#it’s absolutely baffling to me
my dad is convinced with every fiber of his being that i’m going to go through 4 years of college to be a teacher and then absolutely hate teaching and regret every life decision i’ve ever made
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sleepyminty · 1 month
He’s a babygirl, he’s a bottom, he’s a war criminal, he’s a ruthless motherfucker, he’s a tortured soul. He hate himself, he got a god complex, he’s a poweful entity but the most helpless creature on the planet, he’s a flawed man, he’s a savior, he’s a creator, he’s capitalism, he’s the apple to others and a monster to the latter. he’s the villain of his own story, he’s the best and worst parental figures, he got friends and in a polycule yet he’s the loneliest person in the world. He wanted in every plane of existence, there’s also a religion dedicated to him. He eat raw onion for breakfast, he has depression, he has autism, he has iron defficiency, he’s the messiah and the devil, he’s the modern prometheus. He loves his family, he subject his family into horror beyond comprehension. He overturn the foundation of the narratives for the better or worst. He’s a walking abnormality, he’s the singularity, he’s the world. He’s doomed by the narratives, he haunted the narratives, he is the narratives, he loves coat. He’s playing 5D chess with multiversal time travel but dont know how to use the microwave. He 10 steps ahead while also the biggest idiot. Everyone hates him as much as they love him
And he fucking look like this
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pirategrime · 11 months
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wasongo · 7 months
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Nil and I decided to read ACCA 13 after watching it some months ago. I wanted to draw the Lilium brothers (because I'm in love with them) and Grossular.
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jacarandaaaas · 6 months
I feel like this fandom is going backwards when people deny luisa is a feminine character. nobody is claiming she’s feminine because of things like crying and having emotions but she quite literally is shown wanting to be feminine in the bridge of surface pressure the part where she talks about what she desires. Also it’s a very conscious choice to make her feminine when you read the art book and see how they wanted to break the stereotype of masculine= muscles. The whole point is luisa wants to be seen as MORE than her gift. She never got to embrace her femininity the way the other madrigal girls did because she’s always working! Why are we trying to make it out to be a bad thing that luisa is feminine? there’s already so many female characters portrayed as masculine for having muscles and encanto is one of the only times they consciously wanted to break that. let luisa wear a twirly skirt and like glitter you cowards
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angelinthefire · 9 months
seriously I don't get this idea that Dean gets jealous when someone flirts with Cas. Not when we've seen precisely the opposite happen on the show more than once.
Dean loves it when someone flirst with Cas. It's entertaining to him.
It brings Cas down to the level of a human dude. For a moment he's just a regular guy having a regular experience, and Dean loves that. He's absolutely jazzed at the idea of Cas having sex with a woman. It makes Cas like him. It makes him accessible.
It's also kind of a joke to Dean. Because he knows Cas doesn't know what to do with flirting, and doesn't really have an interest in it. It's funny.
It also poses zero threat to Dean. The flirter just thinks that Cas is some hot guy. They have no idea what he is or what he's like. They don't really see him, they just see what he looks like. Dean is the one who really sees Cas, and the one who really likes him.
The only time that Dean reacts negatively to someone flirting with Cas is Meg because a) he already hates her, and b) she seems to develop a genuine connection with Cas.
But flirting in and of itself does not threaten Dean's relationship with Cas.
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romanitas · 2 months
friends, pals, countrymen, etc - here we are nearly ten years later with the final installment of my percabeth spy au. still kind of shocked after all this time i managed to finish it, but thanks for coming along for the ride! <3
here it is on ao3 ! this one's for you, spy au anons. -
Annabeth goes to the stupid aquarium. 
It takes her over a week to decide to use the tickets, if only as a favor to Sally. It takes her another few days of backtracking through old notes, determined to make sure she goes on one of the days Percy isn’t volunteering. She logics herself into it by determining it’ll be a conclusion - she’ll create the real ending for herself where she started it all first. One more visit, because she honestly doesn’t know if she’ll be able to hit up this particular aquarium ever again. She can say goodbye and create her own bookend. 
She wears her owl earrings, matched with a pair of leggings, with pockets, and a long tunic with an old jean jacket split open at one elbow. She doesn’t get to dress down much, with most of her wardrobe often carefully calculated for the task at hand. Today her only task is to look at some fucking fish and maybe get a strawberry milkshake from the overpriced cafeteria. She doesn’t even brush her hair. She thinks about inviting someone to come along, given she has two tickets, but she’s struck with the notion that she wouldn’t even know who to task. 
Reyna? Ridiculous. She’d get called out immediately for it being a bad idea. She almost texts Frank, but decides she needs to do this by herself. Maybe there’s a family she can pass off the other ticket to and that can be her good deed of the day. Sally would approve. 
She arrives at the lunch rush, slipping into the jellyfish quarter while most of the families are scurrying off to eat. She likes to say she thinks long and hard about her life, but mostly she allows herself to be distracted by the way they light up against the dark tanks. They float aimlessly and Annabeth wonders what the sensation is like as she watches them swim idly around, to be so weightless and mindless. 
She walks through the shark tunnel, dodging around running children. She spends a moment studying the arch of the tunnel itself, smiling to herself before she realizes. Maybe there’s a world out there where she did go the architecture route instead of espionage recruitment out of college. She doesn’t want to think about that, not when there are fish to observe. There are so many fish. Too many fish. If she’s honest with herself, they start to blur together after a while, and only the brightly colored ones stand out. 
Part of her hates to admit it, but she starts to feel calmer. Steadier. Like when she walks out of this place, she’ll be Annabeth Chase again and ready to stop moping like a goddamn idiot. 
She probably shouldn’t have saved the penguins for last. 
There are babies now, and Annabeth finds herself smiling at them in the tank. They don’t look too young, but she can’t tell how far from infancy they are at this point. She’s no expert. She just has wikipedia. She tries to remember what she’s read or learned about them, and even though she’d rather not think of the source, she’s not sure she’ll ever forget the facts. 
She’s watching one of the babies slowly and carefully slide into the water when she hears him. 
Her entire body freezes, and she wants to disappear, maybe into one of the artificial icebergs. She looks sideways in the glass and finds the warped reflection of Percy Jackson staring at her from the left. Unfortunately for her desire to submerge, the glass is only transparent for eyes and not bodies. She takes a deep breath without moving her chest and slowly, carefully turns around, looking into his face for the first time in weeks. 
He looks tired. 
Percy stares at her, befuddled, but he’s made the first move by calling out to her. She hadn’t seen him. He could have just walked away and left her ignorant to his existence, but he hadn’t. And maybe it’s just his ADHD, but she selfishly thinks maybe he made the choice to get her attention - which means she has no choice of her own but to acknowledge him in return. 
She swallows. And then she gestures stupidly at the baby penguin behind her. “Did you know baby penguins have to be at least four months old before they can swim? It’s their feathers. They aren’t waterproof at birth.” 
He continues staring at her, and she has to fight the urge to literally run away. “I do know. I’m pretty sure I told you that.”
Shit, he did, didn’t he? She had pre-gamed enough penguin facts to steer their first conversation, but anything and everything she learned since came from his wealth of aquatic knowledge. “Oh. Yes. I just - there are babies now.” 
“Born just over four months ago,” he says, and his tone is the faintest bit teasing.
“Hatched by the males,” she adds on, without thinking. Like his attention to her architectural rants, she seems to have absorbed far too much about penguins, because she could keep going, and it’s only force of will that she doesn’t. 
His mouth quirks, almost a smile. She doesn’t know what to do with that. She wasn’t sure she’d get to see him smile again, stuck with the image of only his anger as a final parting gift. 
“Did you put a tracker on me?”
Annabeth doesn’t know what to do with that either, and she sputters. It’s ungraceful. Unprofessional. And she feels ashamed, despite the way his tone still sounds like a joke. “No - Percy, no, that’s - ”
He grimaces. “Sorry. It was a joke. I’m trying to not be awkward. It’s not working.”
She would very much like the earth to swallow her up. 
“I wouldn’t,” she insists, finally. Like she needs him to know that. 
He pauses. “Jason?”
Annabeth wrinkles her nose. She hates this turn of conversation, but she wants to let him steer it this time. “There were never any trackers.” 
“What are you doing here?” he asks, pivoting away on his own. 
“I’m visiting the penguins,” she says, with only sincerity. He studies her, like he’s trying to gauge how truthful it is. She fidgets, then adds on, “You weren’t supposed to be here.” 
He actually looks shyly taken aback. “I changed my days at the station. I thought it might be…” Safer, is the word he wants to use, she knows it, but instead he lets it hang in the air. “So I had to switch my day here too.”
Annabeth thinks she really should have accounted for that, because Percy can be obtuse but he’s not stupid. It was probably one of the first things he would have done, and she feels stupid for not considering it in her own plans. 
“Your mom gave me the tickets,” is what she says next in lieu of anything else. That’s part of why she’s here, duty to a simple kindness from Sally Jackson. 
Percy’s expression becomes puzzled. “You saw my mom?” 
Oh. That surprises her too. She assumed Sally would have passed it along. She nods. She does not say anything about her own conversation with his mother, because that means he really is here by pure happenstance, and she doesn’t know what to make of that. Everything about her interactions with Percy Jackson from the start has been pure calculation, and right now she feels like she is flying on the seat of her pants. There’s no end game, no goal, just spontaneity. 
Maybe she should lean into that instead. 
“She bought me a coffee.” 
“That… sounds like her.” He pauses. “I didn’t tell her anything. About - you know, your job stuff. All she knows is we broke up.”
He says it like it’s such a normal occurrence. They broke up, like a real couple does. They broke up, they’re no longer together, and not because she shot a man in front of him and lied about her entire existence. “She was probably too nice to me,” she admits. 
Percy looks up and studies her again, and she swallows nervously, both under his expression and the way he doesn’t refute her comment about his mom. “What did she tell you?”
There is a part of her that feels like she shouldn’t go there, but the other, louder, part of her doesn’t want to lie to him ever again. “She - she said you were miserable.”
His shoulders deflate. “Well. She’s not wrong.”
Annabeth stares at him. 
“Look,” he starts, running a hand through his hair. It makes the dark strands stick up in multiple directions, and she needs to clamp down on the urge to fix it for him like she used to. “I was really mad. Part of me still is. But… it was real to me, you know? I can’t just erase what I feel. I’m still working through it.” 
Her expression falls, her shoulders heavy too. “For what it’s worth,” she starts, not sure it’s worth much of anything, “I’ve been miserable too.” 
Percy’s face scrunches up. “Even though it was fake?”
She bites her lip. “I might have met you under false pretenses. But I wasn’t lying to you, when I told you it wasn’t fake to me anymore. I spent so much time with you that I found myself wishing more than anything else it was real. I promise. If you believe one thing I say, believe me now when I promise that I’m never going to lie to you again.” 
He looks up at her, green eyes scrutinizing her like she’s under a microscope. Instead of trying to hide or put up a front, Annabeth simply lets the unhappiness hang on her like a shroud. Her bag is falling off her shoulder, the dark circles almost feel physical beneath her eyes, and her hair is a borderline rat's nest. She was always very carefully put together in front of him, even when she was trying to appear casual. Nothing about her right now is pre-planned for Percy. In some ways, she’s glad for it. 
He just watches her, and his frown deepens. She bites her lip and resists the urge to look away at the penguins. 
“Okay,” he says, after a too long silence, and she stares at him like he spoke in Greek. “I believe you.”
Her jaw drops, but she smoothly closes it. Her voice is quiet, anxious, startled and hopeful all at once, and she can’t seem to compartmentalize any of it. “You do?”
Percy purses his lips, like he can’t believe what he’s saying either. “I’ve never seen you like this,” he says, gesturing, and Annabeth’s face goes red at her dishevelment. “It feels like I’m looking at the real Annabeth, you know?”
She barks out a laugh, then covers her mouth. “Sorry, that wasn’t - I’m just not really fit for polite company. Fish notwithstanding.” 
“Yeah,” he says, and he grins a little. “I think that’s why I believe you.” 
Annabeth swallows anxiously and blinks back a sudden onslaught of tears. “I’m sorry, Percy. I know it was my job, but you’re so… good. At some point, it started to feel like I wasn’t pretending. I realized I really, really liked being around you. Being your friend, being with you. You didn’t deserve me lying to you, regardless of how it started.”
The last time she apologized, they were arguing. Now he just looks at her. “Thank you,” he says. It’s not quite forgiveness, it’s not an ‘it’s okay’ or the standard follow up etiquette of apologies, but it’s better, she thinks, because it feels genuine. Like he is accepting the truth of it, that she is sorry, and the fact that he believes it settles in her in an odd way. 
“Are you still… you know. Uh, working?” 
She nearly laughs at his word choice. “I’m on break. And I’m not - I was pulled from the Jupiter Industries stuff. So I’m not… working.” 
“So you’re literally just here at the aquarium for fun?” 
She hesitates, though she doesn’t know why. “Yes. And, well, you know - Sally gave me the tickets. I felt like I should use them, after our conversation.” She pauses. “I think she’s worried about you.”
Percy runs a hand through his hair again. She knows he hates stressing his mother. She knows so many things about him that she can’t seem to put down. “She always worries too much. Can I ask what else she said to you?”
It’s phrased in a way that she could turn him down, but Annabeth has promised herself as well as him that she’s in the running to be honest. 
“She asked me if I wanted to fix things with you. I told her I didn’t know if I could.” It’s not all she asked. Annabeth just doesn’t know how to bring the other part up, or if she even should.
Percy frowns. “Do you… actually want to fix things?” 
Annabeth draws in a quiet breath. “I miss you,” she admits, and his face twists with surprise and what could be relief, but maybe she’s projecting. “But I wasn’t lying when I told her I didn’t know if I could. I hurt you. It’s not up to me to forgive myself for it, no matter how much I miss you.”
His frown deepens, but he doesn’t look unhappy - more like thoughtful. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me,” he mumbles. 
“I don’t think she wanted to interfere too much,” she offers quietly. “There’s one more thing.”
Percy looks up at her. 
Annabeth swallows again, but this time she’s pushing down her pride. “She asked me if I loved you.”
He looks at her carefully. “What did you tell her?”
She keeps his gaze. “I said I did.” She curls in on herself a little. “I do.”
Something in Percy Jackson deflates, but not in a way that suggests loss. It’s like he’s stopped carrying a heavy box. His shoulders sink, even if his face looks as confused as it does lighter. “It’s like everything in me wants to believe it. And I think I do,” he starts. 
Annabeth’s stomach flutters. 
“It’s crazy. Like, it’s so crazy to me that you still love me, because everything about it is so… wrong? No, not wrong - but we started wrong. We started wrong, but everything I felt was still so real. The bad and the good. I was really scared at that restaurant, for the obvious reasons - but I think I was scared about what it meant for us too.” Percy puffs out a breath of air, and his eyebrows crinkle. “I don’t have a good sense of self-preservation.”
Annabeth can barely breathe. She holds herself back from reaching for his arm. “Do you think… we could start over, and do it right?”
Percy studies her again, wary but curious. “What, like a do-over?”
“I guess. A re-meet.”
“A real meet-cute?”
She cracks a small smile. “I mean, I did run into you randomly in the aquarium.”
“Happenstance fishes.”
“We’re by the penguins,” she corrects, automatically. “Happenstance birds.”
Percy cracks his own smile, dimple pinching his cheek. “Did you know the babies don’t swim until they’re four months old?”
Annabeth’s smile widens. “You know, someone might have told me that already,” she starts. “But I could use a refresher.” 
“I’m still on shift,” he says, a little awkwardly. “But I’ll be done in about two hours.”
It takes a few moments for what he offers to sink in. It doesn’t seem fair or right to her at all that Percy Jackson is here before her, yet again in front of the stupid penguins, willingly telling her when he’s finished - offering to spend more time with her. But it’s better this time. There’s no frustration on her part, no trying to drag it out of him - he’s offering because he’s also offering her a chance, and Annabeth knows she is going to take it, regardless of how much she deserves it. She’s going to work to deserve it. Neither of them were forced to be here. She isn’t coercing him into a date. She’s letting him lead it. 
And he’s still choosing to see her. 
“I still have to visit some octopi,” she says, nerves alight, “But I could meet you back here in two hours…?” 
Percy’s silence is scary, but Annabeth gives him the time. It’s a final shot for him to back out if he wants to, and she won’t even blame him if he changes his mind even now. But he’s Percy. And somehow, she isn’t surprised by his answer. 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Annabeth is going to cry all over again. She holds out her hand instead, and even though he gives her a confused look, Percy takes it. She shakes it, relishing the feeling of his palm against hers, the warmth spreading through her fingers as he squeezes it. She thought she’d never get to experience his touch again. 
“Hi,” she starts, feeling silly, but allowing herself to run with it. No more thinking or calculating, she’s just going with this strange flow. “I’m Annabeth Chase.”
He laughs, his own smile edging on silly too. “Percy Jackson. Hey.”
“Do you work here?” she asks, trying not to smile and failing completely. 
He shakes his head. “I just volunteer. I’m a firefighter.”
“You got some kind of affinity for water?”
He breaks into a grin that’s almost a laugh. “I’ve always liked the ocean.” He pauses then, hesitation slipping into his face. “What about you?” 
She studies his face, the kindness and the anger and everything in between flashing through her head. She’s already memorized it, but she can still bask in it anew. She doesn’t really know where she’s going from here, least of all with Percy, but she once again opts for honesty, even if nothing comes of it. “I’m thinking I might get into architecture.”
Percy looks surprised. “Sounds like a big change.”
Annabeth pulls her hand away, straightens her shoulders. “Sometimes a person comes along and gives you a whole new perspective on things.”
“Yeah. We’ll see. I’m working on it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.” 
“I think,” he says, hesitating, “You should do what makes you happy.” 
She laughs. “Again,” she says, quieter this time, “I’m working on it.” 
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re kind of hyper-competent.”
“Only kind of?” 
Percy snorts. “I just mean, you’ll probably figure it out.” 
She looks at him in wonder, that he could still stand there and offer a kindness to her after everything. It doesn’t surprise her, if she really thinks about it. She fell in love with him for a reason, after all. For a lot of reasons.
“I want you to know me,” she says suddenly, which goes against every single part of her existence as a spy, but Percy has already broken through all of those rules. She wants to be known, by him specifically, which is wildly scary and completely against all manner of protocol, but she is no longer lying to him. She promised. She promised and she wants to open up everything about herself that she’s kept quiet for him to witness. 
Percy’s mouth opens and closes like a nearby fish. “I know you like owls. That wasn’t fake.”
She blinks, and he gestures at her earrings. She touches one instinctively. “They’re my favorite. So is strawberry, and I do really love Gaudí, and I’m starting to really like penguins too.” 
“The penguins are pretty cool,” he says with a very small smile. 
A quiet settles over them after that, but Annabeth finds it’s not uncomfortable. There is going to be some awkwardness, but the thing about it right now is it doesn’t feel scary. All the scariest parts are behind her, and right now she is only looking at the new possibility of Percy Jackson in her life, in whatever capacity he allows. She’ll take any of it. He gets to set the pace this time, and she’s more than willing to allow it. 
“Thank you,” she says, finally. “For giving me another chance.” 
His grin is haphazard, lopsided, and maybe a little self-deprecating. “When I saw you standing there, there was a part of me that wanted to keep walking - but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Maybe it makes me a little stupid. I really want to know you too. I want to keep knowing you.”  
“I’ve been stupid too,” she says with a shrug. “So we’re off to a great start.” 
“A start,” he says, huffing a laugh. “Not many people get to do that twice.” 
“No,” she agrees. “I thought I was coming here for an ending.”
Percy blinks at her. “I don’t really know what’ll happen, Annabeth.”
“That’s okay,” she says, breathing in deeply and relishing the way the air fills her lungs. She doesn’t know either. But that’s better than finality. “We can work on that too.”
His eyes flicker with a softness she knows she still doesn’t deserve, but she relishes in that too. “So… I guess I’ll see you again in about two hours?” He pauses. “We can get smoothies.”
“I like the Strawberry Whirl.” 
He pauses again. “I knew that had to be true.”
Annabeth laughs, and Percy beams, and she thinks somehow, some way, they’re going to be… okay. It might take time. She doesn’t know what it’s going to look like, fully expects a lot of difficult bridges, but it feels like a real chance she hadn’t expected. They could be friends. They could end up more. They could go absolutely nowhere and fall apart much more naturally, more smoothly, without blood and bullets - but she’s going to try very hard to avoid that. She’s going to be herself, and maybe that’ll be good enough for him to stick around. It’s the only way she’s going to enable the mere chance of it. 
As far as she’s concerned, anything involving Percy from now on is always going to be real. 
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Every now and then I remember there are people who believe Endeavor deserves/deserved his redemption/atonement arc, but Bakugou doesn’t and I just….
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3liza · 4 months
every time I see the big black "songs about fucking" cover i remember jakey bought a "funny" t shirt with the cover photoshopped so the lady was holding a bad poker hand. and I asked him what the joke was and he said "she looks mad because her cards are bad" and he wasn't being wry or ironical, that's just what he thought "jokes" were about half the time. a joke is when a familiar thing is slightly different. this got him enough false positives on his guesses about what a joke was that it just reinforced his lack of comprehension about the concept of humor. he kept buying t shirts like this, about half of them were actual jokes and the rest were either so lame they weren't actually even funny in a shitty tshirt way, but merely confusing, or were not jokes at all and instead were just "hey remember thing you've seen before?" but not even in a novel context or anything. but he thought they were jokes, and would laugh at them
I'm never going to be able to move past this because it's impossible to receive any sort of explanation for something the person holding the misapprehension believes to be self evident and thus inexplicable
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kelocitta · 5 months
"But if we dont get reblogs and likes than why bother creating at all" Did you never doodle in your notebook in class. Did you never have a notebook of cringe doodles you never wanted people to see but got filled anyway. Was this never something you did because it was a tool of personal comfort.
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houseswife · 9 months
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casdeans-pie · 27 days
Watching a video essay about the spn finale and feeling my soul ascend over the words "Castiel was a fan favourite but I think the writers might have hated him"
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benbamboozled · 2 years
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ratatatastic · 4 months
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im sorry you had your mouthguard hanging out your mouth while playing and get thrown down by trouba to the ice—
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but you only put it in properly AFTER the play is finished once you vacated the ice whilst on the bench notoriously a place where you definitely need a mouthguard to absorb shock?
everyday his thought process absolutely baffles me
new york rangers @ florida panthers game 3 | 5.26.24
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bonus benchcam shenanigans after his shift where he uses that thing like a stim toy then proceeds to take it out to which he continues to chew aggressively like he forgot he took it out babygirl ily but you have issues please keep that thing in yeah?
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daandori · 10 months
stealing a fucking mako x prince wu amv instead of just using a clip from the show is just. absolutely bespoke
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redjennies · 3 months
it finally happened. I always said it would happen, and it finally happened. after years of dancing around saying "all Mediterranean people are actually POC," the Dragon Age fandom finally resurrected the old white supremacist "Italians (particularly Southern Italians) aren't really white because of the Moors" talking point.
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sincerely, here's a pro-tip for not sounding like the fucking Klan: if there's historic weird European racism involved, saying a group of people aren't "white white" is always going to sound like you're validating that racism. and that's because not being "white white" is exactly what the racism is about, arbitrarily deciding who is and isn't white by the supposed purity of their European lineage.
it's fine to say "there are, in fact, lots of Italians with darker skin tones, who have been historically discriminated against and excluded from whiteness because of their potential Moorish ancestry. Sicilians, in particular, have been targets of this racism." but if we don't want to sound like a dyed in the wool Nazi, we do not start questioning how they aren't really white. the same way we do not start questioning if Ashkenazi Jewish people are "really white," or the Irish or Spanish or Greeks or Slavic or yes, even Turkish people. and I know you might be like "well obviously, the Irish are white but Turkish people? Sicilians? most of them are pretty brown to me." trust me. unless someone from these groups tells you they specifically do not identify as white, you should not presume and start calling them not white unless you want to sound like a big old white supremacist, my God.
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