#it was only $6 though so i guess i wouldn't even expect it to last long lmfao
wosoluver · 3 months
To undo a mistake
Part 6/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Around three weeks later.
You had been the last one to arrive at camp. Along with Klara, Syd, Giulia and Lea.
You were greeted by every one with hugs. You were there for the first game of Euro's 2025 qualifying.
Everyone was so excited. Including you. So when Lena came up to greet you with a hug, you barely paid any mind to the action. Until she said something.
"Hey. How are you?"
"Good, really." - And you weren't lying. The last couple of weeks had been good. You were keeping yourself busy with the team, training, therapy twice a week and spending time with friends. And by friends you meant Ana.
Before you could say anything else, the started dividing you guys into two to share the rooms. You tried sticking to Syd, she had already grabbed Lea by the arm.
And the only ones left without a partner was you, and Lena.
Once noticing that Lea offered to switch places with you.
"It's fine. Thanks."
Everyone tried to pretend the weren't paying attention. And that they weren't surprised by how you were acting.
Lena included. She was glad though. That you no longer felt so repulsed by her presence.
You both follow up to the room to settle in and leave your bags before heading to training.
"I thought you hated me. I was scared I wouldn't have the chance of talking to you again."
"I don't hate you. I hate the situation we were in. And the way you handled things.
But I think I deserved to move on." - you said. And the first thing you did before anything else once you went in, was texting Ana you had arrived safely.
Next you changed and made your way down. Without waiting on Lena.
Not that she was expecting you to. But still, it hurt a little.
By the end of the day you could only think of dinner and bed. And you did both on that exact same order.
You were laying in bed, when you picked up Guzmán's call.
"Hey! How was the day?"
"Good, so busy. And unfortunately I ended up having to share the room with Lena."
"Don't drive yourself crazy about that. Am sure you'll be fine."
"She hugged me when I got here! She had the audacity to! Thank god I think I escaped from. She must be in Lea and Syd's room."
"Congratulations on making through the first day!" She said joking around.
"Only so many more to go. I'll let you know if I leave in the middle of the night to go home." - You said it, only half joking.
-"You have to rest for tomorrow. Goodnight. I'll talk to you later."
"Goodnight." - You said hanging up, and not long after you fell asleep.
When Lena was back, she noticed you asleep, trying her best not to wake you. You had always been the lightest sleeper.
She laid in bed thinking back on how the day was, and what was to come. Glad you were at least on speaking terms. Even if it was just the bare minimum.
Friday arrived and you were having breakfast. You were an absolute nerve wreck. You were seating next to Klara. You were all having light conversations.
You received a notification on your phone, that was casually on the table.
"Let me guess. Ana?" - She asked you.
"Yeah, just wishing us good luck."
Little did you know, Lena was watching this very closely. She immediately turned to Lea.
"Who's Ana?"
"What?" - Lea was confused by the sudden question.
"Is Y/N friends with anyone named Ana?"
"Ah yes, Guzmán. She's recently signed with the team."
"And they're friends?"
"Yeah. Ana didn't really connect much with the rest of the team. So they're always together." - Lea said the last part absentmindedly.
Lena was burning inside. She knew she had no right to. And even though her friend had told her they were just friends, she couldn't be sure of that.
Looking over to you once again, you had a big smile on your face.
As you guys made your way to the stadium, Lena had a lot in her mind. Trying to keep calm.
Unfortunately you were starting on the bench today. But you were okay with it. You knew if they needed you, they would put you on.
Getting ready for the match and making your way to the pitch, as they played the national anthems, you and Lena shared one last look, before they had to make it to their spots.
The referee blew the whistle and the game started.
You were worried watching how the first minutes had gone, and when the clock hit the 8:15 mark, Doorsoun made a bad attempt at passing the ball, and lost it to Campbell, Hendrich tried, but the two defenders couldn't stop her, neither could Frohms. And Austria scored the first goal of the match.
In the 15th minute they scored another one. Another from Campbell. This time a header. And you saw Obi blame herself for this one. She was so close.
Nüsken had a good shot at the goal but it was stopped by the Austrian goalkeeper. She had a few more opportunities after that but no scoring.
Bühl finally got a goal, from outside the penalty area. Thankfully putting you guys back in the game, almost 5 minutes to the whistle blow.
And finally you reached the end of the first half.
I like the way this story is going finally!
Guys I might merge some chapters together so they can be longer, so if you're in doubt if you've read it or not, use the images to help guide you!
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
This is super self indulgent buuut I like to think that shadow milk used to worm his way into the kingdoms he manipulated by being a jester or as an advisor so imagine this with a reader insert! Shadow milk just doing his thing when he sees the reader (could be anyone maid,princess etc) and thinks they are a perfect source for information but slowly starts to fall in love with them! And by the end he makes the reader watch as the kingdom they live in falls. Anyways hope you have a great day!
Requested Prompts #6 - 💓✙
TW - Mentions of violence, cannibalism
Everything was going perfectly, nobody knew him as more than the Court Jester, nobody could even guess that it was him stirring up the discord within the royal court. They only knew Blueberry Milkshake Cookie, the silly court jester who always kept one of his eyes covered. He was much, much more than just a Court Jester though. And he could tell that you knew that. So, his first thought was to get you... Out of the way. He quickly reconsidered that after seeing you behead an assassin cookie with your own bare hands. So, then came plan b, using you as a source of information. As the next in line to be Crowned in this kingdom of secrets, then surely you would hold some rather valuable information that he could use to further his own agenda. But of course, even then you were holding back on him. You were a locked treasure chest of secrets, and he was trapped in a room full of keys trying to find the one that was just right. Shouldn't he have abandoned this by now? Well, he hated to admit it, but he'd fallen in love with you. Hard and fast like a blazing meteor on a crash course into the planet. And then, came the day you revealed one of your secrets to him. " I hate this kingdom," You had said bitterly, bringing a surprised look to his face. " Hating your own kingdom, my liege?" He teased with a sly grin, not having believed you at first. " My apologies, but I thought that I was supposed to be the jokester here!-" " Blueberry Milkshake Cookie," You said sternly, and he watched as you turned to glare at him. " I'm being serious." He shut his mouth, these were your secrets, he'd finally found the key and gotten you to open up to him. Surely he wouldn't have to deal with this... love he'd developed for you after, right? " This kingdom is built upon lies, but I'm sure you knew that already." You walked up to him, hands finding their way under his arms to lift him up off his feat so the two of you could be at eye level. " Haven't you ever wondered why myself and my family are this powerful?" His heart was doing loop-de-loops, such as it always did when you showed off like this. " I have, yes." He answered. " It's because we eat other cookies, and I hate the fact that we do." You hissed out, biting your tongue to keep quiet and hushed. " You know those private executions? They're taking those Cookies to a slaughterhouse, some of them haven't even done anything wrong and yet they're being slain like livestock." You crouch down so his feet are touching the floor again while you get on your knees. " I despise this castle, my family, and everyone who let this continue to happen. I wish that my kingdom would be completely and utterly destroyed so that nobody will have to know what suffering went on here." Oh, he didn't expect that. He could see the tears of anger brimming in your eyes, he didn't like that expression on your face. So why not replace it with one of your better ones? Such as your elusive smile? His own expression twisted into a gleeful grin. " Aw~ Don't worry my dear, I'll be sure to make your wish come true~" He cooed, wiping your tears of frustration away with a wave of his hand. " What do you mean?" You had eventually asked him after a moment of silence. The confused expression on your face- not what he was going for, but he'd take it anyways- was just so adorable~ " Eheh he he he heh~ Oh, you'll just have to wait for my last performance, the one in three days time." He chuckled, slipping out of your hold and walking towards the door. " However, I do advise you get yourself out of the kingdom before then, Reader Cookie~ Ta ta for now~" On the inside, he cackled wildly... Not out loud of course, that'd get him found out. He hoped that you would head his warning, after all he didn't want you getting crumbled in the cross fire.
Might make a a part 2 for this one, mainly in Reader Cookie's POV about finding out that Shadow Milk was blueberry all along.
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borom1r · 2 months
WAILING @theshakespearetrash sent me 2 ask memes for Boromir asks (who is very much Not my OC skfhshfjjs but I will Always do character analysis I love character analysis so much. rotating him so fast in my brain. microwaving him on high)
+ not to be a kinnie on main (voice of a man who is always a kinnie on main) but I will be answering these all w/ a sort of Boromir-lives scenario in mind -w-
anyways ask meme 1 + ask meme 2
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
ok I feel like it’s the cop-out answer to say “his fall to the ring” but I feel like Boromir is the sort of person to.. not like stew on things but very much takes the stance of “good or bad, all my choices got me to the current moment and made me who I am.” + I feel like there’s so much tangled up in his fall completely beyond his control where that’s the only memory that he’d like. actively want to erase from his mind
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
HM. good with kids. I think unless you’d seen him with Faramir/his cousins when they were younger you wouldn’t guess (he’s a soldier and a very plain man when he’s not putting on a show for his father), but he’s just genuinely great with kids
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
loves too much + quick to lose hope. painfully aware of this
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
fight response. 100% the kind of man who gets kicked out of a haunted house for punching a scareactor even though he knew a scare was coming. Faramir and Aragorn have both almost gotten throttled bc they unintentionally snuck up on him
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
OOO. When He Is Of Sound Mind, not actually very far. he was raised with the knowledge he would be giving his life to Gondor, whether he died in battle or sat on the throne as steward. add to that the act he puts on for Denethor, everything he does to protect Faramir— he’s a man born to serve. his own wants come last
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
it would take. a DESPERATELY long time and an almost complete degradation of his mental state. Boromir arrives in Rivendell in October 3018, and the very next day is the Council, at which point he sees the ring and is IMMEDIATELY influenced by it. yet he doesn’t fully fall to it until the end of February 3019. he’d been fighting its pull for almost four whole months by the time he does anything malicious. resisting the One Ring for FOUR MONTHS. <- reasons why if I see someone call Boromir weak for falling to it I will see red.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
teehee obviously again Boromir is not my OC so I will take this as an excuse to Be A Kinnie + say, I do remember Boromir being returned to us sometime after my coronation. so that’s one way my memories differ from canon, which is sort of an answer to this prompt snfjsjfj
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
OH YEAH. I mean yeah if we’re talking like actual criminal murder and not just Slaying People On A Battlefield like. yeah 100% he would IF he was within Minas Tirith. you know Denethor would do everything in his power to cover that up lmfao
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
anyways “have you ever seen a man so strong have you ever seen a man so great when he fights time stands still and everything seems so unreal but deep inside of him this man is torn” what if I bit things about this song
+ also listening to Magnolia and Shock Me by Baroness with Aragorn/Boromir in mind makes me ill. im Unwell.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
HMMMMM The Frankenstein Chronicles gave me brain worms so I might write a Frankenstein-inspired thing at some point. sth sth consequences of divine resurrection
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Boromir uses a hand-and-a-half arming sword (meaning it’s balanced for single or double-handed use, with a crossguard). it’s a really elegant sword, very simple and utilitarian. speaks to an adaptable combat style as well. but, interestingly? Boromir carries a Rohirric shield, and if you notice Rohirric swords don’t actually HAVE crossguards the way Gondorian blades do. this tracks, and was common with Roman and early Germanic swords— BECAUSE these cultures were Also relying on shields for blocking.
and an additional note, Faramir’s sword is single-handed. so we’ve got a ranger who prefers the use of a bow and hasn’t experimented much with his sword combat, and his brother who prefers a sword and carries a very versatile blade with 1) a Rohirric shield and 2) a ranger’s vambraces designed to protect his arms from a (nonexistent) bowstring. I just find Boromir’s mix of protective gear so interesting, esp if you consider he and Théodred as at LEAST friends. like Boromir carries so much of the people he cares for with him into strange lands even when he (arguably) has little need for such gear
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yes and no. I think, not consciously? but he absolutely values himself lower than the people he cares for. he goes to Rivendell to keep Faramir out of danger, he takes multiple arrows to the chest and keeps fighting to defend Merry and Pippin. I think if there’s a risk of someone he loves getting hurt, all self-preservation goes out the window
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
oh I would be staring at him like a predatory animal and trying to psychically convince him to lay on me in full armor
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
HGH. ok I don’t think he necessarily. does?? and this is generally a Silly Little Headcanon bc of a comment a Most Beloved Friend made abt how everyone gets their autism from their dad (real+true) + now in my head “haha Faramir got his autism from Boromir instead” BUT. like genuinely I don’t think Boromir has an actual image of himself in his head or like processes that ppl perceive him, necessarily. and particularly when his father is holding him up as this aspirational figurehead for Gondor, like… I think he’s just himself, in his head. idk how to describe it well for the neurotypical ppl in the room snfskfjs sorry. like I don’t process myself as having Traits so ppl tell me they think I’m cool or funny or they enjoy being around me and it’s always like “!!! oh!” + I think Boromir is the same way. I think Faramir could describe Boromir to him + Boromir would just be like. “huh.”
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
it’s Sean Bean + it will always be Sean Bean. sorry other Boromirs you simply pale in comparison
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
VERY high by necessity. he’s a soldier he’s absolutely patched up his own injuries before, at least to hold over until he could see an actual healer
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
ahh. I wrote a very personal fic exploring self harm urges w/ Boromir, so I suppose that
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
very personable, when he’s of sound mind sndnsj
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
oh he’s a silent anger type for sure. just seethes quietly. hello, consequences of spending time in an environment where you have no actual outlet for your anger + must simply sit there and Stew.
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
again, When He’s Of Sound Mind, no. the man’s got a big heart and life’s too short to be petty
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
hitting him with the autism beam bc I can. I do also think he’s lost at least partial use of his arm in a Boromir Lives scenario, considering where the first arrow struck him
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
HMMM neutral good. he’s not chaotic enough to be.. chaotic (lol), and I think he’s too willing to go against Gondorian Popular Opinion to be lawful.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
HMMMMM pain, actually. or “weakness.” I think if he can quantify it in his head as “showing weakness” then it’s getting stuffed in a mental box and Not Addressed
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ok well. None. I think with his circumstances he had zero choice in his path. HOWEVER. I am deeply DEEPLY fond of Boromir learning how to play an instrument after the war ends. I STILL struggle to blow my wassail horn that shit takes SKILL that I do not currently have and Boromir was the BEST at blowing his horn?????? I think he deserves to learn how to play an instrument, esp bc Aragorn, Merry and Pippin would ALL be delighted to have Boromir play while they sing. Boromir learning hobbit folk songs????? Rohirric songs, to honor Théodred?? yeagh.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
HES SO. FUNDAMENTALLY LOVING. love is such a core aspect of his character he is so wholly loving that the ring has NO CHOICE but to try to twist that love. bc it’s all Boromir has. love. im going to throw up abt him.
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
has he ever BEEN completely alone? mm, no. has he ever felt that isolated? I think absolutely, by the time the fellowship leaves Caras Galadhon. obviously he doesn’t deal with it well el oh el.
as for how he acts when no one’s around to see him… I don’t think much changes, tbh. he’s not the kind of man to Perform for anyone except his father, and then with the express purpose of placating the man and keeping his ire towards Faramir to a minimum
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
been betrayed? hm. truthfully, no, though I’m certain he felt betrayed by Aragorn’s reluctance to be anything resembling a king.
has He betrayed someone? Technically Yes, though again, if we apply the qualifier of “When He’s Of Sound Mind” the answer is no. his betrayal comes under the influence of a Malicious Magical Artifact Which Has Been Fucking With His Mind For Months, so.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
ooo, hm. I think not, actually, though it is a fun little idea for angst
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
gestures wildly at canon. I mean that’s his lowest. we’ve all seen it.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
again, canon— to see his people safe. he’s very open with that desire, lol
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
AH. canon again. though what he does to move past it… mm. quite a lot of atonement, I think. perhaps of the self-destructive, working-himself-too-hard variety. I do think speaking with Faramir about *his* experience with the ring would help, because Boromir is the first to hold Faramir up as this sort of paragon of Goodness. so I think to know *Faramir* was tempted would help him better ground his experiences as, like…. Not A Deep Moral Failure Exclusive To Himself
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
ehehe. this is one thing I’ve touched on in a Faramir-centric fic, but the idea that the ring showed Boromir visions of Faramir dying at Denethor’s hand should he fail to return with the ring.
had Boromir lived to discover Denethor had nearly burned Faramir alive…… Mmmm. mmmmmmmm.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
worst possible? if he’d actually managed to claim the ring. I shan’t elaborate -_-
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
MM. his own actions. dead friends, dead loved ones. though if you mean literally, haunts him, I do like to think that Théodred’s Oðr pays Boromir a visit every now and again
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
see above. handles it?? mm. atonement, again. direct action. he accepts it and does what he can to make it right
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
HATE? Orcs, probably. Sauron. that tentacle motherfucker outside Moria. he’s not a hateful man, so. shrugs.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
that ended badly in the interpersonal sense? mm, unlikely. more ended badly in the “somebody fucking died” sense.
I do think he had One (1) fledgling romance in Dol Amroth that ended with the other squire dying and that was sort of the catalyst for “ah. If I love people they’ll Probably Die, so maybe I won’t do that” baggage that he didn’t really unpack until, I think, Théodred. add the additional layers of Denethor Being Denethor and Boromir having such great standards to live up to…. with all the love in my heart, that relationship only happened bc Théodred saw Boromir, went “I need to fuck that Gondorian so bad it makes me look stupid” and proceeded to work his way through 1700 layers of gondorian mental bullshit just so he could suck some dick (me too bestie)
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hm. my first instinct is to say “not much” but ultimately I think he’d hide anything he can quantify as “weakness.” his own distress, any physical pain if he needs to be up and moving, etc. he’s only able to share that earnest moment with Aragorn in Caras Galadhon bc of Galadriel’s influence. he’s not used to being seen. so, if there is sth that would hold him back from fulfilling his duty as a soldier it is absolutely getting hidden/ignored.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
hm. not necessarily Hunted, but I do think he is followed by Denethor’s expectations. it’s sth I’ve talked abt in another ask + that I go into in the costuming doc but such a key element of Denethor’s design is his son’s motifs but Richer, Grander. so… I do think Boromir is constantly alert of, like, how his father will perceive him, bc there is this very insidious sort of competition, this need for Denethor to show his sons up (whether a conscious need or not). and I do think that would weigh on Boromir quite heavily
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
mm again I think he only really wears a mask/performs for Denethor. anyone else would be too much effort for too little reward. at least if he plays Golden Son for his father, it keeps Faramir from being harassed as much
however, as for who gets to see him when he’s.. not just unmasked but actually RELAXED… Faramir, his uncle and cousins, Théodred, Aragorn, the others in the fellowship but particularly Merry and Pippin
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
does he have nightmares? oh definitely. what he does in the small hours of the night? depends. if he’s on campaign/traveling/otherwise away from Minas Tirith he will either lay there in his bedroll and Think (bad) or get up and write letters. depends entirely on where he’s stationed/who he’s with. if he Is at home in Minas Tirith, I expect he just goes for a walk + looks at the sky
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
I think I’ve pretty much answered all of this above, so skfjsjdh
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nah, he’s not ❤️‍🩹
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
answered w midnight for the most part— I’ll just add that no, he wouldn’t really talk about his nightmares. that requires showing vulnerability lol. I think Théodred and Aragorn are the only two who could coax him into speaking about his nightmares/fears (he wouldn’t want to burden Faramir with such nonsense)
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
answered sorta (yes he has a high pain tolerance) but worst pain? gonna go with three orc arrows to the chest
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
HMMMM again I don’t think there are many secrets. I do think if Denethor found out he liked men it would be disastrous
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hm. I think he’s generally at ease with himself, or at least content with Not Thinking About These Things. I think, had he directly survived the arrows, he would have to grapple with like. the idea that he did prove Aragorn’s fears about men correct (whether Aragorn would agree with him or not)
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Four Months Of Slow Mental Degradation Due To An Accursed Magical Artifact!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
(no he wouldn’t torture anyone else)
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
hm. He would say mostly physical wounds. I’d argue a mix of both. he’ll accept as much care as he needs to stay on his feet and fighting. worst wound is definitely still arrows lol
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Dear. Army
I went to bed last night thinking that we won't be getting anything substantial on 7/6 even though we had a calendar showing us this:
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Only to wake up this morning to discover this was uploaded to Weverse at 10pm KST on 7.6.23 (and an hour later to YT).
Where do I start?
By saying how amazing JM is, how much I love him and his voice and this song.
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This man is an angel pure and simple.
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What did I notice?
First of all the big ass miss out by releasing it at 10 pm KST and not 10:13 pm. All it took was a little more thought put into it. Just a little more.
Well, the next most obvious is of course the absence of a certain Jeon Jungkook in person, performing this song together with JM.
And why do I say in person?
Because even though every other single background sound and vocal was wiped from this performance, JK's background vocals, although subdued, were still there.
Do I admit that I am disappointed?
Fuck yeah.
I'm not only disappointed, I'm actually furious. Not at JM. Not at JK. But at the friggin company that isn't allowing those two to be in one frame, and has been doing this for months now.
And if you pipe up and say: "well that's not true, we've seen them in content together", stop for one second and think about what you are saying, what content that was. Ot7 content (no choice they are all there - and when they were, thinking of the last BTB JM was as loud as fuck, can't help but wonder why - or not) and JM's dance practice BTB, in which we got to see less than a minute of JK at JM's SMF pt. 2 practice. And about that one: first of all, we probably wouldn't have gotten to see that one if not for JM and JK's interaction in JM's live mentioning JK came to see him practicing, and second of all, go have a lookie what was shown to us in that BTB (we don't even get to see JK arriving to the practice - perhaps not to show us not JM's reaction to him arriving nor just how long he stayed there) and compare it to the Like crazy MV BTB and Jhope visiting JM.
And I'm sure I said this before, how stupid this all is, when it's as clear as day (well, thank god for JK and his rebellious streak) that these two are as close as can be. Couple or not. So wtf is the company so scared of? At this point, with everything that JK has been doing in the past few months (and it's not only JK, JM is part of it too of course, but admittedly JK is just not giving a fuck anymore, while JM is doing what he can within his own respectful and very intelligent way) it's bloody ridiculous not having them in content together.
You may think I'm over reacting here, but this is a long time coming, this angry rant of mine. And this here, as expected as it was, it pushed me over the line.
Like I said, It's not like I didn't see this coming. I knew in my heart that they will do this. Try to nullify Letter's importance to JM and JK. Whitewash it as a song for army. But somewhere, somehow, I still had some hope. Well, that one was a bust. And I guess knowing it's coming doesn't change that ache in the gut once it actually does come.
I ask myself, would it have been too obvious in their books? JM and JK singing this together? But why? If it's an innocent letter to army? A token of JM's love for army?
I guess we all know the answer to that.
So, then I am sitting here and thinking about what I said about JM.
How intelligent he is. How he does things within the 'allowed' limitations but still gets the message through.
He did it with the song's name for starters. It's not "Dear Army", which would make it addressed to army, it's "Dear. Army". By adding the period between the Dear and the Army, you literally have him addressing 2: Dear (which we know exactly who that is) and Army.
We have said this over and over again. This song is a song for JK disguised as a song for army. Dear does come first out of the two after all, lol. No, but this is just how things have to be, as long as they remain closeted, and that is totally understandable. This is how JM is telling us all what his feelings are for JK. He's telling JK and us. I know that there are those who believe that the song is talking to us in some parts and to JK in others. I'm not one of them. I believe this whole song (and the original lyrics say it all in my opinion) is addressed to JK. He is Dear. He is the one the Letter was written to. But in saying that, it was given as a gift to us. JM is allowing us to see what they mean to each other. And a gift that certainly is.
I also think about the fact that JM in this performance stripped the song down. No wave sounds. No harmonica. None of his own background vocals. The guitar, it's not him playing (unlike in the actual recorded song). All making it a little less personal perhaps (while singing it to army for Festa). But then, he made sure to leave one thing, and that's JK's background vocals, as soft as they may be, they are still there.
2 things I get from that (and yes, this is art and it's open to interpretation):
First of all, he's stripped the song of it's intimate setting (settings that were him and JK and what was between them).
Second of all, he left JK's vocals in but softer. JK isn't there with him, but JM is still telling us that JK is an inseparable part of this song. That the song can still exist without the waves and the harmonica and his own background vocals, but not without JK. JM even goes quiet at one point during that verse so we can hear JK's vocals clearer.
Maybe that's me being over melodramatic here, but that's what I feel at the moment.
Did you notice how JM doesn't look once at the camera, at us, while singing the song? Not once. The first and only time he looks at the camera, at us, and smiles, is when the song ends.
You know why?
Cause the man, he ain't singing that song to us. He's singing it for us to hear, but we aren't the recipients.
Oh, and did you see the smile on his face once he starts the verse with "baby", yes, that same verse where JK joins in?
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I'm sorry, but you can even hear the smile in his voice as he's singing "baby"...
I apologize that this post isn't all filled with joy and gratitude that we got to see JM performing Letter (Dear. Army). But I have always been honest with you guys, and that is not going to change.
Don't get me wrong. I'm over the moon that we got to hear JM sing this live.
But I'm also sad.
I'm sad because I know how important this song is to both JM and JK. I know that JK would have joined JM in a heartbeat if only given a chance to, or more so, if allowed to. There is no way under the sun that JK was given the chance and declined. NO WAY. So there you have it.
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despazito · 7 months
hey! I was wondering if you ever watch clints reptiles - he just posted a video about marcupeal phylogeny and specifically mentioned thylacines, and talked about how theres been sightings in new guinea? i was just wondering about your opinion, since you just posted a new thylacine drawing and i know youre very interested in them :D
idk, the fact i haven't heard all that much buzz about this theory from the zoologists i follow on twitter makes me doubtful by default.
i'll be honest i'm pretty skeptical of this new guinea claim because of dingoes and new guinea singing dogs.
the popularly accepted theory for the mainland extinction of the thylacine and likely tasmanian devil was competing pressure from dingoes.
clint mentions all of this, but he leaves out the fact that dingoes arrived on the australian continent from the north and studies indicate that dingoes may be descendants of more basal new guinea singing dogs. that would likely mean imo that the new guinea thylacine population, if anything, would be the first to suffer the consequences of canine encroachment.
only on the island of tasmania where absolutely no dingoes were ever present sheltered a 100% verifiable thylacine population by the time of european colonization. to my knowledge, the most recent solid physical evidence of thylacines in new guinea is still several thousand years old. so to me it seems that dingo/wild dog distribution and thylacine distribution mixed as well as oil and water. If there's thylacines in new guinea, it would have to be some enclave free of dogs.
i know the topography of new guinea can give refuge to very cryptic animals, and as clint said the relatively low human population and no european persecution is a plus. i won't disocount local indigenous anecdotes because they've been proven right with other species once thought extinct, but like where are skins or bones or footprints?
also i feel like clint really really oversimplified the cloning process thylacines would require. he makes it seem like it would be simple because we have their whole genome sequenced and have specimens under 100 years old to work with. the thing is, cloning a mammoth is simpler than cloning a thylacine even though they went extinct millenia ago, because mammoths still have a close living relative.
a cursory look at google tells me wooly mammoths and extant asian elephants last shared an ancestor as recently as 6 million years ago, they both belong to the family elephantidae. thylacines however were the last living member of their own family, thylacinidae, which diverged somewhere around 25mya from the other dasyuromorphs. scientists don't really have a close living relative to work with. clint says the complete genome means we wouldn't have to "stick frog DNA in there" to complete it, but the thing is with cloning you have to start with a frog/living DNA sample to tweak it into a thylacine!! until we can 3D print an organism out of thin air with proteins and acids, there has to be a template sample of living cells whose nuclei we can tamper with. and the less related they are, the more DNA has to be overhauled
if you wanna learn exactly how much of a logistical nightmare it's gonna be to clone a thylacine, this lecture explains it way better:
the takeaway analogy is that cloning a thylacine is the CRISPR equivalent of doing a puzzle of a clear blue sky, not having the box to look at for any reference, and about half the pieces are doubles of other pieces (because most DNA is junk code that does nothing). it's like next to impossible and i still have more faith in de-extinction than a rediscovery.
so yeah, i guess i'm a bit of a thylacine doomer. but i do want to believe, just temper your expectations. to me a win would be a single engineered thylacine cell by the centennial of their extinction lol.
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
The dude who tried (and sometimes succeeded) in trying to win over women that were married/about to be married not once, not twice, but FIVE FUCKING TIMES!
I'm sorry but TED DID WHAT?!
Yup, you read it right. Ted Mosby, the guy that the writers were constantly trying to push as the perfect, most romantic lead in the whole world, apparently has a very serious homewrecking kink.
The first time was in season one, with Ted going to a matchmaker, and finding out that the only woman he'd be a good match with already went out with a guy that was slightly less ideal (according to the computer) and is engaged to him. Ted then finds out she's a doctor, goes to her place of work, and tries to convince her he is her soulmate, not her fiance - who she'll be marrying VERY soon.
Ted doesn't know this woman. Literally the only information he has is "She went on a matchmaker and her profile was a lot like his." That's it. That is all the excuse he needs to try to sabotage someone's wedding. This is also one of the few times in which we are supposed to be laughing at him, instead of wanting him to get the girl. Well, I think that was the intention, but God knows I stopped expecting common sense from this show a LONG time ago.
The second time homewrecking Ted is seen is during season 3. He decides to "live like Barney" (because OBVIOUSLY Ted would neeeever decide to do something like this on his own, please ignore the previous exemple, and the next three) and hooks up with a married woman during a party, and feels exactly zero shame or guilt over it until Marshall talks some sense into him. This is the LAST time in which we'll see that kind of behavior from Ted be treated as explicitly wrong by the show - even though his actions will only get worse.
Homewrecking Ted comes back in season 6, when he falls for Zoey, a married woman. A married woman he is constantly spending time with even though EVERYONE is warning him that this isn't going to end well as they all can see that what they have isn't just friendship. All except Zoey's husband, who thinks Ted is a great guy - in fact, when Zoey leaves him, the poor guy comes to the bastard for comfort, because he thought Ted was his friend.
Ted is 100% in the wrong, but the show thinks that his search for "The One" justifies everything plus they technically didn't become an item before Zoey made up her mind about who she wanted, so it's totally okay that she left her husband for him - after all, she could have maybe possibly been the woman of Ted's dreams, so who cares if she was the love of someone else's, her husband's, life.
The fourth time is at the end of season seven, when he falls back in love with his ex, Victoria, even though she will be getting married soon. The two of them almost hook up, but decide against it... for a little while. On the wedding day, Victoria wants to leave her fiance at the altar, and Ted is tempted to be with her, but he decides to do the right thing and take her to the church where the wedding will happen... and then changes his mind while driving, because once again, who cares about the other completely innocent dude when Ted needs to find "The One" - he is the ONLY person who deserves someone who loves him, right?
The show tries to remedy that by having Ted demand Victoria leave her would-be-husband a letter explaining why she wouldn't marry him because that's what Stella did with him. Guess what? That doesn't mean shit, he's still doing something horrible. A "I stole your future wife, man, sorry. But I made her write you a letter" doesn't fix a goddamn thing.
Oh, but the groom left too! Because turns out Victoria was NOT the right woman for him! That totally excuses Ted's behavior right? OF COURSE NOT! He didn't even know that when he decided to be with Victoria. As far as he knew, that dude was going to be left utterly heartbroken in the exact same way he himself once was - and he still thought he was justified in what he was doing.
And now we reach the big one. Season 8. Ted and Victory break up because, this whole time, during the years in which Ted has been pulling this kind of bullshit, he was actually NOT thinking that the doctor, or Zoey, or Victoria were "The One", as his true love was Robin all along, and SHE is the one he knew he'd always come back to - THEN WHY THE FUCK DID HE TRY, AND SOMETIMES SUCCEED, IN RUINING OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES?
And how does he handle the fact that the supposed love of his life is actually not interested in him, wants to marry someone else, and that someone else happens to be a friend of his that has REPEATEDLY asked Ted for his blessing to pursue Robin?
Well, you see, he sulks about how Robin should leave Barney for him. Because, you know, he loves her more, saw her first, dated her first, is the better man, found a locket she had buried years ago, dramaticly held her hand while it was raining and whatever excuse the writers can come up with to pretend Ted is only trying to sabotage his friend's wedding because "It's true love!" and not at all because he is a selfish, entitled asshole who has a habit of doing that.
In fact, on the morning of her wedding, Ted STILL wants to profess his supposed love for Robin, only to get shut down again AS SHE OBVIOUSLY MADE HER CHOICE VERY CLEAR A LONG TIME AGO.
Oh, but the writers want more drama and have her suddenly get cold feet and ask Ted why shouldn't she be with the guy who loves her so much. And what does Ted, the guy who has been sulking about losing her for months and stabbed Barney in the back by telling his bride he loves her and wants her to give him another chance, say as a response?
"The truth is I don't love you like that anymore. And you don't love me, you love Barney"
Yeah, we know that, asshole. We've known that for a while. And apparently so did you this entire time, YET YOU STILL TRIED TO STEAL HER FROM BARNEY MERE HOURS AGO! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?
Simple: because Ted is in love with the idea of love, and will project romantic feelings onto anything that breathes and has a pulse, and will go to absurd lengths to win over the (temporary) object of his affection, even if it means destroying people's lives - and in fact, that drastic consequence often doesn't even register as a factor in his mind.
And what do the writers of How I Met Your Mother do with this obvious character flaw? They use it to claim Ted is a true romantic, a SYMPATHETIC lead, the nicest of all nice guys, and eventually reward him by letting him have BOTH the actual perfect woman for him (Tracy) and also the woman that could not have been more wrong for him, yet that he was obsessed with for TWENTY FIVE YEARS, aka Robin.
Fuck this show.
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idkjustletmescroll · 6 days
As a girl eagerly counting down the days until July 26th, I've made up a list of shit I want to see happen in season 6 of the dragon prince that I do in fact expect everyone to care about:
1: Janaya janaya janaya janaya I just love themmmm (buuuttt they both have to stay alive).
2: Speaking of janaya, i know there's a chance we get a wedding this season, which i wouldn't be opposed to. If we kept humans and elves as the main conflict like we did in the first three seasons, I'd say they should have it at the end of the show, but it feels more like aaravos vs the dragaang at this point, which...
3: More characters with more to do! In the first dragon prince, we had a bunch of minor characters (the other monarchs, prince kasef, opeli and corvus, nyx, ethari, a shit ton of soldiers, etc.), do things that affected our main characters in plenty of ways, which made it feel like there was a whole world out there being affected. Now, it's not that there are NO side characters affecting the main plot, it just feels so centered on the aaravos plot. I feel like they should have kept a bit more "elves and humans need to unite and move forward to defeat aaravos" but it's fine. I still like the show.
4: Rayllum making up. Not necessarily in a romantic relationship, though I would EAT THAT UP if it happened, but, if they haven't gotten back into their romantic relationship by the end of season 6, they should clearly be well on their way there, and we should know how they both feel about it.
5: De-coining. They've been trapped in there long enough.
6: I kind of want to see viren well and truly dead, just because of the downward SPIRAL it would send my girl claudia into. But I also feel like he has more to offer? I know we have a clip of him doing SOMETHING this season, but that could be a flashback. Idk. I feel like him voluntarily giving up power, and his own life, was a good ending for him, and the way claudia reacts in that first teaser we got definitely makes it seem like he's dead? But I also kind of want him to have a meaningful interaction with the other characters he's affected--rayla, callum, ezran, obviously; I kind of want to see what would happen if he realizes how far gone claudia is, joins the dragaang with the belief that he can save her from aaravos, and somehow meets janai? I feel like they've always had really strong writing for viren, though. So I'm trusting you, tdp writers.
7: Terry turn away from Claudia. This could turn into him trying to sabotage her, straight-up leaving, becoming a double agent, whatever. But he can only delude himself for so long.
8: I want the sunfire elf conflict to end and for them to help fight aaravos (he killed khessa and corrupted lux aurea, okay? They deserve to help beat him). I'd also be fine with them wrapping THAT conflict up somewhere around the middle of season 7, but I don't want them dragging it out all through to the end of it.
9: The key of aaravos should become more important. I get that it was essential to callum figuring out primal magic, but also, we've had it since s1 ep4, and it's still very distinctly in callum's possession. What else is up with this thing?
10: Janaya (again) being badass war generals. We all saw them in the first three seasons, right? Amaya was fully ready to kill a teenager (an elf, but still), in her first episode. And also kicked down a door and won my heart. She threw multiple elves into lava. Janai took over amaya's fortress thing and tried to kill her for a good bit of her screentime (I wish they would emphasize janai being strategic a little more. Like...she would've HAD that stronghold if that soldier didn't start using sign language). THEY led the defense of the storm spire!
11: ANDDD speaking of janaya, one last thing: I want the human soldiers respecting janai, and the sunfire elves recognizing Amaya as their queen. Even just a "your radianceS," plural, or something. She's going to be their queen--consort, i guess, technically, but still. I feel like we haven't gotten a big enough sense of that.
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"Oh come on, you really believe I'll help you out for free?" The male lead on your television said.
"Please! He needs saving!" The female lead screamed.
You soon tuned it out, tapping away on your new phone. You just needed some more background noise for tonight. Even though the rain that was pouring quite heavily usually sufficed as background noise, your brain was running fast, your thoughts almost debilitating and all consuming and the silence of only just having the rain was simply not enough, so you had turned on your TV and settled on some random soap opera.
You checked the last of your messages, giving a final update to your last friend before turning it off and putting it on the coffee table.
Tripping down a steep cliff, breaking your old phone, and then subsequently getting robbed by a fox of all animals and not another hiker was not on your list of how you expected your day to go earlier.
It had been chaotic to say the least.
You turned your gaze away from the ceiling, looking out the window. A clap of thunder boomed, followed by three quick flashes of lightning far off. You sat up, watching as the rain pelted against the window, turning everything into a hazy blur. Exhaustion ebbed at your mind. You were getting tired.
You got up, stretched, and looked down at your remote control, debating if you should keep the TV on or turn it off when there were three loud knocks on your door in quick succession.
You flinched, heart racing as you stood still. Somebody knocking at your door? In this storm? That couldn't be.
But it was, for three more quick knocks followed after a tense few seconds. You scrambled over to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and put it behind your back before tip toeing over to the front door. Just in case if the person knocking was a serial killer or a particularly angry former acquaintance.
You silently cursed as you instinctively checked the peep hole only for it to show nothing because you broke it 6 months ago and had been procrastinating on getting around to fixing it. You took in deep breaths, the cold metal handle of the knife behind your back digging into the flesh of your hand as you slowly unlocked two of the three locks and opened the door, partially peeking through it.
The person standing on your doorstep was soaked through, long dark hair plastered against their dark clothes which you guessed looked like a kimono of sorts and their pale face, which was partially covered by their hair.
"Can I help you?!" You shouted over the rain, hoping the downpour didn't wash away your words.
"I'm sorry to bother, but could I stay for the night?" A familiar voice asked.
One that you thought you wouldn't hear in real life unless you somehow met the voice actor at a convention. You blinked in shock as the man moved his bangs out of his face, an apologetic smile on Suguru Geto's face as he looked down at you.
You closed the door, slowly undoing the locks. This can't be real, right?! He could just be a really good cosplayer with an eerily similar voice as in the anime. Yes, this guy was just most definitely a cosplayer.
Stop overthinking, it's just your nerves, you've had a long day, there's nothing to worry about. You chided yourself.
You opened the door, stepping back to invite him in.
"Come in! Quick, this rain is a mess!" You exclaimed, hoping your nerves were not showing in your voice.
The Suguru Geto cosplayer (?) scrambled in, leaving a trail of water as he entered. You managed to maneuver your body close to a nearby cabinet and gently place the knife behind your back onto it. You stared at the man, who was surveying your house. His black, monolid eyes were calm, not judgemental as he did so.
"Uh... I'll get you some towels! So you can dry off!" You managed to say before scurrying off, not waiting for a response.
You opened the door to your bathroom, hands shaking as you grabbed some towels. He really looked like Suguru. Should you ask him for his name? What if he simply offered 'Suguru Geto' as a name before he decided to murder you and throw your body into a garbage dump? You hated intrusive thoughts but situations such as these made them worse to deal with.
You took the towels quickly, finding him to be in the same spot you had left him in the dim entry hallway, the only lights on in your house being the TV still playing that ridiculously loud soap opera.
You extended the towels towards him, trying for a smile.
"Here you go. Got you some towels."
That was so lame and cringe. You thought to yourself.
The man smiled, which made your heart do a staccato. It was a very attractive smile. He grabbed the towels.
"Thank you very much. Again, I am sorry to bother you but well I got caught up in this storm..." He shrugged, shaking his head. "I certainly wasn't expecting it."
You bit back a retort about checking the weather app and instead said, "Yeah, I understand. The weather around here is a little unpredictable, which is why I stay inside for the most part."
Oh great, you were revealing how much of a shut in you really were. How splendid.
The cosplayer laughed and you almost gasped. He sounded so much like Suguru. You definitely should ask him for his name.
"That is a smart move in living in such areas." His head swiveled around. "Do you happen to have a bathroom I could dry myself off in?"
"O-Oh yeah. Just follow me." You said.
He stayed in step beside you as you walked out of the entryway, into your living room, and then down another hallway, the drip drip drip of water echoing. You stopped at the end of the hallway, pointing at a lone white door.
"There. That's the bathroom. I'll see if I have any spare clothes for you to put on and I can fix up some warm food so that way you don't get sick." You said, smiling.
He looked down at you, nodding slowly. "Thank you very much."
"Of course. It's my pleasure to help out." You stated, turning and then walking away.
You opened a different door, entering the guest room. You flipped the switch and a warm glow encompassed the room, coming from the ceiling light. You went over to the closet, opening the door and rummaging through it. An old friend had left some of his clothes behind the last time he had visited, which looked to be around the size of that Suguru cosplayer's measurements.
You took out a white Henley shirt, black pants, and some black slippers before leaving the room.
You stopped outside the bathroom door, slowly knocking on it. The muffled sounds of grunting and shuffling stopped.
"I brought you some clothes. I'm not sure if they'll be a perfect fit but they're what I have for you." You said.
The door creaked open and your eyes widened perhaps a tad bit. The shirtless cosplayer with only a towel around his waist looked down at you, a playful smirk on his lips. You tried not to stare at his sculpted physique, which still had some water droplets dripping down it.
"Uh, here you go!" You exclaimed, extending your hands with the clothes in them. "I'll get started on something warm for you to eat. Some soup would do you good."
He grabbed the clothes, fingers slowly running over the fabric of them. He glanced down at the clothes and then back at you, chuckling.
"These seem like a near perfect fit, where did you get them?" He asked, tone teasing.
"Oh, they're from an old friend." You supplied, not noticing the way the corner of his eye twitched. You stroked your chin, oblivious. "He left them here last time he visited, which was... hm, quite a while ago. 7 months ago? Either way, the last time I saw him, he had a similar build to you."
"And you could tell that from my baggy clothes?"
"Oh yeah, that old friend taught me how to do so." You smiled absently at the memory before shaking your friend. "I'll go get started on that soup. You change and it'll be ready soon."
"Thanks again for letting me stay out of the rain." He said, almost softly.
"No problem." You said, walking towards the kitchen.
You went to one of the black cabinets, opening it to find a can of soup, well technically stew, available. You took it out, grabbed a small pot and can opener and went right to work.
You hummed as you prepared it, grateful to have plenty of that beef stew (or as you simply just liked to call it, soup) available. It was simple, hearty, and filling. You turned the stove on, pouring the soup in the pot and letting it heat up.
Footsteps sounded from behind and you turned around to see the Suguru lookalike standing at the kitchen entrance, staring at you. With the kitchen lights off, you could see him more clearly. He looked so much like Suguru that it was as if he simply came out of the pages of the manga itself.
"That smells good." He said, walking over to you. "What kind of soup is it?"
"Beef stew." You answered. "I know it's technically not a soup but I don't really care, soup and stew are the same to me."
He glanced at it before looking back to you. "Say, in all of this bit if chaos, I've forgotten to ask for you name. What is it, by chance?"
"Hm? Oh, it's (Name)." You turned to look back at the soup to see the broth boiling. You checked the clock on the stove. 3:25. Just two more minutes then to turn it off. "What's your name?"
"Geto Suguru."
It was almost as if the world tipped with that sentence. That very simply sentence.
"That's... Are you not a cosplayer then? You look like this one character's doppleganger and I thought you might say that character's name instead." You said, hoping the deflecting joke landed.
"A cosplayer? Nah, that's my real name."
You looked back to the soup, which was boiling even more now. You turned it off, silently grabbing a bowl and a spoon from a cupboard.
"Geto Suguru... that's a nice name. Sounds Japanese, are you from Japan?" You said slowly, grabbing the handle of the pot and pouring the soup into the large bowl.
Something in you told you with a certainty that you couldn't even usually deny that this man was the real Geto Suguru and that you had to tread carefully
"Yes, I'm from Japan." Geto said, a charming smile on his face.
"I've always wanted to visit Japan. It looks so nice there." You say, your panic slowly rising as you try to make small talk with a fictional chaaracter who somehow came to life.
"Yeah, it is." Geto tugged at the sleeves of white Henley. He looked extremely hot in the outfit, you had to admit, especially with the way it snugly fit the muscles on his arms. "You've never been?"
"Nah, haven't had the chance to yet. Been pretty busy lately." You put the dirty pot in the sink, turning back to him. "Alright, your soup is done. You can eat it now."
"Thenk you very much, (Name). It has certainly been an experience meeting you."
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duhragonball · 3 months
Christ, I remember trying to watch NGE last year and falling off a few episodes in because nothing was happening and I found other stuff to binge that was more entertaining. I knew most of the infamous stuff happens in the latter half but how is this show 11 episodes in and still ass? At least now I know why Eva is mostly known for it's ending, there's virtually no beginning and thus far very little middle.
It's not a bad show, but yeah, it's kind of a letdown for me. I've been looking forward to this for a long time now, and it just doesn't seem to be measuring up. Maybe my expectations were unrealistic, but Evangelion always seemed to be this really cool, popular thing, and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.
All that being said, let me dial back some of my negativity towards this show. It has its moments, often quiet, subtle touches that I can't really document with screenshots and a text synopsis. For example, when the kids are making their way through the base during the blackout, Asuka needles Shinji the whole time, then tries to do the same to Rei, and Rei completely no-sells it, just refuses to take the bait. She doesn't dispute Asuka's claims to leadership, but she doesn't recognize her authority either. And yet, when Asuka finally comes up with an actual plan to defeat their enemy, Rei agrees to follow her lead. It's not a question of respect or disrespect. She's just waiting for Asuka to cut out the bluster and be sensible.
This show reminds me of other anime TV series I've watched in the past. Noir. Excel Saga. Cowboy Bebop. Tenchi Universe. Tenchi in Tokyo. The Gonzo Hellsing series. Revolutionary Girl Utena. I feel like I'm forgetting something else, but the point is that they all sort of share a similar story structure, maybe because they're all TV series with similar lengths.
A few years back, I learned about cours, a term for a three month period in Japanese television. It's about thirteen weeks, which is why so many anime TV series are aired in multiples of 12 or 13 episodes. Jojo season 1 was 26 episodes, which was used to cover both Parts 1 and 2, which worked out, because Part 1 was a little too short for its own 3-month run, while Part 2 was a little too long. Part 3 was like forty-eight episodes, so that's four cours. Parts 4, 5, and maybe 6 were three cours apiece.
Of course, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is based on a serial manga, but I'm pretty sure shows like the ones I mentioned above were wholly original, or only loosely based on a manga or OAV. Those shows, including NGE are designed to be 13, 26, or 39 episodes long, and the story is plotted accordingly. And they kind of operate the same way, spending a certain number of episodes introducing the characters, then doing a bunch of routine adventures, and then towards the last seven or eight episodes things start to get serious and the really plot-driven stuff happens.
I wouldn't quite call it a formula, but it explains why I keep finding NGE's pacing so familiar, even though I really haven't seen another show like it. I think what everyone remembers so fondly is the heavy stuff, where a lot of the secrets and mysteries get revealed, and all of these characters and relationships that have built up over the series get pushed to their limits. But if I'm right, that probably won't get rolling until Episode 18 or 19.
And if it is a formula, then it clearly works, or they wouldn't keep doing it. I guess that's just the difference between Japanese TV and direct-to-video stuff. I've been spoiled by shows like Hellsing Ultimate, where the episodes were variable-length, and organized for maximum effect, because there were no broadcast schedules or logistical issues to get in the way. I suspect a lot of these shows have a few weak episodes where nothing happens just to fill out the cour. They wrote 18 epsiodes' worth of story, but it has to be padded out to 26.
How you experience a show like NGE probably matters too. If I had seen Evangelion back in 2000, on the Toonami lineup, I probably would have only caught bits and pieces of it, eventually getting curious enough to make a deliberate effort to watch it all the way through and figure out just what was going on. That's how I got into Tenchi. I can imagine some small group of anime nerds getting together to watch NGE three episodes at a time, and if they're still somewhat new to this genre, it would blow them away. Sentimental value counts for a lot, but it's not something I can recapture just by watching it myself. But it's the best I can manage, and whether the show is good or not, at least I'll have the satisfaction of finding out.
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fireinmywoods · 5 months
hi i just want to say that i am on my first re-read of palimpsest and i am still absolutely in awe of this fic!!! i keep texting my friend who recommended it about how cool you are every time i read a chapter’s end notes. anyway you are very cool and i am absolutely loving seeing this fic with new eyes on a reread ❤️❤️
fdajskfdhafhdla it has been a while since I've been accused of being cool (let's just say I do a lot of work with adolescents and leave it at that), so thank you for that.
Inane and fully unasked-for rambling with very vague spoilers for palimpsest under the cut:
It's hard to describe how it feels to hear from people reading or rereading palimpsest (or any of my fics, though especially the longfics). Amazing. Rewarding. Validating. Encouraging. Inspiring. All true, but not quite doing justice to the fact that I vividly remember how scared I was to publish the final chapter - so much more nervous that I'd expected before I started posting and people started reading and commenting and speculating and anticipating and I suddenly went: ...uh oh. I dragged my feet and reread and reread and reread that last chapter even more obsessively than I normally do in my polishing phase, and after finally posting it I slammed my laptop closed and went out to the movies so I wouldn't be tempted to refresh and refresh and refresh and refresh until the first comment told me whether or not I could breathe.
It's been (lord have mercy) nearly 6 years since then, and a lot of people have read the completed fic and most of them have liked it okay, and yet I still get butterflies in my stomach when I hear from someone starting it for the first time. What about this time? Is it going to work for this person? Sometimes comments on older fic can come across almost apologetic, like, sorry to bother you, I'm sure you have better things to do these days, and I guess I can only speak for myself and not every writer out there but on behalf of myself let me just say: I care SO MUCH about your experience reading my stories!!! I cared back then! I care now! I care on your first read and on your tenth! Thank you for giving me the gift of your time spent visiting this goofy little world I made!
Anyway, this is all to say that I was SO excited to see this ask from you, telling me that you were enjoying the fic. (Also, high five to your friend who recommended it.) It truly, truly does mean so much to me. 💛💙
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 2 months
TPS Part 6: The Man In The Painting
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"Toby wake up. We’re here."
Ah snap awake. Trevor jumps off mah lap an back inta mah hand. Ah look out the window an see the entrance ta Hogwarts. Mah eyes look out tha window wit excitement, but mah mind still feels half asleep. Ah hear tha kids all round us gettin' their bags an Ah realize Ah haven't moved. Ah put Trevor back in his tank an get everythang ready.
"Do you have everything? I don't want you to leave anything behind."
Ah nod an watch Jacklin pick up a weird lookin cage.
"I forgot to mention this, but this is my cat, Tiger."
Ah'm still gettin' Trevor's tank an bags set up.
"Ya have a cat? Mah grandpa had a cat when Ah was young. He named it Mittens. Mittens' dead now."
Ah realize Ah probably shouldn't have brought tha up, but the words're already outta mah mouth.
"Is Tiger yer family's cat, or your cat?"
"Father bought him last year after our last cat died of old age. The Gryffindor Manor has a library full of journals and diaries from every wizard family who ever went to the school. Mice nibble on the paper so my father uses a cat."
Ah stop a sec while Ah'm packin up everythang.
"How'd yer dad get a fancy job like that?"
"Oh. I wasn't aware that you didn't know. My father, Henry Gryffindor, is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor. Godric was one of the school's founders over 1000 years ago. Our family is one of the only wizard families who had every family member go to Hogwarts. There isn't a single non-magic user in our family tree which makes me pure blooded. Pure blooded families are so rare that they end up having a lot of power."
Ah jus blink at 'er. This girl's jus too fancy ta be nice ta me.
"That'd make ya a princess a some kind then."
She laughs a lil bit as we walk. Nicest laugh Ah've ever heard. Ah look down at Trevor in his tank like he's readin' mah mind. He's lookin' at me wit his big, round eyes an that makes mah heart want ta melt.
"So if yer Godric's whatever many great-granddaughter does that mean ya gotta be in Gryffindor too?"
"Every descendent of Godric was sorted into that House. It isn't necessarily a rule that all members of the same family have to be in the same House though."
"Do ya think yer dad's gonna get mad if ya don't get inta that House?"
Ah see her stop an look a lil nervous.
"Well. Father wouldn't necessarily be angry. Even though there is a lot of expectations to be the next heir of Gryffindor, he never told me that I must be sorted in that House. Since my mother never went to Hogwarts, she doesn't have any expectations either. They both just want me to be true to myself. But I will admit, I'm still nervous."
Ah nod as we keep walkin.
"Well either way Ah still wanna be in tha same one as you an a boy Ah met in the robe store named Pacer Burton. We can go ta all the classes tagether."
Ah grab 'er hand an lead 'er off tha train, makin' sure Trevor stays in tha tank.
"Then I guess that means we need to be sorted in Gryffindor together."
Ah blush as Ah realize tha way Ah'm holdin' 'er hand makes it look like we're more than friends. Ah start ta get real worried. Ah'm startin' ta get real nervous.
"Fers years this way!"
Ah get a lil spooked by the loud noise an let go a Jacklin's hand. We follow the other kids ta the lake. We find an' board the row boat an Ah hear a real big guy at the oars talkin' in a Scottish accent.
"This way, ya wee gawks."
We sit in the boat an Ah see the castle on the other side a the lake.
"That’s the groundskeeper, Hagrid. He’s a half giant."
"A half giant? Ya mean he's like half human an half monster?"
She starts ta giggle an Ah start ta get confused again. Was Ah bein' real stupid an a dummy jus' sayin' that?
"Hagrid’s not a monster. Stories about giants eating kids are just a myth. They have their own villages away from humans."
Ah see what she means now: Hagrid ain't some big ugly monster. Ah look up an can see a kind face beneath that beard. We pull up ta shore an start gettin out the boat.
"That's the main entrance to Hogwarts Castle. Just think, in a few minutes we’ll officially be Hogwarts students."
Mah heart starts ta beat faster now as the weight of what's happenin now gets ta me.
"How they plan on sortin us? Do we gotta take a test or somethin?"
"No not at all. The Sorting Hat has been sorting students for over 1000 years. It was Godric's idea to put a spell on his hat so that it can read students thoughts."
Ah blink. Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Ah'm worried it's gonna read mah thoughts an' put me in tha dummy House.
"Everyone please hand your luggage to the porters and follow me. You will line up by last name once we get inside. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor."
Ah hear an old lady talk an a group a people linin up. Ah give 'em mah bags, backpack an carefully pass 'em Trevor's tank. Ah see Jacklin walkin ahead a me an Ah know G comes before K. She's gotta be ahead a me in line. Ah ain't Pacer at all but Ah know he's gotta be even more ahead a Jacklin. A real old guy wit a pretty red robe stands up.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, first years! I must tell you all that the forest surrounding the castle is forbidden due to the extreme amount of dangerous creatures within it. I would like to introduce your new Defence Against The Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirinus Quirrell. Professor Arif Sikander will officially succeed him as our Muggle Studies expert."
Ah see a man wit a purple turban stand up wavin before sittin back down.
"Also on behalf of the entire staff including our caretaker, Mr. Flich, I would like to inform you that the corridor in the Charms section of the 3rd floor is also forbidden. Unless you wish to die a most terrible death, I suggest you heed my warning."
Before Ah can even get scared Ah see all the other kids an teachers stand up. They all start singin.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot."
Ah have no idea why this' happenin. Ah hope Ah ain't gotta sing this one day. Too embarrassin.
"When I call your name please sit down on the stool. I will put the Sorting Hat on your head. When you have been sorted, please take a seat in your respective section."
Ah wait patiently wit all the other kids as the old lady talks agin. She takes out the Sortin Hat an then the hat starts singin. Ah dunno why though.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
Ah like how the hat tol me what every House's like. Ah know if Jacklin were ta explain all this ta me it'd take jus bout all day. It ain't like listenin ta 'er'd be too bad cause that'd mean she's nice fer wantin ta explain all this ta me. Shame Ah jus wouldn't be able ta tell 'er Ah stopped understandin 'er after 5 minutes.
"Jacklin Gryffindor."
Ah missed a lot while Ah was thinkin an watch her as she walks up to tha Sortin' Hat. A look round an Ah see Pacer's in Hufflepuff. Ah wonder if Jacklin's gonna be in that House too. Some a the boys're lookin' at her hair, the girls lookin' at her eyes an some a the older boys're lookin' at her chest. Ah dunno who ta feel bad fer cause they ain't got a clue bout 'er Veela magic or Jacklin cause she ain't asked fer all this.
"Ah yes. Another member of the Gryffindor family. I see you have a high level of intellect never before seen. Very tempting the notion of putting you in Ravenclaw."
Ah start ta worry that we won't be in the same House cause Ah know Ah ain't gonna be smart nough.
"What's this? You seek something more than just wisdom? I see. Better be.. Gryffindor!"
All a Gryfdor jus starts screamin cause a how happy they are. Ah gotta cover mah ears cause it hurts too much. Ah look at Jacklin an she kinda looks happy like the kinda happy ya get when ya pass a test ya thought ya failed. She sees me lookin at 'er then she turns an walks over to tha table. She looks back at me, kinda embarrassed when she sits down.
"Toby Kwimper."
Ah'm nervous as Ah move over ta the Sortin' Hat an' wait for it ta read mah mind.
"Toby Kwimper. How interesting. Such a perfect blank slate."
Ah start ta get excited cause if tha Sortin' Hat says Ah'm a blank slate then Ah won't be goin' ta tha dummy House.
"Shh. Let your mind go, little wizard."
Ah hear the hat whisperin' an mah head gets a little woozy. Mah eyes close even though Ah ain't tol 'em too. Ah kinda feel good though like when Jacklin's wit me.
"Slytherin's definitely out. No big ambitions. Ravenclaw would be a good challenge but not good enough. Hufflepuff? Yes I feel a strong sense of loyalty.
It sounds like tha Sortin' Hat's whisperin' ta itself or like there's a million voices talkin' at tha same time. Ah feel real torn cause Ah like Pacer but Ah also like Jacklin an they ain't in the same House. Ah know Jacklin's magic's dangerous but Ah still wanna be 'er friend.
"Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Such a hard decision."
Ah dunno wha's been said but Ah feel a little tap on mah shoulder makin me almost jump outta mah skin.
"We’re in Gryffindor together, Toby!"
Mah head's still spinnin a lil bit but Ah'm real excited! Ah'm a lil sad too that Ah won't get ta be wit Pacer too. But Ah guess the Sortin' Hat read mah mind an put me where Ah wanted ta be. Ah see Jacklin lookin' real relieved an Ah know Ah can relax a little bit.
"You must've been in a trance like state so the Sorting Hat can read your memories. You should sit down since you look about as pale as me."
Ah shakily walk over wit her ta the table an' sit down next ta her. Ah wipe the cold sweat off the back a mah neck. Ah can't believe Ah'm really here.
Time Skip
"I would like to welcome all of the 1st years and returning students. With the conclusion of the Sorting Hat ceremony, and before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."
Ah'm still a lil outta it an hearin the ol' man talk jus makes it a lil worse as Ah had no idea wha he said. Everythang jus appears outta nowhere an mah eyes light up. This' a lotta food.
"What would you like to try first, Toby?"
"Ah dunno... Ah ain't ever seen food like this before. What should Ah try, Jacklin?"
Ah see 'er lookin over the table. She points at this weird lookin thang Ah ain't ever seen before.
"This is Yorkshire pudding. It's a baked pudding made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk or water. You can eat it as a starter because it's small."
Ah look at the Yorkshire pudding an' try ta get mah mind round what it should taste like. Then Ah reach inta the pile a food an' start ta put a little bit a everythang on mah plate. Ah chew a couple a times an swallow. Ah look over at Jacklin an' she looks like she can tell how Ah feel.
"What are puddings like in the States, Toby? Here we have sweet and meat puddings."
"Only meat puddin Ah know bout's sausage. We got banana puddin, chocolate puddin, a whole buncha sweet puddins."
"I guess we're not that different then. There's sausages and mash on the table. We also eat a lot of roasted foods and lamb chops."
Mah stomach starts growlin.
"Sounds good ta me, Jacklin. Ah'm real hungry now. Ah'mma try the gravy now."
Ah take the tip a the spoon now, an' Ah hold it over tha plate. Ah sloooowly start ta pour the gravy on it.
"Now this is an onion gravy that goes with the Yorkshire pudding. It's very common when you eat it as a starter."
"An' tha meat puddins tha's on the table. They go wit onions, too?"
"We use brown gravy for foods that have meat and potatoes. The cream gravy can also go with potatoes but we usually use that with chicken."
Ah try the cream gravy. It tastes really good. Ah get a nice big helpin a mashed potatoes on tha plate an' Ah pour gravy on 'em. Then Ah eat the whole thang while Jacklin watches. She tells me that tha puddin, mashed potatoes, gravy, the whole meal's called a roast.
"The Kitchen Elves work in the kitchen. They put the food on tables there and use magic to make them appear on our tables."
Ah jus shake mah head.
"Tha's strange."
"It's a normal thing. They make food appear when something runs out so that none of us go hungry."
Ah start ta get worried it's gonna happen anyway. Mah momma wouldn't a never let me get way wit takin' tha last a anythang.
"See Toby. Just like that, another roast chicken appeared a little bit to your left."
Ah see the chicken an Ah'm startin' ta feel better now.
Time Skip
Desserts start ta appear on the table.
"Have you ever thought about making a food list, Toby?"
Ah look at 'er all confused. She's real good at askin me questions bout thangs Ah don't got a clue bout.
"A food list?"
"Yes. There are so many types of food served here, that it isn't possible to try all of them in one day."
"Oh. Well what do Ah gotta put on a food list? Mah favorites?"
"You can write down everything you tried and how it tasted."
Ah start ta fill mah plate wit cake. Ah eat up tha cake while Jacklin writes somethin' on a piece a paper.
"This is my food list, Toby. We can compare our lists and see what we still need to try."
Ah look over at what Jacklin's holdin' up. Ah wonder if Jacklin's got room fer another dessert.
"Have you ever had a St. Honore cake, Toby?"
"Nope. Sounds like somethin' tha elves'd make. This St. Honor's cake's on yer list?"
"Oh yes. My father brought one back from his trip to Paris a few years ago. It has a lot of chocolate and cream as it's basically a cream puff cake."
Ah feel real full but Ah jus gotta try it.
"Do ya think they've got one here fer me ta try?"
"Of course, Toby. This is big enough for us to split it up."
Ah pick up a slice an' Ah start ta eat it. So good.
"Have you ever been to Paris, Toby?"
Ah manage ta answer even though Ah got a lotta cake in mah mouth.
"Ah've ain't ever been anywhere, actually. Ah've never left Florida till June so's Ah could live wit mah Irish cousins. Pop done tol me it's the only way Ah'd be able ta go ta school here."
"Fascinating. I'm amazed you weren't asked to attend Ilvermony in Massachusetts. They're supposed to serve all students from North America."
Ah jus shrug cause it ain't like Ah know wha she's talkin bout anyway. The cake's the only thang on mah mind.
"Jacklin, this cake's tha best thing Ah've ever tasted. Ah like it so much Ah don't even wanna swallow it."
"You need to have some ice cream so you don't choke, Toby."
"Okay. Ah'll have some ice cream."
Ah use a spoon ta scoop up a big bite a ice cream. Jacklin starts wipin 'er face wit a napkin.
"I believe that's enough for me. How do you feel, Toby?"
"Ah'm not too good, actually. Mah stomach kinda hurts. Do ya think Ah can go walk it off?"
Ah move ta leave the table.
"We have to wait for our prefect to take us to the Gryffindor Tower. Since they act a role model for us, they want us to follow the rules so we won't get into trouble."
"Oh. So… Ah gotta sit at the table till tha prefect shows up."
"Yes. We all have to go to our common room together."
Ah jus hope Ah can last that long.
Time Skip
We get to the top a the stairs an mah stomach starts ta feel better. Our prefect stops.
"First years this is the way to get to the Gryffindor common room. The password to enter will change every month so pay very close attention."
Ah listen hard ta the password so Ah'm not left outta the Gryffindor common room.
Ah hear this word an' try ta remember. Bezoar... Bezoar... Bezoar's somethin ya get from a goat's stomach an's an antidote fer most poisons. Ah dunno how know it but Ah do. The door ta the common room opens an we all walk inside. All a our luggage's there.
Ah follow Jacklin an' the others inside the common room. We leave the luggage in tha corner of tha room. Ah look 'round an' it's the nicest room Ah've ever seen.
"Hey, Jacklin... Ya like the room?"
"It's just like my father described it."
Ah nod an start ta remember bout 'er talkin bout 'er dad.
"So tha other kids at Hogwarts are they jus' a hodgepodge a every which kind a bloodline?"
"Yes. Do you know if your parents are wizards?"
"Pop knows somethin bout it. He said he don't do magic though."
Jacklin's bout ta say somethin when our prefect comes ta us.
"First years take a look at this painting. We have been honored to see the very founder of our House, Godric Gryffindor! Born of Scottish and Welsh ancestry in what's now Cornwall, England, this man helped found our very school. He's the only founder with a direct descendant and she's right in this room!"
Ah look at tha painting an Ah see a man with red hair in a red robe lookin like a lion's mane. He's holdin' a sword, an' Ah wonder if he used ta go an' fight those dark wizards.
"He looks tough."
"I'm just so speechless. I know father has his own portrait of him in his study, but it's still so amazing to see him."
Ah feel real good bout that one. Ah turn ta Jacklin an' Ah start wonderin' what she thinks.
"Did mah granddaughter teel ye abit me?"
Ah'm a little surprised bout the paintin talkin ta me, but Ah'll just go wit the flow. Ah nod an' Ah get more comfortable.
"Yeah... She did tell me a bit 'bout ya."
"Ye hae some Irish in ye. Whaur ur ye frae?"
Ah think a bit ta make sure Ah don't say somethin' dumb.
"Well... Well, Ah’m from tha South, but Ah live wit mah cousins in a place called... Cork."
"Dae ye hae onie fowk in Irelain boy?"
Ah can't believe Ah have ta answer tha question from tha founder a Gryfdor. Mah mind goes blank an' Ah think Ah might puke. For a minute Ah think Ah'm gonna be sick ta tha floor an' then Ah just remember tha Ah gotta get my answer out. Ah'm real glad Jacklin's not tryin' ta help me out wit words.
"Uh, yes, Godric, Ah do..."
"What's yer nam boy?"
"It's... Ah'm Toby. It's Toby Kwimper."
"Ay th' Kwimper clan?"
Ah nod real quick an' Ah'm amazed Godric knows mah last name.
"Yeah, tha's right."
"Ah thooght ye aw died it. Ah huvnae seen a Kwimper come tae Hogwarts in ower a hunder years."
Ah feel like Ah can breathe again. Godric's kinda lookin happy ta see me.
"Diz anyain still use magic?"
"Well, Mr. Godric, Pop done tol me Ah'm the only one wit real magic."
"Th' Kwimper clan is huir uv a weel knoon fur havin' squibs."
Ah shake mah head cause it's not the answer Ah was hopein' for.
"No, no Mr. Godric, tha's just not possible. Ah got magic!"
"That's a sign th' Kwimper clan is gettin' their magic back. Whit can ye dae sae far boy?"
Ah dunno why, but what Ah'm about ta say feels so important.
"Ah mean, Ah can talk ta animals. Ah can make 'em feel better an' Ah can help 'em an' Ah can make 'em like me."
Ah notice Godric is listenin' real good an' Jacklin's eyes ain't left Godric one second.
"Woods ye min' tryin' tae reid mah granddaughter's future?"
"No, sir. Ah guess Ah can try."
"What do you need me to do, Toby?"
"Ah need ta see yer hand. Ah can tell a lot more tha way."
Godric looks over mah shoulder as Ah look at Jacklin's palm an Ah let out a loud gasp the startles Jacklin.
"Yer gonna be attacked by a strange man!
"What about my 2nd year?"
Ah feel like Ah know what's gonna happen but Ah gotta make sure.
"Yer gonna be in trouble. There's a flash an yer gonna be lyin in a hospital bed all stiff!"
Ah feel Jacklin's hand tighten round mah own hand 'cause Ah think Ah jus really scared her.
"Can you see my 3rd year?"
"There's gonna be a werewolf an it's gonna be chasin ya!"
Ah'm so deep in the visions all Ah can hear's Jacklin's voice.
"Will my 4th year be any better?"
"There's… there's gonna be… there's gonna be some… some… some death! Somebody's gonna die an everybody's gonna be sad!"
"How bad will my 5th year be?"
Ah sniff an Ah blow a snot bubble.
"Yer gonna be attacked agin. This woman's gonna split the school in half... but... there's gonna be so much blood!"
"Do you think my 6th year will get worse?"
"Ah... Ah... Ah think things will get bad… an worse! There's gon be trouble. Someone's gonna be fightin’ fer someone else an it could get bad! There'll be some… some bad blood!"
"Is the bloodshed going to end in my 7th year?"
Ah see a vision of a man turnin' inta ash.
"So… Ah think when good guy wins tha battle it'll be a beautiful thing, but it's a terrible path."
Ah gotta be lookin weird cause mah eyes're blinkin real weird an swayin a bit.
"Ye better sit heem doon hen. Th' boy's lookin' as peely waly as ye."
Ah feel weak in mah legs an Ah can feel my head slippin' down off a mah shoulders. Everythang goes black an Ah don't 'member anythang else.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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decaflondonfog · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
i was tagged by @nv-md (ali pls why does tumblr never let me tag you what have you done) and then sort of indirectly by @fluxweeed! as always i loved reading your thoughts and i'm v grateful you thought of me. as always, this is just me talking shite for 20 answers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12 revealed, but I do have my @aftgthenandnow fic currently hiding so 13 technically
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
99,518 (which my heart was immediately keen on saying it's "not that much" but all these words were written in the last year 365-ish days, which makes me very very proud)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i'm still on my fandom whoring phase and loving it very much!!! i think it's mostly AFTG but I’ve dabbled in some Simon Snow and Check, Please! recently and have some more plans for those 🥰 honestly there is a RIDICULOUS amount of fandoms in my fic planning trello board, including: Call of Duty, The Raven Cycle, Red White and Royal Blue, BBC Merlin, and Our Flag Means Death. i love living in chaos!!!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh it's these guys: the benefits of a broken air conditioning unit and other summer lessons (aftg/andreil, 3k, E) geometric equilibrium (aftg/kandreil, 10k, M) kaleidoscope (aftg/fem!andreil, 5k, M) growing pains (omgcp/bittyparse, 50k, E) celly (aftg/gen, 800 words, T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or I try to, anyway. Why? Uhhh. Because I want to, really. I'm not one of those people who feels like they have to, especially because as a commenter I don't expect writers to ever reply. But I love chatting fandom stuff and fic — mine or otherwise, so I always treat comments as an opportunity to do so. Sometimes I think I have a super random, like... reply style, I guess you'd call it? But I'd rather engage a fellow fan in genuine conversation rather than say just "thank you," which obviously is still what I end up doing like 70% of the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is funny for me to think about because in former fandoms I was a bit of an Angst Guy lmao (mcd, unrequited love, cheating, miscommunication, you name it)... but I'm on a softer vibe now for sure. I think maybe a wreath of white lilies is my angstiest work but even that i wouldn't classify as angst? it's fucked up smut, if anything lmao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh, I guess growing pains? It's a very hopeful, very happy ending with a lot of closure for stuff happening both within the fic and before. So yeah! I think that one. Very romcom-y neat sort of happy ending!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have in the past but not anymore! i'm not good enough nor bad enough to get hate jkfgjhd
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah, baby!!!! what kind...? uh. good question. i feel like i always end up writing porn with a ton of feelings — not just love/lust though! but i do love a Strong Emotion (hatred, grief, confusion, relief, obsession) to be the catalyst for fucking. I like it when characters are seriously into each other (again, not necessarily only in an attraction way), in a little insane way. it just makes things fun. so i guess... my smut is the Big Feelings kind of smut lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
oh i haven't... but i do have a bit of a wild one i've considered! not sure if i'd ever actually write it though, but it's planned out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
in an earlier fandom existence, yes! it may even be around still, who knows? now... not that i know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think i have! would love it though! i grew up bilingual so i have a lot of love for translation :') i'd actually love to try my hand at translating one day!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have started co-writing fics with a couple of people before, but not something super serious and either times it never got finished. buuuuut i am actually in the process of co-writing not one but two fics atm! @skeptiquewrites and i are working on a zimbits flavoured little something, and @whataboutmyfries and i are very nearly done with our kandreil get-together fic, which is really exciting.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
hate this question actually LMAO i am a multishipper at heart. a good fic can convince me of ANYTHING. like my favourite ship when i stopped writing hp was two guys who weren't ever even alive at the same time so???? anything goes truly.
for the sake of nostalgia, it might still be remus/sirius, because they were my introduction to fandom and all its joys! but that fandom is kind of tainted these days >:(
hmmmm. probably zimbits actually? they invented true love, i think.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hahaha so many!!! i have a catholic priest Neil fic that is a very fun idea but requires a ton of lore because it's so removed from canon... the kink is juicy but the laziness might be stronger. we shall see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
descriptions, baby!!!!! details!!! i want to say characterisation but i don't think that's always true... i just love thinking very deeply about the details of characterisation.. the little seemingly unimportant tidbits you can add in about a character that just tell you a ton about them without you having to spell it all out! i find that fun, even if it doesn't always work lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue... i hate it... i simply do not know how people talk... i don't know why they have to either LOL top ten most mortifying moments of my life was when a pal was beta reading a fic for me and said "hey there's no dialogue in this for the first like 5k at all... maybe we should do something about that" rip
i am also very bad at ensemble casts... while the weakness above is something i can't avoid, this one is a lot more avoidable but also something i am actively working on. i feel like my fics are very closed in on my MCs and their relationship but as a reader i love when the characters have meaningful interactions outside of that... so i'm trying to get better at that, even if it's really fucking hard. i'm lucky enough to have a couple of pals who are INCREDIBLE at this so i'm taking notes all the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
big fan!!!! i love all methods of doing this too! add it in and provide translation at the end, weave the translation into the text, make the character themselves translate it, etc. i think it's great! i think i've done it maybe a couple of times but should definitely do more...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
you already know what i'm gonna say... HP. i am of that specific generation and i'm just gonna have to live with that lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hate this question hate it hate it hate itttttt do you mean favourite as in favourite final result, or favourite writing experience, or favourite prose, or favourite plot, or favourite characterisation, etc etc etc? i have a lot of love for growing pains, which i've already mentioned a couple times; and also for geometric equilibrium. for funsies, i'll say do not disturb the cats because i just love when an idea possesses me and i can't do anything else until i've written it LOL but yeah "favourite" is hard, sorry
uhhhh i've not seen this floating about a lot soooo sorry if i tag anyone who has already done it :/ but if you guys fancy doing this, i'm passing it along: @moondal514 @jaywalkers @mostlymaudlin @thetrojeans @ittyybittybaker @stabbyfoxandrew 💕 have funnnnnn
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cacophony-eg · 2 years
Moon Knight and Sun King (Part 5) (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
Summary: You take Moon to work with you, slowly learning more about the monkey knight during your shift.
Your exes are eventually brought up and Moon gives you an extreme offer that you are frightfully tempted to take.
You manage to get Moon to leave your side long enough for you to get into the store. B-Line to the clock-in station, then rush up to the roof's door, fearful Moon might destroy something to get to you if you were gone from his side for too long.
You swing the door open, more leaning on the door than standing on your own, as you gasp in air. Moon calmly standing near the door with his arms tucked behind his back. Maybe you underestimated your knight's level of patients.
"Are you alright, M'Lady?" Moon asks glancing down at you as you leaned against the door handle huffing and puffing.
"Just... Need... Breath... Stairs... Hard" You couldn't remember the last time you ran so fast up three flights of stairs.
Two firm sets of arms swiftly pick you up and off your feet. 
"Allow me to traverse the stairs in your stead, my Lady" Moon offered.
Not trusting your words you just nod, a new layer of heat building over your cheeks as you caught your breath. 
Inwardly you wondered if you'll ever get used to Moon carrying you, or how he did it so effortlessly. Even though your knight had carried you most of the way to your work, you still felt a mix of surprised and happy embarrassment each time he picked you up. It was probably childish of you to like being carried and dotted on like this, but Moon seemed to like carrying you; with how often he offered to carry you. 
So allowing yourself to indulge just a little, couldn't be that bad?
After all who knew how long this bizarre situation would last? Might as well let yourself enjoy the small things. At least that's what you thought to yourself, as you rested your head against Moon's shoulder. 
You missing the way the Knight's eyes widen slightly as you appeared at ease in his arms. Nor did you catch the way the tip of his tail wagged happily as you were lost in thought.
 It still felt surreal having someone wanting to serve you, and you weren't even including that someone being a Monkey Knight! 
You weren't sure if this servitude side of Moon was something normal for him or just part of the spell your powers had him under. Either way, you needed to find a way to show Moon your appreciation for him being so caring towards you. Even if he wasn't always helpful, you couldn't help but feel grateful he tried. 
In your experience most people wouldn't even try... or at least would only pretend to try. Saying things like you did it so much better or it was too hard for them, or that you were being lazy for not doing enough on your own...
You were usually the one in servitude of others, whether it was to keep the peace, to make sure people kept liking you, or to just feel wanted and needed. You were always offering to do things for other people. In hindsight maybe that want...no, that desperation you had to serve others, made you easy to manipulate. An easy puppet for your ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend to use and play with to their heart's content.
"M'Lady are you alright?" your knight questioned.
"Oh I'm alright Moon" You assured guessing he had felt the mix of emotions you felt when thinking about your exes. "Just thinking about people I don't like. But they're not worth thinking about..." No need to get Moon upset "right now, I have work to do."
"How may I help you with your work, M'Lady?" Moon asked as he reached the bottom steps and carefully place you back onto your feet. 
"Thanks Moon, but I can't expect you to do my work for me" You express. 
Moon nodded, though his face was neutral, you caught the Monkey's tail drooping. 
"But If I do need help with anything, I'll ask you right away, okay?" You added, his tail perking up a little.
"Please do not hesitate to request anything from me, M'Lady" Moon proposed with a small bow.
"I'll keep that in mind, but for now, how about you keep me company as I work?" you suggest taking Moon's hand; his hand feeling chilly against yours. Giving The knight a quick tour as you guild him through the warehouse and towards the break room.
Once in the breakroom, you Let go of Moon's hand to unpack your shared lunch and put it in the fridge. In the corner of your vision, you saw Moon gazing down at his hand, the one you had been holding, before putting it behind his back and returning to his at-attention-pose. You pretend not to notice, mostly because you weren't sure if he had been happy, confused, or even disliked you holding his hand. You push those thoughts aside as you start shoving the rest of your belongings into your locker.
"M'Lady, why do you have so many items locked up?" Moon questioned looking at the wall of lockers. "And what do you have in these other ones?" 
"Huh?" you weren't sure what he was talking about, as you didn't bring that much to work... You looked back at Moon then followed his gaze to the long row of lockers. "Oh, only this locker is mine, the other lockers belong to my co-workers and hold their belongings."
"I thought M'Lady had no co-workers," Moon questioned, recalling what you said to the Rouge.
"I said, 'I don't see my co-workers,' " you corrected "There are plenty of people that work here, it's just that I'm the only one that works weeknights. There's another night shift worker that works weekend nights, as for the rest they only work during the day." 
"So My Lady spends her nights alone" Moon concluded.
"Usually" you confirm, on rare cases such as preparing for store events or store resets you worked with a few people, but otherwise your only company was music from your phone.
The knight could feel your pang of sadness, weighted down by a sense of loneliness that seem to echo to his core. Imagines of him being in a cave, seeing four ghostly figures he couldn't name flicker by, but as quickly as that memory came to him it was swept away. Leaving a feeling inside the Knight that felt hallow and painfully heavy all at once. Suddenly Moon realized your order to keep you company was a far bigger duty than he had originally thought.
You felt almost cold furry fingers grip your hand, making you turn to face Moon.
"I swear, as long as I live your nights will no longer be lonely M'Lady." Moon declared bowing his head so the back of your hand pressed against his forehead.
You softly smile, gently squeezing the knight's hand, "Thanks Moon, that sounds lovely" you knew that what he said was probably impossible but the thought of not being lonely anymore... 
No, you shouldn't get your hopes up. "Now Moon, I have a question for you." you began.
"You may ask anything of me, M'Lady" Moon replied standing straight once more.
"What kind of music do you like?" You asked.
You Knight tilted his head to the side but otherwise didn't seem to react to your question. "I like whatever My Lady likes" he replied making you sigh.
You should have figured you wouldn't get a straight answer. Maybe you could do a musical version of when you offered him a bowl of mixed fruit. You'd have to watch and see what he likes since he wouldn't outright say so.
"Alright..." you replied, moving to put on your work apron, feeling cool fingers brush over yours as you work on securing the back of your smock.
"Allow me M'Lady" Moon offered.
"Oh Sure," you nodded letting go of the ties as the knight gripped them, tightening them till they were snug around you before putting them in a knot. "Thanks, Moon." 
The corner of the monkey's lips twitched up at the small praise. Something about Moon's smile; even a small one, was infectious and you felt yourself smiling in return. 
"Alright Let's-" you reached for Moon's hand again and hesitated, recalling his earlier reaction. "Moon are you okay with me holding your hand, if not your allowed to say no" you added just to make sure the knight could be honest, still trying to figure out how this power over Moon vs your command ability worked.
The Knight almost looked startled by your question. "Of course, you're allowed to hold my hand M'Lady" Moon answered "I look forward to each time you gift me with the warmth of your touch."
You felt your cheeks practically radiate heat as your knight called your touch a gift. "Oh, that's good to know" you replied, grabbing Moon's hand and started walking out of the breakroom, so he wouldn't see more of your flaming red face. Inwardly you wondered if Moon liked your 'warm touch' so much because he always felt on the colder side.
You set up your phone to remote play over the speakers of the store, putting on a mixed playlist with a bunch of different styles and themes so you could narrow down what type of music Moon may like. Then you move to the main computer, reading over the list of things to do tonight. You take a picture of the list with your phone and jot down each task from 1 to 3 from a high need to finish to a low need to finish. You put your phone away for now as you grab a portable scanner and began to make a sweep of the store to see what needed to be restocked. 
Moon quietly trailed behind you, watching every move you made.
The beginning half of your shift went by pretty calmly, getting more tasks done quicker thanks to Moon helping to carry heavy things for you. You made sure to thank the knight each time for his help, so he would know you appreciated him and his assistant.
The Two of you would converse every now and again. Mostly when Moon would ask questions such as about an item he saw on one of the many shelves, what a lyric in a song meant or ask about the work you were currently doing or how your scanner worked. Even if you two didn't talk about anything too deep, it was still pleasant just having someone to talk with as you worked. It did wonders to keep you away from your spiralling thoughts.
As the night went on, you slowly figured out what kind of music Moon liked and when he liked a song. You had to watch Moon's tail to figure out his feelings for any given song. The monkey's tail tapped to the beat and bobbed to the melody when he liked the song; usually a pop song or one with a faster tempo. But when the Knight didn't like a song his tail would get stiff, if he really didn't like a song the fur on his tail would also poof up; which seemed to happen mostly with slow classical music, or where the songs revolved around nostalgia.
Each time you noticed Moon liking a song, you would discreetly grab your phone and add it to a playlist you named 'Moon' to be used later.
Your phone let out a little chime, "ah it's lunchtime" you said, taking the hand Moon offered you, as you got down off your step ladder. 
The Knight had offered his hand every time you stepped down from something for the past four hours. To the point, it was starting to become instinctual for you to automatically reach for his hand every time you descended the step ladder. 
You weren't sure if Moon did this as a Knight thing or as a way for him to feel your touch more. If the latter was the case you wondered if Moon might be a little touched starve with how happy he would get with each handhold. His face would remain neutral, but as you were learning; his tail would give away his true feelings. The tip of the monkey's tail would wag each time you took his hand. 
Even though Moon probably didn't need you to hold his hand as your went back to the breakroom, you still grabbed his hand, just cause you knew it would make him happy.
"Moon, can you help me untie the back?" You ask pointing your back to Moon, not that you needed help getting your apron off, but figured Moon would want to with how eager he was to assist you with every and any task.
"Of course M'Lady" Moon answered untying the knot with ease, even moving to help lift the apron off your head and hang it up for you. Turning to face you as he completed the task as if waiting for your acknowledgment.
"Thank you, Moon," you said to the Monkey Knight, as you moved to gather both your lunches from the fridge. Pull each lid off as your displayed each container containing a different fruit, nut or boiled egg,  and a bowl of yogurt for each of you.  To cover all utensils needs you put down a set of chopsticks, fork and spoon next to each bowl of yogurt. 
"Please come sit down with me, and have some Lunch," you invited Moon.
"There is no need to feed me, M'Lady, please eat your fill without me" The Knight replied.
"Please join me, Moon," you said making sure you phrased it as a request and not a command, "I want to show you my appreciation for all your help tonight" the least you could do was feed him lunch for all the heavy lifting he did. Well heavy lifting for you, Moon didn't seem phased by the weight. 
"I do not deserve additional gifts from my Lady for such mineral tasks" Moon replied.
You briefly wondered what he meant by 'additional gifts' then recalled how he called your touch a gift, and almost felt sad that such a simple thing meant so much to the knight.
"You don't need to do grand things for someone to appreciate your work," you told Moon approaching him to take a hold of both his hands, "And just because a task seems like a small thing for you, doesn't mean it's not something big for another person," you told him noticing his blue eyes flicker gold, wondering what it meant when his eyes did that. 
For a moment, the image of a man wearing monk robs took your place in Moon's vision before you returned before him. "But M'Lady-"
 "Nor should you brush off that appreciation." You playfully scolded tugging him towards the large table, "So don't be rude to your Lady and come enjoy some Lunch with me" you encouraged.
Images of a monk tugging him towards a fire where a dragon horse, a pig demon and a river demon waited for them flashed through Moon's mind.
"Very well Master" Moon relented, you giving him an odd look at the title change but let it go for the time being since you just got him to agree to eat with you.
"Grab whatever you like," you encouraged, taking a seat and started grabbing fruit with your fork to put into your yogurt, along with scooping some chopped almonds.
Moon followed suit taking a seat next to you as he took a pair of chopsticks and picked up a slice of peach to eat. He glanced over watching as you mixed the fruit with the yogurt, so when he grabbed a second slice of peach he tried dipping it into the yogurt before eating. Moon made a similar displeased face he had when talking to Macaque as he ate the slice with yogurt. 
"If you don't like the yogurt you don't have to eat it," you told Moon. "If there's anything you don't like you don't have to eat it" you added for good measure.
"Thank you, M'Lady" Moon replied almost sounding grateful past his usual monotone voice.
As you two ate, you made mental notes of what Moon liked and didn't like. Your theory about Moon liking peaches the most seemed to be true as his tail seemed to bob up and down as he ate those, same with cherries so those must have been his second favourite.
The Monkey Knight also munched on nuts, and Boiled eggs both seasoned and non-seasoned, but out of all the different types of food the monkey seemed to like stone fruit the most except for plums. For some reason, Moon avoided eating any plums much in the same way Macaque avoided eating peaches. Oh, and yogurt was a no go as well.
After Lunch was done, Moon thanked you for the meal, before the two of you returned to work.
Thanks to Moon's help, really only had two things left to do for your shift. One was the inventory update which you usually did at the end of your shift and...
"Looks like we just need to move that flat of damaged dog kibble to the deposal area," you said moving to grab a broom from the corner of the warehouse. 
You planning to have Moon push the flat as you followed behind sweeping up extra kibble, knowing there was going to be a trail of the stuff as you moved the flat. 
Hearing a strange mix of noises from behind you, you turn to see Moon covered head to toe in Kibble dust. Even some kibble pieces stuck in his fur as he held the flat of broken dog food bags over his head. You held your hand over your mouth to muffle a laugh bubbling in your chest at the site.
Moon's bright blue eyes blinked past the haze of brown dust. "Where is the deposal area M'Lady?" he asked.
"Umm" well looks like you had two more tasks to do before your shift ended. "this way," you said a giggle slipping past your lips, as you guided Moon over the disposal area. More kibble dust sprinkled down onto the knight with each step. You felt bad for finding this funny but mentally swore to help clean Moon as soon as you two were done with this final task.
Once Moon put down the flat of dog food you came over to him, pulling out a wet nap from one of your apron's many pockets. 
"Moon, Please close your eyes" you requested, reaching up to cup his cheek with your free hand.
The Knight closed his eyes before you began to wipe off the mess around his eyes, then wiped off more from around his face. Moon leaning his face more heavily against your hand on his cheek. 
"There all done, you can open your eyes now Moon," you say as you carless your thumb against his cheek.
But Moon didn't reply instead leaning and nuzzling more into your gentle carless, you swear you heard a soft chirp-like noise from the back of his throat. Maybe Moon was more touched starved than you thought.
"Moon" you called out again, this time his soft glowing blue eyes snapped open. 
"Sorry M'Lady, I did not catch the last thing you said" Moon confessed gazing drifting downwards, as his tail curled in distress, but otherwise remained stone face... And did not move his face for your hand.
"It's alright Moon" you assured rubbing his cheek a few more times before pulling your hand away from his face. His head followed the movement of your hand before he seemed to catch himself and straighten his stance. "How about I brush some of your hair to get those kibble bits out?"
"I would be very grateful if you did so M'Lady" Moon replied looking stoic except for his tail that started happily swaying as soon as you made the offer.
"Alright, give me one sec," you said as you went over to the damaged item boxes, shuffling through the box till you found a comb; the only damage on it was that the design on the back of it was all scratched up. 
You located a mostly clean spot pulling a chair to the spot "sit down please" you ask moon patting the seat.
Moon came over and sat down on the chair. His tail happily swayed as you started to gently pull the comb's teeth through his mane. You use your free hand to gently ruffle the more dusty bits out of his hair or use your fingers to outright pluck larger kibble pieces out. You caught Moon making those soft chirping-like noises again, but didn't comment finding it pretty cute.
As you move to his front to brush off his sideburns you realize Moon has his eyes closed again, looking so relaxed, as if he were sleeping. Though his straight posture and swaying tail told you otherwise.
His head instinctively tilted up and back as you started to brush out his sideburns. Seems like he had been groomed by someone else before, or at least that was your theory, for the way his body reflectively tilt his head the right way when someone was cleaning his fur.
"Alright all done" You announced pulling away from Moon to absorb your work, neck up Moon looked great, neck down... Not so much. The Monkey Knight's armour and clothes are still covered in brown dust. "Well your face and head are all done" you corrected, "Now how are we supposed to clean your armour up?"
"I have a solution for that, M'Lady" Moon offered, "I can clean myself off with ease upon M'Lady's permission"
"Oh yeah of course you can clean yourself" you replied, watching as Moon got on all fours, realizing a few moments too late what Monkey was about to do. 
Flicking your arms up just in time to protect most of your face as Moon began to shake himself off like a wet dog making the kibble dust go everywhere including all over you. 
You cough as you look down at yourself now covered in kibble dust, maybe this was Karma for laughing at Moon earlier.
"I apologize, M'Lady," Moon quickly said, plucking a hair off his head and making it turn into a wet wipe, offering it to you. Okay, that brought up some questions.
"How did you do that?" you asked.
"I did not think before taking action," Moon said his tail drooping "I only thought about the quickest way to discard the dust from my form and did not think about how it would affect the surrounding area or M'Lady that was standing next to me" The Knight explained, self reprimanding his actions and looking guilty about it.
"Yes, you didn't, but I also gave you permission when I should have clarified what you meant so it's both our mistake." You assured sharing the blame for the mess up. "But...That's not what I'm talking about, I was wondering how you made that wet wipe out of a strand of your hair" you asked.
"I made it with my powers" the knight answered, you remained quiet waiting for the monkey to elaborate, it taking you a few moments before realizing that was his complete explanation.
"So... You can turn your hair into other things... with your powers?" you asked trying to get Moon to explain more.
"Yes," he answered, and once again didn't say any more than that. 
You let out a sigh, mentally scolding yourself for expecting an elaborate answer. You were better off asking Macaque, he would at least give you detailed answers... That was when and if the shadow demon was willing to explain something. 
You look over at Moon who waited patiently holding the magically created wet wipe, his tail having drooped so much it was laid against the floor.
You weren't sure how much Moon could read your emotions. Was he able to tell you were upset by the lack of answers and not about his actions or could he just feel that you were upset in general and assumed it was about him? 
"Moon, can you help clean my face?" you asked, lifting up your chin and closing your eyes. Trying to show more than say you weren't upset with him about getting you dirty. 
"Of course M'Lady" he replied, the Knight mimicking what you had done, as he put one of his hand's against your cheek while his other hand cleaned off the brown dust. 
The Knight's touch was cool against your skin but not unpleasant, and as usual, Moon was as gentle as a kitten as he cleaned your face. You felt he took longer than you did to clean his face, but figured he was just being thorough.
"All done M'Lady" Moon declared, his hand twitching slightly as he reluctantly pulled his hand away from your cheek.
"Thanks, Moon," you say with a smile, "Now can you help me clean up the floors?" you asked moving to go grab a second broom.
"Does M'Lady not wish for me to brush her hair as well?" Moon questioned.
"No I'm good" you assured ruffling your hair and patting your clothes down, catching the way the stoic Monkey's tail started lowering again. "But maybe you could brush my hair later?" you suggest holding back a smile as his tail perked up.
The two of you cleaned up the mess pretty quickly, and since you had time to kill before you could do the inventory up-load you let Moon brush your hair. The monkey knight creates a brush from his own hair before moving to groom your hair.
You had remote disconnected the music from the store's speakers and played the 'Moon' playlist on your phone as the knight gently brushed your messy and dusty hair. More hearing than seeing the Monkey's tail tapping to the beat of the music.
It was a soft, calm moment between you two till your eyes drifted to the airplane symbol on the corner of your screen.
You had not taken your phone on airplane mode since the night before. You felt reluctant almost fearful to turn it off, knowing there would be a flood of new messages. Most likely more about your ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend. Now you were probably going to have some from your so-called brother, or worst your mother claiming you did something to him. 
None of them actually cared about you, so why couldn't they just leave you alone, why couldn't they just disappear?
"Are you thinking about those people you don't like?" Moon asked.
"Yes" you sigh, it was hard to get them out of your head when they kept hovering into your life, no matter how much you wished them to go away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sour the mood" the brushing and the music had been quite pleasant till your brain drifted off elsewhere.
"If My Lady wishes I could get rid of those you don't like" the knight offered.
For a moment you were tempted to take that offer, then a flash of fear passed through you realizing you had seriously considered the offer. "That's not necessary...just because I don't like people doesn't mean you should get rid of them."
The motion of the brush paused in your hair "But wouldn't M'Lady be happier if those individuals were gone?"
"I... I don't know" you confessed with a sigh, maybe you would feel better without the bombardment of messages and probing but would it actually make you feel better? 
The brush was carefully pulled out of your hair "What good could those that do not have My Lady's favour bring?" Moon questioned, his fingers and claws gently running through parts of your hair. 
"I can't think of anything" you confess, what good could your two exes really bring to the world? 
One was so prideful, nothing was ever her fault. Who's lies flowed out of her mouth as easily and consistently as water flowed down a river. Someone who threw you under the bus more times than you could count to make herself look better, but you always let it go cause 'that's just how she was and she didn't really mean it'. 
The other was so lustful, that he would not only put the blame on you for his infidelity but had in the past publically screamed at you for showing even the slightest bit of attraction for anyone else. He then would scoff or scold you if you showed any displeasure for him outright flirting with another girl. 
Both manipulate your weak spirit and desperation for love to their heart's content. If you hadn't discovered their affair, they probably would have used you to your breaking point. Squeezing everything they could out of you before tossing you away and moving on to use someone else.
'What good could either of their continued exists bring?' a voice echoed inside of you as a sensation both crystal hard and ice cold wrapped around your neck. 'Those who show such a lack of devotion to the ones they claim to love don't deserve mercy' the voice added.
You felt a soft cool hand cup your hot wet cheeks, the sensation snapping you out of your thoughts, as you just now noticed you had been crying.
"Please M'Lady, point me to the ones who hurt you and I will erase them from the very memory of this world" Your knight swore, as he kneeled before you, his soft touch brushing your tears away. 
You tightly grip your Knight's hands, as the voice inside of you becked you to take the offer your devoted knight so graciously gave you. Let your Knight destroy the onse that broke your heart and shattered your world. Let your knight be the medium of your wrath and revenge.
"No..." You breathed out, holding Moon's hands tighter against your hot cheeks as you tried to ground yourself "I won't do that."
"But why M'Lady?" Moon asked, sounding almost perplexed at your refusal "I am more than willing to be your sword and take down all those you wish to vanish"
"I know," you said taking another breath, gently pulling his hands away from your face but never letting them go. "You are a very devoted Knight, who I'm very grateful to have by my side" you assured.
"Then why do you refuse to let me fulfill my duties and strike down your enemies?" He questioned.
"Because I never want to abuse your kindness, or command you to do something so hateful." Your warm fingers grazed over the inside of his palm and fingers. "I never want to bloody your gentle hands with something as petty as revenge."
You weren't going to be like your exes, you weren't going to be a user, you weren't going to use someone as precious as Moon for something so selfish. The cold, crystal-hard feeling around your neck suddenly vanished as quickly as it came.
"You are far too kind, M'Lady" Moon replied, bowing his head to rest against your intertwined hands.
"No, I'm just decent" you reply with a small smile.
A man grumbled in displeasure looking through a crystal mirror that showed you and Moon. The Mirror shows the magical blue strings that tangled you and Moon together, along with what looked like a crystal collar around your neck, one that had begun to form its first crack.
"Girly has a stronger will than you thought?" Macaque mocked from a glowing cage not so far away. 
During Macaque's investigation, he had found the man he was looking for. What the demon hadn't properly anticipated was that the man had been expecting him and prepared a trap just for the shadow demon.
The Man; the previous 'mayor', also previous general, and right-hand man to the last Lady Bone Demon. Had forced Macaque to watch as he used a piece of bone to try and persuade you to give into your desires. To force Macaque to feel and experience the rollercoaster of emotions, inside of you as the Mayor tried to tempt you.
 But you had resisted the temptation much to both the ex-Mayor and Macaque's surprise.
Macaque knew if he had been given a similar offer not too long ago, he would have taken it without a second thought. The fact that your heart was filled with so much pain yet you still resisted was a little impressive... Not majorly impressive though, it wasn't like either of your exes betrayed you and killed you. So the shadow monkey thought it was only fair for him to be tempted by revenge more than you would be. 
"A little" the 'mayor' confessed to the trapped Monkey, "but not entirely unexpected."
The Shadow demon rolled his eyes, that's what every villain said when things didn't go according to their plan but didn't want to admit it. 
"Good thing I had already set up a plan B, one that should push your lady to her breaking point." The 'Mayor' manically chuckled.
"She's Not My Lady" Macaque growled out.
"Those blue strings of devotion wrapped around your body say otherwise" The Mayor chuckled.
"Devotion not destiny?" Macaque questioned, wondering why the previous Lady Bone Demon minion didn't call them strings of destiny like 'Moon' had.
"In your Lady's case, they are both" Mayor answered. 
Macaque grumbled leaning against the bars of his cage, "I don't get it, what's your plan for Miss Moonlight?" Macaque questioned as his tail felt over the magical lock trying to feel over the rune engraved into the bars.
"The same plan I have for all The White Bone Spirit candidates" The Mayor replied with a creepily delighted smirk.
"All?" The demon questioned in surprise, wondering how many people this man had infected with the White Bone spirit's power. =============================== A/N: I know last chapter I said there was going to be an intense event happening in this chapter, that was suppose to happen during the beginning of this chapter, but I decided to move it to the end of the chapter cause I wanted to give Moon and reader more one on one time to build their connection. Then this chapter became almost 6K long so once again chose to move the intense event to the next chapter, but I swear next chapter will be filled with hurt and dark desires.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
1 - When was the last time it snowed where you live? Do you like snowy weather or is it just a pain? Uh... Anyway, cold weather is definitely preferred. We're reaching high 40s now and will still go up to the 50s in May, and it is not only uncomfortable but also starting to get very inconvenient.
2 - Are you expecting any parcels in the mail right now? Not for a while. I ordered J-Hope's album but was already informed in advance that I probably won't get it until June since my shop ships stuff from Korea in bulk. Which is fine. With BTS on hiatus I've considerably calmed down when it comes to merch lol.
3 - How long is it until your birthday? Do you have any plans for the day? Like, 363 days haha. I just celebrated my 26th last Sunday, and all I did was watch a Spongebob movie with my sister in the morning, slept all afternoon, then went to my favorite hotel buffet for dinner with my family.
4 - What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee. The Spanish latte I got tonight had a cracked lid so my jeans are now all soaked.
5 - Do you need to do any laundry right now? Yup.
6 - Who was the last person you got a notification from on social media? Is this person a close friend of yours? That would Alex, just a dude related to work. No, I wouldn't call him a friend but he is genuinely one of the nicest people I know.
7 - Do you regularly buy things on credit? If so, how much do you owe on credit cards right now? No. I got a surprise credit card in the mail a few weeks ago (I say 'surprise' because apparently I said yes when I got surveyed years ago...? then I just forgot about it I guess LOL), but I absolutely refuse to use it. It's not even activated yet. I don't want to form a habit around paying things on credit.
8 - When was the last time you got a call from an unknown number? Did you answer or call them back? Can't be bothered to check when exactly, but I know it was a few weeks ago. I probably answered it because at the time I knew it would be someone work-related calling.
9 - When was the last time you got off work early? What was the reason and did you do anything fun with your extra free time? I don't do that, I always do the full 8 hours. Earlier this month though I did file a morning leave to attend a watch party for Wrestlemania.
10 -  What do you typically eat for Christmas Dinner? Are you the one who cooks or does a family member do the cooking? My family is never consistent when it comes to Christmas spreads lmao, it's always different meals every year! For the longest time it was my mom and grandma who did the cooking; but now that I could afford to treat my family (and can't cook hah) I buy platters and trays of all kinds of stuff so that everyone can get what they want.
11 - What time did you wake up this morning? Did you get out of bed right away? I needed to wake up earlier since I already had a meeting scheduled for 9 AM. I think I started to wake up around 7:30.
12 - Do you have any plans for the weekend? Are these plans typical for a weekend or are you doing something different? Saturday will be for rest as I have back to back events on Sunday. I'd say at this point it is pretty typical for work to eat up what little free time I have - it also comes with the higher role - but I'm hopeful this phase would stop soon. I have no weekend events booked yet for May onwards so that's looking like a good sign.
13 - Would you like to work a job that involves going in and out of other people’s homes all day? (Like care work, painter, decorated etc.) That'd be cool, but I wouldn't know what kind of related job would fit me best. I did always have an interest in interior design – I like trying to look into people's living rooms when we drive by them in the village (but tbh this is also because I live around rich people and they all have super big minimalist mansions lol), and when I was younger all I wanted to do in GTA was to have a cheat code that would let me in people's homes lmao.
14 - When was the last time you had an injury? Was it a minor cut/scrape or something more serious? What happened? Sprained my ankle two years ago. I had one drink too many and ended up tripping in a bad way over some steps on my birthday, hehe... 15 - Do you ever watch movies or TV shows that require you to read subtitles? I mean I like having subtitles around in general. It's obviously helpful when watching foreign-language shows/movies, but even for English I prefer having them turned on because I hate it when actors mumble or have too-thick accents.
16 - What accents are your favourite? Don't have any.
17 - How many people have you texted today? Are these people friends, family members or something else? People I've messaged today, outside of work, would be Angela, Lei, my mom, and sister. 3 out of 4 of these people are family.
18 - Are you any good at DIY? What was the last DIY project you finished? I'm not good at any DIY or arts or crafts, period.
19 - When was the last time you had a haircut? When was the last time you dyed your hair (if you ever have)? Hair cut: Year and a half ago. Dye: Around six months ago.
20 - Do you prefer wearing tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes? I prefer the baggy/oversized fit now.
21 - Are you currently warm, cold or just right? Is the heating or air conditioning on to contribute to that feeling? I'm quite warm, but it's not as bad as the TERRIBLE weather earlier today. It's evening so it's a lot more manageable, but that's not to say I've stopped sweating because I still fucking am.
22 - What was the last piece of good news you received? Was it expected? Pharmacist licensure exam results came out today and I saw that my cousin passed. Yes, I always knew she was going to kill it.
23 - What colour socks are you wearing right now? Maroon.
24 - Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? What about hot tea or iced tea? Iced coffee, iced tea.
25 - What are some of your favourite Christmas songs? What time of year do you start listening to Christmas music? Christmas Love by Jimin :) Kelly Clarkson also has that bubbly song but I'm blanking out on the title. I usually start to listen around the 2nd week of December, then go into overdrive between the 24th and 25th haha.
26 - If you see cats wandering about in the street, do you stop and fuss them? No.
27 - Speaking of cats, do you own a cat? Are they a particular breed or just a moggie? Would you ever want a specific breed of cat at all? No.
28 - When was the last time you moved furniture around to clean behind or underneath it? Do you need someone’s help in order to do that? Just a few weeks ago. No, it's just a decorative chair in the living room so it's easy to move around.
29 - Do you have any medications that you need to take daily? Is this something you’re going to have to do for the rest of your life? I don't.
30 - Do you know how to start an open fire and keep it burning without using loads of wood? Is this a skill you use on a regular basis at all? I don't know how to start fire.
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WC: 1033
Hero pov
I ring the doorbell, and Kristen answers.
"Hey, she's in her room," she says as I'm coming in. "It's the last door on the right" she points towards the hallway and then goes back to the living room.
"Oh, come on, I hit the damn button; that wasn't even fair," I hear Jess's voice yell.
"Video games?" I ask Kristen laughing while making my way toward the hallway.
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"Yeah," she laughs, turning the tv up some.
"Come in," she says after I knock on her door. I walk in, closing it behind me; she's lying on her stomach on the bed, playing what looks like Super Mario "why won't you jump?? Ugh," she says out of frustration.
I have to admit she sounds pretty cute when she gets all worked up like this. When I first heard her over the phone, I couldn't stop laughing at her.
She adjusts on the bed, and I can't help but notice how her butt looks in her shorts.
"Like what you see?" her voice interrupts my thoughts.
"What? How did you know I was looking?" I raise an eyebrow.
"You just told me," she smirks, setting the game down on the table, adjusting her pillow then turning over. I walk over, sitting on the side of the bed. "So, what's your news?"
"Oh, I got a role in a movie called The Silencing," I smile.
"Hero, that's great! Congratulations!!" she smiles.
"Thanks, I'm excited."
I'm telling her about the audition process when I keep hearing shutter noises and then Jess giggling.
"Are you taking pictures of me?"
"No," she smiles, looking at me. "I can't believe they make you audition multiple times. I have never understood that, but they want to get it right." I kick my shoes off and raise them on the bed.
"Let me see" I climb over her reaching out for her phone as she holds it above her.
"No sir, my eyes only. I need something to remember once you're gone," she says softly, looking up at me.
"Oh really?" before she can answer, I lean down, pressing my lips to hers.
I can tell she's caught off guard but quickly relaxes and puts her arms around my neck as I deepen the kiss. I move, pulling her up with me as I pick her up, sitting her on my lap, pushing her hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear as she kisses me again.
I'm not sure what I was expecting and how it would be if I kissed her, but damn I'm so glad I did. It's almost like she knows what I like without even trying, and she gives me just enough to want more. I pull back, catching my breath.
"Damn, Jess" she closes her eyes, licking her lips, then opens them looking down.
"Was that okay? I mean, it's been a while since I kissed someone" I lift her chin, making her look at me; I can feel my face blush slightly.
"Yes," relief washes over her, and she smiles. I notice her phone is behind her; holding on to her, I lean to grab it.
"Hey!" she says, trying to take it from me.
"I wanna see the pictures," I laugh.
"If you can guess my password," she challenges me.
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"You're on."
How hard can it be it's either 4 or 6 numbers, and her birthday would be too obvious. I swipe up and see that it's six numbers. Maybe it's Kristen's birthday? Doubt it; she wouldn't make it something her sister might know.
I still don't understand why she's so distant from her family; she doesn't talk about them much, and I don't push her on it.
Come on, Hero, think if you were Jess...then it hits me what if it's my birthday? I doubt they know anything about me, considering her mum's reaction to the picture she posted of us. 110697  I type it in, and it opens.
"I got it!!" I laugh, and she groans with embarrassment.
"I meant to change it."
"Don't I'm flattered" I kiss her, then scroll through to her last picture.
"Jess? A puppy?" I raise my eyebrow.
"What? It's cute," she smirks, taking the phone.
"You and Diesel can be twins even though he's cuter," she jokes.
"Oh yeah," I push her back, getting on top of her and leaning towards her, making her think I'm going to kiss her but start tickling her instead.
"Okay, okay, stop," she laughs.
"Say I'm cuter," I continue tickling her.
"Thought so," I smile, pulling my hands from her body.
"Where is the silencing filming?" she asks, catching her breath. I move to lay beside her, and she rolls onto her side.
"Thats cool; I have a friend from there," she says as her face lights up. "We don't see each other much though he films in Vancouver mostly," she notices the change in my facial expression. "Hero Fiennes Tiffin are you jealous?" she asks, a little shocked.
"No," I put my hand behind my head, glancing at the tv and then back at her.
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"Don't be jealous" she moves closer to me, placing her head on my chest.
"I just really like you, Jess" I pull her closer.
"We're just friends, Hero; if anything, I should be the one who's worried," her voice shakes. "I mean, you could have anyone, especially someone who can.." her voice breaks, and I stop her.
"Don't do that. You know I don't care about that" I look down at her, and she's trying her best not to cry. "Baby, don't cry."
"I'm just, I'm going to miss you" she looks up at me.
"I'm gonna miss you too, but we'll figure it out, I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep. I mean, it's going to be harder than you realize with filming."
"I know this is going to take work, but as long as we communicate, we should be fine," I say as I rub her back.
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tenebraevesper · 6 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Obsolete, Night 6: Picking Up The Pieces
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''You turn away, I'll be right beside you! You cut me off, but I'll always have another way to find you! My body's still mending, you're in for a sight! Another night but it doesn't get easy, because you're stuck picking up all the pieces that they salvaged! No matter what the ending, you won't last the night!''
 – Salvaged by NateWantsToBattle (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)
Sam took a deep breath as she found herself again in the Fazbear's Fright office. She was not looking forward to this, but she knew that she needed to get through this level. She looked around, the office not being that different from the office in Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with the most noticable thing being the huge air-vent right next to the table.
''Hey-Hey! Glad you came back for another night! I promise it'll be a lot more interesting this time…''
Sam ignored Phone Dude's commentary on finding new items for the horror attraction and searched the desk through for any Tapes and coins. Since it was the first night, she didn't have to worry about Springtrap and needed to just keep the systems working. Luckily for her, she managed to find a Tape behind the Maintenance Panel on the box, as well as a coin near the bobble heads on the left side of the monitor.
I wonder what kind of information is Tape Girl going to give me this time.
She stared intently at the window that allowed to see her the hallway, as if expecting an animatronic to jumpscare at her. Even though the night was peaceful, she could feel her heart rate going up. She felt anxious about the upcoming second night, the one where she would have to deal with Springtrap until 6 AM. She knew that he was just a game character, but all the memories associated with him felt overwhelming.
This is something I need to go through. I need to confront him, even if this is not the real Springtrap.
It didn't take too long for her to hear the familiar chime that signaled the end of the night. After taking her prize, she found herself back at the main hub and looked back, seeing Glitchtrap standing behind her, still waving at her.
''Hello? Can you hear me?''
''Unfortunately, I do,'' Sam replied, decided to give the Tape a listen before she continued playing Five Nights at Freddy's 3. After entering the Tape Room, she quickly put the Tape 5 into the recorder, holding her breath in anticipation as she heard Tape Girl's familiar voice.
''The drawers have been emptied out. Someone was here. I don't think it was spring cleaning either. No, there was plastic on the floor. Someone was definitely here during the night. It had to have been the client. I mean, they sent us that stuff in the first place with no explanation. Told us to scan it. Said it would expedite the process so we wouldn't need to program any path finding ourselves. It was a budget things, I guess. It was just junk- circuit boards and things like that. Looked pretty old. Somehow, though, there was usable code on some of it. It seemed to take hold by itself. Things started changing. But then, he started appearing. At least, that's what Jeremy said.''
''The client? What client?'' Sam's eyes narrowed. ''What do they mean by circuit boards?''
She remained silent for a moment as she processed the new information. The client they were talking about had to be a Fazbear Entertainment representative. It's the only thing that makes sense. She returned to the main hub, taking off her VR headset and started pacing through her room. Then, there are the circuit boards. Fazbear Entertainment used some kind of circuit boards to… scan the code for the game? Sam's eyes widened, her lips parting slightly as she stared back at her VR headset. No way… Why would they… Where did they even get those circuit boards?!
She suddenly felt chills flowing down her spine, shuddering.
''Where did they get those circuit boards?'' she whispered, slowly repeating the question. ''What kind of code did those circuit boards have? Why would Fazbear Entertainment take them away?''
She looked up, observing the Golden Freddy plushie on her bed. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her fists, turning back to the VR headset and putting it on. She had a bad feeling about this whole thing, realizing that there was only one way to get the circuit boards – directly from the source. She didn't even want to think about it, not wanting to process the implications of that.
I need more evidence.
She found herself back at the main hub, with Glitchtrap waiting for her. She took a look at him, wondering if he too was the result of the scanned circuit boards.
''Who are you?'' she asked, but Glitchtrap remained silent, staring back, still with that cheery grin on his expression. She sighed and shook her head, focusing on the monitor.
Let's get this over with.
Returning back to the office, she tried to mentally prepare herself for her confrontation with Springtrap.
''Hey, man- okay, I have some awesome news for you!...''
Paying zero attention to Phone Dude, she started switching through the screens in search for Springtrap. She eventually found him on CAM 10. As long as he stays there, I should be peachy. The first few seconds were just her staring at Springtrap, when the monitor suddenly started to flicker, with Springtrap disappearing and appearing on CAM 09. Sam didn't panic though, simply switching instead back to CAM 10 and activating the Balloon Boy clip.
''Hi! Hello! Hahahahahah!''
''I shouldn't worry too much, since I already know this game inside out,'' Sam muttered, yawning. She knew that it was late in the night and wanted to complete Night 2 before going to sleep. Springtrap eventually returned back to CAM 10, staring at the camera as he idled. ''If you really think you can beat me, you're– agh!'' Sam was startled by Phantom BB, quickly trying to switch the cameras, only to get jumpscared, with Phantom BB screaming at her. As she recovered, she quickly turned to the maintenance panel to fix the ventilation error. She tapped with her food impatiently as she waited for it to be fixed. Once done, she turned back to the cameras, realizing that Springtrap was gone.
''Where are you?'' Sam muttered as she turned to CAM 09. He wasn't there. ''Damn it! Where did he go?''
To her chagrin, the cameras suddenly experienced a video error. Sam turned to the maintenance panel, aware that she needed to fix it as fast as possible if she didn't want Springtrap win this Night. As she turned towards the panel, she saw Phantom Foxy staring at her and quickly looked down.
''Com'n… Faster…'' Sam inhaled sharply as she looked back at the monitors, going through each and every camera in order to find Springtrap. ''Please, tell me he isn't in the vents…''
Suddenly, there was an audio error, forcing Sam to once again fix it without finding Springtrap. Frankly, she didn't remember Five Nights at Freddy's 3 to be this difficult, especially not on Night 2. It was also possible that her reaction was slower due to her being too tired to think clearly or see anything.
As she looked up, she almost let out a scream, freezing when Springtrap suddenly appeared right in front of her, staring at her through the window. ''Springtrap, what the hell?! How did you get here so fast?!''
Springtrap just stared back at her, with Sam being well aware that he was out for her blood. Sam frowned, turning to CAM 02 and pressing the Balloon Boy voice clip.
''Springtrap, leave!'' Sam said in a firm tone. ''You are not welcome here.''
Springtrap seemed to ignore the Balloon Boy voice clip and instead kept staring at her. Sam pressed the distraction button again, looking back at the monitor and to her relief, Springtrap appeared on CAM 02. Sam realized that he probably had used the vent to travel quickly through the entire building, forcing her to return him back to CAM 10.
''You know, you're still just as sneaky as you used to be when you were still here,'' Sam said bitterly as she forced Springtrap to go to CAM 03. ''You're merciless, determined and you won't let anyone stop you.'' She was suddenly met by another video error. ''You don't care about anyone, but yourself, William.'' She frowned. ''Why should I even bother with you? Sure, there is the matter of closure, but at this point, is it worth it? While I have returned to Five Nights at Freddy's, why should I care about you?''
As the video feed cleared, Sam groaned when Springtrap vanished once again. She found him staring at her intently in the office hallway… again.
''You are not doing yourself a favour here, William,'' she said, glaring at Springtrap. ''You are an awful person, and you know it…'' She activated the Balloon Boy voice clip and looked up, her gaze filled with anger and her eyes watering. ''I was so bitter when you left without a word. If you had at least told me what you were planning to do… I guess, I would've gotten over it… Maybe we could've figured out something… Anything… You shouldn't have abandoned me…'' Suddenly, the lights faded and Springtrap vanished, appearing at the office door. Sam turned towards him, still glaring at the animatronic. ''You're an idiot!''
Then, she heard the familiar chime as the clock turned to 6 AM. Sam suddenly realized that she felt cold. Her heart was racing and there was a tingling feeling in her fingers as she grabbed her prize – Plushtrap jumpscaring her. Shaking him off, she returned to the main hub, staring at the monitor.
''He is gone. There is no reason for me to just yell at a video game character,'' she grumbled and faced Glitchtrap, glaring at the latter. Glitchtrap just waved cheerfully at her, but Sam felt unnerved. It didn't help that Glitchtrap was reminding her of William. ''I'm not done with you either,'' she told him, then exited the game.
Glitchtrap's grin widened.
''Tsk, tsk, tsk… Someone's angry…'' The voice echoed through the darkness, not caring whether anyone could hear him. ''Or worse… Disappointed.''
A dark purple light illuminated the void, revealing an empty stage with a pair of purple curtains covered in silver stars on the sides. The voice belonged to Glitchtrap, who appeared to be to talk to an invisible audience.
''I wonder, can someone really hold this much resentment?'' he asked in a sarcastic voice, then chuckled. ''Well, of course they can! It's really fun to see people getting riled up, especially if it's the person you love.'' He crossed his hands on his back and started pacing across the stage. ''Seeing her this upset should be something I'd be happy about, yet I'm more excited about the fact that she might slowly be realizing what our connection is.''
He tilted his head, eyeing the empty seats and seeing a humanoid figure sitting in one of the chairs. The figure was slumped over, with a dark red and black blood pool forming below him, as if someone knocked them out. Glitchtrap grinned, placing his hands on his hips and leaned forward.
''Sleeping, are we?'' He waved his finger, as if scolding a naughty child. ''That's fine. We, or rather, I have to still wait for all the right puzzle pieces to fall into place.'' He opened his arms, as if presenting something. ''Then, we can begin with the show!''
Sam yawned, walking with a tray in her hand to the corner of the cafeteria, Matt being right behind her. While she fortunately didn't have any nightmares, she was still mentally exhausted from playing through Help Wanted. She had figured that eating some food would wake her up properly, so at least she could last for the rest of the school day. She suddenly felt Matt gently nudging her, leaning forward to whisper into her ear.
''Someone's glaring at you,'' he said, walking past her and sitting on the opposite side of Sam. Sam sat on the other side and looked up, realizing that the one glaring at her was her ex-best friend Theresa Clover, aka Tessa. Sam rose an eyebrow, locking eyes with Tessa, who just gave her a hate-filled glare and sat down at an empty table a bit further away from the table where she would usually sit at. The table she was referring to was the one where Violet and her friends, that is, the popular crowd would sit at. Sam hummed, turning her attention to Matt. ''I thought she was friends with Violet. Why is she sitting alone?''
''You tell me,'' Matt replied. ''She was your friend.''
''Well, since Tessa basically used me in order to get closer to them by offering them to come to my place and use my stuff, like video games, I assume she ran out of stuff she could offer them,'' Sam replied.
''That's what happens when you become friends with people who just want stuff from you instead of liking you for who you are,'' Matt noted. Sam nodded and turned to her food, only to hear Matt add, ''So, anything new you want to talk about? You did show me around Ricky's and you said that you played Help Wanted last night.''
''Honestly, I don't know whether I want to talk about it,'' Sam replied. ''I've been processing a lot of things and I'm currently trying to make sense of them.''
''Do you think that talking with me would help you process that information easier?'' Matt asked. Sam remained silent for a moment, as an image of Springtrap flashed through her mind. She shivered, shaking her head.
''Not now,'' she replied. Matt gave her a sympathetic look.
''No problem,'' he said. ''Just give me a call whenever you're ready.''
''I will,'' Sam told him, then after a moment of pause added, ''You know, confronting my own past was a good idea. I haven't really had any nightmares and there were a lot of emotions I needed to deal with. It feels like a relief that I'm over some stuff, but this was the easy part. I haven't tackled the more difficult issues yet.''
''Do you think you'll need support with that?'' Matt asked.
''No, for now, I'll try go through it by myself,'' Sam replied, then smiled. ''You know, you should think of a career as a therapist considering how much you insist on helping me.''
''I'm not really interested in that,'' Matt said, shaking his head. ''I mean, sure, I don't mind listening to your problems because…''
''They're sounding crazy?'' Sam cut him off. Matt gave her a sheepish look, with Sam smirking. It didn't often happen that Matt would get nervous over something. Usually, he would always be calm, cool and collected, so it was unusual to see him freak out over something, even if it was something seemingly insignificant.
''Uh, that's not what I meant,'' he quickly replied. ''I don't think you're crazy at all.''
''Then you're one of the few people who think that,'' Sam told him, sighing. ''Sometimes, I think I'm crazy, only to remind myself that crazy stuff happened to me. Admittedly, I choose to participate in that, so it was my fault…''
''But, you haven't chosen to let a murderer roam free,'' Matt told her in a hushed tone. Sam blinked, staring at him for a moment as she realized that he was referring to Connor Davis.
''Of course not,'' she replied in a defensive tone. However, she had to admit that she did let a different kind of murdered roam free and regretted it.
Matt rose an eyebrow, adding, ''I know that there's a lot of stuff you haven't told me yet. I can still sense the agony attached to you. If you want to carry that burden alone, that's okay. Still, you shouldn't feel guilty over the things you have no control over.''
Sam remained silent, actually wanting to tell him that things were a bit more complicated than that, but then she realized that maybe, just maybe, she was the one who was overcomplicating everything in her mind. Sure, this wasn't what Matt wanted to tell her, but her attempts of outright blocking memories and emotions associated with them didn't help her with dealing with her past.
Still, she was determined to change that.
''Sam, are you done with your work yet?'' the manager, Kylie Anthelm, asked Sam, who was in the back room, working on the animatronics. Sam looked up, shaking her head.
''I still have some work to do on them,'' Sam replied, with Showtime Freddy sitting on the table in front of her. ''Don't worry, I'll close up.''
''Okay, but don't stay too late. It is a school night after all,'' Kylie replied, closing the door. Sam sighed and turned back to Showtime Freddy, having unbuttoned his vest and shirt to gain access to the hatch behind which his endoskeleton was. She reached inside Freddy's chest, carefully moving away some of the cables that were covering the circuit boards, exploring the already familiar wiring and mechanical parts.
''So far, everything's fine,'' she muttered, only to rise an eyebrow when she came across a particular circuit board. It was something that had always been there, having caught her and Springtrap's attention once, but they had no answer back then. However, now she was interested in finding out more about it.
''Give me a moment,'' she muttered, focusing on one particular circuit board, trying to figure out how to remove it, or at least getting a better look at it. She reached for it, but she couldn't take it out for closer analysis as it was attached to the endoskeleton via several wires. Don't I have some kind of document about this thing? She grabbed her flashlight and managed to turn the circuit board around, finding something carved on the plastic.
''HW: Freddy Fazbear (Copy),'' Sam muttered as she read the carving on the circuit board. She stepped back, leaning against the table. She hummed, ''HW… HW… HW…''
''…It was just junk- circuit boards and things like that. Looked pretty old. Somehow, though, there was usable code on some of it…''
It then hit her. Sam froze, her heart racing. She was shaken to the core.
''HW – Help Wanted.'' She turned to Showtime Freddy, staring at the animatronic. Showtime Freddy just looked back at her solemnly, as if understanding what was going through her mind. Sam's lips parted as she observed him in stunned silence. ''Freddy… I-Is this…'' Before she could finish her question, Freddy's eyes glowed briefly as he looked down at her, staring at her in silence. Sam gulped. ''T-That's how you know… That's how all of you know… That's why you guys acted as if you were possessed, but never were.'' She took a sharp inhale. ''You have the memories of the previous animatronics, as well as what is going on in the Help Wanted game. You know exactly what is going on.'' Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the animatronic, adding in an demanding tone, ''Am I right?''
''Is this what you believe to be the truth?'' Freddy asked her. Sam was caught off guard by the question. Admittedly, she wasn't completely sure about it. She lowered her head.
''Honestly, I'm not sure whether that's the case,'' Sam said. ''How would Fazbear Entertainment even be able to salvage circuit boards from the animatronics; that is, if they did that. I acknowledge it would be possible for them to perhaps find something, but it sounds so crazy.'' She frowned. ''However, Fazbear Entertainment isn't a stranger to using shortcuts. Not to mention, they wanted to make the game experience as authentic as possible, didn't they? So, what if they could re-use the old animatronic programming? What would they want to achieve with that?'' She stepped back. ''More importantly, what about the old Five Nights at Freddy's games. As much as I saw, Help Wanted kept re-using some segments.'' She shook her head and looked back at Freddy. ''Freddy, what exactly do you guys know?''
Freddy glanced down, looking at his open chest, with Sam realizing that he probably wanted her to close it in case she was done with checking on him. She quickly placed the circuit bord the way it was and closed the hatch, leaving Freddy to button his shirt up.
''So, what can you tell me?'' she asked him.
''Keep in mind, I cannot answer all of your questions,'' Freddy told her, patting the place next to him on the table. Sam sat next to him, curious about what Freddy would tell her. The Showtimes weren't really talkative about things that didn't concern their performances, usually remaining vague about everything else. ''I will tell you what I know, though.''
Sam nodded, staring intently at Freddy. It was strange to talking to the animatronic, but she was glad that there was someone who could answer some of her questions. Moreover, Freddy wasn't someone she feared, being kind and friendly towards her. He did have a protective side, as she saw him once leading away a girl who had been excluded by the other children and cheering her up.
''When I woke up for the first time, the stage I stood on was nothing like the one at this place,'' Freddy said, with Sam giving her a curious look. ''Then, all I saw was static. I did sense something… It was a rage unlike any other, as if I was trapped and I wanted to find the person who trapped me, and murder them.''
Sam felt goosebumps all across her body, with chills flowing down her spine. Despite Freddy's calm tone, she could sense the resentment in his voice.
''I didn't understand what was going on with me. I was convinced that I was malfunctioning,'' Freddy continued.
''What about the others?'' Sam asked.
''They experienced similar memories and thought the same,'' Freddy replied. ''However, when a technician would enter the room and attempt to repair us, we would black out. When we would wake up again, the technician would either be screaming in panic or unconscious.''
''So, you don't remember what you did to them?'' Sam asked.
''No,'' Freddy told her. ''We decided to put up an act, though. We thought that there was a good reason for scaring them and we didn't think much about it. For some reason, nothing happened when we were with you.''
''Maybe I'm not a threat?'' Sam suggested. ''I mean, there has to be a reason not to scare me to death or hurt me in some way.''
''Well, you certainly don't pose a threat to us,'' Freddy noted, his eyes narrowing. ''However, the bunny animatronic that would accompany you, Springtrap, did.''
''Freddy, could you tell me why exactly you felt that Springtrap was a threat to you guys?'' Sam asked.
''It's hard to explain, but whenever he was present, I and the rest would feel this unexplainable rage and resentment towards him. We could see the man behind the mask,'' Freddy told her, frowning as his voice turned into a growl. ''We knew he was the murderer.''
''I see…'' Sam muttered, shuddering. ''Could you tell me more about what you felt? As well as what you remembered?''
''What I felt… There were so many different emotions…'' Freddy said, closing his eyes and reminiscing. ''There was anger, depression and fear.'' He then gazed at Sam. ''At nights, we would also see a shadow-like figure standing at the back of the restaurant.''
''What?'' Sam was surprised, giving Freddy a look of concern. Freddy shook his head.
''The others and I don't believe that the figure was real,'' he added. ''It was probably a mix of those memories, which felt as if they belonged to someone else, and what we saw and knew.''
''This sounds quite creepy,'' Sam said.
''It was, but we knew that the figure couldn't hurt us. We wanted to know what was haunting us, though,'' Freddy said. Sam fell silent for a moment as she tried to process everything.
''Okay, I just need to think through the whole thing,'' she said. ''According to those Tapes, if whoever set them up is really telling the truth, Fazbear Entertainment may have collected a bunch of circuit boards, very possibly from the animatronics, even though I have no idea from which ones. They didn't use the code only in Help Wanted, but they also used the code in your programming so you would act similar to the previous animatronics.'' She took out her smartphone, finding the document with the files about the animatronics. ''Found it! 'It should be noted that some of the coding had been taken from an already pre-existing source in order to make the animatronics more authentic and their behavior closer to their predecessors. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any unpredictable action committed by the animatronics.' I knew that there was something!'' She turned to Freddy. ''So, you are remembering what the previous Freddy Fazbear had probably experienced. Or perhaps, the child that was trapped inside the animatronic.''
''It might not be everything, though,'' Freddy replied, with Sam giving him a curious look. ''Sometimes, we feel as if we're being watched. As if someone is with us constantly, in our minds, and it drives us crazy.''
''Do you have any idea what it is?'' Sam asked. Freddy gave her a serious look.
''It's evil,'' he said. ''We know it's evil and that it's broken. It's insanity incarnate.''
Sam was silent for a moment, biting her lip. ''You're referring to William, aren't you?'' Freddy stared at her for a moment, then nodded. ''Although, there is something else I've been wondering about.''
''What is it?'' Freddy asked her.
''In those memories, have you seen a bunny, different than Springtrap, with stitching all over the costume and wearing a purple vest?'' Sam asked him, holding her breath. Her expression was hopeful, yet fearful. She wanted to know the answer, yet she was afraid of knowing it. However, she needed to figure out what was going on in order to move on.
Freddy slowly nodded. Sam inhaled sharply.
''That person would stare at us, waving at times and asking 'Hello? Can you hear me?','' Freddy told her. Sam's eyes widened and she felt the chills running down her spine.
''He did…'' she whispered. What exactly have I contacted? What is inside that game?!
''Sam, are you okay?'' Freddy asked her worriedly. ''You are so pale.''
''No, I'm not okay,'' Sam said without even thinking. ''That thing… That bunny… I named him Glitchtrap and he is waving at me inside the game, asking the same question. If he was just a video game character, something the game developers added into the game, he shouldn't be part of your memories. He shouldn't be able to haunt you.''
''Yet, he is,'' Freddy said.
''At this point, I don't think he is a video game character,'' Sam said. ''Maybe, he is something that was brought over via the circuit boards.'' She shuddered. ''Honestly, I'm not sure whether I want to know what exactly he is.'' She then sighed, burying her head into her hands and groaning. ''God, I need to check the official version of the game to see whether I can find him there. This is so awful, but I have to do this.''
Freddy gave her a look of concern, tilting his head.
''You know, if you ever need a hug or comfort in some way, you're always welcome.''
Sam smiled and hugged him, burying her head into his chest. Freddy certainly lived up to his species of a teddy bear, being quite cuddly. As Freddy released her, Sam took a deep breath.
''Okay, I feel a bit better,'' she said. ''Thank you.''
''You're welcome,'' Freddy replied, getting off the table and turning to Sam, grinning at her. ''Now, don't forget, if you ever want to have some fun without a worry, you can always pay us a visit.''
''I'll keep that in mind,'' Sam replied, smiling.
Despite it being late in the night, Sam decided to play the official version of Help Wanted, trying to find the Tapes that were scattered across the game. She did find a few Tapes, as well as the Tape Room, but to her confusion, instead of warnings offered by Tape Girl, they contained Phone Guy's phone calls from the Five Nights at Freddy's games, like some kind of masterlist. Also, there was no trace of Glitchtrap.
''Damn it,'' Sam muttered as she took off the VR headset. ''This is not what I thought would happen. I hate this.''
She turned the game off, having realized that the official version of Help Wanted was completely useless to her. The only thing she could rely on was the beta version of the game if she wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery. It felt like some kind of nightmare.
''Fine,'' Sam muttered, opening the beta version of Help Wanted. Once she found herself back into the main hub, she turned back to Glitchtrap, who was still waving at her, seemingly blissfully unaware of what she knew.
''Hello? Can you hear me?''
''Yeah, I can,'' Sam replied. ''Tell me, who are you?''
Glitchtrap remained quiet, staring back at her. Sam sat on her chair, crossing her legs and staring at Glitchtrap.
''What do you want me to do? Should I play through the entire game or should I quit? Are you trapped inside the game? I know you're not part of it,'' she asked. ''Where did you come from? Why are you here? What is your real name?''
''Hello? Can you hear me?''
Sam frowned, sighing. She was already sleep deprived and she needed to go to bed. Turning off the game and the lights, she crawled back into her bed, falling asleep soon. Her dreams were filled with darkness, illuminated by a strange, purple glitching.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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