#it’s my parents wedding anniversary let’s concentrate on that
yoohyeon · 1 year
For pride let’s get over our crush 🥲 jfbsjdjs
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
Ministry of Magic Monthlies | October 2022: Fall and Spooky
Prompt: [Dialogue] “Let’s get you to bed.”
Read it on AO3
Summary: Just a little Sirius raising Harry at Halloween fluff. 
Words: 668
Happy Halloween
Halloween was always a time of mixed emotions for Sirius. It marked the anniversary of his best friend’s murders, but it was also a time where he got to watch little Harry be filled with so much joy dressing up and doing trick or treating with the other muggle children. Finding the right balance between grief, remembrance and fun was a thin line. As Harry grew older he started to ask more about his parents, it was difficult to find age appropriate answers for a four year old. 
Each year on October 31st Sirius would help Harry guide his wand to light a set of candles on the mantelpiece next to the framed photograph of Lily and James on their wedding day.  He would share a story about his parents from their days at Hogwarts and then he’d help Harry put on his costume. Harry’s most recent obsession was Scooby Doo, a muggle children’s cartoon he would watch at Uncle Moony’s house. 
“I want to be Velma.” Harry had said very seriously leading up to Halloween. “She wears glasses just like me. Just like my dad!” 
Sirius could just imagine what an outburst like this would have earnt Harry from the Dursleys. They would have been horrified that their nephew wanted to dress in ‘girl’s clothes’. Not that they would ever have taken Harry trick or treating in the first place. Sirius had almost teared up at Harry wanting to be ‘just like his dad’. James would have made a big thing of it, him and Lily dressing as Fred and Daphne, Harry as Velma, Remus as Shaggy and Sirius as Padfoot playing Scooby. 
“Who should I be Haz?” was Sirius’ only question. 
The little lad paused very briefly, brows furrowed in concentration before answering. “I think you should be the mystery machine.” Not exactly where Sirius had seen that going , but okay. So he’d spent the better part of a week creating his mystery machine costume out of painted cardboard and an old skateboard. That way if Harry’s legs got tired they could skate along. 
They made Uncle Moony’s the last trick or treat stop of the night. So they could show off their costumes and rest before returning home. Harry ran up the stone pathway on weary little legs and rapped hard on Remus’ door. It swung wide almost immediately, revealing Remus dressed in a pair of tan pants and a green shirt. 
“You’re Shaggy!” Harry beamed. 
“And you’re Velma.” Remus laughed offering Harry the bowl of candy he’d been holding. “I like your skirt.”
“Thanks! Padfoot found it in a charity shop!” Harry scurried his way into the house and plopped himself down on Remus’ sofa so he could sort through all the sweets. 
“He looks happy.” Remus smiled meekly to Sirius. The weight of the day was on him too. 
“I tried.” answered Sirius. 
“You’re doing a good job. I don’t tell you that often enough.” Remus waved Sirius in and offered him a cup of tea. 
They drank together and watched Harry organise his treats into small piles. Before long the little lad’s head was bobbing and he was rubbing at eyes taht were starting to refuse to stay open. 
“Let’s get you to bed” Sirius cooed to his godson. They could both use the sleep. 
“I don’t wanna!” Harry grumbled. 
“What about if you and Padfoot stay for a sleepover? Then we can all wake up in the morning and watch Scooby Doo together?” Remus bargained. 
“Can we Padfoot?! Please? Please? Please?!” Harry begged. 
“Only if you go put your jammies on and get into bed. I’ll come read you a story in a minute.” said Sirius. Harry didn’t need telling twice, racing to the spare bedroom that Remus always had set up for him. Sirius turned his relieved attention to Remus, he honestly didn’t know if he had the strength to gently parent his way through a tantrum this evening. “Thanks.”
“I figure neither of us wants to be alone tonight.”
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rogersevans · 3 years
Quarantine Wedding
Pairings: Chris Evans x Y/n Downey - Chris Evans x Y/n Evans
Warnings: just fluff, wedding (if they make you emotional), implied smut towards the end
Summary: Y/n never planned her dream wedding, but in their back garden, surrounded by their families, during a global pandemic seems pretty perfect to her. apart of the evans’ series.
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Sunday mornings were Y/n’s and Chris’s favourite day of the week, the only time they got to stay in bed, tangled in the sheets and each other, going undisturbed from the outside world. Chris currently had Y/n lying between his legs, her back against his bare chest as he rested against the head of the bed.  
Y/n was absentmindedly playing with the engagement ring on her finger, something she had started to do since he put it on, twiddling it with her thumb.
Dodger was at their feet, on his back with his legs spread, snoring away.  
“We should get married.” Y/n mumbled like she was thinking something through in her mind, thumb still playing with the ring.
“We are...” Chris reminded her, placing a small kiss to her temple. “That’s what this is for.” Taking her small hand in his, holding it up to show off the ring as it glistened in the Sunday morning sun.  
“No,” she protested with a giggle, getting up onto her knees and wrapping the sheet around her naked body, turning to face her fiancé. “I mean sooner, like tomorrow.”  
“Or Thursday if you’re too busy.” Rolling her eyes playfully she scooted closer to him, now in his lap, the sheet now being held up by their bodies, closing the gap. Her hands finding his hair, raking her fingers through it and massaging his scalp. “I want to be Mrs Evans, I want to get married in our back garden, with our families... No one else.” Chris hummed in agreement, letting his hands fall to her hips.  
“You don’t want a big wedding?” Licking his lips, his eyes now open and focused on every detail of her, the small freckle that sat just above the curve of her right breast, the thin chain that sat around her neck with a small diamond C resting in the centre he’d bought her on their second anniversary, the butt dimpled in her chin, something she hated but another thing he adored.  
Truthfully, she didn’t, she never envisioned herself surrounded by 300 people as she said ‘I do’, she just wanted a small, intimate wedding, less than 30 people.  
The pair had been engaged for five months and the pandemic had haltered all of their plans to celebrate, they had various zoom celebrations with their families and friends and when they were allowed to travel back home their hallway was filled with presents and balloons.  
They had managed to keep the news out of the press, wanting to bask in the newness of their engagement privately, it had been blissful but Y/n was becoming impatient.  
Silently shaking her head, she dipped her head her lips just a whisper away from Chris’s, “I just want you, as my husband.” She whispered making Chris’s entire body shiver, and in one swift movement Y/n is on her back with Chris lying on his side next to her, propped up on his elbow and tracing shapes on her are stomach.
She doesn’t stop herself from reaching up and cupping his cheek, booping his nose with her thumb, making them both giggle and then running her fingers over his beard, one her favourite features of her fiancé the way it feels against her skin makes her feel alive.  
“Tomorrow.” Was all he replied with, letting his lips fall down to her nose.  
After another hour of being tangled up in one another, the room filled with her soft moans and Chris made love to her, turned on at the thought of her becoming his wife tomorrow. They started organising everything, never leaving the bed unless it was for Dodger, food or toilet breaks.  
They had delivered the news to their families and the cheers or screams (Carly and Shanna) we’re piercing, even though the speaker of their phones.  
Chris booked flights for his family to be able to attend, they were getting in at around 10pm that night. Y/n demanded that everyone be tested before they stepped foot in their home, so she arranged for someone to come out and test everyone. Y/n’s family were due to arrive tomorrow morning, the nerves bubbled in the pit of her stomach at the thought of her mom and dad being in the same room again, something she hadn’t experienced in years.  
“Baby, it’ll be fine.” Giving a chaste kiss to her knuckles, “we’re getting married tomorrow.” He mumbled against them, his voice raspy and tired after a long day of planning, all doubt or anxiety about her parents leaving her body just from his touch, his words settled her completely.  
“I can’t wait to be your wife.” Standing to her tiptoes she nudged her nose with his, their gaze still looked before her eyes fluttered shut, breathing him in and relishing in the moment before his lips found hers.  
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“What are you going to do about a dress?” Scott asked in a hushed tone, not wanting Chris to hear their conversation, closing the door to their bedroom behind him.  
The house was extremely busy downstairs with everyone completing last minute preparations so Scott and Y/n had snuck away for a quiet moment to get ready, knowing Y/n didn’t function when stressed. He could tell she wanted nothing more than to have Chris at her side, one didn’t move without the other.
But Scott demanded, as the self appointed best man/man of honour, that they be apart for the night before and the day of, still up-keeping some form of tradition.
Unknowingly to Scott, Chris had snuck back into their bedroom last night when everyone was asleep, not wanting to be away from one another with the excitement of the next day bubbling. 
Like children on Christmas Eve.  
The busyness of the day had helped keep them both distracted, not giving them much time to sneak off for a moment of privacy. 
“I bought something a few months ago, thinking ahead.” Y/n rummaged through her and Chris’s shared walk-in closet, plucking a black garment bag which was hidden at the very back.  
Unzipping the bag, Y/n revealed the white, embroidered, floor length cami wedding dress. Scott couldn’t contain his gasp as he softly took the dress in his hands, admiring it silently.  
“Where did you find this?” His eyes not leaving the dress, his fingers running over the patterns.
“ASOS,” she started. “I saw it on there and had to have it, I’m going to wear it with these...” Trailing off as she bent down to pick up her pair of all white, high-topped converses, now beaming from ear to ear.
“You’re joking right?”
“Heels aren’t me,” shrugging her shoulders she took the dress from Scott and disappeared into the en-suite to get ready.  
“What about rings?” Scott asked on the other side of the door, he was sitting on the edge of the bed go through the checklist he had created in his mind.
“I think Chris has that sorted.” Was all she replied too focused on not damaging the dress as she slipped it on carefully, not hearing when Scott said something about checking on the decorations and leaving. 
After ten minutes Y/n stepped out of the bathroom to show Scott, her hair now falling freely over her shoulders and the slightest bit of make-up, the dress hugged her figure perfectly as the flowed around her.  
“Wow.” Chris’s voice sounded, making her jump back behind the bathroom door, shutting it, hoping he didn’t see too much. “Baby, what’re you doing?” Walking over to the bathroom door, trying to push it open.
“I thought you were Scott. You’re not supposed to see me!” Y/n cried from behind the door.
“I don’t care, we’re getting married during a pandemic, in our back garden with less than twenty people... So, I think the traditions are out the window.” His hand still on the door knob, letting a breathy chuckle out. “C’mon gorgeous, I wanna see you.” He attempted to persuade her.
Slowly the door started to open to reveal Y/n stood there, holding either side of her dress as she twirled for Chris, giggling as she did.
Well fuck, the sight made Chris’s heart swell, his palms became sweaty as his eyes trailed over her, drinking in her appearance, his smile never leaving his lips.  
Y/n took the opportunity to take in her fiancé's appearance, he was currently in black dress pants, a white shirt tucked into his pants with the top few buttons undone, and a tie hanging around his neck, untied. Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight, butterflies erupting in her stomach.
“Was gonna ask you to do my tie...” He choked out, his eyes now meeting hers.  
Without word she took a step forward and began fastening the last few buttons before making work of his tie, his hands found her hips, rubbing small circles with his thumbs as he watched her intently.  
“You look...” He started, but was cut off by Y/n.
“Handsome, you look insanely handsome. I’m lucky you’re about to become my husband.” Her eyes still fixated on the tie, her tongue dragging across her bottom lip as she concentrated. Once satisfied her fingers smoothed out his collar and tie. “Now go, before Scott sees you in here. Anyone would think he’s the one getting married.” Both chuckling softly.  
With her command Chris didn’t move away, just one step closer to her, closing the gap between them, his hands now cupping her cheeks, both looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds before he dipped his head down to kiss her.  
This kiss wasn’t like all the others he had sneaked in the past twenty four hours, it was different.
Y/n’s mind casting back to the night Chris told her he loved her for the first time, the kiss matching that. It was filled with adoration, passion and love, making her stomach do flips and her heart hammer against her chest.  
“Go,” Y/n mumbled against his lips after a few seconds, pushing his abdomen. “I’ll see you down there handsome.” Giving her one last kiss before walking away, leaving her now by herself as she jumped up and down in their bathroom, the tiniest squeal leaving her lips.  
The next half an hour rushed by so quickly, now the pair were stood at the bottom of their garden in front of their families, their garden littered with fairy lights hung above them, their families stood watching proudly. 
It was simple and perfect, no fuss. 
Scott was ordaining the ceremony something Chris and Y/n weren’t aware he could do until last night. Too scared to know the reason why he decided to become an ordained minister, “you never know when you might need it” was all he said. 
“Y/n,” Chris started, his hands shaking a little. “I can’t imagine my life without you, since you came barging into it 22 years ago. From the very first day of filming back in 2011, I knew you were it for me, even if I didn’t know it.” That caused everyone to laugh, “I love how you’re always there by my side, how you always tie my tie... Even if I know how to do it myself.” Y/n gasped shocked at his admission, laughing along with everyone. “At first it was a tactic to be near you, but the look of concentration you have every time, drives me crazy.” He laughed as she shook her head, beaming from ear to ear. “You make me the happiest man alive every day, even when you’re beating my ass at guitar hero. I love how passionate and impatient you are... Today being an example of that.” Everyone laughed again, he reached for her cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. “I can’t believe I get to call you my wife... I love you.”
Y/n was speechless, wiping away the tears that continued to fall, it was like he’d winded her with his words, her body tingled with excitement and love as the feeling of becoming Mrs Evans drew closer.
“Chris,” she started. “You are one of the most amazing, crazy talented, men I’ve ever known, I’m in constant awe of what you’re capable of... Seriously, it's annoying... I will make it my life mission to find something you’re not good at.” Chris’s loud laughter now echoed over your families laughs, his hand falling to his chest. “Your laugh, is my favourite sound of yours and if I could play it on repeat I would, but I’ll just settle for making you laugh with my terribly bad dad jokes-”
“Oh no!” Chris groaned at her statement, making everyone laugh again.
“Our love consumes me, I knew from the moment Lizzie told me you liked me that I had to have you, no matter what. Everyone constantly tells me how intense our love is, but it wasn’t until someone described it perfectly to me that I understood,” Y/n took the opportunity to side eye Scott, recalling the night they had a very drunken conversation about her relationship with Chris, making Scott laugh. “We’re so in sync with one another, you move, I move, we could be in a room filled with people, on opposite ends and we would still find each other without looking. Being with you,” she had to stop to compose herself, not wanting to cry during her vows. “Is like living a dream come true, especially during the simple times, no plans, no noise, just us doing nothing.”
Chris didn’t hide his tears as they freely fell, the sniffles from everyone, including Robert could be heard now.
After a few more words from Scott, once he calmed down, the cheers erupted as their lips connected, their first kiss as husband and wife. Chris pulling her flush against him, deepening the kiss. “I got you, Mrs Evans.” He whispered against her lips, making her giggle.  
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The rest of the night was spent with their families, basking in the events of the day as they ended the night with the fire pit lit, gathered around it. Y/n was still in her dress and converse clad feet, her hair now tied up as she sat on the floor in between her husband's legs. 
She was currently admiring her wedding band, it was rose gold, slim and had diamonds wrapped around it, fitting perfectly against her engagement ring. reaching for the hand that rested on her shoulder, now playing with his wedding band, his band was thick, black and had a thin, rose gold strip around the centre. 
Chris had purchased them the day he bought the engagement ring and had hidden them in his sock drawer in his bedside, his hiding spots were getting better. 
“I’m so happy for you guys.” Robert softly whispered, puling his daughter into his arms holding her tightly against his chest. “I can’t believe you’re married!” 
“I know... I have to live with a boy!” She quipped back and Robert’s body started to vibrate with laughter, her cheek resting on his should as they continued to hug, not wanting to let go.
“My baby...” Now cupping her cheeks, giving his daughter one last look of pride before letting go. “You’ve always been my favourite child.” He whispered, Y/n knew he was joking but she laughed in agreement anyway. Out of her other three siblings they both shared a close relationship, Y/n was his saving grace when he was younger, having her at a young age bonded them. 
“Chris, I can’t believe you’re my son now... How weird.” Chris smiles broadly at the term son, instead of son-in-law, he knew Robert classed him as part of the family and not because he had to. "Welcome to the family, legally.. Let’s face it you’ve always been apart of this family.” Sharing a quick embrace before slipping past the newlyweds to speak to Lisa.
“Do you want to dance?” Chris bent down to whisper in his wife's ear, his hands finding her hips and back pressed against his chest, only to have her hum in response. 
Guiding her to an open spot in the garden, taking his hand in hers and spinning her so she was now facing him. His large hands resting on her hips whilst her hands snaked around his waist, the music that played from the speakers in the house guiding them. “You’re my wife,” stating softly, his lips finding her forehead.
“That’s right Evans,” the nickname now sounding futile with both being Evans’. “You’re stuck with me, no getting out this.” Her index finger was pointing between them before wrapping back around his neck. 
It was nearing 2am when Chris and Y/n climbed the stairs to their bedroom, once the click of their door shutting was heard she reached behind trying to unzip her dress but struggled due to her tired state, contemplating just sleeping her dress.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her husband as he guided the zip down slowly, leaving slow, wet kisses on shoulder, using his callous fingers to brush the straps of her dress off her shoulders, the dress pooling at her feet, leaving her in nothing but her panties.  
“My wife, you’re stunning.” He said lowly, the only light in the room was the light of the moon streaming through the windows. Y/n turned to face him, starting to unbutton his shirt which was now untucked, tie long gone and the top two buttons already undone, his collar bones and tattoos poking out through his shirt.  
Pushing the shirt off of him, she traced his tattoos with her fingers, a hiss of pleasure escaping from his throat, making him tighten the grip on her hips she didn’t know he had.  
The C necklace glistening in the moonlight.
That’s how they stood for a few minutes, their eyes never breaking from one another, her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands on her hips.  
Y/n guided her new husband to their bed, the back of his legs hitting the edge and he sat down closely followed by her straddling him. “Mr Evans,” her voice laced with arousal. “I do believe, you’re wearing one too many items of clothing.” She tsked, her finger trailing down his abdomen, his muscles twitching when she did, effortlessly flicking the button of his pants open.  
“That can be fixed... Mrs Evans.” He purred in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.  
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fandomscombine · 4 years
No, Not Like This (George Weasley x Reader)
I am rewatching New Girl yea and the episode of S2x15. You know the one with the ICONIC Nick and Jess 1st  Kiss?
Yup, now enjoy it as George Weasley x Reader! With guest appearances of Fred, Lee, Angelina & Alicia. *wink wink*
Read [Part 2]
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It’s the night before Christmas break and your friends are ever so kind to throw a small party. They let kinda bad as they were all off to spend the holiday at their homes while you spend the next 3 weeks in Hogwarts. You weren’t that sad though, sure your parents were off to spend their 20th wedding anniversary and you are going to celebrate the holidays alone-well there are a couple of 2nd and 5th year students, none you are close with, stuck at Hogwarts too.- but you didn’t really mind cause there is something about Hogwarts during the holidays that makes it more magical.
Your friends are literally the sweetest bunch you’ve ever meat and wouldn’t have any other. Which lead to now, sitting in a circle for a game of Truth or Dare Exploding Jenga. It works like every other Jenga game, the goal it to pull out a piece without it falling and place said piece on the top. The twist is that there is either a truth or a dare written on the piece in which the player who took it must follow, if the player doesn’t accept to do said truth or dare within the 30 seconds, the tower of Jenga would explode and cover the player with brown mystery slime.
‘CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!’ You all chorused, while Lee Jordan drowns his 5th shot of firewhiskey.
‘And time.’ Alicia pauses the stopwatch. ‘Just under 20 seconds!’
‘A new record!’ chimed Fred.
Lee looked to his left. ‘Alright Angelina, you’re up next. See if you could beat that!’
Angelina raises a brow at him. ‘You do know that each turn has a different dare, right? Or are you too drunk to remember?’
‘NOPE not just drunnkkk’ He slurred.
‘Truth.’ Angelina reads ‘Who is the most attractive person among the group?’
She places the block carefully on the top. ‘EASY. ALICIA’ She states casually. Sitting back down and not breaking eye contact with the now very red Alicia across from her.
‘Now that would be hard to beat.’ Fred stands and takes a block from one of the lower levels, leaving a middle piece. The tower sways a little.
‘Oi, you piece of shit, I’m next!’ You scream. ‘Why’d you have to take that one!’
‘Player’s choice. y/n/n, player’s choice.’ Reading his block, he chuckled. ‘Oh, Georgie this is gonna be good.’
George now curious asks, ‘well then what is it?’
Fred puffed up his chest, ‘Dare: Sit on the lap of the player on your left for one round.’
Everyone laughed including you, though not George through, it seemed like he was fuming.
Then it clicked. Wait a minute. You’re next!
Not that you mind though, it is just a game, and Fred is one of your best friends. You just wished that it was another twin that was in his position.
‘Alright Freddie bring it in.’ Patting your thighs. ‘You’ll always have a seat with me’ you teased.
‘Opfff! Oi boy be gentle!’ Fred had just dropped his weight on you.
‘Sorry.’ He muffled into your neck.
Your embrace position with Fred proved to make it difficult to reach for the tower. ‘Heyya Freddie, do you mind?’
He looks up at you, then the tower and back. ‘No can do amiga, rules are rules. And the dare says I have to stay seated.’
‘Ugh you prick.’ Sticking your tongue out at him. Rules are rules, yet there were none stating that the use of wands is not allowed.
‘HEyyyy! No cheating’ shouted Angelina.
‘There are no rules against using wands!’
‘Dammit….She’s right.’
‘Thank you, George.’
You read the levitating block in front of you. ‘Dare: Snog the player across from you for at least 20 seconds.’
‘Now that’s what I call a dare’ exclaimed Alicia.
Placing the block on top with the help of your wand, who glanced down to see who was across from you. OH OH.
As if he had read your thoughts. Fred sang ‘Ohh lala’ He left your lap. ‘Georgie, Georgie, Georgie! You lucky man!’ he teased.
‘Oh now you decide you release me?’
You make your way to George with the chanting of ‘KISS! KISS! KISS!’ seem like background noised against your nerves. Sure, it’s just a game, but you were given the opportunity of a lifetime to kiss you crush that happens to also be your best friend who you no doubt thinks of you just as that- a friend.
You held your hand out to George and pulled him right up. ‘So…uh…you good?’
He lets out a nervous breath ‘yea..yea’
‘Don’t worry, I’m nervous too.’ You admitted. ‘Let’s just suck it up and French a little.’
‘Okay fine but don’t say “Let’s just suck it up and French a little.”’ You can see him fidget a little. ‘Let’s just do it, No big deal.’ He mutters- more to himself.
‘Yea no big deal.’ You echoed though boy did you wish it would mean something. You tried to keep a serious face on and manage the blush that has no doubt covered all over your face. All that resolve though came crashing down when you saw what he was doing. ‘Why are you licking your lips?’
‘Should I not? Do you want dry lips?’
‘Then I’m just licking them to make them better.’ He reasoned.
‘okay fine’
‘just kiss me, we’re running out of time!’
You could faintly here your friends counting down from 10….9….8..
‘yea, but first-‘
‘NO, NOT LIKE THIS!’ He bursts. ‘Not like this.’
‘What?’ Mouth opened; you were caught off guard. ‘What does that mean?’
‘Ahhh no , nothing , I… I…’
The Jenga tower explodes, magically covering only you with slime- as if was you who failed to complete your dare.
The explosion seems to bring George back into his body. ‘I’m sorry y/n…I…I gotta go’ And with that he ran out the common room.
It felt like a slap in the face. Did he not want to kiss you? Yea it was a game….but… What did he mean by ‘No, not like this’.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the retching of Lee on the carpet.
‘Oh Disgusting’ Fred helps him up from the floor. ‘Let’s get you cleaned up buddy.’
He looks up at you. ‘Hey I’m sorry the party had to end this way, And I’m even more sorry for my idiot brother.’
‘Nah, it’s fine Fred. Thank you though.’ You place a hand on his arm. ‘Hope you have a great Christmas.’
Fred’s eyes go wide and facepalms himself. ‘Crap I almost forgot, and such horrible timing too. But I owled mom earlier today and she says that you are welcomed to stay over at the Burrow for the holidays.’
‘Yea, We didn’t want you to spend the holidays alone-‘
‘Uh George and I’ He gives you a weak smile. ‘So, are you in?’
‘Heck yea!’ You hugged him tightly. ‘Thank you.’
When you part, he holds onto your arms a second longer. ‘Just don’t mind my idiotic brother okay? He genuinely cares for you, talk to him okay? It’s not like him to chicken out.’
You nod.
Next to you Alicia appears with wash cloths.
‘Come on y/n let’s get you upstairs and cleaned up.’
‘So…Angelina huh?’ you tease.
‘oh shut up!’
‘Damn it!’ You cursed. It was 2 am and everyone is asleep. You had finally finished your last-minute packing when you realized that your wand is missing. So here you were, tearing the common room apart.
You rummaged under the couch ‘It has got to be somewhere here. Where are you, you damn magic stick?’ You remembered last using your wand near the couch. But it must have rolled away due to all the chaos.
‘Looking for this?’
‘AHH!’ Startled by the voice, you banged your head on one of the arms.
You look up and see the one and only George Weasley.
‘Yea, thanks.’ Grabbing your wand from him.
The awkward tension between you too is palpable.
You turn to head back up to bed. But George’s hand on your arm stops you.
‘y/n… I’m sorry about earlier.’
‘It’s alright..’ You had considered to ask about what he meant by ‘No, not like this’ his words still had you guessing, you had to know. ‘Um George…’
‘Fred told me about you guys asking Molly if I could come with and spend the holidays with you. Thanks for that’.
You chickened out, you chickened out! You couldn’t believe it, but your rational self pointed out you can’t risk it being more awkward with George especially when you’ll be spending the next several weeks with him and his family. IN HIS HOUSE. WITH 24 HOUR CONTACT.
George merely nodded. His eyes were moving around a lot. Signs that you knew he was thinking about something- that or he was genuinely tired and is kindly trying to stay awake for you- it is currently 2am.
Concluding that it was due to exhaustion, you bid him good night.
You were midway up the steps when you once again stopped by a hand.
‘Wha—’ Though this time you weren’t greeted by his word but rather of his soft lips.
George Weasley is kissing you! George Weasley is kissing you!
After the initial shock, you reacted and kissed him back with equal passion. The moment didn’t break, even when you felt your back hit the wall. All you could concentrate on was George’s lips on yours and his hands on your waist while yours are tangled in his red hair.
Pulling apart to catch your breath, foreheads touching and his eyes that seem to see into your soul. What he said next, put a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach that won’t be leaving soon.
‘I meant something like that. I didn’t wanna kiss you because of a game. I want to kiss you because you mean something to me’
Read [Part 2]
Part 2?? Anyone? When they spend Christmas in the burrow? Lol just a thought.
Taglist for this fic ‘No, Not like this’: @stopicouldvedroppedmykwusant​ @l0ttadreamz​
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
family restaurant cook!reader with childhood friend haknyeon who absolutely LOVES their cooking
class is over I don’t have to worry about stats until thursday so HERE WE GO
your and hak’s parents are old friends who live in a small town together and even though it’s small it’s v comfortable and sweet and literally there were only two ways you + hak could have turned out: best friends or enemies and luckily enough for your parents it was the first and so yeah! your parents run a little family restaurant so you’ve basically been cooking n shit since you were a kid and hak’s dad or smth has a nearby farm while his mom works in the town and it’s rlly cute bc the farm is a little far away from the town so after school hak will come to the restaurant with you and your parents will feed the two of you some snacks or whatever and you’ll do your homework and then later hak’s mom will come over and drive hak home  :) and yeah both of your parents get a headache from all your yelling but like it’s worse than having their kids be absolute enemies so who’s complaining
so this like continues as you two grow older, even though you + hak start attending after school activities instead of going right to the restaurant after school you both always meet up outside the school gates or one of you will go to the restaurant before the other and wait around there because?? it’s tradition?? like sometimes maybe your other friends will be like oh do you want to come over and do something and unless it’s planned out in advance you’re like sorry no i’m going to the restaurant with hak and vice versa and literally everyone is CONVINCED you two are in love but both of you are absolutely oblivious and?? so what if you have little fights in the back of the kitchen (not food fights bc your parents would beat your ass for wasting food) but like. hak will throw an onion at you and then you throw a potato back and he’ll threaten to bring his pig over and decimate the place and you point out he’d have no food then and then he’s like ur right ur right and you both cackle and everyone in the restaurant (customers + parents) are like. how are you not DATING yet
it doesn’t even cross your mind to date until people start pairing off in high school and suddenly everyone’s got a partner or whatever and it feels weird but like?? you and hak just make a deal to stay single together and if you make it to thirty without getting married you two will just marry each other or whatever (hak pressures you into this just bc he wants your cooking and you point that out but he’s just like. well you’re not wrong but also you get my sunny personality and beautiful disposition so are you complaining? and no you’re not so you agree) and when hak tells his friends this they’re just like. DUDE YOU’RE SO IN LOVE ASK THEM OUT and hak is like we’re just friends!! just friends now i gotta go help y/n at the restaurant (aka eat all the food while you try to cook) and they’re just like GOD HELP YOUR OBLIVIOUS ASSES
but honestly dating and love is inevitable at some undetermined point like. you’re cooking and hak is stealing meat from the pan and you’re yelling at him that it’s unsanitary + he’s going to burn himself if he touches the stove and he’s just grinning and eating more and he says some shit like ‘your food is the best though i can’t stop’ and yeah idek but in that moment you’re like. oh my GOD i’m in love with this stupid piece of shit motherfucker who’s only around for my food and likes to let his pig loose whenever i visit the farm what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK and hak has come to a similar realization when he calms down and lets you cook and just watches you doing your thing with the most concentrated expression and he’s like HECK MY FRIENDS WERE RIGHT I’M IN LOVE
hak is sleeping over at your house for the night bc reasons idk maybe his mom and dad are going out of town for an anniversary or smth equally cheesy (both you and hak fake vomit even though they’ve done this every year) and yeah hak is definitely old enough to stay on the farm alone but he’s like! i can reach school easier from the restaurant pls let me stay over PLEASE and we all know it’s not bc of school or anything it’s bc you two don’t want to mess up your ~traditions~ and your parents are anything but oblivious (even though you two are) so they’re like okay cool please get together and date while you’re at it and it’s like midnight and you + hak are in the restaurant doing homework and hak is complaining about work and begging you to cook and you’re like it’s MIDNIGHT we shouldn’t eat at MIDNIGHT and he’s like??? why the fuck not???? and you’re just like jfc if you want food so much what will you do for it
you fall off the chair and your books just drop to the floor and hak’s like. oh my god i really just said that and he’s in half a mind to just RUN OUT THE DOOR AND BACK TO HIS FARM but you’re like. are u telling the truth and he just kinda nods and you’re like WELL I’M GONNA COLLECT MY FUCKING KISS BEFORE I COOK JUST SO I MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT LYING TO ME
weird way to get together but that night you wake your parents up with the noise in the kitchen bc you and hak alternate between begging for more kisses and fucking stuff up on the stove and you’re both like. oh heck sorry and your parents just look at each other like. what idiots did we raise at least they’re together now and holy shit it’s just really fucking cute bc hak is the definition of a gentleman when he isn’t being a little shit so it’s all hand holding and flowers n shit meanwhile you cook and feed him in the back of the restaurant (which doesn’t stop him from still trying to steal food but you’ve gotten p good at defending the stove from his grabby hands) and everyone wants to throw up bc you’re such a stupidly cute couple (like?? childhood best friends to lovers that EVERYONE has seen coming??? how is that NOT stupidly cute) and yeah it’s just great
hak burns himself on the stove trying to steal food and you almost just leave him to nurse the burn on his own but he starts fake-crying loud enough for the customers (who are all regulars and have literally watched you two grow up together, they’re your biggest shippers) to hear so you bandage up his stupid finger and feed him when he insists he can’t do it himself bc he’s ~injured~
the old couple who runs the candy shop down the street gives you two couple discounts every time you go in bc “you remind us so much of ourselves” and it’s cringe but sweet and you/hak love them
you promised to get married at age thirty if you were still single but voila you’re definitely not single so you get married before then and half the town shows up and everyone’s screaming about how they all saw it coming and the wedding’s a mess and you feed hak but he also feeds you and then you kiss and you can taste cake on his lips
and that’s how it goes
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Her Safe Place.
Summary: When you witness something that breaks your heart, you don't know what to do, but one thing you know for sure if you can't stay, so you go to the one place that always feels like home, your safe place.
Dean X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, possible Mentions of verbal abuse, cheating, swearing.
Prompt: “I didn’t know where to go.”  &  “Stay here, Please don't leave, not again.” 
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Your mascara ran down your face, the red lipstick from earlier long gone, the curls in your hair no longer intact as the rain poured down on you, you didn't seem bothered, at this point, you couldn't tell the difference between the rain on your face or the tears you shed. It was a humid night for February, but that was one of the perks of living in a place that was always hot, it rarely ever got cold and it sure never snowed here.
You walked through the humid sticky air, your heels hitting the pavement as you made your way back to the place you no longer called home, prepared to fully walk away from everything you had known for the last five years, he'd thrown it all away, for nothing.
February 14th, a day you used to love, you'd go all out, dress to the nines, makeup to perfection, a hot home cooked meal, always his favorite, and for what? a man who hadn't appreciated the efforts you went to in over three years. 
Jason had been perfect, he was your high school sweetheart, you'd met him through Dean, your best friend, family friend, you'd known him for years. Jason had been his buddy, or more so a hunting buddy, his father had ran in circles with Jason’s own parents. You'd fallen for him and fallen hard and at the time, Jason had fallen right back. You two had become the talk of the hunting world, the first couple to have made it this long in a very long time. Hunters didn't have relationships, they didn't settle down, and when you and Jason chose to retire hunting, live a happy apple pie life as you got older, hunters were surprised but happy for you two, Almost the entire hunting community had been at your wedding when you had decided it was time to get married almost five years ago.
It was all perfect, your happy perfect life, until two years ago, when Jason started drifting, he'd gotten colder, distant, and you didn't know what you did wrong. The last time you had spoken to Dean or any of your friends had been over five years ago, since your wedding, you hadn't even noticed when Jason had started alienating you from your own life. 
A Few Hours Earlier.
Tonight was supposed to be perfect, another Valentine's day, just short of your 7 year anniversary, it was supposed to be special, you'd called Jason three times, he hadn't answered but you knew for the last year he'd been helping some old hunter friends out on hunts here and there, he'd missed hunting and they offered to pay him, so you remained the supportive wife, worrying for his safety since he was slightly out of practice, but you remained silent and just supported his decision. You expected he'd be running a little late per usual but you didn't fret, instead, you focused on preparing dinner, getting yourself dressed and awaited his arrival home, ready to welcome him with open arms. 
You hadn't expected him to waltz by you without so much as a hello, not one ounce of recognition of what day it was or even noticing how you looked. Heading straight for the shower, you let him be, assuming he was just tired or the hunt had gone badly and he was upset, hoping the dinner would comfort him when he came back, only, he never came back, he strolled past you, mumbling a simple “m’going to the bar, be home late, don't wait up" and then he was gone, barely having looked your way once. 
You felt betrayed, unloved, un-cared for. This wasn't the man you had fallen deeply in love with years ago, this was someone cold, the man you knew loved you, he was loving, and warm and loved affection, he'd told you everyday how beautiful you were, this man was a stranger. Tears threatened to fall but you held it in, cleaning up the kitchen before wrapping up the lovely dinner you'd made and tucking it into the fridge. Two hours after, you made the silly decision to go after him, hoping maybe you could sway him to come home, to at least make whatever was left of the night memorable. 
You weren't expecting what you saw when you had walked into that bar, Jason was wrapped around some small waist blonde, her lips all over his and they pressed up against each other enough, you'd think they were having sex right there. You moved closer, trying to keep cool so you wouldn't do anything you regretted, then, you heard the words that would forever be engraved into your brain, the words that ended your marriage right on the spot. 
“What about your wife, shouldn't you be home with her?”  the blonde practically moaned as she spoke, his lips travelling her neck and collarbone. 
He chuckled against her skin, “What y/n? Nah, she's just the bitch I keep at home, it's like having a personal maid, free labor and all,” He chuckles, his tongue peeking out to lick her skin, “I’d let the bitch go if I thought for a second she could survive on her own, she's nothing but a little slut, she'd give it up to anyone who gave her a bit of attention, no one else wants the fat cow anyways, I'm all she's got, the pathetic skank.” The blonde giggles in his arms, before she's wanked away from him by the hair, a high pitch scream practically catching the attention of everyone in the bar. 
“You bitch!!” she seethes and you shut her up with a simple hand, “I’m not here for you, I could care less about my husband's little whore.” You shout, ignoring her and turning to the man you once called the love of your life.
No longer holding back, now knowing what all those late night hunts where, the nights he didn't come home at all, the nights he came home smelling of perfume before telling you it must have come from the victims he'd saved, when they hugged him out of gratitude, it was a lie, your whole marriage had been a lie. He never loved you, he made a fool out of you and tonight, and every night for the last year,  tonight was the last time he'd ever make you the fool ever again. 
Your hand reached out, your fist hitting Jason so hard, you practically heard his nose crack. A line of course words left his lips but you didn't catch them between your own seething words.
“You're the biggest piece of shit I've ever had to be blessed knowing. If you think for one second, I'm going back to our home, or cooking you one more God damn meal, or putting up with one more night of three minutes of the worst sex I've ever had ever again, you are DEAD fucking wrong Jason!, you better pray that Blondie over there likes a small dick and huge ego because that is the only thing you have to offer. I never want to fucking see you again, we're over, I've had enough! GO TO HELL YOU BASTARD!” You shouted, right up in his face you could practically smell the blood pouring from his nose. You tore your ring off your finger, backing up and whipping it at his face. It fell, the sound of it hitting the floor heard in the dead silence currently in the bar as everyone watched the confrontation.
You turned back to the blonde,  she was standing there quietly just watching the situation. “He’s all yours, you walking STD bag.” You spoke, shoving past her making sure to hit her shoulder before you walked out of the bar, Jason called after you, mumbling through his bloody nose to try and apologize but you flipped him off, casually shutting him up with the slam of the bar door behind you. 
You'd gone home and collected your things, anything you kept and cherished most and packed some clothing, enough to carry but left behind anything you didn't see as a priority, leaving behind anything that reminded you of Jason, you never wanted to see or be reminded of him again. You didn't know what to do, where to go, but you knew one thing, you had to get out, you didn't want to stay, and you sure as hell didn't want to be here when Jason got back, so you walked in the rain, the dry humid sticky heat making it worse but eventually catching the Greyhound out of this shitty town you'd hated. Jason had loved it here, it was where he'd grown up and you'd always hated it, you hadn't known anyone and anyone you did know had been old friends of Jason's, which meant they weren't really your friends. You weren’t leaving anything important behind, so you left without an ounce of guilt.
Before you knew it, you had ended up back in Lebanon, memories of your past flying back into your head. You didn't know where to turn, not sure if anyone would still want you back, you'd abandoned all your friends, no one in this town had heard from you in the last 7 years, he'd managed to make sure of it. You were worried the hunting community would no longer want you, support you. You'd been a shitty friend, and you knew that, you'd turned away everyone who you loved, the people you called family. Before you could think, you kept walking, not sure where you were going but letting your memories lead you somewhere. 
When you finally stopped walking, you recognized the big metal door, unknowingly you subconsciously remembered the directions to this place, the place that had been your home for years, your safe place, you'd always felt safe here, happy, remembering all the memories you had here, but would you be welcomed back like you hadn’t disappeared out of their lives for years, would they want to see you. Tears stung your eyes again, as you slowly walked up to the big door, placing your palm softly against the cold metal, you had found your way home.
Sam's brow furrowed as he looked up from the Lore book he'd been concentrated on, he looked over to see if Dean had heard the knock from the kitchen but it seemed he hadn't. He stood, pulling one of the many guns hidden in the bunker from one of the little tables they had in the room before making his way to the door, they didn't have visitors, and when they did, they always called first. No one knew where the bunker was, other than a very selective few that Dean and Sam considered family, Cas, Jack, Jody, Donna, and a few others who'd been close enough to work with them. Whoever was knocking didn't know to call first, but no one would show up out of nowhere here, this wasn't a location that was on any map, so there was no way someone could stumble upon the bunker. 
He gently made his way up the stairs, gun at the ready for whatever threat was waiting on the other side, Just as Dean came out of the kitchen telling him dinner was ready, Sam hushed him with a finger, pointing at the door. 
“Someone’s knocking.” Sam spoke softly, Dean automatically going into hunter mode, pulling out his own gun, “ Who? Are we expecting anyone?” he asks his brother but Sam shakes his head. 
Sam reached out, slowly opening the door, only, you were the last person he expected to see, he hadn't seen you in years, no longer resembling the girl who'd been his best friend his whole life, he almost hadn't recognized you, your hair now black, your face covered by what little makeup it seemed you had left, short little black dress covering the curvy body you had now grown into. You weren't the tiny skinny little light brown haired girl he'd known growing up, you were grown, a woman, but still as beautiful as he remembered, his brother had always secretly loved you, and he remembered how heartbroken Dean had been when you'd walked out of their lives, all the unanswered calls before your number had been disconnected, he'd picked up the broken pieces of his brothers heart, and it completely shattered when he'd learned you married Jason, and here you were, walking back into their lives.
Tears streamed down your face before you spoke, “Heya Sammy, it's been a while.” You sobbed, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your leather jacket.
Sam stood frozen, his eyes raking over you, not believing you were really here. “Y/n...” he whispered, scared his brother would hear, he couldn't handle seeing Dean’s heart break again, and right now, he didn't know how Dean would react to seeing you after all this time, he didn't know if you'd walk out of their lives for a second time or if you were back for good. 
“I didn’t know where to go.” You spoke between sobs, hugging yourself on their doorstep, finally, after what felt like an eternity of Sam Winchester's puppy dog eyes staring you down, he reached out, pulling you in for a tight bear hug, his large frame engulfing you. 
“I missed you so much.”  He spoke, kissing the side of your head as you cried into his shirt. “Missed you too Sammy, I'm so sorry.” You whispered, knowing you'd left them in the dark, no contact, you knew you'd hurt them, they were your family, all you had and you had let Jason take that away. 
“No, no, don't be sorry, you're here now, that's all that matters, come inside, it's freezing.” He pulled you inside, the warmth and smell of the bunker reminding you this had been your home for years, not realizing how much you'd missed it until now. You'd missed it so fucking much.
As you walked down the staircase you hadn't seen for so long, your heart stopped and you froze in place when you reached the bottom, there, standing in a grey Henley, sleeves rolled up to his forearms revealing the muscles there, older than you remembered but not any less attractive than you had remembered him, was no other than Dean Winchester. The man who'd plagued your dreams for years when you'd grown up with them, the younger memories of you as a child telling your mother you would marry Dean Winchester one day, her laughter filling the room as she'd told you she'd be proud to have him as a son making their way back into your head.
Dean lowered his gun, his eyes glossing over as he looked at the woman he'd loved for so many years over the course of his life. Every memory of them playing, hunting, watching you date other boys while he sat patiently waiting for the day he'd have his turn, the day you'd be his for good suddenly hitting him full force. The first thing he noticed was that you weren't y/n, not his y/n anyways, the slight shell of a woman who stood before him, seemed broken, sad, no longer the glint and smile in her eyes at the sight of him. She'd been hurt, that much was obvious. 
“Y/n/n?” He spoke, his voice cracking slightly, not believing she'd returned to him, it had only ever happened in his dreams.
“Hey D, you miss me?” she smiled softly, clearly joking, but it wasn't a joke to him, he had missed her, he'd missed her for years with every fiber of his being. 
“Every damn day of my life since you walked out of this bunker, sweetheart.” and before you knew it, his own giant arms engulfed you, his face burying itself in your hair as he squeezed you, scared you'd disappear again if he let go too soon. He needed you here, he needed you to stay in his arms forever. 
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You had told the boys everything, everything that had happened in your life over the last 5 years, everything between you and Jason and everything that had happened tonight. They had been shocked, well, Sam had, Dean had been angry, he'd always known Jason was a son of a bitch, but he never thought he'd go this far. 
She had deserved better, she deserved the world, and right now, all he wanted to do was track the asshole down and slaughter him alive for hurting her. The bastard never appreciated how lucky he was to have her back then, and apparently, he hadn't changed. 
You sipped your warm mug of tea, reminiscing on old times with the boys, they told you stories of their hunting adventures over the years, and you couldn't believe how they were still here, still alive, they had been through literal hell and back, and the years had worn down on them, you could tell in their faces, their eyes, they weren’t the bright, hopeful eyed boys you had remembered, but they were still Sam and Dean, They were still your family.
You rinsed out your mug, clearing off your dinner plate, Sam had bid goodnight and had headed off to bed, and you couldn't just pop back into their lives without making things up to them, so you'd decided to clean up, partly using it as a distraction to stop you from crying anymore. 
The sound of heavy foot steps behind you pulling you away from your thoughts.
His voice was low, and it cracked as he spoke, he shifted in place and you could tell he was nervous. 
“Stay here, Please don’t leave, not again”  his voice was low, almost a whisper. Tears threatening to fall from his eyes, making his green eyes even brighter if that was possible. 
You fully turned to face him, moving closer as you dried your hands, reaching out for him. He melted into your embrace, sniffling before once more holding you tightly. “I can't lose you again.” he stated simply, burying his face into your hair. 
“I’m not going anywhere, D, not this time, I promise.” you whispered, he pulled back, his eyes meeting yours, he was staring at you, eyes roaming your face from any hint of a lie, something deeper hidden in his eyes, you wanted to ask him what was wrong, why he was looking at you that way, but you remained silent, choosing to just hold him and show him you weren't abandoning him again, not this time. 
“Good,” He nodded, leaning in gently as his forehead touched yours, “Because losing you once hurt like a bitch, losing you again, that might actually kill me for good.” He huffed, smiling softly as he tucked a strand of hair back in it's place behind your ear. 
He placed a small kiss on your forehead, before wishing you a goodnight. 
“It’s good to have you home, y/n, it hasn't been the same without you around here.” He slowly turned, walking out of the kitchen and making his way to his own room. 
You sighed, looking around once more at the massive bunker, Yeah, it was good to be home, you felt peace, happiness and once again, safe. This was your home, you were happy to finally be back where you belonged, happy to be once again with the family you loved so deeply. 
This was your fresh start, and nothing felt better than being back in the place you’d known for so long. You were never turning your back on this again, not by choice. 
You were finally home.
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years
This little ficlet doesn’t really have a name. It’s set in the world of The Importance of Ramen and occurs sometime between Chapter One and Two. Not quite angst I don’t think, but not very happy either. Because not everyone gets their happy ending. It was just something I needed to write today. The image below is of Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo.
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“This really cannot continue Higurashi-san”, droned the school Principal’s voice over the phone. “I understand you have concerns about your daughter’s health, but we can no longer accept phone calls and sick notes signed by you for her absences. Unless you start providing medical certificates, signed by a medical professional, we will have to alert the proper authorities. She may even face expulsion over her non-attendance, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
The man’s tone was critical, condescending, his disbelief regarding Kagome’s illnesses barely concealed, and Mama swallowed the sharp retort that wanted to slip past her teeth. Deep breath. She needed to stay calm.
“No, of course not, Yamato-san”, she said, enunciating clearly, her voice dripping with feigned politeness. “Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today. We all have Kagome’s best interests at heart.”
“I hope we will not have to repeat this conversation again, Higurashi-san. Good day.”
Mama placed down the receiver on the phone with a deep sigh. She really couldn’t blame the man for his skepticism though. It had been a mistake on her part to ask ojiichan to provide the excuses for Kagome’s constant absences from school. Varicose veins for a sixteen year old? She had recently taken over, providing much more credible excuses, much to Kagome’s relief. She had to admit though, it was hard to keep up the constant pretense of Kagome’s illness, although she had no problems in playing the role of concerned mother. That wasn’t an act.
She’d bid a cheerful goodbye to Kagome and Inuyasha early this morning after they’d eaten breakfast, waiting for the flash of light that signalled their disappearance down the well to let the fake smile fall from her face.
Every time her daughter left, she had to swallow the panic that rose up, imagining all the gruesome and horrific ways it was possible to die in that time period, even without the addition of battling the supernatural. Every time she said goodbye, she worried it would be the last. She’d taken to reading medical books in the evenings when Kagome was away, just in case the knowledge might be needed someday.
She sometimes wondered if Inuyasha could sense her fear – he’d been looking at with a very serious expression this morning before they departed. But her Toshi had always said that fear was something that should be faced, that it was something that should not stop you living life the way that you wished to, and she was doing her best to support Kagome in what the fates had chosen for her. Her daughter was working so hard to train and learn and keep up with her school work. She was inordinately proud of her. But it was hard.
Eri’s mother had called yesterday, wanting to know if she could assist in any way with Kagome’s health. She had clucked sympathetically over the phone, but Mama had immediately recognised the call for what it was. Questions must be circulating again about Kagome’s continual absences through the parent’s grape vine, and Eri’s mother was fishing for gossip. The line being cast became even more obvious when she’d commented on Kagome’s ‘boyfriend’, a topic Mama refused to either confirm or deny. She’d managed to fob her off this time with a vague excuse saying they were waiting for results from a clinic, but that woman was persistent, the thin edge of a very large wedge of parents who were all ready to judge at the slightest sign of weakness.
After making ojiichan his lunch, she decided the monthly accounts could be put off no longer. She sat at her desk, the hot cup of tea she’d made herself neglected until it turned cold and bitter while she struggled to make the figures stretch as far as she needed them to. The government allowance for keeping the shrine running was not huge. The Sunset Shrine was only small, visited by faithful locals, rather than large crowds of city dwellers and tourists ready to spend money on omamori and fortunes that the more popular shrines attracted. She would have to think about ways to bring in extra money. Ojiichan was getting older, and she wanted to be able to look after him and provide all the comforts he deserved in his old age. And then there was schooling for Kagome and Souta.
She was startled out of her calculations when Souta burst in through the back door like a whirlwind, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag with a thump in the genkan. School was over already?
“Hi Mama! Can’t stay, I’ve got kendo practice! Sensei said last week that my gi is getting too small and I need a new one. And the competition fees for next weekend are overdue! I gotta go get changed or I’ll be late!”
“Souta! Your bag does not belong in the entryway where everyone will trip over it young man!” Mama called out, but he’d already flung himself up the stairs. She looked over the figures again worriedly. Maybe they might have to sell some of the family ‘treasures’ out in the shrine store room. If she could pry them out of ojiichan’s reluctant fingers that is.
Her head was thumping, and the figures seemed to be making even less sense than they did when she’d first sat down more than an hour ago. She finally gave up, shuffling the paperwork back together to file it away in her desk, then reached up to the small box that sat on the top of the fridge filled with more regularly used medications, to get herself some paracetamol. But the box was empty. Kagome had obviously raided it again, taking all the paracetomol and ibruprofen to restock her medical kit. Right. She took a slow deep breath in, rubbing her forehead in exasperation. It wasn’t that she minded Kagome taking them, they were obviously needed, but she could at least inform her that they needed to be replaced.
There was a hollow feeling in her chest. An empty ache. All day long, there had been a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something important. It was dragging at her memory, wanting her to concentrate on it, but everyone seemed to need something different from her, and she’d not been able to concentrate. Maybe it was a shrine anniversary of some sort? She checked the calendar, and her heart dropped into her shoes.
Oh Toshi. It was their wedding anniversary. She’d got through more than half of the day without even thinking about him on a day which had once been so important. Her throat felt thick, and she bit her lip hard, trying to force back the tears that wanted to spring to her eyes. Don’t cry. You can’t cry when Souta is home. She pinched hard on the inside of her wrist, a trick she’d learned over the years to help push back the grief when it surfaced at inappropriate times. Deep breath. She heard Souta’s heavy steps as he thundered back down the steps, wearing his gi and hakama with his kendo gear bag over his shoulder. She was ready to greet her son with a bright smile as he headed out the door.
“Straight back home after practice okay? I’m making curry, seeing Inuyasha-kun isn’t here!”
“Okay Mama. See you later!”
The door slammed as he took off, and Grandpa grumbled as he re-appeared in the kitchen carrying his empty plate, complaining about the noise.
“He’s just young, ojiichan – he didn’t mean any disrespect. How is your back feeling?”
“Not too bad. At least Inuyasha-kun didn’t break anything this time”, he said, rubbing down low on his spine. He’d been taking an inventory yesterday, and had made Inuyasha help him with the heavier boxes.
“He’s actually a very helpful boy you know, when you let him get on with things, and don’t hover over him with sutras”, Mama remarked, teasing him a little. Grandpa snorted.
“That ‘boy’ is probably older than you and me put together”, he huffed. “Plenty of time to have learned the good sense he doesn’t display that often. The kitchen has never been the same since he took a swing at that cockroach with his sword.” He looked carefully at his daughter-in-law, taking in her overly bright smile. “Are you okay Kaori-chan?”
“I’m fine”, she smiled. He gave her a hard stare and her smile faltered. “Alright, I will be fine. But I might go and to the family haka by myself for a little while, if that’s okay ojiichan? I promise I will be back in time to make dinner.”
The old man reached out and took one of his daughter in law’s hands in his, the look on his face sombre but understanding.
“I probably don’t say this enough Kaori-chan, but my son chose well. I could not have asked for a better daughter.”
“Thank you ojiichan”, she smiled, patting his hand. “I feel the same way about you.” She dropped a kiss onto the old man’s balding head, then went to genkan to put on her jacket and shoes., letting her mind wander as she walked down the steep shrine steps to the bus stop, waiting for the familiar bus that would take her to the family plot at the cemetery.
Her own family had turned their back on her when she’d refused a marriage offer by an older, much wealthier man to marry Toshinori, her high school sweetheart. Her parents had not spoken to her since she’d left home, but thankfully Toshi’s family had welcomed her with open arms as the daughter they’d never had.
She loved Toshi’s parents, and had come to think of them as her own. She’d been there for Toshi’s mother Hana, nursing her at home when she was diagnosed with cancer. She’d done her best to ease her growing pain with all the love and care she could until she’d died a year later, surrounded by family. Then Kagome was born, a few weeks after Hana’s death. It had helped to have a baby to focus on, even though it was a hard time. Kagome had been the apple of her grandfather’s eye, she still was, and he had spoilt her rotten.
After years of trying, when Kagome was nearly eight, she’d become pregnant again, a boy this time. Toshi had been overjoyed. They were so happy, so in love. It didn’t seem fair that not everyone could have a life like theirs, and she pitied those whose marriages were not a true meeting of hearts like hers was. They knew each other inside and out. Teased each other constantly, laughed at ridiculous things, loved their baby daughter with all that they had. And now they would have a son too. It felt like the kami were smiling down on their little family. Right up until that night that the police came to the door, to inform her about the car accident.
Toshi had never woken from his coma. She had been the one to make the decision to turn off his life support, with ojiichan’s blessing. Toshi had been a man full of life, full of joy, and she knew that he would not have wanted to continue in the state that he was. She had wept beside him, gripping his hand and repeating ‘I love you’ constantly, as if trying to complete the next forty years of being unable to say it to him in person into the short time left. And then she had left the room, knowing she would never see him again. If it had not been for Kagome waiting for her at home with ojiichan, and their son still growing in her womb, she would have left the hospital and gladly walked straight into the oncoming traffic so she wouldn’t have to live in a world without him in it.
The sound of the bus pulling up alongside her stop startled her out of her thoughts, and the bus driver nodded politely at her when she mounted the steps – he’d been driving this route for many years, and knew where she was going.
“It’s a little later in the day than you usually go Higurashi-san”, he remarked as she tapped her bus pass. “Make sure you don’t miss the last bus back.”
Mama smiled politely. “I’ll remember. Thank you.” She made sure to keep the mask of politeness set on her face as she moved to her seat. Being part of a shrine family meant being recognised on sight by everyone in the area. Expectations must be upheld.
It was a twenty minute trip to the cemetery, which she spent silently, her eyes gazing out the window but focused internally on the many happy memories replaying in her mind. She paused to buy a bunch of rust coloured chrysanthemums from the flower stall at the gate, then followed the path down through the maze of family graves, the tall markers reaching up towards the sky like a well ordered stone forest. Finally she arrived at the Higurashi marker.
Kneeling down, she washed her hands, then arranged the flowers carefully in the vase, straightening bent stalks. She lit the sandalwood incense stick, watching the swirling ribbons of smoke disippate through the crisp breeze, then clapped her hands.
‘Hello Toshi. I’m sorry I’m late dear heart. Happy Anniversary.” She leaned forwards, pulling out a stray weed that had grown up through the pebbles around the marble. “Were you waiting for me? I can’t stay very long this time. I promised Souta I would make curry for dinner this evening; he always works up such an appetite after kendo practice. And he’s a growing boy, your son. His kendo hakama and gi are getting too small for him.”
Her fingers traced over the graceful incisions in the marble that marked her husband’s name, the gold inlay glinting in the afternoon sunlight. The thought of Souta’s hakama sparked a memory.
“Do you remember all those photos we had to sit through, after the ceremony?” she smiled. “We kept giggling, and your mother scolded us, because she wanted some serious photos. You looked so handsome in those traditional striped hakama. Our wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life.”
Without warning, her bottom lip trembled, and the hot tears that she’d put aside earlier in the day returned with a vengeance, falling thick and fast. “Why did you have to go my Toshi? I miss you. I still miss you. You were such a good good man, how could all that disappear in an instant? Why did you have to leave?” she sobbed, her fists clenched in her lap, gripping the fabric of her skirt tightly as she bent forward to rest her forehead against the cool stone. It took her a moment to calm her sobs, breathing deeply, letting the coolness of the stone soothe her aching head.
“I’m sorry for the tears on what should be a happy day”, she whispered, “I’m just so tired Toshi, so very tired. I’m always worried about Kagome. She works so very hard, trying to do her best for everyone. I know Inuyasha is there to protect her, but I’m her mother. I’m always wondering if I’m doing the right thing, letting her do this. Your father was against her going through the well at first, but you always told me to trust what my heart said, and my heart says this is right, even though my head is terrified.” A small breeze swirled around her, lifting the chrysanthemum petals and wafting the incense towards the grave in a steady stream. She smiled a small teary smile. “I’m glad you think so too. I’m still not quite sure what to do about her schooling, but I will figure it out, I’m sure.”
She spent the next half hour sitting silently, listening to the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the muted sounds of Tokyo traffic. It was such a peaceful place. A place where she could sit quietly and regroup, try and regain her strength. She checked her watch, and realised that it was time to leave, if she were to make the next bus.
“Thank you for letting me ramble on koishii. I will come again, as soon as I can. I might bring your father with me next time. I’m sure he would love to visit with you and obaachan.” She got to her feet slowly, hissing a little as the blood rushed back into cramped feet.  
It was a slow walk back to the bus stop, then a winding route back, but she didn’t mind. It was nice to be alone with her own thoughts once in a while, without the constant needs of others crowding in. By the time she’d climbed back up the steep stone steps and walked back into the kitchen to cook dinner, she was ready to tackle the world again. For a while at least.
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1989dreamer · 4 years
FTH-2020-Seventy-Five Percent
For @fandomtrumpshate​‘s 2020 auction, big thanks to @evanesdust​ for bidding on me and for being so patient.
AO3 link
Summary: Stiles and Derek are roommates at college, and living together is going well considering Stiles is harboring the hugest crush on Derek. When Derek needs an emergency date to his sister's tenth anniversary dinner, Stiles agrees. He doesn't expect it to get messy. He's kept his feelings in check for three and a half years. Spoiler alert: it gets really messy.
From this prompt. “We’re fake-dating and I’m supposed to publicly break up with you but you’ve been irritating me lately so instead of dumping you I publicly proposed to mess up your plan and now we’re getting married, fuck” au.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Fake Dating, Pining/Mutual Pining, Minor Misunderstanding, Human AU (full tags can be found on AO3).
“I need a date,” Derek says apropos of nothing, and Stiles carefully sets down his brush, leans across the aisle, and stares at his friend. Derek flushes. “I mean,” he all but spits out between gritted teeth, “that my sister is having her tenth anniversary dinner, and I am the only single one in the family. If I don’t have a date, I’ll spend the whole time being accosted by my relatives.”
“And that’s my problem how?”Stiles asks. He goes back to his painting. The life model flexes just a tiny bit, and Stiles rolls his eyes at him.
“It’s your problem now because I will pay you to come with me,” Derek says, an undercurrent of threat in his voice. Or tears. Could be tears. Derek sounds mad when he’s about to cry sometimes.
Stiles sets his brush down again. Of course Derek would hit him where it hurts the most. All of Stiles’ meager earnings from his part-time job go toward keeping his Jeep running so that he can make the trek back up north to visit his dad when he’s on break from school.
“How much?” he demands, hating himself for being this easy.
Derek looks relieved. It’s a good look for him. Although, Derek looking good is any day of the week. “Thanks. Like three hundred for the day of? Maybe fifty for each additional thing that comes up?”
“And how often will things come up?”
Derek shrugs. “Maybe once or twice. I’m sure at least some of my family will want to call you to make sure that you’re real.”
Stiles claps a hand to his chest. “You haven’t told them about me?” he asks, pretending to be scandalized.
It’s Derek’s turn to roll his eyes. “I have told them about you, but in the context that you’re my best friend at college and we live on opposite sides of the state.”
“So they don’t think I’m real?” Stiles asks, not sure if he should be insulted or not.
“The most common thing I’m asked about you is ‘What is a Stiles?’” Derek grins, private and sort of cheery. “I’ve kind of stopped referring to you by name now. Just easier that way.”
“Hardy har har.” Stiles pokes Derek. To be completely fair, their freshman year, when Stiles would go home, he’d complain to his dad about his unfairly attractive, selfish, loud, attractive roommate. His dad had been convinced that Derek didn’t exist until he met him when Stiles was emptying his dorm room.
Now he and Derek have an apartment off campus, and Dad keeps trying to get Stiles to invite Derek to Beacon Hills because he claims he should at least get to intimidate his son’s future husband before their wedding.
Never mind that Derek has never even been seen with any dates, much less given Stiles any hope that he could possibly have a chance with him.
Until now. Except not really, because Derek just needs a pretend boyfriend, not an actual boyfriend.
“Why me?” Stiles asks, squinting suspiciously at Derek as he tries and fails to draw the absolute lounge of the life model. Stiles is recommending that Isaac never model again. It’s too much ego and not enough clothes, although Isaac did keep his scarf draped artfully around his neck when he dropped trou. “Why not Boyd or Erica? I’m sure either of them would be pleased to play Derek Hale’s date for a night.”
Derek shakes his head. “Both of them have already met my family. And so has Isaac. We were all friends in high school. You’re the only one I talk about regularly. It’d seem too weird if you weren’t the guy I was secretly pining after all these years.”
Stiles intensifies his squint. “Am I?” he asks bluntly.
“Are you what?” Derek refuses to make eye contact, making quick lines with his charcoal across his drawing of Isaac.
“Am I the guy you secretly pine after?”
Stiles throws his brush at Derek, not even a little sorry when it smacks against his chest and Derek complains that he’s wearing his favorite shirt. It’s not his favorite shirt. Stiles stole that a year ago and has yet to return it.
He’s a bit of a stalker. It’s a habit he’s trying to break. He will break. When he and Derek have graduated and gone their separate ways. When all they’ll be in a few years is the occasional drinking buddy, living too far to justify visiting more than once every couple years, work and life getting in the way of their friendship.
Stiles shakes himself. “So don’t make it a question.”
Derek sighs in defeat, handing Stiles his brush back. “Look, Laura already thinks that you’re my secret boyfriend.”
“I thought they thought I didn’t exist,” Stiles says, bitterly. He takes the brush and lays it down, turning to face Derek. Then he gives Derek a tissue to at least wipe off most of the paint. Too bad it’s oil and will stain.
“Laura helped me move in this year. She saw you and your dad from a distance and I pointed you out.”
Stiles narrows his eyes. “I could have met your sister?”
Derek squirms. “Yes?” he hedges. “But she was asking all these weird questions like our first kiss, where we go on dates, if we’ve gone all the way yet. I didn’t want you to deal with that, so I distracted her until she had to leave.”
“So I get to meet her now?”
Derek nods. “It is her anniversary after all.”
Then Stiles ignores Derek in favor of finishing as much of his painting as he can before class lets out.
                                                                                                                     ~ * ~
Lunch is leftover chili with homemade cornbread that Derek made earlier. Stiles taps a pen on some paper, thinking over all the things he knows he should put into a contract of sorts for his and Derek’s arrangement.
Stuff like pet names, PDA, just what they’ve “done” as a couple, how long they’ve been dating, and just how long they are supposed to be together before they break up.
Derek sees the list, scratches out pet names—“Trauma,” he mutters as explanation—and adds the terms of payment as well. He also writes down that the breakup should be public so that Derek can take time to “recover” without his family breathing down his neck.
Overall, there’s nothing really objectionable to pretending to date Derek aside from the fact that Stiles would much rather actually date Derek, but how to tell your presumably-straight roommate that you wanna suck his dick and kiss his lips?
Derek gathers the dishes and starts washing them. “Hey, so, my lab is today, so I’ll see you after 5:00. We can talk more when I get home.”
“Sure thing.” Stiles has to run himself or he’d stay and watch Derek clean up. It’s almost like a dance when Derek really gets into it. Stiles likes to park his butt on the couch and watch him while he pretends to do his homework. If Derek’s lab runs late, it explains why he’s cleaning now. Which means that not only will Stiles miss it because he needs to go to class, but it will be his turn to cook and clean tomorrow.
Stiles had considered Derek selfish freshman year because Derek hadn’t known how to share a room. He’s not sure why though, it’s not like they were each other’s first roommates either. Now Stiles feels selfish because he doesn’t mind cooking or doing chores but he had enough of that at home and was hoping to relax at college.
“Hey, see you tonight?” he asks, Derek waves in response.
Stiles goes to class, the pit of his stomach rebelling with every step. Why are things different now? Derek doesn’t want to date Stiles. He just wants to get his family off his back.
Concentration is out the window, so Stiles just spends all his class time thinking up the various scenarios that his and Derek’s plot could go so, so sideways.
By the time he makes it back to an empty and sparkling apartment, he’s nearer to a panic attack than he has ever been in the last three years including the whole fiasco with his first roommate during freshman year.
Stiles goes to wash his face, hoping that the cold shocks his system enough for him to stave off the attack, but Derek finds him there a few hours later, and Stiles has no memory of it.
Derek gentles him through the remainder of his attack, sets him up on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate and his favorite movie, and then just sits in silence while Stiles tries to process the fact that he just had a goddamn panic attack over pretend dating his roommate.
After another movie, Derek moves onto the couch, letting Stiles snuggle into his side.
“All good?” he asks.
Stiles shakes his head. “I will be though.” He waits for a few minutes, long enough for Derek to lean against him and start drowsing. “Tell me about your family.”
Derek yawns. “Well, you know Laura, the one who’s celebrating. She’s older than me, by like a million years. Made her insufferable growing up. And then there’s Cora, who’s about four years younger than me. We were rivals growing up. Every crush I had, she had too. And she’s kissed about half of them. I have a couple older brothers who are even older than Laura and even more insufferable, but in the way that us younger Hales are the dirt under their shoes. Especially my youngest sister. She’s the baby of the family and the most normal. But I guess it’s because my parents were tired when they got around to raising her.”
“Hmm, so many Hales to meet.” Stiles’ heart beats extra hard at that. Not only does he have to pretend to date Derek, but he has to pretend to date Derek in front of—Stiles counts on his fingers—seven Hales that aren’t Derek. Five sibling Hales and two parent Hales.
“And my uncle Peter,” Derek adds, drowsily. “He’s a dickhead. He’s also as old as my brothers but he was far more invested in causing drama with the younger Hales.”
“Laura too?”
Derek nods. “Laura especially. He almost wasn’t invited to her wedding. I will be very surprised if he doesn’t do something that gets him kicked out of her anniversary dinner.”
“And you want me to meet them?”
“Well,” Derek hedges, and that hurts so much and so viscerally that Stiles climbs off the couch and goes to the kitchen to pretend to drink a glass of water from the tap. Derek follows him after a minute. “Look, it’s not that I don’t want you to meet them. You’re my best friend. It’s just that they don’t have the greatest track record with people I bring home.”
“What, like I’m not good enough for you?” Stiles fans the flare of anger growing in his chest. Anything but another panic attack is preferred.
Derek sighs. “It’s a dumb test. I think everyone goes through it, but I don’t know because I don’t participate. I mean, it’s dumb to make your sister’s boyfriend hate her family when before he wanted to be with her, right? It’s like we’re trying to scare them off.”
“So like they’re not good enough for the family,” Stiles repeats.
Derek’s shoulders fall. “I guess. I always hated it, so I wouldn’t bring anyone home so that they couldn’t do that to them.”
“Partners,” Stiles points out.
“You said ‘sister’s boyfriend,’ so this assholery only happens with potential partners. Is that it?”
Derek frowns at him before nodding, understanding dawning on his face. “Yeah. That’s it.”
“So, I’ve never met your family because…?”
The absolute look of panic that flashes across Derek’s face is in parts thrilling and heartbreaking to see.
“I understand,” Stiles says. “Well, it just means that I truly am the right choice of friend to take home to mother.”
Derek barks out a strangled laugh. “Yeah, sure. Please don’t call my mom ‘Mother.’ It makes her unreasonably angry. I think she thinks it makes her sound old. I think she sounds older when my nieces and nephews call her grandma.”
“How many nieces and nephews do you have?” Stiles asks, suddenly, acutely aware of just how much he doesn’t know about Derek. It makes him feel like a chronic over sharer and like Derek doesn’t fully trust him.
Derek shrugs. “I think Laura has three kids and my brothers each have two, but that was last Christmas so they could all have more on the way. I have five nieces and two nephews that I know of.”
“And we’re driving down to Chula Vista, right?”
Derek looks relieved, grabbing at Stiles’ floatation device of a conversation change. “Yeah, yes! Definitely. I mean, it’s about seven hours. We could take a flight down, it’d probably be quicker, but more expensive. And besides, this means that we can leave whenever either of us want to.”
“Yeah, how’s that going to work?” Stiles points, and they head back to the couch. Derek sits, angled so that his knee is brushing Stiles’. “Do I just say, ‘Laura insulted me, I want to go back to college now’?”
“Absolutely yes. If any of my family makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, let me know, and we’ll leave as soon as possible.”
It’s a nice reassurance, and Stiles hopes to assuage all his fears as easily, so he and Derek spend the rest of the night, until Derek falls asleep, discussing the finer matters of how to “date” a Hale.
                                                                                                                    ~ * ~
The rest of the week until Derek’s sister’s tenth anniversary dinner blurs by. Lots of packing for what is essentially just a day and a half, getting Boyd to agree to look in on the apartment even though they have no pets or plants that require sitting, and arguing over whose car they’re taking. In the end, Derek agrees to allow Stiles to drive his Camaro for a short stint, and they depart, happily, on Friday after classes.
The drive is uneventful, even when Derek oversleeps the first leg and Stiles ends up driving two thirds of the way to their destination. Derek doesn’t even grump about it, just smiles dopily until he notices Stiles looking at him, and then he steps on the gas.
They pull into the drive of an enormous house at about 11:00 pm. The whole house is lit up. Stiles snorts awake to stare at it.
“That’s your house?” he squeaks.
Derek shifts, uncomfortable. “My parents’ house,” he says. “They’re rich. I’m not.”
“It’s a big house.”
“Yeah. That’s because my uncle and his family live with them, and I think Cora still lives at home and so does Laura and her family.”
“And you? Are you going to live at home when we graduate come spring?”
Derek doesn’t answer. Instead, he opens his door, shuts off the engine, and pops the trunk.
Almost immediately, the door opens and a very pregnant woman waddles out to stare at them, her hands fisted on her hips. The light from the porch illuminates her perfectly.
Derek hands Stiles his suitcase and then starts up the stairs. When he reaches the woman, he takes a step back.
“Yeah, dumbass. Who else would it be?”
“But aren’t you dating what’s-her-name?”
“Lydia, and yes. We decided we would use sperm donors.” Cora rolls her eyes. “You would know all this if you talked to us more than just at the holidays.”
Chastised, Derek ducks his head. “Sorry.”
Stiles thinks it’s been awkward long enough, so he sticks out his hand. “Stiles Stilinski. Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hale.”
“What kind of a name is Stiles?” Cora asks.
Derek clears his throat. “He’s my boyfriend. And Stiles is a nickname.”
Cora gives Derek a flat look. “Your boyfriend?”
Derek nods. He looks so nervous. He hasn’t looked this nervous since he and Stiles were paired together after the first rooming fiasco.
“Well,” Cora eyes Stiles with a disapproving glare, “I guess you’d better come in and meet the rest of the family. The ones that are awake anyway. Be extra quiet: the kids are asleep.”
Inside is just as opulent as the outside, perhaps more because inside is completely lit up and doesn’t have to battle the darkness of night.
There are portraits of what must be the Hales and their families everywhere, tasteful crystal décor, and polished marble floors.
It’s very austere, and Stiles understands why Derek said his parents were rich but not him. Stiles has seen how Derek chooses to decorate, and it’s in warm tones with soft surfaces and very limited bits of chrome.
Twin sweeping staircases stand guard at the end of the foyer, leading up to what presumably is more austere marble and crystal, severe lines of cold.
Two handsome people, the woman is an elgant black gown, the man in a black suit, Windsor knot in his silver tie, stand in front of the staircases. Cora stops next to them, says something lowly, and then heads upstairs. Nervously, Stiles clings to his suitcase and follows as Derek walks, spine straight, face blank, toward what must be his parents.
His mother lifts her head, and Derek stops in his tracks.
“Wonderful of you to join us, Derek,” she says, like she’s a queen surveying her subjects and finding them very lacking. Stiles had thought his clothing, a dark t-shirt covered with an open blue flannel shirt and khakis, was fine in Berkeley. Here, it’s completely out of place. Derek’s outfit of a maroon shirt and dark slacks looks a little less out of place, but far too casual for this foyer.
“Mom, Dad,” Derek returns, and it is so incongruous with the image they’re presenting that Stiles has to stifle a hysterical laugh.
After a few more moments, Derek’s parents break, and smiling, they all but run to Derek and hug him at the same time. Derek’s father disentangles himself first, turning to Stiles and offering his hand for a shake.
“So this is the man who’s caught our little Derek’s heart?”
Derek flushes at his father’s words, but he doesn’t disagree.
Mr. Hale grins, using Stiles’ hand to tug him into a quick hug. “Welcome to the family, Stiles.”
“Uh, thanks?” Stiles doesn’t wriggle free, but it’s a near thing. Derek must realize how out of place he’s feeling, still reeling from the complete change in demeanor, because he laces his fingers through Stiles’, grounding him.
Talia nods at their hands. “And how is the relationship? Single rooms?”
Stiles coughs to cover another laugh. He and Derek share a bedroom in their apartment—it was cheaper than two bedrooms—so they should be okay sharing a room. A bed might be another matter, but they’ve been living together at college, so if they’re dating, they should already be comfortable with seeing each other naked, having morning erections around each other, and all those other embarrassing things no one ever talks about happening when people start having sex with each other.
Derek blushes. “It’s a little new, the relationship, but it’s strong. We can be trusted to be in the same room.”
“It’s late,” Derek’s father says. “Let’s get you boys settled, and then we can all talk tomorrow.” He looks at Derek with kindness in his eyes. “I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to.”
The room he and Derek are deposited into is medium sized. Stiles would have thought all rooms in the house would be enormous. Derek watches him studying it before explaining, “I went through a phase where I didn’t want anything from my parents, so they moved me in here. It used to be a closet, but it was the smallest they were willing to let me be without me moving out.”
“How old were you?”
Derek shrugs. “I was ten.” He frowns at Stiles’ sudden chuckle. “I was very self-righteous. I thought we were bad because we were rich and I didn’t want to be.” Quieter, he adds, “I was very bullied in school.”
“So was I,” Stiles reveals. “I always pretended that it didn’t bother me, but it did. It’s why I chose Berkeley. Close enough to go home to see my dad, but far enough away that I didn’t have to see my tormentors again.”
“I’m glad we found each other,” Derek says. He points at his bed, a single twin. “You can have the bed. I’ve got an inflatable mattress around here somewhere. I can get that blown up and sleep on that.”
Stiles is too tired to argue. It’s only a little after 11:00 pm, but they’ve been driving for most of the day, and he just feels under stimulated and uninterested in anything except brushing the gnarly taste of garlic pretzels out of his mouth and collapsing into a deep, refreshing sleep.
Derek points down the hall, and Stiles takes his travel bag with him. He’s not sure what he’s expecting when he opens the door, but it certainly isn’t a soft coral pink bathroom with matching rugs, toilet cover, and shower curtain. It’s hideous. Stiles loves it.
Everything was getting a little too marble for his liking. This shows a human side to the Hales.
Because he’s Stiles, he snoops a little. Finds magazines in a holder on top of the toilet. Gross. Finds extra soaps and feminine products hidden in the cabinet under the sink. Cool. Other spare products and towels are kept behind a closed door. Good.
Overall, the bathroom passes muster enough that he feels comfortable scrubbing his teeth clean, scraping his tongue, and washing all evidence down the rose quartz-colored sink.
Derek comes in before Stiles finishes drying his hands on the fluffy, rose-scented towel.
He does a double-take at the room, digs under the sink for a little while, and stands up. “We’d better leave no evidence that we were ever here,” he says, ominously. “The bathroom’s been redone since I was last here at Christmas. I think that means, especially because her favorite color is pink, that this bathroom is Lydia’s and we shouldn’t ever be caught in here.”
“How unhygienic,” Stiles replies, pointing at the magazines. Derek claps a hand over his mouth to stifle the sudden bark of laughter.
“I agree. But honestly, it’s probably a lot more hygienic than your phone.”
Stiles bumps shoulders and then heads back to the room. Derek has indeed found and inflated an air mattress. Stiles crawls onto it to test the bounce, and oh, there’s his pillow. For some reason it’s on Derek’s bed. He grabs it, tucks it under his head, and just like that, out like a light.
                                                                                                                    ~ * ~
Stiles wakes up to a warm body next to his, someone’s leg wound around his, someone’s head on his shoulder. He blinks up at the ceiling, watching as the sunrise fills the room with a lovely, rosy glow.
Then he remembers where he is and what’s supposed to be going on and sits up, arms flailing as he tries to dislodge himself from a very deeply asleep Derek.
He hears a clicking sound, and his head snaps around to find an elegant strawberry blonde in very tight blue wrap dress aiming a phone at him.
“Whasit?” he grumbles, glad that both he and Derek apparently decided to sleep in their clothes. Usually, they’re both strip down to boxers kind of guys. It makes it hard for Stiles to sleep sometimes when he just really wants to lick Derek’s abs or jerk off over him. And apparently there goes his morning wood.
“It’s just payback,” the strawberry blonde says, loud even though it’s obviously early. Derek jerks awake, snorting, and gasping like someone doused him with cold water.
It doesn’t help Stiles’ inappropriate boner at all.
“Payback for what?” Stiles asks. He’s never met this woman. Why does she need payback?
“Oh hey, Lydia,” Derek says, gruff. Sexy morning voice alert. “What brings you to our room today?”
“Someone used my bathroom.”
“Didn’t used to be your bathroom,” Derek responds. He turns to Stiles. “Stiles, this is Cora’s fiancée, Lydia. Lydia, this is my boyfriend, Stiles.”
“Hmm, so he is real,” Lydia remarks. She snaps another picture, says, “Stay out of my bathroom or I’ll expose your sleeping arrangements to Mom and Dad.”
Derek yawns, lazily slipping an arm around Stiles’ shoulders and using the lax grip to tug him back down. “Mom and Dad already know we’re sharing a room. It stands to reason that we’re comfortable sharing a bed too. After all, we’ve been living together for almost four years now.”
Lydia huffs and flounces out of the room, but Stiles saw on her face; she lost and she knew it. And she didn’t mind.
Derek adjusts his grip, nuzzles into Stiles’ neck again. “Hope this is okay?” he murmurs.
Stiles swallows hard. “Yeah,” he grits out. “This is perfect.”
Still, Derek rolls away from him. “I’m going to get up now. It’s the perfect time for a quick run. There’s a bathroom down stairs, third door on the left. Ask my mom or dad if you can’t find it. Don’t trust anything Lydia or Cora tell you.”
He grabs a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from his suitcase and heads out.
Stiles flops back on the bed, wondering if he’d done something wrong. Derek’s leaving feels like dismissal and Stiles isn’t sure if it’s because he was being a little too enthusiastic, i.e. the boner, or not enthusiastic enough.
It feels horrible, like a pit is growing in Stiles’ stomach, and he realizes that he won’t be able to maintain the charade of being Derek’s boyfriend without someone on his side.
But he’s in Chula Vista, not Beacon Hills. His dad is a whole ten hours away, and Stiles hadn’t realized that he only has one friend in the whole world.
How Derek is more sociable than him, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that if he doesn’t spill to someone, he’s going to break down, and the public breakup won’t be public nor a breakup.
He’s sort of saved when Cora knocks on the door and comes in before he can do more than say, “Yeah?”
“I just wanted to apologize for Lydia,” Cora says. She sits on the bed, cradling her stomach. “Mom and Dad are humoring her because her parents just got divorced and she’s not taking it well.”
Stiles studies her. “You weren’t this nice last night,” he says, hoping that she isn’t offended. When she throws her head back and laughs, he lets out a little sigh of relief.
“No. I’m not a night person.” She rubs at her stomach, catches herself, and sits on her hands. “Look, the baby likes to tap dance on my bladder, and whoever said morning sickness was only morning or just in the first trimester lied their fucking head off. I was startled when Derek brought you home. He’s been talking about his roommate nonstop. I actually thought you were dating before now, but he never said your name, always claimed we’d think you were imaginary if he did that.”
“I get it,” Stiles says. “Whenever someone stumbles over my real name, I tell them I go by Stiles, and every time, I get, ‘What kind of a name is Stiles?’ instead of ‘Cool, something easier to say.’ It’s discouraging.”
Cora’s hand comes up to pat at her belly, and she frowns down at it. “I swear I’m not usually this tactile.”
“It’s okay. It’s your body. Hormones and all.”
“Tell me why you decided to date my brother. Did he finally get his head out of his ass and ask you?”
Stiles coughs. “Uh, sort of?” He winces. “I mean, yeah, he finally asked and we made it official, but I mean, I haven’t dated anyone since high school, and Derek’s never been with anyone else as far as I know.”
“That’s it exactly.” Cora points at Stiles and he looks down at himself. He’s not bad looking—if his dad can be trusted—and he’s been making more of an effort with even his casual clothes since he and Derek began living together. “Derek doesn’t date. So why you? No offense.”
“Some taken,” Stiles replies. He shrugs at her. “I don’t know why.”
“Oh, I think you do.” Cora hauls herself up, shakes her head, and sinks back to the bed. She pats next to her, and Stiles hesitantly joins her.
She leans in close. “So, how much is he paying you?”
Cora has a gleam in her eyes that makes Stiles entirely uncomfortable to be trapped here with her. “I’m guessing that you and he aren’t really dating, but since it’s Laura’s tenth wedding anniversary this weekend, he doesn’t want to be bothered by the copious aunts and grand-aunts that like to pinch his cheeks and ask when he’s bringing home his bride. Ergo, you, because my brother may be many things, a coward, spineless, and utterly useless at getting dates, but he does have a soft spot for you.”
Stiles stands up. “Derek isn’t spineless or a coward,” he says, angry at her. “Why would you even say that? Do you even know your brother? He was terrified to come to college. I don’t know why. He hasn’t shared that with me yet. But when I needed a roommate after my first roommate turned out to be the biggest bastard on campus, he stepped up. We’ve been friends since. It was a natural progression of our relationship because, yeah, we fell in love with each other.”
Cora grabs his wrist. “Don’t leave. Not yet. I’m sorry.” She tugs, and he sits. He’s breathing hard, heart beating a little too fast. He doesn’t know why he got so angry except for the fact that he knows the true Derek, the one who likes cooking and cleaning and studying microbiology and taking life art with Stiles just so he’d know someone in the class.
Cora takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry I said that about Derek. I just needed to know.”
“Know what?”
“That you love him too.”
Stiles blinks. Derek doesn’t love him. Not like that.
“I can see that you don’t believe me, but it’s true. Derek loves you. He won’t admit it but it’s in his voice when he talks about you. It’s in the way he won’t let anyone call you imaginary but also won’t reveal your name, because he’s trying to protect you. I don’t know. I do know my brother, and I know that he loves you, and you love him too.”
Stiles doesn’t even know where the tears come from, but he finds himself sobbing on Cora’s shoulder as he confesses that Derek did actually hire him precisely for what Cora accused.
She listens patiently.
Then. “You’re both the biggest idiots.” She throws a roll of toilet paper at him. “Kleenexes get a little rough on the nose when you’re prone to hysterical fits,” she explains to his raised eyebrow. “Quadruple ply is a Godsend.”
Once he’s dried his face and blown his nose, Cora takes his hand again. “Look, I get it. I do. Our family can be overbearing. It was hell keeping them off Lydia’s and my backs long enough to have the discussion about children. And we’re not even married yet. But trust me on this: Derek does love you.”
“So how do I get him to ask me?” Stiles asks. “I mean, after all this. We’re supposed to have a public breakup after this weekend.”
Cora laughs. “Mom and Dad are going to be so pissed they let you sleep in the same room if you do that.”
“I’m serious. I’m supposed to break up with Derek so that he can, I don’t know, save face with his family. I guess because they’ll never see me again.”
She nods. “Makes sense.” She tilts her head, chewing on her lip. “Okay, I’ve got it: instead of breaking up with him, you propose to him. Confuse him. If he really likes you, he’ll probably say yes, and you can be engaged for however long you like. If he still wants to break up with you, then he can’t do it without a little shit sticking to him.
“Oh, I know! You can do it when we go to the mall!” To Stiles’ confused face, she explains, “It’s a tradition to do a scavenger hunt in the mall after a celebration. After we celebrate Laura’s anniversary, we’re going to the mall. It’ll be the perfect place to propose. Or breakup.Whichever it ends up being.”
“One problem: how am I supposed to live with Derek if he says no?”
Cora shrugs. “I don’t think he will, but you could make him move out if he does.”
“Another problem,” Stiles says. Cora rolls her eyes. “I don’t have a ring. I don’t even know Derek’s ring size.”
“That’s easy enough. I have everyone’s ring sizes. I’m the official jewelry expert in the family. That’s why.” Stiles nods. The Hales are so weird, but he finds it endearing. He supposes the Stilinskis would be just as weird to the Hales with their traditions. “Anyway, I’ve got the perfect ring for you to use.” She struggles up and then waddles toward a room three doors down the hall from Derek’s closet room. Stiles waits for her at the door. When she comes back, she tosses a small black box at him.
He flips it open and stares down at the silver band set with a single black cubic zirconium stone. Cora’s right, it’s perfect. It’s neutral enough to go with Derek’s wardrobe full of warm tones and dark pants, but also enough of a statement to bring attention to the fact that he’s wearing an engagement ring. Classy but not overstated.
Derek does have a few bright shirts mixed in, but he doesn’t wear them anywhere but around the apartment. Stiles thinks it’s because they’re gifts from him and Derek likes how soft they are. It makes Stiles unreasonably happy whenever he catches Derek wearing one of them.
“Are you positive he’ll say yes?” Stiles asks. He really doesn’t want to destroy his and Derek’s relationship. Although, he has a feeling that they’re already way past that.
“About seventy-five percent,” Cora says, and because they’re at her room, she shuts the door in his face before he can complain about those odds.
Stiles wanders back to Derek’s room. He keeps staring at the ring. It’s too soon to propose, right?
They’ve only just started dating, right?
They’re not really dating. It won’t be a real proposal. Right?
He closes the box and hides it in his pillow. Then, he grabs a change of clothes and his travel bag and heads to the downstairs bathroom for a quick shower.
                                                                                                                    ~ * ~
Over the course of the day, Stiles is introduced to far more people than he ever expected to meet, and is frankly exhausted by the time they all pile into vehicles, he and Derek riding with Derek’s frankly frightening Uncle Peter and his partner, Freddie, to go to the restaurant.
The ring box is secure in his pocket, and he does his best not to touch it, aware that as the “new” significant other, he’s being subjected to a lot of interrogations, hugs, and all around suspicion. Through it all, Derek stays by his side, directing him away from the more prying of the aunts, or having him hide in an empty room until someone can make an announcement that makes Derek’s boyfriend seem like old news.
Finally though, they all sit at six tables pushed together, a buffet against the back wall of the room. The restaurant is owned by a pair of great aunts who insist on Derek and Stiles sitting next to them so they can gossip about the changes at California University-Berkeley.
“You know, Marsha was a co-founder of the first LGBTQ organization,” the more wizened one states. “How’d that go for you, dear?”
Marsha rolls up her sleeve to show off a large scar. “Thirty stitches and an expulsion.” She winks at Stiles. “And I’d do it all over again because it’s how I met the love of my life.”
He smiles politely. “I’m glad times have changed,” he says. “I don’t think I could scar as neat as that.”
“Well, that’s Diana’s doing. Such steady hands even as she berated me for putting my life in danger.” Marsha sighs wistfully. “Some things don’t change.” With sharp eyes, she pokes at Stiles’ soul, and he shudders at the sensation of being seen and known. “You may think you’re not scarred, but you are.” She turns to Derek. “Make sure you treasure this boy, eh?”
Derek nods almost frantically. He grabs Stiles’ and his aunts’ glasses. “Refills?”
“How long have you been together?” Marsha asks, and Stiles knows he should stick to the script he and Derek came up with, but he can’t. So, he leans in, like he’s telling a big secret, and whispers, “Three and a half years.”
Diana whacks at Marsha’s shoulder. “That means they’ve been steady since they met,” she excitedly exclaims. Stiles flushes at the sudden eyes on their end of the table.
“What I meant,” he stutters out, under the heavy, heavy gaze of, like, a million Hales, “is that we’ve been dancing around each other for years. We’ve only just decided to make it official.”
Derek plops down the glasses. “Don’t scare him,” he chastises his aunts, and by extension, all the nosy, nosy relatives. “I actually happen to love him, and I’d appreciate not having to find him again when you all chase him away.”
As if practiced, all the Hales go back to their own plates and conversation.
Stiles leans into Derek, gratefully sipping at his Sprite. Derek leans back a little, and they balance nicely. Until Stiles remembers what he’s planning to do during the after-dinner excursion. Then, he just sits there while Derek chats amicably, offers to refill Stiles’ plate, and almost holds his hand whenever he gets up from the table.
After the meal, Peter and Freddie give them a ride to the mall. Surprisingly, Peter hadn’t done anything to get kicked out, like Derek had predicted. Stiles thinks it’s because whenever Peter opened his mouth, Freddie squeezed his leg. Someday, Stiles thinks, if things work out, he and Derek could be like that, communicating with just a touch.
At the mall, Laura and her husband, Jordan, hand out a sheet of paper with things to find, and the Hales disperse, a literal army of at least thirty people, led by Marsha and Diana on their motorized wheelchairs.
Stiles allows Derek to hold his hand as they follow along more sedately. Stiles isn’t going to participate in the scavenger hunt, too nervous and afraid that if he uses it as a distraction, he’ll forget why he’s really here.
They get to the second level, and Derek points out a few things on the list, but Stiles has had enough. He sees Cora and Lydia in the crowd and makes his way toward them. Cora catches his eye and nods.
Stiles takes a deep breath, drops Derek’s hand, and then kneels down before he can think about it.
Derek turns to see what’s up and claps his hands over his eyes, like that’s going to make Stiles stand up again.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. “Derek, love, can you look at me?”
Derek shakes his head. He’s blushing, hard. Probably because they’re in the middle of a crowd. Apparently neither of them quite care for the public spectacle. Good to know.
Stiles pulls out the ring box. He takes another deep breath, teetering on the edge of backing out and letting Derek think it was a prank.
Behind Derek, Cora and Lydia both stand, hands clasped together, staring wide-eyed. Cora knows it’s not fake, so why does she look so invested?
Faintly, Stiles hears someone say, “Go for it!” So he gathers his conviction and opens his mouth.
“Please open your eyes,” he says, softly. When Derek does, Stiles is surprised to see tears there. “Derek Hale, I love you. I know we haven’t been dating for very long, but I already know I want to marry you.” And suck your dick, but Stiles doesn’t say that out loud. There are children present for God’s sake. “We go together like two things that you wouldn’t think would be good, but then they end up being the perfect pair. And I don’t ever want to give that up. Please say yes?”
Derek is already nodding, his expression goes from obviously embarrassed to fond and soft, in a way Stiles is entirely unused to seeing from him, even after living together for most of three and a half years.
Behind Derek, Cora and Lydia begin jumping up and down, squealing. Startled, Derek glances back at them before quickly focusing on Stiles again. He helps pull him to his feet and then wordlessly extends his hand. Stiles slides the ring onto his finger. Cora was right about the size and about the style. It fits perfectly, and Derek smiles at it.
Something warm blooms in Stiles’ chest, and it’s because he put the ring and the smile on Derek.
And oh fuck. Oh fuck, he just proposed to Derek fucking Hale and has gotten a yes. Fuck seventy-five percent. Fuck being unsure if his love is unrequited. Stiles leaps into Derek’s arms and is met with a completely off-kilter, totally unbalanced, completely perfect imperfect mashing of lips and noses, and they tumble to the ground, Stiles on top.
Derek is laughing, patting at him, but he also isn’t saying get up.
That’s Lydia, tugging at them. “Do you know how many germs are on this floor?” she grouses, but despite the hard edge from this morning, she keeps smiling at them like she actually likes them.
The rest of the Hales appear suddenly—probably summoned by a text—and all of them, not a one of them looks angry, they all look happy, pleased, already singing congratulations.
Cora raises her phone to show them that she recorded it all, everything, including what was their first kiss.
Oh shit. He’s so fucked. But he’s so happy too.
Cora’s right that they can be engaged for however long they need. At least they are engaged.
                                                                                                                    ~ * ~
The rest of Saturday passes in a whirlwind, and Derek never stops smiling. The whole drive back to Berkeley on Sunday is spent in contented bliss, and when Derek isn’t driving, he just stares at the ring.
About an hour from their apartment, Derek pulls over, and Stiles jerks awake.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Derek says, but Stiles can hear it in his voice. Something’s wrong.
“What’s wrong?” Stiles asks again, gentling his tone.
Derek takes off the ring and hands it to him. “Thanks for that. I really liked it.”
“Liked what?” Stiles stares at the ring. It looks wrong in his hand and not on Derek’s finger. It’s only been there about twenty-four hours. It shouldn’t look wrong, but it does. “Is this about the agreement?”
“Yeah.” Derek clears his throat, a clear sign that he’s about to start crying. He looks heartbroken. “The agreement. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this.”
“Do what?” Stiles asks. He turns the ring over, grabs Derek’s hand, and slides it back on. “Your sister already told me that you’re in love with me. I’m in love with you. I proposed-proposed to you. If you really don’t want to marry me, at least wait until we’re home before you break my heart.”
Derek just stares at him.
Stiles waves his hand by his head. Maybe he’s just too tired of this damn charade that they never should have done. Maybe he just wants something for himself for once and he’s willing to fight for it. “I know, you told me don’t believe what Cora says, but she also said you talked about me incessantly ever since you met me. Dude, we’re in love with each other, and yes it sucks that it took making up this fake dating thing for us to realize it, but if you think that I’m going to just roll over and say, ‘Hey, that was great, let’s never do it again,’ then you’re sorely mistaken.”
Derek covers the ring with his other hand, watching as it peeks through his fingers. “You’re in love with me?”
Stiles feels like snapping, but doesn’t. “Yes.”
Derek nods. “Thanks. I-I love you too.” He puts the Camaro in drive.
The rest of the drive is spent in silence. Stiles doesn’t feel relief at things being in the open nor at the sight of the ring on Derek’s finger where it belongs.
Instead, he feels dread rising. Something is going to happen when they get back to their apartment, and it might just be the end of them. Stupid, stupid, they just confessed their feelings for each other. Things should be looking up, not down.
Derek parks and immediately goes to grab their suitcases from the trunk. Stiles heads up the stairs to unlock the front door.
“So, I want a redo,” Derek remarks suddenly, his tone forced into easy and cheery.
Stiles pauses where he’s unlocking the door. “Redo?”
Derek moves closer, shoves the suitcases aside, and brackets Stiles’ head with his hands. He leans in until their faces are just an inch apart. “A redo.” And he kisses Stiles, and even though the doubt is still there, warring in Stiles with the warmth of knowing he has Derek’s love, it gets a little smaller when he falls back against the door and Derek follows him in.
“I am gonna suck your cock so good,” he murmurs against Derek’s lips.
“Not if I suck yours first,” Derek returns.
And that is the story of how Stiles and Derek finally stopped pining and started boning.
Cora tells the story of how they got together at their wedding five years later, conveniently leaving out the part about being seventy-five percent sure that Derek was in love with Stiles, but Stiles forgives her because while she may have been only seventy-five percent sure, he and Derek are both one hundred percent in love and getting married.
~ The End ~
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multific · 4 years
The Housekeeper Part 6 (The End)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 5
Geralt x Reader
Warning: mention of sex, smut and swearing
Summary: You moved to the big city not too long ago. And you became the housekeeper to the handsome bachelor, Geralt Rivia. At first your relationship is purely professional, but what happens when you start developing feelings for him?
 And finally, Geralt saw a little bit of light in his lonely life and all he can do is thank you for it.
You changed his life and perspective of life.
You moved into his penthouse after four months of dating. Waking up next to such a handsome and kind man was all you ever wanted and more.
“I’m thinking about hiring a new housekeeper.” Geralt said one morning as he made breakfast while you waited for him, sitting at the table.
“A new housekeeper, you can’t clean this place, work and plan our wedding at the same time.” Geralt wasn’t wrong, it was a bit too much, a month ago, he asked you on a fancy date, which you gladly accepted. You went to the restaurant only to find it empty since he rented the whole place. You weren’t exactly surprised that he proposed to you, with the way he treated and looked at you, you were basically already his wife.
“I sure can! Don’t underestimate me, Geralt.”
“I’m not underestimating you, My Love. All I’m saying is that you don’t need the stress. I just, I don’t want in the future when you think back to our wedding, for you to only remember the stress of the preparation.”
“Anything but a housekeeper, Geralt.”
“I don’t want someone to come here every day, get all wet and bothered by you walking around shirtless. I don’t want someone to replace me. I can clean the house and work and plan the wedding.”
“My Love, no one will ever replace you. Never. Ever.” Geralt understood your concern since his love for you blossomed when you were his employee. “Then how about a wedding planner?”
“That might be a better idea, but I want you to have some saying in it. Don’t just leave it up to me as you did with our home.” It was true, Geralt completely leaned back and let you redecorate his home, he always said “If you like it, so will I.” and just left it all to you. But for the wedding you wanted him to participate, choose colours, flowers, decorations and if he wanted something, he should say it.
“Hmm.” was all he said and you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. His usual response to 90% of the things was the low ‘hmm’ that only he could do so perfectly.
To your surprise, Geralt actually looked rather interested in planning the wedding. He even argued about the colour of the tablecloth. You were quite surprised when he mentioned that he always wanted his wedding to be in a nice mansion that is surrounded by nature.
Your wedding planner, Natasha, found just the place. A gorgeous old mansion with a huge garden far away from the city. It was the perfect place, but only once you saw it all decorated and ready for the wedding when it all sank in.
You were about to marry Geralt Rivia. The millionaire, handsome, muscular and silver-haired man. The one and only. He was like a collectible, the rarest kind. But of course, those were only the materialistic things, the surface of who Geralt really was.
Geralt was the man who fell in love, yet decided to deny it. And only when his jealousy got the best of him was he able to confess.
Geralt was the man who you went on a three day trip for your anniversary into a skiing resort only to get snowed in. Geralt was the man who made sure that even if you couldn’t leave the bungalow, you were still comfortable. He was the man who you had numerous baths with and passionate yet rough sex to keep you warm.
Geralt was the man who bought you tampons and ice cream when you were on your period and you were in too much pain to move.
Geralt was the man who brought you a new car, just so he would be assured that you are safe in the traffic.
Geralt was the man who let you redecorate his whole place and all he could concentrate on once it was done is the light in your eyes and the smile on your face as you walked around.
Geralt was the man who tried his best not to let a single drop of tear escape his eyes once he was you in your beautiful dress walking towards him, to become his wife. He was the man who once you were alone, let that tear out, but only for you to see, and you were the woman who caught that tear with your thumb as you leaned up to kiss him.
And Jaskier was the man who let all his tears out on the wedding, concerning the guests, even the priest if he was okay. But once Jaskier was on the stage, singing and playing his guitar as you danced with your husband, he stopped crying and started smiling.
Two years after the wedding, Geralt and you were happily married. Sure, your new job had some concerns and co-workers that Geralt didn’t like, you worked it all out.
And now, with a baby on the way, you wondered what your husband will say. Despite being together for so long, children and the topic of a family was never brought up which might be strange but it was true.
One night, you were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. The movie was a family film, so you decided to bring the topic up.
“I don’t understand why did they have so many children? They can’t even control them.”
“Hmm.” was all you heard so you needed a new technique.
“I quite like the little girl though.”
“Yeah, she’s cute.”
“Geralt, would you want to have children?” this seemed to surprise him.
“Well, to be honest, I didn’t. But I never wanted to get married either, so I don’t know anymore. I mean I don’t completely hate the idea, but I might not want right now. Why are you pregnant?” his question was a joke, but when you didn’t laugh with him, he knew something was up.
“You say you are not ready and you want to wait right?” he could only nod as he listened to you intensely. “Seems like the little one has different ideas,” you say and wait for him to get it.
“Fuck.” was all he said. To be honest he sounded more nervous than angry which was a good sign.
“Don’t swear! The baby will hear you!”
“How long?”
“How long have I known or how long into the pregnancy I am?”
“I have known for two days now. My doctor discovered it during my regular check-up and since he couldn’t predict how long I was and sent me to the appropriate doctor, I will find out tomorrow. But if I had to guess, I’d say about three weeks? When we did it in-“
“In the shower.” he finished your sentence.
“Yes. Are you angry?”
“No, why would I be? Shocked? Yes. But not angry.”
“Well, seems like your pull-out game is not as strong as you might have thought. But I’m happy. Are you?”
“Hmm.” Geralt was deep in thought. He contemplated whether he would be a good father or not, so many thoughts ran in his head.
“I was scared when the doc told me. I was scared of your reaction but more about myself. I’m still not sure if I’m ready to be a mother, or if I will be a good one. But I’m very sure about the fact that I will keep this baby. I think we will be able to do it, I mean Jaskier was a tough one but we managed him, right?” Geralt smiled a little.
“I want a girl.” he said.
“We will have to wait to get to know that, but I’m happy. Are you.”
“Yes. I’m happy. I’m going to be a father! We are going to be parents, Love! I need to read books, and we will need a house! A big house! I’m not stopping at one child! I want a whole army of them! All girls, as gorgeous as you are My Love. And the boys, strong like me!”
You smiled as your husband went on and on about his plans. It was great to see him so excited after how concerned he looked a moment ago.
He stood up, gesturing around, to be honest, you stopped listening to him after he started coming up with names.
You stood up grabbed his face and kissed him. It didn’t take him a moment to get his hands on your hips as he pulled you closer to himself.
“I love you, Y/N.” he said when he pulled away and looked into your eyes. His gold ones glistening in the sunlight.
“I love you too Geralt.”
From a simple housekeeper to his wife and now to the mother of his child. You went a long way, but your love for him and his love for you never changed.
And never will.
A/N: The last part is nothing but fluff, since Geralt deserves that. Hope you enjoyed the series!
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The Housekeeper Masterlist
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gyllord · 5 years
Roman Sionis x Reader - Our mission. Part 1/ ?
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Summury : Roman Sionis’s man killed your beloved ones. With some of your more skilled friends you only have one mission, find Roman and kill him. It sounds at lot easier that it really is... you didn’t really exepted him to be that handsome and most of all, to fall for him.
I just want to say that english is not my native language so sorry for the mistakes i may do. Also if you loved my writing just let me know and if you have any requets well let me know to !
Part 2
Warnings : Swearwords
Words : around 900 (it’s pretty short but i’ll try to make the next one longer)
2 years ago today, about 15 man came to your house and killed your parents who were doctors because the kept secret a really important cure that a certain Roman Sionis needed. They didn’t kill you, thankfully, because you weren’t at home that day, too busy to buy a gift for your parents’s wedding anniversary. So when you came home and saw what happened, you only had one thought, find that Roman Sionis and kill him, which was not really hard since he was pretty famous in town. But you couldn’t just find him and kill him, first, because you had no skills in martial arts or in using an gun or others weapons. And also because alone, you were pretty sure that you wouldn’t even have the time to bring out your weapon that his man would have already killed you. You needed a team, and you exactly knew where to find one.
Here you were now, at black mask’s club with your partners in crime also in the room, trying to find Roman. 2 years passed since he killed your parents, since you and your friends have been training and have planned this whole mission.Today was THE day, the day you’ll finally be able to take your avenge. You were a the bar, sitting on a stool and looking at the crowd. You were really concentrated until someone started to laugh really loud next to you. You turned to see who it was. Harley Quinn...why was she here ? Wasn’t she supposed to be with the joker ? She noticed your weird look towards her but didn’t pay attention to it, maybe because she was too drunk.
“Who are you looking for ?” She asked amused, almost laughing again.
“No one” you lied, of course you were not going to reveal your plan especially to her, she was not someone you could trust.
“Then why were you scanning the crowd not even hmm..” she almost let her head fall on the bar but she caught herself before she did and steadied herself before speaking again
“1 minute ago”
“Pff, I was not” and with that, you were back at looking at the crowd. You couldn’t waist your time, you had a mission to do.
“See !” She pointed her finger at your face. “You’re doing it again ! The *i’m looking for someone* look”. She steadied herself one more time, the alcohol was really working on her. “You can tell me who you’re looking for you know, I could help you”
You were not desperate to the point to tell her who you were looking for. But maybe if you asked her, she would make things easier and the mission will take less time.
“Roman Sionis” That’s all you said to her, hoping she could actually help you.
“Ooooohhhh Romy !”
You turned to her with a grin, amused by the nickname she gave him.
“Well, I saw him earlier. He was pissed of that I broke his driver’s legs. He shouldn’t be far...”
“Wow, thanks. That’s really helping me” You scoffed
She didn’t respond to what you just said, instead she was thinking at something, you could tell by her eyes. They widened when she seemed to have found the answer she was looking for.
“I just had the best idea ever ! If you really want to see him, why don’t you just go to that strip tease bar over there” She asked looking at you and then pointing you she place she was talking about. She looked more serious this time which made you scoffed.
“You’re kidding me. There’s no way I’m going to that bar and dance”
“Well if you don’t, it will be harder to find him...” she said drinking whatever was in her glass with a straw, looking innocently at the crowd. This time she was the one to use a look and this look was the *go over there and dance* one. You puffed
“Fine” And with that, you got up from your stool and start walking towards that strip tease bar. You could hear Harley laughing from behind, which made you think twice about what you were going to do. However, she was not wrong and if you really wanted to find him, you had to make some sacrifices. 
When you were finally in front of it, and also if front of everyone, you couldn’t go back. You could see your friends from there asking themselves what the hell you were doing. When the music started, you had no other option but dance, so that’s what you did, trying choreographys you remember seeing in movies, hoping it would work. By how the people were whistling at you, you assumed it was not that bad. In your headset, you heard one of your friends saying that Roman was here. You continued dancing because the music was not over yet, but you were really concentrated on trying to find him.
One man was making his way to you. He was wearing a green velvet coat and sunglasses, you assumed it was Roman by how the people were doing what he wanted them to do immediatly. You were finally seeing him in person...and without his mask.. which was a lot different. You would be lying if you say he wasn’t handsome. It was hard to believe that he was a criminal who killed who destroy so much lifes. Once he was finally in front of you, he just said one thing.
“Well, would you look at that”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Chocolate eggs and Pey-tato chips (Kamjie) - Crazy4Kameron
Kameron felt like she was going out of her mind, staring at their dining room table. Something didn’t seem right to her but she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. She had done everything the way she remembered her mother doing it, but it just felt so off to her.
“The table looks amazing.” Vanessa said leaning against the doorway.
Kameron jumped with a small start. “Geez babe I didn’t hear you come downstairs” She had been so deep in concentration that she doubted she would have really heard anything at that point. “So how was getting her to bed tonight?”
“Pretty easy, till she asked me to read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ for the fourth time."
Kameron turned slightly in her chair to face her wife. "It’s cause you always read it with all those funny voices, she can’t get enough."
"I tried to get her to read something else, but little momma wasn’t into that idea.” Vanessa shook her head, remembering the small tantrum she had just endured.
Kameron giggled. ”I’m glad it was you and not me. You deal with her little fits way better than I can.”
“I guess bein raised by a momma that don’t take no shit, made it so I can handle these kinds things better.”  Vanessa shugged. “But once I told her that the Easter bunny only comes to visit good little girls and boys, she stopped pretty quickly.”
“Well thank you for putting her to bed tonight. It gave me time to set everything up, make sure it was perfect. Plus I think she likes it better when you put her to bed anyways.” Kameron teased sticking her tongue out at her wife, before going back to fuss over the table
It was their first Easter together as a family. That word, family was still something that sent Kameron into pure ecstacy, she still couldn’t believe it to be true. She wanted everything to be perfect for her daughter. She had gone over everything in her head a million times, and was now double checking all the details.
“Babe, she’s two and half, I highly doubt she’s going to notice or care if the bunny’s ears aren’t straight.” Vanessa stated, pointing at the bunny the Kameron was currently trying to fix.
“She may not, but I will and it will drive me crazy.” Kameron clarified as she went back to fixing the stuffed animals tiny pink ears for the twentieth time.
Vanessa walked into the dining room and took a seat at the table. “Okay, but I thought this was supposed to be for our daughter?"
"Just because the goodies are for Peyton, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t enjoy it too.”
“Seeing her face when she sees her gifts is all the enjoyment that I need,” Vanessa said, popping a chocolate egg in her mouth, before slumping into the chair next to her wife “But being able to eat the extra chocolate is a bonus.”
“I can’t help it, Ness, it’s the perfectionist in me.” Kameon sighed, “I know she’s not going to care if everything is perfect, and I shouldn’t either.”
Vanessa gently began to massage Kamerons shoulders, she could feel all the stress that was building there over the past week. Vanessa knew how badly Kameron wanted every special occasion with their daughter, especially their first, to be perfect.
Just being together and being able to say that they were a family was more than enough to make any occasion special, at least for her. But she knew how much all the little things meant to Kameron.  
“Baby, the table looks perfect and Peyton is going to love it.” Vanessa leaned over and gave her wife a peck on the cheek. “Now how about we go to bed and I really work those knots out?” Kameron couldn’t help the smile that spread across her lips.  
As they lay in bed that night, Kameron curled around Vanessa, with her head on her chest, Vanessa gently stroking strawberry blonde locks off Kameron’s face, Kameron couldn’t help but think of how much their lives had changed since the adoption was finalized. The day they signed those papers was the greatest day of her life, tied only with the day that she said I do, in front of all her family and friends. Kameron let out a contented sigh, as she snuggled a little deeper into her wife’s embrace.
“Something wrong babe?” Vanessa asked, lifting her head slightly to look at Kameron’s face.
“Everything is perfect.” She shook her head. “I was just thinking about how much everything has changed over this last year.”
“Oh.” Vanessa relaxed back into her pillow again.“This past year has been such a whirlwind that I guess I really haven’t had the time to think about it until now. But I guess they really have changed haven’t they? We celebrated our first wedding anniversary, and we got to finalize the adoption.” Vanessa kissed the top of her Kameron’s head.
“Let’s not forget that we bought a house and you got that promotion.” Kameron thought that her heart was going to explode from pure joy.  “I love you so much, and I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us.” Kameron lifted her head and kissed Vanessa softly on the lips.
“I love you too, baby. I know that no matter what life throws at us, we’ll get through it together.” Vanessa replied kissing her wife again, this time a little harder, with a little more passion. Vanessa held Kameron’s face in her hands, Kameron pushed herself up so that she could get closer.
Kameron crawled up Vanessa to straddle her lap, slowly wrapping her hands around the dark haired girl’s waist pulling herself even closer. Vanessa began to nip at Kamerons bottom lip, licking her way in, a low moan escaping from Kameron, as she began to slide her hands up under Vanessa’s night shirt. Vanessa’s hands tangled in Kameron’s hair tightened their grip just the slightest bit, angling Kameron’s head up, exposing her neck.Vanessa began to kiss and nip down Kameron’s jaw to her now exposed throat. Kameron melted into every touch, every kiss, wanting more, needing more.  
In the heat of the moment neither of them hear the tiny pitter patter of footsteps down the hallway, or the creaking of their bedroom door being opened.
Both of them froze, turning to look at the now open door and their daughter sobbing, holding her favourite stuffy close.
“Oh baby, what’s wrong?” Kameron cooed, quickly sliding off her wife’s lap, and making her way to grab the little girl. The only response was more sobbing, as the girl wrapped her arms tightly around Kameron’s neck.
Kameron made her way over to their bed and laid the girl down between her and Vanessa. Vanessa ran her fingers through Peyton’s curly hair and kissed the top of her head.
“It’s okay baby girl, your mommies aren’t going to let anything bad happen to you, okay?”
Peyton nodded her head, before burying herself farther into Kameron’s side.
“Did you have a bad dream, angel?” Kameron began rubbing the child’s back, calming her down enough for her to lift her head and tell them that she had.
“It was just a dream baby. Nothing’s going to get you now.”
“Can I sweep wiv you and momma? Pwease?” Peyton asked, tears and fear still in the girls eyes, breaking Kameron’s heart at the sight. Kameron looked at Vanessa, who only nodded gently.  “Of course you can angel.” Kameron kissed the curly haired girl’s head.
As the reajusted their positions, Peyton snuggled in tight between her moms, they shared a look of, well I guess we’ll have to put our sex life on pause for tonight, but damn she’s worth it.
It didn’t take long before soft snores could be heard from the middle of the bed.
“Is she asleep?” Vanessa asked, still rubbing their daughters back.
“Yeah out like a light.” Kameron whispered. “You know, when we finally got to adopt Peyton, I was terrified that I was going to somehow fail at being a parent. Like my perfectionism would somehow make me a bad parent. That I wouldn’t be able to let go and enjoy our daughter.”
“Babe you’re an amazing mother. And your need to make everything perfect isn’t always a bad thing.”
“Oh really,how?”
“Well she’s going to grow up to have great organizational skills, and you’ve already taught her that she needs to clean up one mess before making another one. And I’m sure when she gets older she’s going to be a straight A student. “ Vanessa reached over carefully, as to not wake the sleeping baby between them and gently stroked Kameron’s face.
“I love you.” Kameron whispered, cautiously leaning towards Vanessa as much as she could. Vanessa leaned in the rest of the way, before breathing out, “I love you too.”  and tenderly kissing her wife good night.      
“MOMMA, MOMMA WAKE UP!” Peyton screamed jumping up and down on the bed the next morning.
Vanessa groaned rolling over to look at the time on her phone next to the bed.“ Peyton baby, it’s too early to be awake."
The little girl kept bouncing up and down before landing on top of Vanessa. "Get up momma!” Petyon said sternly, “l want bweakfast!"
"Peyton Anabel Micheals Mateo! You do not jump on or talk to your momma like that!” Kameron scolded. “Now you tell momma you’re sorry, and ask her nicely to get you breakfast."
"Sowey momma. Can I pwease have bweakfast now?”
“Thank you baby.” Vanessa said hugging the little girl tight. “Now what would you like for breakfast?”
“ICE CWEAM!!” Peyton shouted with joy.
“Ice cream? For breakfast?” Vanessa questioned with a smile on her face,tickling Peyton’s sides. Peyton doubled over with laughter.
“Pey-tato chip, you can’t have ice cream for breakfast.” Kameron stated, getting out of bed.
“I want ice cweam, mommy.” the little girl said so innocently.  
“No Peyton, you need to have something healthy for breakfast.” Kameron felt like she was doing the right thing, but the sad pouty look on Peyton’s face was breaking her heart.
Vanessa could tell that she needed to do something quickly before this turned into a tantrum.
“You know what mommy, I think I feel like ice cream for breakfast too.”
“Really?” Kameron raised her eyebrow, suspiciously, while putting on her housecoat. Giving Vanessa a look that said, thanks a lot for backing me up.
“Sure. If we can have breakfast for dinner, why can’t we have dessert for breakfast?”
Kameron stood at the end of the bed, arms crossed staring at her girls, who were both staring back at her with their best puppy dog eyes, lips pouted out. Kameron knew that she wasn’t going to say no, but she needed to make them think she might. So she stood there for a few moments contemplating her answer.
“Fine, you can have a very small bowl of ice cream for breakfast.” Vanessa and Peyton cheered with joy. “BUT,” Kameron continued, “you have to have something healthy too.”
“Yes mommy!” they said in unison, jumping out of bed to hug Kameron before making their way to the kitchen.
After finishing a somewhat healthy breakfast, and filling up on their daily caffeine intake it was time to let Peyton see her Easter basket.
“If you’re all done breakfast, lil nugget, I think the Easter Bunny left you a special surprise in the dining room.” Vanessa encouraged as she cleaned off the table. Peyton looked at Kameron for confirmation which she got in the form of a nod which was all it took.
Peyton jumped out of her seat and raced to the dining room as fast as her little legs could carry her. She froze when she rounded the corner, eyes wide with wonder and amazement at the sight before her. “WOW!”
“Well go ahead Pey-tato chip, the Easter Bunny left it for you.” Kameron encouraged Peyton from behind her phone, recording every minute.
Peyton burst forward not quite sure what she should play with first. ” Momma, momma! Look pwetty bunny!“
Kameron’s heart soared and tears threatened to flow with happiness, at not only how happy her daughter was, but that she had noticed the bunny she had worked so hard on. The rest of their morning was filled with helping Peyton put together her new toys, and trying to explain why she couldn’t have all of her candy in one sitting.
Soon it was time to get ready to go for Easter lunch and an easter egg hunt at Silky’s house.
"Aunt Silky, Aunt Silky! Look at my bunny! It’s so soft and I wuv it!” Peyton screeched while bounding down the pathway towards the house.
Silky embraced the tiny child tightly before examining the stuffed animal. “Wow! That sure is a pretty bunny you got there my sweet Pey-tato pie.”
“Yeah she sure is one lucky little girl.” Vanessa side eyed Kameron with a smile on her face. “The Easter bunny must have worked overtime at our house."
Kameron ignored Vanessa’s comments and leaned in to give her friend a hug. "Happy Easter Silk. The food smells amazing."
"You know it always be smelling and tasting amazing at Big Silks house, baby. Come on in y'all.”
“Sweet Pey-tato pie, you know what we doing before lunch?” Silky asked the little girl, who was now twirling around in circles in the living room with her bunny held out in her hands waltzing with her. Meanwhile Peyton giggled as her dress billowed out around her as she spun.
“Peyton, slow down, you’re going to fall and hurt yourself.” Vanessa warned.
The child continued her dizzying dance, reveling in the way it made her head spin and how her skirt and her bunny moved in the air.
“Peyton! Mija, Stop spinning please, before you break something or hurt yourself!” Vanessa pleaded a little louder.
Kameron heard the frustration and anger rise in Vanessa’s voice and knew that she needed to step in before Vanessa lost her temper.
Kameron took two steps towards Peyton, and scooped her up into her arms, spinning her around. “Come here you.”  Peyton shrieked with laughter as she was lifted off the ground and into the security of her mom’s arms.
“Did you hear what momma told you to do?” Kameron asked in a gentle yet stern way.
The smile faded from her face and Peyton slowly nodded yes.
“Then why did you not stop spinning?” Peyton only shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not mad angel, I just want you to understand. You could have fallen down and got hurt, and that would have made momma and me very sad. We don’t want you to get hurt. I know that spinning is fun, but when you’re inside you need to be more careful and listen to momma and me, okay baby?”  Kameron made sure that Peyton was looking at her and had nodded yes before kissing her on the forehead and putting down again.
“Come see your Aunty Silky, little tater tot.” Silky patted the couch next to where she had just taken a seat. “You know what we do on Easter before we sit down to eat the fabulous lunch your Aunty Silk’s slaved over?”  Peyton only stared back with a blank look on her face, while her mothers rolled their eyes at the comment.
“We hunt for Easter eggs.” Silky whispered into the girl’s ear, like it was the biggest secret ever.
Peyton’s eyes widened, the excitement clearly written all over her tiny face, as she listened even more intently. The thrill of thinking that she was in on this secret, even if she had no idea what it meant to hunt for Easter eggs. The joy of getting to be part of something like this for the first time, with people that loved her, almost made the little girl burst with delight.  
“The Easter bunny came last night, and he put chocolate eggs all over the back yard when he heard you,” Silky poked her in her chest “were going to be here today.”
“I want hunt eggs!” Peyton yelled, overjoyed with the thought of getting to find chocolate eggs. She ran over to Vanessa and grabbed her hand jumping up and down. “Momma you look too! You look too!”
“Yes mija I’ll look too, okay. Should we look together and beat your Aunt Silky before she can find them all?” Peyton’s curls bobbed around her smiling face, as she nodded her head and bounced on her toes, eager to start looking and to win.
Kameron sat in a patio chair, taking videos and pictures, as Peyton ran around the backyard looking everywhere her little legs would let her. A few times in her excitement she would run right past an egg, and Vanessa would have to tell her to slow down and look a little closer. She even found herself reminding Peyton that she needed to look up as well, cause ‘the Easter bunny obviously forgot that you’re only three feet tall.’
Kameron never thought that her heart could be any fuller of love for the girls that she was watching, looking through bushes and under garden gnomes. Watching her wife, the first girl she ever loved, hold their daughter’s hand, the second girl she ever loved, and point out places that eggs could be hidden. Vanessa had the biggest smile on her face, as their daughter squealed with joy and pulled her along behind, in a haste to find the next egg. Stopping every once in a while to constantly check the eggs she’d already found, to make sure they were still there. It was a scene that Kameron had only dreamed about, and couldn’t believe that this was now her reality.
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dawnwave16 · 5 years
Leaf Bound
Hi all this might be a little salty in places but I didn’t feel it was enough to tag salt.  As Always I hope you enjoy! Also this is a one shot so I don’t think I will write more of it...
Shikamaru had grown up knowing about the outer countries. How could he not know about them when his soulmate knew about them? He didn't let anyone know that he had that particular aspect of a soulmate mark though, it would be way too troublesome! Shikamaru was one of the rare people in the world with more than one soulmate trait. His most obvious, and thus his only known, one was a ladybug that scrambled all over his chest and arms. As far as he knew it reflected his soulmates current mood or activity, after all, how many ladybugs could sow or do other handicrafts? That's not to say that that's all it did but it was one of the most common things to see his little bug doing. He loved his little mark even though it tickled when it ran across his skin, making him want to squirm. 
His other marks were something he kept secret after all sharing knowledge and skills wasn't very common. That's not to say he knew all of her thoughts nor she all of his. The knowledge that the bond shared was more the world or general knowledge that they had as well as what they learned in school. As for skills, well, his mother had never taught him to sow or how to make clothes at all and that was one of the most useful skills to have as a shinobi. Baking and cooking was another thing his mother had never had to teach him so it was fairly understandable when his parents were shocked when he made them a cake and iced it expertly for their wedding anniversary one year. He didn't tell them how he'd done it though, that would lead to questions and questions were troublesome. 
His final mark was one that normally gave him the most comfort, a soft tune that played constantly in the back of his mind. The tune changed slightly depending on her health and her state of mind. When she was happy or creating something it was a soft, happy tune when she was upset or stressed it took on a more sombre tone. When she was angry the tune became more staccato and lately, it was the melancholy, staccato tunes that were the most prominent tunes he heard. To make matters worse, his little ladybug hadn't drawn or sown anything in quite some time and hadn't scurried over him happily in over a year. In short, Shikamaru was worried and his teammates were starting to take notice, all of the Konoha 12 had.
“Okay Shikamaru, enough is enough! The war is over, repairs are underway and you get to cloud watch or laze around whenever you aren't training or working. What's bugging you?” Ino demanded.
“And don't tell us 'Nothing' as you've looked troubled for the last few weeks,” Naruto stated bluntly. It was unusual for Naruto to get involved as he wasn't the most observant but Shikamaru knew he needed to be honest with them. They had been through a lot together after all.
“ Troublesome, not here. I don't know how much everyone knows and I have a feeling at least part of the explanation will need the Hokage's attention so lets head there and once he raises the barrier, I'll explain.” He sighed heavily. The others looked at each other, then swiftly finished their meals and walked to the Hokage's office. Kakashi was surprised to see them all but quickly agreed to raise the barrier. Shikamaru sighed and mumbled a quiet 'Troublesome' before looking at his friends and Kakashi and starting to speak.
“As most of you know I have a ladybug soulmate mark that likes running around and generally being troublesome,” he began and saw most of them nod. “What you don't know is that that isn't my only soul mark. I have two others, though all signs point to them belonging to the same person.” Everyone's eyes showed their surprise at that and he raised his hand to forestall their questions. “The reason I say this is one of those marks is the one where there is always a tune playing that allows you to keep track of how your soulmate is emotionally and the tune always matches my little ladybug's mood. The last mark is why I said we needed the privacy barrier. It's the one where the two soulmates share skills and knowledge.”  Shikamaru shifted slightly from foot to foot.
“That is how I can cook, bake, sew and draw. I have no idea what abilities of mine my soulmate got. Anyway, with the knowledge it seems we share a pool of general knowledge about the world we live in, however, they are not in the elemental nations. They live beyond its borders, probably in a country called France as that is where quite a lot of their knowledge seems to concentrate and they speak a language called French. Part of our skillshare thing is we can speak each other's languages.” He concluded with a shrug.
“So what does all of that have to do with why you have been so distracted?” Ino asked gently.
Shikamaru sighed then in a small show of trust, took his vest and shirt off, showing them the ladybug. He glanced at the clock then looked down at the little bug. At this time of the day, it normally had it's nose in a book or was busy writing however, today it was just sitting holding a leg much like they would if they hurt themselves. He went to touch it, only for it to shy away from his finger. Shikamaru closed his eyes in sad acceptance and dropped his hand.
“It's been reacting like this for two weeks. I used to be able to stroke it to try to send my soulmate comfort but two weeks ago the song changed from it's already melancholy tune to one that is almost non-existent and the ladybug started shying away from all forms of touch. I'm worried about what could have caused this change.”
Silence met Shikamaru's revelation but he didn't lift his head, choosing instead to keep looking at the cowering ladybug that was now on his arm. It seemed to understand that he was worried but knew that there was nothing that could be done to help.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Marinette didn't know what to think of the fact that she had three soulmate marks or indicators. She loved the lazy, shadowy Shika deer that wondered over her torso and upper arms dearly though. She didn't know why her soulmate was best represented by a deer or shadows but she didn't question it. Her soulmate's song was just as relaxing most of the time and she loved designing while listening to it. When she turned thirteen she noticed that the deer now had a piece of material around its neck. The material had a spiral that looked almost like a leaf, which she recognised as the symbol for Konoha. 
The only reason she recognised it was due to the shared knowledge that she received from her soulmate and due to that she had guessed that he or she was a shinobi for the village. It was also due to this shared knowledge that she knew the weird eyes she had unlocked when she was fifteen and in the middle of a battle as Ladybug, were known as the Rinnegan.
In retrospect, it was due to knowing that her eyes were from the elemental nations that when her mother had revealed that Marinette was adopted, in an argument over Marinette's trustworthiness of all things, that the news didn't truly hurt as much as it would have otherwise. When Sabine had screamed out that no daughter of hers would ever be as unreliable and as much of a liar as Marinette was, Marinette had, at first, been confused. Seeing this Sabine had decided to spit the fact that they had adopted Marinette from some random traveller when she was barely a year old in her face. It had hurt Marinette to think that a simple thing like being adopted would make her mother so susceptible to Lila's lies but at the same time, it let Marinette form her plans to go to the elemental nations with a clear conscience.
After defeating Hawkmoth and taking back the Black Cat miraculous from Chat Noir without finding out his identity nor he hers, Marinette had simply been waiting to finish her education before packing up and leaving France. She knew she would need to be the one to move as a shinobi couldn't abandon their village. Especially not a Jonin, if the jacket her mark sported was anything to go by. She wondered if the mark that represented her wore clothes too. She guessed it would be a Ladybug due to her miraculous but wouldn't know for sure until they met. 
She had been so caught up in her thoughts that the sudden shove that sent her spinning off balance and in turn sent her tumbling down the stairs came as an unwelcome shock. Marinette kept her eyes closed as she mentally checked to see if she was injured or not. She had been Ladybug for so long that this was second nature to her but that didn't mean she could contain her wince as she checked her arms and found her left one was broken. Thankfully, she had only been about halfway up the stairs when it happened or Marinette was sure she would be worse off. 
“That's for Lila,” the person who shoved her sneered before vanishing back into the crowd. Marinette sighed, even with Hawkmoth gone, Lila was still finding ways to bring out the worst in people. She didn't know who it was that had pushed her nor did she care if she was honest. Finding out would do nothing to change the opinions of all of Lila's sycophants so Marinette ignored it. She was going to be late for class if she didn't hurry.
Once school was finished for the day, Marinette made sure she had everything of value to her packed away in a suitcase along with everything else she could fit into it. Thanks to her Soulmate's knowledge of fuinjutsu she was then able to seal that bag into a seal that she had sown onto a ribbon that she had taken to wearing tied around her wrist. She even sealed away the miracle box with the consent of the kwami's that lived in it. 
To anyone looking around her room, nothing had changed. There was still a sowing machine and design paraphernalia stacked away in a corner. Her computer still sat on her desk, heck even her large stuffed cat was sitting on her bed. None of those things was what she would be taking with her. She had bought a new sowing machine along with several other things when Jagged had paid for his last commission. She had insisted on delivering it in person as she had then explained to him what was going on in her life and what her plan was moving forward. He had been disappointed that she was leaving but he had understood and helped book her a plane ticket to Japan and from there he had booked a ticket on the only ship that went to and from the elemental nations. 
The plane ticket was booked for graduation day, which would help hide the fact that she had left as no one would expect her to miss it after stubbornly completing school. What none of her classmates or her teachers or even her parents would expect is the bombshell that would be dropped on them during the ceremony. Marinette had meticulously documented everything that had been happening at the school and sent it to the Department of Education as well as the school board. What happened to those involved after everything came to light wasn't her problem.
The following six weeks blurred together as Marinette completed all her school work and let her arm heal up. A side effect of being pushed around so much was she flinched whenever anyone came near her. It wasn't noticeable to anyone who wasn't trained to notice it but it still annoyed her. She knew she would have to have at least a small amount of counselling to deal with the problem and she hoped whoever her soulmate was wouldn't be disappointed in her. 
The morning of her flight from Paris dawned with a slightly grey and anticipatory air to it. Moving quickly and quietly, Marinette did a final check of her room, making absolutely sure that she had left absolutely nothing that she would miss behind. All her lockboxes, designs and even her spare fabrics, needles and pins were packed. Once she was sure she had everything she slipped out of the house and walked as though she was headed to school, knowing that Sabine was watching her. Once she was out of sight of the bakery, Marinette slipped down into one of the entrances to the metro, boarding a train that would take her as close to the airport as possible. 
The flight took off on time and as the piolet managed to get them to fly in a jet stream, it was shorter than Marinette thought it would be. She was grateful for this as it let her take her time getting to the harbour so that she could board the ship that would take her to her final destination. She was nervous yet excited to be on her way to meet her soulmate. Excited because who wouldn't be? Nervous because, again, who wouldn't be? This was her soulmate after all and she had left everything familiar to her to be with them. She had no idea what they would be like or even how they would react to her just showing up out of the blue. It was times like this that she wished she could at least send a notice ahead so that they would know she was coming.
The boat ride was uneventful and she was able to pass through customs with no issues. It was only after she had cleared customs that she realised she might have a problem. She knew the way to Konoha but it was a military village and they wouldn't have any reason to trust her. She also knew that while the villages themselves were relatively safe, the roads between them weren't and she would have no protection as she made her way there. Just as she was about to start spiralling anxiously she spotted a person that had a Konoha headband on. She walked over to him quickly, making sure he saw her walking towards him and that he could see she wasn't armed.
“Excuse me!” She called to him making him pause and look at her. His blond hair and startling blue eyes so similar to her own were the some of the first things that she took note of now that she got passed the fact that he had the same symbol on his headband as her mark. She purposefully ignored the amount of orange that he was wearing!
“Yes, can I help you?” He said to her looking confused as to why she had called out to him.
“I hope so! Um, you see, well...” she paused to take a deep breath as he looked at her worriedly. “This is going to sound really stupid and I won't blame you if you tell me to leave you alone but my soulmate mark has the same symbol on its headband as the one you are wearing and I was hoping you would be able to take me to Konoha,” she rambled nervously barely stopping for breath. He smiled down at her.
“This might sound rude but I'd need to see the mark for myself before I can do anything to help you.” He scratched the back of his head, “I was meant to head to Paris to try to find a friends soulmate, I hope he won't mind the delay,” he muttered.
“Oh, um, sure. I just hope it hasn't decided to hide somewhere on my torso as I really don't want to take my shirt off.” She said with a blush which made him blush too. She put her bag on the floor between her feet then took her jacket off then checked her arms and smiled fondly. There on her forearm was her lazy Shika deer, smoking a cigarette. She shook her head in amusement.
“Smoking again? Really?”
The blond looked at the mark and started to laugh. “Well, it looks like you are the one I was sent to find. However, to be certain, what type of hobbies do you enjoy?” Marinette looked at him in confusion and hope before answering his question.
“Baking and sewing why?”
“Just needed a way to confirm that you are who I was being sent to find! Right, let me go get this ticket refunded and we can head out if you feel up to travelling today. If not we can book into a motel or something, whatever you are most comfortable with! Oh! Before I forget, I'm Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo!” He said with a big grin.
“I'm ok to travel today though I can't guarantee how fast I'll be able to travel.” Marinette was surprised that her soulmate was sending someone to find her, she wondered what had happened to make him do that. She knew she could be falling for a trap but something about this man told her to trust him. She was also curious about why her eyes were so similar to his she had to admit. It took an hour of waiting around for Naruto's ticket refunded and to grab something for them to eat but to Marinette, it felt like the time dragged on forever. Once that was done though, they were on the road to Konoha in next to no time at all. Marinette wished she could transform into Ladybug and use her yo-yo to travel through the trees if only to speed things up but she didn't dare. There was just no way of knowing how anyone in the elemental nations would react.
Since they were walking it took them three days to reach Konoha and in that time Marinette found Naruto to be good company. In fact, it felt like she had known him for far longer than the three days that it had been. She had a feeling Trixx would love Naruto although if Marinette was honest with herself she was reluctant to hand any of the miraculi out until she was more familiar with the country and whether or not they were needed. She was also very nervous of pairing a self-confessed Prankster King with an agent of chaos like Trixx. 
On the last night of their journey to Konoha, they had started talking about family and their views on it. It had come as a surprise to her to know that Naruto was an orphan, just like he had been very surprised to know that she had been adopted and that she had absolutely no idea who her real parents were. Unknown to her that had made Naruto remember an off-handed statement by Jiraiya when he was drunk the one night. They had been talking about regrets and Jiraiya had mentioned that he wished he had managed to find out what had happened to Naruto's twin. Apparently, she had gone missing a month after their parents had died but Jiraiya had never been able to find any leads regarding where she might have gone. With Marinette knowing anything about her past and with their eyes being so similar, Naruto had to fight not to be too hopeful and to remember that she might not be his twin at all. 
The wall that surrounds Konoha loomed above Naruto and Marinette as they approached the main gate. They paused for a moment so that Marinette could admire them before Naruto insisted that they carry on. Their first stop, once they had signed in at the gate, was the Hokage Tower as Naruto needed to check-in. He knew that Shikamaru would be in the office too as he was technically the client for this mission. The only reason that he could walk straight in was that he had sent a toad ahead after Marinette had fallen asleep on the first night as well as each night of their trip so that Shikamaru had time to prepare himself. 
Kakashi and Shikamaru looked up from their discussion as Naruto lead Marinette into the room. To say they were surprised would be an understatement, was this Shikamaru's soulmate? She was so small! To the trained shinobi it looked like she wouldn't last a minute against an academy student. Marinette blushed when she saw the two men looking at her in a frank appraisal.
“Hi,” she said her voice almost a whisper it was so soft. All three men couldn't help but remember Hinata when she was still too shy to really talk to Naruto despite knowing they were soulmates. Kakashi looked at Shikamaru and knew that he would have to be the one to speak up.
“Yo, the name's Kakashi and I'm the Hokage here, unfortunately. Naruto says you are probably the soulmate of one of my shinobi?” Kakashi kept his voice friendly and light in the hopes of getting her to relax slightly and it seemed to work as she gave a small smile even though her shoulders were still tense. She then took her jacket off much to their surprise. They soon understood though when they saw the stag that ambled lazily down her arm then lay down as if it couldn't be bothered with all the fuss. Shikamaru glanced at the other two men before muttering “troublesome” and lighting a cigarette while leaning against the wall next to an open window. He was about to take a drag of his smoke when he glanced at the stag again and froze. The stag had a cigarette in its mouth too and Marinette was scowling
at it.
“I understand that he probably smokes to relax but seriously? I hate that habit!” Marinette muttered before looking up and blushing when she saw she was being watched again.
“Well, I think we can confirm you are Shikamaru's soulmate from that demonstration,” Kakashi chuckled. Marinette looked up sharply.
“What do you mean?” 
To avoid having to explain, Shikamaru stubbed out his cigarette and took off his jacket. Almost as if it knew he wanted it to be seen, his little Ladybug came scurrying down from his shoulder to sit on his forearm. Marinette looked at it in amazement as it sat calmly letting itself be seen. Marinette smiled at the sight of it then started to giggle which had everyone in the office looking at her in confusion which only caused her to laugh even more.
“I always knew my mark would be a Ladybug,” she said while taking deep breaths to try and control her laughter. She shook her head “Sorry it's just really funny to have it confirmed.” The shinobi stared at her in utter confusion until Shikamaru shook his head.
“Troublesome,” he muttered making Marinette look at him.
“Why is knowing what my mark would be but laughing when it's confirmed troublesome?” She asked in confusion.
“It's a Nara thing, I think,” Naruto said before Shikamaru could even think to defend himself. “Every time they actually have to do anything it's always 'troublesome'. Shika has said that to almost every new situation that he encounters as well as about most people for as long as I've known him!” Marinette took a moment to marvel at just how loud Naruto was even as she processed what he had said. She was about to say something when Naruto frowned and turned to face Kakashi again.
“Sensei I would like to request a blood test be run on Marinette.” He said rather formally.
Kakashi looked surprised. “I'll grant that request on the condition I get to know what we're meant to be checking for. Do you think Marinette is sick or...?” He let his voice trail off. Marinette was about to state that she was in perfect health when Naruto blushed.
“Oh! I think I used the wrong wording there. I meant a DNA test. Before you ask why I'll explain,” he continued in a hurry. “During my three-year training trip with ero-sensei he would occasionally get really drunk and say things that he normally wouldn't. Anyway, the one evening he mentioned that I had a twin sister when I was born but that she went missing a month later and ero-sensei was unable to find her nor could he find any trace of where she might have gone. I know it might be a long shot but Marinette mentioned that she was adopted and honestly looking at her eyes is almost like looking into a mirror at my eyes.” 
Silence met that last statement as everyone thought about what Naruto had said. Marinette looked at his eyes and saw what he meant. The resemblance was uncanny and with the rest of the coincidences, it stood to reason that what he said could be true! It would be amazing to find at least one member of her birth family she had to admit that she had had dreams of that happening ever since Sabine had told her she was adopted. She had to wonder if he had the Rinnegan too though or if it was just her.
Marinette had been so lost in her musings that she jumped when someone touched her arm. She looked at the person who had touched her and saw that it was a female with pink hair.
“Hi, sorry to scare you but you weren't responding when we spoke to you. My name is Sakura and I was Naruto's team-mate as well as Shikamaru's classmate. Anyway, I need to draw some blood so that we can get those tests done. I'm also going to give you the standard health check we give everyone who is new to the village just so that we have a base to work from should you ever need to see a doctor. So any injuries that are still needing to heal or anything that we should know ahead of time?”
Marinette blinked a couple of times at the barrage of words that had just been thrown at her.
“Um, yeah sure. Sorry, I guess travelling is starting to catch up with me. Injuries, um none that should be lingering but I broke my arm about six or so weeks ago so I'm being careful with it. I don't think there should be anything else...” Marinette said nervously. She didn't want to tell them about every injury she had had as Ladybug or even thanks to Lila so she kept quiet about them. She watched as Sakura's hands glowed green and she ran them over her doing a basic scan only to bite her lip as Sakura frowned.
“Well other then your body having almost as many healed injuries as Naruto you are physically fine. As you said, your arm shows signs of recent healing as do a couple of your ribs which I suspect you didn't know about as you didn't mention them. There is also some signs of recent weight loss and I hope that that was not due to dieting as you don't need to lose weight at all. I need to draw some blood now and run it down to the hospital but other than that I'm going to give you a clean bill of health. Are you able to talk about any of your previous injuries or should that be done in a more private setting? I know that it's not always easy to talk about one's past.” 
Marinette closed her eyes and reviewed her knowledge of how the shinobi villages ran then took a deep breath and asked if there was a way to seal the office for privacy. Once the barrier was set up she told the others in the office her story. It took most of the day to tell them everything, from how she was chosen as Ladybug to how Chat Noir constantly pushed for a reveal as he was convinced she was his soulmate but she had never caved to his demands. She told them how it was only due to a liars influence on her parents that they even revealed that she was adopted. She even revealed the fact that she had the Rinnegan, something that she had never revealed to anyone before. 
Subconsciously Marinette knew she was probably oversharing and that she needed to stop talking but now that she had started she was finding it difficult to stop. It was as though all the negative emotions and experiences had been building up for so long that although she had only meant to give them the bare bones of what had happened, by opening the bottle she had sealed everything in ever so slightly they were now all pouring out. By the time she had told them everything, her voice had grown hoarse and her eyes were red from the tears that she had shed. While she felt physically drained Marinette found that she was feeling much lighter than she had in a while, which told her just how much she had been carrying with her emotionally. 
It took Marinette about five minutes of self-reflection after she had finished speaking before she realised that nobody had said anything. She slowly raised her eyes to see if anyone had left while she was talking only to be tackled by Naruto who hugged her tightly as though he was scared she would crumble into nothing if he let go. Kakashi was looking at her with pure empathy in his eyes as if what she had said had struck a chord within him. Sakura was gripping the back of a chair as if to stop herself from walking out of the door and tracking down all those that had hurt Marinette to give them a taste of their own medicine. After hesitating slightly she let her eyes land on Shikamaru. She hesitated because she didn't want to see the disgust she was sure she would see in his eyes. She didn't know him at all and he hadn't said much since she had arrived so she had no idea how he would react.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * 
Shikamaru didn't know what to think when he walked into the Hokage's office that morning. Kakashi had sent a message saying that Naruto was on his way back with a girl who he suspected was the soulmate that he had been sent out to find. He knew that Naruto must have sent the message back with one of his toads saying that they would be arriving sometime that day and if he was honest with himself, he was nervous. Who wouldn't be? Sure the girl Naruto had found might be the soulmate of someone else that lived in Konoha and not his soulmate but Shikamaru was sure if that was the case then Naruto would have sent her to Konoha with someone else.
He was glad that they hadn't arrived yet when he walked in as it gave him time to get comfortable and to try to relax. By the time Naruto walked into the office with the girl though, despite having been chatting casually to Kakashi, Shikamaru was anything but relaxed. Perhaps it was due to his training or perhaps it was simply because he was male, Shikamaru couldn't help but notice how exceptionally pretty the girl was. Petite with ravens wing black hair and eyes so blue they could rival Naruto's, a grey jacket that must have been fitted at one stage but was now slightly loose on her. She waved shyly and greeted them and Shikamaru was surprised at how timid she was. His mark had always been vivacious and the tune in his head had always been bubbly, sure it had been muted recently but the fact stood that her behaviour was a contrast to what he had been expecting. 
When she revealed the shadow Shika deer soul mark wearing what was clearly a Konoha headband and Jonin flake jacket, Shikamaru found himself desperate for a cigarette so he moved to the window to indulge himself. When the others in the room started to chuckle at something he glanced over only to see that the deer had started to smoke too, only to get a muttered complaint from the girl. Sighing he killed his cigarette and made sure that his little ladybug was visible and was surprised not only by the fact that she started laughing but also by the fact that she had suspected that it would be a ladybug in the first place.
He stayed quiet for the rest of the conversation, deciding that he would rather learn more about her by observing her before he said anything, only to be thrown yet another series of curveballs. Being given a magical piece of jewellery at thirteen? Being known as a superhero? Having the Rinnegan? Being targeted by a pathological liar and having her life pretty much destroyed? How was his soulmate still sane considering she didn't have any support after her mentor had had his memory wiped? To say nothing of the injuries that Sakura had found.
It was taking Shikamaru every inch of his self-control to hold himself back from joining Naruto with his arms around her as those questions swirled around in his brain. Something of that must have been evident in his song as Marinette lifted her head then held out a hand to him which he eagerly took. 
“I know I will need to go for counselling and that I can't say ''I'm OK'' without it being hollow and meaningless but I'm still alive and I made it here safely. That has to count for something, right?” Marinette said softly while looking at him.
It was that simple moment that made everything click for Shikamaru. This was his soulmate and he would need to be there for her come what may. Sure she had issues but so did he so who was he to judge? He knew that if he wanted to be with her as more then a friend he would need to work on his communication skills and she would need to work on her confidence as it had been systematically destroyed. It wasn't going to be smooth sailing but Shikamaru was confident that things would work out for the best. 
A Few Years Later:
“Naomi Nara you're going to be late for school!” Marinette yelled from the kitchen where she was making breakfast. Shikamaru had come back from an S rank mission the night before and as such she was making all of his favourites. 
“Honestly I think she might be worse than I ever was,” Marinette remarked to Tikki in a much quieter voice. “I know I was a nightmare to get to wake up and to school on time but Naomi takes things to the next level!”
“It's probably my influence,” a sleep roughened voice came from the doorway causing Marinette to look up and see Shikamaru looking half asleep with a giggling pair of twins in his arms. “I'm pretty sure Ino and Choji can and have told you multiple stories of what I was like at Naomi's age.” 
Marinette looked at the boys in his arms so he just nodded showing that they were why he was awake instead of resting like he should be. At least he didn't have any injuries so he could still play with them without hurting himself. At six years old they were highly active which Marinette knew was their Uzumaki heritage coming through as Naruto had apparently been the same way.
Less than an hour later and the house was quiet again with all three of the kids at the academy. Marinette smiled as she walked into the bedroom and found Shikamaru half asleep on the bed. She climbed up next to him and he automatically moved to cuddle around her. Marinette smiled as she thought about how har things had come in the last few years.
“Hey, Shika?” Marinette started making him look at her curiously. “I know we said no more but, um, I'm pregnant.”
Marinette watched as all signs of sleep vanished from his face as he registered her news. She nodded slightly when his song tuned curious wanting confirmation and smiled as it turned to pure joy. Yes, life was good now, Marinette thought as he kissed her. 
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acdeaky · 5 years
fright night ‘85
warning: fluff
note: happy halloqueen to the lovely @picking-up-the-glass ; i’m so excited for you to read this! i know it’s only short, but it’s cute and halloweenie. happy halloqueen one and all! 🎃
word count: 1.1k
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halloween of 1985 was new and exciting. costumes had become more popular and were less about safety and more about appearance. children where running around as early as four pm to cram in as much trick or treating as they could before it was too late. the amount of parents being dragged throughout the neighbourhood was humorous as you and roger watched from your front window.
of course, your house was decked to bottom in as many decorations as you could fit (and what looked presentable). you had hanging ghosts, lights, pumpkins lining the steps to your porch (with a few crowded beside your front door) and bloody hand prints on the window. this display had been up since october 24th, with many children, and adults, stopping and admiring the glowing lights in the dark and the creepy ghosts which swung gently in the autumn wind more often than not.
it was the first year that you and roger had a house. you had lived together before, but that was only in an apartment building between tours and album recordings. after getting married, before even, you had decided to move into a house, a proper house with more than one floor, more than one bedroom and a proper kitchen where you would cook meals for your family of five (or eleven in roger’s mind).
once you were pregnant (curtesy of roger declaring that you had to ‘break in’ the bedroom the first night of officially moving in), the prospect of a large family filling your home was more than likely. after an autumnal wedding, a warm two week honeymoon and starting on moving in as quickly as possible, you were soon close to your one year anniversary and close to your seventh month of pregnancy.
roger wanted you to rest, said that he would hang the decorations and hand out the sweets to the neighbourhood kids, but you refused, insisting that you hung the decorations and atleast helped answering the door. reluctantly, roger agreed, which lead to you hanging off a three step ladder, roger footing it, with a ghost on a string in your hand.
the lights were controlled by roger - but you told him where to put them - while you laced the door in cobwebs before lining your porch with multiple pumpkins. it took a few hours, but the house looked festive. the darkness that had settled allowed you to show off the lights for the full effect.
that was the week before. now, you’re both sat on the sofa facing the window, watching children and parents walk by and admire the house, getting up more often than not to answer the door with a smile and a bowl full of sweets and treats.
the most exciting part was seeing all the costumes. many kids were dressed as star wars characters, or their favourite book characters. there were a few of the typical monsters: vampires, wolves, frankenstein’s monster, etc. you tallied the amount of kids showing up with a white sheet over their head with holes where their eyes peaked through.
it was two. roger owed you £10.
as well as you marvelling at the children’s costumes, both you and roger received many compliments, and giggles, for yours, too. roger’s idea of sticking baby doll’s legs and arms onto a white t-shirt and adding fake blood went down well with everyone. your idea of roger being a bloody chef also went down well, but roger prided himself in the fact that more people complimented you than him.
“i still can’t believe you roped me into buying full size chocolate bars.” you sighed as another bowl was emptied, the door shutting before you complained.
“it’s fine, the kids love ‘em.”
“i bet their parents don’t, all that sugar at this time of night? it’s too much.” you huffed as you collapsed back onto the sofa, a hand subconsciously resting on your growing belly.
“love, it’s only eight o’clock.” roger chuckled as he knelt down beside you, one hand over yours on your belly.
“which means little lady and i should be in bed.” you turned your head to face roger as he concentrated on rubbing circles onto your knee with his free hand. he was glancing between your connected hands and your lower stomach, his mind, obviously, thinking of your little baby inside there.
“if you go to bed,” he looked up to you, “you’ll miss all the fun.” and just then, the sound of knocking interrupted you. roger stood and headed over to the door, grabbing a new bowl of treats before answering. a chorus of “trick or treat!”s followed and roger marvelled at the new group of costumes.
after handing out the sweets and bidding the children a good night, roger shut the door and turned to you. “see, you missed luke, lelia, han solo and chewbacca. that will happen more often if you go to bed.” he jokingly accused you, dropping the bowl onto the credenza next to the door.
“okay, okay, i’ll stay. just for you, rog.” he smiled at that just as another knock came from the other side the door. roger smiled, putting his hand in front of him, gesturing for you to take it. you did and he pulled you up before walking hand in hand to the door.
“trick or treat, uncle rog and auntie Y/N!” two little voices came as soon as you opened the door. there brian stood in his outfit from freddie’s 35th birthday party, fishnet tights and all.
“well, look at you two! don’t you look amazing?” you smiled at brian’s kids, their faces beaming and hands holding their bags tightly. “and you, brian, i love the recycling you’re doing.”
“ha ha, very funny,” he frowned sarcastically, “at least some of were creative this year, did you do this?” he pointed towards the plastic legs ‘sticking out’ of your belly, am impressed look on your face.
“yeh, i-”
“it was my idea.” roger butted in, a proud smirk on his face.
“but i made it. you could not have done this,” you giggled, pointing at your belly. “all you had to do was get some chef’s clothes and put blood on them, i worked with glue.”
“alright, kids, let’s leave rog and Y/N to argue like the old married couple they are, say thank you.” two little thank you’s followed as they each grabbed a treat from the bowl. you all said goodbye before waving them off and closing the door again.
“i can’t wait to do that when lady in here comes along. i haven’t been trick or treating for years.”
“who says we have to wait for lady?”
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TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawing @hardzellosposts @soulexposed @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist
93 notes · View notes
captainchrisfics · 6 years
Before the Oscars
About: There’s a fight in this fic- a pretty big, blowout argument right before what is only one of the largest, most important awards shows in cinematic history. Don’t worry (spoiler alert) my sappy heart wins over. Requested by @patzammit , hope this was what you hoped for. Sorry for the wait- I am a college student who usually avoids her responsibilities by writing, but does have to actually do stuff sometimes. Anyway, @ everyone this time, please continue to send prompts they’re super inspiring and give me something to write about when my brain is otherwise fried :)
Word Count: 2,619
I heard the jingle of Chris’s keys as he unlocked the door, swinging it open and causing a lump to jump from my stomach to my throat. Before I saw him, I heard him uttering excuses. “I’m really sorry, like really really sorry,” his voice was getting louder as he walked down the hall. “The shoot ran long- I mean, you know how it goes. It’s crazy when we all get together, right?”
He finally reached the doorway to our bedroom where I laid tucked in with a book in my hand. I looked up expectantly at him to see Chris leaning against the door’s frame, his hand tucked in his pocket and a smirk on his face. It was forced though, his eyes always gave him away. They were soft and hopeful and pleading for forgiveness despite the nonchalant show he was putting on. He knew he’d hurt me.
“I’m not in the mood to talk about it,” I said, turning back to my book. I’d had the rest of the afternoon after my parents and I finished our lunch, sans Chris who had promised to be there, to think about exactly what I would say to him. Really I just spent it sitting with my anger and hurt while trying to ignore it with a book.
Chris was taken aback by that answer. I saw his smile falter for a moment before he put it back on, straightening up and coming to sit on the foot of our bed. “Well,” he said, putting a hand on my leg under the cover. I pulled away from him. “I hope you’re still in the mood for the awards show tonight.”
Great. Contrary to what seemed like the rest of the world, I forgot the Oscars was tonight. Despite how upset I was with Chris now, I would much rather deal with pretending to be happy for the next few hours than deal with the internet shit storm that would arise if Chris showed up alone. Plus, he was giving me those damned puppy dog eyes. He had this pleading look that was even worse than Dodger’s on steak night.
I huffed and set my book aside. “Let me go get ready then, dear,” I said, hoping my words dripped with sweetness, my fake smile so wide it tugged my cheeks. I pulled my legs even farther from Chris and sauntered over to our bathroom. He sighed, throwing his back against the mattress and staring at the ceiling.
I had chosen a navy dress for the event with a gorgeous plunging neckline. The top was embroidered and sparkled so beautifully in the slightest bit of light until it met my hips where it turned to a ballgown of tulle. I remember trying it on and being so elated in it, I couldn’t wait to wear it on the red carpet. For as long as we’d been together, I always accompanied Chris to his events, so I’d worn a lot of dresses, but I knew this one was special. As I finished applying my foundation, I grew so disappointed in how the day had been ruined. A dress as perfect as this one deserved the perfect night, but I knew that was out of the question.
We were supposed to meet my parents for lunch, they loved Chris so much. I think they were more upset when he didn’t show that I was, proof I was getting used to it. Lately, he’d been flakey- leaving me sitting with two plates set at the table and, one growing cold since Chris came home hours later than he said he would, or going on dates we’d planned weeks in advance by myself since he suddenly had to work. I could handle waiters asking me if I was still waiting for the other party when it was just me, maybe because I became desensitized, but in front of my parents? It was beyond embarrassing. I couldn’t show up to this awards show now, playing the endlessly encouraging, understanding girlfriend while Chris got the award for best actor.
Thinking about all of it made the disappointment and anger swell in my chest again. I heard the mattress springs squeak and hoped he had enough sense to stay out of the bathroom. Naturally, instead of leaving me alone, Chris decided now was the time to comfort me as if that didn’t offer enough irony. “I don’t know if you look better in my sweatpants or that dress,” he whispered right against my ear.
Usually, I would say I’d have to show him I look best in nothing, but this was utter bullshit. Chris knew better than to apologize by trying to get me into bed. At least I hoped that until he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, knocking my elbow as I applied a berry lipstick and smearing it up to my nose.
Chris laughed from his stomach, and I guess I would’ve as well if not in my circumstance. I wriggled out of his grip and walked closer to the mirror, scrubbing furiously at my upper lip with a concentration that left wrinkles in my face makeup. “You’re so fucking insufferable,” I spat at Chris in the mirror, who stood where he had before but now with wide eyes and hands raised as if to say he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“I was just coming to apologize,” he tried to explain. I whipped around, pointing my lipstick at him like a weapon. In hindsight, every part of this would have been hilarious if I wasn’t filled with so much anger. I stood yelling at a man who seemed twice my height and three times my width when we stood next to each other, brandishing lipstick as a knife with a pink mustache, half of an eye done, and almost all of my hair falling out of a messy bun.
“You were coming to apologize?” I said, trying to keep my voice level even though I could hear my voice rising. As I yelled at him, it sounded like my voice was coming from a different person. “Don’t patronize me, Christopher. You have absolutely no right to stand me up today, in front of my parents nonetheless, and then come home and act like everything is fine,” I took a step toward him with narrowed eyes. Chris just gaped at me in shock, realizing there had only been a handful of times in the past few years that I had been this angry- let alone at him.
“I-I’m sorry. I thought it was just lunch with your parents,” he tried to defend, holding up his hands in surrender. I rolled my eyes, tossing my hands up in the air to feign realization. “Oh, duh!” I slapped my forehead. “Obviously you can just skip out on lunch. And the opening of my gallery. Oh, plus my sister’s wedding. How could I forget my birthday? Or our anniversary, Chris? You missed our fucking anniversary for a photoshoot!” I rattled off events he should have been there for, things he promised he would experience with me before bailing with some half-assed excuse about work.
Chris’s eyes softened as it dawned on him that this was much more than just one lunch date left unattended, it was months of blow-offs we hadn’t talked about boiling over. “It was all for work-” Chris continued trying to defend himself. He stopped as soon as I held up a finger to shush him. If I had to listen to another thoughtless excuse, I’d be spending the night at my mother’s instead of the Oscars.
He shook his head before starting again. “No! You don’t get to say that shit and walk away! I have responsibilities outside of this relationship, I have a lot of people and their money depending on me and I’m sorry if it sucks for you, hell it sucks for me too, but that’s my job!” I’d never seen Chris raise his voice like that before, the kind of yelling that made veins bulge in his neck. Quieter, almost as if he didn’t want me to hear, he said, “if you need someone to be there for you all the time, maybe I’m not who you need at all.” That pushed me further over the edge, that he was acting as if he had any room to be hurt when he’d put me through all of this.
“Bullshit, Chris! I’ll spell it out if I have to. I’m upset that you consistently lie to me, you continue to give me false hope that maybe you’d make it when you knew you couldn’t, and you don’t even fucking care enough about me to say anything! It’s not about being there, it’s about telling me you will be when you aren’t, it’s trust Chris, so if you think I give a shit about all of these stupid events, then maybe you don’t know me at all…” I trailed off, my voice hoarse from yelling. The feelings that had sprouted in my chest grew to reach my throat, choking me in the process. I realized I’d maybe crossed a line when I saw the tears brimming his blue eyes that somehow managed to look so much clearer when he cried.
“I swear I-”
I tried to compose myself before this battle turned into a war. “I don’t want to hear any more rationalizations,” I said, much more calmly before with the feeling bottled up in my chest finally released. “I want to finish getting ready so this day can be over and I can go to sleep.” Feeling like I had to do something, I walked past a speechless Chris with slouched shoulders and sad eyes to grab my curling iron before locking myself in the bathroom.
I slumped against the door, crying before I even hit the floor. Chris and I rarely fought, let alone had a screaming match like that. I couldn’t even remember what it was about the last time it happened as if that matters now. I didn’t care about the makeup I ruined or the fact that Chris probably stood right outside the other door listening, I just had to get it out.
Then, I took off my makeup to start from scratch. I’d be damned if Chris got to go to something as big as the Oscars without me now, after making me go through so much on my own. I curled my hair and then reapplied everything that I had ruined with tears and finished my makeup. By the time I was done and I summoned the courage to open the door, it was almost time to leave. Chris was gone so I put on my dress, shoes, and jewelry, just trying to get it done.
I found Chris standing by the doorway, nervously adjusting his cufflinks. The floor creaked, grabbing his attention. He always looked incredible in a suit, but I wasn’t in the mood to find him so attractive. I tried to bury those thoughts under all of my hurt. He smiled at me softly and I could see a compliment forming on his lips, but for whatever reason, he stopped himself.
Together, although we might as well not have been, we walked to a car waiting for us and rode to the event. Chris climbed out first when we arrived and grabbed my hand to lead me down the red carpet. To keep up appearances, I didn’t protest. Instead, I held his hand and we walked in front of all the photographers with smiles that didn’t reach our eyes completely, not that anyone noticed.
We went through all of the motions of the event without really relishing in any of it. There were a couple times when the Marvel movies Chris was a part of won, which sent a surge of pride through me. No matter how mad I could be at him in a moment, I always wanted to support Chris. Each time he came back grinning, and in those seconds it didn’t feel like a facade. We had honest, overwhelming happiness that overcame our argument, even if only for fleeting moments.
Eventually though, Chris and I ended up right back at our apartment like before. Chris sat on the couch watching the news while I got ready for bed. We still hadn’t said much to each other, save for a few pleasantries here or there. I took my makeup off and changed into one of my boyfriend’s old t-shirts before climbing into bed. It really smelled like Chris, not the expensive cologne he wore to award shows. It smelled of the mountains and football games in the best way possible. I picked up the book I’d tossed onto his side of the bed what felt like a lifetime ago.
When I was barely even a page in, the door creaked and I looked up to see Chris pushing it open. He had a tub of ice cream in one hand and two spoons in the other. “It’s not a white flag but…?” Chris asked suggestively, walking slowly like he was walking on eggshells. “It’s as good as one,” I said, accepting his act of apology with a soft smile.
Chris handed me the peace offering before stripping himself of his tux and putting on pajama bottoms before climbing into bed next to me. I was already a couple of scoops deep into the vanilla when he started speaking.
“I didn’t realize you were that hurt and I’m really sorry for that,” he began. I sucked on my spoon, allowing him to continue. Chris looked at me with raised eyebrows like he was waiting for me to speak, too. I took another scoop from the tub to stall my follow up, causing Chris to laugh. That sound always managed to lighten the mood. He cleared his throat after it was quiet for a moment before saying, “I was just so caught up in work, not that it’s any good excuse, but I didn’t realize how I’d pushed you aside in the process.”
I agreed though it was hard to keep the tears from falling. I’d been waiting to hear those words for months, so I decided it was my turn to own my share of our fight. “I should’ve told you how I felt from the beginning,” I said, taking a break to lick my spoon. “Before it all built up.” Chris nodded and joked that it’d be nice to have a warning next time. “Promise we’ll work on it?” Chris posed with so much genuineness it almost made up for everything.
I stared at the ice cream sitting between us, contemplating where we could go from there. The part after making up, in my opinion at least, was the worst. It’s awkward and uncomfortable and that’s never how Chris and I were. Suddenly, there was a spoon hovering in front of my face with a dollop of ice cream. Chris looked at me with a grin despite his tired eyes. After I didn’t take it, he playfully frowned and ate it himself. I moved the carton to the side table and took the spoon from his hand, setting those aside too. Chris looked at me with raised eyebrows since I rarely took the lead. Regardless, I leaned in and kissed him for a moment. He kissed me back, it was soft and filled with sincerity, like he was trying to show me how much he really loved me. When we pulled away to breathe, he said, “I don’t want you to think I’ll ever stop caring about you. I love you so much… and I always will.”
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i don’t wanna break your heart (i just want a brand new start) - ONE-SHOT
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Months after things go horribly wrong with Ben, Rey plans to spend what was supposed to be her first holiday season as a married woman sick, miserable, and alone instead.
Enter Finn and Poe, completely unwilling to let their friend go through with that plan and completely willing to go behind her back to make sure it doesn’t pan out.
Also enter Ben, with a ton of apologies, homemade chicken noodle soup, and every intention of taking care of his ex-fiancée.
This December, I'll be writing a collection of one-shots for the holiday season. Gift Fic #1 is a modern AU getting-back-together for Twitter's @ft_shipper, who writes some truly beautiful tweet fics that are 11/10 worth checking out. 
Also available on AO3. And hey, maybe check out my Twitter or Ko-fi?
“Peanut, you awake?”
Hidden under a mountain of blankets as she is, it takes Rey a while to make out Finn’s question. “Still alive,” she croaks back, and whines when he begins to tug at the covers. At least he has the decency to keep her curtains shut, so that she isn’t blinded by what little sunlight they’ve been blessed with this winter morning when he finally pulls away the last of her blankets to find her.
She can’t be a pretty sight, because Finn grimaces before a cool hand presses against her forehead. “Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own? It’s not too late for me to cancel, Poe can deal with his family on his own–”
It takes more effort than she’d like to bring one hand up and bat Finn’s away, every single part of her weak and sore with fever, but she’s not about to let him know that. “Finn, stop babying me and just go already. You love Christmas with the Damerons more than Poe does,” she reminds him.
“I do,” Finn shrugs, “but I love you more than Christmas. And Rey, I think if we threw you out into the snow right now you’d burn right through all of it. At least let us bring you to the hospital first, I’m sure Shara won’t mind us being late–”
Rey steels herself and uses one last burst of strength to yank the covers out of Finn’s hands and back over her head. “I’ll be fine,” she calls out through a yawn. “Now go before you make me get out of bed and kick you out of this apartment.”
She picks up on indecipherable grumbling even through the four layers that separate her from Finn, but eventually he relents with a heavy sigh and a pat on her shoulder. “Just… call me if you need me, okay? Promise me, peanut.”
His voice sounds like it’s coming from somewhere far away, maybe even underwater, as sleep drags her back under. Rey has one last fuzzy memory of giving in to Finn’s request, but she’s asleep again before he can say anything else.
A series of insistent knocks on their front door wakes her up just a few minutes later, though. It has to be Finn again, doubling back for something he’d forgotten. Probably his keys, since he’s knocking on his own door, but then how would he have locked the door in the first place?
“Oh,” Rey mutters to herself as she finally pokes her head out from underneath the covers. Thin beams of weak winter sunlight have snuck in through the cracks in her curtains, which means it’s definitely been more than a few minutes since Finn left, which means it’s definitely not Finn at the–
Yeah, there’s that theory proven right. The voice calling out for her from the other side of the front door is barely audible here in her bedroom, but she can hear just well enough to know that it’s not Finn. He must’ve asked one of their other friends to stop by and check on her, but who’s still in town on Christmas Eve?
It’s a masculine voice; that much becomes clear when the call comes a second time as she slowly drags herself out of bed and across the small apartment. She’s making good progress, until he speaks again for a third time just as she’s passed the kitchen, just as she’s finally close enough to realize–
The voice sounds suspiciously like… It can’t be, but there’s no way she’s wrong, no way she’s forgotten his voice this quickly, no way she’ll ever forget it. But why would he of all people be knocking on her door at – Rey squints at the novelty clock hanging above the front door – seven minutes past noon on Christmas Eve?
“Fever,” Rey reminds herself out loud, cursing her body for wreaking havoc on her senses and her heart like this. It’s probably just one of their many other guy friends, doing Finn and Poe a favor. Nodding to herself in approval of her theory, Rey finds the strength to continue her slow journey toward the front door and cautiously crack it open to see who her mystery visitor is…
… only to find that her fever-addled brain was right all along.
He’s got one hand up in the air, as if he’d been about to let loose another round of knocks, and his fourth attempt to call for her leaves him like a gentle exhale as they catch each other’s eyes.
She, on the other hand, is too stunned to say anything in return. Because there, on the other side of her apartment door, stands Ben Solo – ex-fiancé and partner of five years, person who should have been her husband of two months and one week by now, man who broke her heart six months ago instead.
Seconds or minutes or hours pass – enough time for the shock to wear off and exhaustion to sweep back into her system. She clutches at the door a little tighter for support, and watches the way Ben’s eyes dart away from hers to observe the movement with a slight frown.
It’s enough to spur him into motion, apparently, because he lifts his other hand to reveal a lunch bag. “I brought soup,” he says quietly, his first words to her since the day he let her walk out of his life.
Rey thinks of asking him what the hell he’s doing here, what the fuck he thinks he’s doing waltzing back into her life like this.
She thinks of slamming the door in that stupid face she’s missed so much and ignoring his unwanted presence until he leaves her alone again.
She thinks of undoing months of so-called healing to rip open all of her wounds and resume that fight they never really settled, the one she’d chosen to walk away from instead.
But the thing is… Rey grew tired of fighting Ben Solo a long time ago. Maybe that’s why they ended up like this, why they ended at all. And that thought, more than the fever, more than anything else, drains her of what little fight she’d had in her to begin with.
So she opens the door with a sigh, and steps aside to let him back into her life.
❄ ❄ ❄
On an unusually sunny late October morning, Rey finds herself admiring the way beams of sunlight set the diamonds of her engagement ring ablaze and create little rainbows in their wake. Odd, how something she’s had for less than twelve hours can feel so much like a part of her already, so right.
A heavy arm slings itself around her middle as Ben rolls onto his side, pressing his face into her thigh. She tears her eyes away from the ring to shoot him a fond smile, running her free hand through his hair as he slowly blinks awake and peers up at her.
“Why’re you up?” Ben mumbles, warm lips brushing against her bare skin.
Rey shrugs and slides back down into bed so that he can hold her properly. “Too excited to sleep, I guess. I’ve just realized something, by the way.”
He’s fully awake now, a slow, lazy smile stretching across his face as he reaches for her left hand and draws it closer so that they can both admire the heirloom ring he’d slid onto her finger just last night, the ring he later admitted he’d been carrying around since their first anniversary three years ago. “What is it?” Ben asks softly, bringing her hand up to his lips to brush a feather-light kiss across her palm before he lets go.
“Weddings,” Rey tells him as she moves to mimic him, the both of them resting on their sides and facing each other. She tips her head back to give him a quick kiss before adding, “We’ve never talked about weddings. Do you have any idea what you want?”
Ben shrugs, but he’s still wearing that lazy smile and his eyes are bright too, lit up from within and without as more sunlight pours into their bedroom. “I want whatever you want.”
And that has to be the standard answer, the easiest answer for grooms who’d like as little involvement in planning their own wedding as possible, but somehow Rey knows that’s not why Ben is saying it. That’s never why he’s happy to go along with her plans for everything, even though he tends to have grander ideas for anniversary dates and summer vacations and dinner parties; he just really, really wants her to have everything she wants, and trusts that he’ll be happy so long as she’s happy. It’s worked out for them so far, but if a wedding is meant to set the tone for the marriage it gives birth to, then Rey doesn’t want them to do their usual thing this time around.
Her marriage to Ben will be one of the most important things in her life, Rey already knows, and she wants them to start it off the right way, as a team. “I don’t really know what I want,” she claims, a half-truth at worst; she’s entertained the odd daydream here and there in her four years with Ben, but it’s true that she hasn’t really decided on anything yet. “What about you? Did little Ben ever imagine what his big day would be like?”
She means to tease, to joke, but after a moment Ben furrows his brows in concentration and Rey suddenly finds herself eager for a real answer.
“I didn’t… I mean, I never gave much thought to the colors and the cake and all that stuff, but… I was three when my parents got married, remember?”
Of course she does; the highlight of her first visit to his parents’ place had been Leia breaking out the wedding album to show her adorable pictures of little ring-bearer Ben. There’s even a fuzzy old VHS of Ben toddling down the aisle with one hand carefully balancing a small pillow and the other clutching at his Uncle Luke for balance, tiny face scrunched in concentration as he kept his eyes on the rings he’d been tasked with.
“I don’t remember much, but I know there were a lot of people, so many people I’d never even seen before and haven’t seen since. And I just… I don’t know. That doesn’t seem right to me, that my parents – my mom – had all of these people who didn’t even really matter at their wedding, people who probably didn’t even really care about them or their happiness and were only there out of some sense of obligation. So I guess the one thing I’d want is to keep it meaningful, you know?” he asks, reaching out to tuck a few stray locks of bedhead behind Rey’s ear. “If this is about celebrating our love, then I only want to be surrounded by people who genuinely care for us and are happy for us. Something small, just close friends and family.”
A small wedding, coincidentally, happens to be the common thread running across all of her varying wedding fantasies. Rey rests her hand over the one slung around her waist, and laces their fingers together before giving Ben a small squeeze.
“That sounds perfect,” she tells him with a smile, and so it’s decided that they’ll surround themselves with love and only love on the day of their wedding.
❄ ❄ ❄
Ten minutes after she lets Ben back into her life, Rey finds herself leaning against her kitchen doorway and watching him from a safe distance as he makes himself comfortable in her kitchen and uses her stove to warm up his soup and goes through her cabinets for bowls and spoons. Well – her and Finn’s kitchen and stove and bowls and spoons, all of which Ben probably remembers from the numerous times Finn had them over for dinner throughout the course of their relationship.
A small part of her is irritated at how easily he navigates her space, but a bigger part just aches at the familiar sight of him putting together a meal for her. The soup is homemade from Leia’s secret family recipe – the one she’d made Ben teach her the first time he got sick during their relationship; the one that had become a staple in their shared household, a secret form of communication whenever one of them felt that the other was working too hard or needed more rest. She honestly can’t remember how many times they’ve made this exact soup for each other, and now she’s watching Ben heat it up and ladle it into two bowls for them while she tries to come to terms with the fact that her ex-fiancé is apparently here to play nurse and spend Christmas Eve with her.
She’s still struggling to make her peace with the idea when Ben finally turns around and sets two bowls down on the kitchen island-slash-dining table, and then looks across the room to give her a pleading look.
“Fine,” Rey huffs as she slumps into the closest bar stool and drags one bowl toward her. From the corner of her eye she can see Ben settling down and pulling his soup closer as well, but Rey doesn’t look up. It’s for the best, really, given that tears start welling in her eyes as soon as the familiar taste of the soup invokes dozens of cherished memories and reminds her of what she’s lost, of what he’s denied the both of them–
But that’s a dangerous path to tread in her mind, one that will only lead to more tears, and so Rey defaults to the mantra that’s kept her together since the day she turned her back on him: better mad than sad.
With that in mind, she decides to break their silence. “I’m surprised Snoke doesn’t have you slaving away on Christmas Eve this year,” Rey says through gritted teeth, barely suppressing the snarl that that name naturally draws from her.
Ben, to her surprise, merely shrugs and continues focusing on his soup. “I’m sure he’d like that, but I’ve made it clear that I don’t really give a fuck what he wants outside of office hours,” he says so calmly, so casually, as if this doesn’t change everything.
Rey, meanwhile, has to try really hard to keep her spoon from splashing into her soup. Her hand shakes as she takes a few careful sips to buy herself some time, blinking and processing and weighing potential replies until she finally settles on a relatively harmless one. “Good for you,” she mutters, just loud enough to be heard across the kitchen island.
For the longest time, the kitchen is filled with nothing but the too-loud sounds of her spoon accidentally scraping against the bowl a little too hard as she tries to put up an unaffected front. It’s only when Rey pushes her bowl away that she realizes Ben stopped moving a while ago, that Ben’s been watching her this whole time.
When she finally finds the strength to look up at him, he’s staring at her with the most heartbreaking look she’s ever seen on him, his eyes reminding her of pictures she’s seen of his childhood dog and its sad, pleading eyes during big holiday meals.
Still holding eye contact, Ben murmurs, “I wish I’d done it earlier.”
And Rey… god, Rey wants nothing more than for him to have done so too, for them to be able to go back in time and shake some sense into past Ben before he ruined everything and broke her heart and destroyed their future.
But she never gets what she wants, not really. The piles of unsent wedding invitations gathering dust under her bed are evidence enough. So instead of getting her hopes up, instead of giving him the power to break her all over again…
Instead of all that, Rey abruptly gets up with an ugly, painful scrape of her chair against the floor and turns her back on Ben as she makes her way out of the kitchen.
It’s oddly reminiscent of the last time she’d walked out on him, damning silence and quiet resignation and all. The thought weighs her down, stops her by the doorway.
“Yeah,” Rey sighs without turning back, “me too.”
She disappears into her room before Ben can say something in return – or worse, not say anything at all.
❄ ❄ ❄
According to Leia’s expert advice, it’s only polite to send save-the-dates six months in advance, especially since some of their friends and family will have to fly in for the wedding.
And so, a rainy April evening finds Rey and Ben and multiple versions of their potential guest list sprawled out across their living room in an attempt to finalize at least this one aspect of their wedding planning.
“Babe,” Rey speaks up with a slight frown as she comes upon a series of names that don’t ring a single bell. “Exactly how many Naberrie relatives are we expecting, and why do all of them have different last names?”
“Hmm?” Ben hums in acknowledgement, looking up from his own list of her guests. In a last-ditch attempt to trim the list down to their original idea of fifty or less, they’ve taken to scrutinizing each other’s guests to identify potential exclusions. “Wait, let me see that.”
He reaches out for the list, but Rey – sprawled out on her stomach with her legs crossed at her knees and her feet comfortably swinging in the air – decides to roll closer instead and face-plant into his lap. It feels unbearably silly, but at least it draws an increasingly rare laugh out of Ben. She doesn’t get to hear that precious sound much these days, not with Ben as overworked and tired as he is from all of those long nights and weekend meetings he keeps getting roped into.
Besides, she’s planning her wedding with the love of her life – Rey figures she’s allowed to feel silly and light and maybe even a little bit fluttery.
“Oh, those aren’t the Naberries,” Ben tells her as one hand instinctively moves to the back of her head to comb through her hair. “They’re some of our biggest clients and a few potential ones too, so Snoke figured it’d be a good idea to invite them.”
And just like that, all feelings of the silly, light, and fluttery variety vanish into thin air.
“Ben,” she groans, though it’s muffled by his tee shirt. “I thought we agreed on no work guests?”
They had, just two weeks ago when Rey first noticed their guest list had somehow ballooned from a manageable fifty-seven to a rather alarming ninety-nine. It’s why she’s crossed out a bunch of her colleagues, and has allowed Ben to mark several more for reconsideration.
He’s still running his hand through her hair, but it’s not as soothing anymore. “I know, sweetheart, but Snoke really thinks–”
Rey drags herself into an upright position so that she can look Ben in the eye when she scowls, crosses her arms, and says, “Well, if Snoke has such strong wedding guest list opinions, maybe he should save them for a wedding of his own.”
To her dismay, Ben simply laughs at the idea rather than take note of her irritation. “It’ll be okay, Rey, I promise. It’s only thirty people at most–”
“Thirty?” she echoes with horror. “Ben, we’re trying to trim this back down to fifty. Thirty is more than half of that!”
“About that,” he hedges, setting the list down to give her his full attention. “I was thinking… maybe we keep the fifty quota for friends and family, and just count these thirty separately?”
She reaches for the list Ben’s just set down, along with all of the others marked as his guests, and takes a good hard look at them only to realize… “Ben, more than half of your guests are people from work. I thought we wanted something small and intimate?”
“Small went out the window the second you agreed to let my mother invite our entire family, Rey,” he tells her wryly, snatching the papers out of her hands. “Besides, what difference does it really make? It’s still just going to be you and me up there, we’ll just need more chairs at the ceremony and more food at the reception–”
The idea of being surrounded by strangers at her own wedding reception was bad enough, but the ceremony? Ben intends to have complete strangers bear witness to the most intimate moment of their lives?
Rey can’t believe what she’s hearing, what she’s seeing. How is this the same Ben who promised her the wedding of her dreams, the same Ben who hated his parents’ wedding despite barely remembering it? How is this still her Ben, when he consistently sides with and picks Snoke over her these days?
“This isn’t even a wedding anymore,” she snaps, more harshly than she’d intended or even realized herself to be capable of. But the more she thinks of it… “It’s a fucking networking event, Ben. And I’ve been to enough of those to know that I’m not spending my wedding surrounded by strangers and alone in a corner while you and your boss make the rounds.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Ben’s eyes soften, and for one beautiful, golden moment Rey thinks she’s finally gotten through to him, finally made him see sense, finally snatched him back from the jaws of that slimy old bastard. “C’mere,” he mumbles, holding his arms open. “That’s not going to happen, I swear. I won’t leave you alone like that.”
She’s just about to fall into his arms when he ruins it all. “It’s our wedding, Rey. We’ll make the rounds together.”
The world comes to a stop, and then crashes.
Rey yanks herself back and stumbles to her feet instead, ignoring Ben’s open arms and questioning look as she picks her way through the mess of papers scattered around them. “I’m going to bed,” she tosses over her shoulder as she storms out of the living room. “We can talk about this again when you get your priorities straight.”
In the morning, Ben’s already left for work by the time she wakes and she can’t tell if he spent all night working on the guest list or if he simply chose to sleep on the couch. But when she finds the updated list still cluttered with twenty of Snoke’s guests, she’s just angry enough to not care either way.
❄ ❄ ❄
Sitting on the edge of her bed, Rey can hear the sounds of Ben moving about in the kitchen, cleaning up after them and putting away the dishes. When the apartment finally falls silent, she squeezes her eyes shut and tells herself this is it, this is the moment he packs up and leaves without even a goodbye–
But then he shuffles past her slightly-ajar door, and not two minutes later she hears him turn on the TV and settle into Finn’s creaky old couch.
It looks like he’s planning to stay for a while, then – which is more than she could say of him during their last few months together, Rey grudgingly reminds herself. She’s spent too much time since that day wondering if maybe she’d overreacted, if things had still been manageable or salvageable, only to remember how awful it had been to feel alone around the one person who’d promised her she’d never be alone again. And sure, she’s lonely now too, lonelier than ever before maybe, but somehow it doesn’t hurt as bad, knowing that she’s choosing to be lonely rather than allowing herself to be forgotten and abandoned again while Ben slaves away at work.
Only… he doesn’t do that anymore, it seems.
With a cry of frustration, Rey puts an end to her thoughts going in circles by reaching for her phone for the first time since she was so rudely woken up by her unexpected ghost of Christmas past. She scoffs when she finds a flurry of texts from Finn and a handful from Poe as well, the earliest of which is timestamped just ten minutes after they were supposed to leave the apartment.
Finn: Okay, please don’t kill me but
Finn: It’s Christmas, peanut. I couldn’t let you spend it sick AND alone
Finn: Also Poe maaaybe still meets up with him sometimes and maaaybe let it slip that you aren’t feeling well and we won’t be around for a few days
Finn: And… I have to be honest, peanut
Finn: We all know how much you’re hurting
Finn: And Poe says he’s hurting too
Finn: Enough that the both of us thought maybe…
Poe: Okay fine maybe it was, but it’s a shared idea.
Poe: With Finn.
Poe: He needs to take AT LEAST 50% of the blame
Finn: Anyway that’s not the point
Finn: Just… please let him help? For me
Finn: I’m just worried about you, that’s all
Finn: We can talk about the rest when I get back
Finn: Love you, peanut
Rey… god, Rey doesn’t know what to feel or think or say. She knows they mean well, knows they only acted out of love and concern for her, but… a little warning would have been nice. And what were they even thinking, letting Ben ambush her like that? Oh sure, she believes he’s been hurting too, isn’t so blinded by anger or her own pain that she’d deny him his, but he was the one who ruined everything, he was the one who picked Snoke over her, who watched her walk away without even trying to stop her, who gave up after barely two weeks of trying to call and text and communicate through their friends.
Ben has known all along exactly what he needed to do to fix things, and it’s still taken him six months to do so. Even if he were to quit his job and tell Snoke to go shove his head up his ass, it would be too little, too late at this point… right?
“Don’t even think about it,” she mutters out loud, forcing herself to concentrate on the here and now instead of what could have been and what could be. The here and now is Finn’s desperate, pleading, well-intentioned texts waiting for a reply, a reply that Rey decides she’s not quite up to giving him just yet. She’s too soft-hearted to snap at him, but too hurt and betrayed to let him off the hook just yet. Besides, she doesn’t want to be held accountable for whatever she says in her feverish state.
So Rey does what any other person in need of a distraction would do: she scrolls through Instagram and likes a bunch of photos of all her friends spending the holidays with loved ones. And when that’s done, she goes through her messages and writes back to a dozen holiday wishes. And when those are handled, she taps on the Facebook app in an act of sheer boredom and desperation… and promptly regrets it.
Because the first thing she sees is Facebook’s oh-so-helpful reminder that exactly one year ago today, she’d posted a picture of her and Ben spending their first Christmas Eve together as an engaged couple.
Her phone is sent sailing across the bed, landing on her pillow with a thankfully soft thump. Rey pulls her knees up to her chest and curls into herself, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths until the moment has passed, until her tears recede, until the white-hot pain fades back into the constant, dull ache she’s grown used to.
And then, like the masochist she is, she reaches under her bed for a photo album.
❄ ❄ ❄
With only four months left before the wedding and everyone’s schedule growing increasingly packed due to a variety of work and personal commitments, the wedding party takes to having the occasional marathon planning session at Leia’s place, during which they typically knock a good chunk of planning and preparations out in one afternoon.
Their second marathon session revolves around the venue, and Leia starts by happily announcing that they’ve indeed managed to secure the Amidala Gazebo and its surroundings for October 17th. Despite the fact that the entire botanical garden itself is named and was built in honor of Ben’s grandmother, it’s popular enough that Leia had to pull some strings to make this happen. Now that it’s a done deal though, everyone is smiling and clapping and cheering in celebration – everyone except Ben.
“Ben?” Re calls quietly, hoping not to attract attention from the others. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just…” He makes the mistake of speaking at a normal volume, and suddenly the room falls silent as everyone turns to the two of them. “Does it have to be October 17th?” Ben asks the room at large, only to be met with blank looks.
It would make for a funny sight, especially since even Poe seems to have been shocked into silence, but Rey can’t quite pause to appreciate the moment as a familiar wave of dread begins to swell. “I mean…” she begins calmly, evenly, trying her best to give Ben the benefit of the doubt even though a part of her already knows. “Since that’s the date we told everyone to save, I’d say yes, it does?”
“It’s just,” Ben stops and darts his gaze to his left, and that’s when Rey realizes he’s had his phone right next to him all along, keeping tabs on work even on a Sunday, even as she sits right next to him trying to get his opinion on lighting options for the venue.
The wave of dread pulls Rey under, ushering in a familiar sinking sensation in her stomach that threatens to turn into nausea. “It’s just, Pryde is flying in that weekend for a meeting, and Snoke has me running point on the…” Ben trails off, finally reading the room or maybe catching sight of the stricken look Rey knows she’s wearing.
He reaches for her hand and gives her a reassuring smile. “It’s fine, forget it. Don’t worry about it, I’ll just get everything done in the morning and then rush over. The ceremony starts at four, right?”
And the worst part is, he actually looks like he’s trying his best, actually looks like he thinks this is okay.
Rey snatches her hand back while everyone else remains deadly silent.
“Rey?” Ben asks, the smile on his face faltering.
She takes a deep breath. “Are you seriously telling me,” Rey says quietly, biting off each word with deadly precision, “that you intend to go to work on the day of our wedding?”
“It’s just a half-day, sweetheart,” he says, and someone – Finn, maybe, or Poe – sucks in a sharp breath at him doubling down on this. Neither of them turn to see who it is, though, trapped together in a brewing storm that separates them from the others. “Don’t worry, I’ll be on time, maybe even fifteen minutes early–”
So he’s planning to leave her and his family and her friends to manage his work guests while he’s off handling even more work, and then waltz in maybe fifteen minutes before their wedding, and then spend the evening networking with clients.
“I’m done,” Rey announces as she stands up, looking around to see everyone else graciously pretending to be staring at their phones or their hands or their laps. “I’m fucking done,” she decides, and walks away.
“Rey!” Ben calls after her, and promptly gives chase. “Sweetheart, calm down, we can talk about this, I know weddings are stressful but–”
She whirls around so fast she nearly knocks into him, hot on her heels. “Not the wedding,” she snaps, because how is it possible that he still can’t see what’s happening here, what he’s doing to them?
What he’s already done to them, Rey realizes with a wave of quiet resignation as everything comes crashing down on her, every cancelled date and lonely night and entire weeks away at a time when they should be closer than ever–
“Not the wedding, Ben,” she says again, softer this time, though she can’t tell if her voice is calm or just small, weak, broken at the thought that… that… “Everything. All of it. I’m just… I’m done, Ben.”
And even after everything, she takes no pleasure in seeing the hurt she’s been carrying around on the inside for months finally reflected in his eyes.
“Rey…” he whispers, taking a step back as if her words have him reeling. The way he’s looking at her… god, it’s like she’s just taken a knife to his heart.
She wavers then, just for a moment, tells herself that maybe it’s not too late, maybe now he’ll finally understand what a mess they’ve gotten themselves into and work with her to fix it–
Their moment of silence is broken not by an offer of peace, but the Imperial March. It’s coming from Ben’s phone, which she realizes now is in his pocket, which he’d found the time to pick up even in his haste to go after her, which even now he automatically reaches for before he realizes what he’s doing just in time to stop.
The ominous tune plays on, Snoke’s custom ringtone for summoning his loyal servant.
Rey would know; she was the one to set it. She sees the way Ben’s fingers twitch, the way his entire frame is tense with the need, the instinct to respond to Snoke’s call, and gives him a small, sad smile. “I’ve been telling you for months to get your priorities straight,” she reminds him gently, too tired to summon any real energy or fight within her, too sad to wrestle with what she already knows is a predetermined outcome. “Moment of truth, Ben.”
The music finally stops then… only to start again seconds later. And this time, the siren call proves too strong for Ben to overcome. “Just a minute, Rey,” he pleads, looking her in the eye even as he pulls his phone out. “It’ll be just a minute, sweetheart, I’ll tell him to call back later–”
She’s already walking away.
“Rey, wait, Rey!”
And she doesn’t turn back to see if he follows, doesn’t even need to. Because the music stops and his voice replaces it almost immediately.
“Sir, I’m sorry but now is not a good– Oh. I understand. Yes, I’ll be there right away–”
The first wave of tears hit her then, as he lets her walk away without a fight, as he picks someone else over her again and again and again.
“What the fuck, man?” she hears Finn growl even as Ben continues to placate his boss rather than her, and seconds later her best friend is the one who comes after her, who drives her away, who lets her cry on his shoulder in the botanical garden where she and Ben will no longer be getting married.
❄ ❄ ❄
“Rey, can I get you more–”
It’s her fault, really, for not shutting the door. She’d just wanted to be able to keep tabs on him, to know what he was doing and when he was leaving, and so Rey had pushed the door almost all of the way closed instead of shutting and locking it behind her like she should have.
Now it swings open under Ben’s fist, only to reveal her curled up in bed with tear-streaked cheeks as she relives the better parts of their relationship.
The album had been an engagement gift from Leia, filled with candids their friends and family had taken over the years, instances when their love had shined so brightly the people around them were compelled to capture the moment in time.
“Rey,” Ben sighs once he realizes what he’s looking at, and she’s getting so sick of hearing him say her name in that pained voice when once upon a time he only ever said her name with a smile. He rocks forward almost instinctively, stops and slows himself down to hesitantly move closer as she admits in a defeated whisper–
“I can’t do this anymore, Ben.”
He stops cold, five feet of distance between them yet so much more. “I’m sorry,” Ben says, looking at his feet. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have– I knew coming here wouldn’t change things, I’m not here to pressure you into anything, I swear, I just… I just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you to spend the holidays alone–”
“You left me alone a long time ago,” Rey points out – not accusatorily, not angrily, simply… a statement of fact, gentled by her resignation and acceptance and old hurt. He still flinches though, as if after all these months it’s somehow news to him that he broke his promise.
“All the times I had to show up to our friends’ places on my own because Snoke called you in,” she points out, because he deserves to know what he did wrong, because he needs to know what he did wrong if they’re– Rey stops there, doesn’t let her silly hopes get ahead of herself. “All the nights our bed was too big and too cold without you while you worked late. All the days I spent alone in the home we were supposed to share. Ben, you promised–”
She hadn’t planned on breaking down like this, hadn’t expected those memories to still hold so much power over her long after they’d done their damage. But her voice breaks, and her vision blurs, and a single sob rips past her lips as Ben closes the distance between them to pull her into his arms.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m so sorry, if I could do it all again, if I could change everything so that I never hurt you–”
Rey shakes her head, long past the stage of if and maybe, long past dwelling in circles and hypotheticals and daydreams. There’s no going back, she sees that now, but maybe, just maybe… there could be a way forward.
“I just…” She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath, looks him in the eye when she asks, “I just want to know why, Ben. Why did you choose work over me? Why wasn’t I enough?”
And he knows, he knows exactly what it means for her to have to ask that, exactly what it means for him to have made her feel that way, because in the blink of an eye Ben is crying too. “Rey, no. You’re… you’ve always been enough, sweetheart. Always. Fuck, you’re more than enough, you’re too good for me, always have been. I’m just this huge fucking disaster of a human being with nothing to offer you, but I thought maybe… maybe if I made something of myself, maybe if I worked hard enough so I could give you everything… then maybe, maybe I would finally be good enough for you.”
Rey doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry or scream at the fact that they’ve wasted all this time, gone through all this hurt, just because… god, they really are perfect for each other, aren’t they, the two lonely, broken kids forever thinking they aren’t worthy of each other, forever worrying that they’re not enough?
“Ben,” she says and laughs and cries, “Ben, you idiot.”
He freezes. “What?”
“You idiot,” Rey says again, and can’t hide the odd mix of despair and affection in her voice this time. “You’ve always been enough for me. You filled my life with love, you gave me a home, you promised me a future and a family. Ben, you already gave me everything I ever wanted.”
Ben stares at her for the longest moment, blinking at her like she’s just told him the earth is flat. “You… but I… that would mean…”
“You were enough,” she tells him with a nod. “That was enough, Ben.”
She watches as he closes his eyes, as realization gives way to regret gives way to grief gives way to…
When Ben opens his eyes, there’s the slightest spark of hope in them. “Rey, do you think maybe… I mean, would you… Could it be enough again? Just us?” he asks haltingly, hesitantly.
After months of waking up in tears in this very bed, chasing after dreams so cruelly ripped away, it takes Rey a moment to realize that they’ve actually found their way to this point. A moment’s pause, though, is all it takes for Ben’s eyes to grow dull again as he lets her go and stands to leave. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I don’t deserve a second chance, I know–”
Rey panics and reaches for his hand, yanks him back to her with what little strength she can muster from her heavy limbs. “I can’t do this anymore, Ben,” she tells him again, and watches as the fog in his eyes finally lifts. “I can’t be apart from you anymore. And that doesn’t mean I’ve completely forgiven you, doesn’t mean I’m not still sad and hurt and mad, but… but…”
But she’d rather be sad and hurt and mad with him than on her own, rather cry into his shoulder than her pillow, rather fix what they broke together than forge a new path alone.
And somehow, Ben sees that. “Rey,” he says, clutching both her hands as he drops down to his knees. “Sweetheart, I know I don’t deserve a second chance. But you deserve absolutely everything in life, and if you let me I’ll spend the rest of our lives giving you anything you want.”
His plea reminds her so much of his proposal, of his promise to give her everything in the world. But she’d never wanted everything, had she?
Rey hadn’t known the difference then but she knows better now, knows what they need to move forward. “All I want,” she tells Ben carefully, pointedly, “is you and us and our life together. That’s all I want, Ben. Nothing else.”
“Then that’s what you’ll have,” Ben promises her, all earnest eyes and sincere words, “and nothing else.”
It’s a good enough restart, Rey supposes, to a story that was never supposed to end anyway. “Good,” she says with a grin, and watches as a smile lights up his face. “Now get up here,” she commands with a tug at his hands, “because everything hurts too much for me to get down to you.”
The smile falls off Ben’s face immediately. “Wait, shit, I should’ve asked– are you on cold meds? Is this all for real, or should we talk again later, or–”
“Still an idiot,” Rey mutters with a smile as she leans down to silence him with a kiss.
“Your idiot, though,” Ben whispers between kisses, and all feels right with the world again.
. . .
Just a little past sunrise on December 27th, Finn and Poe cautiously tiptoe into their darkened apartment in the hopes of avoiding Rey’s wrath. Judging from the lack of communication they’ve had with both Rey and Ben in the past few days, their plan might not have worked out as well as they’d hoped.
Finn can only hope Rey will forgive them for their meddling before the year is up.
As terrified of his best friend as he is, he still makes a dutiful stop by her room to make sure that her fever really has broken as Ben had claimed in his single Christmas Day text to Poe. He cautiously twists her doorknob, slowly eases the creaky door open, and blinks a few times to make sure that his eyes aren’t playing tricks on him.
“It’s a Christmas miracle,” Poe whispers into his ear as he sneaks up on him, and Finn can only smile in response as a sleeping Rey shifts in Ben’s arms, the two of them still dozing with slight smiles on their faces as the winter sunlight bounces off a familiar ring on Rey’s finger.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
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There has been a lot of fic published in the last couple weeks--116 completed fics since mid-July--which means today’s rec list is a little longer than usual. 
Not that that’s anything to complain about...
<1k words
give me one good movie kiss and I’ll be alright by imbrokelyn99 (rated G) It's pouring rain and David is dancing around the store and lip-syncing to "Nobody" by Mitski. Patrick loves him so, so much. 
1 - 3k words
Bring It Back by pennilesspoet (rated T) David once heard that no sense triggers sharper memories than the sense of smell. He is not sure if that’s true, but he does know that certain scents do tend to instantly bring him back to a very specific time and place.
fools rush in (and i’ve been a fool before) by withkissesfour (rated T) ‘Babe.’ ‘Oh no, I like husband.’
house and home by couldaughter (rated T) But there were still special occasions, and special occasions warranted special meals. Like, for example, 'You came out to your parents yesterday, and it was kind of emotionally exhausting? And I kind of feel guilty about it and need to mediate my guilt by pouring orange juice into a champagne flute and burning your toast to shit just the way you like." Sadly, Hallmark didn't make cards for that.
I am at rest with you by leupagus (rated T) “One of these days, you’ll listen to the doctor when she tells you to lift with your knees,” David says. He gets up, taking Patrick’s empty glass with him. “Do you want some more orange juice, or would you rather just skip to combining liquor and pills?” There’s a pause from the direction of the kitchen. “Oh, god, Twyla left the cake here.”
The IKEA Test by HolmesApothecary (rated T) When it came time to furnish his new apartment, Patrick knew he was going to need some additional furniture to what he had in storage—namely a bed. He also knew that an extra set of hands were key. And that even with all his bluster, he respected and even envied David’s sense of taste and eye for décor in the store. So, dear god, Patrick was going to drag David Rose to IKEA—possibly kicking and screaming.
Mad About the Boy by imbrokelyn99 (rated G) David gives Patrick a watch as a wedding present.
Symbol of Hospitality by kt_rose28 (rated T) “It’s just, I trusted you with the purchase of a tasteful housewarming gesture and I’m confused why you decided to bring this fugly, textured fruit to my parent’s new home”. Patrick gets a gift for Johnny and Moira's housewarming, and David has some very strong opinions.
Unknown Caller by WellSchitt (rated G) Patrick, 10:03 am: Alexis get here NOW. Please. Patrick, 10:03 am: David’s having a panic attack and he’s asking for you. I don’t know what to do. Please.
when you lie to me it’s in the small stuff by goingmywaydoll (rated G) “So I’m having a little back pain,” Patrick says and David has to resist every urge he has to let out a laugh. Instead, he sets his lips in a thin line and nods, patient and stoic. “What gave it away?” David asks and maybe he’s not being so patient.
You gotta let me read just a page of you baby by cromarty (rated G) 5 times Patrick tells David a bedtime story, and one time David tells Patrick one.
3 - 5k words
Funny Meeting You Here by Aelia_Weasley (rated M) “Nice night,” he said to David without looking away from the Leafs game playing on one of the TVs over the bar. “Yeah it is,” David replied a little too quickly. They caught each other’s eye and laughed nervously. The other man held his hand out. “Patrick.” “David, hi.” They shook hands.
How to Take it Slow by Basingstoke (rated M) David has a few questions for Patrick regarding what he's looking for in their new relationship. Set between 4x1 and 4x2.
How You Know by Distractivate (not rated) It's hard to miss the double take from the man in a golf polo and shorts as he passes him on the way back to the store. David rolls his eyes and switches Patrick’s tea to his other hand. Normally, David would assume it’s his less-than-bucolic wardrobe that caught the man’s attention. Today, he suspects it has more to do with the way he’s grinning at the blank space in front of him like he’s slightly deranged. God, maybe he is. Or, a few snippets of (mostly) marital fluff.
learned behaviors by goingmywaydoll (rated G) Brewers don't like to be taken care of. David tries anyway.
talk to me, come to me, hurry up by livelyvague (rated M) Patrick decides to use Grindr when he first gets to Schitt's Creek, ready for an opportunity to embrace his new life.
5 - 10k words
I’ve got the feeling you’re the right thing after all by JessX2231 (rated G) Once they arrived at the drive-in, Patrick insisted they get more comfortable in the backseat. He knew there was no way to offer that without sounding suggestive, but he took it all in stride.“ And what are we going to do back there that we can’t do here?” David asked. “I don’t know, David,” Patrick said with a telling grin. “Why don’t you join me and we’ll find out?” Or, Patrick takes David on their second date.
no matter what the storybooks say by wardo_wedidit (rated T) “What if I read that too?” Patrick asks one day over breakfast, setting David’s coffee down carefully on the table as he watches his husband flip his book over to concentrate on his breakfast. David shoots him a startled look. “Do you want to?” Or, five times Patrick reads a book of David’s, and one they read together.
10k+ words
1, 2, 3, 4, tell me that you love me more [series] by sloganeer (various ratings) One story per year of marriage, inspired by the traditional anniversary gifts. The series title is from the Feist song.
The Last Rose Video by Distractivate (rated M) “Unlike most of the people David was typically drawn to, Patrick’s edge wasn’t about high fashion or shitty manners or a twisted game of use or be used. Patrick’s edge was his mouth, the sharpness of his tongue. David would do pretty much anything at this point to see what else that tongue was capable of.” A story about Patrick Brewer, who owns the last Rose Video franchise in the world, and David Rose, who has been sent to Schitt's Creek by his father to close the store for good. When David meets Patrick well... things do not go to plan. Banter, sex, sweetness and soulmates finding each other in any universe.
A Very Specific Store by startswithhope (rated T) What if Christmas World didn't pull out? How would David and Patrick meet? And what would that mean for Rose Apothecary? Come along, for a little holiday tale, a Christmas in July story of first meetings, flirting, some misunderstandings, dreams lost and maybe found, along with a whole lot more (with some bed sharing, because that's always an extra special gift for us all).
Yellow Moon on the Rise by cromarty (rated T) “David was about to take his chances again when he looked up at the next float and saw the kissing booth boy, waving genially in a blue button down and slacks, with a plastic crown and a sash that said, unbelievably, ‘Corn Crown Prince.’” Or, Stevie and Alexis drag David to Elm Grove’s 4th Annual Corn Festival, where Patrick is working their college baseball team’s kissing booth fundraiser.
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