#it’s a pretty decent album
seilon · 11 months
god I miss the wonder girls. light me on fire
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yonpote · 2 months
wait are ppl theorizing abt dnp beats lol... i read thru a generic creator contract for lowave records around when all or nothing dropped, the basic gist is: lowave makes music for a creator essentially for free, the creator uses the music in videos, the streaming revenue is split, and if the revenue is good enough theyll keep dropping beats. idt theres any like Plan for it other than more bgm for videos and therefore less necessity to dip into the copyright free Classic Youtuber music bucket (especially cuz all those old imovie soundtracks they used to use are actually copyrighted! i tried using a song from imovie in my own video and youtube kept saying there were copyright issues)
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eternallys · 20 days
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vriskabot · 2 months
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I LOVE YOU THE WORKS!! i love you hammer to fall i love you radio ga ga i love you keep passing the open windows i LOVE you i want to break free. i love you fresh new (for the time) batch of amazing classic songs after a not so great tenth album (hot space :/) i love you THREE greatest hits on one record i love you. I LOVE YOU THE WORKS 1984
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floral-hex · 5 months
It’s hard to make music when you have no instruments or software or skills or talent and also you don’t actually know how to play anything or make music and you’re dumb as hell
#hey it’s about that time of year where I get the urge again to try and make music before getting frustrated and quitting#don’t let your inability to do anything right get in the way of messing everything up forever and ever amen#every time I sit down to try and set up software and whatnot I end up wasting half a dozen hours before giving up#repeat once or twice every year or so for the last decade#how did I used to do this junk??? whaaaaa? I don’t understand computers.#I have an ooooold laptop buried in a box someone with sooo many unfinished songs. albums and albums worth. mostly just missing vocals#I used to sit and work on music for hours and hours#pretty much the only productive thing I did my first year of college was make an album#and now I’m just like… I don’t understand how anything works. I’m so old.#but I guess it’s… ya know… it’s been awhile and you can’t just expect to jump back in with the same skill and comfort#you’ve got get all the tedious beginning stuff out of the way. that’s just how it goes. it builds and builds.#it’s the opposite of eating an elephant. it’s frankensteining and elephant. gotta do it piece by piece.#basically I got another hand me down laptop. clean slate freshly wiped.#then I spent about 5 hours just setting it up and thennnnnn getting a bad virus bc I’m stupid as hell and don’t want to pay for software#I lost my software installer I already had so I rushed to 🏴‍☠️ the first decent one I could find#and then when I got warnings I said ‘meh the antivirus is probably exaggerating’#ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? ARE YOU STUPID!? you trust the illegal file over your own antivirus!? whatttt!?#i am very stupid#at least the laptop is pretty much empty. just gonna do another clean wipe and start again. hopefully smarter.#I really want this. I hate HATE talking about things I want to do because I invariable always fuck it up#it’s so stupid and sad but if pressed I would easily say my old shitty music are the things I’m most proud of in my life. even if they suck#I stopped making music when I moved to NY to be with my ex and I haven’t been able to get back into it since#I don’t even like music. it’s stupid and I’m half deaf. fuck you I hate you.#okay I love you bye#you can ignore this#text
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shishinpenshin · 5 months
hot take. deco27s recent music sux and is very much the same tiktok love song republished with a different theme each time
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spiderrmax · 1 year
the urge to start a one shot series where every one shot is based off a track from a taylor swift album grows stronger every day
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telesilla · 2 years
Ya know, sometimes a weird phrase is not a good band name, but rather a good album name.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
this is late but: top 5 Bruce albums!!!
Ahhhh thank u I can talk ALLL DAY ON BRUCE!!! i don't think i have any really special takes but here is my ranking...
Nebraska (1982). The 4-track sound is just unbeatable. I think this album has some of Bruce's best lyrics. It's so bleak and so beautiful. Prompted me to read Flannery O'Connor. Springsteen perhaps at his most thoughtful (but also his most unhappy).
Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978). MASSIVE. No skip album for me. Almost a perfect progression of songs. Just great rock music. And the Stefanko photo... Unbeatable.
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band/Live 1975-85 (1986). Who is a Bruce if not a live artist (I ask myself as I try to justify spending the money to see him for the first/only time in February)? I generally listen to this bad boy on shuffle and it's always a delight. I always feel like I'm hearing new things when I'm listening. It's also the only album I own on vinyl and it's beautiful.
Born in the USA (1984). it's gotta be BUSA. One of the greatest blockbuster albums of all time. Probably being underrated by me right here it's SO GOOD. 7 top ten singles!! There's a couple songs in the middle I'm not in love with but like. Best album to drive to. Just wonderful. Those Nebraska sessions sure were productive!!!!
Tunnel of Love (1987). Okay I debated putting Magic or Only the Strong Survive or No Nukes in this slot but this one has been on my replay more than normal lately so it's securing no 5. Definitely a more mature album but it's just so beautiful. Tougher Than The Rest is one of my fav Bruce songs PERIOD
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iamthemovie · 10 months
say what you want about these guys but this song goes hard
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essektheylyss · 2 years
it's raining today so I think I will expose my now-normie sister for her choices that led me to wearing a tan trench coat to work
and that choice is obviously begging for my parents to buy her a tan trench coat in high school to do a group supernatural cosplay with her friends
except my mother was very determined to only purchase decent clothing that has function, so it is a good coat and it's water-resistant
but my sister wore it like four times after and finally was giving it away and I was like yes. it's my time.
and that's why I am wearing this raincoat to the office.
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liddlediddy · 2 years
I think jack antanoff should be prohibited from masking music until he learns how to make songs that don't all sound the same
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angerofangels · 1 year
Im so glad I dont have much in the way of followers because frankly a lot of my takes on panic at the disco would get me 2015 level attacked Im sure
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konakoro · 2 years
From what I've heard, Viva Las Vengeance isn't very... good... and it hurts but it's also a bit of a relief because Brendan has had his head up his ass since post Death of a Bachelor, and I hope him putting out a really shitty album that everyone dunks on serves as a wake-up call
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almostlookedhuman · 2 months
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Riot seal Tior got a girlfriend now? Good for them.
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