#it will suck in the interim! but it will pass.
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notbecauseofvictories · 10 months ago
Longtime follower and I love seeing your insights, so wondered if you had thoughts or advice on this:
I live alone and I'm not in a relationship, though I do date. I'd say ninety percent of the time I really enjoy my life, seven percent I'm a bit sad or annoyed about not having a partner yet, and three percent I get tossed into the Pit of Despair. That three percent can be tied into hormonal cycles, bad timing, etc - even when I know the cause, it still needs to be lived through. Has that happened with you? If so, how do you manage it? I do okay, but it feels like I could do better.
Ah, but the Pit of Despair and I are best friends now. I've sent pictures from the Pit, all featuring me with an absolutely humorless, rictus grin, which does make me wonder why no one else has noticed yet. I have a timeshare in the Pit of Despair. I spend some time there every six months or so, standing in the middle of my impossibly overgrown, dingy garden, and thinking to myself, how did I get here? how do I get out?
And then, as though endurance isn't enough...then your timeshare in the Pit ends. You emerge in the daylight and immediately forget how grey and hopeless that garden was, the weirdly stained, collapsing furniture in the corner and the crooked yellowing plants and that mean laughter you could sometimes hear over the sounds of waving grass. You think to yourself: that will never happen again! I am free! I am cured!
(This will feel so much worse, the next time you're shoved back into the stupid garden.)
That said, I don't think you're going to like my answer to your next question. This is because I don't like my answer; unfortunately, it remains the only answer I have to this question.
I think having some unsettled sorrow, just a touch of existential despair, is the best we can hope to do in this life.
I think that with both rueful humor and deep, deep disgust, which is typically the combo I bring to musings about being a person. Of course it's a little funny---look at the monkey, it's got anxiety!---and of course it's also frustrating, unspeakable outside of bitter cursing, a problem that will not be fixed because quite frankly it's built too deeply into us to be cut out cleanly and thrown away.
(Look at the fucking monkey, you can tell yourself through gritted teeth, standing in that horrible garden with weeks of dirty dishes in the sink and an inbox of emails and friends blowing up your phone with plans you hate to even think about. It's got anxiety.)
I do not have a cure for this. I manage it with the same sort of humor and ruefulness and bitterness that I mentioned above---I don't beat myself up anymore, when I realize I'm standing in the horrible garden again. I know it too well. Sometimes it has an okay wifi connection? I watch some movies. I get done what I can, and forgive myself the rest. I have been here before; I will get out again. I just need to be patient.
Once I'm out, there will be a whole world, I know there will---full of music I haven't heard before and stories that won't make me cringe and emails I will respond to with ease and conversations where I can be light, amusing even. There is a world beyond the Pit. There is always a world beyond the Pit, I just can't find my way back sometimes.
In the meantime, I take another terrible picture in front of the stained furniture, and caption it "Hello from the Pit!!!" with a bunch of exclamation points to indicate that it's a joke, even though it isn't.
I wait.
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eevees-hobbies · 8 months ago
Hello my beloved. I know you are very backed on requests but I am thinking perverted thoughts rn and wanted to share. I am thinking about Suo’s girlfriend. And how he likes to share her with his friends. How do you think the Furin boys would each react getting 1 minute each with the her/1 minute each to get her to cum. And how do you think Suo would react?
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Author’s Note: Hey, Violet! Thanks for letting me continue the, “Suo and his girlfriend are kinda kinky” universe thing I got going on! I love your mind for even thinking about something so torturous! I know I could have made this into a thirst, but you know I’m always on my bullshit.
Content Warning: Fem!Reader experiences Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, and Toma Hiragi but separately and in different ways :) Sexual activities with an audience (i.e. your boyfriend). Girlfriend sharing. Edging. Fingering. Singular Mention of Breeding. Cursing. Teasing. Suo’s turned on, and I fear for you but that’s for part two for another day. Minors Don’t Interact.
Word Count: 2.9K
Divider by Saradika. Banner by me.
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“Isn’t the game called ‘7 Minutes in Heaven?’” You growl through clenched teeth.
The scene set forth in front of you would be considered absurd and debauched by ordinary standards—but you and your boyfriend, Suo, are anything but ordinary. 
A melody of skin slapping against skin, groaning wood straining under the weight of bodies, and primal grunts are the only sounds that echo through the open space you all occupy.
Suo, Nirei, Sakura, and yourself are on the empty roof that houses Umemiya’s garden with only each other and the various plants bearing witness to your sins. You’re panting as you straddle Sakura in a simple, wooden chair commonly used to keep the rooftop door ajar. His hands are gripping the love handles of your pelvis as he pistons his hips upward into your sopping wet–but abused–cunt.
Suo is standing nearby with a stopwatch—his choice of instrument serves as dramatic flair since the timer on his phone would be far more convenient. His eyes dart between the descending countdown displayed on the electronic watch face and back to you, the woman who holds his obsession and love.
He can’t help but think of you as beautiful in this moment, his eyes crawling all over every exposed inch of your naked body as you engage in a lurid affair with Sakura. 
His eyes flicker to various parts of you that have him entranced; his friend's dick continuously impaling your pussy, and the way you’re hanging on to Sakura for dear life as he fucks you with one mission in mind: to win. And the stakes have never been higher. The prize for whoever can make you cum gets to fuck you however they want, for however long, and cum inside of you. That prize? All your idea.
Oh, right, you had asked a question. 
“Yes, you’re right. The game is commonly called 7 Minutes in Heaven, but did you really want Sakura to fuck you for seven agonizingly long minutes, Dove? He can’t even make you cum now.”
Sakura, emboldened by Suo’s words, grits his teeth and thrusts into you harder. His thighs are burning from the continuous motion, but he refuses to think about it—no pain, no gain, or whatever they say. His increased intensity makes you bounce faster and grip his shoulders so you don’t tumble out of the rickety, wooden chair. 
Sakura sucks in as much air as his lungs will allow to fight off the looming and genuine threat of passing out. “H-how much time do I got?”
At that moment, Suo presses a button on the stopwatch.  “Times up! Nirei, would you like to try again?” 
Sakura goes limp in the chair, and your body sits flush against him, hilting his hard dick within yourself, so very close to the spot that would have made your eyes water if he had taken a different approach to his strokes. 
Suo shoots you his notorious closed-mouthed smile in the interim of Sakura trying to wrangle his heartbeat and Nirei trying to find his courage. Who knew his dove was so good at getting fucked by his friends? 
You huff, and your body shakes, but adrenaline and spite keep you from showing any other signs that you might be tapping out soon. 
Truth be told, you’re fucking tired. You’ve been going at this for ten minutes without even so much as a single orgasm. And ten minutes may not sound like a long time, but ten minutes of start-and-stop action has you feeling so frustrated that you might grab the nearest boy by the neck and throw them off the roof. 
Five minutes between Sakura and Nirei, and neither can make your body writhe and coil into absolute fucked out bliss? It’s maddening. It’s pathetic. It’s—Fuck, maybe Suo’s touch has ruined you.
Nirei, despite feeling like this is a losing game, can’t refuse the opportunity to have a turn with you again. He can admit that his first few attempts were lackluster; chivalry got the best of him, and he only ended up kissing you, hands shyly playing with your breasts with his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
And while the experiences were good for him—so good that he has tucked the memory away for those especially frustrating lonesome nights—he hung his head in shame as Sakura and Suo snickered to themselves when the watch signaled that his time was up.
“D-don’t start the clock yet! She’s still on top of Sakura,” he whines as he looks back at Suo.
Sakura lifts you off his dick, allowing you to shimmy away so he can remove himself from the chair.
Nirei approaches the hot seat again, determined to give it his all. Still, as he walks past Sakura, his eyes finally connect with yours—those beautiful eyes that say you’ll eat him whole and then regurgitate him back up because he isn’t worth your time—and he almost turns around. 
“Fuck, why is this so hard,” Sakura grumbles; his tone is more accusatory than you think is fair, considering that you’re the one who’s suffering the most. 
How is his inability to make you cum your fault? You return the same scowl he’s giving you.“Don’t blame me, Sakura! Your technique needs some work.”
“Tch. Not my fault you’re broken.” Sakura folds his arms over his chest. 
“Now, now, don’t fight, kids. Nirei wants a turn again.”
As you sit back in Nirei’s lap, he looks at you, golden-brown eyes shining, and you almost feel bad for him that this was probably his first time being so intimate with a woman, but the thought seems inconsequential as he looks up at you as though you’ve blessed him personally just by sitting naked in his lap. 
“C-can I suck your nipples?” 
You smile and lean into him until your lips are against the blonde's ear, “you can do whatever you want to me, cutie.”
Nirei’s thighs immediately clamp shut, and his hands shoot to your waist and squeeze you, a low, shakey whimper passing beyond his lips.
Suo laughs incredulously, “Did she almost make you cum? You better watch that pretty tongue of hers; it can set you off if you aren’t careful. Time starts now.”
With the added vigor of someone who has something to prove, Nirei’s mouth latches onto your nipple and suckles. And sure, it feels okay, but it could feel sooooooo much better. 
“You can suck harder, Nirei, it’s ok.”
Suo raises his eyebrow at your instruction. He knew you were enjoying this, but helping them win? Devious. 
Nirei gets more aggressive with the sensitive bud in his mouth, his teeth rolling it around until it perks up and hardens between them. You let out an intentionally dramatic, sensual moan while making direct eye contact with Suo.
You begin to rock your hips against Nirei, dragging your wet cunt against the pitched tent in his boxers, “Oh, Nirei, that feels amazing, baby.”
The blonde moans, his brow furrowing with a mouthful of breast and his cock painfully hard for you. 
You run your hands through his hair and arch your back, his jaw practically needing to dislocate to take your entire tit into his mouth. But god is he determined to cover every last inch of your breasts in his saliva; his hand reaches up, and grabs a fistful of your ass and squeezes.
Suo’s eyes narrow at your attempt to get a reaction out of him. He almost feels bad for Nirei, but not that bad since the lucky bastard had a massive tent in his underwear.
“Times up.”
Your head snaps up, suddenly brought out of whatever the fuck was happening right now, “I didn’t hear the timer go off?”
“Too busy enjoying yourself, I suppose,” Suo offers a simple shrug as though he didn’t just crush Nirei’s dreams.
You open your mouth in protest but are quickly stopped by an unmistakable sound: the door leading to the rooftop scraping against the floor as it’s pushed open.
You all, including Suo, share a panicked look. 
“What in the hell is going on here?”
Hiragi pauses as his eyes land on the four of you. “W-what?” 
He’s taking it all in—you, naked as the day you were brought into this world, surrounded by Suo and Sakura as you dry hump Nirei.
Hiragi immediately turns around to shield his eyes from your nudity, but that doesn’t stop his booming voice from sounding any less imposing. 
“Someone better explain, now!”
The boys glance at each other, sharing silent glances, willing the other to speak first. 
You sigh and speak up, “We’re playing a game. Whoever can make me cum in one minute gets, um..a prize.”
“Aren’t you all too old to be doing something so ridiculous??”
You all blink because that sounded rhetorical?
“And why on the roof?!”
Ok, that was a question that requires a response. 
Suo shrugs, “it was unlocked, and Umemiya is on vacation. I mean, this was spontaneous and started harmless.” 
You glance at the stopwatch in Suo’s hand which is still blinking at 0:00 on the screen. Spontaneous? What a liar.
“We weren’t planning-“
Hiragi holds his hand in the air, “Stop! Talking! How do we get you idiots off the roof?”
You can see the cogs turning in Suo’s head—of course, he would love this—it’s right up his depraved alley. Suo’s eyes travel over to yours, and a wicked smile spreads across his face, “Make Y/N cum.” 
And despite how batshit crazy this is, you swallow thickly, bite your lip and give a nod.
Hiragi sighs, walking over to you while rubbing the bridge of his nose. He can’t help but pity you as he looks past his fingers. Your eyes are practically rabid, obviously chasing an orgasm that Sakura and Nirei can’t give you. 
But damn, you look good like this. Hair plastered to your forehead, lips, and nipples swollen from all the abuse, eyes churning with something that makes him wary but turned on at the same time; you look too good to be left like this. 
Hell, you look good enough to breed.
Fuck, Toma, focus. 
Hiragi can’t believe he’s considering doing this—putting his hands on someone else’s girlfriend on top of a roof in front of the idiots he used to mentor. 
But the more he lists the reasons he shouldn’t be doing this, the more likely he’s to talk himself out of this, and god, does he not want to talk himself out of it. “One minute?”
“One minute,” you and Suo say in unison.
Suo has never had a problem with sharing you—with stipulations. He likes sharing you with his friends; they can’t even fathom how voracious you truly are. Your body is so conditioned to his touch that it takes a considerable amount of technique to make you cum—let alone truly reach that sexual high he often gives you. 
And you may wonder, “what does Suo get out of this?” It has nothing to do with Sakura or Nirei; it has everything to do with the fact that when you come back to him, so desperate to cum, that you’re practically clawing at his clothes, begging him to mercilessly use your greedy little cunt. 
And he’s certainly never been intimidated by Sakura or Nirei because they didn’t know they were in over their heads when they took on this challenge, but Hiragi? Hiragi might be a problem. 
You, however? You can feel your clit twitching at the idea of Toma Hiragi, the Heavenly King Toma Hiragi, attempting to get you to cum in one minute. And just like Suo, something tells you he can do it. 
“Show me how you’ve fingered girls at those metal shows you go to, Hiragi.”
And there you go, right out the fucking gate. 
“That’s…you have a mouth on you.”
“She does,” Suo chimes in, his gaze dreamy as he can’t help agreeing aloud.
“Fucking match made in heaven with you two then. Start the clock.”
Nirei, who was trying to be as invisible as possible, flails under you. “G-guys, I’m still under her?!”
“Don’t worry. I won’t need long.”
And it’s that self-confidence—Hiragi’s confidence in his ability to make you cream in the palm of his hand that was the start of your undoing. 
Suo begins the timer, and Hiragi’s hand glides in between your thighs, two fingers already zeroing in on your sensitive clit and rubbing the fleshy bud with wide, quick circles. He watches intensely as your mouth goes slack and your eyes roll back immediately. 
It’s almost funny; he doesn’t know how long you’ve all been on the roof, but whatever the boys were doing to you obviously wasn’t working. He can tell by how wound-tight you are; being teased over and over with no release is torture, and the way your hips are bucking against two of his fingers pressed against your clit remain a clear indication that you were tired of that edging bullshit. 
Your eyes go wide, and your core immediately tightens; you haven’t felt this good since this morning when Suo had you cumming on his fingers in the shower, which feels like eons ago. 
“Filthy mouth but a sweet pussy,” Hiragi mumbles as he uses his other hand to dip two fingers inside of you. You buck your hips and let out a moan that practically sounds like a laugh because fuck, finally, some dirty talk!
“Mmm, the sweetest pussy, Hiragi. Wanna taste?”
The corner of his lip twitches upward. Who the fuck is this forward girl? Have you always been like this, and he hadn't noticed? 
“We only have a minute, babe, and I’d much rather take my time treating you right. Maybe another time.”
Your pussy is gulping at his fingers, sucking them in so good for him. He can only imagine the way you’d gulp down his dick, and it makes his cock strain against his skinny jeans. 
“You needed this, huh, baby girl?”
“Needed this so baaaad!” You’re bouncing back onto Hiragi’s fingers, his large frame standing near you so you don’t feel like the chair could topple over. And fuck, even if it did, you’d climb back on his fingers and ride them right on the ground if you had to.
Nirei, still pinned beneath you as Hiragi finger fucks you, lets out a small yelp as your breasts bounce in his face.
“N-no interference.” Suo’s voice is low as he watches you fuck Hiragi’s fingers. Something in his brain is firing off on all cylinders. As he watches your face contort into pleasure, eyes closed and mouth in the cutest ‘o’ shape, he can’t help but grunt as his dick begins to ache. He so desperately wishes it were his fingers you were slutting out on. 
Hiragi continues to pump his thick fingers into your cunt, “You boys did a good job, but sometimes it takes a special touch to get them over the edge, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
You’re practically mewling as Hiragi rubs your slick bundle of nerves, your pussy squeezing around his digits as your cunt personally thanks him for stuffing you full. 
“There she is. There’s the spot, right baby girl? Look at you dripping like a fucking faucet.”
He’s not even pulling his hand back enough to fully pull his fingers out, they’re buried so deeply inside you, and he’s pushing into you so hard, and fast you can feel his knuckles against your cunt’s lips. 
You dig your nails into Nirei’s shoulder as Hiragi’s words and expert touch finally careen you over the edge. Clear droplets ooze down his hand and wrist, splattering onto Nirei’s thigh. And as Hiragi removes his finger, the remnants of your clear cum that were being plugged in by his fingers drip down like honey cascading from a honeycomb.
Nirei shives, “O-oh god.”
Sakura suddenly shouts, out of breath for some reason, “Not fair! We did all the work!”
Hiragi eyes your drooling pussy one last time, hoping to commit the sight of it to memory in case he never gets the chance to look at it again.“Get off the roof, idiots.”
As Hiragi walks towards the door, Suo’s eyes can’t stop looking at the thick cream coating his fingers and palm. As Hiragi lifts the digits to his mouth, licking them clean before descending down the stairs, Suo feels his jaw clench. He’s not upset that you just came on Hiragi’s hands; no, he’s upset that something so mouth-wateringly precious to him isn’t on his tongue. 
While you catch your breath from the orgasm, the stopwatch beeps, signaling that Hiragi–who is already out of sight–won.
Nirei lifts your arm so he can slide out from underneath you. “I-I’m going to leave, guys,” he turns to you and gives you an awkward bow. “T-thank you for letting me, uh..”
Sakura clamps a hand down on his shoulder. “Just stop.” 
As they get dressed and leave, you also begin to gather your clothes; you stop as your hand reaches for your panties, which are strung across a tomato plant. The air feels unmistakably tense, and you understand why as you look over your shoulder. 
Suo is using the chair to jam the roof of the door closed. “You and I aren’t done here. Put those panties on and you’ll regret it.”
And the way his ruby-toned eye is looking at you, you believe him. 
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minkdelovely · 9 months ago
love and power
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chapter ten: part one
“i won’t die for love
but ever since i met you,
you could have my heart
and i would break it for you.”
Alastor x Fem!Reader ; MDNI 18+ ; [y/n] used sparingly ; Alias in Hell is Sylvie
tags/warnings: vibes are not good y’all — it’s a blizzard in this here hotel 🥶 angst, crying, descriptions of sadness/loneliness, valentino mention lol, alcohol abuse and drug usage, mentions of bruising and bite wound recovery, power dynamics
word count: 5.8k
author’s note: okay, i was really hoping to have this all completed today but between some family obligations and graduations i didn’t have all the time i wanted to wrap this up in one go. but i really couldn’t keep this to myself anymore — i am so desperate to share what i have ready for you. i am still hacking away at the rest but for now, please accept part one of this finale with my gratitude and love 🙏🏻💖 @hazelfoureyes & @sugoi-writes come and get it my darlings ❤️‍🔥
prelude ; chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four ; chapter five ; chapter six ; chapter seven ; chapter eight ; chapter nine ; chapter ten: part one ; chapter ten: part two
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The week that passed was long. Undoubtedly the way weeks in Hell were supposed to feel — grueling and bleak, devoid of joy. Hours passing like decades, leaving its casualties wrung out and aged.
Despite the rift only being between the two of you, it was felt by everyone in the hotel. Much to their misfortune, neither of you were spending hardly (if any) time in your rooms. No one knew exactly why, of course, but understood well enough to suffer in silence and bear the brunt for now. The weight of what transpired hanging in the air of whichever room either of you entered. 
Yours took the form of an icy draft, reminiscent of past winters that could only be felt again here in a manner such as this. Wandering the halls of the hotel, save for one, like a specter. Leaving sinners in your wake grateful once you had finally passed through; the natural heat of Hell returning in your absence to soothe their frostbite as if apologizing on your behalf.
And if your melancholy was that of a cold wind, Alastor’s was the storm that bore it. Blustering and wild in its unpredictability, an exposed nerve waiting for a catalyst. Always he was in the eye of it. Not even knowing himself which direction it may take — malice, apathy, vengeance — but claiming victims nonetheless, despite his efforts to maintain his air of refinement around the hotel. The hairline cracks in his guise couldn’t help but leak.
Even Niffty was proceeding with caution; not daring to climb the length of his body as she so often did without care. She had only made one attempt in the interim of the argument and had yet to fully recover from the murderous glare Alastor had threatened her with. His tense, bloody smile was still the first thing she saw when she closed her eyes at night. But she was warming up to it.
Husk was particularly displeased with the whole affair, having to deal with each of you as you took turns sulking at the bar in between bouts of sucking the life out of anyone you passed. Something had to be done about it. Not only for his whiskey supply, but he just also wished Alastor would mope somewhere else. And there was no telling which mood he would be in by the time he was ready to go back upstairs. Making it dangerous for anyone still roaming around in the late hours of the night. 
Asking Alastor about what was wrong was a dead end, and thankfully no one was naive enough to try. But you were still so despondent, nursing your drinks at one of the booths in a dark corner of the bar, that no one dared approach you yet. Though Angel was getting close. In fact, an idea was forming in his mind right now as he watched you sulking from his usual seat at the counter. 
“I can’t fuckin’ take much more’a this,” he grumbled lowly to Husker, frowning over his drink. “It’s startin’ to rub off on me! I’ve been infected.” His histrionic expression of woe only mildly overdone.
It really was wearing on him, as much as he tried not to let it. But between the atmosphere at the studio and now this… Angel could only be so resilient. Though he did his best to ensure it wasn’t bleeding into his work. Not an easy feat, especially when he thought back to that weird voicemail he got from Valentino about a week ago. 
Tell our little Sylvie I said ‘you’re welcome’ — God knows she really fucking needed it. Such a repressed thing… really wish I could have kept her longer.
The implication had actually made Angel lose sleep. Even knowing that Alastor had been with you, when it came to Val the possibilities were endless. And clearly whatever he instigated between you and Alastor had ended in disaster. Angel hadn’t relayed the message, of course. Nor had he given Valentino even a hint of what was going on at the hotel, much to his chagrin. He’d sooner face the Exorcists again than give Val the satisfaction, and it was fun being able to piss him off, whatever the consequence. Still…
“Have you tried talk—”
“Not a fuckin’ chance,” Husk said definitively, an unimpressed look on his face. “I ain’t gettin’ mixed up in this shit. The less I know about what’s going on between the two of ’em, the better.” He shuddered just at the thought.
Angel sighed, but understood Husk’s resistance to the idea as he obviously wasn’t prepared to try and speak to the Radio Demon about it himself. Getting a peak behind Alastor’s curtain was an intriguing, but ultimately deadly, risk — especially for the bartender. Meaning there was only one way out. 
He glanced back over his shoulder at you, taking in the distant look in your eyes as you absently played with the two small straws in your glass. Feeling resolved, Angel downed what was left of his drink and gave Husk a quick wish me luck before walking over. 
“All right, doll face, you’re comin’ with me. We’re overdue for a gab sesh,” Angel said, leaning over the table to grab your drink. His tone of voice was kind, though a little irked, and left no room for argument. “It’s uh… about that time anyway,” he added softly, offering a hand to help you out of the booth when you didn’t move.
That time… There was no need for him to say more; you knew Alastor was coming down here after you went up to your room for the night. Was it getting that late already? The bar didn’t have windows so it was impossible to tell how long you had been sitting there in the dark, counting only the number of drinks you consumed. Four wasn’t too bad. Yesterday it had been more. Maybe almost double. But it was hard to remember.
You took his hand and scooted yourself out of the corner, grateful to feel someone holding you steady again. It nearly brought you to tears in your drunken state, but you managed to blink them back and focused on the impending journey to the elevators. All your concentration going to your feet as your arm gripped his for support, which he didn’t falter in providing. Angel had plenty of experience in this, after all. You weren’t the first drunk he had helped home and you wouldn’t be the last.
A chill ran through you as you crossed the lobby. When you looked over your shoulder you could’ve sworn you saw a shadow flitting across the carpet… but it was gone as soon as you blinked.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Husk groaned as Alastor materialized at the stool he’d adopted at the bar counter — dead center, wouldn’t you know it. Muttering to himself about how Angel had just barely rid him of one problem only to be replaced with an even bigger one; turning to the shelf behind him to grab the whiskey he already knew the son-of-a-bitch wanted. 
“Quit your bitching and just give me the bottle,” Alastor grumbled, rubbing at his temples as Husk unceremoniously obeyed. Slamming it down in front of his keeper and earning a tight, unamused look in response. “Bastard…”
“Never said I wasn’t,” Husk scoffed as he set down an accompanying drinking glass. Amused by the display of decorum Alastor subjected himself to, as if he wasn’t about to drown himself in liquor for the fifth night in a row. 
It was starting to catch up to him, though Husk wouldn’t dream of letting him know. It was obvious if you looked at the Overlord long enough, which most people didn’t. And they were smart not to. 
Husk, however, had no choice other than to spend hours hanging around the otherwise empty bar waiting for Alastor to finish sinking his sorrows bottle after bottle. So finding the tells was inevitable. Dark circles under worn eyes, a few hairs out of place. Counterfeit smile reaching a level of mania the bartender would have thought impossible before this week. 
But that was none of his business.
Alastor ignored him then, pulling the cork out of the bottleneck before pouring into his glass and downing it with a single swallow. He repeated this two more times before deciding to pace himself.
It didn’t take passing you in the lobby to know you had been here. Your scent permeated the room, mingling with liquor and tobacco, smelling closer now to cyanide than your usual floral almond and cherry; surpassing the bitterness Alastor had ever assumed it could reach. He detested how much he enjoyed it, especially when it was hanging fresh in the air as it was now, though he didn’t know whether it was an outward or inner loathing. The aromatics of the bar helped cut through the ache. Made it tolerable. But…
“It smells awful in here,” Alastor sighed bitterly. Eyes faraway as he let his nose hover over the glass before taking another sip. 
If he said it out loud it could be true.
About as awful as you fuckin’ look, Husk thought to himself before casually responding, “Well this is a bar in Hell. None of ’em smell like roses.”
Alastor merely hummed in response; a disconnected sound. Most likely the last sound the bartender would manage to get out of the Overlord for the rest of the night. 
It wouldn’t be wise for Husk to let on that he knew exactly what Alastor meant by the smell, but he did agree. That was part of the reason he was getting to the end of his rope with the both of you. Although you kept to yourself, the scent you were emitting was harsh and it lingered. Husk was beginning to wonder if it had actually started seeping into the wallpaper.
As difficult as it was to stay neutral, especially since he could understand certain aspects of your plight, getting involved was simply too dangerous. He thought he had a good grasp on his keeper’s moods and behavior, but this was all new territory. Tread lightly.
And so, he reserved himself to suffering through your poisoned aroma and Alastor’s moods. Hoping to whatever benevolent entity that could hear his silent pleas that Angel Dust would manage a breakthrough.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You were sitting crossed-legged on Angel’s bed as he rummaged through his specially made walk-in closet. Doing your best to fight off the sleep that was beginning to weigh on your eyelids, but it was a test of will that you were rapidly losing. The temptation to lay down and nestle yourself into the comfortable pink pillows and duvet growing stronger with each passing second. 
Angel must have been able to tell when he finally emerged, turning on some music to a volume that was just loud enough you couldn’t dismiss it as background noise before revealing a joint from behind his back with a flourish.
“Ta-da! Those bitches really think they got the last of it, but they’ll never find my break in case of emergency stash,” he mused with pride, nearly jumping on the bed to wake you up. 
He wasted no time in lighting a match from a pack on his nightstand, igniting the paper and taking a couple hits until a sufficient burn was glowing in a thin line of red. At which point he passed it to you, exhaling with a turn of his head. So polite.
This was far from your first time, but it had been a while since you last done this with a friend. You opted for a long drag and held in the smoke, nearly sighing as you felt the drug kick in after a second. Welcoming the warm, floating feeling in your head with a lazy smile as you emptied your lungs.
Angel whistled, impressed. “Not even the tiniest cough! My kinda gal. We shoulda done this ages ago.”
You nodded your head, passing it back to him as you laid down; sinking into the plush pillows with a hum. He followed suit, taking another hit and blowing the smoke your way with a teasing look on his face. You couldn’t help but giggle, both from the high and Angel’s comforting presence. Time passed for a while this way, taking turns with the joint and listening to music. Little laughing fits when you made eye contact for too long or muttered Val’s hat. Cuddling with his darling little pet pig, Fat Nuggets.
But once you had taken the last drag there was a shift. He was staring at you, waiting with the most open and soft face. The question on it the one you could no longer avoid. So what happened?
It took all you had not to cry. In fact, you were amazed at the capacity of tears your body had rendered over the past week. How could there still be any more left to give? But there was. At this point you weren’t sure whether they were coming from a place of anger, shame, or heartbreak. When it came to Alastor, you found your emotions had chasms deeper than you ever conceived. And they were more oppressive the further you went.
“Valentino didn’t tell you anything?”
Angel shook his head and made a face, landing somewhere between exhaustion and exasperation. “Sort of. You know how those fuckers like to play their little games. He keeps waitin’ for me to say somethin’, but I prefer to watch him squirm.”
Though you worried for him and hoped some part of Alastor’s deal held up in his favor, starting there would be a good place to start; leading him through the whole affair at the penthouse that you were present for. Not missing the sad look in Angel’s eyes when you finally got around to Valentino licking your neck. 
When you began to tell him about what happened once you got back to the hotel his eyes went wide. The scandalized scoff and I can’t fucking believe you sparkle in his eyes made you blush before you both erupted in a cackle, a form of pride shining through storm clouds of melancholy. You knew he would have burning questions and answered them as they came up.
Is he big? Yes.
Rough? No, until he was. 
Maybe even just a tad over. There were still some decent bruises to show for it. On top of which, the bite was taking a little longer to heal than expected…
You were snapped back by Angel’s next question.
Was it good? …the best. In fact, had you ever experienced that in life you would’ve found yourself here immediately after.
The last one had you both squealing. But he could see the tears blurring your eyes afterward, holding your hands as you continued. From waking up in his bed that evening, what happened in it, all the way through the fight the following morning.
“Fuck,” he sighed, the empathy on his face threatening to make you break down all over again. “Would you have done it without the pheromones?” 
Your lips quivered a bit, and you let out a shaky breath as you fought to remain composed before answering with a nod. “But he wouldn’t have… and now…”
The sob that followed took you by force, fueled by the loneliness you’ve been losing battles to all week. Angel hushed you when you tried to apologize, holding your hands until you were done. He left you momentarily to get you tissues and returned in pajamas; a box and large t-shirt in hand.
You took them, going for the tissues first. Turning away to clean your face and blow your nose. It was not a bodily function you ever cared for, so of course it was something you still had to deal with in Hell. Afterward you undressed and put on the oversized shirt, immediately feeling much better by the time you rejoined Angel in your former positions.
“Keep goin’,” he said, shifting some pillows to get more comfortable. “We gotta get this off that sweet chest’a yours.”
“Are you sure…? I don’t wanna bum you out too much.” 
He waved his hand, and raised his eyebrows. The expectant look on his face practically shouting get on with it. You put a hand up in defeat and exhaled.
“I just… wish he would let me leave, you know? Even though I can’t imagine not being here with you and everyone else but… I can barely make it to the garden before I start to feel the tug.” Your hand went up to your throat as you swallowed. 
You hadn’t meant to, but you didn’t mention the chain during your recall of the fight. He would understand, you knew, but… you kept it to yourself. It was hard to reason why. All you knew was that for now, it wasn’t something you wanted anyone to know about.
“He’s got me trapped here and I swear it’s like I can feel him all the time even though we’ve been avoiding each other all week,” you bemoaned, squeezing your eyes shut to fight back another wave of tears. The look on Angel’s face told you all you needed to know when you opened them again. He knew. “Is it bad that I miss him? I’m… fucking mad at him too, but… I miss him more than I thought I would…”
It was a painful admission, but an honest one. 
Angel wiped a stray tear from your cheek before running his fingers through your hair. Sighing before he said, just above a whisper, “No. It’s not bad that you miss him. But you know it’s…,” he sighed again searching for the right words. An almost tired look on his face. “Guys like them… they think they can just treat us like toys. But we ain’t. Alastor might be pissed off now but it’s only a matter of time before he’ll want you for something. That’s how it works.”
He practically spat the word out, voice rising slightly with indignant fire. 
“I can’t say I know what he’s thinkin’ — no one understands that mind’a his. But he’s been… different since the fight. We all thought he was startin’ to come around! I think you’ve been a nice little distraction.”
The pinch to your cheek was a welcome dose of levity, and your chest bloomed with warmth at the sight of Angel’s mischievous face. Though his eyes were still a bit somber as his mouth relaxed into a soft smile.
“I guess what I’m tryin’ to say is, as long as you know what you want and what you’re gettin’ into… No one here would think any less of you for it. There’s only so much you can do. I know.”
You let the words sink in as you wriggled closer to him, sighing a thank you into the comforting fluff of his chest as his arms wrapped around you. Not that you needed permission, but his blessing and understanding of your feelings carried a weight you weren’t sure he fully realized. The sun breaking through the clouds.
Angel played with your hair as the two of you changed topics, talking aimlessly about other things going on around the hotel that you had been too tired to notice. Gossiping and laughing until sleep finally crept up on you. For the first time in a week, your dreams had been light and kind. Dancing with static, familiar red eyes, and a radiant fanged smile.
Oblivious to the idea that was hatching in Angel’s mind as you fell asleep, the glint in his eye was wicked and determined. Overlords weren’t the only ones who knew how to play games.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Days of the week didn’t hold the same kind of power in Hell as they did on Earth. But for the first time in years Alastor found himself growing impatient for evening’s approach. Akin to an itch, there had been a persistent irritation running through him. Something he managed to push to his feet at first but was steadily crawling up, leaving pinpricks of restlessness it its wake.
The nervousness was finding outlets in peculiar ways. Mindlessly shaking his leg for unknowable amounts of time, snapping pencils as he tried to focus on work. Clothes strewn about his room like the vines that adorned the radio tower.
Weekends weren’t a concept that existed here, and even if they did, they would mean quite little to the Overlord as his work was never finished. Splitting time between his duties to the hotel and his radio segments kept him more than occupied. Well… when he wanted them too, at least. He had been letting the side down these past couple weeks. Following his flights of fancy was one of the lingering pieces of his humanity that refused to leave him even after all this time. In fact, it was a trait that found more enabling here than it ever had in life.
All of this to say, Alastor didn’t place significance in time or days of the week unless there was an event or some tiresome chore tied to it. 
Tonight was one of those times. 
Charlie and Vaggie had gathered the residents yesterday to announce that they had a surprise planned — a Friday night out, since the pair had missed it the last time due to their appointment in Heaven. Alastor had been listening from the banister a few floors up, watching as everyone reacted with relative enthusiasm. Except for you.
Had he not heard the words with his own ears, he’d have thought you’d been told you were attending a funeral. This hadn’t been the first time he’d eavesdropped on the daily activities gathering, but it was the first time he’d had his interest peaked. Not because he was concerned with you going out — you weren’t allowed that right now. And knew it.
Watching you squirm was something he’d never tire of. It was a subtle tell, which is why Alastor appreciated it. Just a touch of additional tension between your brows and a fiddling of fingers. That perpetual pout and concentrated look in your eyes were distracting enough to maintain focus, easily deterring others from picking up on your nervous fidgeting.
Still marinating in the bitterness of the week, it brought him a keen satisfaction seeing you struggle to think up an excuse as to why you couldn’t join them on their evening out. Would you blame it on him? Or put it upon yourself? 
“I hope you all have a great time! But I think I’ll hang back… I’d hate to be the sad drunk at the sex club.”
Is that what the establishment Consent was? 
If Alastor hadn’t already shortened your leash, he would have done it now. Not even realizing his claws had dug into the bannister until he felt the recoil when he tried to walk away. An irritated growl reverberating in his throat as the heat of his shortened temper fogged his mind. So he melted into shadow to retreat back to the privacy of his room to let off steam.
And so, Friday evening had plagued him ever since. The hotel now empty save for the two of you.
It was a thought that shouldn’t have riled him up the way it did. He was still rather cross with you for instigating that fight, after all. You had laid misery at his feet and he’d be remiss to not return the favor. It had been warranted.
The intention of isolating you from him was supposed to be your punishment, but had somehow become his as well. It was infuriating. Another example of how his plans of late continued to backfire and leave him scrambling to figure out a clean escape.
It hadn’t come to him as easily this time. Drowning his agitation in liquor, hours of pointless gardening in his sanctuary just to keep his hands busy. Listlessly sitting at the bench of his piano, staring at the keys with hesitant hands. Any music he did manage to play, while passionate, was acrid and only further soured his mood. The bitter notes mingling in the air with what was left of your scent. Mocking.
He felt now very much the same as he had right after the battle with Heaven, recovering from the ghastly wound Adam had landed on him. Alone. Made aimless in recovery. Back to square one. 
Alastor’s antlers branched out at the memory, a snarl on his lips as he paced through trees and shrubbery. It was a low point he thought he’d never suffer again, yet here he was. A sulking menace, same as you.
Despite best efforts, he had combed over the fight more times than he could count these last few days. Which of his actions had mislead you to such a conclusion that the copulation had been nothing but a game? Is that the kind of man you took him for? His blood burned again at the very notion, eyes radiating with such a heat he couldn’t believe the grass in its wake hadn’t shriveled from it.
He had taken advantage of your offer, but his desire to have you was something he had already been struggling with. Was that not apparent in how hard he fought to maintain a gentle touch? At least until he couldn’t? Even if your docile face hadn’t told him how needed that was, it was something he could feel. And something he more than willing to indulge. He had always been a hunter.
But his hand had been forced that time, and that was something he couldn’t forgive. No matter your willingness to participate nor the pleasure he had felt in claiming your body. 
The second time…
That had been his decision. Though your laugh was the trigger. 
Alastor wasn’t lying when he said he thought you didn’t know how. Yet there it was, hiding in your chest, those sweet chords of mirth falling from your mouth with a nonchalance that was almost offensive. Your lips turned up in an equally rare display, eyes sparkling in his partially lit room as you sat in his bed, bundled up in his housecoat.
It haunted him now.
But in the moment, his mind had gone blank, so surprised by the honest show of emotion from you. He himself was prone to a more orchestrated laugh, so he knew. It had been real. You had laughed for him. Let him burrow just a little further into your soul that you kept so guarded, despite the fact that he owned it.
You were the goldfish enticing him behind your glass bowl as if he were a cat that was afraid to get wet. 
He wasn’t.
Honestly, he hadn’t planned to bed you again so soon. In fact, he had felt rather sated from the exploits of the afternoon, despite his reservations for how it came about; more than content to let you sleep while he read his book. Knowing you’d eventually be waking up from the pain of his bite, he kept you close. Glancing over every now and then between passages to look at your sleeping face.
Even in sleep those downturned lips of yours taunted him. He had even touched them. The plush softness under his thumb a sensation he didn’t think he’d enjoy as much as he did with a clear head. He watched as the knot in your brow melted away, the swell in his chest giving him little reason not to do it again. So he did. You looked so peaceful it almost made him want to join you, but he wasn’t ready to entertain that just yet. Eventually rewarded for his abstinence with being able to watch you come back to life, petulance and all. 
And then you laughed. 
Laughter was something he heard all the time around this fatuous hotel. And he had certainly heard more than his fair share of cackles. None of which had moved him. Well… 
Getting Husker to laugh for the first time was an accomplishment. Those were still hard to come by, despite the amount of time they’ve known each other.
But that had been a game Alastor was actively playing. He had never set out to make you laugh (even when he said he was). Being the spoilsport — childish but true — you were, you were too much fun to tease to put an effort into making you laugh.  
What a golden little sound it was; lighthearted but just incredulous enough to make his cock twitch. So… no. It hadn’t been the pheromones the second time.
He wanted that. He… enjoyed that. 
He still wanted that, though he didn’t fully understand why. You just seemed to… set something off in him. A difficult thing to articulate, as he hadn’t ever really felt something like it before. Not this acutely.
Possessiveness, sure. Alastor wasn’t ashamed to admit to that. Was it so wrong to want to hold tightly to what was so hard-earned? He had broken his back to gain the reputation he had, and would never regret the choices made to get here. Save for one. But that was beside the point. For now.
What he felt for you was different, again, just in a way he was unsure of. Not love… he wasn’t a boy. It was much too soon for a word like that. But there was certainly a longing… a fondness. 
It had been your scent that intrigued him at first. He had made his peace with that. Enjoyed his little games in testing how your mood would change it, which aided in his desire to wipe that frown off your face. A flash of how you looked laying beneath him came to the front of his mind then, and Alastor gave his head a harsh jerk to vanish it. Though it didn’t help clear the phantom echos of your cries and moans now ringing in his ears.
You had surrendered to him so completely, given him your trust so fully that afternoon that you even endured that ferocious bite with nothing but a scream into the pillows. Letting him claim you in the way he needed to in that moment was no small feat. But you did. He didn’t whisper apologies on a whim. You had earned it.
Irritation was building up in him again, a growl rumbling in his chest as his jaw tightened and antlers creaked with growth. But he persevered, continuing down his train of thought as his legs kept up their restless strides. It was the closest he had felt to something akin to clarity all week.
While he had definitely enjoyed fucking you, there was more to it than that. He wouldn’t have given himself to you in the first place if you hadn’t appealed to him in other ways leading up to it.
Rigidity, diligence, sullenness. Pride, even. 
Despite the more irksome traits, one thing he could always count on was that you would complete the tasks given to you well. A hard thing to come by in this godforsaken place.
But there was a fierceness hiding underneath that you refused to let loose, unless of course you were giving him attitude. That, in particular, drove him rather mad but he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed it. He had grown rather accustomed to navigating you in such a short span of time. It wasn’t lost on him that you had done the same.
You had shown him quite a few times how willing you were to accept even the harsher side of his moods. That evening in his room when Angel had told him about Valentino was a prime example. You had been absolutely terrified — something he was able to see on your face and smell — yet you still showed up the following morning. Impressing him, in a way, with the gall you had to actually enter his suite without permission. He would have chuckled at the memory if he wasn’t on the verge of punching something.
That morning had been the first time he took notice of how you went about cleaning his room, taking extra care with how you made his bed that he hardly ever slept in. So much wasted effort for the both of you, but Alastor didn’t regret it. Even though that bed had become the bane of his existence, mocking him any time he was in the room.
Why did you care so much? 
Irritation turned to anger at the thought, meaning he was on the right track. You were asking him the wrong questions the morning you fought, but you had been justified on some fronts. He had done nothing but push your buttons since bringing you here. Made you do pointless things just to see if you would and test how long he could get away with it before you snapped; purposeful choices made so that he could in turn punish you for being disobedient.
Not that his desire to punish you was your fault. It wasn’t. And if he was being honest, you hadn’t presented him many opportunities to do so anyway. Diligence.
He wanted to move past it, but he was still so twisted up about how everything happened with the battle against Adam and the Exorcists a few weeks ago. To the point where sometimes he wished Adam actually had taken him out. To be nothing but a discorporated soul clinging to life in some inanimate object, indulging in the peace of such an existence. No more fighting, no more posturing, no more leash. 
But he retreated before Adam could finish the job. His instinct to survive persevering once again. No… It was his ego, not his instinct, that had made that choice. Though if it hadn’t well… He wouldn’t have been able to go to Rosie’s that fated afternoon, would he? You were a burden he hadn’t wanted to undertake and had no choice but to. And yet you fit yourself into his routine as if you’d been tending to him for decades.
Why did you care so much?
Could you tell that he was struggling in the never-ending war against his own vanity? That he was dejected from losing a fight in what seemed like near self-sacrifice from the outside? Some part of you must have. Why else would you let him bully you, only to turn around and address his needs with a consistency that alarmed him. Let him prod and hold and touch you at his whim, much like the microphone that never left his side. 
Another loss he hadn’t recovered from. Its splintered form now buried at the base of a tree in his secondary room. The shame of seeing it lying around his suite or the radio tower while he failed to mend it too much to bear. A contemptuous symbol of who he was and what he had been reduced to.
He hadn’t even noticed that he was walking to your room before he was standing in front of the door. Alastor would be lying if he said he thought you would be the one to come to him.
You always took the wrong things to heart.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧     ✧     ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
tag list: @fairyv-ice, @wat4r, @midorichoco, @raynerrold, @krak-jj, @tremendoushearttaco, @redfoxwritesstuff, @chibistar45, @kaylopolis, @cutiebimbo, @lousypotatoes, @rfox1998, @cosmiccandydreamer, @stardustandbrimstone, @cherry-cola-100, @wonderlandangelsposts, @catticora, @velvette3, @sailorsmouth, @alastorthirsty, @reath-solia, @junieshohoho
192 notes · View notes
potato-frenzy · 5 months ago
"You can't keep food down....... because you can feel it digesting?" Ford speaks slowly, careful whilst folding wirey limbs up off the floor of the latrine. Eternally concerned at the way Bill's joints overextend in this shape, he wonders what the rationale in giving him such a dysfunctional body was. As far as he understands, this is meant to be part of his former friend's(possibly rekindled, he's not sure) rehabilitation. Perhaps navigating a less than ideal health situation is part of that? Or it could an adjustment period?
Bill remains dead weight, letting his head loll with an uncomfortable looking arch to his neck over Ford's arm. His voice sounding appropriately strangled as he speaks from such an awkward angle. "My brain apparently can't handle the awareness of such an inefficient breakdown of fuel........."
Ford sighs gruffly as he settles Bill back into the berth the formerly multidimensional being is occupying for the interim. Even in a solidly human form, there's still something uncanny, somehow slightly inhuman about Bill. The subtle glow of his sclera in the dim light of the cabin, the reactive slits to his pupils, joints that bend too far, etc. Even as he looks at him now, the curve of Bill's spine is hunched into a shape that is nearly exaggerated with his too long legs pulled to his chin. "Humans aren't generally aware of that particular process, my would be tyrant. Besides, you've nearly passed out just from standing up twice this week. If it weren't too risky, I'd convince Stan to let us drive into town to see a doctor."
Bill makes an unhappy sound that is nearly a growl, mostly a grumble, slightly a gurgle. The low light from the lantern on the wall plays across the shaggy blonde hair that this corporeal came with as it falls into those glowing eyes. Mere firefly light colored slits in the shadows while Bill squirms. "Everything fucking sucks, Sixer ........this body is brand new and it's already falling apart......I think I'm dying........."
"You're not dying, Bill. At least not yet." Ford leans against the frame of the berth, grunting softly as his joints protest. He looks down at the miserable creature before him and in his care, ill-fittingly clothed in his own apparel. "You've only been here a few weeks and while you have lost some weight, the vomiting hasn't become life threatening. The fainting could be attributed to that anyway. I've been formulating some theories though."
"Oh joy, theories. What has my great wise one deduced from my useless human form's failure to function?" Bill's feet thump the wall as he attempts fruitlessly to stretch in the tiny berth.
Ford doesn't like the odd quality that human vocal cords bring to Bill's voice, making it sound flat and featureless. Or perhaps, he was just too used to the sound of a voice beyond human capability. The rich and layered tones and pitches that were just barely outside of his mind's ability to grasp. This voice felt so small, so digestible to mortal senses.
Another sigh, pushing his glasses aside to rub his eyes tiredly, Ford begins slowly. "At first I didn't think I could ascribe normal human body processes to you. But as time has passed, Stan pointed out to me that your body is functioning like a regular human. Albeit a regular human with health issues. Apparently he's seen it before."
Ford idly begins to pet Bill's hair, the texture something between a myriad of different textures. Impossible to place it as it seems to float from certain viewpoints. It's as fascinating as it is frustrating. Ford's caught himself reaching for it more than once in the time he's been here.
Bill never makes comment on it.
"Your immune system seems confused and your vascular system over reactive. And factoring in how unnaturally flexible you are...... you've said you're overly aware of everything happening in your body-"
"It's getting easier to ignore if that makes a difference."
"It does, thank you my m- my mortal ward. Ahem, there's a number of conditions that can cause such things to occur in a body. It could be something like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. A proper doctor would need to run tests but it's very likely. We might also just need to keep trying to help you keep food and water down until you're used to human body processes."
Ford looks down at Bill then, seeing two faintly glowing slit pupiled eyes blinking up at him in the low light should be more disconcerting than it is. Which is to say that it is oddly comforting, knowing that Bill has been peacefully listening like he did all those years ago. The now solidly human shaped creature looking up at him, curled up in HIS berth on the Stan O'War II, wearing HIS clothes. A comfortable T-shirt with a silly cartoon on it that Soos gifted him, a grey cardigan with sleeves that keep slipping over Bill's long spidery hands and hangs down to his thighs.
The pants had to be procured for him, fished out of a donation bin on the interstate. Not quite long enough to cover Bill's boney ankles but fit comfortably around equally boney hips, it didn't help that he had no ass to speak of though. A tote with clothes collected from the neighbors had made Bill a few outfits that made him fit to be seen in polite company was stashed in a storage locker on the ship. But no matter what the day held, Bill managed to change into some of Ford's clothes when the opportunity arose.
Ford tried not to look too deeply into it but there was that niggling thought some measure of the same regard he used to hold for his multidimensional muse may still be returned. He didn't let himself linger on the possibility too much, especially with Bill in such a vulnerable state.
Besides, Bill's current form looked barely a few years older than Wendy at present. Considering anything untoward sat uncomfortably in his stomach with such youth looking up at him.
Excuse me while I just dump this here and run. Legit I don't even go here but this mental image possessed me and I had to write it down. I think Bill getting put in a meat suit purgatory would be made all the better by having a chronic illness come free with the body.
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 4 months ago
30 for 🌲
“I can’t hear you like that, okay? Can I move the blanket from your face?”
He hears a muffled mhm. 
Alright. Good enough. 
Carefully, Buck pulls back the blanket over Eddie’s head. Immediately, things don’t look right. His skin looks flushed and hot, despite the chill in the room. He’s sweaty. And then… Well, his ears… They aren’t the same as usual. Not that he, like… Spends a lot of time looking at Eddie’s ears. He doesn’t! But he… Well, he can’t help but notice! They’re pointier. A little elven? Buck feels weird thinking that way, but he does. He’d think it was makeup. Like film prosthetics. But, then again, magical leaves are falling in the magical breeze inside Eddie’s bedroom. Who is he to say what’s real and what’s not?
“What happened, Eddie?” Buck asks again, scanning his face for differences. 
He doesn’t notice any more until Eddie’s eyes and mouth open. 
“It’s over,” Eddie blubbers, voice shaky, eyes full of tears. Eyes that… Well, that are definitely different. 
30 for ⚡️
Buck would like to say that three and a half months pass quickly. And, in Eddie’s case, maybe they do. But for Buck, waiting for their daughter to be born feels like an eternity.  He’s pretty glad they’re more or less speedrunning this experience because the concept of waiting nine whole months, upon reflection, sucks. 
Luckily for Buck, Eddie lets him sort of step into organizational mode in the interim. Or, as Eddie calls it, clipboard mode. No clipboard has been used yet, but plenty of lists have been created. Lists of everything they need to acquire and need to do. Maddie and Chim are more than happy to unload a lot of baby clothes and supplies on them. So that’s a huge help. She warns him against overdoing it with clothes shopping. 
“It’s tempting,” she explains. “Very tempting. But she will grow out of it in the blink of an eye, so spend in moderation.”
Buck looks at the piles of clothes she’s giving him. 
“Did you spend in moderation, Maddie?”
“Okay… That’s not the point. Just listen to what I’m telling you.”
He’ll take that as a no.
He goes easy on the outfits. Not, like, a hundred percent sensible, but less frivolous than he might have been. There are just so many cute baby clothes. It’s kind of a trap. 
Where he does go a little overboard, however, is on planning her nursery. Which she ostensibly will not grow out of for a while, so he feels this is reasonable. Got to have somewhere nice to keep all those soon-to-be-replaced items of clothing. The problem is, Buck doesn’t know quite how to approach it. He probably spends twelve hours over the course of two weeks sifting through Pinterest - of all fucking places - only to still feel lost.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just pick something you like,” Eddie says. 
30 for 🤕
Bobby sighs. “I’m always gonna worry, Buck.”
Buck frowns. He hates to hear that. It feels the same as hearing Bobby doesn’t trust Buck. 
Buck makes a frustrated noise. “Why?”
Bobby’s lip twitches. “Buck, you must know, I-”
He’s cut off by a heavy rumbling. Sort of like thunder. Except Buck knows it’s not from the sky. It’s from the building sitting on top of them. 
“That’s not good,” Buck whispers.
“No,” Bobby agrees. “It’s not.”
The ground beneath them starts to shake just a little. Not an earthquake, but it sure feels like it. Dust and dirt falls on Buck’s head. Just before a secondary collapse sends more rubble down on top of them, Bobby throws himself over Buck, shielding him with his body. 
Eddie watches the collapse with ice in his veins.
Despite everything the excavation crew was told about being careful and avoiding further collapse, here it is. The second knife in his heart.
“BUCK!” Eddie hollers, running towards the scene. “BUCK!”
Chim grabs him. Has to try to hold him back. 
“Eddie, no! You could get hurt!”
30 for ⚖️
 “What’s wrong?”
Everyone is staring at him now. Hen and Chim, interestedly. Eddie and Bobby, concernedly. 
“Uh…” Buck struggles to come up with an explanation. “I… Sorry. Feeling a little tired.”
Tommy still looks gobsmacked. But he also still has a downright bloody haze of color around him.
“Okay,” he replies suspiciously. 
“Do you want us all to go?” Bobby asks. “Give you some space to rest?”
“I can hang out here while you sleep, Evan,” Tommy suggests. 
Nervously, Buck looks at Eddie. At the cool blue. Steady and calming.
“Can you stay too?” He asks. 
Tommy flinches a little.
“Uh, yes,” Eddie stammers. “Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks,” Buck murmurs. 
There’s a heavy silence over the loft for a few moments, while everyone processes.
“Alright, that’s our cue,” Hen says finally. She walks over and gives Buck a quick hug. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“See you soon,” Buck agrees. 
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airshipvalentine · 7 months ago
I have seen you post about it forever and yet I still haven’t been able to parse what it is or what it’s about. What’s Fremont County?
HAHAHAHA i was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask this!!
fremont county monster hunters is a monster of the week rpg campaign i've been playing sporadically for the past 2.5 years. (and when i say sporadically i mean we've played 4 arcs in about 6 or 7 ~6 hour sessions over the past two and a half years). and because of how long we go without playing (and because we are moderately obsessive people), we get reeealll hiatus-brained in the interim. i am irrevocably obsessed with it.
the premise is that the party is a group of people who can see through the Glare (like the Mist from pjo), who all attend fremont county community college in *mumble mumble* pacific northwest america. i always imagine it as northern california but i honestly don't know if there's a more specific location?
there's a prophecy involving the world ending in fire, and the five people who are there for it. (presumably to stop it, but the prophecy is pretty vague and the only person who has access to it recently lost their clairvoyance) but before that happens, we fight vampires and stuff
that's the short version. i'm gonna talk more about it though bc i can talk about this campaign forever
i play shay song, photo/journalism major first, reluctant Chosen One second. he found a meteorite sword in the woods a few weeks after his dad died under mysterious circumstances, and he's been fighting monsters ever since! he's down to earth and moderately neurotic, and desperately wants to just be normal. (sucks for him though, because that is straight up not going to happen)
also in the party are:
shamsiel, the divine. she's a cherubim sent by The Bureaucracy, a consortium of angels that's essentially a corporate office. she's been tasked with protecting shay and ensuring the prophecy comes to pass. she's a fish out of water who doesn't exactly know how to interact with people, and she's devoted to her cause above all else. i talk about her and shay most on here bc her player is also on tumblr (hiiiii sofie)
levi, the monstrous. a obnoxious rich boy and literal demon. he's sent by his demonic father to do ?????? carry out his demonic bidding? it's unclear. he likes to hang around the party and make passive-aggressive comments and be helpful when it's convenient for him. he's also shay's roommate! they had a homoerotic streak going that was probably a thinly veiled excuse for my partner an i to flirt with each other in the most roundabout way possible before we started dating. he also kidnapped a beloved npc in the most recent session! we're gonna beat him up
anna baker, the spellslinger. absolute sweetheart and heart of the party. she started learning magic and took on a superhero moniker to fight monsters and crime! (<- this doesn't come up nearly as much as it should, btw. i want a tales of ba sing se episode about cold turkey asap) oh yeah, that moniker was "cold turkey". her catchphrase is "you're about to quit crime... Cold Turkey." she's the best.
claire fitz, the mundane. currently in the "denial" stage of realizing she's a lesbian. she's a culinary arts major who carries around a fireaxe. she's kind of weirded out that she's part of this prophecy, but she's very capable and helps about as best she can. she's also lying to all her high school friends! they all think she's going to yale right now! what's that about???
and mila, the seeker! former cheerleader, constant conspiracy theory enthusiast. she's 100% convinced that aliens are real and will do her best to make sure you believe too. psyched beyond belief that she was right and monsters are real. will hold your hands and say "i don't need you to believe. i just need you to trust me and open your mind to the possibilities." kind of miffed that she isn't part of the apocalyptic prophecy, but it's fine.
also, notable npcs!
don powers, shay's former soccer nemesis. business major. kind of a dick, but we're trying to reform him. buried the hatchet with shay recently due to, uh, a common enemy forming. canonically in love with alder as of arc 4.
alder caine, don's roommate. my favorite. got into some shady deals with demons, and now they're hunting her down! levi kidnapped her in the most recent session!
nin, former clairvoyant. elected to give up their powers recently, with aid from the bureaucracy. it was sus as fuck! also dating anna. they're cute
there have been four arcs so far
from rush till prom, the vampire frat arc
the vengeful spirit stick, the cheerleader ghost arc
the switching hour, the doppelganger bottle episode
the deck of many flings, the tarot/love spell episode
ok that's the broad overview. i could talk about this for hours but i will leave it at that :) there's an in-character twitter feed i made though
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patchoulism · 4 months ago
Alright, that sucks, and I wish safety for all my friends in US and outside of it, but I can't be watching at this shitshow and doompost anymore, I have work to do. And, if that's any consolation to myself that I have to voice here for my own sake, the changes will start rolling in in half a month after the power will be passed on, I think. In the interim, it will be too chaotic for any infulence on us to be enacted meaningfully.
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astralisbelle · 2 years ago
Dead Man's Hand 7 - Gotta Look the Part
Dead Man's Hand Masterlist tags: engineer!reader, gambler!reader, loose canon timeline, eventual smut, fluff, action, casino aesthetics, touch starved reader, touch starved din, reader and din get on each other’s nerves, also they’re idiots, defrosting ice king din, cinderella vibes, everybody loves grogu
chapter summary: They eat like royalty and she gets to dress up like one.
note: oh LORDY this one is long (2k words!) but I hope it was worth the wait. Thank you again for all the likes/reblogs. We finally get to gamble after this part!
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The door to the bathroom closes with a soft woosh, leaving Din by himself in the wide space of the suite. He waits for a moment, listening to the voices echo on the other side.
She hums while Grogu giggles and water splashes. All clear. He shakes his head, walking over to the console and calling the front desk. “Bring me dinner for two adults and an infant. I don’t care what it is, whatever’s fastest.” If she’s anything like him, she won’t be picky. And Grogu eats anything.
In the interim, Din sits on the couch and deems it safe to take a load off, which in this case, means he can disarm for now. He takes the jet pack off first, being the heaviest and most cumbersome of his tools. Off comes the blaster, the hilt of the Darksaber, and the various blades he keeps concealed. Everything is accounted for.
After about fifteen minutes, there’s a knock at the door – must be the food. He answers it and three waiters greet him with wide smiles, wheeling three trays inside the suite. Din lifts a brow as they set up in the center, uncovering the food and revealing two identical plates of fresh, steaming seafood, a buttery smell filling the air. For the child, there is a colorful bowl of soup, with some mini square cakes for dessert. “And finally,” says a waiter. “A decadent chocolate cake. For you and the lady.”
“Uh.” He is thankful for the helmet hiding his aversion. “She’s not my… never mind.” He knows no one cares in this hellhole, not when thousands of rich men bring their mistresses or escorts to play with them. The last thing he wants is for someone to think that of her. Din tosses them a few meager credits as tips and waits for them to leave. With the sounds of bath time still ringing behind the door and his stomach rumbling, he figures it’s as good a time as any.
He slips his helmet off with a soft sound, breathing in deep to welcome the fresh air into his lungs. All at once, the delectable smell of the food assaults his senses, enticing him to sit down and partake. Such extravagance in food feels almost sacrilegious for the practical Mandalorian, but at least it means she and Grogu will have a decent meal as well. He takes a thick piece of grilled fish into his mouth and makes a small noise of satisfaction. Dank farrik, that’s damn delicious. He eats quickly, downing large gulps of water in between. In the corner of his vision, he eyes that chocolate cake.
She’s probably never had it either.
He finishes his fish, leaving nothing but the bones. Wiping his lips with the cloth napkin, he pours himself a swig of white champagne, just to rinse the aftertaste out. Nothing more, nothing less. As soon as he’s done, he doesn’t linger, and situates the helmet back on.
A few minutes pass as he hears the bath drain, sucking in the water. The door slides open and a cloud of steam escapes. She emerges, a towel wrapped around her head and a silk robe tied around her waist. The robe is shorter than Din expects, halting just above her knees and showing off a stunning pair of legs, shiny and unmarred by any layer of dirt. Even her face glows, renewed and fresh. Grogu has a child’s robe on that is far too big for him, the sleeves dwarfing his arms. A soft chuckle escapes Din.
“Oh my stars,” she says, eyes closing as she inhales deeply. “That smells divine!” She scurries to the couch, setting Grogu down beside her as she gasps at the plate of food before her. “I-Is this all for me?”
“Already ate.” Din holds Grogu, spoon feeding him the soup. “C’mon, you little womp rat. Time to eat.”
She watches them for a moment, her heart skipping a beat at the sight. It’s so odd seeing a bounty hunter, unafraid of blasters in his face, feed a small creature all without an ounce of embarrassment. Noble and caring… Ah, but she isn’t distracted for long, not when a decadent meal waits for her. Her mouth waters as she cuts a piece of the fish, popping it into her mouth.
“Mmgh.” The sound she makes is loud, enough to make the Mandalorian’s head turn. “...Sorry.” She giggles, covering her mouth, and continues to eat. He shakes his head, but a quick chuckle tells her that he isn’t annoyed by it. When she finishes, she looks over and notices the chocolate cake still sitting pretty, completely untouched. “What’s that?”
“Who’s it for?”
“...You and the kid can have it.”
She shrugs, leaning over to bring it towards herself. The plate has two forks, so she takes one and cuts into it, shocked at its softness. After sniffing it, she brings it into her mouth.
Then, she really moans. Her eyes rolls back and a hand falls onto her chest. “Stars.” She shakes her head. “Oh my, Mando, you have to try this. I’m serious. I’ll leave right now.”
“It can’t be that good.”
She grins, cutting a little piece onto the fork. “Grogu,” she coos. “Open wide. Pbrrr. Here comes the speeder!” He drops his jaw and accepts the cake in his mouth. His ears wiggle and his arms stretch towards the cake, clearly begging for more. “Told ya.”
The Mandalorian pulls Grogu back. “Finish your soup.” After reining in the child and pivoting his focus back to the meal, he speaks. “Fine. Just… finish half of it.”
She digs in again. “I could easily finish this whole thing. You’re lucky I’m being so nice.” Half of the cake remains once she finishes. Once Grogu is done and munching on one of the smaller cakes, the Mandalorian hands him to her.
“Don’t turn around under any circumstance.”
“I won’t.” She sits in a way that turns her back towards him and all she can stare at is the front door while Grogu eats calmly in her lap. Then she hears the hiss of air depressurizing. It’s off. Her head wants to turn, to see what he looks like, but she knows not to betray his trust. So she listens, listens to the clanking of the silverware, listens to the teeth hitting the fork. She holds her breath.
“...Mmm.” Oh, now she desperately wants to see his face. He doesn’t say anything, but she hears the silverware against the plate.
“Told ya.” The plate is set down and the helmet hisses as it covers his face again.
When she turns around, she takes the rest of the plate and finishes whatever he left. Stars, she can’t remember the last time she felt full and heavy. She’s ready to lie down on the couch and take a nap, but that would be hard to do while in a robe, would it?
Speaking of clothes…
“Hey.” She pulls down on the hem of the robe, trying to hide her skin. “So, what am I supposed to wear to the tournament? I can’t wear my usual clothes… right?”
The Mandalorian takes a moment to think, his fingers tapping on the cushion of the couch. He stands and goes up to the console, calling the front desk. “Can you bring me a dress?”
A feminine voice responds. “Do you mean a stylist, sir?”
He shrugs. “Sure.”
“That easy, huh?” she comments. “Is there anything they can’t bring you?”
He sits back down. “Doubt it. This place caters to all of your vices, legality be damned.” He crosses his arms and rests his ankle on his knee.
Her eyes trail up and down his form. “...Are you going to get anything for yourself?”
“Like what?”
“A suit or robes. Or… are you just going to go in that.”
He exhales. “I don’t go anywhere without my armor.”
“That’s what I thought.” She sighs, hugging a knee against her chest. Out of common courtesy, she tries not to let her eyes wander towards him, but after all of the stories her mentor told her, it’s hard not to. The Mandalorian. A bounty hunter of high renown, belonging to a deadly people that few get to see and even fewer survive an encounter with. He who never takes off his helmet in front of another, who never goes anywhere without armor or weapons.
But he has a child that he feeds with his own hands. And he enjoys the taste of chocolate cake. And he sucks at sabacc.
Some time passes and then a knock at the door alerts them on the couch. “I got it,” she says, getting up to open the door. Standing in the door frame is a tall woman, slender with sharp features in her cheeks and bony fingers. She has the paint that the girl noticed earlier, black lines outlining her eyes as her lips shimmer with gold.
“You poor thing,” says the stylist, taking a chunk of wet hair in her hand. “My goodness! I do have my work cut out for me. Chop chop!” She claps her hands and a swarm of assistants flood into the room, carrying racks of clothes, stacks of shoes, and boxes of tools.
The Mandalorian stands up. “Hey, what is all this?”
“Oh, don’t mind us, sir,” says the stylist. “We’ll just use the bedroom. Come, everyone! You, girl, with me!”
“What the--” She finds herself being tugged by the tall woman, flashing a brief look of fear towards the Mandalorian before they all disappear behind the door of the bedroom.
Alone again.
Din groans and rolls his head, cracking his neck and shoulders. Remember. This is all for the beskar. He rubs the back of his neck as he glances down at Grogu, still in his robe. “...Right.” He finds ways to pass the time like dressing Grogu and freshening up in the bathroom himself, washing his face. It feels like hours before the bedroom door slides open.
The stylist walks out first, followed by her posse of assistants. “Ah… I am a genius.” She grins and steps out of the way. “Come on out, dear!”
Din stands up immediately. Placing one foot in front of the other, she takes small steps out of the room. Light silk sways around her feet like flowing water. The dress hugs her best features while gold jewelry jingles around her wrists and biceps. Drop earrings twinkle and bounce as she walks. Her lips are painted red and her eyes are brushed with similar colors to the dress: blood wine and fiery oranges. At the sight, his shoulders relax, his lips part, and his eyes dare not blink.
She walks towards him, a bashful smile on her lips. Just as she is about to say something, she steps on the hem of her dress. “Oh--!” And she falls forward. Din darts forward, catching her before she can face plant onto the floor. Her jewelry clanks against his armor as he helps her regain her balance.
“Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah.” She lifts her face. “Sorry. I-It’s these shoes, I can’t…”
“You must!” says the stylist. “I believe my job is done. Let’s go, everyone.” She claps her hands again and as fast as she arrived, she makes a swift exit. Once she is gone, Din realizes that she still clings to his arms as she readjusts herself.
“I’m sorry,” she says again.
“It’s fine…” He takes his time pulling his arms away from her, just making sure she can indeed stand. “You… you look great.”
“Oh.” She laughs, pushing hair behind her ear. “Um. Thanks. Is this really what rich people wear? It’s so… uncomfortable.”
He lets out a fast breath of air as he laughs. “It’s… It’s just for a few days. Once I have the beskar, I’ll take you home to Tatooine. You’ll never have to wear this stuff again.”
“Right.” She nods, albeit with a degree of hesitation. “Back to Tatooine. That’s… that makes sense.”
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sparklepocalypse · 9 months ago
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A whole bunch of you tagged me for Six Sentence Sunday and I empirically failed to actually do the thing. So here's the thing on Not Sunday! Not tagging anyone because, you know... it's not Sunday. 🤣
Today, you get six sentences of that fic I'm writing instead of my Big Bang because, whateva whateva, my muse does what it wants. It now has a title — Graceless Heart — which is useful considering one of the words I'd been using for the title placeholder has since gone through the fandom discourse wringer, and, eesh.
Anyway, six sentences from Graceless Heart behind the jump!
Henry’s panting and loose-limbed and tugging Alex upward for a kiss when he asks breathlessly, “How do you want me to...?” “I can wait,” Alex says, grinning. He nuzzles a little kiss against the ridge of Henry’s collarbone. “Five more minutes of driving until we’re back at the villa, and then we can negotiate terms.” “It’s not a corporate merger,” Henry drawls, even as he marvels that Alex had sucked him so thoroughly he’d lost all sense of time, and the majority of the drive had passed in the interim. “It’s an orgasm.”
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pigtailedgirl · 10 months ago
So I spent all day writing Victoria's Secret AUs...it could have been worse edition.
I have an angst problem yo.
Victoria is a ghost
When you are lonely and feel guilty, the mind can offer all kinds of refuges.
Fraser hadn't left his apartment in three days, huddled in like the memory of before, he and Victoria. Except for that brief phone call the consulate had for him, that call that-- No matter, for the roses had appeared that afternoon, in sympathy and get well and provided the perfect reason to go back. The Forget Me Nots. Sick leave he had in abundance after all, so he returned to Victoria's embrace.
Until that night, well past midnight, Ray knocked on the door. Whether it was sleep deprivation or worry Ray too would leave, he made the mistake of inviting him in. “Do you wanna meet her?” and though he'd hestitated, Ray did cross the threshold, like an unseen hand had given him push.
And looked around a disheveled and empty apartment.
There was no woman in sight. To his eyes anyways. To Fraser, Victoria sat draped in his bed, an icy smile now gracing her features, as if more proof his guilt was earned eternally.
He leaned against the partition of his bedroom, looking between them both, and as he cracked like the thaw of ice in a pass, laughter bubbling to tears, sinking him into the cold as he sank to the floor despite Ray's efforts to try and catch him in grip, he knew.
“I'm sorry to inform you Constable, a Miss Victoria Metcalfe was killed in an auto crash two months after her release from prison. Her will requested you be informed in case of her death.”
Fraser and Victoria go to Texas
It shouldn't be so easy. Maybe it isn't. Maybe the sun of Austin won't be bright or will burn him out faster than here. But she doesn't care, and he, he can't say no. He'd asked for the transfer, entirely prepared to resign if they'd said no. Moffat had given him an odd look, like pity, but also considering his general problematic work, he was approved. He would use his sick time as leave in interim.
There was hardly anything to pack. His father's trunk, which Victoria assured would fit in a small rented U-Haul. All that was needed for them. Dief could stay in there as well. They'd stop during intervals to check on him. He seemed so displeased, Fraser half considered leaving him here, maybe with Willie?, but couldn't voice it anymore than he could say he'd prefer Dief in the car with them. Yet, Dief was loyal, so he watched and was going along silently, perhaps caged just like his master.
That left Ray. Something, and someone owed alot more than Fraser knew he could ever give.
It had ended as it should have if he'd truly been as cowardly or stupid as when he'd first come to Chicago. As it could've when he'd first left but hadn't really wanted to say goodbye.
A phone call from a payphone, outside the limits of town. Yes, your money is with Mr. Mustafi Ray. I'm sorry, you see, I have to go. I can't let her go. You friendship has meant so much to me. I know it doesn't seem it but...my regrets... I have to...I'll try to keep in touch. Of course, as a friend.
No forwarding address or number ever came.
Victoria and Dief killed by Jolly
The gunshot echoes in the night air. And the second.
He's already winded from chasing Ray, so he doesn't have much head start. The stairs and climb are daunting.
The door is wide open. Dief lays in his pool of blood near the cupboards, near the window leading to the fire escape, also thrown wide.
Victoria's crumpled by the bed, and the ransacked trunk, like she'd made a last ditch effort to retrieve his fire-arm within.
He doesn't bother to check Dief because it doesn't matter does it.
She's clearly dead.
Victoria's lawyer sucks and she goes back to prison
She'd been granted bail on the condition of being watched by two officers of the law. She'd languished in his little hell hole apartment for months untils trial. She'd followed the lawyers advice and dressed demurely and acted contrite and frightened for her life.
She saved her remaining rage for Benton in private. And though it still binds them, it wasn't enough. She's doesn't feel guilty like him.
She'd still refused to say where her portion of the money Jolly was stalking her for went. Root of all her evils, it damns her again.
The sentence is only five years. This time.
Fraser's eyes as he stares at her in shock as she's lead from the court in cuffs, after she'd turned from the verdict to pound his chest, or was it to go for his friend Ray's side arm and end this ... Well, 5 years isn't worth it, but at least he's getting the life sentence.
So damn him and his plea deals.
Fraser doesn't find the key at Ray's house in time
IA had taken ten minutes to get from the station to the Vecchio home. They didn't bother to think on the why of the anonymous call or record it so there will be no way to trace it as evidence later. Perhaps guilty conscious explains why he told on himself. No one will bother to remember it was a call from a woman.
Welsh, Huey and Louey were only two minutes behind. Ray Vecchio flagged by a rookie, who was radio-ed by Elaine, won't even make it to the scene, won't get to see or understand because he'll be redirected. He'll be once again staring at Fraser, blocked by glass, from the other side of the holding cells phones. Fraser won't pick up the receiver to answer him.
So Ray won't know the loss and what little it will be to what could've. Fraser's versus his own imprisonment or loss of bail and home. It's all Fraser feels he can do, but of course Ray doesn't understand him. Fraser doesn't want him to. But still Ray Vecchio sees the sad and forlorn and determined after confession, and refuses anything else.
That full confession makes easy conviction. What IA walking in saw.
A manic faced man amongst the ruins of the Vecchio's house. Rooms upheaved in mad search. A man who seemed caught frozen on the stairwell, phone left dangling over the bannister. Who greeted them with odd, flat words as if spoke to the air;
“I couldn't...I can't find the key.”
And the long poignant pause, his mask slipping on as Welsh stepped through the torn front door, as he finally registered them and added “The key, which I had previously planted. I would like to confess to the murder of Jolly Roberts for money from a former robbery, and attempted framing of my work colleague Ray Vecchio before I could flee with my portion of the cash. I believe cuffs are in order gentlemen.”
He paused again as he stepped through threshold and said to the three former friends standing agape "Can you tell Ray... I'm sorry about the mess."
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
This place is beautiful. I wasn't sure beauty like this could still exist on Mesa Island. I hope I get to meet the Butterfly Matriarch. She sounds pretty cool.
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To be fair, she wasn't wrong. Shopkeeper said the contrast between time periods was pretty cool here. Credit where it's due, it super is.
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The little spots of turquoise on your give just the lightest splash of color contrast to the browns and yellows and EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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You are. I am at maximum jealousy right now. Envy levels through the goddamn roof.
I am about 80% sure you're actually a moth, not a butterfly. But I don't fucking care, because you are killing it either way.
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With gusto. I--
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Oh fuck me
Thanks, uh... Navi?
So the giant bat monster exists in the past but is temporally corrupting her here in the present, even though that one Messenger in the interim already slew it at some point in the interim. I have so many questions about how this works.
Time travel is so fucking trippy.
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Oh, this is going to be way easier than I thought it would. I figured Firefly was going to zoom around and I'd have to attack only when the temporal bubble is illuminating your face.
But if we're just going to throw down trailer park-style, that's super easy. @ me, bruh; Let's fucking go.
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Ha! Bat monster doesn't have shit. These screeches are trivially easy to dodge. What else have you--
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Oh. Well. Uh. Okay. I'm sorry I insulted your--
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It's fine. It's fine. Just. Drugged. I can deal with this. Just have to stay perfectly still and wait for the nausea to pass.
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Nobody is ever prepared for the twirly-doos. Twirly-doo is the ultimate technique of the Messenger lineage. I'm a fucking buzzsaw in flight.
Thank you, Shopkeeper, for this wingsuit. It's so-so in mobility but crazy powerful as a weapon.
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There's a lot of value in beauty. It gets the short end of the stick because the good parts of beauty are so immediately evident that it makes the bad parts more conversation-worthy. Not a lot of morals out there like, "Beauty is a great thing and you should appreciate it!" because everyone already does by default.
But it is complicated. Beauty is like a work of art. It takes blood, sweat, and tears to manufacture an aesthetic precisely to the (often unreasonable) standards of society - and once it's done, it has to be cared for and maintained lest it begin to degrade over time.
And no one appreciates it. They think it just happens. Like it emerged fully formed into the universe one day. It's easy to fall for a pretty aesthetic painted over a rotten core because we're already so busy taking beauty for granted that nobody ever engages with what it means in the first place.
So, I guess what I'm saying is: Sucks about the bat thing. Sorry you had to live with that. But also, I see you. The clean waters and vibrant grasses and towering, living trees are a testament to the volume of work you've put in over these last centuries, and I see you.
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Oh, a time bubble firefly of my very own? Thanks! I'm sure she'll come in handy.
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Hold up, your Messenger was MONKSHROOM!? HOLY FUCK. I know exactly what curse I want to lift.
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What's up, best buddy? I brought you a friend! I think she can help with your, uh, condition.
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Oh yeah, Navi is definitely going to sue someone.
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You don't remember?
Shit. Well. Um. Short version: You're not expected to deliver the Scroll anywhere anymore. Missed the boat on that one. But I might have some good news for you. How do you feel about the color blue?
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Inexplicably, negative some-odd hundred years. Not sure how or why you time traveled again after failing and getting cursed but it's temporal metaphysics. Shit's fucked on a good day.
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Yeah, not gonna sugarcoat that one. You fucked this place up so bad that they changed the name. Which, admittedly, isn't hard to do when there's only one bastion of civilization left in the world and it keeps being periodically destroyed. Endlessly repeating incursions of catastrophic destruction make preservation of world knowledge difficult.
It's like having a library that self-immolates every 50 years. At some point, you get used to starting over from scratch.
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Wear earplugs.
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I'm sure. I'm just happy that she's finally rid of this curse. I've invited her to Game Night twice. Maybe this time, she'll actually come.
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vamptastic · 3 months ago
I do think that in a paradoxical way when a law is passed, even when it is held by a minority or slim majority at the time of passing, most people eventually just come to agree with it. Even laws that suck hard always have some people defending it just because the status quo is appealing. So I think the trans panic thing will die down if we can get a law passed at the federal level, and that after that things will improve a lot. But idk if that'll ever happen. And living in the interim really sucks
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floripire · 5 months ago
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3x01: the next school year begins in we’re not worthy and flori is fighting the urge to fall asleep at the assembly. she perks up at the mention of a field trip, however, and participates in the games.
a green knight shows up, effectively ruining the field trip. several students - including jed - try to attack him and much like josie, flori makes a face when alyssa flirts with jed.
flori connects the dots and figures out that this green knight is gawain, who had a wife named florie. once she says his name, his armor falls away - but according to loren, the enchantment sticks because it’s been building up for ages - and flori sees a handsome boy about her own age. he collapses and she vamp speeds towards him, catching him and holding him close. he dies, thinking he finally made it back to his wife like he promised he would so long ago. flori plays along to give him some comfort in his final moments and sobs as he passes away.
3x02: alaric falls into a coma in goodbyes sure do suck. bonnie takes over as interim headmistress until caroline’s return from europe.
3x03: no one really wants to put on salvatore: the musical, especially when most of the people centered in the aforementioned story are still alive. also, one of their own is essentially on death's door. but it happens anyway. flori gives her heartfelt condolences to the saltzman twins but finds she herself isn't grieving the headmaster as much as she probably ought.
the musical goes through numerous rewrites, though the massacre of the tennesee wolf pack doesn't make it in and neither does derek machado's story. either way, flori is glad that bonnie's role in the musical has been significantly expanded because bonnie is the reason this town is still standing, after all.
she helps kaleb and jed run their lines and helps out behind the scenes with the lighting.
3x04: in hold on tight, flori finally has time for her own projects again: cataloguing the dark dimension, finding out everything she can about the machado family, taking tentative steps to reach out to the remaining harmans, researching eastern vampires and hanging out with her best friends as well as jed.
cecil barnes - one of the humans of mystic falls high - reaches out to her and asks her help: he wants to figure out what happened to his aunt heather and fisherman zachary larson pointed him in the direction of the boarding school again, citing that "once you learn to see what was once hidden, you'll find that everything is real."
it becomes clear, however, that things have taken a turn because there are more witches in the hallways practicing malevolent magic than before; there are more and more vampires who bite their fellow students - not just behind closed doors but out in the open.
(this continues throughout the rest of the show.)
3x05: the therapy box returns in this is what it takes and this time, it’s a slasher movie. fortunately, flori has seen every scream movie and three seasons of the tv show, as well as other horror properties. so this time around, she makes it to the end despite the fact that making out (and/or going further) is a clear horror movie rule violation. she finds her safe word, becomes self aware, and leaves the simulation.
3x06: the next day, flori hears that a lot of families are pulling their children out of school in to whom it may concern which, yeah, fair. she helps out with trying to recruit new students. one of wade’s friends, gaby rodriguez, is also one of flori’s penpal friends (and is someone flori knows from her human life). she finds gaby's arrival very exciting. the real excitement only begins, however, when penelope returns from belgium.
3x07: in yup, it’s a leprechaun all right, flori helps out with the first ever salvatore fundraiser but ends up leaving early because cecil needs her help.
3x08: long time, no see is all about blind spots; flori’s blind spots are her best friend, the man she loves, her other friends and classmates and the family members on her mom's side. tensions rise between hope and lizzie.
3x09: do all malivore monsters provide this level of emotional insight? the answer might be surprising. tensions between hope and lizzie keep rising. higher and higher. landon returns, cleo gets voted into the super squad.
the monster they're up against is not a gremlin but a crocotta - a being that can mimic the voices of others. and when flori overhears what seems to be a conversation between the staff members about sending her back to the triad industries detention facility, she decides to visit mg at mystic falls high.
once there, beula hammond makes it clear that she's not a fan of any salvatore student. she was only okay with hope in 1x04 because cheryl and dana were.
3x10: during all’s well that ends well, mg tells ethan that he’s a vampire. flori tells ethan that he’s related to her sire as well, finally coming clean about the connection between the machado's and herself.
meanwhile, it's revealed that flori was deliberately kept in the dark about the banshee because she would've worried for jed and that would have impeded the investigation as a whole.
3x11: you can’t run from who you are, right? finch is revealed to be a werewolf. lizzie comes to flori for help first but she refuses to do a headdive, causing her to go to mg, who does it instead.
flori joins up with kaleb and cleo to go back to triad industries. flori smiles to herself when kaleb flirts with cleo while they all look through the files. kaleb catches her smile and calls her out for her crush turned love for jed, which causes flori to blush something fierce.
it is only when they get back that flori gets told all about how hope turned into a berbalang before wade, armed with flori's research, landon and josie helped her.
3x12: jed and landon apparently hang out now. who knew? in i was made to love you, flori teams up with mg who tries to keep ethan from turning into a vampire. flori tries to impress upon him that it’s not all fun and games and superheroics. she even goes as far as detailing her own harrowing transformation into a vampire. mg ends up erasing ethan's memories.
3x13: flori is glad that finch has transferred to the salvatore school in one day you will understand because it feels good to have someone to share her culture with. to share food and idioms and proverbs and just know.
despite the fact that finch and josie are together, flori does clock the fact that josie is still drawn to hope. flori is surprised to hear that cleo left again but not as surprised to find out landon’s left as well.
3x14: in this feels a little cult-y, flori returns to grove hill where andi holds her witchy wellness retreat but is denied access because she's not a witch. flori calls andi from inside the grove hill trauma center. andi tells flori to be on the look out for the old powers. flori also talks to her about the triad industries detention center and the ties it has to the zetes institute. flori goes home with new information and new questions.
3x15: during a new hope, flori joins kaleb, mg and jed during the team building exercise, during which she keeps to herself but does ask some burning questions: "who are you beneath the mask you present to the world?" and "who are you when no one's looking?" and "the seats are empty, the theatre is dark; why do you keep acting?"
3x16: flori appears in fate’s a bitch, isn’t it? together with other members of the super squad and the anti squad to confront malivore for once and for all.
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pryings · 1 year ago
november activity check !
activity check : passed!
skill points 5 –> 8
monthly skill point reason C –> C+
skill points from threads: heavy armor E -> E+
skill point from arena participation reason C+ -> C+
completed/dropped threads:
if we catch one of my wife’s students cheating: w/ arvis ! (complete; heavy armor point)
calling backup: w/ byleth, veyle, marth, pelleas ! (complete; 2023 fall arena)
well that sucked shit: w/ veyle ! (complete; arena interim)
is that the fucking grim reaper?: w/ veyle, marth, pelleas ! (complete; 2023 fall arena)
boys only despair: w/ veyle, marth, pelleas ! (complete; 2023 fall arena)
incomplete threads (for personal reference, ignore this if you aren’t me, though if we have a thread and it's not on here or something is mistakenly marked as your turn when it's mine please lmk!!!):
ashes to ashes: w/ andrei ! (my turn)
and if it came to pass: w/ l'arachel ! (my turn)
it's gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage: w/ arvis ! (my turn)
what night does whisper: w/ eldigan ! (my turn)
shapeless in the dark: w/ griss ! (their turn)
if made to hold it, i would break it: w/ lyon ! (their turn)
within the harp of the wrists: w/ ayra ! (their turn)
0 notes
pscottm · 1 year ago
GOP Lawmaker Says 2/3 Against Temporary Speaker
“Leaving a closed-door GOP meeting to determine the way forward, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) estimated that about two-thirds of the House Republican conference opposed the idea of electing the caretaker speaker, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC), as an interim speaker,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
Said Fallon: “The mood of the room was clear. Because of this ugly process, what has this party done? It has enabled the Democrats to determine the way forward in part, because if all 212 Democrats vote for this resolution, it will pass. If all of them oppose it, it will fail. So we’re in the majority and we don’t have a say as to what happens with this resolution. It was completely up to the Democrats. That was not smart.”
Sure does suck to be in the majority and have the minority controlling things doesn't it?! **cough... Cough... Electoral college.... Cough.... The Senate.... Cough
0 notes
sequinsmile-x · 2 years ago
Hey can I request for your follower celebration:
No 19 from hand holding, no 20 from hugging, no9+6 from kisses please
And congratulations on this milestone you deserve ur completely!!!
Thank you so so much!! <3
These prompts are: Hand-holding 19: playing with each other’s fingers / Hugs 20: cuddling / Kisses 6: slow kisses / Kisses 9: first kisses
Mondays suck, so I hope this makes anyone who needs it smile :)
Reflecting Light
The first time they kiss, it’s an accident. 
aka: The one where Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss go on their first date.
Words: 2k
Warnings: Rated T, some suggestive themes
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The first time they kiss, it’s an accident. 
Later they’d argue about who leant in first, who took the step they’d both been avoiding for years, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. What they both remember is the desperation they felt for each other. How their teeth clashed because of it, how he tore her shirt open because he wanted to touch her. Remnants of their night together left on each other's skin in the form of fingerprint bruises on her thighs, and red tracks left by her nails on his back. 
It was only afterwards, both of them still heaving in breaths that didn’t quite fill their lungs, their sweaty skin making them stick to each other, that he asks her on a date.
Any fear Emily may have had that it was a mistake, that this would ruin things between them, disappear as Aaron seemingly blurts out the invitation against her collarbone without thinking about it. She’d pulled back to look at him, the slightly nervous look on his face endearing, as if she’d say no. Her response had been to kiss him, tasting the relief on his tongue as he correctly takes it as a yes. 
It takes almost two weeks for them to arrange their date, and Emily thinks it's the longest two weeks of her life. He turns into the gentleman she’d always known him to be, refusing to go any further than kissing her in the interim between their night together and their date, as if he hadn’t fucked her on her kitchen counter. Her skin tingles whenever he’s near, the memory of his touch, how he’d taken her apart so expertly, enough to make her lose concentration at the most inconvenient of times. More than once someone else on the team had caught her drifting off at work, her mind blank of anything except him. 
The only comfort she found in it was that he was just as affected as she was. That she’d somehow got under his skin, making a man who was usually so reserved slightly on edge, as if the memories of their night together were also on a loop in his head. Doomed to play on repeat until they could be together again. 
She smiles at her reflection in the mirror, pleased with what she sees. The black dress was similar to the one she’d worn to go undercover with the Viper, a fleeting memory of how Aaron had looked at her that day flashing across her mind as she chose what to wear. Her heels are black too, the red sole matching the new underwear she’d bought specifically for the evening, well hidden under her dress. She adjusts her hair, letting it lay naturally over her shoulders, and hears a knock on her front door. 
She makes quick work of walking across her apartment, opening the door without delay, and smiling widely at him as he comes into view. 
“Hi,” she says, her eyes meeting his, her stomach flipping as he smiles too, handing her a bunch of carnations, expertly organised in a bouquet she knew would have set him back a fair amount. 
“Hi,” Aaron replies, leaning in to kiss her cheek, her heels making them almost the same height.
“Thank you for the flowers. Come in,” she says, taking a step back and letting him pass her into her apartment, “I’ll put these in water before we go.” 
Aaron nods, closing her door behind him, and it isn’t lost on him that the last time he was here was when everything changed between them. He swallows thickly, suddenly feeling unsure about everything. His outfit, the flowers. Insecurity he wasn’t used to washing over him like a wave. 
“Sorry if the flowers are too much of a cliche,” he says, watching as she pulls out a vase and puts water in it, turning to look at him with a curious look on her face, “It’s been a long time since I went on a date and I forgot what the protocol is,” he explains, and she simply smiles at him, placing the flowers in the vase, “And I know you like lilies, but I read somewhere they were poisonous to cats, and I didn’t want to start this off by killing Sergio.” 
As if he knew he was being talked about Sergio meows from the couch, popping his head up so he was in view before he settles back down. 
“Aaron,” Emily says, drawing his attention back to her, now much closer than she had been when he’d been distracted by the cat, her hand on his chest, “I love the flowers, thank you.” 
She smiles as he nods, his nervousness still obvious, and she finds it endearing. It was something she never could have predicted he’d be like when they first met. She knew enough to understand the last time he’d asked someone out had been when he’d asked out Haley, and he’d been a teenager then. Young and full of confidence that life slowly draws out of you, the answer to the question ‘what could go wrong’ one they both knew a little too well. 
She grabs the lapel of his jacket and pulls him closer, pressing her lips firmly to his, smiling when he responds immediately, his hand finding its place on her lower back. The dip there as if it was made for him. When she pulls back her eyes meet his and she bites her lip, a failed attempt to contain her smile.
“Usually when someone is nervous I tell them to imagine the other person naked,” she says, her smile transforming into a smirk, “But you don’t have to really imagine me naked.” 
He chokes out a laugh, the tension in his shoulders lessening slightly, “Em.”
“It’s true,” she shrugs, stamping her lips against his again, her face becoming serious as she pulls back, “You have nothing to be nervous about, ok? We both want this.” 
Aaron doesn’t understand the power she has over him. How she’s so easily placated the concerns he’d been secretly harbouring since he asked her out, endorphins still flooding through his system as she lay naked against him. He doesn’t understand it but he’s grateful for it, pleased that for the first time in a long time, someone cares enough to notice. 
Emily smiles and he leans in to kiss her, pulling her slightly closer. 
“We should get going,” she whispers against his lips, “You promised me dinner.” 
They’d been to dinner countless times before. Their friendship built into something new after she returned from Paris, his level of understanding of what she’d survived the closest anyone could get. 
He’s grateful that this doesn’t feel any different. That the conversation between them flows just like it usually does, the air between them light and free from awkwardness. The only differences are how close they sit to each other. Emily slowly got closer throughout the night, scooting in the booth towards him. He places his hand over hers on the table, linking their fingers together as they finish their wine. 
She’s on him as soon as they get into her apartment, the embargo he’d placed on anything more affectionate than making out lifted the moment they pay the bill at the restaurant. They make it to her bed this time, a trail of their clothes left throughout her apartment, Sergio watching them with a mix of confusion and judgement as they close the bedroom door, leaving him in the living room. 
Their first time had been fuelled by passion. A spark turning into a flame, a fire engulfing them both as they gave into the feelings they’d both pretended weren’t there for years. 
This time it’s different. 
It’s slow, pleasure creeping up on them both as they explore each other again. Slow and steady like a tide making its way up a beach. Love they wouldn’t name washing each other as they curl together under her sheets, spent and breathless. 
Emily cuddles up to his side and places her head on his shoulder, smiling into his chest when he wraps his arms tightly around her.
“Worth the wait?” He asks, kissing the top of her head, and she chuckles, not able to find it in herself quite yet to even try to take him down a peg or two. 
She hums in response, reaching out for his hand and linking their fingers together, “Just don’t make me wait another two weeks next time.” 
She plays with his fingers, marvelling at the strength he held in his hands as she runs her thumb up and down his skin. He touched her like she was made of something precious, revering her in a way she didn’t remember experiencing before. It was strange to think what she’d seen him do with them over the years. How a gun would look like nothing more than a toy in his hands. 
How he’d once beaten a man to death with them, the scars on his knuckles still there now, rough beneath her fingertips. 
She enjoyed the duality of him. How he was hard and soft at the same time. His rough edges different to hers, and she liked to think that's what made them fit together so well. 
“So there’s definitely a next time?” 
She stops her study of his hands and looks up at him, her palm pressed into his chest so she can sit up a little straighter. She frowns at him, but any annoyance she might have felt is gone before it can catch light, the same nervousness she’d seen in her kitchen when he gave her the flowers visible on his face. 
“Of course, there’s a next time,” she says, sitting up and encouraging him to do the same. She throws her leg over his lap, making sure they are chest to chest, and she loops her arms around his neck. Aaron’s arms wrap around her, his hands finding her back automatically as if magnetised to her. She leans forward and kisses him slowly, her hands moving up into his hair, holding him in place as he pulls her impossibly closer. She pulls back and smiles at him, “Why wouldn’t there be?” 
He doesn’t know how to put it into words, how to explain to her that he felt inadequate. That everything about her made him wonder what she saw in him. He wasn’t sure how she could see past his baggage, all of his scars both mental and physical when he couldn’t do that himself. 
“Don’t you think you could do better than me?” 
It surprises her, and makes her pull back just enough so she can see his entire face to see if he was joking. When she sees he’s serious she frowns, her hand leaving the back of his neck to push the hair from his forehead, messing it up even more than she had earlier. 
“There isn’t anyone better than you,” she replies, and he laughs humourlessly, making her frown deepen, “I mean it, Aaron,” she says, firmer this time, “You’re handsome and funny and kind. And really fucking good in bed,” she smiles when he laughs, the vibration of it passing from his chest to hers, “And you got me flowers. You’re…” she pauses, briefly worried she’s about to say too much, but she carries on, “You’re everything,” she cups his cheek, “And you’re not the only one with a past.” 
Aaron leans forward slightly, shaking his head at himself because of course she’d figured it out. She was incredibly good at her job. At reading him. He lifts his head again and looks at her, shifting her closer again.
He kisses her this time, holding her in place as he presses his lips against hers. He takes his time, imprinting this, her, into his memory. Well aware that this was the start of something special. The start of them. 
She pulls back when she’s breathless and leans her forehead against hers briefly before she looks at him. She didn’t need to say the words, and he didn’t need to hear them. Affection and love neither of them would confess to yet reflecting in her eyes. 
He knew she could the same reflecting back at her.
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhconh, @lex13cm
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