#it‘s pretty obvious i‘d say
curlyhairedprince · 4 years
I know liam and niall posted,is there anyone else?
Lottie did, and her insta story said paid partnership with company xy so aldjdkks
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selfcarecap · 3 years
Peter meeting your dad and trying so hard not to screw up that he ends up saying something he shouldn't have
this is kiiiinda what you asked for but only kinda lmao
warnings: mentions of smut, alcohol, a mention of anal made it in here??? just one line, cringe, peter and reader are both obviously at least 18 but reader lives with her parents tho i guess or maybe she’s just visiting, and let’s all collectively imagine a dad named phil cause i don’t want anyone to have to think about their real dad hsjkd (or if your dad’s name is phil then imagine a dad named… alejandro (idk gashuijodkjiuzafgshdjkf it’s 4 am)
-this is a repost of an old blurb-
You let out a quiet moan when you feel Peter’s lips at your neck.
You focus on the feeling of his warm tongue against your skin, your eyes going wide when you realise he‘s about to give you a hickey, “No, Pete, you can‘t. Everyone will see.“
“Would it be so bad if everyone knew that you‘re mine?“
Resisting giving him a kiss, you push him off of you slightly, “No but I don‘t need my parents to know that we do stuff.“
“Stuff?” He teases, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, “Stuff like what?” He mumbles into your neck, pulling your hoodie down so the hickey there will be hidden.
“You know what I mean,” you say, letting him kiss your chest.
“Not sure what exactly,” he says with a smirk, “Did you mean when I fingered you in the library last week?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks and it makes you want to bury your face in a pillow. Peter throws his arm over your hips though, stopping you from turning on your tummy to hide from him.
“Or were you thinking of how I fucked your pretty ass—”
“I mean all of those things,” you cut him off, “But don‘t mention that type of stuff when I‘m telling you about my parents.”
“Just stop talking about your parents then,” he smiles, grabbing your cheeks to kiss your lips.
“My dad will be home soon,” you manage to say, between kisses, “Don‘t have enough time for sex.”
“Then it‘s a really good thing that I can make you cum so quick, hm?” He lifts your hoodie and grins when he sees that you’re not wearing a bra, kissing each of your nipples. You help him get rid of your hoodie completely so he can play with your hardened nipples some more.
Sighs of pleasure leave your mouth, and you lie back, enjoying the feeling.
Peter’s fingers slip into the waistband of your jeans, pausing to look at you, “You up for that, baby?”
Nothing but a whimper leaves your mouth, then a quiet “Please.”
He unzips your jeans carefully and slips a few fingers into your panties, finding you already wet and waiting for him. A smile forms on his lips as he continues kissing you, his fingers spreading the wetness around your pussy.
The ache between your thighs increases when Peter starts opening you up with his fingers, and you start to moan; you’re close already.
Just a second later, Peter’s eyes go wide and his fingers stop moving.
“What?” You ask, sitting up. That’s when you hear the front door being unlocked and your dad coming home.
“I told you he’d be home soon!” You say but Peter ignores you, throwing your hoodie towards you which you quickly change into.
“I didn‘t think it would be that soon!” He says finally, “Where should I go? Out the window?”
“First of all you need to get your hand out of my pants.”
You roll your eyes when you see him suck his fingers into his mouth, getting rid of your wetness on him.
“You have to meet him one day,” you reason.
A moment later there’s a knock at your door and you push Peter a few inches away so it’s not obvious how close you two were.
“You got this,” you whisper, “Come in.”
“Hey honey I—” your dad goes quiet when he sees Peter.
“Uh hi dad- you know um, I told you about my boyfriend.”
The look on his face is sceptical, eyes narrowed, “Pedro?”
“Peter.” you correct him.
“Hi sir, I‘m P-Peter,” he stands up to face your dad, shaking his hand with the hand that wasn’t just inside of you. Your dad raises an eyebrow at Peter using his left hand to greet him.
“Peter. Remind me, how long have you been together with my daughter?”
“S-” Peter looks over at you. Your dad knows about him but Peter doesn’t know just how much exactly you’ve told your dad. You simply nod at him.
“Six months, sir,”
“You sure? That took you a while.”
“Oh my god, dad. Stop grilling him. It‘s six months. Can you leave now?”
Peter’s sitting with you again and your dad sits down too, “So, what do you do? Are you a student too?”
“Yes sir. And I have a job at Mr Stark‘s-”
“Tony Stark?” Your dad wonders. You cringe at how many times he’s already interrupted your boyfriend.
“Yes, Tony Stark.”
Your dad gives a somewhat satisfied smile and harshly pats Peter’s back.
“Dad.” You warn.
“I‘m letting you know right now that I don‘t want any grandchildren running around yet,” he stares at Peter.
“Don‘t worry,” Peter says, “We only ever have protected sex.”
You’re all silent for a second. You wonder how horny Peter must have been to completely miss the point of your earlier conversation. You force out a laugh, “Haha, isn‘t he funny, dad? I‘ve really got myself a funny boyfriend, haven’t I? So um could you leave now?”
“I need a beer,” your dad says, and finally leaves your room.
You look at Peter, cringing.
“I should have gone for the window,” he says, burying his head in your neck.
A few hours later, the encounter with your dad forgotten, you‘re watching a film on your bed.
Peter’s hands are under your hoodie, cupping your breasts. (He says it‘s for stress relief.)
The credits start playing and Peter mumbles something into your chest, saying it louder when he realises you didn’t hear, “I need you.”
“Need what?”
“Need my face between your tits.”
You chuckle and lift the hem of your hoodie. Peter immediately starts kissing up your belly.
This time without a knock, your dad opens your door, quickly covering his eyes when he sees the position you and Peter are in.
Peter gets off of you and doesn’t dare look up.
With an annoyed huff, your dad drops a box of condoms on your bed, “I don‘t even want to know if it was a joke or not, but I‘d rather know that you’re being safe than to unexpectedly become a grandfather.”
Both you and Peter remain silent, wanting the sex talk with your dad to be over.
“You don‘t do anything while your mother or I are home, and if I ever see you touch my daughter like that in front of my eyes, Peter, I‘m kicking you out.” And with that, he closes the door.
Peter drops his head in embarrassment.
“At least he remembered your name?” You try.
Peter only groans in response.
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lupiningwolves · 3 years
Not without him | Regulus Black x fem!reader
summary: Y/N Potter and Regulus Black...
warnings: character death, mentions of death, mentions of food, angst
Seven years ago, a little eleven year old girl walked through the Great Hall. The students from the four houses watched every move the first years made. But two boys were more curious about what was about to happen. Two best friends watched as their younger siblings walked behind Professor McGonagall.
„Are you nervous?“, asked the black haired boy that walked next to Y/N. She nodded nervous. He took her hand and smiled warmly at her. „It‘s gonna be alright.“
„Thank you“, she said. When McGonagall stopped before the teachers table, she announced what will happen. But Y/N already knew. Just one year ago, her brother wrote excitedly a letter to her, saying that he was put in Gryffindor and already made friends.
„Regulus Black“, McGonagall shouted. All eyes turned to the boy that slowly let go of the girls hand, smiled weakly at her and walked to the Sorting Hat.
He sat down and McGonagall was about to put it on his head. It just touched his black hair as it shouted: „Slytherin!“ The girl felt her heart sink for a moment. The Slytherin table cheered loudly while all the other tables stayed silent.
It felt like an eternity until her name was called. „Y/N Potter.“ She walked to the Professor and waited until the hat was on her head.
„Mhm, ah, alright ...“ She had never been more nervous in her life. „Let’s make it - Gryffindor!“ She smile bright and went to the Gryffindors that we’re more than happy to have the other Potter in their house.
„Y/N.“ Her brother smiled at her and hugged her.
„Jamesie“, she responded.
„I‘m so proud of you“, he muttered. He let her go again and faced his best friends. „Y/N, that’s Remus, Peter and Sirius.“
„Hi“, Peter said smiling and Remus waved at her. But Sirius said nothing.
The boys looked at him worried and talked to him about his brother being a Slytherin. The girl didn’t take part in the conversation, but sure listened to what they said.
And when she laid in her bed at her first night at Hogwarts, she decided to became friends with him. A friendship between a Gryffindor and Slytherin, especially a Potter and a Black, was difficult. But not impossible.
During her first year, Y/N slowly but steady became friends with Regulus. And by the start of second year, the two were inseparable.
„Regulus“, she beamed as she saw him at the Hogwarts Express. She wanted to go to him, but her brother held her back.
„Not now, Y/N. He‘ll come along. Just like Sirius will.“ She nodded sadly.
Sat alone in a compartment, she waited for him to come, just like he promised before holiday. But when the train started moving, she lost all hope.
With her head against the window, she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come over her. But nothing happened.
„Is here still a seat for me?“ Y/N smiled as she heard the voice and looked to the door.
„Reggie.“ She got up and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. „I missed you.“
„I missed you too, Y/N.“
In her third year, Y/N found out about all the stuff that was going on at the Black house.
She just wanted to use the toilet when she saw her best friend crying in Moaning Myrtles bathroom.
„Reggie“, she breathed out. He raised his head from inbetween his knees that were pulled up to his chest.
„Y/N, I - You shouldn’t have seen me like this.“ He wiped his tears away, but a sob escaped his lips.
Y/N slowly made her way to him to give him time to decide, if he wants her here. But when he didn’t say anything, she kneeled down next to him and wrapped her arms tight around him.
„It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here now. You have me and always will. Shh“, she whispered in his ear. „Do you want to talk about it?“
Regulus didn’t want to. But he knew her better than anybody else and was sure that she would want him to talk anyway. So he told her everything.
In the end, both of them were crying and in each other’s arms.
„Come on. I got a good friend that has more chocolate than books. And let me tell you, that means he has a lot of chocolate.“ She got up and pulled him to his feet. Then, she dragged him to the Gryffindor tower and sneaked into the dorm of her brother where she stole a few chocolate bars.
In fifth year, Y/N started listening more to what the people around her said. And what they said was that she and Regulus were in a relationship.
Before summer, she didn’t think that she could actually be in love with him. But the more time she thought about it, she was sure that the butterflies in her stomach when she thought about him and the jealousy when she saw another girl talking to him, were love.
And who better ask for help than the most lucky person in love herself.
„James, I kinda need you help in something“, she had said.
„What’s on?“
„I - I think I‘m in love.“ The older boy‘s eyes had widened at his sister’s confession.
„Who is it - No, I already know it“, he had corrected himself. „Well, my dear sister, just talk to him I guess. I could ask Sirius if he knows anything.“
The girl had smiled. „You‘d do that?“
„Anything for my little sister.“
So she thought the whole summer about how to confess her feeling towards her crush.
When the teachers talked about their upcoming O.W.L.s, Y/N found herself watching Regulus as he twirled his quill between his fingers.
One time in the library, Y/N studied for the last O.W.L when Regulus sat down in front of her, a big smile across his face.
„Guess what?“, he asked happy.
„What?“ She was happy too, because she had never this such a big smile on his lips.
„I got a date.“ Her heart sunk and her face fell. But she reminded herself that she was his best friend, so she forced herself to a smile.
„Really? Must be a lucky girl then.“
„Yeah, she is amazing“, he said deep in thought. „She isn’t a Slytherin, Mother and Father are going to kill me. But she is worth it. She is beautiful. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. When I saw her the first time in first year, I knew she was going to be the one I marry.“ His smile grew and grew by his words. And Y/N thought she was going to cry. „She was nervous, you know. I saw it on her face when she walked down the Great Hall. So I took her hand.“
She realised what he was about to say. „Wait - W-What?“
„You, Y/N. Sometimes I wonder how you’re one of the best in all classes. I thought it was obvious.“ She shook your head still in shock. „Well, Darling, you and me are going to Hogsmeade together.“
„We always do, Dumbass“, she retorted.
„We are going out. As in I like you and you like me back more than friends.“
„I‘d be more than happy about that, Mr Black.“
Their relationship wasn’t easy, not at all. They were happy when they had one day without a comment from anyone. When Regulus was back home during summer, he told his parents. And the owl that reached Y/N made her look herself in her room for days.
She was more than happy to see him in September. She thought about breaking up with him. The comments from all around them made her insecure about herself and their relationship. And, more important, his health and relationship with his parents worried her the most.
So she decided to talk to him after a few weeks back at Hogwarts.
„Reggie, can we talk for a second?“, she asked him when she was sure that he was done with eating dinner.
„What - Yeah, of course.“ He wasn’t sure why his girlfriend was so nervous. When they walked out of the Great Hall he wanted to take her hand, but she pulled it away.
„We need to break up“, she said when they were in the safe space of her dorm room.
His face fell. „What? Why?“
Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the sad look on his face. „Reggie, please. You need to understand that-“ He cut her off.
„There is nothing to understand, Y/N. I thought we were doing fine“, he said not so calmly anymore. „What is it? Is there somebody else?“
„What?! No, you know I would never love someone else. There will always be just you.“
„Then why?! Is it the others? The comments?“ She didn’t say anything, but Regulus knew by the look on her face that it was exactly what had got her upset. „Y/N, don’t listen to them. They’re all idiots. I love you, okay?“ Both of them froze at what he said. „I didn’t want you to know this way, but yes, I love you. More than anything in the world. So please, give us another chance. I‘ll do everything to make this work.“
She stepped forward to hug him. „I love you too“, she said against his chest. „I’m sorry.“
„Don’t be, pretty girl. I know it gets hard sometimes.“
Regulus and Y/N. After Sirius and Remus the most beautiful couple. Even Lily and James looked bad against them. They went through hell, but still got each other.
When James graduated, Regulus took James part in keeping everything bad away from her. And she kept away the demons that followed him. But there was one thing she couldn’t stop.
He was a death eater.
He told her immediately when he got the mark. She was angry and sad. But not at him, at his stupid family that made him do what he did.
After they graduated, Regulus bought them a small flat near the one Remus and Sirius got. All of them became friends because of Y/N and James. But Sirius still hadn’t got over the fact that his brother was one of them.
But Regulus and Y/N were happy. More than that, they were engaged. No one from the black family knew, except Sirius of course. They wanted to wait until after the war to get married.
All happy and giggling, Y/N came back from her parents to Sirius and Remus‘ flat where everyone was supposed to meet. Regulus said he‘d be there too.
She opened the door and took her shoes off. „I‘m here!“, she beamed and went to the living room. Remus had Sirius in his arms while he was silently crying. James sat on a chair with his face buried in his hands. She heard the girls talking in the kitchen. „What’s going on?“
They looked up at her confused. „Y/N“, James whispered. „You haven’t -“
„I haven’t what?“, she asked worried. She had never seen Sirius crying before. „Where is Reggie? I thought he was coming too?“ Sirius broke down again and a tear escaped her eye.
James got up and hugged her. „I‘m so sorry, Y/N.“
She got out from his grip and looked at him. „What is going on? Where is he?“
„He’s dead, Y/N“, her brother whispered as the girls came in the kitchen and abruptly stopped when they saw the younger girl.
But she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it. „When this is one of your pranks, James, I swear to my life ...“ But her brother was serious.
„We‘re so sorry, Y/N“, Lily said. She went to hug her, but she backed away.
„That’s not true“, she muttered. „You’re lying. I talked to him this morning. He said he’d meet me here. He said he couldn’t wait until the wedding. He - H-He-“ A sob escaped her lips and tears flooded over her cheeks. „Please“, she looked around the room and saw everyone’s sad gaze. „No“, she mumbled.
Her knees gave in and before she could fall to the ground, her brother caught her and pulled her in his embrace. „I’m right here. Shh.“
„He can’t leave me“, she sobbed into his chest. „He- He said he’d never leave me. Never. Why? Why did he lie?“ More tears ran down her face. She could barely breath. „I loved him.“
„I know. He loved you too. So much“, her brother said and stroked her hair. „It’s gonna be alright.“
„Nothing is gonna be alright! He’s gone! He is gone.“ She whispered the last part as her voice broke. „I can’t live without him.“
„You can, Y/N. It’s gonna be a rough time. But we’re all here for you. We can get through this together.“
But she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to live without him. Not without the love of her life.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Scared & Sacred - Ch. 3
Pairing: Din Djarin x pregnant!Reader
Description: The Mandalorian had helped you while you were hunted for your family name and you had grown a little closer over the months, but you didn’t expect THIS. How was this possible after just three times of getting so close to him. You had to find a nurse as fast as possible.
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, helmetless Din, canon divergent, not proofread
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Chapter 3 - Comfortable
Omera closed in on you right after you landed with happiness written all over her face. „Mando, Princess, Greenling.“ She bowed slightly as a hello and got a tiny coo in return from Din‘s arms. „Omera.“ You hugged her close to you, noticing the little village flourishing. „What brings you here?“ She smiled over to Din who took a step forward to be next to you again. „We aren‘t hunted anymore and we really needed a break. The little one loved it here last time, so we figured we would come here for a while.“ You explained and took Grogu who started to fuzz. „You are always welcome here, after everything you did.“ She nodded and showed you to follow her to her hut. There was a loud squeak in your arms when Grogu saw the children playing. You grinned and walked towards Winta which noticed you seconds later. „Have an eye on him, yeah?“ You set Grogu down in front of her and got an eager nod back.
„I‘ll make sure food will be ready for you later. Get comfortable.“ You heard Omera as you walked in. „Actually, I‘d love to help around.“ Din spoke up and got a slightly surprised face back. „I think they could always use help chopping wood.“ She pointed at a couple of men in the distance and he nodded and went off. The pretty woman faced you, „He‘s so different, what happened?“ You smiled back at her, „We met many people on our journey. Made him softer. And I think having me around helped a lot.“ „I‘m sure. Your green child looks well loved by the both of you.“ She looked out of the window with you at the children. „Lost him for a while, got him back, started a bedtime routine, fell in love with his dad. You know, the usual things happening when you‘re suddenly parents.“ You noticed her facing you. „Oh? I know there was something else different between you two.“ A wide smile spread on her face. „It might be a little more obvious on him now than it was a couple weeks ago. I am with child.“ You looked at her too and your hand automatically wandered to where you knew your little wonder was. „Really? That‘s amazing! I‘ll bombard you with all my tips if you let me!“ She jumped a little and went in for a hug that you returned. „I‘ll let you.“ You chuckled at her happiness, „But I really missed having a normal bed and Grogu kept me up half the night, so I‘ll probably sleep early tonight.“ „Grogu? Is that his name?“ „A Jedi woman told us that‘s his name, yes. You need to call him that and listen to the sound he makes. It‘s adorable.“ You both chuckled. „Well, I‘ll leave you to it with the unpacking and bring you food in a while. You need rest.“ She softened more than she already did and then went her way.
A while later Din came back to the hut, smelling like forest already. „You smell nice, cyare.“ You smiled up, grabbing onto his chest plate. „It‘s cute when you say it, mesh‘la.“ He took off his gloves and threw them behind him before taking your face into his hands. „And what does that mean?“ Your hands went up to the helmet. „Beautiful.“ You released the helmet with a hiss and saw his hair all tousled up. „What‘s the word for handsome?“ You smirked before hearing a gasp in the entrance. „I‘m so sorry.“ Omera had turned away. „No, no. It‘s okay, I learned my religion was more intense about the helmets than other Mandalorian groups and others take that thing off when it‘s safe.“ Din explained and she turned around to look at you both. „I have to agree with her. You do look handsome.“ She grinned and set down the tray of food, „Your child will look gorgeous.“ Din looked over to you and you gave him a slight nod. „That is still surreal from a mouth that isn‘t hers.“ He pointed at you and Omera giggled. „You men always need a while to let it set in. Us women just know.“ She winked at you both before making her exit.
You turned back to Din, seeing the soft smile directed down at you. „Do you think it‘s a boy or a girl?“ He murmured, grabbing your hips. „Grogu said a girl.“ His brow rose up, „Showed him veggies as either option. His babbling while holding up the tukal root was really convincing.“ You both chuckled at that. He knew how expressive Grogu could get without you two understanding one bit. „What do you think?“ You asked up at him with a smile. „I asked you first.“ „Don‘t argue with a pregnant woman, Din.“ He chuckled and shook his head, „I‘d love a girl. I‘m starting to think we‘ll keep Grogu with nobody searching for him after the Tython mess.“ „A boy and a girl sounds perfect to me too.“ You went onto your tippy toes and kissed him on the nose. You gently got rid of his armor, something you had only done with his pauldrons before the news broke. This was an immense sign of trust for both of you. „If you change your underclothes too and walk out to get Grogu they‘ll think someone invaded their village again.“ You snorted and heard a laugh emitting above you. „I‘m willing to try. Omera would at least be able to defend me with her skills.“ „I’ll just watch the show from my window.“
After putting on a different undershirt and dark green pants they gave their guests, he walked out towards the children. You watched the town perk up at the view of the unknown man. „Grogu.“ You heard his signature coo at his name. „Hey, what are you doing with that child?“ A village man asked as Din picked Grogu up. „Yeah, who the hell are you?“ Another joined in and you snorted from the window, making the men look over. „Oh.“ You heard in a choir. „It‘s alright. It‘s great to know that you would keep him safe if we weren‘t there to defend him.“ Din smiled at them and heard a giggle from his arms. „You hungry, kid?“ A squeak came back at him and he came back to the hut with a chuckle. „That was funny and sweet.“ You giggled before taking Grogu towards you to feed his food to him slowly so he didn‘t get a belly ache like last night.
After you put Grogu into his little bed and put a blanket over it to keep it dark in the morning hours you returned to Din sitting on the bed comfortably. „It‘s so incredible seeing you so relaxed, so yourself. I feel like I’m falling in love all over again.“ He smiled at you widely. „Come here, cyar‘ika.“ He held his arms open and welcomed you in. You sat like that for a while, feeling little kisses all across your hair. „Tell me more about yourself, Din. I wanna know the father of my child better and help him be a person without his serious creed.“ You murmured and squeezed him. Half the night was spent with him recounting events he remembered from childhood, his parents dying and what it felt like growing up in the Mandalorian religion. It was like you had a new man in front of you. The once silent armored man had turned into a trusting haven of words. He was very expressive due to never having had to worry about that before, but you loved that about him even more. He had his emotions open to you like nobody else before. „You need to sleep.“ He urged you softly, noticing your eyes getting smaller and smaller while listening. „Maybe.“ You mumbled and he gently pushed you to lay down with a grin on his face. „You need rest, you‘re growing a human inside of you.“ He kissed your nose. „That you put there, may I add. After I was hurt.“ You giggled all droopy. „You‘re cute when you‘re sleepy. Did I ever tell you that?“ His fingers wandered over your face featherlight. „Not a man of many words.“ You giggled and he chuckled at how sleepdrunk you were. „Little hard to describe someone as pretty as you.“ He watched you smile at him. „I love you.“ „I love you too.“ And like that you were gone off to dreamland.
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melon-wing · 4 years
[4] Peace Treaty [Scar/Grian/Bdubs]
[Fanfiction Masterlist] ~*~ Grian looked at the letter in deep thought, lounging on his chair in the Mycelium Resistance Headquarters. Well lounging probably wasn‘t the right word. He was lying on the chair, head hanging down while his legs were propped up against the backrest, the letter held in his outstretched hands upside down so he was able to read it. He had stared at it for a good hour now, reading it again and again, lost in thought. Other members of his team had come and gone, knowing better than to try and take the decision from him, just offering to be there for him no matter what he wanted to do.
One day… One day he would be in a fight where he wasn‘t the leader calling the shots, facing the tough decisions on his own. Sure, he could ask around and he knew everyone here would be willing to help him make that choice. But ultimately he was the one responsible for whatever consequences it brought along.
A heavy sigh passed his lips and he turned his head to the side a bit, watching Ren and Etho talking in hushed voices off to the side. They were all on edge. He was taking too long, he knew. A choice like this could mean the end of a war, one way or another.
He turned back to the letter, reading it once more, looking for anything he might have missed.
Dear Leader of the Mycelium Resistance (whoever you might be, probably Mumbo, and certainly not Grian),
The Mayor and HEP have decided to offer you the chance - only this once - to join us in a meeting. We‘re all tired of this war and there‘s no satisfying end in sight. The Mayor agrees to listen to your demands and would like to find a compromise. 
In other words: We offer a meeting to discuss a peace treaty.
If you agree, come alone and unarmed to the coordinates added on to the letter at noon tomorrow. Only the Mayor and I will be present. No weapons or foul tricks shall be allowed or the talk is done.
Official assistant and campaign manager of Mayor Scar and very important person in this whole mayoral business
Grian couldn‘t stop his lips from twitching upwards a bit at the last part. Bdubs just had a way to always make him smile and laugh and… Grian missed that. Ever since their fight started…
Well before that he had been spending a lot of time with Scar and Bdubs in the Upside Down, just hanging around, playing pranks on one another and building stuff together. They had spent some nights huddled together in one of Bdubs‘ overworld houses, planning out everything they wanted to build and do… And then the campaigns had started. 
Oh god, Grian wanted this to end, he really did. He had expected this to be so much fun. Just like the Civil War last season. Or the fight against Area 77. And it had been in the beginning. Now though… He missed Scar and Bdubs‘ company a lot.
A loud groan and Grian let his head hit the floor, throwing the piece of paper to the side. He had spent so much time thinking about what to do it was almost time for the proposed meeting.
“So you‘ve decided?”, Ren‘s voice came from the side, both him and Etho looking over curiously.
Grian nodded and rolled backwards from the chair, landing gracefully on his feet. 
“I‘m going.”
“You do know it‘s gonna be a trap? I‘m pretty sure it‘s a trap. Just let me come with you. Or let Etho accompany you. They won‘t see him, they won‘t even know he‘s there.”
What Ren was saying sounded like the proper thing to do. It would be the thing a leader should probably do. But Grian shook his head, making a gesture that made his sword and bow appear from his inventory into his hand. He put both of his weapons onto the table, not even hesitating.
“I know what I‘m doing. It‘s a risk worth taking. Etho-” He turned to his friends as he started strapping on his Elytra, deciding against putting on his armour as well. “You‘re in command while I‘m gone. If I don‘t return don‘t listen to any demands and just keep going. I‘ll be fine.”
They both looked like they wanted to protest, but Grian didn‘t give them an opportunity to, taking out a rocket and flying off as fast as the fireworks would let him. It didn‘t take him long and he was only slightly late, because he had decided to fly a detour to come from a different direction, just in case his arrival would be monitored. They had to know he had come straight from their headquarters.
Grian landed in front of a small cottage on an island. The area seemed empty enough. Nobody would be able to hide in the open like this. But they might just be trying to lull him into a false sense of security. There were many ways to hide after all.
Grian stepped into the cottage. It looked cozy on the inside, carpets on the wooden floor, an open large room with a fireplace and couches and armchairs around it. On one of those couches sat Bdubs and Scar, both looking at him expectantly.
“You came”, Scar started in disbelief and Grian couldn‘t help but chuckle.
“I came”, he simply echoed and went over, sitting down in one of the armchairs, looking at the others, searching. They were sitting close together, real close. And yeah, he knew both of them had little care for personal space and touch. But the way Bdubs hand was on Scar‘s leg, Scar‘s hand atop it, thumb gently tracing the lines. 
Grian stared at their hands for a moment, feeling some weird stinging sensation inside his chest. God, he missed them. He missed… No. He needed to think straight. This wasn‘t a friendly chat. He was here as a representative of the Mycelium Resistance, as its leader.
“So what did you want to negotiate in this-”
“We miss you”, Bdubs blurted out, not waiting for Grian to finish his question. Scar next to him looked just as shocked as Grian felt.
“B! I thought we agreed to at least pretend we‘re here for official business.”
“Sorry! I can‘t help it! I want him back!”
Grian raised his eyebrows in confusion, looking at them weirdly as they just kept going.
“You think I don‘t? It‘s why I agreed to this stupid plan in the first place!”
“Hey! It‘s not stupid! It worked.”
“It worked so far.”
“Excuse me…”, Grian interrupted quietly.
“What?!”, both of them exclaimed loudly, finally stopping their staring match and turning their eyes back on Grian, the glare then slowly fading as they realised how carried away they had become.
“What‘s going on here?”
They exchanged a few looks, a silent conversation going on between them. And finally Scar began.
“I confessed to Bdubs yesterday.”
Grian felt his chest deflate as he let out a breath, eyes slowly drifting to their joined hands again.
“Oh… That… Congratulations I guess”, he muttered, gaze focused onto their hands still. “I guess it worked out between you then.”
“Yeah”, Bdubs replied, the smile so obvious in his voice and his fingers interlacing with Scar‘s. “I‘m one lucky guy.”
“So you called in a meeting like this to tell me? You want me to give you a resistance free day to go on a date or something? You know that‘s not how this whole resistance thing works, right?” Grian‘s voice was cold. So cold that he himself was surprised by it, but he just couldn‘t help it. He suddenly felt like there was a rock made of ice in his chest. Slowly he stood up from the armchair, hands balled into fists. “This meeting is over.”
“Grian… That‘s not-”, Scar started but stopped, sounding so uncertain, so scared and it made Grian look up again. Scar looked at him, a longing, desperate expression, only mirrored on Bdubs face and it took Grian by surprise.
“We want to stop this war, because one thing came pretty clear after the confession. We talked about all of our emotions” Bdubs looked him straight into the eyes, his voice sounding far less scared than Scar‘s, but a little wavering still gave away how nervous he was. “We‘re both not just interested in one another. We weren‘t just flirting with one another before this whole thing happened.”
Grian tilted his head in confusion and Bdubs‘ gave a frustrated sigh at that, letting go of Scar‘s hand to stretch out his arm towards Grian. And without a second thought Grian took that hand, being pulled forward and in one fluid movement both Bdubs and Scar moved to the side, so that Grian plopped down onto the couch in between them. There was a hand on each of his legs, both Scar and Bdubs looking at him and Grian felt heat rising to his face.
“I-I…”, he stuttered, eyes darting left and right, unsure of what to say.
Bdubs chuckled. “So what do you say, little rebel. Do you wanna have peace and be with us?”
“I… I‘d like that.”
The moment Grian spoke those words two pairs of lips hit his cheeks on opposite sides of his face.
A week later for reasons unknown, a peace treaty was signed between the mayor and the Mycelium Resistance. A lot of Hermits were left to wonder how they managed to agree on so many compromises… Well, that was until they stumbled upon the parties that signed the contract making out in the middle of the barge.
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91percentpynch · 4 years
lonely heart - kevaaron au pt 4
oh look it‘s me, coming out of my dark hole to make you suffer with a super sad chapter with a nasty cliffhanger:) so get your tissues ready and enjoy!! okay first of all sorry that i didn‘t update this in a g e s and that it‘s rather short and for the cliffhanger, but i‘ll try to update it more regularly now:)
check this out for the other parts:)
trigger warnings: drug abuse, mention of suicide, mention of mental health issues, very sad aaron, mention of blood
“You were too good for me”, Aaron whispered into the void. “You were way too fucking good for me. You made me a better man. And I fucked up”
Aaron got up as he felt the tears burning in his eyes. He knew he wouldn‘t be able to sleep alone tonight. Like every single goddamn night since he left Kevin. Like every single goddamn night since he made the biggest mistake of his life.
„Taylor?“, the blonde haired boy murmered, „You up?“
„Babe, you know I‘m up. My girlfriend lives three states away, we talk every single day at the same time as you call your man. Not that I would be able to sleep when you call him, cause a) i love Day and b) you‘re always sad and high and end up in my room anygays, so did he take the phone darling?“
Taylor was Aaron‘s roommate and the closest thing he had to a best friend. She had been there for him every single day, cuddled him, held him while he cried and dried his tears afterwards. And Aaron did the same when she misssed her girlfriend too much.
„You do realize he is not my man anymore, I fucked that up. Big time. He did actually take the phone just to tell me to fuck off and stop calling“
„You could always go over there and say it in his pretty face. Didn’t say you can’t come over did he?Pro point: Might lead to making out“, Taylor said while taking him in her arms. „Plus another pro point: you‘d get sober again. And you‘re less moody. No offense but a Kevin-less Aaron is hardly managable, like you‘re either a whiny little bitch or you‘ll give me the death glare of the cenutry. Legit worse than Andrew‘s and I called him a cute little baby boo once when I was drunk and he almost stabbed me right there with a look on his face like I just murdered Neil in front of him“
„Tay, I take that as a compliment. And we both know Kevin’s a bit of a dumbass so he did not exactly tell me Not To Come over just stopp calling. Anyways I don‘t even know where he lives. And stop talking about me getting high, you do the same shit“
„Yeah but I know my limits and I have not the same history as you. And for the i DoN‘t EvEn KnOwS wHeRe He LiVeS, phone number. Now“
„O- okay“, Aaron said and told her Kevin‘s phone number while Taylor calmingly stroked his back.
„Neat, got him“, Taylor said after a while. „He‘s with the scary big dude and his adorable little boyfriend I think? I have their address right here, I think we‘re gonna visit them tomorrow cause it‘s like 4 am right now and we don‘t wanna rob him his beauty sleep plus we don‘t want to wake the scary big dude. And I‘m pretty sure the adorable small golden retriver boy could and would stab us“
„Did you just stalk my ex and located his phone at 4 am like fucking Garcias in Criminal Minds?“, Aaron said confused.
„Anything for you big guy. And as I said I miss Day‘s pretty face, preferably in your pretty face so you shut the fuck up about how stressed and depressed and lonely you are.“, Taylor chuckled as Aaron looked at her shocked.
„Well I miss Casey, preferable in your face so YOU shut up“, Aaron was never as good in witty remarks as his brother. Especially high Aaron.
„Babe I think it‘s time for you to go to bed, you‘re not fun when you‘re sad, high and tired. Come here, let me cuddle you, while you whiney little bitch sleep“
Aaron slowly went over to Taylor and into her loving arms, laying down, trying to fall asleep.
After a long while aaron drifted into sleep, just to be greeted by familiar smaragd eyes. In his dream Kevin and he never broke up. Kevin was on top of him, his hands gently discovered Aaron‘s body, touching him as if he was sacred, something to worship. Kevin‘s lips were at Aaron‘s ear whispering sweet nothingness. Aaron‘s hips moved against Kevin‘s loving touch. „Stress release“ Kevin called these holy moments in dawn. „Highlight of my day“ Aaron called them.
The dream was as beautiful as it was cruel. It was as if his body, his mind were as much refusing as able to believe that Kevin was gone. It was his own fault, Aaron knew it. But the ever present voice of his mother, disapproving and disgusting, in his head was just too much for him to handle. He thought - foolish as Aaron was - that the pain of living without Kevin would be better, less cruel, less painful. But he never knew real love and therefore never experienced its lost. Until that faitful day. Until Kevin took his bags and left.
Aaron was used to pain. The hot one after an extraordinarily vicious hit. The cold one when his mother died. The numbing one when the hunger was growing more and more unbareable. But nothing was even slightly as hard to handle as the loss of Kevin in his life.
Kevin was the first good thing Aaron had. He gave him a will to stay, to try, to give this stupid sport everything he got. And Exy turned into more mundane things like getting his eating routine under control or getting a more or less acceptable sleeping schedule. The dark days were still there, for both of them, and they would probably never leave them completely alone, but they got less. And when they did happen they would hold each other together.
Ever since he fucked up things with Kevin, Aaron had more and more dark days. The voice of his mother telling him he‘s a failure, the bored stare of his brother and Aaron convincing himself Andrew wouldn‘t even bet an eye if he died, the voice telling him the world would be a better place without him growing louder and lourder every passing day.
Logically he could say that the death of a single person wouldn‘t change much for the over all world population, expect maybe it‘s some kind of insane mademan dicator or someone important, but still. It made sense. All he did after all was fucking up, being a failure, never good enough, never perfect.
His lonely heart only screamed Kevin‘s name and he knew if Kevin didn‘t take him back, his life wouldn‘t make much sense anymore. Well he would definetly not tell Kevin that. He would not manipulate Kevin into loving him, because that wouldn‘t be much better than not having him at all.
Aaron woke up the next day around noon. He didn‘t really feel like getting up, like getting up was simply too much. But Aaron knew he had to. He didn‘t want to worry Taylor more than he already did. And it would end today. One way or the other.
So he got up, put on the first pair of black jeans he could find and the first sweater his hands could find. Ironically it was one of the sweaters Kevin gave him, on the third of december last year. It was one of Aaron‘s favourites as well.
„Ready for the big Day, small guy?“, Taylor said winking at him.
„Not really? What the fuck am I supposed to do there anyways?“, Aaron replied on his way to the coffee maker.
„Talk to him? Deliver one of those borderline cringe big speeches. Get im flowers. Break into his bedroom and say ‚Draw me like one of your french girls‘, naked of course“, Taylor laughed at the face Aaron made, listening to her suggestions.
„I think I like the big speech. I mean I‘m shit with words, but I‘m sure you want to help your boy getting ‚his man‘ back, right? Also what kind of flowers would you give someone you dumped cause the voice of your dead mother told you it was wrong and disgusting, which you never told him for obvious reasons?“
„Honey, you‘re so fucked up sometimes, I love you but you should go to a therapist or something. Also I‘d say sunflowers or roses? I don‘t speak flowers man, I‘m the tech nerd. Not the romantic one, the nerd. But we‘re gonna make a snazzy speech and you‘re gonna get your man back“
After their typical breakfast - if Aaron didn‘t forget to eat again - they sat down together on the living room floor, paper and pen ready, trying to write the world changing speech.
„Why is this so fucking hard? Why can I only tell him how much I love and miss him when I‘m high off my ass“, Aaron complained.
„What about you don‘t think about him that much. Just tell me what you love about him and then we write that down?“, Taylor suggested.
Aaron took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. „I loved him because he was the first one who saw me. Aaron Minyard. And not just the other Minyard, the lesser twin, the shadow of Andrew. He looked at me and somehow chose me. Even if he could have had everyone else. He chose me, even though I‘m not special. Kevin chose the failure when he could have had the first prize. He looked at me and saw something worth loving, worth keeping around. Hardly anyone could tell Andrew and me apart. But it took him less than a day to do so. Kevin is strong, so so strong and somehow chose the most fragile thing he could find, took it and made it worth soemthing. Kevin made me feel something. Not numbness. Not pain. Something warm and beautiful and living. He gave me a reason to stay alive. Kevin made my life bearable, he made my life beautiful. We were both broken and we would probably still be broken if we were together but we softened each other‘s edges. Kevin believed in me when no one else would. He knew how I felt, knew what I needed and when I needed it. Kev gave me love and safety and I kicked it with my feet. This man is like a god who fell for whatever reasons for a homeless man. And I know I don‘t deserve him but I also know I cannot live without him. And I know that I must tell him that before it‘s too late. If it‘s not too late already“
Taylor wipped a tear out of her eyes. „That‘s it. You tell him that and we‘ll get him back“, she said. „Can I hug you?“
„Sure you loser“
„Ah there is my boy“
They spent the rest of the afternoon writing down the speech, making edits here and there. In the end Aaron collected the pages and went to his room to change. He replaced Kevin‘s sweater with a simple black jumper, put on his Docs, got his keys and left.
Aaro did feel a little uncomfortable, stalking Kevin like that. But he knew this was his chance to fix things. This was his chance to get Kevin back, to make his life worth living again. Which to be fair was a bit selfish, but you are allowed to be a little selfish sometimes, aren‘t you?
Jean and Jeremy‘s apartment complex was a 15 minute drive away from the flat Aaron shared with his three roommates. Theirs was fanzier, obviously. After all Jeremy was a professional Exy player and Jean was some kind of semi famous artist or fashion maker or whatever. They could give Kevin the world. They could give him what he desereved. All Aaron had to offer was an apology and his love. No money. Not yet anyway. Just anxiety, depression and stress.
But if Kevin was willing to take his love, to give Aaron one more chance, he promised himself Aaron would make it count. He will tell Kevin how much he loves Kevin every single god damn day. Aaron will get therapy and work on his issues. Sober up and this time for good. He will do anything to be worth of god‘s love. Just that god in his case was a twenty two year old boy with black hair, forming soft waves at the end and a smile that will make the sun jealous. Eyes made out of smaragd. Lips so sinful and kissable.
Aaron sat down in front of the door, waiting for his courage to come back to him. He could do this. He would get his man back.
Hours passed, or maybe it were only minutes or seconds after all before someone came closer. Ever so slowly Aaron lifted his head, just to look in the ever so familiar green eyes, big with shock.
„You said to stop calling. You never mentioned face to face conversations“, Aaron said, his voice hoarse.
Kevin stared at him as if he was a ghost, a reminder of his past life, something he rather wanted to forget.
„Look I know I fucked up. I know I‘m not good enough for you. I know you deserve the world and I cannot give it to you. And when you look me in the eyes and tell me you don‘t feel anything for me anymore, no love or hate or affection or whatever humans feel, I will turn away right now and go and never come back. Never bother you again. But if you allow me to apologize, if you however decide to gieve me one last chance, I prepared this whole ass speech for you“
Aaron was sure they could hear his heart beating against his chest, roaring, screaming to return home. To return to Kevin where it belonged.
Kevin‘s eyes wandered to the floor, his fingers automatically closed around his left wrist. A nervous habit. Just another little part that makes Aaron‘s heart ache.
Slowly, almost painfully slowly, he lifted those unbelieveable beautiful eyes and met Aaron‘s golden ones. Kevin studied him and the world around them stopped.
Out of the corner of Aaron‘s eyes he could see Jean going still, his breathing too calm, too even. It‘s the same thing Andrew does when someone fucks with Josten. At least his death would be fast. Or slow. Whatever. Aaron didn‘t really care, without Kevin it wasn‘t worth anygthing anyway.
„Why“, Kevin said after what feels like forever, „Why would I forgive you? Why would I give you another chance? Why would you think you can come back here just to fuck me over again? Aaron I loved you, I really did. I always will. You were my first love and maybe, yeah maybe, my last one. But right now I can‘t. I just, I just can‘t. Please leave. Please leave me alone. For now. Maybe, one day we can talk about it. But right now I cannot handle the thought of you to leave me. To tell me all these beautiful lies, to cut me open and leave me to bleed out. I love you“, tears were running down Kevin‘s cheek. Tears Aaron one day, a long time ago, promised himself he would never let Kevin feel again. Pain. Sadness. Everything because of his failure, because of his weakness, because he‘s a fucking piece of shit.
„Thank you for giving me a reason to stay. Jusst remember that you were my light, my warmth, my happiness and I never stopped loving you. Never will. Please just be happy“, Aaron replied as he turned around to walk to his cars.
When he was sure he was out of ear shot, he let himself feel. Feel the pain. Feel the loneliness. Feel the numbness and the cold and the hatred. It was in that moment, that moment where he was alone and nothing more to lose, that he decided that it was enough. He would end it. End it tonight.
„Thank you“, he texted Taylor. „I‘m glad I didn‘t eat you in the womb“, he texted Andrew. „You were not so bad after all“, he sent to Neil. And lastly „Thank you for taking me under your wing“, to Nicky. They would understand. It would take them some time but in the end they would feel better. They would be happier without them. Because at the end of the day he caused them pain and wasn‘t really worth a thing.
So when he got in his car, tears running uncontrallably down his cheeks, he knew what he had to do.
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writingjoycebyers · 4 years
A/N: Heyyy ! I was in the mood for some Jopper heartbreak, based on my own ideas and not on a prompt. I‘d appreciate any constructive feedback. My inbox and dm‘s are open <3 Enjoy!!! xx writingjoycebyers
JOPPER AU - Gave you all the best years of my life - A one shot songfic
idea based on the song „Rock & Roll I gave you the best years of my life“, gif source at the end
Rating: Mature - heartbreak (sorry!),very slightly nsfw, serious case of romantic simping.
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I can still remember when I bought my first guitar
Remember walking from the shop to put it proudly in my car
„It‘s so pretty!“, Joyce said, her small hand wandering across the wooden guitar that was securely stored in her lap. Hop was steering the car, carefully eyeing his best friend as she held his new treasure, his baby.
„So what songs are you gonna try first?“, she asked curiously. She knew Hopper had been practicing with some guitars at school for some time already, and she loved the sparkle in his eyes whenever he was playing. The shiny blue, the happiness radiating from his gaze whenever he could fiddle a tune. The light in his eyes and smile had grown to no end when just fifteen minutes ago he had fulfilled his dream of buying his own guitar finally - a graduation gift from his parents, they had given him the money to go and choose the instrument of his dreams. „You never can tell.“, he said. „Chuck Berry.“
Hopper smiled over at her for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. „Dunno, there‘s so much great music. Maybe even write a song myself?“, he said with a proud smirk, eyeing the dark brown six string. Joyce chuckled, he looked at the guitar as if he was in love, as if the guitar was a very pretty girl. And yeah, he probably was in love with it, with music. Joyce found his passion beautiful as they drove through the Indiana summer afternoon, the car‘s windows down and freedom lurking around the corner, graduation just a few days away. She felt light and free, safe and in place with her best friend by her side. Her best friend - Jim Hopper, who looked at a guitar the way she sometimes wished he‘d look at her. She turned the radio up and held the guitar tight as Hopper had to stop at a traffic light on their way home. She could not wait to hear him play.
And my family listened fifty times to my two song repertoire
I told my Mom her only son was gonna be a star
A week before graduation Joyce was at the Hopper‘s for dinner. It was past nine already and they were all out in the Hopper‘s large backyard - her, Jim and his parents. Dinner was long eaten and the sun had gone down when Joyce sat on a garden bench next to Elaine, Jim‘s mother. She felt so at home with them, sometimes even more at home than at her own place, with her mother barely there, chasing her lovers around the state, and her father having left a few years ago, to start a new family and leaving his first born daughter behind in Hawkins, Indiana. Joyce had grown into the Hopper household without anyone actively noticing, being around a few times a week for homework, dinner or just to hang out with Jim after school.
Elaine squeezed Joyce‘s hand tightly as Jim played a tune on his guitar in the dark of the garden, the warm summer night around their bodies as Jim‘s dad went inside to get another beer. Hop's mother held Joyce‘s hand even tighter in a moment she saw Jim giving Joyce a smile whilst playing. The blonde woman leaned over to Joyce and whispered into her ear, making Joyce Horowitz, tough as she normally was, blush like crazy.
„You two would make such a sweet couple. I say it again and again.“
Joyce looked at Elaine next to her with her dark, deep eyes, giving her an insecure smile.
„He talks about you all the time“, she added, shrugging her shoulders as Joyce giggled sheepishly. There was some truth in the elder woman‘s words, and although Joyce and her had had some heart to heart talks in the past, they were just crossing a new line. Neither Hop nor Joyce had actively confessed any feelings, but Joyce knew the tingling feeling in her gut became harder to ignore with every hug, with every funny car ride, with every hang out at Lover‘s Lake. She just had not thought it was that obvious, especially not to Hopper‘s mother.
Later that night, Jim‘s parents had long gone to bed, the two friends ended up on that bench, the guitar on the bench on Jim‘s left, his all time best friend close to him on his right. They talked about music, dreams and the future, as suddenly her head dropped down on his shoulder, and his strong arm found his way around her shoulders a few minutes later. The guitar was forgotten for that night, their minds focussed on each other as they held each other tight long into the night.
Well I bought all the Beatles records, sounded just like hall
Or Buddy Holly or Chuck Berry's, seventy-eight in all
And I sat by my record player playing every note they played
I watched them all on TV, copied every move they made
The days before graduation, Hopper had nothing left to do for school. Joyce was busy preparing prom night with some other girls, having joined the committee earlier this year, so he did not get to see much of her. He did find something to occupy himself with, drowning in music as he usually did, though he found his mind wandering off more often then not, to the moment on that bench, her small hand in his, her smell, her smile. Every Chuck Berry song would make him day dream about swirling her around on the dancefloor on Prom Night, every Beach Boys song would make him see her in a sundress in the California Sun.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the dreamy sunny Sundays, all the moonlit summer nights
California. Frisco. A stupid little dream they had developed together. He‘d write songs and she‘d work in a café or a bookshop, enjoying life for some time before she wanted to enter college, before he‘d maybe get a contract for his own songs, make a record. It was a stupid little dream, but Joyce in a sundress - he could imagine that.
I was so busy in the bed room, writing love songs to you
She was at school preparing Prom, and he was glued to the TV, watching a Beatles concert as he tried some new tunes. Her birthday was coming up too, and he was planning on giving her a special present, on finally spilling the details about his hidden feelings for her. Joyce in a sundress, was that a good title for a song?
But you were changing your direction and I never even knew
That I was always just one step behind you
Joyce was at school, helping with the chairs and tables to set up the gym for Prom as her friend Karen approached her. Joyce was busy unfolding some chairs and the girls chatted for a bit. Karen would bring her boyfriend Ted to Prom, a guy who was in college already, and so the talk of college began. Karen was surprised when she heard Joyce, bookish little Joyce with the good grades, would take a gap year, work or maybe even go to California for some time, enjoy life and not study, like she usually did.
„I always thought college was your number one dream, Joy.“, Karen smiled. „Seems like love changes us all.“, she smirked, hinting on Joyce‘s plan to follow Hopper to the coast for some time.
Without really wanting it, it made Joyce think. Was it his dream or hers? Could they really dream together? Oh, she was probably just confused with prom around the corner. Typical teenage angst - she‘d do the right thing, they‘d always done the right thing - together.
On Prom night, Jim Hopper kissed Joyce Horowitz on the mouth as they danced in the crowd, bodies sweaty and limbs exhausted from all the dancing and standing, hands entangled at their sides as the world around the, the students, the lights, the music, went silent. That night, Joyce Horowitz and Jim Hopper turned from friends to lovers, ending their night in his small bed, kissing each other with a curiosity that kept them awake til the early morning hours, When the sun went up, he showed her his song for her, and she laughed, embarassed and touched by his sudden rush of feelings, as she went to grab his small pocket knife.
Ever since then, J.H. & J.H. was carved into the back of his wooden guitar, a sign lasting over time, a sign lasting longer than they would, and longer than Jim Hopper would own his first guitar.
Prom week and the summer flew by, and Jim Hopper and Joyce Horowitz from Hawkins, Indiana packed their bags and took his old truck up north to California, up north into a new life. She found it thrilling really, a perfectly romantic adventure as she watched him drive into the sunrise the day they left their hometown, before falling asleep beside him in the passenger seat of his car, feeling safe and sound with no thoughts of the future. There was no work, no college, no money - There was just J.H. & J.H.
Well, sixty-six seemed like the year I was really goin' somewhere
I was living in San Francisco wearing flowers in my hair
Singing songs of kindness so the world would understand
The guys and me thought wer were more than just another band
Five months later Jim had found a decent band to play with, working the nights in a beach bar as the boys covered songs of the most popular artists of the time. He worked the nights, she worked the days in a cafe by the sea, and quickly, J.H. & J.H. began to miss each other terribly. They lived together, sharing a small room in an appartment complex, but they seldomly got to really be together.
Joyce would sometimes go to the bar at night, and she still loved to hear him play and sing, but so did many other women. She preferred the nice and quiet of her room way too often, cuddled up next to the record player, imagening it was him singing her a song in his parents‘ garden in good old Hawkins, Indiana.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the crazy, lazy young days, all the magic moony nights
I was so busy on the road, singing love songs to you
But you were changing your direction and you never even knew
That I was always just one step behind you
It was another saturday night when she was occupying a small table in the last corner of the bar, reading a book despite the place being loud and crowded, as suddenly a guy approached the empty chair next to her.
„Good evening, young lady, is that seat taken?“, the tall man asked. He was wearing a leather jacket, and his hair was styled with a lot of gel. „My name is Lonnie, by the way.“
Jim Hopper eyed the scene from the other end of the room, singing some Elvis Presley love song as he saw the spark in his girlfriend‘s eyes be rekindled by the words of another man.
The door fell into it‘s lock with the familar click Joyce had not forgotten in the nine months she had been away from her home in Hawkins, Indiana. „Yeah, this is it.“, she smiled, walking around the empty first floor. Not much had changed, and her mother wasn‘t even there. „Lon?“, she asked, as she did not get a response to her little house tour, realising her boyfriend was still outside carrying their bags from the car to the house.
As he walked in, she smiled at him, and kissed him sweetly. He let the bags drop to the floor and she felt his hands wrap around her waist as their kiss intensified with every breath. She was glad to be home.
„My old room‘s upstairs.“, she whispered. He followed her, and she opened the wooden door to the small space under the roof, a room from another life. A life where she had a picture of Hop and here hanging on the wall next to her door. J.H. & J.H. She swallowed hard as she saw it, quickly placing herself in front of it before Lonnie could see it. Her heart began to race, and it wasn‘t because of the way Lonnie‘s hands were exploring her sides now, as they made their way to the bed.
As they let their bodies drop onto the bed, her pulse had calmed down a little. It was J.H. & L.B. now.
Five years later, J.H. & L.B. have become J.B. & L.B. - It‘s a rainy sunday afternoon and she‘s in the kitchen, making tea as the TV plays in the living room. She‘s just carrying the cup over to the coffee table when a song comes on on TV, Chuck Berry. You never can tell.
She freezes in the middle of her movements as memory hits her like a wall, his face in front of her inner eye, that sparkling blue of his eyes, his wooden guitar in her lap as the summer breeze caresses her face.
Which songs are you gonna try first? - Dunno, there‘s so much good music. - You never can tell. Chuck Berry.
Where might he be now? Frisco? New York? Paris or London?
She‘s ripped from her thoughts as she hears noises upstairs, a sharp cry, the cry of a baby. Jonathan‘s awake. She rubs her tired eyes and brushes her bangs out of her face as she makes her way upstairs. Lonnie should be home by now.
Seventy-one in Soho, when I met Suzanne
I was trying to go it solo with someone else's band
She listened to my problems and she seemed to understand
When she came up to me softly and she took me by the hand
And she followed me to London to a hundred hotel rooms
To a hundred record companies who didn't like my tunes
„What do you mean they did not like it?“, the blonde woman asked Hopper.
„They said it‘s a stupid title.“, he said in defeat, letting his old, worn out guitar drop down on the bed next to his girlfriend.
„Which song did you play?“, she insisted.
„Joy...— I mean, Girl in a sundress.“
„Jim, I don‘t like to say it, but I also don‘t think it‘s a potential hit, it‘s...“,
„I thought it was special.“, he whispered, looking at Suzanne as her hand found his cheek.
And she followed me back to Indiana when I finally sold my old guitar
I'm never gonna be a star.
I'm just a plain old Country boy and that's all I'll ever be.
Jim Hopper returned to Hawkins, Indiana in 1972, married. He sat at Enzo‘s with his wife one night, talking about his new job with the police as outside the window he saw a woman, short, dark hair in a messy bun, a toddler on her arm, and another little boy walking next to her. Joyce in a sundress.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the dreamy sunny Sundays, all the moonless summer nights
Oh, I never knew the magic I'm making it with you
I'm getting along with a Country song doing what I wanna do
When I was always just one step behind you.
(the gif at the beginning is not mine, i found it on pinterest and this is the source)
Also I found so many versions of the song that I didn't knew which lyrics to use. Here have a good mixture. 😂
Pleeeeease give me feedback and let me know how you like my original fic content. I sometimes struggle with prompts and hope you enjoy this too. Oh and. Reblogs. Comments? I simp for that.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
8.    The Grinch
Fandom: Stray Kids
Littles: Minho (4), Hyunjin (5), Felix (3)
Caregiver: Jeongin (M.), Seungmin (H.), Chan & Changbin (F.)
 Chan’s POV.:
Having a week off to relax after the stress of producing our Christmas album, the three littles in our group decided to have a few days of little time. They tried to play by themselves as much as possible, not wanting to burden their caregivers as they were just as run down as the littles themselves. But as a caregiver myself, I didn‘t mind caring for them even though I was tired. Changbin and I have been Felix main caregivers ever since he came out as a little a few months ago. Although Jeongin was Minho‘s main caregiver and Seungmin took care of a regressed Hyunjin, we‘d all take care of the other littles as well, should they need us to.
The littles had regressed yesterday, immediately distancing themselves from us no matter how much we assured them that they weren‘t being a burden to us and that we‘d love to spend time with them. At the moment, the three had locked themselves in Minho‘s and Hyunjin‘s room and I could hear them talk in slightly higher voices than usual, muffled by the door. I sighed walking back to the living room where I found Changbin on the couch sipping his coffee. “Lixxie still doesn‘t want to see us?“, he guessed as he saw me returning alone. I gave him a sad smile while shaking my head and sat down next to him, running a hand through my hair. “Guys, has anyone seen Minho? We were cuddling last night but now he‘s gone as well as his teddy, that means he‘s little but I can‘t find him. What if he got lost or os in trouble?“, a clearly stressed Jeongin skidded into the living room, almost knocking over Seungmin who just wanted to grab himself some coffee. “Relax, Innie. All three are in Minho‘s and Hyunjin‘s room. Nobody got lost but I can‘t tell you whether they are in trouble or not because they won‘t open the door“, Changbin explained irritably, before getting up to dispose of his empty cup. He might not look like it on first sight but Changbin is a very caring and protective friend with a huge heart and he is especially soft for Felix. Not being able to be with our little was putting him on edge. “Yeah, I couldn‘t get back in when I returned from my shower earlier“, Seungmin stated taking a sip of his coffee, flinching as he burned his tongue. “Why don‘t they want to see us though?“, he frowned as he sat down next to me. “The way Lixxie put it, they feel like being egoistic for regressing. Saying it‘s our time off as well and we shouldn‘t have to spend it by taking care of them“, I rolled my eyes. “But that‘s stupid. There is no other way I‘d prefer to spend my time than by playing and cuddling my Minmin“, the maknae pouted biting into an apple afterwards.
“Good morning lovely family, did y’all miss me?“, Jisung yelled with a huge smile before plopping down at the table and shoving a heating spoonful of cereal into his mouth, making him look even more like a squirrel while he was chewing. “Not really, it was quiet for once“, Seungmin sassed earning a glare. “Chan-hyung, I‘m being bullied“, he whined with his mouth still full. “Sorry, I didn‘t understand a word like that, mind repeating after you swallowed?“, I teased before grabbing myself something to eat as well. I was worried our littles were missing their meal if they wouldn‘t come out of their room so I grabbed three strawberry yoghurts as well as three spoons and prepared a plate with apple slices which I all carried to their door placing it on the ground before knocking. “Lixxie, I brought the three of you some breakfast. It‘s right at the door so please eat something if you don‘t want to eat with the rest of us. There was no answer and I sighed, turning around to leave. When I was halfway down the hallway I could hear a quiet clicking noise. At least they had taken the food and were hopefully eating now. I wasn‘t as obvious as Changbin but being away from Felix, especially when he was little, stressed me out too.
When I returned to the living room I found the rest of my members in a dull mood, Jisung‘s smile having disappeared too, as the caregivers had told him what was going on right now. Jisung wasn‘t a caregiver to any of the littles but he was a very caring older brother who constantly showered them with love, watching them from time to time when one of us caregivers where busy. He didn‘t like them holing up and avoiding us so he immediately started brainstorming how we could lure them out of their room. The option to wait for them to become hungry was gone now that I had supplied them with food so we had to search for a new approach. “Hm, what do littles like…?“, he hummed more to himself than to us. “Oh, oh, I know, pillow forts and movies and cocoa and cookies and plushies“, he listed, getting more and more excited. Jeongin‘s face lit up immediately as he ran off to gather all the pillows and blankets from his and Jisung‘s shared room. I smirked at Changbin as we went to collect our pillows and blankets as well as a few plushies and coloring books Feilx had forgotten when dragging his little stuff to the other room. For the lack of access to his own room, Seungmin went to the kitchen to heat up a pot of milk, stirring in some chocolate and a dash of cinnamon.
Jisung had already started to turn the couch into a pillow fort, snatching the blankets from us right as we walked into the living room. If there was something Jisung was exceptionally good at besides rapping and singing, it was setting up pillow forts. It was a skill all the littles loved him for dearly. I went back to the locked door, knocking gently and listening to the hushed voices inside, debating whether they should answer me or not. “Cuties, I know that you heard me. Just wanted to tell you we‘re all hanging out in one of Jisung‘s pillow forts to watch a Christmas movie. We also have hot cocoa and cookies, so if you wanna join us you‘re very welcome. You know, a movie is always better with cuddles but I guess we could somehow survive without“, I informed them, making sure to sound as sad as I possibly could towards the end. I got no reaction so I went back to the living room, where Seungmin placed a few plates with different cookies onto the coffee table in the center of the pillow fort. The others looked at me expectantly as I returned alone and I smirked at them: “Just wait. They won’t be able to resist for too long.“
True to my words, we soon heard shuffling steps in the hall way but decided to pretend we didn‘t till I felt a shy tap on my shoulder. “Well hello there baby“, I whispered, gently pulling Felix into my lap. He giggled quietly, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. “Aww, I missed my sunshine sooo much“, Changbin smiled, wrapping his arms around Felix and me. When I looked up, I watched Hyunjin dig his toes into the carpet, facing the ground with a guilty expression. “Sorry, daddy for locking you out“, the oldest little mumbled, not daring to meet his caregiver‘s and roommate‘s eyes. Seungmin sighed tucking the messy strands of Hyunjin‘s long hair behind his ears. “I‘m not mad, sweetie. I was just sad and lonely because I missed you and you didn‘t want me there“ – “I-I want you. Was lonely too but daddy should have fun too. Don‘t want daddy be stuck with me“, the sensitive Hyunjin teared up a bit. “Shh, it‘s ok. We‘re both not lonely anymore now, are we? You know I always have fun when I‘m with you so I‘d be the luckiest person if you‘d stick by my side, princess“, he assured the little. Minho was shy about approaching his caregiver too but one look at the maknae‘s wide smile told him that he didn‘t have to be.
Finally being reunited, we got settled in the pillow fort. Jisung went to the kitchen to fill the littles‘ sippycups with hot cocoa before setting up his laptop to turn on Netflix. Changbin grabbed a cookie holding it next to Felix head and finally getting the youngest little to look up from my neck. Blushing a little, he took a bite of the cookie and giggled to himself before eating the rest. Hyunjin was munching on the treats as well while Minho lay with his head in Jeongin‘s lap, letting the maknae hold the sippy to his lips. I took a small plastic bowl, adding a few of each cookies so we wouldn‘t have to get up from our seated position. Felix was quick to take one of the cookies, choosing my favorite kind and holding it up to my mouth while giving me huge puppy-eyes. I thanked him smiling before opening my mouth so he could feed me. Changbin next to me cooed at the adorable action and the little craned his neck to find the source of the sound, giggling happily as he also picked up a cookie for the older rapper. I heard the quiet clicking of a camera and glared at Jisung who just replied: “We need some Christmas-pictures for the family foto-collection.“
The littles were all still in their pajamas but for a lazy-day like today that was a perfectly suitable outfit. After scrolling through Netflix, we settled for watching The Grinch (2000). Felix had moved from my lap to Changbin‘s stretching his legs over mine while happily sucking on the sippy, Changbin held out for him. The first few minutes of the movie were absolute bliss, till the grinch appeared for the first part, causing Felix to squeal and hide his face in Changbin‘s chest. I rubbed his leg comfortingly and looked over at the other littles‘ reactions. Minho was pressed against Jeongin, covering his eyes and Hyunjin was clutching Seungmin‘s arm tightly while pretending not to be scared. We offered to turn off the movie and try to find something else to watch multiple times but the littles were insistent that they are big boys and want to finish the movie, though we could all tell they were scared.
After having lunch, we continued the rest of the day in a similar fashion, afraid the littles would hide away again if we didn‘t. The three of them got tired pretty early in the evening, probably because the fought so hard to finish the movie, clinging as tightly to their caregivers as physically possible. We all said good night as we went to tuck our babies in. When I carried Felix to our room, Changbin had already pushed our beds together so Felix could lay between us. We often did this when Felix regressed. He was an adorable cuddlebug when he was big and even more so when he was little. Not wanting to miss out on cuddles, we too decided to call it a night early and just go to bed at Felix‘ bedtime. The three of us huddled together in bed seemed like utter bliss and despite not being tired, the warmth lulled me to sleep quickly.
The peace wasn’t to last for long though and I startled awake at the sounds of my baby‘s cries. Changbin as awake already, rocking the little in his arms and mouthing nightmare when our eyes met. I ran my hand over Felix‘ back, shushing him: “What‘s wrong, sweetie?“ – “B-bad dweam. L-Lixxie scawed“, he choked, clinging to Changbin‘s shirt. I sighed, knowing it was a bad idea to let them finish The Grinch. “It‘s ok, bub. You‘re save, we‘ll protect you“, I cooed. “Lixxie, sit with Dada for a while, ok? Binnie will make you some warm milk with honey to calm down“, the rapper promised, shifting the little into my arms and getting up after kissing his forehead. While Changbin went to the kitchen to fill Felix‘ bottle, I gently talked him down, making my Australian accent more prominent. When he had calmed down a bit, I picked him up and followed Changbin to the kitchen. There we found Seungmin, fixing Hyunjin a sippycup of vanilla milk while the little sat on the counter watching him. Hyunjin felt to big to use a bottle but wanted the comfort of warm milk so that‘s why they settled for a sippycup. I lifted Felix onto the counter next to him and the dancer quickly wrapped his arm around the younger. “Let me guess, nightmare?“, I asked. Seungmin nodded rubbing his face tiredly. “Don‘t be scared, Lixxie. Nothing can happen when we all stay together“, the dancer assured putting on his brave face in front of the younger. “Thanks Jinnie“, the freckled boy yawned.
When both drinks for the littles were heated up, Changbin carried Felix to the living room while Hyunjin being the big boy he is, walked himself, holding Seungmin‘s hand. Upon entering the living room, our eyes fell onto the couple laying in the pillow fort. Minho was curled up in Jeongin‘s arms, drinking from the bottle the maknae held to his lips, keeping his eyes closed. Jisung was the first to notice us, while he strung up fairylights all across the living room. “Seems like we‘re having a sleepover“, he laughed, plucking in the last fairylight, filling the room with dim, warm light as we all settled back into the pillow fort where we had already spent all day. While we fed the exhausted littles their bottles, stroking their backs soothingly, Jisung quietly hummed his version of Me after you. The first little to nod off was Minho, after mumbling a quiet “I love you, Innie“ into the maknae‘s shirt. Felix followed suit, having finished about two thirds of his bottle. Hyunjing was the last to go to sleep, placing his sippy down, he curled into Seungmin, telling his daddy he loved him and receiving kiss on the cheek in return. We caregivers wished each other and Jisung good night before we closed our eyes as well.
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29whitelilies · 4 years
How did you do it? I have stayed the same despite my efforts. 😩
Hi Anon 🙂
I‘m assuming you’re talking about my weight loss?
I‘m afraid my answer won’t be very helpful to you AND it’s gonna be a long story that i don’t necessarily think you’ll want to hear, but i’ll write it down either way... (TL;DR - i got out of a depression-y, slightly self-destructive funk and stopped eating my feelings. Details below.)
The truth is, i think it was way more about how i gained the weight in the first place. I‘ve always been on the chubby side, but the last few years, things got pretty out of hand. I struggled emotionally for a number of reasons and basically holed myself up at home and ate my feelings. I‘d sleep very little, lie around all day and either not eat until i was shaking and then overeat quite drastically or just overeat all day long. I was sad? I ate. I wanted to reward myself for something? I ate. I was bored? I ate - you get the picture.
After my boyfriend and i broke up in May, i moved back in with my Mom. The first 5 kilos were gone within a week because i could hardly get myself to touch anything - NOT a great idea! I was cold and dizzy all the time. After i went back to eating „normally“, i just tried to change my habits a bit. Everything i did is pretty much obvious, but i‘ll spell it out anyways so that maybe somebody in a similar situation sees it and knows that it can actually work that way 🙂
1 - having smaller meals when needed rather than 1 or 2 enormous meals all day really helped. Don’t starve yourself and then lapse into an eating frenzy - it was terrifying how easy it was to completely lose control over the amounts of food i ate once i was in that state. It was like a trance.
2 - portion control! I didn’t cut anything out of my diet. I still eat ice cream, chocolate bars, fried stuff... just less of it. Imagine my surprise when i found out that i can still enjoy stuff, even if i don’t eat the whole container/package/whatever it comes in 🤣
3 - i didn’t consciously try and i’m still not trying super hard to lose weight - i didn’t want to set myself up for disappointment, because i‘ve been through the spiral of losing weight and gaining even more back a few too many times. I’ve never lost this much before, though. But i also haven’t been this heavy before. Now, I just listen to my body and give it the amounts it actually needs instead of the amounts i was conditioned to crave by my own behavior.
4 - and this is where i come back to it being more about how i got to the weight i was at than about how i lost it: If you really break it down to the most basic level, i lost 12 kilos - 25 freaking pounds, if google is telling me the truth - without much effort just by not overeating anymore. I feel like that says way more about what i was doing to myself in terms of stuffing my face like a maniac than about my determination to lose weight. I‘m eating what my body needs and taking things the way they come. I‘m not forcing it. In fact, i‘m pretty surprised that i‘m still losing weight. Makes the implications of how out of control my previous eating habits were even more worrying, tbh...
So yeah. This is pretty much it. There’s so many factors in there that might not apply to your situation, Anon. I wish i could have told you something more useful. You‘ll probably not read this to the end, but it was kind of therapeutic to get it out, so i - very selfishly - thank you for that! 😅
Side note: not eating my feelings anymore was definitely to some extent facilitated by finally dragging my butt to therapy, so there’s another factor that is specific to my situation...
At the end of the day, what i‘ve been trying to say with this whole post is: Being the size that i was wasn’t just about weight for me anymore. It was more of a symptom of my emotional and mental state. I‘ve never been and will probably never be thin by the standards of society at large and that’s fine with me. There’s nothing inherently wrong or worse about being bigger. I could have been happy at my previous weight. In fact, in many ways, i have been happier at my previous weight than i was at some points in my life when i was thinner. In this very situation, my weight turned out to be a symptom of a different struggle and it‘s declining now that my emotional turmoil is declining. I can acknowledge that and i won’t pretend that i‘m not totally okay with that. But sometimes weight is just weight, and back when my weight was just weight, nothing i did made much of a difference either. And that’s okay, too. You’re not less of a person because of that. Nobody is better than you for being more successful at losing weight. As long as you are not (sub)consciously hurting yourself with your relationship to food and your body, there’s no real need to change anything about you. And no matter if your weight is a symptom of something else or not, the best thing you can do is try to take care of yourself (mentally or physically) to the best of your abilities and not being too harsh on yourself and your body. Our bodies deserve our love. So do our minds. Even when one or both of them are a little messed up or don’t meet our expectations at times. ❤️
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 11)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — living room
Carla: …Your report, you really put hard work in it. Everyone is really starting to improve a lot.
Laito: Yep. I‘ll get going then.
Subaru: I‘ll also go back to my room.
Yui: (We went trough all the reports of everyone‘s reconnaissance…)
Carla: We fell into a trap.
Yui: I also thought, it would be like that…
(Scarlet with Reiji as their head seems to be preparing something as usual …)
Carla: Orange which is led by Ruki — Why, are they having more opportunities to leave their house unattended… ?
Yui: Even if everyone is going somewhere, the sighting information would still be scattered …
Carla: It might be better, to see what’s happening inside Orange with our own eyes.
Yui: What do you mean … for example?
Carla: Rebellion or destruction. Those four people are probably even unable to stay close to each other.
Yui: Do you think, there‘s something like this? Because, everyone thinks they are brothers which is the cause of their fake memories.
Carla: That’s another possible story. A long time ago, you were the one living with those vampires.
Yui: Y-Yes. I was living in the Sakamaki mansion.
Carla: Did Karl-Heinz sons, complement and support each other as brothers back then?
Yui: T-That is…
They all together, had a terrible relationship with each other…
Carla: That’s how it is. Probably Ayato, along with Kanato are still having good terms which Ruki can‘t manage.
Yui: (Both are probably not paying attention to Ruki-kun‘s instructions at all, they do whatever they want… just like they used to do)
Ah! Then, what about Shin-kun?
Carla: That would…
…That wouldn’t change, in this situation I would be replaced by Ruki. Before a battle would start, he’d always try to make his brother Ruki proud…
Yui: Shin-kun, so he trusts Ruki-kun as his brother…?
Carla: Shin has a good sense of trust in a long standing partner.
Right now, he’s willing to see Ruki as his ideal big brother…
Yui: Carla-san…
(He looks pained… That’s right. His younger brother who he cares about, is admiring someone else as his brother)
1) — encourage (black)
2) — snuggle up (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— encourage 
Yui: No problem, that‘s all just because his memories are weird.
Once we‘re able to get his memories to return, he‘ll be back to himself. 
Carla: Yes… that’s right.
Yui: (He smiles at me, but he still looks pained…)
— snuggle up ♡
Yui: (Right now, I can’t say anything. I can only stay by his side…)
(I guess… it’s because Carla-san knows his younger brother is admiring another person as his brother, who also is a vampire)
(This fact seems to hurt him, but it can’t be changed for now…)
Carla: …There is no need for you to be disappointed. Such thing is nothing to worry about. It’s a story I need to recover from first.
Yui: Yes…
Carla: I know. There is something that could calm me down. But —
If you, can snuggle up to this feeling, it would already heal on it’s own.
Yui: Even if it’s just a bit, I’m glad as long as I can make you feel better.
(Because, that’s the only thing I can do for him now…)
end Choices
Yui: (That’s it. Maybe if I held this hand for awhile, he’ll feel better)
*Yui grabs Carla‘s hand*
Carla: …What’s wrong?
Yui: Nothing… I just can‘t replace your feelings…
But, I‘ll always be there for you. I just wanted to tell you that.
Carla: Hmph… I understand. It‘s usually the role of the king to inspire his subjects, but not to be comforted by them.
Yui: That’s because I’m not a subject. Please, let me support you even if it’s just a bit.
Carla: Surely, that’s right. You as my wife — the queen of the founder king.
Essentially, it‘s your role to receive the entire love of the king. But—
*Carla hugs Yui*
Yui: Ah…
Carla: Let’s stay like this, just for a little bit…
Yui: (I’m wrapped up in Carla-san‘s arms… I want to encourage him, I want to heal his feelings…)
Carla: Only, when I‘m touching you this way, I’m able to forget all the stupid things in my head.
Yui: Yes… me too.
(I wish, this moment and soft mood could last forever)
(But, I know we can‘t stay like this…)
*Yui let‘s go*
Carla: You‘re caring a lot. I need to thank you, I really appreciate your dedication.
Yui: No, I’m glad if I could at least be a little helpful.
Carla: As usual, you reply in such adorable ways. If you wouldn‘t respond to them that way, I wouldn‘t feel comfortable.
We’ll definitely catch up with Orange’s movements, to get Shin out of there.
Yui: Ngh, yes!
(That’s good, his usual strength is coming back to Carla-san‘s personality…)
Carla: Even if we follow the footsteps of Orange, it would be difficult in conventional ways.
The situation is different if you‘re just watching their mansion from the outside.
Yui: No matter if all the brothers are gathered in one place, we would always have trouble moving them apart…
Oh, can’t we just mark one person all the time then, isn’t that possible?
For example, Shin-kun.
Carla: You mean like following them around? This sounds like a difficult task for a longer time.
Besides, Shin has a good nose. He would notice the smell of different vampires from the distance.
Yui: That’s right … hmm…
Yes! If so, how about this idea?
Place: Violet mansion — Garden
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Subaru: Why am I supposed to be the one who needs to collect these flowers!?
Carla: Your given role has to handle those kind of tasks as well. You should feel grateful.
Subaru: Greatful my ass!
Yui: I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. But if we use them, I think we could sent a familiar on a reconnaissance without getting noticed by Shin-kun.
Even in the forest, there are a bunch of flowers blooming. Shin-kun shouldn’t notice them if we mixed up it’s smell.
Not only the familiars, we might also need to take a full bath in those flowers—
Carla: We‘re removing it‘s smell, so it can follow Shin around.
Yui: That‘s the reason why we need to collect these flowers, we need a lot for the bats…
Subaru: I already understood it. You don‘t need to explain it anymore.
Well, I’m going to collect more then. Let me come back as soon as I got them and the familiars then.
Yui: Thanks!
Carla: Oh… if you‘re so comfortable with it, you can get them one by one in no time.
Subaru: One by one, the fuck. You better cooperate with me then!
Yui: S-Stop that! It‘s not the time to fight now!
(They‘re back at it again… I feel relieved, but at the same time I feel worried…)
(I wonder if they‘re fine with my strategy and if it’s going to work)
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As planed, Subaru‘s familiar disappeared at nighttime in the forest with a floral scent.
The rough location of Shin-kun is known, because of Laito-kun’s past reports.
After that, I hope they haven‘t noticed the familiar for the time being…
Place: Violet mansion — Carla’s bedroom
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Yui: (It’s been a whole day, since the familiar has started to go on a reconnaissance about Shin-kun…)
The fact that the familiar hasn‘t returned yet, I wonder if everything is alright?
Carla: It might got either found or they already disposed it.
Yui: ….Ngh
(He’s not wrong. That might be another possibility…)
Carla: But, this was one of Subaru‘s familiars. It won‘t give up that easily.
Yui: Eh?
(Carla-san, was that a compliment to Subaru-kun… ?)
Carla: Is it really so strange?
Yui: Oh, s-sorry. I just didn’t think you‘d say something like this to Subaru-kun.
Carla: Hmph… well, that’s right.
Although he’s a vampire, that man has a good way to see things differently.
Yui: Carla-san…
Carla: Vampires are just one of the lower races. My thoughts haven‘t changed on that.
But, he‘s one of those who understand their own height and those who are honest with other people.
I can‘t fully accept it, because I am not a narrowed man.
Yui: Yes… that‘s right. Carla-san is indeed a good king.
(The chance for Carla-san to get a better relationship to Subaru-kun just got a little better, but only a little)
(I would be glad if they would get along. Even if it‘s just for this situation while we’re trapped in this world…)
*Subaru enters*
Subaru: Hey, Carla!
Yui: …Ngh!
Carla: … What happened, you‘re pretty noisy.
Subaru: There was a report from my familiars. Ruki and Shin — they’ve been attacked by Reiji!
Carla: …What did you say?
Yui: Only the two of them!? What about Ayato-kun!?
Subaru: That is, something I don‘t know about. After all, Ruki was beaten up already…
Anyway, it‘s obvious that 2 vs 4 is a dangerous situation. Carla!
Carla: … Guide us there. We‘re leaving now.
Yui: (Carla-san’s expression has changed…)
(Shin-kun, Ruki-kun… I hope they‘re okay… !)
Place: Outside — wide area
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Subaru: There they are!
Carla: …Ngh
Yui: That is…!
Shin: They‘re acting to be clever… as long as they’re acting that way we can’t get out of it.
Reiji: That’s how it works. I will give you an advice, so please don’t say anything unpleasant anymore.
Are you aware of this becoming a lifelong battle, if you won’t give up just now?
Shin: I‘d rather die…. than giving up to Scarlets leader who is such a sassy asshole!
Yuma: Tch! You’re not giving up, are ya? But — you‘re way too weak for me!
*Yuma stabs Shin*
Shin: Ahhhhhhh!!
Kino: Hahaha! Are you giving up already? You got a pretty big mouth for such weak hands, you know?
Shu: It would be appreciated if you gave up or died already.
Ruki: Shin!
Shin: Agh… brother. I‘m fine, over here.
Yui: (Shin-kun, Ruki-kun! They are already bleeding… !)
Subaru: Reiji that guy… he really brought everyone. Is he seriously planing on killing them… ?
Carla: The change of his memories is the cause, he sees them as an enemies which got in his way, he‘s not going to show them any mercy.
Even though he forgot, he‘s making a terrible treatment to my most loved one…
Yui: Carla-san…
Subaru: Certainly, we can’t save those guys. But, how can we stop this situation?
Ruki and Shin can‘t move anymore and there still are four opponents.
Carla: There’s no need to hesitate. I‘ll go there.
Yui: Heh!? Carla-san, alone?
Carla: Just me is enough. You can’t compare my powers with those vampires anyway.
Above all… Shin‘s wounds, are more than just one reason to rip them apart.
Yui: Ngh… I-I see.
Carla: Subaru, you‘ll stay here. Look after this woman.
Subaru: Y-Yes…
Carla: Now— The powers of the founder king, which those vampires have forgotten. Let me show them once again.
*sword clashes*
Shin: Uagh…!
Yuma: Try it as many times as you want!
Shin: Son of a bitch… ngh
Reiji: Looks like this match is officially done. There is no need for grudge, my next target will be Eve anyway.
Well then, enjoy your suffering. Members of the Orange family.
Ruki: Kn…
*footsteps approach*
Yuma: Ah? Who is it!?
Carla: …You‘re not even satisfied with those in front of you. The enemies are already not able to walk anymore.
Reiji: Violet’s head, Carla!
Shin: Ngh… why is someone like you here!?
Carla: Listen to that later. More than that now—….
Let get all the disturbers — scattered at once!
Yuma: Ngh!?
Reiji: Kn… !
Ruki: What, just now… all members of Scarlet can‘t move…
Carla: After all, have you really forgotten how to use your magic powers due the memory change?
Seems like you‘re avoiding to remember them. But next time, you will know.
Reiji: Just now, was that the power of the king? Are you saying that you already got them?
Carla: Are you still dancing on those illusion you got? How amusing…
This is, the power of the great founder. The powers of the king you desire so bad — aren‘t the same!
Kino: Ngh! …Tch. This really got troublesome…
Reiji! Let’s retreat! We can’t win as long as they have powers like this!
Reiji: Y-Yes… looks like it. This place will be immediately dismissed.
*Scarlet leaves*
Yui: (Seems like Reiji-san and the others retreated…)
Subaru: The power of the founders, are as impressive as usual… he really took care of them all.
And … I thought that he might not make it through this situation alone. Carla that guy…
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Yes, I cleaned up. Like this we can take Shin with us.
Yui: Yes!
(But… first of all, they are covered in blood. Both of them also have serious wounds…)
Ruki: …Violet’s head Carla. Why?
Why did you bring Eve with you, just to help us? Our mansions are each other’s enemies.
Carla: For now you don’t need to know about that. In addiction, I didn’t come to help the two of you.
Shin… he was the reason for my help.
Shin: What? Me… ? You, you only came here to help me?
Carla: Exactly.
Yui: Hey, I don’t think he’ll believe you right away, so we should talk about everything once we got back.
Let’s go back, to the mansion—
Shin: …Crap…
Yui: Huh?
Shin: The enemy… came to save us? Just for me? That’s bullshit!!
Carla: Shin…
Shin: Are you pitting me in some ways? If you want to spread such things, I’ll kill you right on the spot!
Anyway, once you’d be done with us, wouldn’t you kill us as well?
I’d rather die on this spot, than following someone like you.
Yui: He’d rather die, that’s…
Carla: …
Yui: (Carla-san also has a worried expression…)
Carla: We’ll stop here. Shin hates nothing more than showing mercy.
Things in the past, made his personality like this.
However, if you change your view, it seems like not all the memories from the past are vanished.
We shouldn’t be pessimistic in this situation.
Yui: … I understand. If Carla-san says so …
(This situation, still looks hard for him. It’s hard to say out things clearly, but he knows them because they‘ve always been together)
(It’s always been the two of them, they’re real brothers… )
Carla: …I changed my mind now. Violet’s head Carla will tread you from this moment on.
Orange’s members Ruki, Shin. You are worthy as my prisoners of this war. Come to our mansion.
Shin: I’d never dare to follow someone like you!
Carla: It’s up to you, whether you want to stay save or you’ll be killed. How I’m going to treat you, depends on your actions.
Shin: What did you… !
Ruki: Shin, stop it. Our defeat was already visible at the time Scarlet attacked us.
It’s my fault for not predicting their future movements. We are not the ones who are allowed to decide what will happen to us next.
Shin: That’s not it… it’s not your fault. The guys from Scarlet just used their dirty hands and tricks on us…
… I’m sorry. I won’t interrupt this anymore. I’ll follow whatever my brothers decision is.
Yui: (Shin-kun, who was so rough just a second ago just accepted Ruki-kun’s words… Because, he trusts his brother—)
Carla: …. Seems like you decided what to do.
Yui: (His real brother, is right in front of him… it’s really frustrating)
Subaru: After all, is it okay to take them back with us?
Carla: Yes. Their injuries are serious so we’ll treat them. It would be a hassle if they fell down while moving.
Subaru: Jeez, how bothersome…
Hey, Ruki. About the other two — where did Ayato and Kanato go?
Ruki: … There is no need to tell you about that.
Subaru: Tch, if you say so.
Yui: Subaru-kun … I’m sure Ayato-kun will be all right.
Subaru: It’s not like I was particularly worrying about them. It would get even more bothersome if they were with them.
Yui: Yes… that’s right
(I’m sure he’s actually worried. But, for now we have other problems…)
Carla: Enough with this useless talk. Let’s head back to the mansion.
Yui: …Yes
(Shin-kun and Ruki-kun, they are coming along with us for now)
(But, watching Shin-kun and Carla-san like this… it’s painful)
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nyaheum · 4 years
Eurovision 2020 – The Least Useful List Ever
Disclaimer: I am absolutely biased towards certain styles of music and am probably the least impartial person ever. I also don‘t take anything seriously, so you shouldn‘t make that mistake with this list. I mean, Eurovision has been postponed anyway and we‘re all going mad in self-isolation.
France: Tom Leeb – Mon Alliée
MEEEH, it‘s a dude with a guitar singing a quiet love song. Super basic and also super boring. Would be better if there was no English in it, that makes it worse. 3 Points.
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo – Kemama
Czechia has a type. It‘s kinda fun, but it‘s not my style of music. This could be on the radio and I‘d be „Okay, I‘m driving anyway“. There‘s not enough happening for me here. 4 Points.
Armenia: Athena Manoukian – Chains On You
Someone saw Ukraine‘s entry from last year, huh. But I actually kinda like it. I actually like the aesthetic more than the song itself, but it‘s kinda good. Except for the super basic chorus. Wouldn‘t add to my playlist but I don‘t mind it. 5 Points.
Italy: Diodato - Fai Rumore
Hey, I‘m having a déjà vu. Another non-english love song. But this is better than the french one, simply because there‘s actually some emotion in this dudes voice. Also Italy just gets sympathy points from me at this point. 5 Points.
Russia: Little Big – Uno
I love this song so much. It‘s so much fun. It‘s so stupid and campy. In short: very Eurovision. It‘s also just very interesting instrumental-wise. At least I think it is. I really like it. (also their dancer in the blue jumpsuit doing splits and a death drop? Icon) 10/12 Points.
Denmark: Ben & Tan – YES
Why does this sound like Shallow to me? I think it‘s the guitar and the male and female voice. Anyway if it‘s Shallow it‘s bad Shallow. NO from me. I don‘t like the pacing. BUT if they had had a live performance at least it would‘ve been great for audience participation. 4 Points
Estonia: Uku Suviste – What Love Is
Oh. It‘s that kind of song, huh. Why does th music video like this. Why are there spider webs on the microphone. Why is there the word „LOVE“ in an empty industrial hall. Why does he do so many vocal runs. Just a big WHY from me. 2 Points.
Romania: ROXEN – Alcohol You
I know this was the fan favourite song, but I liked literally ALL OTHER songs she had more than this one. It does look really cool though. It‘s also very modern, but there‘s not enough build-up for me? Or rather, it sounds like it builds up to something and it doesn‘t really in the end? Like it builds up to something, but it doesn‘t go as hard as I would have liked it to? But that‘s just me. 6 Points.
Azerbaijan: Efendi – Cleopatra
Okay, this is my guilty pleasure song this year. The music video is super weird (the dancers all look like they do not want to be there, she‘s suddenly dancing around a car in an outfit from 2009 and she‘s raking around in a baththub full of gold dust?), the text is super basic BUT holy shit I just love the pre-chorus and the chorus. I mean. What‘s going on there?...Whatever it is, I like it. 7 Points.
Albania: Arilena Ara – Fall From The Sky
She reminds me of Poppy, of all people. But her voice is deeper. Her song is also more basic. I really have nothing to say about thsi, except that it sounds like a song from last years ESC but I don‘t know which one right now. 2 Points.
Greece: Stefania – SUPERG!RL
If we have learned anything from S!ISTERS last year, then it is that you shouldn‘t replace I‘s with exclamation marks. Also why is she singing about her being super strong and stuff and then she uses her powers to...make two bullies probably break their noses?...and why did the nerd draw her (so weirdly)?  What is this music video… 2 Points
Portugal: Elisa – Medo De Sentir
Conan was robbed last year and therefore I cannot like whatever Portugal does this year. Conveniently, I also don‘t like this song. I swear, there‘s slow and quiet songs I like, it‘s just not...this kind. 3 Points
Moldova: Natalia Gordienko -  Prison
This year‘s music videos are so obscure, but at least this isn‘t the slow-mo-romance from last year. That being said...I do not like her face being so close to the camera. The song is surprisingly decent though. In an Eurovision context, duh. 4 Points
Malta: Destiny – All Of My Love
Two things: Destiny‘s voice is absolutely stunning. I love listening to her sing. She really knows what she‘s doing. And: although I had to skip the narration at the beginning (it made me uncomfortable??) it‘s a great song. It‘s fun. They‘re also all covering their mouths and noses. Truly ahead of their time. 7 Points.
Serbia: Hurricane – Hasta La Vista
My immediate reaction to that opening shot was: „Oh, hatred will win again huh?“. That‘s pretty much all they had in common with Iceland though. Something is wrong about this Instrumental. I don‘t know what it is, but it sounds off-beat for some reason? It‘s super weird to listen to, I don‘t know. It‘s also, eh, basic? 3 Points
Poland: Alicja – Empires
I knew an Alicia in school and I hated her with all I had.  I wouldn‘t say I dislike this song that much, but I also don‘t...really like it? I‘m always sceptical about songs that have very ambigious lyrics and then show some political stuff in the music video because I just KNOW that they do that so they can collect their Internet points while not risking to lose the points of older people who only watch the Contest on TV and will never see the music video. Apart from that, I just don‘t care for the song, honestly. 4 Points
San Marino: Senhit – Freaky! So, in the years where San Marino doesn‘t send Serhat, can we borrow him? I mean, he works in Germany anyway and speaks German, so it shouldn‘t be a problem, right? About the song: yeah, why not. Sounds a bit like they tried to do a little bit of Lizzo here, and I don‘t mind it. The people who did the music video also saw Ukraines entry from last year. The scene where they‘re all touching each other is basically the same. 5 Points
North Macedonia: Vasil – YOU
ME?! Why is he in the „She Got Me“-Bar by the way? And why is there a passed out guy in the background?! Is that girl wearing a Scrunchy? This whole video is She Got Me. Only worse. IT‘S EVEN THE SAME LOCATION?? 2 Points
Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið – Think About Things
I haven‘t seen one person on the Internet who dislikes this song and I...for once...am part of the hype. I love this song, I love these people, it‘s so stupid and that‘s why it‘s amazing. Iceland just gets Eurovision recently. It‘s also a total bop, all other things apart. I‘m humming it at least once a day, it‘s becoming a problem. Daði ALSO lives in Germany, so I think we can claim this song at least a bit? 12 Points
Finland: Aksel – Looking Back
In German, your „Axel“ is your arm pit. I just though you should know that. And I‘m only writing that because this song makes me feel nothing. It just faded right out as soon as I looked at my computer screen. It was gone immediately. 3 Points
Sweden: The Mamas – Move
Good voices. This sounds a lot like their song from last year for some reason. I mean. It even has the same lights or am I going mad?? It‘s totally fine though. 5 Points
Cyprus: Sandro – Running
This will sound weird, but...he looks like a german teenager. I can‘t explain it, he just DOES. Yes, the weird moustache totally included. With me talking about this, you can probably guess that I do not care about this song eiter. Bleh. 4 Points.
Slovenia: Ana Soklic – Voda
We wanna pRääääy – I know she (probably) isn‘t singing that but I can‘t hear anything else. The way she looks at the camera also weirdly bothers me, but that might just be because I can‘t really do eye contact. By the way, the chorus totally sounds like Paper from Iceland 2017. To me. I can‘t explain myself. 5 Points
Bulgaria: Victoria – Tears Getting Sober
Ouh...that title. She‘s going for a Billie Eilish-vibe, isn‘t she. She so is. And I wouldn‘t mind usually, but this is...very obvious. Like, VERY. I also don‘t care a lot for Billie Eilish‘s music, so, you know… 3 Points
Ireland: Lesley Roy – Story Of My Life
„Hey, Lesley, we‘re selling you to One Direction so we can go to the Eurovision Finale.“ What do you mean, it‘s not that Story Of My Life? Hmpfh. She also does not look like she should have that voice. She looks a bit like a middle-aged lesbian, if I dare say so. Why are there so many songs this year that I do not care about? AAAAH. 4 Points
Austria: Vincent Bueno – Alive
Damn, I want a Kinder Bueno now. His voice caught me a little bit off guard, I won‘t lie. And I know he‘s Austrian, but he looks like he‘s a classmate of the guy from Cyprus. Both weirdly german teenager-esque. The song is fine. Still not my genre. She can dance though, so I like him. 5 Points
Israel: Eden Alene – Feker Libi
What I conclude from this song: Israel is not yet ready to win again. I mean, the song is totally fine, but...it‘s not anything special? It just blends right in with the song from before. And I wanted to give bonus points for native language, but just the chorus doesn‘t count. Nuh-uh. 4 Points
The Netherlands: Jeangu Macrooy – Glow
Ah, the Dutch, known for weed and speaking funny German. One thing I genuinely don‘t get: if you are the hosting country, why send ballads or sad songs? I mean, the chances of you winning are so slim, you might as well send a song that‘s entertaining for the home crowd. Maybe in your native language, maybe with a catchy and fun chorus or a repeatable dance move...(may I mention Germany‘s opening act when they hosted the contest in 2011 and the way Stefan Raab completely transformed the song to have it be more fun and entertaining? Not the same thing, but I just think it needs attention). The song isn‘t bad, though. 4 Points
Switzerland: Gjon‘s Tears – Répondez-moi
Oh look, the Swiss remembered they know French. I swear, if they send a German song before us and all of Europe and Australia has to listen to Swiss-German I will throw something. Anyway. It‘s better than the Song sent by France. I like the „Ah-aaah“-parts a lot actually. Honestly, I quite like this song in general. The longer I listen to it, the more I like it. Oh no. 7 Points
Latvia: Samanta Tina – Still Breathing
Why do I feel like I heard this song already? Like, in this list. At least she has a very subtle hat. She won‘t stand out a lot. That reminds me, I don‘t understand art. I have also reached the chorus now and have to say that it still sounds a little bit like Azerbaijan but it‘s actually pretty cool. I don‘t know why, but there‘s just something about it. 7 Points
Georgia: Tornike Kipiani – Take Me As I Am
Okay, don‘t add me, but I really like this song. No jokes here. I just really love the way Georgia keeps sending super angry dudes to Eurovision and nobody cares about it. Although he sounds a lot less scary than Oto, which, in my book, gives him some minus points. Still. I like this. This Song also has more German in it than the German Song. Just pointing that out. 8 Points
Germany: Ben Dolic – Violent Thing
When I first heard this song, I absolutely despised it. I think it‘s just my natural reaction to Germany‘s songs nowaday. Anyway, everyone keeps saying that Germany finally has a good song again like it‘s been ages and ages. But, let‘s be real: 2019 was really bad, yeah, but 2018 was super good, I love 2015‘s Black Smoke to this day and we won in 2010, which, for a contests that only occurs every year and has more than 40 contestans, is not bad at all. What I want to say with that: yes, it‘s actually good, but it‘s not our first good song in decades. 7 Points / Not allowed to vote for it
Belarus: VAL – Da Vidna
This is the first video that YouTube gave me an ad for and I‘m not here for it. I know I‘m supposed to judge the song, but I also have to ask: what does she have on her head? That is a serious question. What is that. She also looks like my cousin a little bit, which is neither good nor bad for her. I‘d like to give her native language points, but two things bother me: a) what is she doing with those dudes and b) I don‘t like this song. 2 Points
Lithuania: The Roop – On Fire
(The Roop! The Roop! The Roop is on fire!) I love this. And what I mean by „this“ is the full package. The song is fine by itself (yes, I like weird songs) but his whole demeanor is just so obsucre...I love it. He manages to look like an extremely serious person while doing the silliest moves ever. He also just looks SO Eastern-European, it‘s ridiculous. 10 Points
Croatia: Damir Kedzo - Divlji Vjetre
He does not look like he should sing this kind of song. He looks like a German amateur rapper. Yes I know, it‘s not my fault that a lot of people look German. I don‘t like this song! I‘m sorry! 2 Points
United Kingdom: James Newman – My Last Breath
There‘s a fire-, no wait, wrong guitar intro. This dude looks like what my brother would looks like if he could grew a proper beard and was a few years older. I don‘t know what you are supposed to do with this information, but at least you have it now. For an UK song, this is absolutely decent. 4 Points
Ukraine: Go_A – Solovey
Yesss, ethnic stuff! I love this song, it‘s absolutely great. And her dress is absolutely stunning. I can‘t even think of anything funny to say about this song, it just totally takes me in. 10 Points
Spain: Blas Cantó – Universo
Can we have La Venda back please? And what is he doing with his hands? And why does he look like he does YouTube? So many questions, so little answers in this music video...(no, seriously, I KNOW this dude from somewhere.) 3 Points
Belgium: Hooverphonic – Release
Yah, Release me from this song please. I‘m getting sick of these songs!! Why is everyone whining, the world is bad enough already!! I‘m using two exclamation marks at once so it‘s serious!! And she says losing game, which is a direct nod to Arcade which led the Netherlands to the win. It‘s song science. Or for short: love love peace peace and all that. 2 Points
Norway: Ulrikke – Attention
Whenever I read the word „Attention“, all I can think about is Todrick Hall. Which is a problem, because this isn‘t…a party song. By the way, why is she squinting so hard? She looks like she‘s in physical pain. And not the „I‘m so sad“-way, but the „I really need to go to the toilet please“-way. I‘m running out of things to say so I have to resort to potty humour. Sorry. 2 Points.
Australia: Montaigne – Don‘t Break Me
I know we have all seen the outfit already, but why does she look like that. She also looks so lost on stage? I feel bad for her, but not because of the lyrics but because of the look on her face. Oh, and about the song: meh? 4 Points
One Point: Azerbaijan
Two Points: Malta
Three Points: Germany (I can‘t really vote for them but who cares there‘s no contest)
Four Points: Latvia
Five Points: Switzerland
Six Points: Georgia
Seven Points: Lithuania
Eight Points: Ukraine
Ten Points: Russia
Twelve Points: Iceland
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
Would You Still Love Me The Same
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Pairing: Taehyung/Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst
Previous — Next
„Taehyung had been arrested for murder.“
The words kept ringing in your head while you rested it against the cold glass of the bus window. It was raining heavily as you stepped out of the campus and ran towards your bus station. You were drenched within seconds the water dripping down from your hair as you sniffled. It would be a miracle if you didn‘t catch a cold after this.
Jungkook had offered to drop you off but you couldn‘t accept that favor again. He had already driven you to school this morning and you wanted to be left alone anyway. You wouldn‘t be able to think straight with him next to you not that you were able to that now. Staring at your phone you read the message over and over again. You didn‘t know what to reply so you‘d decided to wait until you were home so you could ask him directly. Your head was spinning with thoughts of Taehyung images of him getting arrested appeared in front of your eyes making you shiver.
Half an hour later you turned the keys and entered your house heading to the living room. Namjoon was sitting there hand folded in front of him with a deep frown on his face. „I‘m sorry I‘m late.“ You apologized right away looking down to your feet. Complete silence. You looked up to see that he was still looking straight ahead of him not moving an inch. „Where have you been?“, he asked in a low voice. He hated it when you came home late so it was clear that he was mad but there was also something else in his voice. He was shaking. You explained quickly that you were with Jungkook and Namjoon let it slide this time with just a shake of his head. The room fell in complete silence again. He kept staring at his hands and you stood there hesitating to ask the question you‘d wanted to ask ever since you received the message.
Finally, you got a grip on yourself and you took a step forward. „What happened to him?“ As much as you wanted to sound strong and collected your voice was trembling. You hadn‘t seen Taehyung after that night and you weren‘t really looking for another encounter with the man who broke your heart but hearing this just made you feel uneasy. You never expected things to turn out this way.
Namjoon let out a sigh pinching his nose with two fingers, a habit of his when he was deep in thought. „He got arrested last night for killing his own father.“
Taehyung‘s POV
„Kim Taehyung.“
„Twenty-one “
„I don‘t have anything like that.“
The officer chuckled bitterly. „Of course you don‘t. One of them is dead... but what about the other?“, he asked his voice quiet but sharp.
I tried to contain the anger boiling inside of me my grip on one side of the table tightening until my knuckles turned white. I had dreamed about this moment for a long time. I‘d always known it would become a reality one day because running away was never the solution. I knew it all along but sitting across this obnoxious officer with his breath reeking of alcohol I couldn‘t help but connect him with my own dad. I couldn‘t help but feel the desire to punch him right in his face.
„If you‘d done your research thoroughly you‘d know that she‘s dead too“, I spat looking away. There was no one else there in the dark room the only source of light being an old petroleum lamp hanging from the ceiling. It was cold and there was no windows or anything to let me know if it was day or night. I had lost my sense of time.
Mom was dead. The moment she ran away and left me alone she had died. I never heard of her again, I didn‘t know where she was or what she was doing at this very moment but I never wasted more than one second thinking about her. Traitor.
The officer looked me in the eye with pure disgust. He must‘ve thought I was a monster but he had no idea how the real monster looked like. „We’ve done our research pretty well. Your mother is perfectly fine.“ He then threw a file on the table in front of me. There were several passport photos of a mid-aged woman smiling into the camera. Mom.
I stared at the photos with a blank expression while the officer kept eyeing me from across. It wasn‘t hard to recognize her. Who wouldn‘t recognize the face of his own mother? „She‘s coming to your trial. What a moving reunion isn‘t it?“
I slammed my fist so hard on the table the man jumped a little in his seat. „Why is she coming?“ I asked clenching my teeth getting closer and closer to losing my composure.
„Isn‘t it obvious? She‘s your mother“, the officer exclaimed as if it was the most logical thing in the world. „She‘s not my-“, I raised my voice just to drop it again. I didn‘t say another word but smiled sweetly up at him. He looked at me with a confused expression not understanding a word I was saying. What‘s the point in explaining my family story now? He wouldn‘t understand anyway. No one would.
However, I was hoping someone would at least...
I smiled again imagining her face shining in the moonlight that night in her room. Her confused look when I told her my last goodbye.
Y/N I hope you understand...
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A/N: I wanted to thank you all for 300 followers🤧 I am very happy you enjoy my blog and the content I create it‘s honestly so much fun!😁 If anyone wants to talk I‘m always free for a chat just send me an ask😋 also if you have any requests you are also welcome😊 love you all and happy reading!💜
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harryswanderlust · 6 years
warnings: none
requested: nope
feedback is appreciated and let me know if you want another part!
It‘s really late at night, probably around eleven o’clock or so, when Harry pulls up into the driveway of Y/N’s house. Y/N’s waiting for him outside on her front porch with her legs crossed and arms wrapped around her torso.
When Harry had texted her a couple hours earlier asking her if she wanted to go see a movie he knew she was confused, thinking he didn’t mean tonight. She had probably figured he meant sometime in the near future, but he had insisted that they must go tonight, even if that means Y/N has to sneak out. Harry’s already on pretty thin ice with Y/N’s parents, having always been a troublemaker in their eyes, and if she gets caught he knows tonight will be the last he sees of her. Her parents have good reason to merely tolerate the boy though. Just last week Harry convinced her to cut class with him so he could go get another tattoo for his eighteenth birthday; two swallows on his chest.
Harry can’t help how he acts however, especially when it comes to Y/N. Being around her makes his head spin and he is constantly around her. He can’t stay away from her for more than a few hours at most. Harry’s not sure how it’s happened. For nearly six years she’s been nothing more than his best friend, but now she’s the only girl who’s got his heart fluttering erratically every time he lays eyes on her. He wants to tell her or give her a sign of some sort; feels as though he has to because he swears he’ll die if he doesn’t soon find out whether or not she feels the same way. He can’t take it anymore, and that’s why they have to go out tonight.
“This better be a good movie, Styles. Because this might be the end of our friendship,” Y/N says when she opens his car door and slips into the passenger’s seat.
“Relax, your parents aren’t going to find out. It’s not that big of a deal. You’re only going out past curfew,” Harry responds. He shifts his gears into reverse and backs out of her driveway. He moves his hand to click his headlights back on, having turned them off to avoid possibly waking Y/N’s parents.
“That’s really dangerous, you know. I hope you didn’t drive over here with them off,” Y/N quips.
Harry rolls his eyes, “As a matter of fact I didn’t. You should be thanking me, you know. I’m the reason you’ll have great stories to tell your future children.”
Now it’s Y/N’s turn to roll her eyes. “Whatever, Harry.”
Twenty minutes later they’re pulling into the parking lot of the movie theater, practically empty with the exception of one or two cars, and then head inside. They stop to get the same large bowl of overly buttered popcorn and fizzy drinks they love, like they do every single time they hit the theater, before they grab their seats.
They sit next to each other, eyes trained on the big screen in front of them as the bright light continuously dances across their faces. Y/N’s completely enthralled by the movie playing before her, but as time goes on Harry can’t keep his gaze from lingering on Y/N. He’s got his eyes locked on her, unable to pull away because she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Again, he’s not sure how he’s fallen for the girl sitting only a few inches away from him, but he’s certain by now that he loves her. It’s the way she’s smiling, eyes crinkling a little at the sides and gleaming with so much happiness, that’s making Harry swoon so much.
Harry knows he should be ashamed of literally staring at her. He knows, but who can blame him? She’s stolen his heart and even his thoughts at the moment. Thoughts of her soft sweet lips and how nice they would feel on his very own are circling his brain like poison. He wishes he could just go for it; kiss her. Kiss the gorgeous girl next to him like he’s dreamed of. Taste her to see if it’s anything like how he’s imagined, which he’s sure it is.
“Harry, you’re staring. Do I have something on my face?” Y/N asks, momentarily interrupting his contemplation.
“No,” he answers sheepishly, feeling embarrassed. “You’re just so beautiful.”
Harry didn’t expect the compliment to fall out of his mouth, but he can see Y/N blushing despite it being so dark. He has to admit that causing her to now feel flustered by him entices him more. Harry’s got her right where he wants her with her biting her lip and fidgeting with one of the many rings she always wears, wondering what he’s going to say or do next.
The roles are now reversed and she’s now sweating like he has been the entire night. He’s decided that this is his chance. He’s decided that he can’t wait anymore because his desperation is about to be the death of him. He can’t spend another second wondering or wishing anymore.
He leans over, his eagerness being a bit of a surprise to him, as he wraps his hands around the sides of Y/N’s face to pull her closer and smash his lips against hers. Her mouth is so warm and tastes buttery from the popcorn they’ve shared, but Harry loves it. The pleasure from her mouth is touching every nerve in his body. She’s absolutely heavenly, and Harry swears he’s dreaming.
“Harry...” Y/N breathes. He knows he’s completely shocked her, probably even scared her a little, but God the way she says his name makes him melt into her even more.
While Harry doesn’t want to stop kissing her, he does care more about her feeling safe with him than his own selfish needs. He reluctantly detaches his lips from hers and wipes the corners of his mouth with his thumb. Y/N looks away from him, not saying anything, her teeth going back to biting her bottom lip again.
Harry’s afraid – more than afraid actually. He’s terrified. Terrified that this is the end of things for him. Terrified that she doesn’t feel the same way he does and now hates him, or that he’s destroyed their entire relationship.
“Please say something,” he pleads through a whisper.
“I uh...wow. Do you kiss all your little girlfriends like that?” She laughs at him and it causes his heart to sink.
He knows she’s messing with him – mostly. They still feel like a punch in the stomach to him though. Harry’s aware of how much of a player he is. He’s no stranger to random hookups with the many girls that roam the hallways of his high school, and everyone knows this. Including Y/N, which means that this is all just a joke to her or really weird. Either way, Harry couldn’t be more serious than he is right now.
“I’ve never kissed anyone like that before,” Harry mumbles.
“Like how, Harry?” Y/N asks. She brings her eyes to meet his.
“Like I’m in love with them,” he answers, still mumbling as he speaks. Harry’s eyes are trained on fingers that are currently tapping on the arm rest of his seat, but Harry can see Y/N shifting around from the corners of them.
“So you’re in love with me?”
She’s doing the lip biting thing again and if Harry didn’t want to disappear before, he certainly does now. He’s mentally hitting himself for opening his mouth and also for kissing her. He couldn’t keep his emotions under wraps for a little while longer until they graduate? They’re graduating soon enough, and after that they’ll have to go their separate ways. If he hadn’t gone and screwed things up tonight things between them would have been left okay. No regrets, no heartache. It would have been better that way right? He didn’t really need to confess to her did he?
“Didn’t I make it pretty obvious?”
“I think I‘d like for you to show me again...” Y/N says.
Harry frowns, taking a second to fully comprehend what she means. Once the realization hits him, he knows she wants him too. Harry wastes no time wrapping his hands around her waist to bring her closer to him and attach his lips to hers once more. Harry’s heart is beating so loud he’s sure Y/N can hear it, and if there was anyone else in the theater with them then they could hear it too. Harry’s forehead touches hers, their noses brushing against each others. He’s found a way to control himself, and gently presses a kiss to her lips this time. It’s short and sweet, despite the fact that Harry could spend hours kissing her if she’d let him. But the way Y/N’s giggling and hiding her face in the crook of his neck tells him that this is the start of something new for them.
The ending is literally the worst I know. I’m sorry xx
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