#it’s actually very rare for me I lose interest really quickly
ineffablepoet · 10 months
One thing I love about hello from the Hallowoods is that no matter how busy I get or how long I go without listening to an episode I can always get back into it without losing any of my hype.
I can always immerse myself back in the story no matter how long it takes me to listen to it and despite the adhd.
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alphajocklover · 4 months
You gotta help me man! I used the instajock app (I didn't want to I swear!) and turned from a skinny nerdy guy into the most douchebag dumbass Frat Bro! Why playing around with the settings (thank god) I think I accidentally hit the "revert mind" button and now I'm stuck in this awful, sweaty, smelly body! Can you please change me back?
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Wait, you actually found the revert mind option? From what I’ve heard, that option is so deeply hidden in the settings that most people were sure it didn’t exist. For a very impressive app InstaJock has a very complicated settings page, although that’s most likely by design. See, while user set up is where most things are changed, a user of InstaJock can technically still change themselves after the fact with the settings page. To keep users from doing anything too major, or discovering certain things like the revert mind option, the developers make the settings page complicated and boring, so most of the jockified users lose interest in it quickly. It seems like your new frat boy self was one of the rare jocks who was still intelligent enough (or just lucky enough) to go on a deep dive in the settings page.
Now as for your current predicament, being trapped in a frat bro body, I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do to help you. I know more about InstaJock than most people do but I don’t know everything, and one thing I definitely don’t know is how to reverse the app's effects. I'm not sure anyone has ever actually tried before. You could delete the app but that might not do a thing, and it could backfire if the developers put in any protections against it. Not to mention that might not even get you your body back. You could mess around with the settings again and see if there’s a way to revert yourself entirely, but like I said it’s really complicated and you’d be just as likely to transform yourself into an even bigger douchebag as you would to turn yourself back. You could try to fight your new urges and body with a ton of deodorant, constant shaving, and baggy clothing, but you’d spend your entire life trying to fight your body.
My advice is to just accept it. Sure you look like a hairy jock and smell like a high school locker room, but you’re super muscular, handsome as hell, and you’ve even managed to hold onto your brains. Clean yourself up a little and you’d be a walking wet dream, a refined stud able to get any guy or girl you want. You’ll have some jock urges, due to having a jock body, but as long as you keep a hold on them and don’t let yourself turn into a complete frat bro douche… well I think you could live a great life with the best of both worlds
So enjoy it! Not many people are lucky enough to keep their original mind and personality after being changed. Plus now you’ve got access to InstaJock and the brains to use it strategically. That’s a dangerous and very powerful combo. So… have fun~.
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atierrorian · 16 days
Hii I hope you’re doing well!! I’d like to request Ruggie, Jade, and Jamil or Kalim (you can choose between kalim or jamil) x a Komi Shoko! Reader that is also malleus’s younger sibling
PARING: Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al Asim
˗ˏˋGENRE ´ˎ˗ — Romance/platonic, Fluff
˗ˏˋCW ´ˎ˗ — Misunderstandings, mentions of bullying, stalking? ooc.
˗ˏˋNOTES ´ˎ˗ — Helloo! And I hope you're also doing well too! And btw, I'll do both Jamil and Kalim if you don't mind! Ps, I haven't actually watched "Komi can't communicate" yet so I might get this wrong and because I just researched what Komi's personality was! Btw, I'm sorry if I didn't do any of them justice.
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♡ "You're not scared of me?"
♡ "Not anymore"
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At first, Ruggie avoided you because you were the youngest sibling of Malleus Draconia; one of the top 5 strongest mages and he certainly did not want to get on yours or your brother's bad side...
But, when he actually got to interact with you, his opinion on you changed. Slightly.
you're shy and you don't talk. That's the first thing he notices about you. But, he doesn't pry into it and just leaves it be, It's not any of his business is it?
The two of you got closer when Ruggie was doing the dirty work for Leona and you were merely passing by while holding box of donuts.
You noticed he was working really hard and you decided to why not give him one donut. You did heard he enjoys eating donuts!
Where you got the sudden confidence, you don't know. But! You do know you've been quite curious about him for some time now and you thought that this was the best opportunity to get to know him better!
Ruggie was a bit wary when you approached him; but it quickly disappeared faster than he was suspicious of you when he saw you holding a donut. Where you perhaps offering him?
Well, this is an opportunity he definitely won't decline.
He quickly took the donut from you and from then on, you both became the best of buddies! (Or lovers, you pick)
Ruggie likes to tease you from time to time and he doesn't really care when you don't respond to him. He likes having you to listen to him complaining about Leona anyways.
Of course, he doesn't go overboard with it. He knows boundaries and you're a female too. And a very powerful one at that.
Overall, he finds it fun with you around!
BONUS: He won't admit it unless you bribe him, but, he felt a bit proud when he heard you say something with your voice! He's cunning so he'll try to hear more of your voice.
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Jade met you during his first year at the orientation while you were also a first year too.
And to say the least, he was interested. I mean, the Malleus Draconia's younger sibling goes here as well? Doesn't this make it all more intriguing.
Throughout your first year, you both rarely ever talked to one another unless it was for something. But even then he had yet to hear your voice. It truly was a mystery for him what you sounded like.
Did you sound high pitched? A deeper voice? Mute? Do you like mushrooms? Was all the thoughts going through his head every time he saw you or talked to you. Although he mostly did the chatting whilst you listened and nodded in acknowledgement.
If Jade had to honest; although you are blood-related with Draconia, he thought he'd lose interest in a heartbeat after a week or so observing you from afar when you least expect it. (Rook that you?)
Yet low and behold, he didn't just yet. Which was a record for him!
Instead, he found you even more fascinating the more he kept up conversations with you somehow despite your lack of words.
Most of your conversations consist of mushrooms, mountains, flora, and whatever else he found interesting that he could share with you.
He invites you with him to the Monstro Lounge as that's where you mostly hang around whenever he is on break. Azul doesn't mind, but just because you're really good friends or even more with Jade doesn't give you a discount, but being Malleus's Draconia sibling does. (His words not mine)
His brother aka Floyd, doesn't have that much opinion on you besides on calling you sea bunny due to your appearance but also you could be just as dangerous as your brother. But also he finds you boring considering you rarely talk or never really.
Overall, Jade finds you interesting and does wish to hear your voice.
BONUS: The first time he heard your voice was during your second year, and my! What lovely voice you have, he noted. He wondered if you'd be willing to work alongside with him at the Lounge, but maybe next time.
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First things first, he didn't think much of you besides the fact you could possibly endanger Kalim especially with your abilities.
However, his opinion on you changed when he first interacted with you. And to say the least you were really... shy and reserved. Rarely did you ever speak but he respected it.
Although he was still wary, he slowly but surely felt more relaxed around you especially whenever you're hanging out with Kalim.
Still, he keeps a close eye on you both whenever you're chilling with Kalim as he kept going on and on while you listen intently, interested in his other stories he had to share.
It took about a few months for Jamil to get use to you. Though he was still slightly prepared if you tried anything.
Jamil doesn't want to admit it, but he really does like your presence! Some may have found it awkward being in the same room as you not only being a draconia but also because you didn't talk and that scared people, but Jamil likes the silence you bring to the atmosphere. On rare cases where you can take a break, you sit beside him and listens to whatever rant he has to say if he had too much built up. (Which increases his respects for you even more)
You're the complete opposite of Kalim, and he likes that. Kalim has too much energy while you on the other hand stay reserve.
Whenever he cooks for Kalim, he also cooks for you but stays silent while you nod excitedly at him as he tries to hide his flustered face.
Overall he finds your presence calming and loves spending his free time with you!
BONUS: First time hearing your voice was even more calming than he could ever imagine. Hell he couldn't help but feel a bit prideful knowing he was the first in the entire school(Besides Diasomnia) to hear your voice. Even before Kalim.
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Listen, Kalim is always excited to meet new people and that includes you!
No matter your status, Kalim will always treat you as a friend and you really appreciate him for that. And even after discovering you don't talk or never really talked all that much with other people, he didn't mind at all!
He loves hanging out with you as you listen to his stories he always has to share and he knows you listen so well because he could see the sparkles in your eyes whenever he enthusiastically talks about his past experiences. (Yes including the bad ones)
There is never a moment where people don't see you two together whenever you both don't have any duties to attend to. Either you two go to classes together with Jamil keeping a very close eye, or none at all.
Kalim hates it whenever people talk bad behind your back. He will always comfort you whenever it gets too much and lets you rest on his shoulder as you both sleep the night away.
Malleus to say the least is very grateful to Kalim for not only being his friend but you as well. He knows the feeling all too well of being lonely and he hated the feeling, so for you to have someone is reassuring to him.
Especially someone as amazing as Kalim!
Anyways, Kalim always takes you out for a magic carpet ride and finds joy in the fact you enjoy doing things with him. Seeing you smile is all he needs.
Overall, he loves spending time with you even with your opposite personalities!
BONUS: It wasn't a surprise the fact you talked to Kalim first for the first time with your voice, but man did Kalim almost cried and threw a party in honor. (You had to stop him before he did it)
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gz-missfit · 6 months
I wanna talk about Tubbo and Phil
I know there's some strong opinions from many on either character so I wanna share some thoughts on their relationship from someone who's watched both for a LONG time (way way before qsmp).
Tubbos and Phil's relationship kinda is, the closest I can get to explaining is is Bads and Foolishs, by that i mean is that at first glance you would not necessarily think these 2 had the dynamic they actually DO have. It's easy to get swept up in their banter and chaotic messing with eachother or in the way they mostly communicate through jokes and teasing but those 2 TRUST eachother a LOT.
I'm gonna try to not bring the kids into this cause obviously they don't have the knowledge we as the audience do in this sense, but Phil is not someone who trusts easy, the closets one he has to fully being honest with is Fit and even he doesn't know everything. But Phil trusts capabilities, that's why he trusts Fit so much cause he knows the other veteran is incredibly capable. To bring this back to Tubbo, Phil knows that Tubbo is INCREDIBLY capable and smart, he knows the kid is talented, hard working and determined beyond believe. But those who know Phil also know he's just not good at showing this, but believe me when I say he thinks incredibly highly of Tubbos capabilities.
Tubbo is someone Phil trusts relentlessly, even if he sometimes gets things wrong about him as a character it is never with any malicious intent and he sees that kid as family, meaning he'll do everything to help him if called.
Now to Tubbo, tubbo is interesting because his trust is rare, at least his FULL trust is. Obviously he has people he relies on more than others but true transparent trust is something he really only has with the eggs. He does have people he trusts, he just doesn't want/like to rely on others and it's kinda weaving into his need to be the one that people rely on. Now for me I definitely think Tubbo thinks of Phil as a friend, no doubt about it. And I feel like he's also very aware of how Phil works, a lot more so than others (definitely due to their long term irl friendship too). Tubbo knows where Phil's strengths lie and when he can just ask him for tips or advice, Tubbo knows Phil is reliable when called for, Tubbo knows Phil does not talk about his relationships or emotions a lot. Tubbo has been on the receiving end of a few things no other had to see from Phil yet, Tubbo was one of the only ones who during Purgatory got shown how Phil lost all hope in himself and for his kids (seeing in him being genuinely shocked Tubbo was still fighting for them too), But he also got to see how even with that doubt Phil would never leave someone behind he sees as his flock. Phil sacrificed his wings for Tubbo and both know he'd do it again a thousand times over.
Another moment I like to take as example is very early day of Tubbo joining, it's funny cause u can definitely see a like mentor/apprentice vibe which quickly fizzles out once Tubbo finds his footing in what he is good at. A moment that has always stuck out to me though is the kids disappearance day and those leading up to it. Tubbo was responsible for Chayanne and Tallulah during that time (quick side note, Phil's instant trust with those 2 for Tubbo is HUGE especially the fact that Phil knew Tubbo would take his explanations of how to be there for Tallulah seriously) and once the realization hit Tubbo kinda went into this dooming mindset, he saw himself as a failure and was worried about losing the fact that Phil relied on him, basically afraid of losing his usefulness, he spiraled and was terrified of Phil's response but when it actually came to that day? Phil was nothing but instantly understanding, reassured Tubbo, never lost trust in him with the kids down the line and showed Tubbo where his anger truly falls. It was such a simple moment but Neither have lost any trust in the other when it comes to absolute necessity.
And I think that's where a lot of their headbutting or appeared distrust comes from cause those 2 don't want nor like to rely on others. They're used to being the ones that are relied on! But when it comes down to it, when it comes to push and shove they know the other is someone they could rely on in a heartbeat (when I say necessity I mean necessity btw, like full on life or death)
Because when the people who do not ask for help need to ask for help you know shits bad, and it's a little easier when the person you know is so similar yet so different from you that you're aware this will never be talked about again, it's easier to ignore the heaviness if you've gotten used to hide it with banter and jokes. But a flock will never leave eachother down, even if they don't say it.
(Also Tubbo logging out infront of Phil today and Phil wanting to prank him with a spawn trap only to go "I was gonna put Lava here, but he can't die so no I'm not gonna be a dick" is something like, once Phil is aware of something he instantly adjusts to it, he asked for Tubbos equipment before bringing him a boss mob to fight, gave him food during it etc. Cause again once both are aware of something they do instantly jump in or adjust to it)
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
So I saw your headcanons for Bakugou and Aizawa, what kind of boyfriend would Midoriya be?
Midoriya Imagine
What type of boyfriend he'd be
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Want more from me? mAsterList
I was just thinking about this when considering him for a love interest for my OC, fortunately for you, this is still fresh on my mind lol
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
An awkward romantic.
By this, I mean he's awkward about his romanticness.
"W-we can share a crepe if you want?"
"Am I allowed to k-kiss you?"
Very shy, even after he's dating you.
Takes you on cute, simple dates. But plans like a pro. Like if the date doesn't work out, he has a plan B, C, D...J, K...
Though he'd be a bit better about shyness once he gets used to you.
Insecure about himself deserving you.
You'll have to assure him when you notice.
He can be kinda hard on himself, including with you. If he feels like he's not doing enough, he will feel suuuper bad.
You will be a priority, but not his first. He can be a neglectful boyfriend sometimes due to him putting hero work first...and sometimes that's all he thinks about.
But he's observant, so after a while, he'll notice.
And he quickly notices when your emotions shift.
He catches on to your ticks, habits, etc.
And writes them down in a special notebook just for you.
Pegs me as the type to track your period if you have one
Like, the day of he'll stop by with stuff and you're like, "Um...how?"
Or if you have hair, he'll have most hair items/products you might've forgotten or needed
Or if you forget to eat in the mornings, without needing to ask he'll hand you a breakfast muffin or something.
I see him being insecure about his scars until you kiss them all and tell him they're beautiful, leaving him flushed red.
Will shyly let you count his freckles if you like.
Once he's comfortable enough, will join in when you do weird stuff.
Whatever it is.
Will make you laugh more often than you'd expect.
Will motivate you to do more in life, but doesn't hold it against you if you don't make drastic changes.
If you have long hair, he will have the urge to braid it.
He gives hair-touching vibes. If you allow him to.
His love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation.
Will happily do things for you.
And will always make sure he tells you how great you are, how much he loves you, etc.
There will be conflict sometimes.
He's reckless and will easily toss his life away for a stranger. You have to tell him he can't do that, he needs to care more about his life, and he has people who need him here, including you.
You think he has such low value for his life due to him being Quirkless and from bullying. So you'll have to help him unlearn this mindset.
If he feels like he needs to protect you, he will distance himself every time.
He's...incredibly protective. One of the rare instances Midoriya will lose control of his anger is when he's protecting those he cares for.
And you never tell him you find it attractive.
He doesn't really get jealous as much as insecure about how he treats you.
"Maybe they might treat [Name] better..."
Once you get past that phase, though, he's okay.
The type of boyfriend to cry because you're crying, even if he doesn't know why you are.
I actually don't see Midoriya as being extremely affectionate but will give it to you based on the level you want.
He melts from your praise.
And takes your opinion almost more seriously than All Might's...and that's saying a lot.
He's patient but un-patient. He can be patient for you, but it takes a lot of effort, he likes to know things, to cheer you up, to make you happy.
Like, he learns as he goes along...but he starts out very dense.
Definitely supportive of what you do, but if it's something he doesn't particularly agree with, he will still voice his opinion on the matter.
I see your relationship being quiet, the little moments matter more...but then other times, you're either chaotic or nerding out.
Midoriya will often nerd out about heroes, so expect that. Like, you could be walking by a hero on the street and his energy will go ⬆
Communication is a must if you want a relationship to work with him. He has a lot of bad habits and he won't know unless you tell him. That, and he needs to get better at communicating himself, he has a hard time with that.
I feel he's a gamer in his free time and gamers can have potty mouths.
So I feel like he'd try to not curse as much around you, but will still let things slip if he, say, bumps his foot against a table or something.
He'd love it if you can do each other's hobbies together, he'd feel closer to you.
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red-airhead · 1 year
𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓨𝓸𝓾 | 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓢𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓶𝓲𝓷 |
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word count - 2,548
genre - romance, fluff
warnings - slow burn, mutual pining, romantic! seungmin, idol! seungmin, afab! reader, feminine terms, reader cries a lot, livestream proposal, drunk make out, kissing, seungmin being nervous, pet names (baby, love), lmk if I missed anything
the ring
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He saw you for the first time in an empty classroom gathering your things to go home.
That was so long ago. You both remembered it like it was yesterday. The way you caught him staring, glasses reflecting from the sun that peaked from the windows and shined on your face, making you look even more perfect than before. 
He forgot the reason he came back to the classroom, hand gripping the strap of his tote bag tightly as he swallowed thickly. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him either, though. The way he began to smile nervously, eyes now darting anywhere in the room as if to avoid melting in your sun-like gaze. It caused you to giggle which startled him.
“Sorry, sorry.. You just look so cute..” You managed through your giggles, watching him look back at you with such a flustered expression.
He thought you were bold with the way you called him cute, “I-It’s okay.. I’m Seungmin,, Kim Seungmin..” 
You hummed in response, walking away from your seat and towards him, reaching out your hand with a smile on your face, “I’m L/N Y/N! It’s nice to meet you Seungmin!”
And that was a blossom of a friendship both of you knew wouldn’t fall apart.
Day after day, he sat next to you in class. At first it was hard for him to talk to you but slowly he started opening up. Days went by where you’d see each other everyday, learn more about each other, exchange numbers and just spend all the time in the world together. 
“I’m a trainee for JYP Entertainment.. Did I ever tell you that?” He said, one day during lunch. That statement caused you to choke on your water.
After a few minutes of panicking, you looked at him stunned, “No way.. That’s so cool Min!” You said with enthusiasm, the biggest smile on your face.
“It is?”
“Yes! Oh my god, Min that's like one of the coolest things ever! How long have you been a trainee for?” You were so interested in his trainee life now, and it made him excited to know you supported him.
“About three years ago? I think, sometimes it’s easy to lose track of time.. I was just recently selected to be part of a group called Stray Kids. Apparently the leader is like– selecting his own group members..” You didn’t know what was more exciting. The fact that he was picked or the fact the leader was such a badass to be able to pick his own group members.
“Whoa.. Min I’m so happy for you..” You nearly caught him off guard when you started crying. It was something you rarely ever did in front of him, and it made him worried that something was wrong.
“Why are you crying? Uh– You okay?” He quickly discarded his food to pull you into a very awkward hug. Well there's a first for everything.
“I’m just really happy for you.. That’s such a big achievement, especially with a company like that.. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He knew you were pouting just from the way you were speaking, but he decided to brush it off.
“I didn’t want you to have to worry so much, that’s all..” 
“You’re actually a dumbass.”
Graduation rolled around sooner than you both thought. You don’t know what made you cry more, the fact that you were graduating and had a new life ahead of you, or the fact that you wouldn’t see your best friend as much.
You and Seungmin ended up walking home together, something that was normal for the two of you yet it felt so forbidden now that you graduated.
The tear stained cheeks from the both of you was something that just showed how much this affected the both of you.
There was one thing though, his confession. 
You stopped at a nearby park bench, after you had told Seungmin you felt a little dizzy and wanted to sit down. 
It was perfect.. Sunny and warm out was one of your favorite weathers, and with the flowers blooming nearby he knew it was perfect timing. He picked one earlier without you noticing, practically hiding it in his bag, making sure it wouldn’t get smushed. 
Pulling it out he stares at it, then looks at you.
You look back at him and it was like everything stopped, “what’s that flower for?” You pointed out, making him feel a little startled. He cleared his throat as he took in a deep breath.
“I picked it earlier, for you.. I didn’t have time to get a bouquet this morning so I just..” He shyly hands it to you, completely backing out of the confession.
Well there goes his chance..
“Thank you, it’s beautiful..” You said, holding the flower with delicacy, smiling at the sweet gesture.
He only nods, and he sits with you a little longer. Just relish in the moment a little longer.
Getting a chance to have drinks was something that was rare. You both knew that, and him being out in public isn’t a smart idea, so you decided to get a bunch of alcohol the night prior, and ordered take out before he arrived. 
You spent the entire time you drank laughing and talking about life. He went on and on about how stupid his members could be, telling you stories that made you laugh to the point you snorted a few times.
Eventually, both of you ended up just a little over tipsy, however it hit you the most. He knew you wouldn’t remember much after you had gotten drunk, so he tried to refrain from his deepest desires to just kiss you.
He ignored the way his body felt on fire when your eyes would linger a little too long on his lips, or the way your touch felt like heaven against his skin, even if it was a graze. 
That’s where this led to, snuggled up to each other, enjoying the warmth radiating off of each other as you both relaxed with alcohol in your system.
“You’re s’ warm..” You muttered, nuzzling your face into his neck, this caused him to tilt his head back and onto the back of the couch.
“You're warmer..” He chuckled out, pulling you closer by your waist. 
You hummed in response, spending a while in silence, too drunk to let words slip out easy enough.
At one point, and truthfully he didn’t remember when, he found you straddling him, looking down at him with an expression full of admiration.
“You’re so pretty, Minnie..” Words slurred but full of meaning made his heart flutter.
“You’re prettier..” He managed before he felt your lips crash on his.
Sloppy, but there was no intention of it going any further than a make out. Eyes fluttering closed he melted into the kiss, hands gently resting at your hips.
Wet, soft kisses were pressed on his lips, him returning them with eagerness. Eventually those kisses soon became longer, and more deep. 
He wanted more, but he knew that taking advantage of you in such a vulnerable moment wasn’t okay.
“Hey— You’re drunk..We shouldn’t.” He huffed out, staring at you. Lips swollen and red, ready to be kissed again, but he had to resist.
“But whyyyy..” You whined, cupping his cheeks and trying to kiss him again. His hand covered your mouth.
“You’re drunk, and I’m not that kind of person.. Come on, lets get you to bed..”
He got busy, very fast. Over the span of a couple of years, he was busy with promotions for different comebacks, and when the pandemic hit it made things even harder to see each other. 
Sending pictures back and forth when something cool happened, calling a few nights every week to fall asleep together or to watch a movie. 
At some point, in the middle of the pandemic, you started hanging out again even if it was highly recommended not to.
“I missed this,, I missed your company.” You admit, smiling at him as he got all cozy on your couch. All bundled up and fluffy in the covers that smelled exactly like your perfume and shampoo. 
“I’m just happy I finally got a day where I could spend time with you.. Being an Idol is so hard..” He whined, getting comfortable under your blanket. If he didn’t cover his nose down, you definitely would’ve seen the massive blush he had on his face.
He didn’t realize how often you wore the hoodie he sent you a few months ago. He remembered it clearly. Spraying the box with his cologne, putting a travel sized version with it and a bunch of gifts he got from traveling before the pandemic.
He remembered the texts you sent him, saying how good the hoodie smelled with the cologne and how much you loved the gifts. He made it his mission from then on to buy you gifts anytime he traveled.
“Being friends with an Idol is hard. I’m surprised you were even able to get here without fans following you.”
“Lucky for you, fans don’t seem to like me that much.”
“Don’t say that! I’m sure there are plenty of–”
“There really aren’t.”
You frowned at his self doubt, just before pulling the covers off of him and then laying on top of him, wrapping the blankets around the both of you. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Forcing you to stay until you stop this absolute stupid nonsense!” You huffed out, snuggling into his warmth. You felt his arms wrap around you to pull you closer and you swore you melted.
“Jokes on you, this is comfortable..” He huffed out. Gently squeezing you, he looked at the way you looked so perfect in his arms.
Your heart pounded and you hoped he couldn’t feel it, and it wasn’t like the first time you cuddled, it just felt a little different this time, more domestic.
It was late, he knew that. And he knew that he’d been waiting way too long to finally do the thing he longed to do. 
With a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a basket in your favorite color, your favorite snacks and multiple bottles of your favorite drink to stock up on.
The dating ban had been lifted, and he was about 5 minutes away from your house. It was 5 minutes away from midnight. 
As soon as he arrived he scrambled to the door and pushed on the doorbell like his life depended on it.
He could hear your footsteps, and he listened to the lock on the door click and watched the door open.
“Min? It’s 12 in the morning, what are you doing here..” You huffed out. Your hair was a bit of a mess, considering the fact you were tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable in bed. 
“I know it’s late, but something important just happened and it involves you.” He quickly said, watching you step outside and close the door behind you.
Now or never.
“Y/N, ever since the day I met you, I knew you were the one. You looked so beautiful in the sunlight, and the way you called me cute within seconds of us meeting just proved you were what I needed.” He started, watching you get a little confused.
“I wanted to do this on graduation but I backed out. I was too nervous because I was worried you were going to say no, I didn’t want to lose you.” He cleared his throat, watching your posture shift.
“What are you saying?” Maybe you were a little dumb..
“The dating ban got lifted.. Y/N, I— I love you, a lot.. I love you so much and I wanted to tell you I just didn’t want–” 
You quickly cut him off, pressing a very much needed kiss to his lips.
After a very sweet kiss, you pulled away and smiled at him, “I love you too Minnie. Come inside before you get caught.” You laughed, opening the door and pushing him inside.
2024 came faster than you expected. You’d spent 4 years together with Seungmin and life couldn’t have been any better. 
After the dating ban was lifted, you spent so much of your time talking about him to anyone you could. He’d post about you on bubble, on instagram. He’d talk about you in interviews or on live. You didn’t know what was better, the fact that you got to be by his side for so long, or the fact that he loved you so much to show you off.
There was one particular evening that caught you off guard, the night he proposed. 
You went out for groceries, and while you were gone for about an hour, he went live. He set everything up. He didn’t bother getting dressed all fancy, he knew you would prefer something more comfortable. 
It was perfect though. The lighting, the decorations, and he had your guys’ song playing in the background. He waited patiently for you. 
When you arrived back at home you gasped when you heard the song, “Baby? Why are you playing our song?” 
He knew you loved the acoustic version, so that’s what he played. He stood by the tv that had the lyrics on display. When you walked into the living room your expression shifted so many times while trying to figure out what was going on, “Min?”
He smiled nervously at you as he waited for you to walk over.
While you walked over you looked around and saw a live going,, did he forget?
“Love, what’s going on?” 
Standing across from you he teared up, pouting a little with a smile fighting it, “This is making me nervous..”
“Take your time,, it’s okay..” You knew how nervous he got with things, but you didn’t know what this was about.
After a few deep breaths, he looked at you with a shaky smile, “I love you so much.. You— You made me feel like someone for so long now.. I feel like someone now that I’m with you, and that I can call you mine but there's just— one thing I want to call you.. Something I’ve been dreaming of.” 
You started tearing up at the little speech, smiling at him, “What would that be?”
And suddenly, it really was like the world stopped. Getting on one knee he looked up at you, opening the velvet box that was hidden in his clenched hands.
You gasped, tears now spilling without fail.
“I want to call you my fiancee, my wife.. Y/N will you marry me?” He didn’t even have to wait for you to say yes because you immediately made him take the ring out and slip it on your ring finger.
“Is that even a question worth asking? You already know the answer..” You laughed, making him stand up.
“It’s still better to ask, yknow?” He hummed out, pressing a loving kiss to your lips gently.
You happily kissed back, arms wrapping around his neck, “That’s true..”
He pulled away and just admired you, wiping the stray tears as he smiled, “I guess I’m someone to you?”
“You’re someone to me as long as I’m someone to you."
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mothzarellaman · 1 year
The Life Series and Eyes (A Headcanon Rambling)
hello traffiblr! Y'all voted to have me rant about the life series and my personal headcanons regarding eyes, so. Here we go!
So let me hit you guys with a quick overview.
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here's a quick reference. While these all depend on the individual, and the series, I'll explain what each general eye color means.
4+ Lives
People with 4+ lives fall into this category. Their eyes are a dark green, bordering on teal. I think it would be interesting if A. eyes act as a sort of weak gradient in terms of 4-1 lives. So, there's a bit more blue. 2. Personal headcanons regarding speakers, and their colors. 3. A sort of parallel to the Boogey eyes. both are very dark. So its harder to tell if they have 4+ lives somehow, or if they're boogey.
3 Lives
A classic. A nice, simple green. While the exact hue varies depending on the person (because of either violent or peaceful behavior/simply what looks good with them), greens have generally bright green eyes.
2 Lives
Similarly to 3, the exact hue depends on behavior of the individual. Someone who's more violent would be closer to an amber, while peace loving players lean towards more of a yellow-green. The eyes are always clearly yellow, though.
1 Life
While the others would go towards a color dependent on behavior, all bets are called off for reds. The hue is purely aesthetic. It is no longer a clue towards general behavior. There's rarely any allowance for personal preferences in reds. All they can see is violence and conquest.
Basically, I reject the idea of boogies having purple eyes or glints for symbolism with watchers. It's far more threatening to me if their normally bright colored eyes are chips of the void. Obviously, characters still have pupils, I just don't include them in my style. I can't decide if Boogies have pure black eyes, or if their eyes are a dried-blood color so dark it only seems reddish in light.
0 Lives / Dead
And finally, we have grey eyes. When it comes to deaths before the final death, the bodies disappear quickly, as soon as the person respawns, I'd wager. But after that final death, their body remains. Their eyes quickly lose all color, and end up as grey. This was chosen just out of design choice, the lifeless look, and also, by incident, Scar's red-life skin. It makes him completely greyscale, so a similar logic applies here.
Character Specific Colors
Here's a quick guide to character specific colors. Again, everyone has a unique one. Do note that most of these are simply what looks good, as I've only had the time to watch Grian's pov, and not anyone elses.
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Ik they don't really... look good and may not fit, but hey, I'm here to rant about design ideas, not actual colors lol. And you will not believe how hard it is to make 16 different palletes unique and at least kinda match the character while having the same main 4 colors. I will address Grian, dw. Boogey and dead eyes are the same color, regardless of character.
3rd Life
Alright, so, from the base rules, nothing changes. It uses the same logic mentioned up above. Green, yellow, red, and grey. There's no real special mentions here that are exclusive to 3L.
Last Life
Similarly to 3L, LL lacks any specific changes to eyes. The only addition are the new eye colors for boogey and 4+.
Double Life
Here, characters share eye colors. What do I mean by this? I mean, their signature eye colors are at a gradient with their soulmate's. So, for example, Pearl and Scott's Green eyes are mixed as a gradient with both are on green. This applies for every life, and every soulbond. It gives people slight clues as to who exactly their soulmate is, but its hard to tell. When scar showed up boasting purple eyes, everyone was confused, to say the least lmao.
Limited Life
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ok i'm definitely the happiest with this one. The idea is that everyone's eyes are functionally, like a clock. I illustrated it really badly, but the idea is cool ok. The idea is that like, idk, every 1/8 of someone's eye represents an hour. Every hour lost from the 'benchmark' turns to the next color. For example, if someone has 24 hours, their eyes are pure green. If they have, say, 18, they only have 1/4 (2/8) of green left, the rest of their eye being green. If they have only an hour left, they only have an 1/8 of an eye red, the rest being grey. The color of their current life slowly recedes in an almost spiral pattern as time goes on. If someone somehow had 24+ hours, same rule would apply to their 4+ life, so to speak. they'd only have a sliver of the dark green, with most of their eye being their 'normal' green.
okay, I know for sure people are questioning why Grian's eyes are neon purple. The reason why is on the simpler side. Watcher. He's the only one out of the players to be an actual watcher. Some people (like Pearl and BigB) definitely have some ties to them, but Grian's the only full blown watcher. (Martyn is tied to the listeners, who are green to me, so his colors are greener despite being prone to violence lmao. And Scott is tied more to the Speakers, who are blueish/cyan to me. Pearl, as Scott's soulmate in DL, has that bluish tint to a degree. )
But, you might ask, how do people not notice??? Well, its because of my Grian design.
This is old and it doesn't quite show my idea well, but alas.
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I've already made reference images for this and I can't find the motive to draw a Grian headshot lmao. The idea is taking the Watcher's face plate. You know the one. The mask. And taking that, and instead of having the Evo symbol, no, it has, guess what. Grian's weird freaking eyes. Yep. Whether this was his attempt at camouflaging himself among non-watchers, or if it was his basically middle finger towards them, refusing to show obvious alliance with them, idk. All I know is he basically vandalized his Watcher mask. Still, you might say, that doesn't explain why is eye color is purple. Well, if you take away his mask, it's either basically a void with purple eyes inside, or probably some sort of void looking crack through his face, as if it isn't actually flesh. He can choose to have 'normal' eyes, but they always remain that Alexandria's Genesis purple, and it messes with his sight. Basically he sees too much. (I'd elaborate in my Watcher/Listener/Speaker post if people wanted 👀)
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omo-queer · 11 months
hi! tysm for your answer 🥺 i looked up "rapid desperation" online and based on my own understanding, this is how it works:
1. drink the same specific amount of water every 15 mins within an hour (you can pee within that 1 hour).
2. after that first hour, you should continue doing it but this time, the hold starts. bathrooms are not allowed.
after this, what shall i do next? do i just keep drinking until i can't hold it anymore? or should i set a goal (for example, wait for 2 hours until i can finally pee)?
thank you so much for helping a beginner out! 💗 also looking forward to more of your blogs
- 🩰
the rapid desperation approach i've seen and used a variant on myself is:
drink at least a glass (350ml/12oz or about that) every hour. this works best if you start this at least an hour or two before the hold, and pee as normal. this part basically gives your kidneys the heads-up that they're gonna be moving water fast bc you keep drinking it.
then do what you're implying—drink a glass every 15 minutes for a hour during which you can pee regularly
after that, you're holding. continue drinking at 15 minute intervals, and keep going until you lose control—the idea behind rapid desperation is that it makes this part go quickly because you've told your body to make pee faster, essentially.
this takes more planning than just like. not peeing for a long time. but it can get some interesting results. i would honestly recommend you try a couple regular holds before you go for rapid desperation, making sure not to go past the point of pain (discomfort is fine but pain you have to be careful about), because rapid desperation is one of the easier ways to have to worry about electrolyte balance (salt/potassium stuff) if you do it way too hard or way too fast. that said, i mentioned it because you were asking for specific challenges and it's a very fun one, just as long as you listen to your body.
remember, your safety comes before anything else—holding is good fun but it's important to learn what your body can and can't do, and to listen when it gives you signs to stop. you're very unlikely to hold so long you seriously hurt yourself, because the body usually gives up trying to hold it in before that's likely. but in rare cases you can experience water toxicity or overwork the muscles around your bladder if you go way too hard right out of the gate and don't listen to your body. try not to hold two days in a row when you're first starting out, and give yourself longer breaks of at least a few days between intense holds (where you actually lose control or get really close) to give your bladder and your muscles time to recover.
ok. that's the safety lecture over. it's not really that risky a kink, i just really wanted to stress how important listening to your body is when holding.
if you haven't done any holds yet, my first recommendation would be to drink liquids as normal, maybe slightly more than normal, and wait until they catch up to your bladder—eventually, if you keep drinking normally, you won't be able to hold any longer and will begin leaking or even wet yourself. even getting close to this is really thrilling. coffee/tea and other diuretics help get you more desperate, too. i typically wait until i'm right on the edge of wetting and then either go to the bathroom or (if i have the situation to) keep holding until i lose control. setting a timer that's a little overambitious usually also works for me because i tend to have a bit more bladder strength than i assume... but i've also been recreationally holding it for a pretty long time, all things considered.
thank you for reaching out! i hope my answers are helpful. i'm glad you enjoy my posts—might do a hold tomorrow or the next day or something, and it seems folks have been submitting anons for bladder control (which i love!!) so there will no doubt be more posts on the way.
i'll be asleep for a while once i post this, but feel free to send in any other questions you have via ask or dm! and of course, i always welcome talking about holds/experiences in my inbox!
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cdmodule · 2 years
In defense of Clock TPOT (and why he’s not ooc)
I’ve seen a lot of people insist that Clock’s character “got ruined” since TPOT but to me, the way he acts perfectly lines up with traits of his character seen since his introduction. Let me explain. (For future context, this was written right after TPOT 3)
Clock’s always been kind of… aggravating. • One of the earliest cases being how quick he is to condemn Liy, Icy, Teardrop and Bracelety and switch up on them, as early as BFB 1. You could look at the whole scene really, but mainly...
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Already in his first introduction he’s butting his head into conflict and goes by whatever seems right to him (rather than for example, finding a middle ground or being otherwise helpful). Also going from arguing with Liy to forming a truce with her after. I’ll get back to these later.
• On another point, In BFB 2 and a few times in BFB30-TPOT we see more of Clock carelessly talking to hosts and demanding answers. While he’s not unique to this, It adds a lot of boldness to his character. (Using just transcripts here to save space)
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• Looking back at BFB 10 Clock is the first one to not only ask for characters being recovered but also informs Four on who’s eliminated.
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To him, enforcing rules is important even If his fellow contestants are mad at him for it. Remember how I said he sticks his head into situations and does what he thinks is right? • Now… we're at the part where Clock disappears for almost the rest of BFB, until coming back in BFB 15.
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Not particularly sad, however frustrated at his team and doesn’t wanna hear it and leaves. He’s still hurt, which I feel like a lot of people forget when bringing up his change in TPOT. • Besides being forgotten by his whole team, throughout BFB Clock doesn’t exactly have friends to begin with. Think of another BFB character, and It’s likely they’ll at least have/had one other person. Clock is just kind of there.
Despite that, he’s VERY helpful for his team, often using his powerful clock-hands to win challenges, which is very important to him. The one time he made his team lose in BFB 6 he quickly gets embarrassed and defends himself. Speaking of defending himself….
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BFB 1 - BFB 6 - TPOT 3 (Last one doesn't have CC) It seems to be his default answer to confrontation. And It’s a shock to him every single time. Which shows that Clock doesn’t do this maliciously, but rather that it comes from a lack of understanding social situations. He’s restricted to his own ideas of what’s right or wrong (shown by. playing by his own rules, doing what he wants & sticking his head into situations he isn’t part of) and on top of that has difficulty reading others, being surprised by negative reactions because of it. Basically he lacks social skills. Of course that isn’t a free card to act unpleasant around others, but It’s a skill you gotta work on nonetheless. Clock has rarely shown interest in building friendships, like him hesitating to join a truce with Liy. The only time he’s been curious was in joining Loser’s or Winner’s team.
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With this in mind, It starts to make more sense why Clock is pushy and doesn’t get boundaries in TPOT. It’s nothing new! Just more blatant. (And also he wasn’t even around for a third of BFB) • His personality has been and is still developing in TPOT. The aforementioned traits have been pushed since he’s around Winner, adding a bit of obsessiveness too. But consider a few things: 1. His team forgot about him and he got frustrated and left. A change to his character after that wouldn’t be surprising 2. He never made friends and now actually found someone he’s interested in, even if that interest is One Sided (and honestly? It checks out w/ his lack of proper relationships) 3. Sometimes… people just act differently around other people. I mean he is a huge fan after all, See Point 2 again 4. We are in the middle of an “arc” and we don’t know how It’s gonna end yet And about that character development… • Something I noticed is that Clock never came off Genuinely sad and regretful (maybe in BFB 6 depending how you see his reaction to losing) until being rejected by Winner and not even getting to defend himself. This time he REALLY noticed he messed up.
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I assume this will be a turning point in how Clock acts and will try to be a bit more self aware of how he acts around others. That’s for future TPOT episodes though! But all in all, I think Clock becoming devoted to Winner to the point where It seems parasocial to some (though I’d argue that “parasocial” isn’t the right way to describe this, but that’s a different convo) is par for the course, considering his boldness and lack of social skills and relationships in BFB.  Thank you for reading <3
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prince-liest · 5 months
Oh, my. You know, I feel like you’ve managed to give Vox’s usage of “yellow” in that recent snippet more weight than if he were to have used “red”, lol. Maybe it’s just the fact that the two of them have only ever used the latter, or just the emotional context of when/how it was used, but it felt like a gut punch when I read it.
Alastor’s reaction is so lovely, too !! I love that he actually has an emotional reaction to it, that he panics. We got him, boys, deer in yellow stoplight! Get safeworded, bitch!
(And, just to quickly tangent, I found it interesting that Alastor specifically says that Vox “can’t see” his reaction. I’ve been wondering what that could have meant throughout the day—is he in a predicament somewhat like the next fic you’ve teased, where Vox is physically incapable of seeing certain things, or just Alastor’s observation that Vox is caught up in his own emotions and wouldn’t catch his?—but when I went back to refer to the snippet while writing this ask and caught that part again, I wondered if it was less about Vox and more about him? As in, “Vox needs me right now, so he cannot see me panicking; I need to be reliable, supportive, and I can’t do that if he notices that I’m also out of my depth.” Feels more obvious now, looking back at how it’s right before “and so he wrestles himself back under control”, lol, but! You leave it slightly ambiguous, and let the reader come to their own conclusion without making it too subtle or overt, and!! I love that style of writing SO much! Makes it feel hella rewarding to piece things together, and also incredibly susceptible to going back and reading into every other word, lol. Also, so much for “quickly tangent.”)
But, anyway. What I’m saying is that I just really appreciate the fact that that word got him to actually flinch. It speaks volumes about how far they’ve really come. I doubt Alastor would have been that affected by it had this been before part 6 (even if he’d have stopped either way)—although I also doubt that Vox would have used “yellow” instead of “red” back then, either. Again, something about the way you have it written in that snippet just! Makes it feel so much more impactful! I hesitate to say more intimate, but I feel a certain degree of trust and vulnerability that came from Vox there—that Vox trusts Alastor enough to feel like he would stop and check on him even if he hasn’t used what’s considered the worst of the worse. It’s just! Sweet, beneath the ostensive angst.
You are an incredible writer, I hope you have a nice day, 🫶.
This took me a while to get back to for irl reasons but I want you to know that I LOVED this comment! Honestly that snippet in general got a lot bigger of a response than I expected, aha, which is absolutely delightful.
And you are super on point with why I chose to have him call yellow instead of red! First of all, I think it's just pretty rare for me at least to see "yellow" get use in fics even though I think it has a very important role to play, and second of all because, yeah, they're finally getting to the point of, like. This is something that didn't jive, at all, and a re-orient is needed, but it's also not at the level of emotional carpet-bombing that their previous missteps have been at. Also, it's Vox: he genuinely does not want to stop, and it's not super evident from the snippet, but the reason he calls yellow is related to why he actively wouldn't want to put a halt to things.
And I'm glad that Alastor flinching stood out so much, haha. He's been on the back foot in terms of feeling like he's the one constantly being emotionally vulnerable in any way that matters (which: Vox has been incredibly vulnerable, but the impression Alastor gets is that it's all par for the course for Vox, who has been doing god knows what with Valentino for decades), and he's also extremely not keen on actually losing what he and Vox have going on in general, so: unfortunately he also now gets to learn that it's acutely not a great feeling to be on the other side of things, either.
Anyway, thank you so much! I'm having a lot of fun writing this installment right now, so I'm genuinely so delighted that the little preview of it has garnered so much anticipation, haha. <3
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mad-doodle-disease · 2 months
you caught an old boot
barney and tumbles' bobbers hit the water, sinking halfway into the water as the rest of the line sunk into the murky depths below. too murky to see what was down there. they chose a pier outlooking the ocean instead of a small pond. the fact that there were other places on the globe that weren't affected by the outbreak and were just having business as usual was... oddly comforting. cog nation, doodlevania, places completely unlike toontown, and places similar. all going about their daily life, without a care in the world. it gave the two toons hope that maybe, one day, this'll all be a distant memory they can laugh and make jokes about... maybe.
barney sighed, looking over at tumbles.
barney: i feel like you deserve an explanation. tumbles: explanation? barney: yes. for how... quickly, it seemed alton wanted to put you to work. he's stressed...
barney reeled in his line... barney caught a clown fish!
barney: ...he desperately wants us all to survive, but he also doesn't want to truly become... attached... to us. tumbles: oh? barney: yeah. he uh... there was an incident where one of the cogs got infected and bit a couple toons as well, one of those being freshie. he and the other guards had to... "put them down", as he so eloquently put it. the toons pleaded for their lives, despite knowing it had to be done. it hurt him. it hurt him in ways i never thought a cog could hurt, especially over toons...
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles caught a dog fish!
barney: alton thinks that, if he constantly puts us to work and doesn't see us often, he won't get attached. and if he isn't attached, he won't feel as bad if he has to kill us. tumbles: ...the head of the safehouse i used to stay at was, like, the exact opposite.
barney reeled in his line...
barney caught a cutthroat trout!
tumbles: he was a very extroverted guy. got to know all of us, got attached. he did put us to work but he also let us play and rest and just... have fun, maaan. barney: oh! that sounds great! why'd you leave? tumbles: ... barney: ... tumbles: i didn't... just... "leave". i didn't want to leave. it's just... i really don't want to talk about it... barney: why? tumbles: just... don't. don't ask. please.
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles caught a piano tuna!
tumbles: ... barney: oh, nice catch dude! those are really rare around here, normally you find those in mez-
tumbles rather roughly threw the piano tuna into his bucket, his heart racing as he was forced by a mere coincidence to remember.
barney: woah, uhh... did i hit a sore spot or something? tumbles: can you just... not mention mezzo? or pianos or... just. handle all the piano tunas for me, man.
barney raised an eyebrow, before shrugging.
barney: sure, dude. if you suspect you caught a tuna, just hand me your rod and i'll reel it in for you. tumbles: thank you.
the two toons continued to fish for a couple hours. the dock stretched far enough away from the mainland that they felt comfortable not having to look over their backs to see if any infecteds were about to attack them.
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles is struggling...
tumbles: this one is really heavy... barney: oh? it's probably a nice fat juicy fish, ooo...
tumbles caught a nurse shark!
tumbles: this any good? it is BIG.
barney's excited expression faded a bit, realizing it was a nurse shark.
barney: nah. throw it back. sharks, although big, don't exactly hold any nutritional value.
tumbles looked away for a moment, struggling to unhook the hook from the nurse shark's mouth without getting bit.
tumbles: maaaan, that's like... actually kind of interesting.
barney reeled in his line...
barney is struggling...
barney: yeah! in fact, eating shark meat can actually be detrimental to your health! they have a ton of mercury in them, which can make you really-
barney caught a-!
barney: AAAAAA-WHAT THE meow!?!?
barney threw his fishing rod in horror, losing it in the water. whatever he had hooked to his line sinked back into the depths, bringing the rod with it.
tumbles finally unhooked the nurse shark, letting it go before looking back over at barney, confused. all he heard was sudden screaming, he didn't get any context. barney, who was so calm and content just moments before, was now completely pale, looking as if he just saw a ghost.
tumbles: dude!? are you ok!? barney: ohmygod...ohmygod...
barney clasped his hand over his mouth, muttering incoherently to himself.
tumbles: what was that dude? what did you catch that made you lose your rod like that!?
barney quickly forced a smile, standing up rather quickly. he was twitchy, clearly violently uncomfortable.
barney: NOTHING! nothing! let's head back, we got our fish and i lost my rod. we should go back now. tumbles: but you're clearly- barney: let's. head. back.
tumbles sighed, before eventually relenting. he didn't know what barney saw, but it was clearly bad. and barney didn't want to acknowledge it at the moment. tumbles knew the feeling, so he let it go for now, he wasn't a hypocrite. the two toons grabbed their buckets containing each of their catches, before heading back to the safehouse.
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littledollll · 1 year
Missed opportunity
Morpheus x human!reader
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A/n: I have that line-
“And you never knew, how much I really liked you, ‘cause I never even told you. Oh and I meant to.” Back to the Old House, The smiths.
Stuck in my head so fuck it, let’s write.
(March 29)
A/n pt.2: guys I actually wrote something for the first time in like a month yesterday and I’m excited, I have started 3 requests started and I think ill actually get them done in at least a week, wish me luck :P
Warnings: Angst!, this takes place before during and after Morpheus’ imprisonment. Reader questions their sanity, unrequited love but not actually, both R and M are idiots in love. R dies:0.
Dream of the endless having friends was rare, them being human even more so. But somehow you managed to befriend him, from the second he stumbled across one of your dreams he was drawn to you.
He sought you out in the waking world, and you were every bit as captivating as he thought you to be and something about you just kept him coming back to you.
Your friendship flourished rather quickly, much to basically everyone’s surprise. Morpheus knew you to be kindhearted and friendly, beyond beautiful and energetic. Just being in your presence was enough to cure any sour mood of his. You became a constant in his life, part of his routine included visiting you for at least a few hours.
It was a scary feeling, to know you’re falling for someone, to not know how they feel about you. Realistically Morpheus could open one of the many books on your life and dreams and simply find the answers he was looking for but that’s not something he wanted. He wanted to learn about you as you revealed yourself to him, to know you person to person, just like any other human.
He felt completed by your very existence, but even the anthropomorphic personification of dreams was riddled by a very human thing, anxiety, overthinking. He wouldn’t risk losing your lovely smile, your charming personality, all for romanticism.
Years and years passed but he never told you. He was with you through new relationships and break ups, he helped you move in to your new apartment, he was with you when you ran into the stray cat you named Star and adopted into your home. Morpheus was a great friend, your best friend.
He wasn’t aware you felt them same for him, or that fear of losing his companionship was also the thing holding you back. In his mind you saw him as a very good friend, and that was it.
In your mind somebody as ethereal as him couldn’t possibly be interested in you. So you settled for his friendship, you both did.
After so many years of constant visits, Morpheus missing one day seemed like the end of the world. You had no way of contacting him, you never questioned how he just seemed to show up and join you, why would you when you were busy fawning over his dreamy eyes, oh the way they showed every emotion despite his cold exterior, you’d catch it if you just paid enough attention.
Days turned into weeks without sight or word from him. There was nothing or no one that could comfort you about this. It was him. He was your person and suddenly he was gone. Did you do something wrong to somehow push him away? Did you somehow imagine him?
You never got an answer. For the rest of your days you stayed convinced that it was all some sort of dream, or an illusion made up by your lonely mind, one that craved all that attention and well- love. Maybe he was a victim of that new Sleepy sickness, after all he disappeared around the same time it started, but then again, you had no way of knowing.
One hundred years. Of complete solitude, of weakness and vulnerability, of pain as grief, so much grief.
In the beginning Morpheus had hope, he had Jessamine who would occasionally be seen and attempt to help him out of this glass bubble. He had the hope of getting to see you some day soon. That he’d somehow make it out of here and everything would be as he left it, that hope was torn away bit by bit as the years passed.
He had no way of keeping track, truly he made no attempt to tell the day or time, he knew when night would come and a year would pass, and the years kept coming and coming, painfully slow and too fast all at the same time.
There was only one day that stood out to him, one that felt different from all the rest. This sudden ache in his heart, Despair coming to visit their dear bother once again as Death visited you. And that was it, the last bit of hope.
Making it out of that place proved to be a chore, not only was Morpheus physically weakened, emotionally too. He had duties though. A realm to rebuild and take care of, items to collect and people to meet with.
Distracted by all else it was only when Death approached Dream that he stopped to actually think about you. But he didn’t ask anything, Death knew her brother enough not to need his words.
“They lived a fulfilling life and died of old age. Star grew old with them as well.” A nod. “They say that she’s the only proof they had you existed at all. After you disappeared they were convinced you were fake, a product of loneliness or some weird illness.”
“They’ll never know.” There was no need for further explanations, was there something Death didn’t know anyways? “They knew. I wish you would have seen the relief on their face once we met. Like it answered every question they ever had. Forget how you loved them and how you showed it, they felt loved, I think that’s more than enough.”
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staticintone · 1 month
Ta da! Finally the RAM Wishlist, not including plots already in motion! Very much a self-indulgent little list, and some of them may involve more than one player or a multimuse willing to take on more than one. I am also willing to throw my Vox or Velvette into the mix as well.
Pocket Universe Ideas:
—The directives start to falter. No regaining of memory exactly, but things start slipping through the cracks.
—Give me a circumstance where Alastor has to break his promise and redo the Ordeal. I want him to struggle with that and treat Vox very differently as a result.
—Alastor goes too far and actually hurts him. Almost a one-sided fight.
—Give me any opportunities for Alastor to break his own directives, especially about Vox’s love for him. I want to see just how much it changes the dynamic between them, if at all.
—Vox breaks down and Alastor has to help him but quickly starts ignoring him.
—Alastor breaks down and Vox has to deal with it somehow. Could be extermination related.
—Obsessed with “I thought you were dead” plots. Please give it to me one way or another. Could get super twisted considering how possessive and protective Alastor is here.
—Soft interactions with a whole lot of implications.
—A rare situation where Alastor actually loses his patience with her. Would have to be plotted heavily in advance.
—He stops her from doing something and she snaps at him, showing bits of the person she used to be.
—Or the above but she resorts to childlike behavior. “I hate you!”
—A conversation where Alastor thoroughly convinces her that the Vees are to blame for Vox.
—The reverse, where she leaves the conversation positive that Alastor is lying.
—A confrontation when she discovers the truth.
—What if he actually convinced her it was for the best? I’m not sure how that would happen, but if someone’s interested we could try to plot it out.
—Husk finally confronts Alastor on the state of Vox and Niffty, whether out of genuine concern or righteous anger. This could end very badly, be warned.
The Vees (Valentino and/or Velvette):
—They have to meet up for one reason or another in public and play nice. Can involve Vox or Charlie or someone they don’t want to upset.
—Or, you know, they could fight.
Any Character:
—Someone ask him if he’s dating Vox. That’s funny to me and only me. Could even be Vox if combined with other ideas.
—Someone gets ahold of one of the broadcasts and broadcasts it again. Will most likely end badly.
Multiverse Ideas:
RAM’d Vox:
—I really want one of the Voxs to get clingy and start demanding that Alastor stop RAM’ing other Voxs because he doesn’t want to share Alastor any more than he already has to.
—One of the Voxs who’s meant to go back to their Alastor freaks out and demands to stay with RAM instead.
Non-RAM’d Vox:
—I really want a Vox to try and figure out what Alastor does by agreeing to see the Ordeal firsthand. Not being RAM’d but watching him do it to someone else. There are so many possibilities here.
—I want RAM Alastor to hand over a RAM’d Vox to his “keeper” and the Alastor actually appreciate it for a while. Until, you know, it becomes an issue later. Would involve a couple of people, and quite a bit of three way plotting. That or a multimuse or my own Vox maybe. It would probably be a long thread too.
—A canon Niffty figuring out the differences between her and RAM Niffty could be super interesting. Her meeting RAM Alastor could make her question her own Alastor in the process (which could be my main verse or something).
—Ask him why he has more than one Vox. Someone has to deal with all the extra TVs around here.
—An Angel outside of the RAM sphere isn’t necessarily bound by NDA. Start questioning Alastor and everyone around him.
—War of the gaslighters, especially if Alastor can get under Valentino’s skin because Vox loved him first and he actually “won”.
—What if I just RAM’d the King of Hell? How disastrous would that be?
Any RAM’d Character:
—Something goes horribly wrong during the Ordeal. I don’t know what but either your character dies or gets wrecked beyond all reason.
—Something goes wrong during the Ordeal in the opposite direction. It absolutely fails and your character deals with the consequences in a completely different way.
Any non-RAM’d character:
—Try to steal his Voxs. Obviously they’d have to agree to it too, but you know.
—Try to kill Alastor and fail. As of now, the only one who I’ll allow to kill him is Vito, but I want a fight that ends badly for everyone involved.
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ateezyuri · 1 year
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“what’s in my bag? i don’t even know what’s inside.”
“so to start off with, i have this makeup bag that mingi got me for my birthday last year!”
“i just have the necessity’s in here — moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation, concealer, powder, mascara, blush, brow gel, contour, lip gloss, all those life savers. it’s really handy for when i wake up an hour late and have to do my makeup in the car. i think that’s why mingi even bought it for me.”
“if i had to pick my favorite item from this i would probably pick my benefit brow setter and my rare beauty lip oil in the shade happy, rare beauty is my favorite makeup brand ever, the makeup is so pigmented and it’s run by selena gomez, it’s a win win.”
“when i first got my purse, i got really excited and just started shoving everything in there, and i quickly figured that i wouldn’t be able to find anything or things would get broken, so i put everything in pouches. i have another pouch, which is chanel, again! i think this was given to me as a gift after my first chanel photo shoot.”
“but in here, i have just a bunch of mini toiletries. i have a mini native deodorant, my favorite scent is coconut and vanilla, it smells so so good.”
“next i have some hair ties, bobby pins, safety pins, and a claw clip. i also have a tiny mirror in here as well.”
“this perfume is literally my favorite perfume ever, it’s the YSL LAVALLIERE. it makes me smell so so good, i have the actual perfume bottle but it’s in my room, for now i’m just keeping the sample in my purse. but it’s literally the best perfume, it lasts so long, and i love to put it on after i work out or after practice, and sometimes when the boys are really stinky i spray them too.”
“lastly, i have some hand sanitizer, hand lotion, a mini dry shampoo bottle, a mini hair brush, and mini toothbrush and toothpaste. i know it’s a lot, but this is the bag that comes with me everywhere, and i mean everywhere.”
“in this pouch, i just have a few things that i may need throughout the day. first, i have some advil, i have some cough drops, and then i have the powdered electrolyte mixers that you put in water! i also have some mints in here as well. super helpful on days where we are performing!”
“are you kidding me?!? *yuri sighs when she picks up the charger — that looked like it was on the verge of breaking.* i looked for this EVERYWHERE, and it was in my purse the whole time?”
“hey, don’t make fun of my charger, atiny. it works PERFECTLY fine.”
“i used to be an airpod girly but they kept falling out of my ears when i was working out so now i use headphones. i only use my airpods when i’m in my bed now.”
“okay don’t judge — but when you’re waiting to perform or for others to get ready, it can get very boring. i find coloring mini fairies very therapeutic in stressful times.”
“you gotta have them — they are a NECESSITY. i think i need to restock my eye drops though — i used them all after i held staring competitions with all the boys yesterday on vlive. i won all of them, by the way.”
“what do you mean “did they know of these competitions?” of course they did! they just chose to lose like the losers they are.”
“if you know me, you know i always need some snacks. in my purse i have some protein bars and cookies, and then it look like i have some sea salt seaweed crisps. a very interesting combination, but they are really good when i have low energy!”
i have my eye glasses and then a case for my contacts as well as solution! after schedules my eyes get really dry or if the air quality is bad i like to take my contacts out and put my glasses on! or if i want to take a nap i take them out, before i used to just take a nap in my studio with them in and they would fall out and i had a lot of dried contacts everywhere, so hongjoong made me start taking them out. he was tired of finding contacts everywhere he sat i guess.”
lastly, here is my wallet! i have my keys attached to it because sometimes i just grab my wallet when i’m just going to the store or something, i only haul my purse around when i really need it.”
tags: @atzaria @ateezjuliet @m00niesk7 @btsnvra @softieteez @shinyddeonghwa @girlzwfun @still-astray @txt-yaomi @kittiverse @billboard-singer @mrk-lees [send an ask to be included or removed]
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jihyocentric · 1 year
Ok as much as I love angel sana and demon jihyo i got to give my opinion about demon sana and angel jihyo
so, I don't know of you've ever seen the seven deadly sins but meliodas, the main protag, was a general of the demon army and he represents the sin of wrath, also known has 'the dragons wrath' and I'm basing demon sana off of him
Just like angel sana, demon sana would also be a war general and it would be interesting if she represented the sin of wrath, imagine demon sana has a serious and sarcastic nature and has to control her anger very often as to not lose control and annihilate thousands of living beings
On the other side, there's angel jihyo, the kindest,, warmest angel in existence, and the angel who soon becomes sana's rock, who keeps her grounded and who steals all of her attention away
The only thing she keeps thinking about is how pretty jihyo is, how small she seems and how she needs to be protected, every day and night there's only 'jihyo jihyo jihyo' running through her mind
angel jihyo has the most dangerous demon general wrapped around her tiny pinkie, the same demon who's constantly demanding cuddles from her little angel as she likes the feeling of jihyos body in her arms, I'd also like to add that since wrath is represented as a dragon, then sana could have a dragon like tail and the ability the cover her body, or parts of her body, in scales, like it's armour
She likes to wrap her tail around jihyo and jihyo actually likes the feeling of some of sanas scales against her skin
jihyo is also the only one that can make sana's anger dissappear by just touching her anywhere, the feeling of jihyos body against her own immediately calms her down
If her anger is too extreme jihyo might just sink down on her knot and stay there until sana forgets what made her angry in the first place and focus on pleasing her little angel 🤭
like demon jihyo, sana's horns are a sensitive spot and she really likes it when angel jihyo touches them, which usually is jihyos way of teasing sana and making her all horny, knowing exactly what she'll get for teasing her partner
Just because jihyos a kind angel it doesn't mean she doesn't like to tease sana whenever she wants, she likes to bend down in front of her, stroke her horns and tail, run her hands through sana's body, feeling it tense under her touch, whispering about what she wants sana to do to her in the most random place possible
She likes to get sana all raring to go, making her frustrated and making use of her pent up anger to get the best pounding of her life, who would have thought that the sweetest angel liked to be kinky
Damn sorry it got long I really wasn't expecting an ask this big
(don't apologize!! i love asks like these and this one specifically is making me think abt so many things 😵‍💫)
so sana probably lived as a silent individual before she met jihyo, because even thinking about talking to people or fellow demons already made her angry. people are annoying and demons get under her skin way too quickly. it's probably not even their fault, sana just doesn't really... like anybody? it's out of her control
demon sana x angel jihyo will always make me think about corruption kink and i mean actual corruption. after a while of being with sana, jihyo might get bold and not see sex as promiscuous or morally depraved anymore — well she probably loses all of her grace honestly, so there's no reason for her to be hesitant. it's good, it makes her feel good and she might have lost her old life because of it, but it was worth it.
but jihyo didn't always think that way. jihyo used to be the purest and never once in her life she thought about deviating, and that's what made sana keep insisting, keep pushing her until she got something, and when she did, it felt fulfilling like it was everything sana had missed while keeping herself recluse.
and sana probably thought she'd only have her fun with an innocent angel and then leave her for good, but she can't leave jihyo. she's the only thing that keeps her sane. sana soon finds out that there were healthier ways to control her wrath, like keeping jihyo on her mind 24/7. since jihyo probably loses her home due to associating herself with a demon, she definitely sticks with sana, so she's always there to prevent sana from getting stressed.
i'm actually audibly giggling while typing this but imagine demon sana with her pointy horns and scary-ish dragon tail suddenly hugging jihyo, burying her head into jihyo's neck and going 'can i kill them all?' and jihyo knows sana wants to do that but she's still cute and sana wouldn't just end someone without a reason, at least not after meeting jihyo. so jihyo says that sana can't, but that sana can do whatever she wants with her.
and honestly nobody will ever know what jihyo did to give sana some control. nobody will ever guess what her methods are, even demons. that's because jihyo just looks so pure and innocent that they would never guess that she's out there suggesting for sana to knot her instead of doing harm.
i like to think that jihyo keeps sana on edge all the time because she's always so genuinely good and yet naughty... she'd keep thinking about their first time together and how much jihyo has changed, all because of her. this change is minimum and only sana would notice as she's the one who sleeps with jihyo every night, but it's there.
and when sana feels like she has fully corrupted jihyo, she quickly remembers that jihyo is still too innocent for her own good and that she needs to be protected from people/demons like herself, who'd see jihyo as prey and do their best to have her... sana did it, yes. but she's the only one who can! jihyo has learned interesting things, but she's still just a little angel who has no evil in her heart
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yukine-sakamoto · 29 days
Review of Cells at Work: Code Black
I know it’s in the name, but this show was dark. I was expecting something a little closer to the light-hearted slice-of-life of the original, but this was depressing. It was interesting to see how the body responds to adverse conditions, so the educational draw was still there. However, they throw a lot at you pretty quickly, so it’s not like I’ll really remember any of it. I certainly don’t remember much from the original. I did appreciate that there was a bit more characterization and plot in this one. The issues that the body faced each episode built up and the stress affected the characters. But I can’t say I really enjoyed watching all these characters nearly or fully lose it because of the stress and trauma of their work, and there really wasn’t much character depth other than that.
I mainly wanted to watch this show because it featured a strong girl (WBC) protecting a relatively weaker boy (RBC), which is a dynamic I like and is so very rarely seen. (Kinda messed up that role reversal is only seen in the unhealthy body, not sure what they’re trying to say there.) I thought I was just being a perv, but apparently the artists had a similar idea. I won’t lie, I liked the WBCs’ designs. They’re tall, strong, confident, busty, dressed for action, and wield katanas. And, I could have appreciated a bit of fan service, but I think they went a little too hard. The tonal whiplash between watching the cells’ repeated near-death experiences and the copious boob shots was very difficult to process. The uniforms were nice but the plunging neckline felt out of place, and honestly some times the chests looked like they were drawn by amateurs, like, two big circles sticking straight out instead of the sort of tear-drop shape with actual gravity. And the characters weren’t deep enough to have any kind of real romance anyway. There were some cute moments but not much. I mean I knew it wasn’t a romance show going in but still.
I thought the show was a tad preachy as well. Like it felt very clear that it was urging people to lead healthier lives as well as commenting on work culture, especially Japanese black companies (thus the name). I think the weight of the work commentary is somewhat lost on a foreign audience, and while it’s not bad to encourage people to care for themselves, I don’t want to feel guilty while I’m trying to relax and watch tv. It was odd in the ED episode especially that they seemed to take a negative stance toward casual sex. I think that’s actually a very unhealthy stance to espouse, and it wasn’t really as scientific. Sperm die all the time no matter what your sex life is, so it’s weird for a cell to get worked up over it. Plus it felt strange coming after the episodes on smoking and alcohol, which are different and obviously unhealthy. It was honestly strange to spend a whole episode fixated on this guy’s boner. I mean sure, the follow up episode on STIs kind of makes sense, safe sex and all that, but those two came off with a different vibe for me.
Overall, it was decently enjoyable though somewhat forgettable: 7/10.
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