates, his lips pursed together made his cheeks look even larger and more comical. 
“You want a baby?” He blurted out with incredulity. 
To him it was the single craziest thing you had said ever. Why would you want a baby? You were technically recovered from the accident but you still lived with some reminders of it. He still lived with reminders of it too. And a baby? You carrying a baby? No. He felt his mouth go dry. It was not that he did not want you to have a baby. He would be thrilled to have someone as amazing as you be the mother of his kids; but he was not sure you were in good enough condition to do it. He would be scared to see you as affected as you had been after the accident.
“Well, I said it out loud, didn’t I?” You laughed nervously. 
Han swallowed and stared, paying little mind to Bbama pulling on his leash to smell some weeds growing around a bush.
“Now? Do you want it now?”
You sought his hand and intertwined your fingers together. He looked down at your hands with the same wide eyes. It was like you were playing with his heart. 
When he felt how cool your hand was and how regular your pulse felt against his skin, while his heart raced his thoughts and his palm became clammy in an instant… he wondered how it was possible you were this confident. 
“Of course not now. Not right now,” you shrugged further, leaning your chin on your shoulder to look back at him to your right. “But last year we were ready to try, right? I want to try again, Ji.” 
Jisung let out a quiet sound and squeezed your hand in fear. He could not bring himself to shut you down, he tried to think of how to say it. 
“I don’t think we should yet.” He decided to say, pursing his lips he looked down at his lap, “it’s still too soon for you. I don’t want you to get hurt having a baby.” 
Your heart sank and your small smile slipped from your face. Would he ever let it go? He could feel your hand go limp between his fingers, his gaze fell on your features and he sighed. Everything in him wanted to say yes, to give in to your every desire… but he had to be reasonable, he had to take care of you. He loved you too much to risk losing you because he got selfish, greedy and horny. 
“I’m-” you fought yourself not to cry, this was not a temper tantrum; this was a grown up conversation, you needed to remain calm. “I’m okay. I’m not going to get hurt.”
Jisung saw right through you, he pulled you into his side and let go of your hand to wrap his arm around you, smelling the soft fragrance of your shampoo as your hair flew in the air. Lavender and vanilla. He kissed your forehead. 
“Y/N, I love you. But you just got back to work, your tomatoes are going wild in the garden and there’s yarn everywhere; I think you have enough on your plate without adding a baby into the mix.”
You looked up at him and pouted, “I want a baby quokka to dress up in that yarn all over the house!” You admit with watery eyes. 
Jisung’s eyes lit up with realization. 
You had been knitting for weeks. More like months. Not even once did he stop to appreciate or wonder how and why you kept making little pieces of clothing. If he ever had to explain it to himself he would assume they were for your pet. And now he felt stupid. So stupid. 
This was something you had been thinking about for a while. A long while. 
“Babe…” he cried as he hugged you to him with both strong arms, “why didn’t you tell me before?!”
You wrapped an arm around his slender waist. 
“I didn’t think you were that oblivious,” you admitted. “Seriously, d’you ever notice what I knit?”
Your husband shut his eyes closed and held you, placing his chin on top of your head. You were not going to drop the subject. 
So he did the best thing he could think of: throw the ball to another player.
“...we need to hear from the doctor, Y/Nie…I need to know that you’ll be okay if we get pregnant.”
You pulled away from him with hopeful eyes, unable to get past the fact that he said “if we get pregnant”. 
“Is that a yes?” You asked in a small voice. 
Han pointed a finger in your direction, “that’s a maybe.” 
And although you tried to hide how excited it made you that he was in on it, you could not help but also feel nervous about what the doctor might say. You knew you did not want to wait much longer, but if there was really something going on with you that did not allow for the two of you to have a baby soon you would be disappointed. Jisung wouldn’t want to admit it, but seeing how bright your face became at his words and how the tears you were fighting spilled freely now as you kissed his cheek…he was kind of hopeful your checkup would turn out alright and all of his fears would go away. He did want so bad to have a baby with you.
Likes, Reblogs and Comments are welcome! Thank you for reading!
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idksmtms · 26 days
HUNGARY GP 2024 (Lando Norris x reader)
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A/N: A short one to start things off! I felt way too many emotions after the hungary gp 2024 so I did what I always do: processed it through my writing 
(Also, requests for F1 are open!) 
Summary: The podium ceremony after the race was the first time you have ever been truly disappointed by your boyfriend, and you let him know it. 
Word count:  1,350 
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, the lando controversy post-hungary gp, like the slightest bit of OP x reader? But it’s platonic so it’s ok, couple arguing, angst bc I think we all felt it after that gp, disapproval, just you being annoyed at lando for taking his anger out on OP,  (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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After the trophy ceremony and dealing with the press interviews that only served to make him angrier, Lando made his way back to his driver room in the paddock to search for you. He had seen you in the crowd during the podium ceremony but you hadn’t looked too happy and disappeared as soon the champagne had finished and they all got onto the top step for a picture. He had handed off the trophy to Will, mumbling something about showering and finding you before walking back out. 
He was upset, and he needed a moment away from everyone on the team to cool down lest he say something he regretted. Though they came away with a 1-2, everything else during that race had been a shambles. Everything from team orders to the fact that he was the one actually in contention for the championship and had been forced to give up a significant points haul was now playing on his mind on repeat and he needed a cold shower and a conversation with you to put everything straight. 
He found you sitting in the little communal area just outside his and Oscar’s driver rooms. You were on your phone with a little frown on your face and looked up when you heard his steps on the stairs. He gave you a tired smile but you simply looked back down at your phone. He stopped on the top step, frowning at you as you refused to look back at him. He came closer, rubbing a hand aggressively over his hair, still sticky with champagne, but you didn’t budge. He walked until his legs were touching yours and the top of his racing suit, dangling from around his waist, was hanging over your lap. He knew you’d be annoyed if the suit dripped champagne onto you but you simply shuffled over to the other side of the couch and he sighed, feeling the anger and frustration rise in his chest again. He couldn’t do this today. He couldn’t deal with this. He was too tired and all he wanted from his girlfriend was a little love and sympathy. Was that really too much to ask for now? 
“What.” He bit out finally, glaring down at you, and at first you only flicked your eyes back up to his face, one eyebrow raising at his tone. Just as you opened your mouth to respond, another pair of footsteps came trudging up the stairs and Oscar entered the little area. 
“Oh, hi you two,” he gave a little wave and that polite cat smile of his, but before he could disappear into his room, you were standing from the sofa with a wide smile, skipping over to him with arms raised. 
“Congratulations you!” You exclaimed loudly, wrapping him up in a hug as he chuckled against your shoulder, manoeuvring his trophy around you so he could return the hug. “First race win already! I’m so proud of you!” You let out a little squeal, rubbing his back as you pulled away to look at him and the trophy he now cradled in his arms. 
“Thank you, thank you,” he smiled the widest smile you had ever seen him give thus far, and you resisted the urge to reach up and pinch his cheek like he was a little kid. 
You looked down at the trophy, a bigger version of the one Lando had received, and gently touched the painting on the ceramic. 
“It’s beautiful! Perfect for a first win, don’t you think?” You asked him. 
“It really is,” he sighed, gazing at the trophy reverently. You pulled him in for another quick hug before lightly pushing his shoulder in the direction of his room. 
“Ok, now go have a shower, you’re disgusting and sweaty and I’m sure Lily would appreciate a clean boyfriend coming back to her.” He chuckled and nodded, saying a quick goodbye as he headed for his room. Before he closed the door he looked between you and Lando for a moment, the thundering look on Lando’s face and the frown slowly slipping back onto your features. He really hoped you guys would save your argument for Lando’s driver room, he didn’t want to eavesdrop on that particular conversation… 
After Oscar had safely closed the door behind him, you looked at Lando then went straight into his driver’s room. He followed after you with a huff and slammed the door shut behind himself. You began pacing in front of the bed, hands on your hips as you chewed on your lip and huffed out angry little breaths. 
“What?” He asked again, trying a gentler approach this time. 
“I’m trying to come up with calm and polite words for my anger, Lando,” you huffed out, crossing your arms over your chest but continuing your little path back and forth. 
“You can’t seriously be mad at me for decisions the team made,” he threw his hands up and let them fall back against his sides, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation. He shook his head and clicked his tongue but you paused your pacing to shake your head at him in return. 
“That’s not why I’m mad,” you told him firmly, walking a little closer. He frowned and dropped his head back down to look at you but you had begun pacing again already, gesturing angrily in the air as you spoke. “I’m mad because you went up on that podium, and completely ignored Oscar. I’m mad because Oscar is your friend and that was his first win. Lando, you of all people know how special a first win is in this sport, and you know the joy a person should feel on their first win. Instead, Oscar was apologising on the radio at the end of the race, and on the podium, when you should have been spraying him with champagne and celebrating with him, you basically ignored him the entire time.” You paused, face melting slightly as you walked up to him and gently cupped his face. He had been staring at the floor as you spoke, jaw clenched and an angry little frown on his face. He looked up when he felt your soft hand gently stroke his cheek and saw the pained look on your face. He leaned a little into your touch but didn’t bother even trying to open his mouth for a response. “Lando, babe, I get why you’re angry. And you have every right to be angry, but not at him. And not around him on this occasion either. He should be feeling elated and hopeful for the future, not worrying how someone else is taking his win or not feeling down because someone else is seething around him. He’s your teammate, your friend. Please,” you pleaded, and a long sight shot out of his mouth. He began nodding, eyes closed and mouth set in a straight line, before bending down so he could press his face into your shoulder. 
His entire body seemed to melt into you and you wrapped your arms around him, ignoring the dampness of his sweat and champagne. He kept his face pressed to your neck, slowly breathing in and out as his eyelids flickered against your skin. He loved the smell of your perfume, and you always dabbed some on your neck. It stayed there the longest so Lando had gained a habit of pressing his face there and just breathing you in. If you were laying in bed, he wouldn’t care about crushing you under him just to get into that position.
He circled his arms around you under your own and both of you stayed like that for a few minutes. Then, so quiet you wouldn’t have heard if he wasn’t pressed so close to your ear, he mumbled, 
“I know.” You gently threaded your fingers up through the short hair on the back of his head and into the mop of curls at the top. You tilted your head slightly to kiss the side of his head and simply hummed. And that was that.
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meownotgood · 5 months
would aki ever consider homewrecking your relationship? in an upstaging sort of way at least? he brings you home-cooked food, drives you often, remembers details about you that make you realise your own bf doesn't?
ooooo imagine he gets drunk and starts being slightly more assertive not caring your bf is also in the room. flat out ignores him as he monopolizes your attention <3
despite his feelings for you, aki is polite, he keeps how he feels to himself and rarely comments on your boyfriend or your relationship. he congratulates you when you first tell him, saying he'd love to meet your boyfriend sometime. he doesn't intend to show your boyfriend up. it isn't aki's fault that he remembers your birthdate when your boyfriend doesn't. it isn't aki's fault that he knows what you like more than your boyfriend does, and so he brings you small gifts and homecooked meals whenever he's available.
boyfriend or not, aki has always shown you the same kindness — you're friends, so of course he does. you're each other's closest friend, in fact.
though, when aki's had a bit too much to drink, that's when the problems start to arise.
a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts, or something or other. aki remembers his mentor telling him as such when he was a teenager. but aki isn't really the talkative type when he's drunk, nor does he tend to get anywhere past slightly tipsy when he's out drinking. normally. tonight is far from normal.
aki is drinking way more than he should, ordering beer after beer until he has an array of empty frothy glasses around him, because tonight, you've brought your boyfriend along. the division's non-specific party had no problem with inviting friends of friends or significant others. but your boyfriend is sitting next to you, when it's usually aki that sits by your side.
he has his arm wrapped lazily around you, your shoulders are stiff as you sip your drink, drowning out the noise of him shouting across the table. he's waving over the waitress, and aki's jaw is clenching so hard it almost hurts, because as your boyfriend is complimenting the waitress' outfit with less-than-appropriate choices of words, his palm is on your thigh, you're shrinking into your seat — and aki is done.
he pushes up from the table so fast it shakes, making glasses clink together, and causing your gaze to dart up to him. unsurprisingly, you follow after him a few moments later. you step outside, goosebumps immediately brushing over your bare arms, to see aki palming a cigarette between clumsy fingers. his brows are knotted with tell-tale annoyance, but when he finishes shoving his lighter back in his pocket, and exhales a puff of grey smoke into the night sky, his voice as he speaks to you is nothing but soft.
"sit next to me when we go back inside," he says, plain and simple. the nicotine settles his growing nerves, and the slight husky slur to his words is the only thing giving his intoxication away.
you hardly have time to think about what he's asking of you — asking, was that even a question? aki takes one more quick drag, before dropping the half-burned cigarette on the pavement, stamping it out with his shoe. you're managing an, are you alright? but it only goes unanswered. aki grasps your wrist, and he starts to tug you back inside.
the atmosphere is much different once you've sat back down; at aki's side, this time. the lack of space has your thighs lightly touching aki's as you shift to get comfortable. yet, it feels like you can finally, truly relax.
aki orders another full beer before your boyfriend even notices your absence — with an annoyed look on his face, he doesn't question why you've moved, just drunkenly rambles about your disrespect for a moment, before turning his attention back towards the people beside him. aki though, he keeps his focus solely on you. he leans close to whisper quiet words into your ear. he doesn't seem to care that your boyfriend is right there, still sitting directly across from you. aki keeps you to himself, and himself alone.
for a moment, your gaze drifts up. aki's adam's apple bobs and his head tips back as he downs the rest of his drink, his face flushed slightly. he turns towards you then, eyes lingering on you for longer than necessary. he gazes at you with such a sense of softness, a look you can't remember anyone else ever giving you.
that's right. it was aki who invited you out tonight, who saved you your favorite seat knowing you would want to sit there, only for your boyfriend to drag you to the opposite end of the table. it was aki who already had your drink of choice ordered for you by the time you arrived. it was aki who leant across the table, trying to ask you how you're doing and how you're liking your new job, while your boyfriend who's never bothered to inquire was busy taking shots with the group a table over.
sighing to yourself, your mind spinning from the alcohol in your system, you let your head lean on aki's shoulder. aki hesitates. then, he snakes a palm behind you to hold the small of your back. when your boyfriend stumbles up from the table to head off somewhere, aki makes sure he sees.
he calls your boyfriend over for a moment to discuss something he already knows, some paperwork he has to fill out tomorrow for the division — aki keeps his arm locked around your waist, your head is leant on his shoulder, and as your boyfriend leaves, you don't even give him so much as a glance. aki keeps the obvious grimace your wasted boyfriend had on his face to himself.
"I'm sorry," aki mumbles after a few minutes, rubbing your back with his palm in slow circles. you chuckle, replying with a half-hearted, what for?
"I'm sorry for getting so drunk," he explains, "but your boyfriend was being an asshole. it pissed me off. I don't get why he acts like that, I could-"
aki swallows, stopping himself, stifling the words he almost said. I could treat you so much better.
sighing, he rubs his knotted temple with his fingers, and he turns to you as you're propping up next to him.
"don't apologize." you stretch, bringing your arms above your head, then rolling your shoulders back. your heart patters in your chest. aki is so close; you can see all the details of his face, you can smell the hints of cologne clinging to his jacket. his arm around you feels like it belongs there. "shouldn't have had so much to drink too."
"I'll take you home," aki says in response. "we should leave soon. the trains won't run for much longer."
you hum, eyes fluttering, gazing up at him with a look that causes his breath to get caught in his weary lungs. "can I come with you back to your place, aki?"
your boyfriend wouldn't like it. aki imagines how he'd react once he came to. if he'd call you, the phone ringing thrice before you pick up, only for him to hear aki's voice on the other line. there's grumbling, the sound of sheets rustling, and then aki murmuring supposedly in your ear, telling you to go back to sleep.
perhaps that's exactly why aki leans in closer to you, close enough to have his breath fan over your cheek, and inevitably answers with a warm, earnest, of course.
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amoreva · 5 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: the first signs of acknowledgement from your family about your relationship and planning and…Luke is a good fake boyfriend!
warnings: not proofread! slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth, drinking
a/n: inspired by charlie’s recent boxing photos! ik it may be a little choppy, but i wanted to put smthg out there before i go on my trip. comments and feedbacks about writing are much appreciated!
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A passive aggressive text shows up on your lock screen from Aunt Shelley. You were out with Silena, Clarisse and Thalia when the first signs of acknowledgment of your new relationship shows up.
The photo of your friend group covered by (now) two texts from Aunt Shelley:
Aunt Shelley
I wish you would tell us about this boy of yours before announcing it to the whole world.
3m ago
Kidding! He seems lovely.
1m ago
She was not kidding.
You sent back a short text, making up some excuse about why you haven’t said anything. Sure, you hard-launched the “relationship” intending for your family to see, but that backfired. Kind of.
Most of them didn’t care about social media yet they insisted on following you when you made an account.
Aunt Shelley
Tell him to buy brighter clothes for Easter!
At least they didn’t seem to recognize Luke’s mop of curls. Luke has only been to your house once in high school in freshman year. Well, Luke had matured since then and he did gain some meat on his bones. You wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t recognize him.
“Their reactions will be funnier when I introduce myself.” Luke mumbled with closed eyes. An arm wrapped around you abdomen. His thumb rubbing your side. Cheek pressed against your shoulder as he listened to you.
He insisted on taking a nap at your dorm to strengthen the image of your faux relationship, totally not because he was escaping his frat’s latest activities. It was something like a date auction or car wash.
“Do you plan on listening to my Aunt?” You asked, referring to Luke’s closet.
“Fuck, no.” Luke answered with ease.
“Will you at least be civil?” You asked and nudged your shoulder against his head.
Luke picked up his head and looked at you. “We’re supposed to be rebelling. Pissing off your parents for being judgy and shitty and what not.”
Honestly, you were hesitant on “rebelling”. Sure, it was just bringing Luke over and dating him because your parents hate him. But, you didn’t want your parents to hate you for being disrespectful nor rude.
Luke noticed your hesitation. He sighed through his nose. “Fine. I’ll play nice.” He laid his head back on your shoulder. “But you owe me take out if the food is bad over there.”
Believe it or not, Luke had become more docile. His touch more gentle and caring. His pocket always had chapstick now that he had a “girlfriend” again. Was he always like this with his other girlfriends?
You been there everytime Luke was in and out of relationships, but you never seen how he acted with his significant others.
And thankfully, being in a fake relationship with Luke was quite easy. The two of you know each other like the back of your hands. It was practically the normal platonic chemistry, just add cheek kisses, holding hands and flirting. No butterflies appeared and no hands got sweaty around him.
Because thinking about your best friend in romantic sense was the wrong pathway to go. It’s not like you have, just…think about all the movies and books. Usually they never ended well (you think).
“Charlie knows I called it. I knew it!” Silena exaggerated pridefully. Both of you were walking to your Art History Class. “The way you guys would look at each other and—gosh…I still can’t believe it.”
You laughed at your friend’s delusional nature. You can’t exactly pinpoint a time when Luke and you gave each other a look before this contract, but whatever helps Silena sleep at night.
The two of you sit at your usual seats and wait for the rest of the students to trickle in.
Your father and I are very excited to meet this new boyfriend of yours!
You wondered if she remembered Luke. He did leave an impression on her. The first time Luke met your mother, he was a little excited and rowdy because you and him were going to stream a new movie that left theaters.
Your mother hated when the quiet in the house was broken when Luke and you were excitingly talking. “You’re like a fly, disrupting this environment.” She scoffed from the dining room and went upstairs to her room.
Safe to say, you hung out at Luke’s house from that day forward (you just gave him your Netflix password). Thankfully, Luke didn’t feel too hurt.
“Oh! I know.” Silena placed her notebook on the table. A suggestive grin on her face. “There’s this party we can go to and celebrate you lovebirds!”
“Silena, that’s not really necessary—”
“You gotta see it for yourself though!”
“See what?”
“That twinkle in their eyes.”
The professor entered the lecture hall and began the lesson on art from the transcendentalist period. Twinkle? What twinkle? Like the stuff that romance novels describe when a character falls in love? Come on, that can’t be real.
“Like romance book twinkle?” You leaned over and whispered to Selene. She smiled knowing she had you hooked. Her pencil moved as she talked.
“Like when you get dressed for a party or a date and…and…” She tore her eyes away from you to look if she spelled a word right in her notes. “…they get that first look and their eyes light up like you’re their whole world.”
Your professor called you and Silena out for talking and the both of you quickly write down the notes. Though you both continue the conversation.
“Listen, our friend group doesn’t have to go party or go to a bar. Just suggest a date with Luke tonight and watch his eyes when you’re in your date night outfit.” Silena and you walk to the gym, scanning your ID and going through the turnstiles.
You look at your phone again.
boxing with beckendorf
13m ago
Silena and you walked towards the destination. The familiar black compression shirt and mop of chocolate curls appearing in your field of vision. His gray sweat matching his top.
Beckendorf was spotting Luke as he hit the punching bag in calculated movements. He shifted his weight between his two feet and with laser focus the material of the worn out glove made contact. Beckendorf grunted quietly. Luke could pack a punch.
It was kinda hot.
“Charlie!” Silena disrupted the practice to go hug her sweaty boyfriend. Luke and him must’ve have been taken turns hitting the punching bag.
Luke turned in your direction. A slow smile spread across his fast. He was quick to get his gloves off before greeting you with a forehead kiss. “Hey beautiful.” His hands resting on your waist.
If your next boyfriend wasn’t meeting the same standards as Luke was right now, you didn’t want him. Luke was practically the perfect boyfriend.
“We should go on a date tonight.” You suggested, obviously curious about this “twinkle” Silena was talking about.
Luke grabbed his gym bag and put away his boxing gloves. You grabbed him a white towel to wipe off his sweat. “Yeah? For what?” He drank some water and tossed his gym bag on his shoulder. “Your family being shitty to you again?”
Silena and Beckendorf said quick goodbyes and left the gym. You took out your body spray and spritzed Luke with it a couple of times. “No…” You made sure Silena and Beckendorf were gone. “Easter. We need to talk about Easter with my family?”
“What is there to talk about?” Luke asked and sat down on the wooden bench. You joined him. His musk covered by your body spray.
“I don’t know…like—” You paused trying to get the words out. “What we should do if like—my mother asks some stupid question. Or my aunt flirts with you or if my family ask you to prove we’re dating.”
“You’re not trying to get me to take you out and get you food are you?” Luke nudged your shoulder and teased.
“Yes.” You stated bluntly. “But more importantly, Easter.”
Luke and you decide to go out to dinner at a diner nearby. You made him shower and change first before anything. While he was at his dorm, you were struggling to pick and outfit to successful procure a twinkle.
You stood in front of your mirror, looking at your reflection. Clarisse was on her bed, reading a book for her English class. Though she got distracted by you numerous times.
After what it felt like the umpteenth time putting on different jeans and skirts and some sort of clothing combination, Clarisse pulled her headphones away from her ears. She could feel your frustration and dilemma. The hot-tempered girl was in your shoes once.
“Wear something casual, but cute.” Clarisse suggested and scanned her eyes over the clothes scattered on the floor.
“Like that with…that.” The articles of clothing made sense together, but would it give that twinkle you were curious about. It would have to do for now.
“When’s he picking you up?” Clarisse sat up. “I promise you, you’re overthinking this. It’ll be fine.”
You look at her after changing into the clothes she picked out. “I know, I just—what if this doesn’t work out?” Of course, you had in the rebelling against your parents with this relationship, but to Clarisse—you looked worried about your relationship with Luke.
“It will.” Clarisse reassured. “You’ve been best friends for how long?”
A couple of knocks rapped against your door. Clarisse gestured for you to take a deep breath before she went back to reading. You stalked over to the door and opened it.
“Go change.” You immediately stated upon seeing his shirt.
In big bright white letters, his shirt read “I <3 my girlfriend.” Forgot the twinkle, that stupid t-shirt was going to haunt you forever if you let Luke go out in that.
“What, why?” Luke whined, knowing exactly why.
“Luke! Go change or—or…” You hesitated to find a right threat.
“Helpful hint, sweetheart. If you’re going to threaten me, find a viable threat before you start it.” Luke called out and went to change.
You were going to strangle him. Maybe this relationship won’t be as easy managing as you thought. You were praying Easter will go how it’s planned or at least work in pissing off your parents.
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@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r @justanotherkpopstanlol @2hiigh2cry @celluifleur @thatbird-fromrio @yuminako @pookiebear16 @mxtokko @cxcillia @kai-islost @kidkrowk @iluvpjo
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vasyandii · 4 months
I’m a huge sucker for romance and relationship dynamic type questions so I do have some questions about VernAM (I believe that’s the right way)
Not the questions have to be answered, as I believe I have too many! But here’s my top three
1. In one of the little comics you did I believe AM talked about how he refused to give himself a body heat because of the concern he would produce and odour and this is where this question blooms from, does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body, or a fear that he doesn’t meet Vernons expectations? Or that she’ll find something un attractive or gross about him?
2. Whats their favourite thing about each other? It could be a personality trait, a skill, a body part, or say a little habit they tend to do?
3. Are they more dog people, cat people, or some other species like fish or reptilians or do they not prefer animals at all (if they had the ability to adopt pets)
Thank you so much! I love your art so very much and gain lots of inspiration from you to grow better in not just art but in educating myself in different cultures and ethnicities, please remember to drink water and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you once again! ^_^
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Howdy Romeo! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in some way! I'd be happy to answer all your questions! Thank you for the ask! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
1.) Does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body?
Obviously, yes. It's AM's first time on Earth physically, of course he would have insecurities. However, it's not fully because he wants to meet Vernon's expectations. It's the fear of BEING.
(This is gonna lean into some confusing type shit so bear with me. I briefly touched upon it in the second question of this post)
When AM was given a physical, tangible body, there's now a HIM that can suddenly be held accountable for his actions and that makes him uncomfortable. So being aware his body isn't as mighty as him (the complex), AM tries to combat it by removing variables that can be prone to criticism even if Vernon doesn't mind.
Look at it this way; usually people act differently online than they do in real life, right? That's usually because there's often a disconnect with their actions. This discrepancy largely stems from the perceived disconnect between their online actions and their real-world identities. When interacting online, there is often no face or tangible form that can be directly traced back to the individual. This sense of anonymity can lead to a significant reduction in accountability.
As a result, individuals—particularly those who may not be well-adjusted or who possess mean-spirited tendencies—feel emboldened to say and do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. They exploit this lack of immediate consequences, engaging in behaviors that are often harmful, disrespectful, or downright cruel - Much like AM, who only just recently acquired a body. (I hope that makes sense ;0;)
2.) What's their favorite thing about each other?
I'll categorize these by personality traits, skill, body part, and habit!
Vernon likes AM because of his hatred/sass because it allows her to have an outlet for her morbid curiosity along with an entertaining conversation. She doesn't find his skills her favorites because that's just him, she believes AM doesn't have skills as a man. Her favorite body part is AM's eyes, he's easier to read as a man. His pupils dilate significantly when he looks at her and AM doesn't even know. A habit she finds endearing from AM is him holding onto the end of her shirt with his hand and following her around wherever she goes.
As for AM, Vernon's take no prisoners attitude is his favorite part of her personality. Of course AM also enjoys the moments when she's caring towards him, but that's something expected. His favorite skill is how good of a liar Vernon is. She could tell him something so outlandish with such a straight face that AM would consider believing it; it's like she believes the lie herself. His favorite part of Vernon's body is her lips, AM likes how soft and warm they are, and how they're shaped. A habit he enjoys is that she would pace around the space they're sharing when she's talking, AM just likes watching her walk, I guess.
3.) Which animals do they prefer, if any?
In regards to if they're cat or dog people; Vernon is a dog person, to her they're easier to train. AM would probably like cats since they do as they please.
For other animals, They would be a Reptile and Bird household xD. I could see Vernon owning a bearded dragon or any cold blooded reptile while AM has like a cool African Grey Parrot :)
But in reality I don't think these two should have access to animals lmao
Aaand that's all for now :3 if you'd like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!
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noodlefluid · 2 years
Rottmnt headcanons about the bois in a relationship
I somehow got really into "rottmnt x reader" and now I can't stop thinking about it, it's slowly consuming my whole life at this point/hj
Btw, english isn't my first language so if I make any grammar mistake let me know
S/O stand for "Significant other", I would be using singular they/them pronouns and third person
Tw: a few curses, besides that is just fluff and fluffy angst, probably OOC
He loves being kiss and also knows how to convinced his S/O to giving him smoochies
His main love languages are act of service and quality time, he really likes when he's being helpful, but sometimes overdo it (this may or may have not been a trigger for a discussion)
He loves being little spoon, but he is concious of his size an that iss almost imposible, so most of the time he is the big spoon (if S/O is taller god save their soul cause their gonna have this big boi on top 24/7 /nsx)
Because of his body type and the spikes on his body he's really insecure and afraid of hurting his S/O, so even if he really need hugs, he contain himself as much as posible, he treat them as if they were made of glass
Has a "love stink"
He has a hard time telling his S/O about his weakness cause he wants to be their heroe, and the person they rely on the most
He breaks easily tho, his S/O ask if he's fine and you have a 6 foot turtle crying at their lap for at least an hour, telling how much he loves them and asking how such an amazing person is dating such a useless turtle like him, that he doesn't deserve them yada yada yada (we lub u Raphie, don't talk like that bout urself)
Loves when his S/O is spending time with his brothers, it make him feel like they're e part of his family already, sometimes refers to S/O as sibling-in-law, without noticing "Don't be disrespectful toward your sibling-in-law, Leo!, they could take your joke the wrong way" When he realized what he says his face basicaly match his bandana and hide for the next 2 hours because of the embarassment, Leo obviously tease him and start calling S/O sibling-in-law from that day on
A completely messy dumbass when it comes to his S/O, his brothers hates you (/pos) cause it's the only thing Leo is talking all day
Smile like an idiot when he sees a text of his S/O, and usually takes a few minutes for him to respond cause he just so excited, he's jumping and giggling to himself (Donnie says he's cringe, Leo says he's bitchless)
His main love language are memes, funny images go brr lmao. Absolutely would tag you on cat posts with an "us"
His second main Love language is words of affirmation, he really like the feeling of making someone feel good just by talking cause he know how it is to not have those words sometimes
Very flirtatious, chessy lines and a lot of dumb compliments, but oh man don't flirt back cause this boy's gonna melt and stop working for the next 5 minutes
He has a "S/O is amazing and this is why" time, when Leo tell everything that is perfect about his S/O, no one know what could trigger it so they're walking on eggshells everytime something slightly remind him of his S/O, he could be having breakfast and just start talking "Oh you're drinking coffee? My S/O love this brand of coffee. Hey have you tasted S/O coffee? They make the most tastiest and amazing ones in the word, and oh! the other they..." and this easily can go for hours until someone beg him to stop
He scroll over every single astrology post with his and his S/O signs in it, would send them to his S/O and talk about how perfect they are, if their sign isn't compatible with his, he would cry and then proceed to automaticaly say that astrology is the dumbest thing in the whole world
Even if he usually hates being touchy, he would probably be the total opossite with his s/o, just in alone time tho, he would never let his brothers see him like that weak. This doesn't mean his S/O can touch him whenever he want but he is more recilliant to accept them
He doesn't know how to ask for affection, so he would just akwardly stand around his S/O until they notice him, and hopefully understand what he want
Lots of gifts, his main love language are gifts, it could be small, it could be something big, but gifts is a must for Donnie, even if some of them are a complete failure
His second most prominent love language is quality time, wich translate to "We are sharing a room", He and his S/O aren't even talking or touching, S/O maybe hasn't even notice Donnie's there, but they are spending quality time with eachother
Another way of saying "I love you" is talking about the proyect he's working on, or his last hiperfixation, telling fun facts about the think his S/O likes, you like cats? "Did you know that cats came from egypt? And did you know their purr can decrease anxiety levels" S/O likes Astronomy? "Fun fact: Nasa kinda 'email' tools to astronauts because of 3D printers, really useful don't ya think?" He likes to share their interests and know more about them
He's incredibly observant and attentive towards his S/O, he may struggle with emotions but can tell right away when his S/O isn't feeling good
He have a list of everything his S/O like in alphabetical orden and separated by categories
Most likely develop stims that involved touching his S/O, it could be just a little poke or maybe bite them, he often doesn't realize
A lots of cuddles, he doesn't care if his brother are there or not, if his S/O is there he is gonna be glued to them giving them hugs and kisses until they have to go
He make a whole 'reasons why you shouldn't go and instead cuddle with me' presentation to his S/O everytime they have to go
Surprise hugs, their first mistake was being distract, the hug monster Mikey is in a hunt
His love language is physical touch, it doesn't matter if it's a hug or playing with their hair, he has to touch their S/O in someway
If S/O doesn't like being touch, he would always ask for permission everytime he want a hug or just lay in them and try to chill a little by hugging a pillow instead or maybe one of his brothers if they are near
His second love language are gifts, specially drawings, he like to draw his S/O in that amazing outfit they wore the other day, or maybe a little scene of his last date with S/O, then he give it to them
He also loves cooking for his S/O, he thinks that the kitchen is a place where you put all your heart and love for your loved ones. He feel the most happy when he has the opportunity to cook with his S/O
He sometimes goes crazy with the compliments, his S/O can be doing the bare minimun and Mikey would start to shower them in compliment about how amazing they are and how talented they are in the thing they are doing (even if it's just...breath), he sometimes gets his brothers involve "Raph, RAPH! Don't you think S/O is the most amazing person in the word? Look at them, they're so pretty and awesome and and..." Raph was forced to give every compliment he could think of to Mikey's S/O for the next 10 minutes
Usually makes something special every ocassion he's giving, my boy is making made up holydays as an excuse to hang put with his S/O, they now have to celebrate "gravity invention day", it exist now
Go and drink some water bitch, you have being scrolling for way to long
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mysticalcrypt · 1 year
"Now, be a good girl and serve the food.”
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(slightly explicit, swearing, kai making suggestive comments, etc.)
poll results for this fic: 51.7 %
I stirred the pasta that was inside of the pot, Kai and I were having dinner over at my place. He told me he wanted to talk about something important, there was a deep part inside me that knew he had nothing but bad to say. I mean, he has a cult and murders people for his own crazy reasons. But he surprisingly never disrespected me, well, he had before but not in a aggressive way. It’s only because I try not to piss him off even though sometimes he may say something that’s misogynistic and it takes every bone in my body for me not to retaliate.
Our “relationship” was weird. Very weird. He’ll often times make flirty remarks about my body or outfit. I’ll just ignore him or mumble a simple, “thanks,” to him. Now don’t get me wrong, Kai is a extremely attractive man, (If he wasn’t twisted I would’ve considered dating him) But I don’t know how I would even maintain a healthy relationship with him, given the obvious circumstances. Plus, I think he would only want me as a possession, not so much a significant other.
Speaking of Kai, I could feel his presence behind me. I ignored it, thinking he would walk away but he just came closer to my figure. I feel his veiny hands being placed on my waist, he grips gently onto it and pulls me closer to his body. I sigh, shaking my head. “Kai, stop it. I'm trying to make dinner here.”
He presses his hard-on against my backside and my eyes almost popped out my head. I gasp quietly, trying not to let him hear it. I feel his breath down on my neck. "What's the problem?" He muttered in my ear. "We can't do this." I tell him. "I won’t, Kai."
He chuckles darkly, his fingers playing with the hem of my shirt. "Oh, is that so? A week ago you've seemed to enjoy having me in your pretty little mouth." I swallow thickly. “That was a mistake. I won't do it again, Kai. Now can you please move away from me a little?" He laughed a little, nodding slowly. “Only because you asked so nicely."
He backed away from me and I sighed in relief. I went back to stirring the pasta but I could still feel those piercing eyes staring me. “You know..I’ve always loved when you put your hair like this..you look gorgeous..” he says, quietly. “Thanks, Kai.” I said, nonchalantly. He comes closer to me again, placing his hands onto my shoulders and rubbing them in a soft motion.
“You’re wet, aren’t you?” He says quietly into my ear. His hand smoothly moved its way down to stomach, slowly going lower. I stop his hand from going any further and I sigh. "I'm not doing this with you.” I push his hand away and continue stirring the pasta.
Kai groans. "Come on, baby."
"No, Kai. Please stop."
He puts his hand onto my back and slides it down, slowly and gently. I close my eyes and bite my lip. Trying not to make a noise, his hands go even lower and rubs my thigh.
I can't take it anymore.
"Kai, stop it."
He ignores my comment and starts rubbing the fabric of my panties. I bite my lip and whimper quietly.
"Kai," I sigh.
"Hm?” He smirks, and he puts his hand into my panties and strokes my clit. I whimper and grab his wrist, trying to get him off of me. "Stop. Stop touching me, Kai." I tell him sternly. "Or what, huh?" He mutters in my ear. I roll my eyes and continue trying to make him stop. He chuckles and kisses my neck, softly.
Temptation was starting to take over, I was getting so wet and I hated myself for it. His middle finger enters me and he begins stroking my walls.
"Kai.." I moan softly, my legs slightly shaking. He moves his finger in a scissor motion and then adds another. He picks up the pace, curling his fingers inside of me. My legs were becoming weak and shaky, he knew it. He was enjoying watching me fall apart, I knew it. “Oh gosh..” I set my hands on the countertop, my eyes rolling back.
"You want to cum?"
I nod quickly, and he laughs.
"No, say it. Use your words, baby."
"Please, Kai. Let me.." I moan. He speeds up the pace, curling his fingers into a hook and I begin to feel my release. “Fuck, oh shit. Don't stop, please.."
I moan loudly, my knees buckling and my hips moving along with his fingers. He continues to stroke me and I ride his fingers. I throw my head back on Kais s chest and he kisses my neck. "Cum on my fingers, baby. C'mon. You can do it. Cum for me."
I release all over his fingers and my panties were now soaked. Kai pulls his fingers out of my underwear and sucks them. I turn around and look up at him, I was panting hard and sweating.
"Now, be a good girl and serve the food." He says and pats my head. He walks out the kitchen and to the dining room. I look down at myself. My hands were shaking and my legs felt weak. I couldn't believe what just happened. I shake my head and try to gain composure, but it just happened so fast and so unexpected. I was hoping Kai would forget what just happened, but knowing him, he's gonna tease me about it all night.
(idk about this one…)
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hornsent-consort · 8 days
Andrew Kreiss x Reader general HCs
written with male reader in mind
Warnings: he/they for Andrew, mental illness, meltdowns, mention of violent behavior/force (there will be a cut before the section including these mentions), lightly implied neurodivergent Andrew, no beta reader (we die like men)
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🪦 Andrew has never felt 100% attached to the identity that everyone else assigned to him. Everyone at the manor avoided him, not including his small circle of people that checked up on them occasionally.
🪦 when you had came along to the manor, you were immediately drawn to him. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but it was just something about them that captivated you. You speculate that maybe you see a bit of yourself in him.
🪦 Andrew tries to force himself into social situations with you at first. He’s not shy by any means, but he’s definitely not kind. The main reason why he keeps himself removed from everyone else is because he doesn’t want to offend anyone.
🪦 it is extremely easy to be Andrew’s friend. They value loyalty and honesty more than anything, but there’s no other requirements. Unless you’re super disrespectful and gossip a lot. Obviously, it’s a no for him.
🪦 the best dynamic I think you could ever have with Andrew is one that leans more on the platonic edge. He enjoys playful banter, but he’s not good at conveying any other emotion that isn’t disdain. If you two could go the rest of your lives pretending that you both hate eachother, he’d consider that a valuable relationship.
🪦 he acts drastically different based on his status. If he’s sick, he has no shame or embarrassment. He is much more blunt when it comes to his needs, but he isn’t as snappy like he usually is,
🪦 tired-drew is very similar. He’s much more physically affectionate, but he has a very sour way of speaking to you. If you were anyone else, your feelings might be hurt, but you simply just get sour right back at him.
🪦 there’s never really a time where he is “jubilant”, especially when you’re early on in your relationship. The only time you can get close is when you smother him. They will allow you to do such things to them, but you will need to be able to get your hands on him first.
🪦 Physical touch is good when he’s receiving, but do not ever expect for him to give you physical affection. He would much rather give you things and spend time with you then have to hold you.
🪦 he is extremely insecure, you need to remember this. As much as he prefers the platonic aspects of your relationship, he still needs to know that you do in fact love him and that you’re not just lonely.
🪦 he asks you a lot of questions, and he will remember all of your responses. He wonders a lot if he was just your only option, so the questions will be exactly like those stupid questions that people will ask their significant others.
“If I switched brains with ______ and you had to choose between me in their body or them in my body, who would you choose?”
“You in their body.”
“So you think they’re more attractive?”
Under cut: potentially triggering topics such as mental illness, mental breakdowns, meltdowns, and potential violent behavior (lashing out at a partner for crossing boundaries)
🪦 there are a lot of things you need to deal with that aren’t exactly positive, aside from the insecurity. Mental breakdowns and Anxious meltdowns are frequent, and they will need their space for awhile.
🪦 people who experience these can one hundred percent get violent. It does not matter how much Andrew loves you or how much you love him, do not be the person that kisses someone while they’re in mental distress. You both will end up getting hurt.
🪦 Andrew will not be afraid to use force against you if you get to close to him or touch him in any way while he is in these states, and he will not feel sorry. He might feel guilty, but unless he actually gets aggressive or violent, he finds no need to apologize.
🪦 in a lot of his meltdowns or really any time he isn’t doing good mentally, he does get the encouragement from his mind to just leave you, and he will at that moment. You can try to use logic with him, but it will not work. All you need to do is wait for this to pass and be there for him when he comes back to you (it takes him about a day or two, nothing crazy).
🪦 he cannot be with someone that isn’t patient. He is a patient person when it comes to people with similar needs or issues as him. If you are someone who experiences any type of stress or mental breakdowns similar to him, he is extremely patient.
🪦 this man does not have much self respect, but if they do notice that you two will do nothing but hurt eachother, he will walk out. You two can stay friends maybe, depending on the situation, but he will not stay with someone who will do nothing but hurt him or vice versa.
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slasherwife · 2 years
Don't get me wrong, I like seeing asks with short s/o 'cause it's freaking adorable, but I would like to see one with s/o who is super tall? With Slashers? Like imagine someone like Michael NOT looking down at someone lol
Slashers with a tall!s/o
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YASS the tables have TURNED
Desc: How is life with your slasher boo when you are taller than them?
Warnings: NONEEE
Note: I used “moddy” as a gender neutral term between mommy and daddy lmao don’t laugh at me for my word creativity 😭
‘Nother note: I LOVE HOW THESE PEOPLE BRUTALLY MURDER PEOPLE AND WERE JUST LIKE “the world does not deserve this person they are just so pure🥹😍”
ANOTHER note: HI GUYSSSS OMG IVE MISSED YALL SO MUCH idk why I had a random urge to finish this I usually never post anymore 😭
thomas hewitt
honestly with tom-tom u continue to make his heart race and his soul turn to flowers and sunbeams 🥹
when you walk into the room, with that ethereal smile on your face and stand next to him, he looks up at you like an astronomer would look up at the moon💓your presence is just so beautiful and powerful to him.
he doesn’t see you differently to if you were shorter. let’s get that clear.
you are still his significant other, you’re his one. he would rather rip his own heart out than allow anyone to shame you, or to disrespect, Gd forbid harm you.
gosh i can just imagine y/n and tommy cuddling up and y/n being the big spoon because tom-tom loves listening to your heartbeat and he loves kissing your hands and your collar bones and AHH— 💗💗
jason vorhees
bruh you’ve managed to give big boi jason whiplash. he is at first intimidated until he saw your face and it made his undead heart go “💓✨🥹”
you make him run away? this very attractive and cute flower person is scaring me, i mean look at them! they’re so pretty!😭 you manage to lure him out with some bread. jason loves bread.
he loves being hugged by you. while he is canonically very afraid to touch you because of his strength, nothing feels better, or more blissful, than to be wrapped in your loving energy and warmth💗
honestly it’s no different to him you being tall than to you being short 🙂 his priorities are all the same— protecc cute human, love cute human, and unalive anyone who makes cute human sad🤍
michael myers
ur taller!…. how fuckin dare you—!😠
michael is offended by ur existence. my man is 6’7. how you managed to reach beyond his height capacity is beyond him.
He has a tough time intimidating his s/o when he has to LOOK UP AT THEM.
This slasher is petty and will plop you down at the bottom of the stairs while he stands on a higher step to look down on you
And he does this for shits and giggles 🥲💕 And when big angy man needs to show WHOS BOSS >:(
He is an angy man. But he loves being the little spoon 🥹 hugging you is like being wrapped in a warm blanket of safeness and he LOVES ITT
You’ll never know this though since he is literally the most stoic man to ever exist. He is a wall of zero emotion.
bo sinclair
Literally holds this against you
This literally angers him
He can’t talk cuz he’s probably like 5’8 (we love short kings) but is still just absolutely appalled that you are taller than him.
Will be the little spoon. We see him being so macho in the movie— is he projecting? Yes. He loves being cuddled into a burrito blanket by you.💝😭
Idek why but this brings out his submissive side like helllll he’s like “moddy give me cuddle please” 🥹💗
THIS IS SO FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT but like as every human being sometimes he can’t reach something, and you’ll be walking by like “oh do u need help with that?🙂”
Like super non confrontational, and then he’s like “🗣️WELL SINCE YOURE LIKE A GIRAFFE THEN FINE” you could literally be one inch taller than him and he’d call you something like beanstalk and then you’re there like ;-;
vincent sinclair
Everything about you is worshipful. You are art spat out from the heavens sculpted by aphrodite and the angels, like your height is just more evidence of your beauty 🥹💕💕
He will always look up into your eyes in pure amazement and love no matter how far up he looks😇💕
He wants you to carry him. Again, you could be just one inch taller than him and he’d be BEAMING as you carry him bridal style like you’ve filled his Disney princess dreams LMFAO 💗💗
Makes so many freaking sculptures of you. One life sized one to keep him company while you’re away🫶
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telvess · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Hermes (headcanons) 🔞
It came out a little chaotic... I got lost in halfway. If I'm making any significant mistakes, feel free to tell me.
SFW That guy is like a walking enigma. He behaves elegantly and kindly, always has excellent manners, not to mention his perfect tact, but something in your gut tells you it's not entirely sincere. Don’t get me wrong, you aren’t that perceptive: Hermes letting his perfect image… loosen up a bit. It’s funny. He always says something almost innocent as if he learnt what innocence means yesterday. He likes playing these kind of sweet games where you both know he isn’t honest and you try your best to expose him. If you manage to succeed, forget about praises or any other reward. Hermes would just smile or pretend innocently how unexpected that was, eh… I believe Hermes doesn’t have his type. The only condition that really matters is if a person can intrigue him. He likes challenges or being the challenge. Get his attention and keep fuel curiosity. Doesn’t matter if you are goddess or human, he would be genuinely impressed if anyone surprise him with something. That doesn’t happen often. If he catches some sort of feelings towards someone, nobody would knows. Yes, Hermes is nosy, always knows what’s happening in others’ lives, but he’s way too clever to give even the slightest hint that something is going on in his love life. For Hermes falling in love is a game but whoever falls first - loses. So romance with him is slow burn kind. I allow the possibility of enemies-to-lovers trope. If, hypothetically, some minor pantheon feuded with Zeus and Hermes would be sent to deliver the threat so that they know their place-… I meant message with some kind of advice, he might come face to face with s/o. The conversation may not be spicy, but it won’t be nice either. Full of subtexts, small provocations and fake smiles, everything on the verge of politeness. Hermes would come back without a scratch, but it definitely didn't go as expected. If at the end both sides find some reasonable compromise, Hermes and s/o most likely would end up seeing each other more often. Maybe because of their duties, maybe because they happen to be in the right place and time. Half the time, they'll have their small banters. Usually Ares is part of them because he overheard something - in his opinion - disrespectful and he tries to backup his brother, but he’s so incompetent that even he realizes it himself. At that point it’s usually too late for prideful man as Ares to call it off so Hermes has to come in a clutch and safe his butt. And no - Ares never learns from his mistakes. The next day he would fall into the same trap again… Sometimes it even leads to situation where everyone is against everyone. Hermes won’t be playing on violin just for s/o, but if she joins him during the play, he won’t mind her presence. In fact, he would like to talk about it afterwards. It works both ways - he won't be pushy either, but he would be kindly interested if she mentions her hobbies and is willing to share. The tension between them builds slowly over time. They both know that the other feels the same, but they don't act on it. I think it would go from like zero to hundred in a moment. Single spark and suddenly they kiss and touch each other without hesitation. It's hard to tell if they would become an official couple. They might as well be in open relationship or just friends with benefit.
NSFW I see him as a switch. He is used to serve Zeus and others so probably feels a need to be in charge and take care of a lover. On other hand, if you insist to be top and just tell him to relax, he’ll accept the offer. He secretly likes being care of but would never admit it. It’s new to him - be able to just empty the mind like that. I think he has a thing for long neat legs. I don’t know why. It’s nice addition, like the icing on the cake. He loves having them around his waist or placed on his arms when he basically fold you in half. Hermes likes to talk during act. He’s one playful guy. Telling you what he’s about to do, a bit of dirty talk here and then, definitely some praises. He has really good voice for that and knows how to use it against you. He’s pretty creative and open to suggestions. As long as you aren’t in pain, Hermes is up to anything. He doesn’t have his routine, just goes with the flow. Sex with him is rare, he’s busy man, that’s why he wants to make the best use of that precious time just between you two. Top notch in aftercare, hands down. That’s like his natural environment. He always makes sure you’re comfortable. Massage, bath, breakfast or any other form of tenderness you can think of.
I was woken up by intense smell and strange, omnipresent wetness. I opened my puffy eyes and once I realized I’m in the water, guided by instincts and fear, rapidly tried to get up. — Shh, calm down — I heard right next to my ear. Someone’s slender hands surrounded me in waist, forcing me to stay in sitting position. I let out a surprised sigh but didn’t oppose. I looked over my shoulder to see Hermes’s calm face. Leaning against his chest, I could feel the warmth radiating from him. — Where-re we… how… — I mumbled not fully awake yet. — You passed out — Hermes explained. Memories of our last ,conversation’ flashed back to me, and then my face exploded with heat. An egg could have been fried on my cheek. I was hoping that Hermes didn’t notice my embarrassment. Pathetic daydream… He knows everything about everyone before others. — Oh… I didn’t have to turn around to see his smile. — Judging by your body language, you didn’t seem bored with our experience. That’s why I took it as a complement. — Hermes pretend to be lost in thoughts, his voice was on the verge of innocence he imitated so well. — Whatever you like. — I gave up. He had upper hand here. — Do I interpret it correctly? Am I sensing submissiveness? — No… — Sulky mood then? — I don’t have strength for that… — That’s not very alike you. — I felt his chin on the top of my head. — Perhaps I should’ve thanked you for all these sweet gifts you gave me. I sighed. Something in his voice awaken me completely. — How much I hate… — I turned to face him. — Yes? — Hermes enticed me. I could see sparkles of joy in his eyes. — … how unbearably witty you are. — I finished angry. The corners of his lips lifted a bit. — Thank you — he said calmly. I just shook my head and came back to old position. We sat in silence. My mind went to previous events that leads me to this situation. I may have started our little tête-à-tête, but he was the one who dragged it to breaking point. I remembered his nimble fingers, smooth voice as he whispers to my ears, gentle and tender gestures, the patience, and finally his steady, firm thrusts as he filled me over and over. I lost track of time, at some point everything stopped when Hermes was playing with my body in so many different ways - from the most ordinary, to extravagant, to promiscuous positions. Being at his mercy was… pleasant. — That was very nice — I whispered. — Yes — he admitted silently, next to my ear. Whether he really thought so, or whether his impeccable manners spoke through him, I will probably never know. Still, I felt absolutely no need to worry about how I fared compared to his other lovers. I was just enjoying the moment.
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weepinwriter · 9 months
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“Within this intricate web of Tartarus’s hierarchy, I will be your guide, leading you safely through its tangled threads.”
Name : Victor (m.) | Vanessa (f.)
Age : They're in their mid twenties
Height : 5’8
Appearance : V. stands at 5’8”. Befitting their warm nature and words, V. has a naturally soothing appearance as well, with silky straight chocolate-brown hair and golden-brown eyes. Male V. has his hair cut neatly short, although his bangs fall slightly into his eyes, while female V.’s hair falls down to the middle of her back and can appear slightly wind-tousled at times. They are often seen dressing neatly and simply, in a black blazer, white shirt, black slacks, and black shoes to top it all off.
Personality : V. is an enthusiastic and positive individual who lights up the room with their cheery smile. They spread tranquility wherever they goe and believe in brightening up any tense atmosphere. Their seemingly infinite patience and love for childlike activities make them a certified mood maker, though some find them troublesome to deal with. V. is bold and adventurous, always ready to take on exciting challenges and overcome hardships. They have a confident and ambitious personality, never fearing anything and always finding a solution. Despite their big ego, self-importance and little to no sense of self preservation, they are driven by a desire to be seen as courageous and worthy of others admiration. On the flip side, they can be quite disrespectful (unintentionally) with no fault of their own owing to their bluntness, disliking boring work and indulging in creative pursuits like origami and listening to the recent rumors spreading around. V. is self-willed and stubborn, persistently pursuing their goals but resistant to tasks they're not interested in. However, they can be persuaded with bribery. Overall, V.'s personality is a mix of enthusiasm, energy, boldness, ego, childishness, and self-will.
Background : Case File No. ████▉ pertains to the Subject originating from a renowned aristocratic lineage, known for their long-standing prominence in governing the majority of the 5th District's lower sectors. Regrettably, unforeseen circumstances unfolded, leading to allegations and subsequent confirmation of colluding with anti-government factions within the 5th District. As a direct consequence of these findings, a significant portion of the family was subjected to public execution. The surviving heirs, including the subject under scrutiny (designated as 1339), were forcibly separated and confined within separate penitentiaries. Presently, the subject is serving a 100-year imprisonment term for their involvement in the rebel activities, having been found culpable of withholding information from the appropriate authorities. It is worth noting that, based on the peculiar circumstances surrounding this case, the subject could potentially be eligible for release on bail. The specific conditions permitting such action have been redacted from this report for reasons of confidentiality and security.
Likes : origami, physical touches, jellyfish, listening to the recent gossips and rumors, dancing
Dislikes : the season of winter (or just the cold in general), the darkness, any authority figures, complete silence, boiled tomatoes
Pet peeves : not being appreciated for his positive efforts and hardwork, inflexible rules, unmatched and wet socks
Trivia :
has an unusual fascination with flowers, and can correctly identify any flower and also point out their respective symbolisms
can perfectly copy anyone's handwriting and signature with a single glance at it
has a rather terrible streak of bad luck with sharp objects. Regardless of how harmless the circumstances may be, V. will somehow find a way to effectively end up getting impaled by a pencil
has dirt on literally everyone in Tartarus, excluding Twenty, MC and Nikita (who they seem to be especially wary of)
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selfshipseaside · 2 years
I have a question for y'all. What is your biggest self-ship pet peeve *culturally speaking*? This goes out to all of my POC self-shippers, or anyone who has a very specific cultural connection or practices that you often see portrayed by others, either very poorly or blatantly disrespecting a closed practice within self-shipping.
I'll go first: I know I haven't mentioned it here, but I'm Native. I grew up out on the rez, and overall am very culturally involved. I see SO many non-native self-shippers either appropriating/fantastical portrayals of certain native themes, regalia, or craftsmanship. I'm talkin' like, dream catchers/feathers/jewelry that hold some kind of significance and are gifted to them oh so graciously by a tribe, not taking into account native peoples and actively being weird about them when talking about their own personal canons (which to be clear, anyone can do whatever they want, but being racist isn't the move, generally.)
These are very real things I've actually seen. I mean...hell, I've been in a VC with a fellow self-shipper (who was not native, I confirmed.) who at some point insisted they knew more about native folklore than I did. Yeah I didn't talk to them after that. Regardless, what do y'all see culturally that rubs you the wrong way? How could people handle using certain cultural themes better in your opinion? For me, when it comes to NATIVE culture. Don't touch it. If you are not native, don't touch it. And if you are to write about it even briefly, please for the love of all that is holy, do RESEARCH. and not just a google search, look for native sources and be respectful! If you know someone who is Native that isn't family...don't hound them for answers either, unless they're comfortable answering questions. It's disrespectful, and not our job to educate you on everything. Anyways, Thanks for reading! If y'all have any input feel free to send an ask or reply to this post! I'd love to see.
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starseungs · 2 years
➳ 11:11pm. hhj
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hwang hyunjin x gn!reader
light(?) angst, bestfriend!hyunjin, unrequited love — 0.7k words
made this just to post smth while i finish my wips </3
2022 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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"Why is everyone in love except for me?"
Hyunjin passionately complains, turning off his phone to toss it to the side after finally getting tired of seeing countless happy couples on his feed. "It's almost insulting to be left out like this."
You side-eyed him without much care to hide the somewhat disrespectful action. It was on purpose anyway—you wanted him to see it to prove your point. "Maybe if you lessened your expectations for every relationship then you wouldn't be whining pathetically on my apartment couch."
"And lower my standards? No way," he gasped in an exaggerated manner. You merely yawned, already having expected his response. "I have a very specific vision only my soulmate would be able to recreate!"
"Yeah, right. Your soulmate is probably grass, because you really need to touch some."
Hyunjin narrowed his eyes on you. The sharpened gaze barely affected you after having gotten used to it for years now. "You don't get to scold me like this, you're literally single too."
You couldn't help but scoff at the words you unfortunately managed to hear. Hyunjin wasn't entirely wrong—you were single too. But you believed there was a major difference between both your situations.
"Unlike you, though," you started, pausing for a split second at the sight of Hyunjin's attentive stare. It made you want to cry. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
"Come on, Y/N! Don't you want to see how other people would react?" He tried to sell it to you like some on-sale product. "You said it yourself; you're not looking for a relationship, then boom! Boyfriend!" Hyunjin looks up at you with a proud grin, to which you find yourself holding your breath too.
"Mysterious, right?"
You grit your teeth. From the day you first met him as a freshman in college up until this very moment, Hyunjin had barely changed. Of course, there were many aspects of him that had matured, as well as skill wise also improved—but the Hyunjin you knew never changed in your eyes. And you could say that neither did you. He was still the same one you befriended, the one you held oh-so-dearly, and the one you loved.
That fact only made you even more opposed to the idea that would just break what was left of your sense of rationality.
"You're actually insane, Hwang Hyunjin," you tried to keep your voice as composed as possible. He would likely never notice such a small change either way, but you're a lot more cautious about things. "That stuff is for fiction books. Nonexistent in real life."
He snorts at your comment. "Well, you'd be surprised. A lot more people do it than you thought."
"It's stupid."
Hyunjin hums, surprisingly acknowledging your stance. "I guess it's just normal for humans to crave love… and attention. Mostly for the attention," he lightly laughs at his own words—something you had to clench your fists quietly to as a silent reminder it could never be for you. "Still it's for fun, Y/N. We both don't have significant others or anyone courting us, so who'd get jealous?"
Yet despite everything you just did, you knew that it would end up in your loss. It always did.
"Damn it, fine."
Hyunjin's face lights up, making your heart flip and shatter upon landing because you knew you weren't doing it for the same reasons as him. Unfortunately, you've immediately come to regret your decision as Hyunjin slips his hand into yours without a word. You gasped at the unexpected feeling that had the butterflies in your stomach, circling in chaos. "Relax your hand," you heard him say, and for a second you forgot the situation you were in. "It looks awkward in the photo."
Oh. Right. You two were faking a soft launch.
It took you less than a second to release the tension from your hand. You knew it was merely you losing energy from the disappointment, but you would never admit it out loud. At least Hyunjin seemed satisfied, though.
"Should we put a caption?" He ponders, glancing at you for help. You bit your lip at what you were about to say.
"11:11, my wish came true."
Hyunjin raises a suspicious eyebrow. "That's… very corny—even for someone like you."
"It's not real anyway, might as well go all out," was your pitiful excuse, snatching the phone from him to quickly place the words.
And as you pressed the post button, all you could think of was how you hoped this was real. But 11:11 would never grant your wish like you wrote in the caption.
Not unless Hyunjin wished for you too.
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mastertag 🔖— @tyuniiz @lhskokoro @bookishcalls @comet-falls
send in an ask if you want to be added ! 🫶
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