#it’ll all be em 123
puutterings · 6 months
it works backwards as well as forwards, sometimes
        Daddy shook his head kindly. “No, honey, you wrong. Pizen ain’ to be trusted. Sometimes, it works backwards as well as forwards, you might be de one to dead. Hatin ain’ good for you, neither. It’ll pizen you breast milk an’ make you baby sick. It’s better to go easy wid conjure. You must stop frettin an’ bein scared. Keep you belly full o victuals, make you mouth smile, laugh an’ be merry if you can. Don’ never let people see you down-hearted, or a-hangin you head, an’ lookin sorrowful. Dat ain’ de way. No. Mens don’ crave a sorrowful, sad-lookin ’oman. Don’ never let a man feel sorry for you if you want em to stick to you.”       He got up and went out of the door into the yard and Mary could hear him puttering around, scratching in the earth as if he were digging up something. Presently he came back smiling and poured her out a cup of tea from another one of the several pots boiling on the hearth. “Drink dis, honey. It’ll do you all de good whilst I fix you someting to try. If July ain’ conjured too bad already e won’ never get shet o’ de spell we’ll work on em. I ain’ never seen no man get loose from a ‘oman what wears dis mixtry. It’s de powerful-est one I knows.”
ex Julia Peterkin, Scarlet Sister Mary (1928) : 123 : link (hathitrust)
Julia Mood Peterkin (1880-1961) wikipedia : link
more at 416  
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toukatan · 4 years
yall so excited for the long awaited em interaction, you're making me all giddy! i'm like 854% sure yams gonna drop it again like a boss just like 123 last year. remember how we're all worked up and hyped just looking at the leaks and those fake translations who rejected who then we get what am i to you 😳 aaaah, good times. good times! yams giving us a year to prepare our hearts that's why he ain't giving us any crumbs yet because we ain't gonna be ready asgdhdjsksjs
ugh we gotta hype that ish up even if it’s angsty or tension filled, you know their confrontation is 854% sure gonna slap us—
omg hell i remember the chaos november was: november 1st wit studio dropped these two offical arts and said aiyo have this and we ate that ish up
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then the spoilers dropped so fast the following days. on the 6th and we were yelling about these blurry as heck ant scans like we didn’t even know what to expect but we were excited n question why they alone n mika blushin
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that was such a good month like there was no stopping november. forever iconic yes. i remember the eremika tag breaking, it didn’t load for me and i was like dayum we really went that hard lads? i have a video recording of the tag being broke sjansbns ems we did that.
like you said yams is just sittin’ there waiting for the right time to throw us in the loop again and i can’t wait for the full course meal no matter what it is! we better buckle up 😤🤲🏻
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taiey · 3 years
i am thinking about basira and john and i am thinking
DAISY I reckon we should cut you off, but Basira’s soft. She likes you. [heh] No idea why.
MARTIN Look, he didn’t kill anyone, okay? There’s… I think something’s going on, okay. I actually think he was framed. BASIRA Yeah, well, I hope so. If not, well… I just can’t believe I was so stupid, you know? He really got me. MARTIN Got you how? BASIRA I actually thought I misjudged him. Hell, I liked the guy.
BASIRA I’ve been hoping for a friendly face for a while now. ARCHIVIST Glad I could oblige.
ARCHIVIST Here. BASIRA Thanks. ARCHIVIST I assume it didn’t go well, then? BASIRA [Swallows drink]
BASIRA Here. [She sets down a cup.] ARCHIVIST Thank you. [He picks up the cup.] BASIRA Was it worth it?
BASIRA Coffee. [She sets down a cup.] ARCHIVIST What? BASIRA Coffee. Drink it. ARCHIVIST I’m really, uh… Fine. BASIRA You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?
ARCHIVIST I don’t suppose you brought in any – clothes? BASIRA No, I just, you know, grabbed that statement on my way out. ARCHIVIST Right, well, uh – I kept some in the – uh – Archives, uh, in my office. BASIRA Yeah, those got um – we had to throw those out...I’ll get you some new ones. ✨Better ones.✨ Anything else? ARCHIVIST  Water, please. BASIRA Sure thing.
BASIRA What do you want? Why are you here? [Silence. The Archivist sighs.] ARCHIVIST  Why are you here?
BASIRA Where is everybody? MANUELA (scoffs) Go to hell! ARCHIVIST (overlapping) Answer her.
BASIRA It’ll… It’ll help me. All going well, I’ll meet you both in London. He’ll know where to find me. ARCHIVIST So you won’t mind if I check up on you sometimes? BASIRA If you must. But don’t overdo it. I don’t like being watched. ARCHIVIST Understood.
ARCHIVIST I’d be more than happy to let you take over, if you’d like? BASIRA No, I wouldn’t want to cramp your style. ARCHIVIST At this point, that’s just about the only part of me that isn’t cramping. BASIRA Alright, give ‘em here.
BASIRA I just, I mean he was good company. Y’know, when he wasn’t being a paranoia machine. He was funny, you know? MARTIN What, John? BASIRA Yeah. MARTIN I don’t think I’ve ever heard him tell a joke. BASIRA Maybe you weren’t listening.
BASIRA I’m not really big on writing. I’m more of a talker. ARCHIVIST Odd choice of career, then; [attempting levity] I hear there are lots of forms to fill in.
BASIRA So would you say this was supposed to be Churchill or Alfred Hitchcock? [John lets out a breath.] ARCHIVIST Jowls like that, could be either. I mean, the suit is a bit –
BASIRA Eyes peeled. [Pause.] ARCHIVIST Was that a joke? BASIRA Yeah.
BASIRA I know a good way to take your mind off it. ARCHIVIST I wouldn’t want to cramp your style. BASIRA Ha!
BASIRA Can’t keep catching you every two minutes. ARCHIVIST Heh. BASIRA At some point I’ll give in to the temptation. ARCHIVIST [Sarcastic] Hah hah.
ARCHIVIST Daisy’s alive, in there. BASIRA Right. [...] BASIRA And don’t open the coffin. ARCHIVIST It is addressed to me. ... Yes, alright. Alright.
BASIRA John, you stupid idiot! What did you think—
ARCHIVIST As in… actually see it. MANUELA Go ahead. Just try. BASIRA (overlapping) Look, it’s okay, John. No one else knows it’s here. And if we just leave it, no one will know.
BASIRA They’ll follow us… goddammit. John, go, we’ll keep them busy. ARCHIVIST Fine. Just don’t die. BASIRA Go.
ARCHIVIST If you go it alone, you are going to die. Even Gertrude worked with people. We make bad decisions when we don’t communicate. BASIRA You literally jumped into a spooky coffin without telling anybody. ARCHIVIST …Case in point.
ARCHIVIST It’s not a hangover. Well, not – I wasn’t drinking. BASIRA Drugs, then? Sick? Got some weird monster disease? ARCHIVIST Seriously? BASIRA We’ve been over this. You need to tell me stuff. Communication works both ways, you know.
ARCHIVIST You said Martin gave it to you. BASIRA Yeah. ARCHIVIST How was he? How did he look – was he – uh – BASIRA [interrupting; sounding slightly less harsh] I don’t know. I didn’t see him. He just left it on my desk with a note.
MARTIN How is he? BASIRA Hungry. [MARTIN EXHALES] But - he’s keeping it together.
HELEN So what’s it going to be Basira darling? Quick and easy? Or are you looking to take the long way round as a third wheel? BASIRA  …I’ll stick with the guys, thanks.
ARCHIVIST Sorry. BASIRA  You apologise too much. ARCHIVIST [Chuckling] Martin says the same thing. BASIRA [Chuckling] Like he’s any better.
BASIRA This is too far, Daisy. You know it is. DAISY He murdered two people, Basira. Maybe more. I’ve done one monster today, no reason not to do another. ARCHIVIST I didn’t… I didn’t kill anyone! BASIRA For god’s sake, look at him!
ARCHIVIST Floyd Matharu. Served on the Dorian from 2011 to 2014. With Salesa. BASIRA John, I’m not sure about this. ARCHIVIST I am.
MELANIE I warned Basira; I said not to let you back in here, but she just (increasingly angry; starts slamming the wall) doesn’t! listen!
ARCHIVIST My priorities haven’t changed. I hope you can believe that. I’m still on your side. You can trust me. BASIRA (tired exhale) Yeah. People keep saying that.
BASIRA How many? [Short pause.] ARCHIVIST Four. MELANIE Jesus. BASIRA Including the one on the boat? ARCHIVIST Including Floyd? Five.
ARCHIVIST Basira, I know you’re not going to shoot us. There’s already too much doubt in your mind. BASIRA I told you before not to look into my head.
BASIRA So you say you’re being controlled. ARCHIVIST I-I don’t know. Maybe. Th-The Web, i– BASIRA (overlapping) What, What was the name you said before? Annabelle Cane.
BASIRA No sign of Annabelle either. ARCHIVIST You still on that? BASIRA You’re not?
ARCHIVIST Anyway you’re the one who wants to be like Gertrude. You think she’d give a damn about a few bad dreams? BASIRA No. ARCHIVIST No. She got the job done, and didn’t care about the cost. BASIRA But I thought you did.
MELANIE Why didn’t you record them? BASIRA Why do you think? Because he was ashamed.
BASIRA [Weakly] I thought we were good. ARCHIVIST [Softly] I know how that feels.
BASIRA I just mean… um… If we don’t make it out of this… I wanted to say thanks. For coming back for me. [sighs] What I did… Who I was… I – Thanks. ARCHIVIST I’m sorry for all of this. BASIRA We’ve all got regrets. But we can’t undo what’s done. All we can do is try and do something worthwhile with the time we’ve got left. [HEAVY SIGH FROM THE ARCHIVIST] ARCHIVIST Yeah.
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tamhrayis · 3 years
I remember someone asking me if I know @kasumi_kasa on Twitter (my answer is yes) and I saw the latest tweets about Omukuji. From Kasumi’s explanation they are fortune telling cards, so I would like to give my interpretations on EMA’s cards as they have “Excellent luck” (Daikichi).
From Kasumi’s translation, the advice (?) for Eren was “If you keep your heart honest and strong and believe in everything, the future will eventually open up for you”.
I think this advice is very relevant to Eren’s current state as he is in the debate between his selfishness (do whatever it takes to achieve his personal “freedom” and simply move forward) and selflessness (fight for the freedom of his people and friends). Eren needs to understand what exactly his heart wants and be honest with himself (did he do everything for himself or his people, or it’s both?).
I am not quite sure what “everything” means, because...well...it’s everything, but it might be believing in goodness and badness of both sides (World and Paradis/Eldians).
Wish: When the time comes, it will come true.
The sentence itself is quite ambiguous, because it can be interpreted differently, but I think it might mean two things:
1. Eren’s wish to exterminate all the titans will come true (especially if Ymir helps him).
2. Eren’s goal to become the “villian” to eventually end the cycle of hatred and all the past mistakes (again, breaking the curse and exterminating the curse will contribute into it).
3. His actual intention might be revealed (POV and the reason like in ch.131).
Expected visitor: It’s coming.
Expected visitor is present in all EMA’s predictions (?). So both 3 will see someone or something (depending on what “it” means). It might be Mikasa, but we still yet need to know how exactly she should come as these predictions were made after ch.138.
Missing thing: It’s near you.
This one is very interesting. What is the thing that Eren thinks he misses (in terms of what he doesn’t have)? Freedom. Eren has been chasing freedom since he was a child, but did he find it? No and I don’t think he will find the “freedom” he is searching for, because Eren himself doesn’t know what exactly his “freedom” is.
As a child, his “freedom” was seeing the outside world from Armin’s books. As a teenager, his objective slightly changed to getting revenge on titans and then, eventually, seeing the ocean and world.
But was he when they finally reached the ocean? No. Eren was upset, because the presence of an even bigger enemy meant that his freedom is nowhere near unless he destroys others. But does destroying the world mean that Eren will finally be free? No. Why? Because Eren himself doesn’t know what he is chasing. Freedom for him is something that he has never experienced and blindly has searched for until he became a slave to his idea of “freedom”.
Eren thinks that freedom will give him happiness and he will be happy only when he achieves it. But the problem is that the more he “obeys” his idea, the more unhappy he becomes. Now, he almost lost everyone who sincerely believed and fought for him.
This sentence says that Eren’s happiness (a.k.a his “freedom”) was always near him. And that’s his friends and Mikasa. Eren needs to free himself from his own “master”, which Eren created and that’s his superficial idea of freedom.
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This idea is worthless, because it doesn’t bring anyone actual freedom and happiness. It broke Mikasa’s heart, hurt Armin and killed so many innocent people. It totally doesn’t worth it.
But another missing thing could be Mikasa and as it’s coming, it could also imply that Mikasa will come to him again (like...she kinda did in ch.138...?)
Game and match: Restrain your ego.
Eren’s ego is what used to cause him to fight with bullies, fueled his desire to get stronger and be free from Mikasa’s protection, and now pushes him to move forward, because Eren doesn’t want to lose (bringing iconic “If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win”). Yes, he does want to be stopped (and was by someone), but even like that, he still continued to fight (he even turned into a colossal to fight Armin).
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But since, in Armin and Mikasa’s cards, it’s written “win”, Eren has nothing to do, but to respectfully give us and tame his ego.
Study: Study with peace of mind.
This one is a bit unclear to me (and when I translated it, it showed “learning” as another possible translation), but if it’s related to learning something, maybe Eren will need to learn to give more importance on the present and learn to live in the moment rather than living in his thoughts, past, future, guilt.
If we look at ch.90 and ch.123, when his friends were having good time at the beach and Marley, Eren was wandering in his thoughts thinking about how cruel and uneven the world is, and how he wants to get revenge on it.
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Even in ch.138, when he and Mikasa were living alone, far away from everyone, Eren was still consumed in guilt and responsibilities.
If Eren doesn’t restrain his ego and free himself from his “master”, he will never learn how to live a peaceful and happy life he secretly desires about.
So moving to Mikasa. The advice for her was “Do what is right and help those who are lost and you will be better”.
This one is pretty straightforward. Mikasa opposed the person she loves and chose to fight Eren to save humanity from destruction. In general, Mikasa’s character is about saving people and she values human life the most as she almost lost hers back in time. Even though, Isayama said that staying with Eren for Mikasa is a good thing and if she didn’t have strong morals (she would follow Eren), she can’t give up on saving other people’s lives.
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Wish: You will get what you want. Don’t let your guard down.
The first part is clear as Mikasa will reunite with Eren and hopefully have a life with him, but the second part is quite interesting. So I think it might suggest that even though Mikasa loves Eren and wants to be by his side, she shouldn’t let her desires overpower her morals. Again, coming back to ch.138, Mikasa chose to run away with Eren and let her selfish wish to be with him take over her. She chose to stay away from fighting and let others’ lives to be in danger.
Mikasa needs to continue sticking to what she believes in and do the right thing to get what she wants.
Expected visitor: It’s coming.
Same as I said in Eren’s part.
Missing thing: It’ll be late, but it will come.
This sounds intriguing, because what exactly can come late? I think it might be related to her wish and desire to live a peaceful life as it might come slowly...? (If we take into the account that Paradis will probably still have some issues to deal with and peace won’t come instantly).
On another note, Eren’s arrival can be late too (in some ways..?), so it’s also plausible to say that the missing thing for them is each other.
Game and match: Win.
So since Mikasa is a part of alliance, they will “win” (even now they kinda did by stopping colossals) and Eldians (probably) will be viewed as saviors (though on island they are traitors as the majority of population was pro-rumbling).
Love: There’s happiness in this person.
Mikasa represents love, freedom and pride and as the statement suggests, there’s happiness in her. What Eren actually needs is happiness, so EM things again.
But even like this, I won’t say that Eren will instantly will become lucky and forget about his trauma. It will be a long learning process (as his card said), but Mikasa will greatly and positively influence his adjustment to a normal and peaceful life (especially since they will very likely live in mountains and as Grisha said in “Lost Girls” he thought that fresh air will positively help Eren’s anger issues).
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So the presence of Mikasa, fresh air and calm atmosphere will help Eren learn to live in the moment and cherish what he has without going for something that doesn’t properly exist.
The advice for Armin is “Make a decision before and you will move forward, work diligently and you will be happy”.
It’s heavily related to Armin’s new role in life, 15th commander of Survey Corps and the position suggests, Armin from now is responsible for the lives and decisions of his subordinates. Of course, for now because of his inner struggles and doubt, Armin isn’t happy about his career advancement, but if he surrounds himself with good and diligent people, and gain some confidence, he will overcome his current problems.
Wish: Two wishes won’t come at once.
What are Armin’s wishes? His first wish was to travel the outside world and explore the unknown with Eren, but as he himself said in ch.131, that wasn’t quite what they dreamed about.
However, Armin still wants to believe that there’s still a world that they don’t know about past the walls (might be a reference to the miracle that Uri was talking about).
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So going back to peaceful times and exploring the world definitely won’t come at once (he still has duties and issues to deal with), but slowly and surely will.
Expected visitor: It’s coming
Same as Mikasa and Eren.
Missing thing: It’s in a high place.
This one has 2 potential meanings:
1. Armin misses Erwin and Hange as they were his previous commanders and he would want some guidance from them. Even now, Armin (as a newly assigned commander), he thinks how these two would handle this situation (especially Erwin).
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2. The other thing that Armin (possibly) misses are the good old days that both three of them wanted to go back. After all, every character somehow wants to have a peaceful life with no war and hate. So saying that this thing is in a high place might mean that it won’t be easy to achieve and they will still need to deal with negotiations etc. But it will come eventually.
Game and match: Win
Same as Mikasa.
Study: you will overcome difficulties
I am really glad about this one, because it means that Armin will overcome his insecurities and doubts, and will gain his confidence! Again, I am heavily manifesting a talk between him and Levi, so seeing him overcoming his flaws and becoming a great commander is more than anything I could ask for Armin *cries*.
The links to the translations:
Eren, Mikasa, Armin.
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sambart93 · 6 years
[Order Post] SenBura Stage Goods
It doesn’t look like anyone else is going within my mutual group of friends so I guess I’ll do this one!
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All payments will be accepted through PAYPAL only and in Japanese yen(!). Shipping will be coming from Japan via AIRMAIL (you can request EMS if you so wish but it IS more expensive).*
*Once shipped, I am not responsible for any lost or broken packages. It’s completely out of my control.
There will be TWO payment installments: first, cost of the items, then second is the cost of shipping (plus randoms****). Please send a MESSAGE in this ORDER FORMAT:
Name: Username (the best one to reach you on): Email [preferably your paypal one]: Country: Address: Order: Randoms Choice****: Shipping Method: Anything Else?:
Name: Alex Username: sambart @ twitter Email [preferably your paypal one]: [email protected] Country: North Pole Address: 123 Peguin Lane, Lake Ice City, BB1CE Order: 1 pamphlet, 1 complete bromides set, 1 Ranmaru bromide set, 1 Aramaki bromide set. Randoms Choice****: Maeyama Takahisa Shipping Method: Normal Anything Else?: Nope
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Pamphlet 2400yen each
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Bromides [Complete Set] - this is one BIG sized bromide of each member, a total of 12 members**. 2500yen each
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Bromides [Individual Sets] - available sets: Akazawa Tomoru as Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Yokoda Ryugi as Mori Ranmaru, TAKA as Kuroda Kanbee, Matsumoto Hinata as Akechi Mitsuhide, Okubota Hidetoshi as Oda Nobunaga, Kishimoto Takuya as Shibata Katsuie, Hagio Keishi as Niwa Nagahide, Sadamoto Fuuma as Takenaka Hanbee, Yamamoto Ikkei as Maeda Toshiie, Maeyama Takahisa as Uesugi Kenshin, Aramaki Yoshihiko as Uesugi Katsukage, Jinnai Sho as Naoe Kanetsugu Please specify which ones you want. 800yen each
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Tote Bag: 1600yen each
**Concerning Bromides Complete Set: I’ll be getting a full set of this for myself BUT I only really want Aramaki (and MAYBE KishiTaku and MaeChan’s) so if you really only want the ONE photo of your oshi or favourite character then perhaps wait until I’ve bought my set and I’ll probably post a separate thing for it. But it’s not guaranteed your character will be available.
****Concerning Randoms: I am NOT taking orders for randoms at all BUT because I will be getting a large amount of randoms myself and I have a LOT of time to trade. So in this section, if I do manage to get random bromides or badges of the character you put in this part here, then we can add this charge ontop of your shipping fee in the second payment. Random bromides will be 300yen each and badges will be 500yen each.
Order Deadline: August Friday 17th Payment Deadline: August Sunday 19th Buying Date: August 21st to 22nd Shipping: End of August to Middle of September
If any goods are sold out or I can’t get them then the money will either be refunded to you or it’ll be moved over to your shipping fee.
If you have any questions then let me know!
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howtohero · 6 years
#123 Bad Guy Civil Wars
In 1985, singers Roland Orzabad and Hurt Smith of the supervillain band, Sneers for Jeers released a hit single titled “Every Villain Wants to Rule the World.” Many historians believe that this song became such an evil world-renowned, evil chart-topping sinsation because of its incredible historical accuracy. Historians are like that. It’s all historical accuracy this and historical accuracy that. But here they might actually have a point because the message behind the song “Every Villain Wants to Rule the World”… that every villain wants to rule the world, (We got a degree in lyrical analysis in preparation for this post.) is incredibly true. Yet, unfortunately for them, they all want to rule the same world. And they can’t possibly all rule at the same time (really if you’re doing your job right, none of them should be ruling any world at any time) like some kind of evil congress or something (also known as congress). Because supervillains are not generally team players. So what often happens is that the supervillains end up fighting each other. (And let me tell you there ain’t nothing civil about it.)
Supervillain civil wars (civillain wars?) are a lot like gang wars or other such battles between rival criminal enterprises except in a supervillain civil war everyone’s wearing a doofy costume and also there are mutant animals just everywhere. When the war is between two previously unaffiliated villains the villains will engage in a sort of super-crime prank war. The warring villains will stoop to the lowest levels to get one over on their evil enemy. They’ll send each other exploding pies, steal their henchman (Stealing a henchman is actually very easy. All you need to do is grab them off the street, spin ‘em around a few times and then give them their new costume. Odds are good that they don’t even notice that they’re working for someone else.) and even carve their faces into other bad guys’ villainous lairs. Things will continue on like this for some time until one of the villains is either arrested, killed, or grows bored. This might sound great to you, a superhero (fan), after all, if the villains are fighting each other they’re probably not fighting you right? Wrong (you fool). This is a stupid mindset to have (you foolish foolish fool). Can’t you just for once think of somebody other than yourself? “Oh the Blue Typhoon hasn’t drowned me today what a great day!” you selfish moron (foolish foolish foolish fool). Just because a villain’s criminal shenanigans aren’t being directed at you doesn’t mean you can just go on letting them happen! Supervillains can’t just be allowed to commit increasingly ridiculous crimes against each other! For starters, somebody can get caught in the cross fire. For seconders, we can’t allow the supervillains to improve their craft by letting them test out evil schemes on each other. For thirders, they can’t be allowed to enjoy themselves at all! Supervillains don’t get to have fun! They sign that right away when they unleash a swarm of locusts on the townspeople’s crops!
But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from this situation at all. While most supervillains would never turn to a superhero for help due to their over-bloated sense of pride (and because last time they tried to ask a superhero for help the hero first laughed in their supposedly intimidating metal, gargoyle masked face and then, after they agreed to help, proceeded to lord it over them forever), desperate times call for desperate measures. It’s possible that one of the warring villains might slip you some valuable information about their villainous enemy’s whereabouts or plans. Alternatively, if neither of them deign to give you some free info, you can just check to see which abandoned warehouses have newly carved faces in them above the words “Who’s the superior villain now Spikebeard? get wrecked you spikey SOB.” Odds are, you’ve just found Spikebeard’s secret lair. (Spikebeard is a pirate famous for his beard made out of metal spikes, his delicious snickerdoodle recipe, and the fact that he’s always injuring himself on the spikes protruding from his face.)
Alternatively, if their felonious feud ends up spiraling out of control and you can’t round them up for whatever reason, then you might actually need to try to make peace between the villains. I know, it’s crazy but enough is enough. They’ve gotten into a competition to see who can launch the most fully-occupied office buildings into space. Things are clearly getting out of hand. So you have to step in and get these mustache-twirling weirdos to be friends again. Or at least convince them that the true measure of villainy is like, who can crochet the most decorative pillows or something. Now, contacting supervillains isn’t all too difficult, there are a number of ways you can go about doing it.
Carve the message into a mountain with a laser. As we’ve shown, supervillains love stuff that’s carved into things with lasers. So they’ll definitely take notice.
Take to the streets at night and beat up some low level criminals while shouting “Where is he! Where is Thetamax!” (Or whomever.) Eventually your bad guy will get the message that you’re looking for them and get into contact with you. This way is a bit risky because you don’t usually want to give bad guys a reason to hack your computers or send you mail.
Walk into your local supervillain bar this will never work there’s no way these guys have time to get a drink with the boys when they’re trying to charter a plane so they can drop a whale onto the other bad guy’s fortress of evil.
Evil Social Media (also known as social media). I’m serious it’s a thing. It’ll take some light fraud for you to get an account but it’s worth it if it’ll get these stupid villains to stop hurling vital pieces of city infrastructure at each other.
Once you’ve gotten in contact with them, try to get them to both meet you at the same place at the same time. Generally, this will not work. There’s a limit to villain stupidity. They’ve set enough ambushes to know not to show up to meetings strangers on the internet invite them to. But hey, on the off chance it works and they both show up to your peace talks you can just conk both their heads together and send them to jail and be done with the whole thing. But if you don’t get lucky like that you’ll just have to keep sending message to them remotely in order to smooth things over.
Usually these supervillain fights emerge out of a sense of insecurity on the part of one or both of the villains. One of them might believe that the other is horning in on their turf; or they might have heard that the other villains questioned the validity of their villainy. In other cases, one of the villains may have accidentally harmed someone the other villain cares about in the course of a routine flooding of the city. That one’s a bit more legitimate and probably the issues there can’t be solved through a couple of instant messages or street thugs with broken noses… But usually it’s something petty so probably you’ll be fine.
Another surefire way to end a villain war is to unite the feuding factions against a common cause. Something that is a thorn in both of their sides and who’d they’d both gladly see dead in a ditch. I am of course, talking about you. If you’re just incredibly, overtly, so-in-your-gosh-darned-face heroic for a few days the villains will turn their attention back to you and you can soundly defeat them like you always do. (Actually, you should always be that heroic, the fact that these villains even had the time to fight each other reflects poorly on you!)
When a supervillain civil war erupts, not between two separate villains, but within a pre-existing evil organization, such as a race of evil robots or a supervillain team, things tend to go a little bit differently. Instead of a city-spanning villainous plot-off things tend to skew a bit more internal. Since all of the villains involved work, (and sometimes live, as in the case of the Python Paramilitary Boarding House,) in close proximity to one another there’s no need for any of these laser-carving, exploding pie delivery shenanigans. Instead, when one of these villains is mad at another one they just go down the hall to the offending villain’s office and shoot them in the head. Easily peasily lemonly squeezely. These are the types of villain civil wars you can let just run their course. Since these fights are so localized you don’t have to worry about it affecting the public; and since things are so personal you have virtually no hope of making peace between them. Honestly, you might not even hear about it until it’s all over with and the bad guys have a new leader that you’re gonna have to stop from building a termite cannon, whatever that means.
Supervillain fights are a rather frequent occurrence, remember these are the guys who vow to destroy the entire world and pledge allegiance to Karalaxus the dark lord of suffering because a barista once gave them the wrong size coffee (well really they ordered the wrong size coffee but these guys are nothing but irrational), which is to say they’re easily perturbed. So you should make sure to practice the solutions we’ve offered until you can beat up thugs and avoid bars in your sleep. The quicker you take care of these sinister spats the better off the whole town will be (except for the giant laser and exploding pies industries, they thrive on these fights).  
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jxhnkramer · 7 years
Hi <3
Good morning, good afternoon or whatever it is for you ♥ I hope you’ve had a good day today and if not, I hope I can make your day better, if you need me or need someone to talk to, I promise you I am always here or I will at least try to be.
Below will be a list of things to help for self care, self support and more, if you’re going through a bad time, read it and take it in but please read it regardless I will also copy and paste the footnote as I think its important you should read
I promise its going to be okay, you have a bright future ahead of you and I am always here for you!
Suicide hotline for people in the US:  1–800–784–2433 Suicide hotline for people in the UK:  116 123
1) If some bad stuff happens to you, you are not a bad person You’re still as amazing as you were prior, you are still a human We love you, we care about you and it’ll be okay
2) Have some comfort supplies This could be as small as a chat or some water to some retail therapy, below will be a list of things on my list - Water - A walk - Dr Pepper - Crisps - A cry - A friend to talk to - A hug - Something to hold - Chocolate - A movie/YouTube sesh
Comfort supplies don’t have to be massive, the main thing is that it helps you and makes you feel happy
3) Have someone you can talk to Think of 3 people right now who means the world to you. Got ‘em? Good because thats stage 1 of this tool, I want you to ask them if they would be happy to be there for you whenever you need them. If they do ask why, just say how you get lonely sometimes, we all get lonely and it’s okay to go to someone
I will try to be here for anyone reading this, if you’re having a bad day or a bad night please come to me, I will be here for you, we can chat about what makes you happy, your dreams or anything at all, I want to help you and I would love to be your friend too
4) Be sure to sleep plenty in the week Try to have about 8 hours of sleep on a Sunday night to Thursday night and on the weekends have a lie in, you deserve it. Recently sleep has really helped me and its been very helpful to me with confidence too.
5) Make a happy/positive playlist Happy songs or songs what make you happy are very important to listen to, it helps relax the mind and the muscles and it’ll help with so much more. A song what puts me in a good mood is “ Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Pretty Thoughts “
6) Eat & Drink well Despite me mentioning a lot of sugar stuff on my list of supplies, healthy food and drink are really helpful too, be sure to have at least once a week some fruit and some salad too. It will help with vitamins and health too mentally and physically
7)  There is always a good thing what will help fix the bad thing what happened. People love you so much and I promise you things will get better, you’re so strong and so amazing, you deserve to be alive, you deserve so much happiness and I promise you that taking your own life isn’t worth it.
I have been through some suicidal states, people have helped me out of the darkness and shown me the light in which I appreciate more than words can say, the people who do help me with my low moods I adore so much, and I am glad that I didn’t kill myself all the times I do go in a suicidal state.
I am alive, its been about 3+ years since the time I did try to kill myself and things have become so much better for me, I am at university, with great friends in real life and online, I am alive and I am strong, I love you all and I appreciate you all for reading this, suicide is awful, it doesn’t make the problem any better but finding good support systems make things better.
I promise its going to be okay, you have a bright future ahead of you and I am always here for you!
Suicide hotline for people in the US:  1–800–784–2433 Suicide hotline for people in the UK:  116 123
I leave you with a quote from a man of my childhood, who empowered me and made me stronger and feel happier as a person when I was younger
“ Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. “ - Dumbledore
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the-healing-hero · 7 years
1. Name: Alice
2. Nickname(s)?: Many. Bunny a lot lately! 3. Gender and pronouns?: Female, dont care 4. Age?: 19 5. When is your birthday?: march 14 6. Nationality: finnish 7. Race: white as ur whitest white bread 8. Have any special features?: i got long eyelashes 9. How tall are you?: 5′9 10. Body type?: tol. kinda fat. idk. pear shaped 11. Do you have any moles / freckles?: so many 12. Do you have any significant scars, birth marks or other marks on your body?: surgery scars on my leggy 13. Do you wear glasses?: occasionally 14. If not, do you wear contact lenses?: no... 15. Have any facial hair?: probably 16. If not, would you like to have facial hair?: no 17. Do you regularly shave your legs or arms?: no 18. Are your ears pierced and how old were you when you got them pierced?: I do but uh. idk like 14? 19. Do you have any other piercings / body modifications?: nop and never 20. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?: nope but i wanna get one or two or three someday 21. Is your hair currently its natural color? Or is it dyed?: natural i guess. dyin it costs 22. What color is your hair right now? dark brown 23. Is your general outward expression masculine or feminine, or is it more androgynous? What do strangers most often recognize you as?: androgyne im pretty sure but i do have feminine qualities 24. Skin tone: pale and acne ridden. gros 25. Do you wear make up?: nno ★ RELATIONSHIPS, FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LIVING ★ 26. Do you prefer to have many friends or hold close just a few good friends?: i hold close to a few close ones 27. Do you have a best friend? What's their name? (List as few or as many as you'd like): yeppo froze who im living with rnnnn also otter 28. How / where did you meet your best friend(s) and for how long have you been friends?: froze ive known for like 10 years met on the internet. otter a bit less but samestory 29. Do you still live with your parents?: nope actually 30. Are your parents still married?: ya! 31. Were you raised by your biological parents or were you adopted?: biological parents. love them, lit the best parents 32. Do you get along with your parents?: ya i love them to bits  33. How about with the rest of your extended family?: I love most of my family tbh we’re mostly good folk 34. Do you have any pets? If so, how many?: I got 2 cats 1 dog and 1 hamster. the doggo and hamster live at my parents’ tho 35. Do you prefer to have cats, dogs or both (or neither)?: cats I think but I love my doggo to bits... 36. Are there any animals you don't have but would like to have someday?: possibly? im pretty content with these asshairs rn 37. Do you have any siblings?: yeee 38. If so, how many?: one big brother 39. Are you an only child, the youngest, oldest or the middle child?: youngest boy 40. If you have a sibling / siblings, do you get along with them? What's your relationship with them like?: we get along really well! my brother is such a sweetheart and i love him so much 41. Are you in a relationship?: yes 42. What's your romantic / sexual orientation?: uh confusing. im just into some people 43. Are you monogamous or polyamorous?: mono. pls. im too jealous for that stuff 44. If you're in a relationship, what's your partner's name?: Dandan 45. Are they a boy or a girl?: boyo 46. How long have you been together?: lil over 6 months 47. Where did you meet them?: omg. via rp. omegle. 48. How long have you known them?: like a year and a half? 49. Is your significant other your best friend?: like. in a significant other way! we’re really close but like. i like to keep my friends and lovers separate for reasons 50. Are you long-distance or do you live close to them?: long distance 51. If you're long-distance, have you ever met them in person?: not yet but plannin 52. Have you had your first kiss?: ye not with him but we dont talk abt that 53. What's your favorite thing about your partner(s)?: he’s really loving and emotional and obviously loves me like. a whole lot. and he can also withstand me being completely gross so like. a gift? he’s a gift. 54. Are you happy in your relationship?: ye ye 55. How many exes do you have?: uh. 4? ★ SOME MORE PERSONAL STUFF ★ 56. Do you have a collection of anything? Or would you like to collect something in the future?: mugs.... 57. Do you have a job?: nah i go to school 58. If so, where do you work or are you self-employed?: i do commissions sometimes 59. Last person you called: me mome 60. Do use alcohol?: not really no. on very rare occasions  61. Do you use tobacco?: no ew 62. Do you use any other (currently) illegal substance(s)?: no ew 63. What's your favorite food and drink?: mnt dew and uh fish i think 64. What type of clothing do you wear most often (Tshirts, hoodies / sweatshirts, etc.)?: like long lazy shirts 65. What color is your underwear? black 66. What's your favorite type of kind of pants to wear (shorts, sweatpants, joggers, skinny jeans and so on)?: just underwear or lazy sweatpants  67. Favorite television and / or Netflix shows?: bhhh hard to say i dont watch a lot. some trash reality. 68. Do you play video games? What are some of your favorites?: ya I do. re6 i enjoy. but anything really 69. Do you prefer to play games on consoles or PC?: both, froz introduced me to pc gamin after years of consoling. 70. Favorite movie genre(s)?: action comedy 71. Have any favorite movie movies to watch?: kingsman was real good 72. What kind of deodorant / perfume / cologne do you wear?: just. something neutral 73. Favorite soda(s): mnt dew  74. Do you eat sweets? What's your favorite candy?: this finnish chocolate type. but chocolate in general 75. Ever done anything illegal?: uh. i cant really recall?? ★ PERSONAL BELIEFS, CONTROVERSIES AND OTHER VIEWS ★ 76. Religious / spiritual beliefs (if applicable): agnostic prob 77. Do you attend any sort of religious services regularly (like church)?: not anymore omg 78. Do you believe in a higher power (god / gods, spiritual beings, some sort of creator)?: no and yes idk 79. How about evil? Do you believe in demons, the devil or other inherently malicious beings? yeah kinda 80. Angels and demons? not in that kinda way i guess but ye??? 81. Ghosts and / or other crypids? im scare but not really on cryptids but i believe in ghosts on some level 82. How about aliens? ya 83. Pro-life ("Abortion is murder") or pro-choice ("Women should have the right to abort unwanted offspring")?: pro choice and i think pro life people are just. disgusting 84. What country do you live in and what is your political stance?: finland and no comment 85. Do you believe in witches, witchcraft and / or magic?: eh 86. Do you believe in equal rights among all people of all shapes, sizes, color, gender, sexuality and beliefs?: ye boy if youre peaceful youre fine in my books 87. Do you believe that keeping wild animals in zoos, aquariums or as pets is right or wrong?: to some extent it’s okay. but it’s hard to say so broadly 88. Thoughts on the death penalty?: id much rather people stay in jails for the rest of their lives 89. Thoughts on Donald Trump?: whoawee 90. Should marijuana be legalized for medical and / or recreational use?: not really 91. What are your views on humans creating organic, artificial life? ya sure i dont see why not 92. What about immortality? What are your views on humans searching for the key to eternal life?: no need it’ll be bad 93. Thoughts on overpopulation, what do you think we should do?: educate. help countries that need it. 94. Thoughts on the Flat Earth theory: stop 95. Thoughts on birth-control: absolutely ya 96. Is global warming a myth?: n o??? of course not omg 97. Are your beliefs more liberal or conservative?: no comment 98. Do you believe in Santa Claus and other holiday-related beings?: not really but sh
99. Thoughts on pit bulls. Do you think they're too dangerous to be kept as pets and should be banned? train em proper i dont care 100. Are you vegetarian or vegan? no. i wont be. if youre chill abt it all the power to ya ★ OTHER QUESTIONS ★ 101. Do you have your own computer?: a laptop ye 102. Do you have a mobile phone of your own?: yepo 103. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals and do you have any favorite plush toys?: i sleep with a tiger... 104. What color is your bedset?: depends 105. What is (are) your username(s)?: look at my current one. it me. 106. Do you prefer to draw digitally, traditionally or do you do a bit of both?: digital 107. Do you draw (digitially) with a tablet, mouse, trackpad or by some other means?: tablet 108. How long have you been on DeviantArt? whoa boy too long 109. What was the first website you regularly visited when you first started using the internet?: yt 110. Favorite band(s)?: coldplay, mother mother... 111: What are some of your favorite songs right now? family by mother mother 112. What platform / app do you use most often to listen to your music?: yt mostly 113. Are you missing any fingers, toes or teeth?: teeth ye 114. Ever go through a scene or emo phase?: uh not reeeallllyyy 115. Are you still in school? What grade are you in?: wow just. idk how to answer this. im in school. semi-uni?? 116. Have you ever failed a class?: no 117. Have you ever failed and had to repeat a whole grade?: no 118. Ever been suspended?: no 119. Have you ever been fired or almost got fired from a job?: nno 120. Have you moved away from your parents?: yeee
121. Do go to college / plan to go to college?: yeeeee 122. What color are your curtains?: pale 123. Ever broken a mirror?: no 124. What was your favorite thing to do as a child? all kinds of things. play. 125. What color are the walls in your bedroom? Is there anything decorative on them? purp n white. pic of my fam there. 126. Do you have your own room or do you share it with somebody? w the roomie! my homie! 127. Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? no 128. Can you drive? Do you have your learners permit or license?: i can do a drive and also am licensed 129. Do you like your ID / School ID photo?: been pretty long since that happened 130. What material is the floor in your kitchen made of (wood, tile, fake wood, etc.)?: tiles 131. What's your favorite book?: I quite enjoyed confessions
132. Do you like cereal? What's your favorite kind?: they dont sell them anymore... this chocolate puff things 133. What color is your wallet (if you have one)?: black asm y soul 134. Do you like milk? Do you drink it straight from the carton?: occasionally and nah das nasty when u sharin a house 135. Tag some friends: no 
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airadam · 5 years
Episode 123 : Count On It.
"...we see people as numbers and we make 'em check a box."
- Invincible
I couldn't not acknowledge the numerical sequence in this month's episode number! The episode title ties into that, but also the consistency I pride myself on when it comes to getting the show completed; on time, every time. As far as the tunes this time out, there are a few that play on the theme, plus we remember the great Sean Price on the 4th anniversary of his passing, as well as a bunch of other interesting tracks both old and new. 1, 2, 3, let's go!
Twitter : @airadam13
Geto Boys : 1, 2, the 3
I'm opening with this track just on principle, but only including Scarface's opening verse - if you want the whole thing, look up "The Foundation" album. That Tone Capone (who gave us the classic "I Got 5 On It") groove is wicked though...
[Pete Rock] Ed O.G. : Right Now! (Instrumental)
It's always good to hear a Pete Rock beat, and the re-issue of "My Own Worst Enemy", his album with Boston legend Edo G, has a full set of instrumentals 👍
Sean Price ft. St.Maffew : Weed & Hoes
Disrespectful on multiple levels - but so good. Not sure who produced this, but that's a brilliant bit of sample manipulation to turn gospel vocals into the hook for this thugged-out track. Sean's verse is definitely the one, but Maffew Ragazino (performing under an (in)appropriate alias) does his thing here too. If you can find it, this track is on the "Kimbo Price" mixtape. I can't believe this is ten years old already!
Heather B : All Glocks Down
A classic anti-gun record from the mid-90s, with this BDP affiliate taking no kinds of shorts on the mic at all! In fact, she would say she was "Takin' Mine", as her debut LP was titled. Kenny Parker works an old soul classic for the beat.
Termanology ft. Bun B : How We Rock
I don't know why I haven't played this one until now - it's been a headphone favourite for a long time, as you can tell by the reference to "Obama '08"! Lawrence, MA and Port Arthur, TX in combination here as Termanology brings in the legend Bun B of UGK to add his gravitas and gravelly flow to this DJ Premier-produced track. "Politics As Usual" is definitely worth a listen if you don't know it, and a re-listen if you do - there are a good number of quality tracks on it.
Papoose : Numerical Slaughter
Every time I think of Papoose, I now think of the late Combat Jack (RIP) - that said, I'd like to think even he couldn't deny this one! In a thematic blend between "Alphabetical Slaughter" and something like Emanon's "Count Your Blessings", 2019 Papoose runs through the numbers one to nine over a dramatic DJ Premier beat. Bars like this show that the title of his new LP ("Underrated") is an accurate one.
Jel : Loop/Truncate
We take a break from the rhymes to hear some pure SP1200 wizardry from Anticon's Jel, taken from the appropriately-titled "10 Seconds" album. That drum programming clearly took some serious work - those who've ever tried it will understand the difficulty level of some of those fills! 
Bumpy Knuckles ft. Big Gov, V Stylez, and Kuye Mason : In Love With The Game
The "Pop Duke, Vol.1" LP is a heavy collaboration with the producer Nottz which is a recommended pickup if you love that boom-bap sound. While there are some big guests on the album, this track features some less well-known artists - Big Gov and V Stylez from Detroit, plus NYC's Kuye Mason on the hook. The beat grinds along like a drunk and grimier version of EPMD's "Headbanger", and after all the guests have eaten, Bumpy Knuckles comes in at the end to do what he does best - clean up like a pro.
Freddie Gibbs : Fuckin' Up The Count
Dark drug business from Gangsta Gibbs' "Shadow of a Doubt" LP. If you were a fan of "The Wire", you might recognise the intro voiceover, bridge, and the outro (if you can hear it) from some classic scenes taken from that monumental series. Speakerbomb, Frank Dukes, and Boi-1da merge some melancholy piano and bass which match the theme with some clean trap drums for that speaker shake.
Portishead : Numb 
The classic "Dummy" album, Portishead's debut, is twenty-five years old this month! This was the lead single, and one hell of an introduction to this Bristol trio. Hip-Hop heads would immediately be able to detect the presence of kindred spirits in method and influence, if not direct style. A track like this wouldn't be the same without Geoff Barrow's scratching filling in the breaks between Beth Gibbons' killer vocals. If you don't know this album, sit in on an evening and give it a front-to-back listen.
Marco Polo ft. Sean P & Rock : I'm So High (Remix)
It was completely coincidental I ended up choosing two weed-themed Sean P tracks this month! This one is new to me, but is a winner - reuniting Heltah Skeltah on a fire Marco Polo beat. The original version of this track, minus Rock, is at least seven years old, so it's not a posthumous piece as such - Marco and Sean definitely worked together on this. "The Green" mini-album compilation is a whole project of ganja business, which I can at least appreciate on a music level even if it's not my experience :)
MFSB : Something For Nothing
Even if you don't know this song, it'll be familiar to quite a number of you because it's been sampled so many times! I'm playing this from an old dusty 7", but that's just a single release from the 1973 self-titled debut album from the house band of the mighty Philadelphia International Records.
The Left ft. Invincible : Statistics
I believe it was Vicky T's "Rhyme & Reason" show that introduced me to this track. The Left is a Detroit crew made up of Journalist 103 on the mic, Apollo Brown on production, and DJ Soko with the cuts. Local mic flamethrower Invincible is the featured artist on this selection from the 2010 "Gas Mask" album, and both MCs paint pictures (one first-person, one not) of hard lives in the face of an uncaring, bureaucratic system.
Rapsody ft. GZA and D'Angelo : Ibtihaj
Now this is what you call a big co-sign - Rapsody rhyming over a tweaked version of the "Liquid Swords" beat, and getting GZA himself to contribute a guest verse! If that wasn't enough, the notoriously reclusive D'Angelo comes in to perform the hook. That kind of weight lets you know that this MC is the truth. She commands the mic with strength and confidence, and it feels like the start of a coming-out party. The new "Eve" album is a sixteen-song collection where every track is names after a woman Rapsody admires - in this case, the American Muslim hijabi fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad. Enjoy listening here, but the striking video is definitely worth a watch too!
Camp Lo : Superfly
This Camp Lo demo is dope as-is, but one that I wouldn't have minded hearing done again for the "Uptown Saturday Night" LP. As it is, this is a track that was unknown to most of us until the release of "On The Way Uptown", which collected together a lot of the demos and sketches from that era. Boom-bap, sparkle, and slang in abundance.
DRS ft. Enei : Count To Ten
Last episode you heard DRS in Hip-Hop mode from his most recent LP, but here we go D&B as we wind it all the way back to his debut LP, "I Don't Usually Like MCs But..." DRS delivers his lines with a measured aggression and is never hurried by the track - like an MC version of the T-101. For the instrumental, Russian producer Enei keeps things stark and dark.
Kev Brown : Victorious
Beat-heads will enjoy Kev Brown's short concept beat tape "Delve Into Classical Moog" from which this is taken; not only does he make heavy use of the sounds of the synth of the same name, but also samples the words of the great Robert Moog himself. I've extended this track a bit to make it more suitable for the show outro voiceover, and it was one well worth playing right to the end.
Redman : Da Countdown (Saga Continues)
This might have been a more appropriate pick for episode 321, but if I'm lucky and energetic enough to get that far, that's over sixteen years away - which would make this track officially an oldie! As it is, this is the highlight of the 2004 "Ill At Will" mixtape by Redman, coming out on his then-new label, Gilla House. The beat is bombastic, and Red is not coming meek and mild with it either! The  sample on the hook should sound familiar to those who've been listening since the 90s - it's from the final NWA album. Ironic that the saga did not continue in the way they might have expected...
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
  Check out this episode!
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toukatan · 4 years
beni the day's been so fast, february is already ending. we're going to get a new chapter in the coming days, and we're 5 episodes left in the final season. i'm so excited for 138 and 139 but is also making me sad because manga and anime will end at the same time. someone said in your asks that we'll get 112 anime and the next chapter in the same month. ngl, i'm lowkey manifesting that we'll get the same jeanpiku treatment last january to EM (anime: hate / manga: love 😌✨)
i'm so excited to see ema closure, and mikasa's confession and eren's promise in the last two chapters most especially 👀 see you later, eren 👀
let's fully enjoy these last chapters and last episodes together! your community has always been a very safe place for us to gush and enjoy the series, i'm sure everyone will agree with me on this! here's to roasting eren's ass, stinky smell, greasy hair with lice, and fivehead when 112 anime happens! 🍷
also pls i know when ema reunion and em reunion happens i just know we're going to break the internet again just like during 123 😏💛
ah yes the ending, it’s bittersweet but we don’t gotta be down about it ya know? we’ll seek out the ending with one another and roast the absolute heck out of 112s episode while we vibe and cry with chapter 138. absolute chaos is about to go down all in that one weeks and im where for it. yes em deserve that jeanpiku treatment last month, we only got two chapters left— it’s all or nothing now, we started with them, we gotta end with them. we move! 😌
once ema come face to face with one another, it’s over for us y’all, think about it ema, haven’t interacted since 112. we waited two whole years for this, we better get hurt witnessing it. yep. give us that angsty ‘see you later eren’ and that closure they deserve and us we need that closure too.
i couldn’t have asked for more, seeking the conclusion of snk with absolute angels is everything and more to me. thank you for making this place home and for never failing to make one another laugh— to roasting eren’s flat ass, greasy hair and fivehead once 112 is animated and to you all for making this journey unforgettable, you’re all blessing. this ones to us! 🍷✨
please when 123 dropped the em tag wouldn’t load for two days for me and i still have a screen recording of that very moment— imagine the power their next encounter holds, i know it’ll break the web, let’s go all out y’all— we’re gonna break every social media platform 😌
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Lining Up: March 22 – April 3
  All fantasy owners need help in the short term AND the long term. The Looking Ahead feature typically identifies one player to plug into lineups in the short term, a second to invest in for the long term, a third to bench for the coming week and a fourth who will struggle to meet expectations for some time, but with the season just about done it’ll look more for players to pick up through the end of the season and deeper keepers into next year.
  Most stats updated through Wednesday, March 20th
  The Immediate Fixes (Grab these guys and use them for the next several days)
Brett Connolly, W, Washington Capitals (Available in 87 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Joining the 20-goal club two games ago to bring his season totals to 20G-22A on the year, Connolly is a diamond in the rough these days and could be a very strong add for players still in the hunt.
He’s shown more of a trigger this season, hitting a career-high in SOG with 123 in 74 games so far, and he’s playing more than he ever has before with third-line minutes and time on the second power play unit. Normally, a third-line player wouldn’t jump off the page that much due to a low time on ice, but the Caps’ trio of Connolly, Lars Eller and Carl Hagelin have been unstoppable since Hagelin joined up: at 5v5, they have a 62% CorsiFor, are taking 42SF/60 and 15HDCF/60 (90-minute sample).
  David Perron, W, St. Louis Blues (Available in 67 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – After a hot season that got derailed by injury twice – mostly by his latest concussion – Perron is back and has slipped right back into his point-scoring ways with 3G-2A in the three games he’s played since coming back. After the first game where he played 14:58, Perron’s been thrown right back into the same role of second-line winger/second unit power play guy and has hit 19 minutes in back-to-back games; this is closer to where Perron was when he first got hurt back in January, in the 18+ minute range.
On the season, the cagey veteran is having a very solid year from a per-game perspective, as he’s picked up 20G-20A in only 48 games, but the concern as always is his concussion history along with all the other nicks & bumps that he’s seemingly prone to. He’s on a personal 16-game point streak (not including Thursday night’s game) and is a strong add through the rest of the season as there’s no concern about using draft capital on an injury-prone player, it’s a free add of a good point producer.
  The Building Blocks (Buy now, sit back and keep them)
Christian Wolanin, D, Ottawa Senators (Available in 100 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – With the Sens’ defense corps in shambles from an offensive perspective – next year will return Thomas Chabot, maybe Cody Ceci, and possibly see Erik Brannstrom up – Wolanin has a ton of upside as a deep pick-up.
Since Guy Boucher was fired on March 1st, Wolanin has picked up 1G-3A in eight games, with 14 shots on goal and 13 blocked shots. He’s been swapping between the first and second power play units (although that’s one and the same on a dismal Sens team) and has played 19+ minutes in six of those eight games, including back-to-back games of 24+ minutes. It’s clear he’s earned the trust of interim coach Marc Crawford, and his value as a late keeper/dynasty stash going into next year is strong especially if Crawford sticks around.
Going forward through the rest of the season, Chabot’s broken toe will keep him out of action and Cody Ceci has missed parts of the past two games which means Wolanin should continue to see strong minutes through to the end. Even if he’s not added as a keeper, he’s a fine bench body for worst case scenario injuries.
  Dylan Strome, C, Chicago Blackhawks (Available in 71 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Just under a point per game (44 in 48) with Chicago, Strome being available in 29 percent of leagues is unfathomable; he’s playing 17:09/game (two minutes more than his career average) and is on a sheltered scoring line with Alex DeBrincat (who is 88% owned!) and Brendan Perlini, as well as the top power play unit.
At 5v5 since the day Strome was traded to the Blackhawks, Strome sits 23rd in Points/60 (min. 300 minutes) which is ahead of luminaries such as Mark Stone, Steven Stamkos and Alex Ovechkin – and even more appealing is his 62% IPP, which is the lowest percentage of anyone in the top-75. That points to fantasy gold, so if you’re in the 71% of Yahoo! leagues where Strome is currently un-owned, he should be grabbed immediately.
  Love ‘Em (These squads are sure to pay dividends in the coming days)
Chicago – The Blackhawks have the most possible games over the next two weeks (seven) and are somehow still fighting for their playoff lives for a wild-card spot, which means their games won’t be mailed in (until at least near the back half of the period); they’ll play a home-and-home against Colorado, road games against Arizona, San Jose and L.A., and wrap up the stretch with home games against the Jets and Blues. Their opponents aren’t an easy out, but Chicago can score with the best of them so slot them in.
Buffalo – A lost season doesn’t mean they can’t still have fantasy production to close it out, and with seven games between the 22nd and April 3rd, the Sabres are a good bet for more production. Being in the East means some weak competition defensively, and that should bear fruit as the Sabres will face Montreal, New Jersey, Ottawa and the Islanders on the road, and Detroit, Columbus and Nashville at home – only three playoff teams in the bunch.
Carolina – The last team with the full seven games available in this period is the Hurricanes, who continue to be dominant offensively in terms of shots taken but have been up & down in terms of scoring. That being said, they have three very well-balanced lines these days and like Buffalo get to face some of the weaker defensive teams in Washington (twice), Philadelphia and Toronto; beyond those games, Carolina will also face Minnesota, Montreal and Pittsburgh to round out the period.
  Leave ‘Em (These squads will leave fantasy owners sorely disappointed in the short term)
Nashville – The Preds only have seven games left in total and only five left between March 22nd and April 3rd, a very light schedule to close out the season. They’ve struggled to get scoring outside of their stud d-men and their top line, and four of their five games coming on the road won’t help – they play the Jets, Wild, Penguins and Sabres away, and the Jackets at home.
Pittsburgh – Much like the Predators, Pittsburgh has a light finish to their season although they have games against the Rangers and Red Wings to look forward to. Unfortunately, they also have games against Dallas (in Dallas), and Nashville and Carolina at home – not the most conducive schedule for fantasy scoring.
Detroit – They’ve got six games in the period but that includes a road/home back-to-back (against Buffalo and New Jersey) and well, it’s the Red Wings – they’ve hit four goals in a game only three times since February 1st. They play at Vegas, San Jose and Buffalo, and have home games against New Jersey, Boston and Pittsburgh.
  from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/nhl-line-combinations/lining-up-march-22-april-3/
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smallstudiodesign · 7 years
More More More 123 - #video 1.2 ... New Fortune City" New York is The Big Apple - we're like a Big Fortune Cookie. A puffed up veneer with a oneline paper wish. That was just a bit of mad fun. #mondaymorningmadness #videosketchbook we could go on & on (it's a wrap after 45min-60min max) got too hot 👅 by 10:00am like to get out of traffic. It's no fun anymore when it's too much like work Movie Soundtrack ❤️this song as almost perfectly goes with. Vancouver - she's got plenty but she just wants more and more and more and - then what?and why? Some areas all looking the Same after awhile. Construction everywhere. 
"More!" [From Dick Tracy] Writer: Stephen Sondheim Lead Vocal: Madonna "Once upon a time I had plenty of nothing, Which was fine with me. Because I had rhythm, music, & love, The sun, the stars and the moon above, Had the clear blue sky & the deep blue sea. That was when the best things in life were free." "Then time went by and now I got plenty of plenty, Which is fine with me. 'Cause I still got love, I still got rhythm, But look at what I got to go with 'em?" " 'Who could ask for anything more?', I hear you query. 'Who would ask for anything more?' Well, let me tell you, Dearie". "Got my diamonds, got my yacht, got a guy I adore. I'm so happy with what I got, I want MORE!" "Count your blessings, one, two, three ... just hate keeping score. Any number is fine with me As long as it's more ... As long as it's MORE!" "I'm no math-e-ma-tician, all I know is add-i-tion, I find counting a bore. Keep the number mountin', Your accountant does the countin' (More! More!)" "I got rhythm, music too, just as much as before. Got my guy & my sky of blue.Now, however, I own the view. More is better than nothing, true! But nothing's better than more, more, more! Nothing's better than more." "One is fun, why not two? And if you like two, you might as well have four ... And if you like four, why not a few? Why not a slew! (More! More!)" "If you've got a little, why not a lot? Add a bit and it'll get to be an oodle. Every jot & tittle adds to the pot. Soon you've got the kit, as well as the caboodle. (More! More!)" #lightscameraaction (at 2010 Olympic Village)
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