#it while playing hide and seek would have. The vibes are different
cozycottagetarot · 4 months
Why Did They Come Into Your Life?
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How To Pick A Group:
Typically I recommend going with the image that you find you keep coming back to after giving each of the piles a once over.
This reading will probably work best for anyone who you:
Feel a strong bond with and are curious about its significance.
Are seeking clarity on the role of a certain person might be playing in your life journey.
Potentially: Have encountered someone who left a lasting impression.
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✨
Content Warning: One of the piles did take on a bit of a heavier tone (not the person's presence, but your background) I've added a content warning explaining a little more at the beginning of it!
LINKS: Dividers | Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings- Open
GIVEAWAY: Personal Reading Giveaway (June 2024) — Closed ✨
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Cards: Seven of Spring, The Lovers, Ten of Summer, The Moon, Eight of Winter
This person could be...
This feels like you might be thinking of an ex (you’re on good terms with) and may still be a part of your life, a one-sided crush (as in you genuinely don't know if they feel the same), a friend… someone who has you captivated. This person did not break your heart or hurt you intentionally if that's an aspect of the relationship. Someone from in the last two years. If it’s someone current then… they’re very supportive of you— actively supportive. It doesn't feel like someone you’re currently in a relationship with but you think highly of them. If none of these fit then I’d say choose another pile.
I feel like this person came into your life to help you become the radiant version of yourself. They entered your life to help you find yourself, believe in yourself, and stand up for yourself. They came to bring you clarity and show you where your happiness lies. While this reading isn’t necessarily romantic, I'd still get the vibe it is/was even if I removed The Lovers. It feels like they have you under some sort of spell or have left a lasting impression on you. Music could be an important aspect here too... either they brought the music back into your life; maybe music is something you share, or they inspired you to pursue it in some format. This could be someone you thought you'd have a forever connection with (in some cases there's still hope for that), or if you know them now, there’s potential for a lifelong bond. You used to hold yourself back and hide from the world, but with this person's presence, you're now stepping out into it with full force.
They came to show you not to fear the unknown, but also to help you gain direction. The seven of spring (wands) would typically be followed by the eight of wands in the traditional tarot deck, which can signify sudden changes and actions. In this deck, the fairy on the card is in an action pose 🦸, symbolizing boldness and assertiveness. What I get from this is you’re gaining confidence and in turn everything is seemingly going to start happening at once. This person could also prevent you from standing in your own way (eight of winter).
In general, they offer you a lot of emotional support, which I feel you may really need at the moment. They make you feel loved and valued—this is someone you want in your life forever, and it feels like they will be, though this is a general reading. I think they also came to show you how to have a good time. This person might be a fling or short-lived but intense friendship, but even then, it’s the kind of experience where you'll reminisce about what you two had fondly and find yourself giggling about in old age.
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This person could be...
Oh my gosh, I’m getting so many different things from this pile but overall I think you’ll like it.
This could be someone you knew as a kid or someone who makes you feel like a kid again. They are warm and loving. I’m getting a Cinderella situation or vibe here. Definitely some kind of monumental change or transformation is occurring or has occurred. The person you’re inquiring about could be someone you’re manifesting, and this reading has a heavily romantic tone. If that’s not what you’re looking for, consider a different pile. They could be with you or support you through a very dark time. There’s an emphasis on emotional connection, so if you don’t feel that bond and know it’s reciprocated in some formt, this might not be the group for you either.
This is someone you’ve been waiting for, or it feels like “your soul” has been waiting for. It’s hard to describe, but this person feels like a heart's wish. Whatever your long-term hopes for the future are, this person plays a role in them. For example, if you want a partner with a significant commitment, kids, and a fancy house (sorry, not the most imaginative at this moment), then this person is going to play a significant role in that.
With the card Release (traditionally Death), I feel like this person has come in when a cycle is over or very Very close to closing out, even if it doesn’t feel that way. I emphasize this because the fairy in the card is in a beautiful setting with shimmering lights above them and their eyes closed. I feel like that is you- you can’t see the transformation taking place… yet. There’s also the nine of summer (cups) following the card, where the images remind me of a coronation coupled with a fairy godmother’s transformation. So I feel like this person symbolises or marks that transition even if you don’t see it yet…. For some of you, I feel like this is still to come. I’m not fully sure how to describe what I’m picking up.
The future is being written out in small steps—steps so small you can’t tell. That’s not meant to scare you! I feel like you might be anxious about that at times. But you’re stepping into a new chapter with lovely rewards. It won’t be all sunshine and rainbows, but when you look back, you’ll remember the good times and how you overcame the bad rather than simply dwell on the bad.
I feel like good things are coming to you with this person. Messages like this can feel short, but there’s not much more to say other than congratulations. This person is loving, nurturing, chivalrous, and has a protective energy. I feel like you’ve lucked out.
I keep wanting to say I’m giving you a hug, but I see you’re already taken care of. ♥️
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Cards: Four of Summer, Seven of Summer and King of Summer, Queen of Autumn, Life Experience
CW: I don't read about certain topics but will mention them if they come through strongly. This group briefly mentions substance use (in a sentence). There's also brief language 🙄. It's also a tough-love group...
In this group I talk about the person romantically but it can absolutely be any other kind of relationship. I did my best to include both. But if you pick this pile then you gotta stick with me because there are so many different messages in it— ready?
This reminds me of a tarot reading I watched on YouTube that mentioned being addicted to someone who has something physically or materially going for them but wasn’t emotionally available. Meanwhile, getting bored of the sweet, emotionally available, non-chaotic type of [person] that [you] need to balance you out… yeah... that’s the same vibe I’m picking up here. I was curious to see what cards would follow when the four of summer, seven of summer and king of summer came out, and as soon as I saw life experience (the tower) I immediately thought yup that's the vibe!
So there are two scenarios I’m picking up on here. This person is either the loving, emotionally available partner you need and deserve OR this person has f*ck boy (idk what the neutral term is) energy and can potentially lead you down a bad path. I kind of feel like this person whichever persona they are, they're here to push you to make a decision. In the imagery on the four of summer, there’s this child kind of like looking up pleading to an older person who is looking off into the distance. I feel like your inner child or some part of you might be begging you not to make dumb decisions. Sitting with the cards more, this person feels like they are more the 'king of cups' type mentioned above. But on your end, it's like the universe could be shining a big old spotlight on them with multiple arrows saying this person is good for you and you'd be like 'yeahhh but I want something different 🤪'. My love— don’t. It reminds me of the song Chaos Mode by DEZI. I feel like this person came into your life because you’re meant to elevate yourself and live to a certain standard (again wording, sorry) instead of repeating things that are going to leave you unstable.
I also feel like this person or type of person you go for can potentially lead you down a pathway of poor mental health and substance use and while I don’t read about substances/substance abuse if that resonates with you, please take the steps you need to get help/break out of that pattern.
You might also be overly picky. Especially if you’re into manifesting and adjacent practices. So if someone fits the bill of what you want but let’s say they don’t look like it by one detail— this person could be everything you’ve wished for personality-wise and everything you need. So it becomes a case of 'are you gonna let the good thing go because one detail is off or are you going to consider if it should legitimately be a dealbreaker'? And what I mean by little things is they look how you want minus a specific piercing or hair cut 🤨, that’s essentially what I get. Long story short, this person came in to make you make up your damn mind.
This person might not be forever either, but they may be the start. I think they’re also here to help you regain your focus on what’s important to you. I know I’ve been tearing into you this whole time (all out of love 🥰) but with the queen of autumn I feel like you have such a lovely personality and demeanour but someone or a certain set of people or event/s have distorted how you see yourself.
Overall, don’t be afraid to change and go after something better. I feel like you’ve been through something significant at some point and the person you’re inquiring about is acting as a guide to bring you to something better.
I’m sending you love, pile three 💕
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Cards: Ego, Ten of Autumn, The High Priestess, Awakening, Nine of Autumn, Four of Autumn, Princess of Winter
This person kind of feels like they came into your life because they’re a messenger of some kind. They’re here to help aid, guide or set you on the right path to the long-term destination you seek. You’re not seeing yourself clearly right now or you’re not seeing something clearly.
They make you pause and question: Are you really in alignment? Your priorities may be off, but this person helps you get back into the right place to enjoy where you are now and what’s to come. This feels like someone who works in a profession helping others or has a safe energy to them, but at the same time, you feel wary about them. There’s an older energy to this person, or they may have been through something you’re going through and are trying to help. To summarize, they have a mentor energy.
This person has entered your life to help you trust your intuition and clear the lens through which you view life. I feel like your energy is slightly jaded, but at the same time, you may mirror each other, so it’s hard to tell which of you is rough around the edges. They might be slightly impersonal but wise. They help you do the work so you can enjoy the results. They may assist with how you view yourself and help you become more open and receptive to others.
I don’t know why, but I got an image of Scrooge—that’s what comes to mind. This person helps you go within, get clarity on one thing or another, revive you, and gain a new perspective.
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redrobin-detective · 11 months
Simon Petrikov headcanons
Only child, had loving parents who supported him but often left him alone for long stretches of time. An eager, empathetic child, he craved relationships with others and struggled to find them. The people he cares for, he loves completely and with everything he has.
He and Betty were such an obnoxious couple. They were each other's first everythings and became attached at the hip from the moment they started dating. They did everything together, mostly because it was Betty helping Simon with all his books and expeditions and research. Dated 2 years before proposing and things fell apart not long after. Simon had his doctorate while Betty was finishing hers, they planned the wedding for after she got her degree.
Was in his mid-late 30s when he first put on the crown. He'd just gotten his PhD and proposed to Betty and was at the happiest point in his life. Secretly believed but never really acknowledged that the reason Betty disappeared is that he accidentally killed during during his first bout of crown induced madness. That lingering grief and guilt was a major driver of his later princess kidnapping mania, seeking out the princess his heart knew was gone. He calmed down again once he realized Betty was alive.
After Betty disappeared, he became a hermit to avoid hurting others and the War happened a few years later. He was affected enough by the crown's magic to not suffer from the radiation sickness. He met Marcy a few years after.
Always wanted children, even when he'd been a child. Was somewhat resigned to it never happening until he met Betty. One of their first big discussions as a couple was about their mutual desire for kids. They both wanted a big family.
Has a somewhat addictive personality which is one reason why he could never truly abandon the crown. Goes through phases with food where he'll only eat a certain thing for months on end. Smoked like crazy, he was trying to quit because it bothered Betty but never quite managed. Even a thousand years later, he still wakes up sometimes craving a cigarette.
Is actually quite different physically from modern humans. Future humans only have 4 fingers and toes, they also have a slightly different internal organ structure that evolved post-war. Simon and humans give each other slight uncanny valley vibes, facial/skeletal shape is mostly the same but a bit tweaked that they can tell something is off slightly. Oooans live longer, are more durable and have more flexible bones. Simon nearly faints when he sees Finn bend his arms in ways that's impossible for him.
Simon retains some effects of the crown. His dark brown eyes became a piercing light blue after that first time and never went back. While he loses all magical ability, he has a higher sensitivity towards it. Has a crazy high physical cold tolerance and can survive temperatures that would harm a normal person. However, his mental tolerance for cold is low. Hates being cold and bundles on layers whenever it's chilly.
He didn't keep memories well while as Ice King. When he came back to himself he found he remembered cold hard facts he learned as IK (names, events, general history of Ooo) but personal memories were only 'dreamlike impression'. People will tell him things he did and Simon will not remember, he finds it very upsetting. Every now and again, a memory will bubble up and no matter what he's doing he'll need to hide away out of embarrassment.
A musical prodigy, someone who can pick up and learn instruments quite easily. Could have done music professionally if he'd been so inclined but preferred it as a hobby. In order of proficiency it was piano -> keyboard -> harmonica -> acoustic guitar -> fiddle -> violin -> ukulele*. *Can only play his and Betty's song which he sang when he proposed.
Drums was never an instrument he learned pre-crown, it was never something he wanted. He learned as Ice King, a way to express his innate musical talent in a medium that fit the cursed king. Plays intermittently after being freed but it takes him years before he becomes comfortable with them.
Taught Marcy the basics of guitar while they traveled together. She'd already expressed an interest in music and he was happy to teach her and sing to her as a way to keep up her spirits. Often joked guitars weren't his specialty but they were easier to find/more portable in an apocalyptic world.
Every couple of months, he and Marcy will pick a venue and play together. Its never announced, they just show up someplace and start playing. The audience goes wild but they're just having having a little family jam session.
Goes grey early. He has a massive panic attack when he first noticed streaks of white in his hair. He thought he was turning back into Ice King before he realized he was just getting old. Its a concept just as foreign and frightening.
It took a long time for Simon to admit what Marcy was to him, it felt presumptuous to think of her as his own when he could barely provide for her and was slowly losing his sanity. Meanwhile Marcy saw him as a parental figure right away. They've since talked about it and acknowledge it but just call each other Marcy and Simon for simplicity's sake. Sometimes, when she's feeling fond she'll call him 'old man' and it makes him feel like a king.
Marcy has a serious fear of Hunson taking offense to Simon filling in the father role. Its one reason she doesn't call him dad even if she feels it. Hunson is cruel and apathetic and possessive. She won't risk Simon falling victim to his petty whims.
Worked hard to make up his past behavior to the people he'd hurt. Many were forgiving but some weren't and he had to learn that some people would never accept his efforts. Took a long time for he and PB to get on good terms. Bubblegum holds grudges and Simon was so ashamed over his actions he would've avoided her if not for Marcy. For her sake, the two of them painfully, awkwardly made peace with each other. They're now quite friendly and even hang out occasionally without Marcy.
Is super uncomfortable around Gunter/Ice Thing for a while. Takes him awhile to work up the nerve to go back to the Ice Kingdom. Ice Thing thinks of Simon as his father and refers to him as such which initially flusters Simon but he gets used to it. They're friendly, but not really close. Ice Thing houses the majority of Simon's book/artifact collection until he donates it to museums. Simon visits every now and again for research purposes and to see the penguins who mutually miss him. The more Simon feels separated from Ice King the easier time he has with Ice Thing.
Everyone but Finn realizes that Simon has basically adopted him. Finn continues to live with Jake until he dies then alternates between crashing at Marcy's, PB's and Simon's place and disappearing on quests for months at a time. Simon worries and dotes on the young human: making meals, keeping his place clean and generally being supportive until Finn is a bit more stable. Finn's obliviousness to Simon's paternal feelings makes him back off a bit more into friend territory but he still worries.
Simon not only moves out of his museum apartment but also out of the floating human city. It isolated him up there, being so unrelatable to the other humans. Moves back down to Ooo and Bubblegum gets him set up with a big house with plenty of extra bedrooms for his friends kids to stay in.
After the events of F&C, he throws himself into his third chance with a gusto. Still has bouts of depression and anxiety the rest of his life but its more controlled. He helps formalize education across the board and creates the first higher education institute in Ooo. Teaches not only about pre-war history but becomes the historian on the history of Ooo. Keeps records, writes books and does interviews that help capture the world which are referenced far into the future. While he will always be associated with Ice King, Simon makes a name for himself as well.
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asterias-corner · 5 months
i think we are severely lacking with the age regression (sfw) in the lu fandom 😔
little links by silentspider, is such a good fic!! it has multiple parts that are all so good! (16k words in total)
i think that they all would age regress to some degree at least- but the main ones would be time, warriors, wild, and legend, i dunno they just give me major little vibes :���)
•time would be super energetic, and climb lots of trees, he would totally collect bugs too. And could be convinced to put them in fours bedroll. Time would regress to 5-6 years old, He’d say the trees are all unique, giving them names and being the only one to successfully tell them apart. He likes to keep a stuffed horse that looks like epona in his bag, malon made it for him!
•Wars would enjoy playing pretend, or more physical games. Usually regresses to 7 years old. He’d probably force everyone to play sharks n minnows, ghost in the graveyard, games like that! he likes to color or draw, also likes to watch four do weapon maintenance. ——
•Wild is a total nature kid, would roll around in mud and you’d not even know what color his clothes are by the dirt and grime just absolutely covering him. Definitely regresses to 8 years old, only going younger is stressed. Rocks are in his pocket, some Rollie polies even. Would climb the highest tree within range and wind would have to get him down. Enjoys playing hide and seek, always ends up being the last to be found. HE MAKES MUD PIES!!!
•legend is more bubbly, but will not share ANYTHING. Don’t ask it will be no. He usually regresses to around 6-7. He likes to hangout around water, and will collect anything that catches his eye, using his hat as a big pocket. Likes to read or play capture the flag (or any variation of such) will try and sneak to do things he knows he isn’t supposed to do.
•wind would probably age dream, never fully regressing, but usually is around 6 while doing so. Enjoys pretty much the same as he usually would not age dreaming, but will beg and BEG to braid everyone’s hair. No matter if it’s short or not, a braid will be in every links hair by the end of the day. When he isn’t age dreaming, total big brother and will convince them into shenanigans.
•four would regress discretely, but the main giveaway is how quiet he gets. Usually just regresses to 9 years old. He likes to read and keep to himself, but that’s when he’s not split. The colors already similar when regressing, but all enjoy different activities. Green enjoys fishing strangely enough, but uses his hands. Blue would see how long he can do a hand stand or something competitive. Red would color and draw with wars. Vio would be the one to read and likes being read too as well!
•hyrule is similar to wild, but likes to take walks and analyze everything. Regresses to 5 years old. He enjoys the sensory of being outside, touching everything (that is safe to do so) and usually drags sky along, regressed or not. He has a special journal just for pressing flowers and pretty weeds. Likes to swim and float in a starfish position for hours.
•sky is the one who regresses to 11 years old, and likes to wrangle four, hyrule, time, and wars into playing charades. He doesn’t carve (cus he isn’t allowed) but learned origami instead! Likes to give them to everyone, usually of their favorite animal or the animal that reminds him of them!
•twilight regresses to 7 years old, likes to play tag! Forces everyone to play when available and it’s scary when he runs full speed to catch someone. Now they know how dink felt . Teaches hyrule how to catch fish bare handed in the rivers, wild gladly takes them to cook as a meal. Twi likes to hang upside down on a tree and screeches at anyone who passes by- if he’s questioned his only reply is “I’m a bat!” Nothing else. Also likes to smack his head into people, full speed, grinning and unapologetic. If questioned, only reply is “I’m a goat! That’s my job!” And runs off to do it to someone else.
remember guys, Age regression is a SFW COPING MECHANISM!!! So i don’t wanna see any hate! These are just my personal opinions and self projection
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
can you do the 4 lords with a childish s/o? like, loves sweets, and is always sneaking them back to their room, very picky eater, and eats ‘children’s’ food, i.e. lunchables, dino nuggets
please and thanks you + i love your writing!!
Thank you! Hope you enjoy!💖
The Four Lords with a Childish S/O Headcanons
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She finds your childishness endearing. I mean, Alcina is a mother after all. But no, that's not really why she finds it endearing. I don't know, it just kind of something that warms her heart and makes her smile, even if it gets overbearing sometimes.
-Because, let's be honest. Castle Dimitrescu is not really a place you would find childish behavior.
-However, she loves it when you crawl into bed with her. It's like a switch flipped in your brain. Child mode told you to clamber in and cling to her, but romantically, you want as much cuddles as possible without the interference of her daughters.
-Speaking of her daughters, you can be caught playing childish games with them like hide or seek, or something along those lines. Alcina might scold her daughters, but never you.
-You were a picky eater by nature, another one of your habits. Certain days you would want certain things, and most of those things were meals that could pass for a child's. However, ever the persuasive, Alcina could sometimes get you to eat something else.
-That, or she manages to get you what you want. She loves you after all. Alcina doesn't always understand this choice in food, but who is she to question your choices.
-Again, she finds your childishness endearing be it a little exhausting. It's moments like this that she's glad her daughters can entertain you. But at the end of the day, you still come to sleep by her side because you love her.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna loves your childish behavior because then she can finally stop acting so poise herself. Contrary to popular belief, Donna is more like a child than the quiet young lady that people think her to be. So, she vibes well with you.
-She now has an excuse to make more dolls than ever. It can be fun for the whole lot of you.
-In fact, she leaves her door open a crack just as an encouragement for you to sneak in at night. Sometimes, if you aren't fast enough, she sneaks into your room. It's a strange relationship to some, but you guys still really love each other.
-If Donna is ever busy with work or something, Angie and the other dolls play around with you. Is it a mess when she comes back inside? Absolutely. Does Donna join in whatever the hell you're doing? Yes.
-She understands your pickiness because she herself is picky when it comes to food. Donna needs tea with whatever meal she's having, and her stomach is rather sensitive. Yeah, her reasons might be a bit different than yours.
-While your foods are childish and odd to her, it doesn't stop Donna from nabbing a dino nugget here and there as you eat, causing you to pout. In fact, Donna is now adapting to your childish meals, much to the amusement of some.
-You both are childish in your own ways which makes you guys the perfect couple together. While Donna has that childish side, she is also responsible enough to make sure you guys get things taken care of. It's really a perfect relationship.
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Salvatore Moreau
-While you and Donna can be a childish pair, you and Moreau are even worse. He loves your childishness and finds it absolutely adorable. He begins to act childish in spite of himself, making you guys bounce off one another.
-Heisenberg says that Moreau has finally found someone with the level of competence as him, which leads to you fighting the metal lord.
-Moreau waits like a child himself for you to come into his bed at night. Granted, the reservoirs don't hold pretty accommodations, but he makes it work for the both of you, yours probably more comfortable than his. But because you love him, the childish side of you ends up in his bed.
-He manages to find a (maybe illegal) stash of kid's movies for you to watch if he ever has to go somewhere alone. Even if he wasn't going anywhere, Moreau would get those movies for you. And yes, of course he was going to watch them with you.
-Your picky eating makes him panic sometimes, cue his own childish side of overreacting, because he doesn't have much to begin with. You try to be flexible for him, but you can't help what you want sometimes.
-Don't worry, Donna sometimes pulls through for him to get the food you want. Now, Moreau has always wanted to try some of your (what he considers) unique food, but he's always been scared to ask or take from you. But hey, just because your childish doesn't mean your cruel. Of course you're going to give him a nugget.
-Moreau can be childish just like you, but probably with more of the negative traits than the positives. This is why you guys balance each other out so well. You love each other, and manage to make the other smile.
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Karl Heisenberg
-We all know Heisenberg is going to struggle here. Take a serious and angry man like him and put him with a childish person like you. The reaction isn't always that pretty. However, he isn't always a cruel bastard, and treats you as well as he can with your behavior.
-The other lords tease him about the situation, and that's when he goes on the aggressive defensive, for you and him.
-The first time you snuck into his room during the night, he nearly killed you because you scared him to death. Locking his door meant nothing because you picked it. Soon, he just said fuck it we ball and left it wide open. He did wake up to find you sleeping with him, and he couldn't help but smile.
-He knew you were a person who needed to be entertained (in both ways that you are thinking), but he didn't know how to deal with that when he was working or gone. But let's just say, he wasn't leaving anything sharp around you again.
-Your picky eating drove him nuts in the beginning. He didn't see what the big deal was and didn't have the time to worry about it. Yes, it caused some fights, and yes, he eventually gave in. Of course, he was rolling his eyes and making fun of you.
-While he got irritated, he was also intrigued. You can guess that Heisenberg has never seen foods like the ones that you like to eat. You would offer him some, but he would always decline. But you'd be lying if you said you never saw him sneaking some treats in for himself.
-Heisenberg didn't understand how you could be so childish, and even if it irritated him sometimes, he would be lying if he said it didn't bring a smile to his face now and again. He needs a bit of that innocence in his life, so he thanks you.
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ryverbind · 5 months
Faceless Fixation (Sal Fisher): Hide-n-Seek [23]
dacnorthxx: pretty girl <3 sfcommm: OMG?? ok they're def dating wtfsally: I thought Vi and Sal were gunna end up together butttt honestly this is a vibe. I like it belongingtoash: VIOLETHHHHH LETS GOOOOOOO toodswithouthed: @dacnorthxx BROTHER THE RIZZ??????????             dacnorthxx: @toodswithouthed they don't call me the rizzler for nothing            belongingtoash: oh he definitely pulled her. but does he pull out?            dacnorthxx: @belongingtoash what's the name of that lil debbie pie?            larrysbitch: @dacnorthxx LMFAAOOOOO I KNOW YOU DIDN'T             dacnorthxx: @larrysbitch how do u know i didn't if i literally did violethshipper: ^^^omfg someone give this man a medal.
I want to go back to Sal's house.
If anyone asks, I never said that. Never admitted it. I will take those eight words to my grave and into the afterlife. But standing in the middle of a pot-hole infested road in the middle of Nockfell's forest with no prior reasoning to be here has me on edge.
Todd and Neil ditched us for another date night, which is starting to sound like an excuse to get way from us. So Ash gathered me, Sal, and Larry out here (apparently Larry is in on the plan) and told me the weather would be chilly, so I should 'dress appropriately.'
It's fucking colder than a witch's tit out here. Chilly to me translates to long sleeves, not coat weather.
But we're here, the sun drifting toward the horizon behind my best friend's sunset-encrusted silhouette and an evil grin dominating her partner-in-crime's handsome face.
"I've gathered you here today to participate in a life or death simulation," Ash chirps, like that statement isn't going to strike fear in the hearts of all-- well, me.
I purse my lips, turning from Ash and Larry to glance at Sal. He's dressed comfy; in the same Breaking Benjamin hoodie I accidentally wore in Vegas-- I'm shocked he didn't burn the thing-- to go with black sweats and dirty shoes. And he did something different with his hair. Something that I hate him for.
Ash said 'the woods' and he proceeded to sigh, then put half his hair up into a little bun all while grabbing another string cheese. Then he walked out the house.
I really, really hate him for it. 
"Are you going to ask or what?" Ash's clipped words snap at the open air like a whip.
I pinch my lips together and focus on my darling Ash. "Why am I out here?" 
A stunning smile builds on her glossy lips. "I'm so glad you asked, bellissima! We are going to play hide-n-seek. You and Sal are going to be finding a hiding spot-- no context as to why you're paired up included." She holds a hand out to exemplify her point, stopping the obvious question before it can even form on my lips. My stomach drops out of my ass regardless though.
"Larbear and I will not be seeking you, we'll be hunting you." Her eyebrows raise as that smile on her pretty face turns cunning. "You have five minutes. We'll hike to Sal's, then back here and that will end your time to hide. I suggest you make haste, my lovely little victims."
I gape at her, the plan sounding more and more evil as she keeps running her freaking mouth.
Larry lifts a hand, index finger pointed in the air. "And you two are not allowed to kill each other either." Ash nods her head vigorously in agreement.
"So yea!" She chirps, hands behind her back as she grins mischievously at me, a malicious glint in her forest eyes. "Larry and I will see you two losers when we find you. Good luck!"
"Hold on!" I stammer over my words, taking a big step toward Larry and Ash as they... run in the opposite direction. Gone in the blink of an eye. I pinch my lips together, heart sinking into the depths of my despair. "This is going to end in murder!" I bellow for good measure even though they can't hear me.
I swallow thickly, blinking at the now empty street. It's just us two.
"If it ends in murder, I'll haunt you," Sal's voice makes me sigh. It's monotonous, nonchalant. No emotion. 
I spin on my heels to look at him. He's standing in the middle of the road, hands in his hoodie pockets. 
Half his hair is up in that bun, the rest hanging over his shoulders as he watches me, completely emotionless. And as empty as he seems right now, the nature around him still makes him glow. The sun setting behind him, the canopy of Nockfell's forest framing his body. What a sight to behold-- it's just a damn shame that he's the person that mother nature is admiring so lovingly.
A shiver takes hold of my body when the slight breeze picks up for a moment, but I do my best to mask it as a grimace instead. I can't let this monster of a man see me weak. It'll only end badly for me. 
Can't hide shit from Sal Fisher, by the way.
His eyes light up, his stance straightening a bit. "Are you cold?" he asks, a bit of something in his tone even if it was just to make his question actually sound like a question.
I grumble to myself. "It's Ash's fault," I snap. "She told me it would be chilly. Chilly in eternally autumnal Nockfell and chilly in blazingly hot LA are two very different things." I clench my teeth, begging them not to chatter. "Two different things she did not take into account."
My gaze gravitates to my black jeans and the tight-fitted, long-sleeved violet shirt that I borrowed from Ash earlier. Things could be worse, but this shirt is still thin as hell. 
Being that The Faces are so accustomed to the constant chill here in Nockfell, fifty degrees isn't cold to them. But in Los Angeles, I'm lucky to see fifty degrees in the winter. This, to me, is cold. Especially with the sun beginning to go down. 
I focus in on Sal again. He's staring at me. It's awkward, neither of us know what to do. Ash and Larry have taken off back to Sal's to count. I don't know where on earth to go. Sal looks like he'd rather be anywhere else and be stuck with anyone else. But hey, that makes two of us.
With a breath, Sal tilts his head down. Then he starts easing his arms out of his hoodie. For a moment, I fear that he's going to give that damn hoodie to me. But then I remember that this is Sal, I mean, come on. He's probably just warm because he's used to the weather here.
Was the fear of him offering me his hoodie wishful thinking?
No. 'Course not.
I purse my lips at the thought, continuing to watch Sal as he carefully pulls the hoodie over his head, careful not to mess up his styled hair. 
Where could we hide? Should we hide at all or just bump into Ash and Larry with a half-assed 'haha, wow you found us?'
My brows furrow when Sal walks closer to me, holding... out... the hoodie...
I choke on my own saliva, taking a staggering step back as the retaliation of my own traitorous ideas comes rearing it's fugly head. Had the thought not crossed my mind, I wouldn't be in this predicament right now.
Sal turns his head slightly, eyes narrowed like I freaked him out or something. Like I'm weird. Like I'm some kind of fairy with wings that suddenly popped out of the forest.
"Hell no," I cackle, holding a hand out in front of me and shaking it, hoping that my hand's movement will wipe away that damn hoodie. "Cut that shit out. Put your hoodie back on." The words come out in a maniacal shrill, but I don't know how to control myself in this kind of scenario.
My anxious, terror-ridden reaction seems to spark some kind of emotion in Sal. As if taunting me, he takes a step closer and presses the hoodie into my hand. I back away quickly like he's burned me and he has the audacity to laugh.
I have every reason to believe that he'd chase me around with that hoodie if I showed too much fear.
"Seriously, Sal," I warn, narrowing my eyes at him to show him I'm serious. "Stop."
In turn, Sal sighs. "Just take it. It's not to be cute or anything. You should know as much." Amusement tinges his raspy voice. "But if you freeze out here, you won't be able to pack all my shit tomorrow."
"Why would I pack your shit?" I ask, immediately offended. What does he think I am? His servant?
"I'm the only one driving. Most of our boxes are coming with me. Do you not communicate with anyone? Or do you not listen?" He inquires with a smack of his lips. "That's a fatal character flaw, Vi."
I scrunch up my face in distaste, rage flaring through me. He definitely does this on purpose. "For your information, no one bothered to inform me. At least know the full story before you start assuming my character flaws." I point an accusatory finger at him, watching him silently before my eyes flit down to the hoodie that he's still holding out to me. 
He called me Vi, not by my name. 
With a disgruntled groan, I snatch the hoodie from his grasp and start fumbling to get it on. I'm thankful for my mask in the moment since it hides the light blush working onto my cheeks. 
The hoodie's still warm from his body, wrapping me up in a lush embrace. I sigh as comfort takes hold of me-- I can't believe I initially fought this off. What was the point? Now I'm warm and I won't freeze to death. Plus, the collar smells just like him. A little minty, a dash of cologne that's a mix of pine and rainwater, and then a sweet detergent.
"I didn't know you drove," I grumble, popping my head through the hoodie while keeping a hand placed over my mask so it doesn't fall off. Sal tilts his head at me, hair looking completely untouched whereas mine is now a frizzy mess.
"You must not observe your surroundings," he replies. This time there's a little, lighthearted bite to it. His eyes seem brighter than they did just minutes ago. Some of his personality is coming back to him. I wonder what ever took it away in the first place. "Car in the driveway's mine."
I blanch, eyes practically popping out of my head. "That Camaro is yours?" I practically spit the words out, patting down my hair. "How are you even able to-- to drive? With the prosthetic?"
"Great question, especially considering I only have one eye." Sal's gaze never leaves mine, like he's testing me with that information.
While I didn't know that for sure, I could have assumed he was at least blind in one eye due to the dilation of only one pupil instead of both. But it's nothing surprising. The scars on his face said as much about him.
So I narrow my eyes as if I'm studying every move he makes. "How'd you trick 'em into giving you a license then?" I ask, nothing but scrutiny lacing my tone. "Did you kill them?" I point a finger at my temple. "Mind control?"
My aim was to aggravate him, but to my surprise, he actually chokes on a laugh. And it's an adorable reaction-- so much so that in the moment, I feel like we're friends. I like him like this. I feel... this feels...
His eyes scrunch closed and he tilts his head down, hair flowing over his shoulders and chest bobbing with his laughter. He even puts a hand on his stomach as the lovely sound continues to pour out of him. I can't help but add in a little chuckle of my own.
Sal takes a deep breath before standing up again, ambling a bit closer to me as his hair blows in the wind, only bits of it contained in his little bun. "That's a first," he says breathlessly. "And the best reaction to someone finding out I'm disabled."
I can't wipe the wide grin off my face as I shrug. "Seriously though," I say, giggles attached to the words. "How are you able to drive? Isn't that-- not being able to see fully-- wouldn't that be a hazard?"
Sal nods his confirmation. "I shouldn't be driving, but I can. My promise was to never drive outside of Nockfell, so once we get to LA, things are unfortunately going to change." His decent mood seems to diminish a bit at the mention. "And as for the license I have now, don't worry about it. Just know it's very, very illegal."
I tilt my head dismissively. "Alright then," I mumble. "I won't ask about the extent of your illegal activities." Even though I am really curious about it. "But where are we hiding?"
Sal, in answer, begins walking past me. He doesn't gesture for me to follow, but I do it anyway. I catch up to him in a moments notice, walking beside him and waiting for a vocal answer rather than a physical one.
"We aren't hiding," he murmurs, nodding at the road ahead of us. "We're going camp out at the apartments."
"Oh," I whisper, watching the buildings in front of us grow taller the closer we get to them. "So, they won't find us at all, will they?"
Sal snorts. "No. They'll be out here for hours."
"Karma," I say nonchalantly, stuffing my hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
"Hm," Sal hums to himself. "Yea," he says louder, looking ahead as we walk. "Ever heard of Darwinism?" he asks randomly. But something about his voice puts me on edge.
"Uh," I say hesitantly, wary of his next words-- or worse, his next move. "Charles Darwin? Survival of the fittest?"
"Yup," he pops the 'p', body leaned toward me for a moment as he adds, with a smile in his voice, "You are not the fittest, by the way."
I gape at him. Shock ripples through me at the audacity. Now he's just reaching for anything to insult me with. Sure, maybe I'm not the fittest. I didn't bring a jacket into cool weather. But that didn't warrant a Darwinism jab. "Fuck you," I snap, taking a step away from him. I grumble unintelligible insults to myself for a second. I'll curse Ash and Larry 'til the day I die. "Why did they send us out together anyway? They should have known this would be a clusterfuck."
Sal doesn't even spare me a glance, just keeps walking, sticks and gravel crunching beneath the soles of his Converse. "I don't know. Something about forceful bonding. I didn't care to listen," he replies and I want to punch him for it. That question was for myself, not him. And of course he wouldn't listen. That's just so him.
I keep walking, gaze glued to the buildings and darkening sky. I don't have words for him, not when he's being difficult on purpose. I can go the rest of this stupid little trip without sharing another word with him. See if I care-- he'll be the one to suffer. I can hold out. I don't need to fuck him here. My pride is bigger than his and my need combined.
In the middle of my solitary girlbossing, my foot catches on a pothole that I didn't see because I didn't bother to look where I was walking. Too busy bitching to myself about Sal. Nockfell's old. The roads aren't well funded. It seems I've forgotten that in my time away.
I stumble forward, ready to scrape my knees on the pavement and suffer the embarrassment of Sal watching me take a tumble. But I hear a grunt beside me as a hand latches onto my elbow, another grabbing my waist and hoisting me into a standing position. I gulp so hard that it hurts, gaze on my foot caught in the pothole while the warmth from Sal's hands envelops my arm and side.
"Watch your step, dumbass," Sal mumbles, a clipped laugh following the statement.
I pinch my lips together and swing my head over my shoulder to glare at him. He watches me, humor dancing in his sapphire gaze. Seeing him so unserious will always be shocking. Especially since he saved me without complaining for once. I half expect him to shove me back into my fall, but he doesn't. Puts a bit more of his weight into his arms and pulls me toward him until I'm able to free my foot from the hole.
"Had you broken your ankle, I wouldn't have carried you back, idiot," he says, voice chipper despite the constant back and forth of his emotions. Finally and thankfully he moves his dangerous hands away from me.
"And yet you felt merciful enough to lend me your jacket?" I ask, a sneer on my face. I'm still holed up with my pride... but it's slipping with every word I say.
Sal shrugs. "How can I fuck you if you're sick?" is all he says. And it almost sounds like an excuse, but... he isn't wrong either.
I shake my head, lips pressed together. "Are you going to tell me the truth or are you going to keep up with the fluff bullshit?" I ask him, inclining my head upward. Like I said, I don't have to fuck him here-- why is he so insistent on it? Does he need to christen his house before he leaves for good or something?
Well, we have a head start. We already checked his desk off the list.
Sal rolls his eyes at my words, a glimmer of aggravation in his gaze. "Can't you just accept help?" He kicks a rock with the toe of his shoe, launching into a walk toward the apartments again. I begrudgingly follow him. "I know I'm not trustworthy or anything, but not everything is meant to spite you. Yea, maybe most of it is for my own gain..." he trails off, a smug glance toward me that makes me want to kick his shins in. "But it works out for you."
"The more you talk, the less I like you," I force out from behind clenched teeth. Any kind of warmth I felt from his gesture with the hoodie is left colder than a piece of frozen meat.
"You like me?" Sal drawls, his body tilting toward me just to piss me off some more. But that prideful tone of his makes me shake my head again-- this time to get the smooth timbre out of my head. Is he flirting or being antagonistic? I can never tell with him.
"Not anymore," I chirp. "And when I did like you," I turn to him and hold up my hand pressing my index and thumb together until there's only a sliver of space left between them. "It was so little that it didn't fucking matter either way."
I watch as the bottom of his left eyebrow disappears behind his prosthetic. I can imagine the inquisitive eyebrow raise-- I just wish I could see the whole thing. "Is that anything to say to the guy who's made you cum how many times on this trip?" He holds up a hand, lifting fingers to count.
A snarl leaves my lips as I look away from him. "Once. You've made me cum once, dick," I inform him. "The point you were trying to prove is stupid."
"Dick?" He asks. My eye twitches when his slightly excited, very complacent tone travels over to me. "No, my dick hasn't made you cum yet."
I don't know what's gotten into him. And I don't know what's gotten into me when a little smile quirks my lips at his joke. But I hide it the instant it appears, shoving it deep down. "Shut up," I bite out, trying to come off as aggressive, but even he seems to catch the light, humorous tremor in my voice. 
All that anger has dissipated by now. It's almost as if he knew he bothered me and went through all this to make me forget it.
I purposefully ignore the flutters in my chest and cartoonish crush-y feeling as Sal and I fall into silence, continuing our trek to Addison Apartments. 
I'm thankful for the comfortable quiet, the only sounds around us being our shuffling footsteps along the street, birds chirping and rustling in the treetops. Other than life noises, Nockfell is quiet. Aside from the annual Pumpkin Fest, it's so quiet here that it nearly seems desolate. 
Sal is a specimen and whatever it is that's changed between us-- because there is a very obvious change-- I'm going to ignore it. I have to ignore it and focus on my career, on myself. Why acknowledge this growth in the first place? We're still fucking around and that's all it'll be. To do that, we have to hate each other a little less, right?
Sal turns a corner, so I cut my own steps to turn with him, stopping short when Addison Apartments suddenly towers over me. 
When I lived here the first time, the apartments were about to fall apart. But now... everything is refurbished. It looks like there are lights on in bedrooms on the fifth floor, where renovations had gone on forever it seemed. The building is a new color, no paint chipping or walls broken. It's pretty nice. There are buildings on either side now too, showing that there have been additions. It's nothing like I remember it.
"I take it you've met Lisa by now."
I turn my gaze to Sal, watching as he pulls out a set of keys. Has he had those this entire time? 
His head is tilted down, sorting through the same set of keys while his cerulean hair billows in the gentle wind. Cornflower blue Converse dusty and caked with mud in various spots. I take it these are an old, occasionally worn pair.
His prosthetic enters my field of vision and I snap back into myself. "Yes," I simply reply. I reserved that answer, but forgot what question, exactly, I'm meant to be answering. Because I was too busy ogling him.
He looks at me a moment longer, eyes narrowing like he can smell the fact that I got distracted. With the way he is, I wouldn't be surprised if he could smell something like that.
Sal opens the door though, passing through it and into the lobby as a nonverbal way of telling me to follow. I do, walking through the threshold and into the building.
It's stunning, reminding me a lot of The Faces' suite in Vegas. All white, pristine. I wonder who's keeping it all up, but the answer rings through my head. Most likely Lisa.
I hear hinges squeaking to my right, so I rotate my head to face the sound-- only to find a pair of ebony eyes gazing out of a mail slot about as old as these apartments are.
"Oh, Sal!" Mr. Addison's short, polite voice fills me with nostalgia. I smile warmly at the man. "Welcome back. Coming to visit, I presume?"
Sal nods his head once. "Ash and Larry are up to no good, as usual."
"Ah," Mr. Addison responds, followed by an endearing chuckle. "Who's your friend?"
"Not my friend," Sal answers, never missing a beat.
I roll my eyes. 
"Hi, Mr. Addison," I say sweetly, waving at him. "I'm y/n. Do you remember me?"
I watch those dark eyes widen in recognition and a little grin works its way onto my face. 
"My word," he says breathlessly. "It's been years! I hardly recognize you!" That mail slot opens a bit more as if he's trying to get a better look at me.
I giggle, leaning down a bit to talk to him more properly. "Ten years'll do that, I guess."
"I guess so." He laughs heartily. "Tell your father I said hello. Oh, and I shouldn't have to say it, but you two behave yourselves!"
A breathy laugh comes from Sal and I nearly mimic it. "See you later, Mr. Addison," I bid the man goodbye.
"Farewell." Then squeaky hinges and the disappearance of those ominous eyes.
I turn my attention to Sal, a glare clearly reflected in my gaze. I know he can see it because neither of us has to say a word to communicate what's happening. All he needs to do to rile me up in response is smile-- which he does, if the squinting of his eyes says anything.
I follow him into the elevators regardless of how I feel. There's still a thin veil of humor hovering between us despite it all, so I ignore his bullshit even if I desperately want to smack him for giving Mr. Addison a hard time.
He presses his knuckle into the '4' button and we slowly travel upward. It's a miracle that the elevators have been fixed in the years since I've been here. In fact, there's music playing. It's shitty smooth jazz, but it's better than having to listen to the elevator threaten to fall apart like I did as a child. I can still hear the janky, rickety sound of the elevator struggling to move.
We emerge on the fourth floor, still not a word exchanged between us. But I change that, curiosity getting the best of me.
"This place is nothing like I remember it," I muse, eyes trained to the little chandelier on the ceiling. Who the hell paid Addison?
Sal hums, as if to say he knows. "Once our streaming career took off, Larry and I shoveled a chunk of money into finishing renovations here. We had way too many close calls with death as teens to let it rot."
I nod, taking in the rest of the hallway. It's not much different from what it used to be-- a new paint job and some accessories here and there. "It was a good investment," I murmur.
"Larry would disagree," Sal snorts, grabbing the handle of a door to apartment 402. He pauses when the knob doesn't turn and grabs the keys he had prepared. "We had a failed ghost hunting Youtube channel going before this. Larry really wanted that to work out even though he was a chickenshit."
I bark out a laugh despite myself. Larry and Sal into ghost hunting? Preposterous. But believable considering all the rumors surrounding this place.
It's kind of sweet to imagine them walking around with a camera, going places they shouldn't with quivering voices and high-pitched, voice-cracking screams.
"That channel still up?" I prod Sal. He pauses at my question, never getting his key into the doorknob as he turns to me.
"Don't even try," he warns, head tilting in a half-heartedly threatening way.
I grin. "Well, I know what I'm doing tonight."
His eyes roll, karma for the eye-rolling he made me do downstairs.
Before he can retort, the door swings open and Sal whips around, making eye contact with Henry who beams at both of us. "We weren't expecting any visitors-- what are you guys doing here!?"
"Avoiding Ash and Larry," Sal simply states, keys back in his pocket.
Henry's smile transforms into one of understanding. "They're giving you trouble again?"
Sal releases a breath, clearly fed up with having to give the same explanation for his appearance multiple times. "When are they not?"
Henry lets out a dad-chuckle, clapping his hand onto his son's shoulder and ushering him inside, motioning for me to follow.
I could cry when I walk inside. This apartment looks the same way mine did. Sal and Larry didn't renovate this one-- maybe they didn't renovate the inside of any. It's a nice blast from the past though. I can almost feel Ash dumping her paint water on me in the corner of the living room; a fond but chilly memory from our childhood.
My focus transfers to Lisa though, a smile on her face as she wipes her hands off on her apron. But as I smile at her, her eyes narrow and she purses her lips. "You look familiar," she says, the statement sounding more like a question.
I walk over to her, my heart pounding the entire way. She was more of a mom to me than my own mother was. I owe this woman so much and it's been way too long since I last saw her.
"It's y/n," I tell her a bit bashfully. "It's me."
I pray she remembers me for a moment, but there was no reason to worry considering she breaks into a blinding grin and wrestles me into a suffocating hug that I'm more than happy to drown in.
"Oh, my little girl!" She coos, hand rubbing my back affectionately. Her cheek presses into the top of my head as she gives me a big squish. "Best day ever."
Of everyone I've met again recently, Lisa is the first person who hasn't prodded me about life recently or made the comment about how it's been so long. She hasn't said a word about the mask. She's just happy to have me here.
She pulls away from our hug and wipes a tear from her eye before it can fall. My heart about damn near cracks in two. "You're so beautiful!" She gasps, holding me at arm's length and looking me over. Best day ever. "How have you been, honey?"
"I've been alright," I answer honestly, smiling fondly at the woman. "How have you been?"
"Well, I'm wonderful now that you're here." She playfully scrunches her nose then pats my shoulder. "Come here and sit so we can catch up. I have dinner cooking right now."
Lisa leads me over to the kitchen table, pulling out a chair for me. So I sit and cross my arms over the table mat, watching as she moves over to the oven. This is exactly what I'd do every Thursday evening after school-- make my way down to the basement and have dinner with the Johnson's. 
"So," Lisa says excitedly, pulling out her famous lasagna-- fuck yea. "Tell me about what you've been up to."
I open my mouth to respond but flinch upon feeling my phone suddenly vibrate in my pocket. Fumbling to pull it out, I send an apologetic glance toward Lisa who only shakes her head, a gentle smile on her lips.
I look down at my phone, brows scrunching together upon reading "Heather" across my screen. Dammit. Is it really that time of the year again?
It's my mother. We don't talk much. And when we do, it's because dad hasn't paid her yet. For what? Child support? I have no siblings. She's just some important, top notch executive on Wall Street that still milks her ex husband and daughter of any asset they have.
Sighing, I debate on what to do. I should just decline it. But if I decline, she'll bother dad. And when they talk, I don't see my dad for weeks at a time. Not because he's avoiding me or depressed... it's because she convinces him to send her more money and that ends in him having to work much more than he already does.
I begrudgingly answer the call, bringing the device to my ear with a pounding heart. I don't want this. I never do.
"Y/n," my mothers brusque voice filters through the call and I grimace, jaw clenched tight. "Bruce is late."
"Does it matter?" I bite out. I have every reason to treat her this way. She couldn't even tell her own daughter hello after going silent for months. Why should I offer her any kindness?
My mother scoffs, disbelief in the noise. "Of course, it matters," she snaps at me, devoid of any kind of motherly affection. Not like it's surprising. "When we split, the deal was that I get $1,500 monthly. And when he doesn't have it, I have to come get it from you."
"Don't you have anyone else you can bother?" I sigh, thinking of the money stacking up in my bank account. Half of it's going to have to fall to her now. "Or are your other children from the rest of your failed marriages not talking to you either?"
Heather goes silent. I immediately regret my words, especially upon noticing Lisa, Henry, and Sal go still. Their attention on me. I hide behind my hair, tipping my head down so it falls in my face.
"You ungrateful brat," Heather seethes into the phone. I grimace, but it's not enough to make me back down. This isn't the first time she's said those three words to me. If anything, I'm used to it. "Don't you know how much I sacrificed to raise you?"
I pinch my lips together, wondering why she bothered to try and raise me at all. Not like she stuck around long enough to do much raising in the first place.
As if Lisa could tell things were beginning to spiral, she lays a hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Is that your mama?"
I swallow thickly, nodding in confirmation. Lisa and my mom used to butt heads constantly. Lisa loathed my mom and the tight leash she held on me as a child. I'm lucky I got to meet Ash, Larry, and Todd at all.
"Put her on speaker for me," Lisa says in response to my nod, a maniachal little grin on her aged face. That must be where Larry got it from.
My mouth dry, I lay my phone down on the table, ignoring the curses and insults my mother spews until I click the button that puts her on speaker. And then her voice echoes through Lisa and Henry's living room, Heather's harsh and aggressive words splayed out for everyone to bear witness to.
"You and your little ploy of being something special. Pathetic," she spits, her voice cracking. "Did you think you could hide from me?" A humorless laugh. "That you could hide behind that stupid name? What was it— VioletViolence? Should I tell the world about what a disappointment you are? Or how about I show them your face?"
I suck in a shocked, shaky breath, my eyes going wide as panic rips my inside to ribbons. My heart threatens to burst from my chest as a tsunami of fear and and anxiety drowns me.
My own mother, selling me out for not getting her way.
With nothing else to do but pant down at the screen, ignorant of the other bodies in the room, I leap from my chair. My hands brace against the dinner table, my mouth gaping as I try to find words and rifle through my thoughts.
A hand snatches my phone in a split second. Lisa.
"You're on speaker, Heather dear." The words are laced with ice. With hateful promises of revenge so vicious, I couldn't even begin to dream of the possibilities. "I suggest you watch what you say."
My mother starts spitting out nonsense again, but Lisa takes her off of speaker and disappears into the next room, no doubt to give her a verbal beating.
Fuck. What do I do? I need to talk to Ash. I need to talk to dad. I need someone to ground me because I'm free floating through my own terror at this point. Shame and panic have gripped me whole, threatening to take everything that I am. Claim everything that I've built up for myself and tear it all down.
I don't know what to do. Heather is big enough in New York that she can slather my name across headlines and leak every personal aspect about me. For the entire world to see.
And how could I stop her? I'm nothing. I'm just a random streamer that maybe a few thousand people know about. I don't matter. I never mattered.
Hands cup my cheeks— warm, rough ones. They force my head to tilt upward until I'm gazing into pretty, azure eyes. And while I'm not surprised to see cerulean hair, I am taken aback upon finding that the hair is long, rather than short.
Of every possibility, I expected Henry over Sal. In every lifetime. So maybe Sal knows something that I don't about anxiety and averting attention because his hands on my face and his eyes gazing into mine shocks me into stillness. A pause. A moment where no thoughts enter or leave my brain. Everything just freezes.
But I watch his eyes. Eyebrows furrowed, determination and confidence reflected in his light irises. A little spear of panic stabs at me upon seeing one of his pupils dilated. It's not a bad panic, but it's panic in the sense that he's very obviously worried for me.
I don't want his pity. But right now, with him conveying the words 'Everything will be okay' through eye contact alone, I grasp onto his pity. I hold onto it for dear life.
Hold onto the way his fingertips press into my cheeks and jaw, their grasp so tender but assertive. The cool bite of his rings against my cheeks. Our physical contact telling me to focus on him rather than outside issues. The warmth of his skin on mine. And when his index discreetly pushes a strand of hair away from my lips.
I latch onto all of it, the once in a lifetime comfort he's offering. I leech on the one tether I have to sanity, gripping his wrists in my cold palms and watching him the way his eyes beg me to.
"I am not doing this as a friend," Sal starts quietly, never blinking beneath that strong stare. His tone a perfect mask of calm, of stability. "I am not doing this as a companion. I am not doing this as someone who cares." All mistaken meanings combined— he's touching every base so that I don't misunderstand his approach. "I am doing this as someone who understands." His thumb rubs over my too warm skin, soothing whatever negativity is still roiling around inside. I try to ignore the sparks of want that erupt throughout my body. It's not insatiable, it's just an overwhelming desire to keep his hands on my face. To have him shield me from everything.
"Get your head on straight." Those words, spoken so gently but with a dominant edge— all to give me a mental launching pad so that I'm not fighting alone right now. "Remember that you have the power to sue the fuck out of anyone who comes for you. Okay?"
I swallow thickly, roaring at the tears that suddenly sting my eyes. Not now, not in front of him.
But I nod. And he pulls away. I feel the lack of his warmth immediately, the emptiness.
Another phone rings and Sal hisses in front of me, but I don't pay much mind. I'm too busy trying to reel myself in and remember that there's always a solution. I'll be fine, it'll all be fine.
"What?" Sal snaps, frustration lacing his pretty voice. Then silence, aside from Lisa getting real aggressive with my mom in a bedroom to the right.
I look up, noting his phone held to his ear and those baby blue eyes darting back and forth along the carpeted floor.
"Fine. We'll head back. When are you guys leaving?" Sal says, still a bit snappy but softer this time. I guess he's talking to either Ash or Larry.
Sal doesn't even say goodbye, just shuts his phone off and tucks it away before turning to his dad. "I'm sorry, but we have to leave," he says, voice emotionless like it had been earlier. My mood only seems to dampen at the sound. "Can you get Lisa?"
Henry knows the drill. He nods grimly then goes over to the room Lisa's in, pulling her out as she snaps a dark, "Rot in hell." into the phone before ending the call.
My eyebrows raise, a hint of amusement flitting through me at the remark. Heather deserved that.
Lisa rushes over to me, handing over my phone and cupping my face in her hands like Sal did just moments ago. "Don't let her scare you, honey. She's a mean old lady with nothing better to do," she tells me gently, smiling sadly.
A watery laugh leaves me, but being on the verge of tears, I really don't trust myself to utter a single word.
Lisa seems to understand. She rubs my cheek, kisses the top of my head, then pulls away. "Come visit me before you all leave."
I nod, swallowing thickly. Praying that I bounce back from this and set some boundaries with my mom. However that sliver of hell on earth will go.
Sal and I walk out moments later. Our journey back to his house is spent in the dark, crickets chirping and owls hooting. We don't talk. Sal was respectful enough in that sense, but I hardly remember the walk back. It went so fast, took so little effort with my mind trained on other things.
And Ash, unaware of what went down at Henry and Lisa's, greets me with a yelled, "Where the hell did you two even hide!? We checked, like, everywhere!" She pauses, assessing me. "And how the hell did you get into Sal's hoodie without either of you ripping each other apart!?"
"We didn't hide," I mumble, giving her a smile I don't feel and walking to the couch. I'm numb. Whereas the world was crashing down around me at the apartments earlier, now it's just stagnant. I can't find it in me to care.
Ash goes quiet, although I feel her gaze on me. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" She asks, tone comforting and sweet.
"Yea," I sigh. I don't want to worry her. I can tell her about what happened later if she's still concerned. "Just tired."
She hums like she doesn't believe me, but says, "Okay, so I guess you don't want to come out with Larry and I? We're going to a bar on main street."
I shake my head, turning on the TV and completely checking out of the conversation. My social battery is empty for the night-- I just want to be alone.
I vaguely hear Ash and Larry asking if Sal wants to join, but he declines. Walks over to his room in my peripheral.
Then the front door shuts, buffering the sound of Ash and Larry's conversation. Their voices are muted, hardly carrying into the house now.
I stay perched on the couch, turning to Sal when he doesn't immediately disappear into his room.
His one hand holds onto the door jamb, his chest and head poking out of his bedroom door while the rest of him stays hidden. His prosthetic turned to the front door, listening as his friends voices grow quieter with the distance they create as they walk away from us.
This should be an opportunity for me, but I don't have anything in me to start up a game with Sal right now. His pep-talk helped me earlier, but now I just... I don't want to socialize. I don't want to talk. I don't want to have to fight to get some short-lived distraction from Sal. Even if it would be nice, it just isn't us unless we're making it unique. Personal. Filled with hate and loathing. 
I realize I'm staring his way when his gaze suddenly cuts to me. Those haunting blue eyes glance around my body before settling on my face, both of us watching each other. Emotionless.
Then he disappears into his room, door shutting softly behind him. 
Sal may be a lot of things-- bad things-- but I have to give it to him. He knows how to read a room, when to be serious, and when to back down. He has never once disrespected my decision and he holds the championship for that kind of care even now. 
It's not much, but he treats me like an actual human being whenever I need it most. When I'm mentally stable is when he breaks free from that facade and creates chaos. And that-- that's fine. That's what makes being stuck in his presence fun.
I chew on my bottom lip, dissociating a bit as I watch his closed door, listening to automated laughter on the television before me. 
I blink out of my daze when Sal's door swings open again and he pokes his head out. He doesn't look at me at first, his fingertips pressing into the door jamb again. But when he finally does turn his attention to me, those darkened eyes catching my own, he says, "I don't know how to word this."
I'm unable to form my own words. He clearly wants to ask me something. Why is hesitant? It's unlike him. Unsettling. "You've never filtered yourself before. Spit it out," I simply reply. 
I hate that damned prosthetic. I wish he'd keep it off forever so I could see his expression. So I could get some kind of read on him, if at all possible.
Because he just stands there, just watches me. Hell, he doesn't even blink for what feels like ages. 
"Let me fuck you," He seems to force out, like the words weighed a ton. "With your permission, of course."
I don't know what kind of face to put on, what kind of reaction to have. I'm used to him being upfront like this, but the salacious claim still catches me off guard when I least expect it. I did not foresee him walking right back out of his room with a sex proposal. Never in a million years, at least not with the kind of mood I'm in.
But I debate it. I sit on the offer for a minute, let it percolate. I want it-- I really do. Our entire arrangement is for sex. But can I do it right now? Can I handle the arguments and strife that comes with our rocky situation?
"How about I lay down ideas?" Sal interrupts my train of thought, tone one of contemplation and hesitance, like even he's nervous about approaching me like this. 
I tilt my head, but nod nonetheless. I can hear him out.
Sal averts his gaze beneath my stare before he very obviously forces himself to look me in the eye again. Cute.
"You had a bad day. We all have those. So a distraction would be nice, right?" I watch his Adam's apple bob. "Lucky for you, I have a cock. I can't think of a better distraction to be honest."
I nearly scowl. Cocky as ever.
"I'll do whatever you ask of me tonight though. Just for tonight," he pauses, sensual gaze traveling over my body like he already knows his next words will make me fold. The same way the audible change in his voice-- from nervous to assertive, sure of himself-- makes me lean toward giving into him. "I'll let you make a request. You don't have to say a single word tonight. If you want it gentle, I'll give it to you. If you want it rough, I'll make you plead until Lar and Ash return."
My mouth goes dry as I hold his gaze, my limbs quaking at the prospect of him being my bitch for the night. What a day to be alive. No matter how tonight goes, whatever I ask for, I know it'll end well.
"I will do whatever you want."
My tongue runs over my bottom lip as my eyes travel down his neck and over the top of his chest, relishing in the edge of that tattoo on his throat. 
I suck in a quick breath. "Promise? Whatever I want?" The words are hoarse, raspy as they fall from my lips.
"Anything," he confirms breathlessly, impatiently anticipating my answer.
I chew on the inside of my cheek, already knowing my decision. 
My feet press into the floor as I stand, walking over to him with venom and adrenaline in my veins.
"Then let's see what you've got."
A/N::::::: y'all already know the tw for next chapter HAAAAHAHAHAHA
hiiii my babies :3 i liked this chap when i first typed it out like two weeks ago but now i kind of hate it o_e also, i planned on having this published MUCH sooner butttt unfortunately finals are approaching so that means i've been getting slapped with project and exams in preparation for said finals soooo.... i've been busy >~< haven't even had the damn time to come and think about my mean sal </3
PLEASE GIVE ME RECOMMENDATIONS SO I CAN IMPROVE MY WRITING-- what did you like here? what didn't you like? what's a suggestion for improvement? what should i omit overall? THANK U <333
as always, my love, my heart, and my soul go out to all of you. have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night!! <333
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a-d-nox · 2 years
What do u think of man's Saturn sq woman's Venus, but also conjunct her moon?
since i have been into synastry/composite given my own new circumstance, i thought this ask was something quick and fun to answer during my study break as i have been examining my own compatibility with my person recently.
please note that the house in which the planet or luminary aspects from does influence how the aspects plays out as well!
TW: sexual assault and rape.
moon-saturn synastry: positive aspects: moon person likely adapts easily to the lifestyle of the saturn person. moon person's common sense aligns with saturn person's sense of rationality. moon person's common sense can also help the saturn person's anxiety, bitterness, mistrust, pessimism, regrets, and other inhibiting emotions from slowing them down - creating a rather incredible support system for the saturn person. moon person helps lift saturn person out of pervious feelings of boredom, doom, discontentedness, frustration, loneliness, sadness, etc. moon person likely picks up on the emotional state of saturn person or can predict when saturn person will need extra support. saturn person may feel they need moon person in their everyday life. moon person is sympathetic to everything that saturn person has experienced and is experiencing. saturn person is willing to go at moon person's pace if they need to move slower and build a solid foundation before moving full steam ahead. saturn person, if masculine, likely views moon person, if feminine, as their ideal partner and future wife thus not minding a slower pace. negative aspects: moon person likely struggles to adapt to saturn person's lifestyle - saturn person either has no time for the moon person due to an ambitious schedule or is lazy in the moon person's eyes. moon person may be forced by the saturn person to live/abide by their rules; saturn person may restrict the moon person from feeling and acting like themselves and freely. saturn person may inhibit moon person's fertility - this coupling may be ill-advised if moon person really wants a child. saturn person may hiding STDs/STIs from moon person. saturn person can be oppressive of the moon person's emotional state - moon person may alway be there for saturn person but saturn person fails to provide emotional support and reassurance to moon person. moon person may often feel their emotions are burdensome to, diminished, and doubted by the saturn person who may be emotionally selfish believing they have it worse or need more reassurance than the moon person. saturn person may think that moon person simply knows how saturn person feels. saturn person may see moon person as necrotic - moon person may see saturn person as needy and unsatisfiable. moon person is likely to seek out a different partner for emotional support. moon person may demand commitment while saturn person feels they lack faith in monogamy or feels that they rather remain single.
moon-saturn composite: positive aspects: you both may feel that each other's lifestyles are similar and thus it is easy for you both to become enmeshed into each other's lives. you both may have similar mindsets in the relationship making it easier to deal with difficult experiences and emotions that arise throughout the relationship - perseverance is a strength in this relationship. there is likely a very reassuring vibe about this relationship's emotional status - you both seem to have each other figured out. you both are likely never bored of one another; there is always something to do together or there is a contentedness of doing nothing together and just enjoying one another's company. this is a couple that tends to sense one another's emotions from across the room - no verbal queue needed. this relationship likely has a very solid foundation - if they were to ever separate, and there aren't any aspects stating animosity towards one another, these two would likely keep in touch with one another or be friends post-separation. for those who are in a feminine-feminine relationship, this may be a sign of matrimony between you two as the moon is the wife and saturn is vows. negative aspects: this couple may have incompatible lifestyles - the tighter the orb the more incompatible, ex: i have seen a -3° square of a couple in which one works nightshift and the other works dayshift. bigger orbs can show that one party may just be too stubborn with routine or too overloaded in terms of tasks to be considered compatible schedule wise. this couple could be living separate lives from one another emotionally they likely fail to be vulnerable with one another. their relationship many seem to have a lot of rules but not enough boundaries between one another. they may find that they have to fake a smile around one another. this couple may struggle with fertility issues due to a medical condition or a prior STD/STI. these two may be seen as emotionally abrasive towards one another - they may find each other emotionally exhausting one may overshare emotionally or one has no idea what the other feels. these two may be incapable of providing each other with what they need emotionally.
venus-saturn synastry: negative aspects: venus person may feel that saturn person is hesitant to appreciate them the way they want them to. this is likely a relationship in which saturn person represses and denies their admiration for venus person whether this emotional admiration exists depends on the moon and sexual/physical admiration depends on mars and pluto. venus person man not receiving commitment from saturn person in which they crave. saturn person may find they are repulsed by venus person post-sexual encounter or say that all they can offer venus person is sex. (***TW***) venus person is likely to have their beauty diminished by the saturn person. saturn can represent distain, grudges, harm, and hatred while venus can represent the erotic and consent. this combination with a negative aspect, and depending on the tightness of the orb, can indicate the possibility of sexual assault or rape done by the saturn person (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). venus person is unlikely to feel contented with the saturn person long term. if venus person is masculine, they may be ungentlemanly and lose their chivalrous manner when in a diminishing relationship with the saturn person - as the saturn person seems to lack gratitude for this person's manner and mannerisms. venus person's immaturity in romance may be emphasized due to saturn person's inability to commit to them. venus person may propose to saturn person and saturn person is likely to reject them. venus person may find saturn person boring after a while and saturn person may find that venus person lacks the ability to be serious after a while.
venus-saturn composite: negative aspects: this couple may be unappreciative of one another: kind gestures are over looked, they neglect one another, they don't seem affectionate or adoring of one another, etc. there is likely a lack of romantic commitment between them. there may be sexual aggression between the two or a regret regarding sexual interaction. this relationship will likely be short; mostly due to dissatisfaction or lack of contentment with the partnership. there is likely a lack of honor or chivalry in the relationship - this relationship could present as immature and having plenty of arguments as neither partner is well suited for the other.
i would love to do all the aspects of synastry/composite charts - if you are interested and want to see a specific luminary or planet's aspects please use my ask box and say "synastry and composite aspects of [planet or luminary's name]."
i hope this helps!
click here for the masterlist
click here for more composite & synastry observations regarding the luminary and planetary
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2022 all rights reserved
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Hello! I have put together the Riddle School- Good Ending AU a bit more and decided to share some things since you were interested! I wanted to have a bit of a different take on the aliens and for fun decided to make them the 'good guys'. I kept the military idea the fandom adopted since I loved it and went a step further to make them the best of their respective branches therefore prime targets in the war. Diz was a fighter pilot, Viz was a captain and Quiz a lead cartographer. They were chased out of their solar system by the enemy their planet was at war with (Viz lost an eye, Diz his lower arms) and now have to help build this 'Cryobeam' that could land a good enough hit on the enemy to bring an advantage to their losing side. All whilst they are also constantly pressed by time and their superiors.
The three took refugee on Earth where Phil happened to spot them stealing from a local store. They took him and later on his friends when they tried to find him, since the Vizion crew knew it would be dangerous if their enemy was around and found out these kids knew of them. Diz is not a traitor in this story, Quiz does not run off to play principal and Viz does not die. Some game events play out differently.
Kids living on a spaceship, shenanigans ensue later on. From games of hide and seek with Phil getting stuck in a vent, truth or dare near a lava pit, Viz saves Smiley from a bunch of boys bulling her and trying to steal her wig, Zack challenging Viz and Diz to a match of football, Smiley and the boys cooking dinner with Diz, Zack and Phred having Quiz play a horror game, Smiley and Quiz playing wingmen for Diz and Viz (it started as a crackship, I don't know how it got here), etc. Also another change to the canon. I didn't make Smiley magically grow hair instead that is a wig and she has alopecia areata.
Basically, three military dudes who have forgotten what it was like to live life adopt four rambunctious children that shake up their entire operation. If you want to know anything more about it please let me know! I'd love to share!
Omg! This is so very cool!! Sorry I’m so late; I must have clicked on the notification at some point and meant to reply later, then forgot all about actually doing it because I had thought about it and there was now no notification. Regardless, it was amazing when I read it the first time and it still hits now! Thanks for messaging me about it!
I must know who wins the football game. Don’t know why that line in particular is standing out to me so much (I don’t even like football) but I must know. Truth or dare near the lava pit also intrigues me; what dares involve the lava pit? (Don’t know about you, but I had at least one friend who would probably dare you to throw your shoes or some shit in there XD)
The whole concept of the AU is brilliant! It’s kinda giving gravity falls with the whole ‘inexplicable and possibly violent happenings occurring while school children hang out with cryptids’ (I fell back into that bottomless pit recently so maybe that’s just me conflating things, but it’s a good vibe! Anything that makes me think of gravity falls is a win.) 
I love love love your ideas for a softer portrayal with the aliens; it’s kinda hilarious to me that they might have just yoinked the children with barely half a plan and now they’re stuck babysitting for the good of the mission. The villain decay from Ambiguous Threat to Bonus Uncles is immaculate. Headquarters is phoning in to find out how weapon testing is going only to find all three of their best soldiers losing at smash bros, rip 
(Oh god, don't get me started on Viz and Diz as a crack ship. Every. single. time I write them they get more divorced and I... do not know how they're doing it. I am staring at them in incomprehension. 'You’re not a couple? You’ve literally never been a couple?? I wrote your species to have no concept of marriage, how the fuck did you get divorced???' They have yet to answer me; they’re too busy missing each other while stood in the same room.)
Questions! What do the aliens do about the kids parents in this? (Super curious about this one cause it was something I never considered until I started writing the Kidnapping Phil scene and fell into the plot hole face first.) Are the enemy forces on Earth as well? Do the kids get tangled up in the Everything, or do they successfully avoid that fate in exchange for low-risk shenanigans? I remember you had a few OCs you talked about last time; are they still part of it? Do you think you’ll write it out as prose or did you have something else in mind? What are the aliens like in your story and (because I found this one fun to answer!) who’s your favourite?
Thanks again for sharing!
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diagnosedhikikomori · 1 month
The Loneliest Day of My Life
Satoru Tsukada x Sebastian de Tomato Smith
Satoru feels lonely in the dream world, as he lately does since Randal stopped appearing as much as he did. Luckily for him, Sebastian appears instead and the two can have a fun sleepover.
Tags: Gay, One sided attraction, Sleepovers, Gore, Self Harm
(Cross-posted on Ao3 @DiagnosedHikikomori)
Satoru waited in the dream world. It was lonely, no one was around, the school, the classroom he was in was empty. He felt lonely. The ginger stopped visiting as much as he did, all because of that damned Sebastian. Satoru felt replaced, and rightfully so. Every time the ginger did visit, he would bring Sebastian along, and he was all he talked about. He would talk about what Sebastian and him did all day until the dream ended, it made Satoru so annoyed, it was so unfair. Randal was his friend, not Sebastian’s, Sebastian didn't even like him the way he did. Why couldn't Randal see that.
He sat at a desk and started playing with his boxcutter, twirling it around and making marks on the desk out of boredom. He looked outside the window, the sun was setting, it looked as beautiful as ever. He should go home, it was getting late.
With a sigh, Satoru stood up and exited the classroom. The hallways were empty like they always were. Randal and him would chase each other and play hide and seek in the classroom before, but that was before Sebastian was introduced. Satoru gripped his boxcutter and continued making his way through the school.
He was descending the stairs when he heard something, it sounded like someone falling. Did Randal come in the dream? He thought excitedly and ran back to the classroom.
He opened the door and to his surprise and disappointment he didn't see Randal, instead he saw… Sebastian? All alone? That never happened before. He was curious yet angry.
Sebastian stood up and wiped his clothes, he coughed awkwardly and stared at Satoru. “Um.. hi.”
Satoru narrowed his eyes. “Hi… where is Randal?”
“I'm not sure. He didn't come with me.” Sebastian responded looking away, he felt Satoru’s eyes on him and he was angry. He knew Satoru didn't like him, by how he acted around him every time Randal brought him into the dream world.
Satoru scoffed. “Whatever. I was going to go home anyway.” He turned around and began to leave.
“Wait… are you just gonna leave me here?” He asked, not liking the vibe of the classroom, or the school’s. It felt lonely, he didn't want to be alone in a place like this. He might not like Satoru much, but he’d rather stay with him, than all alone.
Satoru turned around, and thought. It's not like he lived with anyone, and it's rare when somebody visits the dream world, so he had an idea. Maybe a sleepover with Sebastian would make his loneliness go away, even if it was just for a little while. He might not like the other either but he could try getting along with him, for Randal's sake, at least.
Satoru smiled, even if he didn't feel anything inside, beside the constal dread that always lived inside his chest, clawing to get out.
“Say, Sebastian, do you want to come to my house? We could have a little fun, and forget about our differences.~” He said smoothly.
“Um..” Sebastian looked around. “I'm gonna be honest, I thought this classroom was your home.”
“Oh, don't be silly! I don't live here, I have a home too, you know.” He felt a bit offended, but brushed it off. He was only going to tolerate him for Randal, he told himself again.
“I'm sorry. I mean, I think a sleepover would be fun.” Satoru began walking away and Sebastian followed shortly behind. He looked around the school. It was nothing like his normal highschool. This one felt… different. It gave him a sense of sadness he couldn't place.
“It's getting late, the sun is setting. Did you notice?~” Satoru said as they began descending the stairs together. They were on the first floor, not too far from the exit.
“I… noticed, yeah, it's prettier in this dream.”
Satoru laughed.
“Everything is prettier in dreams, that's why they're called dreams, it's another way of escaping the ugly reality.” Satoru said as he smiled, he began walking faster, purposely making the curly ginger speed up.
“Oh, reality isn't that bad, I mean, it wasn't before I started living with the Ivorys. Now everything…is dull.” They reached the gate and Satoru stopped and turned around.
“I will switch places with you Sebastian, one day. You will see just how awful living in a dream is.” He smiled, Sebastian felt shivers down his spine.
“I'd rather you don't…”
They continued walking, Satoru still holding his yellow boxcutter and humming slowly. They were on an empty street, no cars in sight. The sunset was prettier and Sebastian admired it, he wished he could take a photo, maybe of Satoru too. He had to admit, the other was pretty, probably because he was based on an anime boy. He wondered why Randal chose to create a boy in his brain and not a girl. He shrugged and continued to walk slowly, following Satoru.
“You're enjoying the view, aren't you?~” Satoru said calmly. He didn't even turn around, it's like he knew exactly what Sebastian was thinking.
“Uh…yeah, it's nice. You were right, it's nicer than in real life. I wish I could watch it for longer.”
Satoru hummed. “It's almost night, so there's no point in doing that. The sky is darkening.”
After a while of walking on the lifeless streets they finally seemed to arrive in front of a house. It was a simple Japanese house. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. “Make sure to put your shoes there, don't want you making my house dirty.” Satoru said as he took his own shoes off. Sebastian nodded and did as he said.
“Come on, come to my room. I have a futon on the floor, it's comfy.~” He smiled as he showed Sebastian his room. It was small and he had plants and a few opened mangas on his dresser. One of the drawers was open and there were a few neatly packed clothes and CDs on top. He had another bookshelf full of mangas. There was even a small TV on the floor and a cd player. His room was simple.
“Make yourself comfortable~. I will bring snacks.” He tried to be as nice as possible, but it was hard. Sebastian made him feel weird things, he didn't know if it was anger or something else, it wasn't his usual jealousy he felt. He felt conflicted.
“Do you live with your parents?” He asked him, wondering why this house felt so empty, even with the two of them there.
“I'm all alone, silly.~”
“Oh.” He didn't know what to say, he felt sort of sorry for the other, did something happen to his parents or was he all alone in the dream world, he wondered.
“I will be right back!~” he cut the silence and left the room without looking back.
Sebastian nodded and sat on the futon. His kakebuton was nicely folded next to him. It seemed soft, and Sebastian thought he would sleep heavenly if he covered himself with it, but you can't sleep in a dream, you just wake up, he realized.
Satoru came back with a bowl of snacks and pocky, which technically is a snack too. He smiled, and sat next to Sebastian. “What do you want to do now? We could watch something, oh! I have a few horror CDs if you want to play those. I bet you’ll get real scared.~”
“I don't get that scared from movies, Randal made me watch a lot of horror movies. I think I'm basically immune.” Sebastian laughed but stopped immediately as Satoru let out a ‘tch’.
“Horror movies it is then. Let me grab a CD.” He stood up and grabbed one of the many CDs that were in his drawer.” He turned around and walked to the CD player. He put it in and turned on the TV. He selected a few things there and turned to Sebastian. “All done! It's starting.” He sat down next to Sebastian and his eyes seemed fixed on the TV.
As the movie played, Sebastian stole a few glances at the other, he was an expressive watcher. He could see him laugh at the stupid decisions the people were making but also flinch at the jumpscares, Sebastian, on the other hand, didn't get as scared as he thought he would, the movies he watched with Randal definitely made him immune, well, sort of.
At some point Satoru seemed to get really scared that he was gripping his kakebuton. He also started breathing heavily which worried the curly ginger. He didn't know if it was the right thing to do but he reached out a hand and put it on his shoulder. Satoru flinched and looked at him.
“We can pause the movie if you can't take anymore, you're trembling.” Sebastian said softly, slight worry showing on his face.
“Okay…yeah, that would be best.” Satoru stopped and smiled, though it felt full of loneliness, now that Sebastian knew his situation in the dream world. “Sorry.~”
“No, it's alright, we can just watch something else- or read, I saw you have mangas laying around.” Sebastian said quietly.
“Oh, that's a good idea, what would you like to read? I have a lot of Junji Ito, though my favorite is No Longer Human."
“We can read that.” Sebastian forced himself to give a smile.
“Okay!” He said excitedly, that warmed Sebastian’s heart, he was glad he could make him happy, he felt like the other hadn't felt that emotion in long.
Satoru stood up and picked up the manga, he put it on the bed and sat back down, and got closer to Sebastian and opened it. “Lets read.~”
They began reading and Sebastian let out soft ‘oh’s as he saw the main character’s life change so much through the story. And swallowed nervously at his suicidal thoughts and attempts. Satoru followed the story too, but he looked at Sebastian’s face more. He saw the other had freckles on his pale skin, also rosy lips, as he kept chewing on them nervously. Maybe he isn't so bad, he thought quietly as he continued to stare. His diamond shaped eyes were staring intensely at the book as he flipped the pages. He seemed nervous too, maybe he noticed Satoru was staring. He didn't care however, he analyzed his face more, his curly ginger hair that was lighter than Randal’s. Satoru felt conflicted emotions inside of him. He finally realized why Randal liked this guy so much, he was quiet, kind and awfully pretty. He still felt jealous, believe him, but it seemed to disappear slowly.
He wanted to hurt him.
“Are you enjoying the book?” He asked softly, looking up at Satoru.
Satoru's eyes widened. “Yes, a lot. I've read it before, it's interesting how a book can affect you so much, hm?~”
“Yes.” Sebastian said and he looked at Satoru’s hand next to him, it seemed to have deep scars on it. “Hey…uh, what happened to your hand?”
“Oh, this?~ I cut myself, I have more scars on my arms, it's a way to pass time.” He smiled inoffensively and revealed his arm, full of dried blood and scars, deep ones that almost seemed to reach the bone.
“Ah!” Sebastian gasped “I don't want to see that!” He looked away.
“Haha~ Why? Am I too gross for you?” He stopped talking, stopped breathing as Sebastian took his arm in his and began touching the scars slowly and carefully. “What are you doing?” He narrowed his eyes.
“Is it… because you're alone, in this dream world? Do you just… do this because you're lonely?” He asked quietly, running his fingers along the scars.
Satoru stayed quiet for a bit, enjoying the feeling of someone finally touching him. He missed that feeling. “Maybe… it's not your business, is it?~” he tried to make Sebastian stop bugging him with stupid questions, it was obvious he did it out of loneliness.
“I… yeah, you're right, but that doesn't stop me from being worried, you know?” Sebastian swallowed nervously. “They are deep, do you not feel any pain in the dream world?”
Satoru laughed. “You don't feel any pain in the dream world, because for you, this isn't real. But for me, this is my reality, so of course I do.” He pulled his arm away and covered it. He smiled. “I have an idea of a game we could play.~”
Sebastian listened to him. “What game?”
Satoru narrowed his eyes. “Pain game, well, I, haha, something like that. In this game, you hurt the characters as much as you can, and in turn, you get hurt in real life, don't worry though, It won't hurt as much as a pinch.~” He stood up and grabbed two consoles. “What do you say, you in?”
Sebastian felt his mind get corrupted by this dream, the longer he stayed in it, the more it affected his mind. Though he could still make sane choices, it somehow felt as if he was becoming part of the dream as well. Satoru smiled at him, realizing his internal conflict.
He gently put one of the consoles in his hands. “Play with me.~”
Sebastian swallowed nervously. “I… I think I will pass, can I just watch you play instead?”
Satoru's smile faltered, but he nodded firmly and took the CD and put it in. He stared blankly at the screen.
“It's starting. Get ready for gore, there's a lot in this game.”
Sebastian nodded and looked at the screen nervously. On the screen appeared a character that looked awfully like Satoru. Black hair, empty black eyes and pale skin, he clicked confirm and the character seemed to be in a classroom full of other people. Satoru looked at Sebastian and smirked. “Say, who do we choose to torture? I say~” he pressed his finger on the screen. “This one.”
What the hell, Sebastian’s eyes widened, t-that looks exactly like me…
“I take that as a yes.~”
After a little bit of playing, the character that looked like Sebastian ended up in Satoru's basement. The smile on his face seemed almost haunting. “Let's hurt him.~”
He clicked on the option to pull out the character’s fingernail. The room was pierced by a loud, robotic scream. The game was grafic, it showed the blood pouring from the finger, and also the flesh, and after the scream the character begged to be left alone, but that didn't seem to stop Satoru, too invested in the game.
Next he pulled out the character's tongue and in his other hand he had a knife.
“What do you say we should carve on its tongue? I say ‘I ♡ U’ seems lovely.~” He didn't wait for an answer, as if he was talking to himself. He began carving the letters slowly, and the character continued to scream. He seemed intoxicated with happiness, by the look on his face. “This is so entertaining, don't you think?~ but sadly it's time to put an end to this.” Next thing Sebastian saw was the knife being plunged into the character’s stomach and slowly opening it up, as it screamed for help, and soon, began vomiting blood and bile, presumably out of fear.
Satoru continued to open the character up and after that he plunged his hand into it and pulled out its organs, slowly ripping them out. The character’s screams echoed throughout the room but they seemed to quieten slightly, presumably because it was on the verge of death and it felt weak. It's ribs and spine were showing after Satoru successfully pulled out its organs and even its heart, which seemed to still be beating slowly, the haunting sound echoing throughout the room.
Sebastian couldn't watch anymore, it was too graphic and too, too much. He didn't know Satoru enjoyed this kind of stuff, he was right to be wary of him, he was Randal’s creation after all.
“And this is how it ends.~” He smiled at him. “Don't worry, I won't do that to you, it's a dream after all, I will gain no pleasure until I know you're really gone.” He smiled and in one swift move grabbed the boxcutter that was next to him and put it against Sebastian’s neck.
Sebastian went pale and tried to run but the grip Satoru had on him stopped him. He stared in fear. “What… what are you doing?” He stuttered, feeling himself paralyzed.
“Hm.~” Satoru traced his neck with his thin fingers. “You're awfully pretty, you know? Randal made a good choice choosing you.~” after a pause he said. “I wish we could have more fun together.” he put the boxcutter down and loosened his grip on him. He yawned softly.
“Ah! We didn't eat any of the pocky I brought for us… I'm so hurt. We should do that!” Satoru said smoothly, smiling at the other boy. Sebastian on the other hand felt as if he was stuck in a nightmare, and becoming part of it, he was terrified, more than he felt of Randal, Satoru was something else, he was way worse than anything he's ever seen.
Satoru put a pocky in his mouth and began eating it. “Mmm~ so good. Do you want to try?” He wanted to hand him a pocky but before he could do that Sebastian’s head lolled forward, his eyes turning lifeless, it was as if he died on the spot. Satoru chuckled.
“Aw… he woke up. I’m gonna miss you, Sebastian.~” he pushed Sebastian’s body and he fell limply to the floor, slowly beginning to fade away.
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fruitybashir · 7 months
bit of a different kind of bonus content but as mentioned in the last chapter, here's some of the songs i have in my holidate playlist:
Careless Whisper - George Michael very obviously for That Scene, but also bc the song in general just fucking slaps and their voices would go sooooo well together on it, and there's also another reason it's in here that i will maybe mention later
Andromeda - Weyes Blood this one is a bit vague but to me it fits kris in this story so well, especially these bits: - running from my own life now - left the heart from the depths its fallen through - love is calling, its time to let it through, find a love that will make you, i dare you try - im ready to try - let me in if i break, and be quiet if i shatter - love is calling, its time to give to you, something you can hold on to basically how he shut himself off after his breakup and isolated himself, reluctant to go out or do anything than the bare basics, he was just acting on autopilot for a while. and then he meets bojan and the guys and gets involved in their friend group etc and opens up more and more and more. and with bojan (even though he refuses to acknowledge it) he opens up his heart again both in a platonic way but also obviously more than that also romantically
One Of Your Girls - Troye Sivan tbh this one is just bc they're doing the f+ thing and i think its a little funny lol theres no deeper meaning its just that the vibe is fitting to write to "give me a call if you ever get lonely" oh they do that a LOT
June - Florence + the Machine this one's for the kris/jan dynamic, to ME at least lol. "you were broken hearted and the world was too / and i was beginning to lose my grip [...] and i would come to you / to watch the television screen in your hotel room / im always down to hide with you" they have a very tight and intimate bond, they are each others safe space, no matter what happens; they will seek the other out first and comfort each other in ways they wouldn't get from anyone else. they can show up at each others place unannounced and the other will cancel all plans and they can talk it out or just sit in silence, whatever the situation calls for. no questions asked.
Just A Little Bit - Kids of 88 Afterglow - Scandroid both with no extra meaning but they're mainly what i was playing when i was imagining the new years party and what they might've danced to
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chocomd · 1 year
ATLA rewatch thoughts, Book 3 (ep 2)
We go from The Awakening right into The Headband...a totally different vibe, but still SO GOOD!
2) The Headband
I’ll talk about Zuko first, since he only has a few short scenes. He keeps visiting Iroh in prison and he’s clearly in conflict with himself. Iroh is the conscience in Zuko’s internal struggle, but he’s still human, too. Iroh so disappointed and hurt by Zuko’s actions, and it hurts him to see Zuko losing his way after showing so much promise, that he can’t bring himself to face his nephew. Zuko is very angry in this episode, and we’ll see this anger come to a boil in The Beach. He’s having a very hard time living with himself, and he can’t figure out why - he thinks it’s because the Avatar still being alive mean that he could lose everything he has regained. But Zuko is at least a little aware of why he’s having so much angst: “I have everything I always wanted, but it's not at all how I thought it would be.”
Azula breaks up Zuko and Mai’s little picnic, and Mai plays along - but the cracks in her relationship with Azula are getting wider.
I really do think that Azula cares about Zuko...they have a (sometimes vicious) sibling rivalry, but they’re also family and...yeah it gets complicated in the way that only family can get complicated 🥲
This ep is best known for the Kataango, but it’s really an Aang-centric episode more than anything. It’s all about Aang learning how much the Fire Nation he once knew has changed--from the “flameo” and “hotman” jokes to the propaganda against ANs in the FN school to the rigid control that the FN seeks to maintain over its citizens. Aang sees all this from the POV of kids growing up in the FN, and he’s the one to bring joy and fun and freedom to his classmates, the same way he does with the Gaang. He knows what the FN used to be like before the war, and he knows that winning over the hearts of the FN kids is how real change begins.
I will always adore Aang’s “fight” with Hide...well really, only one of them is fighting and the other is avoiding and evading 😂 Aang is such a little sh!t here and I LOVE IT!!!
The way Aang keeps pushing to stay at the FN school for a few more days because he wants to feel like a normal kid for a short while, because nothing has been normal for him ever since the monks revealed that he is the Avatar...ugh I really feel for him 😭
And of course, how can I not talk about the Kataango??? THE KATAANGO!!! Aang so confident in asking Katara to dance, Katara all flustered (and jealous earlier) and not knowing how to answer and making excuses, Aang saying “Take my hand” 😍 Watching them dance made my Kataang heart go all pitter patter 😍😍😍 Ugh I’ve been thinking about writing a canon divergent fic where they get together after the Kataango, ever since I saw @pottyospanna‘s Valentine’s Day Kataang art...idk, this rewatch might just push me to do it...
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Character Thoughts: League Members
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The first (if you go in order based on strength) Gym Leader people will face. Her outfit is rather cute, and her dialogue is enjoyable as well, but to be brutally honest, she’s kind of boring. I had actually forgot about her later on in the game as she didn’t stick with me compared to some of the other leaders. I do enjoy seeing that the Paldea Leaders have additional occupations instead of just being a Gym Leader, as it gives them more character depth. I think Katy is a nice character, just a bit boring compared to other characters, maybe if she had more bright pops of color in her outfit it might make her stand out a bit more. Her gym challenge was fun, as it made me think of the olive farms in Italy that have huge harvest festivals.
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The thirst I had for this tired look man when he first dropped! This tired man is so extra but I love it! Brassius, as well as other characters in these games, all give me vibes of theatre children, they’re so extra, but also passionate and unique. He’s an artist but also a climber, as when we first met him, he was on top of a windmill! Compared to other grass gym leaders I love that he gives off a totally different vibe, he’s edgier, but he does have his moments, especially later on in the game. His gym challenge was fun, playing hide and seek with Sunflora, I’m not sure if other people had this happen, but one of the last Sunflora actually ran from me and I had to chase it down and battle it to get it to come with me.
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I 100% totally believe that these two cupcakes are dating and have been for a long while! They have cute nicknames for each other and just look so comfortable with each other! One thing (of many) that solidifies this is Brassius is the grass gym leader, and Hassel has a Flapple, which, according to the Pokedex and lore, if you give an Applin to someone you care about you’ll be together forever!! It’s canon and they’re so stinking cute together I could cry!!
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In comparison to Katy, who I think is a little bland looking, Iono is the exact opposite, she’s vibrant, colorful, and definitely not forgettable. If I had one complaint, I feel like she’s almost a little over designed, she is very busy from her outfit, her adorable pastel hair, oversized accessories, her shark teeth, and her wild personality. This is not to say she’s unlikable as I adore her character, she’s fun and lively and her gym challenge was very fun.
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He is another gym leader whose personality I adore, he’s so nice when he’s coming out to our match, interacting with kids and other people around, he’s so likeable. This being said, his facial hair, eyebrows and beard, are... yeah... I’ll leave it at that. It was nice to have a bit more involvement to getting to the point of battling him, from taking his wallet to the auction, winning the auction, and then meeting him back in his town, but I kind of wish there was an actual gym challenge on top of it as it would have been interesting to see what Gamefreak could have come up with for a challenge for his gym.
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Oh lordie, this tired, old, normal, salaryman. HOW I LOVE YOU!!! 100/10 best gym leader EVER!!! He vibes so much with me as I work a grueling 9 to 5 office job myself, so I complete understand why this cupcake is the way he is! Yes, he is plain design wise, but his character is anything but forgettable as everything flows so easily together for him. I was also extremely happy to find out that his style when throwing his Pokeballs was based on Koyo Aoyagi of the Hanshin Tigers! I know baseball is very big over in Japan, but to see this little easter egg in a Pokemon game was very enjoyable!
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Even though I adore Larry to pieces, Ryme is my favorite Paldea Gym Leader, she’s fierce, she uses one of my favorite types of Pokemon, she’s the sister of one of the teachers, and she’s a rapper! Her gym challenge was overly simple, but it was all forgiven when I came out to see her in a rap battle with a store clerk! I was offended when she asked if I wanted a rap battle and then told me no, even though I would get torn to shreds by Ryme, I still wanted to have fun! Her design is so much fun and I love when she gets mad and her eyes go white, that’s so funny when it happens. Not going to lie, when I see Ryme and Tyme, all I see is Salt n’ Pepper!
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Her design is so beautiful, she’s elegant and feminine and just so freaken pretty!! She gives that vibe that she can snap your neck if you disrespect her without any issues while putting on mascara and not losing a single ounce of her concentration. When I first met her, I thought she was a snob, as she was on the phone, but once I got to see more of her character afterwards, she quickly grew in favor and showed that she’s not just a pretty face. Her gym challenge was Simon Says with a few battles thrown in, nothing majorly difficult, but my favorite thing was the photo we took afterwards, she did that position in those high as frick heels and made it look easy.
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Grusha is so pretty but personality-wise, I hated this pompous prick until I saw more of the dialogue. Grusha was very rude to me and acted like battling me was going to be a huge waste of time. However, I came to realize that Grusha was trying to protect me, by being an asshole, as Grusha was one of the top snowboarders, keyword ‘was’ which makes me think there was an accident with major injury that resulted in Grusha’s retirement; they’re trying to keep others from doing the same because they don’t want us to get hurt and ruin our futures. Grusha is, according to the official site, male, but I’m not convinced, and prefer to keep their pronouns gender-neutral. Design wise I love Grusha’s design, it’s simple but not boring, I love the two-toned hair color and the oversized scarf that is so adorable that I want to find a tutorial to crochet myself one.
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When I first saw her, I thought Rika was a skinny man, but once I found out that she was female, my inner lesbian all of about exploded from immense glee! Her design is amazing!! I can’t find a single thing bad to say about her other than I wish we had seen more of her and had more interactions with her!!
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How in the world did this child become an Elite Four member at such a young age? When I first met her, I was in disbelief, how is this possible?! She was decently strong, and her design is rather cute, and the dialogue she has with others is rather cute. It is amusing to see this little bebe that is one of the strongest trainers in Paldea. I feel like her color palette could use something, her outfit is mostly all the same color and I wish that there was some more color differences, like maybe her shoes could be black as well, and the lining of her jacket could be black. I’m not sure what that giant key thing around her neck is, it reminds me of a key holder that younger kids would carry their house keys in. Ahh latchkey kids, brings back memories...
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Nuff said <3
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Woof, this man radiates DILF energy, he’s elegant, kind, and goes hard in battles but is so sweet and a wonderful teacher on top of it! When I found out he was in the Elite Four after only knowing him as my art teacher, I squeed. His design of beautiful, his eyes remind of me of a hawk, and his clothes scream professor but at the same time he’s so handsome!! He was one of the hardest battles in the game when I faced him in the Champion Test, but I loved it! By end game (Elite Four time) I’m usually over-leveled as I want to be able to handle it in one shot, but he gave me a run for my money. When I beat him and he started to cry and tell me how proud he was of me, I cried, I wanted to immediately adopt him as my new dad.
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Not going to lie, when I first saw her, I thought she was going to pull a Chairman Rose and be the secret secondary bad guy like in Sword and Shield. The way she carried herself and just the vibe screamed sus to me, and I just couldn’t shake it. Now that I’ve finished the game and now know that she is just a very serious person, I’ve come to appreciate her more as a character, unless if they bring out a DLC and my sus vibes were telling me the truth and she really is evil! Her design was a little...ehh for me. Her hair is very full, almost like a mane, and her outfit makes her seem very boxy, unlike Rika who pulled the look off well. She is another character that I wish had a bit more color in her palette, the black, blue, and yellow is fine, I just wish there was a bit more of varying colors.
Overall, the Paldea League is very diverse, design wise, and most of the characters, if you didn’t know them, you wouldn’t be able to tell what kind of trainer they were, which I like, as it makes it fun to learn through trial and error with each of these trainers.
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pb-dot · 2 months
Today I read: Hide by Kiersten White
Well, I didn't read all of it today, but I had to title this thing something. Anyway, this one turned into a bit of a pleasant surprise. Going in, I expected a bit of a Death Game thing, as the "hide and seek reality show in an abandoned amusement park where there's OBVIOUSLY something spooky going on" setup seemed to beg for one of those cynical Most Dangerous Game-kind of twists. It certainly would be thematically apt, as our protagonist Mack is so deeply in the Survivor Guilt well after surviving her father going all Family Annihilator that having to go a little bit deeper to fight her way out would be one of those plot developments that'd make sense in the bleak headspace that a lot of horror operates.
That's not quite what is going on, though, and I'll get into it more under the cut on account of spoilers. Suffice to say that the book instead pivots on a twist that's just clever enough. It was a turn I didn't see coming, but looking back I see the book did put the work in. It does remind me a bit about how White's followup, Mister Magic, ratchets up the tension around the truth of what is going on in such a way that when it goes in a different way than you'd initially expect, it feels clever, like the inherent incomprehensibility of the forces at play kind of guides the story back down to the human elements, a bit of a lovecraftian "who was the monster and who was the man" kind of situation.
Alright, so spoiler talk from here on out. The quietly brilliant thing about Hide isn't that it turns out to be a "maze of minos" type of story as the abandoned amusement park being designed to function as a maze is indeed no coincidence, but rather that the beast at the heart of it certainly is minotuar-like, but also not a minotaur. It's shaped differently, it has too many horns, it's terrifying but also strangely pitiable, and it's invisible and intangible to everyone except the ones it serves and feeds on, the two groups is the same, technically. It is somewhat unclear whether the benefaction it provides can be separated from the privilege of those that feed it, or whether its ostensible masters merely sacrifice fourteen people every seven years to save their own asses at this point.
It's a marvelous take on the "necessary sacrifice," in part because the author, and by extension, the protagonist sees this ghoulish ritual for what it actually is. It isn't necessary, it isn't the lesser of two evils. It's a reinforcement of the heinous lie of founding mythology, an attempt to delineate between Us, the descendants of Hard Working Good People who made Hard But Necessary Sacrifices, and the Other, who as it turns out are descended from more or less the same people, but dilluted in some weird skull-measuring way. Never mind that these Good People created entire dynasties of suffering and want to keep the flow of people they were related enough to for the sacrifice, but of low enough status that they wouldn't mind their passing.
As a general rule, I prefer not to try to psychoanalyze authors while I read their work. That said, there's more than a touch of Mormon vibes to the villains of both Hide and Mister Magic, and while I think the symbolism matches pretty close to the general American folk myth of the pious, humble settler who through faith and Hard Work (and untold systematic exploitation and abuse of just about anyone not white, rich, and male) created the nation, I also get the distinct impression that looking deeper into the history of the Mormon church would have me unearth some very familiar-looking details. It is no surprise, I think, that White's horror protagonists struggle with Survivor's Guilt as they are pulled into unhealthy situations by wealthy legacy-obsessed crackers who don't like swearing, but I shan't make an ass out of myself by speculating any further.
White's characters are interesting to me. They're not exactly vivid, but there is something deeply relatable to how they're all compressed by their trauma, reduced to their most necessary functions by the stresses they go through. All the same, I can't help but feel for them. White is very efficient in how she shows those glints of personality, to the level where even Alpha Couple and Bog Standard Reality Show Douchebags Jaden and (Pretty) Ava have this desperate, cynical clinginess to them. They each only hold on to each other more or less to be the one to betray their ostensible partner first. Make no mistake, it's hardly a great tragedy when these two inevitably have their cards punched, but there is a certain melancholic humor to how their dedication to this sudden but inevitable betrayal rends them blind to the actual trick that's played on them until it's messily devouring them. It's a fun little thing to afford to the two most tedious participants in any given reality show.
In the end, I think I appreciated Hide more as a polemic than a horror novel per se. It's a book with some interesting thoughts, and its take on the conceptual minotaur is fascinating, if not quite as scary as, say, the House Of Leaves take on the same. That said, the book earns many points in how it resolves Mack's story, where she ostensibly surrenders to her own hopelessness and the heartless machinations of the piece's true villain, only to reveal that the petty, lazy, self-aggrandizing evil of the sacrifices have opened her eyes to the pathetic cruelty behind her own trauma, and now she's going to burn this mother down. It's a kickass turn, and while the finale feels a touch rushed, it's mostly because I want to see this great vengeance and furious anger play out even more. That said, the book ends absolutely beautifully, and pacing problems or no, there is something delightfully punk about it.
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
nct dream reaction: them getting jealous when you are getting closer to another member
okay trust me, i’m writing some new fics, i just finished this first so here it is 
i feel like he is the type of have A LOT of trust in his partner - without trust, he wouldn’t even be in a relationship with someone
he wouldn’t mind you having other guy friends, just as long as you were clear about your relationship with them
he knew that you and renjun were friends prior to your relationship
so naturally, he was aware that you guys were already close
but whenever he saw renjun lean in closer towards you whenever you were talking
or whispering small inside jokes into your ear
he couldn’t help but feel annoyed?
of course he trusted you, and he trusted renjun
but the sight of you two being so close made him feel uneasy
so he would opt to leave the room, not wanting to do or say anything he would regret
as i mentioned, he has a lot of trust in his partner, he wouldn’t want them to not trust him in return
you would run after mark the moment you heard the door close behind him
you approached him cautiously, your fingers softly tapping his shoulder
“hey, are you okay? did i say something?”
“no you didn’t say or do anything at all. it’s just me” he shrugged, fuelling your concern
“what’s up? you know you can tell me” mark begins to feel slightly embarrassed at this point
“i-i was jealous of you and renjun, okay? i know it’s silly” it caught you off guard, you never really saw mark as the jealous type
but this only meant that he really liked you
you shook your head playfully, wrapping your arms around his torso, smiling into his chest
“it’s not silly, you can tell me how you feel. i actually prefer it, rather than you leaving and staying quiet, you know?” mark just nods, his hand rubbing your back softly
he was so lucky to have someone like you in his life, everything felt complete
hmm i have some mixed feelings about how he would react
i feel like he would go for someone who is independent and has their own strong personality
basically he would prefer a partner that isn’t too dependent on him, you know?
but when he sees how social / close you’ve become with jaemin, he’s about to lose it completely
jaemin was naturally flirty, and you were naturally enticing to be around
that mix was not a good look in renjun’s eyes
he wanted nothing more than to pry you away from his friend
but he didn’t want to be labelled as the ‘possessive’ or ‘overbearing’ boyfriend
you would always shift your eyes to make contact with renjun’s, assuring him that you were still paying attention to him
but it still wasn’t enough for him to stop feeling jealous
once jaemin laid his hand on your shoulder and moved closer to you (a little too close to comfort for renjun) — he snapped
renjun would excuse the both of you, pulling you along with him out of the room
“i-i don’t like jaemin touching you like that”
you found it slightly amusing that he was jealous. of course you took it as a friendly touch, but you understood how it looked to renjun
“that’s just how he is. you’re the only one i want to hold hands with” you link your hands with his tightly
he starts to go quiet
“and you’re the only one i want to kiss” you peck his cheek gently “like this”
renjun felt his cheeks heat up from the touch, immediately feeling shy infront of you
“o-okay, i just got jealous, that’s all” he pouted
“i know, and that’s okay! just remember that i’m all yours, and only yours, okay?”
very very protective
makes it clear that he can get jealous but you had never seen it first hand
so when he saw you laugh a bit too hard at one of haechan’s jokes, he felt his heart slightly ache
‘i’m not as funny as haechan’
‘they looks so much happier with him’ he would think to himself
despite his tough exterior, jeno had a lot of insecurities inside
he doesn’t think he has ever seen you laugh that hard at one of his jokes before
so he starts to get quiet, distracting himself with his phone
suddenly the laugher stops as you make you way to sit down next to your boyfriend
he honestly would be a bit petty at first, only responding with one word answers, until haechan calls him out
“dude, get off your phone and talk to your partner”
“dude, how about you stop flirting with my partner then?” jeno grunts, causing the whole room to go quiet.
you felt so embarrassed, apologising to haechan quietly before dragging jeno away from the group
“what was that? it wasn’t cool, you have to apologise to him!” you folded your arms, not comprehending how jeno was feeling
“what? i’m not apologising. you obviously enjoyed his flirting!”
“jeno, you’re being quite unreasonable right now. it was just some harmless jokes, nothing more” you tried to reassure him
he knew you were right, but he was stubborn at times
“look at me” you brought his face between your palms
“go and apologise to haechan, and then we can go home and cuddle, and also have a deep talk about all of this. sound good?” you suggested
jeno nodded, placing a soft kiss to your forehead
he was whipped for you, this only solidified how he truly felt
oh the pettiest of them all
would make it known he was NOT happy with you leaning in so close to mark
you were at a formal function for the celebration of their new album dropping
a lot of people attended, meaning you had to lean in closer than usual just to hear someone speak
haechan couldn’t hide his jealousy when you slapped mark’s shoulder playfully
“jeez, stop shooting holes into mark’s head!” jaemin joked, causing haechan to start glaring at him
renjun tried his best to call down the heated boy
“you know mark wouldn’t ever try anything, don’t get it all twisted in your head, alright?”  
haechan just nodded, he knew renjun was just speaking facts
you eventually went to seek out your boyfriend, catching him by the drinks table
“hey, where have you been? i was looking everywhere for you”
“clearly not everywhere”
that caught you off guard
“excuse me? what’s your deal?”
haechan sighs at you, knowing that he shouldn’t have been snappy towards you
“let’s just not make it a bigger deal than it is, i was just jealous of how close you and mark were tonight. you barely talked to me, that’s all” he tried to shrug it off, but you knew him better than that
you placed a firm squeeze to your boyfriend’s shoulder
“if it upset you so much, you know you could have just talked to me? i would never intentionally ignore you like that, i was just so excited for tonight”
haechan nods, pulling you to his side slowly, his arm latched to your waist
“i know and i’m sorry, would you care to dance?” he slightly bit the side of his lip as you nodded enthusiastically
“of course i would” you would drag him to the dance floor as you swayed along to a random ballad playing through the speakers
the rest of the night was full of laughter and smiles once haechan realised he was worried for no damn reason
i see him as someone who can get easily jealous
if another guy even looked at you the wrong way, jaemin has his eyes on them
i feel like he does have self control tho and would choose to not act upon his jealousy
but one day he just snapped
you were playing video games with jeno while you were waiting for jaemin to come home
it wasn’t unusual for you to do so
but one time you didn’t greet jaemin when he came through the door because you were too engrossed in the game
he wouldn’t say anything at first, understanding that you just wanted to beat jeno’s ass
so he makes himself a sandwich before sitting down on the couch with you, pulling you to his side
you slightly shrug him off,
“hey, let me finish this round” you don’t even look at him, which made jeno chuckle
jaemin glared at his friend, but was still in shock by your reaction
“jaem, they’re good at this game, have you been teaching them?” jeno nudges you gently as he continued to play
jaemin was beyond pissed at this point
not only was his significant other ignoring him but his friend was sitting a little too close for his liking
he tries to grab your attention again, tugging on the sleeve of your hoodie, pressing his cheek to your shoulder
“baby, i missed you” he whispered in your ear, distracting you from the game, making you lose the round
“jaem, look what you did now!” you pout, turning to face him
jeno sensed there was tension and quickly scurried off to his own room
“i’m sorry i ruined your SUPER fun game with jeno” he scoffed
“oh please, you know we are just friends. the ONE time i don’t give you an ounce of attention, you wanna act up huh?”
jaemin was now pouting, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater
you let out a sigh before moving to sit closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder
“i’m sorry, i was just getting jealous of how close you guys are now, i want you to play games with me instead! i can teach you everything he can!”
you shook your head before linking your fingers with his
“i know you can, how about tomorrow? the whole day will be just for you and me!” jaemin’s eyes gleamed at the thought, attacking you with hugs and kisses
‘well that was easier than expected’ you thought to yourself
seems like the jealous type
idk i get them vibes ya know?
let’s say you invited jisung to go shopping with you while chenle had a different schedule
at first, he’d be like ‘oh yeah go for it!’ bc well, it was just jisung
he had nothing to be worried about
but once he saw you post multiple stories on instagram of yours and jisung’s day out, he couldn’t help but be filled with rage
from eating cute cafe desserts, to buying plushies and even going to the arcade together
chenle was upset to say the least
not only did he miss out on spending time with you, he felt you were slowly replacing him with his best friend
but of course that was the furthest thing from the truth
the tipping point was when jisung posted a mirror selfie of the two of you wearing matching bucket hats
chenle felt his heart ACHE
when you both returned to the dorms, chenle immediately snatched you away, refusing to even greet jisung
jisung stood there like 🧍🏻
anyways chenle would drag you to his room, shutting the door quickly
you were so mf confused
“be honest, do you like jisung more than me?”
you were flabbergasted, was he on crack?
“what? where is this coming from? of course i don’t like him more than you!”
chenle allowed himself to calm down before continuing, shouting wasn’t going to get him anywhere
“well then why did you do so many fun things with him today? you even got matching hats!” he frowned, folding his arms
“we were just hanging out as friends! i promise. and we actually bought you a hat too! i wanted us to all be matching, since we were like a trio. i didn’t know that upset you”
he felt like a complete idiot
“n-no i’m sorry i assumed things, please don’t hate me” chenle pulled you into his chest
“i could never hate you, even if i tried” you sighed, wrapping your arms around his torso
oh boy
he’s the silent type,, he would want to avoid any awkward confrontation at all costs
he would bottle up his jealousy until one day he just explodes
i feel like jisung needs a lot of reassurance if he was in a relationship
he didn’t like the sinking feeling in his stomach whenever he saw you and chenle together
things such as playful hits to the shoulder or chest, loud laughter and friendly compliments were seen as subtle flirtations to jisung
you would always try your best to include jisung in your inside jokes with chenle but he’d always shrug it off
“nah it’s just a thing between you two”
comments like those, rubbed you the wrong way and you could tell chenle was slightly bothered too
each time you tried to ask jisung about it, he’d brush it off
“i don’t know what you’re talking about”
“are you sure? because you were kind of being cold to us, don’t you think?”
“doesn’t feel nice when you’re excluded, does it?” you were beyond confused
“can you please talk to me about what’s going on? i don’t like seeing you like this” you pull jisung to across from you on his bed
he avoided your eyes at all costs, fiddling with his rabbit plushie
“i’m jealous” he mumbled
“come again?”
“IM JEALOUS OKAY?” he threw his hands in the air hysterically, catching you off guard
“sometimes i don’t like how close you are with chenle. it seems like you are closer to him than me! i want to make you laugh like that, and i want to buy you nice things. and i want you to hit me playfully”
you listened closely to each concern
you brought your hand to enclose his, placing a soft kiss to his knuckles
“jisung, you’re the only person in this world that makes me laugh so hard that my ribs hurt. buying me nice things won’t change how i already feel towards you. and we can definitely try to be more playful with eachother” you started running your hands through his hair as he slowly shuffled closer to you
“t-thankyou, it’s nice to get it off my chest”
“of course, you have nothing to worry about” you placed a kiss to his forehead as you both spent the night cuddling
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: Yandere!SCP x Evil!Reader
Requested by: @Charlie_Sharlotte
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
So a little bit of context here:
Yes, I've done a Yandere!SCP x Reader before, but this one has a slight twist to it as requested by the user
The reader is just an ordinary human, just like my other post (you can get quick access HERE)
The only difference being how the Yandere!SCPs would react and the reader is evil
I'll be basing this off my other post, if you see something that's rather similar, that's why
SCP 073 (Cain)
When you first met Cain, neither of you had thought of much at first and just greeted each other as usual
Then, of course, you both became really good friends
Some would even say you both were inseparable as wherever they see with of you, the other would be close by
Not long after, you both just started dating which just happened
His yandere traits would gradually come through, but since it wasn't much different to his usual self, none of you would've noticed the change
Apart from you, of course, cus this man wouldn't let you be in harm's way and if you were, he would have to be with you the whole entire time
When Cain discovers that you work for another GOI, he was shocked and tried to -forcefully- make you stay loyal to the foundation which didn't work well
You stayed loyal to the Serpent's Hand and Cain warned the other members of the foundation
Not only did you find out about the news, but you were also very much aware of Cain's yandere tendencies in which you warned your team about this
The news that you were working with the Serpent's Hand got to the O5 council to which they kept a close eye on you
However, some would even call them bluff as you had made your way through the rankings in less than a year, displaying your intelligence and 'loyalty towards the foundation
As well as this, you were able to deceive most of the staff at the foundation, so you would be the last person anyone would suspect if there were an issue between the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand
Due to the love-hate relationship between both parties, the O5 Council had announced you as the 'bridge' between both the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand if either party were in need of help, within the reason of course
As for you and Cain, you tried to distance yourself but Cain's yandere tendencies forbid from that happening
And so you stayed, thinking that you could use him as a scapegoat
SCP 076 (Abel)
Abel gets slightly physical when he's a yandere
Like hella physical to the point he'd tie you up in his box and go on full rage mode if anyone tries to help save you or even question about your whereabouts
However, since you were one of the hostile type SCPs used by the Serpent's Hand, you knew that you could use Abel's yandere traits to your advantage
Since you weren't a yandere yourself, you would more often than not, find yourself trapped in his box
But since you had the ability to summon just about anything out of thin air, just like Abel, you were able to record and complete your tasks without being disturbed
Even though Abel knew that you were a hostile SCP, he was somehow oblivious to your abilities and your secret mission in the Foundation
The O5 council were concerned and intrigued that you were willing to be trapped inside his box and when asked, you kept silent
Abel would do anything to keep you by his side which was annoying if you had something to do, but you were a master manipulator so you were able to bribe him
As for the foundation staff, you could play off as not so hostile for now type SCP unless you were provoked, so most of the time, they'd just leave you in your containment room
During one of the containment breaches, Abel discovered that you were working for another GOI and attempted to question you about this but to no avail
As for the O5 council, they were able to get some information bout you from Abel, but it didn't help very much other than the fact you worked for a GOI
Neither the O5 council nor Abel knew which group you worked for and the council debated on whether to terminate you or not
They have come up with a conclusion to not terminate you for now as you were able to stop Abel from breaching the foundation
However, they had to keep a close eye on you both due to your activities with another GOI and may manipulate Abel into assisting you
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
This adorable little yandere orange blob here is the reason why most people in the foundation would suspect you as an enemy to the foundation
As in, either trying to destroy the world, working for another GOI or both, type of way
When 999's yandere traits kick in, he'd definitely be slightly possessive when he'd jealous but no more than that
999 would most definitely be oblivious to your evil traits until he sees it for himself, just like Abel
I feel that the foundation staff also wouldn't suspect a thing since you have that pure, innocent vibe
Since you give off those vibes, you tend to get away with thingy hella easily, sometimes it would go right under the noses of the O5 council, even though you're doing it right in front of them
I have high doubts that anyone would've caught you in the act of betraying the foundation or kidnapping the SCPs
And even if they did and was absolutely certain it was you, most of the others would call them delusional
There was that one time where 999 caught you with another SCP and got hella jealous but you were able to persuade him to stop ignoring you
The second time he caught you was when you were in the middle of releasing some Keter and Euclid class SCPs but wasn't able to stop you or warn the others in time
When the doctors found out, it was too late and you were with the Choas Insurgency
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
This little sh- right here would literally threaten to kill everyone you've ever cared about right in front of you and he would do it again and again
Luckily, you were cunning and deceitful, some would even say that you come across as suave in what you're doing
And in this case, you would play along with 682 like a game and this giant MF wouldn't even know (cuz he do be thicc)
The foundation is well aware of 682 being such a yandere and it's not like they could do anything other than observe
However, what's even scarier is you being able to multitask in various fields, making you a perfect doctor/agent they have
You were also planning on releasing the SCPs just for your own gain and would even go as far as deceiving the other GOIs just for some helping hand and gathering some intel
Not only that, you have used 682 as your scapegoat many times since he was known for causing various breaches
During that time, you were able to free most SCPs with a little help and those agents would soon be declared missing or dead under mysterious circumstances
Nobody would ever suspect you since you put on such an innocent facade and portrayed yourself as just someone who did as they're told
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
As a yandere, 049 would most definitely be similar to 035 and tie you up as a punishment
Sometimes, he would even go as far as using his 'subordinates' to monitor you while you were being left alone in a room while he's doing something
Normally, 049 would avoid punishing you and would explain to you what you did wrong with a harsher tone as if to intimidate you
However, as time went by, you've learnt a lot from the doctor and was able to adapt to various situations just like him
Being an ordinary human being, you'd constantly have to avoid touching his hands with yours or if you ever remembered, you'd wear gloves in case 049 would hold yours out of nowhere
If there were any breaches, the first thing he'd do is to look for you and make sure that you're by his side constantly
Little did he know, you were the corporate behind the breach as you wanted to seek revenge on the foundation for taking your family away and killing them all
And of course, you've learnt from the best from those around you, especially 049
In your head, you planned to use 049 to your advantage like always, but instead of using him as a scapegoat, you were planning on getting him to go against the foundation's will and join you
However, a part of you also wanted to use him as a scapegoat since all he does is dote around you and be possessive af
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
This yandere right here is not only possessive but manipulative af  and if you didn't know any better, you would've been wrapped around his fingers
But you did know better, so like many other 'evil people, you used this at your advantage since you know that 035 is all over you
You were amazing at seducing both men and women, but mainly guys, hand to hand combat, hacking, weapon knowledge and even cross-dressing, but you'd much rather not do that and hide in the dark (you introverted shy mf)
From time to time, you were able to make 035 leave you as you had "behaved well and should be rewarded" as 035 puts it
During that time, you'd hack into the Foundation's most secretive files and grab all the information you needed in order to achieve whatever goals you intended to finish
Not even 035 or the Foundation knows about this and if they ever catch on about the hacking incident, they wouldn't even take a second thought that it was you (since you have such a pretty face and nobody would suspect a thing, you're welcome for the compliment)
Since you were reliable, independent and trustworthy in the Foundation's eyes and you were able to adapt to 035's persona and adopt it into your work, you'd occasionally be sent to the other GOIs as an undercover spy
Little did everyone know, you used every bit of tool and would even use your position as an undercover to blackmail and even spill out the secrets of your mission just to get to where you want anyone to be
The Foundation would never have guessed your goals and would consider this incident as a slip-up and allow you to continue if you were able to keep everything under control
Not only that but they were soon informed that wherever you go, an individual or a whole team of people from the GOIs, including the Foundation's, would go missing or dead
Nobody knows why and they wouldn't even dare to question your authority since you were so high up
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
You were just one of the cleaners at the Foundation which so happened to bond well with 096 despite him being a yandere
096 as a yandere wasn't as bad as the others as he'll only go into depression or possessive mode, but even then, he was still handleable (IT'S CUZ HE HAS THAT MFING FACE THAT NO MOTHER COULD LOVE)
Anyways, I doubt that 096 would have enough intelligence to gather that you're evil for quite some time, but that doesn't mean that he's completely stupid
Moreso oblivious since he wouldn't believe anyone who says that you're working for another organisation and that you're just using him
When he went back to his cell, you came to check up on him and heard him crying, so you asked what happened
He told you all the 'lies' about you working for Chaos Insurgency and you quickly dismissed that with ease, knowing that 096 will only listen to you
You had informed your captain/team leader about the Foundation catching on and they made sure that you're still 'clean' and sent a couple of others to aid you
Once everyone got a hold of your plan, 096 quickly came out and snatched you, but not before killing all the agents
Basically, he's your personal bodyguard and servant who just happens to be depressed and slightly possessive
SCP 105 (Iris)
Oh dear oh dear oh dear
Iris is beyond possessive
She'll basically tie you up for days if she wanted to and you would have to try and outwit her since she has military training
Outwitting her would be hard since she's rather intelligent too
So what you did was to listen to her for quite some time in order to buy some time for your crew to sneak in and grab whatever they need before they flee
You made sure to be extra kind and sweet to our Iris here since she somehow managed to regain access to her camera
Your team was quickly notified so they proceeded with caution
Just because you managed to fool Iris doesn't mean you could fool the Foundation
As the Foundation proceed to warn Iris, you attempted to reassure her that it's not what it looks like, but she's not stupid at all
Depending on the situation, she might tie you up for days if not weeks and let you consume the tiniest amount of food and water
However, if you somehow managed to free yourself, defend yourself if she fighting you or outwit her, you would run back to your base to never be seen again
SCP 106 (Old Man)
An old yandere like 106 would make ordinary people think he's just old, crippled and possessive as well as perhaps a sugar daddy (Sorry, not)
Anyhow, aside from him being such a yandere, he wouldn't exactly notice you being evil and all unless it's explicitly shown in front of him and even then, he wouldn't believe it
The researchers, however, did manage to catch onto your evil side as you were midway through releasing various SCPs, including 682, 939 (FREE MY PET PLS), 049 and a couple of other well known Keter and Euclid class SCPs
They tried to arrest you and take you into full custody and interrogate you with the help of 105 and you found out soon that they both had a deal
The deal was that the researchers would get as much information out of you before disposing you to 106
You took advantage of this deal and managed to send a message to your team about it just to make sure that you're protected and someone would be sent to help you
Once you've done your mission in freeing certain SCPs, you were tasked to shut down or destroy the Foundation but failed
And not only that but your team were also caught in assisting you and breaking free the SCPs and were then killed on site
Since you were caught, your team leader sent down another dispatch to kill you and retrieve all the necessary information they needed
But since you didn't tell the Foundation everything you knew, they made an agreement with you by telling them everything you knew in exchange for your safety and you obliged
You also went to 106 and made him have a deal with both you and the researchers, but knowing the old man, you're more likely going to be killed by that SCP than by your team
Dr Simon Glass
This mf softie of a yandere right here would definitely know you're up to something
I mean, he's a psychologist, so of course, he'll get inside of your head before you would even blink twice
He wouldn't call you out just yet since he doesn't know the full extent of you working under someone or if you're working for yourself and using others to your own advantage
As for you, you knew that Simon wouldn't just let you go if he ever found out on what you're plotting and nor would he help bail you out just because you asked so nicely
So to avoid this problem, you asked your fellow subordinates from Dr Wondertainment to help cover for you
The MTFs caught on that there was newly discovered SCPs on their site and were quickly ordered to exterminated, neutralise or capture them for the safety of them and the others and to conduct further research
Little did they know, it was your little stunt to just get closer to Dr Glass and to use him in your plans
After many months of studying each and every SCPs and conducting a plan for your team, the researchers finally discovered that it was you behind all the mess with the help of Simon Glass
Realising that it is too dangerous for you to be working along in the Foundation, you fled,, leaving Simon Glass all alone and wanting to keep you in his room forever
Simon demanded a search party to find you but was denied
Since you've been caught already, you sent somebody else to do the work for you
And that assistant just so happens to look just like you (totally not your evil twin or anything)
Dr Jack Bright
Jack Bright had you locked up in a chamber below the Foundation when he had discovered you being the culprit behind the recent breaches and other related incidents
You were just as vicious and deadly as most of the best agents the Foundation ever has and staying in the Foundation had just turned you insane and just as sadistic
You enjoyed causing so much chaos, leaving all the innocent, cheery memories behind and new friends and family you've made along the way was long gone
Bright wasn't stupid, he may be goofy and somewhat chaotic at times, he'd been in the Foundation for longer than anyone (he'd also be earning more than the amount of money in your bank account)
He's definitely one of the most intelligent doctors and most definitely has access to most files and holds more secrets than any seniors in the Foundation
There's no doubt that he would find out about you and lock you up in no time
Knowing you, he's very much certain that you'll wreak havoc on the Foundation within a matter of hours for no apparent reason
The other staff would deem you as an SCP but Bright dismisses that and nobody has ever heard of you since
He tortured you for hours and its no wonder why you'd become so visibly and mentally insane
Dr Alto Clef
Clef was able to somehow find a way to unlock your secrets about you working with another GOI named Church of the Broken God
And despite having to work together with a handful of times, both GOIs remain enemies, so Alto would have to keep a close eye on you
On occasions, he would blackmail you, chain you up and inflict pain on you just to get some intel off from you
However, little did he know, you've learnt from the best liars and was able to conceal the truth from him
Clef may be good at finding information on a person and threaten others, but you were able to adapt as quick as the speed of light and was manipulative just like him
Unlike the others, Clef would most definitely snitch on you, but that's no surprise since you've done just that to him with the Church of the Broken God
Moreover, Clef didn't know that you were married to someone working for the very same GOI and was shocked once he found out
The Foundation found it difficult to track you and your spouse since you're both highly trained along with the data you've gathered on the foundation staff and SCPs
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Benjamin Kodraki, another softer yandere, would have never known that you worked with the Deer College if it wasn't for his butterflies
He would give you the benefit of the doubt at first, but when you kept doing his questions and threats, he would give in and tell the O5 council
They would dismiss Kondraki at first, but once they've discovered a chain of unusual events happening at the Foundation, they knew it was much more than just a coincidence and took action
Kondraki aided them in finding you, but to no avail, except for one of your long term friends (you have friends?! what a shocker)
He had chained up your friend and they exposed your hideout spot which just so happened to be right underneath the Foundation
When he had found you, he forcefully dragged you up to his room and tied you up as you saw your friend's lifeless body beside you
You hated him because of his yandere tendencies and tried to break free
Luckily for you, the professors at the College managed to set you free, fleeing with you before Kondraki and the other members of the Foundation could do anything
Later on, Kondraki soon realised that you were in the Deer College just to gain additional knowledge and to retrieve some samples of the SCPs in the Foundation to conduct your own research and art collection
Not only that, you were exceptionally good at history and social science and Invocations and Summoning which was why you picked both subjects to study further with your creativity in the art department as your hobby
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
So @alcinassugarbby asked for another part of my previous music drabble, where R teaches Alci how to perrear to latino music. And if you want to get the vibe you can listen to the Spotify playlist i made specifically for this.
Also, just to let you know, this was written with latino people in mind.
I took my time with this one, but please enjoy ;)
The castle was huge af, you yourself had gotten lost in its infinity many times, mostly when you have the late night cravings and sneakily you manouver you way out of Alcina's hold and have to find your way through the darkness of the hallways in order to find the kitchen. It was like a neverending maze, but just as it was great for parties and hide and seek games, it was a pain in the ass to keep clean.
Maids had stopped roaming the castle's halls a long time ago (more like, the family outlived them), and Alcina never bothered to hire new ones, so the chore of cleaning the place fell upon the daughters.
Your mom raised you right, you were not going to let the girls struggle with the the chores when you could do something about it, and so, you being in your right age to put music to clean but not old enough to put Juan Gabriel, you pulled out your phone, connecting it to the speaker you made Alcina buy for you, and you started to sweep and mop, with your sleep shorts on clinging to you like a second skin and an oversized shirt (courtesy of Alcina's wardrobe) hanging on your body.
You were the only one currently in the castle, as the rest of the family went out for some business stuff with MM, leaving you the entire place to do as you pleased, so you didn't hesitate to blast the music through the whole east wing while dancing around the room you were cleaning. Though you lost track of time, and when you felt a hand on your shoulder just when you were crouching throwing it back, lost in the music, you jumped 3ft in the air with a surprised yelp, only to run to the nearest couch to grab a deadly weapon, a decorative cushion, and wield it with assertive determination towards whoever had dared to put a foot inside your home.
"Whatever are you doing, dear?" You heard your lover's amused voice and you blushed, letting out a squeak of surprise at being caught while dancing like that. You didn't even hear her arrive, but then again, the music was too loud.
You quickly turned the music down, so it wouldn't hurt her ears and so you could hear her better.
"I uh, was cleaning?" You said, unsure of your answer. You went to her, giving her a welcoming hug, though it was mostly to hide your face.
Alcina, the ever teasing woman, looked at a flustered you and a smirk formed on her face. "What an interesting way of cleaning. I'm sure the floors will be sparkling when you're done." And if it wasn't enough, she added: "You're really good, my love, you should teach me sometime." Alcina could say stuff like that all day, but in reality she loved the cute way your butt bounced up and down and as cool and composed as she looked in the outside, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes (and hands) off of your lower back. Because she's a gentlewoman, and a lady, and not because her daughters are wildly unpredictable and no one could assure her they wouldn't barge through the door at any moment effectively interrupting and testing her self control.
Though what she said gave you an idea, and now it was your turn to smirk mischievously. "Oh, i can definitely teach you. I would love to, even."
Her expression went blank and her face went pale, or well, even paler if it was even possible. "No." She said without a pause.
You giggled, and she giggled too because she cherished your laugh.
"No, but really. I could teach you. I mean, i'm no master myself but i know my moves." To prove your point you smoothly swinged your hips left and right, while holding Alcina's hands to make her follow your dance.
"I don't think i can do that, dearest. Maybe is best if i refrain from doing such dance." The smile on her face was small but it made the whole room brighter and you wanted to kiss her right there, although at that exact moment one of your favorite songs, and a classic at that, could be heard from the speaker and you didn't waste a second to dance along with it.
"Watch this, Alci." You said as you started to move at the rhythm of Yo Perreo Sola. Your left leg bouncing against the floor, then you started to move your hips in a rhythmical circle with a little pause and bounce of your butt at the end of every lap. It was really simple, yet Alcina looked mesmerized. And when you bent over, with your hands on your knees, and started going up and down, Alcina's eyes were definitely glued to you.
"See something you like?" You asked, smugly.
Alcina was speechless. But her gaze fixed on your behind let you know that in fact she did like it, she did like it a lot.
You stopped and you could have sworn you heard Alcina whine. "Why did you stop?" She asked, with a tint of disappoinment in her voice.
"You didn't say anything, so i thought you might not like it." You turned away from her to hide your smirk, because it was all bs, you knew she was enthralled.
"No, no. I like it. Although i must admit, i'd rather wish you'd dance for me like this more often." When you faced her again ahe was watching you intently.
"Tell you what, you dance for me first and i'll dance for you tonight in our chambers, how's that sound?" You were struggling to keep your grin under control as Alcina seemed to seriously think about it.
"You really want to see me dance like that, don't you? You little devil."
"There's nothing else i'd wish for right now."
Alcina sighed. "Fine, i am willing to do it." She held your face with her hand and leaned to kiss you. "Just because i really like that butt of yours."
You blushed but went to choose a song nonetheless.
"Let's start with something easy." You said as you browsed through the Colores album, looking for a song that you thought fitted her perfectly and 'Negro' started to play.
Alcina had listened to your songs before, but it never ceased to amaze her how different each song was, the rhythm and lyrics, not to mention the many different languages, and seeing you so excited to share part of your culture with her– it just made her heart soar.
"Alright, how should i start?"
Your huge bright smile made it impossibe to hide how much you were enjoying this. "You see, my dear apprentice, perrear is an art where your hips are the brush and the room is your canvas. Now, with me, stand like this and try to move you butt up and down along with the beat."
Alcina was hesitant. How a lady such as herself would allow her body to move in such an... aggravating... manner? Well, the answer was that she loved you. She would do anything for you and if it was your wish to see her dance, then she'd swallow her pride and try her best.
With awe you witnessed how your lady attempted to perform the basic step of perreo, though you could clearly see she was being shy, and you didn't blame her. The first time you tried to learn in front of your full body mirror was like that too.
"How's this? Am i doing it right?" She asked, unsure.
Her posture was a bit awkward, and you placed your hands on her to correct it. "Yes, now try to lean down a bit, like this. You can put your hands above the knee for support." She did. "Now, the tricky part. Try and arch your back a bit, just a bit, while you throw it back."
"I'm not throwing anything back, dear." Alcina said, confused, and even glanced behind her to confirm.
You giggled. "Baby, i meant your butt. Like this."
Alcina followed your example, and she being an extremely smart, talented and observing woman, picked up the move real quick.
"Now try to draw a circle with your hips. Yes, just like that. You're doing great, babe!"
"I sure hope so, my love. I'm really looking forward to you dancing for me tonight." She smirked, stopping her moves and pulling you close to her, her hands on your back pressing you against her front. "I putting a lot of effort and i require praise and kisses." You were more than happy to comply to her wishes, climbing on a chair and proceeding to kiss her hungrily. Wet kisses could be heard in the room, and Alcina's hands under your shirt gently scrapping the bare skin of your back were driving you crazy. But you knew you were getting too lost in the moment, and as much as you wanted to keep drawing those delicious groans from her you still had a goal to accomplish.
With a last bite to her bottom lip you pushed yourself back and jumped to the floor, ignoring Alcina's whine of disappoinment.
"Let's move to something a little more difficult." You say, a little bit out of breath, as you change the song to Gasolina. It started with a rapid beat and you wasted no time following it.
"Oh god..."
"Now you do it."
You'd be lying if you said seeing Alcina try that specific step didn't stir something in you. Definitely her leaning down, moving her hips side to side, slightly rotating her waist, in a rapid pace was a sight to behold.
"My love, you're drooling." Her amused voice reached your ears and you got out of your trance.
"I guess i'm really good teacher." You day, the back of your hand hiding your mouth.
"Mmh, well i think so too." She laughed. A beautiful laughter indeed. "Do you happen to have more knowledge you'd like to share?"
You lit up as a new song came into mind.
"I do!" Wait a sec!"
You quickly change the song and run back to Alcina's side.
"Third step! Should be easy enough." You squat and thrust your hips forward in a repetitive smooth motion while gradually rising with every 'Tra' of the song, slowly, tempting, alluring. "What do you think?"
Alcina is staring again, and you can almost hear the Microsoft startup sound as her brain reboots.
"Would you look at that! It's already night time." She said, pointing to a half covered window that lets in a faint but clear ray of sunlight. You opened your mouth to deny it but Alcina was already hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around her waist. "And i believe we made a deal." Her husky voice and hungry eyes left no room for arguing, though you wouldn't complain.
I think i should put links to videos so you can get a reference.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
May I request Yandere Headcanons of both Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata? Separately also I like your profile.
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Headcanon;
Haha thanks. I'm going to make another post for Yandere! Mirio Togota. This one is for Deku. Hope you enjoy it! 
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya:
He's a delusional yandere. With a little bit of sadism in him.
You often caught him staring at you but you figured that he observes everyone like that since he makes notes about everyone in his little notebook.
And he did make notes about you too, but the difference between the other notes and yours would be that yours would be just creepy. While he notes down the quirks and the strengths and weaknesses of others, your notes would be about your daily routine, things you like and dislike, your physical features, your fears, hobbies, and all the other things that one should not know about someone without asking.
Your gut always told you that there is something wrong with him. That he's hiding something. Whenever he would come to talk to you, his stuttering voice, his soft tone, his wide eyes, they just gave you the feeling that something was off. That you need to get away from him as far as possible. But you can't accuse him of anything just because he gives off a weird vibe. And only you feel that way.
Deku is so delusional. He doesn't think that he's obsessed with you. Nor does he think that there's anything wrong with his behaviour. He thinks that you're in love with him too! Isn't that why you dropped your pencil or how you "misplaced" your handkerchief? Why you always greet him with a smile? And how you always run away from him because you're shy.
Once he kidnaps you, he'll be comforting you. There's no reason to cry! Don't run away from your feelings. He loves you too!
Of course you're going to think that he is out of his mind. You try to get away from him, deny feeling anything but disgust towards him, that you'll escape, but Deku isn't listening to you. In his mind, you're still shy, confused about your feelings, and maybe a bit scared.
But as you thrash around in his hold, punch his arms, say those awful, awful things, he's gonna hold your hand so tightly, you get the message loud and clear. He's not afraid to hurt you.
All he wants is your love. Just shower him in kisses, cuddle him even if his grip hurts you, be the obedient girlfriend who only seeks his approval and attention.
And so you try to play the part. You need to bide your time, you need to think carefully if you want to escape this maniac. You become docile, pretend to love him, let his disgusting fingers touch you. You need to plan your escape carefully. It needs to be executed perfectly; there is no room for error.
The day comes when your plan is set into its final motion. You have everything you need to get of this place. Izuku is out doing his patrol. You're going to escape before he returns.
Everything is going well but you failed to consider one thing. You forgot how Izuku makes keen observations, how he's always calculating and processing new information. He knows you better than you know yourself. He can read you like an open book.
He knew that you weren't actually in love with him, that it was all fake. He knew all about your escape plan. Did you really think that the tools you used to get out, that they were just lying there, that he didn't notice them missing, that it was all just pure luck?
And while it hurt him greatly that you'd try to leave him, he pretended to be oblivious to your plan because he wanted you to escape, just so that he could bring you back and punish you.
And this is where his sadism comes in. He's not afraid to hurt you. So what if you have bruises all over your body, a broken bone or two, maybe a little bit of internal bleeding? Its all for a better cause. To remind you that you belong to him, that your home is where he is. And he knows pets need to be punished before they are worthy of love. He's going to punish and once he does, you're going to know to never get on his bad side again, that its better to become a doll that he plays with.
Its better this way. You'll understand not to test him but only after you experience his power.
He's going to be All Might's successor, you're so lucky that he's in love with you! No one is stronger than him, and no one is going to love you more than him!
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Thanks for the request! Hope you guys liked this. Who should I write for next? Send in a request! :)
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