#it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these
judebellswife · 3 days
Full Name Frenzy
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— pairing • dad!jude bellingham x mom!reader
— summary • You, Jude Bellingham’s fun-loving girlfriend, team up with his entire family to pull off a hilarious TikTok prank where you call him by his full name in front of everyone. The plan is perfect: everyone’s in on the joke, except Jude. His adorable daughter, Rosie, steals the show with her hilarious reaction, turning the prank into a memorable family moment filled with love and laughter.
— warnings • Fluff overload, light teasing, adorable family dynamics, and lots of banter.
— wanna talk or send request • to charlotte
It was a calm, sunny Sunday afternoon at the Bellingham family house—one of those rare lazy days when everyone could simply relax and enjoy each other's company. The smell of a home-cooked lunch lingered in the air as the house buzzed with light conversation and the occasional burst of laughter. It was a perfect family day, but for you, it was the perfect setup for a prank you had been planning for days.
As you sat on the living room couch with your boyfriend, Jude Bellingham, and your three-year-old daughter Rosie, you were practically giddy with excitement. The idea had started as a harmless joke when you stumbled upon a viral TikTok trend. It was simple: call your partner by their full name and capture their reaction. But knowing Jude’s playful personality and the fact that he was surrounded by his family—his parents Denise and Mark, and his younger brother Jobe—you couldn’t resist going all in.
It was about time to pull off the prank, but not without some help from Jude’s family.
The night before, after Jude had gone to bed, you had shared your plan with the rest of the family, gathering them in the kitchen for a secret discussion.
“So, I’ve got a prank in mind,” you whispered with a grin, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Jude wasn’t anywhere near. “And I need all of you to help me pull it off.”
Denise and Mark immediately perked up. Denise smiled warmly as she leaned against the counter, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “Oh, I love a good prank. What are we doing?”
You explained the viral TikTok trend and how you planned to call Jude by his full name—Jude Victor William Bellingham—in front of everyone. The key to the prank was keeping a straight face and making Jude think he was in some serious trouble, even though he hadn’t done anything wrong.
Mark chuckled, already seeing how Jude might react. “You know he’s going to be confused as hell. He never hears his full name unless it’s something serious.”
Denise nodded enthusiastically, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “And he hasn’t been called that since he was a little boy. I’m in.”
Jobe, who had been listening while casually scrolling through his phone, suddenly grinned. “Wait, you want us all to act like Jude’s in trouble? Oh, I’m so in for this. I’ll make it dramatic.”
You laughed, already imagining Jobe hamming it up and making Jude’s confusion even worse. “Exactly! He won’t know what hit him. I’m going to start it off casually, and then we’ll see where it goes from there.”
Denise giggled like a schoolgirl. “I can’t wait to see his face.”
“And don’t worry,” you added with a wink. “Rosie will have the final word. She’s going to unknowingly seal the deal.”
Mark laughed and nodded approvingly. “You’re using our granddaughter as the secret weapon. Smart move.”
The plan was set. You all knew your roles. Now, all you had to do was wait until tomorrow.
The next day, everything felt perfect. The family had gathered in the living room after a hearty lunch. Jude, unaware of what was coming, was lounging comfortably on the couch next to you, scrolling through Netflix and mindlessly suggesting shows to watch.
Your daughter, Rosie, was sitting on the floor, her tiny fingers wrapped around the plastic handles of her dolls as she hummed happily to herself. Jude’s parents, Denise and Mark, sat across the room in armchairs, chatting softly, while Jobe sprawled out on the other couch, pretending to be deep into his phone, but really waiting for his moment to strike.
You caught Denise’s eye from across the room, and she gave you a small, conspiratorial nod. It was time.
You leaned back against the cushions, acting as casual as you could, before dropping the bomb. “Jude Victor William Bellingham,” you said, your voice carrying just enough weight to suggest seriousness, but not too much to make it sound fake.
Jude’s body froze. He turned slowly to look at you, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Wait... what?” he said, blinking at you as if you had just said something in a foreign language.
You stared back at him, keeping your face completely neutral. “You heard me,” you said with a deadpan expression. “Jude Victor William Bellingham.”
The room fell silent. Denise lowered her cup of tea slowly, her eyes widening in what could only be described as mock concern. Mark raised an eyebrow from behind his newspaper, peeking over the top like he was waiting for some kind of explanation. Even Jobe, who had been doing his best to act oblivious, now sat up straighter, his mouth open in exaggerated shock.
“Bro,” Jobe muttered, shaking his head dramatically. “Not the full name. You’re in deep now.”
Jude looked around the room, his expression one of total confusion. “What the hell is going on? Why are you using my full name like that?”
Denise, ever the supportive mom, chimed in softly, her voice laced with concern. “Sweetheart, what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Jude exclaimed, laughing nervously, but still visibly unsettled by the sudden use of his full name. “Why is everyone acting like I’ve committed some crime?”
You tried your hardest to maintain your composure, but it was difficult. Jude’s face was a mix of disbelief, nervousness, and slight panic, like he was trying to figure out if there was some major mistake he didn’t remember making.
Jobe, of course, leaned into the drama, shaking his head slowly. “Nah, bro, when they drop your full name like that, it’s over. You’ve done something. Just admit it now and save yourself.”
Jude looked genuinely baffled now, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “But I haven’t done anything! I swear!”
You kept your serious expression, though inside you were practically bursting with laughter. “Jude Victor William Bellingham,” you repeated, drawing out each syllable for extra effect. “I can’t believe you don’t know what you’ve done.”
Jude threw his hands up in the air, looking helplessly around the room. “I’m telling you, I’ve got no idea! Mum, Dad, help me out here!”
Denise shrugged, her lips pressed together as if she were trying hard not to laugh. “I don’t know, Jude. She used your full name. You must have done something.”
At this point, Mark lowered his newspaper fully, folding it on his lap as he gave Jude a sympathetic look. “Son, full names are no joke. Maybe it’s time to come clean.”
Jude groaned, still laughing but now visibly confused and stressed. “But there’s nothing to come clean about! You’re all ganging up on me for no reason!”
That’s when Rosie, who had been mostly absorbed in her dolls, suddenly looked up. Her big brown eyes, wide and full of innocence, locked onto her father. She paused for a moment, processing the serious tone everyone had adopted, before deciding it was time for her input.
In the sweetest, most innocent voice, she pointed a tiny finger at Jude and said, “Oooooh, Dada, you’re in soooo much trouble.”
That was it. The room erupted into chaos. Jobe doubled over, clutching his stomach as he let out a loud laugh. Denise was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, while Mark chuckled deeply, unable to contain himself. You couldn’t hold it in any longer either, bursting into giggles as Rosie’s serious tone tipped everyone over the edge.
Jude, now laughing but still utterly bewildered, pulled Rosie into his lap, covering her face with kisses as she squealed with delight. “You little traitor!” he teased, tickling her until she shrieked with laughter. “Even you’re turning against me?”
Rosie wiggled in his arms, still giggling as she buried her face into his chest. “Dada in trouble!” she squeaked, clearly enjoying the attention and the fact that she had somehow been part of the big prank.
You wiped the tears from your eyes, finally catching your breath. “You should’ve seen your face, Jude. You looked like you were trying to figure out if you’d broken the law or something!”
Jude shook his head, though his smile was wide and affectionate. “I genuinely thought I’d forgotten something major, like our anniversary or Rosie’s birthday or—I don’t even know!” He laughed, running a hand through his hair again. “You got me good, I’ll give you that.”
Denise, still recovering from her laughter, smiled warmly at you. “That was brilliant, darling. You’ve officially outdone yourself.”
Mark nodded in agreement. “I’ve never seen Jude look so lost in my life. Well done.”
Jobe, who had been leaning back on the couch with a smug grin, chimed in. “I’ll give you points for execution, but honestly, Rosie’s line took it to a whole new level. That was gold.”
Rosie, still sitting in Jude’s lap, seemed to sense that she had become the star of the show. She smiled proudly, looking up at her father with wide eyes. “I got you, Dada,” she said softly, and Jude’s heart melted on the spot.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a big hug. “Yeah, you did, little one. You’re too smart for your own good.”
You couldn’t help but feel a swell of warmth in your chest as you watched the scene unfold. What had started as a lighthearted prank had turned into one of those perfect family moments—filled with love, laughter, and the kind of joy that only comes from being surrounded by the people who matter most.
Jude leaned back, cradling Rosie against his chest, and gave you a playful look. “You realize this means war, right? There’s no way I’m letting you get away with this.”
You raised an eyebrow, grinning. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Well, if you think you’re getting away with pranks this easily, you’re in for a surprise.”
Mark, who had returned to his newspaper, chuckled quietly. “Careful, son. She’s got Rosie on her side. You don’t stand a chance.”
Jobe snickered. “Yeah, man. You’re outnumbered.”
Denise, always the peacemaker, leaned forward and patted Jude’s knee. “Well, at least now you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a prank. I’d say it builds character.”
Jude groaned dramatically but squeezed Rosie a little tighter, his playful eyes never leaving yours. “I guess this is what I get for falling in love with a prankster.”
You leaned in closer, your voice soft but teasing. “And don’t forget, I’ve got the ultimate prank partner right here.” You gestured toward Rosie, who had already snuggled into Jude’s chest, her tiny hand gripping his shirt as she started to doze off after all the excitement.
Jude smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection. “Yeah, yeah. I guess if it’s you two, I can handle a little trouble.”
As the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the cozy living room, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for the simple joys of family life. The prank had been a success, sure, but more than that, it was moments like these—filled with love, laughter, and the people you loved most—that made everything feel just right.
And as you snuggled up next to Jude, Rosie sound asleep in his arms, you knew that no matter what, these were the moments that would stick with you forever.
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naturesapphic · 2 days
Hiiiii can u write a fic about how Billie and reader met!! (With the Billie wall!!!) PLEASEE
Love you mwah Mwahh
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Love At First Fan
Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff
It was June 2024 in Berlin, Germany when Billie eilish went to do promo for her new album, “hit me hard and soft”. The last time she came here was in 2019 for her first album “when we all fall asleep where do we go”. Now she’s back after five years and you were finally getting to meet her. There were hundreds of fans waiting to see her and you were one of them. You waited out there for about an hour until you saw her.
It was the Billie eilish. Just a few yards away from you. You felt your heart beat out of your chest and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. She sat on the wall where all the autographs were, making it the Billie wall, and she posed for a photo, remaking the one she did five years ago. You watched her in awe and you hope that she would come over to you.
It’s been about an hour since Billie has been here, she signed a plaque that’s going to be placed on the wall, she did some photos, some interviews and even talked with almost all of the fans. Then she got to you and you were absolutely freaking out on the inside. “Hey sweet girl. How are you?” She said and you thought you were gonna pass out right then and there.
“Hi! I-im great! H-how about you?” You stuttered out and she just kept smiling at you, not even noticing or pointing it out which made you grateful. “I’m good! What’s your name sweetheart?” She asked you and you told her your name. “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She said while giving you a wink which made you go crazy. Billie went up to you and gave you a hug, she leaned in next to your ear. “Meet me here in three hours alone okay?” She whispered and she moved on to the next group of people waiting for her.
~ three hours later ~
It’s been three hours and you were walking up the stairs near the wall when you spotted Billie already sitting up there waiting for you. You smiled big and hurried up the stairs towards her. When she saw that you were coming, she matched the smile you had on your face and hopped down. You got up in front of her and smiled shyly. “It’s crazy that im doing this. I’ve never done this before but y/n you entranced me. I don’t know what it is about you or how you spoke to me but I was hooked the first time I laid my eyes on you.” She explained and you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“R-really?” You sputtered out and she took a step forward, looking deep in your eyes. “Yes really. I would love to get to know you more y/n, if that’s okay with you?” She asked and you immediately nodded your head yes. Billie reached for her phone in her back pocket and handed it to you so you could put your number in. You put it in and handed it back to her. “Well I’ll tell you later okay? I need to go and finish some more things but get home safe.” Billie said and you nodded slowly, still not believing that this was happening. Billie smiled and waved bye as she walked down the steps and went inside her car as you stood there in disbelief.
A/n: thank you to the two anons who requested this and for y’all’s kind words! I love y’all too! Mwah! I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! Take care of yourselves. I love y’all! :)
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feelbokkie · 3 days
L♡VE IN F♡CUS | Chapter 10
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PAIRING: idol!Changbin x fem reader
WARNINGS: mention of food and eating
GENRE: smau, crack, angst, fluff
P♡V: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
SUMMARY: Amateur concert photographer Y/n has recently been promoted to junior music journalist. Her first assignment? An exposé on the popular Kpop boy group, Stray Kids. Spending an entire tour doing in depth interviews with eight men seems simple enough, but one member isn't exactly open to the idea. Will Y/n be able to break down the walls around his heart, or will her big break turn into a big disaster?
TAGLIST: closed
W♡RD C♡UNT: 1,912
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
“Noona, is your camera water resistant?”
You look up from your spot on the floor to find Seungmin hovering over you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. His hair has gotten longer over the past couple of months. Strands of his hair are thrown in all different directions, you can't tell if he just finished getting it styled or if he just got done roughhousing with Changbin. You've grown accustomed to his screaming so even if it was the latter, you didn't notice. His face is bare and slightly damp from having just finished shaving. He tilts his head to the side, waiting for your answer with big eyes and an open smile.
“Seungmin, if you splash me with water, I will buy a water gun at one of the next stops and ruin your day.” You sigh as you carefully set your camera on the floor.
“Is that a promise?” Somehow, his smile gets wider. You can almost imagine a tail wagging excitedly behind him.
"Seungmin! It's your turn to get your hair done!" One of their hair stylists calls from the other side of the room.
"Coming!" Seungmin calls back sweetly. Seungmin turns back to you and winks before happily skipping off to get his hair done.
After being teased by Seungmin the entire time the two of you explored Osaka for his one-on-one time with you, you're almost certain that you've become his new favorite target. You’re not even sure why, your reactions aren’t even that great. But still, he does a silly little prank like making you turn your head so he can poke your cheek or asks if he can take a picture of you with your phone only to take several selfies instead and die laughing.
You can’t help but let out a small laugh as you pick up your camera again. While the group is busy getting ready for the show, you’re sitting in the corner by an outlet charging your batteries, double-checking the SD cards, and cleaning all of your lenses. You really only need one battery and SD card but you want to be prepared in case you need to switch them in the middle of the show.
You turn to your side when you notice someone coming up and sitting close to you. You can't help the small smile that creeps up on your face when you realize that it's Jeongin. He doesn't say anything, instead, he brings his knees to his chest, rests his head on them, and pulls out his phone. You look around the room and confirm your suspicions when you see Felix, Jisung, and Minho in front of the talker camera. He knows that if he sits close enough to a staff member, whoever is filming will leave him alone. And since you’re not planning on moving anytime soon, he’s safest next to you.
“Noona, can you take a picture of my hair for me? I can reach the back and everyone else is busy.” Hyunjin comes up to you, holding his phone in his hands.
Hyunjin’s hair doesn’t look any different from how it looked earlier. It's still black and mostly straight, framing his face perfectly. Still, you know he was sitting in the hair stylist’s chair longer than he normally does so something must’ve changed and you can’t see it.
“Sure, but can you sit? I’ve been down here for too long, I think I’m stuck like this,” You try straightening out your legs but the pain that shoots out from them stops you.
Hyunjin nods happily before handing you his phone and kneeling with his back facing you. You fix the settings of the phone camera so you can take the best possible picture for him. When you look up, ready to take the picture, Hyunjin has put his hair in a little bun. The bun reveals that he buzzed off the underside of his head again. In the bottom corner, he has a small heart and the word 'Stay' shaved into it.
"Oh, you did an undercut again?" You ask softly so as to also not disturb Jeongin's peace and quiet.
"Yeah, I've been getting hot and my hair is too long." He turns around with a bright smile. You quickly snap a picture of him before motioning him to turn back around. "I might leave my hair down for now and reveal it during 'So Good.'"
"Let someone on the camera crew know so they can be sure to zoom in on the 'Love Stay.'" You take a few pictures of his hair, some from different angles, before tapping him on the shoulder and handing back his phone. "Can you send those to me? I might be able to use them."
Hyunjin smiles and nods vigorously as he checks the pictures on his phone. Instead of getting up, he sits facing you, still on his phone. After a few moments, you feel your phone go off in your pocket.
"Take a picture of my hair too!" Felix yells, running over with his phone.
"Ah, Yongbokkie, that's too loud." Hyunjin laughs as he scoots over so Felix can sit in front of you.
"Sorry," Felix says sheepishly. He starts patting his pockets before freezing. "Ah, I don't have my phone."
"Here," Hyunjin hands you his phone again so you can take pictures of Felix's hair for him.
Felix has been documenting all of his hairstyles from the tour so far. You could probably fill up an entire magazine of all of his hairstyles alone. Today, his hair is not much different from other looks but still a bit different. His hair has recently been bleached again, only to touch up the roots. Both of you have talked about him going back to a darker hair color after the first half of the tour to give his hair a break from all of the bleach. But for now, as long as his hair and scalp allows it, he's sticking with the blond.
"Do you like my hair, noona?" Felix asks after settling down low enough so you can see better.
His hair, except for a few strands, is pulled back into two star-shaped buns in the back of his head in a sort of half-up style. It's similar to the bow style you remember seeing pictures of circulating online earlier in the year. Felix moves and you see something in his hair catching in the light, shining brightly. The more that you look at it, you can see that his stylist added some silver tinsel into his hair.
"It's cute, Felix. Might be one of my favorite styles yet." You take a few pictures with flash so that the tinsel shines.
"Thank you," Felix beams as if he did his hair himself, turning around once the flashes stop and taking the phone back from you. He quietly hands the phone back to Hyunjin, not even checking the pictures. "I asked if they could do five stars in my hair but they were having trouble so we just did two. They said we can try 5 next time after they practice a bit more."
"Since they could make two stars with your hair, they might be able to try two flowers. Maybe even color it with hair chalk?" You suggest. Felix asks for hairstyle recommendations almost every time he sees you.
A few times he's convinced you to ask a stranger if you could take a picture of their hair while you're out with him and the kids so he could have a reference to show his stylists. It's one of the stranger things you've bonded over with someone, but sometimes it leads to strange texts from Felix of random pictures he's found online. And it's all because you mentioned how much you liked the bow bun he had.
"If they do that, do you think we can go out and find some flowers for me to take pictures with? Or like, a flower field? I'll even do a flower pose and you can use it for the magazine." Felix's eyes light up with excitement. He's speaking so fast that you almost don't understand him as he stumbles over his words.
Making 9 different versions of basically the same magazine has been hard so you welcome any sort of suggestions from them. And they enjoy the creative freedom. Seungmin suggested a whole coffee shop spread where he reviews coffees from each city you're in. Part of you think it's an excuse for him to drink coffee. Jeongin also tends to ask you to take an outfit of the day picture so he has a little fashion spread going. Whenever they go out to eat, Minho has been trying different foods and sending you pictures, the names of the foods, and ratings. At this point, you're going to have to put their names on the credits page under creative directors.
"Dinner time!" Chan sings as he walks into the room with a few staff members in tow. Chan, carrying two full bags, heads to the center of the room where there's a couch and small table. The other four staff members head to a table off to the side.
"C'mon, let's go," Hyunjin whispers softly to everyone.
Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin get up and follow you over to Chan so they can get their food. Soon after Minho and Jisung join them. You watch as the staff members who aren't preoccupied with something go over to the table off on the side to get their food.
You pack your cleaning equipment up and set it off to the side. You swap the battery in the charger with the one currently in the camera. Just as you're about to get up, Changbin is standing in front of you with both of his hands stretched out in front of him, waiting. You quietly chuckle to yourself as you take his hands and slightly pull yourself up as he tugs.
It's weird having Changbin willingly interact with you after months of him avoiding you like the plague. He's still cautious around you, hardly talking about anything outside of interview questions. At least, nothing that truly matters. But he is talking to you. He's even tagged along a few times when one or some of the members kidnaps you for a few hours.
"Thank you," You smile as you adjust your clothes. You lean back against the wall for a bit for support as the blood flows back into your legs.
Changbin nods as a response before turning and walking towards the other members. He pauses for a moment, turning back to you. His freshly straightened dyed black hair falls slightly over his eyes as he tilts his head. "Eat well,"
"You too, Changbin," You reply with a smile on your face.
You almost miss the small, satisfied smile that appears on his face before he nods and walks to join the other members for dinner. It was only there for a moment. So quick that you're certain that it's the first genuine smile he's given you that wasn't for the camera. You're not even sure he was aware of the fact that he did it. It was more like a reflexive twitch than an intentional action.
Note to self: try to get Changbin to smile like that more for pictures.
You kick yourself off the wall and head back to join the other staff members for dinner.
Buy me a coffee?
TAG LIST (closed)
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyyscorner @puppysmileseungmin @lixie-phoria @yongbbokkie @spearb-99 
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moody-alcoholic · 22 hours
Freaky Friday
+18 explicit content
What am I trying this week... ✨ Orgasm denial and edging ✨ I haven’t done a freaky Friday in a while, since most of my ‘regular’ work has been quite porn heavy and I can only write so much porn before I become numb to it all and it all just reads the same. There are only so many ways you can skin a cat.
Summary: Price x reader, established relationship, 2.2k words. It’s straight up porn, Price comes home from deployment, cue making up for lost time.
CW: MDNI +18 explicit content. sex, exhibitionism (kinda), sending nudes/ sexy videos, oral (M reciving), fingering, orgasm denial, edging, PiV sex, overstimulation, little tiny bit of Mdom.
Part 1, Part 2 - Masterlist
Enjoy ya filthy animals <3
You’ve never missed anyone like this, like there’s a ache deep inside you. John had left about a week ago and you were missing him. He gave you a key to his apartment and asked you to water his plants. He has no plants at least not ones he needs watering. Instead you find yourself snooping through his drawers. He has pictures in his place, pictures of people from the army. There are no names, no pictures of younger people or what would look like family member's.
After 5 days of him being away you take your trusty pink vibrator and fuck yourself on his bed, riding his pillow moaning his name over and over again. You take a video obviously, who knows what he will think but you don’t care. After a day or so he messages you back, it’s simple, boring.
I’ll be back in a day, evening.
You’re excited, too excited you scrub your body within an inch of it’s life waxing every part of from head to toe. You’ve never spent this much time on getting ready for a man. When the evening comes and go's, the dark sky settles over London and you’re still waiting 2 glasses of wine deep. You don’t know what you’re expecting from him, a knock on the door a ‘hey I’m here’ text, nothing.
You’re starting to doze off on the sofa when the door bell rings. You spring up, tiredness gone as you rush over to the door pulling it open. A smile stretches on your face as you look up at John, his hands grab your shoulders pushing you into your flat.
“I’ve missed you.” He says sounding almost feral as he presses his lips against you. His hands are strong gripping your armpits hoisting you up. You wrap your legs round his hips as he takes you over to the kitchen table. You want to be in the bedroom, sprawled out on the bed as he fucks you hard.
You have a feeling he want’s to draw it out more, you’re not sure if you care it’s just nice feeling his hands on you again. His big strong hands that are working their way up your thighs, then you stomach, up your shirt, his fingers brush your nipples.
“That video you sent?” his breath, hot in your ear. 
“Did you get caught?” You ask raising your arms so he can take your shirt off.
“Almost, my boys steal my phone sometimes.” His lips press against your neck, his tongue tracing down to your collar bone. You tip your head back. Your hands running up through his hair, gripping onto him as he sucks on your neck.
“I’ve missed you, your touch, your lips.” You breathe grabbing his face pulling his lips to you. You push your tongue into his mouth drinking him up as his hands cup your breasts, you can feel his cock pressing up against you. 
You want to claw it out his pants, his hands move to grip your waist holding you in place. You lean back trying to grind your hips towards him, desperate for any kind of friction. He holds you back his thumbs digging into your pelvis pushing you away from him, teasing you, keeping you away from what you want. 
“John, I need you.” You beg. 
“I know baby, but you teased me so much, it’s only fair I keep you waiting.” You smile, so he did like the video. A chuckle leaves your mouth.
“I need you.” You beg. A long breath leaves his mouth. 
“I know.” He says his thumps slipping past your waistband. You hitch yourself up on your hands so he can pull your pyjama bottoms off. You’re glad you skipped the underwear as your bear ass hits the cold table. You spread your legs apart from him. Hes almost licking his lips and his fingers press on your clit. You moan at the contact wrapping an arm round his neck and leaning back. His palm presses down on you as his fingers circle your entrance. 
“So fuckin’ perfect.” He breathes. He presses two fingers in you your head tips back. 
“Yes John,” you say looking back down at him trusting his fingers into you, curling them up to press on that oh so sweet spot. You’re not going to last like this his hands being on you. Your breathing increasing as you angle your hips for him to better press into. His palm bouncing against your swollen clit. 
“You close baby?” He asks in your ear you nod in reply. He moves to look a you smiling, he pulls his fingers out as you whine in protest. You look up at him wide eyed. He brings his fingers up to you mouth pressing them through your lips. You open for him tasting yourself on him sucking them clean. You hum as he takes them out moving his fingers back down your clit, rubbing little circles. 
“John please,” you’re begging already, you really have missed him. You grip his neck but as soon as you’re about go cum he pulls his fingers away. You whine again letting out a frustrated sigh. 
“The only time you’ll be cuming is on my cock.” He whispers low in your ear sending shivers down your spine. He steps back and you jump off the table following him into the bedroom. It turns into a slow sloppy make out session you’re falling over each other reaching under his shirt to feel each tight muscle. Your hands land on a bandage you pull away looking down. 
“Its nothing,” he says pulling his shirt off over his head. You don’t believe him but you let your hands work down to his belt. As you pull his trousers down, you can feel how hard he is through his boxers.
You kneel down licking your lips and you pull his cock out thrusting both your hands down his length pulling his foreskin back to reveal the red hot tip. If he’s going to tease you, you can tease him too. You bring his tip in your mouth, just the tip slowly licking your tongue around it before taking your mouth off completely. 
“Christ love,” he moans his hand resting on the top of your head. You squeeze the base of his cock with your hand as you continue to tease his tip, circling your tongue round it. You smile hearing the heavy sigh in his voice. He’s been away for well over a week and you’re sure now that video you sent probably made him suffer more. You did enjoy the thought of him late at night trying to be quiet fisting his cock while you’re humping his pillow telling him how much you miss him. 
Maybe he has his own office, he is a captain after all, maybe he wasn’t as desperate as you think. His hand grips your hair and before you know it he’s thrusting his hips and pushing your head, forcing you to take him all the way. It surprises you your eyes imminently start to water, okay maybe he was desperate. You pull your mouth back his hand still gripping your hair. 
“I’ve missed your mouth baby, you take me so well don’t you.” He says his hand coming down stroke your hair off your forehead. The praise makes your body tingle as you look up at him, moaning on his cock as a response. He likes that tipping his head back as you continue your effort to get back in control of the situation. It’s harder then it seems, his strong hands pressing your head down to take him all the way, the most you can do is flick your tongue over his tip which makes him shudder. 
“Christ, okay, on the bed.” He says pulling out your mouth leaving you with saliva dripping down your chin. You wipe it away with the back of your hand following his instructions and sitting on the end of the bed. He’s looking around for something. 
“I’m on the pill now, thought now would be a good time,” you say, he turns round smiling the biggest smile you think you’ve seen. He drops the pants he had in his hands and comes over to you his hands cupping your cheeks. He kisses you deep pressing his tongue against yours tasting himself on your lips. It’s hot and fast and has your pussy throbbing, your fingers betray you and you find them pressing on your clit for any release. He pulls away from the kiss seeing you touching yourself. You think he’s going to stop you but he just smiles.
“How ‘bout you ride me like you did in that video?” There’s an edge to his voice a glint in his eye. You nod, letting him lay on the bed before you swing your legs over his hips. His hands come up to your hips as your line yourself up with him. It takes a few seconds of awkward manoeuvring so you’re both comfortable before you slowly sit down on him. You let out a shaky groan as you feel him fill you up. As soon as you’re all the way down you rest your hands on his stomach careful to avoid his bandage.
You sit there for a few seconds feeling him twitch inside you before you move your hips back up. It’s not the same as grinding his pillow with your vibrator, it’s better, you feel so full, he hits a spot you can never seem to find. You don’t even care that he’s the one controlling the speed, you’re too blissed out panting and moaning his name as your fingers dig into his stomach. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good. Have you missed me?” He says you almost miss the second part enjoying the feeling of chasing the high he’s been keeping you from.
“Yes, so much-” You don’t get to finish, you tip your head back moaning out. John pulls you down on him and locks your hips in place with his hands. Fuck he did it again, how does he know. You look down at him smiling. 
“John, please.” You whine running your hands up his chest leaning over him. He chuckles his hands leaving your hips and wrapping round your body. He presses you against him, as he thrusts his hips into you. Everything feels so tight, it’s too much, maybe you didn’t wait long enough, but you don’t care. 
“John-” you breathe clenching around him.
“No, not yet you can hold it.” He breathes in your ears before releasing you from his grip. You sit up almost instantaneously. His thrusting stopped leaving you desperate yet again. You moan in frustration, bouncing up and down, each stroke has you shaking teetering on the edge.
A slight increase of speed or a different angle and you wouldn’t be able to hold back. He can tell too, just laying there watching you fuck yourself on him, desperately trying to reach the peak. He could stop you again any time, leave you wanting more and more.
“Just like that.” He says, his voice low and grumbling as his hands come back to your hips. “Such a good girl.” Even the praise is too much, you feel yourself slowly speeding up. He doesn’t stop you in fact he brings one of his hands to thigh reaching down and resting his thumb on your clit. With each thrust his thumb presses just the right amount of pressure to have your legs shaking.
You know next time you’re not going to be able to hold back. You go back to letting him control the speed too focused on all the senses running through your body almost to the point of overstimulation. You can’t hold it anymore but you don’t want him to stop. 
“John, please,” you breath tipping your head and closing your eyes. He hums almost like he’s thinking, holding you there right on the edge. 
“Please what?” he asks. 
“Can I cum?” 
“‘Cause baby.” It almost sounds too good to be true, you open your eyes looking down at him. He’s still controlling the speed, you let him arching your back as you cum. It feels different after being on the edge for so long, denied so many times. It starts deep in your core working outwards as you shiver clenching down on him. He doesn’t stop only moving his thumb digging his fingers into your thighs as he cums too.
Even though it’s all almost too much you don’t stop even when he does, throbbing inside you, filling you up as you work him through the orgasm. You don’t stop until you’re satisfied, chasing every second, even when his cock twitches from overstimulation and his moans turn into whines. You watch his face change his mouth hanging open. You lean down kissing him, his arms warp around you pulling you down onto the bed with him. 
“I really have missed you.” You say as you break from the kiss. His hand comes up to brush hair out your face. 
“Yeah, I missed you too.” He replies. 
“So what happened?” You ask nodding at the bandage on his stomach. 
“How about a nice hot shower then I’ll tell you all about it?” 
“Okay.” You nod. 
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I do NOT trust my reading comprehension especially when it's for requests like this buttt.... If you a are taking requests, this is for your anniversary event!! Prompts are: dressing then up in degrading outfits, and showing them off as a trophy to their coworkers. Guess who's character this is for... Drum roll please....! 🥁🥁 Of course it's Scaramouche 😁. Now Imagine him wearing those cat ears and like a tail that's actually a plug and black panties that barely covers anything and a matching bra... Making him wear that in front of the other fatui harbingers at a "party" reader hosted and fucking him in front of them, and instead of moans he's forced to meow instead...
(This might be one of the wildest asks I've sent buttt whatever 🥰)
Dom!reader x sub!Scaramouche
Warning: cosplay (?) - degrading outfit, a tiny bit feminisation (cuz of the outfit), exhibition (a little), pet play, a tad manhandling
Anniversary event
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All this misfortune that has befallen him, all this shame that was going to come in the near future, for all of this he’s got no one to blame but himself.
After all, it was his choice to be a brat, no?
That’s why he has to live with the consequences of his actions, accepting any punishment no matter how humiliating they’d be. And you had just the right one in mind. You’ve been planning this party for the harbingers for a while now, so why not grasp this opportunity to both put him in his place and to show off? Which is why you told him you’ll have to think it through, and will announce his punishment in a few days.
On the day of the event, you invited yourself into his room, holding a bag in your hand. A sense of horror flashed through him, he knew exactly why you were there, since he remembered what you told him. “…y/n, you can’t seriously be thinking of punishing me today, right? The party’s today as well.” He hesitated, hoping he didn’t just put ideas into your head. But knowing you, he doubts that’s the case, you obviously approached him with ulterior motives.
“How sharp of you~ that’s right, I’ve decided on your punishment.” You handed the bag to him, winking, then explaining, “wear this under your coat, yea?” He frowned at you, then looked down at the fabrics and blushed. Cheeks turning red as he furiously looked up, ready to yell into your face if not for the fact that you were already gone. “Y/n-!! You- fuck!” What was he supposed to do now? Never ever would he wear something like this, to a damn party! With his colleagues present!
Never, that’s what he thought, but disobeying your punishment was also not an option.
Fine, if it’s just under the coat, then… no one had to know, right? It’s a little risky, but it should be doable. So with lingering hesitation, he put on the little outfit you picked out for him. A pair of black lingerie alongside a set of cat ears and tail in the same colour. How lucky he was to have his hat, the tail could just go under the coat and the ears hidden beneath his hat. He put the costume on pretty quickly, and stared at his own reflection. Disgraceful and perverted, that’s how he looked, it reflected your taste.
A few hours later, the chattering of people echoed across the huge halls of the building, signalising the arrival of the guests as well as marking the start of the event— of his misery. Scara saw many people all circle around you, the harbingers separated in smaller groups and scattered around the hall. You were standing on top of the stairs, holding a glass in one hand while smiling brightly. He soon joined the crowd, inching closer to you, getting into the first row. You were just saying some welcoming speeches, greeting all of them and thanking them for their attendance.
What he didn’t expect was for you to invite him to the front once you were done. Most of the guests clapped when you told him to come closer, and he felt pressured to obey, clutching his thick coats with shaking hands. “Thanks for the applause everyone. As all of you know, this is Scaramouche, the Sixth of the harbingers, care to tell them something about yourself?” You grinned, as if you were showing him off to the crowd.
In return he scoffed, saying this was childish and about to get down from the stairs. “Wait a sec,” you said, holding onto his hat in an attempt to keep him from escaping, accidentally knocking it off. He couldn’t even yelp before surprised gasps erupted from the audience, and he didn’t need to guess to know why they all had that reaction. “Y/n! Look what—” before he could throw a punch at you, you wrapped a hand around his waist and pulled him close, stripping his coat from him, revealing the second part of the costume.
“You- shameless bastard! Fucking pervert!” He trashed around in your arms, blushing and shaking while trying his best to peel your arms off. Due to him moving around so much, you dislocated his bra, and you smirked to yourself knowing he out on the cute outfit you picked out for humanity. “Right, I also wanted to let ya’ll meet my new pet. He’s a little feisty and he bites-” someone from the background chuckled and laughed, you also caught a few of your other colleagues rolling their eyes.
“I’m not your fucking pet!” Scara yelled, and he almost immediately regretted it. “Doll, need me to bend you over and fuck you in front of all of them for you to remember your place?” You didn’t mind others hearing your loud whispering, and you were sure some heard. He gulped, and looked…. aroused? God, what the hell- how comes the thought of him getting messed up by you in front of all these people didnt even sound so bad? You gave him a second of cool off, then said, “so scara, the only thing I want to hear coming from your pretty little mouth is ‘meow’.”
He gritted his teeth, eyes widened when he realised just how humiliating that’d be. The puppet’s gaze flicked around the room for a second, taking in the silence and anticipation from the preying eyes. The other harbingers are watching, to do something like that, isn’t that too shameless? “You understood, scara?” After you basically demanded an answer from him, he fought with his own pride to battle what was more important.
In the end, he bit back his curses, glaring at you one last time, slumping forward before muttering an almost inaudible, “m-meow..”
You smirked, “so you can be a good kitten after all?”
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jewish-vents · 2 days
i’m a teacher and i had a kid draw a swastika in my classroom on like. the second day of school. so one of our admin came in to two of my classes the next day to talk about it. and she started by telling this story about how she had a hijabi student. and a boy in the class was “really curious about what her hair looked like.” and had the students guess what happened next (pulled the hijab off, gross and awful) and how that might have made the hijabi student feel. at this point i’m sitting at my desk like “it’s been five minutes are we going to talk about the swastika” and then she finally goes “yesterday someone drew a symbol that represents division. and hate. and those aren’t things we stand for” and a kid (of course) was like what was it? and this fucking woman turns to me and goes “are you comfortable sharing what it was?”
?????? i thought that’s why you were here?? i thought you were here to explain why swastikas are not okay, and we are seven minutes into your little presentation and you haven’t said the word swastika or even jewish. so i said it was a swastika and several of the kids didn’t know what that was. which was disturbing on its own as i teach middle school but i digress. i said no way in hell am i drawing one so my admin looks at me and is like “could you google a picture?”
can’t believe i did this but i didn’t know what else to do in the moment so i pulled up a google image search of swastikas and projected it on the board. at no point did the admin say “hey you can take that down now” it just sat up there until i got uncomfortable and sick to my stomach enough to close it myself. and then she came back the next period and did the WHOLE song and dance again (no jewish, no antisemitism, not even the word NAZI which is insane to me) and STILL told the opening story about the hijabi girl even with two hijabi girls sitting in the class this time who were clearly uncomfortable.
this was like three weeks ago and it’s been quietly bothering me for a while and i finally told my (nonjewish) work friends about it and they were all like “holy shit that’s so fucked that she asked you to do that” and i told my (jewish) partner and he went “she couldn’t have picked up a fucking marker??” and that was when it really hit me.
maybe she didn’t want to be in a situation where she drew a swastika on a jewish teachers whiteboard. ok. but she apparently didn’t consider the WORSE implications of asking that same jewish teacher to google an image of a swastika and project a google image search of a page FULL of swastikas on her board.
AND she never once checked in with me after that. she left the class without talking to me again and hasn’t said a word about it since. i remember i even asked her “do you want me to leave the room” beforehand because im thinking i don’t want to have to look at swastikas but she asked me to stay because “the impact is real and they need to see it” which. uh. i’ve been pushing this experience down for weeks bc at the end of the day it “wasn’t that bad” but like. holy shit. she really wanted to put my trauma on display for the students instead of just asking me to leave and explaining what a swastika is/showing them one. and it took her nearly ten minutes to get to the actual swastika!! i’m just. so done
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realityinsuspense · 2 days
one step closer | chapter 3: a broken bowl
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--summary: "me and him? in one apartment? yeah, right. nothing is going to happen." ~~ two strangers living together. not talking and just going about each other’s lives. that was your plan. that’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so. so when you have to suddenly move into a new apartment with your new roommate, you expect almost nothing. almost.
--pairing: mingi x fem!reader
--genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, a little angst, #mingi is cold and standoffish, #eventual mutual pining
--a/n: hey all!! sorry for the slowest update in the world ahfdkafkdj but here is chapter 3! enjoy, and if u would like to be part of the tag list pls let me know :) i just started one hehe
words: 5.2k
chapter 3: a broken bowl
Life at the apartment continued on as usual. With the now split chores and clear communication between one another, you and Mingi settled back into that routine. And it was great! Peaceful—just how you liked it. And you’re sure Mingi liked too.
It was Wednesday evening. You were back at the apartment after another busy day of work and you were absolutely exhausted. You were also starving as well, so you headed to the kitchen to prepare an easy meal for dinner: instant ramen—the spicy kind. The thought immediately made you salivate. As you gathered two packs of Indomie from the pantry, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket: an incoming call from Hongjoong.
It’s been a while since he’s last called you, and you missed him, mentally noting that you had to get lunch with him soon. It was an easy decision—you wanted to talk with your best friend. But before pressing the green answer button, you glanced at Mingi’s door from the kitchen. He’s home early today surprisingly. Knowing he’s behind that door and could possibly enter the kitchen at any moment, you quickly run to your room and grab your headphones; you wanted your conversation to only be heard by you of course.
You pressed the button, and you were greeted excitedly by your best friend.
“Did you get San’s invite to his birthday party?” Hongjoong asked immediately. You grabbed a big pot and filled it with water.
“Yes. Trust me, the amount of times I’ve heard about this party already,” You smile to yourself and adjusted your headphones.
“Ah, this guy…I am looking forward to his birthday nonetheless,” You could tell Hongjoong is also smiling on the other end. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen him too.”
Funnily enough, Hongjoong was also friends with San and Yeosang. He happened to attend the same University as the best friend duo, where they were all classmates for four years. It was only a coincidence that you all so happened to become friends. What a small world, you remind yourself.
“Oh you know San, he’s doing great! Yeosang too…And what about you? How’s your friend?” You teased. The last time you spoke with your best friend, he admitted he was slowly developing a crush on his long time neighbor. It excited you—romance gossip was always the best. You couldn’t help it, as a hopeless romantic yourself.
“Oh stop! Nothing much has been happening,” He laughed . “But I would say, we’ve been talking more and more.”
“What if you invite him to San’s?” You suggested. “I would love to meet him.”
“Ahh, yeah, but I think it’s maybe too soon for that,” Hongjoong said. “But I do want you to meet him one day. He’s great…”
“I can’t wait!” You exclaim. The water on the stove is boiling now, so you dump your noodles in and start separating the packets of seasoning.
“Well, what about you? How’s your life these days?” Hongjoong’s voice rings through your headphones as you carefully stir in the noodles.
“It’s been going good,” You chirp. “Nothing much going on either.”
“Hmmm…how is your roommate by the way? You haven’t told me much, except that he’s a mess.” He chuckles.
“Well that situation has been fixed, but honestly…” You ponder this. How is Mingi?
Ever since the chores incident, life at the apartment has been sailing smoothly again. In fact, you might even think the conversation even improved the atmosphere of the apartment. It felt a little bit more comfortable living there. Moving pasts the silence and nods, you guys now greet each other with a “hello” or “good night” here and there. The air feels less awkward and less tense. Both your schedules still work out, except you notice that recently, he’s been coming and staying home earlier than his previous hours…But you don’t think about it too much. You guys still manage to work it out! Again, you guys still keep to yourselves. Everything is still separate and unknown. Strangers, but not really strangers. Unraveled mysteries. Roommates. That’s what it feels like.
“He’s okay. We really don’t talk much though. We kinda just focus on our own things, you know?”
“Mmm…” You hear Hongjoong’s tone shift slightly. You could tell that it’s his turn to do the teasing now. “That sounds so boring!”
“Hey!” You chuckle. You turn the stove off to the perfectly cooked noodles. “It’s fine by me. I’m just here to live okay.”
Now, where is that strainer?
“Interesting,” Hongjoong says. “So… is he cute?”
“What?!” You exclaim a little too loudly after opening up the cupboard above you. You spot the large silver straining bowl, all the way on the top shelf stacked on top of your other large bowls. Did I really put these here? “What’s up with that? San asked the same thing.”
Hongjoong laughs in response. “Well, you are a single woman living alone with a man. That’s like a couple living together, no? And God knows how long you’ve been single for. I mean-wait, is he single too?”
“I don’t know about all that!” You quietly “yell” into your phone, your voice a low murmur. This is the last type of conversation to have especially since Mingi is just a room away. You glance at his bedroom door again, happily still shut.
For some reason, you feel your face flush. You felt a little embarrassed at the mention of your almost nonexistent love life once again, this time a bit more direct. And to have this thought about Mingi? Of all people! It was absurd. While you loved romance gossip, it wasn’t an exception when it came to you. Now you were finding yourself giving this little speech of justification once more. “Co-ed roommates exist you know? Besides, maybe he does have a girlfriend. But anyway, me and him? Nothing. Nothing is going to happen. And even if there was ‘something’—which there won’t—that would compromise our contract. I’m just here as his roommate to live in.”
You gently push yourself up onto the kitchen counter, your eyes locked on the stack of bowls.
“Relax, I’m just joking,” Hongjoong defends, but you could hear him grinning like crazy. “But, I don’t know…shouldn’t roommates at least bond?”
“Bond over what?” You were leaning over the cupboard, with your arm almost reaching the bowl. If you knew any better, you probably would’ve gotten a chair to help you instead. But you were too distracted, and for some reason, willingly determined, as if you knew that it was entirely possible for you to reach such height. Your fingers just barely brushed over the cool bowl holding the strainer. What you should know, was that willingness did not always equal logic.
And your desperation for reaching for the bowl at the top shelf backfired. Your fingers tried to grab hold of the bowls, but the weight made you feel unsteady, slipping out of your grasp.
“Fuck!” You ducked just in time. But the stack of bowls toppled over and shattered on the floor, a big pile of broken ceramic pieces scattered everywhere. And of course, the strainer lying on the floor as well, perfectly unharmed.
“What happened?!” Hongjoong’s voice rang through your headphones. You carefully landed both your feet on the floor, worried of stepping on any broken glass despite the house slippers.
“Oh shit,” Your eyes went wide after scanning the broken pieces—intricate designs of blue were shown throughout. “Ugh…this isn’t good. Hongjoong, I’ll call you later, okay?” He obliged, and you promised to update him. You stood in shock at the mess in front of you.
These bowls weren’t yours.
They were Mingi’s.
And you broke them.
A million thoughts were bursting and running through your mind. Why did I think these were mine*? Why was I so distracted? I should’ve known better. Maybe I’m just really exhausted? Ugh. No excuses. Oh he’s gonna kill me. These looked really expensive. What do I say to him?*
Hurriedly, you begin to sweep the damage that had been done. But barely just starting to clean up, you hear the sound of his bedroom door opening. Fuck. At that moment, you so badly wished his life schedule didn’t change all of a sudden and that he wasn’t home. But there’s no point in hiding. He was going to find out eventually; it’s time to face it.
Your heart rate picks up as you hear the shuffle of footsteps get closer to the kitchen; you painfully continue sweeping the broken mess.
“What was-” Mingi begins as he enters the kitchen. His relaxed face turns tense at the sight of the scene before him, looking down at the broken bowls. “What the hell happened?”
You jolt up and duck your head down in apology. You suddenly feel his eyes glaring into you.
“I’m so sorry, it was an accident! I-I thought that the bowls were mine and I stupidly tried reaching for them and then I..dropped them.” Your words felt pathetic, your body feeling hot with embarrassment. You gingerly lifted your head to make eye contact with him.
You were scared out of your mind for some reason, that same intimidating feeling returning.
Silence. You scan his face for something. But his expression remains tense and indifferent, his dark hair falling just above his dark eyes. It’s hard to know what he’s thinking. But there’s no doubt in your mind—he has to be pissed.
“I can buy you a new set, I-” You blurt out at an attempt to break the painful silence.
“Don’t bother,” He says coldly, his tone full of anger and disappointment. “This further proves my point. I know we live together, but we really can’t bother with each other. Otherwise shit like this happens. The chores was already enough, and now you’re breaking my stuff.”
The words slap you in the face, and you can’t help but feel silenced. It was an accident! You wanted to yell, but you couldn’t find the courage to. You would never break those things on purpose. He must be upset; they must’ve been important to him. But even so…
Even if he was speaking the truth, it still felt mean.
It still hurt.
Mingi picks up some remaining scattered pieces where he stands and throws them in the trash bin. You continue to clean up as well; it feels like you’re holding your breath the entire time until both of you finish cleaning the mess. You were ashamed.
After you hear his bedroom door shut, you let out a heavy sigh, feeling a mix of disappointment and anxiety. Your noodles have gone cold.
That entire night, you were fueled with guilt. It makes sense to be upset about broken dishware, but it’s not like you were completely ignoring the problem. Nor were you were trying to break them on purpose. You took responsibility, apologized, and offered to purchase a replacement. Yet, Mingi refused. You began to feel worse after realizing how well you two were finally cooperating, and that living together became easier and more comfortable. He even made stronger efforts in keeping the apartment clean.
The next morning before you left for work, because you couldn’t go on without action, you slipped a small envelope of money underneath his door. It was for the bowls.
Mingi’s being upset with you bothered you to the core.
Well rightfully so, you did just destroy a very nice ceramic set of dish ware. And it didn’t look cheap, so it must’ve costed a fortune. Maybe that’s why he seemed to mad.
It only makes sense to replace it then. Besides, it would be rude of you not to. It was a gesture in your nature and out of courtesy. It was something you could do to fix the problem. But you were unclear of what Mingi wanted. What could he possibly want? What could I possibly do to fix this?
And as you were on your way to work, you felt your phone vibrate. While you were expecting a text from Hongjoong (who you updated on the situation afterwards by the way), you were surprised to find a new message from your roommate. What great timing, you thought to yourself.
song mingi (roommate): don’t need the money.
Well that was fast. But the text made your stomach churn. Seriously, this guy is so blunt. You chose to ignore the message, guilt creeping into you once again. Your thoughts followed you to work, clouding your upcoming busy day.
“That’s weird,” Yeosang scrunches his eyebrows together. “Who gets that upset over a set of bowls?”
Once again, you confided in your work friends. It was lunch time at your guys’ usual table, and you were stirring the spoon in your bowl of soup mindlessly. You were relieved it was finally lunch time, because the whole incident and text message was bothering you all morning.
“Agreed, that was totally unnecessary,” San says, eyes glued to his phone.
“Just forget about it y/n. It was clearly an accident! You’re too nice for your own good.” Yeosang presses.
“Yeah y/n, don’t stress about it too much.” San added.
“But I can’t!” You groan and throw your head into your hands. Yeosang sighs seemingly in defeat and takes a bite of his burger. “I feel guilty out of my mind.”
Just when things were starting to feel okay. Just when Mingi showed some kind decency towards you, it had to go south immediately. Things were just starting to feel comfortable and at ease. You two were finally cooperating as roommates, greeting one another, and being accommodating to one another. It was a peaceful coexistence that has once again been jeopardized—this time by you. Who would’ve thought living would become even more difficult.
“Well, if you feel that bad. I think you should just get him the new set.” San says, finally looking up from his phone, his expression bright and gentle as always.
“Should I really?” You ask weakly. It was just the push you needed.
“You really don’t have to y/n…” Yeosang smiles his comforting little smile. “But we know you, and you probably will anyway.”
My friends know me well.
You head back home after stopping by the market after work. Luckily, it was still open, and you picked out a similar looking set—a porcelain white set, except with tiny green floral detailing this time. It was cute, but not as beautiful as the original. The reminder made your stomach sink.
You’re sure this wasn’t as expensive as the original either, despite the sales lady claiming its value. But, you hope that it’s the thought that counts—this was your apology gift. Whether he’ll accept it or not. You only feel right doing this. And it was your fault, so you wanted to take responsibility.
Despite your fears to face Mingi once again, you knew you had to muster up the courage to properly apologize to him. Otherwise, you both couldn’t go on living this way—all tense all over again. Disrupted peace. Awkwardness, discomfort. A step backwards.
You wanted to resolve this as smoothly and quickly as possible. And enough with the overthinking!
We’re roommates for crying out loud, you thought, trying to hype yourself up as you head up your apartment building. Again, you feel your heart beating loudly in your chest. Be more confident, y/n. You’re gonna apologize properly, and then he’s going to take this damn set of bowls whether he likes it or not! You’ve been agonizing in guilt for the past few days, so he better accept this apology!
We WILL be peaceful roommates again!
After opening the apartment door, you hear sounds in the kitchen and make your way there immediately. He’s home.
“Mingi!” You bravely announce, entering the kitchen. You felt a little stupid, but you couldn’t stand the tension. “I-”
But before you could even continue, your eyes land on your roommate leaning against the kitchen counter, and you suddenly feel your face grow hot.
Mingi looks up at you with a questioning look, his pink lips pouted. “Hm?”
Standing before you, was an even more revealing Mingi. Only wearing his signature pair of sweatpants, his lean and toned physique stood out—defined abs and muscles, and.. you tried not to stare for too long, but it’s so hard not to take in. The sight was…something else.
You feel embarrassed seeing him like this, but he clearly didn’t. You could barely make out your words, the courage and hype you built up all of sudden gone.
“I- uh,” You awkwardly say. “I bought you this for you.” You place the shopping bag on the dining table. Mingi approaches slowly, and you feel your heart beating faster as he walks closer to you. He peers into the bag and sighs.
“I told you, I don’t need-” He starts. ”I’m sorry!” You interject abruptly, finally making eye contact with him. “I’m sorry! I messed up. I broke the dishes. I broke our deal. As your roommate, it only makes sense for me to do this. I’ve been feeling horribly guilty, and I am really truly sorry.”
Mingi remains silent as he glares at you, his eyes unreadable. His dark eyes scan your face, and you hope to god your face doesn’t look as red as it feels. It would be even more embarrassing.
“I-I know it won’t replace the old one, and I know ceramics can be kind of expensive,” You continue on after he says nothing, spilling your jumbled words incessantly. “Especially the ones you had, which I’m sure were so beautiful by the way. So it must’ve been frustrating. I know it’s a hassle to get new pieces like those. And…and this new set isn’t the same, but it still has some little details on it! They’re green though—but still, very pretty! The lady at the market agreed with me. So maybe it can-”
“y/n,” He says sighing, stopping you. “It’s fine.”
“No! It’s not fine,” You grab the shopping bag from the table and try to shove it into his hands, taking a step closer to him. You look up at him now, his eyes wide—probably shocked by your sudden actions. Gosh, you think, unbelievably close to a shirtless man like this. “From now on, this won’t happen again. It was just a stupid mistake, I swear. So please, just take this as my apology.” You bow your head in shame and at an attempt to stop looking at him.
After a beat of silence, you feel him gently take the bag from your hands.
“My mom made them for me,” Mingi says quietly. “Those bowls.”
You slowly look up at him once more, suddenly taken aback by the comment. And most importantly his tone—a tinge of sentiment.
“You’re right. These won’t replace the old ones,” He says before you could even respond. “But they’ll do for now. I accept your apology, thanks..”
Mingi places the bag on the dining table once again, and returns to the kitchen counter to continue preparing whatever he was making.
“O-okay, yes,” You manage to say finally. “Thank you, good night.” ”Night.” He says without looking up.
A wave of relief washes over you, and you silently head to your bedroom. You were glad that he’s forgiven you, but also feel bad to know that you destroyed his mother’s gift to him. Now that you know that fact, it felt strange. Isn’t that even worse? At the same time though, Mingi didn’t seem too angry or upset like he was previously. And talking to him this time felt a little different.
Maybe your apology was so great, he felt compelled to do so. Anyhow, you were sure that things would get back to normal again. But your mind lingered about what he said. His mom?
We don’t usually bring up things like that, yet tonight…
You shook your head, deciding not to read too much into it. As they say, curiosity killed the cat.
In your room, you glance at yourself in the mirror.
Your cheeks were bright red.
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tags: @hwaskookies @chicksmoothie
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chaoticallyfluffy · 2 days
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Thank you do much to @zorilleerrant for tagging me! It’s been so long since I’ve been tagged in one of these I’m so excited :D My word is JUICE.
1: J (Unnamed WIP. Yes obviously Billy is the kid, who do you think I am?)
Just as he was about to start CPR, the kid opens his eyes, looking blearily up at him and breathing calmly as if he hadn't just died. No gasp of air to make up for at least five minutes of breathlessness, no panicked glancing around wondering why they're under tons of rubble. The kid just… blinks at him.
2: U (Unnamed WIP, Clark's POV)
Ugh. Magic. He should have minded his own business from the start. Unfortunately, there's no way he can run from this now, not with Zatanna looking at him with so much hope in her eyes.
3: I (From an almost completed one shot)
"... Is he high?" Barry questions. Victor turns around to glare at him. "What!? I'm just asking!"
4: C (From chapter 6 of 'Learning to Live')
Captain Marvel pulls a jar of metal screws from… who knows where, and hands it to Clark with the most innocent face known to man. He was practically glowing. Hal has no clue whether he did this to screw (hah) with Clark or if he was genuinely just trying to help, but he honestly couldn't care less when he sees the resigned look cross Clark’s face before he eats the entire jar, glass and all, in seven seconds flat.
5: E (from and unfinished fic called ‘Two Halves, Never Whole’)
Excuse him?? Was he just profiled by an old rich jerk with an ego big enough to purchase a gold encrusted pen? (Yes, you heard him right, there is a golden pen laying on the coffee table.) Just because Billy doesn’t have any money, a home, or any way to sustain himself doesn’t mean he’s a thief by default! He’s a hero for goodness sakes! Billy walks past the table, now lacking a golden pen, and plops down onto the ridiculously comfortable couch. Rich people are so annoying.
Doing this made me realize that I dont have nearly as much writing done as I thought. It was really difficult to find all the sentences! Also I got tagged in like three more of these while I was working on this one! Am I supposed to do all of them? I want to but I’m not sure if I have enough drafts!
Tagging @teehhhhhhhhhhh and @wildglitch ! Anyone else is encouraged to join as well! I don’t know who has been tagged already or not.
Your word is “WORD”
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sakuralovespossums · 10 hours
Ever since I watched Randomalistic’s Turbo/King Candy video, I’ve been sinking back into my Wreck it Ralph hyperfixation which then made me come up with a crack au of dad Turbo
Like imagine if Turbo never went…..well…..turbo and his game remained plugged in the arcade with Felix over the years. He’s still an egotistic asshole but isn’t as murderous like in the film and sees himself as a role model/inspiration for the newer racing game characters.
But then Sugar Rush is plugged in and he now has a little hell spawn rival who is Princess Vanellope. She’s just as cocky as he is and they’re always spitting insults at each other with the little racer calling him “grandpa” and “bug face”. To her, it’s all fun and games while Turbo is so done with her!
But then he notices her racing and realizes she actually has skills. Maybe not as good as his (no one can ever be better than him) but still impressive. So he gives her tips on how to improve her speed, perform tricks, drive dirty and rough, etc. and then eventually bringing her to practice on his track in his game. Everyone is so astonished by this. Turbo not only openly acknowledging another racer but also teaching them?!
Whether they realize it or not, they develop a mentor/student or pseudo-father/daughter dynamic that has everyone in the arcade giggling at how funny and kinda endearing it is.
Every time Vanellope wins a race, Turbo brags about it to everyone, saying how “She learnt that from me!” And “Of course she won! I’m her teacher after all!!”
He is the ultimate soccer mom who brags nonstop about his winner child and is such a bad role model (encourages cheating and being a show-off) and always spoils her
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hiddlelecki · 3 days
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Here’s an update for the feed! It’s been a while since I’ve posted any art and if you’re unaware, I’ve been slowly working on this little original piece. I’ve talked about it heavily on my IG stories..from the moment I got the idea, all the way up to this point. I might make a highlight for him once I get him completed- we’ll see.
It’s been relaxing to work on him, especially since this is my first time making one of my stylized creations into a painting! I’ve only ever done them with colored pencil, markers, and graphite. I also can’t wait to begin working on all the other little surrounding bits..Just going with the flow.~
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Why do you think the tides have slightly turned from "Elia deserves better than Rhaegar" to shipping her and Rhaegar together? Like what is the psychology behind these people because I've seen some of them like/reblog anti Rhaegar posts while also shipping Rhaegar x Elia at the same time.
hey anon! my thoughts are a bit messy, but i’ve done my best to explain them coherently :)
so, rhaegar was the best man anyone could have when elia was alive, and most people want the best for their favs. he was considered the most handsome, didn’t have a bad personality, and he was crown prince—meaning elia was almost queen, which is often seen as the greatest role a woman can have. the narrative also treats rhaegar as a beautiful, tragic, haunting figure, and elia actually had this very aesthetically pleasing man all to herself at one point! she was married to him, had children with him, and her life was so close to perfect! but rhaegar just had to go and ruin it. 😠
for many elia stans, if rhaegar hadn’t fallen in love with another woman (they want him to have been a completely different character), then everything would’ve been perfect, and elia would’ve had the best, most desirable life. however, that’s not what happened—elia met a very tragic end, and as a result, these stans feel double the bitterness. because of this bitterness, they blame rhaegar for everything (even though it’s not logical to do so), but he’s just too ‘perfect’ to let go of. so, for years these stans have made rhaegar revolve around elia, filling his tag with posts about her out of bitterness. so, i do believe that this obsession with rhaegar x elia has always been there, but i think it’s become a more favorable stance on the elia stan side of the fandom because of a mix of reasons.
plus, rhaegar is one of the few canon relationships we know elia had, since she’s not much of a character. because of this, and the fact that most people don’t like to stray too far from canon, most elia stans are forced to focus on rhaegar, which has created an echo chamber. basically, if a sentiment about elia and rhaegar’s relationship becomes popular, then the whole elia stan side of the fandom will likely regurgitate the sentiment. (also, this desire to stick close to canon is likely why the elia x arthur ship was so popular. while it’s a total crack ship, it had good aesthetics, and since elia and arthur at least knew each other, it allowed the stans to create their perfect fanfiction whilst sticking it to rhaegar. but remember, elia was actually married to rhaegar and had children with him, so while arthur is cool, rhaegar was always ‘top dog,’ meaning arthur would never be able to match up to rhaegar to most elia stans. also, the arthur x elia crack ship is likely her second most popular ship, which just shows how little elia stans have to work with, so they’re always forced to eventually return back to rhaegar for a lot of things.)
however, even if the elia x rhaegar ship gains more popularity, these stans will never stop hating rhaegar because he wasn’t ‘perfect’—and he wasn’t perfect because he didn’t love elia. plus, rhaegar loving another woman and supposedly kidnapping her is what began the war that led to elia’s tragic death. that’s bitterness times 1000. and while i don’t actually blame rhaegar for the war, i do think that this is how an elia stan sees it. i also don’t view rhaegar’s complex relationship with elia as a bad thing—it’s actually a very realistic take on an arranged marriage between two decent people. but most elia stans will never be able to get over the fact that they almost had everything, which is why many have it out for lyanna, as they consider her a thief who ruined their ‘perfection.’
tbh, that might be why so many elia stans are so obsessed with the idea that rhaegar only got with lyanna because of the prophecy—they don’t want to believe that rhaegar actually loved a different woman and not their perfect self insert elia. that’s a bit mean of me… but i don’t know what else one would call the ‘elia’ elia stans have created.
now that i’ve laid all those thoughts out, i’ll try to explain why the tides seem to be turning… i think it may have something to do with the ‘targaryens are all evil and bad’ sentiment losing popularity. i think this shift has occurred due to a mix of factors, such as years of fandom fights and fandom cycles leading to the targs being more liked now than before. it helps that canon doesn’t actually condemn the targs/favors them quite a bit, and the influx of new targ fans from HOTD has also contributed. this combination of reasons seems to have shifted the way the mainstream fandom discusses all the targaryen characters, including rhaegar. so, with this shift, it’s only natural that some elia stans/elia x rhaegar shippers—who’ve always been there—are using this opportunity to push their agenda. while these stans still hate rhaegar and see him as the bad guy, they just can’t let go of him. and as the mainstream fandom moves away from the anti targaryen sentiment, these smaller corners of the fandom, which tend to be echo chambers, are also affected, which has therefore led to a rise in rhaegar x elia shippers and the ‘shifting tide’ that you’ve also noticed.
#‘if only rhaegar did this’ is a very common sentiment amongst elia stans#most stans have always had the ‘if only’ mindset#‘if only elia survived’ easily leads to ‘if only rhaegar didn’t run off with his whore’ as the targs become less hated#it’s kinda a pipeline? rhaegar anti plus elia stan leads to rhaegar x elia shipper who still hates rhaegar#another reason that a lot of this happens is because elia and the martells plus dorne are the good ‘others’ a person can like#while the targaryens are the ‘bad others’ one can safely hate as they’re white & have a bit of demon symbolism + come from an ‘evil’ empire#the targs also ruled over everyone so a lot of fans like pushing all the blame onto them for all the problems#however the targs are cool and they’re hot af and being royalty is the best! so they’re the ‘bad others’ one can safely hate#but people still want their aesthetic and want their favs to have what the targs had. all the cool magic + the aesthetic + danys monikers#so people can convince themselves that it’s okay and logical and right to hate the targs but most ppl will still connect their favs to them#of course… things have been shifting in the fandom which i’m very happy about#and all of these sentiments are combined and compressed when it comes to rhaegar and elias relationship#so any big shift on how the fandom views the targs will always affect the way rhaegar and elias relationship is viewed#it just so happens that the targs aren’t the evil dragon nazis anymore so it’s kinda okay for elia stans to ship him with her#i’m not gonna go through my tags and make sure they make sense so i’m simply hoping for the best#anyways… i hope i didn’t digress too much. i just found this shift so interesting so i couldn’t help myself#asoiaf fandom critical#anti elia stans#rhaegar targaryen#anti rhaegar x elia#house targaryen#valyrianscrolls#pro rhaelya#lyanna stark#rhaegar x lyanna#anon ask#thanks anon this was a fun topic to cover#i recently found a really old post about both elia and lyanna and boy… it was quite discusting to read#elia stans kinda cycle from ‘elia deserved better x crack ship with shallow aesthetic’ back to elia x rhaegar while shitting on rhaelya#just know that rhaegar is always the bad guy to them! the sentiment on lyanna will go from hot to cold but rhaelya is always bad as well!
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*Preview* Still Untitled (Gojo Satoru oneshot)
Hi. I've still been working on this super self-indulgent thing and I still love it and I realized it's partially because I wanted it to have a healthy relationship with them learning and growing together. People aren't perfect. And this story is meant to showcase that just a tiny bit. Still don't have a title 🙃 and still don't know if I'll finish it, but here's another lil preview! I might post a lil bit of the story that I've been drafting based off The Vow at some point, too... 🤔
Kiko’s Masterlist
Frustration oozed from her pores as she shoved the front door closed and slipped her shoes off. A shitty day at work had been accompanied by shitty luck on the way home.
She’d wanted to stop and get some of the sweets Satoru loved so much as an apology for yelling and accusing him that morning, but she’d been held up at work, and the shop had been closed by the time she was finally able to leave. Just her luck. She just hoped his favorite takeout was enough to make up for the lack of treats. 
Grumbling to herself, she froze at the sight of Satoru watching her cautiously from the couch.
“Hi,” Rinko greeted awkwardly, inwardly cringing when he just raised his eyebrows. “Did you– how was your day?”
“Bit of a rough start,” he began drily, shrugging. “Was fine after that. Got some grading done. Yours?”
“Same,” she replied, gnawing on her bottom lip.
I’m sorry for acting like a deranged bitch this morning and accusing you of throwing my work ID away when I was actually just too stupid to check all the pockets of my bag.
She just needed to spit it out.
I’m sorry for yelling at you–
Instead, she held the bag of takeout up for him to see.
“I got dinner on the way home,” she informed him lamely, and he nodded, pushing himself to his feet.
“I’ll grab plates.” He kissed her cheek lightly as he walked past, the guilt in her stomach growing at the gesture of affection. “Thanks, baby.”
Spit it out.
They ate in silence, her gut churning with every moment that passed between them while they sat on either side of the table.
When they finished, she shoved herself to her feet, feeling antsy as she retrieved their plates and fled to the kitchen.
She’d waited too long now. She should have just apologized as soon as she got home. It wasn’t that hard. Why was she struggling so much? Why was it so difficult for her to just admit she’d been wrong? What if this was the final straw after he’d said that they needed to work on things? What if–?
“I can do the dishes since you got dinner.” Satoru’s voice jolted her from her thoughts, and she jumped.
“No, I’ve got it,” she replied, turning the water on hastily as she blinked against the tears that had formed in her eyes. “Just got distracted.”
Why was she crying when she’d been the one wrong? It was selfish of her to cry when he was the one who should be upset. If she kept stalling, then he really would realize that he shouldn’t have even bothered trying to fix things when they weren’t working. That he really should have just broken up with her instead of wasting his time.
“I’ve got these,” she repeated, fighting to keep her voice even. She would apologize once she’d gotten a hold of herself so he didn’t think she was trying to make him feel bad. “It’s the weekend, so you should–”
“You worked today,” he argued gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Baby, it’s not a big deal. I can–”
“I’ll do it!” Rinko snapped defensively, her voice cracking as another wave of guilt slammed into her. Panic settled in her chest, and her jaw trembled under the weight of his stunned silence. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have– fuck. Satoru, I’m sorry. Please don’t–” please don’t give up on me.
One of his arms wrapped around her waist, the other turning the faucet off before pulling her away from the sink.
“Take deep breaths,” he urged. “I’m right here.”
Shaking her head, she bit back the pathetic sob that almost broke free. She’d fucked up. She didn’t deserve him comforting her after lashing out at him twice. At this point, she couldn’t blame him if he decided she wasn’t worth it anymore.
“Rinko, you gotta breathe,” he reminded her calmly. “I’m here.”
I don’t deserve for you to be here.
“Doesn’t fuckin matter what you think you deserve,” he stated firmly. “S’not how this works, sweetheart.”
Her voice caught in her throat, the lump forming stopping the words before she even knew what she was trying to say.
“Breathe first.” Satoru took a deep breath, the feeling of his chest rising and falling against her back somehow anchoring her own shallow gasps. “That’s it.”
Blinking quickly again, she sucked in a deep breath before finally blurting the words out around her hiccups.
“I’m so-sor-ry for blam-ing you this mm-morning.” 
“I know you are, baby,” he replied, almost sounding amused. “I forgive you.”
“And I’m sorry for yelling. And for snapping at you. And–”
“I forgive you, Rinko-chan,” he repeated, nudging his nose against her cheek. “Thank you for apologizing.”
“I shouldn’t have accused you of throwing my ID away,” she continued, shrinking in on herself. “And I shouldn’t have snapped at you, either.”
“No,” he hummed in agreement. “But you did. You were panicking. Doesn’t make it okay, but I probably would’ve too, so I understand.”
“I love you,” he cut her off, squeezing her tighter. “I’m not gonna stop loving you just because you snapped when you were upset.” 
She squirmed, and he rested his chin on her shoulder.
“S’where you tell me you love me too, ya know,” he pouted. “No pressure or anything–”
“I do love you,” she whispered, her throat tight again as tears slid down her cheeks. “Satoru, I’m so sorry–”
“Already forgiven,” he reminded gently. “Quit beating yourself up, baby. It happens. We both get upset sometimes. Thank you for apologizing and for getting dinner on the way home.”
“I should’ve just apologized when I got home,” she admitted, sniffling. “I’m sorry I didn’t. But I– thank you for–”
“I was giving you space earlier because I didn’t wanna make you feel worse or like I was pressuring you, but I forgot that’s not how you think,” he murmured. “I like space, but that doesn’t help you. Giving you space just gives your brain time to overthink things.”
Her mouth pulled down into a grimace, and he chuckled.
“We know each other pretty well by now, yeah?” he teased. “We’re okay, Rinko-chan. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Closing her eyes, she nodded and leaned into him.
“Go sit down,” he ordered, releasing her and pushing her out of the kitchen. “I’ve got the dishes– uh-uh,” he swatted her ass lightly when she went to protest, “go sit your cute little ass down and keep my spot warm for me while I do the dishes.”
She loved this man with her entire heart.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 2 days
All Shook Up! (An Austin Butler x Reader SMUT!)
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Notes: SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKA! I know I've been gone for a while but in all fairness this summer just sucked balls and I'm just now getting back in the proper headspace to write/post. Idk what I'll write next but I promise there will be more stories coming. Anywhore I'll shut up now. Enjoy!!
PS: This is technically a sequel to Chaos Monster & Her English Gent but I think it can be read on its own. Okay shutting up for real now.
Sometimes my heart can be the stupidest piece of shit ever. It’s been weeks since that day in Callum’s dressing room, and only days since filming wrapped for the season. Callum’s been blowing up my phone constantly and Austin was now home for the time being until he had to go film his next project.
The day my heart fucked me over was one of those miraculous days when both Austin and I had the day off. Austin was spending it reading a new script, while I was just doing my best to relax.
Hello darling.
I chuckled and answered back.
Bored already?
I’m just missing my special girl is all.
I rolled my eyes just as the next text came through.
Send me a pic?
Doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual.
I just wanna see your pretty face.
“What you laughin’ at Priscilla?” Austin asked distracting me from my phone. He was in the arm chair looking at me; his script laying on his lap.
“Nothin. Just your boy being a fucking idiot,” I semi-lied. Austin still didn’t know about Callum and me...and if I was being honest I wasn’t too sure about Callum and me either. I’ve been accused of being too hasty with other things before and a part of me feared I was being to hasty with this too. Needing immediate distraction I raised my phone (camera on) and aimed it at Austin. “Smile baby.”
Austin looked up from his script and smiled without questioning it. I took the photo and sent it to Callum. “Do I even want to know what you’re doin’ over there babe?”
“Callum asked for a pic, but as you can see I currently look like shit,” I motioned at my messy bun (didn’t exactly feel like brushing out my hair that day), make-upless face, and bespectacled eyes.
“Darlin’ I hate to break it to you but never since I have known you have you looked like shit,” Austin said. Just then another message came through.
Sexy but you know that’s not what
I meant.
“Why does he want a pic anyway?” Austin asked.
I shrugged. “I think he just misses our stupid faces.
“Mm… I think it might be more than that sweetheart,” Austin said tossing his script onto the coffee table. “I saw the way he kept lookin’ at you on set. He looked at you like you were the finest piece of meat this side of the Atlantic. Which ain’t totally off base if I say so myself.” I scoffed at the idea but Austin continued to look serious. “You’re the most beautiful girl I know. It’s a shame that you don’t see it because I see it very clearly.”
I sighed and tossed my phone onto the coffee table before getting up and darting towards Austin. I sat down on his lap and cuddled into him. Austin chuckled deeply and wrapped his arms around me. Austin always gives the best hugs. “We really need to have more days like this.”
“Like what?” Austin asked resting his cheek on my head.
“Like this. Just you and me...like we’re the only ones in the world. Like nothing else matters as long as we’re both here, together, for forever…” It was then I felt Austin’s lips pressed themselves on my forehead.
“You’re already my whole world Y/N,” he muttered.
“And you’re mine,” I whispered pressing my lips against his cheek. It was something I had done many times throughout our friendship but this time… it felt different. This time he trembled at my touch. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Just all shook up I guess.”
“You fuckin’ dork,” I laughed before he was suddenly pulling me in. His lips enveloped mine sending a tingle up my spine. I know I should’ve pulled away...told him about Callum and hoped for the best but… I don’t know. For some reason I just… I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop.
But I guess something else wanted it to end.
Ding dong.
Austin pulled back and sighed. “That would be our UberEats.” He carried me back to the sofa and sat me down before going to answer the door. Normally Austin would gladly cook for us but we both agreed that on that day we were feeling exceptionally lazy.
We didn’t really say anything as we had our Thai dinner. Just snuck glances at each other every now and then. At one point I think it became a little too much for him to handle for he swiped the box of Mango Sticky Rice I had started to dig in to. “Give it back.”
“Hell nah, not until you get talkin’.” Austin said continuing to hold the rice hostage.
“I am talking,” I said. “Give. It. Back.”
“Or. What? Sugar.” He smirked pushing my final button. I dropped my chopsticks and pounced on him.
“Fucking give me the rice!” I snapped at him trying to reach for my rice which he now held above his head.
“Not until we talk about what happened earlier,” he said.
“God dammit Austin, it wasn’t rocket science, it should be obvious why we―.”
“What? I thought you wanted me to…”
“No, I mean stop grindin’ on me,” he said making me realize that as I had been trying to get my rice back, I was simultaneous rubbing myself on his clothed crotch causing him to stiffen.
“Okay, needless to say that is your fault,” I said freezing on top of him.
“How the hell is that my fault?” he asked. “I didn’t ask you to grind on me.”
“No, but you stole my rice,” I pointed out before carefully standing up. “So… what now?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I know I want this, but I can’t decide for you,” he said before slowly standing up. “So until you know for sure if what you felt was as real as what I’ve been feelin’ every day since we met, I’m gonna have to handle this with a cold shower.”
He left the kitchen soon after leaving me be for a few minutes. I was suddenly not hungry for rice or anything on the table so after a moment I stood up and started towards my room needing to just collapse for a bit.
As I approached the door though, Austin left his room wearing nothing but a towel around his hips. “Oh, uh, sorry, I forgot my new body wash in the shopping bag.” He continued towards the bathroom and left his body wash on the counter before turning back to face me. “Is-uh-there something you wanna talk about?” He asked noticing my transfixed stare. He’d been spending his off time these last few months and his current off day to do a little extra working out for his new role and damn did it show. His abs were more defined, and his ass more perked and firm. “Y/N? You okay darlin’?”
“Uh-um-yeah,” I said. “I’m fine….I’m…” He approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
“You sure?” I was suddenly filled with a different, much stronger, hunger. It had me practically screaming inside while outside it only had me placing my hand on his chest. “Y/N?” I reached up and connected my lips with his. His body froze at my touch for only a moment before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. He pressed me against the nearby wall and let his lips fall to my neck. As he kissed and suck on my flesh I reached down and yanked at his towel, making it fall to his feet. I wrapped my hand around his length and gasped at the feeling of his size. He wasn’t too long but girthy as holy fuck. I tugged on him gently earning a growl like sound in return. I chuckled.
“You really are all shook up aren’t you Elvis?”
“Oh fuck yeah I am Priscilla,” he said before placing his hands on my legs and picking me up. “Fuck yeah I am.” I wrapped my legs around him and let him carry me to my bed.
He laid us down and reached to pull off my shirt. He peppered kisses all over my body as he rid me of my lazy-day clothes. Once my panties were gone he placed my legs on his shoulders and brought his lips to my core. I moaned louder than I ever had, earning a chuckle from Austin before he continued to suck and lick me until I was nice and slick. “I wasn’t there yet you jerk,” I groaned as he climbed back up.
“Relax darlin’, I’m just getting started,” He smirked before reaching down and giving himself a tug before placing himself at my entrance. Just the feeling of it there made my body tremble. “Like it?” I nodded. “Want it inside you?” I nodded again. “Okay then…” He thrust his lips sliding the tip inside me.
“Holy fucking shit!” I hissed.
“So tight sugar,” he groaned pushing in further. Tears filled my eyes as he continued to stretch me. “I ain’t hurtin’ ya too bad am I?” I shook my head. “Good, I’ll try not to but feel free to hit me if I do.”
“Just fuck me already Aus,” I muttered. He leaned down and kissed me deeply before bottoming out and pulling back again. He kept his pace slow and gentle while I grew use to him. I pecked his lips and held him so our bodies were pressed together. As he continued moving inside me I snaked my hand down his back and squeezed his ass. I was right, it was pretty damn firm.
“God you drive wild,” Austin chuckled.
“How wild?” I asked.
“Want me to answer or would you rather I just―.” He thrust into me harder. “Show you.” He started moving his hips faster making my back arch.
“Oh fuck!” I screamed as he continued to thrust into me like his life depended on it. After a while he kissed me again and brought his lips to my ear.
“You wanna ride me?” I nodded eagerly. He wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over so that I was on top. I moved my hips rough and fast. It was like my whole being was just feral for him. “Holy shit you’re so fucking good at that.” Austin moaned thrusting up into me as I continued to ride him. As he did he brought his fingers to my clit and started rubbing me. That’s when the pressure began to build up inside me. “You gonna cum sugar?” I groaned and nodded. “That’s alright just come right on me. There you go baby.”
My whole body froze as a shiver ran down my spine. I was damn near screaming as I tightened around him, damn near squeezing the life out of his cock. I had just started coming down from my high, still partially blinded by the mind-blowing orgasm, when Austin wrapped his arms around me again and flipped us so I was on the bed once again.
“God you’re so fucking tight around me,” he groaned as he continued to thrust into me, only a little sloppier this time. “Gah fuck I’m gonna cum!” He moaned more and more as he started getting close. “Wuh-Where do you want it?”
“In...Inside...Inside me.” I said still breathless.
“You- You sure about that sugar?” He asked growing more and more spastic.
“Yes, god yes… fuck a baby into me Aus…” No sooner had I said that that I felt him twitch inside me. A rainbow of curses left his mouth as his body shuttered to a stop. He collapsed on top of me and gave me a final kiss on my now swollen lips.
“I fucking love you Y/N,” he said. “I love you more than words can say.”
I ran my fingers through his curls. “I love you too, Aus.”
He smiled and reached down to pull himself out of me. I hissed a bit when he did feeling a bit of a sting. “Sorry sugar.”
“It’s alright,” I assured him. He moved to lay down beside me and when he did I snuggled up to him. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart.
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formosusiniquis · 2 days
It’s Wednesday have some worms I’m using as a warm-up.
So this is inspired by these style videos that I’ve seen a lot lately on youtube shorts cause i quit tiktok just to get stuck on the vape version. Where people go up to athletes and ask them to sign old pictures of themselves. And I’ve got two versions that have been playing in my head.
1. Chrissy and Eddie run a joint besties tiktok/social media thing where they show off their opposites attract platonic soulmate life by pushing each other out of their comfort zones, making them do things the other likes, and showing that it can be fun. Eddie takes Chrissy to a show and makes her get in the mosh pit, they jump out of a plane -- each claiming it was the other’s idea -- she makes Eddie try cheer; you get the picture.
So Chrissy drags Eddie to a sports game of your choosing, I’m going with baseball cause @thefreakandthehair ‘s latest fic with baseball steve is living in my head rent-free this week. Eddie decides that if he’s going and they’re going to do the sports equivalent of stage-dooring then he’s going to double up and get in on this trend he’s seen. The reactions are middling to bland, Tommy Hagan flips him off but does sign the photo of himself from what Eddie thinks is probably his junior prom and he and Chrissy are both pretty positive that'll be the best reaction they get for the video. But the next person they have planned to get is Steve and Eddie had to dig deep to find a picture of Steve that wasn’t a photo of him in a group shot at a party when he was in high school. It’s like the guy hit senior year and disappeared off the internet.
So Eddie walks up to the hottest guy he’s ever seen and asks for an autograph while handing Steve a photo of himself from grade school. He’s got the biggest smile on his face, one of his front teeth is missing and his hair is slipping forward onto his forehead from its picture-day perfect styling. Steve cuts off his by-rote agreement with a laugh and actually turns to look at Eddie (and Chrissy) now.
“Did everyone get one like this or am I special?”
Chrissy answers since Eddie lost the ability to speak the second Steve looked at him while smiling, “Yours is the littlest, but we did choose to ignore everyone’s professionally taken headshots.”
“You think this wasn’t done by a professional? Look at the lighting and the weird tree in the background.”
Chrissy laughs and does that thing where she kicks her leg out enough to knock Eddie back to planet earth. “You can make it out to Eddie, with an IE.” She tells Steve while Eddie massages his smarting ankle.
Steve takes the sharpie out of Eddie’s slack hand and looks down to sign. “I was always gonna sign, cause I like to think this little guy would be really excited about how far I got. But, this would be creepy if you weren’t so cute.”
Eddie is only able to answer because Steve still isn’t looking at him. “Her?”
Steve hands him the picture. “She didn’t ask for the autograph.”
They have to blur it for the video, but underneath his perfectly practiced signature, Steve sends Eddie home with his number.
Alternatively my take 2. The kids get full VIP experience tickets for Corroded Coffin and they have to go Steve. Claudia doesn’t want to cramp their style so she’s out, but if they can’t find a certified adult to take them then Ted has been volunteered. Ted, Steve. He agrees to go because even if he can’t stand the idea of spending the night fighting a migraine during the flashing lights of a heavy metal concert, he also isn’t going to let the Party suffer the social repercussions that would be Ted Wheeler going.
But he decides if he’s going to go he’s going to have fun with it. The kids let him know that it’s a small VIP (for plot reasons) and every group gets a set amount of time with the group. He’s listened to them talk about what they’re bringing to get signed, what they’re going to say to the band to sound both cool and mature. Meanwhile, he’s taking inspiration from his own feed to come up with a plan that’s going to hopefully only annoy everyone a ‘God Steve why do we take you anywhere, but yeah okay that was pretty funny’ amount and not actually ruin the kids' time.
He doesn’t actually know anyone in the band, but the internet exists and as he goes down his rabbit hole, trying to find pictures that are suitably dweeby but also cute in a wholesome way, he realizes that oops the lead guitarist is super hot and also vaguely familiar.
The night of the concert comes and Steve goes into the VIP line with five photos for the four members. Pictures from so far down the Instagram timeline that an accidental like would get him put on a watchlist. He’s got a sophomore Gareth trying his blue steel in a selfie, a photo of Jeff from the one year he did marching band to get out of his gym credit, Freak in the suit vest he got for Junior prom, and Eddie at his most dramatic ‘it’s not a phase Wayne’ stage in high school.
Eddie absolutely thinks they’re being made fun of for a minute, it’s Jeff who laughs and breaks the tension first. Which is good because Steve had waited to bring out the second picture he brought, turns out he finally figured out why the hot guitarist looked and sounded so familiar, and he shows Eddie a picture from the summer camp they went to together where they had been inseparable. That one Eddie signs gladly, his messy signature blocking out the camp counselor they had both hated. Steve won’t let the kids see, he tells them it’s weird to see your heavy metal heroes when they were eight and still waiting to get the gap between their front teeth fixed with braces. But he really just doesn’t want them to see the number Eddie wrote there and the vague promise to have Steve over to catch up and see if they can make kids as cute as they were.
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avelynss · 3 days
Jealous Obsession (Part II) / Sebastian Sallow x Female Reader
Warnings: Not suitable for readers under 18; includes adult content. Explicit sexual content (+18). NSFW. Lubrication, fingering, kissing. All characters are above 18years WordCount: 2.7k Summary: Weeks have passed since your heated encounter with Sebastian in the bathrooms during the Yule Ball, and you’ve been doing everything to avoid him, desperate to escape the memory of that passionate kiss. Now, in a bold move to reclaim your attention, Sebastian waits for you in Professor Figg’s classroom after classes. As you stand before each other the temptation that has haunted you both becomes almost impossible to resist.
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"How long do you plan on ignoring me?" A deep, familiar voice broke the silence from behind the door, making your heart race. At this time, there shouldn’t be any students or teachers in Professor Figg’s classroom, let alone someone sitting at his desk, so you definitely weren’t expecting anyone there. As you turned abruptly, you saw Sebastian casually leaning against the desk, his arms crossed, and his dark eyes staring at you with an intensity that seemed to unravel your thoughts.
He was still wearing his uniform, though his cloak was nowhere in sight. His shirt and tie were wrinkled, and his sleeves rolled up: clear signs that he’d been wearing them all day and had loosened them for comfort. The freckled’s hair was slightly disheveled, and his expression showed a mix of fatigue and irritation, as if he’d had an exhausting day and was hoping to end it with this conversation. Despite his raw appearance, he looked particularly attractive.
"Sebastian," you exhaled, still feeling your heart pounding while clutching the books tightly against your chest. "You nearly scared me to death."
"So?" His voice was low and confident, and his eyes held a touch of impatience or something deeper that you couldn’t quite figure.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about." You proceeded to place your books on the desk, right next to him, and carefully folded your cloak, deliberately avoiding his gaze as if he wasn’t there: doing exactly what he had mentioned.
"Sure." He crossed his arms, a gesture that made him seem even more imposing, one eyebrow raised as if he was challenging you to offer a propper explanation. You could feel the weight of his gaze consuming you. You sighed, trying to appear annoyed.
"I’m new in fifth year, remember? I have to catch up while you’re off having fun with Ravenclaw’s." You tried to sound casual, but the irritation in your sarcasm was evident. A playful, teasing smile appeared on his lips. "Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?"
"I’ve been watching you." His words wrapped around you like a dangerous caress as his eyes gleamed with darkness. "Since that night, you’ve been coming to this classroom every night after dinner, and it struck me as odd, considering Professor Figg’s day is long over."
"You’ve been following me?" You tried to sound irritated, but your voice betrayed a hint of nervousness.
"I’ve been trying to talk to you since then, but all you’ve done is ignore me."
He was right. Weeks had passed since that night, and neither of you had dared to confront the issue. Your evasion had been a desperate attempt to dodge the conversation, or worse, to avoid admitting how much it had affected you. Every night you stayed awake, haunted by the memory of his passionate kiss and how he lifted you with eagerness, pressing his hips against yours, replaying the scene over and over in your mind. Your cheeks burned with a fierce blush at the thought, and you shook your head, trying to erase the image.
But confronting him would force you to face the reality of what had happened and reveal the emotional chaos he had stirred in you with an intensity you barely understood and even less wanted him to discover. The idea of him realizing how deeply he had impacted you was unbearable; it was a risk you simply couldn’t afford to take, so you continued with your tasks as if nothing had happened.
"Are we really going to go over this again?" You sighted again.
"Are you jealous?" he murmured, his voice a mix of seriousness and playful provocation that, combined with its depth, was almost a purr. You stopped flipping through the pages of your Transfiguration book and looked at him, incredulous.
"Jealous?" You raised an eyebrow, a spark of mockery in your eyes.
"Do you think I don’t know how irresistible I can be to women?" His smile widened as his eyes sparkled with a mix of sarcasm and challenge. That expression made him annoyingly attractive, and you hated how much it affected you.
"Narcissist," you shot back, turning back to your book as if wanting to end the conversation, but the challenge in his eyes sharpened.
Suddenly, with a dull thud, he immediately closed your book in order to focus your attention on him and only him, His torso leaned slightly toward you, and his arm was right in front of you, invading your space and making you even more nervous due to the closeness, while murmuring to you in a seductive tone. 
"And are you really that immune to my charm?" A wave of heat coursed through your body, leaving you torn between irritation and the uncomfortable truth of his words. You couldn’t resist the urge to look at the veins in his worked arms subtly visible as he expected your answer. But you couldn’t let him win. You met his gaze with a fiery, defiant intensity, daring him to back down. 
Despite his relaxed posture, his eyes remained fixed on you with an air of ironic detachment, fully aware of how right he was from the blush that had appeared on your cheeks. A loose strand of hair fell over his forehead, his head slightly tilted to the side as if he was genuinely curious to see where this conversation would lead.
Your lips curled into a slow, deliberate smile, loaded with undeniable provocation, and this time it was your eyebrow that raised in a silent challenge.
"Maybe it’s not me who’s jealous," you murmured, stepping forward with deliberate slowness, your gaze locked on his like a predator stalking its prey. You knew you were turning the tables, doing exactly what he had done that night. His exterior remained composed, but you noticed the slight downward movement in his throat that betrayed him. You moved close enough to feel the warmth radiating from his body. With calculated slowness, your fingers found the knot of his tie, tightening it with a pull before smoothing the fabric of his shirt: a gentle, seemingly innocent gesture that carried a dangerous edge. You leaned closer to reach the collar of his shirt, and with a low, provocative voice, tinged with something dark, you whispered, "Didn’t it bother you to see me with him that night?" The words dripped like poison. "Imagining everything he could have done…"
Before you could finish the sentence, Sebastian moved quickly and desperately. He lunged forward as if wanting to silence you, and with a sharp gasp, you found yourself stumbling backward, your back colliding with the hard wood of the desk where he had been moments before. His body leaned forward, trapping you, his hands planted on either side of the desk, caging you in a way that made every breath feel heavier. His presence filled the room, every detail sharpening: his scent, the warmth of his body so close, the tension in his muscles.
For a moment, you hesitated, but you quickly regained control, meeting his gaze with a defiant attitude that teetered on the edge of control. You planted your palms on the desk, forcing yourself to remain slightly upright. His eyes, burning with an almost feral hunger, roved over you, devouring you inch by inch with a twisted smile on his lips. You hated what his arrogance did to you.
He moved dangerously close to your ear, so close you could feel his breath on your neck, and at the same time, you noticed a soft touch on your waist, deceptively teasing, a caress that made you crave something rougher, something like that night. Then, with a purr so low it sent a shiver down your spine, he whispered
"Do you really think I’d let anyone else touch like I would?" His lips found your earlobe, grazing it with agonizing slowness. Your stomach tightened, and something low within you began to burn. His teeth briefly caught that erogenous spot on your ear with the lightest bite, intensifying the wave of heat coursing through you, and your breath hitched as a soft, involuntary sound you hadn’t meant to give him escaped your lips at that touch. You felt his lips curve into a smile against your skin, fully aware of what he was doing to you.
At that moment, you knew the game had changed. It was no longer about who could hold out the longest, but about a battle for control, who would give in first, who would surrender. And with every inch of space between you evaporating, both of you knew the answer was dangerously close.
He pulled back just enough to lock his eyes onto yours, and when your gazes met, a shiver ran through his body at the sight of the desire reflected on your face. Your chin slightly tilted downward forced you to look up at him from an angle that was, at the very least, provocative, while your lips parted. Your breath was fast and ragged, and the extreme closeness of his body against yours made you feel something hard growing in his trousers. You smiled wickedly, which caused that to press even more awkwardly against you.
You both knew exactly the effect you had on each other, but neither of you was willing to stop this game, fueled by lust, which only intensified with each new reaction.
He leaned in again, this time to capture your neck, licking painfully slowly, continuing his game. A stifled breath escaped your lips at the feel of his hot tongue on your skin.
Without letting go of your neck, you felt his fingers start to slide gently up the underside of your thigh, stroking upward with wild slowness that sparked a desperate need for contact. Your breathing became even more ragged with every movement. He abandoned your neck to look back at you and with a sharp movement, he gripped your thigh firmly and lifted one of your legs onto the desk, leaving you completely exposed to him, never breaking eye contact. His lips were slightly parted, and his gaze was fixed on you, feeding off of your reactions to his touch and seeking to demonstrate exactly what he had mentioned.
In that exposed position, he continued to caress your thigh, causing your skin to tingle at the touch of his calloused hands, a reminder of his hard physical labor. You decided not to look away from his eyes, aware of what your reactions were provoking in him. You could feel the bulge in his crotch grow at the touch of your other leg, and as he pressed it tighter against you, he took the opportunity to rub even harder against you, intensifying his caresses. The anticipation was tantalizing you.
His hand reached up the skirt of your uniform and with a gentle movement he pulled the fabric aside to gain greater access to your nether region. With extreme gentleness he caressed your sensitive area above your underwear with two fingers, exploring your sensitivity. You exhaled softly at the surprise of the touch, without taking his gaze from yours, and your skin tingled.
He smiled softly as he brought his fingers into your line of sight, inching them closer to your lips. Without breaking eye contact, you parted your lips, welcoming his fingers and moistening them. His erection pressed against you, desperate to break free, while he guided those fingers downward. With utmost care, he pulled aside the fabric of your underwear, determined not to lose the slickness on his fingers. A breathy moan escaped you as his fingers found your most sensitive spot, tracing slow, deliberate circles that made your abdominal muscles tighten. A hungry gleam sparked in his eyes, his lips slightly parted, entirely focused on your response to his touch. Uncontrollable moans slipped from your lips as he set a languid rhythm, melting you into a wave of pleasure.
You broke that intense eye contact only when your head fell back completely, a deep, shuddering exhale escaping your lips as you felt his middle finger sliding slowly into your wet heat. You couldn’t help but notice the satisfied smile spreading across his face at how eager you were.
“Look at me,” he commanded, his voice a sultry caress against your skin. “I want to watch you while I touch you.” You locked your gaze with his again, and your breath caught as you saw the bulge in his pants straining painfully against his clothes, pressing closer to you.
He established a relentless rhythm inside you, each thrust echoing the melody of your own moans, building a tension that left you breathless. It was only when he slid in a second finger that the overwhelming pleasure inside you surged beyond control, setting your senses ablaze.
“Ah, Sebastian…” You clutched his shoulders, desperately trying to contain the overwhelming pleasure surging within you, as if you could no longer bear to remain in that position. But your grip only drove the brunet to intensify his movements, his thumb drawing tight circles on your most sensitive spot. Heat flooded your cheeks as he leaned closer to your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
“I love the way my name sounds on your lips,” he purred, before returning to tease your earlobe with wet kisses that made you tremble against him. Watching you in such a vulnerable state only ignited his hunger and desperation for you. “I want to fuck you so hard, darling.”
“Do it,” you breathed, your voice emerging as a pleading sigh, thick with longing and desire.
“I won’t do it here.” A flicker of disappointment crossed your eyes, and he seemed to catch it, leaning in closer as he continued, “I want to fuck you somewhere I can hear you scream for my name.” A wave of heat pooled in your core, your mind swirling with desire at his words. His fingers plunged in and out, expertly circling your clit, each movement igniting a delicious wave of pleasure that swelled and intensified with every gentle stroke.
You felt an overwhelming pressure build within you, blurring your vision as his rhythmic motions quickened, propelling you closer and closer to ecstasy.
“Ah, Sebastian… I’m gonna—” you moaned, but he silenced you, covering your mouth with his free hand. The sensation of his fingers working so masterfully sent shockwaves of pleasure through you, leaving you trembling and gasping as waves of bliss washed over you, urging you to surrender to the overwhelming tide of sensation.
“Cum, darling” he purred in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. At that moment, everything faded away; you were completely lost in the sensations, feeling every exquisite movement he made. “Come on my fingers.”
Your body began to tremble uncontrollably, and you gripped his shoulders tightly as he continued his insistent rhythm. Waves of electric pleasure crashed over you, each one more intense than the last, overwhelming your senses. Finally, you collapsed into his arms, breath hitching in your throat, your heartbeat pounding fiercely, echoing like a relentless drum in the silence. Each pulse resonated with the aftershocks of ecstasy, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
You stayed in that position, clinging to each other just long enough for you to catch your breath. When he pulled away just a few inches, his gaze sought yours, as if the contact wasn't enough. Then, without warning, his lips met yours, this time with a disconcerting softness, the complete opposite of the ferocity of their previous touch. Exhaustion overcame you, but the kiss, slow and full of need, swept you away, making you melt completely in his arms. You opened your lips to let in his tongue, which this time was extremely light compared to the kiss from that night. Your lips joined with a slowness that, rather than being frustrating, was an attempt to enjoy something you had never allowed yourselves and wanted it to never end.
When he broke away at last, his hands adjusted your hair and tightened the fabric of your skirt, but his eyes were still fixed on yours, filled with that mixture of emotions he could barely contain. He seemed to be debating internally, until, in a voice laden with frustration and something that felt like a confession, he murmured:
“I hate to imagine that anyone else could have you like this”
Okay, this is the first time I do a sexual explicit shot, and I personally feel quite satisfied. Wanting to keep learning to do it better. I hope you like it, and please be patient with me as I continue to try! It actually makes me want to make a whole fanfic about this hahaha A special mention to these beautiful souls who supported me and specifically asked me to tag them for the second part; I hope I lived up to the occasion! @dragonstoneshortcake @katking0943 @insidemyimaginationn
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party-poison-218 · 19 hours
Bakery with Nanami kento pt. 3!!
Creator of the bonus divider
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The following week felt like an eternity as you waited for Kento to return. You kept experimenting with new pastries, each one more ambitious than the last, hoping he’d love them all.
Finally, Friday rolled around, and just as the morning rush began to die down, the familiar sound of the bell jingled. Kento walked in, looking effortlessly casual in a t-shirt and jeans. Your heart raced at the sight of him.
“Hey, you!” you said, trying to sound cool as you wiped your hands on your apron.
“Hey,” he replied, a smile spreading across his face. “I’m here for my usual—and to see what new creations you’ve come up with.”
You led him to the display case, showcasing a few colorful pastries. “I’ve got lemon tarts and matcha muffins. Want to try one?”
“Absolutely,” he said, pointing to the tarts. “And I’ll take the croissant again, of course.”
As you prepared his order, you felt a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. After you handed him the pastries, he paused, looking a bit more serious.
“I actually wanted to ask you something,” he said, his expression shifting.
Your heart skipped a beat. “What’s up?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, his usual calm demeanor a bit flustered. “I’ve really enjoyed our conversations… and I was wondering if you’d like to grab dinner with me sometime. Just the two of us?”
You felt your cheeks heat up, surprised and thrilled at the same time. “I’d love to!” you replied, a smile breaking across your face.
“Great,” he said, relief washing over him. “How about Saturday? I know a nice little place nearby.”
“Sounds perfect,” you said, trying to contain your excitement. “What time?”
“Let’s say seven?” he suggested, his confidence returning.
“Seven it is,” you agreed, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’ll be ready.”
As he turned to leave, he paused again, looking back at you with a soft smile. “I’m looking forward to it. And I can’t wait to see what else you come up with.”
You waved as he walked out, feeling a mix of giddy anticipation and nervous energy. Dinner with Kento Nanami—it was the start of something you had only dreamed about. That evening, you couldn’t stop smiling, already planning what to wear for your first official date.
Saturday evening arrived quicker than you expected, and you spent the entire day preparing. After trying on what felt like a hundred outfits, you finally settled on a casual dress that felt just right.
As you arrived at the restaurant, you took a deep breath, excitement bubbling in your chest. The ambiance was warm and inviting, with soft lighting and quiet chatter. You spotted Kento seated at a cozy table in the corner, looking effortlessly handsome.
“Hey!” he greeted, his eyes lighting up as you approached. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks! You too,” you replied, feeling your cheeks warm at the compliment.
After ordering your food, the conversation flowed easily, just like it did in the bakery. You laughed about the quirks of your respective jobs, shared embarrassing stories, and discovered a mutual love for classic movies.
“This might be the best thing I’ve done in a while,” Kento said, taking a sip of his drink, his tone sincere. “I don’t usually go out like this.”
“Me neither,” you admitted, feeling a flutter in your stomach. “But I’m glad I said yes.”
As the main courses arrived, you both dug in, savoring the flavors. Kento watched you as you took a bite of your pasta, a small smile on his lips. “You look like you’re enjoying that.”
“It’s delicious! But I think I might like your company even more,” you said, meeting his gaze.
He chuckled softly, and the mood shifted slightly as the laughter faded into a more intimate moment. “I’m really glad we met at your bakery. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this relaxed.”
You smiled, feeling your heart swell. “Same here. You make it easy to talk.”
After dinner, you decided to take a stroll through a nearby park, the night air cool and refreshing. As you walked side by side, Kento fell into step with you, the comfortable silence wrapping around you like a warm blanket.
“Do you think you’ll ever expand your bakery?” he asked, breaking the quiet.
“I’ve thought about it,” you replied. “But I love the small, cozy vibe. It feels like home.”
Kento nodded, thoughtful. “Sometimes it’s nice to keep things simple. I get that.”
As you reached a small bench, you both decided to sit for a moment. The stars twinkled overhead, and the world around you felt blissfully peaceful. Kento looked over at you, a mix of shyness and sincerity in his eyes.
“I really like you,” he said softly, his tone earnest. “I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart raced at his words. “It’s more than okay. I like you too, Kento.”
He smiled, the tension easing from his shoulders. You shared a glance that lingered a moment too long, and before you knew it, he leaned in slightly. You met him halfway, sharing a gentle kiss under the stars—sweet and soft, a promise of more moments to come.
As you pulled away, both of you grinned like kids, the excitement of the evening wrapping around you. It felt like the start of something beautiful, and you couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.
★ BONUS! ★
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After a long day, you were curled up on the couch with Kento, his arm draped casually over your shoulders. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated his features, highlighting the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Have I told you how much I love these quiet nights?” he said, his voice low and warm.
You leaned into him, a smile creeping onto your face. “Only about a hundred times.”
Kento chuckled, but there was something in his gaze that felt more intense. He tilted your chin up gently, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “Maybe I should show you just how much I appreciate them.”
Your heart raced at the suggestion, and before you could respond, he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above yours. The moment hung in the air, electric and charged with possibility. You could feel the heat radiating between you, and you leaned in, craving the connection.
When his lips finally met yours, it was both sweet and teasing, leaving you breathless and wanting more. Kento pulled you closer, deepening the kiss, and in that moment, everything felt perfectly right.
Okay, guys :) I think I'm gonna end it here just because I can't figure out where to take it any longer, and I get mentally drained after doing smth for a bit. Sorry ya'll!! 🩷
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