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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 days ago
I think he's made a mark in a certain type if niche - whether you think it's dark domineering characters or characters that get shirtless for any reason... - that he could become a rarity in being a big name in the mini drama world.
If he does break out into leading full-length dramas - he definitely should play to his strengths.
I do agree about other wooden actors being book or getting lead roles. Like recently I decided to watch a drama because the plot sounded at my alley. Then thought the male lead looked familiar and when I realised why - he is the most wooden actor I've seen. The only reason I'm trying to be open is that for once, he's not a rich CEO, and the plot and setting interests me - different from other cdramas I've seen.
So I can't remember his name, but your favourite cdrama mini actor (the one they always find a reason to rip his shirt open) has filmed a remake of Hua Jai Sila. Of course, though, it's been rewritten as a mini - I can't imagine them censors going wild for a full length drama
It's currently being released so I watched tge first 4 episodes, it's nothing like HJS. It's more like someone read the synopsis without actually watching HJS.
Yeah I know - I posted about it but I have no interest in watching it 馃槤
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 days ago
The more I see of his minis...I can see why he's booked and busy but can also see why he can't break out of minis - which leaves me cackling at his diehard fans who think he's the next big thing. It gives me Can Yaman vibes (his fans).
So I can't remember his name, but your favourite cdrama mini actor (the one they always find a reason to rip his shirt open) has filmed a remake of Hua Jai Sila. Of course, though, it's been rewritten as a mini - I can't imagine them censors going wild for a full length drama
It's currently being released so I watched tge first 4 episodes, it's nothing like HJS. It's more like someone read the synopsis without actually watching HJS.
Yeah I know - I posted about it but I have no interest in watching it 馃槤
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 11 days ago
So far it's the only one I haven't dropped. Like there's been a few Netflix produced kdramas where the plot is announced, the cast is announced, and I'm intrigued.
But then it gets released and I never watch it or want to watch it.
Or I try to watch but drop it.
It does have that When the Camellia Blooms vibes but without the out of place clich茅s. Like I remember enjoying WTCB (Mainly for the leads and I'm a sucker for the single parent tropes and the other doesn't care), but the serial killer plot felt out of place.
Here, because it's a period drama and set during turbulent times, nothing feels out of place. Its slice of life vibes without hiding the dark times and struggles.
I also love how it's not being released at once. That I can digest each part.
I'm surprised you are watching WLGYT just because generally you don't watch or like Netflix original kdramas.
I do think WLGYT is a refreshing kdrama for Netflix since it's not released at once.
But naturally, there are people missing the point, the story of WLGYT, since they are criticising PBG's screen time being reduced when it's clearly a female centric story.
Don't get me wrong, I would full on just watch a drama where it's just IU and PBG are playing these two goons. But let be real, the drama started off being about Aesun and the women in her family. Her mum, her and now her daughter.
there is an exception to every rule. this is the first (and likely only) netflix produced kdrama I am likely to enjoy.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 2 months ago
Same, it was my first time seeing PHJ. Some of his projects since just haven't pulled me in.
There were definitely missteps in EoE. The three MLs should have been treated as the leads from Day 1. Even in promos, PHJ is on the side while the Lee brothers are centre.
And I get why because of the soapy compelling story of these two brothers that are actually enemies.
The whole nature vs. nurture argument is displayed in the series. Especially with PHJ's early adulthood actions. And the debate on whether LDC would abandon LDW because of his bio dad and suddenly love his bio brother, etc.
But I still don't fully comprehend the LDH drama. Probably because I wasn't into following the behind the scenes stuff and articles, so when she left , I just thought it was part or the plan or her arc came to an end because her pairing with LDW was such a non-starter and nothing happened with LDC.
It wasn't until after I learned the drama, and it still confused me just because I never saw this claimed love triangle she was meant to have either the brothers.
So I'm watching East of Eden because I couldn't remember much of it apart from I really liked PHJ's character but they ruined it with r*pe, and I hated LDC and LDW's mum and her treatment of the TFL that PHJ's character and well as her treatment of LDC. And of course I remember LDH infamously quitting before the end because of her diminished role.
But it's odd rewatching it now - like I know back then it was a live shoot and I believe LDH was meant to be the main FL. I can't remember if it was HJH or LYH who was meant to be the SFL. I think LDH was meant to be in a love triangle with the two leads. But rewatching I can't even see this "love triangle" LDH's character looks more like she was always intended to be with LDW but LDW had that lingering thing with KJH.
I can see how it's a mess. Like in the second half PHJ's role increases and the relationship between LDW and LDC kinda diminishes in importance. It loses focus a bit on what relationship they want to push through LDW and LDC's relationship despite being blood enemies. LDC and SMH bio relationship. Or LDW and and and SMH enemies and victims of the baby switch.
But the LDH stuff is crazy because as I watch what I forgot, I can't even see any real room of the "original plan" for her. Like no attempt at it.
I'm not mad because I found her character boring. The other women were more interesting and/or infuriating. But they could have easily steamed forward with LDW/MHR since they weren't even properly revisting KJH/LDW (that died with the r*pe and wedding) but the writers couldn't seem to balance 3 FLs.
I loved EoE. Watched it live and shipped ML with LYH and remember all the scandals.
I enjoyed the hot mess of PHJ and that whole relationship. Soap to the max.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 2 months ago
Look, sometimes I need a brain dumbing, throw all logic out of the window crack plot...
But sometimes a girl has her limits.
I just read some crack plot for a cdrama mini. Basically ML has PTSD, but instead of growing up with a mentality of a 7 year old, physically his appearance stays as a 7 year old while he has a "mentality of a 17 year old inside". I have no idea what I read, and apparently within a 2 year gap, his appearance suddenly changed to be played by an age appropriate adult actor. There are all sorts of wrong in logic, I can't even through logic out of the window cause it's just bonkers.
That鈥檚 minis for you!
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 2 months ago
I've watched a few weekenders in my time. Especially KBS family dramas. And have always entered with low expectations. It's just something to put on in the background and maybe a character or plot will grab me. I think only one weekend drama I liked the plot from the start but still had low expectations as it was a regular family drama.
Iron Family genuinely felt different from the regular KBS family drama, I mean stylistically it wasn't filmed like a regular daily/weekend drama. Plus the leads had chemistry and the plot was interesting. But yeah. It got boring as hell and the best part, our leads couldn't even save it.
I gathered that you dropped Iron Family. When did you drop it? Before or after the leads got together? I've been sticking it in the background while my interest waned since I already committed so much of it, I'm like I'm taking this to the end.
Honestly, in terms of Weekend dramas, this is the biggest disappointment for me. We spoke about the pacing before. That it forgets it's not a 50 episode drama and a 36 episode drama. But even though I know it's not the main plot, the romance has been so disappointing after the promising start. Like how they got together felt lacking or something was missing. And then the main plot with the money just dominates. And it does boil down to the pacing issues.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the second leads or the supporting characters. Most of them were unlikable, and I was only watching for the leads. Although I did have a soft spot for the grandma but that's because she's always in everything.
I hope KJH gets booked again soon. A lot of his recent stuff (which is not much) have been more misses that hits for me.
I dropped it as some point after they got together but can't remember when. I was just honestly bored with the drama...what a wasted opportunity.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 2 months ago
I try not to judge because everything I've learned is from Musk's algorithm that shows me things I don't want.
It just should've been a space show. Or a show about IVF (on earth - no space sperms or egg).
I peaced out happily after episode 1. Even if it weren't for the plot, I still would've because of the ML being engaged to SFL and that boring rich fam stuff. There's a bit of ice to dating your patient especially when you know it was sold as him falling for FL.
Everything I've learned about that space egg show has been against my will.
And because of that I realised if they removed the space setting and it was all in reality it could be a good discussion and ethical debate with IVF. Instead it's glorified with the space stuff which is unnecessary. Be a space show or a medical show. And I'm seeing a lot of hate towards FL for destroying these precious eggs and I realised a lot of these people are probably anti-abortion. And glad I peaced out when I did.
It's a shame cause I like the lead actors. But the show is a hot mess that should've committed to one thing: sci-fi or "thought-provoking" medical.
Bwahaha. I can't comment on the content because I peaced out after two eps. It's just such a truly stupid show with terrible acting, writing, character consistency or really everything.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 months ago
The problem I have is often the plot is something i would eat up - whether it's a manhwa or novel so I will give it a go. Next thing it's glorified background noise while doing something else because I'm bored.
One cdrama I'm kinda interested in - which i know you won't be because it's a modern cdrama - is Love's Ambition. The plot intrigued me, I'm a sucker for complex marriages. And I've liked a lot of Zhao Lusi projects, even if I thought I wouldn't at first and don't mind William Chen though a lot of recent projects I've seen with him have been more miss than hit. But I saw some filming pics shared and they looked good l
But...modern cdramas haven't been executed well lately for me. If this was a kdrama, I know I'd easily eat it up. Like I'm just a sucker for couples that have that makjang vibe without being too makjang or too plain and looking good together. I'm a simple girl.
With period cdramas - unless there are actors I'm familiar with and the plot synopsis interests me, I generally have no idea until it drops and I read the synopsis to see if it's worth checking out.
Yeah, I almost never do modern cdramas. Just not for me usually.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 months ago
I do agree live shoots can be a problematic working environment - we have seen it with dizis. But I do miss the few times things change course because of the live shoots they see audiences responding better to certain characters or storylines instead of digging a grave in things that don't work (like dizis often do).
But old long kdramas and watching Iron Family at the same time has made me miss long kdramas that aren't the KBS family drama style.
Like there are a good of actors that would always pop up in long kdramas as well.
Honestly, on my binge of old kdramas 00s- early 10s. It's honestly has me nostalgic for long form kdramas. Like I generally don't watch many because of the long commitment plus it cam take a while to do well. But after seeing how Iron Family is panning with the leads they have...
And I'm not just talking about the old weekend dramas, where we had SBS and MBC pull the stops (especially MBC) and it weren't just KBS. But also those long "epic" dramas - contemporary and sageuk. That span decades in a timeline.
Like watching that, I can't help but miss them, how there use to be more dramas filming while airing - which also meant extensions to populat shows were more likely and rosy can make changes if needed.
I normally someone wary if shows get extended because it deviates from their original plan and sometimes the why they handle this makes a show worse. But I do kinda miss when shows could get extensions and I don't mean 1-2 like The Red Sleeve which had minimal impact. But I mean like 5 or 10.
It's common with Dailys because they often make sure the show finishes on a Friday and not midweek.
But I was thinking of shows like East of Eden, Dong Yi and Giant where they got extensions for their success and that long term storytelling.
Now it's all mostly pre recorded or starts airing near the end of filming that extensions are hard to come by.
I don't really miss extensions but I do miss longer dramas...
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 months ago
For me, it's not necessary a plot. But I've been watching this old show where there is a whole arc where the SFL (who is the crazy villain) sneaks her mother into her in-laws house that she lives in (because the mother is wanted by the police) and has her living in a dog kennel in hiding.
The woman pretends to be a man one is wack when they don't bother. From make up to body.
I remember a cdrama (Well intended love) and I remember the plot sounded like something off a wattpad or one of those books free on Kindle - contract marriage between rich man-poor actress cause she has cancer and he is a match.
And I remember thinking it would be a cliche light romance drama or rom-com based off the tone. Then midway it came out he faked and tricked her into thinking she had cancer and he was a match just to marry her.
What's the most batshit insane plot or storyline you've witnessed in a kdrama or cdrama? Whether it's because it's just insane or just because it didn't fit with the tone or genre?
The one where our ML is a cat who turns into a human and dates his owner. Kdrama with L. Called Meow the Secret Boy. He鈥檚 not a werecat or a person under a spell or w/e, he鈥檚 a freaking literal cat.
Also it appears in so many dramas but when women pretend to be dudes but unlike in Coffee Prince (kdrama) or Love In Between (cdrama), they don鈥檛 bother making them look like a dude - they still have visible boobs, they wear make up etc etc etc. like come onnnnn!
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 3 months ago
Park Siyeon is another. Like she's not fave and her acting for me depends on the project. But she use to do a lot of SFL roles, mostly negative roles and I don't think I've seen her in a thing since Nice Guy (though I believe she had projects since but not in recent years).
I do miss Kim Jaewon I remember he was getting cast in a lot of long weekend dramas in the 2010s as opposed to regular dramas. But since SBS and MBC dropped those and only KBS do it, I feel roles are limited with less weekenders. Like weekenders and dailys would have a big group of actors known for doing them.
Its a shame about weekenders. Like they are hit and miss for me because of the commitment but they often offered more opportunities for mature older actors compared to idol actors.
I had no idea Kim Jaewon moved to producing. All I could find was his last TV role was in 2018. Ans he made a variety appearance in 2020 but it was a minor show so I don't know what he said. He just looked very different from his leading days. I think it's because hair use to cover her forehead, i didn't recognise him at first.
There are a few others. It's just sad because they aren't old or are similar ages to some popular actiea today. But some of those actors broke out later in life and recently while others have been able to maintain things, be lucky with projects or not taken a break.
But damn i do miss Jaewon. I think i need to watch one of his dramas. Maybe more have been subbed since as more older kdramas are being added to streaming services.
I've been watching and rewatching old kdramas (Mainly 2005-2012 era) and the amount of times I see a leading actor or actress who I enjoy watching and use to dominate kdramas and now they disappeared. And like I don't know if they aren't booked, quietly retired or taking an indefinite hiatus. But rewatching them gives me nostalgia. And the crazy thing is a lot of them aren't that old. They are in their 40s now so perhaps past the age maybe producers tend to cast. Also new actors come in and become popular and take over as with the business.
But honestly, it just highlights the success of actors like Lee Dongwook, Jang Hyuk and Jamg Nara for example who are in they're 40s but found success at a young age in the 00s and almost 20 years later are still not only finding success but are being booked in lead roles.
Obviously, there are other actors getting lead roles in their 40s or late 30s, but some of them didn't really break out big until the 2010s. So I excluded it.
There are a handful of actors that use to lead dramas that I watched them again and think it's a shame there aren't any recent projects of them. For example, Jae Hee and Kim Jaewon. Also, Yoon Eunhye - but that's more about nostalgia for Coffee Prince and Goong.
But it just crazy to think. I think this nostalgia train I'm on started cause of Ju Jihoon's return to rom-coms got me thinking about what happened to the cast of Goong. Which lead me down the road to old kdramas because things were lacking this year.
I actually looked up Kim Jae Won recently because I loved him and was wondering why he wasn't in things and apparently he's gone to the producing side.
But yeah, I miss some of my old faves!
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
Honestly it's a huge shame. And it's just funny how they jumped from 16 to 12 and not to 14.
I think only a few I think the 12 episode format works and that's when it's very story and plot driven. But when it's more about character it's okay for them to breathe.
But the problem is a lot of writers are fitting a 16 ep show into 12 episodes but they tend to be doing by only realising until Tuesday penultimate episode.
Fingers crossed that WTPR doesn't fall into that category because so far the pacing is good. I'm not too thrilled about Love Your Enemy being 12 episodes and not 16. I feel simple rom-coms shouldn't need the cut. And it's annoying since they are halfway through and I feel more is spent on the past than present (I loved the flashbacks ans teen actors but it's time to move on).
I kinda miss the days when kdramas would sometimes reach to 20 eps. Or when extensions were a bit more common.
I need to dramas to pick up again. Cdramas depends on plot but there hasn't been one I've watched this year where I'm binging crazy.
Looks like 12 episode kdramas are the new standard. I'm conflicted by this. I feel like when it started being done, it's because the story dictates it and they cut out filler. But as it's becoming more common, a handful of kdramas that I've watched that have done this -- had lead to a rushed ending. A lot has to be wrapped up by ep 12 and they often don't start thinking about tying loose ends until halfway through the last episode.
I think because studios/channels are perhaps now offering 12 eps instead of 16, probably due to cuts or maybe to compete with streaming services -- thr writers struggle with the pacing sometimes for a shorter run than regular. I mean, we've kinda said that about Iron Family as a weekender when they have 36 eps and not 50 (although there has been shorter weekenders on the past, back when MBC and SBS use to join in as well).
I've not watched many kdramas this year. Lovely Runner and WTPR is it. But I've noticed an increase in current and upcoming dramas next year with 12 episodes.
And I'm surprised when I read that a rom com finished on 12 eps recently because I thought that rom-coms would be the last genre to face the cut. Because fans tend to not mind filler stuff if it includes MC romantic moments
Yup not happy about the new state of things but it is what it is. Guess I will continue to spend the bulk of my drama watching time in cdramaland.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
One thing I hate when a kdrama gets so popular internationally is the amount of entitlement from them demanding Netflix release the episodes.
Like I've seen tweets of people being unsympathetic towards what's going on and saying fans deserve to have the episodes dropped on Netflix when it's not even a Netflix show.
Regardless of the political turmoil local viewers/fans always hate it when a show produced and made in their country airs elsewhere first.
For me, it's completely understandable, but it'd also a comical mess because they were already going to pre-empt I think the next two Saturdays then last minute this. I have no idea if those pre-empt Saturdays are still going ahead or are now cancelled.
I think WTPR is so far the only kdrama with their entire week worth of episodes cancelled. I think a few kdramas are only airing 1 episode a week or airing 2 on one day back-to-back.
The timing is just... because December is when a lot of things can get moved around anyway because of awards then the President tries to incite Martial law and the same time.
What is kinda beautiful despite this awful thing is how united South Koreans were in their response. Especially after years of seeing Western countries internally divided in politics or countries divided over the genocide of Palestinians between public ans politicians.
So apparently tonight鈥檚 episode went from being extended by 10 minutes, to airing 10 minutes earlier to now apparently being cancelled for the week for a special news report. *sigh*
Yeah I saw. Honestly with everything going on, I鈥檇 have been surprised if it wasn鈥檛 preempted.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
Yeah those are the makjangs I hate they are too unrootable for me. But the elements of makjangs I love are fucked up family dynamics and complex, damaged leads. And what I like about Heejoo is she鈥檚 damaged by her mum but she鈥檚 not necessarily weak.
I think that鈥檚 the kind of Makjangs I can get into that aren鈥檛 full blown so can appeal to masses. But I need someone to root for.
While When the Phone Rings and Perfect Marriage Revenge fall into the dame group of Makjangs that I love: hot chemistry, not too serious, but also not too camp that it becomes satire.
It has got me thinking about Nice Guy, which is another primetime makjang (that isn't a weekender like 36-50 eps) that I loved. Like I know it doesn't fall into the same category as WTPR and PMR but I loved it for the melo, makjangness. I remember watching it thinking I wouldn't mind more of this - though glad they didn't because it would only ne so long before they ruined a good thing. Moon Chaewon was great and I could watch her get Revenge and being men down to their knees all day.
I enjoyed Nice Guy (the sole time I loved SJK if you don鈥檛 count his supporting role as the younger version of the king in Tree With Deep Roots) but it鈥檚 not really a makjang but a high class fancy melo they used to do and sadly do nor do any longer. It鈥檚 a tonal difference really.
Honestly, even Phone does not feel makjang to me tho PMR does. When I think of makjang I think of The Penthouse, Escape of the Seven and Temptation of an Angel with Bae Soo Bin. Kinda like a high price escort versus a cheap lady of the night thing 馃槤
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
True. And now media will be controlled and censorship until further notice. A lot of celebs that film variety/talk shows will have to pretend all is normal. News announcers having to do their job knowing what鈥檚 going on, that their media is being controlled more directly.
It鈥檚 just horrifying because SK has managed internationally to keep a good image over the years despite issues with the government, like since 2008, 2 of the 4 presidents have been convicted of corruption (coincidentally by the current president and one of them was Park Chunghee鈥檚 daughter) and now the current president is doing this, abusing his power and SK likely heading towards a dictatorship.
It鈥檚 sad how SK is kinda in a cycle that keeps repeating itself and it鈥檚 never addressed internationally - compared to some other countries where it鈥檚 more of open.
Also we can鈥檛 blame it on them, it鈥檚 the media. Certain media don鈥檛 report on non-Western politics as much as Western politics.
It鈥檚 crazy what鈥檚 going on in SK right now. I wonder how it鈥檚 gonna effect the entertainment industry. Pre-filmed dramas could have last minute cancellations for the news. But also what about currently filmed shows. It鈥檚 a dumpster fire and it鈥檚 sad how SK can鈥檛 truly escape corruption and dictatorship.
I think dramas are the least of their problems tbh.
This is honestly horrifying - they fought to end a dictatorship and yet like with Ukraine and Georgia it never ends, the dictators keep trying!
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
I love my green flags. But yeah, I also love my red flags. And I mean the complex red flags. Not the downright red flags that are plain bad.
I can't with some Twitter theories about WTPR about how the scene with Heejoo and SML using sign language to talk in front of SFL and Saeon. They think Saeon must know sign language because there's no way he wouldn't learn since he loves Heejoo and another that he knew Heejoo was advanced in the interview. I feel like recent kdrama set unrealistically high expectations for men. Its okay he doesn't know because they point is they are bad at communicating. They are bad at conveying their thoughts and feelings and Saeon for reasons doesn't know how to express love because he doesn't know what that feeling is like because he never got it from his parents.
Yup, I love toxic mess MLs and this is def one of them.
I think he鈥檚 not secretly perfect, I think he鈥檚 just a dumpster fire on sexy legs.
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thenerdyunhealthybrit 4 months ago
The only thing they do right is the simultaneous airing of shows/exports that are airing. As I mentioned with Disney Plus, they don't do that. They keep it localised to regions. For me, that's hard as someone from an English speaking country where I'm in the minority that love watching foreign language content but Western media rarely air them. And if they do, they will be Western languages and "snooty" shows all about awards and acclaim and sometimes I need to watch an extra dramatic shoe where there's an arrange marriage or mob.
Netflix has ruined a lot of things. Don't get me wrong. I love Netflix and it handled foreign language content much better than Disney Plus that will only release in localised regions. (I remember being excited for a Disney Plus show (it was a spinoff of a localised show in Korea. Then on release date, it's not available in my region. It took like a year for it to be available)
Anyway, Netflix handles foreign language content better than other major streaming services. But I hate how for certain regions they have given up exporting localised contents and just only create new Netlfix content. Like Netflix used to have a decent range of Turkish dizis on their catalogue, some classics. Although it was frustrating because most of them weren't complete.
However, since they tried to dabble in the Turkish market with their own shows - (None of them have interested me apart from Midnight at Pera Palace and even then I didn't watch it), they no longer buy licenses to stream local Turkish dizis.
The only reason kdramas are still thriving is because of the Hallyu domination. But smaller foreign markets, they don't bother anymore.
I don鈥檛 like Netflix and its influence on shows all over the world tbh.
But then nobody asked me - they are clearly making bank.
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