#it’s just like really. complex in a way that NECESSITATES thought about it
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one of the most striking things about black sails is how LITTLE “characters i like” and “characters i agree with” actually correlate with each other, and how much that changes over the course of the show
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meanbossart · 11 months ago
Hi RJ, I deeply deeply love your art, your style is amazing and your Astarion is one of my favourite renditions. Thank you so much.
I would like to ask you a rather specific question about your process, if you’re alright with that.
What thought process goes behind choosing a color for your lights and shadows? How do you do it?
I think you’re a master in creating a mood with light and the colors you choose really make DU Drow look like himself (true drow skin, just like i imagined it before ever picking up non-table top version of anything d&d!!) and gives your astarion this gremlin-like soft ugliness lol
Anyway, take care and thank you for any tips xx
Thank you so much! Colorful art is kind of a "new" thing for me, I used to do mostly black & white for comics and such. When I got into BG3 and decided to wanted to draw all these silly ideas out, I realized I was gonna have to venture back into it - It's far too colorful a world to get away with grays and inks alone.
What I'm saying is that I'm still very much learning! I'm glad you guys like my art but I definitely feel like my grasp on color isn't all it could be. I just do what I think looks good and makes sense with the setting!
First of all I think it's important to note that I usually have several different layers of shadow and light. FOR EXAMPLE:
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AND THEN FOR LIGHTS... Each text color is a different layer, and that's not even all of them 😂
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And the reason for keeping them separate is this: when first painting them on, I make a rough guess on the color, AND THEN-
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Yup. I just fuck around with this until I'm happy.
Usually this lands me on (very muted) blueish or purple-y tones for shadows on a multiply layer, with the "base" shadow and for the lights it can be all matter of colors depending on necessity. You can also select your flats and individually change these colors per-surface. You learn what you like as you go! This isn't even a rock solid formula, I still experiment a lot and depending on the piece, the process can be both a lot simpler or a lot more complex than this.
A rule of thumb to start with is that natural light will usually constitute of gray shadows and very, very soft-yellow light - if there is even a need for any depending on your base colors/style. Night settings usually necessitate a slight blue hue on both shadows and light... However, this is art baby, do whatever makes you go "oh that's sick" when you look at it.
As for DU drow's skin, it is nothing but a mix of a grayish/brown base, shadow, and a reflective light! That's what sets him apart from the way I color light-skinned characters; light, when bouncing off his skin, usually (but not always) has a gem-like blue color. You can have all kinds of variations of this combo to give the skin on darker characters more depth.
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chubunited · 2 months ago
Is it just me or is it hard for other people to create fetish material (even if it’s just for their own personal viewing) without creating a world and narrative that would necessitate the conditions presented in the art/writing? Because I feel like I need to make some complex fantasy project (which I do enjoy, very much) when I think about making my oc’s absurdly fat.
I���m just curious about the thought process of others. I just really like worldbuilding.
ngl part of the fun for me is expressing character motivations and exploring my own relationship to kink material that way. So, because I have complex feelings about it, I want the way I express that to be complex and detailed too! I dont necessarily feel I *need* to do this, but it adds another layer of fun when I want it to.
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theamityelf · 1 year ago
You made a post a while back on the Hajime and Makoto being boyfriends and the reserve course students thinking Hajime is going to end up dead sooner or later but in he's also batshit crazy. PLEASE! I need to see more instances of this.
Also works for another post you did with Komahinaegi with Hajime being overly prepared. Imagine if one day Nagito's luck somehow caused a very complex machine to malfunction and everyone is running but Hajime just walks up and deactivate it with ease before it can do serious damage, everyone is confused asf and he's just like "Eh, another thursday." Or him coming in to save Makoto from life threatening situations and shrugging it off with his classmates thinking he's an Ultimate in disguise. Was it dangerous? Yes! Should no sane person attempt to do that? Nope! Would he do it again? Abso-fucking-lutely, no hesitation either!
Ah, thank you for this! Yeah, I love this dynamic for them.
My first thoughts, for this:
A fire or similar disaster befalls the main course building, necessitating an evacuation. Hajime sees that Makoto is missing from his class and runs into the building to find him. The entire school sees a reserve course student run into the flaming main course building and shortly trudge out carrying an injured luckster.
One of Makoto's (or one of his classmates') homework sheets blows away and winds up caught in one of Kazuichi's (unattended) machines. Makoto reaches into the machine to get it out, and his arm ends up stuck, and everyone is like "Oh no, don't move, if that machine does anything right now you might lose an arm. Where's Kazuichi?" Hajime is already pulling olive oil or some similar lubricant out of his backpack with one hand and calling Kazuichi with the other hand. "Kaz? No, shut up, it happened again; you need to get over here and make sure this thing is inactive, before we pull him out. Yes, now! My free period ends in a few minutes and Makoto might lose an arm!" Hangs up and promptly reassures Makoto, "You're not going to lose an arm."
Hajime sees any kind of commotion outside his classroom window and gets up, like, "I have to go." Comes back to class a few minutes later, saying (in the strictly Hinaegi scenario) "False alarm; it was the other one." In the Komahinaegi scenario, his classmates try to guess which of his boyfriends was the problem based on how exasperated he looks.
Hajime has developed an awareness of his surroundings such that he pretty consistently says "Duck," anytime a projectile flies in their vicinity. Makoto's reaction time has not improved quite as much, so about fifty percent of the time it goes like, "Duck." "...Huh?" Whack. Frisbee or ball to the head. Hajime promptly pulls any spare rag or shirt out of his backpack, wets it with his water bottle, and directs Makoto to hold it to his head while he walks him to the clinic. "I'm okay, really." "No, you're going to see Mikan." (Sakakura sends them both a dirty look as they enter the building, which Makoto misses but Hajime doesn't, sending him a dirty look back.) But since Makoto doesn't always duck in time, Hajime takes to just yanking him out of the way of things.
Hajime gets sick and has to spend the day in bed. Makoto visits his room in the morning, to bring him food from the cafeteria and tell him to get well soon, and Hajime hands him a folded note, like, "Give this to Kirigiri. It's her job to cover luck shenanigans today. This should be everything she needs to know." "She will be offended that you think she needs a note." "Give it to her anyway; I'm not taking any chances. And tell Kuwata to take the day off, throwing stuff."
Anytime Hajime is called to the clinic for Makoto, the first word out of his mouth is, "Shoelace?" In fact, he periodically texts Makoto "Shoelace" throughout the day, just in case.
He knows a lot about fire safety. "No, you don't use water on an electrical fire! You don't use that, either! Move over..."
Someone in Hajime's class: Ow, papercut. Who has band-aids? Multpile classmates: Hajime has band-aids.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year ago
Ray's Feelings
Ray's process of falling in love with Sand has such nuance to it that I think gets horribly overshadowed by his actions alone, not their context. Yes, Ray mistreats Sand. Yes, Ray has a lot to apologize for. But I think Ray is a broken person who has a lot to apologize for because he's in a situation that he is grossly under-equipped, both mentally and emotionally, to handle.
@victorialovesstiles' post here includes a great discussion of the moment Ray becomes fully aware of Sand's feelings for him in Ep8. Up to this point, I don't think Ray tried to pin down exactly how he felt for Sand because the situation didn't necessitate it. He and Sand were "friends," and that label was always fine with Ray, until it wasn't enough anymore, until Sand couldn't put up with it. Looking back on all of this progression, I'd argue Ray has had feelings for Sand for as long as Sand has had feelings for him, but he hasn't been in a place to confront them the same way Sand has. It makes sense given that Sand is the one in the bad spot, watching Ray chase after Mew. If their situations had been reversed, I think Ray would've had to contend with his feelings much more directly much earlier.
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Ray makes comments like this that point to the depth of his feelings, but he never truly vocalizes them outright until later in Ep9. Ray realizing how happy he is with Sand and admitting to that is the first step in the recognition of his true feelings, that he sees Sand as more than a good friend who takes care of him and just so happens to sleep with him.
Ray's feelings are strong, but they are also delicate, as demonstrated by the fight at Sand's apartment in Ep10. This dialogue in particular:
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Ray thinks he deserves to be upset for having his emotions played with, which says more than anything how much Ep9 meant to him. It's also important in the context of money, because Ray's self-worth is so heavily influenced by what he can offer other people: if nothing else, he has always had his wealth to fall back on. And here is Sand claiming to love him, but all Ray can see is someone who accepted payment. Every conversation they’ve about the separation of feelings and money is being put into question.
At the end of Ep10, Ray echoes his dialogue in Ep8. I personally like that Ray makes a point of saying how happy he is with Sand; what stands out to me here is that Ray is confessing this to imaginary Sand, so he's technically only really admitting it to himself. He makes me happy and I keep screwing it up. He does care, and he's always cared, but I can't do anything but ruin it. I was made to ruin things. Those are all thoughts that seem to lay at the core of his dialogue at the end of Ep10.
I guess my main point here is that we witness Ray returning to this idea time and time again that when he's with Sand, he's truly happy. Sand sees beyond his problems, beyond the brokenness. Even with how complex their situation is, there's something so beautiful about that simplicity. Sand makes Ray happy. That’s what it’s always boiled down to.
"I know now that you want nothing from me" -> I have a feeling this entire speech from Ray is going to form a deeper trust between Ray and Sand. Ray knows now that Sand is true. He knows that he has overthought everything. The reason why Ray skews the situation with Sand is because Ray is so used to viewing himself in a negative light, but he was clinging to the hope that Sand didn't see him that way. Even when other characters insult Ray for his behavior (which isn't entirely undeserved), Sand was always there to explain why he was wrong, to encourage him to be better. When it's Sand, it's about growth, not just recognition.
The ending scene in Ep10 is such a catharsis because Ray is finally coming to terms with the fact that virtually all of the doubts and complexities surrounding his relationship with Sand were created by him. But Sand has always been true. Sand has always loved him. And now that he sees that, he knows just how important it is that he clings to that love and never lets it go.
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swaps55 · 6 months ago
Hi! Sorry if you have already answered this somewhere, I love reading about your writing process for Opus and was wondering if you would talk about how you pick and choose which missions to assign Sam and Kaidan, like Kaidan taking on the Project Overlord mission? Also, lol, will Sam ever have the misfortune of driving a Hammerhead and how much would he hate it?
Hahahahaha, Sam would hate the Hammerhead so much. I will probably spare him that displeasure, given how much else he has to deal with.
This is such an awesome question; thank you so much for asking it, and I am so sorry this answer is probably far more involved than you were looking for.
Stories like Cantata, Fugue, and Kaidan's portion of Mezzo necessitated missions that weren't main plot for the trilogy. But since the codex is so rich and there are so many side missions across the three games, I made it an unwritten rule that I wouldn't make up a mission from thin air if I could help it. Instead I'd pull something from canon and twist it into a new shape. That put less pressure on me to invent something from scratch, and it meant fun Easter eggs for the reader.
This has taken different shapes. In Cantata, the mission where Sam experiences a blood sugar crash in mid-combat was going to be heavy on action, which meant a fairly elaborate "combat chess board." Designing a visual setting is one of my big weaknesses as a writer, so I set it on Benning because I could then use the ME3MP map as a template to craft the rest of the mission around.
The underwater mission Sam does on Proteus is what it is because the codex states that combat diving is part of the N program. I thought that was cool, and while perusing planets in the codex, the description for Proteus included an underwater colony. "Great!" I said to myself. "What if I broke it?"
Virtually every place the Yang Gang visits in Cantata is pulled straight from canon, as well as what they find there. It's something I'm pretty proud of.
(The big exception is the thresher maw on Sharjilla, which is pure artistic liberty, but I am beyond delighted that people have played that mission expecting to find one because of Cantata. At one point I had planned a really great joke where Sam nukes the thresher maw from orbit out of pure spite, so when they come back to Sharjila in ME1 and Kaidan mentions threshers, someone could go, "wait, there's thresher maws down there?!" and Sam would growl under his breath, "not anymore." But I couldn't fit it into Cantata, lol.)
As for all the side missions I've woven in, they provide a neat opportunity to spread the love. They are Shepard's responsibility in the games because Shepard is the player character, so the entire world revolves around them. In fic, I don't have that constraint, so I am free to take missions that have some good narrative potential and give them to other characters.
Side quests like Bring Down the Sky don't offer much to the canon plot, but for Opus it provided an opportunity for some pretty sharp character development while also advancing my reimagined plans for ME3.
In the case of Overlord, I loved the complexity it would add to something like Horizon: if Kaidan got a first hand glimpse at the terrible things Cerberus does right before discovering Shepard on Horizon, suddenly his distrust and anger take on new meaning.
Kasumi became Kaidan's partner in crime because the cast of ME2 is so dense that I went looking for ways to weed down the cast without having to just leave people out or inflict mass casualties. Kasumi's skillset as a thief never made sense to me for something like the suicide mission, but Kasumi herself is a delight. And like Kaidan, she has experienced the death of a partner. They seemed like such a natural fit for each other, and Keiji's role as a double agent with the Alliance also worked narratively in my favor: I got to use him to answer questions like, "how the hell does Cerberus get their hands on the Normandy design docs?"
Fugue also incorporates a few ME2 side missions that, again, just dovetailed nicely into what I was trying to do. Superimposing Keiji over the Cerberus agent in N7: Lost Operative just worked well for what I wanted to do, and N7: Imminent Ship Crash gave me a good segue into it, while also giving me the chance to explore how Kara and Aslany dealt with the loss of the 'Yang.
So how I choose what missions I use comes down to what I need for the story. I have a vague idea of what I need to accomplish, then look for a side mission or DLC that can help me get there. The Hammerhead DLC missions are utterly terrible to play, but there is just enough of an interesting story to them that I was able to weave something useful to future Opus plans while also letting Kaidan grow into his role as a leader.
The DLC and side missions are really fun to work with, and one of my favorite parts of Opus, even if I almost went bald tearing my hear out over N7: Imminent Ship Crash. XD
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qpjianghu · 1 year ago
Do u have any thoughts on the writing of Shan Gudao? I think earlier on in the series I was pretty excited that maybe Li Xiangyi really did , through his own hubris and difference in the way of seeing the world drove a wedge between him and his brother. Even after he was revealed to be alive I kinda wished he became ‘evil’ through a complex set of emotions and circumstances. I’m not saying SGD is completely 2D I just wonder if we could have had a more of a ‘Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian drifting apart (ie; not pure inferiority complex)’ style tragic slant. Li Xiangyi truly #did nothing wrong, but I kinda wish he was a little #more wrong.
Anyway, I’m sure SGD is still thematically very coherent, but is there anything you’d change/ponder changing about his storyline with LXY, or just your thoughts about this topic.
This is a great callout @lei-llustrations!! The short answer is that I agree, and if I had one criticism of the writing in Mysterious Lotus Casebook it would be this. Jiang Cheng is an excellent example of a protagonist foil with more internal complexity, and Shan Gudao is definitely very one-note. I wonder if part of it is the performance -- Jiang Cheng always projects this sort of buttoned-up rage, whereas Shan Gudao's jealousy presents itself as sadistic glee, which is just not as relatable (and believable) an emotion.
But at the end of the day I still enjoy the character of Shan Gudao as exactly what you said, OP -- a thematically coherent foil even if he's not a realistically coherent person. Because of MLC's overarching exploration of meta-narratives, I think his character works as a performance of villainy -- and maybe it even works better because it's so over-the-top and slightly divorced from reality. In fact, it's interesting to see the shift in the character of Li Lianhua after Shan Gudao's treachery is revealed, and specfically after Shan Gudao outs him as Li Xiangyi in front of all of Tianji Hall in episode 33: Li Lianhua suddenly transforms into the badass hero everyone imagines Li Xiangyi to be. You can actually literally see the change in his eyes from world-weary to steely when it happens:
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(Cheng Yi, you are a marvel)
Or, I should say: When he decides to make that shift. Shan Gudao's grandiose display against Tianji Hall, and his specific call to arms against Li Lianhua, necessitates a turning point for LLH: Now that he's been exposed, will he once again take up the mantle of the heroic Sect Leader Li Xiangyi?
In this moment, he does, but by this point in the show we know that it's just a performance. However, at the end of the day, Li Lianhua still has a kind heart, so he reluctantly puts on the mask of the hero Li Xiangyi in order to save the people of Tianji Hall. As Shan Gudao pontificates about the show's MacGuffin, Li Lianhua agrees to stage the hero/villain performance with him. It even looks like he's literally stepping out onto a stage when he separates himself from the crowd to confront Shan Gudao and his army:
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The scene is badass and triumphant... but it's also, on rewatch, devastating and tragic -- because it marks the moment where Li Lianhua seemingly becomes fatalistically trapped by the narrative he's been so desperately trying to escape. (And that's why I love love LOVE @redemption-revenge's post about Li Lianhua finally escaping the narrative at the end! Importantly in a "bonus" episode, which is... not a "literal" part of the show itself. ;)) Since Shan Gudao is performing as a paragon of villainy, Li Lianhua / Li Xiangyi must rise to meet him. (Yin and yang, in a sense.) And that's why Li Lianhua becomes so fixated on vanquishing Shan Gudao for the remainder of the show, though it feels quite out of character for him -- it's so like a prototypical hero. Shan Gudao's performance of villainy necessitates Li Lianhua's equal and opposite performance of heroism.
Which is so interesting and juicy!!!! because of Li Lianhua's series-long internal struggle trying to escape the hero narrative so many characters try to fit him into. (As @redemption-revenge also talked about here -- clearly we're brainrotting on the same wavelength lol.) In a weird way, I feel like the overall lack of nuance in Shan Gudao's performance of villainy actually allows for even more shades of grey in Li Lianhua's character. Not only does he have to reckon with in-world conflicts and consequences, but he's sort of engaging with the meta-narrative as well: can he escape the narrative that the other characters around him and also the show itself is trying to thrust upon him?
As a potentially controversial aside, this is why I actually loved the Nanyin royal blood reveal. It's so dumb and cheesy and predictable and part of the traditional hero narrative (maybe I'm looking at this through a very American "rags-to-riches" narrative lens, but bear with me here) -- but that's the point, according to the meta-narrative. Our reaction as viewers is also Li Lianhua's reaction. For Li Lianhua, this is the exact opposite of a gratifying, triumphant, and redemptive moment. I haven't gotten up to this in my rewatch yet, so I don't have have specific visuals in mind, but I do remember even from my first viewing the look of utter devastation and resignation of Li Lianhua's face in this scene. It marks the final nail in the coffin of Li Lianhua trying to escape the narrative. Like in epsiode 33 when his identity is finally revealed, Li Lianhua once again resigns himself to following the script of the traditional narrative, which is how/why he ends up heroically sacrificing himself for Fang Duobing and his family.
But anyway, back to Shan Gudao as an effective foil: In addition to serving a purpose for the meta-narrative, I also think Shan Gudao's one-dimensionality also works well with Li Lianhua's internal conflict regarding his feelings of guilt and self-blame. You're right, OP: I wish there was a bit more actual blame to lay on LXY -- though I think we can still blame him for being arrogant (to borrow the loaded iqiyi subtitle term) since he was clearly blind to his shixiong's real feelings, and blind to the feelings of those around him as well (including Qiao Wanmian). Though even if you take the track of Li Xiangyi truly never did anything wrong in his life ever (*heart emoji*), this makes his arc even more tragic. This is why I love him so freakin' much -- he feels less like a character and more like a real flesh-and-blood person. And the reason he feels so real is because he acts in ways that are often contradictory and self-sabotaging and illogical, because he's decidedly not following the traditional (heteronormative hero narrative) script. Even when there is a Grade-A villain right there in front of him to take all of the blame, Li Lianhua doesn't take the bait. He has a prime opportunity to look at Shan Gudao and come to the logical conclusion that he (LXY/LLH) actually did nothing wrong, that he's not to blame for any of the terrible things that have happened to him and to others in his name... but he doesn't take the out. He still refuses to forgive himself, he still internalizes all of the guilt, he is not suddenly "cured" from his trauma. He is so real for that, and it's gut-wrenching.
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bolognamayhem117 · 7 months ago
Title: Rat-holed Memories.
Length: 4500 words
POV: Astarion
Pairing: Astarion/M!Elf!Tav(Rorik), rogue/paladin
Rating: MATURE 18+
Themes: mlm, consent, clarity of expectations, dissociation, manipulation, setting boundaries, light erotica, internal conflict.
Content Warnings: References to rape, incest, broken family dynamics, murder, slavery, mild knife play, anger, emotional outbursts.
Author notes: First and foremost, I created this character on my first playthrough after Robert and I bought the game a year ago. I picked up the controller with zero knowledge of the game's contents after being told you could play as a vampire. I said "That's bold of the developer, fuck it, I'll make Rorik's dumb ass and Smegol my way through the forgotten realms or whatever..." Turns out the person who told me that was referencing the Astarion Origin playthrough. I said "Screw It I'm Doing It Anyway! With the power of IMAGINATION." To my delight and surprise it really wasn't all that hard to use paladin spells, items, scroll hoarding, and armor to very closely model the homebrew build of Rorik the Degenerate Dhampir Sun Worshipping Paladin. He has his own issues which this ficlet hints at. He's cringe, be gentle.
@ghostkingart wrote a post desiring that the fandom wrote more fic about Astarion being denied intimacy due to concerns about intent and whether he's actually in the headspace to do so, with emphasis on his canon tendancy to go somewhere "a million realms away". I thought I could oblige. Digging in my docs for inspiration revealed that I'd basically already written this exact piece, give or take a few details. Decided to put on the Big Boy pants and be brave enough to post this.
I think healing is going to be messy for him. He's a big personality and these are some big complex feelings for a man who's been on the world's shortest leash for 200 years and also has had to solve every problem with either his body or a blade.
This fic also heavily implies that some healing and learning has already taken place so bear with me. Enjoy
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“I don't know. It's veiled from me… I can't remember that clearly. Just. Parts… I think so.” Rorik told Astarion.
"Nothing? You remember nothing of circumstance or even who delegated to you at all?” Astarion scoffed and crossed his arms.
Astarion had been warned that some questions he might have may not have much of an answer, for Rorik was good at burying memories too sharp to hold. Knowing of the predilection toward purposeful forgetfulness didn't make this conversation any less frustrating. He wanted to know if Rorik had ever been sent to Baldur's Gate on loan, as Rainar often ordered him to do if a nobleman or another vampire lord bid high enough. He said he'd been to the city during that time, but maintained that he couldn't remember why.
“You want to know if Cazador ever paid Rainar to have someone vanish, don't you?” Rorik asked a new question rather than answer one they both knew the answer to.
“You told me the name Cazador Szarr was familiar, once.” Astarion probed.
“It is.”
“Then you should understand why that would concern me.”
"I do.” Rorik assured him with a single nod as he half-dozed, sprawled on his back.
Silence fell upon them as they lay still but restless in Astarion's slightly tidier than usual tent. Fitting two bedrolls in it necessitated some level of order. Frankly, Astarion hid the trash and used glassware behind his temporary abode. Rorik probably knew where the mess was, but said nothing.
“What would you say if you found out tomorrow that we passed like ships in the night long ago? What would it change?” Rorik inquired, appearing curious toward the demeanor of the bees in Astarion's bonnet.
“I'd ask what Cazador would have paid to have you do. I have to lay there, every damn night, wondering if that bastard sent the Gur down the street where I lost everything. It could just as easily have been you.” Astarion explained irritably. Sometimes Astarion felt like he had to spoon feed Rorik his thoughts. He should be able to string together the pieces by now.
"I have an opinion, Astarion, but it might not be a thought you want reinforced.” Rorik offered with a warning.
“give it.”
The dhampir spoke as if reading off law rather than opinion, the gravity of his tone leaving little room for argument. “Vampires are known to stalk a target for days. You should know, to a point. But lords, or true vampires, looking to create spawn for their own uses are different. They assign much, although sometimes arbitrary or even nonsensical, ritual to their pursuit. I'm certain, if he didn't send the Gur himself, he was already watching your every move for months.”
“...You're telling me he was inevitable.” Astarion muttered with venom and a curl of his upper lip.
“...I'm saying: vampire lords aren't spontaneous.” Rorik clarified.
“Well, all I'm saying is: you're missing my point. I wish you remembered. So I could be sure.” Astarion complained with a flick of his hands in the air above them.
“If it reassures you at all, I know for a fact that Cazador didn't send me. I'd have proper fucking killed you too completely to bring back.” Rorik abruptly stated.
“What!? Exactly what makes you so sure of that.” Astarion spat.
“Beating the guts out of a magistrate but not enough that a vampire cannot turn him sounds like a miserably delicate chore… I was never bought for things like that. I'm too heavy handed.” Rorik asserted bluntly.
In mostly mock hurt, Astarion went on the defensive. “No, I mean: what in the hells makes you think I was an easy mark?”
“Hmm? How much do you weigh?”
Rorik sat erect to turn and loom over Astarion, arms caging the other as he held himself up with palms pressed flat to the floor by each of the elf’s shoulders.
He huffed through a smile full of sabers, he was about to tease, “Couple sacks of grain, if you were soaking wet, I’d guess. I could toss you over my shoulder and run up a hill without losing my breath. I imagine you wielded a quill and inkpot then. The sharpest thing in your arsenal might've been a letter opener.”
How dare this often bald cunt of a man wear that disgustingly smug grin, smear insults, and manage to be bizarrely charming all the while?
“Wrong,” Astarion rebutted, “men of Baldur's Gate are required starting at age nine to learn archery, and it is short sighted for an individual of my former station not to be prepared for scorned citizens challenging him to a duel over an unfavorable ruling. You would've bitten off more than you thought.” Astarion stubbornly asserted, completely guessing although he wouldn't admit that. He had no idea what he used to do in his spare time as a mortal, or where he lived, or even what his favorite food used to be…
“Hmm, you make a good argument, sure. But your hands wouldn't have known much hardship. Could they have fended off these ragged mits?” Rorik's right hand slid against the reed mat until fingertips found Astarion's elbow, from there encircling his forearm and following its shape until he met a wrist, then the hand he meant to squeeze.
Rorik's hands were square in their shapes, knuckles scarred until the skin remained thick and rough, crooked fingers from many breaks, and strange knots of bone that betrayed how many times he'd fractured his dominant hand as he gripped his sword and struck a shield or armor rather than flesh and bone. Astarion could feel every callus like a knot under the skin of Rorik's leathery palm. Their textures were jagged and would pull runs in fine silk.
Such a gnarled paw might've repelled Astarion a month ago. His always empty guts used to twist at the touch of a victim with hands like these. Those nights and those marks did feel as though they pulled vicious runs in the silk of his skin.
Rorik was just, as per fucking usual, the one outlier. Terrible hands on him, but they squeezed his fingers carefully, they were almost warm, and their textures were becoming nuanced to Astarion's touch. He was starting to think, perhaps, if you queued up ten men of the sword, whose hands were all terrible, he could pick out Rorik's while blindfolded.
He brought Astarion's knuckles to his lips, dragging them across his cheek with a sigh that teased a quick flash of his maw of ruthless thorns.
Rorik's eyes flickered an uncanny glimmer from the candlestick glow, the eyes of a smitten predator fixed to Astarion's equally haunting gaze.
“So soft now, softer still long ago I bet, but not as soft as your eyes.” Rorik cooed down to him from behind a finger he selected to kiss.
It made Astarion's throat itch dryly to hear that. His thirst always doubled when Rorik spoke of his eyes.
The bastard grinned against his hand with too many teeth showing. Rorik's way of flirting and giving a compliment was very different from Astarion's well practiced methods. He was much too frank. Rough cut gems was what the rogue called these moments in the relative privacy of his thoughts. Rorik was getting too cocky, however, so strange charms couldn't go unpunished.
Astarion hooked a heel into Rorik's knee, kicking that load bearing joint out from under him and destabilizing him just enough that the edge of a palm clapped around his jaw easily pulled him over. This allowed Astarion to roll with him, reversing the pin. His dagger, kept tucked under his pillow, was gathered in the lightning swipe of searching fingers and brandished at Rorik's jugular.
And Rorik? He simply went limp and chuckled. The Jackass had offered no resistance and gone slack under him, hands thrown back in surrender. It offended Astarion to be allowed to win their grapple, but Rorik's implicit trust in spite of the blade threatening him always made Astarion ache somehow. The inveterate crank under him snapped his jaws at anything that pressed his boundaries, but never Astarion. Adorable Idiot. To be fair, Rorik knew that these jabs and tussles were only fun and games.
“I was not entirely defenseless, and certainly no guileless lamb. Besides, you were no different than a spaw- pardon, but you were under the complete control of Rainar. If you were ordered to destroy a man without outright killing him, you’d have no choice but to comply.”
“I think you'd remember me. I'm not something you'd mistake for Gur. Unlike some people, I shall not name them, I actually look like an undead wretch.” Rorik shook his head -foolish to do with a blade pressed near to skin- and laughed softly against the cold kiss of Astarion's dagger.
The way the apple of his throat bobbed under the razor edge could wring any vampire’s stomach with hunger.
“...True, but not quite so any longer.” Astarion dragged a finger led by a languid arm from Rorik's navel to the space under his chin.
He meant to tilt this face for a closer appraisal. Rorik's expression changed, glazing over as Astarion's thumb followed the shape of his lower lip.
“You've turned rather pink since we began this little jaunt,” Astarion reminded him.
Interesting creatures, dhampirs. One foot in the grave at all times and a hand clawing a stubborn grip on life. Apparently, if they've been behaving like their undead half they will look the part, but Astarion had yet to observe Rorik feeding. That abstinence from the sanguine was reflected in his freckled, peachy skin. He might've been a touch sunburned across the bridge of his nose and the tip of each notched ear.
Rorik gazed up at Astarion, eyes searching, questing about his shapes. He stared as though he were looking upon that sun god he claimed not to love. Silly beastly thing. Blindly devoted damn fool.
“...Would you let me kiss you?” Rorik breathed.
What could one more impossible moment hurt? Who knew when Rorik would wake up and realize Astarion had no precious light to offer him?
“Mm, just this once, darling,” Astarion hummed with lips pulling into a loose smile. It was his turn to tease.
Rorik waited so very patiently, licking his scar streaked lips with what could be perceived as lewd eagerness, but eyes wide and full of something else that called softly.
Astarion retracted the dagger, slowly, making a show of it as he held it away from their bodies. Then, Casually, as he leaned back and settled his weight over Roriks lap, he allowed the blade to slip from his fingers and pierce the mats and dirt below. He left it sticking there, at the ready, but easily forgotten as he pitched forward to claim his companion's delectable mouth.
Rorik had tried to lift himself to greet Astarion, but palms clapped over his shoulders sent him back to the floor with a hollow thud resonating from his chest. The dhampir let slip the faintest moan of approval as his jaws parted for Astarion, offering the warmth within and the taste of his nightly herb brew. His arms wove themselves all about high elf.
Rorik always squeezed, held, stroked the rogue. It briefly repulsed Astarion that first time, when Rorik held so tightly and explored him so earnestly, but that had changed. The paladin longed to be close. He didn't want Astarion's body, Rorik wanted Astarion. That came with its own new form of revulsion. How could Rorik's standards be so low that he actually wanted all of the filth under Astarion's perfect surface?
Astarion knew the answer to that. He winced silently and masked the upset by delving deeper into the pleasures of Rorik's gasping mouth the moment he was done stealing a breath.
The ex-wife, Zarla, must surely be why Rorik found Astarion an acceptable partner. Astarion himself had uttered the perfect analogy for it once before. When you're accustomed to drinking from the sewer, even plonk is a marked improvement.
Anything at all must be better than being forced to swallow every last drop of misery to survive a borderline incestuous arranged marriage to a complete and whole nightmare of a woman.
Rough fingers massaged up the back of Astarion's neck, soon cradling the back of his head. Rorik seemed to like playing in his hair, since he had none of his own until very recently.
The moment Astarion thought of it, he moved to push his fingers though that scant half-inch of strawberry blond. Rorik had still been shorn up top the last time they… But he'd thought about it, curling his fingers in it, gripping it so tight, using it to shove Rorik's keening face in the pillow to muffle him.
Once, it was their second late night encounter, Rorik had mewled things in a tongue Astarion didn't know, both betraying the wellspring of his faint accent and revealing his patron god. A heathen sun diety which pre-dated Lathandor. That night many moons ago, Astarion had delighted in watching the paladin slap both hands over his gaped jaws to keep that holy name out of his mouth while he behaved profanely.
All Astarion could think about was gripping that short ginger crown and pulling Rorik’s head up from a pillow to hear his name mingling with half formed prayer. Oh, the things which come unraveled from Rorik's disciplined tongue when Astarion fucked him were always delectable. There was something sinfully gratifying in defiling a holy man. It must be the same thing which kept Rorik coming back for more and more of Astarion. He must crave to be engulfed by the elf’s tainted touch, like an addict who craved the deadly bliss in his own destruction.
Astarion slipped his curious tongue between the split halves of Rorik's. Maybe after, he'd ask why the man had his tongue sliced. Could be a faith thing, or perhaps a fun story, but hopefully not another rat-holed memory from worse times. He set aside the thought and chose instead to be gratified in the way Rorik arched under him.
Rorik's hands curled in hair and slid down Astarion’s spine, but that left claw hesitated at his waistband and instead formed a self-restraining fist in the elf's untucked shirt. No, no, he wanted Rorik to go further. He wanted to give Rorik his hit of destroying bliss, keep him close, keep him asleep and unaware of how unfit his favorite “pain in the ass” was for him.
His guts were grinding acid at the wolves playing tug-o-war in his silent chest. Rorik aroused Astarion's dead flesh and dead heart, that was true, but it repulsed him that the only catharsis he could summon for that were the things he could do to Rorik's flesh to lure him closer. It made it feel like working one of his marks, the men and women who’d walk and blush at his side without knowing they were good as dead. This felt like raping himself and Rorik with a predatory false self.
Astarion wanted to sink through the floor into the dirt and become beetle shit, he wanted to make Rorik wail his name, and he wanted to drag all of the beauty in the world through the tar in his soul for revenge. He hated feeling it all at the same time, but most of all, his worm-holed brain screamed to keep Rorik in place, with him, blind to his truth but with him.
Gods, five minutes ago he'd accused Rorik of potentially being involved in his murder, then held him at knifepoint while the fool giggled at the game. It was only a matter of time before he saw it all for what it was. The flailing of some irreversibly ruined creature. But he could keep Rorik coming back...
I just need a little more. Stay a little longer. A few more moments to last me once you-
Astarion flattened himself to Rorik's sprawled body to let him feel the arousal he’d inspired. Putrid. Rorik's lips stretched open to drag in a much needed breath, face screwing up as his head fell back while he was ground upon. He submitted to the desire to crush Astarion closer. His arms would snap taut about Astarion so fast when he became overcome by desire. This yearning squeeze was the signal of victory for Astarion every time. He'd won. Rorik was his. He'd pushed him to the-
Rorik broke from the embrace of their lips and turned his face away, sucking down two great breaths between his words “Solan's tits… Astarion?... Astarion, Wait.”
Rorik's arms loosened from him, then carefully lifted away. He put them at his sides and flattened his hands against the reed mat in a calculated manner. Astarion's command over the situation had slipped away. He could feel warm breath heating his cheek and sense eyes trying to find his own. Astarion didn't meet the other's gaze, he couldn't because he didn't want to see Rorik's bloody concern. It was worse than the most depraved leer.
“What? Darling, you're souring the mood. Wouldn't you rather…” Astarion tried to put them back on course by laying a perfectly placed kiss at the space just under Rorik's right ear.
Predictably, the man shivered at that delicate affection and his hands clapped over Astarion's thighs to apply their crushing squeeze of approval. Gods, you're easy. Right back on the road, like recalling a loyal mutt gone sniffing too far ahea-
The thought nauseated him the moment it completed itself in his head, comparing Rorik to an animal to be commanded. The revulsion turning his stomach gave him pause, stopping him dead in the middle of suckling a decadently soft earlobe between his lips to hiss mournfully.
Rorik's hands pressed over the mound of each shoulder. He pushed slowly, putting space between them. Chaos erupted within Astarion like a crowd of men shouting over one another.
No! Not yet… Gods, thank you… Don't leave!?
Astarion was made to sit up with Rorik as he rose from the mat. He was then seated in the paladin's lap, but there was nothing titillating about it. Rorik's eyes bore through him like drill heads. His stare made Astarion feel naked when they were like that, stripped, but not erotically. He just saw him. Through him. Into him. He used to hate that and it still unnerved him, being seen.
“Astarion, let's talk about this first,” He spoke much too softly, like addressing a sniffling child. It made Astarion feel infantile.
“Talk? Why? Don't you want to forget where we are? For just a moment?” Astarion pivoted, sliding a palm over Rorik's cheek to hook his fingers over the back of his neck, bringing him close again.
If he kissed and nibbled just right, between the scars, Rorik would offer a feed. Bastard loved pain. Probably needed it to get off at this point. A bite would put a stop to this nonsense, all Astarion needed was permission. It was time to bring a sword to a knife fight.
“Ast-... Oh my….- wait, wait! No.” Rorik forced his hands between them again to put a foot of distance between his neck and Astarion's fangs.
Gods damn it. Astarion's stomach twisted, but not out of hunger, at the word no. A word he barely knew how to use. He couldn't ignore it. Rorik had refused him. He had to stop.
“Astarion, I don't-... I want to be told what you want. I don't want to guess. We agreed not to, I want to be sure this is really what you want.” Rorik told him, again too gently, and let his hands settle at either side of the other's waist.
“I would have thought I seemed damn sure of what I wanted eight seconds ago, but I'm starting to think you've gone and robbed me of even that!” Astarion swatted at Rorik's hands to banish them from his body and spat bitterly before he could think better of it.
He’d lost at his own game, all because he couldn't hold his disgust at bay anymore. Rorik must have sniffed it out. Bastard had ruined him. Taken away the one thing he truly was good at. Or good for.
Rorik said nothing and only looked at him, brows pinching and turning upward just as his eyes revealed his exhaustion. Astarion had to look away. It hurt. It was fucking agony to be looked at that way and see how lost Rorik appeared on what to do or say.
I'm projecting. Fuck.
No, Rorik knew exactly what he wanted to do. He'd wanted clarification on what Astarion wanted and expected and asked. Astarion on the other hand…
“I-... I don't know what I'm trying to do.” Astarion lied and told the truth at the same time. Felt disgusting, hiding intentions but admitting uncertainty in the same breath.
“What do you not want to do?” Rorik asked, but Astarion wasn't sure what to make of the phrasing.
Ah! Yes, a reference toward Astarion's lurid tendencies. Yes, he used to pretend to “want” just about anything to hook a mark and gain their implicit trust. Astarion's palm struck Rorik, albeit not as hard as he deserved, upon the cheek and jaw to shove him away. Bastard's hands clenched in his shirt on reflex, making escape more difficult than it should be. “The hells is that supposed to mean? Do I have to spell it out for you again?! I played the role of a prostitute. It was all lies and-”
“No no! I meant that: Sometimes it's easier to know what you don't want.” Rorik barely restrained a bellow as he rushed the words past the hand which muffled him. He continued, more mindful of his voice. “Which is. I don't know… Something to go on.”
Gods, Astarion loathed to do it, to let go of the misfired anger, but the wisdom Rorik spoke was sufficient. He felt foolish for the misunderstanding, too, and he burned with renewed anger and irritability. He knew one thing he didn't want, and it left him feeling that he appeared inordinately needy as he dropped his hands into his lap uselessly.
“I don't want to be alone… Tonight I mean. I don't want to be alone tonight.” Astarion admitted part of the problem, painfully.
“And I am happy to resolve that. Anything else you don't want?”
Astarion was reassured, a little. Trying to think about what he wanted was, indeed, fucking impossible. He was too shameful to admit that he was trying to pick up where he left off seducing Rorik for fear he would one day leave him in the absence of sex. Astarion tried to figure out how to tell enough of the truth not to hate himself.
“I don't want to… I don't want to hate it. Sleeping with you. I don't want sex. But I want it.” Astarion gripped Rorik's shoulders tightly and mimed jerking him close, but his eyes soon had to crush shut to hold back tears. “...But I can't. The thoughts, the loathing. It comes when I used to be able to just. Put myself away and do what I came to do.”
Rorik's hands covered the back of Astarion's fingers where they pressed red marks into his shoulders, pulling them down to be held tightly between their bodies. Thumbs stroked over his knuckles so tenderly. It was far more than Astarion felt he deserved.
Rorik kept his eyes on their entwined hands. “I understand, I think.”
“I don't… Want to treat you like a victim. But I don't want you to..-” he lost his words in his throat.
Rorik lifted Astarion's left hand to his lips, as he so often did. He was starting to wonder if the man had a hand fetish. “You can tell me anything, I swear that I'll try to understand. What don't you want me to do?”
Why are you good to me?
“I just. Don't want you to leave… Tonight.” Astarion wasn't ready to tell Rorik that he was waiting for him to wake up one morning jaded and too exhausted from this game to carry on playing it.
lips pressed to the inside of Astarion's wrist. “Then you have me until Sol calls me to prayer, and then you'll have me again if you wish it. And you may do, or not do, whatever you like with me... And changing your mind is perfectly legal."
That made Astarion's chest tight. Bastard was getting too good at quelling the storms in Astarion's head. It scared him, the possibility that Rorik could use that new talent to manipulate just as he'd been manipulated. Drag along the carrot of innocent affections. But, to gain what? Rorik had offered it countless times with almost no gain. He just didn't seem work the way Astarion did.
I don't deserve this.
At least, for now, Astarion knew what he wanted after a moment more watching Rorik tenderly worship his hand with a savage mouth. He longed for more of that specifically.
“Would you let me kiss you?” He parroted, then added after another moment of careful thought, “...I want that. With certainty. I want to kiss you until our lips bruise, actually,”
Rorik smiled in Astarion's favorite way. His head tipped to one side while a silent laugh left him through a grin which pressed his eyes closed.
“I could gladly piss away the whole night with that if you let me, you should be careful what you wish for,”
“Oh? You're dealing with a professional. I doubt you'd last ten minutes.” Astarion goaded.
“Sounds like grounds for a bet. Loser has to be the big spoon.” Rorik taunted back.
Arms clenched tight under Astarion's weight, scooping him under the rump to smash him close. Rorik slotted his face under Astarion's chin for a kiss at the join of his clavicle.
“You never specified where I was to kiss you, care to offer further instruction?” Rorik murmured into his skin.
Smart bastard, “You're tricking me into setting boundaries again, aren't you?”
“Yep,” was Rorik's shameless, one syllable admission of guilt.
“Fine, nothing below the neck.”
“And not my ears, please.” Rorik added.
“... Because that gets you-”
“Unreasonably hot, yes.”
A kiss brushed under Astarion's left jaw as Rorik's arms relaxed to let him sink again. It made him shiver.
“So, we have an accord?” Astarion had to beg one more assurance just because he knew he'd be given it freely.
Lips pressed dryly over his own before he got his answer. “Yes,” he heard right before another peck landed right between his eyes, followed by a chuckle.
“This isn't exactly what I had in mind.” Astarion complained softly, unsure what to do with the squirmy, restless feeling in his core. Rorik was being too endearing. That's what got them into this mess. Fucker kept making him feel- well…. Making him feel.
“Then, I will require another round of your instruction on how, precisely, Mr. Ancunin wishes to be kissed?”
“Gladly.” Astarion promised.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year ago
I forgot if I've already asked you this question, but who is your number one favorite Fictional Antagonist from Media? Rules are as follows; feel free to ignore:
If you want to choose a recurring villain like Bowser or The Joker, you have to choose a particular incarnation of this character. Like Alan Moore's Joker or Paper Mario 64's Bowser.
Specific Characters/Entities Only. You can't say, "Haunted Houses that aren't haunted by, like, a single ghost or anything in particular" like my mom wanted to. She settled firmly on "The Overlook Hotel" and she's a stronger person for it.
Villainous Duos like Boris & Natasha are accepted.
People have a hard time picking a #1, so you're allowed to list as many runner-ups as you like. Listen to your heart.
Protagonists who are their own worst enemies don't count!
Villainous characters who are protagonists in their story are very begrudgingly accepted. Whether or not George Costanza (A Villainous Protagonist) or Detective Columbo (A Heroic Antagonist) count is beyond the scope of this paper.
Thank you for your time!
hmmmm!! that's a really interesting question to chew on actually.
i'm not usually drawn to villains or villain-driven stories, outside of games that necessitate it as a gameplay mechanic or genre staple a la mario games or your standard JRPGs. and i wouldn't call a glorified game mechanic a character if they really don't do much besides throw barrels at the player to jump over. porky and giygas are exceptions but honestly not much; they aren't very complicated characters, even though they're snappily written, and most of where they shine is just the fact that they're one well-placed load-bearing piece in a larger cohesive narrative. they don't really capture my attention outside of their gameplay role.
i'm overall much more compelled by Romantic with a capital R stories about internal, oftentimes more abstracted struggles. i mean, i don't have to tell you that my favorite books EVER are "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Great Gatsby," both of which play with deuteragonists as foils to the narrator that inevitably spiral and leave the reader with something of a thought exercise regarding the intersection of nature versus nurture, intent versus action, past versus future, et cetera. the characters themselves are symbolic of sociological concepts so much larger than themselves, and because of that, they can't truly be classified into "hero" or "villian", because the topics those books grapple with are so incredibly messy and morally-fuzzy that the characters who exemplify them must reflect that same complexity and nuance.
as soon as a story starts to veer towards "all our problems are caused by One Guy who we can remove from the equation forever," it usually loses me, or if nothing else it just makes me zone out when the villain and his evil army of doom is on screen until we're back to introspective character-building moments between the protags, deuterags, etc. i'm the boring guy who likes slow, dialogue-driven things more than flashy show tunes.
villains really only shine (for me) if they're funny as fuck. that's the one way they can really get my attention as a character that has, by definition, been written into a unilaterally negative role that must be booed. they get to be FUNNY! and they get to be my favorite kind of funny: insane slapstick funny. i like seeing cartoony villains get absolutely pulverized, thrown around like wet dishrags, set on fire, flung off cliffs, you name it. the zanier the better. so here's my own elite 4 in ascending order:
fourth is 2012 avengers movie Loki. very hammy, very showy, extremely puncheable face, and he takes SO much physical punishment and writhes like a worm the whole time. super fun.
third is pokemon's Archie. emerald is my favorite game but archie SHINES in alpha sapphire. he's such a huge personality and he takes hits with a smile. and then he gets a big fuzzy redemption at the end because this is a game for kids, but even that is so over-the-top cornball that i just laugh and smile the whole time instead of rolling my eyes. a good wholesome time was had by all.
second is Mr. Burns in the simpsons. let me preface this by saying i really don't watch anything after, ehhhh, i'd say season 8 or 9, because that's about where my box sets ended growing up. any episode where Mr. Burns gets some slapstick gags about his incredibly frail body that runs on pure evil is a good episode. i especially love "the springfield files," "homer the smithers," "homer at the bat," and "who shot mr burns" parts 1 and 2.
and my favorite is undoubtedly Sheldon J. Plankton. similar situation as simpsons; i don't watch anything after seasons 1-3 and the first movie. he commands every single scene he's in, which is especially impressive given that he's literally just a single tiny copepod. he's got the best villain laugh EVER. he's even a delight in the game "battle for bikini bottom"... you GOTTA check out BFBB Rehydrated if you like the spirit and snark of the early seasons. i love him in "walking small," "F.U.N.," "the algae's always greener," and of course, the movie. he's evil! he's diabolical!! he's LEMON SCENTED!!!!
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chainofclovers · 2 years ago
Ted Lasso 3x12 Thoughts
I have always loved, and still love, that Ted moved to London and loved it. He acclimated, or more than acclimated. The three years was a story about new places and people and experiences and old ghosts that followed him there. I understand that the one thing in the middle—a kid, not a ghost, who still exists in the place left behind—necessitated him making a painful decision. I am mourning that because Ted had to make the decision to leave London, the magic of arriving in a place and never wanting to leave has been broken. He had to re-outsider himself, and I can imagine many complex (and realistic, damn it) futures for him, including futures that would involve him spending significant time back in that place, but there's a real sadness in just...the leaving. He's doomed to return (or not return) instead of just getting to exist there, after we've gotten used to seeing him in an environment that suited him.
Something I'll love when I'm able to be more mature about all this is that Ted doesn't argue with Rebecca when she tells him she wants him to consider the possibility that Richmond is his home.
Something I love now--as painful as it is--is that Rebecca seems, in a lot of ways, like she's in love with Ted. He's slipping away, and instead of wailing about how much she'll miss the biscuits, she sits herself down in front of some croissants. (And while I don't particularly like that the Dutch man has returned to her life in such a magical, serendipitous way that only timed out because of her tremulous, seemingly to-the-wire decision not to get on that plane or say anything more to Ted, a charitable and practical part of my brain is glad she'll have companionship if she couldn't have what she spent most of this episode seeming to believe she wanted. Even if what she wanted wasn't actually romantic. Or wasn't supposed to read as romantic. Even if it did.)
The immediacy of Ted's emotions in 3x11, when he has the fight with his mom and it's so clear that he's got to go back and face what he's run away from, reminded me of how sharply he can feel. So it was really hard to watch him be almost stoic throughout this episode in the way he pulls away. He leaves everyone well, but everyone else's feelings are so big and he's kinda glazed over, and I didn't expect to feel the wind knocked out of me with the force of Rebecca's longing for him to stay.
(And I'm so glad that Rebecca didn't sell all of the club, instead taking her ownership down to just 51%, but I'm also glad she cares enough about Ted to have genuinely considered it. I'm so glad she and Keeley are going to work together to form a women's team. I'm so glad she promoted Roy to head coach, and that he's actually going to work on himself now that he knows he'll be working to be his best self rather than someone else. I am glad Ted was only dreaming about Beard and Jane marrying at Stonehenge--Ted has never understood how seriously bad that relationship is. I'm glad life is moving on, but it's just. So. Painful.)
I know a lot of people will talk about how this was a disappointment after all--a savior story with a pat, happy ending, rather than a true love story. But my feeling is that it genuinely was something better and sadder than a savior story...a narrative about choice with a tragic end. (And I don't mean "tragic" to imply that he shouldn't have gone to be with Henry, because I think he needed his reconnection with Henry to take place in Kansas, very essentially. It's just that everything else about the ending is tragic.) Maybe Ted spent the last three years at home, and maybe it won't hit him until much later, the magnitude of all that he's left. I like that it wasn't a happy ending, even if there are happy parts. I don't like that people will mistake it for a happy ending, even if a happy ending that angers them. I don't expect people to feel good about this paragraph, but it's the thing that's saving me where this show is concerned.
This is my favorite show. I've never obsessed over or connected to a piece of media quite like I have with this. I don't particularly care about the better things out there, and I'm not particularly curious what my next obsession will be because I'm still in this one. The finale didn't ruin the show for me, but I feel like I'm being stabbed by the last ten minutes, by the pain of the end really being about that impossible choice feeling impossible for as long as our eyes were trained on his face.
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bi-hop · 9 months ago
1, 11, 18 and 48 for kabru!
1. Do you project onto this character?
I do, but probably not as much as it seems. actually here's something I said about it this morning
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anyway I feel like what I relate to him the most on is the people pleasing paired with the suppressed thoughts? it's not exactly the same, but I struggle a lot with imposing boundaries. so it's pretty often where I'm like "oh my god, I hate this person, I really do not care about them at all, but I absolutely need them to like me. I need them to do that. I'll do what it takes to make that happen."
buuut instead I feel like it looks like I'm projecting other experiences onto him instead when I'm not, hence my apologetic author's notes all the time
rest under the cut!
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
I'm always on the look out for characters of color. Especially brown and Black characters. I'm biased! I'll admit that with pride. So when my girlfriend showed him to me, I was immediately like "I like the design, sucks about the blue eyes though" and he assured me "no, they're relevant to his story" and then I accepted it. I think it was a gradual process of falling in love though. he happens to have a lot of traits I really enjoy in characters and put together in a novel way. he's such a hero, you know? but absolutely in a story where he doesn't fully get to embody the archetype to its fullest. and it's fun. he's fun! how could I not love him
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
I will say, I do like to see him suffer a bit but in a comical sense? I think it's fun when he's mad. I like to poke at him when writing him. and I like all of his scenes where he's screaming in his head from anger or despair. I find all of them to be really charming, which is why it baffles me when people hate him over it. But in the grand sense of things, I do want him to be at peace. So, it's always really mild stuff like "ughhh, why did he just say that..." Similarly, I don't really like writing angst for him that much. This is a funny statement to make when most of my more complex WIPs are a bit angsty at some points, but hey. I'm a hypocriteee, I'm a hypocrite! I think examining him in post-canon is really interesting, and that does necessitate a little 'angst', I suppose, because of examining what it means to be traumatized in the way he has been in a world that is fundamentally different in a lot of ways now. But I prefer comfort, I think. he should be happy
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
HIS NOSE!!! and his smile!!!!! they're both kinda tied.
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just look at him...
(send me asks about my faves and I'll answer honestly!)
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pricemarshfield · 8 months ago
oc smash or pass
i was once again tagged by jackie @a-treides ! and y’all KNOWWW i’m going with tav.
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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full name: tav khoury height: 5'8 age: 32 gender: woman but in a male lead of a romance novel kinda way pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual
once you have her loyalty, it takes a LOT to lose it
very, very charming when she wants to be
she has expertise in insight and isn't conflict avoidant, so if you're not one to start a conversation about something that's bothering you, she will, AND:
high charisma, so she's good at communicating, and high wisdom, so she knows to actually do it before things reach a breaking point
the above two points combined means she can open a dialogue and resolve conflict before you've even realized that's what she's doing. a win for the deeply anxious among us
will stick by you for both a quiet evening in and a raucous night on the town, and be equally content with either
really thoughtful gift-giver; she'll get you enchanted goods that are not only good for you mechanically but also fit your Aesthetic
curious about everything, so you'll always have something new to talk about!
versatile, in all meanings of the word
she is covering all date nights. she's got forty thousand gold on her person at any given moment
not a jealous person; if you want a monogamous relationship, she'll stick by you happily, and if you want polyamory, she's down for whatever
SO fun to get drunk with. she's got the best stories, and most of them are even true!
devoted to the point of zealotry to a chaotic evil storm god. has killed a LOT of people in his name (but not like. people she knew. you don't have to worry about that. it's more that the blood on her hands rivaling the worst of her companions)
thinks arguing is hotter than flirting, and will do so without much indication that that's why she's picking a fight. this will continue forever
she is Weird(tm) about raphael. he's dead now, but you are still gonna have to deal with that baggage. she stole his incubus' underwear and wears it to this day (pro: she looks hot in it!)
vain about her own legend
control freak, but only in really specific, small ways that are more annoying than anything. you can bring down the wrath of an archfey or whatever on her, no issue, she'll help without complaint, but gods help you if you fuck with her organizational system in ANY way
loves lying. is SO good at lying. will become immediately defensive and resentful if any attempts at truth serum/magic are done to her, regardless of how serious the situation is that necessitates it.
high-insight also means that if there's something you're hiding she WILL know and it will INFURIATE her (she is a hypocrite). good luck trying to surprise her with anything
gets snippy if she thinks someone is smarter than her. also, has an intelligence score of 8.
warning for wizards specifically: she's weird about you. it is an inferiority complex thing on her part but if you say that she will call lightning on you both
her entire party wants her carnally and some of them are more jealous than she is (except gale. they get along fine it's just platonic as hell)
this is already long so propaganda can be found in her tag here :)
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bonerot19 · 1 year ago
what are your thoughts on Jason and Roy? I have very complicated thoughts about them because on one hand they’re made out to be good friends so often I can’t be ok with them being strangers it makes me sad :( on the other hand they aren’t good friends not really no them because RHATO destroyed Roy :( so they’re in a weird space of “met this guy two weeks ago would’ve died for him for three days and now we don’t really talk” tragic friendship kinda vibe in my brain. I guess that’s even sadder??? But at least the love was there? Sorry for randomly showing up in your ask box 😭 I’m just curious
I have So Many thoughts on Roy and Jason.
I've been learning a lot more about Roy lately, his history and character and he's so cool so it makes me sad what's happened to him in canon (the account royboyfanpage is a wealth of Roy info I love following them)
my problem is that RHATO could have been cool. they could have made Kory, like, important and sentient. they could have just not reduced Roy to the stupid comic relief guy. they could have kept Jason's backstory instead of rewriting one of my favorite origin stories (stealing the batmobile's tires fucks so hard I can't believe Lobdell thought making him steal from Leslie was better??)
I think Jason and Roy have the potential to have a fun, interesting relationship — little brother stealing his older brother's best friends is hilarious. and I know some people (rightfully) have issues with Roy being aged-down to be closer to Jason's age but I think they still have the potential for hilarity at their relative canon ages.
I like fics that portray Jason and Roy as chaotic, and I do often like Jason/Roy fics because I think the dynamic can be really well written — especially in AUs. I like Jason and Roy bitching about Oliver and Bruce (even though Ollie is like, leagues better than Bruce in canon and loves Roy So Much)
I think what I've learned is that while I enjoy Jason/Roy I really understand why Roy lovers hate Jason because when Jason is in Roy's story it does necessitate some level of character assassination. either by changing Roy's age, changing his relationship with Oliver, changing his relationship with Dick, changing his character in general via Lobdell's bullshit (if I catch u Scott I stg)
which sucks, because I think there are people out there writing really complex Jason/Roy relationships that challenge both characters and complete some great character analysis. you just have to be careful and aware of the way Roy is portrayed to not shape his character to suit Jason, cause that sucks
in the end, I'll still read Jason/Roy, because I like it. sometimes I dislike it in the same way I dislike other characterizations of other batfam and batfam adjacent characters. but I'm taking my time learning about Roy and I'm adding some Green Arrow comics to my tbr (which is 10 miles long) cause if I'm gonna write about Roy I want to understand him
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prancingintheshadows · 1 year ago
A RWBY RPG Idea: Formations
I'm not a game designer, nor am I someone with the skills or money to make a game. I'm just a guy who needs a hyper fixation to keep himself awake during the night shift
So, this is it.
RWBY's one of my favorite series and video games are some of my favorite forms of media, so obviously this was inevitable. Though I have to preface I have zero idea how deep I'll go with this idea. I'm labelling this title as if there's multiple parts but this is all I really have.
"But why an RPG?" The imaginary person asks.
Well, there was a couple of reasons. For one, I wanted to be somewhat realistic. I love RWBY and it's pretty popular, but it's not like it's got the ability to go for a full triple AAA game. I think a character action game would be great, but the amount of physics and work needed to put into those might be out of the ball park. With an RPG, you can still have impressive attack animations and action, just without the need for complex physics and enemy attacks and hit boxes and whatever. Fighting games are also in the ring, but Fighting games tend to be fighting games first and vehicles for narrative last. RWBY has gotten increasingly story and character driven, so I think an RPG is just a better fit for RWBY than a fighting game would be if it wanted to explore the world of Remnant.
Two, I think RPG is somewhat fitting. Monty was a huge Final Fantasy fan, and certain elements of RWBY, like Dust basically being materia.
Another very important reason is a thematic one. It seems to me, based on Grimm Eclipse and Arrowfell, they always want to include team mechanics in these games. Team up attacks in Grimm Eclipse are more common from my experience in multiplayer and Arrowfell necessitates using all 4 girls and was initially advertised with multiplayer. I think an RPG is a great setting to do team stuff with the least hassle, whether that be via dual techs or all out attacks or pair units or whatever else you can think of.
But now let's get into it
I'm not doing story.
No, seriously.
This is a big limiting factor here since a story can often help give a game direction for its mechanics and character design, but I'm not going to pretend to know how to best make a story for RWBY. You can place it in Beacon, in Atlas, in Vacuo, in some sort of extra adventure in the Ever After on their way home, in some side continuity- Point is, that topic is so broad and vague that it's almost pointless for me to speculate on what it could be about, especially since RWBY's story isn't finished.
Final Fantasy XIII
Say what you will about the game, most have, but it's a heckin good battle system. It's also one of the first to try to be more actiony and cinematic without fully delving into action rpg, which is good for this. I'd love to have a FF7 Remake style RWBY game, but that's super complicated and, as mentioned, I'm not trying to imagine something too improbably here.
But there's one big reason I gravitated to XIII: Paradigms.
To me, this is a great system to enable team game play in a few possible ways.
I want to actually preface this by mentioning the idea I had before this one. This isn't vital to the gameplay idea, just my thoughts, so you can skip this if you want to. Long story short: I finally played the fangame Sonic RPG episode 10. It was good. It also has an ATB style gameplay, like XIII, so it's actually relevant. The Drive system got me thinking though. It's named after various Sonic characters and gives Sonic a stance system essentially. What if those were just actual team up formations? Like if the game was primarily Ruby calling in Weiss, Blake, and Yang for different formations. Then I just decided, fuck it, why do just Ruby teaming up with the others? Why not just do the whole team? (The Ruby main character with calling in different team mates to back her up is still a good idea though. I'll keep that one in the back pocket)
Back to the important bits: Let's give a rundown for the uninitiated. XIII's combat system doesn't use turns, and instead uses a meter that builds over time to let you perform actions. What actions you can perform are determined by your Paradigm. Each Paradigm focused on something different: Damage, chain building, tanking, healing, buffing, and debuffing.
So, what if I just used Team RWBY's team up formations as stand ins for paradigms? I mean, with 4 members, there would be 6 team up attacks, a perfect number to fit 6 paradigms. Now, these aren't one to one. I did want to take into account how the team up is depicted in RWBY to inform how they should function. This means I've actually modified some of the paradigms to split their roles or take on new ones to satisfy this.
Bumblebee was easy. It fills the slot of Commando, the damage dealer. It's big, strong, but unable to pin down the paladin without assistance. The same is true of XIII's Commando. A big damage dealer, but it needs help from Synergists's buffs and Ravager's chain building to deal it's huge damage.
Freezerburn: Another easy one. FB was used to blind the paladin, so it's easily the Sabateur, the debuffer.
Ladybug is where things slowly begin to shift. My current idea is to make it Ravager-esque. Ravager builds up the stagger meter on enemies, eventually breaking the enemy and letting you deal several times the damage you normally can. There's some differences here though. Ravager uses elemental attacks, this doesn't. I'm also considering whether or not stagger is the bar this kind of game should use. Building a more tradition limit break meter is in the back of my mind, maybe unleashing dual techs or a full team combo. Either way, with this dealing a huge combo of hits, it's obviously the meter builder.
Ice Flower is where I start making bigger changes. This is one of the buffers. Yes, one of them. I've decided to split the buffing between two roles, both of them featuring Weiss actually due to how she uses her glyphs. Because of this split, I'm actually splitting a lot of the other roles too and stitching them together. Due to how this Ice Flower is depicted, I'm thinking adding the offensive and elemental buffs here, while also giving it some attack options. Not sure where they'd lean to in comparison BB, LB, and even FB (since Sabo actually deals some damage), but that could be figured out later. I wanted to figure out overall roles first
Checkmate is the other buffer. You'd think with Schnee-brand haste, it'd be offensive, but nope! I'm making it a defensive role. Yes, not just buffer, role. It's half defensive buffs from Synergist and half Sentinel. Lightning's Sentinel in particular for more of a dodge focused build. Why? Honestly, it was inspired by Amity Arena's interpretation of this team up, being focused on negating attacks and such.
Which brings us to the Unnamed and Unseen Ruby and Yang Team up. That really needs a name at least. So, I'm actually glad this hasn't been shown off. It means I can do whatever I want with it. This makes it perfect to be the only healing role via Ruby's silver eyes and hopeful spirit, as well as pick up the last Sentinel moves with Yang's bulk.
... Alright, that's all I got. Ramble over. We'll see if I make up any more ideas during work. Maybe, maybe not
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Rambling about uni and the future and all that (quarter-life crisis stuff lmao)
Brief mention of eating disorders (not in a venting way, but a thinking about misunderstandings about them way)
Because like. If I wanna do research. It seems that going to mcfucking grad school is the best way to go. Either that or working in a lab as a research assistant with super inconsistent hours, with like 12 hours a week when I AM needed, in a position that's apparently typically intended for students. And like. I need to support myself lol so. No thanks! Wish someone told me this earlier but eh, no one tells us shit these days except how to apply to retail
And since connecting the dots that like. They need someone to do receptionist duties at mental health centers and stuff. Like that's what I wanna do. That feels like an impact I can be happy with. I'm not selling someone their organic kale or some shit. I'm not busting my ass for some corporation that doesn't care about me or the customers they're serving. I'm helping someone get the help that they need. Someone struggling in ways that I really sympathize, and in some cases, empathize with, and I really care about helping them, regardless of if it's an issue I have personal experience with or not
I can't be a counsellor or a therapist or w/e. I just can't. I can't do that without compromising my own mental health and stability. I'd take on my clients' problems too much, I wouldn't know what to do when they're having a particularly emotional moment. All sorts of issues. I've made my peace with that now. But mental health professionals need a receptionist, too. So I can help connect the clients with their counsellors/therapists/whatever
Look, I need work that I feel fulfilled with in some regard. I look at my dad and see how resentful he's gotten with regards to work, he doesn't give a shit about it, it causes him so much stress, and that bleeds into his personal life, his relationships, his mental health. Every year he gets closer to retirement, the more he and my mom talk about how he can't wait to free himself from his work. I've seen this for as long as I can remember. And I've long since told myself that I'm not gonna put myself in that position if I can help it. If I can't avoid it, I'll go down fighting like hell to. I'm going to fight tooth and nail to get myself doing something I at least give a shit about, that I won't grow resentful toward
I thought that research was my way to getting that. Fuck, isn't it just such an incredible thought? To contribute to research, the expansion of human knowledge, especially in ways that can be used to help people, maybe even inform public policies? Inform people how to help the next generations live a happy life, what helps us an harms us, guide people to living in harmony and recognition of each other? Maybe help the next generations avoid the pain you've felt yourself?
But it turns out that's a hefty goal, one that takes years and years and YEARS of work, incredible effort, not for the faint of heart, with incredible complexity and high expectations. And honestly? This may just be the escapism of cottagecore fantasies talking here, but I just want to live a peaceful life. I just want to be able to support myself and those I love, while being able to indulge here and there. That feels like it shouldn't be such an impossible goal, but in our current hellscape, it sure sounds like idealism, doesn't it?
And with every day my parents get closer to retirement, I need to prepare to support myself. I need to save my money for the impossible dream of having enough for a down payment. I need consistent income. And I need it soon. So grad school? Not only would it mentally break me, but it would take way too long to get me to a place I need to be
And I haven't even mentioned the fact that it seems that working in research also necessitates teaching, which is something else I've long since decided I can't do! I can hardly do public speaking when I'm a student presenting a project, and I can hardly explain complex topics on the spot, and I'd need to be able to adapt presenting information in ways I wouldn't be able to. Not to mention the fact that I'm terrible at evaluating schoolwork— whenever I've had to review peer work, I struggle providing feedback because I don't want to hurt their feelings, but I need to be fair and objective and just... I can't do it lol
So like. I've been doing a bunch of thinking lately. And I need to pursue a different career path. But I'm practically done this degree, and I've been taking classes required for honors, so I think this is my one chance to live out that dream I've had of doing something worthwhile, research that can inform people. And I want to do a project on eating disorders, because they're so, so misunderstood, even among the psychology community. Whenever they teach them in classes talking about abnormal psych, they always focus on the surface level topics, never the ones that, quite frankly, people struggling with eating disorders need help with, need to talk through and work through and have someone understand. It's so much more than an insecurity about your appearance. It's so much more than a focus on weight. And I need people to understand that. So I intend to help them learn. So I might as well do an honors thesis on this topic, then move onto a life that I can be satisfied with
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hekatean-frog · 2 years ago
I've been trying to decide how I feel about monotheism, and like, the thoughts are complex. On the one hand I don't like to paint people with a broad brush, and I don't like to disrespect other peoples' religions or act as if I'm the final arbiter of religious truth. But on the other hand, it's of course a core feature of most monotheism to believe that all other religions are wrong, that all Gods but theirs are fake. So it's like, I'm giving the average monotheist grace that they often won't give to me and that feels weird. Like, I believe that despite being ignorant of most Gods, monotheists do at least worship a God, whereas the average monotheist believes that polytheists are worshipping demons or lesser spirits or are just pretending.
I think it is possible for monotheists to respect polytheism. For example, one can acknowledge an inherent incomprehensibility of the divine and say, "well, this is how I see it, but I can't say if you're wrong or I'm wrong," among other things. I prefer that view to the "all Gods are just aspects of one God" view, which to me just seems like another way of saying that monotheism is more correct.
I mean, I am (mostly) a neoplatonist, so I believe in the One, but the One is not a God. All Gods descend from it, but it is beyond being. It cannot think or act because it has no multiplicity, and it is not an individual, so it cannot be a God. The view that some Plato-inspired monotheists take that "my God = the One" cannot be true, at least if they attribute any amount of action or personhood to their God. It is especially incompatible with Christianity, since the One cannot be a trinity because it is One, and cannot incarnate. The only way to solve that problem necessitates not being monotheist.
But back to the topic at hand. Even in cases where monotheists respect my beliefs to my face, I can't help but wonder if they're just trying to avoid conflict and really believe that I'm either worshipping demons, or that I'm "less enlightened", or just faking it.
I've been in interfaith communities online that are focused on polytheism but allow monotheists as long as everyone respects one another, but like... I'll always have an internal wariness towards them, since monotheism often means believing that polytheists are completely wrong, whereas my belief at least acknowledges that monotheists (usually) have a relationship with a God even if they are ignorant of other Gods.
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