#it was a joy to make tho truly such a lovely smile
ishikawayukis · 1 month
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Yuki Ishikawa 10 Essentials GQ Japan
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ryllen · 10 months
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#mtas#my time at sandrock#mtas wei#mtas builder#fanart#i found my true love target ; v ;#the smiling type is the ones that truly snatch my heart#they bring me the utmost joy#as much ironic it is unsuur makes me unsure of the rest of the stage after confession#i just thought i marry him in case the builder parents come and there would be some kind of scene over it like in portia#till the very last minute my heart was somehow still half in about it#tho in the game unsuur is read very close as 'unsure' i actually pronounce it differently bcs it's close to something in my language#unsur : means element; i thought that's nice bcs it feels closely to rock related thing#https://translate.google.com/?sl=id&tl=en&text=unsur&op=translate#if anyone even interest the slightest on how it sounds when pronounced by me here's the google translate link#but yea i'm dying that it is literally being pronounced 'unsure'#pls help him he just needs to be given a chance to command so he can learn to do independent thinking from experience#like yeah probably there would be lots of mistake at first#but u're like a mom justice who decides everything for the child so when u ask the child they just be like don't know ask mom fshdshd#he needs to be put out there#or had that been done justice if so i am sorry ; v ;#but seriously i'm dying when i kept adventuring with justice and logan and unsuur was just told to wait like a puppy fhsdh#he needs to be taught how to decide things by himself seriously#it's honestly hard to write unsuur's character#like no matter how u tried somehow it doesn't feel as close as funny or as serious deadpan like the original#wei here is like a piece of white paper i can scribble whatever i want#it's unexpected#but i ended up liking wei
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the other day my 15 year old cousin was pretend shooting at me [24], my aunt [late 40s], and my partner [25] with a small gun.
i pretended to be hit, then quickly ducked and dove around the counter, looking for a weapon-shaped item frantically. my aunt, with such malice in her voice went, "what are you *doing*?" i hardly huffed a response back bc i was So focused. then, there i saw it: an unopened bag of marshmallows. i quickly ripped them open and tossed one up in the air to land around the corner into my cousin's room while going "ITS A GRENADE!" and he laughed. it was one of the few genuine smiles i'd seen him make the whole few days we spent together.
i dont care how old you are, if you see someone playing pretend, it's your duty to hop on that moment and keep it going. no one is "better than" imagination. you're not superior bc youre in your 40s and dont know how to have fun. life is about silly moments like this (to ME and im on my high horse PREACHING at u to fill your life with love light and JOY)
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strniohoeee · 8 months
oooo okay what i'm boutta request may sound crazy but
could you do a fluffy fic where it's all in matt's pov and he has a huge crush on the reader and he's so anxious around her and nick puts it together that matt is in love with the reader and one day they're hanging and matt's nervous around the reader and the reader is worried and asks matt what wrong and like after being so scared and shy matt blurts out he's in love with the reader and has been for a while and it turns out reader is in love with matt too and boom they kiss and become boyfriend and girlfriend
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Plagued by the constant nervousness Y/N makes Matt feel he takes to his journal. Afraid that his feelings are one sided he keeps it quiet until Y/N confronts him 📝
Warnings⚠️: None, kinda short??? I hope you enjoy tho🤞🏽
Song for the imagine: Ivy- Frank Ocean
I thought that I was dreaming
When you said you loved me
The start of nothin
I had no chance to prepare
Matt’s POV
Entry #14
Writing this down seems embarrassing because this isn’t something I do, but I have no one to talk to. I think that I’m falling in love? No! I know I’m in love, but does she love me back is the million dollar question.
I don’t crush on girls often, but when a girl is as gorgeous as Y/N how can I not? Everything about her draws me to her….like a moth to a flame. An ache comes to my heart everytime I see her because she’s so close yet so far away.
I was never shy around a girl I liked, but there’s something about her….I can’t explain it. Her dark intense eyes, her soft face, her gorgeous smile, her nails always perfectly shaped. Long but not too long just enough to capture someone’s gaze. The way she’d blink faster and bite her pointer finger nail when she was thinking hard about something.
Her ring clattered fingers, like ice to my skin when she’d grab my arm to tell me something. I mean her laugh…..always covering her mouth because she hated the face she’d make as she let laughter erupt from her chest.
She was always laughing too and it made me smile just to hear the joy come out of her. I’m not really sure when I started to like her, but it just happened. One day her looks and her touches made me nervous. It was a gradual liking that suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks.
She’s also our best friend, so admitting my feelings to her seems a bit dicey. I was never given any notion that she liked me more than a friend, unless she’s good at hiding it. I can’t fathom losing her as a friend because of my stupid feelings.
I guess time will tell…
“Matt what the fuck are you doing?” Nick says barging into my room. Causing me to slam my book shut and snap my head up at him
“Nothing. I’m writing” I said placing the book on my lap
“We’ve been calling your name for a while….Y/N thought you weren’t here or anything” he said laughing
“Y/N’s here?” I asked my eyebrows perking up
“Uh yeah” he said furrowing his brows at me
“And she was looking for me?” I asked scratching the back of my neck
“Well we were all looking for you….What's going on?” Nick asked looking at me sideways
“Nothing nothings going on” I said shaking my head
“Okayyy then” he said raising his eyebrows
I threw my book on the bed and stood up stretching and patting Nick on the shoulder
“I’ll be in living room” I replied walking out my bedroom door
Unbeknown to Matt his journal had propped open on his bed. Showcasing the entry he just wrote, and Nick raised his eyebrows. Truly enticed by what he was writing
“Nick this is wrong” the boy said to himself
He trotted over to the bed and shook his head…thinking he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. Matt was acting weird lately and he figured the reason would be within these pages.
Looking over to see if anyone was near the door he let a breath of air out as he grabbed the book and looked down.
His eyes popping out of his head at what he was reading. Holy shit? My brother is in love with our best friend? He thought to himself
The way he described her had Nick's eyes scanning the page rapidly looking for more. How did Y/N not realize how head over heels this kid was for her….
But then he thought and things started to add up. Nervous around Y/N randomly, avoiding eye contact, getting embarrassed easily, catching him stare at Y/N always….
He knew it! All along Nick knew that his brother had a thing for Y/N, and he feels kind of dumb that it took him this long to realize why his brother was acting so weird.
Nick shut the book and placed it back on the bed. His heart racing with this new information that he was not supposed to know about.
Matt’s POV
Y/N had come over for our monthly movie night. Since our friendship started one night every month we binge watched all types of movies.
Y/N called it her stay relevant with current pop culture night. I just think she liked movies and needed a good excuse to keep us seated for hours on end.
Before playing our first movie we decided to eat dinner. Chris offered to cook and we all scurried away from the kitchen. Opting for McDonald’s instead.
“What movies are you planning for tonight?” Chris asked Y/N
“I’m not sure I think we should start with something sad and then build our way up to scary and then romance and then comedy” she said taking a sip of her drink
“What’s your idea of sad?” Nick asked her
“Now I wouldn’t say it’s sad, but it seems alt and creepy and it has a deep message” she began to say
“You’re such a weirdo” Chris said cutting her off
“Hey! Let her say the movie” I butt in sticking my hand out to stop Chris
“Thanks Matt, it’s requiem for a dream” she said looking at me
“Never heard of it” Nick said
“Yeah me neither” Chris replied
“Well it’s about drug addicts who are trying to find ways to get their next high, but it all starts to go wrong and it’s supposedly really good” she said getting excited
We all kind of looked at her. Me enticed and Nick and Chris bored
“Nick and Chris are looking at me like I’m crazy, but how about you Matt?” She asked looking over at me
“Hmm?” I replied looking at her
“The movie? Want to watch it?” She asked
“Uhh yeah, sure” I said smiling at her
“See! This is why you’re my favorite” he said leaning over and hugging me while laughing
Instantly her touch made me stiffen up. I was becoming nervous and my voice was straining far from me. All I could do was offer a pat to her arm and a smile.
Her eyebrows furrow at this and I mentally smack myself in the head. What the fuck was that? I thought
We cleaned up our wrappers and headed back to the couch
“Matt sit by me?” Y/N asked me patting the empty spot next to her
“Okay” I blurted out nervously
I sat down next to her, stiff like a board might I add. Not really letting my body touch hers as my breathing began to quicken in my chest.
Everything about this situation was making me so fucking nervous. How she mindlessly situated herself, often brushing her leg or hand against me and offering soft “sorries” to which I replied with a shake to my head.
We began the movie and it was actually very interesting. Keeping my eyes locked in the whole time, and scratching my head at the plot.
However I kept noticing Y/N glancing over at me. Making me swallow thickly as anxiety crept up the back of my neck.
She wasn’t even doing anything and my body was reacting. My leg started to shake and I mindlessly started to bite the inside of my lip.
“Hey you okay?” Y/N leaned over and whispered in my ear
“Yeah yeah I’m okay” I replied quickly glancing at her
“You seem a bit on edge today” she said back
“What? Me? No” I replied a bit confused
“Well okay” she said sitting back against the couch
What the fuck was I doing? The anxiety is becoming too much. I decided to stand up and head outside for a breeze and to clear my mind.
Nick had watched Matt walk outside, furrowing his brows and looking over at Y/N who’s eyes had followed where Matt was going.
A smile grew on nicks face and he began to speak
“I think you should see what’s wrong with him” Nick said to Y/N
“He seemed a bit on edge I don’t want to make him mad” she replied looking over at the boy
“No he’s just got some things on his mind I think you talking to him would be better than one of us” he replied to her
She nodded her head and offered him a small smile.
She got up and headed outside
Matt’s POV
I sat on a lawn chair looking at the trees moving in the breeze. My thoughts interrupted when I heard the creak of the back door
“Matt?” I heard from behind me
“Yeah?” I replied looking over my shoulder
“What’s wrong? You seem off” she said sitting next to me
“Nothings wrong I promise” I replied smiling at her
“You’re lying” she said staring blankly at me
“Okay fine….just a bit of anxiety is all” I replied
“That was the half truth…what’s really going on” she said rolling her eyes at me
“You wouldn’t get it” I replied looking back at the trees
“Matt, come on. We tell each other everything” she says groaning
“But this I want to keep to myself” I said rubbing my eyes
“But if it’s making you anxious you should just say it” she said back to me
“I don’t know how to say it” I said turning and looking at her
“Oh sure you do come on” she said egging me on
“It’s just I am so madly in love with you, and I have been for a while. And I don’t know that you feel the same way and I can’t risk losing a friendship over this. But everytime I see you it’s like my body is on fire and my chest aches for you. Everything about you is gorgeous and amazing and I can’t help myself from falling more and more each day” I blurted out
“Matt….I….I like you so much. And I thought the lingering touches and the glances would give you an idea. But I figured I was creeping you out” she said laughing a bit
“No. You were making me nervous” I replied laughing too
Without a second thought Y/N pressed her lips to mine, and at first it took me by surprise. But then my right hand laid on her cheek as I pressed my lips against hers.
This kiss was better than I could have ever imagined. It was like we were made for each other. Her soft lips made my skin melt as the stars aligned above us.
I pulled away and looked at her before smiling at her
“Can I….can I be your boyfriend?” I asked smiling at her
“Yes Matt! 100 times yes” she replied before crashing her lips to mine again
A beautiful kiss under the clear night sky…just like a movie<3
The End
HIIIIII hope yall enjoyed this one🥹🖤🖤 I got many more requests to pump out, so stay tuned! Love yall dearly 🤭🖤🖤
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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kawnglan [ˈkawŋ.lan] adj. malicious, bad hearted
Anonymous Request: Can I request a fic where Neteyam is being teased by Aonung and Lo'ak for not choosing a mate. It leads to the three making a bet that Neteyam has to court someone within 3 months and have the person fall for him. Neteyam does it just to get them off of his back, but eventually falls in love with the Metkayina reader, only for the bet to be exposed, making the reader feel like a game and a laughing stock to the boys even tho Neteyam's feelings became real.
The moons are high in the sky when I return home late that evening, a smile spread widely across my face that I don't think will ever fade.
The last few months have been the best and strangest of my life. Never had I imagined, when the Sully family had arrived on our shores, that they would effect my life so deeply.
One of them, in particular.
Though I was an orphan in the Metkayina clan, that didn't mean I'd grown up alone. I had an entire community around me, supporting and loving me. I had my tulkun sister and my friends, plus my aunt and uncle, to help guide and keep me safe as I grew.
But something was missing. I had always hoped that, when I was of age, I would find a mate to truly become my family.
I had just assumed he would be Metkayina - but Neteyam, the oldest son of the Sully family, had caught my eye the moment he set foot on our beaches.
He was tall, as tall as his father, and broad-shouldered, with long braids and a stern face, until he smiled, and then he became soft and kind; you could see who he truly was.
It was a long time before we spoke for the first time, but I spent time observing him and wondering how to introduce myself. Eventually, he did it for me, walking up to me on the beach and asking about the net I was using.
He asked me to teach him, and from that day on... Neteyam was always there, nearly everywhere I went. I couldn't remember the last time someone paid such attention to me, listened so intently, made me laugh so hard; it was a joy to spend every day with Neteyam.
On this night, just three months after that first time we spoke, I finally told Neteyam how I felt - that it was as if that missing piece of me was replaced, that he filled a hole inside of me that had been aching for so long.
And he told me he loved me.
I practically skip home, lighter than air, tears of joy on my cheeks, so proud to have earned the love of such a kind and gentle Na'vi.
"Y/N!" I turn to the right, and see Kiri coming my way. I wonder what she could be doing out so late, when most of the clan is asleep. I try to wipe the tears from my eyes, embarrassed by them even if they're happy tears, but she notices as she reaches me.
"Oh crap," she says, her shoulders slumping. "Did they tell you about the bet?"
I tilt my head to the side. "The bet?"
Her sad look turns to shock - eyes wide, mouth open - and she takes a step back.
"What bet, Kiri?"
As she tells me a story, a rage rises within me more powerful than anything I've ever felt.
I don't make it home that night.
Neteyam is up early the next morning, despite being up late the night before, eager to find Y/N. Last night was the best night of his life - but today, he has to tell her the truth. He can't stand it anymore; it feels like lying to her.
The bet on the beach that day was so stupid. Aonung and Lo'ak, both younger than him and happily mated, continued to tease him for not having shown interest in a woman.
Neteyam, hurt and embarrassed, chided back that he could have any woman he wanted.
Lo'ak challenged him, pointing to the closest Metkayina woman, and telling Neteyam that if he could get that woman to fall in love with him in three months, he'd tell their mother who truly destroyed her favorite necklace years ago.
Neteyam had been taking the heat for that one for too long - and he readily agreed.
He had not really thought the bet was something anyone would follow through on. He thought he would make a show of talking to this woman, and everyone would have a good laugh and forget everything... but things had turned out so differently.
He hadn't expected her. Of course she was beautiful, but you could tell that from a distance. It was up close, talking to her and spending time with her, that quickly made Neteyam fall in love.
The bet was far from his mind when he approached her every day. He wasn't doing this to get Lo'ak to confess to some teenage crime - he was doing this because he was infatuated with this confident, strong, fierce, talented woman.
"Neteyam, I must tell you something," she had told him last night as they sat on the beach, holding each other close and looking out at the waves. He felt a pang of panic in his chest, thinking someone had revealed the truth of their first meeting to her, but she went on to say, "I've always felt like something is missing. My parents died when I was little and it sort of felt like I missed out on a family. I always hoped, when I met my mate, I would feel sort of, you know, complete... and I do. I feel that with you. Whole again."
Tears sprang into Neteyam's eyes. She was whole without him, but he was still so happy she felt this way. He told her immediately that he loved her, that he wanted her to be his mate, and that he would never let her feel alone again.
And now, he has to tell her the truth - that this started as a silly bet, but it's so much more.
I have not slept the entire night, despite trying. I thought the crying would wear me out eventually, but sleep never comes, and I continue to cry through the night, until I'm all out of tears.
When the sun rises the next morning, I stay curled up against the wall of my mauri pod. I am too embarrassed to face anyone again.
Though my anger is mostly focused on Neteyam, I also feel betrayed by Aonung and Lo'ak, who instigated the bet and never thought to tell me that I was being tricked the entire time.
I was walking around like an idiot in love! And it turns out, I was just an idiot.
There will be no family for me. The hole I feel inside my heart is widened now, and I fear there's nothing that could fill it.
The tears start again, and I hear his voice. "Y/N?"
He's at my archway, and I huddle against the wall. "Go away."
His footsteps approach, and I feel him kneel behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder, and I flinch away, crawling to the other side of the pod, crouching down to glare at him.
"Go away," I reply with a hiss, and his face falls.
The expression is unmistakable. He knows that I know.
"Get out!" I scream, hissing once more, crouching as if to attack, though I barely have the strength to stand.
Neteyam surprises me by leaping forward, grabbing me by my upper arms, and forcing me to look into his eyes.
"No! You will listen to what I have to say, and then decide."
"Decide what?"
"Whether you want to speak to me again."
I stand up, breaking free from his grasp. "Speak, quickly."
He rubs his forehead, clearly not prepared to explain himself. "I don't know what you heard, but... here's what, this is what actually happened. Lo'ak and Aonung, they were making fun of me, telling me it was clear no woman was going to be interested in me, if they weren't already. Joking about how, I couldn't talk to women. So I, I said some dumb stuff, about being able to get any woman I want."
I scoffed, stepping away from him. Did he think this story was going to help?
"Just listen!" he insisted. "Lo'ak made a bet, said if I could get a woman to fall in love with me, he'd tell our mom the truth about something stupid he did years ago. Anyway... Aonung pointed you out. I figured I'd walk up to you, make a big show of talking to you, and everyone would forget about the bet. It wasn't serious, and it wasn't nice, to take it serious. It wouldn't... be fair, to anyone. So everything after that first conversation was real, Y/N." Neteyan drops to his knees in front of me, reaching out to grip my thighs. I want to shove him away, and I want embrace him, so I stand there, as still as possible. "I wasn't trying to convince you to fall in love with me to win a stupid bet. That's how I ended up speaking to you... but it isn't why I kept speaking to you. I fell in love with you, Y/N, almost immediately. Everything about you is... so impressive.
"You're the most talented, smart, and strong woman I've ever met. You are fierce, almost terrifying, and I was so proud that you taught me to make that net, so proud you wanted to keep talking to me. I almost forgot, about the dumb bet that brought me to you. I wish I could forget. I wish I could make you and everyone forget."
I sink down to my knees before him, and see the tears in his eyes, the way his lips are trembling, and he places his hands over his heart.
"I felt so foolish, when Kiri told me... I felt embarrassed, and hurt. To have told you that, that you are my family, and to find out it could all have been a lie," I reply. I take one of his hands from his heart, and place it over mine. "Promise me, Neteyam, that you do not wish to make me a fool. Promise me, Neteyam." I thought I could not cry anymore, but the tears fall down my cheeks freely again, and there's a burning in my chest.
"Y/N, I promise that I have truly loved you every day since the moment we met. I should have been honest with you right then and there. I will never forgive myself for hurting you. Never."
His fingertips press into my chest, and he is crying as hard as I am now, and I know that this is truly Neteyam.
Honest. Kind. Thoughtful. He would never have led me on for three months, and he would not be crying before me now if I did not mean something to him.
I lean forward, pressing my cheek to his chest, and he wraps his arms around me.
"Be my mate, before Eywa," he whispers. "Let me make this up to you every day, for the rest of our lives."
Through the tears, I smile. "Yes," I whisper back. "Just make me one last promise."
"Anything," he says, and I lean back to look up at him.
"Tell me what stupid thing Lo'ak did years ago."
A wide grin spreads across his face, and we both laugh. Just like that - the hole is filled, and I know everything will be okay.
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yuusishi · 9 months
Hello, can i ask for Idia or Ace (I can't choose between the two the one I want, so you can choose it), Lilia and Ruggie (my man need more love) hc with a reader that adopt legally Grim ? Like, now Grim have the last name of reader, and he call reader his dad/parent, and they have to be approved by Grim to date the reader ?
(separate please)
Have a good day/night (sorry for my bad english)
pairings : Ace Trappola , Lilia Vanrouge , Ruggie Bucchi x gn!reader
genre : fluff , written with graduated!reader + characters in mind , established relationship
cws/tws : very tiny book 7 spoilers…like rlly small
a/n : it feels so weird not having any work done since my teachers assigned all our work before christmas break so we’d be able to rest
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If he has to be honest, he doesn't know how to feel, not in a bad way tho!! He's so used to teasing Grim as a part of the first years friend group, but now that he's legally your child (and by extension his son), it just feels weird sometimes.
But in the end their relationship doesn't change one bit, this also means there's endless bickering whenever Ace comes by your place.
The one thing he can't get used to is though is Grim referring to you as his parent. I mean, c'mon, if you've been hearing "henchmen", "my human" for years it's bound to be quite the change.
During the legal adoption process, he's the type to be beside you searching on his cheap little laptop the meaning of so many words on the documents you're meant to sign (this is his way of helping you).
It doesn't sink in for a while that the three of you are technically a family, you occasionally joke about getting married in the (probably near) future and making Grim be the ringbearer or flowerboy.
One night when Ace crashed at your place, you came home to see him and Grim passed out on the couch next to each other, even seeing two slices of pizza purposefully left for you and hints of the tomato sauce stuck on the edges of the two's lips. You smile, nothing truly changes with these two.
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Lilia Vanrouge !!
He's SO excited.
Silver's getting a new stepbrother once the legal process is done.
He's slightly disappointed though that, since Grim is already grown at this point, he won't be able to raise him like he did with Malleus and Silver but he'll still consider him a son either way.
I don't think unwanted fatherhood included brushing up on law and the adoption process so your guess on what terms on the documents mean is as good as his.
But we have the internet! Like Ace he's searching the meanings and making sure you understand the depth of every word printed onto the documents. Although he's hasn't formally adopted a child, he at least knows the legal repercussions that could happen should anything happen to Grim.
Overall, he's happy to have a new addition to his family :) First it was Malleus, then Silver came by, then Sebek, then now you and Grim.
When he first heard Grim refer to you as his parent, he can’t help imagining if Grim would call him “dad” or “father” like Silver does [cue heart attack].
He thinks about his general days occasionally, especially when he gazes on as you and Grim play around the field near the house he found after leaving NRC. He did not enjoy the war, not in the slightest, but maybe fighting in it was worth it if this was the type of future he's able to enjoy.
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Ruggie Bucchi !!
He was really surprised, as in super surprised.
The entire concept of parenthood didn’t interest Ruggie in the slightest since it just meant more money to spend, even if it meant you had a little bundle of joy, but when you said that you were legally adopting Grim…
He looked at you like you set off a bomb in front of him 😭.
But after calming down a bit, he realized that Grim wouldn’t be even more of a handful than he already is since it’s not like he’s a baby that needs 24/7 caring.
Ruggie’s worked a ton of part time jobs just to earn some extra cash while on Sage’s Island, so he’s definitely dabbled in the law in one way or another.
He’s also just generally smart so he was your go-to man in asking the meaning of some legal jargon and he was happy to help you free of charge.
Hearing Grim call you his parent for the first time and even refer to you as that when you’re all at home surprised him a lot.
You’re telling him the little brat that always called you “human” and “henchman” in NRC calls you his parent now?? He can’t believe it.
After finally being able to adopt Grim, he didn’t feel the need to act “fatherly” since he’s known you both for years ever since NRC. Sure, he might be more open to going on midnight snack runs, but that’s it!
When reality sets down on him that he actually has his own ‘family’ now, it was a strange feeling. A sort of bittersweet happiness. It was a dream to him that he wishes would never go away, and you were there to remind him that this was his reality.
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lawrites · 10 months
Gender neutral! Reader X Gotham Rogues Crochet Headcanons
This is so self-indulgent and too detailed for how dumb this concept is...my God. Anyway, crochet headcanons for the Gotham Rogues. How do they react to your crochet hobby? What do you make for them?
Featuring: The Penguin, The Riddler, Zsasz
The Penguin (Ozzie my beloved)
One of Oswald's most prominent love languages is gift-giving (he is SUCH a sugar daddy, c'mon)
So whether you already know how to crochet before meeting him or gently bring up wanting to try it while sharing dinner one night...
He is already getting out his card. A set of beautiful, ergonomic crochet hooks with colors to differentiate between the sizes, a leather yarn bag and organizer, plus yarn to fill it up.
He IS such a snob about fibers tho, he would get you local wool spun right outside of Gotham, bamboo, etc. anything expensive and natural and beautiful. (Even if you beg for some cheap acrylic just to start out with)
He also gets you little penguin stitch markers. He does his research on gifts and makes sure you have EVERYTHING you need to start a new hobby. (Now why is that so hot? Anyway)
He enjoys nothing more than sitting by the fire with you, drinking brandy, (or sometimes nice hot tea), and letting you cuddle up to his side as your nimble fingers create something.
He never gets tired of the cute face you make when you concentrate, or the joy and pride you show when you finally finish a project.
The first project you EVER made had to be a little amigurumi penguin. It was terrible and lopsided and you were almost ashamed to show him. You wouldn't have, actually, if he hadn't been sitting by you the whole time you were making it.
"Little Dove, is that for me? You shouldn't have." His hands plucked it from yours before you could protest, and he hugged it to himself and complimented you. He was so cute and so genuinely happy with it. And it stays on his little bedside table to this day.
BUT to truly make something for him? You try to go with the classics, as Ozzie is a classic guy.
Hat, scarf, mittens.
You use smaller yarn and stitches to give it more elasticity, the yarn is all a deep, darker purple and SO soft. (Cashmere bought on his dollar but it's the thought that counts right?)
You even managed to make a little penguin on only one side of the scarf, making it a little secret for Ozzie while still keeping the scarf classy.
He loves any gift from you but this? He starts planning his winter outfits to match your creations immediately.
He can smell you on the scarf still, since you spent so much time with that yarn, and it makes him smile even as the wind bites at him on cold days in Gotham. 💜
The Riddler
Listen, he's great but we all know he is kinda patronizing and a little bit of an asshole right? (Some versions more than others)
So he supports your hobby, even if your yarn and supplies take up space that he could be using for traps or riddles.
He does to research and figure out as much as he can about the hobby, but he won't dedicate time to it like you will, so he never gets as good. But he DOES know the basics, which means he can now critique you.
You are having trouble with a pattern? "Darling, that's just a double crochet into a half-double crochet into a triple crochet repeated 10 times into a magic ring. Simple."
You lost track of your stitch count? "Well I guess we can't all be multitaskers like me. I'll be silent for a bit while you count. 🙄"
With that in mind, he DOES leave you riddles in crochet pattern form occasionally. They take forever to solve but he's with you for a reason. And success is always...pleasurable for you both. 👀
Your first creation around him was just a little round frog. Green, because you thought you could gift it to Eddie.
It turned out misshapen and lumpy (listen all first projects are like this). And he teased you mercilessly for it.
"I suppose it could be a frog, from a certain angle. Maybe it's supposed to be abstract?"
It went missing after that. (Secretly Eddie keeps it at his workbench and squishes it when he's feeling stressed. The cute face you put on it does make him smile, too, but don't tell anyone 🔪)
For your actual real gift for him? You make a little crochet Riddler plush! You know the man well and he loves himself just a bit too much sometimes. (except maybe Dano Riddler but he would love it too for different reasons)
You decided to not go for realism and keep it simple in the face. But you DID go all out with the clothes. A little green suit jacket, pants, even a belt!
And you found little glasses to put on it. 🤓
When you presented it to him, he was speechless.
He takes it from you, examines it, and the wonder in his eyes makes your heart swell with pride. That is until he opens his mouth again. "I couldn't think of a better subject, truly. Though the face needs some work, dear, it doesn't truly capture my likeness."
But he says this all while hugging it to his side absentmindedly. He hugged it to himself for the rest of the night, actually. (And he now has another crochet project at his work bench)
You sometimes hear him talking to Ed Jr. while he's working, and you just smile to yourself and leave them be, turning back to your own crochet project and enjoying the peace.
Victor Zsasz
My headcanon is that Zsasz is into needlework and crochet, maybe someone in his family taught him?
He recommends what most seasoned crochet people will tell you, don't buy the fancy stuff and get some $3 goodwill hooks to start out with.
He also gifts you some yarn remnants to practice with, and when he doesn't have a job he'll sit next to you on the couch while you watch a movie, patiently helping you with steps you may struggle with.
Sometimes he may silently correct your form, showing you a different way to hold yarn tension or helping you remember how to make a slip stitch.
Your first project was just a simple washcloth. ("Nothing fancy to start out with, get the basics done first and then we may start with other stuff. If you do good.")
And you succeeded! Turns out it IS easier to do something basic at the beginning. Who knew. (Victor did)
After that you continued to have YouTube Video Essay/Needlework nights. Victor would sometimes not even work on anything and just lay against your side.
Sometimes he would even lay in your lap, spitting out any yarn fragments dramatically if they got in his mouth and pouting up at you until he got your attention.
Anyway. The actual project you made him was a nice, cozy sweater. And it was HARD to hide from him. Luckily, his profession DOES sometimes take him out of your apartment for hours upon hours at a time, so you have the ability to work in secret.
You think a simple black sweater is just perfect, something made of cotton or wool and maybe lined with red on the collar/trim, but that's it.
His immediate reaction when you gave it to him was to kiss the LIFE out of you, thanking you for thinking of him.
Then he pulls it over his head immediately, poking his head out and grinning goofily at you.
That night, you don't work on any crochet projects because he takes up your whole lap, cuddled up in his sweater and rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips...
Yeah he distracts you well.
And he wears the sweater proudly, but not on jobs. He reserves it for walks around town with you, so he can say his partner made it for him.
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mychlapci · 1 month
I need to update mertwins and Prowl auughhhhghh I need to know how they are doing
I'd like to think that, once Prowl finally gets his shit together and finally goes to see his mers, they will sort it out. It's awkward tho. When Prowl approaches the water, the mers look a little wary and keep a distance from him. It. It honestly kind of hurts that they don't immediately pounce him like they used to. But Prowl knows he deserves it. He's been avoiding them for a while now. He should never have done that to them.
He denied it for so long, but now that he's accepted it, it's so obvious that he cares. He'll never know what they truly meant when they claimed to 'love' him... but isn't it good enough to know they care for him? They like him? Prowl is ashamed to admit, but he now knows he loves them too.
He gently beckons them over to him. He hates how they look wary, maybe even a little scared. He offers a gentle smile to ensure them its alright.
He hates admitting that he has grown so attached to his mers. But he hates even more how painful it is to see them act so distant
The red mer slowly approaches him first. He kind of. Gets closer. Little by little. Chirping just to make sure. The moment he's in reach, Prowl carefully reaches a servo out to smooth over Sideswipe's fins. He feels his joints relax the moment the mer visibly relaxes under his touch, leaning against his servo, and then shifting in closer.
Sunstreaker then finally slowly swims over too, eying Prowl suspiciously. But he leans in close enough to Prowl to begin petting him too, and sighs when he feels the familiar servos on his helm again.
Prowl feels so stupidly relieved with the two mers tucked against his sides again. He still doesn't know what they understand, but he apologises in the most simple way he can. He says sorry. He says he shouldn't have abandoned them. He... he loves them too.
The two mers immediately perk up, their fins shooting up. They stare at him with wide optics.
......Prowl feels his cheeks heat up and very much regrets saying that. But it's not like he can take it back.
The mers happily chirp at him. Their fins flutter in what can only be pure joy as they nuzzle against him. Even though embarrassed, Prowl allows himself to laugh, honestly just happy to have this again
Prowl will steel himself to eventually grab one of them and. And kiss them. Or whatever it is that do. Licking their mouthes or something. Whatever it is is important. And intimate. And he wants to show he cares for them too. And... and maybe he misses it. Maybe he kinda liked it when his mers would press him against the glass and thoroughly lick the inside of his mouth
Ohhhh yesss good good, finally Prowl came to his senses <33
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nobodybutapathetic · 1 year
Let’s Make Out Memories
pairing: Tom and Y/N
Warning: May include spice, making out and words that’ll make you blush (not THOSE words)
summary: Tom and Y/N filming the Yule ball scene in the Harry Potter 4th movie but then something spicy happens…
a/n: I’m truly sorry for being not active anymore. I just started taking breaks for the past few weeks and now, I feel motivated here on tumblr again. Anyways, I thank you @qrvmlfoy for choosing this since I convinced you to choose a oneshot for me to write. And for @slytherinqueenrose, I’m gonna write the rest of the other oneshot you requested, k? Love you all!
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“Draco won’t be having much screen time tho” Tom said to one of the directors.
“Yeah but he’d be seen in the background. Y/N can start practicing the dance with you now.” The director patted Tom’s shoulders as Tom just chuckles.
“Yeah okay. Y/N, mind if we take a quick practice? I mean, I already got my feet ready that it’s excited to burst out of these polished shoes.” Tom smiled which caused me to laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah totally. Okay, let’s go to the ballroom.” I chuckled which made him smirk and grab my hand.
He lead me to the big, mesmerizing ballroom which made me distracted a lot. Well, of course, no one knows when I’d step on his foot every time.
We started taking it slow, slow dancing. Which made the feeling so joyful. I haven’t felt this joy for a while since I’ve been busy filming with Tom.
Later then, he started twirling me around as if I was a princess and a ballerina at the same time.
“Tom, you’re gonna make me dizzy.” I whispered which made him laugh.
“You’re too irresistible, do you know that?” He whispered back, grabbing my waist with his right hand and his left hand grabbing my chin.
“Tom..” I mumbled but he just forms a grin.
“There’s loads of people here so.. Do you mind?” He signaled me to go to the toilet in the corner of the ball.
“Tom, we still have to film. Maybe later?” I tried to convince but he just pouts.
“You’re no fun” He whispered which I rolled my eyes at.
“Yeah whatever.” I went to Emma and Daniel who was busy practicing their lines.
“Gosh! Did you really have to pick me up and spin me?” I whispered-yelled to Tom.
“Well, don’t blame me. The director told.” He grabs a chocolate and munches it while fixing his bow tie.
“Typical Tom.” I rolled my eyes.
“Okay okay break time over! Back to dancing!” The director said.
Me and Tom came in position, hand in hand and my head on his shoulder.
The dance was again slow but then we started going in circles, him twirling me around and do some salsa.
To be honest, I loved this day. The way Tom would dance with me is enough to fill my heart with joy. This is what I always wanted. Happiness.
“Do you still wanna dance or?.. Go to the toilet?” He asked, smirking while whispering it to my ear.
“You know what? I feel bad for you so, I’m going to the toilet you’ve been begging to go.” I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bathroom.
His smirk grew wider before locking the bathroom door.
“Don’t go too far tho.” I placed my arms around his neck as he lowly laughs.
“I can’t promise or swear that.” He pulled me into a kiss which, I gladly did as well.
We both loved each other. Ever since the beginning and ever since we met. We knew we were a match.
He then started playing my mouth with his tongue. I was surprised on how he managed to fight the dominance between us but I didn’t mind.
He started pinning me against the wall, removing his white suit in a rush.
“Tom.. I told you not to take it too far..” I whispered, in between kisses.
“Darling. I just can’t resist you. I told you, you’re irresistible. You’re so goddamn perfect, Y/N. I love you a lot. And if you love me back, I love you even more.” He said before pulling out from the kiss and then started kissing my neck.
Before I could even moan out, someone came inside the bathroom.
“OH MY GOD- I AM SO SORRY.” Emma said before she immediately left.
“That was-“ I got cut off by Tom.
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loveroped · 1 year
Small Scar/Impulse thing I wrote for demon au @stiffyck and I go insane about
All fluff!
Short drabble, around 500-600 words
"I like your tail and the way it forms a heart—" But his statement was cut off by Scar looking up, blinking in something akin to confusion.
"Wait wait—a heart?"
"—I like you, and I like how soft your hair is—" He smiled, running his hand through Scar’s hair.
"—And I like your horns, and I love your smile—" He continued on, pretty much bathing in the joy complimenting Scar gave him.
Scar groaned, covering his face with his hands, glowing a dark grey all around. His tail swished side to side behind him and Impulse found himself staring at it. He found himself staring at Scar too.
"And I like—" "Oh jeez, Impulse please shut up," Scar groaned into his hands, no true malice behind his words. Impulse laughed.
"But I'm not done yet tho!" He called out, receiving a whine in reply as Scar leaned over to hide his face in Impulse's shoulder.
The moon was high and the air smelled of pink. Flowers blooming and the world sleeping with a tint of laughter.
And Impulse wondered if Scar was truly glowing, or that he could simply not focus on anything else. Scar shined in ways Impulse didn't have words to describe. His chest felt warm and he couldn't help the slight tint of adoration.
So he took a breath in. He'd be as annoying as he could be.
"I like your tail and the way it forms a heart—" But his statement was cut off by Scar looking up, blinking in something akin to confusion.
"Wait wait—a heart?" He asks, suprise and confusion clear as day. And Impulse took note of the way his face had turned a dark shade of grey-ish red and the way it made his eyes stand out even more.
So Impulse smiled. "Yeah! Your tails form into a heart!" He chuckled.
He felt like he was bathing in a sunrise that he hadn't seen before. His chest felt warm and his cheeks hurt from smiling.
The room kept tasting of a soft pink and morning glow. They stayed up for too long.
Impulse found himself looking up to the sky and letting his thoughts run into words.
"At first I thought it was a random thing—but then I noticed you do it the most when you're around me." He rambled, face flushing the slightest bit.
And I think it's cute, was a sentence he didn't say just yet.
He looked over at Scar, who now held his own tail infront of him, staring. He looked focused, and so much more that Impulse didn't have the words for. But it was a sight he wished he could've looked at for hours and much more.
Scar took a breath. "I didn't know I could do that." He gasped out with wide eyes. "I never noticed."
And Impulse felt his face soften in ways it always would when he was near Scar. Adoration, is a word he would use.
The air smelled of pink and morning breeze. And Impulse was tired in the most pleasant ways.
His tail reached over and wrapped around Scar’s, just under the heart. Just enough to get Scar to look up at him.
"I like you," He smiled. I love you, he didn't say, and he's not sure he ever would.
He adored Scar in ways that wouldn't have fit the human definition of love. Human concept did not always fit them, and he wouldn't try to make them.
But Scar knew that. Because Scar liked him too.
And even through the way Scar groaned and covered his face at the words. Even through Impulse his laughter. Even through the pink air,
He felt it when Scar’s tails wrapped around his too, and he saw how Scar peaked at him between his fingers.
And the sun wasn't there, and the world slept soundly.
I like you, was spoken to listening ears
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wingsofimagery · 9 months
Awaken the New Year
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🎐Summary: It was time for the rabbits to go to sleep and welcome the new year with the dragon. Last year of your cycle before you have to wait some years before you meet your spirits again. 🎐Characters: Dragon!Jongho + Zodiac Keeper!Reader [Zodiac!ATEEZ + Zodiac Keeper!Reader] 🎐Genre: Slice of Life, Zodiac Spirit AU 🎐Rating/Warnings: PG-13/one inappropriate joke 🎐Word Count: 666 🎐A/N: The word count was on purpose. I'm brewing up something else but I wanted to write a little something for the new year. I don't know what went on when I wrote this tho LOL Pt 2 here
“Last day, huh?” Yunho sighed. 
“I don’t want to leave yet,” San whined. 
“Me either. Y/n, you should come sleep with us!”
You did a spit-take at Wooyoung’s words.
“Hey, don’t make this hard on them. We’ll see them again in twelve years. Then we can have fun again like we did this year.” Mingi nudged San scoldingly. 
“Of course, protecting the balance comes first,” Yeosang concluded. 
You smiled at the five of them. You were the retainer in charge of three zodiacs: tiger, rabbit, and dragon.  The rabbit of the zodiac (split into five souls: Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung) had just finished their year-long protection. Hongjoong and Seonghwa, the tiger souls, were the ones before them and the first in line to protect within your squad. It was now time to pass the baton down to their dragon friend. The youngest and the last of the zodiac you led. 
As the five spirits went from humans to rabbits, they jumped into their shrine box, huddled together. 
“Sleep well, boys,” you sweetly cooed to them, “thank you for your hard work this year. See you in the next cycle.” 
The rabbits closed their eyes with a smile, greeting you good night, good luck, and good fortune. They froze into a statue-like state. You closed the door to their shrine box to keep them safe where they were, then walked over to where the dragon’s statue was. He was a lonely one. All on his own. He had always reminded you that he was never truly alone, though. With you around, he always found joy in guardianship, and when he was asleep, there was not much need for company, but he knew you were still around nonetheless. You opened the dragon’s door (a big shrine box encasing an equally big dragon), who swiftly awakened. His vision was blurry from lack of usage. He blinked his eyes until things were cleared. That was when he focused on a small object before him. A tiny little human. 
You looked up to see the dragon of the zodiac was up and moving. 
“Oh, good. It’s been a while, Jongho! Good morning~” you cheered to him. 
“It’s been twelve years already?” 
“Indeed. The rabbit boys had just fallen asleep. It is your turn to guard the Earth for a year. Are you ready?” 
He hummed, “Can I get a meal first?”
“All done and ready for you,” you grinned at him. 
You remembered how much he liked home-cooked food. The love you poured into making hot meals for each of them and the attention to what each guardian liked never slipped your mind always softened Jongho's heart. Holding your hand out for him to hold, you awaited for the dragon to place his hand on yours. Jongho transformed from the gigantic dragon he was to his human form, with big horns shot out from the top of his head and body cladded in a purple hanbok. You guided the dragon to the dining room. The temple was big for one person. You always lived by yourself whenever it was not your group’s active years. With Jongho being the last, once this year ended, you would be alone for a while again. 
At the dining table, you cooked steak for him. You made it just the way he preferred it. You sat across from him, watching him eat with vigor as if he had not eaten in years, which was very much the truth. 
“Rumor has it this year is going to be a pretty good year,” you hummed cheerfully. 
“We’ll see about that,” he answered with his mouth full, steak shoved to the side of his cheeks so that he could reply to you, “although I don’t think it would be worse than the previous.” 
You laughed heartily, “Let us hope so then.” 
Once he finished his meal, he stood up to stretch his achy bones. He slowly walked over to the patio that oversaw the garden.  
“Now I’m ready.” 
With a smile, you stood up and approached his side.
“May this year be full of luck and happiness.”
“Said and done.”
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marleysfinest · 3 days
ok first of all mar. what a fantastic event you're hosting!!! i will literally never get enough of telling people i love them. second of all i am a very sappy very affectionate person so i'm not sorry if this gets long. in no particular order:
@ghost-1-y : my very first friend on here. so kind and supportive and lovely and wonderful to talk to always. and a great writer on top of it all!!!
@sugurei : my ride or die, my fellow feral being, the older sister i wish i had. u r my favorite enabler & my life is better for having you in it
@peachdues : a deeply talented writer that i am deeply blessed that i get to talk to. passing angst back and forth is truly a pleasure and sometimes gives me a laugh even if it gives me chest pain AHAHA
@dr-runs-with-scissors : CAL MY BELOVED i love you so fucking much. talking to you every day is truly a gift. my life has been much richer since we stumbled across each other and realized we both already enjoyed each other's work. i love you.
@mitsuristoleme : kay!!! my lovely lovely noble blood beta reader. you are wonderful in so many ways i can't even begin to explain. i'm so glad we talk even tho our time zones are so different. keep killing it at uni friend 💜
@threadbaresweater : lin you are my cool aunt jsyk. your writing & fandom takes & posts about real life stuff are all things i am endlessly glad i have the privilege to see on my dash
@2kmps : cort, your honesty is always refreshing, and i admire your dedication to your craft. i'm so glad we've started talking more lately!
@bloompompom : the sweetest kindest most lovely artist on this site!!! being in your orbit is a blessing
@oceaneyesinla : roxy, your constant encouragement and sweet words never fail to make me smile
@teddybeartoji MICKEY i love being insane with you. your excitement about things is contagious and it is so so wonderful
YOU!!! mar you are such a joy to see on my dash, i can never get enough of you fr
there are so many more ppl on this hellsite that i love with my whole heart but i am only human and cannot properly articulate my feelings. but know if we're mutuals or i see you consistently in my notes, i love you so bad and am squeezing you so tight & with so much love
this is what im TALKIN about fallon thank u for sharing the love!!!!! look at all these stunners!!!!!
share the love in muvva’s feel good 500!
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skzcoffee · 8 months
The love letters I can't give to you; the picnic (K. Seungmin)
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Genre: Fluff? Idk tbh
Pairing: seungmin x fem¡reader
Synopsis: Just your bestie Seungmin frustrated because of how beautiful you are :)
Author's Note: I HAD TOO MUCH FUN WRITING AND IMAGINING THIS 😭🙏 I hope you guys like it even tho it's a lil short asf
masterlist !!
My dear (your name),
I write a letter to you, on a rather ordinary day, there is not a single bit of special about today’s date, or that’s the way it was until today, and after this day I will cherish “today” in my mind forever. Today's picnic was nothing short of enchanting, surrounded by the tranquility of nature and your radiant presence. The way the golden sunlight gently highlighted the glistening hues of your hair, casting a soft, warm glow, was simply mesmerizing. The dress your wore with those delicate floral patterns that perfectly complimented your enchanting, beautiful persona, the way your laughter echoed like a melody, creating a sweet, gentle tune to our shared memories.
During this day that we so intimately shared, I couldn't help but notice the delicate details that make you uniquely beautiful – the way your eyes sparkle with joy, making them brighter than the sunlight itself, the grace in your movements, and the genuine warmth that radiates from your smile. It feels as if nature itself conspired to complement your charm.
Yet, as much as I am captivated by your alluring self, I find my self in constant frustration from my attempts to hide my sincere feelings for you. Our connection means everything to me, and I cherish the deep friendship we share. I hope we can continue sharing and embracing these moments, allowing our friendship to flourish, but there is always a part of me buried deep inside, wishing I was more than just your dearest friend.
Yours truly,
Your best friend Kim Seungmin.
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hakucho-art · 2 months
can we get a recap of your favourite experiences the past year???🥺🥺🥺🥺
Uhmmm uhm, DEFINITELY finishing that My R animatic is one of them. Ive been wanting of making one before I even really started drawing. I was really happy that I finally made it wjdvjwvd
Hyping up about the tg countdown was fun, I didnt mind what the reveal was that much wjdvwjvd
COMIC CON WITH YOU WAS GREAT, as it is every year, duh. Visiting you is always a highlight ♥️
Meeting Leila as well 💕 Meeting online friends for the first time is always special, I feel so privileged and happy that Ive been able of doing that
Comic con germany with my friend was also amazing because that was the first time I made a trip with her and really enjoyed it
Generally so grateful for my irl friends and online friends (all equally my friends for all I care) because you guys always cheer me up and bring me joy.
Also my mum, the most important person in my life, I'm so glad I have her. I love her so much.
The concerts I went to: mother mother (BANGER), olivia Rodrigo (magical), the Rose (made me understand Kpop fans so deeply), the nier concert (I may have cried a little), TOUCHED (THE GAY PANIC I HAD), Lordi (I wouldnt do it again but hearing metal music live is a really cool experience)
Being able to visit my grandpa again in azerbaijan and celebrating his birthday 🤲💕
It was also cool to have my first job but to be real. Best part was ofc receiving money KWVDJJWD my colleagues were kind but my superior with whom I interacted the most had such a... idk heavy, stressed, negative aura. I hope she is doing well but god, that made me so anxious. Social anxiety was NOT helping. So yeah, quitting felt also amazing uwu
UHHH, ALL THE ZINES I WORKED ON, now that is truly one of the highlights. I love working on zines (even tho I'm a chronic procastinator, god help me) but yh, the 9S2B zine was especially a joy to work on as a Mod ♥️
Every single time making and Posting touken art, god I love them. A big contributor to the joy in my life, I love being obsessed with ships JWVFJVW Ive always been that way and im probably never going to change in that regard. When I dont have characters to ship, I will (literally, I used to do that as a child) ship colors. I am unstoppable
Its really shitty that negative experiences stay much stronger in our minds, I first needed a moment to remember the good stuff because my mind first went to all the bad stuff. Thank you for the question my wife, I really needed that 🤲
Makes me realize how much there was to smile about
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apprenticestanheight · 10 months
pls a Mark hoffman x male reader where him and the reader get cozy in a bookstore while it's snowing
Snow- Mark Hoffman x male! reader
ALLL right!! In the spirit of the fact that I am determined to get my requests under control coupled with the fact that a snowstorm blew through my province sunday night through midday yesterday, this request is a little holiday-happy-feely. It's also what I hope to be the beginning of a prosperous week--I have energy drinks, coffee and finally finished editing something I actually finished working on last week, so the goal is that I can focus on other things now and get stuff done lol.
Thank you for sending this in--I truly don't write for hoffman enough and I just knew, from the minute I read the request, that it was gonna come out really sweet. I love me some tooth rotting fluff and writing this was an absolute joy!
Fic type- fluff!!
Warnings- this is unedited (I was trying to finish it before the motivation went away and editing it hardly occurred to me bc editing is never motivating ever--but I did read through as I went to make sure the grammar and stuff wasn't TOO funky. Apologies if it still is tho)
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You were standing in the bookstore a close friend owned, watching the weather forecast from a TV in their backroom while they finished up with customers when you first got the news of a very intense oncoming storm.
Jersey, as a whole, was looking at a median half a foot of snow over the weekend. Locally, though, two feet were the expectation. You had the thought to get home and make sure to turn the heat on so the pipes didn't freeze, but your phone was dead and you'd agreed to meet Mark at the bookstore and then grab a cab home together, so it wasn't really worth it. Plus--the snowfall in the first four hours wasn't expected to be too terrible. Driving conditions would be fine until midnight, at the very latest, which gave you plenty of time.
Your friend decides to close the bookstore early, and when Mark comes in fifteen minutes after they've decided to close, he's a sight for sorer eyes.
Your friend, having watched the snowfall to see just how inaccurate the newscaster had been, was setting up their backroom in case you all needed to spend the night there while you brewed up some coffee from the machine left somewhere to the right of the counter, right next to an advertisement stating that coffee, hot chocolate and tea all costed the hefty price of two quarters.
Mark is somewhat covered in snow--he shakes it from his hair and shoots you a happy, loving smile as he idly dusts it off his coat. Your friend greets him and Mark says his hello, running a hand through his hair as Quin--your friend--goes back to the backroom to finish setting it up.
"They said it wasn't supposed to be that bad," Mark notes as he approaches you in the dimly lit bookstore. "Strahm was a dick about it, though--sounded like he was sixty, complainin' about how storms in Jersey always seem a bit random. Perez had the graces to wish me luck, where Strahm just said to enjoy my walk. Don't think he likes me all that much, if I'm honest."
You shrug, passing him the mug of coffee you'd just made. "He's the new guy, Mark. Take it a little easy--not everyone sees the charm in Jersey, babe. Especially not with some serial killer on the loose. Maybe he's worried he's next for smoking cigarettes or something."
Mark laughs. Your heart swells.
"Think we'll get snowed in here?"
You laugh, starting another cup of coffee by placing a new K-pod into the Keurig. "I love Quin, but I really do hope not. As someone who studied for their college degree in that staff room, sleeping on that couch is not for the weak. I'm pretty sure it's old enough to drink, actually. I helped him move it in when he bought the place."
"Well, we'll figure something out."
You nod, grinning as Marks lips press a kiss against your cheek. "We always do, Mark. How was work?"
"It was work," Mark shrugs. "Shitty roads, more investigating, all of the fun stuff that comes with workin' at the precinct. How was work for you?"
"It was a day in the life of marketing," you shrug, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Numbers, people, crappy coworkers and slow computers. I can't wait for my week off on Monday--I will sleep in and for an entire seven days, I won't have to hear about Carol and her bunions or David and his grandmother. I hate the office I work in but the coworkers make it so much worse. Their incessant gossiping makes it hard to focus."
Mark laughs, and you laugh a little too while the coffee finishes pouring. You make it to your specifications and burn the roof of your mouth drinking it, but it's worth it because it tastes damn good.
Quin shows up with a defeated smile from the back room. "Hey, lovebirds," he greets. "You've got four hours before the roads start sucking ass to drive on, but from what it looks like, cab companies aren't going to let their drivers drive anyone home after ten. You're welcome to stay here and browse for a bit, drink coffee and Mark, I'm sure you'll have an excellent time while Y/N looks at the classics section that he loves so dearly, but I'll be leaving round ten thirty so I'd say it's best to be leavin' at nine thirty. That is, of course, if you have any hopes of getting a cab before companies start threatening to cut the wages of anyone still out and driving after the cut off."
You nod at Quin. "Thanks for the tip, Quinnie," you say. "We'll be out of your hair by nine thirty, we promise."
Quin shakes his head, waving a dismissive hand. "No worries, Y/N. Have fun with Detective Lip Filler."
Mark quirks an eyebrow while you laugh, shaking your head as if to say "don't ask, mark," and interlacing your fingers with his own.
Mark lets you lead him off, down one of many winding corridors in the bookstore. While you browse the shelves you and Mark talk--Christmas plans very quickly become a point of discussion, seeing that it's two weeks away and neither of you really know what the plan is just yet.
You know that Mark doesn't much talk to his parents--they're in their seventies as it were and subscribe to more...conservative points of politics and worldviews. Aside from them, he's not really got anybody and hasn't since his sisters death.
You figured he'd spend it with you, unless work got in the way as it had last year. Your tradition was simple--spend Christmas Eve at home, order Chinese takeaway, watch whatever crappy Christmas movies happened to be playing on the channel that was devoted to them during December and laugh at the bad acting.
Wake up Christmas morning, make cinnamon buns and bake a tray of brownies to take to your parents as you were always in charge of dessert. Make sure the gifts you'd bought for relatives were in your car and then drive the half an hour to your parents place. Spend the day there, leave with a quick hug to your parents and a promise to come around again around the new year, and then go home and smoke a bit of weed to relax and hit the hay early.
"You don't have to," you murmur, grabbing the penguin edition of Shakespeares 'Hamlet' and glancing the cover over. "It's just a suggestion--it's Christmas, Mark. Might be because I was raised with neighbors popping by for Christmas dinner, but Christmas is a shitty holiday to spend alone."
Mark nods. "I was hoping I'd get to spend Christmas with you anyway," he says, taking a sip of his coffee. "Will we have to act like we're just best friends, though? Or are your parents unopposed?"
"They know I have a boyfriend at present," you answer. Your relationship isn't new--it's been three years with him, but Mark has been busy with work and trying to keep a level head as things with Jigsaw have continued, so you've never really had the chance to introduce him to anyone in your family. "They also know what your name is--first, not last. And that you're a detective, and that you're really handsome. I promise, I haven't told them anything that would make them hate you. My mothers been eager to meet you since I brought you up, though. My exes were horrendous, according to her."
Mark laughs, and you let yourself grin. "I'll do my best to impress, then," he says. "We'll have to get them gifts, though."
"I've been meaning to do some Christmas shopping anyway--we'll go once the storm has cleared," you say. "And at this point, I think my parent's won't care about gifts, really. They just really wanna meet you."
You put Hamlet back onto the shelf and grin as Marks arms wrap around your waist after he's set the coffee mug on an empty shelf. You do the same and let your arms wrap around his shoulders, and silence settles.
You close your eyes for a second, listening.
"Can you hear it?" You ask after a minute, maybe two.
"Hear what?" Mark asks. "It's completely silent in here, Y/N--there's nothing to hear."
"The snow, Mark," you answer. "It might just be because my ears are good, but I can hear it hitting the windowsills."
"I dunno," you shrug. "Just been able to since I was a kid. I knew it was snowing right when I woke up some days."
"I will add that to the catalogue of random things that've come to light at random times," Mark grins as your eyes open again. "Among the fact that your favorite color was green until you were twenty four, and the fact that you once got bitten by a stray cat so bad that you had to be put on antibiotics during your college days, and the fact that you've never liked daisies."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You love me and my randomness, Hoffman."
Mark nods. "That I do," he says.
The two of you end up sitting at one of the desks by the windows, drinking coffee and chatting until nine, when you leave to grab a cab home just to sit by your windowsill and watch the snow until you grow bored of it.
All in all, for a night in the middle of December, while the beginnings of a snowstorm rages on outside, it's a pretty good night.
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
While LBD had Wukong possessed, I think that to keep him under control she would put him in an illusion where he lives a happy life next to Macaque and Jinzi. To awaken Wukong must face the true reality of him. I imagine him as Ahikito from ID-Invaded when he remembers and 'talks' to his death wife and daughter.
Although I have no idea what ID-Invaded is, but this whole idea is sad enough that I don't wanna look into Ahikito's time with his dead family.
Truthfully this would make sense tho- 
mini fic again- 
Wukong's dream
Wukong blinked his eyes, and he winced as a bright light shined in his eyes. Slowly, but carefully, he sat up wearing his former clothes, and looked around. 
“Wha-” He was home. Flower fruit mountain. Before he left for Buddha. Before the fire. Before the accident. “But how-?” 
“Wukong!” A voice called out to him. One laced with honey and smelled like mangos and apricots. “Wukong, over here!” 
Wukong turned around and his breath hitched. 
There, standing wearing a baby blue hanfu, white fur shining in the sunlight, holding their baby daughter, was Mίhόu. He had a warm smile on his face as he waved at Wukong. “There you are. Had a good dream? You’ve been asleep forever!” 
"M-Mίhόu-" This wasn't possible. It shouldn't be possible. And yet, here he was back home with his mate and cub waiting for him.
Macaque walked up to Wukong as the king slowly stood to his feet, and chuckled. His smile never left his face once- something that should have bothered Wukong, but seeing his husband so carefree like this seemed to overcome that thought. "It seems you kept your promise, as always," Macaque said. "...Welcome home, Wukong."
Their daughter Jῑnzi let out a chirp and held onto her father, giggling happily. Wukong was surprised at the sudden action, before breaking out into a smile and holding his princess close to him. He was beaming so much, he couldn't help but let out a chirp of his own, and nuzzled into her head. She was soft and warm, just as he remembered her. Just as he always remembered her. "My little girl..." Wukong's voice was soft, and filled with love. "I hope you've been well."
Macaque chuckled, and hugged them both. "Mm, it's good to see you again." He kissed Wukong's cheek and purred into his husband's neck. "Now, I believe someone promised our daughter a day full of whatever she desired?" Macaque said slowly, his tail wagging once in a while in content.
Jῑnzi chirped and clapped her hands in joy. "Ah! Ah!" She chirped out happily and looked at her father. "Play! Play!"
Both Macaque and Wukong froze, and they looked at their daughter in surprise.
Did she just...talk?
"P-play..?" Wukong said, his voice growing higher in joy. "You wanna play with your father and bὰba?" Tears of joy were growing in his eyes, and he laughed out. "Say it again! Say it again!"
"Play! Play play play!" Jῑnzi chirped out, clueless of how her parents were reacting to her words. Clueless to how she finally spoke her first words.
Macaque stared at his daughter in shock, and silent tears grew in his eyes as pride flowed in his chest. "Play...? Y-you want to play...?"
Wukong laughed more and hugged his daughter tightly. "Yeah! Yeah, we'll play! We'll play all day, and we won't stop playing until you want to! Haha!"
It was truly a special day for Wukong. He was back in his mountain, with his mate and cub at his side once again. Everything was wonderful again, after so long. Everything was perfect...
So why did Wukong feel a pit continue to grow in his stomach the longer he relished in this peace?
Do note Jῑnzi's first words were actually "plum", not "play".
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