#it’s literally just Haldir that does it for me
whitegoldtower · 5 months
I think one of my favourite things about Haldir is that looking at all the other elves, they’re kiki. Looking at him? He’s a bouba elf.
The other elves are all super skinty with sharp features n shit, and even though I love that too…
When Haldir rocks up with his soft features, a little extra cushioning and the possibility of there being a bit of a tummy and some thick thighs under that armour?
I am a feral creature, crawling through the tv screen to get to Lothlórien. I want him to fold me and not stop until I’m pretzel shaped. I am a man unhinged and I need the thicc elf sat on my face tyvm.
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tathrin · 1 year
📽 action!: rank all six of the films (or three if you're a hater)
Answers for this LotR ask-game.
Ahh okay so at this point I have to confess something terrible: I still have not seen the third Hobbit movie. I'm sorry! I just couldn't do it. The fuckery of it all, especially in the second movie with Mirkwood and Thranduil and Legolas ("a lowly Silvan elf" what the FUCK what the fuck PJ WHAT THE FUCK), was just too much for me. Character-assassination is one thing, and I thought after Denethor I knew what I was going to be getting with Thranduil but NOPE! It was literal world building assassination and I just CANNOT.
Don't get me wrong, Lee Pace did an amazing job and actually seeing Mirkwood was amazing and it was genuinely delightful to see Orlando put those ears on again; but the OuTrAgE that filled my heart at the yeet-ing of what minimal canon we even have for the Mirkwood elves was just intolerable, and while I did mean to go see it, really I did, I just...couldn't actually get the motivation to go before it was out of theatres. I've heard the EE are better (less studio fuckery) so I'll watch them someday! Honest! I just...haven't. yet.
And as to the Lord of the Rings trilogy...man, I don't even know how to do this. In terms of which is the best film, or in terms of which one I enjoy watching most, or in terms of which on hits me in the heart hardest or...? I don't know if I can objectively rank my feelings about these movies even in my own brain because RotK ends with Into the West and I have FeelingsTM about the Undying Lands and Sea Longing okay. So the last scene of RotK at the Grey Havens is a fucking spear through the heart every time and I can't even describe the knot of feelings it engenders, and I think overall TTT may be my favorite but also it has Plot Issues that piss me off even more than the Plot Issues in RotK I think,...yeah, we're going to do this in terms of Film Crafting rather than personal favorites because I'm having too many feelings lmao. So! In order of most-well-done-movie to least:
Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
Return Of The King
The Desolation of Smaug
An Unexpected Journey
#look there are some REALLY LOVELY MOMENTS in the hobbit movies#(all three of them; i've seen enough stuff floating around the internet to know that even about the one i haven't actually seen lmao)#but the ratio of beautiful moments to what-the-fuckery is just so skewed to the latter#and the cartoonish unreality of most of the effects do NOT help#it's like somebody watched the mumakil bit from rotk and went ''more of that but dial it up to eleventy-one!'' and i just...#do y'all know how FUCKING EXCITED i was to see the White Council???#to see GALADRIEL?#to see sauron thrown out of dol guldur? TO SEE THE WHITE COUNCIL!???#because as soon as i heard ''three movies'' i knew I KNEW (i hoped) that they had to be adding that it#because how the fuck else were they going to pad-out that tiny little book into three whole movies? OBVIOUSLY with the white council!!!#and then...we got a chase scene in the mines that made the podracing look like it deserved an oscar#and the most cringe-inducingly-artificial cgi armies at war that i think i've ever seen even IN video games#it was like watching galactic battlegrounds middle-earth edition wtf#did y'all literally just make one elf and one dwarf and copy-past them a million times into the scene wtffffff#but i still need to make it clear that i DO love the good bits that's what makes the bad parts hurt so much!#like: does the fact that the elves coming to helm's deep make no sense and also VANISH from the plot as soon as it's over irritate me? YES!#but the battle itself is filmed with so much HEART that i don't care I DON'T CARE#i still cheer at ''no orc horn'' i still weep at haldir's death (GODS that MUSIC!) i still watch the whole thing RAPT and ENTHRALLED#but 80% of the hobbit's actions scenes don't DO anything they're just empty pixels with less purpose than the droid factory on geonosis#and there should be SO MUCH HEART because that's WHAT TOLKIEN IS auuuughhhhhh#and the fact that they missed the entire fucking EVERYTHING about MIRKWOOD of all fucking places...! UGH#DO YOU KNOW HOW AMAZING THESE ACTORS WOULD HAVE BEEN IN THESE ROLES IF THEY'D ACTUALLY BEEN FILMING THIS STORY??? PJ WHY!#lotr movies#hobbit movies#middle earth asks
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princecharmingtobe · 1 year
Watching the Movies: I like Legolas because he’s pretty and does cool things
Reading the books: I like Legolas because he’s a chaotic little dumbass. He means so well, but holy shit put this boy on a leash. Except hold on, he just met some other elves and he might be the competent one, at least when it comes to interacting with other races.
Haldir: We can’t build bridges for stealth reasons, so we literally tightrope across like it’s nothing. Follow me!
Legolas: They can’t do that, dumbass.
Haldir: Oh... Also, what are those?
Legolas: Those are hobbits.
Haldir: Those are real?!
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
What emojis would you assign to your mutuals and why? Pass it on, share the fun 💫💞
I have so many mutuals ? ? ? - I only tagged the only I tend to interact with :)
@a-contemplation-upon-flowers - 🌸🌞
Seriously Mina - you're like a mini Glorf to me! You're spring sunshine - you're always so lively and bright to interact with! ! ! My day instantly gets better whenever I interact with you! ! You're so sweet!
@i-did-not-mean-to - 🤍❤️‍🩹
I always value your kindness - and how you see so much good in others! Seeing you - makes me feel hope and the world has one for person to count on if they ever need one. You're everyone's friend therapist momma! ! !
@aeonianarchives - 😎🫠
Omg Kaiden - you make my days so much brighter! Sending me and my followers the best memes to make us laugh - you always know just what to give me on my miserable days! You're a friend I value greatly - you make me melt with your fics and just having the energy to cheer me up! ! !
@kiatheinsomniac - 🌙✨
Ik we haven't interacted a lot - but you're a cool personal! ! ! Whenever I see your posts or blog, am like 'woah - so pretty and aesthetic - NOT TO MENTION SO MUCH TALENT'
@wandererindreams - 😍
Oh hun - I love seeing your replies to my stories - it honestly makes me blush - and jump in my seat! ! ! Am smiling like an idioit reading your replies! ! !
@sorisooyaa - 🏹💖
the little bitch - who's a major Haldir lover (and no1 Maglor too - should probably add a harp there too), hence the bow and arrow ;) - but the sparkly heart is your love and kindness - you have always been there for me - especially in my darkest days. You were shining and sparkling helping me throughout the pitch blackness- even when you were busy with your studies and life! ! ! I love you so much! !
@mslizziesblog / @daughterofimladris - 💝
Lizzie! ! ! I miss you so much - you were the one ready to ready to wrap and hold together my broken heart in a pretty ribbon! ! I miss talking to you and interacting with you on a daily basis - it's not the same without you :(
@involuntaryspasms - 🥰
You're literally one of my favorite commenters - you're so sweet! Whenever I see your replies I feel like floating! - You give me a lot of courage to either continue a fic - or keep on writing in general! ! !
@fizzyxcustard - 🥀🦜
You write so much angst - but it's so good! ! ! I love it - Everything you write - there's so much emotion, every time am like 'wow - how the fuck does she do this! ! ! I love this!' Also mentioning - you're the biggest parrot momma ik - every time I see parrot they remind me of you and puts a smile on my face!
@stop-hammertime - 🔥⚔️
PLEASE - HOW DO I START TO DESCRIBE MY HANDSOME GOTHIC FRIEND! ! ! You defend every thing so passionately - you helped me out so much - a great friend to talk to and THE BEST IDEAS EVER - WE SHARE A LOT OF DUMBNESS ABOUT THE ELVES - AND IT'S THE BEST THING EVER! !
@theladyvanya - ✍️🙌
You're amazing - I literally praise you! ! ! I take a lot of inspiration from you - you're my most favorite writer on tumblr - am always grateful because I found your blog! - Not only that - you understand me so well - it's always a pleasure talking to you - it's so calm and beautiful! !
@animerina - 😮🤩
I have literally read all of your Tolkien works - you're one of my favorites here and I love every thing you write am always in wow. While we haven't interacted a lot, you seem like a really lovely person. I get so hyped every time you update - I do a mini scream out of excitement!
@mismaeve - 🧚‍♀️😇
YOU'RE SO LOVELY! ! ! I HAVE THE BEST TIMES INTERACTING AND READING YOUR FICS! The sweetest person alive! You're like a mix of Lindir and Legolas - so kind and sweet!
I love you all basically:
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your-cryin-fool · 2 years
SrS here!
Aaaaa! Lord of the Rings! And Hobbits!!! I LOVE all that! (Did you watch, Rings of Power? If so, what did you think?)
And Skyrim!!! Yes!!! Love that game so much. I'm currently playing through as a mage-- something I've never done before! I'm usually a big ole tank who likes to run in with big swords haha!
For hobbies, I love video games too--skyrim, the fallout games. I am a sucker for the Lego games (I have a big Lego collection too--lotr, Hobbits, star wars)
I like reading too but haven't been reading much lately. But I love Raymond Feist (great fantasy series starting with Magician: Apprentice). I also love to crochet, cross stitch, and I'm trying to knit but I'm very bad at it haha!
Do you have a favorite LotR character? Mine is Boromir (but then again, I LOVE Sean Bean who played him).
Do you celebrate Christmas or another holiday?
Hi!! I'm so sorry for the late reply!! Omg I'm so glad you like LotR too!!! I honestly loved Rings of Power so much, I know a lot of people did not but I'm just so happy with any chance i have to step back into Middle-earth. I love Galadriel so much and I feel like they're doing her so much justice, we get to see her badass rebellious youth before she retires to Lothlorien 😂
My favourite Lord of the Rings characters, god I have so many. Haldir, Faramir, Samwise, Bilbo, Galadriel, Elrond, LITERALLY EVERYONE. Boromir is such a good choice too and we love Sean Bean ❤️ Have you watched Game of Thrones? I loved him in that
Omg I'm always so nervous to try a mage route in Skyrim, every time I try something new I'm always like, nope can't do it, swords it is! Right now I'm trying to do a thieves guild run but as an orc and I'm loving it
I love the lego games too, lego star wars is very special to me, and lego lotr was so much fun, the disco remix was the best part
I do celebrate Christmas, my family mostly just does like, presents and a big dinner. Do you celebrate christmas/ have any holiday traditions?
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lesbiansforboromir · 4 years
once again you made me deeply emotional over boromir. i don't have the fellowship (much less the english edition) at hand, so i can't even re-read my fav parts with him. any particular boromir-related stuff you may share?
FUCK ok I’ve got a migraine and a passion and I do not know how to use either of them but I’m gonna use this ask to talk about something I’ve been thinking about for months, not kidding on that one. 
Galadriel... was the direct cause of Boromir trying to take the ring- HEAR ME OUT. 
There are some very important things to remember about Boromir when you’re considering his actions and motives.
- He explicitly came on the quest assuming it would lead them all to Minas Tirith, because that’s where he needed to get back too. It’s very clear, he and Aragorn are literally going because Minas Tirith is on the way to Mordor. And every detour and every delay of the Company amps up his frustration and worry. 
- He left Gondor with the certainty that his city would be besieged VERY soon and that they would not be able to break it. His trip to Rivendell is desperation based in it’s entirety, he’s looking for anything that might help. 
- He knows absolutely none of these people from adam and whilst he very much wants to trust them, they have yet to win his loyalty or faith in ANY capacity. I’m sorry! I know everyone wants the Fellowship to be that good good found family foundation but it simply isn’t that for Boromir and never has been.
Okay so when they finally leave Moria and Gandalf’s dead, everyone’s grieving and miserable. They are also worried, Gandalf was their guide and as much as Aragorn’s a tracker he doesn’t have Gandalf’s expertise. Then again, Moria had been entirely Gandalf’s decision in the first place, claiming there wouldn’t be many orcs in there at all in an argument he has with Boromir about how dangerous the mines would be in comparison to the Gap of Rohan. Indeed, if Bilbo hadn’t given Frodo the mithril shirt then Frodo would be straight up dead and it would have been Gandalf’s decisions that caused it. 
So at this point Boromir’s faith in Aragorn’s ability is pretty low. And no one else in the Fellowship has any interest in leading. Boromir deferred to Aragorn’s judgement because Aragorn’s more knowledgeable of Eriador and also just... a dude who needs to be in control, it’s easy to tell. But now Boromir’s not so sure Aragorn’s up to it, since he seemed to rely on Gandalf so much. 
And then Aragorn tells them all they’re going to go through the Golden Wood. Now Boromir knows from the Rohirrim and Gondorian legend that the Golden Wood is Strange And Scary And Dangerous And Men Who Walk in Never Walk Out Again. And he says this, politely. Aragorn tells him he’s foolish for fearing it and essentially that if people got hurt in the Golden Wood then they deserved it. Again, despite the general discourtesy of these comments, Boromir chooses to believe Aragorn’s judgement. 
The next thing that happens is they are accosted by Haldir, treated like possible enemies or spies (despite Haldir admitting that Elrond had already told them they were coming) and a day and a lot of dwarfphobia later Haldir is threatening Gimli with death. No I’m not joking, Haldir says there’s a law dwarves can’t come into Lothlorien without a blindfold. And when Gimli gets justifiably angry about this and wants to go back if he’s being treated this way, Haldir says he WILL be killed if he tries to leave. Weapons are drawn! The only reason this de-escalates is because Aragorn suggests they all go blindfold because ‘it is hard on the dwarf to be so singled out’. I cannot express to you how soon this happens after Aragorn assures everyone that Lothlorien is safe. I also cannot emphasise enough how Gimli does absolutely nothing to deserve this, he’s polite and kind as ever until Haldir instigates it. 
So again!! Another mark against Aragorn’s reliability! And then we come to the CRUX of the matter, the meeting with Galadriel and Celeborn. 
A lot happens here, some of it very funny in terms of Galadriel’s treatment of Celeborn, but the important part is at the end where Galadriel mind-interrogates all the fellowship but Aragorn and Legolas. Again, this isn’t subtext, in-text it says interrogate. And the fellowship discusses it afterwards. Gimli, Sam, Merry and Frodo all agree that ‘Galadriel offered them a choice, to go back home where they would be safe, or to continue on with the quest though there may be far greater perils ahead’. 
But that couldn’t have been the choice she gave Boromir. Because he can’t go home to be safe and sound away from the evil!! He lives there!! This has been Boromir’s fight his whole life, it has never BEEN a choice for him. And from this moment on Boromir’s manner changes dramatically. He questions Frodo about what Galadriel asked him, he expresses concern about Galadriel’s motives, he says he believes she was TEMPTING HIM (remember that for later), concerns which are, once again, sharply and cruelly dismissed by Aragorn. 
There is then a MONTH of a time skip, we get descriptions of the how the other fellowship spend their time in Lothlorien. Gimli and Legolas become friends. Everyone else grieves Gandalf and has a lovely time in Lothlorien... apparently. 
But Boromir has never had any real positive feelings toward Gandalf and did not show any real grief at his loss initially. And whereas the rest of the fellowship seems respectful and awed by Galadriel and Celeborn, Boromir replies to their questions at the end of the fellowship’s stay in Lothlorien with what I would call veiled anger. `As for me,' said Boromir, `my way home lies onward and not back.' Which is a callback to the interrogation, the stark difference between the motivations and priorities of the rest of the Fellowship in comparison to Boromir. Which became VERY obvious to him in that moment. So I would posit that! Boromir did not have a good time at all! Boromir was stuck somewhere he felt unsafe and unwelcome and every extra second they spent in Lothlorien was yet another moment he was away from his currently-at-war home!!! 
Anyway just before they leave the fellowship is privately discussing what road they should take when Boromir makes a slip of the tongue, where he’d always been articulate and clear before. 
‘But if you wish to destroy the armed might of the Dark Lord, then it is folly to go without force into his domain; and folly to throw away-’ He paused suddenly, as if he had become aware that he was speaking his thoughts aloud. `It would be folly to throw lives away, I mean.'
It is very obvious to Frodo what he actually meant here, and this is where essentially Frodo’s inner monologue lays it all out!
Frodo caught something new and strange in Boromir's glance, and he looked hard at him. Plainly Boromir's thought was different from his final words. It would be folly to throw away: what? The Ring of Power? He had said something like this at the Council, but then he had accepted the correction of Elrond.
The important points in this section are that 1: Boromir has started thinking about the Ring of Power as something usable. 2: He did not think this before now, he had accepted Elrond’s words. This is ‘new and strange’. Something changed here. 
And of course it did! Boromir doesn’t trust any of these clowns anymore. 
Boromir’s advice, priorities and concerns have been almost entirely ignored and derided throughout the fellowship, even from the very moment he arrived in Rivendell! And after nearly freezing on a mountain, being chased by wargs, dragged through a mine of Orcs, a Balrog, threatened by supposed allies and then mind invaded by some elf he’s told to be in awe of, whatever will he had to trust and stay faithful to Aragorn’s decisions is barely hanging on. 
And Galadriel didn’t just invade Boromir’s mind, she was tempting him! He says so himself! And considering the circumstances and how he speaks about it, the only logical conclusion is that she is tempting him with the ring, because Boromir’s shown no sign of conflict or interest in the ring before now. So Galadriel was the one who put that concept into his mind in the first place. It’s Galadriel who initiates Boromir thinking again on whether this was in Gondor’s best interests. And Boromir recognises she’s trying to manipulate him!! Which is fucking heartbreaking!! 
'To me it seemed exceedingly strange,' said Boromir. `Maybe it was only a test, and she thought to read our thoughts for her own good purpose; but almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering what she pretended to have the power to give.’ (--)  `Well, have a care! ' said Boromir. `I do not feel too sure of this Elvish Lady and her purposes.'  `Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel! ' said Aragorn sternly. 'You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself. Then let him beware!’
Do you see?? Do you all see?? Am I making any sense at all?? Well I make sense to ME so lets continue- Here, you see how Aragorn puts all the blame on Boromir again? The twisted knot Boromir is in at this point is unfathomable and EVEN STILL! Boromir resists! For a very long time! This is what I mean when I say any characterisations of Boromir being overemotional or somehow out of control get at me so much, NEVER has a man had so much self discipline in his wholeass life. Boromir’s entire civilisation could be being bulldozed by Minas Morgul at this very moment and yet he takes everything that’s thrown at him without malice and internally continues to desperately hold onto his integrity. 
But that’s what’s at stake! His integrity! Because now he’s grappling with what seems like a choice to either keep faith with the fellowship, stay with them and go where they go despite how much his country needs him, or potentially do something drastic in order to bring a the powerful weapon Gondor seems to have ALWAYS been looking for home to finally actually save his people. Because that’s what Galadriel offered him! And whilst he doesn’t trust her, it’s also in his head now as a logical thing to want! He doesn’t trust Elrond either at this point, so why should he believe what he said about the ring! It’s obvious everyone has boundless ulterior motives!!
Oh! Here’s a good place to try and explain my theory of how the ring’s temptation actually works. The Ring can control people one of two ways. The first we see with Frodo and with Boromir, it takes FULL control of their actions for a split second when they are vulnerable. For Frodo it made him put it on on Weathertop. For Boromir it made him attack Frodo. However this effect is exceedingly temporary and the person effected immediately comes back into themselves and recognises that what they did was outside of their control. 
The other way is often thought of as this like pervasive constant pull to the ring that effects you even just by being around it, wearing you down etc. But I don’t think that’s what happens. I think, in order for the ring to start exerting real dangerous persistant power over you, you have to know it’s power and logically want it. You have to come to that conception yourself, you have to think about it. 
And I have a lot of reasons for this but where it pertains here-!! Boromir is a fine, reliable and solid member of the fellowship RIGHT up until Galadriel’s mind meld. It’s not gradual, he goes from making jokes, carrying Hobbits and fighting Balrogs to BARELY being able to control his speech and biting his nails and staring at Frodo creepily. There is barely any easing into it and it starts with Galadriel!!
And you know what! There’s an even more sinister layer to this because like... WHY was Galadriel doing this mind stuff in the first place? An immediate obvious answer would be to test the fellowship, to make sure everyone was solid enough to carry on, to ensure the folk who continued were focused. But... If that’s the case... and Boromir’s test was the Ring... like... he obviously failed that test right? She was reading his mind! And she does it again before they leave! If we’re to assume that Galadriel’s mind powers are greater than Boromir’s ability to deflect them then... surely she would have known! That this turmoil was in him! And if she KNEW then why didn’t she say anything to anyone? To Aragorn?? But I don’t think yall are ready for that discussion yet tbh and I have to stop typing or I’ll go blind.
TL;DR Boromir didn’t want the Ring until Galadriel tempted him with it and made the idea of it saving Gondor a possibility to him. 
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tuuliii · 3 years
The Lord of the Rings, Turku 2018 Part1
Watching the musical stream yesterday got me very sentimental about this play the Turku City Theatre did back in 2018. I saw it three times and it ran from February till December with a two month summer break. Opening night was February 15th on the big stage of the theatre.
The running time of the show was about four hours, with two 20 minute intermissions. It was LONG, but honestly, the time went by so fast you really couldn't tell it was that long.
I've consumed all the media I have been able to find about this thing so let me tell you a little about the production.
Director Mikko Kouki had had a dream about doing LOTR for years so when they decided to apply for the rights, they had no expectations of actually getting them. Then, Tolkien Estate answered "Yeah sure go ahead" and they started planning big time. Apparently they also got the rights for the Hobbit, but the upcoming production has been very secretive so far. They've only shared a couple of Easter eggs on their social media.
The set was huge. Like, the width of the stage is not that great, but it has a lot of depth, so they were able to make awesome things with it. The Black Gates and the Ents for example. I visited the back stage once, and the amount of stuff that was in storage there was mind-blowing. The cast also wasn't that large in number, so pretty much everyone but the main characters had multiple roles. Mainly playing orcs and minor characters.
Here's the cast:
(Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gollum, Boromir/Mouth of Sauron, Gimli/Underhill1, Legolas/Tom Bombadil, Bilbo/Gorbat/Haldir/Gatekeeper, Arwen/Goldberry, Galadriel/Vhispering voice, Saruman, Éowyn/Rosie Cotton/Underhill2, Isildur/Shagrat/The voice of the Black Rider, Wormtongue/Barlyman Butterbur/Elrond, The Witch King, The Black Riders, The voice of Treebeard, The voice of Sauron, Elves/Ents/Orcs)
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Let me just fangirl about Sam for a second. He was ultimately my favorite hobbit. Hannes Suominen did an amazing job and was perfectly suited for the role. The other hobbits were very good as well. Frodo was adorable and I really liked how they casted the hobbits according to their ages in the books.
Lets start from the beginning now.
The play began with a quick prologue about the history of the ring, how Bilbo found it and of the Last Alliance. The fishing scene with Smeagol and Deagol was also in the prologue. Then we move on to the Shire.
This is Bag End. Bilbo's party was mostly cut, but he leaves and gives the Ring to Frodo. Meanwhile Merry and Pippin spot a black rider and run to Bag End to tell their friends about it.
Gandalf arrives and snatches Sam through the window and sends Frodo on his way. This was very quick, but understandably so. It got the job done and Merry and Pippin were hilarious. (In the actual production, a picture of Tolkien was hanging on the wall of Bag End btw)
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Next, they are being chased by a Black Rider and decide to take the shortcut through the Old Forest. The riders looked amazing. They were puppets with a rider standing in the middle on stilts.
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This production had TOM BOMBADIL! I really loved that, cause he's usually the first one to get cut, or like in the musical he only got a name drop in the end.
Here he is saving the Hobbits from Old Man Willow. And yeah, there were A LOT of pyrotechnics involved.
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I think this scene with Gandalf and Saruman was next. I really loved Saruman, and Gandalf got slammed onto the wall. It was cool. (sorry about the quality)
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Then there's Bree and the Prancing Pony, which rose from the firkin floor. I got such bad chills every time. This was the only pic I could find, but this was an amazing scene with lively folk music and lots of drunken people, that kept harassing Frodo. Aragorn ominously smoked his pipe in the corner, till Frodo put the ring on.
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Here, the Hobbits are trying to decide weather to trust the Strider or not. (From left to right: Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam)
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Then, Frodo is stabbed at Weathertop and Strider sets a couple of Black Riders on fire. Like...he actually set their clothes on fire...
Anyway, they reach Bruinen with the help of Arwen, who conveniently replaces Glorfindel again. The black riders get swept away and Frodo is rescued. Also the elves of Rivendell had colorful hair and I'm all in for that:D
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Then becomes this sus scene with Aragorn and Arwen. Aragorn is in love with her (obviously), but this Arwen is a little reluctant to give away her immortality and marry him. Aragorn proposes to her and she literally says "No❤️". Aragorn is heartbroken for a second but then we move on to the council of Elrond.
Here's the Fellowship. Arwen and Elrond on the back with Bilbo.
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This is where act 1 ended.
Act 2 starts in the snow storm in the mountains and the Fellowship decides to go through Moria. Here are the gates. Very bad picture, but that was the only one I could find.
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Moria goes pretty much according to book. Pippin does dumb shit and the orcs are woken. Their cave troll looked like a literal Michelin man, but the Balrog made up for that. Pity there aren't any pictures of it, but it was super cool. There was fire everywhere and the puppet looked really scary. I petted it, when I visited the back stage; from close up, it was very cute.
Apparently only 10 pics are allowed per post so part two and maybe three are needed. Part 2 starts with Lothlórien.
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ladylouoflothlorien · 4 years
For your touch I am yearning
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Pairing: Haldir x Reader (Gender not specified) Words: 2291 Summary: You are an elf who is skilled at helping other elves figure out their emotions, but you are not necessarily so skilled at figuring out your own. Haldir comes across you trying to figure out why you’re feeling so down, and offers to help in whatever way he can. Warnings: This gets very STEAMY towards the ends. No smut, but lots of steam. It’s kind of like a Kettle.
AN: Can I just say, I’m kind of shocked that it’s taken two years for me to write something set in Lothlorien, when Lothlorien is literally in my name? Anyway! This is based on a prompt submitted to me by the lovely @saviorsong​.
Caras Galadhon, the heart of Elvendom on Earth, chief and central city of Lothlorien. Many Elves of the Golden Wood lived there, as did you.
The Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Their immortality gave them a sense of living outside time. Unlike humans, who must daily strive to understand themselves, their emotions, their place in the world, the Elves may take as long as they wish to discover such things about themselves.
Except, of course, when they can’t. Is it not the way of this world to contrive difficult situations for all? When faced with a distinct lack of time to mull things over, many Elves will find themselves struck with a rather uncomfortable lack of understanding of themselves and their emotions. When such circumstances occurred, many of the Elves of Lothlorien would turn to you.
You were an elf who’d been blessed with three younger siblings – a rare occurrence in a society where children were already uncommon, and when they could be found they often had no siblings to speak of. You had been born early enough that when your siblings had started to arrive, you’d been heavily involved in the upbringing of all three.
For the sake of peace within the family, you had quickly developed a deeper understanding of the emotions of others. This emotional intelligence had been invaluable in ending the feuds between your young siblings, and it was an emotional intelligence that few Elves, despite their general wisdom, shared. Therefore, if any elf was having trouble deciphering their own emotions, you were more than happy to help. Unfortunately, this was not a skill that extended to the understanding of your own emotions.
You all but sank into the bed in your Talan. You were absolutely exhausted, for all Elves are supposed to be tireless beings. There were many things that you had been intending to get done that day, and you had accomplished precisely none of them. It was not necessarily annoying, for the tasks could always be completed the next day, but the Elves around you seemed to be having more trouble than usual. You wondered if it had anything to do with the upcoming festival.
Still, there was something else bothering you other than physical exhaustion, and it was something that you could not quite place. You frowned slightly, wondering what exactly it was that you were feeling, but then there came a gentle knock at the door.
“Come in.” You called politely as you eased yourself back off the bed and into standing position to receive your guest.
The door opened slowly, and in walked Haldir, March warden of Lorien. You were surprised, but managed to bow your head lightly in respect.
“March warden.”
Haldir smiled a little and took a step towards you.
“We are friends, are we not? I have told you before that the use of my title between us is unnecessary.”
You smiled in return and raised your head, though in your exhaustion your smile did not reach your eyes, and Haldir noticed this.
“What brings you to my Talan at this hour, Haldir?”
Though you were always glad to see him – for you had long harboured feelings for the march warden – the visit was certainly unusual.
Haldir made a gesture for you to sit, and so you both settled on top of your bed, sitting a respectable distance apart and not touching, for physical touch is not a thing often practiced among Elves.
“I admit I noticed you on your way up here. You seemed out of sorts, so I thought to check on you. Please forgive the intrusion if it is unwanted.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly, for there was something a little off with Haldir. He seemed to be almost nervous, though you were hardly in a fit state to discover why, not with your own emotional problem to deal with.
“Do not trouble yourself my friend, an intrusion though this may be, it is not unwelcome.”
You glanced sideways at the other elf, who’s eyes widened a little at first in surprise, but then narrowed.
“You are teasing me.”
“I might be. You’re so formal with me – it is no wonder I still call you march warden.”
Haldir had opened his mouth to respond, no doubt with something teasing of his own, but then he paused and seemed to think better of it.
“Come now, do not distract me. I came to see of you are alright. Answer me truly, does something ail you?”
You looked down at your hands, which were resting on your lap.
“I would not burden you, Haldir.”
Haldir frowned at that, and seemed to lean a little closer, though he still kept distance between you.
“You could never be a burden. It is plan that you are troubled. Speak to me so that I might be able to help you.”
There was something in his tone of voice so earnest that you could not deny him.
“Very well. I confess I am troubled, though I hardly know what by. It came upon me earlier today, and I cannot seem to shift it.”
Your hands wrung together lightly as you spoke, clearly uncomfortable. Your mood had dropped rather dramatically, and Haldir quickly sought to lift it again.
“What’s this? The great emotional decipherer stumped by their own emotions? This would be quite the scandal if it got out.”
You tried to fix him with a glare, but your efforts in that department were fruitless, as you could not keep your mouth from twitching upwards. Haldir proceeded then, satisfied that you did not look so disheartened.
“I know your methods – I have seen you work your magic. I may not possess your skill but do remember I have two brothers of my own. Let us work through this, together. We will surely understand what is wrong soon enough.”
The corners of your eyes wrinkled as your smile widened. It was not difficult to consider yourself genuinely lucky to have Haldir as a friend, even if you secretly desired more than that from him.
“You know my methods? Go ahead then, I should like to see you apply them.”
You turned their body to sit cross-legged on the bed and watched as Haldir did the same.
“Think carefully – what’s different than usual that could have made you feel this way?”
Well, that was certainly a question you had asked many a time, and yet now that it was directed at you, you realised what a difficult question it was to answer. After a slightly drawn-out pause, you finally came upon your answer.
“I suppose… with my parents having sailed a few months ago and my brothers and sister now grown and visiting other lands… I have not had as much familial attention as I am used to.”
Internally, Haldir breathed a sigh of relief, for here was a problem he understood well, it was also something that wasn’t too serious. He had been dreading that you might somehow have heard the call of the sea, for if you had you would surely have decided to leave the shores of middle earth. Haldir did not think he could have borne it. It seemed, however, that you were not quite done with your explanation, and Haldir was more than willing to keep listening. Your cheeks had turned slightly pink, and Haldir was certainly curious as to why.
“My family… we are more physically affectionate than most… I must miss being held and touched, as I already missed them before today.”
At that, Haldir’s own face went rather red, for the solution to your problem was rather obvious and he had promised to help, still, it was a little taboo. Haldir swallowed, for it would surely wound his pride as march warden to back out now, but he could not help feeling rather nervous.
“Our solution is clear, then.”
Your eyes snapped up to look at him, wondering if Haldir was really offering himself as the elf for the job, or if he was simply stating that someone was needed.
“H-Haldir, I truly do not wish to impose… I do not wish to embarrass you.”
Haldir swallowed before speaking, though you did not notice this. Part of him felt guilt, for taking advantage of the situation in order to get close to you, but he would not, could not, back out now.
“You are my… friend, and we are alone. There is no imposition, and nothing to feel embarrassed about.”
He paused, holding his arms open slightly.
“Come here.”
You rather slowly and more than a little awkwardly manoeuvred closer to Haldir until you were close enough to him that Haldir could wrap his arms around you. You were stiff at first, but soon melted into the embrace with a soft sound. However, you soon felt better and as soon as you did, you felt that it would only be appropriate to end the embrace. Haldir had done so much for you. It would be wrong to take advantage of him.
“I’m feeling… much better now thank you.”
You said quietly, starting to lean back so as to move away from him. Suddenly Haldir’s arms tightened around you so that you could not get away, and he moved his head to hide it against your neck.
“Haldir, what are you doing?!”
“Do not ask me to let you go just yet, I cannot do it.”
His voice was a little muffled against your skin, but it was loud enough to hear clearly, so there was no possibility of mistake. You felt your pulse quicken and your throat dry as you rapidly tried to go through all the reasons he would say such a thing, and Eru help you, there weren’t many. Still, you could not jump to conclusions.
“M-my friend.” You began. “Do not let me mistake your intentions-”
Haldir looked up then, suddenly, his eyes looking straight into yours with pupils so blown it made his eyes seem black.
“Friends. Must we be friends?” He asked, earnestly, his fingers fisting at the back of your tunic where he held you. You merely gaped at him.
“For centuries I have buried my feelings but now that I have you in my arms I find I can do so no longer.” Haldir’s seeking gaze never left yours, and you could feel the heat of his hands through the thin fabric of your clothing.
“Tell me you do not feel the same and I will walk back out that door behind me.”
Haldir leant in and pressed his forehead against yours. You could feel his breath on your lips, and said absolutely nothing, for you were in such a state of shock that your feelings were returned that you were speechless.
“You say nothing!” He exclaimed, breathless and delighted, one hand leaving its place at the back of your tunic to tenderly – albeit shakily – caress the side of your neck. His voice dropped low, and finally his eyes left yours only to flick down to your lips.
“And yet now you must tell me that you do feel the same, or I can proceed no further.”
You finally snapped out of the dreamlike state you had been in since the first hint of Haldir’s true feelings. You flung your arms around his neck, fingers burying greedily into his thick golden hair, as you brought your lips to his so suddenly he jolted in surprise. Haldir righted himself almost instantly, kissing ardently back as he pushed you down onto the bed. When your back hit the mattress you gasped against his lips, and the march warden – ever ready to seize an advantageous opportunity – bit down on your bottom lip.
Your fingers moved in his hair and found his pointed ears, and you ran the pads of them fingers over the sensitive tips. Haldir’s hips jerked forward at the touch and he let out such a moan into the kiss that your legs seemed to wind around his trim waist all by themselves.
One of Haldir’s hands moved down your body to grasp your thigh. He squeezed firmly as he aligned your hips together, and you could not help but whimper against his lips at the hardness you felt there.
“Such pretty sounds you make.” Haldir’s voice was breathless and deeper than you had ever heard it before, and you writhed beneath him as he finally broke the kiss so that his lips could explore the sliver of exposed skin that your tunic afforded him.
“Have you truly yearned for me as I have for you?”
You were beyond words at that point, but could readily show him with your body, and so you rocked your hips up into his. Haldir’s grip on your thigh tightened deliciously and with a barely stifled groan he pressed his hips down to meet yours once, twice, and then suddenly his body went tense and he stopped all motion. You whined again beneath him, but this time from disappointment.
“Why did you stop?” You asked, panting so heavily the words were more puffs of breath than proper sounds.
He pulled his head up a little so he could look fondly down at his love, a sweet smile on his lips for all they were swollen from kissing. The sweet smile could not detract, however, from the near feral gleam in his eyes.
“I do not think your brothers, nor your sister indeed, would be pleased with me if I were to wed you here and now without any proper courting.”
Haldir leaned closer again, pressing his lips to your ear as he spoke softly.
“For if we had continued any further we certainly would have been married before the hour was up.” Forever Tags: @sweeticedtea @cd1242 @strongandfreedc @pixierox101​ @jotink78​ @luna-xial @underthemoon-imagines​
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muqiing · 4 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 126- The Reaping
Summary: Catherine holds a trump card. Narcisse has a choice to make. Haldir finds something deplorable. Josie demands answers and they're not what she expects. Josie fights for her life. She seeks Narcisse and he tends to her. Thranduil awakens with a whole new view, mentally and literally. The Elvenking does something extremely stupid in his altered persona.
*Warnings* angst, blackmail, language, violence, blood and gore, graphic death, sadism, SMUT, alcohol use
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
After you disappeared in the halls after leaving Narcisse's room, Catherine snuck into his chambers like a sly fox to see if there was any evidence of truth to what you had implied about sharing a bath with the warlock lord. To her dismay, the bath was full of water with the floor wet before it, along with a damp towel that laid over the edge. She picked it up and brought it to her nose, taking in a giant whiff. In disgust and shock from smelling the scent of cherries and peppermint, which were of you and Narcisse, she threw it to the ground and stomped on it.
In a fit of rage, she went to leave to find Stephane until her eyes caught sight of something on the floor underneath his desk. Her morbid curiosity made her decide to pick up what looked to be a folded letter with a broken seal. As she opened it, skimming her devious eyes over the words to the very end, she wadded it shut against her chest as she gasped.
"The King of Mirkwood is alive...." she muttered.
As Narcisse was on his way back to his chambers about an hour later, he was intercepted by Catherine who appeared as if she were a cat who had just caught a mouse.
"Stephane...enjoy your bath with the presumed dearly departed King's widow?"
Not yet catching onto the presumed part she spoke, he leaned against the wall, realizing she must have seen you and you must have given Catherine reason to believe he and you shared the bath, which thrilled him that you would do so.
"If you must know, the Queen and I did share a bath." he happily lied with a smug smile to stick it to her as he played along with your charade.
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"Well well Stephane, it seems to me that the only rat in this castle is you."
Narcisse rolled his eyes and exhaled a deep sigh of frustration.
"That's interesting, coming from the one who tried to bribe Jo with money to leave and epically failed, getting your ass handed to you in the process.
"Oh no Stephane, the only one that will get their ass handed to them is you, for you see, I know your dirty little secret after going into your chambers."
Stephane furrowed his brows in bewilderment as he listened to her ramble on as if she had some kind of upper hand on him.
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"And low and behold, what do I find laying carelessly on the floor, but an opened letter addressed to Josephine from a very much alive Elvenking, and I had to wonder why you would have such a thing in your room?"
"You went in my room??!" he snapped as he quickly placed his hand in his now empty pocket.
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"It must have fallen out..." he mumbled in worry, but knew if you had found it before you left, it certainly wouldn't have laid there for Catherine to find....and you would have hunted him down, demanding explanations.
"What was that my love?"
Narcisse became beyond angry.
"I do not know what game you are playing, but it ends here."
"Oh no Narcisse, it is only just beginning. After all, you're the one who loves games are you not? And now you have a worthy opponent like you told Josephine you never had, just before you stole a kiss from her."
"I have had enough of you for I have been far too lenient in your jealousies of her when she had never done anything to you! I will give you one hour to gather your things and remove yourself from my castle, never to return!" he snarled through his teeth.
Catherine gleefully chuckled.
"Oh Stephane Narcisse, if you banish me from here, then you will leave me no choice to give the letter to Josephine, which by the way, I have very well hidden so that you cannot get your sneaky little hands on it."
'She would never believe you! I will deny it all. She will believe you found it and kept it form her, not me."
"Maybe so, but the fact still remains that if I show her this, you will lose her, for she will run far away trying to find her captured King!"
Narcisse fumed as he cornered Catherine against the wall.
"When I told you that you have forgotten who you are dealing with, I meant every word. No one blackmails me and lives. What's to stop me from snapping your scrawny neck where we stand? Then your hidden letter will never reach the hands of Thranduil's queen."
"Oh but it will, in due time. You see, I made sure it can easily be found by her if she looks in the right place because I knew you would threaten my life.. so either way, the clock is ticking for you, unless you rid of her like I previously ordered and return to me where you belong. Then and only then, will I make the letter disappear. The choice is yours. Lord help you if the King ever returns and finds out you withheld such vital information from her. You never should have crossed me Stephane. You and she will pay, and be knocked from your high pedestals. I guess killing your horse was too subtle of a warning. Tell me...how have you been feeling lately? Do you believe in witches?"
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Catherine smugly exited with a grin, waiting for the next bomb to drop that she set into motion since she left Narcisse's chamber.
Stephane realized now why your spell book was missing that you informed him of. He had been cursed and now knew either choice he made would cost him dearly, for Catherine was right, he would lose you with all scenarios, in which he played out in his haunted mind. He came to the conclusion that the best alternative ending would be to make you leave, but he couldn't bring himself to force you to do it, so he figured he would have to make you want to leave all on your own. He returned to his chambers with an idea, took out a piece of paper and a pencil, then sat down and began to draw with his creative art skills.
"Hush little baby, don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird..." you sang to Leean as you rocked her to sleep.
A harsh knock sounded upon the door. In frustration, you quickly laid her in her crib and rushed to the door, springing it open to find a pursed lipped Haldir.
"Oh...I thought you were still mad at me. What have I done now to earn this theatrical display?' you quipped.
Haldir huffed at your remark and walked in, heading straight onto the balcony so he would not disturb Leean and also Lola as she curiously watched the two of you. You followed him in confusion and shut the door behind you. He then spun around and handed you something.
"This!" Haldir reeled.
Shocked at his anger, you took the paper he held as your eyes flowed down to the contents upon it. A drawing of you, naked.
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Your mouth popped open but no words came out as your eyes bulged at the beautiful yet treacherous sight.
"Jo, what the hell is going on with you? I know you are in mourning, but your actions are becoming destructive and reckless."
Your eyes rolled up to him and finally you were able to speak.
"Where...how...where did you get this?' you whispered in utter disbelief, ignoring his scolding of you for the moment.
"In the dining hall for all to see...in which they did as it laid sprawled out on the dessert table on top of a cherry pie...and do not get me started on the vulgar comment I heard from one man in which I almost smashed his face in it."
The marchwarden's nose flared as he fumed fiery breath through it.
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"I..I don't understand...who...who could have done this.."
"Well why don't you ask him." the raging elf snarked as he tilted the drawing you still held and roughly poked his finger on the bottom, to where you finally saw a tiny disclaimer of a signature. Stephane.
"Why would he be drawing you in such a.....way. Did you sleep with him?"
You slapped the drawing down against your leg.
"I don't think that's any of your business!"
"You do not seem to think anything is my business anymore. You will no tell me what happened with Legolas. In fact, you do not talk to me at all. You said you and I would spend time together soon and that has not happened. Is it because of me? because I knew the truth about Tauriel and Thranduil and did not tell you?"
"I do NOT want to talk about that for I still cannot believe it..and...and no Haldir, I am not mad at you over that. I understand why you didn't tell me...at least since he died anyways. I should be mad about the fact you knew right after it happened just as Legolas did."
"If I would have done that, and believe me, I wanted to, you would have been more angry, accusing me of trying to come between you and the King, like you did at your vow renewals for telling you the truth about him and Kate. You banished me from Mirkwood for that Jo! So needless to say, I minded my own business like you have just made very clear that yours is not mine. Is that why Legolas left? because you are holding it against him for not telling you?"
"I don't want to talk about it, Haldir...have you gone deaf lately??"
He sighed loudly in disbelief as his eyes lowered and then spoke softly.
"You and I...we used to be so close...and now, I do not even know you. It is like you do not even care about me at all anymore."
Haldir's eyes glistened with oncoming tears as he turned and left.
You stood shocked for a moment and then ran into the room to stop him, but the bedroom door had just closed. Now you've pushed Haldir away too, you thought as you began to cry.
"Miss josie, are you alright?" Lola asked as she came over to you.
You hid the drawing behind your back and offered her a forced smile.
"I"ll be fine. Please stay with Leean. There's something I need to take care of."
You barged right into Narcisse's room and marched right up to him as he stood smiling, knowing exactly why you were there.
"You drew me naked. I don't know which is more humiliating. The fact that you did something like this or that a multitude of people saw it, including Haldir." you reeled as you held the drawing out to him.
"From my understanding, it's not like he has not seen you in this way before.... I must say though, the likeness is impressive." Narcisse grinned as he looked it over.
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""Oh stop admiring your own work." you snapped and ripped it out of his hands. "Are you going to act as if you did not just see me in the bath or that I would somehow forget it ever happened...which now I wish it had not."
"Jo...surely you've bathed in front of others besides myself."
"Ugh!" you griped in disgust.
"Well, am I the only one that knows you have a scar just here?" he smugly asked as he pointed to his upper chest by his shoulder. Your mind briefly flashed back to when you inflicted the knife upon yourself when you were being forced to kill Thranduil under Garrett's mind control before the vampire had changed his evil ways.
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"Oh please. Your signature is on it Stephane...in fine print but I can see the swank little S, which now in my eyes stands for snake."
"Very well then. I made the sketch."
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"For my private edification, but then I made a hefty gamble with one of my fellow warlocks because he claims that his paramour is the most beautiful woman in my castle. I very much disagreed so I offered your photo for all the warlocks to vote on." he explained as if it were no big deal.
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"Sadly, although your beauty is sublime...I lost the bet." he continued in an insouciant manner as he stuffed his face.
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You weren't sure if it was what he said or the way he said it that slightly stung you.
"You do realize that Haldir now thinks I slept with you. All we did was talk and you know it."
"Mmm, well you were naked at the time..and you did offer to sleep with me...but I do see your point."
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You glared at him.
"You were so different just hours ago, sweet and seemed to actually have a heart. You say you care for me and now..."
"I say a great many things. The mistake was yours in trusting me." he coldly said.
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"Why are you doing this? You're not the kind of person to hurt someone just for money."
"Do you remember when you told me you did not like me, and I told you that you don't know me? That's because you don't. I have done things that you have not a clue about that you would be repulsed by. I am merely the arrogant asshole I warned you that I was."
"You also told me that you are not a soulless animal and I believe that. You have shown me that there is another side of you!"
'Which gave you the assurance you needed to take a bath in front of me, revealing all the sides there are to you."
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Narcisse was pouring salt into the wounds he created and you didn't understand why he was trying to hurt you like this. All you knew is that it did hurt, and even that part you didn't understand.
He then stood up and came over to you.
"You think that because we shared a few nice moments, that you saw some good in me that no one had ever seen before?"
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"I truly thought I did. Whatever your plan was here today, you succeeded... I can see quite clearly the man before me now."
Narcisse stared at you as he gulped in regret. You stared back at him, your eyes swelling up with tears....and then you quietly left. Normally you would have slapped him into next week, but you knew this wasn't him because you saw it in his pained eyes just now that he miserably failed to conceal....whatever was going on, he wasn't going to break so you gave up.
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Narcisse sat in his chamber for hours knocking back the whiskey, ashamed of what he had to do to you. The look in your eyes after all that he said to you, had demolished his heart and he could only imagine what it did to yours. He knew he was reaping what he sowed for keeping the truth about Thranduil from you and debated on just telling you, but the black magic upon him would not let him be the man you had once seen....then, in came Catherine to gloat.
"I hear you are quite the artist."
"Yep, and Josie will never speak to me again."
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"Such good news. I am sorry my love but your loyalty needed to be tested." she said in a joyful tone as she went over to Stephane and placed her hands on his arms as if he would readily welcome her back.
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He laid his hands on top of hers and smiled.
"Yes my love."
"Go fuck yourself."
Narcisse gulped down his drink and then walked out with his heart bleeding love.
Dec 1 (3 days later)
You made Lola take Leean for a walk indoors around the castle so you could be alone for awhile and cry your eyes out. All you had left now was Garrett...at least that was how you felt. He had been here everyday to visit with you and make sure you were alright. You contemplated on leaving and to hell with that damn book. What did it even matter to you anyways? But where would you go now? Lorien was probably not an option now since you and Haldir had barely said two words to each other since the drawing incident. You were surprised he hadn't left you too by now. There was also no sign of your father and you didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. You told yourself that you never asked to be a part of this fucked up fairytale but in all reality, you knew you had when you called out for an imaginary King every night to save you, but this is wasn't what you signed up for. This wasn't the world you dreamt of. If you could go back to the day you escaped Peter and change it all, would you? You would lose everything, but Thranduil would still be alive and would never know you. Would you even remember him?
You forced these ridiculous thoughts out of your head and went to splash cold water on your face and wash up at the sink, since you still refused to get in your bath. As you were finishing up, you heard the bedroom door close.
"Lola? Why are you back so soo...."
Your words halted as you saw the most terrifying sight in the mirror of someone opening your bathroom door. Asher.
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"It's not real, it's not real Josie." you whispered as you smushed your eyes shut.
"Oh it's very real bitch."
Your eyes sprung open wide as you spun around shaking profusely. Your hand desperately searched the basin behind you for something, anything to fight him off.
Asher then came towards you slowly with intent to kill as you could see it in his rage filled darkened eyes and the fact he was carrying a sword. He was dirty, beaten, soaked in sweat and clearly in physical agony considering what Stephane had done to him. How had he gotten free and how did he know where to find you?
"Don't come any closer or I'll..."
"You'll what? Scream? Go ahead since that's all you can do, powerless witch. You'll be dead before anyone gets to you."
"Please, I have a little girl!! She needs me." you pleaded, trapped between him and the door.
"And now she will not have a mother."
"I did not do this to you! You're not thinking clearly in your condition. Narcisse, he will kill you for this!"
"Oh I am thinking more clearly than I ever have. I wish he would have killed me already! This is all because of you, so yes, you did do this to me!" he spoke through his teeth as he gritted them.
As your hand fumbled behind you, you found your hairbrush that was made of metal and it was quite large and heavy. Instinctively, you hurled it at him as hard as you could, striking him right in the forehead. He bellowed in pain and doubled over, giving you just enough time to run past him. You almost made it to the chamber door when he grabbed your hair from behind, yanking you against him and smashing his hand over your mouth as he lifted his sword up to your throat.
"Thranduil...give me the power." you muttered as you concentrated on your King's warrior skills.
Asher laughed into your ear. "Your dead King can't save you no more than anyone else can, but don't worry. You'll be reunited with him real soon. I won't lie. It's gonna hurt first, really bad."
Your fist clenched tight as you pounded him right in his sore empty crotch. As he wailed in pain, you then hammered down on his arm, knocking the sword to the ground. You quickly picked it up and plunged it right through his gut. You shrieked as he fell against you, spilling his blood clear down your dress as he slid to the ground. You stood there, emotionless as you watched him die.
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Everything went blurry after that, for you had never killed anyone before, well except for Malsin when you stabbed him from behind with a dagger, but you later found out he didn't die from that, but from Haldir beheading him after.
The sword slipped from your hand and clanked onto the floor. You found yourself then unsteadily walking out the door and scuffing your feet down the halls in a daze. There wasn't a soul in sight and if there had been, you wouldn't have even noticed them in the state you were in.
You ended up at Stephane's chamber, not knowing how or why. As you stood frozen, staring at the door, you tried to call his name but you couldn't speak. Your legs began to tremble as if they could give out at any moment....and they did.
Narcisse was at his desk looking over some documents when he heard a thud against his door. Cautiously, he opened it to find you hunched over on the ground covered in blood.
"Jo!! My god!" he belted out and fell down to his knees beside you. "What has happened?? Jo, baby look at me! Is this your blood??"
All you could do was whimper. Your eyes couldn't even find his face.
He gripped your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him as he gave your head a shake.
"Jo, is this your blood?!!!"
The jolt snapped you somewhat back to reality as you stuttered.
His eyes widened as he gulped and held his breath, then released it to speak.
"Alright..who's is it Jo? Talk to me sweetheart."
Your eyes finally met his and when they did, tears plummeted from them.
"A..As..Asher's...I...I...k...k.kill...killed him."
"What??? How...how did he...Jesus, Jo, where is he now?"
"My god, where is Leean?!"
You tried to answer but you then fell onto his chest and passed out.
"Jo, baby?! Jo..."
Narcisse sighed heavily as he cradled your head against him and kissed it, then quickly scooped you up into his arms and carried you inside his chambers, laying you down upon his bed. He then stroked your cheek and left, locking the door behind him.
He was worried sick about Leean, praying she was not present during this to see her mother in such a way and most importantly that she was unharmed and safe as he truly did care for the little girl.
Upon reaching your chamber, the door was wide open and there laid a deceased Asher just as you had said. He couldn't believe it. Rage began to rush through him as he wondered how he escaped or even knew where to find you, but he had a pretty good idea.
He summoned a few of his warlock guard and ordered them to dispose of the body, rug and weapon as he went to search for Lola and Leeanduil, in which he found the two safe and sound in the dining hall.
'Lola...have you seen the marchwarden? I need to speak with him."
"I did, awhile earlier. He went into the city but that is all I know."
"Very well. Take the child back to your personal chambers and remain there until further notice....and keep your door secured. Do not open it unless it is myself or her mother."
"Is everything alright? Where is Josie?"
"Lola...do as your told. There is plenty of Mirkwood's magical water here to fulfill the child's nutritional needs if she becomes hungry."
"Yes, my lord."
Narcisse bent down and gave Leean a smile and little tickle, then rushed off back to you.
"My King, take me away from this awful place!"
Your words echoed loudly through Thranduil's dream as he trekked through the dark forest trying to locate the beautiful voice, but the further he went, the more it faded.
He gasped awake not realizing he called out your name. Reality then washed over him as he took in his new surroundings, completely forgetting his dream and you.
Thranduil laid upon a king size feather soft bed inside a lofty elegant chamber, softly lit by candlelight. The walls and ceiling were carved out of various shapes of stone, in which he then realized he was inside of a mountain.
As he went to stand up, his head became full and achy. Slowly he moved to a large vanity and peered at himself in the mirror. He moved in closer as his eyes appeared a darker hue, but the longer he stared into his own eyes, the moonstone glow returned and he suddenly felt revived, no longer in any pain.
Upon walking around the room, he became enthralled with a large copious wardrobe stuffed full of elven garments, some he recognized as his own. Beside it in a pile on a high back chair fit for a king were his armor but no swords. He had no memory of what happened to him but he did recall that he was wearing his moonstone ring and now he wasn't. The last memory he was able to coax out for the moment was being at Lestat's which made his skin crawl to know that he was ever in the domicile of a vampire and he remembered why he was there too. For you, which now infuriated him that he had ever allowed himself to be involved with a human, and a pure blood witch at that. He convinced himself that you had spellbound him, for it was the only thing that made sense for him to have ever had relations with you. If there was one thing he knew about witches, it was their wicked manipulations in seduction. Any memories after that time were all a fog except for when he awoke after first arriving here. Jareth had told him he had been injured in the massive blaze and that he rescued him. He chalked it up to being a head injury since he could recall the previous pain and figured that to also be why he could not remember much after that.
Thranduil's eyes located the wash room and inside was a colossal spring with steam dispensing from it, inviting him in and so he did, feeling the desperate need to relax and forget all the horrible memories for awhile. Also, to his delight and cravings, was a wine table next to the fog covered pool. He quickly undressed, poured himself a substantial amount of the invigorating red vintage and climbed into the hot spring, indulging in both for at least an hour.
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Thranduil laid his head back against the mountain wall and closed his eyes, sighing deeply in ecstasy and soon dozed off as the warm liquid relaxed all of his muscles.
"Thranduil....Thranduil where are you my King...please, take me away from this awful place, I beg of you." your weak sobbing voice pulsed through his mind.
Once again, The Elvenking found himself traveling through the dark forest, this time with Tauriel at his back. There, just around a tree, you lied semi conscious with blood trickling from your forehead. Thranduil knelt beside you, completely lost in your beauty and more so in the pull he felt when he laid his cool hand on your head, healing you. He then picked you up into his arms and began taking you away from that awful place as you had pleaded for him to do.
"My lord, she is human. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"
"Do not question my authority. She is injured and needs my help, and I am going to offer it."
"Yes my lord."
Thranduil jerked awake, almost hyperventilating. He knew exactly what he dreamt of. The night he first found you outside of Mirkwood's northern borders in the dark forest where Malsin had been tracking you.
"Get out of my head witch!" he barked out loud and climbed out of the water in a pissed off tizzy.
He became even more unhinged when he noticed his cock at full attention and glared at it as if it would shrivel up in fear of him, but it did not, so he ignored the throbbing ache and downed another glass of the wicked wine.
"I could help you with that problem...again...if you would like." a voice sounded from the bath's entrance way.
He slowly turned to face the familiar voice to see Raven ogling his cock that he did not bother to try and conceal, but instead, stood there with it pointing at her as he grinned. His stance purposely bragged of his beauty and his eyes turned dark gray once again as he neared her.
"Is that so...dhampir? I do not recall ever having the pleasure of you, but, maybe you could.... refresh my memory."
Raven's eyes widened as she swallowed heavily in shock. He was supposed to hate her, even more now that he had been conditioned.
"Why do you look so frightened my child? It's just a cock...or...have you never had one such as this?"
Raven forgot to breathe for a moment.
"Speak, girl!"
She jumped and squeaked. "I...I...have not...well, not fully...do you not...remember...my lips upon....you?"
Thranduil tilted his head with furrowed brows and advanced closer to her.
"Should I?"
"W...well yes? I..I mean...you hate vampires and...I..I am part of that and...you...hate me also."
"I do hate vampires...and witches as well which you are also...and I do recall my hatred of you...but..I do not have to like you to fuck you, do I?"
Her knees began to wiggle like jelly as her core screamed at her.
"N..no..I suppose not but...Jareth...he..."
"What about him? I do not fear him. He may have offered me assistance but I owe him nothing. If only your lips were upon me, then it would seem, I owe you something. Would you like to collect?"
Thranduil now stood in front of her, the head of his cock teasing her stomach.
"Th...Thranduil... I..."
"That's King Thranduil to you young one." he raved with a succulent smirk.
"D..don't you even care as to why you do not remember?"
He placed his hand on the wall above her head and leaned down, staring at her.
"I do not." he simply stated as he twirled her hair in his fingers.
"But...but...no...no no no...you're just fucking with me aren't you? You have before. I do not trust you...and Jareth will kill me, which is probably what you're hoping for."
"If I wanted you dead, you would be dead, right here, right now."
She wanted to believe him and still desperately desired him.
"Jareth is not here but he could be back at any moment. I really shouldn't have even come."
"Then why did you?"
"I..I don't know why I came!" she snapped and tried to leave.
Thranduil pushed her back in place before him.
"I know exactly why you came and I want you to come again."
He spun her around to face the wall, making her loudly gasp, then bent down and whispered into her ear.
"I will not take what is not offered to me, so I will leave the choice up to you."
His fingers strolled down her side and rested on her inner thigh, causing her breathing to rapidly increase.
"I can smell the desire seeping from you" he reveled as his thumb grazed her clit.
She released a yelp at his touch. "Yes...King Thranduil. I offer myself to you."
He growled into her neck and ripped her pants down, spreading her legs, then found her soaked entrance and shoved into her.
Thranduil intensely grunted at the extreme pleasure while Raven screeched in pain as his thickness tore her.
"It will only hurt for a moment. Focus not on the pain but on the pleasure that is to come."
The more he pushed, the more her wetness covered him until he was fully sheathed.
"There. Now move with me."
She did as he ordered, rocking her hips as he grinded into her slowly and deeply, panting into her ear at each thrust.
He placed a hand onto her stomach and his fingers into her folds. She squealed and began bucking her hips, feeling all the pleasure he assured her would come. Thranduil pumps raced against her outward thrusts sending Raven into an erratic climax in which she bit down on her hand to keep from screaming. Thranduil quickly followed as he flattened her against the wall, his cock raging in release with no attempt to withdraw or silence his rapture. His hips twitched as the last of his essence spurted into her.
"You can go now." he coldly snapped and went to the wine table.
Raven had been used and she knew it, but didn't care. She was still in shock but in a very good way for she never dreamed she would have all of the Elvenking without tricking him. Of course, he was being tricked though, just not by her and God help her if he ever was freed from the black magic upon him for he would surely kill her when he realized what she allowed him to do.
Thranduil gulped down a full glass of wine, frustrated that he didn't feel better, but worse...and he didn't know why. He did know that what he had just done was only to hurt you. What he didn't know was that he was programmed to make you suffer.
"You will never know what hit you." he smugly said as he knocked back another glass. Your face then flashed in his mind, instantly angering him.
"Go away!" he shouted and hurled the chalice against the wall as pain ripped through his head.
He stumbled his way back to his resting area as his vision blurred. Everything then went black as he lost consciousness and face planted onto the bed.
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The Art of Being an Eldar: Legolas x Reader Chapter 6
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Summary: After discovering that you were stuck in Middle-Earth, Thranduil summoned a council of powerful Elves and wizards to see what should be done with you, expressing his wishes of wanting you out of his kingdom. The council decides to send you with Legolas on an orc-hunting mission, and if the Elves of the company that he deems trustworthy-- one of them being his own wife-- say that you've proven yourself worthy of staying among the Mirkwood Elves, then you can stay. The problem is actually managing to succeed...
Chapter No.: Chapter 6
Key: [Y/N]=Your Name [F/N]= Friend's Name [B/N]= Bro's Name [S/N]= Sis's Name [M/N]= Mom's Name [e/c]= eye color [h/c]= hair color [s/c]= skin color [lad/lass/y-o]= lad/laddie, lass/lassie, young one
Notes: So, I have finished the Silmarillion, and may I just say, wow. I have a whole new understanding of Middle-Earth. It's amazing and inspiring. I do miss Maedhros and Maglor already though... Now, I've finished Beren and Luthien and started The Children of Hurin next in my quest to read every book on Middle-Earth that there is, written, of course, by the Tolkiens.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, graphic depictions of gore and violence (Cuz of orc battles y'know?), more angst, slow burn, some light depression in the first few chapters, some amnesia about Middle-Earth because the Valar say you're not supposed to have foresight, hard-core language, feels, lots and lots of feels, mentions of NSFW content, maybe some eventual NSFW content, LGTBQ+ characters, Thranduil being a jackass at first because he's fabulous, Legolas being a hot edgy prince that nobody can handle, Kili being an innocent bean, Hobbits being smol innocent beans, except for Bilbo 'cause he's been through some tough shit, Bard being dad of the year, Thorin being one dumbass boi, awesome dragons, awesome Nazgul, awesome scenery, awesome stuff in general, Elrond isn't listened to by anybody, confused Aragorn is confused,  Denethor's a bitch as always, brace yourself for creepy as fuck Cream of Wormtongue Grima Wormtongue, Boromir LIVES, au to where some of the Feanorians lived, Gandalf. (yes these are all legit warnings don't judge me.)
Pairings/Ships: Legolas x Reader, Legolas x you, Aragorn x Arwen, Faramir x Eowyn, Thranduil x Elvenqueen, Galadriel x Celery Celeborn, Boromir x OC, Maedhros x Fingon, Maglor x OC, Thorin x OC maybe Bilbo you won't know for awhile, Fili x OC, etc. general LoTR standard shippings plus some of my own cuz I can't stand my boys being lonely
Word Count: I try to keep my chapters short, under 2000 words.
Rating: Teen (14+) for now
Instead of Blue-Eyes meeting you by Starlight, it was Erestor, instead. Aside from the one time you'd spoken to him with Haldir, asking him about other continents (Which, it turned out, you'd misunderstood. Beleriand had sunk, and so had Numenor and Tol Eressea, and no one but the Eldar could reach Aman anymore.), you hadn't spoken to him.
He was an older Elf, kind of intimidating, with a bird-like demeanor and an expression that said Don't fuck with me.
So yeah, you were kinda surprised.
Still, you bowed in the Elvish fashion. "Len Suilon, Erestor. Ci maer?"
"Suilad. Ni maer, [Y/N]," He assured nonchalantly. "A gin?"
"Ni maer eithro." You looked around nervously, hoping Blue-Eyes would pop out of nowhere and save you from a further conversation in what would probably be your poor Sindarin with an age-old Elf. "So, her majesty chose me for this scouting mission, eh?"
"Indeed," Erestor inclined his head. "Your Elvish improves, if slowly. You do not hesitate in your greetings anymore."
"Thank you, sir."
"Come, and lead Starlight along," Said Erestor unfairly regally, and sailed majestically away. "Have you been practicing your swordplay diligently? You may need it."
You nodded as you followed him. "Yes sir. Legolas, Elros, and Lindir have made sure that they split my day into learning Sindarin, weaponry, and even the general Elvish way of being Elvish." You tried not to sound irritated about that. They literally never gave you any free time. Not that you'd brought any books to read, and not that you could read any Elvish, but that wasn't the point.
"Good," Erestor nodded. "What are your strong suits?"
Ah, shit. "Uhm... I can throw a dagger pretty hard? I can probably shoot somebody dead if I'm point blank, but other than that, my aim sucks. I'm somewhat okay with a sword, though, and I prefer two. Why?"
"Curious," Erestor replied all mysteriously, and that was all he said on the matter.
The Elves chosen for the scouting mission-- the Elvenqueen herself, with Blue-Eyes, Haldir, and Elros-- were gathered and speaking amongst themselves, while Thorin and Dwalin next to their very dignified ponies glowered at them. Balin was feeding his own pony an apple, muttering to it kindly. Compared to the Elves, who were naturally tall and lithe, the short and stocky dwarves looked outrageously tiny.
"Ah," The Elvenqueen's attention was on you faster than a supersonic jet's. "You have arrived."
You bowed deeply. "Your majesty." To Haldir, and even to Legolas just to be safe from potential Elvenqueen-wrath-2.0, you added, "My Lords." You turned to Erestor. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you with the title, I forgot what ‘my lord’ is in Elvish."
To your surprise, the Elves chuckled. Except for the Elvenqueen, of course. "You need not worry yourself, mellonenin," Elros assured you. "You are still learning."
The Elvenqueen inclined her head. "We leave at once, if all are ready."
There were positive responses throughout, and everyone present mounted up. You caught sight of Lindir coming out of his tent for the morning, and waved; he looked confused, but awkwardly repeated your gesture. "What on Arda are you doing?" Blue-Eyes asked under his breath, like you were embarrassing him.
You snickered. "It's like a 'hi' and 'bye' gesture for when you're out of earshot of someone you know. It's called ‘waving’. Everyone does it where I come from."
"This is not your world, [Y/N]," The Elvenqueen reprimanded firmly. You fought the urge to shrink in on yourself. "If you are going to be a part of it and learn our ways, then you must do so faithfully, leaving everything you know of your world behind you. Your land is nothing but a poison, and I do not want it infecting Middle-Earth. Am I understood?"
"Y-yes ma'am-- your majesty, yes your majesty."
"Good," Said the Elvenqueen, and then she continued giving orders in Elvish, while Thorin purposefully repeated them in dwarvish for Balin and Dwalin, though everyone present spoke fluent English-- Common. For you, Blue-Eyes translated what he could before he was called up to ride beside his mother, so then Elros and Haldir took turns explaining. The whole event left you feeling like a fish out of water.
It was around noon when the company halted, which Thorin and Dwalin had been leading on foot, while Balin kept their ponies tied to his own. At first, you assumed, lunch, finally, I'm starving, but instead, you'd stopped because Thorin had found a trail. "Orcs," He said.
Duh, you felt like saying, what else would it be? Bigfoot?
But after the Elvenqueen's earlier lecture, you kept that to yourself.
"Which way do they lead, master dwarf?" The Elvenqueen demanded.
Thorin huffed as he stood. "They go north, but they are heavy from travel. Wherever they came from, it is not from anywhere near the northern borders of Mirkwood or Erebor."
"Where else would they come from?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. "Are there like orcish towns in the north or something? Maybe we could--”
"There is no such thing," The Elvenqueen snapped.
"The wargs that I had tracked were from Gundabad," Blue-Eyes said calmly, as if that hadn't ever been important information before. "The ones that attacked us on the river, however, were from Mordor."
You leaned over to Haldir as Blue-Eyes continued to speculate. "I'm confused. What's the difference?"
"Gundabad wargs are darker, lithe, and more agile," Haldir told you quietly. "They are more viscous, as well. A Mordor warg is more... Stout, I suppose you could say, and slightly lighter in color."
There was a flash of color before your eyes. Suddenly, you felt as if you were in a clearing of trees, surrounded by people in dark colors, while the sound of howls filled the air, unlike the ones you'd heard before.
These are Gundabad wargs! They will outrun you!
These are Rusteveld rabbits! I'd like to see them try.
You shook your head as you resituated yourself in the saddle. Well, that was sudden... It had been quite a few days since any of the strangely-familiar visions had come to you. You came back to your senses as Dwalin laughed uproarously. "Well, that settles it, then! To Gundabad!"
"Wait just a moment," The Elvenqueen said. "We are not all brash, Master Dwalin. We will go back and retrieve more forces before even thinking of going near Gundabad." With that, she turned her silver mare around and began trotting back, Haldir and Erestor on either side of her. Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin hung back, taking their time getting on their ponies and following after.
"Where's Gundabad?" You asked Legolas quietly; not that it did any good. Elves could hear grass growing on the other side of the continent if they wanted to. "And what is it?"
"It is northwest of here, in a cleft between the mountains," He answered. "It is an old fortress, from the time when the Dunedain first came to Middle-Earth from Numenor, if you remember." You nodded; he'd told you the entire story of the Silmarils and anything that went with it or after. "It was the gate that lead to the Witch-Kingdom of Angmar."
"Lead by the Witch-King..." You finished for him automatically. An eerie echo of a voice filled your mind: No man can kill me. At his impressed look, you scrunched up your face. "And what are you, French? How'd you make that 'h' sound in the middle of the damn word?!" You realized what you said only after you'd said it, and quickly looked to the Elvenqueen to see if she'd heard. If she had, she made no sign of it. "Sorry."
Blue-Eyes patted your back. "It is fine, Sairen, you can speak to me of your world, don't worry." With a cocky smile, he looked down at you smugly. "As for the pronunciation... You will learn to do it soon."
Back at camp, a group of Elves was already up and waiting to move out, and at the Elvenqueen's ringing voice, they followed after, and you all retraced your steps back to where Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin had found the orc tracks. You considered it pointless-- they could've just taken the host of a couple dozen Elves with them that way they didn't have to retrace their steps.
Partway there, you decided that goddamn song that'd been going through your head needed a damn good explanation. Unfortunately, Blue-Eyes was now up by his mother, leaving you between two totally random Elves. You'd never been good at starting up a conversation, but you decided to give it a try anyway. "...Hey, do either of you speak Common?"
Both Elves busted out laughing as if you'd made a hilarious joke about dwarves.
"Most Eldar can speak Common," The one on the right said, removing his helmet to look at you more clearly. Whoa. You practically fell off Starlight. He was beautiful. He had long, purely golden hair that fell down his back in unfairly glorious waves. He had soft blue eyes (Not as gorgeous as Blue-Eyes', but still.) and a fair face. "It would be considered quite odd, in our long lives, if one did not learn the tongues of others."
You just stared at him. "Dude. Are you like, made of gold?"
He laughed, which sounded a lot like something naturelike and unfairly beautiful. You'd never heard any of the Elves outright laugh, so this was a weird, new experience for you. "I have been asked many things, but that is new. No, I am just as flesh and bone as you are."
"Yeah, but yours are like, plated in gold, so, you're... Wow."
He laughed again. "What is your name, mellon?"
"[Y/N.]," You replied, in a daze, then leaned over quick to the Elf on your left, who tensed and tried to lead his horse away. "Do you even see this guy?!"
You turned back to Goldie. "A gin?"
As best as he could in the saddle, the Elf placed his right arm over his chest and bowed at the waist. "I am called Glorfindel. Gellon len covad!"
"Mae l'ovannen!" You said in response.
Glorfindel smiled at you. "What was your question, mellonenin?"
"Well thanks to you and your blinding gold-ness, I forgot. Give me a minute." You thought for a second, trying to ignore the literally glowing Elf beside you. "Ah! That's it. I asked if you could speak Common so you'd understand my question. You guys have songs, right?"
Glorfindel gave you a look like you'd just told him his hair looked like an orc's. "Of course we have songs! Many, many songs! They are as timeless as we are, and we, all of us, are taught these songs from a very young age. Did you wish to learn them?"
You shook your head. "Nah. I've never been good at singing." If I sang all you Elves would shatter like a glass in an opera-room. "When I got puffed here, a song started going through my head. I can never remember all of it. Just bits and pieces here and there. But it's really bugging me. So if I told you all I could remember, think you could remember one from your Elvish past?"
Glorfindel inclined his head. "I shall answer to the best of my ability."
"Okay," You wracked your brain for the lyrics. "Okay, uh... Something about leaving home, and fading... Lots of fading. The one sentence I can always clearly remember is 'all shall fade.'" You looked at him curiously. "That ringin’ any bells?"
Glorfindel thought hard. "If by that you mean if I can remember anything similar, I cannot. If it is a song of Arda, it is not one I know, and I can remember most Eldar songs."
That caused a lightbulb to appear above your head. You gasped, wide-eyed.
"Wait! You're Glorfindel?! As in, the Glorfindel?! The guy in Gondolin who tried to protect Turgon by fighting the Balrog?!"
"Ah, Turgon... He was a good friend."
"And when it fell it grabbed your hair?!"
Glorfindel flinched. "Can we not mention that...?"
"And then you came back to life to fight Sauron?!"
"The guy who was in love with Ecthelion of the Fountain?!"
Glorfindel flushed, his face going a deep shade of un-Elvish red-- on him, though, it was more of a rose-gold... "Yes, I am that Glorfindel, and I would advise you hush before you draw the attention of the Elvenqueen."
Nervously, you glanced ahead, to where the Elvenqueen sat regally upon her horse. If she or Leggy had heard you, neither of them made any indication of it. With a giddy smile, you looked back to Glory. "This is so cool. Where I'm from, you rarely ever meet anybody so important. Now I've met some of the most important people of Middle-Earth! Ooh, am I also gonna get to meet the king of Gondor?!"
Glorfindel looked confused, but amused. "Gondor has no king, and has not for many, many years. Not since the death of Isildur. Now, the stewards of Gondor keep watch over the city and uphold its laws, and await for the heir to the Gondorian royalty to show himself."
"Or herself," You specified, fighting a wince as you heard a voice echo, Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
Glorfindel raised an eyebrow. "Hardly ever is a mortal woman given any sort of royal duties alone. She would have to marry someone of high standing to be considered queen."
You scoffed. "Great. So the humans of Middle-Earth are assholes, too. Figured I'd escape from that."
"The race of Man is a fickle one," Glorfindel agreed. "More often than not, they are the cause of most grief in the world." He smiled. "But worry not! You are of the Eldar now, and are not subject to their torments."
You shrugged. "Good point..." You beamed excitedly at him. "Tell me about your adventures!"
He did, until the Elvenqueen gave the signal to dismount and to keep silent. You'd been so into Glorfindel's stories that you hadn't noticed that the trees had thinned out, giving way to loose, rusty-brown soil and rocky slopes. All of the Elves sailed silently over the rocks, while the dwarves trampled noisily.
For days (Which passed like extremely-long hours, and you weren't even hungry or thirsty or tired.), the procession trekked through the hills without any audible communication, until the huge hills rose up to your left and in the north into jagged mountains. You kept going, and going, and really wondered how any of the Elves that'd been left could possibly reach any of you for backup if needed in time.
On what was about noon of the week and a half mark, you came to an overlook that spread down beneath you into a huge, rocky valley, dry and desolate. There was no sign of life, and further still, about a couple days away by foot, was another tall, jagged outcropping overlooking a massive structure of bronze. Small black dots which you were going to assume were birds flitted about the top of it, and it stretched what looked like hundreds of feet into the air. You were astonished.
"We came all this way for rocky dirt and an old tower. I don't see any signs of life there." You kept your voice at a whisper, like some of the other Elves who'd began talking amongst themselves.
Blue-Eyes eyed the tower warily. "You're not supposed to."
You turned to watch him walk away. "Then what?" Blue-Eyes gave the Elves some order in Elvish, and you continued. "So we came all this way to see that it really doesn't look like there's orcs there but really, there are, so, what do we do? They've obviously got a shit ton of more orcs behind there. We're probably way outnumbered. So what do we do?"
"We," He replied, "Are going to do just what we came here to do. We're going to scout, by getting as close as we can and seeing what we can. Then we leave. It's as simple as that. If, however, we're ambushed, the rest of the procession has been following us slowly. They're only a couple of hours behind."
You frowned. You must not've gotten that memo because everybody felt the need to speak highly advanced Elvish when you only knew a couple ways to say "hi." "So what do we do if we see something we don't like? Attack?"
"If we can," Blue-Eyes told you, "But it most likely will not come to that. We simply came to see if they have larger numbers than those few who attacked us at the river."
You gave him an incredulous look with an eyebrow raised nearly to your hairline. "...Few?"
He scoffed, and walked off, giving orders in Sindarin that you only caught a word or two of. You were watching him with a glower, when you noticed Lindir sidling up on your right smugly. "...Do you not wish that you know what he is saying?"
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Ugh, Lindy, geez, can you read my goddamn mind?" You turned to mock-glare at him; he was preening. "Well? What was he saying?"
Lindir laughed and wagged a finger at you-- so Elvish. "No no no no no, mellon, I will not make it that easy for you. If you wish to know exactly what he said, then you will have to continue learning from your current point."
Your shoulders slumped. "Really? Damn. Fine, I guess, since it looks like we're camping here." And it did. Practically everyone was going around setting up bedrolls, but you seen no sign of a fire. "Glad it's warm-ish. What, we just supposed to freeze?"
Lindir gestured to Gundabad. "If we light a fire, they will see us, and our stealth will be for naught."
You gave him an odd look. "...What?"
Lindir blinked. "If they see us, our stealth will be for naught."
You stared at him blankly. "...Naught?"
Lindir suddenly looked panicked. "Do they not have that word on your world? It means the same as nothing, in this context."
You scoffed with a cocky smirk. "I know what it means. You Elves are just so damn fancy." You reached over and ruffled his strangely-perfect brown hair, to which he yelped and yanked away from you as if you'd tried to stab him. You left your hand in the air where his head had been, wide-eyed, as Lindir stared at you in shock. "Uhh... Got a sensitive spot on your head there?"
Lindir narrowed his eyes at you. "I should teach you Eldar custom as well. No Elf touches another's hair, for whatever reason, unless it is necessary, which is more than likely never to happen. Braiding and touching another's hair is considered something only for the wedded to do."
You yanked your hand away from where his head had been. "Sorry. I didn't know. Where I come from, that whole hair-ruffle thing is used between siblings or friends."
Lindir smiled softly, straightening his hair. "It is fine, [Y/N.]. You had no way of knowing. But, now I realize I must teach you language and customs-- or perhaps Elros can do that..."
You snickered to yourself, earning an odd look from the Elf. You shrugged. "Nothin', just, I've got specific Elvish teachers now. You're my language teacher, Elros is now customs, Legolas is history, and Glorfindel is music. I'm gonna be a true Elf before I know it."
"Maybe never a true Elf," Lindir laughed, "But close enough!"
You laughed with him, but on the inside, winced. You doubted if he meant it as an insult, but it hit you like one. No, you'd never been considered good enough to be a true anything, especially an Elf of all creatures, who were naturally shiny and glowy and perfect and shit. But still, for someone to confirm it, even in a joking manner, that you'd never be good enough to be a true Elf...
It really hurt.
You acted all casual on the outside throughout the rest of the evening, laughing and joking when needed, but internally, you were fighting a dull ache in your chest. You'd gotten it a few times before-- rarely, but still-- and you knew exactly what it was. The desire to fit in. You'd never had a chance on Earth. But here, you'd hoped to at least be considered a part of their realm.
Dammit, why am I so sensitive?! He didn't mean anything by it!
But what were you really doing here? Struggling to prove yourself to a race that would never accept you. To all Elves, you'd be considered an imposter, like Thorin had said. You knew for a fact you'd never be good around "the race of Man," as they put it, and even in this world, you knew you'd never fit in with them, either. At best, the Men would see you only as a rebel Elf trying to fit into the society of Man. Dwarves? Hell no. What about the Hobbit-folk? Maybe you'd at least be considered a friend to them? No, you were an Elf here. They'd be wary of you, maybe even fearful.
Maybe you should just settle for traveling like a vagabond, like Gandalf does. When everyone else was resting, you stayed by Starlight. You scratched underneath of his chin, and he rested his snout on your inner elbow, allowing you to rest your head on his, staring into his eyes and putting off a feeling of calm. "You accept me for who I am, right?"
Starlight's ears were pricked toward you, so at least he was listening. His only response was a blink. You sighed, closing your eyes. You didn't even have the security of him. One day, he'd grow old and pass away, while you lived on for eons. Carefully, so as not to spook him, you reached up and scratched behind his ears.
"Mellonenin?" Said a voice behind you. You turned to see Legolas, looking concerned. He glanced back over his shoulder, to where the rest of the Elves talked amongst themselves, even conversating a little with the dwarves. "What are you doing out here?"
You gave him a smug look. "What's this I hear, Blue-Eyes? Showing concern for me?"
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Hardly. Just curious."
You shrugged, going back to loving on Starlight. "Everybody seemed to be doing good without me. Lindir and Elros said my lessons on custom and language were done for the day, so I figured I'd spend some time with Star."
Blue-Eyes shook his head in exasperation. "I will never understand your shortening of names..." He fixed you with an expression that you couldn't quite read. "...Are you nervous about a potential battle, Sairen?"
You shrugged. "Hack'n'slash. Can't be that hard. I have played video games, y'know, and I did get here through a LARP event." You shot him a cocky grin. "I think I can handle myself. Always have."
Blue-Eyes smiled softly. "Well... I am certain you will surpass my father's standards. I have no doubt of it."
A warm feeling blossomed in your chest. Your cheeks flushed. "Thanks. That really... That really means a lot, for you to be sure of me."
Blue-Eyes hummed thoughtfully, smoothing down Starlight's pitch mane. "Your world did not appreciate you as it should have. You are a kind person, Sairen, and while at times you are eccentric, that only adds to your persona. I know that I can put my full trust in you anytime, and not be disappointed." He smiled at you. "I am glad to know you, mellon. I feel as if you were meant to be here."
For a minute, you both just stared at each other with smiles on your faces, while you felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Any upset feelings from earlier completely burned away. His pale gold hair looked white in the moonlight. Fuck, I will not cry. I will not. Not at all. Definitely not even having to try... You finally blushed and looked away, busying yourself with straightening Starlight's forelock, though the smile remained on your face.
"Damn, Blue-Eyes. You're making me blush." He laughed, and you added, "But... I'm really glad I know you too, Leggy. You've been nice to me, and actually believe in me..." You smirked at him. "That's rare for me. Thank you."
He looked almost appalled. "You do not need to thank me for taking a liking to you, Sairen. It is not as if it is a chore." Suddenly making up his mind about something, he drew his shoulders back. "Would you like to go for a ride together?"
You beamed at him. "Duh! It's a horse, of course I wanna go for a ride!"
Blue-Eyes laughed. "Come on, then, let's go. Stay close to me; we will be going in the opposite direction of Gundabad, but orcs could still roam these wilds."
You nodded as you mounted Starlight, grinning stupidly down at the stupidly perfect Elf who smiled at you. "Got it. Let's go!"
Your heart was pounding dangerously as the two of you trotted off away from camp, talking about the history of Middle-Earth, as you tried to keep from staring outright at Legolas. As your heart faltered, looking at him smiling at you as the moonlight hit his hair, you realized something...
Tag List:
@hauntedsiriel​ @tesserphantom​ @taurlel​ @liviaolivia​ @brushwood-souls​​ @dumbladores​​ @littlefrenchfryesblog​​ @hibernatingmadhatter​​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​​ @naryamirie​​ @legolasdeserveslove​​ @escapingthoughtsandsecrets​​ @sagabriar​​
If anyone wants to be added or if I missed anyone, please let me know!
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clearwillow · 5 years
3. Favorite line/scene you wrote this year 📝💖
Argh @bearpluscat, that’s a hard one! Do I have to choose just one, cause there’s been some favorites across a few stories also what the hell I didn’t realize I had written so much go me lol
Okay so in no order:
Sharp-Dressed Hanyou: When he’s trying to get the cat hair off the black suit with the lint roller and Kagome’s trying to brush it off with her hands. No spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read it, but the image it presented when I was writing it was just too funny. And @lenbarboza‘s art sparked the idea but of course I took the silly route and y’all can’t tell me Buyo didn’t shed like crazy at some point.
Does This Game Have Fall Damage?: It’s pretty much one scene out of the bigger story that had no real place, but just some Haldir and Ithilwen father-daughter bonding time over Donkey Kong Country was fun to write.
Guide to the Recently Deceased: This one came about spitballing ideas with @c-s-stars and though it came out darker than I anticipated overall, this little bit where Jack and Esther try to determine if they’re alive or not is a favorite:
"Jack?" A moment passed before she heard, "Yeah?" "Are you dead?" Another pause. She squinted her eyes to see a mound of snow move and shift before uncovering Jack's head. He shook the snow out of his hair before he looked up at her. "I think we're alive!" he grinned.
Toddler Tizzy: I could say the scene where Kagome tries to get Inuyasha to take a bath when they first go back to  her time, but I think I’m gonna have to say the talks that Grandpa and Inuyasha have. Of all the stuff we were given in filler episodes, you’d think we’d have gotten some more interaction between those two.
Call Me Maybe: From my behemoth of a fic and the one update I made to it all year yikes, this bit, and I’m surprised no one’s screeched at me for the dialogue honestly lol:
Morwen paused the video again. "I suppose we could get takeout. Fiona!"
The strawberry blond poked her head around the doorway. "You bellowed, Mom?"
Morwen didn't bother to address Fiona's sass, or look up from her laptop. "Tell your sister to go pick something up for lunch."
Fiona disappeared, only to reappear seconds later. "Like what?"
"I don't know," the elleth sighed "All I know is that she needs to be gone for a while so I can finish her cake. Something portable that don't need no dishes would be good."
Both Celebrian and Sam looked up at Morwen, trying to make sense of what she said. Celebrian was mouthing "don't need no" frowning the more she did it. Neither one could figure out why, but they knew it wasn't proper language for any culture. Her accent had also gotten thicker, which could only mean it was picked up from the area.
Finally, Mating Fever: Can’t list the entire fic? Damn. I could say the pervy stuff, cause I surprised myself with this one, but... how about any moment with Youkai Inuyasha? He just took off and became this total smartass and was just hella fun to write. Also the literal dog-pile scene when Human Inuyasha gets pinned between the other two by an impulsive sit command. lol I’m so mean to the poor dude.
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Tehhumi’s W.N.I.P.s: Amras/Haldir
I am posting some things over the next little bit that I have stalled out on or not touched in months as Works Not In Progress. (I got the idea from copperbadge’s annual “works no longer in progress”.) These are things that are not quite complete or do not have good formatting, and I may end up coming back to polish someday, but for now they just are as they are. I like the ideas though, s I’m sharing what I’ve got.
This one is Amras/Haldir, from a prompt that was never actually called in Back to Middle Earth Month back in March.
Amras walked in from a visit to Hithlum. “I’m not going back there, send someone else next time.”
Maedhros: ‘Who did you annoy so badly?”
Amras: “Actually, it’s your fault.”
Maedhros: “How is it my fault?”
Amras: “You and Fingon are providing a bad example for the next generation.”
Celegorm had been in the next room. “Oh this, I have to hear. What’s the trend in court? Tormented duets? Tying yourself to buildings? Knifeplay?”
Maedhros: “Must you?”
Celegorm: “You won’t let me go to Hithlum, I have to get all my news second hand. And you can’t help with that,” he nodded to Maedhros’s prosthetic, “So I have to ask Amras.”
Amras: “It’s not a trend, so much as an ideal romantic partner.”
Celegorm: “And no one would give you a second glance if you didn’t tie golden ribbons in your hair. Do you suppose I could pull off the reverse? I think black streaks would look very fetching on me.”
Amras was not going to let Celegorm’s ridiculous comments get in the way of a good complaining session. “The new fascination is redheads who’ve been through a terrible personal tragedy, and only your love can help them recover. Especially if the redhead is a relative who your father disapproves of.”
Maedhros was unable to comment for a minute. “That seems oddly specific.”
Amras: “Maybe people settle for two out of three when I’m not there. As it was, I had to fend off potential suitors every time I wanted a drink.”
Celegorm winked. “That doesn't sound so bad.”
Amras: “Most of them had enough tact not to bring up Amrod in the first sentence, but only most.”
Celegorm: “Sorry.”
Amras: “By the end of the first week I stayed in the palace as much as possible, but unless I wanted to drink in my rooms I still had to deal with them.”
Maedhros: “You could’ve asked for a dinner with just family.�� 
Amras: “I did, but I couldn’t get narrower than ‘house of Finwe’.”
Maedhros: “And?”
Amras: “Orodreth was visiting from Tol Sirion, and his son idolizes Fingon more than anyone else.”
Celegorm: “What’s his name again - Halon, Halmir, Halfin? Is he even old enough to court?”
Amras: “Haldir is fifty-five, and certain that since Arafinwe married at fifty, he’s old enough to do whatever he likes. He sat next to me at every meal, and kept saying he would be there if I ever need someone to listen.”
Maedhros: “It might help you to talk about it.”
Amras: “Not to a child who never met Father, never saw the Trees, never met Amrod, and is spending the whole time thinking about kissing me!”
Maedhros: “Of course not, but with someone. I find helping other Angband escapees get settled helped me a lot.”
Amras: “Tell you what, I’ll talk with Turgon next time I see him. We can discuss Feanor burning the boats and killing the most important person in our lives, and how we feel guilty because it was our decision to leave Aman in the first place.”
Celegorm: “If you put it like that he’ll punch you.”
Amras: “No he won’t. He was acting the responsible leader of his people last time anyone saw him, that doesn’t allow punching annoying cousins.”
Maedhros: “Last time anyone saw him was forty years ago.”
Amras: “Then I suppose I’ll have to wait a while on the soul-baring emotional discussions. I’m serious about not going to Hithlum though.”
Maedhros: “Alright, I’ll do the visits for the next decade or two.”
Ii. (Haldir so of Halmir) 
Amras attended a lot of meetings leading up to the battle Maedhros and Fingon were planning. After all, Amon Ereb is where the best horses were bred, and rebuilding the Noldorin cavalry after the fires of Lothlann was vital. But Maglor was the one who commanded the cavalry, so generally Amras would only be need for an hour or so at a time.
He had been told in very clear terms to leave intra-Noldor diplomacy to Maedhros, he went instead to the area of the city where the Men dwelt. Elves were not a rare sight in Hithlum. After a few days, he found the pub where many of the sons of chieftains, lords of a few dozen soldiers, and other such people spent time. They either had important specialist knowledge, or were there to show their people’s seriousness, but like him were not needed for most of the tactical planning. 
Amras sat down next to a dark haired man who, while nowhere near old age, was no longer a youth. “Does this place have good ale, or should I ask for wine first to dull the taste?” Amras asked in Taliska, aware of his accent but figuring it was worth the effort to try and be friendly.
“I find the ale thoroughly satisfactory, but my taste may be less refined than yours.” The man’s speech was, surprisingly, accented as well.
Amras shrugged. “If you say it’s good, I guarantee I’ve had worse. It’s mostly when people spend hours extolling an ale’s praise that I start to worry.” He flagged down the bartender for a pint.
“Literal hours?”
“My brother writes songs, and a friend of his decided to start brewing ale. He wasn’t very good at it, but there were a dozen distinct flavors in every swallow, and my brother sang a dozen verses for each of them. It was mostly to get out of a bet I think, neither admitting the drink tasted like horse piss.”
Haldir of Lothlorien arrives in Valinor. There’s a party. he meets cute guy. They flirt for a bit, are somewhere semi-private like gardens when they meet. Amras says ‘so hot stuff, what do they call you?’
Haldir: “My name’s Haldir, of Lothlorien.”
Amras: “Seriously?”
Haldir, confused: “yes?”
Amras: “Artanis put you up to this, didn’t she?”
Haldir: “What?”
Amras: “Lady Galadriel of the golden wood or whatever she’s calling herself these days, did she put you up to it? You’d think she’d have better things to do than make fun of me for gossip that’s nearly fifty yeni old.”
Haldir: “First off, Lady Galadriel didn’t put me up to anything. Secondly, I thought you said you were around 2000?”
Amras, awkward: “Ah, sorry. I was counting years-lived rather than years-since-born.”
Haldir: “You spent four thousand years dead? How many times did you get killed that it took so long?”
Amras, defensive: “More like five thousand, but I just died the once. Lord Namo took a while to release me.”
Haldir: What the fuck did you do to get stuck there so long? “Glorfindel says even the traitor of Gondolin was alive before he returned to Middle Earth.”
Amras: “Well, Maeglin was tortured into it after all, and only doomed by descent. I was Doomed in person and specifically, and probably as many dead are on my name as his.”
Haldir: WTF?!
Amras: calm down
Haldir: “So, why did they let you out?”
Amras: “Something about Sauron’s theft of the last corrupted work of my family - I think it was a dwarven ring. The evil end foretold for our good beginnings was now complete, and the Doom fulfilled.”
Haldir: “So now all of you are just free to wander around Valinor?”
Amras shrugs: “More or less. My father’s still not out, and most of the Sindar kings have banned us from their cities. But there’s a lot of Valinor that’s wild, and no one’s stopping us Feanorians there.”
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Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
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You sendin’ 20 pencils? you gettin’ 20 ocs. You asked for this.
1. Sileves
I love Sileves, I love her big generous heart and how eagerly she accepts friends of her children and her husband as honorary family members. I wish I could talk more about her job as a healer because she takes such immense pride in it and she is what I would want any nurse or doctor to be; so caring and patient and kind.
2. Methenor
Methenor is a soft boi hidden under layers of icy indifference, sarcasm and dry etiquette and I love it. He cares for his family so much ;-; And like I feel incredibly bad for him because no wonder he’s cold as ice when pretty much his entire family left him in Rivendell; His parents sailed, his older sister is who knows where, his younger brother ran for Lothlorien and now his only son left him too.
3. Malgelir
Chirpy social butterfly with a small bit of a “ME FIRST” complex towards her siblings. Malgelir always wanted to get married and have a child, and the fact that she did so before her siblings does make her prouder than she probably should be. Thankfully this isnt out of pure malicious intent because I don’t think she ever had an evil thought in her life.
She also cares so much about her hubby and her son ;-; i cry
4. Rhoscthel
Fun fact I aint got a single clue about what goes into fashion design and yet here Rhoscthel is being a tailor. Send help. Plz. I’m making this up as I go and I just hope nobody notices I’m bluffing my way through anything that takes half a glance at her skill as a tailor.
I also wish I knew how people Actually Flirt TM because Rhos is supposed to be a charming she-elf with bargaining powers that could almost rival Caranthir’s but idk anything about either flirting or haggling. The woes of an introvert trying to play a socially savvy extrovert TM
5. Amathel
With Amathel I’ve been contemplating switching her social status of engaged to married but Amathel kind of has concerns and worries about the act of getting married so idk how to really.. change her status? Like should I just change it or drabble it or..
Like it’s not that she doesnt want to be married to Lagoron, she loves him very dearly, but there’s certain expectations that comes with having a wedding especially as a highly valued member of the Rivendell guard.
Idk I kinda want to dive more into the complex nature of her always wanting to be on top and number one in her class despite the fact that she has a lot of… performance anxiety, I guess you could call it?
She doesnt like to be put on the spot or even necessarily in the spotlight even though she has an ambitious drive and is always looking to improve as a guard.
6. Innith
With Innith I’m kinda having the opposite problem I do with Rhoscthel. I don’t get to use her much because she’s a shy, introverted scholar who would really only want to interact with coworkers and patrons of the library in Rivendell; and unfortunately there’s not a lot of those muses around.
this is very much me asking you to throw Pan at her sometimes I think they could be fun together plz
I’m also a bit sad the one ship I had for her has long since sailed away. F/F ships are so hard to come by.
7. Nethel
You would think I have a similar problem with Nethel like I do with Innith but since Nethel is such a drastically different character I actually dont find it hard to find interactions for her lol. People seem to be rather drawn to her even though she’s brutally blunt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Nethel is a lot like Feanor just minus the genius linguistic part. 
Plus while Nethel is cooped up in her workshop most of the time she does need to come out and tend to her biological needs like eating, bathing, sleeping, much to her dismay as she has little patience for small talk.
Aside from that I think most of the muns I toss her at are aware that she’s a deeply insecure person under all that brutal facade, and people generally seem to have a little more patience with a character like that? like idk, just something I noticed. 
8. Miston
Honestly without Miston this blog wouldnt exist and I wouldn’t be here to gush about all my characters, so needless to say Miston is incredibly important to me. I feel like he has grown as a character a lot since the beginning of this blog but that he has also remained true to the description I give him in his about section. He is still a character who doesn’t like sharing his feelings and rather deflect them, ignore them entirely or distract you with conversations about literally anything else.
Miston is very near and dear to my heart.
9. Eredhon
Baby. Precious soft child. Eredhon is such a sweetheart and it’s truly thanks to a lot of brainstorming with @legolasgoldy that he has been crawling out of his shell because for quite a while I myself didnt even know all that much about Eredhon.
He is a soft, gentle soul with a lot of deep running emotions and his social anxiety can definitely play cruel tricks on him, but with the right support system he blossoms into a very sweet and devoted friend who will always try to help you through any emotional problems. He’s also a lot more emotionally intelligent than I originally gave him credit for. He’s usually paired with social butterflies (see Malgelir) because he does get those type of characters to kind of.. relent the walls they build around themselves and let him see the emotional struggles they tend to ignore
He’ll also never apologises for feeling his emotions. He’ll apologize for snapping, for raising his voice, for letting his anxiety drive him up a wall and for anything that deserves an apology, but he won’t apologize for feeling sad or anxious or happy or in need of comfort.
10. Calithilon
I’ve been thinking about aging canon Cali up to at least a talkative elfling because honestly because he is so young in canon I haven’t really gotten a chance to use him all that effectively in the main storyline.
Most of Cali’s development comes from modern aus with @hclliish where he’s a teen, dating her Sleipnir (another precious child, just not one of mine lol)Cali takes after his mom in looks and unfortunately for him after his dad in personality, making him a rather shy and quiet person with a lot of insecurities. Being born to two singers makes him a natural singer as well, and his voice is higher in tone than that of his father.
Despite being an anxious teen (because when is puberty ever kind) he does find a lot of comfort in his parents unconditional love for him. They’re a very solid parents-child unit tbh.
11. Lagoron
Another character that I don’t get to use all that much, which is unfortunate because I find Lagoron an incredibly funny and interesting character. He’s a very un-elvish elf, in fact he’s more a hobbit in an elven disguise. While also being a guard, he is an entirely different type than Amathel; where Amathel yearns to be the best and the strongest, Lagoron is a team player who believes in the strength of numbers and strong bonds between guards to drag them through the most difficult situations; and that hasn’t exactly made him the top performer of the class. 
He is however truly the kind of person you want on your team, and in a fight he’s surprisingly endurant and likely to exhaust his opponent by focusing on dodging their power attacks rather than wasting his energy in fighting back.
Always has food on him and will offer it to anyone he feels like stricking up a friendly conversation with. 10/10 good friend.
12. Hinnoron
Hinnoron is definitely more of the tradtional elf. He’s radiant, and ethereal, and pleasant to be around. He also has a natural calmness about him and a certain kind of wisdom. Y’know, typical Tolkien Elf TM stuff.
Hinnoron gets interesting when you dive into his deeper relationships. His relationship with his eldest sister is on a very low pit, and the one he has with Methenor has definitely taken some blows. When Gelwenil left to follow the stars, Methenor got rather clingy towards Hinnoron, who felt suffocated in return.
Hinnoron left for Lothlorien, and to this day regrets that he abandoned Methenor when Methenor was clearly struggling with the departure of their parents and their sister. While they have mended their bond since, this kind of guilt does seem to creep into his relationships with Haldir ( @thehiddenhero ) and Oropher ( @oropherrrrr ) He often doesn’t tell them when things about the relationship upset him and bottles his emotions up to an unhealthy degree, all because he fears of upsetting their feelings or even damaging the image they have of him if he’s not the perfect, ethereal and unconditionally supportive partner. For someone who gives love so easily and unconditionally, he seems to have a hard time believing that the love he receives doesn’t come with the condition that he has to be a perfect lover or it’ll be revoked.
Someone plz teach him that he’s allowed to have needs and that he’s allowed to have those needs tended to.
13. Gelwenil
Ah yes. The lost one. Well no, not lost, she knows exactly where she’s going but nobody else does. Gelwenil honestly never meant to upset Methenor or Hinnoron when she left to follow the stars. Like Methenor was definitely struggling when his parents left for Valinor, but in retrospect Gelwenil left several years after that. Maybe not enough for him to have healed and moved on, but I don’t blame her for thinking that with his wife, children and their youngest brother Methenor would have enough of a support net to justify her wanting to explore the skies.
Gelwenil is an avid believer in the power of Varda, and also deeply respects Tilion and Arien. Any type of celestial Maia can be expected to be treated with the deepest respect from her.
Out of all my characters Gelwenil deserves the most TLC tbh I feel like she’s underdeveloped compared to everyone else because I dont use her a lot.
14. Faerveren
Uuuugh I miss Faerveren so much. Mistons second cousin twice removed, and probably the only person to ever leave him flabbergasted and when Miston is the voice of reason in a duo, you know somethings up.
Faerveren is also an interesting character because with her I wanted to present the idea of people assuming you’re always emotionally fine as long as you’re physically strong enough to be virtually invincible.
15. Nengelon
Local edition of the “I’m so fucking done with this shit I don’t get paid enough to deal with” club, together with Feren and Lindir. Nengelon tends to fall into an elven variety of Welsh when he runs upset with the leader of the Sabaid elves, and just about no one knows what he’s saying.
There’s also the implication that he basically ran away from the Riunnag (waterelves, maybe related to the Teleri through distant blood but sources (ie me) dont confirm that yet so its just rumors) tribe he belonged to because of his secret romantic ties to said leader, but Nengelon doesn’t speak of his romantic outings to anyone so it’s just a rumor.
16. Braigon
Ah, big, bulky, burly, 7 foot something Sabaid leader Braigon. Rides a grizzly bear as a warmount, wields a gigantic twohanded battle axe, and is an absolute terror on the battlefield… when he bothers to get his tribe of warrior travelers involved. Braigon tends to stroll around like he owns the place, because not many dare to defy this mountain of an elf.
Maybe thats why people are so bewildered when 5′9 sized Nengelon curses him out on his bullshit in some incomprehensible tongue they don’t know.
Braigon is actually a pretty solid leader of a tribe where elves can pretty much do as they please as long as they do their job as either warrior or provider (finding food and other supplies) outstandingly. The Sabaids aren’t a big tribe, there’s only a couple hundred of them, but they make for fantastic allies… but only if you can manage to convince Braigon to risk any of his people in any given war; and he usually isn’t concerned with fighting the battles of others for them without a good reason. 
 17. Bereneth
Bereneth is an interesting case. An accident between a Sinda lady and a Noldo refugee, at a time when those relationships weren’t exactly accepted after the reign of destruction left by the line of Finwe. (I like to believe thats something that took a generation or two for elves to get over dont @ me.)
Because of this, Bereneth was relentlessly bullied to the point where as soon as the oppertunity rose, her mother left for then newly settled Rivendell. Being under the rule of Elrond, she figured her daughter would be safe there. Bereneth remained there and bore three children to Carandolon and sailed to Valinor when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
18. Carandolon
Chieftain of a squadron while Greenwood was under the rule of Oropher, Carandolon was a bright eyed and wanderlust filled soul, born to two fullblooded Silvan elves. When on a mission to Rivendell, where he had to accompany a diplomat, he saw Bereneth and for him it was love at first sight.
When the mission was over and he returned to Greenwood, he immediately requested to be dismissed from his chieftain status and to be allowed to move and live to Rivendell.
A reckless and bold move, and it did take him a while to woo Bereneth, but they ultimately fell in love, got married, and had three children. He sailed with his wife when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
19. Nemiron
The missing link that connects Miston to the line of Finwe. Nemiron is the bastard son of Írimë and an unknown father of Vanyarin descent. Nemiron lost complete vision in his right eye when the healer tent he worked at got raided by the enemy in that war; and he threw himself as a shield between the blade and the wounded soldier it was aiming for.
During the war, he was usually found in the company of either Finrod or Edrahil, as he needed help to adjust to his new lack of depth perception. Sometimes during that same war, he left to settle in Lothlorien, where he met the weaver apprentice Dillothés. They married and moved to Rivendell as a position for an experienced healer was open there, and they had their family there.
Nemiron remained in Rivendell, despite yearning to sail, for the sake of his only daughter, and he ultimately sailed for Valinor when she was pregnant with her third child.
I havent decided if the power of Valinor heals Nemiron’s injury, but if it does (and I doubt it), it would do so only partially. His right eye will never be 100% functional.
20. Dillothés
The third and last born daughter of her parents, Dillothés worked as a weaver’s apprentice in Lothlorien before moving up to becoming a weaver of her own, selling her selfmade fabrics to tailors and others interested and making a comfortable living out of it
She became infatuated with Nemiron, who was often found in the library studying Lothlorien native herbs to aid in his small healer practice. After she learned of his injury she never backed away from him once, and helps and supports him to the best of her ability. This remains the case when they went to Valinor and whether or not he partially heals from his injury
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blankdblank · 6 years
Need a vote
Doing a vote, if you like it send me an ask with the title of the one/ones you like in it. Debating weeding down my In Progress List.
x Thranduil -
Sneeze - As a child you were left nearly an orphan. Without any knowledge of your Father you follow your heart’s whispered orders straight into the arms of a Dwarf King. One catch, you’re an Elf. Centuries later on the path to returning your adopted kin to their home you meet an Elf King with the answer to a long unasked question, “Who is your Father?”
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 -
Ridikulus -  Once upon a time the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Died protecting him had led them safely to what the imagined to be a new beginning. But the Boy Who Lived didn’t and it’s all left to his former protector to find a new home for all the shattered hearts coated in the ashes of a long standing war. In another last ditch effort to save the survivors from the Battle at Hogwarts Dumbledore’s Army leads the charge to save the other countless children in danger of falling prey to the rising evil in their world. Landing strangely enough in a small hole in the ground…
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 -
Time -  In your first meeting of the King you end up engaged to him and he slowly comes around to the task of courting again, even if you are a stranger. A slip of the tongue brings the reasoning for his attention on you out in the open and you are left leaving the Dwarf kingdom to hide your embarrassment at having forced the King into such a position after freeing him from any obligation to you. When he learns of your fleeing he races after you determined to bring you home with him. Pt 1 -
Sango - Thranduil Prompt Request - Fallen to Middle Earth on your way to a convention in full costume you find yourself in great need of the weapons you are wearing.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 -
Stop That! -  One of the first born among the Eldar, old, powerful and skittish to a fault among her own kin. From her home in the Blue Mountains out to Erebor among her new family the Dwarves get a good glimpse of just how much sway her bloodline has. The chance encounters from her past shape the lives of those around her.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 -
x Thorin - 
Durin Slavery - When Erebor falls Men see the escapees as a valuable resource. Upon purchase the Dwarf Prince is curious as to the lengths his new owner will expect his service in. Pt 1
Big Boom - Request
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
x Fili - Sleep - Dwarves have an uncanny ability to search out their Ones when they sleep. Only in his attempt to inspect you the elder Prince realizes that is one thing you don’t do. At least not when they do. A stolen nap leads to a territorial stand off for your hand that the Dwarf King ends when the story of your recruitment to join them is voiced. Pt 1
x Glorfindel - For the Love of Glori - In a world where Hobbits are powerful to unknown levels their keepers are all the more terrifying, and a certain reborn Elf Lord has found himself very much drawn to one.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 -
X Haldir - Mine – Depressing Haldir Idea - With a painful curse you decide to live your life in exile. After befriending a band of Dwarves you find that impossible and after you find yourself on your own after a brutal attack a stranger with no reason to help you decides to grant you his trust.
Pt 1 -  Pt 2 -
x Thorin/Legolas - Precisely on Time - Fallen to ME. Upon waking you are left with a book and a staff. In your own stubborn way you try to come to terms finding your own way through the world of your favorite author. Landing you in a very confusing triangle between the Dwarf King and Elven Prince.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 – Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 – Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11-
x Thorin/Thranduil -
Fin - Alone on an island for most of your life you find yourself coming to the aid of a young Prince. One catch, he’s a Merman, and in your attempt to save his life you’ve unknowingly engaged yourself to him. Trouble follows through the time and distance separating you, until one day a storm leaves the stranded Prince and a few of his kin in need of your protection.
Pt 1  - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 –
Chap Stick - Fallen to ME. With an excruciating backstory you find it hard to trust the intentions of a certain King and find yourself chained to another when you free yourself from the first. Only to have both scrambling to find you when word of your possible death is spread, leading to a shocking discovery, you’ve married both of them.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 -
x Fili/Kili –  Miserable - Pt 2 - After a week of hell your allergies leave you in you find yourself otherwise engaged to the brothers who took it upon themselves to see you back to health.
x Fili/Legolas - Bird House – Fili/Legolas - In an attempt to win over your reluctant messenger bird you leave the Dwarven halls for a trip of your own and find yourself quite literally falling into an attachment with the Elf Prince.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 -
Modern x Thorin/Thranduil -
Secret Scarves - In an attempt to win over your crush you started sneaking him small gifts each day, only to have that hope shattered and several other sparking crushes around you growing into massive flames. Your life is hard enough to balance as it is but with as a large group of Men flock around you attempting to win your heart life grows even more complicated somehow.
Pt 1 - Pt 1a - Pt 1b - Pt 1c - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8- Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -
Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 –
x Thorin Modern AU -
Brownies - As it turns out the whole landlord/tenant situation does in fact get a bit complicated when said landlord saves your life and gains amnesia in the process. His only memory is his intense urge to be with you and keep you safe.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 –
Crash - When Cupid runs out of arrows he tends to get a bit creative. His weapon of choice for you, two guys on a massive scooter. One trip to the ER you’re making out with the guy that saved you, who just happens to be your new King. Getting over a cheating ex hasn’t ever seemed this complicated before.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 -
My Pearl - Having a hard time and your new boss takes it upon himself to claim you as his. Contracts don’t exactly have clauses for chemistry or how you’re supposed to ignore the attraction you feel to the half dressed hunk you are obligated to live with. 
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
Back Again - Returning home after nearly two decades away you find yourself in the company of the very man you had been aching to see, but very open wounds have still yet to heal between the both of you as you find your footing back home once again.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
Floor is Lava - Standing off to the side of the Queen you were mainly invisible to the Durin clan, but upon your new assignment to aid the Dwarf Prince through his heartbroken slump you are shifted quite unwillingly to the center of his lightening life.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 -
Man of my Heart – A mistaken Khuzdul term from you drives your new Boss and his relatives to the edge nearly while everyone in the bank you just started at looks on curious to see how this all goes down.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 –
Durin Sitting - Your first day at a temp job seems to have landed you right in the attentions of the man who would inherit the Company one day. The only catch, he’s a werewolf and has no clue how to let you know after he falls head over heels for you.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 –
x Thranduil Modern -
Forgotten - After a seemingly lonely childhood a new face in town stirs up the rumor mill in your direction while a Durin faces impending ruin at the hands of his heartless runaway fiance. Both the new face and you share quite a remarkable secret that only brings you closer together.
pt1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 -
Reality AU/ Real Person Fiction x Lee/Richard -
Scotland -  Inspiration – Made of Honor, not to the part that is inspired by it yet, nearly there though – Through an interesting arrangement with Richard, who seems to be using you only as arm candy to spur on the rage from his Ex-girlfriend, his treatment of you however enrages his friends, the Hobbit Cast, to no end, as he breaks it off you have to move back home, though before you leave you get some quality time with the rest of the cast.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 – Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 –
Hobbit – Soulmate  - Working your way through school you finally make contact with your Soulmate who happens to be an actor whose career is starting to take off. – If you like it and want to read more let me know.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 -
Be Bilbo, - Through an early birthday gift from your Late Brother, tickets to a Hobbit behind the scenes meet n greet with the cast, which went disastrously leading to you missing the entire event and yet somehow still managing to run into them in your hotel after, where they do what they can to make it up to you when they learn you were the one that was supposed to be in the empty seat up front.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 – Pt 5 - Pt 6 -
x Richard A
Roomates - In the hunt for your Brother’s dog you’d ran into Richard, through the course of the night you’d found yourself now as his new roommate.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 -  Pt 3 -  Pt 4 - Pt 5 -
x Tom H - 
Coffee – Your first meeting with Tom Hiddleston could have gone better, as it left you publicly embarrassed, leaving his only mission to find and make it up to the gorgeous woman who quite literally fell into his lap.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 -
My Kingdom for a Phone - Trying to get over exes should be easy right? But the cold turkey method of no contact gets a bit easier when a certain actor accidentally takes off with the wrong phone. Pt 1
 x Loki
Death Ray -  In a post battle carb load up once again Loki’s attention is on the distant creature farthest from him. In a curious decision he chooses an order of food. His selection of waffles has him leaving with a Wife, one that is beyond perplexed at his reasoning for their union.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
x Loki/Ronan
Prisoner -  Ronan has a plan, one that hasn't been thought through very well. The supposed hostage isn't wanted in return for any sort of ransom or blackmailing scheme. But said hostage just might end up being the one to order the Kree Warrior around.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - 
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @admirationofarmitage, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars,  @evyiione, @menewyn, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf,  @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
Already have tags - 
Chap Stick
Sneeze - 3
Modern Soulmate - 3
My Pearl
Hobbit - Soulmate - 2
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loyalservants · 5 years
tagged by: @edhelgund tagging: @opalchosen || @xfelvesandmen || @sorrowssinger || @warriorswithin || @multimentium && ma babes below:
Tumblr media
1. First ship you ever wrote fic for?  i literally forgot
2. Ship you write most now? .... @sashaofravenlock with Eönwë. @edhelgund with my Hoeldir tbfh, And Silvergifting with @xfelvesandmen
3. Ship you read the most now? Nadia Satrinava x Ilya Julian Devorak what??? t’is a guud ship i stand by for, bitches.
4. Newest ship? See above.
5. Rare ship you want to read more of? giVE ME MORE HALDIR WITH ANY SHIP AT ALL
6. Your taboo ship? wtf does that even mean
7. They never met in canon ship? uhhhhhhhhhhh any platonic or romantic ship I have with Athera
8. Your unexpected ship? Haldir x Legolas. Nope. Also, Maglor x Mairon ( with @sorrowssinger )
9. The ship you always forget to give love for? Beren x Lúthien, mAYBE BECAUSE THERE ARE BARELY ANY BERENS
10. Ship your OC with canon character? FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH Canon x canon? Yes. OC x OC? DOUBLE FUCK YES Just see rules and we’re chill, darling.
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship? bahahahahahahah NEXT
12. Your most romantic ship? LÚTHIEN AND BEREN LIKE YESSS?!?!?!? ALSO THERE’S FARION AND MAGAYON with @merciaranger
13. Your sexiest ship? Quoting Grimy, Haldir x Legolas.
14. Your most tragic ship?  Any FUCKING SHIP WITH MAIRON
15. Ship you want more content for? haldir needs more lurv y’all
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