#it’s clear that somebody has been opening his wallet to get people to say what they want but it’s still crazy to see how quickly people
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jentlemahae · 2 months ago
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gvshing · 23 days ago
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─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─PRETTY GIRL DEALING─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
(warning for weed usage and dealing!!) masterlist pt 2. pt 3.
This isn’t something Ellie nor you were new to. Ellie’s dealt for a while now, and you’ve been partaking for a while now. But, that doesn’t make Ellie any less nervous every single deal she does, or you when you go to somebody new to buy from. This time being Ellie. Quickly hitting the send button on your phone and tossing your phone onto the bed face down, you’ve done it. You’ve texted Ellie, you’ve made first contact. Just a simple “Hello :) Is this Ellie? My name is Y/N. Dina told me to text you!” but the anxiety still courses through your veins. As does Ellie’s when she reads the text from the new client. Checking your phone every 10 seconds you finally receive a text back an excruciatingly long 10 minutes later. “Hey! Yes, that’s me. We can meet in my dorm after my last class at 3 if that works for you? I’m in dorm building 5, room 5D.” You exhale deeply in relaxation of the hard part being over. Thank god, you’re almost home free with weed in hand. Just need to get through these next few hours and then you won't have to buy again for like a week. And, if you decide you hate her, you’ll just find somebody else to buy from. Yeah, no biggie. 
The next few hours pass in a blur, filled with drafty classrooms and monotone lectures from professors. You rush back to your room and grab everything you need. Wallet, key card, a bag to look inconspicuous, and your phone. Sending a quick “on my way!” text to Ellie you shove your phone in the bag and continue on your journey to her dorm room. Arriving at the door, the anxiety blooms in your chest. You knock lightly on the door to not alert any neighboring students. Ellie looks up at the sound of your knock and feels butterflies erupt in her chest. Her hands get sweaty from anxiety and she heads slowly towards the door. ‘You do this all the time. This is no different than usual. They’ll come in and tell me what they want, we’ll make awkward conversation while I weigh it out, I’ll exchange it for the money and then we’ll awkwardly say goodbye, just like always. If I decide I hate them, I won’t sell to them anymore and I’ll tell Dina never to send her people to me ever again.’ Ellie gives herself a pep talk on the way over to the door. She swings open the door and there you are. You’re standing awkwardly, clearly anxious, twiddling your thumbs and looking all around the halls. Unaware of Ellie’s presence, she clears her throat slightly and startles you. Jumping a bit, you look up at her and smile. “Hi! Sorry, I was off in lala land. You’re Ellie?” She moves over to let you walk inside her dorm room. “Yep. You’re Y/N? You said you’re a friend of Dina’s?” You nod and stand awkwardly in front of her desk. On her desk sits her laptop and various papers, most likely homework. A small plastic spaceman figure sits next to an opened and seemingly old Dr. Pepper, polaroids of Ellie’s friends and most likely her father litter the cork board that sits above her desk. 
“So… What can I get for you?” Ellie crouches in front of her nightstand and pulls out a box that has a silver padlock on it. “Oh! Right… Can I get an eighth?” You ask hesitantly, wondering if you’re being greedy for asking the college dealer for that much all at once. She nods and quietly opens the lock. She stands up, now unlocked box in hand, and moves towards you. “I’m sorry, I’m just gonna..” She mumbles and smiles softly at you. You move out of the way of her desk and sit down on the very edge of her bed instead. “So.. how long have you known Dina?” She asks, with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “We met last semester. She saw me lost at a party a friend had ditched me at. She instantly came over and helped me. Though, I probably looked like I was about to go crazy and ruin the party, so I'm sure she was trying to prevent that. It was still incredibly kind of her to befriend me so quickly and without hesitation, we’ve been pretty good friends since. She spoke very highly of you. Told me I should come see you when my dealer graduated last semester, and I trust her judgement.” You spill out, leaving out the fact that Dina had also told you that Ellie was incredibly anxious and slightly awkward sometimes. “Oh, nice. Yeah, Dina is one of my best friends. She’s great. You said an eighth?” You nod and look around at the rest of her room. Her comforter is a darker green shade and her bed is unmade, showing off the matching sheets underneath. Her nightstand has more Dr. Pepper cans and a framed picture of her and the man you’re assuming is her dad. She has posters sporadically placed on her walls of her favorite movies and bands. A guitar leans against the wall next to the desk she’s standing at. “You play guitar?” You ask, trying to make conversation. “Yeah, Joel taught me when I was younger and I just really latched onto it.” She explains, growing more nervous to be talking so in depth. She normally doesn’t talk this long or even take this long weighing the product. But, with her hands shaking more than usual due to the anxiety of being around somebody so pretty, she’s having a hard time grasping the weed and remembering how many grams are in an eighth. “Sorry, I’m almost done. Um.. It’ll be 20.” Ellie continues before you can ask anymore questions that make her sweat even harder. You stare at her in surprise. “Only 20? Are you sure? My old guy would charge like 40.. And that was on the rare occasions of a discount.” You say confused. “Yes!” Ellie blurts out a little too fast. “Yeah, yeah. Just the twenty. It’s your first time buying from me, and if Dina likes you, I’m willing to risk that you’re not a snitch..” Ellie fumbles for an excuse as to why she’s charging you such a small amount, unable to tell you it’s really because if she could, she’d give it to you for free. Nobody that pretty should have to pay for something so small as weed. Unfortunately, she needs to make money somehow and even through the clouded vision of seeing a pretty face, she knows giving it to you for free could bite her in the ass later. You smile at her wide and stand up fast. “Thank you, Ellie! That’s so kind of you!” Ellie blushes at her name coming off your lips. She shoves the weed into a small ziplock and hands it to you, still shaking. You grab the weed out of her hands and give her the twenty dollar bill. She shoves it in the box quickly and turns back to you. Your arms wrap around her, before either of you can process it, and you squeeze her. “You’re the best! If you change your mind let me know and I’ll bring some more money for you. Seriously Ellie.” You mumble into her shoulder. You quickly press a kiss against her cheek and wave bye at her. “See ya!” You call out as you’re leaving. “Yeah… See ya..” Ellie mumbles back. Face flushing red from the feel of your lips against her cheek. She throws herself onto her bed and stares at the ceiling in disbelief, stupid grin plastered across her face. 
“God, what’s wrong with me…” Ellie asks herself. She picks up her phone and sends a quick text to Dina. “Y/N’s nice. You’ve never mentioned them before.” Ellie hoped that didn’t sound obvious. She shoots you a text as well. “I hope you enjoy it. Lmk if you need more. :) Thanks for stopping by.” She hopes that doesn’t sound obvious either, or desperate. 
You open your dorm room and skip in. Giddily you shove the weed into your own stash box and sit down at your desk. You open and close your laptop three or four times, before deciding that studying was not in the cards tonight when you were already preoccupied with the thoughts of Ellie and your bold move of kissing her cheek. You didn’t even register you had done it until you had already left her room. You were just so excited about the discount and meeting the pretty girl. When you had realized you stopped dead in your tracks and groaned deeply. “Why would you do that? She probably thinks you’re weird now.. Fuck, way to go Y/N” you mumbled to yourself as you continued on your way home. You pushed the thoughts aside and got excited about the weed you were going to smoke later. 
You pull your phone out of your bag, surprisingly forgotten about even checking it. Too many thoughts had been swirling around for you to even think about checking it. When you flash it on you have two unread messages. One from Dina reading, “Ellie said you stopped by! I’m glad you finally went and saw her! She’s my bestie and she’s great and you’re great so I figured it’d be easy work for both of you. And no shade to either of you, but you could both use more friends and that was my secret plan this whole time. >:)” Rolling your eyes at Dina’s text you quickly send a reply thanking her. And your other message is from Ellie. You blush reading the message and re-read it two or three times. You text back a simple, “Thank you, I really appreciate it! It was great to meet you. I’ll def come see you again soon :) Also, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my kiss on the cheek!! I didn’t even realize I had even done that until I left the room, which is even more embarrassing and I’m sorry ugghhh” You lightly set your phone down on the desk and take a deep breath to calm your nerves. Okay, weed acquired from the pretty girl, time to smoke the pretty girls weed. 
Ellie grins reading your text and sets her phone down, deciding that she’ll reply when her heart isn't about to beat out of her chest and land on the cold, hard floor. Dina had taunted Ellie after her message. Turns out she was being obvious about her attraction towards the new client. Dina had known her long enough though to know what Ellie means when she’s trying to be slick. And to be fair, Ellie’s not good at being slick. Ellie pulls out her own stash of weed and starts to roll a joint, a reward for not being as awkward as she was expecting, especially all things considered. 
Feeling more relaxed from the high, Ellie drafts her reply back to you. “ Doors always open for you. Happy to have met you. And no worries at all! I didn’t mind at all, especially not from someone as pretty as you. :)” Ellie sends it before she can overthink it too hard and tosses her phone on the bed and walks away from it, anxious from the flirting she’s currently doing. Flirting she normally doesn’t do. She grabs a Dr. Pepper from her mini fridge Joel had gifted her before she left for college and sat down at her desk. Opening her laptop, she pulls up Youtube and presses on some random gaming video for background noise. She sets down her drink after taking a large gulp from it. Reaching over to her bed, almost falling out of her desk chair, she grabs her phone. Already forgetting she was avoiding looking at it, getting increasingly anxious over her blunt flirting with somebody she just met. Somebody she just sold weed to nonetheless. Immediately she’s reminded of it though when she looks at her screen and sees you’ve replied. “Hahah, that makes me feel less embarrassed. I know it’s kinda late… but you’re free to come over and smoke together if you want :) as a way of thanking you for the discount of course.” You had replied five minutes ago. Still time to take you up on your offer. Should she go? Or make an excuse? She could easily say yeah it’s too late, let’s take a raincheck. But, she doesn’t want to. She wants to see you. She wants to get to know you. You were nice and sweet. You were pretty. She won’t fumble this ball like she always does. She can’t. Dina would be so mad at her as well. She went out of her way to push them together and at the very least they should try and be friends. Otherwise Dina’s efforts have gone to waste. Right. Yeah, exactly. “Yeah that sounds good. Where are you at?” Ellie bites the bullet and quickly sends the text before she can back out. You send your location back instantly and without even a full minute in between, Ellie’s on her way.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ── ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ── ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
Okay!! Sorry it was a bit rough and a bit short!! i'm back to writing for the first time in a long time, so, I'm trying to find my footing again :'). Not too sure how long this will be!! so please bare with me :0.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years ago
imagine going on a date and randomly having 5 fans show up where we are. He'd definitely think it was me who made the information public haha. // can you write something based on that? 👀 but obviously the reader didn’t do it but brad has a hard time believing her
Let me know if u want a smut part 2 of this
Glass Half Full
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No one prepares you for the type of pressure you're going to experience when you start dating a person that has the spotlight on them everywhere they go. If i wouldn't have known myself, i wouldn't be here now, putting make up on for a date with Brad.
Our story goes back a few months ago, when i was lucky enough to get a vip pass for one of their concerts. What's funny is that we didn't even meet during vip, we met at a coffee shop and he was in front of me, waiting to order. I remember tapping him on the shoulder, to make sure i didn't mistaken him for somebody else.
"Don't freak out, but i may or may not be coming to your concert tonight", we both laugh at my statement and we hug each other.
"I'm not gonna lie, i started sweating a little bit", he smiles at me and turns around when the barista yells next and he starts ordering. "And she will have a...", Brad turned around and raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for my answer.
"Oh, no, you're not paying for me", i blush and shake my head no at the barista when she didn't want to close the order just for Brad.
"Oh, c'mon, it's my pleasure", he already has his wallet out and i sigh
"A cold brew with almond milk please", i roll my eyes when both the barista and Brad smile at me after their successful silent collaboration.
"Thank you very much", he takes the change but places it in the tips jar and we wait for our coffees.
"It was very unnecessary to get it for me, but i appreciate it a lot. I'm y/n by the way", i extend my hand out and he shakes it.
"David", we both laugh loudly when he introduces himself as somebody else
"It doesn't suit you at all", i take my coffee off the counter and Brad does the same, both of us walking to a corner table in the back of the coffee shop.
A month later, Brad and i go on our official first date, which made me both sad and happy. I couldn't tell people who i'm dating, i couldn't talk about band stuff on social media and i had to dip every once in a while from my fan account. It was hard keeping it all a secret, especially when other fans started connecting some dots about who's Brad seeing, other fans knowing it was me at that coffee shop on that day. I kept in contact with my closest friends as much as possible, trying to not look suspicious about the whole investigation going around. People asked me personal stuff about him or the boys and i fought hard not to give away information because of the constant dms i'd been getting.
6 months later, i look myself in the mirror after getting dressed in my black dress, black making everything fancier. I check my eyeliner one more time and put on the nude lipstick, being ready to leave the house. My phone beeps right when i close my purse and smile when i see Brad's name pop up.
"I'm here", i walk to the window to see him waiting for me outside the car, him leaning on the passenger's seat door. He looks up and winks at me. I give him a quick smile and hurry outside the house. Brad grabs me by the waist and kisses me hard, my arms around his neck and i blush because of the way we're standing. He's still leaning on the car, while my body is glued to his. I clear my throat when he checks me out from head to toe, his eyes getting stuck on the V-line of the dress, that exposed my breasts only a little bit, but enough for him to go crazy. "You look so beautiful", he kisses me again and i deepen the kiss, taking him by surprise when my tongue brushes over his bottom lip.
"Let's go now or i'm dragging you upstairs", i say and take a step back to earn some distance between our bodies.
"This sounds better than dinner", he smirks and i roll my eyes, chuckling. Brad takes my hand and opens the door for me. I get inside and i follow him with my eyes as he walk around the car to get to his seat. I bite my lip involuntarily when he gets in the car and his first few buttons of the shirt open, giving me an amazing view of his toned chest. "Y/n, stop looking at me like that or we're not going to make it to the restaurant.", Brad sighs and i giggle, my stare falling to his crotch, where the pants started tightening in the oh so familiar shape.
"Drive, Bradley", i smile at him and he shakes his head, smirking, and turns on the engine.
After we eat dinner, we wait for our desserts and sip on some red wine, my left hand in his, as his thumb caresses the back of my hand.
"If you told me six months ago that we'd be dating and going on dates around England, i would've laughed in your face. With tears.", i say and intertwine our fingers together.
"I never thought things between us were going to worrk out, honestly", he laughs and takes a sip of wine. All of a sudden, yells and flashes start outside the restaurant. We both look out the window, curious, and our faces get white as a wall when we see around 15 girls outside, taking pictures of us at the table. Brad takes his hand out of mine in a matter of seconds and calls the waiter to our table. He tells him to bring him the check, because we're not staying for dessert anymore. Staff from the restaurant went outside to calm the girls down, making some of them leave. "Did you really just tell other fans where we are?", Brad gets up from the seat and puts the chair back at the table. "Were you that eager to tell others we're a thing?", he asks frustrated while i don't find my words to talk to him. I follow him to the car and we're both happy when we don't see fans waiting by it.
"Do you really think i would've told others where we are? Brad, do you really think i care if fans know or not about our relationship?", i get inside the car by myself, careful not to close the door too harshly because of the anger that builds up.
"It's not like you'd be the first one to do so", his words come out almost like a whisper, but i stare him down as he leaves the parking lot.
"I don't know what fame hungry girlfriends you've had in your life but i got nothing to gain from dating you"
"Then why did you post where we're going. Did you tell them it's almost our anniversary and we're celebrating by having dinner?", Brad asks ironically as he checks his mirrors from time to time, ditching to look at me.
"I did not say anything, for fuck's sake", i raise my voice but he scoffs and almost laughs, but bitterly.
"I know i shouldn't had let you keep that fucking fan account", he takes a short right and the tires screech on the concrete. "I can't have one decent relationship, can i? Y'all just want the label out there"
"I can't believe you'd think that about me. You didn't seem to believe that until now", still angry, i just look out the window.
"Yeah well my secrets weren't out until now. Or are they? What else do they know?, his angry voice seems to be adding to my temper, so i take one deep breath before talking.
"If you don't stop assuming shit about me, i'm walking to my house and you can go home and let me be.", he doesn't say anything, but hits the wheel slightly when we need to stop at the red light. "And i'll post about our little drive back to my place", i push the limits by saying that and he stops the car in the middle of the intersection, but luckily, there aren't any cars on the road.
"You think it's funny how i try to protect the only thing that's mine in this industry? Everything i have becomes an us thing. It's mine and the rest of the world's. People can't mess it up if they don't know anything.", his voice is calm now, but the regret in his voice is sickening.
"I would never do something that would upset you, especially doing something like this, because it's not fair and i would never take a decision in your place. You have to believe me. I'm not like that, ok? I don't need or want followers to gain brand deals, i don't want or need to be known as Brad's girlfriend everywhere i go. I have my own dreams and achievements and i did it on my own. Why start doing something so belittling now?", i'm almost out of breath and Brad nods, starting the engine and driving off, running the red light that has come the fourth time since we stopped the car. "I can look things up on twitter and see what happened, if you still want proof that it was never me who said anything", defeated, he nods his head and i sighs as i open the app. "You're trending number one in UK tho", we both chuckle and he stops the car in front of my house. I show him my phone when i find a picture of Brad's car parked in front of my house from earlier when he picked me up. The caption says something about him picking his girlfriend up and how the fan is going to follow the car to see where we were going. Comments vary from omg tell us everything and other who say that she's not supposed to do something like this because it's illegal and not ok.
On that thread, we see photos taken of us getting out of the car, the caption being the address of the restaurant, where the fans close to that area managed to come to. Both of us sigh and lean our heads back on the headrests, while i check all the notifications and followers i gain every minute, people finding out who i am.
"I'm sorry", i manage to say and i turn my twitter fan account on private.
"Because now i'm known because of you"
"As much as it might bother me because of my past incidents, you didn't want anything to happen. And this makes me feel so much better. I'm sorry if i raised my voice at you and i'm sorry for blaming you for something like this. I have ptsd, if you will", we both laugh out loud and he kisses the back of my hand. I grab my purse and grab the handle of the door, looking at my house.
"Shall we?'', i smirk and he nods, taking his keys out and both of us exiting the car, getting inside the house.
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moxfirefly · 4 years ago
So I’ve been working on this for a little while now after a comment @supershiny-raven left on one of my post. I present to you:
How the others find out you and the turtles are dating.
Raphael entered the Lair with you in his arms. His brothers stumbling by him, Leonardo actually tripping.
The gang had gone to drink at Vern’s fancy penthouse, a round of drinks had turned to four and before anybody had common sense he had broken out his fancy wine collection.
That had truly been everyone’s undoing.
Yours as well.
Raphael the tank had pretty much only gotten buzzed, even more so upon seeing your state he figured he needed to somehow get you and everyone else home safe and in one piece.
“Where do we dump Donnie?” April had one of his arms slung over her shoulder while Mikey had his other, they had quickly found out the purple banded terrapin was a fan of wine. “Whatever is flat and comfortable, you think you can manage him and Leo?” Raphael nudged his older brother who had dozed off while resting against the couch.
“Yeah yeah brah, we totally-“ He unceremoniously let his brother fall on the nearest cot, poor April taken along for the ride. “Shit, sorry girly”
Raph shook his head, you groaned stirring awake and tightening your hold on him. Raph was basically carrying you with one arm beneath your rear. Making his way towards his room he gently placed you on his bed and set about the task of removing your shoes. “Hey hey mister, I got a boyfriend” You squinted at the large terrapin at the end of the bed.
“Yeah I heard, lucky guy gets to put ya drunk ass to bed, where’s your makeup bag baby?” He got up when you half hazardously pointed at the dresser.
Pushing yourself up a little on your elbows you watched him gather your face creams and a pack of makeup wipes. He sat back down but next to you and motioned towards his lap. “C’mere, let’s get your face off” You giggled when he manhandled you onto his thigh and took out the wipes. Slowly and in the most excruciatingly loving way Raphael set out to wipe off your makeup. Each stroke removing foundation and eyeshadow, you mumbled something he somehow understood in your inebriated state. “Yeah yeah I got ya kid” With all the careful dexterity he developed over time, he gently removed your eyelashes.
“Somebody has been paying attention” You giggled, feeling the buzz in your body shift into grogginess. Raphael looked inside the bag, adding some cream to your face to hydrate it. He examined his work, a lazy smile as he caressed your face. It felt bizarre he could actually do this, touch a beautiful girl and do something so silly as help them out with their face routine. The two of you had been rather quiet about your relationship, enjoying it all to yourselves.
“Ya were the cutest drunk at that party” He ran his knuckles across your chin, You smiled sleepily lifting up enough to catch his lips in a languid kiss.
The door creaked open and there stood April, her own slightly drunk face breaking out into a sweet smile. The two pairs of eyes that landed on her read ‘get out’ and ‘keep your mouth shut’ slowly April backed up nodding with a giggle.
Then there was a ruckus of what Raphael only assumed was April tripping and Leo drunkly laughing his ass off.
Oh he was screwed.
So insanely screwed.
How could he misplace something he kept on his person so diligently?
Mikey turned over everything he could in his room, currently he had done just that with the mattress but to no avail.
His phone was missing.
His phone with that very scandalous polaroid you’d taken for him.
Mikey had nearly passed out when you gifted him the picture and to his delight he had stuck the polaroid on the back of his phone in its clear phone case. He kept his phone on him all the time, sure he’d have to be a little sneaky about placing it down but he could manage.
Now though? He was about to have a coronary.
Okay, currently in this disaster there was no trace of it. This meant he’d have to scavenge the living room.
Where his family was.
Mikey swallowed and scurried out with a silent prayer that it would there.
Raphael and Leonardo were currently watching a basketball game. They seemed pretty engrossed and perhaps wouldn’t notice that he was scouring the ends of the earth for his actual girlfriend’s literal boobs. He peaked aglance at the couch, his large brothers had to take up so much space to make it worse.
“What are you looking for?” Came Donnie’s voice from the kitchen. The orange banded turtle froze, he tried giving him a nonchalant shrug. “Just checking how I can give Raph a wedgie ya know” Donnie raised a brow ridge, mug of coffee to his lips.
“I double dare ya numbnuts, the Knicks are down ten points and I’m pissed” Raph grunted as the opposing team landed another shot and Leo sighed exasperated with the outcome. His eldest brother got up thankfully which allowed him to take a look at the that side of the sofa. To his dread but relief there wasn’t anything.
Where the fuck was his phone?!
“Hey snot face, can ya order a pizza?” Raph grumbled as the game seem to worsen, a pizza could fix up his mood. Mikey frozen, mouthing a series of ‘shit shit shit’ as he frantically looked around.
“Oh man that would fix this terrible game, can you order it with extra bacon too?” Leo went straight to the fridge to grab something to drink. “Order some cheesy sticks too will you?” Donnie asked as he poured himself another mug of coffee.
Yes all of this sounded wonderful and his stomach did grumble but
Raph had scooted further to grab his own soda from the coffee table and just as he did he saw his phone. Relief washed over him but to his immense dismay and terror, the back of his phone was facing up. Which means the clear case he had was displaying the infamous polaroid he had been gifted.
You had simply asked him one thing.
‘Please don’t let your brothers see my tits’
It all felt slow motion, his eyes going wide, his hand diving to the couch and just as he did, Raph’s quick reflexes kicked in unfortunately and he turned to grab his youngest brothers wrist. “Ya ain’t giving me a wedgie man!!”
Raph’s eyes followed Mikey’s hand and then his eyes bugged out.
“Why are there titties on the sofa?!” Raph made for the phone but only got a face full of pillow cushion. He snatched the phone before it could be grabbed by anybody else. The red banded brute grinned as his brother hugged the phone to his chest. “Advert your gaze you perv!” Mikey all but shrieked.
“I’m not the one walking around with a titty pic as my phone cover” Raph grinned, just to make matters worse Leo and Donnie had gathered.
“Mikey why are you walking around with a random porn pic on your phone cover” Came Donnie’s disapproving tone.
“It’s a polaroid” Was all Raph needed to say.
The silence that fell was brief, then a series of ‘ooh’s’ sounded off and Mikey all but frowned and felt his cheeks heat up.
“No way! That can’t be...” Leo was incredulous. The relationship between Mike and you had remained rather on the down low. It was fun, a little secret away from the world that could stay between the two of you.
“Mikey, are you and y/n a thing?” Donnie asked exactly what the rest wanted to know but Mikey dreaded to answer. He sighed dramatically and tucked his phone into his pocket, shooting Raph a glare as his green eyes followed the motion.
“Listen dudes she made me promise that nobody would see that picture and I’ve already broken that cardinal rule thanks to this jerk face” He frowned at Raph, who in turn rolled his eyes.
“Well maybe keep the picture in your wallet or your room?” Leo sipped his soda with a matter of fact tone.
“Or as a background on your phone cause honestly man” Donnie smiled to himself when Mikey shot him an incredulous look. “Why’d she give you that?” Raph inquired sneakily with a smirk.
“For our three month anniver- AH YOU DICK” Mikey huffed out as Raph began to laugh, it was so easy to trick Mikey when one played their cards right.
Investigating could take a toll on anybody, even if by all means you weren’t a detective it still didn’t mean you wouldn’t find yourself researching and investigating crime. It seems to be part of the job description when you befriend four giant crime fighting terrapins.
In away you could help, you did.
Everyone had huddled around the living room, the coffee table littered with pictures, clues and all sorts of pieces of evidence that could possibly lead to the culprit they were trying to catch. You had set down a stack of papers, eyes already screaming for a break. Leo and Casey were at the kitchen talking, Casey had just clocked out and was reporting back what the nights investigations had gathered. Raph and Mikey were checking out the pictures Casey had brought over and Donnie naturally was researching on a laptop he’d placed there.
You had nudged him to come over and join the huddle, and secretly you just wanted him close. The two of you were dating, quietly and unannounced, but in those first few stages of just wanting to be glued to one another it was a little difficult to do said glueing.
On a few occasions with prying eyes preoccupied with their investigating, you had reached over to rub his cheek, his sleepy eyes spoke greatly of how tired he felt. Donnie had been at this already for a while, you’d been there with him along the way.
With a stretch of his arms, Donnie yawned and rolled his neck. The clock on your phone read 3:45am, he was due for a nap at the very least. “Why don’t you lie down, I can keep helping out here” You reached over again and took off his glasses, he smiled tiredly but shook his head. “I’m fine, I can keep going” Despite his entire body language screaming otherwise, Donnie would always soldier on.
By the time another hour passed, people consumed enough Coffee to give themselves an additional pulse (and somebody committed the mistake of giving Mikey said coffee) the investigation had died down. A few walls were hit but a few leads had come from it as well. Everyone was ready to call it a night (or morning).
Casey yawned, twisting his neck to let out a few pops. “Okay who’s staying and who’s coming with me?” By the sounds of April softly snoring against an equally happily snoring Raph, it seemed she would stay. Casey had a few hours of sleep to catch on before heading for his next shift and you had to preoccupy yourself with the same before tackling a night shift at your job. Donnie’s tired eyes expressed how he wanted you to stay over but he knew work was closer to your place.
“I guess I’m carpooling with you” You told Casey, already grabbing your jacket and bag. A quick hug to Leo and Mikey, a bow to a recently awaken Splinter and you were next to Donnie.
He’d been sitting on the kitchen table, arms crossed and looking closer to being k.o’d.
It was the sleep deprivation honestly, on both your behalves.
Because you had spread your arms for a hug and so had he, but your face had met in the middle and before either of your foggy brains could comprehend what was happening you had smooched him.
On the lips.
For about a minute.
Minute and a half honestly.
You both froze, the awake members of the family staring with raised brows. Donnie furrowed his brows, lips pursed in a thin line, you still had your own in a kissing motion.
“Well at least we solved one mystery tonight” Spoke Mikey with a snicker, Leo nudged him.
Donnie sighed by shrugged. “Not exactly how I wanted to announce this so yup, I’m her boyfriend, she’s my girlfriend, please hold all inquires for a later time when I’m actually awake” He pulled you in again for a hug, and another kiss (greedy boy) and instructed Casey to deliver you home safely.
With a blush but albeit happy look on your face you waved everyone off.
Keeping a relationship quiet had never proven to be so difficult. Truthfully it came easier when the circle of people surrounding you was bigger, but a close knit one? Everyone suddenly had the powers of observation up to God level.
But Leo’s ninja skills were God level too and you knew how to keep your trap shut and not sigh like a love struck teenager every second you saw him. So it had gone good, real good for a while. The thrill of maybe sharing an intimate kiss while others we’re around was a sensation you never expected to enjoy. When it was time to leave, Leo would ‘walk you’ home safely and by ‘miracle’ run into a few thugs on his way back.
Because there’s no reason a brisk ten minute walk to your apartment should turn into an hour and a half.
Raph wasn’t buying but cared little to stick his nose into it. Donnie was too busy to bother. Mikey had an idea but decided due to bro code not to voice it.
His father though?
Splinter knows what’s going on because well, he’s Splinter. You live long enough with four giant sons all with their unique personalities and traits, you pick up a thing or two about parenting pretty easily.
And Splinter is a phenomenal parent.
Both Father and Mother to his sons.
So naturally he’s irked that his eldest is sneaking out at odd hours and trying to conceal his return. Because Splinter feels that out of all four, Leo has always been the most open with him. Once Raph hit those pre-pubescent mood swings, Donnie began to teach himself all matter of subjects and Mikey was too busy trying to set a new record of heart attacks to give his father while skateboarding; Leo always remained the same.
Even with all the acolytes Leo has achieved in his ninjutsu training, he still had his hiccups and his father would never spare the opportunity to turn into a teaching moment.
So when Leo had kissed you passionately on his way out of your window, you still in nothing but the skin that he had dedicated a fair amount of time in kissing and bitting. He thought he was being slick, he thought he was going to ninja his way into the Lair, into the showers and straight to his bed.
What he didn’t account for was his father waiting up on him. A mug of hot tea on the kitchen table and hands clasps together in what Leo recognized all to well as ‘Dad Mode’.
He’d been caught with the proverbial hand in the cookie jar. His gear was half hazardously on, mask slipped down around his neck and for Christ sake he was holding a shoe. It was 6:30am and he smelled like a girl, a pretty girl no less. The jig was up, especially when his dad motioned for him to come forth and seat opposite him at the kitchen table.
“Dad I can ex-“ Splinter held up a finger and pushed the mug of tea towards his disheveled eldest son.
“My son, I am not angry” Which was truthful, he wasn’t, in fact he was ecstatic that Leo had found somebody, somebody good and somebody that loved him for he has. Long ago he had accepted the pain that his sons would not find suitable partners and the ache it would come with for them. But here was Leo, nervous and trying to adjust his clothing because he’d been with a woman, a woman he clearly loved.
“I like y/n, she is kind, thoughtful and caring to us” Splinter emphasized each trait with a tap of a long nail on the table. “She should be treated with respect, I hope I have instilled that teaching unto you, a lady is to be respected Leonardo” Leo nodded at his fathers words, he nodded and prayed that the underwear he had stuffed into his pockets wouldn’t magically transport on the table to further humiliate him.
“So please my son, do not lie to me, do not come home late in this state and not expect me to know what has transpired” Dad voice was on, coupled with the sympathetic eyes though, man Splinter was good at this shit.
Leo hung his head, clearly ashamed of his dishonorable doings. “Hai, sensei” Even as an adult being scolded by his father never stopped hurting.
“And please do tell her that there isn’t anything hide, she is welcomed in our home, I would not mind getting to know my future daughter in law a little bit more” Splinter enjoyed the way his son nearly choked on his tea.
“Perhaps I can tell her a few anecdotes of your growing up” He smiled when Leo looked at him with pleading eyes. “I believe I have a few embarrassing ones she will find most delightful” He stood up and placed a hand on his sons broad shoulder. “I’m sorry dad, sorry for sneaking around and not telling you” He was earnest in his words and Splinter bowed his head.
“I know, thank you Leonardo” He walked away, hands behind his back.
Leo sighed and pulled out his phone, shooting you a quick text.
-so my dad wants to formally meet you... as in introduce you as my girlfriend.
It felt nice to hit send on that message.
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sincerelythedarkside · 4 years ago
Who We Are || Part V
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers x Dark!Reader
Summary: You know what you want out of life. You want to be loved—to be safe. You want to be taken care of and to take care of someone who will appreciate it. But you’ve been shackled, trapped in a never-ending nightmare. And your only saving grace will be enticing the dark side of America’s golden hero to want you—a game of who’s manipulating who.
SERIES WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI. Dubcon sex, noncon/rape, somnophilia, manipulative behaviour, possessive behaviour, dark themes. Do NOT read if these are triggering for you.
[Set after Civil War & the Accords were abolished]
Note: The modern world is lost on Steve Rogers LOL
Count: ~3.6k
The room felt damp and slightly cold.
"Oh, god," Blake groaned as he opened his eyes, hissing at his mild headache. He sat up, pressing his palm into his eye to relieve the pressure.
Looking around, his heart started to race. He was in a cell, kept in by glass rather than bars. There was a bed in the corner, a toilet, and a sink. Barren, otherwise. It was unnerving looking at the completely white walls.
He checks his pockets, but this phone and wallet are gone.
"Hello?" Blake called out wearily. "Is somebody there? I—I think there's been some kind of mistake."
"There's been no mistake, Blake Henley," the voice said, deep and calm. "You're meant to be here."
"Please," Blake pleaded, standing up and coming up to the glass, trying to peer out. It was dark, the only light coming from the fluorescent bulbs in his room. "I haven't done anything! Who are you? Let me out!" Blake bangs on the glass. It hardly even vibrates. It must be some kind of reinforced glass.
Blake sees something in the back, hiding in the shadows. He squints as the figure steps forward, recognizing the familiar boots and pants before—
Blake swallows hard as he comes face to face with his captor.
"Why are you doing this?" Blake asks because it's clear he's not going to be rescued. "Why has Captain America kidnapped me?"
Steve stares through the glass, eyes blank and lips pressed in a thin line.
"I don't think you're in a position to ask any questions, Blake. Let's behave and see where that gets you."
Blake is missing.
But no one suspects anything but you. Your father had said something about Blake calling in for an emergency. His mother apparently had a bad fall down the stairs, and Blake needed to fly to Washington to take care of her for a couple of weeks.
It was a plausible emergency. Blake had spoken about his ill mother who lived in Washington at one of the weekly dinners.
But you knew he was missing. Anyone who used social media would know. Facebook was quiet since Blake was more a lurker than someone who actively posted.
Snapchat, however, was Blake's go-to social media app. And they had recently launched a new feature called Snap Map.
And when you checked Blake's location...he was outside the city limits.
Another thing that threw you off was Blake's latest text to you.
Blake: I'm sure Henry has told you I will be out of town for a while. I'll probably be MIA for a while. Sorry to cancel our plans next week, but I'll make it up to you.
It was thoughtful and straightforward. Something Blake would really say.
But only in front of others. Only if it's beneficial to his ruse.
Blake was the type to like her photos or leave comments on Instagram and Facebook. He was the type to show up to her house with flowers knowing other people were home. He'd talk to her friends or family about what he could do for a date with you.
He would never text you privately something caring—because there was no need to. Blake knows his role in Henry's grand scheme.
You weren't really sure what to make of his text, but you still texted back, trying to see what his reaction would be.
You: No worries. Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets better.
The only thing you could think of was Steve. You couldn't say for sure, but it was just a feeling in your gut. And you were going to test that theory the next time you saw him.
You pulled out your phone, rechecking Blake's location. He hadn't moved in a week. You hum as you begin to dial.
There was an answer after the first ring.
"Hey," Steve sounded breathless.
"Hi," you answered shyly.
"What's up?" Steve asked, and you could picture him running his hand through his hair.
"I was wondering if you were free to have lunch with me today," you ask, sounding demure and unsure.
"Yeah, of course," Steve agreed. "I'm just finishing some work up now but why don't you text me what you're in the mood for and I'll meet you there?"
"Okay," you add a tint of happiness to your tone. "I'll text you."
"See you later, sweetheart."
You hang up, feeling perplexed by Steve's insistent use of the pet name for you. It seemed that once he started, he couldn't stop. You didn't mind, though. It was just another piece of evidence of how Steve wanted you.
It was still rather early, so you went into the kitchen and saw your mom sitting there with a glass of wine.
"Hey, mom," you greeted her with a kiss at the temple.
She was startled as she looked up at you. "Oh, hey, honey. I didn't realize you were still home."
"Just for a little bit. I'll be heading out for lunch soon. It's a bit early for wine, isn't it?" You cock your brow at her.
Your mom merely chuckled and shook her head. "It's not early if you didn't sleep."
"Sleeping problems again?" You asked, thinking about why that must've been why Henry didn't come to your room last night. "You should really see a doctor about that."
Your mum nods a little tiredly but gives you a smile. "I think it's just too much energy. Maybe I should walk around the block a couple of times."
You hum, still concerned but dropping it since your mother didn't seem to want to speak about it anymore. You make yourself some coffee before going back up to your room.
It was probably still too soon, but you began to plan what to get Steve for his birthday in the next month. Getting something expensive for someone like Steve would be meaningless. You knew he'd appreciate it and treasure it since it came from you, but it would hold no meaning. He was a man who probably didn't have any problems getting what he wanted material-wise (provided he wasn't a fugitive).
So, you needed to get him things that would be more sentimental, something memorable.
You smile as you start to write down a few ideas and people to call.
Steve smiles down at his phone.
You've been so shy with him lately. Bashful but not pulling away and Steve couldn't help but indulge in it.
He's starting to find it harder to pay attention to Sharon or sleep with her when all he can think about is you. Steve hasn't broken up with Sharon yet. He's still thinking of how to do that. He doesn't want to hurt Sharon...
A movement from the corner of his eye catches his attention, and he looks up at the monitor in front of him. It was Blake, starting to pace back and forth again.
It had been a week since he captured Blake, but he wasn't anywhere closer to getting his answers. He just wanted to understand why you had chosen someone like Blake. He was so...bland, and whatever you shared with him was so empty.
Steve got that from rifling through Blake's phone. He's checked your texts and any social media app interactions. There wasn't anything privately spoken. Your texts with him really only spoke to arranging dates and when he was coming to your home for dinner with Henry.
Blake only seemed crazy for you publicly. Always liking and commenting on your photos or always posting to your wall. So superficial, Steve can't understand it.
So far, Steve hasn't gotten any useful information out of Blake. The young man didn't seem to know why Captain America had captured him and only kept spouting off that he could give Steve money if that's what he was looking for. The only other thing was Blake continuously saying that Steve must have the wrong person because the only thing Blake buys illegally is weed, and if Steve wanted his dealer's information, he'd be happy to give that as well.
But that wasn't what Steve wanted. He wanted to know why you had agreed to go out with someone like Blake. He wanted to know why you kept saying it wouldn't work with him.
"Please...please! Just let me out, I won't tell anyone..." Blake wails, and Steve sighs before checking the time.
He should probably leave now if he wanted to meet up with you on time.
Steve sees you first before you see him, and he takes a moment to take you in. You look absolutely gorgeous in your sundress as you search around for him. His chest expands almost painfully when you spot him, smiling wide as you walk towards him.
Standing up, Steve greets you with a kiss on your cheek and a hug, his fingers stroking your shoulder blades. He lingers a moment too long when he feels you shiver in his arms from his touches.
"Hey, sweetheart," Steve pulls back with a smile as he opens a chair for you to sit down. "I got us a patio table, hope that's okay?"
"It's perfect, Steve," you sit down, thanking him with a smile as he sits back in his own chair. "Was work okay? I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."
Steve shook his head. "Nah, you weren't. But speaking of work, Tony's birthday is going to be in a week and I was wondering if you'd come?"
You looked surprised before shyly pinching at your earlobe. "You want me to come?"
Steve nodded. "Yeah," he smiled. "I think it'd be great for you to meet the team. It's been a while since the last of us have been really together since that night at the casino. Wanda and Vision will be visiting for Stark's birthday too."
"It sounds like it'll be a big event," you smile.
Steve nodded. "Knowing Stark? Yeah, it'll be. It'll be good for all of us. Things have been tense since the Accords even though they've been abolished."
You nod understandingly as you reach across the table and place your hand atop Steve's comfortingly. He smiles at you before he turns his hand over to hold yours.
You let the heat flood your cheeks as you give one last reassuring squeeze before letting go. Steve looks at you amusedly.
"Yeah, I mean, if you think it's okay that I come, I would love to," you clear your throat before saying.
"It's more than okay," Steve says as the waitress comes by to grab your orders. "Did you want me to come pick you up? Sharon said she had to be there early."
You tilt your head with a smirk. "That would be lovely...but I don't think riding on a motorcycle while in a dress will be good for me."
Steve lets out a laugh. "I'll be picking you up in a cab, there's no worry."
"In that case, I would be happy if you accompanied me," you teased.
Steve smiles as the rest of the lunch is smooth. He takes the time to sit there, listening to you chat and feels warm. You just talk so...easily. It makes Steve feel at ease because he's not scrambling to come up with topics to talk about.
Being in the modern world, Steve had always felt so displaced. It felt like he was constantly trying to keep up with topics. It was nice that you talked about many things, and if it was things Steve didn't know, he didn't feel weird about asking you more about it.
By the end of the lunch, you had moved your chair closer to his so you could show Steve the puppies one of your coworkers had gotten and chatted about whether dogs were something Steve or you had ever thought about getting.
It was then you had some notification come in from an icon Steve recognized. Yellow with a white ghost outline. He'd seen it on Blake's phone as he rifled through it. It didn't seem like anything but some kind of photo-taking application, but Blake did get plenty of notifications from it. Steve hadn't touched it since he was unsure of the purpose.
"What's that?" Steve asked.
"Hm?" You hummed as Steve pointed at the notification before it went away. "Oh, Snapchat? It's like a picture sending social media app. You can send people photos or videos back and forth but the other person can only view it once—or twice if they're quick enough to replay it. Once the photo or video runs out of time for viewing or you click out of it, that's it."
Steve frowned. "I don't understand. Why would you only want to be able to see a photo or video once?"
You smile at the innocence of Steve. It was amusing to see something dark lurking just beneath the surface but also have moments like these.
"Well," you giggle. "It does have many uses. Like maybe someone is sending another person a...risqué photo or video and doesn't want the other party to be able to keep it. Snapchat notifies the sender if the photo or video is screenshotted or recorded."
Steve blushed. "So...it's that kind of app?" He frowned at the thought of you using it. Were you sending Blake risqué photos and videos?
You laughed and shrugged. "It could be used like that. Generally, I think most people just use it to send photos of any kind. Their lunch, where they are, who they're with, really anything. It's popular because, in this day and age, everyone loves taking photos but not all photos need to be permanently documented."
Steve merely stared at you, and you chuckled some more.
"It's like...here, think about it like this," you say. "You like drawing, right?"
Steve nodded.
"So, do you think everything you draw should be hung up in an art gallery? Or do you have some photos that are just meant to be in your sketchbook? Maybe you show a couple of people, but there's also a chance you might throw it away after too?" You tilt your head.
The way you say it just dawns on Steve, and he nods understandingly, feeling warm as he smiles at you.
You grin back at him before you open the Snap in front of him. It was one of your friends sending you a photo of their lunch with a caption and stickers.
"Do you mind if we take a picture together?" You ask Steve with an unsure smile. "It won't circulate anywhere but it might be fun."
Steve nods quickly, and you beam at him as you lean in closer to him, holding your phone up. He's got a boyish grin while you have a peace sign up as your head is tilted towards him.
It's a great photo, showing the sunny day with a playful tone. Steve likes it because it's a memory captured of you so close to him.
"Is there a way to save the photos you take?" He asks, and you nod.
"Could you save it and send it to me?"
You turn your head to look at him, cheeks warm as you give him a nod with a tiny smile.
You send off the photo to your friend, immediately getting a chat message about what a lucky bitch you are.
"Oh!" You say as you slid your phone closer to Steve to see. "There's one more feature I forgot to tell you."
Steve watches as a map shows up on your screen with some kind of cartoonish people standing in New York and other places. Yours seemed overcrowded.
"Snapchat also has a map feature that shows other people you have added where they are if their location services are turned on. See? This is me and it shows where we are."
Steve felt his stomach drop as he stared at your phone.
Blake must've had this feature on for his phone.
The only saving grace was that the map automatically was zoomed into the general area you were in. But if you zoomed out, you'd undoubtedly notice that Blake was still actually in the state.
You and any one of Blake's friends.
That bastard.
Blake woke up startled.
He sat up immediately, seeing a brown bag he assumed food was in. He looked up and saw Captain America standing right outside on the other side of the glass.
Blake dug into the brown bag and ate the burger and fries in there before looking at the hero.
"Please...please, just tell me why I'm here. What have I done? If I've done something, I still have rights to a lawyer!"
Steve ignored the repetitive cries of the stuck up man before him. He merely pulled out Blake's form, waving it with the Snapchat app open.
"This is about mutual trust, Blake. How can I talk to you if I don't trust you? You must've been relying on your friends to notice you were still in New York instead of helping your poor mother in Washington," Steve sighed. "I had to open your 'Snaps'—that's what they're called, right? I don't think I'll ever understand this age where people feel the need to send pictures of their food, drinks, or whatever catches their eye. It's easy enough to imitate, though."
Blake's face crumpled as he realized Steve had turned off his location services and had kept up pretences with his friends.
"No...please, I'm sorry. I—I didn't realize. Those kinds of things just slipped my mind."
Steve hummed on the other side.
"I'll take your word for it because trust is supposed to be mutual, isn't it?" Steve said with a smile, and Blake nodded.
"There is a reason why you're here," Steve admits. "We're currently investigating someone. I can't share the details with you, obviously. But it doesn't look too good. Our intel came up that you're a close contact—dating."
Blake swallowed, and Steve watched the man's eyes dart back and forth, obviously trying to think which girl he was seeing could've done something so bad that the Avengers were looking into her.
Steve pulled out your photo, blown up professionally on an 8.5 by 11 paper, as he pressed it against the glass for Blake to see.
Blake's mouth stuttered, opening and closing as he stared at your picture.
"I mean, yes, but I don't know her that well!" Blake automatically admitted.
"Don't know her that well?" Steve cocked his brow. "You have dinner at her house every week. You've gone on dates, haven't you?"
"I eat with her family and I went out on one date with her!" Blake emphasized. "I don't know anything about her and I'm not supposed to."
Steve's eyes narrowed in at Blake's words. "Supposed to?"
Blake's eyes widened as he realized what he said, looking momentarily scared before remembering the situation he was in. If he didn't spill the truth to Captain America, he was going to be stuck here. Blake didn't need to be smart to know what the Avengers were capable of.
"It's an arranged marriage," Blake quickly confesses. "Set up by her stepdad. I thought the entire thing was old-fashion but he's my boss and the man was guaranteeing my whole future if I just married his step-daughter."
"Why does he want to marry her off?" Steve cocked his brow. It wasn't like you had a shortage of options. Arranged marriages nowadays, especially in New York, seemed outdated. You weren't from a prestigious family, nor were you royalty. Why?
"I don't know," Blake answered, and Steve stared at him. "Seriously, I don't know!"
Blake sighed stressfully. "All Henry told me was that if I wanted to secure my future, then I needed to marry his daughter. Henry was very explicit that I treat his daughter's boundaries 'respectfully', but he understood that I'm a young male that has needs. The marriage is strictly business and it was clear I could see other people but I needed to be discreet and keep up pretences."
Steve scrunched his nose and curled his lip in disgust. "So, you just string her along while seeing other people because she won't have sex with you?"
Blake rolled his eyes. "I think you're getting the wrong idea, pal. It's not like she's unaware of the circumstances. She's got a strict stepdaddy and she does what he tells her to do. We're both playing nice with each other. I highly doubt she feels anything for me except tolerance and maybe acceptance."
Steve stands there, taking in the information. If that was the case, why wouldn't you see Steve just like Blake was seeing other women?
This was a problem Captain America could fix.
Was Blake the best option your stepdad could come up with? Surely, he would find America's golden hero a much better option. Steve would dote on you, love you, cherish you. Bedroom activities, frankly, was none of your stepdad's business, but Steve wasn't above lying and saying nothing was happening.
So, why?
"So, if you actually want someone who knows something, maybe you should check with Henry." Blake's voice drew Steve out of his thoughts. "Although I wouldn't recommend kidnapping him as he is a notable person," Blake said sarcastically.
Steve didn't react to the tone as he turned to leave.
"No, wait!" Blake yelled. "I told you everything I know! I'm not close with her! Aren't you going to let me out? I swear I won't tell anyone!"
Steve turned back, quirking his eyebrow at the man. "As I said, Blake. There has to be mutual trust. So, I need to verify your information...and I need reassurance about your silence. Behave and we can talk about it after I check out your story."
Steve turned back and kept walking, ignoring Blake's echoing bellows.
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silhouetteofacedar · 4 years ago
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 12: Capsaicin
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
Maybe he wrote her address wrong.
The odds of that happening are pretty damn slim; Mulder’s had it down by heart for years, but he’s grasping at all possibilities right now.
He had sent the letter through the postal service in an attempt to keep himself from stressing out over its delivery, but that plan backfired the minute the envelope left his hands.
He dropped it in the mail on Saturday evening. It’s now Wednesday, and Scully has made no mention of it. There’s been no indication in her demeanor at all to suggest that she’d received any revelatory mail-pieces.
He might live the rest of his life in this horrific limbo, a purgatory of his own construction. He’s been on pins and needles all week, filling the basement office with nervous energy, furtively glancing at Scully in attempts to read her facial expressions. Did she get the letter and throw it out? How is she so calm? Maybe it got stuck in one of the sorting machines…
Before he knows it, Scully’s bidding him a friendly “goodnight” and shutting the office door.
Say what you will about anxiety, but it sure spices up the workday.
Mulder drives home in a fog; he’s exhausted from the mental exertion of thinking in circles and jumping to conclusions. Inside his apartment he flops down on the sofa and calls for takeout from the Thai place down the street that has his order memorized.
The next time he confesses his undying love to somebody, he’s going to use e-mail.
A knock on his door shakes him from his reverie.
“How much do I owe-” he begins as he opens the door, then freezes.
Scully is standing at his doorstep, a high flush on her cheeks. She looks somehow startled, as though he surprised her by opening his own front door.
“Scully,” he says, concerned. “Are you alright?”
“Mulder,” she replies, voice cracking on the edges. Her big blue eyes are full, ready to spill over her lower lids.
“You read it,” he says softly. He feels his chest tighten into a tight knot of anxiety, and he swallows hard.
She nods. “Can I- I need to come in.”
He stands aside, ushers her into his living room.
She’s vibrating with nervous energy. Mulder motions to the couch. “Would you, uh, like to sit down?”
“I’d prefer to stand, thank you,” she says, voice tight. She grips her elbows.
“Well, I guess I’ll sit,” Mulder says softly, lowering himself to the couch. “Scully, I-“
She holds out a hand. “You got to say your piece, Mulder, now it’s time for mine.” Her lower lip crumples slightly, and he wants to get up and hug her.
She takes a deep breath, pulling herself together. “Mulder, when I received your letter today…” She blinks back tears. “I was completely overwhelmed. I’m not even sure how I managed to drive here,” she admits. “And I appreciate that in it you acknowledged the inopportune timing of your confession. Things just keep piling up,” she says. “But now I just want to know, need to know… why the hell did you wait so long?”
There’s pain in her voice, and he aches in return.
“I didn’t know how you felt,” he says simply, “and then Mark happened.” It’s so insufficient, but it’s all he has.
“I wish you’d told me before,” she says. “I wish I’d known. I dragged you into this mess with him, and the whole time you… you felt that for me.”
“Scully,” he says slowly, “If I had told you I loved you, would you have still gone out with Mark?”
She doesn’t answer right away, and his heart falls into his stomach.
“How can you ask me that?” she says, voice a rough whisper. “What do you want me to say?”
Say no. Please. “I’m only interested in the truth, Scully. You of all people know that by now.”
A tear spills down her cheek, and she wipes it away roughly. “I… I don’t know. Do you have any idea how long and hard I worked to not feel? I’d wake up every damn morning thinking about you. I’d scrub myself raw in the shower so you couldn’t smell me, sense how much I wanted you all fucking night. I’d come to work and turn my heart off, bury my feelings so deep that even now I can barely scratch the surface of them. I did it for years, Mulder.” She takes a deep, shaky breath. “So when my mother introduced me to a nice man with a little girl, I decided to go for it. And I almost forget how to really feel something. But you… you never let me forget. And the rational choices cease to make sense.” She sniffs noisily. “You turned my entire world upside down.”
He hangs his head. “I’m sorry-” he begins.
“No,” Scully interrupts. “No, Mulder. I don’t want your guilt, or your pity; I don’t need it. I want you, and me. I want us to be the two broken people we are, healing. We can’t keep hurting each other with misguided attempts to protect each other.”
“What do you mean, then? How do we stop?”
“By being honest,” she says, coming around the coffee table and perching on the edge of the couch. “We start here. Right now.”
“I-I don’t know how much more clear or honest I could possible be,” Mulder stammers. “The letter spelled it out. My cards are on the table.”
“They are,” she agrees, “But you wrote under the assumption that I wouldn’t reciprocate. You left no room for alternatives.”
“Alternatives being…”
Scully’s eyes are pleading. “Mulder,” she whispers, beseeching.
There’s a knock on the door.
Mulder glances over his shoulder, startled out of their moment. “I ordered Thai,” he explains. “If you’re here, then that must be the delivery guy,” he says.
Scully nods. “Likely.” She gets up from the sofa and crosses to the desk, fetching the tissue box there. “You should-”
“Answer the door, yeah,” Mulder agrees absently, standing and feeling his pockets for his wallet.
The bored teenager on the other side of the door holds the bag out. “Sixteen forty-nine,” he says.
“Give him a twenty,” Scully instructs from the living room, blowing her nose.
Mulder digs a bill out of his wallet and hands it to the delivery guy. “You and the Mrs have a good night,” the boy says, stifling a yawn as he shoves the money into the pack on his waist.
“That tip was what, twenty-five percent?” Mulder grouses, setting the bag on the coffee table.
“Oh, so you can do math,” Scully says, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “So what’s your excuse for being a lousy tipper, then?”
“Spoken like a former waitress,” Mulder mumbles.
“You’re goddamn right,” Scully says. “Best IHOP server in San Diego.”
Her bravado contrasts sharply with her puffy eyes and watery voice, and Mulder wants to pull her into his arms and never let go.
“You want any of this?” he asks, pulling steaming cartons out of the bag. “There’s plenty for both of us, and if you don’t eat I’ll feel like a crappy host.”
She sits back down on the couch, setting the tissue box on the coffee table. “If you don’t mind sharing,” she concedes.
“I’ll grab you a fork,” he replies, giving her knee a squeeze.
They eat quietly, passing cartons between them, migrating together until they’re shoulder to shoulder in the center of the couch.
“So,” Mulder says, “Before the food got here, we were talking about something pretty important.”
Scully nods, turning her fork to wind noodles around the tines. “That we were,” she agrees.
“About honesty,” he prompts. “Alternatives.”
Scully sets her fork down, closes her eyes. “This… this is difficult for me, Mulder. It’s surreal; I didn’t expect this outcome for us. For you to… to feel the way you do,” she clarifies.
“On the contrary,” Mulder says, “I feel like this was always going to happen, from the day we met. Somewhere deep in my mind I knew I was going to fall in love with you.”
Scully looks at him then, eyes wide.
“Th-that’s the first time I’ve said that aloud,” he says in realization, eyes not leaving hers.
Scully nods. “How’d it feel?” she asks softly.
Mulder licks his lip. “Kinda depends on how it felt for you,” he responds, voice low.
She takes a deep breath. “Call me crazy, but I think I need to hear it again.”
He nods, then on impulse leans in until his mouth is next to her ear, strands of coppery hair tickling his cheek. “I’m in love with you,” he murmurs.
Scully reflexively grips the edge of the couch cushion. “Don’t,” she warns, voice husky and breathier than he expected. “I’m not ready.”
He draws back. “Ready for what?” he asks.
She smoothes her hair behind her ear. “You,” she says simply, looking him up and down out of the corner of her eye. She picks up her fork and takes another bite of noodles. “I’ve spent so long in denial, Mulder, I feel… flammable. Like the smallest spark could just…” she motions to herself. “Destroy my equilibrium, or something.”
“Is this the official medical terminology? Because I’m not familiar,” he quips.
She huffs a laugh. “No, Mulder. What I’m trying to say is that I think we should go slow. Whatever ‘going’ means, in this case.”
“But we are a we,” he clarifies.
“Yes, I think we are,” Scully says tenderly, facing him again. “I… I want to be. But I’m processing things, so I need you to give me time.”
You can have my whole life. “That’s fine by me,” he assures her. “So you think we have a spark, Scully?”
She licks her upper lip, nodding. “Oh yes,” she says, eyes flicking down to his mouth. “Yes, we do.”
He leans back into the couch cushions. “Well then,” he says, eyeing her lazily, “When you feel like starting some fires… I’m your boy.”
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avintagekiss24 · 5 years ago
waiting on you > steve rogers
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|| pairing: steve rogers x black!reader
|| word count: 3,608
|| warnings: smut, sex, angst, sad steve, sad reader, friends to lovers
|| square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ SSB2020 N4: love confessions
|| note: here it is! 24hrs late BUT, technically, you can celebrate a birthday for like an entire week. this got stupid sad because i was listening to the atonement soundtrack again. anyway, happy birthday to this big, blonde, dummy - the only reason that july 4th means anything to me anymore. i went heavy with the italics again.
divider by @writeyourmindaway​
gifs (at the bottom) by @/largoaneditt
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You don’t know why this idiot makes you so nervous. He’s a big, blonde… idiot, but yet here you are, nursing your third beer, staring at him from the corner of the room as he wiggles his hips - rather suggestively. He stands next to Sam, both of them facing the opposite wall, beers in hand, shaking their asses as the rest of the party goers hoot and holler.
“I don’t know Rogers,” Bucky says, shaking his head, “I think your age is finally catching up with your ass.”
“Bullshit,” Steve laughs, “Listen, I happily turn over my shield and suit to you, Sam, but that is my moniker! Look at it!” He shouts, pointing to his ass, “This will always be America’s ass!”
The room erupts in laughter and you can’t help but chuckle yourself. Idiots. All of them. He looks good tonight though - relaxed, finally. You’ve known them all for just a little while, Wanda, Steve, Sam, Bucky, but since Steve has officially decided to retire, he’s like a completely different person. He’s Steve - not Captain America. Which has actually proven to be an absolute nightmare for you because if you thought you had a crush on Captain America... whew, be still your beating vagina.
Steve is funny. Steve is confident, and laid back, and wears fitted chinos with Vans Classic Slip Ons. You have Sam to thank for this updated style of Steve’s, and you honestly want to stab Sam right through his buff chest. He’s made it impossible for you to be around Steve without having to change your underwear - a fact that Sam finds hilarious, but your wallet does not.
But, it’s more than that. Steve is also warm. He’s attentive to his friends. He listens. He cares. Steve goes out of his way to make people feel welcome, even you, the first night you wandered back to Sam and Bucky’s apartment with Wanda for one of their parties. You never left Wanda’s side, keeping your head down, your eyes cast at your hands and feet. He picked up on your nervousness quickly, but didn’t outwardly address it. He just made sure you always had a drink in your hand, a chip or sandwich to nibble on - he even adjusted the thermostat when he noticed you running your hands up and down your arms. 
Steve is easy to talk to. Steve is humble, reliable, dependable, strong - both physically and mentally - but he’s also... emotional and vulnerable - not just sometimes, but almost all the time. Then, he can turn right around and throw somebody through a wall. Steven Grant Rogers is dangerous… and you think you lov -  
You take a sip of your beer, closing your eyes quickly to chase those thoughts away, and reach for another chip, loading it up with some of Wanda’s famous dip before you shove it into your mouth, the taste calms your nerves. 
“Why are you hiding over here?”
His voice makes you jump. You pop open your eyes and inhale sharply as the one and only Steve Rogers towers over you. He smiles softly as you blink at him, before he reaches for a chip and pops it into his mouth.
“I’m not hiding,” you answer quickly, scrunching your face, “I’m eating, there’s nothing wrong with eating.”
“You’re quiet tonight.” He says, chewing slowly as he shoves his hand into his pocket and narrows his eyes at you, “You okay?”
You scoff, and roll your eyes to try and pretend that you have no idea what he’s talking about, “I’m fine, Rogers.”
“Are you sure?”
“Stop,” you laugh, raising your hand, “I’m fine.”
He shrugs, one of those I know you’re not okay, but I’m gonna drop it shrugs, and takes another long swig of his beer, “You know,” he starts, nodding slowly, “You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday. That’s kinda rude.”
“Well,” you laugh, “Don’t hold your breath. You’ve had your fair share of birthday wishes over the last, you know, one hundred and two years.”
He shakes his head, smiling at your sarcasm. You wiggle your eyebrows and push your chin forward a little, slightly proud of your attitude and your way of not falling into a giggly, stupid mess in front of him. Then, suddenly, there’s a… shift. All of the false confidence you had just seconds before floods out of you as his eyes drift down your body, before snapping back up to your wide eyes. He tilts his head and that soft smile appears again.
You’re not drunk enough for this. You lift your beer to your lips and focus on finishing it as quickly as possible as you glance away from him and focus on something, anything else in the room. You immediately grab another green glass bottle from the ice bucket, handing it to him for him to pop off the cap. You hear him chuckle, and then feel his large hand wrapping around your wrist before you're being pulled through the apartment. 
“Excuse me,” you laugh a little, having to nearly jog to keep up with his long strides, “Sir, this is kidnapping.”
You let him pull you out of the apartment and up a few flights of stairs before you burst out onto the roof. He pulls you to the edge of the building, dropping your arm so he can rest his hands against the ledge. You cut your eyes towards him as you grip your beer bottle in your hands. He gazes out over the city, the lights from the buildings and the stars lighting up his eyes. His expression is soft as no doubt hundreds of memories flash through his head.
“It’s nice up here, huh?” He says after a minute.
“It is.” You nod, casting your eyes out over the illuminated city,  “I’m kind of mad you’ve been hiding this from me.”
“You’ve been hiding from me.” Your mouth drops at the sudden admission. He turns his head towards you, blinking, “You’re always hiding from me.”
“I don’t,” you start, shaking your head as you swallow hard. You laugh nervously and try to play it off, “What are you talking about, Rogers? You’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.” He shrugs, “I can’t - I haven’t been drunk since 1939. I just, I like you and, I don’t know,” he trails off, turning away from you to look back out over the city, “You just are always so distant when you’re around me.”
You stare at the side of his face, your eyes wide, your mouth literally hanging open. You grip the glass bottle in both of your hands as your mind recaps the words that have just left his mouth. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I think you like to hide though,” he says, taking your beer from your hands and taking a swig, “It��s like a mechanism, or something. That’s what my therapist told me that I do, so, I guess I can kinda see it in other people now.”
“Therapist?” you ask, your voice soft.
He nods, still looking out over the city, “Mmhmm, at Bucky’s persistence. It’s nice to hide though, right? Like, you can be here but not here at the same time? Present, but not present.” He clears his throat, dropping his head, “You can feel but not feel.”
Your eyes drift away from him slowly, knowing exactly what he’s talking about - feeling exactly what he’s feeling. It is nice to hide. You’ve done it your whole life, but seemingly more over the past few years, “Yeah,” you finally offer, “It is.”
The air is warm as it whips around you on this July night. Brooklyn is as alive as ever - cars honking, people laughing and chatting on the streets below, planes flying over head. You swallow again as you cast your eyes down to your feet, his words still running on a loop through your head. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I do like you, I mean that. I do.” You snap your eyes back up to the side of his face as he keeps his head down, “I remember the first time you came over with Wanda.” He turns towards you and smiles, “You had on that flowery thing, I don’t know what it’s called.”
That night flashes before your eyes. Apparently he’s been staring at you from the corner of the room too,  “A romper. I love that thing.”
“Yeah,” he nods slowly, “You looked amazing.”
“Steve, is everything okay?” You ask suddenly, because, clearly, he’s not okay.
He nods again, smiles again, “Yeah. Are you okay?”
You laugh out of… you’re not really sure. Surprise? Nerves? Confusion? Or maybe, just the fact that you’re realizing that he’s not okay and you’re not okay -  and the two of you are desperately trying to prove that you are okay, but at the same time trying to deal with the fact that you’re not okay.
“Yeah,” you titter softly, “I’m okay.”
“Good.” He says, taking another drink of your beer, “I’m gonna get more. I’ll be back.”
Without another word to you, he moves away from the ledge and disappears behind the heavy metal door. You let out a breath that you weren’t aware you were holding and turn to face the cityscape. It is nice out here. Calming. 
Your heart sinks a little when you start to think about Steve wasting hour after hour, day after day, up here, all by himself, trying to deal with just living. He’s been Captain America for damn near eighty years - now he’s just Steve, but in 2020 - not 1939. He doesn’t know this Steve.
You’re always hiding from me. 
You turn away from the city, spotting an old, lumpy couch tucked in the corner of the roof. You move towards it slowly, rubbing your fingers against your pant leg as you move. You plop down and stare at your fingers as you start to rub them roughly. I like you. Fuck. That’s all you’ve wanted to hear, right? Since the day you laid eyes on him, like every other woman across the United States. It’s here, right in front of you and - 
The door opens, the metal creaking as Steve steps through it. It slams shut and you jump a little from the jarring sound. He turns to you, but dips his head, keeping his eyes low as he steps towards you and then falls onto the couch beside you. He hands you a beer and clinks the necks together before he takes a drink. You follow suit, swallowing the golden liquid slowly as you keep your eyes on him. 
“I’m sorry for being so blunt,” he laughs, spinning the dark green glass in his hands, “I don’t want you to be put off or anything. I’m not trying to make a move on you, I’m just-” he drops his head again, “It’s been weird for me, lately.”
“Don’t be sorry. Turning a hundred and two would be weird for anyone.” You laugh. 
“Bucky seems to be doing okay.” He smiles, keeping his eyes on his beer, “I’m happy for him, I really am. He and Sam are just so good together.”
“They are,” you smile, “But you feel stuck, right? Like everybody is moving and you’re just standing still.”
He nods slowly as he chews on the inside of his cheek, his fingers picking at the label glued onto the glass bottle, “I still want us to be friends, okay?” He picks his head up and turns to you, his eyes as blue as ever, but just a little sad and worried, “Just… forget about what I said earlier. I shouldn’t have put that on you.”
You sit your bottle between your legs and tap your manicured fingers against it as another silence drops over the two of you, “I don’t mean to hide,” you say quietly, ignoring his comment to just forget it, “You’re right, I do like to, but I don’t mean to. Not from you, anyway.”
You feel his eyes on you, wandering around before he speaks, “Why not from me?”
You laugh, sadly, “I um, I was married a few years ago. He um, he,” the emotion clogs up your throat. Fuck, it’s been two years and you still can’t talk about him. You shake your head, keeping your eyes on your hands, “I haven’t felt this way in a long time.” You whisper, “I don’t even know what I’m feeling half the time, it’s just, whenever I’m around you… it just scares me, I guess.” 
You see a shadow of his long arm reaching for you. Then, the rather soft tips of his fingers trace your chin before he lifts it slowly, so he can look at you - really look at you. You close your eyes before the two of you can make eye contact and smile nervously as a tear slips from the corner of your eye. He hums to himself as the backs of his fingers sweep across your cheek, removing the tear, before they move back down to cup your chin. 
“Open your eyes.”
You laugh, a sad smile on your face, “I can’t.”
“You can.” He presses, “Open your eyes, please.”
You take a breath, pressing your lips together as your eyes start to flutter. You blink furiously, but focus in on him - his face, his eyes - and then exhale deeply. You’ve been waiting to exhale for two long years. He closes the distance between the two of you before you can process it, and his lips are suddenly on yours. Soft. Warm. Still. His hands cup your face as you rest yours on his broad shoulders, gripping slightly. 
He pulls away but barely, still so close that his lips rest on yours. You open your eyes again to find his closed, his long dark eyelashes splashing against his smooth skin. He takes slow, deliberate breaths, the air from him washing over your face. You lift your hands, slowly, and place them on either side of his face, a small smile curling onto your lips. You press your mouth to his again. A little harder than the first time; and Steve responds a little harder this time. 
The kiss doesn’t dissolve into desperation, regardless of if the two of you feel desperate -  going untouched for so long. It stays sweet. It stays gentle, the kiss. You’re pulled into his lap, straddling his legs with yours, and it feels like you belong here. His tongue pushes, softly, asking permission by sweeping across your bottom lip. You grant it, the permission he asks for, without hesitation. 
You moan at the warmth of his velvety tongue. It spreads through you quickly, warming parts of you that you thought were long dead. His tongue slides along yours as he holds you to him, pressing his fingers into your thin t-shirt and back, pulling you close. So close. He licks at the roof of your mouth before he pulls your top lip between his, sucking gently. It makes you moan again. 
Steve kisses down your chin and throat,  working his way to the crook of your neck as he continues to hold you so tight. He nips at your skin, finding that little spot that sends a direct bolt of lightning to your core. You throw your head back, biting down into your bottom lip as you dig your fingers into his shoulders.  Your hips start to push into his as his warm fingers move underneath your shirt to feel your flesh for the first time. 
Your mouth open falls as you start to pant. Now that his fingers are on your skin - that whole desperation thing starts to kick up. He pushes your shirt up, up over your breasts and then just stops there, staring up at you with those eyes. His thumbs rub your sides as he holds them. He pushes in again, and presses his lips to the center of your chest, right in the valley between your breasts and then just rests there; breathing you in, feeling you. You smile, and run your fingers over the top of his head and through his hair before you rest your chin on his head. 
His fingers start to roam again, slipping along the band of your jeans. You bite your lip as you push your hips forward; ready. The button on your jeans pops, the zipper rolls down and you're on your back, Steve’s weight now pushing you into the cushions. Your legs are suddenly bare - you feel the warm air brushing along your skin. His lips are back on your neck as you wrap your arms around him, spreading your legs for him to settle in between. 
He fumbles around, pulling himself free, pushing your thin panties to the side. You’re nervous, he’s nervous - you can feel him shaking, but just a little. Then you both gasp as you're suddenly full of him and he’s encased by you. You groan, and so does he. His breath washes over your face as you both get used to the feeling again. 
He braids his fingers with yours and pushes them up over your head as he kisses you deeply. He starts to move - his hips pushing into yours, and then pulling away. You start to pant as his strokes get deeper - harder - as he breathes directly into your mouth. It’s sweet, his breath, even as it’s laced with alcohol. 
God, he’s such a soft lover. His hands, his lips, his thrusts, all just so soft. Passionate. Caring. He hovers over you, his eyes closed as he leans in to kiss you gently, his lips barely touching yours. You cup his cheek in your hand as his lips brush along yours, both of you breathing each other's air as his hips tenderly push into yours. He drops his lips to your throat again, kissing the base of your neck before he runs the tip of his nose up your chin - a small, barely there smile on his face. 
You kiss him hard, only breaking it to hiss. Your toes curl as the familiar pull in your stomach starts to build. Steve nuzzles into your neck, keeping his fingers laced with yours as his hips continue to grind. Your and his sounds mix and mingle before they are carried away by the soft breeze. Your heart starts to beat hard against your chest, your blood rushes as your body starts to tighten. 
He lifts your leg, hiking it over his hip but holds his hand there, gripping and groping your flesh softly as his thrusts now reach deeper. You gasp, gripping his biceps, your fingers pushing indents into his skin as your sex quivers from the attention. You bite down into your bottom lip, whimpering just a little as a dull pain ripples through you as you stretch to accommodate him - it’s been too long and he’s, more, than you expected. 
“Y’okay?” He slurs, his forehead resting against yours, his lips brushing against your cheek, “Baby, you-”
“Fine,” you breathe, “I’m fine- ah! -” you hiss as he hits that spot, “S’good, Steve. Don’stop… please.”
And then it blooms. It starts slow, at the tips of your toes before it floods throughout every inch of your body. You dig your fingers into his hands as you come, your hips bucking, your pants and cries loud and thick. He only lasts seconds longer, before his hips hitch and the growls scratch at the back of his throat. 
The calm is beautiful afterward. It’s not awkward or strained. You’re just two people trying to be okay, trying to reach out, trying to heal and move forward - trying to deal with the feelings swirling around in your chests and minds. There’s a blanket thrown over the back of the couch - he tugs it over the two of you, covering you from the elements and any prying eyes if they happen up onto the roof. 
You jump when the first firework explodes in the air. He chuckles and pulls you into his side, kissing your face as he drags his fingers, over your collar bones. Another firework goes off, and then another, and another, bringing you both back into the present. No more hiding. 
“I think I love you,” he whispers, watching the fireworks through your fingers as he lifts your hand into the air, “Is that weird?”
“Shit,” you laugh, curling your fingers between his, “I hope not, cuz I think I love you.”
Another firework pops in the air - red, white, and blue splashing against the dark sky. But all you can see are your hands, your small fingers laced with his long ones, twisting and curling around one another. He flattens his palm to yours before he brings it down to his lips, giving each finger a kiss before he lays a gentle one on the back of your hand. 
“You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday.”
You laugh loudly, pushing his shoulder, “And I’m still not gonna!”
“Why not?” he asks, laughing, picking your hands up again to watch your fingers dance with one another's, “That’s mean.”
“I’m a Taurus.”
Steve’s laugh makes you smile - yet another thing to add to the list of why you love this big idiot of a man. 
“That’s okay,” he whispers, pushing his nose into the side of your face as he nuzzles close, “You’ve got every year of the rest of your life to wish me a happy birthday.”
You don’t answer. You just smile harder and roll your face towards his, rubbing your nose along his. 
Steve Rogers is also a dreamer - how lovely. 
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years ago
Freddy and Aura Maria.
While Aura Maria and Freddy have continued to be on the outs of their "relationship" Betty and Armando have just barely started setting ground on their feelings and such.
However this post is for Freddy and Aura Maria.
In my last post I talked about how Freddy takes on the role of Betty in his relationship with Aura Maria and how Aura Maria takes the role of Armando and how they all share similar traits as characters.
The things that make them opposite are for example, Freddy is very confident and extroverted while Betty is very timid and insecure. Armando is is mostly always angry and on a bad mood while Aura Maria seems to always be cheerful and in a good mood. While Betty has a lot of degrees and a good job Freddy doesn't have a high education and his job isn't something people aspire to have. While Aura Maria is a receptionist Armando is a partial owner of a multi-million company.
This episode takes place on the night of Betty's Birthday.
Just like the previous time that Freddy and Aura Maria had a moment of romance, this night will be similar. Aura Maria has been hurt, has been angry, and has been jealous over Freddy's flirtatious friendship with Jasmine, who takes on the role of someone he cares for but not to the point that he does for Aura Maria.
Freddy too has been hurt but when Aura Maria has needed him most he has step aside from his own ego and helped her out, though he did resume to it.
While at Betty's house she tries to talk with Freddy and she tries to get his attention, just like she normally does at the office but Freddy' sticks to his vow of silence.
Last time Aura Maria made him pick between Jasmine and her, the same night that Armando had to choose between Betty and Marcela(by this I mean in a symbolic way. Marcela had forced him to choose between Claudia Boche and Betty. When Hugo finally agreed to fire Claudia Boche, Marcela was still upset because the head she really wanted was Betty's and when Armando let Betty into the launch he went over Marcela's order and her and when he insisted they stay after the event, even when Marcela once more went to kick them out, he chose Betty instead of Marcela's desires.) and Freddy chose her. However things the next day didn't go as planned.
While Armando was arming himself with "courage" to make Betty fall in love with him, Aura Maria was sneaking around behind Freddy's back who thought they were now serious.
Since then Freddy and Aura Maria have been on a rocky path. Days later he found out about Aura Maria being out with another man and has been giving her the cold shoulder since then and Aura Maria has been trying to get him to forgive her.
Aura Maria is very immature and she lets all her attention and desires be guided by the heat of the moment. She doesn't really care for consequence; she almost got fired for that exact reason and if it hadn't been because of Freddy she would have ended up with no job.
Freddy always covers her back and he's always rescuing her from bad situations, just like Betty does with Armando and Aura Maria takes all of that for granted, just like Armando with Betty.
However this night all of that is about to change.
Aura Maria asks Freddy to take her out and because his partner in crime is drunk he decides that he can't let Aura Maria on her own and he drives her straight home, however Aura Maria asks him to take her out and they do.
Aura Maria questions Freddy about all his affection in the past and the jealousy fits he'd cause because of her other boyfriends while Freddy revs his motorcycle as a response to her, Aura Maria tells him if all of that wasn't a lie for him to take her anywhere he wanted.
Aura Maria, though understandable that she wants a economically secure future for her son and herself, devalues and throws away all of Freddy's efforts and affection and it isn't just motivated by the economic state of Freddy's wallet but more.
She once told Marcela that she knew she was beautiful and desired by many men who were better than Freddy and who had money. There's two reasons why she won't date Freddy and that's because both physically and financially she isn't vibing with him. Sound familiar?
Obviously to some degree Aura Maria is attracted to Freddy but not enough to actively desire him. It isn't until Freddy tells her that with her he experiences heaven that Aura Maria sleeps with him because unlike all the other men before, her emotional attraction to him is more than just fleeting. She becomes possessive of Freddy's emotional attributes and because he makes her feel good about herself and boost her ego, she feels that Freddy owes her that affection so when she sees him give that to Jasmine, she feels that he doesn't care about her and her ego plummets. Does this sound familiar?
Much like Armando, Aura Maria doesn't value the efforts that Freddy has shown to her. It isn't until it seems to be too late that she finally does and much like the first night they spent together, which was the night that Armando realized he felt more than just an appreciation for Betty(You Are The Spirit Of This Launch post), Aura Maria this night will once again have to face the reality that what she feels for Freddy is more than just a crush.
Freddy however sticks to his guns. He continues to give her the cold shoulder.
Freddy takes Aura Maria to a club. Freddy's behavior is his revenge against her. He throws a jab at her by saying "She can order whatever she wants since she's never considered what I want."
This is very similar to Betty's revenge against Armando in the future.
Freddy's revenge is done by removing his affection from Aura Maria, only showing it when it's really needed but as soon as that moment is gone he takes it back. He parades his affections towards others in front of her, which makes Aura Maria doubtful and question if Freddy ever really cared about her.
Even when they dance at the club Freddy doesn't dance with her and when he finally drops her off he continues with the silent treatment.
The next day when Betty and Aura Maria meet in front of Eco Moda, when Betty asks her how her night went she said that it was terrible and like she had spent the night with a robot.
It's funny to see the reversal of these two couples. The first time, when Aura Maria and Freddy hooked up for the first time, Armando and Betty were just about to start, however Armando was still in denial and cold towards Betty in a romantic way(I've got a lot of post talking about them).
In a play by play that night while Armando was being forced to face his true feelings towards Betty, Aura Maria was too being forced to face the reality of losing Freddy.
Here Jasmine and Nicolas symbolize their truest fear: Losing someone that is important to them to somebody that could be better than them.
Freddy and Betty are the objects of disdain of the romantic kind on a normal day but this night they become the object of securing. Both Aura Maria and Armando struggle with this realization, that soon they could lose a person that they simply know holds a lot of significance. It isn't based on love but an object possession that they feel over them.
This night both for Freddy and Betty was the same. They went to work, they did what they were supposed to do, they enjoyed the perks of the night and while Jasmine wanted her heart to be lifted when she failed at her one attempt to walk a runway, Nicolas, a friend of Betty's, stood outside waiting for her impatiently so that he told the doorman he was Betty's boyfriend so they could let him in.
While Armando spent a day of torment in his own confusion and feelings as well as denial, Aura Maria witnessed how loyal and how much he[Freddy] is willing to do for the woman he cares for. In the same vain that Armando realized that if Betty was that special with him, when he was simply her boss, how much more special could she be to someone who is her romantic partner? Aura Maria too had to face that reality. They both had the same motive while one is clear as day the other is disguised under something else.
The parallel that these two relationships have is that one is clear as day in regards of intentions while the other is a labyrinth of intentions.
The night when Betty and Armando have relations for their first time, parallels to Freddy's and Aura Maria's first time. Just as Aura Maria finally allows herself to feel what she feels for Freddy when he tells her that with her he touches the heavens, Armando allows himself to feel what he feels for Betty when she finally lets him and shows him he much she loves him, not with affection but by simply respecting his desires.
While Freddy has always pinned over Aura Maria and been open about his desire for her, the same way Betty has towards Armando, they both get their biggest dream made reality. However it's contradicting to them this night.
This night when B+A are out there sinning, Freddy and Aura Maria are having a horrible night.
Freddy has removed his love and affection from Aura Maria, simply behaving as a robot, as she says the next day, while Aura Maria is now being heavy in her attempts to conquest Freddy. This time Freddy doesn't fall for her tactics like he did the night of the launch.
I mean it makes sense that he wouldn't. I agree that people should never feel possessive of another person, be it romantic or platonic. People are not something you posses or belong to you. They don't owe you anything.
Freddy, though possessive at the start, never really acted out in jealousy or anger towards Aura Maria. He knew that he gave her his heart, in limited ways because that's how she wanted it, but he wasn't shy to show her how much she meant to him, however that comes to an end when Aura Maria is discovered to be unfaithful.
Though as an audience we understand that what Aura Maria wanted was a no strings attach(friends with benefits) with Freddy, if we're being honest, it's really unjustifiable what Aura Maria did.
Let's consider this relationship in the basic elements.
Freddy tries to flirt with Aura, who ignores any advance he makes towards her unless it benefits her. For example: Freddy skipping his lunch and asking to borrow money so that Aura can eat. Aura only flirting with Freddy when she needs something from him but always ignoring him and disregarding him when he makes any advances towards her that don't strictly benefit her.
Essentially what Aura does with Freddy is feed his illusion of love. She gives him the right amount of attention and affection when she needs something which translates to Freddy as "she cares about me, why else would she flirt with me?" However she also gives him the right amount of indifference, one that makes him stop in the moment but doesn't completely discourage his future efforts.
Was Freddy crossing lines? Not really. He wasn't shy to share what his true intentions were and whenever Aura told him to stop he withdrew his affection, without removing his feelings for her. Yes men should respect when we say no. However notice again how Aura encourages or even makes the effort to flirt with Freddy only when it strictly benefits her.
However she makes it pretty clear that for her, Freddy is a last option, a final thought if you will.
What does any of this have to do with the night of Betty's party?
For starters the roles are now reversed. While Aura Maria is now the one begging Freddy for an ounce of affection, Freddy is now being cold towards her, except that while Aura does this for the simple fact that she wants Freddy to pay attention to her in her possessive terms, Freddy is doing so because he is hurt and he no longer wants to be played with.
He is justified in his actions, though they are petty/immature, he believes that Aura doesn't really care about him.
Again this parallels to the future of B+A.
The next days at the office Freddy continues this cold shoulder of his towards Aura Maria. He continues to ignore her and to speak to her only through Wilson and only work related topics.
Jasmine again has squeezed herself between them.
I think it's so interesting to note a phrase that Freddy used at the start of his flirtatious "friendship" with Jasmine when Aura Maria asked him if he was going to participate in Sofia's plan to prove that Jasmine was a hoe by making her "fall" in love with Freddy that way she cheated on Sofia's husband. Freddy told her something along the lines of "I am going to help her[Sofia] but by my own merits because I can't miss the opportunity for someone to love me for real."
The reason this holds such an impactful and important meaning in the future is because he told this to Aura Maria before the night that Eco Moda had the new collection launch event and when she saw that Freddy could possibly fall in love with Jasmine, for her sake, her ego, she went and got in the way of said possibility and ironically as Armando told Mario that day it was to save the object of their affection from someone who would just take advantage of them while they were doing the same thing they were trying to prevent.
Aura Maria got in the way of Freddy's love life, interrupting it so she wouldn't lose him, not for love, but simply for her ego. This night however, Aura Maria has been forced to face her feelings.
As she now sees how badly she hurt Freddy. How hurt he was because though to her Freddy was simply just a work friend who she wanted to fool with, to Freddy Aura Maria was someone he wanted to commit to and consciously made the decision to love her. Despiste her rudeness, dismissal of his feelings, and even to some degree her gaslighting him, he still chose to love her. His love for her has always been true and faithful. As he said he wanted to take care of her and her son, he wanted to be part of their lives and be responsible for them but Aura Maria always dismissed this.
Why did she? Well in the introduction post I made for them I went into a more detailed explanation. Simply put a man can be ugly and because he has money(or a good personality but the first is more realistic) will still find love however an attractive guy who is poor can still be treated like a "ugly" woman does in society(tho not as harsh if we're being honest). Aura Maria places economic comfort above love and her ego above both.
Days later while Armando and Betty are dealing with the whole AA drama Freddy and Aura are dealing with their own drama. They are both trying to make each other jealous, saying they've got plans, dates, etc for the night with other people at the end of the night while A+B are being open about their feelings, Freddy and Aura Maria experience their true feelings and finally Freddy forgives Aura
However, while the next day Betty finds the letter and her revenge is played out, Freddy and Aura Maria start their honey moon phase, though they still fight and whatnot, they still become a couple.
It's interesting to see just how linked their relationships are.
While Aura and Armando basically go through the same changes and experiences, Betty and Freddy go through different processes and changes.
This is a post that is separate from this weeks post and has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now. Finally decided to edit it and post it.
Hope y'all enjoy it, til next time!
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lettersinscarlet · 4 years ago
Secret Kitten (Obey Me! Satan Imagine)
Yeah I’m just transferring everything over to this blog so here’s this! Are people possibly concerned that I’m writing about Satan? Possibly, but you know, fandom things...
You were walking along, not paying too much attention, when you heard a noise. Instantly, you were alarmed, noticing that it sounded like something was in pain. The soft cry sounded again, and you gently walked, trying to find the source.
You moved and you saw a tiny little ball of fur, curled up on the ground. The fuzzy grey thing moved its head and you saw that it was a kitten. It was pretty young, and when it shifted, you saw it had a hurt paw. Your heart melted at the thought of the poor little creature in pain.
“Lucifer is gonna kill me,” you whispered, debating what you should do. With a sigh and some caution, you gently approached the cat. Carefully, you picked the tiny animal up and cradled it close to you. You gently tucked the kitten into your jacket and held it against you and you headed back towards the House of Lamentation.
You slipped in through the front door, carefully closing it behind you. Quietly, you went to walk and make your way towards your room.
“(Y/N),” a voice stated from behind you, causing you to jump. You clutched the kitten close to you and you slowly turned to see who it was that called you. You were greeted by the sight of Lucifer, the demon towering over you, a small smirk on his face. “What do we have here?” he asked, gesturing to your jacket.
“I don’t have anything,” you lied, holding on tighter to the kitten.
“I know you’re lying,” he replied, leaning forward to see what you were hiding. You moved away, and he glared at you.
“(Y/N),” he repeated, more sternly this time. You sighed, gently moving to show him the new-found creature. He took one look and he sighed, moving to pinch the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
“Lucifer, please, can I keep it? The kitten has a hurt paw and it needs help to heal! And I didn’t see its mother, so someone has to take care of it! Please, please, please?” you pleaded with him. He heaved another sigh, before he made direct eye contact with you.
“Fine. But it better not cause any trouble and I shouldn’t see your grades dropping.”
“Thank you!” you ran up and hugged him, startling him for a moment, before you ran up to your room, making sure the other brothers wouldn’t see you. You held the tiny kitten in your hands, moving it to be eye level with you.
“First, I’m going to give you a bath. Then, I’m going to take a look at your paw and see what I can do.”
You went to your sink and you ran some warm water and gently placed the tiny little kitten in it. You used your hand soap and gave him a good cleaning.
“Hmmmm, I think I’ll name you... Toby,” you decided, looking at the cute little creature in front of you. Just then, Toby let out a tiny purr and then his name was decided.
After you dried him off, you checked and found a first aid kit. You used the alcohol to clean the wound and then wrapped it up in a bandage.
You went and sat in a chair, holding Toby and petting his head. He seemed to be falling asleep and was making the cutest noises. You realized that you were going to need some supplies, but you didn’t want to leave Toby. So you grabbed your D. D. D. and texted the only person you could think to text.
“Satan, can you grab some things from the store for me? I’ll pay you back later,” your message to him read. You sent it and waited. Not too long after, a reply came in.
“Sure, what do you need?”
“A litter box, cat litter, cat food, a food bowl and a water bowl, a baby bottle, and a few cat toys.”
“Okay. Is there a certain reason?” he asked.
“It’s for a research project,” you lied. He texted and said that he was on his way to the store and he would have your items soon. You put the device to the side and you went back to focusing on Toby. He was just so cute as he was sleeping, and you felt your heart melting at the cuteness of him.
Satan came by later, knocking at your door. Gently, you moved Toby off of your lap and set him down on the chair, checking to see that he would be okay before you walked to the door. You opened it and saw Satan with a big box full of the things you had asked for.
“Thanks, Satan!” you thanked him, reaching for the box. “Tell me how much it was so I can pay you.” He told you the price and you grabbed your wallet, counting out the Grimm.
“What is all this for again?” he asked, looking at you suspiciously.
“A research project,” you said, hoping he wouldn’t press the subject further.
“For what class?” The look on his face already told you that he knew you were lying. With a sigh, you looked him directly in the eyes.
“Promise not to tell anyone? Once the rest of the brothers find out, they would never leave my room again.” He nodded and you ushered him into your room, shutting the door and walking to scoop up Toby. You walked back over to Satan, holding the tiny kitten in your hands.
“Meet Toby,” you said softly, watching his face light up with excitement. “I found him on my way home today, hiding in some bushes with a hurt paw. I just barely convinced Lucifer to let me keep him.” Satan stayed quiet for a moment before he looked up at you.
“Can I hold him?” he asked, and you nodded. You gently made the transfer of Toby from your hands to Satan’s and you watched his face soften as he held the tiny kitten.
“You have to help cover for me. If Mammon found out, he might try to sell him, Beel might try to eat him, Belphie might squish him in his sleep, etcetera etcetera. Will you help me keep him a secret?”
And so you and Satan were now partners in crime, keeping this cat a secret from the rest of the House of Lamentation. You would rush back to your room after your day at R.A.D., trying to hide the fact you had a kitten in your school bag. You were always hurrying back to your room, trying to make sure you could take care of Toby, and Satan would help make your excuses go by smoother. But he was getting tired of it. It felt like you barely spent time with him when he was completing for your attention with his other brothers, but now he had to compete with a cat, too? He was getting more broody by the day, not getting to spend his time with you.
“Alright guys, I’ve got some homework to do. See you tomorrow!” you said as you excused yourself from dinner. Satan scowled as you left, clearly upset to see you go.
“Somebody seems awfully upset that (Y/N) is leaving,” Asmo remarked, leaning closer to Satan. “What is it that they say? I hate to see you go but I love to watch you walk away?” he teased.
“Watch it, Asmo,” Satan warned, turning his attention to his meal.
“I’m just saying, it seems like you really miss her,” he trailed, going back to whatever the conversation had been before you left.
Satan was not focused on that, but he was paying attention to what Asmo had said. It wasn’t that he missed you, was it?
The question tormented Satan for the rest of the night. Why was he so bothered that you weren’t spending time with him? Did he really miss you? If he did miss you, did you miss spending time with him, too? He groaned as he realized there was only one thing he could do to solve his problem.
He looked out in the hallway, making sure the coast was clear, before he quietly made his way to find your room. He made it to the doors and as knocked, hiding his hands behind his back. You opened the door just a little, and smiled when you saw him standing there.
“Hey, Satan!” you greeted him. “What’s up?”
“Can I come in?” he asked, crossing his fingers and hoping you would say yes.
“Well, actually, I’m a little busy right now,” you explained, and his face dropped.
“Wait a second,” he interjected. He moved his hands from behind his back and placed a pair of cat ears on his head. “Can I come in now?”
You chuckled, definitely confused about what was happening. “Why would you need cat ears?” He sighed before explaining.
“Well, you’d been spending so much time with the cat, and you hadn’t been spending any time with me, so I figured if I looked like a cat, you might spend some time with me.” His gaze dropped to the floor and he ran a hand through his hair. “And I missed you.”
You opened the door all the way, pulling Satan in for a hug. His cheeks flushed pink but he relaxed into your hold, hugging you back before you pulled away.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know that was how you felt.” You looked up at him, a smile coming to your face. “Did you want to help me feed Toby?” He nodded enthusiastically and you took him over to Toby’s area.
Satan stayed in your room for awhile, the two of you playing with the cat and just catching up. Eventually, Satan looked at the clock and noticed the time.
“It’s getting late and we have school tomorrow, so I should get going,” he noted. He stood up and walked over to your door. “Goodnight, (Y/N),” he said, giving you a wave.
“Goodnight, Satan,” you replied, and he walked out of your room. You waited a second, before you stood up and you went after him. “Wait a second!” He stopped and he turned around to look at you. You double checked the hall, seeing that no one was there, and you walked closer to Satan.
“You are definitely the person I want to be spending my time with,” you whispered. You leaned up and you gently placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling when you moved away. “See you tomorrow!” With that, you walked back to your room and closed the door.
Satan gently brought his hand up and touched the spot where you kissed him, a huge smile coming to his face.
“See you tomorrow,” he repeated quietly, going to walk to his room.
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kiwikyuu · 4 years ago
━━━━━━━━ all the different shades of orange ; hinata shōyō
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summary — whoever said that hinata shōyō is a ball of sunshine is a liar
word count — 3k
genre — imagine ; kinda enemies to lover, fluff
warning(s) — major spoilers about spring interhigh for those of you who haven't read the manga, insults thrown around, kinda out of character hinata, cursing, not edited
a/n — okay but have y'all seen e2l hinata shōyō besides kagehina lmao because i haven't and thought it'd be interesting to try out. also wow i have never put so much effort into a work like this one (hopefully it reaches a lot of people and you can all find some joy in reading!)
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Hate was a strong word but the flaring anger in your heart and overwhelming urge to run into a wall whenever your eyes landed on that tangerine said otherwise. It wasn't that you went out of your way to dislike someone that has everyone wrapped around their finger. It just so happened that you had no tolerance for bullshit, and Hinata Shōyō pissed you off in every way possible.
It started on the first day of high school.
Walking beside Minari, a friend from middle school, the two of you were eager to leave the building. The idea of grabbing steamed buns had unraveled itself in your mind, and what better way to enjoy food than by sharing?
"Are you going to try out for any clubs?" Your elbow bumped against hers as you two walked the slowly emptying hallway. "I think I saw the girls soccer team holding tryouts soon."
Minari shrugged, but you could already see the thoughts pinging in her mind. "I might if I can."
See, the two of you had almost reached the staircase when it happened. Minari's long hair covered her view from time to time, so you were used to looking out for her while chastising the girl about the usefulness of a hairband. But what you didn't expect as you pulled the girl aside just as a gaggle of guys rushed by was the full strength of a short orange-haired boy catching you off guard and nearly sending you tumbling down the flight of stairs.
"I'm sorry! I - I didn't see you there!" He shouted, his hand coming out to latch instinctively onto your school uniform before you could be thrown back far. "And on the first day too... I'm so sorry! Please accept my apology."
You stared at the short boy standing before you looking positively green with anxiety and guilt. Minari was already calming him down with mentions of accepting his apology, but all you could focus on was the pounding beat of your heart and the tingling feeling in your legs from your near-fatal experience.
"Watch where you're fucking going next time, you rotten bell pepper," you muttered before pushing his fingers off your now wrinkled white shirt.
You had walked away first, Minari in tow, but not before catching the shine of his name tag, 'Hinata Shōyō,' and the wide-eyed stare on his face that sent shivers down your back.
From that day forward, every flash of orange around the school seemed to be followed by a glare on your end and a roll of eyes on his.
"You're in the way, pumpkin head." Your words cut through the chattering hallway and sliced at Hinata who in turn threw you a pointed look, something that all the First Year students knew by now was reserved for only you. "I'm trying to get to the library, but somebody's walking too slow. Aren't you supposed to be on the volleyball team?"
Hinata scoffed, but stepped aside to let you through. Dirty looks were all he had in his armory apparently as time after time after sending an insult or two his way, he held his tongue. You liked to think it was because he didn't have the proper brain cells to form a response, but sometimes you wondered if you were being too much.
Up ahead, Minari waved at you to hurry before all the seats at the library were taken. Shaking yourself of your thoughts, you walked over to her. Unbeknownst to you, while you shouldered your bag, your wallet tipped over and fell out at a certain somebody's feet.
Hinata picked up your ratty wallet, noticing it on the floor, and went to call out to you before catching himself. What did he care? Still, unable to ignore it, he pocketed your belonging making note to give it back to you later. Right now, he had a game to worry about.
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Somehow you had ended up at the Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai game during the Interhigh Preliminaries. Minari had dragged you up to the stands as discreetly as possible after convincing you that she wasn't feeling up to study. Considering she had her eyes set on a certain 5'10 blueberry, you were foolish enough to think that she'd wanted to take you some place fun.
Now as the two of you stared down at the game happening eagerly, you let out a sigh upon noticing Hinata. As if your day couldn't have gotten worse after misplacing your wallet, you were displeased to find that he was looking right back up at you with the same wide-eyed stare he had when you two had first met.
Shivers ran down your back almost as if on cue, and you tore your gaze away from him fully ready to leave the gymnasium and trudge back home. But had you turned away, you would have missed the freakish oddball combination execute their quick attack.
"Holy shit," you breathed. "What the fuck was that?"
Minari smirked. "Tobio-kun is a great setter, isn't he? Or were you too focused on Mr. Bell Pepper to notice."
You shot her a frosty look, pushing down the stuttering emotion starting to rise in your chest that most definitely did not feel like anger. "As if."
The game continued for what seemed like days but turned out to be hours at most ending at a score of 1:2 in Aoba Johsai's favor.
Deafening silence overtook your ears. Minari was quick to leave the stands, mumbling something about consoling the fallen setter while your eyes searched for some semblance of sunshine in Hinata's sullen ones.
Spotting his sunken expression, you felt yourself regret the hatred that had sparked for him for just a moment. A fleeting moment that buried itself in your heart, planting a seedling of growing doubt.
"Minari, we have to catch the bus back!" You called out to your friend as you joined her on the gymnasium floor.
She glanced your way, halting the conversation she had began with her Tobio-kun. "Two minutes, and then we can go. Please?"
You nodded despite feeling discomfort crawling up your spine at being surrounded now by those you didn't know. You settled by the door, checking your phone mindlessly to pass the short time only looking up when an outstretched hand came into view.
"You dropped this earlier." Hinata's words were short, sharp, and you were suddenly glad you had never been on the end of his scathing remarks. "On your way to the library," he continued.
"Oh," was all your malfunctioning mind could come up with as he took your open hand in his, placing your wallet gently in your palm. The warmth of his skin seemed pressed into your own even after he had started to stalk away.
Clearing your throat, you spoke before you could stop yourself. "You did well today. I - uh," you paused. What were you even saying? "I watched from the stands."
He offered you a soft smile, one that you realized could light the world aflame, before walking back to his awaiting team.
You placed your hand over your drumming heart, sedating the flustered feeling he had left behind with you, chanting in your mind over and over again that Hinata Shōyō was a menace and you had no plan to ever like him let alone fall for him.
But no one ever plans to fall in love.
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The Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club seemed to practice non-stop funnily enough, rather motivated by their loss from months ago instead of despaired. Minari had become a regular face during practice as she cheered the boys on in an attempt to woo Kageyama still, and by fault, so had you.
"Y/N, Tangerine's on his way over here." Minari nudged you, stealing your attention from the workbook open in your lap.
You shrugged, trying to focus on anything other than your slowly rising heartbeat. "Why? Did the coach bench him for his subpar plays?"
"No, actually Tangerine wanted to give you something but he's currently reconsidering."
You looked up immediately, eyes narrowing upon noticing Hinata standing in front of you with a small smirk. "You're looking really fucking smug for a guy who still needs to work on his skills. Kageyama says you lack basic technique."
Hinata rolled his eyes at you. "You're being rude."
"It's because I don't like you," you answered smoothly. "So get back to practice before you lose any more volleyball brain cells."
He let out a small laugh. Turning away, for a moment you thought he'd actually leave as simple as that, but just before he took another step, he tossed something your way. It fell on top of your workbook, smacking against the thin pages, causing a couple of the boys to look your way while Hinata jogged back to the net.
Minari leaned in closer to you. "He got you—" She cocked her head in confusion. "A wallet?"
It was a deep shade of orange that almost made you laugh out in irony. Detailed with card slots and a latch with snapping buttons, the wallet was definitely an improvement from the one you had right now.
"That's sweet... right?" Minari questioned, watching your expression as you opened the wallet to reveal a note — scratchy handwriting on a scrap of notebook paper.
'thought your wallet looked ratty old. not in a mean way of course!!!!
— your favorite, Pumpkin Head Shōyō
ps. my sister picked out the color :p'
"Stupid fucking carrot," you whispered under your breath, feeling your cheeks grow warm at his message. "I don't need a new wallet."
Minari scoffed at your words, turning to face you completely and taking your hands in hers with seriousness. "Be honest with me." You stared at her blankly. "Be honest, and tell me if you actually hate Hinata as much as you say you do. Why don't you just drop the act? You two obviously like each other enough to be friends, so why keep this all up? Isn't it tiring?"
Her words echoed through the hallways of your mind minutes, hours, and days after. Sitting at your desk in school, on your walk home, lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, they were as loud as life itself.
You thumbed the straps of your bag while waiting for the bus. The sun was slowly dropping from the sky, setting on the horizon leaving you in a thoughtful orange haze.
You two obviously like each other enough to be friends, so why keep this all up? Isn't it tiring?
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The weeks following were conflicting and chaotic. Exam season settled on Karasuno High School jolting the students and staff into a cloud of stress.
You spent your spare time at the library, eyes boring into material that just wouldn't stick while a certain rotten bell pepper took his seat next to you.
"I have to pass my finals or Sugawara senpai is going to nail me to a wall," Hinata explained, spreading his notebooks out on the desk and bumping his elbow against yours in the process. "You do well in your classes, right? Do you — " He looked abash. "D - Do you mind helping me?"
Against your better judgement, you nodded. Looking back now, you suppose that's where your odd friendship began.
Days on end, the two of you would stay behind to cycle through the material slowly building a tolerance of each other much to everyone's surprise.
"Do you still hate me?" The question came one night, the weekend before his exams.
Hinata looked at you from where he sat on the swings, kicking his feet at the sandy grounds. The two of you were at the park, cooling off after a long study session.
Your eyes fell to the can of convenience store coffee in your hands. The slight of the passing breeze drilled his question further in your mind.
"No, I don't think so," came your answer, words wobbly and unsure despite the thrum of your heart beating loudly against your chest and the warmth in your cheeks.
Silence filled the space between you two before Hinata finally spoke up again.
"Then do you like me?"
Your body felt lit aflame, mind jumping immediately to the way he made you feel things you hadn't much before. "As a friend," you decided after a moment of flustered emotions. "We're friends, I guess."
Hinata nodded thoughtfully. "Well, I like you." He took a deep breath. "As more than a friend, but if you feel that way then I'll wait for you. We have time."
His confession became lost among the flurry of thoughts and colliding emotions raging on inside you. Before you could say anything in response, Hinata got to his feet, shooting you that now familiar smile of his and offering you his hand.
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The new year overwhelmed your senses like a storm of rain after a drought. Refreshed after the break, you returned to school with a new sense of purpose amplified by the motivation the new year always brings.
Hinata's confession had remained in your mind, pushed to the back by celebration but still bugging you every so often. The apricot haired boy had showed up, throwing ping pong balls (of all things) at your window to catch your attention over the break asking if you wanted to go grab something sweet with him. You promptly responded with a rejection, only to find yourself walking with him ten minutes later.
"How was your break?" Minari asked, bundled in a jacket, scarf, and hat. She joined you at your side, catching you on your walk from the bus stop to school.
You shrugged, pulling your puffy jacket closer to you. "It was okay. You?"
She smiled. "Hung out with Tobio-kun. We went for hot chocolate, and he taught me how to set." Her eyes seemed almost dazzling at the memory, and you laughed, pushing her lightly away.
"You and your Tobio-kun are positively gross," you said. "Absolutely—"
Your words were halted at the feeling of warm fabric settling around your neck and a known face popping up beside you with a proud smile.
"Stay warm. You can give it back to me later," Hinata said before jogging away to catch up with a pair of Second Year boys ahead.
Your hand came up to the green scarf around your neck, failing to form comprehensive sentences. Heart thundering, you ignored the funny looks others sent your way. Glancing at Minari, you caught her slipping giggles.
"What happened to Hinata Shōyō being a rotten bell pepper?"
"Shut up."
Lending you his scarf when days seemed too cold was just the beginning of it all. Days turned into weeks turned into months of Hinata pining after you and you—though obvious to everyone else—trying to decipher your feelings for him.
"Hey, I missed you," Hinata said to you lightly after you had agreed to drop something off for Kageyama on Minari's behalf. Quickly realizing the meaning of his words, however, Hinata corrected himself. "I mean—um, as in I m - missed you earlier. Like... like I didn't catch you today, you know?"
You tilted your head at him with endearment, a small smile playing across your lips at the sight of his blushing face. "Yeah, don't worry. I got it, sweet potato."
His flustered expression dropped. "You think I'm sweet?"
Your eyes widened, stuttering to form a response and correct yourself out of this situation you had suddenly been thrusted in. Luckily, Kageyama came to your rescue before you could embarrass yourself.
"Hinata, boke, stop flirting with Y/N!" The tall blueberry haired boy towered over Hinata with a menacing glare and a scoff. Kageyama turned to you with a blank look you took for an apologetic expression.
Shaking your head profusely, you put your hands up in surrender. "Ah, no worries, Kageyama. I—uh, I have something for you from Minari. She has classroom duties today, so she couldn't come herself."
Kageyama nodded, taking the wrapped bento box that Minari had prepared for him from your outstretched hands. He mumbled words of thanks before stalking off while muttering under his breath a colorful range of insults at Hinata who in turn sent him a funny face.
The Spring Interhigh was coming up, and you were sure the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club was itching for redemption after what had happened last August. Deciding that you didn't want to interrupt their practice any further, you made move to leave only to stop at the feeling of a hand on your wrist.
Glancing back, you raised an eyebrow in surprise at Hinata's sudden action. "What are you—"
The tangerine boy had exchanged his lighthearted expression of just minutes ago with a look that you could only describe as properly motivated. "When we make it to Nationals, promise to give me a chance."
All around you, the gym seemed to fade until only Hinata was in your line of vision.
When we make it to Nationals, he had said, not if.
Unable to respond, you found yourself nodding because who were you to kid yourself at this point?
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The Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club did, in fact, make it to Nationals, but unfortunately lost to Kamomedai High School in the quarter-final round while Hinata spent his time at the hospital.
Hooked up to an IV line and dressed in one of those flimsy hospital gowns, Hinata looked unusually weak laying down on the bed. The others had left not long after you had arrived though some took more convincing than others.
"Next time, you can keep your scarf to yourself," you said, cutting the silence short with a lighthearted remark.
Hinata smiled weakly at that, his hand coming to rest atop your folded ones on your lap. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
You shook your head. "Obviously, you can't take care of yourself." Slipping your hands from under his, you took the hand warmers out of your pockets and placed one in each of his hands. "Luckily, you got me."
His face lit up. "Oh, do I now?"
Warmth spread through your body as you looked away from his hopeful gaze. "Well, you did make it to Nationals."
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junkercrush · 5 years ago
Yo! Can I request junkrat being oblivious to his feelings with an equally oblivious crush?
Yes, you may! Here you go!
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Junkrat x Reader (I’m guessing female?)
Rating: SFW
Words: 3,303
You’re finally caught up with work, and Junkrat was coming over. Nothing special, just a hangout.
“Aw, crap.” You groaned as the scent of burnt popcorn hit your nose. You ran to the kitchen and popped open the microwave. Thank goodness the popcorn bag wasn’t on fire (this time). You threw the darker pieces in the trash and poured the rest into a huge party bowl.
You skipped excitedly to the living room where you were preparing for Junkrat’s arrival. Tonight, you and Rat were going to watch horror films until the crack of dawn. You turned on the TV and reviewed your horror playlist. It was filled with frightening titles featuring vampires, ghouls, and zomnics. Junkrat might love the zomnic one, even though he can’t stand Omnics in real life.
You peered at the clock hanging on the wall over your TV—6:23 pm. You moaned with impatience. “Where the hell is he?” You asked aloud.
The pizza guy with the four extra-large pizzas you ordered was supposed to arrive 45 minutes ago. You could nibble on some popcorn as you waited, but you wanted to save it for your horrorfest. Your stomach growled. Perhaps one small bite---
Ding dong!
Was that the pizza guy or Rat? You set the popcorn aside and rushed to the door. Wait, the pizza money! You checked your pockets and pulled out two $20 bills. The pizza guy could keep the change.
You opened the door, and a blue light zipped past you. “Hello, hello!” Tracer chirped.
“Tracer,” You sighed. “The hell are you doing here? I thought you were out on a mission.”
Tracer was already munching on your popcorn in the living room. “Nope, false alarm. What are you doing?”
Tracer turns to the TV you left on with your horror movies. “Oooh, movie night! I’m game!”
“Uh no, actually—”
“Am I  interrupting something?”
“Not really—”
“ ‘Not really?’ Sounds suspicious to me.” Tracer’s eyes lit up. “Are you waiting on your date?”
“No! It’s just Rat and me. We’re having a movie night.”
Tracer stares at you with a sly grin. You only roll your eyes at her. “God, Lena, it’s not like that!”
“Are you sure? You two have been ‘hanging out’ for a while.”
Tracer zips around your living room, checking under your furniture and peeking behind your hanging picture frames.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Searching for surprises. I know you’re hiding condoms and your kinky toys around here somewhere.”
You playfully whacked Tracer with a couch pillow. “Get out.” You ordered.
“Aw, c’mon!” Tracer groaned. “Let me hang out with you guys on your date. I  don’t mind. I want to see ‘Attack of the Living Zomnics’ too.”
“For heaven’s sake, it’s not a damn date!” You laughed. “Rat is not into me like that. Just friends. It’s been like that for years.”
Tracer crossed her arms. “Remember when you caught him ogling at you at Lucio’s pool party?”
You traced your memories back to last week. You hated parties, especially the kind where you got wet. But it was Lucio’s party, and you liked his music.
You came out in a shockingly fitting bathing suit Tracer bought for you just for the occasion. You didn’t care about the guys looking at you. You were shocked to see Junkrat there. He was in the swimming pool sitting on top of a huge inflatable duck. His mouth was slightly open, eyes straight at you.
You remembered asking him to go to the party with you, but he made an excuse that he was sick. There he was, staring at you like you were God just descended down from heaven. 
You two got together later and ended up playing pool volleyball with some random partygoers. Junkrat was very touchy that night. You were used to it, he was that way with everyone. But that time was different, way different. 
The image of Rat’s lean, wet body lasted in your mind for a week. You weren’t going to tell anybody about that, especially Tracer.
“Yeah,” You said, coming back to the present. “No big deal.”
Tracer slumped her head down and let out a heavy sigh. “C’mon, you can’t tell me the signs between you two aren’t right there!”
“Looks like somebody’s has been watching too many chick flicks.”
The doorbell rang again. Before Tracer could say anything else, you paced to the door and peered through your door’s peephole. Finally, the pizza man.
“Sorry, miss,” The skinny, freckled face delivery boy apologized as you opened the door. “There was a bunch of traffic—”
You shoved the money to his face and took the pizza boxes from him. “Glad you made it. Thank you so much! Keep the change.” You blurted and waved at him. The boy counted the money.
“Sweet, thanks!” He scurried to his run-down rusty car and sped off.
“Mmmm, I smell pepperoni.” You heard Tracer from the house.
You closed the door and placed the pizza boxes in the kitchen. The cheesy aroma goodness traveled up your nose and made your stomach rumble with anticipation. Man, Junkrat better hurry up before you ate all this pizza yourself! 
Tracer arrives and opens a box. “Mmm,” She hums. “Extra large too.”
You glared at her. “Don’t you take a single bite.” You warned her.
Tracer only smiled. “Oh, you’re right. We have to wait before the love of your life arrives.”
You reached for her, and she teleported to the kitchen entrance with a giggle. “I’ll leave your little get together when you guys start snogging.” She said, taking a bite of a gooey cheese pizza slice.
“Hey!” You shouted. The doorbell rings again. You froze. Tracer’s smile grew wider.
“I’ll get it!” Tracer zipped to the front door.
“No!” You shouted.
Junkrat was let in before you could protest further. He was oddly clean today, except his hair was covered in ash. He wore a fresh tank top and some (unripped) cargo shorts. He definitely smelt like he was forced into a flowery-scented bath. The rose and lavender scents slowly filled the room.
“H-hey!” Your voice quivered.
“Hey, I heard some yelling while I was outside,” Junkrat said. “Everything alright?”
You glared at Tracer again. She only shrugged her shoulders like she didn’t know anything.
“Everything’s fine.” You sighed. “Just fooling around.”
“Hey!” Someone barked outside your door. Roadhog entered. He looked like he just rode out of hell. He was smoking, covered in soot, and his mask all beat up. You rushed over to him.
“Jesus, what happened to you?” You asked Hog. The Junkers exchanged glances and laughed.
“We just robbed a bank,” Junkrat answered.
“And I wanted to keep him clean.” Hog added. “Knew he was going to see you tonight.”
Tracer grinned. “I knew this was a date.”
“The hell are you talking about?” Junkrat asked her.
“Admit it, Rat!”
Junkrat shot you a confused glance. You only shook your head. “I don’t know what’s going on.” You sighed. “She’s gone nuts.”   Roadhog patted Junkrat’s shoulder. “I’m off. The police may find us here. I’ll distract them.”
Junkrat shot him a thumbs up. “Good call, mate.”   “I’m going to get some ice cream too.” Hog continued.
Tracer appeared in front of Hog in a hot second. “Can I come?” She asked him.   Police sirens blared in the distance. Hog threw Tracer over his shoulder and marched out of your house. “Sure, let’s go!” He huffed.   Perfect, she was finally gone. “Bye!” You waved with a great smile. You and Junkrat watched as Roadhog strapped Tracer into the passenger wagon of his motorcycle and zoomed off.   “Finally.” You sighed, walking back to the living room. “I got pizza and popcorn ready for us. Which movie do you want to see---” You turned to Junkrat and froze. He held out a bouquet of daisies for you. Looking at the roots, it seems he pulled them out of the ground somewhere.    “What’s this?” You asked.   “A gift for you,” Junkrat answered. “Found them in some bloke’s yard.”   Tracer’s stupid smirk popped in your mind. If she was still here, she would’ve flipped. You cleared your throat. “That’s nice of you. Thanks!”   You took the daisies into the kitchen and placed them in a vase filled with water. Junkrat followed you. From the corner of your eye, you noticed his eyes kept shifting at you then down at the floor like he was afraid to ask you something.    “Do you want to see Blood Sucker Junkers first or Junkenstein’s Revenge 2?” You asked. Junkrat scratched his head.   “Actually, I changed my mind about our movie night.” He said.    “Oh?”   “I want to take you to the beach. Heard it was going to be really nice this evening.”   You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t see why not.” You said.   Junkrat grinned. “We’ll take the food with us. Feed the popcorn to the seagulls.”   You laughed. “Don’t blow them up!”   Junkrat raised his hands in mock guiltiness. “Oi, have you ever tried fried seagull? Delicious!”   “No thanks. I prefer chicken.”   “You don’t know what you’re missing, mate. You need to live a little more.”   *~*~*
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Rent on your place can be a bitch on your wallet, but having only to walk a few minutes to the beach was worth the money.   You and Junkrat arrived at the beach at sunset. People were already lingering away from the calm, blue waters to the parking lot. One frustrated mother was dragging her screaming child, who clearly didn’t want to leave. The little boy yanked his arm away from his mother’s grip and fell out on the ground, kicking sand up in the air.   “Nooo!” The boy shrieked. “I have to finish my sandcastle!” He pointed to the sandcastle decorated with seashells, sticks, and seaweed. The boy’s mother only huffed and placed her tightened fists on her hips.   “We have to go, Cayden, or no ice cream!” The mother warned. The boy’s tantrum stopped immediately.   “Ice cream?” Cayden asked.   “Yes.”   The boy ran past his mother to the parking lot for his parent’s car. The mother chased after him. You watched the sandcastle as a colossal wave smashed it into nothingness. Good thing little Cayden didn’t see that.   “Man, that boy can scream!” Junkrat chuckled behind you. He was lying on his stomach on a beach towel eating out of his second pizza box.   “Hey!” You closed the box. “Save some for me!”   “But I didn’t get to eat all day.” Junkrat moaned, looking up at you with pitiful eyes. “I’m starving!”   Junkrat opened the pizza box and nibbled on a large pepperoni slice. “Hmm, crunchy.”   You eyed him questionably. “Crunchy?”   Junkrat giggles. “I think I got some sand topping on my pizza.”   You laughed. “That’s what you get!”   A beach couple walked past you two, holding hands. They looked like they literally lived in the gym and the tanning salon. They parked their beach towel not too far from where you were sitting and started watching the sunset together. The beach body boyfriend had his hand right on his girlfriend’s ass, playing with her g-string thong. You rolled your eyes and returned to chewing your pizza slice.   “Oi,” Junkrat called out to the couple. “Get a room!”   You didn’t know why the couple bothered Junkrat so, but it was funny until he pulled out a small cherry bomb from his pocket.   “Junkrat, no!” You hissed, taking the bomb from his hand before he lit the fuse.   “What?” Junkrat looked completely innocent. “I was just going to scare them. Not blow them up!”   “Let them be.” You muttered. You turned back to the couple, and they were already making out. For real?   Luckily, a huge wave came ashore and hit the couple. The girlfriend screamed.   “My hair!” The bikini goddess yelped. You could only snicker. Why the hell was she there if she didn’t want her long, blonde luscious locks wet?   The couple glanced your way then moved further out from the rushing waters. Junkrat sighed with relief.   “Thank God,” Junkrat said. “They were ruining our spot.”   You turned to him. “Ours?”   Junkrat gently grabbed your face with his prosthetic hand and turned you toward the glowing sunset. It was a splash of red, yellow, and orange in front of the purple clouds. It was perfect, just perfect.   Seagulls circled the skies, searching for fish to pick up for the late evening dinner. A line of dolphin fins peeked out of the water. You gasped at the sight and pointed at the sea. “Junkrat, did you see that?”   “I did!”   You jumped as you realized Junkrat was sitting right beside you, still chewing on pizza.   “I don’t understand why Tracer thinks we’re dating.” He continued.   You shook your head. “I don’t know, man.”   Junkrat turned to you, a cheese string hanging from his mouth. “Is this dating? I just gave you flowers because I know you like them.”   You threw your arm around Junkrat’s shoulder. The first stars appeared as the sun slowly descended into the ocean.   “This is the best place to look at the stars.” He said.   You smiled. “You’ve been here before?” You asked. Junkrat only grinned.   A man’s loud cough made you jump. You turned to a couple sitting on the bench watching the sea. A huge man and a tiny man garbed in fishermen’s gear with sunglasses. Looks like they were taking a break from their fishing. You felt weird vibes from their presence.   “I like you,” Junkrat said. “I mean it.”   You stared at him. “I like you too. You’re a good friend.”   Junkrat shook his head. “No, no, no. I meant—”   “Daddy, look!” A little girl shouted behind you. A little girl and her family stepped off the boardwalk into the beach. More and more people steadily approached around you and Rat, pointing at the skies and planting their beach chairs on the cool sand.   “Daddy, look, look, look, LOOK!” The same little girl shouted.   “I see, I see, sweetie!” The exhausted father replied.   The sky was nearly covered with shooting stars. Your mouth dropped with amazement. “Oh my God,” You gasped. “I almost forgot about this.”   You remembered last week you were watching the news with Junkrat when an anchorwoman announced a meteor shower was coming up. The beach was the best place to see anything up in the skies, whether it be the stars, an aerial hostile Omnic invasion, or UFOS.   “I remembered,” Junkrat said, tapping your nose.   You smiled, blood rushing to your cheeks. You shyly turned away from Rat. Geez, why were you acting like a timid schoolgirl with a crush on him now?    “Remember the time we went out to King’s Row?” Junkrat asked.   “Yeah.” You recalled. You remembered it like it was yesterday.   After bringing in a British TALON spy into custody, you, Junkrat, Tracer, and Roadhog all went out for drinks as a celebration. Roadhog and Tracer returned to their hotel rooms early. At the same time, you and Rat explored London seeing Big Ben, visiting Piccadilly Circus, and almost getting regrettable matching tattoos.   “Remember Junkertown?” Junkrat continued.   “Yep.”   “South Korea? Brazil? Paris?”   “Yep, yep, and yep.”   “Were we dating back then?”   You and Rat would often take on week-long trips together. Just the two of you. Whoever asked where you all were going, you quickly responded it was a mission. Really, you just liked being around each other. You didn’t know why, but you just did.   “Maybe we are dating.” You admitted. Your heart rate increased after your confession. You opened your mouth to say something else, but a sudden pang of fear stopped you.   Junkrat only stared at you, a genuine smile slowly forming on his face. He leaned closer to your face, and you immediately backed away.   “You want to get some snow cones?” You asked, breaking the moment. “I know a place nearby. It’s not too far from here.”   Junkrat turned to the empty pizza boxes and patted his stomach. “A dessert sounds nice.” He said.   You two gathered up your beach towels and trash and walked away from the beach, leaving the crowd still watching the meteor shower. You glanced over at the bench where the mysterious fishermen were sitting. They were gone. You had a strange feeling you knew them from somewhere.   *~*~*
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An hour later, you and Junkrat finally received your snow cones after a terribly long line at the snow cone hut. Only two people were working at the stand.   “Finally!” Junkrat sighed as he stabbed his blueberry snow cone with a spoon. “That took longer than I expected.”   “Yeah, seriously.” You replied.   With no warning, Junkrat stole a scoop of your cherry snow cone. “Mine!” He shouted.   “Hey!”   You reached for his cone with your spoon, but he moved it out of the way. “Ha! Missed!” Junkrat shouted. He leaned forward and surprised you with a kiss. Both of you stared at each other in shock afterward. “Uh, whoops, sorry about that, mate.” He giggled nervously.   You licked your lips, tasting the artificial cherry/blueberry flavor. “It’s all right,” You said as you set your cup down and grabbed the back of Junkrat’s head. “Fuck it!”   You crushed his lips with a long, savory kiss.   “Daddy, look. The pretty one is kissing that strange, ugly man!” The little girl from the beach pointed at you. You jerked away from Junkrat and laughed.   The beach father rushed over and scooped the child up to his arms. “Shh, that’s not nice!” He said. “We don’t talk about people that way.”   The little girl looked back at you as she was taken away. “But Daddy, he’s weird! Look at his funny hair!”   “Be quiet, and you eat your snow cone!” The father hissed.   Junkrat ran his fingers through his half-burnt hair. “Me hair’s funny?” He turned to you. “It’s not that bad, is it?”   You pecked him on the cheek. “You’re absolutely fine.” You said. Junkrat pulled you closer to him and buried his face into your neck.   “Mmm, I love you (Y/N).” He said.   You blushed. “Yeah, me too.”   “AH HA!”   The fishermen from the beach burst out of the bushes, scaring a couple of beachgoers.   “What the fuck!?” One tan man holding two snow cones yelped. One cone accidentally fell to the ground. “Fuck!” The man groaned.   “Oh, sod off.” The tiny fisherman said to the man.   “Um, do I know you?” You asked the fishermen. They removed their sunglasses, and you instantly recognized them.   “Tracer? Roadhog?! So you’ve been spying on us this whole time?” You frowned.   Roadhog pointed at Tracer. “It was her idea. I just wanted some ice cream.”   Tracer clicked her teeth. “Ah, ah, ah! You brought up the idea as we were eating ice cream.”   “Did not!” Hog barked back.   “Enough!” You shouted. Junkrat only laughed.   “Sorry we spied on you.” Roadhog apologized, twiddling his fingers with his massive feet turned inwards. You scoffed.   “Hog, it’s okay.” You assured the Maori giant. “I’m just startled.”   “I’m not surprised,” Junkrat said. “I knew you two were watching us back at the beach.”   You stared at Junkrat. “You knew?! And you didn’t tell me!?”   “Love, if I did, I wouldn’t have had the chance to kiss ya!” Junkrat wiggled his eyebrows.   “Oh my God.” You rolled your eyes.   Tracer pulled out her smartphone. “Smile for the birdy, would you? I want to capture the moment King Junkrat and Queen (Y/N) have finally reunited.”   You smiled and threw your snow cone at her.   “Hey!” Tracer cried.   The picture caught your snow cone flying towards her direction. Your face in the frame half-covered by the flying dessert while Junkrat had his lips planted on your cheek. A blurry Roadhog hand hovered over you two.
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killjoysfromyesterday · 4 years ago
day six of @badthingshappenbingo !
prompt: starvation
word count: 1,260
⚠️please use caution of your own triggers before reading prompts on the board.
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jet's used to being hungry, but he doesn't know how much longer he can keep this up.
he's trying to keep his hands warm by shoving them in his pockets, but the desert temperatures plummet with the sunlight and it's so cold he can't think of anything besides getting warm and maybe getting food.
it's pretty dark; he could snatch something from the market without getting caught, but the idea's unlikely since how cold it's gotten would definitely have the market venders packing up for the night.
he's no stranger to the likeness of going to bed hungry, it's something he's used to by now. from his futile attempts to keep track of time, he thinks he'd be nine years old now. that means two years had passed since his parents were killed. it didn't feel like it, with every time he tried to sleep would end in him being disturbed by nightmares.
he knows it's not good, but he lets himself fantasize for a second; he's back at the compound, curled up in his mother's lap by the bonfire. his father is twirling his little sister like a ballerina. they're all happy. jet's got a full belly and a safe place to sleep.
what pulls him out of his daydream is the chill, whistling through the joshua trees and making him shiver. his clothes are dirt-stained and either too small or too big, and their holes provide absolutely no protection from the bitter desert wind.
when he peers out from the alley, there's only one shop with its lights still on. there's no one inside from the looks of it, and he thanks the witch that he won’t have to interact with anyone. he can't remember the last time somebody talked to him besides market vendors telling him to get lost with the other stray dogs.
the bell that rings when tentatively he pushes open the door makes him about jump out of his skin, but his stomach grumbles and there's more stuff for sale than he's ever seen in his life. bread that looked surprisingly fresh, canned soups, nothing that has to be refrigerated because not even the mayors of the neutral towns had working refrigerators in the desert.
jet trots down the aisle with eyes full of wonder, before he remembers he's supposed to get in and out of here fast. he greedily shoves an apple into his coat. he should grab more, but he doesn't want to risk getting caught. he’ll come back later, he thinks.
he's about to make for the door, but something catches his eye; behind the counter, there's a shelf of cigarette cartons. the pickings are slim; nearly every adult (and teen) smoke in the desert, but one of the labels catches his eye.
it's got gold lining on the front and the logo of a little horse jockey, and jet never learned how to read but the logo rings loud and clear in his brain.
his father's sitting on the front steps of their little makeshift shack, using a match to light his cigarettes. jet watches as the smoke disappears into the night air, tucked into his father's side. the smell of his leather jacket is musty and smells like home, and he thinks he can hear his mother calling them for dinner.
he hardly has time to blink away the tears that are threatening to make their way down his dirt-tracked face before there's a rustling of cans being knocked over and a large shadow bares down on him.
"scram! get outta here!"
and then he's scrambling as fast as he can, dropping what he's thieved, narrowly avoiding the blows of a broomstick to the head. he looks back to try and gauge what the broomstick-wielder looks like, and smacks face forward into a pair of legs.
"woah, take it easy." whoever owns the pair of legs says, and jet's little heart is thumping so fast in his chest he's pretty sure it might just stop all together.
jet's shaking like some pathetic street dog and when he looks up, the guy meets his eyes. he's got long black hair and aviator sunglasses on, bandana wrapped around his head. he's wearing a leather biker jacket covered in patches, and his voice is somewhat hoarse when he talks.
the one holding the broomstick is an angry looking guy with a mustache, peering down at jet like he's the scum of the earth. jet doesn't know which to look at, and he feels a little frightened on the ground.
"tommy. he's a kid, he's hungry. look at him. skin and bones." the man says, pointing to jet for emphasis, and jet's face flushes red.
"he's a little thief, doc." the one who was chasing him replies, prodding jet with the end of his broomstick like some curiosity. jet scrambles back so far his back hits the wall.
"he's not a thief if i pay for it." and then the man he bumped into is pulling something from his pocket, opening a wallet and shaking out a few carbons. he slaps them into the other man's hand, ignoring the disapproving look he's sporting.
"here ya go." he says, and the man puts down his broomstick and raises his eyebrows for a moment before gesturing towards jet.
jet doesn't need to be told twice, but he's still timid as a mouse when he retrieves the apple he'd dropped.
"that's all you want, kid?" no, he thinks. but he remembers how his mother used to always teach him not to overstay his welcome, and he doesn't want to push this stranger's kindness when carbons are already so hard to come by. so he politely shakes his head, and tries to ignore the pang in his ribs.
"doc, you gotta stop feeding the strays." the man says, putting away his broom.
"if i don't, who will?" doc asks, voice a bit firm, and tommy takes a step back.
"not you, tommy. you have a nice night." doc continues, dismissing him. he looks at jet and his features soften a bit.
"c'mon, kid." doc says, holding the door open as jet timidly steps back out into the cold. jet is about to turn and run back to his little alleyway, but he's glued to his spot and he's not sure he could make it across the street without collapsing from either hunger or exhaustion.
"you can eat now. nobody's gonna take it from 'ya, promise." doc smiles, leaning against the wall and pulling out a carton of cigarettes. jet tentatively takes a bite of the apple, not realizing he'd been squeezing it in his hands until now. little crescent mark indents had formed from his nails.
"you were hungry, huh kid?" doc asks, and jet nods fervently, now chewing so fast his face is starting to hurt. doc chuckles and lights up a cigarette.
there's comfortable silence of doc smoking and jet stuffing his face for a little while. he knows he should be saving it, that he doesn't know when he's going to get food next, but he can't bring himself to stash the rest of the apple away, so he eats it until all that remains is the core and a couple seeds.
"you ready to introduce yourself?" doc asks once he notices jet's done eating. jet freezes a bit.
"i'll go first. my name's dante, but most people just call me doc. what's your name, kid?"
"it's nice to meet'cha, jet."
and for once, he feels like he isn't so alone in the world.
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leverage-ot3 · 5 years ago
notable moments from The Bank Shot Job
leverage 1.05
I decided I’m also going to start highlighting meta material in these posts for reference reasons (like for fics, headcanons, meta, etc)
I’m colorcoading by what character the meta pertains to btw
Clerk: Hello, Judge Roy.
Judge Roy: [slaps her ass] Hey, sweetheart.
Frank: Can I help you, your honor?
Judge Roy: Yes, Fred. Her phone number?
Frank: It's Frank. And she's 19, sir.
Judge Roy: That's too bad. She got a younger sister
- - - - -
Hardison: No. No more. We gotta talk to Nate. No more rip deals. They take too damn long.
Parker (ripping paper): That's why they're called "Rip Deals". You have to convince them they're getting a deal before you can rip them off.
Hardison: Two weeks. Two weeks sleeping in crappy hotels. Two weeks eating in crappy diners. Two weeks having my soul sucked dry. It's 107 degrees. Who lives where it's 107 degrees?
Parker: Juan's not so bad. I kinda like this town
I wanna see that domestic shit of them sharing hotel rooms and eating the continental breakfasts and dingy diners and everything about them living in rundown hotels for two weeks
- - - - -
Hardison: You know, I had to retask two satellites just to get a lousy internet connection. Took more than an hour to torrent the last episode of Doctor Who.
Parker: Hey! Illegal downloading's wrong. (lights paper on fire in trash can)
that’s it. that’s their relationship.
- - - - -
Hardison: How we coming on the breakdown?
Eliot (loading truck elsewhere): Fake addresses are shut down. Post office boxes are closed. The phones are cleared. Five more minutes, we never existed
bruh those props ??? I wish I had a screenshot but wtf where they DOING for the con ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Want me to call the Delgado family, tell them the news?
Eliot: Nah. Soon as I clear county line I want to do it. I just wish we could do more than bankrupt that corrupt son of a bitch
eliot is so good you guys im-
- - - - -
Nate: Get out. Now.
Hardison: Is he talking to us?
Parker: An unmarked van parked across the street from a bank that's being robbed? Yeah. I think he's talking to us.
Hardison: Yeah, well, five more feet and he would have been in the clear. What the hell was he thinking?
Parker: Don't be an idiot, Hardison.
Hardison: What?
Parker: Sophie was still in there
parker knows nate loves sophie and would never leave her behind because she may not always get people, but even she can see how much nate cares for sophie
- - - - -
Derrick: Everyone empty your pockets. Wallets, purses, watches, everything you've got, throw it over here.
(everyone throwing stuff to center of floor)
nate threw his fucking toothpick
- - - - -
Deputy Arnold: No, right here, right here, and we need ...
(Eliot crosses police line)
Deputy Arnold: Whoa, whoa, I need you to take a step back, sir.
Eliot: Tell me what's going on in there.
Deputy Arnold: I'm afraid I can't do that, this is an active crime scene, and you need to ...
Eliot: (to cop) I'm not talking to you. (to Nate) How many are there?
Nate: Yeah, you're right. Clearly amateurs, these two. Yeah. The younger one, looks like he's never handled a gun before.
Eliot: Is judge blow-hard next to you?
Nate: Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, definitely amateurs, That's what makes them so dangerous.
Eliot: Alright, 2 guys, both armed, neither one a criminal mastermind. You want me in there?
Deputy Arnold: Sir, we can't have you going inside the bank ...
Nate: Probably, uh, a good idea just to sit tight, don't you think? You know, and see where these guys' heads are
at, you know?
Eliot (backing away): Alright, your call boss.
Deputy Arnold: Thank you
poor deputy arnold + eliot being done with local law enforcement
- - - - -
Sophie: Okay. So what is the plan, Stan
“what’s the plan, stan” adorable.
- - - - -
(Eliot leans against a building across the street and watches Hardison and Parker pull up in a sedan)
Eliot: Nice ride.
Parker (taking notebook and removing badges): It's embarrassing. Everyone knows you don't rob a bank without an exit strategy. These two deserve to get caught. 42 seconds. (tosses notebook back to Eliot)
Hardison: What?
Parker: To rob this bank. One security guard who has never fired his gun before, 2 closed-circiut cameras outside, 1 inside, and a Glen-Reader safe built in the 50's whose default combination is the birth date of the manager's wife! Get in, get out, 42 seconds.
Hardison: Seriously
parker was so angry that she chucked the binder at eliot and he was like ??? we good ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Seriously? (to Bill) I'm Agent Leonard. This is Agent Elmore. We'll be taking over this crime scene,
Sheriff ...
Bill: Bill Hastings. Nice to meet you. You guys sure are quick, just called this in 20 minutes ago.
Hardison: Well, we were coming back from a little border skirmish. Patrol unit came under attack from a pack of Chupacabras.
Bill: Chupacabras? I thought those things were urban legend.
Hardison: You're adorable
I love it when hardison fucks with people it’s hilarious
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, what's going on?
Bill: Cut power to the bank. Standard operating procedure.
Hardison: Standard ... it's standard op ... it's standard? Where do you getting that bull-hockey from son?
Bill: Deputy Arnold, he took a seminar in crisis management last year.
Deputy Arnold: It was an online seminar. We got certificates.
Hardison: Certificates? Magic kits come with certificates. Does that make it cool for kids to saw their parents in half?
Bill: We're just going by the book.
Hardison: The ... the book? The book got a good man killed. I can't ... my blood pressure.
Parker: Ex-partner. Probably shouldn't mention the book again. Or propellers.
parker is doing so well with grifting considering and I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
Sophie: They are not cops, I promise you, they're friends of mine, you can trust them.
Derrick: Why should I trust you? I don't know who you are.
Sophie: I am a thief.
Derrick: Okay, I'm not sure what to do with that.
that’s it guys. that’s the show.
- - - - -
Nate: I didn't say it was going to be easy. But nothing's impossible, especially when you have the world's greatest thief on your payroll. Parker, have you ever robbed a bank that's being robbed?
Parker: There's a first time for everything.
- - - - -
Parker: The bank was built before 1980, before computers. Means it's got a larger than normal night deposit chute.
Hardison: 'Cause business had to drop off ledgers with their daily hauls. What, you thought my genius was only limited to ones and zeroes?
Parker: I'm thinking the chute's my way in. Only problem is, it's in the alley on this side of the building
the way she looks at hardison like damn boy you know my stuff
- - - - -
Hardison: I can take care of that, but, we actually have bigger problems.
Eliot: What's that?
Hardison: Well, Sheriff Coltrane over here called the FBI, the real FBI. Now the closes office is in San Diego, so they should be here, in about, um, give it 45 minutes.
Nate: We can't worry about that now.
Hardison: When do we worry about it?
Nate: In about 45 minutes
hardison, internally: lord give me strength
- - - - -
Hardison: Hold on ... Excuse me. (answers phone) Agent Leonard. We will do whatever you need us to do, just please, don't hurt anybody. Okay. (hangs up) Guys ... Boys, boys, come on, gather 'round. Now boys, that was THE call. The call we were waiting for. Now look, they have a list of demands. First off, they want 12 large pizzas. One cheese, one Hawaiian, extra pineapple. Two pepperoni and black olives, two meat lover's, t ... Seriously? Nobody's writing this down? Seriously? One triple-shot half-caf vanilla latte, tall,
(Parker goes down alley and opens deposit drop box)
Hardison: …three of the latest copies of the Hall and Oates CD. I know, right? Exciting stuff I didn't know they were coming out with a new one either. We're gonna need steaks. Steaks and a grill. They're trying to tailgate. Okay, they need your overalls, I don't know why. They need some kibbles n' bits, we need an Etch-A-Sketch, somebody in there likes to squiggle okay ... Are we good? Let's go people. Everybody. I need you guys moving. Everybody get out. Go. (hardison points at an officer) You stay. We need to talk about Hall & Oates.
I fucking loved this monologue,,, hardison is VERY GOOD at improvising
- - - - -
(Derrick opens night deposit box)
Parker: Hi.
Derrick (hands her the briefcase): There's a lot of money in there.
Parker: Yeah, I know.
Derrick: My wife's life depends on that money getting where it needs to go.
Parker: I understand. Sometimes bad guys are the only good guys you get
parker’s face softened and you can see that she understood. parker didn’t get people in the beginning of the show, and sure her values and ideas aren’t typical, but she was ALWAYS a good person. she cared and understood what was at risk and she consoled him.
also, this is yet another piece of evidence that parker was the main character all along!!! I’m not gonna go super into it because there are already posts out there about it, but she had three (3) episodes dedicated to her character in season one alone AND had her say what is basically the mission statement of the show here in this scene
- - - - -
Sophie: Things could be worse.
Nate: Worse than me getting shot and you blowing our cover?
Sophie: No, no, you're not gonna lay that crap on me. We wouldn't even be in this mess if you'd just walked out with the cash when you had the chance. I would've been fine.
Nate: I know.
Sophie: Yeah, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it a long time. Since way before I met you. I'm just saying.
Nate: Yeah, you're right.
Sophie: Okay
nate knows sophie is a strong independent woman and that is one of the only things I stan about him lol
- - - - -
Sophie: We lost communication.
Nate: Yeah, we did.
Sophie: Hardison, Parker, and Eliot ...
Nate: That's right, they are on their own. Yup.
they ended up doing great on their own, but also, can we acknowledge what a glow up it was building up to the rundown job ???
- - - - -
(Mom gets out of truck and tries to run)
Meth #2: Where the hell you think you're going, old lady? (pulls mom back) Where the hell you think you're g ...
Eliot (catches Meth #2’s arm): Hey, what smells like crank and screams like a girl? (Takes his gun and breaks his knee)
Meth #2: AAHH!
Eliot (kicks car door closed before Meth #3 can get out, empties the bullets from gun): That's the right answer. (throws gun into car at #3, hits #1 as he approaches) Come on. (fights #1, kicks door shut, beats #1 more, kicks door again) Stay in the car. (beats the hell out of #3 and #1, kneels down near mom and removes her gag)
Mom: Who are you?
Eliot: Well ma'am, we'd be the cavalry.
this entire fight scene always has me ROLLING it’s so funny
also I’m not sure if this should go on the List Of Non-Weapon Objects Eliot Uses As Weapons but eliot DID use the car door in the fight
- - - - -
Sophie: Just let the paramedics take him. The rest of us will stay.
Judge Roy: And give up my leverage
*sophie and nate look at each other*
both, internally: tHATS OUR WORD
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, listen. She's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright
Derrick: Your people ... they're good?
Nate: Yeah. The best.
nate’s smile when he says that??? proud dad alert
- - - - -
Sophie (looking at replay of tape): You're still a geek.
Judge Roy: They're trying to ruin me.
Hardison: Geek power, baby. Stay strong!
in other words: age of the geek, baby
also- kudos to 2008 hardison editing video like that. I can’t do that shit with today’s tech lmao
- - - - -
Bill: Go home now. Bank robbers are in custody, hostages are safe. FBI's got the whole thing wrapped up.
Taggert: Do you have any idea what?
Mcsweeten: Just go with it.
Deputy Arnold: Mr. FBI guys, can you help me here?
Bill: My, my. Look at this. Our local drug boys, both with outstanding warrants. It's incredible.
Taggert: Damn, we're good!
mcsweeten and taggert stumbling onto the leverage crew’s cons and directly profiting off of them is iconic. they have no idea. too pure for this world
- - - - -
Sophie: Hey, thanks Parker.
Parker: Whatever.
Sophie: No. It was an excellent performance.
Parker: Yeah, I think I can act okay when I'm yelling at people and bossing them around.
Sophie: Well, it's a good start.
proud mom!sophie + grifting parker
Nate: Listen, we have to make sure we get the cash to the Delgado family. Ow!
Eliot (tending Nate’s wound): Oh! Settle down. You act like you've never been shot before.
Nate (glances at Sophie): So, uh, pizza boxes, huh?
Hardison: Yeah, I know, I know, You could have done better.
Nate: No, no, no. No I couldn't have.
eliot casually stitching up nate’s wound bc no hospitals but also can we talk about how much nate has to trust eliot to literally operate on him
nate giving praise to hardison ??? rare af I don’t know her
189 notes · View notes
be-ready-when-i-say-go · 5 years ago
Silver Fox
Calum’s been a dad too long, all alone. But Anahera wants her dad to take the leap. 18+ Content, (it’s a smut fic)
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No one has my permission to repost this fic, including translations. All rights reserved. Copyright © be-ready-when-i-say-go.
Anahera was not oblivious to the way people looked at her dad. She was however worried. Women had approached him, unabashedly, in front of her, about "going for coffee" or "meeting up for dinner". He always responded the same way, if she was present, with one arm slung over her shoulders, 'It's just me and my girl right now.' It's not that Anahera disliked hanging out with her dad. But she worried. Why did he always turn down these offers? She was nearly sixteen at his point. For the last sixteen years, it had just been him and his girl. He could stand to care for himself just a little.
This Saturday starts no different than the others. Calum wakes first, an hour after dawn. He starts a load of laundry, takes the dogs out for the morning. After watching the morning news, he messes around just a little with his bass and guitars and then finally decides he should cook breakfast. It's only the smell of sausage that wakes her and she shuffles down to the kitchen. She mumbles a good morning and happily accepts the plate loaded up with waffles and sausage.
Calum watches her shuffle back to the living room and plop onto the couch. One of the dogs, it's usually Tammy, the corgi mix that, climbs into her side on the couch and they watch cartoons. Calum walks in after her, settling into the cushions as well. "I gotta go to the library," Anahera mentions around a mouthful of waffle.
It's the second time this week. He knows there some sort of project for her literature class. "Should I hang out or just drop you off?"
"Just need to grab a book."
Calum nods, rubbing the top of Jake's head. He's a gentle giant and the eldest of the dogs. Anahera picked him out of the shelter. She was three, staring up at the big Great Dane with such adoration. Calum was terrified that he and Tammy wouldn't get along or Tammy would get hurt. But he was so gentle around Anahera that during the ride home with him, Calum figured he'd be the same way around other dogs.
With plates cleared, Anahera looks over to his father. His curls are now salted with some gray but are still mostly black. His smile lines have worn ever so slightly on his face. She sees her grandmother in his face. So much of her grandmother. "So, like, is dating completely off the table for you?"
Calum shakes his head, a sigh falling from his lips. "It's not your job to worry about me."
"I'm your kid. Of course, I worry about you."
"You don't have to worry."
"That doesn't answer my question, Dad."
It's not that Calum has actively given up on dating. He just hasn't actively tried to date anyone. It's hard. It's just been him and Anahera. It's just been him taking care of his kid. Her mother left. Some bullshit reason that it wasn't the baby that drove her away, she just needed time. But it's been a little over fourteen years since she's actually seen Anahera in person. So how much time she needed, Calum's not sure. "No one wants to date someone with a kid," Cal answers.
"So you've gone on dates?"
God, he really wishes she'd drop this. Dating is meaningless. No one ever sticks around. He's getting older and he's tired. His patience hardly exists for dating. He exhales, the sigh and pursed lips tell her not to push it. But she goes for it one last time. "I just want you happy. That's all."
"And do you think me unhappy right now?"
She's an idealist. She knows it. "No, but do you want to grow old with somebody?"
Calum wants to be truthful. He can see the hope burning behind her eyes, the way she consumes the rom-coms, the novels she reads. Calum wonders for a fleeting moment if she wants this. If Anahera so deeply desires him to find love, so there's not a hole missing. He knows Mali does what she can, but she's not her mother. "Do you miss your mum?" He's not really sure how to ask. He could try 'Do you wish you had your mum?' but that feels too direct and too cold-hearted.
On the one hand, how can she miss something she's never really had. But on the other, the ache, the hole left behind reminds her she can miss something she's never had. She can long for it. "I don't know if I miss her or just want someone to fill that void."
"I'm sorry," Calum whispers, pulling her into his side. Her curls tickle his nose, but he doesn't dare move as she clutches his shirt. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He curses his cynical heart. No matter how many times he tells her that he loves her, it's never quite the same as having a mother.
His mother urged him to find somebody, scared that without a mother Anahera would be troubled. But she too was not blind to the pain Calum had endured, so over the years, she dropped the subject. The pair was generally happy, Anahera knew her father was always there. She knew no matter what happened, Calum would never falter.
Calum didn't want to leave Anahera without a mother, but did that mean he had subjected himself to suffering? What the hell did he do here?
Calum doesn't push the library or schoolwork. After breakfast, she went to her room. Her music started up and not her usually pop favorites. It's heavy guitar and scornful cries and he knew not to push it. As morning rolls into early afternoon, he decides to see if she wants lunch. The music has since quieted when he reaches her door. Two soft knocks are all he dares try.
"Yeah?" Her voice floats in from the other side of the white door. Paws clicking on the hardwood floors also sound from the other side. It must be Jake. Tammy already at his feet. He hears the creak of her bed. This reminds him to look into a new bed frame for her. He waits until the door opens.
He gives a soft smile, noting her change from pjs. She's done that much, so things are looking good. "Hungry?"
"A little." A little, code for yes, she just hasn't gotten hungry enough to the point where she storms out of room to find food.
"Your favorite?"
She grins with a nod. "I can go for a Killer stromboli right now. Can I drive?"
Calum resists the urge to roll his eyes. Her permit is almost burning a hole in her wallet. "Later. In an empty parking lot."
"Pinky swear?"
Locking his pinky around her, he nods. "Pinky swear." She slides into shoes close to her door and grabs her wallet.
The car ride is almost deafening in the silence. Anahera messes with her phone, not even attempting to overtake the radio as usual. "Sorry," she whispers. "You hurt too. After all, that's happened."
"You hurt too. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to create a situation like this for you."
"You didn't know she'd leave."
"But I never want you to think that I am purposefully putting you here. Or that I'm ignoring your concerns. It's just...difficult."
Difficult is an understatement. Calum's terrified and angry and tired. He can trust no one. No one ever. It's not lost on Calum that he could have whatever or whomever he wanted. It's not lost on him that even if he didn't want a relationship that he could have other things, but he doesn't want to set that example for Anahera. So he chooses to not deal with that part at all.
Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe he should still give it a go. But to be so vulnerable, to bear his entire soul requires too much. It will force him to deal with things rather than just burying them. Ignoring, burial, denial—it's so much easier when he's got a kid, two dogs, and a job. There's no room for dealing with the mess of his emotions.
Finding a seat at the local Italian restaurant is not difficult, however. Tucked away in a both, Calum knows Anahera will not need anytime to debate what she wants. The hostess that seats them warns that their server will be shortly. It's a couple of minutes before their waitress arrives and when she does, Anahera gaps. "Miss Bee?"
"Hey, Anahera. How are you? How's the project coming along?" Calum looks over her face and it takes a moment for it to register. It's the librarian. The one Ana always talks to her if she's at the desk.
"A long way from those bookshelves," Calum teases. He's talked to her a couple of times. Bee is nice. He had no clue however that she worked outside the library.
"Got a kid in college. Tuition ain't cheap," she returns. "What can I get you guys?"
Anahera lists off her order. But Calum is too caught up in her previous statement. He had no clue she had a kid. Much less one in college. There's nothing to suggest it. Not wrinkle on her brown skin or a gray hair on her head. He can't even tell she's had a kid, not physically at least under the gray t-shirt and jeans. He hadn't put her anywhere near his age. He wonders if she's older.
"Dad!" Anahera's voice cuts through his thoughts. "God, hello. Earth to Dad."'
"I'm here. I promise."
"So will you be having the same as her or something different?" Bee asks with a grin tugging at her lips.
Calum rattles off his order. It's his standard order, the chicken Parmesan. She smiles with a nod. "I'll put that right in for you." When she turns, Calum watches. Anahera's talked about going to school. It's not the money that worries Calum. It's the how does she choose, how to apply, where should she be looking that worries Calum.
"God, if you were going to check out her butt at least do it discreetly."
Calum sputters, he wasn't even thinking about that. But his gaze does drop for half a second before he finally turns back to his daughter. "I wasn't even—"
"Yeah you were," she laughs. He sees so much of himself in her. The same nose, same smile. Her hair's dark too. Just a little bit straighter than his.
"Totally was not."
Bee returns with their waters and utensils, alerting them that their orders are already put in and will be done shortly. Then she's off again, tending to other tables. Anahera snaps her fingers. "Forgot to ask her if they even have that book. But I doubt that she would know right now at least." And before Calum can respond, she's back to her phone, pulling up some new video that she wants to show him.
He sits and watches, but wonders if Bee could give him any pointers. So after a moment, he excuses himself to the restroom. He finds her leaning against the bar. Maybe now's got a good time. Maybe he should wait. She turns, smiling. "Something wrong?"
"No, no." Calum shakes his head. "I just—I had a question. Anahera's a couple of years out from university. And that world is completely lost on me. I was wondering if you had any pointers."
"Uh, that really relies on what she wants to do, ya know? But there's plenty of great schools. Besides, Anahera's a bright girl. She'll get in anywhere."
Calum can't help the smile that overtakes his face. He's proud of her. He might not have enjoyed school, but he can see her passion for it. The way she lights up when he asks about what she's learned if it's anything she enjoys. Currently, she's taken a big liking to her physics class. She enjoys Literature too, mostly reading it though, not analyzing it. "Thank you," he grins.
"Of course. You're welcome. If it helps, I'll gather up some literature on overall good schools. Hand it off to her or something."
His hands shake just a little and he's glad there's tucked into the pockets of his pants. It's the way she says or something. Calum knows that small smirk, he knows the glint in her eyes. He would be all over it in his twenties. Hell in his twenties, it would've have been this sly. "How about over coffee?" He suggests.
"Sounds good to me," she pauses, here is where she would have used his name. But she doesn't know it, she realizes.
She grins. "Sounds good to me, Calum. I'm Bee. Really it's Brynna. But I like Bee."
They agree on a day during the week at a local shop and Calum returns to the table. Anahera wiggles her eyebrows, a teasing laugh falling from her lips. "Still got your game?"
"Never lost it," he snorts. Lunch goes by smoothly and Anahera finds her book easily in the library. Thanks to Bee making a quick call so it's already at the desk for her.
Calum pulls into the school's parking lot. It's completely empty and hands the keys over Anahera. "Ready?"
With a dazzling grin, she takes the keys. "Born ready."
As Calum enters the shop, he peels the shades up, into his hair. His boots make a soft click on the floor. He searches the room, waiting to spot black hair with caramel-colored highlights. She's not sitting so he finds an open table, facing the door and settles down. Calum's really not sure what happened in that restaurant, what overtook him to suggest this.
But his nerves are at a 10. What the hell is he even doing here? But as Bee walks in, eyes flickering over the shop. He remembers. It's not that he didn't think she was attractive, but he was also preoccupied. It was always about what did he have to do next, where he needed to go if Anahera was okay.
When Bee walks up to the table, Calum stands, noting the folder in her hand. "Thank you. For doing this for me."
"Never a problem." The conversation has a natural flow. As they wait in line, Calum asks about her kid to find out they're a freshman at university. A son, Terence, plays basketball. So she works two jobs to help with the commuting she does to his games when she can. She used to work the weekday dinner shifts. But started taking on the weekend shifts here and there. The father's in the picture, only for the kid. The best-case scenario for the two of them.
Bee hums, listening as Calum skirts around the fact that Anahera's mother is not in the picture. "Don't talk too much about yourself," she notes, sipping at the green tea still steaming in her cup.
"Never know what to say. And really not used to it."
"Even with all those songs, you write?" He stutters, the cup hitting the saucer with a sharp clank.  Bee laughs, tucking a curl back behind her ear. "I'm a librarian. I do my research. I will say. I took a listen to some songs. Quite enjoy Talk Fast. Granted, haven't step foot into a bar in nearly twenty-some years now."
"What are you saying then? Kind of hoping forever?"
She shakes her head. "More like I'll take what I can get from you. Besides, I ruin all my relationships. The only one I didn't fuck up was the one with my kid by a fucking miracle. I'm too old to play games."
Calum can feel his cheeks lifting as he shakes his head, starting down into the coffee cup. His fingers spin it around. He's twenty again, it feels. Except instead of it being exciting, his heart feels like it's in his stomach. He recognizes the feeling of nerves. They've never gone away even in all his years of performing on stage.
It's not like she's gonna run around and destroy his name. They're in the same boat. "How far away from here are you?" Calum asks, finally lifting his gaze. His stomach guts as he asks the question.
"Literally a seven-minute walk."
He's impressed that she knows the time. "You're a librarian," he laughs. "Didn't think that included timing things."
"It's a complex job. You've got to be a person of many talents."
"So let's test those talents. If you know it's a seven-minute walk, do you happen to know how long of a drive?"
"I'd guess a minute, minute and a half."
Calum pulls his keys from his pocket, sitting them on the counter. She's grinning behind the cup of tea. "Is that including the time it takes to finish the coffee and walk to my truck?"
"It's not. But I'm in no rush if you aren't."
He doesn't want to rush this. But he's also afraid if he draws this out too much longer, he'll find some sort of reason to chicken out. He only has a few sips left. So he polishes off his drink, putting the dishes up and by the time he turns around, hanging from the tips of her fingers are his keys, holding them out to him.
"Didn't want you to forget."
Calum plucks the folder off the table as well. "Trust me, I wasn't." As they start for the door, Bee rattles off the directions and true to her calculations it only takes a minute and a half to her place. It's a small condo. "I know. What am I do lighting a check on fire by renting? I wonder the same thing," she laughs stepping out of the trunk.
"I mean it makes sense. Just you and your son."
"And the cat, Jewels."
"And the cat, Jewels," Calum corrects, standing behind her as she unlocks the door. "More of a dog person."
"I'm aware." As the lights turn up, Calum sees the dark wood and teal decorating her living room. There are some metal pieces thrown in as well, giving way to a rustic modern look.
"Anahera talks about them a lot doesn't she?"
Bee steps into him, eyeing his chest. He suddenly worries that he hasn't made it to the gym in a couple of weeks. Everything is so much harder to maintain now. It takes twice as long to lose weight, but nearly no time to gain it. She pulls at something on his shirt, holding out an orange-colored strand of fur to Calum. "That gave it away."
He laughs, looking over the gray t-shirt and seeing Tammy's fur coating him. "My corgi mix. She wasn't happy with me as I left, so I gave her extra cuddles. Guess I didn't think to double-check for fur."
"Much better than my morning routine. Jewels sat on my face and decided 5 am was a great time to screech to the cat gods."
It's only as the silence settles that they both realize just how close they are to each other. At this distance, Calum notices the moles decorating her nose and cheeks and Bee notes a small scruff on his jaw. Her eyes have a few spots around the white. It's a crazy thing to note, but he only notes it because she hasn't quite met his gaze.
Bee sees that tattoos decorating his wrist and left arm. With a soft touch, she turns it over to read the word Alive inked across the top of his wrist. His right-hand finds her cheek, fingers brushing over the skin before his palm cups it. "It's crazy to think we're still alive," she breathes. "You'd think we'd give up by now."
"Got too much to live for, more so now than ever."
"Such a poet," she teases. He's a good head taller than her, so it takes a moment as she stretches up to brush her lips over his. His lips are bitter and hers are sweet. Calum thinks for a moment he should've grabbed a mint from his car, something because he knows the taste of coffee must be strong.
He gets caught up though on the way her fingers gently trace up his arm. As she pulls back, he pulls her in. His skin feels hot, electric as she touches him. It's been so long. Too long without a touch like this for him. He finds her waist, a little doughy beneath his grip and slides his arm around her. Bee buckles, knees, and legs quaking when he squeezes her.
"Okay?" He asks with a soft smile on his face, eyes not fully opened from their kiss.
She should be embarrassed. She should be downright mortified by her own body's reaction to just being held. But she be damned if she finds any amount of shame in it. She can't remember her own name at the moment, but all she wants is to mark his skin. Rather than answers verbally, she winds her arms around his neck and kisses down his jaw, and then up and over the small moles decorating his cheek.
As she kisses down he throat, taking just a small lick at his Adam's apple, she feels the deep shake as Calum groans. It's deep from his throat. She wants to hear it again and bites down just a little, nothing crazy, just a tiny nibble at his skin and he groans again. "You like to tease I see," Calum huffs, breath coming out in tufts.
Holding her thumb and forefinger a few centimeters apart, she laughs. "Just a little bit." She takes a step backward and Calum follows closely behind.
Shoes are toed off. His shirt is shed first. She rakes his fingers down his chest, carefully tracing the tattoos on his chest. There's a tiny footprint that decorating the ends of a feather, or maybe some sort of plant. She's not sure. But she has a guess who's footprint it is. Close to his heart too.
Her kisses are light on his chest and Calum drops his head, holding himself above her. Bee knows he holds a lot inside him. A lot of love, but also a timid-ness and pain. She doesn't fault him.
Calum finally gets her shirt off, eyes dancing over the chest tattoo, reds, yellows, and purples dazzling against her skin. It's a bouquet of flowers, right in the center of her chest, some of the foliage spilling over to the swell of her breasts. He kisses over the ink, gently running his fingers over her stomach to the back of her bra. With his teeth, he pulls the straps down one at a time while his finger unlatches the clamps. "Never said you had ink too."
"Now tell me would it have made a difference?"
"Not in the slightest."
As the bra is discarded, he brings a nipple into his mouth, drinking in the sounds of her pleasure-filled whines. She hums before bringing his head up and kissing him again. They climb up higher onto the mattress. They wiggle themselves out of their jeans. Calum notices the stretch marks. More ink decorates her hip, he can see the black line work and two little footprints rest on top of right one.
"Guess I'm not the only one," Calum teases, tapping the tatted foot.
"No, it would appear not."
Bee watches him climb over her, the silver chains that tap his chest, the small streaks of gray decorating his black hair. His fingers dance over her hips before they brush over a thin tough line hidden by the band of her panties. Calum doesn't waste a moment to kiss down her stomach, over the tiny pouch left behind. As the thin cloth material is peeled away from her body, Bee wonders a moment if this is the end of the line, if the scar is too much.
Her stomach twists into knots, waiting for the pullback, the rushed and excused exit. Instead, Calum kisses over the scar and continues on fingers brushing over her core. But just a brush. "Who likes to tease now?" Bee huffs, holding herself up on her elbows.
"Still you," he laughs, squeezing at her thighs and trailing a finger up from the entrance to clit. Her head falls back and he takes his time, slipping two fingers into her heat. He kisses over her. Her fingers tangle into his hair, trying to urge him just an inch down on her.
He knows what she wants, but he takes her wrist, threading his fingers through hers and kisses down her inner thighs, slowly working her with those two fingers. She squeezes at his hand, that warmth in the pit of her stomach growing warmer. She mashes her lips together, whines falling over her throat anyway.
Finally, he brings his mouth to her core, sucking at her clit. "Fuck," she cries out. Her breathing is ragged. Calum wraps his arms around her legs, holding her still as she begins to squirm. There's a spark of pride to know he's still got it. That he hasn't lost his touch just yet.
He continues to work over her, sucking, licking, fingers a constant pull at her. She unravels rather quickly, thighs shaking just a little. But the cry of his name over her lips is more than just fuel to the fire. Calum kisses over her inner thighs, a groan falling over his lips. "God, my name sounds good from your lips."
Sitting up, Bee slides out from beneath him. Her chest falls rapidly. Her brain still feels foggy in the post-orgasm haze. But something about this—something about Calum, keeps her going. She pats the bed and Calum lays back, falling into space she once occupied. She slides a hand over his cock through the boxer briefs. "You know what will sound even better?" She quips.
"Tell me."
"My name from your lips." The end of the sentence is punctuated by her pulling down his own underwear. She wraps one hand around the base, licking a strip up to the head and sucking on it lightly.
Calum's whole body tenses, there's no hesitation on her part. Either. "Bee," he hums, reaching for her head. She moans, the vibrations shooting a tingle up his spine. She definitely knows what she's doing, working for another sound, working for another groan, another hum of her name.
She takes him as far as she can into her throat and holds it there, slowly twisting her hand that's wrapped around the rest. As she pulls back away from him there's a line of saliva from her mouth to his cock and the sight lights his gut on fire.
"Come here." His voice is low, demanding. All but a growl and Bee doesn't dare disobey. She keeps one hand on him, pumping as she stretches upwards and he cups her face. They share a searing kiss, exhales tickling over their faces, moans being swallowed.
The apartment was cool, a nice airy feel to it, but now the bedroom is thick with heat and sweat. Bee's a little shocked. She didn't think it would turn out like this. Didn't think she would be so hungry to please somebody. But even as they kiss, she wants him to be weak with pleasure. She wants him to cave to every carnal desire that plagues him.
Calum pulls her hand off him, kissing down her neck. "Thought you were too old to play games," he breathes into her ear.
"How dare?" The words fall with a tuft of laughter, but she pulls away, reaching into her bedside table. She finds a foil packet and opens it. "May I?"
"Be my guest."
Her touch is light as she rolls the latex down his length. Calum notes the snake tattoo on her left hip. The way her skin still glows and still has a rich warmth to the dark brown. The way her cheeks are still full, but the cheekbone and brow bone are strong. A small groan leaves him as she settles on his length.
They rest chest to chest as Bee rocks her hips. He kisses at her shoulder, arms wrapping around her waist. Soft sighs escape them. The room is nothing but an echo of their bodies. Her pace isn't slow, but methodical. She knows there's no rush. Calum leaves a reddening spot on her neck. He would apologize, but she works one onto his chest as well. So now they are even.
Bee feels that sting in her right hip, the pain of a tightening muscle and stills. A hiss leaving her lips. "Sorry. Just an old injury."
"No, no, don't apologize." An awkward shuffle ensues, Bee having to climb off and Calum kneeling next to her. He helps stretch out the muscle. "Our bodies aren't what they used to be. I get it," he utters in a soft tone.
"Let me guess. Football. And I'm not talking American either."
Calum nods. "Your guess would be correct."
"It's the slight accent you still have."
"Tell me more. Something else gave it away."
"Your physique. And it might've come up during my google search, but that's neither here nor there."
Calum releases a small laugh, palm still rubbing deep at her muscle. "So you're no psychic, just a good reader, huh?"
"What can I say? It's my job."
"You're very good at it from what I can see." Bee grabs his hands, mentioning for him to come down. He does so and she cups his face, kissing his soft lips. The kisses grow deeper, more desperate. Calum settles between her legs, thumbs caressing her right hip. "You okay now?"
She nods, lips brushing over his. "Yeah, I'm good." His necklaces are no longer cold, but as they brush over the valley between her breast, a shiver runs down her spine.
Calum is careful as he re-enters her, taking it slow. She holds onto his biceps and smiles, though a moan falls over her lips. Calum buries his face into her neck, hips a ready pace. "Feel like heaven," he whispers into the hickeys he's put there.
Bee can't help the giggle. "Never heard that one before." Calum huffs at her comment, the start of his own orgasm building. Grabbing the back of her thighs, he pushes her hips up just a little.
Her mouth falls open, a groan falling over her lips. "Shit, Calum."
"That's more like it." He leans back, thumb rubbing over her clit. One hand reaches out for him, holding onto his wrist, the other falls to the sheet, grabbing a tight fistful. Her second orgasm hits fast and she cries out, no real words in particular, just a deep guttural sound ripping over her throat. "Oh, what a beautiful sound," he encourages, still slowly circling her clit.
Her whole body shutters and Calum knows he's done for. He spills over into the condom. But bends over to kiss over the column of her throat. The haze is heavier this time. It takes longer to reconnect to her head but she manages to direct Calum to the bathroom before rolling over to her side.
Finished with his business, Calum opens the door and right on the other side is a black cat. Bright green eyes staring up at him. "Nice to meet you Jewels," he greets. She meows and then continues on to the bedroom. It sounds a little aggressive, but he takes it in stride.
She enters the room first and Calum finds his boxers, watching the cat jump onto the bed and then climbing onto Bee's shoulder. "Yes, Jewels?" Another meow. "Uh-huh. But you weren't rude were you? Did you at least say hi." Another meow. "Good," she coos, holding out her arms. The cat leaps back down to the bed.
Bee gapes. "I don't get a hug, nothing." She sighs as Jewels saunters out of the room. "I feed you, you know. Me."
Calum laughs as she walks to the bathroom next. "This is why I'm more a dog person."
Spinning around, she levels a finger at him. "She does love me. She's just acting out because there is a strange man in the house."
"Should've greeted her at the door, huh? How rude of me."
"Nah, she's a little skittish and probably hid. Which is why she hasn't made herself known until now." Once Bee exits, Jewels comes back standing at the door. Calum only notices after pulling the t-shirt back over his body. Nothing is said. But he does squat down, holding a hand. He wonders if she'll come closer.
She looks at his hand then back to his face before sticking her paw out. He chuckles and Bee walks up behind her. "Oh, she's sassing you. Gotta watch out."
"This is her house. So it's okay."
Bee picks her up and walks into the room kissing her head. "We talked about this. No sassing guests, Jewels. Do you need anything? Water?"
Calum stands, with a shake of his head. "Thank you though." Bee nods. He finishes getting dressed. It's not awkward when he heads out. Though something is different. She does hand him her number.
"Call me. Doesn't have to be for sex. Just whatever."
He smiles softly at her leaning forward and kissing her cheek. As he walks back to his call, stares down at the numbers. Just whatever, he thinks. Could be about anything. Inside the truck, he programs her number into his phone and sends a quick text with his name.
When Anahera climbs into the truck after school, she immediately launches herself into a spill about a fight that happened at school. It didn't get worse, but it did disturb the lunch schedule. Which wasn't fun and made her ten minutes late to a class. Calum listens, nodding along, paying attention to traffic. "Do you know why the fight started?" He asks.
"No, I heard it was over some girl. But then someone else said it might've been a drug thing. I'm not really sure."
"It was two seniors fighting. I figured one of them might've owed the other."
He's not too pleased to know that if it were a drug issue that she's so close to it. But Calum also knows that the in life she'll be exposed to things like that. That he can't protect her from everything. "Is there anything—," Calum starts.
Anahera rolls her eyes. "I can't. No Dad. I don't do drugs. I hate the smell of weed anyway."
He nods, it's not a pleasant smell. "I'm not asking to punish you. Just curious. Because if you did, I'd rather you be smart about where you're getting it from."
She laughs. "Making sure I do it legally."
"Well, yeah. Or at least with people you're safe around."
"I appreciate that. But sometimes I wonder why you don't freak out."
"If I panicked over everything, you'd never tell me anything. You're okay to tell me things. You should feel safe around me."
"I do. What I don't feel safe around is this Lit essay."
Calum laughs. "You've got it, sweetheart. You're smart."
"Can you read over it? I just feel like I have a bunch of word vomit on the page and it's not making any sense."
"Sure thing." As they pull into the driveway, Calum takes her backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. Anahera grabs her jacket and closes the door behind her. She watches a mark, dark on the small sliver of skin that's exposed due to the pull of her bag, but thinks nothing of it.
Calum looks over what he has in the fridge, trying to put together what to make for dinner while she prints off her essay. He knows he wasn't a good student, but he does what he can to help her out. Luke usually gets the math-related questions though those are rare. He takes the Lit stuff.
Calum lets the dogs out and Anahera comes back with her essay. It's only three pages right now and she brought the prompt along with her. He stands in the backyard, reading and pacing. Anahera watches him from the steps of the deck. She looks at that dark spot again and it's clear it's something new. Her eyes widen and she jumps up. "Is that a hickey?"
Calum looks down his heart racing. "What? No!"
Hooking her finger into the seam of the neck, she pulls it back. "That's totally a hickey and you have multiple!"
"How do you even know what a hickey is?" He counters. He feels like a teenager again, caught by their parent. This time he is the parent. "What a second? I'm the parent! Why does it matter?"
"Since when did you get a girlfriend?"
"She's—she's just a friend!"
"That's one heck of a friend, then." Truth be told, she's a little giddy. Maybe her dad's finally getting back out there into the dating world. It's one hell of a way to jump back into the pool. But who is she to judge that. "Do I know them?"
Calum turns back to the essay. He's trying not to give it away. He knows she'll figure it out. "Wait!" She exclaims. "It's not Miss Bee is it?" Calum can feel his cheeks growing hot. He stares harder at the paper in his hand. "Oh my god! Dad! I like Miss Bee! No!"
"She just helped me with some university stuff for you in the future."
"Dad, I'm not even done with my sophomore year. I still have like a year and a half left."
"I just wanted to be prepared, that's all. I didn't even graduate secondary. I have no clue what to do or where to be looking for you. I just asked her for some help."
"Oh and you got help alright, too," she mutters. When he lands a stern eyebrow raised at her she apologizes.
"Apology accepted. But no, she agreed to put together some information for me and we talked over coffee."
Anahera sees the small grin that overtakes his face. She holds her hands up in surrender. "If things go poorly, I just don't want her to hate me for it. I still need to get into university, Dad. Miss Bee is literally the only librarian that goes like out of her way to help us at the public library. She knows that place like the back of her hand and she has connections. I need her. Don't blow this, Dad."
"Oh, c'mon. Have a little faith in me."
"She's not even your girlfriend. You called her a friend. You're rusty!"
An incredulous tuft of laughter falls from him. "What do you know about being rusty? You haven't dated anyone that I'm aware of."
"Did you get her number? Please tell me you got at least that."
"As a matter of fact, she gave it to me."
"Did you text her? How long has it been?"
Okay, now he can admit he is rusty about that. After he left Bee's he went into the studio until it was time to Anahera from school. "Phone's inside," he says quietly. Ana screeches and runs inside. She finds his phone right where it usually is, right under the key rack. She looks over the notifications and sees Bee. The last message was at 10:42 AM. Oh my god, she chants to herself. They had to have met soon after she got on the bus.
She knows his passcode; he gave it in case of emergencies. He has her passcode too. Calum never goes through her phone. Doesn't even think to touch it in all honestly unless she's left it behind and only then does he grab it to pass it along. "Dad! It's nearly 4. Please text her back."
"What did she say?"
"I'm not reading your messages. What if I read something too impure for my virgin eyes? You'll have scarred your precious daughter for life."
Calum sighs, handing her the essay and taking his phone. He reads over the text message. "She just said she hoped my day goes well."
"Dude! You still have to reply. Say thanks at least."
"I know that."
"I'll leave you to that." Stepping inside, Jake right at her side. She watches through the back door as he types away at his screen.
"I can see you watching me," he calls through the glass. It's muffled, but still clear enough to make it out. Anahera bolts from the door to be room, laughing as she goes.
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quietmyfearswith · 5 years ago
narcissist {carter baizen x fem!reader} 1/3
narcissist {carter baizen x fem!reader} 1/3
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status — ongoing series
warnings — cursing, mentions of drug and alcohol intake/abuse, attempt at angst
word count (without the lyrics) — 1,995 words
a/n — so this is for @baezen’s the other guys writing challenge and my prompt was alcohol is the only constant in my life; the prompt will be italicized and bolded btw ! i was listening to narcissist by no rome and thought that the song fits perfectly with carter baizen and the prompt as well fit well into the story ,, listen to the song here if u want ,, feedback is appreciated and hope u guys have a lovely day !! :> y/f/n = your full name
masterlist | series masterlist
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Took a picture of all my flaws
Or you can take a video on your phone
And you know that I would talk
But I'm too afraid to pick you up and go home
The ding of the elevator signaled me to step out of the elevator, and I did with a sigh — frustrated with the website that was opened up on my phone. Upon entering the penthouse, I headed for the master bedroom where the subject of the article is currently passed out on his bed.
Knocking three times, “Carter, you up?” My question was met with silence; despite this I still went ahead and entered his room. Clothes laying on the ground, a few beer bottles and shot glasses on the coffee table near his television, and his keys and wallets placed on his bedside table — the indications of how he had spent the night before; by hopping on from bar to bar and purchasing any kind of drink that had alcohol in it. At least this time he’s alone and not someone he had just slept with.
Approaching the side of the bed, I shook his back that was not facing me, hoping that this would wake him up from his deep slumber. He groggily groaned, turning to look at me with his sleepy and tired state, “Oh hey, Y/N. What time is it?”
I put my down and phone bag on the ottoman that was at the foot of his bed and looked into his walk-in closet for an outfit that would make him look decent and not look like he got dragged and passed around by people, “Well it’s way past time for you to correct your actions since people have already been talking about the stunt you pulled.”
This probably confused him as he sat up and tried to rub off the exhaustion he felt, “Can you be more clear with what you meant with that? Also, I really am curious about what time it is.” Going back from Carter’s closet — which happens to be made of glass and mirrors — and placing the down his outfit which consisted of a two piece Burberry suit that consists of a checkered maroon suit with a matching plain, maroon slacks and laying it down on the bed, “The time now is 9:28 in the morning,” I reached for my phone and shoved it to him with the website I have previously read still opened, “And this is what I meant when I implied that damage control was too late.” 
His shirtless upper body hit the back of the headboard as he began reading the content of my phone, “Spotted, Carter Baizen spending his earned wealth at various bars and clubs late last night. You may have previously known him for being the resident bad, playboy that you see in your school, but now just when it was starting to look like he was getting his act together, he reverts back to how he once was when he was a reckless teenager. I guess some old habits just die hard, don't they? You know you love me, xoxo, gossip girl.”
I laughed at the disgusted face Carter made after he finished reading what had got me annoyed earlier, “Well, at least I’m living my life well. Not compared to this jackass loser who keeps on documenting and reporting the lives of others since theirs is probably uneventful.”
I'm feeling Dazed like a magazine
Finding my own sanity
Wishing it'll all go away
Now we're smoking off the balcony
You're telling me profanities
Maybe it was never okay
“For fuck’s sake, Carter, do you not see the bigger issue here? It’s not just about how there is some loser out there talking about the life of others. But it’s about you how you are living your life! You are now a CEO, a fucking CEO! I don’t think business partners would be eager to make transactions and ventures with someone who acts as if they had just gotten their license and are now going out every chance they can to enjoy this privilege!” Carter looked at me coldly and was about to argue back but I continued to give him my two cents, “On top of that, I  think as well that the frequency of your alcohol, and possible drug intake is alarming, as well. And it's gotten to the extent that I feel like you should be seeing a professional to help you cope with this.”
I concluded my statement of concern and alarm by folding my arms together and looked at him seriously. Carter stood up and headed for the bathroom, I followed him and leaned by the door as he was washing up his face and waited for his reply. He stared at me through the mirror as he was drying his face, “I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I think you’re overreacting a little bit.”
I threw my hands up and scoffed at disbelief, “Seriously, Carter? Do you not recall the various times wherein I had to pick up your drunk or high ass — and by the way, there are some instances wherein you’re both high and drunk — from whatever bar you were misspending your money on.”
He turned around to look at me and crossed his arms — in annoyance, I presume — and fought back, “So what if I get blackout drunk a few times? It happens to the best of us! Have you not enjoyed yourself completely and just passed out from exhaustion from spending a night out? Oh wait, you probably haven’t! Which explains why you’re so fucking uptight!”
With one hand massaging my temples, I managed to remind him in a calm tone, “Did you forget what happened two months ago?”
345, that's where we stayed
She told me I'm a narcissist doing it again
Took a bunch of acid and she told me, "not again"
Now I've gotta tell her that I'm lovin' her friends
345, that's where we stayed
She told me I'm a narcissist doing it again
Took a bunch of acid and she told me, "not again"
Now I've gotta tell her that I'm lovin' her friends
My dreams of riding a unicorn while eating cake was suddenly interrupted when a loud ringing woke me up. Stretching my hand and patting for my phone on the bedside table. Recognizing how I had an incoming call, I swiped to accept it even though I was not awake or aware enough to check who was calling. “Hello?”
“Is this Ms. Y/F/N?” a woman asked as soon as I greeted her, I took a second to check my phone and only then did I notice how it was an unknown number that called me, “Yes, this is she, who’s asking?” My bones had suddenly become frigid in anticipating what the girl on the other end had to tell me. “Well your information was listed on one of our customer’s wallet and we had to call and let you know that Carter Baizen has passed out from drinking which resulted in him collapsing on the floor, head first.”
I let out a grunt as I put the call in speaker mode and got off the bed to throw over a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, “Was he with anyone when he was drinking? And is he unconscious? And what address is your bar, by the way?” I was already outside my apartment and headed for my parked car by the time she had replied and given me the information I asked for.
Curse words and frustrated mumbles were leaving my lips as I was driving around the city, hoping to get to Carter faster and in time to prevent any unfortunate event from happening. Upon arriving at the bar, I was already opening my door before I had even parked my car and stormed inside the establishment.
“Hey, I was called in earlier for a patron who passed out and fell head first?” I approached a girl who was mopping floors near the entrance door, she nodded and told me that she was the one who called me and led me to where Carter was. They were kind enough to move him from the floor and lay him down on one of the booths.
I quickly took in his state — there were a few buttons of his long-sleeved polo that were unbuttoned, there were faint traces of alcohol in his shirt and face, while there was also a bit of blood residue from his head wound as a result of collapsing from the floor. “Thank you for calling me right away and for taking care of him, but I was wondering if you or another staff would be willing to help me bring him to my car?” the girl nodded and called for one of their male employees to help me bring Carter in.
That night was probably the most nervous and anxious I have ever felt; knowing that Carter could possibly be facing health problems from drinking too much and hitting his head. Seeing him this way has always affected me and has made me feel responsible for his well-being — not only because I was hired as his assistant, but because I was the only one who managed to tolerate and be with him for this long time. 
Fortunately enough, the doctor ruled that there was nothing currently wrong with his liver and kidney following his night of over intoxication. But that didn’t mean that he was completely out of the woods; I was warned of how if he spends more nights like this, it could probably lead to the failure of his organs to properly function. To add even more salt to that wound, he informed me about how Carter hitting his head was also dangerous and that it could have resulted in a serious head injury — but that wasn’t the case in this scenario. The medical official also told me that Carter was lucky for it did not lead to any complications and that he should be safe from it as long as he drinks responsibly and moderately to avoid these things from happening again.
And I've been seeing somebody
But I've not found a way to tell you
That I'm seeing somebody
There's not a nice way for me to say that
I've been seeing somebody
You know I want you to be happy
Since I'm seeing somebody
And then maybe we can get on with it
“You know, you don’t need to bring up what happened every time?” He said as he walked past me to grab his clothes and get dressed. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the ottoman as I stared at him, “I don’t need to? That’s where you’re wrong, Baizen. The only reason why I keep bringing it up is because — guess the fuck what — I’m the only person who gives a fuck about you! I’m the one you call every time your ass is too drunk to drive or when you’re high as the fucking clouds! Or if you can’t call, guess who’s name and number you have written down in your wallet? It’s mine! So yes, I bring it up every fucking time since I don’t want you to seize your night so fucking hard that you end up deceased the next day!” I angrily let out.
He was done dressing up by the time I had yelled out my grievances, “I’m sorry that I can’t stop myself from drinking or having a night out!” This unapologetic remark from him just angered me further, “Well then let me help you! Let a therapist or some other professional help you get through this! You don’t have to do it alone, Carter.” I reminded him as I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder, to show him how I was gonna guide him through this.
He pushed my hand away and walked towards his dresser and put on some cologne and began fixing his tie, “No, I don’t want your or anyone else’s help. Alcohol is the only constant in my life; it always has been and it always will be.” when these words have left his lips, I froze up in disbelief and hurt. I was there with him when he was struggling to establish himself as a businessman, saw his struggles and victories, and even outside of work I was the only who cared enough to make sure that he was fed and hydrated despite his busy schedule.
“What do you call me then?” I sadly asked him and this got him to stop his movements and turn to me. However before he could explain himself or go near me, I had already collected my things and headed to exit his room and suite, “Be at the office before 10:30 am, you have a meeting with representatives of the Eichner Enterprise at 10:30. The rest of your schedule will be emailed to you.” 
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winchesterbrotherstan · 5 years ago
SPN- Playthings (2.11)
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Pairing: Olive Winchester (sister OC)
Summary: After a month of searching for Ava with no results, the siblings accept a case from Ellen. Sam spirals after a secret is revealed, Olive plays caretaker, and Dean makes a promise he can’t keep.
Warnings: uh, like a ghost, the word gun is in there one time (wow), uh there’s some cursing, DOLLS ARE FUCKING CREEPY OKAY, uhh, olive says the word milf, uh like, idk?? mentions of dead ppl??
Word Count: 6079
“Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Ellen.” Sam hung up the phone as I unlocked the door, pushing it open with my foot.
“What’d she have to say?” Dean shut the door behind him.
“Oh, she’s got nothing.” Sam sighed. “Me, I’ve been checking every database I can think of. Federal, state, local. No one’s heard anything about Ava. She just… into thin air, you know?”
Dean sighed and handed Sam one of the coffee cups. Sam looked over at us with hopeful puppy eyes.
“What about you?”
Dean and I shared a look. I shook my head and turned back to Sam.
“Nothing yet. I’m sorry, bubs.”
Sam sighed. “Ellen did have one thing.”
“What was it?” Dean sat down at the table.
I dropped onto Sam’s bed and began to work at my shoes.
“A hotel in Cornwall, Connecticut. Two freak accidents in the past three weeks.”
Dean looked at me. I shrugged.
“I’m confused, what’s this have to do with Ava?”
Sam shook his head. “No, it’s just a job. A lady drowned in the bathtub, then a few days ago a guy falls down the stairs. His head does a complete one-eighty. Not exactly normal, you know. I dunno, guys, it might be nothing, but I told Ellen we’d think about checking it out.”
Sam looked at us. I shrugged again.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Wait, you did?” Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” Sam frowned. “Why do you seem surprised?”
“Well, it’s just… you know…” Dean scratched the back of his neck. “Not the uh, patented Sam Winchester way. Is it?”
Sam raised an eyebrow.. “And what way is that?”
“Oh, you know, I just figured that after Ava, there’d be, uh… ya now, more angst and droopy music and staring out rainy windows and-”
Sam shot Dean a bitchface, and he chuckled.
“Okay. I’ll shut up now.”
“Look.” Sam huffed. “I’m the one who told her to go back home. And now her fiancé’s dead and some demon snatched her and took her God knows where. But we’ve been looking for a month now, and we’ve still got nothing. I’m not giving up on her, but I’m not gonna sit by and let other people die either. We’ve gotta save as many people as we can.”
“Wow.” Dean blinked. “That attitude is just way too healthy for me. I’m officially uncomfortable now. Thanks.”
Sam ducked his head and laughed. I shuffled from the bed to stand behind him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned over him. He patted my arm with a smile.
“Alright.” Dean huffed dramatically. “Call Ellen, tell her we’ll take it.”
I yawned as Dean put the Impala in park. We had stayed in the car for the night, and with Jinx and my most recent growth spurt, it proved to be more difficult than we had remembered. I kicked Dean in my sleep, and my leg had twisted up weird.
“Dude, this is sweet.” Dean grinned as we poured out of the car. “I never get to work jobs like this.”
“Like what?”
“Old school haunted houses, you know? Fog, secret passageways… sissy British accents. Might even run into Fred and Daphne while we’re inside.” Dean closed his eyes with a smile and a soft sigh. “Mmm, Daphne. Love her.”
I shook my head as we started up the porch stairs.
“Hey, wait a sec.” Sam held a hand out, stopping us both short.
I turned back down the steps, staring at an urn on the side of the stairs. Dean stopped walking and looked at us over his shoulder.
“I’m not so sure haunted’s the problem.”
“What do you mean?”
“See the pattern?” Sam squatted next to the urn and tapped a five point symbol engraved in a sun. “That’s a quincunx.”
“A five-spot.” I hummed.
“Five-spot.” Dean repeated.
“That’s used for hoodoo spellwork, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. You fill this thing with bloodweed and you’ve got a powerful charm to ward off enemies.”
“Yeah, except I don’t see any bloodweed.” Dean smacked his lips. “Don’t you think this place is a little too, uh… whitemeat for hoodoo?”
Sam huffed as we looked around. “Maybe.”
We filed into the inn one by one. Dean caught the front lady’s attention, and Sam and I took our sweet time closing the door, observing the old timey interior.
“May I help you?”
“Hi, yeah, I’d like a room for a couple of nights.” Dean smiled.
Sam and I shared a look before he stepped into the lobby. A little girl wearing an old school-uniform bumped into Sam’s legs as she ran across the room. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight, and Jinx barked. I knelt next to her and shushed her, smoothing her fur out.
“Hey!” The lady shouted before looking at Sam. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Sam shook his head, a dismissive frown on his face. “No problem.”
“Well, um, congratulations. You could be some of our final guests.”
“Well. Sounds vaguely ominous.” Dean huffed.
“No, I’m sorry. I mean we’re closing at the end of the month.” The lady looked over the two. “Let me guess. You guys are here antiquing?”
Dean looked back at Sam with a why not look before turning back. “How’d you know?”
“Oh, you just look the type.”
I could sense Dean’s discomfort. Sam stepped forward.
“Sorry, uh, are you guys pet friendly? She’s well trained, we just didn’t have anywhere to leave her.”
“Normally we’re not, but since we’re so close to shutting down, it’s fine.”
Sam nodded at me and I slowly brought Jinx in.
“So, uh, one king-sized bed?”
“What?” Sam blinked.
“Oh, oh, oh, uh, no. No, no, no.” I shook my head, popping in between the two. “No, two singles.” I circled my finger around the three of us. “We’re just siblings.”
“Oh.” The lady’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
Dean tilted his head. “What’d you mean that we look the type?”
She stared down while looking for something to say. Sam cleared his throat.
“You know, speaking of antiques, you have a really, really interesting urn on the front porch. Where’d you get that?”
“Oh, I have no idea.” She smiled, grateful for the out. “It’s been there forever.”
She handed Dean a room key. “Here you go, Mr. Mahagov.”
Dean gave her the classic white-people smile and took the key. “Thanks.”
The lady rang the bell on the counter. “You’ll be staying in room 237. Sherwin, could you show these fine folks to their room?”
Dean and I turned to see an old, balding man dressed formally shuffling up behind us. “Let me guess. Antiquers?”
The three of us bit our tongues as Sherwin took Dean’s bag from him and began to lead us up the stairs. Sam and I opted to keep ours on our shoulders. Sam scooped Jinx off her feet and held her to his chest as we followed Sherwin. Dean’s duffel bag wouldn’t stop clunking, and I was horrified a gun would somehow go off. Dean scratched the back of his neck.
“I could give you a hand with that bag.”
“I got it.”
“Okay.” Dean licked his lips and gave me a look.
I patted his arm. Sam cleared his throat.
“So, the hotel’s closing up, huh?”
“Yep. Miss Susan tried to make a go of it, but the guests just don’t come like they used to. Still, it’s a damn shame.”
“Oh, yeah?” Sam spoke in a tell-us-more tone.
“It may not look it anymore, but this place was a palace. Two different vice-presidents laid their heads on our pillows. My parents worked here, I practically grew up here. Gonna miss it.” Sherwin sighed as he unlocked our room and pushed the door open. “Here’s your room.”
He handed Sam the key and nodded as we shuffled into the room. Dean turned to shut the door, only to see that Sherwin was standing there, hand out.
“You’re not gonna… cheap out on me. Are you, boy?”
Dean sighed as he pulled out his wallet.
Sam ran a hand through his hair as he skimmed over the paper in his hand. I yawned and put down the paper I had just finished reading. Dean was pacing. He let out a dry chuckle, then a mumble of curses.
“What?” Sam and I didn’t look up.
“That’s normal.” Dean huffed.
I looked up as he stood next to me, arms crossed over his chest. There was an old wedding dress pinned up to the wall. I sucked in air through my teeth as Dean moved to sit on one of the beds.
“Why the hell would anyone stay here? I’m amazed they kept in business this long.” He dropped onto the bed, which sunk further under him.
“Alright, victim number one.” I spoke up, waving the paper. “Joan Edison, forty three years old. Realtor handling the sale of the hotel. Victim number two?” I looked over at Sam.
“Larry Williams. Moving some stuff out to Goodwill.”
“Well, there’s a connection. They’re both tied up in shutting the place down.”
“Yeah.” Sam hummed. “Maybe somebody here doesn’t wanna leave, and they’re using hoodoo to fight back.”
“Who do you think our witch doctor is? That Susan lady?”
“Nah.” Sam shook his head. “Doesn’t seem likely. I mean, she is the one selling.”
“Maybe Sherwin?” I offered.
“I don’t know.” Sam shrugged.
“Of course, the most troubling question is why do these people assume we’re gay?”
“Well…” Sam hummed. “You are kinda butch. Probably think you’re overcompensating.”
I snorted. “It’s cause you’re a bottom and Sam’s not.” I mumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” I mumbled again.
“Ha fucking ha.” Dean narrowed his eyes at me with a huff.
“This place is weird.” I stuck to Dean’s side as we poked around the hallways.
“Hey, look.” Sam pulled another urn off a table. “More hoodoo.”
Dean made a face before looking around. He stalked off toward a door marked PRIVATE and knocked. Sam put the urn down and we crowded Dean in the doorway, eyes wide as we looked around.
The door opened, revealing Susan. “Hi.”
“Hi there.” Dean gave his charming grin.
“Everything okay with your room?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Oh, yeah everything’s great.”
“Well, I was, I was just in the middle of packing.” She cut Dean off as the three of us talked over each other.
“Hey!” Dean’s face lit up as he looked past her. “Are those antique dolls? Cause this one,” he turned and picked his victim. “Sammy here’s got a major doll collection back home. Don’t ya?”
He gave Susan a polite smile that, hopefully, screamed murder to Dean. “Big time.”
“Big time. You think he could come, or we could come in and take a look?”
Susan shifted. “I don’t know…”
“Please?” Dean begged. “I mean, he loves them. He’s not gonna tell you this, but he’s uh, he’s always dressing em up in their tiny little outfits, and uh,” he shrugged, “honestly, you’d make his day. You- she would, huh?” He turned to Sam with a grin.
Sam looked sick. “It’s true.”
“Okay.” Susan stepped aside. “Come on in.”
“Alright! Alright.” Dean slapped Sam’s back as we trudged into the room.
Sam gave him another death glare and I pushed myself between the two as we looked around the room.
“Wow.” Dean hummed. “That’s a lot of dolls.” He feigned a smile. “I mean, they’re nice, ya know.” He looked down at me and mumbled. “Not super creepy at all.”
Susan laughed. “Yeah, I suppose they are a little creepy. But they’ve been in the family forever. A lot of sentimental value.”
“What is this?” Sam was on the other end of the room, walking around a huge dollhouse. “The hotel?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Susan smiled. “Exact replica, custom built.”
Sam frowned and picked something up off the ground. “His head got twisted around.” He held a doll up so Dean and I could see.
Dean and I shared a look before turning to Susan.
“What happened to it?”
“Oh, Tyler, probably.”
We forced understanding smiles, and the second Susan turned her back, we gave each other bug eyes.
What the fuck?
“Mommy!” Tyler ran in. “Maggie’s being mean!”
“Tyler, tell her I said to be nice, okay.”
“Hey, Tyler.” Sam came over with a soft smile on his face. “I see you broke your doll. You want me to fix it?”
“I didn’t break it.” Tyler pouted. “I found it like that.”
“Oh.” Sam smiled wider. “Well, maybe Maggie did it.”
I sighed. Sometimes it broke my heart to know he’d never have a family of his own.
“No.” Tyler shook her head. “Neither of us did it. Grandma would get mad if we broke them.”
“Oh, Tyler.” Susan hummed. “She wouldn’t get mad.”
“Grandma?” Dean took a step forward.
“Grandma Rose. These were all her toys.”
“Oh, really?” Dean looked around. “Where’s Grandma Rose now?”
“Up in her room.”
“You know, I’d, I’d, uh, I’d really love to talk to Rose about her incredible doll-”
“No.” Susan cut Sam off. “I mean, I’m afraid that’s impossible. My mother’s been very sick and she’s not taking any visitors.”
We were promptly ushered out of the room, and the door was shut behind us.
“What do you guys think?” Dean began. “Dolls, hoodoo, mysterious shut-in grandma?”
“Boys, I hate to say it, I really do. But I think we’re in a horror movie.”
Sam ran a hand over his face and Dean gave me a gentle push. “Every time you say that, something goes terribly wrong. Have you realized that?”
I frowned. “No. I just kinda say things.”
Sam sighed. “Okay, well dolls are used in all kinds of voodoo and hoodoo. Curses, binding spells…”
“Yeah, maybe we’ve found our witch doctor. Alright, I’ll see what I can go dig up on booming granny. You go get online, check old obits, freak accidents, that sort of thing. See if she’s whacked anybody before.”
“Jesus Christ.” I hissed as I shut the room door behind me, leaning on it.
Sam looked up, teary eyed. “What happened?”
“Uh… lawyer. He hung himself.”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down. His shoulders began to shake, and I felt my heart soften.
He looked up, tears falling down in streaks. “Jessica was pregnant.”
I stopped cold. “What?”
He pushed his hair out of his face. “She was pregnant. Becky called me.”
“Becky… Becky from a year ago?”
He nodded. “She knew, and she never said a thing.”
“Hold on, Sammy…” I trailed off as I sat down on the table. “When?”
He looked away. “When…” He licked his lips and let out a strangled sob. “When she died.”
He began to weep, and I scrambled to my feet, pulling him into my chest. He gripped fistfuls of my jacket, and I ran a hand through his hair as the other held his shoulders tightly.
“Sammy, I’m so sorry.” I whispered.
“I couldn’t save the lawyer. I couldn’t even save Jess.” He whimpered.
“Sams, neither were your fault.”
“I was gonna be a dad.”
“I am so sorry, Sammy.” I pressed a long kiss to the top of his head and bit back my own tears.
“I should’ve done something.”
I rubbed his back. “Sams, there is nothing you could’ve done.”
He pulled back and wiped his face. “I dreamt about it! I could’ve done something! I could’ve saved her! What if something happens to you? O-o-or to Dean? I’m useless.”
My heart shattered, and I cupped his face, bending down so that we were nose to nose.
“You are not useless. You’re my brother. Dean and I need you.”
He shook his head, pushing my hands away. “I’m gonna go for a walk.”
He stumbled to his feet, and I sighed as his breath hit my face. I grabbed his wrists and pulled him back.
“Sams, you’re drunk.”
“So? You think I won’t be able to go on a walk?” He challenged.
“No.” I whispered. “But I’m not gonna let you go out into a haunted hotel while you’re wasted.”
He huffed. “I just-”
“Do you need to be alone?”
He nodded.
“Okay.” I tugged him back toward his chair. “Stay here. I’ll go for a walk.” I glanced at my watch. “I’ll be back in half an hour. Okay?”
He nodded again as he dropped into his seat. I cupped his face again.
“I love you. Okay?”
He nodded.
“I’ll be back soon.” I kissed his head again before grabbing Jinx’s leash and calling her over.
She bolted out the door and sat in the hall. I looked over my shoulder to see Sam with his head in his hands. I sighed and shut the door.
Jinx yawned as she dropped to her stomach. I had walked her around the neighborhood, which was, like the hotel, creepy. It was picturesque, but the antique feeling was everywhere, and it was one I didn’t like.
Somebody started up the stairs, and I didn’t look up as I scooted over, trying to give them more space to walk.
I looked up to see Dean. I sighed.
“What happened? Where’s Sam?”
“Um…” I stood and avoided eye contact.
“Ol.” Dean craned his neck to catch my eye. “Why did I see a coroner’s van-”
“A lawyer hung himself.”
“Jesus.” Dean huffed.
“Look… Jess was pregnant.”
“Jessica. When she died. She was pregnant. Sam just found out.”
Dean’s eyes bugged out of his head. “Wh…”
“Just cut him some slack. Okay?”
Dean huffed. “Fine. Come on.”
We trudged up the stairs and into the lobby in silence.
“Uh, hey.” Susan caught our attention. “I’m sure you heard about the lawyer… look, if you’d like to check out, I can give you a full refund.”
I shook my head. “No. Thanks.”
“We don’t scare that easily.” Dean pulled me to keep walking.
He led the way up the stairs and pushed the door open.
“There’s been another one. Lawyer hung himself.” He called into the room.
“We know.” Sam grunted.
I shut the door and flicked the lights on.
“We’ve gotta figure this out, and fast.” Dean huffed. “What’d you find out about Granny?”
“You’re bossy.” Sam snorted out.
I cursed to myself as Dean spun around. “What?”
“You’re bossy. And short.” Sam let out a sloppy laugh.
A glare formed on Dean’s face as he looked my way, then back at Sam. “Are you drunk?”
“Yeah.” Sam laughed again. “So? Stupid.”
Dean looked around and spotted the empty bottles. His shoulders fell and he shook his head at me. I looked down at the ground.
“Dude. What are you thinking? We’re working a case.” Dean barked out.
Sam stared down at the ground, tearful again. “That guy who hung himself. I couldn’t save him.”
“What are you talking about? You didn’t know. You couldn’t have done anything, Sam.
“That’s an excuse, Dean.” Sam huffed. “I should’ve found a way to save him. I should’ve saved Ava, too.”
Dean made a face, and I grabbed his wrist. “Hey. Slack. Remember? We’re cutting him some slack.”
Dean sighed and took a few steps toward Sam. “Well, you can’t save everyone. Even you said that.”
“No, Dean, you don’t understand!” Sam slammed the table. “The more people I save, the more I can change!”
My heart fell to my stomach.
“Change what, Sam?” Dean shook his head.
“My destiny, Dean!” Sam leaned forward, his hands on his chest
Dean sighed. “Alright. Time for bed. Come on, Sasquatch.” He pulled Sam up by the shoulders. “Come on.”
“I need you to watch out for me.” Sam huffed as Dean pushed him toward the bed.
“I always do.”
“No! No, no, no. You have to watch out for me, alright? And if I ever…” Sam huffed again. “Turn into something that I’m not…”
My skin began to crawl, and Dean tilted his head.
“You have to kill me.” Sam looked over Dean’s shoulder, at me. “Either of you.”
“No!” I spat.
“Sam.” Dean’s tone was dismissive.
“Dean! Dad told you to do it, you have to.”
“Yeah, well, Dad was an ass.” Dean snarled.
Sam frowned, confusion washing over his face.
“He never should have said anything. I mean, you don't do that, you don't, you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids.” 
“No. He was right to say it! Who knows what I might become?” Sam whined. “Even now, everyone around me dies!”
“Yeah, well, Olive and I aren’t dying, okay?”
“And neither are you.” I hissed as I helped Dean maneuver Sam onto the bed. “Come on, Sams.”
He sat on the bed, but he wouldn’t lay down. He grabbed Dean’s jacket and pulled him close. “No, Dean, please!” Sam whined again. “You’re the only one who can do it. Promise.”
“Don’t ask that of me.” Dean shook his head.
“Dean, please.” Sam begged. “You have to promise me.”
Dean looked away, and I caught his eye. I shook my head, eyes wide and full of tears. Dean sniffled, tears collecting in his own eyes.
“Don’t.” I hissed.
He looked back at Sam. “I promise.”
“Thanks.” Sam reached up to grab Dean’s face. “Thank you.”
Dean batted Sam’s hand away. I climbed onto the bed and pulled Sam to lay down as Dean lifted his legs onto the bed. Sam turned and planted his face onto my chest, wrapping both of his arms around me. I hugged him back and glared at Dean as he ran a hand over his face.
“Oh god.” Sam’s voice was hoarse.
“Sams?” I whispered.
He slowly rolled onto his back with a huff. “Oh fuck.”
“Hey.” I sat up and pushed his hair out of his face.
“I’m gonna be sick.”
“Oh. Oh god, oh no.” I hissed as he scrambled off the bed, stumbling his way to the bathroom.
He barely made it as he threw up. I groaned. Taking care of the boys while they were black out drunk was one thing, but hungover and throwing up was another story.
“Oh, bambi.” I whispered, helping him settle on his knees. “Come on, let’s take your jacket off.” I eased the denim fabric from his shoulders.
“Shit.” He groaned.
“Come on. Shoes, too.” I rubbed his shoulders.
“You don’t have to take care of me.” He fussed as he kicked his shoes off.
“You always take care of me.” I knelt by his side and brushed a thumb over his cheek. “Let me take care of you.”
He gave me a soft smile, but it fell. His face drained of color, and he turned back to the toilet. I sighed as I rubbed his back. He spat into the toilet again. I shushed him soothingly.
“How are you feeling, Sammy?” Dean all but shouted as he entered the room, out of view.
Sam groaned before dry heaving. I stood up and crouched behind him, pulling his hair into a small ponytail. I tucked what didn’t stay behind his ears.
“I guess mixing whiskey and Jäger wasn’t such a gangbuster idea, huh?”
Sam ignored him.
“I’ll bet you don’t remember a single thing from last night, do you?” Dean asked, hope in his eyes.
I shot him a glare, and he cleared his throat. Sam only huffed before letting out another groan.
“No, I can still taste the fucking tequila.”
A relieved smile grew on Dean’s face, and I sighed as I rubbed Sam’s back again, sitting on the edge of the tub. He leaned down on his feet with a groan. I pulled the hand towel off the ring and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He dropped onto his butt and leaned into me, head hitting my chest. I cooed as I pushed stray hairs from his face.
“You know, there’s a really good hangover remedy.” Dean cracked a devilish grin.
“Dean.” I warned.
“It’s a, uh, it’s a greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray.”
“Oh, I hate you.” Sam popped back to his knees to throw up.
“I know you do.” Dean laughed. “Hey, turns out when Grandma Rose was a tyke, she had a Creole nanny who wore a hoodoo necklace.” He leaned in the doorway and huffed, waving the air in front of his nose. “God, it fucking stinks in here.”
“Yeah, you’re telling me.” I grumbled back.
“Whew.” Dean hummed. “Sometimes I forget you have better senses than we do.”
“Okay, you think the nanny taught Rose hoodoo?”
“Yes I do.” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
“Alright.” Sam stumbled to his feet. “I think it’s time we’ve talked to Rose, then.”
His breath hit my face and I held back my own gag. “Oh, Sams.” I stepped back. “You’ve gotta brush your teeth first.”
“I’ll see you guys later.” I pressed a kiss to Sam’s cheek, then to Dean’s.
“See you, baby.” Dean grinned.
“Love you, bug.” Sam gave me a kind smile.
“Love you guys too. Be safe.”
“Always, you too!” Dean called as I shut the car door and started across the parking lot.
I tugged on the straps of my backpack as I walked up the steps and into the school. I fished the crumpled schedule from my back pocket and sighed.
World geography.
I looked up to see a blond boy my age smiling at me.
“Hi.” I feigned a smile back.
“Need help finding your classes? I moved here a few years ago, I’ve got the building pretty much down.” He chuckled.
I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
“Adam.” He held his hand out.
I shook it. “Olive.”
He chuckled. “Nice name.”
I rolled my eyes with a smile. “Thanks. My brothers love food.”
“Brothers?” He repeated as we walked. “Yikes.”
I shook my head. “Nah. They’re good. You got any siblings?”
“I’m an only child.”
I let out a low whistle. “Sucks.”
“See ya around, Olive!” Adam waved.
I put a hand up. “See ya.”
“Hey, kid.” Dean grinned as he pulled up, windows down.
“Hey, De. Hi, Sams.” I slid into the backseat.
Jinx was curled up, and our bags were on the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows.
“What happened?”
“Oh, uh…”
“We got kicked out.”
“What?” My eyes widened as I looked up. “How? Why?”
“Susan caught us trying to talk to Rose.”
“Oh god.” I rolled my eyes.
“Look, she had a stroke. There’s no way she was practicing hoodoo.”
I sighed and leaned forward as Dean drove off. “Then what’s happening at the hotel?”
The boys shook their heads. I sighed again.
“Let’s go back.”
“We can’t, sweetie.”
“Yes we can.” I scoffed.
“How?” Dean eyed me in the rearview.
I shrugged. “Easy. I’ll just tell her you guys forgot to pack some of my stuff. She seemed to like me. She’ll let me back in.”
The boys shared a brief look, and Dean sighed. “Fine. Ten minutes, in and out.”
I grinned. “Works for me.”
“Is that…” Sam squinted and leaned forward.
“Shit, Dean, stop the car!” I squeaked.
He slammed the brakes, and I pushed the door open before taking off in a sprint, tackling Susan out of the way. The car crashed into the tree on the edge of the playground and Susan panted as we sat up.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I think so.”
“Come on, come on.” Dean and Sam came scrambling.
I got to my feet, and my knee slipped out from under me. I crashed onto my ass with a grumble. Dean sighed and plucked me off the ground as Sam helped Susan up.
“Inside, let’s go.”
Sam led the way, guiding Susan by the shoulders. She huffed as we walked into the dining room.
“Whiskey.” She sat down.
“Sure.” Sam scoffed. “I know the feeling.”
Susan looked up as Dean eased me into a seat at the table. I hissed as he knelt down, rubbing my knee.
“What the fuck happened out there?” Susan demanded.
Sam and I blinked, and Dean popped my knee. I let out a curse as I shot up straight, tears in my eyes.
“You want the truth?” Dean asked.
“Of course!”
“Well, at first we thought it was some sort of hoodoo curse, but that out there?” Dean let out a whistle. “That was definitely a spirit.”
Sam handed her a glass of whiskey before sitting down next to me.
Susan stared. “You’re insane.”
“Yeah, it’s been said.” Dean hummed.
I shifted in my seat, trying to straighten my leg out. “Look, I’m sorry, Susan, but we don’t exactly have time to ease you into this. We need to know when your mother had the stroke.”
“What does that have to do-”
“Just answer the question.” Sam cut her off.
“Uh, about a month ago.”
“Right before the killings began.” Sam mumbled before looking at me and Dean. “See? So what if Rose was working hoodoo, but not to hurt anyone. To protect them.”
I sighed. “She was using the five-spots to ward off the spirit.”
“Right.” Sam nodded. “Until she had a stroke and she couldn’t anymore.”
“I don’t believe this.” Susan shook her head.
“Listen, sister, that car didn’t try to run you down by itself, okay? I mean, I guess it did, technically, but, but the spirit can… forget it.”
“Look, you can believe whatever you the fuck you want to. But the fact is that you and your family are in danger. Okay? So you need to clear everyone out of here. Your employees, your mother, your kids, everyone.”
“Uh… I only have one daughter.”
Sam squinted. “One?”
“I thought Tyler had a sister named Maggie?” Dean tilted his head.
Susan scoffed. “Maggie’s imaginary.”
Sam’s jaw twitched, Dean’s eyebrows furrowed, and I buried my hands in my head.
“Mother fucker.”
“Where’s Tyler?”
Susan’s eyes went wide before she bolted. We scrambled over each other’s feet, following her up the stairs and to her private room. She struggled with the door before pushing it open.
The floor was littered with broken dolls. Sam and Dean gave each other a look.
“Oh my god. Tyler!” Susan ran through another door, calling for her daughter.
I ducked, checking under furniture as the boys tore through the closets. Susan came back, running.
“She’s not here!”
“Okay, okay. Susan. Susan.” Sam grabbed her by the shoulders. “Tell us what you know about Maggie.”
“Um, not much. Tyler’s been talking about her ever since Mom got sick.”
“Okay, did you ever know anyone by that name?”
“Uh, no!”
“Think, think.” Dean pressured. “I mean, somebody that could’ve lived here?”
“Maybe someone who passed away?” I offered.
“Oh my god.” Susan’s face drained of color. “My mom. My mom had a sister named Margaret. She barely spoke about her.”
The three of us shared a look.
“Did Margaret happen to die here when she was a kid?”
“Yeah, she drowned in the pool.”
Dean made a face as he began to move. “Come on.”
Dean ran ahead, and Sam and I followed, Susan only a few steps behind. The dead garden seemed more eerie now than it had before. Sam reached the door first, trying to unlock it. It didn’t budge. Tyler was on the edge of the balcony inside, only a slip away from falling into the pool.
“Tyler!” Susan called.
Dean and Sam pounded on the glass, trying to break it.
“Mommy!” Tyler squealed.
She fell in with a scream.
“Is there another entrance?” Dean asked.
“Around back.”
“Okay, come on.” Dean pulled Susan away before turning to us. “Keep working.”
Sam and I continued to elbow the door, and I let out a grunt as I slammed my shoulder against the frame. It didn’t budge. Sam groaned, looking around. He stopped before grabbing something. He pushed me aside before slamming a pot into the door. The glass began to crack, and Sam began to work harder. He finally got through, the door shattering. He jammed himself through and, without hesitation, leapt over the railing, into the pool.
“Sam!” I squeaked as I ran in, leaning over the railing.
He wasted no time pushing past the plastic cover. I watched as he swam toward Tyler before scooping her up in his arms. I bolted down the steps, reaching his side. I pulled Tyler from his arms and set her down on her side. Sam clambered out of the pool as Dean and Susan burst in. I patted Tyler’s back, and she coughed. Sam helped me push her up to sit, and Susan pulled her into a bear hug.
“Mommy.” She whined.
“Yeah, baby. I’m here. I’m right here.” Susan cried.
“Tyler, do you see Maggie anywhere?” Sam gave her sympathetic eyes.
“No, she’s gone.” She snuggled back into Susan. “Mommy.”
“Don’t worry, honey, we’re leaving in two minutes. We’ve just got to get Grandma.” Susan cooed as she held Tyler against her side, moving up the stairs.
“I don’t get it.” Dean hissed. “Did Maggie just stop?”
“Seems like it.” Sam shrugged, hair dripping.
“Well, where the hell did she go?” I asked.
Susan screamed from upstairs. Sam reacted first, bolting up the steps. Dean and I followed. Sam busted through the door. Susan was holding Tyler against her side, crying. The three of us sighed when we saw Rose slumped in her wheelchair.
She was dead.
“Paramedics said it was another stroke. Do you think… Margaret could’ve had something to do with it?” Susan asked.
“We don’t know.” Dean shrugged.
“But, it’s possible.” I followed up, tugging on Jinx’s leash so that she would sit.
Sam sighed. “Susan, I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve given me everything.”
Tyler came down the steps, dressed in regular clothing. She had a small smile on her face as she joined her mother. Susan rubbed her back, and Tyler bent down to pet Jinx.
“Ready to go, kiddo?”
“Now, Tyler.” Dean bent down to be eye-level with her. “You’re sure Maggie’s not around anymore?”
“I’m sure.” Tyler nodded. “I’d see her.”
“I guess whatever’s going on must be over.” Dean shrugged as we followed Susan down the steps, to her taxi.
Sam held the door open for her, and Susan ushered Tyler into the cab.
“You two take care of yourselves, alright?”
Susan turned and pulled Sam into a hug, resting her head on his chest. Dean snorted, and I wheezed, pulling on a serious face and rubbing my nose when Susan pulled back.
“Thank you.” She looked at Sam, then at Dean and I. “All of you.”
We nodded as she shuffled into the taxi. Sam shut the door behind her and I laughed, covering my mouth.
“Dude, you could’ve just gotten some total MILF action.” I giggled as we began to walk.
“Ew, Ollie-”
“No, seriously, bud, I think she liked you.”
“Yeah.” Sam scoffed. “That’s all she needs.”
“Well, you saved the mom, saved the girl.” I patted Sam’s arm. “Not a bad day, bubs.”
“Course, I could’ve saved them myself, but I didn’t want you to feel useless.” Dean teased.
My heart sank as I remembered what Sam had said last night.
“Appreciate it.” Sam gave Dean a bitch face.
He sensed my shift in attitude and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tugging me into his side.
“Feels good getting back in the saddle. Doesn’t it?” Dean grinned and pulled out the car keys.
“Yeah.” Sam sighed. “Yeah, it does.” He took his arm back and braced his hands against the top of the car. “But it doesn’t change what we talked about last night, Dean.”
My chest clenched and tears immediately welled in my eyes. I looked down and away, taking a shaky breath. I opened the back door and let Jinx settle in.
“We talked about a lot of things last night.” Dean tried to change the subject.
“You know what I mean.” Sam shook his head.
“You were wasted.” Dean scowled.
“But you weren’t. And you promised.” Sam shot back.
They looked at each other for a beat. Sam pulled the passenger door open first, and I slid into the middle seat, wrapping my arms around myself. Sam got in, slamming the door shut as Dean closed his, gently.
He started the car and glanced Sam’s way. Sam kept his eyes straight ahead as we pulled away from the inn.
Previous Ep: Hunted (2.10)
Next Ep: Nightshifter (2.12)
taglist: @i67​
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