#it was a small bread- tiny and me tummy be upset for like an hour 😣
atenceladusiaawfytbwb · 7 months
I baked a chocletey cake and it turned out noice 👀 (also baked some very old bread dough -the frozen, ready to- and I almost lost my life, but anyway) tastes excelent đŸ˜šđŸ€ŒđŸ‘Œ I feel so smart and skilful and competent, and housewifey ughhh đŸ˜©
*It was an instant mix, sure, but I, myself, cracked like an egg, and sprinkled some sugar and salt (not on the instructions đŸ€ŻđŸ–) so who did the actual work? đŸ€š hmm?? The real craf of the bake đŸ€šđŸ€š hmm? hmm?
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louezem · 4 years
Saying Yes
Summary:  Katniss and Peeta had a bitter break up years ago and went their separate ways. Katniss knows nothing of Peeta’s life now, until a stunning blonde walks into the exclusive bridal salon were she works, to buy her a dress for her wedding - to Peeta Mellark. 
Part Four - Sisters
Part 4 - Sisters  
“Prim?  Are you here?”
Katniss threw her keys and bag down and toed off her shoes with a sigh of relief.  It had been a long and frustrating day at work.   All she wanted was to shower, eat and then sleep.   
“I’m in the kitchen!” her sister replied.  “Dinner’s almost ready!”
Katniss offered up a silent prayer of thanks that she wouldn’t have to face another takeout or frozen pizza for dinner tonight.  She knew how to cook but was lazy about it when she only had to cook for herself.  Prim, however, loved to cook.
She followed the delicious aroma wafting down the narrow hall to the tiny kitchen.   It was barely big enough to hold a small table and 2 chairs, but Prim had set it with the nice plates and cutlery and a small bud vase holding a single, yellow dandelion.
“What’s all this?” Katniss waved at the table.  “It’s not my birthday.”
“Does it need to be a special occasion for me to show my appreciation for my favorite sister?” Prim asked, lifting a spoon to her mouth and offering it to her for a taste. 
“Mmm, that’s so good.” Katniss licked her lips.  “It tastes familiar. What’s in it?”
“It’s lamb stew with dried plums.” Prim smiled as she added an extra dash of red wine to the simmering pot.  “I remembered how much you love it and I thought I’d try to recreate the recipe.  Besides, lamb was on special at the market today.”  
Still thrifty with the budget.  Katniss thought.  Old habits die hard.
“Go get cleaned up.  Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. I just need to warm up some crusty bread to go with this.”
“I love you, little duck,” Katniss said, pulling her sister in for a hug. 
“I love you more, duck potato,” Prim grinned.
An hour later and Katniss was feeling full and sleepy as she curled on the sofa with her legs tucked under her, sipping on a second glass of red wine.  
“Thank you Prim, that was wonderful,” she sighed, patting her full tummy.  “I always appreciate a home cooked meal but I thought you had plans to go to the movies with Rory tonight?”
“I did but he caught an extra shift so I decided to come over and bug you instead.” Prim said, joining her on the sofa. 
“So, did you happen to catch any news today?  Hear any juicy celebrity gossip at work?” she asked, taking a sip from her own wineglass.
Katniss looked sideways at her sister, wondering why she was asking such an odd question. Prim knew Katniss was not big on the news or gossip – celebrity or otherwise.
“No, I was run off my feet all day.  I don’t have time for gossip.  There’s a trunk show on all week and they can get a little crazy.”
“Huh,” Prim starting tapping on the screen of her obnoxiously large smart phone. “Then you haven’t seen this?”  She slowly turned the phone screen to face her sister.
Katniss fought to keep her composure as she watched the images unfold in front of her.  The video captured a gorgeous smiling couple standing close together, hands intwined, on a gilded balcony overlooking the park.  A fireworks display was lighting up the night sky behind them.  Once the fireworks come to an end the couple and their guests start to clap and cheer and someone pops a champagne cork as music begins to play and other couples start to filter onto the dancefloor.  
Dressed in the one-of-a-kind flowing white and gold reception gown created by Cinna, paired with custom Jimmy Choo couture heels and her golden hair flowing in loose waves almost to her waist, the bride was every bit as breath-taking as Katniss knew she would be.  Holding her close to his side with an affectionate smile on his face was Peeta.   He looked equally handsome in a perfectly tailored white suit with gold accents at his throat, breast pocket and cuffs.
Though Cinna never talked to her about it – most likely to spare her feelings - Katniss knew he’d worked closely with Portia, the designer who created Peeta’s outfit, to ensure the bride and groom perfectly complimented each other on their special day.   
She couldn’t help looking carefully at Peeta’s left hand now placed on Glimmer’s waist expecting to see the shiny glint of a new gold band on his finger but he didn’t appear to be wearing one. 
That’s odd. She thought. No wedding ring?
She always thought Peeta was the type of guy would like to wear a ring when he got married. 
When they were dating he was always very open about showing his feelings for her, and would tease her gently when she got embarrassed by his frequent public displays of affection.  “I want the whole world to know I’m yours,” he’d told her, more than once, gently tugging on the end of her braid as she’d scowl.
Unable to continue watching him display affection for another woman was more then she could bear and she pushed the phone away.
“They make a very lovely couple,” Katniss said quietly. “I hope they’ll be very happy together”. 
Prim snorted out loud. “Katniss did you even read what’s under the video?” she held the phone up again.
“The Show Must Go On!”
An official spokesperson for the Snow family declined to comment following the cancellation of the nuptials between heiress Glimmer Snow, granddaughter of Coriolanus Snow, and her fiancĂ© Peeta Mellark, Culinary Director for the “Arena” chain of restaurants owned by the Snow Corporation.  However the brother of the groom, Mr Ryan Mellark, confirmed that the decision by the couple not to proceed with the wedding was both “mutual and loving” and that the couple would remain friends.    
“I don’t understand,” Katniss looked to her sister, confused.  “Are you telling me they didn’t get married?”
“Yep.  No wedding. They called it off at the last minute but went ahead with the dinner and reception anyway, which is kind of cool.  One of Rory’s classmates was working the bar for the evening and he says it turned into one hell of a party. But then I guess the Snow family does know how to do things in style.”
“Wow. I wonder what happened to make them call it off.” Katniss stared into space as she tried to process this new information.   She’d purposely avoided all news and social media over the weekend, hoping that if she distanced herself the sooner she’d be able to forget the intense look in Peeta’s eyes as she’d driven away from the hotel.  “So much time, money and effort went into those dresses, poor Cinna worked for days hand beading the reception dress—"
Prim rolled her eyes. 
“Lord almighty Katniss, you can be so dumb sometimes,” she took another sip of her wine.  “Isn’t it obvious what happened?  Peeta claps eyes on you again for the first time in forever and the next day his wedding is called off.  He still loves you.”
“That’s not true.” Katniss jumped off the sofa and quickly gathered her wine glass and the near empty bottle.  “Don’t say that.  Why would you say something like that?”
“Hey, give that back!” Prim tried to grab the wine bottle from her as she stomped past into the kitchen and began angrily slamming their dirty dishes into the dishwasher.   It wasn’t long before she heard her sister’s soft footsteps behind her.
“I’m sorry Katniss, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Prim apologised quietly.  “I’m worried about you, that’s all.  You haven’t been yourself since you found out Peeta was getting married.”
Katniss sighed.  “I’m fine Prim, really.  You’ve no need to worry about me.  Peeta and I were over a lifetime ago.  I’m over it.  I know absolutely nothing about his life now.”
Prim tilted her head and regarded her sister with cool blue eyes.  “Will you ever tell me what happened between the two of you?  You’ve never given me a straight answer.”
“Does it matter now?”
Prim shrugged. “I’d like to understand.  I was still a kid when you two broke up and no one bothered to explain what was going on to me.  It was confusing.  All I knew was one day you were getting ready to leave for college, the next you were staying in District 12 and applying for any low paid job you could get.  Why didn’t you go?”
“Because things changed,” Katniss scowled. “Family comes first.”
Prim squinted. “Really, Katniss? You’ve fobbed me off with that line for years.  I was hoping you were finally ready to open up with a few more details. I know you loved Peeta, don’t bother denying it.  Your feelings for him weren’t the problem.  Or his for you, everyone could see how bad the guy had it for you.  It wasn’t Mom, or money issues.  She was fine then and you had a full scholarship.  There’s something else you’re not telling me.”
“All right, if you want to know I’ll tell you.”  Katniss reached up into a small cupboard a produced a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses.  “Follow me.  This conversation is going to require something a bit stronger than wine.”
Settled back on the sofa once again, she tossed back a shot and took a deep breath.
“Peeta accused me of cheating on him,” she began.  “When I tried to defend myself, he didn’t believe me.  He chose to take his brother’s word over mine.”
“No way.” Prim gasped, her eyes widening.
“It’s true.  Rye told Peeta he caught me making out with Gale after a graduation party at Madge’s house.  Rye didn’t believe me when I told him that Gale kissed me, that I didn’t invite it and I didn’t kiss him back.  After cussing me out and calling me a few choice names he went straight to Peeta and told him.”
“Oh, shit.”  Prim’s mouth dropped open.  She picked up a full shot glass and threw it back before fixing her sister with a stare.  “Okay. In the interest of full disclosure I have to ask – did you make out with Gale?”
“Of course not!” Katniss yelled.  “Gale was my friend!  I’d known him since we were kids.   Besides, Madge liked him and I wouldn’t do that to a friend.”
“But did you like him?  Let’s face it, Gale is attractive.  In a Hemsworth kind of way.”
“No. I only ever saw him like a cousin, or maybe an older brother.  I never felt anything romantic for Gale.  It shocked the hell out of me when he kissed me.  We didn’t talk for a long time afterwards.”
“Okay, okay, I just needed to clarify that.  Continue, please.“
“Peeta and I had a huge fight and he broke up with me.  He was horrible to me Prim.”  Katniss voice cracked a little as the memories assaulted her.   “He wouldn’t give me a chance to defend myself. He was so mean, I’d never seen him like that before.  He was like a totally different person.”
Katniss felt the familiar sting starting to build behind her eyes and bit her lip in order to try and gain some control over her emotions.  It still hurt, remembering the words that came out of his mouth.
“He asked me had I led Gale on, and told me to crawl back to the slag heap I came from.” 
“Oh my god, Katniss,” Prim’s eyes softened and reached towards her sister “I’m so sorry—"
“Wait! It gets worse!” Katniss let out a hard laugh.  “As if that wasn’t bad enough, somehow Peeta’s evil bitch of a mother found out about what happened.  She called Mom and threatened her. She told her that if her seam slut of a daughter went ahead with her plans to go to the same school as her son, that she’d report her to Child Protective Services for neglect.  She’d tell them about Mom leaving us alone at night while she worked, and that you would be left at home by yourself at 14 if I left town for school. She even knew about the bouts of depression after Dad died.  All stuff I’d confided in Peeta about.” 
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Prim jumped of the sofa and started to pace up and down. “It’s so unfair.  And untrue!  Mom and I talked about what would happen when you went to school, I was going to stay overnight with Hazelle at the Hawthornes when she was on nights!” 
“You know that and I know that, but Mom was terrified.  She didn’t know what to do.”
Katniss downed another shot. 
“After she threatened Mom, I tried talking to Rye one more time.  I begged him again to believe me that what he saw wasn’t real, but he insisted I was lying.  That Gale had been seen at the slag heap with a girl from the Seam, and I must have made it worth it when he could have had Madge instead of my skinny ass.  His words.  I never really understood that part.”  She frowned.
“I told him about his mother’s threats and he finally said he’d talk to his Dad about keeping her off our Mom’s back, but only for your sake and only if I agreed to stop trying to contact Peeta.  So I did what he wanted.  I gave up my college place and started applying for jobs and signed up for a few classes at the Community College.”
“So, it was me.” Prim’s eyes filled with tears and she crawled towards her sister and wrapped her arms around her in a fierce hug. “You did it for me.”
Katniss shrugged like it was no big deal. “You’re my sister. I’d give my life for yours in a heartbeat.”
“You’re such a dumbass but I love you.” Prim began to cry harder. “You sacrificed so much Katniss.  Your education.  Your future.  Peeta. I’ve never seen you as happy as when you two were together, not even when you were with Darius.”
“Hush now, no more of that talk.” Katniss soothed her crying sister, tears forming in her own eyes. “It all worked out for the best in the end.   I was here when Mom got sick and I took on a second job to help pay the bills.  We got by, and we stayed together. That’s what Dad would have wanted.  Family comes first.”
“Peeta was a part of our family. He was like a brother to me when I was a kid.” Prim sniffed.  “Why didn’t he believe you?  And what the fuck was Rye’s problem?”
“I don’t know.  All I know is his mother always hated me, but I never knew Rye did too. Peeta and Rye were always close, and once Rye started filling Peeta’s head with lies I just couldn’t get through to him after that.  He never spoke to me again after he broke up with me.  A few weeks later he left town for school and I never saw him again until that day on the steps of his hotel.” 
“Katniss, I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry.  It sounds like his mind was poisoned by his brother and that horrible old witch who gave birth to him.  God, I’d love to give her a piece of my mind.  As for Rye? I swear, if I ever see that guy again I will dick punch him.” 
“I saw Rye the day before the wedding, he has mellowed quite a bit,” Katniss continued to stroke Prim’s blonde hair soothingly, taking comfort from the continuous motion herself. “He was almost pleasant once he realized I had a legitimate reason for being there.”
“I owe you so much Katniss,” Prim sat up, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.  “Because of your support, I got to come here, go to school, do everything you missed out on.  Everything I’ve achieved is because you.  How can I ever repay a debt like that?”
“Don’t worry, you can pay for my luxury retirement home on the beach in District Four when you find the cure for cancer,” Katniss quipped and laughed as Prim hit her with a cushion. 
Later that night, after Prim had left and Katniss was getting ready for bed, she couldn’t help but look for a small box she kept hidden in the furthest corner of her closet.  
Inside were a few sentimental items that even after ten years, she never had the heart to throw away.  
A pencil drawing of a dandelion he’d put into her locker one day, after she told him they made her think of him.
A movie stub from their first date.  She smiled at the memory.  Peeta had taken her to see “I Am Legend” and got embarrassed when he cried over the dog, Sam, dying.   It was still one of her favorite movies.
A photo of them together at Senior Prom, and another of their High School Graduation, big smiles on their faces just days before he broke up with her and her world came crashing down.
“Oh Peeta,” she mumbled, “why didn’t you believe me?”  She sniffed.  No, she wasn’t going to cry.  She’d already done enough of that for this lifetime. 
 maybe you should crawl back to the slag heap you come from.”
She felt a spark of anger in her own stomach when she recalled the things he’d accused her of.  It was an old spark, but one that had helped her keep going and moving forward over the years.   She slammed the box shut and shoved it back in the darkest recess of her closet before crawling into her bed.  She had run from the bakery that day.  Run from his words and the rage and hurt in blue eyes that had only ever looked at her with softer emotions.   
She closed her own eyes and pulled the covers over her head, hoping she wouldn’t be hearing them over and over in her nightmares that night.
~*~    ~*~   ~*~
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hes-writer · 5 years
Just A Little Bit of Your Heart (3)
Summary:  Harry and Y/N are in an open relationship
Warnings: smut and angst
Word Count: 4444 words
A/N: unedited cause im lazy
Harry arrived home the next day with his key jiggling in his hands and legs constricted by the tight black jeans he’d worn the night before. He definitely needed a new pair of pants that let his skin breathe. His hair was a disheveled mess and bags colored his under eyes a dark hue; a stark contrast from his otherwise pale skin. His mouth opened in a yawn as he unlocked the front door, palm meeting the cool feel of the knob and twisting it open while pushing the door open.
He spent the night at Mitch’s house, having canceled his supposed date with Chloe in respect to Y/N. It wasn’t like he meant for her to find out, she did that on her own by stealing his phone from its position. It wasn’t like he directed her to open and read the provocative messages sent between him and Chloe either. But Harry could understand where she was coming from after hours upon hours of contemplation and debate both from the voice in his head to his mouth running its own course, to Mitch’s suggestive looks—which consisted of a pointed brow and wide eyes—and finally, Sarah’s ability to knock some common sense into his thick head.
Of course, she was going to be upset. It didn’t matter if they were in a normal relationship or if they were just friends—it hurts to be blown off by someone you care about and it pained Y/N even more that Harry was blunt about his plan on lying straight to her face whilst she babbled on like a fool about describing a perfect night on which they failed to unite for the past couple of weeks. Finally, Harry had wrapped his head around it between the time gap of when Y/N banished him from their home for the night until the morning when he awoke the next day in a small sofa that crumpled his long body brittle.
It was then that he realized how stupid he was for taking such a long time to figure out why she was upset when the answer was dangling right in front of his face. Maybe he was really that clueless and he actually didn’t know what he did wrong, but a tiny echo in his head whispered otherwise.
He was afraid, it’s been known. Harry knew that to a certain degree—he was fearful of admitting the truth to himself. Whenever a problem arises–even the tiniest ones–he headed straight to the endless list of numbers on his phone, not hesitating on tapping one out of the couple hundred and initiating sex right off the bad. In retrospect, it was actually pretty disgusting of him to do that, he admitted. It was an action that progressed into a habit and soon, he barely spared a thought for his lovely girlfriend.
Harry had an inkling feeling in his chest most of the time that Y/N would come to her senses and leave him for someone who didn't sleep with other women just because they could. They were still together after all, and even though she gave him her blessing to fool around, it didn’t mean that she was absolutely okay with it. Plus, finding out that she was always loyal to him made him feel guilty since he jumped on the opportunity on the very first day they established the open relationship.
So, when Harry came home with flowers in his hand—which he settled on the table for a bit while he slipped off his shoes, and another time  when he headed to the fridge and thirstily drank a glass of water—he was grateful to say that holding the stems of the bouquet warmed up to metacarpals of his fingers gripping the clear glass because not a second later did he hear the husky morning voice of a man who was certainly not Y/N.
“Oh hey, Harry,” Shawn greeted casually, his eyes bright and puffy from sleep yet the slight smile on his face indicated that he had a great night. “Did you just get in?”
Harry, on the other hand, was filled with an emotion he couldn’t describe. He wasn’t sure if he felt it before, but it was unpleasant and he definitely did not want to experience it anymore. His heart was thumping in fear of the unknown. “Uh, yeah,”
Despite having downed a cool glass of water, his throat was eerily drying up as quickly as it was refreshed. Shawn whisked past him, opening the metallic fridge door and scoping the insides for some bread, eggs, and bacon. “Want some breakfast?”
Harry shook his head, lips pursing in an ultimatum of whether he should exit the room and look for Y/N or continue torturing himself by seeing Shawn’s half-naked body dressed in only the Calvin Klein boxers to which he saw him modeling in a few weeks prior.
“Last night was amazing,” A feminine voice squeaked from behind the wall separating the staircase and the kitchen, Y/N. “I can barely walk,”
Harry heard her before he saw her and he badly wished that he didn’t have to encounter either of those. Not only was her voice croaky to some extent—an indication that meant that she was definitely vocal during her activities last night—but her appearance mirrored that of Shawn; bright and flushed and both men swore that her skin was glowing. Although Harry and Y/N haven’t been intimate together in a while, her pleasure stricken face had ingrained itself in the back of his head, along with her moans reverberating against the cochlea of his eardrums. She was a sight and sound to behold.
Y/N rounded the corner with a thin sheet wrapped around the expanse of her body, barefoot and pigeon-toed as she walked with a strut but gasped when she caught sight of Harry. “Oh hi!”
A blush spread across her cheeks, arms shifting to hold the thin sheet tighter across her body and Harry found himself slightly offended at her action. It wasn’t because he desperately needed to see and drool over her body, it’s just that he had seen her naked before countless of times—why did she feel the need to hide it from him?
“I didn’t know you were here,” She mumbled over the sizzling of Shawn’s freshly cooked eggs‍. The stove top emitted a delicious scent that made a rumbling sound from her tummy. Harry was about to go through projectile vomiting, he was sure.
“Yeah, I got you flowers,” He nodded towards the meaningless, discarded bouquet laying on the marble countertop, lifelessly. “I wanted to apologize for last night,” He gave her a small glance, eyes drifting over the area above her head, not wanting to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she already appeared to be.
Shawn, upon hearing the circumstances of why he was summoned by Y/N so late at night—decided to take it upon himself to exit the room, but not before sliding a plate of breakfast to Y/N. She smiled gratefully at him and although she wasn’t sure if they butterflies in her tummy were from excitement or nervousness, she muttered a quiet, “Thanks,” nonetheless.
The brown-eyed boy walked a little way around the table, and Y/N could feel a wave of animosity wash over her body. Shawn leaned over to wrap her in a side hug, sniffing her hair briefly before kissing her cheek, slowly peppering his lips against her own parted once and made out with her in front of Harry. It was a petty move for sure but the tingling she felt lasted when Shawn gave her a smirk—that would have made her swoon if she wasn’t about to have a relationship breaking in a matter of minutes—and until his muscled body walked away to the direction of their bedroom where he had left his clothes in a pile on the floor, she recalled.
As much as it hurt Harry to witness a sight right in front of him, he couldn’t will himself to turn his head away or even blink hard to clear his head from the atrocity of seeing Y/N be with another guy. It was definitely starting to feel very complicated. Was she allowed to do this? They agreed on being able to sleep around, but they were still together. But she did it right in front of him—was that some sort of violation or was it more or less the same of what he had done? He could tell she was swarmed with conflict rattling in her pretty head too because she was biting her lip cutely. However, the kiss Shawn and Y/N shared was still fresh in his head and he didn’t think that he was able to handle it; much less look at her blush pink lips tainted by another man.
“I see you didn’t give it as much thought as I did,” Harry said, albeit, on the quieter side, Y/N heard him as if he spoke it loud and clear. It was an impulsive move on his part, but he just really wanted to get his mind off *that.
Y/N looked at him incredulously, “What do you mean?” She asked, her voice shaking near the end but she kept strong.
“Never mind,” Harry answered.
Y/N gripped the sheet tighter around her body while stepping closer to him. He could see the faint purple marks littered on her clavicle and he internally shuddered at the thought. “I don’t know if I heard you correctly..?”
He sighed, frustration building in him. She wasn’t going to let this one go, he could tell. “You had sex last night,” He said bluntly.
She nodded slowly as if she was answering a child, “Yeah, obviously,” Was this a trick question?” 
“That’s funny,” Harry started. ”While you were doing whatever, I was thinking about what I had done last night and even canceled my date for you,” He snickered, seeming to come out of his patient shell.
Y/N stood shocked at his revelation, “I didn’t ask you to cancel, did I? If you wanted to go that bad, I wasn’t stopping you anymore,”
“That’s the thing. I didn’t want to go cause I was thinking of ways of how to apologize to you,” He gesticulated wildly to emphasize his words. “I come home thinking that we could have some time together but instead, I see Shawn walking around like he owns the place and kissing you as if I wasn’t there,”
“I asked you last night if you wanted to spend time together,” Y/N fiddled with a loose string, “You would rather have been somewhere else. This is not my fault,”
“Did you even think of me at all last night? Were you worried? I bet you didn’t cause you were busy,” Harry threw accusations left and right, completely disregarding the knowledge of how she had stayed up late waiting for him to come home, but he never did.
“You’re ridiculous,” Y/N concluded, taking the plate of eggs of the counter and stepping around Harry to pull a drawer open and grabbed a fork.
“I’m not finished!” He yelled after her even though she was only a couple meters in front of him. 
“I am.”
“You’re so selfish,” Harry angrily whispered, chest heaving in an effort to calm himself. “I actually thought about you but you just—you weren’t even thinking of me and now you basically admit that I didn’t cross your mind,”
Y/N rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Me? Selfish?” She snorted at his absurdity, “If you must know, I did think about you last night. Wanna know what I came up with?”
Harry nodded hesitantly.
She smiled at him sickly sweet, “I thought about how selfish ^you are. For your information, I spent god knows how many nights waiting for you to come home when you said you would, only to wake up and find that you didn’t even come home at all! There were no texts or calls. I didn’t know if you were mobbed or whatever the hell because you didn’t even update me,” Y/N breathe through her nose to collect a breath, “Last night I thought about myself for once and I figured that it’s not fair if you get all the fun in this relationship, don’t you agree?
Harry nodded his head once again, pausing a bit to think.
“This is fun. I see why you do it so much. I’ll definitely have to start doing it a lot more,” Her words pierced Harry’s heart front and center. However, she wasn’t sure to what degree did her words hold to the actual truth but one thing’s for sure-- there are definitely going to be some changes between the two of them.
Y/N was glad to have been picked up on time for the first time ever--by Shawn. Just as she walked out the doors of the building, Shawn’s car was parked right outside. She smiled at him through the rolled down windows, his sunglasses-covered face mirroring her happy mood. They greeted each other briefly before he set off to drive them to his house.
It was uncertain whether the lingering touches Shawn left on her inner thigh was from the raging hormones that she couldn’t seem to control, or from how he did it so softly and teasingly that it got her motor running. Through it all, he kept his eyes on the road while a smug grin could be seen on his side profile. She huffed in feigned annoyance, squeezing her thighs together when he let go to change gears.
“You’re an asshole,” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
He chuckled, sparing her a glance, “Am I?”
She nodded, “You can’t just do that!”
“And why not?” His voice deepened into a tenor, his free hand raising the black sunnies to his hair, showcasing his lust filled eyes.
“You’re worried that I’ll leave you hanging?” She gulped but nodded. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll keep you satisfied.”
If that didn’t get her soaking.
Fortunately, Shawn had just pulled up on his driveway, inputting the gate code before proceeding in his property.
The two of them refrained from sharing kisses because of aerial paparazzi but as soon as the door was slammed shut, they wasted no time attaching their lips together. Y/N moaned against his mouth when Shawn pulled on the bottom of her shirt, signaling to her that he wanted it off. She pulled away breathlessly, feeling the cotton on her face before it was strewn away somewhere on the living room floor. He took off his shirt with little guidance, Y/N admiring his milky skin and defined abs.
Y/N bit her lip before grasping the back of his neck, pulling him towards her once more. She was breathing through her nose while she let her tongue be played with. Her hands roaming his silky flesh, feeling goosebumps arise in a matter of seconds.
Her pants came off, as well as his and soon, they were making out in their underwear. He sat down on the couch cushion, the material rubbing against the back of his thighs. Y/N had taken it upon herself to straddle his muscular thigh. Shawn shifted upwards on the couch causing his leg to brush over Y/N’s center.
“Do that again,” She breathed out airily, grinding her hips on his thigh in an effort to feel the pleasure once again. He hummed against her neck, the vibrations willing her heart to pound harder in her chest.
“You like that don’t you?” He mumbled through sucking and licking, breaking the skin and forming a light bruise. Y/N nodded desperately. He flexed his muscles before attaching it to her center, her lace underwear doing little to hide the fact that she was absolutely soaking.
Her frail hands ran down the expanse of his body, pausing at his Calvin Klein briefs where a bulge could be felt. He was hard. His erection twitching ever so often against her wrist and the tip was leaking precum through the soft cotton. A groan rumbled from his chest, her nipples brushing and hardening at the contact.
Y/N’s hand slipped beneath the only piece of clothing he wore. The coldness of her hands causing his hips to buck up involuntarily towards her touch. She grasped his thick length between her fingers. The protruding veins embedded itself slightly on her palm. Shawn’s breath hitched in his throat, his eyes closing shut in the touch she was giving him. Slowly, her hand moved up and down on his cock, pausing at the tip and spreading his pre-cum on the rest, making it easier for her to maneuver around.
She lifted a leg that was encompassing his body, her chest positioning itself in front of his face to which he continued his assault of marks. Shawn lifted his hips up to help her remove his boxers, his cock making itself known. Y/N got down on her knees between his legs, forcing them wider, silently.
“Oh god,” Shawn spoke out when her warm mouth wrapped around the tip. The nerves going haywire when her tongue licked the liquid escaping the opening. “Your mouth is so good,”
His hands hesitantly grasped the hair at her crown, bobbing her head further down his length until she felt the tip constrict her throat. Spit trickled down the sides of her mouth to which Y/N used as lubrication. Her eyes were trained on Shawn’s pleasure-stricken face, feeling her pussy get even wetter at the sight.
“That’s enough,” He said gruffly, pulling her hair upwards, yet Y/N couldn’t get enough of his taste. Her tongue stiffened to trace the shape of his frenulum, the thin skin causing him to release moan after moan in the air. “I said that’s enough,”
He grasped her by the shoulders, standing up abruptly to overpower her figure. Switching positions, Shawn ran his hands down her legs, making them open in the process. He ripped the thin fabric of her underwear causing her to whine and slap his shoulder lightly.
“I’ll buy you more,” He mumbled before stuffing his face with her heat. He flattened his tongue out to lick as much as he can, her juices collecting in his mouth while his fingers capture the hood of her clit and rubbed in circles, forcing Y/N to arch her back against the sofa. He dabbed his finger on the hood with caution to sensitivity while running his mouth to the sides of her pussy, stimulating the silk-like skin that brought satisfaction to Y/N. He licked her folds on both sides all the way up to her clit before giving the button a little kiss, sucking it into his mouth lightly while his nimble fingers exposed the nub.
“I’m gonna cum,” Y/N announced, body going restless and throat going sore from the countless moans she’d released from Shawn’s actions. “Please don’t stop,” She begged, feeling him add his fingers into the mix. His were much longer and with one curl upwards, he felt the tips of his fingers settle on the spongy area, rubbing against it continuously. Y/N whined out, hands balling into a fist, grabbing his hair, the arm of her couch--anything she could get her hands on. The pleasure running through her body was so strong and her climax was about to happen when Shawn suddenly stopped all movement.
She forced her eyes open, glassy and watery with pink lips set into a breathless pout. Her hair stuck to her temples and her chest was heaving. “Why’d you stop?” She asked, wiggling her hips in an effort to get his fingers to start moving inside of her again.
Shawn slapped a hand on her stomach, pushing it flat against the couch, “Good girls wait,”
As it seemed, Y/N stuck true to her word for the fourth night in a row. The sun was setting and Harry had prepared a full, home-cooked meal for the two of them-- like he had done the previous nights, but Y/N hadn’t come home until the morning after when the food was cold and covered in plastic wrap. He hoped that tonight would be the night where they talked it all out, instead of screaming at each other impulsively.
He sighed in frustration when the third call was sent to voicemail once again, meaning that she had let it ring out until it eventually died down.
“Hey Y/N, it’s Harry,” He mumbled, walking back and forth between a small area. “Just wanted to ask if you’re coming home tonight. I made dinner, by the way. And I lov--,” The beep cut him off, indicating that he had used his seconds.
Harry let out a puff of air, releasing the tension he had been feeling more recently. It was minutes after when he thought his ears were playing a card on him; the front door was rattling. He could hear the door open, the creaking ceasing when it was shut. The keys situated themselves on the bowl by the front door.
He willed himself to meet her in the hallway, catching her tired eyes set on his. She looked at him for a few seconds, nodding, and then slipping past his broad body.
“Y/N wait,”
“I’m not in the mood,” She answered quickly, shrugging off his hand on her forearm.
He gulped, blinking heavily at Y/N. “I-i okay. Did you have dinner at least? I made your favorite,” He scrambled for words to extend their time together. “I thought that maybe we could eat together and watch something on the telly? We haven’t spent much time with each other so maybe we could do that,”
He bit his lip nervously when Y/N didn’t say anything right away. A pregnant pause overtook the atmosphere between them.
“I said I’m not in the mood,” She snapped, turning her body to face him fully. “Where did you get dinner and a movie out of that?”
“It was just an offer,” Harry muttered, taken aback by her reaction. She could’ve just said ‘no’ straight up.
“Okay, thanks for offering but I don’t want to do that right now, Harry.”
“I understand,” he said. She forced a smile on her face before twisting around and stomping up the staircase.
He watched as Y/N disappeared from his sight before his expression crumbled completely. There was no denying that he had been feeling different this past couple of days. Maybe it was because he was used to Y/N’s messages popping up throughout the day; sending him heart emojis and attaching a picture of cute dogs that she wished to adopt one day when they had settled. Or maybe it was the worried texts that she had sent--to which he had called ‘nagging’-- but now he recognized as sweet and caring. Oh, how he wished that he had his head on straight before taking complete advantage of the woman who loved him so dearly.
It had been half an hour since Y/N came home and Harry was still worried about whether she had eaten or not. He didn’t want her anger to him get in the way of her properly eating. So with hands grasping a plate of roast beef and mashed potatoes, and the other with a glass of water-- Harry climbed up the steps as quietly as he could to not alarm her to lock the door on him.
To his relief, their bedroom was left slightly ajar; he would only have to kick it open, especially since his hands were full and he couldn’t exactly ask her to get it for him. He didn't think they were on speaking terms.
“You’re amazing, Shawn” He heard her speak, assuming through the phone. “Stop it! Don’t wanna get turned on knowing that you’re not here to fix it,” Y/N giggled quietly, patiently waiting for what Shawn had to say.
From the gap, he could see her walking towards the dresser.
“I don’t know how to describe it. It felt so good and I haven’t felt that way in a long time,” Harry furrowed his eyebrows, doing mental math in his head to recover the memory of the last time he and Y/N had sex. “It’s been four months,”
“Harry?” He stood more alarmed at the mention of his name, afraid that he had been caught eavesdropping on a conversation that he wasn’t a part of. “No, no. He’s just been busy with other 
Y/N played with her lip while Shawn said something intriguing. “You’re right. Maybe he doesn’t want me anymore,” She paused her pacing, in a thought. “It would be bad for both of us. The media will go crazy,”
Both of us? Harry thought. Shawn and her or?
Harry’s curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but rattle the glass against the wall, making a sound that definitely drew her attention to him.
‘I’ll let you know when I decide. I have to call you back,”
Harry took a couple of steps back in an effort to appear as if he had just come up from the stairs. Y/N swung the door open, revealing his wide eyes and food that he was willing himself not to drop; his hands were shaking *that badly.
“Harry?” There was an edge in her tone, brows raised high on her forehead while she switched back and forth to his face and to the meal he had prepared. “Is this for me?” She pointed to the direction.
“Yeah, it is,” He cleared his throat, stepping closer to her and inspecting if she would move away. “I was worried that you hadn’t eaten,”
“Thank you,” Y/N walked deeper into the room, glancing over her shoulder to see if Harry was following--and he was. “You can set it on the dresser. You know how I don’t like--”
“Eating on the bed,” Harry finished for her, making the both of them blush at the connection that was still very much existing between the two of them.
He sat on the foot of the bed while she fed herself with the creamy mash. His brain was going antsy with the conversation that he had overheard. “Who were you talking to?”
She hummed on a mouthful of food, “Shawn,” Although it sounded more like ‘Shom’
“What erm, what were you guys talking about?”
Y/N waved him off casually as if it was nothing, “Don’t worry about.”
let me know what u thot! :)
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krillin-fanfic · 6 years
Sick Day
Well, here we are, K18 Day! And unfortunately, I managed to catch a bit of a flu bug. No matter though, it actually kinda makes today’s entry rather fitting. Funny how life works like that. Hope you enjoy.
Marron was sick. 18 frowned as she shook the thermometer. She wasn't sick in any serious sort of way, sure; she had a low fever and a bit of a stomach ache and that was it-but still! Her little girl was in pain and discomfort and she wanted nothing more than to beat the ever-loving hell out of whoever or whatever was causing it. Unfortunately, that wasn't really an option. Also unfortunately, Marron wasn't the only one 18 had to watch out for. If 18 had been upset to find Marron sick, Krillin had been downright inconsolable. He immediately went into a panic mode, pulling down the first aid kit, looking for every immune booster he could find, even trying to call in sick to work. On his first day on patrol. (“She needs her DAD too, 18! Our baby is sick! How can you worry about something as petty as keeping the lights on at a time like this???)”She swore to him, right hand raised, that she'd keep him updated on their daughter's condition and half-shove him out the door. That hadn't stopped him from constantly checking in, however. On the phone. “18, how's Marron? Is she ok? It's been almost an hour, I'm getting worried!” On his breaks. “Psst. 18. It's me, in the bushes. I got a ten-minute break so I ran here as fast as I could. Is she feeling better? I brought soup!” And even when passing by on patrol, she'd catch him driving by very slowly, trying his best to peer into the window. She sighed. She couldn't really be mad at him about it; she'd probably do the same, after all. Hell, even as it was, it hurt her to have to see their daughter's tiny frame, normally so energetic and full of joy, curled up under a blanket, frowning in her sleep. Every time she spoke in that wavering voice, asking for some water, it killed her. But she couldn't imagine having to be separated from her for an entire da- The door slammed open “18! THEY LET ME OFF EARLY SO I GOT SOMETHING!” a rapid set of footfalls later and Krillin stood in the doorway, panting, with a rather noticeable hole in the front of his helmet. 18 raised an eyebrow. “What happened?” “Turns out some people don't like parking tickets so he kinda shot me in the head.” “...A-are you ok?” “Huh? Oh, yeah, fine, but y'know... protocol and priorities.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bean. “ANYWAYS, I had some spare time so I ran to Korin's place and-” 18 stood quickly. “A Senzu?! This'll help her?” “Well, it should. Helped me after we had to try some of Tien's cooking anyways.” Krillin sat down on the bed and gently shook their daughter. “Hey, sweetheart. Papa's home.” Marron groggily opened an eye and groaned. “Papa... tummy hurts...” Krillin was already fighting back tears. “I know, baby. Pap brought you home something that'll help, but you gotta try to eat it, ok?” 18 bit her lip as Marron nodded, opening her mouth slightly. He quickly inserted it and she chewed slowly, almost gagging. “Nono, sweetheart, gotta chew fast and swallow.” 18 coaxed. Marron sped up her chewing and swallowed, sitting up as if to throw up, when- “Ohh woooow.” Marron's eyes went wide and she blinked a few times. “I feel all better!” She grinned and threw herself into her dad's arms. “Thank you, Papa!” She beamed. “And Mama!” 18 smiled and hugged her little family. “You're welcome, baby. I'm glad you're feeling all better.” “Mhm!” She smiled. “Can I have some water though? I'm really thirsty.” “Sure, honey. I'll be right back.” 18 headed toward the kitchen. Marron picked up her dad's helmet and marveled at the bullet hole there. “WOAH, Papa, what happened to your safe hat?” “Well, Firefly, some people just really don't like having to pay for breaking the ru-” A loud retching sound came from down the hall. “Oh, Godda-blaaagh.” Krillin and Marron both winced. “Uhoh. Mama's sick now.” Krillin sighed. “Stay here with your mommy sweetheart. Daddy's off to get another bean.”
“Good morning, Mama!” 18 groaned and stretched, sitting up in bed. There was barely even sunlight peeking through the curtains. “Marron? What are you doing up so early, sweetheart?” She smiled brightly and lifted the tray she was carrying above her head. “I made you breakfast!” 18 frowned. “You know you're not supposed to mess with kitchen appliances, Marron.” Marron set the tray on her mother's lap. “Is OK! I just used the toaster!” 18 looked down at the two very, very dark pieces of bread on the tray and a half-full glass of orange juice. “Hm. So it would seem.” She smiled warmly. “Thank you, sweetheart, this was very thoughtful of you. But next time we wait for a grownup, alright?” “Kay!” the little girl grinned and tiptoed to the other side of the bed. “Papa still sleepin', huh?” “Papa was very worried yesterday and worked very hard to make sure we got all better.” 18 ran a hand through Krillin's hair. “You have a very thoughtful daddy, Marron.” “The BEST daddy!” Marron leaned forward and gently pecked her Papa's cheek. “Thank you, Papa,” she whispered. “I love you whole bunches.” 18 leaned down and pecked his cheek as well before lifting the tray from her lap and heading down the stairs. “Come on sweetheart, let's go make daddy a big breakfast as a thank you.” Marron's eyes lit up. “OH, can we make waffles?!” 18 nodded and Marron clapped her hands in excitement before running down the stairs, chattering away as her mom followed behind her. And even through his deep slumber, Krillin smiled.
And we are officially done! This week has been a total blast, and it was nice to get to shake off some of the rust and contribute. Here’s hoping you guys had a great week too and enjoyed celebrating the single-best, most underrated couple in DB! See ya later!
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lightforgedeve · 6 years
Meetings, Clouds and Brands.
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Dear Journal, Eveneah and i went onto our job together to meeting with the Grand Mistress, she's the one i was talking about last time. Unfortunatlly because of me we were late, i got a bit lost in the plaguelands. Whoops. Though it didn't seem to bother them. We carried on with our meeting, once again it was a lot of talking that i felt wasn't going anywhere, i'm not saying Eveneah is bad at her job, i just don't get it. Honestly she is fantastic at it, she has done very well with us, she knows far more than us of this world. Anyways, so once again i stepped in and tried to push the conversation. It worked a bit and i feel we got things worked over faster, which was great because than i was able to ask about her toes, i haven't been able to see them yet though. I also got to learn some interesting things about the different types of elves here and why their cultures are different. Not to mention learning how they actually look a bit different, well some are more noticeable than others. The Grand Mistress was very kind to be able to take her time and tell me all this and answer my questions. I think the people she had with her were a bit shocked. Eveneah was getting impatient with me and pulled me along to leave. Oh! And she's also really pretty! Her hood kind of hides her face a bit, but she has a very pretty...silhoute about her. She really holds herself well and moves beautiful, plus i get a really good feeling from her. It's almost firmiliar but i can't quite put my finger on it. Anyways, we said our farewells and went on our way. We ended up bumping into Aursuna and High Vindicator Brutula on our way back. Apparently they came to check on us. It was kind of funny how they exchanged words, it almost looked like how i imagined worried parents talked to each other. It really made me giggle. It's rather nice knowing i can feel safe and have a sort of family like thing here. It makes me feel more motivated to do them proud and really show them that i'll work hard and do the best that i can. We headed back to Telaar and reported in. I got a bit of a sense that the High Vindicator might be upset with me still about what happened in the last meeting. It's...making me worry that my promotion is just a means for me to learn some harsh lesson, or a type of punishment. I am not sure what to do with such thoughts or feelings. I don't really know what i'm in charge of doing or really understand what's expected of me from this. I will have to dwell on it tomorrow, i have been granted the day off to rest so i think i'll do some light explores and enjoy my time in the sun and relax in a meadow somewhere just to watch the clouds. Least, i hope it's not a rainy day.
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Dear Journal, Nagrad is a truy beautiful place. I slept in a bit more than usual today, had a delious breakfast of mixed berries with Talbuk cream yogurt with a clefthoof steak marinated in a light apple mead, and some scrambled condor eggs with some salt and pepper. A very filling treat for sure! It was all so delicous! After such i did some light reading in my room to wake up a bit, than began my morning routine exercises. Beginning with a fifty sit ups, fifty squats, fifty push ups and can't forget the lunges! Fifty of those as well of course. But of course, before and after any work out one must always stretch! That's the most important part! And hydrating, you should always have some water on hand. After ensuring i did another good stretch and gather a couple water flasks i proceeded with my three hour run. I just stuck to the main roads in Nagrad and just followed along. Going a hour and a half one way and than going back. It was such a beautiful day, it made me excite to be out and about and just enjoying the air. It was so peaceful and relaxing, i've never been really able to just enjoy my excirse routine like this before. It made me feel a whole new way and way more refreshed than before. The crisp clean air in my lungs, the soft gentle breeze cooling my body as i went on my way. The fact that clean real water wasn't far off so if i ran out of water i could just refill it. The sounds of...just life. All around me. The Clefthoofs on their marches, the Talbuks dancing free and clear. The birds gliding through the air in peace. The sounds of bugs and frogs and fish by the waters. I admit i had to take a moment to just cry by the road. Just...the peace and changing enviroment, untouched, so clear, so crisp. It was so different. It was something i've never really known or seen before. After calming down i finished my run. Than proceeded to clean myself off and have a good lunch. Just a salad of grass, lettuce, diced tomatoes, some berries, spinach. Mostly green, but the good stuff! Of course, i hide the grass in to save myself the odd stare. I don't get why i can't eat it, it's yummy, especially with a nice drizzle of whatever salad dressing is called. Think it has like some vinegar or something in it? I'm not sure, but we have it and it's yummy for my tummy! I also had some bread, i think it was made with some oats here. It's really good and has a bit of honey it in. I really am liking sweet things. After lunch i took a light nap, just a few minutes to let my body rest and relax. Than i set out to find the perfect spot, off to explore! I found a nice lake to sit by, i layed out a blanket i brought with me and relaxed some more. It was a bit strange at first, i don't think i've ever just sat somewhere quietly before and done....nothing. So it was hard getting comfortable at first and there always seemed to be this one rock under my back. In time i a slowly settled and was able to just sit and watch the clouds, at first i started counting them and than lost count and than i started noticing some of them had shapes. I couldn't help a grin and start listing what they looked like! Oh and of course i brought my Marsuul with me. He seemed to really enjoy his time too. He ran around a good bit in the grass, stalking random bugs and other small critters before curling in with me to rest.  And than of course we played a little bit with a stick. I'd throw it and he'd go get it and bring it back. Was a lot of fun. I really should name him, i just...can never think of anything. I've had him for about three years. He's still so tiny though. I really wasn't sure he'd make it. As it was starting to get dark we headed back home and went on to have supper. Which was a hearty meal of clefthoof stew with carrots, potatoes and celery chunks. It was delicious. However it made me think back on the stew Eveneah is going to teach me to make and i bet that's going to be even better! After supper i went on to clean off once more and am winding down, before i go to bed i think i'm going to write out what i think being an Arbiter is going to be about, what this all means to me and what i believe i am to do. Oh and of course i have to brush my teeth and buff my hooves before bed. Anyways, i'm off for now. Talk to you later!
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Dear journal,
Today was the big day. I have been nervous all day. I did my usual morning routine, but i think i missed some things and i didn't go for my run. The day sort of just...passed me by. In the afternoon the High Vindicator and i went over what was going to happen during the ceremony, a general run down, so on. I didn't even think to ask him about what it all meant, i just felt...it wasn't right, espically at this point. I'm not sure, i feel...perhaps lost? I'm not sure. I think i've lost him abit, least with how we could have been working together. I'm not sure. Somethings lost, that's how i feel. Before i knew it the ceremony was taking place. A lot more people showed up than i thought would, i became really nervous than. However, i think i did well keeping myself proffesional and serious through it. Didn't mess up anything! Though i didn't get to thank everyone for coming personally as i was busy heading off to meet with the Grand Mistress once more with the Exarch and Aursuna and Eveneah. Though it was nice meeting with the new group joining our alliance, believe it was the Vindicari Templari. I asked the Exarch about them later to get some general information. We also had the City State come with us and one of them was kind enough to give me some gold as a gift! I was stunned! Apparently it was from multiples, but i also suspect it was just from the one man. I never caught his name, but i've seen him before in Amberstill. I think he's a guard like me. He was quiet the last time i saw him, however i think he's a nice guy. I get a good feeling from him. So i was happy to see him once more. I still can't believe i got such a gift. It made me very happy. I was able to talk to a few, mostly to lil Verha, she's so cute. it reminded me about making that swing, i'll make sure to do it tomorrow. The ceremony went well, the burning of my brand was the only thing that bothered me. But it didn't last long and it wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be. The Exarch even did a beautiful speech at the end, reconfirming exactly what we stand for. Which is with agreeing with how we should be doing things in the future and is on par with the Grand Mistress. So i was very happy to hear him say it, out and clear for everyone, and most especially our allies, to understand. It made me feel proud and feel better about standing out to the High Vindicator. As the others went on downstairs, the four of us i mentioned before went to meet with the Grand Mistress.  Where once more the Exarch confirmed our stance is aligned with hers. The two than had to talk privately so than Aursuna, myself and Eveneah spoke. At first i had no idea what the two others were talking about, but than i realized they were talking about mating pairs. I thought it was cute that Aursuna brought it up to Eveneah. It once more reminded me of a parent figure. Than i think she mentioned on for when Eveneah retires or carries on that i am to take over? I'm not sure, i just sort of wasn't really understanding most of the conversation at hand. I agree of course that some day Eveneah should enjoy retiring, as their life span is not long like our own and our purpose is so others can have such lives as we work to preserve it. But.. i mean. Is that what Eveneah wants? And...she's still young. I think, so why think of that now? Soon the Grand Mistress and the Exarch returned. He asked is we had any other questions, besides me having earlier asked to see her toes, which again she evaded me! At such anyways, Eveneah inquired as to why the Grand Mistress had an interest in me. I wasn't aware she was, i thought i was just doing my job and going where asked to. But apparently the last meeting only happened if i was coming or something? I don't get it. Anyways, apparently she thinks i'm firey because of what i did at the Ambertstill meeting, when i spoke out. I don't quite get it, but i think it's a good compliment. I've never been called firey before. After which the others started leaving and i wished to ensure the Grand Mistress was going to be safe on her way. We talked for a few moments more, she was curious about my fascination with toes so i explained it to her. I also came to a conclusion that toes...are a bit of an advantage in battle. As they help one shift stances and move about more easily. As with hooves you must rely on what's under your hoof to enforce move-ability, but with toes you don't need to so much. Talking with her only made me start to like her more. I really look forward and am happy to be working with her in the future. I hope it doesn't end after the campaigns. Upon her leaving i headed back to get ready for rest, however i saw the Exarch and decided it was time to unfurl how i've been feeling towards the High Vindicator and talk about my promotion. He's really a wonderful speaker and really helped me feel better about how i have been feeling. He expressed some concerns as well and i was able to get a better view and understanding of himself and the High Vindicator. I really think now, after all this, i really need to make this title my own. I am going to embrace it and really show that it is something amazing. My job is to ensure the safety of life, ensure civilians are not harmed in the coming days and to keep an eye on those who would veer from the path of the Light by being consumed in their own need for revenge or hatred. No matter the form, i will show the High Vindicator that life, all life, is worth preserving. If i'm just to be a symbol or something for him to show blame upon when something goes wrong well guess what, i'm more than that and i'll ensure things go well! Because i have allies too and i know together we can plan this out perfectly and save many people! Whew, i think that's still going to be a lot of work, but it'll all be worth it!
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ziraangel · 7 years
Happy Birthday, KS!
KS wanted me to continue this story for her birthday!
So, here you are, lovely~
The slide into this memory is better than any previous experience. Less disorienting and more of a soft stop. He will keep this in mind for his next times in memories.
Looking around him, he sees the potions classroom, the bat stalking around the classroom. Instantly, Harry knows what is happening, and what is going on. He’s in the his potions classroom, where they are learning the wit sharpening potions. One Harry remembers well. He frowns as he sees Snape confiscate the magazine with Rita’s article, but doesn’t read it aloud.
So this is what the note meant about false memory. He can see how there /are// odd effects, like an editing of a video. Draco jumps from sitting easily to straight, with nothing between for the movement. Like a bad cartoon. He watches them get split up, and he looks with care to see other problems.
Pansy is laughing and talking, a move he knows she’d never do in an actual class. Much less to Tracy Davis, a girl he knows is halfblood. Tracy’s only friend seems to be Daphne, no one else in the fourth year slytherins willing to attempt to get close.
The most
 obvious difference, though, is how at the end, they all just file out, no Karkoff rushing in and showing off his dark mark.
When Harry comes to, he pulls the empty vial from the pensieve, uses his wand to return the memory, and lets his fingers drift along the enchanted bowl. His fingers finally find themselves on the ruby tipped vial, where a simple press of his finger with magical intent has the next vial pop out.
He glances at the list, confirming it is the one he wants, and casually pours the first true memory in the bowl. Replacing the vial, he looks at the wispy liquid for several seconds, wondering what this is about, and sticking his finger in the the memory.
This one is even easier than the last, him landing gently on his feet, and able to just look around without distraction.
What draws his eyes instantly is the small child, at most three years old, messy brown hair, dark blue eyes reddened by the child’s crying, and clutching tight to a carelessly patched teddy bear. He moves closer, and his heart wrenches in pain at the sight. This child makes him think of himself. Lost, unhappy, stuck in one place. The room they are in is cramped and claustrophobic. Only just a shade larger than his cupboard. It must be a room in the attic, the ceiling a sharp slope, and the wall separating this room from anything else seems bare, almost makeshift. As if it was made just for this small, hurt, broken boy.
He’s stopped from looking further by the child’s stomach grumbling, a soft sound, one Harry knows well. No food for days, and his little tummy realizing nothing will be coming, but still crying for anything at all. He can see the jug of water, which looks old, so very old. More modern than the wizarding world, but much older than muggle. He reaches for it, wanting to pick it up and pour a glass of water for the child, knowing that sometimes drinking quiets the food starved belly, but his hand goes through the handle.
So, instead, he kneels in front of the small boy, only three or four at most, and wants nothing more than to tug the boy into his arms to hug and reassure. He pretends to pet the child’s hair, as if that will soothe away those silent tears.
There’s a crash of the door flinging open, and he spins around to see a woman snapping out, “There he is. He’s possessed by a demon! Making things happen!” Her voice lowers, more respectful as she addresses a priest who walks in slowly, “We did as you told us. He’s had nothing but water and a single loaf of bread for the last five days.”
Harry’s heart seizes as the child on the bed’s sobs go up in volume, and the adults all look at him with hate or their faces may as well be made of stone.
He wants them to leave, to never come here, while Harry steals this child from what he knows is about to happen. What Vernon had threatened to do to him when he was younger, and only didn’t because it wasn’t ‘normal’ to call in the church for a home visit.
But he knows, oh how he knows, what it feels like to be unable to eat anything but a single rough and hard loaf of bread, and only water to drink for five days. To feel that gnaw and want and the pain. To have it happen over and over, since Petunia and Vernon reasoned that it could only help to ‘get his freakishness out of him.’
So he forces himself to watch as the child is strapped to the bed, the teddy bear ripped from too tiny arms, and adults yelling and chastising. He makes sure to stay at the head of the bed, looking down at the child’s face, petting his hair and crying silently with him while the adults chant and quote bible verses. As the adults yell and threaten, he focuses through his blurry tears to keep petting the child’s face.
The woman screams how this will get the devil from the child, from Tom Riddle. The name makes him freeze, but when this is happening around him, and he can see nothing to show how there are cuts or jumps, nothing pasted in from a previous memory, he
 he can not /justify// what is happening.
Can not say that it is just fine to abuse a helpless magical child, just because in the future he becomes a Dark Lord.
So he forces himself to watch what happens, and pets Tom’s sobbing face, wishing he could save the innocent three year old, only barely not a toddler.
When Harry finally leaves the pensieve, his hands shake as he returns the memory to the proper vial, and as the vial returns to its hiding place. His body is shaking as he puts the pensieve in the hidden drawer, locking it firmly, and going to his bed, curling up on top of the blankets.
Kreacher finds him an hour later, the house elf looking at him with a scowl. Finally, the elf reaches over, and hesitantly pokes him. “Halfblood master must get up.”
He looks at Kreacher, croaking due to how much he’s crying still, “Why?”
“Master told Kreacher to get Harry Potter,” the elf’s eyes drag along Harry’s forehead, looking at the scar as he always does when he says Harry’s name. Then, in undertone, “Nasty traitor master, makes demands of Kreacher. Oh, what would misstress say?”
Used to such things, even if it is off to him that Kreacher seems to revere him, Harry sits up, rubbing his, no doubt, red eyes, and attempting to get the sight of tiny Tom RIddle’s torture out of his head. He sniffs his nose, and takes the handkerchief Kreacher instantly hands him to rub his eyes then blow his nose. “Thank you, Kreacher. Did Sirius say why he wanted me downstairs?”
Kreacher shakes his head, “Kreacher was only told to get halfblood master.” Harry stands up while the elf mutters, “Oh, how Kreacher has fallen. Listening to traitor master when
.” the mumbles go to a far too low a tone to be heard, but Harry knows it is about Regulus. It always is when the elf talks about Sirius’s brother.
Kreacher does adore Harry, and that only got more pronounced when Harry said he wanted Regulus’s old room, even under Sirius’s protests, and Mrs. Weasley trying to force him into sharing a room with Ron. Harry’s not sharing a room with Ron when he can’t cast a silencing charm. His best friend talks in his sleep, and that always wakes him. No thanks.
He pats Kreacher on the head once, knowing the elf likes it for whatever reason, and heads out of the room. When he makes his way down the steps, he’s almost ambushed by his Godfather, “Harry! What happened? Are you okay? I was told Snivellus showed up, went to your room, and then left! You haven’t been out since. Are you okay? Do I need to curse him?” A pause, and Sirius frowns, “Have you been crying? Are you okay?”
He manages a watery smile, “It’s fine, just
 thinking about
.” He trails off, knowing he can't explain what he just saw, since he knows that if he does, Sirius is going to get mad. How /dare// he have any sympathy for the dark lord?
Thankfully, Sirius just goes solemn, nodding carefully. “You never should have been put through what happened last school year, Harry. Want me to go break Snivellus’s nose for you? You know, since he was mocking you for being upset about Cedric and having to fight you-know-who?”
He’s tempted to accept that offer, but he has to deal with Snape in potions class when he gets back in school. “N-no. It’s okay, Sirius.” He rubs his eyes, still seeing the screaming child - only barely not a baby toddling around - in his mind. “It’s okay.”
“You sure?”
He nods, “Yeah. Is food ready?”
Sirius nods, “Yeah, let’s go eat, alright?”
He smiles, and lets his godfather lead him to the kitchen to eat.
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