#it was for him (gross things; scary things; infuriating things)
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eosofspades · 7 months ago
btw i genuinely believe that if you're considering having kids or you want to have kids, you need to actually try a full-time caretaking situation and see if it works. bc i love kids i LOVE hanging out with them, and i was thinking maybe one day i might want to have my own, and then i started working as a full-time caretaker for a toddler for like six months and i was like ohhhh yeah ok so i was right this is 100% not the lifestyle for me. and that was just a full time job not a 24/7 situation.
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nightcolorz · 1 year ago
Fuck marry kill Marius, David, Claudia
cw..I get very crude and make some really gross and insane jokes about ig canon typical terrible consent and abuse and stuff. Also if u like Marius or David Talbot u will not like this post 😭 I’m so sorry for this. When I first saw this ask I got SO EXCITED because I am such a huge fan of fmk especially with fictional characters it’s so fun it’s so silly it follows this train of thought that I love to go on. But then I registered who the characters were and I went “ah ok anon wants me dead” 😭😭. This is a pure nightmare scenario, this is a loss-loss, no matter what i choose it will result in me giving in to devastation and going into oncoming traffic. So bad, so bad. Anon what did I do to deserve this.. I live for it though, and tysm for sending this ask, even though thinking about this made sorrowful tears come to my eyes. Here’s my answer 😭
I think it’s really clever and uniquely cruel how you paired Claudia with these two because it forces me to choose either Marius or David Talbot to fuck (unless i want to publicly declare the character in the body of a five year old girl as the best bet for that) so thanks for that, really uniquely sadistic choice. This was difficult, it was really difficult, but I’m going to go with fuck David Talbot. We don’t have as many canonical records of his sex life as we do Marius, and the ones that may or may not exist I am blissfully unaware of because I skipped over the majority of Merrick since I can’t fucking stand David Talbot 😭 So yeah I’ll fuck him, only because I believe it would be significantly less scary then fucking Marius, who feasibly might start beating my ass at some point. I’d probably have to fake an organism if I gave a shit with David bcus he doesn’t know where the clit is (nor does he care) and would be just ramming into me like I’m his teenaged looking 1000 dollar sex doll he lost access to when he left the Talamasca that’s being studied for science now. He’d just looming over me in missionary going “oh blimey! Good god!” Periodically in between pig like grunts until he cums inside me (condom mysteriously breaks), cleans himself up while he doesn’t make eye contact, and leaves. Even still this is leagues better then fucking Marius, who has the threatening unpredictable sternness and barely restrained fury of your dad trying not to beat tf out of you while he explains your math homework to you, which honestly that energy would probably give me a panic attack half way through his sensual biting at my underarm and I’d burst into tears as he watched me with this vaguely infuriated expression at having to both decipher and comfort an inferior female if he wants to continue gyrating his tongue around my main arty until he cums his 11th pair of red pants without me kicking him in his stupid fucking high cheek bones and calling the cops. So yeah, David for fuck…
Marius I’d kill because this is something I often wish I could do in real life, and because marrying him is nightmare scenario of all time. I would literally rather eat my own ass hair. Imagine an existence of just, your freakish blonde man husband is furiously painting your asshole as your heart slams in your chest like a pray animal paralyzed in fear because if you say the wrong thing he may pull out the old whip and send u straight to god. These are the downs of your marriage, the ups are smiling and nodding passively as he explains to you in excessive but ultimately fruitless and dull textbook esc detail the complete history of Rome as your pretend that you care despite him not giving a single shit about whether or not you are enjoying this (he thinks you’re not smart enough to understand anyway). Then your nights end with a romp in the bath where he fists his entire clawed hand up ur puss as he grits his teeth and resists mauling you like an animal. You ask for him to please penetrate you so you might actually get smth out of this and he refuses and instead bitterly strokes your hairless genitals (he forces u to shave ur entire body so that ur baby smooth. he can’t be aroused by a body that looks too mature) until u miserably cum. I don’t know why anyone would want this, he’s not even hot enough to justify that. Oh god I’m talking about sex again. Anyways I’d kill marius and marry Claudia 🥰 yes I am choosing to marry the five year old die mad haters.
Claudia would be a shit wife and she wouldn’t give a single fuck about me but I’d marry her in a heartbeat before David or Marius, Jesus Christ. She’d spend all night every night spending my money on excessive shit she doesn’t need and force me to go with her most of the time because as a five year old appearing women she wouldn’t be allowed to do most things without me being there. We wouldn’t kiss or hug or have sex because I’m not into five year olds and she’s not into anyone let alone me but she would cuddle me sometimes which would be vaguely nice in the way that cuddling a cat is until u realize the cat is only using u for ur bodies warmth and is not endeared to u at all in this moment, basically that’s Claudia. Like a cat with the labor of a child who u occasionally have very interesting and intellectual conversations with when she’s not passive aggressively glaring at you over her book (she takes after her twink ass father).
anyways I hope my answer was satisfactory 😁😁😘😘 fuck David marry Claudia kill Marius ❤️ I’m inviting anyone to send me tvc related fuck marry kills, plz do so because I find them soo fun and I’m basically invincible now that I got the worst one out of the way bless
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ironwoodprotectionsquad · 2 years ago
So I decided to actually go through and point out the flaws of the logic of the post I saw regarding Hero and how it foreshadows James’s fall because I just have a mighty need to discuss it. 
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I still am not positive how we’re supposed to perceive any part of the song as a threat to the person it is being sung to. The post never elaborates on this point so I just really have no clue what exactly they think makes the song a “threat”. Their is a  section of the song I though maybe it was referring to:
Portrayed as cruel and heartless, 
I am might I am power, I'm due process, I will smite
Our enemies destroy Mettle I'll deploy
But to me the lyrics are more of a threat to anyone who would cause harm not to the person being sung to. Again it’s hard to really argue with their argument as we don’t get much more then “Trust me I said so” so I am just kind of having to guess here for that particular part. But that section is what I would call the most “threatening” portion that feels very obviously directed towards Salem in his mind and the unseen threat to the listener. 
Their is also an oh so convenient skipping over of what I find to be the most powerful part of the song: I would die Without regret, I'd offer up my life With zero reservations I would fly Into the sun, if that would keep our dream alive
Deliver you from harm Shelter in my arms The fear will surely fade Know right now the plan I made will guide us home We'll survive this storm
It is also important to note that this section is where the song start off in Gravity. The very first words of Hero most people heard where “I would die” we see James fighting Watts and a song that is James’s song declaring his willingness to die if it meant keeping people safe. Those are the first words we see from the song meant to be a gateway into James’s mind, a willingness to die for the dream, and an assurance that he will keep you safe and that somehow they will make it through the darkness and find the light again. Somehow you have convinced yourself that that is somehow a threat and mimicking the villains? 
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I- I have no words. You literally acknowledge this section is the damn chorus, the section of the song that is supposed to repeat and are now trying to insist it is an obsessive mantra. Trying to argue the chorus is an obsessive mantra makes no damn sense at all. It’s taking something that is in most songs and trying to make it into something it is not. Here is how the chorus is defined: Chorus. The chorus is the big payoff and climax of the song. It's also where the verse and pre-chorus have been reduced to a simple repeated sentiment.
So in this case, the climax, the payoff and sentiment the song wants you to walk away with can be broken down to Ironwoods strong desire to protect people, a willingness to put himself in extreme danger and suffer extreme harm to do so, and an assurance to hang in their a little longer. Which reads as they initially correctly pointed out, a comforting gesture meant to reassure the listener that no matter how bad or scary things seem, they will survive, they will make it through and be okay. That’s not an obsessive mantra, it’s an assurance, a promise. 
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This is truly a gross misreading of the text in volume 7 it’s actually infuriating. It wasn’t about just “Keeping Atlas afloat” Salem, the person hellbent on ending the world whom he just discovered is immortal was heading straight for Atlas and they had no plan to deal with her. He was traumatized and triggered and terrified what happened to Beacon would happen to Atlas and knew she wanted to end the world. Yes, he was going to leave behind those trapped on Mantel but them dying? Is still Salem’s fault. She is the one killing people. She is the one who is willing to do anything to get what she wants and what she wants is to end the world and Atlas is currently housing literally half if the items she needs to do that. Trying to make sure she doesn’t get those items isn’t him focusing on just trying to keep Atlas afloat its about trying to keep the whole damn world from dying. 
Yes,, James does some horrific things in volume 8, I won’t pretend that is not the case, the issue is it happens far to quickly and in a way that is not only extremely out of character but also is extremely ableist and harmful. But reassuring someone who reasonably would be terrified and unsure if they can survive the storm that they will make it is not an obsessive craze to “protect”. No one accuses the mains of being obsessed with being Heroes, people just say they are trying to protect people. So trying to twist James into some man obsessed with Atlas just really doesn’t work especially given the lyrics of the song. 
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This section is an odd one because that line is literally a callback to a comment James  made back in volume 2 towards Ozpin asking him if he thinks his children can win a war and Ozpin sadly saying he hopes they won’t. It was an ideological conflict wherein James has faith in his Atlesian Knights taking over the battlefield, Ozpin seems to be more content with the status quo. James recognizes how dangerous being a hunter is and sees a lot of people dying from it and thinks they need a new way of dealing with the Grimm that minimized people on the battlefield. We also did see in volume 2 James is willing to listen to other people and follow their plans instead. James wanted to send his army to investigate Mount Glenn, Ozpin wanted to send team RWBY and James follows his lead and lets him send team RWBY which leads to a complete disaster. The WF just moves their plan forward and invades Vale and sends everyone into a panic and leads to a lot of destruction of the city. But also, this section is kind of trying to be miseading, “I’ve made my plan” is the ending of the verse that goes:
What if it's true as they say That I don't have a heart That I'm more a machine than a man? What would that change Would it matter at all? I've made my plan
The I’ve made my plan section is referencing back to the section where James is wondering, am I a monster? Am I just being heartless and cruel? Before disregarding the fear and reminding himself more then anything that he has a plan, he knows what he’s doing and regardless of what people say that won’t change his course of action because he believes it can keep people safe. 
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I actually sat down and listened to Sacrifice for this post and I just am not seeing what they are implying here in Sacrifice. With how many people I’ve seen say it I imagine their is something that is just not clicking lolz and I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts on this. The only thing that maybe would work is this little section here:
What if all the plans you made
Where not worth the price they paid
That section I can kind of see, in Hero it mentions having a plan and Sacrifice questions if the plan is worth the price which again, I do think Volume 7 introduced a trolley problem which both sides had a high price, one that should not have to be paid but one Salem was going to take no matter what any party did and the decision came down to more what was the least awful price to pay which is not an easy question to answer nor a rabbit hole I intend on exploring in this post.
Back to the point I really really do not understand how they could walk away from Hero thinking James is mimicking Salem, the person responsible for his severe trauma. The song has brief mentions about how emotions can get in the way of doing what needs to be done which in some ways is true. Emotions can cloud peoples judgement and keep them from seeing clearly. You can’t completely ignore your emotions like James toys with in volume 7 but that scene always read to me as a traumatized person trying to emotionally work through everything that happened and kind of wishing he didn’t have to feel all of those complicated feelings he’s dealing with which....I honestly get. I imagine most of us have things in our lives that cause us pain, things we wish we didn’t have to feel and wish we could make go away. That doesn’t make us, or James, like the villains for feeling those things.
The whole “Casting doubt on RWBY + JNRO thing is a continuing problem within the FNDM. They simultaneously insist we can’t be too critical of them because “they’re just kids” while also trying to insist they are the only ones who can save the world and we shouldn’t doubt them because they aren’t kids. The narrative can’t seem to make up its mind on what it’s trying to say about them in regards to whether they are adults who can be trusted to handle these things or if they’re just uwu sad kids and its oh so sad they have to fight. We cannot have it both ways, either they are kids who shouldn’t have to fight a war, or they are adults who can make their own choices. The arc we see James go on is one wherein he does see the students as kids who shouldn’t have to be fighting this war but also recognizes they have to and seeing how RWBY has grown and all that they have endured and recognizes they can handle the heavy responsibility of being huntress’s when he gives them their licenses. The line is just a callback to volume 2 and you my dude are reading way to much into it lolz. (also I hate to break it to you but the rabbit hole is not that deep. CRWBY just is constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall and praying something sticks and the FNDM is falling for it.)
The point being, it is so frustrating seeing people not taking Hero, a song which James declares he is willing to die to save people, is willing to suffer extreme pain and harm to stop Salem followed by him willingly searing the flesh off of his own arm to stop Watts, and say it shows he is a villain.
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We can see here how much pain he is in as he is doing this. He has to stop and he grabs his arm in pain because it hurts so much and understandably so. It’s agonizing but he tries. 
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Some people think here he’s even starting to go into shock from the shear agony of what he is trying to do, but he does it anyways. He pushes through the unbearable pain because he knows what will happen if he doesn’t. His song is called Hero because in this moment, he was being a true hero in a scene that none of the mains have come even close to matching. Hero is about a man fighting to try and keep the world from ending and reassuring the people looking up to him that they can do it, they just have to hold on. 
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totiredtowrite · 4 years ago
wait wait i have an idea :0
how about about a reader (GN or male, your choice) who's in the badminton club and like, they're really fond of tendou but because they're really awkward, they never approach and opt to staring from afar. it ticks tendou off and he builds up the courage to ask the reader about it (while planning to intimidate them cause he thinks they dont like him) but when the reader actually tells him how they feel, tendou just stands there for a few seconds before going "oh" and his face is just full on red.
hhskshsjshs can you tell ive been having tendou brainrot lately?
Hate Me
Warnings - cursing, tendou doesn't like you at first :(
Note: Totaly wasn't qorking on this on and off all day and hating the way it came out...haha...who would ever... Anywho, I trust Tendou simps
Male Reader
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It's not easy to tick off Tendou Satori.
He's always considered himself a people guy ever since he became a middle blocker. Every now and again he can get scary on the court, sure, but it's not like he's mean or disdainful.
Sardonic, sure. Cynical, sarcastic, monstrous, even satirical sometimes. Hot tempered though, that was one that could never really apply to him.
Even on the extra special occasion that he does harbour a dislike for someone, he wouldn't expect it to be some awkward passive guy on the badminton club.
"Tendou, you are glaring again," Ushijima casually points out.
Tendou, (startled), looks up at Ushijima from where he had his head in his hands. "Was not," he muttered, childishly putting his head back over top of his crossed arms. He definitely was, but for the sake of his own pride he decided not to disclose that information to his best friend.
Ushijima didn't say anything else.
In Tendou's mind, his innate dislike of you was justified. You were always just...staring at him. At the beginning it didn't make him to angry. He just thought you were zoning out in his direction. That's not a bad assumption, after all he's seen it in others before.
That didn't last long though. The longer it went on, the more Tendou realized that you weren't just gazing in his direction on accident. To make matters worse, the frown and conflicted look in your face made it seem like you had it out for him.
Maybe he thought that you were like those kids in grade school, (though he doesn't care too much anymore), or maybe you harboured a deeper dislike of him as a person. Whatever it was, Tendou was not having it.
While Tendou had his death glare on you, you were biting the inside of your lip with furrowed brows. This was one of the few times you didn't have your eyes on him, which of course Tendou took as an invitation to glare through your soul.
You weren't sure of just what you were doing wrong.
After all, Tendou seemed like an easy going guy! That's sort of why you took to admiring him in the first place. (The other reason is that you couldn't think of any way to actually interact with him). You didn't really know how to say it, but you were...fond of him. You liked his hair and his extroverted nature and how good he is at his sport. You really just want to cuddle with him and do all those sappy-gross couple things.
It was infuriating how hard it was! You have been so close to talking to him before, so close. You, on three separate occasions, have devised a plan to talk to him and be all charming, earning his affections in the process. Woo the pretty guy, score a boyfriend, get to cuddle with him so that you no longer feel weird thinking about it alone at night.
Of course, those three plans never really went through and you chickened out. At least you tried, right? It's the thought that counts. In any occasion, you were pretty sure that you'd never be able to tell him.
So Tendou decided to take matters into his own lanky hands!
...By intimidating the shit out of you and hoping you'd be too scared to continue looking at him.
You two are really two sides of the same coin at this point.
Ushijima didn't agree with the plan.
To which, of course, Tendou replied "You don't need to Wakatoshi-kun!"
Again Ushijima didn't push the matter further. He may not be the brightest, but he does understand when someone's a fan and when they don't like you. You were very clearly a fan, but in the true spirit of friendship, Ushijima allowed Tendou to figure it out by himself.
Truth be told, Tendou's 'plan' wasn't really a plan. His genius plan, (much different from yours), was to be as scary as possible to deter you from looking at him any further. Clean and simple, no problems, issue resolved and life back to normal.
What he hadn't counted on however, was how this plan had him stalking around the badminton club room in the dark like a weirdo. His club had just ended, and by all reasoning, yours should also be over by now. He didn't really know if you were going to go to the club room, but he can wait.
And wait he did for near ten minutes.
You didn't see him at first, which was surprising considering how freakishly tall he is. You were just trying to put your racket away, though that simple mindset was quickly tarnished when you heard someones footsteps a little too close you your back to be safe. You narrowed your eyes. It was getting old how much your friends tried to scare you.
Turning around though, you didn't see the grinning face of your friend. Instead, you were greeted by glinting red eyes.
You froze up.
Tendou somehow looked even more terrifying than when he was on the court. "Tendou...san?" Your voice came out softer, weaker than you would have liked. Tendou reached to turn on the light, (finally). He seemed less like a horror movie killer and more like a high school bully now.
"What are you doing?" You nervously shuffled your feet.
"The better question," Tendou's glare hardened. He leaned closer to your face. "Is what the hell you've been getting at?"
"What?" You looked obviously confused. More confused than he would like.
"Don't act like you don't know," Tendou rolled his eyes and stepped closer, herding you back into the wall.
You put your hands up. "Know what?"
He huffed. "What's your problem with me?"
"I don't- I don't have a problem with you."
"It's true!" You bit your bottom lip, attempting not to stammer. In your defense, it was rather hard to keep a cool head here. Tendou was way closer to you than he'd ever been in the past. His body heat, (surprisingly warm, you noticed), was melting any resolve you had like an ice cube in his pale hands.
"I just really- really like you! Y'know, what with your...everything, really." You nervously trailed off under his gaze. You couldn't really say that you wanted to tape his fingers before his games, or be able to wear his jersey in the stands. That'd be weird.
Tendou, on the other hand, looked like he'd just walked in on someone changing. You just said what you thought he said, right?
He, red in the face, stammered out an "oh."
You smiled at him softly, nerves jumping into your throat. You just told him. Then your face fell. You just told him. Truth be told, the look of utter despair on your face to him was...kind of cute. Which he understands might be a weird thing to say, but it was true.
You chuckled. "I'm, uh, (l/n). We should get properly introduced."
He shook his head and held out his hand. "Satori. Uh- Tendou. Tendou...Satori."
You chuckled. "I know."
"Tendou, stop moving around so much," you rolled your eyes back playfully.
"Sorry sorry," he huffed.
You continued to work on the tape around his fingers, a determined look playing across your face. Tendou sighed dreamily, his eyes shifting to look at his jacket over your shoulders. After all, you were his boyfriend. You expect him not to admire you every chance he got?
Thank god Ushijima didn't tell him.
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bagelbright-tok · 4 years ago
Take Me to Funkytown!
Yellow Temperance proves to be a great enemy to Jotaro. Without much of an aid there to assist the teen, he hasn’t much of a choice but to fight for his life. After trying to burn and freeze temperance off of his finger, hope is lost. At least, until an odd individual dances their way into the fight. Ally or enemy? Temperance and Jotaro are unsure.
Jotaro x fem!Reader [Platonic One-shot]
Italics = the music
Word Count: 1,564 Warning(s): Violence, swearing, negligence, bit of social isolation, intense grooving, swearing again, gross horny man tries hitting on reader, I did not re-read __ Blame It on the Boogie! __
You were mostly just touring Singapore for your own personal reasons. You had nothing else to do and you got bored quickly. So, you packed your bags and left for Singapore. You had the essentials; clothes, personal hygiene products, and your Walkman cassette player and headphones. The flights over were smooth as could be. Not like you noticed much anyhow. Most of the time, you had your headphones on, listening to the several cassettes you also had brought in your bag. Since you’d left, you’d made 0 social interactions with other humans. That didn’t bother you in the least. You didn’t necessarily care much for making friends along the way. In fact, you dreaded when people would talk to you. They were annoying, quite frankly. So you would drown out the voices with your music. The only problem was that you would get sick of listening to the same songs over and over again. The perks of traveling were being able to try out new music from places around the world.
Your thoughts were mostly blank while you peered out of the train window at the city you were approaching. “Hey pretty lady~!”
A man’s voice quickly pierced the air around you. But you couldn’t hear him over your loud music. He noticed that quickly and took this as a sign to sit right next to you. “What’s a girl like you sitting all by yourself?”
You scooted away from him once you noticed he had sat next to you. Your smiling expression quickly turned into a frustrated one. You couldn’t hear the man, but his presence alone made you uncomfortable. You became infuriated when you felt his hand remove your headphones. “C’mon girl, don’t-”
You didn’t let him finish as you summoned your Stand, and sent it lunging at the man. Your Stand, Ace’s Wand, representing the tarot card Ace of Wands, was a Stand with the form that could vary depending on your mood and the sounds in the air. With you angry without music, your Stand took on a horrifying form that you could barely comprehend. The noises it made as well were scary. All you could see was the body of the annoying man getting flung like a ragdoll. His body was crumpled like a piece of paper on the other end of the train.
You scoffed, grabbed your headphones, and returned to your position. Your music continued and your site seeing went on. Everyone was scared and confused as they surrounded the man in concern. “Won’t you take me to Funkytown?” You bobbed your head to the beat while everyone whispered in a hushed and terrified tone.
The train ride turned into a cableway ride. You sat in a cable car with a man, his kid, and their dog. The kid happily snacked on his popsicle as he enjoyed the view from the car. You were doing the same, except you were listening to your music instead of snacking on a popsicle. Looking out the window, you noticed a guy on a cylindrical shaped building that was tall enough to reach the height of the cable car. It was an odd sight for sure, you even gave him a confused squint. You noticed his sights landing on your cable car. You blinked a couple of times. Your eyes quickly widened when you saw him back up, then charge forth towards your car.
“Oh shit!” You whispered loudly. The teen landed on the car and clutched to the side you had been viewing from. You noticed a purple figure emerge from him and rip the door off the car. Things only got weirder. The man peered at you, then turned his attention to the kid with the popsicle. 
“Hey kid, I am gonna need to use this.” The kid began to cry until the teen spoke again, “Alright, I’ll buy you a new popsicle when we reach the ground.”
The kid nodded, and the tall teen rose back to his height. Your headphones had been knocked off during the impact of the teen crashing into the car. You hardly noticed, even hearing the teen talk and hearing yourself talk. “Whoa! What an entrance! What the hell are you doing?” You blurted out.
“Is this your kid, lady?” The black haired teen asked.
“What? Hell no.”
“Then shut up and enjoy the view.”
Your brows furrowed at that statement. It was of annoyance, but then it turned into confusion when you noticed the yellow blob on the teen’s hand. Just what was going on? You could only ask this as the teen pressed the cold treat onto the yellow substance, wincing in pain in the process as the gross yellow jello spiked and stabbed into his hand. Things only escalated when another presence began to enter the cable car through the door that the teen had rudely ripped off. The presence was similar to the substance on the teenager’s hand, except larger and with another person inside.
“Can’t you get it through your thick skull?” The deep male voice spoke in a taunting manner that sent shivers down your own spine. “My Stand, Yellow Temperance, is indestructible! No matter how much power you may have, you cannot beat my Stand!”
Well shit. It means you’ve found yourself in a Stand battle. You found yourself even more infuriated than before on the train. The black haired teen referred to as Jotaro had ripped a pole from the car and tried to swing it at Yellow Temperance. It wasn't just Jotaro, though. It was his Stand, a large purple humanoid entity that was clearly fast and strong. Angered, you put on your headphones and stood up. It was as the Stand projected itself onto Jotaro and the cable car that things got weird.
Jotaro and the user of Yellow Temperance were now looking at you. Your expression was scrunched up and you could feel the heat rising. With the beat of your music, you had better control of your Stand. "Don't blame it on the sunshine!"
You moved with the rhythm and summoned your Stand without further comment. "Don't blame it on the moonlight."
"Holy shit!" Temperance's user yelled in horror as his eyes laid on your Stand. You could barely make that out with your music as loud as it is.
"What the hell!" Jotaro also exclaimed, but not as loud. Based on Temperance's reaction, it clued him in on the fact that you are clearly not with him. A relief, but also, you aren't with the Joestars.
"Don't blame it on the good times." Just as Temperance was about to latch onto you, you sent out your Stand first. "Blame it on the-!" "BOOGIE!" Your Stand screeched as it went up against the yellow Stand.
The enemy user only screamed as he witnessed your Stand vigorously and aggressively stabbing and digging through his sludge. Even while your Stand could make contact with his, it couldn't be said that the situation could be switched around. Your Stand's form was horrifying in itself, but the idea that his Stand with no weaknesses couldn't touch your Stand was just as terrifying. 
Jotaro realized the opportunity he had now. The enemy had even panicked and removed his Stand from Jotaro. He wasn't even paying attention to Jotaro anymore. You knew why. The fear was overwhelming. You are the greater threat at the moment to him. You bore your eyes into Jotaro, telling him to make his move if he wants it. Your Stand was slowly making its way closer and closer to the user with its claws. Just as your Stand was about to make it to the enemy, with him sobbing, Jotaro used his Stand's fist to punch the user and knock him unconscious. Your Ace's Wand stopped mere inches away from The Temperance card holder. Your Stand emitted a sickly wheeze of laughter before being de-manifested. You were still grooving to the song, though.
"This magic music grooves me! That dirty rhythm moves me! The devil's gotten to me through this dance!"
Jotaro was unsure of how to communicate with you. That uncertainty was cleared up, though, when you yourself removed your ear buds and spoke.
"Hey! Jotaro right?" You chuckled, pointing at him. Jotaro nodded, knowing you had caught his name in the fight. "That was pretty cool. We should do that again sometime."
"What?" Is all Jotaro could murmur in confusion as response to your suggestion.
"I'm [Y/N] [L/N]." Your pointing finger turned into an open palm hand to shake Jotaro's. "I'm a Stand user, too. Not like.." You looked down at the unconscious and shirtless man at your feet. "...him, though. I'm cool, like you."
Jotaro hated women who fawned over him. Most of the female students who crowded him referred to him as "cool," as well. Hearing you say it, though, was different. It wasn't of lust or love like those ladies at school. It was of genuine friendship and curiosity.
"That's.. Great." Jotaro said, extending his hand out and shaking yours. "Hey, I have a question…"
"Go ahead and shoot!" You shook his hand and returned yours to your side.
"Could you join us on our mission to Egypt?" Jotaro is well versed in being blunt and very straightforward. Not that you would know that.
You paused and processed what he had said. " "Our...?" Mission..? Egypt!?"
E N D.
A/N: AAAA! This has been sitting in my docs for sooo long! I had no idea where to take it and how to end it. Finally figured it out though! Apologies if it seems rushed or half-assed. This one is very similar to the In With A Bang one-shot. Introducing a character in that fashion. Also, In With A Bang has reached over 100 notes!! That's fuckin bonkers! Please go give it a read if you haven't! I promise it's better than this one, lol!
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Super sexy aa7 ideas that will never happen
*puts on my clown shoes
Themes: “the worst times are when lawyers have to smile their brightest, but you can’t be a lawyer 24/7” “sometimes (esp now) the system is WRONG”
Klavier Gavin prosecutes, because society has progressed beyond needing Paynes
And if the widespread complaint is that he’s too nice, this position is perfect
Make a witty remark abt feeling demoted >:(
Athena and Trucy dream team girls
Murder took place at a theater/has something to do with acoustics, to ~fit the characters~
Maybe Lamiroir was there 👀
Phoenix is once again a witness, but hes less infuriating. But still fucking funny infuriating
He mentions his college degree, vaguely. Pressing him reveals nothing.
Defend a rando
The twist: the murder only could’ve been committed by someone with superhuman hearing, so Athena’s senses are vital here!!
End: the culprit tries to psychologically fuck with everyone, but Athena stays strong, maybe uses some noise cancelling headphones, and corners the SHIT out of them
Also, there’s a new judge. A higher judge than your normal judge, who is a boomer. BOOMER JUDGE
Post-trial: a comment about all them missing Apollo…
Athena vs Franziska von Karma
Athena calls her out on the whipping if that’s still a thing
[Maybe Trucy is there again for extra spice,,,] but Solo Thena would be EPIC
Maybe we can bring Maya back here, but NOT ACCUSE HER FOR MURDER
Or accuse her at the scene but quickly disprove it
Idk also address her trauma
Wow this is turning into ATHENA CYKES- ACE THERAPIST
Put Simon there too because he’s hilarious
Maybe him and Maya are casually attending Comic-Con for the Steel Samurai panel
Defendant: some toxic celebrity with DRAMA
the twist: the murderer was targeting several high-profile ppl, but only killed like. A janitor instead. They aren’t found OR arrested, but you get a not guilty by… indicting their accomplice. And it HURTS but you have to or its your not-guilty kinda-a-dick client that gets guilty
New judge plays by the written rules, so u can’t ague ur case
Franziska is skeptical of the Accomplice’s guilt, but she lets the verdict go because your client is innocent.
Athena cries to Phoenix about how she feels like she fricked up b/c she empathizes with the accomplice but also everyone, Phoenix does his best dad comfort—this is the truth that’s allowed in the confines of their court system.
Open with a call from Maya. She loudly thanks the god/the holy mother for this
Kay and Sebastian are there
GUMSHOEEEEE (OLDER SPRITE??? Higher salary?? Maggey too?)
Classic Wright vs Edgeworth
All the options are flirty
Everything is an innuendo
Trucy co-council is embarrassed by ur Old Man Flirting (NEW SPRITES)
Lampshade conflict of interest what with dating opposing council. Gloss over it completely
Phoenix’s college degree is vaguely mentioned to be helping him. This is Not elaborated on
The murder is some crazy shit that basically parodies the whole series
3 cross poisonings and with INTERESTING results of chemicals mixing (Ema: 👀)
All the dying messages were faked
Handedness contradiction.
Some gross old guy appears, but you can punch him
The murder weapon goes from bloody knife with defendants fingerprints on it to glass shards of a broken bottle to an icicle to an overly spikey piece of hair
For extra funnies: BOOMER JUDGE IS NOT USED TO THIS. They are the straight person of this comedy clown case.
For extra feels (the twist): Phoenix actually has an emotional breakdown on one of the investigation days. Maybe Trucy gets put at risk again, or something with poisoning, or even something with Kay or Seb (to show how much Phoenix cares, in general) and we address all the shit that he’s gone thru
Awkward comforting by miles
(shoves Klavier into Khura’in) GO FAKEGERMANBOY GO
Play as Apollo (khura’inese clothes sprites)
KLAVIER CO-COUNCIL (CASUAL SPRITES?? Put his hair up in a bun capcom im begging)
Maybe at the end of one investigation, theres just. A heartfelt talk.
Ok ill make it heavy (b/c if its lighthearted these fuckos will never talk about their feelings)
TRUCY ALSO- im sorry truce im shoving you everywhere because I want you to develop
maybe she and Klavier are like, performer bros
Apollo is happy that Trucy is but also feels alienated, like AA6 totally pulled him from his AA4 roots [COUGH]
CASUAL TRUCY SPRITE??? I would cry capcom
Nahyuta, Rayfa, and Apollo being awkward but trying (and mostly succeeding) siblings, Amara being a scary but p good queen momther
She roasts Klavier so bad
Though he is very smart so she just roasts his terrible German
Resolve the Gramarye siblings here?
Include something with gender dysphoria to contrast how they butchered Robin Newman???
This is huge headcanon territory here tho
The Twist: realizing that this case cannot POSSIBLY be resolved in 3 fucking days. Also that Apollo is so backlogged that hes stressed and he probably needs help
Also someone tries to frame Klavier with his Gavinners-brand shoeprints
End: answer yes/no to Klavier working at Justice Law Offices. The choice affects his dialogue with Apollo in 7-5
Some fuckin. International level scandal
Elaborate on whatever the fuck “the phantom” was spying for? btw is the same that the culprits froms 7-2 and 7-4. maaybe 7-1?
And it involves MORE AUDITORIUMS
Open w/ calling Trucy, whos in the states. She mentions that Klavier casually got a Japanifornian defense attorney badge. Cue exasperation/fondness/incredulity (I promise this is relevant)
In Khura’in
Starts small- like a robbery, which leads to an attempt on Thalassa’s life. Again
Athena gets to therapy her
Then someone high-profile actually fucking dies
Athena (co-council Apollo) vs FINAL BOSS FRANZISKA
Lots of investigating with them
Talk about space center and grief
The twist: a person with low emotional output is framed, but they are innocent because LOWER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS DOESN’T MAKE YOU FUCKING EVIL
The other twist: Bring in 7-2 framed person for a character witness, show that they’re innocent. Athena is panicking because of Fear(?) so Apollo is determined to Do Something, and points out how this only happened because the system is Stupid and calls Klavier and Trucy
At the same time, there’s a stateside investigation. some botched, continued interreference at the Space Station
Klavier can pull an Edgeworth and investigate with Trucy
With parently narumitsu
Klavier talks about Apollo a lot, Trucy calls him out on it
Nahyuta is prosecuting this case
Depending on the relations between Klavier and Nahyuta established in 7-4, this will be hilarious or disastrous
Protective Yuty route: makes scathing comments about petty parts of Klavier- a petty-off
Teasing Yuty route: brings it up whenever Klavier talks about Apollo. Rlly funny banter. Klavier showing more human emotions sprites!!
Revisit the Space Center and get emo. Simon is here, arguing with Nahyuta
Because the cases go to trial simultaneously, the comment about the wrong conviction in 7-2 can be brought to the Japanifornian courts by Klavier and Trucy
They argue that Athena was forced to do that to spare an innocent and press HARD for legal reform
They call in Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth for reforms??
They also start a twitter war (that can be investigation minigame) and get public opinion up abt it
Yuty vouches for change, w/ khura’in as evidence
Phoenix vs Franziska
Larry time
Scruffy time
Idk man. No more international stuff, just good old fashioned cleaning up ur shitty dad’s messes amiright
Resolve things with the Shelly card?
oldbag cameo but you file a restraining order
help trucy and pearls with college
TLDR: Athena actually tracks an international conspiracy that has weight, the AJ gang once again changes the system, Phoenix gets emotional resolution, Franziska helps international stuff AND gets emotional resolution, and i finally stop trying to throw hands with capcom. 
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mashedpotittiess · 4 years ago
Arrangements Ch 1
Title: Arrangements. Chapter Title: It’s just a little crush.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Lim Sejun x Reader. Mentions of Choi Byungchan and non mentions of Do Hanse, Heo Chan, Kang Seungsik, Han Seungwoo and Jun Subin as well as OC’s.
Summary: He was the aggravating fuckboy roommate of your best friends but maybe that’s what caused you to agree to such an arrangement. But will the arrangement work out? Between mutual friends, his other hookups and a certain romantic interest on your part, this could all be trouble.
Words: 6,500
Rating: PG13 but will eventually become M
Genre for this Chapter: College! au, Angst.
Tags/Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of sexual scenarios, mentions of possible drug use (a roofie), Mentions of someone possibly wanting to take advantage of someone (While Nothing happens I need to put this as a warning as it can trigger some past experiences readers have had)
Fic Series inspired Playlist Link:
Taglist: @a-mess-of-fandoms @dnyad
You hated Lim Sejun and his band of one night stands. Before anybody assumes it’s a case of “oh she has it bad for him and she’s just jealous” you were in no way into him like that and in no way jealous of the Grey haired man you dubbed ‘FookBoi’ nor his female companions. He simply cramped your style.
When he moved into your best friends apartment as a third roommate you thought you’d have the same dynamic with your friends that you had had for about a year before his sudden appearance. But you were sorely mistaken.
It was Friday night and you had your body sprawled over the deep grey fabric of the couch with your sock covered feet lying on your best friend Do Hanses blanket covered lap. Byungchan had occupied the black leather like single seat to your right and you all were currently debating on whether or not twins were creepy. The debate brought to you by you all watching The Shining once again.
“How could you even think twins are creepy? It’s clearly just the matching outfits with the head tilting that eludes to the creepy factor” you were thrown into a fit of laughter as Hanse imitated the twin’s expression when Johnny first saw them, his lip ring glinting in the soft shadows of the single lit lamp to his right. Byungchans dimples were on full display as he couldn’t help but laugh as well. You really did try not to blush at his adorable face. You had a thing for one of your best friends and you couldn’t help it, your small crush had existed for around 8 months are you knew it was a matter of time before it was known.
You were admiring his soft contours of his face down to his defined jawline and back up to lip plump lips curled upward around his teeth as his focus was still on Hanses face when the front door slammed open causing you three to jump in surprise. Hanse grabbed your feet as if to use your unicorn print covered appendages to shield himself from the big scary monster he assumed had not only come through his front door but also used a key.
As you tore your gaze away from the man you had been admiring you looked up to see Lim Sejun walking passed the back of the couch with some blonde traipsing her body on his ebony leather jacket covered shoulder. He threw you a smirk as he had undoubtedly witnessed your admiration for his roommate. “Enjoy your movie” was all that left his lips before you heard a woman’s giggle and the closing of his door followed by a hard thump.
Pulling your feet back to your body you crossed your soft cotton short covered legs and snatched a fist full of buttery salty popcorn from the shared bowl in the center of the dark wooden coffee table situated in front of you. Hanse pulled the off white blanket closer to his body and used a black nail polish covered finger to press play on your movie. As you took another bite full of popcorn your munching was cut short by a woman moaning a loud “Unngh yes Daddy” Choking on the salty kernels your face took on a sour expression and you turned to see Hanse grimace and Byungchan blush a bright crimson followed by a shake of his head.
The sounds of what started as a soft mumbling were turning into a shrieking of sorts causing you and your best friends to stand up together and make a beeline to Hanses bedroom. You all knew it would be no use to higher the television to try and drown out the sounds of pleasure the two people in the room next to the living room were feeling. Clutching your beloved popcorn and fizzy coke you settled yourself in the middle of the light blue jersey sheet covered bed. Hanse with the fuzzy blanket from the living room took up the space to your right and Byungchan settled himself on your left, his long legs sprawled out, his green and yellow parakeet printed socks causing you to smile softly.
With a few clicks of the remote the movie had been ready to be continued but before you could immerse yourself into the infamous “Redrum” scene, Hanse decided to look you straight in the eyes and with an obnoxiously loud screech he let out a “ HOOOYAH D A D D Y.” His eyes rolling back into his skull. Fake gagging you shook your head and slapped his tattoo covered shoulder over his thin tank top. “I fucking hate you sometimes.”
Curling yourself into your oversized hoodie you got comfortable with both of your best friends, settling yourselves once again into weekly movie night. As the movie played you were brought back to what had just happened in the living room. While this certainly wasn’t the first time your plans were ruined by Mr ‘Fookboi’ himself, it still irked you. You knew this wasn’t your apartment and you had no say what happened around here but you missed the fun times you three had had without the possibility of hearing ridiculously loud sex take over the three bedroom apartment at any time of the day or night.
Hell, before Sejun moved in, the boys had shared an apartment with a man named Seungsik. He was genuinely nice and even joined in for a couple of your movie nights. It was peaceful and the only loud banging happened in the apartment was when Hanse attempted to make cookies and the clanging of pots and pans that most certainly weren’t used in baking resounded throughout the shared space. But that peace was cut short when Seungsik accepted a study abroad opportunity and Sejun occupied his space.
You spent about 4 days out of the week here and you swore there was a new female face that accompanied Sejun almost every one of those days for the passed six months that he had been living here. You were in no way sex shaming him as you believed everyone can do whatever they wanted with their own bodies but his choice in woman was sometimes infuriating. They held no respect that this was a shared apartment and it showed.
From the Brunette last week who had walked around in nothing but a towel while you helped Hanse study for his Psych midterm to the Blonde the week prior that you caught using YOUR purple toothbrush that you had left in one of the two bathrooms for nights you slept over. Like who the fuck uses a toothbrush that isn’t theirs? As you had taken in her party dress which you assumed she had been wearing earlier in the night when she followed Sejun to his room passing you and Byungchan grimacing over Hanses attempt at baking  muffins, covered frame and her makeup smudged eyes, your eyes narrowed in on your toothbrush between her pink stained lips.
“Excuse me, that’s my toothbrush” you said with a grimace on your face as she leaned down to spit the toothpaste that had been sloshing in her mouth into the sink, the white fluid making its way down the drain. “hmm? oh here” was all she replied before placing the toothbrush in your palm. It still had toothpaste on it and it took everything in you to not throw the toothbrush at her and go full on hulk mode.
Then there was the Red head a few days ago that you knew as Cynthia from your shared Calculus class. You had been making dinner for your best friends that had been having a difficult school week. Walking into the apartment with the the bags full of groceries using your key the boys had given you, you set the canvas bags onto the white counter before organizing them into piles of what needed to be made in order from first to last. Pulling together the pots and pans you needed your thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched whine and the sounds of a bed thumping against a wall. Glancing towards the door you saw what appeared to be a woman’s taupe coat. Shaking your head you let out a disgusted ‘gross’ and pulled up your Spotify playlist hoping it would drown out some of the sounds coming from the occupied bedroom.
Throwing the tomatoes and onions into a pan you let them sauté until they were caramelized and got started on putting together the garlic butter for the fresh baked french bread you scored at the grocery store. Grooving to your music, you went along with your chopping of vegetables for the salad followed by dumping a box of penne into the salted water you had prepared. Spreading the herby garlic spread onto the soft doughy bread you plopped it into the oven and checked your pasta.
‘Buss it Buss it Buss it Buss it’ came through the speaker of your phone and you let your body do a little twerk as you plated the penne a la vodka, salad and finally the warm garlic bread fresh from the oven, turning around you checked to make sure everything was turned off and grabbed your phone to check the time. “They should be home soon” you mused and poured yourself a glass of ice water. ’Is you FUCKIN’ yelling the fuckin part you wiggled your hips as you sipped your water and turned around when the sound of crunching put a halt in your boppin.
Your jaw twitched as you took in the Red head leaning against the island counter with a piece of garlic bread between her smeared lipstick covered lips. The smell of roasted garlic and tomato sauce hung in the air as you stepped towards the female eating the food you had just made.
“That food isn’t for you, you do know it’s rude to just eat what someone else had made without asking right?” you furrowed your brows at her and extended a hand towards the rest of what you had plated up. Leaning her head against her left palm she licked her lips clean of what looked like breadcrumbs and smiled. “Aww, were you making a meal for Sejunnie? if so, I can assure you this won’t get him into your pants, not when he has a lady like me right here. But it’s cute that you tried.” Opening your mouth ready to ask her what the literal fuck she was talking about, Cynthia moved her elbow along the counter followed by a ‘oops’ and a shrug of her shoulder.
Looking down at the tray that had skidded across the wooden floor when her elbow knocked down your garlic bread just milliseconds ago you let out an annoyed “are you fucking kidding me?” Looking unaffected, Cynthia shrug her pale pink covered shoulders at you and licked her index finger of what looked like garlic butter. Leaning down with a bend of your knees you started to pile the bread you now had to throw out onto the faux marble tray that balances itself in your left hand. You grit your teeth stopping yourself from saying much else knowing that it wouldn’t do a thing. Knees knocking against the floor as you reached for a piece that had gone under the counter, before you could grasp it between your deep purple nail polished fingers, a pale hand reached out and placed it down onto your tray.
Looking up your eyes met Sejuns light grey contact covered gaze and you shook your head head towards the woman he had just been fucking. “Some company you keep” you mumbled to him before standing up, lavender slipper covered feet coming into contact with the dark wooden floor. As the door clicked open you were met with an enthusiastic“y/n did you cook? your’e the BEST.” Hanse stepped through the threshold of the open plan kitchen and took in the scene. You with a tray of what looked like garlic bread, a furious gaze in your eyes, Sejun with his hand extended towards you and a red head smacking her lips along a napkin.
“Um what happened?” left Hanses lips as you tossed the food that had been in your hand into the trash and got to work looking for the swiffer they kept in a linen closet close to the kitchen. Your ears picked up on what sounded like Sejun saying out a soft yet firm “I called you an uber, they’re here already” followed by a sickeningly sweet “But Sejunnie we could spend more time together.” Rolling your eyes you entered the kitchen once again and wiped the wet wipe along the grease covered floor. “Domestic, cute” Looking up you stepped towards the red haired female ready to throw hands. You were beyond tired of her shit and weren’t going to take anymore. She fucked with food, precious FOOD.
“I told you to leave already” Sejun grabbed Cynthias elbow and guided her towards the front door. “But, ugh fine. Call me later?” she asked and he just shrugged his shoulder while walking her to the elevator.
Angrily throwing the swiffer pad into the trash you thrust the mop to Hanse to put away and bounded to the sink to wash your hands. “I fucking can’t stand people like her, Sejun needs to filter out the bitches from his list of hookups. I swear to god dealing with someone like her is not worth getting your dick wet.” You shouted and Hanse pat your back.
Byungchan’s soft head of hair leaning on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you sighed shaking the thoughts of Sejuns hookups out of your mind to focus on the movie that was almost finished. Looking to your left you smiled softly at the dimpled boys sleeping face. Hanse shifted on you right to pull his blanket closer to his body.
While Hanse was still awake you knew it would be a few minutes before he completely passed out like the sweetheart to your left had. Sitting up carefully you leaned Byungchans head onto a pillow and brought the comforter up his body while Hanse curled into himself mumbling a “you can sleep here or take Channies bed.” Shaking your head you let him know you’d be taking the couch as you tucked the bowl of kernels under your arm and balanced two glasses between your fingers of your fight hand as you maneuvered your way out of his room and to the kitchen. The soft lighting over the stove illuminated your trek to the kitchen and you spotted Sejun in a pair of joggers and an oversized pale blue t shirt sipping a glass of what looked like water.
Moving passed him you dumped the remnants of the kernels into the trash and carefully plopped the dishes into the sink to his right. To your left his eyes followed your movements as you cleaned up. “I’m sleeping on the couch so if you’re going for round two with whatever her name is, please keep it down.” you grumbled without looking at him and you made your way to the couch you had spent many a nights on. From the open kitchen you heard him shift as he placed the glass he had been drinking out of into the sink. “She left already, goodnight y/n” he responded and walked the few steps to his room, his door softly closing behind him and you shut your eyes, pulling the blue blanket that had been on the end of Hanses bed and you had snatched, closer to your body letting sleep overtake your tired brain.
The smell of sizzling bacon and warm butter invading your nostrils sending your senses in an uproar and your body to slowly open your eyes. Sitting up you still clutched the blanket you had been using tight around your body in a makeshift cocoon. Gaze scanning the kitchen behind the couch you were sitting on you watched as Sejun joked with Hanse while preparing the bacon that was sizzling in the pan below him. Hanse was mixing up more pancake batter and Byungchan was finishing a flip on the duo of cakes bubbling up in the pan he had been working with.
You could almost curse your stomach as an obscenely loud grumbled was heard in the open space causing all three boys to turn around and take in your messy bun that more like a turd flopping atop your head and your mascara slightly smudged under your eyes. Raising your left hand into what looked like a small wave you heard Hanse laugh loudly causing you to smile. “The Princess is awake” with a stern look in your eyes his smiled widened “I forgot y/n hates being called Princess, EHEM my queen.” Standing up you stretched your arms over your head and arched your back hearing the muscles pop from lying in the same position for too long.
Trudging towards the bathroom, you abandoned the blanket on the kitchen island on your way there. As you took in in your appearance in the bathroom mirror while you let the water warm you shrugged. Your best friends had seen you look a lot worse.
As you smoothed the foaming cleanser onto your hands and over your face you let out a soft sigh in content. Reaching into the cabinet under the sink you pulled your small body of makeup remover you had stashed there and massaged it onto your eyes to cleanly remove any remnants of eye makeup. Letting the warm water rinse your face of all impurities you got to work on bushing your teeth with your N E W purple toothbrush.
Letting your hair loose from its turd like confines, you softly ran what you knew as Hanses brush over your locks and shuffled back into the kitchen after your bathroom escapades were done with.
Tucking your hair behind your ears you poured yourself a glass of cold OJ and watched as the men finished with their Gordan Ramsey like cosplay of cooking. Giggling to yourself as the visual of Gordan Ramseys face on your friends bodies overtook you.
When you noticed the boys were just about done preparing the food you pulled plates from the cabinet and paired them with silverware for all four persons. A comfortable silence surrounding the room as you all piled your plates with food and made your way to the dining table to the left of the kitchen.
“Thanks for the food” you smiled out while cutting into your fluffy pancakes earning a wide from Hanse, a smile from Byungchan and a nod of your welcome from Sejun. Plopping a piece into your mouth you almost moaned at the warm syrupy goodness that coated your tongue, you could take the vanilla Hanses flavored the cakes with.
For the most part you all had ate in silence with the exception of Sejun and Byungchan talking about the college Basketball team Byungchan was on.
You had offered to do the dishes in repayment for the delicious breakfast the boys had cooked up and joined in on the conversation that took place in the living room when you had finished. Settling yourself on the cushion next to Hanse you let him ruffle your hair and leaned your head on his shoulder.
Hanse was like the brother you never had, you had known him since your first year of college, you small body nervous as all hell when you walked into your first Literature class of the year. Sitting next to you he had struck up a conversation when he took in the crescent moon earring dangling from your double helix piercing on your right ear.
From then on you all had become great friends, you had liked the same music and enjoyed some of the same aesthetics. A couple of months later you all had stumbled upon Byungchan at a frat party and a conversation about Liquor vs Beer ensued in the comfort of the lit kitchen. Before you knew it you all had drug your asses to waffle house for 4am food to nourish your alcohol filled bodies. You both becoming fast friends with the tall teddybear of a man.
A year later and the two men rented an apartment together inspired by the fact that you had been living in an apartment with your roommate since the middle of your freshman year. They had invited you to be their third roommate but you were on a multi-year lease and to be honest, you didn’t mind your roommate. You loved your friends but you liked being able to come home when you needed alone time or just girl time. Lately you had been spending more time at your best friends house due to your roommate having her boyfriend over a lot more before he graduated later this year and you wanted to give them alone time.
Musing to yourself on how grateful you were for their friendship you took in the effortless conversation between all three men. You knew they had been friends with Sejun for sometimes prior to him moving in but you hadn’t really taken in how friendly they were all with each other. You had to admit it put the moving mattress of a man in a new light.
“Favorite Nirvana song..3..2…1.” Hanse blurted out. All together four answers were heard at once “Lithium” you heard Hanse shout which you had already known. “All Apologies” Byungchan smiled and “Come as you are!” you and to your surprise Sejun yelled at once. “oof we have a tie.” Hanse said followed by a “Okay, okay.. Favorite BEYONCE song 3…2…1”
“Wait wait, Beyonce solo or Destinys Child included cause that’s a whole other convo” you added in before anybody could answer before taking a sip of your ice water and roaming your feet into the blanket you had been using. “Solo Beyonce” Hanse answered before shouting his countdown once again.
“Crazy in love OG version” Hanse shouted, “Formation” was Byungchans answer. “Irreplaceable” Sejun answered while tilting his head onto his palm with his elbow resting on the arm of the couch to your left. “If I were a boy” you smiled at the lyrics invading your thoughts. “But seriously Yonce is a fucking icon and you can’t just pick one song, that’s like ILLEGAL!” you added which earned claps from your best friends and a genuine smile from Sejun causing you to cock an eyebrow at his dimples cheeks.
The familiar ding of your phone signaled a text and you entered your password into the drive while vaguely listening to what the three men were talking about. Sending a message in reply to your friend and classmate Haley you tossed your phone back onto the coffee table in front of you and leaned back onto the comfy cushions behind you. “Oh shit y/n I almost forgot! Heo Chan’s frat is having a party tonight and i’m making you come with” The inky haired man to your right said with a clap of his hands, his rings clanking against each other. “Oddly enough that’s what Haley was texting me about and I already agreed to go with her since i’m obviously the best wingman ever. I also love how you weren’t planning on giving me a choice on going.”
“I wasn’t giving you a choice because I knew you couldn’t say no to this face” with a pucker of his pink lips, Hanse folded his fingers under his chin leaning closer to your face in a mock pout. Rolling your eyes you flick his slightly exposed forehead with a painted index finger. “Yeah yeah yeah.”
“Byungchannies going too and I think Sejun may show up too” Hanse added and you nodded. You knew Byungchan would go, with him being good friends with Chan and Seungwoo from Lambda Tau Nu or VTN for short. Sejun going came as no shock to you either knowing the amount of girls that would be wanting him to go with them and of course leave with them as well.
Checking the time on your apple watch linked onto your wrist with its black leather strap, you stood up throwing the blanket that kept your legs warm onto Hanses lap and grabbed your phone while looking for your slippers you had worn there. It was a little passed two in the afternoon and you knew you need to go home, shower and then later prep for the party. “Imma head out to freshen up, see you later. Hanse you picking me up?” with an of course heaving your best friends mouth you left the comfort of the three mens apartment and heading off to your own.
Smoothing your warm vanilla and rose body oil over your freshly shaven legs you checked your phone noting you had a little over an hour to finish getting ready before Hanse and byungchan would be pounding on your door. You had just finished pulling your black satin bra and panty set when your doorbell sounded off. Wrapping your fluffy white robe close to your body you opened the door to a smiling Haley who was carrying what you presumed to be her “getting ready shit” and a bottle of Svedka.
“Pre game sweets” she said when she caught you glancing down to the bottle clutched between her fingers. With a slight smile and a shake of your head, you both headed towards your room to finish getting ready.
Checking her ass in the mirror, Haley gave a little booty jiggle in her skin tight taupe body con dress that accentuated her deep mocha colored skin. You had just finished styling your straight hair with some silkening gloss when Hanses called signaling them leaving their apartment and heading towards yours. Sliding your feet into your black suede high heeled ankle booties you smacked your medium toned nude lipstick covered lips and followed Haley into the kitchen.
When the boys got there Haley demanded a pre game shot and you all but obliged. With a slam of the clear shot glass onto the faux marble counter you all headed out, following Hanse to his small Silver SUV.
Pulling up to the long street of parked cars in front of the VTN house you shook your head at the seemingly already drunk couples making out in the bushes and a half naked guy running down the lawn with a V painted onto his chest in what looked like red lipstick.
Entering through the oak double doors behind Byungchan you squeezed his shoulder as he maneuvered you all through the crowded entrance. Settling on a quieter side of what you knew from a few parties here as the living room, Byungchan excused himself to bring you all some drinks and you surveyed the area you were in. A couple of kegs were a few feet to your left where some guy you recognized as Subin was performing a keg stand. The two couches and coffee table were pushed closer near a wall where the stairs leading to the second floor bedrooms was to make the makeshift dance floor where bodies were rhythmically shaking the hips. Behind you to your right was the brightly lit kitchen when bottles lined the counters and bags of chips were strewn everywhere.
As you surveyed the kitchen you noticed Byungchan talking to a girl you knew as Emi. Byunchans dimples were on full display as he laughed at whatever she had been saying causing a soft bloom of rose to flush onto her pale cheeks. Leaning down to stir her drink her light brown hair fell slightly over her face to which Byungchan leaned forward and swiped his fingers over her forehead and still blushing cheeks to tuck her shoulder length hair behind her right ear. Noticing your gaze, Hanse chimed in “Oooooooh is Channie finally making a move on Emi? He’s been into her for like a month now” Whipping your hair around towards the tattooed man your deep brown smokey eyeshadow covered eyes widened slightly.
“He what now? How did I not know about this?” Hanse furrowed his eyebrow at your seemingly upset look and Haley cleared her throat. Haley had been the only person who knew about your crush on your friend from a night of one too many Vodka Tonics and Tequila shots. “I only knew about it cause I caught him shooting her google eyes and I asked him what was up until he fessed up.. why do you look? wait..y/n did you?” With a tick of your jaw you shook you head pleading with him not to continue his question.
“Since when?” was all he asked and you softly told him the answer. “But it’s fine, I honestly didn’t think much would come from it. I wasn’t sure how our friendship and the dynamic would work if we ever got together” You ran your thumb along the hem of your black and deep green plaid skirt. “It’s for the best, I’m glad he looks happy.” you were being honest, you wanted your friends to be happy and that’s all that had mattered to you. Yes you were a little heart broken but it was better than him finding out about your crush and you getting rejected then, or you all getting together then later breaking up and you losing one of your best friends and Hanse being stuck in the middle of his two best friends.
With an are you sure? Hanse headed off to the kitchen when you nodded your head and sighed. “God you’re such a good person babe, I would’ve been like ‘HELL NO IM NOT OKAY I AM A HEARTBROKEN WOMAN ON THE VERGE OF A MELTDOWN’” Haley whisper screamed into your ear and you felt yourself smiling at her over dramatic theater kid self.
“Ugh Chan looks so good” biting her deep fuchsia colored lips Haley wiggled her eyebrows and you shook your head. You knew she was staring at his ass in those tight light wash jeans as he talked to Hanse and Byingchan in the kitchen.
“Oh shit he’s coming over here” Fluffing her black shoulder length curled hair Haley pushed her boobs out by straitening her back causing you to giggle and accept the drink Hanse handed you. “Hey Haley hey y/n” Chan smiled causing adorable dimples to grace his cheeks. ‘Do all these men have dimples or what?’ you thought and shook your head slightly.
With a hello and a thank you for invited us you let Haley grab all of Chans attention with a conversation about Musicals. Hanse caught on to what you were doing and stepped further away from the two, taking you with him.
You had been talking to Hanse about Haley and Chan when Byungchan stepped in front of you both with Emi right behind him. “Hey guys, this is Emi” Hanse smiled and gave her a little wave. Suppressing your urge to be jealous and petty you took a deep breath and nodded towards her “Hi” leaving your lips. As Byunghcan talked to you both about how sweet Emi was and how they had been talking but it hadn’t been anything serious, you gripped your glass in your right hand and tilted your head back drinking all of its contents in one go. The familiar warm burn of alcohol siding down your throat and distracting you from Byuns dimples as he spoke so highly of the female clutching onto his right arm.
Taking in the girls pale blue satin liken dress and beige sweater handing off of her arms you had to admit she seemed nice, very demure and soft spoken but nice. “You’re so pretty, Byungchan didn’t do you justice when he told me about his best friends” Emi genuinely smiled at you and you thanked her. Needing a refill of your drink you excused yourself and headed towards the kitchen.
Setting your glass on the counter you got to work mixing Rum and a splash of coke. Taking your first sip you nodded and hummed at the taste. If you were going to deal with your crush and best friend finding a girlfriend you definitely needed something strong. Taking another sip you leaned your hip against the counters and slowly moved your head in a circle to relieve the tension you had been building up. You felt your body starting to heat up from the amount of bodies in the house and the alcohol flowing freely through your veins as you finished your second drink with a long chug.
Shrugging your oversized medium blue denim jacket off of your shoulder you looked for a suitable place to hide it from partygoers. Situating your jacket behind bottles of soap under the sink you made a note on your phone letting you know where you hide it in case you forgot and needed to retrieve it the next day.
Pouring yourself another drink you capped the Rum when you were done and sighed as the breeze from the overhead vent licked against your skin in your black crop top and plaid skirt. “Damn, now that’s a drink” came from your left causing your to look up with an arch of one of your eyebrows. Liam Martinez stood in front of you with a smile of his pearly whites and you couldn’t help but smile back. You recognized the Wide Receiver of your college football as you shared a literary course with him. You actually also shared that class with Sejun as well.
“Want one?” you asked with a smile to which he shifted closer to you and handed you his red cup. “Yes ma’am” you opened the same bottle you had been using and started pouring it into his glass, followed by a splash of the open coke to your right. Scooping a bit of ice from the bag in the sink into his glass you handed it back to him which he accepted gratefully.
“So, what’re you doing here? or better question, why are you drinking alone in a kitchen full of bottles?” Leaning your hip against the counter you quirked you lip slightly over you glass. “Well if anybody was drinking wouldn’t it be better to drink in a room full of bottles?” Chuckling at your retort Liam placed a hand on the counter and sipped his drink waiting for you to continue. “But if you must know, I finished my drink my friend made me and came to make another, plus they were having a convo I didn’t really feel like being a part of” you let the last bit slip out with a shrug of your shoulders.
With a ‘hmm’ in acknowledgment you two started a pretty nice conversation about your shared class and the frat house you were currently in which Liam had been a part of. Feeling the buzz flowing through your body you accepted his offer when he asked you to dance.
With your hand tucked into his you made your way to the dance floor and wrapped your arms around his neck as the music thumped around you. Settling his hands on your hips he pulled you closer to him, swaying your bodies to rhythm of the bass. Under the soft lights in the dark living room Liams light brown hair shined. Liams hands trailed up and down your hips, eventually turning you around pulling your back into his white t shirt and blue plaid covered chest feeling his muscles rippling against your back.
Leaning your head back onto his chest you ground your hips back into his and smirked. The alcohol coursing through your veins lending confidence to your dance moves as your began to grind with him in the middle of the other swaying dance partners crowding the space.
Another song came to a finish and you felt your body heating up tremendously. With a huff of air escaping your parted semi glossy lips, you knew you needed water and as Liams fingers grazed up your left thigh you excused yourself telling him you’d be right back but he had insisted on going with you.
Reaching the kitchen you looked for a clean empty cup to be the vessel that you needed to quench your thirst and hopefully cool your body down. Liam handed you an opaque red cup from the stack of downturned cups and you poured yourself some water from the fridge and took a long sip relishing in the fresh cool liquid cooling your body down and causing a small shiver.
“Hey can you pass me a coke from the fridge?” The taller man in font of you asked as you were closer to the fridge than he was and you nodded thinking nothing of it. Opening the metal fridge you looked around on the middle shelf before your eyes landed on the signature red cans, plucking one from the shelf you turned and stepped your way back to Liam, handing it to him which caused him to smile his pearly whites in return.
“Hold on, did he just drop something in y/ns glass?” Hanse voiced out while putting a black nail polished hand up in a stop motion after his eyes had zeroed in on the man in question drop something that looked like a small white circular pill into your drink. Earlier in the night Sejun had been talking to Hanse when they both noticed you dancing with Liam, he couldn’t quite place where he knew him from but after Hanse voiced what he had just seen, he remembered a girl he had hooked up with a couple of weeks ago said that after she had hooked up with Liam about a week prior. She had been looking for her shorts and found what looked like roofies on the floor in a bag under his bed. Sejun had asked why she didn’t report him to which she just shrugged and said Liam hadn’t done anything to her and she wasn’t sure that’s what they were so she wasn’t going to start trouble.
With a narrow of his eyes he peeled Tashas hand from around his torso and bounded off into the kitchen following Hanses fast steps towards your figure holding a red cup smiling up towards the tall figure in front of you.
ANNNND chapter 1 is done! I’m going to try to update this pic every week but i can’t make any promises as i’m also writing a Jungkook Magic/au fic series.
I hope you enjoyed the read and pls let me know of any errors you come across as this is partially unedited and i don’t have a Beta reader or anything of the sort. ILY
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blitheringmcgonagall · 4 years ago
Ahsbejsnfjr Mia!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
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I'm so Happy for you :)))) 💛💛💛😁😁😁😀😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Anyways can I get Sirius and Lily brotp please......💛💛💛
You can't tell me she wasn't bestie with Sirius before James. They are so amazing!!!!!!
@secretsongdeer thank you!!!  to celebrate a very exciting/big reader milestone of We Can Be Heroes on fanfic.net (I still can’t get over it, I much prefer ao3 but anyway!), I asked for prompts and so... Okay so this got out of control and ended up being more that just Blackevans brotp but I hope you like it...
   Prongs, what did you do?
 “I hate men!” Lily said, flinging her bag onto the floor of the Gryffindor common room and throwing herself onto the sofa.
Sirius Black, who was already seated on said sofa and had been pretending to read when she came in, looked up briefly, raising his left eyebrow.
“What?” said Lily.
“I am a man, Evans,” he said.
“And?” Lily said, sending him a petulant scowl.
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Sirius said, trying not to smile as he went back to pretending to read said book.
“Very like that,” she said, sliding down the sofa and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Any particular chap bothering you today?” he asked lightly.
“I told you, all of them!” Lily said, rolling her eyes at him.
“All of them in particular?” Sirius asked.
“Well... I can’t tell you about one of them,” she said, kicking her foot against the low footstool.
That had to be Snape. Sirius made a mental note to hex the bastard as soon as the opportunity arose.
“I can’t tell you about the other two either,” Lily said, throwing her head back against the cushion and sighing again.
Snape’s friends. The six mini Death-Eaters Snape hung around with could all do with additional hexing, the bigoted bastards. He clenched his jaw.
“And?” he said.
“And your stupid, infuriating friend!” Lily said, looking up at him again and glaring.
Her emerald eyes were utterly beautiful, but most people found them scary as fuck when she was angry.
Sirius Black was not most people. He knew Lily Evans like the back of his hand. This was only a recent and rather startling discovery.
“Ah, Prongs?” he said, failing to keep a straight face. “What’s he done this time?”
“He’s... well, if you must know, it’s more a case of what he hasn’t done!” Lily scowled.
“You’ve lost me there,” Sirius said, putting down his book and turning towards her. “Evans?”
“I’m notoriously impatient.”
“That’s not a virtue, and you need to work on it,” Lily huffed.
“Duly noted,” Sirius grinned. “You’re pretty impatient too, by the way, old thing.”
“So, à propos de rien, what did Prongs do?”
“French doesn’t suit you, Black.”
“I think it does, actually,” Sirius said, flicking his hair and settling back into the couch more comfortably.
Lily glanced up at him briefly.
“Oh fine. I’ll allow that.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius said, with a smug grin.
Lily gave him an exaggerated eye roll.
“Name once!” she snorted.
“I said you fancied Prongs and I was right,” Sirius said, casually biting into the apple he had been holding in his right hand.
Lily’s cheeks infused prettily.
“You’ve literally never said that!” she yelped.
“I did just now, Evans,” Sirius said smoothly. “And I was right.”
Lily opened her mouth to protest and then closed it.
“Kneazle got your tongue, old thing?” Sirius said, grey eyes sparkling.
“Fuck off!” Lily said, jabbing his shin with her foot.
Sirius folded his arms and stared back.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this!” Lily said, covering her face with her hands and groaning dramatically. “If you tell him, I swear to-“
“My lips are sealed,” Sirius replied, taking another bite of his apple. “Do tell!”
“I’m going to die of-“ Lily said, still hiding behind her hands.
“High stakes. Sounds like Prongs,” said Sirius, taking another bite.
“Listen, you’d have lost it too if you have just worked up the courage to ask Remus out and another person beat you to it at the last minute!” Lily said, flinging herself back against the armrest with force. “Two seconds ahead of me! Two bloody seconds!”
“What?” said Sirius, looking mortified, and pointedly ignoring the reference to one of his best friends.
“James, Prongs, whatever you call the useless, dorky git.”
“He didn’t say yes though, surely?” said Sirius, who still seemed a bit flummoxed.
“Didn’t he?” Lily said, her voice rising. “Desdemona asked him to go to Hogsmeade on a date. He said, and I’m quoting here, thanks very much that’s so kind of you I’d love to go only in his stupid polite voice.”
Sirius winced.
“And?” said Lily, cheeks bright red at this stage. “And then she said oh James, that’s, like, so amazing? I’m going to, like, die of happiness? I can’t wait to, like, tell all my friends, they’re actually, I’m not going to lie, going to scream?” Lily said, putting on a highly convincing version of a snooty pureblood accent. “And then she kissed his cheek and ran off! He stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights! And she’s not horrible or anything, she’s actually quite nice despite her snobby voice, and very attractive to boot, and I’m just being mean and-“
“Fucking hell!” Sirius said, staring at Lily. “What the fuck was he thinking?”
“I know, right?” Lily glared. “Tosser!”
“Blithering idiot!” said Sirius, growling.
“Stupid git!” Lily added.
“Wanker!” said Sirius.
“Gobshite,” Lily said.
“Merlin’s sake, man!” said Sirius.
“Well at least we’re on the same page,” said Lily, shooting Sirius a small smile.
“Blindingly incompetent...” said Sirius.
“Incompetent what?”
“Incompetent flirt? He’s meant to be asking you out?”
“He is?” Said Lily, staring at him in confusion.
“Hand on, when did this happen?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“Merlin, fuck!” Said Sirius, pacing up and down in front of the fireplace. “He’ll come flying in through that door in the next few seconds, Evans, mark my words, so you need to leg it upstairs and let me handle him, alright?”
“Is that wise?” Lily asked, biting her lip.
Sirius stopped pacing and stared at her momentarily.
“Well. I’d say wise would be pushing it,” he said. “but still preferable to your future husband pulling a Prongs.”
Lily raised her right eyebrow.
“Fucking it all up monumentally,” said Sirius, resuming his pacing. “I shall fix this, old girl, leave it to me.”
“What have I done,” groaned Lily as she hurried upstairs.
 The door of the Gryffindor common room flew open and James Potter stormed inside.
“Spot of bother with the fairer sex, Prongs?” Sirius said, lounging against the mantelpiece looking suave and sophisticated.
“Why, Padfoot?” James said, slamming the door so hard that the Fat Lady shrieked in fright. “Why is this happening to me, eh? What the ever-living fuck am I meant to do now, eh?”
“Prongs, care to enlighten me as to why the fuck you said you’d go on a date to Hogsmeade with Desdemona Demelza de Mimsy-Porpington?” said Sirius, his voice hard as steel.
James glared back at him and then threw his arms into the air helplessly.
“I have no idea, Padfoot! Literally no idea what possessed me, okay? I’m disgusted at my absolute barminess! It’s like I can’t be rude to a girl and then I can’t tell her she’s wrong either? I’m a disaster, Padfoot! A walking disaster area!”
“I agree. Your idiocy has risen to stratospheric heights, Prongs,” Sirius said, folding his arms crossly. “! just had Evans in here, in literal tears, all your doing!”
“In tears?” Said James, looking appalled and tuggi8ng at his hair with both his hands.
“Howling,” confirmed Sirius.
“Merlin’s tits!” Said James, turning white. “Do you think I-“
“I think your mother shall hear about this,” said Sirius primly, pursing his mouth shut and shaking his head with a disappointed sigh.
“What!” James shouted, looking horrified. “You are not telling mum, Sirius Black, you traitorous turd! It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to-“
“All you have to do is ask the damned girl out, Prongs, it’s not exactly rock ’n’ science.”
“Rock ’n’ what? Oi! Now listen here, you little shit! I won’t have you chastising me like a bloody two-year-old when you are literally doing the exact same thing when it comes to Moony!”
Sirius’ elbow promptly slipped off the mantelpiece.
“Ouch!” He yelped, digging his elbow into his side. “What the fuck is that meant to mean!”
“Oh don’t you try this palaver on me, Padfoot! I damn well know you’ve had the hots for Moony for at least the last six months, and you’ve done fuck all about it, so don’t get on your high horse and-“
“What?” Sirius croaked, his voice shrill with fear. “I haven’t ever-“
“Oh shut up, Pads! I’ve had to listen to all sorts of Godforsaken moans coming from your bed as you call out Moony’s name. Darling Moony! Remus yes! Moony don’t stop!”
“What?” Sirius is now white as a sheet. “B-but I put up silencing charms every single night?”
“Yeah, about that, you never learnt how to cast a very effective silencing charm, mate. Which was fine, I covered for you, until you started mouthing off this gross stuff about Moony. I sent a remedial charm so don’t worry, Remus didn’t hear you mooning over him. He just thinks you are obsessed with Benjy now.”
Sirius stared at him, momentarily speechless.
“Excuse me?” he croaked. “He what?”
“Yes, well, I may have charmed your voice to say Benjy every time you said the word Moony or Remus,” James said, not looking at all apologetic.
“What? Why? Why would you do that?” said Sirius, looking at James with abject horror.
“Because I was sick of you both! Useless gits!” said James. “You’re both besotted and doing fuck all about it!”
“Fuck all? I’ll have you know, you may not have noticed, but I’ve been flirting my arse off with Moony for MONTHS now Prongs, months! And where has that got me? Nowhere! I don’t think I could be any more bloody obvious!” Sirius said, looking affronted.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You and I may think it’s obnoxiously obvious you fancy him when you send him  origami notes telling him stuff like Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? Or even Guess what's on the menu? Me-n-u, but Moony,” said James.
“But Moony what?” said Sirius, looking frazzled. “What the fuck could he possible think that relates to?”
“I bet he thinks you’re joking around, old chap,” said James calmly. “I did at the start.”
“Merlin, what the hell could he possibly think when I said Here I am. What are your other two wishes?” said Sirius.
“It’s Moony we’re talking about, not an ounce of sense in him when it comes to you, Padfoot!”
“He doesn’t like me!” said Sirius, his voice rising. “The time I sent him that note saying Are you French? Because Eiffel for you, do you know what he did? He turned around and told me, and I quote here, You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Merlin’s tits, Sirius!” shouted James, grabbing a hold of Sirius’ shirt collar. “That’s Moony’s way of flirting with you, you imbecile!”
“What?” said Sirius, eyes as wide as saucers.
“You’re blind!” said James heatedly.
“But how the fuck does Moony thinking I fancy the pants off Benjy help me?” Sirius said, grabbing a hold of James’ Quidditch top in turn and shaking him.
The door of the Gryffindor common room burst open once more. Remus Lupin stood there, eyes narrowed, lip curled, fists clenched, looking as though he planned on taking on every single wannabe Death-Eater in Hogwarts at once and could easily beat them. Sirius drew in a short breath, suddenly aware he was standing very close to James.
“Pray continue, don’t let my presence interrupt the snogging session you two had planned there,” Remus said, in a voice so icy that the dripping disdain had solidified.
“This is how it helps,” said James pleasantly, beaming at Sirius proudly.
“Oh fuck,” whispered Sirius. “Prongs, what did you do?”
If you liked it I can finish it??? It’s basically Jily & Wolfstar both oblivious idiots with wingmates Padfoot & Prongs (major Jily & Wolfstar shippers respectively) to the, ahem, (supposed) rescue....
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aarcanechaoss · 4 years ago
hiii I just recently read the bsd x haikyuu oc story and I can't express how giddy I got reading it IEHDIXHDIS is it okay if I request hcs of maybe how the team would react if a male member from another team (e.g terushima) hits on the girls and won't back off even after they say no? thank you sm!! I'm excited for the next chapters <33
Uh it is more than okay please request away! I hope this is okay I enjoyed writing this
Oda Sakunosuke: Oda is well aware the girls can take care of themselves, they’re more than meets the eye, but watching Tanaka try to make Higuchi swoon was getting increasingly more infuriating especially as she told him and quote “You aren’t my love go away” okay maybe a little more swearing blame the pinkette for that. As the Captain he felt he needed to step in- not to protect her no he has more faith in her than that but to steer her away and give a solid glare to the second year. Hopefully he gets the hint
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Chuuya Nakahara: Chuuya has known Ryoko for a damn long time and he knows she’s pretty attractive, she’s tall, lean with light muscles and very smart what’s not to find at least cute. She’s got a mean streak and in honesty he’d probably leave her to deal with it but if it kept going and Tendo didn’t back off soon he was going to snap and use Corruption. Not unlike Oda he has faith in her but he’s also a cranky guy and that shits just plain annoying so good chance he’ll yell at them for not leaving her alone.
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Osamu Dazai: Now while Dazai can seem aloof, crazy, bored or even high he’s actually very protective of the first years and Gin is like his little sister- sure he’s a bastard but it’s not like he has much say in what he does at the school. It was the middle of a game and Dazai was very ready to setter dunk the ball into Atsumu’s face. He may look calm and collected but if you look close enough you could see the gleam of irritation as he warned the opposing setter to stop before threatening to sick her brother on him.
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Ichiyo Higuchi, Ryoko Fukami & Gin Akutagawa: while Higuchi and Ryoko don’t get along they are going to set aside their differences for things like this. Ryoko gets this shit enough Gin and Higuchi don’t need it either. Unlike the boys the girls threats are moreso promises- someone should really tell Yamamoto that before the knives come out to play because it looks like they are getting pretty mad- get the boys a throw down is about to occur!
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Atsushi Nakajima: Atsushi can’t decide what’s worse seeing the girl you are crushing on (Gin) get hit on by Nishinoya or Higuchi trying to hit on the guy who doesn’t like you aka your crushes brother. Atsushi doesn’t like conflict so he’s more than likely going to get Ryunosuke and tell him what’s going on before going back, gently grabbing Gin’s hand and snickering as the second year rips into Nishinoya until his own team rushes over to see what’s wrong.
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa: He doesn’t like people. That’s not a hardeharhar ey people suck okay maybe it is a little bit but he has no desire to have anything to do with relationships he’s still figuring himself out and he’s used to Higuchi’s pining but even still watching both her and his sister getting hit on by a couple boys from Itachiyama was making him fume. He’s definitely going to tell Dazai and ask if he can go use Rashoumon on them. He isn’t allowed to but at least he asked right? He’d wander over sneer very present on his face and not so kindly tell them to leave the girls alone.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky: One might call him Ryoko Fukami’s best friend, (some have even suggested Chuuya was that) they tease and mock eachother and tolerate very little shit which makes them good teammates. Fyodor might be the manager and he might be a touch of a lazy bones but he’s efficient and on more than one occasion has threatened anyone from even daring flirt with Ryoko because unless you have genuine interest in her he finds it gross. Not that he cares (he does) if Oikawa happens to be scooting closer to her and invading her personal space and it’s not like he cornered him later before bed with threats and promises of missing body parts... I mean he told the coaches he was being odd Yep that’s it.
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Junichiro Tanizaki: Junichiro might just be a first year but he is a big brother and the girls have in kind become sisters to him- we’ve seen how he is with Naomi in trouble now add Higuchi, Fukami and Gin into the mix you get psycho eyes. You know Hinata’s scary blank face yeah that on Junichiro what is this red heads are scary day? He’s used to seeing the girls get hit on on and off the court but it doesn’t make it any better especially if he can see when they start to get uncomfortable and he might just throw hands but you didn’t see anything.
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And Bonus since Shiratorizawa’s manager Rika is also an OC
Shiratorizawa: Furious. She’s tiny and all those bastards are giants so imagine them standing around her while she’s getting more and more uncomfortable. She can defend herself yes but it gets overwhelming some days and let’s just say Ushijima is scary (we knew that) but did you know Semi was scarier?
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cyndalyssa · 4 years ago
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Name: Rosella Macawber
Age: She’s about five years younger than Morgana; heavily depends on how you think supernatural beings age
Gender: Female
Species: Monster/Fae Duck
Occupation: Waitress (and occasional gardener/landscaper) at Shadow Chateau, Superheroine in Training
Super powers: Earth Magic (Geokinesis, Animation of Stone, Petrification, basically any spell that involves dirt, stone, minerals, etc.)
Cast/Wrought Iron (typically manifesting as allergies, though they also weaken her magic), 
Water (erodes at her strength until she can barely move, she also can’t swim and sinks like a rock; however, she can drink it just fine, she’d just rather not take a dip in it)
Tiny twig of a woman with a terrible case of baby face. 
Brown feathers, prehensile green hair done in a single braid (typically behaves like tentacles when unbraided) with a hot pink daisy at the base, rose pink eyes (which can turn red when she’s in attack mode). 
Teeth are selectively sharp and claws are retractable (usually borne when she’s angry).  
Typically wears a green sleeveless tunic, brown capelet with a hot pink rose pin, string belt holding a tan magic pouch to her left hip, brown leggings and darker brown flat shoes.
Personality: Optimistic, excitable, curious, and friendly; quite independent, but also lonely to the point of stir craziness; tends to be stubborn, prideful, and a little fiery, especially when she feels her identity as a person is threatened.
Morgana Macawber (cousin, big sister figure)
Tuffy (her cat made out of rocks; BFF)
Mattias Macawber (father, lukewarm relationship)
Undine Macawber (eldest quadruplet sister, hostile relationship)
Ashmay and Zephra Macawber (other two older quadruplet sisters, lukewarm relationship)
Darkwing Duck (ally, mutual annoyance but begrudging respect)
Launchpad McQuack (friend, usually the one to educate her on Normal stuff)
Gosalyn Mallard (odd friendship where they’re kinda kindred spirits but with opposite tastes; occasionally Rosie babysits her and it’s wild)
Liquidator (enemy, will absolutely NOPE out of Dodge upon seeing him)
Quackerjack (enemy, there’s a stupid mutual grudge between them)
Bushroot (some kind of weird complicated friendship despite being on different sides)
Once upon a time, Mattias Macawber went traveling for a few years, only to return to Transylvania with four eggs that he quietly admitted were his, and that the woman he produced them with was dead. He spoke little more of the matter, despite everyone’s curiosity, and just sought to raise the children like any other monster.
Rosella was the last of the girls to hatch, and at first, she seemed like a regular monster, looking like she’d be a witch with animated hair. However, as she grew older, it became clear that she just couldn’t fit in. No interest in their macabre society, no desire to be scary or gross, and no magic ability save for manipulating dirt and pebbles. It grew worse when upon stumbling into Normal territory, she discovered their colorful flora (a far cry from the deadly and scary plants monsters grow), among other things, and immediately took a liking to it. She was already bullied by the other monsters for being weak; having adopted a cute and colorful persona, she was now tormented for being the odd duck of not just the esteemed Macawber Family, but all of monster society.
By the time she was an adult, she was shoved to the outskirts of monster society, and often even excluded from her own family—her only friend was a cat (named Tuffy) she made out of rocks and endowed some of her life force into. Not many visitors came her way, and when they did, it’s usually just to grab something from her magic stone/crystal/sand collection and run before she can offer them tea. So, her life was full of loneliness, filling time with gardening, making artisan crafts, and practicing her earth magic—it was enough to make her a bit stir crazy. Still, as much as she yearned for acceptance, she held a stubborn pride in who she is.
Things started to change when her cousin Morgana sought her help in landscaping around her restaurant, the Shadow Chateau. It was initially meant to be a temporary affair, and they’d part ways after the work was done.  But, things took a turn when the fairy bounty hunter/hitwoman Goldenrod captured the Macawbers at the restaurant--save Rosie, who was ditched by the other members of the family and left to figure out which magic door at the castle led to the manor in St. Canard. She helped Darkwing Duck and co. rescue them, and then angrily chewed out her kin for leaving her behind and overall treating her like dirt. 
Realizing that Rosella was unhappy with her life, Morgana felt pity for her, and offered her a job and a change of scenery. Despite said job being a waitress for the restaurant—involving being dressed to match an aesthetic she cares little for—Rosie ecstatically accepted (albeit with the condition that they transport her garden to a new plot of land, so that no vandals destroy her hard work when she’s gone), seeing it as an opportunity for a fresh start in this strange land of St. Canard.
This fresh start would involve the insanity of superheroes and supervillains, supernatural forces following her and Morg to the city, aliens, spies, mutants, and more… but hey, her life’s more interesting, and she’s starting to make friends.
Open to RP: If anyone cares.
Random facts:
Her mother is a faerie, and only two know (her father and a local doctor (who was confirming the girls’ relation to him, given that he just randomly showed up with eggs; Mattias paid him to keep quiet about their other half)). 
However, everyone else does sense something off about Rosie (and her sisters, but she sticks out), enough to theorize that she’s actually a faerie changeling (well, they’re kinda close?). Some of Rosie’s peers had even taken to calling her “fairy princess”, which infuriates her.
She has a scarily extensive knowledge of geology—after all, if you had the power to command the earth, wouldn’t you want to better understand your element? She has a rock collection to boot. 
She’s an avid homesteader, given that she’s been taking care of herself for years with various home skills like gardening, cooking, textile work, etc. As interesting as St. Canard is, living in the city gets her a little on edge, and she hopes to someday live independently in the country like she did before (that said, she doesn’t want to go back to a friendless life and would love visits). 
Whatever you do, do not threaten her garden. She will throw boulders at or sic golems on you at best. At worst... let’s not think about it. 
Though she has a distaste for the spooky, gross, and freaky things that are mainstream in monster culture, she ain’t gonna complain about the food--she actually enjoys it, her faves being the bug dishes. Otherwise, with Normal food, she has a ravenous sweet tooth, dislikes salty foods, and everything else ranges from okay to pretty good. 
Character created by and belongs to @cyndalyssa​
Bio Template nicked from @duckverseoc​
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floggingink · 4 years ago
I’m tuning in to be VERY entertained on the grounds that I missed almost the entirety of S4 and will not understand anything
we open with an incredible analogue comparing the football team to the Army, as men do construct rituals: football players get blown into the sky, etc., in a heartrending mash-up of Archie’s innocence + the American ideal/expectations/pipeline of masculinity
Archie Company is decked out appropriately to storm Hürtgen Forest
that art direction trope where a character’s hearing goes EEEEEEEEEEEEEE after an explosion……...delightful
the Vixens and friends cheering him on from the sidelines as if Archie can only process his unprocessable present through the lens of his past………...hits the spot
distressingly wood-based rifles for our purposes
Archie > Dawson: I don’t mind telling you I felt emotion upon Archie hoisting his war buddy over his shoulders to that quadruple-toned “Chivalric Archie Using His Strength for Good” tune, like when he broke his whole hand busting Cheryl out of Sweetwater River
Hiram’s dragon-scale gloves? absolutely savory; he would
“Yonkers” is one of those New York place names I don’t totally buy is real (Poughkeepsie is another)
the sepia-toned light in this hospital room rings true judging by all the Captain America fanfiction I’ve read; I also like the mint-colored hand towels draped on Archie’s bedframe bought, one assumes, using the Department of Defense’s Kohl’s Cash
Archie made Sergeant, which is the best ranking for a fictional character: important enough that they can be a leader, get into trouble; low-profile enough that you don’t have to write them in the room making terrible decisions; probably won’t die immediately, as a Captain or Private might be
Fifth period is AP English: Archie reads A Farewell to Arms to Corporal Jackson, a WWI novel by Hemingway that Jug definitely turned him onto
Christ, Archie looks good in that on-leave jacket thing
I like Jackson’s subtle graph paper-print hospital gown
Gay?!: was Jackson in love with Archie? is he gonna bus to Riverdale once he’s off his pain meds? RAS, is that you in there?
God you know I love that haunted-ass Exorcist wooden bench bus light lighting
how long has the WW been relocated under Pop’s??? I do NOT know what happened to La Bonne Nuit
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Fangs’ hair? his Tony Stark glasses? the girls’ “I’m a Slave 4 U” Burmese pythons? Toni’s headdress and immaculate glossed lip? 
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the only part of From Dusk till Dawn I’ve seen is Salma Hayek putting her toe in Quentin Tarantino’s mouth but judging from that I figure I’d like the rest 
The female gaze: Jesus Sweet Pea still looks good
Toni’s stage is flanked by twin pillars of melting candles and I would like someone to track those down for my bathroom
if they lay one hand on Pop Tate…
Betty appears to be, on her own, running the FBI training course. Betty is such a freak
Betty’s FBI-appointed psychologist is “Dr. Starling,” wears a great yellow blouse; Betty eats what appears to be a mini-sized Milky Way
her blond FBI trainer-boyfriend (uh) Glen appears to be an unholy fusion of Jimmi Simpson and that one actor with brown hair and really sharp light eyes whose acting credits I can’t think of right now, you know who I’m talking about (not the guy from Vampire Diaries)
I quite like her patterned blouse and I hate his yellow (gold?!) and blue tie
Please protect Betty: obviously we stan the Silence of the Lambs shit even as it remains infuriating Bryan Fuller couldn’t get his hands in it
Betty’s cat’s crying was so disturbingly baby-like that I had to leave the room once I realized it was in fact a cat
I’ve watched the Elisa Lam tape too many times in recent hours to handle this hallway shot
the Trash Bag Killer coming at her was scary :(
Betty’s lovely blue knit cardi with the puffed sleeves!
50 Shades of Betty: clearing her throat before the doctor quite finishes her sentence—Lili Reinhart continues to be great at conveying “slightly perturbing subterranean tension”
was Charles a serial killer too??? oh damn!
Betty has been successfully holding off giving Glen a key to her place until now, an era that must come to a close
fellas, “Do I at least get a kiss?” is a bad move
Veronica was rich: Veronica’s new digs: exposed brick, bougiely avant-garde chandelier; possibly an elevator door right there behind the dude?
Veronica has married Hiram, to no one’s surprise
Chadwick looks like Jimmi Simpson and brunet Evan Peters plus a jaw
Veronica’s single-puffled-sleeved gown…..madamn (she has absolutely been taking secret birth control pills)
Summer + Blair = Veronica: of course Veronica would be great at Howard Ratner’s job; I MUST know what “specialty showcase haute couture offense” Vinnie has committed
T-Dubbs’ green jacket
Veronica pretended she was working at like, a department store? but she MISSED the EDGE post-day-trading
their apartment is so expensive that their bedroom is totally exposed
oh my god, Hermione
Best costume bit: please get me these satiny green high-waisted slacks?! and ugh her blouse has shoulder tassels……..she’s flourishing
“That’s threatening to an alpha like Chad.”
yes, they have a private elevator. fine.
Glen and Chad get their ties from the same Men’s Warehouse
“When that helicopter went down on the way to Martha’s Vineyard…”
you know kissing is 4-real when one person cups their hand to the back of the other person’s neck all close
I don’t understand the drop of the Glamergé egg but I appreciate that there is one and that Veronica is like, get this the fuck out of my house
Veronica’s shiny cropped tweed two-piece, Yvonne’s weird feathery coat that matches her bf’s shirt (you know she’s supposed to be “too much” because she’s got big hoop earrings)
God, Jughead is next and I’m not gonna be able to handle it
Alphabet City?! the piano?? the fucking East Coast Beat typewriter shit—the day robe? I’m—READING CLUBMASTERS? FORSYTHE???
OH GOD HE’S DATING ANOTHER WRITER (she has nice pants)
Jughead eats: “that place you like” is a HOT DOG STAND in the middle of SOME GRASS
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Jughead wears high-ankle light blue jeans, grey socks, and spectators that blend to create the illusion of wading boots. I’m going to commit a crime
Jughead doubts it: “So did Kerouac. And Hemingway. And Fitzgerald.” 
fuck yes I love Floundering Jughead, and his Pushy Agent who pronounces “career” like “Korea,” and the continuing tradition of Jughead getting kicked out of his house
I like Literary Grifter’s sweater
the Brat Pack, and most of the Rat Pack for that matter, were actors, but I assume RAS couldn’t resist the rhyme 
I was 100% afraid we were about to learn Cora was an uncomfortably-young undergrad
the musical cue as she reaches into her bag is absolutely as if she’s taking out a gun, and it might as well be! it’s the scariest thing in NYC: an unpublished manuscript
showrunners doing a classic I Love Lucy job partially concealing Vanessa Morgan’s pregnancy via medium close-ups, draping black clothes
Cheryl slowly turning to ask if doesn’t she look okay 10/10 icon
Cheryl’s pins: she has either a tiny spider or maybe a tick
Cheryl’s sheaths: the lacy red thing, amazing
why is Cheryl’s left hand gloved?
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: Cheryl’s going to forge a Rembrandt, which unfortunately means she’s my favorite person on the planet (she does not look happy about doing this)
btw is Nana Rose an Immortal?
please tell me about Toni’s eyelashes
“Damn good coffee”: Archie’s earnest “Where are people gonna sit for the bus?” slayed me
fuck YEAH Ghoulies party house! terrible music but really good skull spray paint art
Jug looks LOW lol
Veronica’s blouse + buttons, impeccable
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: Tabitha/Squeaky
the hellscape semi’s red backlighting and its skeleton’s red eyes
I like Linette’s glossy bomber!
the trucker who’s about to kill her can’t also be the Trash Bag Killer….truckers have to stick to too much of a schedule….but he could be Betty’s meandering serial
I loved this episode
NEXT WEEK: Archie brings the FBI down on some people paying their rent :(
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mellometal · 4 years ago
Hello. This is really what Dhar Mann decided to do...again. Welp, the first video you did about LGBT people in sports was SO good, right? That you decided to make ANOTHER video about LGBT people and fuck that up too??? Real appropriate timing, Dhar Mann. Because it's the end of Pride Month and tomorrow is the start of Wrath Month.
Let's talk about it, shall we?
Before I begin, this will be talking about homophobia, being forced to come out of the closet, blackmailing, and outing of closeted LGBT people. In my response, it touches on assault, murder, execution, abuse, discrimination, fetishization of the LGBT community, harassment, and how being LGBT was once considered a mental illness. If any of that is triggering for you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, please feel free to scroll to other content that sparks joy for you.
To sum up the video, there is a gay boy (Pete) who's running for president (presumably student body) again, he's handing out flyers, and he's having a grand old time. His boyfriend (Julian) is being ever so supportive. To be honest, I've NEVER seen anyone in school handing out flyers to get elected in the student body. A student body, for anyone not familiar, is basically the group that "speaks for the students". Best way I can describe it.
Then some guy (Frank) comes up to him in the hallway to intimidate him...OVER A STUPID SCHOOL ELECTION. The terribly written, sorry excuse for a bully then takes Pete's flyers out of his hands, sees there's a rainbow on them, and calls them gay before throwing them on the ground. That's after Pete told Frank to give them back. Frank then asks if Pete and Julian are dating. Pete, being closeted, says no, and that Julian is his friend. Frank then leaves after intimidating Pete some more. Julian is offended that Pete referred to him as a friend, despite Pete explaining why he did that...y'know, because he's NOT READY TO COME OUT AS GAY and he was trying to protect himself and his boyfriend. (What the fuck did you want him to do, Julian? Come out when he obviously wasn't ready to just to make YOU happy? Pete was trying to protect you and himself, Julian! I understand that you want to be shown off by your boyfriend, but I really think that your safety is more important than being shown off.)
When Pete and Julian are at a restaurant together, Frank JUST SO HAPPENS to be at that same restaurant. Pete and Julian don't know that until later. Frank takes a picture of them just holding hands...which, why would you do that? I've actually seen posts of REAL PEOPLE taking pictures of their classmates (without their knowledge or consent), posting them online, and shipping them together. It's not a good look. It's fucking gross.
Frank tells Pete that he saw them (he and Julian) at the restaurant, shows Pete that he made flyers of the picture HE TOOK OF THEM, and uses it as blackmail. He threatens to out Pete when he already publicly outed him in the fucking hallway, which brings me back to the dumpster fire that is Glee...because Gary Stu (Finn) outed Santana as lesbian in the hallway WITHIN EARSHOT OF EVERYONE. That where you got your inspiration from, Dhar Mann? If so, it's fitting because Glee is a shitty show, and you're a shitty person. A match made in heaven.
Julian notices Pete is distressed. He says he has to drop out of the race because of Frank threatening to out him to the school if he doesn't.
How does the video end? Well, Frank gives his speech that is just D*n*ld Tr*mp type beat bullshit, Pete pretty much says he has to drop out of the race, the students go wild on Frank because he's a homophobe and called another gay student a fruit, Pete forces himself to come out as gay, the students are going wild, and he's elected as the student body president! WHOOP-DEE-FUCKIN-DOO.
This video is an absolute piece of infuriating shit. Enough said. I'll tear this video to shreds and put my response down.
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I get the message they're trying to go for here, but there's a big issue with this! THERE ARE STILL MANY PLACES AROUND THE WORLD WHERE YOU CAN BE ARRESTED AND EVEN EXECUTED FOR BEING LGBT! DHAR MANN, YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT BEING LGBT AND YOU NEVER WILL BECAUSE YOU'RE A CISHET MAN! DO SOME BETTER RESEARCH IF YOU'RE GONNA DO VIDEOS LIKE THIS, OH MY FUCKING GOD! Not everywhere is like the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and other countries where it's safe to be openly LGBT! You don't believe me? Look it up! (Obviously at your own risk. There's A LOT of triggering, upsetting things that happen to LGBT people in other countries.) Getting discriminated against, harassed, assaulted, and murdered for being LGBT? Yes, that all still happens around the world. Even in places where being LGBT is legal and not considered a crime. Like the United States!
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Oh, wow! Taking pictures of people without their knowledge just so you can have some "dirt" on them for a stupid student body election. That'll help. /s Blackmailing an innocent person for who they are? FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. Good job! How's that working out for you?
Maybe instead of jacking your raging homophobe self off, you worry about the fact you look like and act like D*n*ld Tr*mp's long-lost son and you fix yourself, Frank. Take the log out of your own eye before you try to pull the twig out of someone else's eye. Just a thought!
Also, I could make a better flyer than a picture with a big red x. So creative. I expected more out of D*n*ld Tr*mp's long-lost son. Fucking top tier. You couldn't top this off if you tried! /s
Onto my response! It's a long one, just fair warning.
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If you're in the closet because it's not safe for you to be out as LGBT where you live, you're so valid and I love you. /p Come out on your own terms. Don't fall for peer pressure. For anyone who's been outed before, I'm so sorry, I feel you, and I know what that's like. I've been there before. It sucks. It's scary. I hope you're doing better, if that's ever happened to you.
Dhar Mann, you will NEVER know what it's like to be LGBT. You will never begin to understand what the LGBT community has gone through and is STILL going through. Don't act like you do just because you probably watched one YouTube video about the LGBT community. You're a cishet man who's also a cringe ass nae-nae baby. Why don't you LISTEN to the real people you're hurting with these videos?
Here are a few suggestions you can do instead!:
Talk to actual people in the LGBT community!
Attend pride events to show support.
Read up on their history.
Support LGBT creators.
Donate to the community.
Happy Wrath Month, everyone!
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thegayhimbo · 4 years ago
Stranger Things Opinions:
Found a questionnaire online, and thought I’d give it a try in relation to Stranger Things, and my opinion on certain aspects of the show!
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: 
Steve Harrington.
my trash-shit fave: 
Don’t really have one.
my I love to hate them fave: 
Tie between Dr. Martin Brenner and The Mind Flayer. They are both amazing (and scary) villains.
my I hate to love them fave:
Jim Hopper. Sometimes, I love him (like in season 1 and parts of season 2), and other times, he’s infuriating (like in season 3). It really depends on how he’s written.
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: 
Billy Hargrove.
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: 
Again, Billy Hargrove. When I first saw the show, I didn’t think much of his character beyond him being the sociopathic bully from the 80s. I assumed he was meant to be disliked and intentionally set up as an antagonist, and I just left it at that.
However, when I got into the fandom (around the time season 3 aired), I saw how much Billy was woobified by fans, and how people consistently tried to downplay his shitty behavior (his racism towards Lucas, his abusive behavior towards Max and Steve, etc), and it caused me to sour towards the character. It didn’t help that many of these same fans would go out of their way to attack characters like Nancy, Jonathan, and Kali for every mistake they made (even if it was unintentional), but then would turn around and give Billy a free pass for everything else. I really despise the abuse apologies made for Billy, and how his stans try to make every single excuse they can so that Billy doesn’t have to be held accountable for his actions. It’s one of those instances where Stan Culture has caused me to deeply hate said character.
my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: 
Don’t have one as of season 4.
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: 
Don’t really have one. I’m not really invested in the ships, and the one ship I do kinda like (Stonathan) is never going to happen, so I’m not a hardcore shipper. 
my dirtybadwrong fave ship: 
Don’t have one.
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship:
Jancy. Jonathan and Nancy. They’re a cute relationship, and they have great chemistry, but I’m not a hardcore shipper for them. 
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship:
Harringrove. This is one of those ships that grosses me out. Canonically, Billy was abusive towards Steve. He made every attempt to emasculate or put down Steve, and the last episode of season 2 literally has Billy beating the shit out of him until Steve went unconscious and Max had to intervene to save his life. How anyone can interpret that as romantic is beyond me. 
The one nice thing I can say about season 3 is that Steve’s only interaction with Billy involved hitting him with his car and saving Nancy’s life. And now that Billy is officially dead, Harringrove is never gonna happen! 
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I am tagging @stillhidden @deniblogginstuff @pusheen1802 @mike-wheelerrs @thepragmaticrebel and anyone else who wants to give their opinions about Stranger Things with these questions! I’d love to hear them! 😀
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there-must-be-a-lock · 4 years ago
Breakfast and Bus Rides
Criminal Minds/Supernatural crossover ft. Harry Styles
Word Count: ~3030
Warnings: Egregious amounts of fluff, one gratuitous kitten, and a couple stoned rockstars. Lots of discussion of coming out and some other LGBT-adjacent issues. 
A/N: A wild Plot appears! I was having some feels about coming out/honesty (hm wonder why, is a mystery) and foisted those feelings on JJ and Dean. 
Thanks to @stunudo​ for a pre-read, endless encouragement, and the kitten scene idea.
This is part of the Rockstar AU. It picks up right where Wake-Up Calls and Watermelon leaves off. 
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Dean exchanges a glance with Sam, and they both hang back as the others start to gather in the kitchenette. Penelope keeps shooting wide-eyed, starstruck looks at Harry, and it’s making Dean nervous. 
“You okay with this?” Dean asks quietly. “You think she’ll keep her mouth shut?” 
Sam shrugs. “I can talk to her.” 
“And Schroeder? I mean, love the kid to death, but holy hell does he babble.” 
“Spencer’s known since the first night of tour.” 
Sam chuckles. “Kinda a funny story… tell you later. I honestly think he might’ve forgotten, though.” 
“What about the rest of ‘em?” Dean asks. “I mean, I like ‘em well enough, but…”
“I want to tell them,” Sam says, without hesitating. “I’m just gonna bite the bullet and invite them all over for breakfast.” 
Dean sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “You sure?” 
“I trust them.” 
“Okay. Just don’t want you to get hurt, Sammy.” 
“What a shock,” Sam deadpans. “Dean’s pulling the protective big brother card? Alert the press.”
Dean purses his lips and gives Sam a light punch on the arm. “Bitch.” 
“Don’t let Emily hear you saying that,” Sam chuckles. “Shoulda heard the lecture I got the other day about the way misogyny is perpetuated through language. Honestly, though. What do you really think is going to happen? It’s not like they’ve outed you and Cas, they’ve all been awesome about it.” 
“This is different, though,” Dean says, with a grimace. “I mean, like it or not, it’d be news. The gossip rags would pay serious fuckin’ money for a picture of the two of you.” 
“It’s not like we’re gonna walk around, like, fused at the mouth,” Sam laughs. “No PDA required. But… I want him to meet some of my friends. Y’know?” 
“Stop worrying so much, Dean.” Sam’s expression is soft and fond, and he claps Dean on the shoulder before heading for the coffee maker and Harry. 
Harry wraps himself around Sam like a giant squid, if a giant squid wore Gucci, and Dean’s chest feels tight with anxiety. The two of them are looking at each other with these stupid googly-eyed dimpled smiles. It doesn’t even count as PDA, not really, except that Sam is so godawful at hiding his feelings that he might as well be wearing a neon sign. 
Then Harry starts feeding him a strawberry, and that definitely counts as PDA, if not public indecency. Gross. 
If someone did take a picture of them like this, with their sleepy-eyed smiles and interlaced fingers, it’d be worth thousands of dollars. That’s a hell of an incentive. Dean’s had people fuck him over for much less. 
Dean’s learned his lesson over the years. The only people you can really trust are your family. 
Cas emerges from their room, blinking blearily around at everyone before coming over to Dean and leaning in for a kiss. 
“Morning breath, fuck,” Dean grumbles, making a face, but he grabs Cas and pulls him in anyway. 
A cheer goes up around them, and Dean sees Jack coming out of his room, clothed now, but still blushing red and shamefaced. 
“What’d I miss?” Cas says, scowling, and Dean grins gleefully before launching into the story. 
* * *
“I guess I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal,” Spencer says, contemplating his hand of cards. “Aside from a very vocal minority, there’s widespread support for LGBT rights, statistically, and the music industry is more progressive than most. If you look at David Bowie, for example —” 
“I pass the turn,” Charlie interrupts, cutting him off before he can launch into full-on textbook mode. “It’s not really about that, though.” 
Charlie forgets about the conversation for a minute as he attacks her planeswalker. She used to own her local Friday Night Magic tournaments, and she’s more than a little pissed that this skinny fucker in a sweater vest has won three of their last four games. Spencer is sneaky. Charlie can respect that, but it’s infuriating. 
“Why, then?” 
“Hmm? Oh, that. It’s more to do with… privacy, I guess. That’s a hell of a lot of public attention for Sam. He doesn’t want people to sing Happy Birthday to him, you know?” 
“Doesn’t everybody hate being sung to?” Spencer asks pensively.
“Well, yeah. But Harry’s the sort of famous where people get totally invasive and weird about his personal life. Like, starting rumors, tabloid shit, and it extends to anyone he gets involved with.” 
“Really?” Spencer downs the last of his coffee. It’s his third cup, but he hasn’t touched the plate of pancakes that’s been going cold on the table.  
“Yeah. I don’t know if Sam realizes the full level of crazy at work, but Dean and I looked online, one night, after Harry brought it up. The shit people have said about his exes… about his friends, even. They’re vicious about it. Analyzing every facial expression in every picture, making up stories…” 
Spencer’s forehead creases in a frown. “I play Grasp of Darkness on your Primordial Hydra and swing with all my zombies.” 
“Motherfucker,” Charlie mutters. “Rematch?” 
Spencer’s staring intently down at the table, lost in thought, and he doesn’t seem to hear her for a second. She chucks one of her D-20s at his face and he starts when it bounces off his forehead. 
“Where’d you go?” 
He hesitates before mumbling, “I had a stalker.” 
“Yeah, she — Cat. I told her I didn’t want to sleep with her, and she didn’t like that very much.” He pauses, brow furrowed. “She learned everything about me, and I mean everything. Tried to manipulate me, tried to manipulate my friends…”
“Yikes. What happened?” 
“She went to jail for a little while. She showed up when she got out, one night in Boston—” Spencer brightens. “—but Derek tackled her and threw her into the Charles River.” 
“For real?” 
Spencer nods and smiles in a way that makes Charlie think she’s not getting the full story. “It was a weird night.” 
“So she hasn’t showed up since then?” 
“No. But… I just felt like I couldn’t hide anything, like every part of me, every shitty thing I’d ever done, was under a microscope. It was awful. I’m all for being honest, you know? That’s great, in theory, but... everybody deserves the right to hide if they want to. You should be the one to decide what parts of yourself you want to share.” 
Charlie thinks about the friend who outed her in high school, and how naked she felt. 
* * *
Dean sits down next to Derek at the kitchen bar as he’s sealing the third joint.  
“Rolling for the road?” he asks, around a mouthful of bacon. “Nicely done.” 
“The key is the crutch,” Derek tells him. “Ditalini.” 
“No shit? Huh.” 
Derek keeps working, watching Dean, who’s watching Sam. 
“Nothing to worry about here,” Derek points out gently. “You know that, right?” 
Dean lets out a little self-deprecating laugh. “Sorry. Fuck. Habit, y’know? He’s my brother.” 
“Oh, believe me, I know,” Derek says ruefully, glancing over at Spencer. 
“Every person he tells is another person that could hurt him,” Dean says fiercely. “I fuckin’ hate that.” 
“Worrying doesn’t help, though.” 
Dean scowls at that, thinking for a moment as he chews, before saying, “I just wish there was a way I could help.” 
“A while ago, there was this guy who went after Emily,” Derek says slowly, twisting the next joint closed. “And he didn’t hurt her bad, or anything. Spencer and JJ jumped in, and Spencer took the worst of it, because… Spencer.” 
“Can’t see him being handy in a fight.” 
“Try telling him that when he’s pissed. Point is, though… nobody got hurt, but I was pretty shaken up about it. Beat myself up for not being there to protect them, until my girl Penelope talked some sense into me. She said, ‘It’s not your job to keep them safe all the time. The most important thing is to make sure they know they’re safe with you.’ I think about that a lot.” 
“So, what, I’m supposed to just… ignore the risk?” 
“No,” Derek says patiently. “But it’s his risk to take. You being afraid isn’t going to make the world any less scary, but knowing that you’re there, that you’re proud of him, that you’ve got his back no matter what? That helps.”  
Dean mulls that over. There’s a mulish set to his jaw that reminds Derek of Emily; it’s the face she makes when she knows he’s right and doesn’t want to admit it. He tries to hide his smile as he finishes rolling the last joint and offers it to Dean. 
“Thanks,” Dean says gruffly. 
“Any time.” 
* * *
When JJ opens the bus door, she’s greeted by a cloud of weed smoke. She can see Hotch stretched out on the couch with a half-smoked joint in one hand and a battered copy of Slaughterhouse-Five in the other. He’s reading out loud, and for a moment JJ can’t figure out who he’s reading to; then she notices Pearl curled up on his chest, rubbing her tiny fuzzy head against his cheek. 
It’s so goddamn cute JJ doesn’t know what to do with herself. She settles for whipping out her phone and taking a quick picture. 
As she walks up the bus steps, Hotch holds out the lit joint without pausing, and she takes it happily. 
JJ’s exhaling smoke, finally feeling the weird tension under her skin start to evaporate, when Rossi opens the door.
“All set,” Rossi says, giving the driver a thumbs-up. 
“Did you triple-check your head count?” Hotch asks, deadpan. 
“Sure did.” 
“Everybody present and accounted for?” JJ adds innocently. “Spencer?” 
“He’s showing off his new toy on the Winchesters’ bus.”
“Playing Sega with Charlie.” 
“And Morgan?” 
“Already in the back, taking a nap.” 
“Emily?” Hotch presses. 
“She’s in the batcave to — oh. I see.” Rossi glowers. “Very funny.” 
“Are you sure you didn’t forget Spencer again?” JJ asks, giggling hoarsely around another lungful of smoke. 
“It was one time,” Rossi protests, flipping them off. “You try keeping track of the kid. He’s like a squirrel. A squirrel on LSD.” 
“Pretty sure it was mushrooms that day,” JJ points out. 
Rossi sits down and asks thoughtfully, “Did anybody see that coming?” 
“Sam? Honestly, no,” Hotch answers, frowning. “Not that it’s any of our business, but…” 
“Me neither,” JJ admits. 
She’s still rattled by the whole thing, for reasons she can’t quite put her finger on. It’s not about Sam, or whatever bullshit constructs of masculinity that would make people assume he’s straight just because he has muscles and dresses like a lumberjack. She’s not shocked by the label, or whatever. 
“There’s someone I want you guys to meet,” Sam had told them. He tucked his hair behind his ears as he said it; it’s his tell, his nervous tic, and JJ has the poker winnings to prove it. She had wondered, for a moment, what would make him smile like that in spite of his obvious anxiety. 
Dean had been glaring from the other side of the room, gauging their reactions, his arms folded and his fear written all over his face in the guise of a scowl, like a feral dog who’d been backed into a corner. JJ could understand the fear. Sam, though… Sam just looked relieved. 
Hotch and Rossi are staring at her, she realizes abruptly. 
“I said, anything you want to do in L.A.? Plenty of time for sightseeing.” 
JJ shrugs. “Not really.” 
“You okay?” Rossi asks, looking at her closely. 
“Yeah, just… tired. I’m gonna take that nap now.” She gives them a bright smile, passing the joint to Rossi, and gets up before they can question it. 
JJ feels a little better once she’s in a spare bunk with the curtain closed. It’s easier to examine the knot in her chest like this, now that she’s alone in the dark, safe and hidden. 
She keeps coming back to the smile on Sam’s face. 
There was a moment, earlier, when JJ noticed Sam and Harry from across the room as they talked to Emily and Hotch. Harry had been leaning against Sam’s side. Sam’s arm was draped casually over his shoulder, and he started playing idly with Harry’s hair, combing his fingers through the messy curls at his temple as Harry tilted his head into the touch. 
There was a peaceful possessiveness in it—the sort of cozy familiarity that had been worn soft by time like overwashed cotton—an unspoken claim: mine. 
How long has it been since JJ felt that with someone, like their closeness was a second skin that she could wear in public? 
Not since Emily. Even then it had always been tainted by fear, an overwhelming desire to hide whenever she could feel someone watching. 
She and Emily are loudly affectionate with each other in public, of course: drunk and dancing, or clinging to each other as they stagger home, or kissing with an exaggerated smacking sound when anyone mutters disapprovingly in their direction. But that’s brash and performative and platonic, the sort of thing JJ could do just as comfortably with Penelope or Spencer. That’s different. 
Anybody who’d seen Sam and Harry would’ve known immediately; that sort of intimacy is unmistakable, and Sam didn’t seem to care. He was smiling like he was proud to show it off. 
JJ has seen it in Dean and Cas, too, but never quite so clearly. Maybe it’s because they’ve never had to hide around the Business As Usual crowd, so the contrast hasn’t drawn her attention, or maybe it’s just that they’re not demonstratively tactile in the same way. You have to know him well (and you have to be paying attention) to catch glimpses of  the tenderness that Dean masks so well. He doesn’t wear his emotions on his face for everyone to see. JJ can relate. 
But Sam wasn’t hiding, that morning; he was just sweet and vulnerable and proud of it and JJ realizes suddenly that she’s jealous. That’s envy squirming around in her belly. 
She wants that sort of love: fearless, or maybe in spite of fear. She gets sick of hiding, sometimes. 
JJ puts a pin in that thought and tells herself she can deal with it later, when she’s not quite so stoned and maudlin. Right now, it’s naptime. 
* * *
Dean intended to nap all the way to Sacramento, but he only manages to doze for a half hour or so. There’s too much on his mind. He pushes groggily through the door and thinks a silent thank you at whoever got the coffee machine going. 
Spencer and Jack are sitting on one couch, playing with something that Dean recognizes as a theremin. Sam’s on the other couch, and Harry and Cas are sitting at the table. 
“What do you think?” Cas asks, when he notices Dean watching. He holds up two bottles of nail polish. 
“Black is punk rock. Pastels are for the Easter bunny’s little sister,” Dean opines. 
“Love you too, Dean Bean.” Harry shoots him a cheerful pastel-green-painted middle finger. Dean ruffles his hair affectionately on his way to sit next to Sam. 
Dean’s first instinct was to scoff, to snark, to dismiss nail polish as girly, but he knows the instinct is just a vestigial memory of his dad’s stern voice. He’s been getting better at recognizing that voice, in the last few years; for a while he thought he was done with it, figuring that if he could admit he was in love with a guy, he must be over that sort of learned bullshit. Can’t be phobic if you’re one of the homos, right? So… fuck off, Dad. 
Then Harry showed up, with his totally fuckin’ zen attitude about annihilating gendered fashion norms, and Dean found himself wincing, sometimes, or looking around furtively to make sure nobody was staring. Even at Bonnaroo, when Harry went around hiding behind wigs and glasses—when the entire point was for him to pass as a girl—Dean’s immediate knee-jerk reaction was to cringe. It’s taken awhile, but he’s getting better at ignoring the fear when it kicks up in his gut. 
Dean’s distracted by a drawn-out melancholy squeal. 
“Someone turned a taxidermied badger into a theremin one time,” Spencer says happily, as Jack waves his hand over it again. “They called it a badgermin.” 
Dean snorts. “Sounds like a violin that needs an exorcism.” 
“Or a Barred Owl on barbiturates,” Sam offers. 
“Worn-Out-Brake-Pad flavored La Croix.” 
“A whale that got so stoned it forgot how to talk.” 
“One of the mermaids from Harry Potter having a wet dream,” Spencer suggests, and Cas laughs so hard he almost knocks over the bottle of nail polish. 
“Get your shit together, Castiel,” Harry scolds, but he’s giggling too. It’s like being scolded by a very happy sloth. “You’re done, mate. Who’s next, hmm?” 
He points at Jack, who shakes his head. 
“I need to get some sleep,” he says, and the last word cracks on a yawn. 
Sam grins. “Yeah, I’m guessing you didn’t get much rest last night.” 
“Sweet dreams, Mr. Grey,” Dean teases, and wolf-whistles as Jack retreats. Cas relocates to the couch, giving Dean a peck on the cheek before sitting back and admiring his manicure. 
Harry waves the bottle at Spencer, who doesn’t notice; he’s focused intently on the instrument, coaxing out something that actually sounds like music, in a vague, freaky kind of way. 
“Yeah, okay,” Dean says, rolling his eyes and settling at the table across from a delighted Harry. 
“How about a nice hot pink?” he asks. 
“Don’t push your luck.”
“Wasn’t one of those used in the Doctor Who theme?” Harry asks Spencer. Spencer brightens like a big geeky Christmas tree that’s strung with lights made of useless trivia. 
“Now you’ve done it,” Dean says under his breath. 
“Actually, that’s a common misconception,” Spencer announces. “The original composition used—”
Dean must be going soft, because he’s actually kind of enjoying this, both the lecture and the manicure. 
Then again, he thinks, Sam is enthralled, and Cas is smiling, and maybe Dean’s just really enjoying his life right now. 
Fuck off, Dad, he thinks, admiring his pastel green nails. 
32 notes · View notes
24. The Waiting Room
Word Count: 6043
Hazel had several things to keep her occupied in the waiting room. Grace usually kept a lot on hand, as she herself could get pretty restless at times, but right now as Hazel did everything from color with her Tuba stuffy to listening to music on headphones, Grace was online on her phone trying to ease the minds of  Loyal Apex members and Simon sympathizers. 
They lamented as there was no word about him other than the video that showed him being brutally attacked, the APB was out on the suspects and people wondered what would happen/if he would die. 
She made an announcement, “In order to try to offer a small portion of comfort to all of the people who care about Simon Laurent, what I can say is that he is currently in surgery and that I’ve contacted his father. We don’t know anything else yet, but whenever his father is here, I’ll let him decide what things should to be communicated to Simon’s fans. Please keep rumors and negativity to a minimum during these uncertain times for him and his loved ones, and simply send whatever positive thoughts and vibes in his direction.” It ignited a lot for her to be the person who made that statement. But, there was nobody else to do it.
There were a lot of people who were SO RELIEVED that Grace was there for him and felt like that meant he was safe. 
There were some who were confused about why SHE of all people would be trusted enough to be in his private space at a time like this and they hoped she had grown and wasn’t using this to get her foot back in the door. 
There were some disappointed in her for being pulled back into Simon’s toxicity and “glorifying struggle love” by supporting him after everything he’s done, wondering what type of example this was to young girls who idolized her? 
There were a lot of encouraging messages though like, “I don’t know what you must be going through right now. Sending you good energy and hopes for Simon's situation,” and so on. She made sure to like and reblog all of the ones of that nature, and decided to at least pretend to ignore the other ones, no matter whose camp they came from. 
Many separate posts were also made to show support, some saying that nobody could possibly know what Grace is thinking at this moment, since everyone reacts differently to trauma, and because of that shouldn’t be quick to judge her for being near or with Simon in his time of need. She didn’t respond to those, simply because she didn’t want to seem like she was making it about her. It wasn’t. Right now, the only thing she could think about was Simon.
It took Simon’s dad about six hours to arrive. He looked exhausted, as scary as the last time she saw him but much older. She couldn’t believe it had only been a few years because his pale blond hair had whitened and he looked more wrinkly… and like… he couldn’t be that much older than her own dad.
He talked to someone at the counter, then they took him someplace else. Grace stayed where she was. If he came in and noticed her, fine, but she wasn’t going to press him. 
Eventually, he showed up and noticed her right away. He hadn’t expected to see a little brown, blond haired girl with her. He nervously approached and said, “They uh… got some blood from me. They did need some. He’s critical…” Hazel stopped playing and looked up at the new person. “Hello,” he said, politely. 
She stared at him, collecting her things and moved closer to Grace. Grace wrapped an arm around her and said, “This is Hazel.” She wasn’t going to make her speak to him, though. Grace's parents did that to her when she was little, but it wasn’t something that she practiced as a parent. Hazel wasn’t comfortable and making her speak wasn’t going to make her more comfortable or build on her trust in Grace as support.
He sat on the other side of Grace. “Is she…?” Grace and Hazel stared at him, awaiting his question. He leaned closer to Grace to whisper and she tensed up at his closeness. “Simon’s?” 
“WHAT?” Hazel called out. “GROSS!” 
Now Grace said, “Hazel… A little loud.”
Hazel lowered her voice and said, “Simon’s Dad, she is 22. I am 10. What do you think your son was doing 10 years ago?”
“He wouldn’t know,” Grace mumbled, then gasped and looked at him, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He looked sad. She didn't feel bad for him per se, but she didn't want to make matters worse at a time like this.
“I wouldn’t. Simon raised himself from the time he was 10, until 16, when he moved out of the house. I haven’t seen him since shortly after the last time I saw you…" he noticed Grace shiver at the mention of it, and considering the truce she requested before, he knew that it was probably a sore spot for her. He tried to think of anything that could possibly be said, but ultimately kept the subject on Simon. " I haven’t talked to him since his 18th birthday when I called to see if he wanted to have a vacation with me and his mom... He disconnected that phone line and never gave me another. Probably wouldn’t even want me here… I didn’t know that the two of you had… made up. Guess that makes sense. He was always crazy about you...”
“They didn’t make up. She’s just nice. And he wasn’t crazy about her. Just crazy.” Hazel said. Grace frowned, but only rubbed her arm in response. Hazel took a deep breath and rested her head on Grace to try to calm down. Grace tried to keep Simon talk to a minimum. It always infuriated Hazel that she couldn’t protect her against him. It didn't matter that she was too young or that they didn't know each other when Simon hurt Grace. She. Wanted. To. Protect.
“Well, your… Grace is much appreciated.” Hazel narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, and she didn't even KNOW Grace's history with this man. “I lost one child a long time ago.” Hazel’s look softened and she sat up. “I didn’t handle it well. I didn’t look after Simon the way I should’ve. I thought that he didn’t really understand enough to be as affected as he was… Really, I lost two children, and I’m here to see if I can get one of them back, before it’s too late for him too.” Hazel’s face was soft and she dropped her things to get up and hug Mr. Laurent, who cried. 
Grace didn’t want to be rude, but she gently separated them and pulled the 10 year old onto her lap. This man pulled a gun on her the last time she saw him. She wasn’t forgetting that shit, and she didn’t want him to, either. She certainly didn’t want her child bearing any of his emotional issues that HE caused himself. He didn’t LOSE two children. He lost one child, fucking turned his back on the other, and I became the only person in that boy’s life. Parents really felt entitled to do whatever shit that they wanted then expect you to just move on and forgive their asses. She couldn’t see Simon wanting this man here, either. But… that was the only family he had. Grace had felt that he deserved at least to potentially have a goodbye and give an apology to him. 
Paying for his travel and getting a temp family bnb wasn’t that much for her, considering that Simon honestly might not make it out of this. She and Hazel were along for the ride because they both knew that she wasn’t leaving her with a sitter or something and Hazel had definitely become curious about this infamous Simon (who she mostly learned about by sneaking onto the Internet) and wasn’t going to say so, but probably lowkey wouldn’t mind him dying. 
According to the Internet, he did some terrible things to her mom. She knew some of them, only the watered down and generic stuff that Grace told her in kid language. “We drifted apart, didn’t see eye to eye, hurt each other…” Those were not the kind of stuff she read that he really did to Grace. Hazel then  wrote “We HATE Simon” on several of her possessions, and she was pretty firm in that stance. But… maybe this Simon’s dad dude wasn’t so bad, she was thinking.
Grace was thinking the opposite. Simon’s dad was just as responsible for what was up with Simon as Simon was, to her. Had Simon’s dad cared this much whenever Simon’s life wasn’t in jeopardy, maybe Simon would never BE here. Maybe Simon would have been the sweet boy that showed up for her recital after her telling him about it one night. The boy who learned the bus routes to be able to see her whenever he could. The one whose gray eyes she thought she was still looking into whenever she whimpered “I love you” in his arms… She angrily wiped away a tear and Hazel suggested, “Maybe we should go now, since he’s made it here.”
Grace realized that she was crying and strummed Hazel’s hair. “Yeah. I’m sure Mr. Laurent will call us if he needs something. We should get settled in for the night. I can bring your stuff to the bnb for you.” 
He shook his head, “It’s in the rental car.” She simply nodded as she started picking up Hazel’s things. “Grace… Thank you.” She had a lot of things she thought to say. 
Don’t thank me. This was so fucking stupid of me. Thank you? No, fuck you. You’re the reason he had no self control! I was too young to be trying to fill in YOUR space, your HOLE in his life, in his very formation! How dare you thank me! Thank me for what? For trying to look after him when we were a month apart in age? For lending him all of my resources, my family and my HEART - only to have him never be able to appreciate any of it, because why would he? Who taught him to appreciate? Who taught him to love? Not the man that ditched him with a horribly inept mother who had already dropped the ball and a kid DIED in the process! He RAISED HIMSELF, from the time he was 10!!! You. Fucking. Degenerate! 
“No problem,” she said softly. “Simon was my best friend, once. Times like these, you try to forget the ugly parts and just do your best with what’s left.” More of her peacekeeper mumbo jumbo. It never felt so fake to say things like that before,
Once at the bnb, she and Hazel got washed up and dressed for the evening. Her parents came in about an hour afterwards, both irritated that she hadn’t told them sooner, but concerned about her and about Hazel. Hazel was asleep and Mr. Laurent hadn’t come to the bnb, so Grace headed back to the hospital. She saw him, staring straight ahead, looking wan and miserable. She took a deep breath and moved forward. “You never came to the place. I purposefully found a big spot to accommodate all of us. My parents are there with Hazel. You should go get washed up and eat, at least. Nothing you can do from this waiting room. I’ll sit here in case anything happens and call you when and if it does.”
“I don’t think I’m capable of driving at the moment. I’ll just stay.” 
Grace frowned and sat beside him. “Why didn’t you stay back then?” Hazel wasn’t here now, she could be real. “Simon needed you so much. You just ignored him. You left him with a woman that you had to have known hated him. Simon went all over the world with my family, and nobody ever called in to check on him or spoke with my parents for more than two minutes to approve that he could come along… but tonight… you can’t even get up to go take a piss? Now, when he doesn’t need you, you’re here and won’t leave? What about when he was 10, being bullied and beaten up and ran into a school auditorium to escape it for a few minutes? Why weren’t you willing to be there for him, then?” 
Tears were pouring down the man’s face. Aside from that, there was no reaction there. Simon cried in a similar way. That 'suffering in silence' that broke her heart every time. It wasn’t breaking her heart to see it from the older Laurent. “That’s not a rhetorical question. Where the fuck were you when Simon needed you, instead of me? Where were you when he was latching on to me and building this tether between us that even right now when I should be thinking about anything else, everything else, I’m here, for him, to see that he’s okay? Because I don’t know how to detach myself from everything we went through together, despite every fucking thing he’s done to me! Where the fuck were you?!?”
“I was broken. My family was broken. None of us were dealing with anything very well. I thought of all of us, Simon handled it the best. He cried a lot the first few days, but after that, he’d just read and write and do school and art stuff. It was like he had gotten over it. I didn’t want to put the grief back onto him. I tried to stay away from him, and it just became a bigger space over time and then, there was nothing between us.”
“Look. None of that explains to me why you weren’t the adult and didn't look after a kid who went through the most traumatic thing that he’s ever gone through. You were supposed to see him through it. Not… presume he’s okay because he wasn’t crying. You were supposed to make sure that he felt loved and supported. You were supposed to be willing to sacrifice for him. You didn’t and now you feel guilty. I get it.”
“You feel guilty too?”
“No. I don’t. I never did anything to hurt Simon, but he did everything to hurt me. I don’t just leave people because they did something, or because I’m feeling broken or because they seem fine. I’m there for people that I care about. I said I get it. I have empathy for you. I can’t relate. Because, I would never treat anyone the way you treated Simon, especially not my child!”
“The garage… That wasn’t you, was it? It was Simon. He was jealous and angry and finally had enough…”
“I’m not going to sit here and fill in any blanks for you. What I can say about that is that I had no idea what you were talking about when you pulled a gun on a 16 year old girl because of some photos that got knocked down.” Her eyes were filled with fury, though her face was tired. "Then you hug my daughter and speak to her like you see her value, when you would have threatened her life just as casually given the right circumstances for somebody like you. I've been thinking that if you were there for Simon he'd have been better. Maybe none of you are worth shit. People who hurt and threaten kids, blame them for their problems. Scar them for life…" She sighed, “Please, just go get some rest. It’s my shift, now. Someone he at least trusted at some point.” 
He got up and left. Probably couldn’t take more of her harsh words. She felt better having let them off of her chest though. Her father had wanted to hire some gangsters to beat him senseless. Whenever the man did get beaten up by a group of robbers, Grace had always wondered if her dad made good on that. She never asked, though the Laurents didn't live in the safest neighborhood, so it was feasible that it had been a coincidence. She brought him here to make sure that Simon wasn’t alone. That didn’t mean she had to hold all of these things back that she was finally brave enough to dare ask.
For several days, they took turns, waiting. Simon was in intensive care and non responsive. They were allowed to visit, one at a time and for short increments. Grace was at his bedside, furious with herself that she was there, but looking at him, seemingly resting peacefully, half of his head shaved for surgery, bruises, bandages… tattoos galore… She held his hand as she tried to see his tattoos, but the robe made it difficult. When her cycle was up, she wondered, “Hey… do you know what his tattoos are of?” to one of the staff.
“Are you Grace?” They asked. She figured for security/visiting purposes. 
“They’re umm… about you.”
“What do you mean? Like there’s an image of me?” 
“No. The images are weird, but the words are all about you. The front and back sides.”
She didn’t know what that meant, but her turn was up and Mr. Laurent was impatiently trying to get into the area. 
That’s who was with him whenever he woke up, in the private room that he had been moved to whenever he became more stable. Everyone was at the hospital at that time. Grace’s parents brought Hazel as soon as they found out that Simon was awake. He had to be seen by the doctor first and foremost, before anyone else was able to enter, so they were waiting. Grace was pacing outside of the door whenever the doctor came out and Simon and she locked eyes whenever this happened. He looked extremely surprised to see her again and she looked relieved? He was so confused. Why was she relieved? Why was she even here? In fact… why the fuck was his dad here? He looked over at him after the door shut and asked. “Who got you here?”
His father pointed towards the door and said, “Your friend, Grace. She’s outside waiting to hear how you are.”
Simon’s heart sped up and he had to lie back for a moment. “That doesn’t make any sense. Last time I saw Grace, she told me to fuck off and get some help. I didn’t get help and I almost got myself killed. What, is she here to make sure that I died?”
“She’s very concerned. She’s been here everyday. She was the first one here, and sometimes the last one to leave. She flew me out here and let me stay in one of those rental homes with her and her family. Her parents were here so that her daughter wouldn’t be stuck in a waiting room for hours and hours.”
“Grace and her family have been here?” Simon asked, disgusted, mostly with himself. He had betrayed all of them and their reasons for being there didn't matter. He needed someone… and Grace and her family were there.. He turned to look out of the window and sighed. “She made her kid come, just to see about me?”
“Hazel. She’s a really sweet girl. She drew me some cheer up cards…” Simon scoffed. “She reminds me of you.”
“Is that so?” Simon asked, yawning. Damn, that hurt. Doctor said he’d been stabbed 8 times, and that was after being hit with that board and kicked in the head, neck and ribs. 
“She’s artistic and likes robots... has a thing for turtles... that’s not like you, but also, whenever I saw her, I thought that maybe she was-”
“Why am I alive?” Simon groaned.
“Whenever you were attacked, some of your internet friends wanted to raise blood for you. Grace was the only one who knew your blood type, so she let them know and they’d go to blood centers to donate in your name… Plus, she got me here, knowing we have the same blood type, and well… She’s just been… She’s been a real lifesaver. Literally. I wouldn’t have even known where you were and I certainly couldn’t have got here on my own. She’s a really special young lady… and I… Simon… The doctor told me about your tattoos.” Simon looked at his father for the first time since he first woke up. “The things you did to her…” 
Simon grumbled as he pulled himself to sit up and look at his father, challengingly. “What about them, Dad?”
“Grace had some questions for me, some comments, some things to make me think and, I can’t help but feel like maybe if I had been better to you, a better father, that you wouldn’t have turned out to be…”
“To be what?” Simon asked, a slight smirk on his mouth, intense hatred in his eyes. “A monster? A criminal? An abuser? A heartless piece of shit?”
“To be in so much pain…” Mr. Laurent said. Simon’s smirk vanished. His father stood too close to his bed and looked too sad. Simon wasn’t sure what to do with that. “It was bad enough that you couldn’t work through what you did to Hope, but we didn’t even help you to work through how we were handling it. You needed us and we weren’t there for you. We let you fend for yourself and you got everything so wrong. We got everything wrong. We should have taken care of you. We should have kept loving you."
Simon flung his head back towards the window, a tear rolled onto his pillow. “Yeah, probably. But, it's done, now."
"We can always try again…" 
Simon furrowed his eyebrows and cut off whatever suggestions his father had to ask, "Is Grace planning to come talk to me? If I have to face her, I'd like to be prepared."
"I think she will. She's been asking about the tattoos…"
"Well, send her in so that I can get it over with and she can take her kid and go back to her good life."
"I'll tell her…" Whenever his father left Simon tried to fix his hair and wipe his eyes. He had no idea what he must look like, but he knew it was bad… 
Grace came into the room and smiled a small, cordial, obligatory smile. "Hey."
"He told me everything that you did. I'll pay you back for that." 
She frowned and came closer. "I'm not pressed for money, Simon. How are you feeling?"
"Like I should be dead, but SOMEBODY got in the way," he teased.
"If dying was what you wanted to do, you should've told me," she said and shrugged her shoulders. He let out a one syllable laugh. Grace leaned on the bed and touched his hand. His fingers were trembling. "I still would’ve done the same thing, though.”
“Why did you?” Simon asked, staring at her. 
She took a deep breath, “I don’t know.” They were silent for a moment. He stared out of the window, disappointed that it wasn’t a sign that she still cared… That it isn’t because she loves him… But, he knows that’s his fault. He had her love once and he destroyed that. “If I had to guess…” He turned to look at her again, hopeful. “I think it’s because no matter what you say and no matter what you did, I saw somebody that I thought I would know forever being harmed. I saw that nobody was doing anything useful to help. I didn’t know if you were going to make it and I wondered, if it were me… Would everybody just stand by and watch? Cry and complain over the Internet, while I died somewhere alone? Maybe that’s not terrifying for you, but dying alone sounds miserable to me, and I’m not the kind of person who could just want the worst for somebody I used to love, even though you hurt me.” 
“Thank you.” It wasn’t something that he said a lot. She didn’t even know what he was thanking her for. Being there? Answering truthfully? “Are you going to leave, now?” The thought of her leaving made tears well up in his eyes. She knew that they were real so she knew that he didn’t want her to leave, but also… Wasn’t her business here done? He didn’t die alone, and she had a life to get back to. This might do nothing for his fear of abandonment, though. 
“I might be able to stay a little while longer. Let me just check on Hazel.”
“The doctor said that 3 people can come in at a time, if you want to bring her in?”
“Ohhh… Well… She’s 10 and knows how to use the Internet, so… she knows things about you… and me…”
“Yikes. Sounds like there’s justice on the menu for me today. Bring her in.”
He was ill and weak, so Grace figured that this was the best time for him to see Hazel, if ever. He wasn’t going to have one of his tantrums in his condition, and Hazel actually was quite interested in knowing him after having learned more about his childhood from pestering Mr. Laurent every minute that he was around. The man said he didn’t mind, He liked talking about his children and he hadn’t been around kids in a long time.
“Hazel, I know that you and Mr. Laurent are having a lot of fun, but do you wanna meet my friend, Simon?”
“You’re friends again?” Hazel asked. Grace stammered, but Hazel cut her off, “Nevermind. Yes. I have something for him.” She reached into her Tuba tote bag as she walked past Grace into the room. Simon offered a smile to her. It was kind and warm. Grace noted that he looked almost innocent. His gray eyes even twinkled a bit. “Mr. Laurent, I’m Hazel Monroe. I’m meeting you.” She extended her hand to shake his.  Simon shook her hand, not missing the fact that she didn't say "nice to meet you" or something friendly, then she handed over what she had removed from her bag. It was a copy of the first Book of Esmoroth. “I’ve made notes everywhere that I thought you went wrong.” 
He opened the book and froze at the amount of various colored post its and notes in the margins. The book was filled with them and almost looked like a scrapbook with the bulkiness of it all. “That’s a lot of notes.”
“There was a lot wrong with it,” she quickly replied, matter of factly.
He laughed so hard that he hurt himself. Grace collected Hazel into a hug, worried, because Simon never laughed at criticism. Even her own would make him at least sulk. He was holding himself and trying to catch his breath.
Hazel added, “Overall, I enjoyed the book very much when I was 6… was your target audience 6 year olds?” He shook his head and wiped his eyes. “I didn’t think so. It’s still okay at my age, I guess. But, you’ll really have to step it up if you plan on being a good author someday.”
“I’ll keep these things in mind if they ever let me publish the other two.”
Hazel gasped and climbed onto his bed, “There’s two more?” She asked. “Does one center around the Idol Princess? Because, I know she’s supposed to be bad, but I actually really love her.” 
Simon looked nervous about that. “Uh… yeah… Book 2 is all about her… but she isn’t in Book 3.” 
Hazel gasped, “Did you kill her?” He nodded. She shook her head and climbed off of the bed. “You are a worse person than I thought.” She was ready to storm out of the room.
“I’m thinking of a rewrite!” Simon said, suddenly extremely interested in not disappointing her. She paused. “One where the Idol Princess has a power that no one could have expected inside of her. She rises from death and rebuilds herself as a True Queen…”
“Will she get to be a hero?”
Simon wiped his eye again, the tear provoked by a different emotion, this time. “She always was.”
“The Future King just didn’t know it. See…” Hazel turned around and returned to the bed, pointing at the book, “That’s in my notes. The Future King has a TERRIBLE habit of thinking things that just don’t make sense! I even wondered if the Idol Princess really WAS a bad person, or if that was just how he saw her, or just bad writing on YOUR part, because we couldn’t tell what was his mind or the narrator’s. Because she did a lot of nice things, but then again, a lot of those were for selfish reasons, so…”
“Hazel, why don’t you gather up your stuff, so we can let Simon get some rest?” Grace asked.
“She’s no bother. I’ve been unconscious long enough and I honestly never meet anybody passionate enough about my book for this type of dialogue.”
“It’s bothering me,” Grace admitted. 
Hazel said, “Sorry…”
“Not you, Hazel. Just… this story. I don’t think I like it.”
Hazel gasped and she covered her neck with both hands, her sleeves fell and Simon noticed that she was wearing his charm bracelet. He felt… a lot of pain. Not the injury kind, but... he thought that was likely in the trash and not only was it not, but the most important person in Grace’s world had it now. Hazel asked, “Are you the Idol Princess?”
“I think I am,” Grace said, glaring at Simon.
“I was different, then. When the story started, we were 12. By the time I finished it… we were 16… I edited it and probably made her a little more deviant than was fair."
Hazel smiled at Grace, "I still liked her. Maybe I could see she was like you. Some problems, but really a good person." Grace smiled back. 
"Please… I won't talk about it. Can you stay? Just a little longer? I…" Simon looked at his fingernails, which were grown out a little longer than his manicurist generally trimmed them to. "I just don't want to be alone… and you're the only person I…" he wanted to say "know," but he really didn't know this Grace, if he even had ever known Grace at all. Grace lifted his chin with her hand to make him look at her. "You're the only person that's ever known me." He finally said, his gray eyes pleading for her not to leave him.
Hazel's eyes clouded over, "You've gotta stay, now. Look at him. Look at how sad this boy is…" Grace sighed. "I'll keep Mr. Laurent company until GlamMother and Grandest get back. You make him less sad. You can do it." Grace propped the door open, just out of paranoia. Hazel said Mr. Laurent was "her friend," but Grace still didn't like or trust him and her parents seemed to have wandered off or left.
"I can stay a little while longer," she firmly declared. Simon sighed with relief… and pain. He was in a lot of pain, but he managed a smile. "Soooo… the tattoos…" The smile was plastered on his face, but he turned red at the mention of this. "I heard there's an apology for me in there somewhere." 
He groaned to shift, despite her disapproval and attempts to stop him, and he managed to get the robe off of himself. There was something like a story book page there. She was shocked, to say the least. Tiny green script, interrupted here and there by an image - her hope chest, her silhouette, a crying brown eye, a shadowy monster… the words - apologies for everything he had ever done to hurt her, etched in ink on his skin..
"Official confession on my back, but I can't move enough to show you, or I'll definitely reinjure myself."
"Please don't!" She traced her finger over the words as she read them in full. Then, she didn't know WHAT to think. She just started crying. He reflexively reached for her and soon, they were both crying and holding on to each other. It was painful. He was physically in agony, but at the moment, holding Grace mattered more. He'd missed her and he was… just so sorry…
"I know that you'll probably never forgive me. I didn't even think we'd ever speak again. I just wanted to make sure that when I died, I'd have done that one good thing for you…"
“You’ve done plenty of good things Simon. And you haven’t died yet, so you’ve got time to do plenty more.”
“I’m gonna start by clearing your name and accepting my fate. You deserve that much, and that kid deserves for her mom to have a clean slate. She seems really cool. I can see why you fell in love with her.”
Grace didn’t know how to take what Simon was saying. He had said things before and didn’t mean them. Time could only tell if he was being serious or delirious from an extreme pain and highly medicated state. "I was interacting with your fans while you were down, and they might have a literal earth shattering crisis if you say this right now. There's no way they'll believe that I didn't come in here to manipulate and gaslight you into saying it…" He let go of her and frowned. "I'm only partially joking. Say whatever you think you need to. Far be it from me to stop my name from being cleared."
"The fact that I took it so far…" he shook his head, "I have to be just as passionate, if not more for clearing your name as I was in soiling it. I have to be a zealot."
"Wanna start with a hospital selfie?" She asked, pulling out her phone. He couldn't help but smile. It felt like… old times.. not exactly, because he was ripe with injury and riddled with guilt. But next to him was the prettiest girl in the world… and she seemed fine with being there. She tried taking a few then handed it to him because even injured, he probably could take a better one. The one that he liked the best was one where they both weren’t smiling too big, just settled, comfortable, if only for one moment, and seemingly content.
Simon borrowed her phone to both reactivate his social media sites, link everything possible, and to make an announcement of official apology, confession, and gratitude for Grace. With a very minimal update about his current condition. "That's a start, I guess." He said, logging out to give her back her phone. 
As Grace figured, there were a lot of people who were suspicious that she had somehow harmed him or coerced the words out of him, but as she slipped back into her life in New York with Hazel and out of Simon's life in recovery at his dad's place, she felt new air in her lungs and a new leaf being turned over. Speaking of, she took the one out of Hazel's hair.. "Hey! What's the deal?"
She snatched one from a bush outside of the hospital and replaced it. Putting the old one into her wallet. "Simon finally told everyone the truth about me. I know that I've said it didn't matter, and honestly, to a certain extent, it didn't… but I like my name being associated with what I've chosen to associate it with."
"Do you think it means that he's changed?" 
Grace tilted her head, "I think that it means that he's at least trying to."
"He didn't seem like that bad of a person. Just sad. Really, really sad. Maybe changing can make him a happier person."
"Maybe." That wasn't Grace's concern anymore, and she felt better than she could ever remember feeling with that certainty. Simon and I have settled everything now. Nothing hangs over my head.
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fangirlingtodeath513 · 5 years ago
Plans | a 15x09 coda
The monster isn’t exactly subtle. Dean can hear his heavy footfalls after only a few steps, and a particularly loud twig cracking as he steps on it. Still, they could use a hand finding this blossom thing, so he glances at Cas and cocks an eyebrow. Something’s following us, he prays, knowing that Castiel will pick up on it. The angel gives a subtle nod and continues walking.
 They’ve found a way to communicate almost silently after all these years and all the hunts they’ve done together. It’s scary how aligned their thoughts are sometimes, but in situations like this, it sure does come in handy. Castiel’s nod here conveys both his acknowledgment of Dean’s prayer and his decision to keep walking until the monster makes its move. So they do. The wander through Purgatory for another half an hour before Dean stoops to look at a corpse and the monster—a Leviathan, they learn—makes his move. A poor move, on his part, though maybe he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with.
Trusting him is dangerous, but it’s really the only choice they have. Albeit reluctantly, he and Cas follow him. And, of course, it backfires, because that’s just their luck. Nothing can ever just be easy for them. At least, that’s what Dean thinks before he blacks out.
 Seeing Dean hit the ground like that sends a wince through Castiel, even though it’s been a long time since he’s experienced human pain like that. Regardless, Dean will be fine, it’s the Leviathan and the blossoms they need to worry about. They’d tipped their hand when telling the Leviathan about their need for a blossom, so Castiel has no doubt their first move will be to destroy every blossom in sight.
 He’s right. He’s rooted to the spot watching in nothing short of agony as the Leviathan smirks at him and destroys every single blossom, circling the area three times to make sure they’re all gone. There goes their last chance of bringing Chuck down.
 A crowd of more Leviathans—five, at Castiel’s count—emerge from the woods and sneer at him. His eyes dart to Dean, injured and helpless where he’s sprawled on the ground, and he doesn’t even put up a fight. No matter the grudge Eve may hold against Dean, she’s far more interested in Castiel, so he goes along willingly. Maybe he’ll get lucky and find a blossom along the way, though his hopes aren’t high for that. 
 They walk for what feels like hours, and it may very well be hours. Purgatory is huge and dense and Castiel still has nightmares about the place, about hearing Dean’s voice in his head every night, begging to be reunited when Castiel knew the moment they were would be the moment Dean was in danger again.
 He shakes those thoughts from his head as a Leviathan pushes him forward, making him stumble for a moment before he recovers. He needs to concentrate, he can’t worry about Dean right now.
 He gets his opportunity a ways into their march. The Leviathan don’t have someone walking behind him, which is their first mistake. He darts off the path and plucks a blossom from the shadow of a tree, tucking it safely in a chest pocket, hidden away carefully. Then he attacks. The first two Leviathan go down easy, heads severed with the machete he’d managed to stow away when they weren’t looking. It won’t stop them, but it’ll knock them out of operation long enough for him to get away. 
 One of them attacks him from behind, which knocks his few precious seconds of escape down to nothing. Frustrating as it is, he still needs to find a way to escape, so he fights. He was trained for this, he knows how to fight until he gets his opportunity. 
 Sure enough, two of the Leviathan scamper off and he gets his chance to behead one and smash another in the nose with the butt of his machete, grabbing the small bottle of bleach from his pocket and throwing it in the face of the third. It gives him enough of a distraction to run for it, ducking behind a tree close by and holding his breath. They walk right by him and he breathes a sigh of relief before heading in the other direction.
 It takes him a while to get back in the direction he needs to go, and then he lets his mind wander again. He’s got the chance, he might as well. Purgatory’s brought up a lot of feelings he’d been determined to shove down, maybe he should try to do something with them while he’s got the time.
 Cas, I hope you can hear me. That wherever you are, it’s not too late. 
 It doesn’t register for a moment. He’d heard Dean’s voice in his head every single day he was in this place, so initially, he writes it off as a memory this godforsaken place pulled out. Except then it keeps going, and it’s not a prayer he’s heard before.
 I should’ve stopped you. A pause. A shaky breath that makes Cas’s heart ache. You’re my best friend but I just let you go. Another pause, another shaky breath. Cause that was easier than admitting I was wrong. A deep breath, a wet chuckle. Then it goes quiet for longer than Castiel cares for. He wonders if Dean got ambushed. Then there’s a quiet sniff and his voice returns. I-I don’t know why I get so angry. I just, I know that it’s-it’s just always been there. A deep, shaking breath that breaks off into something that resembles a sob. It makes Castiel’s heart clench in his chest and he leans against a nearby tree to focus fully on the prayer. And when things go bad, it just, it comes out. And I-I can’t stop it. No matter how… how bad I want to, I just can’t stop it. He can practically hear the tears he instinctively knows are sliding down Dean’s cheeks right now. He’d give anything to fly to him and tell him he’s forgiven, because of course he is. And I-I forgive you, of course I forgive you. I’m sorry it took me so long to— Dean cuts himself off with a sniffle and Cas thinks he hears a twig snap nearby, but he doesn’t see anything. Still, he forces himself away from the tree and continues moving, back in the direction of the rift. I’m sorry it took me til now to say it. Cas, I’m so sorry.
 A quick look over his shoulder shows him that he’s not being followed, and he’s near the portal. Dean isn’t here, he can feel that Dean’s not nearby, so he curls up against a tree and listens to the rest of Dean’s prayer. Man, I hope you can hear me. It’s more of a sob than an actual sentence and it breaks Castiel’s heart. He hopes Dean makes it here in time. He doesn’t have the countdown on his phone, so he has no idea how long they have before this rift closes and traps them in Purgatory again. I hope you can hear me. He hears a few more sniffles and a soft, okay and then Dean’s voice is gone from his head. He gives the blossom a quick check—smushed, but still intact—and leans his head back against the tree. All he can do now is wait and hope.
 Watching them walk out of Purgatory is a sight to behold, without any of the fuss of last time around. He expects the portal to close behind them, but then it doesn’t. He keeps watching, mostly from a mix of curiosity and protectiveness, until he sees a group of Leviathan approaching it. No way in hell is he letting those things out into Dean’s world. He doesn’t even think twice before emerging from behind his tree and beheading the one closest to the rift. The other two stare at him in disbelief, even as their friend’s head reconnects to his body. It’s still disgusting to this day, at least in his opinion. Leviathan are truly gross.
 “No,” one says, a short blond with wide eyes. “You’re dead, Eve told us.”
 He smirks. Of course she’d tell them that. He’s her biggest threat and he’s closing in on her. She doesn’t have much time left. “Sounds like your dear ol’ mama lied to y’all. Now, you gonna scamper off back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or do I need to disconnect your heads? Permanently?” 
 All three sets of eyes dart to the portal he’s currently standing in front of. For a moment, he thinks they’re going to make a run for it, but they don’t. They give him one last look before they turn around and head back the way they came.
 He guards the portal and thank god he does because apparently everyone and their mother knows about it. He fends off hordes of vampires and werewolves and even a couple of djinn.
 “Well, well, well. Benny Lafitte, as I live and breathe. I thought you were dead.”
 Benny rolls his eyes and rests his blade on his shoulder. “Gordon. I’d say it’s a pleasure to see ya again, but I’d be lyin’.”
 Gordon smirks. “Why don’t you step aside, brother? I don’t belong here.”
 Benny snorts. “Man, out of everyone here, you’re the one that deserves to be here the most. You’re gettin’ through that portal over my dead body.”
 “Well, it’s your funeral.”
 Gordon’s all uncoordinated rage and Benny has him on the ground in less than thirty seconds. Apparently, he ain’t keen to give up that quickly, his leg sweeping out to knock Benny on his feet. He rolls away from Gordon’s next kick, which only serves to infuriate the man further. Gordon’s on him is less than a second, knocking him backward and straight through the stupid portal. He jumps to his feet, ready to fight Gordon back into Purgatory, but he doesn’t get the chance. He watches, helpless, as the portal back to Purgatory blinks out of existence. 
 Great. Now he’s stuck here, the exact place he didn’t want to be. Guess not showing himself to Dean and Castiel didn’t really make a difference, he ended up here anyway. 
 The Empty is an infuriatingly boring realm. There’s nothing but blackness for as far as Jack’s eyes can see. He’s been so bored here ever since Billie left. He has no way to tell how much time has passed, nor a way to avoid sitting there and thinking about every bad thing he’s ever done. Is this how humans feel when they’re alone? It’s… disorienting.
 Still, Billie had told him he had an important role yet to play, so he waits. 
 And waits.
 And waits.
 He feels the shift in the air the moment it happens. Even in this void, he can still feel the powerful shifts in the atmosphere whenever Billie or the Shadow are around.
 “It’s time.”
 Jack turns to face her slowly, tilting his head. “Time for what?”
 Billie smiles. “The End,” she replies simply, holding out her hand. 
 Jack looks at it for a moment. He’s not entirely sure where she’ll take him, but she’s assured him that she’s on the side of universal balance, which is currently against Chuck. She’s probably their best chance of saving the world from him.
 Decision made, he takes a step forward and takes her hand, letting her pull him from the darkness.
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