#scp scenarios
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maruchan25 · 8 months ago
I… um… haven’t seen SCP-166 x reader that much. So why not SCP-166 with Reader who is mischievous like Ben Drowned or Kokichi Ouma?
Hiii there thanks for your request!! I'm so sorry it took me so long it's just I got a busy week and didn't have time! I hope you enjoy!
(Picture not mine!)
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As friends:
-she is a sweetie she loves your personality but won't participate on your pranks she is more the calm type and prefers to have peace with everyone
-you get alot of giggles and sincere smiles from her she likes alot to be around you when they allow her too cuz you are funny atleast on her point of view
-she is very calm so she won't get mad if you make her pranks she would get sad she don't like being pranked
-you are one of heronly Friends and company so she appreciates alot having you
-she don't understand most things you like (technology related to) but she would try to understand them just to know what kind of things you like your phone or device would probably not function after
-she respects your likes even if it's not her own taste she just like seeing you enjoy things
-she would want you to learn more to relax and have a peaceful spirit and soul
In a relationship (asumming you're both the same age)
-she is a complete sweetheart she just adores you!
-she likes your teasing personality but would want you to be a Lil more peaceful
-she loves gifts from you but if you wanna gift her flowers please don't cut them!
-she stands up for you after you get in trouble for making pranks
-she wants you to get connected to nature with her
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showrunnerihardlyknowher · 1 year ago
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[squeaky toy noise]
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theyanderespecialist · 2 years ago
SHE'S NOT FAT, SHE'S PREGNANT 1 (Scenarios) 049, 073, 076, Clef X Pregnant S/O (Yandere) (SCP Foundation) (SCP 049, SCP 073/Cain, SCP 076-2/Abel, Dr. Alto Clef)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! In this chapter, it is one from Tumblr, which is 049, 073, 076, and Alto Clef being yandere with a pregnant Significant Other. Then some D Class calling them fat and this is how they would react to it in their scenario! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCPS 049, 073/Cain, 076/Abel, and Dr. Alto Clef are Not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine. Just do not be gross or illegal about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life!)
(A Doctor's Touch) (SCP 049)
(SCP 049's POV)
I am sitting with my partner giving her an exam. She is pregnant, about three months. I was able to get her pregnant in a breach. The Foundation had been less than pleased with me. I almost lost my mind when they would not let me see her. I finally agreed to work with them if they let her stay with me. I hear the door open and a guard and D Class come in.
"Who is the fat bitch?" The D Class says and I set down the cloth. "I will be right back my dear."
I kiss her belly and then kiss her and walk over to the man. The guard thinks I am doing nothing. Oh, what a fool he is.
"Excuse me, kind sir I did not hear what you said about my partner," I say.
"I said she is fa-" I did not let him finish as I touched him and he dropped. The Guard instantly put his gun up. "Do not worry, I have no issue with you. Go call another D Class to clean this up, preferably one who is less rude."
The Guard walks out quickly and I walk back to my partner she is staring at the body. I stand in front of her view.
"It is okay, my dear (Name). I took care of it." I tell her and kiss her.
No one insulted the mother of my children.
(Deadly Politeness) (SCP 073/Cain)
(SCP 073/Cain's POV)
I am holding my girlfriend on my lap. She is so soft and full of our love. About five months into her pregnancy. I could not help but hold her close as much as I can. The O5 cancel had not been happy when I got her pregnant. I had more or less tricked her into it. But that does not matter anymore. She is now my girlfriend and we are going to start our family soon. I could not wait.
We are in the canteen and I hear someone call her fat. She looks down I know she has been worried about her figure. I pull away from her. Telling her I will be right back. I find the D Class that said those vile words.
I tap his shoulder with a polite smile. "I heard what you said about my girlfriend."
"The fat on-" I did not waste a second and punched him right in the face with my metal arm.
His skull cracks and he is dead before he hits the ground. "Have a nice day!" I say and before the guards can react I am back with my girlfriend, snuggling her once more.
(Rage Trance Activated) (SCP 076-2/Abel)
(SCP 076-2/Abel's POV)
I am training with the mother of my child watching me. I agreed to work for the foundation once more. As long as (Name) stayed with me. We ended up having a child. I could not wait to train our children to be warriors. I see the Daily D Class come in. I see him say something to (Name). Her face falters and I am by her in a second. Turning to the D Class.
I grab him by the throat. "(Name) What did he say to you?!" I demand.
She hesitates and I look at her telling her to tell me.
"He just called me fat, it is no big deal."
My eyes narrow on him. "No big deal? Tell you, pathetic human, this woman is carrying my child, a future warrior. She is going through a glorious transformation! AND YOU DARE CALL HER FAT!" I snarl and rip his head off.
The Guards storm over and I grab a blade. THEY WILL ALL PAY! NO ONE INSULTS THE ONLY WORTHY WOMAN!
(Bang Bang) (Dr. Alto Clef)
(Dr. Alto Clef's POV)
I smirked at my wife, she blushes as I kiss down her neck. Whispering in her ear how sexy she is. She blushes and grips my shirt. We are in the cafeteria. I pull away to play my ukelele, walking around the room. Drawing the song out. My wife begins to eat. She needed to put on more weight as she is not at a healthy weight for twins. I watch her carefully and hear a D class speak as I pass by.
"God, look at her eat, what a fat bitch. Shame to cause she is pr-" I grabbed my ukelele and smash it into his skull. He screams and falls to the ground. I stomp my boot into his skull.
"The Fuck you say about MY WIFE!" I snap pulling out my gun.
She is the first woman I was able to fully love and is giving me a second chance at a family. I WILL NOT LET ANYONE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT. I shoot my gun into his stomach twice. Suddenly painfully tumors start to sprout on his body and burst. He screams in agony while he dies. I then go over to my wife, pick up her and throw her over my shoulder. Then grab her food, and we will eat in my office.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I really am happy with this one! I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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lunaralight09 · 1 year ago
Talk to me about what 096 would do in random scenarios (for example, if you fell asleep on <them>, or if you did that REALLY CUTE yawn)
I guess I'm back(?) but I'm NOT gonna promise that there will be more frequent updates. Since I'm more focused on other stuff.
*what are dates/hang outs like with them + how they'll show affection*
Imma be real with you, since they ARE an anomaly locked away, you can't exactly take them anywhere because of one reason or another. Which is obvious(Wanna add that they can keep calm and not rip you apart... for sometime. I mean they... like obsess over you, sadly you're not save from THAT fate as others).
So the best way to simulate it is just... be there with them. Like sitting next to them or just be near them as you do your own stuff, it'll be enough for them. Ofc you can show other affection, they won't mind. They like to look at you you do your hobbies/talk their ears off. Like stare over shoulder as you read/watch/draw/crotchet/etc.
And not only when you do anything, they'll stare at you. Liking your presence and appearance, wanting to just pick you up and tear, squeeze hug, cradle you. I mean how can they not? When you look so.. like you, doing some stuff that they aren't interested at this moment, since you're their main focus(obsession)
On that note. Their love language is quality time, hand holding and face touching.
Nothing is better for them than spending time with you right after brutally murdering some poor person who looked at their face. They won't mind if you don't want to be too close or touch them, your presence will be enough. You'll always be enough for them. They like the silence, but is alright with hearing you talk about anything you like, anything. Would love to see what you do as they keep lingering next to you. Just don't look at them for too long and you'll be just fine.
Hand holding is their main way to tell you that they like and appreciate you. How warm you are compared to them is really comforting... and I suggest you wash or clean their hands beforehand(no pun intended). Unless you're okay with possibility of your hands getting bloody and feeling of guts on your hands(I mean you can't really clean it all off)
They don't care if you touch their face or vice versa. Once again it's about your warmth and feeling your skin on their own. Which can kinda ground them. But because of their natural calm state it's more of the affection ofc. Just feeling you tracing their features and possibly have your foreheads touch is a bliss to them. And don't look at them or glance at them before they get real antsy.
*falling asleep on them*
It kind of depends on how they were in that moment(i.e. sitting, standing, possibly carrying you(?)).
If they were sitting, then feel you lean on them and not move or respond in any way. They'll just freeze and will keep staring at you. Not that they don't like it, no they don't know what to do, so the best thing they can do is look at you, letting you rest as they can hear distant screams and sirens. Basking in this calm moment.
If they were standing and you fell asleep on them(probably sitting and lean on their leg). Once again freeze, look and then placing their hand on you(probably you head), as they either try to sit down so you'll be a little bit more comfortable or just continue to look at the wall while petting you.
But falling asleep while they were carrying/cradling you in their arms, they won't let go. Move with you in more safe, secluded and quieter place. Still holding you and being more alert about all what they'll hear. Just sitting down and cradling you close to them.
*noticing you yawn*
Let me be real with you.. they won't care how you look when yawning, they'll just stare at you. And will probably look away/turn away from your gaze if you look at them for too long. But it's probably not the first time that you noticed them staring at you (they do it randomly. You could be standing or dozing off and then(probably) feel their gaze on you)
If it's the first time they see you yawn(rarely or even never seen someone yawn) probably won't understand or maybe some human part of him still know that you're (somewhat) tired, possibly scooping you up in their long ass arms and squeezing you(not hard tho), not letting you go.
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astro-naut9 · 4 months ago
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idk sean forgelabs
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months ago
EAS Scenario | Ronald McDonald Mystery Meat | SCP-5962
I love SCP Foundation (secure, contain, protect).
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theborgchives · 2 years ago
Urugh what the scallop. End of death scenario 049 stuff
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heyimflame · 7 months ago
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Image from here
Kai would wear it no questions asked, but y'all probably just want Mal in it lmao
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thequeerwizardcouncil · 11 months ago
Once we get enough members in the G.Q.B. and at least one agent in the M.E.B. we will scout out our first target society
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korraofficial60 · 1 year ago
For all fandoms I've tagged! I have made a multifandom discord server where yall can rant, rp, chat and go nuts. If yall want an invite link. Let me know. Also you can requests more fandoms
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dzthenerd490 · 1 month ago
File: His Dark Materials
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: Dust
Object Class: Aether
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ALD has been confirmed to be everywhere and has already touched everyone, as such it is impossible to contain. Furthermore, even if we could contain it, it might very well lead to consequences such as an EK Class End of Human Consciousness Scenario or quite possibly an ZK Class Reality Failure Scenario. The Department of the Impossible and the Department of Universal Affairs are responsible for keeping tabs on the flow of SCP-ALD in our universe as well as universes connected and aligned with our own. Should anything happen that causes a disruption of SCP-ALD, Agent Jacqueline Johnson of the Department of the Impossible is to help in finding the source of the disruption and either fix the problem or neutralize any threat to SCP-ALD. 
Description: SCP-ALD is the key to our consciousness; it is what allows us to have thought and is quite possibly the human race and others are able to have ideas and thoughts in our minds. It is a dust-like material that most certainly has its own form of consciousness and brings said consciousness to all creatures that are sentient or have the capabilities of being sentient. Without SCP-ALD there is a very good chance that humanity would still be slaves to many Precursor Species of Interest that once ruled before the First War. 
However, observations of SCP-ALD has shown that it is not necessarily the creator of consciousness but possibly an enhancer or cultivator of consciousness. Those who have higher intelligence and/or imagination are more likely to have larger amounts of SCP-ALD flowing around them. As such it's possible that SCP-ALD is merely an enhancer of our free will and not the creator, more research is required. 
SCP-ALD takes on the form of a golden glowing dust that flows around those that are under its influence which is everything that has a consciousness. However SCP-ALD is invisible on all spectrums of light and visual aspects of our reality. The only way to view SCP-ALD is with a [Data Expunged by Order of the O5 Council], a highly classified device, made by the order of the O5 Council. The purpose of this was to see what could possibly lie within our reality but existed beyond spectrums of reality we can comprehend. This resulted in us discovering SCP-ALD.
Most shockingly, researchers in the Department of Universal Affairs found that other worlds also possessed SCP-ALD, it was everywhere. There was no corner in the known multiverse that didn’t contain both conscious beings and SCP-ALD. Only non-sentient organisms, beasts, and monsters were free of SCP-ALD influence. SCP-ALD doesn’t seem to do anything else that either produces or enhances the consciousness as beings. The proof is that infants have very little SCP-ALD flowing around them, children have more, and adults typically have the most of any living being. 
SCP-ALD was discovered in 1794, 6 years after the Foundation was created and exactly 1 year from when SCP-049 fell into Foundation custody at one of the first constructed Sites. After the event that would be later known as The Reset, became common knowledge among the founding members of the Foundation, it was decided major changes needed to be made. First, the newly established O5 Council had enough with the “Pestilence” that SCP-049 claimed existed and set out to find proof that it either did or didn’t. Instead, they found the existence of other realities and SCP-ALD that existed in all of them. This led to questioning between SCP-049 and Doctor Novak James, please see Addendum X-89 for details. 
Addendum X-89
The following is a transcribed interview between Doctor James and SCP-049 after the discovery of SCP-ALD. 
Begin Recording
Doctor James: … Are you done reading?
SCP-049: It did not take long to absorb the knowledge.
Doctor James: and?
SCP-049: And what? 
Doctor James: Oh my god, IS IT THE PESTILENCE OR NOT!
SCP-049: … Of course not, do you take me for a fool? This is not pestilence.
Doctor James: Ugh, then what the hell is it?
SCP-049: … I don’t know, but I do know that it's nothing like the pestilence, it enhances your intelligence or perhaps it's the reason you were intelligent to begin with. The pestilence on the other hand corrupts and morphs all it touches into mindless monstrosities… slaves. 
Doctor James: Your saying this thing is the reason we are able to think?
SCP-049: Or it just enhances your thinking. Again, I don’t entirely know. Such a shame too, if I could harvest some, I might be able to find a breakthrough in my cure. Granted this substance whatever it is brings no harm to the pestilence, but its opposite properties might be beneficial in some way. 
Doctor James: Hmph, speaking of which we still haven’t found any proof of the pestilence. You are ready to admit it's not real?
SCP-049: Perhaps the reason I’m the only one that can see the pestilence is because I’m the only one who can stop it much like how your Administrator is [Data Expunged by Order of the Administrator]
Doctor James: ... That's an unfair comparison. 
SCP-049: Believe what you will, but I know what’s real and what’s not. You only believe what you see my dear doctor, and that will ultimately be your downfall. I only pray you don’t drag your lovely daughter with you. 
Doctor James: Nancy? Tch, that little bitch will never amount to anything. She just clings to her plush toys all day and cries when she gets hungry. Pathetic. 
SCP-049: … Hahaha, another spark of proof, the pestilence is already consuming you.
Doctor James: There is no pestilence! And don’t even think about curing me, we both know you won’t enjoy the punishment. 
SCP-049: No, I do remember before the uh… restart of everything, a site director did recommend I allow the pestilence to take a hold of a host and devour them to see what exactly I’m fighting. I always thought the idea was ludacris as surely such a scenario would bring more harm than good, but perhaps you’ll make a viable test subject. 
Doctor James: restart of everything?
SCP-049: Oh you don’t know? Then don’t worry about it. It doesn’t concern you.
Doctor James: Whatever, but let’s get one thing clear. I’m no test subject, and I’m destined to do great things, just you wait. You're the one who's going to rot in this cage forever. 
SCP-049: … Interesting. I don’t believe I’ve seen the pestilence have such a hold on a patient before… Perhaps that Site Director was right, I really should have done this ages ago. 
Recording Ends
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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maruchan25 · 9 months ago
Yooo!! Can you you do something about polyamorous love relationships between scp-035/scp-049/fem reader?? If anything, I'm not rushing, take your time!
hiiiii there thank you for your request I'm sorry if it took me alot it's just I had a busy week! I hope you enjoy it! Gifs not mine!!
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-they both falled for you
-they both fighted for you and tried to end each other (mostly 035)
-049 tried to win you being a gentleman as always while 035...well he tried to charm you and even gaslight you to think you would be better with him
-they both pointed the others red flags at you 049 on a sutile way 035 very openly
-but you had enough and confronted them ,you 3 fitted down and started discussing it neither of them agreed they didn't want to share you very hesitated they agreed after alot of times bringing it up
-you 3 are now on a relationship but they prefer not to be affectionate with each other just with you
-049 is the most serious one on the relationship being more a mom than a boyfriend sometimes
-you pass more time with 049 cuz 035 needs new host every certain time but you are with 035 when 049 is "curing people"
-jealousy: they constantly compete to see who has your attention if you kiss one you have to kiss the other
-049 yes gets jealous of 035 when you are passing more time with him but out of that he isn't very jealous he trust you and know you are a women with boundaries while in the other side 035 is jealous and possessive of you if a guy is talking to you he would go and kill him or tell to 049 and make him see that guy as a threat
-poor of the person who dare lay a finger on you he would get a double beat and get zombified
-they are both protective of you they just care alot for you!! If there's a containment breach you have to stay behind them and that's not a question you had to do it
-you 3 sleep together everyone on a side you in the middle they both cuddling you
-049 would appreciate alot if you and 035 don't bother him while he is operating but we both know that's not possible
-they both use pet names very frequently 049 use "mon amour" , "ma cherié" and "honey" while 035 use "sweetie" "sweetheart" and. "Princess" 035 it's more corny in that sense, 049 it's the more formal type
-035 show his love by words 049 by affection and words both
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showrunnerihardlyknowher · 1 year ago
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he's just like me frfr
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theyanderespecialist · 1 year ago
The Doctor's Patient (Headcanon/Scenario) Yandere SCP 049 X Sick Reader
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am so so so sorry that I have been doing very few updates, seasonal allergies and sickness got me fucked up. Anyway, this one is going to be Yandere SCP 049 X Sick Reader! Enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCP 049 is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!)
(Yandere Headcanons Wtih SCP 049 X Sick Reader)
.He would want to be the one to take care of you for sure.
.He had to be the one to take care of you.
.You are his darling patient and he knows what is best for you, not those damn researchers who do not even believe in her cure.
.He would somehow get you to be his patient and you can be sure he is doing it his way.
.You are so pink in the face from your fever, it is time for some leeches!
.He would also make all your meals from scratch.
.You cannot eat anything not made by him.
.So be ready for some bland-ass French stews.
.He also loves holding you while you are sick, he needs to feel you against him.
.Yes he can control his lethal touch somewhat and really normally touches people who have the pestilence
.Speaking of the pestilence, he will die before he lets you become one of the afflicted.
.His goal is to keep you by his side always.
.He loves how helpless you are when you are sick.
.Well somewhat.
.He hates how you are more at risk.
.But he loves that you have to depend on him.
.He would be gentle yet firm with you.
.There will be none of the nonsense of you not taking your medicine (Which is a mystery sludge he makes from scratch)
.He is very protective of you, anyone that tries to get to close to you.
.Well they will be killed with that lethal touch.
.If you had a partner, they were the first ones to face his lethal touch.
.He did not bother to cure them. They were unworthy of his cure. They were the ones to mist likely make you sick.
.He would make you like him, and you will never ever leave him.
.He is also easily jealous.
.He is the type of yandere with you so sick that he has to be glued to your side and make sure you are taken care of at all times.
.He is the type of yandere to hover for sure.
.If the leeches do not work he may be forced to use even less savory methods.
.If you lash out at him? Well, that may just be hysteria!
.And the perfect method for hysteria was to give his dear patient a little intimate physical~
.He promises that he will always be there for you in sickness and in health. For better or for worse, Even death will not make you part~
(Now Onto the Scenario~~~ Hope you enjoy this!)
(SCP 049) (Trust Me, Darling… I Am YOUR Doctor~)
(SCP 049's POV)
She was so sick, I could see how the fever was coursing through her as she interviewed me. I hate that I cannot just take her in my arms and take care of her. I was growing more agitated that I could not take care of her. She has another coughing fit into her elbow and that is when I had enough. I stood up and pulled her into my arms.
The guard stared in horror and told me to let go of her. I simply touched him and he died. She struggles in my arms and I click my tongue. She is being so stubborn.
"Enough, (Name)." I scold. "I am putting you to bed!"
I carry her to my bed, she is asking so many questions. "How! How are you able to touch me!?" She demands.
"I will explain, but right now in bed," I order and tuck her into my bed. I see that she is going to be stubborn so I pull out my medical bag. "Do not worry my dear. I will give you something to sleep."
"NO! LET ME GO!" She bellows the sickness must be going to her brain! I must act fast.
I grab out the vial and syringe. I straddled her chest. Her arms were pinned between her body and my legs.
I fill the syringe, she stares in horror at the black liquid in it. "Normally you would take this orally," I tell her. "But this needs to work much faster."
"SCP 049! Please Don't!" She begs squirming the best she can.
I hold her head still stroking her hair. "Do not worry, My Darling. You can Trust me, I am a doctor~ Your doctor~" I tell her and inject it into her neck.
She lets out a howl of pain. I coo to her and stroke her hair. Soon her eyes start to droop and I climb under the covers with her. Pulling her to my chest.
I will take care of her, I always will. She is, My Darling Patient~ ALL MINE~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FINALLY UPDATED SOMETHING!!! This is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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morgsticklee · 3 months ago
SCP: 8946
Class: SAFE
Date of discovery: UNKNOWN
Site location: Site 19
It's stored in a cube glass storage case in the small safe objects department with very little security needed.
This SCP is a somewhat unassuming pot of glitter, not a massive pot. Just a tiny container 🫙 with so much of the fun tiny particles inside.
It's anomalous ability activates when someone decides to open up the pot and throw some of the glitter at another person in an act of innocent play, as soon as the particles touch their bodies. It starts to tickle them, sending tickly sensations through their nervous system.
The period of time lasts in various lengths depending on the person, the site director of site 19 was tested on and the tickling lasted an hour, he ended up falling on the floor with hysterical laughter. It tickled so much.
(Tried posting this on the SCP site for writers but it didn't do well haha 😂)
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sunheart101 · 5 months ago
This is genuinely so stupid but like, I headcanon that the Engineer’s muscles, bones, and most of his internal organs are made out of metal and machine parts (happened after interacting with the Engine)
And with that in mind something breaking, and for whatever reason he can’t fix it and no one else knows how to so Delta Command decides to call a mechanic who keeps trying to sell them other fixes that are not needed at all
And every time the Engineer says that it doesn’t need fixed the mechanic keeps trying to convince him and Delta Command more
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