#it’s been such a cool intro to the world and my dm is awesome
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adaine-abernantt · 2 years ago
I’m playing in a high level campaign for the first time and I got to try for Divine Intervention for the first time last session and it FRICKIN WORKED!!! We’re level 15 and I rolled a 12 and lost my absolute freakin mind.
And then later I rolled a nat 20 persuasion check in an interrogation type deal (real good for my +0 CHA lol)
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harrowharr0w · 7 months ago
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this stupid website has been making me unfollow people. if i unfollow you and we’re mutuals please tell me 🙏🙏
updated intro whee bored of the old one!!! hello hii u can call me liu or make up a name idrc
most art is tagged with #art but i forget sometimes
u can always tag me in anything i love being tagged
i will occasionally switch out the art on here if i get bored
guys if you ask me to draw something im really soryr ig i dont finish it fast i promist im drawing them asap also imjust doing them for fun so pls font expect like a whole finished piece (most of the time)
ok anyways i like milgram, reverse 1999, cardcaptor sakura, bandori, project sekai, d4dj, paradox live, little witch academia, witch hat atelier, yotsuba&!, yorushika, phantom siita, alien stage, vocaloid, pink bxxch club, k-on, fragaria memories, the great ace attorney, n probably more that i forgot :D pls talk to me if u like literally any of those (begging)
i am a minor n i speak english and some chinese :33 i like drawing too!!!
pls ask me to draw stuff i luv drawing stuff yayayayy byebye
new addition,, please only send drawing reqs to my inbox pls!! i probably won’t do them if you dm me!
i am new to this website so pls excuse me if i do anything wrong :)
follow my cool awesome incredible sideblog for pjsk ghost hotel au: @nothauntedsekai
i also run @dailyhinahikawa because we need more hina hikawa love in the world <3 i often post doodles there so go check that out
im also @sualuvr because ueah
edit: look at my awesome cool strawpage send me reqs or drawings or anything
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neppyshub · 2 months ago
Intro Post! Hello there!
(For RP info skip to below the break!) My name is Neppy, and it's nice to meet you! I'm a 24 year old queer girl who wants a place to post my geeky stuff! This blog is pretty much BG3 rp and maybe fanfiction! Hm, what's cool about me...well, I'm bilingual and come from two countries! I love swimming, urban exploration, and video games. I've been to 8 countries? And I'm planning to return to college in a couple months to eventually teach Fine Arts/Photography!! I'm always up to make new friends so feel free to DM me! Also, this is not a NSFW blog but I'm an adult and Tumblr's queer/kink circles are pretty awesome, so it might pop up. Minors, this is not an invitation to be horny with me (seriously, no), and there's plenty of SFW content on my blog <3 Down below are tags for my different types of posts! Photo specific, writing specific, dnd, fanfiction, poetry, and so on! Just search these on my profile as I get going to find the stuff you like <3 Hashtags:
#neppysoriginalwritings #neppysfanfiction #ocs #Oriel (this is my homebrew D&D world) #neppyrambles (RP hashtags are also below the break with RP info!) I'll add more if needed! Also, if you do end up seeing content you like of a specific theme or character the tags will always have the character name, genre, and so on. Thanks for reading! <3
Below this little intro I have a character list. As I make my characters bios and posts each name will be linked to their post with all their info! I'm totally cool with DMs for plotting rps, being tagged in public rps, and even just talking about characters and story!!
My rp style, you ask? Well, I pretty much just try to be flexible and match whomever I'm rping with! That said, I'm not super strict and going to demand a certain length or style. Sometimes replies are simple, or short, and sometimes their not! I just hope we can have fun and I'm really excited to explore the world with my characters <3 Lastly! All my characters names can be used as # in the search bar for content related to them! I like writing fics, giving little lore pieces, answering questions, playlists, and even posting their art/poetry made by "them". So if you wanna see a particular character's vibe just search them!
Character list:
Leiden Del Ceibo (High Elf, Paladin, Noble.) (She/Her) Aksa Guirguis (Human, Warlock, The Great Old One. Some homebrew content! Nothing world breaking, just lore/her patron.) (She/They) Ira (High Elf, Bard, College of Swords.) (Based on Appalachian culture) (She/Her) More will come eventually! Including a Durge~!)
RP related tags:
#neppystarters (Open starters) #neppylore (Fics, tidbits, playlists, anything relating to the characters) #neppyheadcannons (little fun posts about the characters <3)
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lillyorlyracat · 2 years ago
Revamped intro post
What's up sweet bippies it's me autism cat
My name is Lilly, or Lyra, or Lilac, or Cat, or April, or Scarlet. I am audhd(autistic and ADHD), I'm fictionkin, I have a shit ton of interests so my posts will be varied and inconsistent (if you only follow me for one fandom that's still cool idc)
Sometimes I'll post my art, sometimes I'll just yell into my keyboard and wait for people to press buttons on it. Mostly I just reblog posts I like, sorry folks
Update: decided to make an art tag! Just to organize stuff :P it'll be #🐱drawn by yours truly
Also, about that fictionkin thing? Yeah so I'm Ember Lumen from Elemental in the realz. I don't have any source memories or anything but I'm 100% her :P 🔥
Update (1/4/24): I'm also Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken in the realz!! Again no source mems as far as I can tell, but my mom irl is definitely also Agatha in the movie >u< 🌊
Update 2 (8/3/24): Aaaaaand I'm Poppy from Trolls in the realz!!! Same thing as the other ones, no mems no nothing like that, BUUUUUUUUT I'm dating Branch :D or well- my bf isn't fictionkin Branch irl but he does kin him and remind me SO MUCH of him so I'm counting it!!! 🎆
F/O list here ⬇️⬇️
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Dni list & boundaries uwu
Pro_sh/ppers/com_sh/ppers/pro_f/c etc bitches please don't interact, just, please,,
No z00ph+les either get outta here
I am a minor so please don't like,, be weird,,, or anything (UPDATE: technically I am no longer a minor but this still applies)
Homophobes, transphobes, xeno/neophobes etc get outta here
Aggressive anti furries.. like. People who think furry = z00ph+le.. get outta here you’re not welcome ^^
If you're into tcest,,, uh bye, there's the door 🚪
Please don't dm me with like "hey wanna be friends" or anything like that out of nowhere.. if you wanna be friends with me, try asking about common interests maybe? Idk? I'm cool with making friends, that's just,, not the way to do it,,, y'know
Doubles are awesome, other Elemental kinnies are super cool! Buuuut if any Wades have like romantic Ember memories maaaybe don't interact? I already have a bf, and although I'm poly I'm uncomfortable with the idea of another partner right now. I'll be friends with a Wade tho, hi friend Wades 👋🔥
Ruby update: doubles are okay here too! But no Connors with romantic mems please. I...don't feel very romantically connected to Connor tbh. I'll be friends with y'all tho! Hi Connors!! 👋💦
Poppy update: Trolls kinnies of all kind PLEASE INTERACT PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!!! Especially Cooper, Smidge, Viva, Guy & Tiny Diamond, Bridget, aaaand anyone else I'd really love to make some source friends 👋🪷
I'll uh update this periodically cuz I'm probably forgetting a lot
Links to my other socials!
Youtube ⬇️
Instagram ⬇️
AO3 ⬇️
Picsart ⬇️
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"You might think that this is the end...
Well it is!"
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iamtheprezzieforfusey · 4 years ago
Thought I'd do an intro post for this blog, see my main @mr-moistman for more stuff about me, and all my other blogs.
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Hey hey, I'm Jackal (or Kal), some of y'all call me Prezzie and that's cool too!
I'm 22 and live in the UK, my pronouns are he/they. I'm trans/non binary, gay/pansexual, and polyam. I'm also a punk, furry, pup, and a little. I play TTRPGs like CoC, and I occasionally attend LARP and airsoft events.
Here is my place to fixate on Apex Legends!
I wanna get into writing again, so my asks are always open for prompts and whatever else you might wanna ask/send me. (tho, it may take me some time to respond)
I thirst way too much over Fuse and Maggie, like, I need help. 😂
I also kin with Mirage.. 😅😅
DMs are always open if ya wanna chat, and I'm always up for a few games on Apex if ya wanna (if I'm not on with my partners). I don't often VC 'cause I have crippling anxiety (I also get anxious tics, which I know people can find annoying. I also usually listen to music p loud with I play).
DM me if ya want my gamertag, or any of my other messengers/socials.
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A bit of info about how I play:
I main Fuse, Mirage, and Maggie (but will happily play most other legends). I run on BST, usually on in the mornings and evenings.
I've only been playing since the end of S7, but have almost out leveled most of my squad. 😅😂
I play on xbox, and sometimes stream on my Twitch: ExKn_KalJackal
I also have a gaming TikTok! Please check me out over on: exkn_jackal
ExKn is short for Exonia Knights, a small gaming group that my friends and I are in. We're hoping to make more content in the future.
Plz DNI (do not interact) if:
Homophones, transphobes, racists, abilists, and all those kinda of assholes can leave my page. Don't like your bullshit 'round here.
We respect pronouns 'round these parts, I don't care if "it's just a character", Hound's they/them. Fight me.
Also, if you're a minor, please don't interact. I thirst a lot and post some NSFT content.
Zoophiles and pedos can fuck off and rot in a ditch.
If you're against furs, pups, littles, or anyone who has a "weird" hobby/coping mechanism, then please leave my page.
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Here, have a sexy d a d d y, 'cause why not?
If you have any questions, wanna show me something cool, or anything else; my asks and DMs are always open. I can take a while to respond sometimes tho.
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a-singing-carebear · 5 years ago
Thank You Critical Role - My D&D story
“The adventure begins, they were always beside you. Your nerdy best friends and the DM to guide you”. Critical role, what more can I say?
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I started playing dungeons and dragons when I was around 4\5th grade, playing with a group as an afternoon group\class. 4E, and I don't remember much besides my halfling ranger and a lot of glances and readthrough of my still existing Player's Handbook. (Well the first half of the book, the miniatures section didn’t really speak to me) Finding out my father was a DM when he was younger, and I even went to some events. I can't at all recall why I stopped, but the happiness and creativity wonder I felt still lingered in my mind. 
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I had the love for fantasy, I had things like LOTR, “hey! it’s just like D&D”, and a lot of creativity and storytelling crafting.
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After that, I kinda moved on I guess, felt lonely, and like geekness and role-playing was a bad and childish thing (though it made me feel so spectacular). The closest I got was some lively Avatar OC with some new friends.
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Fast forward to 2015, The episode “Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons” from gravity falls. All those feelings rose again and I remembered how much I loved playing.
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(also enjoy role-playing and with LARP being mentioned there too, when I went to some Cons I had a blast with the foam swords there).
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I took out the 4e Player's Handbook, made with my brother (who got in and out of d&d by that time) a carved foam platform and a cubes map - thus started a made-up game by the name of "D&F" (Dungeons & Fandoms), using his found old dices and it's a 1 on 1 encounter magic arena with no distinct roles. What started as "let's make Ability Scores to characters from shows" became a random "I cast a tree of pancakes on you! -no, I burned it with fire-bending you’re dead". A game that also slowly died as we grew up and apart (“I mean, they used to be best friends, but then they got all stupid. Can you promise me you won't get stupid?”)
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(FOUND IT!!!) A mild discovery of the ingenious song “Never Split The Party”, an actual d&d song I discovered after watching Semblance of Sanity and figuring out that their ditty “don’t you know you never split the party” is an actual song their singing.
[This video is just a d&d podcast they had, but kinda sums up everything I feel about why I enjoy D&D!]
Then another tiny spark 3 years later when the Voltron episode “Monsters & Mana” came out (BTW, a great d&d parody episode). Which mostly came to an end after a glance in the book and dices and helping a friend with ideas to craft his own RPG game.
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We arrive at the date when everything changed (well, almost), December 7th, 2018. The day I discovered the “Mighty Nein Animated Intro - Your Turn To Roll” and my life were never the same.
Stumbled upon it by complete accident. I was at a loss for words, I heard the name “Critical Role” thrown about many times on tumbler’s trending list and saw pictures and art of mostly Jester. I didn't even know what is it - a tv show? a game? well, it looks like D&D. The song was incredible and brought me back, I started writing a full-fleshed out character - a human ranger taught by an elf, but the idea was quickly shifted to another fantasy story by me (it’s heard sticking to it when you know it’s just backstory and character info and you will not play and you have no one). But I continue watching this video on repeat (haha not even knowing what it actually is), scouting tumbler for info and watching some random animatics, learning it's probably a podcast d&d\rpg or something. It could have been amazing as a tv show (XD)… and then another video got released, same incredible essence of d&d song but different animation, and different characters That was my first introduction to Vox Machina.
I had to check this out. Tried to get into the fandom but got lost, even though the interest was there. Stepping upon the awesome cosplay OP and even found out about a hamilton album parody - and my musical loving self was ecstatic.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIDuJAvTTRc&list=PL39vwIwCtLi3l4J6IMV6rS2HaLCujNzRT -  Vox Machina: An Exandrian Musical)
Found the full podcast list of champion 1 and started this May. But it was hard following just by voice, and I wanted to see what was happening, every episode was 3-4 hours long, with me in my military base it was impossible. (also I thought to myself “it looks cool, but what so investing and amazing about watching some people play D&D - boy I was wrong).
Then my unexpected savior arrived, miss Corona the pandemic.
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I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands and the Critical Role vids got suggested again on YouTube, yes indeed, I discovered there are actually filmed episodes. Towards the end of May, I started the journey and the flame reignited. I started talking to a good friend of mine about his interest in d&d and we started crafting characters - I resurrected my charter into a half-elven ranger with a full backstory. Down the road, I asked another two friends of mine about their interest in d&d (because maybe I can join together an actual party), one of them said, and I’m quoting “no I don’t have experience playing…but I swear I wanted to talk to you about D&D”. Unfortunately, the two friends groups didn’t mix but we made an improved first session with me as the fucking DM, simply magical. Later that week I started a 1on1 campaign with the other friend, with him as the DM and a marvelous start of an adventure (and helping him learn the rules as an ADM, with the past faded expirations I had).
All while fangirly, hyperfixation way continuing with the journey of Vox Machina, it’s amazing because as opposed to other shows I can also completely see the fandom growing along with the show and cast (i just hope I can catch up to the Mighty Nein before the inevitable 3rd campaign, 198 episodes to go - happy 100th ep!). It’s also difficult to get into the Critters fandom right now because most of the community is focused and recognized by Mighty Nein. Also burning up creativity slots and making more various characters then I could ever use - I’m enjoying myself so muchhh. Diving headfirst into this beautiful crazy of the mess that is D&D.
Nothing’s never too late and it’s ok if you have hiatus. It doesn’t make you any less worthy and I don’t need to feel bad about this journey of that a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons got me back to loving, playing and caring about the world of d&d, it’s part of the intent. As a fantasy lover (spells, costumes, items, structures, creatures, you name it), aspiring creative writer and an untalented lover of acting theatrical and role-playing, along with the incredible mechanism of RPG and the vast community, the amazing time with friends, its the game for me, it always had been. So thank you Critical Role for igniting that flame once again - even if I will lose it again I will always have you guys. “Can you answer the call? Dig in deep in your soul. As the legend unfolds, now it's your turn to roll!”
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(sorry for the lengthy length, it was meant to be much shorter)
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golbrocklovely · 6 years ago
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter eleven: i see you and i just can’t breathe
A/N: hey guys! sorry i haven’t updated this story in a week. i’ve been having some personal problems and trying to balance writing out this story more. but i’m okay, so don’t worry :) that being said, let me know what you think of this next chapter!
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose
trigger warning: cursing (as usual lol)
word count: 2273
DAY 5/14
"Can I do your intro?" I mumbled, looking over at Colby.
He smiled cheekily. "Yeah sure, go ahead."
I cleared my throat, getting into character. "Hey what's up you guys, Colby Brock here! And today I'm here with..."
"Skye." Colby muttered, holding back a laugh.
"Skye! And as you can see in the title, I'm gonna be interviewing her, and vice versa."
"Alright, I guess this is your youtube channel now."
We both stared at each other, and then busted out into laughter.
"Hey what's up you guys, it's Colby. And I'm here with Skye. She makes videos on her channel, which you should go check out. She's also a fan of me and Sam. And, she's my friend." He explained.
"That I am." I chimed in.
"And as she has already told you, I'm gonna be interviewing her. And she's also gonna be interviewing me." Colby stated, looking directly at the camera. 
He continued, "So, we each have a couple questions and we're gonna just go back and forth and we have to answer them truthfully. No matter how uncomfortable the question might be."
"Mind you, we have no idea of each other's questions. Do you wanna go first or should I?" I replied.
"I'll start. This one is easy. How long have you been a fan of us?" He asked, looking down at his phone and then looking up at me.
"Oh okay. Um... since 2016. I found you guys because Elton's videos. Or TFILs." I answered.
He nodded his head. "Cool. Did you instantly become a fan or did it take a while for you to like us?"
"I'm pretty sure it wasn't instant, but it didn't take long for me to fall in love with you and Sam." I blushed at my own words.
He grinned. "Awh, that's so sweet. What's your question for me?"
I glanced down at my phone. "My first question is is there a video on either yours or the duo channel that you wish you could change? Maybe it's not edited right, or the content isn't as great as it could be. Just any video that stands out that you just don't like."
He cocked his head to the side. "Um... I know on Sam and mine's channel some of our earlier videos are so cringey. Like where we give relationship advice or talk about girls in general. Some of our earlier videos just weren't that interesting."
"Is there any one that stands out?" I questioned.
"Not that I can think of. But any of our first vids, honestly." He insisted. I nodded my head as he kept talking. "Next question! Whose content do you like more: mine's or Sam's?"
I gasped. "What the fuck Colby?! I'm not answering that."
"You have to. You have to." He laughed, covering his face.
"Fine then... Sam's." I smirked.
"What?! Why don't you go be on Sam's channel then?" He mocked.
"Alright, BYE!" I started to get up, but he lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me back down, making me laugh. "I'm just kidding, but seriously Sam's."
He rolled his eyes, and I asked my second question. "My next question for you is would you ever sing on camera... like for real."
"Oh God. If I did, I would need like a lot of practice. I'm not good." He admitted.
"I don't think you're bad." I disagreed.
Colby looked at the camera."She's lying, I suck."
"No, you don't. I mean, even really good singers take voice lessons. So if you want, you should take some." I explained.
"Maybe I'll think about it. Thumbs up this video if you want me to sing." He smirked, pointing at the camera.
"The video becomes the most disliked video." I murmured.
He turned his head to me, gasping. "How could you." I giggled back.
He softly swatted my knee, chuckling back at me. "Anyway, one of my last questions for you is what content, as a fan, would you like to see from me?"
"Wow. That's a good question." I said.
"Thanks." He replied.
"Uh... if I'm honest, I think you should start posting more serious videos. Like, be open with the fans about your feelings and whatnot. I mean, compared to Sam's channel, you don't really have any 'personal' videos. I'm not expecting you to cry on camera or anything, but if you got more... real with us, I think that would be nice to see. Maybe once every couple months, just do like a sit down video and open up." I finished, finally looking up into his eyes. He had been staring at me the whole time.
"Shit... that's something I'll keep in mind." He nodded his head lightly.
"Yeah." I whispered, still looking into his eyes. After a pause, I could feel my face starting to heat up. I looked away. "...So my last question for you is what is your favorite part about this fandom?"
"Oh, it's all the love and support you guys send to me on the daily. I mean, if I'm ever having a bad day, I know I can go to my dms or my notices on twitter and see all the beautiful messages you guys send to me. Thank you guys for all of it, really. You guys are the best fans in the world." He declared, addressing the camera mostly.
He turned to me and smiled. "Now my final question for you is... would you like to go exploring with me and Sam?"
"Sometime soon?" I asked.
"Maybe..." He teased, smirking.
"If I'm invited, sure." I smiled, giggling slightly.
"Okay, then, that being said, that's gonna be it for today's video. Shout out to Skye for being an awesome fan and doing this for me kinda last minute." He informed, turning his head back to the camera.
"Yeah, he literally texted me yesterday about this." I mentioned, getting another jokingly dirty look from Colby.
"Why you gotta call me out like that?" He muttered, his frown changing into a smile quickly. "Anyway, leave a like if you enjoyed. Comment down below your favorite part. And I'll see you next week. Peace!" He blew a kiss at the camera, reaching over to turn it off.
I waved at the camera. "Bye."
He sat back down on his couch, looking over at me. "So, how was that for you?"
I smiled. "That was really fun. And went by really fast."
He nodded his head. "Simple videos like this are really fast to film and edit for me anymore."
"When are you gonna post this?" I asked, sitting up in my seat and crossing my legs.
"Next week. I filmed a video this week with Brennen so I have that to post and then next week I'll be posting this." He informed me, taking his camera off the tripod.
"Is there anything you need to do before the party tonight?"
"Actually yeah. I need to run to the store and get some alcohol and probably some more cups. Do you wanna come with me? And then if you want I can drop you off back at your house?"
"That's sounds good." I agreed, smiling.
He smiled back, grabbing his keys. "Okay then, let's go."
/  /  /  /
"What type of alcohol do you like?" Colby asked, glancing around the aisle at all the alcohol.
"I'm more of a vodka lady myself. Specifically, Grey Goose." I revealed, shrugging.
Colby gasped mockingly. "Oh wow. Someone's boujee."
"What do you like drinking?" I sassed.
"Jack. Or Crown Royal." He replied.
"Isn't whiskey for old men?" I jeered, smirking.
"Shut up." He teased, grinning.
I sighed. "What else do we need to get anyway?"
"Cups, and I think that's it." He answered, slowly starting to push the cart.
I stopped the cart, grabbing his attention. "Can you hold the cart still for a sec?"
Colby held the cart, as I slowly threw my leg over it to get inside. As I sat down in it, I faced Colby, who shook his head and smiled. He then started pushing the cart again. While he went up and down the aisle, I snuck a photo of him. Posting to my snapchat, I typed the caption "I love having a personal driver".
We finally arrived next to the plastic cups. He grabbed a set and threw them in, smacking me in the stomach. I gasped, and he just smirked at me and began to push the cart up the next aisle.
"I'm gonna pick up some more sodas." He said.
"Try not to throw that on me." I huffed, staring up at him.
"Can't guarantee." He whispered, giving me a wink.
He took two sodas from the shelves and drove the cart over to the self-check out section. After scanning the items and paying, all while I'm still in the cart, he rode the cart over to his car. He took the four bags and put them in his trunk.
"Can you help me out?" I asked, raising my arms to him.
He nodded his head, and I grabbed his shoulders. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me out of the cart. I landed on my feet in front of him.
"Thank you." I giggled.
A smile fell across his lips. "No problem."
Our eyes met for a moment. I could feel his arms still around me and my hands were still resting on his shoulders. We were chest-to-chest, almost too close for comfort. I slowly slide my hands down his arms, and he let go of me, our gaze falling off each other.
/  /  /  /
I waved to Colby from the door as he drove away. I shut the front door, leaning against it and sighing.
Maybe my heart can finally relax now...
I walked over to Casey's room where I could hear music being played. I opened her door and saw her sitting at her vanity, playing around with make-up.
"Hey Cas." I said, walking into her room and laying down on her bed.
"Hi. So how did your day go with loverboy?" Her eyes landed on me through her mirror.
I exhaled. "Fine. The video went really well. After we filmed, we went shopping for the party."
Her tone of voice changed. "Can you be honest with me for a second?"
"I'm always honest." My face twisted up.
She shook her head in disagreement. "Not when it comes to your feelings for Colby."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Skye, why are you pretending? It is so obvious that you like Colby. Why don't you just admit it?"
"The same reasons you don't admit that you like Brennen." I deadpanned.
She sighed deeply. "We're not talking about me."
I chuckled. "Funny enough, that is the same thing Brennen said to me when I told him to admit his feelings for you."
She rolled her eyes. "You really do have a knack for changing the subject, Skye."
After a moment, I answered, "Do you really wanna hear me say it?"
"Yes." She replied, turning to me.
"I... like Colby. A lot, actually. But why is it so important for me to admit it?" I grumbled, my shoulders dropping.
"Because you haven't shown interest in a guy in years. You're always so cynical when it comes to love and romance and all that mushy stuff." She complained.
"Well, I haven't exactly had a good track record with any guy so, I'm gonna be a little hesitant." I scoffed, glaring at her.
"Colby's different though." She noted, getting up from her vanity and walking over to her closet.
One of my eyebrows raised. "How is he different?"
"Because he for sure likes you." She said nonchalantly.
"I don't think so." I shook my head.
"Colby likes you. And you like him. One of you needs to take the next step forward and just admit it already. Maybe even tonight at the party." She shrugged, a soft smile on her lips.
/  /  /  /
"Skye, c'mon! If the uber comes and you're not ready, I'm leaving without you." Casey yelled from the living room.
I rolled my eyes at Casey's words. Looking at myself in the mirror, I cocked my head to the side, trying to get a different angle. I don't usually dress up, not because I'm above it; it's because I don't think I look good.
My maroon, flowy dress clung to my upper torso and cascaded from my waist down. The sleeves of the dress hit just slightly past my wrist. The tights underneath the dress were lacy and black, combined with my platform boots.
"Skyeeeee!" She shouted.
Sighing, I called back. "I'm coming."
Grabbing my purse off my bed, I headed out of my room. Walking into the living room, I met with Casey, who had her back to me.
"Are you finally..." She turned around to me, her sentence falling off when she saw me.
I shifted my gaze. "What?"
"Holy shit. You look gorgeous!" She exclaimed.
I smirked. "Are you saying I'm ugly the rest of the time?"
Her shoulders slouched. "You really know how to turn a positive into a negative."
I shrugged. "It's what I do best."
"But seriously, you look so good Skye." She responded, smiling brightly.
"Thank you. You look so pretty yourself. Are you trying to catch a certain boy's eye?" I nudged her with my elbow, smirking again.
She scoffed. "I think you might be projecting. I can't wait 'til Colby sees you. He's gonna drop dead."
I swatted my hand at her. "He probably won't even notice I'm there."
<< CHAPTER 10 || CHAPTER 12 >>
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iscldes-blog · 6 years ago
hey there demons, it’s me ya girl ! i’m HONEY, i’m 23, and i’m in the gmt +8 timezone, so catch me being on the dash at odd hours of the day. peep under the cut to be introduced to my baby ISOLDE ! if you would like to plot, please like this post and i’ll drop you a dm ! if you prefer to plot over discord, that’s cool too !
skeleton: andromeda
character name: isolde anastasia davenport
character age: 24
character pronouns: she/her
character occupation: actress
character faceclaim: danielle campbell
both her parents come from old money, and as she was their only child, izzy grew up extremely sheltered—to the point where her parents considered homeschooling her, but in the end they conceded that she needed to learn how to socialise, and she grew up attending nothing but elite private ( usually catholic ) schools
she was a curious child though, eager to experience the world that was kept from her; by all accounts, her parents’ overprotectiveness should have resulted in a child that was afraid of their own shadow, but izzy only felt excitement regarding the unknown
as she grew older, she started to feel a little bit suffocated, growing bored with her privileged life; and so her teen years were filled with rebellion, going out of her way to do things that her parents would disapprove of, be it openly ( joining the girls’ soccer team instead of cheerleading ) or in secret ( getting drunk and sneaking into clubs )
the more her parents tried to control her, the harder she pushed back, and eventually they found a new equilibrium: they stopped micromanaging izzy’s life quite as much as they used to, and in turn izzy actually started listening to her parents a little bit more
she learned to compromise, but a part of her longed for the thrill, still; when the novelty of her newfound maturity faded, izzy started falling into old habits once more. she’s the kind of girl who will put herself in dangerous situations just to feel something, anything. her parents had made sure she understood that the world was a dangerous place, but izzy found that it was only in the face of danger did she truly feel alive
still, despite this wild animal hunger inside of her, izzy’s still fairly naive, especially when it comes to people; for all the dangers of the world her parents had warned her about, no one ever taught her that it was people that did the most damage. she sees almost everyone through rose-coloured glasses, always willing to see the best in them, always quick to grow attached, always ready to lay down her life for them—not literally, of course, but there are few sacrifices izzy wouldn’t make for the people she cares about
when she was 21, her parents decided that she was old enough to get married and they arranged a marriage for her. izzy was horrified; she’d always been something of a romantic, and she had wanted to be swept off her feet in an epic romance, not forced into a loveless marriage with a man almost ten years her senior—especially when said man had a tendency to look at her as if she were a piece of meat and nothing more. she cried and pleaded and begged her parents to break the arrangement, but they refused
desperate, izzy turned to rumours; she’d heard whispers of the sanctum from questionable individuals in seedy clubs. then one night, the guy that took her home mentioned the sanctum in passing when she asked what he did for a living, and she knew that this was her chance—and she took it
less than a week later, the guy she had been arranged to marry was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography ( or something equally heinous ) as well as several counts of aggravated assault on past partners. her parents’ lack of surprise at the news made izzy realise that they had known exactly what kind of man they had been planning to marry her off to, and when she called them out on it, it was revealed that she had been a condition in a business deal between her father and the man, as if she were nothing more than cattle to be sold
she found herself reaching out to the sanctum again, and nothing felt more satisfying than learning that the man had been found dead in his holding cell, murdered. izzy’s aware that she’s traded one cage for another, but she dives headfirst into it all anyway, drunk on the rush of adrenaline with every quid pro quo. isolde anastasia davenport may still be a caged bird, but she’s never felt more FREE
i don’t really have any specific ones at the moment, but i’m always up to brainstorm, and i’m usually open to pretty much anything ! we can totally just agree on a generic connection and then see if that leads to anything else, but if you’ve got a more in depth connection in mind after reading her intro then that’s awesome too !
if you don’t have any concrete ideas but still want to plot, hmu anyway ! or leave a like and i’ll slide right into those ims :-)
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twistednuns · 6 years ago
December 2018
Iglo Veggie love with broccoli, buckwheat and black beans. Quick and easy.
The TEDxTUM event was pretty inspiring. I loved how they organised it and some of the speakers were amazing. Seeing all the cool stuff other people are working on actually motivated me to try and achieve great things myself. I'd like to learn about something new, start a project or volunteer.
Pick Up Limes videos.
The way Cher sings the word Memphis in her cover song.
Seeing Frank for the first time in four months. Having a good time at the Uncle Acid concert, getting a beer at Flex. Even though meeting him always causes some kind of emotional turmoil it might actually help to solve a few things I've been stressing over this time, for example that whole deal with Claudia.
Spending two hours in the kitchen on a Sunday morning. Preparing a summer and a winter curry. Pre-cutting salad. Listening to Tai Chi music. Baking these divine buckwheat chocolate cookies - absolutely delicious even though I forgot to add salt. Kinda healthy, too! It's grain-free (I even used groats) and I substituted part of the sugar with honey.
Gift ideas for rock collectors and mycophiles.
A spotted woodpecker in our backyard.
Dalmatian Jasper. Such a pretty stone.
Blinded by the Light. And a trip down musical memory lane. Making a nostalgia mixtape. Singing, enjoying the sound of my voice (as long as I hit the right vocal range).
Drawing owls. For hours. Using my Polychromos coloured pencils. I'm currerntly working on two owl-related projects, designing a logo for coffee roasters and making my friends' wedding invitation. Drawing owls like lovebirds is such a satisfying thing to do. Also: making my students come up with new ideas! Some actually drew some owl logos, too!
Reading books I don't understand. By people who are smarter than me. A very humbling experience. There is so much more to learn, experience and achieve.
Franzi's elegant coat and her ice crystal earrings. She's pregnant but she is skinnier than before and looks great. We cuddled up on a rooftop and had Kinderpunsch.
Practising The Pogues' Fairytale of New York for for karaoke night. I never hit the NYPD choir note quite right. My neighbours must hate me.
Taking a mental health day. Starting the day with baking cookies, making vegan sushi rolls. Reading, taking a nap. Yoga in the evening. Feeling really happy and relaxed. One of those rare inspired days when everything just falls into place. I kept revisiting beautiful places and memories during Shavasana. And I LOVE my yoga teacher more and more each week. So sad she is leaving the studio.
Taming your temper - tips for anger management.
Another coincidence. I wondered when the next Bilderbuch record will be released when I was looking at Mavi Phoenix at her concert - that girl is the female version of Maurice Ernst. A few hours later I found out that Bilderbuch actually had released a new album one day ago. WHAT.
Mirror tape.
Being a fluffy little red cat's human of choice. We sat in a cat café, no animals in sight. After a while a cat walked up straight towards me, sat down on my yellow scarf and kneaded it. Later she demanded attention and purred while I scratched her jaw. Apparently this was quite a rare occurence because she is said to be really shy and hard to handle. Weirdos unite!
Making Bhindi Masala, a vegan okra curry. Spicy and intense - delicious! Oh, and sushi rolls filled with avocado, veggies and fancy tofu/tempeh. Now I have a whole container waiting for me in the fridge.
Practising yoga for 20min on a gloomy Monday morning. Lighting a candle, drinking a cup of Ayurvedic Kapha tea with honey and lemon.
Tom, who inspired me to learn more about Ayurveda. And to rewatch The Darjeeling Limited because let's face it - Wes Anderson really knows how to make one of the poorest countries in the world look gorgeous.
We become what we think about. It's impossible to be successful without having a destination.
Quotations from Siri Hustvedt's The Blazing World: 1 / 2
"Smelling you almost makes me cum."
Running around with a fake septum piercing. I kinda like the look. I'm actually considering getting a real one but so far I'm fine with the clip-ons. The good thing is that you can't see the ring's ends anyway in that kind of piercing.
Spending time with the old friends. The best ones. The ones you don't have to speak to and it's still not uncomfortable. The ones you can be super weird around and they embrace it. The ones you can tell your strangest ideas and stories.
There is a new Turkish supermarket right around the corner! Fresh cilantro whenever I want! YES!!!
Heavy snowfall. It does look kinda pretty, I admit.
Many questions, not enough answers at the ESO Supernova exhibition/planetarium. / Making another cat friend over breakfast. / Seeing my foxy ginger lady Anika again after such a long time! / Orange marzipan lebkuchen and roasted coconut almonds (they taste like Raffaello). / Finding the perfect earrings and a beautiful head band at EDITED - The Label. / Performing Fairytale of New York live on stage with Manu. Being able to curse at somebody through song is perfect, I had a lot of fun. Also, he promised me his art teacher sweater as a Christmas present.
A knitting project with rainbow wool.
Making a clay sculpture for my mum. Taking it out of the oven at 80 degrees, wrapped in a dish towel like a baby.
The honey marzipan nougat bar from dm bio.
Meeting Manu at his office. Receiving the most awesome paint palette sweater as a Christmas present! And he let me spend a full hour in virtual reality! He has such an amazing programme which lets you draw in 3D and float around in space (with VR goggles). I'm absolutely fascinated and intrigued. Gotta visit him more often.
Meeting Tobi, Maike, Lena and Christian at Märchenbasar. Being drunk after some Feuerzangenbowle with rum (Pfeffi in Manu's case) and white mulled wine. Taking the long way home.
Buying Paulaner Spezi for my class. Supermarket trips with the kids before 8am. Schrottwichteln. Watching random goat videos and intros to children's series.
Having a drink at Goldene Bar in Haus der Kunst. Such a gorgeous place. I'm trying to get into a workshop on the museum's architecture at the end of January.
Making random people want to kiss me. Having no desire whatsoever to actually kiss them.
The Harry Potter round (on special request) at the pub quiz.
Reading Stephen Hawking's short answers to some of the big questions. I have to admit, I know nothing about physics or cosmology and at times his explanations were super hard to understand (fine, I probably didn't understand most of it) but I love creating a need to use my brain in uncommon ways.
Vivid dreams. About  dangerous skyscrapers (just different floors stacked loosely on top of each other), a kidnapping in a futuristic car by very glamorous gangsters, lesbians on a scooter trying to save me, travelling through Asia and the US with Sash, a sinking ship (but all the passengers swam back to the surface after a short period of unconsciousness), ATMs, fancy drinks, meeting strangers with beautiful eyelashes at a restaurant.
Discovering the Trouvelot astronomical drawings (1882) on the darkest day of the year, winter solstice. Watching the night fade away ever so slowly in the morning from the kitchen window, squeezing fresh oranges to make juice for breakfast. Bright orange and midnight blue is a great colour combination.
An article about a dear friend of mine appeared in Süddeutsche Zeitung! So happy for him.
Spending time with very old friends right before Christmas. Tobi, Sash, Michi, Yanic, Fischi and his wife... Playing MarioKart on SNES with Peter and taking weird selfies together. I had a very nice evening.
Managing to get a look at downtown Chicago during my layover. I uber-ed into the city centre (watching the skyscrapers getting larger and larger), walked around Millenium Park and along Lake Michigan. I spent quite a bit of time at Blick, an amazing art store, before I took the train back to the airport.
Arriving in Mexico in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. Seeing the city sparkling from above. Watching a bunch of kids beating a pinata well after midnight. Arriving in a beautiful artist's apartment in Condesa.
The Anthropology Museum in CDMX made it on the list of my favourite museums ever. I could have spent days there. I kept sketching some of the funny masks and Maya figurines. There were plenty of creepy tombs and skeletons, depictions of weird Gods, handicrafts and woodcarvings. It was just so interesting, probably because I had never seen a lot of South American / Aztec culture before and I love learning and exploring new things.
Christmas day in CDMX: sunshine, tacky glitter decorations, pointy balloons and spiky pinatas. Dancing, ancient smoke rituals performed by a Mayan community.
Mexican street food, especially the vegetarian street food tour with David. Meeting the Blue Corn Lady (her quesadillas are with cactus and beans and they're incredibly delicious). Flatbread, corn, fruit with chili and lime. Pulque and Mezcal. Finding out that the green salsa is actually worse than the red one. Tacos, Enchiladas, Tamales. If you go to Mexico just for the food you'll still have plenty to explore.
That evening with the pink sunset. Walking through the old used book store in Roma. Reading an interesting take on Lars von Trier's Melancholia. Meeting the resident cat.
Lucha Libre! Watching the luchadores, especially the small people in the second round. Laughing about the Mexican boy next to me swearing at the top of his lungs. Getting a mask as a souvenir.
Climbing the sun and moon pyramid at Teotihuacán. Getting a sunburn. Enjoying the atmosphere. It's a very impressive site.
Diving in Cozumel with Brooke-Anne (a librarian from Las Vegas who was raised by Mormons), Cynthia from Quebec and Lucie from Toulouse. Entering some coral formations underwater. Eating cantaloupe melon and chocolate cookies after the dive. Spending the evening with another Canadian, Jussi from Finland and that other dude from Puerto Rico. And some Indio beers.
What I loved most about Tulum were the ruins (right next to a gorgeous beach) and the health food restaurants (La Hoja Verde and Co.Conamor).
And this year I don't really have a good New Year's Eve story because I fell asleep at quarter past eleven in a little village west of Tulum. All alone. Could be worse though, I had an amazing year.
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mightbedamian · 8 years ago
#TMIishTuesday #62 - Dangerous CDU Dominance
Hey, In my last pre-intro I told you I was trying to keep the total score for my English C1 exam above the 90 % mark. Well, I got 27 out of 30 points for the oral part. Total score is something around 92 %. Crazy! So satisfied with it! Also: I got new glasses! Technically I could have picked them up today, but I was too f*cked off by the bad traffic (drive home lasted 45 minutes instead of the usual 25…) that I didn't do the extra detour. Might pick them up tomorrow. Oh, and I'm done with all exams. Next ones probably in September or so. Chill! Now hoping for satisfying results. Anyway, why are we here again? Right, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia had elections in the weekend - and the result is clear: The Christian Democrats will be in power in the most populous state for the next 5 years. At the same time, the two parties from the previous coalition, the Social Democrats and the Greens, massively dropped. Let's talk about why that may potentially be dangerous to LGBTQ+ folks and our democracy in general. Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #62 of #TMIishTuesday. If you're new, here's the reasoning behind my weekly #TMIishTuesday series. // Last week I gave you a review of the new album "Laune der Natur" by my favorite German band, Die Toten Hosen. If you like music or are interested in what music I like, read it. // Okay, let's dive right into it: The Christian Democrats (CDU) won the majority of votes in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. If you don't know me too well, you'd probably go: "So what?". And one might also think that when you don't care about politics. I'll show you why you should care. 1. The chancellor - Angela Merkel If you haven't been living under a rock (or on Mars) for the last 12 years, you'll know that Angela Merkel is our chancellor. Yepp, that girl who's cool with pretty much the entire world - except for their own party. Oh, and her "step-party" (if you want so), the Christian Social Union (CSU). And I'm not gonna lie, four years ago I liked her very much. Although she was of the party that I didn't quite like, she seemed very approachable and open for discussion. Well, let's just say, things changed. Granted, it's not only HER fault that the coalition - CDU, CSU, and the Social Democrats (SPD) - seems to have very opposing opinions on virtually ANY topic. But she certainly didn't try not to clash. And with some topics - especially regarding the handling of refugees - Merkel and CSU chairman, Horst Seehofer, did a pretty good job at working on both extremes. Merkel was the oh-so-friendly and oh-so-welcoming lady who pushed all of Europe to accept all refugees. I give her that: That was good! But: It was the exact opposite of what her own party, the CDU, wanted. And the CSU took it even further than most of the CDU. Mr. Seehofer wanted to close the borders. That was not the only situation that Merkel totally disagreed with her party - and actually took on a stance that the parties left of the CDU - SPD, the Greens, and the Left party - favored. With Seehofer still on the ultra-right side and Merkel on the left side of the political spectrum, that massively garnered the following of her and her party. People who previously voted for parties on the left spectrum felt that the CDU now also stood for their opinions. The traditional voters of the CDU had no other options, but to keep voting CDU, if they didn't want to vote for the populist AfD. The effect: More and more people voted for those AfD idiots and less and less people voted for the traditionally left parties. 2. The federal parliament - Bundestag In the 2013 election, roughly 42 % voted for the CDU/CSU. Still, with the Liberals (FDP) not making the 5 % election threshold, they couldn't continue the coalition. That led to a Grand Coalition between the CDU/CSU and the SPD. What sounded like an improvement at first sight (I definitely like the SPD better than the FDP), soon developed the typical Grand Coalition syndrome: Postponing any major decisions. Discussing about those decisions until forever and ever. And with the opposition being in SUCH a minority (80 % of the seats in parliament are held by the two parties in power), there barely is any opposition. And I don't mean the number - which is obvious. I mean the discussions, I mean voting on laws and regulations, I mean bringing up topics for discussion. I think I addressed the topic of the same-sex marriage laws before. 3. The federal council - Bundesrat // The Bundesrat is the institution responsible for enacting laws. Without the consent of the Bundesrat, no law passes. Therefore, it plays a vital role in our democratic system. The council consists of representatives of the federal states' governments. They send members of their government to discuss certain topics (and laws). Depending on the number of population, each state is entitled a certain number of representatives. In general: The larger the population of a state, the more representatives he sends to the Bundesrat. // As of now, the SPD is still the major power in the council. However, with both the elections in Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia - the most populous state (aka. a very influential state when it comes to the Bundesrat) - won by the CDU, this might change. And with the gap between the two largest parties growing more and more (the CDU/CSU will hold ~35 % of the seats in the federal parliaments, the SPD ~28 % after the recently elected parliaments have been constituted), our country might become one dominated - even more - by one party. And - let's face it - it's not the most modern party. Long story short: I don't like the direction our country is going. I addressed the topic of AfD loads before. They already hold ~10 % of seats in federal parliaments - that's frightening! Luckily they are not involved in any government yet, hence they claim no seats in the Bundesrat cause they are not involved in any governments (yet?). But there's more to worry about: With the CSU turning from right more and more to ultra-right, with the CDU turning from rather right to right, and with Merkel turning from right to rather left, we have a situation in which one party is covering an entire spectrum - and is recognised for that. Over the long run this might get us back to long forgotten times with one party holding the majority vote. I don't like that. Especially when this party involves idiots who can preach far-right opinions (Seehofer, De Maiziere, Schäuble, the list goes on) without getting in too much trouble! With that being said: I feel that national politicians have never been further from granting us LGBTQ+ folks our well-deserved rights. Tomorrow the Bundestag will debate same-sex marriage again. For 30 minutes. No voting about it. Afterwards it's the summer break and we get an election. Wow! Well done, CDU! You certainly know how to make a fool out of the SPD! Remember that it was one the big goals for the Social Democrats to make it same-sex marriage happen? Look what has happened since. Okay, just read this. I summarised it for you. Anyway, what I wanted to say is: Dear members of the Bundestag, you already messed up badly. You better work towards equality. Soon! This is probably the last chance we get in a long time - with a majority of parliament being "left": SPD, Greens and Left party. GO FOR IT! NOW! Right, so far my concerns. Let's hope we get a brighter future. Now let me know what you think of current political situation in Germany? Do you like it the way it is? Also: Were you allowed to vote in the elections? Or would you, if you could? Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. Queer Shoutout you say? I usually don't promote brands too much on here. But: Ben & Jerry's, made a special branding for their ice creams, in support of same-sex marriage. And I just think that is super awesome! Spreading awareness for the topic is the best way to deal with it. And one way to do it, is by making specially branded ice cream. Yes, Ben & Jerry's is still really expensive stuff, but Yes, I Dough like that campaign! (see what I did there? Good!) I heard about them being LGBTQ+ positive before and this just fits their concepts 100 %. Thanks for being awesome! (for the record: #notsponsered) As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! Linkage: - TMIishTuesday #56: The Social Democrats are a lie! - On the discussion of same-sex marriage in Germany: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/159196102114/tmiishtuesday-56-the-social-democrats-are-a - Queer Shoutout: Ben & Jerry's: "Verliebt, verlobt, verpartnert? Klingt doof? - Ist es auch!": http://www.benjerry.de/blog/unser-ja-habt-ihr
Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/160485106750/tmiishtuesday-61-laune-der-natur - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on politics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/mightbeserious - More very cool stuff: https://twitter.com/MightBeDamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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