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choice feminism really curbed female class consciousness because the amount of women who are advocating for prostitution and surrogacy as rights they and their rapist husbands deserve instead of actually seeing these exploited women as human beings worthy of dignity and in need of support is sickening. and then they have the gall to call it a feminist principle to advocate for their slavery and sale.
if he could do it to her, he would do it to you. if women are up for sale, we are all viable products, you selfish fucking pea brains.
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they should try not criticizing the women they supposedly like.
what if instead of asking women to interpret men being assholes as flirting, we asked men to do the legwork and flirt by actually being nice?
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i think men shutting tf up would solve a lot of problems
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"lefty men probably realize exactly how much they benefit from the myth that abortion is the only significant women's issue"
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“Men gave you those rights.” Oh you mean the human rights that they withheld from us until we caused enough outcry to make them cave??
Like men act as if it was an inherent thing in the past for women to not have rights, that’s not inherent it’s called oppression.
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"I don't align with the gender roles assigned to me because I was born female, I think I'm nonbinary" so close! You have discovered feminism, now go apply it to all women instead of seeing yourself as an anomaly ❤️ You are an incredible individual, and being a woman does not detract from that
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why canché the logo to have the back two faces match the original, then a different face in front? it is a trap to "fuck the terf." god forbid women want their rights to be focused on at the women's march.
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this is so obviously a trap that i can't help but commend women's march on their astuteness. if they wanted to represent males in their new logo they could've chosen a far more obvious male characteristic: an adam's apple. instead they went for a more prominent brow ridge, thinner lips, and a much bigger nose than the female silhouettes.
the problem is that most people aren't aware that prominent brow ridges are a common male feature, at least not consciously. when someone looks at the leftmost silhouette, they're likely to read it as male because of it, but they don't know that the brow ridge is what's setting them off. so instead they point to the most prominent feature in the silhouette: the large nose.
of course, large noses aren't a male-only feature. my own nose looks almost identical to that, and i'm female. so when someone points at the silhouette and points to the nose as the reason why it looks male, TRAs already have a battery of pictures of women with large noses to prove that nose size isn't an indicator of sex.
but worse than that, women's march is aware that, throughout history, white people have ridiculed and persecuted racial minority groups on the basis of nose shape and size. drawings of characters with large noses serve as antisemitic caricatures even to this day. this is intentional. they want people to point toward the nose, so that TRAs can fire back with "so you're saying women of color with large noses are male? how racist!"
the thin lips are also intentional. it's another feature that people are far more likely to associate with maleness than the brow ridge, even though it's nowhere near as accurate an indicator. it's another trap; if people point to the thin lips, TRAs can say "so women should have full lips? how misogynistic!"
i don't know what else to say other than it's actually scary to me that so much thought went into this. this was made with the intention of trapping women who want to protest the fact that we're losing the women's rights movement. and all because some men "feel" like women. it's evil. groups that were meant to fight for women's rights are now carefully constructing traps to be used against women who demand that our own rights movement go back to catering to our needs. it's insane.
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i've seen the original post before, finally someone went through the effort of disproving it.
i'd also like to add that nothing is science is 100%. It's disingenuous to say "sex is a spectrum because 0.0001% of the population is intersex." that would be like saying all scientific theories are a spectrum because they can't be proven true 100% of the time.
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"my gender isn't your costume" you almost got it. almost. so close.
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"Porn is bad because (something that happens because of lack of sex education)" is such a frustrating and common opinion tbh
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gender is a conservative-made social construct btw. It has no purpose besides keeping women subordinate and dependant and making sure men join the military. It’s not an identity, it’s a method of oppression, and you are falling for it head over heels.
makeup and breast augmentation, high heels and false eyelashes aren’t “gender affirming “care””, they’re a product of capitalism that targets women, designed to make you feel ugly without them and become reliant on the industry.
Gender ideology is conservative and “gender affirming care” is capitalist. You aren’t a leftist or a communist.
Gender and capitalism doesn’t care if you’re born with a penis and doing these things, it profits just the same.
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lately i've been doing a lot of thinking about why women are the main supporters of transgenderism, and i think i've boiled it down to three main elements
1. women are socialised to be more accommodating and accepting of uncomfortable situations than men are. this has been discussed at length in the radical feminist tradition and the gender critical movement, but it bears reiterating. women are taught from early childhood to disbelieve their feelings of fear, anger and humiliation for the benefit of men.
2. i'd argue that the description of physical dysphoria is one that almost all women empathise with, because of how alienated women are from their bodies by society, in a way most men are not. even women who would say they are comfortable with their bodies have complicated feelings about having a female body in our society, even if they don't have the framework to express it. therefore, when women are confronted with men who make claims about sex dysphoria, they relate and empathise and some can draw conclusions that this distress aligns them with femaleness (i would argue that all women experience sex dysphoria in a misogynist society like ours but i digress). i think there many women also find solace in the idea that someone else could possibly have their physical distress alleviated and want to believe it is possible to find a solution to it.
In other words, “The body has been made so problematic for women that it has often seemed easier to shrug it off and travel as a disembodied spirit.” - Adrienne Rich
3. women want to believe that male oppression and men aren't really that bad. to comprehend the scale of women's oppression, and to fully understand that the men you know and love are as complicit in it as any other, feels like balancing on the brink of madness. women are desperate for evidence that things aren't as bad as they suspect.
Andrea Dworkin says it best: “Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.”
that is part of the allure of the trans movement for these women in denial. breaking down the categories of male and female, and denying the social dynamics therein, means they don't have to grapple with the ugliness of misogyny.
anyone else have thoughts on this? i'd be keen to hear if others on radblr think
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aside from the radfem library, gyns which here is a linktree:
don't sleep on zlibrary!! it takes a bit of finagling to access it. make sure you totally don't check the subreddit has more information on the non-seized links. r/zlibrary.
currently reading
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