#it’s called zotz
oinkinpigprince · 3 months
Absolutely hilarious that I disappeared for 8 days, sorry gang. I had to go on a soul searching journey, I didn’t find it but I DID find this obscure ‘retro’ candy I absolutely love so, worth it :33
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ghostthecryptid · 2 years
this has always been an interesting headcanon "genre" to me, but what types of candy do you think each tf2 merc would like? i think that pyro would like those Zotz candies that fizz and foam in your mouth!
Oooo! Thats a good one. Lets see...
Scout: Generally anything sour/bubble gum (Zots, Razzles, Gold mine gum, Nik L Nips)
Pyro: Loves fruity candy and any kind of candy that has a fun twist to them (Razzles, Zots, starburst, fruit tootsie rolls)
Sniper: Doesnt like sugar very much but has a few favorites that he likes to stash away and ones not even a candy technically? (strawberry filled hard candies, Tim Tam, Milky way, flavored licorice)
Soldier: Goes absolutely feral for the candy in MREs (Chuckles, Charms, m&ms, skittles)
Demo: Loves anything with toffee and caramel (Heath, 100 grand, Werthers, Almond Roca)
Engineer: Loves some hard candy or chocolate (Idaho spud, old fashioned hard candy, butterscotch, tootsie roll)
Heavy: Good old chocolate. Maybe something fruity if hes in the mood (cadbury, assorted hard fruit candy, 3 musketeers, jujyfruits)
Medic: What some people would call "old persons candy" (good and plenty, bit o honey, Necco wafers, Black licorice)
Spy: I dont really think of Spy as a candy person but he has the biggest sweet tooth for cookies (Chips ahoy, Oreo, Famous amos, keeblr) but he would absolutely love those candy ciggarettes not the sweetest candy but just sweet enough
Miss Pauling: Would kill someone for some lemon heads or gobstoppers
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korrinhorizon · 2 years
Why each of the New Moon Theatre crew needs therapy (fanfiction headcanons + my oc:Zotz)
Moon: PTSD (due to the events in sing 2 of him almost getting killed) and now a fear of heights
Rosita: PTSD as well, but is probably one of the ones that would actually be willing to go to therapy. She still has the fear of heights, but it’s not as bad anymore.
Gunter: I actually don’t know for Gunter? He seems to be having a huge smile most of the time, but he may have slight trauma from sing 2
Ms. Crawly: also like Gunter but now has a slight phobia to paint balls lol
Ash: like Rosita, she’s one of the only ones to actually to go therapy willingly, has slight trauma from the events from sing 2, and has recovered greatly from her break up, and is doing pretty good
Meena: Social anxiety, and has some panic attacks due to it, she gets help from her friends, family, and a therapist now to help her through it. In sing 2 she’s way better than in the first movie, but also has slight PTSD due to the events of 2
Clay Calloway: Depression, due to the death of his late wife. While also doing self-isolation to the rest of the world, now he’s getting help from the Cast and a therapist
(Now to the three I’ll like to call, “a therapist’s worst nightmare” trio)
Ryan: Imposter syndrome, due to Klaus’s ridicule, abuse, and influence towards other students and to Ryan. As well as PTSD due some things that happen in my Fanfic (*wink*wink*) and also self depricates himself (forced to go to therapy by Zotz and Johnny)
Johnny: (Woooof get ready for this) Panic attacks, self-deprication as well, depression in events in the first movie for a bit, PTSD due to events in Sing 1 & 2 as well as my Fanfic, losing sleep and eating less during sing 1. (Don’t worry, Ryan, Zotz, his dad, and the cast forced him to go to therapy)
Zotz: PTSD due to the events of Sing 2 and his past, social anxiety, not as bad as Meena but when crowded, he gets panic attacks, lets say 2x worse then Meena due to him not telling his family or friends, and being alone in a apartment for a few years. Slight hallucinations (for example dozens, sometimes hundreds of eyes watching him.) and hears voices in his head, which is rare but happens, mostly either saying silly shit or self-depricating words. (He is also now being forced to go to therapy by Ryan, Johnny, and the crew)
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Mictlanmas: The War to save Christmas!
Nexo stood before the group, in what looked to be her own Santa outfit. It was dark blue in color, with a gray trim, and black highlights. The outfit generally looked tattered and damaged but still mostly put together.
“I really should've known you were the real mastermind.” Mari said to Nexo.
“Honestly, it's funny that you didn't from the start. But yes! I was the one behind everything! I'm the one who manipulated everyone into coming against you!” Nexo elaborated.
“Why?! What's your goal here?” Kuku questioned.
“...Honestly, mostly out of spite.” Nexo said.
“Que?!” Ququ asked.
“When I found out Mari was gonna be Santa, I wanted to ruin everything and take it myself!” Nexo explained. “It's so much fun too, Honestly! Now I'm ready to finish this!”
Nexo raises the grail into the air and suddenly a whirlwind of snow envelops the area, and everyone is suddenly transported to an icy cavern.
As the group looked around, they finally found everyone who's been teleported away.
“There they are!” Xolotl called out.
Everyone was now encased in ice, not only every enemy but also Quetzalcoatl and Rex too.
“Yes, I thought it was finally time to take full control. Manipulation was one thing, but things work better with absolute control. Unfortunately your father and Quetzal have proven resilient, but the rest should do!” Nexo told the group.
As that happened, everyone except Rex and Quetz broke out of the ice and were facing the group to fight.
Mari fought against Camazotz, Xolotl fought Molay and her reformed beast, Ququ and Kuku took on the twins. Eli didn't last, since her singing hurt Zotz too much, and he took her out himself.
“Ah hell, wasn't expecting infighting.” Nexo commented towards Zotz knocking Eli out.
Eventually the heroes picked off their enemies one by one, until none were left but the mastermind herself.
“So, four against one, eh?” Nexo commented. “But, let's not!” She said as she raised her grail and another snowy whirlwind overtook her and Mari. Now it was just them, in snow covered ruins of pyramids.
“Gotta say, spite is both a really annoying motivation to go against me, but also somewhat fresh generally.” Mari said to Nexo.
“Thanks, but let's finish this shall we?” Nexo said.
Then the two both transformed into their true divine forms. Giant monsters with gnashing teeth, a multitude of tendrils, all while wielding deadly weapons.
First Nexo swung her blade, then Mari blocked and responded with her hammer. As the battle raged on, the very earth shook and the skies raged. Both goddesses summoned spectral familiars of their preferred avian, Mari with crows and Nexo with owls. This continued on with spectral soldiers, monsters and so on.
The result was a full scale war on the winter wasteland that they all found themselves at.
Eventually, Mari knocked Nexo's blade out of her hands, then took her down with a blow to the head.
“That's enough trying to take Christmas for yourself, Nexo.” Mari said as she stood over her enemy. “I'll be taking that grail now.” Before one final blow, and Nexo started to fade away.
“One fucking day, I'll get the better of you.” Nexo said, right as she was gone.
“Not today, tho.” Mari said.
Maria turned back to normal, and took the grail.
As she took it, light enveloped everything. Suddenly the singularity was gone, and everyone was back home.
“Woo! I solved a Christmas singularity!” Mari cheered.
Then suddenly she was tackle-hugged by Quetzalcoatl.
“You did it Mija! I'm so proud of you!” Quetz said.
“Congratulations! You did amazing!” Rex told her.
Now that the catastrophe was avoided, it was time for Mari to fulfill her Christmas duties and deliver presents to all the good servants and staff of Chaldea! Everyone found such great joy this Christmas season, even those who didn't originally enjoy it got a nice smile out of it on this day.
Even the villain herself, Nexo, got something nice.
Not only a new scarf for the cold, but a kiss under the mistletoe from the Santa herself.
Twas one of the best Christmases Chaldea knew that night. And Maria herself was satisfied that she could follow in her mother's footsteps and be a good santa for everyone.
And as she finished her flight, she let out one last cheer "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!"
And that's the finale! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry it took so damn long to get it out. But hopefully now that it is, you will all have enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. Hope you all had a good holiday season.
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robinette-green · 2 years
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I never got around to writing the story but I do have an honest to god fnaf animatronic self insert.
This is Fey. She runs the Star Dome at the top of the Pizza Plex.
Glows under black light
Has up to date knowledge of the solar system so she can provide fun facts during the shows.
Has fruity, star shaped hard candies that have pop rocks on the inside for a fizzy burst. (Think Zotz)
The Star Dome is an enormous, round room that is made entirely of screens. (Looks like one big screen but it’s many)
Rides in a UFO shaped control panel above the patrons heads
Some times the screens short circuit and electrocute guests (that’s covered in the waver) 
The star dome has one or two video games programmed into it;’s system because it was originally going to be like VR gaming without the head sets but FazBear scrapped that idea in favor of a planetarium style attraction.
Fey is really good at the shooter game on the Dome’s system. (Uses it to get out frustration) ((this means she’s also killer at Fazer blast))
I had this whole plot line sketched out where Moon and Fey start off on the wrong foot and a prank war ensues. Eventually Fey steals Moon’s head and they end up entangled in the ball pit. Feelings are realized and they start avoiding each other until Sun’s decided enough is enough and locks them in a closet together. ((Sun and Fey have had a little romance going on through this whole thing))
The pranks:
Fey tweaks the fly motor so it goes just slightly to fast (Runs Moon into a play structure)
Moon scare Fey in the dark
Call me mr. Chuckles on a note taped to Moon’s back
Moon paints a face on Fey’s helmet
Fey swaps the Sundrops and Moondrops so the kids are hyperactive through nap time (she regrets this)
Moon restates the volume for the star dome too loud and sticks it there (just a bit too uncomfortable) ((he regrets this))
Stolen hat (chase ensues)
And below the cut is the small snippet that I did write out. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually pick this back up.
The star dome opened around a month ago in The Faz bear pizza plex. They situated it up on the 3rd floor by mazersize. Going through the doors, you enter a new world. The curved walls are all screens, and holograms are projected from several small devices hidden around the room. Everything working together to transport you into the depths of space, with stars and planets at your fingertips.
I was created to run the attraction from a little control deck that hangs from the ceiling disguised as a spaceship. I was humanoid in shape but only stood just over five feet tall. They had given me large, round eyes, short hair that was neon blue, and antennae with a cute little ball at the end of each stock. I was dressed in a purple jumpsuit, bright pink space boots, a neon green, fuzzy half coat, and a bubble space helmet. The helmet I only ever wore for guests, taking it off as soon as the closing announcement sounded.
Once parts and services had finished putting me together and powdered me on, they ran a few tests to ensure all of the data I needed had been properly uploaded and set me to work. The only reason that I had met the main four was because they came to greet me after hours on my first day.
Freddy had wanted to know if I was settling in alright and made me promise to come to him if I needed help with anything at all. Chica brought me some vibrantly colored cupcakes, even though I can't eat, and asked if I wanted to have a sleepover with her and Roxie sometime soon. Roxie brought me a signed photo and informed me that she would soon be my favorite. I met Monty last because he was standing at the back of the pack, and he just gave me a head nod when he was introduced, saying nothing.
Every night from that point forward, one or more of the four would come up to the dome once we were closed and ask if I wanted to hang out. I enjoyed chica's maze and racing on the raceway. I could get a few holes-in-one on the mini golf course, but my favorite thing was fazerblast. In every game we played, I was always the winner. No contest. I could even defeat Freddy himself. Being small was a definite advantage, and I was faster than everyone except Roxy. Luckily the others didn't get upset that I always won. They would either team up against me or try to take the number two spot, knowing they couldn't beat me.
I had been active for about a month when I finally asked about the Sun and Moon-themed characters on the walls in the prize hall. Out of sight, out of mind. I had meant to ask when I first saw them, space kinda being my forte, but we were just running through to get to the East arcade at the time, and I quickly forgot.
Chica and I were going through some new prizes that Faz had released. There were some new mermaid Chica plushies and some space toys that we wanted to get our hands on.
"I keep forgetting to ask. Who are these two clowns? I've never seen them around, but their pictures are scattered around the plex." Chica was elbows deep in a box of stuffed toys, sorting through the new merch.
"That's Sun and Moon. They run the daycare. Sun's a sweetie, but he hates leaving the daycare, and Moon's a bit of a grouch. He's around but would rather hang out in dark corners and spy on the goings-on than hang out."
I leaned against the counter, arms folded, and looked at the Yellow character on the far wall. That must be Sun. I scoffed
"Very creative names. We have a daycare?"
"Yeah! It's huge! It's connected to kid's cove, but the main entrance is in the lobby across from Faz pad."
"Ahh. Never been to the lobby… never had a reason to go down there."
"Well, that's why you've never seen them! You should go visit! They love getting visitors! Well, Sun does."
"Yeah… I think I will."
I made my way down to the daycare the next night. Getting to meet two other animatronics that were also space themed? Yes, please!
The sign for the daycare on the lobby landing was small, but I was able to spot it easily. Pushing through the doors, I found myself in a dark hallway with a minor water feature and a much larger advertisement for the daycare painted on the brick wall.
"This is nice." Maybe I would come back here to think. It was quiet, and the water feature cooled the air nicely. Very relaxing atmosphere.
Once the daycare security gate lifted, I was bombarded with a happy preppy song playing over the overhead speaker. Everything was bright and colorful in this upper lobby. Walking further in, I noticed the slide in the far wall. A sign over the top read 'slid into fun!'
"Oh, cute!" The slide went straight into a ball pit in the daycare below. As fun as that looked, I didn't want my first impression to be fumbling around in a ball pit.
Vaulting over the partition, I made my way down the upper hallway, peering into the party rooms as I went. The murals painted on the walls were cute, but the rooms felt small and claustrophobic. Past the palm tree lights and down the stairs, I walked up to the set of massive wooden doors.
"Well… here we go." I pushed open the doors. It was enormous! Three play structures towered in the middle of the room, and colored mats covered the floors.
If my eyes could sparkle with amazement, they would be… maybe they were. I hadn't looked at my own schematics, and no one had bothered to tell me all of my functions. Only the ones that were important to my job had been explained to me, and even then, I still needed to figure out how everything worked on my own.
"Hooo! Hoo! Hoo!" Someone was on the balcony in the far wall. They jumped.
"NO-!" There was a splash of balls as the individual dove into the ball pit below. I sprinted across the playmats to look down into the ball pit for any sign of the animatronic. Were they okay? They have to be damaged from a fall from that height!
"Heeeellooo!" I fell backward as balls exploded from the pit, a yellow animatronic bursting from the brightly colored balls.
"New friend! You're sure up late!" Coming over the bridge from the ball pit, he towered over me, yellow rays spinning. This guy had to be at least 7 feet tall, definitely taller than the main four.
"…Sun?" I asked timidity from where I was now sitting on the floor.
"Hoo! Ho! You have me at a disadvantage, friend!" Sun grabbed my hand and pulled me upright. There was a second where I was hanging in the air, tiptoes barely brushing the ground before I was set down. He held my hand momentarily to ensure I was steady before letting me go.
"I'm Fey. It's nice to meet you!" This large gangly individual still towered over me even while I was standing. I was used to the band's height, so it wasn't unnerving, but I hadn't expected him to be this tall. Taking a second to look him over, I thought it looked like that fall hadn't hurt him in any visible way.
"Fey. Are you new to the plex?"
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cat-clawz · 8 months
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kaleuh · 7 months
Day 45: When was the last time you tried something new?
Hm! Other than a new skincare routine for the past few weeks (which I haven't been great at keeping up with frankly) I'm not sure. I've done a lot of exciting things in the past few months, but for some reason the one thing that comes to mind was trying this candy called Zotz. Have you heard of Zotz? They're a sweet and hard pink candy that you suck on but the twist is that it cums in your mouth. That's right it cums your mouth. I was at Party City with The Mailman and we went to the candy section. We get a whole bunch of candy from the 5 cent bins. The counter person talks to us about Equalizer 3 (good movie) and we go. I get home, I look at the Zotz. I was excited to get them because I love trying new candy. (I have a package of Slaps on my bed right now because I went to 7-11 with The Mailman and in the discount items bin there were Slaps. Have you heard of Slaps? They're the flattened lollipops all melted into one another and they look absolutely fucking disgusting.) Anyway I try a Zotz. It's good. It's sweet and it reminds me of the candy in Because of Winn-Dixie, for a moment. Then it starts. if you've had a Zotz, you know what I mean. If you haven't, you can keep it that way and be fine for the rest of your life probably. you went into Party City and you paid 5 cents. your mouth is full of fizz. This is what happens.
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4: New Life
Eddie's pov
My leg shivers. Something stretches up my calf, over my jeans.
I sit up.
The vines circle around me. I strain for my cigarettes and lighter, but can't reach them.
"Help! Anybody!" I shout. Nothing happens. The vines get closer to my face, ensnaring around my chest and making it hard to breathe. The vines are wet and cold, and they pulse and ooze in a way that makes me want to throw up.
Then I'm freed. Something tears at the vines, ripping them away from me. It's a person. A small girl. Another human. For a moment, I gape in surprise. Then, I regain feeling in my lower body and lunge at her, hugging her.
"Thank you! You, are no joke, the coolest, I owe you big time, you just saved my life!" I exclaim, the words tumbling out quickly. The person pulls away. I examine her. She has light hair pulled into two twintails, and shaded glasses obscure her face.
She murmurs a small sound, nods at me, and skitters out the door.
"Wait!" I call. She doesn't turn back. I stumble up, grab my backpack, and follow her. She's fast. I can hardly keep up as she weaves through vines and slides under debris.
I stop. My chest is heaving, sweat pours down my face. But the girl has stopped too. She's perched on a block of rubble, staring at me with her head cocked.
"Hey," I try to start conversation again, but she stays silent. I rummage though my bag, and pull a mildly crushed Zotz out. I unwrap it, and hold it out. The girl tentatively reaches out, and stuffs the Zotz in her mouth.
"She speaks!" I chuckle.
"Say anything other then 'hey'?" I ask, unwrapping another Zotz and placing it near me. She takes it, and perches next to me.
"Anything other than hey?" She asks. Her voice is raspy, and the words sound clunky. "I say... where. I say who. I say fuck."
"Fuck? You must be a sturdy gal if your going around in here saying words like that."
"Yes... I a sturdy gal." She straights up, and pulls her glasses off. I examine her eyes. They're bright green, so bright it's one of the only colors I can make out on her, and are so wide they take up nearly a fourth of her face. She notices my surprised face, and places the glasses back on.
"Your eyes..." I trail off. They must be some sort of side affect from being here in the dark all the time.
"Yes... my eyes. My eyes are..."
"Big? A little freaky if you will?" I laughed. "Not in a bad way. You need bigger eyes, right? To absorb more light, to see in all this darkness?"
She nods slowly.
"It's dark. No light, no," She fumbles over the words.
"Is it always dark here?" I ask, guessing at what she's trying to say.
"Yes. Always dark," She confirms.
"Do you have a home here, or perhaps just a place you just stay and rest up at?" I ask. This kid, she can't be older than Dustin. There is no way this sad little child is sleeping under benches and surviving exposed every night.
"Home." She stand up, grabs my wrist, and starts running. Her grip is surprisingly strong, and I have no choice but to keep up. She effortlessly hops over rubble and dodges vines, and I stumble behind her.
Then she stops running. We've reached a large metal culvert, and she steps forward. I watch as she sweeps a thin slice of cloth aside, revealing a tiny camp. There's a cushion on the ground, presumably for sleeping. A few containers lie stacked in a corner, and a box of something lies spilled in the corner.
"Any chance you have some water in this home of yours?" I ask.
"Water!" She reaches for the containers, and pulls out a plastic tub of clear liquid. I snatch it from her, and drink it eagerly.
"Does it rain here? Where the hell did you find this?"
She reaches for my arm, and looks ready to drag me somewhere else again.
"Never mind. It doesn't matter," I say. I watch as the girl grabs a bent up box from atop the containers of water, and rummages through the pile in the corner. She comes up with a stick. She pokes it into the dirt, and lights up the tip with a lighter she removes from her scuffed up boot. The heat and flames make the vines instantly recoil, and illuminates the girl. I can now tell her hair is a dusty blonde, and her glasses are red. Her ears are big, and cone shaped. She's wearing dark red pants, worn out black boots, and her shirt appears to be made from a familiar material. I look down at my arms, and back at the shirt. Striped material, blue and white I can now tell.
"Were you- was that? Did you?"
She cocks her head.
"Was it you? Were you the one that helped bandage me up and hide me from, from whatever those things out there are?"
"That doesn't matter." She shrugs.
"Whatever. I need to take these off anyway." My fingers search for the edge of the fabric along my neck. I find it, and peel it back. The smell of metallic blood fills the air, and the girl whips around. Her eyes flash underneath her glasses, and she lunges at me.
"What- what the hell?" I try to break free from her, but she keeps me pinned down as she ties the cloth back down. Her fingers are long and slim, and her nails are short and ragged.
"Bandage STAYS," she whispers. I stumble back.
"Wh- what's wrong? Marinading in my own blood cannot be healthy for me. This thing smells rancid and that does not seem healthy!" I laugh nervously.
"Blood smell bad," she insists.
"Well yeah that's what I said-"
A loud roar cuts me off. The girl whips her hear around. She slinks to the front of the culvert, and looks around outside. She scurries back, and shoves me into a corner.
"Stay. Stay. Stay." She repeats. I watch as she disappears out the culvert.
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orcdaddy · 1 year
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New character to be in the same story as Amadeus, inspired by good ol’ “Superfreak” by Rick James (Betch). For now, I just call him Cameron Zotz, and he is a type of Nosferatu ( disease-bringing vampire) but whom specializes in fungus for his infectious agents, namely a horrid cordyceps he can use to mind-control his hive of infected. It can lay dormant for years, until he suddenly summons you. He is also one of Twelve Pieces of Cama Zotz, and prophecy has it that if all twelve on earth somehow by coincidence or planning are in the same vicinity, the god will reform to change the world.
This guy just wants to make music, but don’t turn your back on him….
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If he keeps calling me Zotz I might have to stop asking and start planning a napping...
... There is really no good reason he should wear anything but dresses, right? I mean he seems so much happier! And much, much, much more vulnerable...
... I bet I could pick him up, I mean we are both built like dead trees but he seems less dense, somehow. Like a strong breeze could pick him up.
Eh. He is probably too committed to the half-pint pervert! Not that I mean it won't stop me but c'est la vie.
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I DO accept pity follows.
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4shfur · 2 years
Hello Shade. This is Goth. I came across your blog in my free time and it pained me greatly to find a post you made recently calling me evil and, I quote, a "cannibalistic fanatic". I began to cry, because I have anxiety about my eating habits. You have truly hurt an innocent 1 to 8 year old spectral bat who wants nothing more than to summon Cama Zotz and be happy. I hope you consider your actions in the future, as I am still crying because of you. Thank you, and goodbye.
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korrinhorizon · 1 year
Just some “light” oblivious flirting
(Ryan, Johnny, and Zotz are currently in a date, as the three are currently ordering at a nearby restaurant near the New Moon Theatre.)
Ryan and Zotz: (talking about their experiences when living by themselves for the first time)
Johnny: (contently listening to the other two’s conversation as he zones out towards the two’s features and voices)
Ryan: And that’s how I almost burned down my kitchen :D, but anyways, hey Johnny, any stories you wanna share, or anything in the menu that caught your eye? Or at least peaked your interest? (Ryan asked since he’s got himself and Zotz’s order)
Zotz: ooo I recommend the Frappe here it’s so goood
Ryan: Bat-Song, no, your addicted to that drink. Seriously, yesterday I saw one second in your room and saw dozen empty plastic cups of Frappe that you bought in the same day last week
Zotz: heh, yeah. . That was a very awkward conversation with the barista’s, Good thing I called an hour before hand-
(Johnny then interrupts Zotz without realizing)
Johnny: You know, I just noticed that both of you have gorgeous pairs of emerald eyes
(The other two begin to blush heavily, as then Johnny realized what he had just said and blushed heavily as well)
Ryan: We’ll you have very pretty eyes as well!
Zotz: Yeah! You have beautiful pairs of amber eyes
(They then start having a flirting competition, and with each flirt they all blush more and more)
(Meanwhile, Nooshy is seen spying the three, from inside the restaurant but is sitting near the entrances unnoticed)
Nooshy: hehe my work here is done
(Nooshy then runs towards the new moon theatre exiting the restaurant)
Nooshy: Captain! I have returned about some information about the three’s adorable and romantic date!
(Ash turns towards Nooshy with a black adjustable chair)
Ash: thank you Nooshy :> now did everything go as planned?
Nooshy: Yup ! All those lessons on eye contact for Johnny paid off :D
Ash: great! Now let’s discuss further when we hang out with Porsha and Meena
(The two small mammals then laugh mischievously as a grin appears on both of their faces)
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duplexide · 3 years
So your pepsi particle post is going around, and I wanted to tell you about jiwa jiwa soda candy - technically the flavor is "cola", but if you can get your hands on it, you might enjoy it?
This message was actually very polite so this answer is not for you in particular, Loracarol, but I'll go ahead and respond to the 8.5 billion people claiming pepsi particles are just like other candies on the market.
I've had cola candy, I've had hard cola candy that fizzes, Ive had those Jiwa soda candies by kasugai, Ive had puchao, I've had Nobel, I've had happy cola, I've had jones carbonated candies, I've had those chalky bits that come in mini soda cans, I eat pop rocks every day and Ive had bottlecaps a billion times. None of them are similar at all to pepsi particles, because pepsi particles are tiny, they're not sour, and they specifically taste like PEPSI.
The thing that made pepsi particles remarkable anyway is the branding. The name and logo were so memorable and striking they felt like they should already exist. Everyone knows that branding is 90% of the reason to buy junk food in the first place. Saying Pepsi particles are just like generic cola candies is like saying Doritos 3Ds didnt need to return because cheese bugles were already around.
If anyone is curious what pepsi particles are REALLY like in detail, they're the size of toxic waste ATOMZ candies with the texture of root beer barrels or blow pops specifically (you know how those lines form on them after sucking on them? Like that.) And they don't foam like zotz or pop like large pop rocks, they lightly fizz specifically like when you only have dust left in a pop rocks pouch. This is compounded when you put more than one in your mouth at a time, but they never "pop". It's more subdued but not as lame as happy cola.
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This whole ordeal is like if Pepsiman never existed and I dreamed him up and got a bunch of responses saying "This exists! He was called max headroom! He was the mascot for coca cola!"
Once again. Sorry you had to get caught in the crossfire of this LoraCarol, I know you meant well, but I've gotten these kinds of responses nonstop since I made that post and finally felt the need to respond.
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I think it is important for one to consider, that seeing as a single character of Bifid relies upon two in plain, and seeing as it requires a key, and seeing as it is difficult to run a meaningful frequency analysis upon it, that even one such as I may need to continually employ use of a scripted program to decode one in any reasonable amount of time.
I do not happen to be an expert in javascripting, nor does it retain any interest for me, and I do not wish to go through that ordeal any more.
Unlike a playfair, you cannot just toss one into the abyss. And unlike playfair, brute force analysis, even with the correct keyword, is not a viable method.
As flattering as it is that you doctors might see me as un dieu, I am not one.
It is also amusing, to me, that your épouse thinks you are so apt to be disloyal. Would you really run away to me if I asked?
Et ma coeur, you are looking for a four-letter word. The key is not a name, it is much simpler.
Bonjour, mon amour. With your kind hint and my wife's help, we managed it.
It is my olive branch, then. Of course, I have reasonable suspicions about everyone, including you, but what harm is it to make a friend? My wife's concerns are not necessarily disloyalty, as we are in an open relationship and I have several paramours - it's more specifically that it is YOU that she doesn't trust.
Sometimes I can be trusted to come when called. :::)
Here's a puzzle with the same rules regarding substitution for you, and specially made for my love:
Mp np iwtp ampktgsgtz wey phhj, vq fe wlw nhea qesgznjim gepg elw zotz kxej zhvijih sl wr?
J'espère avoir de tes nouvelles bientôt, mon amour, ma colombe.
- SF
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lordtraco · 3 years
It's been over ten years, but my cousin has confirmed it. There were in fact individually wrapped hard candies that our whole school called "shih-boosh-ka"s. Said candies were subsequently banned by the school because their labels were in russian and therefore could lead to someone having an allergic reaction to them.
I thought I must have fever dreamed the whole thing because absolutely no one has ever heard of a shibooshka (and let's be real, that sounds like a fake russian word I'd have dreamed up). But now, finally, I have confirmation.
They're called Zotz. In perfect English letters. I don't know if they really were in a different language or what, but I didn't dream it.
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