#it was one fucking kiss why am i so insane about it. nothing fucking happened. one stupid kiss. while drunk.
vzajemnik · 6 days
ohhhhhhhhh ill never be over her I Get It
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nachojaehyun · 2 months
like a part 2 where the reader just keeps on acting nonchalant like nothing happened and wonwoo gets more and more riled up. cause “why am i the only one going insane here” type of feelings. and he just ends up taking here in a dressing room or something cause damn they need to fuck
she’ll ride the dick like a carnival
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pairing. idol! wonwoo + new staff! fem reader!
summary. since that one fateful night at his apartment, jeon wonwoo realizes that he is fucked. but not really, since he can’t seem to get you in his bed.
warnings. [PLEASE READ] dom/sub dynamics, slight dom wonwoo, dirty talk, use of nicknames, THICK dick and lowkey desperate wonu, reader is VERY nonchalant, implied mirror sex, riding, wonu almost cries… AGAIN, sloppy kisses on the tits, subtle jizz play — 18+ MINORS DNI!
note. desperate sex that turns steamy and passionate is my favorite genre holy shit 😭 first time answering an ask! hope you like it :)
find part 1 here
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jeon wonwoo could only watch you from across the waiting room as you pranced around in a midi skirt, chatting happily with the staff.
he wanted to cuss you out.
shifting in his chair, he pushed his glasses further up his nose, angrily sniffing.
how could you act like this?
how were you so nonchalant? so unbothered about the fact that you had him seeing stars merely 72 hours ago?
it had been 3 days since you had sucked the soul out of his body. 3 days since he couldn’t stop rutting his cock into his fist to the thoughts of you. 3 days since he had become insane.
he tried to get your attention, he really did. the poor boy would keep trying to pry anything out of your mouth that gave him a hint about your feelings.
but you were unpredictable, just as he had thought.
your face was like a wall — completely emotionless. any thought that passed through your head could barely be understood and wonwoo wanted to smash his head into the concrete at that realization.
“jeez, what’s got you this tense?” mingyu sits down next to him, adjusting his costume as he stared at his best friend. “i’m just… worried about the performance, nothing else.”
mingyu knew that wonwoo was lying.
hell, even wonwoo knew he was lying.
but none of them seemed to question each other as they sat in silence, each immersed in their own thoughts.
“wonwoo-ssi?” your voice called out to him. the boy singled out you and your sound amid nearly 50 people in the room, surprisingly springing to his feet as he walked towards you.
“your outfit is ready, follow me.”
the man silently walked behind you, striding toward the secluded attached room in the corner.
he pulled the curtain and stepped inside, and he was immediately handed his clothes. the outfit was simple— a sleeveless shirt and some baggy white jeans.
“i’ll be outside,” you nodded, bidding him farewell as you pulled the curtain.
sighing, wonwoo turned to look at himself in the mirror. his hardened cock stared at him in the face— a haunting image of the effect you had on him.
how am i the only one who is this riled up? he wondered. i can’t be the only one… right?
he wasn’t.
you would be lying if you said your panties weren’t glued to your core since you walked in. the sight of him had your head spinning, wanting nothing more than to strip him down and pull his dick into your throat.
but of course, you were not some depraved whore.
you set boundaries after that night. he was your client, and you were his stylist. of course you weren’t supposed to suck him off!
the fitting next morning after the incident had made you lose your self control. you recall how you had to get yourself off in the bathroom, relishing in the thoughts of seeing wonwoo in a tight fitted suit.
but of course, you would never voice these thoughts out loud. being in the same room as him was punishment enough to remind you of your sins. you wondered if applying for a styling job for a different member would work—
“uh?” wonwoo’s deep voice cut off your lewd thoughts, making you shake your head to clear them out. “a little help?”
“you good?" you sighed. “i’m coming in,” sucking in a breath as you stepped inside the small box.
wonwoo was leaning against one of the mirrored walls, one leg up on a stool in the corner. “what’s wrong?” you searched for a solution in his face.
“i seem to be stuck in a seemingly hard situation.”
one look down to his hands, you immediately realized the problem.
wonwoo’s dick was hard, the bulge over his boxers made that evident. the problem? the sheer size of his chub was not allowing the zipper of his jeans to zip up.
the man had a small waist but also had weirdly broad hips. his pants always had to be altered so that they suited his body type.
however, this was a problem that no other stylist had ever had to deal with.
“what do i do?” wonwoo whined, pouting his lips as he pushed up his glasses.
“wonwoo-ssi,” you spoke. your voice remained surprisingly stable, despite the fact that you could feel your pussy pulsating.
“i think you need to solve this problem on your own,” you looked into his eyes, almost feeling bad at how he panted.
however, before you could turn around and leave, wonwoo pushed his glasses up his nose and caged you between his arms.
your back hit one of the mirrored walls, as a surprised gasp fumbled from your mouth.
“for the love of god woman, do you not see what you do to me?”
the desperation in his voice made your knees buckle as you stared into his eyes, gaze alternating to his lips as he bit them.
wonwoo heaved as he inched closer towards your face. “give me one good reason why you shouldn’t take care of my problem. you’re the one that caused it after all.”
hearing him voice out his thoughts, you turned your head to the side, embarrassed by the effect his voice had on you. how was this even your fault—
but with a harsh grip, jeon wonwoo grabbed your chin with his fingers, forcing to you look at him.
“can’t think of anything can you?” his head dipped down, tracing his teeth along your neck. the sensation made you hiss silently. “help me, please. what would carat think if i went out on stage looking like this?”
“sit,” is all you managed to say, voice enamoured with need.
you all but pushed wonwoo onto the iron stool in the corner, hauling yourself onto his lap as you crashed your lips into his.
fuck, your lips were way better than he had ever imagined. they were soft and pillowy as they engulfed his mouth, tongue grazing against his own as you ground down on his crotch.
wonwoo’s free hand pushed your head impossibly close as he licked into your mouth, wanting to memorize every crevice.
spit dribbles from your connected mouths, sloppy and wet kisses sounding obscenely loud in the secluded area. the man does not care that drool is now staining his tank top. he could never get enough of this.
his other hand gripped tightly onto your ass, groping and fondling the fat. after a second, he pulled away from you, glasses foggy and lips swollen as he tried to catch his breath.
“shit baby, i can’t take it anymore,” he whisper-screamed, tears coating his lashes. you wished you could burn this image into your head for the rest of your life.
you could only nod, ready to sink to your knees before wonwoo stopped you, tutting. “pull your panties to the side, doll,” he commanded, chest heaving.
the change in his tone had your thighs tingling. you pulled your midi skirt up, tucking the ends into the hem as you exposed yourself.
at the sight of your baby blue cotton panties, jeon wonwoo nearly growled.
the material was thoroughly soaked and ruined, a deep blue patch staining the cloth. as you pulled them to the side, he noticed how slicked up your heat was, a string of arousal connected your folds to the cotton.
you gripped onto his shoulders for support in your half-sitting position as he glided two fingers against your folds.
“so wet for me already, huh? don’t even need to work you up for my cock,” he smacked his lips. “filthy girl.”
wonwoo strained his ears to listen for any footsteps near the area as he sucked his dampened fingers into his mouth. your taste was making him dizzy, breath faltering as he rolled his eyes to the back of his head.
without wasting any more time, you pulled his cock out of its confines, sliding his boxers down just enough to free his length.
the sight of him always made you salivate. however, it was clear that he didn’t want that happening today.
steadily, you positioned yourself over him, hovering before you finally pushed his fat tip in.
the sensation had you moaning out loud— before he slapped his hand over your mouth. “shh! don’t be so loud baby, they will hear us,” he cooed.
you nodded frantically, slowly inching downwards as his dick began to fill you up. once he was bottomed out, you couldn’t help but sob into his palm.
“i know baby, i know. feels good yeah?” he smirked, shushing you with sweet words as he let you adjust to his size.
wonwoo’s thick dick was buried up to your hilt, and you felt so incredibly full. your poor walls clenched around his cock, nearly making him bust.
without a word, the man beneath you grabbed at your waist, moving you up and down on his length, slowly. with him pistoning in and out of you, you could feel your senses going into overdrive.
wonwoo tugged your top down with his teeth, suckling along the valley of your breasts to keep himself quiet. your pussy felt incredibly tight, creaming him for all he was worth.
his strong arms continued to guide you, until your legs automatically adjusted to the pace. your body began to move on its own accord— tits jiggling in wonwoo's mouth with each bounce.
"f-fuck!" you whimpered, beginning to lose your mind. for a moment, he looks up at you through his glasses, smiling widely from between your breasts.
the bastard's cheeky grin has you forgetting your own name as he lapped his tongue around your skin like he fucking owned it.
"already going dumb on my cock? shi— you ride so well baby."
your bounces show him just how stretched you were, making wonwoo's stomach clench as he split you apart. you tease him a little by slowing down, grinding down on him as he bites his lips and throws his head back.
as his hands grab onto your cheeks to spread them, he accidentally catches a glimpse of your back in the mirror opposite to you two.
god, you looked so fucking hot.
without knowing why, you felt him twitch inside. "not gonna— oh shit! — last very long now baby."
at the sound of his confession, you bring a hand down to rub at your clit. taking the hint, he begins to rut back into you, using all his strength to fuck into your heat.
"p—please wonwoo hah! cum inside, please please please,"
you're not sure why you beg, but you're too cock drunk to process anything but the fact that you want him filling you up, stuffing your cunt full with his release.
"you su— fuck fuck fuck—" wonwoo whispers, biting down on your right tit to subdue the moan that was about to leave his throat.
with that and a grunt, he cums inside your pussy, filling you up to the brim. his length twitches inside you, shooting out excess spurts. feeling himself soften, wonwoo pulls out of you. you whine at the sudden sensation of feeling so empty.
the boy stays mesmerized at the way your cum mixes together, escaping your spent hole in small globs.
as a pathetic attempt, he uses two fingers to plug the release back inside you, making you whimper again at the sudden intrusion. "sorry," he apologizes, before placing your panties back where they belonged.
with a fluid motion, jeon wonwoo tucks himself back into his calvin klein boxers and then zipping his pants up, meeting your dazed eyes with another cute smile. "see? it fits now."
you can’t help but smile back at him, panting to catch your breath.
your thighs hurt from the awkward position, but you were sure that you would never have it any other way.
so, that's how you end up walking around the rest of the working day— wonwoo's cum safely filled up inside you, as you and him exchanged comically wide-eyed looks every few minutes, a shade of pink grazing your cheeks.
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© nachojaehyun, 2024.
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oddinary4bts · 3 months
Chasing Cars | Masterpost (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆status: on-going (next update: July 12, 2024)
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader, Hoseok x female reader, Namjoon x OC, Jin x OC, Jimin x OC, Taehyung x OC and others.
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆total word count: 201.6k (lmao my fingers slipped)
☆a/n: I got the idea for this fic just a little over a year ago, following a power outage that lasted for a few days where I live and Jungkook's live where he kept coming back with different outfits (the white dress shirt hit me right in the gut). It took me a long time to write, as I was working on multiple other projects at the same time, but I am so so happy to be ready to share this baby with you guys <3
☆Thank you to @moonleeai and @jessikahathaway for beta-ing this monster <3 (and for all your encouragement and support)
☆And a special thank you to @wintaerbaer and @btsborahaee for encouraging me and supporting me whenever I screamed to you about this fic
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
☆discord server link here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
➳Teaser (Jungkook pov): the day he met you (1.1k)
You fucking touch her, you're dead.
➳Chapter one: when the Incident happens (11.8k)
Jungkook is Tae's best friend.
➳Chapter two: when Jungkook teases you (10.2k)
You know I hate that nickname.
➳Chapter three: when Valentine's Day happens (13.1k)
You know, Taehyung doesn’t have to know everything.
➳Chapter four: when you and Jeon Jungkook clash (9.5k)
I was just going to say that we should keep this between us.
➳Chapter five: when you have to go back to reality (12.1k)
We just pretend nothing happened, no?
➳Chapter six: when Jungkook hosts his friends over (9.6k)
I really want to kiss you right now.
➳Chapter seven: when doubt makes you question everything (15k)
Why do you want to believe the worst of me so bad?
➳Chapter eight: when secrets are unveiled in New York (13.5k)
I want you.
➳Chapter nine: when a party makes Jungkook jealous (11.2k)
You make me insane.
➳Chapter ten: when time slips through your fingers (10.1k)
I don’t want to lose you, peach.
➳Chapter eleven: when Jungkook visits Taehyung in Paris (8.4k)
Can’t wait for you to be back.
➳Chapter twelve: when it breaks (7.3k)
I can’t be with you.
➳Chapter thirteen: when it's too late (8.9k)
I have to talk to him.
➳Chapter fourteen: when the truth comes out (12.2k)
We never told each other how we felt.
➳Chapter fifteen: when you find your way back to Jungkook (7.4k)
You came?
➳Chapter sixteen: when Jungkook takes you out on a date (8.9k)
I think I was waiting for you my whole life.
➳Chapter seventeen: when forever awaits you (9k)
Getting to love you is the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me.
Drabbles in Jungkook's pov (might add more as the story goes on)
➳Chapter 1.5: the first party (1.6k)
Then why are you bringing him home, peach?
➳Chapter 3.5: Valentine's Day (1.1k)
We should have hung out like this before.
➳Chapter 4.5: a walk through campus (852)
You love it, peach.
➳Chapter 5.5: the return to reality (2k)
You wanted to talk?
➳Chapter 6.5: hosting his friends at the apartment (4.4k)
What the fuck is wrong with you?
➳Chapter 7.5: when he realizes (2.5k)
Isn't she Taehyung's sister?
➳Chapter 8.5: the engagement party (453)
Have fun while it lasts.
➳Chapter 12.5: after a call in Paris (596)
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
➳Chapter 13.5: a conversation with his mother (644)
Nothing strengthens a man more than heartbreak.
➳Chapter 15.5: a conversation with Taehyung (1.1k)
It’s never been like that with her.
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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monstersflashlight · 18 days
Commission for @koolio312
A/N: Thank you so much for the commission! This is lowkey a follow up to “Kidnapped by the dragon”, so maybe read that one before reading this. Sorry I didn’t feel like the dragon POV would fit this plot, but I hope you like this as much as I do, it ended up being so fucking intimate, I’m surprised with myself.
Request: It's Time to fuck the Dragon. Please gimme a Male Dragon x Fem Reader story. And maybe, just maybe, stress the immense size difference. I feel like that's par for course but, I had to say it. It could be from either point of view, but I think from the dragons would be the most interesting in this situation. + MAYBE, just maybe. Some psychic mental foreplay to go with it? Little bit of special dragon powers if you know what I mean. Wink wink nudge nudge.
The dragon’s bride
Dragon x fem!reader || size difference, tail play, mind sharing, marking, oral sex, inappropriate use of human bride
He caught you masturbating, you finger-fucked yourself for him and then he made you grind his tail to orgasm, talk about an intense experience. Adding to that, you couldn’t stop thinking about it since it happened. You couldn’t hold back your imagination, thinking about all the possibilities now that you two finally did the deed.
But nothing happened.
All of sudden, he was like a cold ice wall. He didn’t talk to you, he didn’t try to touch you anymore, he barely talked to you. Last thing he said to you was something along the lines of “Come out, little human, I have your dinner”. Which made you cry silently on your new bed in the den. You weren’t shy to admit you were needy. You were needy as fuck. He showed you a part of himself you already cherished and then took it away, leaving you cold and breathless.
“You are the most precious treasure in all my hoard,” he had said. His words still resonated inside your brain days later. You two haven’t talked about it, yet. He took your limp body away from your cave and settled you in his den, but he was barely there. It had been days since he truly looked at you.
And that ended tonight.
As soon as he appeared with your dinner, you stopped him, “don’t go.” You tried not to sound too needy, but failed miserably.
He sighed, “what do you want, human?” He sounded so tired you wanted to run away and hide. You didn’t want to be a bother to him, but you weren’t the one who ignored him for days after making him come. He did that, and you were a bit mad about it. You wanted to know why he was being so cold, why he refused to look at you directly. Why he stopped treating you like his bride.
You breathed hard, trying to come up with a good response that didn’t include how sexually frustrated you felt after what you two did together. Involuntarily, you let out the truth: “I want you, I want my husband back.”
He looked at you like you went insane, like you lost your mind, and you couldn’t deny you might have. “You what?” His question sounded like danger, like you were about to be either scolded or murdered. You shivered, approaching him step by step, slowly. You didn’t want him to fly away and leave you hanging again. “I am no mortal man, little human. I am dangerous. I could kill you with no more than one movement.” His voice grew louder and angrier. “I am a dragon,” his roar resonated around the den’s walls and made you shiver.
But you didn’t back down, you stepped into his personal space and wrapped your arms around what you could: his leg. Your arms not long enough to embrace him completely.
“You took me away from bad humans.” You kissed his scales softly, looking at him pleadingly. He didn’t say anything, so you continued. “You made took me higher than anybody.” You shivered again at the memory, kissing his scales again and trying to climb up his body. He refused to help you, so you kicked his shin as you told him, accusingly: “You cherished me and now you act like shit.” Your broken voice made him react, his tail coming around you to help you climb to his chest. You kissed over his heart. “I just want you to do it again. I want you to act like that again, how you acted back then…” You whispered, looking at his molten lava colored eyes.
“What do you want from me, little human?” His voice sounded tired. Tired of fighting, tired of denying himself (and yourself) of what you both wanted.
You took a calming breath and confessed: “I want you to make love to me. I want to be your bride.”
He wrapped his tail around you and set you back on the ground, away from him. “You don’t know what you are asking, I will hurt you.” He sounded so sure of it that your heart broke for him.
“No, you won’t.” And even if he could, you would gladly take the chance.
He didn’t agree, though. “I breathe fire, my claws are longer than your hands, I could squeeze you without even realizing… You don’t know how dangerous I am, little human. Do you have a death wish, is that it?” He was mad, so mad that his nostrils were flaming. There were literal flames coming out of him. Maybe you did have a death wish…
Or maybe you were just in love with a dragon.
“You would never hurt me.” You assured him. “I trust you. Please… Be with me. Stay with me.” You pleaded, reaching to touch his red scales once again. He shivered, looking down at you. The contrast between his giant body and your tiny human self crystal clear. It turned your insides into a puddle of need and desire, it was maddening.
He looked at you intently, looking into your eyes, trying to find answers to unasked questions. He seemed to find whatever he was looking for because soon after he asked: “Are you sure? I don’t think I can hold back once we start, little human. Your body tempts me more than anything, your beauty drives me insane, you are a bigger treasure than anything else I hoarded.” He sounded like the mere fact that you were there was painful to him, but keeping you away was making it even worse.
You were tired of his martyr play, and even more so of him denying what you clearly asked for. “Then take me. Possess me. Make me yours.” That was all it took for him to lose himself.
He roared and launched for you, a big claw going around your body and lifting you up as he leaned back. You found yourself sitting across his chest, the touch of his scales against your sensitive center. He ripped the fabric of your dress and slowly, so slowly and carefully, caressed your breasts with the tip of his fingers. He explored your body inch by inch until you were shivering and completely dripping with need.
“I can smell your desire, my treasure, let me make you feel good. Let me teach you what dragons can do.” You didn’t know what he was talking about but you nodded either way. He smirked, fangs glistening in the barely lit den.
You felt the first touch of his mind against yours like a caress, like something was touching you from the inside out. And then you could feel him. All of him. You felt his desire for you, his hunger and his arousal. It all mixed inside of you and rose to meet your own emotions, like a molotov cocktail ready to explode, making your body hypersensitive. You could feel every cell of your body, every point where your bodies touched. It was such a deep connection that you felt his soul reaching for yours.
And then he touched you, your mind breaking down in a million pieces, overstimulated by sensations. He lifted your limp body and sat you right over his snout, his fangs dangerously close to your soft body. The first contact of his tongue against your dripping pussy made you cry out in ecstasy, the dual attack on your body and your mind making you orgasm instantly.
But he didn’t stop.
His tongue explored every part of your pussy, inside and out. His claws held your body in place as he took everything he wanted from you, grunting and growling about how good you tasted, how pretty your pussy was, how warm and tight, how wet for him. His words were spoken inside your brain, he never verbalized them out loud, but you could hear them perfectly. Your dragon was mentally speaking to you as he ate you out… The experience was equal parts surreal and hot.
You came over and over, and he didn’t let go until your body was completely spent, your tired self hanging between his arms.
You thought he would stop then, but he moves your body until you are against his dick, urging you to wrap your arms and legs around his dragon cock. Your arms couldn’t reach the whole thing, too big, bigger than you. He didn’t seem to care about it, using his tail to help you up and down as he used your body as his personal fleshlight. Your abused clit rubbed against the scales of his cock in the most delicious and tortuous way. You came again involuntarily, screaming as you tightened your arms around his cock.
His movements were frantic after that, his pace fluttering. He let out a series of growls and deep groans, his voice breaking as he, finally, let out a loud roar that shook the floor beneath you. You looked up just in time to see a column of fire ascending from his mouth to the ceiling as he orgasmed. Sticky hot cum showered you, marking you with his scent. Claiming you in a primal way.
He pulled you up against his chest once again, cleaning you as best as possible with your ripped dress. You tried to move away, feeling gross and sticky, but he stopped you easily. “You are perfect, my treasure,” he told you, making you blush bright red.
He laid you down and caressed your back with a claw, making you shiver and your eyes feel heavy. “You burned the ceiling,” you mumbled against his chest. He laughed so hard your whole body shook against him.
“I’ll build you a bigger and better den. I’ll build you whatever you want.” You smiled, your eyes almost closed, too sleepy to remain awake. Last thing you heard before sleep claimed you was a muttered: “I’ll do anything for you, my bride.”
Reminder that you can also commission stuff like this, info here.
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ki-yomii · 4 months
personal taste | jjk
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➥ pairing | jeon jungkook x f!reader ➥ word count | 1.3k ➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; established relationship, teasing, bent in half, premature ejaculation, implied cum play, implied oral (f receiving), inexperienced!jk ➥ summary | jungkook gets a little too excited and cums early, but he's more than happy to make it up to you. ➥ notes | ✌️idk man, its 2 am. i hope you enjoy lol
💚 masterlist | inbox | AO3 💚
It was safe to say Jungkook wasn’t the most experienced of lovers when you first get together. Idol life consumed his adolescence, and by the time he’s a young adult, too many eyes are on his every waking move.
A quick affair is rarely worth the effort, and the ones that are leave much to be desired. Relegated to liquor-soaked make-out sessions, and quick, dirty fucks that leave him filled with more sweat and regret than satisfaction.
You’d only been dating a few months when he divulged why he got so jumpy any time your hand grazed his thigh, why he broke off your kisses before they got too heated.
He was adorably shy when he expressed how anxious he was about his performance in the bedroom; how the reality might not live up to your expectations.
But he shouldn’t have worried, having more than made up for any shortcomings with his eager to please attitude and boundless enthusiasm.
The number of times you’ve had sex since getting together can be counted on one hand, but he’s leaps and bounds ahead of where he was when you first started being intimate.
It certainly helps that Jungkook is a dedicated student; throwing himself, as he does with everything in life, full throttle into any and all efforts to learn the secrets of your body.
A quick learner, it isn’t long before he can make you cum with a skillful twist of his fingers, a harsh rut of the hips that settles him so deep inside your pussy, your thighs tremble.
Not only is he able to wring orgasm after orgasm out of you, his stamina is insane. Almost to the point where you’re having trouble keeping up with him, having to take little breaks between rounds to gulp down water and catch your breath. 
So… when it happens, it’s altogether unexpected.
But so fucking filthy hot you’re pretty sure you astral project to a higher plane of existence. 
You’d been teasing him all day: the brush of your hand across his ass, the skim of your knuckles over the crotch of his pants, pressing close against the wide berth of his back and whispering soft, nasty little nothings into his ear.
Delighting in the blush that crept up the sides of his neck. The cherry red burn of his ears as he gulped, readjusting himself before shooting you a glare.
Jungkook lasts longer than you give him credit for, though that’s most likely due to his competitive streak. He breaks all the same; however, shoving you into his bedroom as soon as the door to his apartment closes behind you.
So needy and desperate he can’t wait any longer, even if the rest of the boys are due to arrive in an hour.
You only just got undressed, the bed creaking under the combination of your weights when he cages you beneath him. His chest flexes with every hurried breath, his ribs expanding with labored puffs of air. His cock bullies its way inside your pussy, hips slotting into place against yours.
“J-Jungkook,” you whine, your toes digging into his sides as your thighs fall open across his. “So deep, I - haaah -”
The fat head of his cock nudges against your cervix with every little rut, sparks of pain fissioning out and deepening the warmth fizzling behind your belly button.
Thick and long, he stuffs your pussy to the brim every time without fail, stretching you wide until tears cling to your lashes and your nails dig into his shoulders.
It hurts no matter how long he spends prepping you, but you like it better this way. The pain only enhances the pleasure; deepens, and darkens.
And knowing he has to force his cock those last few inches because your pussy can’t take it without assistance always riles you up.
Makes you needy and desperate to take everything he can give like a good girl.
“Mm, I know, baby,” Jungkook’s breath hitches as his teeth tug on his lip ring, his eyes - half lidded and greedy - shadowed by the sweaty curtain of his bangs, “Feels so ffuh - fucking good inside you.”
“Hhn!” Your fingers inch up the corded muscles of his forearms, caressing over the whorls of ink as they shackle themselves to his elbows as he bends you in half. “Right there, right there. Jus like - ohmygod! - like that.”
Jungkook grunts, rocking into the cradle of your hips harder, the shaft of his cock dragging almost completely out only to slide to the hilt in one thrust. His pelvis grinds against the swollen bud of your clit as he holds himself there, your slick smearing into his skin.
He curses under his breath when your walls flutter, trying to milk him for all he’s worth. “Shit! Don’t - don’t do that, baby. I can’t - hnggg - I can’t -”
And then his cock throbs hard once, twice.
A litany of soft, breathy exhalations of pure pleasure accompanies the slick echo of your bodies crashing together. Then his head bends low, the dark briar of his hair clinging to his temples. His jaw drops slack, and a devastated moan punches out of his throat.
Muscles ripple into a full body shiver, Jungkook’s sharp hips stuttering against the backs of your thighs. Sticky warmth floods your cunt, and his hazy, lust-blown eyes stare into yours as he pumps you full of cum.
You groan, blinking up at him, “Did you just-?”
Jungkook’s arms buckle.
Flopping down onto you, a sweaty, panting mess, he tucks his hot face into the crook of your neck. Moist breath puffs across your skin, a ticklish awareness skittering down your spine. Goosebumps rise along your arms.
His heartbeat hammers against your ribs.
“Yeah, I - I…” Jungkook huffs, his nose dragging over the length of your collarbone, tongue flicking over your skin when he licks his lips. “I did. ‘m sorry, baby.”
Breathing in through your nose, you card a hand through his sweaty hair. Swallow down the pleading whines sitting on the tip of your tongue. You don’t want to embarrass him any more than he probably is.
He hasn’t cum this quick since the early days, and you’d rather not ruin the evening by making him spiral.
So even when your pussy flutters, trapped on the edge of an orgasm as his cum leaks out of you, you bite down on your impulses. Resign yourself to being horny for the foreseeable future until you can sneak away and take care of yourself with a vibrator.
“It’s alright, Kook. It happens.”
Your eyes close, and you breathe through your nose, trying to calm the gallop of your heartbeat.
Relaxing seems almost impossible with Jungkook’s constant shifting, but you try your best to get your body on the same page as your mind.
Only for all efforts to go to waste when Jungkook shimmies down between your thighs. The tips of his hair tickle your skin, your lower belly jumping at the sensation.
Furrowing your brow, you peek down at your boyfriend. “Kook, what’re you--?”
Broad palms caress your hips, Jungkook using his thumbs to trace over the jut of bone. His chest glitters under the light, the muscles shifting under his skin almost mesmerizing as he settles on his belly. Forearms hook over the tops of your thighs, and his dark eyes flash with hunger.
His mouth pulls up into an impish smirk. “Can I?” he asks, dropping his gaze to the apex of your thighs. “Please?”
He giggles when he sees how flustered you get. Syrupy sweet, boyish; altogether too endearing for the current circumstances.
“...Are you serious?”
You can’t deny the fresh wave of desire the thought brings - Jungkook with his thick fingers, his tender mouth and soft tongue stroking over swollen, abused flesh - but flap a hand between your bodies in a vague gesture all the same.
“Isn’t that kind of - you just, y’know?”
You aren’t the only one affected by the idea, Jungkook’s cock jerking feebly where it rests against his thigh. A pink tongue flicks out to run along the length of his red-bitten bottom lip, toying with his lip ring as his teeth sink into the soft flesh.
He regards you with predatory anticipation.
“Yeah,” he says softly. “I’ve always wondered what we taste like. Please let me.”
Well… who are you to refuse?
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fiancé Edition
Fiancé!Vox x gn!Reader
A/N: This little thingy would have both an SFW and NSFW portion, mostly because I'm a depraved little shit and I am downbad for a 7ft bipedal television with issues-
Now first off, y'all probably would've been dating a long long while before this mans would pop the question.
I feel like he'd know that he wants to marry you, but he's so unsure of it plus he's concerned about how that would affect you in all of it.
Like, oh great if this gets out suddenly you've got one of the biggest targets on your back because you're the technology overlord's fiance and soon to be wife/husband.
As if you hadn't already when you both started dating-
Vox is a perfectionist so I'd imagine he would try so so hard to get everything completely flawless for his proposal.
But nothing goes his way that day, none, nada, zilch-
That's just his luck, totally not because it got screwed over by a certain radio demon for shits and giggles.
But he ends up asking you anyway, though a bit indirectly because it slips during his irritated rant.
"I can't believe they managed to spill wine all over me back there! All over one of my best suits as well!"
"Hun, we could always send your suit to the professional cleaners. It's okay! We can always just go someplace else next time too-"
"No! That- ugh! I had all these plans today and they were just ruined! I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for when I was going to propose to you-"
"You were gonna what-"
Vox immediately shut up once he realized his screwup then.
So much for keeping it a surprise!
That's kind of how you ended up with a diamond ring on your finger that night.
And that's how Vox ended that really stressful day with an extremely satisfying night.
He ditched work the next day and just spent it being all over you.
Yes he admires the ring on your hand from time to time, this man just stares.
You can betcho ass that ring is expensive as fuck too.
Like as if this man didn't kiss your hands enough, that new accessory marking a new chapter of your afterlives just makes him do it more.
He's actually kinda housewife material if you squint-
This man can cook and clean, and as a bonus he's filthy stinkin RICH.
Bro I need me one of these holy shit-
If he wasn't clingy enough before, oh boy get ready for this.
He will always have an appendage on you at all times, a hand on your lower back, your hip, in your hand-
Or he'd just have you in his lap while he worked on stuff in his office.
Also, Vox being possessive as all hell if someone so much as just stared at you too long-
Please that goes straight up to 1000% when you agreed to wear that ring.
You guys planning to get hitched doesn't stay secret for too long though.
With Valentino and Velvette sticking their noses in Vox's business as a daily pastime anyhow-
Hence why a lot of sinners started shipping you two.
And oh goodness the ship wars.
Sometimes Vox wishes the internet wasn't really connected to his brain-
The magazines went wild with that one too-
Cuz imagine, the richest and the pride ring's probably most esteemed bachelor-
Aside from Lucifer probably, Vox's marketing and PR team are insanely good at their jobs-
Was now off the market and due to get hitched with you.
I'd imagine even if Vox doesn't post anything on social media, you or Vel would-
Literally like those married couples on TikTok or something with a whole bunch of cute shit.
You can best believe the most cracked out shit happens while you're both engaged though.
"Oh this is Vox, he's my ex-boyfriend."
"... You have got to stop saying that. I'm their fiancé."
You did not stop saying that.
Actually you wouldn't stop saying that even when his title upgraded to husband.
Not that Vox cares, your shenanigans were what caused him to gravitate towards you in the first place.
And until now they're what keep your relationship fun and interesting.
"Hey hubby, ooooh~ you're looking like the hottest thing in all of the pride ring despite having just rolled out of bed."
"Hahaha, good morning to you too doll."
It doesn't register what you called him at first until he's had his coffee and then it clicks.
You play it off attempting to be coy until he replays the video of you greeting and calling him that on his face.
His. Face.
Sneaky little shit that's what-
He doesn't really respond to any other petname now, you've dug your grave.
"What? What?? What do you want???"
"Can you peel this orange for me?"
"Really? That's it? Why don't you peel it yourself?"
"Because it tastes better when you do it?"
He does it eventually, hell if he's in a particularly good mood he'll even feed you.
That's always kind of how it goes when you ask him for things.
If it's something you want/can buy though?
You're already in possession of his credit card, just get whatever tf you want HAHAHAHA-
He's still a busy bastard though so it's not really much different from how it's like when you guys were dating-
But he genuinely tries to balance his work a little better to spend more time with you.
This man is such a workaholic though you end up having to drag his ass out of his office to rest anyway.
Again, nothing new from when you were just dating.
You guys jokingly throw around your soon to be marital titles in private.
Vox kind of feels like a kid in a candy store when you do, just giddy and excited for what's to come.
Not to mention he now has a partner in crime when he riffs on Alastor!
He'd be over the MOON if you just joined his chaos.
The radio demon probably wouldn't give a shit, he's just built different like that-
You both get so comfortable that you almost forget that you have a wedding to plan and set a date for.
Until Velvette asks about it and you're both just: "Oh. Right."
Your fiancé's schedule is so fucking packed though it was nearly impossible to.
This guy was going to work himself to death before you could tie the knot lmao-
But eventually you both got a date and venue settled, so that was one step closer.
Okay so like, I know sinners can't actually copulate unless you're Lucifer but that's besides the point-
And Vox isn't really a family man at all-
But boy oh boy if he didn't have it before-
This man would have an insane breeding kink after you both got engaged.
This man wants to see you stuffed.
Literally doesn't matter if you're riding him or he's just impaling you on his cock-
This guy just wants to fill you up so bad.
I'd also think that you guys would be screwing around a lot more often after he popped the question-
Something about emotions constantly running high and dopamine being one hell of a drug.
I think Vox is a switch, so I'd also imagine he'd be more inclined to let you dom him every now and then.
Or when he just wants to be a bratty little shit please go ahead and tame him, he likes it.
You can kind of get away with more stuff when you're both engaged.
Like tease him a whole ton and he just bites hook, line and sinker.
It's already gotten to the point where the power in the tower would die often enough that Velvette herself has gone through some crazy lengths to cockblock her colleague.
Speaking of, Vox would probably use you as a stress reliever after work if you let him-
Like he will just fuck you stupid until all you say is his name because this guy is addicted to hearing it.
Or he'd let you fuck him stupid until he's so far into sub space he forgets about his shitty day.
Cuz if it's rough, it's rough with you two.
But on the gentler side-
It's just as addicting and if not probably a little worse.
Though you would probably be the one taking initiative/domming whenever you both have gentle rounds.
I'm all for Vox being able to switch some of his parts cuz he wanted to/can.
So y'all have fucking choices when it comes to wrecking this idiot.
Like a multiple choice exam, literally shotgun the fuck outta those answers like you deteriorate his mental.
And consequently the entire city's power grid.
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jade-jini · 7 months
you said thoughts on gp!reader?? pls… no one writes enough of it on here, i feel like the subbiest idols in my humble opinion get written as doms sometimes. totally get the appeal but i need a little sprinkle of dom reader for us wlw switches </3
like i feel like yunjin would ride a strap like crazy idk 😵‍💫
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(Oh no you’re so real because did you see that video of her at the airport with this outfit? she was moving her hips and Omg)
I just know that woman can ride you insanely good. Whether is g!p or your strap, she’s gonna move like you can really feel it lol. Yun is so into pleasuring her partner that’s why. She’s gonna make sure to give you a show when riding you. Of course it only gets better once she’s closer to her orgasm. She goes “oh my god oh my god oh my god…” while grabbing your shoulders, fucking herself on your cock fast as you helped her, grabbing her hips and impaling her on your length like she doesn’t need to ever walk again.
Yunjin switches from sobbing to giggling, when you hit the right spot inside her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head with her mouth open. “Fuck yes, right thereee…” she says in between trembling giggles and you know your girl is losing it (in the good way).
She’s so into teasing you in public, she’d be talking about something she’s genuinely passionate about (you know how Jen gets really into the subjects) with somebody and her hand would “accidentally” go too high up your thigh, brushing your member, and you have to pretend nothing happened. Of course she compensates you, taking you somewhere private and giving you a handjob while she focus on your face with that pretty Fuckin smile of hers, loving knowing she’s the one who makes you feel this good, who knows your body this good.
Babygirl is loud by nature, I’m not saying she can’t keep quiet, but what’s the fun on that? That’s why even if you tease each other, you prefer to actually keep it inside your room and when nobody else is at the dorm. Of course your friends know when you’re gonna get it ‘cause you act a little extra excited about spending alone time with your girlfriend. Running downstairs almost tripping as you say your goodbyes to the other girls.
“Good luck on your activities today, have fun guys. We love youuu” Yunjin said hugging Manchae as everybody was on their way out.
“And call us when you’re on your way home!” You reminded them, and prayed they don’t forget that ‘cause you weren’t planning on getting caught making Yunjin moan and scream and-
“Don’t worry, we will, byeee!” Sakura said, looking at you suspiciously as she took the other girls out of the dorm.
“Come here, babygirl.” You said, pushing the tall girl against the door, kissing her and getting between her legs, feeling her giggle against your lips as she started undoing your shirt. But…
“Don’t take your clothes off yet, open the door.” You heard Chaewon said from outside, and you quickly separated, letting the girl enter the place again. “Just making sure, NO fucking on the couch.” You gasped, both of you blushing as being read so easily.
“Unnie! What makes you think we’re-“ you tried acting offended but please bro that’s your friend.
“Ah-Ah! No fucking on the couch I said!”
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“Yunjin unnie is getting it, isn’t she?” Eunchae asked her older sister, while they were looking at the front, waiting for their leader to come back.
“I am not having this talk with you, kid.” Sakura said, with an unbothered face.
A little short I know sorry- I might update it a bit eventually! Once I’m happy with it I’ll take this little note out but for now I think this is good enough to post it lol
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 months
Love is Blind Part 2
Eddie Munson x PlusSize!F!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut in later parts, reader has low self-esteem and struggles with self love/acceptance, anxiety/trauma related to bullying, tooth rot worthy fluff, Eddie being a major flirt, cursing, mentions of substance use
Summary: In a last ditch effort to evade the normal disappointments of dating, a group of misfits desperate to have someone see who they are on the inside volunteer for the most recent brain chemistry study at Hawkins Lab. 
Read Part One!
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, please let me know if you enjoyed! If ! forgot anything to include as a warning please let me know. Also, if you would like to be added to the taglist for this fic, just let me know!
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Day Three:
Eddie is sitting on the couch upside down, his legs hanging over the backrest and his head dangling over the seat. He stares up at the makeshift ceiling above as he pretends to play the drums on his stomach. The overhead light is starting to make his eyes slightly water but he’s too comfortable to move.
You’ve told him your name and he’s been almost obnoxious with how much he’s using it in your conversation. He’s using any excuse to work it into the front or back of a lot of his sentences. It doesn’t bother you like you thought it would, and you actually love hearing him call you by your name. It helps create a sense of intimacy where you both obviously can’t have it. It makes you feel more real to him, makes you feel closer to him, reminding him that if he sticks this out he could actually see you, maybe even touch you…
“Do you worry about what’s going to happen when this thing ends?” you ask.
“I’m looking forward to it,” he replies, moving so he is sitting upright. You sound concerned, your voice sounding smaller. “I don’t want to talk through a wall anymore, I want to talk like actually in person- not like some lab rats.”
“Do you think about what I look like?” you ask cautiously, and Eddie shakes his head as he stands up to walk directly up against the wall. 
“Of course, I’d love to see you,” Eddie explains, “I haven’t actually thought so much about what you look like, I just want to see you. You know? We’ve talked for what- uh, 7 or 8 hours at this point? Which honestly- insanely small amount of time to get to know someone. But like think about it- average date is what? 2 hours, sometimes less. We’ve been on like 4 “normal length” dates in 3 days. And usually you know you like someone by then at least. And I know I like you, and I love talking to you- without seeing me you have made me feel seen. God, that was so fucking cheesy.” 
You feel the corners of your ears well with tears- a little overwhelmed from the affirmations and attention you are not used to receiving. You realize that you never once doubted you’d not like how Eddie looks, nor do you even care either. You don’t understand why your brain won’t let you accept the same could be true for the way Eddie thinks about you. 
“I feel the same way about you,” you respond, and Eddie pumps his fist in victory. “I’ve had so much I’ve needed to work through. I mean, still working through. I have a lot of trouble accepting the fact that someone could actually like me as I am right now. I’ve always had the thoughts of well, I need to change myself and once I’m more like this, then I’ll be attractive or whatever. But, when I’m here, talking with you, I’m not worried about it anymore. But I’m still worried about what it's going to look like when this whole ordeal is over and you actually see me, and I can’t hide behind the wall anymore. But here, when we’re talking, I feel like I can be completely myself with you and I’m scared of losing that. Cause I also really like you.” 
“I can promise you there is nothing about you that would make me not interested,” he reaffirms. “I mean, I already know that you’re pretty- inside and out so it isn’t going to change anything. Except… I’m hoping you’d let me kiss you if you aren’t completely repulsed by me that is. Ugh, I’m sorry. I sound like a pathetic 14 year old boy. But, you know what I mean. Fuck, this is torturous.”
Eddie beams when he hears your little laugh from the other side of the wall again. He wants to know if there’s anyway he can get out of the experiment early. He needs to touch you, pull you into him. He wants to hug you, and have you here sitting next to him- flush up against his side. He’s craving the small pieces of physical intimacy that would just satisfy this restlessness he’s feeling throughout his whole body. It’s like he’s experiencing withdrawals but for something he’s never even been allowed to taste. He wants to shower you with affection the second you let him. 
“So, what are you hoping for at the end of this?” You ask, snapping yourself out of your daze. In the little notebook they provided to everyone, you’ve caught yourself writing Eddie in different styles with little hearts. You snap the book closed, like you're worried he’s gonna see it or something. You roll your eyes at yourself, leaning back on the couch and putting one of the pillows up to your face, embarrassed. You’re so past the point of no return. 
He takes a deep breath, contemplating his answer. Wanting to be honest, but not so honest that he scares you away by moving too fast. Case closed: he just wants to get your number and ask you on real dates. There’s also wildly inappropriate things swirling around in his head, as he reminds himself of what he did last night. But, he’s not ready to admit that fantasy to you just yet. 
“It depends on how you’ll feel most comfortable,” he settled on. “But I’d love to take you on an actual date. Like a real one, not this weird shit anymore. We can sit and talk face to face, so I can stare at you and you can yell at me to cut it out. I want to make you feel special and attractive because you are and you deserve to be entirely spoiled and pampered. However that looks for you, I’m down. I just want to be near you. I’ll go at your pace.”
You were never the type to make the first move, ever. Which is also why you’re here in the first place. You have never had the courage to vocalize any sort of desire to a man like you have with Eddie. It’s been really thrilling, the way he’s been able to help you open up. You feel like you can share your thoughts on what you want physically and he won’t judge you or shame you. You decide to be blunt. 
“If it’s actually true, that you’re physically attracted to me when you see me for the first time,” you say, unable to control the way your whole body gets covered in goosebumps at the thought. “I don’t want you to hold back. Just whatever feels right to you in that moment, do it. Kiss me, touch me, I’m down for everything.”
“I want everything.” 
“Shit, sweetheart, you can’t just say that,” Eddie responds, sounding almost pained. He chuckles, “you’re a tease, you know that?” 
“I’m just being honest,” you respond, and Eddie can hear how you’re being coy. He loves it, he’s happy to hear you coming out of your shell. He’s excited to finally hear about this side of you. You’re slowly but surely peeling back your layers for him. 
“I want you to be more honest,” he flirts. “But Christ, it’s going to be a long week.” 
There were four more days to go before the big reveal. If any of the participants felt they had a connection to another- or fell in love, they’d submit their picks to the technicians and then the technicians would set-up the next phase of the experiment. Unfortunately, if this does happen, the first time you actually get to see Eddie, it’ll still be under surveillance, most likely monitoring heart rate and whatever else they’re looking for. It will feel clinical, which is so not ideal, but once it’s over- you and Eddie could walk out together and do whatever, go wherever. If he still is interested.
“So, um, what type of girls do you usually go for?” you ask, a slight twinge of insecurity working its way back to the front of your mind. 
“Um,” Eddie replies, letting out an exhale, “Alive.” He smiles when he hears a laugh from the other side of the wall. 
“No seriously,” you urge. “I’m curious.”
“I mean- I really don’t have a type,” he states honestly. “I’d like it if she's nice to me, but that’s not even a deal breaker,” he jokes. 
“You like girls being a little mean to you?” You flirt, raising an eyebrow playfully.
“I don’t think I’d hate it,” he grins. “Um, but seriously? I guess I want someone who likes some of the same stuff as me- or at least will put up with me talking about it. I want someone who I feel comfortable around and I’m not afraid to be myself.”
“What about like- appearance wise?” you ask tentatively.
“This feels like a question we shouldn’t be asking,” he taunts. You feel your face get hot. “I feel like if I tell you the truth you won’t believe me,” he answers. 
“Why’s that?” you ask, confused. 
“It feels like you're expecting me to say skinny, blonde and leggy or something, and if I say anything else you’re going to just think I’m lying,” he muses. Your eyes widen at how well he’s able to read you, and it’s mildly infuriating. 
“I think someone or maybe the world or whatever,” he continues, “has convinced you that you aren’t attractive and I really, truly think that isn’t the case at all. And baiting me to try to confirm that isn’t going to work because I can tell it’s a defense mechanism cause you’re afraid.” 
“Well darling,” he smirks, stepping as close as possible to the wall so you hear him clearly, “I’m not gonna let you get away with it. Because, talking to you is convincing me with each passing hour that I’m cooped up in this damn box that this experiment might actually work. I have not been able to think about anything else but getting back to talk to you when I’m not here. You’re desirable, I want you and you’re just gonna have to wrap your pretty little head around that.” 
@woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction @ali-r3n @cherrycolas-things @hellfirebabe666 @trixyvixx @stardancerluv @i--wont-run-this-time
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christinarowie332 · 7 months
stupid kids in love
part three to “stupid horny fucks”
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warnings : angst , SMUT !!!! , kinda fluff . sub chris if u squint . cock warming . m! receiving , f!riding . SMUTTTTTTTT
“what?” i cut him off , it feels like a punch to the gut . a thousand different things race my mind , the loudest drowning the rest out . what the fuck does that mean .
“look i don’t fucking know what to say . it was a stupid thing to do i know but you don’t understand, i have literally been fucking fighting myself with the knowledge that i am literally obsessed with you . i’m talking like … i can’t actually imagine myself with someone that isn’t you , and i know u shouldn’t have a one time fuck with a friend or someone your in love with but i fucking did , and i’m sorry that i made it awkward and i’m sorry you don’t feel the same and i’m sorry i didn’t tell u before and i’m sorry that i don’t fucking regret it .” chris finishes his incessant ramble and i’m stood frozen . literally everything he has just said was insane . like it feels like a dream . maybe a nightmare.
“and i’m sorry that it happened the way it did , i feel like fucking shit knowing that was your first time and it was bad , i wish i could go back and stop myself . i’m so fucking sorry” he cuts me off , basically pleading with me . i wouldn’t be suprised if he got down on his knees and started praying. with all of his apologies ,all i can think about is holding him , he has absolutely nothing to be sorry for , i feel the exact same as he does. so why the fuck am i still frozen. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL FROZEN .
“chris i love you”
“please just hear me out- wait what” he cuts himself off and meets my eyes . his eyebrows soften before they furrow in confusion. i step forward , taking his face in my hands , searching each of his eyes , watching the tears that were flowing over his cheeks stop . i didn’t notice until now ive been doing the same , they pool on my chin , dripping down my collarbones and soothing the same place he had kissed me a week ago .
“chris i have loved you for years . don’t u dare apologize for anything, i was insecure and overthinking. i don’t regret the sex if you don’t , it was fucking perfect. please don’t run away now .” i say quietly, i silently pray he understands. that he believes me .
“u were the one who ran away” he says , refusing to meet my eyes , it was as if he thought that if he looked up , i would disappear. i grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me , his usual confidence gone in my grip . “and i will spend forever trying to make it up to you chris .” i reply , my lip shaking under my teeth as i try and hold back a sob , he needs me as much as i need him . he’s wanted me as long as i’ve wanted him . i have nothing to worry about .
we stay in silence for a while , before i tug him forward into me . his arms latching around me tighter then ever . i’m not going anywhere, i want to say . but the pressure of his body against mine finally silences the voice in my head , i completely melt in his grip . the scent of his cologne and just him flood my senses as my face rubs against the soft material of his sweatshirt .
he tilts my head to look at him , the blue of his eyes almost gone as the darkness of my hallway makes him seem like a shadow . almost unreal to look at . but he is real . i know this because his lips touch mine in a way they never have before , slowly melting into his touch as his tongue softly caresses mine , his hands move from my back . slowly trailing to my face as he pulls me closer , deepening the kiss impossibly closer . i kiss him back with the same amount of passion. no . love . that’s the only word for how his lips move against mine . how his hand moves to my neck, his thumb brushing against my pulsing veins . he could have his hands wrapped around my neck and i would trust him . i would let him squeeze the last breath of air in my lungs just to have this be my last memory.
i walk him to the wall , my lips never leaving his , his back hits it and as soon as it does he flips us around , pinning my back against the cold object . his body is basically attached to mine as he presses his pelvis to me, slowly rolling his hips against mine as i match the movement. our pace quickens , the soft kiss turns into a hungry one , soft groans as we explore each others body like the first time , his hand reaches towards my thigh and trails towards my knee, lifting my leg as i wrap it around his waist . my hand that was once on his face makes it to his chest as i push him towards my living room , never once breaking contact with his lips .
the moment i feel him hault and hit the edge of the couch , i push him down . immediately straddling his lap and pushing his hair back through my fingers , feeling the soft strands gently slide over my skin . i re-attach our lips , he pulls away but i chase his lips still looking for contact . “y/n this isn’t-“ i kiss him again , cutting him off but he moves back and swerves my attempt to carry on .”y/n listen to me “ i look from his lips up to him, “i need you to know that this isn’t the only think i want . it’s not just for the sex , i want you . i need you. it’s always been you . i should have said that before but i was just-“
“stop apologizing.” i say putting my hands on his chest to i can see him properly, “chris , we were stupid horny fucks , it was both of us , i don’t fucking regret it so just kiss me!” within a second of my words leaving my throat, his lips were on mine again . his hands travel to my ass , lifting me as i grind against him , my hands grab my t-shirt , lifting it over my head . his eyes fly to my chest , before dunking his head into the skin and sucking dark marks into it making my head throw back and my hand to grab his messy hair . after a few seconds i tug on the brunette strands , making his lips detach from my throat and look at me with the most attractive expression i’ve ever seen . his lips were plump and pink, along with his nose and cheeks, his eyes droopy and black as his pupils dilate . his lips were slightly parted so i took the chance to slide my thumb against his bottom lip , pulling it down and watching him squirm underneath my core , feeling his very hard dick against my clothes .
“for someone who doesn’t care about the sex , your little friend sure does …” i whisper while moving my hand to his face , tracing his cheek bone with my thumb gently . moving my hips against the hard object prodding at my pelvis . he whines slightly at the movement, making my lips turn into a smirk , producing a breathy laugh from him . “are you okay with this?” i ask playing with the hem of his shirt , asking to take it off , he nods and starts to help me . i smack his hand , resulting in a very confused look from him , i ignore him and pull it over his head , throwing it to the ground and getting off his lap to kneel in front of the couch. “and …are you okay with this ?” i ask looking up at him through my eyelashes , putting two fingers under the band of his sweatpants , running it across the ragged elastic material . he nods quickly and i take my hand away . “chris , words please baby” i say sitting on my heels and waiting for him to answer me .
“yes, fuck please” he says , letting out the air he was holding in anticipation. i smile at him and place my fingers under the band again , pulling them down . he raises his hips letting the sweatpants free for me too move down his legs , letting them pool around his feet . my hand ghosts over his cock , slowly moving up and down the material of his boxers , feeling him twitch . ”please” he breathes out . “please what?” i reply , loving the power this gave me . i could practically feel the pool between my legs , it should be teasing him but all it’s doing is making me wetter . he doesn’t need to know that though .
“touch . please just touch me y/n” he says , attempting to pull his boxers down. i take the fabric from his hands and pulling it down the rest of the way . his dick springs up and almost hits me in the face , making us both laugh, but he quickly gets serious when i grab his dick with my hand and spit down on the tip . his head throws back , shakey breaths and whines from his throat as i kiss his tip , tongue rolling around the sensitive skin . i take half of him in my mouth, letting my hand work the rest . slowly sliding my head up and down his dick , my lips rolling over his veins as he takes my hair into a makeshift ponytail and pushes he down further . my nails drag into his skin as i try not to gag as his tip hits the back of my throat , leaving red marks down his thigh , lewd sounds coming from both of us as i moan around his cock.
he pulls me up by my hair arruptly , my chest sliding against his dick as i come up , making him shutter and whimper. “what?” i ask , thinking i did something wrong or that he was in pain, “i was literally about to cum down your throat?” he says breathlessly, tilting his head slightly and furrowing his eyebrows .
“and u think i didn’t want that?” i ask as confused as him . he just relaxes and smirks, looking down at my lips and kissing me slowly . i pull away , pushing my sweatpants and my underwear down together , wanting more then anything to feel him inside of me , i straddle him again , letting my folds slide against his dick . he grabs his dick and slides the tip up and down . “jesus y/n” he says , referring to the fact i am basically fucking dripping at this point , i just roll my eyes and change the subject, “you ready?” i say , he smiles . “shouldn’t i be the one saying that?” i just tilt my head at his words , raising my eyebrows. “yes y/n” he continues .
as soon as the words leave his mouth i sink down on him , too fast . i can literally feel myself burn , he notices and kisses my lips again , brushing the hair from my face with one hand , wrapping the other around my waist to lift me up . “you okay” he speaks with concern , i humm in reply and slowly start to lift myself on him . slowly the pain turns to pleasure. feeling him deep inside of me . rolling my hips to get a deeper feeling , i drop my head to the crook of his neck leaving open mouthed kisses on the skin , breathing heavy and letting soft moans fall from my lips as he starts to thrust upwards . his hands are on my waist , before moving to my ass , helping me lift myself on his dick , he grips it hard enough to leave bruises , but the feeling in my stomach overshadows that pain as i feel the knot slowly start to gain more tension.
“chris , mmh, fuck” i breathe out before putting my hands on his chest and pushing myself up to look at him .”chris- FUCK … chris i’m close.” he lets out a strained moan , before nodding frantically and bringing his hand down to my clit , running fast circles on the bundle of nerves . my nails dig into his chest as i half-ball my fists and run them down his chest . he bites his lip harshly , attempting to muffle his own noises, but ultimately the sounds that leave his throat are breathy groans as his dick twitches inside of me .
the room that encapsulates us are filled will loud grunts and high pitched moans as we both completely undone around each other . i clench around him after i feel his warmth shoot inside of me , painting my insides white as i come almost straight after him . a string of curses leave our mouths before i collapse on his chest. listening to his quickened heart beat in my ears , feeling his hands rub up and down my breath as we both come down from our highs .
after a while i go to get up but he stops me . “is anyone home tonight?” he asks me , running his fingers through my sweat drowned hair .
“no why?” i ask , relaxing into his touch . “let’s just sleep like this” he says grabbing a blanket and covering us both on the sofa . i nod and lie back down on his chest , resting my head on his shoulder , breathing in his scent on his neck . he grabs he around my shoulders and wraps his legs around me , swinging us to the side so we can lie down on the sofa properly. his dick slides out slightly so i take the opportunity to wrap my legs around him and push myself closer to him . he lets out a small whimper at the sensitivity and i giggle , apologize and kiss his neck as i get comfortable against his body again .
“hope you know we’re defo not gonna be friends after this” he says , making me look up to him .”ur my girl now , you know that?” he says smiling and placing a small kiss to my forehead .
“yeah i’d fucking think so”
hope i did y’all proud ☝🏻 i feel like im going to hell for writing this .
@mangosrar @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @kvtie444@kenzieiskoolaid @urmyslxt @chrisenthusiast @mattslolita @iheart2021chris @parkerssecrets @recklesssturniolo @lovingsturniolo @paper-crab @daddyslilchickenfingers @strniohoeee @ermdontmindthisaccount @sturnphilia @bluesturniolo333 @lustfulslxt @lunarsturniolo @chrisolivia4l @freshlovehacker @its-jennarose @kitaysworld @liz-stxrn @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @flowerxbunnie @mattsbratt @slut4chr1s @oversturn @mbbsgf @fredswh0re @nickenthusiast
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ wish i could forget.mp3 ☆ [hit me where it hurts pt.2]
/ the sad ending /
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> double the angst ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> ot8!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> words that left scars on you are not easy to forget. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> cursing ; arguments ; no happy endings ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
first part -> hyung line | maknae line
a/n: so before you read, there’s gonna be a make up version of this reaction. i decided to get the sad one out first because it’s the one i could write rn :] but seriously i am overwhelmed by the support and the love that i have received. i gained so many followers and likes/reblogs that it’s insane to me. thank you all for everything and enjoy the heartbreak! unless you wanna wait for the happier version.
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chan ✉
as chan took every step to your shared apartment, everything felt like it was crumbling apart. he couldn't sleep, he felt like he was suffocating in the dorms so he spent most of the night at the studio. exactly the opposite of what you would've wanted and that led him to think the worst of the worst. he knew he had messed up big time, he knew you were only trying to help him and this is how he repays you?
putting the key in the lock, he felt dread in his heart as he walked in. everything looked too perfect, like you weren't even there but as soon as his eyes stopped looking around, he saw you. you were standing there, bloodshot eyes as you finished... packing.
"please don't tell me this is what i think it is." he said and you just looked at him. a sad look in your eyes, as he tried to process everything that was happening and what he was gonna say but nothing was coming out. oh god, he was panicking, he did not want you to leave. "please (y/n) i'll do anything." 
"i made my decision. i would rather not be here if i'm not wanted and if i am gonna be treated like this. i'm sorry but there's nothing you can do that's gonna make me stay." you said and if he didn't feel broken and obsolete before, he was feeling pure numbness now. 
"we can work this out. this was a one time thing!" he said and this time oh did the tears fall from his eyes.
"it's not the first time chris and i think it's not gonna be the last time either." you said picking up your suitcase and heading towards the front door as chan looked in horror at the scene unfolding. "i'm sorry it had to end this way."
"i should be saying sorry, i fucked everything up." he said clearly and you just got close to him again, pressing a kiss to his wet cheek and wiping away the tears. 
"you'll be okay." no, no he definitely wouldn't be as he watched you leave from the apartment you two shared so many memories with and now they're gone. taken from him just like the power in him to stand up, as his legs gave out and the knot in his throat got tighter.
minho ✉
another award and you weren't there. this time for a good reason though and he still couldn't process his words, the ones he spoke with such cruelty and the instant regret that hit him when he would try to call you and would lead to voicemail. when he got off stage and the first thing he did was check his phone to see no messages, he felt like crying right then and there. he was not one to cry at all but since the fight, he felt like he could feel the tears coming in at any minute.
he knew the boys were all still confused about what happened and wondering why you didn't show up anymore. he didn't know how to explain that he was the one who messed up. he felt such disappointment in himself and carried it everywhere with him, he just couldn't function without you. 
he checked his phone again, texting one more time but this time they wouldn't send. no, that could not mean what he thought it meant right? that's not what he's thinking. he decided to leave without explanation and not care about his image or the professionalism of it all, he just wanted to see you and talk. as soon as he found himself in front of your door, he knocked and waited for you to come out. as soon as he saw you in front of him, no words were coming out of his mouth.
"minho? what do you want? i already left your things at the dorms." he didn't even have time to check that and it felt like everything was suddenly drifting away from him. "i know i didn't say anything but i think the things you said were enough for this to happen right?".
"i can't leave you (y/n), i know i fucked up immensely and that you don't want anything to do with me but please i'm asking for another chance." he said and felt his world crumbling when he saw you shake your head. 
"i wish i could forget what you said but i don't think i ever will. maybe it's stupid of me to do this and i will regret it later but right now? it feels like the right choice, goodbye minho." you said as you closed the door and left his figure standing there. 
changbin ✉
chan and jisung decided to go with him to the dorms as they were still trying to figure out what happened. they knew changbin didn't have the biggest temper but they never saw him get mad at you. he eventually said what happened exactly and he could sense the disappointment in his bandmates as he explained it but they were still there to support him through it all. even with that, he felt completely lost and heartbroken, he couldn't seem to forget the look in your eyes.
he decided to try and call you, maybe you had calmed down by that point. maybe you were ready to yell at him for what happened. maybe you wouldn't pick up at all and this would be the way you two drifted apart.
luckily you picked up but not so luckily he would have to hear some heartbreaking words.
"hey bin. i know what you're gonna say and i'm gonna say it before you. i don't think i can forgive you for what you said and i think it's better if we go our separate ways. like you said i get in your way too much and maybe someone else would be better for you." before he could answer, you were hanging up and leaving him absolutely speechless. he didn't even sense the tears coming out of his eyes as he tried to dial your number again and call you but it looked like you turned off your phone.
the fact that he made you feel like this, was gonna haunt him. he wanted to go to your apartment so bad but he found himself like he couldn’t move as he wiped the tears but they did not seem to stop. the part where you said he should be with someone else when all he could think, dream and feel was you. all he wanted was you and yet a part of him knew that after what happened you deserved better.
he sat down eventually and waited for someone to push him out of that state he was in. thankfully felix was there with him as he had no words but at least he held him as he still repeated your words in his mind.
"there's no one better than them lix. there's literally no one." he said as his friend tried to console him but there was no cure for a broken heart.
hyunjin ✉
as much as he insisted he was fine, he was far from it. he didn't know what he was doing most of the time as he expected for you to walk in. he wanted to see you so badly yet he was scared and as the days passed he was sure that this was the end unfortunately. he was tired of waiting so he headed to your work one day, being done with going back and forth and in circles around this fight. he didn't know what he was gonna say as he waited outside but he surely did know that he had to do something before it all fell apart.
"hyunjin? what are you doing here?" you asked and he could already sense by the tone of your voice, you did not want to see him.
"i wanted to talk to you, about what happened and about us." he said and you crossed your arms 'cause the last thing you wanted to do was to fight again with him outside of your work. "listen, i know i should've called you or showed up earlier but-."
"but you didn't and now it's too late. i really don't wanna hear it." you said as you headed towards the opposite direction but he grabbed your wrist before you could walk away. "let go, seriously what the hell hyunjin? you hurt me and then leave me all alone, expecting for me to hear you out?"
"i don't know why i didn't contact you okay? i was a fucking idiot. but please i'm here now and i want to fix things, it's been hell without you." he says honestly and raising his voice. he wasn't mad, he was just frustrated and tired of the fighting but this time he knew he deserved to go through this 'cause what you went through was worse. 
"well i don't want to. i'm done with you and i don't want to see you ever again." he let go then and felt a lonely tear fall from his eye. you went away, far from him and the pain he brought. you didn't want anything to do with him anymore and he knew this would be the last time he saw you so he stood there as he watched you. walk away from him and his life forever.
jisung ✉
you in fact did not come back to jisung. it's been so long without you, he started to forget what being with you was like. every love song turned into a sad heartbreak song in the lyrics he wrote, every step he took was in direction towards your apartment but he couldn't go back there. he felt so alone and broken, how could he be so careless? how could he say that stuff to you? those words kept repeating in his head over and over.
you were never too much and you definitely didn't make his life difficult. you made everything so much better, right now it just felt like it was all crumbling.
"jisung? i'm sorry, i was just packing my stuff." he didn't even know how he got here, he must've confused himself again and thought he was going to the dorms. but here you were standing in front of him with boxes upon boxes of stuff that you had packed. you didn't take the photos or the presents that he gave you and that left a sour taste in his mouth.
"it's okay, it's not like i come here anyways." he said and that left you confused but then you realized that yeah it was hard to walk in here. too many memories that blinded you and saddened the atmosphere. "can we talk?" he asked and you didn't know what there was to talk about.
"i think it's better if we don't. before we say things we regret again." you said and that was a dagger to jisung's heart. of course you were still mad, what was he thinking? that you were gonna give him a second chance? that everything was gonna be alright?
"i will always be sorry (y/n), please know that." he said and you nodded, not believing a word he said. he sighed as he left the apartment, hoping to never come back. he wouldn't see you in it again so what was the point right? no more future that held you two, it was just him on his own again. and that was worse than anything he had ever felt.
felix ✉
he was already calling you as soon as chan got home from dropping you off. he didn't know what came over him when he pronounced those words but he was surely gonna make things up even if it took him everything. he knew you needed distance right now but he needed to know how you were (and guess who's clingy now?). 
"baby, listen i know you don't want to talk to me right now but please i hope you know that i didn't mean a thing i said. i was just in a bad mood but it's not an excuse for what i said and-." he knew he was gonna get cut off, he was just rambling but everything that you said cut through him.
"so that's what you came up with? listen i don't know what gives you the right to use an insecurity of mine against me but i'm not gonna tolerate it. it was a low point for me that you did that and i don't think i'm gonna be able to move on past it especially after i told you that those kinds of comments still hurt." you said clearly, there was no sadness or anger in your voice. it was just plain and simple what you said yet felix felt like falling apart right then and there.
"i know love and i'm deeply sorry. i won't insist on it but please if you reconsider, call me? i know i shouldn't have messed with that. i truly do love you forever and ever." he said but you did not want to hear it so you hanged up and left him right there, with no more words coming out of his mouth. chan who witnessed the whole scene and expected you two to make up but it looked like it was from reality.
"lix, i'm so sorry." he said as to which the other nodded and sighed. he didn't want to cry in front of his hyung but it was inevitable when the tears were just rolling freely through his cheeks. he was wrapped in chan's arms as he let go of what he feared the most and started to think how he was going to handle his life without you in it. 
seungmin ✉
ever since he said those things, everything changed. you two were still together but it was never the same, it felt like he was trying to compensate for the hurt of his words with material things, sweet words and dates. it was enough for him to realize that he was never gonna be able to completely make it up to you because he didn't know how to solve what his words did.
so when he saw you packing even if it hurt so fucking much, he had to let you go. he had to actually live with the reality that you were not be with him anymore, no more fake smiles or pretending to be fine. you weren't okay with him and it showed. 
"i'm sorry it had to be like this. i wish i never said those things to you and we both could be okay again." he said sadly and with a cloudy vision. it felt like all the air was taken from his lungs and like he was trapped in a room with no way out. 
"i wish i could forget them." you said calmly and gave him a little smile as you hugged him one last time. he held you tightly not wanting to let go because this moment would be one that he never forgot. it just pained him that he hurt you so deeply that it made you want to leave. it scarred him that he made so much damage that nothing could repair it even if it wasn't the best solution, he was still trying right?
"i love you (y/n)." there was no response, just your broken smile as you looked at him again and left. it finally broke him that there was no more, no more love, no more relationship and no more holding on. he didn't know what he was gonna do without you and picking up the pieces of what you had been was not the solution. he had to grow up and be better next time in his next relationship. yet he didn't see that happening, he just wanted you and will always want you.
jeongin ✉
did you talk later? no, he wasn't ready to have the conversation. you also weren't ready to confront him about his words. it felt like the perfect picture was ruined immediately when you heard him mutter his cold and harsh words. he felt like he did everything wrong, it was hard to get him out of his room because all he wanted was to close the door and never come out of it. he wanted to see you but everything was stopping him, he truly thought you deserved better this time.
when he finally saw you because you were the one who decided it was enough and you two needed to talk. he felt like falling right then and there in your arms where he belonged but he couldn't do that, at least not again.
"i'm sorry (y/n)." he said and looked at you for a response. he knew he should say more but he couldn't find the right phrasing of things to go with it so he just said the words that came out of his heart. "i should have never said that and i'm deeply sorry that i hurt you."
"i'm sorry for not being what you wanted innie. it's okay, i guess it was gonna happen. i hope you'll be okay after this and that you grow from it." ouch, you didn't know how much these words would be kept in his head like a mantra. he wanted to grow from it now, he wanted to be better right now for you and for you guys to be okay but this was more like a goodbye than a hello.
"please don't go." he said and you just kissed him to shut him up one last time. his hands met your cheeks as he deepened the kiss not wanting this to be your final one but knowing all too well that it was. you would stay there, standing in the living room looking at each other for a while to then let go and leave him stranded like you two just didn't share the most precious and hurtful kiss. it wasn't okay, none of it will be okay without you in his life and as much as he would want to move on, everything would bring him back here again.
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treeba-rk · 4 months
a small collection of shit the tumblr treebark community has tagged about cc!renchanting. Everyone feel free to contribute, many of these are pretty recent (from the infinite pining era), not from old posts!
#omg just call him hes not your ex   #i think about this so much. bro really was just like man that guy was weird. i think i’m in lo— #also this was very heterosexual of martyn. #relationship goals (they are not dating) #I hate them so much I fucking hate them #MARTYN WHEN I CATCH YOU MARTYN #can martyn like get a job #is this real?? #never a boring day following martyn on Tumblr #once again im reblogging the gayest ass mcyt fanart from none other than martyn in the little wood #martyn this is a really gay post to reblog /silly #its the single pathetic bisexual dogboy swag # everyone say thank youse to false #theyre having gay sex in that box. ok! #this is why joel betrayed dogwarts right at the start #fellas is it gay to do Whatever this is #treebark in the eyes of those around them is apparently horrifying #the server has chemicals in the water that turns the fucking ccs gay for Ren diggity Dog #Jesus christ #martyn intheliitlewood what are you doing in my falafal #I almost went full crazy insane treebark fangirl in the tags until I saw martyn inthelittlewood official reblogged it #SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA ENTER YOUR SLUT ERA AND THAT IS FINE TOO #fuckin slay martyn go kiss men Now we just pray he doesn't find the smut artists and find out people assume he's a bottom #he broke into our house and won’t leave :( turns out he’s the one who built the house? i think that’s why we let him stay #‘classic treebark bait’ MY ASS #martyn that shit is straight out of a fanfic #i think martyn can lurk in treebark tag if he wants #martyn once again outing himself as a renboy #shoutout to cherri for the renchanting propaganda god bless #WTF REN YOU CANT DO THIS TO US #they make me homophobic #mans woke up in a cold sweat checked his tumblr askbox wrote That and then fucked off for the rest of the day like nothing happened #the m in martyn stands for manic pixie dream girl #people be normal in the tags challenge: failed #why is martyn writing fanfiction and putting it on my dash at 3 am? #Top 10 Signs You Should Dm Him:#Number 1: you're writing fanfiction in tumblr ask box answers
this is an incredible collection and i am flabbergasted by how you keep track of this. treebarkblr is hilarious
<3 <3 <3
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
hi love :) idk if you’d be comfortable with this, and it’s totally okay if not ! i was just thinking about something where the reader is pregnant and jj is all protective over her, comforts her when sad, gets her the things shes craving, stuff like that ! can’t wait for your next post <3
warnings; fluff, talks of pregnancy
pairing; dadtobe!jj x pregnant!fem!reader
notes; i am 1,000 percent comfortable with this, and i secretly always hoped i’d get a request like this cause it’s dad jj what’s not to love. in fact, send in as many as possible before requests close. hope you enjoy this little blurb i put together.
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Your bare seven month pregnant belly is prominently showing past the linen sheets. It’s round and plump and everything JJ could’ve dreamt it would’ve been. So much so, he finds you an intense amount more attractive pregnant. Just something about you carrying his child made his mind do cartwheels and numerous tricks, and he’s reminded every time he sees the silky stretch of your stomach. Drove him absolutely senile.
Occasionally he’ll walk by you, taking in the bump forgetting that it’s there— only to fall weak in the knees all over again. ‘Shit, yeah she’s definitely pregnant still.’ Thoughts similar to those encapsulate his mind in a manner of just hopelessly desiring for the moment to come.
Ready to give the little being, all of the excess love he had to spare— the love he never got as a child.
He’s sauntering exhaustedly about the bedroom searching for his work pants, he was anyway. Now, he can’t help but bore gawkingly at his pregnant girlfriend. Hair every which way, dribble of drool leaving from your parted mouth, sun peeking through the blinds accentuating every angle. There he stood in nothing but his boxers still thinking you were as alluring as could be.
He’s snapped from his staring trance, upon tripping not even recalling that he’d begun prancing around again because he’s relishing in sheer elation. And there they were— the Goddamn work pants. And there you were stirring from sleep, a thud as echoing as that could not be unheard. Scrambling from the floor, briefly like it never happened.
‘Shit,’ it stings past his lips, silently cursing himself. His main concern is if he’s caused you and the baby to wake up. If he’s interrupted your oh so sweet slumber, or if somehow his fall would make the baby fall too. You weren’t sure where JJ studied baby logic from, but it’s pushed him into a insanity state of overprotectiveness. Not annoying though— any instinct of a true father that worries for the health or his baby and his lover more than his own.
It’s then that he’s hovering over you, one fist digging desperately into the sultry mattress by your resting head. The other, rubbing soothing circles over your cheek bone at the glint in your eye. He merely wishes to crawl back into bed, and rot there with you for eternity.
“How’d you fall this time?”
Your sleep ridden voice encapsulates his slouching over figure, and his grin is toothy sharing gaze with you. Pleased that you were the one baring his child, along with taking note that he needed to stop being so fucking clumsy.
“Damn work pants, baby.”
“Why aren’t you at work yet, J?”
“Couldn’t find em’.”
JJ has excess time to spare before work, though what you don’t know won’t hurt you. His coddling intentions are tenfold this morning, he subsequently couldn’t compensate for going to work today— not when you look like this, and not when he has his little angel to console every waking minute. You are loss for words at your dopey boyfriend.
JJ lowers himself, towards your lips. His sinewy muscles bulging in intricacy as his weight is held in one arm, large hand now cupping your cheek with everlasting touch. He’s about to butter you up, like a freshly toasted golden brown piece of bread with the creamiest butter to exist.
His lips coat yours slowly, humming into it with remedy. Aiming for it to be sloppy, and as lovingly-long as could be. You kiss back— hands finding the tufts of hair at the back of his neck in sovereignty. It’s powerful, useful, but it’s not enough to get JJ through the day.
“Was thinkin’-“ Kiss.
“About …” Kiss.
“Stayin’ home today …” Kiss.
Every one just as breathless as the last.
“You can’t, JJ.”
Nevertheless, he’s just as careless mouth leaving your lips empty only to travel in a downward spiral. Your collar bone, your chest, and your stomach. Leaving a trail of heavenly kisses, paying extra careful attention to the belly that’s beneath his lips. Three extra pecks are given— representing an ‘I love you’.
“I’ll just pick up an extra shift tomorrow, baby.”
“But we still have to buy-“
“Shh. Leave the worrying to me, okay?”
You grin back at him sleepily and wholeheartedly, rubbing your palm over the tainted skin of your better. A grumble or two settling in, the baby having your appetite unquenchable.
So full of love you can barely take it.
“I want waffles … with those little chocolate chips! F-from the bakery down the road!”
“As many as you want, pretty girl … whatever you want.”
He could be diagnosed with being lovesick, hovering over you again as if you were bound to shatter.
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theladyofbloodshed · 4 months
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Chapter 6 - picks up from the Autumn King cliffhanger
This was bad. This was fucking bad.
It felt like ice crawled through the room, seeping along the velvet carpet and up the walls as they stood at their impasse. Nesta had been curious about their world, but never this obstinate refusal. She faced Einar Danaan with an unbending spine even under his intense scrutiny.
The chill was radiating from her, Ruhn realised.
In the face of the king’s burning stare, she was responding with her own endless cold. Ruhn risked a glance to her and – shit. Her eyes swirled like silver flames trapped beneath glass. He had to release his fingers from her wrist before she froze them.
‘We have not met,’ his father said, voice quiet enough that only they would hear it. There was no mistaking the razor-sharp edge in it though.
Nesta raised her chin half an inch, pushing him further.
Did Athalar tell him who she was back in her world? Not just a pretty face, surely. No, this female had balls of steels or just didn’t give a shit about the Autumn King’s power.
‘Then that ought to be remedied,’ she replied, voice sultry.
Her hand reached out expectantly.
Was she- was she flirting with him?
To Ruhn’s surprise, his father took it – and didn’t snap her fingers. No, the king submitted to her. Kissed the top of her hand. And Ruhn swore that when he pulled away, his father brushed his thumb against her slender fingers.
The flames subsided from Nesta’s eyes. ‘Clare. Clare Vanserra.’
‘It cannot be a well-known family,’ he said.
‘We decide who are worth knowing.’
Silver flames slithered around Nesta’s hand like twin snakes until she absorbed them back into herself. That had his father practically salivating. Fire was his family’s gift, but not this. Nesta’s fire was different; cold and aching. He would want to add it to their arsenal. In Einar Danaan’s eyes, Nesta was a prize brood mare whose magic needed to be introduced to their line. He knew his father well. He had one heir, but constantly told Ruhn what a disappointment he was. A second heir with Nesta’s fire would be far more appealing.
At that moment, an attendant announced over the speaker that all were to take their seats ready for the performance.
Without a word, the king swept away towards the royal box.
Ruhn released a breath. His shirt was clinging to his sweat-soaked back.
Many eyes were cast their way as they sought seats, but Ruhn called for a final shot of whiskey to celebrate that they had survived that.
‘What are you?’
Nesta set her jaw. ‘Something wrong.’
‘No,’ he said, frowning. ‘Your power. What do you do in Prythian? You’re not just a wife expected to produce an heir.’
Nesta gave a bitter laugh. ‘I think I am.’ Under his stare, she shrugged. ‘I am a tool to be used when the high lord sees fit. That is all I am, Ruhn. All I will ever be.’
Twice, Viktoria had smacked him on the back of the head for having – as she called it – his head in the clouds during their shift. Nothing had happened in it anyway, so why couldn’t Hunt daydream? For once, his fantasies didn’t include wrapping his hands around Micah’s throat until the archangel stopped breathing. No, this time Hunt’s dreams involved Nesta. No matter how fleeting their time together, he’d never forget the care she offered him last night. Or really any of the moments that they had shared.
When Hunt thought of a future, Nesta was there.
She had him dreaming of a future, one that was good, one he wanted to be there for. The promise of a life without shackles had always been a farfetched imagining because he was too valuable to let go – but Nesta had made him dream.
At the end of his long shift – he’d taken a double to have more time with Nesta the next day – Hunt flexed his wings while rolling his shoulders. There were a couple of messages from Ruhn Danaan. One said he was on the way to collect Nesta. The second had him stilling.
Your faerie girlfriend is INSANE.
Hunt hauled his ass over to the theatre just as the patrons were spilling out at the end of the ballet. He took flight again to scan faces easier, hoping to Luna that Nesta was alright. There’d been no news report or summons for the 33rd.
Finally, he caught a glimpse of her with Danaan but any joy soon turned to ash as he landed.
Nesta was engaged with the Autumn King. A close-lipped smile was on her face but there was no warmth to her expression. In fact, she was sizing him up like a predator. It wouldn’t have surprised Hunt if she prowled around Einar Danaan to measure him.
Hunt kept to the shadows, ready to spring into action if the situation changed. He didn’t know what he’d do against one of the heads of the city. The king could call for his head and Micah would serve it on a platter. But if Nesta needed him, Hunt would be there.
‘I hope to see you again, Clare Vanserra.’
‘Likewise,’ she purred in response.
When the king made to leave, Ruhn bowed low at the waist then gave an imploring look to Nesta. Ever so slightly, she inclined her head – but that was all she offered in terms of respect.
As the Autumn King strolled to an awaiting car, Hunt spied a hungry grin on his face.
Once the car was out of view, Hunt approached. His stomach was knotted with nerves from Ruhn’s text and what he’d just seen; the Autumn King would see Nesta as an asset and males like him wouldn’t stop until they got what they wanted. The quicker Nesta was away to safety, the better. His dreams died a fiery death.
‘Everything alright?’
At the sound of his voice, Nesta turned with the most beautiful smile spreading across her face. ‘Orion.’
Then, as if checking herself around Danaan, a mask quickly went on. Her smile was locked away behind a carefully polished veneer – although her eyes remained soft as they canvassed his face.
‘Yeah,’ said Ruhn, nodding emphatically. ‘Ballet was great. Especially when Nesta decided to stare down my father then flirt with him.’
Nesta offered Ruhn an expression that he hadn’t seen since her interrogation with Isaiah. ‘It was either do battle there, Ruhn, or dissolve the tension.’
‘And why was there tension, Nesta?’ Ruhn shook his head. ‘Next time, just bow or curtsey or salute. Whatever. Just keep your head down. He’s not a male to fuck with.’
With every word, Hunt felt more sick. He’d wanted Nesta to have a lovely evening, listen to music and be enraptured by dance. Not this. Not dip her into trouble.
‘I know plenty of males like him,’ she replied. ‘I am the rock against which the surf crashes.’
‘You’re fucking nuts is what you are.’
‘Hey,’ Hunt cut in sharply. ‘Don’t call her that.’
An involuntary crackle of lightning encircled his witch-ink halo, making Ruhn Danaan take a step back with his own shadows coming to life. One of the wolves on patrol cast them a look. Not one of Sabine’s or the devils thankfully.
‘Just because your daddy is a fucking creep who thinks the world should kiss his ass, doesn’t mean Nesta has to.’
‘I’ll leave you to play nanny,’ said Ruhn, without a goodbye to either of them.
Hunt watched him go, wondering whether that night had been a disastrous decision on his part. He’d pissed off the prince of the fae, dangled Nesta in front of the king, and now wanted to hurry her out of Crescent City before Einar Danaan got his filthy hands on her.
Before Hunt could even speak to Nesta, she was upon him. Arms went tight around his neck so he enveloped her in his own. Her nose burrowed against his neck, breathing in his scent deeply. He could feel a tremor rocking through her.
‘You okay? They didn’t hurt you?’
She shook her head.
‘I’m with you,’ he said. ‘Forget what Ruhn said.’
Nesta peeled away just enough for him to see her face which was illuminated by the street lights. There was so much of his world that he’d wanted to show her and now all he wanted was to keep her somewhere safe. He hated to see the worry nibbling her expression.
‘I was stupid not to bow but he just reminded me so much of… I couldn’t.’
Her voice broke on the last word so Hunt pulled her in again, holding her tightly. ‘Did you eat?’
‘Do you want ice cream?’
Surprising him, Nesta kissed his cheek. ‘I- I missed your company today.’
They turned to stroll down the quiet street and Hunt kept his arm around her. ‘I did too. Time seemed to stand still without you.’
Beneath the starry sky, he took a moment to admire Nesta in her long, dark gown. She really was stunning. Although night had swept in, it wasn’t too late and Crescent City never truly slept so there were still street vendors out selling their wares. He opted for a scoop of pistachio and one of vanilla while Nesta had a tower of strawberry, chocolate, and mint piled one on top of the other with a chocolate stick stuck in it and raspberry sauce drizzled all over it. Those mixtures of flavours should have been illegal, Hunt thought. And, despite her own, Nesta still begged for a taste of his ice cream too.
‘What did you do today?’
‘I had a fantastic day,’ she said brightly. ‘I took a bus around the city. I went to a laundrette which was thrilling, by the way. I visited the university. This is my fourth ice cream of the day; I had one earlier, then a waffle, and Ruhn bought me ice cream during the interval of the ballet. Oh, and I also purchased a dildo so thank you for the recommendation.’
Hunt almost choked.
‘You did? Actually?’ He tried to stop himself from grinning. ‘Did you really?’
‘I did,’ she replied, lips twitching. ‘I’m only here once, aren’t I? It’s a vibrator. With three different speed settings. I was also advised to buy a bottle of lubrication so I opted for cherry flavouring.’
He couldn’t stop staring at her. Nesta Archeron was his dream female.
‘Have you, uh, used it yet?’
Nesta chose that moment to pluck the chocolate fudge stick from the top scoop and lick it clean of ice cream. ‘That’s a personal question, Orion.’
‘That’s a yes.’
‘I haven’t had the time,’ she sniped. ‘What with attending ballets and staring down kings.’
Hunt was practically salivating. ‘We should fix that. Immediately.’
‘I believe it’s a solo activity.’
‘Definitely not,’ he said, shaking his head with fervour. ‘The more the merrier.’
Her lip curled into a smile then she returned to licking her ice cream in that same, tantalising way as they continued down Lunathion’s lanes.
It shouldn’t have been this easy to talk to her, he thought. Shouldn’t be able to have such a teasing conversation whilst walking beneath the stars eating fucking ice cream. He was the Umbra Mortis.
Hunt would be a wreck when she returned to Prythian.
‘Can I take you somewhere?’
‘At this time?’
Hunt laughed, ‘What, past your bedtime?’
‘I just thought,’ Nesta began. She fell silent, eye shuttering closed then she forced out a breath. ‘Maybe we could go to my hotel room to watch television.’
She couldn’t invite him there after telling him that she’d bought a vibrator. Despite himself, Hunt gave an empathic nod and let her lead the way; she’d done well to learn the way so quickly.
‘I drove Ruhn Danaan���s car today. Briefly but I did it,’ she said.
Hunt let out a whistle. ‘Look at you, all modern now.’
In a few short days, there was one male who Nesta could not stop thinking about. And it wasn’t Cassian.
Hunt was the flame she wanted to be devoured by. There were no males like him. As they finished off their ice creams on the walk, Nesta couldn’t help but gaze at him in admiration. He’d leapt into her conversation with Ruhn to defend her. Hadn’t said she was a fool for standing up to Ruhn’s father. Hadn’t berated her for it.
He was on her side.
‘I spoke with Vik today. You can get your stuff back the day after tomorrow.’
Hunt stopped, gaging her reaction as they entered the elevator. She hadn’t done well trying to hide her disappointment. Having the Harp meant returning to Prythian. There was no reason to stay – but it felt like there was no reason to return either. As her face fell, Hunt reeled her in with an arm around her shoulders. Nesta breathed his scent in deeply as she nuzzled into him. It shouldn’t have been so easy to do it. She was never this way with anybody, had never felt so comfortable.
‘This has been the quickest week of my life,’ Hunt murmured against her hair.
‘It’s not fair,’ she whispered.
The muffled speaker announced their floor number then Hunt guided them out towards her room. She still found the little card that allowed her entry to be a marvel, but her wonder had dulled with the realisation that it was all limited. There were only a couple of days left to experience Lunathion.
‘Nesta.’ Hunt held her hand with reverence with the door slightly ajar. He swallowed. ‘I hate saying goodbye.’
‘Not tonight. There are no goodbyes tonight.’
Before the door had been opened fully, Hunt’s fingers canvassed her neck. They kissed knowing their opportunities were dwindling. That soft press of his lips, the heat of his body, Nesta wanted all of it.
Hunt lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over the threshold. A wing hit the light switch, illuminating the room in a yellow glow then Hunt lay her down gently on the bed, his body coming to cover her. In the cradle of his grey wings, Nesta was safe.
Her fingers snaked into his top then tugged it over his head so she could feel his bare skin against her. The heat of Hunt’s body had Nesta raising herself upwards. She wanted to feel it. Feel him. Feel the hurried beating of his heart.
Nesta would never kiss him enough. Two days wasn’t enough. She needed more time, more time to kiss him, to hold him. To love him.
In a sudden movement, Hunt broke their kiss. He braced his weight on his forearms either side of her.
‘Nesta, can you tell me why Luna’s Horn is on the desk?’
She craned her neck past the curve of his wing to catch a glimpse of the desk where – sure enough – that strange, glowing horn was resting on the desk.
Her fingers wrapped around his muscled arm. ‘How bad is this?’
‘Did you steal it?’
‘No. I’m as shocked as you are that it’s here. Is it bad, Hunt?’
Hunt leaned forwards to kiss her forehead. ‘I’ll sort it.’
From the terror soaking into his expression, Nesta surmised that it was very, very bad. While Hunt paced in the cramped room, he explained what the item was and how it had come to their land when fae made a crossing. Could it be part of the Dread Trove? It called to Nesta in the same way.
‘I’ll sneak it back in,’ Hunt said finally. He gave a resounding nod. ‘I’ll cause a diversion and put it back. In and out. At this time, there won’t be many guards. I can probably get past them.’
Nesta gripped his wrist. ‘Why are you putting yourself in danger for me?’
Hunt took a step back, examining her. His fingers stroked down her face. ‘I won at bowling. This is my favour.’
‘That’s not. That’s ridiculous. Your favour can’t be helping me.’
Some light came back into his brown eyes. ‘Fine. I’ll do this because I like you. My favour will be you showing me those speed settings on your new toy. If I don’t get flayed by the Asteri.’
‘Orion, there’s not a single star like you in the sky.’
Nerves tangled in Nesta’s chest as she watched Hunt fly across the city from the window until she could no longer track him by eye. The Horn had been wrapped carefully by him then tucked inside his jacket before his departure.
These gestures by him, the willingness to help, to be fully on her team, left Nesta adrift. She didn’t have this in Prythian. Cassian would always choose Rhys or Mor or Feyre over her. Feyre would choose Rhys. Elain would choose Feyre. Nesta was never anybody’s first choice… until now.
At one point, all of the electrical items in the room flared; the lights flickered, the television turned off, and one of the alarms in the building then began blaring.
That must have been the diversion.
It took a while but then there was a knock on the door.
Nesta leapt off the bed to haul it wide.
Ruhn Danaan stood opposite her, brandishing a bunch of flowers.
‘Oh. Good evening.’
The bouquet of sunflowers and lavender was offered to her. ‘I, uh, wanted to say sorry. My father is an awful male, Nesta. I didn’t mean to take my fear out on you. Sorry.’
It was so unexpected that Nesta wasn’t quite sure how to react. Her mouth had gone slack, opening slightly, as she held the flowers a foot from her body.
‘I thought Athalar would be here,’ he added, casting a not-so-subtle look over her shoulder into the room.  
‘He’s um… He’s.’
‘Needed to dash out for more milk for tea,’ came Hunt’s voice from down the corridor as he shook a pint of milk. His face was slightly flushed; a pink tinge to his brown cheeks. ‘Those flowers for me, Danaan?’
‘Imagine roses are more your style,’ replied Ruhn.
Sweat dampened Hunt’s top and tension had him clenching his jaw from his bolt across the city.
‘Thank you for the flowers, Ruhn. It’s a kind gesture – I appreciate it.’
The prince of the Valbaran fae said his goodnights to them then departed. He’d changed in Nesta’s opinion. It was difficult to break the mould and not be the same male that a father was, but she could see that Ruhn was trying.
Hunt followed her into the bedroom then heaved a sigh.
‘Thank you, my beautiful angel.’
The colour drained from Hunt’s face as he looked across the room. ‘You have got to be fucking kidding me.’
There, on the desk, the Horn had returned of its own accord.
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takemeorleaveme · 2 months
why are buddie shippers being called unhinged when the only unhinged I have seen were from BT shippers like hello the hypocrisy is insane to me... if we are gonna lump all the buddie shippers together cause I know there are a few bad ones we are definitely gonna lump all the BT shippers together. the shit I have seen and read from them beats the crazy buddie shippers outta the water I am convinced these people don't even care that buck is Bi Man and will riot if buck ever ends up with a female love interest... buddie shippers are unhinged but ya'll are obsessed with a ship that has only had like 5 scenes together with zero chemistry 2 of those were kisses and those 2 kisses were the only moments that didn't feel like they were straight male friends lmao I don't even care if buddie happens or not at this point I just find it funny af that buck has more sexual tension with his straight best friend than he does his love interest... you do not care that he is Bi-sexual you only care that he kissed a man obviously because ya'll just threw eddie in the trash (literally killing him off) once you guys finally got what you wanted.... & I am sick and tired of you guys pretending like thats not the truth you don't care about buck or his storyline most of you probably don't even care about the show and just watch clips about the ship. The way you guys paint buddie shippers as unhinged but go outta your way to tag buddie just to annoy buddie shippers and start something its ridiculous... also the way you praise a man for wanting to interact with fans but the only way he's interacting with the shippers is if they pay him 145 dollars in this economy to answer questions he has no answers to and to make up stories for your ship because you have nothing to go off of is the fucking icing on the cake for me.. when we get free buddie content from both ryan and oliver so I'll stay over here losing in the buddie ship & ya'll can have your non developed canon ship and keep paying money to a nepo baby to get your non existent storyline... & I HOPE YA'LL SEE THIS YOU WANT TO POST IN THE BUDDIE TAG AND FLOOD BUDDIE BECAUSE WE ARE SO UNHINGED BUT THE SHIT BT SHIPPERS DO AND SAY TO RILE UP BUDDIE SHIPPERS IS TRULY ANNOYING.
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shurislover · 1 year
Baby Mama Drama
Letitia Wright x Y/N ( Black Fem Reader )
Summary :
Imagine being in a relationship with the one and only Letitia Wright… Being married for 5 years and having a child together. Sounds like a dream right ? Wrong ! Cheating , Lying , Arguing was all that could happen in this relationship, so you took it upon yourself to file for divorce and joint custody of your now 5 yr old daughter.
Warnings : Angst ? Cursing
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“ Do I have to go ?” - your daughter asked
“ Yes Aria , you know it’s what the court ordered , and plus she wants to see you today “- you sighed as you tied her shoes
Aria rarely liked going to her “ Mother’s“ house, it was never fun. Letitia would always shit talk you , talk about how the girl she’s with now is much better etc. You never understood why she did what she did when shes the reason you both spilt up.
She’s cheated on you countless times, you’d ask her about it and it would lead to arguing or sex. Don’t get me wrong the sex was phenomenal you honestly still think about it till this day, but besides that… this was something you couldn’t handle. The cheating….. the lying…., the arguing was doing nothing but destroying you
“ Why does she want to see me, she didn’t care about me before ?” Aria tilted her head
Letitia didn’t put very much effort into caring about Aria until the media was on her ass.
“ Where’s your daughter “
“ We always see Y/N with your baby “
“ Are you even in your child’s life “
“ Bro can you let the media know i’m good to my child ?” Letitia sighed on the phone
“ Why would I lie for you ? You rarely take time out your day to see her. At this point i could’ve filed for sole custody “ I snapped back
“ Why didn’t you ? Media out here thinking i’m some shit parent when i’m not. I send you money to get her whatever she wants. I speak to her on the phone. I always get my baby anything she asks for. She wants it I give it her.
“ see that’s the problem, all this I buy her this I buy her that is bullshit Letitia. You need to spend time with your child. When Aria asks for you how the fuck am i supposed to tell my child “ oh baby i’m sorry your mother is too busy at clubs and kissing other women “ You snapped back
Don’t play with me Y/N , I take care of Aria. These interviewers on my ass about you and Aria, fans are on my ass about Aria. I love Aria so I suggest you let them know I care about her
YOU can tell them. You know what is insane your cast mates and your little girlfriend Eva care more about Aria than you do. I think that’s a damn shame Letitia.
flashback over
You hear your doorbell ring and sighed as you walked toward the door
“ baby your mother is here grab your bag” - you opened the door and met with your ex lover
“ is she ready ?” Letitia questioned as she walked inside
You followed her back into your kitchen
“ she’s getting her things “
“ Why you are you acting so cold to me , you really think this is a good look with Aria here “ - Letitia questioned
“ Don’t start this shit I know you talk shit about me at your home. Aria hears and sees everything and comes home and tells me. Maybe be more cautious of what you say about me“ - You answered back
Letitia rolled her eyes
She knew you were not dealing with her crap today.
“ Be glad i’m here to get my child “ - Letitia groaned
“ Glad ?? Nah she’s your responsibility too “ Letitia “ it takes two to make a baby. I didn’t do this shit by myself. You want the media off your ass so act like a good mother. Aria is 5 years old always worrying if she’s a mistake or if she’s the reason we don’t love each other anymore, and as her Mom i have to sit and reassure her that none of this is her fault meanwhile I’m here on the verge of another mental breakdown. This shit is hard and you don’t make it easy for me. You make it so hard for me Letitia you really do. During this whole fucking break up there’s been times I asked myself if i wanted to be here anymore but I stayed strong for that little girl because she atleast deserves someone who cares about her “
You felt hot tears run down your face, you haven’t been able to express your feelings to anyone because you’ve been in hiding and pushed everyone away.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t even realize Letitia pulled you into a hug
“ I’m sorry “
Those were two words you’ve been waiting years to hear
“ Im sorry. I’ve been a shit wife & ex wife. I’ve been a shit mother. You nor Aria deserve this. I’ve treated you wrong and I know you didn’t deserve any of that. You’ve always shown me what love is , you’ve opened my eyes to so many new things. Aria does deserve loving parents and I’m glad she has you. Y/N you’re the most amazing mother Aria could have. I was so caught up with myself and trying to satisfy my needs I didn’t think about you or how this might affect you. I’m sorry Y/N . I’m so sorry. “- Letitia spoke as she rubbed your back and held you tightly
“ I’ve started up therapy to work on my self, I want to become a more active parent in Arias life. I want to become active in your life again only if you let me, whether we stay friends or whatever. You both deserve the world and I want to give it to you both”
“ therapy “ you whispered
Letitia smiled a little
“ Yes , therapy. I know you’ve been trying to get me to go for months and I finally started going. I’ve given up drinking. 2 weeks sober. I’m learning to control my anger. I’ve blocked nearly every person I’ve had one night stands with, cheated with. I even broke it off with Eva”
“ You broke up with Eva ? Why “ - You asked
“ I only got with her to make you upset. It’s better for us to stay good friends that’s all “ - Letitia pulled back
You sighed and stared at her
“ I want you in Arias life I really do, but you have to be there for her. Not just showering her with gifts. I mean being there for her. Mentally , Emotionally, Physically. She needs to know you truly love her and will always be there for her. If she calls you one day crying cause she’s upset you need to comfort her not just buy her something. Me ? it’s gonna take a while but i wouldn’t mind you in my life again. I think it would be good not only for us but for Aria.“ - You spoke
“ I will do anything it takes to keep you guys with me forever and always. “
Letitia kissed your forehead and smiled
“ Ready Princess ?“
“ Yes mom “ - Aria smiled
Aria ran up to you and gave you the tightest hug
“ I love you baby and be good for your mother okay? Remember i’m only a call away if anything “
“ I love you too “ - Aria whispered
You watched as they both left hand in hand
Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad letting Letitia back into your life……
this is my first story on here so please bare with me. i used to write on wattpad but stopped lol. i hope you guys liked this one and if you have any tips to become better PLEASE let me know.
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berenwrites · 5 months
A Small Thing - Stranger Things - Steddie
Rating: T | cw: none | tags: post season 4, eddie lives, steve has terrible parents
Prompt: Love is wanting to know everything about what makes up the person you're in love with, even the difficult stuff.
A/N: Written for @steddielovemonth day 4. Y’know how Stranger Things kind of has a different 80s movie feel for each season? Well I grew up in the 80s and I have some very fond memories of 80s sci-fi movies, and this was inspired by several of them. It started off as a silly fun idea in my head and then got way deeper than I expected once on paper. I hope you enjoy it.
Also on AO3 | All my other Stranger Things Fic
A Small Thing: The Truth Hurts
“Stevie, I didn’t know you had a tattoo,” were the words that killed any desire Steve happened to be feeling.
He’d forgotten, and now he was cursing himself. It was a tiny thing, right on the upper inside of his thigh. He had to spread his legs and someone had to be up really close to see it. Unfortunately for him, Eddie had been slowly taking him apart, bit by bit, which included kissing and nipping up his inner thigh.
“Is that a barcode?” Eddie asked, looking up at him and smiling.
His expression must have given him away, because the smile dropped off Eddie’s face almost instantly.
“Hey,” Eddie said, climbing up him until they were face to face, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Looks like it comes with baggage. Did someone force that on you?”
Steve took a deep breath.
“Not exactly,” he said, looking down and away, but unable to lie to his boyfriend.
“Stevie, hey, sweetheart, can you look at me please?” Eddie asked, gently taking his hand.
Instinct told him to climb out of the bed and leave, to get as far from Eddie as possible, but he couldn’t. Slowly and oh so reluctantly, he lifted his eyes.
“I love you,” Eddie told him as soon as their eyes met, “and I want to know everything about you, but what you tell me is up to you, okay?”
It was so sincere that is made Steve’s heart thump in his chest. All the love he had been trying to keep locked away in case he frightened off his boyfriend ripped through him like a fire.
“I’m not the real Steve Harrington,” he confessed as the need to be really seen blew apart his defences. “Well, I am, but I’m not the original.”
Eddie said nothing. Not a usual state of affairs at all unless Eddie’s mouth was occupied.
“That’s not a joke, is it?” Eddie finally said after agonising silence.
Steve shook his head.
“I think you’re going to have to explain that, Stevie,” Eddie added, and he was tense against Steve’s side.
“I’m a replica,” he admitted quietly. “The real Steve died when he was two of a congenital heart defect. My parents paid to have me recreated in a lab, their baby, but perfect this time. I was grown in an artificial womb. The barcode identifies me as theirs.”
“You realise that sounds insane, right?” Eddie said, although his tone was not accusatory.
He nodded.
“I know exactly how it sounds,” he said, “but it’s true. Rich people live in a different world, Eds, and my grandfather is super rich.”
“So why didn’t he just pay to have his grandson’s heart fixed?” Eddie asked. “If they can grow clones, why couldn’t they do that?”
“They could have,” Steve replied, unable to keep the bitterness out of his tone. “But they didn’t want a child with issues, they wanted a perfect baby, so they grew one. If the original Steve had lived, he would have been shipped off to some special school and I would have been his twin.”
“And they told you all this?” Eddie sounded incredulous.
“My whole life,” he said, voice going quiet again. “And they let me know exactly how much of a disappointment I have been since 83 after all the money they spent to make me perfect. The only reason they haven’t thrown me out is because it would reflect badly on the family name.”
“Holy fuck,” was all Eddie said.
Steve went to pull away, grabbing the sheet to cover himself up.
“Look,” he said, “I’ll understand if you never want to see me again. I know I’m not quite a real human…”
Eddie knelt up and put a hand on either side of his face so he couldn’t get away.
“Stevie,” Eddie said, looking straight into his eyes, “you are as real as any of us. You think El’s not a real girl because she grew up in a lab?”
“Then what makes you not a real boy?” Eddie challenged him. “You’re the only Steve Harrington I’ve known, and you’re the only Steve Harrington I love. The more I learn about you, the more I love you, and the more I am amazed what an amazing human being you’ve turned out to be. Does Robin know about this?”
Steve shook his head as well as he could with Eddie’s hands still on his cheeks.
“They said if anyone found out they’d have me recalled,” he said, feeling the tears burn at the back of his eyes.
Robin was his best friend, the other half of his soul, if he had one, but she didn’t know the truth. That Eddie did and still loved him, blew apart everything he had been brought up to believe.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie whispered, still staring into his eyes. “And recalled means what I think it means?”
“Just like a malfunctioning washing machine,” he said.
“How long? How long have they been threatening to have you recycled like rubbish?” Eddie asked.
“Since they let me out of the house and told the world I was their little Steve,” he confessed.
“They don’t deserve you, Stevie,” Eddie told him firmly, “they never did. And now you’re mine and they never get to hurt you again.”
The first tear fell as Eddie leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead, so gentle and so loving that it broke him.
“We need a plan, Sweetheart,” Eddie told him as his boyfriend infolded him in a loving embrace, “just like the one we all have to keep El safe. No one gets to hold this over you ever again. No one.”
And Steve believed him.
All my other Stranger Things Fic
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