#it was very fun to think of what items they might cherish
ladyshivs · 4 months
Oo, glance & favorite for Richard, Lydia, and Sal? Or whoever you want to answer for if that’s too much!!
Thank you!
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
Richard: Most likely his height or his hair. He stands at a solid 2 meters tall, and his orange curly hair really sets him apart from the crowd. Once he actually starts taking of his hair, even more so, since the curls will be sleek and bouncy little ringlets.
Lydia: That's harder to say for Lydia. She's a bigger woman, so unfortunately that tends to be one of the first things people notice about her. Then most likely her eyes, which are a lovely hazel.
Sal: His style. He wears loud, expensive suits with elaborate patterns and graphics, accented with jewelry. He looks ostentatious and is pleased if that's what people notice about him first. After the suits, most likely his mustache tbh, not many people even try to pull of a pencil thin lip warmer, let alone pull it off.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Richard: He tries not to get attached to physical objects. They'll only weigh him down if he needs to bolt. He has items that he likes to wear, sure, but they don't have any particular meaning to him. Part of him will want to keep the gucci sweatshirt that Ricardo bought, to make fun of him later...but Richard can't bring himself to believe that there's going to be a later.
Lydia: She has a few pieces of bootleg, knock off Marshell Chagre and Sargent Sleet merch in the form of hoodies and t shirts that she cherishes. She wears them sparingly, and never where either of them could ever see it. She also has a small nickel ring that she doesn't wear but that she cherishes. After heartbreak, her landlord sold all of her possessions, and the ring reminds her of a plastic ring Anathema won for her at an arcade.
Sal: despite his over the top sense of style, Sal has very few items of clothing or accessories that he's actually attached to. But few doesn't mean none--he's kept the cuff links Julia once complimented off hand, even if he no longer has the suit they go with, as well as two small, identical lapel pins. It was a limited run production for Anathema's funeral, extremely hard to come by, and Sal owns two of the only fifty made.
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krispycreamcake · 24 days
Kanato Sakamaki bf headcanons𖤐𖤐
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🧸- This is so random and probably not the best way to start things off, but he frequently dresses your hair
🧸- It literally doesn't matter if you're male or female or even a woolly mamoth, you're never seeing the inside of a salon/barber again
🧸- While it's generally fun for him to do his s/o hair, he also uses it to his advantage to essentially groom you to his likings and preferences (no not that kind of groom get out)
🧸- If you have a stuffed animal or a collection of the sort, they will be invited to his tea parties and he'll even teach you how to sew little outfits for them
🧸- Honestly as childish as Kanato is, I think the reason he acts like this is because he feels emotions very intensely
🧸- I have a similar issue and people will often undermine it as just having a "dramatic" or "childish" personality, when in reality the poor guy just feels things 10x more than your average Joe
🧸- And because of this, I think one of the main issues that'll present themselves in your relationship is that you might unknowingly hurt his feelings
🧸- Let me elaborate. Basically calling him "cute" for making a mistake, or let's say even just brushing off his tantrums by saying "that's just how he acts and I'll need to get used to it" is essentially babying him
🧸- The uh easiest way to fix this would be by letting him know you're there for him and ready to work at whatever the issue is, together
🧸- Ok I lied, it's not going to be easy when it comes to Kanato or any diaboy honestly, but I promise you it'll be worth it
🧸- Treat him like his own person while still retaining your compassion and sympathy for him and you'll be rewarded immensely in your relationship
🧸- In my opinion, Kanato seems like his love language is gift giving and quality time
🧸- Now I'm not saying you have to spend a pound and a crown to get him the fanciest Dubai chocolate or crumbl cookie box, I'm talking on a sentimental value level
🧸- So for example, he mentioned how he needed a new hat for teddy but couldn't find one that was right for him, what you would do in that scenario is go on YouTube, look up a tutorial on how to make shit with felt, fail like once or twice and THEN give him the gift of his lifetime
🧸- Now let's say you aren't the artsy type, pay attention to his wants and likes and even if it's a tiny cute little keychain from the dollar store, once he likes it, he'll cherish it forever
🧸- Ok I realized that I'm talking a loooot about the whole gift giving thing, so I'll just write a bit on quality time to even things out
🧸- Graveyard picnic dates, watching the stars on top the roof, 90s horror film night, you reading to him something from the Grimm Brothers, tea parties in the dungeon
🧸- When thinking Kanato, think "wow this is kinda fucked up but it strangely doesn't feel that way when I'm with this person"
🧸- I'm so dumb, I talked about his love language and didn't mention what he'd do for YOU💀
🧸- Well for starters, he's the type of guy to not say I love you a lot but instead write you songs and serenade you
🧸- Clothes galore with this guy. He's always making or buying some kind of outfit for you
🧸- If he knows you like a certain collection of an item (ie. Books, tea sets, stuffed animals, dolls) he'll get them for you, trust
🧸- He LOVES going bone hunting with you, literally loves it so much
🧸- Date night is a regular Friday night occurrence so do NOT miss it
🧸- Oh right, his favourite time of the year is Halloween and he LOOOOVES making you do creepy couple costumes, baking fall/halloween themed cookies with you, carving pumpkins. It's especially his favourite time of the year to take long strolls through the cemetery
🧸- He loves tracing the veins on your wrist with his nails
🧸- Speaking of nails, I imagine he has medium length nails and keeps them rounded but just a tad bit sharp and he likes to pierce your flesh with them if he's in the mood
🧸- Do you know that whole "would you still love me if I was a worm?" Thing? Yeah, that's him but replace worm with decomposing corpse that has lost all its beauty
🧸- His favourite spots to bite you are your lips and your hips
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Sjsksk omg I love your writing so bad and I'm so happy so I can request as much then😭 if so can I maybe get rich)wealthy reader that like buys the characters anything they want or look at spoiling them with everything until the charactersstarted thinking of blind folding there eyes so they don't buy the whole store maybe scaramouhe/wanderer,kazuha,xiao,cyno and tighnari
Ahhhh thank you!! Absolutely!! Thank you for your request!
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You spoiling them~
(Includes: Tighnari, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Cyno, and Scaramouche!)
You watched Tighnari carefully, a playful smile on your face as you noticed every single thing he had touched or mentioned in the shop, taking a mental note to buy him every single one. You couldn't help it, he was so sweet and cute, he took care of everyone, especially you. He deserved to be spoiled, even if he didn't think so.
"Why is your bag so full? We haven't even even made it half way through the shop yet..." Tighnari asked, his eyes trained on you and your now almost overflowing bag of items, all of which were actually for him. "Just saw alot of stuff that looked useful...you can't blame me, you seemed to have seen a few things you wanted too..." You said sneakily, doing your very best to act normal and not give yourself away.
He saw right through you, crossing his arms as he responded to your madness, "How many times to I have to tell you, you don't have to buy me things. I don't really need any of them and it's better to save your funds to use on yourself." You chuckled, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I have more fun when my mora is spent on you and I like knowing you have everything you want."
He rolled his eyes, looking at your bag again before shaking his head and turning back around to continue shopping, "Next time you're not allowed to come with me unless your wallet is left at home or you're blindfolded."
You lifted your bag, groaning slightly at how heavy it now seemed, it was so full it looked like it could blow up at any given moment and you couldn't help but worry that the straps might actually break on you. I'm reality none of it was for you, it was all for your boyfriend, the man you consider to be the most goregous, most perfect person in the world. The one who should be bought everything he could ever wish for like a prince.
"Oh my...do you need assistance? That looks really heavy, let me carry it for you." Kazuha smiled slightly as he walked over to you, taking the bag from you before you could protest and peeking into it, his face turning a light shade of pink when he realized all of them where things he had mentioned. "...did you get all of these for me? You don't have too...I appreciate them and the thought but surely you should spend the mora on items for you instead."
You shook your head, a smile finding its way on your face as you looked away, feeling slightly mischievous. "I did get them for you, I can't help it, I love spoiling you and I have the mora. It makes me so happy getting you things, treating you like royalty because you deserve it all. Plus as long as I get a poem or two in return...I'll be even happier."
His blush deepened as he sighed, he leaned in close to you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips, "I'll tell you as many poems as you would like, after all you're a inspiration to me, a never ending trove of ideas and wonderful feelings. The fact you enjoy listening so much is a gift and I cherish it." He lifted the bag onto his shoulder, softly grabbing your hand and leading you to the door, making sure to leave before you could by anything else for him.
(I use the nickname Scara here <3)
Wanderers eyes widened slightly as you lifted your bag onto counter for the cashier to calculate the price for you, having troubles due to how large and heavy it was. "What exactly did you buy? The entire store? Honestly...do you have any self control?" He said, poking fun at the amount of things you had decided to buy and watching the cashier's face in amusement.
You giggled happily, not saying a word as the nice checker started to empty your bag, each and every item being one Scara had touched or mentioned. Sure he didn't always have the best additude, but you loved him all the same and spoiling him, especially without him knowing you were doing so was so much fun.
"...all of those are...oh my...how many times have I told you not to buy me stuff? When will you get it through your thick skull that I don't need mortal possessions?" He sounded annoyed, though just from the small smirk he had, you could tell he secretly enjoyed being spoiled. "You're just to pretty, I have to buy you everything you could want." You joked, watching in satisfaction as his face turned a light shade of pink.
"I'm never shopping with you again."
Xiaos piercing yellow eyes staring at you in disbelief, as if he couldn't wrap his head around the fact you had so many bags already...and how he hadn't noticed sooner that you had gotten so many items. "Do you need help?" He asked, reaching out to grab a bag from you and lighten the load on you, but you quickly backed away shaking your head in response, to which he raised a curious eyebrow to.
"I got it, don't worry!" You said in a attempt to draw away any suspicions, after all...everything you had bought was actually for him and you knew full well he wasn't going to easily accept everything. Before he could say another word you grabbed his hand leading him to the next stall, "All of these beads are beautiful...Xiao you should let me make you another necklace to go with yours. Seen anything you like?" You asked with a big smile, hoping he would say exactly what he wanted like he had a few other times.
He stepped away from you, crossing his arms and sighing in defeat, "I understand now...you've tricked me into saying what I wanted so you could buy it all for me. I don't...have any use for mortal things...your mora should go to things you like." You bit your lip, so much for him not knowing, you silently thought to yourself before quietly saying, "I like you. Isn't that reason enough to buy you things? And! I got things I think you will find useful...even some snacks."
He shook his head, walking towards you and leaning closer so he could take a couple of your bags, your hands feeling so light after carrying the heavy items so long. "Next time we go shopping I'll invite Zhongli, he'll make sure any mora spent will not be on me alone." His voice sounded slightly threatening and you couldn't help but giggle.
"We'll see about that."
You smirked slightly, your basket filled with every TCG card you knew Cyno didn't have and maybe some he did. You knew how much he loved the game, how often he played it and helping him pursue something he liked so much felt important, not to mention it gave you the chance to spoil him a little. You kept your eyes peeled for anything else he'd like, grabbing a joke book even though he didn't need it and a dark purple scarf for when it got cold out.
You were just about to turn the corner to the next section, when suddenly someone wrapped their arms around you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Cyno did you find everything you wanted?" You asked smiling at him sweetly, you already knew by now that he would attempt to pay for his own items, even yours if you weren't careful.
"I thought so, until I saw into your basket, why do you have so many Genius Invokation TCG cards? Has the card mania finally caught up to you? If so your first duel shall be against me, may justice weigh upon your soul...I show no mercy!" He sounded so dramatic towards the end, making you laugh, possibly more than his normal jokes do. "I'm sorry to say it...but I have not joined in on the card mania, these are for you and I got you some other items too. Don't even try paying either." You turned around to face him, watching as his face blushed a slight pink.
"I appreciate the thought but you don't need to buy me things, I'd much rather you spend the mora on yourself. After all you deserve mora then I do." You rolled your eyes at his words, his joke only making you want to buy him the cards more, he truly was funny...even if no one else thought so. "I prefer to spend a bit mora on you than myself, sure you might not need it all but you'll have it in case you ever do and don't even. You deserve the entire world."
"I'm going to place you under arrest if you say that one mora time."
You looked down at your large amount of items, you could barely lift the bags anymore and you weren't actually sure how any of the stalls could have anything left at this point. Technically the mora was going to a good cause, all of it being paid to small shops and some being donated...as for the items you got in return....they were all for your...slightly rude boyfriend.
It wasn't your fault that he looked so adorable all blushed and in shock from the amount of things you got for him! Not to mention, even if he said he never used any of it...he actually did more often then not. Everything you bought for him was something he had looked at, touched or said he had wanted at some point so you knew he'd actually like it all too...however carrying the heavy bags was starting to prove difficult.
Your attention left your collection of bags and instead fixated on the short blue haired male not far from you, who was currently looking at what appeared to be some type of soap. You took mental note to check on it later, before calling out to him, "Scaramouche can you help me...I can't carry all of these. Pleeaaaase?" He turned to look at you, groaning in annoyance as he walked in your direction.
"If you didn't want to carry it all...you shouldn't have bought it all." He said, staring down at your bags as if they were the bane of his existence. "What did you even get?" You smiled mischievously at his question making him give you a curious look, one that you had grown to adore. You lifted up the first bag to show him, having some minor troubles since it was seconds away from blowing up and spilling his gifts everywhere. "Just a few things..."
His eyes widened as he took in the view, knowing instantly what you had done and barely knowing how to respond to being bought so many things. His face heating up a bright pink as he took a step away from the bag, almost like it had bitten him. "You...bought all of this for me...again? You have a spending problem and I don't need all of this stuff. Can't you return some of it?"
"Nope! None of it can be returned because half of the proceeds have already been donated and I don't have a spending problem...I just like seeing you blush." You winked at him and he simply rolled his eyes, though you could have sworn his blush deepened ever so slightly.
"Next time you do this, I'm leaving you and your spending problem here...or blindfolding you."
✿Hope you have a nice day!✿
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shaunamilfman · 9 months
Christmas with the Yellowjackets Headcanons
didn't have enough to make individual posts so i just threw them all together. includes Jackie, Tai, Van, Nat, Shauna, Misty, and Lottie. (seperately, you're not dating all of them lmao)
"All I want for Christmas is you" plays while Jackie Taylor is in the car, 5 injured 3 dead. Jackie loves Christmas music. She's got that shit blasting all hours of the day. if you hear one more Christmas song you think you might just scream. 
Jackie is so into Christmas. She's got the tree up and fully decorated by 12:01 AM the Friday after Thanksgiving. she started buying new decorations November 1st. She's not putting those decorations up, however: that's what she has you for. you lowkey dread the holidays just because of drill sergeant Jackie ordering you around the tree to put up ornaments and lights and shit. they all have exact placements that she's planned out ahead of time. 
Jackie forces shauna and you to watch Christmas movies every year. it's always the same exact ones but Jackie is so excited every year. she has custom made stockings with your names on it and everything. her house is the go to spot for Christmas parties every year. she has mistletoe everywhere and will use it as an excuse to kiss you. 
Jackie's gifts are also very thoughtful and indicative of the amount of attention she pays to you. Jackie without fail manages to get you things you never even knew you wanted but now cherish above your other possessions. she's full on wrapping them. they're all very festive and different prints that somehow all tie together anyways 
Tai Turner 100% wouldn't decorate for Christmas if you didn't make her. she's so content to exchange gifts in her bland house. if you make her get a tree though she's running the tree decorating like it's the navy. that shit is going to be aesthetic and evenly spaced out if it's going in her house. 
she'll let you have one of those really small ones in your room if you wanna decorate one yourself with fun ornaments. she rolls her eyes whenever she sees it but is secretly fond of it
Tai's presents are always perfectly wrapped with the optimum folds and tape placements. She refuses to be bad at anything, and certainly isn't going to let wrapping paper get one over on her. Tai buys presents whenever she sees something and all of her Christmas shopping is done by like August. 
she'll wear a Santa hat if to ask her but it's about as far as she'll get into the Christmas spirit
Van Palmer loves Christmas. She has such happy memories from her childhood of sitting on the couch watching Christmas movies all day. She likes going around to Christmas parties and getting to see all her friends in cheery moods. 
I definitely think Van spends most of December walking around in the ugliest Christmas themed boxers you've ever seen. You're rewatching her favorite Christmas movies and she's wearing Christmas tree print boxers, some kind of Christmas themed innuendo shirt (this Santa goes down or some shit), and her trusty Santa hat. 
Van puts real effort in wrapping up your presents but she's still not good at it. they're unwrapping slightly at the edges and there's way more tape than is needed. She definitely gets you a gag gift every year and after you open it she's like 😁😁 as she pulls out your real present 
Nat Scatorccio is not great at coming up with gift ideas. She'll power through it and eventually get you something you'd like, but god damn would she kill to just get an Amazon link. she either hands you something wrapped in crinkled up printer paper or it's double bagged in the plastic bag it came in. 
Nat would enjoy useful items more than anything I feel. You ask her what she wants for Christmas and she's like “🤔🤔… Broom.” she's completely serious about it; she'd be happy if you just bought her groceries. 
Nat's very hesitant about holiday stuff because her family never really celebrated it all that much as a kid. She enjoys how happy it makes you more than anything. She almost cried when you get her a stocking with her name on it. It's so precious to her as a representation of her place in your life. She grins so wide whenever she sees it. 
Nat loves those super dumb Christmas shirts. Like ‘My other car is a sleigh’ or something. ‘Jingle my bells’. she has no shame, truly. 
Shauna Shipman also isn't super into holidays in general i feel. she'll let you put a tree up and decorate whatever you wanted and wouldn't really care how it looked. holidays for her are more about spending time with you and her friends and family. she remembers holiday stuff fondly but doesn't care much to get into the holiday spirit unless that's your thing. she enjoys the weather a lot and loves to have the excuse of the cold to cuddle in bed with you all day. 
Shauna complains incessantly about how all the radio stations only play Christmas music. she's fuming on almost every car ride because of it she's so dramatic. If she sees s Christmas movie on she will change the channel. Jackie's forced her to watch them so many times she can almost quote them. 
Shauna gets you something she knows you'd like, definitely something you've mentioned before. I think she'd also make you something special. something like a mixtape or a little poem she wrote about you, just something to express her feelings about you. Shauna wraps your presents but it's just whatever wrapping paper she has on hand. one present is covered in gingerbread men and the other says ‘Happy Birthday!’ all over it
Lottie Matthews blushes when she gets caught under mistletoe with you even when you're in a committed relationship. she's so shy about it for some reason.
i also think Lottie's parents were very absent as a kid so she probably never got to celebrate Christmas all that much either. She absolutely beaming whenever you get her a stocking or want to wear ugly Christmas sweaters or something. she loves anything about Christmas that reassures her position in your life. 
Lottie spends way too much money on you every year without fail. she just loves and appreciates you so much and wants to give you everything you could ever want. they're all things that you'd actually want or use and she's clearly put a lot of thought into each one. 
Misty Quigley is so happy to be included you have no idea. she's literally in awe when she sees that you have a stocking with her name on it. i think she might actually cry when she got back home. You ask her if she wants to go to an ugly sweater party with you and she almost passes out. She immediately has so many ideas, you guys will be winning the contest if she has anything to say about it. 
I feel like misty could get a little overwhelming just because there's so many things that she feels like she lost out on as a kid that she wants to make up for with her partner. Misty tries to force cute holiday moments just a little bit but you know she means well. Misty stands underneath the mistletoe until you come over from wherever you are and kiss her. she's so quietly smug about it too. 
Misty spends like 3 hours watching tutorials on how to wrap presents. She's perfected it to an art form. she stumbles into bed exhausted and covered in tape, it looks like a bomb went off. she hands you a present with like origami stars and shit on top when Christmas comes. Misty's the type to wrap the book she got you to look like a chair somehow. 
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mekha-draws · 23 days
Sometimes I think I might be writing the Roving Altar as more serious and tragic than it actually is, I mean, /sure/ being stuck and having to live your eternity selling trash or (not really) dying of boredom and not being able to bond with anybody outside the Altar (sometimes including very unflattering folks that might or might not be using them to escape their sins) is really bad for one's wellbeing and all
But also, the Altar is a bit of a dumb idiot (thanks in no small part to Fass' own influence on it) and in one occasion it granted the clan a part of their Sight ( see it as a blessing kinda thing: as long was they carried an object with the shape of it's eyes on it, the Altar would be able to see what the user showed them), but it didn't take even a month for them to roll the blessing back because of a TON of bullshit the clan was feeding their Sight with
Including, but not limited to:
-folks using their Sight items to make obscene claw signs at, just for the fun of it
-"hey Altar, check this out" and chucking their item like a baseball and/or hitting fellow clan members with it (so many cases of this actually)
-someone using their item as confessional and getting frustrated for getting no reply (even though Sight-blessed items have no audio reception capabilities, because duh)
-someone trying to use their item as a recording tool and getting mad that the Altar forbid access to any of it as their Sight was meant to be for Their memory only
-misplacing their items on "accident"
-eating their items on """"accident""""
-you just know what else might have gone here
Needless to say:
The Altar is blind to those under it's shade after all (because y'all are bunch of freaks, we cherish you all but by the Beyond...)
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grumpy-triceratops · 8 months
hey hey hey hey. arkan. 👕10, 📦14, 🍽️10, 💓5, 🎲9!
👕10: If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
This is hard cause Arkan has the heart of a shopper but I think one thing he might really want would be a lavish and long coat, maybe made of velvet and a nice rich color like a red or blue, with embroidered flourishes. I don't know if he even knows he's wishing to emulate a princely imagery but that is a style he's drawn to.
📦14: Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
I'm not sure if it's something he's truly embarrassed of but the closest thing I could think of would be his yellow hammer pants. The reason I'm not confident is because even though they aren't his fashion he still has a sentimentality for them since they match with Phrin and Mirri's. He may get a lot of things that others find silly or frivolous but he's not really the type to be abashed by it in general.
🍽️10: What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
One meal he cherishes is chicken and dumplings. He has fond memories of tying clumsily to make it with his parents and grandmothers. Also in general he just finds it a soothing and delicious dish.
💓5: What words could tear your character down?
"What have you really accomplished?"
🎲9: What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about?
 Magic is one topic that I think Arkan would be excited to talk about (as in the sleight of hand kind and not literal magic powers (though he does find that interesting as well)). He's pretty rusty since he doesn't practice it as often as he did when he was young but it's still something he enjoys. I can see him having fun trying to figure out how tricks work, or explaining them to someone who asks.
(Honestly, I think a more engaging topic for him might be sheep and goats since he's very much a pet parent who would enjoy gushing about stories and facts but, truthfully, I expounded on magic since I feel like the fact that I made an Arkan tag for sheep and goats is telling enough of his love for them).
Thank you so much for the ask, Arkan means so much to me and I love having more reasons to think of my precious boy!!
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deeptrashwitch · 7 months
For the oc ask game that was very in depth
I am giving you a free ask to answer any of those questions for any of your ocs
Brain is not braining so this is a "get to rant" free card cause I can't pick 😊
Ohhhh ok ok :3 it's rant time! I'll do two for the ones I've wrote bios for so far.
18 (community and relationships). What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Ruffling their hair and shoulder pats. Since she isn't such a fan of hugs anymore, her way of showing affection is ruffling her friends or family's hair or giving them a pat on their shoulder. Mostly is a way of expressing pride on their achivements. And everyone always smile when she does.
1 (objects). Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
Yes. The karambit she has off duty.
She carries it because she knows what is being hopeless and helpless, and hates that feeling. That knife is for self-defense only, she'll use it if they're cornered or are suddenly attacked. When she leave her place or the base without it, she feels really uncomfortable and even naked. (Also it might or might not be because after Operation Firewall she became a bit paranoid of her suroundings, more than usual anyways)
14 (weather and nature). Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Even though he can wok on every weather possible, he personally loves cold weather. He's happy when they are on a location with cold and cloudy weather, obviously somewhere they don't need artic equipment.
Fun fact: Luke is like a human heater. So, once the Captain found him with Francis and Noah bared to him. It's an amazing anecdote. (She'll deny that she stays near him when it's cold too.)
4. Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
Yep. He used to love playing soccer on the beach, but after what happened during his adolescence and all the thing with his scar...now he prefers to stay away from beach sports.
14 (objects). Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
He has seen this white seal plushie on a toy store, and he loves it. But he's embarrassed of even think of buying it, it's just that he is already too old for it and he wasn't even a child, so what for? (Funny enough, if he buys it, he wouldn't be the only one with plushies inside the base)
6 (food and drink). Would your character eat or drink something they didn't like to appease someone?
Haha. No.
Jackson can be anything but he'll never do something he doesn't like just because he needs to appease someone. On the contrary, if you try to make him do that, most likely he'll fight you.
17 (mind, body and soul). Is your character more energized in the morning, afternoon or at night?
To someone who isn't him...none of the above. In reality, he has more energy during afternoon, that's why he does everything related to the physical matter inside the plane during that time.
17 (hobbies and activities). Does your character prefer music or silence?
Silence. He prefers silence over everything, but has his moments where he blasts music on his earphones just to distract himself.
10 (mind, body and soul). Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
A medium sleeper, and to be honest? That makes him the heavy sleeper on the team, everyone else are light sleepers and wake up with everything. He...is a bit slower, but he always make it on time!
9 (appereance). What does your character smell like?
Lavender and roses. What Elijah and Elizabeth say is that usually he smells like a mix of lavender and roses, and it is true. That's his soap's smell!
10 (food and drink). What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
He loves what his mom calls her "special steak". It is a salmon steak with a secret sauce, that only that side of the family knows how to prepare, and with a salad bathed in cheese.
13 (weather and nature). What element best represents your character?
He can be as silent and delicate as a breeze or be as harmful and loud as a hurricane if he wants to. Also he can accomodate on every situation he encounters, he can adapt and help as is required.
5 (community and relationships). Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
Edward, no doubts. He would look for Edward since he's the one he considers as his closest friend and family, then he would be dragged to the medical bay to be treated. And yes, he definitely gets chewed up by Jackson for not going with him to help him with a wound.
14 (mind, soul and body). Is there something secret your character longs to hear?
Yes, he wants to hear that someone tell him that they want to adopt him, legally speaking. He gives a fuck if he's already an adult, if it would be a pain in the ass or whatever. He just wants to be sure someone wants and like him enough to make him part of their family.
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flovverworks · 1 year
returning to ydays post so gbf spoilers for the event for sure, probably mhyk spoilers too
Morimori: But what's so wrong about forgetting? It's not his fault. And it's not Erbsu's or Nerine's either. Even the past town elders were forced to make tough decisions. Running from reality and forgetting the bad things is how we as people can live happy, treeful lives. Drusilla: Are you perhaps encouraging me? Morimori: I thought that was obvious. Even if you end up forgetting Nerine, you're not to blame.
this EXCHANGE........1) nerine's entire thing alrdy had me bawling but. i was alrdy thinking about these topics since ive been thinking about type0 again...@_@ i DO run off akira rmbring the wizards & everything, i talked about this a while back, but it IS true that arthur&co forgot the old sage's face & name almost immediately. theres a lot of fanwork too revolving around akira being forgotten/forgetting too (more strongly in the forgetting side, while forgotten rly is mostly.....name&face. points to yorushika's usotsuki for the billionth time). riquet's anni card about riquet's book.....there is sage's book, so why not make akira's book too? 1.5 with them not telling anyone what actually happened that night, and akira silently wishing that someone will one day ask them about their story. ive had this thought for soooo long too about akira writing down everything they rmbr of the wizards&their world when they return to their world, in order to not forget, in order to not lose it. 'you're not to blame' did a number on me big time
Nerine: I'm not sure why, but it feels like this sort of thing calls for more than a… thing. Drusilla: You mean a story would be better? Nerine: Whoa, how'd you know? I was going to write one as soon as I got back to the forest! Drusilla: I thought it might be worth learning from your example as well. Nerine: My example? Are you going to write a story too? Then this trip'll be great inspiration! Let's have lots of fun until the very last minute!
which essentially goes into this exchange too,,,,,T_T rather than an item, writing a story......telling a story......even if its not read by anyone, something that you can read and remember.......memories fade, stories remain, all that....
Drusilla: Sigh… All I wanted was for you to experience normal town life. Nerine: Huh? But that's impossible. I'm with you, aren't I? That makes it too special to be normal. Drusilla: …! I-I'm impressed you can say such things without even a hint of embarrassment.
akira before vs after meeting the wizards (but rly.....voicing ur feelings rather than keeping them inside....T_T
Nerine: How am I supposed to smile! I don't want to say goodbye! We haven't even eaten cake together yet! I can't believe this is the end! That I'll never see you again! Drusilla: This is the worst! I want to spend more time with you! Forget being special! Why couldn't we have met under normal circumstances!
figaros fkng mahopa. school april fools. that one chocolate meeting place vday event. theres another time where akiras like 'will i too be able to wave goodbye while smiling?' or whatever but i cant rmbr which event it is. anyway i was BAWLING
Drusilla: Thanks to Nerine, I realized something. I'm special to Nerine, and she's just as special to me. But it's not just her—the crew, my friends, and my family are all incredibly important to me. And they all have people who are important to them. Everyone is special to someone.
;_; 2nd anni............................1.5.......................pt2.............................. everyone is special to someone.......
theres admittedly also the mhyk 3rd anni website txt,,,
Even fairy tales without happy endings can one day be cherished all the same.
gggggg i wANT THE HAPPY ENDINGS THOOOOO korwa is so right for always talking about that. either way the full text talking about weaving a tale and similar,,,,i havent read that anni story still but the cards with 'capturing a moment'...T_T anyway i have an entire side thought on "happy", especially in regards to pt2 focus charas but ill get into that when pt2 is finished im so emotionally drained after this event + today.
there IS also an entire subject on the forgetting in the event in regards to gran's feelings in current msq but ill take that on gran someday. also especially the first part.....in regards to the part in 1.5 that makes it iffy whether akiras alive or not (especially considering what the Common isekai plot is)........i have thoughts regarding all that & how brad looked at akira when speaking about nova + how faust thought nova reminded them of akira in that 'u r not from here' way, but i still havent read ch17 and overall i assume theyre gonna drop the entire thing on us during pt2? so ill come back to that l8r but in general. man. this event story........im not used to being the target audience this often, last time was sui?? and before that sincerely???? 3 events within one year....waow.....
anyway im drained
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katyspersonal · 1 year
(cut content anon, hi) in response to your question: i've never thought about how the hunter would feel about anything before lmao, but you ask about drama i bring drama. imagine a TYPICALLY cold and impersonal "no emotions but the hunt" hunter who's usually very concerned with efficiency seeing all of micolash's bullshit, having it get to them for once and just. throwing all their learned techniques out the window and brutally fucking him up. but then afterwards they're like "wait what the fuck- that was a person, even if he was horribly cruel that was still a fucking person, what am i doing" and spend however long marinating in the conflicting feelings of "holy shit i just fucking wrecked that guy" and "yeah but it was fun+he deserved it tho lol." like, they've killed people before ofc, but this is the first time they've a) lost their focus during a kill (especially one as easy as micolash that should've been very quick and simple) and b) gone out of their way to make a human (or anything, for that matter) suffer, and it makes them very very nervous. not because they feel guilty, he for sure DID deserve it and they will cherish the memory of beating his ass forever, but because they've seen what can happen to hunters who become too bloodthirsty.....anyways lmao, what do you think?
(also i read your tags and i'm glad my last ask cheered you up, and i hope you're feeling better by now 💖)
'A human OR anything for that matter' got me to chuckle a little bit, because of implication that Micolash is such a cryptid you don't even know anymore with him x)
But yeah, I get you... Not just that, but also even if you factor Gascoigne, Maria, Henryk, aggroed younger Madaras twin or some other hostile hunters our character could have slain before Micolash - in all of those cases it'd be self-defence! Micolash is the one human character paleblood hunter fights that feels not like self-defence, nor there is a clear enough message of 'you should kill them to pass this area' (it is only clear for the player, not for the character). Like... They just find the weird man that might have done All That Shit, go like 'YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!' and then chase him and kill him. Your idea that instead of killing quickly and precisely they'd go completely rabid on the guy is like... not a bad one? The dilemma of 'this man was fucked up, but is this worth losing my humanity?' is great too 👌
Hmmmmm I also promised a mistranslation bit per ask for now, so hmmmm what do I share... TIME TO SPIN THE WHEEL
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DID YOU KNOW!!!!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT!!!!????? In Japanese original, 'Sage's Hair' item is Skull of a Saint!!!!!!? Same for 'Sage's Wrist' - it is 'Saint's Wrist'! *slaps knee*
Healing Church's saints were STYLISH fsdhhfdsdf I think it totally works - crowning a saint would definitely not be outside of realm of possibility, especially since they're responsible for exterminating Cainhurst, former powerful structure! I always felt like since that, Yharnam became theocracy... But closer towards Emilia/Amelia's vicar stage, it is way more like anarchy.
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@fatesdesign sent: Rapunzel had sent the parcel weeks before, hoping it got there in time. A note attached with little doodles of the dragons she had met. "I found out when your birthday was and asked Eret to keep this until then. I hope it gets to you in time. Before then I need you to know that Berk is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I know that doesn't mean much from a girl raised in a tower but you should be very proud of what you have built.
Take some time out for your birthday, let Toothless take you on an amazing flight! Give him a big hug from me too!
But for the fun stuff, I know it's not Toothless' birthday but I didn't want him getting jealous so he's got something too! I hope you like them!
Lots of love!
Rapunzel and Eugene and Pascal!"
Inside the box was a knitted Toothless and a knitted Hiccup. Another note attached explaining Hiccup's gift was the Toothless. &lt;;3.
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The viking watched at Eret approached him with something in his hands. That was very odd for the sailor most of the time as he chuckles and tilts his head. "And what do you have there?" He questions as the other started to explain. How Rapunzel made sure to know he needed to deliver this item to him on his birthday. Specifically on his birthday and if he didn't there'd be something involving a frying pan.
"You know I don't think she'd do something like that love." He chuckles as the other looked at him with a look on their face. That it in fact had happened as he looked over at the brightly colored parcel in his hands. It definitely did have Rapunzel written all over it as he read the card attached to it. A smile never leaving his freckled features.
Seemed she knew Toothless a little too well now. Not that he minded.
Opening the parcel he was careful to make sure the contents didn't fall out onto the ground as he merely smiled at what was inside. He might have been a little old for something like this but he knew both he and the dragon would cherish them. They would have a very special reserved place on the mantle of his home where the two friends could enjoy them whenever they pleased.
"I'll have to be sure to send her a thank you letter when I get a chance." The sailor merely rolling his eyes at him as they headed off for home to enjoy the rest of the day together. It was rare the two of them got the day off together.
They were going to make the most of it.
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xythlia · 2 years
hi one matchup service please! im a intp leo, my aesthetic is pink cutesy things i love hello kitty and i listen to music like hozier and florence + the machine, i love to dance (cultural indian dance called bharatnatyam), im shy at first but when i get comfortable with someone im very clingy, and i love cooking and giving gifts and writing love letters for the people i love <3 im very nerdy about comics and video games and i love cats (im even studying veterinary science) 🤞💗
I really hope you enjoy your match you seem super amazing!! ( I'm also a huge hello kitty fan + a florence fan 🖤)
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Your attraction to the cutesy things in life caught his eye first, it's not that he never had an interest in it at all it's just that he suddenly preferred talking to you about your style. Through gradually getting to know you and gently getting through your shyness he'd ask about your favorite human realm bands, but he doesn't tell you he adds them to his training playlists because they make him smile thinking of you. If you felt comfortable he'd ask questions about bharatnatyam, nothing probing or pushy, just wanting to learn more about you, gaining an appreciation for the culture and history surrounding the dance, and the technical aspect of how dancers move; plus he'd love to see you dance, sporting a big, dazzling smile the entire time seeing you doing something you find joy in.
Clinginess is something he finds adorable, wrapping you in a bear hug post fangol practice shower and just enjoying feeling your closeness both physically and emotionally. Trips together to Madame Screams or Uncle Demons have you two hand in hand all the while, but he keeps an eye on the storefronts for any of the human hello kitty items you might like. Expect him to gift you plushies and occasionally ask silly questions about the anatomy of the animal, both teasing you and being proud of you for your studies.
When he has to leave for fangol camps it's your letters that get him through missing you, being able to read them in your voice and knowing how special it is that you sat down thinking so fondly of him to write it. Cherishes the gifts you give him, they go in special spots in his room and any smaller ones he carries with him, like tiny knickknacks or keychains. He also keeps the first letter you ever wrote with him, carefully tucked in a safe place.
Beel also finds it special to spend time with you playing video games or just reading side by side while you enjoy comics. He may not be as good at gameplay as Levi but he always has fun with you, and always asks questions about what you're reading especially before going to sleep. If you smile while talking about it, that helps him drift off later. Just knowing you're also going to sleep happy is enough for him.
As a zodiac pair leo and pisces have good compatibility, both being relationship oriented and generous partners. While both signs are opposites, fire and water, it won't be all challenges or hard times in the relationship. Since the chemistry is there with good communication and attention to needs they can have a beautiful relationship.
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I just got together with my boyfriend (yay) but i am stressed already. We are both very touchy and lovey and its nice that we match in that way but sometimes im afraid hes more into being in love than into me. We are both kind of anxious and getting to know each other is a little awkward sometimes still, and when that happens well often just make out. Fun but feels like a questionable pattern. Also i feel like i am too much and i feel like i dont know what is appropriate right now. I bought him a pretty rock but now i feel nervous about giving him something. He left something at my house that’s broken, and i wanted to take the 30 mins to fix it but suddenly that felt like wayyy too much. I dont know if that’s reasonable and i dont want to do those thjngs or if im just afraid. For context, weve been seeing eachother for two months and we are a couple since this monday
Yay! New relationships are always fun, but I totally understand being stressed out. I always feel like a the beginning of your relationship can be the funnest, but also the most uncomfortable portion.
Based on what you are telling me, it feels like you might just be over thinking things. You and your boyfriend won't be the same person, and you guys may have differences in how you show affection. Whether that is in what you say or how you touch each other. So if he is more touchy than you, then that's totally cool. And if you happen to be a lot, trust me, your boyfriend already knew this going in. It doesn't mean you should try to be someone you are not, especially considering that he already likes you. And a pretty rock is always nice, I know when my girlfriend gets me something fun/silly, I always end up cherishing those items more.
As for fixing things, I think that may not relate to the relationship. Soemtimes we just like to do things for the people we care about, even if it overwhelms us. I think sometimes it's okay to just say that you can't do something and your partner, if they're pretty cool, won't be hurt by it.
You guys JUST started seeing each other, so my best advice is to just take it easy.
Posted Apr 24, 23
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abybweisse · 2 years
Scenario where all the phantomhives are alive and crazy family shenanigans. I totally see undertaker as crazy grandpa.
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🎉 Scenario request: the Phantomhives live
How about what the twins' tenth birthday party might have been like, if the attack had never gone through as planned?
Twins: *looking at the clock, as it strikes 6pm*
Tanaka: *knocks on the door and gently opens it* Young masters, it's time for your party to start.
Twins: Yay!
Ciel: Presents!
Our Earl: Cake!
Tanaka: Ho, ho! Soon enough.
They make their way downstairs to the great hall of Phantomhive Manor, where party games have been set up. Their parents, many of the servants, and several guests are standing around.
Twins: Games?! *running from booth to booth to see what's there*
Rachel: Boys, boys! Over here.
Everyone to the twins: Happy Birthday!!!
Rachel: Happy birthday, my dear sweet angels!
Vincent: Happy birthday, boys!
Diedrich: *deadpan* Yes. Happy birthday. *whispers to Vincent* When do we get to the food?
Vincent: *chuckles and waves it away, not whispering* Undertaker's concerned if there will be enough wood to build your coffin someday.
Undertaker: *chuckles and winks at Vincent and Diedrich then tips his hat to the twins* Happy birthday, young Phantomhives. I hope you enjoy this day to its fullest. Someday, the birthdays will end and--
Vincent: *stepping in front of Undertaker to cut him off* Enough of that for now -- *nervously* haha -- this is a day of fun.
Diedrich: *mumbles* Seriously. And people think I'm the death of the party?
Rachel: *directing the twins away from all that* Come say hello to the other guests. Helloooo, An! Hellooo, Midfords!
Madam Red: Hello, sister! Hello, my lovely nephews! I have a huuuge gift for each of you in the pile.
Twins: Yayyyy!
Francis: Happy birthday, Ciel and E--
Lizzie: Happy birthdaaaayyy! Cieelll! I have something extra special for youu~~<3!
Francis: Elizabeth, calm down. That's not very lady-like behavior.
Lizzie: *puts a hand to her open mouth* Sorry, mother.
Alexis: *very serious™️* Happy birthday, boys. Ten years already. *puts out a hand to shake hands, but when Ciel puts his hand forward, Alexis grabs him by the hand and pulls him into a bear hug. Pulls our earl in for a group hug* *gushing with love and joy* Ooooh~~<3! *calling to Vincent* They are growing up so fast! Cherish these precious moments! *finally lets the boys go, and they catch their breaths again*
In turn, other guests wish the boys a happy birthday, and they play games until it's time for the feast, consisting of all the boys' favorite dishes. Then cake. And then presents... while Diedrich sits next to the platters of sandwiches and keeps nonchalantly selecting them. Vincent nudges Undertaker and tilts his head at Diedrich, and in response Undertaker tsks and pulls a tape measure from who-knows-where. Perhaps it was actually up his sleeve? 🤷🏻‍♀️
The boys received a veritable mountain of gifts, ranging from the practical (like hand-knitted socks from a maid and finely made socks and shoes purchased by Francis) to the fabulous (like Madam Red's: she nearly bought out the entire boy's section of Hamleys. When the boys got to Elizabeth's gifts, she became very excited. She gave Ciel a handkerchief she had painstakingly embroidered with his initials.
Ciel: It's lovely. I can tell your embroidery work has improved.
Lizzie: It has! It has! And.... I'll embroider more items for you, Ciel!
Our earl tried to be enthusiastic about the gift he received from her: replacements for some Noah's Ark animals he had misplaced. But then he saw that two were a mated pair he didn't previously have, and that made him happier.
Our earl: *genuinely thankful* Elizabeth, thank you for the carved animals. I don't think I had this pair. *holds up a set of leopards* By the way, have you ever noticed the pair of lions on those sets always both have a mane?
Lizzie: *finger to her lips, confused expression* Oh? No, I'd never noticed. Isn't that the way they should be?
Tanaka: *overhearing* Hoh, hoh, hoh....
Our earl: I don't think so. Only the male has a mane. Where are all the lionesses?
Lizzie: *still a bit confused* I have no idea. Oh! So, what are you going to open next?!
Later. Around 10pm, way past the boys' usual bedtime, the twins are still full, done with opening gifts and playing... and exhausted. Diedrich has run out of sandwiches, and most of the guests have said their farewells....
Twins: *yawning*
Rachel: *seeing them and stifling a yawn of her own* Alright, angels, it's off to bed for you two. Tanaka, please see to them.
Tanaka: Yes, my Lady. *turning to the boys* Come along, young masters.
The boys grumble, as young children often do when they are tired but don't wish to admit it. But they go with him, giving in to the call of sleep and pleasant dreams.
They head upstairs. Then, as they head down a hallway, the boys see their father, Diedrich, and Undertaker heading down the same hallway but in the opposite direction, towards Vincent's private study.
The twins can make out some of their conversation:
Vincent: Come along, Diedrich. We have things to discuss.
Diedrich: *mildly protesting in hushed tones*
Vincent: Good grief. Must I have a butler provide another platter? Yes, ok.
Undertaker: *snickers at Diedrich and tilts his head* Perchance I might finally get to have one?
Diedrich: Undertaker, you ate half of a cake, and it wasn't even a sma--
Undertaker: *turning to Vincent and cutting Diedrich off* What have I been saying? Something had been brewing for months now.
Vincent: Yes, yes. That incident earlier today was a close one.
Diedrich: *starting to fade out* Good thing we thwarted it just in time. Otherwise, the entire party could have been ruined.
Vincent: *barely audible now* My boys would have been devastated.... *fading out completely at the end*
The twins were too far away to hear anything more of their conversation, but they exchanged glances, just briefly. What was that all about?
Well, that ended up being longer than I had originally intended, but I kept thinking of things to add! I hope you enjoy it. 😊
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bodycountgame · 3 years
hello nell! my birthday is almost coming up and i was wondering what is the ROs default present for an mc? like would they go all out and buy something expensive or would they go DIY?
oooo happy almost birthday!! here are my random thoughts about birthday gifting xoxo
likes to plan activities, create memories. would just plan, like, a whole day from start to finish to try and get as close to their perfect day as he could.
usually goes for something classy, but with a nod to sentimentality – just a little hint so that they can’t be totally sure if it’s just coincidence. also loves extravagant travel-based gifts – surprise trips and weekends away and stuff.
hates gift giving, generally just like texts them a few weeks before like “hey what do you want for your birthday” and if they say nothing then he’ll just spend days like GOD what does THAT mean and eventually just get them something very middle of the road in the hope that it both is a gift (if they were lying and actually Did want one) or a non-gift (if they were telling the truth and really didn't want anything).
generally just goes for a single good quality item that she knows they need, but is still kind of a fancy indulgence? like a really nice perfume/cologne if she knows they’re running low, or like nice new shoes or w/e. if she’s really into someone she’d like cook them a fancy dinner and plan a nice evening – when she does for something that’s taken time, you know she’s really in it.
would get them a few, smaller things that are based on inside jokes or things that had come up in conversation before – often ridiculous and kitsch and totally useless haha. also totally the sort of person who would supplement his gifting with handmade coupons (i.e. redeem this coupon to burn one (1) item from my wardrobe etc)
it’s hard to say how ellis would approach gifting, because i think it’d be so personal to whoever they were with? they’d certainly put A Lot of thought into it and what was important to their SO and then try to get/do something that they’d really cherish. ellis also argues fiercely that the card is the best part of any gift, so they love writing a nice, long message in a card haha
goes really all out for birthdays. gift giving is really important to florrie – it’s an opportunity for her to pour all of her love and care for a person and everything that she knows about them and try to show them how she feels. goes way over the top, if anything.
doesn’t go super hard on birthdays and he’ll probably forget until the last minute and then be like OH FUCK as he’s driving home the night before or whatever. expect pretty cliched gift-based items, definitely no card, but he’ll probably think of something fun and spontaneous to do that covers him.
looks out for the perfect thing, like, all year round that she can pick up and save for a birthday/gift-giving holiday. expect something vintage and unique and incredibly thoughtful – i just always imagine imogen as the sort of gift giver where the other person unwraps it and does that little gasp that people do when they’ve just been really caught by surprise by the thoughtfulness of a gift?
remembers all the things that they have wanted to do over the year and she shot down and then picks her favourites to actually do as a fun lil surprise birthday date. her parents also send gifts if they approve of her SO, so there’s that too.
definitely errs more on the side of experience-based gifting, but would totally get them a little something silly to open in the morning and make them a special breakfast in bed. she’d also definitely make them wear a party hat and/or badge all day and probably also get them a dumb thomas the tank engine card that plays a song when they open it.
early on they’d be doing like. covert gifting hahaha – they’d totally think of great gifts and just get them and like plant them around like they were things that had always been there because they don’t want to go through the Serious Gift Giving process. otherwise totally pretend they forgot and are like :/ oh shit sorry well I guess we can order in dinner or whatever. later on, once they’ve eased up a bit, they’d be very into gift giving, actually. they hate their own birthday, though, so good luck ever getting it out of them.
definitely goes handmade. it’d probably seem like they forgot at first cause they wouldn’t mention it until the Exact Right Time when they’d got everything just right. vinh is terrible at working to a deadline so that might be at like 11:59 when they wake them up to be like ok hi sorry i didn’t forget i just wasn’t ready but here!!!
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generallybarzy · 3 years
under twinkling lights.
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an: christmas in april? sorry this took so long.. but here’s a little bit of established relationship and soft cute Christmas smut! Its been too long since we had something so sweet and smutty about our fav cute ass couple. It’s all sweet and soft and cute and then it gets filthy... the perfect dynamic, i want what they have. i was only inspired to finish this because of barzys hatty tonight haha, he deserves everything. I didn’t really spell check this yet, just needed to post finally!! Personally, I think its the hottest thing I've ever wrote. Lemme know!!! 💕
tagging: @softboybarzal​ @fallinallincurls​ @matbaerzal​ @npatrickz​ @canadianheaters​ @selenophileangel​ @deleausvp​ @colecaufields​ @hockeyhughes11​ @nazdaddy​ @barzysreputation​ @comphybiscuit​ @aboveaveragehockeyboys​ @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself​ @petey-patty​ @starswin​ @heatherawoowoo​ ​
word count: 6.5k
You never believed you’d find someone to spend your life with. If anyone told you your holidays would one day be spent cuddling up with your boyfriend of almost two years in the apartment that you had just moved into together earlier that month, you would have told them they were wrong. Flat out wrong. Things as beautiful and destined as that only happened in movies, and you certainly weren’t lucky enough to get something like that. But, now, here you were.
And here was Mat.
Even after two years with Mat, there was still nothing better than spending the evening cuddled up with him on the couch. No matter how many fancy, expensive dinner dates he took you on at upscale restaurants in the city or how many helicopter rides you took together out in B.C. when he was showing you his home, or how much you loved hanging out with his friends and his family and his teammates, nothing was better than cuddles at home. As much time you spent together, you still felt as giddy and comfortable and safe and at-peace as that first time with him. Things didn't simmer down, that spark didn't fade away after a bit like you feared they would. But they became more subtle. You no longer had to ask him to come to the couch to cuddle, you no longer worried that maybe he wouldn't want to. It was a habit, at this point, to fall into his arms at the end of the day just the same as he did with you. You were each other’s safe havens, the place you laid your head to rest. You loved each other, and there was no place you’d rather be than together.
You’d spent the evening baking cookies, decorating the new tree, and wrapping his family member's Christmas gifts- a book his mom had been wanting, along with some of the cookies you'd made and various at-home spa items; hockey memorabilia and classic jerseys for his dad; and some new pieces of technology and the latest eye shadow palette that his sister had been wanting, along with some stupid jokes gifts that he wrapped in duct tape like the annoying older brother he was. Now, after the sunset bared its last light over the horizon and through your window, you lay together in bliss, with the tree twinkling its colorful lights across the room as you and Mat snuggled on the couch under a fluffy blanket, and everything felt right. 
"I don't know why we went through all that work to decorate the tree if we're not even spending Christmas here." Mat grumbled playfully, his head on your chest, partially hidden under the blanket. 
"Well," your face glowed in a smile as you remembered the flight out to Vancouver you had in a few days. Spending holidays with his family was always your favorite. Your family wasn’t the best, and it wasn’t too healthy to spend your holidays with them, but you always had Mat and his family. They were so welcoming, so kind, and for as many years now as you’d gone as Mat’s girlfriend, they had accepted you like family. "Because this is our home, Mat. It'd be wrong not to decorate it for the first time." 
"I don't need a tree for this to feel like home." 
“Aww, baby.”
“It’s true.” He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees above you on the couch, bringing his face level with yours. His warm breath hit your lips as he brushed his nose against yours, eyes slipping shut and grinning. “I love you. Always.”
“I love you always too.” 
"I'm so glad you're here. I'm so happy we live together, finally." 
"I'm glad we live together, too." 
Mat snuggled down into your neck, the locks of dark hair that had been growing out lately tickling your face. You reached up to brush them aside and curl your hand around the back of his head, cupping his head against you tenderly . His hair was getting so nice and long, and you knew he’d have to cut it soon, per the team's guidelines, but god, you were gonna cherish it now. 
"I actually have something for you, Maty."
"A Christmas present?" 
"Well, an early Christmas present." You smiled at the excited look on his boyish face as he leaned back, the lights from the tree highlighting the sparkle in his eye. "You can't open it at your parent's house, so we're gonna do it here instead."
"What is it?" 
"Try to figure it out." 
He sat up then, his eyes scanning the room for anything that might seem out of the ordinary, anything that might be hidden. He was looking for his present, and you had to hold back a laugh at the sight. 
"No, no, I'll find it."
"I got this."
"Let me give you a hint, at least." You sat up with him and took his hand in yours and cupped it against your cheek, turning your head to the side to kiss his fingers. He smiled at the touch, melting back into you and tracing his thumb across your skin. 
"Alright, gimme the hint."
You pushed his hand down the smooth skin of your neck, the swell of your breasts, down the curve of your waist, and to the hem of his hoodie that swallowed you up. "It's right in front of you, baby." 
"For real?" The joy in his eyes was the same you saw the first time you told him you were ready to take that step, almost two years ago now. No matter how many times you were together, he was always just as excited.
“You say that as if we’ve never done this before.”
“It always feels like the first time.” 
You glowed and let go of his hand to reach up and cup his face between both of you. His words came so simply and without hesitation that you knew he was sincere. “Aw, Mat…”
“I’m serious.” 
“You’re so sweet tonight.”
“Maybe I just really want to lay some love on you.” He hitched his hands under your thighs and tugged you close, lying you back against the couch once again. His hands slid up the soft skin of your tummy and waist, dipping under your shirt momentarily, and causing your breath to hitch in your throat- his hands always managed to do that to you- as you breathed out the words against his lips. 
“Maybe I’m gonna let you.” 
With one last grin, his face dipped down to yours, locking your lips together in a familiar, electric dance. Soft, gentle lips moving against yours had never felt as good as with any other boyfriends as they do with Mat. His touch was intoxicating, made your mind wander and your heart race flushed your skin and shocked you to the core. Ever since the very first time his hand grazed against yours when he reached out to hold it for the first time, to the first time your bodies connected in passion under the covers, it felt the same. Like fire. Even two years later, he drove you insane, and all you wanted, and frequently achieved, was to drive him insane as well. In the best way possible. Mat broke apart from your lips momentarily to slip the hoodie over your head, revealing his gift. “Fuck…”
Right there, in front of his eyes, your breasts were covered only by a lacy crimson fabric, held together behind a pretty red bow. With each heavy breath of anticipation, your chest was heaving softly before his eyes, and he found himself hypnotized by the gentle rise and fall. 
“You like it?"
“Holy shit, you’re hot.” 
“So are you.” 
His eyes were wide, warm, and gentle, looking over you. He dragged his gaze away from your chest even though you could tell how hard it was, and shook his head. “Not as much as you.”
"Mmm", you took the liberty of taking his hands from where they had frozen beside you and placing them, big and warm, over your chest. "Go ahead, baby." 
"No, no, I wanna savor this first."
His mouth dipped down, soft hair tickling your neck as he nibbled at your chest, laying little love bites and kisses along the tender skin. He cupped your boobs and squeezed them around his face, humming in content. You couldn’t help but laugh as he buried his face against you, and you could feel his grin break out against your skin. “Having fun, baby?”
“Oh my god, yes. You’re gorgeous. So soft.” 
“Mmhm.” You sighed into his touch as he kissed his way back up your chest.
“Baby.” He spoke softly to get your attention, and your eyes opened lazily to see him, biting his lip and holding the delicate ribbon between two fingers. “Can I?”
“Please.” He gave a gentle tug, and with one last heave of your chest, the lacy bralette fell open, revealing one of Mat’s favorite parts of your body. 
“Fucking Christ.” 
“Bub, you can’t be swearing like that so close to Christmas.” 
“How do you expect me not to when you’re…. God, just so perfect…” You saw the way his eyes glazed over mid-sentence in the colorful lights of the tree, the way his jaw went slack as you arched your chest up towards him. He reached out, slowly, as if worried you were going to disappear if he moved too quickly, and when the large, rough hands curled around the side of your waist and slid up and down, you felt goosebumps pop up along your skin. 
“Your fingers are cold.”  
“But you love it.” He ran the pad of his thumb over your nipples, watching as they pebbled under his touch in the cold air. “So do I.” 
“Warm me up?”
He dipped his head down, his mouth hot and wet along the peaks and valleys of your chest, down your stomach.
His fingers traveled over the familiar layout of your body, colored in soft golden and red and green in the dancing Christmas lights, tracing each recognizable landmark with specific care- every memorized freckle and birthmark he had kissed since your first night together and every dimple in your skin that he cherished, every spot that had his fingerprints imprinted onto like memory foam after so many nights spent holding you tight with everything in him, as if you'd slip away. As if you'd want to. With each inch his hands followed, he found more, there was always more territory to be marked down, jotted down in his brain for future reference. He was always finding something new. Something more to use against you, to use against you in the best way possible, to push you further and further to that blissful end goal.
He made his way down, down, down, until his breath was hot over your lace-covered core, his hand gripping your hips tightly. Mat smiled as your hands found his hair, curling your fingers through a fistful of the dark locks before releasing and smoothing it back into place again. Mat's favorite thing about going down on you, besides the way it pleasured you, was the way your hands felt on his head, massaging and grabbing and twisting and pulling. It was heaven to him, letting you guide him around like that. 
“Can I take them off?” 
“Hmm.” As much as you wanted him to ravage you right there, with those soft, sultry eyes he was giving you, he was wearing far too many clothes. “You first.” 
Mat didn't say anything else before stripping out of his dark crew neck sweater and jumping up off the couch to kick his gray sweats down. His smile was contagious as your gaze dropped from his face, down his bare chest and the little chain you’d gotten him for your anniversary, down towards the tent in his boxers with a silly, excited grin. He laughed. "Not tired of seeing me yet?" 
"You sure you’re not getting bored of my dick yet?"
"No, baby. Definitely not.” You grinned, the thought of spending the rest of your life with him bouncing around your mind. “Why? Are you getting bored of me?"
"No way." Mat leaned down to lace your fingers together and lock lips. "How could I?"
"How could I get tired of you, Maty?"
Mat hummed. He loved this little play, the little banter, the back and forth. He'd loved it since you first started dating, and he always would. He knew you loved him endlessly, but he played along. "I'm just a hockey player."
"No, you're my hockey player. My boyfriend. My pretty, pretty baby."
Mat settled back down between your legs with a warm smile. "Yeah, I am. So can I take these off now?" He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties. "C'mon, I know how much you love my tongue."
Your thighs squeezed around him at the words. “Fuck, please.”
“Anything for my baby.” 
You lifted your hips for him as he tugged the lacy fabric down your thighs with nimble fingers, stopping momentarily after they were off to just look at you. He let out a sigh, his eyes finding yours again with a soft look as you squirmed a bit beneath him- not because you were shy, no, you were long past that point in your relationship, but because you just needed him to do anything to you. Mat had spent the past two years helping you love and appreciate your body, and this, right here in this moment, was the perfect showcase of how much he helped- as he was gazing down at your naked body and the only thing you felt was just the absolute need and desire for his body to move against yours and his warmth to cover you up. No nerves. Only love, and need. 
“Shit, you’re gorgeous.” 
“I know.” 
The lack of hesitation in your reply had Mat bending over you and laughing. “That’s your response?”
“Yeah! I mean, you let me know. You make me feel so confident.”
“Mmhm, good, babygirl.” He scooted back down to lay his head against the soft, naked inside of your thigh gazing up at you through his eyelashes. “I always wanna make you feel good. Physically and mentally.” He turned to lay open-mouthed kisses against your thighs, and any thought of response you may have had dissolved completely as you leaned back and waited for him to do his magic. His hand reached up to cup your heat, just feeling you against his palm for a moment before swiping a long finger through your fold, smiling and raising his eyebrows at you. “Oh? Already so wet for me?” 
“Always, baby. You should know this by now.”
“Yeah?” He dipped his fingers at your opening teasingly and his head dipped down to connect his lips with your clit, kissing it gently and watching you squirm. “Ugh, I could fuck you right now if I was in a rush. But you know the foreplay is my favorite part.”
“I know. And you’re so good.” 
He went silent then, his tongue wide and wet, licking a long stripe along your slick and gathering the wetness at your clit, giving it soft, kitten licks and wet kisses. He listened intently for every soft sigh that left your lips- music to his ears- and felt every tug on his hair when he flicked his tongue in small circles around that spot like he knew you loved. And the best part was that he knew. You didn’t understand how couples could get tired of each other after years. You didn’t understand how the excitement could flicker away or how they could get tired of each other’s bodies or minds. Never in your relationship with Mat have you felt as excited as now, two years in. The thought that he knew your body inside and out, maybe even better than you did, was just so overwhelming in the best possible way, and the longer you lay there, with Mat’s mouth on you, you couldn’t stop thinking that this is your man.   
Mat was lying flat against the long couch, his face between your thighs and his hands holding your legs open for him. His dark hair was a wild mess, and you could see the gentle movements of his lower back and ass and the back of his thighs illuminated golden in the lights, rolling lazily against the couch cushion- covered by a blanket, of course- to provide any friction for his sadly untouched cock. 
You hadn’t even noticed the noises dripping from your lips until Mat pulled back, and the lack of feeling his mouth against your core had you whining for him.
“Fuck, I’ll never get over you.” 
“Mmmmat.” You hummed his name, dragging out the “M” in the way you knew he loved.  
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Please keep touching me.” 
He sat up, between your thighs, knees digging into the couch, and his bare thighs and torso on display for you. You loved him, all of him, and all of his body. His legs, his abdomen, his chest, his arms… all of it was amazing. Perfect to look at and perfect to touch, to grab, to dig your nails into as he railed you. To ground yourself with. “Baby, you know I love eating you out. But I just gotta see you right now. And talk to you.” His big hand slid up the inside of your thigh, and your breath caught in your throat when he started rubbing soft, small circles against your clit. “So this position will have to do, okay? I promise I’ll spend all day before our flight eating your pussy.”
“I’ll remember that.” 
“I hope so. God, this fucking thing. Could eat it for days.” He pushed a single finger inside you, slow and steady, but enough to make you clench around him. His fingers were so much better than yours, just a little longer and a little thicker in a way that had you squirming for more. “So fucking tight and wet. So hot. I’m so lucky to have you.” His free hand left your hip, leaving nothing but cold, empty fingerprints on your skin, and rubbed against the bulge in his dark boxers. You could see how much he was aching, and you were determined to make it better. 
“Mat, c’mere.” 
“I’m knuckles deep in your pussy, babe, how much closer do you want me?” You laughed at him, rolling your hip down against said finger. How he could be so funny and sexy at the same time was beyond you.
“Lie down with me. I wanna touch you.” You held your arms out for him and scooted to the side, and he obliged quickly, lying on his side between you and the back of the couch and hooking your left leg over his right thigh. His hand dipped back down between your thighs, pressing into you before you could even catch your breath, feeling exhilarated at the much more intimate position. “Oh, fuck, Mat.” You reached out to him, willing and eager to reciprocate the feeling. He drew in a sharp breath at the way your hand rubbed over the thick bulge in his boxers, pulling the waistband down just enough to release him from his cotton prison.  
His cock jumped up against his lower belly, stiff and pink and needy for you and only you. Your hand, your mouth, and you could tell by the way Mat’s fingers paused inside you that he was anticipating the moment your fingers wrapped around his length. “Oh, that feels so good. Always does, baby.” And then, as you worked your hand against him, he pumped his long fingers inside you, bringing his other thumb to rub mercilessly at your clit. But still, even with the way he was fucking you on his hand, the most intense part of this moment was the way he held your gaze; the lust, the need, the twinkle of amusement in his hazel eyes at the sheer amazement that he got to do this with you; and the love- the pure, unadulterated love that soaked from his skin to yours, in every touch, in ever moment spent together, every kiss, and every time you laid together, bare and vulnerable, in the heat of passion, under the twinkling lights or in the dark, safe haven of your home to show each other how much you loved each other. His warm eyes glittered in the light, reflecting the gold and green and red lights from the Christmas tree that illuminated the room, and the city lights outside the window of your apartment lit up his body and highlighted every muscle. Your apartment, the one you own together, and the one you knew you were going to make countless memories in. His eyes glittered with love, with the question of “can you believe we still make each other feel so good?” and with the statement “I want to kiss you so bad right now”. Your hand pumped his length, pulling a soft moan from his lips, one that you had used to have to work so hard to hear. “I want to hear you, baby” You had used to say, practically begging him to let himself go as he bit his lip to hold back the moans. It had taken a bit of encouragement, but now he never held back with the sounds that left his pretty mouth. You lay there, vulnerable and exposed to each other, staring into each other’s eyes as with hands between each other's thighs, cheeks pink and hearts full of love as you helped each other climb to that climax. 
You broke eye contact first, laughing breathlessly and feeling your cheeks go hot under his gaze. Despite the lack of shame you felt in front of him, he could still get you so flustered and giggly. 
“What’s so funny, beautiful?” He asked between shaky breaths. 
“You’re so beautiful, Mat. Those moans are so pretty. I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah?” He smiled with another laugh. “I can feel how wet you are. It’s crazy.” He slipped the tip of a third finger into you, your hole aching and pulsing around them already. “Oh, fuck, I love your moans too.” And you could tell he did, as his hips jerked helplessly up into your hand. “Faster, baby.” 
“Only if you kiss me.” 
Without hesitation, he leaned over and his lips locked onto yours, needy and begging but oh, so willing to go slow and passionate. The hand that had been teasing your clit came up to grab at you face, squeezing a tit on the way up, and you reached a free hand out to tangle in his dark hair as you leaned in and continued to jerk him in your hand- up and down, and up and down, twisting around the head just like he liked. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips, breaking apart for only a moment to look down at you one more time in awe. “I love you so fucking much.” 
“I love you, Mat.” 
“Fuck, I love you.” His lips crashed back against yours again, his fingers plunging deeper inside you as he kissed his promise into your lips, the promise that he was there and he’d always be there. He was yours. And you were his. Simply that. The heel of his palm rubbed against your clit as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that wonderful spot and making fireworks twinkle behind your eyes. He groaned into your mouth as your hand curved over the head of his cock, palms getting slick with his pre-cum, and stroked back down to cup his balls gently. He let out a breathy laugh at the tender feeling. 
“Baby, look at me.” You cupped his cheeks between your hands and pulled him back when you began to feel your peak rising. He whined when your hand left his cock, aching and hard, and his fingers halted inside of you, cupping his palm against your heat.
“Oh, baby,” His eyes locked on you, making a show of how they were scanning up and down your body. “I’m looking.”
“I need you inside, right now.”
His bottom lip was sucked between his teeth and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the words. Even after so long, he still couldn’t handle hearing those words. His eyes fluttered shut. “Fuck, say less.” He rolled over you to sit upright on the couch, finally pushing his boxers all the way down his thighs and onto the floor. He gripped his cock in his hands and slid between your thighs, bending down over you to kiss your lips. “How do you want it?”
“Just like this.” Your hands fell to his hips and pulled him close. 
“Wanna see your face. Maybe it’s basic, but I love this position.”
“Yeah. It’s simple, but so intimate. I like it too.” He paused and leaned back for a moment, looking down at his sweatpants on the floor for something. “Shit, ugh, I don’t have a condom here, hold on-” 
“No, no, no.” Before Mat could run off to the bedside drawer, you grabbed his hands in yours, pulling him back to you. His eyes went soft and cautious for a few moments. 
“No? Babe, shouldn’t we…” 
“We’ve had conversations about this, right? About doing it without?” Mat nodded, a little smile beginning to pull on his lips. “I’m still on the pill, and I know I remembered to take all of them recently, so we’re still pretty safe, if you want.” 
“Fuck, I want.” He settled back down between your knees. “Are you sure?”
“A hundred percent.” 
“Alright.” Mat chuckled in boyish excitement. He reached a hand down between your bodies to adjust himself, nudging the blunt head of his cock against your clit and rubbing his pre-cum along your slit, lining up with your tight entrance and sending sparks through your body. “God, my God, I can’t wait to come inside you. Feel you around me completely. See my cum on you.” One last time, he bent his body down over yours, his weight warm and heavy, the metal of his chain cool between your chests, and pressed his mouth to yours, breathing in your warmth. One of your hands curled around his waist, slid to the small of his back, just like he always did to you, and the other cupped the back of his neck, fingers curling into the hairs and playing with the chain around his neck and pulling him in closer to your face. He broke away slightly with a sigh against your lips, his forehead bumping against yours and his nose nudging yours in a familiar gesture. He didn’t need to say the words anymore, because his quiet affections were ones that you’ve known for a long time. 
His question was loud and clear, and your answer was just as obvious. 
Mat brought a forearm down next to your head to steady himself, stroking the pad of his thumb against your warm cheek as his hips finally pushed against yours. Hands tightened their grips on each other’s bodies, sliding across hot skin slicked with sweat, and a euphony of moans mingled together in the air at the initial feeling of finally being connected in such a primal way again. His hips were flush against your own, and the weight of his thick cock inside of you was heavy and intoxicating; you could feel his tight abdomen expanding and contracting with every heavy breath and shudder through his body. He let out a long string of moans, his head dipping down to nibble at your throat, and fuck, did you know what he meant. You were connected, everywhere- heart, skin, and mind. “Fuck, oh my God, baby, hot as ever.” 
“Oh, Maty…” 
“I’m gonna give you so much love, beautiful.”
The first withdrawal of his hips from yours was painstakingly slow, and all you wanted was for him to plunge back in again and again and again. And he intended to do that, in time. Mat loved to take his time, but it didn’t take him long to fulfill his promise, sliding back against you, his cock hard and aching inside your wet cunt. He found a steady, easy pace rolling his hips into yours, each stroke like electricity through your body, long and languid, taking his time to draw your pleasure out, taking the time to feel your body around him. His knee dug into the couch hard, steadying himself and getting more traction so he could pull closer to your body, snapping his hips against yours with slaps that had you both gasping for air. 
“Oh fuck…” 
“Feels so good, Mat.”
“You’re fucking amazing.” He let out another high-pitched whine and arched your leg over his hip. “More?”
“More, faster, please baby.” 
His hips slapped against yours with a groan, his big hands holding behind your knees and opening you wide for him. He leaned back to take a good look at you, at the scene in front of him, trying to take in every image he possibly could. Because these were the best moments. Not only the sex- god, but the sex was good- but just being together, being close, being intimate and so so close, yet only craving to become closer and closer. “God, you’re so hot, babe. So tight, so wet, all for me, right?” When you couldn’t answer, too overwhelmed with the way he was pounding against you, he took it as a sign to keep running his mouth. God, you loved to listen to him talk. “So wet, all for me. Getting all turned on over this big cock inside you, yeah?” You nodded your head enthusiastically, pulling his body closer to yours. He followed without hesitation, down and down until your bodies were glued together and he was just pushing against you, his hips driving yours into the couch cushions. “All fucked up for my cock, are you? Fucking beautiful.” 
“It’s so good, Maty, baby, so big, fills me up so good.”
“I love you. I love you, (Y/N).”
“Oh my God, Maty, I love you.” 
His mouth locked onto yours, sealing your lips together and swallowing your moans down. Dark locks of his hair shielded your face and tickled your cheeks, and as soon as he inched away to take a deep, shaky breath, your eyes opened up. He steadied himself on strong arms, framing your face, his veins prominent, and you curled a small hand as far around his thick bicep as you could, watching in awe as his head jerked back, throwing his long hair off his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut as he concentrated on pounding against your dripping cunt. 
Slowly, his body peeled back off of yours, away, away, and he brought himself up to his knees in front of you. You let your eyes roll slip the long length of his torso, decorated with glittering reflections of gold and red and green, shining off the sheen of his sweat, and you looked from his thick neck, covered in your love-bites, down his chest, down the hard muscles of his abdomen and tummy, and down the V of his hips to the small patch of prickles that rubbed against your clit with every thrust. His thighs were spread open with your legs wrapped ever so gently around his hips, and his cock was stilled, aching inside of you. He shifted around on the couch momentarily, readjusting his knees on the cushions. “Ya know, we’d be a lot more comfortable in our bed than out here.” 
“But it’s so pretty out here. All the pretty twinkly lights on you…” 
“On me?” He laughed, “Look at yourself, babe. I’m fucking lucky.” 
His big hands traced down your cheeks, squeezed down your chest, curled down the curve of your waist and hips, before finally wrapping around the backs of your thighs and pulling you closer, hoisting your legs up, up, and over his shoulders and spreading you wide open in front of him. 
“Ooh, Mat…” You giggled a bit as he easily positioned you in the way he wanted, smirking down at you wickedly and rubbing his thumbs up and down the wet slick of your pussy. 
“Gonna make you fuckin’ come, babe, my god… you want that?”
“Yeah, yeah, please, Maty.” 
“Just a little bit longer, ‘kay?” He rolled his hips against yours again, starting up that steady pace again. His hands held your thighs open, lifting your legs up the length of his torso and locking them over his shoulders, and he never failed to make you seem tiny compared to him. You watched, mesmerized, as his abdomen tensed and hardened and spasmed as he tried to keep himself under control. 
“Little… longer.” 
With one more low moan, your boyfriend bent closer to you, his chain dangling in your face tauntingly as he got back to pounding away at you, heavy balls slapping against your ass with every erratic movement, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier and his breaths getting deeper. He was so goddamn close to that edge. He could tell you were getting there, too. You’d been on the edge ever since he started pounding you, but now, you were only a few feather light touches away from falling over that edge. And Mat was ready for it, he could barely hold his own seems together, he could barely think about anything except how rock hard he was and how your tits were bouncing so perfectly in rhythm with his hips, the way your eyes were rolling back and the way his cock felt inside you, fully covered in your slick, both your lower halves sticky messes. He was ready to fall apart completely, and ready to help you reach your own. “You look so fucking good taking my dick like this, babygirl. It’s so big, isn’t it? But you just take it so good, yeah? My good, good girl with her perfect fucking pussy, taking that cock so well.” He reached his fingers down to roll his thumb lazily against your clit, ever so gently, but enough to make you fall apart. Your eyes rolled back as you gasped out for him. 
“Please, M- Maaaat…” 
“Oh, you- you want it, don’t you?” Mat’s words were getting shaky, his sentences choppy. He was so close, so close his mind couldn’t comprehend anything beyond just fucking letting go. “Want your boyfriend’s hot cum filling you up, just flooding that- ugh, that tight little cunt, yeah? My balls emptied inside you? You want that nut so bad, you’re so desperate for it, huh? Tell me, baby. Tell me how you want the love of your life to just… fucking f- flood your pussy.”
“I want it, Mat, I want you to cum, baby.” 
His thrusts became erratic, his hand leaving bruises on your thigh and his thumb absolutely torturing your swollen, sensitive clit. He was getting desperate, too. “Where? Where do you want my big fucking load?”
“Cum inside, fuck, fuck, please, Maty-”
“Ohh, gonna fucking nut inside you, babygirl-”  
“I’m gonna cuuuum, Mat…” 
“Ohhhh, fuuuuuck, oh, oh (Y/N)...!” Mat let out a long, strangled moan, his voice shaking and whiny and breathless in exasperation. His hips stuttered and his thighs trembled beneath him as he nearly collapsed onto you, absolutely flooding your aching, spasming hole with his cum. Your mind went fuzzy and white when you finally felt his stitches come loose, and he finally emptied all of himself- all his hot, gooey warmth- inside of your throbbing cunt. And flood, he did. It felt like the thick ropes of cum were never ending, filling you to the brim, until finally, he was done, his eyes squeezed shut and hair falling into his eyes above you.
Forming sentences would be a miracle at this point, but you reached up to curl a finger around Mat’s chain and yank him down to your face, ushering him to collapse against your body. And he did, eyes glancing open for a moment and lips locking with yours, always thankful to be able to fall onto you after a hard day, after absolutely spending himself. He groaned against your lips and buried his face against your neck, panting against your skin and kissing your neck and breathing in your scent as your hand found it’s rightful place at the back of his neck.  After a few moments of stillness, he reached down lazily and let his cock slip out of you, both of you whining and the loss of contact, and you felt a familiar wetness on your tummy as his cum dribbled down the head of his spent cock to fall on your warm skin. 
You were silent, panting for a few minutes, just letting your heartbeats steady back to normal and your heads to recover from the dizzying orgasms. Then, a breathless chuckle vibrated through Mat’s chest and into you. “Merry fucking Christmas to us, right?” 
“I think that was the hottest thing we’ve ever done, Mat.” Mat hummed in agreement, squeezing you between his arms. “Now you see why we couldn’t do this at your parent’s place?”
“I mean… what’s stopping us?” 
“Mat, I know for a fact you can’t keep quiet enough to fuck in your parent’s house.”
“Says the one who was just screaming my name.”
“As if you weren’t moaning mine just as loud.”
“Hmm.” Mat laughed again at the banter, the playful back and forth, and rolled to the side, his back to the back of the couch, and pulled you against his side. “How do you feel, anyway? About… me coming inside? Still feel good about it? Wasn’t too much?”
“No way. I really… really enjoyed that. Everything about that. A lot.” 
“Mm, that’s good. So did I.” 
“But… I kiiiiiinda feel like we should clean up. It’s starting to feel… sticky, like, everywhere. And not a good sticky.” 
“Yeah, how about we take a bath together? A nice warm bath in the lights of the pretty Christmas lights you love so much? How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like heaven, Mat.”
So Mat scooped you up in his arms, his own legs weak and shaky after an unbelievable orgasm, and he pressed kisses against your cheeks as he carried you through your brand new home, lit in the pretty pinks and gold of the Christmas lights, stopping before the bathroom door only momentarily to ponder on the beginning of the rest of his forever with you. This truly might be the beginning of the best years of his life. The beginning of an even more serious relationship with you. He felt your fingers playing with the chain that still hung around his neck, the one the guys teased him about the charm on the end, but the one he always wore for you, and he glanced down, his eyes warm and contemplative as he searched yours. This. This was eternal love.
“I love you, babe. Always.” His heart felt dipped in syrup when you smiled up at him with that soul melting look. Yep. You’re it for me.
“I love you, bubs. Always.”
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lyracasstuff · 4 years
!!!! could i please get hcs for naib and demi (separately) with a princess s/o (fem)? like her role is a princess and all that jazz :D (i recently made a main which is this one, im an idv blog myself i just like requesting things for other blogs :D)
I really really like this request..(・∀・)
Although, please excuse me if these headcannons are shorter for your taste,, I had been busy for quite a while,, and so my brain juices are a little drained...(⌒_⌒;)
Also,, hello fellow idv blogger!!(〜^∇^)〜
Naib and Demi x Fem! Princess! S/o👑✨
Naib Subedar🌛🌌
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He would really be shocked and confused as to 1) HOW you got here? And 2) WHY are you here?
You, a ROYAL? Someone who's been sheltered and pampered ALL her LIFE, would PARTICIPATE in a gruesome game like THIS???
He really couldn't understand it..
Although he was very curious about you,, he *did* hold himself back from walking up to you and just bombard you with ALL sorts of questions..
So, it took the both of you some time to be acquainted with each other.. Naib started out small,, like greeting you with a rather stiff and rusty bow in an attempt to "match" with your own elegant courtesy whenever you two crossed paths..( ´ ▽ ` )
Or pulling your seat for you whenever you would sit down and prepare for a match..
To even lending you a hand in carrying your stuff when they were too heavy such as books, clothes, personal hygeine items, hair care, skin care, etc...
(Naib really wonders if you REALLY needed all of your 50 ballgowns and dresses...)
He just really wants you to feel at home despite being trapped in a manor..
On the topic of making you feel at home...
There's another thing aside from doing acts of service: protectiveness
He understands that you were most likely protected and guarded by knights before you went into the manor,, so you *probably* didn't know much about self defense...
So if anyone EVER tries to touch you, be it your hair, your face, your arm..
You can *BET* that Naib is going to be slapping said person's hand away while ushering you to get behind him..
He WILL do this to BOTH survivor OR hunter by the way...(。・ω・。)
You were very much pleased by Naib's protection and support,, he was just like your own personal butler and knight back home!!
Over time,, Naib's gestures had gotten bolder and bolder...
He went from doing acts of service, to teaching you how to kite, how to heal, how to rescue, how to vault windows, etc...
However,, you may or may not have teared up from the fact that you accidentally snagged a piece of your favorite dress from trying to put down a pallet...(^_^;)
Naib really panicked at that time.. He knows how to sew open wounds, not dresses and ballgowns!! (◎_◎;)
Nevertheless,, the both of you would still have fun by the end of the day..
Naib really couldn't help but be in love with you... How could he not though?? You were so sweet and elegant in everything that you do..
Even during the moments where you weren't the most elegant,, he still cherished it all the same..( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Which is why he REALLY couldn't deny his jealousy and saltiness towards Wu chang, Joseph, heck,, even Mary sometimes.. Joseph and Mary are both nobles so OF COURSE you would relate to the aristocratic life,, and Wu chang were GUARDS before they got into the manor,, so OF COURSE they would serve as better protectors than he is..
Then, look at him,, he's nothing more than a man whose ENTIRE job revolves around killing targets that his clients propose.. Well,, at least that's what he thinks anyways..
Be that as it may,, Naib's mind would still be plagued by this thought.. So much so that He doesn't even notice that he's been distancing himself from you...
You aren't the same however... You KNOW that something's been disturbing him, you KNOW that something's upsetting him.. You can literally FEEL it..
And so,, in these times, you would decide to come visit him in his designated room,, all the while comforting him and telling him that while he may not be a noble or a guard,, you still love him regardless of his status and that you are grateful for everything that he's done for you..❤
Naib says nothing,, however, his body language and look of pure love and adoration on his face tells you everything you need to know..❤❤❤
That day has now marked an important event of your lives: the start of a new, blooming relationship..(⌒▽⌒)
First of all,, remember how I talked about his jealousy and protectiveness?? Well,, those just got amplified when you two are confirmed to be in a relationship now..
He sometimes does this thing where if someone wants to speak with you,, Naib would do either of these 2 things: either he asks you if you want to speak to them OR if he's feeling a little selfish with your time,, he just tells them to go "set up an appointment" with you...
He is really astonished at all the different kinds of spoons and forks, all the different etiquettes you follow, the amount of tiaras that you have...
And *especially* at how many relatives that you have.. Which was MUCH larger than the average family size...
((Fun fact: During the Victorian Era, the average family size was actually 6 children.. It had gone down by half by the end of said Era..))
I can't tell why,, but I have this headcannon in my mind that Naib actually prefers more simpler clothing on you.. He just doesn't like too much "eye clutter" per say...
That,, and there's just something so mesmerizing about your regal beauty meshing into the very simple clothing that Naib just finds so.. Heavenly..
All in all,, Naib is just dumbfounded and amazed as to how you had fallen in love with him and just how lucky he is at being with someone like you..
Demi Bourbon🍺🍷
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Much like Naib,, Demi over here is confused as to what a royal is doing here...
Unlike Naib, however, Demi is more upfront and straightforward and would just walk up to you and ask you directly..
"Woah!! Hey there!! What's a cute lil blueblood doin here??"
You get this question a LOT.. It stuck around for so long that it became an inside joke whenever Demi sees you in the same room as her...╮(─▽─)╭
Now,, she may be a girl,, but don't be fooled... She's surprisingly strong for her physique... So she'll DEFINITELY help you carry your stuff...
Just be prepared to be bombarded with ALL SORTS OF QUESTIONS about your stuff..
"Daaammnnn~ You royals really love your fancy schmancy stuff,, do you??"
"Ooooohhhh~~ A diamond encrusted necklace?? Hey, you wouldn't mind me borrowing it right??"
"This ball gown matches well with one of my costumes! Hey, how about we both dress up? We would REALLY look great together~❤"
You're going to have to get used to these questions someday...(・∀・)
She DOES teach you the basics,, but in all honesty, she never really lets you apply the things that you learned when you're actually in matches...
A hunter is right behind you?? You can bet that Demi will chug down her D.U.P.H.R.I.N, run as fast as she could and sweep you off your feet in a bridal carry..(^v^)
"It is I, Your Knight in shining armor!!"
This happens all the time in matches
A hunter is preparing to take a swing on you?? Well,, not on Demi's watch!! Before the hunter can swing their weapon at you, Demi takes one of her bottles and smashes it onto their head...
She DID lose some morality points for that though....
Eventually,, you had to tell Demi that as much as you appreciate her "support", you still have to stand on your own,, ESPECIALLY when Demi is not in the same match as you are..
Demi would *reluctantly* agree and say that she just can't stand the thought of you being hurt, she doesn't want you to be in harm's way because she knows that some survivors *probably* just see you as dead weight,, considering you've been pampered your whole entire life..
Demi would then go on and tell you that she had been taking a liking towards you, and is interested in being in a relationship with you..
"Listen, your highness, I may not be an ACTUAL knight in shining armor, or a prince from some far away land.. But, I'd still want to take a chance at persuing you.. So, what do you say? Will you allow me to take a chance at wooing your heart??"
You of course say yes,, besides, you don't really care if she is of noble blood or not.. Her bold and daring personality is what made you like her..
And thus,, your relationship has started!!
Demi gets a *little* protective over you,, ESPECIALLY when someone's trying to flirt with you..
"Ah, ah, ah, she's mine~~"
"Oi, she's already taken, you idiot! How about go flirtin with someone who's NOT TAKEN???"
Demi over here doesn't really have any problem regarding jealousy,, if anything,, YOU might be the one having some jealousy problems here and there..
Because Demi practically flirts with anything and everything..
Never fear!! Demi would ALWAYS be there to give you reassurance that you're her one and only..( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
After that,, she'll tone down her flirty nature by a couple of notches so as to not worry you too much...
Demi would also serve you drinks!! For FREE!!(ノ^o^)ノ
The best part about this is that,, not only are you getting it for free, but you're also getting the FINEST quality...
And she serves your drink in the most dramatic way possible,, all accompanied by a cheeky wink at the end..😉
"Only the FINEST for your highness~❤"
Overall,, your relationship with Demi is surely an exciting and playful one! But don't let that make you think that Demi doesn't take you seriously..
Because she does!! And she will ALWAYS take your relationship seriously!!❤❤❤
Author's note: I apologize if these headcannons are shorter and a bit "lackluster" for everyone's taste.. As stated before,, I had been busy as of late, so I wasn't able to regain much of my brain juices to write properly like usual..
Nevertheless,, I still hope that you enjoyed reading these headcannons!! (⌒_⌒;)(*´∀`*)
Until next time!! See you all in my next post!!ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ💚
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