#it was so amazing and i cried a ton
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forcebookish · 8 months ago
every time i see someone say that bleach isn't that good i'm like HEY!!!! and then i remember that i think so too fjdksljfkgdsl
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schisms · 1 year ago
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darker waves was. THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
#i cried um. twice? NO THREE TIMES. during new order.#during age of consent because. yadda yadda personal reasons#then during blue monday because i was just so floored and amazed by what i was seeing#and it hit me like a ton of bricks that i was seeing new order and that this was happening right in front of me#AND THEN THEY FINISHED THE SET BY PLAYING LOVE WILL TEAR US APART BY JOY DIVISION#AND THEY HAD THIS BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF IAN CURTIS AND THEY LIKE ZOOMED IN ON HIS EYES#IT WAS SO EMOTIONAL AND INCREDIBLE I COULDN’T EVEN FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKING BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED#i was amazed i was stunned there’s nothing that compared to the moment i realized that. it was Love Will Tear Us Apart#btw the hand in this picture is myyy hand this is a pic leemy got#^_^ ​hehe i was way too in the moment to get very much of that set#and then we all went and got in n out afterwards and now i am about to go SHOWER and go to SLEEP i am so READY =u=#BUT YEA like. other highlights of the day were DEFINITELY twin tribes & OMD#devo of course was AMAZING again i think i will always try to see them if and when i can#echo and the bunnymen SUCKED. absolutely sucked. i was very disappointed.#though that was the ONLY low point of the day which was good#AND SHE WANTS REVENGE DID A COVER OF SPELLBOUND BY SIOUXSIE AND IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway yes yes very good day i am satisfied. and like. nothing went wrong for us#like parking was fine getting in was fine everything went WELL like i still can’t believe it#today was meant to happen to me because im a good boy. <3 okay bye
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punkshort · 7 months ago
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Something Unexpected
Thank you @pasc4lfuzz for this request!
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: It's been ten years since you lived in Texas, and of course the first week back, you run into a familiar face from your past.
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, mention of OC death (reader's father), romcom vibes (bc of course), meet cute, shy!joel, flirting, sexual tension, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex (reader on BC), sex in public
WC: 4.8K
Dirty Bill's bar was exactly as you remembered.
As the name implied, the place wasn't the cleanest. Even after Bill locked up for the night, your shoes used to stick to the floors and it was almost a guarantee to find a stray lemon or lime somewhere on the bar top.
His definition of clean never matched yours. Hell, it didn't match anyone's, but that didn't stop locals from frequenting the place regularly.
It had been years since you lived in Austin and worked at the bar. At least ten, maybe more. When you tended bar, you actually kept the place relatively clean, but you knew the second you walked in that Bill clearly went back to his old ways once you quit and moved.
To his credit, the place was still packed. You had to stand up on your tiptoes and crane your neck to find your oldest friend, Leah, sitting at the bar nursing a gin and tonic. You grinned and pushed your way through the crowd, doing a double take when you recognized a few poor souls from your bartending days drinking the same bottles of beer.
Some things really never do change.
"Leah!" you cried out excitedly as you approached. She swiveled around on her barstool with a huge grin when she heard your voice. Jumping down, you enveloped her in a huge hug, swaying her back and forth and holding each other as tight as you could. She looked a little older and she gained a bit of weight since she had her kids, but otherwise she was the same. Same bright blue eyes, same wavy blonde hair, same toothy smile.
"Oh, my god! I can't believe it's really you!" she exclaimed, leaning back but still gripping your shoulders so she could get a good look at you. "You look amazing," she added before dropping her hands.
"I was about to say the same to you," you said before sliding onto the barstool next to hers. She scoffed and shook her head.
"Don't bullshit me. After I had Aiden I was never able to lose the extra weight."
"I'm not bullshitting you," you laughed. "You were always too skinny before, I told you that tons of times. You look incredible. I mean it."
She blushed and waved you off. "What're you drinking? They have some specials til nine, that's when the fireworks are supposed to start, but sadly that's also when I'll have to leave," she said with a pout. "Babysitter's got plans. Can you believe the audacity? A twenty year old daring to make plans on the Fourth of July?" she asked, voice dripping with sarcasm. You laughed and took the stained piece of paper she held out for you.
"I can't believe he's doing specials now," you told her while you perused the menu.
"It ain't anything earth shattering. Bud's a buck cheaper and well drinks are two bucks each."
"And here I thought he dreamed up a cocktail menu," you replied with another laugh.
"Oh, honey, you know Bill won't even buy a goddamn blender for daiquiris."
It had been ten years since you left Texas and saw Leah, but just the way good friends do, you fell right back into each other without skipping a beat. Although the topics of conversation that had once centered around boys now focused on her children and work, you still found her so easy to talk to.
"And what about you? Now that you're back, what's the plan for work?"
You winced when you tossed back the rest of your drink and shook your head. "Don't know yet. I gotta get my head around going through all of dad's things and trying to sell that house. Hell, maybe Bill will hire me again," you joked.
"I know you're just kidding but he would in a heartbeat," Leah said before clearing her throat and taking on a more somber tone. "How're you holding up? Dealing with your dad passing 'n everything?"
You shrugged and smiled at the cute bartender who gave you both refills without having to ask. "I'm alright. It was a long time coming, he was sick for so long. I'm just glad he's not in pain anymore, but I miss him. This whole town just reminds me so much of him, you know?" you said, furrowing your brow while you watched your ice swirl in your glass. She nodded sympathetically and put a gentle hand on your arm. "It's so weird being back here now without him. Like I keep waiting for him to walk through the front door. It's why I can't keep the place. Too many memories, it's messing with my head," you said with a dry laugh before taking a sip of your drink.
"I get that. I can come by this weekend and help you for a few hours if you like," she said. You smiled at her and tilted your head to the side, overcome for a moment at how generous she was, knowing full well she had enough to deal with at home.
"Thanks, Leah. I'll let you know."
After another hour, the cute bartender cupped his hands around his mouth like a megaphone and announced last call for drink specials. Leah's face fell and she pushed off the bar with a sigh.
"Guess I oughta get going."
Sadness rippled through your chest at the thought of being alone again, but you tried not to let her see it. She had a family to go home to, a life.
"Thanks again for meeting me, I know it's hard for you and your schedule is so busy now," you said, giving her a hug.
She opened her mouth to reply when the cute bartender you had been eyeing up all evening put a drink in front of you.
"Oh, sorry, thanks, but I'm just about to leave," you told him. He wiped his hands on a towel and tipped his head to the side.
"It's on him."
Your gaze followed the direction in which his head tilted and you could hardly believe your eyes.
"Oh, boy," Leah muttered under her breath.
The man on the other side of the bar lifted his beer bottle to you before stepping away into the crowd. You could see his greying curls making their way through the throngs of people fighting to get one or two more cheap drinks and you felt anger slowly bubbling to the surface.
"Play nice," Leah warned you. You clenched your teeth and shook your head.
"I'm always nice."
She chuckled and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "Call me about this weekend."
"Yeah, okay," you replied distractedly, your heart thudding faster in your chest when the familiar looking man stepped through the crowd and sidled up next to you at the same time Leah disappeared, heading towards the door.
"Hey, darlin'. Hope you don't mind me buyin' you a drink," he said, his southern drawl thicker and slower than you remembered. "I'm Joel," he added, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
You stared at it too long, the alcohol buzzing through your veins and slowing down your train of thought.
"Yeah, I know who you are, Joel," you replied, ignoring his hand to glare up at him. "Do you really not recognize me?"
He swallowed and let his hand fall limp as he scanned your face, the gears in his head working overtime to try and place you, and the fact he didn't remember you hurt your feelings more than you expected.
"I, uh..." he trailed off and scratched his chin nervously. You rolled your eyes and leaned against the bar.
"I used to date your brother. For like, eight fucking months in high school. He stood me up for prom?" you reminded him, your tone turning icy. The realization clicked and his face softened when he quietly murmured your name.
"Oh, shit. Sorry, I didn't... thought you moved outta town."
"I did," you snapped. "I'm back now. Just got here last week."
He nodded and shifted his jaw to the side. It was like you could see the wave wash over him in real time: his memory recalling images of you in his mother's house, probably remembering stories Tommy told him when you weren't around, and finally, the uneasiness settled in when it dawned on him his brother could find out he made a move on his ex girlfriend.
But much to your surprise, Joel didn't come up with some feeble excuse and run off. In fact, he took Leah's abandoned stool and put his beer next to your untouched drink.
"Tommy was an asshole to you, wasn't he?" he asked. And even though it was ages ago, you could feel that wound in your chest slowly begin to open back up.
You shook your head and looked down at your hands.
"He embarrassed me. Dated me the entire school year, went to football games and every single house party together just to bring Jill fucking Parker to prom." You angrily took a long drink from your glass before setting it down a little too loudly on the bar. "Didn't even break up with me. Just... pretended like I didn't exist. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? I showed up an hour late, my hair and makeup all goddamn perfect, just to walk into the gym and see him dancing with her. Kissing her. Fucking dick," you muttered, raking your fingers through your hair.
Joel listened quietly, a sympathetic look on his face while you continued.
"I couldn't stay there. I turned right around and walked home. Cried the whole fucking night in some stupid fucking dress that matched his stupid fucking boutonniere."
Joel winced and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I - I remember some of that but I was too wrapped up in my own shit back then. Had one foot out my parents' door, had a girlfriend and was gettin' started in construction. I remember you at some family dinners but... I don't know, I'm real sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to ruin your night."
You sighed and rolled your shoulders. "You didn't, it's fine. It was a long time ago."
"Yeah, but it still hurts you. I can see it," he replied, his soft brown eyes boring into you.
"It shouldn't. I just haven't thought about all that in forever and so far, being back here is only bringing up shitty memories," you said sadly, stirring your drink absentmindedly.
Joel glanced around the bar, noticing it was beginning to clear as patrons filed out to the parking lot to get a good spot for the fireworks show about start in the town park down the street.
"C'mon," he said, abandoning his beer and taking your hand before sliding off the stool. "Let's go make a good memory. Fireworks are 'bout to start."
Your eyelids fluttered in surprise, first at the way he was holding your hand, and second at his proposition.
"Oh, we don't have to. I was going to head home, anyway," you told him. He was nicer than you expected about the whole situation, but it was bordering on pity, and that was something you certainly were not interested in.
"I ain't gonna keep you from leavin', but I could sure use the company," he said, still holding your hand. You chewed your bottom lip as you silently weighed your options. He smiled softly and gave your hand a little tug when he saw your resolve crumbling. "C'mon. I don't wanna watch fireworks alone."
You rolled your eyes and fought back the stupid smile from spreading across your face. "Alright, why not?" you said, hopping off your stool. You allowed him to drag you by the hand through the crowds of people mingling in the parking lot, through clouds of cigarette smoke and boisterous laughter until you reached his truck parked at the very corner of the lot.
Joel dropped your hand so he could unhook the tailgate, then jumped up with a grunt to unfold the pile of blankets he had shoved in the far corner. You took a few steps forward and watched curiously as he fluffed up two pillows, and you wondered if this was some kind of move he often pulled on girls.
"You came prepared," you said, trying to subtly test your theory. He glanced over his shoulder with a grin.
"Got stood up tonight," he replied, and the irony of it was too much. You burst out laughing, clapping your palm over your mouth.
"I'm sorry, it's just... what are the odds?"
He chuckled and, once he was satisfied with the blanket arrangement, extended an arm out to you.
"It was a blind date. Wasn't nearly as bad as bein' stood up for prom, but still stung a bit," he admitted. He clasped your hand in his and pulled you up into the bed of his truck with so much strength, you nearly fell against his chest.
"Oops, sorry," you said shyly when you had caught yourself from falling into his lap just in time. He just gave you another smile that was beginning to make your knees weak and leaned back into the bed of the truck. He readjusted his head on one of the pillows, one arm tucking behind his head with a sigh, and gazed up at the sky.
You looked around nervously, unsure what to do. The setting was a little too intimate to be in with your ex's brother, but no one else was around. The closest car with people in it was fifty yards away. And besides, if someone were to report back to Tommy, they would have already seen you together in the bar.
"So, why'd you move back?" Joel asked, his voice so much deeper now that you weren't surrounded by classic rock and loud conversations. You tucked your legs underneath you and looked down at him all stretched out. His shirt was riding up just an inch, exposing a sliver of tanned skin and a trail of dark curls leading past his waistband. You swallowed the lump in your throat and forced yourself to look away.
"Um, my dad died," you told him. His brows pinched together, giving you that look of pity that you had grown too familiar with.
"I'm sorry," he said, and you could tell he meant it.
"Thanks. He was sick for a long time," you explained, trying to downplay it, but he shook his head.
"Don't matter. Losin' a parent ain't ever easy."
You pursed your lips and nodded, staring down at your fingers twisting together in your lap.
"Suppose that's true."
He allowed you to sit quietly for a moment while you gathered your thoughts, waiting to see if you wanted to talk about it more or let it be.
"A blind date, huh?" you asked him, changing the subject.
"Yep. Blind date," he repeated, eyes flickering briefly down your body. "Don't wanna use no apps or shit. Thought it might be easier to do things the old fashioned way. Guess I was wrong."
"I know what you mean," you said. "It feels like it's impossible to meet anyone organically anymore."
He hummed and took a deep breath. "Like buyin' a girl a drink in a bar?"
You giggled and he grinned, the sound of your laugh sending a rush of adrenaline through his veins.
"Yes, but we already met before," you reminded him.
He nodded, smile still playing at his lips. "You use a lot of them apps?"
You felt your cheeks warm and shrugged. "Not really. I have used them, but not lately."
He bit the inside of his cheek and tried to ignore the nervous flutter in his chest when he asked, "That 'cause you got a boyfriend now, or..."
You laughed again and his nerves immediately calmed at the sound.
"No. No boyfriend."
He felt his hands shake while he struggled to come up with the right thing to say or do next when fate intervened and gave him the perfect answer.
A loud boom echoed from behind you and you jumped in surprise, then grinned when you tilted your chin up to see the fireworks had started. Joel cleared his throat, pulling your attention onto him.
"Gonna pull a muscle in your neck if you keep that up for the next half hour," he said, then patted the empty area next to him. You smiled shyly and it made his stomach flip.
"You're pretty smooth, Joel Miller," you teased before sliding down onto your back next to him so you could look up at the dark sky all lit up above you.
He tapped his chest nervously with the tips of his fingers, hardly paying attention to the fireworks now that you were so close that he could feel the heat from your soft skin and smell the scent of your shampoo burrowing its way into his blankets.
Unsure how to make the next move, he chose to go with a classic. He figured at the very least, you might laugh again.
"Why don't you get closer, darlin'? You look cold."
Sure enough, you did laugh, making his heart soar but to his shock, you also inched closer to him. Nestling into his side, you gently placed one of your hands on his stomach, but he could tell it made you nervous because your shoulders felt stiff and your breath was shallow.
"Is this okay?" he murmured after he wrapped an arm around you, his fingers brushing delicately over your arm.
"Mhmm," you said, feeling your skin prickle under his touch. He felt it, too, and pulled a blanket over you both.
How the hell did you end up in the back of your ex boyfriend's brother's truck, cuddled up under blankets and watching the fireworks? When you were getting ready earlier, your only hope was to find some distraction with an old friend for a couple hours. Whatever this was was a complete and pleasant surprise.
Both of you watched as your hand slowly crept up from his stomach to his chest, your hearts beating fast with anticipation. You tilted your chin up to look at him, those deep brown eyes meeting yours and in that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between you.
You met each other half way at the exact same time, pressing your lips together tentatively at first, then with more desperation. He tasted like stale beer but you loved it. It felt comforting. He was so warm and strong under your touch, his hand so big when it came to rest on the side of your face as he plunged his tongue greedily into your mouth for the first time. Somewhere in the back of your mind you realized what you were doing was probably wrong, that it could very well cause a problem between him and Tommy, but he was a grown man who knew exactly what he was doing when he took your hand in that bar.
You weren't exactly sure how it escalated, but it did. He rolled on top of you, pinning you with his weight while one hand skirted up your side, squeezing your breast before tugging the cup of your bra down underneath your shirt and rolling your nipple between two expert fingers. You moaned into his mouth and arched your back, pressing yourself into him.
"Joel," you whispered when his mouth trailed down your neck and his hips began to rut against yours.
"I know, 'm sorry," he panted, yet he didn't make a move to stop. "This probably ain't a good idea," he added, but just tilted his head so he could suck on the other side of your neck.
You bit your lip and tipped your head back, giving him better access.
"Probably not," you agreed when your hands found his belt. His lips stuttered against your throat when you deftly undid the leather and popped the button on his jeans.
"Shit," you whispered when his hand slid down the front of your shorts, his fingers petting at your sex through your panties.
"You want this, baby?" he asked, nipping at your collarbone. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, the fireworks in the sky matching the ones behind your eyelids.
"Say it," he commanded, voice dropping an octave and sending a shiver down your spine.
"I want it," you breathed before palming his erection through his jeans. He groaned and pressed himself further into your hand, encouraging you to rub his cock through the thick denim, your mind spiraling at how hard he was already.
He undid your shorts in record time, helping you shimmy out of them as quickly as possible, each of you panting for air, the excitement overwhelming.
"Joel, what if - shit," you cursed when he yanked your panties down and off, tossing them to get lost amongst the blankets. "What if someone sees?"
"Don't worry, I got you," he said, eagerly pushing his jeans down so they bunched up mid-thigh, then settled between your legs and tugged the blanket back over you both. "Ain't no one gonna see us, they're all lookin' up," he whispered before slotting your lips together once again.
Your brows pinched together and your mouth fell open when he first pressed inside, his impossibly hard cock parting your walls and making room for himself deep within your body. His hand cradled the side of your face, fingertips digging into the soft flesh of your cheek when he buried himself inside you with a grunt.
Your fingers found their way to the back of his neck, wrapping around the thick muscle there, threading through some of his hair and holding him close.
Joel bumped his nose against the side of your throat, his own gasps being drowned out by yours as he hid his face against your neck and slowly dragged his cock in and out. Each flex of his hips made you soften under him until you moaned his name into the night air, your voice being muffled by the fireworks overhead and oh, he liked hearing that. His name falling from your lips in ecstasy while he buried himself as deep as he possibly could inside your warmth caused him to think stupid thoughts and feel stupid things.
You wanted to ask him how he did it, how he made you feel so fucking good, how he managed to reach a place inside you that had your mind going numb and your skin tingling with anticipation, but you couldn't find your voice. You could only offer him small whimpers and throaty moans, hoping it would be enough to encourage him.
He panted against your skin, his wet exhale mingling with the humidity of the air, leaving your throat sticky and warm. His hand gripped your thigh, tugging your leg upwards, shifting you around until he found a position that pleased him.
His hips began to move faster when, in the back of his mind, he knew the fireworks would be wrapping up soon. He wished he could take his time with you. He wished you didn't have to hold back those pretty sounds that fell from your even prettier mouth. But fuck, you just looked so beautiful and you felt so good wrapped around him that he couldn't stop himself.
"Oh, god," you whined, fingernails digging into his upper back so hard that he could feel the pinch through the fabric of his shirt. "Right there, Joel, please," you whimpered, and he grinned.
"Y'feel so good, baby," he murmured in your ear, making sure to maintain the same pace within you, not wanting to deny you any pleasure. "So fuckin' good. Wanted you from the second I saw you tonight, y'know that?"
You moaned and continued to claw at his back, your eyes prickling with tears as your climax swelled low in your belly.
"I lied earlier," he admitted, watching your face closely when he said, "didn't sting at all that my date didn't show. Wouldn't've been able to keep my eyes off you the whole time, anyway."
You groaned and cried out his name, your hand slapping over your mouth and once again he grew angry with himself that he didn't just take you home.
"Joel," you whimpered behind your hand, and he yanked it down, uncaring if anyone heard at that point.
"Tell me what you want," he said roughly, hips fucking into you at a steady clip that made beads of sweat form against his hairline.
"Harder," you groaned, biting at his jaw, then latching onto his neck and sucking wet, open mouthed kisses there, hoping to leave a mark. "I'm close, fuck me harder," you repeated, and something primal in him unfurled at the command.
You buried your face against his shoulder when he started to snap his hips into you, his arms caging you in and keeping your body from sliding up the bed of the truck. You wrapped your legs around his waist like an anchor as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge, all the while his mouth dragged up and down your neck, your face, your shoulders... anywhere he could find skin, he left his mark.
Then he felt a familiar tightening around his cock and your body began to tremble underneath him, causing his stomach to tense and his hips to stutter. Your teeth clamped down on his shoulder when you came, your words muffled against his body, your hands scrambling against his back as if you were about to fall.
Maybe you were.
"Where?" he whispered frantically, and when you took too long to respond he grabbed your chin, forcing your eyes to lock. You were all fucked out, your body slack and your breath haggard as you gazed up at him, confused. "Where?" he asked again with more urgency, and finally it clicked.
"Inside," you replied, voice cracking. He shook his head like he was in pain and dropped his hand from your chin back down to your hip, pulling you impossibly closer while he continued to plunge inside of you. "It's fine, it's safe," you clarified for him, and that was all he needed to hear.
His mouth crashed over yours when he came, his kisses sloppy and his throat hoarse from the way his words turned into growls against your lips. He pulled back, breaking the kiss, and cupped your face again. Your noses brushed together and your eyes locked as his hips slowed down but still rocked into you, each surge of his cum punctuated by a soft ah until he finally stilled and collapsed.
"Christ," he grumbled against your shoulder. You gently raked your fingers through his hair while you each caught your breath, his body shivering when your nails scraped his scalp just right. He turned his head and gave you a little smile before tenderly pressing your lips together, then carefully sliding out of you with a grunt.
He rolled onto his back and yanked his jeans back up before searching around the ruffled blankets for your clothes. Right when the big finale began, he handed them back to you.
"Perfect timing," you giggled as you squirmed around under the blanket to put your clothes back on. Joel glanced around, his veins still pumping his body full of dopamine, and confirmed that nobody had been close enough to overhear, let alone see, what happened.
Once the fireworks stopped, the crowds of people in the parking lot clapped and began to head to their cars, headlights and engines turning on all around you.
You sat up and straightened out your shirt, trying to play it cool but internally you were freaking out. Was this a one time thing? It had to have been. Right? Did you want it to be a one time thing?
Then, Joel broke the awkward silence.
"Can I ask you somethin'? And you can be honest, it won't hurt my feelin's none," he said. When you looked over at him, he was looking off in a random direction, unable to look you in the face when he asked, "Was this just to get back at Tommy?"
You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
"N-no, of course not," you stammered. "I haven't even thought about Tommy in years. Besides, I wouldn't do something like that."
He tilted his head back in your direction and grinned.
"That's a relief, 'cause it mighta hurt my feelin's."
You laughed and tossed a pillow at him.
"You liar."
He chuckled and gently tossed the pillow back. You tucked it against your stomach as you stared at one another, each of you trying to work out what happened next.
"I wanna see you again," he said, answering your unspoken question, and you couldn't hide the delight from spreading across your face.
"Me, too," you said, and he smiled. A big smile, one that definitely made your knees weak that time. "But what about Tommy? I don't wanna cause some problem with you two."
Joel shrugged and took a deep breath. "Then maybe it can be our little secret."
A slow, mischievous smile tugged at your lips and you knew in that moment he was going to be trouble.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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pedge-page · 4 months ago
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: From Party of Two, to Family of Three
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Sunday Surprise takes place right before this, but not necessary for this part
notes: you guys already know this is my favorite little crackhead family. While we've been enjoying Sarah's adventures out of order for a while, lot of people have been asking when we'll meet Ellie. Which I didn't feel it was right until we actually see Sarah's birth! So here she is. Please enjoy!
warnings: childbirth (not too graphic), a shit ton of language, comedy and fuff
- - - -
They say childbirth is a miracle. It's the single greatest, most amazing, most heavenly, life giving, breath of fresh air day of any parent’s life.
What they don't say (almost as if conveniently forgetting to even mention it) is that the moments leading up to the birth are the single most excruciating, marathon through the worst hell of a nightmare.
"YOUUU. YOUUUUUU MOTHER FUCKING--FUUCCKKEERRRR!!" The banshee (his wife, you) next to him in the car screeches directly into his ear, a death grip on his forearm.
He’s one handing these turns, blowing more red lights than he's ever yelled at Tommy for, while ready to lose his right hand to your talons and his hearing to your incessant wails.
You squeeze your eyes shut, head crouched down while another wave of contractions splinters your insides apart. Every muscle known and unknown in your body is engaged. 
"We're almost there, you’re gonna make it--"
"YouFUCKINGfuckSTICkofaFuCkFuckshitheadfuckingbastard mothershitstainfrigginFUCK!"
You'd bash his head against his window repeatedly if your other hand wasn't already occupied cupping your rupturing belly.
Joel’s never been simultaneously in control and losing it inside all at once. He’s got one goal right now: get you to the hospital in one piece.
 That goes for driver safety but also to ensure the baby does NOT come out prior that because lord help him he would not know what comes next.
The truck screeches to a halt at the parking lot in 3 spaces. Joel tumbles out of the seat, missing a step and stumbling clumsily to his hands and knees on the pavement. He doesn’t even brush off the bruises and dirt as he’s running to you. You’ve nearly thrown him over again by how fast you swing the door open.
Both his sturdy, reliable, big hands are there for you when you take them, hoisting yourself with an agonizing yelp.
“You’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay, baby momma, you’re—“
You’re clutching your belly, now way lower than it ever has been. Each step feels like fire, with Joel cradling your back and trying to get you to the front door with quick steps.
“Baby! Baby now!” Joel shouts, pointing to you with wild and pleading eyes.
You let out a horrendous scream, stopping in your tracks. Your spine, your bones, your head, and especially your stomach, is all being hit by a truck right fucking now. And you’re crying, you’ve never cried like this. It’s not the fake shit he’s gotten so accustomed to when you want a cookie or milkshake or pussy eating. This is real.
They get you in a chair and wheel you off to the delivery unit, your hand squeezing the shit out of Joel’s but he’s never once let go. He’s gone so pale, running and running alongside you, trying to answer their questions about when it started, how long, what was due date, etc. 
He’s doing a million things at once, and you’re just fighting to stay alive.
Oh, you also would forget everything you were saying at this moment. But thankfully, Joel, and the entire fucking hospital, wouldn’t.
They manage to get you stripped to the papery gown, push your ass onto the bed, spread you wide so the doctor can take a look.
They’re all so calm, walking around and nodding, hooking you up like you’re just here for a checkup, like they’ve done this a thousand times before.
Joel feels the worst stabbing pain along his skull as your nails dig into his hair and yank him down to your face.
“MILLER,” you seethe, venom and sweat breaking through your clenched teeth and slitted eyes. 
You force out harsh pants, groaning, but making sure he understands you clearly right fucking now. “Give me. A fucking. Epidural.”
He looks around for some assistance. “Ep—is there an--”
Joel makes contact with the nurse, who checks below your legs again before resurfacing with the look Joel feared above all else. While you’re heaving and and moaning in pain, Joel receives the nonverbal confirmation she passes to him:
It’s too fucking late for an epidural.
Both Joel and the nurse also pass a clear, mutual understanding about how to pass that info on to you:
“ITS COMING!” He nods reassuringly to you, exceedingly over the top acting. “Right nurse? See she said it’s coming!”
“Any second now, we’ll get that epidural—“ she agrees, nodding and nodding with a thumbs up to you extra confidence.
“FUUUUCCCCKCKKKKKK,” you sink lower, back falling and head tossed as wave of new pain ripples through you.
“FUUCCKKING —Fuck J-Joel. Joel Miller—“
“yes baby, I’m here.”
“Im getting a fucking epidural.”
“Yes you fucking are.”
“You fuckers aren’t lying to me?”
Joel glances at the nurse again, who quickly shakes her head at you with her calm, straightforward, trusting voice of reason: “No ma’am we would never.”
Praise this woman, he thinks. “That’s right baby she’s telling ya, its coming—“
“I’ll FUCKING kill you, Joel Miller. Do you know that?”
“I fucking HATE you right now.”
“You shit—fuck bag motherfucker, I HATE you—you—you—“ and you start sobbing “—did this to me!”
“I did—“
Back again to an angered, snarling beast, you growl, “I’ll rip your fucking cock off. I’m fucking you up so fucking bad when we get home, you can never FUCKIN’ do this fucking shit to me again. Balls in the fucking blender.”
“Balls in the blender,” he repeats with absolute conviction, not an ounce of protest in him.
“The FUCkING blender—you hear me fucker?”
“The fucking blender, for sure baby, anything you want right after this.”
“Ugh--oh dfuck Joel its coming!”
“Yeah?” He asks, and its the first time he hears his own voice waver. Holy fuck this is it. This is the moment for the last 9 months its actually here—
“Just another contraction,” the doctor confirms casually.
FUCK DOC HOW LONG DOES THIS TAKE I can’t feel my skull!
“CUNT SUCKER!” You scream, holding Joel’s head hostage as you chant through your breathing pants.
“Any where’s my MOTHERFUCKING epidural!”
“It’s coming! It’s coming!” Joel nods to his now best friend nurse, who’s also nodding dramatically to keep you distracted from the epidural that is absolutely not on its way.
“Miller,” you growl, shoving his nose right against yours. You stare into his very soul, like Death herself ripping his life choices out of his body and spilling them under your eyes. “I think that Bitch is lying to me. There’s no fucking epidural coming, is there.”
“There is, baby, she said it herself, I checked…”
“Are you fucking lying to me Miller?”
“Never baby, we’d never lie to you, right?” He gestures to the nurse again, who nods diligently again. “See baby, no lying, we’d never lie.”
He watches your jaw drop, voice disappear as another roar is ripped from your chest..
“I can’t do this.”
“You can, you can and will. I’ll give you anything you want, right after you do this.”
“I want you fucking DEAD.”
“Sure thing. Want a divorce too?”
“I’m CONSIDERING IT,” you bark a baritone lower like the devil. “FuuuUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!”
“I’ll get the papers printed right up. Favorite pen signed an’ all. But only after you have this baby tonight—“
The doctor checks the monitor again just as you let out a piercing scream. 
“Ma’am it’s time to push.”
“YOU PUSH!” You shout, waving your arm at him but unable to put a curse to the end of it. Your pains are coming through quicker, no longer waves but an unyielding rumbling as the baby kicks and punches and squirms and—
Joel is by your side, taking your hand in his. He’s prepped this speech in his head a million times, every night, every time he felt that baby kick or watched you struggle to tie your shoes, every single second, he’s perfected it:
“It’s here. Its happening. You’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do this together, you and me, right now—“
Your voice is calm and face plain. “Changed my mind. Not having this baby.”
“Yes you for fucking sure are.”
“Nope no. I’m returning it. Got the receipt.”
“There—there IS NO RECEIPT.”
“Yes—I got it—90 day warranty—“ your face tightens, clenching out the last word as if you’re mentally willing this baby to not pop out right now. But by god this baby is not taking your bullshit any longer.
“We are way past the 90 day warranty, honey, you’re having this baby, TODAY, Right NOW!”
“Nope, nope I’m gonna suck it back in!” 
It seems all ability to ‘suck it back in’ has failed, as the nurse shouts clearly “I see a head!”
Your voice breaks in the most heart wrenching “I CAN’T—“ you sob, terror in your voice.
You scream again, and it’s the worst thing Joel’s ever heard. He feels like a kid again, for the first time in a long while, when his parents fought, and the sounds of their voices carried upstairs to his and Tommy’s bedroom. He wanted to run, hide in the closet, cover his ears, cradling himself and rock back and forth, shut his eyes and his mind out, drain everything away. Instead, he held Tommy, he watched Tommy, he calmed Tommy. He bared the brunt of it, and the fear, he learned to control it.
The control is gone. He’s fearing again. And it’s not his parents having an argument over watermelon seeds, but his wife experiencing the most unimaginable pain right now, and it’s because of him, it really is, just like you said. Worse than nails on a chalkboard, glass in his eyes, fire on his feet. He’s so scared, everything he had tried to train for, for you, for this moment, is collapsing before him, and he’s not gonna make it—
Every fiber in his body grips your hand more tightly than possible. “You can,” he says, sturdy yet trembling. He’s scared.
He’s always known what to do, what comes next, how to make your pain and sadness and tears go away. He’s perfected it, knowing what to get you or what to say to make it all better, but now?  He doesn’t know what comes next. Doesn’t know how to make it stop, help you through it, take your worries and griefs—you’re on your own and he’s just next to you, and its not enough, and he can’t help, and he doesn’t know what to do—He doesn’t know what to do-Hedoesntknowwhattodo!
He feels a gentle hand on his shoulder; the nurse who’s holding all the pieces of his heart and sanity together. She looks at him, focused, locked in from the moment your wailing, miserable self was wheeled in here, and has been doing everything he can’t.
“We’re right there. I need you to ground her,” she says. “Can you do that?”
He nods, tightening his lips. He remembers your hand in his now, remembers where he is, in this moment, and its all the matters.
He’s here. And he wants—needs you to know he’s not going anywhere.
He calls your name. “It’s time, okay baby?” Steady. Reassuring. Level headed. Strong. Rock. Crutch. Love. Everything he’s good at. Everything you know him by. “I need you to push.”
You shake your head again, eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenching hard. But he nods, because he’s gonna do the nodding, and the yes’ing, and he’s gonna take everything that’s ever caused you wrong or pain or sadness away because it’s what he does.
It’s what makes him keep going.
“Keep going!” The nurse encourages. “Dad, you’re doing great, keep getting her to focus—“
“I’M NOT GETTING MY FUCKING EPIDURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!” You sob in finality, the truth seeping into your bones. “YOU FUCKING—MOTHERFUCKING CUNNT SHIT STICK LITTLE BI—“ 
“For Christ’s sake, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” The nurse howls, and the entire room goes silent, even you. Joel stares at her dumbfounded. 
‘“The baby. Is HERE,” she huffs definitively. 
“Now fucking—PUSH!”
Joel’s heart has stopped. 
He doesn’t know where it is, but he knows it’s no longer in his body. 
Its not until he hears the first, most beautifully devastating croak of an angelic cry that he’s felt his heartbeat resume again, and its being cradled gently by the nurse as she pulls the tiniest, wrinkliest, most precious thing on this planet from between your legs.
“Congratulations, mom and dad. A healthy, happy baby girl.”
There’s no way this little—thing—this… bean—can be a baby. It’s the size of both his hands together, and so incredibly delicate, my god, weighing almost nothing and yet the sheer weight of who she is has him nearly capsizing at this very moment.
She’s wrapped delicately in cloth, face and nostrils wiped of fluids before landing gracefully in your outstretched arms. And it’s like the cosmos has realigned in harmony.
No amount of sweat, tears, crazy hair and braised skin, torn clothing and achy muscles could possibly deter the absolute love bursting from your chest as you hold the tiny baby in your grasp. “Hi,” you whimper with a big smile, eyes floating in a shiny haze pf exhaustion and happiness, looking down upon her. “Hi baby girl.” you laugh, tears falling freely as you shake your head and hold her closer, as close as possible, reabsorbing her into your bare chest, and you feel it. Her skin on yours. You’ve carried her this entire time, and yet it’s like you’re feeling her for the first time in your life.
Joel curls next to you, his big palm splayed over top her whole body, touching her. And it’s the first time, the first time he’s felt his daughter. He had been separated by the membrane of your belly, anxiously, excitedly waiting all this time to meet her, and now she’s here. She’s here. Neither one of you can believe it.
Your little baby wiggles, cooing noise stuck in her throat as she settles from her cries. she’s so wrinkly, skin still absorbing all that fresh air, working color into those cheeks and hands, fingers and toes. Her eyes are too swollen, not yet ready to say hi to this world. But that’s okay. Because her mom and dad are still going to be right here when she wakes up, the first people who will introduce her to the world around her. Because she is their world.
“Joel,” you whisper softly. He hears you. He’s here. He hasn’t left your side once. You know he’s here, you’re grateful. He’s here. He loves you. 
“Joel,” you hum again. “She’s beautiful.”
You tremble against him. Shaken from love and joy, more than your entire achy body can contain as you bring her little head to your lips and press the most fulfilling kiss to her.
Joel cups her little head. He wants to hold her, but he’s gotta wait. Fuck after all this time, he’s gotta wait. And it’s enough. He can handle it because he’s so fucking overwhelmed that she’s finally here.
“She’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen,” he rasps into your hair, kissing you tenderly.
Joel steps outside the room, softly closing the door behind him. He watches from the glass window pane, with you perfectly framed in the center as its only subject. Just the way he’s seen the world every day since he met you. 
Only this time, you hold another part of you, and him, in your arms.  The two of you, together. Like the only things that will ever matter to him.
And suddenly, Joel lets himself feel it all.
He clutches his mouth with the entirety of his palm, his yelp buzzing in his hoarse throat. He feels his knees give way, tumbling to the ground, one hand holding the wall while the other grips his face to keep the cries at bay. And he cries. He cries harder than he’s ever cried, and they’re wonderful. They hurt like kisses, burn like candy, ache like love. 
He wants to go back in there.
Quickly wiping his face clean, he stands up, straightening himself.
The nurse who had delivered his baby stands next to him.
“She did fantastic. You both did.”
Joel tries to clear his throat, but his face is so obviously still red, swollen and barely holding it together. She doesn’t question nor judge the tough guy facade, yet completely speaks to his soul, telling him everything he didn’t know he needed to hear. “She’s 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Ten fingers and toes. Brown eyes. Hearing is great, so is—“
“Thank you,” he interrupts.
She goes quiet but offers a gentle smile. 
As he stares at her, the literal saint that got you and his baby through this, from point A to B, he realizes  nothing is coming to his head.
“I’m sorry, I … I don’t even know your name.”
She laughs. “I would not expect you to. You had way more to worry about.”
“Well, I just … really, really wanted to say…. Thank you…”
“Sarah,” she responds.
“Sarah,” he repeats. He repeats it over and over again in his mind, as if its going to stick, and he doesn’t quite know why yet.
“I’ll give you two—three, some time together,” she says, gathering the checkerboard hanging by the wall. “Then I’ll be back to help get her ready to take home, and let your wife sleep some more.”
He nods, looking down then back up, just as she’s patting his shoulder reassuringly and turning away to attend her other duties.
When he steps back inside, you look up to him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he whispers back. Now that the dust has settled, he can finally see just how exhausted you are. The absolute train wreck that has battered your body this last hour really settling in, and it makes his chest sore to see you like that. Your gown pulled halfway down to your ribcage, tousled hair sticking awkwardly to your forehead and back from all the dried sweat. And yet none of it, absolutely nothing, is getting in the way of that smile that hasn’t left your cheeks since the moment you heard her cry.
“She’s sleeping,” you hum, looking back down at your daughter, who’s coddled up in a wrap and little cap.
“You thinking about putting the baby down, getting some sleep too?”
He smirks, looking down at her again.
“You think about any names yet?” You ask, stroking over her little forehead.
The two of you had thought about it. A lot. You didn’t want it to be random, but you didn’t want it to be weird. It had to have meaning, but not so closely related to a family member that you’d always mess them up at thanksgiving. It had to remind you of someone strong, unique, purposeful but distant enough that she could to grow and make it her own. 
And this was a girl, after all, so it had to be someone that could put momma AND papa in their place whenever shit got too crazy. 
“I’ve got…one.”
Joel helps dress the baby from her swaddled blanket into clothes.
“They’re gonna be a little bit big at first—“ you say, giggling as the two of you realize that the smallest clothes in the world are still a little too baggy on your little—so fucking little—girl.
Joel doesn’t waver, helping put her bitty legs through the loose pant legs…
You see him wipe his lips quickly, swallowing a lump to clear his throat.
“Joel, are you crying?”
“No,” he rasps like a whimper. “M’just sweatin’ through my eyes.”
You let out a chuckle, and Joel tries to do the same, but then he looks down at his little angel again, who’s stretching herself out in the new cloth that’s practically a giant coat on her. Joel starts to tremble. “She’s so perfect,” he weeps, and the shine in his eyes are clear as day.
“Oh baby, it’s okay to cry! I’m gonna cry too—“ you bawl, and now the two of you cry over this little girl who’s just trying to figure out why this blanket is stuck to her.
Not a great first impression from mom and dad but she’ll just have to deal with it.
And just like that, the Miller family went from party of two, to family of three.
6 weeks later…
The baby monitor crackles to life, and Joel is already tossing the blanket aside before the baby utters her first cry. He’s already up, kissing your forehead with “I’ll get her," almost excitedly through the heavy lull of sleep. You barely get a noise out of your throat, already snoring away into the pillow. He’s exhausted too, but his feet carry him onward with droopy eyes as if on their own.
He’s still not happy about the pink paint color of her bedroom, but that hardly matters right now. Terribly dramatic cries echo from the crib ahead. He scoops his little bean—since that’s what she looks like all curly in her onesie—supporting her head carefully and tucking her into one elbow. 
He rocks her squirming, agitated body back and forth in one arm as he shakes the now warmed bottle in his other hand. Joel tries to get her screaming mouth to take the cap, but she shakes her head, avoiding him at all costs to her own detriment.
 "Oh you’re such a squiggly girly for daddy. I got ya bubbas right here, quick ya cryin’. You’re gonna wake up mommy." 
As if she understands how she wouldn’t want to cause YOU any problems, his baby stops crying and accepts the bottle between her lips. Once she finally has her snacking, she peacefully looks back up to him, studies him. 
"There she is.  Told ya." He grins, swaying back and forth as she stares back at him with those big beautiful brown eyes. You definitely got one of your wishes: Joel’s eyes. The rest of her, is yours.
He’s hypnotized, so in love with her he didn’t think it was possible to love something as much as you. He already knows he’s gonna get her the dog, the kitty, the pony, the car, credit card, dress, house, anything she points to really; he’s never going to be able to say no to those enchanting eyes.
All of her bitty fingers fist around Joel’s pointer, as if to anchor her, and she doesn't let go as she drinks safely.  
She’s only 10 pounds now, but he feels like Atlas, carrying the entire weight of the world all curled up in his arms right now. Ans he'd carry this weight forever if he could, would pump iron and concrete slabs and oceans just to stay in shape and keep his girl in his arms for eternity, never to tire.
“My babygirl,” he whispers with a grin, pursing his lips close to her. “My little baby Sarah.”
- - - -
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 1 year ago
fic recs masterlist
since I was thinking about rereading some of my fav fics, here's a massive list of my favorites include haikyuu, jjk, bsd, etc
frankenstein's monster by starbeyy: sakuatsu fic where they both are diagnosed with OCD. this is the fic that is my instant rec, it's my roman empire. "you were the first beautiful thing i couldn't stop thinking about"?????????? this is a MASTERPIECE
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu: THE iwaoi fic of all time, permanently altered my brain chemistry, my friend made me a gift of an embroidered hercules beetle and a quote from this fic and it's one of my most prized possessions
The Chosen One by moonyfest: one of my all time favorites, it's just so good and I love how their relationship develops, it's one of the fics that I reread every few months, nsfw in later chapters
Miya Atsumu, Adored By All (loved by some) by honest_pebble: the sakuatsu fic of all time, my inner atsumu kinnie came out while reading this and I cried multiple times while reading it but holy FUCK was it amazing, I reread this every few months as well, I have it downloaded on my phone lol
i wanna ruin our friendship by roseknight: highschool iwaoi fic, one of the first hq fics i ever read and it's very close to my heart because of it, make sure to look at tags for trigger warnings
i'm a house with no windows, you're the flowers on the front porch by miracleboysatori: a phenomenal childhood friends to lovers ushiten fic that has not been given the love it deserves, one of my favorite hq fics of all time, nsfw in later chapters
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya: You've Got Mail au daisuga fic, a ton of background ships that are all super cute, I reread it all the time it's one of my favs!!!!!
the spirit of the resolution by starbeyy: this is my fav sunaosa fic of all time, osamu's complicated relationship with his self esteem really hit me especially when they're getting late night take out, i adore this fic and it's one of my favorites
can i be close to you by radian: kuroken fic where they don't know each other at first but slowly become friends and it's all lowercase but it's so good i promise, super fluffy
Vienna Waits For You by Pouler (poulerslashes): asanoya timeskip fic that's sooooo good in talking about what it's like to grow up and feel the pressure of the world on your shoulders and living up to your potential and expectations, nsfw in later chapters
Black and Blue by MTrash: daisuga au fic, i was obsessed with this fic when i first read it, it's really sad but really good, make sure to look at the tags for trigger warnings, nsfw in later chapters
you're the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) by ghostpot: kuroken fic where kenma realizes he's in love with kuroo and spends the entire fic freaking out about it
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon: tsukkiyama fic where tsukishima realizes he's in love with tadashi before kagehina realize they're in love with each other and it's super cute, all of this author's tsukkiyama fics are so good
Liebesträume (Dream of Love) by emivance: sakuatsu rivals to lovers musican au, their dynamic this entire fic is so funny and they're obviously intro each other but are in deep denial about it, nsfw in later chapters
surfacing by meeks00: bokuaka au where they find out their bfs have been cheating on them with each other, one of my fav bkak fics they're so precious, nsfw in chapters 2 and 3
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) by gabstar: bokuaka one shot that I am OBSESSED with, the way their relationship speed runs is my favorite aspect of this fic because its exactly what i imagine their relationship doing
Similar Creatures by h_lovely: iwaoi Pretty Woman au that's soooooo good, i really liked how their relationship developed and grew throughout the fic, nsfw all over this fic
Kiss Me (Like You Wanna Be Loved) by kazzydolyn: bokuaka friends w benefits fic where they fall in love with each other at the same time but akaashi doesn't know what to do about it, nsfw
Guiding Stars by daedalust: hiruhoshi fic that y'all will devour once we get more of hoshiumi and hirugami in the anime, they have one of my fav friendships in the series, hirugami is enamored with hoshiumi who asks for dating advice
Behind Bricks by DeathBelle: bokuaka au where akaashi is a sex worker and they become friends but bokuto falls in love with him instantly, a lot of nsfw obviously
Hard Times by mooifyourecows: daisuga au where olympian daichi pays con artist suga to be his fake fiance during a cruise, my FAVORITE daisuga fic ever, i was chomping at the bit for each update, nsfw in later chapters
Valor with Honor, Fealty with Love by radiantradish: daisuga medieval knight au, they slowly fall in love as rivals and it's suuuper cute yet angsty, mild nsfw in later chapters
In the Armpits of Spring by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98: iwaoi au where they meet in high school and oikawa confesses to iwaizumi before they ever really meet, iwaizumi's growing curiosity about oikawa is soooooo cute their relationship is developed really well
The Space Between Stars by leuralo_l: bokuaka fic where everyone but bokuto knows that akaashi is in love with him, I was so impressed with this fic especially since the author said it was their first fic pls give it a read!!!!!!
wait (I'm on my way) by viverella: sunaosa fic where they're both oblivious to each other's affections and are quietly pining, their relationship is super cute and adorable
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl: kyouhaba fic where they bicker but slowly fall for each other during high school along with background iwaoi, i loved this fic it was so good, some mentioned and blatant homophobia
beautiful monsters by gravitates: ushiten fic with slight angst but damn did it make me feel emotional, ushijima is so soft and tender and loving to tendou, another one of my favs
Cool, detached, casual by fluorophoring: kuroken fic where they try to have casual sex but it doesn't really work and they both spiral lol, nsfw
Breakers by ftld: sunaosa 90s au, god I LOVED this fic and how obvious of a simp osamu is, it's sooooo good, some mentioned/blatant homophobia
Special Relativity and Years by buttonstuck: mega angsty iwaoi fics with the second being an alternate ending of the first fic that has a sad, bittersweet ending that made me cry harder than I have in YEARS, some mild nsfw in the first fic
your whole life on your play by emleewrites: kagehina proposal fic that goes exactly how i picture it would go in canon
make up your mind by sketchedsmiles: sunaosa fake dating au where osamu asks suna to be his fake bf in order to one up atsumu who's dating sakusa, i absolutely loved this fic lol
Jujutsu Kaisen
Caesura by cielelyse: suuuuuuch a good rivals to friends to lovers satosugu fic about their first year in jujutsu high together and the mission that made them friends, probably my fav jjk fic ever
And every day, it's changed since then. by BotanicalBites: inuokka college au where yuuta is an artist trying to escape from his growing fame in the country and meets farmer inumaki
What Instinct Can't Teach by kiyokosturtle: chosoyuki and it's sooooo good how to author develops their relationship before the smut lol, nsfw in the last chapter
The Long Con by lyrebirdswrites: an itafushi no curses au that isn't finished yet but is soooooo good, this fic is currently being plagiarized by another author so it's on hiatus for now but I'm hoping the original author gets everything worked out!!!!
Bungo Stray Dogs
where your loyalties lie by writingfromtheshadows: soukoku yakuza au, this is by far the best bsd fic i've read so far, their relationship is just so believable and their characters are wonderful, nsfw
the art of burning bridges by sanguinekitten: soukoku fic from chuuya's perspective about different times in their lives together, it's so good
i think he knows by sanguinekitten: soukoku 5+1 fic where dazai knows that chuuya loves him but the latter refuses to admit it
Threats Made in a Hotel Room by moonrice (moonyeyes): soukoku fic where dazai pisses of chuuya so much they start making out
A Lesson in Thorns by arkastadt: soukoku beast au fic where they're in an arranged marriage and slowly fall in love, similar premise to where your loyalties lie but an entirely different plot, I still have ten chapters left but I'm really enjoying it so far, nsfw
i'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake by sascake: mha tododeku fic that I instantly fell in love with, the way the author writes both of them is so well done, not finished yet, mild nsfw mention
sore must be the storm by Pouler (poulerslashes): mha tododeku fic where they're trapped in a collapsing building and they have a deep talk about their lives
Until my Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya: yoi viktuuri au fic that I binged like crazy, yuuri and viktor's first interaction goes differently and yuuri is determined to hate viktor, nsfw in later chapters
seraph's nest by phile: csm akiangel fic where they slowly become friends and fall in love with each other over the course of the manga's plot
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skyrigel · 8 months ago
Obsessed with you 11
Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Benedict bridgerton x afab! reader
Synopsis: Ton's most eligible bachelor makes a move, oh dear ! An offer by the gentleman.
Warning: no description of reader, reader's last name is Rose for convenience ( used only twice ) internal conflict, mutual pinning but it's secret on reader's part, Benedict being an absolute tease, touchy Benedict, fluff and humour, reader's mother has some issues, resentment feelings for love, alcoholism ( blink and you miss it ) please read it !! ( No Polin, kathony in this chapter)
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Dearest gentle readers,
This author believes desire to be a spectrum, and while longing, passion, lust and love are often known, i would ask, ' have you ever seen obsession ? ' it is rather very tempting.
It is not I, but the moon that basked in the sky last night who whispered, and i simply convey. There's been an offer made by the gentleman. Tempting, is it not ?
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The next morning...
" How was your evening ? "
You coughed, grasping your throat as Mrs. Turner immediately patted your back, helping you with water.
Your mother's gaze was usually unfocused and clouded but even so, it was terrifying enough when she narrowed them at you.
" Fine." You said, feeling your chest burn, " It was very pleasant."
" That's amazing dearest." She turned back to her plate, untouched as it was, she hardly ate sometimes, you looked away, blinking.
" Ma'am, shall we expect any caller ? " Mrs. Turner asked your mother, but the question was solely directed to you.
" Indeed." Mama drank, her third glass of wine," she's very good girl." She added, raising her empty glass, her eyes stinging with moisteness.
" She is." Mrs. Turner smiled, you dropped your gaze back to your breakfast, staring hard. Oh god, what have you done ?
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While waiting for a caller...
If Mrs. Turner noticed your panic, she said nothing and darkest part of you wondered if she was enjoying it actually.
" Your mother will be so disappointed if you have no caller today." Mary sighed, you winced internally, feeling sudden urge to just run and run until everything inside you crumbled and withered away.
" C'mon ! " Mary moaned, nudging you on your arm, "you're scaring me like that, say something."
" I don't know." You turned to her, pulling a straight face " suggest something lady Mariam." Mary groaned, you giggled, remembering how your sister used to, in every pain, in every nightmare.
Gissele joked all the times, her sharp wits and biting humour was something you always looked up at, you always wanted to be her because nothing touched her, she never cried, never baffled, her laughter still echoed sometimes in your head. But when night came and so did fear and darkness, on one such you tip tooed to her room, frozen at the soft sobs that were muffled by the pillow.
The jokes weren't funny anymore.
" Oh i wish—" whatever Mary wished was drowned by Mrs. Turner who entered the room with a undignified frown directed to you both , her eyes sharpening with unspoken disdain. Mary sat up straighter, abandoning her usual hunching and slouching.
" You have a caller miss." Mrs. Turner annouced, " Mr. Benedict bridgerton." She said, her mouth bitter with loathing.
You half registered her resentment before a shrilly strangled noise escaped your throat, mind swirling with last night memories that you were still not accepting to be true, you told Mary everything except the offer from the gentleman, or perhaps it wasn't a offer at all. A demand.
" Oh no." Mary gasped, you weren't sure if you had nodded or said anything but Mrs. Turner left, her mouth clasped close, brow knitted.
" What should I do ? " You bited your lip, panic settling, you remembered too well how bolting Benedict made you feel, the feel of his lips pressed against your skin. It was too endearing, a feeling that was too close to flying, soaring high but also to falling, down and down till there's nothing holding you but gravity, Benedict made you skip your heartbeats then become it's very muse.
" Be yourself. Didn't you say that to me ? "
Mary deadpanned, sensing your dread, she tried again,
" We can still run away, the window's open—" Mary stood upright, turning towards the fireplace when Benedict came. He was holding flowers, almost all kinds, his eyes twinkled as he raked his gaze upon you, smiling.
" Good morning, miss Rose." He bowed, at first to you, handling your flowers and you were gone the moment his fingers brushed against you, but it was then you realised there were two bouquets.
" Lady Mariam Turner." Benedict's smile grew wicked, you were sure to heard Mary mumbling something very blasphemous before she turned around, her face red.
" A very good morning, Mr. Bridgerton." She bowed, her eyes shut. You were paralyzed, feeling your skin still buzzing.
" C'mon, don't stand too much ladies, you might get tired." He purred, clapping his hand as he sat down next to you the couch, Mary and you shared a look before you sat back, she followed on the other one.
" Why did you come ? " You said, feeling your throat getting rigid, considering how Mary sighed, it was the worst possible thing to say to your caller, it didn't matter.
" Well, I was going to meet you mother and ask for your hand in marriage today but since she's sick and confined to her chambers, I shall do it tomorrow." You gaped at him, no matter how much you convinced yourself that it was just a dream, in no hell it could be now, his sincere eyes were most dazzling and despite the smirk that lit up his whole face, there was no ounce of humour.
" That's.." you shaked your head, don't think about his mouth, stop, stop, stop—
" Very kind." Mary was equally baffled, but you knew what a tease she would be to you later, if only you survived now.
" Thankyou lady Turner." Benedict smiled to her, bowing again, his teeths showing and Mary's ear blazed and she looked away, chortling under her breath.
" I am sorry about yesterday." You weren't sure how you could offended him but it didn't matter, you would be doomed if anyone knew of the lunacy you pulled last night.
Benedict deepened his gaze but said nothing, he slowly descended to your collarbone and heat crept up your spine. You shifted back, baffled at the tightening in your guts.
" I shall leave you to talking." Mary stood up, motioning towards the shelves and shelves of books.
" You don't read." You hissed at her, she sticked out her tongue tip and was gone, sparing few glances in between.
" I like her." Benedict said, you noticed that he was much closer. It surely wasn't a trick of your mind.
" Why are you doing this ? " You asked him, because you would be damned if it were another of his flirtings, another way to entertain himself. A frown crossed his jolly face and it didn't look like it belonged there.
" Forgive me if I had not made that clear." He said, his eyes softened when he looked at you, " I want to marry you." Oh.
No, no, you told yourself, didn't what Mrs. Turner said, he liked them of class, he has no honour when it comes to corrupt young ladies—
" You don't even know me." You said, voice small and frail.
" As much as I know you, you are kind, gentle and affectionate. Your beauty however is yet another muse of mine, i tried so hard, to trap you in canvas and colours but I couldn't do any justice, for you were simply ethereal in your own orbit. " He said, " but I would like to know all of you, every layer, every facade...you are the most extraordinary person i have ever met."
You wouldn't believe him, no matter how bright his eyes shine and how true every word feels, no, you wouldn't make the mistake Gissele made. Words, stupid words.
" We danced, only one time."
" It was enough." He reached out and kept his hand over yours, it was then your realised how badly your hands were trembling.
You didn't pull away, you knew how you would break down if you had to. You held onto him, not that you trusted him, no.
" Listen love, " love, He said it so softly, you were so doomed, " The moment our eyes locked I knew you had bewitched me, everything inside me longed for you...and..I knew it's silly but I thought i would die if I didn't see you again and when I did, I knew there was no life worth living it it's not with you."
" Those are just words." You looked away, instead focusing your eyes on Mary on the other end of the room, pretending to read a book, it was upside down.
" Yes, they are." He agreed, " so that's why I am here to make them actions, I fancy you so much that it sometimes scares—"
" Then don't, love shouldn't be scary." You remembered all those letters in Gissele's room, talking about love this, love that, ending with love you's, but what then ?
Benedict chuckled, like you weren't bashing him. he squeezed your hand gently. His fingers sliding through the dips of your knuckles, like moulded for each other. Stop.
" Love's not scary, it can be when you think about losing them, I was last night when I thought you wouldn't show up. That I would never see you again...no, I was terrified."
" You knew." You turned to him, he was practically hopping as he caught your gaze, every desire crawling out to you, screaming your name.
" I did." He confirmed, you raised your brow in question, " I would recognise you anywhere." He said simply and just like that you believed him.
You felt your face warming, heat shooting up in flames, Benedict seemed amused as his other hand, the one not making stars on your wrist came to caress your cheek. His lips parted when he felt your warmness, then he smiled, a knowing one.
" What if I nothing that you have assumed me to be ? " You weren't sure why you asked him that, perhaps it was the last letter you burnt before your elder sister could read it.
...Gis, this is not what we agreed on, this is not you, not the Gissele i knew. Please stop claiming it to be mine, we didn't even go that further, stop spreading these sour rumours that could filth my name...
" I adore all of you, every bit and every mole, i don't think there's any choice for me, it's just... there's no proof but you just know...I knew it, it's you, miss Rose. It was always going to be you."
You nodded, not sure if you could speak anything, feeling your heart thud louder and louder with each word that he spoke, every curve of his mouth and you could slowly feel time stoping.
That was the moment Mrs. Turner took to came, you yanked your hand back but Benedict wasn't much interested and his whine was quite visible.
" Mr. Bridgerton, Would you like lemon cakes, our cook is quite famous for it ? " Benedict looked at the refreshments that was left untouched except the biscuit that Mary nicked while on her way to 'reading' books upside down.
" As much I am very fond of it, i would have to say no. Me and miss Rose fancied a walk around the gardens."
Mrs. Turner looked accusingly at you and you shrugged, Benedict ignored all of that.
" Pleasant weather, is it not ? "
Mrs. Turner perched her lips, smiling that was mere curtsy. Oh god, what are you Benedict bridgerton ? Why are you so obsessed with me ?
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By the secret gardens, with Mr. Bridgerton...
" Lady Mariam, alright ? " Benedict turned back to Mary who walked few steps behind you and him.
" Yes my Mr. Bridgerton." She said, slowing even more, she wasn't even trying to be good chaperone. Benedict praised her for it.
" That's my hand." You grasped your skirt before Benedict could hold it, for god sake, people were watching.
" Oops." Benedict apologised, not being sorry at all, his smile widening. You kept your eyes ahead.
" So would you say yes when I will propose ? " Benedict asked this, indirectly for the third time since the walk, he was rather good with words, he was also good at painting as much as you had heard and— stop, stop, stop.
" Haven't you already proposed ? " You stopped, he did too, cocking his head sideways.
" Yes indeed I have and I meant it." He admitted, " I was talking about the one where I am on my knees."
You weren't going to think about that, absolutely not, in no scandalous way. His thighs would look very erotic. Shit.
" You're lying." He scoffed. Yes you were, not that securing a proposal this season was your absolute ultimatum. Your mother wasn't cruel, she never was, but she was very paranoid and it was more crueler sometimes.
But marrying Benedict wouldn't be your escape or security, because you knew you would love him, whatever that was and if you could hate yourself for it then so it be.
The fate and destiny Benedict said, the way he just knew and who were you lying to ?
Didn't you touched him and got so electrified that you knew nothing would ever be same again, say it, go on. Lie, lie again but swear it if you didn't lock eyes with him and wished to just get lost and never be found. Wasn't it the night of the masquerade ball when you were truly alive for the first time in so long, giggling and free, dancing with your hands tied. Go on, lie.
" You wish." Benedict laughed on that, rich and beautiful and enough to make you hide your face as it went crimson.
" Lady—" he bagan to turn, you grabbed his elbow, jerking him to you, very unladylike.
" Stop teasing her." You leaned towards him and while you were in no position to talk about flustering but damn, Benedict was knocked out of his breath. You smiled, it was truly inevitable not to.
" I like to."
" Mean."
" That's very unladylike to insult your husband to be." Benedict said, recovering, all his smugness on full display. You let go of his arm, bending to take a pebble.
" Husband ? " You tossed a pebble off the lake, hoping to blame the rosiness that bloomed your cheeks on the sun.
" Yes wifey ? " Benedict ducked his head, like a puppy with stars in his eyes. He was so beautiful, why did he have to be like this ?
" Don't call me that." Please, very much call me that, it makes me blush, please, please.
" Then what should I call you ? " Benedict asked, before you could answer him, his arm grasped your waist, pulling you to him in a sudden moment. Wish you could say you immediately pulled away but that would be a lie. You melted in his embrace, eyes shut, a soft rhythmic music, it was his heart beats, you listened.
" Pebble." Benedict whispered down in your ear, you nodded once, pulling away hesitantly. He wasn't sure but let go of your elbow at last, his cheeks pink with blood.
" Should I call you Mrs.Bridgerton ? "
" Aren't there going to be three Mrs. Bridgertons ? "
Benedict bumped your nose on that, laughing while you frowned. He ought to stop touching you before you do something awfully stupid.
.... you're not stupid Gissele...
" Well ofcourse, yes. I see you're stalking me." Benedict winked, you eye rolled, something inside you shivering, a knot in your stomach loosening.
" Everyone knows that."
" Hmmph." Benedict hummed, " but you ought to know more wifey."
" Ofcourse Husband." You tried and was rewarded with Benedict missing a step, he smiled, a lopsided grin, recovering soon he turned to you.
" I wished to make you a wedding gift."
You knew he didn't even made a formal proposal to your mother but even so every word felt truer than life, for once you let go of what would happen, if he would break your heart then so be it, if you die bleeding then let it be that way, but you want to be alive, for once, just be alive.
" That's very kind of you."
Benedict tucked a strand of hair behind your hair, smiling his brightest smile.
You looked back at Mary who grinned back with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
" Obsessed." She mouthed, you shaked your head, smiling to yourself, very well.
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Rigel's note 🪩 : I hope it was good, I am bit struck in life :( also can anyone make a banner, please ? I mean i would do it myself but I am so so slumped up right now and lack skills too <3 also thank-you for leaving cute cute asks and replies and messages!!! I am so thankful to write for wonderful dearest readers like you, love you <3
Join taglist to be updated :)
Taglist ( <333 ) : @imgondeletedis @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @mayusenpai666 @toeoffrog @alyyaana @rebeccawinters
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alluramiura · 21 days ago
hyunju x animal lover reader <3
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word count: 535 words
warnings: fluff, g/n reader (edit: i actually think hyunju refers to reader as “sweet girl” once, sorry 🙏), intended lowercase, i did a mass amount of projection in this one
authors note: inspired to write this by this post. i hope i did it justice. i lost my headphones so i rawdogged the writing process of this. 🥲 enjoy
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hyunju is an amazing girlfriend who loves every aspect of you. she especially loves how much you adore animals.
she loves the way your eyes light up when you see people walking their dogs, immediately asking politely if you can pet them.
she loves the way you keep cat food in the house ever since you came across a stray cat that was hungry but you didn’t have anything to feed it (you cried).
she loves the way you ramble about the “animal of the day”, spewing random facts about random animals she’d never even heard of.
(”did you know that female great spotted kiwis only lay one egg a year despite having two ovaries while most birds only have one?”
“no baby, i did not.”)
she loves the way you talk about all the pets you want, a new animal catching your interest each day.
(“have you seen fennec foxes?? they’re sooo tiny and adorable and they’re like balls of energy…i want one so badly! i don’t think it’s legal in korea though…”)
(“rabbits are so cute….did you know they stomp when they’re angry? it’s the cutest thing! we should get one some day.”)
she loves the way you have tons of stuffed animals in varying sizes, in varying species of animals, all them them having names of their own.
(“good night, baby…oh wait! how could i forget snowy? could you grab her for me, hyunnie?”
“that’s jett.”
“that’s angel.”
“that’s—actually, i’ll just get her. thanks though, love.”)
she loves the look on your face when she surprises you with a date at the zoo, walking around with you as you point to almost every animal and tell her facts about them. she loves how adorable you look in all the pictures she takes of you posing outside the containers of various animals.
she loves how when it’s late at night and you’re cuddling together, there’s youtube videos on the tv playing from your playlist of animal facts.
(“y’know, hyunju…i know i talk about animals a lot and that i can’t possibly have a favorite, but i think i do have a favorite.”
hyunju, who was half asleep, opens an eye as she raises an eyebrow. this was news to her. you had finally settled on an animal to call your favorite? she never thought that would happen.
she opens both eyes, propping herself up onto her elbow, resting her cheek in her palm.
“really? and what animal might that be, sweet girl?” she asks softly, absentmindedly reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“well, i’ve recently been looking into maned wolves. they remind me of you, in the way they look.” you say, smiling softly as you lean into her touch, wrapping an arm around her.
she lets out a small chuckle at that. you’re so adorable.
“is that so?” she asks, wrapping her own arms around you and running her fingers through your hair.
you nod softly in response, a yawn leaving your lips.
“well, i’ll look forward to hearing all about maned wolves when we wake up tomorrow.” she says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.)
yeah. she loves your adoration for animals.
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halohalona · 6 months ago
"It's what my heart just yearns to say In ways that can't be said"
Logan reflects on his life, sense of self, and his relationship with you
Logan Howlett x Reader
this was inspired by the song "Fair" by The Amazing Devil. You can listen to the song while reading but it isn't necessary. i wanted to capture the song's emotion in this fic, and hopefully, I did.
ok this is take 2 of posting this 'cause the first time had a shit ton of typos and could not live with myself letting ya'll read a fic with typos (especially when i wanted this to be very emotional), partially beta-read, hopefully, it's not as typo-filled as before
warnings/tags: emotional hurt/comfort, takes place after the events of DP&W, logan cries, reference to "Beanie" (drabble i wrote), a glimpse of domesticity, and i honestly don't know what else to tag.
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Sunlight pours into the room through the gaps of the curtain as Logan stirs awake on your chest. You’ve been awake for a while now, just playing with his hair and humming the first song that came to mind.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” you softly greet him with a warm smile. He looks up at you, his own tender smile gracing his lips. A smile reserved only for you. He doesn’t say anything, too busy admiring your bedhead, appreciating how beautiful you looked in the morning.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck as his smile widens. “Where have you been all my life?” he murmurs softly against your skin.
“In another universe?” you reply playfully.
His smile slowly fades at the thought. His face is still in the crook of your neck as he mumbles “It’s not fair,” hoping you wouldn’t hear, but you do anyway.
“What’s not fair love?” you ask.
“It’s not fair how the universe hid you away from me,” he joked. You gently hug his head and chuckle. He said it jokingly but you know that’s not what he really wanted to say.
It was Wade who introduced you to each other during one of his many parties. You were his neighbor across the hall. After some mildly uncomfortable introductions and comments from Wade, Logan irritably told him to shut the fuck up which led to him eventually leaving you two alone.
You never met the Logan of your world, and Logan never met the you in his world. Sometimes you wonder if you ever did meet the Logan of your word, would he be the same as the man you’re lying with right now? Probably not, and you think it’s for the best.
He stays quiet for a while before releasing you from his embrace and sitting up.
He stares at the wall, pondering about you, your relationship, this world he’s in, everything.
His mind wanders back to the time when you made that odd-looking hat because you said it reminded you of his hair—he couldn’t help but smile, realizing in that moment that he would cherish everything about you, no matter how unusual it was. He remembered the night you two were watching a horror movie on the couch and you were so scared that you somehow found a way to burrow yourself between his back and the couch to get away from the horrifying scenes unfolding on the TV. In that moment he felt a deep and instinctive need to protect you from anything that would frighten or harm you, real or not. And then there was the time you went out of your way to get him the watch he had been staring at in the mall; it made him realize just how much you cared.
Maybe fate brought you to each other, though he’s not entirely sure. But he was sure about one thing: he wants you. He wants this life he’s created with you. He has never felt so content, calm, and happy. Yet, he’s convinced himself that he doesn’t deserve any of this—especially not you.
“Love? Is everything alright?” your voice laced with worry brings him out of his contemplation and back to the present.
God knows he wasn’t a good man, and he’s told you so many times but you stand by him. If he hadn’t already lost everything, he would be willing to do so, if you asked. And that’s what he tells you.
You move to straddle on his lap and cradle his face in your hands.
“Hey, it’s me,” you say softly. “You may not be a good man, and as you said, you’ve done bad things. But what’s happened has happened, and you can’t change that. Even if you could and you did, we wouldn’t be here right now. You may think you don’t deserve me but isn’t that also up to me? I want you, and you want me. Let’s keep it that way, alright?”
He wraps his arm around your waist, holding you close. Afraid that if he moved even the slightest bit you would disappear along with his reason for everything. You don't say anything. You let him hold you until his heart and mind stop racing.
Running your hands through his hair and hugging him against your chest you whisper, “It’s not fair,” echoing his words from earlier. “It’s not fair how much I love you even when you piss me off and act like you don’t need me.”
You settle onto his lap, and softly press your forehead against his. A tender smile graces his lips as he gazes into your eyes. “Well, if that’s the case,” he murmurs, his voice soft and sincere, “you have no idea how unreasonably in love I am with you. With everything you do, with just… you.” he pulls away, holding your wrist and laying his head in your palm, more tears threatening to fall, "You make me feel normal when I'm with you.”
Fighting back your own tears, you whisper, “I love you, and I want you to remember that. I love you so much it hurts. And it hurts me as much knowing you don’t believe that you deserve it, because you do. I love you, so please don’t push me away” you bring your lips to his in a soft and tender kiss.
"I love you more than words can say, and I promise I'll never push you away again.”
“And I’ll stay by your side, no matter what happens,” you added, holding him close.
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1d1195 · 7 months ago
Most V
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Read Most here | ~5.8k words
From me: I've been waiting for this part for a REALLY long time.
Warnings: *drum roll* SMUT, semi-public, unprotected, really needy 18+ also, some pretty angsty chats (and more Lauren)
Summary: Harry has been dying for this date for three years. And all the answers it comes with. Even if he doesn't like some of them. She missed Harry. Plain and simple.
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With Addie off the phone, she gazed at her reflection for a moment. The girls did an amazing job with her hair and makeup. She felt beautiful. Beautiful enough to be on a date with Harry. He was one of the only people she had ever been on a date with (as much as she did it, she didn’t consider third-wheeling with Addie and Carter actually dating; and knowing Harry was her soulmate put a damper on the memory of her dates with one of the only other guys she dated, Beau, in the ninth grade). It was simultaneously terrifying and wonderful.
The thought of him made the nerves return. Closing her eyes, she smoothed down the skirt of her dress. It was light green. Nearly matched Harry’s eyes, which was why she selected it. There was a slight V-cut at her neck and had fluttery sleeves at the top of her shoulders. Eleanor insisted it looked beautiful against her skin and the skirt cinched slightly at her waist accentuating her curves and then came to a ruffled hem that hit just above her knee. With a pair of wedged nude sandals, she tried to create the effect that her legs were longer, but she slightly felt like she was playing dress up and this was not a date she was meant to go on.
“I just need to jump,” she whispered to herself encouragingly.
The full effect had Harry’s jaw nearly unhinged to the floor as she entered the kitchen. Eleanor punched him in the arm to keep him from drooling. Sarah smiled excitedly. “You look beautiful.”
“Extremely,” Harry nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning her in a way that made her feel naked, but in a really good way. She blushed so cutely. It made Harry’s heart skip a beat.  “Ready?” He asked.
She nodded. Because for the first time in ages she felt so ready to go on a date. Eager. Utterly excited to be alone with someone. “Yes,” she smiled.
Dinner passed in a blur. Truly, he was only thinking about the way her smile looked so nice on her lips. How soft her hair framed around her face. The way her skin practically glowed and it was only amplified by the makeup that she decidedly did not need but it looked like she was doing the products a favor by wearing them on her beautiful face. He was only pretty sure they spoke. Chatted about a variety of things but he wasn’t sure he could recall them in detail if asked because he was so overwhelmed by the fact that he was with her, on a date. After all that time.
He suspected there was stuff about work and college. He did remember he told her at least twenty stories about Mrs. Peterson and seriously worried she was one of his best friends, now. She talked about Carter and Addie. Gave an update on her mum and how she enjoyed living closer to her aunt.
But all those details disappeared. He was on a date with her. A date with the love of his life after three years of not seeing her and it was so goddamn effortless to talk to her, make her laugh, and smile with her.
It felt so good he could have cried.
“What are y’going t’do when y’finish your degree?”
“Uh,” she sighed, and Harry sensed her worry almost immediately. Wished he hadn’t made her feel uneasy even a little. Even if it was natural to feel that way.
A little anxiety about her future career was new for her. For the first time in so many years, nervousness that wasn’t because she was worried about him or her love for Harry was a bit of a curve ball. She knew what she wanted, and she wanted it badly, but didn’t know if it would pan out the way she saw it in her mind. “I’m not totally sure, actually,” she admitted. “I’ve got an online portfolio of my work, and I’ve sent it to a ton of publishers, magazines, et cetera,” she took a deep breath. “I could be really stereotypical and just continue waitressing by night and writing by day,” she shrugged. It wasn’t a bad gig. But it wasn’t what she hoped for exactly.
“Someone is going t’pick you up. You are too brilliant t’not be,” he sounded so sure—because he was. If there was anything he believed in, it was her, her dreams, and ambitions. “S’nice it can be... remote, yeah? Let you travel and visit your mum and whatnot,” stay here. With me. He thought silently to himself.
She nodded. “Yeah... I guess. But... I think I’d want to stay here.”
For three years, his heart was not inside his chest. But now it was back, the veins and arteries reconnecting to the rest of his body. Literally putting life back in him. It thudded so loudly he could barely make out the sound of the restaurant around them as he smiled at her. “Good,” he nodded. “Good,” he repeated quietly, relief heavier in his tone.
After a brief protest from her, (and for the first time since she arrived home, he didn’t even look at her as he pushed her hand away) Harry paid and signed the receipt for their meal. Once her glass was nothing but ice, he looked at her expectantly. “D’you want t’get coffee?” He asked, his voice full of hope because he didn’t want the night to end. Not even a little.
She nodded. If the night never ended, she would be glad.
Harry ushered her out of the restaurant, and she held her hand out for his. He took it eagerly and marveled at how her fingers fit the spaces between his; it felt like they were supposed to be there, and his hand was empty, not complete without hers attached to it.
They made their way toward the coffee shop up the road. Holding hands like they had done hundreds of times before. They chatted about the weather. He complimented the way her hair had lighter streaks throughout. She looked good. So good. “Louis and I have been running in the morning,” she told him with a shrug. “I think the sun hits different parts of my hair when it’s up and gives me this highlight effect.”
Harry had no idea he had been running with her. “You have?” He asked. Jealousy flooded him. It wasn’t fair to either of them. It was stupid. But the surprise was genuine.
“Yeah... the first time I went out and I saw him, I chased after him because he didn’t want to talk to me. But I buttered him up with those muffins I—”
“Holy shit, y’made the oat muffins?” He asked in shock. Forget what he said. The jealousy was real. She blushed, feeling bad she let Louis’ secret slip.
“You hate him now, don’t you?”
“Immensely,” he squeezed her hand as she giggled. “Did y’make the blueberry ones or the cranberry ones?”
“Do you actually want that answer?”
“No,” he shook his head quickly. “You’re right.”
“I’ll make some extra,” she offered.
Harry was about to ask her about breakfast tomorrow, but his phone began vibrating in his pocket. It was a great effort and made him feel awful, but he looked at it because he had to. As expected, it was his boss. “M’sorry kitten. S’work. Do y’want t’go in and order?” She smiled, nodding encouragingly. “Tell Lauren I said hi,” he said pressing the phone to his ear and stepping away from the shop a few paces.
Of course, someone was having a family emergency and without a family of his own, Harry was always the first call for overtime and help. There were still hours before he would need to go in. It wasn’t ideal, but still gave him plenty of time to finish his date.
It was well worth getting no sleep if it meant he could spend more precious time with her. It was one thing he was never going to take advantage of ever again. Time with her was the most invaluable thing he had.
“Everything okay?” She asked, holding out a cup to him.
“Thank you. Yeah... jus’... gotta do the overnight at midnight.”
“Oof,” she frowned. Then, much to his delight and surprise, she slipped her hand right back into his, like three years of nothingness didn’t stretch between them. Like they held hands for the last eleven-hundred odd days, every day. “Is that hard?”
For a moment, Harry was speechless, breathless, unable to remember what her question was asking. But then he brought himself back to reality. Harry didn’t like sleeping much. It was where he saw her most. All those dreams of what could have been... so no. It wasn’t hard to do overnights because at least when he was dead tired in the mornings after his shift, he didn’t dream. Didn’t see her. But he didn’t want to make her feel bad. “M’used to it.”
“Well, we can head home if you want to get a couple hours of sleep in before—”
“Do y’want t’go home?” He asked immediately, cutting her off, frowning at the idea of ending their night so quickly.
“No!” She answered just as immediately. Then, with a pink color painting her cheeks, she cleared her throat. “Just... want to make sure you’re... okay.”
Now he dreaded it. The couple of hours that he had seemed like nothing. There was no way he would get all the questions he wanted answered out in the open. But he had to start somewhere. “M’fine. Promise. Do y’want t’jus’ drive around for a bit?”
Silently, she nodded. “Please.”
Something shifted as they got back in his car. He wasn’t sure what, but it was a feeling like something had changed in the short time he was on the phone. It was in her eyes, the spiral of anxiety that was beginning to surface from inside her.
It seemed utterly unfair, and he silently hoped she wouldn’t retreat into herself. The thoughts of her leaving like she did three years ago rolled in his head so frequently now that she was home, he had a whole new set of nightmares to keep him company when he did sleep at night.
But right now, she was still in his car, and he had questions to ask.
For the time being, he pointed out new details on road signs that had been fixed and renovations to things in town she couldn’t see from the outside. She asked polite questions but really, he was just wasting time. So finally, Harry went to the next town over. He pulled into a little spot off the side of the road that fit exactly one car and gave a great view of the town. It wasn’t a mountain by any stretch, but high enough to make them feel tall and important.
He imagined it was a popular spot for teens with new licenses to make out as well.
Not that that was his intention.
There was a pause in their conversation. Comfortable and quiet. Then as Harry was about to ask her another question, she bounced in surprise at the sound of fireworks decorating the sky in front of them. “Wow,” she laughed. “All for me?” She winked at him.
He laughed and nodded. “M-hmm, had it all planned,” he watched the sky for a bit but the most beautiful thing he had the pleasure of looking at was her. So, he turned to watch her enjoy the display. She looked so pretty, her face illuminating every few seconds with a different color from the sky. He missed her so viscerally. Like even the freckles on his skin missed her. Every inch of him was plagued with wanting her even though she was right next to him.
If she went silent on him, he was going to lose his mind.
It was now, or never.
“Why did y’do it?” He whispered.
“Do what?” She asked, frowning at his quiet tone.
He closed his eyes, gripped the steering wheel tight. She had to know what he was talking about. “Why did you leave?”
Her breath caught and Harry felt bad for catching her off guard. But she had to know this needed to be said, needed to be dealt with. “Harry,” she sighed, swallowed hard. She looked out the passenger window avoiding the fireworks. “You should just... enjoy the fireworks. This isn’t—”
“Kitten, I need t’know.”
“I know,” her head knocked against the glass. He could just make out her reflection, her pained expression. It was rude of him to press. But he had to keep going. “But we—”
He pressed anyway. “You have t’tell me. Y’jus’ show up after three years of nothing. It killed me.”
“I know,” she croaked. “God, Harry, I know.”
“So tell me,” he was practically begging. “Don’t y’think I deserve t’know? You were m’whole world, kitten. S’not fair of you—”
“Harry, I fucking know!” She clenched her hands into fists in her lap. He was being unfair. In the time they were together they never fought. What did sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds have to fight about? When she left it was just sad. They never argued. So asking her to do this in his car on their first date after so many years, so many days of sadness and heartache, was completely unfair of him.
“I was so lost, kitten,” he wasn’t fighting fair at all. Coaxing her to breaking even though he had every right to know. She didn’t want the night to end and she feared it would if she told him.
“Please, kitten. Baby, I just want t’understand—”
She choked out an involuntary sob the moment he said baby. “Because you deserved more than me! Okay? You deserved so much more than me and you wouldn’t have let me go so I just left, alright? You deserved more. So much more than me.”
The fireworks seemed quiet after her explosion.
But it didn’t make any more sense to Harry than the very day she first said it. “What does that even mean?”
Clearly, he broke something in her. She cried, hard. Breaking his heart further. He felt like an asshole, but he desperately needed to know. Her pretty makeup was going to be ruined thanks to him. “I don’t know. I don’t know,” she covered her mouth with her hand and sobbed into the window.
At least he had an answer.
Now for the next question. “Why did y’come back?” There was no answer for that. Just her quiet sniffles filled the car. She dug into his glove compartment for a napkin to wipe her face. If Harry wasn't so upset, he would have marveled at how she knew where everything was; some things didn't change even if they had. “Kitten, tell me.”
“Harry,” she whimpered. “Please...”
But he was desperate for answers. Desperate to put his heart back together. “I needed to see...” she croaked, her voice dying part way through the sentence.
“See what?” He was exasperated.
“That you had...” she swallowed. “That you had moved on.”
He turned away from her briefly, face twisting in anguish. He shook his head then turned back to her. He put his hand on her shoulder, asking her to face him and look at him when he said the next part. “Moved on?” He repeated. The words didn’t make sense. “How was I supposed t’move on, exactly?”
She sobbed and Harry wanted nothing more than to comfort her. Hold her and kiss her. He wanted to promise it was going to be okay. The way he always did when she cried. But he couldn’t. He needed to know how she thought that it was possible to exist without her. “I thought if I—”
“You are my soulmate, kitten. You know that.”
She whimpered, cheeks flushed, and tears streamed down her face. It pained him to look at her so upset but he had to finish this. Now. “You don’t believe in soulmates,” she whispered. Almost as if she wasn’t talking to him.
“But you told me we were,” his voice was crystal clear, definitive. No room to persuade him of anything else. She was his soulmate. She believed in them, so it had to be true. He believed in her. So that was enough. Harry gripped the steering wheel for all he was worth. Gritted his teeth as he asked his next question. “Did you move on?” The question was lost to the fireworks and the sound of her cries. But she clearly caught some of it.
“...What?” She whispered, tilting her head at him at a strange angle. Like he just told her that the grass was orange and it rained flower petals.
He inhaled sharply realizing he was agonizing over the thought. How long had he been holding that question in his head? Why didn’t he ask it sooner? Well, he knew why he didn’t ask it sooner. A large part of him never wanted to know the answer. “Do you have a boyfriend? Or... a fiancé?”
“Harry,” she rubbed her hands into her eyes.
“Goddammit," he sucked in a deep breath. "Tell me!” His heart was breaking.
“I didn’t date anyone while I was gone. I told people that I, and my heart, were happily taken. It never even crossed my mind, Harry,” she looked at her lap and swallowed nervously.
The fireworks complimented their evening perfectly. He released the breath he was holding and the grip he had on the steering wheel. The feeling came back to his fingers. His knuckles returned to the right color. “You said y’were taken?” He asked, thinking of the same notion he told Mrs. Peterson whenever she wanted to set him up on a blind date. Her gaze returned to his, and she held it for a moment, still in complete silence. Then she nodded. Her sniffles subsided.
Then she snorted, shaking her head with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “A fiancé, Harry? That’s ridiculous.”
“S’not,” he didn’t smile like she did. It was so serious to him. Felt it in his bones how serious it was. “Because if y’thought I was going t’move on from you... I don’t know, kitten,” he shook his head.
“No,” she repeated. Relief flooded him further. “I couldn’t... I took this first aid class,” she swallowed. “You would be really proud of me,” she smiled more genuinely through tears that filled her lash line. “I thought about all the things you taught me yourself when you practiced first aid and whatnot. I knew so much stuff. I was the class pet—”
“Course y’were.”
“—but we practiced taping wrists and ankles and I had to work with this guy, and I thought he was going to kill me,” she sniffed but that smile never left her lips. “I flinched every time his hand touched mine. He probably thought I was in a horrible relationship and that’s why I was learning how to tape injuries. I couldn’t even tell him that it was the exact opposite because I couldn’t tell him about you.”
Harry was silent, watching the explosion of color against the dark sky.
“I thought you would have moved on,” she whispered.
“Y’got your mom t’leave. I couldn’t even ask ‘bout you. You stopped talking to all of us.”
“If it helps at all, it was really lonely. Even with Addie and Carter...” she shrugged.
It didn’t. The thought of her being sad and lonely felt about as painful as her leaving. He was so grateful she had a friend to look after her. Someone to confide in. Because she left a lot of people behind who loved her, but at least Harry had them to comfort him as best they could.
“I thought about you every day,” she whispered. “I’ve been thinking about writing our story. I’ve been outlining it... reliving every memory through it. Every painful thing. I think it’ll be a series and honestly, I think it will be really good because the ending will be sad, and no one will see it coming because we didn’t see it coming and—”
“Our book?”
She paused. “You were my favorite thing to write about.”
He shook his head. He knew that. It wasn’t a conceited kind of thing. She said it all the time and he knew it. “What do you mean a sad ending?”
Another pause. She closed her eyes and sighed. “You can’t possibly want me back.”
Another long pause. Harry mulled it over and he realized just how angry he was. What had he done wrong that she didn’t feel adored by him? Where had he messed up and not made her feel safe? Did he let go of her hand like when they were on the balcony the other day? It was too much for him. His grip tightened on the steering wheel again. “What is the matter with you?” He put his head on the steering wheel against his hands as he spit the words out. He hated arguing with her. He felt pulled in two directions to have this conversation and comfort her. It seemed impossible to do them both at the same time.
“Harry,” she frowned. “I’m—”
He shook his head and smacked his hands against the wheel as he sat back. “I am never going t’stop wanting you. Don’t you get that? There is no ending with us. There can’t be. I have been waiting for three years for you t’come back t’me. You’re here and y’think I’m jus’ supposed t’have move—”
She was kissing him.
Her lips covered his in a hungry kind of way. Raw, achy, and hot. She pulled away briefly, her breath short pants. Her hand at the back of his head, her fingers pulled and tightened snuggly against locks of his hair. Poor Harry was so surprised he didn’t fully grasp what was happening and forgot to kiss her back.
He hoped she didn’t think it was too late. Or too soon, maybe, for him to agree to this kind of thing. But he only let one additional second pass before his lips were back on hers. His hands held each side of her face pulling her close to him, awkwardly around the console.
She seemed to melt into the kiss, her whole body releasing a long breath that made her shoulders fall, her body sinking forward. Harry moaned quietly into her mouth. One hand slid from her face into the back of her perfectly styled hair. Within five more seconds he started to pull her over the console separating them. He heard the clunk of one of her shoes falling onto the floor. With one hand on the small of her back, he used his free hand to push the seat back to give her more room between his body and the steering wheel.
Harry wasn’t her first kiss. But the way it felt, he may as well have been. She wished he was. There was nothing better than kissing him. There was a familiar possessiveness in the mix of their lips and breath. It was like he was saying no one else was ever going to kiss her as well as he did. Softly, his tongue slid across the seam of her lips to get her to open further.
Harry knew she didn’t like lots of tongue in her kisses. Which was fine with Harry, a quick brush of her tongue against his was plenty and not the part he cared about much anyway. The way she sucked his lower lip into her mouth and traced it with her tongue nearly made him finish in his pants. Her lips were so sweet. Just like her. It was the most natural feeling in the world to kiss her. Like he kissed her yesterday, the day before, all last year, and every other day succeeding her departure. “God,” she whispered against his mouth.
“Hmm,” he hummed. His hands touched everywhere. Roamed along her sides and around her back, up her arms and cupped the sides of her neck. He wanted to touch her everywhere. It felt so good to hold her and the way she moaned made him assume she was enjoying it just as much. It had been ages since she had been touched and that was fine because she didn’t want anyone to touch her but Harry. His hands were warm and felt so good on her back. Even through her dress. Even though it was summer and very warm, she shivered and nuzzled closer. The car was too small and the space between them was too big. “Baby, can we—”
“Yes,” she whispered. It didn’t matter what he asked. She was a yes to anything he said. He groaned into her mouth and slid his hands between them, lifting the skirt of her dress just above her hips so everything was covered but easier to access.
“Kitten,” he moaned when she reached between them as well and fiddled with the button of his jeans. Why on earth would he have a condom? The thought of being with anyone else so intimately was laughable. “I don’t have—”
“I don’t care.”
He groaned again and kissed down the length of her neck, his tongue poking out to lick at the spots he kissed. She thought she was going to pass out, but she didn’t want to miss a second of this feeling. So, she refused to pass out. “I forgot,” he was breathless as he shifted trying to make space between them so he could pull his pants down just a little more, just enough. “Forgot how much I missed this.”
“What did you miss?” She whispered just as breathlessly, her lips against his neck as he reached between the two of them, slid his fingers against her underwear and pushed it to the side. She whimpered at the light friction of his knuckle barely grazing her clit even though it wasn’t his intention.
Harry’s moans were nearly obscene. They turned her to jelly. “I missed everything, kitten. Everything.”
She shivered again at his response. When she felt him lining himself up, pressing through her folds so easily because she was already an aching wet mess for him, she cried out again. The electric feeling coursed through her and it wasn’t fair that she made him lose this feeling for three years. “Oh,” she tucked her face into his neck.
“I’m... fuck, baby,” he whispered as the head of his cock slipped deeper inside her. He didn’t want to know if she had sex while he was gone. In his mind he was the only person that got to be inside her like this—to feel her like this. His voice was raspy. Not even a whisper really. “I’m not...” his other hand that wasn’t helping her slip further down on him cupped the back of her neck. “S’not going t’last...” He couldn’t even give a time frame because he was so far gone. “S’been...”
She didn’t want to know how long it had been for him. The idea he had sex with someone else would probably make her inconsolable while he was inside her and it wasn’t anyone’s fault but her own. She shook her head and kissed the space just below his ear that used to drive him crazy. “I don’t mind,” she promised.
“God,” he closed his eyes and pressed his face to the front of her chest. Her dress was still in the way, but he wanted to rip it off her. He couldn’t because as much as he was enjoying this—and yes, he would have loved to feel her nipples in his mouth—he refused the risk of anyone seeing her naked like that. This was already bolder than anything they had ever done before—and the intimacy of seeing her fall apart was for him only. A possessive stance he would never let go of.
“Oh my God,” she whispered. It was too hot in the car; her skin was damp with sweat from pressing so close to Harry and the exertion of fitting in the small space between him and the steering wheel. She wanted nothing more than to stay glued to Harry like that, his dick deep inside her for as long as she lived. They really were two puzzle pieces just meant to fit together. For a brief moment she paused the way she was moving slowly up and down his cock; hoping that maybe she would just die in that car because at least this would be the last thing she ever did. Their breathing stilled, quieted. He tilted his neck back, smiled as he gazed up at her.
“You’re so beautiful, kitten,” he whispered.
It was embarrassing that she could come that quickly and that hard from just his compliment and he wasn’t even moving inside her.
She gasped so loudly. Her whines and moans releasing from her without warning. She felt distraught and whole. It was practically primal the way she started to bounce up and down again, only ever so slightly, her legs shaking to find purchase on the side of his seat near the door and dodging the seatbelt holder with her knee. It wasn’t conducive to do this here but what choice did they have when they couldn’t wait a second longer?
“Oh my God, fuck, kitten,” he groaned, wrapping his arms tight around her waist, kissing at her throat and the exposed cleavage he did have access too. He met her greedy little bounces to prolong the euphoria that was coursing through her, making her clench around his cock so hard he thought he was going to exist outside of his body. “Baby, I can’t pull out,” he warned her.
They were young, but not in high school young anymore. Getting pregnant wasn’t their worst fear anymore as it was their first go around leading to her going to the doctor and asking for birth control. In fact, getting pregnant probably didn’t even crack the top ten. But even still... “Pill,” she rasped. “Please,” she begged.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned. His hand slid beneath her dress. He pressed the tip of his finger directly on her clit and rubbed perfect little circles on it.
So perfectly, she was going to explode again. The fireworks had nothing on her. “Oh my God, please,” she cried. The plead, the feel of her squeezing around him again, the heat of her and the car... all of it was a heady combination that left Harry completely useless as he finished inside her at the exact moment that she dropped her face to his shoulder again and fluttered around him. As Harry finally released a breath, he had been holding for three years it seemed, he found she was still trying to squeeze her thighs around him to savor the pleasure. He couldn’t blame her. All he wanted to do was make her come over and over.
There were a lot of firsts they shared over their relationship, and Harry was so grateful to have another even after all the time between them. His body twitched as she stayed in place, her breathing finally slowing. Harry felt hot, too hot but didn’t dare remove her from his body. He held her to him as he shifted more, her bum bumped into the car horn. She giggled once and Harry smiled. His breathing slowed, following hers.
The car was silent except for their labored breathing. They were young when they had sex back then. They thought it was good back then. But it didn’t compare to that. She felt a wave of worry that he had practiced all while she was gone. The same worry went right through him nearly at the same time. Maybe she sensed it because he relieved her with one sentence. “I read an embarrassing number of books with scenes like the one we just reenacted.”
Harry sighed with relief; his nose pressed to her ear. His lips brushed her temple and he spoke quietly. “Send me every single page y’read, kitten.”
She giggled making her clench around him as he softened. He groaned involuntarily. He didn’t want to leave her body. Terrified it would never be like this again. As he started to move, she stopped him. “Um... Do you have a towel?” She whispered; her cheeks probably would have flushed asking the question, but it was impossible to tell with the endorphins that flooded her blood doing most of the work now.
Harry felt a little stupid at the moment, so he nodded, then shook his head. He didn’t fully understand her question but wanted to try for her.
“Uhh... here,” he reached in the backseat for a T-shirt with the station’s logo on it. As he shifted, she whimpered at the feeling of him moving inside her again. He kept a hand on her dress, right at her hip and rubbed his thumb soothingly against her.
“I can’t use this and then have you wear it around town,” she frowned.
“Baby,” he snickered. “I wouldn’t wear it... in public," he teased. She lightly hit his chest with the back of her hand.
She slowly pulled off him, falling back into the passenger seat, the T-shirt between her legs. She finger-combed her hair as best she could and checked her makeup for obvious smudges. Harry mussed with his hair quickly and then placed his hand on her knee. She held it with both hands, brought his fingers to her lips and kissed his knuckles no less than ten times.
“That was perfect,” she whispered.
Forget her writing, she was her very own poem. He smiled. “Always, kitten.”
Harry took the long way back to her apartment. Her grip didn’t loosen around his hand. Not even when he needed to take a turn. When he finally parked, she looked at him expectantly. “I don’t want t’go,” he whispered. “I would quit right now, if I could. I want t’talk all night and tell y’everything and know everything, kitten. M’so...” he shook his head terrified that if he left right now all the progress, everything would be gone. “I missed you so completely baby. I need t’know everything there is t’know ‘bout you and the last three years and all the thoughts y’had. S’not fair and m’so—”
“Harry,” she smiled, squeezed his hand encouragingly. She brought a hand to his chin and rested her forehead against his. “I’ll see you tomorrow; right after your shift, okay?” she kissed him gently on the lips. A soft brush of promising more.
Relief flooded him. “Yeah?” Their mouths were so close as he spoke, his lips touched hers the entire time.
“I’ll be here,” she promised. That little saying, “it was music to his ears,” never really made much sense to him. But right then it did. It made so much sense. She was music. She was the sun. She was fireworks. “Good night, Harry. Have a good shift,” she whispered and pressed her lips solidly against his once more making him feel like he could do anything.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
@straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals
@angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams
@summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland
@lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles
@tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter
@kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
@just-another-reader1098 @hermionelove @tiredinwinter @whimsy-willows @hannah9921
@fangirl7060 @triski73 @vikiii07 @prettygurl-2009 @madstyles3204
most: @harryspirate
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bamboobooshark · 6 months ago
Hiiii I just found your page and omg I love your writing so much. I actually did get into an argument with my friend, and I deactivated one of my intas cuz of it (long and stupid story) but it was really comforting to read Logan wanting to coddle and comfort someone yk
You can ignore the request if it makes you uncomfortable, but do you think you can write something where the reader doesn't really know or understand what regression is or why they feel this way so they isolate when they feel childish or playful or start annoying people without realizing it and Logan who loves and cares for them starts to miss them and is like wtf and helps them.
Thank you for your writing I hope you have an amazing day.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ ☁️་༘ COMFORT & CONFUSION : 991 WRDS
A/N : Just a little note for Anon; I am so heavily greatful that my fic was able to bring you so much comfort. I hope you’re recovering well from what happened. Apologies for taking so long to get this out for you, I always get caught up in spilling and detailing my concepts that end up becoming full fics. I truly hope this fic is what you were hoping for <3 !!Warning for a pinch of angst and crying!!
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You’ve been isolating yourself in your room since you woke up. You feel so confused with yourself, with your mind, with your feelings. You press your back against your headboard, legs crossed one on top of the other. You gently rock back and forth while struggling to understand how you’re feeling; why you’re feeling the way you do. Yeah, you’ve got a ton of energy right now. You feel like you’re letting your inner child express itself in your mind, yet you’re holding them in as best as possible. You’re terrified of annoying anyone by releasing those feelings, espically Logan. You bite and chew at your lips nervously as you rock a bit faster. Why? That’s the only question you can ask yourself right now. Over and over, your mind fills itself with nothing but confusion of why you feel like this, why you yearn to be so childish, why you’re scared of annoying Logan when he loves you unconditionally.
You’re quickly snapped out of your thoughts as the man knocks on the door. “Everything alright in there, kid,” he asks with his face pressed to the wood. God, the way he calls you kid only makes these foreign feelings harder to suppress. You choke back your tears before responding. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just feeling a little down,” you reply with a tone that’s involuntarily soft and childlike. Logan raises his brows at the way you speak to him. You’ve never kept yourself away like this, but he’s been noticing a pattern lately. You isolate yourself the moment you wake up, beg him to leave you alone, and then come out quiet and reserved. He continues to press because he misses you so damn bad. He’s willing to do absolutely anything to get you in his arms again. “Please tell me what’s wrong, bub. I promise I’m not going to be upset with you,” he pleads with the softest tone he can force out of his throat. “I mean, I’d be more upset if you didn’t trust me with whatever you’ve got going on,” he chuckles akwardly.
You wipe your tears before inviting him in. The second he realizes that you’re crying, his lips form a frown and his eyes give you a sympathetic gaze. “Hey, hey, hey. Don’t cry, baby. I’m right here. I’m not leaving, I swear,” he scrambles to reassure you, sitting on your bed and pulling you into his arms. You let your cries get thicker once you lean into his. He smells so fatherly. His large, calloused hands make your entire body shiver with comfort. Everything about him is sending an unknown, unfamiliar feeling that you’ve been yearning for. You can’t even begin to imagine what to call it, but your body allows you to relax under his touch. “That’s it, baby. Let it all out. Tell me what’s up once you’re ready to,” he coos as his hands rub up and down your back. You nod against his chest, letting the thumping of his heartbeat soothe you.
You pull back from his embrace, but hold his hands in your own. His touch is what you’ve been needing. Scratch that, you’ve been needing Logan in general. You attempt to try and explain things, but you end up stammering and stuttering. “I’m sorry, Logan. I just — I don’t even know what to say,” you apologize while looking away from him. He squeezes your hands gently and sighs. “You don’t need to apologize, kid. I’ll be here as long as you need me to be. If I have to wait here for hours for you to get your thoughts together, I don’t mind. You know that, bub,” he tells you sincerely. You look at him and give him the best smile you can considering the circumstances.
You take a deep, shakey breath after a few minutes of silence before attempting to describe your feelings. “I’ve just been feeling like a child lately. I’ve had so much energy and excitement and joy for no reason. It’s so confusing and it’s scaring me Lo, it really is. I just want an answer,” you explain to him. His thumb rubs against your knuckles lovingly before he presses a silent kiss to your forehead. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry. You’ve got such a big heart, kid. I need you to understand that you don’t need to be afraid to let those feelings loose around me. I’ll love you no matter what,” he promises while holding your face in his hands so you’re looking at him. You nod gently, eyes glossy and wide from the way he comforts you so paternally. “I understand,” you mumble back, letting that same childlike voice slip. Logan gives you a gentle smile, failing to hold back a snicker. “Well would you look at that. You sound so little, baby. It’s adorable,” he says while attempting to hold himself back from squeezing your face. You giggle softly and shake your head no. “It’s not adorable, Lo,” you protest. Your stomach knots as you allow yourself to slip into this pure, innocent state. As soon as Logan begins to coddle you further, that knot unties itself and becomes a flutter in your heart. “If you deny anything else I say, I’ll have to find a way to get back at you for it. You’re too damn cute to not accept that you are,” he playfully threatens. “C’mere you sweet thing,” he growls as he pulls you into his lap. “No! Let me go,” you giggle sweetly, squirming in Logan’s arms despite wanting to stay right where you are forever. “I’m not letting you go, kid. You’re mine. My sweet little thing that I’ll protect with my life,” he declares before starting to pepper your face with soft kisses. You can feel him smiling like an idiot against your skin from the sound of your giggles, the way you smile, and the warmth of your face caused by him.
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y6g6mis · 5 months ago
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summary. Ever since you saw her, she hasn’t left your mind, she’s too alluring to not think about, but she’s thought about you, as well.
includes. cairo sweet x fem!reader, praising, eating out, slight dirty talk, soft!dom!cairo, sub!reader, les-sex
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Her voice was soft but stern, you’d been studying with her for the past hour now, it’s around 9PM, the sun has set, the light of the lamp shining on her face, making it impossible to focus on anything else. She was ethereal, she had the prettiest eyes you could get lost in, you could look at her for hours and not get tired of it, you’d be taken for a fool if you said you weren’t in love with her.
“Sorry.” You said. Judging by her look at her tone of voice, you could tell she knew.
“C’mon, you know this.” She says, pointing to the question in your book.
You look down at the question. Math. Math was definitely not your favorite subject, but, you took one look, thought about it, and wrote down your answer, you look back at her, hoping you got it right.
“Good.” She says. A small wave of relief washed over you as you gave her a warm smile.
A couple more hours pass by, you look at the time. It’s now half past 11. You’ve worked on a ton of pages, some you got wrong, some you got right, yet, somehow, that wasn’t a worry for you.
“Why don’t we stop there?” She says, you were taken aback by her words, shutting your book.
“Alright then.” You say.
“Well, I’d say you did pretty well.” She says. You were hoping she wouldn’t notice you slightly blushing, so you gave her a small smile.
“Thanks, Cairo, for- y’know, doin’ this.” You say.
“Anytime, darlin’, just call me, and I’ll be right over.” She says.
You smiled, as you studied her features, she had the sweetest smile you ever saw that made your legs weak on the spot.
Cairo reached up to move one of your loose strands of hair out of your view. “You’re beautiful.” She says, you then scoff, looking away.
“What? Y’don’t believe me?” She asks.
“Well, I just think we both know who’s better lookin’” You say, as she inches closer.
“None of that, darlin’.” She says, bringing her index finger to your lips.
“None of what?” You ask.
“Y’know what.”
“Oh c’mon.” You scoff. “I mean- look at you.” You eyed her up and down. God, she was absolutely gorgeous. “Pretty as a vine.”
“Y’mean that?” She asks.
“I know that.”
She smiled, looking down, you were flattering her, and she was enjoying it.
“Do somethin’ ‘bout it then.” She said.
“What?” You heard her, and knew what she meant, but you were too flustered to do anything else.
“Y’heard me.” She says. “Why don’t you do somethin’ ‘bout it, sweetheart?”
You didn’t move.
“Here, I’ll make it easy for you.” She said, inching closer and closer to your face, your noses almost touching.
You moved in and closed the gap that separated you and her, you weren’t expecting yourself to make a move, but here you were, lips on hers, on your bed.
She slithered her hands on your waist, her fingers moving in circles, it feels…nice. Amazing, even.
Your hands bury into her hair, almost pulling it, you enjoyed this, but you wanted more.
“Can I show you somethin’?” She asks, pulling away. “Only if it’s alright with you.”
You nodded eagerly.
She smiled “Alright. Sit on the edge of the bed.”
You do as she asks, holding back your smile.
“Take these off, darlin’.” She says.
You slip off your jeans, along with your panties, and throw them on the other side of the bed.
“Jus’ tell me if you’re uncomfortable, ‘n I’ll stop.” She says in a low tone.
You hum a yes, nodding down at her.
Her lips then met with your entrance, as she moved her tongue up and down against your clit.
Your breathing was heavy and sharp, she was good at this.
“Oh my f-” Was all you could stutter out, as her tongue began to move a bit faster than before.
Her tongue started moving in circles, you threw your head back in ecstasy, as a moan escaped your lips.
“Cairo- fuck!-” You cried. The feeling of her hot mouth on your cunt felt like heaven.
She began going faster, until she was tongue fucking you.
“Cairo— don’t stop- fuck!” You moaned. Almost screaming out her name.
The sounds of her sucking on your clit and your heavy breathing echoed throughout the room, it felt unreal how good she was making you feel.
“Cairo, m’gonna…shit!—”
“Go ahead, darlin’, come for me.”
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer until you finally let loose.
Your heavy breathing continues as she brings herself up to your level.
She moves multiple hair strands out of your view, as she brushed the rest of your hair with her fingertips.
"I-I wanna make you feel good, too." You say, you're eager, she likes that.
"Yeah? Y'do?" She asks.
You nod. “Jus’ get this off.”
Cairo smiles, removing her white ribbon-styled dress, discarding it, putting it on the floor.
“Y’like what you see?” She said, her voice dripping with a dark tone, which was something you haven’t heard before.
You didn’t answer, but she knew you liked it.
“Y’gotta take yours off too.”
You stifled a small laugh as you took off your shirt, and laid it on the floor.
She knew what your intentions were, but you rarely knew yourself, you were barely experienced.
You hesitated, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of her, you hated it.
“Y’alright?” She asks.
“I- yeah, I’m just- uh..”
A beat. “Yeah, a bit.”
Her lips curled into a smirk. “‘S alright to be nervous, pretty girl, just go with it.”
You positioned yourself, lining up your pussy with hers, as you took a deep breath.
Cairo smiled at your effort, she put your hands on your hips, and led you through it.
“Jus’…like that.” She says, grinding your pussy with hers, she slowly removed her hands, you didn’t stop.
“Yeah… there’s a girl…thaaat’s it…” She said.
You kept going, it felt good, everything about it, it felt good, and she was sure as hell enjoying it, that smirk on her face says it all.
“Atta girl, shit— don’t stop..”
You didn’t.
Ecstasy was flowing through your body, everywhere, it felt amazing, the way her pussy feels against yours, you didn’t want it to end.
“Fuuck…Cairo..” You moaned, your head fell forward, leaning on her shoulder.
“I know, darlin’.” She said, her fingers tangled in your hair. “Jus’ feel good against me.”
You grinded a bit faster, the room filling with your moans and groans.
Cairo couldn’t help but laugh a bit, it’s only been a minute and you’re already a pro.
“Dirty girl…” She murmured in your ear. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for a while, haven’t you?”
You won’t admit it, but you have.
As you began moving faster than before, you could feel her grinding against you, your moans grew louder and louder than before.
“Cairo!— fuck- ’s too much!…”
“Jus’ take it, darlin’, ‘s all you gotta do.” She said. “Jus’ focus on me.”
You couldn’t think of anything else anyway, your sexual ecstasy was taking over your body.
“Jus’ keep goin’.” She said.
You could feel yourself letting loose yet again, it felt harder this time.
“Cairo— d-don’t stop- please!..” Once you said that, she knew you were reaching your highest, she didn’t stop, in fact, she went faster.
You groaned as she picked up her pace.
You could feel yourself becoming undone, as you groaned, almost screaming.
You were done.
You managed to catch your breath as you climbed off her, sitting, with your head sort of hanging low.
Cairo moved closer to you, as she kissed you, softly, this one was more tender than the other ones.
“Pretty girl, did so well f’me.” She whispered against your lips, god, she loved you, and you loved her, you knew it.
“Why don’t I stay?” She asks, she didn’t want to leave you alone, so how could you refuse.
You nodded with a hum. As you laid back down beside her.
You felt your eyelids getting heavier by the second, until they fully closed.
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kimbappykidding · 1 year ago
How Seventeen react when you tell them you’re pregnant
Scoups - Goes into planning mode
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Although you were shocked and a little scared to discover you were pregnant part of you relaxed when you remembered who your partner was. 
The second you told Scoups and established you wanted to keep the baby he was in organisation mode. He immediately started listing everything he was going to do to make this as easy as possible for you. First was getting you the best doctors and medical care possible. Then he moved onto delaying his military enrollment so he could be with you in the early years when babies are most stressful. His mind was rapidly covering all avenues, from pre-schools and buying a home together to potentially moving so you could be closer to your family when he stopped, realising you hadn't said anything. 
Y/n are you okay?" he asked and you nodded smiling "yeah I just realised I'm the luckiest woman in the world having you as my partner. You just listed tons of things I didn't even think of, you're so well prepared". Scoups blushed "ow well...I just want to make things as good as possible for you and the baby". You smiled "they will be but we don't have to do anything just yet, why don't we sit and take it all in". Scoups nodded "okay, take it all in...Y/n we're going to be parents" he said as if the thought just occurred to him and you laughed "yep and amazing ones too". Scoups nodded and hugged you "I'll make sure of it if it's the last thing I do".
Jeonghan - Calms you down and assures you everything is going to be okay
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Jeonghan could always tell when you were nervous and he always knew how to calm you down.
When he realised you'd hardly eaten anything throughout dinner he knew something was wrong and he asked you what was up. Then you broke down and it all spilled out. "I'm happy but also just so in shock, I have no idea what we're going to do" you cried and Jeonghan nodded. 
He carefully eased you into a chair and took your hand "Y/n just breathe okay, everything is going to be okay I promise". "But how?" you asked "I have no idea if I'll be a good mother Jeonghan or if I can do this". Jeonghan took your hand "that's just the fear talking. I've seen you around kids and they love you! You're the strongest person I've ever seen, you'll be an amazing mother and I promise I'm going to be right beside you every step of the way". "You promise?" you asked and he nodded "I swear, now come here" and he wrapped you up in a hug. You cried a little more and then Jeonghan soon had you laughing and feeling better. You both started looking online for fun baby clothes and toys and by the end of it you were smiling again. All thanks to Jeonghan.
Joshua - Incredibly wholesome
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When you told Joshua it felt like some k-drama, the moment was that perfect. You'd been waiting for the right time to tell Joshua all night but things kept happening. First Joshua had a tough day at work and was really tired, then dinner was ruined so you had to go out to eat and then your car broke down so you had to walk home. You weren't far away when you passed a neighbour with their child. You said hello and Joshua smiled "their kid is so cute, I can't wait until we have one too" and that seemed to be like fate intervening so you told Joshua that moment would be sooner than he thought.   The world seemed to slow and Joshua's whole posture changed. He looked at you, his eyes suddenly more alert and brighter "what?". You repeated yourself quietly and added "I'm pregnant...we're going to have a baby". A smile lit up Joshua's face and he tentatively looked at your stomach "we are?". You laughed "well according to two pregnancy tests and a doctor, yeah". Joshua laughed and swept towards you gently "this is the best news I've ever heard, I'm so happy" and he held you against him. Then it began to snow and you really did look around for the camera crew but no it was just you and Joshua but in nine months there would be a new edition.
Jun - Doesn't quite get what you're saying
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"Jun you're going to be a dad" you said and he nodded "yeah hopefully someday, do you want the last piece of pizza".
You paused a little confused how easily he’d gotten over that news and tried again. You shook your head "no Jun I...". "Are you sure? It's got all the toppings on you like, cheese, tomato, salami". "No I can't eat salami" you said and he paused "ow are you going vegan? That's cool I'll do it with you". "No Jun I'm not going vegan I'm expecting". He nodded "expecting what? Do you mean for your comeback because that's weeks away and you deserve a little splurge...". "No Jun I'm expecting a baby" you said and that caught his attention.
"You're expecting a baby...like your sister is visiting?". "No like I'm going to have one myself" you cried getting exasperated at how he wasn't getting this. "Now?" he asked beginning to get it and you shook your head "well obviously not right this second but in 9 months time I will". Jun blinked several times before he looked at you "Y/n are you saying...do you mean that...". "I'm pregnant" you said and his eyes widened "you are! I did that?". You laughed "well I'm pretty sure it's you yeah unless it's an immaculate conception". Jun threw the pizza down "why didn't you say something?" and you rolled your eyes praying the baby got your tact and deception skills...but from Jun’s ectactic smile you’d be more than happy for it to get anything else from its father. 
Hoshi - so excited
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You weren't too sure how Hoshi would take the news. You knew he wanted kids but you were both still young and he loved his freedom and independence. Two things which vanished with a child. He'd be happy but it might be difficult for him to wrap his head around...or so you thought. The second the words left your lips Hoshi's mouth hung open and he stared at you. "Hoshi" you said nervously "Hoshi say something, anything! Are you going to pass out?". In response he cheered and wrapped his arms around you. "A baby? we're going to have a baby?" he cried and you laughed "yes Hoshi that's how this whole pregnant thing works". Hoshi cheered again and you broke down laughing "so you're happy?". "Of course I'm happy!" he cried "this is the greatest news ever! A baby that's half you and half me? It's going to rule the world! Aww imagine if it has your eyes and my smile? Or your nose and my smile? Or your ears and my smile? Basically I want it to get everything from you except for my smile". You couldn't believe how hyper he was and you'd seen him hyper tons of times! The boy was simply ecstatic about the news and you knew you should've never doubted him.
“What?” Hoshi asked, realising you were staring at him and you smiled shrugging. “Nothing just I’m so happy we’re going through this together...that I get to experience this with you” you admitted “I can’t think of a man who would make a better father”. Hoshi’s expression changed and his eyes filled with tears. He cried happily and hugged you “I love you so much” he said and you wiped his tears away “I love you too Hoshi”. 
Your baby was going to arrive to a very loving family and you couldn’t wait.
Wonwoo - Very calm
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When you told Wonwoo the news you were shaking. You weren't worried about him more just nervous about the whole thing. You were thrilled but it was a huge life event and your lives would never be the same. But the reason you and Wonwoo worked is he balanced you. 
Wonwoo was so happy but you were still worried and rattled off all the things you weren't sure of. "I need to find a good doctor and should I get a paediatrician? I have no idea what I can eat and what I can't eat. Am I allowed to eat dairy? Do I have to just eat vegetables?". Wonwoo stopped you spiralling by gently putting a hand on your shoulder "Y/n don't worry we'll work all of that out and you don't have to do anything you don't want to. We'll find a doctor and sit down and ask them all out questions but for now why don't we just get something nice to drink and celebrate?". "Celebrate?" you asked and Wonwoo laughed softly "well it's the weekend so no doctors are open. We can't do anything so let's just take it easy this weekend and wait until we can do something about it". You nodded "yeah that makes sense..." and Wonwoo smiled "great so I'll grab the non-alcoholic drink and you pick a movie". 
You did as he said and for the first time since you'd heard the news relaxed. You weren't alone, you had your other half to balance you out.  
Woozi - Cries
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Now Woozi isn't one to get emotional. He likes to pretend he's okay even when he's not but he's also a huge softie and sometimes the emotions win out. When you told him, Woozi went quiet and pale and you were worried he was taking it badly. He nodded as you explained to him how far along you were and what symptoms you had before looking down. You frowned and reached out for his hand "are you okay?" getting slightly nervous. Woozi took a deep breath and looked back up revealing the tears he'd been holding back. "Of course I'm okay this is wonderful news" he smiled sniffling and you broke. You burst into tears which made Woozi cry too and you were both clutching each other so happy and excited. "You're going to be the best mum in the world" Woozi told you and you smiled and replied "this baby is going to have the best dad in the world, I know you'll be perfect". You and Woozi then spent the remainder of your day wrapped up together in a blanket fantasising about your new baby and everything you couldn't wait to show it. "I hope it likes music" Woozi said stroking your hand and you smiled "of course it will it's your child! Music will be in its blood" and Woozi smiled "I'll set up a station for it in my studio" clearly very excited and you hugged him tighter. 
DK - Screams and then faints
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You knew DK might be a little unprepared for the news but you didn't expect him to pass out on the floor after letting out a k-drama-worthy scream. "DK!" you cried fanning him as you cradled his head on the floor. "DK are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?". He was conscious but seemed out of it, he was muttering something over and over again but you couldn't work out what it was. "Dk?" you asked and then you realised what he was saying. "A baby?" he asked and you nodded "yes Dk a baby, you're doing to be a dad" which almost made him pass out again "okay I won't say the b-word...erm think about dogs and summer and Christmas and all the things that make you happy". Dk nodded and did as you said before he finally felt well enough to sit up. Once he was upright he took a few deep breaths looking at you before he spoke "I'm going to be a father...". You nodded "yes you will but don't worry we can do this together and we'll have so much support from our friends and your members". Dk nodded "yeah you're right, we've always wanted to be parents so we're going to smash this" his positivity returning. You nodded "of course we will!" when Dk suddenly gasped "Y/n I'm so sorry I fainted. You're the one literally growing a human being and I was the one lying around on the floor! If I promise this will be my only weakness in your whole pregnancy and that I will be your rock no matter what you need will you forgive me?". You laughed "Dk you don't need me to forgive you because there's nothing to forgive. I actually loved your reaction because it's so authentic just like you, you didn't pretend you were okay just for appearances. You were honest and your worry and concern is how I know you're going to try so hard for our child and that just makes me love you even more". Dk blushed and hugged you "and that's why you're the perfect woman for me and we're going to have the most wonderful baby ever". Dk's optimism and positivity as well as his honesty was going to make this a very fun pregnancy.
Mingyu - Immediately turns overprotective
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You weren't sure what Mingyu's reaction would be so you tried to be really careful and deliberate with how you told him. You got confirmation from a doctor first and the idea was to tell Mingyu after dinner when you were more relaxed and calm but you were too excited. So the minute you got home from the doctors you found Mingyu and told him where you'd been.
Once Mingyu realised what you were trying to tell him he grabbed a chair and began to pull it out. You figured he needed to sit down but he started easing you into it. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?". "What?" you asked and he smiled "well I know pregnancy can be really hard sometimes and I want you to know I am at your beck and call 24 hours a day. I will cook you whatever you have cravings for and you do not have to want for anything. I'll cut down my hours at work too so I can be there for you and I promise I'll make this as easy as possible for you". You laughed "Mingyu that's so sweet but I'm only a month and a half pregnant. It's not too bad at the moment and I'm not even showing". He nodded "I know but my mom had a really bad pregnancy and even if you don't it's going to be tiring and difficult so I want you to know I'm here for you, whatever you need". You blushed and nodded believing him "okay Mingyu" and kissed him softly.
The8 - Super energetic
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The8 had two moods, he was either chill and calm or hyper and outgoing. When you told him you were pregnant you got the latter. The8 immediately started cheering and jumping up and down, doing cartwheels and just basically anything to get his energy out. "This is amazing!" he yelled before coming to hug you in a huge bear hug and you laughed "so I take it you're happy". "I'm thrilled!" he replied breaking away from you to do a flip. You laughed watching him "let's just hope the baby doesn't get your energy or I'll be getting no sleep". "Then I'll stay up with you" The8 replied before he gasped "can we call my mom? I can't wait to tell her". You nodded "of course we can tell everyone" when the door opened and Dk, Vernon and Dino appeared. "We heard screaming is something wrong?" Dino asked. The8 smiled "nothing's wrong just...Y/n's pregnant!". The boys all cheered and The8 rushed to hug them all and you watched as they all bounced up and down excitedly. "Where are the others?" The8 asked and Vernon said they were in the living room. So The8 bounded off happily shouting the news to everybody and anybody nearby and you watched him amused. 
This baby had a very excited parent waiting to meet them.
Seungkwan - Emotional af
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Seungkwan had been dreaming of being a father since he was a kid. While most boys were playing with action figures or cars he had baby dolls and had his first child's name picked out at the ripe old age of 10. So you knew he'd be happy when you told him you were pregnant but you weren't expecting quite so much emotion.
When you told him, Seungkwan gasped and collapsed to the floor. You rushed to make sure he was okay and in reply Seungkwan just grabbed your hands and asked if you were being serious. When you confirmed you were he flew into your arms and burst into tears "this is the greatest day of my life!" he cried cradling you slightly and his happy tears turned into full-on sobs. He kept repeating "thank you" and "you're amazing" over and over again as you held onto him. "Seungkwan it's okay, you don't have to thank me" you told him cradling his face and he smiled still crying "I know but I want to because you've made me so happy, not just for this but for everything since you came into my life and this is the icing on the cake". "Aww Seungkwan!" you cried and held him closer. A few minutes later Seungkwan was excitedly googling pre-schools and found one just a five-minute drive from his work. "Just imagine it Y/n! I can pick them up after school finishes and we can go get something to eat and go to that cool park we always like walking through and in the summer we can go to the lake and then you can meet us after work! We could even get a dog and then we could..." and he continued on and on changing moods for hours until he eventually fell asleep exhausted. You covered him up with a blanket smiling, Seungkwan would have no problem keeping up with the baby's energy.
Vernon - Can’t speak
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It had been two hours since you'd told Vernon and he was still sat in the same chair staring at the wall. He'd assured you he was okay and happy with the news, he just needed some time to process it. However that was a while ago and you were beginning to think you'd broken him. "Vernon sweetie...are you okay? Do you need anything? Water...Scoups...an ambulance?". He looked at you and shook his head "no I'm okay just processing". "Okay but you've been processing for two hours now and I'm getting worried". He looked at the clock confused and his whole face dropped "shit...sorry you're the one he's actually got to do all the hard work and here I'm freaking out". "No you're allowed a freakout, it's big news". He nodded "yeah it is, it is...Y/n I promise I'm going to do my best to be a good partner and parent". You chuckled "I know Vernon, I have no doubt you'll be an amazing father". "You don't?" he asked and you smiled "of course not! Vernon you're so kind and sweet and caring...what else could I or this baby ask for?". Vernon visibly relaxed and finally smiled "this is going to be so cool". You chuckled "it really will be".
Dino - excited to be a cool young dad
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At first, Dino's only concern was you were both quite young and he worried this might've come too soon in your life but he soon realised there were positives to this. For one you'd both be young parents and he was very excited about that. “Just imagine us Y/n, strolling along the beach with our young family! We'll be able to keep up with the child no problem and when we go to school we'll be the young cool parents who all the kids admire. I can ride a motorbike and everything!". "But you don't know how to ride a motorbike" you laughed and Dino shrugged "so? I'm sure I can learn and don't you think now is a good time?". You laughed "hmm well you're more likely to get in an accident riding a motorbike than a car and we have our first child on the way...". Dino nodded his expression changed in seconds "of course what am I thinking? I have to be responsible and dependable for you and the baby too. No a motorbike won't do, do you think I should trade in my car for something more family-friendly?". You laughed "what happened to being the cool young dad?". "Forget that I want to be the safe dad who lives a long time and watches his child grow up". You smiled hugging him "well that sounds very good to me".   _____________ To note: even though these are "unexpected" pregnancies I wrote them with the idea that each couple did want to have children and so wanted the child that's why they kept the baby. Not every couple needs or wants to have children and of course no woman, pregnant person or couple should be forced to have a child just because they got pregnant. That's actually a pretty terrible reason to have a baby and I in no way wanted to reinforce that harmful idea. I also want to stay abortion is a more than acceptable alternative to having a child and everyone who has an abortion is valid.  Also not every couple needs a baby and I personally never want kids! I just thought it'd be cute to imagine Seventeen wanting a child and their partner getting pregnant :)
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buildingmycottage · 9 months ago
I saw a post here on Tumblr once that went something like "in a world where god, Jesus, and the apostles are all men, that has to do something psychologically to women" and it made me think: The Netflix version of the show "She-Ra Princess of Power" is a show that is HEAVILY women centric. We know maybe three guys in power, King Micah (who, after his return from Beast Island, wasn't *really* in power), the head sorcerer in Mystacor, Hordak/Horde Prime. (please do correct me if I am wrong) The show, albeit about princesses, has the princesses have actual roles. Even the ones that are "weak" or perceived to be weaker than the others (read: Perfuma), are extremely powerful.
The two men whom we consistently meet in the show other than Hordak, Bow and Seahawk, are not the "macho man" in most shows. Seahawk sings an entire shanty as to how lonely he is and how he just wants to be friends with Mermista, and Bow cries and even hugs frequently all the other characters in the show. Both talk about their emotions and work through them in /relatively/ healthy ways (the Dragon's Daughters 1-3 will be sorely missed). My point being, is that the women in the show are shown as strong, beautiful, muscular, fierce, sad, frustrated, loving, traumatized, hurt, laughing, and more. They all have different body shapes/ types of bodies. There are three openly gay couples: Bow's dads, Spinerella and Netossa, and Catra and Adora. Incredible! In a kids show (and adults too lets be real) there are three openly gay couples. No one treats them any different. Bow is one of 13 kids of George and Lance. No one bats an eye. In fact, according to She-Ra Wiki page (https://she-raandtheprincessesofpower.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIAP%2B), so many characters are queer. Besides the ones listed above: - Scorpia and Perfuma are romantically involved - Bow is Bisexual - Glimmer is Bisexual - Mermista is Bisexual - Seahawk is Bisexual (dated Falcon) - Falcon is Gay - Lonnie is Poly and Bisexual (dating Rogelio and Kyle) - by extension Rogelio and Kyle are queer - Entrapta is bi - Jewelstar is trans - Peekablue is gender non-conforming - Double Trouble is nonbinary and there is MORE In the show, as there are a ton of non humans, almost any time we meet someone, she/her pronouns are used (see episodes when Best Friend Squad are in the crimson waste). Can't you see how amazing this is? A show where there are no one-dimensional characters, women are constantly having intelligent conversation with one another, women are leaders, women working together, openly queer characters, and a beautiful plot line where there's magic???? When the princesses work together, they turn into the colors of the rainbow and their powers are enhanced. Little girls are getting to see themselves as normal. Women aren't treated as secondary citizens. Hell, almost every Bright Moon guard we see is female. How would the world be different if shows like this were the norm? Where women are able to be magical, and they aren't dressed to show off their bodies? Where women's armor actually protects them? Where they grunt and are sweating after they fight? Where womens' love wins? Why can't this be normal? (Happy Pride!)
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vickychendraws · 3 months ago
So... what'd you think of Arcane's finale, if you don't mind my asking?
I don't mind at all! Thanks for asking! :) Overall, I'd say I enjoyed it, although I think season 1 was stronger than season 2. I definitely cried multiple times, and they did an amazing job with the visuals and music, but I walked away with mixed feelings. I was a little sad that the conflict turned away from Zaun vs Piltover and towards a more apocalyptic threat. I felt like that really affected Caitvi because the class conflict was so important to the tension in their relationship (ik this is probably a hot take, but I felt a little lukewarm about their resolution ><). Ep 7 is probably my favorite of s2, and I thought they did an amazing job with Jayce, Viktor, and Ekko. I wish the Black Rose had a little more time/development, and I was kinda sad not to hear any more from Sevika after act 1 (I enjoy the 1 liberal vs 20 trump supporters memes though). But I understand they were trying to balance a ton in a single season, and they did an amazing job with what they had to work with. ***I'm not a writer, so all of my thoughts should be taken with a grain of salt, and I'm still waiting to hear from all my favorite youtube essayists hahaha. Either way, I really enjoyed Arcane and look forward to their next project :)
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honeyshiddendesire · 10 months ago
Virgin! Doflamingo Headcanon
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Pairing: YANDERE VIRGIN! Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: YANDERE DOFFY! loss of virginity! Vaginal penetration! Fingering! Dirty talk/teasing! Pussy drunk Doffy! mating press! Oral sex (male and female receiving)! Public sex! Misuse of d.f. Powers! Doffy with a Praise kink (fight me on this lol!) 
*Author's Note: An idea that popped in my head while chatting with my friends on discord that I finallllyyy got around to posting lol*
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VirginDoffy! Who was so focused on murder and overtaking the whole world that he completely forgot about sex all together…well forgot is a strong word more like it just never interested him. Sex wasn’t something that was in the forefront of his brain, murder and destruction, power, things like that. 
VirginDoffy! Who enjoyed stringing women up and fingering them till his heart was content, using them more like puppets to hear their cries but finishing the job never interested him. Well not with the women in Dressrosa or other kingdoms yet. 
VirginDoffy! Who was sitting on his throne one day when it suddenly dawned on him that he’s never actually sunk his cock into a woman before. Usually getting bored rather quickly before he ever actually fucked them. That all changed when he saw you one day strolling along in the streets of Dressrosa. 
VirginDoffy! Who you can’t tell me wouldn’t be a total yandere following you around the city, not talking to you yet but silently observing your every move. Having a woman peg his interest in this way was new afterall so he’d literally become a stalker. You wouldn’t notice him at all but everyone else around you would. 
VirginDoffy! Who would pay attention to your everyday routine and how you always get a morning tea or coffee with your favorite muffin. Going early to pay your tab in full for the next month leaving you in total shock but he was left more stunned when you still went out of your way to leave a tip. WHICH! Made him go back and tip for the next month as well hoping you’d get the hint to save your money.
Paying attention to how you eyeballed all the fancy dress shops and shoe stores with longing in your eye before sighing and going to the bargain shop on the far side of town. 
VirginDoffy! Who literally follows you home and goes back when you’re not there to rummage through your things finding out who you are and what size you are instead of just holding a conversation with you. 
VirginDoffy! Who goes back to all the stores you stop at and buys you all the prettiest dresses and shoes that you tend to stare at from the window. Leaving them at your door with flowers and a card that tells you to meet him at one of the best restaurants in the entire kingdom.
You think it’s a secret admirer and smile as you pick up the beautiful dress and twirl in your room with excitement. Getting all dolled up wearing the gifts you head out toward the meeting spot with a big smile on your face, glossy lips dropping in shock when you finally step inside the extravagant place. “Right this way your table is waiting for you.” The host says with a bow as he takes your shawl and leads you to the far back with a reserved sign, close to the stage where a live orchestra was playing Sad Romance by Thao Nguyen Xanh. It was one of your favorites and you sat down in your seat totally mesmerized barely noticing when Doflamingo came up behind you. 
“Is it all to your liking?” He asks, catching you off guard with a little gasp that makes him smirks. “Oops~” Doflamingo chuckles as he circles the table taking his seat. Your glossy lips catch his attention as they’re parted slightly in shock at seeing none other than Doflamingo himself. “Y-yes it’s all amazing. I just…” 
Raising a brow as he takes a sip of his wine that the waiter quickly poured upon his arrival, “Wasn’t expecting me?” He questions and you simply nod, making him grin. “What can I say…you’ve caught the eye of a King.” 
VirginDoffy! Who asks you tons of questions while wining and dining you, noticing how nervous you are and tending to ramble because of it. A trait he found oddly endearing. Simply giving you little hums and nods of acknowledgment as you ate. 
VirginDoffy! Who asks you to dance as the violin and pianist continue to play. His hands and eyes roaming all over your body in the tight fitting dress, his actions making your breath hitch and body heat up. Doflamingo’s hands are already holding you with a possessive touch that makes you practically melt in his grasp, eyes staring in awe up at him. 
VirginDoffy! Who despite never having sex he can tell by the look in your eye that he has you completely trapped in his sinister web, one that you’ll never escape from once he’s had you. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s hands slowly trail down your back to your ass as he leans down to whisper in your ear, “Would you like to accompany a King back to his chambers?” The question makes you shiver as you whisper back a shaky ‘yes’. Quickly leading you out of the restaurant after that and into his limo where he wastes no time crashing his lips to yours. 
Your hands wrapping around him to scratch at his scalp, tongue swirling around his in a clumsy kiss. You thought it was all the wine but little did you know the true reason behind his bewildered state. Doflamingo was groaning into your mouth as he pulled you into his lap, the smell of the perfume he purchased you was loud in the close proximity and it made his head spin. The strong floral, sweet scent smelled so enchanting on your skin that he couldn’t help but groan as he trailed sloppy kisses down your neck making you whimper. 
“Um…sir…we’re here.” The driver nervously interrupts and gets a glare of Doflamingo and a loud ‘out’ that makes him scurry away leaving the both of you alone. “Ah~” You moaned out as you felt Doflamingo grind into your hips, feeling his rather huge bulge through both of your clothes. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s so enraptured by pleasure and your scent that you literally have to tap his shoulder to get his attention. “D-Doflamingo~ Can…can we go to your room?” You whine as he continues making your head spin with each kiss that travels lower towards the valley of your breast, his large hands gripping your ass. Hearing your request and seeing the look of lust on your face only has him grin as he kisses at your jaw. 
VirginDoffy! Who can’t help but warn you of what was to come. “You know once I have you in my room I can’t ensure that you’ll be leaving anytime soon.” His grin only grows as you tell him you understand, greedy lips finding your own at the sound of your equal eagerness. “Oh my poor dove~ you don’t even realize the cage that you’ve flown yourself into.”
VirginDoffy! Who leads your heaving form to his room, your hair and gloss already a mess just from an intense makeout session. 
VirginDoffy! Who once in his luxurious room wastes not even a second to literally rip your dress off you. Pushing you down on his large plush bed making you squeal in shock at how quickly he spreads your legs. Kissing up from your legs, long fingers running along the sparkly heels that adorned your feet as he spread your legs more into a vulnerable position. 
“Already soaking this pathetic lace you’re wearing.” Doflamingo chuckles against your thighs, nipping the skin before sucking marks into your plush thighs. Trailing up slowly before using one of his hands to push your panties to the side before diving in to take a long lick at your cunt. 
VirginDoffy! Who has zero skills at eating your cunt but wasn’t stupid and knew to listen to every little reaction that you made. Any hitch in your breath, moan or whimper you let out only fueled the large man’s ego to dive further into your cunt. Long tongue working wonders to fuck into your sopping wet hole, circling around making your back arch as he sloppily kisses your aching clit. “AH~ Dof~Holy shit!” You cry out barely able to moan out his name as he sucks on the sensitive bud harder. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s hands literally can’t keep still. Running up and down all over your body, squeezing and groping your tits to run down your waist to pinch and claw at your thighs before moving back up with hunger. His tongue never gets enough of your taste and only eats your pussy with more fire in his chest. Never understanding how he hasn’t done this before when you sounded so sweet in his strong grasp. 
VirginDoffy! Who was starstruck when he finally started to sink his long fingers deep in your dripping pussy, tongue never letting up on your clit even as you pulled at his blonde hair. “Do~ah~Dof-fuck~!” His name dragged into a curse from your lips that had him grin wickedly, tongue flicking your bundle of nerves to drive you insane.
 “Oh fuckfuckfuck I’m gonna cum~ Doffy shit! How are you so good at this?” Your moaned out question has him pulling back with a sinister laugh as he also wonders the same thing considering he’s never done this before. Doflamingo’s greedy eyes looking down to where your wet pussy is swallowing two long fingers of his, your hands gripping the sheets beside your head. Your legs were trembling, heels digging into the plush blankets as you thrashed around. Screams only turning to a loud shriek as he curled them into that spot that made you gush, his brow raising at the magnificent sight. 
VirginDoffy! Who can’t help but lean back down, licking you completely clean with a luscious moan at the taste of you. Pulling down his pants to hungrily crawl up your body kissing your skin up along the way making you breathe heavier. 
VirginDoffy! Who is way too big for his own good and once he's dipping his long cock inside you needs you to literally beg him to stop or he'll keep going. Drunk on the feel of you wrapping around him until your nails are drawing blood from scratching at his chest so hard. 
“Shitshitshit too much too~ fucking much! Dammit just wait!” You cry out not even aware of how much blood you drew from the man, eyes blurry from tears. His body shivering at the pleasure wrapped around his cock and the stinging pain of your nails. Doflamingo’s breath is coming out in huffs as he leans down to suck marks on your neck, his fingers clawing at the sheets for some type of self control to stay still but it only lasts so long. “I’m not a man with much patience.” He’ll tell you, making you whimper as you feel him grind into you. 
Sucker punching the air out of you as he rocks into you with unskilled hips, is cock so big it did all the work for him. Doflamingo went on pure instincts and pleasure, kissing your body and stringing your legs up to stay wide open for him. Long cock pounding into you until you scream out his name for the whole kingdom to hear.
VirginDoffy! Who immediately grows addicted when you cum around his cock, needing to feel it over and over again. Your pussy gushing around his cock as he pumps you over and over full of his seed. 
VirginDoffy! Who mentally wishes he traps you forever with his child so you never leave the man. Your slumped form lay on his bed alongside with him both breathing heavy as his mind raced with thoughts of what to do with you the next round when he has gathered the energy again. Now that he’s had you don’t think you’ll be able to run. Like a bird you’ll be forever caged to quench his ever growing lust.
“Don’t think you’ll be able to leave me now my dear. It seems I’ve grown quite obsessed.”
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pint-sized-pillars-au · 2 days ago
Hey hey! love your art! I always come on here to see if anything pops up :)
Quick little scenario-
If the kids were asked to sit still in the center of an empty room (separately/1 kid in each empty room) & left alone, who would leave first & who would leave last? (Or told they can leave bc they've been in there for too long by themselves lol) Muichiro don't count bc I don't want a lil bby to be left alone in an empty room
Thanks! Keep up the amazing work! XD
ahhh i absolutely love this ask! this is such a good scenario! i thought it over for a couple days and here's what im thinking... for the sake of this post we'll say the Ubuyashiki quintuplets are the ones conducting the experiment, and the room they're in is fairly empty
they would put him in a room and the poor thing would climb all over the door and babble and whine the second it's shut
he doesn't even last a minute. he cries so much that one of the quintuplets has to grab him
2. *Gyomei
he's fine at first. he just sits down to meditate and isn't all that worried about the experiment
until he starts thinking about the other children
and he worries sick about not being with them... what if something happens and he isn't there to protect them? but he's not supposed to be freaking out... he was told he needed to relax and let the others watch them! but he cant help himself
he senses a Disturbance in the force (a crying baby Muichiro) and leaves five minutes into the experiment
3. *Mitsuri
she starts overthinking and getting anxious and upset
she would much rather be with the other kids, and being alone, she can't help but feel homesick. she starts missing her parents a lot
so she sits in the room for maybe 15 minutes before peeking her head out and asking if she could do something else
she and Kanata play while they wait for the other Hashira
4. *Shinobu
she is totally fine with the experiment but she gets bored almost immediately
Shinobu tries to meditate, but that bores her even more
she walks out of the room after half an hour and joins Mitsuri and Kanata (in which more quintuplets join in on what they're doing, while Muichiro clings to Gyomei like a lifeline)
5. *Giyuu
he doesn't really wanna participate in the experiment. he misses his friends. after arguing against it for a bit (he's a youngest child, so he isn't used to not getting what he wants /affectionate) he settles down in the room and just sits there sulking for a bit
Giyuu starts imagining what he'll do when he gets out of the room, and he has a ton of ideas of games to play with his new friends
he tries to take a nap but he's so excited, he forgets all about the experiment and skips out of the room calling for Sanemi and Obanai
6. *Tengen
like Shinobu, he just gets really bored
he lasts for a couple hours. he occupies himself by doing his hair, painting his nails, etc
with how heightened his hearing is, he soon picks up on the sound of the other children laughing and playing
he starts feeling homesick too, missing suma, makio, and hinatsuru. after a lot of contemplating, he gives up on trying to defeat sanemi, and leaves the room
7. *Sanemi
he stays for a few hours but bold to assume he's having a good time
he paces around the room, he bounces off the walls, he tries to turn everything into parkour, he turns something into a "sword" and tries target practice, etc
he even dusts a bit, and cleans up the room a few times to keep his mind occupied
what makes him leave the room?
he accidentally stubbed his toe, and it was his last straw. he stomps out of the room, grumpy and upset
Tengen and Giyuu help him out a bit, and then he plays the new game Giyuu came up with
8. *Kyojuro
he grew up very well disciplined, so he stays put for as long as he needs to be. he takes the experiment very seriously and is very respectful
he feels pretty lonely within the first ten minutes. he tries to occupy the space by talking aloud to himself, but with no one to respond, he gets pretty sad
he wonders how the other kids are doing. he also wonders how Senjuro is doing, and notes to give him a big hug once Senjuro visited the following day
he tries to play tic tac toe with himself. he puts on little voice impressions and pretend he's different Hashira to keep himself entertained and prevent himself from feeling lonely
kyojuro ends up taking a long nap. after sleeping for a few hours, he forgets why he was alone in a room to begin with, and just walks out to play with the other kids
9. *Obanai
given he was raised in a cage, this is nothing
Obanai just lays on the floor and keeps his eyes on the door and windows
he stays in there for so long, the other kids have to go in and get him (Kyojuro in particular insists on grabbing him, since he knows Obanai doesn't do well in giant empty spaces)
they find him sitting in the corner and hugging Kaburamaru. his closest friends cheer for him and celebrate him being the victor
however, as soon as he's out of the room, he starts crying. it turns out he was really scared, and he hated every part of the experiment. he and Kyojuro cling to each other the rest of the evening
the Ubuyashiki kids apologize hysterically for the experiment after Amane lectures them a bit, and all of the kids sleep in a giant cuddle pile that night
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