#it’s not a break or sprain or whatever but it hurts bad lol
starlooove · 8 months
Me realizing that when I’m doing it in the privacy of my own room with nobody around there’s no possible way I’m faking it or being over dramatic for attention.
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alarrylarrie · 2 years
Your tags about Louis.. I worried about his fractured elbow because I broke mine the same way 🤦🏽‍♀️ drunk racing in heels and couldnt stop and crashed against a tree with my arm lol the thing is you really need to rest with a sling for 2 weeks without moving your arm because it wont heal right and you might need a cast later on which is what happened to me and I feel Louis is really bad a following orders lol I went from a sling for 2 weeks to a cast for a month and a half bc I couldnt follow dr orders stricly.
Ugh I know I hope he takes it seriously! I was at a trampoline park two weeks ago and I fell FLAT on my face on these concrete steps. Hurt like a son of a bitch, I’ll tell you. I mentioned it to my doctor and she’s like, uh yeah you need x-rays so we can make sure you didn’t break bones…..
Did I go and get said x-rays? No. No I did not. Thankfully most everything’s mostly healed up save for a couple of sore spots, which means it was more likely a sprain, but I still didn’t do what I was supposed to. Just a lot of Tylenol. For someone with health anxiety, I sure ignore sound medical advice a lot. Louis does seem like a stubborn old goat sometimes, but that’s just the Capricorn he is. I have a feeling that Harry’s probably hired like a team of doctors and is doubling whatever they pay Oli to make sure Louis takes care of himself, lol.
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spookydinosaurmoon · 3 years
I don’t want to face my past. My traumas. But I need to and even though I don’t think I'll ever be ready - this is the closest I'm going to get to feeling ready. I need therapy. I need help with triggers and not holding things in. I need help not being affected by everything. Even in this environment I’m scared to type out my past. Like as if anyone knowing is going to do anything. I think I'm scared that someone I know or my abusers will see this and drag my words and my character in the mud. Tell me that I’m lying and that it never happened or that it didn’t happen like that. Gaslit. I don’t want to be gaslit anymore. I don’t know what's real and what isn’t. My body. My mind. They can’t trust themselves or each other. I don’t even know. So I'll just start
I was sexually abused until the age of 12. I’ve been raped twice after that by two other men. My sexual abuse as a child was done by my sister. All my memories (like 10 cause everything else is gone) is either of me crying and not wanting to do something sexual, being yelled at, hiding in the dark either under a sink in the kitchen or in the bathroom or in my parents closet. I stayed in the dark alone a lot. I didn’t think I was hiding until I really started looking at it. Because if I wasn’t hiding I was being hurt. Wether that be sexually or by my brother who would smother me with pillows or hang me over the edge of our 2 story house until I cried and plead to be put down. I would be forced to jump off ledges which in turn just caused me to break/sprain parts of my body. My parents are narcissists that were never around. Left alone to the evils that lived in my home. All I wanted was to be older so I could escape. Got older and got into relationships that were also abusive. My first long term boyfriend (age 13/14) always guilted me into doing sexual things. To the point he screamed at me “we should just have sex” which I said ok until I asked him to please stop because it hurt so bad. He hates me now lol. I remember when I got with my boyfriend in high school I felt like I loved him so quickly because he wasn’t like my ex. We could lay in bed without it turning into anything. He was so respectful of me. Never pressured me into doing anything sexually and I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world just because we could simply nap together without him getting a boner and me having to do something about it. This same guy would end up becoming one of my nightmares. He never hit me but grabbed me, trapped in places, stalked me, hunted me down, screamed and got so angry that it was just better to do whatever to make sure I didn’t make him upset. That's when the 1-10 panic attacks everyday for years started to develop. To this day I fear running into him and its been 6 years since I've seen him. Just the fear of what was to come if I received a text from a random number - its the reason my block list is so long. I remember that was when I realized I was safe when I didn’t have to fear things like getting a text that might make him upset. If he never left for college I truly don’t think I would be alive. He never hit me but if I stayed with him any longer - It was bound to happen. I won’t forget the car rides where he would threaten to crash and kill us because I made him angry. The worse part is I didn’t even know what I was doing that was causing the anger most of the time. One of the last things I said to him while we were together was “I’ll make sure to be nothing by happy. I will show no other emotions but happiness” He was upset that was not happy that day. lol how dare I bum him out lol. You never think that people you are closest too would hurt you. But I find that to be the people that are most likely to hurt you actually. I had a friend. A best friend I always thought. Since middle school. We reconnected in my early 20s. Every so often (maybe 4-6 months or so) we would grab dinner and catch up. One night after the dinner he took me back to his place. He still lived with family and I had been there before since we were childhood friends. Thought we were just chilling. He proceeded to ask me over and over and over for sex. I repeatedly said no. I even just got done talking to him about my abusive ex and how I don’t want to hook up with people. Here I am stuck in his home with no ride, far from home and feeling like I have no choice. After an hour of his pleading and realizing now as I type this - this is literally what my first long term boyfriend would do to me ugh - I just let it happen. I was in so much pain. I remember thinking in my head “just act like you like it so he finishes faster and it will be over soon. Don’t focus on the pain or you’ll become scared. Don’t cry. It will be over soon.” The next time wouldn’t happened until about a year later. A guy I worked with that seemed so taken by me. Sweet even. I’ve never fought to have someone get off of me before. Saying it hurts and to stop and literally trying to push him off of me. I really hated thinking about that just for this. It makes me sick to my stomach. I remember telling my coworker and it wasn’t until she said to me how scary that sounded is when I realized it was also rape. I’m literally spinning and I'm not moving. Just sitting here typing and I can't stop spinning. My head is spinning. I have to stop.
I want to get better. I don’t want the anxiety or fear anymore. I want to be free. I want to live.
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Fight and reconcile (riddle, leona, idia,azul,malleus x reader)
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Riddle rosehearts
• What have you done! You (by mistake) broke one of rules that you shouldn't break, and you just didn't break it anywhere but just in front of riddle! You didn't mean it anyway and you stood there normally like you did nothing!
• (Y/N)!!!!! You heard riddle yelling your name angrily, you jumped from your place and ran to him
• According to the rule no (any number they are alot anyway lol) you shouldn't have done what you did and you should be punished!
• You accepted the fact you broke rules and also the punishment but you couldn't handle how riddle is treating you! He's totally ignoring you and Don't pay any attention to what you're saying and leaving you while you're speaking to him, trey and cater tried to speak to him about that but he's not listening to them
• You decided to make him a strawberry tart with the help of trey of course, you took a deep breath brfore knocking the door of his room, "come in"
• You entered the room almost scared with trey, he wasn't looking to you, you reached your hand with the tart to him shaking, but instead to accepting it he pushed your hand away dropping the tart from your hand to the ground, both you and trey gasped at the same moment, it took to much effort and love to make it and now it's smashed on the floor
• Tears rushed from your eyes, you were wiping them with your hand and covering your crying face, you were sobbing, riddle's heart broke into a million piece when he saw your crying form, what should he do?! He can't go easy on breaking the rules or they would say that's only cause you're his beloved!
• He couldn't take it anymore! He bent on his knee and took a piece from the tart on the ground, "riddle no!" You said trying to stop him
• "It tastes good.......don't do this again ok?" Said riddle looking at you with a soft smile as he reached his hand to wipe your tears and you of course agreed smiling with teary eyes puff cheeks and red nose "i won't"
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Leona kingscholer
• You looked for leona almost everywhere! He's of course sleeping in a calm place where no one would step there to wake him up
• You were looking for him and suddenly you felt you're stepping on something and sooner you heard a loud growl! It was a tail! You looked down to notice that you not only stepped on leona's tail but you also woke him up in a bad mood
• He looked up at you angrily but he drunk it up and refused to say a word but at the same time he went back to sleep!
• "Leona! You won't believe what happened today!" You said happily to him who gave you totally no answer, "leona, I'm speaking to you...you know!" You said as you started getting mad!
• "Oyeah and i don't want to listen! I'm enough in a bad mood!" Said leona not even looking at you!
• "Fine!" You said as you were rushing to leave but you felt a strong hand grabbing your dress and pulling you in a different direction which made you fall to the ground immediately
• "Why have you done this!?" You said to leona, tears could be spotted on the corners of your eyes
• "That's a repay of the favour!" Said leoma smirking but his smirk faded as he saw you struggling to get up! You fall on your feet and your ankle got sprain! "Awwwww" you cried as you reached your hand to touch it
• Leona sigh as he stood up and carried you pridal style " guess we will be heading to the infirmary!" Said leona taking you there as you wrapped your arm around his neck
• "I'm sorry Leona!" You said with a cute pout, tears still can be noticed, he looked at you and a small smile formed on his lips, "anyway why did you come from the first place?"
• "I got a full score on the exam" you said smiling
• "That's my herbivore" said leona sticking his nose to yours with a grin
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Idia shroud
• It was a bad day literally, you felt upset and at the edge of crying, what shall you do? You found yourself automatically going to ignihyde looking for idia
• He was playing a game, the final battle is on and it's on extreme mode! If he won he's going to complete the event and get the reward! He was about to win till you dashed in the room and started sobbing and rushed to idia, you wanted him to contain the situation but he's not even looking at you
• "Idia!!!" You yelled at him and then he got distracted, he looked at you then quickly looked back to the game and unfortunately he lost!
• Idia threw the gaming console and for the first time he got mad at you for meking him lose and how hard he tried to win but it had to be you interrupting him then making him lose!
• You tried to hold back tears but you couldn't no more, tears rushed from your face in front of idia, you left him and went back to your room crying
• For a second idia was mad, the "you lost " on the monitor was bad but not worse than yelling at you, why did she come here like that? Why she was sad frustrated from the first place? And instead of listening to her you just ignored all of this and not that only but also you made her cry, good job idia! " What have i done?"
• You were crying and sobbing in your pillow until you felt a hand wipe your hair and pat your head, you looked up to see idia setting by you strucking your hair and looking at you in concern, he pulled you into his embrace " I'm sorry my dear" whispered idia in a low voice, all you did was sobbing into his chest, "shhhh don't cry, i will always be here by your side no matter what" he said placing a small kiss on your forehead
• You looked up at idia still crying "and I'm sorry you lost i didn't mean it! But you're the only one i was thinking of when this happened", you told idia what happened and he of course listened to you this time
• You know if your facing any problem you can always come and tell me! I will ditch whatever I'm doing and do all i can to help you! And if anyone dared to bother you only tell me and see what i can do! I can shut up all the sounds of the underworld souls! You nodded as you burried your face into his chest now with a smile but a question poped in your head
• " But idia! How did you get here?!" You said surprised as you realized that idia left his room finally
• "Oh it's a long story!"
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Azul ashengrotto
• The twin came to you running, you greeted them with a smile but they seemed worried, they don't know what's wrong! Azul suddenly called for you without telling them why!
• You followed them till you reached, azul told them to leave and angry wasn't enough to describe how he was
• "Where is it?" Said azul to you crossing his arms to his chest, "what is it?" You asked worried, "don't try to play stupid!!!!" Said azul almost shouting at you made you jump in your place
• "I don't know what are you talking about!!!" You yelled at him, he came close to you and grabbed your arms capturing you "the contract i left on the office! You're the last one to leave yasterday!!!"
• You looked at him in disbelief, shocked.....did he just accused you in stealing?! , you didn't say a word , you were just looking at him
• "I trusted you! How could you?!" Said azul with a bitter expression on his face, he called for the twin to capture you or do whatever! As they came in they tried to calm him and know what happened
• "Contract? You mean the one was on the office yasterday? Didn't you tell us to sign it with the customer instead of you cause you felt tired !?!?" Said floyd as he perked an eyebrow
• At this moment azul's face turned pale, he remembered it, how could he forget such a thing? How could he accuse you? His face softened as he looked to your eyes, they were full of tears that refuse to fall you collected your strength and was about to slap him but you left silently
• You avoided him for a full week! The twin did their best to make forgive him but you still mad at him until one day he came to talk to you himself, you're weak towards him and you know how hard his life was before.
• "You stole something that i want you to give it back to me!" Said azul to as you this time was ready to slap him , "now what?!" You yelled at him,"it's my heart! Please give it back!" He said this in a soft tone and a blush , yes you were mad at him but you can't stay like this for longer!
• "But you broke mine!" You said with a cold expression
• "In my whole life no one was close to me or tried to even know me well, i had a hard life on my own, i could trust no one, i understand if you don't want to be with me anymore!" Said azul with a bitter expression on his face, you know what he went through
• "Fine then! I will keep your heart safe and sound and in return you have to work hard to fix my heart that you broke!" You said to him in a serious tone
• "I agree!"
• "Where to sign?!"
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Malleus draconia
• You had a fight! Your yelling could be heard in all over diasomania, even lilia couldn't do much there, malleus was mad! Why? He wanted to talk to you but you were with your other friends and when you're finally free you're not even listening to what he's saying
• You secretly had a bad day, you heard some students talking bad about malleus and then about you cause you are his girl! Also lilia and silver,sebek heard them too and knew about this all but you begged them not to tell malleus a word.
• "If you don't want to stay with me then leave!" Yelled malleus at you, your eyes widened as you felt like you meant nothing to him, you didn't speak, you were already hurt enough, you took your way and left malleus alone to think
• And this when lilia and silver decided to tell malleus what happened and as he knew it he got really mad at those students, Don't they know who are you? Don't they know what a glare from him could do? But when he thought about what he said to you, and you were defending him his heart broke into million pieces
• He looked for you everywhere, you were in your favourite spot under a certain tree that you both meet there , you sat there with swollen eyes and red nose in your hand a book he gave you! It was his first gift to you , "can i sit by you?" Said malleus, you know his voice so you didn't look up, you just moved aside for him as he sit by you
• "Why haven't you told me what they said?" Malleus asked you and you still don't look at him, you kept silent, "they said I'm a monster didn't they?" He said with a small smile as he continued, "they didn't lie....i really am a monster myself" said malleus as now you were going to speak but he kept on speaking again
• "How silly of me! I told you to leave while deep inside me i hoped that you stay with me the whole life I'm the one that needs you....but all what anyone get from being close to a monster like me is pain!" Said malleus with a bittersweet expression on his face and this when you couldn't handle it anymore!
• You jumped from your place, tears running down your eyes with an extremely angry expression on your face, malleus looked up at you, eye widened as he never saw you like this! Are you going to leave him again? Are you going to break up with him?
• "YOU ARE NOT A MONSTER! AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU EVEN ARE A ONE!" you shouted as you got the attention of all students nearby you,"i i never saw you a momster, malleus!" You said those words as you bent alittle as malleus was still sitting on the ground, tears fall from your face dropping on his cheek made his eyes widen even more
• You whipped your tears with your sleeves but you couldn't stop those tears, "so please don't say this about yourself!" You said hiding your face on your sleeves, "i will always be by your side no matter what!", you said sobbing, malleus stood and pulled you into his embrace kissing your forehead
• "Always?"
• "Always!"
This was long :'> if you have a request just ask :>
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bittywitches · 4 years
16 with ethan?
Okay @vintagedolan lowkey this is what would’ve happened in downhill if Grayson hadn’t been an ass lol (jk idk anything about winter sports)
16. Riding together up the ski lift. 
This day wasn’t supposed to start with you and your bundle of nerves. Today was going to be a fun holiday with you and one of your closest friends, but when he ended up in bed sick that morning, you knew you weren’t going to be able to drag him out of bed and to the slopes. His head was burning up with a fever, probably because you guys hadn’t been wearing the proper clothing when you took that pitstop to play in the snow. You’d both gone to bed alright but now he was a sneezing mess. The plan was for you to stay back and take care of him, but he’d insisted you go anyways, not wanting to ruin your vacation as well. You were grateful, but still a bit upset that you had to do this all by yourself.
So when you were checking your phone to send one last text to your friend telling him you probably wouldn’t respond to him for the next hour or so, of course you were nervous. But the sudden voice you heard behind you only made that spike even higher.
“Hey, hold on!” You turned to see a boy in a thick jacket and black cargo pants running up to you. His short hair was freckled with white snow, and he had a quiet smile on his lips. “You dropped this.” He held his hand out to you, and you saw that he was holding one of your gloves.
“Oh!” You reached into your pockets and found only one of them in there. You took it from him, your cold fingers grazing his surprising warm ones as you did so. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” He smiled, before turning to jog back towards the two people he’d been talking to. You slid your phone into your jacket pocket, zipping it closed before bending down to pick your board up off the ground. Your eyes seemed to follow him as he left, you slipping on your gloves as they did so, but you quickly turned away when you saw the other man with him look up in your direction, causing your face to heat up. You shook your head, then set off for the slopes.
・ ・ ・
Originally, you and your friend were going to go for the Black Diamond, considering you both had a good amount of experience and were pretty good on the slopes. However, you weren’t feeling as confident without him by your side, so you decided to ease in at least a little bit by going for the Blue Square trail first. You had to wait quite a while before you were able to finally get to the front of the line. Eventually you got there, and you slowly glided down until you hit the red marker, your left foot buckled into your snowboard. You felt someone coming up behind you, and the person slid to a stop next to you.
“Hey, it’s you.” You looked up to see the same short haired boy, but now his hair was covered by a cute little beanie and his goggles were hoisted up on his head.
“Oh, hey!”
You replied, looking back behind you waiting for the chair lift to come. When it did, you both gently sat back on the seat, and he reached up to grab the bar above your heads. He looked at you, and you hovered your arms up so he could pull the bar down.
You gave him a quick smile, then looked down. You always liked to watch your feet gradually leave the ground, then see them suspended in the air. Your board gently rested on your other foot. You looked back up at him, deciding to fill the silence. “Where’s your friends?” 
His head was turned away from you, watching the trees far off in the distance before turning around at your voice. “Oh, they decided to start on the easier slopes.”
“You flying solo too?”
“Yea. My friend was supposed to come too but he got sick.”
“Aw, that sucks.”
“Yea.” The sun reflected off of his goggles, and you had to squint a bit to look at him.
“So, you done this before?”
“Oh yeah. I skied a lot when I was younger, but I started snowboarding a lot last winter.”
“You good?”
“I’d like to think so.” You both giggled. “You?”
“Yea, I come lot with my brother so I get a lot of practice.”
You nod your head. “Shouldn’t you be doing one of harder ones then?”
“I like to work my way up.” He responded. “Might as well get the most of all the slopes.”
“That’s true.”
“How about you? Sounds like you’re pretty good.”
You chuckled. “I was going to go to one of the diamonds, but I’ve actually never snowboarded on my own before. Bit nervous about doing it without anybody else with me.”
“Well that makes sense, can be a bit unnerving to feel like nobody’s gonna be there.”
“You wouldn’t even know the half of it.”
The boy went quiet for a moment, but then said “Wanna go down the slope together?” When he turned to look at you his jacket rubbing against itself made a little sound. “Yknow, since it’s your first time.”
“Oh! No, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind.”
“You probably don’t want me weighing you down, though-”
“No, seriously. It’s all good. I’m used to snowboarding with my brother or some friends too, so.” He shrugged.
You smiled. “Alright, as long as it’s okay with you.”
“One hundred percent.”
“Thank you. It’s really nice of you.”
“Don’t even mention it. Oh- I’m Ethan, by the way.”
“Y/N.” You both awkwardly shook hands, but smiled at each other nonetheless.
He tapped your shoulder then nodded forward to signal to you that you’d reached the summit. He raised the bar above your heads, and you both twisted your legs so you landed on your boards, gliding gently towards the start of the trail. 
“Alright, gimme a sec.” He pulled his gloves on and put on his goggles, and you followed suit. “You ready?”
“Yea.” You looked down the trail, seeing many people racing down the slope, getting smaller and smaller the farther away they got. You took in a deep breath.
“Hey.” You felt Ethan’s hand on your shoulder, and you looked back at him. He looked a little goofy with his goggles on. “You’re gonna be fine.”
You grinned. “Yea, I know.” You paused. “Hey, wanna make this interesting?”
He tilted his head at you. “How so?”
You bit your tongue. “Wanna race?”
“Oh, are you sure you wanna do that? I don’t think you know how good I am.”
“Are you underestimating me?”
He held his hands up in defense. “Of course not.”
“Then how about it then?”
He finally returned your enthusiastic grin. “Alright. Bet.”
“Okay, on the count of three.”
He nodded.
“One, two…” You suddenly pushed with your foot, gliding forward and then down the slope, out of sight. 
“Hey, no fair!” He yelled, but laughed still, chasing after you.
You both raced down the mountain, and you could see him gaining on you through the corner of your eye. He passed you for a moment, but he had to swerve to avoid a tree, giving you an advantage. Snow was flying as you seared through it, and it would’ve definitely gotten in your eyes if it weren’t for your goggles. The wind was cold and almost painful against your face, but the exhilaration of the speed made it seem infinitesimal. It’d been so long since you felt so free and alive like this; You were loving every moment of it. 
You were both neck and neck, one of you gaining on the other every few seconds, but eventually you ended up gaining a much larger lead.
Ethan was competitive, sure, but for some reason it was like this fire was set within him with you. He needed to beat you. He had to win. So he leaned forward, gaining more and more speed, eventually passing you with the biggest grin on his face. He looked back to you with a victorious expression for just a split second, but that was enough for him to lose focus on what he was doing. He had tried to look for you when he looked back, and it made him swivel a bit, rendering him unable to notice the icy patch he’d just slid onto. His head jerked forward, and he tried to right himself, but when that didn’t work he tried to stop, redirecting his board to get it across the run. However the icy slope made him overshoot, and he fell back, his feet flying up into the air and his shoulder crashed into the ground. 
You’d had your eye on his grey jacket since he passed you, so when you saw his fall you gasped, immediately stopping as fast as you could. You quickly unbuckled yourself form your board and picked it up, running as fast as you could to Ethan’s fallen body.
“Oh my god, are you okay??” You asked incredulously, crouching down next to him to turn him around onto his back.
“Fuck, yea. I’m good.” He tried to sit up, but his arm buckled and his back fell against the snow again.
“Jeez, come on.” You grabbed his arm and helped him up, dragging him to the side of the slope so you wouldn’t interrupt any of the other skiers. 
“What’d you land on?”
“My arm.” He went to grab his shoulder, but winced when he did.
You took your gloves off and stuffed them into your pockets, running your hands up and down his shoulder. “Does it hurt bad?” 
“Not too much. I don’t think it’s sprained or anything.” He stretched his neck out, pulling it away from his hurt arm. “God dammit, I’m sorry.”
“What the hell are you apologizing for?”
“Well I kinda took the fun out of the race, for one thing.” He laughed.
“Don’t worry about that. What’s important is you’re okay.”
“I’m good. Promise.” He sighed. “Probably might wanna take a little break, though.”
You laughed. “Sounds like a good idea.”
Luckily for you both, you were already pretty close to the bottom of the slope so you and Ethan were able to walk the rest of the way down.
“Sorry for ruining your run.” He said once you’d reached the bottom.
“Don’t worry about it. It was still fun.” You smiled. 
“I guess I’ll see you later then?”
“What? No! I’m not gonna leave you like this.”
“I was just planning on heading out.”
“Where’re you staying? I’ll drop you off.”
“No, there’s no need for that, really.”
“Come on, it’s basically my fault you’re hurt.” You went to hold his arm but he winced again. “See?”
“It’s okay, I’ll just wait for my friends. You go have fun or whatever.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s kinda cold anyways and I think my nose might freeze off.”
He laughed. “Okay, well, what do you wanna do then?”
You thought for a second. “Wanna… go get some hot chocolate? There’s a cute little coffee shop near here I passed by.”
His eyes brightened. “Yes, absolutely.”
You smiled. “Okay, let’s go.”
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kirishwima · 5 years
If requests are still open, could I ask for how the RFA+V and Saeran act with a clumsy S/O? Like they trip over nothing and always run into stuff. Thank you!
oh, hello fellow clumsy person!! i can absoloutely relate to this lol, this should be fun~
*He’s...he’s also SO freaking clumsy
*Both of them just fall flat on their faces with nothing to have tripped over-and no, as much as Seven insists, it’s not because of invisible aliens
*He never worries over himself and his own clumsiness-induced injuries however-instead he’s always looking out for MC, running after them with bandaids and antiseptic to treat their wounds whenever they fall.
*For this silly couple, holding hands when walking down the street isn’t just something done out of affection-no, it’s a necessity so neither of them can wander off and hit their face on a lamp post or anything like that
* When preparing for the RFA party, their friends all know not to have either Yoosung or MC carry anything fragile or do any detail-focused work-the last time MC held scissors they snapped a clunk of their finger right off, and surprisingly, it was Yoosung that was the calmest at the sight of all that blood-he took a towel, pressed it down onto their finger and called an ambulance like a pro.
* And yet that very same person tripped when climbing into the back of the ambulance to take MC to the hospital, effectively falling down and breaking his nose on the stepping step of the ambulance
* (Well at least the two clumsy love-birds could share a hospital room for a while)
*Jaehee unironically calls them both a hazard to society-she’d love to put each of them in bubble foil so they can at least stop bruising over everytime they hit onto something lol
* It’s fine with them though-Yoosung likes to tease MC about it, and they often compare scars and bruises, comparing who has the silliest story behind it
*He’s honestly really shocked at MC’s clumsiness, and panics everytime they trip or hit their hip onto a hard corner-this poor boy’s heart can’t take another one of MC’s stunts really
*He’s now learnt to always carry bandaids with him, and to hold MC by the waist when they’re out together, fearing for their safety. No beloved of his will be hurt today, no sir!
*If MC receives an injury due to their clumsiness, he’ll always without fail kiss it to make it better, tending to their wounds with the utmost of care, like a prince to his royalty.
* That being said, he often forgets...just how clumsy MC is. He once left them alone while cooking to put some ravioli in the pot of boiling water, just for a few minutes-only to run back to the kitchen when he heard them hiss in pain; they’d managed to splash the hot water onto their hand and clutched to it as it reddened.
* Zen froze for a moment before diving into action, pulling MC by the wrist and brinigng their hand under the faucet, turning it to freezing cold water before grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and placing it atop their injury.
* “Baby please..please, for my heart’s sake, try and be more careful? I can’t stand to see you hurt this often” he asks one day with a pout, his bottom lip trembling. MC can do little else but nod and promise, even though they aren’t sure how to be more careful per say. It’s worth it though to see Zen’s relieved smile.
* I already picture her as the kind of mom-person who always has every necessary thing in her bag, so MC is more than lucky to have a capable girlfriend like her.
* MC tripped and scraped her knee? Baehee’s already pulling out antiseptic wipes and a mini gauze. MC bumped her shoulder onto the door and now it’s sore? Baehee’s got muscle relaxing cream ready to rub onto their sore muscles. Whatever you want, Baehee’s got.
*That being said, it doesn’t make her feel any less worried whenever she sees MC trip or hurt themselves due to their clumsiness. She begs them to be more careful, but knows it’s not something they can really help. So instead she always has a watchful eye on them, trying to prevent danger from coming their way.
* Their clumsiness is a big issue in the coffee shop, even though Jaehee’s never made a fuss about it-they kept dropping cups and plates, burning themselves with warm espresso, accidentantly pouring the beans out of the grinder...eventually Jaehee asked them to work more on the front desk, and let her prepare and serve the drinks, for both their safeties.
* She’ll never be mad at MC for their clumsiness though-she finds it endearing in a way, and she loves all of MC, the good and the bad. She’ll just have to be twice as careful for the both of them.
* He seems like such a poised and elegant man..but he can, in fact, also be very clumsy.
* It’s not often that he is-the man has an impeccably steady hand, and he’s always aware of his surroundings, but when he gets flustered or tired-hoo boy.
* Once he saw MC wearing a gorgeous new outfit and he tripped whilst walking down the stairs towards them and sprained his ankle-Zen refuses to let him live it down to this day.
* That being said though, after taking note of how clumsy MC is, he makes sure to always be doubly aware of his surroundings, and asks their bodyguards to always have one person walk a little further ahead than MC, so they can redirect them if there’s any cracks in the pavement or lamposts ahead as they walk, especially when Jumin isn’t around to hold them near him and watch out for these himself.
* MC’s always worried at fancy dinner parties, which actually...makes them clumsier. The amount of times they’ve nearly tripped while walking on those marble floors is remarkable, but Jumin has been there every single time to wrap his arms around their middle and hoist them up before they could fall, and will make sure to have his arms around them for the rest of the night.
* Once however, MC was talking with some of Jumin’s colleagues, when a waiter passed by offering glasses of champagne. MC took one, but with slippery hands, it slid from their hands and fell right onto their foot where it shattered, shards getting stuck onto their skin and some even sliding under their shoe, so every step would cause more of them to push into the soles of their feet, blood pooling in their shoe.
* Jumin was there in an instant-across the room he saw the incident and ran over, pulling MC up in a princess carry so they wouldn’t apply any pressure to their injured leg. He turned and left with MC in tow without a word, only telling driver Kim to take them to the nearest hospital.
* MC was worried as he silently brooded, thinking he was mad at them...he wasn’t.
* He turned to them, helping them hoist their legs onto his lap as he gently took off their shoes, looking them over for any visible shards he could help remove. “You’re not mad?” MC asked, and Jumin sighed, leaning his head to rest on their knees.
* “No darling, I could never be mad at you. I was just...seeing you injured terrifies me.”
* From then on MC vowed to be as careful as possible! ....whatever that meant. Either way they’d try to, for Jumin!!
* As clumsy as he seems he might be, he’s absoloutely not-he’s a trained spy, he’s always aware of his surroundings, and he’s learnt to mind his every step, being able to walk as silently as a cat in the night as to not alert any enemies of his presence.
* So to meet the clumsiest person of all, MC, was...quite funny to him really, and a refreshing breath of fresh air-finally, someone he doesn’t have to walk on eggshells with.
* He’s the kind of jerk that would absoloutely make fun of MC everytime they hit their hip on the counter or slide or trip over nothing-but he’d still be there every time to hoist them back up, quickly looking them over for any injuries whilst trying to play it cool.
* He actually thought of baby-proofing the house for their sake; but MC quickly shot down that idea, saying they’d be fine and there’s no need for him to worry (because yes, he actually was serious-a trickster as he might be, he worries over MC constantly lol)
* Once though, once MC’s clumsiness really made him terrified, made him fall to his knees and cry.
* They were on a date, the first proper date in quite some time, walking down the streets on a quiet evening. 
* They were about to cross the street, though the light hadn’t yet turned green for pedestrians-but it was about to, they could see the road traffic light already turning orange, so MC nonchalantly laughed as they made to walk across-only a car had been dashing to pass before the light turned red.
* MC saw it coming, but as they made to turn and run back, they tripped, falling in the middle of the street.
* Seven didn’t, couldn’t think at that moment-he dashed into the street, grabbing MC and literally pulling them like a dragged doll out of the way.
* The car had screeched to a stop regardless when they saw the two pedestrians, even rolling down the window to ask if they were okay. Seven had already helped MC stand up on shaky legs, holding them close by the waist, their head resting in the crook of his neck.
* He nodded to the driver and watched him drive off, his hands holding MC bruisingly tight.
* He couldn’t control his emotions, couldn’t think-he pushed them away from him, but still held their shoulders tight, his fingers digging into their muscles.
* “You-how could you fucking-be more careful! Just look around you, look at your freaking surroundings just-” his eyes filled with tears as he leaned his head down, hiding onto MC’s shoulder, leaving wet puffs of air on their skin.
* “Just-don’t let me lose you, not you, please...”
* They stood there, holding one another for a long time. “You won’t. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m sorry” they whispered into his ear, and it was true. They’d always be as careful as possible, Seven’s scared expression always snapping them back to reality without fail.
* Look...before he gets his eye surgery....he’ll also be extremely freaking clumsy lol
* After getting the surgery, his eyesight would never be 100% the same again-so it’d still take some getting used to before his perception returned to a normal healthy state.
* He’ll always try and watch out for MC, fearing their clumsiness and fussing over their injuries, but him worrying over MC only did more harm than good, for both of them.
* Cue the two walking down the street, when MC trips. In an attempt to help them, V reaches out for them...but he also just stumbles down and falls with them, a bruised but laughing heap on cement floor.
* They always tend to each other’s injuries, and at least one of them has to carry band-aids at all times. It’s like an inside joke, how they bump over every stool and every table corner, their hips eternally a purple blue bruise. V loves to lay his head on MC’s lap, oftentimes turning to give a smooch to their bruises when they’re visible. 
* He actually feels responsible sometimes, thinks of how if he could protect MC more he’d be a better boyfriend. One time, whilst MC was changing into pyjamas, he saw a nasty scar on their thigh, remembering the incident that caused it-they were both together in the kitchen, talking about one thing or another, boiling some water for tea; only when MC tried to hold the kettle, it fell right into their lap, hot water falling across their thigh before V could rush over to them to grab it and put it back on the counter.
* He remembers grabbing MC by the wrist and rushing them to the shower where he set the water to the coldest it could get, tripping over his feet and falling to his knees as he pulled both MC and himself into the shower, taking the shower head and holding it over MC’s burnt thigh; he remembers them crying and it still makes his heart ache, and that scar is a reminder of that.
* MC could see the frown on V’s face, and approached him as he sat on the bed, placing themselves between his thights as they tilted his chin up to look to them. “What’s wrong?”
* V bit his lip, wondering if he should say anything at all. “Just-I’m sorry. I’m never able to protect you where it matters.”
* MC frowned too at that. It’s been so long and V had gotten so much more confident, why was he bringing himself down now? They kissed his forehead before leaning away to continue getting dressed.
* “I’m not dating you to protect me, I’m dating you because I love you. And besides-I’m the clumsiest person there is. I should be trying to protect myself instead!” MC laughed.
* They did however promise to try and be more careful-both for their sake, but for V’s too.
-Send me mysme headcanons/scenarios for characters reactions!-
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omg-imagine · 5 years
⊱ Never Let Go ⊰
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader (f)
Request: Heyyyyy! Can I get a Matt Murdock imagine where she’s tortured in front of him? And he’s crying and angst and all pleaseeee! Ily ❤️ - Anon
Words: 2,795
Warnings: Angst, language, torture, and violence
A/N: As usual, I went beyond what I intended to write but I couldn’t help it lol. Hope you enjoy it!
(Credit to the GIF owner)
Your head throbbed as you carefully opened your eyes, only to be greeted by nothing but complete darkness. The heavy and cold chains shackled onto you not only bruised the delicate skin of your wrists but prevented you from moving freely around your captivity.
The last thing you recalled was standing in front of your apartment, trying to fish out your keys from your purse. A man had then snuck up behind you and bludgeoned you over the head with his weapon before you could scream. It scared you not knowing what was happening and you could only hope that if it ends in death, it would be swift and painless.
Jumping at the sound of metal scraping against concrete, you snapped your face forward. When you realized it was a door opening, your eyes focused on the outline of a burly man as he entered the room, switching on the lights.
You noticed the crimson blood splattered all over his expensive-looking suit, which possibly came from the fresh gash on your forehead. In his hand was a sharp knife, and seeing it made your heart race.
“It was simple—all Daredevil had to do was leave me alone,” he spoke with a gruff and menacing voice as he approached you. “But he didn’t listen, and now you pay the price.”
The man’s knife landed on your neck, and he used the pointed edge to force your gaze up to his. You swallowed thickly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This has to be a mistake. I don’t know who Daredevil is. You have to believe me.”
The man chuckled under his breath, applying more pressure onto the knife that it pierced your skin. You felt the warm blood trickle down the side of your neck as the man stared at you. He wasn’t worried that you saw his face, which meant the odds of you getting out alive were slim to none.
“There’s no use in feigning ignorance, (Y/N). We both know that he’s more to you than just the vigilante who rescued you three years ago. I’ve done some research, used my connections, and deduced that you are the lovely bride-to-be of Daredevil—or should I say, Matthew Murdock.”
You opened your mouth to deny it, but you dared not to say anything further. By this time, Matt should have known that you were missing. He was supposed to meet you at your apartment for dinner. Surely he would realize that something was wrong.
Matt would come and save you just in time. He had done it before, and you had faith that he could do it again.
“You won’t win,” you spoke lowly, shaking your head at the man as his expression shifted into anger. “He’s going to find me, and he’s going to put you in jail where you belong.”
“I do not doubt that Matthew will be here soon,” he began, baring his teeth as he dragged the knife up the side of your torso. You flinched as it scratched your skin through your shirt. “But the question is, in what state will he find you? Alive as you are now or barely breathing?”
You let out a whimper as the man laughed at your weak attempts to kick him away. Then suddenly, he silenced himself when he and you heard gunfire coming from upstairs. The radio on his belt sounded, alerting him that Daredevil was on the premises.
“I told you he would come,” you breathed out, hearing the clamoring outside. You knew that it was Matt fighting his way to you.
“I wouldn’t be optimistic about it,” he said as he tucked his knife behind his back. “We’re just getting started.”
Before you could figure out what he was going to do, the man raised his giant fist and struck a hard blow to your head, immediately knocking you out of consciousness.
You opened your eyes again sometime later, groaning in pain as your sight adjusted to its new surroundings. You were no longer in the same room as before. Your vision was fuzzy, but you could tell that you were in the middle of an empty warehouse, strapped to a chair and bleeding profusely from your head.
Your eyes focused on a figure wearing black sitting across from you, and it took you a few seconds to realize who it was.
“Matt!” You called out, but he was out cold. The mask he wore to protect his identity now laid by his feet. Sturdy ropes were knotted tightly around his body, preventing him from getting out of his seat. You feared that he doesn’t have enough strength left to free himself from his bindings.
“Please wake up!” You tried moving around, hoping somehow you could slither out of your ties but to no avail. “Wake up, damn it!”
Matt finally stirred, and you let out a sigh of relief. You heard him say your name before he cursed at the fact that he was restrained. He struggled to loosen the ropes, and you were worried that he was overexerting himself.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he caught his breath, and you noted that he was injured.
“I’m fine. It’s just a headache, and I’m bleeding a bit, that’s all,” you answered, not wanting to worry Matt even more. “What about you?”
“Broken ribs, bruising, and I think a sprain or two,” he listed off as he moved his head to face you. “Son of a bitch gassed the staircase while I was heading to the basement where he kept you.”
You nodded to yourself as Matt attempted once again to break free. “He knows about you. He knows who you are.”
“I know,” he stated. “Last week, there was a note taped to the door at the office. It didn’t take too long to figure out who it was from.”
“Who is he?” You questioned, your lip quivering at the thought of your captor listening in on your conversation nearby.
“He’s no one,” Matt shook his head. “Don’t worry about it right now.”
“Matthew,” there was that voice again. The deep, sinister voice echoed, and you glanced everywhere around you looking for the source. “Not even married yet and you’re already spewing lies.”
The man walked into the room. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his clothes bloodier now than when you last saw him. You were too occupied observing his movements that you didn’t hear Matt softly calling for your attention.
“I’ll get you out of here, I swear. Stay strong for me, yeah?”
You managed to stagger out a “yes” before the man appeared beside you, standing tall as he studied you and Matt both.
“Another lie from Mr. Murdock, (Y/N),” he spoke while you inched as far away as you could, which wasn’t much. “Matthew, tell her the truth. Tell her the reason why she’s here and not safe at home.”
Matt clenched his jaw as the man goaded him. The unfamiliar sensation of his knife on your throat made you squeal. Immediately, Matt could sense the fear coursing through your veins.
“Answer the question, Matthew,” the man pressed the knife further, drawing blood from your skin. “Who am I?”
“Y–You’re Alex Wayman,” he spluttered. “You’re a well-respected businessman, but you also run a drug trafficking ring on the side.”
“Good,” Wayman stopped his incision from deepening by stepping away and moving to your side. “Go on.”
“I’ve been tracking you and your men for weeks and when I got your identity—”
“I found yours,” Wayman finished. “Even while in jail, Fisk still owes me a lot of favors. He did quite a solid when he shared some insight on the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.”
You sighed deeply as Matt went on. “As I said before, Wayman left a note at the office, warning that I stay back or else I would regret it.”
“And as I told your fiancée, you didn’t listen. There are consequences, Matthew. You of all people should know that.”
Matt tilted his head towards you. “This guy is dangerous. He began dealing with weapons and planned on hurting a lot of people. I had to put an end to it, and I thought I could.”
“That’s the problem, Murdock. You thought you could. Just because you’re a blind lawyer by day who puts down thugs at night doesn’t mean you could win every fight. I blame that arrogance of yours and your belief that you could stop bad things from happening when, in fact, you only make it worse.”
Wayman clicked his tongue. Without warning, his calloused hand gripped you by the neck. You screamed, thrashing your lower body around as Wayman strangled you. “You could have just let me go. It was the easiest decision you could have chosen. Instead, you’ll now have to listen to me torture this beauty until she takes her last breath. After that, I’ll kill you.”
Wayman released his tight hold of your throat, and you coughed out loud as the oxygen returned to your brain. He then slowly crouched down on the floor, meeting your frightened gaze. Flashing you a smirk, he then made a fist with his hand and punched your face once, twice, and a third time until fresh blood flowed from your nose and your mouth.
“Stop!” Matt shouted with a breaking voice. “Let her go! She had nothing to do with this. Hurt me instead.”
“Consequences, Matthew,” Wayman reminded as he struck you in the abdomen. “You have to deal with the consequences.”
Your eyes were swollen from the beating, though you could see Matt with whatever vision you had remaining. He wasn’t able to see what was happening and to be honest, you were glad that he couldn’t.
It wasn’t a sight anyone deserved to see. You couldn’t begin to imagine what it would feel like watching the love of your life being tortured in front of your eyes, and you were unable to stop it.
But all the shouting, screaming, and yelling was overwhelming for Matt. He could hear your weakening pulse and shallow breathing as you fought through the pain. You saw the tears forming in the corners of his eyes and then falling freely down his face as he cried out your name over and over again.
Eventually, the beatings halted, but you knew that it wasn’t the end. Wayman panted as he inspected the damage he inflicted on your body, and he smiled proudly. “You’re hanging on the edge of a very thin thread, my dear. Care to say any last words to Matthew?”
You opened your mouth, but from the strangling earlier, you couldn’t make much noise with the burning inside your throat. Still, you forced out whatever you could.
“Not... your… fault.”
Wayman snorted, loading up the revolver he now had in his hand. “I was expecting ‘I love you’ or something sentimental.”
“He… He already knows,” you rasped as Matt’s chest heaved, slumping back, defeated.
“I’m sorry,” he wept, wishing nothing more than to hold you in his arms and never let go. “I love you. I’m sorry.”
You smiled weakly at him as he repeated his words to you. With the memory of Matt Murdock bent down on one knee and proposing to you as your final thought, you closed your eyes and waited for the darkness to consume you one last time.
…Not today. I’m not losing you today.
Sir, you need to step back. I assure you that we will do whatever it takes to save her...
...Blood pressure’s dropping. We need to get her to the O.R. now!
Please, (Y/N). Don’t leave me...
Your eyes fluttered open, but your body refused to move. Glancing around, you saw the IV needle hooked into you and the machines beeping at your side. You were covered in bandages and had a cast on your arm and your leg. The only source of light in the room was a dim lamp by your bedside, and next to it was…
Your fiance was fast asleep in a chair not suited for someone his size. Leaning back against the seat, Matt was snoring lightly with one hand crossed against his chest and the other holding onto your hand. His face was littered with cuts and bruises, but nothing compared to what you had endured.
He seemed peaceful as if it was the first time he had slept in who knows how long, and you wanted to let him rest.
However, Matt heard your strained voice speaking out his name, and he quickly jolted up from his uncomfortable position. “You’re awake. Y–You’re finally awake.”
“How long?” You mumbled.
“It’s been five days,” he stated as he leaned towards you. “The doctors were able to stabilize you, but they weren’t sure if or when you would wake up.”
“What happened?”
“Before I went there, I told Foggy where I was headed and instructed him to contact Mahoney if I didn’t check in within three hours,” Matt lowered his head, his mind returning to his nightmare of a reality. “Shortly after you passed out, the cops stormed in and arrested Wayman’s men surrounding the building, while Mahoney took the shot once he got to us inside. That bastard died too quickly. He should have suffered for what he did to you.”
“So, Mahoney knows you’re Daredevil?”
Matt nodded. “He won’t tell. He swore not to.” He then lifted your hand and kissed the inside of your palm. “You were lucky that you survived. Doctors said that it was a miracle you even made it out of the warehouse alive.”
“I’m glad it’s over,” you said, smiling despite feeling the pain all over your body.
Matt let out a short laugh, wiping the tears away from his eyes. “You know, when I wasn’t sitting here waiting for you to wake up, I was at the chapel downstairs. I would go there and pray to God not to take you away. I begged him to punish me instead of you. It’s all my fault since I can’t seem to let things go easily.”
“Matty,” you whispered his name as you moved your hand up to caress his cheek. “Remember what I said to you back there? It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for what happened, and I don’t ever want you to think that.”
“But I should have left Wayman alone. After finding out my identity, it was only a matter of time until he would go after the people I love,” he explained, toying with the engagement ring that he had put back on your finger right after you got out of surgery. “It’s not right for me to marry you. I would only put you in danger, and I can’t stand the chance of you getting hurt again because of what I do.”
“No,” you replied shortly. “I agreed to marry you despite all of the risks with you being Daredevil.”
“But you almost died! What if this won’t be the last time something bad happens?”
You took his hand and rested it on top of your heart. “You feel that? I know you could hear it just as well but do you feel that? It’s beating because of you. I’m alive because of you.”
Matt sucked in a sharp breath. “I couldn’t help you. I felt powerless not being able to break free and keep him from hurting you.”
“Matthew,” you sighed, the tears continuing to spill from both of your eyes. “I’m here for better and for worse. You asked me if I wanted to share the rest of my life with you, and even after everything, I still stand by my decision. I’d say yes a million times over, and there’s nothing you could do that will change my mind. You said it yourself, Murdock. You don’t let things go too easily, and I hope to God that includes me.”
“You’re strong,” Matt said as he squeezed your hand. “Stronger than me.”
“We’re stronger together,” you added.
Matt got up and pressed a kiss on your lips, moving his arms to your sides and gripping onto you for dear life. When he accidentally put pressure on one of your wounds, you winced in pain, and he quickly pulled away.
“The pain meds are wearing off. I think it’s time to call the doctor and tell them I’m awake,” you chuckled as Matt stayed standing by your side.
“Once I let them know, we’ll never have a minute alone,” he pretended to pout, and although it hurt doing so, you laughed.
You reached out and grabbed Matt by his shirt, pulling him down so that you could steal another kiss.
“Save it, Murdock. I’m not going anywhere.”
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1985keery · 5 years
✰ prompt list ✰
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Hey!!!! So I love to write so I made a prompt list! If you want me to do a certain one, just message me this number(s) and person!! i do
- that 70s show
- stranger things
- jim halpert
- bbc sherlock
- + more!!!
anyway here are the prompts lol:
1. "I love that color on you"
2. "What could possibly go wrong"
3. "You haven't been yourself lately"
4. "My boyfriend is a basic white girl"
5. "Maybe I'm meant to be alone"
6. "Stop acting like you care!"
7. "What happened to you!"
8. "You don't sing anymore"
9. “It's 4 in the fucking morning"
10. "I'm dying!" "It's a sprained ankle"
11, "You promised me - you promised!"
12. "You don't know me at all"
14. "I love you" "Why"
15. "You're so cheesy"
16. "I wish you could see yourself as I see you"
17. "Is that my skirt?"
18. "I see how you look at him"
19. *Cackling* "Stop, I'm gonna pee!"
20."Ya know what, I'm not even gonna ask"
21. "Your breath smells good"
22. "How would you know what that taste like?"
23. "Of course you were in marching band"
24. "You're mine, and I don't share"
25. "Okay, that one hurt, but I'll let it slide"
26. "You're so cute! Take your pants off"
27. "My work is important!" "And I'm not?"
28. "You'll catch me right?" "Always"
29. "We are not naming our child that"
30. "Stay here and don't move, I'll be right back"
31. "I don't even know who you are anymore!"
32. "It's not what it looks like"
33. "Take one more step and I snap her pretty little neck"
34. "Hey hey hey, I'm here, you're okay, you're safe"
35. "Please stop crying, it breaks my heart"
36. "Get down from there!"
37. "Don't be afraid, I'm here"
38. "Can you just hold me?"
39. "It was you and me against the world. The world won"
40. "Whatever you do, don't make a sound"
41. " I was angry, and she was available, and I'm so sorry"
42. "Stop it - you're scaring me"
43. "Do you still like me" "I married you"
44. "Man, you're whipped"
45. "You loved her. You loved her and it scared you and now she's gone"
46. "Psst, wake up"
47. "What are you gonna do about it"
48. "Shut up" "Make me"
49. "Just one more kiss"
50. "I have to go to work" "Nooooooooo"
51."Behave - we're in public"
52. "I don't want your pity"
53. "Are you okay" "Yeah" "You're bleeding" "Okay maybe I lied"
54. "That's what she said"
55. "Go upstairs and lock the door, okay? Don't come out unless I tell you"
56. "What the hell is that supposed to mean"
57. "You make my heart happy"
58. "I'm obsessed with that dimple"
59. "I think I've loved you since that first day"
60. "No takesies- backsies"
61. "You taste good"
62. "You are love in it's best form"
63. "Oh my sweet girl/boy, what have they done to you"
64. "You can't die on me, do you understand, you can't"
65. "Her angel eyes see the good in many devils"
66."This is illegal" "Yep"
67. "Well tell them to fuck off" "But that's mean!"
68. "You're so immature" "Your moms so immature"
69."You look so good tonight, baby"
70. "The worlds biggest badass can't handle a book where the dog dies"
71."We have each other, and that's enough"
72. "If you wanted a kiss you could've just asked"
73. "Stop biting your lip"
74. "You knew how important this was to me"
75. "I'm out of second chances"
76. "I can do whatever I want, we're not dating, remember?"
77. "I'm just one of your many booty calls"
78. "I would give you the world if I could"
79. "Ew, I look gross"
80. "I don't want you to get sick!"
81. "People are staring at us"
82. "I'll always be here, no matter what"
83. "You can get closer, you know"
84. "Can you sit still"
85. "You have the mentality of a toddler"
89. "You p-promised you-you-you wouldn't let them h-hurt mmmm me"
90. "That's my girl"
91. "I'm fine" "Don't do this" "Really, I'm fine" "Let me help you!"
92. "Stop cursing" "Fuck you"
93. "You're cute when you blush"
94."Are - are you jealous?"
95. "What are you doing?" "My best"
96. "Puppy dog eyes don't work on- Fine"
97. "Are you okay?" "I wanna be"
98. "I won this for you"
99. "It's watching me" "What is" "That plushie"
100. "I'm coming to get you, okay? Just stay there"
101. "If we get out of here alive, I'm gonna kill you"
102. "Come in, lunch is ready"
103. "I'm gonna try to lose a few pounds" "Please don't your stomach is the comfiest pillow"
104. "I've been waiting for you for over 6 hours"
105. "Hey, weird question, but why is the kitchen on fire?"
106. "Mmm nope, it's naptime"
107. "Did you eat my leftovers?"
108. "Wow! I was not prepared for that"
109. *Sees a moose* "That's a weird looking cow"
110. "Hello, my love" "What's up fucker"
111. "Don't make me be alone again"
112. "Oh, my apologies, I didn't realize you ruled the world"
113. "You get super clingy when you're drunk"
114. "I can't believe you fell for that"
115. "What the hell is that?" "That's my new best friend"
116. "I hate that I'm still in love with you"
117. "You are gorgeous, love, don't ever doubt that"
118. "I never wanna let you go"
119. "You make me feel all warm inside"
120. "Just go to sleep darling, I'll be right here when you wake up"
121. "C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working"
122. "You're the best pillow"
123. "Stop messing with your IV"
124. "I thought you were gone" "You can't get rid of me that easily"
125. "It should've been me"
126. "Kiss me"
127. "Open this door before I break it down"
128. "Were you ever gonna tell me?"
129. "I saw that. You just checked me out"
130. "Nothing could make me stop loving you"
131. "I'm not special. I'm quite boring, really"
132. "Feels good, huh?"
133. "You're an angel"
134. "Did you just smack my butt with a rubber chicken?"
135. "Do you think we should just stop... this"
136. "Do you really believe that"
137. "It'd make sense why you like her more than me. I mean, she's smarter, prettier, funnier, she's perfect"
138. "Do you miss him?" "He absolutely shattered me" "But do you miss him?" "Yes"
139. "I want an answer, damn it!"
140. "Do you regret it?"
141. "This is why we can't have nice things"
142. "I never stood a chance, did I?"
143. "You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?"
144. "You don't have to hide anymore"
145. "You never cease to amaze me"
146. "See you in the next life, my love"
147. "Are you even listening to me right now?!"
148. "I can't do this anymore"
149. "This was a mistake"
150. "Shut up! Just - Just shut up!"
151. "You deserve so much better"
152. "Whose ass do I have to kick?"
153. "I worked so hard to be where I am now and I'm not gonna let someone take that away from me"
154. "Pack your shit and go"
155. "You'll be the death of me"
156. "I don't need protecting"
157. "I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten"
158. "Go then, leave! See if I care!'
159.  "If you haven't noticed, I'm fucked up"
160. "You reek of alcohol"
161. "Don't talk, keep your strength"
162. "I broke my rules for you"
163. "She may seem like rainbows and sunshine, but I bet behind closed doors she's latex and whips"
164. "How bad do you want to find out?"
165. "You look great in my shirt"
166. "You'll regret this when you're sober"
167. "You look cute with bed head"
168."Mmmm, you're warm"
169. "It was only a nightmare"
170. "It's not bad to cry.  In fact, I think it makes a person stronger"
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tebarambles · 5 years
2, 8, 45, 50
Hi anon, I’m sorry this took so long. Thank you for asking :)
2. What is the stupidest way you have ever gotten hurt?
Oh, that’s a good one! I’m very clumsy so naturally I have a number of very stupid stories to tell and I’m not sure this one is the worst… but it includes a series of unfortunate decisions:
Roughly 9 years ago, when I started my first attempt at studying (an unfortunate decision in itself regarding subjects and the university I picked), there was this First Year party. Already a good start, right? I wasn’t even keen on going, but a few people who I had met during introduction week insisted. Anyway. It was a fun night, but the club was chock-full of people and what I didn’t know was that the different dance floors weren’t all the exact same level; some were separated by flights of two or three steps. Very dimly lit steps. So as I was dancing - very close to some of these steps, apparently - someone suddenly pushed me from behind. Being my clumsy self, I lost my footing, tumbled down these stairs and managed to absolutely shred the ligaments in my left ankle in the process. So, unfortunate decision number one was going there in the first place. Now, unfortunate decision number two was that I didn’t leave after that happened. It hurt, but I decided that it wasn’t that bad and stayed. I even kept dancing after a short break of cooling my ankle with some ice that a friend had fetched from the bar. Note: I definitely wasn’t drunk (I only had one beer), my pain tolerance is just really messed up. 
Unfortunate decisions number three to ten or so: I rode home on my bike, and while that didn’t really hurt at that moment, it could have wrecked my ankle even more if anything had happened. I then took some painkillers and went to bed. The next morning (Thursday), my ankle sported a fetching shade of purple-ish blue and was kind of swollen. After establishing that I could walk without being in unreasonable pain, I decided that I really, really shouldn’t miss uni in the first week. I did the same on Friday even though the bruises were getting darker. The pain was still bearable in my opinion, but this time I had some luggage, so I took the bus instead of the bike. After my last lecture on that day I got on the train to visit my parents - what’s a four-hour train ride on an overcrowded train with an untreated sprain or whatever, eh? Such fun! When I got home, my mother noted that I was limping a tiny bit. The ankle was definitely swollen now - and showed such a dark shade of blue, it almost looked black. Whoops. After giving me the worst telling-off of my life, she took me to the ED where the following ensued:
A very stressed but also very weird doctor: this looks like a fibula fracture to me
Me: nah, it’s not broken, look, I can stand on one leg *gets up do demonstrate*
Doctor: stop that! [pushing me into a wheelchair] I’ll order an x-ray
X-ray: Nothing’s broken
Me: Told you so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The doc rightly suspected that it might be a ligament tear then - but for some reason he decided to put my leg in a cast anyway? Up to my knee?? The orthopaedic surgeon we consulted the following Monday almost fainted when he saw that, lol.
Long story short: don’t trust your instincts when you have a stupidly high pain tolerance. Absolutely not one of my brighter moments.
8. What is something from your childhood you wish you still had?
My aquarium. But there’s not enough room in my tiny shoe box of a flat.
 45. No shoes without socks or no shoes with socks?
Depends on the season/temperature and the place? In my flat, I tend to walk around barefoot unless it’s really cold. But why would I walk outside with socks but without shoes? Or am I getting the question wrong? 🤔
50. If you could be really good at one thing, what would it be?
Writing, hands down. Especially writing fiction, creating original characters and universes… Academic writing is relatively easy; it’s almost second nature to me, I love research and I love (over-)analysing what others have written. But I really envy people who are able to just pour out their imagination and create novel length stories from scratch.
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TAGGED BY: @hndstomself TAGGING: @wavexrider @wintercolourss @antiithesiis @missionimmortal @nyctcphiliacs @ofginjxints @amomentxofhappiness (only if you guys feel like it!)
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NAME: Pluto (obvs not my real name lmao) STAR SIGN: Gemini HEIGHT: 5′6″ ish?
Please Don’t Go Girl - NKOTB
Forever - Dee Dee
You Will Only Break my Heart - Delta Goodrem
Village Green Preservation Society (from Hot Fuzz Soundtrack) - The Kinks
The Bare Necessities (from the Jungle Book) 
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? I don’t think so? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?  Gosh it’ll have been a long time WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? Uhhhh idk if I have anyone I’d call a ‘crush’, I just have celebs I find attractive but no outright crush WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? Hate: People chewing food. Love: Rain on the outside of a window. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I’m certainly open to the idea of them existing HOW ABOUT ALIENS? To think that we are the only living beings in the insanely vast expanse of the universe would be naive, IMO DO YOU DRIVE? Yeah IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? I’ve had some near misses, and I have been in one small crash but I wasn’t driving at the time WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Call Me By Your Name  DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? I actually do, yeah  WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? The Worlds End (it was a re-watch, though) WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?  One of three. Either when I fell during athletics club when I was 11 and badly sprained my wrist, when I smacked my head on a metal box when I was 7, or in November last year when I fell up the stairs and have badly damaged my hand to the point where it still hurts now (it’s either tendon damage or a tiny fracture, either of which just have to heal on its own) DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? Well I’ve always loved Disney since I was a child, and I’m almost 27 now lol, so I’d consider that perhaps an obsession...  DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? Depends on how bad whatever they did is. But I don’t really feel that grudges are healthy. Don’t forgive or forget but holding grudges only hurts you and not really the person who wronged you. IN A RELATIONSHIP? Lol nope forever alone
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mypoorfaves · 6 years
Prompt: how about yuuri breaking a bone or something at practice, and victor not being there (out of the country for reasons). But yurio is. Victor has to trust yurio to help yuuri. And i do not mean for yuuri/yurio to be a thing lol. Just family feels, i guess. :)
let’s just ignore the fact that Yuri has a coach who should be there at the rink
1600~ words
The ice crunches beneath Yuri’s skates as he cleanly lands a jump, promptly followed by another. The wind flows in his hair as he glides, and he can’t help his satisfied grin.
Victor is gone, out of town for the next couple of days for some sponsor-related thing. Yuri can’t remember the exact details, but it doesn’t involve him anyways, so why should he care? All he cares about is that he can finally get in some actual practice time. Most days, it’s impossible to focus with the endless flirting Victor and Yuuri get up to. Yuri is unspeakably relieved he won’t have to witness that, and he’s also pleased that Yuuri can have some time to focus on his own skating and up his skills too. Yuri wants him at his best when they compete. It wouldn't feel right winning, otherwise.
Now, without Victor around, there are no distractions. Or at least, that would be the case, if Yuri wasn’t so abruptly pulled from his thoughts by a sharp yelp that belongs to Yuuri. The dull thud of a body meeting the ice reaches Yuri’s ears (not for the first time today), and it's with a sense is superiority that he casts a glance over in that direction.
Yuuri lays on the ice, his back to the younger skater. After a long moment spent audibly breathing hard through gritted teeth, Yuuri manages to use an arm to push himself up so he’s sitting on his knees. The position he’s in makes it obvious that he hasn’t sprained his ankle or something stupid like that, which is a relief, since Yuri wouldn't want the hassle of having to carry him to the benches.
Slowly, (perhaps a bit too slowly, Yuri dares to think) Yuuri makes it to his feet, with the help of a hand on the ice to steady himself. Then, with a long and shaky exhale, he starts to skate again.
Yuri slows down his own skating, watching curiously as Yuuri struggles through what should be easy elements. His lips are pinched in a thin line, his eyebrows are drawn together. His step sequence is a far cry from its usual polished perfection. Yuri would make a snide comment about it, but the words die on his tongue as Yuuri makes for the boards where his water bottle is.
Yuuri has stamina that could outdo Yuri’s three times over, as much as he hates to admit it. To see him take a break is enough cause for concern, especially given the fall Yuri just witnessed. Even more alarming is the way his head is ducked down, his face twisted in an evident grimace.
Yuuri either didn't hear him or is pretending like he didn't. He's too busy reaching for his water bottle, clenching it in a white-knuckled grip as he brings it to his lips and takes a drink. He sets the bottle down with a little more force than necessary. Then, after some carefully controlled breaths���and not a single word or glance to Yuriーhe pushes off from the rink wall and returns to the ice as if nothing happened.
Bullshit, nothing happened.
“Hey,” Yuri calls after him. He gets no response and scowls. As if he is going to let himself be brushed off by some dime-a-dozen skater who thinks he's all that because he won a silver medal at the Final. Did he forget who took gold?
Yuri pursues him, irritation increasing when Yuuri still seems set on refusing to acknowledge him. “Katsudon,” he calls again, not bothering to hide his annoyance. “Stop ignoring me, dammit!” He reaches for Yuuri's shoulder to turn him around. “What the hell is wrong with you today? You'reー”
Yuri doesn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't Yuuri protectively cradling his arm to his body with tears in his eyes, breathing in a way that can only mean he’s desperately trying not to cry, go into a panic attack, be sick, or perhaps all three.
Yuri replays the earlier tumble in his mind. While Yuuri's legs may have been fine, he was definitely favouring one arm while pushing himself up off the ice. He must have injured his wrist breaking his fall.
“You're hurt,” Yuri pieces together.
“I'm fine,” Yuuri says, much too quickly. Obviously defensive and even more obviously a lie.
“Yeah, and I'm the queen of England. Come on, let me see it.”
He reaches for the injured hand, and Yuuri instantly recoils, holding his arm more protectively to his chest. “Don't touch it!”
“I'm not going to touch it, I just need to see,” Yuri snaps. “And if it's fine like you so claim it is, then there shouldn’t even be a problem in me touching it.”
After a tense moment, Yuuri reluctantly extends his arm out. “Sorry,” he mutters, eyes downcast. His teeth dig into his lower lip in a way that Yuri can tell means he’s trying hard not to make any noise of pain. “It hurts.”
“Should I callー”
“No!” Yuuri snaps his head up. “No, don’t call Victor. I’m fine.”
“Fine?” Yuri echoes back in disbelief. He gestures to the collection of bruises colouring the unnaturally swollen joint. “You call that fine?!”
“It’s… probably just a sprain.” Yuuri sounds more like he’s trying to convince himself than Yuri.
Yuri has seen his fair share of sprains. Hell, he’s received a couple on various parts of his own body. This… this looks like it might be a little worse than that. How could Yuuri even skate in this condition? Sure, you don’t necessarily need hands to skate, but his wrist must be causing him excruciating pain, especially if it is broken. Yuri would almost be impressed at Yuuri’s ability to push past the pain, if he didn’t already think him an idiot for risking further injury.
Yuri rolls his eyes. “C’mon.” He grabs Yuuri by his uninjured arm and starts pulling him towards the benches. “You’re in no condition to skate, and don’t give me any more of that ‘I’m fine’ bullshit,” he adds when Yuuri opens his mouth to argue. “Victor will kill me if he finds out you hurt yourself because I let you do something stupid.”
When they get off the ice, Yuuri sinks down onto the bench, not saying a word. Yuri stands in front of him, arms folded across his chest. His phone is a lead weight in his pocket; he’s still debating calling Victor, an idea he contemplates further when Yuri notices the exaggerated rise and fall of Yuuri’s shoulders with each heaving breath. He's coming up on a panic attack, and feeling out of his depth, Yuri's own panic swells. Victor is usually the one who deals with this kind of stuff, not him!
Not knowing what else to do, he places a hand on Yuuri's shoulder. “It’ll be alright. Just… breathe and stuff. Okay?”
Miraculously, that seems to be enough. Yuuri manages a nod and closes his eyes, taking slow measured breaths until he regains control. “Thanks…”
“Don’t mention it,” Yuri says, meaning it.
Yuuri keeps his eyes down and busies himself with trying to untie his skates. His progress is slow, and he doesn’t get very far. His uninjured hand is visibly shaking as he fumbles with the laces, and whenever he tries to use the other it draws a hiss of pain.
Yuri huffs. “I got it. Move,” he says before kneeling in front of the bench.
Yuuri lets out a long breath and cradles his hand to his chest again. “It really hurts.” His voice is hardly a whisper, and though he’s no longer about to go into a panic attack, it’s clear he’s not doing well.
Yuri sets Yuuri’s skates on the bench and rises to his feet. “It looks bad,” he says, grimacing when he catches sight of the injury again. He doesn’t try and asses it, not after how Yuuri reacted before, and instead reaches into his pocket to pull out his cell phone. “I’m calling Victor.”
Yuri pauses, the phone halfway to his ear, and raises an eyebrow at Yuuri.
“You know you can’t hide this from him. He’s going to find out eventually.”
“I know, I just… I don’t want him to worry,” Yuuri frets. “I’ll call him later. Once we know everything’s okay.”
Yuri slips the phone back in his pocket. “Whatever.” He's not about to let himself get roped into their domestic disputes. “Then on that note, I’m dragging your ass to the emergency room.”
He’s prepared for Yuuri to argue, to start on another plethora of I’m fine’s. Instead, Yuuri gives him a look of almost smug amusement. “I didn’t know you cared so much.”
“You wish. I just don’t want Victor freaking out at me because you were an idiot.” It’s much easier to act inconvenienced than to admit that he actually cares.
“Whatever you say,” Yuuri says, still far too pleased with himself for Yuri’s liking.
Yuri turns his head to the side with a tch before standing up. “You may have fucked up your wrist pretty bad, but your legs are fine, so get up and let’s go already.”
He doesn’t wait to see if Yuuri is following him before he heads in the direction of the change rooms, hoping the light flush on his cheeks will go unnoticed.
I have ko-fi!
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*insert that gif of Andy Dwyer getting really excited that tumblr is not allowing me to have here*
Oh my god, thank you!!! ♥
At the beginning of the month I mentioned that I wanted to reach 200 by the 20th, but boy did that get surpassed lol! This was never something that I ever thought would happen to me. I got into writing fanfiction on a whim and it took some time to really settle down and dedicate myself to the craft, but oh was I not prepared. I knew I’d find some people who would read my work now and then; I didn’t expect to find this wonderful little niche of fanfic writers and readers on here. In my four years on this site I’ve never found a niche quite like this one and I’m so proud and honored to be apart of it!
So I want to say thank you and my way of saying thank you is the following:
I’m going to be accepting some reader insert drabble requests. Not a lot, unfortunately. This is my first time accepting a lot of fic requests and with what I have planned, I want to keep it at a manageable number. So I will be taking on 10 requests.
And I thought I’d make this celebration a fun one and work around a theme
My favorite theme actually. Well, trope is a better description..
See I love AUs, but more importantly - I love Soulmate!AUs!
Yes, all of these will be Soulmate!AUs!!! :D 
And since today is the first official day of Summer, I’m calling this the Summer of Soulmates Follower Celebration! Or i guess the GoingKnowhere’s 200 Follower Celebration works as well, but let’s be honest - Summer of Soulmates sounds a lot better ;)
And you can find out more about what’s happening below vvvv
The Low-down:
I’m only taking on 10 reader insert drabbles. Since this is a follower celebration, I will not be taking requests from anons.
Pick from the characters I have listed. While at some point I would like to write for a wide variety of characters, these are the ones that currently have my interest. Then pick a Soulmate AU and finally you may add in some prompts. I have two prompt lists - a sentence one and a set-the-scene au one.. (please see the lists below the cut)
When you make your request, go to my ask box and send something along the lines of : “[greeting/congrats]! Can I request [character] with [desired prompts and soulmate au]...” Specifying any other details. Once I have 10 requests I will not be accepting anymore and won’t be answering any remaining ones in my ask box.
I am not writing smut for these. I don’t mind doing vague or implying, but I don’t do anything super detailed. 
I also have the right to deny a request or certain details of it if I am not comfortable with it or if an exact or near similar request has already been made. So make sure to keep an eye on what’s already been requested. I’ve listed a lot of prompts so there isn’t going to be that short of a supply of them lol
Requests take time and my time is split between many things. I will most likely complete and post them in the order they are accepted. I won’t be starting them right away, but I will be starting them soon. Please, be patient while I write! Thank you! 
Continue on to find the prompts :)
Jim Kirk (AOS)
Bones (AOS)
Scotty (AOS)
Steve Trevor (DC)
Bernie Webber (The Finest Hours)
*I may have sort of went overboard in picking out things because I lack self control*
(most taken from perfectlyrose, also found here, here, here, here, here, and here)
Soulmate!AUs (Pick 1):
Reverse one where the clock starts at 00:00:00:00 from the moment you’re born and stops counting the moment you meet your soulmate, so it’s like a reminder that “It took me 19 years, 11 months, 20 hours, and 13 seconds to meet you, you fuck, and you do it by spilling coffee on me, thanks, now my laptop’s broken—what, you’re buying me a new one? Okay.” [the latter is their example]
The original clock one where your clock has a time and slowly counts down to 00:00:00:00 at which you will meet your soulmate
Where you actually have a compass instead of a clock, and it leads you to where your soulmate should be.
the one where you only see color once you meet your soulmate(s) || Optional : blind characters who can’t see if the world’s in color or black and white
the one where you only see certain colors up until you meet your soulmate(s) and then you see the whole range of colors
Where a tattoo isn’t set from the moment you’re born and whatever tattoos your soulmate gets, you get it too and it’s all cool because you kind of like the designs, [except you also feel the pain of getting a tattoo and that sucks because you’re kind of in the middle of an exam right now and it’s getting harder to concentrate on your work.]
Whatever mark you get on your skin your soulmate gets it too so one day, you just kind of just get a sharpie and start writing on your skin. You definitely didn’t expect to get a reply, but you did.
If you’re on separate time zones, when you sleep, you see the world in the eyes of your soulmate at present time. You see the world through your soulmate’s eyes, what they’re eating, who they’re talking to, the contents of the essay paper they’re trying to finish, but if they look into a mirror/reflective surface/picture, the image is blurred so you don’t really have a clue what they look like.
On some days, whatever your soulmate thinks of is something you can hear in your mind [ex: your soulmate is currently reading really hardcore smut fics and you’re trying so hard not to mess up this class presentation which shoulders half your mark for the semester] (close proximity would activate this)
the one where you don't know your soulmate(s) until you hear them speak, or hear them speak a certain word; your name, for example
the one where you have their name
the one where you have their first words spoken to you
the one where you get matching marks/symbols/tattoos
the one where you form a telepathic/empathetic link after you find them or have always had one
the one where in universes with magic meeting your soulmate(s) activates your powers/unlocks more powerful magic
Sentence Prompts (pick 1-3)(won’t necessarily be the soulmate tell):
“I’ve never seen that done before. There’s a reason for it. It’s a bad idea.”
“What’s with the box?”
“It’s your fault we’re in this mess.”
“What’s with all the running anyway?”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you!”
“Easy cheesy.”
“Shut up, it’s fine, just chill, we’re fine, I’m fine, everything is cool, everything is good! We’re chill, nothing is happening and I am not freaking out, not at all, we’re FINE.”
“Still breaking hearts?”
“Let’s not confuse healthy eating with a hot dog.”
“you’re the only one.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?”  
“Marry me.”
“I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else."
“why do you always have to be such an asshole?
“You’re scared of that, aren’t you?”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“it’s complicated.”
“I think I know how to use a bed.”
“You know what I like most about people? Pets.”
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
“Wild and disrespectful?”
“I love you. Of course I’m gonna defend you like that.”
“Well obviously nothing is going on here!”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“Don’t touch her/him/them!”
“So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“is there any reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?
“You screw with me, I’ll screw with you.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“Why is there a picture of Steve Buscemi in your bathroom?!”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Are you ready to dance with the devil?”
“it’s okay, i’m here.”
“just sit down and let me take care of you.”
“I may have mildly panicked…”
“Please put me down it’s just a sprained ankle"
“That’s sweet in a kind of nauseating kind of way.”
“I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
“There’s a thin line between brulee and Pompeii.”
“you don’t scare me.”
“i’m in love with you but i don’t want you to hurt me.”
“I’ll be honest with you – I was raised by wolves.”
“why do you even care?”
“He’s like the cockroach that will never die.”
“Obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can’t.”
“I’m not really good with impulse control.”
“If you say another word about her/him, you’ll regret it.”
“It’s midnight, what do you want?”
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
“You cannot fathom the immensity of the fucks I don’t give.”
“you’re not alone. you never were.”
“Well, we’ll see about the delight.”
“Are you meeting someone here? Because.. I think I’m that person.”
“I don’t know what you’re gonna do without it! [evil laugh]”
“This isn’t a joke. I’m serious.”
“don’t call me ‘princess,’ asshole.”
“It’s cute that you tried to protect me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know?”
“tell me this is a dream.”
“You look like an open autopsy.”
Set the Scene Prompts (Pick 1)
“Fuck I feel like I got hit by a car… Wait I did? And it was your car?”
We’re at a concert and I can’t see a thing let me sit on your shoulders, maybe?”
hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
“You take my parking spot every few days yes I know they’re not assigned but that one is mine” au
“I’m low on cash but I really need some food from this vending machine, could i trouble you for a dollar?” au
The postal worker delivered your package to my place accidentally and I was expecting something so I totally didn’t look before I opened it and… wow that is um… quite an interesting thing you bought and I’m here to return it
you’re a gardener with a nice ass that i can’t stop staring at and one day you caught me looking at you bent over and fuck that’s embarrassing but then suddenly you started wearing tighter pants dear holy lord // it’s a total coincidence that I happen to water my plants at the same time you jog past my house AU
our dogs are in love with each other and it’s making things awkward at the dog park AU
I injured myself doing something stupid at a holiday party and you’re the doctor at the emergency clinic AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“i’m at a karaoke bar and i’m sober enough to realize that your voice singing my absolute favorite song is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever heard, and you caught me staring and winked at me oh shit” au
‘pls chill out it’s only p.e. it’s not the olympics it’s just p.e. chill’ au
I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel.
“you and your friends have been playing the penis game in the library for the last five minutes and none of you have gotten above a quiet yell and i’m really just trying to study over here so i’m gonna put an end to this by winning the game”
“i came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone” au
❛❛ i just got bowled over by your huge-ass dog in the park && now you’re profusely apologizing while trying to hold your dog off ❜❜
❛❛ you’re infamous for being an asshole, && i had to sit next you in class. turns out you’re kinda nice one-on-one. ❜❜
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
“You just caught me reading hardcore smut fan fiction during class and you’re wondering how I can read this with a blank face.”
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
“I just threw away a winning lottery ticket in a park garbage can by accident FUCK HELP ME LOOK FOR IT I’LL GIVE YOU A PORTION OF THE WINNINGS” AU
“ur just a random stranger and i’ve been ranting to you for like 20 minutes about how much i hate this one band but now several groups of people came up to you asking for pics and autographs, and oh shit it turns out you’re in the band i’ve been going on about” au
Neighbour who’s way too enthusiastic about LOTR soundtracks au
you left your USB flash drive in the library computer and i had to go through your files to figure out who you are and i ended up reading the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re actually really good????
both stuck in the dorm common room because their respective roommates needed “alone time”
waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
You’re a famous viner and I constantly witness you doing the weirdest things AU
“We’re sitting next to each other on this plane and and I was eating gummies, but I left all the red ones cause they’re absolute shit and now you’re asking if you can have them” AU
“I went to water my plants on the balcony and you’re on yours with a tinfoil hat what the hell are you doing” AU
“I went to see you live in concert and was front row and you went into the crowd and I grabbed your hand, but started freaking out so much that I was touching you that I couldn’t let go to the point where security had to physically tear me away from you and now you’ve invited me backstage literally what” AU
working in a museum au
'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD” AU
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“i was eavesdropping on ur phone convo with ur friend who offered you tickets to my favorite band and you don’t even want them, do you wanna give me your friend’s number maybe?” au
“actor at a haunted house/person who punches the actor in the face” AU
'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ AU [name the song(s)]
“we’re internet friends and follow each other on all social media but have never met but hey, i’m going on vacation where you live, let’s meet (and also date)” au
“you sat next to me at the movie theatre and i really hated your movie but i didn’t realize you were in it”
“i came to the gym to work out but holy god i can’t stop watching you do one armed push ups that’s so hot” au
“That asshole stole my song at karaoke night” au
Please stop picking flowers from my garden au
“We sat next to each other during a really sad film and now we’re sharing tissues silently whilst we cry at the cinema” AU
“You just watched me slip on the ice and wind up sitting in the snowbank beside the parking lot. You’re laughing and now it’s you slipping and your face in the snowbank across from me” au
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letitallg0 · 4 years
I’ve been working like crazy this week because now I have 2 jobs (only for 1 more week) and then I’ll get a different 2nd job which will be tiring but not as tiring as this is right now. I straight up been working from 10:30pm-3:30 am then going back to my other job at 6am-10ish am. And it’s a damn struggle. I have to do it again tonight and I am not prepared for that pain and tiredness again, but I can’t get out of it. The good thing is soon I’ll be done here at my 6am so then I’ll just be working nights so that’s cool. Bad thing is school starts in like a weekish but Im honestly so happy it’s online. I’m able to take 8 classes and I think I’ll be okay some I’ll be at home doing it. And this new jobs is literally like a 5 hour extreme workout so as long as I’m trying to eat better and working there I should be losing at least some type of weight soon lol. My body needs to get used to working so hard though cause right now I fed sprained my muscles or whatever it’s called and they hurt so bad. I prolly need to stretch first. What’s crazy is water is now my best friends and it’s so weird lol. I literally bought a bottle of water yesterday and was like “who am I???” Lol. But this is good.
I go wedding dress shopping in the next few weeks, have to start making appointments so hopefully I’ll lose a couple pounds, but good thing I can always get the dress altered. Also! My 21st is next week and I’m sooo excited because I’m gonna go out with me family and friends the day before, the day of and then we all going to the beach for the weekend so I’m hype. I wish we could’ve went to New Orleans like we planned but we’re trying to make this as safe as possible. We’re bringing our own blankets, cleaning supplies etc. to fix the hotel rooms before we sleep in it, we’re gonna stay away from others not in our jawn. We’re really only going to bars/restaurants and then the beach so as long as we’re wearing our masks, keeping hand sanitizer on us, showering every night when we get back in the room (hopefully won’t be to drunk so we can do that) lol, and staying a safe distance we’ll be alright. Basically everything we already been doing 🤷🏻‍♀️
I can’t wait for this work week and next work week to be over, but it’ll all be worth it when that check hits 👏🏼👏🏼 unemployment also hit me up in back pay from the past couple weeks I just filed so that’s amazing but now I can’t do it since I’m working a different job and it’s regular hours instead of reduced. But that’s fine. They gave me a lot that should be able to last a while for bills etc. so I’m happy I don’t need to worry like I was a couple weeks ago. I have money for this beach trip now too so that’s hype. And birthday money so yay 😁 I’m sure the rest of 2020 is going to be a shit show but I’m hoping it’ll all be good. I’ll get back into the swing of school, I graduate next semester !! I literally only have like 7ish months left of school if u subtract winter break and stuff. And I’ll have money and a better paying job and my save the dates go out soon! Very excited 😁 What I’m not excited for is this shift tonight cause my arms are dead lol but, gotta do what ya gotta do.
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What would they do if the other one was hurt?
Thank you for the Ask Anon XoX
Max and Hela - Hela rarely gets hurt in battle, so when she does it's usually nothing major, there was one time that it was really bad, but I wasn't much better so it's not something I could help with. When I get hurt however, Hela babies me like I'm the most fragile glass sculpture in existence, I could sprain my ankle and she will put me on Fenris for a week until she's sure it won't sprain again.
Max and Missy - Missy never gets hurt and she's a time lady so she just puts a little regeneration energy into it and she's back to perfect. I bumble around and get scuffed and burned quite often, so Missy has learned not to make Child-Proofing jokes, and keep Aloe Vera and Neosporen in the refrigerator nearby.  
Max and Alma -  Alma has the most extensive first aid kit known to Ymbryne Kind because when we traveled around the world we ran into almost every kind of wound, and were trained to take care of them in our Education with Miss. Avocet and Miss Bunting. If Alma gets hurt normally she fixes herself while I panic and fuss over her, and vice versa, though Alma's panic is maintained to short direct sentences and a lot of physical affection after the fact.
Max and Irene - Being on the run means we get injured a lot, I am a massive baby when I get legitimately injured and Irene is patient enough to take care of my cuts and sprains, and I can patch up anything as well.
Max and Loki - Loki is an Asgardian (duh lol) and is pretty hard to hurt, and when he does get hurt he heals himself with Sedir or heals naturally quite quickly. I'm a fragile midguardian and so he does his best to keep me in a proverbial hamster ball of his protection, and on the rare occasion I do get hurt, he's got magic to heal me right up.
Max and Valkyrie - Val's the more "Wrap it up and suck it up" kind of medic when it comes to her own and other's injuries, but I try my best to patch her up and soothe the bruises and scrapes that come with her existence on Sakaar.
Max and Jareth - Jareth is a fae and doesn't get hurt much either. Though if he does, whatever hurt him never has the chance again, When I get hurt I get throne cuddles of protective Goblin King and almost smothered in his protection energy. It's actually very comforting.
Max and Hana - As members of Overwatch we get scuffed up pretty much every time we skirmish or brawl, so we're both pretty used to it. When something major happens however, we're both screaming for Lucio or Mercy, whoever is on hand, for help.
Max and J - J either feels no pain, or pretends he doesn't for the sake of his reputation. Whenever I so much as break a plate and cut myself, all the sudden I have the best surgeon in Gotham tending to me, looking scared out of his mind.
Max and Kylo - Kylo and I are no strangers to the Med Bay in our First Order ranks, though Kylo is there way more than I am, as a Bizerker style fighter compared to my speed and agility based fighting. And I try not to fuss over him, but I can't help it sometimes.
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heheokayyy · 7 years
today was one of those days that i just need to write down because it was just so bad and so odd. it started bad because of something stupid i did, and it made me really sad and angry at myself. and also i miss daley and i cant tell her that so there is that. whatever. anyways... lets just get to it. so i showed up to work like 15 mins early (which i NEVER do) and as soon as i walk in its hectic and chaotic in there. so i clock on and then they tell me that i need to hurry and set up a party. so im like "cool when does it start?" and he goes "in 5 mins" and i sprinted back and forth trying to get everything done in time. it all ended up working out just fine though so thats okay. but after i had to go get soda for the party up stairs and while i was filling the containers up i forgot to watch it and it over flooded all over the floor. it was super great. so i had nothing to clean it up with and it was a huge mess and i had to have the sodas down there in 2 mins. i figured it out though so it all worked out. well im just hanging out and it was all going great for the most part and they tipped me $25 for just setting up the party and hosting it, so that was totally cool. when i finally went on the ice to skate, a poor girl sprained her ankle .. so that was pretty interesting. it always is when someone hurts themselves. when the public session was over, i started cleaning up. well i started with the bathrooms... someone thought it would be funny to take all the seat covers out of every stall and clogged up all the toilets. and in one ... someone threw up all over the seat, the floor, everywhere. omg it was disgusting. and in the mens there were a couple clogged toilets as well. so i was pretty upset but i cleaned it all up and didnt let it bother me. so i had a little break. i went and got food for me and my coworkers because we were all hungry and i was the only one that had a break. so i did that and came back and just chilled for an hour. when i went back and started working , it was all going okay until it got super busy super fast. and so i was trying my best to make this line go by super fast. well a lady dropped her card behind the desk and so i tried looking for it. IT TOOK ME 10 MINS TO FREAKING FIND THIS CARD. and then while i was down there i guess i accidently unplugged something and it turned off the whole computure so i couldnt ring anyone up. by this time there is a huge line of people waiting. another 5 mins later we finally got everything to work. so i get everyone finished and the line is finally gone. so as im standing there a lady comes up to me and starts arguing with me about something she didnt like and ahe was yelling at me and when my manager finally came up he just went against everything i said and let her get away with it. so i was super annoyed. by this point i was angry. my body was super hot everywhere and i did not want to talk to anyone else. so i skate around for about an hour and the whole time i cannot cool down because i am so upset. anyways i end up getting off the ice and i want to cry. it seems like everything was going wrong today. and to top it off i fell down rhe stairs like 10 mins later lol. but something good did happen, while i was o the ice and super upset, a man who is in his 60's that always skates came up to me. His name is Time Daley. Sweet guy. he starts telling me how skating helps him with his depression and if it wasnt for skating he would need to be on anti-depressants. so justhearing bis story really made me happy to see him happy. idk his story really made me feel better. although today was crazy and hectic, it was great. happy anniversary to me from me. days like these, no matter how frusterated they get me, makes me realize that god has a plan and he will make it all work out. and he did. i left work in s great mood. even after the worst day he shows me how to contine to smile.
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