#it’s just debatable as to whether or not one of those situations is crop top
emsleyanbluejay · 1 year
hm. should i put that old man in a crop top.
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tubbypeddle · 25 days
hii, I'd like a matchup for percy jackson and one piece please! (I'm using the previous person's request as a template sorry)
I’m a 5’9 girl, have brown skin, dark brown eyes, and curly/coily, brown hair. I have an athletic/rectangle-type body. I usually wear jorts/cargos and graphic tees when I feel masc. I love to wear crop tops and shorts when I feel more feminine.
im bisexual with a preference for men
im usually an extrovert on most days, especially with people I know, but sometimes I'm more introverted. i like to push myself to be a better version of me. i love adventuring, but I also enjoy relaxing a lot. i have a creative and active mind and I talk a lot. i love listening and debating on topics I enjoy.
i dislike people who are rude just to be rude/rude because they think its cool. people who give backhanded comments or gossip. i hate feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, or just feeling tired in general.
irrational fear of heights lol. but really, im scared of not having a good future, and everything going wrong after college.
my hobbies are, reading, traveling, sports, writing, games, and baking
i love hugs and quality time with people I love, whether that be going out or just chilling at home.
what i prefer in a partner is someone who will be there for me when I struggle and feel overwhelmed. someone willing to be there for comfort, but also someone who isn't afraid of communicating their own feelings.
i think that's it, thank you!
okay so. ignore that this took even longer than it normally would.
if you mention it, I might genuinely crash out
(author's note: credits to gif owners, I do not own them. again, I literally cannot apologize enough, I am so sorry these are taking so long.)
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It's shocking news. To hear that you're a demigod. The child, of a Greek myth.
Yeah right.
But, you suppose it would explain all the strange things that happened to you in your childhood. Apparently all of those myths that Mr. Brunner told you in school were real.
Because your best friend has goat hooves for feet???
He takes you to Camp Half-Blood, which your (apparently) satyr friend says is the only place safe for demigods like you. Almost everyone is shocked to meet you, especially because you're much older
He takes you to the Hermes cabin, where you'll stay until your Godly parent claims you.
And there, you meet
Travis Stoll
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Now it may not be obvious at first, but let me explain.
He's one of the two head counselors for the cabin. Him and his brother personally get you situated into Camp life.
Connor finds you fun and polite enough, but it's Travis who has a crush on you.
It's like at first sight with you.
Connor and Travis have rather different types in women they like, which is why I personally see you with Travis more than Connor.
Connor likes girls who are softer. Maybe a little more "delicate". Girls who giggle at his every joke.
Travis likes his girls a little more athletic, of which there is no shortage of in Camp Half-Blood. He likes girls who are strong. Girl where he doesn't have to worry about them being hurt when he isn't around.
At first though, he doesn't even think his crush will go anywhere. He just likes to admire you from afar.
He's much too busy as a year-round Head counselor. Let alone, the replacement head counselor of a camper gone rogue.
The day his crush on you goes somewhere is when he finds you breaking down in a corner of the Hermes cabin. Your godly parent is just taking forever to claim you. You feel unwanted. Abandoned. Alone.
Now, this is nothing new to Travis. It's like a demigod's rite of passage into Camp Half-Blood.
Doesn't make it any easier to see someone else feeling the same way he did once upon a time.
He comforts you as best he can. He lets you scream and cry, or he lets you throw things around, if that's how you handle things.
And when you're done with your crying, he offers ways to get your mind off of it. Sparring, or drawing with you. Reading whatever textbooks the Big House has.
He even tells you about his own experiences with the gods. His own quests he's been on, big or small. He tells you about how his father claimed him. He isn't afraid of being vulnerable with you, even though all of his instincts are yelling at him to be paranoid.
From there, your friendship becomes something more. You find yourself looking for him whenever either of you have free time.
Since you enjoy active activities just as much as quieter ones, it's rather lucky Travis is the one who likes you. He's the same way.
He doesn't read as much, because even though all the books in Camp Half-Blood are written in Greek, he just doesn't like reading. But he'll listen to you read. He likes listening to you read aloud. Or even if you don't want to do that, he'll probably whittle away at a piece of wood while you draw.
His main love languages are quality time and acts of service after all. This is how he shows you he likes you.
It's very lucky that neither of you enjoy gossip. Travis hates rumors and all that what have you. It's a big reason why he doesn't get along with a lot of the Aphrodite kids.
His favorite dates with you are when you two go out and do something active. Preferably when you two can leave the camp. Not far, probably not even out of Manhattan.
He just wants to take you out to do something fun, that will leave memories that the two of you can cherish for a lifetime.
Honorable mentions!
Frank Zhang
You're actually pretty close to his canon romantic interest type. At least, what I'm imagining, based on your description. He also likes quieter activities, while still enjoying more physical things, too. You two would spend a lot of your time together since you enjoy many similar things. I just felt he'd be too obvious of a choice. (and also, he's from Heroes of Olympus, technically, and I didn't know if that's what you were also looking for.)
What a lovely dive into the world of Percy Jackson!
Now, it's time to move on from the world of gods and demigods, and into the world of pirates and giants.
You're sailing the Big Blue. Whether as a pirate or military, doesn't matter.
Either way, it's
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He meets you by chance. Most likely while he's infiltrating a pirate's ship.
He finds you, probably being held hostage. And he rescues you.
He's enamored by you when you two first meet. He finds himself wanting to keep in touch with you after he's rescued you from the pirates, whether or not you are a pirate yourself.
He's proved before that he doesn't care about where you stand on that front. He just wants to hold your hand.
At first, he tries to get your attention by leaving you gifts. Anonymously, of course.
Training under Garp may have given him confidence in himself, but not confidence in his courting skills.
He leaves you little things like seashells he found along the beaches he came across that reminded him of you. Little flowers he came across while patrolling a town. Chocolates, if you're into those.
(He's getting all of his ideas from romance novels)
It takes him a long time to muster the courage to tell you who's leaving you those gifts.
Should you decide to accept him, I promise you that he's a great boyfriend.
He's attentive, and kind, and gives you everything that you want whenever he's able to. (His love languages are gift giving and quality time)
He makes time in his schedule for you. All of his vacation days are used up just for your dates.
He also enjoys just listening to you talk. He enjoys debating with you, just because he likes hearing your opinions and thoughts, even if sometimes he doesn't agree.
Also, he adores your style. Honestly, what someone wears isn't the first thing that catches his attention about people he's attracted to. It's their determination and their willpower that draws him in.
But he thinks you look cute in everything you choose to wear. Whether it be your crop tops and shorts, or your tanks and cargo jeans.
Really, he's just completely enamored by you.
Out of everyone, Koby is probably the most emotionally competent. At least, in the navy, he is. It's not often that you two have arguments. You understand that he does his best to make time for you, and he's very amenable to understanding you and how you work.
So when you two do get into arguments, Koby makes it a point to never raise his voice, no matter how frustrated he gets. He listens to what you have to say and is careful to change his behavior should he find you correct in what you're saying.
Relationships are a lot of work, but it's nothing he's not willing to do.
Honorable mentions!
It's not that I thought he was obvious, although it was an obvious choice to me. It's that I think he might not be able to sit down for too long to have those long kinds of conversations that you seem to love. He's too hyper, he has to be doing something always. (and also he'd eat all your food)
I hope you enjoyed it 🥺
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ixcaliber · 2 years
WBO - Day 2 - Geography
Putting the prompt list at the top of every post for some reason idk.
In terms of natural geography Debris is pretty much just endless desert in every direction. So I’ll talk briefly about each of the major cities as well as prominent landmarks.
Aelita is the de facto capital city of Debris. It is the seat of the ancient storm dragon Aelita, The Lifegiver, whose waters are a critically important resource for the survival of pretty much all the people of Debris.
Aelita, the city, is the home of most of the water-bound species on Debris; the underground lakes formed by Aelita’s storms are probably the only bodies of water on Debris. Most of the time there is always a light drizzle of rain falling throughout the city, this can intensify with the dragon Aelita’s moods. It is one of only a couple of places throughout Debris where someone can experience rain.
Aelita is a bustling trade hub where envoys from other cities bring salvage, crops and other goods in exchange for supplies of Aelita’s waters. Aelita herself, now very advanced in age, spends much of her time resting in her private chambers leaving the governing of the city to her Voice; a council of six representatives who act as go-betweens for her will and the needs and desires of the people.
Moloch is the second oldest city in Debris. It is a mining city built into the sides of an enormous quarry pit. Its structured in rings descending towards the pit at the centre of the city, each ring closer becoming more cramped and run down. Deep in the pit the digging never ceases, the air in the city is always thick with dust and smoke.
Moloch is run by the Moloch Mining Consortium, or MMC, a group consisting of a wide array of goblin cartels, duergar and xorn clans and svirfneblin families. It is one of the only cities in Debris with a standardized currency.
Being situated on the surface of Debris, Moloch is particularly vulnerable to the elements, and to the dangers of worldfall. A mercenary guild known as The Broosers is on permanent retainer to protect the city from threats and to act as law enforcement in the inner rings. A subdivsion of the Broosers (the bouncers) exists to try to destroy any worldfalling chunks that could collide with the city, but has thus far been unsuccessful.
Drusy is a magical college contained inside an enormous prismatic dome. Drusy is almost a self sustaining community, with the land terraformed and weather controlled by their magics. It is one of the greener places on Debris.
Any showing sufficient magical talent can apply to be trained at Drusy, but the main purpose of the college is to search for some magical means to escape from Debris. It was founded long ago by Prime Mage Rannus Adderan, a sort of mythic figure amongst the magical community. He disappeared a long time ago and debate still rages as to whether he died or simply found a way back out of Debris.
New Sigil is a city constructed around a worldfallen chunk of Sigil The City of Doors. It is, in comparison to most other cities in Debris, a very ornate city with winding streets and a more gothic architectural style. The most striking thing about New Sigil are the lattices; huge nets constructed between tall structures constructed as needed to catch worldfalling chunks that would hit the city. Many of these chunks remain suspended above the city.
Particularly noteworthy are the elaborate temples built throughout the city. Despite the Lady of Pain’s known distaste for gods, various worldfallen gods have recieved invitations to reside within New Sigil and over the years a number have accepted this invitation. These gods are given free reign over their sections of the city, their words law, except when it conflicts with the word of The Lady herself, and enforced by her dabuses.
Veil is a city within an enormous worldfallen spacecraft. It is unknown how much of the systems of Veil remain operational, or the standards of living for those aboard. Veil, under the leadership of the demigod Vurma the Atrocious, declared inpedence from Aelita some three hundred years ago. This was deemed by the dragon Aelita to be an act of agression and thus began a siege that more or less remains in place to this day.
Alraune is a farming city built into an enormous cavern. It is a recently founded city and has grown at an incredible rate. It is governed by a council of twenty two representatives, each one a spokesperson for the needs and desires of their particular racial group.
It is most noteable for the wide array of races that have made it their home including armor inhabiting mimics, the gaseous spiramel, a tribe of terrasque worshipping grell and at one time a number of illithid. 
Liberty is a city built at the foot of enormous but inactive worldfallen mech. It is a very recently formed city, founded by svirfneblinish visionary Jeziver Verne. Its one singular goal is to construct a rocket and fly it away from Debris.
Though Liberty has been up and running for roughly thirty years it has the look more of a temporary thrown together settlement more than a city proper. The rocket stands at the centre of the city, a somewhat hodgepodge construction composed of assorted parts, many constructed specifically for this purpose but just as many cannibalized from worldfalls or from the nearby mecha.
Strondheim is a city primarily inhabited by giants and it’s a monarchy and that’s as much as I have on that one. Strondheim was a late addition, I don’t really know what their deal is yet. Also it’s late and I’ve been writing this post way too long. I thought this was going to be easier because I already had the details but as usual I got hung up on word choice for much of this. Also I said that I was going to do landmarks as well but it’s late and I’m tired.
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
More Sorting Hat Chats
All right, I have had Daughter stuck in my head all day, and I want to talk about Abigail Hobbs.
(I basically always want to talk about Abigail Hobbs, she is my favorite television character and would make a good running for my singular favorite character ever if I could ever pick one.  If you are considering if this is an invitation, please take it as one. But, I digress.)
As I can tell, there’s been discussion of Will and Hannibal’s sortings, and nobody else in the show. I’d love to dig in and do the whole rest of the show, but I don’t feel like I’ve rewatched recently enough to do everybody. I can always talk about Abigail, though!
As I continue to be exceedingly wordy as I do these things (whoops. I tried...), under a cut it goes again.
Let’s start on the Primary. We know pretty clearly that a lot of what Abigail has done has been focused on survival above all. We know for a fact that her darkest actions were: we see her kill Boyle in self-defense, and when she’s discussing helping her father, she says outright, “I knew it was them or me.” That... doesn’t actually help narrow it down, of course, because none of the houses have a claim on survival, and you could come at that feeling from any start point. But what it points to for me is that whatever her Primary is, it’s Burnt, and probably pretty badly. She hasn’t had the ability to come at decisions from a standpoint of what’s right, or what’s good for anyone else, or hell, even what’s good for her -- it’s all about what will get me through this alive.
When she does talk about what she’s done, it all feels very instinctive: “I’m a monster.” “Some places are stained now. Some people too. I know I am.” Even this: “I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t feel ugly when I killed Nick Boyle. I felt good. That’s why it was so easy to lie about it.” There doesn’t seem to be any weighing or rationalizing behind it, and every time she does try to come off as doing things from a rational place, it feels extremely put on -- that first scene after she wakes up, when she talks to Alana, for example, and Alana immediately sees through her.
So, not a Bird. She could be a Lion, instinctively knowing that what she’s done for her own safety is wrong and trying to fight that feelings -- it would fit with her judgements of herself, and with how she talks to Will about killing, trying to find someone else to rationalize it for her. But: I’m going to argue that’s she’s an extremely Burned Badger Primary.
First: why Badger, not Snake, when she’s shut herself down until she’s the only person she’s looking out for and that’s basically the original definition of a Petrified Snake? Because Abigail isn’t shutting herself off from connections in general. As soon as Hannibal reaches out, Abigail doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t try to back away from that connection; she leans into it, tells him about her nightmares and trusts him when he asks her. She pushes Will away -- until she’s reassured that he’ll accept enough of what she’s done that she doesn’t have to, and then she’s so quick to accept him and talk to him about it that she almost reveals her other secret in the very next conversation we see them have. She even opens up a little to Freddie, despite the fact that she has to know that’s a bad idea.
That conversation is also one of the reasons I’m going to call Badger, not Lion -- specifically, her view on Nick Boyle sounds so hard like either depersonalizing him to make herself feel better, or trying and failing to depersonalize him to make herself feel better. “I blame Nick Boyle for Nick Boyle’s death. He killed Marissa, he got what was coming to him.” We the audience already know this isn’t true to some extent -- we’ve seen Boyle crop up in Abigail’s dream, among the girls she clearly still feels guilty about, but it doesn’t feel like something she’s saying entirely for Freddie’s benefit either. It’s so emphatic, and it’s not a lie that will necessarily make her look better -- it makes so much more sense if it’s what she wants to believe.
And then Freddie blows it up, reframes it all and makes the guilt flood back in. And it could be either Lion or Badger -- he’s no longer such a bad guy, so having killed him is no longer something she can even try to frame as okay. But, even if Boyle wasn’t a killer, it was still self-defense. Reframing who he was doesn’t necessarily reframe what happened, and the fact that it still changes her feelings on it so thoroughly is part of what makes me go to Badger instead.
She doesn’t react to Hannibal the way I imagine a Lion with all that guilt would, either. Even after she knows for certain that he’s a killer, in the 3x09 flashbacks -- even when she’s outright saying that she’s not sure it’s smart to trust or accept him, she’s not really that guarded with him. If she’s a Lion, her talk with Freddie about Boyle and her guilt for the part she played under duress in her father’s killings speaks to some pretty intense gut feelings about killing and people who have done it. I see absolutely none of that in how she talks to Hannibal immediately after he confesses to killing more people than her father.
(There is some debate about how accurate the 3x09 flashbacks are, I believe, whether they’re closer to Will’s hallucinations of Abigail than actual memories; I do think some of the details may be embellished or changed by Hannibal’s memories, but I’m going to assume they’re more accurate than not to make this easier on myself.)
There’s also what she says in the therapy flashback, and yes, it’s clearly led and influence by Hannibal, but it still appears to be her words and her emotions:
He was as good to me as he knew how to be. Hunting with him was the best time I ever had.
And there’s the simple fact that this is the tact Hannibal takes with her, over and over, which I think can be read into. Hannibal is perceptive, very good at reading and manipulating people, and over and over again, when he wants a way to connect to or manipulate Abigail, he puts himself in a position where she can mentally link him with her father and her family. The tea and the dinner in 1x04, the dinner with Freddie and comforting Abigail in the kitchen in 1x09, “You accepted your father. Would it be so difficult to accept me?” -- it’s the tact he takes with Will too, to encourage his desire to bond with Abigail, pushing him to think of the three of them as family. It makes sense if it’s because he can feel both of them looking for that connection, and knows it’ll serve his desires and plans best if they find it with him and each other.
(I don’t want to go into this too long because I’ve already talked a lot, but there’s also something so fascinating about the idea of Abigail, whose trauma is about fathers and family and girls like her, whose downfall is in who she gives her trust to, being a Badger. And that’s not, y’know, a reason to sort her that way -- but it does add a really interesting layer to her if she is one.)
Okay. Let’s see if I can do the Secondary in under a thousand words this time.
Abigail is trying so hard to perform Snake, or maybe a really fast Bird. She’s trying to manipulate, to show everything what they need to see to want to protect or help her, to have a plan, to be one step ahead of everybody else.
And she’s really, really bad at it. Because Abigail has a loud, screaming Lion Secondary that hates every second of what she’s doing. All the decisions that give her any sense of control, all the decisions that seem to come from what she wants to do instead of what she thinks is best -- going back home to confront what happened, unburying Boyle, going back with Will again in 1x12, even, to some extent, agreeing to work with Freddie -- are impulsive, and involve facing the issues instead of trying to bury them. And the biggest one of all, the thing she does to feel like she has control, unburying Boyle -- it’s the worst possible thing she could do, to try and keep herself safe, but not having to wait for it to happen, to be able to confront it head-on, is the part that matters to her.
She’s just really bad at lying in general, too. Every time she’s around somebody she likes or who knows the smallest part of her secret, she says something that hints about what else is going on. Again, the first time we see her talk to Will alone after she’s stopped trying to push him away, she almost gives it all away: “I wish I had killed him. For killing my mom. For killing all those girls, for making me...” Then there’s what she says to Jack while standing over Nick Boyle’s body, her speech about how she survived -- she’s trying to dismiss suspicion, but she can’t help some honesty leaking out even though it does nothing to help her sound innocent. Alana pegs her as trying to manipulate people and trying to be too practical in their very first conversation, that one that seems so far removed from what she’s like in private, with people she does trust to any extent.
It’s also notable that even with all her manipulation and masks being so see-through to everyone around her, she still ends up with some of that reaction she’s looking for anyway, and not just in Will’s crusade to protect her -- Alana says she can’t help but care about her as well. (You could easily argue Freddie seems to have some extent of genuine feeling towards her as well, sympathy if nothing else, though that’s more debatable. Hannibal is entirely debatable as to whether he has genuine feelings for her or not, but if you view their relationship that way, there’s that as well.) Lion Secondary’s accidental inspiration maybe, twisted and warped by that manipulative performance and the situation altogether?
In conclusion: Badly Burnt Badger Primary / Lion Secondary (probably at least somewhat burnt, or at least repressed) with inexpert Snake and Bird Performances layered on top.
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stardew-imagines-me · 4 years
Hello!! ○.○ may i request a rivalry between,, shane, elliott and harvey for the farmer's affection?
You had always thought if there was one thing you'd be in Pelican town when you moved down to revive your grandfather's farm, it was being lonely. Now, that wasn't to say you hadn't expected anything from the townsfolk themselves, that would've just been rude, but you didn't actually expect much.
It took a few days to find your way up around your new home; horrified at how overgrown your plot of land looked and debating on if it was too late to run back to Zuzu city. In the end, you hadn't and decided that it was best to buckle down on at least making a path to your cabin door without getting wild spurs caught on your pants.
Eventually, as you became accustomed to your new life, you had settled into a comfortable routine of getting up, watering the crops, walking into town to greet your new friends and finding yourself faced with three different men direly seeking your attention.
It's actually kinda funny on how you landed yourself into this situation, an odd but not unappealing love square with the town drunk, the local doctor, and the mysterious poet. Honestly, you really were at a loss when it came to romance. When you lived in the city, there wasn't exactly time for such thing when you juggled all different kinds of dead-end jobs, crazy neighbors, and outrageous bills for an education you never completed. What a life, right?
So when you found yourself cornered by Shane, the same man who had cursed you out the first day you arrived just for simply looking at him, you were confused... but intrigued. He had apologized through clenched teeth, shoulders stiff and hands clenched at his sides as he refused to look at you. His posture was terrible, his eyes were blood shot like he didn't know what the word sleep was, and his hair was a wild mess of tangles.
He looked like shit, to put simply.
Attractive shit.
"I, uh.... I just wanted to say sorry. I don't actually like people, and new people at that." If that was his best apology, your grandmother would've slapped him upside the head if she were still alive, but you nodded, offering your best comforting smile. "Don't worry, I understand completely."
His expression twitched, softening as he looked over to the side. He frowned, but the dusted blush across his cheeks spoke volumes as to what he was really feeling inside. You knew he wanted to say more, but when he suddenly walked away, hands shoved into pockets and speed increasing by the second, you couldn't help but crack a lovestruck smile as he bolted down the street and stumbled around the corner towards Marnie's barn.
The second man who had found his way inside your heart was the lovely, kind hearted doctor.
Normally, when you bump into someone and they fall over, you help them up and apologize - not stare at them for a minute straight until they reach by your feet to grab the parsnip seeds they had purchased only minutes ago. Harvey may be a doctor, but he is definitely not slick.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The poor man says and falls to the ground to help gather the seeds for you, stuttering 3 different apologizes out as he shakes. Dear lord, you should be the one asking that, not him.
"Uhm, yeah." You mutter, carefully stacking your items up in your arm and waiting for Harvey to place the remaining seeds on top of the pile. Truth be told, you had been surprised when Harvey looked you over. It would've been more flattering if he didn't look as if he was about to collapse at any second. Do people sleep in this town??
"Uh... my parsnips, Harvey.." You motion with your head at his hands, knocking him out of his trance once again. He quickly hands them over with a small bow and an apologetic smile, nervously jittering. "I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable," you blurt, mentally slapping yourself for even letting that pass through your lips. As if you couldn't have made this situation more awkward.
He looks shocked, shaking his head as he speaks, "Of course you don't, I've been meaning to talk to you but... not exactly like this." You feel sympathetic when he rubs the back of his neck, ears a bright red. You wanted to assure him that what just happened wasn't his fault, but Maru had called him over, interrupting the awkward yet charming exchange.
For the first time, you had noticed how cute Harvey was, especially when he was flustered and caught off guard. You'd have trouble not laughing at how big his eyes got when you called his name as you planted those same parsnips hours later.
The last man you'd soon become smitten with was the beach beauty poet who loomed around town, looking for creative inspiration through blooming flowers and rushing lakes. You were lucky if you caught a glimpse of him during the day, often finding yourself too busy to talk with him or too far from where he usually walked his paths. Whenever you think about how you finally did talk, you can't help but cringe at the painful memory.
It was a hot summer afternoon, sweat dripping off your skin and drenching your clothes as you desperately wrangled a fish from your hook, trying not to curse as the damn thing wiggled and fought to escape from your grasp. Through your frustration and incoherent mumbling, you hadn't noticed a tall, sun kissed freckled man wonder into the clearing of the pond, admiring your figure.
"You're beautiful," He thought aloud, laughing as you comically stiffened, fish hopping out of your hand and splashing back into said pond, swimming away. "Wha-" you began, whipping around fast and clumsily to see who had interrupted your passionate dance with your mortal enemy.
"You're breathtaking," Elliott gasped lightly, eyes sparkling with curiosity as he takes a step towards you.
You're stuck between wanting to laugh at what he had said or cry because the most ethereal man you had ever seen to caught you wrestling with a fish, sweaty and breathing way too hard to deem as healthy. "You're kidding, right?"
Elliott shook his head, beaming as he brought a hand up to your chin. "I would never joke about someone as beautiful as you, my dear." This all was overwhelming, and whether it was the incoming delirium of the heatstroke you most certainly got or the way your heart thumped against your chest as his hand cupped your face, you clutched your fishing pole and ran as fast as your legs could take you.
If those lovely interactions weren't enough to catch you off guard and throw you into some stereotypical romcom, then the fact that over the next few months after these events took place, each man had made it his goal to confess their love in the most unique ways possible; if it weren't a bag full of vitamin medication to keep you healthy, or recipes cautiously torn out of whole cooking books to make you swoon, then it was cheesy poems about unrivaled beauty of a certain farmer who took great care in catching fish.
It wasn't as if they didn't know about each other either. Shane would often make a point in being the first to greet you when you walked into town square, carrying himself taller as he saw Harvey's bemused expression, or Harvey waltzing into a conversation about you had been having with Elliott, watching the latter's demeanor sour slightly, forcing himself to politely engage in the doctors witty quips that always had you doubled over in laughter.
If it bothered you, you never showed it, and truthfully, it never did. Admitting that you had feelings for all three of them was hard, especially when you got angry at yourself for even believing you were really wanted by them, but after a long time of contemplating, arguing, and stressing about the situation by yourself, you had your verdict.
Nature would take it's course. You had ended up in a completely bizarre situation without doing anything to start it, and even though these men would dance around each other with the same intention, they never really angered each other. Everything right now was...  Perfect actually. Time will only make way for the future when it came, but right now as you made your way to Elliott's beach shed with an elegantly written poem about red locks and starfish, it didn't matter. Nor did it when you walked to Marnie's to give Shane a homemade made by following one of the recent recipes he sent you or when you walked to Harvey's with a basket of fresh fruits you had grown yourself since you knew he never made enough time for him to eat.
You would accept change when it came, but for now, it was okay to live in the moment.
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BTS Reactions: somebody gets jealous
Whether it’s the member or the s/o that gets jealous varies by which reaction it is. 
For clarification:
Namjoon’s, Taehyung’s, and Jin’s are Non-Idol!AU
Hobi’s and Jimin’s are College!AU
Jungkook’s can be idol or non-idol, it doesn’t specify
NOTE: This is unedited due to my previously stated trash gremlin status.
Namjoon:  You knew that your boyfriend was a talented musician but up until now, he’d never wanted you to see him perform. He argued that he wanted to wait until he was sure he wasn’t going to mess up, which you found kind of cute, knowing that he was unlikely to mess up to begin with, considering how well-prepared he always was for things. Finally after you’d been together for nearly a year he said he was ready for you to come see him perform, and you were beyond excited. It was some sort of underground rap scene situation, you didn’t really know what the correct terminology was to be honest. All you knew is that you couldn’t wait to finally get to go support him doing what he loved. He’d texted you the address and you’d agreed to meet him there. You felt a little nervous for some reason, so you spend quite a while debating what to wear and how to do your hair and makeup. You settled on an oversized black cropped sweater and a somewhat high waisted black skirt. It only showed skin on your tummy when you moved a certain way like raising your arms, so it didn’t seem too scandalous to you. You stared at your reflection in the mirror, debating whether the skirt was too short, but shook off your misgivings about it, knowing you tended to overthink that sort of thing. Putting your hair up into a messy bun and throwing on some dainty little stud earrings, you grabbed your bag and set out for the show. The first thing you noticed when you arrived was how incredibly crowded it was. As you’d expected, it was somewhat dark and very loud in there, and pushing through the crowd proved to be a real challenge. By the time you finally made it closer to where the current performer was situated, it was Namjoon’s turn. You waved to him with a huge grin and he smiled back at you, glad to have you there. That was, until he noticed how every guy anywhere near you was looking at you. He couldn’t blame them, you looked amazing, especially in the skirt you were wearing. But the way you were being…ogled, for lack of a better word, made him furious. It distracted him throughout his whole performance. He did fine, he just wasn’t on the top of his game like he normally would be. You walked up and threw your arms around him when he had exited the stage area, smiling brightly and very excited. “You were amazing! I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to see you do this until now. It’s like you belong in front of a crowd.” you enthused, incredibly proud of him. He gave you a halfhearted smile, which you decided not to question him about. “Are we going to stay and watch the other performers?” You asked, causing him to frown slightly and shake his head decisively. “No way. We’re getting you home, right now.” He said firmly, leading you toward the door. It took a minute to get out of the building, but once you did and you could hear each other more easily, you stopped in your tracks. “Joon what’s gotten into you?” you asked him, annoyed by his unexplained behavior. He exhaled heavily and ran a hand down his face in frustration. “You have no idea, do you?” He asked, and you just blinked at him, totally lost. “You showed up looking so good and every guy in there was looking at you like they wanted to eat you alive.” He said, irritated. “I don’t like when other people look at you like that. I couldn’t focus the whole time I was on stage because I was watching all those random men watch you like you were prey. Can we please go home? I’m really not feeling like being out anymore.” Namjoon sighed, and after a moment’s thought, you just nodded and agreed to head home early. Once back at your apartment, you stopped in front of your door, wanting to talk to him before opening it and going inside. “Namjoon, you can’t let jealousy get the better of you like this. It’s really not fair to me. You have nothing to be jealous about, even. You know I have zero interest in anyone who isn’t you, so please try to keep it under control from now on, okay?” you pleaded, looking exhausted by the current topic at hand. He felt embarrassed then. He knew he had no reason to worry, if he was honest with himself. He nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry. You’re right, it’s not reasonable of me. I just love you so much.” He said sincerely, bringing a small smile back to your face. “I know. I love you too. Now c’mon, that new series isn’t gonna watch itself.” You replied and kissed him quickly on the cheek before unlocking your apartment door and walking inside.
Jin:  You were more than aware that your boyfriend had a generally flirtatious attitude. He was like that with everyone, honestly, and you knew he didn’t mean anything by it. He was just annoyingly charming like that. It had never been an actual problem up to this point. That is, until the day you decided to make a surprise visit to the coffee shop where he worked. Jin’s outgoing and friendly personality made him a great barista. You’d seen him put smiles on countless faces just by taking coffee orders, and you loved that about him. He was playful and fun, and you of all people knew how magnetic he was. You walked into the shop, greeted by the smell of coffee and baked goods. There was a line, as there usually was this time of day, though not too long. You looked up to the counter where Jin stood, the sight of him making you feel warm. He had a way of doing that to you, making you feel like you were home. That feeling lasted only a moment, though, before you noticed that he was talking to one particular customer for a rather long time, being his typical charming self, while his coworkers worked the register and made coffees. The girl he was speaking to was very pretty, and you watched as she put her hand on his arm in a very familiar way as he was leaned over the counter to talk to her. Something said between them made him laugh, and for once the familiar windshield-wiper sound made you feel nauseous rather than happy. You felt tears stinging at your eyes as you turned on your heel and hurried out of the shop. The soft bell that rang whenever the door opened gave you away, though, and Jin saw you just as you were running off. He quickly told his coworker he needed 5-10 minutes, pushing past the customer he’d been speaking to as politely as he could and rushing out the door, running down the street after you. “Y/n!” he called, causing you to look back at him, only for your face to grow panicked and you to hurry away even faster. Unfortunately Jin’s legs were longer than yours and he easily caught up to you. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong love, why are you crying?” He asked in a soft, concerned voice as you swiped at the tears on your cheeks and avoided eye contact. You were trying to keep your breathing regular but you were very upset and it was difficult. “Who is she?” You asked in a very quiet strained voice, staring at your feet, your arms crossed defensively over your chest. Jin was lost. You glanced up just long enough to see the confusion on his face before you looked down again. “The one you were talking to at work. I’m not going to yell at you, so if you’re worried about that don’t be. I don’t blame you, she’s a lot prettier than me, I just don’t want to be in the dark anymore.” You sighed, still speaking quietly and trying to repress the sobs you had thus far managed to hold in. Jin sighed, starting to understand what you were thinking. “She is absolutely not prettier than you.” He said, causing you to clench your jaw and squeeze your eyes shut. “You’re wrong, but that’s hardly the point of this conversation, Seokjin.” you said, some irritation blending in with the hurt in your voice. “Please look at me.” Jin whispered, gently trying to lift your chin so you were looking at him rather than your feet. You complied, and though he knew it was a misunderstanding, the broken look in your eyes was nearly enough to crush him. “She’s just a customer. A very annoying one. She comes in every day trying to get me to go out with her and she really hates being told no, so she doesn’t give up. And when she touched my arm earlier as much as I would’ve liked to smack her stupid hand right off of me for being little better than a stalker, she’s still a customer and I have to come across as pleasant and friendly. I’m so sorry you thought it was something different, I understand how it could’ve looked that way. But I love you, nothing is going to change that, and I just wish you could see that I’m the luckiest guy to be with you.” He explained, pulling you into a hug as you let out a single sob into his chest. You focused on breathing normally and finally calmed down, wiping your eyes once the tears had subsided. “I’m sorry Jinnie. I know you’d never do that to me. It was just like for a moment, though, I walked into the coffee shop and one of my nightmares was playing out in front of my eyes.” you explained, feeling kind of embarrassing for getting upset over nothing. Jin must’ve sensed that because he put his hands on your shoulders and planted a kiss on your forehead. “You have nothing to apologize for. Now I’ve got to get back to work, but let’s get you your favorite drink before you head home, yeah?"
Yoongi:  You never really worried about Yoongi finding someone else, partially because he hardly spent time outside his studio if he didn’t have to, and partially because he loved you so much that it felt like he didn’t even see other girls. Not like he saw you. Because your boyfriend was a workaholic who seemed in denial about his need for food or sleep, you made a habit of dropping off food for him when he was in the Genius Lab for long periods of time, which was pretty often. One day you were bringing him lunch as you often did, and just before you knocked you heard laughter, his and that of some unknown female. You knocked anyway and he opened the door immediately. “Food,” you said simply, smiling and holding up the takeout bag. He gave you a little smile back and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks jagi. Oh, by the way, remember that new artist I told you about? This is her. Lia, this is Y/n, my girlfriend.” You followed him in the studio to see a very glammed-out looking girl sitting in the second chair beside Yoongi’s. You smiled genuinely at her. “Nice to meet you. You have a great voice, I can’t wait to see what you two come up with.” You said, remembering the audio clips Yoongi had played for you a few days ago as he told you about this new collaboration. She reciprocated with what you thought to be a very fake smile before replying. “You didn’t mention you had a girlfriend,” She said somewhat tensely, turning her fake smile to Yoongi. He shrugged. “We weren’t talking about anything personal. I prefer to focus on the work.” He said, dismissing her complaint. You knew what he was saying to be completely true so you didn’t for a second take it personally that this girl didn’t know about you. Over the course of the next week you dropped off lunch every day, even going as far as picking something up for Lia as well, just to be nice. Each time you encountered her you noticed her becoming more and more shamelessly flirty with your boyfriend. The situation made you kind of uncomfortable but you could see clear as day that Yoongi was oblivious to what was going on. Finally one day at lunchtime when Lia went to the bathroom, you and Yoongi were alone in his studio, and you decided to point out her behavior to him, knowing for certain that he hadn’t noticed. “Hey this isn’t a you thing at all, by the way, I just don’t think you’re picking up on the vibes I’m noticing…Lia is totally flirting with you. She definitely has an interest in more than musical collaboration when it comes to you, so just watch out for that. I don’t want you to be caught off guard if she tries something.” You said gently, making it clear you were in no way accusing him of anything. Yoongi looked beyond annoyed, though. “Look, I know your insecurities can get the best of you sometimes but I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t bring it into my work. I really don’t need that. Lia is being perfectly professional, you’re just imagining things.” He said in irritation and your jaw dropped. “Excuse me?! My insecurities are getting the best of me? Okay, I was just trying to give you a heads up about the vibes I was feeling but if you’re going to be an asshole about it I guess I shouldn’t waste my time. If you want to overwork yourself and pull an all nighter here tonight be my guest, because there is no way in hell I’ll be trying to get you to come home tonight. If you’re going to be so condescending I don’t know why I bother trying to make sure you take care of yourself.” You snapped back at him, grabbing your bag and storming out, passing a smirking Lia in the hallway on your way out the door. The next days passed slowly and uncomfortably. You and Yoongi were speaking to each other as little as possible, despite living together. He saw nothing wrong with what he’d said to you and you weren’t about to let him get away with that without an apology. Finally almost a week after the initial confrontation you’d had, Yoongi walked into your apartment looking exhausted and a little guilty. You were already in bed and you pretended to be asleep, not wanting to deal with him. He crouched down next to your side of the bed. “I know you’re awake jagi.” He whispered, causing you to open your eyes and frown at him. “Go away Yoongi. I’m tired.” You grumbled, starting to turn over to lay on your other side, facing away from him, but he put a hand on your arm to stop you. “I’m sorry. You were right.” He said, which definitely got your attention. You blinked at him in confusion, waiting for an explanation. He sighed and sat down at the foot of the bed. You sat up and stared at him. “You were right about Lia all along. She tried to kiss me today, and when I refused she launched into this attempt to persuade me to break up with you and date her.” He rubbed his eyes in exhaustion, both from lack of sleep and the day’s events. “You were right, like you always are, and instead of listening to you I said something completely uncalled for. It wasn’t fair of me and you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely, and you smiled weakly at him, taking one of his hands. “I forgive you.” You said, unable to stay too mad at him when he’d just given you such a genuine apology and clearly regretted his actions. “Now come get in bed, I’ve missed having cuddles this past week when we were fighting."
Hoseok:  You and Hoseok were both dance majors at your university, which was how you’d met. You had instantly clicked on the first day of classes and started dating a few months into freshman year. You were now seniors and for a winter showcase performance your professor had given out different assignments. Some students had solo performances while others performed duets or in groups. It had apparently been chosen randomly to keep things fair. Hobi had gotten assigned a solo and was really excited about it, as were you. You loved when he got the chance to shine on his own, especially how happy it made him. You, on the other hand, had been assigned a duet with a guy from your class. The style of dance or overall emotion of the performance was also chosen for you as part of an assignment. Well, much to your boyfriend’s dismay, you and your partner had been assigned a performance with a dramatic, sensual vibe. You and Hobi both knew that you didn’t have a choice but to do what the assignment had specified, but for him dealing with it was easier said than done. Your professor had scheduled practice room time for everyone and every day, your time slot with your partner was immediately before Hobi’s. Every day for more than a month when he arrived for his own practice time, Hobi was greeted with the sight of you very close to your dance partner dancing in a manner entirely too sexy for you to be doing with anyone who wasn’t him. He kept his annoyance inside, though, knowing that being jealous over doing what your class assignment had required of you was ridiculous. Despite his efforts to hold his feelings in, they did start leaking out eventually as he became noticeably more irritable by the day. You had a sneaking suspicion his discomfort with your dance (mainly your partner) was the source of the problem, but you decided not to say anything yet. The day of the performance was fast approaching and the issue would go away. You could understand where he was coming from. You probably wouldn’t like seeing him perform that kind of dance with another girl either. It wasn’t until one day you returned to your shared apartment after both your rehearsals that the tension finally reached its peak. As you tried to tell Hobi about your day (as you usually did) while cooking dinner, he only responded with snide comments and directing the conversation back to your dance partner. He grumbled about how he didn’t like and certainly didn’t trust the guy and that you should be careful around him. You had been so patient with him for weeks now, but you were at the end of your rope and starting to get mad about it. You hadn’t gotten very far into cooking dinner so you scooped the vegetables you’d been chopping into a container and put them back in the fridge. You turned to Hoseok and gave him a harsh look. “I’ve put up with a lot from you because I could understand how you felt, but this is getting ridiculous. I don’t want to be around you right now.” you hissed before going into your bedroom and locking the door. You just wanted to be alone to let go of the stress of that confrontation. After a couple of hours you came out of your room, though Hobi was nowhere to be found. At this point that was fine with you for the moment. Things were icy between the two of you for the next couple of days and then it was performance day. When it was your turn, Hobi expected to feel annoyed while watching like he did in practice, but somehow this time, watching you absolutely shine as you danced, everything else faded away. The first chance he got he was hurrying over to you and pulling you into his arms with a huge smile on his face. “You’re incredible. You are the most beautiful dancer and I’m so sorry I almost let my petty jealousy get in the way of that.” He said quietly into your ear. This brought a smile to your face and all was pretty much forgiven at that point. You gave him a quick kiss. “Don’t let it happen again.” You said sternly, and when he nodded at you with a solemn expression you knew he’d learned his lesson.
Jimin:  Jimin was well-known on campus, not just for his handsome face and charming personality, but first and foremost for being the star of the baseball team. You came to every one of his games, even some of the away games. You loved his drive and passion for his sport, and he appreciated that you were understanding about the time and focus the sport demanded of him. You’d talked about moving in together, though it wasn’t practical to do so until next school year, so you just spent a ton of time at Jimin’s apartment. You’d learned a long time ago that although his practice and workout start times were rigid, the ending times certainly weren’t. It would be scheduled to end at 6pm so Jimin would suggest you come over around 6:15. Then you did, but his practice ran over until 8:30, so you spent a lot of time sitting around waiting. You knew it wasn’t his fault, so while it was annoying, you accepted it as your reality. Meanwhile, Jimin’s roommate Sam was almost always around. Over time, as a result of your waiting around for your boyfriend, you and Sam became good friends. You’d watch movies or play video games or just talk. You ended up spending a lot of time together. Jimin strongly opposed this, but recognized that he couldn’t tell you what to do, so he just kind of held it in for the time being. That is, until one day he came home from practice (over 2 hours late) to find you and Sam on the couch watching a movie, laughing and throwing popcorn at each other. You noticed him enter the living room where you sat and turned around to greet him, smiling. “Hi love, how was practice?” you asked cheerily, taking a moment to notice the furious look on his face. He looked between you and Sam, his body language practically broadcasting his frustration. “Oh, practice was fine, but it looks like you’ve been having a bit more fun here, huh? Thought you’d go find another guy while I was busy? What the hell is wrong with you?!” His words were dripping with venom. Now you were really mad. You scoffed. “Are you trying to accuse me of cheating?” you asked incredulously. He gave a faux-nonchalant shrug. “You said it, not me.” You couldn’t believe how he was behaving. “Park Jimin what the hell is wrong with you?! I spend hours upon hours in this apartment waiting for you to show up after whatever baseball thing you’re doing. Do you honestly expect me to just not talk to the only other person here?” Your voice was getting progressively louder as you glared at him. You grabbed your phone and keys off the coffee table, shooting a quick apologetic glance at Sam. “You need to take a minute and realize what you’ve just said to me and get your shit together, Jimin. Don’t call me until you do.” You then stormed out of the apartment. The next day after your classes you heard a knock on your apartment door. It was right in the middle of baseball practice time, so the last person you expected to see when you opened the door was your boyfriend. He stood there looking guilty and holding your favorite flowers. “I’ve been so stupid. Can we please talk?” He asked softly. You sighed and let him come inside, shutting the door behind him. “How are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at practice?” You inquired, only for him to turn around and look at you with the absolute most earnest expression and reply “You’re more important.” You kind of felt like crying. The last 24 hours had been miserable but when he said you were more important to him, you knew he was telling the truth. “You were right about everything. I’m so sorry I accused you, that was totally unfair of me. I’m so, so grateful that you put up with having to wait for me when I have baseball stuff going on because I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Jimin said, and you finally gave in and hugged him. “I’m not going to say it was okay because it wasn’t, but I love you and we can move past this as long as you promise you won’t react ridiculously like that again.” You said seriously and he nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I promise.”
Taehyung:  The food truck you ran with your boyfriend Taehyung was in the middle of a large beautiful urban park. It was always surrounded by people walking dogs, joggers, parents with children, random businesspeople on their lunch break…It was a real variety. The location made it kind of fun to people watch when business was a little slow. Your food truck primarily sold smoothies with the addition of a few other food items. It was extremely popular among park-goers and you even had regular customers who came back almost daily. One might think that working with your boyfriend (who you also live with) in a small space would be stressful, but the two of you actually had a lot of fun working together, talking or coming up with new recipes during slow times. You liked your customers a lot, as most of them were very friendly and polite. However, there was this one jogger guy who came every morning without fail, and only ever wanted to talk to you. If you were busy and Taehyung wasn’t, this guy would actually wait just to have you take his order instead. It was getting kind of uncomfortable at this point, dealing with him blatantly flirting with you every single day. If you were a little bothered by it, though, Taehyung was extremely bothered by it. The usually happy outgoing guy you loved just scowled at jogger guy. One day jogger guy took things too far, though. Not only was he flirting like usually, he was actually trying to ask you on a date. Of course he didn’t listen when you politely declined, either, even citing that you had a boyfriend. He just kept trying to persuade you, even grabbing your wrist at one point. You jerked away, actually getting a little scared. Tae witnessed this whole thing and while he knew there was little he could do directly to get the creepy jogger dude to go away, he was sure he could use some indirect method to accomplish that goal. So in the guy’s usual morning green smoothie he put a whole teaspoon of cayenne pepper. With a smirk on his face he handed the guy his smoothie, then sat back and watched the show. One sip was enough to just about set jogger guy on fire, and he was so desperate for water he didn’t bother asking for any, he just ran to the closest drinking fountain. You were totally baffled as to what had just occurred, until you saw Taehyung laughing to himself, looking triumphant. You blinked at him in confusion until he stopped laughing long enough to talk. “The creepy guy was finally going too far and I just wanted him to leave us, especially you, alone, but I didn’t want to start a fight over it or anything ridiculous. So I put cayenne in his smoothie.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at that as well. “Okay so he’s gone for today, what happens tomorrow?” You ask, not convinced this plan would solve anything long-term. Taehyung shrugged. “Then for as many days as it takes to get him to stop coming back, we put cayenne in his smoothies, or something gross-tasting at least.” You smiled widely and gave him a peck on the cheek. “My knight in shining armor. Er, pepper.”
Jungkook:  After dating Jungkook for almost two years now, there was basically no way you’d have been able to avoid being taught video games in some capacity, whether you wanted to or not. And if you didn’t really want to, well, there were those damn puppy eyes to convince you. When you’d met you’d been pretty clueless about gaming, not really having played anything since you played The Sims as a young teenager. Jungkook quickly changed that, introducing you to the world of video games. To your surprise, you absolutely loved it. It became your new obsession, which your boyfriend was thrilled to share with you. Over time things kind of escalated naturally and before you knew it you were a gaming YouTuber. Your subscriber count shot up quickly, which you wrote off as you being a girl and having Jungkook’s camera skills to rely on. Your videos actually were quite good though, even if you were a bit too humble about it. You got a ton of comments on every video you posted, though there was a huge subsection of them that really annoyed you and Jungkook both, for different reasons. Comments about your appearance or wanting to date you were ridiculously common nowadays. You were frustrated by them because these people were clearly missing the point of your videos entirely. They were viewing you as nothing more than a pretty object and that made you angry. Jungkook, meanwhile, hated those commons possibly even more than you did. So many people expressing interest in his girlfriend made him feel annoyed and insecure. What if one of the commenters was better than him somehow? Would you care? Would he end up losing you? The prospect stressed him out immensely so he just kind of sulked on the couch in silence for a while. You returned from grocery shopping to see him still on the couch, looking beyond irritated yet also a little scared. You recognized this as his “I’m upset and I don’t want to talk about it but I actually do so please ask me” face. You gently asked him what was going on, sitting down next to him and holding his hand. When you looked at his face you were surprised to see tears welling up in his eyes, not yet escaping. “Tell me what’s wrong, love. Let me help.” You said quietly, snuggling up closer and putting your arms around him. He let out a slightly shaky sigh. “I really, really don’t want you to find someone better.” He said in a near whisper, avoiding eye contact. It made your heart hurt. “I won’t. There isn’t anyone better, and even if there were I’m madly in love with your annoying ass, so you’re stuck with me.” You said, making him show the beginnings of a smile again. “What’s this about?” You inquired, still confused as to what had prompted this little episode of insecurity. “The comments on your videos, the ones not about gaming…” He said somewhat vaguely, though you knew exactly what he meant. You scoffed. “Those jerks. I’m so annoyed, too. Like god forbid they listen to what I’m actually saying without objectifying me.” You grumbled, Jungkook finally smiled, always having loved the fire you had in you. “I love you. Now let’s go play some games so I can kick your butt and have to cheer you up again when you lose.” That earned a genuine laugh from him. Everything was back to normal.
Feedback please! <3 *grabby hands*
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iggy-licious · 5 years
Camera Eye
This will be a multichapter story. I'm the type of writer who flies by the seat of her pants, so I can't tell you how long it might be, or when I will update next, but I do want to come back to it. ❤️❤️❤️
Fern finished her last sip of coffee and wished she had put something stronger in it. Any minute now, her photoshoot with Iggy would begin. She was excited to film him. She had never attended one of his concerts, but she knew his reputation. Sexy. Unpredictable. Incredibly physical.
For those reasons, she was concerned he might be more than she could handle. Some of her friends and colleagues told her story after wild story of The Stooges’ concerts when she mentioned her assignment. Some of them wished her good luck, with sympathy in their eyes. Others jokingly debated whether she should have a jar of peanut butter or some antiseptic and bandages on hand, in case he decided to take the photo shoot to the extreme.
In the end, curiosity won out for Fern when she was asked to take on the assignment. A photo shoot with Iggy sounded like a good challenge that could end up with amazing results. As long as everything went well, she thought.
There was nothing for her to do until he arrived, because she'd set and checked the lighting, picked out and cleaned the lenses she thought she'd need, scouted out a few scene options inside and outside of the studio, made sure the stereo speakers were loud and clear if he wanted music, and put a few rolls of film at hand so she wouldn't have to kill the mood scrambling for more.
She wished he would come already, but he wasn't her first rock star subject, so she knew the drill. He could be anywhere from minutes to hours late. Or a total no-show. But she had no choice; Creem needed a quintessential Iggy cover photo for the latest issue being developed.
She left the rented studio room to get more coffee from the kitchen. She'd find out later whether it was a good idea--walking off some nervous energy and putting her hands around a soothing, warm mug--or if it would be a bad idea because she would be far too jittery.
She realized she was on edge because of the unpredictable situation, but also because something about Iggy called to her primal instincts and she liked it. He had something special about him that would not be denied. It came through in the stage prowling and crawling that she had seen in photos, as well as the feral screams that she'd heard on the albums and bootlegs.
The fact that a couple of her friends had seen his cock, mid-concert, on separate occasions and described it as legendary also made her curious. "Iggy has a biggie," one of them said dreamily. She'd even heard that a couple of his fans put their mouths to his member in San Francisco once, after he dove into the audience. She inhaled sharply, thinking of that story. She drifted off into fantasy for a minute, imagining it had been her bracing her hands on his athletic thighs, barely covered in tattered denim, and welcoming his length between her lips until he tore away in a fit of spastic dancing.
With coffee in hand, she returned to the studio. She was surprised and confused to hear swinging jazz rock blasting in the room.
She crept to the doorway and saw Iggy putting the sleeve for Miles Davis's Jack Johnson album on top of her pile of records while nodding his head to the music. She was surprised that he was right on time. He had silver hair and was wearing a tight t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
He stiffened as though he knew he was being watched. He turned and saw her. "Are you the photographer?"
"That's me. Fern." She approached him and extended her hand to shake his.
"Uh uh, none of that formal bullshit." He hugged her in a friendly embrace.
She was taken off guard. She had expected a savage practically foaming at the mouth, but instead she got a sweet, gracious guy so far, even if his pupils betrayed the presence of some drug in his system.
She stopped tensing her body. His strong arms meant a strong hug. Rock solid, like his chest beneath the clingy shirt. "You're right on time!" she exclaimed.
"Fucking straight, doll. I'm not one of those lazy, cream-of-the-crop, piece of shit rock stars. I don't take these things lightly. I need this as much, if not more, than the magazine does, you know? I'm here for as long as you need me." He stood with his arms across his chest. His blue doe eyes widened, his nostrils flared, and his mouth was set in a defiant pout.
His gaze held Fern’s hostage, but his flare of passion burned away quickly and his sunny disposition returned. “Aside from all that boring public relations stuff, though, I enjoy doing photo shoots. It’s another way to perform, another way to connect in an unexpected way with the audience, you know? I really respect what good photographers do to make heathens like me come to life in the newspapers and magazines. It’s an art. And you, my dear, are in the artist category. I went snooping and found some of your work. Yeah, it's real fucking creative.” He caught her gaze again, but this time, his expression was soft, and his smile was infectious. Positive sincerity looked good on him, she thought.
She sensed there was nothing to fear, as his outburst seemed more directed at his music contemporaries and the industry gatekeepers than her. She hoped she was right. Either way, it only made him more interesting, she had to admit. He was as arresting when angrily passionate as when he was in good spirits.
"I like your spirit, Iggy. I'm sure we'll get some great photos of you."
“I think we'll make a great team, Fern."
He stooped down to take off his shoes and socks. "Whatever you need from me. And I hope you’ll indulge me on any ideas I come up with.” He looked up at her again and winked before standing.
And then his instincts took over. He had been busy making a good impression, to the point that he hadn’t noticed how cute she was. He observed her and hoped it wasn’t too obvious.
Her fine features were enrobed with pecan-colored skin. Her Afro was high and wide, bursting forth from a green bandana tied into a headband. She wore baggy overalls with a tight navy tank underneath, and worn white sneakers. His face lit up with a smile that was somehow pure and lewd at the same time.
"Miles Davis, though?" she inquired, deflecting the effect of his smile, which she was sure was masking impure feelings underneath. She wondered whether he was a tender lover, or if he was prone to chaotic, high-energy trysts.
It surprised her how much she hoped to find out someday. But not today. She vowed to block the thoughts out and put her best professional face forward.
He padded toward the backdrop on bare feet, and she inhaled deeply while his back was turned, hoping to steel up her professionalism. "You sure you don't want something else to listen to?"
He turned to face her. "I listen to this album just about every day. It’s good shit. And I like to think of Miles as, uh, a mentor in some ways. He was at one of our shows--"
“Really? What was he like?”
“I don’t remember any of that night, but Ron said we all went through a big pile of white with Miles. They told me he enjoyed himself. Said we were original, and he liked our spirit. Despite the fact that I apparently whipped out my dick and threw up on stage. Fucking Miles Davis!” Iggy shook his head, still in disbelief.
Fern was starting to get a sense of why some of her friends had taken pity on her, but his earnest surprise and joy was contagious.
"My last boyfriend got me into Miles. I love all of his different periods. But this album is something special. I love Bitches Brew and Sketches of Spain, too."
“Mmmm… Both great albums. Fern, I admire your taste in music. And you’re a beautiful girl. Real beautiful.”
“Thanks.” She smiled and turned to get her camera off of the table. It gave her time to hide her blushing.
“OK, ready?” She turned around to find Iggy lying on his back on the floor.
“Ready, willing, and able,” he said with a seductive rumble before closing his eyes.
“OK…” She was thrown off by the deepness of his voice and how it made her feel. She fought to sober up quickly. The thought of the photos they might come up with did the trick. Their conversation flowed easily, and she hoped that it would translate to artistic chemistry. She sensed that Iggy really would do anything to give her a great series of photos, but the connection she would establish with him would make all the difference. She hoped that she, and Creem alike, would be ready for Iggy.
She stood above him. His stomach curved inward under his shirt, thanks to his prone position, and that made the bulge in his pants seem more prominent in comparison. His eyes were closed and his made-up eyelashes stretched surprisingly far toward his cheekbones. He was like a sleeping, muscular, mythical creature. He held all the cards as to what would happen once he opened his eyes. It was as thrilling for Fern as it was nerve-wracking.
“Let’s begin.”
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
Letting Go
i know this sounds repetitive, but I am very grateful for you all taking the time to read this and comment, reblog etc.
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta, and @happytoobservenolongerdistant for continued encouragement
Chapter 6: It’s My Party
Play all my records, keep dancing all night But leave me alone for a while Till Johnny's dancing with me I've got no reason to smile It's my party and I'll cry if I want to Cry if I want to Cry if I want to You would cry too, if it happened to you. John Gluck/Wally Gold/Herb Weiner/Seymour Gottlieb
“So, this Saturday, we’ve decided to have a party,” Anna announced as she entered Claire’s flat.
“It’s not a party,” Mary clarified, following Anna into the living room. “It’s a gathering.”
“What’s the difference?” Claire asked.
“Half the people, half the alcohol and zero sex.” Anna replied, pulling a face at her sister. “But, apparently, that’s all I’m allowed. Anyway, if you want to invite anyone from the hospital, feel free. Especially if there’s any of those ‘Dr. McDreamy’ types floating around. Love me a man in a white coat.”
“Or in a flannel shirt and jeans, eh, Anna?” Mary laughed.
Claire smiled politely at Mary’s comment. “Unfortunately we don’t have many of those McDreamy types around the hospital but I’d like to ask a friend, if that’s ok?”
“Fine. Is this friend hot and single?”
Claire couldn’t help but laugh at Anna. “Well, I know Joe’s single and I suppose he’s hot, but you’ll need a totally different frontal configuration to pull him!”
“Ooh, maybe blind date for John, then. It’s high time he had a relationship. And what about you, Claire? Have to see if there’s anybody we can invite for you.”
“Oh, don’t worry about me… not sure relationships are quite my thing.”
Nine years ago
“So, Claire, can I ask… I dinna want tae pry, but are ye courtin’ at the moment?”
“Gosh, courting, that’s a word you don’t hear much nowadays… sorry, didn’t mean that to sound abrupt. It’s a lovely word… full of old values, manners and respect. But no, I’m not courting. I’ve never been sure how a relationship would fit into my life… studying and working long shifts at the hospital.”
“Ah, ok, I see…”
“Jamie, that wasn’t an excuse. I’ve really enjoyed talking to you this evening. I’m glad I decided to come to this party. It’s been…”
“Special? It’s been special fer me. I’d really like tae see ya again. Can I give ye a call, go fer a drink or a meal mebbe?”
“Have you a pen?... There you go.”
“Thank ye, Claire. See ye soon, then.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Jamie.”
Despite Anna’s repeated assurances to Mary that this was not a party... would never be a party... was only a few friends having a few drinks, the overspill of guests out of their flat, onto the shared landing and down the stairs proved otherwise.
Claire peered over the bannister, eagerly awaiting Joe. He had texted a few minutes earlier to announce his imminent arrival. She scanned the people milling about on the stairs -- no sign of Joe yet, just the familiar red curls and broad shoulders of Jamie making his way up the stairs, a bottle in his hands.
The party seemed to be in full swing. Jamie could practically hear the music from the road, the beat of a heavy bass line pounding in his chest as he climbed the stairs. He looked up and caught a glimpse of wild brown curls. The beating in his chest grew stronger for a moment.
Nine years ago
“Mo nighean donn.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s Gaelic, means my brown haired lass.”
“Mmm, sounds so much better in Gaelic, far less boring. I sometimes feel like cropping it all off, or dyeing it, or having it straightened. Anything to change this dull curly mop.”
“Och no, Sassenach, dinna change it. Dinna ever change.”
Claire assumed that Jamie had gone straight into Anna and Mary’s flat. Perhaps he hadn’t seen her, or just decided not to greet her. She cast that thought aside as she spotted Joe taking the stairs two at a time to reach her.
Joe lightly kissed her cheek as Claire took him by the hand and led him into her neighbours’ flat. Surveying the assortment of wine boxes strewn across the kitchen table, he carefully selected an inoffensive looking Sauvignon Blanc, poured a tiny bit into the bottom of a plastic wine glass and sipped it dubiously. It obviously met with Joe’s approval as he filled two glasses and passed one to Claire.
Settling herself against a kitchen unit, Claire nodded slightly in the direction of the doorway.
“See there,” she muttered to Joe. “The chap in the doorway with the cream sweater and navy trousers? That’s John, who lives downstairs. Anna suggested fixing you two up. You interested? I can introduce you.”
“Hmm. Maybe, although I’m not sure I’ve a chance. He seems pretty taken with that guy he’s talking to. Although... move here Claire, have a look... I’m not getting a gay vibe from him. I think he’s straight.”
“He is.” Claire spoke instinctively.
“Well, that was said with great conviction. And how do you know, Miss?”
Even in the subdued lighting, Joe could clearly see the blush spreading across Claire’s face.
“Aha,” he exclaimed. “It’s the one that got away, isn’t it?”
“Wha… why… no. What do you mean?”
“Claire, darling, I’ve been friends with you for four years now. I know the passion that lurks underneath that cool exterior. You’ve dated in that time, but there’s never been anyone serious, has there? No-one’s managed to cut through that coolness to the passion below. And that’s because you’ll never forget the man that got away. And look at me, quoting Judy Garland songs at you! How cliché! So spill…”
Claire took a large swig of her wine. “Not really much to tell. We dated a bit several years ago, then he went off to America to work, so that was the end of it. I hadn’t thought about him in years, until it turns out he’s a friend of my neighbour, John a.k.a the hottie from downstairs. And that’s it.”
Joe looked closely at his friend, not believing that Claire was telling him the whole truth. “And is there not a spark ready to turn into an incandescent flame? Do your eyes meet across a crowded room?  Are you ready to jump his bones?”
“Really, Joe, that’s all there is. We’re acquaintances, that’s all. Nothing more.”
“Ok, Claire, if you say so. And, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going for a mingle.”
Claire stood and sipped her wine as Joe headed into the living room, warmly greeting everyone as he passed. Claire envied him his natural ease in social situations. Debating whether to go and find one of her hosts, she was all too conscious of Jamie, just on the edge of her vision. She watched as Anna walked past him, briefly stopping to chat to him. Her hand rested lightly on his upper arm, her face upturned to his. He smiled as she spoke.
“Excuse me, sorry, can I just reach across you for a glass, please?” Claire’s attention was drawn back to her immediate surroundings. She moved slightly to allow the man access to the wine glasses. He reached over for two glasses and moved away to the table before returning with both glasses filled.
Claire looked down at the glass she was holding, empty. The man smiled and passed her a full one.
“I know this sounds like some sort of chat up line, but … do I know you?”
Claire laughed. “You’re right, it does sound like that and no, I don’t think you do. Unless you’ve been at the hospital lately. I work there.”
“Never set foot inside there. Touch wood.” He looked around for something to touch before lightly tapping his head. “I’m Frank, by the way. So what do you do there, er... ?”
“Claire. I’m a cardiothoracic surgeon there. How about you?”
“Wow.” Frank looked genuinely impressed. “That must be incredible. Oh, well, I’m a doctor too, not dealing with the living though.”
“You’re a pathologist?”
“Historian. I’m working at the university. Came up from the University of York about four months ago now.”
“That may be where you’ve seen me… at the university, visiting my uncle. Lambert Beauchamp. Do you know him?”
“You’re his niece? I know Lamb… good man, sound research. That must be it. I knew I knew you. Never forget a face. So, Claire Beauchamp, how come you’re at this party?”
“I’m a neighbour. Live right across the landing. How about you?”
“I know John from his publishing company. I’ve been having some meetings there. They want me to write a book… or series… a crossover between academia and the great unwashed… considering different aspects of life… and death.” He nodded his head in acknowledgement to Claire. “So, you live across the way? Could we move over there, where it’s quieter, for a chat?”
Claire chose to ignore Frank’s last question. “Anna certainly seems to have invited everybody she knows and just as many she doesn’t.”
As she stood awkwardly next to Frank, a somewhat inebriated woman lurched towards the assortment of bottles and boxes on the table, jostling Claire in the process. With a slurred “oops”, the drunkard swiped a bottle of red and stumbled out of the kitchen.
Claire looked down at her shirt, now soaked in white wine. “Frank, please excuse me. I must go and change.”
He started to speak but she moved quickly away before he could ask to accompany her.
Jamie was standing alone at the top of the stairs, holding two glasses, not, she noticed, of tepid wine box wine but whisky... and probably a good single malt too, she guessed.
Nine years ago
“What do ye mean? Ye dinna like whisky? And ye, livin’ here in Scotland fer most of yer life.”
“Sorry, is that a deal breaker? Does that mean it’s the end for us?”
“Dinna joke about that, Sassenach. And dinna joke about the whisky. It’s a serious matter. I think what ye’re actually  sayin’ is that ye dinna like the whisky that ye’ve already tried. There’s a whole world of flavours with whisky. Can I teach ye?”
“Mmm… do that again… I like whisky when I taste it on your lips…”
“Weel, Sassenach, that’s a start.”
Claire hadn’t seen Jamie since meeting Murtagh and Jocasta and felt that she really wanted to tell Jamie how sorry she was about Brian’s heart attack. She’d met him several times and knew how close he and Jamie were. She assumed that hadn’t changed during the time apart.
She walked across to Jamie. He looked up, surprised at her approach, then smiled tightly.
“Jamie… I... ” she spoke hesitantly. “I met Murtagh and Jocasta.”
“Aye, ‘tis a coincidence… in yer house. I sometimes feel…” he stopped himself.
“I didn’t tell Murtagh I knew you, but he mentioned about your dad, having a heart attack. Just wanted to say how sorry I am and I hope he’s doing ok.”
Jamie gazed into his whisky, the exact colour of Claire’s eyes. His traitorous mind always noticed that.
“He’s doin’ grand now. Thank ye fer askin’.” The formal tone had crept back into his voice.
Claire stood awkwardly for a moment. “Well, someone soaked my shirt in wine. I’d better get it sorted. Bye.”
“Bye, Claire.” Already Jamie was looking over her shoulder, waiting for the owner of the second whisky.
Having changed her shirt, Claire checked her reflection in her hall mirror. Hearing the murmur of familiar voices, she paused, her hand on her front door knob. Peering through the spy hole, she could see John and Jamie, strangely distorted, standing close to her door, engrossed in a conversation.
The old adage says that eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves, but that didn’t prevent Claire from quietly opening the front door a crack and positioning an ear against the gap. Picking up mid-conversation, it quickly became apparent what, or who, they were talking about.
“I didn’t know that you knew each other.”
“Aye, well, that was a few years ago.”
“But the pair of you never said… never acknowledged each other. Like strangers.”
“Probably better that way. It wasna the best ending.” Jamie's voice sounded flat. “She… er… I moved tae America. She didna. If it hadna been fer ye being neighbours, I would never have even seen her again. Eight years is a long time, people change.”
“And in all that time you never wanted to get in touch with her, or wonder what she was doing?”
“No, never. Ye have tae move on.” Jamie responded quickly. “Anyways, come on, we're due a top up and I'll show ye where I've hidden the single malt.”
Claire sank down to the floor, her back against the door.
She began to reason with herself, trying to be logical about the situation. Eight years had passed, since all had been given up. She was just being absurd, letting her feelings and thoughts run wild. Eight years should really have given her enough time to banish all those emotions and for them not to re-emerge. So many life-changing or world-altering events can occur within eight years.
And yet, Claire realised, logic had nothing to do with it. To her emotions, eight years was as nothing. Time had passed, but her feelings still remained, even after all hope had gone. Note : The last 2 paragraphs are paraphrased/ adapted from Chapter 7 of ‘Persuasion’
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skyhighwritings · 5 years
Not Herself Today, Izzy?
Total Drama High School AU
Summery: After meeting Eva's Moms and Begging Noah to braid her hair, Izzy feels uncharacteristically gloomy with some new revelations she's made. 
Characters: Noah, Izzy. 
A/N The title is a Pun, but I’m paranoid it’s not clear.
         Noah and Izzy sat in the ladders room in unusual silence.
  They had gone to Eva’s earlier that day, where Izzy had met the brutes parents for the first time. The trio had worked on their group project**  before the two non residents were kicked out for “Not carrying their weight”, and being “Useless”, whatever that means.
   On their way back to their respective houses, the topic of hair styles had cropped up, prompting Noah to mention the fact that he braids his older sister, Stella’s, hair all the time. Which caught his companion’s attention, leading her to INSIST that Noah had  to braid Her hair, ASAP!!!! 
  And now, here they are, sitting in the red head’s room, abnormally quiet, on an unkempt bed. 
  Noah was carefully combing out the knots in his friends curly hair, when curiosity got the best of him. 
  “Alright, I’ll bite,” he began, “ what’s your deal?”
      Izzy jumped slightly from the sudden monotonous sound, before giving a half hearted laugh, “What? I don’t know what your talking about!”. She glanced back at him, Giving her best smile, which was nowhere near on par with her normal maniacal grin. 
  Noah waited for her to add something ‘Stupid and/or Unnecessary’, like “That is unless you’re talking cards! I’m crazy good at cards, like CRAZY” or “ Unless you know about that deal I made last week behind a Gas Station, haha, but yeah I’d have to totally kill you then... Haha yeah, you’d be so dead.”... But she didn’t say anything an Izzy normally would.
  “Izzy.” Noah finished his last few strokes with his brush, “I don’t care, but if something’s wrong you should talk about it.” 
  She continued her silence as Noah separated the strands of fibrous fire that spiraled from her skull. Noah sat debating whether or not he truly did care. He probably didn’t. Yeah, he didn’t…. No way, he doesn’t care about anything ever…. So what if she’s sad, and not her self, and clearly bothered, and one of his good friends who would definitely care if it were him, he doesn’t in the slightest...
  He sighed, as he begun criss-crossing the now un-tangled curls. He spoke with hopes of lightening the mood, “C’mon, E-scope. You can tell me what’s wrong. It’s not like I’ll ever expel the necessary energy to tell anyone.” 
  Izzy grinned softly at hearing her freshman nickname. She sighed, defeated “It’s just…. It’s stupid is all!”
  Noah stayed quiet, hoping she’ll continue on her own.
      “It’s just… Eva’s Parents Are So... Nice!?” She exclaimed, throwing her arms in front of her in confusion, “I mean, like, they came to check on her when she came home, and asked her how she was, and said hi to us, and offered us snacks, and, and,” The ginger searched frantically in her cluttered mind for what next to say, before settling on , “They… They really love her…”
  Noah had stopped braiding at some point, just holding the orange locks limply in his palms. He took in what she had said, and tried to find the words that a nice person would say in this situation. ‘What would Owen say?’ he thought, before going with, “Well, of course they Love her; they’re her parent’s.”  Satisfied with his response, he continued his work.
  “Ha, yeah obviously… That was silly to say, huh?” Izzy forced out another un-Izzy Laugh, causing Noah to once again end his braiding.
    “... Iz-” 
      She cut him off, speaking in a tone that seemed foreign coming from her, “It’s fine, Noah, really. Just finish up, ok?” 
  He didn’t make any moves to do so.
      Izzy sighed as she drew her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top, “I just… It’s only… I guess….” she stopped, ashamed of what she was going to say next, “I guess I’m Jealous…”
  Noah hummed to let her know he was still listening.
      “Like… My parents never do stuff like that…” She started, “I mean, Mom tries sometimes, but it’s so forced, like she’s only doin’ it ‘cause she knows she has too!”  She adjusted herself so now she was sitting criss-crossed, “But when Eva’s Moms do it, it’s so genuine! Like they’re not even trying, Ya know??”
      “But at least Mom Tries! My dad wants Nothing to do with me, and it’s not like he’s one of those dads that left, and isn’t around, so whatever, who cares, He Lives Here! And he doesn’t treat my brother that way! Just me!” Izzy spoke faster, her voice was a bitter mix of sadness and rage, “Like what did I do?? My Best?? Exist??? Like What’s His Damage???  What Did I-” She paused for the first time in this speech, her voice becoming soft, “... What did I do wrong?”
  Noah stared at the back of his normally bubbly friend’s head, pondering what he just heard, and what to do about it. 
  This time he said what Noah would say.
      He resumed his braiding, “Want me to kill him?”
   Izzy jerked in surprise, “What?”
      “Your dad. He sounds like he sucks, so if you need someone to Kill him-”
  Izzy laughed her first real laugh of the night, “Yeah, no, if anyone kills my dad it’s gonna be me. Yeah, Definitely me” she giggled, “Don’t get me wrong though, if I need help for some reason, you’re the first guy I’ll call,” she giggled again, “Yeah, totally, mhm”
  ‘There she is’ Noah smiled to himself, “I better be.” 
        He finished the last few twists, and tied the bottom of the hair, “Wallah,” He spoke in his normal monotone, “I’m Done” He said as he laid down on the bed.
  Izzy, now back to her old self, Leaped off the bed, grabbing her hair to transfer the braid to her shoulder for a good look, “Oh my Gosh, Thank You!”
  “It’ll be Twenty bucks.” 
      She ignored him as she twirled excitedly, “We have to check in the mirror, Like right NOW” 
  Noah glanced at her from where he reclined comfortably the bed, “I’m Busy.”
       And with that Izzy was carrying him off to the Bathroom mirror.
  Once there, Izzy beamed at her reflection, “AAAAAAAH, I’m So Pretty!!!!”
      Noah Leaned on the door frame crossing his arms, “You’re Welcome.”
  She looked over to him, “Oh right, yeah, the Braids nice, too.”
      Her hair stylist rolled his eyes. 
  The now happy teen grabbed her friend, before rushing through the hall, “C’mon, let’s go show my brother! Like we have too! He’ll be sooo Jealous, haha”.
  Noah tried to maintain his signature look of disinterest, but he couldn’t help but grin at his obnoxious friend returning to her normal self. 
**Eva worked on the group project.
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panda-noosh · 6 years
6 and klaus. i haven't seen the show yet but I've read enough about him to know what kinda guy he is (plus I know that you would literally kill a man for him so go ahead love do your thing)
6. “You make everyday worth living.”
    The Hargreeves had been busy.
    The news revealed all. You sat with your knees pulled up to your chest, a half-eaten carton of Chinese takeout placed on the table in front of you, and you watched the news.
     Their faces were everywhere, flashing upon the screen with tiny little snippets of video that showed them all running from an explosion - you would recognise them anywhere, because they certainly weren’t hard to miss. Diego in his stupid mask, Allison in her designer clothes, Luther and his massive arms, Number Five in his school uniform.
    And then there was Klaus.
    Sweet, innocent little Klaus who often had no idea just how strange he looked in comparison to the rest of the world. Klaus, who didn’t even care that he looked strange, because it was who he was, and if anybody was going to embrace that, it would be him.
    But he looked far from content on the screen now. He was running, Diego grabbing him by one arm as he hauled him away from the explosion that was trailing behind them. His eyeshadow was dripping down his face, his cropped top stained with blood and sweat and soot that looked so odd yet so familiar on his body.
    You were up and rushing towards the door before you could even get a glimpse of the next clip. Seeing Klaus had sparked something within you, and the sudden drive to get up and see him was the only thing keeping you from completely lashing out.
    You snatched your phone from the table just as it started to ring.
    You answered without glancing at the caller ID, panting even though you had barely moved. The panic was gripping at your chest, the need to see him coursing through you at a speed that was slowly ebbing your breath from your lungs and-
    “Y/N? Is this Y/N?”
   “Allison?” You were gobsmacked. Though you and Allison had been the best of friends at one point, she had moved on. The two of you had lost contact.
    She had just escaped from an explosion. She could hardly be in any fit state to start rekindling old friendships.
    “Oh, thank god you still have the same number,” she sighed. “Listen, it’s Klaus-”
   “I just saw the news coverage. Are you guys-”
    “We’re fine. All of us are fine except Klaus.”
    You froze, anxiety spiralling. “What happened to him?”
    “He got shot,” she replied simply. “He’s been asking for you ever since we managed to get him conscious again. We need - He needs to see you.”
    You bit down on your bottom lip. You and Klaus certainly had a complicated relationship. You loved him - you knew that, knew there was no point in denying it, but it didn’t make the arguments any easier. It didn’t make watching him destroy his life with drugs any easier.
    You swallowed down the memories of the two of you yelling at each other, forced yourself to focus. He needed you right now. For the time being, you could be there for him, you could help him, just like he had helped you so many times before.
   “I’m on my way,” you said, before hanging up and dashing out the door.
    “Since when did Y/N and Klaus get together?” 
    You ignored Five’s query, shoving past him and storming into the room that Allison had led you to. It was dark, curtains drawn and the large overhead light dimmed down so you could only see one side of Klaus’s face. He was awake, his eyes immediately clicking with yours when you rounded the corner and entered the room.
    They widened. Your own widened. You wanted to throw yourself at him, wanted to bury your head in his chest and sob over how much you had missed him.
    But of course, Klaus couldn’t last long in meaningful situations.
    “Oh good. I was beginning to think I’d got shot for nothing.”
    You closed your eyes and slumped against the door. “You are such an idiot, Klaus Hargreeves.”
    “So you never fail to tell me.”
    “How did you manage to get yourself shot up this time then?”
    Klaus straightened himself up beneath the covers, and for the first time in the many years you had known him, he asked his siblings to leave the room. You glanced at the crowd of Hargreeves, who all looked at each other in confusion before shuffling out of the room, Luther shutting the door behind him.
    It was just the two of you now. Klaus and you and his gunshot wound and the tension that came with the memory of past arguments, past debates.
     He sighed heavily. “I got sober.”
    You flicked your eyes towards him, heartbeat speeding up. “Well done. I’m proud of you. How long?”
     “Two days,” he replied, before grimacing. “Well, nearly two days. I’m taking it one day at a time.”
    “Two days is good. Better than you’ve done in the past.”
    He nodded slowly. It was one of them awkward nods, the one that made it so clear that he was only nodding so he wouldn’t have to elaborate on anything else. 
   “Was it - Was it so you could see Ben for a little longer?” you risked asking, knowing the topic of Ben Hargreeves was still bumpy ground to be walking on.
    Klaus shook his head. “It was so … It was so you would come back.” He winced even as he said it, even as those words sent your heart spiralling at a thousand miles per hour. Your head snapped up, body going rigid, and he avoided looking at you. He messed with his hands, the tattoos on his palms facing upwards towards the ceiling so you could clearly see the engravements. 
     “I mean, I hate sounding like Luther, but I had to,” he continued. “I had to, alright?”
    “Klaus, I never-”
   “It was hell,” he cut in, sounding more stern than ever. “The shaking and the sweating, the pain in every single one of my limbs - god, it was hell.” He looked up then, his round eyes meeting yours. “But you’re here now. It worked.”
    “Klaus.” You could barely get the words out. You hated watching him destroy himself through drug abuse, but you knew the reason behind it; it quietened the voices, made his life a little easier, got rid of the dead when he didn’t want to deal with them. Though you would never truly understand, never truly know how he felt when he was sober, you could understand why he did it.
     The fact that he had stopped, had put himself through hell just for you, made you choke up.
    Klaus smiled at your speechless form, slowly leaning forward until he was wincing, the pressure of his gunshot wound making his movements choppy and flinched. 
    “You make everyday worth living,” he said. “Whether I’m in pain or not.”
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rotten-games · 6 years
Do you think you can make a list of all the ROs and short, non-spoilery descriptions (physical and/or personality) of them for a reference?
Sure! I’ll be posting names, race, age, genders,sexual/romantic orientations and a general description of them. I have to notethat if this seems like a lot of ROs then that’s because this is a very longgame and not all characters are able to be pursued if you ally with certain factions (Some factions are actively violent towards one another.). Tomake up for this, I needed to add more love interests in early development.
Are you going to meet them before the first half of the game? Yes. So there will be time to form a rapport with them if you so choose.
Spotter: Human, 20, agender, pansexual. They are a very shortyoung person with a spark in their bright green eyes. With a latent, andstrong, ability in magic, they love to study and practice and don’t seem tohave the ability to give up. That being said, they become attached easily tothose who show them kindness, even if it only occurred one time. Their gingerhair is always shaggy, their ever-dirty clothing always shabby, and even then,that doesn’t seem to get them down. Some might call them naive. They’d probablybe right.
Severa: Half-elf, 27, female, bisexual, female preference.Severa is a short woman who mostly passes for human. She is dark-skinnedlittered with scars and has a strong harsh accent that only seems to make hermore intimidating. She scorns those who abuse their power, but knows a gooddeal when she gets it, and yet despite her hardened exterior and bawdy attitudeshe seems to hold a great rapport with soldiers of all kinds. She drinksregularly and without restraint and is always getting into scuffles.
Herron: Human, 25, male, bisexual. Herron is your reclusivedoctor who has an odd obsession with raising the dead. He is relatively averagein height for a human, perhaps a bit taller, but his gaunt and dead-lookingskin that might have previously been a vibrant sepia only makes him looksmaller than he actually is. For the most part, Herron is calm, collected, butviciously passionate, sometimes even going so far as to stay awake days at atime just to test a new theory or hypothesis. Above all, however, he is acaring individual who perhaps is a little grumpy sometimes but ultimately wantswhat is best for those he cares about.
Qora: Half-elf, 29, female, Demisexual, Homoromantic. Qora isstandoffish and suspicious, more at home in the forest with all the wildlifethan in a bustling city. She is relatively average for a half-elf, with bronzeskin and equally as bronze hair cut short into a messy mop. She has an eyepatchover the left side of her face and strong arms that have no problem punching orshooting a bow. Above all, she appears to favour her animal companion, whichboth serves as a second pair of eyes in a fight, and a lifelong friend.
Ardwen: High Elf, 58, male, pansexual. Ardwen is a poet bytrade, constantly plucking at his strings or singing a ditty about one of hismany exploits. A flirtatious man by nature, he seems to think that a prettyface is a good substitute for any kind of personality. Regardless, he seems tohave a prejudice against nobles and human clergymen, which he refuses toexplain. He is tall and wiry with overlong ears and a gap in his front teeththat he never quite grew into. Neither of these supposed blemishes seem to stophim from gaining partners of all races.
Keller: Human, 31, female, asexual, panromantic. Hailing fromthe nomadic Atmari people residing deep in the dragon-infested Waylands, Kellergrew up into a vastly different culture than the ones most are accustomed to.She is strong and proud, but ultimately caring for her people and only wantswhat she perceives to be best for them. She has ebony skin and even darkerhair, with unnaturally green eyes that stand out even in the dark. She is devoutlyreligious, but prefers to worship alone, as it has always been her people’s wayto worship in the dead of night with no one around.
Arke: Human, 23, male, homosexual. Arke was a farmer’s sonbefore he was anything else, cultivating a strong body and simple mind. Thatis, before an event that forced him to migrate. His skin is tanned, almostbronze from years in the sun and he has a burn scar running from his neck andover the left side of his chest and arm. Probably his most extraordinaryfeatures are his golden eyes, which is unnatural at the best of times. A heroand good man at heart, Arke is kind and courteous, but is known to have boutsof anger or severe melancholy that sometimes last for days or weeks at a time.
Ettia: Elf, unknown, transgender female, demisexual,panromantic. Ettia is a quiet young priestess who prefers to let her actionsspeak louder than words. Seemingly in constant meditation, she has a veryspiritual connection to the gods that doesn’t seem entirely one-sided. Reallythough, she must be talking to herself. Perhaps a little bit intense, she isconstantly playing with her kinked silver-blond hair and attempting to tease itup into styles that never seem to fit right.
Gwyn: Elf, unknown, male, bisexual. Gwyn is the twin brotherof Ettia, with the same silver-blond hair cut short against his head and ashenskin that makes him look dead. He is, perhaps, a bit more adventurous than hissister, constantly going off for weeks and months at a time and coming backwith tales of beast slaying and lurid affairs. Despite this, he is also ratherinnocent, not thinking about the consequences of his actions or the largerscheme of things. While not an overt hatred towards the gods, Gwyn thinks talkof the gods is boring and old news, preferring instead to talk of worldlyevents or ancient mortal figures, which he finds hilarious.
Lokeira: Infernal, 20?, transgender male, pansexual. Lokei isan awkward young man more accustomed to stalking the shadows than beingnoticed. He can be standoffish and rather blunt, never mincing words thoughwhether that is purposeful or not is up for debate. He doesn’t understand themeaning of ‘stand still’ and can always be found stretching in odd places andsitting in weird positions that he claims are comfortable. He has troublemoving after extended amounts of exercise but he hates being seen to by doctorsor healers and so, for the most part, he tends to himself. He is rather shortwith long black hair, like all Infernals his ears are long and emotional, hiseyes nothing but small slits of purple. Curled horns sit atop his head,graduating into his deep indigo skin tone littered with scales and scars.
Korrin: half-elf, 31, gender-fluid, pansexual. Quite famousfor their accurate future telling, they are aptly named ‘The Oracle’ by theirfollowers and blasphemous by their enemies. They are tall and spindly, withbags under their unseeing eyes hidden by long brown hair that falls over theirshoulders in ratty tendrils. They can be equal parts terse and kind butultimately, they are understanding and patient. Surprisingly learned in manycrafts, Korrin is not someone who has let their blindness defeat them and isscathing of anyone who would intimate otherwise.
Emil: Human, 20, male, bisexual. Emil is average of heightand pretty much everything else. He has a heavy smattering of freckles all overhis body and dull red hair cut short into a style that tries its best to befashionable. He has an odd obsession with jewels and other such adornments, butrarely wears them himself. Like a dragon, he seems to hoard and covet anythingshiny that isn’t nailed down He has a scar running from his chin to the cornerof his eye, creating a cleft on his top lip that never quite healed properly.Despite his love of items of worth, he isn’t very wealthy and keeps a modesttent with him as he travels. His greatest want in life is to see the world.
Calyssa: Human, 30, female, bisexual. Calyssa is a strongwarrior who is skilled with the lance and a great shot with the bow. Especiallywhen riding on her pegasus. Being naturally antagonistic towards authority,Calyssa can come across as violent and brash, but at the same time sympatheticto those she deems deserving of it. She dislikes nobles for their disrespect ofthe working man, and is naturally untrusting of those dressed finer than asoldier. Aside from that, however, she is companionable to her brethren andsupportive in combat. She is very tall and muscular, with cropped curly brownhair that is a perpetual mess.
Necrolym: Human, 27, male, bisexual, female preference. Necrolymis a cocky young man who comes across as irritable and overly prideful. Likeall young men, he once suffered from thinking he was the god’s gift to all, butseems to have since abandoned such thought. That, and he no longer believes thegods exist at all. His is a muscled man just under the height of average, withshaggy blond hair and tawny skin littered with blemishes and small scars thatare otherwise unnoticeable. He can be quite distant when sober, but get himdrunk and Necrolym is quite the life of the party.
Noxus: Dwarf, 35, female, pansexual. Noxus or Nox is a dwarfwoman with a violent and sadistic nature. She has no qualms killing and can beunpredictable at the best of times, having quite the reputation for being ‘Adeliah’sright hand.’ She can be manipulative and charming in equal measure, but bothseem to be a front for her more vicious tendencies. Like all dwarves, Nox is shortwith wild ashen hair and a thin layer of stubble that she can never be botheredto shave if at all she wants to.
Bexen: half-orc, 37, male, bisexual. Bexen or Bex is a verytall half-orc man who seems to have a look of perpetual disinterest. Nox is hisadopted sister and the two, oddly enough, get along well. For the most part hehas zero impulse control, his curiosity often getting the best of him insituations where it would be unwise to do something brash. That being said, hecan sometimes come across as shy or otherwise timid. As all half-orcs, Bex isgreen-skinned with long teeth jutting up from his bottom row of teeth. He haslong dreadlocks tied up into a tail down his back and a nick on his righteyebrow.
Druvel: infernal, 349, male, pansexual, demiromantic. Druvelis young for Infernal standards, at least, that’s what he’d tell you. He can beflirtatious but sadistic, or otherwise just mean, revelling in watching otherssquirm for his enjoyment and keeping them at arms-length. He has no qualms aboutwhat is ‘proper,’ generally saying whatever comes to mind and teasing thosethat get flustered easily. As an Infernal, Druvel has a long prehensile tailand sharp claws on his hands. His eyes are slitted and a bright yellow, hisskin a dark pink with scales down his back. His hair is black and put in aloose braid, easily wrapped around his shoulders.
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rkmeiqi-archived · 5 years
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⭐️ —  sn project: month two, week one  — ⭐️ now playing: dreams come true by s.e.s (1998)           line distribution || dance || outfit || hair         ╰ ft. @rkkaeun & @rkyngsun
meiqi doesn't get how someone from the mgas could be paired in a group that is on the verge of elimination. yongsun had finished within the top ten; out of hundreds of auditions, they weeded out those who didn't belong, retained the absolute cream of the crop—and that's what yongsun was. one of the best.
so why was she sitting in this triangle with meiqi and kaeun, debating on which 90s song to perform for this week?
she can't help but think that, if someone like yongsun was in the danger zone, then meiqi doesn't even belong in the actual project itself. at this point, she's just an embarrassment not only to herself but to nova as well.
meiqi stays quiet for a lot of the first day after receiving the red vest. she’s hesitant to speak in the dorms, and even more so in her newly formed group. her ideas are probably stupid and they'll probably get all three of them eliminated, so for the most part, she silently nods along or shakes her head. ultimately, though, they settle on a song—her song, her one recommendation that she had felt obligated to proffer—that ignites a fire in her stomach. whether it's from worry if it won’t be good enough and their eliminations will be because of meiqi, or a proud feeling of her recommendation being chosen. she doesn't know.
she offers her help with line distribution, in hopes of being able to pick the parts that best suit her instead of having someone else assign them. meiqi also wants to control how many lines she gets. last time, she had been greedy when asking for more. she should have taken the few lines she got instead of overestimating her abilities. she’s so stupid.
meiqi also spends some time helping kaeun’s english pronunciation for her rap part. she kind of wishes she could have gotten this stanza instead, because of its simplicity and her proficiency in the english language. but then, she remembers hyun bin scolding her for her poor rapping skills, and quickly pushes the thought (all thoughts, actually) away.
* * *
it’s  been a while since she’s sat down in front of the camera, so one day, when everyone’s busy with their own things, she goes to her shared room and occupies the spot in front of the free recorder.
she’s still kind of embarrassed. they don’t have access to the internet, so none of the nova trainees can’t see what people are saying about them online. meiqi doesn’t know if the first episode has even aired yet, whether she’s being mocked or praised for her attempts. all of this uncertainty becomes evident in the way she constantly runs her hand through her hair, pushing it back even when it’s not falling into her face.
“you know that saying? ‘new year, new me,’” meiqi switches to english for the common phrase, and then goes back to korean. “i want to change it to ‘new month, new me’ because that’s how i feel right now.” she giggles, tosses her hair over her shoulder, and continues. “cam, do i look good in red? i think it’s my best colour. but after last week, i don’t think i ever want to wear it again. i’m going to do my best to look good in another colour. make sure to cheer me on, okay?”
her pout appears to be cute, yet what she feels is anything but. “to everyone who believed in me, i’m sorry for disappointing you. i’ll work hard so that i can be a meng meiqi that you can proudly say you are a fan of.”
* * *
hyun bin's words ring loudly in her head as the three of them take the stage. "a worse singer, an even worse rapper" than sunmi. what's the point of having meiqi debut if there's someone who can do better than her in each and every aspect of a performance? even if hyun bin hadn't said those words exactly, meiqi understands the implications very clearly. she clearly does not have the basics of being idol material down.
her earlier pleads for yongsun to take some of her lines had proved to be futile. meiqi didn't want to sing any more than she would have to, hoping that she could simply sing a few lines and then put her all into dancing. she should play to her strengths, shouldn't she? rather than be in the spotlight for something bad... she doesn’t want to humiliate herself anymore.
but yongsun begged to differ, and now meiqi is taking her place in front of the coaches. admittedly, she isn't as nervous right now because it's just yonghwa, hyemi, and minsoo. hyun bin is nowhere to be found, and meiqi visibly exhales in relief.
starting off the song, meiqi is grateful that she doesn't mess it up. in fact, meiqi thinks her voice is exceptionally stable, pleasant to listen to even, courtesy of excessive practicing and coaching from both yongsun and yonghwa. the song itself, too, is not too vocally challenging, at least in the parts that meiqi has.
                                                              i just want to                                                                       figure myself out
she really immerses herself in the song. her lines are vague yet specific enough to apply to the current situation. meiqi’s been in a sort of haze since the evaluation, not knowing her purpose and constantly questioning her abilities. yongsun told her that she needs to move on instead of dwelling on it, but the personal, almost nostalgic emotions that are given off in her voice work for the fairy-like concept.
                                                               my future is like a dream
slowly, her nerves slip away. a lot of the weight that was pressing down on her since hyun bin's comments had lifted off her shoulders when meiqi took off that awful red vest and replaced it with the pure white dress. with every note that she hits correctly, more and more of the leftover stress is shrugged off.
                                                                    gotta protect myself
surprisingly, meiqi finds herself smiling to her self once they've struck their ending pose and the music cuts off. the elegant concept has never been one that meiqi particularly enjoys, but this stage... it’s changing her mind, that’s for sure. in more ways than one.
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Bbterra (duh! XD)
>u>!!!!! mmmm
send a ship & I will answer….
bbterra || gar/tara (gatara? lmao)
who is a night owl.
i think i can actually give a solid answer with this ship, with the answer being: gar–even though it can still be sorta situational with him. 
i can see tara’s mental/biological clock (???) kind of being in tune with the rise and set of the sun due to her being constantly on the move throughout a good chunk of her life–including living in like? caves and stuff?? if i remember correctly???–so she’s used to rising with the sun and going to bed with it as well since traveling in the wilderness after dark, especially during a new moon, can be challenging. it’s just kind of a habit that she’s never actively tried to break. she might try to stay up with him while he’s playing a game or watching a movie but passes out not too long into it and gar just kinda lets her drool on his shoulder. 
who is a morning person.
following my thoughts above, tara’s most likely the morning person out of the two. groggy some days, fully awake other days. gar tends to be in a “sleep hangover” regardless of how much sleep he got or the events of the previous day, and the only times he can count as an early riser or morning person are on mornings where he went to bed feeling unsafe. 
are they cuddlers.
oh my god yes and it’s disgusting. not literally but like. these two dweebs. i imagine in a lot of ways they’re both kind of touch-starved (i know gar is) so whenever they’re sitting around with each other, they’re touching in SOME WAY. whether it’s sitting side by side, just close enough so their arms are touching, or holding hands while sitting together/walking somewhere, maybe chilling on the couch and tara’s leaning back with just her calves draped over gar’s lap while they’re playing a game, the list goes on. they are cuddlers. literally no doubt.
who is the big spoon.
i think it alternates, kind of depending on the night, the events of the day and if someone is acting as the “comfort” to the other’s “hurt”, if that makes sense. 
i dunno what your future headcanons are for tara’s height (so ignore this if i’m way off) but i can’t see gar ever outgrowing her. she’s a few inches taller than him by the time they both stop growing. this has no effect on the spooning but whatever. 
but yeah, i think it alternates and might even change as the night rolls on and their sleeping positions shift and stuff. no definite answer, here.
who is the little spoon.
see above!
what is their favourite sleeping position.
i don’t think they have a favorite sleeping position, per say, but i think the one they usually fall into or wind up in (subconsciously or otherwise) would be with gar hugging tara from behind with his head/face resting in either the curve of her neck or just between her shoulder blades. usually the latter, though, because he can hear her heartbeat and finds that soothing. there’s also a 95% chance he’s holding one of tara’s hands, too. 
who steals all the blankets.
… i dunno. i’m going to say tara, though. 
they’re both people who are used to sleeping without blankets due to their pasts and experiences, but i see tara as more on the opportunist side and if gar doesn’t make a move to nab the blankets and she wants them, she will. gar will let her burrito herself and just grow some fur or turn into something with a thick coat or lots of blubber. 
what they wear to bed.
as mentioned, gar always wears a minimum of a t-shirt and boxers to bed. sometimes a hoodie when it’s cold. never socks. 
i can see tara wearing something similar, though sometimes it’s one of gar’s t-shirts, and she also enjoys wearing socks. especially long ones or really thick ones. she’s tried convincing gar to start wearing socks by means of getting a running start down a long corridor, sliding and SLAMMING INTO HIM LIKE A BOWLING BALL TO PINS but it hasn’t worked yet. although she might be wearing him down. >->
also, y’all might want to move this to another floor because raven’s getting tired of hearing gar suddenly shriek at the top of his lungs closely followed by a crash and then noxious laughter. 
who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt.
gar gets stupid flustered and bashful whenever tara casually puts on one of his t-shirts and sometimes he’ll wear one of tara’s older/more beat up t-shirts if he’s about to do an activity that makes a mess (painting, gardening, working with an animal, etc) and she’s told him she doesn’t mind him making it dirtier. 
and if you think gar’s never shamelessly worn one of her crop-tops while they were out on the city or at the beach, you’re mistaken, my friend.
who falls asleep mid-conversation.
tara. as mentioned, gar more or less has to actively make the decision to fall asleep (unless he’s literally about to collapse from extreme exhaustion), so it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever pass out mid-conversation. 
they’re probably lying around talking about random stuff, jumping from subject to subject like a spider on a web and suddenly she just stops responding and he turns his head to see she’s snoring. 
who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares.
i imagine they both do. i don’t know to what extent tara’s past horrors go into (i know her country gave her and her brother their powers but idk how… traumatic that process would have been) but based off how she behaves prior to learning to control them, i can guess she’s been the cause of some crap. and gar’s been through… *rolls out 84 mile long list* … a lot… so. 
yeah. these two. nightmares aren’t scarce. and i think they’re both hypocrites because they’d both want to help the other process them but, when it comes to their own demons, refuse to talk about it. 
who accidentally punched the other in their sleep.
i know i’ve said this with each of these but, like, it’s a legit issue, specifically due to his time “in the custody” of eddie and bates. they’d grab him out of his sleep on nights they were drunk or just generally pissed off, so it’s basically burned into his brain that if he’s suddenly grabbed while sleeping to punch, kick or scratch the hand/arm that’s got him. he doesn’t really think enough to check who it is who’s making contact with him. 
so, i’m sure he’s punched, kicked or scratched her at least once. then proceeded to spend the rest of the night sleeping on the floor or on the couch regardless of her assurances and stuff. he feels like utter trash, apologizes profusely while helping her doctor it up and is antsy about falling asleep around her for a short time. 
who can’t keep their hands to themselves.
again, i don’t think either of them fall into this in it’s most extreme/literal sense. moreso see my answer to “are they cuddlers?” and that should sum it up just fine. 
who said “I love you” first.
i think this is situational. though, most likely, would probably be gar, as he might blurt it out during a moment of complete joy and bliss and then fall into a panic when he realizes he did it randomly and it was awkward and unplanned and oh god oh no what will she think of me–i’m such aN IDIOT SHE DESERVES TO HEAR IT IN A MORE ROMANTIC SETTING WHY AM   I  L I K E THIS 
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background.
tbh i can totally see them being those FREAKING DORKS who have the same or matching phone backgrounds?? like, either they both have the same picture of them at the beach/park as their phone backgrounds OR they have a picture of each other doing the same activity. 
like, tara’s phone background is a picture of gar posing next to a ditto they found on Pokemon Go and gar’s phone background is a picture of tara posing next to an onix. 
someone please stop them.
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror.
there is literally a trail of sticky notes all over this freaking mirror with a full-fledged adventure of an ongoing conversation that momentarily turned into a pokemon battle that turned into a debate about who would win in a fight (dwayne the rock johnson or godzilla) that turned into tons of positive quotes and phrases that turned into a conversation about what would happen if it was safe to consume lava lamp goo and you discovered you could glow in the dark and, my god, this mirror is a mess. it’s pointless, now, aside from being used as a sticky note surface. there is no mirror, here, only multi-colored chaos. 
who buys the other cheesy gifts.
i know i keep saying this but gar would 100% buy tara random gifts because they made him think of her and he just couldn’t resist the idea of making her smile, so there you go. as usual, they’re spread out so she doesn’t worry about him dumping money all over her but… he can’t be stopped, you guys, he wants to give his loved ones ALL THE NICE THINGS….
who initiated the first kiss.
*takes a long, hard stare at Betrayal as i feel my soul leave my body* 
… i’m going to say tara because we can’t see gar’s face (even though he’s leaning in) and her eyes are closed, AND also because gar is kind of hesitant about being the instigator in these situations most of the time. … though the first official kiss may have been more of a nervous peck on the lips than a legit kiss, then there’s the awkward “omg you kissed me” couple of seconds where they both kind of panic about it but then after they calm down and realize it’s okay and that the feeling is mutual and they both want it, the second ‘first kiss’ is equally mutual and clumsy and awkward but WHO CARES TBH. 
who kisses the other awake in the morning.
again, i think it’s less kissing the other awake and more giving each other a gentle kiss on the forehead or cheek or temple regardless of if the gesture rouses the other. they both do this, but it’s more often tara since gar’s the one who sleeps in regularly. 
who starts tickle fights.
… i don’t know WHY but i’ve always headcanoned that tara isn’t ticklish at all–whereas gar IS–so when she tries to start a tickle fight and he attempts to retaliate there’s like this awkward couple of seconds where GAR USED TICKLE RIBS… … … IT’S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE and they’re both kind of like
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower.
tara most likely is the one to ask first, though it’s… very hesitant and awkward due to her having trouble asking if she can join him without DIRECTLY asking, if that makes any sense. and then he gets flustered and she gets flustered and everything’s awkward until they both just blurt “OKAY!!” at the same time and, GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS NOW.
on that note there’s, like… nothing sexual about their showers basically ever.
shared showers are spent singing bad pop-songs into their shampoo bottles, washing each other’s hair, washing each other’s injuries if needed, arguing/debating theories on whatever TV show they’re currently watching or game they’re playing, ooooor with tara pretending to be the lady from the grudge and deathrattling as her hair consumes gar while he re-inacts basically every scream in an old black and white horror movie. 
… christ, you’re both losers. 
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch.
they both would!!!! it alternates on availability and stuff, but they both would absolutely do this and surprise each other with their favorite lunches. 
who was nervous and shy on the first date.
i think they BOTH were, but i’d place money that gar is actively displaying his nerves/shyness while tara’s at least somewhat better at keeping her cool/keeping her nerves mostly contained, although there are glimpses of her bashful side when gar does or says something endearing or sincere. 
who kills/takes out the spiders.
the first time this happens, tara is legit about to just CRUSH it with the nearest blunt object but gar literally throws himself into the line of fire and ends up getting smacked over the head with a dictionary all in the name of saving a tiny wolf spider. 
after that, he starts teaching/helping tara learn how to carefully catch them in some tuba-wear and where to best release them outdoors. she hasn’t killed a spider since. 
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk.
as previously mentioned, gar refuses to drink alcohol. so, IF you think tara is one who would drink to the point of getting tipsy or drunk, it’d most likely be her. 
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saltysaniwa · 7 years
Dragon Quest IX AU- Chapter 2: Earthquake
Okay, this is the second chapter of this AU posted here on tumblr as well. (If you like reading on AO3 check me out at LittleMissPandaHat there.) 
Okay, so some more information if you never played the game. This story only loosely follows the main plot of the Dragon Quest IX storyline, but the first part follows true to the canon for the most part. The Celestrians, guardians of earth, are angels that defend humans to earn their prayers.
Every time they pray it produces what is known as "benevolessence," which they offer up to a giant tree in their home known as the observatory which is in the sky. They believe when they offer enough of it to the tree, Yggdrasil, it will bear fruit and bring them to the side of the "Almighty" which is one of the main deities of the game. However instead of being brought to his side something else happens...
In addition, there are statues in each village and city of the Guardians who protect it. It's canon that they do not look anything like the Celestrians, but their names are carved into it. When the guardian of it changes (which is rare), the name magically changes and some people recognize that the name changed and some people believe that was the name the whole time.
In this AU Nagasone was Yasusada's former master and he took over guarding the village in place of Nagasone.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this-
There was talk of ascension and finally being at the Almighty’s side and the beautiful tree Yggdrasil bearing fruit and then...
Thunder, crashing down and attacking the observatory, the sacred home of the celestrians. The storm clouds grew to monstrous sizes and the observatory shook from its home in the sky. Noble and faithful celestrains were thrown down to the land of the protectorate and he looks over, horrified to see one of his companions with their blue eyes widening in fear as he too is thrown down to the earth.
That’s when Yasusada screamed, louder than everyone already was and tried to reach out to the other. “Horikawa! No!” was the last thing he remembers saying before he too had lost the grip he had on the collapsing arches of the observatory. His wings not strong enough to fight against the wind that blew against him as he, with many others, fell from the grace of their celestial home.
He can’t remember how long he had been falling, or even where he was going to land. This seemed like it was the end for him, for the guardians of the earth, and for the time he spent doting and fawning over Kiyomitsu.
Would he be able to live happily if Yasusada wasn’t there to keep honey in his cupboard or to make sure he wasn’t late for work? What if he was attacked by monsters and he wasn’t there? Not just him, but the rest of the village... who would keep them safe?
His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed that suddenly, the wings that were once slaves to the current of the wind were now slowly disappearing and that the feathers were now leaving a trail of his descent. Also to his horror he realized he was falling much faster now, a waterfall coming into clear view as he fell through the clouds and then-
The day so far was slow for Kiyomitsu but that was no different than usual. He was busy watering the crops, and ran out of water before he could finish. That's what he gets for waking up so late, he can’t help but think. He usually is up earlier and able to grab extra before his work begins.
Though something strange seemed to be happening, outside of him being late for work. Everyone was woken in the middle of the night to the earth shaking violently. It lasted a few moments and then stopped. The tremors were strong enough to shake the village’s homes but thankfully no one was hurt.
It had to be the guardians doing no doubt, keeping them safe like always.
However this morning things seemed to be so different. The usual warm and comforting presence that surrounded the village seemed to vanish with the earthquake. In addition, more monsters have begun to appear closer and closer to the village. Thankfully nothing truly terrible, but their presence alone has everyone on edge.
There aren’t any guards or soldiers who get sent the village’s way by any major cities nearby, so if the situation worsens, they’ll be at the mercy of the monsters. ‘But the guardian would never let that happen.’ the red eyed man thought as he lugged his buckets along to collect water. It was truly lucky that the village’s main source of water came from the waterfall at the center of it, making it super convenient for him instead of wandering out beyond the gates into monster territory.
Heaving out a sigh, he bent down to begin collecting the water from the pond provided by said waterfall. Just as he entered the bucket into the water, suddenly he hit the top of something. “Odd... there’s no rocks this close to the surf-” he began muttering to himself until he saw a mass of black hair and white cloth pooling at the surface of the water.
He screamed, alerting what few people where nearby this early in the morning, and jumped back and away from the water. Apparently, whatever was in the water didn’t take too kindly to being hit with a bucket or his screaming.
It groaned and one pale hand lifted from the water, weakly grabbing the ground in front of it and slowly dragged itself out of the water. Kiyomitsu and the other few villagers watched this happen in terror, wondering what kind of monster had made its way into their village as they were frozen in fear.
Luckily for all of them involved the waterlogged creature was in fact no creature at all, but a dazed, blue eyed, and deathly pale looking man who pulled himself out of the water. As the initial shock wore off and realization settled in, Kiyomitsu got back up and ran to the sickly figure that was now coughing out water onto the ground.
Gently grabbing the man’s shoulders Kiyomitsu helped him sit up on the ground. “Hey, are you okay? What were you doing in there?” he asked, despite not knowing whether or not he was being listened to. The man, whose face was now visible through the frame of his drenched and thick black hair, stared at him dazedly only muttering something incomprehensible before he leaned forward and collapsed into his arms.
“H-Hey! Are you okay? Wake up!”        
It was three days now since Kiyomitsu found that stranger who was unconscious in the middle of the waterfall. Said person was now laying in an extra cot he set out for him, still unconscious but breathing better than before. After he had collapsed, Kiyomitsu had to run with the possibly already dying man in tow back to his home and ran to the farmer for help.
Though he wasn’t sure why he thought he’d be much help- the farmer was an odd but practical man who was really only good at farming and fighting. Upon bringing the news to him about the stranger, he followed Kiyomitsu back to his home.
“What do you want me to do about him? I don’t know a thing about healing!” the man all but shouted upon seeing the condition of the person who was dying in Kiyomitsu’s bed. “I don’t know Doudanuki! Didn’t you mention when you were a soldier you saved a comrade from drowning in a battle or something?” he shouted back, just as panicked as the other.
“I said dying not drowning, those are two different things!”
“It’s the same difference, just do something! I don’t know what to do!”
The farmer, Doudanuki, grabbed the man from the bed and hoisted him from his abdomen and squeezing the weak body between his own body and arms.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Kiyomitsu yelled, staring in shock at how roughly that person was being treated. “You said to do something! Maybe there’s still water in him and he can’t breathe right?” he said continuing the motion of squeezing the life out of the man he was holding.
Before he could protest, the stranger coughed out more water, momentarily gaining the consciousness he lost. “It worked?!” Doudanuki said, more surprised he didn’t kill someone. He set him back down on the bed, letting him catch his breath. “Is he okay?” Kiyomitsu asked as he approached the stranger, who was still recovering. “I dunno, he looks like he’s coming to. Hey you! Are you alive?” he shouted.
“Not so loud! He doesn’t look too good.” and Kiyomitsu was right. The man looked around dazed, eyes wandering over to Kiyomitsu. “... you...see me?” he was barely able to croak out. “D’ya think he’s gone crazy or something? Of course we can! You’re not a ghost!” Doudanuki continued, just as loud as before.
“Jeez, can you learn to quiet down? No wonder the horses are always freaking out!” Kiyomitsu hissed at the farmer before turning back to the person in his bed. “Are you okay? What’s your name?” he said, much more gently.
“Yasu... sada...” he barely managed to say before he once again passed out.
“What did he say his name was?”
And that’s all that really happened between “Yasusada’s” arrival and now, Kiyomitsu thinks as he stares at him from his place on his own bed. Of course he and Doudanuki weren’t fools. They both knew that name to be one of the names that was debated as being the village guardian’s true name. There was a huge debate when he was child, not long after his parents died about the true name of the guardian.
Apparently for almost more than a hundred years the Guardian’s name was “Nagasone” but then the engraving of the name on the statue of the guardian turned into “Yasusada.” The village elders have long since debated that Nagasone was the true name but everyone other than themselves went along with the name they saw on the statue.
And now some stranger with the name of the guardian is still knocked out and sleeping in his own home? Could there really be a connection between this stranger and the village’s guardian? It was too weird to consider. An earthquake and not even the next day and this man appears before everyone with that name?
Could the celestrains have been shaken out of the heavens during the earthquake? What does that mean if they did?
Staring out at the setting sun from his window, he sighs. It was getting late, and he was getting hungry. He could mull over his thoughts while he was eating something nice and warm. Though taking one last glance at his unexpected house guest before descending the stairs, he did have to admit that something about him was just too familiar to really understand.
It would only be a few hours later that Yasusada finally wakes up, having fallen in and out of states of wakefulness and slumber and having his body crushed momentarily. He stares at the ceiling of a room he knows he shouldn’t be as familiar with as he is. Jumping up, he remembers suddenly- the Observatory...
He has to get back, right away. Maybe he can get back there and then send out a search party for Horikawa and whoever else is still missing. Throwing the covers off his body he realizes something is wrong when he no longer feels the weight of his wings at his back, and instead feels the coolness of the wooden floor again his feet.
Panicking, he reaches his hands to his back, looking, feeling and hoping for any sign of his wings. Alas, there was nothing there but two sore spots where is wings once were, and he couldn’t help but let out a scream as he fell to his knees, staring blankly at the ground.
But he’d forgotten the other occupant of the home, running from his place downstairs upon hearing Yasusada’s distressed cry. “Is everything okay?” Kiyomitsu asked, as he burst into the room only to see the other on the floor looking at nothing.
Yasusada glanced up at the man in the doorway, breath caught in his throat. “Are you okay?” he asked once again, approaching Yasusada and he almost felt like he couldn’t move. Was this actually happening right now? Could Yasusada actually be seen, by a mortal? Not just any mortal though, but the one he spent years doting and fawning over?
He didn’t know how to feel... this must truly mean he’s no longer a Celestrian, or at least, he no longer has his powers. He’s not sure which it is... Which is terrifying to think about. How will he get back home? Could he ever go back? That’s where he’s supposed to be and who he’s supposed to be but now he’s down here...
But he’s down here with Kiyomitsu. The one he thought he’d never get the chance to talk to, let alone meet in person or even be seen by. The one who he still couldn’t decide whether or not he was possibly (in love/infatuated/obsessed) with, though he was getting a pretty good idea of what it could be when Kiyomitsu came closer, hand gently at his back as he knelt by him- trying to figure out if he was okay. His face wasn’t exactly close to Yasusada’s but it was enough to make him flush with embarrassment.
“You... you see me...” he mutters, more or less to himself. “Yeah, and you can see me. It’s kind of how eyes work.” Kiyomitsu responds, a little taken aback by that statement. He was certain that before he only said it because this person was waterlogged and dying but now he seems lucid and aware. “Did you hit your head or something?” he says with a bit of a nervous laugh, nervous because if he really did hit his head then he’d need to find help again and he wasn’t going to deal with Doudanuki a second time.
“No- I just... I think I’m tired...” Yasusada responds not sure what to say, but too giddy about having an actual conversation with Kiyomitsu despite everything else. “Pfft, tired? You slept three whole days away! You should be full of energy right about now.” the red eyed male says with laughter, much more relaxed in knowing that Yasusada was more or less fine.
“So... Mr. Stranger. I’m Kiyomitsu, resident of this village and (mostly) diligent farmhand. And you are?” He says as he stands and offers a hand to Yasusada, finally ready to get some answers to a few questions he had in the back of his mind. Maybe now that he was completely awake, maybe his name would be different...
Yasusada stares at the hand in front of him and hesitates for a moment, cursing at himself in his mind and swearing that he’ll punish himself for indulging in Kiyomitsu’s presence as he takes the hand. Standing now at eye level with the other, he responds. “It’s nice to meet you Kiyomitsu, I’m Yasusada.” he says timidly. Unsure if even giving out his name was safe enough to do.
Without missing a beat, Kiyomitsu continues normally. “Oh, just like the Guardian then, right?” he says, trying not to let his suspicion show. However Yasusada knew what this must have seemed like to someone who doesn’t know the truth... “O-Oh is that the case? I come from somewhere very far away and it’s a common name there! What a coincidence that is then...” he stumbles out, cursing at himself for being a terrible liar.
Kiyomitsu stares at him very intensely a touch too long, trying to decide what he thinks about this guy and his story. Obviously he’s hiding something, but he seems relatively harmless for now. “Well then Yasusada, if you really are tired you’re welcome to go back to sleep for now or if your hungry you can have whatever’s left of the stew I made downstairs. I’m going to go to sleep for now and we can talk more tomorrow.” he says eventually as he makes his own way over to his bed.
Before Yasusada can say or do anything further, his stomach announces loudly that it demands food and he shyly excuses himself downstairs. By the time he finishes his own food, Kiyomitsu is upstairs, sound asleep. Yasusada sighs upon seeing the window that was once again carelessly left open, and the candle that was way too close to a very dry cloth.
No matter what was happening now, he was still a Celestrian and guardian to this village. Closing the window and clearing out all flammable items from the candle’s area, he looks out at the village. There were several more homes here that still needed someone to watch over them and despite the need for rest this human body seemed to demand constantly, he would be damned if he didn’t do his job and well.
With that thought in mind, he quietly wanders out of Kiyomitsu’s house into the cool night.
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letholojimin · 7 years
Insecure (MYG)
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“hello can i request a yoongi smut (or fluff if ya don’t do smut) where his gf is super busty (like E cup) and she’s super insecure so she always wears baggy clothes and one day it’s super hot outside and she goes in a tank and feels uncomfortable with people staring and yoongi gets jealous n they fuck for the first time so it’s all like praising”
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Requested: Yes
Themes: couple au, first time
Genre: Smut, Fluff, a little Angst
Word Count: 2,236
Summary: After months of being Yoongi’s girlfriend, it’s your first time wearing a tight top around him in public because of your insecurity about your large bust size.
The car door closes and there’s still a tinge of red on your cheeks from the uncomfortable stares directed to your chest when you went out to the city amusement park. You’ve always felt insecure about your bust and the size of it so you always resorted to wearing baggy shirts and sweaters, layering and never trying to attract any sort of attention to yourself. At first, you thought the feeling of anxiety in public would disappear and you’d eventually be able to wear those crop tops and low cut shirts other girls did but the uncomfortable feeling never wore off. It grew on you- so wearing oversized clothes became something you did every single day of you life for nearly eight years.
Yoongi never knew about this though. He never knew how weird you felt when you didn’t wear a jacket over a smaller-than-usual top, how unusual it was for you to wear thin, short shirts without any large sweater over it. He thought you got cold easily and that you loved outerwear. He didn’t expect it to be anything near a phobia so it didn’t take him by surprise when you wore a black tank top and leggings to the park with him because he knew it was hot. It was scorching outside and the heat would be unbearable if anybody put on a second layer.
What he did notice, however, was that you would constantly cross your arms over your chest and keep them like that no matter what you were doing. Going down the stairs? Your arms were crossed. Texting with one hand? Your arms were crossed. He tried to take a selfie with you? Your arms were crossed. He decided to reserve the question for later because both of you seemed to be in a really good mood and if he probably asked or pointed it out, it might raise concerns you clearly didn’t want to bring up. 
Your converse pad along the sidewalk and he walks beside you, matching your slow, relaxed pace. At least now, your hands hand loosely at your sides and he places his palm in yours, interlocking your fingers. It’s these kinds of things that make your heart race whenever you’re with him. He may not be the most expressive person in the world but at least it shows in his actions, no matter how little. 
You get to your door and you quickly unlock it, dying to get inside and open the air-conditioner. Both of you are sweating and once you step inside, you detach your hand from his to start up the AC. You remove your shoes and he follows, heading straight into your living room. You set the remote and within seconds, cooler air engulfs the space around the two of you. You take a seat beside him, sighing.
“Mind telling me why you had your arms crossed all day today? Did anybody piss you off or something, babe?” He asks, starting a conversation between you two. You shake your head and lean back. “Don’t worry, nothing’s up.” 
With this, he raises an eyebrow and shrugs. “If you say so.” He enters your kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water. “But at least tell me why you were blushing the whole time we were there. I doubt there was anyone worthy of blushing on in that area except me, anyway.” 
He hands you your glass and he drinks up while waiting for your reply. “Yoongi…” your voice trails off.
“I just felt… uncomfortable, alright?” 
That makes him even more confused. “Did anybody say anything, did something happen?”
“Nothing happened, okay? I already told you that.” 
“Then why did you feel like that?”
You debate whether you should tell him or not. It was a useless thing, a paranoid thought that was stuck in your mindset and he might judge you for it. But just before you could think about what you could change the topic to, he breathes out a few words and places his arm around you and staring at you straight in the eyes.
“You can tell me anything, Y/N.”
And so you explain how awkward it was to grow up with guys staring at the large chest you had in middle school, how physical education was never fun because of your heavy as hell front, how you hated wearing revealing clothes because it would be middle school all over again. You told him you hated yourself for having that kind of body, for not being confident about yourself and for ranting to him about what you felt because it was probably none of his concern. 
“None of my concern?” He asks, voice strained because he felt so bad about not having noticed any of this sooner. “We’ve been together for months now and I didn’t realize any of this- I’m so sorry, baby girl.” 
There’s a frown on his lips and he cradles you closely, peppering your face with kisses. “I love you so much.” These are his words before he finally connects your lips. Both of you are burning with passion and love for each other and so both of you deepen the kiss. It gets heated really quickly until the two of you are making out on your couch.
“Yoongi,” you break away, panting. “My room.” 
He understands and quickly captures your lips in his once again, having your legs around his waist as he carries you to your bedroom. He opens the door and closes it and places you on the bed gently after. He stops, gasping for air as he hovers above you. His pupils are dilated and he knows he’s in danger- a little more of you will make him lose all control because he’s addicted to you. You’re his one and only drug.
Your hand reaches up his shirt and your fingers run along the side of his torso before you flip him over, latching your lips on his neck. “Fuck.” He groans deeply which edges you on. It’s getting way too hot again and so you reach down to the hem of your shirt, taking it off. 
“What are you doi-” He is cut off once you unclasp your bra and leave yourself exposed in front of him. “You’re so beautiful, baby.” He whispers and his eyes trail to your boobs- the one part of your body you’re so insecure about. You get off him though, and begin to cover yourself because what the hell were you thinking anyway? It was his first time to see you bare ever and his bulge was becoming more prominent by the second. 
“No, no, no. Don’t hide from me. You’re absolutely gorgeous.” He gets up to sit beside you and you shy away even more. “Y/N. I love you so much, okay? Don’t forget that. You are perfect.” He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear as you turn to face him and he takes your hands, placing them down your sides for him to see you.
“Oh god, you’re exquisite.”
You take him by surprise when you fall back on the bed and attempt to take his shirt off this time- want and need for him beginning to cloud all your thoughts. “Yoongi, I want you.”
His eyes grow wide when he realizes what you just said and then he gulps. “Are you sure?” 
Without hesitation, you reply. “I am.”
Upon hearing those words, he lets you take off his shirt and places his lips on your collarbones while both of you work on removing each other’s bottoms. He swiftly pulls down your leggings along with your underwear and you unbutton his jeans, pushing them down his toned thighs. When he breaks free of your neck, both of you take the time to admire each other- it’s the first time you’ve ever been naked around each other and this is the most intimate experience you’ve ever shared yet.
He goes down your body until his head is situated in between your thighs, cold breath on your core. “Yoongi please- do something.” You pant, impatient. 
He chuckles lightly before placing his lips on your clit and his fingers teasing your hole. You moan out as your back arches up, pleasure seeping through your veins immediately. You can feel the smirk on his lips as you lock your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly at the roots. You’re reduced to a moaning mess under his touch and he loves every bit of it. 
Soon after, one of his fingers enter your hole and you gasp, your other hand fisting the sheets in ecstasy. Yoongi’s lips detach from your nub and his other hands makes its’ way to your chest. He massages your boobs while starting to thrust his middle finger into you in a steady pace. “God, you drive me insane, Y/N!” He shouts, seeing how fucked out you are and how beautiful you are in your state. “You’re my everything.” 
With this you push the hand on your core away and touch his shoulder. “I need you now, Yoongi. Please.” 
Who was he to deny you any further? He aligns his tip to your opening and the head on your entrance, coating his top in your juices. “You’re dripping.” With this, he slowly inches his cock into you, both of you nubivagant. He continues until he’s balls deep in your warmth and he groans out. “So tight.”
He waits for you to adjust and when you give him the go signal, he begins to thrust into you, hands holding your hips. Both of you moan loudly, so caught up in the pleasure you feel. Your hands are on his back, nails digging into his skin. He starts to pick up the pace and before you know it, you’re full-on screaming out his name. “Fuck! Harder, Yoongi!” 
Everything else has disappeared around you, all you can feel is his length filling you up completely with every thrust and before you know it, he flips you around and tells you to get on your hands and knees. You obey, and when he fucks you this time, he reaches you deeper than before and your walls clench around him when he hits a certain spot that makes you lose yourself completely. “Right there, fuck!” 
His fingers dig into your hips and at this point, his hips are slamming into you rapidly, his thrusts insanely swift at this point. “You feel so good around my cock, shit!” He says, reaching over to whisper in your ear. When he begins to abuse your spot and make you scream, he nibbles on your earlobe. “Such a good girl for me, baby. You like being fucked like this, huh?” 
You can only offer broken replies and moans as a response as he grips your right breast in his hand. His thrusts are even harder and faster now and you know you’re going to release anytime. “Babe, I’m going to come, ugh, god!”
When he hears you say this, he leaves you completely and your forehead scrunches up as you turn to face him. “What the fuck, Yoongi?” He smirks, and lies down on the bed as you look down at his mischievous expression. “Ride me.”
His two words are enough to bring you back in to the mood and within seconds you align yourself to his tip again and sink down, your dry lips parting and your eyes rolling back. You don’t waste anymore time though and soon you’re bouncing up and down on his hips with his hands guiding you. 
However you truly lose it when he meets your hips with his and both of you are fucking each other into tomorrow. Your g-spot is being hit relentlessly once again and a muffled cry bubbles in your throat. You swear there is are tears in your eyes from how good you feel and when your boyfriend places his middle and pointer fingers on your clit, you can’t even warm him before you release. 
It’s hard and intense and you swear all you see is white from how strong your orgasm was. You can feel his length twitch inside you as he attempts to ride you out as best as he can. Not long after, you’re coming down from your high while you let him continue to fuck you for him to get off. It gets too much though. You’re too sensitive and you swear you can’t take any more. Not right after at least, so you get off and lie down, telling him to get up. He’s not sure of what to do until you point to your boobs and clutch them together. 
He catches on and slips his cock in between your breasts. “You’re so dirty for me…” You keep your eyes open and stare up at him and soon after, he releases. His cum is all over your face and hair so he gets up to go and get tissues from your bathroom and he wipes you clean gently. 
There’s a smile on both of your lips after he disposes of the tissues and he lies down beside you once again. His arms engulf you in a tight embrace and he places a long, loving kiss on your lips. 
“I love you, Y/N.” he whispers, his raspy voice thick with drowsiness. 
“I love you too, Yoongi.”
Okay this is my first smut ever here and I hope you like this @baekhyun-trash!!! i didn’t expect this to be so long but i kinda got carried away and i didnt recheck this or whatever so sorry for typos <3 reblog this if you liked it and hit me up if you have any requests i will now bathe in holy water bye (gif not mine also, cto)
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cactiem · 7 years
Mundane Dating
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Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Requested: Nope
Summary: Jace takes you on a date outside of the Shadow world.
GIF Not Mine
Dating a fellow Shadowhunter isn’t easy. Between fighting demons, going on missions, and training the remaining time is spent sleeping so you don’t much time to yourselves. Especially recently due to the whole Valentine situation you haven’t had a date or spent quality time together just the two of you with your boyfriend Jace. You missed him. Sure you saw him everyday and were on missions together but it wasn’t the same. You and Jace wanted to spend time together without the worries of being a Shadowhunter, without the worries of demon attacks or Valentine. You both loved being Shadowhunters but sometimes you envied mundanes and how they don’t have the same worries you do as Shadowhunters.
You had just finished your training for the day and was putting the equipment away when Jace snuck up behind you. “Hey, beautiful.” He whispered in your ear causing you to jump.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to do that. I could have hurt you.” You exclaimed.
“Debatable.” Jace pointed out jokingly which caused you to roll your eyes and shove him.
“What is it that you want?”
“Really? Is that anyway to greet your boyfriend?”
“Fine.” You laughed. “What is it that you require my love?” You said mockingly in a sickly sweet tone, clasping your hands together to your chest.
“Oh, haha.” Jace said unimpressed but quickly changed in to a grin when you bursted out laughing. When you stopped laughing he added. “I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date tonight. Just me and you, outside of the institute, outside of being Shadowhunters-.”
“Wait, you mean like mundanes?” You interrupted.
“Yeah, like mundanes. So what do you say?”
“That would be amazing.”
“It’s a date then. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
A knock at your door interrupted you from putting the finishing touches to your outfit. You wore black skinny jeans with a crop top with lace detailing and a pair of heels. You grabbed your purse with your essentials you needed for a night out and opened the door to a speechless Jace. “Wow, you look… you look amazing.” Jace complimented you. Even though he tells you all the time how beautiful you look it still makes your heart flutter like he’s telling you it for the first time.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You smiled at Jace through the mirror putting the finishing touches of your makeup on.
“You ready to go?” He asked. You nodded in response putting your lipstick in your purse and headed to your door which Jace was holding gentlemen like.
“So, where are we going?” You asked holding his hand, walking out of the institute.
“It’s a surprise.” Jace said which resulted in you pouting trying to get it out of Jace where you were going but he wasn’t budging on his decision not to tell you.
The evening consisted of Jace taking you to dinner at one of your favourite pizza places, the one he took you on your first date. After you had dinner you thought that was the whole evening, not that you would complain if it was, but Jace had another surprise for you. He took you dancing at this bar not too far from the pizza place. It was in a tiny nook of New York, if you weren’t purposely looking for it you wouldn’t be able to find it. Surprisingly, Jace is an amazing dancer and was leading you the whole time, you were less than amazing but Jace taught you a thing or two about not stepping on his feet. When the song ended you both collapsed onto your seats out of breath from the non-stop dancing. “Where did you find this place?” You asked looking around the bar taking in the decor. Jace was about to answer you before you interrupted. “Wait, let me guess you asked Clary and Simon.” Jace rubbed the back of his neck guiltily. “You totally did!” You exclaimed and then started laughing.
“How did you even know?” Jace asked.
“Well, those two are the only mundanes we know and these activities we did this evening are very mundane. Plus it was totally written all over your face when I asked.”
“Yeah well they must have given me great advice seeming as you enjoyed yourself.” Jace said tracing patterns on your hands.
“Yeah well of course I was going to enjoy myself in your company.” You smiled and moved onto Jace’s legs so you were straddling him. Crossing your arms around his neck you pressed a kiss onto his. “I can’t believe, you Jace Wayland, actually asked Simon of all people for dating advice.” You snickered. Before Jace could return your sass with a comeback to what you said your phone buzzed. “I’m just going to freshen up.” You kissed him on the lips again and got up from the position you were in on his legs causing him to groan. “To be continued.” You whispered in his ear as you walked off to the ladies with your purse in your hand.
When you weren’t in sight Jace got his phone out and saw a text from Izzy telling him there is a demon five minutes from where he was. He contemplated on whether to go but it was a short battle and he decided to go. Jace could have gone and killed the demon and got back before you returned from the bathroom as he’s used to you taking ages. He left the bar and headed to the location of the demon only to be met with you already there. You both looked at each other in confusion but you had to put that aside while the demon was still alive.
It wasn’t long before you both killed the demon. You were both looking at each other knowing that you were both in the wrong here. “The ladies looked different than I last remember.” Jace finally said breaking the silence between the two of you.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” You apologised, walking up to Jace.
“I can’t say anything when I am also standing in the alleyway with you.”
You nodded in agreement. “So, how did you know about the demon?”
“Izzy, you?”
“What are we like, huh? We tried to do mundane dating which ended with us fighting a demon.” Jace laughed.
“Mundanes would class this as weird, for us this is just a regular Tuesday.”
“I guess mundane dating isn’t for us.”
“Oh on the contrary. I was having fun. It was different, in a good way. I liked not thinking about Shadowhunter business and to end the evening with killing a demon with my boyfriend just topped the evening off. Plus next time you can teach me to dance more.”
“Next time? Well I don’t know, I’d have to check my busy schedule.” Jace jokingly said. You shook your head and gently shoved him trying not to laugh. “I do miss you sitting on my legs though.” Jace added. A mischievous grin appearing on his face.
“Well the night is still young.” You bit your lip and arched your eyebrow. “Maybe I can do more than straddle your legs. That’s if you’re not too busy.” You whispered seductively in his ear.
Jace’s eyes grew wide and the infamous Jace smirk appeared on his face. “I think I can make time for you.”
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