#it was my 20000 word fic that I never finished
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waterghoulcalamity · 7 months ago
20000 words of samssad? i am salivating and, as that wise irish lady once said, so seated. i've never been this seated before! also i just want to say that this fic is so beautiful to me, just as a concept lol. writing 20k for a niche ship (samssad) inside of a niche subset (iwtv rpf) of a niche fandom (iwtv amc) just because you were compelled by 15 mins worth of sdcc clips is the perfect, most wholesome encapsulation of what fannish behaviour is meant to be :')
JDKSJDJSJS THIS IS SO NICE????? i was actually finishing it up just now. and i must say, i have adhd and a difficulty completing tasks and I don't think I've ever written this many words this easily for any ship before (not that I've written that much, but still)
i have to say also that I'm very nervous about my work being perceived by all of you but! this encourages me and gets me excited (and terrified) about the reactions of all the ten people who will read it so thank you! for your kind words!
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lilolilyr · 8 months ago
My reader wordcount: June edition
January • February • March • April • May
I read around three million words last month!
ca.2.866.991 in fanfic plus
• one book I started: Erebos, because a friend lent me the sequel and I wanted to reread the original first
• one I continued: discworld Pyramids - i think i need to just get the next one, this one's dragging o.o even though it's hilarious af! I don't even know what precisely my problem with that book is. Maybe it's too funny and absurd? Though the other discworlds are Like That too and I didn't have the issue... anyway I need to put it down after like each page so eh O.o
• and one book I read start to finish: Karl May's Old Surehand II, I never read any Karl May before but when i was once again struggling with Pyramids and saw that it was right there... It's somehow less racist than I expected from what I heard about it? Like, some surprisingly(?) progressive views about the land being stolen from the native americans, things like that. still pretty racist in places tho, and oh god the religious rants... and of course the language itself is ~a product of its time~. But all in all pretty fun read, well written storylines, I'm reading Winnetou (the actual first part) now, borrowed from my grandpa who's got the entire collection!
And I wanted to read a book (Running out of Time) because of this Insta Reel, the story sounds really fascinating and sb being basically dropped in a different time/environment from what they're used to sounds right up my alley - part of why i like SIOC fics so much - but of course now it's insta famous and unavailable in all the online libraries xD and the local library doesn't have it :{ oh well! goes on my To Read
Here's The Math TM
Ao3 History: 910+2520+1494+21356+4889+1079+254122+13307+11044+2898+11461+9938+4480+2021+3714+30054+172692+123794+94432+98281+2562+14938+19351+169918+73621+10056+177701+64573+13693+5488+85563+84402+24058+4061+4419+22554+91132+31977+34400+11570+278015+159374+38467+334615+42394+587+532+20633+86100+58652+5723+3580+10120+10764+89336+140632+17037+5729+39152+14453+40700+2610+2912+29999+20695+62906+2101+2019+3453+2602+2553+3048+1227+720=
Tagged didn't read yet:
Tagged To read: −31092−2101=
Tagged to continue reading: −169918−278015=
Tagged Jun24 didn't reread: −96789−177701=
Tagged external source: (ca. bc ffnet wordcounts) 20000+62000+3000+24000+37000+55000+73000+11000+3000+12000=
+ 300000
3343963−21356−33193−447933−274490+300000= 2866991
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vidalinav · 3 years ago
Aside from the deranged and almost derailing way that Nesta ended up in the House, I actually love the House as a symbolism for Nesta and her personality. A house that is hard to reach, covered in unshakeable rock, menacing and looking down at everyone. A house that has too many stairs to climb so climbing is a punishment or lesson and no one can really reach unless they’re born with a particular set of wings. A house that’s warded away from the rest, which means that effort must be made to reach it. A house that’s used for courtly functions, who’s value is based on its purpose. A house where its cold and lonely and secluded from the rest, and which was never really going to be anyone’s home...
A house that for the people who find themselves here when they have no where else to go, who find themselves seeking refuge from dark and decrepit things, people so broken they feel they can never be fixed... for those who find value in the rock, love this mountain so high that there’s no easy way down, it’s a house that means security, a solid foundation... a library and friends and even some magic hidden in its heart. Such wonderous understanding. Empathy in its depths, even if it at first appears to be monstrous. A house that cares. A house that loves. A house that lives despite all odds. A house that reminds me so very much of Nesta Archeron that it’s marvelous that it’s an expression of self-love. 
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veliseraptor · 2 years ago
hi! this is super out of the blue (sorry!) but you're an amazing writer and you're writing these works that often like 6000-20000 words long and I was just wondering how long does that process take you? i often start a fic and get obsessed with the word count or find myself getting really stuck and a little lost halfway through feeling like im never gonna finish. so i was just wondering how that process is for you? do you plan a lot beforehand, does it just sort of flow out of you?
I recognize why this is one of the most common questions I get but on the other hand it also kind of cracks me up because I feel like my answer is always a whole lot of flailing around hand-waving going "honestly I don't know, sometimes it feels like all of this happens in spite of me rather than anything else."
I can say I don't finish everything I start (alas) though I really do try, because abandoned projects haunt me. so I am not immune to the "getting really stuck and a little lost" phenomenon, particularly because I plan almost nothing 90% of the time. on rare occasions I'll start with an outline but for the most part...nope, I'm just coasting on vibes and a vague sense of where I want things to go
as far as how long it takes me, that really depends. sometimes I can write a 100,000 word fic in eight months (once, I never expect that to happen again tbh); sometimes it takes me five years to write a 5,000 word fic. Life in Reverse is 200k and took me six years; Remember This Cold is cumulatively 866k and I wrote in that verse for ten years. it just depends on the story, and my creative energy, and how busy I am, and how many things I'm working on at once in a front-burner, active sense. (sometimes that's five or six or seven things, sometimes it's more like three.)
if there is a "key" to the way I write in terms of the getting wrapped up in word count thing it's that I really try to not obsess about word count in the sense of "how long is this going to be/how long do I want this to be." I just kind of go, and at some point I'll get a sense of "this is how long this story wants to be." there's been times when I'm very ready for a fic to be finished, but I know it isn't, because I can feel that there's more ground I need to cover in order for it to really be done.
the reason I track word count has more to do with me wanting (a) a good way of setting goals for myself and (b) tracking my overall writing output so I can see my own rhythms and give myself reality checks about the up-down pattern of my creative energy than it does anything else, or at least that's the goal.
I feel like this is probably not a very satisfying answer, but I kind of always feel that way when I try to talk about my writing "process" or, like, offer ~advice~ or anything approaching it. I don't know what I'm doing! I've just got a lot of words in my head and a lot of feelings and they have to go somewhere.
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masquerade122 · 6 years ago
Comments do matter
Yesterday I received a notification that I had a review on a fanfic that I had written in 2009.  It was a rather short, finished fic in a fandom I have since moved on from simply because I found new obsessions but I still enjoy looking back at that fandom fondly and on rare occasions dip my toe back in.  The review was very short and very simple.  The reviewer said they knew I had written it a long time ago but they just wanted me to know they enjoyed it very much.  I was very touched.  You see, it had been so many years since I had even looked at the work I had posted on ff.net and Real Life had given so many kicks to the head over the years that I had practically forgotten the story that had been reviewed.  So, I went back and looked at it.  And guys.  I was such a bad writer back then.  I had a terrible keyboard and I wrote in such a stream of consciousness way that I found multiple spelling mistakes and grammar issues, and the plot-line itself was very cliche.  But.  Ten years after I had written this story, someone out in the world read it and they liked it.  And reading that review really made me feel warm and fuzzy.
When I wrote that short under 20000 word fic, I was at a bad point in my life.  My health was not the best, my husband was having a hell of a time finding work that could cover the bills and feed us, we wee on food stamps that were in danger of getting denied from month to month because sometimes we made a bit more money than the month before, we lived in government housing and almost every other family in our neighborhood seemed to find entertainment by calling DHS and claiming we were neglecting our kids and my husband was on ‘those hard drugs’
(My husband, by the by, is not a small man.  When we first heard these rumors we laughed our asses off.  If he had really been on those ‘hard’ drugs he would not have been nearly so big)
I wrote my stories at that time as an escape from the stress of my life.  I felt that I couldn’t fix any of the problems in my life, but my mind was always bursting with ideas and story lines for the games I played and the books I read, for the movies we could occasionally watch.  So I did for a while, until Real Life jumped up and hit back and I would just stop.  Something would go wrong with one of my kids at school, my husband lost his job, my computer finally died and took all my drafts with it( this was before I had any idea or capability for cloud storage)
Finally, I found stable work and I am now nearing my 5 year anniversary with this job.  I am in a position I really enjoy, though the risk for burnout is high(six day weeks for a month or more with 12 hour shifts thrown in because why not?).  Thankfully, my immediate boss and his boss are both firmly in the corner of backing up my department which is in truth, the beating heart of the plant I work in.  We can’t run, the entire operation is down.  So like I said, things are starting to look up in Real Life, but it makes it near impossible to write, both for time and motivation.
And then I get this little message.  And proceed to write about ten pages worth of a Game of Thrones fix it fic that I may or may not finish, that I may or may not post, but I fell down the rabbit hole of writing and the next thing I knew it was three in the morning on my day off and I realized I am not really built for all nighters anymore.
TL;DR Comments on fics matter, even if the fic is old as all get out.  You never know, maybe your comment will inspire the author to start writing again, to remember why they did it in the first place.
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ylc1 · 8 years ago
Fanfic Master List
Time to update my Master List once more! I do write a lot and inspiration insists on stricking me regardless of how many WIPs I have so… well.
Without further ado, enjoy!
Long term complications of arranged marriages
Myjohnlock, complete, 78800 words.
Summary: Originally, Mummy Holmes wanted to arrange a marriage for her younger son, not wanting him to be lonely. When Sherlock refused, Mycroft agreed to step in, which ended up with him marrying John Watson. Things worked well between them- until John met his brother-in-law.
Some personal notes on it: My first work for the fandom and I’m so ridiculously proud of it. I never actually intended for it to end the way it did, but boy was it a fun ride!
Additional notes: quite a lot of angst/hurt, conflicted feelings, more or less canon compliant. Ends more hopeful than happy.
Burned hearts
Johnlock, complete, 7300 words.
Summary: A retell from the scene at the pool in TGG, in which John is never revealed to be Moriarty’s hostage. Believing himself fooled, Sherlock goes through a bit of a meltdown.
Some personal notes on it: this idea came to me when I first watched TGG. I think that I could have expanded it so much more and make it even more angsty but well… I still like it.
Additional notes: angst, lots of self doubt, Sherlock doesn’t cope well, Mycroft and Greg are very concerned.
Pointless thoughts
Mystrade & Johnlock. First work of series, 10 works in the series, 102800 words overall. Complete.
Summary: Crown Prince Mycroft knows better than to show his affection for a man beneath his station. Sherlock is not quite as lucky and when the King finds out about his friendship with John, the later is sent away to his certain death. Devastated, the younger Prince awaits for death- until he finds he has something left to fight for and Mycroft finds himself fighting to protect his brother’s secret (and later his own)
Some personal notes: Pseudo historical settings are a weakness of mine. I was very pump up to work on these series and I enjoyed every second of it. Also, writing a whole fic from Mycroft’s POV was quite the experience (the main fic runs from his POV, the rest of the works run from Greg’s, Sherlock’s and John’s)
Additional notes: Royal AU, A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg and angst. Also a ridiculous amount of pining. Warnings for some dubcon in some of the works and a bit of Sheriarty.
Johncroft & Sherstrade, complete, 20000 words.
Summary: Sherlock has been nursing a crush on DI Greg Lestrade since they met. Of course the poor man has no clue whatsoever and somehow his newest friend, John Watson is stuck with the task of helping him win the other man over, all while attempting to deal with his own crush on the older Holmes.
Some personal notes: I started working on this in an attempt to get myself to work on the continuation of “Long term complications of arranged marriages”. Also, an attempt of humor, although I’m not sure how well it worked out.
Additional notes: attempted humor, silly situations, bit of rom com and perhaps a tad of angst here and there. Sort of canon compliant (if you ignore S3)
Apples and Oranges
Johnlock, complete, 600 words.
Summary: Kid Sherlock is attempting to figure out why would people like kissing. John helps.
Some personal notes: this was a fill in for a tumblr prompt. Just some kidlock fluff.
Additional notes: AU, kidlock, fluff.
Johnlock (side Mystrade and Irene/Kate), complete, 27600 words.
Summary: After a one night stand with his best friend, John is determined not to let things change between them. Except he’s now expecting a baby and finds himself in a bit of a mess.
Some personal notes: I mean- it’s the cliché of the clichés. Very rom com, but well… I enjoyed working on it very much.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, attempted humor, rom com, misunderstandings, unplanned pregnancy, angst.
Mystrade (side Johnlock), complete, 11500 words.
Summary: Mycroft’s family is convinced he and Greg would make a wonderful couple. Greg is willing, but Mycroft refuses to see sense.
Some personal notes: belongs in series with “Unexpected”, but it can pretty much stand on its own. A continuation of sorts, although the focus is definitely Greg’s and Mycroft’s relationship.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, misunderstandings, humor & angst.
Long shot
Johnlock, complete, 44200 words.
Summary: Omega werewolf Sherlock is engaged to human Prince John, after having scared off his last suitor. It seems it might work out for the best though- at least until the Dark and Immortal Wizard Moriarty rises again.
Some personal notes: when I write original fiction, I tend towards fantasy with a mix of romance. Indulging in my love for both genres was a joy. Also, this was my work with most kudos for a long while, so I guess it shows ;)
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, arranged marriage, angst, pining, misunderstandings, Jim being Jim (he’s the perfect fairytale villain, honestly)
Wildest dreams
Johnlock (although victorian), complete, 3800 words.
Summary: Watson puts an end to his relationship with Holmes, in order to marry Mary Morstan.
Some personal notes: have I told you how I love Taylor Swift’s songs? I had been trying to avoid writing this particular fic because I worried about my abilities to write something with such a strict historical setting, but I should probably have stopped listening to the song because it soon became too much :P
Additional notes: victorian (but a bit loosely I think), angst, pining, unhealthy coping mechanisms… HAPPY ENDING
Mistaken impressions
Johnlock, WIP (on hiatus?)
Summary: John is convinced his neighbor’s boyfriend is a jerk. He sort of is, but he’s actually Sherlock’s brother.
Some personal notes: I liked this idea, but as I started writing… I lost my way a bit. So now I’m a bit stuck with is, since I have no idea where exactly I want to go with it.
Additional notes: references to past abusive relationships, past drug addiction, unhealthy coping mechanisms, angst, drama, pining, MISUNDERSTANDINGS and some attempts of humor.
Johnlock, complete, 45800 words.
Summary: John’s a slave in Lord Magnussen’s household. When a new slave arrives and the Master takes a fancy on her (although it’s really him), John finds himself doing the best he can to protect him.
Some personal notes: this idea came to me in a dream. Which is why it’s far darker than my usual writings and also the reason for Trans Sherlock. I don’t like fighting my inspiration and well… I went with it, even if it added another layer of complications to this particular fic.
Additional notes: trans character, misgendering, implied/referenced noncon (although there’s nothing explicit), underage (it’s never explicitly stated, but Sherlock is 14 when the fic starts), slavery, sexual slavery, very dark, very angsty, mentions of violence, murder and abuse. It has a happy/hopeful ending, though!
Home for Christmas
Johnlock, complete, 8500 words.
Summary: When Mycroft Holmes informs his family he’s bringing along a friend for Christmas, the household is thrown into utter chaos: Mummy Holmes is delighted, of course and Mr. Holmes is just baffled. Sherlock, however, is determined to figure out what is his brother up to. Mycroft doesn’t do friendships, let alone relationships, so who is this mysterious Dr. John H. Watson and what’s his business with his brother?
Some personal notes: this is the actual summary on AO3, but I really don’t know a better way to describe it ;) I think my attempt of humor did work here, even if it endeded up including a bit of angst (but not much)
Additional notes: Alternate First Meeting, humor, Christmas fic, misunderstandings (of a sort), family.
Black magic
Johnlock, complete, 7400 words.
Summary: John ends up with a magic love potion (he was drunk, don’t judge him!) and in a fit of desperate longing, he gives it to Sherlock. He didn’t expect it to work since magic does not exist, so he’s a little baffled when Sherlock starts acting weirdly.
Some personal notes: this was the first fic I meant to write for the fandom. I never got around finishing until now, when I figured I might as well give it another try. I think it could have been longer, but I had no idea what else to write :P
Additional notes: attempt of humor, magic, a surprising amount of discussion of consent issues, not actually unrequited love.
Lessons in romance
Mystrade & Johnlock, 49300 words.
Summary: Sherlock may or may not be stalking the boy he likes. Mycroft has no wisdom to share with his little brother on the subject of romance and Greg is not helping at all.
Some personal notes: I got inspired to write this after listening to a song in spanish called “Rey Azul”. I’ve always wanted to write a teenlock and I adore writing the Holmes brothers as being completely oblivious on the subject of romance. Somehow, it turned angstier than I expected. My only work with over 500 kudos, which makes me ridiculously happy, obviously.
Additional notes: humor (at first), teenlock, heartbreak, jealousy, pining, bad family relationships.
All is fair (in love and war)
Johnlock, complete, 6300 words.
Summary: Eurus’ “game” forces John and Sherlock to confess long hidden feelings. It turns out as well as you’d expect.
Some personal notes: It started as a rewrite of the “I love you” scene in TFP, turned into a sort of fix it fic. I like it, even if I’m not completely sure the logic holds :P
Additional notes: angst, drama, hurt without comfort, but has a happy ending!
Johnlock, WIP.
Summary: Sherlock is a Prince with a Kingdom at war. He makes a deal with the all powerful wizard called “the Dark One”; the wizard will stop the war if Sherlock stays with him forever.
Some personal notes: this fic is result of the FandomTrumpsHate auction, for the lovely @sherlock-and-john-getting-it-on​. I was asked for a “Beauty and the Beast” inspired fic with John as the Beast. I asked for the chance to use the Once Upon a Time spin of the tale and this is the result.
Additional notes: magical AU, pining, misunderstandings (they’re both so silly it hurts!), includes my attempt of some proper smut, Jim wrote himself into it and in doing that provided me with an ending :P
Of love, madness and other powerful motivators
Some background Johnlock, Warstan, but relationships aren’t the focus. WIP (on hiatus).
Summary: Jim shoots himself at Bart’s ceiling and Sherlock jumps to save the people he loves (read John Watson); what he doesn’t know is that there are other forces at play and revenge is a dish best served cold. Jim’s turn has ended, but Eurus’ is just beginning.
Some personal notes: after reading many wonderful posts after the S4 finale, one point that really stuck me was about badly written female characters. It made me realize I don’t write that many female characters either and I don’t know if I’m any good at it so… this was born. Running with the idea that Mary worked for Jim, and (in this fic at least) by extension, Eurus.
Additional notes: angst, complicated relationships, mixed feelings, Eurus is actually out for revenge, imagining a whole alternate line for S4.
Saving all my love for you
Johnlock, WIP (on hiatus).
Summary: Unrequited love is no fun.
Some personal notes: I just wanted to write something angsty, heart tugging. There isn’t much plot, really, just a lot of pining and self reflection.
Additional notes: based on the song by the same title,angst, pining, sad, unilock.
Little lies and crazy plans
Mystrade & Johnlock, complete, 12300 words.
Summary: Sherlock recruits Greg’s help to seduce his brother away so he can have his boyfriend. But nothing is quite what it seems.
Some personal notes: A short silly story with a fake/pretend relationship that occurred to me because I re-read my own fic, “Long term complications of arranged marriages” and wanted to write some Johncroft with Johnlock but I couldn’t bring myself to make it angsty (again)
Additional notes: humor, alternate first meeting, fake/pretend relationship (John & Mycroft), jealousy, pining.
The art of letting go 
Johnlock, complete, 47400 words.
Summary: Sherlock convinces himself that if he can’t remember what happened on the stag night, then it didn’t happen at all. Until he finds out he’s pregnant and he can’t keep pretending, that is.
Some personal notes: Oh, I loved working on this. I have a thing for unplanned pregnancies (as you can probably tell) and while writing a character as trans always makes me nervous, I thought it worked well. The story is very angsty at points and it doesn’t get hopeful until the very end so… be warned!
Additional notes: Trans character, Mpreg, angst (a lot), jealousy, pining, Mary and John are married but she isn’t pregnant, pos TSoT, follows HLV more or less.
Baby, don't call me your friend
Mollrene, side Johnlock, WIP.
Summary: Irene watches John and Sherlock dance around each other while she avoids thinking of her own crush on her friend Molly.
Some personal notes: Another idea that came to me through music… I like it, but I’m not quite sure where it is going :P
Additional notes: alternate universe-high school, jealousy, pining, humor.
There’s always time for love (even at the end of the world)   
 Johnlock (1st chapter), Mollrene (2nd chapter), complete, 3700 words
Summary: In the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse, John and Sherlock run into Dr. Irene Adler while on a supply run.
Some personal notes: My daughter ADORES zombie movies, which translates on me having watched almost every single one on netflix. So of course inspiration struck.
Additional notes: alternate universe-zombie apocalypse, referenced past character death (that’s one hell of a downside with zombie apocalypses), jealousy, romance
Mystrade, WIP.
Summary: As the clan’s Heir, Mycroft is expected to choose an appropriate Mate.
But the one he would willingly choose is far from appropriate.
Some personal notes: this one belongs in series with “Long shot”. I always intended to include some Mystrade there, but it didn’t quite work out and well… I finally got around writing this companion piece that stands well on its own.
Additional notes: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, class differences (somewhat), pining, light angst.
Bad timing 
Johnlock, side Mystrade, WIP
Summary:Having run away from home after finding out his family was planning on sending him as a tribute to the Fire Lord, Sherlock somehow finds himself joining the rebellion.
Some personal notes: this one is a submission for the June’s hiatustory challenge. Also, I had been wanting to write an Avatar AU, so it seemed like the perfect chance ;)
Additional notes: alternate universe-avatar and bender’s setting, pining, jealousy, secret identity, romance.
A fortunate encounter
Johnlock, complete, 3300 words.
Summary:While escaping a group of enemy soldiers, Sherlock ends up in a mysterious island.
Some personal notes: after watching the Wonder Woman movie I couldn’t contain myself and ended up writing this short thing ;)
Additional notes: Wonder Woman AU, love at first sight, spoilers for the movie (somewhat, but not really), romance.
And that’s it for now! I hope you’ll enjoy them and if you could reblog this to share with your followers I’d be most thankful! :D
Also, if you enjoy my works and have any money to spare, I could really use help to pay my graduation fees, so you could Buy Me a Coffee
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ylc1 · 8 years ago
Fic Master List
I thought it was time to update my fic master list, because I’ve added a few fics and also because I think I’m really going to need to do comissions (it seems I understimated how much graduating was going to cost. Why are there so many fees, honestly?)
So, without further ado, enjoy!
Long term complications of arranged marriages
Myjohnlock, complete, 78800 words.
Summary: Originally, Mummy Holmes wanted to arrange a marriage for her younger son, not wanting him to be lonely. When Sherlock refused, Mycroft agreed to step in, which ended up with him marrying John Watson. Things worked well between them- until John met his brother-in-law.
Some personal notes on it: My first work for the fandom and I’m so ridiculously proud of it. I never actually intended for it to end the way it did, but boy was it a fun ride!
Additional notes: quite a lot of angst/hurt, conflicted feelings, more or less canon compliant. Ends more hopeful than happy.
Burned hearts
Johnlock, complete, 7300 words.
Summary: A retell from the scene at the pool in TGG, in which John is never revealed to be Moriarty’s hostage. Believing himself fooled, Sherlock goes through a bit of a meltdown.
Some personal notes on it: this idea came to me when I first watched TGG. I think that I could have expanded it so much more and make it even more angsty but well… I still like it.
Additional notes: angst, lots of self doubt, Sherlock doesn’t cope well, Mycroft and Greg are very concerned.
Pointless thoughts
Mystrade & Johnlock. First work of series, 10 works in the series, 102800 words overall. Complete.
Summary: Crown Prince Mycroft knows better than to show his affection for a man beneath his station. Sherlock is not quite as lucky and when the King finds out about his friendship with John, the later is sent away to his certain death. Devastated, the younger Prince awaits for death- until he finds he has something left to fight for and Mycroft finds himself fighting to protect his brother’s secret (and later his own)
Some personal notes: Pseudo historical settings are a weakness of mine. I was very pump up to work on this series and I enjoyed every second of it. Also, writing a whole fic from Mycroft’s POV was quite the experience (the main fic runs from his POV, the rest of the works run from Greg’s, Sherlock’s and John’s)
Additional notes: Royal AU, A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg and angst. Also a ridiculous amount of pining. Warnings for some dubcon in some of the works and a bit of Sheriarty.
Johncroft & Sherstrade, complete, 20000 words.
Summary: Sherlock has been nursing a crush on DI Greg Lestrade since they met. Of course the poor man has no clue whatsoever and somehow his newest friend, John Watson is stuck with the task of helping him win the other man over, all while attempting to deal with his own crush on the older Holmes.
Some personal notes: I started working on this in an attempt to get myself to work on the continuation of “Long term complications of arranged marriages”. Also, an attempt of humor, although I’m not sure how well it worked out.
Additional notes: attempted humor, silly situations, bit of rom com and perhaps a tad of angst here and there. Sort of canon compliant (if you ignore S3)
Apples and Oranges
Johnlock, complete, 600 words.
Summary: Kid Sherlock is attempting to figure out why would people like kissing. John helps.
Some personal notes: this was a fill in of a tumblr prompt. Just some kidlock fluff.
Additional notes: AU, kidlock, fluff.
Johnlock (side Mystrade and Irene/Kate), complete, 27600 words.
Summary: After a one night stand with his best friend, John is determined not to let things change between them. Except he’s now expecting a baby and finds himself in a bit of a mess.
Some personal notes: I mean- it’s the cliché of the clichés. Very rom com, but well… I enjoyed working on it very much.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, attempted humor, rom com, misunderstandings, unplanned pregnancy, angst.
Mystrade (side Johnlock), complete, 11500 words.
Summary: Mycroft’s family is convinced he and Greg would make a wonderful couple. Greg is willing, but Mycroft refuses to see sense.
Some personal notes: belongs in series with “Unexpected”, but it can pretty much stand on its own. A continuation of sorts, although the focus is definitely Greg’s and Mycroft’s relationship.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, misunderstandings, humor & angst.
Long shot
Johnlock, complete, 44200 words.
Summary: Omega werewolf Sherlock is engaged to human Prince John, after having scared off his last suitor. It seems it might work out for the best though- at least until the Dark and Immortal wizard Moriarty rises again.
Some personal notes: when I write original fiction, I tend towards fantasy with a mix of romance. Indulging in my love for both genres was a joy. Also, this is my work with most kudos, so I guess it shows ;)
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, arranged marriage, angst, pining, misunderstandings, Jim being Jim (he’s the perfect fairytale villain, honestly)
Wildest dreams
Johnlock (although victorian), complete, 3800 words.
Summary: Watson puts an end to his relationship with Holmes, in order to marry Mary Morstan.
Some personal notes: have I told you how I love Taylor Swift’s songs? I had been trying to avoid writing this particular fic because I worried about my abilities to write something with such a strict historical setting, but I should probably have stopped listening to the song because it soon became too much :P
Additional notes: victorian (but a bit loosely I think), angst, pining, unhealthy coping mechanisms… HAPPY ENDING
Mistaken impressions
Johnlock, WIP (on hiatus?)
Summary: John is convinced his neighbor’s boyfriend is a jerk. He sort of is, but he’s actually Sherlock’s brother.
Some personal notes: I liked this idea, but as I started writing… I lost my way a bit. So now I’m a bit stuck with is, since I have no idea where exactly I want to go with it.
Additional notes: references to past abusive relationships, past drug addiction, unhealthy coping mechanisms, angst, drama, pining, MISUNDERSTANDINGS and some attempts of humor.
Johnlock, complete, 45800 words.
Summary: John’s a slave in Lord Magnussen’s household. When a new slave arrives and the Master takes a fancy on her (although it’s really him), John finds himself doing the best he can to protect him.
Some personal notes: this idea came to me in a dream. Which is why it’s far darker than my usual writings and also the reason for Trans Sherlock. I don’t like fighting my inspiration and well… I went with it, even if it added another layer of complications to this particular fic.
Additional notes: trans character, misgendering, implied/referenced noncon (although there’s nothing explicit), underage (it’s never explicitly stated, but Sherlock is 14 when the fic starts), slavery, sexual slavery, very dark, very angsty, mentions of violence, murder and abuse. I intend for it to have a happy/hopeful ending, though!
Home for Christmas
Johnlock, complete, 8500 words.
Summary: When Mycroft Holmes informs his family he’s bringing along a friend for Christmas, the household is thrown into utter chaos: Mummy Holmes is delighted, of course and Mr. Holmes is just baffled. Sherlock, however, is determined to figure out what is his brother up to. Mycroft doesn’t do friendships, let alone relationships, so who is this mysterious Dr. John H. Watson and what’s his business with his brother?
Some personal notes: this is the actual summary on AO3, but I really don’t know a better way to describe it ;) I think my attempt of humor did work here, even if it ended up including a bit of angst (but not much)
Additional notes: Alternate First Meeting, humor, Christmas fic, misunderstandings (of a sort), family.
Black magic
Johnlock, complete, 7400 words.
Summary: John ends up with a magic love potion (he was drunk, don’t judge him!) and in a fit of desperate longing, he gives it to Sherlock. He didn’t expect it to work since magic does not exist, so he’s a little baffled when Sherlock starts acting weirdly.
Some personal notes: this was the first fic I meant to write for the fandom. I never got around finishing until now, when I figured I might as well give it another try. I think it could have been longer, but I had no idea what else to write :P
Additional notes: attempt of humor, magic, a surprising amount of discussion of consent issues, not actually unrequited love.
Lessons in romance
Mystrade & Johnlock, WIP.
Summary: Sherlock may or may not be stalking the boy he likes. Mycroft has no wisdom to share with his little brother on the subject of romance and Greg is not help at all.
Some personal notes: I got inspired to write this after listening to a song in spanish called “Rey Azul”. I’ve always wanted to write a teenlock and I adore writing the Holmes brothers as being completely oblivious on the subject of romance. Somehow, it turned angstier than I expected
Additional notes: humor (at first), teenlock, heartbreak, jealousy, pining.
All is fair (in love and war)
Johnlock, complete, 6300 words.
Summary: Eurus’ “game” forces John and Sherlock to confess long hidden feelings. It turns out as well as you’d expect.
Some personal notes: It started as a rewrite of the “I love you” scene in TFP, turned into a sort of fix it fic. I like it, even if I’m not completely sure the logic holds :P
Additional notes: angst, drama, hurt without comfort, but has a happy ending!
Johnlock, WIP.
Summary: Sherlock is a Prince with a Kingdom at war. He makes a deal with the all powerful wizard called “the Dark One”; the wizard will stop the war if Sherlock stays with him forever.
Some personal notes: this fic is result of the FandomTrumpsHate auction, for the lovely @sherlock-and-john-getting-it-on​. I was asked for a “Beauty and the Beast” inspired fic with John as the Beast. I asked for the chance to use the Once Upon a Time spin of the tale and this is the result.
Additional notes: magical AU, pining, misunderstandings (they’re both so silly it hurts!), includes my attempt of some proper smut, Jim wrote himself into it and in doing that provided me with an ending :P
Of love, madness and other powerful motivators
Some background Johnlock, Warstan, but relationships aren’t the focus. WIP.
Summary: Jim shoots himself at Bart’s ceiling and Sherlock jumps to save the people he loves (read John Watson); what he doesn’t know it’s that there are other forces at play and revenge is a dish best served cold. Jim’s game turn has ended, but Eurus’ is just beginning.
Some personal notes: after reading many wonderful posts after the S4 finale, one point that really stuck me was about badly written female characters. It made me realize I don’t write that many female characters either and I don’t know if I’m any good at it so… this was born. Running with the idea that Mary worked for Jim, and (in this fic at least) by extension, Eurus.
Additional notes: angst, complicated relationships, mixed feelings, Eurus is actually out for revenge, imagining a whole alternate line for S4.
Saving all my love for you
Johnlock, WIP.
Summary: Unrequited love is no fun.
Some personal notes: I just wanted to write something angsty, heart tugging. There isn’t much plot, really, just a lot of pining and self reflection.
Additional notes: based on the song by the same title,angst, pining, sad, unilock.
And that’s it (for now!) I hope you’ll enjoy them ;)
Also, if you had any money to spare, you could Buy Me a Coffee
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ylc1 · 8 years ago
Fic Master List.
So... I thought I would do a little self rec, because I joined the Fandom Trumps Hate auction and I thought it might help to have a bit of a Master List, so you guys have a more organized view of my works, in case you decide to bid for a commissioned work of mine ;)
Without further ado, enjoy?
Long term complications of arranged marriages 
Myjohnlock, complete, 78800 words. 
Summary: Originally, Mummy Holmes wanted to arrange a marriage for her younger son, not wanting him to be lonely. When Sherlock refused, Mycroft agreed to step in, which ended up with him marrying John Watson. Things worked well between them- until John met his brother-in-law.
Some personal notes on it: My first work for the fandom and I’m so ridiculously proud of it. I never actually intended for it to end the way it did, but boy was it a fun ride!
Additional notes: quite a lot of angst/hurt, conflicted feelings, more or less canon compliant. Ends more hopeful than happy.
Burned hearts 
Johnlock, complete, 7300 words.
Summary: A retell from the scene at the pool in TGG, in which John is never revealed to be Moriarty’s hostage. Believing himself fooled, Sherlock goes through a bit of a meltdown.
Some personal notes on it: this idea came to me when I first watched TGG. I think that I could have expanded it so much more and make it even more angsty but well… I still like it.
Additional notes: angst, lots of self doubt, Sherlock doesn’t cope well, Mycroft and Greg are very concerned.
Pointless thoughts 
Mystrade & Johnlock. First work of series, 10 works in the series, 102800 words overall. Complete.
Summary: Crown Prince Mycroft knows better than to show his affection for a man beneath his station. Sherlock is not quite as lucky and when the King finds out about his friendship with John, the later is sent away to his certain death. Devastated, the younger Prince awaits for death- until he finds he has something left to fight for and Mycroft finds himself fighting to protect his brother’s secret (and later his own)
Some personal notes: Pseudo historical settings are a weakness of mine. I was very pump up to work on this series and I enjoyed every second of it. Also, writing a whole fic from Mycroft’s POV was quite the experience (the main fic runs from his POV, the rest of the works run from Greg’s, Sherlock’s and John’s)
Additional notes: Royal AU, A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg and angst. Also a ridiculous amount of pining. Warnings for some dubcon in some of the works and a bit of Sheriarty.
 Johncroft & Sherstrade, complete, 20000 words.
Summary: Sherlock has been nursing a crush on DI Greg Lestrade since they met. Of course the poor man has no clue whatsoever and somehow his newest friend, John Watson is stuck with the task of helping him win the other man over, all while attempting to deal with his own crush on the older Holmes.
Some personal notes: I started working on this in an attempt to get myself to work on the continuation of “Long term complications of arranged marriages”. Also, an attempt of humor, although I’m not sure how well it worked out.
Additional notes: attempted humor, silly situations, bit of rom com and perhaps a tad of angst here and there. Sort of canon compliant (if you ignore S3)
Apples and Oranges 
 Johnlock, complete, 600 words.
Summary: Kid Sherlock is attempting to figure out why would people like kissing. John helps.
Some personal notes: this was a fill in of a tumblr prompt. Just some kidlock fluff.
Additional notes: AU, kidlock, fluff.
Johnlock (side Mystrade and Irene/Kate), complete, 27600 words.
Summary: After a one night stand with his best friend, John is determined not to let things change between them. Except he’s now expecting a baby and finds himself in a bit of a mess.
Some personal notes: I mean- it’s the cliché of the clichés. Very rom com, but well… I enjoyed working on it very much.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, attempted humor, rom com, misunderstandings, unplanned pregnancy, angst.
Mystrade (side Johnlock), complete, 11500 words.
Summary: Mycroft’s family is convinced he and Greg would make a wonderful couple. Greg is willing, but Mycroft refuses to see sense.
Some personal notes: belongs in series with “Unexpected”, but it can pretty much stand on its own. A continuation of sorts, although the focus is definitely Greg’s and Mycroft’s relationship.
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, misunderstandings, humor & angst.
Long shot 
Johnlock, complete, 44200 words.
Summary: Omega werewolf Sherlock is engaged to human Prince John, after having scared off his last suitor. It seems it might work out for the best though- at least until the Dark and Immortal wizard Moriarty rises again.
Some personal notes: when I write original fiction, I tend towards fantasy with a mix of romance. Indulging in my love for both genres was a joy. Also, this is my work with most kudos, so I guess it shows ;)
Additional notes: A/B/O dynamics, Mpreg, arranged marriage, angst, pining, misunderstandings, Jim being Jim (he’s the perfect fairytale villain, honestly)
Wildest dreams 
Johnlock (although victorian), complete, 3800 words.
Summary: Watson puts an end to his relationship with Holmes, in order to marry Mary Morstan.
Some personal notes: have I told you how I love Taylor Swift’s songs? I had been trying to avoid writing this particular fic because I worried about my abilities to write something with such a strict historical setting, but I should probably have stopped listening to the song because it soon became too much :P
Additional notes: victorian (but a bit loosely I think), angst, pining, unhealthy coping mechanisms… HAPPY ENDING
Mistaken impressions 
Johnlock, WIP (on hiatus?)
Summary: John is convinced his neighbor’s boyfriend is a jerk. He sort of is, but he’s actually Sherlock’s brother.
Some personal notes: I liked this idea, but as I started writing… I lost my way a bit. So now I’m a bit stuck with is, since I have no idea where exactly I want to go with it.
Additional notes: references to past abusive relationships, past drug addiction, unhealthy coping mechanisms, angst, drama, pining, MISUNDERSTANDINGS and some attempts of humor.
Johnlock, WIP (almost finished)
Summary: John’s a slave in Lord Magnussen’s household. When a new slave arrives and the Master takes a fancy on her (although it’s really him), John finds himself doing the best he can to protect him.
Some personal notes: this idea came to me in a dream. Which is why it’s far darker than my usual writings and also the reason for Trans Sherlock. I don’t like fighting my inspiration and well… I went with it, even if it added another layer of complications to this particular fic.
Additional notes: trans character, misgendering, implied/referenced noncon (although there’s nothing explicit), underage (it’s never explicitly stated, but Sherlock is 14 when the fic starts), slavery, sexual slavery, very dark, very angsty, mentions of violence, murder and abuse. I intend for it to have a happy/hopeful ending, though!
Home for Christmas 
Johnlock, complete, 8500 words. 
 Summary: When Mycroft Holmes informs his family he’s bringing along a friend for Christmas, the household is thrown into utter chaos: Mummy Holmes is delighted, of course and Mr. Holmes is just baffled. Sherlock, however, is determined to figure out what is his brother up to. Mycroft doesn’t do friendships, let alone relationships, so who is this mysterious Dr. John H. Watson and what’s his business with his brother?
Some personal notes: this is the actual summary on AO3, but I really don’t know a better way to describe it ;) I think my attempt of humor did work here, even if it ended up including a bit of angst (but not much)
Additional notes: Alternate First Meeting, humor, Christmas fic, misunderstandings (of a sort), family.
Black magic 
Johnlock, complete, 7400 words. 
Summary: John ends up with a magic love potion (he was drunk, don’t judge him!) and in a fit of desperate longing, he gives it to Sherlock. He didn’t expect it to work since magic does not exist, so he’s a little baffled when Sherlock starts acting weirdly.
Some personal notes: this was the first fic I meant to write for the fandom. I never got around finishing until now, when I figured I might as well give it another try. I think it could have been longer, but I had no idea what else to write :P
Additional notes: attempt of humor, magic, a surprising amount of discussion of consent issues, not actually unrequited love.
And that’s it! Boy, have I written a lot! Over 300,000 words (just counting the finished ones)!
As I said, it’s been a blast to get to share all of this with you guys and I hope to continue writing many more fics, although I’ll admit right now I don’t have a particular idea in mind (although there are always the sequels for “Long terms complications of arranged marriages” and “Long shot”, but we’ll see about those). If you’d be as nice to reblog to share with your own followers, I’d be must thankful ;)
And if you want to bid for a commissioned work, the link is here.
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