#hobbit day menu
lazywitchling · 6 hours
“So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?”
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(Yes I did just order a pot pie from the chicken fast food place. I’m watching 12 hours of movies, I ain’t cooking a whole pot pie!)
Okay. Look.
When I was younger, my cousin bitched about elves at Helm’s Deep not being in the book, but I didn’t think it mattered because it’s cool and I liked elves and it made me the fun kind of sad when Haldir died.
But now I get why. (I mean, ultimately it’s a fictional story so it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of life, blah blah, you get the drill. I will complain about this, but I don’t care if you like it, ya dig?)
So here’s the thing. Theoden’s whole storyline throughout this movie and into the next is that he does not believe anyone will help him. Gondor could have come to save his people, but they didn’t. Rohan was left on its own, and people died, and that sucks. So Theoden has succumbed to the depressive thoughts of “We’re all gonna die anyway, why bother fighting?” (Hey that’s a major— actually THE major point of this whole story!!) He has hidden his people away to hide because he knows fighting is futile because they will be alone.
It’s a big deal when he agrees to go out and fight alongside Aragorn as the Uruks are about to overwhelm the keep. I said last year, Tolkien’s brand of hope is the difference between “I only have one hit point left :(“ and “I still have one hit point left >:)” Theoden STILL has no reason to believe help is coming, but he chooses to act like it is anyway, because the alternative is just curling up and dying right there. And he is rewarded, because Gandalf shows up with reinforcements!! Eomer, who has every reason to hate Theoden, brought all the riders to help! Everyone is saved! Hooray!!
But the damn elves show up in the middle of Theoden’s “Aw nobody will help us :(“ thing. And then elf help arrives. And he goes “Yay, help is here!!” And then nobody really mentions the elves again except for Haldir’s brief dying scene, and Theoden is right back in his “Aw nobody will help us :(“ thing. It just slaughters the pacing of the story, and Theoden’s arc along with it.
Furthermore, the elves say they were sent by Elrond, who has chosen to have the elves fight alongside mortals once again to honor old alliances! Except that Elrond isn’t really participating in this portion of his own character arc, and in fact doesn’t reach that “idk maybe mortals aren’t so bad after all” point until RotK. So it’s somehow fully out of character for him at this point even though he’s not even there.
ADDITIONALLY, it fucks up ARWEN’S story, because the whole thing with her is that she has to choose between sailing to the undying lands and being with her people forever but losing Aragorn, or staying with Aragorn who will eventually die and then she has no one left and no way to get to the undying lands and will never see her family again and will just live until the heat death of the universe. See, I’m pretty sure (don’t quote me on this) that there’s like… a respawn thing that happens with Tolkiens elves. They’re not only ageless, they’re unkillable. They CANT die. That’s why Arwen’s choice is so difficult. She couldn’t even live out life with him and then jump off a bridge after he dies so she doesn’t have to see the heat death of the universe. She’s literally stuck.
But friggin Haldir takes a sword to the head and has a sad death moment, and then I’m left wondering why everyone is pestering Arwen so much. If elves can die, then she has no problem.
I’m pretty sure it messes up other storylines too, but my pot pie is getting cold.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Yes I'm 26 years old, yes my friends r coming over tomorrow for a sleep over as part of a goodbye weekend because I'm moving across the country very soon & yes I'm dealing with all the emotions by thinking abt omegaverse & of course it means I'm thinking abt stranger things as well
Thinking abt a modern AU for omegaverse specifically one where alpha Eddie owns the LOTR movies on DVD & Blu-ray DVD, he hosts a semi-annual LOTR movie marathon tht only gets rescheduled never canceled bc one time a marathon coincided with Jeff's rut & when he tried to insist they watch without him CC all agreed to reschedule bc it just isn't the same without them all there
so there's born a sacred tradition of the CC boys watching the extended cut LOTR movies on a yearly basis, this is their Superbowl essentially
Well then Dustin, Mike, Lucas, & Will join their circle as high school freshman & they prove themselves in Hellfire so they're invited to the marathon except they all know it won't b very comfortable at the trailer because of limited space
Cue Dustin, Lucas, & Will getting omega Steve Harrington their babysitter extraordinaire to agree to host the LOTR movie marathon bc the 4 of them recently helped Steve read the LOTR books because he enjoyed The Hobbit a lot & he's never seen the movies because he knew they'd require book knowledge he didn't have
Well, the day the marathon happens to fall on is also coincidentally a few days before Steve's heat & I'm a big proponent of the idea tht the omegaverse body prepares for a heat in the way tht uterus having bodies prepare for a period with some key differences
Let's start w the similarities: flu like experience of minor aches, sometimes there's nausea abt certain foods (I for example for years from the age i first got my period to the age of 23 couldnt even look at an egg in its shell when I was nearing or on my period bc they made me nauseous) sometimes there's cravings to satisfy, mood swings more noticeably happen, a gradual increase in libido, & I don't think it'd b unusual for Steve to struggle w sleep in the days leading up to his heat
Differences: the libido increase doesn't fade once the heat begins obviously it only increases as the heat approaches, cramps r concentrated to the lower abdomen & pelvic regions, the body builds up noticeable fat stores (this is different from the bloating uterus owners experience in tht it isn't water weight & yes I'm inspired by tht fic u wrote where Steve gets self conscious before his heat bc he gains weight everytime) & the body temperature also gradually increases as the heat approaches (rapidly getting hotter in a number of hours before the first wave of biologically demanded horniness hits) so tht it isn't unusual to see an omega in the days before their heat wearing more breathable & comfy clothes because also an omegas sensory input changes to where their skin is very sensitive to certain fabrics (Steve for example invests in a wardrobe tht is majority cotton with a favorite silk night dress he wears to bed as his heat approaches)
So the CC boys can't believe they're having their annual nerdy marathon in rich kid neighborhood Loch Nora with the quintessential rich kid of Hawkins who was also the swim team captain & cheer captain
who turns out to b an absolute sweetie who's spent multiple days preparing for their marathon with a full menu of Middle Earth inspired dishes tht he's themed & scheduled to follow the Hobbit mealtimes, something Eddie has always wanted to do but didn't have the skills or resources for
So the day arrives & CC arrive before Dustin, Mike, Lucas, & Will to find Steve making the final preparations for the day of intensely timed cooking he has ahead of him & they're all good boys raised properly by their guardians so they immediately jump into helping Steve cook throughout the day while Mike & Dustin goof off & complain because while they're good boys they're also raised by parents tht do pretty much everything for them so they don't rlly understand the amount of work tht goes into a day full of eating
Lucas & Will understand tho so they help out where they can because they were taught a few cooking skills by their parents
Lucas was taught by his dad & mom because they emphasized the way to the heart is thru the stomach & so he is 100% doing it because as an alpha he likes the feeling he gets when he sees someone enjoy his food especially when tht person is one of his girlfriends Max or Jane (I'm a big proponent of Elumax where Lucas is the straight ally boyfriend they bring to pride to piss off ppl who spend too much time online) because neither had a very normal relationship w food when he met them, Max was stubborn abt needing to eat 3 square meals a day & Jane had been barely fed & was denied food as a form of punishment before she was taken in by her foster-turned-adopted dad Chief Jim Hopper (who isn't much of a cook evidenced by the fact Steve came over to cook for them twice a week & once lucas started dating Jane & Max he came over every saturday to cook for them bringing Max along so Jim could spend time getting know both of the alphas dating his omega daughter)
Will was taught his most used cooking skills by his dad ironically & because of this he has a complicated relationship w cooking because it was the one activity where his usually impatient & honestly kinda abusive father would b patient & understanding & encouraging to him but tht would go down the drain whenever he'd act a bit too much "like an omega" for a beta boy (in my heart of hearts will grows up with disphoria because he sees himself as an omega in the omegaverse but was born into a beta boys body)
The day goes off without a hitch & everyone has a lot of fun & they all settle into the living room to sleep once the final credit of the final movie has scrolled to the top of the screen & Steve goes to bed in his nest after sleepily scenting the pups & saying goodnight to the CC boys
Everyone sleeps very well & Jeff finds himself the first to wake up the next morning & initially he has no idea why he's awake because usually he'll sleep as long as Gareth is prone to after one of their movie marathons then he smells it: something sweet & tantalizing to his nose
He thinks it's coming from the kitchen only to bypass it entirely to stand at the bottom of the stairs, he puts 2 & 2 together & wakes everyone up to get them out of there & calls alpha robin (me writing a slick sunday ask w alpha robin? More likely then u think) to come help
Because somehow, someway, the CC boys triggered Steve's heat to arrive days early
no notes😚👌
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earlgraytay · 4 months
....God, now my brain is trying to spit out a DunMeshi Hollywood AU...
Laios is a former child actor whose career trajectory most closely resembles that of Macaulay Caulkin. His dad was his manager, and this went about as well as you'd expect. Laios dropped out of public life for a long, long time in his late teens- people say he was in rehab, though whether that's true is best left as an exercise for the reader- and, as an adult, his acting credits mostly consist of cameos as "Serial Killer" or "Drug Dealer 3" on crime shows. He's trying to become a director and keeps working on incredibly offputting Z-grade horror flicks that can't get seed money. on account of. well. laios. His friends are always welcome to take a role- as cast or crew- if they need something between gigs.
Falin is also a former child actor. Unlike Laios, she managed to get out of the biz with her sanity intact- she got accepted to a very prestigious STEM magnet high school, which is where she met Marcille, and went to med school after. She's wound up working as the set doctor for a couple movies you've heard of and a lot of movies you haven't; she's also been "the Chimera", a monster in several of Laios' horror flicks.
Marcille is in pyrotechnics. She seems mild mannered at first, but then you catch her on set up to her elbows in gasoline... well. She spends more time in the medical tent than anyone would like, especially Falin. She's got a YouTube channel as a side hustle where she blows things up in parking lots and freaks out at bad Italian cooking.
Speaking of, Marcille went to high school with Falin and fell for her pretty much instantly. They recently moved in together and are trying to navigate living together for the first time. It's not going as well as either of them would like, but they're getting there.
Senshi works catering. Was there ***any*** doubt about that? Everyone's excited to work on the same set as Senshi, because the food is actually good, regardless of whether you're filming in Monterrey, Marrakesh, or Mentor, Ohio. Senshi's pretty quiet about his personal life, but he'll occasionally whip out his phone and show off pictures of his stunning, xeriscaped garden. He loves working with Laios, even though the pay isn't great, because Laios WILL let him put squid and dragonfruit on the menu.
Chilchuck is a stuntman, and the de facto union rep on most sets. He can tell you, to the second, when the next mandated break is, when the kid on set needs to be done for the day, and when it's time to go home. I headcanon human!AU Chilchuck is a little person, so his proudest career accomplishment to date is probably standing in for Peter Dinklage in a film where he got to be the leading man; he's real fucking sick of being a bootleg hobbit. Somehow, he manages to spend LESS time in the medical tent than Marcille.
Itsuzumi ... God. Her background is so specific and doesn't translate well. My gut instinct is that she's a cat-themed idol who came to the US to be ~☆ a movie star ☆~ and got stuck in a shitty, exploitative contract. I'd love it if someone who knows the character better could give suggestions, though!
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m1dnight-blu3 · 3 months
Ghelekul: Treasure of all treasures
First fanfic (ever, actually) for the Year of Bagginshield organized by @acorns-and-oakleaves
Inspired by the Rebel Prompt
Married Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
home sick thorin
Consort Bilbo Baggins
Short & Sweet
Ghelekul: Treasure of all treasures - midnight_blu3 - The Hobbit - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
With a sudden collapse in the mines of Iron Hills, Thorin sets into a short travel to his cousin’s domain to help. With their marriage celebrations coming in just a few months, Bilbo has to stay in Erabor to organize everything. Cue to 3 weeks of pure torture of Thorin missing his husband and making this everyone’s problem. Or in which Royal Consort Bilbo pretends to steal from Thorin just to see him.
A small preview:
Thorin sees himself coming back to his tend by himself. He got a habit of looking into the horizon, waiting for Bilbo’s crow. The Iron Hills are not that far from the Misty Mountains, so they have been exchanging letters ever since Thorin left Erebor. No crow in sight, however. It has been a few days, and no word from Bilbo yet. Bilbo is most likely busy trying to organize their wedding birthday party. Their anniversary was coming in just a few months and there was much to do – people to invite, menus to decide, clothes to choose. The kinds of activity that would bore Thorin to early death, but that are the most fun hobbies for a gentlehobbit such as Bilbo. Thorin enters his tent with a small smile on his lips. When they first got married, one of Bilbo’s major issues was his anxiety about being a decent consort. 7 years later and Middle Earth has never seen a more graceful and clever consort. Bilbo might have been raised to be a gentlehobbit, but the crown suits him well. His quick thinking and, according to Bilbo himself, his outstanding experience dealing with unbearable family members, made him perfect for the more social part of ruling. Bilbo is able not only to remember the names of every single important ruler of Middle Earth but also their offspring and little details about them. Because of his flawless job, Erebor has strong allies and good relations with all neighbor kingdoms. The little hobbit has enchanted even the elves, to the point that he has been given a Elven name, Táralóm, the hidden hero – an honor that very few have ever received. Bilbo always had some self esteem issues, especially before the mission to reclaim Erebor. So it has been Thorin’s greatest honor to see his little love to bloom into a confident, graceful leader. Thorin can’t help but scowl. He misses his husband.
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AITA for making my SIL leave my wedding?
I got married a few weeks ago to my husband, whom id been dating for nearly 8 and a half years beforehand.
I never got along with my fiance's sister, shes always been the spoiled brat type. Like, she gets away with literally everything and gets nearly everything handed down to her. It doesn't help we all went to school together and she was primarily one of my bullies, but her behavior up to now has lead all of this to happen, and on my wedding day no less. His sister is 32.
I'm gonna preface this by saying: Navy Blue was my gown color, the bridesmaids, what SIL was, were supposed to wear white. She had agreed to it as well. The other color was Gold; and the entire wedding was nautically themed. I also asked the bridesmaids, including SIL, to not wear anything extremely revealing (as SIL tends to wear very revealing clothes that literally sometimes have private areas of herself show out, she's not a curvy girl, so it's not the clothes hugging her too tightly, which even if that were the case that would somehow be infinitely better than her wearing what she does and the way she does currently).
The day before the wedding, SIL informs me that she bought a very pretty dress for the wedding. I tell her that that's great and if she wouldn't mind sending me a picture, which she does. The dress was white in the photos, and she was in the dressing room it appeared like when the photos were taken. I told her the dress looked beautiful, because I really did think it did look pretty, and she typed me a message about how excited she was for the wedding the next day.
The next day comes around and the wedding is about to get started. SIL was about an hour to 2 hours late on arrival, so we initially started the service without her. We waited as long as we could.
Around the time when the pastor asks "does anyone object the groom or bride" or whatever, she comes bursting in (oddly at the most convenient time) in a RED and BLACK dress, that literally hugged her so tight her boobs looked like they were gonna pop from her chest at any second. At any shift of the chest, a nip slip would have been certain. The whole damn service looks to see my SIL, standing in the damn door, crying about how 'we started without her' and how 'it took her forever to find the perfect dress.'
Regardless, we continue the wedding because I don't want my special day ruined, and I decided to put the fact she didn't even have the right color on and the fact she arrived nearly two hours late to the whole thing behind me.
That was until she touched my fucking cake.
We hadn't even done the cake cutting yet, and I see my SIL helping herself to TWO slices of the cake my husband and I have not been able to cut yet, as we were waiting to cut it later in the evening back at our hotel for our own private time to celebrate our marriage, but no. She was helping herself.
I decided to march up to her, I pulled my husband along the side with me as well. He was equally upset that she was eating the cake that was supposed to be for us; we had a timed eat event that was themed after the hobbit meals and dinner was the last meal. (None of the meals were so big and fattening that it would be unhealthy I promise lol). I look at her and ask her what shes doing, to which she just looks at me and says
"I didn't wanna wait anymore. I got bored."
At that point, I did pull her hair and push her around a bit before my husband's friend pulled me away and my husband ushered her out the door. My husband doesn't think AITA, but his family says I should have handled it differently even if she did several things she was told NOT to do, she did it anyway, and immediately attempted to shift it to being bored.
AITA here? Was I unjustifiably upset?
Note: Everything down to a T was mentioned and explained several times before the wedding. The colors, what would be happening with the meal after the service, what would be on the menu per say, and so much more. She literally and intentionally does this ALL the time, whether it's a formal or casual event.
What are these acronyms?
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Waitress!Reader x Eddie Munson
wc: 664
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You sigh deeply as your eyes run over the schedule for next week. You were scheduled for a full shift on Valentine’s day. Eddie and you had discussed this, deciding to save any plans of a date for the weekend. So for now, you’d spend the day of love running around serving happy couples while your boyfriend was home and waiting for you.
He hadn’t been mad when you’d mentioned it to him, just kissing your temple and mumbling something about going out on Saturday. But that didn’t stop you from feeling bad. I mean, what kind of girlfriend works on Valentines day?
The 14th rolls around sooner then you would expect. You decide to get at least a little dressed up, tying some bows in your hair and adding a few pink accessories to complete the look. You’re still wearing your uniform though, but it doesn’t stop Eddie from whistling at you as you get dressed.
“You look stunning.” He calls from bed, head just barely propped up to be able to see you.
“Thank you sweetie. I’m sorry I can’t spend the day with you.” You push some of the hair off his forehead, kissing it gently.
“Don’t worry about it, princess. You just focus on work okay? We can do Valentine’s day any day of the year.” God you had really hit the jackpot with Eddie.
“I’ll try my best. Bye baby.” You kiss him one more time before finally leaving for work, guilt just slightly gnawing away at you.
You’ve only been here an hour, and your heart aches. You’ve been serving happy couples this entire time and all you can think about is Eddie. Your perfect, sweet boyfriend who never misses a date and is always there when you need him.
And is currently at home alone right now while you work.
But you decide to push that out of your mind, plastering a smile on your face as you refill coffee.
“Hi, what can I get-Eddie?” And there he is, sitting happily in a booth in your section.
“Hey sweetheart.” He winks at you and you suddenly feel like when you first met, how charming he’d been.
“What are you doing here?” You hand him a menu, despite the fact he’s been here plenty of times and knows it by heart.
“Well since you have to work I figured I might as well be here too. There’s no one else I would rather spend Valentine’s day with.” He squeezes your hand and you grin wildly.
“My lunch break is in two hours. You really wanna sit here for that long?” Before the words even leave your mouth he holds up a copy of ‘The Hobbit’
“I’ll be very busy. So I’ll have a chocolate milkshake for now.” You grin and kiss his cheek quickly before going to put his order in.
You have the best boyfriend ever.
By the time your lunch rolls around, the place has started to clear up. They’ll be a small rush at dinner time but that’s not your problem. You ring in an order of your and Eddie’s usual, and after some puppy-dog eyes towards the chefs, you have two plates of heart-shaped pancakes.
“Voila!” You set the plates down infront of him, slipping into the other side of the booth.
“Wow! They’re doin’ heart shaped pancakes today?” He’s pouring a ridiculous amount of syrup on them, even leaning over to drizzle some on yours too.
“They did em extra special for me.” You’re quick to dig in, having worked up an appetite today.
“Of course they did.”
You spend the whole break talking. Despite being together for so long now, you never run out of things to say.
Eddie just hopes that in a few minutes, the one thing you say is yes.
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lightandfellowship · 2 months
KHDR Cutscene Titles In The Game's "Theater" Menu, A Full List With Some Commentary, Part 1
So, if you weren't aware, most Kingdom Hearts games come with a "Theater" menu that let's you rewatch the game's cutscenes whenever you want without having to replay the game, and these cutscenes are given titles for organizational purposes. Sometimes these titles are pretty self-explanatory, while other times they can shed some light on the contents of the cutscene.
Below the read more will be a list of all the cutscene titles for Episodes 1-4, organized by episode, and with a brief description of what the cutscene is about. The titles I find to have something worth mentioning will have an * next to it along with my commentary.
Note: The cutscenes aren't separated by episode in the menu; it's just a big, uninterrupted list. But for your benefit and mine, I'm organizing them by episode.
A Recurring Dream: The game's intro. On Destiny Islands, Xehanort dreams about Player's memories, and then meets Brown Robe.
Across the Ocean: Flashforward to present day, Scala. Xehanort hangs out with Eraqus before class. Title refers to Eraqus asking Xehanort what it was like "across the ocean".
One Step Forward: Xehanort and Eraqus meet their friends in class. Ends with a flashback of Xehanort entering the dark corridor on Destiny Islands. Title refers to Xehanort's narration over this scene: "Your world can change in an instant. Sometimes all it takes is a single step." After this line, the title of the game appears in a white font against a black background, marking the end of the prologue and the beginning of the game proper.
Episode 1: Unexpected Departure
*An Unexpected Task: Odin informs the underclassmen about the missing upperclassmen and then gives them their mission. Fun bit of trivia I've mentioned before, I'm pretty sure the title of this episode and cutscene is a reference to The Hobbit, both the first movie's subtitle and the title of the first chapter of the book. When you look at Odin's design, the inspiration is clear I think, lol. Note that this isn't a reference only made in the English localization of the game; the title is exactly the same (still in English) in the Japanese version of the game as well. So I think this was an intentional reference straight from the writers/devs.
The Worlds Outside: The underclassmen discuss the unstable state of the outside worlds, and prepare to leave for their first world. This is the first cutscene in the list that lets you choose your party member for the cutscenes. The underclassmen split up into groups of three.
The First Encounter: Xehanort, Eraqus, and your chosen third party member land in Agrabah and face the Heartless for the very first time.
*Where Monsters Roam: Xehanort and the party go into the city and find it deserted. It seems there are only Heartless in this world, no people. Eraqus theorizes: "Until [the world is fully rebuilt and the people restored], monsters roam as free as can be." This seems to be a light explanation for why the Heartless are prominent in the worlds the underclassmen visit, though not an explanation for why they're here in the past in the first place, as the characters directly discuss in this scene. Nomura has implied that the Heartless' presence in KHDR will be explained in KHML.
A Rough Battle: Xehanort and the party fight more Heartless, this time Heartless that are slightly tougher than the last. This sparks a conversation about whether or not the upperclassmen faced super powerful Heartless themselves, and whether or not that could be the reason for their disappearance.
A Dangerous Mission: The underclassmen regroup in Scala to discuss the Heartless and how tough they were to fight. It's clear that the underclassmen's mission is far more dangerous than they originally thought. At the end of this cutscene, the underclassmen split up once more and go off to their next world, though it's worth noting that the underclassmen are all in the same world by the next episode.
The Departure: Flashforward to four years after the events of KHDR. It's raining, and Xehanort is placing flowers at the graves of his friends (notably, the cutscene only shows four graves with flowers, but this is misdirection to hide the true number of the fallen; there are many more graves off-screen.) Eraqus arrives and they have a discussion about Xehanort's imminent departure from Scala once more.
Episode 2: The Presence of Darkness
*What Am I?: Title refers to Xehanort's narration as he ponders his life up until this moment: "I never really thought about who I was. Not until I began to wonder who others were." Extremely interesting to me that the title is "What Am I?" rather than "Who Am I?". Is this meant to foreshadow his empathy abilities/status as a potential Child of Destiny? Is this an indication that he's dehumanizing himself? Fascinating title choice given how clearly contradictory it is to the actual line of dialog which uses "who" instead of "what". Like, it's surely intentional and not a mistake, right?
Strange Order: Xehanort, Eraqus, and your chosen third party member wait around in the Wonderland forest for the rest of the underclassmen to show up to their meeting spot. They run into the Cheshire Cat, and shortly thereafter some Card Soldiers, who reveal that the other underclassmen are being put on trial at the Queen's court.
Ruler of the Court: Xehanort and the party confront the Queen of Hearts, fight a Heartless boss, and save their friends from losing their heads (literally). Right before the Heartless boss manifests in front of the underclassmen, Xehanort looks back at the Queen and notices a dark mass looming behind her.
Unknowing Darkness: The underclassmen regroup in the Wonderland forest and discuss what happened at the trial. Title refers to Xehanort and Eraqus' discussion about darkness burrowing so deep into someone's heart that the afflicted is unaware of what they've become. The end of this cutscene has Vor begging to be your party member for the next episode, and you can choose to refuse or indulge her based on who you pick.
*Dark Presence: Flashforward 4 years after the events of KHDR (this appears to coincide with the timeframe of "The Departure".) Xehanort is dragged by Card Soldiers to the court and meets the Queen of Hearts once again, though she doesn't remember him (Nomura has said in an interview that her not remembering him isn't significant to the plot, that's just a symptom of her disregard for others.) Title refers to the dark presence the Queen is still harboring after all these years, and Xehanort confirming its existence after he sees a dark mass looming behind her. "I knew it." he says, as the scene ends.
Episode 3: The Purpose of the Journey
Corridor of Darkness: Flashback. Xehanort traversing the dark corridor on the way to Scala from Destiny Islands.
Not Too Curious: Xehanort, Eraqus, and your chosen third party member explore Wonderland, while the third party member inquires about why Xehanort and Eraqus wanted to stay behind in Wonderland alone. Party also runs into the Tweedles. Title refers to the Tweedles warning the party against being too curious by recounting the tale "The Walrus and the Carpenter".
Tea Time: The party hears a commotion at the tea party and investigates. The Mad Hatter and Hare do nothing but confuse and unsettle them, and so they leave shortly thereafter.
To The Truth: Your third party member correctly guesses Xehanort and Eraqus' "secret plan" to investigate the Queen of Hearts and her darkness. Afterwards, the party goes to confront her.
*Darkness's True Form: The party confronts the Queen and inquires about her heart, her darkness, and whether or not her heart/darkness is her own, or something being influenced by an outside force. After Xehanort recalls a flashback where Odin explains the origins of darkness to the underclassmen, Xehanort notices a dark presence behind the Queen, and it lets out a distorted laugh before forming into a Heartless that attacks the party. Is the title of this cutscene a reference to the True Darknesses? Unsure. Might just be a red herring, along with the laugh sound effect and visual appearance of the dark presence which match the Darknesses from UX as far as I know.
Journey's Purpose: Xehanort and the party defeat the Heartless and return to Scala to regroup with the others. They explain what happened, and the underclassmen decide that the best way to locate the upperclassmen will be to pursue darkness itself. I believe this is the "journey's purpose" the title of the cutscene is referring to: the underclassmen's first big lead.
*Before the Departure: Flashback to a week before the events of KHDR. Eraqus and Baldr discuss Hoder, the upperclassmen's Mark of Mastery exam, and the trip that the upperclassmen are currently on. Baldr voices his concerns about Hoder's safety and the strange circumstances of the trip. I find the title of this one interesting, because it has me asking: is this implying that Baldr leaves Scala shortly after this scene? Or is the "before" a much larger span of time? It would make the timeline kinda weird if it was the first option, I think, so maybe not.
Episode 4: Cruel Clues
From now on, you cannot choose your third party member for the cutscenes; the game decides for you.
The Gambit: Flashback a year before the events of KHDR. This is the intro chess scene between Xehanort and Eraqus from KH3, now in chibi mobile game form! The KH3 version of this cutscene appears to be titled the same.
Magic Mirror: Vor comes across the castle in Dwarf Woodlands and discovers the Magic Mirror inside. She voices her intent to ask the Mirror a question, but the scene ends before we get to hear the question.
To The Mine: Xehanort, Eraqus, and Vor regroup, and overhear from some of the dwarves that a cave-in happened at the mine. They go to help.
*Seven Friends: Vor helps the trapped dwarves by picking up the boulder blocking their path. Title refers to Vor commenting on how the dwarves are kinda like the underclassmen, both being close friend groups of seven. Vor getting a little sappy like this I think foreshadows her soon-to-be-revealed concerns about her and her friends staying together.
In Search of Clues: Vor reveals to Xehanort and Eraqus her discovery of a Magic Mirror that knows everything, and suggests they can find the upperclassmen with it.
Asking the Mirror: Xehanort and the party approach the Mirror with the intent of asking it some questions. They don't get very far before being interrupted by the Queen, who throws a potion at the mirror, causing it to whisk the party away into its domain where it attacks them.
*A Bitter Clue: The party escapes the mirror, and the Queen is nowhere in sight. They go to ask the mirror the whereabouts of Vidar, but then Vidar just shows up in the flesh. We get a flashback to the question Vor asked the mirror at the beginning of the episode, and Vidar convinces Vor to join him. Title refers to how Xehanort and Eraqus learned more about the upperclassmen's whereabouts, but at the price of losing Vor.
*Different Directions: Flashback to Vor asking the underclassmen why they decided to become Keyblade Wielders. Title refers to both the variety of life trajectories the underclassmen are striving for, and Vor leaving her friends to take a different path. Then we return to present day. Xehanort and Eraqus leave the castle glumly.
*Former Friends: Flashforward 64 years after the events of KHDR. Old man Xehanort approaches the Magic Mirror once more and inquires about the whereabouts of his dream friends. Title refers to three things, actually, because Xehanort is thinking about not just his dream friends, but also Eraqus (and maybe Yen Sid?), who he is now estranged from, and the other underclassmen, who are dead. "Former friends" indeed.
Last four episodes will be in Part 2.
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choccyhearts · 2 years
Beef // Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: I am in need of fluff so badly rn :(( so here is something self-indulgent
CW: G/N!reader, lots of talk about eating, reader is a vegetarian, Eddie is huge simp, fluff, italics are Eddie's thoughts
Summary: Eddie takes you on a date but forgets one detail about you
Eddie Munson is a sweet guy -- really, he is. Sure he's excitable and eccentric, and he loves teasing the hell out of his friends, but he cares for and loves them at the end of the day. When he gets into a relationship, he does his best to make everything perfect, he wants his partner to love him back and know that they can rely on him to keep them safe and happy.
So, getting a date with you sent him over the moon. The leader of Hellfire was enchanted the day you joined the club, and your skills and intelligence drew him in more. After weeks of sweet talking you and slowly showing his soft and caring side, he was able to open up to you and ask you to go on a date.
Eddie knows a lot about you -- your favorite bands, names of pets you've had throughout your life, what your go to rainy day movie is -- but there is one thing he somehow never picked up on.
You're a vegetarian.
It's just never come up in conversation. During lunch, you have always brought your own meals and Eddie couldn't blame you from steering clear of the cafeteria food. You eat chips and cookies at the club meetings, and you eat pizza during celebrations. Only cheese pizza? Well, not everyone trusts sausage or pepperoni, so no big deal.
Tonight, Eddie has your whole date planned. It's something casual, lowkey. Just a night to see how compatible you two are and it's the opportunity for Eddie to show you how smooth and romantic he can be.
He picks you up and he's stunned by how amazing you look. You two sit in the front of his van and start chatting as he takes you to your destination -- a diner famous for it's endless burger options. It's perfect! -- he thinks. Enough options to cater to you! (Plus, not too pricey...)
After he parks, he leaps out and races around the van to open your door for you. You giggle and take his hand to hop out. You continue holding hands as you walk into the restaurant.
You sit down and look over the menu. Yep, allllll burgers, except one grilled cheese at the very bottom. That's okay, you like grilled cheese. Plus, you'll have fries too, so not a bad meal.
You both order sodas and continue having your conversation. He really loves talking to you, hearing your point of view and he loves that you aren't afraid to challenge his opinions -- though, they're usually silly ones, like which Friday or Nightmare film is the best, or which actors would be best cast if they ever turned The Hobbit into a movie.
He also loves looking at you. The way you style your hair, the jewelry you wear, your outfit. The way your eyes shine when you smile and start to water when he makes you laugh extremely hard. This date is going so well already and you haven't even orde-
"Are you both ready to order?", the waitress asks.
Eddie answers first, "Uh, yeah, I'll have the classic cheeseburger with no onions -- I think ahead", he winks at you. "And fries."
The waitress then looks at you as you smile up at her.
"I'll have the grilled cheese and fries too." You both hand her your menus as Eddie looks at you puzzled. His eyes are squinted and he has a line between his furrowed brows.
"That's all?", he asks.
"Yeah, nothing really piqued my interest", you say before taking a sip of your soda.
"Really? I mean there's at least 25 different types of burgers."
You bite your straw as you grin widely.
"Well, I don't eat burgers. You know that, right?"
Did he know that? He shifts eyes around, digging through the filing cabinet in his brain. Did you not eat red meat? Did you even eat meat at all??
"Eddie", you giggle. You set your hand on his and he looks back at you. "I'm a vegetarian. I thought you knew that!"
His eyes widen. Oh no, he didn't. How did he not know? He knows so much about you, how did this thing slip his mind? Is he not observant enough? Is this date already turning into a sinking ship? Are you going to leave? Are you gonna tell all of the guys-?
"Eddie." You shake his hand and bring him back to you. "It's okay, really. I guess I never told you, it's just not a big secret. I didn't even think about it."
He looks at your face. There is not hint of anger or sadness, no, you look amused.
"How did I not know?"
"Like I said, I guess I never told you. But I mean, I only eat cheese pizza, and I always bring my lunch. That time Mike had a barbecue, I only ate the side dishes."
That is true. He just figured you didn't trust Mr. Wheeler, which is totally understandable.
"Wow, I guess I'm just not observant", he chuckles softly. "If you want, we can go somewhere else?"
"No, no, no, I already have my heart set on that grilled cheese", you smile and run your thumb back and forth against his hand. "Besides, I was hoping we'd share a milkshake at the end."
He beams at you. "One milkshake, two straws", he'd say. He'd always wanted to say that.
"Well, then, now that I have this information, fair lady", he says in his dungeon master voice. "I will be able to showcase one of my secret skills."
You raise your eyebrow.
"Cooking." You giggle as he starts to defend himself, already asking you for another date to prove himself.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: S3/EP4/One's Got Class The Other One Dyes
Episode titles with 6 or more words (the first four seasons): Season 1: The Lorelais First Day At Chilton, Star Crossed Lovers And Other Strangers Season 2: Red Light on The Wedding NIght, Nick And Nora And Sid And Nancy
Season 3: One's Got Class The Other One Dyes Season 4: The Lorelais First Day At Yale, The Hobbit The Sofa and Digger Stiles, In The Clamor and The Clanger, Girls In Bikinis Boys Doing The Twist, Last Week Fights This Week Tights, Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospel (come on AmyShermanPalladino. Come on. She's just fucking with us with that one. She didn't envision a future where people like me would have to type that shit out). Anyway. This episode is a classic.
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Let's have a look at what Jesstopher is reading...
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That tracks. Lorelai: I think I'm in touch with the other side. Rory: Republicans? Ba dum tsssh.
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What are we doing, naming things we see in the room? Dead cow, dead cow, non paying customer, non paying customer, old timey scale, the only business proprietor in America who purposely tries to drive away his own customers by insulting their selections from his own menu... Lorelai has been having premonitions about her own death. How does she know about the script for my Gilmore Girls horror movie trilogy titled "Blood In The Hollow"?
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No, Lorelai will get a much more dignified slaughtering in BITH (at the hands of Rory? Luke? Jess? Her mother? Crusty? Possibly even DEAN, her jilted lover? The script is still in progress).
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Now you're just naming all the hilarious ways I've imagined Dean's demise. TWWGG is chock full of "Dean Forrester should get eaten by a ____" , Most recently, it was a pair of T-Rexes. I may have suggested Death by Turtle before, I can’t recall. I do know that when he wore this sweater I said he looked like a turtle anus.
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Stars Hollow has never once rocked and or rolled. Lane's got dreams of rock superstadorm. Not if AmyShermanPalladino has anything to do with it. Rory wraps her half eaten burger (The fakest fake burger I've ever seen) in a napkin (this is not a thing) and R&R leave Luke's without paying. INCOMING!
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Lorelai's face. Lorelai mutters that Shane is a freak. Because why...? Sure, she doesn't have the best manners with all this barging through the door stuff, but you wanna talk about ettiquite, Miss Dine and Dash? So what makes her a freak? The girl has (horny, horny) needs and she knows how to get what she wants. Shane doesn't play silly games. On a random Tuesday at 6:17 pm, Shane thinks, "I want Jess Mariano's tongue in my mouth" And then she goes to the diner and gets that tongue in her mouth. That doesn't make her a freak, that makes her an example R&R should take after. Shane is a role model. Shane is Rock and Roll. Shane is a modern woman. Shane is a GOD DAMN HERO. SHANE IS SWAN FOOD (soon).
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Nobody in the diner even blinks while this is happening.
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There may not be any rock and roll in Stars Hollow, but there's certainly free porn, and Rory's going to grab a popcorn and watch the show.
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"That was my intention, Uncle Luke"
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Introducing for the first time, Zack Van Gerbig and Brian Fuller. I don't have any dog in this fight of "Which boyfriend was better for Lane". Well, maybe I do have a dog, but she's a sleepy bassett hound who can't be bothered to choose because anything that happens after season 4 (aka Lane's life trajectory after high school) doesn't affect me in the grand scheme of things. Alright let's briefly rate the members of Hep Alien: Zack: Lane's first sexual experience with Zack is a complete disaster. Zack enters into a teenage marriage with Lane, buys cheap off brand condoms and knocks her up with twins on their honeymoon, derailing her entire life and destroying her rock and roll dreams. (People on this show need to stop getting married right out of high school, for the love of all that is holy. And stop sleeping through Sex Ed! You live in a blue state where sex ed in school might actually be adequate and available! CHERISH IT). Zack is cuter than Dave. Zack is the lead singer, but I tend to crush on band members that are not the lead singers. Lead singers are trouble. That blond floppy hair is trouble. He looks like he might not shower that often. Dave: Dave didn't do any of those things. Dave definitely takes showers. Maybe too many showers + Impeccably clean, geeky clothes. Did you know Dave read the entire Bible in one night to impress Lane's mother? What a guy. He has curly hair which means he's a good guy. Got sucked up by the Male Gilmore Girls Character California Wormhole but unlike Jess and Max, She liked him so much she never spat him back out. Brian:
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Lane gets a taste of the rampant sexism inherent in Rock and Roll when her suggestions for improving the band's sound are totally ignored by the men. Lane's paranoia about her mother is incredibly annoying and stifling to the other members of the band, and they almost walk out, and I'm not saying it's right to ignore her...I'm just saying, I understand.
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In my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff with cursing and nudity and realism titled the Hollow no one would be shielded from perversion. At one point, Kirk apparently had a rock band called "The Kirk Gleason 5" who played covers of Queen songs and Mrs Kim put the kibosh on them.
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The people of Hartford to the people of Stars Hollow: Please stop coming over here. There are other cities in Connecticut you can visit if you want to escape The Bubble. What about Stamford? We're full. Lane has to find a way to make it to band practice in Hartford 3 nights a week while still under the watchful eye of Mrs Kim. Rory and Lane try to brainstorm how she might get away with this Super Secret Band Thing, even though Lane has no money, no car, and no instrument.
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A circa 2002 Karen (real name: Debbie), calling the Gilmores. Lorelai doesn't remember Debbie-Karen because Rory can only describe Karen-Debbie, the mother of a former classmate, as blond haired and average height. We find out Rory actually had another childhood friend of sorts besides Lane, Debbie-Karen's daughter Kathy. Rory would frequently go swimming at her house. Lorelai claims she can't remember any Stars Hollow Moms because they all look the same, except for Mrs.Kim and a woman with a glass eye. I guess that's Lorelai's way of saying Mrs Kim and Mrs Glass Eye are the only two minorities in Stars Hollow. That tracks. Lorelai doesn't even know Dean's mom? Things might get awkward when Lorelai and Dean have to write out their wedding invitations. Karen-Debbie: The PTA likes to ask prominent locals in business to talk to the students, you know, someone who knows about how much hard work it takes to run a business, and we thought of you. Bahahahaha. Lorelai, a hard worker. Don't make me laugh. Oh wait, I already did. I will laugh some more. Bahahahaha.
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The Gilmore Girls California Wormhole is about to claim it's first female snack, Kathy. Things Googled While Watching GIlmore Girls We Owe You Nothing (first tried I Owe You Something because I couldn't see the cover), major cities in Connecticut, Brian's last name (it's Fuller)
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izzytown · 2 years
welcome to part 2/2 of “the company’s reacts to starbucks” babes!
if you missed part 1, check that out here
let’s get right into it:
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nori: nori has a flair for the dramatic (look at his hair and beard braids and try to argue), therefore his drinks have to be ✨extravagant✨ — this mf probably orders tiktok drinks, layered fraps, you name it. he has no chill. he will also order it by how he found it - “can i get ‘the last of us’ drink?" (a venti strawberry creme frap with mocha, java chips, and layered with puree and cookie crumbles).
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bifur: despite his gruff exterior, bifur seems like a sleepy/chill person, so i imagine he gets various types of teas depending on whether he needs to wake up a bit or wind down. he doesn’t go to Starbucks unless he’s with dori, so dori can order for him (again, this man grunts??) he seems like a hot london fog latte kinda guy, or maybe a royal english breakfast tea type of person.
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bofur: if dori is the mom friend, bofur is the dad friend - he probably likes a basic coffee with cream (maybe even a flat white) for his day to day orders, but he’s absolutely a mobile order regular. he treats himself with the og “stbx secret menu” fraps, like a cinnamon roll frap, snickers frap, etc. but it’s okay bc they’re mobile-ordered🫶 probably also gets a chocolate chip cookie with his coffee, let’s be fr.
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bombur: bombur, this friendly man, absolutely gets frappuccinos and only frappuccinos. he’s tried every flavor, and cycles through a caramel ribbon crunch w/ extra caramel drizzle, a java chip, or a cafe vanilla frap. he also gets a ham and swiss on baguette or an eggs and cheddar protein box every damn time he makes a starbucks run.
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dwalin: dwalin is scary. he stresses out every barista based on his demeanor, even though he’s actually incredibly soft. he probably gets a red-eye, and then gently corrects the barista if they don’t know what a red-eye is. also gets a black cold brew with a shot of espresso during the summer months.
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balin: he’s SO grandpa. he secretly wants to get black coffee and seem exasperated like gandalf is, but his go-to is a raspberry white mocha, or occasionally a toffee nut white mocha. maybe a nonfat java chip frap w/ no whip if he's treating himself? a little sweet drink to reward himself after giving therapy to the entire company is usually what he needs.
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bilbo: and last but certainly not least, our favorite anxiety-riddled hobbit finds himself at starbucks often, mostly because of the comfort it brings him. like his nephew frodo, he prefers a nice tea to calm his nerves, switching between earl grey, royal english breakfast, and a chai latte if he’s feeling adventurous. if he’s wanting something with coffee, you can bet he’s getting a honey almondmilk flat white. you can always find him working on his book there after the events of the hobbit, probably munching on a warmed blueberry scone as he writes.
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What do you do when the rent needs to be paid, your body is riddled with nerve pain and the other bills piling up threaten to send you spiraling? You do what you are good at, of course, and hope folks like the result enough to pay you for it! Let's face it: the economic state of the world is in the absolute shitter and survival itself is a challenge these days if you are not born to the right family or the correct circumstances.
You seek escape through roleplaying, to become someone else for a while and sink into a world where anything is possible. You read fanfiction to seek solace in the relationships and hardships experienced by beloved characters from your favourite works of fiction. You might be someone trying to alleviate the dour cloud of existential dread in others through ASMR or roleplay videos.
I can attest to the efficacy of every method- only sometimes, you can't find anything that scratches a particular itch. Your rare-pair has an empty tag filled with cobwebs and tumbleweeds. You struggle to get the lines in your script to sound natural and compelling.
This is where I come in. My name is Froggie, and I want to translate the ideas you have in your mind into words for you.
Why you should commission me: -I am a queer, neurodiverse, disabled gremlin
-I offer affordable pricing
-You can help me pay for my groceries (please god, I just want to eat)
-I like when I can create something rad for someone
-Work that requires physical labour is difficult for me to reliably do at this time as I am very early in treatment. Fibromyalgia sucks, dude, but I'm always looking ahead.
-I won't steal your firstborn child and replace it with a pinecone with googly eyes hot-glued on. Probably.
I have been writing ever since I could hold a pen (then later on, type on a keyboard) and possess a deep passion for story telling. Let me help you bring your ideas to life!
What I can write for you: -Your D&D character's backstory
-An original roleplay character's backstory
-D&D NPC creation for Dungeon Masters
-Help world build, create settings and plan a story for a homebrew D&D campaign
-Self-insert fanction
-'Your name here' fanfiction
-NSFW fanfiction (I will require proof that you are 18+ for this please!)
-Drabble collections (usually following prompts)
-One-shot fanfiction
-Fandom and original themed poetry
-ASMR Roleplay and comic scripts
-Original short stories
My writing strengths are: -Detailed settings
-Compelling dialogue
-Romantic tension
-Natural sounding script dialogues
-Vivid use of language
-Appropriate use of metaphor and themed imagery
I am knowledgeable in the following fandoms:
-Final Fantasy FFXIV
-Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
-Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit (both original book and the Peter Jackson movie adaptations)
-The Legend of Zelda (nearly any game in the series)
-Stardew Valley
-Baldur's Gate 3
-Dungeons & Dragons/ Forgotten Realms
If you don't see one here but want to request something, please let me know! Even if I am unfamiliar with said fandom, I am willing to research so I can write your favourite characters right!
All requests are to be private messaged to me so we can sort out the particulars. I want to make sure I know what you are looking for and that my writing reflects that. If we move ahead with an order, I will provide you with some questions regarding your preferences!
I charge $1 USD per 100 words. Any orders that exceed 3k words I will request half the payment upfront. Any word overages will be rounded down in price (i.e. 530 words is still $5 USD).
I also offer personalized animal doodles for $5 USD! There is an example of my work on my ko-fi page.
I accept payment via Paypal and Ko-fi!
You can find an example of my writing here!
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
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Pairing: Steddie x plus!size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: At long last, another part in my Steddie fic. Please forgive if it's not the best. I'm really working on my smut writing. I know it's not the best so thanks for reading. I'm kinda excited because I'm gonna be taking a creative writing class next year. So hopefully that will help with my writing. Also, I just want to say. That I kinda just wanted to give you guys a taste of the threesome. But I promise I'm going all out in the next part. So basically this is a filler episode. Anyways, enjoy. As always feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. ✌️
Warnings: 18+ smut, language, slight body insecurities, mentions of force sex, mentions of menstrual cycle, fluff, and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: How you ended up with not 1 but 2 boyfriends is beyond you. Why Eddie and Steve are into your thickness is strange but, they make you feel like a queen.
Part 5
September 1986
You started feeling better about yourself the rest of the day. You and Eddie spent most of the morning and afternoon in bed. You knew the moment you guys left, that the own personal heaven you and Eddie created would be gone. And not wanting that to happen just yet, you laid their holding each other.
Everything felt so right with Eddie. It felt so good finally being with him. Like you were made for him. But all that afternoon you missed Steve.
Eddie took you out for lunch and called Steve to join. You guys met at the diner and you hugged Steve so hard.
" Miss you Hun."
Steve lifted you a bit and turned around. " Missed you too baby girl."
He set you back on your feet and gave you a close mouth kiss. You were shocked at first because neither one of them kissed you in public before. But you kissed him back. Smiling after.
You guys got the booth you had gotten on your first date. Sitting the same way as last time. Both of them were kissing your check and caressing your thighs when the same waitress from last time came.
You saw her roll her eyes and gave you a look of disgust. " What will it be?"
The guys stopped and picked up the menu. Cindy kept giving you ugly looks and you felt embarrassed again. You looked at your menu and just ordered a salad with water. The guys looked at you and you faked a smile.
" I'm not that hungry." You tried assured your men.
Then you heard a scoff. All of you did. Coming from Cindy. The boys scowled at her. You could instantly feel the tension in their bodies. You placed your hands on their knees, to silently ask them to not make a scene.
They didn't and instead ordered their food. You had excused yourself to use the bathroom because you started cramping. It was about that time of the month and you knew you would be starting soon. When you cleaned yourself you were starting to spot. You thanked whatever higher power there was that you didn't start last night. That would have been very messy.
You went to the sink and pulled out some ibuprofen and took it with a sip of water after washing your hands. That's when Cindy came in. You were about to leave when she started talking.
" So you're their new girl huh?"
" Umm."
" Hey I know it's none of my business. But I just want to warn you to be careful. Okay?"
" Uhh what do you mean?"
" I used to be one of their girls. It only happened like twice. But I stopped. Because I heard that they forced a girl once. So umm just be careful. Don't do anything that you're not ready for."
With that said she went to the stall.
What the hell? They forced a girl to have sex with them?
Your thoughts ran a muck. Feeling out of it already, you headed back to the table and put on your best performance. Being a happy girlfriend. Though right now you felt like a complete fat, short hobbit. Your body hurt and you felt just so damn ugly compared to the few of their so called "ex's".
After lunch the boys took you to the mall. They wanted to buy you something nice. Though you really weren't up for it. You tried your best to play along.
Eddie and Steve noticed that you were a little off. But your smile made them feel a bit better. While you were trying on an outfit they talked quietly amongst themselves.
" So we had sex last night. And again this morning." Eddie grinned at Steve.
" You were gentle with her I hope."
" Of course. It was perfect man. Thank you for letting us have our moment."
Steve was sad that he wasn't there and that Eddie got to make love to you. He wanted to feel your pretty pussy wrapped around him too. But he knew Eddie needed you. But he needed you too. He wanted another moment alone with you. Sure the first time he was with you went beyond his expectations. But anal wasn't what he pictured the first time would be like that. There was this rawness that he loved about it. But though the lustful times you had with him weren't enough. It didn't fill his heart like it did Eddie's.
" Hey umm do you think I can have a night with her?" Steve asked.
Eddie raised his brow. " You already had a night with her."
" Yeah but...It wasn't like yours. I really want it to be special."
" Wait what? It wasn't special for you?" Eddie was confused.
Steve didn't give him all the details about that night. Just saying you guys had sex. " Well it was but not like I wanted it to be."
" What happened?"
You came out of the dressing room to show them the outfit. You had scrunched your nose and shook your head. Then went back in to change.
" So?" Eddie asked again
Steve sighed. He really didn't feel comfortable telling Eddie what you let him do. But he had to be honest.
" We had anal. I had the feeling she wanted you to be the one who had her pussy first."
Eddie clenched his fist. He had to talk himself down from getting angry. That was something that was supposed to wait. Until all of you were together and you were completely ready for it. But then the thought of you waiting for him eased him. He smiled to himself. You loved him. You loved him enough to save yourself for him. Even though he knew you wanted Steve too and you could have let him. But you didn't.
"Did it hurt her?"
Steve shook his head. " I don't think so. But it was her first time so maybe."
Eddie shot his head towards Steve. " Her first time?"
You came out showing them a dress. They both smiled and gave you a thumbs up. Your giggles made their heart flutter. When you went back inside they continued the conversation.
" Yeah. But I went slow and she came."
Eddie nodded. " Alright. So what you're saying is you want just one night without me?"
" Uhh yeah. Only if it's cool with you."
Eddie looked at the dressing room door and wanted to say no. But he had to share. " Only if that's what she wants."
While you were changing outfits you kept looking at your gut and your thick ass thighs. You hated it. You hated every god damn pound. Every fucking dimple in your ass and legs. Your fat ass floppy arms. You hated the first outfit because it was way too tight. Even though it was labeled your size. Then the dress fit and you liked it. But when you went back in to change, all you kept saying to yourself that only a moo moo would fit you.
Had you been gaining more weight? Have your boys noticed? Would they tell you if they did? And what was Cindy talking about? Steve and Eddie always asked if you were ready and if you wanted to. So that made no sense to you. Maybe she said that because she's jealous. From the looks she gave you, that was a very strong possibility. Or maybe the guys do it so much because of that.
You shoved all the questions away for another time, when you weren't out on a date. Besides your back and stomach were killing you now. So you took some more ibuprofen and left the dressing room.
" So. I don't really need anything. But I would like to get you something." You smiled at Eddie. " You need some new jeans. Those bad boys won't last much longer."
" Well let me buy you this dress and I'll let you buy me a pair." Eddie offered.
You nodded and Eddie gave you a kiss on the cheek and went to find something in his size. You went to Steve and he pulled you on his lap. You wanted to get off but you had little to no energy to fight.
" Do you want anything Hun? How about a new sweater?"
Steve gave you a loving kiss that made you melt into him.
" I don't need anything either. Just you."
With a soft smile on your lips you kissed him again.
Eddie was coming back but saw you two have a moment. He was glad to see that you were happy with Steve. But a small part of him wished it was his lap you were sitting on, his lips you were kissing. He shook those thoughts away and went to you guys when he saw you put your forehead on Steve's.
" Alright, so I want to try them on for you"
You looked over to Eddie and gave him a sweet smile.
You stayed on Steve's lap as he rubbed your back. You guys kissed a little more while Eddie tried on his jeans.
" Okay so how about these?" Eddie asked
" Hmm turn around." You said circling your finger.
He did.
" Yeah definitely. " You got up from Steve's lap and went to Eddie.
You lifted his shirt a little to see if the waist line wasn't too tight.
Eddie was grinning from ear to ear looking at you helping him. When his eyes met Steve's, his smile faded. Steve's eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape. Eddie saw him stand up quickly and move behind you. Before he did that Eddie had seen a red stain on Steve's blue jeans.
Steve wrapped his arms around you and you smiled. But that smile went away as fast as it came when Steve whispered that you leaked through your pad and pants. Your stomach fell to your ass and your face got really hot. You didn't know what to do. You looked up at Eddie and saw him trying to figure something out to help. But Steve was the first to react.
He moved away from you just a bit and pulled off his sweatshirt and tied it around your waist. You wanted to cry. You wanted to run away from them and crawl in a hole. But Steve turned you and held your waist firmly.
" C'mon sweetheart. Let's get you home."
You let him lead you out of the store into the car. With Eddie following suit. Eddie kept shaking his head beating himself up for not wearing something to help you like Steve did.
Once you got home you took a shower to clean up and finally let yourself cry. You should have known better than to carry small pads during the beginning of your cycle. It always came down like Niagara falls the first 3 days.
"Did you know she started her umm...her..."
" Shark week? Nah man. She was fine last night." Eddie was going through your nightstand grabbing some comfy clothes for you, while Steve changed your bedsheets and put them in the wash with his jeans and sweatshirt.
" I'm gonna go rent a movie and get some comfort food for her." Eddie said laying your clothes on the bed.
" Yeah okay." Steve nodded finishing putting on the comforter.
" Try and find a heat pad and rub her back. It must be really hurting her right now."
" What if she doesn't have a heating pad?"
" I'll pick one up just in case."
" Okay. And some midol yeah?" Steve said grabbing his wallet and tried to giving Eddie money.
" Nah man I got it."
" Well use it for snacks or something?"
' No it's cool. I got it. Oh umm should I get her some tampons or something."
" Uhhh that's a good idea. Umm you know what size?"
Eddie shook his head.
" Ask Liz. She should know."
Eddie nodded and took off.
When Eddie left Steve sat on your bed waiting for you. But then he remembered something that could actually make you feel physically better. He got up and went to the bathroom door. Happy that Liz gave you the master bedroom.
"Hey sweetheart. You okay?"
" Uh huh." You sighed.
Steve went in and took off his remaining clothes. Getting in the shower with you.
" I hope this is okay baby girl."
" Umm yeah. It's okay." You said nervously.
" Are you sure?...I leave and wait for you."
You turned around and covered yourself as much as you could.
" Hey. Baby what's going on?" Steve stepped closer to you.
You didn't look at him but you stepped closer too. " I umm I just feel ugly. And I dont-"
Steve cupped your face with both hands finally getting a bit of water on him.
" Sweetheart no. You're so beautiful. Don't let those thoughts get to you. You're so unbelievably gorgeous I can barely stand not looking at you sometimes."
You looked into his eyes and almost believed him. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on your lips.
" Baby girl, believe me. You really are so damn pretty. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." His voice was low and deep. Calling to your core.
" Damnit Hun. I really wish I wasn't on my period."
Steve smiled against your lips giving you one of the hottest kisses you had ever had.
He dropped his hands down to your waist. "Well...we are in the shower."
You moved your hands around his neck. " Ohh no. That's gross."
" It could help with the cramps. If you cum. Which I know I can do."
"I...I don't know."
"Let me make you feel better sweetheart."
You bit your lip and took a second to think about it.
" And it will help with the cramps?" You said just above a whisper.
" Mmhm. Want me to help?... Let daddy help you." He cooed kissing your jaw down your neck.
Why the hell did that turn you on?
" Are you sure you want to do this sweetheart." He said between kisses
" Y-yes please."
You heard a gutteral sound coming from him. It making your skin rise. He turned you around and one of his hands went down and touched your small bundle or nerves. You sunk against him letting your head fall back on his chest. A soft sigh left your lips feeling his gentle fingers rubbing lazy circles.
You could feel his erection pressed against your ass. You swirled your hips just a little to try and give him something. You looked up at him. He grinned and kissed you. His tongue swirled in your mouth. The moment he touched yours it made your body shudder.
He moved your arm behind you and had you wrap your fingers around his length. He slowly fuck your hand as he continued rubbing circles around your harden clit. His free hand went to massage your breast but you whimpered.
" oh baby girl. I'm sorry. They're sore huh?"
You nodded and he moved his hand to grab at your waist. You were close to your release when he slid a finger into your aching sex, that was contracting around his long finger.
"Oooohhhh." You moaned, throwing your head back.
"You gonna cum for me?"
" Uh huh."
"Good girl. You gonna cum for daddy?"
" Mmm fuck." You mewled as he pumped faster.
"Call me daddy." He cooed in your ear.
" Yeah?... Oh.. daddy! I'm... gonna- You said breathlessly.
" oh baby girl. Can I cum too?"
" Yes daddy. Cum with me....shit...C-cum for me."
You felt his hot release shoot up your back. And when he curled his finger hitting your g-spot you came too.
You leaned into him as he pulled his finger out of you and held you. He rinsed his hand and put both of his arms across your chest. You brought both hands up and held onto his forearms. Resting the side of your head on his chin.
" Mmm you did so good for me sweetheart. Do you feel better?"
You nodded and smiled. Steve always knew how to make you feel better.
" Good. Let's clean up and we can go lay down."
Finally all cleaned up and dried off, Steve led you to the bed and cuddled with you.
" I love you sweetheart."
"I love you too dad."
Steve grinned. He liked that a lot. He rubbed your back for a little bit until Eddie came back.
You looked up and smiled. " Eddie spaghetti."
He chuckled. " Hey Angel. How you feelin'?"
" Mmm better." You hummed resting your head back down on Steve's chest playing with his chest hair.
Eddie pulled out all the goodies for you. He went out to heat up the pad and took off his jacket and laid it on the couch. He quickly came back and dressed down to his boxers. He climbed in the bed with you and Steve and put the heating pad on your lower back.
" Is this okay right here?" He asked.
" Yeah."
" Okay." Eddie whispered putting his hand on your waist.
You were quiet for a while both of them tried to comfort you. You really did love them both. But a question was eating at you.
You moved to sit up grabbing the pad. You leaned your back against the wall and fidgeted with the loose string hanging from your long sleeve.
Steve and Eddie sat up too.
" What's the matter sweetheart?"
You could feel them burning a hole on either side of your face. You swallowed the lump building in your throat. " Did...did you guys ever...forced a girl to umm have sex?"
" Did someone tell you that?"
You turned to face Eddie. Looking in his eyes for just a second and nodded before looking back down to your lap.
Eddie looked at Steve and they both knew exactly what you were asking about. But that wasn't what happened.
Steve grabbed your hand. "No. We never did that. We never would. But... There was this one girl."
Eddie took your other hand bringing it to his lips. "We were hooking up at her place."
" When her boyfriend came home." Steve said.
" She said that we had gotten her drunk and took advantage of her. But, we met at the mall." Eddie sighed.
" That's why we make sure to ask every time we want to do something. So no one gets the wrong idea."
You looked at Steve and nodded.
" Is there anything else you want to know about Angel?"
You leaned your head on Eddie's shoulder and he put his cheek on the crown of your head.
" I know that we kinda talked a little bit about it. But I'm really not feeling so great about myself...Do umm....do you guys think I'm fat?"
Eddie and Steve furrowed their brow and Eddie lifted his head. Steve reached over and grabbed your face gently to look at him.
" Why would you ask that baby girl?
Eddie wrapped his arms around you.
" Did we ever make you feel like that?" Eddie said scooting closer to you.
" Well no. It's just..." You put your hands on Steve's. " So far all the girls I've seen that you've been with look nothing like me. And I can't help but feel ugly and fat in comparison."
You slightly hung your head wanting to cry. You felt Eddie's grip tightened.
" You're right sweetheart. You look nothing like those girls. But you are not ugly. You're so beautiful. Everything about you is gorgeous. I told you not to let those thoughts get to you."
You sniffled." I know. I just can't help it."
" Look at me baby."
You looked deep into Steve's eyes.
" Seriously. You're so perfect. Your smile, your laugh. Everything about you is perfect."
Steve gave you a soft kiss. After Eddie turned you to look at him and put one hand on your back and caressed the apple of your cheek, rubbing the tear that fell.
" Don't cry pretty girl. Steve is right. You're so special and so damn sexy. We see who you really are. We all have flaws but we don't judge you for yours. We know all about insecurities. But you never have to feel insecure with us. We see you, we hear you, and we feel you. When we're with you, nothing else exists. Only that gorgeous smile, that sweet voice, those big pretty eyes, and this beautiful face." He kissed your cheek. "You're amazing Angel. And we love you for everything you are....I love you."
These guys were gonna be the death of you. They're so sweet and beautiful. It was hard to believe that they were all yours.
The guys did everything they could to make you feel better all that week. Taking you out on dates, buying you flowers. Eddie even let you braid his hair, while Steve braided yours. Steve introduced you to his parents. And for the most part they were nice. You finally saw what he was talking about when he said they ignored him. They exchanged pleasantries but that was the extent of their interest in Steve's love life. Your heart broke for the lack of attention he was getting. And you promise to try and give him all that he needed.
They stayed with you for most of the week. Switching every other day. When Monday came around, the guys went home. Eddie pulled his car themed calendar and wrote out your shark week for the rest of the year. While Steve did the same with his daily planner. They wanted to be prepared for you. Making sure to have a care package ready to go.
Class was cancelled on Monday so you ended up working. With Liz joining you after school. She would catch a ride with Eddie since they both were going to the same place. You felt a little weird about that. Since they hooked up and all. But you trusted Liz and you trusted Eddie. When they walked in together, Eddie jogged over to you and spun you around in your swivel chair.
" Hey pretty girl. I missed you."
You blushed. " I missed you too."
He put his hand on the arm rests and gave you a big smooch, with Liz making gagging sounds.
You looked at her and narrowed your eyes.
" So what's the plan for dinner?" Eddie asked. His body and eyes never leaving you.
" She's having dinner with me. You know. It's sad that we live together now and I barely see her. You guys need to share." Liz said with almost a sneer.
You and Eddie just grinned at each other.
" Actually, I have a date with Steve."
" Really?" Eddie jerked his head back a little. " He didn't tell me."
Eddie didn't look too happy after you said that. You moved his hair behind his ears and gave him a quick but sweet kiss.
" Don't be upset with Steve. He just came over during his lunch and asked. I'm sure he was going to tell you."
Eddie tilted his head and grinned. You were always trying to make the best of the situation. And he absolutely loved that.
" Okay pretty girl. Do you have time for a break?"
" Ummm." You looked at Liz and she waved her hand. " Uh yeah."
" Okay come on. I want to show you something."
He stood up and held out his hand. You took it and he led you outside to the back of his van.
When he opened the door you smiled.
" What's all this?"
Eddie was staring at the side of your face to see your reaction. " I uhh. I wanted to have a place just for us."
You gave him a look of adoration. " Just for us?"
You looked back in the van. He put in a fold out foam chair and a crate with a radio. There was a stuffed puppy sitting in the middle. He also has a stack of your books and a small box filled with your guys favorite snacks. You saw his D&D books with a brand new note book. There was a case of beer and a case of coke bottles.
" You did all this for me?"
He put his arm around your waist and kissed your temple. " Yeah pretty girl. I thought whenever you get in a funk. We can go somewhere and just relax."
You climbed in and looked around and saw a brand new brush and scrunchies. Hand lotion and blankets. Your smile got bigger and bigger with each item you found.
Eddie climbed in and watched you. Seeing you that happy made his heart full. He swore to do everything he could to make sure that you always smile when you were with him.
He looked at the ceiling. " Oh. We're totally missing the best part."
Your eyes followed him to the front and watched him put up a sun shade cover and close the back doors. A soft green glow shined from above.
" Oh Eddie."
" Come here pretty girl."
He sat down on the fold out and held his arms out for you. You went to him eagerly and snuggled with him.
He pointed to a certain spot. " That there, Canis major. And there is Ursa minor....and right there, that's Taurus."
You listen to him name all the constellations he took the time to create. In this moment you never felt so loved and so lucky to have Eddie in your life.
That night Steve had decided to finally make you dinner again at his place. You guys had the house all to yourselves. So while Steve made dinner you were making peach cobbler.
Steve had Eddie show him how to make a mix tape for the special night.
" Foreigner?"
Steve looked at you and had a guilty grin. " Uhh yeah."
You chuckled. " No, Foreigner is cool. You just seem like a Steve Perry fan."
" Oh I am."
"That's cool too." You gave him a genuine smile.
When dinner was done, you guys sat at the table.
" This looks so good dad."
Steve sucked his bottom lip and grinned at you.
"So what is the plan after dinner?" You asked between bites.
" Hmmm. Whatever you want to do."
"What if we clean up and then we could do a puzzle?"
He smiled. " That sounds nice."
You beamed at him and he swore he died and went to heaven. There was so much he wanted to say. But for some odd reason all he wanted was this. Just you and him. Together, eating dinner and talking. He loved these moments with you. The comfortability you guys had with each other was something he never had before. And he couldn't get enough of it.
"What's the matter?"
Steve looked at you and shook his head. " It's nothing."
" Steve baby, something up....just talk to me."
He cleared his throat and leaned forward a little. " I just can't help but think this is too good to be true. Like, you're everything I want in a girl. And I know that I put these rules in place. But when I'm with you, all bets are off. Sometimes I feel bad for wanting you all to myself. But then when we're all together it's nice. I wonder if maybe I screwed up by letting myself feel this way for you so fast."
" Do you not want to feel that way towards me?"
" No. I do. It's just now, I can't bear to lose you."
"You won't lose me. You and Eddie are very important to me. I know what you mean. Being selfish. Some days I need you and your roughness and other days I need Eddie's tenderness. But at the end of the day. I want both of you in my bed. Or be in yours or Eddie's."
" That's what I want too. These times you and I spend together mean everything to me. I just don't want it to end."
You stood up and held out your hand. " Dance with me."
He took your hand and held you close swaying you along to Waiting for a girl like you. You rested your head on his collar bone.
" When I'm around you, I lose it too. It's really hard to be good when you look at me like I'm the prettiest girl in the world."
" To me you are."
You kissed his chest. " If I promise to never give up on us. Will you promise to always hold me like this?"
He held you just a bit tighter. "I'll never let you go if that's what you want."
" I want."
He laughed while lifting your chin to look at him before letting it go. " I promise sweetheart. Whenever you need me. I will be here. And I promise as long as I'm here, no one is gonna hurt you."
Your gentle smile made you look so beautiful. It took Steve's breath away.
"You're just so... Perfect. Steve Harrington give me your heart. I promise to take care and protect it with everything I have."
" You have it. You've had it all along baby girl."
You lifted to your toes and closed your eyes to kiss him. This kiss was perfect. It wasn't too soft and not too rough. There wasn't too much tongue but just enough to send your body into a frenzy.
You sucked on your bottom lip after Steve broke the kiss.
" You know. I can be gentle too."
You opened your eyes and looked deep into Steve's pretty brown eyes. " Yeah?" You whispered into his mouth. " show me."
You kissed him again. He moved behind you and pushed your hair to the side to kiss your neck. Then he pulled down the collar of your shirt and placed a soft kiss on your shoulder before letting your shirt go. He did the same thing to the other side. He walked back to face you and caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. His fingers ran through your hair, massaging your scalp as he kissed the opposite cheek. He put his free hand on your lower back and pulled you closer.
Your core ached for him. All you wanted was him to make love to you. Right here, right now.
You lifted your arms so he could take off your shirt. He lifted his head away from your neck and reached for the hem. Sowly pulled it over your head and kissed all over your body. Doing his best to kiss every inch. Your hands slipped under his shirt and your fingers slid through his chest hair. You tried to take off his shirt. But he did that really hot way guys take off their shirts with one hand. Seeing him do that made you rushed to take off his pants. He laughed and held your hands.
" Gentle. Remember baby."
You bit your lip wanting nothing more for him to ravish you. But he was right. You wanted to see this side of him.
He dropped to his knees and kissed every stretch mark and every faded scar. He went to unbutton your jeans and peeled them off with your panties. You got to your knees too and kissed him all over. Your hands went around his neck and into his hair. You pushed yourself closer to him as his hands went to unhook your bra. He slowly slid the straps off leaving a trail of moisten kisses behind it. You felt your cunt clenched as he massaged your chest.
He got to his feet, pulling you up with him.
Now in his room, you sat down on his bed while he lit a scent candle. He turned off his light and the soft glow from the candle dance on his skin. He walked to you and leaned over for a kiss.
You reached up and held onto his belt. " Can I take this off?"
Steve grinned. " Yeah"
Once his body was on full display you drank him in. Every inch of him was perfect. From his feathery hair down to the bottom of his feet.
You stood up, moving Steve to lay down on the bed. You straddled moving your lips from his down to his chiseled jaw line. You grinded your sex with his as the kissing continued. You put one hand on his chest and one on the side of his face while he lifted you by your ass. Your lower half shook as his tip went in with ease. Just for a moment you moved only to fuck his tip. Making all your juice flow.
Steve could feel your wetness drip down his shaft and wanted to ram himself in you. But he decided to let you take control. And oh did you.
You slowly took him in just to let him out completely. Doing it over and over again. With every hop taking him in more and more. You held back your moans until you were at the hilt. Almost crying from the delicious pain that shot through your core.
Steve threw his head back when he hit the end of you. Mewling at the tightness of velvet walls. You leaned back putting one hand on his thigh and the other on his stomach. You started rocking back and forth as Steve's fingers dug deep into your thighs. Sighs and fucks left both of your mouths. But when you started to move faster Steve wanted you closer. So he sat up wrapping one arm around your waist as the other cupped your breast. You hung on his shoulders moving faster, searching for your release.
You rest your face on the slope of his neck moaning. That's when his body tensed.
" I'm gonna cum." Steve grunted
"M-Me T-Two."
" Yeah...cum for daddy."
Your body shudder and twitched as you fucked him through it. Milking his cock for everything it had.
" Mmmm" you hummed finally coming to a stop.
Steve laid back down pulling you to rest on top of him. After a few minutes you lifted off of him and nestled in his arms. You played with his chest hair as he stroked your arm.
" I want this forever Steve." Your voice was soft and weak.
"Me too." He said holding you closer.
And he really meant that. He wanted you forever and a day.
September 18th 1986
You were pacing your living room waiting for your guys. Tonight's the night. It was officially your 3 month anniversary. 3 whole months since you started dating Steve and Eddie. And you had planned on tonight being the night you were finally gonna do the unthinkable. Have sex with both of them. Did they know this? Well no. Had you made sure Liz was gonna be gone for the night? Uhh yeah.
You weren't really sure how this was gonna work. Fucking both of them at the same time. But Liz helped you out. You guys went out of town that afternoon and went to a sex shop. You had gotten a small pink vibrator and some strawberry flavored lube. You had also bought a butt plug per Liz's suggestion with a pair of fuzzy hand cuffs. You were so embarrassed buying it you almost didn't. A lot was gonna happen tonight and even though you were scared, you were gonna take the lead on this one. But a conversation had to happen first.
You were already wearing the plug when the guys finally came. After the hugs and kisses hello, you asked the boys to sit down so you could talk.
" Okay. So tonight I think I'm ready for both of you. But I just want to say a few things."
They were both surprised. This wasn't what they expected for tonight's date.
" So I know that we all have trouble with wanting alone time with each other. So I'm making a rule."
Eddie leaned back into the couch and grinned. Steve raised an eyebrow. He liked that you were taking charge. It was definitely different from other girls.
" So I want you guys. Like all the time. So whenever you want me. Take me. If I'm with you Steve and you want to. Then just do it. Of course ask how I want it and I'll let you know. And the same goes for you Eddie. But you guys can't get mad or jealous at the other for it. Also, I would like to set out a couple of days during the week that we all can be together. But, between school and work. It's gonna be hard. So can we make it so that Saturdays are our days for all of us and Sundays can be like a date/ recovery type day. I would like us to be together more often but maybe during the holidays we can."
" That sounds like a good plan." Steve grinned.
"Yeah. Is there anything else we should do or more rules." Eddie tilted his head and gave you a smirk.
" Well let's see...safe words?"
" What do you have in mind pretty girl?"
" I guess the basics. Green for good, yellow for almost there, and red for stop."
" Yeah I like that." Steve licked his lips before leaning back into the couch.
" So what's off the table is anal fisting. That just seems too painful."
They chuckled.
" Vaginal fisting. Ummm. Maybe. But definitely not now."
They nodded.
"What about spanking or choking?" Eddie said giving you a shit eating grin.
" Only if I ask for it. Or when a punishment is handed out."
A little growl left Eddie's lips and you caught Steve adjusting his junk. You smiled to yourself at the effect your words did to them.
"Is that ok with you guys?"
" Yeah. Definitely." They said in unison.
" Okay. Good. so....umm want to give me a massage?"
Eddie licked his lips and took off his jacket. Steve smiled and got up. When you guys went to the room you took off your clothes and laid down. You watched as they took off theirs as well. Eddie put up his hair and was about to start taking off his rings.
"Eddie baby. You can leave them on. I like the way they feel."
" Yeah?" He asked, honestly surprised.
" Unless you don't want me to ruin them."
" No. No. I'll leave them on."
You laughed softly.
"Are you sure you're ready for this sweetheart?"
You looked at Steve as he sat at the end of the bed.
" I've been ready. Just take it easy on me. This is my first time with 2 beautiful guys."
Eddie chuckled sitting next to you. " Of course pretty girl."
You closed your eyes as Eddie started massaging your shoulders and Steve started rubbing your feet. You instantly got goosebumps. You never had this sensation before. This type of seduction was intense. Feeling hands on your breast and on your thighs shook you to your very core.
The night was a complete blur of appendages and lips. The sounds of moaning and grunts burning into your memory. In the morning every inch of your body was sore. But in such an amazing way. You woke up before the guys and went to the bathroom and looked at yourself. You looked so different now. You felt as if you were floating. You saw the hickeys all over and smiled. This feeling was utter bliss. Finally after 3 agonizing months, they had you every way you wanted them too. And you couldn't wait for the next time.
You washed up and decided to make your guys some breakfast. When you were mid pancake flip the phone rang.
" Hey y/n."
" Erin? What's up?"
" We're in town now. I think I'm about 3 minutes away."
" Uhh wait what?"
" Yeah....Did you forget?"
" Uhhh."
" Damnit y/n! It's my birthday."
" Oh fuck!! No I... I'm-"
" Just get ready! I'll be there soon."
She hung up on you and you just stood there.
@salenorona23 @sillypurplemurple @tessab154 @bethanysnow @ibathealone @erinsingalong @stardustmunson @impossibelle
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runesandramblings · 1 year
"To The Ends of The Earth"
Hello all,
I have not written anything on here in a while, but I had this idea after a dream and couldn't let it go.
I'll make a separate short informational post on the premise of the story / explain the OC I created for it after this, so if you're seeing this click over to my page for that. :)
Word Count: TBD / ongoing
Content Warnings: none, follows the events from The Hobbit so there will be the expected violence from the movies
Pairings: KilixOC
Themes: crossover Marvel x Tolkien, romance, fanfic, canon-ish events
In the wake of The Blip, the multi-verse has expanded knowledge of the universe in ways no one thought possible. For the first time, journeying between realms and realities is a tangible possibility.
Ex-SHIELD agent and Avenger, Lilith Lenore, is hiding from her past, shunning the life she once led. But when an offer from a wizard of another world is extended, she cannot refuse.
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Chapter 1: An Unexpected Guest
I pulled the edges of my hood down lower over my eyes as I skimmed the headline. It caught my eye, the big bold lettering with a photo of the Flag Smasher's emblem directly beneath. No matter where I went, I couldn't seem to escape the life I was desperately trying to leave behind. 
An impatient male voice broke through my reverie. I looked up to see the man behind the window of the food truck, tapping his fingers impatiently, watching me as I zoned out. 
"Oh, sorry." I apologized and stepped up to the counter. I gestured to the item on the menu I'd had my eye on and handed him a few bills. "I don't need any change." 
"Did you want a paper too?" He questioned, noting what had sidetracked me. 
I shook my head. "No, thank you." I mumbled, still feeling my attention wandering elsewhere. 
I was aware that Bucky and Sam were currently in pursuit of the Flag Smashers, wherever that was exactly. They had reached out to me several weeks prior, begging me to come meet them to assist in tracking down the rebels. 
"It would be just like old times." Sam joked over the phone, referencing our time together as fugitives before The Blip. Before we'd lost Steve. Before we really knew just how much loss we would experience. 
"Consider me officially retired from the whole hero gig." I'd joked, before wishing them luck on their mission.
"Here you go." The gentleman behind the window handed me a brown paper bag and a couple of napkins, snapping me back to reality once again. "Stay dry out there."
I smiled gratefully as I took the bag and slipped it into my backpack, before dipping back out onto the street. Despite the hood pulled up over my forehead I could still feel cold droplets of rain pelting me through the fabric. Another freezing, dismal day. 
After the last showdown with Thanos I had decided to slip quietly away and make myself disappear. New York was too hectic, and too full of memories. People who recognized me as a hero or, after Natasha dumped SHIELD secrets for all to see, people who despised me for my past. I don't know why Seattle had come to mind. Perhaps because it was on the opposite coast, as far away from New York City as one could reasonably get without leaving the States. 
The walk sign blinked green and I darted across the road. I desperately tried to think of something, anything else as I followed the familiar route back to my apartment. My thoughts kept drifting back, all the way back to that first battle. My first time meeting the rest of who would become the Avengers. My family. That life...it felt like a thousand years ago. Sometimes I missed it. But most of the time, well. I valued my sanity. After being attacked by alien armies, maniacal robots, other heroes, and a madman with a dream to wipe out half of life as we knew it, I think it was fair that I'd cashed in an early retirement. 
I was a lesser known part of the Avengers, but nevertheless I'd been there for every world shattering, life altering event. The Chitauri in New York, Ultron, Thanos, the Blip... I'd been there to help save the day every time. I didn't have a fancy title, and I rarely made the headlines as Steve and Tony did. I liked it that way. Much like Natasha, I had a sordid past that I much preferred to keep in the shadows. 
I took my hood down and shook my hair free as I stepped through the door of my building. I heard the rain pick up outside, immediately grateful for the shelter as raindrops splashed against the glass panes surrounding the foyer. It was a simple building, certainly nothing to be ashamed of. But nothing to put in Better Homes & Gardens either. The building itself was small, a simple brick structure only three stories high with about six units on each level. The foyer I was standing in had only one set of doors going in or out, which had to be some kind of fire hazard. There was a staircase centered in the middle of the room with an aging wood bannister that worked itself loose every so often. At least once a month you'd find a maintenance man at work, securing it back in place. There were tattered, green carpet scraps glued in pieces to each step. The building mainly housed the elderly, and after several slip complaints the building owner had sloppily laid the carpet down as a preventative measure. Although now the pieces were beginning to fray and come unglued on the edges, which presented a new hazard all its own.
"Well, hello Samantha."
I smiled warmly as a small, slightly hunched woman with almost white hair hobbled down the last few steps into the tiny lobby. She wore a faded black skirt and a green wool sweater draped loosely across her shoulders, as though she'd been in a rush to get out the door and didn't have time to put it all the way on. The bedroom slippers she wore were mismatched, one a navy blue with white fur poking around the top, and the other a bright pink. She shuffled across the floor towards me, offering a kind smile in return. 
I felt a slight pang of guilt at her mention of my alias. It was a necessary precaution to live the quiet life I desired, but I couldn't help but feel as though I were deceiving the kind old woman. She'd taken me in from the moment I'd moved into the building nearly a year before. She'd noticed the lack of friends or relatives coming to visit after the first few weeks and made it a point to knock on my door at least once a week and invite me over for dinner. Weekly dinners eventually led to shared holidays, joint grocery trips, and almost nightly conversations over tea. She had lost her only daughter and husband to an accident in her 40s and never remarried or had any more children. I think our relationship became therapeutic to her. We were the family that neither of us had.
"Hi Mrs. Figueroa, you aren't going out into that are you?" I questioned, gesturing to the storm raging outside. 
She shook her head as she slowly began to shuffle past me. I kept a watchful eye on her feet as she moved. The cheap linoleum tiles had begun to peel up from the floor, and there were several upturned corners that presented a tripping hazard for the elderly building occupants. 
"Oh no, not today. Just heading down to the laundry." She began to hobble past me to the second, very steep set of stairs in the far corner of the room that led down into the basement. 
I immediately caught up to her and offered my arm. Her warm smile grew as she laced her thin, delicate arm through mine. I felt another small pang of guilt. She reminded me so much of my dear, sweet grandmother. The one I had... 
I shook my head again. Not right now.
"Are you sure you should be going into the basement by yourself? I can take your clothes out and bring them up to you when we have tea later." I offered. 
Mrs. Figueroa shook her head. "No thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate the thought, but chores keep me limber." She patted my hand as she released my arm and grasped the railing that led into the basement. "My door will be unlocked, so just pop in whenever!" She called over her shoulder as she descended into the darkness. 
I stood at threshold and listened as she moved slowly down the stairs, ensuring she hadn't fallen before crossing the room and skipping up the main staircase to the third floor. I walked down the hall and stopped before the very last door at the end. I glanced around at the neighboring units as I pulled my key from the side pocket of my backpack. My apartment was easily distinguishable from the ones around me, even if it didn't have my unit number, 3F, slapped lazily in the center with black vinyl letters. Mine was the only one without some semblance of the life that existed inside: no welcome mat, no wreath. The only evidence there was an occupant living within its walls was my constant presence going in and out on a daily basis. As I started to slip my key into the lock, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.
 Something was wrong. 
I held my breath and pressed my ear lightly to the door. I closed my eyes and willed my ears to listen closer, flexing that ability I hadn't had to access in ages. My eyes flew open as I heard breathing, and a light shuffling coming from the other side of the door. Sounds that would not have been perceptible to average human ears. 
Someone was inside. 
I tiptoed backward, bringing my weight down lightly on the balls of my feet to avoid putting too much weight on the creaky floorboards. I could only hope whoever, or whatever, was inside didn't possess the same heightened senses I did. Hopefully they had not heard my approach. 
I jogged lightly back down the stairs and across the foyer, throwing open the front door to my building and pulling my hood back up to protect against the pelting rain that had increased in ferocity since I'd entered the building five minutes before. I rounded the corner and approached the backside of the building. My apartment only had one door, but my bedroom had a small balcony with a set of rickety old French doors that I rarely bolted shut. I was on the highest floor, and routinely locked myself out. It seemed a worthwhile risk to leave myself an alternate entrance for those occasions. I wasn't too worried about an intruder scaling three stories to break in. 
I glanced around to make sure no one was watching before I began the ascent. Although I was not necessarily in hiding, I still didn't want to draw attention to myself. I leapt with ease and felt my hands latch onto the railing around the second floor balcony, the one down and to the left of my own apartment. I swung myself up with ease and perched lightly on the rail for a moment before turning and leaping again, catching the edge of my own balcony and flipping myself with ease a second time to land squarely in the center of my porch. I grimaced as I felt the boards give slightly under my weight, hoping the noise had not alerted the intruder to my presence. 
I held my breath and slowly turned the handle, praying for silence from the old door hinges. I reached down and lifted up the hem of my jeans, my fingers grasping the familiar blade I kept tucked into my boot at all times. I slipped it out and grasped it firmly in my palm as I poked my head just inside the double doors. My bedroom appeared just as I left it an hour earlier. The same faded, red painted walls with the previous occupants nail holes still speckled around at random intervals. The floor was still bare, the same unpolished hardwood with small flecks of that red paint on it from the landlords sloppy paint job from who knew how long ago. The queen sized mattress on the floor, I hadn't bothered to find a frame or boxspring even, pushed up against the far left wall. It was unmade from that morning, a mismatched comforter and sheet set crumpled at the foot of the bed. On the opposite wall rested the only other items in the room: a scuffed oak dresser with a tiny TV on top. I didn't know why I had a TV; I didn't even have internet. It was easy enough to sign a lease under my fake ID, but I worried about pushing it too far by setting up services under the name. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.
I slipped silently across the floor, moving with a cat-like agility despite the loose boards that threatened to creak at any moment. It was amazing how quickly I could slip back into this headspace. How fast I could revert back to Lilith, the spy. Not Samantha, the simple girl next door alias I'd assumed.  
I paused as I reached the bedroom door. I hadn't quite thought ahead to what I would do once I made it this far. Aside from the blade, the only other weapon in my apartment was a gun hidden in an air vent beside the sofa. I reached for the knob before hesitating again. What were the odds this intruder was not merely a burglar or peeping Tom? Was it possible someone from my past had tracked me down? I'd been pardoned for my involvement, or non involvement, with the Accords shortly after The Blip. But that wasn't necessarily the past I was worried about coming back to haunt me.
I grasped the doorknob firmly in my free hand and repositioned the knife in my other. Whatever the intruders intentions, it did no good to sit here weighing the options. Either it was someone from the past come to settle an old score, or someone coming to rob me, and I didn't want to lose the few belongings I'd gathered together. 
"Fuck it." I mouthed. I flung the door open as I simultaneously lifted the knife to eye level, prepared to swing. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light from the hallway I found myself face to face with the intruder. I gasped audibly as the knife clattered onto the ground, barely registering that I'd dropped it. 
Nick Fury gave me a knowing smile.
"Evening, Agent Lenore." 
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lixie-ho · 1 year
The cold wind gushed by, Felixs hands still trembling but not because of the wind, rather because of his spiralling thoughts. 
Forcing his head down, he placed shaky palms on his ears as a lousy attempt to hide from the constant noise. If only it was the room and not his own mind that was creating the insufferable sounds. 
He stared at his legs that felt weak unfamiliar but soon the rapidly running drops caught his attention. Was he crying? He didn't deserve to cry, he didn't deserve to feel. Forcing his eyes shut, he tried to stop his breath, hoping it would come back to normal as he let go. He felt tried, not that he deserved too, he had barely done anything today. Stressing over minor inconveniences, how pathetic was he really?
Everyone had problems, everyone had issues and Felixs weren't that important compared to others anyway. Maybe his family was right, maybe he was over-reacting, or being over-sensitive. 
'Deep breaths, in and out, in and out, in...' he repeated the mantra, over and over and yet it seemed to bring more harm then good, 'like me', he giggled to himself about his own little joke, ignoring how messed up it was. 
Felix deep down wanted the members to notice, to care, to help but that was just his wild expectations right? They were all merely co-workers, roomates at most, expecting them to comfort him was too much, he should listen to his family, they know best. 
The tears were running dry, his face felt numb, his body felt numb and he knew soon he’ll be numb too. 
It was always like this, a brush of sudden excessive emotions and then black, pitch black. He didn't feel sad anymore though, that was a good thing right? He thought to himself. 
'I'm not sad, that means I am OK right?' He'd often ask himself, but every single time he knew, he knew this was worse. The numbness, the apathy. He was slowly but surely deteriorating into a hole of nothing.  


"Hey we have practice later so we are gonna go eat now, wanna come with?" Jisung ever-so-sweetly asked, he and felix always had been close, maybe because they clicked so much, or maybe because they were the same age or was it was because jisung was one of the few people who knew about felix's.. problems? Maybe. 
"Nah, you go ahead" he didn't want to repeat what happened last time. The annoyed waiter tapping is foot rapidly waiting for him to choose, his mind hazzy from the bustling noise of the busy restaurant, he remembers feeling suffocated while his eyes and mind were everywhere but the menu, he probably annoyed the members too right? Who wouldn't be annoyed. 
"Ya sure? No one is cooking later tonight since we're eating out" jisung inquired again, making sure Felix wasn't just saying it because he didn't want to move. 
"Yes yes, go already, others are probably waiting" 
"Oh they can wait for this magnificence that is thy" he mumbled the words with sass and he closed the door on the was out, waving a lazy goodbye towards the latter. It had been a while since he went out with them, maybe he should have gone? But he didn't want to though, well what If they thought felix didn't want to be with them?  And down he went, dragged by the weight of his meaningless thoughts into a hobbit he was all too familiar with.
Life was weird? Sometimes he felt as though he was falling into a deep dark hole with an limitless end but for a while it all seemed to disappear. Maybe it was a mirage in his dayless dessert, whatever it was he never seemed to be able to enjoy it. He felt whole with his anxiety as much He'd hate to admit, it was a part of him that was just there.
While in this seemingly paradise he felt out of place, guilty even. 
Today was not one of those days though. 
Maybe because he felt okay, good even that things came crashing down. He had felt productive a few hours prior, he practiced for his language, dance and vocals classes and even managed gaining broken compliments from his stingy trainers, he went out with the members, ate, maybe not something healthy but at least it wasn't forced down this throat while he cluched his thigh. 
The headache was the first sign he choose to ignore, the lack of concentration though he couldn't. It wasn't that what he was doing was considered 'work', he was plainly looking for shows to bringe with a bag of 'healthy' chips. 
Vinland sage; 7 minutes 

Big bang theory; 12 minutes 

Space force; 6 minutes 

The office; 14 minutes

Re:zero; 4 minutes 

Maybe he should draw? Nah, hyunjin was better then him anyways, though it didn't occur to him why that was his first thought. Yes, he should play the guitar- he always wanted to learn the instrument for stay. 
He walked down to Channies room and grabbed the extra guitar, grabbed a pick from the jar on the table next to changbin's laptop and went back to his shared room with jisung, though jisung was hardly there, cuddled up in minho's bed, which was apparently way more fluffier than it seemed. Sitting on his bed he sighed and waited for nothing in particular, shoulders drunk down, eyes worn out and tried. 
Nights were weird, sometimes he would sleep soundlessly some nights he’d lie awake busying himself with work.
But tonight was different, well not that different, these feelings came back time to time, though he could never pin point when. 
In these nights, 
he was hungry, but couldn't eat?
Was tried, but couldn't sleep? 
Wanted to do something, but couldn't concentrate? 
Sitting in the corner of the shared dorm room, felix curled up in middle of the intersecting walls, next to the bunk bed he and Jisung shared, who was probably as usual cuddling with Minho in minho's and chan's dorm while chan stayed up like himself, just more productive.
Felix was in pain
His head hurt, body hurt and yet he found himself pulling, twisting and pressing the fresh peircing on his helix, something he got a few day ago. It hurt, it hurt bad but that didn't stop him from doing again and again and again and again. 
Pulling, he winced eyes shut close for a brief moment and he internalised the pain, after all it helped him stay grounded.
Twisting, he instinctively tried to pull way but he pulled through, the fresh wound throbbing with pain, it helped him stay conscious, stay sane in a weird sort of way.
Pulling, blood slowly tricked down his ears onto his fingers towards his palms, ears really did bleed that much huh?, it helped him concentrate, concentrate on the flowing bright blood and it trailed down, spreading all over.
Shutting his eyes close he banged the wall behind his head, eyes squeezed shut, guilt creeping up him. This was not self-harm right? He was getting better right? He didn't just relapse right now through a fucking piercing did he? 
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ribghoul · 2 years
my girlfriend wants a(nother) lord of the rings themed birthday party
we were talking about wanting to eat fantasy meals and i found a lord of the rings “hobbit meals menu” that lists recipes for food that hobbits would eat for each of their 7-8 meals throughout the day and she was like “i have the extended edition of all the movies, we could put those on all day and make food”
so she told her husband about this plan and proposed it as a birthday party since her birthday is next month
she also wants to smoke weed in pipe form and have analytical discussions about the lore and the movies, this is absolute dork behavior but i’m so onboard with it
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magioffire · 2 years
Whats the diet like your fae? i recall you said that they can't do gluten - how does that effect their meals? do they have the three main meals like we do ( breakfast , lunch , dinner ) or do they have a different system ? gimmie all the food culture -
word building questions ; always accepting!!
dokkalfar are omnivores with a lean towards fruitivore and insectivore/carnivore tendencies. they will eat just about anything that does not eat them first. however, like any organism, they have preferences and specific dietary needs. dokkalfar primarily consume a diet that in high in protein and sugars.
they have very high caloric needs, so sugar and other simple carbohydrates are commonly on the menu for dokkalfar for short bursts of energy they need throughout the day, while protein is needed to help maintain the muscle mass they require to do all the funny bug stuff they do.
since they dont consume grains, they consume their carbohydrates from root vegetables/tubers, nuts/seeds, legumes, fruit, fungus, and some easy to digest leafy greens (rarely). sometimes they even consume the flowering bodies of plants. because of their high caloric needs and how fast they go through energy, fruit is a common form of replenishing energy, and its very common for dokkalfar to snack on various fruits they find throughout the day.
since dokkalfar have a few cities along the coastline of their western-most territory, dokkalfar in the west have taken to enjoying sea food, particularly shellfish. insects make up the majority of the protein in their diet, but they do eat pretty much any form of protein they can get their hands on.
dokkalfar typically eat many small meals throughout the day, however they also enjoy camaraderie of eating among their own kind, so even small meals can be enough to warrant gathering -- for this reason drinks like teas, coffee, and wine are all very common to drink throughout the day too to excuse a get together. dokkalfar typically have one or two big communal meals a day, usually at dawn or dusk - during the twilight hours, and many small ones with smaller groups throughout the day.
for a healthy dokkalfar, they would need a big sized meal every 6-8 hours, or small meals interspersed over 3-4 hour periods, to keep their energy levels stable. so dokkalfar can have anywhere from 4 BIG meals in a day, or 6-7 small meals in a day. thats alotta food, almost twice as much and as often as humans need -- ESPECIALLY if they are active. so they would be kinda like hobbits in that they got , breakfast, brunch, lunch, post lunch tea, supper, dinner, midnight tea---
since they have a love of sweets and a resistance to toxins, dokkalfar enjoy drinking sweet teas steeped with the leaves of plants that would impart secondary pyschoactive effects, and many of their wines are cloyingly sweet (as well as strong). dokkalfar very much enjoy black tea seeped with aromatic spices and sweetened with sugar, like chai without any milk.
they love honey, will go to great lengths to harvest honey, and beekeeping is not unheard of among the dokkalfar. though they prefer the taste of wild honey. they refine most of their sugar from sugar trees, sugar-cane-like stalks that contain insane amounts of natural glucose. the bark and natural gummy resin from the sugar trees is popular to chew on throughout the day.
candy and sweets are a cornerstone of dokkalfar food culture, and while they cannot make pastries as we might know them, they have their own ways of creating pastry-like confections from non-grain plant material. im sure they've also figured out how to extract gelatin from animal collagen.
frozen treats are also popular, as dokkalfar extract ice from the mountainous alps that line their northern most border, bring them deep into the earth, and create sort of ice boxes. this allows them to have frozen goods all year round. frozen fruit shredded on top of shaved, flavored ice is really popular in the summer months.
they harvest a lot of spices, more in line with stuff like vanilla, and cinnamon, and other 'sweet' spices or spices that can be used in a sweet context. but they do harvest their own fair share of savory spices too, like spices in line with cumin, paprika, mustard seeds, stuff like that. they export and import a lot of spices and herbs, and like to experiment with different flavors, even if they usually circle back to sweet eventually.
they dont really consume animal dairy products. the concept of milk, cheeses, yoghurt, etc are all weird and alien to them. the only sort of 'milk' products they would use would be nut milks. like something in line with walnut, soy or almond milk. eggs, however, would be used in cooking and eaten. fermented products would be very popular, as dokkalfar are experts are manipulating the environment of their underground abodes to create perfect places for food to ferment safely.
raw meat is not off the table for dokkalfar, they are capable of digesting it without much problem. raw fish, especially in western coastal towns, is not uncommon, and neither is the consumption of raw bugs. however, when they can, they prefer to cook their meals than eat them raw.
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