#it won’t happen
ninyard · 21 hours
I wonder what the Ravens NDA for new recruits looks like. I wonder what legal protections they have in place against graduates/ex-Ravens who consider talking about their treatment in evermore. I wonder if Evermore were to fall would people start speaking out, and would the numbers of victims coming forward just keep rising and rising? Every day, new athletes names being added to this infamous list. Famous athletes on the US Court talking about their abuse, other people on pro teams getting the courage to come out about it. Suddenly it’s on everyone’s mind, suddenly it’s a top story on the mainstream news. It breaches containment out of the sports world and it’s all that anyone can talk about.
The NCAA Exy Scandal. Athletes declining to comment because they’ll always be a Raven. “You were a Raven before - did you see this happening? What did you see happening?” A number of weeks where every single day something new comes out, some new abuse story, some new shocking detail that leaves people unable to comprehend how nobody noticed, or spoke out before now.
If someone were to do the hard thing, to open that door, would they be able to stop the outpouring of other athletes following suit to come out about their time in Evermore? Would the Moriyama’s ever be held accountable, and how many people would be implicated? The team nurse who turned a blind eye, who refused proper medical care for the athletes, the campus president who didn’t notice this happening right under his nose, the people who wrote the contract that forced the players to stay silent.
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nico rosberg has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
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monstrousdesirestudy · 6 months
I don’t have anyone else to complain about this to beyond my therapist and my parents, but my book (yes this very study!!) has been on submission to editors for a little over 8 weeks and I haven’t heard anything back yet and the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach with anxiety. For the love of GOD any news from editors would be better than this looming silence even rejections because it would mean they at least read it 😮‍💨 losing my mind over this
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hydriad81194 · 8 months
I think the funniest thing that could happen in this prison arc is that one of the medics at the prison help heal phil’s wings enough for him to fly and he just gets a lasso and one by one helps people get out purgatory style
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“I love Olivier very dearly. I wish to put him in a hydraulic press”
Admin note to the blog:
One eternity later…
Basically, there are enough confessions accumulated. As far as it is possible, there will be one post per day.
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murdrdocs · 1 year
if i start consistently writing hobie, DO NOT expect any brit lingo from me okay i am a pure blooded american (CAW 🦅) so idk squat
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aeternallis · 8 months
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Oh hooooo…what are you up to, BoC? 👀✨
It’s probably not anything that’s gonna be unexpected; most likely I’m thinking 4 Minutes announcement? And/or the new MileApo project? Maybe some news about BoC Music…? Apparently it’s gonna be a joint conference with the Ministry of Commerce.
Personally, I’d like for them to announce Man Suang overseas release, since I’d like to watch this movie, the premise sounds interesting.
Either way… 👀✨
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onesweetworld18 · 2 years
If Twitter is indeed going to fold, why doesn’t Harry go out with a bang and just tweet #ProudOfLou if he gets the number one.
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astoriachef · 3 months
Okay, now I really want Pac to fight Strickland.
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sturnioloshacker · 7 months
kinda want another tumblr bf just so i can fulfil my delulu fantasies
send your applications in my asks if you wanna be my tumblr bf lmao
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disastersim · 8 months
9-1-1 deserves a “firehouse is haunted” episode
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Sometimes when I’m in the mood I like to think about what would happen if I just created a hurt/no comfort ending, the worst, despairingly unhappy ending for the roommate series :) it tickles my brain to make up scenarios about either of them
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lillotte17 · 2 years
I think people looking for jobs should be able to leave comments on job postings as well as up votes and down votes like social media. I think a lot of places would have to reconsider their tactics if they couldn’t even post a job without immediately getting tattled on about their hiring practices or the lack of wages and benefits listed in their posts.
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itspachysandra · 2 years
Whoever said light behind your eyes or whatever, I’m nauseous now thank you very much.
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strawbebe-dk · 1 year
What if instead of getting adopted like we all hope the collector gets picked up by they’re space parents as a gag and that’s how they get rid of him.
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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