#it’s 2024 and people are still being openly racist like
reachouttouchfaith · 3 months
the phandom is so overwhelmingly white liberal which makes sense but it’s so fucking annoying lol
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bellamer · 12 days
If Davrin is a fully fleshed character with a fully fleshed romance, with his redeeming qualities and flaws as all characters should have, I’ll be proud of BioWare. Proud that they finally got it right. But not that proud because why the fuck did it take you people so long to finally figure out how to do black characters ? Jacob Taylor was the worst racial stereotype of a character that they pushed out, literally made him an adulterous man with father issues, who cheats on you six months in with a side chick and gets her pregnant not to mention that he’s racist but he works for a racist terrorist organization so of course he’s racist. Then you have Liam Costa, and Liam isn’t really bad per se and I haven’t romanced him but he, along with a lot of characters in Andromeda just felt flat because the game so was rushed that it felt like they didn’t have time to flesh these characters out so it really isn’t just a Liam thing, it’s an entire game thing. And don’t bring up Captain Anderson. I love Captain Anderson, he’s great but he eventually gets killed off so while he’s great, his death still leaves us with one less black character that actually brings something to the table so we still have Jacob who’s the absolute worst and Liam who we’re probably not going to see again due to Andromeda being so widely hated that it’s uncertain that they’re going to even return to it with Ryder and the Tempest crew.
But it’s 2024, we should know how to write black characters by now. Like it’s not fucking hard to get black people in the writers room for advice on how to handle these characters.
Like I’ll give them a flower if they actually took the time to get it right and right their wrongs but I’m not going to suck their dick and act like they’re the greatest of all time when it took them way longer than it should have and there’s still the high chance of them not getting it right because their track record fucking sucks and the fact that even though it’s 2024, not even Larian studios could give their black character a speckle of attention and with the way fandoms are still openly racist, Davrin could have the best possible romance and storyline and he’ll still be sidelined for a white character fandom-wise because a majority white fan base with crumple at the thought of actually trying to like a black character
In conclusion my hopes are high that BioWare will do better with Davrin than their previous black characters and that they’ll treat Davrin better than how Larian treats Wyll but given their previous track record my hopes are not that high and video game studios will still put the preferences of their white audience over their BIPOC audience so while there’s a high chance that they’ll do better there’s still a higher chance that they’ll completely fumble the ball
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butwhatifidothis · 1 month
Harassment is horrible, it's terrible mods in this Discord aren't doing anything.
But on the other hand, what about you? You harassed a person over *fanfiction* ( to the point it's the 4th tag who shows up on your blog ). Yet, all your harassment is still there out of the open. You haven't really seriously apologized, especially to them. You're still quite active on fe3h discourse while he had to remove himself from many public online space.
How is this fair?
You're rightfully upset about harassment towards members of your community, there should be *serious* amends made... But how can you hold double standards like that?
I haven't followed the discourse closely because it's so awful, why are you all so hateful? Because you just seems like one of the "bad guy" in this story along with Raxis and the other. I'm not saying you're the same, but you're not really better than those you criticize either, and the same apply for the other blog who participed in your harassment... It's just horrible all around. You're all drowning in a cesspool of toxicity and it's making you all worst people than you actually are.
I hope you, and people around you, will at least receive amend over the harm caused to them. I hope you stop receiving troll, death threat and any other type of hate message you probably still receive. But I hope you'll sincerely recognize your faults and fully amend to them too.
Look, I know you probably mean some kind of well and that you likely spent a long time thinking over this message, so I'm going to lay it out as simply as I can:
I have never once interacted with Cap'n himself, and I have repeatedly told anyone reading my posts to do the same. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who went out of their way to make sure we saw what they were saying about us. This includes publicly admitting to using alts to go around our blocks of them so that they can keep interacting with us directly
Very quickly into critiquing Cap'n's work, a primary focus became pointing out the problematic rhetoric he was spreading with his incredibly influential, incredibly popular fanfic. This includes the justification of holding racist rhetoric, the anti-miscegenation rhetoric, the infantilization of women, the demonization of men, the justification of imperialism, and more, all which appear very quickly into the story and stay prominent throughout the story. The people who have harassed me and others, meanwhile, either deny this rhetoric exists in their circles or outright hold this rhetoric themselves. This includes the use and defense of genocide apologetics.
This post is the first time I have talked about Cap'n in over a year, and the last time I posted any notes on his fic was over a year and a half ago. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have engaged in harassing behaviors as recently as this week (as of Aug 18 2024).
It has been explicitly said by those close to Cap'n that my notes, while upsetting him, had no part in him leaning away from social media more, unlike what you say here. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have driven off multiple people from social media and have openly patted themselves on the back for doing so, justifying their harassment by saying the people they've harassed off social media deserved it.
I have kept my critiques strictly on this Tumblr, as have most of the people who have talked about Cap'n's fic. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have spread their harassment on places such as Twitter, Reddit, and TVTropes.
I have refrained from ever accusing Cap'n of ever holding any bigoted views himself, and have made it a repeated point to say that his problematic writing is far more likely due to ignorance of the subjects involved rather than outright malice. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have accused many of us as people of being sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. based off of nothing. This includes accusing at least one of us of actual crimes against actual people with no proof and on multiple sites such as the popular and public Edelgard Discord and on Reddit.
People who said they were in contact with Cap'n (as in, mods of the Discord server that Cap'n was once in, the same server that has the mod that uses genocide apologetics) have been told that I was willing to remove parts of my notes that he found too attacking or harsh, and they've been told that I would outright remove all of my posts regarding Cap'n period if he would talk to me directly and we could discuss the implications and rhetoric he had accidentally written into his story. While I do understand him not wanting to do the latter (as it involves directly talking to me), he hadn't even done the former (which does not involve directly talking to me and only involves relaying messages through his friends). And with all of the above on top of that, it gives me the impression that he feels less like "this person is harassing me and that is giving my anxiety" and more "this person is critiquing me and I don't like that." While he has every right to feel the latter, we aren't going to sit here and say that's the same as the former.
So, nonnie, to answer why I am "hateful," as you put it: I don't like stories that unironically say being two races mean you don't belong to either race being influential in a fandom, as a mixed-race woman. I don't like stories that have characters of color only be used as props for the author's favorite little white girl to be influential in fandom, as a person of color. I don't like stories saying that women just want to go back to being innocent pure little girls and not be the wilted tainted flowers they are now to be influential in a fandom, as a woman. I don't like stories that lay the blame of all the world's suffering on the shoulders of a race of people who've barely survived a genocide to be influential in a fandom, as a person with a modicum of knowledge on where that rhetoric inevitably leads to. I don't like stories saying that men who don't bow down to women will almost certainly become rapist pigs or otherwise terrorizing monsters to be influential in a fandom, as someone who rejects sexism of all forms. I don't like stories that liken the violent conquests of imperialism to the blooming of flowers, or that say that imperialism is the only way for the "good" culture to help everyone - actual, genuine rhetoric used to justify actual, genuine imperialism - to be influential in a fandom, as someone who has read any history book ever.
And I don't like how all of this and more have clearly been normalized in big 3H fandom circles and how this has led to multiple people getting harassed, in no small part due to Cap'n's influence on the fandom at large.
I'm sorry if Cap'n doesn't like me pointing out the bigotry he had engraved throughout his story, and I'm sorry if I'm not going to be convinced that me doing that is the same as people's deliberate and long-standing attempts to chase people out of the fandom for saying they don't like Edelgard in the one way they allow anyone to like her, and I'm sorry that me calling out the racism people are engaging in and are hiding behind the shield of "discourse" seems to bother you so much, but I think I've explained why I'm not exactly that sorry well enough. Hope this answers your question <3
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Hi Hilary! I'm really enjoying and appreciating your US election coverage and I'm probably being an idiot foreigner here who is missing something (I've been following casually but it's not my system), but you and other Democrats seem pretty positive and I don't quite get it. On the BBC News checker the Democrats and Republicans are exactly neck and neck for the Senate and the Republicans seem way ahead (203-187) for the House. Believe me, I'd love to feel positive about something political (I'm English so...lol) but I feel like I'm missing something in the data. Totally understand if you'd rather not answer this but thought I'd ask as you seem to understand it and are good at explaining it!!
Listen, you have to understand that the narrative for MONTHS was that Republicans were going to absolutely crush us. The House was supposed to be gone by 9pm ET on election night and the Senate possibly soon after. The media water-carried for the GOP as hard as it possibly could, midterm elections for a first-term incumbent president are always bruising (Obama lost 63 seats in 2010 and we didn't get the House back until 2018), and we are dealing with high inflation, economic pain, Biden's low approval numbers, literal fascists, and so much more. This was a setup for the Republicans to roll right in and pick up where they left off in 2020. They nominated tons of crazy, dangerous, fascist election deniers openly promising to permanently fix elections in their state if they won. It was BAD.
Against that, the fact that is a razor-thin, largely uncalled race in terms of major factors, ie Congressional control, is nothing short of astonishing. The House is looking iffy, but if it slips Republican by a tiny majority, there's no claiming a triumphant red wave, and while it will absolutely waste everyone's time in performative nonsense and doing nothing and passing garbage resolutions, it won't be able to make much of that actually stick. If Democrats keep the Senate (which they are... probably likely to do, especially as Fetterman's win in Pennsylvania looms large), they can at least continue to confirm judges and shut down the rabid GOP-y House from doing too much. They need to win 2 of 3 in Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia to do this. Nevada depends on mail-in ballots. The Democrat Mark Kelly seems likely to hang on in Arizona (knock on wood). Democrat Raphael Warnock is in the lead in Georgia, but will need to win his narrow election all over again because of a horrible racist Georgia law saying that a candidate can only win outright if they get 50% in the first round, and he is just under that.
So yes: it is narrow, contingent, and scary, but the fact that we are in this position is genuinely astonishing, considering that everyone figured the Democrats were historic amounts of toast. Election deniers for governor/SOS have almost all lost (still waiting on Nevada and Arizona) and thus far, MAGA candidates have conceded. This is a good thing for democracy, as it ups the chances that control of elections will be maintained, Democrats will hold key swing state legislatures, and more. They also did especially well in several states (Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania) and made major flips of governor's mansions. Literally none of this would have happened in a red wave.
Anyway, yes. I wanted things to go better and for us to win some races we didn't win, and otherwise optimistically hope that half the country wouldn't vote for fascist forced-birtherism because wah wah gas prices. Unfortunately, they still did (mostly white people, because you know). But considering the absolute worst case scenario, where we were basically looking at the effective end of democracy in America and election denialists holding key posts in advance of the 2024 elections, yeah, a lot of people are very relieved right now.
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kharmii · 3 months
I just saw a post for the upcoming election you americans have and while they tried to promote to vote for Biden they (at least to me) promoted Trump even more by pointing out all the things wrong with this country right now caused by Biden.
I'm not american but Biden is a walkin senile laughing stock of the world. I doubt there is anyone taking him seriously.
I always was sceptical of Trump, thinking that it was odd for him to go for president. But after observing one presidency of Trump AND one of Biden... I know that the elections are going to be heated with lots of whining and bitching AND most likely some weird stuff going on in the background.
I feel things in the world need to change. 100 years ago the far right has been dangerous... nowadays it's the far left with an even more disgusting danger. You gotta be blind if you don't see it.
I just want this to be done and over with... and have fairly "normal" politics. Not stuff that belongs in an asylum being a daily occurence in modern day politics
Amazingly, Trump used to be a smug New York Democrat. Black people loved him. There are pictures all over of Trump shaking hands with civil rights leaders, and the name 'Trump' is thrown out in a lot of rap songs. He was the host of a popular game show called The Apprentice. That's why I thought he was a joke candidate when he ran in the Republican primaries during the 2012 election against Barrack Obama.
I was extra surprised when he ran again in 2016 and won the primaries. A lot of people were into him, but I voted for Ted Cruz still thinking Trump was a joke candidate. Ted Cruz wouldn't have won though. The guy has no charisma and even sounds annoying to some people. He has a used car salesman look. Anyway, when Trump won the primaries, the fix was in. The media kept putting out their usual fake polls saying that he had no chance against Hillary Clinton, an actual nasty character.
When Trump won, there was more hate in the media than I'd ever seen against a single person in my life. He wasn't supposed to win. We were given orders via constant media propaganda to vote Clinton and 'make history again' with a first woman president. Trump might have once been a Democrat, but he wasn't one of their guys. He wasn't a career politician who could be bought by the lobbyists. He wasn't perfect, but one of the first things I remember him doing was rewriting the income tax code so that working class people got a huge boost for married filing jointly or for the child tax credit.
He also pushed us toward greater energy independence by approving more drilling permits and pipelines. Gas was under or around $2/gallon. Food was cheap. Everybody's 401K was increasing. Interest rates were low for a loan. Everything was so good that all the people opposing him could do was call him racist and stir up the race and gender hustlers. There was a lot of rioting, and they are openly admitting that if Trump wins the 2024 election, a lot of people will die, and there will be lots more looting and rioting.
Trump should have won the 2020 election, but the media and government used the fake Covid scare to steal the election through the mail or through rigged voter machines that would show Trump in the lead until 3AM when suddenly Biden would instantaneously in a minute gain tens of thousands of votes. There was no accountability with the paper votes, and most people figure a lot of fake ones were thrown in. Biden somehow got more votes than Obama during his first term when people were excited about 'hope and change and the first black president'. (We got change alright, but it was all bad, like how his administration wrecked our health care). People were that excited about Biden. Nobody knows anybody who was excited about voting for Biden, but it must have been true.
About the time they should have been pushing for some meaningful audits in the mail in voting system and protesting Biden's suspicious 'win', the Powers that Be manufactured the January 6th 'insurrection' where Republican protestors who were heavily seeded with FBI agents posing as protestors were deliberately let into the capitol to mill about and basically do nothing. A woman named Ashli Babbitt was shot in the chest for no reason, but the cop was able to get away with it for being a black person shooting a white person. Since it was obviously shenanigans, it took years for the surveillance footage of the capital 'riot' to be released to the public so people could see it was nothing like they described.
That's where we are in the US. I'm not sure it will do any good to vote, but I'll get out and do my civic duty on the second Tuesday of November. Again, they'll say that 'voting for Trump is going to hurt gay people and Muslims and (insert victim class group)', but realistically, cheap cost of living is good for everybody.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
The small town where Ds and Rs have found a way to make immigration work
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/the-small-town-where-ds-and-rs-have-found-a-way-to-make-immigration-work/
The small town where Ds and Rs have found a way to make immigration work
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One of the reasons that I chose to put Harrisonburg, Va., on my list of towns to visit in this election cycle is that for over 20 years, it has been a refugee resettlement location and I expected this to be a matter of some controversy.But once there, I found something different and rare: a near consensus that the system is not only working, but that the residents are proud of it.The first Republican who I asked about the program has been a local resident for decades, is a big fan of Gov. Glenn Youngkin and has hired some of the refugees over the years.IN ONE SMALL TOWN, CRITICS AND SUPPORTERS ALIKE ASK, WHO IS KAMALA HARRIS?”It’s well organized,” she told me. “It’s a process. First temporary housing, then a job, then more permanent housing, and these folks become good members of the community.”Jeff, who runs musical events in the area, agreed. He graduated from Harrisonburg High School in the 80s, and after living in Hawaii for several decades, moved back.”When I took my daughter to the high school, there were like a hundred flags in the cafeteria, and they were for every language that had been spoken in the school,” he told me. When I suggested that this must be a strain on local resources, Jeff acknowledged that it is but said, “it’s all planned for, it’s not haphazard.” Another man I spoke with, this time a Kamala Harris supporter, concurred. “We are proud of it,” he told me.It is important to understand that Harrisonburg has, for the most part, been taking in people who fit a traditional definition of refugee, including many from Iraq and Afghanistan. They were escaping war, and were not economic immigrants being falsely labeled as asylum seekers by the Biden administration.The attitude of Harrisonburg to its role as an immigrant refuge displays an important nuance within the raging and often volatile arguments about immigration and the border. Very few people are flat out against immigration. Even Donald Trump extols the virtue of new arrivals when it is done in the right way.This is the same attitude that I found in Del Rio, Texas, which bears so much of the brunt of our broken border system. Not only were many of the border agents I spoke with of Mexican descent, they openly told me their parents or grandparents had come illegally. They don’t hate illegal immigrants, they just want a clear system to enforce.American voters by and large are not anti-immigrant. They are frustrated by an immigration system that simply pushes people off of a bus in New York City or somewhere and throws them in a hotel and says, “Go figure it out.” They also understand the danger of an immigration system that creates isolated communities which do not lead to assimilation, but rather Balkanization. In Harrisonburg, and places like it, the good old-fashioned melting pot is still bubbling. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FOX NEWS OPINIONAnd therein lies an opportunity for both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, if either chooses to take it. A positive case for orderly, lawful immigration, even at relatively high levels, is a widely popular and unifying policy. Trump can put points on the board by correctly noting that the Biden-Harris open border policy has been a debacle. Harris can win votes by calling Trump and his supporters anti-immigrant racists. But with positive and practical immigration solutions, both can reach a much broader range of voters.Americans are good people, welcoming people. They want to help. They want our nation to remain the shining city upon a hill, but they want it done in a way that is well organized. As Jeff put it to me, “Are we really helping these illegal immigrants if we don’t have a system in place? Or are we setting them up for failure?”In a nation as divided as ours, it is worth paying attention when people on both sides agree on something. I wasn’t expecting to find that in Harrisonburg, but as always, this land of ours is full of wonderful surprises. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM DAVID MARCUS
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maximuswolf · 5 months
[Discussion] People are turning the Sweet Baby Inc. issue into something it's not.
[Discussion] People are turning the Sweet Baby Inc. issue into something it's not. Let's be real, the Sweet Baby Inc. isn't "Gamergate 2.0," and it never was. The SBI drama is about blatant racism, sexism, and discrimination within the company, and both SBI's supporters and the media (like Kotaku - who openly back companies like SBI) are trying to convert it into another facet of the ongoing culture war.Look, I don't have a problem with diversity in video games. Honestly, I think it's normal and expected for games to have characters from different ethnicities, or characters that have different sexualities. And as long as a character is well written, I don't really care if they're a "diversity include." My real problem is solely with SBI, the people working for them, and the media and "games journalists" who openly defend these people.These people are openly bigoted and racist, making public statements on social media like "You can't be racist to straight, white men" (on their professional business accounts no less). Plus, there are videos of the company's CEO openly admitting to discriminating against straight, white men via employment (which is illegal, by the way) and saying derogatory things about white people.And despite that, these are the same people who claim to make stories more "diverse and inclusive." Bitch, you can't be inclusive while still hating and discriminating against a group of people, regardless of whether they're a minority or not. Discrimination is discrimination. Racism is racism. There's no way around that.And look, I'm not writing this as rage bait, to karma farm, or to be uncivil or offensive. And I know that I'm already quite late to the party (pretty sure this all started two or three weeks ago). The reason I'm making this post is because online discourse regarding the SBI issue has become so diluted that the original meaning is being lost. Let it be clear, this IS NOT a woke vs. anti-woke issue. It's not "toxic male gamers" hating diversity and inclusion, or "woke social-justice warriors" destroying your favorite games. It's blatant racism and sexism being lauded as "inclusion and diversity," and the exploitation of cancel culture to suppress dissenting opinions on an uncomfortable subject.That is truly what the SBI drama is about.Also, mods, if this post violates any of the rules: Sorry about that. I tried my best to be as upfront as possible without crossing the line. Submitted April 12, 2024 at 03:45PM by CodePandorumxGod https://ift.tt/elMRAZp via /r/gaming
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collymore · 6 months
How to turn hypocrisy into a financially prosperous, clickbait commodity!
By Stanley Collymore
Congratulations, offered by me most openly but undoubtedly likewise quite sarcastically to the Daily Mail quite specifically, but clearly as well to others that naturally on a daily basis also crucially publish many unfounded speculations about people they hate; you know the ones, like Harry and Meghan, now crucially and obviously amazingly, essentially claiming they're effectively outraged universally by thoroughly unfounded speculation, unquestionably relating to Charles Windsor, heir William and his wife Kate Middleton. Three quite irrefutably toxic, principals amongst this family of odious, Windsor scum discernibly involved in a still ongoing basis of egregious and malevolently feeding their own nasty, self-serving speculation, actually about Meghan, Harry and crucially significantly their young children, to the Daily Mail and other racist and fundamentally quite repellent elements of the UK's MSM!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 23 March 2024.
Author's Remarks: Basically my crucially personally having any sort of empathy either actually with or for the quite discernibly evil, Windsor family and specifically, distinctively that specifically evidently, gruesome four of Charles, Camilla, and clearly arch racist white supremacist William, and equally likemindedly his Karen spouse Kate - is for me the actual equivalent of lauding the iceberg for undoubtedly sinking the Titanic and effectively causing all those deaths.
The principal difference here being, that in the case of the Titanic it was literally an act of nature, with the Windsors and specifically the Gruesome Four, it's very much a clear situation of premeditated malice! And as a favourite Bajan adage goes: you do ultimately unquestionably reap what you sow! And more besides! Food for thought!
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talkingpointsusa · 8 months
Matt Walsh's show is equal parts stupid and sociopathic
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That smug expression, god I'm already hating this and I haven't even pressed play yet. (Source: Matt Walsh Show at the Daily Wire)
The year is 2024 and Matt Walsh is still...well himself. If last years episode where I stated that he blatantly lacks empathy didn't tip you off, I really do not like this guy. He's one of the smuggest and most openly sociopathic people in the conservative movement today, proudly arguing that rights should be taken away from trans people for the crime of simply existing and ranting about his fantasies of calling transwomen ugly men live on air (see the link above).
While there has been a rash of Michael Knowles coverage on this blog recently, mostly because he can't stop making a fool out of himself, I feel like this post is going back to the blogs roots since our first post here was about Matt Walsh.
Matt Walsh has started off 2024 in a predictably boring yet bigoted and miserable way with his first episode of the year being about the "trans agenda". Today Matt has a very gross episode for us so lets get into it shall we? Also he seems to think being straight is being gay so that's gonna be lovely to address.
03:50, Matt Walsh: "This week James Madison High School in Brooklyn cancelled classes so that busloads of hundreds of illegal migrants could move into the school during bad weather."
So, Matt's "main story" for todays broadcast is this high school in Brooklyn that was temporarily closed so that it could function as an emergency shelter for asylum seekers during a snow storm. The children at said school were made to do E-Learning for the time being.
While I personally think that New York City needs to find a more permanent solution to where to house asylum seekers during snow storms and the like, I support this decision from the standpoint of the city using what they have. Keep in mind that this was a winter storm and many of these families had small children with them. Many of said families could have very well died that day had the city not relocated them into that school. Considering that Matt Walsh is "pro-life" he should be happy that Brooklyn is preventing the unnecessary death of minors. However since these are brown skinned children, Matt responds with a predictably cold lack of empathy.
Naturally, wherever Matt and Conservative grifters like him go bomb threats seem to follow and this story is no exception. The school received a bomb threat after making the decision.
04:30, Matt Walsh: "This is so hard to believe. It's so contrary to the concept of a sovereign nation that I think it bares repeating. New York just ordered a public high school to displace American students, children who have every right to be in this country, in order to house criminal foreigners who crossed the border illegally."
Let's keep in mind that again, most of these people had children with them. I don't think using schools as shelters is a permanent or feasible solution but I also feel like given the resources the city was dealing with at the time it was the right thing to do. I would urge the city to find a better solution but I wouldn't criticize them for protecting a vulnerable group of people with children from dangerous weather.
Let's also keep in mind that this is a high school, not an elementary school. These aren't small children, these are teenagers and they are being asked to remote learn for a day. If this was an elementary school I would see the parents concerns here a lot more clearly, but you're telling me that teenagers can't stay home alone and learn remotely for one day? Odds are that remote school might have happened anyway due to the storm. This is simply racists lacking empathy for others.
05:45, Matt Walsh: "But even if we did know exactly who these migrants were it doesn't matter, they don't have a right to be in this country much less in our schools."
That doesn't take away the right that children and babies have to live. The school opened back up on Monday after the storm ended and everyone was fine, no "American children" died and no permanent mental distress occurred, but some children's lives may have been saved.
Again, one day of e-learning isn't going to kill anyone but being caught in a storm just might. While discussion should be had about how to properly and humanely house asylum seekers in NYC, this kind of inflammatory bigoted nonsense does not help the discussion.
06:09, Matt Walsh: "But we are putting adult foreigners above our own children"
Even in the video that Matt played of one of the parents screaming at the asylum seekers coming off the bus, children are clearly seen getting off as well. To omit the fact that most of these people had children and even babies with them is to omit a key part of why this decision was made in the first place.
But then again, if there's one thing Matt has made abundantly clear during his storied career of being a bigoted asshole it's that he doesn't care who dies as a result of the rhetoric he pushes.
This was obvious after the Club Q shooting in Colorado where instead of putting his bigotry to the side and acting like an actual human being in the face of a tragedy, Walsh doubled down on his hateful rhetoric and went on a deranged rant about drag queens. One of the more lovely quotes in said rant was;
"“If [drag] is causing this much chaos and violence, why do you insist on continuing to do it? If according to you it’s putting people’s lives at risk… why are you still doing it, is it that important to you?”
If this sounds like blaming the victims of a mass shooting for their own deaths, congratulations you have eyes! The point I am trying to make here is that Matt displays a disturbing pattern of not caring about the human cost of his own rhetoric and a lack of empathy towards the people in the stories he covers and it's no different here.
06:15, Matt Walsh: "And they're doing this at literal gunpoint by the way. And all the parents can do is film and all the parents can do is film or they'll be arrested and charged with hate crimes probably."
The police presence at the school isn't "literal gunpoint" but if Matt is so concerned about police presence that's a talk I would be willing to have, too bad that talk will never happen since going against the police would lead to conversations around police brutality that are a bit awkward for Matt's Conservative worldview.
Public high schools aren't public in the sense that anybody can do whatever they please with them, they are still owned by the government. As a result the government of NYC, knowing that this decision would be controversial and would attract right-wing attention, sent some officers to the school to ensure the safety of the asylum seekers and the enforcement of the decision. Also they wouldn't be charged for hate crimes, that notion is a completely absurd construction that Matt is putting forth to his bigoted audience to make them angry. If they were to be charged with anything, which I doubt they would be, it would be trespassing.
07:33, Matt Walsh: "By the way it's great that there are a few parents out there that are filming this and are expressing their outrage but the fact that every parent isn't out there protesting, the fact that there are only a few, is pathetic in and of itself."
Probably because most parents realize that one day of e-learning isn't that big a deal and is a small price to pay for saving the lives of some children and the ones who are out seem more concerned that it's a group of non-white people temporarily moving into the school.
Just a thought.
07:49, Matt Walsh: "Now there might be a reason for some of that which is that the media isn't talking about this, you're not gonna find that footage on the national news or even the local news."
Hey ding-dong, I guess you don't have Google because a quick Google search for "Brooklyn high school migrants" brought this up.
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How do you think I learnt about this story? My vivid imagination? No, I read about it in the New York Times. As for the video of the one woman yelling which was posted by known extremely credible journalistic source "Libs of TikTok" (which is more proof that Chaya Raichik's fans REALLY like sending bomb threats to places by the way) it doesn't add anything to the story. It's just one woman screaming at people and the news has already covered the protest in detail. It adds absolutely nothing to the conversation.
08:35, Matt Walsh: "No media organizations, even the ones that claim to focus entirely on big events in the city of New York, are tracking down the parents to hear exactly what's happening here."
Matt Walsh is a moron: a story in screenshots.
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Those guys with cameras are from the nonexistent media, totally no coverage at all (Source: New York Post)
Hey look, the New York Post did speak to some parents who were pissed off at the decision. Quote:
“The writing was on the wall the minute the city started being inundated with migrants,” said one mother who only gave her name as Maria. “It’s disgusting. It should not be put on us taxpayers.” (New York Post)
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Ignore the microphones with LITERAL NEWS AGENCIES LOGOS ON THEM, there was zero media coverage (Source: New York Post)
Just so you know, this Post article was posted on the 10th and Walshes episode came out on the 11th so it was completely available to him then. I hate to use the shitrag known as the New York Post as a source but the fact is that it's a major publication that interviewed the parents and has pictures proving that the news agencies were there. No media coverage my ass.
11:11, Matt Walsh: "But if you are wondering why the left was so intent on implementing those lockdowns, well there's your answer, they wanted a precedent they could use in the future and already they're using it in order to house illegal migrants in public school."
Surely it couldn't have been because there was a massive public health emergency that was killing thousands of people, no it was so that they could house asylum seekers in a high school for one day during a snow storm.
This makes absolutely zero sense when you think about it for more than five seconds.
11:44, Matt Walsh: "This is destruction that doesn't benefit any particular political party over another, it's destruction that's calibrated to destroy the entire foundation of this entire country."
Matt Walsh has a formula for these episodes. Introduce the topic, instead of arguing against what he is covering argue against some bizarre strawman version of it that is way broader than the actual topic, declare that this will lead to the literal end of society, and move on.
Notice how Matt leaves out key details of the story like the fact that this was during a snow storm and how most of the asylum seekers being moved in were family units with children in order to strengthen his argument. He also overinflates the entire thing from some teenagers being made to do one day of E-learning to some kind of grandiose permanent thing that the Democrats planned in advance during COVID and by the way they'll be making YOU house asylum seekers in your home next. Watching the Matt Walsh Show is like consuming news through some bizarre funhouse mirror version of reality.
Think about it, Matt never really argues the points he's trying to make, mostly because he probably realizes that most of what he actually believes would get his ass thrown off pretty much every social media platform in existence and that stops the money from flowing. What he does instead is rant about how the left is causing the literal end of society. How is the left causing the literal end of society? Who knows?! They just are!
11:55, Matt Walsh: "And if you don't believe that, consider the fact that just a few months ago, illegal migrants in New York City started encroaching on the turf of the single most reliable voting block for the Democratic Party, which is Black people on welfare and these migrants started showing up early to snag their handouts."
Nothing to see here, just another classic Matt Walsh being a racist moment. This is really just Matt's excuse to get in a dig at black people for daring to take government assistance money and it's so blatantly obvious. Otherwise why else would he bring this up? It's still not addressing the main issue at hand which is the school in Brooklyn, it's a completely different topic entirely.
But like I said before, Matt's show is very free of actual points outside of just saying something bigoted and then declaring that society is over because of said bigoted thing.
12:13, Matt Walsh: "This is like something out of a sketch comedy show, it would be funny if it weren't so tragic."
It's so nice of Matt to concisely describe my feelings regarding his show and the conservative media ecosystem as a whole.
14:12, Matt Walsh: "Here's what Chicago's O'Hare Airport looks like right now. The airport, one of the biggest in the country, is now walling off entire sections so that they can be used as migrant encampments."
This is even less of a story than the high school in Brooklyn. Small parts of this massive airport are being used to temporarily provide shelter for arriving asylum seekers in order to provide them shelter from the cold. Just so you guys know, parts of O'Hare have been used as a crisis shelter for months and society still hasn't ended. Why Matt Walsh has only decided to pick up on this story now is a mystery to us all. They are also using Terminal 4 to shelter the asylum seekers which isn't even a terminal used for flights. It's a shuttle bus terminal.
Just an aside, has Matt Walsh never been to an airport? People sleep on the floors at airports all the freaking time, hell I've done it!
14:52, Matt Walsh: "Granted people in airports already tend to splay out on the ground and treat terminals like campgrounds but this is taking that to another level."
How Matt? Because the people who are doing it are a different race than you? Airports are already filled to the brim with people who are sleeping on the floor due to missed flights and the like, that's just how it's been since the beginning of commercial air travel.
Matt still hasn't mentioned that this isn't a part of the airport that people are flying out of.
15:17, Matt Walsh: "The government is now ceding critical infrastructure to foreigners who have no right to be in the country."
That's a funny way of saying "They've allowed asylum seekers to sleep inside a bus terminal at an airport so they don't freeze to death."
This decision hasn't impacted air traffic out of O'Hare at all, if it did you could bet that more people that aren't Matt Walsh would be talking about this.
Notice how Matt doesn't really have a point here. His argument is as follows;
"People are sleeping on the floor at an airport, granted people already do that but this is different for some reason, also civilization is going to collapse because people are sleeping on the floor at an airport."
Notice how it makes zero sense, so little sense in fact that Matt refuted his own argument right after making it.
15:22, Matt Walsh: "Pretty soon we're not gonna be simply ceding public buildings, they'll take private property too."
"FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Btw, no I don't have any proof for this"
15:28, Matt Walsh: "Already the government is laying the groundwork for that and once again COVID set the precedent. Remember when the Biden Administration banned evictions?"
The eviction moratorium was a humane decision given the circumstances. Numerous people were being put out of work by the pandemic and as a result were made more vulnerable financially, thus putting them at greater risk of eviction. That decision protected the American citizens that Matt's spent the entire episode saying he cares about, it's almost as if he doesn't care about the American public at all.
How on Earth does a temporary eviction moratorium lead to you being forced to house asylum seekers by the way? There is absolutely no direct line from one to the other. It makes zero sense like pretty much everything Matt's saying in this episode.
I'm starting to respect Michael Knowles a bit more because of this episode. Michael Knowles has a complete and total lack of talent that bleeds into all of the content he produces and so does Matt Walsh. The difference is that Michael will spend his episodes either watching CNN or reading an article from some publication and then go "this thing bad because libs" and then move on to the next article/CNN video. When Michael is made to talk about one thing for extended periods without reading someone elses work, he'll inevitably end up saying something stupid like how Mickey Mouse should be turned into a Nazi to own the libs but he mainly avoids that by reading others work and throwing up a two minute soundbite about it afterwards. The difference between Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles is that Michael seems to have a level of begrudging understanding of his lack of talent that Matt lacks. The issue is that Matt will try to talk about issues for extended periods of time and he usually makes a complete fool out of himself at best and reveals how much of a bigot he is at worst. Today it's a bit of column A and a bit of column B and we still haven't even gotten to his dumbass take on Valentines Day that went viral.
15:46, Matt Walsh: "Now public officials are once again suggesting that private property must be surrendered, and this time for the benefit of illegal migrants. Just a few months ago politicians in Massachusetts and New York demanded that residents offer up their homes to foreign nationals, watch."
Matt plays some clips of politicians asking their constituents to volunteer to host a migrant family. There's one word I'd like to emphasize and that's volunteer. Nobody is forcing American's to take on a family of aslylum seekers unlike what Matt's bestie Chaya Raichik would have you believe. It's on a 100% volunteer basis and the clip from Massachusetts makes that abundantly clear. And in case you are still concerned about asylum seekers being forced into your home, that clip of the governor of Massachusetts was taken in August of last year and no asylum seekers have been forced into peoples homes since then. Real weak, real stupid.
17:35, Matt Walsh: "If you're a landlord or property owner we can use you too. Very appropriately phrased isn't it? We can -- not even like 'we can use your property', we can use you."
What the governor was saying was that the state could use the help of landlords to deal with the massive influx of asylum seekers that they are seeing. I do believe that the Biden Administration itself isn't doing enough to help these cities with the influx in asylum seekers but that's a conversation that Matt isn't having here. Instead what we get is fearmongering about a clip taken in August of the governor of Massachusetts asking for people to volunteer space in their homes if they can to help deal with the influx of asylum seekers and maybe provide space to a family in need, not forcing people to take in asylum seekers like Matt is claiming here.
17:57, Matt Walsh: "This is one of the things Americans fought the Revolutionary War to prevent, that's why the Constitution prevents quartering troops in peoples homes."
Without the homeowners consent, so quartering troops is on a volunteer basis....like quartering asylum seekers is. I can't help but feel like leaving that part of the third amendment out was a conscious decision on Matt's part.
Also this is such a ridiculous comparison to make. It's not like America has seen a massive influx in troops that don't have previously established homes in the country and are in urgent need of housing.
18:16, Matt Walsh: "What we're seeing are illegal migrants, criminals, taking over your airports and your childs schools. At this rate it won't be too long until these criminals start walking into television stations with grenades."
Undocumented immigrant crime is insanely low when you look at the numbers. In Texas a study from The National Academy of Sciences USA discovered that the undocumented migrant conviction rate was 45% below that of native born Texans. Seems like a segment of the population that is very unlikely to walk into television stations with grenades.
Just to recap, Matt's bombshell proof of this migrant takeover is a school being used to shelter migrant families during a storm for a day and a bus terminal at an airport being used as a shelter for migrants for months with nothing bad happening there during said months. I can't stress enough how weak this is.
Matt finishes this story, does an ad pivot, and starts his five headlines thing. He mumbles incoherently about the debates and Chris Christie. It's very stupid. He's not saying anything of value, mostly just his thoughts on political candidates interspersed with smug comments about people he doesn't like. Here's some of Matt talking shit about Chris Christies "hot mic" moment.
25:29, Matt Walsh: "So he forgot that he had a mic on or forgot that it was hot, didn't know it was hot, and just so happened to say a bunch of stuff that would be embarrassing for his rivals but not for him personally. He comes off well because he's saying 'we told the truth but they didn't want to hear it and we worked hard'. So he said a bunch of things that are flattering for him, he didn't know, the world got a glimpse of what he says behind the scenes and it just so happens that for that 60 second period he was saying things that are flattering to himself and embarrassing to his rivals. What an enormously convenient accident for Chris Christie."
Or he did actually forget and was shit talking about people he doesn't like. Is it that hard to believe that a politician talks shit about his rivals behind the scenes and has a bit of an inflated sense of self?
I mean, there's a chance that it was faked since he did indeed come on a little thick so this isn't anywhere near the main thing that I'm gonna push back on Matt about. I do think there's also a chance that he didn't know.
Matt decides to talk shit about Ohio's anti-trans legislature. There's not much here, just mumbling incoherently about long since debunked myths about "child castration". It's not really much of anything and we aren't talking about it. Let's talk about tackle football for minors
30:04, Matt Walsh: "Ok, I have a -- I wanna play this for you. This is a news report, a local news report, out of the communist nation of California which is on the way to banning tackle football for children."
So, California is moving to ban tackle football for kids under twelve. I found the fact that pre-pubescent children are out there playing tackle football really strange and disturbing considering the concussion rates that tackle football has amongst adults, let alone small children who by definition have more fragile bodies than adults.
As it turns out, the impacts that playing tackle football has on minors are extremely harmful for their future development. A study from the CDC found that children between six and fourteen who play tackle football are 15 times more likely to sustain head impacts and 23 times more likely to sustain hard head impacts (ie; ones that literally shake your brain inside your skull which puts you at risk for brain injuries) than children who play flag football.
For those who don't know, flag football is a much safer alternative to tackle football for minors. In it, the players aren't allowed to make contact with each other and wear flags that the player is supposed to remove. This is designed to remove the need for players to tackle each other which, as we've already established, is quite dangerous.
Now since one of Matt Walsh's favorite arguments against gender affirming care is "think of the children", you would think such a massive defender of children's safety would be all for this. He isn't because it's a bill that was authored by the democrats and one of the requirements for working at the Daily Wire is being a contrarian asshole who automatically assumes that everything the Democrats and people on the left do is bad.
32:10, Matt Walsh: "Ok so, maybe it won't surprise you to learn that I hate this idea, banning tackle football. And it's something that you hear, California obviously is first up to the plate, but there's support for it all across the country and my prediction is that if California does it a bunch of other states will follow. And I think it's terrible."
Notice how Matt's initial arguments are "this is bad because I think it sucks". Matt does elaborate on his points a little later on but really all he has is that he doesn't like it because it goes against his staunchly traditional view of masculinity and outside of that he has nothing.
32:59, Matt Walsh: "Generally this is a reflection of our feminized society, yet again. It is a very feminine womanly thing to look at a sport where boys are tackling each other and say 'Oh that's too dangerous.'"
I love how much of a twelve year old boy Matt is here.
"Yeah, I'm gonna ignore all the data that say that concussions among young children are more common in tackle football because expressing concern that children might get hurt is so girly."
What a moron.
33:21, Matt Walsh: "Now I understand why women feel that way."
Because they've seen the data? Oh right, misogyny.
33:35, Matt Walsh: "That's also why women are not the foremost authority on what sorts of activities are best for boys."
Still not addressing the actual data regarding concussions. Misogyny isn't a replacement for actual arguments.
34:24, Matt Walsh: "Why can't they just play flag football instead? Well, because flag football is lame, that's why. You know why we don't have boys play flag football? Because girls can play flag football."
Ignoring the whole "not getting concussed as a minor is lame" aspect of this, this argument makes no sense. Women can also play baseball, should we get rid of that?
Also, women can play tackle football so this is a moot point. Matt has zero idea what he is talking about outside of "boys rule, girls drool" and it shows.
10/10 journalist Matt Walsh's next brilliant headline is "Breaking: Men from Mars and Women from Venus."
34:59, Matt Walsh: "So football will go from being a masculine sport for boys who want to go out there and tackle and be rough to a fun activity for girls and boys to do together, which is to say it will lose all of it's value."
Ok, so do boys need to "go out there and tackle" when they have more fragile bodies at 9 years old? No, there are much safer ways to do that. Plus, tackle football isn't being banned outright. It's simply being banned for ages that studies have shown that it's unsafe for.
35:35, Matt Walsh: "First of all, tackle football for kids is not that dangerous. There is this very, again very womanly, panic around tackle football. 'Oh it's too dangerous, they're hitting eachother.' It's not that bad actually, especially for young kids. In fact, for kids in that age range, the exact range that they are banning it for, it is especially safe at that age range."
Note how I have data to back up my argument that tackle football presents a risk to minors whereas Matt just has "It just is safe!"
I urge anyone who is a fan of Matt Walsh to keep an eye out for the fact that he never seems to have anything to support the arguments he is making. All of his arguments boil down to "it just is because I said so!" and he never seems to elaborate beyond that. If Matt has a recent study that says that tackle football is especially safe for minors, I'd love to see it. Otherwise he is just saying things with no evidence.
36:06, Matt Walsh: "Did you know that more kids die from baseball injuries every year than football injuries under the age of twelve?"
That isn't the conversation we are having. The conversation is about the long term impacts of tackle football related head trauma on minors, not fatalities. The issue is that the head injuries sustained while playing tackle football have the potential to cause serious harm later in life.
The bar for whether something is dangerous or not shouldn't be "Well, at least they aren't dying", otherwise you'll end up opening the door for a whole bunch of other dangerous and rightfully banned stuff for minors to come back.
Also you just know that Matt would freak out if we tried banning baseball for minors.
37:08, Matt Walsh: "Because these people are morons they don't understand that the worst thing you could do is ban tackle football for young ages but it's still legal for the--because now you're taking kids and they're not gonna learn, when they're still young and not very fast and strong, they're not gonna learn how to tackle and then you bring them into high school and now they're much bigger and stronger and faster and they've never learned to tackle and you're saying 'alright kids, go crazy'. Now you're gonna end up with a lot more injuries because of that."
Does....does Matt not realize that we can learn things when we grow older? Plenty of professional football players learnt how to tackle in high school and not when they were little kids. You can learn those skills when you are older.
37:45, Matt Walsh: "The second point which I think is the broader point that's important is that, as I've argued many times, society needs to have outlets for male aggression and energy."
Ignoring Matt's portrayal of boys as a net entity that don't have a distinctive personality outside of "aggressive", there are other ways to provide that outlet that don't put children at risk of long term head injuries. I used to occasionally play wrestle with my dad as a kid, I'm not a masculine guy in real life at all but I was certainly an energetic child and that provided a safe and fun outlet for me to get that energy out (although in retrospect it was probably quite tiring for my poor dad).
Now, some boys don't have fathers which is a point that Matt bandies about later but let's say you've got an aggressive and energetic boy that desperately needs an outlet yet doesn't have a father. You think there aren't other safer sports that aren't tackle football?
The point I'm trying to make is that there are dozens of other outlets to get that energy out, hell flag football could be one of them. You're still running around and getting that energy out. Basketball is significantly more popular than football amongst the youth anyway and that provides a fun outlet for that energy.
40:06, Matt Walsh: "And yet one by one, as a society we are taking away all of the healthy organized outlets for male aggression. How is that working out? How's it working out? Like, are we ending up with less violence and less aggression in society? No we're not. We're just ending up with the kind of violence that doesn't happen on the dodgeball field or a football field."
Notice how we went through the Matt Walsh argument cycle I mentioned earlier yet again. He introduced the topic, didn't address the main point which is that studies have shown the tackle football leads to increased head injuries amongst minors and instead ranted about masculinity, and then declared that banning tackle football will lead to increased violence with absolutely zero evidence.
I've watched a lot of the Matt Walsh Show for this blog and I will continue to do so and I feel like the more I watch the more I start to understand the kind of intellectually dishonest arguments Matt likes to make. Notice how Matt hasn't engaged with the point about youth being at greater risk for concussions when they play tackle football beyond "Well, I don't think that's true and nobody is dying". It's even worse when he tries to discuss trans issues because that's almost entirely informed by his own bigotry.
While Matt is less brazenly stupid than Tim Pool and Charlie Kirk, which is easy to do since my cat is probably less brazenly stupid than those two dipshits, he's a kind of subtle dumb that you start to notice when you pay attention to what he's actually saying. Although when he's talking about minority groups it's a way more brazen and sociopathic dumb.
40:36, Matt Walsh: "And that brings us to the point those coaches (he played a local news clip that involved some coaches speaking) were making about the disparate impact and the one time I'll agree with that point because as they said, young black boys especially, need these kinds of outlets and why do they need it? Well because many of them don't have fathers at home and -- you have a father at home who's active and involved and one of the things a father does is to help a boy understand how to take all that energy and channel it in healthy ways."
And again, there are safer ways for them to channel their energy. Flag football and basketball are significantly safer ways to channel energy that don’t open minors up to the risk of long term brain damage. The kids are still running around and interacting with other boys and I've yet to see an argument from Matt here that isn't "I think flag football is lame".
And what about countries where tackle football for minors is either not a thing or isn't that expansive? I grew up in Canada and tackle football leagues for minors weren't, and still aren't, that much of a thing here (we mostly play ice hockey at a young age which is a sport that Matt thinks is girly for some reason despite most hockey players ending up losing more than a few teeth by the time they retire).
41:03, Matt Walsh: "If you don't have a father you don't have that and that's why in particular, those kinds of boys, tackle football is very good for them. Even with the dangers and the risks it's still very good."
Uh Matt....didn't you just spend ten minutes of my day explaining how tackle football isn't dangerous at all? So I guess there are dangers and risks but apparently risking a concussion is good for boys even though they can get exactly what Matt is talking about from safer sources and sports.
41:14, Matt Walsh: "On top of that there's the male role models, the male influences, they get from their coaches."
I don't understand this point. Does Matt think that tackle football is the only sport with male coaches? You can get those same influences from other less dangerous sports.
If you had a good experience with tackle football as a kid, that's awesome and I am not trying to downplay that, I just think that there are other ways for young boys in the age range that California is banning football for to get into sports that put them at less risk in the future. And again, I'm not saying we ban tackle football for minors as a whole and neither is California, but I do feel like before you are twelve years old safety should be a priority and that includes safety in sports.
Anyway, this might come as a shock to you but the guy who thinks that the Democrats most reliable voting base is "black people on welfare" doesn't give two shits about young black boys without fathers. All this story is for him is an excuse to be a misogynistic asshole and rant about how society is "too feminized". And if you don't believe me, here's the very next thing he says.
42:32, Matt Walsh: "Young men aren't allowed to have anything, they just can't have anything cause we look at everything from this pathetic, weak, feminized mentality and we say 'that's upsetting, this is a little too rough. Calm down kids. Here take some drugs, we'll drug you instead to calm you down'"
Since Matt Walsh is a mental illness denier who thinks ADHD is just "a product of our environment" it's not really surprising that he thinks that the cure for ADHD (I'm assuming that's what he's talking about at least, it's hard to tell because the drugs thing came out of absolutely nowhere) is tackle football. Why is it the cure? Because Matt says so and whatever Matt says is automatically correct at all times.
But notice how he is basically just whining about how society is "too girly" and how young men aren't allowed to have anything. This is the kind of thing that you'd expect to find on an incel board on some godforsaken corner of the internet and yet here we are.
Matt briefly talks about Fruit Stripe Gum being discontinued. I feel like this is a story that literally only Matt Walsh cares about. Like, I'm picturing Ben Shapiro telling him to cover the usual transphobic bullshit and also tackle football being banned and Matt tells him "Yeah, but only if you let me lament a gum brand being discontinued". Matt then starts responding to negative comments that are cherrypicked examples of poor counterarguments.
46:25, Matt Walsh: "I am fine with anyone trying to go to flight school, ok? My problem -- you know, anyone at all. My problem is when efforts are made to increase the proportion of a certain population in the cockpit because in order to do that you are going to have to lower the standards."
Lets think about this critically for one second. So Matt is saying that he has no problem with minorities being pilots but he feels like if we increase the number of minorities being pilots we'd "be lowering the standards". So I guess minorities can't meet these standards on their own merits if what Matt is saying is true, after all back when we had "one standard" most (if not all) pilots were white. So when you analyze the argument that Matt is making, it's clear he does in fact have a problem with minorities being pilots since in his world they naturally don't meet these standards without the help of DEI. So really this argument is just poorly coded racism.
Alaska Airlines aside, which in my opinion was an example of Boeing cutting corners and endangering their customers as opposed to DEI (it makes zero sense to credit what happened to DEI by the way), air fatalities have been decreasing over the years as seen here.
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Source: Statista
Now, there was an uptick in 2018 but if, as the linked article points out, you look at a longer time frame the overall trend has been going downwards. This is impressive as the overall amount of people flying has been going upwards. Plus this is a worldwide chart so it doesn't just include American commercial airliners. Private jets and military transport planes are also included.
Anyway, let's hear Matt's arguments out. Surely he has some hard proof that there is a separate standard for minorities that is easier and not just "there's a separate standard because I say there's a separate standard"....right?
46:50, Matt Walsh: "And how do we know that? Well it's because before they started with these efforts there was one standard and they said 'Here's how you become a pilot, here's what you need to do' and it just so happened that with those standards it was mostly white men who became pilots. Stands to reason that if you just continue along like you were before, you're gonna end up with mostly white men."
So the only group that can consistently meet the standards of being a pilot is white men, there's not really an argument you can make for that that doesn't loop back around to minorities and females having less intelligence and natural skill than white men which is probably why Matt doesn't linger on it for too long.
The fact of the matter is that every pilot goes through the same training. It's not like women and minorities go through a separate line of training from white men that's easier, that would be completely ridiculous. Luckily that's not happening.
47:19, Matt Walsh: "So if you decide that -- that there's anything else other than skill and competence that's a priority now and that you wanna increase the proportion of certain demographics, it means you're gonna start messing with the standards."
The thing is that people who are pilots don't immediately start off as pilots, there's a thing called "flight school" that they go to where they learn that skill and competence and if they are no good they don't graduate.
Now, me saying that this argument is that people are being let into flight school without having the skill and competence is a generous way to look at it because Matt probably means that minorities are inherently worse pilots. Why? Because Matt says so. Again, zero evidence to back up his claim.
49:20, Matt Walsh: "Are people really confused by this? Like, all of the many thousands of words that I have said on this topic and that is how you interpret it (he's responding to a comment accusing him of thinking that minorities can't fly planes)? Like are you actually confused? Are you actually this stupid? Or are you pretending?"
Matt Walsh getting pissed off at someone for interpreting his words in the only logical way to interpret them.
By the way, I love how this segment is called "Was Walsh Wrong?" because I don't think the answer has ever been yes. If someone finds a clip of this loudmouth narcissist admitting he is wrong because of a YouTube comment I would love to see it. Until then I'm just gonna assume that all these segments end with Matt saying he's right.
Anyway, here it is. Matt Walsh's extremely stupid Valentines Day take that everyone was talking about on Twitter. This is in response to a commentor saying that the reason a lot of Stanley Cups are pink (I guess he complained about that on another show, Matt throwing a tantrum over the color of a mug being "too feminine" seems in character) is because Valentines Day is coming up and some men might want to buy them as gifts for their partners.
49:59, Matt Walsh: "You think that guys are buying Valentines Day gifts in January? You think that any guy in the world is saying to himself on like January 3rd 'Oh that looks like a lovely gift for my wife for Valentines Day, I think I'll buy that now'? Literally no man has ever said that."
"Yeah, no mans ever put thought into a gift for their wife before."
This is just Matt Walsh admitting he's a terrible husband live on air. Putting thought into a gift for your wife is a lovely thing to do. This is just more proof that Matt's definition of masculinity is being an asshole.
51:10, Matt Walsh: "But of course, 97% of us are buying a Valentines Day gift on the way home from work on February 14th."
Just because you don't put thought into gifts doesn't mean that every man doesn't.
51:18, Matt Walsh: "But buying a Valentines Day gift for your wife a month early is the gayest thing you could do. Don't do that because if it's January 3rd and you tell your wife 'I got you a Valentines Day gift already' she's gonna say 'So you're gay?' Well that kinda ruins Valentines Day doesn't it?"
There it is, the stupid take that blew up Twitter last week Thursday. Straight is gay, up is down, the sky is green and the grass is blue. I love how Matt seems to think that it's gay to love your wife, it's so stupid. But don't worry, if you put off buying a gift for your wife on the way home from work on Valentines Day you can remain straight!
Naturally Matt went on Twitter, presumably realizing how dumb saying that a cis male buying a gift for his wife is gay makes him sound, to say he was joking when this started gaining traction. As someone who has watched the entire episode and knows the whole context for this, he delivered this in the exact same smug voice he delivers his allegedly "serious" points in. He was not joking, he just realized how much of an absolute goon he is and decided to backtrack without admitting that he was wrong.
I guess Walsh doesn't admit when he's wrong after all. I guess the only example I can think of was the time he tweeted that he apparently thought he had a natural immunity to poison ivy and then strolled through a patch and found out the hard way that he isn't...by the way he thinks ignorant people should be banned from voting.
Ad pivot and now we are talking about "Hollywood representation".
52:56, Matt Walsh: "If you've watched anything that Hollywood has produced at any point over the past decade and a half or so, you have no doubt noticed that movies and television shows are extremely diverse these days and I mean that in the way that everybody means it when they use the term, I mean that movies and television shows are a lot less white."
No they aren't, a vast majority of movies and shows that I am seeing still have white leads. Take The Last Of Us for example, a recent extremely popular show, the lead actors are white. Not that the skin color of a starring actor should matter and Matt's fixation on it raises up so many red flags.
What Matt means when he says that TV shows and movies are "a lot less white" is that TV shows and movies have more people of color and females and that angers him because of his racism.
"How dare the fictional world that I consume have people of color in it, this is white erasure." God, Matt is even more of a goon than usual in this episode.
53:32, Matt Walsh: "If a white male historical figure appears in a movie, he's usually changed to black."
Is Matt bothered by the fact that most of these foreign historical figures are speaking English instead of the native language that they would have spoken throughout history? If not, this argument is stupid because movies are venues of entertainment and aren't meant to be 100% historically accurate documentaries.
Also, here's a list of times Hollywood cast a white person in the role of someone who was historically a different race. So really Hollywood has been doing the opposite for years whereas I can't think of an example of what Matt is saying is happening actually occurring.
53:37, Matt Walsh: "But they can't take us out completely. I mean, after all plenty of scripts still have characters that are villainous racists or alcoholic domestic abusers and they at least want to cast us for that."
There are so many new movies with white males in heroic starring roles. Again, Matt's problem with diversity in movies stems from the fact that he's a racist child who can't handle seeing POC's or females in the media that he willingly consumes.
This is also such a complete non-issue. Who gives a crap if movies are casting black people in roles that are historically white or whatever? They're just movies!
Anyway, the story that Matt is trying to cover here (emphasis on trying) is about an open letter to the Film Academy about the exclusion of Jewish people from their new diversity standards. Yes, I think Jewish people should be included in the diversity standards. It doesn't hurt anybody and every group should have representation.
Anyway, Matt isn't happy about this letter because again, he's a child who is pissed that white men aren't getting every single role imaginable in Hollywood.
55:19, Matt Walsh: "Yes, by not specifically including Jewish people on a list of the most special groups of humans humans they are 'erasing Jewish people'. But of course, the same doesn't apply to white people and for their purposes."
I don't' understand what Matt's problem here is (well, I do, see above, but I don't understand it from the standpoint of the argument he's trying to make) because the overall bedrock point that "white people are being erased from movies" is fundamentally flawed.
56:02, Matt Walsh: "It must be stated for the millionth time that representation in and of itself does not matter."
There are a wide variety of reasons why cinematic representation does matter.
For instance, seeing yourself represented in media as a minority can be helpful to show those people, especially youths, that they have a seat at societies table too and that roles in movies aren't just reserved for white males.
Plus from a critical standpoint it leads to better storytelling. Simply representing one group leads to linear and bland films whereas representing stories from multiple groups leads to interesting stories that might not have been told otherwise. Parasite and Get Out are prime examples of this.
Really, this entire argument is Matt Walsh arguing why movies should only star white males. Only he's too much of a coward to admit that what I just stated is his position so he's splitting hairs about the definition of representation despite the fact that all his arguments can only lead back to the conclusion that movies should only star white males.
56:55, Matt Walsh: "So somewhere along the line we got this idea that wherever you go and whatever you happen to be doing, you should always see people who look like you and share all of your demographic details. We got the idea that you somehow have the right to be reflected by the world around you -- you need to have yourself reflected back to you by the world."
Classic strawman argument. Nobody is saying that the entire world should bend over backwards so that every single group on the planet should be represented by every single aspect of life, we are simply asking for more representation of minorities in media, a thing that harms absolutely nobody.
This is also hilariously ironic because Matt himself is basically saying here that he wants to see HIS demographic reflected back to him by the world and not just in any way either, a purely positive way.
"Yeah, I think minorities want to see themselves reflected back to them by the world and that's bad...that's why my demographic of white males should be reflected back to me by the world constantly."
57:23, Matt Walsh: "The only time a lack of representation is really a problem is when that absence has been intentionally engineered by the exclusion of certain groups on the basis of their race, gender, or whatever and in the name of representation that's exactly what they're doing to white males."
I feel like Matt Walsh lives in a parallel universe. Like, how on Earth can you look at the movies being released today and your first thought is "Man, white males are really being excluded"?
I looked at what my local cinema is playing and the list is pretty white. Wonka stars a white male, All of us Strangers stars two white males (although Matt probably wouldn't count that because it depicts a gay romance and he's a raging homophobe), Anyone But You stars a white male, The Iron Claw stars a white male, Napoleon stars a white male. I don't know if America is getting all these films that star racial minorities and we in Canada are getting all the films starring white males but from where I'm standing white males get plenty of representation. And again, who cares if there are a lot of movies starring minorities? I thought Matt didn't care about representation.
Also, exclusionary practices are very well documented in Hollywood. I'd say that going out of your way not to cast actors who are minorities is exactly what Matt is talking about here.
57:44, Matt Walsh: "As far as representation goes, we must note that Jewish people are definitely represented in Hollywood. I don't know exactly how many Jews are involved in film productions but I do know that it's certainly more than 2.4%."
A): They are talking about on-screen representation. When Matt says "involved in film productions" he is lumping in producers, directors, etc. That's not what they were talking about in the letter.
B): "I don't know but it feels correct" isn't a valid way to back up a claim you are making. But like I said before, that's what the reasoning behind most of Matt's arguments come from. For a guy who claims to be such an enlightened conservative who only backs up his claims using FAcTs AnD LoGiC, Matt seems to go off his feelings a lot.
58:20, Matt Walsh: "Now the same is true about black people, blacks are 13% of the population. They're also 13% of working actors."
Working actors is an extremely broad category. That category includes actors who are only seen in the background of one shot for five seconds of the movie and actors who only get minor roles in third-rate direct to DVD B-movies that don't make it to cinemas or streaming.
Here's a chart of the distribution of leading roles among minorities compared to white people. As you can see, white people still have the majority of leading roles in Hollywood. Intentional exclusion? Clearly not. But Matt isn't working off the data like he's pretending to here, he's working off his feelings.
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Source: Statista.
As for women, it's certainly a lot closer but the majority of lead actors are still males. By using these metrics it's clear that white males still have the majority of leading roles in Hollywood movies.
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Source: Statista.
58:27, Matt Walsh: "LGBT people are, by last count, 7% of the population. Again, it's hard to say exactly how many gays are in Hollywood but it is definitely within a shadow of a doubt more than 7%. A lot more."
This one makes even less sense than the argument about minorities since a lot of LGBTQ+ people in Hollywood could still be in the closet, which Matt hinted at when he said "It's hard to say". For there to be proper representation of LGBTQ+ people in Hollywood, even by Matt's own argument, they would have to be out and their role would have to reflect that.
You just know Matt would throw a shit fit if we got a major Hollywood movie starring someone who is transgender.
59:01, Matt Walsh: "If representation means anything, this is what it means, or should mean. So, even if I agree that every group should be represented everywhere, all that would mean is that the groups distribution in any given industry reflects it's general population density."
No, it means that minority groups should get fair and equal representation to white males. Matt is completely misrepresenting what representation in film means.
Also, if Matt brings up his racist and conspiratorial "white people are trending towards extinction" BS again this year you can be that I'm bringing up the fact that he just admitted that white males still make up most of the US population.
1:01:13, Matt Walsh: "Like, it's funny. You never hear anybody complaining about the fact that a majority of garbagemen are white and also almost all of them are male. Almost none of them are LGBT. You never hear anyone calling for greater black or female or gay representation among roofers or plumbers or janitors or the guys who come and empty out port-a-potties."
That isn't even what people mean when they call for representation in Hollywood. It's about people who are minorities seeing themselves on screen and shown in a very public industry that has a history of excluding minorities. That's radically different than the skilled trades.
So, what have we learned today? Well, the last episode where I covered Matt Walsh pissed me off and I wasn't subtle about it in my writing. Today's also bugged me but I feel like I was looking more for how Matt constructs his arguments today than I was last time.
Matt Walsh never addresses the core points of what he is talking about and regularly lies by omission, leaving key details out of the stories he talks about in order to make his opinion seem more reasonable. Most of his arguments aren't backed up by actual facts and when they are the facts are flimsy at best. His entire thing is that he hates stuff and is overly performatively masculine (which if he ever makes one of his incel tier episodes might be something I dedicate an episode to in the future), I don't think he could function without hating stuff.
Most of his arguments are only tangentially related to the story he is talking about. Take the tackle football story for instance; instead of addressing the core issue at hand which is that data shows that tackle football leads to greater risk of head injuries, Matt spent most of the segment griping about how society has became "too feminized" and made absolutely ridiculous arguments like how tackle football is somehow the only sport where minorities can experience male role models in the form of their coaches. I'm starting to think that this Matt Walsh guy isn't as smart as conservatives say he is.
Anyway, that was painful. Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
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newagesispage · 9 months
                                                              JANUARY        2024 
It’s 2024 and away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
The hole in the ozone is about to disappear. 
Mac Culkin got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! 
Rush has their own line of beer and mustard and it is now available in the U.S.!! 
The trains are coming. Finally, we may have some real new high speed rail lines!!!! 
Gotta check out FIRE: The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. The mission statement: To defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans t speech and free thought. 
The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II who has ruled for 52 years has abdicated. Her son, Crown Prince Frederik will take over. 
Kathy Griffin filed for divorce from her husband, Randy Bick.** Zac Brown is divorcing Kelly Yazdi. 
The NFL will downgrade Brad Allen and the ref crew from the Dec.30 Lions- Cowboys game. There were many questionable calls. 
Not all Trump supporters are racist but ALL of them decided that racism isn’t a deal breaker. * * And what the hell are the Trumpers talking about with whole milk needed for Santa and a trial lawyer bringing up the Grinch?? What??** Behind the scenes, they say that Trump is thinking of Attorney Generals like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. The Atlantic filled a whole mag with what the next Trump Presidency would look like. It is imagined that he now knows what he can get away with after testing the limits on his last Presidency. He now knows who he can really trust and the whole thing would be corrupt.* * People have started to talk about the open secret of his strange body odor as well. 
The Carter Center observed or prepared to observe elections in Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Liberia this year. 
Snoop Dogg will help in the 2024 Olympic coverage. 
Gervais- Chappelle- DeGeneres: Why all the bragging and complaining on stage. Art or just never happy? It is sort of like successful rockers can never write the same after while. They just don’t see the things like they used to, same with stand up? 
Can’t wait to read The life and times of Hannah Crafts by Gregg Hecimovich. 
Elon Musk cussed out the advertisers that wanted out of X. 
Hershey is being sued for lack of detail on their holiday themed treats. 
Will Warner Bros. And Paramount Global merge?? 
Hooray!! Girls5eva was picked up by Netflix after Peacock cancelled them. Look for season 3 on March 14. 
Can’t wait for Manhunt, the story of the 12 day chase for Abraham Lincoln’s killer. 
George Santos is gone from the House.  He filed ethics complaints against fellow GOP members on his way out. Hell hath no fury as a former drag queen turned fabulist con man scorned. - George Takei** He is making big money on Cameo. Why the fuck Jimmy Kimmel wants to help fund that is beyond me. He seems to think it is funny to play ball with these idiots, that he makes them look foolish, I guess. He is just giving them more air- time and more $. ** There is already an HBO movie in the works.** The house is working thru impeachment charges for Biden. They openly admit that is a payback and they just want to hurt his political chances. That is not how impeachment is supposed to work. 
Marjorie Taylor Greene met with the Shaman traitor from Jan.6. ** Colorado and Maine have voted to take Trump off the ballot but Wyoming voted to keep him. What will the Supreme Court do with this?? Do states get to deal with their own elections or what? I thought the states decided. ** Colorado, Arizona and Michigan are on appeal. Wisconsin, Oregan and New Jersey are in state court. Alaska, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont and Virginia are still waiting. 
Police and SWAT teams were called to the homes of law makers. Rick Scott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Michelle Wu and Brandon Williams were a few that were targeted. There are no answers as to who is responsible for the hoaxes. The ‘swatting’ seems to be coming from outside the U.S. 
Slipknot is being sued for allegedly profiting over drummer Joey Jordison’s death. 
Did Israel fund Hamas? ** Is Benjamin Netanyahu casting shade at Biden who is already getting shit for too much support? 
Pierce Brosnan was charged with trespassing at Yellowstone park. 
The Golden Globe noms are out: Succession is loaded with nominations. Robbie Robertson was nominated for Killers of the Flower Moon. So happy to see Bill Hader, Steve Martin, Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster and Lily Gladstone with noms. There is a new stan-d up category with Ricky Gervais, Trevor Noah, Amy Schumer, Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes and Sarah Silverman. 
Christians have been warning about the Anti-Christ for 2,000 years. When he finally shows up, they vote for him. ** Many in politics seem to believe that shameless is a super power.** Scary Clown 45 continues with his racist speak, this time telling us that the blood is being poisoned. Colbert quipped that the real poisoning is people dipping pizza in ranch dressing. I agree that that is wrong. I will never understand that. I have a sister that dips. 
Terry Gilliam is said to be getting ready for his next film, Carnival at the end of Days. Will Johnny Depp play Satan?? 
So excited for the Wilma Mankiller Barbie!!!! 
The House committee on Education and the Workforce has announced their investigation into Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts institute of technology. The charge is rampant antisemitism. One University of Pa. Donor has withdrawn a $100 million grant. 
Finally! About 4,000 military appointments were approved no thanks to Tommy Tubberville. Is he trying to wait out these Generals to leave it to a Trump White House. 
Lucky Hank was cancelled. ** Please somebody pick up American Auto!!!!! I miss it!!! 
Former police chief Alan Hostetter who took a hatchet, tactical gear and pepper spray along with him on Jan. 6, was sentenced to 11 years in prison. 
The son of Sen. Kevin Cramer, Ian, has been charged with manslaughter and fleeing an officer. 
The Chrisley’s and the Harrisons on Pawn Stars seem to be in and out of court.  
A group of nuns filed a lawsuit against Smith and Wesson. 
Give Hunter Biden his public hearing. 
We have the lowest unemployment for minorities ever. 
What a fucking cast list for Palm Royale, the story of the haves and have nots. Kristen Wiig, Ricky Martin, Mindy Cohn, Julia Duffy, Laura Dern, Bruce Dern, Allison Janney and Carol Burnett. 
Highest murder rates in the U.S. 1. Mississippi 2. Louisianna 3. Kentucky 4. Alabama 5. Missouri 6. S. Carolina 7. New Mexico 8. Georgia 9. Arkansas 10. Tennessee 
George Clooney and Adam Sandler will star in Noah Baumbach’s Biggest Dow Jones Record. 
Barbara Streisand will be given the SAG Lifetime Achievement Award. 
Trevor Noah will host the 2024 Grammy’s. 
Anthony Anderson will host the Emmy’s. ** Days of Our Lives won nothing on the Daytime Emmy’s. If it weren’t for Alley Mills winning a guest Emmy for GH, the show would have been pretty bleak.  Yikes!!* *Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner hosted. Most of the people seen were part of the CBS family since that is who broadcast it. GH won most everything.  Mayim Bialik was nominated for an Emmy for hosting Jeopardy. Jeapordy decided they did not want her back.  
Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss were awarded $148 mil in the Guilliani defamation trial. ** Rudy went outside and said he meant every word and they sued him again. You can’t make this up. The pillow guy, Fox News and Rudy but so far nothing reaches Trump. ** Rudy then filed for bankruptcy. 
Ivanka has been hitting the gossip pages hard, trying to get back in the swing. 
Why is there a delay in the menthol cigarette ban? 
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum is out of the Presidential race. He was in?? 
The Kennedy Center Honors were awarded. This year we honored Billy Crystal, Queen Latifah, Renee Fleming, Barry Gibb and Dionne Warwick. The show will air on Dec. 27 
When they make the movie of Lisa Marie’s life, I vote for Natalie Portman to play the lead!! 
The Daily show has been thinking of ways to get ahead on the Presidential election. One idea is to make Hunter Biden cool because of all his partying ways. He has been indicted on 7 different charges. The man spent a lot of $ on blow and women. It reminds me a bit of GW Bush and how comedy capitalized on his former partying and made Gore look like a boar. Another idea is that far left liberals and groups like Black Lives matter should suddenly declare their loyalty to Trump and start showing up for his events. The right always runs if they think the greenies like it. If we pretend to love his ideas, they will start to wonder and eventually run away. 
The Philippines had a 7.5 earthquake. 
What the Fuck is wrong with Ryan Murphy???  ***** 
Finally! Gareth Purselove was sentenced to life for the 2020 murder of Amie Harwick. 
Days alert: Bring back Jen Lilley! ** I think I am tired of Holly already and just when I think this, she is laying on the ground and foaming at the mouth. I am sure she will be fine. ** So great to see Xander and Sarah getting along. ** More Andrew Donovan!!!**Oh this John/ Constantine thing is interesting. ** Where have Tony and Anna been??** It is kind of fun to see Sloan slowly unravel. 
Casey Wilson worked on the film, The Santa Clauses and remarked that Tim Allen was terribly rude on the set. Why am I not surprised? 
Nicolas Cage has said that he has 3 or 4 movies left in him and then he is moving on. 
The National Board of Review chose Flowers of the Killer Moon as best film of the year. 
Sexual assault news: More women are coming forward to sue Sean Combs.** Tommy Lee has been sued for sexual assault.** Jonathon Majors was found guilty of the assault and harassment of Grace Jabbari.** Vin Diesel has been charged with sexual battery, emotional distress and a hostile work environment.** Danny Masterson headed off to prison.** Jermaine Jackson has been sued for sexual assault.** Christian Ziegler is being investigated for sexual assault.** Paula Abdul has sued Nigel Lythgoe for multiple sexual assaults. 
Why is Meghan McCain always bitchin’ about something or does the press just like to portray that side? **I do not understand why Trump and all his peeps are soo unhappy all the time. The complaining never seems to end. If they actually worked on problems and came up with some real policy, perhaps they would be a little happier and get things done besides tax breaks for the wealthy. These are not the strong, proud conservatives that I used to know. The big change was with Nixon. He was a whiner too. * * And why do they keep saying Trump does not mean what he says? We all know that he does. ** It appears that so many people believe things that make no sense and won’t accept the norm. Everybody is suddenly Les Nessman! 
Cher filed for conservatorship of her son Elijah. 
Will we end up with a Presidential run with 2 women? Haley vs. Harris.?? 
So, it seems that Robert Kennedy was also a friend to Jeffrey Epstein. 
Kevin McCarthy is dropping out of congress at the end of the year. Did ya see the Robert Costa interview? Why does he smile like a lovesick teenager whenever Trumps name is mentioned?  
Kelsey Grammer gave a BBC interview in which he talked of his love for Trump. The Paramount+ rep shut down the interview. 
Pete Davidson cancelled all his shows until Jan. 6. 
Will Disney sell ABC to get some cash??** Steamboat Willie hits public domain. Disney himself used that domain often. In the near future, the domain will reach The Wizard of Oz, Donald Duck and Gone With the Wind. I think people will have a field day with GWTW.  ***** 
After Midnight is the new late- night show on CBS. 
So John Schneider told us all that Biden should be hung. He may now be under investigation from the secret service. I would hope so after the outrageousness that happened to Kathy Griffin. Fair is fair. 
McDonald’s is starting to roll out Cosmc’s.  It starts in Illinois then moves to Texas. The smaller biz will specialize in drinks like coffee and smoothies. 
Hulk Hogan got baptized. 
A woman, Laneisha Henderson, tried to burn down Martin Luther King’s childhood home. 
Banksy dropped some artwork in London. The stop sign with 3 military drones was stolen and 2 men have been arrested. 
Losing Tommy Smothers made me watch Smothered: The censorship struggles of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. There are so many parallels to today discussed on that show. Quote from the movie: “In 1968, it was like the country was having a nervous breakdown.” Sound familiar? It really is the same divided vibe as the country had then. Trump is our Vietnam, he and his have torn the country apart. Half the country wants s Trump world, the other half wants democracy. Things aren’t as generational as they were then or even the haves and have nots struggle but that is there. The racism is still front and center. We still disagree about our role in foreign problems. 
R.I.P. Sandra Day O’Connor, KISS, Ellen Holly, Eileen Saki, victims of violence, David McKnight, Ryan O’Neal, Andre Braugher, Jeffrey Foskett, Ricou Browning, war victims, Kenny DeForest, Maurice Hines, Shirley Ann Field, Casey Kramer, Laura Lynch, John Pilger, Mbongeni Ngema, Lee Sunkyun, David Leland, Colin Burgess, Selma Archard, Neel Nanda, Richard Romanus, Sandra Reaves- Phillips, Shecky Greene,Tom Wilkinson, Kamar de los Reyes, Denny Laine, Tommy Smothers and Norman Lear. 
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
If Republicans lose how long will they be out of power since Biden will likely be a one term president if he wins
Its an interesting question, Biden is likely to be a one term president but this isn’t going to be like previous elections.  See if Trump losses, doubly so if he losses by a large margin, you are likely going to get a civil war within the Republican party.  The more sane members, realizing that Trump is destroying the legitimacy of the Republican party, will try to get the party to be less white nationalist, anti intellectual, and less openly authoritarian.  The problem is that unlike Ford or Bush, if Trump losses he will likely still have somewhere between 82-92% support from the Republican voters.  So they will be faced with the prospect of seeing how even if they unify, the majority of the country doesn’t like them.  This means that when the Romney style Republicans show up and are like “Hey guys, what if we were less racist” the Republican voters might still be on the Trump train. So they are still going to be backing Trump and his white nationalist policies, doubly so because unlike other former presidents Trump is still going to be around, with his twitter, with email chains, and possibly with a newnews show (OAN?  Trump TV? Fox?)  he might even run in 2024, if not his kids might.  And you have the Trump lites, people with super similar policies and world views but a different personalty, like Tom Cotton.  So even though the republican leadership will be like ‘Ok, Trump lost us an election we could have won” the Republican base is going to be like “We aren’t going to abandon our cult leader” which leads to Republican infighting.   Even if the “reasonable” republicans win, their brand has been tainted by the Trump administration which is going hurt them long term. 
This is assuming that violence doesn’t break out once Trump losses, because then any Republican candidate is going to have to deal with the association with wide spread republican terrorism which his base will 100% support.  And then you have the possibility of Trump being investigated which will further throw the GOP into chaos.  there are other factors obviously, like who the dems elect a in 2024, but the GOP is going to have a hard time in 2024
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sa7abnews · 1 month
The small town where Ds and Rs have found a way to make immigration work
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/the-small-town-where-ds-and-rs-have-found-a-way-to-make-immigration-work/
The small town where Ds and Rs have found a way to make immigration work
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One of the reasons that I chose to put Harrisonburg, Va., on my list of towns to visit in this election cycle is that for over 20 years, it has been a refugee resettlement location and I expected this to be a matter of some controversy.But once there, I found something different and rare: a near consensus that the system is not only working, but that the residents are proud of it.The first Republican who I asked about the program has been a local resident for decades, is a big fan of Gov. Glenn Youngkin and has hired some of the refugees over the years.IN ONE SMALL TOWN, CRITICS AND SUPPORTERS ALIKE ASK, WHO IS KAMALA HARRIS?”It’s well organized,” she told me. “It’s a process. First temporary housing, then a job, then more permanent housing, and these folks become good members of the community.”Jeff, who runs musical events in the area, agreed. He graduated from Harrisonburg High School in the 80s, and after living in Hawaii for several decades, moved back.”When I took my daughter to the high school, there were like a hundred flags in the cafeteria, and they were for every language that had been spoken in the school,” he told me. When I suggested that this must be a strain on local resources, Jeff acknowledged that it is but said, “it’s all planned for, it’s not haphazard.” Another man I spoke with, this time a Kamala Harris supporter, concurred. “We are proud of it,” he told me.It is important to understand that Harrisonburg has, for the most part, been taking in people who fit a traditional definition of refugee, including many from Iraq and Afghanistan. They were escaping war, and were not economic immigrants being falsely labeled as asylum seekers by the Biden administration.The attitude of Harrisonburg to its role as an immigrant refuge displays an important nuance within the raging and often volatile arguments about immigration and the border. Very few people are flat out against immigration. Even Donald Trump extols the virtue of new arrivals when it is done in the right way.This is the same attitude that I found in Del Rio, Texas, which bears so much of the brunt of our broken border system. Not only were many of the border agents I spoke with of Mexican descent, they openly told me their parents or grandparents had come illegally. They don’t hate illegal immigrants, they just want a clear system to enforce.American voters by and large are not anti-immigrant. They are frustrated by an immigration system that simply pushes people off of a bus in New York City or somewhere and throws them in a hotel and says, “Go figure it out.” They also understand the danger of an immigration system that creates isolated communities which do not lead to assimilation, but rather Balkanization. In Harrisonburg, and places like it, the good old-fashioned melting pot is still bubbling. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FOX NEWS OPINIONAnd therein lies an opportunity for both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, if either chooses to take it. A positive case for orderly, lawful immigration, even at relatively high levels, is a widely popular and unifying policy. Trump can put points on the board by correctly noting that the Biden-Harris open border policy has been a debacle. Harris can win votes by calling Trump and his supporters anti-immigrant racists. But with positive and practical immigration solutions, both can reach a much broader range of voters.Americans are good people, welcoming people. They want to help. They want our nation to remain the shining city upon a hill, but they want it done in a way that is well organized. As Jeff put it to me, “Are we really helping these illegal immigrants if we don’t have a system in place? Or are we setting them up for failure?”In a nation as divided as ours, it is worth paying attention when people on both sides agree on something. I wasn’t expecting to find that in Harrisonburg, but as always, this land of ours is full of wonderful surprises. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM DAVID MARCUS
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