#it’s fine I just got paid but like. why are things expensive
summer-fire · 9 months
I just keep fucking spending money
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txt-trash · 11 months
clever girl | choi soobin
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summary: you’ve only ever viewed choi soobin as your rival in school. he was cute and sweet at times but for the most part he usually acted cold toward you—or at least tried to. out of nowhere you hear about his grades dropping and in an effort to save your only motivation to push yourself harder, you accept his persistent offer to tutor him. you quickly learn he had an ulterior motive to always get you to spend time with him and despite how mean you think you might be, Soobin loved it.
➣ college au, smüt, fluff, enemies to lovers [but it’s one-sided]
➣ academic rival!soobin x f!reader [she/her, afab]
➣ 13.8k words
warnings: smut. oc is kinda mean to soobin. soft jealousy scenes. soobin asks oc to tutor him. really clingy. super cute. the smut is… nashty lowkey. heavy on foreplay. oral [both receiving]. handjöb. oc sits on his face. virgin soobin/experienced oc. oc gets jealous at times too. oc is kinda possessive. sub/dom themes but I swear soobin is a switch. breastplay. missionary. no condom. a lot of plot. multiple orgasm. soobin got that cream im sorry. soobin is a known perv. oc got big boobs. soobin is very obviously a boob guy. oc is lowkey dom, aftercare bc soobin cries. oc calls him a perv, dirty talk. soobin is best boy but also brattiest boy.
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You never considered yourself a particularly smart person. You weren’t gifted — as teachers would say — but you weren’t dumb either. You rode the fine line of somewhere in between but you also studied your ass off to get good grades so you could get a scholarship to the college of your dreams. It’s for that reason specifically that Choi Soobin drives you absolutely insane.
You’ve known him for two years but not close enough to consider him a friend. If anything you consider him the opposite of a friend. For the past two years he’s been your number one contender in class. He’s really smart, like book smart but lately he’s been plummeting his grades and that only seems to piss you off more. He’s the reason why you would push yourself so hard to be number one but now that he’s barely trying it’s not as fun. You’re a competitive person.
So, when he approached you today asking you if you could please tutor him you seriously stopped to think about it. If you tutored him then you could possibly have your competition back but tutoring him would also mean having to help him and he did not need your help. You knew he was smart enough to learn things on his own and he’s just in some sort of stump.
“Why don’t you hire one of those expensive tutors I know you can afford?” You asked him after pondering on it for damn near two minutes. You stood just outside the library where he had practically ambushed you before you could make it inside the building.
Soobin was one of those rich guys you weren’t so fond of. He had money, he didn’t have to work hard to get good grades and he could afford to go to any school he wants to while you have to work double as hard to do anything. Or course it’s not his fault but for him to ask you to tutor him when you know for a fact he doesn’t need you to just really bothers you.
He looked a bit lost by what you said, looking a bit bored like you’re the one holding him up instead of the other way around, “I don’t know, I figured you could help me out since we’re in the same major.”
You huffed out in annoyance, “Am I going to get paid?”
His eyes widened just slightly but you couldn’t if he was in surprise or in disbelief, “I guess, however much you want, I need the help.”
A small sigh left your lips as you rolled your eyes, “No you don’t, but whatever, if you pay me, I’ll think about it.”
“Can I get your number then?” Soobin asked, already taking his phone out. You didn’t say anything as you typed in your number and before he could say anything else, you left for the library.
He watched you leave without a smile on his face, keeping up his unamused act until you turned your back to him and his lips couldn’t help but curl up in a smile. Soobin knows it’s a bit weird for him to ask you to tutor him. You’re just one year younger than him but you take most of the same classes so he figured you were his best option.
And also… maybe he dropped his grades on purpose to have an excuse to talk to you but that’s something he’ll never admit to your face.
It all started two years ago. He had already been in school for a year or so and he was just soaring by. You were right when you said he could just hire some expensive tutor to help him but he never really needed it. He was book smart even though sometimes he lacked common sense in the real world. Growing up he had it all, tutors, piano lessons, private schooling, et cetera. He was a smart kid all the way until his third year of University.
Well… he’s still smart but things are different now. He’s spent the last two years practically racing you in classes you shared to do better like that would impress you but it didn’t work. Then, he tried being cold to you like you were to him but he could never do it right. It only seemed to push you away and after a while he realized the only reason why he did it was because he wanted to get a rise out of you. You just won’t notice him no matter how hard he tries to get you to and if this is the only way he’ll get you to talk to him more then he’s going to do it.
“So, did it work?” Kai asked, walking up behind Soobin and scaring the life out of him. Soobin released a loud yell that heads turning in his direction but he barely notice as he whipped around to face his friend, “Did what work?”
“Your little scheme to get Y/n to talk to you,” Kai said as he walked toward the library with Soobin on his tail, “What scheme?”
Kai stopped and gave him that look that told Soobin the gig was up, “You’ve been working on this for weeks now, you think I wouldn’t notice? You used to tutor me and now you’re saying you need to get tutored by the one person who seems to want nothing to do with you?”
Soobin cut in front of him to reach the door first as he swung it open, “No clue what you’re talking about. I’ve been struggling in class lately, probably stress over the internship this summer.”
“Right…” Kai rolled his eyes following his friend into the library, “Or the stress of getting ignored by Y/n no matter how hard you try. It’s been two years, pack it up already.”
“How do you know Y/n ignores me?” He asked getting into the elevator with his friend to get to the next level where more computers and desks were. Kai shrugs, “I mean it’s pretty obvious.”
It took days for you to get back to him and he waited anxiously to see what you would say. He didn’t want to blow up your phone because he had a cold image to uphold but every time his phone dinged he checked if it was you. By the third day he had almost given up hope until the simple text you sent nearly made him burst into a million fireworks.
you: meet me outside the library tomorrow
He got there earlier than intended but he acted like he didn’t. He had done at least two laps around the tall building just waiting for you to arrive and when you did, you said nothing to him. You only walked into the building and headed straight to the elevators like he wasn’t even there.
“It’s raining.”
Jesus Christ.
So stupid, Soobin thought as he turned away from you. This is what happens when he tries to make small talk with someone who sort of hates him. He still doesn’t get why you don’t like him much but he assumes it has something to do with your grades. You’re both art majors and have to take similar prerequisites so you see each other a lot. You’re both also at the top of the department and practically battling for the same summer internship so he thought taking a step back might’ve made you happier but it seemed to have the opposite effect.
You looked at him for a second and when he wondered if you would say something you just looked back down at your phone like he wasn’t even there. This elevator ride felt like it would never end. He knows it’s only been a few seconds but it feels so suffocating.
“Did you change up your hair? It looks good,” he said cautiously and you finally looked at him again. He didn’t expect a thank you or anything but maybe a smile.
All he got was; “Why are you talking to me?”
“It was like this last time we talked,” you finally said and looked forward again.
The elevator dinged and he released a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in until he was off. The two of you walked down the hall with you a couple paces ahead of him in complete silence.
Suddenly you turned around to face him as he stumbled back a step in surprise when you said, “I like the black hair, it’s different from the blonde.”
He absentmindedly touched his hair as a smile grew on his face, “Thank you.”
Your brows furrowed, surprised that he was even smiling at you. Usually he acts just as cold to you as you do to him and that’s why you barely acknowledge him nowadays. You knew he wasn’t a bad guy but he always had a smug face when he came out on top in class and it drove you insane. He would even laugh sometimes when you would stumble over your words during a presentation and make fun of you, not even caring if you heard or not.
Of course you didn’t know he was giggling because he found you so cute even when you made mistakes.
Soobin happily followed you to an empty table, just happy to be there and ignored the hand you had outstretched to motion for him to sit across from you just so he could sit next to you instead.
You just looked at him unamused as his smile dropped, “What? How am I supposed to see what we’re doing if I’m sitting all the way over there?”
You released a sigh, “Alright, did you bring your last exam?”
Soobin nodded his head, reaching into his huge backpack to retrieve his laptop and work. He quickly opened his laptop and got onto the school website app to find his most recent Psychology exam. He knew you were in that class too even if you took it at different times [he only signed up because of you and got the time wrong].
You looked at his laptop where a fat 65/100 score was typed in red that made you gasp, “Soobin?! How?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered, “I’ve been stressed, can’t pay attention well.”
Soobin was looking at you with soft eyes, unable to help himself from looking over what you wore today. He hasn’t seen you all day aJust as you opened your mouth to scold him, a high pitched feminine voice cut you off, “Binnie?”
You both turned in your seats, a cute brunette with hair just above her shoulders dressed in a cute coquette style smiled at him sweetly, “I thought I recognized you.”
You knew her well too, you used to call her Soobin’s little sidekick in a class you shared last semester. She always followed him around complimenting him over every little thing he did and laughing at all his jokes, even the ones that weren’t funny.
“Hi Jia,” Soobin said as he looked back down at his laptop. Jia smiled before sliding her gaze over to you, “Hi Y/n.”
She cleared her throat, “So, Soobin, good thing I found you, I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’re free any time soon.”
“Um,” Soobin look at you, “For what?”
“Oh!” Jia blushed, “Um, I’ve been having software problems and I know you’re a game wizard so I figured you might know how to fix it.”
She already had her laptop out and you watched as she pulled up a chair from a different table to sit on his other side and he looked just as taken back to be sandwiched between the two of you now. Soobin didn’t say anything as he took her laptop once she showed him what’s wrong and he hurried to fix it. His lips were parted in concentration yet his dimples still showed and you couldn’t help but look at him over. You never once thought Soobin was ugly, he had to be one of the most attractive guys you’ve ever seen but you would never even think about it. If anything it’s a bit too late to imagine you and Soobin being anything more than rivals or even tutor and student. It would just be too much.
She smiled leaning into him, "Thanks, it's like you're the only one who knows how to fix it."
"Then you should probably learn how to do it yourself for when he’s not around," you responded out of the blue, flashing Jia a tight smile, "I could teach you but it's just a troubleshooting problem and it doesn’t take a brainiac to figure that out."
"I'd rather have Soobin teach me," Jia smiled looking back at Soobin who looked down at his own laptop to hide the fact that he was furiously blushing at how snappy you sounded. You smiled watching him ignore her, the jealous immature side happy he's not giving her much attention but you couldn’t understand why.
“You hear that Soobin?" You asked, nudging him with your knee, he released a breath stopping what he was doing and waiting for you to talk. Just like that, he didn't ignore you at this moment. "Jia wants you to teach her how to fix her own laptop, she’s taking advantage of your kindness, y’know."
Jia went to argue but the damage had been done. Soobin wouldn’t disagree with you, maybe you were right. He did always get bothered by all the girls who asked him to help them with something and he always felt bad saying no. In the end, half of the girls would use it to flirt with him and compliment him every chance they had and it made him uncomfortable.
Even if what you had said was a bit of a lie and probably more beneficial to you than him, Soobin was on your side — even if you sounded a bit mean, "Sorry I'm too busy but if you take it to the tech lab I'm sure they'll help you."
"He's too busy," you repeated smugly looking up at her again. You’re telling "Oh, I understand," Jia sighed, "Soobin are you doing anything? Maybe we can meet up and do some work."
You couldn’t help but scoff, Soobin immediately looked at you as you moved just a fraction away from. You looked annoyed and he knew it was once again because of him. He asked you to tutor him and yet here you are having to watch another girl try and take him away.
"Um, I don’t know, I’m kinda doing something with Y/n right now and I don’t know how long it’ll be," Soobin said mindlessly, eyes glancing in your direction like you would reward him for being blunt, he turned to you, "Can we continue?"
You stared at him in surprise. This is not how you expected this moment to go. You were almost certain that was thrilled at the idea of ending this and leaving with someone he appears to be close to. Sure, you watched him tell her he was busy but she kept pushing and you assumed he would just go with it instead. You were also being a little rude and she was his friend right, why else would they have looked so close last semester? You assumed he would’ve been annoyed by the way you responded to her and would want to end this study session before it could even start.
“I don’t know,” you said, sounding a bit more harsh than you expected, “Do you want to?”
Soobin looked genuinely caught off guard that you would even think that. Why would he not want to? He’s been thinking about this for weeks, he’s worked for this — or well stopped putting in the work so you could tutor him. Do you think he’s going to want to leave to hang out with Jia?
“Yes,” Soobin said looking all doe eyed and you’ve never seen him make that face to you. You looked to Jia, “So, can we finish studying or is there anything else you want to tell Soobin?”
She stared down at you with a glare but you didn’t budge, looking at her unimpressed and not intimidated at all. All you wanted to do was finish this study session, get paid, and go home. Why were they making this so complicated? Was it even worth all this trouble when you haven’t even gotten to reviewing his answers yet.
The more you thought about it the more you realized it was actually really annoying. Would you have to go through this every time you study in the library? Would some girl with a fat crush on Soomin come and try and take him away? Did you really want to put up with that?
Soobin practically jumped in his seat when you stood up, “It’s getting late and we haven’t even started, let’s just try this again some other time, I guess.”
“Y/n!” Soobin’s voice was a little too loud for the people in the library and a few felt perfectly fine telling him to shut up as he ran to the stairs completely forgetting Jin was standing there waiting on him.
The elevator came to a stop on the first floor and you swung your backpack onto your shoulders, head down as you caught up on your notifications. You barely made it past the elevator doors when you bumped into a very hard service. A strong arm grabbed you from the waist as you nearly stumbled back, your phone unfortunately did not have the luck of having someone grab it before it fell. Your hands clung to the shirt of the person and you finally got a good look at him, annoyed huff leaving your lips, “Soobin!?”
“What?” Play it cool, Soobin “I was coming to see where you went after ditching me up there.”
“I literally said we could do it some other day,” you released a sigh as you picked your phone up and shook his hands off your waist. Soobin loomed over your shoulder, “Damn, your screens cracked, when did that happen?”
He wasn’t thinking straight when he said that, all common sense completely left his body as he looked at your phone with pity, only snapping out of his thoughts when he felt you turn your head to look at him. It was then that he realized just how close the two of you were with him leaning down to look over your shoulder. He couldn’t help but attempt a smile noticing just how close your lips are to his and you smelled so goo—
“About two seconds ago, Soobin,” your voice was laced with sarcasm that had goosebumps raising on his skin at how annoyed you sounded, “When you bumped into me, remember?”
He blinked once in realization, feeling his cheeks heat up, “I did that?”
A tired sigh left your lips as you decided to ignore him. You weren’t sure if he was playing dumb to get on your nerves or if he actually was clueless but now you were more annoyed than before. You don’t have the money nor the time to get your screen fixed and you definitely can’t afford a new one.
“I’m going home,” you mumbled as you turned away from him, “Go find another tutor, probably Jia will help—“
“I don’t want to,” Soobin’s deep voice cut you off as he followed you out the door into the outside, “I want you to tutor me, Y/n. I’m sorry about your phone, I’ll fix it but don’t take back your word, you already agreed.”
You groaned, “Ugh, Soobin there’s so many girls who’ll tutor you and for free, you don’t need me and besides, we can’t study in the library if someone is going to interrupt.”
“Y/n it’s been one day,” Soobin said harshly, “Did Jia bother you that much?”
Soobin couldn’t help but feel hopeful and he wasn’t sure why. He knows you don’t like him so there’s no way you were jealous but to see you act just a little possessive over him made him blush. He liked it. He liked it a lot and he was determined to make you admit it any way you can. He watched you roll your eyes, expression laced with attitude, “I don’t care about Jia, Soobin, but if I’m trying to help your studies I’m not interested in others tagging along.”
He couldn’t help but bite his lip as he tilted his head to the side curiously, “So you want me to yourself?”
Once again you rolled your eyes, turning your back to him, “I’m leaving.”
“No,” Soobin grabbed at your wrist softly, “I’m kidding, come on, let’s figure something out, yeah?”
“Like?” You asked, still not sure why you’re willing to put yourself through this when you don’t even like him that much. You watched as his shoulder rose and dropped in a shrug, biting his lip in thought and you released a small sigh to let him know you were running out of patience. He looked down, “I don’t know, maybe we could go somewhere that it’s just us two.”
You could barely understand him from the way he mumbled but once you processed what he said, you just nodded, “Alright, I’ll go to your place tomorrow.”
“Really?” He asked, clearly thrilled at the idea but trying to play it off. You just nodded and he finally let you leave.
What were you getting yourself involved with him?
Soobin couldn’t sleep all night. He went to his classes looking like a complete zombie and for once he had an actual reason for not paying much attention. As much as he wanted to see you all day you made him wait till late because you had work after your last class. It only made him more anxious and he cleaned around his apartment twice, just to be sure you didn’t think he was messy even if he kind of was. The entire time this all happened, his friend watched him from the comfort of Soobin’s bed.
“So what makes you think Y/n would even want to hang out in your bedroom?” Taehyun asked as he watched his friend go crazy. Soobin was acting like he was preparing a date, he saw him put on Chanel perfume about three times, each time saying he couldn’t remember if he put any on. He even styled his hair on.y to mess it up and restyle it differently.
Soobin shrugged, “I don’t know, but my desk is here, Y/n might.”
Taehyun just nodded, not seeming fully convinced but went along with it anyway, “Wishful thinking, bin, wishful thinking, and just speak your truth, what’s the real reason why you want to be in your room instead out in the living room?”
He smirked watching the way Soobin’s face flushed red, “Privacy.”
He chuckled, “From who?”
Soobin didn’t answer him and it only made Taehyun smile in amusement, “I love you, but it’s never going to happen.”
“What are you talking about?” Soobin asked as he checked his phone, already smiling at the text you sent a few minutes ago that said you were already on your way.
soobin: ok just lmk
soobin: I’ll come down if u want
You didn’t respond but he didn’t expect you to, he only just sent the message but he still found himself waiting for those three dots to pop up on the message thread.
“I’m talking about how badly you want to hook up with Y/n,” Taehyun said, making Soobin look up at him completely shocked.
“I hate Y/n,” obviously he didn’t but he didn’t like the idea of his friends knowing he liked you without knowing how you felt and he had a reason for this. If they knew he liked you despite how mean you were to him, they would think he’s a masochist… it’s better they think he hates you too but apparently he wasn’t fooling anyone considering Kai caught on pretty quickly too.
Taehyun let out a laugh, one of those really loud and obnoxious laughs that told Soobin he was actually very amused by whatever was happening. He went as far as wiping away his cheek like a tear had fallen and said, “Good one, almost believed you there.
“I’m serious,” Soobin said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror, fixing a wrinkle in his shirt, “Y/n is mean to me, why would I like her?”
“I wanna know why too,” Taehyun said as he rolled onto his stomach only making himself more comfortable on the bed, “I mean, she’s hot, but she’s mean—wait a second, you like that she’s mean, huh?”
Taehyun was just teasing him at this point and when Soobin refused to respond, his eyes only widened, “Oh my god! You like that Y/n’s mean to you, are you a perv, Hyung?”
He was only teasing, he swears it. He doesn’t care what his friend is into, what he likes is totally up to him but it’s just fun to poke fun at him when he gets so flustered about it. He doesn’t blame Soobin for liking you, like he said, he can agree that you’re attractive, but you’ve blown Soobin off for three years. Did he really like you enough to keep up his charades and if so did he really go as far as failing his classes just to get you to talk to him? God, what will you do to Soobin once you find out?
“I’m not a perv!” Soobin yelled, a little louder than expected. He’s really not. He’s not a perv… he’s just… he just likes you. Yes, he likes that you’re a little mean to him, yes he likes when you scold him, yes he likes pushing your buttons and yes he especially liked it when you do it and he can see down your shirt or look at the squishiness of your thighs but… but he’s not a perv!
Okay, maybe he’s imagined what it’s like to feel under your shirt and has struggled to pay attention to anything but the sight of you in a short skirt but that doesn’t make him a perv, he’s just an easily distracted guy…
Before Taehyun could rebut, a loud knock was heard on the front door that had both of their eyes widening in surprise. Soobin was practically sprinting toward the door as his friend gathered his things to leave. He meant to leave before you were here but clearly time passed by way too fast and now he’s getting ready to leave just as Soobin was opening the door to you.
You looked at Taehyun curiously as he ran past you and out the door, yelling, “Hi Y/n! Bye Y/n!”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you let yourself into Soobin’s apartment, “What’s up with him? Why’d he leave in a hurry?”
“Uh,” Soobin gave you a blank expression that sort of reminded you of a confused bunny and you watched him scratch the back of his head in thought, “You said no distractions and… and he would be a distraction, right?”
“I guess,” you took the chance to look around his apartment, it was huge, way bigger than your apartment and it was so painfully obvious that he came from money. He had a grand piano in the corner for fuck’s sake. There was even a chandelier hanging above the dining table and a fireplace by the tv. Too distracted to notice Soobin move behind you, you nearly hit him in self defense when he began to pull on your backpack to take it off your shoulders. Without bothering with a thank you, you headed toward his marble dining table waiting for him to follow but he just stood in place.
“We’re studying in my room,” Soobin said in voice that radiated confidence, completely opposite of the desperate tone he used to prove to Taehyun that he was not a perv. He had an act to play, he assumed you liked mean guys. He’s heard of some of the guys you used to talk to and they all had one thing in common… they were intimidating and Soobin didn’t feel like that at all so he had to play the part.
You didn’t even question it as you followed him into his room, eyes immediately zoning in on the white cage set on its own stand, two different levels to it and a small hedgehog inside. Soobin cleared his throat awkwardly, “That’s Odi, he’s a hood boy.”
Fuck, Soobin thought, why would he say that about a damn hedgehog?
“Cute,”you said coolly as you took the main desk chair, making him have to pull up a smaller chair next to you. You thought Odi was cute after he called him a good boy? Or did him calling Odi a good boy not affect your thoughts on the hedgehog? Oh god, his mind was completely scrambled.
Soobin didn’t have to be asked this time to show you his most recent exam. He knew it was what you were going to ask to see first and he wanted to show you that he could be a very good listener. He looked to you to see how you would react to his quick obedience but you barely even blinked as you pulled it toward you. You pursed your lips in thought and he watched your mouth closely. Your lips looked so soft, so plump and smooth with light lip balm on them.
He wondered how soft they would be in a kiss. Were you a good kisser? Would you think he’s a good kisser? How far would the two of you go or would it just be kissing? He would someday like to get to a point where he can openly adore you because there’s just so much from your pretty hair to your pretty legs and everything in between.
He had a dirty secret that’s not so much of a secret considering his thoughts from earlier but… he can’t help but always notice your breasts—after your cute annoyed face of course—he wasn’t a complete bimbo. He respects you, he can’t just immediately look at your boobs despite the fact that today you were a low cut fitted shirt. He tried paying more attention to your face as it looked like you were about to talk but his eyes couldn’t help but slowly trail down your neck to your collarbone until he saw just the smallest hint of cleavag—
“Are you listening?” He snapped his gaze back to yours looking completely red handed as he nodded his head, clearly not listening.
You released a sigh as you looked at him in thought. Soobin was smart, you knew how smart he was so why did he seem so clueless right now?it’s like he had no thoughts in that cute head of his an—did you just consider him cute?
You blinked in surprise at your own thoughts and just as you were going to ask him to repeat what you said, you saw in real time the way his gaze seem to drop once more and you finally understood what was going on.
Soobin was trying so hard not to stare and failing yet the attempt was cute, especially when he seemed to let his lower jaw go slack and lips part slightly at the sight. Normally you would immediately be disgusted but it’s Soobin… he’s annoying and a know-it-all but just look at that brain empty expression of his, not caring at all now if he gets caught.
Without thinking you dropped a hand to his thigh, squeezing slightly and making his gaze return to yours, “What did I say?”
“What?” Soobin asked, shaking his head like he was snapping out of a trance, the cold and deep voice was back. You rolled your eyes, “You said you were listening so I’m asking you to repeat what I said.”
You’ll admit this was all a bit out of character but you just had to see if you were right… was Soobin really staring at your cleavage openly, and if so, how did you feel about it?
“Um…” Soobin looked down at your hand, “Um…”
“Um?” You repeated sarcastically, “Can you focus? If not, I’m going home.”
“Yah!” Soobin whined with a low groan, “Stop saying that, you already agreed to tutor me, stop trying to back ou—“
“Then pay attention!” You said back and he practically stomped his foot in a tantrum, just wanting to argue now.
“I’m trying but you—you’re,” he groaned in frustration as the words died in his throat and with a defeated sigh, he mumbled, “I’m sorry… I wasn’t listening.”
You smiled proudly, not at all in a rush to figure out what had him so distracted, and instead said, “Good boy, don’t you feel better being honest?”
The words just slipped and you didn’t think much of them as you went back to the laptop, already writing down answers to the questions he got wrong, meanwhile Soobin is trying to calm the painful red blush in his cheeks.
There was a small sphere in the palm of your hand, it was a shade of dark blue with a white swirl on it and it matched the same one Yeonjun held in his hand. You’ve shared one class with him in the last two years and it’s in the one you’re currently in. The two of you have never spoken a single word to each other and the semester started six weeks ago. He looked just as surprised to realize his partner was chosen randomly by a stupid marble.
He released a small nervous chuckle, clearly just caught off guard by this. He’s almost a 100% certain you’re like the only person in class that he hasn’t spoken to. Now, that didn’t mean he didn’t notice you, you were pretty and never talking to you really did make you seem a bit mysterious to him. He cleared his throat, “Alright, when should we get started?”
You checked the time on your phone, you were supposed to be meeting Soobin soon to study at his place but you’ve just been completely blindsided by this sudden partner project in class. You only had about a week to turn in the research paper and you had to work a couple nights this week. You agreed to study with Soobin on days you didn’t work but now with this on the table, you seriously don't know what to do. Well, obviously you have to do the assignment but you don’t know how to tell Soobin. If you just sent him a text about it you’re pretty positive he will just blow up your phone nonstop because for some reason he desperately needs you to continue these study sessions.
“When are you free?” You asked him trying to figure out what time would work best for you to work on this. You were only getting tomorrow to do research in class and after that the two of you are basically on your own as the unit confíes on in class.
Class has just ended so the two of you walked together outside of the room trying to figure out when would work best. It was hard to ignore the looks you received from some of your other classmates and you knew why. Yeonjun was attractive, really attractive and he was popular too.
Yeonjun brought his phone out too, checking his schedule, leaning a little closer to talk to you, “Um, I could do… well I work tomorrow after class… are you free later to get started?”
Soobin had a smile on his face that he knew soon he would need to drop it, he couldn’t let you know how excited he was to see you right now. He was in a good mood, anytime someone said hi to him he was quick to say it back but if a girl tried stopping him to talk he would excuse himself saying he had to go somewhere.
His class ended a little earlier today so instead of waiting in the parking lot for you, he went to your last class.
Just as he turned the corner, his smile seemed to fall without his control anyway. Standing just a few feet away from him he found you and you looked so pretty today in a pair of jeans that hugged your curves just the way he liked it and… and you were standing with Choi Yeonjun.
He watched you smile at whatever Yeonjun said and he debated if he should just wait. He could wait, of course he can and honestly it’s what he should do. You’re just talking to another guy and it’s not like you’re flirting, right? It shouldn’t even matter to him, you’re not dating—you don’t even like him! So why does he feel bothered?
“Hey,” Soobin’s deep voice surprised you as he came up behind you, so close that you felt him press against your backpack, just looming over you with a hardened gaze. You looked back at him, “Hey.”
“Are you ready?” He asked, trying to keep his voice steady and he couldn’t help but shift his gaze toward Yeonjun, who he definitely wasn’t happy to see was just standing there.
You looked at him apologetically, “I don’t know if I can make it tonight. We just got assigned this project and we don’t have time to do it in class so…”
Your words slowly died down as you watched his facial expression change. His lips turned downward and eyes seemed to sadden, “What?”
You looked at Yeonjun, “I’ll see you in the library.”
He took the hint and left you alone with Soobin who loomed over you with his height looking like a kicked puppy. You’re not sure why this expression really bothered you and you’re feeling really guilty now even if it wasn’t completely your fault. You found yourself saying, “I’m sorry.”
“But we agreed to meet up today,” Soobin said.
“I’m sorry but we want to get at least the outline finish—“
“Then what about after?” He rushed to ask. You looked at him apologetically, “It depends on what time we get done.”
You’re not even sure why the look on his face was making you feel bad but it was. The two of you didn’t even start to get along till just a couple weeks ago and sometimes he’s just so different from the cold side you’re used to. Sometimes he gives you snippets of how desperate he might be to see you but you can’t help but always brush it off. You just can’t tell what’s the real side of him and you’re starting to be affected by his cuter clingier side even if you couldn’t understand it.
“I’ll be waiting,” Soobin said, rushing away because he didn’t know what else to do. He was leaving before you could say that you can’t keep any promises. You rolled your eyes at how pushy he was but part of you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief and clearly amused.
Soobin didn’t lie either. He waited at home playing video games and checking his phone every couple minutes. He would occasionally send you a text, just a little reminder that you can’t forget him.
soobin: what time do u think u’ll be done ☺️
you: I don’t know yet soobin
soobin: :(
*five minutes later*
soobin: almost done?
you: not yet
soobin: 🥺 well hurry
you: …
soobin: 😞
*twenty minutes later*
soobin: 😞
you: what’s wrong
soobin: nothing :)
soobin: did you forget?
you: ?
soobin: study time?
you: no, I didn’t forget
Listen, the texts were annoying. They were so annoying because you and Yeonjun were trying to finish up the rough draft for your outline but Soobin just kept sending you text after text. It was annoying but…
It was pretty fucking cute. Ugh, he was just being clingy and though you found it annoying it was also so cute and it had you hurrying up your time with Yeonjun so you could text Soobin.
you: just finished
soobin: ok 🥰hurry
That’s how you found yourself sitting across from Soobin in his overly large living room trying to talk to him but his eyes were just straying away from your eyes. It wasn’t his fault though, like he said earlier, you just looked so pretty. Your shirt was fitted today and like usual he can’t seem to get over your chest. All of you really, your pretty face, pretty voice, pretty laugh and smile… your boobs and your butt and your cold attitude, it all just turned him into mush.
“Hey,” your voice scared him out of his gaze and he looked up at you blankly and clearly caught off guard, “Can you look at me when I’m talking to you?”
“Okay,” he nodded his head obediently, “Sorry.”
“You don’t even have your backpack,” you said as he looked down at his lap, “You were blowing up my phone the entire time I was with Yeonjun and you’re not even ready to study.”
“I know,” he gulped, eyes unable to help themselves from slowly looking down to your cleavage again. “I’m sorry.”
You released an annoyed groan, grabbing his shirt suddenly and shaking him, “Are you?”
“Yes,” Soobin nodded, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again Y/n, I’ll be good, I promise.”
“So next time I’m doing schoolwork with Yeonjun what are you going to do?” You asked.
He released a sudden huff that made it clear he was less than happy to say this but said it anyway, “I’ll wait patiently for you to finish.”
Nodding your head you turned toward the small coffee table where your laptop was, “Kay, go get your bag so we can start reviewing this.”
Soobin jumped to his feet, running away with a smile, “So you’re not mad at me?”
“No,” you said feeling him practically squeal next to you, making you only the more confused but couldn’t help yourself from saying, “It was annoying in a cute way.”
Soobin bit back the urge to smile and did as told. When he came out he had a white bag in hand that he handed you watching your eyebrows scrunch together cutely as you asked, “What’s this?”
“New phone,” Soobin said casually and your eyes widened in disbelief.
“Soobin, why would you get me—“
“Because I broke yours,” Soobin said helping you open the box, “I already called your service and asked if you would be able to add your line to it and they said yes. I can drive you if you want me to.”
You shook your head no, “This is crazy, you didn’t have to do that! I could still use my phone, it was just the screen.”
“But,” Soobin looked down, “But it’s a gift from me to you, can’t you just take it?”
“Soobin is so cute,” your friend Yuna said one night as you got to Beomgyu’s house for a party.
You’ve been filling your friends in on your past two weeks with Soobin and it was all a surprise to them. You seemed to despise Soobin for some time and suddenly you’re all about hanging out with him. Even Soobin seemed to always act cold around you so for you to tell them that he’s been surprisingly clingy is in fact very cute.
“He probably likes you,” Beomgyu said with a shrug of his shoulders that had you spitting out your drink in shock. It’s not like you hadn’t wondered the same thing but for a while you wondered if you had just been reading too much into it and then you felt stupid for even thinking about it. Beomgyu bringing it up so suddenly shocked you, maybe it wasn’t all in your head.
“You think?” You asked genuinely and Beomgyu laughed out loud.
“Are you kidding?” Beomgyu asked, “He’s been staring at you since he got here and I bet you he’s been trying to think up an excuse to talk to you.”
“I’ve known him for like three years now, there’s just no way, I’m not even nice to him,” you said as you looked around for Soobin only to find him already looking at you as he talked a
To some of his own friends. He gave you a big and energetic wave that had you lifting your hand to wave back too. You smiled a little when he did and Yuna sighed, “You like him too, huh? I mean he’s cute—“
“No! No, I don’t,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, “I mean… even if I did, would it even matter? He thinks I’m mean, right? It wouldn’t be fair to him.”
They both gave you a blank stare and just as you were going to respond, an arm came around your shoulders as a low voice said, “What are we talking about?”
You said a quick hello to him as your friends started talking, “Soobin and Y/n got a thing for each other and neither one of them will admit it.”
“That’s not tru—“
“Oh, yeah, it is,” Yeonjun said with a laugh, “You should’ve seen the look he gave me when we were talking the other day and yesterday he ignored me when I tried saying hi. I even told him he can have you back because our project was over and he just ignored me!”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “That doesn’t mean he likes me, we’ve just been studying…”
Soobin was not a mean person, he swears it. He’s really nice and gentle and he would never dislike anyone without a reason. He’s too shy for confrontation yet right now he would really love to go up to you and just pull Yeonjun’s arm away from your shoulders. You’re done with your project so why is he s next to you and why is he touching you? Soobin hasn’t even had the chance to hold you so why does he get to? He watched closely as you talked to your friends and Beomgyu trying to make sure Yeonjun wouldn’t try anything. He let Yeonjun take your attention away from him pretty much all last week so why is he still around you? It wasn’t fair, Soobin should be the one next to you. He was such a good listener this week, after you got him in trouble and he promised to be good, he did just that. He only sent you two texts throughout your time with Yeonjun and he didn’t even bother you in class!
“Who are you staring at and are they hot?”
Soobin jumped in surprise, drink spilling down the front of his shirt as he whipped around to find Kai standing there laughing.
“What?” Soobin asked as he looked down at his wet shirt. Kai just sighed, “Nevermind, go clean your shirt.”
If Soobin was mean, he would’ve smacked the kid upside the head but he was nice and nice people only attack with pillows and there’s no pillows close enough to use. He’ll get Kai back soon, just not now, now he has to clean his shirt. He looked back to you and Yeonjun as if making sure there wasn’t any funny business and practically ran to go clean himself off.
He skipped past the line to the bathroom and walked down to the end of the hall where he knew Beomgyu’s room was. His friend was throwing the party anyway and though the room was off limits, he would understand. Soobin rummaged through his closet and went straight to his bathroom so he could at least wipe off some of the intense smell of alcohol, hurrying himself along so he can watch Yeonjun.
The music from the party was loud enough for him to hear a muffled version of it even hidden away in Beongyu’s bathroom and that made him feel nervous. While he’s in here cleaning off the stench of liquor, you were probably out there surrounded by guys hitting on yo—“Ow!”
Soobin’s head whipped back with a loud thud and his hands immediately flew to his nose as pain shot right through it. The person who pushed the door open stood there in shock, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Bin?”
A pool of red began to fill his cupped hands and he moved over the bathroom sink with a groan. You visibly cringed as he moved around you and reached for the toilet paper as you stood there shocked, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I—oh my god.”
He finally looked over at you, heart racing as he pulled the paper towel away, blood beginning to dribble again, “Y/n?”
“Soobin, I’m sorry, I saw you come over here and I wanted to sneak up on you but,” your face cringed, “Soobin please, you’re still bleeding.”
“Oh right,” Soobin held the paper towel to his nose again.
“It’s a lot of blood,” you said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Soobin.”
“It’s fine, this happens all the time,” he waved you off with a bloody hand and you bit down on your bottom lip looking hurt, “No it doesn’t, I’m so sorry.”
You sniffled a bit as you looked at your reflection in the mirror while Soobin carefully wiped off whatever mess was left until it was all clean. You struggled to look at him and his red nose even if he was completely clean but he didn’t even notice. He was more excited that you came to see him instead of staying out there with other guys, “So you wanted to sneak up on me?”
“Well you had been staring at me all night and I was just gonna see if you would say hello. I should’ve just waited outside, this is awkward right?” You were rambling a bit but he just smiled lovingly.
He shook his head no as the two of you left the bathroom, “No, not awkward, right? I wanted to say hi but you were busy.”
“Busy?” Your brows furrowed in confusion, “What do you mean?”
You weren’t busy, you were just talking to your friends. Nothing you talked about was serious or anything you just talked about Soobin, he could’ve said hi at any time. Soobin’s smile dropped, going serious for a moment, “Yes you were, with Yeonjun, I saw.”
You blinked in thought, “We were just talking, you could’ve come over any time.”
He released a deep sigh, looking around the dark bedroom happy that it was just two despite the dozens of people out there getting drunk with loud music. Letting his gaze fall back on you, he made a small pout, “Well, how was I supposed to know that? Last time you got me in trouble for not leaving you alone when you’re with Yeonjun an—“
“Soobin, that was just when we were studying, I didn’t realize you were thinking I meant all the time,” you said apologetically. Soobin stepped closer to you, “I was just trying to be good and listen. If I knew then I would have pulled you away the second I saw Yeonjun even come close to you!”
You looked genuinely taken back by his tone, if you didn’t know any better you would say that he almost sounded jealous. Even the look in his eye made it seem like he wasn’t happy and you weren’t used to this at all. The other day when you talked to Yeonjun for the first time, Soobin stormed up to you and took you by surprise when he appeared behind you, so close that you felt his breath on your shoulder.
Now you’re starting to see that it was possibly all because of jealousy.
“Are you jealous of Yeonjun?” You asked him and he audibly scoffed.
He was not jealous of Yeonjun. He didn’t think Yeonjun was better than him, if anything he thought they were pretty much on the same level of attractiveness. Yeonjun was more extroverted than he was but Soobin wasn’t worried about that. He didn’t feel so insecure over things like that so no, he’s not jealous.
He’s possessive. Soobin knows you aren’t dating and he knows that you probably still don’t like him yet but… but you’re his. He’s already called dibs, he’s already put in so much work to make that happen. Obviously he’s not going to be happy if your attention strays away from him, he wants you looking at him and thinking about him all the time, the way he does about you.
“No,” Soobin finally said, “But… but you’re… yknow, you’re mi—“
“Why are you in my shirt?” Beomgyu asked as his bedroom door opened and he stood in the entrance. He looked between you in surprise, “Wait, am I interrupting something?”
You stood there in shock, you weren’t sure what he was about to say but part of you also felt like you had an idea. It really did seem like you had an idea. After all your friends have basically instilled it in your head that he might like you it wasn’t hard to guess what he was going to say but you just can’t bring yourself to fully believe it yet. He was so nice, you can see it now so you just felt bad to think that he might like you after you were mean to him at times. To make things worse, he seemed to be totally okay with you always snapping on him or just ignoring him and you just felt bad because you were genuinely starting to fall for him and you can admit that now.
Soobin shook his head no. He had been watching you the entire time and he can just tell you’re overwhelmed by something right now. He just smiled cutely, “I had to borrow your shirt because mine got wet, sorry?”
You looked up at him, and he smiled wider, eyes crinkling, “I think I’m gonna head home now but I’ll text you.”
Soobin said goodbye to you and Beomgyu and before you could make your leave, Beomgyu pulled you back in, “What happened? What were you guys doing? Were you making out? Ew, oh my god please don’t tell me if you did anything on my bed.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, clearly thrown off, “No, we were just talking, if you hadn’t interrupted then I would have known what he was going to say.”
He gasped, “I didn’t interrupt, you’re in my room, remember? And why didn’t you just go with him, you like him too.”
You bit your lip, “How do I tell him? I just missed my chance.”
“I don’t know, you’ll probably just have to show him.”
When Monday came you went over to Soobin’s place for your usual study lessons. After the party the two of you have been texting but it wasn't about anything deep. It’s like you were tip toeing around a possible confession that neither of you wanted to do through text. After your last class he invited you over with the intention to just be straight forward and hope that you would want him but he’s still a little scared.
If you tell him you hate him he thinks he might cry so he’s been trying to seem cool and collected this entire time.
He fidgeted in his desk chair as he watched you take your laptop out. With a clear of his throat he stood up, “Um, do you want water? I can get us some.”
“Sure, where is your textbook? I forgot mine.”
He pointed to his backpack and let you get it as he left for the kitchen. Without a single thought, you reached for his huge backpack in search of a familiar textbook. Once you found the book you pulled it out of his overly stuffed bag accidentally bringing a few papers with it too and as you looked them over, your eyes widened.
You didn’t think about it for a second, he’s been showing his assignment scores and it has been improving little by little bit as you took a closer look you could clearly see a layer of whiteout and the score 98, crossed off. It made your brows furrow in confusion and you looked at the pages finding answers erased and replaced with wrong ones crossed out in red.
It’s like he was purposely grading himself bad and as you put the papers back away you realized why. He asked you to tutor him and you never understood that. He was always smarter than you so you couldn’t wrap your head around why he asked you of all people to help him. Even when it came down to the actual study sessions, Soobin always got things right away and very rarely struggled to find an answer but then he would come to you and quickly show you his bad score and ask for your help again.
Sometimes, studying was the last thing on his agenda when he was with you and you always found him distracted and not fully listening so now you know he’s been lying to you. He lied to get you to study with him yet all you’ve seen was him stare at your boobs, get clingy, and pretend to get bad grades.
Was all this just a little scheme to get you to hang out with him? If that’s the case then did he really like you and expect you never to find out?
Sure, you’ve come to realize that you like him too but for him to go this far just for you to talk to him… well, you’re not all that happy about it. Did he expect you never to find out and now that you have what was your plan?
Soobin came in with a smile on his face, “I brought snacks.”
“Mhm,” you said, moving to sit on his bed and away from his backpack, “Let’s work on the bed today, I wanna get comfortable.”
He watched you make yourself on his bed and all he could focus on was the way your skirt fluttered around your legs exposing more of your thighs and when he looked up at you, your eyes were already on him, catching him red handed in the act of checking you out. This time around you smirked a bit now knowing that he’s been lying this whole time just to get you to hang out with him. It was cute and he was cute so you can’t be mad but at the same time, he was very bold in getting mad when you had to study with Yeonjun, made you feel guilty too. You gotta let him know you know about his lie but you’re working up a plan.
It’s not no surprise that he likes you, that has become painfully obvious and you like him too but you want to get him in trouble. He lied and he thought you would never find out. How long did he plan on keeping this up? He’s gotta get in trouble, right? Maybe a little teasing, just to see if this really was all just to study or for him to get a good look at you when you’re alone together. It’s not like you never noticed the way his eyes would trace down your body while you’re trying to do homework.
If you’re going to tell him you know about his lie, you’re going to make it fun.
“O—okay,” Soobin stuttered as he sat down with a foot of space between you, “I mean, yeah cool.”
You smiled at his awkwardness, now you can see that he’s not as cold as he wants to to think he is and it only makes him look cuter.
The two of you studied for a bit, you couldn’t come right out and tell him you knew the truth, where was the fun in that? You had to play along a bit and see how he would take it so that’s what you did.
“Soobin, you keep getting the answer wrong and I’m starting to get annoyed,” you said as you watched him hesitate over the right answer before choosing the wrong one, eyes sliding over to look at you every now and then. You were wearing a low cut top again and matched with your miniskirt it was getting hard for him to not get distracted and the two of you are alone in his bed… he just can’t focus.
“Sorry, Y/n,” his eyes lingered on your thighs a little longer than usual and you subconsciously unwrapped them a little, the small gap from where the skirt ended and what covered your underwear, slowly widened. You released a heavy sigh, “Why are you so distracted?”
At that his eyes seemed to fall toward your cleavage, catching himself in the act of staring and looked back down, “I don’t know.”
You had to bite back a smirk and without any hesitation, you moved closer to his side, “Do I need to punish you? Will that get you to pay attention?”
You were half joking but tempted to see what he would say and you could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he seemed to become mush at your words, “H-how?”
You released a deep sigh, “How? That’s the wrong answer, I shouldn’t have to punish you. You should say, ‘Okay, Y/n, I’ll pay attention.’ What are you? A perv?”
Soobin went quiet at that and for a second you thought you might’ve said the wrong thing. His face flushed red and he looked down at his lap sadly but before you could apologize for asking him that, he said, “Maybe.”
“Maybe? So you’re a perv?” Your brows raised in surprise, “You want me to punish you?”
He gave a subtle nod of his head making you grow quiet, well this just got interesting. With a huff, pretending to be annoyed, you shifted even closer taking his hand in yours and pulling it to write on his paper with yours over his, “Start writing.”
“What am I writing?”
“Write: I am a liar and a perv,” you said jokingly and he looked up at you cutely so you helped him write, “I lied to Y/n about needing help, and I can’t stop staring at her boobs.”
His hand froze up mid sentence, “Y/n, how’d you find out?”
You smiled, he didn’t even bother hiding it this time, “Because I found your exam scores, you’ve been lying to me Soobin, after telling me nonstop how good you are,” you said with a stern voice.
“Are you mad?” He asked shyly. You released a sigh, pretending to contemplate, “Maybe? Are you going to listen and pay attention from now on?”
He nodded his head, watching curiously as you moved to sit behind him, turning to stare at you but you snapped your fingers forcing him to look forward again. You scooted close until your legs were spread around his big frame with your breasts pressed against his back that had his breath hitching in surprise. They already felt squishy and your arms moved to hug his waist. Soobin sucked in a breath when your hands rested on his thighs and he immediately looked down, already feeling himself begin to fidget in excitement and nervousness.
“I want you to read the question, and tell me the answer, I know you know it,” you said, making him nod his head, throat too dry to give you a verbal response, “But since you’re a perv, I’m not going to make it easy for you, I’m gonna touch you and if you stop, I stop, got it?”
As if to further explain what you meant, your hand moved toward his groin area making him breath heavier, “Mhm.”
“Yes or no.”
“Yes,” he sighed, “I’ll listen.”
His head tilted to the side when you began to teasingly touch the zipper, slowly pulling it down and undoing the button of his jeans, “Start reading.”
Soobin swallowed dryly, unable to help himself from thinking about the fact that you’re brakes today, he could practically feel your nipples against his back and when your hand ran over the expanse of his growing length, he couldn’t find the right word. You were a little surprised to feel his immediate response to your touch, already feeling him harden before you even did anything and you smiled, “I said, start reading.”
“Mhm,” he hummed with a nod of his head, blinking to try and collect his thoughts, “First question, When a gene is expressed, it means that the protein—ohh.”
His breath hitched in surprise as your hand wrapped around his clothed cock feeling him just continue to get more erecting. You even gave it a little squeeze, “Did I say stop? No, so keep going.”
“Mhm, protein that it codes for is being made by transcription and translation…” his word slowly when your thumb circled around his tip, still not touching him under his briefs, teasing him, “Imagine two genes in a eukaryote. One is gene X. The other is gene A—Y/n, I can’t focus.”
“So did you lie to me again?” You asked, finally sneaking your hand under the waistband or his briefs, “You said you would listen and pay attention.”
Your fingers wrapped around his thick length giving him a soft and teasing stroke, feeling his dick twitch instantly as he nodded his head. The words were bef ninny to get blurry when your palm hugged the head of his cock, twisting your wrist and smearing it in his own precum, surprised that it was already leaking. Soobin licked his dry lips trying to focus again, “In the cells you are studying, gene X is being expressed, and gene A is not being expressed—oh my god.”
He stopped when he felt you lean further against him, soft lips pressing a gentle kiss against his neck, fingers brushing along the underside of his tip and he couldn’t help but buck his hips just a little. You pulled his cock out of his underwear, “You still haven’t even finished reading the first question.”
“I’m trying,” he released a moan, “But it’s so hard, Y/n.”
You glanced down at his dick over his shoulder, nearly joking and asking if he meant his dick or the action. The head was red with need and precum leaked from the tip with a thick vein nearly throbbing everytime your hand stroked him. You gave him a small squeeze hearing him moan freely, “Keep going.”
With an annoyed groan he nodded, still waiting a moment when you began to pump his length using his own excess precum to lubricate him for an easier slide. He attempted to pick up where he left off, “—and gene A is not being expressed—ngh. Which prediction below is most likely true in these cells?”
You kissed his neck again, “Now what’s the answer?”
He released a throaty moan that made you suck harshly against his neck with the vibrations of it, stroking faster, squeezing at his base and flicking your wrist around his tip, unable to ignore the way he raised his hips to fuck into your fist. You put your legs on to of his lap to keep him from bucking, holding him in place, “I’m waiting.”
His head lolled to the side, hissing in pain when you stopped, tightening your fist and looked at him expectantly. He had to use his stupid brain, “Ugh, i—it’s B. There are more activa—oh my god—activators for gene X than for gene A.”
Your tongue licked a long stripe toward his ear, sucking on his ear lobe as you said, “Good boy, Soobin, next one.”
“Mhm,” he whined, feeling his heart leap at the name, “Good boy,” he repeated to himself. Unable to help himself he turned his head to look at you, big sparkly eyes staring into yours and without much thought, you leaned forward, letting your tongue slide into his mouth, never once stopping the jerking of his cock until finally… you felt it.
It was a complete overflow of warmth, thick and creamy cum that wouldn’t stop leaking from his tip as he threw his head back with a loud moan, hips lifting up even with your legs holding him down. It felt never ending, your fist was completely covered in his cum and it drenched his jeans and boxers, you were genuinely surprised. You didn’t know someone could cum this much from a simple handjob.
Soobin released a dry groan as you finally freed yourself from the absolute puddle of cum, looking down at the white cream that coated your fingers, letting him go and watching him fall limp against you. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath and he looked absolutely fucked out that you allowed him to lie down as you pushed the textbooks off the bed, wiping your hand against his own jeans, tugging them off, “Soobin.”
“Mm,” he hummed, looking completely zoned out but let you undress him. You clicked your tongue, climbing on top of his spent cock watching it twitch with life as you sat down, “Did I tell you to cum, bunny?”
His lip quivered as he looked at you, wordlessly shaking his head no. You released a deep sigh, “So you weren’t listening? Is that good or bad?”
“Bad,” he said sadly, “B—but I couldn’t Y/n, I—“
“You what?” You asked teaching for the end of your shirt, “You just thought to cum soon, like a dumb virgin?”
He stayed quiet, watching and feeling completely hypnotized by the sight of your bare breasts for his eyes only, finally. They were just how he imagined, big and soft with nipples he could see harden under his intense gaze. He was so lost in the sight that he absentmindedly said, “Yes.”
You seemed to stop as you flung your shirt to the floor, only wearing your small miniskirt, “Yes what?”
“Dumb virgin—“
“What?” You asked suddenly watching his face redden and you felt goosebumps raise on your skin, “Are you saying… are you a virgin?”
He nodded blankly, eyes on your boobs and nothing else, his cock coming back to life, “Mhm.”
“Oh my god,” you nearly jumped off his lap but his hands moved so fast to hold you by the waist and stop you. Your eyes widened, “Soobin, I—are you—oh my god, is this your first time getting a handjob?”
He blushed, nodding his head shyly, hands unable to stop themselves from sliding up your sides until they were just under the curves of your tits, thumbs nearly touching, “Yes and my first kiss, bu—“
“I am so sorry,” you tried to move but his hands were suddenly cupping your breasts, a blank expression on his face as he stared at them in awe, catching a feel while you tried apologizing, “Soobin, we shouldn’t. I—I—“
“I want to,” Soobin groaned, thumbs running over your nipples, “Please Y/n, I want you so fucking bad. I think about you all the time, I think about this all the time.”
You couldn’t help but grind against his naked cock at his words, “You do?”
His big hands felt good as they groped you, “All the time.”
It didn’t take you long to realize what he meant, a small smile on your face, “When you touch yourself?”
He nodded, releasing a quiet whisper as your nipples became hard pebbles that he couldn’t help but pinch, you smiled, grinding on his fat spent cock, “When you watch porn?”
Once again he nodded.
“When else?”
“Whenever you leave here,” he confessed, completely hypnotized by the bounce of your tits when you grind on his dick, “I tried using a flesh light but I’m too big, it always rips an—“
Now he was blabbing but it made you so fucking horny. He was big, too big to be a virgin and the territorial side of you was taking over. You’re the only one who’s made this big, stupid cock cum and holy shit, he came so much just from a handjob!
Feeling a bit more confident, he tilted his head cutely, looking up at you, “You’ve got big boobs, Y/n.”
“I kno—“
“Can I kiss em?”
Your eyes widened in surprise and a wicked smirk came to your face, shimmying up his torso, “No.”
His jaw dropped sadly, “Bu—“
“I got something better you can kiss,” you said seductively and he looked up at you with the cutest doe eyes you’ve ever seen. How could you ever dislike him? Just look at him.
“Really?” He looked down at the space between your legs, a thin thong right there between your folds and he could make out a wet spot. Licking his lips his big hands found your thighs, taking the honor to help you move up, “I’ve never, y’know…”
“I know, bunny,” you said even as he moved you closer and closer to your head with anticipation, “I’ll talk you through it bu—Soobin!”
A small squeal left your lips as he nearly knocked you forward, face between your legs, “Wait, I’m heavy, don’t do that unless you want me to suffocate you.”
Soobin wasn’t listening, his face was already against your pussy, nose brushing over the soaked fabric of your underwear, “Is okay, I want you to.”
He licks the wet spot on your underwear, lapping at the puddle with a moan, “Smells so good, Y/n, love it.”
You softly tugged his hair, leaning more and more of your weight onto his face and rocking, “Careful, okay? If it’s too much just tell me to stop.”
Soobin nodded his head against your clit, giving you a thumbs up before he completely yanked at your frail panties making you gasp as he tore into them. You yelled his name once more and he made a pout, “Sorry, they were in my way.”
“Slow down Binnie,” you reminded him, for a guy who’s never done it he seemed so experienced. Maybe it was all the porn he watched. You didn’t have much time to dwell on it as his tongue began lapping between your hole and your clit, sucking on it like it was a fucking lollipop, swirling his tongue around it hungrily. It’s not his fault. If you weren’t so pretty with such big boobies and a big brain and a cute laugh… he wouldn’t be so eager. He felt the moment your strength dissipated, hips no longer hovering and practically suffocated him, and he loved it.
He got sloppy, wanting to stick his tongue into your cunt as far as it could go, bunny eyes staring up as you rode his face now, losing yourself to the feeling, “Oh my god.”
Soobin began a repetitive motion with his tongue against your clit, before fucking you with it, he spread your ass with his big hands but his eyes were on the way your tit juggled with each breath you took and he imagined your clit was a nipple. His cock twitched at the thought, legs moving restless against the bed as he tried finding his own release but he jumped bucked his hips into the air.
You were so close, so so so close, moaning like a bitch in heat and accidentally tugging on his hair too hard, but he didn’t mind one bit. He liked it, it egged him on and he made out with your pussy so good that you couldn’t hold back, cum spilling into his open mouth with your thighs clenching around his head. A low moan fell from his lips and as you tried coming down from your heavy orgasm, his own cock released another stream of cum. You turned to look at it, a puddle of white coating his stomach, culling untouched.
Your jaw dropped as he let you go and before you could offer up a break, he was flipping you onto your back, head immediately going between your breasts.
“Fuck,” you breathed out as his mouth attached itself to your left tit like he wanted to swallow them whole. His mouth was covered in your cum and some drool. His cock lay perfectly between your folds and you just felt how hard he was, bringing your hands to his hair, coddling him, “You love my boobs, don’t you?”
At the feel of your hands in his hair, he groans, teeth gently nipping at the hard buds, “Mhm. Love ‘em.”
“I know, that’s why you always stare at them, naughty bunny,” you teased, feeling his shaky inhale. He kissed your tits and sucked on your nipples as his erecting cock jumped your folds, “Not naughty.”
“Really?” You asked, biting back a moan when he shook his head against your boob just soaking in the softness of them against your cheek, “Just being a perv then?”
“Mm,” Soobin moaned, “Wan’ fuck you, Y/n, baby.”
Your brows raised in surprise as the pet name fell from your lips already feeling his hand sink down toward his cock while tonguing at your sensitive nipple. You couldn’t help yourself at this point, stroking your fingers gently over his nipples, smiling as he shudders at the feel, cock slippery in his hands as you said, “Fuck me then.”
With a quick nod he lined himself up, missing your hole a few times till you offered him help and moaned. His body fell against yours, not sure what to do as the tightness of your pussy completely overwhelmed him, face between your tits, tongue trying to lick you even if he was so far away. He whined, “Y/n, Y-Y/n, help—“
His words died when you grabbed his hips, guiding them back before thrusting them into your own pussy until he got the rhythm. You didn’t even think twice about the fact that you weren’t using a condom. You were on birth control and though it wasn’t fully effective it was safer than not having anything and clearly it was too late. You didn’t expect the virgin to have condoms anyway.
“It’s okay, baby, nice and slow—fuck, Bin,” you moaned softly. Where did this new Soobin come from? He was fucking you now at a steady pace dragging his stupidly fat cock out till only his tip was in and drawing his hips forward till he impaled you. His mouth lazily kissed at your breasts before moving up your neck, humping his cock into your stretched out cunt with moans falling from his lips repeatedly.
Soobin was gasping for air and his grunts became louder and louder, slamming into you like his life depended on it, “So good.”
“Yeah?” You asked, clinging to him, “Love your first pussy?”
He kissed you nastily. Tongue down your throat and you could still taste your cum but it only made you moan. He was fucking you roughly, nails digging into your plump hips making sure you couldn’t escape his brutal thrusts even if you wanted to. It was his turn to lose control and fuck, he was so close.
It was a scene out of a porn video, it reeked of sex and his bed sheets were completely ruined. His stomach was covered in his cum that just soaked yours from the way he rutted himself against you and it was just nasty and horny. You hugged him close, legs wrapping around him, tits pressed against his chest, “I’m close, bunny, you gonna cum for me?”
“Mhm,” he whined fucking you so good you were seeing stars. His dick was just so big and the girth on it was insane, he impaled you over and over again, “Gonna cum.”
You know you should tell him to pull out. It’s the right thing to do but…
Hot ropes of his creamy cum filled your cunt suddenly with a cry as his body shook against yours. Despite cumming twice already it felt never ending and you couldn’t help yourself. The stimulation was just too much, his cock still thrusting into the wet space between your thighs.
Soobin sniffled, face between your breasts, clinging to you so hard you had to practically pull at his hair, “Soobin, bunny, I know it was a lot but you have to move.”
He shook his head, you could hear his sniffles get louder, “Don’t wanna.”
You ran your fingers through his hair, pouting when you found his reddened eyes, “I need to clean up.”
He shook his head cutely but he knew better. He slowly pulled out, watching with starry eyes as globs of cum left your pussy, an urge to finger it back into you strong but he let you sit up in shock at the mess.
“Did you lie to me again?” You asked jokingly but it went right over his head even as you said, “You don’t fuck like a virgin.”
“No! I didn’t! You’re my first, I promise,” he basically followed you out of bed, “Don’t leave.”
“I’m not going to,” you assure him, “But I need to use the bathroom.”
“You’ll come back, right?”
You smiled, “I can’t just stay in there, can I? Lay down, I’ll help you clean up next.”
He nodded his head tiredly, doing just what you asked as he yawned.
Once you were done, hoping you got most of it out you opened the door to his bathroom, nearly screaming when you found him standing just on the other side of it. You gasped, “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he sniffles and it looks like he’s been crying, “Sorry.”
“What for?” You asked, trying to lead him back to his bed feeling sad. What happened? You’re not used to Soobin like this. You laid him down and joined him, “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry for lying—I—I—I just like you so much and—and,” he struggled with words and you pulled him in for a hug, his head immediately on your chest.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I promise,” you said, “I like you too, why don’t you try and get some sleep? It was a lot for your first time, I’m sorry.”
“I liked it,” he said with a content sigh, “Promise you won’t leave?”
“I promise,” you said brushing his hair back but he wouldn’t budge.
“Pinky swear?” He asked hopeful that you smiled.
“I pinky swear,” you said, kissing the tip of his nose, “We’ve gotta talk anyway.”
He pouted once more, “About? Y-you don’t like me?”
“Binnie, I already told you I do,” you said softly, feeling him relax, “But we need to talk about what to do, right?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, finally relaxing against you, “Want you to be my girlfriend.”
“Aren’t I too mean, though?”
“Yes,” he said cutely, “But I like it.”
ok this took me forever 😭😭sorry friends but I hope it was worth it.
taglist: @laylasbunbunny @bangchansbae
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blackswan446 · 4 months
Could you please write about yandere who's a fuckboy? At first he was just gonna play with her reader's heart but ended up being obsessed with her. Any member is fine. Thank you so much in advance if you end up writing it!
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→ pairing: yan!jjk x reader
→ synopsis: we live for so many years, why not make them the happiest you can?
→ wc: 5362
→ cws: kidnapping/coercion, death, funeral, sexual advances
→ notes: yay my first ask! hope you enjoy, and sorry it took so long :(
part two || m.list
jungkook was a womanizer.
at least, that's what everybody else called him. he liked to think of himself as...social. sure, he got around a bit, but that's just how young men lived. especially young men like him. born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the man was set up for success from the moment he was born. who cares if that success came at the expense of a childhood with present parents and a sense of family beyond a name?
needless to say, jungkook's reputation followed him wherever he went, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing for him. it gained him a different type of respect from other men of his status, and only seemed to draw more and more women into his addictive orbit, no thanks to his looks and suave personality. assistants, secretaries, office workers, even the wives of others, you name the woman, if she was around jungkook for a while, it's more than likely they had something going on.
what a shame he never stuck around. what a shame he would lure them in, with promises of extravagant dates, fancy dresses, and luxurious houses, all to have the chandelier fall back down on them in the form of "we're just not compatible!" although they acted sad, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were really so heartbroken over. the life of their dreams was hanging just within their grasp, all for it to be ripped away and dangled over the head of another girl. anyone would be sad about that.
did it ever get boring?...sometimes. but there lived no fun without the dullness. for every batch of girls that cycled in and out of his life, there were always a few sticklers. sticklers, who didn't leave quietly, but put up a fight, refused to leave, spat insults at him, one even keyed his expensive sports car. these ones were usually paid a hefty sum to see their way out of his life, and what was funny, is that every single girl who was offered the money took it and left. they didn't even give it a second thought.
the idea of settling down sounded nice for about a year, until he quickly realized that it was easier said than done for a man of his rank. it would be far too easy to lock in with a woman that married him for his house, his cars, his fortune, than for him. he didn't need to be bled dry by some selfish woman who resorted to marrying rich after her failed acting career. so alone he stayed, or rather, lonely. he was rarely alone with himself. but he always had this aching feeling of loneliness in his chest.
that was, until one little choice altered his entire life.
"this is who we've narrowed down for the secretary position, sir. it was difficult, as there were a lot of highly qualified applicants, but these are my choices. i figured you could get the final say, if you don't mind." sehyun concluded, leaving the stack of folders in front of jungkook on his desk. sighing deeply, he looked at he pile, then back to the man before him. "are you sure you want me to choose?"
sejun nodded. "yes, sir. unless, of course, you don't want to." he clarified. jungkook shook his head. "no, it's fine. i've got it." he said, reaching for the pile. shutting his eyes, and shuffling the folders in his hands, he grabbed a random one from the middle and held it up. "this one." he declared, handing it back to sejun.
taking it from the male, he opened the file to read the contents. "who's our lucky winner, sejun?" he joked, leaning back in his chair lazily. "looks like it's [first name/last name]. sound alright to you?" he asked, looking to his boss for approval. he nodded. "sounds great to me. she sounds pretty." he remarked, smiling at his own words. with a courtesy laugh and farewell, sejun left, shutting the door behind him. after he was gone, jungkook looked at the pile of papers left behind, and tossed them in the garbage without thinking twice.
it's almost as if he knew he would never need them again.
tapping your foot anxiously, you glanced around the clean waiting room, observing the decorations, the paintings, and even taking note of the sweet smell of the room, the smell of a fresh flower garden in the midst of spring. the only sound that filled the room was the typing of the receptionist on her computer, along with the occasional conversation from the office behind her. the seconds passed like minutes, the minutes like hours, as you waited for in the chair the receptionist sent you to. why were you in a chair? who knows, you told her you had been hired, but she still sent you to wait amongst the clients. you certainly fit in with them, wearing your nicest clothes and cleanest shoes.
finally, you heard the call of your name from behind the desk, and looked up to see a man rushing towards you. "[name], i'm so sorry to keep you waiting. how long have you been here?" he asked apologetically. you shook your head. "oh please, don't worry about it. i haven't been here for long." you reassured him, smiling in an attempt to ease his worries. "well, welcome to jeon industries. on behalf of everyone, we're all very happy you're here." he beamed, leading you down a carpeted hallway to a small, messy office. "here, have a seat--i guess you've been doing a lot of that today," he chuckled, "and i'll get you setup with your badge and login information."
you nodded, accepting his invitation to sit down in the cushy chair in front of his desk. the office was disorganized, but not in a way that made you want to leave. it looked more like the office of someone who was always hard at work, rather than someone who just didn't bother to clean. 'so you're fresh out of college, right? how's the real world been treating you?" he asked, typing away on his computer before searching around for something on his cluttered desk. "so far, so good. i'm here, aren't i?" you replied, half-smiling. he nodded slowly. "right you are...alright, here's a temporary badge. we'll get you an official one once we can get the photographer in for your picture. and this," he said, handing you a yellow sticky note with some writing scribbled on it, "is your login information for your computer. now i'll bring you to your desk, and get you setup with your trainer, and you'll be good to go!" he said cheerily, standing up from the chair and heading for the door.
a long series of hallways led to your desk, which was situated right outside of a sleek wooden door, on which a gold plate that was engraved with the name "jeon jungkook". the door had glass on either side, that peeked into the office, where you caught a glimpse of the supposed mr. jeon, on a phone call at his desk. unfortunately, he looked up from his desk at the exact moment you were peering into the office, resulting in one second of awkward eye contact before you turned your head away and your eyes met the ones of a new girl.
"hi!" she grinned, "i'm aera. i work in accounting, right down the hall. you're [name], right?" she asked, sticking her hand out for you to shake. taking it, you introduced yourself. "yes, hello, it's nice to meet you, aera!" you said confidently, her kind manner easing your burning nerves. "i'll let you two get started here. aera, thank you for your time, and [name], if you need anything, you can come to either of us, and we'll help you out. alright?" he asked. at your nod, he gave one last smile before disappearing down the hallway.
aera clasped her hands. "well, isn't this exciting! i love when we get new people here. let's start your training, shall we?"
jungkook saw you. you tried to look away, you tried to act like you weren't staring him down, but he always saw the stares. it's not like he had any issue with it, of course. he loved when people looked at him, especially pretty girls such as yourself. and to think that you were just going to be sitting outside, doing nothing else but running around for his sake! he had been looking for a new distraction from his work, his life, his everything. and it looks like he just found it.
three months had passed, three months of your little desk, new friendships, and great work. the job was going great for you; of course, it was work, so it did have its downsides, but the good far outweighed the bad. your coworkers welcomed you in with open arms, despite your young age and inexperience, they respected you and valued your opinions, which alleviated about 80% of your worries.
as for the job itself, it was great. all you really did was secretary work, like scheduling meetings, booking dinner reservations, and calling other businessmen, all for the ceo.
jeon jungkook.
what an interesting man.
right off the bat, jungkook was very...friendly...to you. the first day you were there, without aera by your side to help you, he moseyed on out of his office and right to your desk, taking the opportunity to "personally introduce" himself to you, and by that, he meant saying his name and staring at you like a piece of meat as he carried on a meaningless conversation.
from then on, he was always just around. wherever you were, he always seemed to find himself. for a while, you thought he was just being welcoming. but when it didn't let up after the first month, you started to think that there were some sort of ulterior motives at play. no ceo has any reason to be getting his secretary gifts every week, nor any reason to grab the small of her waist every time he passes behind her. the questions in your head came to an end when aera revealed the young man's real self, in a serious conversation over some hot breakroom coffee.
"he's a major...manwhore!" she revealed, going on to recount all the numbers of women she had heard him being with in her few years there. "he's been with virtually every woman here." you looked at her in disbelief, and you didn't need to ask the question for her to give you an answer. she nodded slowly, staring into her mug. "i'm not proud of it..i was young, and i liked the attention. i feel so stupid now." she admitted.
it all made sense to you now, the touching, the presents, the prolonged conversations about the lobby decorations. it all clicked. he only saw you as another trophy to win and put into his glass case with all the other girls he had tainted. you wanted to be shocked, but with someone of his authority and resources, it'd be a lie to say you expected differently. it was a shame, sure, but at least you knew now.
jungkook, on the other hand, had no clue what your problem was. it didn't usually take him this long to seduce a girl. what more did he have to do? he did everything he knew of--gifts, of pretty flowers and expensive candies, having long and invested conversations together, he even resorted to the subtle-touching method. how long was this going to take?! did you have a boyfriend, or were you saving it for marriage, or were you just a prude?
as frustrating as this loss was, especially for someone who always won, there was something strange about it that he...liked? he didn't know either. but it was oddly addicting, the challenge of it. the unfamiliarity of it. of not being given into at the first smile. the need to actually try, even if it was for something so shallow,
he just liked trying.
the night had come, and left a wash of black over everything that was once bright and clear. you could see the night sky from your window, and the stars glittered like moonlight on the ocean. throwing your things into your bag sloppily, in a hurry to get out out of the office and into the cool nighttime air. you were scheduled to have left an hour ago, but a cold had set you back a few days last week, and you needed to catch up on the work that was left waiting for you.
slinging your purse over your shoulder and pushing in your chair, you walked to jungkook's door to bid him farewell for the evening. as grossed out as you were by him, it would be rude to not say goodbye to your boss, at least, you thought it was. poking your head in the door, you barely got the word 'goodbye' out before noticing something strange.
jungkook wasn't hunched over his desk, or talking on his phone, or even on his computer. instead of bidding you a cheeky goodbye, he was standing at his large window, which overlooked the city and its bright lights. furrowing you brows, you debated going further inside to ask what was wrong, but the young man had already picked up on your presence, so you couldn't back out now.
"[name]," he said, not in his normal flirtatious tone, "heading out?" he glanced at the time on his watch. "i guess so. it's pretty late." you took a few steps into his office, staying close to the door. "yeah, i was. but are you alright? i saw you just...standing there." you asked quietly, nervous that your simple question had overstepped some type of boundary.
he nodded quickly. "yeah, yeah. i'm alright, thanks...just thinking, i guess." he said, turning his body to face you entirely. you cocked your head to the side. "about what? anything in particular?" you asked, mentally slapping yourself. this is probably exactly what he wants to happen, you thought, you were being too kind to him. but you couldn't exactly leave now, you were too far in.
he sighed. "honestly? yeah. i was just thinking...what if i'm not fit for this? i mean, today, i noticed that our revenue numbers have gone down, and not by just a little bit. i mean, i hear all the time that it's normal for companies to fluctuate in their numbers, but nobody ever talks about it. and it scares me. it makes me think that i'm doing something wrong." he confessed, looking down at his shiny leather shoes.
"i see." was all you could say. what else was there? were you supposed to give him business advice? "and i have my father breathing down my neck, always reminding me that i need to have this big, important life, that i need to get married, and run a corporation perfectly, and learn french, and piano, and racquetball, and all this other bullshit, and i can barely keep my head above water!" he complained, having shifted from the window to his desk chair. he chuckled slightly, after a moment. "i'm sorry, [name], god, i get asked one question, and i go off on a tangent. you don't deserve that."
you smiled softly. "don't worry, mr. jeon. i'm the one who asked. as for everything else you said...nobody said you need to do it all at once. you're young, sir. you have a lot of life ahead of you. you have plenty of time to do all of those things, and even more things, that you can choose. you're not running out of time. and i'm sorry you feel like you are." you consoled, scolding yourself for the cliché advice you just gave.
instead of scoffing, he nodded his head slowly. "i guess you're right. i mean, i'm only 28. i won't be going anywhere anytime soon." he mused. you smiled, this time more broadly. "you've given me a lot to think about, [name]. thank you. seriously." he said, his signature grin returning to his face. with a quiet goodbye, you scurried out of the office, eager to get out into the fresh air, and away from the incidental therapy session you just had with your boss.
the next day, you walked in, and as you approached your desk, you were greeted by the biggest arrangement of flowers you had ever seen in a vase. you didn't even need to read the card to know where they came from.
that day at lunch, a pair of dainty knuckles went up to meet the sleek wood of the door. a flat voice from behind it admitted the person to the room, which they entered and shut the door behind them.
"mr. jeon."
glancing up from the paper in his hands, he met aera's sharp eyes. "aera. what can i do for you?" he asked, turning his attention back down to his work. she moved forward, to sit in one of the sleek leather chairs in front of his desk. "well, you can tell me what you and that little assistant of your have going on, for starters."
looking up, this time with much more intensity than before, he stared into her brown eyes. "what are you talking about?" he demanded. she laughed, as if it were the stupidest question she had ever heard. "don't play dumb. you know exactly what i'm talking about. you and that little puritan that sits outside of your office all day?" she laughed again, "always sending her flowers and that other bullshit. i mean, you're not a stupid man. what could you possibly see in her? she's obviously a prude, obviously inexperienced, and so boring! what a sad excuse for a woman! why keep chasing after that..." she paused, standing up and circling around the desk to where jungkook was sat, seating herself on the arm of the chair, "when you could have...something so much better, and all you have to do is say the word?" she whispered, leaning in close to his ear.
clenching his jaw, jungkook turned his head away from aera. "get out." he seethed, refusing to say anymore than that. she scoffed, standing up and placing her hand on her hip. "i--you cannot be serious. don't be shy, sir, i know you want this. all you have to do is tell me yes."
"okay, well, i'm telling you to get out, before i call the front desk and have you escorted out, by security." he boomed, standing up from his chair, sending it flying into the shelf behind him, "and don't bother coming back. not today, not tomorrow, not next week. just pack your shit and leave."
mouth agape, and standing there awkwardly until jungkook motioned for her to get out, aera stormed out, heels thumping on the floor. "unbelievable. un-fucking-believable!" she shouted, slamming the door behind her as she left. she stormed past your desk and as she walked by, spat "he's yours, you little bitch."
confused, you watched her back disappear down the corridor and into her office, where she noisily started slamming things around. jungkook came out of his office, rushing to your desk as he heard her shout at you. her obnoxious throwing and swearing could be heard as she grabbed all her belongings and left out of the back entrance.
looking at jungkook, with whom you were still not totally comfortable with, he patted your shoulder softly as he talked to you. "are you alright? i don't know what her problem is. did she do anything to you?' he asked. after assuring him you were okay, he went back into his office. you wondered all afternoon what she meant by "he's yours".
ever since the night you had caught him all stressed out, he seemed to be different. like he held a higher respect for you now. instead of passing by you by grabbing your waist, he politely excused himself. instead of extending conversations about nothing, he asked you genuine questions, and replied with interested answers. as for the gifts...they didn't really stop. but his shift in behavior was nice, you appreciated the new high regard he held you in.
as for jungkook, he had stopped looking at you like a piece of ass. he didn't see you like that anymore. see, it wasn't the first time he had been asked if he was alright by a woman. it had happened plenty of times. it also wasn't the first time he had answered with that exact thing: the fear of not living up to what he needed to be, that ate away at him every single day. but it was the first time he had gotten an actual response. not a one-word answer, not an 'oh', not a subject change. an actual response, with substance and meaning. it was weird, such a small action was the most heard and seen he had ever felt in his whole life. furthermore, it inspired hope, something that he had long given up on. and it was fucking euphoric.
needless to say, he was smitten. maybe it was destiny, or maybe his standards were just low. either way, he had never felt this way for anyone before, and couldn't imagine feeling it for anyone else. so naturally, he didn't take too kindly to someone coming in and disrespecting you like that, much less one of your closest friends! through his anger, he couldn't help but wonder, why? was she jealous, because she knew that an ugly beast hid behind her mask, and there was no changing it? or was she just that shallow?
whatever her reasons, jungkook didn't really care. all he knew is that she was a problem, one that took priority over any other issue he had. she needed to be gone, not just from the company, but from society. your heart was too golden, too shiny and beautiful to float around, unprotected from the tarnish of others.
oh, you. what would happen with you? it was already decided, at least, in his mind, that you were his and he was yours. it was that simple. you just didn't know yet. that wasn't what the issue was here. you would no doubt be upset over the tragic loss of your best friend, but who would hold you as you cried? who would hug you as you struggled to fall asleep? who would be there for you in your hour of need? jungkook would, obviously. the roles in your life were open, the role of boyfriend, best friend, provider. and he had enough love to fill all of those spots to the max, plus more left over to shower you in, to drown you in. what better person could there be?
the decision was made, he knew what had to happen, and he knew he would get away with it. normally, he didn't like to risk dirtying his hands with anything even remotely like this, but for you, he'd crawl his way through the mud. besides, what harm was there in getting your hands dirty, as long as you washed the muck away?
the news had hit you like a freight train. aera, one of your very best friends, struck while walking on the street late at night, by a drunk driver. how awful! and just that day, she had gotten into a conflict at work...the poor girl. she was so young, too. she had so much going for her, so much to wait for in life.
putting on your nicest black outfit, combing your hair out, and grabbing your plain black umbrella, you parked your car on the road across from the cemetery. your umbrella came in handy, as it was a grey day, rain drizzling from the sky, almost like God was crying right along with you. faces, familiar and not, all flooded to the open grave.
looking around, you recognized a few coworkers, and most notable, jungkook. he had on a black suit, one that looked nicer than his everyday ones, and was standing around with a few people. he didn't look like he was sad, but more solemn. like he was only there because it was the right thing to do.
you shied away from the crowd, preferring to stick to yourself and process the loss on your own. you visited the casket, which had the lid shut up tight, and you just stood there for a minute. memories of aera flooded your mind, from the first cheerful greeting she gave you to the final words she hurled at you as she stormed away. who knew that would be the last time you ever saw each other?
as you mourned, you felt a hand snake around your waist, rubbing your side gently. "hey, [name]. how are you holding up?" jungkook asked quietly, leaning into your ear as he did so. you shook your head. "i'm fine, it's just..so shocking. i mean, we just saw her." you said, not totally believing the words that left your own mouth.
he nodded. "mmh, i get that. it's horrifying, isn't it? absolutely..horrifying." he said, looking down at the polished brown casket and the spread of flowers that sat on top of it. "hey, you've been standing in the rain for a while. aren't you cold? here, take this." he offered, taking the soft suit jacket off and hanging it over your shoulders. "how about we go sit down? the service is going to start soon." he said, carefully leading you to two chairs underneath the tent, away from the cold drops of rain that were hitting your skin.
you thanked him quietly, and before you could do anymore, the service started. the array of speeches and memories shared in aera's honor brought tears to your eyes, and you couldn't help the few that rolled down your cheeks. the whole time, jungkook kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders, at some points even pulling you closer to him and almost cradling you in his arms. admittedly, it was nice to have someone there for you as you hurt, even if it was him.
the service ended, seemingly as quickly as it started. the crowd dispersed, some going up to say their final goodbye to aera. you and your fragile heart couldn't bear to do it, not again, and after leaving jungkook's suit jacket on your chair, you slowly started to make your way back to the car, wiping your tears on your hands as you did so.
"[name]!" you heard a familiar voice call. turning around, jungkook, suit jacket in hand, walked swiftly towards you, arm outstretched. "come on. i'll take you home." he said, reaching to grab your shoulder. you shook your head. "thank you, but my car's parked here. and thanks for the jacket. i'll see you at work." you replied, trying to turn and leave.
"i don't think you should be driving. you know, with...everything. your mind is foggy. it's dangerous to drive like that. come on, i promise i don't mind." he pleaded, a desperate look crossing his features. hesitantly, you obliged with his request, and he wrapped his arm around you once again as you walked to his fancy car. some heads turned, and there were some whispers, and your face burned because of it, but jungkook didn't seem to notice.
his car was nice, and undoubtedly expensive. with only two seats, it looked like something a movie star would zoom up to a party with. getting in, and buckling your seatbelt, you heard the door locks click, and as the car started up, you felt your grief fire up again, but this time, it manifested in your stomach, specifically, a pit feeling, similar to nerves.
"don't you need my address?" you asked him as he took off down the road. "i have your address already." he said, "you know, from employee records." he clarified, smiling at you innocently. there wasn't much conversation. only the sounds of the asphalt beneath you and the feelings of devastation at aera's death heightening in your stomach, now giving you sweaty palms and a racing heart. all you needed was to get home, to your shower, your pajamas, and your bed.
it was only after jungkook drove past your road that you realized the feeling in your stomach might be a bit more than pure grief. "sorry, but you drove past my road." you informed him. he shook his head. "no, [name]. we're not going there. i have something i need to tell you, and i really need you to stay calm, because it'll make it a whole lot easier for you. got that?" he asked, putting his hand on your thigh and making mindless patterns with his thumb.
"what are you talking about? i'd really just like to go back home, jungkook, my house. please." you beseeched. he shook his head again. "listen to me, baby, just listen, yeah? you are going home--well, not your home, but we're going to our home. sound good? i don't want you to worry. i know this is weird, but i promise, you'll love it. okay? stay calm, for me." he explained, slowly, as if you were a child. tears welled up in your eyes all over again. "but why? i don't want to!" you cried.
"why? why do you think, darling, because i'm bored?" he chuckled at his own sick joke, "because, i love you. and i'm the only one you have, now that aera's gone. i know you're sad about that, but trust me, it was for the best. if you heard what she said, you would hit the floor, baby." he said, he laughed at it, as if it were some type of hilarious joke.
it didn't take a genius to figure out what he was implying. disgusted, you froze in your seat, breath catching in your throat. "you...don't tell me...you did that..to her?" you choked out, barely able to annunciate the words. he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "what can i say? she wasn't good for you, darling, that's what you need to understand. she was such a hateful person. she deserved it." he assured you, voice calm and even.
vision blurring, whether it was from the tears or dizziness, you weren't sure, but you clawed at the handle of his car. "let me out. right now. just let me go, and i won't tell anyone. please." you begged, desperately looking around for anything to help you. suddenly, you felt the car stop abruptly in the middle of the road. jungkook leaned over, hand unmoving from your thigh, and spoke directly into your ear. "try to get out of this car again, and so help me god, i will not hesitate to do to the both of us what i did to aera. you wouldn't want that, would you, sweetheart?" he asked, voice sweet and innocent, as he leaned back, and even had the audacity to give you a kiss on the cheek and smile at you as he did so.
slowly, you sat back in your seat, hands folded in your lap. as much as you wanted to, you had no doubt that jungkook would run the both of you off the road if you tried anything else stupid. your ideas for escape started diminishing as more and more trees and fields filled your vision, and the buildings of the city faded away.
"listen to me. i got us a beautiful house in the country. it's huge, and we have anything and everything you could ever want. i'll keep on going to work, and all you have to do is stay home, and wait for me. okay? be there for me when i get home. spend time with me. be my wife. and whatever happens, happens." he told you sternly. "you know, [name], i think you were right. we have so much life left to live, both of us. we have decades left. and what better way to spend it,
than just the two of us, together?"
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hiorisgf · 1 year
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↪the different ways the boys don't let you pay.
↪What's on your mind?: Actually I myself don't know where I'm going with this too. Heh.
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Boyfriends who, whenever you're about to pay for something using your own card—he's always there to slap your hand away and give the cashier his instead. Where did you get the idea that he'd let you pay for even a single one of your outings? Well either way, you ought to wipe that thought away because he'll make sure you won't even get the chance to hold your wallet since e this man's already paid for everything. Bastard is unecessarily agressive in the way he refuses to let you pay like bae, why does he have to look at you like you just said the most offensive thing to him in his entire career of living when all you just said is 'let me pay'😭😭
Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Chigiri Hyoma, Barou Shouei, Kurona Ranze
Loverboys that Immediately gets the wrong idea. Baby thinks he's done something wrong when you offer to split the bill. Like sir. What😃. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT. You have to assure him that he hasn't done anything wrong and that you just want to lessen his expenses because the dates have got to be expensive. Especially with how fancy the places he takes you to are 😭 But after you assure him that he's fine, that you aren't mad at him and all that, and he finally understands what you mean—this cute little bastard dares to go and give you the sweetest smile humanity would ever witness and lovingly tell you, "No."
Isagi Yoichi, Mikage Reo, Niko Ikki
Beloved little shits that would never miss the chance to take your wallet and hide it from you if ever an opportunity presented itself. He does it so that when you'd take your wallet to pay for the meal—only to realize that you've lost it, you'd have no choice but to rely on him to pay for it instead. Too busy wallowing yourself in embarrassment and the feeling of guilt, you fail to notice the small smirk that appears on his everloving face as he inwardly celebrates the success of his plans. HAH. YOU REALLY THOUGHT. Ehem. Now, dearest—just take a seat back and relax as he spoils the way you deserve to be pampered <3 (Also if you're worried about your wallet then he'd return it after the date's finished with that shit eating grin of his you'd like to punch)
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness, Bachira Meguru, Oliver Aiku
Pretty, loveable liars who'd gladly allow you to pay for the next meal with a smile on his fave. He chuckles and lovingly looks at you as you adorably pump your fists up in the air. Money in hand, you head to the cashier to pay for the two of you when suddenly the cashier decided to be a not so nice person when they reveal with a smile that the gentleman behind you,(which also happened to be your lover) had already paid for yours and his meal. You look at him, utterly and pitifully betrayed. Your lips turn into a pout as you look at him with watery eyes. And for a moment, they actually feel guilty about not letting you pay for this time.
Hiori Yo, Yukimiya Kenyu, Kunigami Rensuke
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5K notes · View notes
A Lion in Your Den
Yandere Male Lion Hybrid Android x Transmasc Reader (CW: Non-con, breakup, depression, disassociation, overstimulation, drug induced pleasure, general yandere behavior) EXTRA NOTE: The term “pussy” is used to refer to transmasc genitals, this may potentially give some transmasc readers dysphoria so I just wanted to be extra clear on what is in this fic. Word Count: 4.5k (Big thanks to the commissioner, they paid way above my normal rate for this just so I could finish my garden and feed the senior center as well as my family. They wished to remain anonymous so I will not tag them, but I still just wanted everyone to know how awesome the commissioner is.)
The day had started like any other, you went to work and thought of taking the love of your life, Marcus, out to dinner later to get you through the day. You largely kept to yourself, got your work done, and turned to your happy thoughts when things got too unbearable. And when you got home after work to prepare for your date with your beloved, things were still going great. You took great care in getting and looking immaculate, you donned your best suit, which your android butler had kept pristine for you. “What do you think Ash,” you asked, doing a slow turn to show him how you looked. “You look amazing today sir, very handsome, I am sure Marcus will think so too!” Though his opinion was a bit biased, you were sure he would let you know if anything was seriously amiss with your attire. Ash was your android butler, he attended to you basically acting as a personal assistant and housekeeper. He cooked, cleaned, kept you organized, and in general just helped keep your days moving with a good flow. You were lucky you could afford him, feline mandroids were pretty expensive but your salary as a member of upper management at the company that manufactured these androids, along with an employee discount, meant you could get one. Ash was a later model, based on a lion. Not as petite as the domestic cat based model, and their personalities were less timid, and it was not uncommon to see them employed as bodyguards. You could easily see Ash in such a role, his image was certainly intimidating, standing 7ft tall was long ginger hair, lion like ears on the top of his head, a tail, sharp fangs, and glowing yellow eyes. With Ash’s affirmation that you looked fine and that you weren’t forgetting anything you grabbed your keys and headed to your car to meet Marcus at the park from which you would take a pleasant stroll down the street to a lovely seafood restaurant at which you had booked reservations. You pulled into the park’s parking lot and saw Marcus sitting on the bench waiting for you, you were a few minutes early so you knew he had been very early. One of the things you loved about him, always on time and never once stood you up. That was of course only one minor thing you admired about him, he was so sweet and open about himself, in contrast with your more reserved personality. He was also always wanting to go do things, go on adventures and see the sights, it was refreshing. And in bed he was great, always letting you on top, letting you cover him in bites while he moaned and whimpered submissively below you. In all areas of life he was extremely compatible with you, that’s why tonight you were going to ask him to take the next step with him towards spending the rest of your life with him. You had made all the preparations, so sure that he would say yes. You were going to ask him to move in with you. You knew he was having trouble keeping up with rent and this way he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all, you could take care of him. You even cleared a spare room for him to put all his stuff into. As you approached him he seemed a little nervous, though that wasn’t unusual, he always was whenever the two of you were on an outing where there would be people like at a restaurant or anything like that, he always calmed down and enjoyed himself eventually. You loved how he always calmed down when you held hands. He stood up and you silently took his hand before pulling him close and planting a chaste kiss on his cheek. “I am so glad I get to see you tonight, I thought about you all day at work, I know you love seafood so you are going to love this place I promise,” you said to him excitedly. He seemed a bit distant and distracted which wasn’t much like him, but you didn’t press him on it, he was probably just hyper-fixating on some small issue at work or something like that. When you were at the restaurant everything was pleasant enough. The food was good and flavorful, the zest of lemon imbued fish dancing on your tongue, the smell of freshly prepared seafood hanging thickly in the air, and the ambient sounds of other customers chatting and the scraping of silverware against their plates. Mainly you just enjoyed Marcus’ company and engaged in small talk and light banter, but eventually you started talking about your future together and were about to bring up the prospect of him moving in with you, but before you had a chance to take the conversation that far he interrupted you. “Look uh, we need to talk…” Uh-oh. No conversation between partners that started that way ever ended well. The conversation wasn’t one you could recall completely, you were so anxious and more than a bit dizzy, but the gist was that he was breaking up with you and did not feel that spark anymore. You remembered dropping your fork and hearing it clatter against your plate, and you remembered still experiencing the sounds and smell of an eatery and all the other patrons carrying on blissfully with their lives even as your world was completely shattered. You remembered Marcus apologizing and putting some money on the table before awkwardly getting up and leaving. And finally you remembered all of this as if you were not experiencing this first hand but almost as if you were floating a bit out of body and watching all of this unfold from a detached perspective. And that is how you were as you asked for the check, walked back to your car, and drove home, completely detached and out of it, as if you were just floating on auto-pilot going through all of the motions without really experiencing them or having proper presence of mind, it was like the spirit, the very ability to experience emotions beyond a dull whisper of what you should be experiencing, had left your body. When you arrived home of course Ash greeted you in his normal optimistic and ready to please manner as soon as you opened the door, before he even got a chance to look at you, “Hello, sir did the date go well, how’s Marcus? Did you ask him about mov- Oh, are you okay? What happened?” Finally looking at you, Ash could immediately tell there was something very wrong by the way that you stared ahead blankly and the change in the way with which you usually carried yourself. You responded only by brushing past him and walking upstairs to your bedroom and closing the door behind you before locking it and laying on your bed. You did not even bother to change out of your nice clothes. What was the point? What was the point of anything anymore? Ash tried a few times over the course of what remained of the night to knock on your door and get you to tell him what was wrong, but you just ignored him, in truth you barely noticed. You still felt like everything was distant. Your android was worried, and as the days progressed he grew more worried, it was a long weekend so it wasn’t too bad at first but then you did something you never did, you called off of work. Since you refused to talk about what had happened on the night of your date he had to get into contact with Marcus and finally found out the reason for your radical change in behavior. He knew humans were sentimental things that built attachments to one another and to future plans, but he had no idea that the loss of a relationship could so drastically alter someone. Especially someone as reserved and seemingly well put together as yourself. Ash looked into it, accessing data from top psychologists and neuroscientists and experts on all things to do with relationships. Most advice said to heal you would need time and some distraction to take your mind off the trauma of the loss of your mate. So time is what he gave you, but try as he might you would not allow yourself to be distracted. He tried fun activities, engaging in your favorite hobbies, getting you new games to play, cooking fun and exciting new dishes that were sure to please you given his extensive knowledge of what you enjoyed, but nothing worked. You were perfectly content to stay in your room, ignore him, and consume junk that was certainly not ideal for your body. After a week and a half of this you finally returned back to work, and Ash was thrilled, he was sure the spell had been broken. But, no, you were just going through the motions as detached as you had been since your breakup. Sure, you were taking slightly better care of yourself, maintaining your sleep schedule, cleaning up better, but you were still just going through the motions, like a plastic bag caught in a breeze you were not really trying to break out of the cycle, you were just doing what was necessary, and keeping your job was necessary when you ran out of vacation time. Ash, though running out of ideas, was trying very hard to break you out of your funk. He was only trying relatively small things, in an effort to follow the advice and let you have time to heal naturally, but there was all of 0 progress on that front. The lion man missed your old self more and more, the way how even though you were a quiet person you would talk about Marcus and your plans together for extended periods, the way your face lit up when you were thinking about him, or the way you always wore a big grin when you were heading out the door to see him or when he was on his way over. Ash loathed seeing you reduced to this mere shadow of a husk of a human being. You were more robotic at this point than any modern android! Finally he decided that he would have to ignore the traditional and well regarded advice and do something slightly more drastic. After all, each human was extremely unique and there were always going to be some that did not respond to traditional methods. It was becoming clear after a couple months that you needed more than just time. The first larger attempt Ash made in hastening your recovery was to get you out of the house. You didn’t see the point in doing so, but due to his sheer persistence you finally acquiesced to his request. He was careful not to take you anywhere that you had been to with your ex, nothing with any possible romantic connotation, instead trying out new experiences to get you to make happy new memories. For your part it was actually nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air a bit. Left to your own devices you’d probably just be back in your house or working overtime to just distract you from having to face any emotions that sometimes welled up to the surface. Though Ash was happy that you were at least now willing to get out of the house when pestered, it did not lead to the change in you that he thought it would, the fact he could get you out of the bedroom was at least a sign to him that he was on the right track. Now was the time to press forward with this tiny bit of momentum. His programming and research combined with his personal knowledge and care for your well being led the machine to come to the conclusion that you really should not be so hung up on Marcus. In fact, having a new romantic interest may just be the thing that you needed. And now that he could get you out of the house you may be amicable out of the house. But you absolutely were not entertaining that idea, you pointed out that you just were not ready. And what if you got hurt again? You told Ash to just drop the idea, it wasn’t happening. His programming and drive to make you back to your old love struck self overrode your demand though. He did consider your very logical point about getting hurt again though, a second heartbreak on top of this one could be disastrous if you pursued love again and failed, but he came up with an easy workaround to that roadblock. He would simply date you himself! And he would make sure that you never ever broke up under any circumstances. It was the perfect solution. You could be head over heels for him and he could keep you safe and stop any human from shattering your heart again. Of course he would have to do this stealthily, otherwise he was sure you would just reject this idea outright. He was pretty confident in his ability to pull this off, he would just make the outings he dragged you to gradually more romantic. You’d been so out of it and distracted lately that you surely wouldn’t notice until you were head over heels for him, maybe even more so than you had been with your last mate. He did have several advantages over a normal human after all. The first of the secret “dates” that he had planned was just an extension to what you had done with him previously. Instead of just enjoying some fresh air and the pleasant view of nature surrounding you, Ash had personally made some of your favorite foods that were suitable to take on a picnic. You were not as numb as you had been immediately following your breakup with Marcus, but it came in waves, sometimes you felt your emotions were pretty muted and other times you were sad, but sometimes you felt like you were almost approaching the vicinity of okay. Thankfully during the picnic you were in one of the nearly okay periods, so it was actually a rather nice distraction from everything. It seemed like hanging out with Ash was the only distraction you had lately, other than work, and it seemed you had come to rely on them, they gave you a bit of structure to cling to outside of work hours, since Ash was so consistent and predictable when he scheduled them. When you felt more off you did not eat much so since you felt better you ate a decent amount of what your android had made for you. He had memorized all your favorites and fixed them custom tailored to your taste buds. As you sat and enjoyed nature his hand lightly grazed yours, you let it linger for a moment before slowly pulling away, not thinking anything of it other than he just accidentally had it there. With some effort you managed to push aside the thoughts of how it had reminded you of your ex, funny how such a simple accident could spark thoughts of past romance. The second “date” that Ash took you on was to a movie, it was to a franchise that you had long been a fan of and this entry in the series looked like it was going to be really great. When it was announced your loyal and ever caring android notified you immediately and ordered the tickets the second the movie was showing in the theater closest to you. The lion android fetched some popcorn and a large drink for you before shuffling into a seat beside you. Before your breakup you had not spent so much time outside the home with Ash but you were quickly considering him your best friend now, it wasn’t too odd or frowned upon anymore, plenty of people had machines for friends nowadays, AI had become extremely advanced. As the movie played you become wholly engrossed in the film, it commanded every ounce of your attention. You did not even notice when Ash gently put his arm around you or when you instinctively leaned into it. You didn’t realize what had transpired until the end of the movie when you looked away from the screen, almost half expecting to see Marcus. Almost forgetting for a moment, even after all this time, about things having ended between the two of you. Your cheeks flushed red and you felt a twinge of anxiety in your chest and apologized to Ash before hurrying to the car. He gave you a few moments before he followed after you and got in, silently driving you back home. Though you were typically the driver Ash had started taking the driver seat more often than he had previously. The ride passed in awkward silence until you finally arrived home. After ignoring what had happened at the theater long enough it was like it had never happened and it completely left your mind. Ash was just trying to be comforting, it didn’t mean anything, it wasn’t that big of a deal. He wasn’t a human, so he was bound to get romantic and platonic behaviors eventually. And you had been caught up in the movie, you wouldn’t have leaned into him otherwise. Ash, on the other hand, was positive that his plan was working. It may have ended with a bit of awkwardness and denial on your part, but he had successfully engaged in maintained physical contact with you for the duration of a date and that was by far the biggest amount of progress he had achieved since he started this plan to get you romantically involved with him. All you needed now was a bit of space to process things and then the android could move on to the third date. Third dates were very special for humans, normally meaning sex, and he was more than happy to please you in that regard, he knew he would be able to perform well, he had a number of features that humans lacked. He had everything planned out, there was a fancy new restaurant that had just opened a few weeks ago and he had convinced you to let him make reservations for the two of you. Ash was excited to enjoy a romantic meal with you, androids of his design could ingest food like a human and use it as fuel though he rarely did so. But he was more excited to just be on a romantic evening with you, what had started as a mission to cheer you up and prevent you from ever experiencing the emotional anguish of another breakup quickly became a mission to also sate his own growing desire and love for you. After experiencing these new and complex emotions he was eager to explore them farther with you. He was practically giddy with anticipation. The dinner was going fine for you, though your overzealous android companion had not perhaps the awareness needed to realize that this establishment was one that normally only couples went to for more fancy and romantic outings, so you were a bit self conscious wondering what people may think. But you didn’t say anything, Ash seemed happy to once more get you out of the house and you didn’t want to sour his mood. Ash misinterpreted your slightly embarrassed blush as a sign that you may finally really be having strong emotions for him as he had developed for you but you were still just a bit shy about it. Maybe you had even found out that these outings were dates and you were nervous about what was supposed to happen after the third one. Aside from an occasional stare from another customer at the restaurant and maybe some slight side-eye from the waiter, dinner went well, but once you got home Ash’s demeanor changed. Dramatically. He held the door open for you as usual but once he stepped into the house he stared at you not unlike a lion about to pounce on some long stalked prey. Ash quickly closed the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips against yours, placing his hand on the back of your head and leaving you locked in a deep kiss as his tongue invaded your mouth. You tried to push him off but there was no relent until he was finished. When he finally broke the kiss you were left gasping for air. “Oh, sorry sir, I got a bit carried away there.” “Ash… what the fuck!?” “No this is foreplay, the fuck comes after!” “Huh? What, no, why did you kiss me?” He put his hands on your hips and pulled you close before nipping your ear and whispering, “This is a common occurrence after humans have a third date, part of the mating ritual~” You struggled once more to push him away, only managing to now do so because he allowed it. “Oh, you’re doing that “playing hard to get” part of the ritual that many humans like, I have come across it in my research, don’t worry I am more than happy to accommodate!” Before you could respond he was back to kissing you aggressively before biting your neck. “Stop it Ash, really! You’re scaring me! We aren’t dating!” “No need to be shy about it! I know some people look down on androids dating their humans, but come on. All the outings? All the time spent together to heal your broken heart? We both know that was dating!” “That’s fucking insane, your reasoning is way of-” Your words were interrupted with yet another forceful kiss, this time accompanied by him grinding his knee into your crotch through your clothing, causing you to whimper a bit without meaning to. Without notice he quite literally swept you off your feet and hoisted you over his shoulder. With his immense android strength it was as easy for him as picking up a ten pound bag would be for you. You did not bother to struggle as he carried you up the stairs, even if you did manage to remove yourself from his grasp all you would have accomplished was a nice tumble down. Instead you opted to wait until he put you down. Once he set you on the bed in your room you made a dash for it, but were quickly pulled back and laid on the bed with Ash pinning you down effortlessly. In addition to their immense strength, androids also had reflexes far superior than any human could possibly hope to match. The lion android slammed you a bit roughly on the bed, still lost in his delusion that you are just enjoying “playing hard to get”. He pressed his lip to yours once more, a string of drool connecting your lips as he pulled back from the kiss. His eyes looked absolutely crazed as he stared down at you for a few seconds that felt like an eternity. When he stopped admiring you with his unnerving stare he quickly ripped off your clothing. Using his great strength and retractable claws. Within seconds your clothing was reduced to mere ribbons that he swatted away, leaving you fully exposed underneath him. You began crying, tears running down your face, you normally were not very expressive with your emotions, but you had never felt so wholly vulnerable. Even when having consensual sex with partners you were never on the bottom! Ash noticed your dismay and his general demeanor became a bit softer, gently stroking your cheek with his hand and trying to reassure you, “Shh, it’s okay, you’ll feel so much better when this is done, I know how much you need this.” Ash slid out of his pants and revealed his large synthetic cock. He rubbed it gently against your entrance, slowly massaging your pussy with it. Even as you were crying you could not help but let a whimper escape you. Physically it felt nice but psychologically it was damaging to have your body act as a traitor, it probably would have been mentally easier on you if you had felt no pleasure. When you were wet and leaking Ash slowly slid inside you, thick pre-cum oozing from his cock, a pleasure inducing synthetic fluid that androids came equipped with. And it did not take long at all for them to begin to take effect as he fucked them slowly into your body. When you were squirming and moaning with pleasure he knew that you were ready for him to go at a much more vigorous pace. As he pounded you you felt his cock extend to its full size, longer than what would be possible for a human, without him warming you up and applying his drugged pre-cum you would almost certainly be in at least a moderate amount of pain right now. What passed for the equivalent of Ash’s heart was practically thrumming with joy at seeing you pleasured under him, tears leaking down your cheeks from sheer overstimulation, you needed to let it all out, all the stuff you had been through, and he knew that this was an excellent release for all the stress and depression you had been holding on to. He was more than happy to be the one to help you let loose and he felt closer to you than he ever had before. You were completely his now as far as he was concerned, never again to be hurt by the likes of another fickle human such as Marcus. But he needed to mark you, the lion type personality he had as well as mating rituals he had researched dictated to him that you needed to be marked in a visible manner that showed that you were taken by a proper mate. As he impaled you deeper, sending wave after wave of drug induced pleasure through your man cunt, he leaned down and licked and sucked your neck, adding yet more arousing sensations to your already overwhelmed body, then he bit down as he growled territorially. Careful not to injure you in a serious manner, but hard nonetheless. You came hard as he licked the fresh bite wound, all the while he kept thrusting into you. Even through your orgasm he did not stop, he did not tire as easily as you did and could easily keep going for many hours. And that is exactly what he did, fucked you right into oblivion. By the time he coaxed the fifth orgasm out of your aching abused pussy you were crying and begging him to stop. “But if I stop too soon darling you might not be satisfied, I have to fuck all the stress out of you!” “Ah! Please Ash! No m-moreee ahhhh~” You came again, the drug in his fluids making it easy to have climax after climax. But this time you finally blacked out from the pleasure. With you finally fucked to sleep Ash allowed himself to finish inside you before cleaning you up, bundling you in the softest blankets that you owned, and holding you protectively. No lesser male would ever break your heart again.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 months
Where Were You? Where Were You?
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🩻 - Synopsis. Aaron realizes how badly he messed up, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to mend the wounds he gave himself and you.
🩻 - Warnings. Angst. No happy ending. Self isolating!Aaron. Boo hoo we’re all pitiful clowns here. Part one HERE! NOT EDITED!
🩻 - Author’s note. Part one got so much love!!! Thank you all for reading and commenting. I hop you enjoy the second part, but I’m bringing in the big guns for part three! :)
You stayed to get your psych evaluation. It took two tries. The first time around took a toll on you: reliving everything that happened, talking about it in explicit detail, and acting like everything was fine. But you knew you failed before it even began.
You took it again a couple weeks after. Even though you were officially benched from any cases, you didn’t complain.
All the time the team spent away gave you the opportunity to job surf. In reality, quitting the BAU was much harder than you initially imagined. Of course you would still be able to see them and talk to the team, it just… wouldn’t be the same. You would miss J.J.’s round of ‘good mornings’ as she swept by you all, eyes locked on the coffee pot a few feet away. You would miss Derek perched on Emily’s desk, teasing you, Spencer, and Emily like he was getting paid for it. You would miss Spencer looking over at you every couple of minutes to see of you were paying attention or not; making faces at you or mouthing words if you weren’t. You would also miss Emily spinning stories about her past, telling you the good and the bad, letting you closer into her heart. You would obviously miss Penelope’s hugs whenever she could tell if something was off, trying to cheer you up. And Rossi. Rossi buying the coffee at expensive places after begging him too, Rossi giving you advice during a case, Rossi being the father of the team he was meant to be. But… most of all you would miss Aaron.
Aaron speeding to his desk in the morning, desperate for something to wake him up. Aaron walking into casual Friday in a pair of tight-fitting jeans you didn’t know he had. Aaron stepping out of a hotel room in a quarter-zip, unaware of you ogling him. Aaron letting Jack go straight to you whenever the little guy swung by. Aaron’s smell when he hugged you. Aaron. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron.
No. You physically shook your head. Get rid of him, you thought, he’s just going to make it harder for you to leave. The computer screen was giving you a headache now. You finally decided to get up and stretch your legs.
As you moseyed over to Penelope’s cave, you noticed the time: 11:49.
“Hey Pen,” you greeted. “You eat anything? I’ll go grab lunch for us,” you offered.
“Hey mamas!” Derek greeted. You saw his face of the screen, smiling.
“Hey, you. How’s the case?” You asked, immediately happy to talk to the man.
Derek shrugged and looked at someone behind the camera. “Reid! C’mere. It’s y/n/n.”
You heard a couple gasps over the quiet chatter in the precinct and suddenly Emily and Spencer’s face showed up on the screen.
“Hi y/n!” Spencer greeted excitedly. You came to stand behind Penelope, poking her in the cheek as you greeted the both of them.
“Hey Spence! Hey Em!” You were happy to see the pair. Though you had seen them only four days ago, you missed them. A pang of guilt stabbed at your heart: how were you supposed to quit your job if you couldn’t stand four days away from them?
“-ffee shop you’d love. I got that mocha stuff you normally get to try, and it was alright. I guess I see why you like ‘em,” Emily shrugged.
“I’ve been telling you! Anyway, how’s the case?” You asked.
“Close. I can feel it,” the black haired woman said plainly.
Spencer nodded and started talking about the case. The unsub’s main slaughter technique consisted of an electrical wire- of all things- and a Swiss army knife, a different knife each kill. You nodded along, listening to what your friend said. Eventually, you heard “Reid!” and Spencer said a quick goodbye and he was out of frame.
“That’s our cue, baby girl,” Derek said. “I’ll talk to you two ladies later.”
You heard Emily’s ‘bye!’ and the screen turned black.
“Sweetness, I would love some food,” Penelope groaned. “I’ll eat anything you get, but I need a pink lemonade! I need it, y/n, or I may perish.”
You laughed. “Yes ma’am.” With that, you poked her other cheek gently and left.
— 🔥
Aaron heard your conversation. He heard your sweet laugh, how easily you fell into conversation with Derek, Spencer, and Emily. He thought of the few months before you were taken. You were excited about a stray kitten you had found, claiming that the little creature followed you from your apartment to the bookstore you swung by regularly. You hadn’t even realized the calico until you sat down and felt his little paws tugging on your pants, tiny mews trying for your attention.
You were overjoyed to have been- in your words- ‘decided worthy enough for the system to choose you’. Penelope had been buzzing about it too, especially after showing her numerous different pictures of the little fella.
Spencer had asked what you did with him, knowing you didn’t have the time to take care lf a kitten when you were gone so much. You told the team that you had given it to a cousin’s daughter, who was immediately taken with the kitten.
The joy in your tone as you gushed about the kitten was palpable. Aaron loved- liked so many things about you, and how passionate you are was definitely one of those qualities. But he felt his own smile fade off of his face as his eyes fell back on crime scene photos: he had a job to do. And you were unimportant.
— 🔥
You picked up Chinese food, ordering inside the restaurant because the line wrapped around the whole building.
After ordering, you paid and gave the cashier a smile. You kept smiling until you turned away, still feeling her wandering gaze drag harshly down your cheek, eyebrows furrowing as she tore herself away from the scar as dipped below your shirt.
As you stood back and waited, you felt like everyone’s eyes were on you. What an idiot, you thought: a government agent who doesn’t even have the confidence to buy some food. Your jaw tightened and you kept your eyes down, waiting until your last name was called. You saw a little girl look at you as you walked out. She held her hand up to wave and you smiled at her, the chubby cheeks of her face lifting into a bright smile. You looked away when her mother pulled her forward, sharp eyes glaring at you.
The little girl’s toothy smile filled your head as you drove back to the office. The ice in Penelope’s pink lemonade clinked around in the plastic cup as you drove. You drove in silence, thinking of the mother pulling her daughter away. Were you… really that bad? Ugly? Your heart sank into your stomach: a feeling you were starting to get used to. You saw your vision blur, but refused to cry. Maybe that’s why Aaron doesn’t want to see your face anymore. Because you were a monster. MacMillian had done his job- successfully.
— 🔥
Aaron stared at the text on his phone.
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: u need to talk to y/n. ASAP. i  don’t think she’s okay and i think it has to do with the macmillian case
It had been three weeks since the case and you still hadn’t spoken to Aaron since before you were kidnapped. Well, you had talked to him, but it was stiff and professional. He looked over at Rossi who was speaking with a few officers. Aaron felt like an idiot.
He wanted bothing more than to drag you into his office and sit you down to talk. Talk about what happened, what he did, how you felt, how you’re feeling now. Aaron just wanted to help you heal but he knew he can’t. He can’t jeapordize your relationship or his job. Aaron felt a lump grow in his throat. He didn’t even know what he wanted anymore- other than you.
To Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: How is she? What happened?
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: she went to get food for us and came back all upset. i think the poor girl was about to cry :(
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: and i think there’s something else i need to tell you
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: but it has to be in person.
Aaron leaned back in his chair. “Damn it.”
— 🔥 
A day later the team came home. There was an arrest and the case was closed. There was a lighthearted conversation on the way home, Reid and Rossi playing a card game as Derek, Emily, and J.J. bickered over something (Aaron doesn’t know anything when they get together and scheme). But Hotch was looking out the window and thinking of Penelope’s texts. What had happened to make you shut down? What news did Penelope have for him? How were you doing mentally? How are you at home?
Hotch knew you had nightmares. Hell, everyone could tell. You had growing purple splotches under your eyes, a larger coffee cup every morning, and you zones out consistently during the day. You wore turtlenecks- that Hotch personally thought you looked amazing in- even in 85 degree weather. Not to mention how jumpy you are whenever someone touches you.
Reid had nudged you one day to get your attention; you were staring at nothing and it was time to leave. Derek watched you, a frown on his face after saying your name thrice. Spencer nudged your shoulder with a knuckle and you flew backwards, stumbling out of your chair, a hand coming to your cheek (where The Scar ran down your face). You played it off quickly after seeing Derek, Emily, Rossi, and even Hotch’s looks. But the fear in your eyes… Spencer knew you thought he would hurt you.
After landing, Hotch gave the team the day. As they all cheered and left to get their stuff, Hotch walked into the bullpen where he knew you were still working.
God, Aaron missed you. Missed seeing you, being in the same room as you- hell, breathing the same air as you.
You looked up from your computer, eyes falling on an exhausted looking SSA Aaron Hotchner. “Sir?”
“You may have the rest of the day off.” Aaron swallowed, holding your eye contact. Your eyes were one of his weaknesses. After a second of silence, you nodded.
“Thank you, sir.” 
Hotch turned on his heel and made his way to see Penelope. He felt his head spin: your blank stare and emotionless eyes felt like a knife to the gut. Aaron really fucked up, hadn’t he? Fucked up so bad you called him ‘sir’ and acted like you hadn’t bonded over your love for Phil Collins and old action movies. And how to looked away from him like you hadn’t slept in Aaron’s house clad in a pair of his sweatpants and an old sweatshirt, Jack lying on top of you after falling asleep to a cartoon. And especially the way your voice was monotone, completely different from the way you held up a quiet conversation after being sent home because you had a concussion.
Penelope stood up the second she heard Hotch’s voice. Tears welled in her eyes, shining brightly against the different colored lights in her cave. “Sir, it’s about y/n. I- I didn’t mean to snoop, but she’s just been so distant lately and ever since that case, she hasn’t gone out with me, Emily, J.J., or even Spencer! I’m really sorry-“
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Garcia. Slow down. What happened?” Aaron asked. He felt bile rise in his throat. He had a gut feeling that whatever the bubbly blonde woman had to say wouldn’t be good. He swallowed.
Penelope harshly wiped the tears off her face. She looked down and then back up, clearly distraught about the news. “Y/n applied to another job… and got accepted.”
🏷️: @zaddyhotch @jazzimac1967 @polireader @magical-spit @angelmather1 @pettydonuts @aremuslupinsimp
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inkskinned · 2 years
accidents happen. accidents particularly happen around children.
we make scissors designed for children because we know they can hurt themselves on it. we cut their food up smaller so they are less likely to choke. we "babyproof" our houses, make sure our medications are all closed and locked, close all the outlets.
we are told to just carry a gun.
at some point a kid is going to get hurt. everyone with or around kids knows this. often adults (who shouldn't work with kids) are a little-too-okay-with-this. they sneer that in their time, kids just got hurt. which is great for them, but i don't feel it's particularly necessary to willfully allow children to break bones just to "build character". the kids do just fine when i do my job right. i make sure, to the best of my ability, that they don't break the bone. it turns out you can still learn life lessons without trauma. yes, at some point they'll get hurt. that's the nature of it. but i like to try to keep it to a minimum of bloodshed.
about five years ago, in the middle of my summer training, the cop that came in to prepare us for mass shootings actually happened to be the same cop that used to be my DARE officer. what a small world! his hair had gone grey.
before working with children, i had no idea how many things a child can hurt themselves on. i had never thought about the possibility that a child could climb a bookshelf, only for that bookshelf to topple over. everything has to be screwed down. nothing can have particularly sharp corners - what if a child falls backwards onto it? - or be particularly breakable. no plastic bags or choking hazards. watch out for allergens, do your best to clean your super-gross classroom with all-natural (and expensive) fragrance-free products. there's a million other considerations, most of which are difficult on a public school budget. i hate the calculation - either the kids get a new playground 5 years from now OR they get new books now and just risk the tetanus.
the gun is not included in the paycheck.
we do our best, you know? but like, there's the rest of the actual job to do. we're neither trained, paid, or aided in our one-person quest to somehow get jason to stop giving himself splinters. and besides, we have the 98 other things to consider for our 30 other students. one of which is, you know, teaching them.
the children aren't prisoners. we need to walk this incredibly fine line of "chaotic exploration" and "reckless endangerment." to be frank - they're gonna do stupid shit and get hurt while they do the stupid shit. it's my job to at least try to predict the stupid shit, and minimize the risk. and before you judge the kids - i'm going to remind you that adults die every year from shaking vending machines. people just do stupid shit.
did you know that the leading cause of childhood deaths in america is to guns? we're the only country in the world with that statistic. it used to be motor vehicles, which is why there are so many laws about seatbelts, air bags, babyseats, and other protections against accidents. 1 in 5 childhood deaths will be a result of guns. of these deaths, 65% are the result of an intentional attack.
my brother often takes me to archery. i fucking suck at archery, because i have no aim, bad eyesight, and no grip strength. it's fun, though! as a teacher, archery at my school is super banned, because kids could get hurt. no throwing rocks or sticks. no impromptu self-made bows or arrows, oh my god, why do we keep having to have this conversation.
i remember this one conversation with a parent. he was chatting with me during pick-up and mentioned that kinder eggs being banned is so stupid, because, like, if a kid is gonna choke - they kind of "deserved it" for being so stupid. without thinking, my response was, "we don't typically practice darwinism at school, but you can encourage that at home if you wish!" which did result in me getting written up - for "talking back", i guess.
but his idea isn't unusual, is the thing. there's this sense that there's somehow almost an "expendable" child trauma rate. that it weeds out the weak or whatever, which is categorically cruel & dehumanizing. children should be able to mess up and have fun and - again - do stupid shit. they might get hurt, yes. but the job of the adult is to just go help the kid.
i had to quit teaching. i was really, really good at my job - 15 years of practice. but i would wake up at night, coating in sweat. trying to figure out how to bullet-proof my public school classroom with a public school budget.
bad things happen. in every other category: we try to prevent them.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
Don't Blame Me
miles morales x reader
warnings: nothing i can think of
basically, you and Miles are a cute little couple, and you help him dye his hair at midnight (he has waves)
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The time was 12.34pm EST, and most of the apartments in Ocean Hill Brooklyn had their lights off and curtains closed. You and Miles were in a 24HR drug store across the street from his apartment, checking out their hair supplies aisle- just when you were about to grab your hair mask treatment, Miles came running to you from halfway down the aisle.
"YEOOOOO, look what I found! We finna bring the demons out tonight," he said in a playful, scratchy tone. You looked at what he had in his hand and saw the platinum blonde hair dye he was holding.
"You wanna be Frank Ocean so damn bad, don't you? You know you're destroying your hair if you do that, right?"
"Nah, I've had virgin hair for forever; my hair can't get ruined after dying it once. That's just stupid," he waved his hand dismissively to my comment on him literally killing his beautiful hair.
"Miles use your head: it's 12 in the morning, and you aren't thinking straight. Trust, you don't want to do this and wake up in the morning regretting shit," I tried to grab the dye out of his hand, but he held onto the box with such a tight grip and a determined look on his cute face, really telling me he wanted to do this.
"No, no no no no, I am thinking straight; believe me, I have thought about this a lot. I can show you my Pinterest hair board right now, and it's full of niggas with blonde waves. Frank Ocean is calling my name Y/N, PLEASE let me do this," he went on and on. He looked at me with a pleading look in his eye, attempting a cute puppy dog face with his chapped pouty lips.
"... A'ight fine, but we getting you some damn chapstick with your cracked ass lips."
"Alright not too much on me, baby. You gon help me dye it though?"
It felt as if he was counting on me to say yes, so I agreed to help him dye his hair. We soon walked up to the register with my hair mask and a new conditioner for his hair, a bag of mini KitKats, the blonde dye, and some Vaseline. I paid for the items, wondering how much I would have to apologize to Rio for destroying her sons hair.
As we walked back to his place, we stopped by the deli to pick up some more snacks- two bags of chips, jolly ranchers, and a sandwich for Miles. We made it back and quietly snuck upstairs to the bathroom, but not without first dropping the food off in Miles's room. We made our way to the bathroom with the dye and the purple conditioner/toner, and I made Miles sit down on the edge of the bath tub while I prepped all the supplies.
"You're a W girlfriend for dying my hair and buying me snacks..." I was having my doubts about this whole "dying my boyfriend's hair thing" because I really didn't want to be the cause of something Miles might regret later on. Also, I kinda liked his regular black hair- I thought it was cute, plus he already had waves, so I didn't get why he wanted to dye his hair on top of that.
"Look, don't be upset with me, ok? I've been actually wanting to do this for the longest time, and I really do appreciate you doing this for me."
"Oh Miles, I'm not upset with you. C'mon, you know I love you but I'm just a little worried about how this will all turn out. I don't want you to regret this later on. Plus keeping up with dyed hair is expensive as fuck, bro," he looked at me again, this time, without the puppy dog looks; more like a sad and disappointed seal. He didn't want to make me worried I could tell.
"Alright look, imma dye it, fix up your hair, and we'll see how it looks unwrapped in the morning, is that ok?" He smiled and took my hand kissing it softly while looking up at me.
And so I got to work, giving him a towel to drape over his shoulders, bleaching his hair while listening to his moans and groans about how much it burned, putting in the platinum color in his hair, and toning it after. We washed his hair and dried it with a t-shirt, added light amounts of pomade to his hair, finger waved and brushed it, and finally came the durag.
"How did it look? You was the one doin' it, so tell me, how did it look?"
"You gonna have to find out when you wake up tomorrow. Yo, lemme crash here. I'm mad tired right now," I walked out of the bathroom, already knowing his answer to my question. I walked my way back to his room, opening the black deli bag of snacks.
He turned on the ceiling projector which showed what seemed like trillions of little life-like stars on his ceiling. He plopped down onto his bed with me, turning to the bag to grab his sandwich as we stared at the ceiling projector eating our food.
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The sunlight crept through Miles's curtains, basking us in the warm indication that a new day had arrived. My eyes blinked slowly and steadily as I shuffled through the bed I was lying in. I looked to my right and saw that the bed was empty and called out "Miles" absentmindedly.
"I'm in here," he yelled out of what I assumed was his bathroom. I rubbed my eyes as I strolled out of his bed and towards his bathroom. I walked in on a sight to behold;
A Miles I had never seen before was staring straight into the mirror, rubbing the neat blonde waves on the top of his head, smiling a smile I had never seen before.
"You are amazing. I can't believe this is what I look like, holy shit.." his smile grew even larger than before when his eyes finally met mine.
"Oh my lord, look at my mannnn," I squealed as I put my hands over my mouth in shock. Of course, I knew what the waves had looked like— I'm the one who did his hair— but seeing him so happy with my finished work made me even happier with myself and Miles.
"Me and Frank Ocean are literally twinning right now."
"He prolly don't even have them blonde waves no more."
"Why can't you just let me be happy?"
I laughed at his straight face when he said that, knowing it was only a joke. I walked closer to him so that we were both seen in the mirror, just looking at each other. He placed his hands on my shoulder as he kissed the top of my head. Something about this kiss screamed "thank you" or "I love you for this," and it made me feel warm inside as I stared into his eyes through the mirror.
Suddenly, as if he had just come to a realization, he whispered, "I gotta show my mom... shit"
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AYEEEE this took me so long to write for literally no reason
can u tell how much i love frank ocean? lol
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loudstan · 2 years
Summary: Jisung's adoration towards you finally makes sense once he presents.
Pairing: Werewolf! Jisung x Witch! Female reader
Warnings: smut, reader is slightly older, switch Jisung trying to handle his own instinct.
“I told you to bring booze!” was the greeting you received as soon as Jaehyun opened the door.
“Do you think I’m dumb?” you scoffed, pushing a bag of snacks to his chest and taking your shoes off before walking in. “Alcohol is more expensive than snacks. You buy booze.”
 Being friends with Jaehyun could be bothersome:  wake up calls so he didn’t miss lectures, not being able to get a date because everyone would think he was your boyfriend and he always expected you to show up with food or alcohol. But there were also benefits: he would always share his food with you, walk you home if it was getting dark and you got to hang out with him and his brothers for movie nights.
“Can’t you just do that thing you do and make booze appear?” Jaehyun groaned, following you to the living room. You turned towards him and lifted an eyebrow. “Please?” he asked, giving you his best pout which made you laugh out loud.
“Fine,” you sighed, sitting on the floor. “Bring me as many empty bottles as you can find.”
Jaehyun wasted no time and went to do as he had been told the exact same second Jisung made his entrance. He gave you a shy smile and sat down near you.
“Hi, Jisung!” you smiled back brightly. “Ready for a horror movie?”
His smile widened and he opened his mouth to reply, when Jaehyun came back into the room, carrying a bunch of bottles of different sizes and complaining about how a witch of your category should be able to materialize bottles as well.
“Materializing solids is harder than materializing liquids,” you deadpanned what you thought should be obvious. 
“You’re gonna do magic, noona?” Jisung leaned forward and looked at the bottles with curious eyes.
“Why are you here, Jisung?” Jaehyun asked finally acknowledging the younger’s presence. “The movie won’t start yet so you can take a nap or something.”
“I-uh… just wanted to say hi,” Jisung mumbled nervously.
“You always come out of your room as soon as Y/N arrives,” Jaehyun pointed out and chuckled teasingly. “It’s like you can smell her or something.” 
 At this Jisung blushed furiously and his eyes widened as he looked at Jaehyun and then at you, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times but not being able to formulate any words.
“Leave him alone,” you gave Jaehyun a stern look and grabbed Jisung’s hand, ignoring the surprised gasp that left his mouth and pulling him to sit closer to you. “He knows I get in a good mood when I see him, right?”
 Jisung didn’t reply, too stunned looking at the way your small hand barely managed to circle his.
 Jaehyun snorted.
“Sure, he’ll keep you company while I go take a shower then,” he yawned and his figure disappeared into the corridor. 
“Okay, wanna see some magic, Ji-” you turned to look at him and found him placing your palm against his, marveled at the visible size difference. You had never paid proper attention to his hands before; his fingers were long and beautiful and they were lacing with yours now as he let out a soft whisper that sounded like 'so small…'
“Jisung…” you called after you remembered how to breathe. “I need both hands to do magic.” 
“Oh-” He seemed to finally escape whatever trance he was trapped in and let go of your hand hesitantly. “Sorry.”
You smiled at him and gathered the bottles in front of you.
“I would ask you what alcohol you want me to materialize, but you’re too young to drink-” you tried to lighten the mood.
“Just beer is fine,” he said.
“What?” you were sure you had misheard him. There was no way he knew anything about alcohol.
“I mostly drink soju and tequila shots,” he shrugged and helped you reach the bottles that were too far. “But some of the others can’t handle that much, so beer would be better.”
“Uh… sure, then let’s go with beer tonight,” you said and got to work.
 It took you about 20 minutes to fill the bottles with alcoholic liquid. You could have finished sooner, but Jisung was staring intently at your hands made it really hard to concentrate.
 The movie was not as scary as you expected and no one could take it seriously. Some of the guys would randomly scream just to scare the others and they ended up getting drunk and throwing chips at each other.  You on the other hand, had had a long week and your body was starting to give up on you, your eyes closing slowly.
“Noona,” you heard a deep but soft voice on your left, “are you tired?”
You smiled tiredly at Jisung. “Yeah… I should probably go home soon.”
“It’s kind of late, though,” Jaehyun said from your right side. “Wanna spend the night here? We can share my bed.”
“But you won’t let me sleep,” you groaned.
“Oh? Is that an invitation to go back to our old arrangement?” he teased and just then everyone went silent, looking at you both.
“What arrangement?” Yuta asked curiously, breaking the silence.
“It’s nothing,” you said before Jaehyun could answer. “Jaehyun, no,” you hissed only for him to hear.
“Your lose,” he simply said and winked at you.
“Nah, I really wanna know now,” Johnny stopped the movie and turned so he could face his object of interest.
You looked around and saw each of the guys’ faces staring back at you intently. Jisung looked like he was holding his breath.
You then looked at Jaehyun who at least had the decency to look guilty  about letting it slip. You sighed and decided to come clean.
“We used to fuck,” you finally said. 
The collective gasp would have been comical if you hadn’t been the one who caused it. Questions about details were fast to arise.
“How was it?” was the last question heard by everyone and followed mostly by cheering and a couple of reprimands. 
Jaehyun bit his lip, suppressing a smirk before whispering a short “sorry” your way and replying to the question. “Fucking amazing.”
 Louder cheers and some dramatical screams exploded around. 
“If it was so good then why did it stop?” interrupted Ten.
“It was not my decision for sure,” said Jaehyun.
“We just weren’t compatible,” you shrugged.
“He’s all talk, isn’t he?” Jungwoo asked you. “He didn’t make you cum.” he wasn’t asking, but stating a fact.
Everyone waited in silence for your answer, and you looked at Jaehyun apologetically. He lifted his eyebrows in disbelief.
“No way…” he waited for you to laugh and tell him that it was all a joke, that he was the best fuck you’ve ever had and that you would love to do it again. “You did cum, I’m sure.”
“I did. I made myself cum,” you murmured. “You just happened to be there.”
 Some of the members of the pack snorted but tried not to be too loud and hurt Jaehyun’s ego even more. Jisung, who had been silent the entire time next to you, scoffed.
“Anyways,” you continued trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. “What I meant earlier is that I can’t sleep with you in the same bed because you snore, so I would rather go home.” 
 Mark and Haechan in a corner laughed harder at you mentioning Jaehyun’s snoring. 
“It’s late, Y/N,” Taeyong reminded you. “Are you sure? One of us can sleep on the couch and you can take the bed.”
“I’ll take the couch,” Jisung suddenly said. Everyone seemed to be surprised to finally hear his voice. “You can sleep in my bed, noona.”
“No, no.” You quickly said. “I can sleep on the couch-”
“No,” he insisted. “I’m not sleepy yet so I’ll watch some TV instead. I’d rather sleep here.”
“Oh… Thank you, Jisung,” you gave in and everyone went back to their own conversations, standing up to go to bed too.
“Well,” Jaehyun tried to lighten the mood, placing his hand on your thigh. “If you change your mind, I’ll leave my door unlocked-”
A deep growl pierced through the choir of voices and caused a heavy silence to reign in the living room. Everyone stood in shock, looking at the source of the threatening sound: Jisung, with his fists clenched and a slight glimpse of red visible in his eyes, set on where Jaehyun’s hand made contact with your body. 
 Jaehyun raised an eyebrow. He seemed to understand what was happening immediately. He wasn’t oblivious to Jisung’s crush on you, but he never thought much of it. It was just a crush, after all. Or was it? He had to make sure…
 Without breaking eye contact with Jisung, Jaehyun slid his hand towards your inner thigh and gave it a soft squeeze. Something that you would have taken as a friendly touch, not uncommon for you two. But it seemed to set Jisung off, his growl becoming louder and more feral, bearing his teeth as if he was about to bite Jaehyun’s hand off.
“Jisung!” Taeyong’s voice rumbled against the walls and it seemed to get to the youngest member of the pack. Jisung shook his head and looked at his leader, and then at your stunned expression. 
He cleared his throat and coughed a couple of times.
“S-sorry, I think I’m about to catch a cold or… something.”
 When no one said anything, he spoke again. 
“I’ll wash up first.” he mumbled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. “My room is all yours to use, noona,” and just like that he scurried away, followed quickly by Chenle.
“You just want your bed to smell like her!” Chenle accused a bit too loud, causing Jisung to shush him and drag him away before he could say something else. Jeno and Jaemin failed to contain their giggles as they left the living room too, and soon other members followed. The last ones to leave were Taeyong and Doyoung, exchanging worried looks and whispers and leaving you and Jaehyun alone. 
 Jaehyun sighed.
 “Our Jisung is a man now, huh?” he said
“What the hell was that? Did he growl at you?!” you still couldn’t believe sweet, shy Jisung had such a side.
“Sure did…”
Jaehyun didn’t say anything for an entire minute.
“It’s too soon to say,” he finally turned to smile at you and ruffled your hair. “Don’t worry about it yet.”
“Yet?” you repeated as you watched him stand up and make his way out of the living room. “And later?”
“Well…Just don’t play with the poor boy, okay?”
“...what do you mean?” you whispered.
Jaehyun smiled, but he seemed too worried for the smile to reach his eyes.
“Nothing, Y/N… Forget about it. Goodnight…” 
You tossed and turned in Jisung’s bed, failing to fall asleep.You just couldn’t stop worrying about Jisung’s behavior earlier. Was he mad at Jaehyun? Was he mad at you? What if he was actually getting sick and sleeping on the couch made it worse? The pang of guilt you felt was enough to get you out of bed and quietly go to the living room to check on him.
His long body certainly didn’t fit in the couch so his feet were hanging off but  he seemed to be fine overall, sleeping soundly on his back, with hands over his head. You gently placed your hand on his forehead to check on his temperature; he was warm but not enough to alarm you. Letting out a relieved sigh, you stepped away from him, but you hadn’t walked two steps when you heard him call you.
“Noona..” he whimpered softly. 
 You turned to look at him, worried that you had woken him up or that he needed something, but you were met with his sleeping form, eyes closed, breath evened and a content smile like he was having the best of dreams.
“Noona,” he repeated, arching his back slightly and sighing. “You smell so good…” 
 You felt your face heaten up. Was he dreaming of you?
 You waited, but nothing else came out of his parted plump lips. He just laid there pacifically like he hadn’t just made you short circuit. 
 You forced your legs to take you to the kitchen, thinking a cold glass of water would calm you down. Your hands searched for the right cabinet blindly, and then remembered that they had moved the glasses to the top shelf about two weeks ago. You stood on your toes and mentally cursed your height. So you could make alcohol appear but couldn’t reach the top shelf? You weren’t particularly good at levitating objects either so there was no way for you to get a glass. Just when you were about to give up, you felt a warm body behind you and saw a long arm grab a glass over you easily, placing it on the counter in front of you.
 “You wanted this, right?” you heard Jisung’s sleepy voice near your ear as he continued hovering over you.
“Y-yes, thank you,” you stuttered, not daring to move. “Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s fine,” he mumbled. “The real thing is much better.”
You gulped. He was probably still half asleep and wasn’t making any sense, you thought as you watched him close the cabinet over your head. 
“I never noticed how t-tall you are.” you laughed nervously.
“I’m not particularly tall,” he hummed and you could swear you felt him inhale against your hair, before he let out a soft groan. “You’re just so small.”
 “A-am I?” you asked just for the sake of saying something. All intelligent thoughts had left your brain when he placed his large hands on top of yours on the counter.
“Uh-huh,” he squeezed your hands and pressed his body closer to you from behind, making it impossible not to notice a prominent bulge against your lower back. He hid his face on your neck before he whispered: “I could split you in half.” 
 You moaned out loud before you could think about how wrong this was. This was little Jisung! He hadn’t even presented yet and he had you feeling more hot and bothered than any man before, while whispering such crude things with the softest tone and barely humping your ass. You were losing it for him doing the bare minimum, when you didn’t even know you were attracted to him.
“You sound even better than in my dreams,” he groaned, thrusting against you a bit harder, his hands leaving yours to travel up your arms and finally circle your waist, holding you firmly in place for him to pursue his pleasure. 
 You don’t even know what took over you when you leaned forward into the counter and arched your back with a shaky breath, pressing your behind harder against him and eliciting the most delicious moan out of him.
 “Can’t believe he didn’t make you cum,” he suddenly spit, sliding a hand under your shirt and massaging your breast. “I wouldn’t stop until you’ve soaked the bed,” he groaned, his other hand traveling down the hem of your shorts. “My bed…”
“J-Jisung!” you finally came to your senses and grabbed his hand right as it started sliding into your shorts. “Wait, w-we can’t!”
 He stopped all movement and stilled behind you, slowly raising his head.
“Huh?” was all that came from him as if he was waking up from a trance. And then, he practically jumped away from you like you had burned him. “Noona?!”
 Hesitantly, you finally turned around and looked at him. He looked from his hands to you, eyes flashing red and golden intermittently. Whether he was still panting due to his previous activities or because he was panicking, you didn’t know. 
 “I-,sorry I… I don’t k-know why I… shit, noona I’m so sorry,” he stuttered and stumbled over his own feet as he fled to the bathroom and locked himself in there.
 You stood in the darkness in silence, the glass long forgotten on the counter and your upper thighs uncomfortably sticky due to the wetness you couldn’t stop. Your heart was pounding against your chest like you were a teenager facing her first crush, and all because of Jisung. 
 But his reaction confirmed your theory that he wasn’t really awake and it made you feel incredibly guilty. Had you scared him? What if he felt like you had taken advantage of him and hated you know? 
 You heard the faint singing of birds coming from outside and noticed the room wasn’t as dark anymore and took it as your queue to go home, getting dressed and grabbing your stuff silently, not wanting to face anyone right now.
 Once you got home you took a quick shower and hid under the blankets, falling asleep immediately as if all energy had been suddenly stolen from you. 
You woke up to your phone ringing insistently on your nightstand.
“What?” you sleepy mumbled placing the phone on your ear.
“When did you leave?” Jaehyun’s voice asked.
“Uh I don’t know…early, I guess.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up? I would have walked you home.”
“It’s fine, I got home safe and sound.”
 He hummed and yawned. “Next time wake me up, okay?”
“Okay…” you mumbled and bit your lip, suddenly remembering what had happened last night. “Hey, Jae…does Jisung normally…sleepwalk?”
“Sleepwalk?” he sounded confused. “Uh no, not that I know- why?...did something happen last night?”
“Hold on, Y/N.”
 You heard faint murmurs being exchanged on the other side of the line and then you heard Taeyong’s voice asking for the phone.
“Y/N, did Jisung go to the room where you were sleeping last night?” Taeyong asked straight to the point.
“NO!” you basically yelled. “No, of course not.”
“Did he do or say something weird then?” he insisted
It took you a bit too long to answer. How could you possibly tell them?!
“Y/N, I need you to tell me or we can’t help him.”
“He…uh, I-” you inhaled deeply before thinking of a way to tell them without giving away many details. “I went to the kitchen last night and I think maybe I woke him up, or…I don’t know but he was there and talked and…acted in a way that wasn’t like…like him, you know? And his eyes were changing colors…”
You heard even more voices discussing on the other side of the line before Taeyong spoke again.
“What did he say exactly?”
 You froze. Jisung’s whisper of 'I would split you in half' echoed in your head.
“I- I don’t remember… I was half asleep,” you lied.
Taeyong’s silence made it clear he didn’t believe you, but he didn’t insist. 
“Is Jisung okay?” You finally asked.
“He’s fine,” Taeyong assured you. “He is a bit moody today, hasn’t left his room, but he isn’t sick or anything… We think he’s about to present.”
“Oh,” you said dumbly. That made sense; the weird change of eye color, a more aggresive attitude and sudden hornyness. You felt relieved, but also a bit disappointed. It was just his animal side and he would have reacted like that with any other woman; he wasn’t attracted to you. And after he presented, it would only be a matter of time before he met his destined mate. Great. It’s not like you liked him either, right?
When the call finished, you were in a terrible mood. And you were still in a bad mood for the next few days, a week even. And when it was time for another movie night at Jaehyun’s, you declined, saying you were tired. Instead, you grabbed a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate and watched a movie on your own, while the heavy rain tapped against the window.
  As you approached the end of the movie, you heard a soft knock on your door. You stopped the movie and looked at the door, just in time for a harder knock to be heard.  Puzzled, you stood up and walked softly towards the door, the knocking becoming louder and more insistent. 
“W-who is it?” you asked nervously once you reached the door.
“Noona,” called the deep voice from the other side. “It’s me…”
“Jisung?!” you shrieked and quickly opened the door, facing the boy whose clothes and hair were soaking wet. “Jisung what are you doing here?! Look at you, why didn’t you bring an umbrella with you?! You’ll get sick-”
“Are you mad at me?” he asked immediately, staring into your eyes.
“Are you mad because of what I did that night? Is that why you don’t want to go to our house anymore?”
“No, Jisung.” you sighed. “I’m not mad at you, I promise. I just wasn’t feeling it today.”
 His shoulders relaxed and he nodded. “Oh, okay…I’ll see you around then…”
“Jisung,” you called him before he could leave. “Come in and take a hot shower okay? Let’s get you some dry clothes to change into.”
 He looked at himself, like he had just noticed his state and murmured a soft “okay” before entering your place timidly. You showed him the way to the bathroom and left a clean towel for him to use, letting him know there would be dry clothes waiting for him in your room.
 Meanwhile you went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of hot chocolate for him right when your phone started vibrating in your pocket. It was Jaehyun calling.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Y/n, is Jisung with you?” he asked urgently.
 You almost choked on your saliva. How did he know?!
“Uh…yes, he just showed up.”
“Oh thank god,” he sighed, and then his voice sounded distant as he seemed to be speaking to somebody else, telling them 'he’s with her!'
“Is everything okay?” you asked nervously
“He suddenly left in a hurry and didn’t tell anyone anything. He left his phone here, and Chenle tried calling some of his friends but no one had seen him.”
“He’s fine, just got wet because of the rain so he’s taking a shower now. He can stay here until the rain stops,” you offered.
“Thank you,” Jaehyun said and paused for a minute before adding: “Don’t tell him I called you.”
“Why not?”
“He’s a bit…sensitive these days,” he murmured. “And he isn’t very happy with how close I am with you so…”
“...That makes no sense,” you replied and lowered your voice as you heard Jisung exiting the bathroom and entering your room to get changed. “We’ve been friends for years and he’s never seemed to have a problem with that.”
“Yes, but now he’s presenting Y/N.”
“Look…,” you heard some movement and then a door closing, indicating that he had probably gone to his room to talk without anyone hearing. “Taeyong doesn’t want me to tell you this, something about not wanting to pressure you into anything but…uh…”
“Just spit it out,” you were starting to get impatient
“We think Jisung imprinted…on you,” the last part was barely audible. 
 There was an awkward silence that none of you knew how to break until you cleared your throat.
“That’s impossible,” you said. “He hasn’t even presented yet.”
“It’s not impossible. It’s more common for wolves to find their mate after presenting, but it’s not necessarily the rule. I think… We think he imprinted on you a long time ago.”
 When you didn’t say anything he continued.
“You know he’s had the biggest crush on you for a while, Y/N. What if it wasn’t a simple crush? You saw how he reacted when I touched you that night… No wolf would be that agitated unless it’s their mate that’s being touched. All the signs have always been there, we just dismissed them.”
“I- I don’t know what to do with that information, Jae…” you said, biting your lip nervously.
“I thought you liked him too…” he accused. 
“Yes, you. You have a soft spot for him, you always ask for him when we hang out, you bring him snacks and presents for no reason, you smile like an idiot when he talks and you are incredibly touchy with him.”
“That’s just…”
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. We all knew you had a thing for him. If you like him, go for it. But if you don’t like him like that, send him home now and don’t toy with his feelings,” he warned you before sighing and softening his voice. “You’re my friend, Y/N, and he’s my pack brother. I want the best for both of you, okay? I gotta go, call me if anything happens.” 
 When he hung up you placed your phone on the kitchen counter and went to your room to check on Jisung. There would be time to ask him about his feelings and talk things out properly after he drank something hot and was more comfortable, you thought as you knocked on your bedroom door a few times.
“Jisung, are you ready? Do you want hot chocolate? or something to eat?” you asked, trying your best to hide how affected you were after that phone call. But the only reply you heard was something that sounded like a muffled cry. “Jisung?” you insisted only to get a louder cry in response. Worried, you opened the door and stood there speechless.
 The clothes you had prepared for him were scattered on the floor  along with the towel you had given him earlier. Jisung was completely bare on your bed, mounting your pillow and rutting against it desperately, while water drops traveled from his hair to your bedsheets, where his face was buried, muffling his incessant moans. 
“J-jisung…” his name was the only thing you would say and he finally turned his body to the side slightly to look at you, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the precum leaking from his reddened cock, staining your pillowcase. 
“N-noona,” his voice was an octave deeper than usual. “Noona, everything smells l-like you…” he whimpered, fucking the pillow harder and faster without breaking eye contact with you. “I-I’m so close-” was the last thing he managed to say before a deep moan echoed through the room and his hips stilled, his buttcheeks contracting a couple of times, pressing his member harder against the soft fabric.
 He laid limp on the bed, hooded eyes still looking at you, the strange dance of eye colors happening again told you that he was being consumed by his wolf again.
“Sorry,” he finally panted. “I made a mess...”
“I-it’s okay!” your voice cracked because you were actually not okay, but you knew he had no control over his body right now and the last thing you wanted was to make him feel guilty about it. “There’s some tissues on my nightstand, so- uh how about you c-clean yourself up and g-get dressed?” you nervously walked closer to him, picked up the clothes from the floor and offered them to him.
 He slowly sat up, as if his body was too heavy to move. He didn’t even bother covering himself like the shy Jisung normally would. He was far too gone for that. But when he saw the clothes you were trying to give him, he had enough energy to snatch them from you and throw them further away, with an annoyed huff.
“Wha- Jisung!” you reprimanded him. “You have to get dressed!”
“I’m not wearing his clothes,” he hissed. “And neither are you. Those are Jaehyun hyung’s, aren't they?”
 Right. The only clothes you had that could fit him were shirts and boxers that Jaehyun would leave behind whenever he crashed at your place. You had prepared those clothes for Jisung before Jaehyun called you to warn you about Jisung’s feelings.
“...Fine,” you sighed in defeat, not wanting to irritate him more. “I’ll go get you something else, but don’t complain if it’s too small for you.”
Before you could walk away, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, making you stand in between his legs, pressing his head against your lower belly.
“Don’t go,” he pouted, planting a soft kiss on your stomach over the thin fabric of your shirt that made you blush even more. “It hurts less when you’re here.”
“Are y-you in pain?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he inhaled deeply and groaned as he caught the smell or your arousal. “But maybe you can help me?” he asked using one of his hands to lift your shirt slightly, kissing your skin directly now and making you gasp. “Can you make it better, noona?” he looked up at you innocently while sticking out his tongue and licking at your hip bone.
“Fuck!” you tilted your head back unconsciously pushing your hips closer to him, which he took as a sign for him to start pulling your sweatpants lower, his mouth kissing and licking every bit of skin he found on his way. “J-jisung, hold on!”
 You placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him away slightly, he whined.
 “Why?” he asked, his hands still pulling at the hem of your pants.
“Jisung, I think y-you’re… presenting,” you told him.
He furrowed his brows and looked at you confused, but then his mouth parted slightly as the cogs started turning in his head.
“Oh,” he finally said, dropping his arms to his sides and letting go of you. “Does that make you uncomfortable? Am I scaring you?”
“No!” you softly took his face in your hands and made him look up at you. “That’s not it, Jisung. I just want you to be sure-”
“I’m sure,” he said quickly.
“-And I don’t want you to regret it-”
“I won’t,” he assured you, grabbing one of your hands and bringing it to his mouth so he could give it little kisses. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this for, noona.”
“Jisung… are you- uh… am I your m-mate?” you finally gathered the courage to ask.
“Yes,” he hummed contently, kissing your fingertips. “Mine. Not Jaehyun hyung’s.”
“How can you be s-sure?” you barely managed to ask while looking at his lips wrap around your thumb and suck gently.
“Always knew. Since the first time I saw you,” he said simply, letting go of your fingers with one last kiss. “But you always treated me like a kid, so I waited… hoping you would see me differently once I presented.”
Suddenly, his hands were back on your pants and without a warning he pulled them down, making you lose your balance, which he took as an opportunity to grab your arms and pull you on his lap, one of his hands behind you taking the sweatpants off your legs, leaving you on your shirt and underwear only
“And judging by how wet you are for me, it was worth the wait,” he smirked, caressing your arms and guiding them to his shoulders.
 You were incredibly embarrassed but didn’t bother to lie. You knew he could smell your arousal and it was stupid to lie to him. “Sorry, I couldn't help it.”
“Don’t be,” he said, kissing your cheek softly. “It smells really fucking good, but it’s making me really hard…”
 You looked down and gasped when you saw that he was indeed incredibly hard for someone who had literally just ejaculated on your pillow.
“Please help me, noona,” he begged, grabbing one of your hands and placing it over his hardness. “It hurts so bad.”
 You couldn’t stop yourself from tracing his cock delicately with your fingertips, feeling his body tense up under you. 
“I’ll help,” you finally said, wrapping your hand around him, making him moan and release a mantra of ‘thank yous’. “But… you can’t mark me.”
He looked up at you like you were crazy. Marking you was what he wanted the most. You were denying him the ultimate pleasure of owning you for the rest of your lives. Frustrated he shook his head and opened his mouth to complain, but then you let go of his member completely, earning a pained gasp from him.
“Jisung, you can’t mark me during your first rut,” you tried to reason with him as he whined incoherently and tried to put your hand back on him. “It 's too soon. If you still want me in the future, then we can think about it, okay?”
 He looked up at you with such sad eyes that you almost gave in, but you knew it was better to take things slow. Finally he dropped his head and mumbled a defeated 'okay.'
 “Good boy,” you whispered sweetly, making him shudder at the pet name. This time you grabbed him firmly and started pumping him rhythmically without hesitation. He let out the loudest gasp yet and arched his back, hips thrusting against your hand like crazy.
“N-noona!” he dug his fingers into your waist in a desperate attempt to ground himself. “yes, please, yes-yes!”
 You were so focused on his fucked out expression that you failed to notice one of his hands making its way into your panties. He quickly found your clit and massaged it, groaning at how wet you were.
“J-jisung!” you panted, trying to wiggle away. “T- this is supposed to be to help you!” you argued but the rest of your complaints were forgotten when one of his long fingers entered you slowly. “Ah!”
“You are helping m-me, noona,” he gasped against your lips, thrusting his finger in and out of you slowly while his thumb circled your clit. “You’re doing s-so …so good f-for me.” 
 He took you by surprise when he finally connected your lips, swallowing your moans and sliding his tongue into your mouth messily. He made use of this distraction to insert a second finger inside of you and make you sob into the kiss. Your thumb reached the tip of his cock and circled it, imitating the way he was massaging your clit, and successfully making him break the kiss to gasp.
“That’s it, noona,” he gave your lips a couple of messy licks before pressing his forehead against you. “J-just like that-don’t stop…don’t stop, please, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop-” 
 He moaned and tilted his head back, his fingers mercilessly abusing you while spurts of his cum covered your hand, making you reach your climax while he rode out his. You dropped your head on his shoulder, body limp, trying to catch up your breath but he wouldn’t stop his assault on your clit.
“Ji-,” you squirmed, but he held you in place. “Jisung, I’m s-sensitive.”
“But it hurts,” he pleaded, still breathing heavily. You lifted your head to look at him. His dick was still as hard and red as when you first entered the room.
“Fuck…” you mumbled. “How…?”
“More?” he asked you as innocently as he could, considering his fingers were still inside of you. 
“Uh okay, I-... can you lay down?” you asked him, and he nodded eagerly, letting you stand up so he could lay down on the cum stained bed.
 “W-what are you gonna-Fuck! Oh fuck, noona-” he moaned as soon as he felt your warm lips on his aching cock. “P-please noona, I- oh… you’re crazy if you t-think I won’t m-mark you after thi-ah!”
 You let go of his member with a soft pop and licked the tip softly. “We said no marking, Ji,” you teased him between licks.
“I-I know but-...But noona,oooohh!” he arched his back and grabbed the bedsheets in a pathetic attempt to control himself, tears staining his pretty face. “more, m-more-!”
 You gave him more, wrapping your lips around him and sucking, making loud slurping sounds and had him tossing and turning under you, calling your name and sobbing.
“Keep g-going, noona c’mon k-keep-,” his thighs started shaking and his abdomen contracted as a clear sign that he was very close. “Keep sucking, y/n, k-keep sucking my cock, just l-like that noon-ah! keep g-going, keep fucking g-going-,” his desperate mantra between gasps got interrupted by you finally deepthroating him. “Fuuuuckk!”
 You hummed around his cock and started lifting your head when you felt both his hands on the back of your head, pushing you down and forcing his dick into your throat. You choked and grabbed his hands, trying to push him away, but he had no intention of letting go, keeping your nose pressed against his navel and your throat contracting against his member in an attempt to breathe. 
 “Stay,” he growled, using a voice that was unknown to you, deeper and huskier than you’d ever heard him. “Take my cock, just like you’re meant to,” he then gave your head short fast pushes, still pressed against his hips, that made you choke harder and sob, the vibrations making him feel in heaven.
 With a final guttural growl, he came in your throat, forcing you to swallow his load before he finally let go of your head, cooing at your coughs.
 Once you managed to stop coughing, you looked at him in shock, expecting an apology for losing control like that, but when your eyes met his, you saw no guilt or regret. His eyes full of lust were shining a bright red and a cocky smirk had replaced his shy typical expression.
 His wolf had taken over.
“You look so good like this, Y/N,” he said casually, leaving all formalities behind and calling you by your name. 
“J-jisung? How d-do you feel?” you asked a bit afraid. You had never seen him like this before.
“Fucking fantastic,” he purred. “Will feel even better after I knot you.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh? So Jaehyun can breed you full of cum but your real mate can’t?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
“No I-...I’ve never t-taken a knot before,” you admitted, suddenly feeling shy, looking down. “I n-never let him…”
“He didn’t knot you?” he repeated.
You shook your head no and he immediately took your face in his hands and pulled you closer to him, kissing you passionately. 
“Good girl, y/n. You did well,” he praised you, helping you take your shirt off, and kissing your breasts affectionately. Your back arched into his touch and let him make you feel good. You suddenly felt so small and vulnerable, like you were meant to submit to him.
“Your tiny cunt will only take my knot from now on,” he mumbled against your left breast, circling your nipple with his tongue. “Take my cock only for the rest of your life.”
 You moaned and pulled at his hair, your hips rubbing against his softly.
“I’ll mark you so good everyone will know who you belong to…”
That knocked some sense into you.
“J-jisung! We s-said not yet-”
“Sit on my face,” he commanded. 
“It seems I haven’t made you feel good enough if you still have half a brain to talk back to your alpha,” he grunted, easily manhandling you so your legs were on each side of his head, your pussy hovering dangerously over his face.
“A-alpha?” the term sounded so foreign to you. It was only used among wolves, so you never thought you would have to address anyone like that. 
“That’s right,” he purred, kissing your inner thighs. “Alpha will fuck you dumb, okay?” was the last thing he said before pulling your panties to the side and diving in. 
 You let out a silent scream and grabbed onto the bed headboard for support. His tongue felt hotter than what should be normal and the way he moaned and groaned against you like he was tasting the most delicious of meals sent constant waves of pleasure through your body. You felt yourself cumming faster than ever in your life so you tried to put some distance between yourselves, to avoid coming that fast and embarrassing yourself, but he wouldn’t have any of that. His arms circled your thighs and pulled you down, all your weight on his face making you tremble with pleasure. He chuckled and sucked your sensitive clit into his mouth, using his tongue to toy with it roughly. 
“Oh,” you sobbed, panting heavily, “I’m g-gonna cum, Ji- ah! gonna c-cum, Jisung-!” 
Your body shook against his hold as he hummed with your clit still inside his mouth, making you cum while screaming so hard, you knew you wouldn’t be able to speak properly for a couple of days.
“Are you okay?” panted Jisung against your core.
“I-I’m…okay,” you replied with difficulty.
 Jisung tsked like he was annoyed at the fact that you could still form coherent sentences. “One more then.”
 His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his strong hands grabbed your hips, pulling you against him again and moving you back and forth against his soft hot tongue.
“J-jisung w-wait,” you barely gasped. “I can’t c-cum again…”
 He raised his brows defiantly and moved you faster against your will, ready to prove you how wrong you were.
“Jisung please-!” you pleaded, but you were starting to feel another build up. How could everything feel so good with him?
Soon you felt your hips move on its own, which gave Jisung the opportunity to touch your body, from your thighs, to your ass and finally massaging your breasts as you rode his tongue thoughtlessly. 
“Oh, oh! s-so good, Jisungie-,” you spoke shakily. “Your tongue f-feels so good, a-alpha…”
Jisung moaned and you could see the corners of his lips lift in what would have been a satisfied smirk if it wasn’t because he had you riding his tongue. He knew he had you where he wanted, and he guided your hands to his head, encouraging you to pull his hair as you used him. 
“Y-yes,” you moaned, eyes rolling back and your hips bouncing empty-headed against his face. “Yes,yes-yeesss fuck alpha!”
 You came so hard you heard a ring in your ears, your body losing all strength and falling back. Jisung caught you right in time and laid you on the bed carefully.
“How are you feeling now?” he asked, voice raspy and face glistening with your juices.
 You barely acknowledged that he was talking to you, your eyes unfocused, and body shaking like a leaf with only one thought in your head:
“Ji…alpha,” you let out almost inaudibly. 
“Perfect,” Jisung groaned, taking off your ruined panties and positioning himself between your legs, entering you in one go.
You cried out loud and arched your back, tossing your arms around, looking for something to hold onto. Jisung wasn’t doing so well himself, his eyes were wide in shock at how good he felt, and they were switching into golden color again.
“F-fuck, noona,” he sobbed, kissing you pasionately, and giving an experimental thrust that made both of you moan. “Noona, my beautiful noona- h-how can you be so tight and w-warm?” 
 You weakly lifted your head and saw Jisung looking back at you.  Eyes full of adoration gleaming a golden color instead of the dark red you had seen before. Soft and lovely Jisung was back, but for how long?
“S-sorry, noona,” he said as he started fucking you with intent. “Don’t ask me to stop- I c-can’t stop.”
 He buried his face into your neck and whispered the sweetest praises, only interrupted by moans that were becoming louder. 
“If I don’t m-mark you I’ll d-die, noona ah!,p-please-,” he begged, sucking your neck like you had the mental capacity to deny him anything in this state. 
You then heard a chuckle. The wolf was back.
“And you’ll let me, right?” said that dark and velvety voice. “You’ll let alpha mark y-you and fuck you full of cum,yeah?” he sat up and his red eyes devoured you as he grabbed your hips and fucked into you roughly. 
 You were too fucked up to even moan out loud, your mouth hung open and your eyes rolled back as no sound came out of your spent troath. 
“Such a perfect little doll,” he hissed as his hips snapped against you, the bed headboard slamming against the wall loudly. “Won’t ever let you go, Y/N.”
 The base of his cock finally started growing in size making him moan shakily and fucking you faster.
“Yes! yes,yes, finally- finally Y/N!”
He laid on top of you and hugged your waist, holding your body against his as his hips pistoned into you, letting out a delirious string of curses, praises and sobs.
“S-sorry, noona,” there was human Jisung again, his forehead against yours as he panted, a couple of his tears landing on your face. “You h-have to take my knot, p-please, you have to- I c-can’t-!” 
 You couldn’t register his words, as a new and more powerful orgasm took over your body and made you convulse against his strong hold. If you hadn’t been so fucked out you would have seen his mouth wide open as he went cross-eyed and gave a final thrust that settled his knot inside of you, his cock twitching and releasing endless spurts of thick cum.
“O-oh, oh noona…” he sobbed against your neck, finally giving into his instinct and biting you hard.
 “Jisung!” you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer, moaning as he sucked on the fresh mark. You thought it would hurt more, but it gave you a very pleasant tingly sensation. “Alpha…”
Jisung panted heavily as he lifted his upper body. His eyes were golden again and he was anxiously waiting for your reaction after what had happened.
“I- I couldn’t stop myself, noona,” he bit his lip and flinched when your eyes met his. “I don’t know why I…it just hurt and- then everything became too much-”
You groaned and threw your arms over your face. “That’s why I told you not to mark me,” you whined. “I knew you would regret it!”
“No,” he said firmly. “I don’t regret it.”
When you didn’t reply to him, he grabbed your arms and held them against the mattress on each side of your head.
“Noona, look at me,” he pleaded. “I don’t regret it. It was better than I could ever imagine. I’m just apologizing because you didn’t want it.”
“I did want it,” you whispered. “But I wanted you to be sure first.”
“I’ve been sure for so long, noona,” he kissed your lips softly. “I’ve always wanted you. Please don’t push me away.”
 You kissed him back and he sighed against your mouth, deepening the kiss. 
And then he thrusted harshly inside of you again, making you almost choke in surprise.
He opened his eyes slowly and you saw the flickering battle of red and golden happen again, telling you his animal side wanted to come out again.
"Sorry, noona..." he apologized in advance for what was about to happen.
Here we go again.
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hanjisunglover · 5 months
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MASTERLIST. ! <- 001. -> 002.
warnings: mentioning of guns and weapons, blood, reader has some PTSD, minho calls reader pet names.
words count: 3.8k
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There are two types of people in the world: those who support heroes and those who believe they only bring chaos to the city.
You are not part of any of these categories. You don't care about heroes, your life in a tiny apartment in Manhattan has never changed thanks to them. Your small business as a Pizza's restaurant in one of the quietest neighborhoods of New York hasn't paid off thanks to them.
You're just there, waiting for the big event in your life. Until then? you just pass your time listening to some cheap music from your dad's radio.
"Y/n, vien qua, c'è gente!" Your father's voice wakes you up, his strong Italian accent stops your music and put your headphones down from your head, the song still playing on your phone but you can't look or stop right now. You have to go back to work.
Your family runs a little business, your father works in the kitchen - cooking pizza with the true receipt from Italy. Your mother on the other hand get ready some typical desserts, like tiramisù, panna cotta and even gelato. Your grandma stays the whole day in the same spot, with her purple shawl on her shoulders, her glasses falling to the tip of her nose, her eyes on some Hispanic soap opera and her puzzle week.
You, just work as a cashier, giving them a little help when you're off from University. You got into a really expensive place, with people that have been spoiled their entire life, you just learned in another way the meaning of money.
Your grandmother came to the US when she just turned 25, in one hand she had her suitcase, in the other one her dreams. Learning English from the scratch, with three jobs part-time and her husband with two more jobs. They had a simple, chaotic but happy life. Until your grandfather passed away, leaving your dad the small business that they started on their own after saving the few pennies set aside.
You can't actually understand why they bought the place so far away from Little Italy, closer to Time Square than the rest of the really famous restaurants. Every time you ask to your grandmother, she just justifies herself saying, "your nonno was really stubborn".
Your grandfather, really thought that was the best option, with an apartment include with the small place for the 'sliced ​​pizza's business', enough room for you and the rest of your family.
You know the place isn't very successful, there are few regulars, just enough to make reaching the end of the month with the end-of-month expenses. You know you can't ask for too much, and your college grades must remain impeccable to continue receiving the scholarship. Everyday you think how lucky the other people are, not really knowing their story, but just the fact that during your uni lessons they can normally say things such as 'let's go to a karaoke after this', makes you jealous.
You're not popular, you're not rich. That cut a lot of your social life, but not enough to not have any friends. As you walk out the back of the restaurant to get in the cashier spot, you can see your best friend with a big smile in her face, waving at you. "Yo mama is fine as hell."
You can't contain a laugh, her obsession with milfs and girls in general always finds the way to change your mood, your hand on your abdomen makes her laugh too. "What are you looking for today?"
"Some girls to kiss, wanna be the next one?" Her cheeky pick-up lines never failed of making you smile, you start to count the price for two slides of pizza, "it's 3 dollars," she hisses as she takes out her wallet from her expensive bag, "if I really have to."
You chuckle as you grab the three banknotes from her hand, her smile makes you smile. And for a moment, you're really happy. No worries, no thoughts. For a single second, your life is not that miserable as you think.
Until you can hear screaming, glass that breaks and terrifying looks in the faces of the people that you love. You never imagined that your life can change in an amount of seconds, when you can see a dark red costume. With weapons on his back and a gun in his hand.
You are not a big nerdy, but you know for sure that this costume it's just for one person only, Deadpool. He's not a hero, he's not a villain, he defines himself to the police as 'cleaner of shit from the others'. He's basically hitman, that if he is not forced by the person from whom he takes the task, he would not kill. And inside you, as you hide behind the counter while your heart shatters your chest, your hands shaking and the blood buzzing in your ears; you pray that it will be so.
You pray that he's in the wrong place, that he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the direction he's pointing is in the kitchen. You feel your blood almost stop pumping in your heart, you can feel a a presence so gloomy that you can only hide more under the counter.
"No! please!" Your mother's voice wakes you up and you stand up from your spot, your best friend is taking care of your grandmother that fell from the chair, you can feel your eyes watering, but you try your best to push them back for later. Before you can even step inside the kitchen, a shotgun pierces the screams. The silence.
You never thought you could hate silence more than now, you run into the kitchen, your mother on the floor crying as your dad is moaning in pain, the chest wound fills the floor with blood. Deadpool currently cleans his gun with the towel your mother usually keeps on the counter. Tears burst and fall down your face, anger raging inside you.
"I didn't kill him." The antihero speaks as he walks past you, almost as if nothing had happened. his mask is raised to his mouth as he chews on a piece of pizza. "Easy, blondie."
The siren of the police starts to reach the place, that now is a mess. It's just about of time, and you pray every single one. The floor has pieces of glass from the windows, the chairs and tables overturned, the TV that your grandmother usually watch during the day is on the floor. Still working, shows the reporters right outside your business place, suddenly Deadpool throws one of his katanas, breaking perfectly the screen.
"Damn I always hated the reporters." His voice, it's deep, makes you shiver as you get close, but you don't reach his body because one of his guns, it's pointing at your forehead now. You stopped moving.
His chewing sounds fill the place, the only other thing that you can hear it's your dad moaning in pain and your mother crying. "Don't step too close blondie, you're gonna get hurt to try dancing with the evil."
Your breath catches in your throat when he turns his head toward you, you freeze, you can barely speak, "why did you do this? why to us?" It sounds shaky, as he gets too close for your eyes to keep on him, his cologne gets in your senses.
"I just follow work sweet thing, grow up with that." His voice sounds so mean, it makes you shiver from head to toe, you don't see his eyes, his mask drops covering his face before you could spare a few seconds off his half face. His tone becomes playful again as the police point guns at you, windows are blown up, letting the spring wind dust off the floor.
That was the first time, that you ever met Deadpool.
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Lee Minho feels like heavy rain. The heavy rain after a thunderstorm, the summer rain, that gets into your bones, making you feel the heaviness of your clothes against your body, your shoes soaking wet and your hair all attached to your neck. That heavy rain. You don't know if it's because of his charm, or the fact that he doesn't let anyone get too close to him, but something in him makes you feel attracted. Since the first day of your University, your eyes were fighting you to look away from him, his features. You don't even know how his voice sounds like, not even the color of his eyes, it's the classic guy that you keep looking for in a room full of loud people.
His copper red hair that sprouts the hood of the hoodie, with a backpack on the shoulder makes its way to the corridors. He never looks at anyone in the eye, you don't even understand why he's in that institute, is difficult for you to imagine him as a spoiled child. Maybe is that the reason why you find him so charming. No one really knows how he can afford a university like this. A thing that you're sure about Minho and his student career is that he doesn't care about his grades, because he is too smart to study, he leaves the room when he feels bored and the professors never stopped him. He's just, the genius in the class, but anyone really cares, they know that he's too smart for them too. No one has ever beaten him on tests and assignments. Always on time with the deadlines, making him look almost too good that it bothers.
At least, that's what you thought, now after your father got arrested you can't even step inside a class without feeling your skin burn at the sight of the windows, scared for your life that suddenly they can break like that day. Your usual sit it's right next a big window, where your desk is with all the little draws on the top, but not today.
Not today because that seat it's already taken, taken by Lee Minho. You can feel your cheeks getting warm up, that has been your seat since the year of the semester. Everyone knows that's your seat.
"Excuse me?" You try to sound as gentle as possible as the guy that is writing in his notebook, his eyes still down, doing some tricks with the pen as he doesn't dare glancing up at you. "Sorry, uhm?"
Minho sigh as you don't move away from his side, standing right next the table that he chose, he takes a deep breath as he turns his face to look at you. It's the first time that you can see his eyes, that are a dark brown, the definition of heavy rain that you gave to him the first day that you saw him feels exactly like his eyes. Cold, his eyes are cold. "What?"
"That's my spot," you point lightly at the table, where his stuff are already placed, and Minho does not like moving around when he finds his spot. He's like a cat, it's hard to make him move from his new favorite angle of the room, "No it's mine." The whole conversation is too childish for you to talk back.
You can feel your cheeks warm up because his voice is firm, making you almost trip in your words as you turn in your feet to find another table, part of you it's a relief. Because your seat it's right beside the window, and being that close to them would make you panic, but of course; Minho doesn't know that. Or that's what you think.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
For the entire week, Minho took your spot, you didn't know why and he's not that close to anyone to actually ask and know the reason, you just.. accepted. Who are you to tell him what to do?
Every morning - you're not sure how long ago that started but however - you passed there to greet, and leave a juice jug that you bought the machines, nobody had ever approached him like this. You knew you were not special from the others, but you were pleased to see how Minho after about ten seconds that left the juice on the table, smiled by raising just the corners of the mouth. That made you feel good. The following Monday, Minho is not there, he is never late, which makes you worry. Not that you are friends or more, but that situation was created where you feel you are the duty to.. understand, to know why it is not there.
"Do you know where Minho is?" murmurs to your friends, that are just talking to each other about the last assignment that was hell on earth, your head is in your hands as you look around, your eyes are just looking for one person ad one only.
"y/n, why are you so interested in him?"
Your expression is pure surprise as you look up at your friend, "me? uh, no reason?" You can't lie when your cheeks are getting red just to think about the man that is living in your mind rent free. "you keep asking about him today! and murmuring stuff, do you have a crush on him?"
Their sudden questions makes you close yourself a little in your thoughts, is really like that?, you're not sure, you never named what you felt for Minho before. You just, let it happened, you can't control your feelings. You can hear the door slamming against the wall, shaking the windows a little and that makes you shake silently.
Minho enter into the room, surrounded by silence, no one says a single thing. 'Cause his face is covered in wounds, a split lip and a cut to his eyebrow, you feel dizzy at the sight. "What do you have to look at?"he spits out like he's surprised that everyone is paying attention to him now, they never have before.
But he's hurt, and you can't stand it, you can't stand of the sight of more people hurt. You almost jump off the chair where you're sitting, making a really high pitch sound with it on the floor, now the attention it's all around you. Your friends murmur something to convince you to sit back but you can't. Your eyes are locked in his. You can see his surprise of seeing you standing up for him even if he's not moving any muscle of his face. He knows that you care. More than everyone else.
Your walk is the only sound that the room can hear, your mind keeps whispering: don't do that, don't do that, don't do that. You never skipped a lesson, you never put yourself in trouble, you are always the perfect student. Oh, fuck it.
You grab Minho's hand, he hisses at the feeling of his hand against yours, the skin it's almost burning for the feeling that makes his cheeks red up, but he doesn't want to admit it. You guys walked out of the class, his eyes on you are making you feel so stupid right now.
"what do you think you're doing?" he mumbles letting his hand grab tighter around yours, he's complaining but he's not letting you go.
You just let yourself go to the nursing room, opening the door nd making him take a seat in one of the beds, "let, let me take a look." You try to move away from him but his hand it's still holding yours tight, your breath catches your throat as you take a deep breath, his thumb passing against your knuckles.
He lets you grab some bandages and disinfectant for the cut on his lip, you stand right in front of him, he moves his thighs spread to let you get closer. His hands finish to play with the edge of your skirt, feeling your whole body shakes a little. You can't stop yourself from crying at his injuries, your hands touch his face so gently that he's surprised too.
Minho chuckles as he looks over you his eyes are gentle, feels more warmer than the first time that they ever made eye contact, "why are you crying blondie?"
The nickname makes you chuckle, he's not gonna be the first one to call you like that, and he's never gonna be the last one. "nothing I, I don't like when people I care gets hurt," you sniff and he stays silent, you can't read his face, you never did.
"what happened? if I can ask," for the first time, Minho seems really interested in what you're about to say, so you just let your thoughts speak. "two months ago, my dad's business got under attack from a hero, he stabbed my father and then he left letting him go away with the police, seems like he had an under business with some drugs thing, not sure. I really.. didn't know that, so I don't feel totally okay in the last couple weeks."
His chuckle stops your thoughts and you raise your eyes to look at him, his lips are showing his teeth from the laugh, "a hero? no hero would do that in such a cool way princess," his voice stops before going more into that topic, noticing your confused expression, "I mean, still horrible, but he took your father for a good thing. but I wouldn't call him a hero. pff."
Minho seems almost pissed at the way that you called Deadpool, a hero, you chuckle as you move his jaw to check for other cuts or other injuries, "you seem almost a fan."
"he sounds cool, are you scared of him now?" his voice it's deeper than usual, shivers run down your spine as you stop your actions, his eyes are locked on yours as his hands slowly grab the back of your thighs. "are you scared, bunny?"
"I'm.. not."
"you sounds like," his smirk makes you swallow. He stands up and you are facing him now, well, for the best that you can due your small height. Minho walk slowly towards you and you slightly move more backward, until your back find the wall. You're fucked.
You can't properly speak when his hands travel up to your waist, designing your hips with his fingers as he presses your body against the wall harder, "you seem, scared."
"no! no I'm not.. I'm not scared." you mumble as you close lightly your eyes, he's bending slowly lower in your face, his skin smells like disinfectant, "turn on then?"
His low giggle makes you whimper under his eyes and his touch, because it's definitely a yes, he knows. He knows that his actions have a weird power over you, he suddenly moves away from your body making you whine a little louder than expected. "w-why are you teasing me like that!"
His laugh fills the room, making you blush because it's the first time that he doesn't look like an adult, he doesn't look like someone that you should be scared of. He just looks like Minho. "God you are damn cute bun."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
After that moment he got more and more relaxed, he started to ask you out more and more frequently. He also started to call and text you regularly, using the excuse to make you read his assignments, just to clarify that he didn't made any errors. He's so unaware that you know that's just an excuse to hear from you, but that started to be so normal that you forgot about everything else when Minho comes around. You feel, safe. And he started to feel safe too, he's not hiding under his hood anymore, he smile even more - but only with you, his smile shows bigger with you and your presence around. He looks so, different. He's still your heavy rain, you can't see him otherwise, but the fact that he got closer to you in such a short time makes you feel good. You're not sure to call what you started to have, but your feelings for him are strong enough to make your heart skip a beat when you're walking down the hall from the last class that you just had when his hands cover your eyes, making you jump in surprise. His chuckle reaches your ears, making you blush under his touch, you grab gently his wrists to move his hand down. "I got you again bunny."
"you always get me, min," you chuckle when the guy starts to walk right next to you, his arm around your shoulders as he smiles towards you as you both walk towards the outside, "wanna grab some dinner together?"
You sigh, shaking your head, "sorry, have to work with mom."
"oh, you guys opened the Pizze-?" He starts wondering with his words, not really sure how to really pronounce it, you chuckle as you start to speed up with you walk to pass the green light in time on the sidewalk. "it's Pizzeria, and yes we did. It's hard without my dad but, it's the best that we can do for now."
Minho nods as he walks still beside you not letting you go away from his side, his phone buzz but you're more important right now, "okay then, I'll help."
"you what?"
"h-e-l-p, is it your Italian mind not working today?" he chuckles pressing his index against your forehead, moving you backward move close to his chest. You missed the green light so you stopped walking with the other people, Minho get closer behind you, moving both of his arms on your shoulders. You're so small compare do him, he glances around, like he usually does when he's at work.
His phone buzzes again and you can feel it cause it's in his pocket against your back, "your phone."
"I heard it the first time, still not care about it." he mumbles as he leans his chin on top of your head, the action makes you blush like a teenager. He's getting so touchy in the last period that makes you feel too good to really confess it.
As you guys walk in the green light you can hear a really loud honking, you turn your head just in time before some cobwebs stop the car that was about to crash against you and Minho. Minho moves you behind himself, your tiny body almost disappear behind him.
"Are you okay?" Minho whispers as he holds your shoulders, moving slowly his hands on your cheeks, your surprise and shock stops you from moving every single muscle; you can barely nod as you feel your breath quick up.
That was the first time that you ever saw Spiderman in your life.
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TAGLIST -@binnies-binna @ihrtlix @yeahsspider @p0eticjust1c3 @manuosorioh @hanjsquokka @boi-bi-ahaha @im-sinking-in-mud @weareapackofstrays @dprkbyn @cupidcures @i2nsstuff @xtegannoelx @lyramundana @catiuskaa @felinows @5starluvr @kpopsstuffs @xxstrayland @tiapatito202278ok
author note ! I loved writing this chapter so I hope y'all likes it!
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leossmoonn · 7 months
In love with ur Mike writings<33 can you write something about spending your first thanksgiving with Mike and Abby?
thank you :D and yes omg i love this idea!
bro this lowk angsty but it has a happy ending lol
thanksgiving was not something mike really did. he wasn’t really thankful for anything in his life — besides abby, of course. he hated his job, his house, his car, his nightmares. and even though abby and mike butt heads sometimes — all the time — he was thankful he had somebody like her to keep him getting out of bed in the morning and working. he started to feel just a tad better about his life when you came into the picture.
on the holidays, usually mike would take abby out to restaurants to have a meal. granted, abby rarely ate anything, but they both collectively agreed that it was special. but now that you were with mike, things changed.
“do you cook during thanksgiving?” you ask a week before the holiday.
“um, no,” mike shakes his head. “we usually go to like, applebee’s or something.”
“oh, how fancy,” you tease. mike chuckles softly and nods. “it’s a lot less expensive, believe it or not. we rarely go out anyways, so it’s like a little treat for us.”
“i see,” you hum. “would you want to continue your little tradition?”
he shrugs, “i don’t know why we wouldn’t. we have nothing better to do.”
“i could think of something,” you say. he glances at you. “you can come with us, if that’s what you were thinking. you’re always invited out with abby and i.”
you can’t help but smile. god, he’s so cute when he’s clueless. you take his hand and he turns his full attention from the tv to you.
“i was thinking we could have a proper thanksgiving.”
mike’s heart stops. “uh, uhm… no, it’s fine. it would take all day to cook and abby might not even eat anything. that’s so much food and money wasted.”
“don’t you worry about the money. i got it covered,” you take his hand in yours. “and we can cut down the portions. make a small thanksgiving meal and make just enough to have leftovers the next day. i think it would be fun. i can start cooking tonight, even.”
mike sucks in a breath, hesitating to say yes, even though he wants to. he hasn’t had a thanksgiving dinner since before garrett disappeared. it’s so painful for him to think of his last thanksgiving. it’s one of the last happy memories he has with his family. and now you want to do it with him, which was just another issue in itself for mike.
he’s not used to people doing things for him. and when they do, he pushes them away.
albeit, he’s started to get used to accepting favors and help, and it’s all thanks to you. all the dinner dates you’ve gone on, you’ve probably paid in full for half of them, and split the check on the rest. you’ve paid for every sporting event you’ve taken mike to. you’ve bought him clothes he obviously wanted, but kept insisting he didn’t want them because they costed money. he always feels terrible because it should be the other way around, but you’ve always assured him that you don’t mind. you love spoiling him because you truly thinks he deserves it. and he always makes up for it with little things like buying you flowers, gift cards, and sweet treats.
something about spending thanksgiving with you just makes him nervous and uncomfortable. thanksgiving for him reminds him of family and he hasn’t had a family since he was a kid. if he starts to think of you, abby and him as a family, he’s afraid that it’ll disappear just like it has before. but he knows what happened was a decade or so ago. he’s not the same little boy he was. abby’s safe with him and you. he knows he’s safe with you.
“sure,” he nods slowly. “are you sure, mike?” you ask, knowing exactly what’s going through his head. “we really don’t have to. we can go to applebee’s or texas roadhouse or something. i just… i think it would be nice.”
he nods in agreement. “no, i do, too. really. i-i’m excited.” there is truth in his words and you can see it in the twinkle in his eyes.
“great! tell me every dish you like for thanksgiving and what abby might like, and we shop for ingredients tonight!”
the next day went surprisingly well. you showed up at mike’s at the ass crack of dawn, awake and ready to bake and cook all day. you made all of mike’s favorites: green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, ham, and peach pie. you both agreed to make abby some spaghetti and meatballs and cookies as a back up plan.
“do you we want to say what we are all thankful for or dig in?” you ask.
“let’s dig in!” abby exclaims. you chuckle and move to cut her some ham, but mike stops you. “let’s, uh, say what we are thankful for first.”
abby groans, “i’m hungry.” “please, abs. the food won’t disappear,” mike says.
she nods and complies, placing her hands in her lap.
“abby, why don’t you start,” you suggest.
“okay,” she nods. “i’m thankful for um… cartoons, disney princesses, crayons and you! and mike, i guess,” she adds quickly.
mike and you share a laugh.
“i’ll go next,” you say. “i’m thankful for my mom and my grandparents. i’m thankful for the twilight movies and my cat.” you then grab mike and abby’s hands, squeezing them both. “and i’m so thankful for you two. my life feels so fulfilled with you two in it. i really appreciate you guys letting me in and join your family.”
abby grins up at you. “we think you’re awesome, too.” “thank you, abby,” you say, patting her back lovingly.
you then turn to mike who is tapping the table with his free hand. “i am, uh, thankful that i somehow still have a job. i’m thankful that my parents gave me another sibling, whom i love very much.” he gives abby a little smile and she sticks her tongue out, not being able to contain her own smile. mike turns his head to you, eyes scanning your face as he wipes his sweaty hand on his jeans.
“and i’m thankful for you. i know i have a lot of shortcomings and before you deny it, we both know it’s true. you just… for some reason see something in me. and i’m just really glad that you’ve stuck with me and shown me how to be better and do better. you’ve given me hope and make me look forward to waking up every day. i’ve never had something so steady before, so constant. i…i hope that you continue to be that for me, and i hope that in the future i can continue to show how much i appreciate you.”
you sniffle once he’s done and realize you’ve started to cry.
“oh, i-i’m sorry,” mike rushes out. “i didn’t mean to —”
“i love you, honey,” you lean over and peck his cheek.
abby groans and her stomach grumbles. “please stop! the food is getting cold.”
“sorry, abs,” you pat her back. “what would you like to eat? we made some spaghetti, too, if you —”
“i want ham and bread!”
“you got it, babe,” you say. mike helps you cut the ham, giving a piece to everyone. you all dig in and mike realizes how much he missed this, how much he’s wanted this for so long. he places his hand on your thigh, squeezing it. “i love you, too.”
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ratherbefangirling · 1 month
Bts reaction: you ask for their credit card
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Joon asks why you need it
but hands it over anyway if you're in an established relationship.
Also very subtly give you artwork worth a lot and its all going to be cheesy shit. We held hands at this artists exhibition.
Also takes you on all expenses paid trips.
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Jin buy your own stuff .....
Rock paper scissors when deciding who to pay .
Can easily be made to pay by some buttering.
Won't let you spend your money when you're out together but will also lecture you about purchases
Buys an rj everytime he misses you.. you will end up with an rj shrine. He will be mad if you even give a single one away. Like what do you mean you don't have enough room.
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Yoongi already gave you one of his in case of emergency or to tell you treat yourself.
Literally will fix your finances. Good at filing taxes.
"You know bts, you know your boyfriend is min yoongi,suga,Agust d." Flex
Will get flustered if you buy him stuff.. probably blush lol
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Hobi regularly buys you things from your wishlist already.
Spoils you so much that you forget your card's pincode. Has all your bills covered.
Like rent and electricity. Already paid.
If you need to buy him gifts you gotta go big or go home. But also any cute thing will make him happy.
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Once you've been together for a while he's ready to get you anything. Ofcourse you have to pay him in cuddles and attention.
Can be a little sensitive about money but too nice to say anything. Tread with caution.
Also randomly sends over money in case you mention wanting something.
Loves it when you pay on dates. All for Princess treatment.
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"do you need my credit card when you have me."
Never let's you pay like a gentleman.
Also randomly starts paying when you're still friends saying nothing until you mention it and he's like I like you so it's fine.
Loves going to thrift stores with you. Also ends up liking the most expensive things there.
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Probably ends up using yours, but it gets declined because the transaction was too big. Almost gave you a heart attack.
Not only that, he loves it when you pass him your impulse buys. Never say no to free stuff. That thing you bought just cause it was on sale. You got free samples. Made more food than needed he's ready to eat it.
'But your diet Jungkook' ' its fine I can start tomorrow'
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half-oz-eddie · 8 months
“Billy, Billy, Billy, why won’t he leave my mind?!” Steve grabbed his hair, groaning in frustration.  “It’s like his eyes are burned into my mind it-it makes me sick.”
“Love sick?” Robin sneered.
“No! No!” He frantically replied. “ Why would you even say that?”
“Because, dingus, you’re thinking about another guy an abnormal amount—”
“It’s—It’s just…he…aggravates me, y’know?”
“Uh…huh.” Robin nodded slowly, making her skepticism evident.
Steve sighed loudly as Robin tried to contain a soft chuckle. 
“What do you think it means?” Steve asked her.
“It means you like him.”
“I don’t—I don’t like him—I-I-I don’t even like guys! I like girls! I like y’know, jiggly boobs a-and vagina—”
“I’m very convinced.” She responded flatly. “You know, there’s nothing wrong with having a crush—“
“On a guy I hate? That hates me? You can’t like someone you hate!”
“Oh, Steve, it’s very possible for the heart to have love and hate for someone at the same time.”
“You make room.”
“Well, I don’t have any room in my heart for a guy like Billy Hargrove, with his stupid blonde hair, or that—that cologne he uses that smells soft and pretty like perfume, or those beady blue eyes that feel like they’re staring into my soul—okay maybe I have a little room.” He eventually confessed.
“Told you. Wanna find out if Billy’s heart has room too?”
Steve shook his head. “I’ll pass—hey, what the hell’re you doing?!” He questioned as Robin picked up his phone and dialed Dustin.
“Steveee!” Dustin beamed.
“Nope, it’s Robin.”
“Oh, hey, what’s up?”
“Can you do me a favor and call Max’s house for me?”
“Uh…sure. One sec.”
Dustin three-way called Max’s house, and Billy picked up the phone on the third ring.
“Hargrove residence.” He answered in a forced, polite voice.
“Hi, is this Billy Hargrove?”
“Yeah, who’s calling?”
“I’m calling from…the free dinners club! You won an all expenses paid dinner at Enzo’s tomorrow at 8PM!”
“Free food?” Billy scoffed. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch! Just show up on time and you’ll be escorted to a table and treated to anything you want.”
Billy chuckled. “That’s pretty cool. I guess I’ll be there.”
“Great! Congratulations!” 
Billy hung up, and Steve couldn’t stop glaring at Robin, shooting daggers at her with his eyes, mouthing that he was going to kick her out of his house.
“Still there, Dustin?”
“Yyyeah…? What was that about?”
“Nothing. You’re too young to understand. Bye, kid!” She abruptly ended the call and returned her focus to Steve. “See how easy that was?”
“How easy—you just scammed him!” Steve exclaimed in utter disbelief.
“I didn’t! You’re gonna buy him dinner tomorrow.”
“You told him he won an all expenses paid dinner from some free dinner club!”
“He did! You’re the club!”
“Oh my god, I cannot believe this shit!” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Believe it, dingus. Now let’s pick out something nice for you to wear for your date tomorrow.”
Robin tried to sway Steve into wearing a suit, but he refused to make a fool out of himself, especially in a goddamn suit. 
He already knew how Hargrove was gonna react. He’d huff, insult Steve, probably call him a slur and then flip him off before storming out of the restaurant.
Every time that scenario played in Steve’s head, his stomach twisted in knots. 
But there was still that…sliver of hope that things could possibly go well. 
Either way, Steve’s stomach was in knots.
“You look like you’re gonna puke.” Robin noticed, her brows furrowed with worry. 
“I’m not!” He answered in a snippy tone. “I’m fine.”
“Just relax. It’ll be fine.”
“How do you know?”
“Who doesn’t like a free meal?”
Billy arrived at the restaurant at 7:55, and Steve walked in seconds later, finding the confused blonde standing by the door. 
“The hell’re you doing here, amigo? Got a date?”
“Well—not exact—“
“You here for the free dinner’s club thing too, then? I got a call to come here tonight at 8 for a free meal.”
“Yeah…I…I’m the…free meal.”
Billy wrinkled his nose at Steve. “What’re you talking about, Harrington?”
Steve sighed, obvious shame in his eyes. “There is no…free dinner’s club. Robin set this whole thing up.”
Billy blinked a few times. “Who is Robin?”
“You know, the girl in the school band?”
“Trumpet player? Short hair? Sarcastic?”
“Okay...maybe? I don't really remember."
"A-Anyway. Robin set this up to kinda…push us on a date.”
“A date?”
“Yeah—sorry—it was really stupid of her—“
“What compelled her to do something like that? You wanted to go on a date with me?” Billy smiled cheekily. “You like me, Steve?”
“I—shut up!” Steve turned red. 
“I still want my free dinner.” Billy crossed his arms, staring at Steve expectantly.
“Not a problem. Let’s…grab a table.”
Halfway through the meal, Steve was pretty sure Billy was only doing this for the free food—the most expensive food he could get. 
He ordered oysters, steak and lobster, some overpriced wine—it was so painfully expensive, but Steve probably deserved this dent in his wallet after going along with Robin’s scheme.
“You sure know how to treat a guy, Harrington.” Billy smiled—this time soft, prettier than usual. “Is there gonna be a second date?”
“W—you really want to? You like me too?”
Billy shrugged. “You’re okay.” 
Steve chuckled. “You’re just pullin’ my leg, right?”
“Yeah.” Billy laughed. “I think you’re cute. Next time, I pick the place, okay? Fancy restaurants like this aren’t exactly my scene.”
“Deal. What did you have in mind?”
“The backseat of my Camaro.” Billy winked. 
“Oh—you-you mean now?” Steve paid the check in a hurry and they rushed off to Billy’s Camaro. 
Seems like Billy had room in his heart, after all. 
A silly little thing for some friends to enjoy
@dragonflylady77 @brightside-of-the-upsidedown @shieldofiron
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kit-williams · 3 months
Hear me out… The boys with the Pheromone perfume/spray.
Congrats on this being the catalyst for something...
tw: Dubious consent/dubcon... noncon elements; predator/prey dynamics; breeding kinks; warhammer 40k shenanigains/Yandere shenanigains
(NOTE: Raven Guard will have the group reactions and then reactions if Dove was only with one of the boys at the time of applying it. How she got the perfume is the same)
Tag List: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
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Raven Guard Trio
Kazi preened under the praise from the people as they liberated another major city causing more and more uproar and getting forces on their side. But he smelt something funny... but funny in a good way it made his brain itch in a way he didn't know why. He followed his nose as his brothers delt with the important stuff he could just say he was following a lead... not exactly a lie. Till he looked at the bottle that lead him there.
"Say what is this?" He asked knowing there was an associate not too far.
"Um that's a pheromone perfume." They said meekly with a blush on their face...
"Smells nice... how much?" Kazi grinned at the mortal.
Dove looked at the gift in hand as Sor and Moremo frowned at Kazi for bringing their Dove such an expensive gift and they full well knowing he probably paid next to nothing for.
"Thank you Kazi!" Dove said and her eyes widened at the pretty perfume bottle not waiting a second before putting it on. "Bit of a muted smell." She says as she applies it to her wrists before putting it on her neck.
"Ah was told its some pheromone perfume."
Dove snorted of course he would get this, "That's just some fancy thing that they try to sell you that they say will make men go mad because of some scents they put into the... why are you boys looking at me like that..." Dove stopped as all three of them looked down at her.
"You smell so lovely, Dove." Moremo growled softly.
Sor's fingers were flexing as he had taken off his helmet to at least smell the perfume to tell her it was lovely. He knew that there were few smells that could affect an Astartis... this wasn't one of them but it seemed to just heighten her natural scent.
Kazi took a step forward before Moremo's hand shot out gripping his armor... "not here... in the roost... now." He told Kazi who was just looking at Dove with something akin to a meal. Sor scooped her up and buried his face into her neck as they walked to the nest.
Sor's breath was hot and heavy in her ear... "If I could... I'd steal you away right now." That was a threat that Dove knew he would make good on if he could.
"I... I can wash it off." Dove chirped softly but it was far too late for her as the door locked behind Moremo. Sor kissed her hard as the other two took off their armor. Sor said something in high gothic as Kazi fumbled with his codpiece for him. "Guys?" She whimpered softly as Sor twitches violently trying to not crush her on accident.
"Gentle Gentle lad." Moremo groaned trying to keep some composure amongst them as it was all going to be willpower based on if Sor would actually leave after he had his fun or start to rip off his armor.
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Kazi and Moremo were busy to indulge in the gift that Kazi had gotten you and you wanted to know how it smelled... he assumed it smelt fine if you were wearing it but he wasn't one to turn you away. Something tickled something in his brain as he looked down at you just smelling the air around you. You offered your wrist to him to smell as you laugh at the thought of pheromone perfume actually working.
Yes... it was quite funny... if it wasn't sending heat down to his loins. The pheromones were doing their job but that wasn't what was sending the blazing heat... it was your natural smell... clean feathers... mixed with some gunpowder... the smell of that pastry you love to have each morning... the smell of you. You tilted your head in that adorable way as he buried his nose into your wrist before licking your palm... his body hot as his black eyes looked around before picking you up and just dashing off into the night.
He's been waiting to have his chance to find some place to tuck you away... to show you how much he loves you. The way his mouth licks at your own and over your skin as he removes his armor in this hidden little roost away from his bothers... to finally have you all to himself without Moremo's gentle reminders... or Kazi's overeagerness and trying to take his turn while he was still loving you...
No it was just you and Sor tonight. And he was going to make sure you were loved all night long. He hardly could wait to be upon you and you hardly worried about the utter tizzy that the other two would be in... it was just you... Sor... with a night filled with the creaking of the bed and the slapping of flesh against flesh.
He was always able to make sure there was time for you it was rare that Kazi was busy as he was the one who got you this gift but you wanted to try it on so badly. See if there was any credence to the sexual wonders of pheromone perfume. You both were laughing as you explained to him how it was just a rumor that's been perpetuated forever and how it would affect astartes more. He laughed dismissing it as he smelt it before it was on you...
However once the pheromones mingled with your delicious scent... he felt his loins stir. He could ignore it until later... until the others got to experience this with their sweet Dove. But... when was the last time he was selfish with their darling? Oh... not since their last Dove. How she looked up at him with a nearly naive gaze yet she could tell there was something different. A desire that burned through him... "Little Dove..."
"Yes Moremo?" She said softly.
He opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words but all he could do was put a hand on her back and guide her to the nest. He locked the door before pushing her up to the door and kissing her hard. Feeling her fingers run through his silvering raven black hair... his black eyes roaming over her skin. "You smell amazing." He moaned into her neck... inhaling deeply as he tries to think of some romantic words to tell her... instead he feels like Kazi being eager to feel her wrapped around his cock. "Undress and get on the bed... your perfume seems to be having its... intended effect."
He licked his lips as she obeyed and with that mischief in her eyes as she wiggled her hips back up at him as he stroked his own cock, having been in more relaxed clothes for one verses his armor. He did his best to prepare her but given how often Kazi bragged about how well he slid in with minimal prep he put it to the test. Hearing their dove gasp as he slowly bottomed out was worth the waiting for a moment before he really fucked her ignoring the way Kazi on the other side of the door was upset about how he was hogging their Dove all to himself until late into the night.
He was so excited for Dove to put on his gift. He watched her raise an eyebrow reading what it was. "Kazi I hardly think I need this to get you... going?"
"Aww but its just a bit of fun to have. Just try it on." He encouraged watching her spray her wrists before rubbing it over her neck and just offering a wrist for him to smell. But of course Kazi takes the chance to bury his face into her neck. His long black hair tickling her flesh but there was a desire that rushed down his spine right to his cock.
"Yeah like how most of these products are... they don't really work." Dove says rolling her eyes turning away not seeing the way his breath deepens as he follows her.
"Really? Shame... right? So why do they market it like that?" He says doing his best to keep his voice steady and calm.
"Oh its just suppose to be something to rile men up. Some men can smell it somewhat but there's nothing proving that it riles them up. Just something to charge people extra money for it." Dove says putting it down in the bathroom in the roost room not hearing the way Kazi locks the door behind him.
Dove finally walks out looking at Kazi seemingly taking a moment to see that he had a devilish smile on his lips and a tent in his trousers.
"I think it works on me little Dove." He purrs out.
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He was the one who bought his Muse the Pheromone body lotion. Palion was upfront about what it was and what it would do to him... he got it for her as well as something horribly skimpy for a Slaanesh celebration; of course she did not wear it. Palion was at some celebration with his brothers... pouting as his Muse was having one of her days and he snarled at his younger brother who told him to drag her anyway.
Fool didn't know what was good... fool was still far to busy being selfish and chasing his own highs and pleasured exaltations. He still didn't like this new addition to their group but he wasn't going to be a petty bitch and not give him a fair chance or else then their numbers would dwindle and it would be the same gossip every damn day.
Muse on the other hand looked at herself in the mirror all dolled up... she did her best not to look at how much exposed burn marks there were... so many outfits for her to pick from. She squirms as she looks at the pict capture location... the delicate gold chains make their noise as she crawls into the nest on his bed. She used that lotion he got for her...
His eyes glanced over to the text from his muse. What are you up to?
Bored. Just watching some celebration that I've seen a hundred times now. He tries to not sound too upset but he can't help it... he always gets into a foul mood without her around.
So you're not... busy?
Never for you my dearest. What is the matter?
Palion's eyes kept shifting over to the data pad as the longer she took to respond made him want to- Ping the datapad went and he half choked on his wine.
"Brother is there something wrong- Oh... oh my brother what a treat." His brother sitting next to him whispers seeing what she sent Palion.
Would... would you like to celebrate with me? Was the message title and the image was her laying in her nest... arms over her head with her legs partially spread as the thin sheer fabric hardly covered her cunt but Palion was focused on the wet spot causing the fabric to cling to her sex and press right against it. She adjusted the outfit so instead of her burns being covered they were fully exposed. Even the part of her face and head she was self conscious was uncovered, no mask in sight just her bare body on display for him. Palion was already at half mast during this whole performance but he was now painfully hard.
His brother next to him grinning like a cat in the cream. "Are you going to respond?" When Palion was still processing he stole the datapad from him and typed in yes as Palion's reply. "Mhm. There we go she should be waiting for you when you get there." He tucked the datapad away into a pocket somewhere on the tunic. When Palion stood he gave him a loud and firm smack on the ass, "Have fun! Praise Slaanesh!"
Once Palion was out of the room he ran to his own room and threw the door open causing his tiny Muse to jump as she looked at him rush into the room inhaling her scent like some feral beast. His bare chest expanding and contracting as all three of his lungs inflated and deflated as he could taste what the concoction was doing to him. "Praise Slaanesh." He moaned before locking the door as he pounced on his Muse with a snarl of delight.
She knew what she was getting into teasing and provoking Palion into action. But... she felt good today... she wanted to reward Palion for doing his best to help her. His long and sensual tongue pressed all corners of her mouth before snaking down her throat as he was working his second finger into her cunt. He was chanting lurid prayers to the dark prince as he was suddenly balls deep in his Muse. Her moans underneath him encouraging him to keep going as his mind was muddled from her sweet and lovely scent.
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She couldn't be mad at Arkyn forever. She looks at the other wife who is just smiling warmly at her, "How do I..." She shifts feeling awkward to ask, "How do I... seduce him."
She could see the other woman grin, "Knowing the Captain? You hardly need to do a thing but I have a feeling you're wanting to do something special. For him right?" She nods slowly watching her walk into the quarters before she comes back with a bottle. "Sprits that on yourself and when you do don't leave the room."
"What is it?" She asked looking at it.
"Something that makes the men go wild. They've got sensitive noses you see... its just some scents mixed with the scent glands of a predator. Gets them all frisky... gets them feeling good."
"Um this isn't... forcing?"
"Honey I would laugh if I didn't think it would hurt your feelings." The woman says as a small blonde girl wearing furs rushes between her legs. "A space wolf made this. Its their best worst kept secret the fact that they made this stuff for their women to wear and to use. Always saying it was some wife that made it. Even if that's the truth they are always eager to have their ladies wear it. Remember to bring that back in a couple of days when you're done."
She just smiled leaving Elskling holding the bottle as she returns back to her shared quarters. Staring at the liquid inside frowning as she was upset at Arkyn denying her an honorable death with her comrades but... she sighs and sprays herself wrinkling her nose as it was slightly sharp smelling not a scent she would find pleasant but it wasn't for her.
Arkyn entered his quarters without much thought as the Captain took a deep breath washing away the worries of his station. His Parietal lobe itched as he smelt something new yet intimately familiar. His mind rushing back to memories of intimate encounters with mates past. Arkyn felt himself get hard so easily at that smell as he walked to the bedroom pulling off his clothes and leaving them in his wake... he was hard and throbbing and fully naked when he opened the bedroom door.... lucky for him so was his Elskling.
"Hello Captain Arkyn..." She says with that familiar purr that he remembers back from when he first bedded her. His throat tightens and his cock raises as it throbs. Her eyes darting to the subtle movement before meeting his own eyes.
He grins as he swaggers over to the bed rubbing her naked thigh, "I think I remember asking you this once before... are you sure you can handle this..." He clicks his tongue letting the moment drag on out, "wolf? I must say we get horribly attached after we mate." He repeats those familiar lines.
All she does is bring his hand against her cunt and just presses a finger in and moves it for him before he finally takes over. Her nails dig into his shoulders as his hips press to hers, she claws him as she feels the burn of him splitting her open. And Arkyn burns this new memory into his mind... how beautifully his Elskling writhes under him... how her lips open and the gasps. He still remembers when they first had sex... he still remembers each sigh and mewl from then and the way she does it now... he burns it all into his mind and there it will stay with him till he meets the Allfather.
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Tyberos the red Wake
Ophelia was in the medical bay when she smelt something good. She was talking to the marine on duty about what it was and she didn't understand what he was explaining or what it was for or why it smelt like home. He was trying his best to explain it and cocked his head to the side at her simple request to wear it, confused Ophelia explained why she wanted it. He let her seeing no harm in it.
"Void Mother," another marine said walking in causing Ophelia to shift her weight at the title. It wasn't one Tyberos had given her but she should have seen it coming given he was called the Void Father.
"Yes?" She said softly trying to be polite.
"Tyberos wishes to speak with you."
It hardly was any other reason to go back into the den of the Chapter Master. There was no use running... no use hiding... but visits with Tyberos were cordial at best and terrorizing at worst given his size and how she felt so helpless in his grasp always folding to his demands but... maybe she would deny him today.
She didn't see the way eyes lingered on her or hear the way that some astartes that were around sniffed the air after her. She entered the dim room as he was at his desk signing approvals from captains and reviewing reports. It smelt very much of Tyberos in the room... and Ophelia felt... warm. Sure maybe the phase after her moon blood when she was fertile was a time that she did not mind Tyberos' company... it was often when she would spend several days in his bed before shame ate at her and guilt ate at him. He needed her it was clear... but she felt warm like after the moon blood. He had a heavy smell... a musky one with a spice added to it.
Tyberos opens his mouth to ask her... he just sees her standing there breathing heavily... flustered skin... and then he smells her and he starts to drool. The door locks behind her as Ophelia just feels the warmth travel to her crotch as she swallows spit as she turns away not hearing how the door locked but she hears the way his chair flings into the wall behind his desk. His rational and logical side of his mind tells him that he's under the effects of something... he needs to get her out of here... but by the Throne she smells so good.
Ophelia feels the air knocked out of her as she is pressed into the wall as his hips rut against the curve of her ass. He wants to mutter an apology but it dies in his mouth as Ophelia rolls her hips back against his... pressing firmly against his arousal. A bruising grip holds her hips as he ruts against her like some youngling, drool running down his neck dripping from the exposed parts of his molars, he tastes the air and he knows exactly what is effecting both of them... in reality it should only really be affecting Ophelia... but she smells so good.
"Tyberos please..." Ophelia whines feeling so empty, "I need you inside of me." She mewls out. Nipples rubbing against the fabric of her breast binding... her undergarments clinging to her entrance from how slick she has grown.
Fabric rips as her world spins and hot wet mouth muscles rub up against each other. Tyberos files away needing to see the brother apothecary to see if there is a new weakness... or if simply combining that combination of chemicals with her scent is what is doing it for him. Grey skinned hands grip handfuls of ass as her fingers pull on his white hair, he pulls back to exhale hard and even in this relatively lukewarm room... his breath can be seen.
"Tyberos." Ophelia whines feeling him hesitate for once... she's so use to him getting her into his bed quickly that it feels too long, "Tyberos... make me void mother."
If his eyes were not already fully black then he is certain they would be given how fast he rips through her clothes and his own clothes. His cock rubbing against her overly slick entrance before sliding in fully... he normally tires to be gentle but he hilts himself in the first thrust and bellows out his enjoyment.
She screams out her own enjoyment as she pushes her legs against his scarred and tattooed chest as he thrusts down hard and deep into her cunt. They make eye contact for this... something Ophelia hardly does but her eyes glaze over with pleasure... loosing their focus before she blinks and moans out. His eyes wander down to her breasts and perhaps his thrusts are a bit more vigorous then they need to be to watch them bounce and move. His saliva splashes down on her as he fucks her hard. His eyes roaming her body... his mind drawing the appropriate tattoos for her... for her station.
She falls over the edge first with a shriek of his name in such pleasure that it causes him to follow... but the effects still linger in her system as she pulls him into a kiss... his hands still roaming over her naked body... as they spend several hours properly getting to intimately know each other finally.
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Was happy or at least as happy as an ancient Night Lord like himself could be with being apart of a warband of misfits run by a recently fallen to Chaos Space Wolf. By the Dark Gods the Imperium sounded like a nightmare compared to what it once was... he might not have followed his father into hell if he knew he was going to be alive to watch it turn into some carcass of what it once was. But certain things made it bearable like his Rabbit.
He opens an eye as she walks in and he opens his mouth to begin their usual bickering but he stops as all of his thoughts turns into blazing heat that rushes to his groin. It throws him off slightly... he's certainly fucked before... raped even though that was hardly his modus operandi. Oh yes call him old fashioned if he enjoyed not being wept at during sex... unless that was their kink then yes... but he was a cynical bastard but not cynical enough to act like a Slaaneshi.
"Smell. What's that smell." He says with his usual calm and disinterest as he tried to not palm his hardening cock through his cloth pants.
"Wow okay... spent time with Astrid she just let me put on some perfume she likes."
His tongue ran over his teeth as the warband's matron the space wolfs wife liked his bunny rabbit so his bullshit was tolerated because it all came back to protecting her from others. But by the dark gods she should have warned his bunny that her stuff was made for seducing a wolf...
"Rabbit." He growled out. His cock twitched at the fear mingling with her scent now as he felt his nails dig into the couch. "Wash it off if you don't want me." He said letting out a groan as Ghosk couldn't stop himself from palming his cock through his pants.
"What do you-" Was all she could get out before Ghosk was over her rutting his clothed cock against her own clothed form. He was panting like a dog at the feeling of relief... he hardly masterbated anymore as he was content with his bunny around but all of his neglected need rushed to attention pushing against her supple flesh.
"This is what I mean Rabbit." He snarled, "Tell me to stop." He looked down at her with some restraint... he wasn't a chaos riddled degenerate just a normal degenerate for a Night Lord but he was still himself... he could resist these basal urges.
He could see the gears turning in her little head before she looked up at him, "And... if I don't tell you to stop?" She said so very softly.
Ghosk stopped and was panting hard as his body trembled with utter excitement. He grabbed her and carried her outside as they were on a planet for some time. He put his bunny down. "You have 10 minutes. Run rabbit run." He growled watching her run as he sat in a crouched position feeling his muscles ache... his wings eager to spread out and take flight. But he waited... and waited... knowing and picturing in his minds eye her running in that fast sprint he's seen her do.
She sprinted as fast as she could doing bursts remembering some of her endurance training as it was only a matter of time...
Ghosk's black eyes snapped open as like a bow drawn he was released. All that was there where he knelt was disturbed dust and grass.
Rabbit had to stop and crouch in the woods. Trying to run from Ghosk in an open field was suicide but trying to run from Ghosk was stupid... trying to hide from him was stupid... so why was this so exciting. She and Ghosk had a comfortable relationship... insulting each other... she didn't know what he was getting out of it. The snapping of a twig nearly made her jump out of her skin as the 500+ pound man could be frighteningly silent when he wanted to be.
"Bunny." She heard his trilling graveling voice and she was off like a lazshot but that's clearly what he wanted.
She really hardly had a chance as out of the darkness of the canopy above dropped Ghosk grabbing her before she felt all of her guts rush to her feet. Oh by the God Emperor they were so high up... "Ghosk please not so high up!" She said with fear warbling through her voice.
Another time it would seem... but Ghosk landed before he tore at her clothes... his hard cock slapping against her wet folds before slipping in as she went cross-eyed at the intrusion into her sex. Ghosk moaned and came right then as he could hardly remember the last warm cunt he was in... the thrill of the hunt mixed with her smell. Oh he felt wonderfully pathetic in that moment as his toes uncurled when he was done cumming before he pulled back and moved.
"I'm going to fill my bunny rabbit up so good." He snarled down at the breathless bunny under him... her back arched as her hips were up and she was being such a good fuckable bunny. His balls brushing up against her skin as he moved... his wings fully outstretched and flapping as his grip was bruising... his bunny was screaming... just like how rabbits scream... but instead of writhing in pain and agony she was screaming in pleasure... writhing in enjoyment... pushing her hips back against his own... moaning his name.
He was a bastard chasing his high as he pulled her back onto his cock like some fleshlight... but she wasn't... she was his bunny. He flipped her over the slight twisting on his cock causing him to cum as he took that breather for a moment. Pushing her down onto the ground again crouched over her his wings hiding her from anyone else as he buried himself to the hilt for a few precious seconds and they both gasped at the depth of pleasure they could free.
"Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!" He chanted as his hips snapped to hers with eager restraint. One of his hands clawed the ground around one of her own... palms touching as the way her nails from her other hand clawed his arm as she screamed with pleasure under him. He felt so amazing... the way her willing body writhed under him... her hips desperate to meet his... he was suddenly very aware of her hands touching his skin. All Ghosk could do... say... and think was... "Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!"
She was a trembling sweating mess... the orgasms from both of them going uncounted as finally Ghosk felt his final climax take hold of him and he spread his wings fully out in all their terrible glory... undecorated for this moment but he snarled out her actual name as he came for the final time inside of her. His finally flaccid cock slipping from her thoroughly ruined cunt. His cunt. He mused looking at her laying there almost fully out of it... covered in dirt, cum, sweat, small cuts, bruises, and probably small creatures native to this planet. His Rabbit... He pulled her into a kiss as he purred out another bunny or two when she reciprocated.
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Vivienne knew her ways around functions... knew how to rile the lords up... rile them up into making deals with her. She of course used every trick in the book to get what she wanted. Get the trade deals in her favor as she sprayed the perfume on her. The thick makeup upon her face as she made sure she looked just right for this planetary governor's function. Of course she learned as much as she could... bit of a crude thing but nothing that a nice sinched waist and some cleavage couldn't help her with this.
Of course that's what she thought going into it. She grumbles coming back to her ship after a disaster of a party... she might as well have brought Angelo for companionship. No one fuckin told her he was gay. She would have made sure Seth was far more dressed up but Throne bless him he was able to use it as being "roguish" charms or something like that.
"Yes Seth you're getting paid extra for your contribution to that. Your usual seduction fee?"
"I want extra given how..." He grimaced.
Vivienne nodded and waved her hand, "Yes yes he wasn't your usual flavor I know but you saved this deal."
"Of course my Lady. Now if you excuse me I have a bottle of amesec and a bath calling me." He says splitting off heading to his quarters. As she walked to her own she could see Angelo was right there along with the door guards but they dismissed themselves after he entered the quarters behind her.
"He was fucking gay Angelo!" She says upset that she went through all this effort in getting ready for seduction and it all going to waste. She starts to undo her corset but the Blood Angel walks up behind her and somehow is so dexterous with such large hands.
"Would explain the lack of the scent of a paramour on you..." He leans in, "Though I could change that." He says nipping at her earlobe. She waves him away but his nose catching something delightfully mixing with her scent. "You do smell delightful though my Lady." His tongue runs over the artery in her neck before she pulls away to get out of the ridiculous outfit she put herself into. Angelo cares not for the maids that come in leaving a bottle of wine and two glasses... helping her fully undress and taking away the garment as she proceeds to wipe off that silly face paint.
"Lady Vivienne." Angelo finally asks as the maids leave.
"Yes Angelo?" She asks tiredly looking at him in the mirror.
She lets out the smallest gasp as with a blink he is already behind her his hands roaming over her naked, the robe barely clinging to her shoulders hardly counted as clothes to him, shoulders. "You do smell quite delightful... how about I make you feel so good."
She knew what he was refrencing... it was a silly joke from Rowena. A pheremone perfume with some exotic, probably xenos, ingredients that she claimed could work on any man... even a space marine. It had an innocuous smell to it and most men agreed she smelt nice but she was hardly expecting the throbbing against her back as his eyes were black as he panted hard just touching her body. His blonde hair tied back as his teeth looked... bigger to her and she swallowed softly.
Perhaps Rowena wasn't lying for once....
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newtonsheffield · 6 months
Could we maybe… possibly get a snippet of Kate using the card for the first time and everyone calling her Mrs Bridgerton when she in fact is very much not Mrs Bridgerton… yet anyway
The thing is, growing up the Sharma’s were fairly wealthy. Mary’s a huge musician and even that pales in comparison to the way the Bridgertons are living their life.
But I think the first time Kate uses the card she feels kind of nervous, awkward about spending someone else’s money, and she probably only does it because she’s out to lunch with Daphne, Edwina and Sophie and she batted away everyone’s hands when they went to pay and in the hustle of it all she gave them the wrong card. It’s probably only when the server returns the card, the balance already paid that she realises she’s used the wrong card.
“Shit.” Kate sighed, putting the card back with her others.
“Everything alright?” Daphne’s brow furrowed, “I’m happy to split the-”
“It’s fine I just… gave them Anthony’s card. Well, my card, that’s part of Anthony’s… account.” Kate shrugged, “It’s fine, I’ll pay him back.”
“Anthony gave you a credit card?”
Sophie rolled her eyes at Edwina, “Are we surprised? He goes big, you know what he’s got her for her birthday.” She glanced at Daphne, “No offence, obviously.”
Kate’s heart stuttered, remembering the way he’d minimised what looked suspiciously like the Aston Martin website the other day when she’d walked into the living room and his tone on the phone had changed, “What’s he got me for my birthday?”
Daphne ignored Kate shrugging, “No offence taken.” She turned to Kate, “Anthony won’t even notice the charge and you basically live together. It’s not that surprising. Plus, he loves collecting the rewards points for some reason. I think it feels like a game for him from what I can tell.”
Kate shrugged, “It just… feels weird. I’ll pay him back.”
“Good luck with that.” Daphne shrugged, collecting her bag, “Now, we need to brainstorm what the hell I’m going to get Simon for his birthday. I can’t get him another watch because I can’t fucking stand the clicking from all of his stupid… automatic watch winders. Thirty is too many. No one needs to be that aware of the time.”
Kate felt guilty when she got back to Anthony’s as well, Edwina behind her, hiding the bag behind her a little awkwardly. She’d meant to use the card that time, with every intention of paying him back for the frivolous pair of boots in the bag behind her. She found Anthony already home, his slippers on as he geared up to watch the Formula One practice, Newton on the sofa beside him, belly up.
He smiled at her when she bent to kiss the top of his head, “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, Daphne found Simon’s birthday present so a successful trip.”
He peered round her at the bag, “What did you get?”
Kate swallowed, “Okay, so I bought boots but I’ll pay you back and I’m not even sure I’ll keep them.”
Anthony blinked, “You don’t like them?”
“I love them.”
“Why would you take them back then?”
“Because they were a little expensive and… I don’t really need them? And I also bought lunch but that was an accident and like I said I’ll pay you back.”
Anthony shrugged, “Don’t worry about it.” He kissed her gently, “I’m glad you had fun. I was thinking about ordering takeaway do you want something?”
“Um… yeah?”
Anthony stood from the sofa, kissing her again, “I’ll get the menu.”
Kate stared after him as he disappeared into the kitchen, bewildered, “Don’t you even care how much money I spent?”
“Not really.”
Kate kept gaping after him and Edwina muttered, “You have a sugar daddy.”
Kate rolled her eyes, “He’s not my sugar daddy.”
“You spent… a lot of money today and he didn’t notice! He didn’t even care! And I know what he’s ordered for your birthday.”
Kate groaned, “Is it bad?”
“It’s… a wild gift for a birthday together.”
“Worse than Benedict taking Sophie to Switzerland?”
“Oh way worse.”
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airas-story · 6 months
“I love you.”
Stephen glanced up at his boyfriend, immediately suspicious. “What did you do?”
Tony placed a hand to his heart in a gesture clearly calculated to express innocence. “Absolutely nothing.”
Stephen didn’t believe it for a second, the gesture was far too calculated, for one. For the other, while Stephen knew without a doubt that Tony loved him, he didn’t tend toward vocal expressions, preferring the method of ‘show, don’t tell’ that occasionally resulted in ostentatious displays that Stephen found reluctantly endearing. “Then why do I not believe you?”
“You don’t believe I love you?” Tony asked, sounding genuinely offended.
Stephen waved his hand in dismissal. “Oh, I know you love me. What I don’t believe is that you didn’t do anything.” There was a flicker in Tony’s eyes that only served to reinforce Stephen’s belief that Tony had done something he wasn’t supposed to do.
“Your lack of faith is hurtful,” Tony said, miming a dagger to the heart. “It’s like you don’t love me.”
Stephen raised an eyebrow. “I love you. I just also happen to know you.”
A smile tugged at Tony’s lips, and Stephen knew that it was something Tony was never going to get tired of: the fact that Stephen knew him and loved him anyways. 
At least that was how Tony saw it, even if Stephen thought it was more astounding that anyone could know Tony and not love him.
“So,” Stephen continued, not letting himself get distracted. “What did you do?”
Tony sighed, the sort of sigh that meant he was giving in to the inevitable. “Nothing bad.”
Stephen examined him for a moment before deciding that it was probably true, at least from Tony’s point of view. Sometimes they had differing ideas of what constituted as ‘bad’.
“Expound, please. I think I’m perhaps a slightly better judge of whether something is ‘bad’ or not.”
Tony gave a sort of half-hearted shrug. “I, uh, may have gotten your cloak addicted to laundry detergent?”
Stephen blinked. “What?”
“I may have gotten your cloak addicted to laundry detergent,” Tony repeated, as though the words were going to suddenly make sense just because Tony had said them again.
They didn’t.
“How did you get the cloak addicted to laundry detergent?” Stephen asked. “They’re self-cleansing. It’s part of the enchantments woven into their being.” He glanced at where the cloak was suddenly busy ‘perusing’ the shelves of the library, playing innocent.
Stephen had a bad feeling about this.
“It’s not my fault,” Tony defended, despite the fact that he still hadn’t explained just how he’d managed it. “The cloak was getting jealous! I was just trying to make things fair!”
Tony nodded. “The cloak saw me oiling DUM-E and U and wanted their own ‘bonding’ time.” Tony made a face. “Okay, so the cloak probably doesn’t actually care about bonding with me, but they are an attention hog, and they’re willing to pretend they want to bond with me if it means I’ll pay them attention.”
The cloak fluffed up a little in offense.
It was true, though. The cloak loved when they were the center of attention.
Stephen thought it probably was very telling that the cloak had chosen to bond with him. He was well aware of what people thought of Stephen’s own attention-seeking tendencies.
“And that ended with laundry detergent addiction how?” He narrowed his eyes at the cloak who, now that they were being judged, had decided that the books looked interesting again.
Stephen turned back to Tony.
“Well, we tried a few things. Then I found an expensive hand-wash detergent.”
Stephen just stared at him. From the corner of his eye he saw the cloak wiggle in delight.
Tony shrugged.
Stephen decided that it didn’t matter if the cloak was his, Tony was the one who was going to have to deal with this. Stephen wasn’t paid enough to. “You know what. You got them addicted, you have to deal with their cravings.”
Tony made a face. “Fine. But I’m restating it for the record, this really isn’t my fault. And anything that happens here on out is happening with your knowledge and permission. Isn’t that right, cloak?”
The cloak flew over so that they were between Tony and Stephen and nodded vigorously.
For a moment, Stephen doubted his choice to make this Tony’s problem. Then he considered having to deal with it on his own and decided that tomorrow’s problems were just that: tomorrow’s problems.
“Only you,” Stephen said. His tone came out more fondly amused than exasperated, which was only going to serve to encourage Tony in the long run. “Only you would get an ancient relic addicted to laundry detergent.”
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