#it‘s not about vampires sadly
kirkwallsquad · 8 months
they took my blood (consensually)
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catacamacat · 7 months
Finally some original character content
I was not prepared for this shit.
I gotta tell ya something before showing my oc trash… sketchbooks idk
I just found my old sketchbooks in the dephs of my wardrobe to show some things… and I thought I remembered everything I drew in there, well long story short, I did not.
I’ll just say that I literally cried while looking through them, and equally because i thought it was cute and beautiful and the cringest thing I’ve ever seen yk? Maybe it has also just been the memories and flash backs that came back to me at once •.•
So this are a few of my ocs, I can’t show you all of them because of multiple reasons ^^ (they are fucking ugly and I don’t want to)
And some more infodump: (You don`t have to read it, but do it if you want to)
- There is a whole story build around them, but sadly I forgot much of it and have to fill the gaps and plot holes again in all the notebooks i have skribbled the story in. (After I found them)
- Fyi, they cuddle a LOT (platonically) I think I can still remember that I wanted to use them to give me the feeling that cuddles and showing affection are cute and should be allowed (I don’t know how to say it differently, I know it’s allowed yk) without a romantic relationship or something idk wtf —w— (my two friends strongly disagree)
- In these pictures are only two of my characters, but as far as I remember there are five „main“ characters and a lot of side and backround characters. Just for you to know. The blonde boy (he has a name) is only the fourth one I designed, but he is definitely one of my favorites ^^ (The grey- haired guy is the first one and the first picture is also the first page with him. So that‘s where I designed him and his birthday is also the day I created him, so september 8th) (then there’s the pink- haired dude… he’s the second one, I can’t tell ya more ^^)
- This is actually only the second „universe“ I created, theres another one that is more of a science fiction story with.. planets and space ships and all this bullshit (i love this bullshit just for you to know) if you know what I mean. Maybe you‘ll get to see it, but I don‘t really have good drawings of it. Also I‘m currently working on anoter „universe“ (sorry I don‘t know how else to call it) with vampires and stuff… so eventually you‘ll see more of that.
- If you’re interested in knowing more about them… idk then either let me know or wait until I post more in… years or so ;)
!!!Please keep in mind that these drawings are about 2 years old… idk why it‘s important but it feels like it and please keep it in mind!!!
I will redraw some of them ig, all my hyperfixation about these dudes came back to me today yk…
Anyway, enough talking, more is under the cut
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reinekes-fox · 1 year
🫣 hi, in the beginning I also thought I was a bird. Because you were only talkin about your flock this and that and I got insecure. For me it would help if maybe you‘d say more clearly in the beginning how this whole cult was created (by humans). I think… maybe because there’s so many ifs out there, people tend to speedrun through the demo and maybe dont catch on little details. It‘s an urban fantasy, so why wouldnt birds be able to wear shoes? 😉
Thanks for the answer!
"a student that is responsible for the free time of a few younger students called a Nest, brought many new things with it but sadly not more hours in the day."
I really cant think of a way to write different about a bird obsessed aesthetic cult tbh....
I may sound mean but I really dislike "animal but tbh its a human" like... Talon City? I think that was the name of the game. Cant stand it, didnt even finish the demo.
and urban fantasy is more like: werewolves, vampires, faes, magic the standard stuff, no high fantasy.
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the archangel on her shoulder
summary: Gabriel finally found his meaning of life - to care and protect the youngest Winchester no matter what it may cost.
request: I was thinking about something where Gabriel has always taken care of the reader since he was little, and now that she can hunt with her brothers, and one day she almost dies, and he cries sadly, but everything is fine. ~ @tinnyes
pairings: Gabriel x Winchester!Reader, Sam, Dean, Cas, John
warnings: fluff and angst, PLATONIC BTW
words: 1193
a/n: sorrry that you had to wait so long for the fic but I still hope you like it :)
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The day she was born, Gabriel felt something pull at his wings. It felt as if his heart longed to be somewhere else - to be with someone. At first, he managed to ignore this strange longing but soon his emotions overwhelmed the archangel and every movement hurt him.
So he spread out his golden wings and flew where his heart wanted to be. He found himself in a nursery, in front of a crib. The baby inside was crying and staring at him with her innocent eyes. At that moment he knew what pulled at him. He needed to be with this child. He needed to protect her at all costs.
Since that day he never left (Y/n)s side, always there and always watchful. Gabriel managed to hide himself from every human eye besides her. He calmed her down when she was crying at night, cradling her to his chest even before her mother could have woken up from her sleep. The archangel helped (Y/n) grow up without getting hurt once.
What made the archangel proud and happy at the same time was that (Y/n)s first word was his name. It was not ma or dada. It was Gabe. Her mother was confused because she did not recognise his name as a word at first. But then (Y/n) said it over and over again and made the archangel very happy.
For the little girl it was always her mother and the friendly man with the golden wings. There was no father for a long time. Until John Winchester turned up at the little familys door step. He was around for a hunt and remembered (Y/n)s mother with which he slept the last time he was there.
John Winchester did not look really impressed or surprised when he set his eyes on the little girl. Actually, he did not show any emotions. (Y/n) was currently laughing at the stupid face Gabriel made when John entered the kitchen. And Gabriel as recognised him, he immediately understood why he felt that pull towards (Y/n) years ago.
(Y/n) was the youngest Winchester, just like he was the youngest archangel. And the girl will have to watch her brothers fight and kill each other - just like Gabriel.
Whenever John Winchester returned over the next years, Gabriel felt something ache inside him. He did not like the man and the worst was seeing him interact with his little girl. He may be her biological father but Gabriel knew that he would never love her more than the archangel.
The older (Y/n) got, the stranger she found the fact that she could see a man with golden wings. At first, she loved spending time with the archangel and saw him as a brother. She played with him and sometimes even cuddled him at night. Gabriel was the one who taught her how to ride a bike, how to braid her hair and so many other things. Because her mother was slightly overstrained with working, cleaning the house and having to care for a little girl, Gabriel sometimes was the only reason (Y/n) would laugh.
But like every human, (Y/n) grew up and couldn‘t quiet understand why the archangel was always at her side. That is why Gabriel hid himself from her too. (Y/n) fell asleep one afternoon and the next her friend was gone. The girl was sad but quickly accepted it.
From now on Gabriel watched her from afar, only interacting when he felt like it was necessary. Which was more often the case than he wanted to admit.
Gabriel punished the boys who bullied her in the kindergarten. He almost poisoned the teacher who did not take (Y/n) seriously. And the archangel tortured the boys who teased her in college.
During her last year of college, (Y/n)s mother died. She got killed by a shapeshifter which had almost killed the girl too if she had not had an archangel on her shoulder. That day Gabriel showed himself to her for the first time in years. To his surprise, (Y/n) hugged him and sighed happily his name. She remembered him as clear as the day.
They stuck together since then, meeting the Winchester brothers and moving inside the bunker even though Sam and Dean wanted no trickster inside their home. But (Y/n) convinced them that Gabriel can be a big help and is her friend.
Gabriel did everything to protect (Y/n) from the dangerous job the Winchesters do but eventually the girl wanted to be a hunter too. She wanted to avenge her mothers death and help people.
Saving people. Hunting things. The family business.
And that‘s how they ended up here: in a vampire nest. At first the little family (Sam, Dean, Cas, (Y/n) and Gabriel) thought it was a small nest but now that they are standing in front of what looks like more than a dozen vampires, they see their mistakes.
The hunters jump at the vampires and behead them quickly. Gabriel is always at (Y/n)s side, protecting her like he is supposed to but then one particular nasty vamp comes at the archangel from behind. The vampire pulls Gabriel to the ground and away from his little girl.
It happens too fast for Gabriel and the other hunters to notice. They are all in their separate fights. No one notices (Y/n) getting hurt.
When Gabriel manages to kill his vampire, all the fights have already stopped. The hunters won. They have smiles on their lips until they look at the only female in the hut. (Y/n) presses her hands against her stomach and blood runs from her nose and mouth. Her eyes meet Gabriels for one second, then she falls to the floor.
Every one runs to the hurt girl and tries to help her. Gabriel is the first at her side and stares at her with tears in his eyes. He can‘t lose her. She is what makes him whole and happy.
The archangel places his hands on her stomach to heal her, already fearing that it‘s too late. Now the tears run over his face, and he can‘t control his feelings.
“Come on, cupcake. We can do this!“, he says and doesn`t know if he says it to calm down (Y/n) or himself.
A glow envelops the girls stomach and the next moment the only thing reminding her of her pain, is the blood on her shirt. Gabriel sighs relieved and helps (Y/n) sitting up. She is still weak but not weak enough to deny him a hug. Gabriel feels her warmth which calms him down.
Sam, Dean and Cas are still kneeling next to the two, not knowing what to do or say. At least, they were about to lose a family member. They are as relieved as Gabriel.
“Thanks for being the archangel on my shoulder“, (Y/n) whispers after parting from Gabriel. She smiles at him while she wipes off every single tear from his face.
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andiecandy95 · 4 years
Okay, we are all curious about what will happen to Matthew. Sadly I don‘t think he will get an Happy End. I love him and I wish him just the best, but do you remember Anselm Nightshade? That Vampire who Julian got arrested? I already found it weird that he had a Shadowhunter name and there also was Adele Nightshade who married a Fairchild. Coincidence? We know that he loves dogs as does Matthew. I don‘t know why he would kill werewolf and do all this dark magic staff ... maybe he just feel lonely after getting turned into a vampire and all his friends dying? I don‘t know it‘s just a theory …
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bramble-rose · 5 years
Fruits Basket and ‘problematic topics’
Okay … so this is going to be long and messy and lately I am starting to write some long text-posts about the stuff I like here on tumblr what I maybe shouldn‘t  do … but since no one of my friends really cares for the things I like and since those thoughts kept pounding in my head I thought the best would be to write them down. So… warning… Spoilers for Fruits Basket (Manga, New/old Anime) ahead. And Warning this will contain some sensitive topics as well. And to warn you for the last time: I am no english native speeker. As for that.
So listen ... since one of my favorite animes of all time (Fruits Basket) got it‘s remake I am more than happy to see the new content popping up everywhere. What I don‘t like are some of the interpretations for some story parts.
Furuba isn‘t perfect and has a lot of flaws. The series is about 15 years old right now and things have changed. But what I want to adress is the issue about Furuba containing abusive and pedophile relationships which are romanticized and seen as okay.
I have to say. No. That is not the case and here is why I think this way.
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The characters I want to talk about are mainly Akito and Shigure and Kyoko and Katsuya.
Yes. Furuba contains abusive relationships. But those are part of the story and not absolutly positive.
Looking at Akito and Shigure their relationship is very complicated and part of the discussion I mentioned above. When Shigure was very young he had a dream about Akito. The one person he would love. It was kind of a prophecy. A future vision. He sees the one person he is suppoused to be with. The one and only person for him. The dream was about an adult Akito - who was born 9 month later. So Shigure is about 6 years older as Akito and he clung to this dream and the feelings he conects with this: LOVE.  
Even after the curse is broken he stayed with Akito. That was his main goal in the whole story. He wanted the curse to break to be with Akito. Not with some child. With the future Akito he saw in his dream. The real Akito, not the one obsessed with the curse (and her dead father).
Shigure is depicted as a typical ‚pervy character‘. An anime trope I don‘t really like but it is used often in anime and is for comedy. It seems japanese people tend to find this stuff funny. I don‘t really like this but I never thought anything about this since I have seen this so often. The pervy old men. Well… Shigure is 26. ‚Old‘ is really a relative vague term in this case but stil his character is used for this. Like Ayame and Mine later.
That his and Akitos relationship is kinda problematic for some people lies in the fact that Shigure is older and clung to his dream – while Akito was stil younger than him. That she will always be younger than him and that Shigure never did anything to her or did anything that would sexualize her (until she is over 21!) is never mentioned by anyone.
A lot of people mention the flower flashback where an 16 year old Shigure gave 10 year old Akito a flower, after she asked him, if he would love her. Shigure told her (depending on the translation) that he has and will always love her and that she is everything he cares about. He gave her a platonic kiss on her cheek and smiles at her with affection. Nothing more.
Yes Shigure was stil 6 years older at this time and Akito was about 10. But consider the story and Shigures futuristic prophecy dream … does this makes him a pedophile?
I don‘t think so - because a pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to young children and minors. Shigure is not sexually attracted to young children even if he is used for this pervert trope. He is not sexually attracted to the 10 year old Akito. In the flower scene all I saw was affection and, yes, love. But platonic love. People need to learn to understand the difference between love and sex. And romantic, sexual and platonic love. Those feelings can develop and change - but you need to read a story in its context.
Is Shigure a pervert. Yes. Does he like to look at highschool girls – for the sake of the comedy, yes. Is he a pedophile. Fuck no.
Is his and Akitos relationship stil problematic? Hell yes. Because they both love each other to the point where they hurt and manipulate each other. This is not romanticized in the stroy. The have romantic moments, yes, but most of the time the relationship between those two is shown to be everything but perfect or healthy. In the end they come together but they have to work on their relationship. That is how I see this two.
Now to Katsuya and Kyoko.
Again people say Katsuya is a pedophile for marrying a (15?) 17 years old girl.
But again, as for Shigure and Akito, their realtionship is not flawless. Katsuya was a student teacher (a trainee teacher) when meeting Kyoko. He did this because his father was a teacher and wanted Katsuya to live up to this. So Katsuya was studying to become a teacher dispite he didn‘t really liked it (and later cancelled his education). When he meet Kyoko he didn‘t start to meet her because she was a young girl or because he was attracted to young girls. As we see in the manga Katsuya was very popular among the highschool girls and some of them had a crush on him. If he truely was a predetor he could have everyone he wanted … but he didn‘t. He found Kyoko intereseting as a person. A young lonly girl with no goals or ambitions. He wanted to help her and fell in love with her. It just happened.
So yes … he is about 8 years older as her. But when he dicided he wanted to marry Kyoko and spend the rest of his life with her, he cancelled his teacher education, went straight up to her parents house and asked her parents for permission to marry their underage daughter! This happend after Kyoko was released from the hospital and her parents wanted to throw her out of the house. Katsuya suddently appeared at the scene and even Kyoko was surprised. That is why I think he decided before he wanted to marry her and that is why he went to her parents home.
Again. A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children. Katsuya married one girl and stayed with her. Had a child with her. Wanted more children with her as they grew older.
Was it good that a lost young girl who never had a real family or someone who cared for her married someone much older and who she was mostly dependend off? Yes. But that‘s all. I see no other problems here. I think the message that was suppoused to be here was: love can hurt but overcomes everything (even age) and can heal everything. Was it executed perfectly. Well … no. Sadly.
Another thing I found really confusing in this context is the topic of age gabs. Especially with american readers. I have read a lot of posts about relationships between minors. For example: He was 17, she was 13/ 14 … 3 year age gap but he is a grown men and a pedophile. Than: 17 year old girl, 20 year old men. 3 years age gab. Now she is a kid, he is a pedophile. And than I read a lot how people are thrown out of their parents homes the second they turn 18 because now they are grown adults. I am a little confused about this double standarts. Of cause the older you get the more you grow as a person and you become an adult sooner or later.  But it is really … strange to me. Where is the line? From what moment on are you a stil a child? A Kid? A teen? A young adult? An aduld? This depends on the situation and circumstances and how people want to interpret this. Because …. regarding to this all vampire stories for example from the last years would be about pedophile vampires. Twilight, Vampire Diaries. Buffy.
So in the end: Fruits Basket has relationships with age gaps. Yes. Some of this relationships contain abusive behaivor. Yes. Are those portrait as absolutly positive and romantic? No. Are there parts of those relationships that are problematic? Yes.
Are there any pedophiles in this series? No. Just no.
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Maybe people, especially younger people, should educate themself and learn what this term really means.  Age gaps =\= pedophilia.
But in the end you will see what you want to see and read what you want to read in a story.
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spoopy request!! how about shouta getting hit by a quirk that turns people into monsters for like 3-5 days and he's,,, a vampire :') since he got hit he's had a craving for blood but tries to hold it in till it wears off but he becomes so desperate he asks his s/o if he can have some of her blood when she walks in on him struggling and she's like sure
( I need to edit here because tumblr mobile is like, urgh, it just works against me. Imma edit it again when I am at home but yikes rn)
Scenario was later specified! Hope you enjoy, I kind of wrote it in the train again and I have a feeling that writing so little in the last 4 weeks really kinda made me a bad writer but I still wanted to write a bit >-
With a loud groan, Shouta sunk deeper into the desk chair, closing his eyes as his black strands of hair fell into his face and tickled his nose.
In every aspect, his situation sucked. He had done what he could to avoid getting hit by this specific quirk but no one expected the villain to be quite so lively. With the last bit of strength he had made sure that Shouta got his payback for catching him and now, everything sucked for the hero.
While everyone was very understanding, the principal had ordered him to stay home for the time he needed to have the effects go down and even his agency had made him take some time off. In reality, they were just worried that the effect of being a vampire would make him into a dangerous being for students and civilians alike.
Sadly, they weren‘t totally wrong.
Of course, he had kept eating normally, needing the nutritions too. He also drank normally but somehow, there was a weird taste on his tongue that made him thirsty for something special.
No tea, no energy drink and no water had satisfied this specific thirst, even though by now he had drank about a gallon of each. But no matter what, it wouldn‘t pass and it seriously affected him. He felt very much at a loss of energy and even more moody than usual.
But up until now he hadn‘t figured out what was wrong with him. Nevertheless, his s/o had told him she‘d come over since he was practically grounded, so he wouldn‘t be so alone. That was something to look forward to and peering out from under his hair, he watched how the clock slowly moved towards the time of their meeting.
He must have fallen asleep on some point - no wonder since he couldn‘t find any sleep at night -, because the next thing he knew was the sound of keys jingling as someone opened the door. „Shouta?“ he heard his s/o‘s voice call out, and he only gave a grumble in return. „Geez, why are you sitting in the darkness like a bat and stiff like a dead body…“ she complained, flipping on the light switch.
The brightness hurt his eyes, which made him sit up immediately, hiding his sensitive sight from it with his body. „I took a nap,“ he replied.
Suddenly, he felt himself being hit by a very strong smell and instinctively he looked at his s/o, who was unpacking something from her bag while humming a pop-song. For a second he had a feeling as if she had just unpacked something to eat. Meat or fish, but he realized much faster that it wasn‘t anything to eat per se, but the smell being from his s/o directly.
„Do you… have a new perfume?“ he asked, it being the first thing that came to his mind. „Huh?“ she replied, thinking about his question for a few seconds before adding, „No, not really. Same as always.“
He didn‘t say much to it, so she just continued unpacking her bag, not giving him too much attention.
Certainly, she couldn‘t help but flinch when suddenly, he was right behind her, leaning against the table before her and effectively trapping her from behind. „You smell amazing today,“ he purred into her ear, running his nose along her hair and down to the nape of her neck. The burning in his throat had become much more intensive since before and he felt the urge to taste her skin.
His s/o felt herself blush as he kissed along her shoulder and neck, one after the other getting more intimate and initiating than before. She could feel herself sigh against his touch and wanted to lean back into him, when she felt a sharp sensation against her neck.
„Shouta, what are you doing?“ she asked, her body tensing noticeable. He himself immediately got a grip on himself, pushing his body away from her. With his hand covering his mouth he took some deep breaths, trying to clear his mind, as a mad blush covered his whole face.
„[Name], I am so sorry, I don‘t know what just happened,“ he tried to explain, staring at her neck in horror as he could observe the small teeth marks. She lifted one of her hands, brushing over said marks, and feeling it with her fingers. „Did you just want to bite me?“ she asked again, a bit of disbelieve in her voice as she stared back at him. He gulped hard at her question.
For a second he could visibly imagine how it would feel to bite into her flesh, suck on the wound and feed on her blood. Even if he didn‘t want to believe it, he couldn‘t deny the vampire urges that were telling him their needs. „Shouta, wha-“ she cut herself off, approaching him and tearing down his hands, revealing the two fangs his lips had hidden so long.
„Oh. My. God,“ his s/o proclaimed, taking a step away from him.
„You wanted to bite me.“
„[Name], maybe you should leave for today. I don‘t know what‘s going on either, I-“ this times it was he who was interrupted as she took a step closer again and pressed her finger against his lips. „Did the quirk turn you into a vampire?“ she asked and Shouta bit his own lip in response, the fangs hurting himself quite a bit.
„It did!“ she whispered excitedly. There was a sudden spark in her eyes and she cupped his face into her hands in amazement. „Does that mean you need to drink blood?“ his s/o started to question him. She kept on tracing his lips with her thumb, effectively making it hard to speak as well as keeping his cool while the smell of her blood intensified.
„I-I guess…“ he managed to stutter, the burning in his throat raising into his head as his whole body demanded more of what he had started before. With her basically fishing him, she was the only thing on his mind and it was hard to resist the urge to lay her down onto the table and bite into the delicate skin of hers.
„You know you could ask~“ his s/o suggested, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she could she the twitch in his face as he considered what she had just said. Certainly, it still felt wrong to him to ask for something so absurd, but on the other hand, with everything his lover tempted him with, it got harder to resist by the second.
„I really shouldn‘t. I don‘t know if I can stop…“ he whispered, his body leaning in to her, arms wrapping around his s/o‘s waste. His tired eyes were gleaming michiviously and focusing onto her neck while his mind still foughts in it‘s own haziness. „You can‘t help it, Shouta,“ his s/o reassured, tangling her own arms around his neck and giving him more access to her body.
„Just this one time,“ she murmured, breathing in audible at the touch of his lips against the thin skin, goosebumps spreading along her arms and back.
„Just this one time…“ he repeated before placing a last, sane kiss onto her neck.
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Wow they bashing Spinelli?!? This is why I stay off Twitter, plus I honestly didn’t realize Killy was such a huge thing until Steve came back. They’re becoming worse than Liason fans
Yeah, I mean it’s only really Twitter in which the Killy stans are ugly, and that’s simply because Twitter is such a toxic environment when it comes to fandoms and stanning - I mean, I should know, I received death threats and insults from the Cl/exa fandom on Twitter last year.
What bugs me the most was that Bradford responded to one of the trolls politely saying that it was no harm, him and Steve are friends, nothing about Jason, but the trolls were still being abusive. Even after Kelly addressed it, they retweeted her tweets about #KillyWithKindness then proceed to abuse Bradford more when he quoted her tweet with “Love these two”. 
My favourite tweet from a troll was that they are not sending abuse to the actors but to the characters, so that is fine. A Killy/Stelly stan gave them receipts which basically insults characters of GH like Carly, Robin, Sonny - anyone that believes Steve is Jason, then specifically insults Steve Burton. And they were like “And? It’s ok to hate the characters” and when someone pointed out that Steve isn’t a character but a real life person. They responded that they did no wrong and Steve doesn’t count.
But yeah, I think it is partly Kelly’s fault, but it was not intentional. She broke the first rule of fandom/ships in recent years, don’t state your preference in ships. General Hospital fandom is becoming like any other fandom, being infiltrated by the younger generation which have a percentage of crazies that can’t seem to separate fiction from reality.
However, articles came out about her Con with Billy in which she said that she loved working with Billy and the current JaSam and Killy fans took that to mean that Billy is Jason and they will stay together no matter what. I think Kelly didn’t realise the harm that her actions did since I don’t think bad apples came in full force until afterwards when they felt threatened by Steve returning. But at the same time, she couldn’t go I prefer Steve or miss the original JaSam. Part of the reason she could have said Billy was because he was there. However if the rumours are true about their personal relationship then she might of said Billy simply because of that, it’s obvious that Killy are closer and have a much different relationship to Stelly - however that doesn’t mean that she hates Steve of Stelly‘s JaSam.
I saw some people comment on an article about the abuse and said that it’s Kelly and Billy‘s fault for keeping their relationship private. Now firstly, they don’t owe us anything, we don’t have the right to know if they are dating or not. They are humans, they have their own lives. Billy is especially private. If they want to keep their personal lives private, that’s their prerogative.  However, I do feel that if they are in a relationship and confirmed it, then Kelly’s comments about preferring Billy would be less harmful because fans would go “Well they are dating, of course she prefers him” - But what Kelly should have done and what many actors struggle to do is to push the company line. Which in a way, she sort of did, at the time of filming Killy JaSam was the focus. But I think in that case, she should have remained impartial, stressing favourite things about both JaSams and the actors - or do a joke answer.
I think no one really considers General Hospital or soaps to have fandoms like say The 100 or The Vampire Diaries or any show that has a predominant youth audience.
But as people get older, new audiences are watching the soaps, soon they are going to the tech savvy younger audience that has grown up with social media, internet, fandoms and stanning and actors are sadly going to realise that they have to be careful with what they are saying. It’s a toxic environment. 
Like I said, Kelly did unintentionally contribute to this, by stating her opinion, and it‘s stuff like this that can turn people away from a certain storyline/relationship happening. 
What is a little odd is that Kelly use to be good at keeping with the company line, when JaSam first broke up she told (I believe) SOD that she hated the breakup and felt that it was abrupt which was sad but that she was enjoy Lucky and Sam’s relationship. 
But the Killy’s on Twitter have been crazy on Twitter sending abuse to actors who are good friends with Steve (they have known him longer, y’all) and some trying to get actors fired.
Like I said in my Original post, not all Killy’s are behind it, even some try to stop the trolls however, sadly the bad apples make the loudest impact and give people a bad rep.
It’s why I stay out of the GH fandom on Twitter, there are probably many more, could explain why Facebook GH fandom is more balanced and Steve (part of that has to do with a bigger demographic on facebook). 
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