#it was Trebuchet MS bold italic
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lastweekgifs · 1 year ago
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randum-famdoms · 3 months ago
Finally caving and no longer using Google docs (mostly, probably will still copy and paste the first drafts of chapters in there for my beta reader to go over since that’s what she has)
Gonna start writing via ellipsus now (@ellipsus-writes is their tumblr account, if you wanna check it out). The following is gonna basically just me squeeing and how amazing this thing is, as well as a few cons I’ve noticed, and it’s long. So I’m adding a cut for people who don’t care.
I’m so fucking excited to no longer have to manually add in all the html in the ao3 text editor, you have no fucking idea. That step alone takes hours, double that if something glitches. And I can still write on my phone!!!!!
First downside I’ve noticed so far is that it doesn’t include my preferred font for writing (trebuchet ms if anyone is curious). It DOES have a comic sans sibling tho, which I can use for now. If it annoys me over time then I guess I’ll put up with Inter, even tho I hate most mono fonts. And serif fonts. I’m really picky. Serif fonts me flashbacks to grade school 5 paragraph essays in mla style. And mono fonts just… idk they look weird. Not creative at all. Very corporate.
Another bonus I’ve noticed: it includes open dyslexic as a font!!! I don’t personally need it, but having that accessibility is amazing. HUGE props to the creators.
Also love the interface. Very nice, user friendly, intuitive, looks good, 10/10.
There’s a light and dark mode choice on install, and I chose dark of course.
The editor settings are cool, allowing you to turn on and off different features like seeing other editiors’ cursors when typing, avatars when they’re viewing the document (tho it says draft there, maybe it doesn’t work in the main doc and only in drafts? If so, that’s odd), certain formatting things like dashes combining into an emdash, Ellipses (idk what that’s supposed to mean since there’s no elaboration), quotes (again no elaboration), markdown shortcuts (idk what those are, maybe it’s about coding?), viewing the word count automatically in the top bar, the desktop formatting bar, and the theme (light vs dark).
AND STRIKETRHOUGH IS RIGHT THERE! Right next to bold italic and underline. I always forgot the key shortcut to it in Google docs (why is it three keys???? WHY???? It’s so inconvenient!) and you gotta navigate through like three drop downs to reach it in the menu bar. This is so SO much simpler. I use strike through all the time to denote thoughts the pov character is repressing, and considering Akechi is a pov character that’s pretty damn often.
Omg and having an easy button so see all the keyboard shortcuts???? I love the creators so much????? There’s so many I would never have known otherwise, and they’re all so useful!!!! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
I love the drafts feature, it’s so nice having my notes and outlines and such all right there.
I do wish the spell check feature was better about recognising foreign names, but since I can just turn it on and off I don’t have to deal with constant red lines like with Google! I do wish there was a way to add words to the program’s dictionary, so that it doesn’t flag names, abbreviations, and slang. (For example, it doesn’t like fic, fanfic, lol, dashes like -- or - for some reason, or really any of the character names. the list goes on.) and I can’t just add in Japanese to the accepted languages, because I’d have to choose either that or English and then every single other word would be wrong. It does give options for which regional English variant you want, so I can choose British English! Which is nice. Google does it too, but you never know with beta versions of programs.
You can choose whether text is normal, a header (which subsets if headers), a caption, a quote, etc. I like that, since it’s directly tied to the outline and the different headers show up in there tree-style, but you can’t just have some text within a category be different. For example, say you want some of your paragraph text to be one font and then a different section of paragraph text to be another. You can’t do that.
I also haven’t been able to find a way to change text colour, or to highlight text. Which is annoying. I use highlighting text a lot when editing, so loosing that is a problem. Not the end of the world, but definitely one of my biggest gripes with Ellipsus so far.
There is a commenting system, but it ONLY works in drafts. I do not like that. In fact, I kinda hate it. A lot. And I definitely prefer the way comments work in Google docs, at least its desktop version, where they show up right next to the text instead of you having to click on the text with a comment to see that comment. At the very least, you can see all the comments in order of where the text is in the draft, with any replies, all in one place in the comments tab. However, you can’t just click away from the text to leave that tab. You gotta manually navigate back to where you were in the menu.
So yeah the comment feature kinda sucks.
There is also a chat feature? Idk how to properly review it, since rn I don’t have anyone else to chat with in ellipsus. You can use it in non-drafts, but I don’t think you can use it to point out specific text.
You can see word count!!!! And an estimate for how long it would take to read the whole thing! That’s so useful! And cool! You can also highlight (with a cursor, not actual highlight) sections of text and it will show that section’s word count, but NOT its reading time.
The version history feature is a bit slow, but it functions well. Not too worried about it. You can restore old versions as a new draft, though, which is pretty neat.
You can also download the document as a pdf, markdown, share it, and copy it as html, markdown, and rich text, but best of all, oooooo best of all, you can export DIRECTLY to ao3! And it includes all the html in the document!!!! I never have to manually code in html again!!!!! There are no words to encapsulate just how fucking excited about that I am. None. I am vibrating. I’m ahdnfbshsbdbfbcbhcbcnnsdbdbxnxbdmsnddbbdndbdbdbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
best. Feature. Ever. More than makes up for all the things I don’t like. Amazing. Wonderful. 10/10. Would die for that.
As of right now, I think that’s everything. Overall, I’d rate ellipsus an 8.5/10, compared to Google docs’s 7/10. I really love what they’ve done so far, but there’s some things they could really improve on.
Overall cons:
I really wish you could comment in the main document, it’s a big deal to me. I wish you could see comments by the text at all times, instead of just in the comments tab. I wish there were more font choices, the current pickings are slim at best. I wish you could change the font of specific sections instead of everything under that text category. I wish you could highlight things (even better if you could have multiple highlight colours). I wish you could change font colour. I wish you could add words to a dictionary so they aren’t flagged by spell check.
However, the vast majority of things ellipsus is doing are great. There are a ton of pros to this program, and it’s still in beta. There’s room for improvement, but that’s the whole point of a beta release. Everything I don’t like are things I can live with and work around, too. That’s better than a lot of completely finished games and programs I’ve come across. And it’s free!!! I’m really excited to see how Ellipsus develops, and definitely recommend it to any writers out there - especially anyone who writes for ao3. Seriously, the export to ao3 feature practically sells this thing by itself.
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schriftarten123 · 3 years ago
Tipps für die Auswahl schöner Schriftarten für das Web 2022
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Wenn es um Webdesign geht, ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die Sie treffen müssen, die Wahl der Schriftart. Aber woher wissen Sie, welche Schriftart für Ihre Website am besten lesbar ist? In diesem Beitrag geben wir Ihnen einige Tipps, wie Sie die am besten lesbare Schriftart für Ihre Website auswählen können. Außerdem stellen wir Ihnen einige unserer Lieblingsschriftarten vor, die sowohl gut lesbar als auch stilvoll sind. Egal, ob Sie gerade erst mit dem Webdesign beginnen oder eine Aktualisierung wünschen, lesen Sie weiter, um einige hilfreiche Tipps zur Auswahl der richtigen Schriftart zu erhalten!
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1. Die am besten lesbaren Schriftarten, die häufig auf Websites verwendet werden
1.1. Schriftarten und Typografie unterscheiden - Eine Schriftart ist eine Sammlung von Zeichen der gleichen Form, des gleichen Formats und der gleichen Größe - Typografie ist eine Sammlung von Schriftarten mit dem gleichen Designstil, unbegrenzt in Größe und Form. Mit anderen Worten, Schriftarten sind Teilmengen der Typografie. Zum Beispiel haben wir die Arial-Schrift, aber in der Arial-Schriftart gibt es verschiedene Schriftarten wie Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arial Black Italics Size 9 ... Es gibt viele Fälle, in denen diese beiden Konzepte miteinander verwechselt werden, aber in der Tat ist es in Ordnung, die meisten Menschen können diese beiden Konzepte als verwechselt akzeptieren. 1.2.Die am einfachsten zu lesenden Schriftarten, die häufig auf Websites verwendet werden - Arial Arial: Manchmal als Arial Regular bezeichnet, um es von Arial Narrow zu unterscheiden, besteht es aus Arial, Arial Italic, Arial Bold, Arial Bold Italic und Arial Unicode MS Arial Black: Die Eigenschaften dieser Schriftart sind ziemlich dicke Striche, einschließlich Arial Black, Arial Black Italic (italic)Arial Narrow: Eine dünne Version von Arial, einschließlich Arial Narrow Regular, Arial Narrow Bold (Bold), Arial Narrow Italic (Italic) und Arial Narrow Bold Italic (Bold Italic)Arial Rounded : Enthält Arial Rounded Bold (fett), das in der Schriftart Gulim von Microsoft Korea zu finden ist.
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- Avantgarde Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: "Avant Garde", Avantgarde, "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, "AppleGothic". - Messgeräte Calibri ist die Standardschriftart der 2007 Microsoft Office-Suite und ersetzt die vorherige Standardschriftart Times New Roman von Microsoft Word und die Standardschriftart Arial von PowerPoint, Excel und Outlook. Calibri ist eine von sechs englischen ClearType-Fonts, die in Microsoft Windows Vista veröffentlicht wurden, und ist die erste serifenlose Schriftart in der Standardschrift von Microsoft Word. Zuvor wurde Times New Roman als Standardschriftart verwendet.
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- Candara Candara ist auch eine serifenlose Schriftart, die vom Schriftdesigner Gary Munch für Microsoft entwickelt und in Windows Vista veröffentlicht wurde. - Franklin Gothic Medium (englisch) Zu den Schriftfamilien gehören: "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Franklin Gothic", "ITC Franklin Gothic", Arial, sans-serif; davon ist Franklin Gothic eine der beliebtesten Schriften in Designkreisen. - Zukunft Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial. Futura ist inspiriert vom Bauhaus. Dem Designkonzept des Bauhauses folgend, entwarf der Designer Paul Renner zwischen 1924 und 1926 erstmals Futura. Obwohl Renner kein Mitglied des Bauhauses war, stimmte er mit vielen seiner Ansichten überein. Er glaubte, dass moderne Schriftarten moderne Muster darstellen sollten, anstatt eine Fortsetzung der Vergangenheit zu werden. Futura erhielt 1927 eine kommerzielle Lizenz und wurde von der Gießerei Bauer in Produktion genommen. Bei der Konstruktion von Futura verzichtete Renner auf unnötige Elemente und orientierte sich an den geometrischen Grundproportionen serifenlos. Die saubere, scharfe Form von Futura spiegelt sein Gefühl der Wirksamkeit wider, und sein rücksichtsloses Aussehen ist heute verblasst. Futura hat erfolgreich neue geometrische serifenlose Schriftarten wie Carbell und Century Gothic entwickelt, die das Sortiment abdecken. Bis heute sind seit seiner Gründung mehr als 80 Jahre vergangen, viele Gießereien haben Änderungen im digitalen Format von futura angekündigt, von dem Adobe das am häufigsten verwendete Format ist. Mehrere internationale Unternehmen verwenden auch ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Versionen von Futura, darunter Volkswagen (das seine berühmte Werbung hat) und IKEA. - Helvetica Man kann sagen, dass Helvetica die Schriftart ist, die die Branche revolutioniert hat! Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial. Helvetica gilt als typische Vertreterin der Moderne im Bereich der Schriftgestaltung. Aus modernistischer Sicht sollte die Schriftart "wie ein transparenter Behälter" sein, so dass sich der Leser beim Lesen auf den Inhalt konzentrieren kann, den der Text darstellt, anstatt auf die im Text selbst verwendete Schriftart zu achten. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft eignet sich Helvetica für den Ausdruck einer Vielzahl von Informationen und wurde in Grafikdesign-Kreisen häufig verwendet. Das gebräuchlichste Derivat von Helvetica sollte die Schriftart "Arial" sein, die 1982 von Monotype produziert wurde. Obwohl es sich in vielen Details von Helvetica unterscheidet, können viele Nicht-Spezialisten die beiden leicht verwechseln. Arial-Schriftarten gewannen schnell an Popularität mit den Belohnungen des Microsoft Windows-Betriebssystems. Linotype brachte 1983 die Schrift "Neue Helvetica" auf den Markt, die den Nutzern mehr Möglichkeiten für unterschiedliche Dicken und Breiten bot. - Wirkung Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Impact, Haettenschweiler, "Franklin Gothic Bold", Charcoal, "Helvetica Inserat", "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold", "Arial Black". Impact ist eine serifenlose Schriftart, die 1965 vom Designer Geoffrey Lee veröffentlicht wurde. Seine Eigenschaften sind dicke Striche, enge Abstände und enger Innenraum, wie der Name schon sagt. Die x-Höhe dieser Schrift ist ziemlich groß, fast 2/3 ihrer Großbuchstaben, so dass der aufsteigende Teil ziemlich kurz ist, besonders der absteigende Teil. Da die Schriftart relativ robust ist, eignet sie sich für die Verwendung in Titeln, die nicht häufig im Fließtext verwendet werden. Impact ist eine der Kernfonts von Webseiten, die zusammen mit dem Microsoft Windows-System veröffentlicht wird. - Optima Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Optima, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Candara, Calibri, Arial. Optima ist eine englische serifenlose. Es wurde ursprünglich von dem berühmten deutschen Designer Hermann Chapf für die Gießerei D. Stempel AG in Frankfurt zwischen 1952 und 1955 entworfen. In Bezug auf die Schriftklassifizierung, obwohl diese Schriftart keine Serife hat und als serifenlos klassifiziert ist, unterscheidet sie sich von den meisten serifenlosen Schriftarten, die Dicke der horizontalen und vertikalen Striche von Optima ist inkonsistent und die horizontalen und vertikalen Striche sind dünner. So sieht die Schriftart sowohl elegant aus als auch hat einen prägnanten Stil, der von der Öffentlichkeit geliebt wird. Im Jahr 2003 veröffentlichte Linotype die Schrift "Optima Nova". Die Produktion des Optima Nova wurde von Akira Kobayashi aus Japan mit Unterstützung von Chapf entworfen. Wie die modifizierte Version der Frutiger-Schrift "Frutiger Next" wird sie später nicht einfach kursiv gesetzt, sondern kursiv gesetzt, um die Designqualität der Details zu verbessern. - Tahoma Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Tahoma, Verdana, Segoe. Tahoma ist eine sehr beliebte serifenlose Schriftart, die Schriftstruktur ist Verdana sehr ähnlich, der Zeichenabstand ist klein und es unterstützt eine breite Palette von Unicode-Zeichensätzen. Tahoma und Verdana besuchen die gleiche Schule, die gleiche Arbeit des Designers Matthew Carter (Matthew Carter), die 1994 von Microsoft ins Leben gerufen wurde. Viele Menschen, die Arial nicht mögen, verwenden stattdessen oft Tahoma, nicht nur, weil Tahoma leicht zu bekommen ist, sondern auch, weil Tahoma einige der Mängel, die Arial kritisiert hat, nicht hat, wie das große "I" und das kleine "l", die schwer zu unterscheiden sind. Tahoma wird als Standardschriftart für Systeme wie Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 und die Sega Dreamcast-Spielkonsole verwendet. - Verdana Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Verdana, Geneva. Verdana ist ein serifenloses Schriftset, da es immer noch eine qualitativ hochwertige Leistung wie klare und leicht lesbare Struktur und Erkennung auf kleinen Zeichen hat, ist es nach seiner Einführung im Jahr 1996 schnell zu einer der Standardschriften geworden, die in vielen Bereichen verwendet werden. Das Design dieser Schriftart stammt von Virginia Howlett vom Microsoft-Schriftdesignteam, die einen neuen, erkennbaren und lesbaren Satz von Schriftarten für die Anzeige auf dem Bildschirm entwerfen wollte, so dass sie als eine der weltweit führenden Schriftdesignerinnen galt. Matthew Carter (Matthew Carter), basierend auf der Frutiger-Schriftart und der von Edward Johnston für die Londoner U-Bahn entworfenen und von Monotype-Experten geschriebenen Schriftart, schlägt vor, dass Tom Rickner für die manuelle Optimierung der Schriftstruktur ähnlich wie Tahoma (ebenfalls von Matthew Carter entworfen) verantwortlich war Microsoft hat Verdana als eine der Kernschriften der Website aufgenommen. - Kambrien Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Cambria, Georgia, serif. Cambria ist eine Serifenschrift, die für Software wie Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 und Microsoft Office 2008 ausgestattet ist. Sein Abstand und sein Zeichenverhältnis sind recht durchschnittlich. Die diagonalen und vertikalen Striche und Serifen sind relativ dick, während die Serifen horizontal dünner sind, was das Ende des Strichs betont. Wenn Cambria Header verwendet, die mehr als 20 Punkte groß sind, wird der Abstand zwischen den Schriftarten aufgrund der Ästhetik leicht reduziert, aber dieses Design ist nicht für kommerzielle Dokumente geeignet. - Georgien Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman". Georgia ist eine Serifenschrift, die 1993 vom renommierten Schriftdesigner Matthew Carter für Microsoft entworfen wurde. Es zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass es auch im Kleinformatdruck erkennbar ist und sehr gut lesbar ist. Die Benennung stammt aus einer experimentellen Schlagzeile, die in einer Boulevardzeitung veröffentlicht wurde, dass außerirdische Köpfe in Georgia, USA, gefunden wurden. Auf den ersten Blick sind sich Georgia und Times New Roman ziemlich ähnlich, aber sie unterscheiden sich in vielerlei Hinsicht. Erstens sind georgische Zeichen bei gleicher Schriftgröße etwas größer als die von Times New Roman; Zweitens haben georgische Charaktere dickere Linien, und die Serifen sind relativ gerade und flach. Darüber hinaus ist der Zahlenabschnitt auch sehr unterschiedlich, Georgia verwendet Zahlen, die als "vorzeichenlose Zahlen" bezeichnet werden und durch Zahlen unterschiedlicher Höhe und Größe gekennzeichnet sind, die englischen Buchstaben ähneln. Microsoft hat Georgia als Kernschriftart von Websites aufgeführt, die eine der integrierten Schriftarten des Windows-Betriebssystems ist. Apples Macintosh-System folgt auch Georgia als eine der integrierten Schriftarten. - Times New Roman (Englisch) Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: TimesNewRoman, "Times New Roman", Times, Baskerville, Georgia. Times New Roman ist wohl eine der beliebtesten und bekanntesten Serifenschriften, die Übergangsserifenschrift im Schriftdesign, die einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf spätere Schriften hatte. Darüber hinaus wird sie aufgrund ihres gut vorbereiteten und stabilen klassischen Erscheinungsbildes oft als eine der Standardschriften gewählt.
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- Konsolen Die Schriftfamilie umfasst: Consolas, monaco; Consolas ist eine Reihe von Schriftarten mit einer festen Zeichenbreite, eine serifenlose Schriftart, die von Lucas de Groot entworfen wurde. Dieser Schriftsatz verwendet die ClearType-Schriftglättungstechnologie von Microsoft und wird mit Windows Vista, Office 2007 und Microsoft Visual Studio verteilt oder kann von der Microsoft-Website heruntergeladen werden. Unter den 6 neuen Schriftsätzen in Windows Vista ähnelt Consolas den beiden integrierten Schriftsätzen in der vorherigen Version von Windows: Lucida Console und Courier New, die in erster Linie für die Anzeige von Schriftarten für Code entwickelt wurden. Die Besonderheit ist, dass sein Zeichen "0" einen Kreuz-Apostroph hinzugefügt hat, um es leicht zu unterscheiden vom "O" -Zeichen. Vor Consolas waren die meisten Schriftarten, die den Code anzeigten, Courier New oder andere Schriftarten mit festen Zeichenbreiten. Der Soft-Edge-Effekt (Anti-Aliasing) der Schriftart wird je nach persönlicher Vorliebe ein- oder ausgeschaltet. Consolas ist jedoch für Soft-Edge-Effekte konzipiert. Die Schriftarten sind insbesondere nach Microsofts ClearType-Technologie gestaltet, wenn ClearType nicht aktiviert ist, wird der Anzeigeeffekt von Consolas deutlich reduziert. Darüber hinaus muss die ClearType-Technologie auch mit LCD-Monitoren kombiniert werden, um die beste Leistung zu erzielen.
2. Richtlinien bei der Auswahl der am besten lesbaren Schriftart für Ihre Website
2.1. Empfohlene Standardschriftarten Unsere Website ist vietnamesisch, daher sollten wir Schriftarten wie Times New Roman, Tahoma, Arial verwenden, da es sich um Standard-Unicode-Schriftarten handelt, deren Verwendung weniger wahrscheinlich Fehler anzeigt. 2.2. Sollte die Schriftart für die gesamte Website vereinheitlichen Gleichzeitig sollten Sie nur maximal 2 Schriftarten für das gesamte Web verwenden, damit die Benutzer nicht verwirrt werden und die Ästhetik der gesamten Website gewährleistet ist. 2.3. Für Website-Inhalte geeignete Schriftarten Jede Website hat ihren eigenen Zweck und ihr eigenes Benutzerpublikum, von dem sich auch das dargestellte Inhaltsproblem unterscheidet. Die Wahl der richtigen Schriftart für Ihre Inhalte ist eine Möglichkeit, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Natürlich wird nicht empfohlen, übermäßige Schriftarten zu wählen, die zu bunt sind, um den Leser zu verwirren. 2.4. Schriftgröße und -farbe sind lesbar und gut sichtbar fur web Die Größe ist zu groß, um unsere Website weniger ästhetisch ansprechend zu machen, zu klein, um es den Nutzern schwer zu machen, den Inhalt zu lesen, so dass die Wahl einer Größe von etwa 12-14 vernünftig ist. Ähnliche Schriftfarben müssen mit dem Website-Hintergrund kompatibel sein, um schillernde Situationen zu vermeiden, die Leser schnell verlassen lassen.
Schriftarten123 sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Webdesigns, und eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die Sie treffen müssen, ist die Wahl der Schriftart. -Aber woher wissen Sie, welche Schriftart für Ihre Website am besten lesbar ist? In diesem Beitrag geben wir Ihnen einige Tipps, wie Sie die am besten lesbare Schriftart für Ihre Website auswählen können. Wir stellen auch einige unserer Lieblingsschriften vor, die sowohl gut lesbar als auch stilvoll sind. -Egal, ob Sie gerade erst mit dem Webdesign beginnen oder nach einer neuen Schriftart suchen, um Ihre Website aufzufrischen, sehen Sie sich unbedingt diese hilfreichen Tipps an! Read the full article
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foxarabia870 · 4 years ago
Install Mac Os X From Internet
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What you need to install Windows 10 on Mac
Get Telegram for Windows x64 Portable version Get Telegram for macOS Mac App Store. Get Telegram for Linux x64. Mac OS X 10.4 - Setup as Client Download Article 1 To connect to your new VNC server from a remote machine you will need a VNC Viewer but luckily there are a number of free options out there. If you have one of these Intel-based Mac models using OS X El Capitan or later, you don't need a USB flash drive to install Windows: MacBook introduced in 2015 or later MacBook Air introduced in 2017 or later 3.
MacBook introduced in 2015 or later
MacBook Air introduced in 2012 or later
MacBook Pro introduced in 2012 or later
Mac mini introduced in 2012 or later
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iMac introduced in 2012 or later1
iMac Pro (all models)
Mac Pro introduced in 2013 or later
The latest macOS updates, which can include updates to Boot Camp Assistant. You will use Boot Camp Assistant to install Windows 10.
64GB or more free storage space on your Mac startup disk:
Your Mac can have as little as 64GB of free storage space, but at least 128GB of free storage space provides the best experience. Automatic Windows updates require that much space or more.
If you have an iMac Pro or Mac Pro with 128GB of memory (RAM) or more, your startup disk needs at least as much free storage space as your Mac has memory.2
An external USB flash drive with a storage capacity of 16GB or more, unless you're using a Mac that doesn't need a flash drive to install Windows.
A 64-bit version of Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro on a disk image (ISO) or other installation media. If installing Windows on your Mac for the first time, this must be a full version of Windows, not an upgrade.
If your copy of Windows came on a USB flash drive, or you have a Windows product key and no installation disc, download a Windows 10 disk image from Microsoft.
If your copy of Windows came on a DVD, you might need to create a disk image of that DVD.
How to install Windows 10 on Mac
To install Windows, use Boot Camp Assistant, which is included with your Mac.
1. Check your Secure Boot setting
Learn how to check your Secure Boot setting. The default Secure Boot setting is Full Security. If you changed it to No Security, change it back to Full Security before installing Windows. After installing Windows, you can use any Secure Boot setting without affecting your ability to start up from Windows.
Docker oracle linux. Official Docker builds of Oracle Linux.
2. Use Boot Camp Assistant to create a Windows partition
Open Boot Camp Assistant, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder. Follow the onscreen instructions.
If you're asked to insert a USB drive, plug your USB flash drive into your Mac. Boot Camp Assistant will use it to create a bootable USB drive for Windows installation.
When Boot Camp Assistant asks you to set the size of the Windows partition, remember the minimum storage-space requirements in the previous section. Set a partition size that meets your needs, because you can't change its size later.
3. Format the Windows (BOOTCAMP) partition
When Boot Camp Assistant finishes, your Mac restarts to the Windows installer. If the installer asks where to install Windows, select the BOOTCAMP partition and click Format. In most cases, the installer selects and formats the BOOTCAMP partition automatically.
4. Install Windows
Unplug any external devices that aren't necessary during installation. Then click Next and follow the onscreen instructions to begin installing Windows.
5. Use the Boot Camp installer in Windows
After Windows installation completes, your Mac starts up in Windows and opens a ”Welcome to the Boot Camp installer” window. Follow the onscreen instructions to install Boot Camp and Windows support software (drivers). You will be asked to restart when done.
If the Boot Camp installer never opens, open the Boot Camp installer manually and use it to complete Boot Camp installation.
If you have an external display connected to a Thunderbolt 3 port on your Mac, the display will be blank (black, gray, or blue) for up to 2 minutes during installation.
How to switch between Windows and macOS
Restart, then press and hold the Option (or Alt) ⌥ key during startup to switch between Windows and macOS.
Learn more
If you have one of these Intel-based Mac models using OS X El Capitan or later, you don't need a USB flash drive to install Windows:
MacBook introduced in 2015 or later
MacBook Air introduced in 2017 or later3
MacBook Pro introduced in 2015 or later3
iMac introduced in 2015 or later
iMac Pro (all models)
Mac Pro introduced in late 2013 or later
To remove Windows from your Mac, use Boot Camp Assistant, not any other utility.
For more information about using Windows on your Mac, open Boot Camp Assistant and click the Open Boot Camp Help button.
Docker toolbox daemon not running. 1. If you're using an iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014) or iMac (27-inch, Late 2013) or iMac (27-inch, Late 2012) with a 3TB hard drive and macOS Mojave or later, learn about an alert you might see during installation.
2. For example, if your Mac has 128GB of memory, its startup disk must have at least 128GB of storage space available for Windows. To see how much memory your Mac has, choose Apple menu  > About This Mac. To see how much storage space is available, click the Storage tab in the same window.
3. These Mac models were offered with 128GB hard drives as an option. Apple recommends 256GB or larger hard drives so that you can create a Boot Camp partition of at least 128GB.
Last updated: 2008/06/03
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Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as 'browser safe fonts'. This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too.
How To Install Mac Os X Mountain Lion From Internet
If you are new to web design, maybe you are thinking: 'Why I have to limit to that small set of fonts? I have a large collection of nice fonts in my computer'. Well, as seasoned web designers already know, browsers can use only the fonts installed in each computer, so it means that every visitor of your web page needs to have all the fonts you want to use installed in his/her computer. Of course, different people will have different fonts installed, and thus come the need of a standard set of fonts. Fortunately, CSS allows set several values for the font-family property, which eases the task a bit.
If you want to know how the fonts are displayed in other OS's or browsers than yours, after the table you can find several screen shots of this page in different systems and browsers. Also, you can take a look to the list of the default fonts included with each version of Windows.
The list
First, a few introductory notes:
The names in grey are the generic family of each font.
In some cases the Mac equivalent is the same font, since Mac OS X also includes some of the fonts shipped with Windows.
The notes at the bottom contains specific information about some of the fonts.
Windows fonts / Mac fonts / Font familyNormal styleBold styleArial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serifArial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serifArial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serifArial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serifComic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursiveComic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursiveCourier New, Courier New, monospaceCourier New, Courier New, monospaceGeorgia1, Georgia, serifGeorgia1, Georgia, serifImpact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serifImpact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serifLucida Console, Monaco5, monospaceLucida Console, Monaco5, monospaceLucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serifLucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serifPalatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serifPalatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serifTahoma, Geneva, sans-serifTahoma, Geneva, sans-serifTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serifTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serifTrebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serifTrebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serifVerdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serifVerdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serifSymbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)Symbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)MS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serifMS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serifMS Serif4, New York6, serifMS Serif4, New York6, serif
1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are bundled with Windows 2000/XP and they are also included in the IE font pack (and bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems.
2 Symbolic fonts are only displayed in Internet Explorer, in other browsers a font substitute is used instead (although the Symbol font does work in Opera and the Webdings works in Safari).
3 Book Antiqua is almost exactly the same font that Palatino Linotype, Palatino Linotype is included in Windows 2000/XP while Book Antiqua was bundled with Windows 98.
Install Mac Os X Lion From Internet
4 These fonts are not TrueType fonts but bitmap fonts, so they won't look well when using some font sizes (they are designed for 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point sizes at 96 DPI).
5 These fonts work in Safari but only when using the normal font style, and not with bold or italic styles. Comic Sans MS works in bold but not in italic. Other Mac browsers seems to emulate properly the styles not provided by the font (thanks to Christian Fecteau for the tip).
6 These fonts are present in Mac OS X only if Classic is installed (thanks to Julian Gonggrijp for the corrections).
How the fonts look in different systems and browsers
Mac OS X 10.4.8, Firefox 2.0, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)
Mac OS X 10.4.4, Firefox 1.5, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
Mac OS X 10.4.11, Safari 3.0.4, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Nolan Gladius for the screen shot)
Mac OS X 10.4.4, Safari 2.0.3, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
Windows Vista, Firefox 2.0, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
Linux (Ubuntu 7.04 + Gnome), Firefox 2.0 (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)
Note that while the ClearType smoothing is applied always, the basic font smoothing of Windows 98/2000/XP is applied only to certain font sizes. That sizes can be specified by the font designer, but usually they are in the ranges of 0-6 and 14+ points (pt).
The Mac font list was obtained from the Browser Safe Fonts PDF of webbedEnvironments and from the List of fonts in Mac OS X of the Wikipedia.
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cookingawe · 5 years ago
White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups
New Post has been published on https://cookingawe.com/white-chocolate-strawberry-cheerios-cups/
White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups
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White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups are easy, no-bake dessert recipe and perfect snack or breakfast to make ahead and grab and go on a busy morning. These yummy bites are made with just four simple ingredients: Cheerios cereals, white chocolate, coconut oil, and fresh strawberries. These are spring and summer version of my Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios Cups, you must check them, too.
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Easy No-Bake Dessert or Snack
I love simple and easy recipes, with a few simple ingredients, like these White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups. You can make ahead a bunch of those yummy bites and grab a few whenever you are in a hurry and need something sweet and delicious to satisfy your sweet tooth. I made a chocolate-peanut butter version last year and they become very popular.  Maybe you remember my Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Cups, or my No Bake Oatmeal Cups, as well.
How to Make White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups
For this simple and easy recipe, you will need just four ingredients that you probably have on hand. The base is Cheerios cereals. Since it is the season of fresh, sweet, and juicy strawberries, this recipe uses them, too. And white chocolate melted with coconut oil is used as glue to hold strawberries and cereals together.
Next in a saucepan over low heat, stirring gently and constantly with a rubber spatula,  melt white chocolate and coconut oil until it’s smooth and thin. Next stir in Cheerios cereals. And finally, gently fold in strawberries.
Divide the mixture into greased silicone molds. Place in the freezer to set, then remove from the mold and enjoy! Store leftovers in the fridge for 2-3 days or freeze for longer storage.
However, these easy, no-bake cups are incredibly easy to make. Crunchy Cheerios cereals coated with white chocolate and juicy strawberries make a perfect flavor and texture combo. You should try it.
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White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups
Author: Vera Z.
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
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Total Time: 10 minutes
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Yield: 12 cups
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Category: Desserts
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Method: no-bake
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Cuisine: American
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Print Recipe
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White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups are easy, no-bake dessert recipe and perfect snack or breakfast to make ahead and grab and go on a busy morning.
2 ½ cups Cheerios cereals
12 oz. white chocolate chips, or white chocolate (finely chopped)
3 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup (5–6 oz.) diced strawberries
Spray 12 cup silicone muffin pan with cooking spray and set aside. If you don’t have silicone mold use standard cupcake pan, just grease it really well.
First wash and dice strawberries, then set aside.
In a heavy bottom saucepan, over medium-low heat, stirring gently and constantly with a rubber spatula, melt white chocolate and coconut oil until it is smooth and thin.
Next stir in Cheerios cereals.
Finally, gently fold in strawberries.
Divide the mixture into greased silicone molds.
Place in the freezer to set, then remove from the mold and enjoy!
Store leftovers in the fridge for 2-3 days or freeze for longer storage.
The post White Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios Cups appeared first on OMG Chocolate Desserts.
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parsaweb-blog · 5 years ago
آموزش طراحی سایت - بخش پنجم
 بخش پنجم
در بخش پنجم مقاله آموزش طراحی سایت راجع به سی اس اس ( css) و نحوه استایل دهی به آن صحبت خواهم کرد . برای اینکه بتوان به صفحه وب سایتمان ظاهری زیبا بدهیم می بایست با css این کار را انجام داده و یا به عبارتی به عناصر وب سایتمان سبک بدهیم.
اولین مورد در طراحی، فونت یا typeface استفاده شده در سایت می باشد، که به صورت پیش فرض فونت مورد استفاده برای اکثر مرورگرها Times New Roman است. اما از نظر کاربران این فونت باعث ایجاد یکنواخت شدن سایت ها شده به همین دلیل در طراحی یک وب سایت می توان با استفاده از خصوصیت font-family سبک فونت استفاده شده در سایت را تغییر داد.
بهترین حالت استفاده از آن در تگ body می باشد.
فونت استفاده شده در اینجا verdana است و اگر درون تگ body قرار گیرد باعث می شود که تمامی متن های مورد استفاده در سایت، از این فونت استفاده کنند. حال اگر بخواهیم تگی در سایتمان با فونت دیگری نمایش یابد، به طریقی جداگانه به آن استایل می دهیم که البته کمی جلوتر آن را توضیح خواهم داد. در نظر بگیرید که کاربری از سایت شما دیدن کند و فونت verdana روی سیستم خود نصب نکرده باشد، حالا چه اتفاقی میافتد؟ در این حالت مرورگر خودش حدس می زند و بهترین فونتی را که به فونت انتخاب شده شما نزدیک است انتخاب می کند. اما ما می توانیم خودمان این کار را انجام دهیم و آن را از حیطه حدس زدن مرورگر خارج نماییم. این کار از طریق همان font-family انجام می گیرد، به مثال زیر توجه کنید :
این خط به مرورگرها اعلام می کند که اگر فونت verdana بر روی سیستم کاربر نصب نبود و لود شدن این فونت برای عناصر موجود در درون صفحه سایت موف��یت آمیز نبود، از فونت Helvetica استفاده کن، اگر Helvetica نیز نصب نبود از Arial برای لود شدن متون صفحه استفاده کن، در غیر اینصورت از یکی از فونت های San-serif که بر روی سیستم کاربر نصب است استفاده کن. این css را به فایل css خود اضافه کنید و سپس آن را ذخیره نمایید، صفحه وب سایت را با مرورگر روی سیستم تان باز کنید، خواهید دید که فونت های موجود در صفحه همگی verdana شده اند. مانند شکل زیر:
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فونت San-serif : این فونت از جمله فونت هایی است که برای مطالعه کردن و پرینت گرفتن بسیار مناسب می باشد و خوانایی آن به دلیل آنکه فونت آن( بدون لبه) ساده است و کلمات را با حداقل شکستگی در فونت نمایش می دهد بسیار آسان است. فونت serif یا لبه دار در پایین نمایش داده شده است :
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اگرچه استفاده از این فونت برای پرینت گرفتن بسیار مناسب است اما توجه داشته باشید که گاهی اوقات برای وب سایت ها این فونت پیشنهاد نمی شود چرا که اگر سایز فونت کوچک باشد نمی توان در سایز کوچک ظرافت فونت را به خوبی نمایش داد، پس این فونت برای سایت هایی که سایز فونت آنها کوچک است توصیه نمی گردد. مطلب آخر ا��نکه توجه کنید که حتما بین دو کلمه san و serif حتما ” – ” را قرار دهید.
سبک دهی به عناوین : اولین عنصری که در سایت به آن استایل می دهیم تیتر موجود در صفحه است که آن را با تگ h1 مشخص می کنیم، حالا بیایید چند استایل به این تگ مان اضافه کنیم.
این خط css بیان می کند که تمامی عناوین صفحه Trebuchet MS می شوند در حالیکه سایر متون صفحه verdana خواهند بود.
تمامی تیتر های سایت و عناوین از خط فوق استایل خود را می گیرند در حالی که سایر متون سایت فونت تگ body یعنی tahoma را می خوانند.
همانطور که می بینید برای فونت Trebuchet MS از دبل کتیشن استفاده شد، اما برای سایر فونت ها استفاده نکردیم، به طور کلی اگر اسم فونت انتخابی مان تک کلمه ای باشد نیازی به استفاده از کتیشن نیست در غیر اینصورت برای نام فونت هایی که دو یا سه کلمه ای هستند(مثل: “Times New Roman”) حتما از کتیشن استفاده می کنیم.
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جهت مشخص شدن موضوع مثال دیگری نیز برای شما می زنم، به عنوان مثال در سایت یک شرکت طراحی سایت مثل این سایت تیتر های صفحه byekan است و سایز متون صفحه Tahoma . توضیح : یکی از مشکلاتی که در وب فارسی با آن مواجه هستیم، محدودیت فونت است که معمولا به 3 نوع فونت ختم می شود اما اخیرا” امکان درج انواع فونت ها در صفحه وجود دارد .
چند نکته :
اگر مرورگر خود را refresh کردین و تغییرات را مشاهده نکردین، ابتدا بررسی کنید و ببینید که آیا پس از اعمال تغییرات CSS خود را ذخیره کرده اید یا نه. اگر این مورد درست بود بررسی کنید و ببینید که آیا لینک CSS خود را درست داده اید و اسم آن را درست تایپ کرده اید، آخرین مورد نیز ممکن است به دلیل cache کردن مرورگرتان باشد، که در این صورت برای مرورگر IE از دکمه R+ Ctrl استفاده می نمایید و برای مرورگر فایر فاکس Ctrl + F5 کمک می گیرید، تا cache مرورگر خود را پاک نمایید.
حالا بیایید کمی ظاهر سایت را عوض کنیم، در این قسمت ویژگی های بیشتری به تگ body مان می افزاییم و ظاهر منو را نیز تغییر می دهیم، CSS زیر را به فایل CSS خود اضافه کنید.
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حالا پس از ذخیره کردن فایل css تان مرورگر خود را یکبار دیگر refresh نمایید و تصویری مشابه با تصویر زیر ملاحظه نمایید.
حالا توضیح خصوصیات اضافه شده در بالا:
خصوصیت background-color برای اکثر تگ های HTML کاربرد دارد و با روشهای گوناگونی می توان رنگ دهی به پیش زمینه سایت را اعمال کنیم. برای تعیین کردن رنگ پیش زمینه دو روش وجود دارد، یکی اینکه نام رنگ را بنویسیم، مثل؛ yellow, blue, white, red,…. و روش دیگر استفاده از اعداد دسیمال مانند؛ 4ab390# است. بهترین روش و راحت ترین آن برای انتخاب و استفاده از رنگ مورد دلخواه خود در سایت استفاده از color picker نرم افزار photoshop است که به راحتی رنگ را به صورت عددی در اختیار شما قرار می دهد. نحوه استفاده از این ارقام نیز بدین صورت است:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12…
خصوصیت بعدی line-height است که با افزایش دادن مقدار آن می توان فواصل بین خطوط متن را بیشتر کرد و خصوصیت padding نیز برای ایحاد فاصله میان تگ مورد نظر و عنصر خارجی آن که درون تگ body قرار دارد می باشد. این فاصله را می توان برای هر چهار جهت بالا، پایین، چپ و راست و با یک یا دو و یا تنها سه جهت آن قرار داد. انشالله در فصل بعدی در مورد padding به طور کامل توضیح خواهم داد. تنها نکته باقی مانده مقدار دهی به padding است که به صورت عددی در مبنای پیکسل استفاده می کنیم، مانند px15 و این مقدار باعث ایجاد فاصله برای body می شود که مطالب سایت از هر چهار جهت به اندازه px15 فاصله یابد. همانطور که قبلا نیز اشاره کردیم، واحد پیکسل برای سایز دهی به تصاویر نیز به کار می رود، اصولا پیکسل کوچکترین واحد موجود در صفحه نمایش است.
همانطور که گفتیم به متون سایت نیز می توان هم رنگ و هم سایز داد، همانطور که در تصویر فوق دیدید رنگ استفاده شده در اینجا ، آبی است.
برای منو نیز سایز فونت را small در نظر گرفتیم که با توجه به نوع مرورگر سایز پیش فرض small آن ، در مرورگرهای مختلف تفاوت دارد، محدوده مقدار دهی آن small, medium, large, x-large و xx-large است.
برای تگ h1 نیز سبک جدیدی از استایل دهی را قرار می دهیم، چون این تگ برای تیتر اصلی صفحه استفاده می شود، سایز آن را بسیار بزرگ یا همان x-large انتخاب کردیم.
و برای تگ h2 سایز فونت را متوسط برگزیدیم. و تگ p تنها سایز و رنگ گرفته است . با این مثال ها سبک دهی به عناصر را آغاز کردیم ولی تازه شروع کار است .
تا اینجای کار به چند مثال ساده اما کاربردی  با CSS  برای استفاده در وب سایت نگاهی انداختیم. برای استایل دهی خصوصیات ��سیار زیادی وجود دارد که البته من قصد دارم آنها را اینجا لیست کنم، هرچند ممکن است شما تا به حال بعضی از این استایل ها و مقدار دهی آنها را تجربه کرده باشید.
نکته :  توجه داشته باشید که این استایل ها کل css نیست و در فصل های آینده به این مقادیر اضافه خواهد شد.
Color همانطور که قبلا هم دیدید برای رنگ دادن به عناصر استفاده می شود.
Background-color به دو صورت مقدار دهی می شود یا نام رنگ (blue, red, green,..)  یا با اعداد دسیمال،  مانند: #3acbef
Font-family با این خصیصه هر فونتی را که بخواهید می توانید به متون سایت خود اعمال کنید، تنها توجه کنید که نحوه مقدار دهی آن همانند مثال های قبلی است که به طور مفصل راجب به آن توضیح داده ام.
Font-size مقدار دهی آن می تواند مثل یکی از گزینه های زیر باشد:
1-    نام های آماده برای سایز دادن به فونت ؛
•    XX-small •    X-small •    Small •    Medium •    Large •    X-large •    Xx-large
2-    فونت دهی به صورت نسبی؛
•    به صورت درصدی : %120 •     به صورت  1.2em     : em
3-    فونت دهی به صورت مطلق؛
•    به صورت pixel  ، مانند:  px12 •    به صورت  point، مانند:  pt12
قطعاً زمانیکه بخواهیم این امکان را به خوانندگان مطالب وب سایتمان بدهیم که با تغییر سایز صفحه مرورگر خود ( مثلا سایز %150 به جای %100) بتوانند سایز فونت متناسب با آن را ببینند فونت دهی به صورت نسبی را مد نظرمان قرار می دهیم. برای مطالعه بیشتر، این مقاله را مطالعه نمایید.
Font-weight ضخامت فونت است که به دو صورت normal  یا  bold مقدار دهی می شود.
Font-style سبک فونت است که به دو صورت normal   یا  italic مقدار دهی می شود.
Text-decoration مدل دهی به متن به صورت: none, underline, overline  و یا line-through  است.
نکته : قبل از شروع به کار و استفاده از css های متنوع، ابتدا از css ای که تا کنون آن را ساخته اید یک back up بگیرید و سپس با استایل های مختلفی که در بالا یاد گرفتید استایل های مختلفی را بسازید. تمامی موارد بالا را می بایست در مرورگر خود تست کنید تا با آنها آشنا شوید ولی حالا بیائید استایل دهی بیشتری برروی عناصر موجود در سایتمان اعمال کنیم.
–    ابتدا فایل about.html  را باز کنید (در تمرین های قبلی ساخته شده است)
–    پاراگراف زیر را پیدا کرده و تگ  em را که جهت نمایش بیشتر یا به عبارتی تاکید بهتر بر روی آن کلمه به کار رفته است را اضافه کنید.
–    فایل را ذخیره کرده و در مرورگر خود به صورت local  مشاهده کنید، تصویری که مشاهده می کنید باید مشابه عکس زیر نمایش یابد.
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–    حالا فایل css خود را باز کرده و استایل زیر را به آن اضافه نمایید.
حالا فایل css را ذخیره کرده، سپس صفحه نمایش خود را refresh  نمایید، تصویری که مشاهده می کنید می بایست مشابه عکس زیر باشد.
 اگر از تگ em  در متون انگلیسی استفاده نماییم استایل آن به صورت پیش فرض italic خواهد بود، (مانند مثال زیر) که اگر بخواهید استایل آم متن هم مانند سایر متون در آم پاراگراف باشدبه آن استایل normal  می دهیم و اگر بخواهیم با حروف بزرگ ( به جز زبان فارسی )نمایش یابد از uppercase  استفاده می کنیم.
نکته : برخی از تگ های و عناصر HTML هستند که به مرور زمان با تگهای دیگری جایگزین می شوند و از استفاده از آنها صرف نظر می گردد، به عنوان مثال تا چند وقت پیش تگی که برای bold کردن یا ضخیم کردن متون یه کار می رفت <b>  بود که به جای آن هم اکنون از تگ strong  استفاده می شود. اهمیت این موضوع زمانی است که افراد نابینا برای کار با وب سایت ها از نرم افزارهایی استفاده میکنند که بجای نمایش صفحات وب آن را برای کاربر خود می خوانند که به اصطلاح به آن ها screen reader  می گویند.در اینجاست که آنها در هنگام خوانندن مطلب متنی را که با تگ em  مشخص شده است را مهمتر میدانند  تا متنی را که درون تگ i قرار گرفته همچنین موتورهای جستجو در گوگل به متنی که با تگ strong  ضخیم شده است بیشتر توجه میکنند و به عنوان متن مهمی که در یک متن استفاده شده است می نگرند تا به متنی که با تگ b ضخیم شده باشد.
نگاهی به عناصر درون صفحه: در پاراگراف زیر همانطور که ملاحظه می کنید، برای استایل دهی به پاراگراف ها استایل زیر تعریف شده است،  که توسط تگ body نوع فونت این متون مشخص گردیده است.
Body{ Font-family:  verdana, Helvetica, Arial, San-serif; } P{ Font-size: small; Color: navy; }
خط بالا به ما میگه که هر تگ p  که در صفحه بود استایل بالا را بگیرد. اما دلیل ما از به کاربردن این مثال برای این است که می خواهیم پاراگرافی را متمایز از سایر متون وب سایتمان کنیم و آن اولین پاراگراف متن ما است. حالا برای متمایز کردن این پاراگراف برای آن به صورت زیر عمل می کنیم:
<div id=”tagline”> <p>Diving club for the south-west UK – let’s make a splash! </p> < /div>
متن درون این تگ از خصوصیات گرفته شده سایر متون پیروی نمی کند و در عوض خصوصیت مربوط به div خود را می گیرد که شامل خصیصه خاصی است که با id ای به نام tagline تعریف شده است که این خصوصیت تنها به برای همین تگ خواهد بود. حالا برای تعریف درون فایل css برای آن خصوصیات زیر را تعریف می کنیم:
#tagline p { Font-style:  italic; Font-family:  Georgia, Times, Serif; }
فایل css  را ذخیره کرده و سپس پنجره مرورگرتان را refresh  کنید . صفحه شما نیز می بایست مانند عکس زیر باشد.
برای هر متنی که درون تگ p  قرار گرفته باشد و id  آن tagline  باشد، نوع فونت آن italic  و از نوع Georgia  یا Times و یا Serif خواهد بود. یعنی هر تگ p   که داخل آی دی tagline  قرار گرفته است  و نه p های دیگر . علامت # در CSS به عنصری اشاره می کند که شامل یک  Id خاص با خصوصیات مربوط به خود است. در مورد  Id در قسمت های جلوتر به طور کامل خواهیم پرداخت. گزینشگر متنی #tagline p یک گزینشگر متنی است، در اینجا چند مثال دیگر برایتان مطرح می کنم.
Navigation a{# Text-decoration: none; }
برای هر تگ a ای که درون تگی با  navigation  =id است، آن لینک فاقد زیر خط در هنگام کلیک کردن آن لینک خواهد بود.
#footer { line-height: 150%; }
درون تگی که id  footer  دارد، تمامی متون دارای %150 فاصله میان خطوط خواهند بود.
h1  strong { color: red; }
هر  تگ strong  ی که درون تگ  h1 قرار گیرد رنگ آن قرمز خواهد بود.
سبک دهی گروهی گاهی اوقات می بینید که در هنگام استایل دهی یکسری از تگ ها هستند که خصوصیات یکسانی دارند اما در فایل CSS برای هر یک از آنها کلاس و یا تگ جداگانه ای در نظر گرفته شده مثلا:
h1 { color: yellow; background-color: black; } h2 { color: yellow; background-color: black; } h3 { color: yellow; background-color: black; }
این کار باعث می شود تا علاوه بر اینکه حجم فایل CSS  تان زیاد شود فایلتان نیز کثیف به نظر برسد، به همین دلیل در این مواقع بهتر است مانند زیر عمل نمایید:
h1, h2, h3 { color: yellow; background-color: black; }
توجه داشته باشید که برای جداکردن تگ ها از همدیگر از کاراکتر ( ,)    کاما ، استفاده کردیم که این علامت را می توانید به معنای یا تعبیر کنید. حالا بیایید تا در پروژه مان دسته بندی کردن عناصر را انجام دهیم. ما در پروژه مان هنوز از تگ h3 استفاده نکرده ایم اما به زودی این کار را خواهیم کرد. فایل css تان را با اضافه کردن css زیر به انتهای آن ویرایش کنید.
h1, h2, h3 { font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; background-color: navy; color: white; }
حالا فایل css را ذخیره کرده و پنجره مرورگر خود را ویرایش نمایید تا تصویری چون عکس زیر را ببینید.
Tumblr media
یک سوال ؟ به مثال زیر دقت کنید
h1, h2, h3 { font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; background-color: navy; color: white; } h3 { color: red; }
تگ h3  چه رنگی می گیرد ؟ یک بار تگ h3  سفید شده و بعد از آن رنگ آن قرمز شده پس رنگ قرمز به خود می گیرد . البته ارجعیت دستورات سی اس اس بحث خود را دارد که در دوره های بعدی حتما به آن می پردازیم .
ادامه دارد ..
آموزش طراحی سایت - بخش اول
آموزش طراحی سایت - بخش دوم
آموزش طراحی سایت بخش سوم
آموزش طراحی سایت بخش چهارم
آموزش طراحی سایت بخش پنجم
0 notes
wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Avocado Chicken Burgers
These Avocado Chicken Burgers are an easy weeknight dinner in the oven or on the grill. This recipe is gluten-free, paleo and can easily be made ahead of time during food prep. 
*Originally published April 2016*
Hi friends!
Let’s talk about these burgers, shall we? I’m not typically a huge burger lover. I make them for hubby, but I usually choose to eat something else…and I rarely order them at a restaurant. But these chicken burgers are pretty much my new favorite meal. I’ve made them 4 times in the past two weeks, and last week when hubby was out of town, I literally ate them for lunch and dinner for 3 days in a row. And I’m still not sick of them!
Like most burger recipes, they’re super easy to make. I usually make mine in the oven just so I don’t have to deal with the grill, but you could easily grill them.
Avocado Chicken Burgers
So here’s how you make them:
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Avocado Chicken Burgers
These Avocado Chicken Burgers are an easy weeknight dinner in the oven or on the grill. This recipe is gluten-free, paleo and can easily be made ahead of time during food prep.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Yield: 6 burgers
1 pound ground chicken
1 medium avocado, diced
2 tsp fresh ginger (i use the paste)
2 Tbsp cilantro, minced (optional)
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1 serrano pepper, minced (optional)
1.5 tsp all-purpose salt-free seasoning (I use McCormicks)
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
Mix well with your hands and form into 6 burgers.
Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, flipping once.
Option 2 – you could through these on the grill
You can sub turkey for chicken if you want to!
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
I use ginger paste from Gourmet Garden because it’s quick and easy…but you could also buy a knob of fresh ginger and grate it in. These are perfect for a quick summer dinner and also great for food prep because they hold up well if made ahead of time and the flavors develop more, making them even more delicious!
Add these Avocado Chicken Burgers from @leangrnbeanblog to your meal plan this week! Click To Tweet
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Avocado Chicken Burgers
0 notes
jonasmaurer · 5 years ago
No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars
Sharing this quick and healthy no-bake snack recipe: almond butter chocolate oat bars! They take less than 10 minutes to put together and make an awesome gluten-free snack. 
Holler to all of the moms out there cooking 18 meals per day and cleaning up each time. In the morning, I like to drink my collagen coffee and wake up for a bit while I make the girls’ breakfast. I finish cooking everything, make a little something for myself a bit later, clean up the damage, and then it’s, “Hey mom…” cook, clean, repeat the rest of the day. I feel like the kiddos grow so much over the summer and are constantly snacking and hungry! (All the fresh air and swimming will do it to ya.) I’m trying to keep the fridge and pantry as stocked as possible and also have healthy options that they can grab themselves.
Different types of fruit, “baby cheese” (the little Babybel cheeses), energy balls, veggies with dip, bagels with cream cheese, yogurts, trail mix, cereal, and jerky have been some of their staples. And bars. SO MANY BARS. I’ll buy three boxes and within a couple of days – gone. I decided to try making bars just to have as backup and to switch up the usual rotation.
I had some little helpers in the kitchen and they can attest to the fact that these bars are amazing. They’re not too sweet, slightly chewy, very chocolatey, and give a great dose of whole grains, fiber, and healthy fats. 
No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars
Here’s the quick and easy recipe if you’d like to give them a try!
Are your kiddos snacking machines right now, too? What are some of your go-to snack options? I’m always looking to switch things up!
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No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars
Sharing this quick and healthy no-bake snack recipe: almond butter chocolate oat bars! They take less than 10 minutes to put together and make an awesome gluten-free snack. 
Author: Gina Harney // Fitnessista.com
3 tablespoons of butter (or vegan substitute)
2–4 tablespoons of coconut sugar (you can also use brown sugar. Add more if you like your bars on the sweeter side)
1/2 cup almond milk
1 1/2 cup gluten-free oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons chia seeds
3 oz creamy, unsalted almond butter
2 oz chocolate chips
In a large pot, heat the butter on medium until melted. Stir in the coconut sugar, almond milk, chia seeds, and oats, and cook until slightly softened, 3-5 minutes.
Remove from heat and add the cinnamon, salt and vanilla.
In a small bowl, heat the almond butter and chocolate chips for 30-45 seconds and stir to combine. The chocolate chips should be melted and the mixture should be smooth.
Place parchment paper on the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish. Add 1/2 the oat mixture and press down. Drizzle 3/4 of the almond butter chocolate mixture on top and use a spatula to cover. Press the remaining oat mixture on top and drizzle with the remaining almond butter chocolate mixture.
Set in the fridge to harden, about 1-2 hours. Store covered in the fridge!
These little guys can be a bit crumbly! Make sure to store them in the fridge to keep their bar shape.
Feel free to use peanut butter or your favorite nut butter instead of almond!
Add in dried fruit or any other mix-ins you would like.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @fitnessista on Instagram
Have a great day and I’ll see ya in the morning with my fave classes from the Peloton app.
The post No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars appeared first on The Fitnessista.
No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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cookingawe · 5 years ago
Triple Strawberry Cake
New Post has been published on https://cookingawe.com/triple-strawberry-cake/
Triple Strawberry Cake
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Triple Strawberry Cake is a moist and flavorful cake made with cake mix boosted with fresh strawberries, covered with yummy strawberry glaze and a lot of whipped cream and more fresh strawberries on top. This cake is a must make spring dessert. If you like strawberries check my No Bake Strawberry Jello Lasagna or Strawberry Cheesecake Coffee Cake, too.
Triple Strawberry Cake
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Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Spring and summer mean that the strawberry season is in the full swing. However, I like to eat fresh juicy strawberries so much, but I love to bake with strawberries, too. I’ve already shared many strawberry dessert recipes in previous years here on my blog.
Today, I’m sharing my Triple Strawberry Cake recipe. The recipe starts with a strawberry cake mix. But to boost the flavor and texture I added chopped strawberries in the cake batter. I baked it in a bundt pan, just to make it more festive and fancier looking for Easter holiday.
I used strawberry flavored cake mix and added fresh strawberries in the cake. But, for true strawberry lover like I am, it didn’t seem enough.
Although I first thought to cover this cake just with whipped cream and fresh strawberries, nevertheless, in the end, I decided to spice it all up with an amazing strawberry glaze.
The cake is moist and flavorful thanks to strawberries added in the cake mix, but I wanted to make it super moist with the ultimate strawberry flavor.
So, I made lick-the-bow good glaze with strawberry chunks and pour it over freshly baked cake. Warm cake soaked so much juice and flavor from the glaze. After it was completely cooled, I added another layer of strawberry glaze on top. I finished it with mounds of whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
However, this Triple Strawberry Cake is so flavorful, refreshing and perfect treat for spring and summer. If you like strawberry desserts or strawberries and cream combo, you should definitely try this recipe.
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Triple Strawberry Cake
Author: Vera Z.
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Prep Time: 45 minutes
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Cook Time: 55 minutes
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Total Time: 2 hours
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Category: Desserts
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Method: bake
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Cuisine: American
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Print Recipe
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Triple Strawberry Cake with is moist and flavorful strawberry cake mix boosted with fresh strawberries, covered with yummy strawberry glaze and a lot of whipped cream and fresh strawberries on top is a must make spring dessert.
Strawberry Cake:
1 box (15.25 oz.) strawberry cake mix + ingredients listed on the box (eggs, oil and water)
1 ½ cups diced fresh strawberries
Strawberry glaze:
22 oz. (600 grams) frozen sliced strawberries
½ cup + 2 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream
¼ cup powdered sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
fresh sliced strawberries-for garnish
First, make the strawberry glaze and let it cool before you spoon it over the cake.
To make the glaze in a saucepan combine frozen strawberries, sugar and lemon juice. Cook on medium heat until it starts simmering, stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat and cook for about 20-25minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens and strawberries soften and brake in small pieces.
Preheat the oven to 350 F and place the rack in the lower third position.
Prepare the cake mix according to package directions. Fold in diced strawberries.
Grease 9 inches (12 cups volume) bundt pan with non-stick baking spray (use the one with flour, not cooking spray). Transfer cake mixture in the pan, smooth the top and bake 50-55 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. This cake requires longer baking time than the time specified on the box, due to the addition of fresh strawberries. If it starts browning too much tent the top with aluminum foil.
Cool the cake 5-8 minutes in the pan, then shake the pan and tap it a few times onto the working surface then invert the cake on a plate.
With a spoon, spread strawberry gaze all over the warm cake. (The glaze will leak from the cake into the plate Just scrape it from the plate with a spoon and spread back on the cake.) Spread as much glaze as possible all over the cake. Reserve remaining glaze in the fridge for later. Cool the cake completely in the fridge, then apply another layer of strawberry glaze.
To make the whipped cream beat chilled heavy whipping cream until soft peaks form, add powdered sugar and vanilla and mix until stiff peaks form. Using a spoon, dollop the whipped cream on top of the cake.
Garnish with fresh strawberries and serve.
Store leftovers in the fridge.
The post Triple Strawberry Cake appeared first on OMG Chocolate Desserts.
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wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Steak Cobb Salad
This Steak Cobb Salad Recipe is packed with protein and nutrients, easy to assemble and makes a great lunch or dinner option as the weather gets warmer. 
*Originally published April 2016. Post updated June 2020*
Hi Friends!
Allow me to introduce this Steak Cobb Salad. If you’re a long-time reader, you know that I’m not a huge red meat eater, but that it’s hubby’s fav. My older kids eat burgers and my oldest loves steak like his daddy so we’ve been adding it into the rotation lately. 
That being said, if you’re not a steak fan like me, you can easily sub chicken for steak in this salad and it’s still delicious. This is one our summer favorites because it’s easy to throw together and makes such a filling meal without heating up the kitchen.
Steak Cobb Salad
You guys know that hubby is the salad lover out of the two of us. While he would happily eat a bowl of lettuce with some dressing alongside a meal, sometimes it’s fun to “beef up” the salad (see what I did there?!) and turn it into a full meal.
This is a bit of a non-traditional cobb salad. I used crumbled feta instead of blue cheese and added a honey mustard dressing…but the flavors all work well together and it’s both light and hearty….perfect for lunch or dinner as the weather starts to warm up!
Here’s how you make it:
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Steak Cobb Salad
This Steak Cobb Salad Recipe is packed with protein and nutrients, easy to assemble and makes a great lunch or dinner option as the weather gets warmer.
Yield: serves 4
1 – 1.5 pound flank steak
1/2 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup red or white wine vinegar
2 Tbsp honey
4 hard boiled eggs, halved or quartered
4–6 strips of bacon, cooked and crumbled
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 cup red onion, chopped
8 cups chopped romaine lettuce or mixed greens
2 medium avocados, sliced or chopped
Combine first 8 ingredients in a ziploc bag and let marinate at least 4 hours or overnight.
Remove steak and grill to desired doneness.
Let rest and slice into strips.
Put 2 cups of lettuce in each bowl. Top each with bacon, feta, tomatoes, onion, egg, avocado and steak, arranging as desired.
Serve with your favorite dressing.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
  Because it’s our favorite, I served this with a basic honey mustard dressing made by combining mustard, honey, oil and a little vinegar. But feel free to use whatever type of dressing you prefer! Ranch or blue cheese would be good!
Let me know if you try this salad this summer!
  Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Steak Cobb Salad
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wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Easy Turkey Meatloaf with Vegetables
This Easy Turkey Meatloaf Recipe with Vegetables makes a great weeknight dinner. You can also easily double the recipe and freeze half for another busy night.
Hi friends!
I’ve got an easy dinner recipe to share with you today. Meatloaf is one of those meals I remember not really liking while I was growing up. While I still wouldn’t call it my favorite meal as an adult, it is one that I now enjoy and keep in my rotation. One of my favorite things about it is that it freezes well. When i make it, I almost always double the recipe and freeze half. I even pre-slice before freezing so that I can easily pull out just 2-3 slices for a quick meal vs the whole loaf. 
This recipe in particular is one I tested a few times. I often added riced vegetables to my meatballs but hadn’t yet tried it with meatloaf. I wanted to find a recipe that included some extra veggies but still held together well after baking. 
For my recipe, I use carrots, zucchini and mushrooms but you can certainly use other veggies you have on hand. I choose to saute my vegetables before mixing them with the meat because I want them to cook down a bit and release some of the moisture they hold so that they don’t make the meatloaf soggy. 
Easy Turkey Meatloaf with Vegetables
When I make this recipe, I use anywhere from 1 to 1.5 cups of vegetables with great success but when I tried 2 to 2.25 cups I found the loaf got too soggy and didn’t stick together well, so don’t try to cram too many vegetables in there!
Here’s the recipe:
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Easy Turkey Meatloaf with Vegetables
This Easy Turkey Meatloaf Recipe with Vegetables makes a great weeknight dinner. You can also easily double the recipe and freeze half for another busy night.
Author: Lindsay
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 30 min
Total Time: 45 minutes
Yield: serves 4
1 – 1.5 cups riced vegetables (Measure after riced/chopped – I use a mix of mushrooms, carrots and zucchini)*
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound 85% lean ground turkey (you could use 93% but I wouldn’t recommend 99% lean)
1 egg
2/3 cup breadcrumbs
1/4 cup ketchup
bbq sauce to glaze
optional – I always put a few shakes of McCormicks grill seasoning in mine. You could use your favorite seasoning mix, or just some salt and pepper
Saute riced vegetables and garlic over medium heat for 8-10 minutes. You want the vegetables to cook and release their moisture. Let cool for a few minutes.
In a large bowl, combine the veggies, meat, egg, breadcrumbs and ketchup. Use a large spoon or your hands to make sure everything is well mixed.
Form into two loaves on a foil-lined pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 25-30 minutes or until center reaches 165 degrees.
Brush with bbq sauce and serve.
* To rice vegetables, place in the food processor and process until finely chopped. If you don’t have a food processor you can finely dice by hand as small as you can or even use a grater.
If you’re in a hurry, you could place the riced vegetables in a towel and squeeze to remove water instead of sauteeing.
To freeze, let cool completely, slice and then wrap in foil and freeze in a ziploc bag. Thaw in the fridge when ready to eat.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
Simple right?
If you’re not a fan of bbq sauce you could always glaze or serve with ketchup for dipping. 
Let me know if you try this recipe!
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Easy Turkey Meatloaf with Vegetables
0 notes
wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Broccoli Slaw with Ramen
This Broccoli Slaw with Ramen recipe is perfect for summer. It’s packed with vegetables and protein and the simple dressing is full of flavor. Perfect for food prep and tastes great as leftovers.
Hi friends!
So excited to share this Broccoli Slaw with Ramen salad with you guys! This is a twist on a salad my mom made all the time growing up. It brings back memories of summer and when I made it for the first time in a while last week, I knew immediately I would need to remake it to share with all of you. 
It’s perfect for making ahead of time because it just gets better as it sits in the fridge. It’s also a great way to repurpose leftover chicken!
I use broccoli slaw as the base because we always have it on hand but last week I actually made it with a bagged salad mix of kale and cabbage and it turned out great that way as well. I make mine with a mix of chicken and white beans but you could easily make it vegetarian with just beans. Chickpeas would also be great!
Broccoli Slaw with Ramen
Here’s how you make it:
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Broccoli Slaw with Ramen
This Broccoli Slaw with Ramen recipe is perfect for summer. It’s packed with vegetables and protein and the simple dressing is full of flavor. Perfect for food prep and tastes great as leftovers.
  Author: Lindsay
Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 5 min
Yield: serves 4-6
1 (10oz) bag of broccoli slaw
1 cup thinly sliced carrots
1 cup thinly sliced red peppers
1/2 cup green onions, sliced
1 can great northern beans (drained and rinsed)
2 cups cooked chicken, diced
1 or 2 packages of crumbled ramen noodles (discard seasoning package)
1/3 cup avocado oil
1/4 cup rice vinegar
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1–2 Tbsp honey or maple syrup (to taste)
pinch of salt and pepper to taste
optional – squeeze of lime juice or fresh ginger or sriracha for spice
chopped peanuts or slivered almonds to garnish
In a large bowl, combine broccoli slaw, carrots, peppers, green onions, beans, chicken, crumbled ramen noodles and stir to combine.
In a small bowl or jar, combine oil, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and 1 Tbsp honey. Shake or whisk vigorously and taste. Add more honey if needed for a sweeter dressing.
Pour dressing over salad and mix until everything is well coated. If you don’t like lots of dressing, start with 3/4 of the dressing, stir and add more if needed.
Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving. Top with chopped nuts just before serving.
Use one or two packages of ramen noodles depending on how many noodles you want. I usually use one package and then half of another.
If you don’t have broccoli slaw you can sub a mix of kale and shredded cabbage.
If you don’t have white beans, sub cannellini beans or chickpeas.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
This is a must-try recipe, my friends! Hands-on prep time is about 5 minutes and it tastes great all week. 
If you like this recipe, you might also like:
Asian Farro White Bean Bowls
Crunchy Kale Salad with Couscous
Easy Salads for Summer
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Broccoli Slaw with Ramen
0 notes
wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Asian Farro White Bean Bowls
This Asian Farro White Bean Bowls recipe is perfect for a quick and easy vegan dinner. Ready in 15 minutes and full of flavor.
Hi friends!
I’ve got a quick and easy recipe to share today. It’s vegetarian (vegan actually) but still packs a protein punch thanks to the farro and great northern beans and it comes together super quickly. 
I love that these Asian Farro White Bean Bowls can be eaten hot or cold, depending on your preference. And the easy peanut sauce adds lots of flavor without being overly complicated. I’ve been enjoying it for both lunch and dinner for the past couple of weeks. 
After eating my Instant Pot Asian Peanut Noodles on repeat for several months, I wanted to change things up a little bit but keep the same flavor profile because I just love it so much. 
First I swapped noodles for farro, went with white beans instead of chicken, and packed it with riced veggies. Don’t let riced veggies intimidate you. Basically all it means is finely chopped and really all you have to do is pull out the food processor. My veggies of choice were carrots and broccoli slaw. Just dump half a bag of broccoli slaw into the food processor and process for about 10 seconds. For the carrots, I just toss in some big chunks of carrots and let it process until they’re finely chopped. 
Asian Farro White Bean Bowls
This comes together super quickly because you really don’t have to cook the riced veggies very long. I saute for about 5 minutes so they’re cooked a little bit but still have a bit of crunch. If you don’t have beans, you could use chickpeas. You could even add meat if you wanted to. 
Here’s the recipe:
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Asian Farro White Bean Bowls
This Asian Farro White Bean Bowls recipe is perfect for a quick and easy vegan dinner. Ready in 15 minutes and full of flavor.
Author: Lindsay
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min
Total Time: 20 minutes
Yield: serves 4
3/4 cup uncooked farro 1 Tbsp oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup riced broccoli slaw (about half a 10oz bag) 1 cup riced carrots (approx 6 oz) 1 (15oz) can great northern beans, drained and rinsed 1/3 cup peanut butter 2 Tbps soy sauce 2 Tbsp rice vinegar 2 Tbsp maple syrup 2 tsp fresh grated ginger (I use refrigerated ginger paste) sriracha to taste (optional) 1/4 cup sliced green onions 1/4 cup chopped peanuts
Cook farro according to package directions.
Heat oil and garlic in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add riced veggies and cook for 5 minutes.
Add cooked farro and white beans and heat an additional 2-3 minutes.
In a bowl, combine peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, maple syrup, ginger and sriracha if using. Mix well with a whisk or fork.
Pour peanut sauce into the pan and mix well to combine.
Serve and top with green onions and chopped peanuts.
You could use cannellini beans or chickpeas instead of great northern beans. Or sub chicken.
To rice veggies, place in a food processor and process until finely chopped. If you don’t have a food processor you can finely chop by hand, the texture just might be a little different.
If your sauce is too thick, thin with broth or water.
Add additional green onions and peanuts if desired.
For a saucier version- use 1/2 cup peanut butter, 3 Tbsp soy sauce, rice vinegar and maple syrup
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
What do you think? I promise you it’s worth a try! 
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Asian Farro White Bean Bowls
0 notes
jonasmaurer · 5 years ago
Dairy-free gluten-free tuna casserole
This healthy tuna casserole is gluten-free, dairy-free, and high in protein! It’s a perfect family and kid-friendly dinner for a busy weeknight. This casserole is made from pantry staples and is a great make-ahead dinner option.
I feel like we’re in a weird time warp right now. Everything has slowed way down and I feel like the kids are getting a small taste of what life was like when I was a kiddo. They play outside until it gets too hot, we take long walks and bike rides, we crash madre’s pool, watch nostalgic movies, camp in a tent on the weekends, and they FaceTime their friends for an insane amount of time. (Listening to P talk to her BFF is the cutest ever. They play Candyland or Pretty Pretty Princess and show each other pretty much every single toy they own.)
Vintage meals are back, too, thanks to our pantry haul and freezer staples we’ve had on hand. I don’t think I’ve had tuna casserole since I was maybe 10 years old (madre used to make an awesome one, I tell ya), and since we had all of the ingredients, I decided to go for it. The girls love pretty much anything that consists of cheese and pasta noodles, and this cheesy chicken and rice casseroles is one of their favorite meals. (<— I never would have expected that one.)
It’s so easy to make, too! Simply sauté the mushrooms, onions and garlic, make a gluten-free roux, stir in the cheese, noodles, peas, and al dente pasta, and bake it up.
When you mix everything in the bowl, it’s easy to question your life decisions.
It looks pretty gnarly and I couldn’t help but wonder if these things all really go together.
But they totalllllyyyyy do.
This is a bowl of comfort food. It’s the kind of meal that feels like a warm hug.
I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a family-friendly healthy dinner option. The Pilot loved it, too, and went back for seconds.
Dairy-free gluten-free tuna casserole
Here’s the recipe if you’d like to give it a whirl!
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Dairy-free gluten-free tuna casserole
This healthy tuna casserole is gluten-free, dairy-free, and high in protein! It’s a perfect family and kid-friendly dinner for a busy weeknight. This casserole is made from pantry staples and is a great make-ahead dinner option.
Author: Gina Harney fitnessista.com
8 oz gluten-free pasta (we used Banza) cooked almost all the way and drained
8 oz sliced mushrooms
1/2 sweet onion
3 cloves minced garlic
1 tablespoon vegan butter (or regular)
1 tablespoon gluten-free flour
1 cup almond milk
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
10 oz frozen peans
2 5-oz cans of tuna
8 oz shredded vegan cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 375 and spray a baking dish (9×13) with nonstick spray
In a large pot, sauté the mushrooms in a little olive oil with salt and pepper for 3-5 minutes, until soft.
Stir in the onion and garlic and sauté until fragrant, about one minute.
Add the butter, flour, and stir well. Add the almond milk and bring up to a boil, whisking until there are no lumps. Stir in the Dijon and remove from the heat.
Add in the tuna, noodles, peas, and cheddar, reserving extra cheese to sprinkle on top. Season well with salt and pepper.
Bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes until bubbly.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @fitnessista on Instagram
What’s your favorite comfort food? Any awesome recipes you’ve tried lately? I’m always looking for ways to switch up our routine!
More of my favorite family-friendly dinner recipes:
Healthy baked chicken tenders
Homemade hamburger helper
Instant Pot chicken tortilla soup
Cheesy enchiladas
The post Dairy-free gluten-free tuna casserole appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Dairy-free gluten-free tuna casserole published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Sweet Potato White Bean Bars
These Sweet Potato White Bean Bars are perfect for breakfast or snack time. They’re kid-friendly, nut-free and full of fiber! 
Hi friends!
Meet my Sweet Potato White Bean Bars…my latest creation and a snack that all three of my kids enjoy. My neighbor recently ordered 6 russet potatoes in her grocery pickup order and since they were all out, they gave her 40 (yes forty) sweet potatoes instead. When she asked if I could use some, I knew a new recipe was in order. 
If you’ve been around awhile, you may have already tried my White Bean Muffins. My youngest LOVES great northern beans so I’ve taken to stocking the pantry with them and after I made those muffins, I found they’re great for baking because they have a very mild flavor. 
Sweet Potato White Bean Bars
I also love using sweet potatoes in baked goods. Have you tried my GF Sweet Potato Brownies , Sweet Potato Protein Cookies or Sweet Potato Banana Bites? I wanted to combine sweet potatoes and beans and I also wanted to make a snack that was nut-free (my white bean muffins have peanut butter in them). 
So behold these bars! These were approved by all three of my kids. To be honest I was shocked that my older two liked them. But I’m not complaining. They prefer them warm so I usually warm them up in the microwave before serving. And my youngest ate half the pan after the first batch so I had to make a second batch to photograph for this post!
Sweet Potato White Bean Bars are the perfect addition to breakfast or lunch and also make a great snack. Plus they’re nut-free so they’re safe for school! Here’s how you make them:
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Sweet Potato White Bean Bars
These Sweet Potato White Bean Bars are perfect for breakfast or snack time. They’re kid-friendly, nut-free and full of fiber! 
Author: Lindsay
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 20 min
Total Time: 25 minutes
Yield: 12 bars
1 (15 oz) can great northern beans (drained and rinsed) 3/4 cup cooked mashed sweet potato 2 eggs 1/3 cup maple syrup 1/3 cup oil (i use avocado oil) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 2/3 cup white whole wheat flour 1/4 cup hemp seeds (optional) 1/2 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a food processor, combine beans, sweet potato, eggs, maple syrup, oil and vanilla. Process until smooth.
Add cinnamon, baking soda, flour and hemp hearts and process until combined.
Add chocolate chips and pulse a few times.
Spoon into a 9×9 pan lined with parchment paper.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20-22 minutes.
Let cool, cut and serve. Store in the fridge.
You could try cannellini beans or chickpeas but i think they have a stronger flavor than great northern beans.
To cook the sweet potato I just stab several times with a knife, microwave 5-6 minutes and then cut open to let cool before mashing into the measuring cup.
You could sub chia seeds or some ground flax for the hemp hearts.
I haven’t tried any substitutions for the flour. You could try oat flour to make them gluten-free.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
Have I mentioned how much I love my Cuisinart 11-cup food processor for baked goods? (Aff link) I’m really not sure why I even bother putting it away. I use it pretty much every day.
If you try these bars and like them, please leave a rating and pin them on pinterest!
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Sweet Potato White Bean Bars
0 notes
wellpersonsblog · 5 years ago
Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole
This Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole is the perfect weeknight dinner. It’s also great for meal prep, freezes well and is made with pantry staples!
Hi friends!
I’ve got a recipe for Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole to share with you guys today and I can’t wait! You’ve been asking for more pantry meals and this one fits the bill. It’s made with pantry staples, full of flavor and so easy my 16-month-old can pretty much make it himself. All you really have to do is dump everything in the Instant Pot and turn it on!
Here’s what you should stock your pantry with so you can make this for a quick dinner any night of the week:
Canned black beans
Canned diced tomatoes
Canned corn
Canned enchilada sauce (green or red)
Canned diced green chilis
All you need to add to that is chicken (thighs work best) and cheese. Or you can leave the chicken out for a vegetarian version! I love how easy it is to customize the spice level of this by choosing mild, medium or hot enchilada sauce or chilis. And it’s perfect for scooping with chips!
Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole
Since there are a lot of canned ingredients in this dish, I do recommend choosing low-sodium or no-salt-added options. You could also use black beans that you cook yourself and fresh or frozen corn.
Here’s the recipe:
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Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole
This Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole is the perfect weeknight dinner. It’s also great for meal prep, freezes well and is made with pantry staples!
Author: Lindsay
Yield: serves 4-6
1 (15 oz) can black beans (drained and rinsed) 1 (15 oz) can corn kernals (drained and rinsed) 1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes (drained) 1 (10 oz) can enchilada sauce (green or red) 1 (4.5 oz) can diced green chilis 3/4 cup dry uncooked farro 1/4 cup chicken broth 1 – 1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 cup shredded Mexican cheese
In an Instant Pot, combine all ingredients except the cheese.
Stir until well combined.
Manually set Instant Pot to 15 minutes.
Use quick release, stir well, shred the chicken thighs and stir in the cheese.
Casserole will thicken as it sits.
Look for low-sodium or no-salt-added options of canned ingredients.
You can omit the chicken for a vegetarian version.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @theleangreenbean on Instagram
See what I mean by easy? You could easily cook this and freeze it in a ziploc bag or casserole dish, then thaw and reheat in the oven or microwave!
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
First found here: Instant Pot Farro Enchilada Casserole
0 notes