#it uuuh hits different
casbitchh · 2 years
me crying after listening to vienna by billy joel five times in a row: by talos this can’t be happening!
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evilminji · 27 days
You know how there are always Sith Artifact McGuffins?
What if? After Gallidran? One of the Jedi felt so unspeakably awful about the massacre of an INNOCENT and Rightful Ruler?
That they... maaaay, JUST POSSIBLY, kinda, sorta.... went into the Off Limits Archives? He he... WAIT DONT GET MAD!!! Ack! Stop hitTING! Ouch! Ow! *violence in librarians*
It's just? There needed to be BALANCE right? They needed to FIX this!
.....but... uuuuh.... they kinda don't know what they... did? Exactly?
Madame Nu? Spitting blood. Frothing at the mouth. Force SAVE HER from well meaning senior padawans! You FUCKING IDIO-!!! No. No! Breathe.
What. Did you. TOUCH?
Oh GREAT! The green portal thing! That does SOMETHING. Last used to peacefully remove Sith Lord Darth Pariah from existence. Fantastic. WHY did you touch this?
"Force told me too".
Ooooof course it did. What else did she EXPECT. MOTHER FUC-! *CENSORED*
Meanwhile? The Mandalorians? Specifically the TRUE Mandalorians? Fuckin BETRAYED. By one of their OWN! Jaster Mereel, wounded. Fighting for his life. His people. Things looking grim. A fatal blow... about to strike!
.......w-why is there ice? *spitting sputter noices* is this SNOW? Why is it glowing?
Wookies? Those kinda look like... no, no wrong shape. Have different color. Horns. Uuuh. Hello! Sorry for landing on your frost cabbages. Why, yes. Yes they WOULD love some freely offer medical assistance. By the way... where the fuck are they?
Child king. Itty bitty ad'ika. Wittle fangies. His crown don't even FIT right. *various Mando cooing noises* one of them accidentally spooked him? And he BIT them! Right through their armor! A BABY. He felt so BAD about it.
The Yeti people want to exchange mentoring the adi'ka for continued help. Maybe an alliance.
Just?? Give Danny Mandalorian buir! For reasons!
@legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay @babbling-babull @hdgnj @spidori
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sakurabutterflyart · 8 months
Take a Break Sweetheart 🧡💚 [COMPLETED](Delta Dawn x John Dory)
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(WARNING: ENGLISH is not my first language)
John Dory is Delta's bestfriend. Who's obviously hitting on her. But as time went on, they've become inseperable. Even after so many rejections, they somehow still get along, also despite being so different yet similar in some way. Though she can't see why. There's something about John that she felt a sense of comfort around him, where she can be herself around him.
Delta stared at his bestfriend, preparing coffee for the both of them as she continue on her work as Mayor in Lonesome Flats. The blue haired troll caught the lady staring at him, then gave him a soft flirty smile, causing her to scoff at his goofiness.
"What's with that look? Are you finally falling for me Ms. Mayor?" He gave her his most charming smile, that most Brozone fans will faint at the sight.
"In. your. dreams." She leaned in her palms, rolling her eyes as she looks away from the handsome troll. Though she admits, she can't deny that he has charming looks that can  make every girl swoon. Which almost got her too.
Ever since he came to the village, her exhaustion disappears simply by having his presence or company.
As he placed down the coffee, the red haired troll immediately stop writing all of her paperworks to take a little rest. She yawns, making John Dory look up noticing the fatigue of her eyes.
"Uuuh my dear Mayor,  how many hours did you sleep last night?" John Dory asked, narrowing his eyes. As she saw her shrug.
"Ummm, maybe 5, 3 or..." Delta mumbles as her voice gets very high pitch, clearly hiding something.
"Ms. Delta Dawn, did you sleep last night?" He asked again, getting her cornered.
"Uh... no?" She hesitantly answered, seeing his face ready to scold her, causing her to be a little angry about it. "Hey! Don't give me that look Mr! I'm the Mayor and Sheriff in Lonesome Flats! Don't expect me to just go around sleeping."
She scolded back,  as she took a sip of her coffee. Helping her ease her temper, by relieving her sleepiness.  The pop troll sigh, as expected from her best friend. Well that's what makes her hot anyway, her strong personality with a heart to look after her people is what also made him fall for her. But still...
"Look Delta you should really go to sleep, you haven't slept for 3 days now." He said worriedly.
"What? I did fall asleep, I took an occasional nap wherever and whenever I can." She argued back. "Plus I can't afford to rest right now. I have some fences to repair, some thieves to catch and also a niece to look after, to pick up from school and make dinner. "
John watch as Delta rub her head, stress showing on her face by just thinking of what she has to do for the following days. Becoming more worried that if she's even gonna make it through the entire day.
He sigh, took a deep breathe and whispered,  "You leave me no choice sweetheart."
He approached his beloved friend, walking behind her. She was confuse until he felt him slide his hands throughout her palms to her coffee mug to grab it, while his other hand grabbed her shoulder. Which made her heart jumped.
The women was used by her friend's touchiness, especially because pop trolls loves to hug every hour.
Both of them never really hug often. But John Dory enjoys physical touch, especially with fellow country trolls with his patting at the back, some high fives, handshakes and also some bro hugs. Both of them shared some physical touch too, with his hand kissed greetings, holding hands when he guides her to somewhere,  some back patting, also playing around with her hair to mess with her, tickles her so she can get annoyed to chase him around town and ocassional hugs too. She acts like she hated it, but she secretly likes it.
But this one's a little different, John Dory was too close, she felt her face burning by too much physical contact.  "What are you doing?!"
The women yelled. John Dory gave her his cocky grin, placing down the coffee and pulling her away from her desk preventing her to grab it. John Dory then lean in and place his head on her forehead, feeling her face's temperature. "Your face is heating up, you really need to rest now lady Sheriff."
"I'm heating up because you're too close, Mr. Idiot Detective!" She yelled, but receiving a smirk from him.
"Oh so you're telling me that you're falling for me Ms. Delta." He raised his eyebrows in flirtation,  causing Delta to lightly punched him.
"Stop messing around you idiot, I need to get back to work.  " She gets up, but realized her body is too weak to get up, falling back to the chair. She saw the man's face formed into an anxious expression, which somehow made her insides felt touched by his caring nature. 
"Woah, easy there." She felt the blue haired troll, starting rubbing her head, massaging her all the way to her shoulders. She can't even protest, it made her feel good from all the exhaustion.  Then she sense that her chair was pulled to the coach. John Dory then lifted her all the way to the coach, laying her down, with pillows and blankets  being placed.
"John Dory... I can't-" She muttered, feeling her eyes drop when she sense the softness of the pillow, ready to fall asleep.
"Shhh..." He sat down, holding her hand. "You need to sleep, I promise I'll wake you up soon."
"B -but what about... the... village... the thieves... my niece?"
"I'll take care of them." He whispered.
"I swear.... John... Dory, if something... happens in this village.... I'll kick your bloody face." She threatened,  making John Dory internally gulped, yet she's still very  beautiful even when she's angry. Internally laughing at the thought.
"Don't worry, I got this m' lady."
She finally let's go and lose consciousness, sleeping peacefully.  John Dory watched his friend fall asleep, admiring her beauty, sighing in relief that she's finally resting. Hesitantly stroking her hair.
"You're so stubborn." He said to her, lovingly gazing at her. He didn't want to invade her personal space and wanting to respect that.  But he can't help it, he place her beautiful red hair aside and gave her forehead a quick peck. "I love you... Ms. grumpy lady,"
He giggled then got up and left, proceeded working on her desk. The scarlet haired woman was actually awake, feeling her heart screaming in joy from what he just say. She opened her eyes, and look at her beloved friend doing her work. She was a little worried of what's gonna happen, but she trusted him, cause she's known him for almost a year now, he's been helping her around the village. He's also been able to raise his brothers on his own and being able to work at the band, while managing finances in a young age.
"How did I get so lucky..." She thought. 
"I love you too,  idiot..." She whispered, drifting off to sleep.
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abs-2020 · 2 years
I(Avatar)Colonel Miles Quaritch x Na’vi Reader
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Warnings: SMUT/18+/violence/choking/pinning/overstimulation/heavy topics/Dirty talk/Virginity Loss/knife play maybe/size kink/SMUT/Stockholm Syndrome/abuse/this chapter has issues/angst/
P.S. uuuh stuff spoken in Na’vi is Italic and stuff readers thinking is blue
Summary: This takes place in ATWOW Aaand you’re neytiris older sister, and you get captured in order to save jakes children and spider. <3
Authors note: this might be the last chapter, it might not. Kinda just want to follow mostly with the movie but not at the same time. Uuuh yeah. This chapter is kinda sad tho maybe idk. BUT ITS FINALLY OUT someone applaud me :,)
“PUT ME DOWN!” You’d yell your voice cracking from how much pain you were in.
“I guess, If that’s what you want.” a silky voice would fill your ears. Miles voice. Your eyes would shoot open at his voice.
“Mile-“ a gasp would cut your words short as you were let go, miles hands untangling from your hair.
You’d scream as you fell through the air closing your eyes once again bracing for impact. Only this time you didn’t hit water. You hit rock. Stone. ‘Demon ship’ Something hard. A crack would fill your ears as your side hit the floor of the ship deck signifying something had broken. The pain caused Another sickened scream to leave your mouth as you clutched at your side pain shooting through your whole body. ‘Get up’ your mind shouted at you as you desperately scurried from your ball on the floor to your two shaky legs. Your eyes would fill with fear as you looked around and scurried to the Edge of the ship. Another screech would fill your ears as an ikran landed right in front of you the beasts breaths strong and frantic as the wind from its wings caused your wet hair to whip around. Quickly you’d dart to the side trying to make a desperate escape. An escape from prison. But this Time miles jumped infront of you. But this wasn’t your miles. This was a different miles. A darker miles. A miles with a sinister look plastered onto his face. A miles with revenge radiating from his body. A miles with a smirk full of terrible intent. A miles with flaring nostrils. a miles with a tent in his pants. An actual monster. Your ears would fall back as you made eyes contact with your mate, his eyes would soften. But only for a second.
“Found you princess.”
Miles would lick his canines agonizingly slow as his hulking frame stood between you and freedom. ‘Monster.’ Filled your mind as you stared into his frenzied eyes. Slowly you got into a stance your tail whipping back and fourth as you and your mate faced off.
“You look like shit.” Miles would coo earning a chuckle from himself. You never understood his humor. “Weak, fragile…” miles would trail off. “…you look like prey.. my prey.” Miles tone would drop an octave his last words more sinister than anything you’ve heard as He bared his teeth and widened his yellow eyes.
Your ears would fall back as your heart seemed to crash against you chest. ‘Run’ was the only thing your instincts screamed and you did. You darted to the side your weak and malnourished body taking you as fast and as far as it could. In a rush you’d turn a corner only to be met with a blue fist. A ‘wham” would fill the air as the blue fist collided with your face. More pain shorting through your body. You wished you were numb as You saw stars your body falling back as your face recoiled with the fist hitting the floor with a loud ‘thud’. Panic would fill your senses. ‘Miles couldn’t have gotten there that fast’ you thought as you tried your best to open your now sore and watery eyes. Your nose was burning and you felt a hot liquid pour down your blue and pain filled face the warm liquid falling into you agape mouth. Blood it was blood. You could tell by the tastes of taste the warm, metallicy, copper substance as it pooled down your face.
“Finally, never thought I’d get the chance to get the bitch back.” Z-Dog would boast ego radiating off her body as she stepped onto your shoulder. You’d do nothing but hiss as you continued to blink your eyes still trying to recover from the punch.
as your vision finally cleared you’d look up to the blue demon. And you’d smirk as you spit the blood from your mouth onto her boots in a stoic act. But behind the brave act you were panicking on the inside. Everting was running 1000 miles an hour. You could feel your body fatiguing by the second as your side throbbed with each strained breath you took. Your face throbbed as well. You mind raced you had so many questions and pleads. Your gut felt sick and you felt slimy and sweaty. You wondered about the kids and Jake and Netyiri. Kiri. Everything was spinning as you stoically looked up to the blue demon.
“I don’t know, you’re the one with the scar on your face.” You’d blast back as you stared at the scar on her cheek. The scar from your dagger back on the helicopter. A smirk would plaster your blue face as you Ran the back of your hand against the blood oozing from your nose smearing the red liquid.
“Fucking bitch!” Z-dog would bark as she grabbed a knife from its holster and knelt down to your level placing the cool blade against your cheek in a harsh manner. You sucked in a harsh breath at the action acting as stoic as you could. But with her knife so close to your face everything closed in as she spayed her words with a venom you were familiar with. “You want one? I’ll give you one. And I’ll make sure it’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen. I’ll make sure every time you wake up and look in the mirror that you remember my face.” Z-dog spit her words. Like actually spit them her droplets or Silvia paining your face. It had your ears falling back in disgust and cringe.
“We don’t have mirrors.” You’d laugh sarcastically as you stared into the blue females eyes. You were testing her. Playing with your life and “beauty”
an angered noise would fill the air as she pressed the knife into your cheek the blade digging into your soft and blue flesh with ease. You felt the blade dig into your skin causing blood to trickle from another place on your body. You’d hiss at the pain that burned your skin as she slowly dragged the knife against your skin inching closer and closer to your neck. Then out of no where a panic would set in and you’d whine in fear as you attempted to push Z-dog off of you. Panic. Panic rang through you as your ears fell back and your breathing became frantic. Alarms rang through you as you continued to try and push the crazed demon off of you. Then you’d yell.
“M-MILES! My love!” You didn’t know where the words came from. But a part of you needed him. Needed him to save you from the female above you even though you could easily save yourself. You needed him.
A deep and forbidding chuckle from behind you would have z-dog and her actions halting in an instants her blade frozen and lodged into the bottom half of your cheek. Her eyes would fill with a fear as she looked down at you her body now stiff and frozen. ‘Miles’ you wanted to turn your head to look at the man but the bald lodged into your cheek kept you from doing so. So you waited.
“Touch (Y/N) ever again Z, and I’ll make sure it’s the last thing you do.” Miles loud and thundering steps were heard from behind you as his hand shot into your vision. He reached for Z’s neck once his hand were wrapped around her flesh he’d lift her from you and throw her against a wall with a loud thud. His grip was unforgiving as he squeezed her throat. “Am i clear?” Miles would ask his tone just as unforgiving as his grip on her throat.
All Z-Dog could do was nod as she clawed at his forearm and nodded trying to take air in but failing dismally.
“Good.” Miles would throw z-dog across the the ships deck her body hitting the floor with and harsh thud. “NOW get lost!” Miles would command his voice dominating and booming.
Quickly Z-dog would scurry from the floor like a lost kitten rushing away in a flurry of coughing and panic. Miles booming voice rattled your chest as you slowly raised your upper body from the ships deck doing so caused A pained noise to pass your lips. Miles foot steps thundered from behind you the harshness of the man’s steps causing your ears to shoot back. Aggressively miles would plant his boots on both sides of your body and as he crouched down you were expected to be met with loathing, angry, and venomous eyes. But when your eyes met his big yellow ones. The eyes you fell in love with. You were met with sadness and kindness. It has you audibly gasping and the layers around your icy and stony heart melting and crumbling all at the same time. ‘He’s so beautiful’ was the only thought that now plagued your mind as you stared into your lovers yellow eyes.
Slowly you’d lift your scraped and blood smeared hand to the rough and sweaty cheek of your lover. Of miles. Once your delicate fingers had reached the flesh of his cheek the cold that consumed your body was quickly replaced with warmth, his warmth. Warmth you’d only ever find from him. A warmth that engulfed your body in a flame that you never wanted to burn out. It was a flame that had your thighs clenching and core aching.
“My love.” You’d whisper when he rested his forehead against yours causing both of you to close your eyes as you inhaled each other scents both of your ears falling back at the long lost contact.
You finally felt alive. After being dead for so long you finally felt alive. Miles brought color back to your full life. Mikes saved you. Yet again. He saved you again. And the thought had a sob leaving your throat as you clawed at the back of his vest trying to pull him as close to you as you possibly could. Miles would melt into your touch his tail wrapping with yours before he pulled both of you to your feet caging you in his strong arms. The arms you loved. Again you’d sob, as you dug your claws into the back miles vest.
“I’m so sorry.” You’d finally break. You’d finally let it slip. “I’m so sorry my love…” you’d choke a sob back as you spoke. “My love, I did not mean it. I did not mean what I said. I did not mean it. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry miles, I’m so sorry.” You’d chat your words “you are not a monster, you are not him. You are not a monster. You are my love. You are the fire to my flame, you are the rider to my ikran, you are the Na’vi to my Ewya, you are the light to my dark, you are my everything. But you are not a monster miles.” You’d squeeze miles tighter with each word you spoke.
You didn’t want to let go. You wouldn’t. Miles would squeeze you just as tight as you were him. a sob would fill the air. But it wasn’t your sob. It was miles. ‘Miles is crying’ your heart broke at the pained and saddened sound coming from your lovers lips. It had you pulling yourself from his grip so you could get a good look at him. Hastily you’d bring both of your hands to each side of his face and observe the blue Avatar infront of you. Concern painted your tired and rough skin when another sob left his throat. Miles would lean into your touch placing his hands on top of yours gently rubbing your skin.
Silence would fill both of your ears each of you sitting and waiting in anticipation. Until mikes finally broke. Tears falling from his yellow eyes, his grip on your hands turning rough and possessive his sobs filling the air as he shoved his head into the croak of your neck and shoulder. Seeing the stoic man break infront of you, because of you, had you joining him. Both of you cried and sobbed into the air your noises of pain and sadness but also joy and relief filling each others ears.
Miles would plant a wet and shaky kiss to the nape of your neck in a soothing manner. His lips on your skin causing a forgotten flame to flicker.
“I forgive you.” Miles would plant another wet and shaky kiss to your collar bone. “I’ll forgive you a thousand times if I have to.”
Miles would bring his hands to your now damp hair, tangling all 10 of his digits into your locks pulling your head back in a gentle manner so his eyes could meet with yours once again. Both of your cheeks were dried of your own tears your eyes red and puffy. As you stared into miles yellow eyes one of his palms would gently stroke the back of your head the other going to massage your shoulder. Miles would then pucker his lips as he stared at you an emotion you couldn’t quite catch glimpsing past his eyes.
“Oel ngati kameie princess”
Your eyes would widen at Miles words. Your heart fluttering at the words he just spoke.
“Oel ngati kameie” you’d respond back with an innocent and loving smile lifting your hand to his cheek. “Oel ngati kameie my love”
“You we’re lost without me.” Miles comment had you scoffing and your ears falling back. And all miles would do is ‘tut’ “it’s obvious (Y/N). You look dead.”
Again you’d scoff. But you knew it was true. Even Kiri said so.
“I was lost without you yes, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have been able to live without y-“
Mikes Would cut you off his hand going to your mouth and his ears falling back in agitation as a scowl crossed his face. ‘He didn’t want me to finish that sentence’ your own ears would fall back at his actions.
“You we’re lost, and I’ve found you again. You’re never going to get lost again. Ever.” Miles tone was possessive and dominating his hand moving from your mouth to your chin gripping it with his fingers harshly.
Slowly, agonizingly slow, miles would pull you in for a kiss you easily complying closing your eyes before your lips even met. But, as all good this come to an end before you two could kiss the yell of a man and the screech of an ikran would have your eyes shooting open, ears perking, and you turning your head your chin escaping from Miles harsh grip to see what the commotion was about.
“Oh great mother…” the words would leave your mouth in an agonized whisper your jaw dropping at the sight before you.
‘Lo’ak, Tuk, Tsireya..’ the three kids were all stuck in a net getting throw onto the ships deck by and Ikran and one of Miles friends. An yell would leave your throat as you pulled yourself away From miles running to the children in an attempt to help them. ‘I’m so stupid. I had one job, I was supposed to protect them’ your ears would fall back at the thought as you ran for the kids your legs shaky and side throbbing.
“LO’AK!” You’d yell to the boy announcing your presence.
His head would snap in an instant. He looked at you with hope. And it brought a sense of relief to you as you dashed to the net. But the hole in lo’ak’s eyes slowly turned to distraught everything suddenly moving in slow motion as you reached for the children each step seeming to get slower and slower. Closer and closer. That was until five far too familiar digits tangled themselves into your hair yanking you back into a brick wall, which so happens to be Mikes chest with a matter of ease. A gasp would leave your throat at the harsh tug.
“They can’t be here!” You’d plead to Miles his grip in your hair tightening as he looked down at you. A hard and harsh scowl now plastering his once soft face. His eyes were full of anger as he looked down at you. It made your gut sink. ‘How can someone switch up so quickly’
Your eyes would water ‘this isn’t how he’s supposed to hold me, this isn’t how he’s supposed to look at me.’ Your ears and tail would drop at the thought as a pout formed onto your face. Miles would look down at you his ears falling back once his eyes Met yours. It would catch him off guard causing him take in a long and stoic breath as he puckered his lips looking away from you.
“G-Good work Mansk” Miles informed the Avatar in sunglasses the avatars ego only seeming to get bigger. “Now..” miles would take in a long and dramatic breath “let’s get them tied up. It’s time to finally get what we came here for.” ‘Jake’
It finally set it, he was here for jake. That’s been his whole plan weather he actually loved you or not. It was to get to Jake. And that made your heart break. Shatter. It made your heart shatter into a million pieces your gut filling with dread and self hate.
Somewhere along the way of the kids screaming at miles and the men holding them hostage and screams at you and for you to save them and help them filled your ears with a constant ringing, You had completely zoned out it everything around you fading into black as miles man handles you towards the ships railing cuffs in his hands the clanging of the metal restraints seeming to bring you back to a gasp leaving your throat as you did so everything burning back to life.
“NO- my LOV- MILES STOP! This is not right!! Revenge is a path that will only lead to self hate!” You’d cry out your words your voice cracking every so often as you fumbled with Miles strong and roughs hands tangled in your hair. His grip had your eyes burning, threatening to spill with tears of pain.
An angry grimace would paint Miles blue face, his blue and strong body visibly shaking with annoyance and anger as he threw you with an aggressive shove, strands of your hair catching on his fingers as you flew across the ships deck to Lyle ‘so much for Z-dog not touching me.’ whom had just finished strapping the 3 children. Your responsibility. To the ships railing. Miles actions had your heart breaking even more, each piece which was already shattered shattering into even more little bits making seem like it was never to be fixed and put back together. A heart broken cry would leave your lips as Lyle gripped your wrists and chained you to the ships deck.
“Did I not mean anything to you?” You croaked out your words, your head hanging low hair dropping over your face. You couldn’t meet miles eyes. You just couldn’t.
Unbeknownst to you Miles body would visibly stiffen his face now painted with shock and hurt. The three children’s ears perking at your words, heads turning as they listened to the conversation to the right of them as Lyle dismally walked away from the drama.
“(Y/-N) I-I crave yo-“
“Was everything a joke to you? Was I a joke?” You’d shoot your head up finally meeting mikes gaze your pulpils small the yellow of your eyes taking up most of the color in your eyes. “Was I just a mission to you? Some paper work? WAS I JUST SOME PAWN IN YOUR GAME TO GET TO JAKE SULLY AND MY LOVED ONES?” You’d pull on your restraints you’d body radiating anger and hatred
Miles would take a few stumbles steps back at your words, each syllable having seemed to throw an invisible jab in his direction. Miles ers had fallen all the way back his tail running string between his legs in shock and fear. His hand would reach out to you in an attempt to stop or seize your actions.
“P-Princess calm down.. I-I…”
You’d cut him off with a bark
“You changed me! I gave you everything I had, I showed you the way of our people and I taught you our language and I did that out of love, love for you! I don’t even know who I am anymore miles! I want my life back…” sobs would leave your throat as you continued your tantrum. “I mated with you, I mated with you before Ewya and you just- you just ended up using me for some mission. You used me for a mission, so why would you have even said you loved me? Can’t you see how fucked up that is?” Vigorously you’d strain of your restraints wanting to tackle miles and claw his eyes out.
A sniffle would fill the air as you stared into miles yellow, honey colored eyes tears spilling from yours.
“I trusted you.”
Miles mouth was agape as he stared back into your eyes his body now stuff like stone, rigid and stuck in one place.
“If you hate being called a monster then why act like one miles? You aren’t him. You aren’t a monster. So why act like one? Why act like one when you could change?!”
Again science would fill the air as you spat and barked your words at miles. Your ears high and alter while his fell backwards trying to avoid as much pain as he possibly could. Then suddenly his body would loosen his joints and muscles turning to liquid as he took in a deep breath through his nose his lips puckering as he did so. He’d close his eyes as his ears rose his fists white and tail whipping through the air. The change in body language had you sucking in your breath awaiting his next words or moves. Then he’d speak,
“Alright..” miles would pull a knife, your old knife from his utility belt flipping the blade right side up slowly stalking over to you his steps loud and purposeful.
Lo’ak and Tuk along with Tsireya would all scream at him as he stalked towards you with the knife pulling against their restraints like mad men the clangs and screams filing your ears.
Each step miles took had your ears falling back lower and lower your tail whipping in anticipation of what was to come once the blue alien finally reached you.
“You wanna come at me??..” miles would bark his voice seeming to rattle the earth as he spoke. “then come at me sweetheart!” Miles would bring the knife to the cuffs on your wrist catching the blade on the metal that held the two cuffs together only to break the chains with a loud clang(s) as each little piece hit the floor.
Miles would grab your arm and throw you to the middle of the ships deck. This caused Lo’ak to scream.
“Get your hands off of her!” Each syllable of his was filled by the sound of a pull on his restraints.
“Mawey, Lo’ak, Mawey. Mawey children.” Your voice was calm as you looked to the eyes of the Children infront of you.
Painstakingly you’d lift yourself from the floor a grimace plastering your face as you gripped your side pain shooting through the left side of your body. ‘mawey’ you’d take a deep breath as you got yourself in a stance ready to fight the love of your life for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Miles tail would whip as he faced you off your knife still in his hand as he stared you down. Despite his body language his eyes betrayed him. His eyes were sad, and filled with regret as he stared into yours. It made a ghost of a girl plaster your cheeks as you stared back at your lover emotions from earlier still lingering in your veins. And what seemed to be when miles was just about to pounce a beep and static would fill the air as Jake called in through you and Lo’ak’s neck pieces causing miles ears to perk.
“(Y/N), Lo’ak we’re 30 minutes out what’s your position over?” Jakes words would pierce through the silent air which surrounded all of you.
Your hands would reach for your neck piece you actions causing miles to finally pounce towards your form in a hurried and frantic manner, unsuccessfully you’d try to doge the man only to find yourself on the ships cold, hard floor once more pain shooting through your left side once more causing you to choke out in pain and grin your teeth. Miles would gasp at this almost jumping off of your form in panic and worry as his hand cupped your cheek. His eyes said a million words as he looked down at you. He wanted to say something, maybe to apologize, but he didn’t. His eyes did. He’d slowly reach for your neck piece removing ‘the pice of junk’ in your words with ease and strapping it around his own. Then, his gentle and warm fingers would search for your ear piece gently removing the device from your ears and placing it in his own.
Miles would stare into your eyes and take in a shuddered breath as he continued to sit on top of you making sure to keep most of his weight on his feet. Slowly his hand would reach for the neckpiece to contact Jake.
“Well hello there Jake, I think my voice gives you a pretty clear picture of their position. Be here in 30 and I’ll be waiting for ya. And don’t make me regret keeping them and the little one alive. Over.” Miles words were precise and direct as he spoke to Jake.
Then unexpectedly miles would jump from you only to grip your arm once again and pull your body from the floor in a much calmer manner than before. His eyes would meet yours once again as he pulled you towards the inside of the ship your body easily complying with his wants and needs. How could you not when those eyes, his eyes were so patronizing not to obey? The three children would scream for you, you yelling back that ‘I’ll be okay.‘ before you were engulfed into the darkness of the ship, the sun no longer shining.
After what seemed like hours of Miles rushing and dragging you around the ship you’d finally stop in front of a door with a sign that read ‘office’. Wasting no time miles would quickly kick the door open and hastily throw the both of you inside.
The room was small, cramped even. It barley had enough height to fit miles you thanking Ewya for being ‘short’ for once in your life. Large and Rushed hands Would pick your weakened and beaten up Form from the floor your toes dangling in the air as your rear end was placed onto a desk. Confusion painted your face as you looked to Miles face. His head low as he rummaged through a few drawers to the right of you a ‘mm’ leaving his mouth once he seemed to find what he was looking for.
You’d shake your head as you looked up at mikes miles
“You’re so bipolar.” Your tone was sharper and more annoyed than intended.
The tone of your words had miles body recoiling away from your words his ears instantly falling backwards as a look of dread crossed his ‘beautiful’ blue face. He was expecting you to scold and yell at him again. Waiting for it in fact. You could tell, it felt so strange to see him act and be so vulnerable. A man everyone knew as a ‘monster’ a man that strived for ‘power’ and ‘dominance’ now shying away from your words as if they were a disease. It made a deep sigh leave your throat. As your ears fell back.
“I- I’m sorry…” you we’re about to apologize, apologize for your tone just now and earlier on the boat but miles shushed you by putting and hand over your mouth.
“No, no (Y/N) you have no right to be sorry. You were right, You’re right about everything. I-I just can’t change. I can’t let this go. This is something I have to finish. The people, those science geeks and Jarheads back at base and earth would never look at me the same if I failed again..” miles trembled whilst speaking the hand covering your mouth shaky and sweaty.
He was obviously going through the same emotions and internal war you had when you had fell in love with him. It made you smile under the big blue and rough hand covering your mouth your lips brushing up against his callouses the contact of lips to skin causing shivers to crawl up your spine. So instead of speaking, you decided in this moment actions would speak louder than words. A small hum would leave your lips as your delicate fingers trailed up miles forearm slowly making their way to the hand that covered your mouth, making sure you kept eye contact with miles whilst you did so. Gently you’d pull his hand from your mouth and flip it around so that the back of his hand was now facing you. Miles was watching you intently his eyes solely focusing on where your hands where trailing up his body. His is body having seemed to have gone from rigid to a mix of jello and stone. With that you’d finally, slowly plants soft and delicate kissed to each and every one of miles fingers trailing up and down each digit till satisfied, once feeling satisfied you’d plant a couple more soft and wet kisses to the back of miles hand never once taking your eyes off of miles and his reactions.
The sounds of Miles sucking in a breath would fill you with a sense of pride. Although you weren’t trying to tease him, no, you just wanted to show him how much you loved him. You wanted to ease his mind and calm him. Because either way, whatever he did or whatever path he chose you knew deep down, you’ll always love him. Some part of you somewhere will..
“I’ll always love you miles, no matter what.” ‘No matter what’
With that you’d shut your mouth and remove it from the back of miles hand wrapping your 4 digits with his 5. The feeling of his fingers interlocking with yours filled you with warmth. Gently you’d pull miles to you your free hand finding it’s way to his cheek as you pulled him in for a kiss. A passionate and loving kiss, mikes would reciprocate the action by squeezing your hand in his, his free hand finding your waist caressing your side gently making sure not to injure you any further. Soon your loving kiss would turn into a hot make out both of your hands flying at each other wanting to pull each other as close to one another as possible each of you only pulling away when one of the other needed a breath.
A chuckle would leave miles throat, a string of saliva connecting the two of you breaking as he pulled away. Miles would close his eyes and pur as he rested his forehead against yours. ‘He’s so warm’ was the only thought that filled your mind.
“Let’s get ya some air huh?” Miles would whisper as he pulled a mask from the side of his belt. His free hand pulling a strand of hair behind your ears.
Miles would lift the mask to your face, the action had your ears falling back with unease. You didn’t trust ‘sky people’ things and that had you turning your face away from his mask. Miles would pull the mask back and raise both of his hands in a surrending like manner.
“Hey, hey it’s all right princess. Look I’ll go first.” Miles would coo his words placing a soothing hand on top of your thigh “look..” miles kept eye contact.
Miles would pull the mask to his face making sure to keep eye contact with you the whole time. Once the mask was secure the sound of an inhale would fill the room followed by an exhale. Then miles would chuckle as he took the mask from his face.
“See? It’s all right.”
The hand on your thigh would rub big soothing circles causing goosebumps and warmth to crawl up your flesh. Your ears fell back at the sensation of his touch. Heat running straight to your core. ‘Ewya’ you wish you and mikes could’ve been anywhere else at that moment. Not on this ship, not about to get into a fight with your family and the water clan, anywhere but here. ‘Anywhere but here.’
“Okay.” You’d confirm holding your hand out for miles mask. But he’s only ‘tsk’
“No no princess, let me do it.” Miles would insist, grabbing your hand a placing to your side.
You’d just scoff and roll your eyes accepting your fate.
And miles would grin.
Miles would give you a comforting smile as he placed the mask onto your face continuing to rub soothing circles on your thigh. Once the mask was secure miles would give you a nod, Hesitantly you’d suck in a sharp and shaky breath closing your eyes like a child who was scared. Then you’d exhale. your eyes would shoot open and you’d gash. You’d gasp because you didn’t know just how much you needed that air. And miles would just laugh at your reaction.
“Refreshing ain’t it princess?” Miles would coo yet again only to place a kiss to your forehead.
Slowly you’d wrap your hand around miles neck and pull him too you, and again you wished you could’ve been ‘anywhere but here’ your ears would fall back at the thought as you stared into miles golden yellow eyes. But quickly you’d push the thought out of your mind and close the distance between you and miles yet again. When your lips met everything around you seemed to disappear, that was until the sound of jakes muffled and buzzed out voice filled your ears and miles quickly pulled away from you.
Then his eyes would dart back to yours his hand leaving your old neck piece. And the look he gave you had your gut sinking and mouth speaking before you could process.
“They’re here…”
Authors note: I just gotta say gawsh damn this took forever for me to get out. So like sorry about that guys. 😅<3
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.7
@kimqueenofhell @strawberrytodes @esposadomd @kitty-cat-luver @spookyspecterino @vane28282 @Perlious-pasta@Fayenijimura@gayfagdownthestreet @anbanananna @pinkpotatoqueen @witxhy-lexx@perseny@seashelldom@Fairrydairry@Meuw101@Blueberry-thrawn@Blossom618@Liaaaaalove@kadu-5607 @Rayan39@4shbug @Missmokaaa@Tmblersexyw0man@sarcasticrandy @feral-yashiro @Usedcloves@maxinej @hobbledehoy26 @weepingwitchofthewest @afandommultiverse-main @wraith-queen-todd @deltaxgene @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @deliciousdilfmentality@Urmama111@sofiebstar@Tkemaladze@kaiisntokay@Sizzlingdragonfriendprune@Blossom618@creampuffx14 @neteyamsbulletwound @nieshiren @Peggy206@jinx210 @Kenziieeee@dulcetious-phase @kassada @gremlinfuck @starkaye @rdeville @boss-baby-jongho @Bbylime @mad-simp420 @aonungs-tsahik @Sillylovedragon@shuriri4life @Gen-west@Anone01@Marysblogssss@cullenswife @ikranwings @sarcasticrandy @Simp-sarah@rdeville @blue-1505 @willow-sages @leon-090-blog @hangezoes-wife
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jinkoh · 6 months
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(don't) wait up on me
wooseok x reader
summary: moving in with your childhood friend/former crush doesn't seem like a good idea but you were just so bad at saying no...
tags: childhood friends, roommates, mutual pining, slow burn, jealousy (y/n is dating someone else in between), severe case of idiots to lovers, hurt/comfort, gn reader (but wears make up/jewlery), reader is a year older, somewhat alternating pov, SFW; warnings: alcohol consumption
word count: ~13k
a/n: back with some ptg after a long time~ so i started writing this fic in september 2022 and uuuh i wasn't sure i would ever complete it but it would have been such a waste to abandon this when it already had over 10k. i wont lie this story is definitely a little messy but somehow i'm still attached, maybe just bc it's been with me for so long. either way i hope you enjoy. &go listen to navy blue or sth~
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You'd known Wooseok since you were in first grade, when his family moved in next to yours. He was a year younger than you and so incredibly adorable. The two of you immediately grew close. Neither of you had any actual siblings but Wooseok really felt like a younger brother to you.
He followed you around so much, you probably spent more time together than apart.
Your parents were just as close and it wasn’t uncommon for both families to have dinner together. His mom clearly adored you, treating you as if you were her child as well. Their flat felt like a second home to you.
You went to the same schools too (you teased him about it, saying things like "aw, can't believe you followed me to middle school and now you're following me to high school too" without meaning anything by it, the way the tips of his ears grew red going unnoticed).
He hit a growth spurt sometime around high school, towering over most of his classmates and absolutely towering over you. Maybe things started to feel a little different to you, but you decided to ignore it. You had to ignore it in order to keep the friendship you had intact.
Even though you'd both hit puberty and all that stuff, he still didn't cut it down on the physical contact, throwing himself onto you like a giant dog that doesn't realize how big he is. The way it made your heart race felt all kinds of wrong. He was supposed to be like a brother to you!
After high school you moved away to study. You purposely chose a university a little further off, in order to put some distance between the two of you and get over this. (If Wooseok found himself tearing up a bit after sending you off he didn't let on.)
Wooseok and you had never texted much and suddenly starting with it now would have been awkward. So, aside from the one or the other "how have you been" or "look what i saw the other day" you were barely in touch, spare for the few weekends you visited home.
You found yourself missing him, but it also made you feel relieved when it gave the desired effect: You started thinking about him less, and even when you saw him the weird feelings from before had subsided.
When the time came for Wooseok to apply to universities as well, he applied to yours as well (just because it has a very good reputation for his subject of course!)
He didn't tell you, feeling kinda awkward about suddenly texting you with info like that. But when the acceptance letter came in he felt like it was too late to tell you. What was he supposed to say? By the way, I applied to your university and will go there next semester?
He didn't have to tell you though, because his mom already did it in his place.
After your move, she would send you food from time to time and the well mannered kid you were, you’d always call to give her your thanks.
In one of these calls—you wanted to thank her for the kimchi she’d sent—she told you about Wooseok being accepted to your university and looking for a place to live now.
The information caught you off guard. Of course, you hadn’t talked as much these days, but you still wondered why he didn’t tell you himself. You would have been so proud of him for getting accepted, especially since your university had a good reputation in the field he wanted to study. So why?
Still a little under shock, you barely paid attention when his mom continued on, about how she’d feel so much more at ease if she knew that Wooseok wouldn’t be by himself in the big town and how your mom had also told her that your lease was running out soon.
When a random, affirmative “mhm” of yours was met with excitement and relief at the other end of the line you knew you’d gotten yourself into something stupid.
“Really, y/n, I’m so glad that the two of you will live together. Of course, we’ll help you look for a flat.”
You didn’t quite share her excitement, but you also couldn’t back out now, not when she always treated you so well. And it wasn’t as though you were uncomfortable with Wooseok. You’d long gotten over whatever those odd feelings were!
Wooseok also wasn’t the fondest of his mom's administrations. She had practically painted him to be some lost helpless country bumpkin who wouldn’t survive a day in the city by himself. And that was the last thing he wanted you to think about him.
He'd always hated being a year younger than you, because he felt as if it caused him to miss out on so much. Not only had he never had the chance to be in the same classes with you; he also felt as if you didn’t take him seriously. Neither you nor your friends ever considered him cool. No, he was always just the cute "brother" that you took care of.
So yes, his mom doing this bothered him. But at the same time it was only thanks to her that he got to live with you now. And how could he ever hate that?
Seeing you everyday didn't really help the crush he had on you. The domesticity of it all was painful to bear; the way you looked all cute and sleepy when you got your morning coffee or how you rested your head against his shoulder as if it was nothing, while the two of you were huddled together on your tiny couch.
You got closer again too, of course you were, you were literally living together.
And even though he loved it to be close to you again, it also made him realize how truly impossible it seemed for you to see him as anything more than a friend or little brother.
It also felt as if you were drawing some kind of line between the two of you. You knew his friends and they sometimes hung out at the flat. At this point they were your friends too and when Hyunggu or whoever was hosting a party it was a given that Wooseok could bring you along.
But you never really let him spend time with your friends nor did you invite them over. It made him feel left out.
(You, of course, had a reason for that—but how would he know that?)
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One evening when you got up from the couch, leaving the movie night behind in favor of getting ready to go out with your friends, he felt himself getting upset, a little jealous. Why couldn't you just stay home with him? Or your friends could come over instead? He didn't say that though. Instead he just watched you scurry around with a pout. When you retrieved something from the couch table, something inside of him snapped and he latched onto your wrist.
You chuckled the way one would laugh at the cute actions of a child and tried to shake him off, telling him you really had to get ready.
But instead of letting you go he just moved to wrap his arms around your waist.
"Can't you just stay home today?" he asked, still pouting but not looking up at you.
You felt your breathing catch and your heart skip a beat but quickly shook the feeling off. Chuckling again, you peeled his arms off and told him to stop being a baby.
He mumbled a barely audible "I'm not being a baby,” but you didn’t pay it any mind. Instead, you finished getting ready, grabbed your keys and made your way to the front door.
“Don’t wait up on me,” you shouted from the hallway, before letting the door fall shut behind you. 
The sentiment of his touch still lingered, leaving a tingly feeling in its wake. You knew this was bad, really bad.It was as if all the progress, the moving on, that you’d worked so hard on had gone down the drain in a split second, just because of a mere touch.
You leaned against the closed door for a moment, taking a few steadying breaths before reaching for your phone to text your best friend Claire. Sadly, your hand came up empty. You’d left your phone on the table.
But you didn’t want to go back inside, you couldn’t. So you decided to just leave, hurrying to make it on time to your meeting place with Claire.
She noticed right away that something was up with you, immediately asking if something had finally happened between you and Wooseok.
See, that’s the problem with oversharing: Even when you think they will never meet the person in question since he literally lives in a different town, you could never be entirely sure. And then you’re stuck with a best friend who knows that you used to crush on your now-roommate and teases you about it relentlessly.
When she wiggled her eyebrows at you knowingly, it was reconfirmed once more that not letting her meet him for more than a split second was the right choice. You loved Claire with all your heart, but you couldn’t trust her to keep her mouth shut.
She eventually let the topic go though, after you insisted that nothing had happened, and you made your way to the party she’d been invited to. It was her lawyer boyfriend’s crowd. Most people there seemed to be a little older than you, 4 to 5 years maybe, and so put together that you felt out of place in your worn out sneakers.
You sat in some corner nursing your drink when a guy came up to sit next to you asking if you were doing okay. He was handsome with his slicked back hair and the rolled up sleeves of his white dress shirt.
He wanted to know what's wrong and because he was so sweet and because you were already getting tipsy, you actually told him about what was preying on your mind. He listened to you calmly, letting you get it all out. Then he smiled softly. “Maybe you just needed a bit of a distraction?”
You didn't sleep with him that night. You could have, it was clear from the way he looked at you. But you hadn’t wanted to and he hadn’t pressured you either.
Instead you just talked for a really long time at the party and he walked you back to the station afterwards. You talked so much and walked so slowly that you missed your bus, so he offered to call you a cab. You declined, but he insisted.
Before the cab arrived he asked if he could have your number.
An apologetic smile crossed your face. “I actually forgot my phone.”
“Ah I see, guess I'm being rejected.” He chuckled defeatedly.
“No, I promise it’s not an excuse. I really did forget my phone. My friend scolded me about it too.”
He considered you for a moment, his gaze wandering from one eye to the other before he nodded slowly.
“Mhm, then, how about this-” He started cramming out a pen and a piece of paper from his bag, scribbling something down before he handed it to you. “I’ll just give you my number, and if you feel like it you text me. And if you don’t, you don’t. Okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
The cab arrived and he paid before opening the door for you and saying goodbye with a kiss to your cheek.
It was probably around 3 or 4 am when you unlocked the door to your apartment. You tried to be quiet, tiptoeing through the living room to get to your room, when you noticed soft breathing noises. Wooseok was curled up on the sofa, that was way too small for his height, sleeping soundly.
You walked over and pulled a blanket over him, shaking your head with a fond smile. "I told you not to wait up on me,” you whispered barely audibly, more to yourself than to him.
He blinked his eyes open and looked at you through the dark, his hand latching onto yours.
"You forgot your phone.” His voice was thick with sleep. “I was worried.”
You swallowed around the lump that was building in your throat and pulled your hand away.
"If you're awake now you should go to sleep in your bed.”
He made some grumpy noise instead of a proper reply and you just disappeared to your room.
When you were laying in bed, you still saw his sleepy eyes in front of you, looking at you through the darkness with drowsy affection.
It drove you crazy.
You tiptoed out of bed and got the little piece of paper out of your jeans pocket, before you slipped back under your blankets.
And then you texted the guy.
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You met up with him a few times after that and he absolutely pampered you. He was always so sweet, inviting you to dinner or a coffee and seeing you home afterwards.
Wooseok caught on eventually, watching you with eagle eyes when you put on perfume or wore shoes that he knew you saved for important occasions. You didn't have to say you were going on dates for him to know and when he eventually asked about it you admitted to meeting someone.
It stung when he heard you say it but he couldn't stop his curiosity. So he asked more about him, his name and what he was doing and how old he was.
He immediately regretted asking. Knowing that he was older and a lawyer just made his insecurities worse. Curiosity killed the cat has never rang so true.
Why did it have to be someone older than you? Why did it have to be someone with a proper job and money while he was just some broke student?That guy would treat you to fancy dinners, while Wooseok was the pathetic roommate for whom you had to cover the rent when his money was getting tight. It haunted him but he couldn't say anything about it. What right did he have?
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You started spending less time at the flat and more time with the lawyer guy.
It was good to have a distraction, you told yourself (even if it didn't really work at all. even if you were still thinking about Wooseok all the time, the way he looked at you, the way his hand felt wrapped around your wrist).
Aside from your uncooperative heart, the dates were going well. It had felt a little one sided at first, you only sharing your worries and him not sharing any of his. But as you spent more time together he also started to confide in you about stress from work. He told you about his family too, his older sister, his mom and all these things.
"Maybe you can meet them sometime" he said one afternoon and it sounded casual but when you met his eyes you felt a heavy meaning behind it.
You just smiled and nodded, saying you'd love to but feeling a little unsettled about it. Maybe it wasn't fair to meet him when you were clearly having feelings for someone else.
He noticed your sudden change in mood though and reassuringly took your hand in his.
"No pressure, dear. I'm not trying to force you into anything, okay?"
He was always like that, showing you how interested he was in you but still giving you time and space.
Eventually, he asked you if you wanted to make it official and date him. You hesitated, not sure if it was okay to say yes, but he smiled softly and told you that he didn’t mind if you didn't feel that way about him yet or that you were still hung up on your childhood friend. You could just try, right?
So you found yourself saying yes.
Dating him was nice. He still treated you well, taking you out for dinner or buying presents for you (even though you kept insisting he didn't need to). You started spending most of your weekends at his place and it almost felt as if you were living someone else's life.
His flat was big and clean and fancy. There weren't any dirty dishes on the counter (that Wooseok didn't do again), because your boyfriend had a dishwasher that took care of it. His couch too looked expensive and was actually big enough for two people to sit on comfortably. (Nothing like the small ratty couch in your flat, that barely fit Wooseok on it by himself, leaving the two of you to always huddle together in order not to fall off.)
Everything in your boyfriend's flat was better from an objective point of view. But it didn't feel much like a home.
You were at his place again that weekend, sitting together on his couch and watching TV.
After glancing at the time and realizing it was already afternoon you untangled yourself from him in order to head back.
"You don't have to go home though. You can just stay."
You shook your head. “I can’t, I have to prepare for my classes.”
“Can’t you do it from here?”
“I don’t have my things here.”
“Why not?”
"Huh?" You looked at him in confusion.
"I mean. Why don't you have some of your things here?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're here every weekend anyway. Why not leave some stuff here?"
You just stared at him, not knowing how to reply. It never occurred to you to do that. Somehow you'd always felt like a guest in his home. Clearly it hadn't been his intention to make you feel that way but you did and it didn’t seem appropriate for a guest to leave things around.
"Or you know," he continued "you could also just move in. I have enough space."
You hadn’t known what to say before, but now you were completely at a loss of words. You just stared at him in disbelief. Eventually, he smiled and leaned in to you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear before he got up from the couch.
"Just think about it, hm?"
You nodded and then he helped you gather your clothes and drove you back.
When you reached home Wooseok was  sitting in the living room. He barely acknowledged you walking in. Things had been like this between the two of you for a while now; a little awkward, a little cold. You hated it but maybe that’s what was necessary in order to get over him?
You sighed and went to the kitchen, being welcomed by a stash of dishes in the sink. It struck a nerve with you, but you didn’t want to pick a fight, so you just sighed again. After getting yourself a glass of water you disappeared into your room to prepare for classes. But somehow you couldn’t stop thinking about what your boyfriend had said. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea?
When you got out of your room later that evening with your laptop under your arm Wooseok was sitting there again (or still?). You squeezed yourself onto the couch next to him, but instead of scooting over he just got up to leave without even saying a single word.
It made you angry. Why was he treating you like this? You glared after him but when he didn't turn around you snapped. 
"Are you being serious right now?!"
He turned around then, looking annoyed. "What?"
"Are you seriously going to ignore me like this? You haven't seen me all weekend and this is what I come home to?!"
You were angry but mostly you were hurt by his behavior.
Wooseok just shrugged. "If it bothers you then don't come home I guess. You're at his flat all the time anyway, why do you even bother?"
That stung. That really really stung.
You didn't want to have tears welling up in your eyes but you couldn't help it.
"Maybe I should! He asked me to move in with him, and I might just say yes!"
You shut your laptop angrily to get back to your room. When you walked past him Wooseok was looking at you with big eyes.
"...are you really?"
You avoided his gaze. "Maybe. What's it to you?"
With that you disappeared to your room, slamming the door behind you.
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After the fight you texted your boyfriend if you could stay with him for a bit. So, the next day after classes he used his break to pick you up before driving back to work. Left alone in the flat you felt a little lost. You'd never been there by yourself and somehow you were worried about touching or dirtying or using anything. What if something broke? You supposed though, that this feeling would go away if you stayed a little longer. You sat down on his couch to do your university work and then ordered food because you didn't dare to use his kitchen.
You stayed like this with him for a few days, him often working late but always making sure to call you in his lunch break. It was sweet, really.
One evening, when he came home a little earlier than usual, he caught you sitting on the couch, the pizza carton from your dinner still on the couch table. He looked at it kinda funnily and you immediately apologized for not throwing it out yet.
But he just shook his head with a smile. "Y/n, have you been ordering pizza for dinner every day this week?"
He laughed softly before he leaned in to kiss you on the cheek. “You know I have a kitchen right? You're allowed to use it."
You chuckled awkwardly.  “I'll keep that in mind."
And yet, the next day, you found yourself eating pizza again.
As the end of the week approached, you realized you hadn't packed for staying a long time. Of course, you could hypothetically wash at his place but it was another thing you didn't feel comfortable doing and somehow the prospect of him handling your dirty laundry felt even worse. So, it was time to stop at home to pick up some fresh clothes …or to go home for good.
The two of you were cuddling on Thursday night, when you told him and he was mumbling into your neck that he could just drive you on the weekend. But you insisted on going by yourself. You felt it was better not to let him run into Wooseok right now but you didn't tell him that.
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When you unlocked the door at home on Friday it was so quiet you assumed you were alone. You went to the kitchen to fetch your favorite tea. But as soon as you walked in, you stilled for a moment. It was squeaky clean, no dishes anywhere, nor any crumbs.
Still caught up in your surprise you didn't notice that Wooseok had walked up to the kitchen.
"You're back," he said, standing in the door frame with big surprised eyes.
Seeing him again after a few days made your chest feel warm. None of the anger of the last time you'd seen him was left, you were just glad to have him around. You looked at him for a moment before you shrugged.
"This is still my home too, you know."
"I thought… maybe you wouldn't come back anymore."
You raised the package of tea in some sort of wave. "I'm just picking up a few things."
Wooseoks face fell. "Oh."
The air between you turned tense again, so you tried to escape the situation by slipping past him into the living room to gather some things. Wooseok silently trailed behind you like a lost puppy, as you went from room to room to put this and that into your bag. When you went over to your bed to pack your pillow, Wooseok was watching you from the door frame.
"Can't you just... stay?"
You already wanted to decline but when you looked up and your eyes met his, your heart sank. He looked so sad. You just couldn't say no to him
You put your pillow back down before you slowly nodded. "Maybe just for a bit."
The two of you made some makeshift dinner in the kitchen together and even though it was a bit of an interesting combination it tasted like heaven after days of pizza only. The rest of the evening was spent huddled together on the couch. It felt familiar and comfortable and like home. Only now you realized how much you'd missed this over the past week. 
You completely forgot that you were supposed to go back to your boyfriend, only getting reminded when your phone vibrated on the table later that night, a message popping up on the screen.
where are you?
Wooseok must have seen it too from the way he quickly averted his eyes when you glanced over at him. He was trying really hard to look anywhere but your phone screen, when you picked it up to reply. 
sorry I’ll stay home after all
Then you set your phone aside again, resting your head against Wooseok’s shoulder and focusing back on the movie.
After a while he cleared his throat.
"Don't you have to like... go back to your boyfriend or something?" It sounded timid.
"Not today."
You thought you saw a little smile tug at the corners of his lips but you didn't comment on it.
It was the first weekend in a while that you were spending at the flat with Wooseok. It really felt as if you'd never fought in the first place and you could almost trick yourself into thinking the awkwardness hadn't happened either.
But then from time to time there were small moments where you felt as if he was tiptoeing around you, like the way his hand sometimes halted before touching you and then pulled away, or how he looked at you as if you could just disappear any second.
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On Monday you had to go back to your boyfriend’s place since you'd left your laptop (and other things) at his and you could only last so long without them.
Somehow you felt caught between the chairs. You knew your boyfriend would want you to stick around. But you’d only just made up with Wooseok and you didn’t want to leave him alone again. You couldn’t.
You went to his flat when you knew he was at work, messaging him that you'd pick up your things. He didn't seem happy about it but he didn't try to stop you either. What he did try though, was telling you to wait until the evening so he could drive you home. But you felt as if in the end, instead of driving you home he'd probably convince you to stay after all so you declined.
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You met up with him later that week for dinner. He picked you up with a flower bouquet in his hand. Even now after you’d been dating for a while, he was still showering you in small gifts and tokens. It honestly felt a little too much, as if he was trying to buy your affection, but you tried to be grateful, since convincing him to stop hadn’t worked.
While the two of you were sitting at your table, waiting for the food to come, he asked you if you'd thought about moving in together.
“I’m not trying to pressure you,” he assured. “I just want to know what you’re thinking.”
You slowly moved your head from side to side. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve only just patched things up with Wooseok, I don’t want to risk this…”
Your boyfriend nodded but there was worry in his eyes.
"I know you don't want to hurt him. But you can't always put him first, dear. Maybe a little distance would be for the best. You need to stop waiting for something that won’t happen."
His words made you swallow. Was that really what it was? Were you waiting? And did it really have no chance of happening? 
You switched topics after that, talking about this and that, from work and university to your upcoming birthday. He asked if you’d be okay to spend your birthday evening with him since it conveniently fell onto a Saturday. Somehow you considered for a moment, racking your brains for potential reasons to decline, before ultimately saying yes when you came up empty.
After dinner, the two of you strolled through town for a bit. Most shops were already closed but you stopped here and there to gaze in through the lit up store windows. At a jeweler, your gaze got stuck on a necklace in the display. Your boyfriend noticed and smiled.
"You like that one, huh?"
"Yeah. actually—no that will probably sound childish."
Your boyfriend bumped you in the side "No, tell me."
"Actually that necklace is from an older collection. It came out years ago and I fell in love at first sight when I saw it back then."
"Oh, like what happened when I first saw you?" He grinned and you rolled your eyes before turning back to the necklace.
"I actually made a promise to myself back then. That I would buy it with my first proper paycheck."
"That's cute,” he said and it somehow made you feel childish after all. It made sense though, the price of the necklace was probably just peanuts to him with his well paying lawyer job. You shook your head and dragged him to move on. "Let’s go."
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When your birthday rolled around you were woken up by a timid knock on your door. You groaned in reply and Wooseok shuffled in, a glass with chocolate milk in his hand. It was a small tradition from when you were kids to have chocolate milk with colorful sugar sprinkles on birthdays. The last time you’d done this was probably when you were around 7th grade, so him reviving this tradition now that you were living together warmed your heart.
He set it onto your night stand with a small smile. “Happy birthday, y/n.”
You sat up in bed to take a sip from it. "Thank you.”
“You have a little—” Wooseok chuckled, gesturing at his lips. “Yeah, you got it,” he continued as your tongue darted out to get rid of the milk stuck on your upper lip.
Then you realized the slightly burned smell wafting into your room.
"Uhm, Wooseok, do you have something on the stove?"
His eyes grew wide and he rushed out of the room with a panicked “Oh, no, the pancakes!”
When you came to the kitchen a little later, it was an utter mess. Wooseok was scurrying around trying to plate some slightly burned pancakes with cinnamon and maple syrup. As soon as he noticed your presence, he started pouting.
"You weren't supposed to come in," he complained, his eyes wandering to the little tray he'd started to prepare with a glass of orange juice and the plate of pancakes on it.
Seeing the effort he’d put into this (even if it didn’t go perfectly well) gave you a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. 
"Sorry," You said with an apologetic smile, feeling sorry for destroying the surprise. "But this way we can eat together?"
He was still pouting but reluctantly agreed and the two of you sat at the table to have breakfast. He told you about what he'd come up with for your birthday, giving you a bunch of options to choose from. It included stuff like watching your favorite movie, going to the zoo, taking a walk, playing laser tag, etc.
It was cute how he'd thought about what to do for your birthday but still gave you room to choose yourself. Honestly speaking, you wanted to do everything on his list.
Sadly, since you'd promised to have an early dinner with your boyfriend, that fell flat. He'd managed to reserve a table at a really fancy restaurant that had a sheer endless waiting list. So, since you’d taken your time with breakfast and would have to get ready before dinner there wasn't really that much time to do many things from the list.
You didn't dare to look up at Wooseok when you told him.
"Oh," he replied. "But, uhm, do you still want to do something before that though?"
“I’d love that.” A relieved smile washed over his face at your words.
The two of you decided to get some coffee from your favorite café and then just strolled through the park close to your college. Two geese were waddling around on the grass, loudly quacking at each other.
"Don't they kinda sound like old ladies having an argument?" You giggled.
Wooseok joined in on your laughter. "Marianne," he quacked. "Did you really bring your divorced son to church on sunday?!"
You bursted into laughter, almost spitting out the sip of coffee in your mouth.
"Listen, Karen," You chimed in, your voice funny too. "The lord forgives all."
The two of you fooled around like that for a while, Wooseok making you laugh to the point where tears formed in your eyes. You couldn't remember the last time you'd had this much fun. While your boyfriend was a sweetheart, he wasn't one to joke around that much.
After a while your eyes fell onto a clock in the park making your eyes grow wide. It was way later than anticipated and you really had to get going now in order to get ready. You didn't want to admit it but you would have much rather spend your time with Wooseok than to go to that fancy dinner. But the table was already booked and you'd promised to go. So, the two of you went home, you got ready and then waited for your boyfriend to pick you up.
The restaurant was really nice but it once again gave you that feeling of living someone else's life instead of your own. That feeling had been exciting at first, but it was slowly starting to shift to something slightly uncomfortable. Maybe you liked your own life better, burned pancakes and all.
It was just an evening though! And your boyfriend had gone all out to make this possible!
The tiny meals with their fancy names didn't mean anything to you and maybe pizza would have done the job but you smiled and nodded when asked if it was tasty. You shared a dessert, some fancy flan with liquor in it. It was a little too bitter for you but you didn't want to say. You already felt like a child between all these chic people, you didn't want to out yourself as someone with a childlike palate on top of it.
"I hope you enjoyed dinner?" your boyfriend asked with the sweetest smile
You smiled and nodded, opening your mouth when he held out a spoon full of dessert for you.
"You really didn't have to do all this though," You said after you swallowed.
"But i wanted to"
"Thank you."
"Now are you ready for your present?"
You looked at him in confusion. You thought this dinner itself was already the present. What more was going to come?
He took out a small box from his jacket and slid it over to you.
"What is this?" Your hands felt oddly sweaty. It obviously wasn't a ring – the box was long and flat – but it still looked expensive.
"Open it.”
The moment your eyes fell onto the shiny necklace inside, you started feeling sick to your stomach.
It was pretty, of course it was. Because this was your necklace. The necklace you'd wanted to buy yourself.
You didn't know what to say and just stared at it.
"Are you happy?"
You felt like crying.
No, you weren't happy at all but you also couldn't really say that after receiving an expensive gift, right?
"Uh- it's unexpected," You pressed out.
"I knew how much you wanted this."
"You were giving me a hint when you told me that story weren’t you?"
Your head shot up and you stared at him in confusion. "What?"
“I thought you were trying to tell me to get it for you, since you can't afford it.”
“No,” You whispered, your voice shaking. "I meant it when I said I wanted to get it for myself.”
"Ah, I see. But now you can just save up for something else instead." He looked caught off guard at first but quickly smiled again. “Shall we slowly get going?"
You nodded, still feeling sick. You closed the box again and stuffed it into your bag while your boyfriend paid. When you left he reached out for one of your hands but you put them into your pockets, pretending not to notice.
"You're coming home with me, right?"
You knew it had been implied in the plans to go back to his place and spend the night together. But right now you just wanted to go home.
Why did you always have to go to his place anyway? Of course, he didn't have a roommate and it was a bigger place and all that. But from time to time it would have been nice if he'd at least offered to come visit you instead of always assuming that you'd to come over…
When you didn't reply he softly nudged you in the side.
"Where are you with your head, love?"
"Ah," you looked at him before averting your eyes again. "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it." His hand pushed back a strand of your hair that had fallen into your forehead. "By the way, where is the necklace? Should I put it on for you?"
"I'm already wearing my scarf now." You chuckled in an attempt to make it come out more lighthearted, but it just sounded awkward. "Maybe later."
"We can just take the scarf off and put it back on?" He suggested, his hand already moving to remove it.
You stopped him by holding onto the soft fabric.
"Maybe later," You repeated with a little more force this time
"So, should we go home?" He asked and it somehow irked you how naturally he referred to his place as home, as if it was yours too.
"I think I want to go back to my place tonight, I'm kinda tired."
He frowned. "What's up with you?"
"I just—It was just a lot today."
"Is it about the necklace?"
You didn't reply.
"Does it bother you that I got it for you?"
"I just," you pressed out, your voice feeling choked up "It was something i wanted to get for myself..."
He sighed. "Don't be so upset, dear. It was a simple miscommunication. You can just buy a different necklace or spend your money on other things.”
He  didn't seem to get your point at all.
"I don't want to spend my money on other things."
"Are you really angry at me for buying you a necklace you wanted?!"
You shrugged, fighting against the tears welling up in your eyes.
"I didn't just want the necklace. I wanted to buy it."
"Fine," he said, sounding annoyed. You couldn't remember hearing his voice like this before. "If it bothers you so much we can just bring it back and you can choose a different one. And then someday if you have the money you can buy this one for yourself.”
"It won't be the same anymore. If I buy it now it won't feel the same.”
"So what do you want me to do then?"
"I don't know. I just wanna go home."
“Okay. I'll drive you.”
You shook your head. “No, not today.”
"C'mon just let me drive you. I'll feel unsettled to let you go by yourself at this time of day."
"I'm okay. Really. So please..."
"Fine." He turned to go to his car that one of the restaurant’s workers had already driven up again.
"Wait," you followed a few steps behind.
He turned back at you with a smug smile, ready to open his car door for you. But instead he was met with the little jewelry box that you held out to him.
He sighed. "You really don't want to keep it?"
"I can't."
You watched him as he drove off and the second he was gone you crouched down on the pavement, sobbing.
You were hurt and frustrated. Of course, your boyfriend hadn't meant any harm, but it felt as if he didn't understand you at all. Him gifting you this necklace almost felt as if he was looking down on you, telling you that you wouldn't ever be able to afford it yourself anyway. Maybe you were being overly petty about this, but you wished he had at least said sorry instead of only justifying himself or trying to convince you it wasn't something to be hurt about. He'd tainted this for you and even if you'd buy this necklace for yourself someday it would always have a bitter after taste.
You cried and sobbed your heart out, ignoring the odd looks you got from people passing by. You didn't feel like getting up and walking to the station, nor did you want to sit in the tram looking like this. But you couldn't call a cab, because your boyfriend was right, you were just some dumb little girl without money.
This was probably the worst birthday you’d ever had, you thought. But then you remembered the way it started, and the memory of it managed to put a small smile on your lips.
You took out your phone and opened Wooseok’s chat.
can you pick me up? you texted, your finger hovering over the button for a while before pressing send. 
It took like two seconds before Wooseok replied and asked for your location. You sent it to him and then stuffed your phone back into your pocket, hugging your legs to your chest and waiting for him to arrive. Your cheeks felt weird from all the crying and your nose was running and you were cold and you just hoped he’d be there soon.
It probably took him around 15 minutes and you had no idea how he’d managed to do that. He came to a halt with his bicycle when he spotted you, getting off the saddle and pushing it towards you. There was worry in his eyes and his breath came out in puffs and you'd never been this glad to see someone before.
Wooseok didn't ask any questions. Instead, he just parked his bike and crouched down in front of you. He got out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped away your tears and helped you blow your nose. You should have probably felt terrible about it, having someone younger than you take care of you like that, but you just let it happen.
He helped you up and told you to hold on tight when you got onto the back of his bicycle. You wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your head against his back. The warmth of his body felt soothing and comforting and you just let him take you home in silence.
As soon as you arrived, he absolutely babied you, making  tea and wrapping you into a cozy blanket as you huddled together on the couch.
He still didn't ask what happened and you were grateful for it, not really ready to talk about it and also unsure if maybe you'd overreacted after all and the whole fight was ridiculous.
Wooseok put on your comfort movie on the TV and you rested your head against his shoulder, feeling your eyes fall shut not even a third into the movie. 
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When you woke up the next day, you found yourself tugged to bed without any memory of getting there. You were still drowsy and sleepy and not aware of your surroundings or anything, really.
Checking your phone for the time, you noticed that your boyfriend had left you a message asking if you got home safely. Seeing it made the memories of the evening return. You recalled the overly fancy dinner and most of all you recalled his oh so thoughtful gift. 
Tears immediately welled up in your eyes again and you hated it. It made you feel pathetic and as though you were making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe you really were being overdramatic, making it bigger than it was.
But it felt as if he destroyed something really important to you. It hurt.
What hurt even more was that he clearly didn't understand your problem at all. To him it was just some necklace,  he couldn't see the value behind it. He couldn't see that it was more than a necklace to you. It was a symbol of making it, of achieving something by yourself.  It stood for independence. And he took that all away from you, by buying you the one thing you didn’t want anyone else to get for you.
You set your phone aside without opening his message and buried yourself under your blanket again, unwilling to face the day yet.
It was Sunday, so with no classes to  attend you were free to do just that. For a while you drifted in and out of sleep, finding yourself sobbing into your pillow in between.
All of this made you feel so wrong.
It wasn't just the necklace. The necklace somehow triggered something bigger; it made you question your whole relationship with him. It made you question why you always felt like someone else when you were with him. As if you were a little kid trying on your mom's high heels.
And you were tired of it. You wanted your own shoes back.
After a while—you must have slipped back to sleep yet again—you heard soft knocking against your door. When you groaned in reply, the door opened a crack and Wooseok stuck his head in.
"Y/n?" he asked softly before slipping into the room and closing the door behind him, a steaming cup in his hand.
You hid your face behind the blanket, convinced that you must be looking like pure horror from all the crying. Heck, now that you thought of it you couldn't remember taking off your make up yesterday so you probably had terrible panda eyes. Probably already did by the time Wooseok picked you up yesterday. 
It was quiet for a moment, before you heard the hesitant shuffling of steps coming closer.
"I made you tea."
You didn't reply nor did you come out from under the blanket.
"Uh, I'll just–uh–put this here," he mumbled and you heard him set the cup onto your night stand.
It got quiet again and you thought he'd leave but then you felt the mattress dip as he sat down on the edge of it. He sat there for a while not really saying anything. You didn't move either.
"Are you okay?" he eventually tried again.
"I'm okay," you replied but your voice came out croaky and thin.
"Won't you come out?"
You shook your head.
"Why not?"
"I'm a mess"
"C'mon, y/n, i saw you after your wisdom tooth removal when you were drooling all over yourself. What could be worse than that?"
He had a point there. This was Wooseok after all, he already saw your most shameful sides anyway. Hesitantly, you pulled down the blanket revealing your puffy face.
Wooseok smiled at you softly. “See? I've totally encountered worse."
Now you had to giggle too and it somehow made tears roll down your cheeks again. 
Wooseok's eyes grew wide and he panicked, lifting his hands to do something, anything, against the tears but not really knowing what. Watching flail so helplessly made you giggle more which in turn made you cry more too. You wiped at the corners of your eyes still smiling as you mumbled a quiet "You're an idiot."
He shrugged. “Takes one to know one."
You just rolled your eyes at him and it got quiet again.
"Tea?" Wooseok asked after a while.
You nodded before sitting up in your bed, leaning against the headboard. He reached out to you, as if he was trying to help you sit (even though you clearly didn't need the help) before he moved his attention to the tea instead, passing the cup to you. You took it in both hands, blowing on it a few times before taking a careful sip.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
You didn't look up at him and stared at the steam of your cup instead. "I don't know."
"You don't have to"
"It's probably stupid anyway."
"If it makes you cry like that it isn't stupid."
You swallowed, feeling tears well up yet again at his words. For fucks sake why couldn't you just stop crying already?!
You shrugged. “We went out for dinner."
"Okay," he replied patiently.
"He bought me jewelry."
"A necklace."
"...It was my necklace," you finally supplied, convinced that Wooseok wouldn't even remember and that you'd have to explain more.
But the moment you said it his eyes widened in surprise "The first paycheck necklace?"
Somehow it moved you that he remembered it.
You nodded slowly.
"And did he uh... did he know?"
Wooseok frowned at you. "Then why would he buy it?!"
Relief washed over you when he asked that, making you feel less like an overdramatic nuisance and more as if your frustration about this was actually valid
"He meant well," you mumbled.
"You don't have to defend him."
"He thought i really wanted it," you defended him anyway.
"But you didn't just want it. You wanted to buy it yourself and he knew that."
You nodded. "Yeah."
He nodded too, realizing that maybe his words weren't the most comforting.
"I'm sorry that happened, y/n"
"Thank you."
"...so what will you do?"
"About him? I don't know..."
Wooseok hadn't meant him, he'd meant the necklace. But when you seemed so unsure about being with your boyfriend a small part of him felt hopeful, almost glad.
He immediately shushed that part though. You were having a horrible time and there was nothing he hated more than seeing you unhappy. This wasn't the time to hope for anything.
"Do you- uh," he interrupted himself, not sure what to do with himself. "Can I do anything for you?"
"Turn back time maybe?"  A shallow laugh escaped your lips.
"You know I would," he said. And he meant it. If he could, he would turn back time to before you even met that guy. "But is there anything a little less impossible?"
Honestly, all you wanted right now were comfort cuddles, but you didn't know if you could ask for that. You stared at the tips of your fingers that were wrapped tightly around the tea cup.
"Maybe we could watch a movie?"
He smiled fondly and nodded.
"Wanna move to the living room then?"
You hesitated. "No."
"Oh." he blushed and looked away from you. "Okay. I'll uh get my laptop then..."
He got up again to leave, but before reaching the door he turned back around to you
"What about food?"
You shrugged.
"I'll get you something."
"...Thank you"
After a while, he came back, carrying way too many things at once as he maneuvered himself into the room. He had his laptop under his arm, a package of waffles in one hand, a small bowl with cut up apples in the other and it seemed like he had something in the pocket of his hoodie too.
You had to chuckle when you saw him coming in
"Do you need help?"
"Mostly I need you to scoot over a bit."
You obliged and he carefully set the food on your nightstand while you pulled out the laptop from underneath his arm.
He halted for a moment before he sat down next to you, slipping under the blanket that you held up for him.
Whatever was in his pocket was making a rustling plastic noise as he sat down.
"Ah, right," he mumbled, pulling out the package of cleansing tissues you usually kept in the bathroom and handing it over to you.
"You know, in case you want to..." He vaguely gestured at his face.
"That bad, huh.” You grabbed the package from his hand with a chuckle.
"It's fine."
You wiped your face, all the smeared left over makeup coming off, while he set up his laptop.
"So, what do you want to watch?" 
"Something corny and romantic."
He scrunched up his face but didn't reject the idea. Instead he googled romantic movies and put on one that he'd heard of before.
In hindsight though, it probably hadn’t been the best choice.
You were munching on a waffle that Wooseok had passed to you as the first scene of Breakfast at Tiffany's rolled over the screen, Audrey Hepburn longingly staring at the bracelets behind the display window.
Wooseok noticed his mistake immediately but it was already too late. When he glanced over at you, big elephant tears were running down your cheeks again, dripping onto the waffle you were eating.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know— should I put on something else?"
You shook your head, still munching on the tear drained waffle.
"I gave it back to him," you mumbled between bites, your eyes still focused on the laptop screen where the movie continued.
"That's good."
"I really wanted to buy it."
"You could still buy it?"
You shook your head again before resting it against Wooseok's shoulder. You felt him tense up for a moment at the sudden proximity.
"It wouldn't be the same."
"... Yeah. I know."
For a while it was silent except for the sound of the movie running, but then Wooseok softly raised his voice again.
"We'll find something new." He scooted down on your bed a bit so he could rest his head against yours.
"We'll find something new that you can gift yourself. And then we won't tell anyone about it so no one can beat you to buying it because no one will know."
"You will know."
"Yeah. But I'd never buy it for you."
"Pinky promise?" You held out your hand in front of him and he intertwined your finger with his
"Pinky promise."
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You knew you couldn’t just ghost your boyfriend forever, he didn’t deserve that. So after holing up at home with Wooseok the rest of the weekend, you decided to face the music on Monday. 
You wrote him a message, telling him you got home well and if he was okay to meet up with you one of these days. The two of you decided on Tuesday. He asked if he should pick you up after classes and take you back to his place but you declined, asking for a walk in the park instead.
Frankly speaking, you weren’t sure how the conversation would go. You weren’t sure what consequences would be drawn for the two of you. But whether you’d break up or not you had the urge to meet in a neutral place. Somehow throughout this relationship, you’d always intruded in his places. Starting with the party where you met, a party of his friends where you’d barely belonged, and continuing from there: His home, his car, his favorite restaurants, the cafés he recommended—you were always his guest. But this time, you needed to be on equal footing.
“Are you going to… break up with him?” Wooseok asked hesitantly between spoons of ice cream, when you told him about it on Monday evening.
“I don’t know,” you replied truthfully, before dipping your spoon into the shared family pack that was sitting on the couch table.
He nodded. “Just do what feels right.”
“I’ll try.” 
“Should we leave some of the ice cream in case you need it tomorrow?”
You looked at the box thoughtfully before taking another spoonful. “Nah, I don’t have that kind of self-restraint.”
“Thank god.”
“You know,” you mindlessly started again. “I wish I could have felt at home with him the way I do with you.”
Wooseok looked at you with an unsatisfied frown. "Why? Is it not enough when it's me you feel at home with? Isn’t one home enough?"
You giggled. “No, I think you’re right. It’s enough, as long as I have you.”
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You weren’t sure what you’d had expected, but somehow everything felt off and different when you met your boyfriend on Tuesday. It was as if a single weekend had made strangers out of you. 
From the moment your eyes met each other on your campus, the two of you were stiff. You didn’t know how to greet him. Were you supposed to kiss and hug? That’s what you usually did but today you didn’t want to.
Seemingly, your boyfriend had similar struggles because he just awkwardly raised his hand in a wave.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” you replied.
You stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say before he nodded in the direction of the park. “Should we go?”
The weird silence returned as you set foot into the park and continued for quite a while afterwards. You could hear the geese quacking in the distance and you would have said something about it if the one walking with you had been Wooseok. But it wasn't.
“So,” he said eventually. “You didn’t just meet me to take a walk in silence right?”
“Well, then talk.”
“I just… I felt really hurt about the present to be honest,” you carefully started.
He scoffed. “Yeah, I noticed.”
You immediately regretted bringing it up. Maybe you were being stupid for making such a fuss after all.
But then Wooseok’s words rang in your head again giving you a little confidence. If it makes you cry like that it isn't stupid.
You took a deep breath.
“I told you that I wanted to buy this necklace for myself and what it meant to me. So when you just bought it for me, it felt as if you didn’t listen to me.”
“I already told you it was a misunderstanding. Usually when your date brings up jewelry it’s because they want it. So I just assumed—is it really something to be so dramatic about?”
You frowned. “I’m allowed to feel hurt about this.”
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way.” 
He didn’t actually roll his eyes but his expression and the tone in his voice made you feel like he did. It was obvious that he didn’t feel sorry at all. And what kind of apology was that anyway? I’m sorry you feel that way? Shouldn’t it be I’m sorry I made you feel that way? But maybe you were being nit-picky.
When you didn’t reply he sighed. “So what now?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Are we seriously breaking up because of a mere necklace?”
“I wasn’t–'' You interrupted yourself. What were you going to say? That you weren’t going to break up with him? Were you really not? 
You shook your head defeatedly. “It’s more than that. But that you can’t see that and that it’s still just a mere necklace to you is part of the problem.”
“Well, if I can’t see it then explain it to me!” The way he raised his voice made you flinch, but you tried your best to stay composed and not let any insecurity show on your face.
Still, your voice quivered when you spoke up. “I just—I feel so small when I’m with you.”
“Small? That’s ridiculous.”
“I’m not saying it’s your fault. But when we’re together I feel small and pathetic. I just do. And I don’t want to feel that way anymore.”
He laughed. “Is this about him? Is he finally returning your feelings now?”
“What?! No! This is about me.”
“Sure, whatever. You can come pick up your things while I’m at work then.”
“I don’t have any things left at your place.”
“Right,” he sneered. “Even better then.”
He turned to walk away, just like that, leaving you standing in the park. You felt yourself choke up. How did things turn out this way? He’d been so sweet all this time, treating you so well. How could everything go down the drain like this? He’d always seemed so mature to you, so why was it you couldn’t talk things out with him?
The geese were closer now, waddling over the green lawn. They were quiet, no conversations of stuck up church ladies to be heard. Not that it made a difference.
With heavy steps you made your way home, bursting out in tears as soon as the door closed behind you. You knew that Wooseok was still at a lecture at this time, so nothing stopped you from crouching down on the floor and sobbing into your knees until no more tears were coming out. Then you trudged over to the couch and buried yourself under pillows and blankets.
Your mind briefly wandered to the ice cream and you were regretting now that you hadn’t saved any for today. 
You must have fallen asleep at some point, because when you woke up, Wooseok was crouching down in front of the couch, looking at you with a worried frown.
“You okay?” He asked, even though you so obviously weren’t.
You shook your head, it was no use keeping up fronts with him anyway.
“Ice cream?”
“We ate it all yesterday.”
A winning smile tugged at his lips. “I bought a new one on my way home.”
“You’re the best. I really love you.”
You hadn’t meant to say that. Or maybe you had, but you clearly hadn’t meant anything by it. Friends say that sometimes, right?
Yet, you noticed the way Wooseok’s ears turned red as he stood up. He cleared his throat. “I’ll get us some spoons.”
“Thanks,” you croaked, desperately trying to play it cool. You’d only just broken up with your boyfriend today, it clearly wasn’t the right time for whatever this was.
He came back with the ice cream and the spoons, motioning for you to scoot over so he could sit next to you. Huddled together on the couch, you put on some movie and watched in silence, eating ice cream until you felt sick. Wooseok didn’t pressure you to tell him what happened, but you knew if you wanted to talk about it, he’d listen to you.
You didn’t feel like talking about it though, not yet. For now you just wanted to sit on the couch together, enjoying the familiarity of it all. 
Eventually you felt yourself getting tired, your eyes unable to focus on the screen anymore, so you excused yourself to go to bed. As soon as you were lying in bed though, you were wide awake again, the argument with your boyfriend—ex-boyfriend—playing on repeat in your restless mind. You kept tossing and turning, unable to calm your thoughts. 
It wasn’t necessarily that you regretted the break-up; how could you stay in a relationship that made you feel like you didn’t belong? But it hurt nonetheless. Despite everything you’d liked being with him. It hurt that it ended like this and it hurt that it ended at all.
Tears were welling up in your eyes again and you sobbed into your pillow, trying to muffle the sounds. You’d lost count of how often you’d cried over the past few days.
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When you dragged out of your room around noon the next day, you found a very surprised Wooseok in the kitchen.
“Y/n? Don’t you have classes?”
You shrugged, before plopping down at the small kitchen table. “I‘m skipping.”
Wooseok frowned, worry written all over his face. But he didn’t comment on it further.
“Coffee?” He lifted the can, shaking it lightly. 
When you nodded he got your favorite mug from the cupboard and poured you some, just the way he knew you liked it. You briefly wondered if your ex would have known how you drink your coffee.
Wooseok put the steaming mug onto the table in front of you before he sat down as well.
“You look tired,” he mumbled after a while. “Were you able to sleep?”
You shrugged again, not really knowing what to tell him. You’d barely gotten rest but it also felt too much to admit to that fact. “It’s fine.”
He didn’t seem satisfied at all but he didn’t press further.
“I have classes later, do you want me to bring something on the way back?” A small encouraging grin appeared on his lips. “More ice cream?”
Despite feeling miserable, the question got a little chuckle out of you. “I never thought I would say this but I think I’ve had enough ice cream for a while.”
“Alright, anything else? Or uhm—,” he halted, clearly contemplating if it was okay to address this or not before he continued. “Do you need me to pick anything up from his place?”
“No, I don’t have anything left there. Thank you though.”
He nodded. “It’s no problem.”
“Thank you.”
Wooseok chuckled. “You already said that?”
“No, I mean—thank you for being there for me.”
His eyes looked at you so fondly, it almost made your heart ache a little bit. 
“Of course I am there for you. I—,” he halted. “I’m your friend.”
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Somehow the break up was taking a real toll on you. Even though you hadn’t been dating for long, you felt incredibly lonely and there were all kinds of other feelings too that you didn’t want to address. It was a terrible thing to say, but despite the relationship in hindsight not being the best for either of you, you’d been grateful for the distraction it had provided. Now that it was over, you were alone again. Alone in your bed, alone with your thoughts, alone with your stupid feelings for someone you shouldn’t be having feelings for at all.
Your emotional tumult kept you tossing and turning night after night, leaving you tired and exhausted in the mornings.
Wooseok had noticed; you were convinced he had. He kept looking at you with worried eyes, clearly unsure if he should say anything or not. But what was he supposed to say anyway? It’s not like he could solve this.
Struggling to fall asleep yet another night, you eventually peeled yourself out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. Maybe drinking a cup of herbal tea could help you find some rest. You sat down at the table sipping on your tea when you heard a door open and Wooseok’s shuffled steps shortly after that as he followed the source of light to the kitchen.
He eyed you with a drowsy frown. “Why are you awake?”
You shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep. Did I wake you up?”
He ignored your question, the furrows between his eyebrows deepening even more. “You haven’t been sleeping these days, have you?”
You averted your gaze, almost feeling as if he was scolding you. “I’ve just been overthinking a lot.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Wooseok took a seat across from you. “Maybe I could have helped you?”
“How?” You huffed a laugh. “By staying awake as well?”
“I wouldn’t have minded.” 
Judging by Wooseok’s pout, you’d sounded a bit too sarcastic. You blamed it on your lack of sleep but you still felt guilty. You tried your best to soften up a little, giving him your best attempt at a smile when you replied.
“At least one of us should get some decent sleep though.”
“Still,” he shrugged. “We could have come up with a solution together.”
“For example?”
“We could watch a movie until you feel sleepy,” he mumbled, and then even quieter, “or you could sleep in my room…”
“Just—! Just because it’s easier to sleep when you’re not alone.”
Of course it wasn’t a good idea to agree to this. But recalling how lonely you’d felt in your bed you couldn’t help but think that he had a point. 
“Maybe,” you said reluctantly, your voice barely a whisper. “Maybe we could try that?”
Despite being the one who suggested it, Wooseok seemed completely caught off guard, looking at you with wide, round eyes. He visibly swallowed.
“I mean, only if it doesn’t bother you.” You didn’t dare to meet his gaze. “But I guess it was a joke—”
“No,” he interrupted. “It wasn’t a joke.”
Just like that, you found yourself awkwardly standing in Wooseok’s door frame a little later, your pillow and blanket slung over your arm. Wooseok sat on the edge of his mattress, his pillow and blanket shoved to one side to make space for you. You’d been to his room a zillion times before, but it felt so different now, so much more intimate.
“You can come in, you know.”
“Right.” Your whole body felt tense as you stepped inside, closing the door behind you. This was a terrible idea indeed.
You let your pillow and blanket fall onto the mattress before crawling into bed, trying to take up as little space as possible. It was weird, really, because you’d never been this careful around him. You were touching all the time, when you squeezed past him in the kitchen or when the two of you huddled together on the couch. Yet, now just the thought of accidentally touching him made your heart race.
Once you’d settled in, he laid down as well, looking stiff as a board.
“I’ll turn the light off,” he commented, already reaching out for the switch of his bedside lamp.
“Right,” you replied once more.
For a moment you just laid in his bed, side by side staring into the darkness. You didn’t turn around to look at him, but you knew he wasn’t asleep. He seemed tense, and you had a feeling he wanted to say something, but it took ages until he finally spoke up. His voice was barely audible, something that didn’t happen often when it came to Wooseok. Still, you heard him just fine.
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Did you—Do you love him?”
“I—,” you started, instinctively wanting to tell him that yes, you did, you do. But you stopped yourself in favor of being honest. What was the use of lying about this, especially now that it was over anyway? 
“No. But I thought maybe I could.”
“Is that why you dated him? Because you wanted to fall in love with him?”
“Is that so wrong?”
“No, it’s just—I don’t get it. Shouldn’t it come naturally?”
When you turned to look at him, his gaze was already on you, his eyes big and round in the halflight of the room. 
“You can’t force yourself to fall in love. You can’t force yourself to fall out of love either.”
For a moment you felt unsettled. Did he catch you? Did he realize your feelings? Unsure what to make of it, you just stared at him through the darkness without replying.
“I’m just saying—,” he added, breaking eye contact. “You don’t have to try so hard.”
You swallowed, your mouth feeling dry. “Yeah,” you whispered. “Thank you.”
He didn't say anything after that and eventually his breathing got slow and even. You couldn't sleep though. His words kept you awake, filling you with a longing for things to be easy, natural, as he'd said. 
"I did it for you too, you know," you almost unconsciously mumbled into the silence, well aware that Wooseok was already sleeping.
Except he wasn’t.
"What do you mean?"
Your eyes widened at the sound of gis raspy voice and you instinctively sat up, ready to escape. "No," you quickly pressed out, "nothing. Maybe I should—"
Before you could say anything about going back to your own room, you felt Wooseok's hand on your own. He wasn't holding onto you and you could have easily pulled away, but it felt warm and comforting covering your own.
"What do you mean?" he asked again.
You let a beat pass by, unsure if you should be honest with them. As though he sensed your indecisiveness, Wooseok gave your hand a little squeeze. 
"What did you do for me?" His voice was so soft, you could barely hear it.
"Dating," you whispered. "Dating him."
You thought you saw him frown. "How could that have been for me?"
You felt a lump in your throat that made it hard to speak. But you'd already been this honest, maybe it was for the best to just lay it all out in the open.
"To get over you," you pressed out.
It was silent. You felt his gaze on you but you didn't dare to look at him. The mattress dipped a little as he sat up too, his hand still on yours. "Why?"
"Because I—," you started but Wooseok wasn’t done yet.
"Why did you think you had to get over me?" He almost sounded sad, and then he definitely did when he tentatively added: "Did it work?"
When you finally turned to look at him, there was desperation in his eyes but maybe also just the tiniest bit of hope.
"No," you admitted. "Not at all."
He let out a sigh you thought was relief as he let his head drop onto your shoulder, just to look up a second later with big black eyes. "Don't try again."
You felt your heart stop at the implication of his words. 
"Why would you try that, when all I wanted all this time was for you to see me?" He still didn’t avert his eyes and neither did you.
"I did," you leaned into him, resting your forehead against his. "I do,” you added.
He tilted his chin up, the tiniest bit, making the tip of his nose touch yours. You saw the way his gaze dropped to your lips and you felt his breath on your skin. You swallowed, your whole body thrumming with nerves. Your eyes searched his for something, and even though you weren’t sure what it was exactly, you thought you found it. You leaned in to kiss him in the same moment that he did, your teeth clashing for a brief moment. You chuckled and he chuckled too, and then you leaned in again, no teeth this time, just lips and love and butterflies.
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You didn't remember how or when you'd fallen asleep. You didn't think you'd been wrapped up in Wooseok's long limbs then as you were now, but you couldn't be too sure. It took you a second to realize where you were and who it was that was koala-hugging you, and then another second to remember yesterday's conversations. You glanced over at his peacefully sleeping face at your side, not a trace of the desperation there that you'd seen at night. It hadn’t been a mere dream, right?
You tried to peel yourself out of his grasp, but Wooseok wouldn't let you go, making a whiny noise in complaint. Defeated, you let yourself relax back into the pillow, soaking up his warmth until he woke up.
You thought he'd be flustered once he'd wake up, and maybe he was, but he still didn't let go, instead nuzzling closer and hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
"That tickles," you said with a giggle. The little sorry he mumbled into your skin tickled even more.
You felt giddy, your stomach filled with butterflies at this display of affection, but at the same time there was a sense of insecurity. What did it all mean exactly? Of course you knew what you wanted it to mean, but was Wooseok on the same plate?
“Hm?” He lifted his head to look at you. His eyes were sleepy and his black hair tousled.
“What now?”
He frowned in confusion. “Breakfast, I guess?”
“No, I mean—what do we do now? About us.”
“So, no breakfast?” He asked and you gave him a little roll of your eyes.
“I’m being serious, you know.”
“I’m also serious,” he replied, and then in a little whisper added, “About us, about you.”
“So we’re doing this, huh? Dating, I mean.”
You felt your chest tighten. “We’re not going to mess this up, right?”
He pulled you closer, nuzzling back into your neck. “No. We’re not. We’ll be okay.”
 You smiled and closed your eyes as you relaxed into his arms. “Okay.”
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“Where are you going?” Wooseok asked, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on top of your head, watching through the mirror as you fixed your makeup. 
“Meeting with Claire and them,” you said. You hesitated for a moment before adding, “you can come along, if you want.”
You saw surprise flash through his eyes. After all, you’d never asked him to come along before. But you’d figured now that he already knew about your feelings for him, there wasn’t really any reason to keep him away from your friends anymore. 
“Hm,” he hummed as if he was contemplating. “Not today, I’m in a couch mood.”
You chuckled. “Another time then.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“I’ll be late, though.”
“I’ll wait.” 
Memories of the way he’d fallen asleep on the couch last time, worried since you’d forgotten your phone, crossed your mind, and you wondered if you’d find him just the same way tonight. Except, this time you wouldn’t have someone else’s number in your pocket and you wouldn't shake off his hand if he reached out to you.
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supertrxshwrites · 9 months
Maneater part II
Jason Todd x Reader
( I might write a short to end this better but uuuh yeah here’s pt.2 sorry in advance for spelling errors I did NOT proofread this…Oh uh I’m tagging you bc I saw your comment on pt. 1 @justyouraveragekleemain )
TW// blood mention, wound, cut,
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“Fuck, me” you say as Jason speeds off into the night,rain sprinkles down leaving small droplets on your arms before its pace picks up and it starts to pour.
You trot back up the stairs to grab your helmet and purse before walking to the closest bus stop, your wait wasn’t too long when you heard the creak of the bus coming to a halt, the hiss of the doors opening takes you back to your high school days. You shake the thought away before stepping onto the bus, you dig through your wallet practically blowing dust off your bus card praying there’s enough on it. You swipe it and the driver nods his head in approval for you to take a seat, the fluorescent lights shining down on the dark blue plastic of the seats. There’s a few people on but you can tell it’s nearing the end of the line, older men with brown paper bags hugging what’s probably a 40oz beer, a woman with two sleeping children and what looks like grocery bags. Only a sight you’d catch on public transit, people from different walks of life in one place. You catch the bus driver looking at you through the mirror, a bit annoyed that you haven’t picked a seat yet, you quickly choose one scooching close to the window sighing as the rain makes a pitter patter sound against the glass. As the bus moves you feel a headache coming on as you start to think about the events of the nights gala experience. You never saw Jason as anything romantically, he’s been your best friend forever and you assumed that he just felt the same way. Once the bus comes to a stop near your apartment you release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, you grab your purse and helmet and step off before crossing the street to your apartment complex. You walk through the parking lot and take the elevator to your floor and finally make it to your door a deep sigh leaving your lungs the second you turn the key in the lock. You throw the helmet on your couch and practically run to your room falling face first into the mattress.
“What the fuck” you say voice muffled from the pillows. You roll over to check your phone to see if maybe Jason has texted you, but there’s nothing.
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About a week goes by since you’ve seen Jason. Not a text, a call or even a knock on your door. You had been blowing him up but not a single answer.
“Whatever” you say to yourself quietly in your empty apartment as you plop down onto the couch to watch some corny show.
That’s when you hear a light tapping sound. The first time you heard it you shrugged it off and continued the show you were watching, but then you heard it a second time which made you nervous. You got up and slowly crept towards your bedroom hoping that it was just rain on the window and you could return to watching TV.
You hear a slight thud on the window followed by a streaking noise. You inhale sharply as you finally have a full view of the fire-escape window in your bed room. The glass is foggy and all that you can make out is the shadow of a person which makes you even more nervous. A pang of nausea hitting your stomach, you step closer and that’s when your heart begins to pound.
“ what the fuck?!” The breathe you sucked in earlier spilling out of you like a balloon. You shuffle over to the window pushing it up and before you can react. The figure falls over onto the floor knocking things over in the process.
“ Hnn..took you long enough..fuu..ck” he says between wheezes
Your eyes widen as you finally collect your thoughts as to what’s unraveling in front of you.
“JASON?!” you say in a confused tone.
“Floors so cold…hnn and soothing” he wheezes out before rolling over slowly, blood spilling from his torso.
You drop to your knees next him.
“YOURE BLEEDING!” Panic settles into every nerve in your body as you try to pull Jason’s massive frame from the floor. Your mind is racing, you hadn’t heard from him in days and now he’s the fucking Red Hood bleeding all over your floor and bedroom?!
“Y/n..” he mutters your name before you continue to drag him to your chair in the living room. His wheeze becoming most prominent when he tries to speak. You shush him for a moment before pressing your temples with your eyes clothes.
“I need a moment” you take a deep breathe before you pull your hair up and grab your first aid kit.
“Look I’m not great at this Jason I’ve never had to patch or sew anyone up before.”
Your eyes dart at every part of him before you sit between his legs and situate your self so you’re able to tend to his wounds without leaning on him too much.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You snap at him as you help him out of his dirty brown leather jacket and lift his shirt up.
“No Jason don’t speak!” You say putting your gloved index finger up
“You take me to a gala! You leave me to find your dad and then embarrass me only to leave me there?!” You say as you dab his cuts with alcohol a wince slipping from his lips.
“And-and- then you ignore me?!” You say angrily as you begin to apply bandages.
“Jesus Christ…can you..shut up!” He says cutting you off through gritted teeth.
“I needed time to think about what I wanted to say to you. How I wanted to apologize about how I acted at the gala-“ he says before the tilting his head back and whimpering in pain.
Your mouth hangs open surprised at his words. You weren’t expecting this from him, you didn’t even consider that he’d apologize for what happened at the gala.
“I..Jay..” you stammer as you close the first aid kit and dispose of your gloves and any dirty tools. For a while you both sit in silence, the soft hum of your fan rotating echoing through your apartment.
“You’re my best friend Y/N, I wanted to tell you about me being Red Hood…then the gala happened and I was so mad-“
You look at him before sucking in a deep breath.
“Jason…it’s fine..yeah I’m worried about you being a vigilante but there’s worse things” you laugh a bit as you shrug
“Wow..um you took this better than I thought you would.” He laughs a bit before wincing.
You check the time before getting up to grab a few blankets and pillows. You make up the couch for him and you sit down and pat the spot next to you. He gets up using the chair to steady himself before sitting next to you.
“Jason…” you pause for a moment before you continue his green eyes have your full attention.
“I have always loved you. You have and will always be my first love Jay..I never wanted to say it because I was afraid you’d run away or I’d ruin it some how if I ever said anything. S’why I always settled for shitty guys I guess”
You feel the words pouring out of you like vomit, your stomach flipping as you confess. He lets out a breathy laugh as he leans closer, he brushes some of your hair away before cupping your face a soft smile forming on his face. His thumb softly caressing your cheek, you feel a chill down your spine at the contact, goosebumps appearing on your arms.
“Can I?” He asks softly as he leans closer.
You nod with a smile before Jason closes the gap between you two.
You feel your body enveloping in warmth as he kisses you. Your heart flutters as each second passes, when he pulls away it feels like two magnets being pulled apart.
“I love you too, Y/N”
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canumoveurseatup-no · 2 years
It’s Time
summary: it’s hard to accept the truth
pairings : eddie x Sinclair!reader
warnings: angst, grief, in denial about death, breaking down
a/n: I don’t know if anyone did this concept for Eddie already but if they did I’m not trying to copy anyone!🤍
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“Hey, Y/N are you coming to Steve’s tonight?,” Dustin asked. Everyone has been tiptoeing around you since you all defeated Vecna and you’re not sure why. Sure some lives were lost but you still have Eddie and your little siblings and that’s what matters most.
“Uuuh I don’t think so, I have some studying to do,” you give the freshman a smile, even with you smiling, Dustin looked at you like he had something to say, “I’ll catch you all at lunch though, okay?”
“Yeah!” He gave a weak smile and turned to walk over to his friends, seeing your younger brother.
“How is she able to smile?,”
“I don’t know, but I’ll take it as long as she’s okay. She doesn’t talk about that night,” Lucas shrugged, “Literally the next day she woke up happy as ever asking Erica if they wanted to go on a shopping date,”
“We all wear grief differently,” Max added in, “I drowned myself in music and isolation. At least she’s trying to move forward and remain normal,”
Dustin frowned, knowing the pain you’re avoiding. He knows it’s going to build up and he doesn’t want that for you. Dustin hasn’t been able to sleep well since that night and everyone has just been able to move forward. He knows issues with the upside down have been a reoccurring issue, but something about this time around just stuck with him and no one else understands because they’re in such a rush to move on and live normal lives.
“Avoiding grief isn’t normal,”
“Baby why don’t we go spend time with your friends?,” Eddie questioned. Mindlessly strumming his guitar, admiring the little frown you have on your face from focusing, “you’ve been studying super hard with no free time,”
“The only free time I need is with you,” looking up at him and smiling, “I almost lost you that night,”
“You almost lost all of us,” Eddie corrected.
“Yeah but you’re the one I plan on spending the rest of my life with so that night solidified it that I need to be with you more, especially after your name was cleared,”
“Thank God,” he huffed, setting his guitar back on the wall to come over to you, towering over you to give you a kiss on your cheek, “orange isn’t my color and I don’t think I’d be able to survive not being with you all the time,”
“It’s okay, I’d break you out,” you giggle and just stare at him. He looks much more tired than usual, everyone does but Eddie has been through a lot. Being blamed for murder, being in the run being attacked in the Upside Down and having to heal from that.
“Cmon, let’s stop studying for tonight and go be with your friends,” he helped you stand up but you wrapped your arms around him bringing him down for a kiss.
“How about we just stay in and talk about our plans to leave this hellhole,”
Eddie just smiled at you and you both got ready for bed, once you are, you’re wrapped in his arms and feel so safe.
“I’m thinking we should just go to California like you said before,” you started, right before all this Vecna bullshit you Eddie was actually starting to get the attention of record label executives and had many offers, he just couldn’t figure out which deal to go for, then shit hit the fan.
But everything is fine now.
“Why the change of heart?”
“I think we’ll just thrive better there. You have your music, I’ll graduate with my cosmetology license so I don’t have to go to college. We could be big out there, Eddie!” You signed dreamily.
“Eddie and Y/N Munson. We could be big names in a big city,” you added. Eddie squeezed you tighter as you dreamed about your near future together.
“California it is. You sure you’re going to be able to leave this place behind? Your home?”
“Home is wherever you are, Eddie”
Eddie had some deals to make and told you he’d meet you at school. When you pull up, Lucas wastes no time jumping out of the car to be with his friends and Erica jumped out walking over to her friends over at the middle school. Nancy pulled up beside you to drop Mike off and waved happily when she saw you. She hasn’t seen you in a few days because you lock yourself away studying and spending time with Eddie.
You quickly get out of your car and get to her. She gets out and gives you a big hug, “I’ve missed you!” She squeals.
“I miss you too! Sorry I’ve been busy studying for my cosmetology license so it’s been time consuming,”
She smiles and nods, happy that you’re at least keeping up with your grades in the midst of grief.
“They’re going to do a moment of silence for Chrissy today,” you let her know. She knows Chrissy was your best friend and she knows what it’s like to lose a best friend, so she empathizes, “It’s been a month since she’s passed”
“I’m glad they’re doing that for her, I’ve seen the vigils for all those who were lost during that time. You let me know if you need anything okay? Any of us, we’re here,”
“I know, Nance and I love you guys for it. I’ll meet up with you guys after school,”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you later,”
You two say your goodbyes and Nancy goes over to meet with Jonathan as you head into school, waving to your brother’s friends who you have adopted as little siblings as well. Will and El are back so it’s good to see them finally have a normal life and school year.
You meet up with Robin as you two have lockers right beside each other. She sees you in your cheerleading uniform, white cardigan with a button that has Chrissy’s face on it. She doesn’t want to bring it up, she knows you’re hurting.
“Hey, how you holding up?,” She asks quietly. While you have been moving through life normally, you still haven’t really been chatting much.
“I’m okay!! How are you?” You question, she looks exhausted, you all are. The school year ends in a few months so it’s crunch time.
“Classes are kicking my ass but I’m hanging in there. We miss you, we’re going to Lover’s Lake after school for a bonfire if you’d like to come,”
You weigh your options, not knowing if you want to stay in with Eddie or go with them. You figured you’d take Eddie’s advice and hang out with your friends, he’d probably just go over Rick’s.
“I know the lake is still a sore spot but we figured we could give it a new history,” she adds.
“Y-yeah,” you send a soft smile, “I’ll be there after I stop by to see Chrissy’s family. We’re having a memorial for her,”
“That’s so sweet,” Robin gives you a hug and takes a deep breath, it seems like she needed this hug more than you did, “Be safe and we’ll see you later okay? We’ll be at the lake at 6:30,”
“I’ll be there,”
By the time lunch came you were finally able to see Eddie. You did tell Jonathan in third hour that you were going to sit with them at lunch but you hadn’t seen Eddie since this morning. So, you took your lunch box and walked out to the clearing with the picnic table and he was sitting there, smiling at you.
You’d never forget that smile, nor get sick of it.
“Hey there, handsome,” you say softly as you walk closer.
“Hey, sweets,” his big brown eyes looked at you like you hand painted all the stars in the universe.
“I packed your favorite,” you sat down and opened your lunchbox handing him a bologna sandwich with pickles, mustard and pepper Jack cheese. He thanks you and waits for you to get all of your lunch out before eating, he always waited for you to start eating before he did.
“Chrissy’s memorial is tonight,” you tell him.
“Yeah I heard. I don’t know if I should go. Even though my name is cleared I feel awful,”
“It’s okay, baby. It’s something small so don’t feel pressured, okay?” You reached over to squeeze his hands to comfort him, this entire situation has been traumatizing for everyone but especially Eddie.
“Robin also invited us down to Lover’s Lake if you wanna come but I know you probably have some deals to make, it’s a Friday night,”
“Yeah me and Rick have a party to deal to so it might take a while,”
“Don’t worry if you can’t make it. I don’t think I’m gonna stay long anyway,”
“Yeah I’ll probably get up with Steve and tell him I can’t make it,”
A comfortable silence fell between you two as the both of you ate. You were the first to finish, you hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning because you overslept. Eddie’s arms are just too comfortable, so it’s safe to say you were hungry.
“I love you,” you let him know. Adoring his smile lines, his frizzy hair, his hands, everything about him. You wear your favorite ring of his 24/7. It was the skull one, you always played with his hands and that’s the ring you gravitated to.
“I love you more,” he stared at you with this longing, like he missed you and never wanted to let go.
The two of you sat and talked for the remainder of lunch. Cracking jokes and talking about movies and conspiracy theories. It was always fun like this, until the bell rang.
“Ugh, booooo,” you huff packing up your belongings and trash from lunch.
“It’s okay, we’re done with classes soon so it’s okay,”
“Yeah yeah” you pout. He kisses your poked out lip, pushing it back to its normal position and smiles against your lip.
“You’re just too cute. I’ll see you at the memorial okay?”
“You’re coming?!” You smile brightly. You know Chrissy would want him there.
“Of course. For you and for her,”
The memorial was emotional as expected. No one batted an eye that Eddie was there and that was a relief to both of you. You had talked to Chrissy’s mom, even though she wasn’t the best mother, that was still her daughter that is no longer here. Your cheer team performed a routine in Chrissy’s honor and the basketball team was there too. It was a short gathering, you were glad you two went.
You miss Chrissy more than words can describe. You can’t take anymore loss.
“All right, sweets. I gotta go meet Rick okay?,” he helps you get in your car and gives you a soft kiss before whispering “I’ll see ya later. I’ll even bring you a surprise,”
“Well now I can’t wait,” you laughed. You sat and made sure he got in his car okay and then you both went your different ways, honking at each other and waving as you two went opposite directions.
You went home and had dinner with your family. You were quiet, still emotional after the memorial.
“You okay, Y/N? You’ve been very quiet lately,”
“Yeah dad, just… I lost my best friend a month ago today. Still fresh,” you mutter.
Lucas and Erica make eye contact that you don’t notice. Talking without using their mouths, they understood there’s more going on that you’re not talking about and they’re trying to be patient with you.
“We’re having a gathering at Lover’s Lake. I can take the kids to hang with their friends. We’ll be home by 9,”
“9?!” Lucas exasperates
“It’s a Friday, Y/N!,” Erica rolls her eyes.
“Well I’ll be leaving at 8:45. I don’t want to stay out all night,”
“Yeah cause all you’ll do is sulk in your room about-,”
“Lucas!” Your mom reacts, wide eyes and glaring at your brother.
“It’s fine,” you tell her shaking your head. You’re not even hungry anymore, “Be ready by 6:15 if you guys are going,”
You couldn’t really enjoy the night without Eddie there. You were hoping he was safe and not getting in any fights or robbed since he’s making deals tonight. You just want him by your side so you know he’s safe.
“Earth to Y/N!” Steve shouts. You’ve been doing that a lot lately and they never mention it, but best believe they notice it. Before all of this went down, you didn’t zone out like that. They know zoning out here and there is normal, but it’s a constant state of mind for you when you’re around them.
“Yeah?” You snap out of it and look to see him across from you. Once you’re brought back to focus, you can feel the heat of the fire on your face, you can hear the wind rustling the leaves, you can hear the water rippling, you can feel them staring at you with concern.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do after we graduate?,”
“Going to California,” you deadpan. There was no doubt in your mind about it.
“California?,” Robin screeches, “When the hell were you going to tell us?”
“I just decided it,” you shrugged, “Eddie always talks about going there and making it big. So I’m going to try and make it big,”
All of their eyes soften at your words and you don’t know why.
“You can make it big here,” Mike adds.
“I’d crash and burn if I stayed here,” you answer. Sulking once again. Thinking about all of those who were unfortunate, unsuspecting victims to the dark secrets of Hawkins. You don’t want to stay here anymore. You need to move out and move on. It’s time.
“But family is here,” Erica said. Sure she was a little brat but she’d miss you if you left, because she knows if you did… you’d never come back.
“Pain.. is here,” you looked to her and take a sip of your drink, getting up and walking to the edge of the lake, staring out at the moonlit water. Your mind flashed to that night. You, Eddie, Nancy, Steve and Robin diving in through the gate, you all fought tooth and nail to get out, fighting against the creatures that lived there, even through the final battle.
A shiver runs down your back at that thought. You all made it out but at what cost? Now you barely sleep, barely eat, barely talk. All of this left a stain on your soul and it won’t come off, it’ll be there forever.
That ache will never leave.
For the next few days you avoid the others. You haven’t been wanting to hangout, you’ve been staying at home, locking yourself away from your siblings in your room, making the plans for California with Eddie.
It’s been a week since you’ve talked to any of them. Avoiding them in the halls, at lunch, after school- you haven’t even muttered a word to Lucas or Erica, they were more worried now than ever.
Nancy and Robin always tried to invite you out to the movie or out for milkshakes but you always declined. Dustin always tried to come to you about science things and what not but you’d just tell him you’d catch him later. Max would try to tell you she was there and she understands the pain of losing someone and to not shut yourself away.
You’re not shutting yourself away though, you’re just focusing on yourself and your relationship. Mike and Will always tried to get you to join them at Hellfire Club but you denied them that satisfaction, leaving that to be Eddie’s thing, you never did understand D&D much so you gave up a while ago. El would come to you about girly things but you wouldn’t engage much. Steve and Jonathan always invited you to smoke but you didn’t have time for that- you had plans to make.
So it’s been a week of torture for them. You ignoring them and when they are finally face to face with you it’s like you don’t see them. They even invited you to Max’s tonight for a horror movie marathon but you declined, you’ve had enough jumpscares to last a lifetime.
So instead, said you couldn’t make it and planned a movie night with Eddie at his trailer. Wayne would be at work and you have a spare key, Wayne telling you you’re welcome over at any time. You brought snacks and drinks and his favorite pizza, BBQ chicken.
What you don’t know is that Steve sees your car pull up at Eddie’s trailer.
“What’s Y/N doing?” He asks aloud.
“She’s not here what are you talking about?” Lucas questions.
“Yeah because she’s over at Eddie’s,” the other come join him in the kitchen to watch you through the window struggling with all the items in your hand. They can hear you talking, but… no one is home? They know what Wayne’s truck looks like and he left an hour ago.
“I got your favorites! and I got that new comedy movie you were talking about,”
They don’t know who you were talking to and majority of them got a sinking feeling in their stomach.
On the other side of Eddie’s trailer though, he had his arms wrapped around your waist, smothering you in kisses and muttering I love yous and I miss yous.
“Hahaha okay okay! I’m excited to see you too, handsome,” you kiss him deeply and pull away, just smiling. You were so glad you had someone like him in your life.
You get everything set up and you and Eddie are talking about your day when you hear a knock on the door.
“You expecting anyone?” You ask him as you walk to the door
“Only you, that’s it,”
You open the door and see the others staring at you with questioning eyes and skeptical looks. Looks of pity and looks of concern.
“Hey what are you guys doing here?,” you smile brightly and move aside to let them in.
“We were going to ask you the same thing,” Dustin says.
“Well,” you look around you, smiling at everything put together, “We’re about to have a movie night!”
“We?” Robin looks between all of you, “our movie night is at Max’s,”
“Not us, silly. Me and Eddie,” you say and that’s when the room gets eerily quiet.
“Y/N,” Steve mutters your name as if it’s a warning.
“What?,” you ask, eyes wide as you lick the barbecue sauce off your finger.
You really aren’t acknowledging it.
“You’re serious?” He gives an airy chuckle, this isn’t funny he just doesn’t understand.
“Yes! Eddie wanted to see this movie so we’re watching. Right babe?” You turn to him and he nods, “See?”
“Y/N… Eddie is gone,” Max steps forward but you move around them all to finish setting up. You got the drink and your cups, setting them on the table.
They notice the two plates, two cups, two drinks.
“Why are you talking about him as if he’s not standing right here?!” You snap, “He saved your lives have some respect,”
You never raise your voice at any of them but their attitudes are pissing you off.
“Because he’s not,” Lucas says, “Y/N, you need to snap out of it and realize this is an unhealthy coping mechanism. Eddie died a month ago,”
“Shut up!,” you scoff, you weren’t believing their words not when Eddie was standing right beside you.
“He mattered time too,” Dustin stepped in, getting real close, “What you’re experiencing is called bereavement hallucinations,”
“What are you trying to say? That I’m crazy?!” You’re angry now. How dare they come in here, making space for themselves and hurl these words at you?!
All of them realize your anger is just masking you being in denial.
“No, what I’m saying is you’re grieving and you’re trying to keep yourself together and this is how you’re doing it… but it’s not helping. It’s going to hurt you more in the long run,”
“He’s standing right..,” you look and he’s not there, “Eddie?”
Your voice cracks and you look around to look for him but he’s not there. You run to his bedroom calling his name, “Eddie, where did you go?” You call out, sadness bleeding into your tone.
“He’s here. H-he’s still here. This isn’t funny!,” you shout as you enter the living room again.
“This isn’t some joke,” Lucas says softly. He can see you cracking around the edges. Reality was seeping into the cracks and dripping down into your perception. You were starting to see the truth. “You’re my big sister, Y/N. I can’t stand seeing you like this,”
You close your eyes and use emotional tape to heal those cracks. Then you hear his voice again.
“I’m right here, baby,” he whispers and you calm down again, wiping your tears.
“Can you tell them to leave? They’re ruining our movie night,” you plead, looking over your shoulder.
But there’s no one there. Not for them to see. They were watching you talk to a wall and they didn’t know how to handle it. Their dearest friend was falling apart at the seams and they can’t do anything to make it instantly better.
“Y/N seriously,” Erica softly begs, “you’re scaring me… a-and I’ve seen some freaky shit,”
“Get out!!,” you scream, “Eddie tell them to leave!”
“Y/N… maybe you should listen to them,” Eddie says softly. He’d been wanting to say this. This part of your conscience, has been wanting to say this.
You snap your head to him and your demeanor softens
“N-no! No they’re ruining everything!,”
“Eddie is gone,” Dustin says.
“He died in the upside down. You were there. You held him in your arms,” Robin adds. She knows how all of this went. She found you with his lifeless body, you weren’t even crying, you were just talking to him. Holding him.
“No! You’re lying! He made it out, he’s been here the whole time”
“Eddie died shortly after Chrissy did,” Max says sadly, “You stayed there with his body for two days. We thought you were gone too,”
“Why are you guys lying? Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because you’re hurting yourself with these illusions,” Robin comes forwards. There’s so many of them here. Too many and all you want is Eddie.
“No,” you wrap your arms around yourself, the smell of his hoodie engulfing you, “W-we were just talking the other day about moving to California, starting a family a-and… and,”
You turn to Eddie and he’s there but… not fully. It looks like he’s disappearing and you start to dry heave.
“You were there for his funeral. You wouldn’t leave his tombstone,” Nancy speaks up.
They’re all trying to snap you out of it. It may seem harsh but you’re hurting more when you’re doing this to yourself.
“He was just playing guitar for me!” You sob. Hands flying over your ears to shut them up.
“He died saving us all, he died for you,” Mike interjects.
“He wouldn’t leave me,” you shake your head, glaring at Mike, you turn to Eddie and shake your head even harder, “You wouldn’t leave me,”
“It’s okay,” Eddie nods and it makes your chest hurt. You can barely keep yourself up, stumbling backwards.
“He didn’t leave to hurt you, Y/N. He’s a hero. He saved us and I know it hurts but you’re going to be okay,” Steve comes forward and grabs your wrists, but you fall and slip through his grasp, clenching at your chest.
“No! No! Shut up, shut up, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!” Voice hoarse, eyes burning with tears.
Eddie comes over and kneels down to be to your level, lifting your chin up and giving you the softest kiss ever. It was a goodbye kiss.
“It’s time,” he says.
The scream that you let out is one that shakes the trailer. He disappears before your eyes and you’re so lightheaded you feel as though you could pass out.
“Eddiiiiiee!!!,” calling for him wouldn’t work. He wouldn’t answer. You’re hyperventilating and you’re crying out his name.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay!,” Lucas rushes to you and engulfs you in a hug but it doesn’t help, it’s not Eddie’s touch.
“No please! Pl-please. This.. this is some sick joke!” You push him off. He doesn’t take offense though. Your fairytale world is crashing around you and the debris is suffocating you.
“He’s still h-here. He’s st-still here,”
“No, Y/N… he’s gone,” Dustin cries. Dustin is crying because he knows the pain of losing Eddie. The others are crying because they’re seeing their sister and loved one have a completely emotional breakdown and it’s hurting them to not be able to fix it.
“You’re l-lying,” you spit. You’re violently shaking, choking on your own saliva as you cry. Your body is aching as you’re finally allowing grief to consume your body.
“Y/N.” El comes forward to console you even if it wouldn’t 100% help.
“W-we we’re just talking about California… w-were sup-supposed to be Eddie and Y/N Munson…”
You held on tight to your brother as he rocked you, Erica holding your hand.
He’s gone… he’s never coming back.
And it’s time to move forward.
You finished packing the last of Eddie’s things that you wanted to bring with you. The last few months have been hard and it’s been even more difficult to keep your head above water but you did it.
You did it for him.
You were heading to California. You made sure to spend as much time with everyone as possible, making up for lost time. You slammed the trunk to your car shut and put your sunglasses on. You double checked everything , making sure you had all the important things. Your money, your cards.
Your license… the new license that had your new name on it. Y/N Munson.
Even if he wasn’t here, he’s still with you.
You pull out of the trailer park driving past the sign. You take one last look in your rear view mirror and see the apparition of Eddie Munson blowing you a kiss and slowly waving. A deep sob escapes your lips as you move your eyes from the mirror, focusing forward.
This is what he would want.
You have to embrace your pain, that is the only place you can truly heal and find growth.
IM CRYIIING I CRIED WRITING THIS OMFG 😭 I probably won’t be doing a tag list for this so please reblog, comment and like!!!
I love you all and will be coming back full force very soon 🤍
tags: @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @babybubastis @honeyjasminetea @warmchick @valentinevirgo @persephones24 @dumbchick @micki-smiles @here-for-your-bullshit @dayasvalkyrie @xye-weirdo @disaster-rose @dumbchickwrites @pastelastronomy24 @baphomet-wears-gucci @buckybarnesplumwhore @valkryienymph @mariahthelioness29 @taylortheeshowpony @alyssaj23 @endlesslymedusa @areubeingserved @9daykrisr @missdforever @bitchacho25 @ijustrepost @suchababie @queenoftheworldisdead @beautiful-loserr @the2daily4scoop @jin0 @smoothy-ve @oh-nohoney @sambucky8 @princess-toshii @sebbyslut @titty-teetee @ilovefanfic86 @topshopwhxre @berrybimbo
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vypridae · 9 months
anywayys requesting mori or tecchou or fyodor for the character thing [or bc you don’t need to do all of them pick and choose <3]
DOING ALL OF THEM i cant do the doodles i dont have the motivation for art rn i lied about that BUT ILL DO ALL THREE OF THEM
under a cut because these got LONG
first impression
honestly i think when i first met mori in the anime i was like oh hes sweet i like him . then it was the whole "woah port mafia boss!!!!" thing and i was like oh hes sweet and deadly i like him .
impression now
i love him soo much did you know. hes so fun hes just a silly guy . silly !!!
favorite moment
honestly the moment (from the manga specifically) thats stuck with me the most was the frame that he like, put tachihara's hd hat on his head and was like "you dropped something" it just STUCK with me
outside of canon manga stuff tho i love the little intersection in wan ep 11 that hes like "WHAT DID YOU SEND ME DAZAI ... THESE ARE ... SCARY!!!!!" like hes just so silly i love him
idea for a story
genuinely i do not think about story ideas enough to have a solid one for him but if it counts i often think about him accidentally stealing one of fukuzawa's scarves from That Era i forgot how old he was at the time . and then just keeping it . and fukuzawa finds out somehow . i love them shut up
unpopular opinion
uhhh liking mori in general FSJKHASJKHASFJKG like have you seen this fandom . 99% of the people here fucking hate mori with a passion . and just liking him is super controversial . aside from that though ive seen analyses (tending to be like "mori and pedophilia" or something along those lines) and honestly they make me feel like hes just being really uuuh whats the word. really abstract with how he says things i guess? like one in particular i remember was a word in the original manga (jap) and he said a word that means both "wife" and "thing by my side" or something like that, when theres so many different words he could have used if he wanted to be Creepy specifically. idk theres my mori opinion its so controversial i know block me if u'd like but i love him
favorite relationship
HAHA zskk . easily . love those dumbass gayasses
favorite headcanon
uuuuuh . probably trans mori honestly FJKHASDFGHADFG maybe im biased (trans) but like ... idk i am very biased about this
first impression
genuinely when i first met all of the hunting dogs i forgot all of their names immediately . as chapters went on though i think the two main things i remember thinking "hes adorable" and "hes in love with jouno 100%"
impression now
i . love him . so much . he is the silliest little guy ever and hes also me . also hes still in love with jouno btw
favorite moment
every one of them /j no but fr in specific i love the ant scene (it was one of the only ones i remembered from the manga after i read that chapter i think), the justice speech / kenji fight (GOD hes so cool) and when he gets hit by the car (that was THE FUNNIEST ever)
idea for a story
oh my god okay so imagine jouno is sick and tecchou is taking care of him . that is all
unpopular opinion
i dont actually think i have an unpopular opinion for tecchou . at least not one that i can think of???? like with tecchou i think most of my hcs line up with how a lot of the fandom talks about him
favorite relationship
favorite headcanon
he can cook !!!!! he can cook really well and i like to imagine even though he refuses to eat anything thats not the same color he likes cooking stuf he knows jouno likes and doesnt force him to eat any of his "weird" food combos because he knows jouno doesnt really like stuff like that so he cooks how jouno likes for jouno and how he likes for himself . UAHUAUAHGUA
first impression
i think i initially went "oh my god" when i saw fyodor . fell for him IMMEDIATELY and also initially hated fyolai???
impression now
still falling . now love fyolai . improvements !!!
favorite moment
YES. /j
in all seriousness, some of my favorite moments with fyodor are uuh
the dead apple scene where hes on the rooftop and goes "this is too much fun :)" because i think honestly that scene made me fall SO HARD . also he just looks really pretty there dont question me
time for happy group counseling hour !!!!!! hmm? hi everybody im your host fyodor dostevsky- okay hold up stop right there. whats the problem? exactly, what? exactly what what? ooooooooh . life counseling . < that whole scene
idea for a story
oh my god. ok so basically . connected oneshots but one member of fyosiglai is individually insecure for some reason and the other two are like FUCK NO YOU ARENT and love them and cherish and praise them until theyre like oguhgug
unpopular opinion
hes pretty i LOVE HIM hes SO PRETTY ive seen HUNDREDS of people say hes UGLY hes SO NOT UGLY i LOVE HI
(in all seriousness, ive seen a lot of people say he'd be like, an abusive manipulative awful husband / boyfriend / whatever, and i literally just cannot see that happening . like, i feel like he'd want the perfect world FOR his s/o, he fell for them for a reason sort of thing . idk maybe i just love him but hgjkahfjkahdfjk)
favorite relationship
fyosiglai. or fyodor and me /j (/hj)
favorite headcanon
UUUUUH UH UH UH UH UH OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY HCS ABOUT HIM I LOVE HIM hes a cat person thats one of my favorites . if there is a cat on his lap he will not move
i also love the idea that he cannot for the life of him play horror games because he gets jumpscared and screams and he HATES that bc "vulnerability bad" (nikolai likes when he plays horror games anyway he thinks its funny when he gets jumpscared and screams really loud)
actually scratch that . fyodor is just bad at video games because i love that idea . hes good at logic games but when it just comes down to "survive!!!" or "do this objective" or something i love the idea that hes just Dog Ass at it
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strangestcase · 1 year
I think conversations about how transphobia impacts transfems and transmascs differently would go somewhere if "transandrophobia" or whatever you want to call it wasnt treated like. Transmysoginy For Transmascs.
like, yes, all trans people are hit with a combo of transphobia and good old mysoginy but it mixes and overlaps in different ways and it's disingenuous to assume it does so in equivalent ways for men and women. Transfems are treated like Schrodinger's Woman, misgendered as men (transphobia) most of the time but "miraculously" gendered correctly as women only when it hurts them (mysoginy), so they're simultaneously Men Who Are Bad At Being Men or Women Who Are Bad At Being Women. Transmascs are treated like delusional girls, hit with the brunt of mysoginy because their genders aren't aknowledged. While it stems from the same root (treating trans people as a secret bad third gender) (edit: this happens to all trans people btw, we're treated like our birth genders to be cruel until Suddenly gendering us correctly can hurt us- i could write an essay on how this also affects gnc people but uuuh this post is long already), it is put on motion differently.
so like, Yes, it's perfectly easy to point out how transphobia against transmascs can fly under the radar since it can be disguised as a concern troll- without dismissing transmysoginy or pretending we have it worse. idk if i've made myself clear here?
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scribe-cas · 1 year
9 People Tag
Thank you @squarebracket-trick for the tag!!
These little ask game things are so fun and I’m starting to get her hang of them-
Tagging (with no pressure, of course): @hallwriteblr @rbbess110 @covenscribe @scribe-of-stories @dyrewrites @bloomibee @lilac-honey @at-thezenith @antihell
Three ships:
Radiodust (I will ship the asexual with the hooker and they WON’T fuck)
My book series OTP (they will never be together in canon again)
Any of my OCs X Any of my mutuals/friends’ OCs (yes I am wholeheartedly serious I cherish spontaneous crack ships with my life)
Currently listening:
uuuh it was some remix of Pitbull’s “Hotel Room Service” (i have two characters who play Just Dance and imagining them to that brings me to hysterics) because I was stuck cleaning the house today
Last movie:
I’ve been a fan since 4th grade when I read the comics for the first time. To see it made into a movie- I can’t. I’m in love.
Plus it’s hilarious because ever since I’ve made friends watch it, they’ve been like “it’s you” “they made a movie about you” and one time I made a joke about being a Nimona cosplayer and my best friend of almost 6 years (my favorite person ever) looked me dead in the eyes and said “wym cosplayer, that’s just how you look” and I’ve never been one hit KOed so fast. Anyways I am normal and regular about the gender movie of all time.
Carrying on-
Currently reading:
Like 5 WIPs that friends of mine have been gracious enough to share with me. I am in love with all of their writing but one in particular who’s finally started to pursue writing as a possible career (they have tumblr if you’re reading this yes I’m talking about you ily hi) has absolutely blown me away with their artistic talent. They have a way with words and a story that I am feral for and rooting for.
Also, my old rough drafts!
Along with Silver (Chris Wooding), Asylum (Madeline Roux), and A Court Of Thorns and Roses (Sarah J Mass).
Currently watching:
The save 5 YouTube videos. Over and over. Someone please save me from myself /lh
Currently Consuming:
Uhhh the answer is unfortunately nothing-
I’m hungry but too tired to get out of bed so I haven’t eaten yet-
Hopefully later tonight
Currently Craving:
Creamy horchata. Like the kind you make with sweetened condensed milk. The good shit.
Last thing researched (for writing purposes):
Depression and the different coping mechanisms that go along with types of trauma. (Ie what coping mechanisms go along with what feelings that come from a traumatic event)
Current Obsession:
Both Nimona and my WIPs! I have two writing projects that I’m just getting back into, and I’m really really excited about that.
(If anyone is interested in them let me knoW /lh)
Anyways yes
Go forth and tag more people, my wonderful morbos
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Uuuh I wanna contribute to the prosthetic arm topic too!!
It takes months (almost years) of research and testing before Ankh manages to craft a decent new arm, which is totally not functional as a limb per se but it's more of an aid if she's on a mission and needs stability in combat. Also it helps her regain confidence in her skills since she has to drop bow and arrows - can't really hold a weapon she can't feel the weight of.
Emotionally speaking, archery was something fundamental in her life, a talent that took years to be perfected. She feels a sense of emptiness, as if she has lost her identity and can't contribute to the world as an individual anymore. Working on the arm along with Dagna and Three Eyes helps her to cope with such a traumatic loss but like, even if she consumes herself on this task night and day she can't help but feel like she has no reason to do so. Most days she focuses on the new task to avoid to explore her feelings, so she overworks herself to the point she can't connect properly with her surroundings. She was sure she would die after walking through the last Eluvian at the Winter Palace, consequently sometimes she asks herself if that fate would have been better than living without what made her her. Luckily she has a strong support system, people that really appreciate her character outside what good she can provide to the world. Just like her new project, her mental health after Trespasser is a work in progress, basically.
Once she can grip to her resolve, she just starts to develop her ideas further. At first the arm is a regular prosthesis with two runes placed on the joints, to help her hold on objects, then it starts to become something more complex.
Tumblr media
What she manages to do:
The arm is functional in a sense that it can be directed to move accordingly to the situation. There are buttons to push and levers to click if she wants to perform certain movements. It's like playing an instrument, using shoulder movements and the aid of her main hand to keep it in place whenever in need.
What she doesn't manage to do:
Handshakes, caresses and other gestures connected to physical touch don't seem to perform properly. Which is normal, considering a big portion of her arm is not linked to the brain. As I mentioned above, some movements can be performed only because of a complex system of levers, buttons and body movements that can symulate a realistic arm movements but the more Ankh goes further with the development, the more she starts to put aside what's realistic and shifts to functionality. You can see her perform strange dances from time to time so she could find a good balance, or just to bend the new arm to a certain degree.
About materials:
Since plastic and silicone aren't available materials and the ones already existing are heavy to say the least, it was hard to balance the arm in relation to Ankh's body weights system. This problem was partially solved by enchanting strategic points - the elbow and the shoulder in this case - as to make the structure less overwhelming and more manoeuvrable. The only catch is that a mechanical arm is still heavier than a regular arm, even if it's something not perceivable. The weight has still an impact on her body, so she has to be super careful to prevent overexhaustion. The part connected to the skin is composed by three different layers, one for elasticity, one for durability, and the other for comfort between skin and the hard layers. My math is terrible but I think it could be approximately 3-5 cm of thickness. The problem here is that the lighter the materials are, the more the arm is prone to damages. The structure in itself is designed to be practical for a very agile person - it has to be lighter - consequently it tends to malfunction from time to time because of sudden hits - or an overuse during reckless parkouring, knowing her << I'm not convinced about the harness' design but she definitely wears one to keep the arm in place, with a sewn on sleeve to make what's left of the arm feel comfortable with all that weight on.
She tends to wear it often, and she modifies it constantly, so to be prepared always if some asses need to be beaten <3 but also it improves her overall confidence.
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dragkbluire · 5 months
It is I! The Wizard!
"We can't use our stands at all?" Fugo asked, standing. It had gotten dark, and Narancia was lucky enough to have a lighter on him, so the gang and Trish had made a fire. It burned warm and bright, and Trish sat nearest to it, having the most revealing clothes out of the gang. Abbacchio nodded, sighing.
"Moody blues won't even come out. So where ever we are, we need to be on guard." He saidtruffle, annoyed at the fact he couldnt summon his stand while Giorno and Bruno could. Fugo huffed.
"Not like that's a difference to me." he stated, sitting next to Mista on a stone. "Of anything, it makes you all safe."
Giorno spoke up. "But still, that makes you all vulnerable to attack. Golden Experience and Sticky fingers can still attack we just can't use their abilities. It'd be better to-"
"No one gives a damn what you think!" Abbacchio exclaimed. Bruno glared.
"This is not a time for fighting." He said sternly. He looked around the ground, sitting on a tree stump, elbows on his knees and hands together. "The fact is we are lost, and in a moving maze. How we got here? It may have been a stand, but I think something is amiss here. . ."
Mista suddenly stood. "I'm gonna go find some more wood." He said, walking off. Bruno called out "Don't leave the field!" after him.
Mista couldn't have been more frustrated. His stands, Sex Pistols didn't appear, and his bullets were missing. He only had six in his revolver. He walked through a patch of tall grass toward a few dead trees when he heard the sound of a small bell. He paused, alert, pulling out his gun and slowly approaching the bell sound. . .He saw a soft purple light, and stepped closer when-
"IT IS I!" a tiny female voice exclaimed as a ball of purple light with wings and a witch's hat shot up, making bell sounds, starting Mista."THE WIZARD!"
Mista instinctively turning his gun off safety when the ball of light shrieked* "D-Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"
Mista lowered his gun, taken aback by this tiny.. .thing. "What are you?" He asked, his features lightly illuminated by the purple light. The tiny purple ball jingled happily, wings fluttering. "I am a fairy! A magic being!"
"Magic?" Mista scoffed. "Magic isn't real."
"Then what's those figures that keep appearing in your group? or trying to appear." the fairy states. Mista paused.
"You cab see stands?"
"Of course!" the fairy exclaimed. "I am a magic being! I can see all sorts of magic and soul stuff! And because I am 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘥." the fairy says with pride.
"uh-huh." Mista says, raising a brow. "What's your name?"
"Im-" The fairy starts "I am the Wizard."
"I know that, but what's your name?"
"I am the Wizard."
"I-" Mista huffed. "Okay 𝘞𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘥, why are you here? Do you like here?" Mista perked up. "Do you knoe why me and my friends are here? Can you help us leave?!"
"uh-" Wizard's wings droop a bit. "No, I dobt live here. And with Brother's powers all out of wack I can't do anything much to help you all out."
"Your brother?" Mista asked suddenly. "Your brother's powers? Is he a-"
"No, he isn't a stand user." Wizard said, "Brother is amazing! He is the maze master after all!"
Mista went to speak when Bruno called over. "Mista! What's going on?!"
"Oh! More friends!" Wizard says, making happy bell sounds before flying towards the fire. The next thing Mista heard as he turned around was Trish and Narancia screaming and Wizard yelling "IT IS I! THE WIZARD!"
Mista rushed over, seeing Trish panicing and Fugo about to hit the fairy with a stick. He stopped Fugo. "woah woah woah!" he said quickly. "Relax! She isn't an enemy!"
"Are you a.. ." *Giorno asked, mesmerized, approaching the purple fairy eith her witch's hat on. "A fairy?"
"Yes! It is I!" She exclaimed. "And you're Giorno! it is an honor- uuuh-" She paused going a bit pale in color as tension rose. "Nevermind."
"How do you know my name?" Giorno asked, summoning Golden Experience. Bruno summoned Sticky fingers and Wizard shrieked, hiding behind Mista.
"Don't attack! I mean no harm, really! I just-" she spoke faster "You look like your father!"
Giorno paused. "You know my father?"
"Yes! He came through not too long ago!" the fairy exclaimed. "He. . .uuh. . .I. . It's.. ."
Bruno approched and the fairy turned a bit pink. "You better not be lying. . .I can tell when someone is lying."
"I- i-"
"You said your brother is the maze master?" Mista asked hurriedly, not wanting to watch Bruno swallow a fair because did fairies even sweat? Wizard flew around a bit.
"He is! Oh it was dreadful! Brother and I were doing our routine when these horrid monster came and attacked. They hot my brother and we got separated! And now his magic ability to control the maze it out of control and I cannot sense him!"
"So in short-" Abbacchio started, standing and grabbing the fairy in his hand, Wizard screamed. "Youre our ticket out of here."
"Let her go!" Trish suddenly yelled, making everyone turn. The girl had been so silent the whole time, and had finally spoken. "Youre hurting her!"
Abbacchio let go and Wizard flew into Trish's hair, hiding. Bruno sighed. "Wonderful, our only way to get answers and you scare her off."
"Lets just. . ." Fugo started, watching the fire slowly die out. "Sleep. We can think better with clear heads. ." Fugo moved to Narancia. "You okay?" He asked the orange joy and he nodded, still in shock.
"Fugo is right." Bruno said, looking into the dieing to fire. "We need to conserve energy. . .Let us try and sleep. . ."
. . .
The Wizard flew out of Trish's hair, seeing everyone asleep. She flew high up, looking up to the wall tops before speaking. "Oh brother.. .I have bought you some extra time. . . i can't believe I lied to Bruno and Giorno. . .but this must be done. . .but please brother, hurry with the plan. . ."
The Wizard stared at the moon for a few seconds before returning down and into Trish's hair once more. . .
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I had to draw all of this beacause sidugcbhdifuvgdifhvdj
I'm so excited to see where you will take the story!!!
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nekodatta · 1 month
So uuuh... That master anniversary... Really don't like it lol
They are pretty much recolors of the base characters, with their base Pokémon, made extremely OP, that cost MORE to get to pity...
I really hope this isn't what most master fair units will be from now on.
If you already have those pairs, you are pretty much paying just to get them again in a slightly different outfit and stats.
If you DON'T have them... You can get the Arc Suits, but you STILL need the now completely obsolete and useless base pair to get them in the lodge???
I really only play for cute character interactions and lore tidbits, hitting stupid high numbers in damage challenges or clearing the ultra difficult stages doesn't interest me so I don't really care about how broken they are.
I just recently got back into the game, I skipped four anniversary units, I can skip those too lol
The upcoming story arc with Volo I'm actually excited about.
The magical girl transformation sequence was kinda cool and hilarious.
There seems to be more updates coming (like they said that from September the free daily scouts will contain only sync pairs??), which I'm also excited about.
Just... Not keen on the actual execution lol
If we get more Arc Suits (and we will since surely other characters will "show their bond" and get blessed by Arceus lmao), I'm kinda afraid that the game is going to look like an endless sea of characters in white and gold.
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bellakenobi · 2 months
Bom dia! I know how to retexture hairs and edit alphas. I mean really painting a mesh from scratch. There are clay hairs with very nice meshes that have been converted to The Sims 3, but I really really hate those clay textures. I somewhat succeeded in following a tutorial about "clayifying" a hair, but just upscaling and moving the uv map around already took ages. And now the hair is at the Sim's feet despite assigning bones and morphs.. I have no idea what the problem is.
Uuuh now you asking me something I really don't know, since I never converted any sort of clay hair for ts3, and the very nature of these meshes demand a different texture to look good at ts3. Blender has a texture painting mode where you can directly paint on the mesh (and I used this method to make the face texture on my Utena hair) but afaik it is quite limited, or you can use Substance Painter (I have it here arr'd but I have no idea on how it works 😬) Now, for the hair mesh at the sim feet, I think I know what's happening, since something similar happened to me when I was starting. Check your Transform box, at the Item guide, if the rotation at the X axis is at 90° like in the image below:
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If it is like that, just hit Ctrl+A and select All Transformations. This will make the mesh "actually" rotates as it should (idk why but when we import stuff to blender, it is actually rotated and then the program do that 90° rotation to fix it). Now when you put the exported mesh to TSRW (or in game) it should show up properly. If the mesh is still on sims feet, then I have no idea of the issue :/
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rapha-reads · 10 months
The Star Beast
So. DoctorDonna is BACK. With a trans daughter, an absolutely wholesome husband, and a mellowed out mother!!!! What a BLAST that was, seeing her on screen again! It's what she deserves! FIFTEEN YEARS we've been asking justice for Donna Noble, and RTD delivered!!!!
(Also, is it me, or has Catherine Tate NOT aged at all?)
I'm super excited, that first special episode was awesome.
The Meep was terrifying and hilarious, even when they were being all cute, my very first reaction was "yeah, no, don't trust". Shoutout to Miriam Margolyes for the voice acting, that was perfect!
I loved that the Wrarth Warriors were so polite and official posh, with their look, it was super funny and interesting to watch and hear.
Oh, shoutout to our new UNIT liaison officer, Science Advisor 56 Shirley Anne Bingham! She sounds like the life of the party. I hope we get more of her (and her badass wheelchair).
I hope we get to see Wilf, it's so good that he's still alive, Bernard Cribbins is missed.
"Something that a male-presenting Time Lord wouldn't know to do" sent me OFF, lmao, also thank you RTD for all the references to Thirteenth, she WAS amazing and she deserves to be remembered.
Rose Noble is amazing and precious. She's going to grow up and be a brilliant, badass, amazing woman. That moment when she tells the Meep she feels lonely because she feels different hit right in the feels. Also her face when the stupid schoolboys bully her and call her deadname. [Personal aside: I argued with my mother today in amongst other things because she insists on calling me my full name version, which I don't like, instead of the diminutive, which is my chosen name - and she said "I named you Raphaelle, with the 'elle' ('she' in French, which, nope) at the end, very important", and that made me flinch so hard; please don't gender me, it's Rapha and that's it. Anyway, I'm glad to see more trans and nonbinary rep, especially in Doctor Who.]
Moving on.
If I had a nickel for every time the Doctor questioned "why this face", I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
DAVID TENNANT. Welcome back, Sir! I have to admit something: when everyone and especially people who kept shitting on Twelfth and Thirteenth got all excited about David Tennant coming back, I got a bit disheartened, because I felt (and a lot of people explicitly said) that it would overshadow and discard Capaldi's excellent work and Jodie's run, and I wasn't as excited about David as most people. BUT I gotta admit it: it is AMAZING to see David back in action as the Doctor, with the added weight of the Doctor's past three regenerations! He knows the character, he knows the history, he knows the universe, and it SHOWS. I love that he's older, wiser, grizzlier, more prudent, they got burn so many times, and yet still ridiculous, goofy, prone to fondness and kind to his bones... Yeah, that's the Doctor again.
And now onto the real star, the one true MVP... DONNA NOBLE. Most important woman in the universe. Brilliant, sassy Donna!!!! I looooove that amnesiac Donna gave away the money, and that it's the first thing she rails against when she gets all her memories back. It's just. Prime Donna stuff. All at once incredibly kind and driven to help, but also down to earth and practical. Yeah, yeah, helping others, of course, that's the priority, but also, damn it, take care of myself too, ya know? She's SO relatable!! Love that she adores her daughter and that's her calling. Remember when she felt so lost and aimless? Now she's got her objective: being a mother to an amazing daughter. Oh, and, uuuh.... Wrecking the Tardis every time she sets foot in it. Oops! Can't wait to see where they land!
Oh, oh, the Tardis! Not sure I'm a fan of the new design, tbh. Too white, too empty. I hope she's not going to stay like this too long. Pretty sure it won't, given that she's already on fire.
And on the last thing for this first episode: I do hope we're getting actual ties-in with the 60 years history...
Onto Wild Blue Yonder!
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souvlakicocaine · 5 months
uuuh that last ibuprofen hit kinda different I hope I didn’t just give myself a stomach ulcer
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