#it’s a black matte gel polish
skinreflectsthesun · 7 months
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I love a black nail polish 🖤😮‍💨💅🏻
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adoreaxo · 2 years
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instagram: adoreaxo
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c0nsp1racysblog · 1 month
some voltron headcanons
(except they’re somewhat based off of my own experiences)
- tried to give himself a stick-and-poke tattoo using black gel-nail polish, and a sewing needle attached to a pen with rubber bands.
- got so scared when hunk and pidge informed him that it would probably poison and kill him.
- he was fine and the ‘tattoo’ faded..
- shiro left a pair of scissors unattended and keith tried cutting his own hair (as he was used to while living with foster families/houses) but, he messed up horrendously by accident.
- had the world’s worst trim for a few months (baby bangs and partially bald) until it grew into the messy mullet and he has kept it that way ever since;; only occasionally trimming the edges if it gets in his eyes or too long on his neck..
- if he’s in a room with someone else, he will sometimes hold his own breathe to hear if the other is breathing… especially if he’s sharing a room with someone during the night, he will try and stay awake for as long as possible to make sure the other person is steadily breathing in a calm and relaxed tempo (war nightmares get everyone at times)
- he falls asleep with matching their breaths at times.
- used to be a really sore loser and couldn’t tolerate matt beating them in anything.
- with matt back, she’s just happy they get to play games together once again and doesn’t mind losing as much if it means they don’t have to lose eachother again.
- btw this doesn’t mean they will accept defeat easily. they just won’t flip the monopoly board and accuse of cheating anymore as much.
- he went no contact with adam for months but never stopped thinking about him. wanting to reach out. he tried everything to cure himself just to try with adam again but it was always futile.
- nothing came from it, and shiro left anyways for the mission and regret still lingers at times. who knew the feeling of phantom limb syndrome could come from more than a stolen limb ? a stolen life ?
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ccrowsiie · 7 months
Tips from a recovering nail biter
My lil tip for nail biters who wanna quit - scented cuticle oil. Well, cuticle oil in general, but scented cuticle oil is even better.
If you can't deal with any added fragrance, try oil blends with stronger natural scents like rosehip or essential oils (whichever ones you can tolerate, I know not all are sensitive skin/nose friendly). The idea is to pick a scent that's pleasant but not associated with food. Those fruity and bakery scents are nice but may encourage you to nibble if you already have trouble keeping your hands out of your mouth. The idea is to condition yourself to associate that particular scent with "hands away from mouth". I like typical perfume scents, so I went with jasmine and rose.
I make my own cuticle oil. It's easy, cheap and there are dozens of recipes online. Most of them are jojoba-based, but feel free to add other oils or ingredients for added benefits. If you wanna keep it simple, jojoba oil straight from the bottle will work wonders all by itself.
Try to keep some kind of cuticle balm or oil on your person at all times. Treat it like chapstick for your nails. Rub a little on your nails every time you remember, you really can't do it too much. Keep your hands clean, but don't excessively expose them to water or harsh chemicals. Use gloves when cleaning (extremely important, borderline non-negotiable), and groom your cuticles daily.
Nail hardening polishes aren't bad but they're not the best. They can help protect your nails in a pinch, but they tend to overcorrect, making your nails more prone to breaks. If you can, I recommend getting a few mani supplies instead, like polish and orange sticks/a cuticle pusher. You'll want a barrier over your nails at pretty much all times. I'm biased toward gel, so I recommend a base coat, a topcoat, and a rubber builder gel. Normal polish is perfectly fine if you don't wanna fuss with UV or have an allergy. Just get a top, a base, and whatever color you want to wear whether it's nude or something fun. I don't care if you're masc or a man. You don't need a color on your nails if you don't want it but you will need something. Top coats come in matte if you don't like shine. If you're going with gel you have to use a rubberized base coat. Most biters have thin, flat nail beds that need support as they grow out. Rubber base gels provide protection and flexibility.
Rubber base coat + (whatever color you want) + top coat = profit.
Soak the polish off and replace it when it grows out (every week or two for me, but it depends on how fast your nails grow), but make sure to give your fingers a day or overnight to breathe between sets (if you wear anything heavier than a few coats of polish). Darker colors like deep reds or black can stain pretty fast, even with a base coat. Don't be alarmed if you remove your polish to see that they're brownish. You're fine. You haven't given yourself some horrible nail disease.
If you're starting off with broken skin, protect it. Wear a bandage over your boo-boos until they've healed up. Get a pair of nippers and get into the habit of using them to clip off hang nails or peeling skin. Don't let me catch you biting them off with your teeth. No, it's not fine just because it isn't your actual nail.
Controversial, but I don't recommend running to the nail salon in your first month of recovery. Fake nails are amazing for protecting your real ones as they grow out, but if you've just decided to stop biting, I'd wait a while before getting a set. 2-4 weeks at least. You'll want to begin the process of breaking your muscle memory before spending upwards of 50 bucks on a set that you'll just be tempted to eat off. Fake nails are not a replacement chew toy, they're a shield. I also recommend that you keep them as short as you can, just barely longer than your natural nail if not the same length. It may be tempting to go for those sexy stilettos or 2-inch coffins but trust me, life is different with longer nails. You have to work your way up to that length. Even a few millimeters can make a huge difference in how you function and you don't want to risk damaging your natural nails.
I also use Hard as Hoof cream before bed and after every shower and hand wash - that's really important. You'll always want to oil up your fingies. It's about 8 dollars USD and I thiiiink you can get it at drug stores. I get mine on Amazon. It really is a wonder product for your nails and really nice on my dry ass knuckles too.
I've been a nail-biter for over 25 years and this is the farthest I've ever gone without a relapse. Seeing my bell-shaped nails slowly return to a normal shape has been so reassuring. I always believed I'd gnawed myself into ugly nails forever, but nature is finally healing.
No matter how bad your nails look, recovery is possible! Be friendly to yourself. If you've been biting for years, you won't recover in 2 weeks. It's a process, and I believe in you.
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another-lost-mc · 6 months
Hi Jess! What nail colors do our pretty boys wear, if any? (Karasu, zee, azra!)
Karasu: Doesn't wear any nail polish, but he wouldn't say no if you recommended it/offered to do it for him. Don't be surprised if he wants to wear the same colour/style as you (so long as he can keep his nails trimmed short).
Azra: Black or deep red polish (gel, sometimes with a glitter or flake topcoat).
Zee: Dark green, blue, or purple polish (matte finish) when he does, but he doesn't always wear polish.
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digitalrohit · 1 year
"How to Create a Natural, Everyday Makeup Look"
  "How to Create a Natural, Everyday Makeup Look"
Introduction :
A natural, everyday makeup look is perfect for those who want to enhance their natural beauty without looking too made up or overdone. It is a versatile look that can be worn to work, school, or any casual occasion, and it is easy to achieve with the right products and techniques. 
In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a natural, everyday makeup look, as well as some tips and product recommendations to help you achieve the perfect result. Whether you are a makeup beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to create a beautiful, natural makeup look that is perfect for everyday wear.
10 Steps to a Natural, Everyday Makeup Look
Before applying any makeup, it is important to properly prepare your skin. This includes cleansing to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup residue, and moisturizing to help keep your skin hydrated and healthy. 
When choosing a cleanser, opt for one that is suitable for your skin type and free from harsh chemicals. Follow up with a moisturizer to help lock in hydration and create a smooth, plump base for your makeup.
The Best Products for a Natural, Everyday Makeup Look
When it comes to foundation, the key is to find one that matches your skin tone and provides lightweight coverage. If you have oily or combination skin, look for a matte or oil-free foundation to help control shine.
 If you have dry or sensitive skin, choose a hydrating or nourishing foundation to help provide some extra moisture. When applying foundation, use a small amount and blend it into your skin using a brush, sponge, or your fingers. Be sure to blend it well, especially along your hairline and jawline, to avoid any visible lines or streaks.
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Concealer is a great tool for hiding any imperfections, such as blemishes, dark circles, or redness. When choosing a concealer, be sure to select one that is a shade or two lighter than your skin tone to help brighten and highlight the areas you are applying it to. Use a small amount and blend it in well, using a brush, sponge, or your fingers. You can also apply it under your eyes to help disguise any dark circles or puffiness.
Defining your eyebrows can help frame your face and give your makeup look a polished finish. Use a brow pencil or powder to fill in any sparse areas and shape your eyebrows to your desired shape. When filling in your brows, be sure to use short, light strokes to mimic the appearance of natural hairs. You can also use a brow gel or wax to help set and hold your brows in place.
The Perfect Natural Makeup Look for Your Skin Type
For a natural, everyday makeup look, opt for a neutral eyeshadow shade that is close to your skin tone and apply it all over your lid. You can also add a slightly darker shade to the crease of your eye to help add some definition and depth.
 When applying eyeshadow, use a brush to blend it well and avoid any harsh lines or edges. You can also add a pop of color by applying a brighter eyeshadow shade to the inner corners of your eyes to help brighten and open them up.
To help brighten and open up your eyes, line your waterline (the inner rim of your lower eyelid) with a white or nude eyeliner. This will help to make your eyes look bigger and more awake. 
You can also apply a thin line of black or brown eyeliner to your upper lashes for a subtle, defined look. When applying eyeliner, be sure to use a steady hand and take your time to ensure a clean, precise line.
Use an eyelash curler to curl your lashes, then apply a coat of mascara to add volume and length. Be sure to wiggle the brush at the base of your lashes and sweep it upwards to help separate and define your lashes. 
You can also apply a coat of mascara to your bottom lashes for a more complete, balanced look. When selecting a mascara, consider your lash type and choose one that will provide the type of volume, length, or curl that you desire.
For a natural, everyday makeup look, choose a lip color that is a few shades darker than your natural lip color, such as a pink or nude shade. This will give your lips
Conclusion :
Here is a conclusion for the content on "How to Create a Natural, Everyday Makeup Look":
In conclusion, creating a natural, everyday makeup look requires proper skin preparation, a lightweight foundation, concealer to hide imperfections, defined eyebrows, neutral eyeshadow, brightened eyes, curled lashes and mascara, and a natural-looking lip color.
By following these steps and using the right products, you can achieve a polished, natural makeup look that is perfect for everyday wear. Remember to blend each product well and use a light hand to achieve the desired result. 
With practice and experimentation, you can find the perfect makeup routine that works for you and your personal style.
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lazyrabbit · 2 years
tagged by @poppies ty for thinking of me :D hot or cold shower: hot 100% and i will spend way too long in there
texting or calling: texting, i prefer communicating via writing because i feel better able to express myself. but i need someone who can respond fast hahah
earbuds or headphones: headphones!!!! my headphones are one of my ultimate comforts
paperback or hardcover: paperback bc im not a fool
matte or gel: idk the only nail polish i wear is black but idc about the finish
12 hr clock or 24 hr clock: 12h im just an american what can i say
blue or green: close call. i probably prefer blue? but most would assume green bc i sort of associate it with myself. but its just my eye color idk. the real answer is i like blue-greens best. i like all the in-between colors
sunsets or sunrises: sunsets not to be basic but they make me feel alive
tulips or orchids: not a strong opinion here but ig orchids
candle light or moonlight: CANDLE
sci-fi or horror: horror
pen or pencil: pencil but sometimes pens okay, depends. pen is more satisfying to write with, but i prefer the ability to edit more freely
pandas or koalas: pandas
gold or silver: IDK i like both..people say i look better in silver but i might prefer gold to look at.... my fav metallic is actually probably bronze/copper or rose gold
sneakers or boots: sneakers but they gotta be chunky
denim or leather jacket: leather
pink or purple: pink but purple has grown on me a lot the past couple years
choco or sour candy: chocolate 100%. if i want sweets you will never catch me choosing a fruit flavored candy. id rather just go eat real fruit
deodorant or perfume: i wear both every day
drive-in theater or cinema: i havent been to a drive in but they sound romantic! i do love the cinema tho its so immersive. i feel like youd go to a drive in more for the company and a cinema more for the movie. maybe thats just me
pastel blue or earth tones: earth tones
lemonade or fruit juice: lemonade <3 esp strawberry or raspberry. iced tea is BETTER THO
past or future: definitely the past, im a very nostalgic/sentimental person and tend to romanticize it (even when it wasnt the best) whereas im just afraid of the future and i have trouble planning for it
i tag anyone who wants to answer 
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fayzer1012 · 17 days
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Lavender Violets 27 Pcs Gel Nail Polish Kit, 21 Colors Orange Red Green Nude Brown Black White Nails Gel Polish Set with Blooming & Glossy & Matte Top Coat Base Coat and Gel Liner Brush C406
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worldhow · 1 month
JODSONE Gel Nail Polish Kit with U V Light 32 Colors Gel Polish Nail Kit Soak Off Gel Nail Set Manicure Tools Nail Gel Kit Gifts for Women
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About this item
36 PCS Gel Nail Polish Set: This is a gel nail kit with super multi-color gel nail polish.It includes 32 bottles of classic gel nail polish, 1 bottle of base coat, 1 bottle of no wipe top coat, matte top coat, 1 bottle of glitter top coat, a professional nail lamp, and some nail tools.The nail set has all the colors you need, You don’t need to go to a nail salon anymore, you can create all kinds of beautiful nail styles at home.
150W Super Fast Nail Lamp: It has 45 dual-light source lamp beads, which cures quickly; it has a LCD display and 4 timer buttons, which make it more convenient for you to use; smart sensors, just put your hand in and the light will turn on automatic light, release, the light will automatically go out. Suitable for professional salons and personal families.
32 Colors Gel Nail Polish: It is composed of 9 healthy ingredients. It is healthy, low odor, high gloss. It includes black, white, nude, purple, blue, green, red, pink, yellow and other classic colors. The gel polish needs to be cured under LED lights. If you use it properly, it can last for more than 3 weeks.
Beautiful Gifts: If you are looking for birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Halloween or Christmas gifts for your family or friends, the gel nail kit will be a good choice.
Warm Notice : Nail gel polish has different color differences in different light sources, displays and coatings. The color card shown in the picture is coated with two layers of color gel. When you encounter any problems, please feel free to contact JODSONE.
Buy the product click here
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trixybobbitt · 9 months
A part of the trans experience seems to be growing up alone, rapidly, over and over. Like, I love to paint my nails and in 2018 when I first started doing so, I started with matte black, shifted into tons of metallics and splatters, left Hot Topic for 'real' brands, learned about gel polish, 'gel' polish, learned to do my own acrylics, did long almond shapes, and finally I've settled into having a favorite brand and color and keeping my nails a short, oval shape. This being a process I see most girls go through in fifteen years compressed into five or less, and instead of going through it while everyone else was experimenting and finding themselves, I was doing it in my thirties in an office of people who have already distilled their public identities.
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melissakayboutique · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Magenta Lily Nail Dashes Red Aspen NIB.
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toptenthing · 11 months
Top Ten Beauty Products Every Makeup Lover Should Own
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Top Ten Beauty Products Every Makeup Lover Should Own
Flawless Base Essentials
A. Primer: Prepping for Perfection Before the canvas takes form, the primer sets the stage. A quality primer creates a smooth surface, minimizing pores and fine lines. This base ensures that your makeup stays put throughout the day, enhancing the longevity and vibrancy of your look. B. Foundation: Seamless Complexion Canvas A foundation that matches your skin tone flawlessly is the cornerstone of any makeup look. It evens out imperfections, creating a seamless canvas for further artistry. Choose a formula that suits your skin type and desired coverage, whether it's sheer or full. C. Concealer: Erasing Imperfections Concealer is the magician's wand that erases blemishes, dark circles, and any unwanted spots. Opt for a shade slightly lighter than your foundation for optimal coverage and illumination. Dab and blend gently for a natural finish.
Enhancing Features with Color
A. Eyeshadow Palette: A World of Possibilities An eyeshadow palette is your creative playground. With a variety of shades and finishes, you can experiment with endless eye-catching looks. From everyday neutrals to daring smokey eyes, the palette is your gateway to artistic expression. B. Blush and Bronzer: Sculpting Dimensions Blush adds a healthy flush to your cheeks, while bronzer imparts a sun-kissed warmth. Together, they sculpt and define your features, creating depth and dimension. Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks and bronzer along your jawline and cheekbones for a natural contour. C. Highlighter: Radiant Glow Accents For that ethereal glow, a highlighter is indispensable. Apply it to the high points of your face—cheekbones, brow bones, and the bridge of your nose—for a luminous radiance that catches the light.
Defining the Windows to the Soul
A. Eyeliner: Precision and Drama Eyeliner is the ultimate tool for expressing your mood. Whether you opt for a classic black wing or a colorful twist, eyeliner defines and accentuates your eyes, adding depth and drama to your look. B. Mascara: Luscious Lashes in a Swipe Mascara opens up your eyes by enhancing your lashes. A few coats of mascara can transform even the most minimal makeup into a captivating gaze. Choose a formula that adds length, volume, or curl, depending on your desired effect. C. Brow Products: Framing the Face Brows frame your face, and perfectly groomed brows can make a world of difference. Whether you prefer pencils, gels, or powders, find the products that allow you to shape and fill in your brows for a polished finish.
Lips that Speak Volumes
A. Lipstick: Boldness and Elegance Lipstick is a statement maker. From classic reds to subtle nudes, choose shades that resonate with your style. Matte or glossy, the right lipstick can complete your look and boost your confidence. B. Lip Gloss: Shine and Plump For a touch of shine and a plump pout, lip gloss is a go-to. It adds dimension to your lips while keeping them hydrated. Opt for clear gloss or experiment with tinted options for a playful pop of color.
Setting for All-Day Perfection
A. Setting Powder: Locking in the Look Setting powder is the finishing touch that ensures your makeup stays put. It minimizes shine and extends the wear of your products, giving you a flawless finish that lasts all day. B. Makeup Setting Spray: Prolonged Wear To seal the deal, a makeup setting spray is essential. A few spritzes lock in your hard work, preventing makeup from smudging, fading, or melting throughout the day or night.
Tools of the Trade
A. Makeup Brushes: Artistry at Your Fingertips Quality makeup brushes are your artist's tools. From blending to precision application, a range of brushes allows you to achieve different effects and elevate your makeup skills. B. Beauty Blender: Seamless Blending A beauty blender is a versatile tool for flawless makeup application. Dampen it before use to seamlessly blend foundation, concealer, and cream products for a natural finish.
Tailoring to Skin Type
A. Skincare Preceding Makeup A solid skincare routine is the foundation of a successful makeup application. Cleanse, moisturize, and use sunscreen to create a smooth canvas that enhances the longevity of your makeup. B. Suitable Formulas for Diverse Skin Choose makeup formulas that cater to your skin type. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, the right products can enhance your natural beauty and address specific concerns.
Experimentation and Trends
A. Staying Updated with Makeup Trends Makeup is an ever-evolving landscape. Stay curious and explore new trends, techniques, and products to keep your makeup game fresh and exciting. B. Trying New Products and Techniques Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Experiment with different products and techniques to discover what works best for you and to unleash your inner makeup artist.
Quality Over Quantity
A. Investing Wisely in Makeup Products When building your makeup collection, prioritize quality over quantity. Investing in high-quality products ensures better performance and longevity, ultimately saving you time and money. B. Curating a Collection of Favorites Create a curated collection of your favorite beauty products. Tailor your makeup arsenal to your personal style and preferences, and enjoy the process of using products that make you feel confident and beautiful. #MakeupMagic, #BeautyMustHaves, #GlamGoals, #MUACommunity, #BeautyAddict, #FlawlessFace, #EyesOnPoint, #LipGameStrong, #MakeupObsession, #GlowingSkinGoals Read the full article
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hazeltailofficial · 11 months
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Matchy matchy 💙
Turquoise Stone Plugs from Dope Fresh Plugs
Holo Taco Nail Polish Never Tide Down
Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in 01 Cool Ivory Pixi By Petra Correction Concentrate Concealer in Brightening Peach Nyx High Definition Finishing Powder in Translucent Mini Laura Geller Baked Balance N Brighten Color Correcting Foundation in Porcelain Essence Contouring Duo Palette in 10 Lighter Skin I Heart Revolution Unicorn Heart Glow Heart Highlighter Urban Decay All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Travel Size Setting Spray Almay Brow Styler Brow Mascara in 010 Light Brown Colourpop Bff LIquid Liner in Numero Uno L'Oreal Infallible Lacquer Liner in 171 Blackest Black Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara Makeup Revolution x The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror Galactic Gel Slime "Kodos" Candy Apple Lip Mask Profusion Perfect Pout Soft Matte Lip Tint in Charming
My First Holo Taco Manicure! | Holo Taco Never Tide Down
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial / @hazeltail
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theonlychelchel · 1 year
No Makeup, No Problem: Embracing My True Self
My "No Makeup" Beauty Look is all about looking natural, radiant, and easy while highlighting my attributes and feeling at ease in my own skin. This quick and simple approach focuses on enhancing my natural beauty without the need of heavy makeup.
The first step in my "No Makeup" Beauty Look is skincare. A blank canvas is essential for natural shine. I start by cleansing my skin with a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove any impurities. After patting my skin dry, I use a lightweight moisturizer with SPF to protect it from the sun's harmful rays while also keeping it hydrated throughout the day.
Instead of a heavy foundation, I use a tinted moisturizer or BB cream. These products provide light coverage that helps to level out my skin tone without feeling heavy or cakey. The plan is to let my natural skin shine through while concealing any little faults.
To add color and definition to my face, I lightly apply a peachy-pink blush to the apples of my cheeks. This produces a light flush of color as well as a healthy, youthful appearance. To keep the appearance realistic, I avoid hard contouring and excessive blushing.
I keep my eyes simple with a couple of coats of mascara on my lashes or some natural false lashes. Mascara instantly brightens and defines my eyes, removing the need for eyeliner or other cosmetics. Depending on my mood, I apply brown or black mascara to accentuate my lashes and make my eyes glitter.
To keep my brows in place and provide a polished look without overfilling them, I use a clear brow gel. Natural and well-groomed brows frame the face attractively and add to the overall "No Makeup" Beauty Look.
I like a natural-looking tinted lip balm or translucent lip gloss for the lips. These creams offer a splash of color while also nourishing my lips throughout the day. This style is all about subtle augmentation rather than a dramatic transformation.
To finish off my "No Makeup" Beauty Look, I use a little dusting of translucent powder to remove shine and keep my makeup in place. Rather than a matte finish, the goal is to achieve a dewy, fresh-faced sheen.
One of the most appealing characteristics of its design is its versatility. It's perfect for wearing to work, doing errands, or meeting up with friends for a casual event. The "No Makeup" Beauty Look is low-maintenance and easy to achieve, saving time in my morning routine while yet making me feel put together and confident.
Furthermore, this appearance matches to my principles of natural beauty appreciation and self-acceptance. It allows me to enjoy my unique traits while also embracing my shortcomings, promoting a positive body image and self-confidence.
Overall, my "No Makeup" Beauty Look is all about simplicity, enhancing natural beauty, and feeling at ease in my own skin. It's a fresh and simple method to apply makeup that complements any style and promotes honesty and self-love.
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Black Nail Designs: Timeless Elegance And Versatile Style
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When it comes to nail designs, black is a classic choice that exudes sophistication and versatility. Black nails have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a wide range of options for creating unique and stylish looks. From simple and sleek designs to intricate patterns and embellishments, black nail designs are a canvas for self-expression. In this article, we will explore various black nail designs and provide inspiration for creating classy and elegant manicures.
Classic Black Manicure
A classic black manicure is a timeless choice that suits any occasion. Whether you opt for short or long nails, applying a coat of high-quality black nail polish creates a sleek and polished look. Black nails are versatile and complement any outfit, making them a go-to option for both casual and formal events. To enhance the longevity of your manicure, consider using gel nail polish for a chip-resistant finish.
Different Black Nail Designs
Black Nails With Sparkles
To add some flair to your black nails, incorporating sparkles is an excellent option. Glittery accents can elevate a simple black manicure, adding a touch of glamor and excitement. You can achieve this look by applying silver glitter nail polish or strategically placing rhinestones on your black nails. The sparkle adds a captivating dimension to your manicure and makes it stand out.
Matte Black Nails With Glossy Tips
Matte black nails have gained popularity for their chic and contemporary appearance. For a modern twist, try combining matte black nails with glossy tips. This style creates a stunning contrast, with the matte black base and the glossy tips offering a unique and eye-catching effect. Consider experimenting with different nail shapes, such as square, almond, or coffin, to enhance the overall aesthetic.
Black Nails With Rhinestones
Rhinestones are a perfect embellishment to enhance the allure of black nails. By strategically placing rhinestones on your black manicure, you can achieve an elegant and luxurious look. From a single rhinestone accent to intricate designs, there are countless ways to incorporate rhinestones into your black nail design. Experiment with different patterns and sizes to create a personalized and glamorous look.
Black And Gold Combination
The combination of black and gold is a classic pairing that exudes opulence and sophistication. Incorporating gold elements into your black nail design adds a touch of luxury and creates a striking contrast. You can opt for gold accents, such as gold glitter nail polish or gold foil, or experiment with nail art techniques to create intricate designs. This black and gold combination is particularly suitable for special occasions or formal events.
Black Nails With Accent Nail
Using an accent nail is a great way to add variety and visual interest to your black manicure. An accent nail can feature a different color, pattern, or embellishment that stands out from the rest. For example, you can apply silver or gold nail polish on one nail as an accent to your black manicure. Alternatively, you can use nail stickers, decals, or press-on nails to create a stunning accent nail effortlessly.
Black French Tip Nails
French manicures are a classic choice, and adding a black twist to the traditional French tip creates a contemporary and edgy look. By replacing the white tip with a black one, you can achieve a sleek and modern version of the French manicure. This black French tip design pairs well with various nail shapes, including round, square, and almond…Read More
Source: Millionaire Business Articles
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kennynailtech · 1 year
Nail painting is enjoyable, and it's a great way to add a splash of color to your life and appearance. However, picking a nail color can be difficult, especially when there are so many alternatives. If you want to wear that hue, you should think about whether it will look good on you. We can all relate. Checking the match to your skin tone is an easy approach to choose a nail color that will look good on you. If you have fair skin. This article contains a list of ten nail polish colors that will look great on your pale skin tone. Some suggestions are provided below.
This nail polish is a fiery, vivid red that provides the nail a stunning appearance and looks wonderful on light skin tones. This color is warm and seems bright, with a jelly-creme-like gloss that gives it a lovely appearance. Because it's an opaque color, you can get away with just one polish layer,even if you're in a rush. If you enjoy a vintage look, this polish color will give you a stylish, 80s vibe.
Essie Nails Ballet Slippers
Ballet Slippers by Essie's nails is one of the most popular nude colours. This is something even the Queen of England can vouch to! Could you imagine? The Queen's preferred nail polish color is this traditional pale pink shade. It is an award-winning essential that provides a delicate, sheer finish to the nails.
This Ballet Slippers hue is a must-have for ladies, especially those with fair complexion, because it is appropriate for all seasons.
Revlon's ''Enamel in Knockout''
The eye-catching shade is a beautiful black colour that will catch the eye, especially on light complexion tones. The nail polish is anti-fade and doesn't chip easily. This formula ensures that your color will remain shining for an extended amount of time without fading. It contains non-toxic elements such as phthalates, toluene, and formaldehyde. It is simple to apply and does not include bubbles.
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Zoya's nail color in Starla
Starla is a bubblegum pink with extra micro shimmers and small silver particles. On pale skin tones, the result is a vivid color followed by a cool sheen chic—the best characteristic is its sheerness, which allows for easy layering. The construction is very comfy and appealing.
Essie Nails Serene Slate Nail Polish
If you've never liked gray polish or thought it was a pretty color, you should reconsider. For all those times when black seemed too dramatic, crimson seemed too shouty, and pink seemed too gentle, gray always made a statement. Serene Slate is a pigmented stone gray polish that is simple to use. This polish requires two coats, and you need to get moving.
Sally Hansen's Head Bang
This is a lovely chocolate brown cool-tone nail polish that pale-skinned ladies should try. The mixture layers nicely without bubbling or streaking, making application simple. Because the initial coat is thin, we recommend at least two coats. Brown is a trendy color that will undoubtedly garner you numerous praises.
Essie Nail Polish, Buy Me A Cameo
This Essie nail colour is the nicest frosted satin mocha available. It is a glazed neutral lacquer with a shimmering appearance that is also subtle.
The finish offers you a refined look that will last all year. It has a glossy finish and a good application. It may be of interest to you that it lasts a long time on your nails and does not chip or break.
Côte Nail Polish's versatile Navy
If you like dark colors, navy is a good one to try, especially if you have warm undertones. It doesn't make your nails seem matte or unpleasant. Instead, it produces a pearlized gloss that can reflect light. It features a toxin-free formula and does not contain vegan or cruelty ingredients.
Nails Inc.'s Gel Effect in Mercer Street
Mercer Street is a lovely blue nail polish from the Gel Effect collection. It's a bright blue with a high shine and glossy finish that will give you exciting nails. It includes a color-matched cap with a glossy element that adds to the bottle's appeal. The recipe is incredibly pigmented, and the polish glides on smoothly, leaving no streaks. It contains a large brush for easy nail coverage and plasticizer technology to offer you a dazzling, salon-quality finish from the comfort of your own home.
Smith & Cult Nail Lacquer Pillow Pie
This ballet pink color hue from Smith & Cult, a luxury nail polish brand, is elegant and sophisticated. It is made from the best materials and does not contain any of the dangerous chemicals found in some nail polishes. It has a smooth consistency that makes application simple. It's a light color that offers your hands a smooth and lovely touch. A decent manicure should leave your hands looking polished, especially if you use the right color. Although most people match their nail polish to their attire, the greatest colors are those that complement their skin tone precisely.
This page should provide you with everything you need for your hands. These lovely colors will make you look better. That concludes our list of the top 10 nail polish colors for our fair-skinned ladies. Which do you prefer? Try it out right now.
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