#it took me even longer cause i was unemployed for 6 months and had to use EVERYTHING I HAD SAVED
bibimbinge · 1 month
tired of being called inconsiderate and rude the second I say something thats not exactly in a nice tone when my brain is working 3× more to be considerate of everyone and everything else 99% of the time.
#i feel like im actually going insane#my own sister backs up her husband (who i now see in a different light ((negative)) over me#and I was understanding at first. fine. maybe I do need to pick up after myself more maybe i am messy#and my friends and family even told me that because theyve brought it up so many times now maybe i am the problem and thats okay#so i. like yeah. okay i take up too much space. i'll step back. i stay out more. i'll clean my dishes right after i use them#i already do all that#and then today she DOES IT AGAIN!! and i broke down cause she basically said this is the last warning#you need to start looking for a new place (ive been saving up PENNIES for years. it'll take 3 full months of salary to even rent a ROOM)#it took me even longer cause i was unemployed for 6 months and had to use EVERYTHING I HAD SAVED#and i gave up. im back at home and i gave in. i took a video of my room and the living room and asked my friend#is there really anything else i have to do because i am TIRED AND I CANT SEE WHATS WRONG AND WHATS MESSY PLEASE#because fuck i feel like im actually INSANE cause the way my sister has been wording it to me its like im so messy#and my friend just replies..... i am so sorry for ever being on your sisters side because you are not messy at all#and the RELIEF i felt. the weight off my shoulders LIFTED OFF INSTANTLY#IM NOT CRAZY!!! IM NOT MESSY!! IM HUMAN AND NORMAL#im just so upset right now cause it just dawned on me that.... not a single person in my famiy has my back the way i have theirs#not even my own sister.... and im tired.#personal
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beann-e · 3 years
Bnha Characters reacting to when you quit your job
your steps were quiet as you tried to work up the energy to unlock your front door. Your hands sweating and cold when you finally got the energy to put the key in the lock a deep exhale leaving your lips when you finally walked in.
Your Body only carrying you to your kitchen counter before you dropped your keys and bag on the same counter your body now rested against.
The room heating up and shifting from the ice quiet atmosphere youd created when you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you back to meet a hard chest
Small kisses being planted on the side of your neck as you let out another sigh of relief as you spoke trying not to drown in the comfort being given to you “ baby “
Your body shook as you heard a deep grunt of acknowledgment “ we — we need to talk “
you felt as another set of kisses were placed to your neck before his head snuggled into the spot between your neck and shoulder “ I— I think I made a mistake“
You bit at your lip as you kept going “ I— I was trying my best to stick up for myself y’know like you told me”
“ mm—and did you“
“ I did —I mean I did stick up for myself and I had to I needed to bu—”
“ slowly losing interest y/n “
you let out a shallow cough “ but I think I did it at the wrong time “
his body stood up a bit straighter head still remaining in the same place somehow “ baby I —i lost my job “
You felt as your boyfriends body went hard almost as if he was trying not to slam your own body into the floor in anger his grip around your waist only getting tighter “ like I said I — I wrong time“
“ wrong time? — y/n wrong place “ he screamed as he jolted your soul out of your already shaken figure. His head flying back to look at you conveying all the anger and annoyance he held, “ what the fuck do we do now “
you let out a small laugh to try to ease the tension “ we — we rely on your hero check ? “
You watched as he sucked his teeth and moved out of the kitchen “ I can barely feed a fucking roach with my salary y/n “ his voice getting louder as he walked into the living room you following closely behind “ i — i can barely feed you — us — y/n this is why we don’t have little crumb snatchers running around now “
his voice deep and heavy “ cause we’re broke do you get that babe ? huh no — fuck — you— fuck fuck fuck you gotta go back — you can’t just be chilling around the fucking house while i’m working my ass off that’s not how starting a family works y/n “
“ baby it’s just until I can get a new job “
“ tch— and how long will that take y/n “
“ well I— “
“ huh months ? “
“ well n— “
“ couple weeks “
“ I mean hopefull— “
“ babe you don’t even fucking know “ he sighed as he griped the skin on the bridge of his nose “ so fucking stupid — so so so fucking stupid “
the room went quiet as your eyes dropped to the ground. “ wel— no — I — I don’t know kats” you shook your head “ I— I really don’t“
“ and that’s the problem y/n “ he screamed eyes finally opening to look at you.
God, he loved you but seriously you just didn’t think sometimes
It’s not that he was calling you stupid it’s just that he really really loved you
He loved that you listened to him. That whenever he gave advice you heard it and went with it.
The night he told you to speak up he was honestly just fucking with you. He always forgets that he has someone who loves him now meaning he’s taken seriously. He always forgets he’s not in high school anymore.
He can’t say something crazy and asshole—ish and expect to just be ignored. He has someone that loves him and will truly listen.
Your not the stupid one
nor the one in the wrong he is
and he knows he is because he heard everything you said about your situation. Yet, he knew you were different from him whereas he had been speaking his mind for years regardless of ranks.
You couldn’t.
You had a job where everything relied on ranks and status. You couldn’t just say whatever the fuck you wanted to like he could and yet he convinced you that night to speak up whenever your boss gave you extra work you didn’t wanna do.
His eyes felt heavy and so did his body his brain automatically beating himself up as he stared at you imagining the rough day youd had. If he was pissed off with the current situation he could only imagine how you felt.
Someone who hated to rely on others yet, now having to rely on their boyfriend.
“ come here “ your eyes lit up at the statement as your tired body wobbled over and into bakugous arms. Head hitting his chest as he crushed you “ I love you and i’m proud of you “
your heart sank.
“ fuck those idiots you only have room for one anyways and hes— fuck trust me I know i’m enough “
“ so “
“ so “
You sat on the couch legs splayed out in front of you and hands playing with the tassels of the pillows placed next to you.
God you loved these pillows. You actually remember the day you bought them.
Y’know back when you had money
“ y/n “ you watched as shoto shifted uncomfortably on the couch next to you “ my love what are you doing home “
He shook his head confused at the body placed comfortably next to his own “ your not supposed to be home for “ he looked down at his watch moving his suit jacket up his arm to create space and to make sure he was seeing the time correctly “ for 7 more hours “
you let out a short laugh “ you sound like you just got caught cheating sho “
his eyebrows crinkled together as he stared at you in disgust “ y/n I would never “
His hand moved to be placed on your thigh “my love is that what you think ? — if that’s why your here then I can assure you tha—I mean honestly if so I would never be stupid enough to disrespect you in our home— you could’ve went to my office at least I mea— “
“ I lost my job shoto “
The air shifted as the hand on your thigh suddenly felt colder than before “ I— I lost my job “
you took a deep breath shaking your head “ it’s a long story on why but i’ve been leaving the house — pretending really— to go to work “
You chuckled “ god i’m sucha bad person “ your small chuckle turned into a hearty laugh as you felt your body go slack “ A fucking horrible timekeeper too if I managed to forget my husband gets off before me on weekends “
“ do not say these things about yourself “
“ it’s not like it’s a lie “ your tear filled eyes coming up to look at his. ” right “
“ I will not stand for this y/n “
“ for what — having an unemployed s/o—i mean you already have one so not much to do about that “
you scoffed “ why don’t you want a housewife ? huh“ you smiled “ I can wear the skirts for you y’know with the aprons cook you dinner and maybe we can have kids y’know we can even get —“
“ enough “
your body shook your eyes widened facing the 6 ft male now towering over you “ your always joking about serious things and I — I don’t understand “ his eyebrows creasing in desperate need to understand you. Eyes darting around your face “ how “
his voice going deeper as he got angrier “ y/n you lost your job“ his eyes grew wide “ do you realize how serious this is “
“ wh— “ you shook your head letting out a short scoff “ of course I do —I mean sho i’m the one who qui—lost it “
“ no you clearly don’t “ he scoffed “ not if your sitting here making jokes in my face “
His mouth quirked up in disgust “ it’s almost insulting — disgusting really “
“ wh— sho—“ you felt as a tear fell from your eye “ baby what could be so disgusting huh ? so ‘ insulting ‘ about me choosing to leave huh “
his eyes softened “ because of your reason to leave “
“ my reason ? “
“ my love I know you — I know you didn’t get fired and I know you wouldn’t just leave you loved it there “
your head dropped as your fiddled with your fingers “ so that means something led you to make that life changing decision and it hurts me that you were forced to make it “
Your heart broke, he was right he was always right, for days at work youd been dealing with an overbearing co worker who would tell you to do everything they didn’t feel like doing and when you finally decided to say no to them
They went and told your boss. Who even though you’d been working there longer than your so called coworker still believed everything they were told.
That was the day that you sadly found out your job favored years over hard work.
Due to the other person being there longer you were trumped in telling your story. It was seen as not necessary because , someone who was there for so long would have no reason to lie on someone like you.
A newbie
“ someone made you quit this job “
“ sho no they— I decided “
You felt as the couch shifted from him kicking it. You thinking he was moving to grab his shoes except walking past them and unlocking the door instead.
“ baby where are you going — we need to talk about how we’re going to split the bills now that i— “
“ i’ll handle it “
“ shoto you can’t put everything on your dads card we’re not “ you let out a soft exhale “ we’re not children anymore “
“ i’ll pay for it all myself — and you can be my little housewife “ he scoffed as your expression grew sour “ it was so funny a moment ago right “
“ shoto i’m not gonna ask again where are you going “
“ where else “
your eyebrows came together in a furrow “ wh— “
“ my love you work for my company ? obviously who ever I put in charge “ he shrugged walking barefoot to his car unlocking the door “ isn’t doing a very good job if they fire their bosses s/o ? “
He got into the drivers seat as he turned the car on and reversed the car “ needs to learn respect no ? so i’ll just have them switch places with you“ he smiled softly “ i’ll see you when I get home “
His once furious eyes turning soft at your body hidden in pajamas “ go inside baby —it’s cold —go order us some takeout i’ll be back in a little ok “
“ sho “
“ just let me handle this —i love you and i’ll be right back my love—go “
You shook your head softly “ go y/n “
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jackalopefreckles · 4 years
I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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animeniacss · 4 years
A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader - Chapter 8 - Invitations and Standing Ovations
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Synopsis: Taehyung dreams of being a professional and famous artist one day, but finds that the sea of creativity can be lurking with blood hungry sharks, as well as bland, motionless starfish. Swimming through the sea of opportunities somehow washed him up onto the shore of Bright Star Preschool, as an art teacher. This wasn’t where he expected to be 4 years into his career, but anything to get his big break though, right?
Feat. BTS, TXT, ITZY, Jisoo (BlackPink), Taeyong (NCT)
Genre: Romance, Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, School Setting, Working!AU
Length: approx. 4.6k words
Chapter 8 - Invitations and Standing Ovations 
           Taehyung stared at Jimin for what felt like forever. He wasn’t sure what to say in response to his friend, who just sat there with a wide grin on his face. Taehyung had to try to process it, but he couldn’t. With a shake of his head, he took Jimin’s shoulders.
            “What did you say?” He asked curiously.
            “I said that I was able to get you a vendor permit for the Annual Ilsan Art Fair at the end of the month,” Jimin repeated, chuckling. Taehyung blinked. “I saw you watching the news last night at the bar, and it took almost all of my strength not to say anything then. I was waiting for the right moment.” Taehyung blinked. “Does that help your hangover?”
            “What hangover?!  I can focus on a hangover; I need to start preparing and deciding which of my pieces I am going to bring.” Taehyung practically leaped out of his seat, only to see his vision go black momentarily. His fast-paced movements along with his headache caused him to lose balance for a moment, and he stumbled back on the couch. Jimin couldn’t help back laugh. “Fuck…” Taehyung huffed.
            “Don’t worry, you have more than enough time to focus on all of that.” He said. “And don’t get too overzealous, I was only able to snag you a smaller part of the venue. “
            “Any place is fine with me. That means that even more people are going to see my work and maybe I can finally start selling stuff and…you know, making a name for myself.” Jimin watched as Taehyung leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared at his walls that were still covered in his paintings. He sipped his ginger ale. “How did you even manage it?”
            “Well, Mr. Kim had a business meeting with one of the men who appraises some of the art. I managed to catch him as he was walking out, we got on the same elevator, and we started talking. He talked about the show and I brought you up. He gave me all of the information and even waived our vending fee for me.” He grinned. “He was so nice; older guy. Nothing like your best friend, Mr. Oh Min-Jae.” Taehyung rolled his eyes as the mere mention of that man’s name. However, honestly, he could care less. Taehyung quickly embraced Jimin in a tight hug, which stunned an unexpecting Jimin for a moment. However, he almost immediately hugged him back.
            “Thank you so much, this is crazy.”
            “Of course. What kind of manager would I be if I didn’t try to support you however I could by totally taking advantage of my position at work?” The duo laughed, and Taehyung pulled from the hug, laying his head on the back of the couch. Jimin did the same thing, grabbing his ginger ale to drink. The duo sat in silence for a moment, before Jimin rolled his head over to look at his friend. “…What are you thinking about now?” he asked curiously.
            “I want to invite my coworkers to come and see me.” He said.
            “That’s a good idea,” Jimin said.
            “I know my Hyung’s will all come, but-.”
            “But you don’t think the teacher will, right?” Jimin asked curiously. Taehyung nodded.
            “I want her to see my real work and how serious and professional I can be.”
 “Just ask anyway. The worst thing that she can say is she can’t come.” Taehyung pouted a bit. “Or maybe ask one of the others to invite her along, if you think that she’ll say yes that way.” Taehyung nodded. “As I said though, don’t worry too much right now because you should probably go inside and sleep so that you can function at work tomorrow.”
“Ugh, I hate when you’re right.”
“I don’t,” Jimin said smugly as he finally lifted himself from the couch. Taehyung got up as well, carefully this time, and set his now empty ginger ale can on the coffee table. “I’ll see you this weekend, alright?” Jimin hummed as he gave his friend a supportive pat on the back. Taehyung nodded.
“Right, see you then,” Taehyung said. He walked Jimin to the door, the duo sharing a final goodbye before Jimin took his leave, and Taehyung shut the door, clicking the lock shut. He stood there for a moment, silently waiting for something to happen on the other side of the door. When he didn’t hear the sound of footprints, he slowly unlocked and opened the door. Upon opening it, Taehyung saw Jimin still standing at his front door, crossing his arms. A sheepishly adorable boxy smile appeared on Taehyung’s face as he stared at his short, unamused friend.
“…Go to sleep. Do not stay up working or you’ll feel worse tomorrow than you do now.” Taehyung groaned.
“Tae.” Jimin huffed, pouting Taehyung groaned.
“Fiiiiiine.” He said. Jimin nodded, finally turning on his heel and heading down the hallway to the elevator at the end. Halfway down the hall, Taehyung waved him off and finally closed the front door. Almost immediately, as if he didn’t hear a word his friend said, Taehyung turned back to his work desk and the paintings that surrounded the top and bottom of it. He huffed. “There’s no way I can sleep now.” He mumbled to himself, walking towards the work desk. He plopped himself down and began shuffling through some recent doodles he had been doing. “I need to get some work done.”
As Taehyung began to skim and doodle, he found himself extremely lost in thought. He was so focused on making sure that he had something new and exciting ready for the end of the month. He was so busy in thought that he had blocked out the rest of the world as soon as he sat himself down in that seat. It was a trait that caused many nights where he would stay up to meet the sun. However, back then, he was unemployed or working part-time, and could afford to go to sleep at his desk for ten hours at a time. This was no longer the case. And Jimin knew that as well, probably even better than Taehyung did.
Taehyung was so focused, he didn’t hear the click of his front door or the slow creaking of it opening up behind him. He didn’t hear footsteps step into the front entrance or the door close behind him. However, he did hear a loud, and extremely annoyed-.
“BEDTIME, KIM TAEHYUNG!” The high-pitched voice startled Taehyung right out of his seat, and he practically darted to his room like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Jimin watched him scurry to his room with his tail between his legs, and he huffed, quickly following after him. “I swear to God, I’ll burn your vendors permit if I find out you fucking stayed up all night.”
“Okay, Mom,” Taehyung shouted from under the covers of his bed. Jimin sighed, crossing his arms. “Telling me about the biggest opportunity of my career is going to keep me up anyways, you know.”
“Yeah, you said that about the last art show I managed to get you into,” Jimin said. “You’ll thank me when you wake up tomorrow with no bags under your eyes.” Taehyung snorted.
“That’s funny. Those bastards live under there now, rent-free and I can’t kick them out because each one has two kids.” Jimin chuckled a bit.
“Goodnight, Tae,” Jimin said. Taehyung only groaned, keeping his head under his pillow as he heard his friend make his exit and close the front door behind him. Once Taehyung was alone, he poked his head out from the covers and stared up at the ceiling. He wanted to get up, he wanted to get up so bad and start to work, his fingers were itchy and eager to draw or paint or something. He gripped the sheets, however, because he knew Jimin was right. He needed to sleep and get ready for the next day. He couldn’t have another mess up like he did today. Not if he could help it.
Taehyung found himself scratching his head as he headed into the building early the next morning. He couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. He was so excited, then anxious, then excited again that he had to get up and pace the room a few times when sleep wouldn’t overtake his body. When the sun came up, he managed to squeeze in about 6 hours of sleep, which when paired with two cups of coffee, was perfect for him. Taehyung put his hands in his pockets as he headed down the hallway, passing Seokjin’s office. As he passed by, he heard voices talking inside. As he got closer, he could hear the voices even clearer. And neither of them seemed happy.
Inside, you were pacing Seokjin’s desk, hands behind your back. Seokjin was sitting at his desk, eyebrow raised in confusion as he watched you.
“Will you stop pacing?” Seokjin asked. “How about you finally tell me what’s on your mind instead of rambling to yourself.” When you finally stopped, you turned to him.
“Do you think your lecture yesterday got to him?” You asked curiously. Seokjin groaned, his head lolling back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling. “Sir, I’m just asking-.”
“I know it did. He looked upset. Now can you stop with all childish behavior please?” Seokjin sounded extremely annoyed. You blinked, the sound of the more annoyed President Kim making its way into the room over the jovial and upbeat Kim Seokjin. You stopped pacing and turned to him. “Seriously, it’s getting old and I’m getting frustrated.”
“N-no, listen. I’m not trying to give him a hard time here-.”
“Yes, you are,” Seokjin said simply. Taehyung blinked, now finding himself pressed up against the door to get a better listen. “It’s enough now. I spoke to him; he knows what is expected from him and now you need to stop.”
“But President-.” You tried to continue but Seokjin stood up. He was much taller than you now, and as you tilted your head up to look at him, you could see how annoyed he was, the fire burning in his eyes. That scary demeanor only made him seem ten times taller, and you a million times smaller. It sent a shiver up your spine.
“I swear to God if you keep this up, I will send you home and have Hoseok run the class himself. You’re not doing any favors to yourself or the kids by acting this way.” Your heart immediately sank into your chest.
Inside, you had your arms crossed and your eyes cast down to the floor, chewing the inside of your lip. Seokjin groaned and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, that was too far.” He said.
“You’re probably right though.” You said softly. “I just want to make sure that the kids are safe no matter what. It’s nothing against him.”
“It seems that way,” Seokjin said. “You were in there; did anything looks out of place yesterday other than him looking a bit tired?”
“No.” You said.
“The kids are fine. If it happens again, it’s for me to worry about, not you. But I trust that it won’t.” Seokjin walked over to you, placing a hand in your hair. “You feel this upset about his hiring?” You shook your head.
“No, not anymore. I know the kids like him and I know in my soul that him working here eases my workload a bit and I should be happy but I don’t know. I want to do it all; I’d teach the physical education if I was athletic at all.” Seokjin laughed a bit. “I can’t describe it.”
“But that’s not Taehyung’s fault.”
“I know.” You admitted. Seokjin grinned a bit.
“So, what do we say when we know we do something wrong?” Seokjin hummed, a mocking tone in his voice. You grimaced as he began to laugh once more, feeling even worse hearing this being said to you instead of saying it to a misbehaving child. You pouted.
“President, please-.”
“What do we do~?” he repeated. You groaned.
“Say sorry.” You mumbled, huffing. Seokjin laughed once again, and you couldn’t help but grin a bit too.
“Then shall we? He must be here by now.” Seokjin spun you around and began leading you towards the door.
The sound of footsteps heading towards the door made Taehyung’s eyes widen. He didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping! His eyes scanned the left, right, and even the ceiling, hoping that a magical hiding spot would appear. However, just as he was about to hide, the door opened and he saw Seokjin and you walk into the hall. He stood at attention; eyes cast to the floor.
“Uh…Good morning…” he said after a long silence rang through the hallway. When he looked up, he saw Seokjin grinning ear to ear.
“Good morning, Taehyung. Do you feel better?”
“Yes. It won’t happen again.” He quickly assured. Seokjin nodded his head. Suddenly, he patted your shoulders quickly, and your eyes shot up from the floor as well, coming in direct contact with Taehyung. You felt your stomach do a flip.
This must be what the kids feel like when I do this whole speech to them. You thought to yourself.
“She has something to say to you,” Seokjin said. Taehyung looked at you, and you forced out a deep breath, crossing your arms. Taehyung put his hands in his pockets as you stayed silent. However, after a slight shake of your shoulders, and the sound of Seokjin’s annoyed voice behind you uttering your name, you huffed. Your heart was pounding
“I’m sorry, okay?” you said. “I shouldn’t take my insecure anger out on you and it was rude and unprofessional….” Taehyung blinked a bit. Unprofessional, hm? It hit Taehyung differently hearing the word directed towards someone else. Taehyung nodded his head after a moment when he realized you had stopped.
“Oh, uh-.” Taehyung stuffed his hands in his pockets, pursing his lips as he tried to think of what to respond with. “Don’t worry about it, okay? I just want us to work…you know…well. So, let’s just have a clean slate?” Pulling one of his hands out of his pocket, he stuck it in your direction. You looked down at it, before glancing back up at him. You huffed, smiling a bit as you stuck your hand out and shook it firmly. Taehyung grinned a bit, and you noticed for the first time how boxy and warm his smile was. Just as you took a moment to admire it, a voice was heard behind you.
“I didn’t buy it, should I have you do a deep bow to him and apologize that way?” Seokjin asked. You immediately turned in the direction of your grinning President, who began laughing as you playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Ow!” He gasped as he continued to laugh.
“Would you stop causing trouble at every turn?” You asked, pouting. Taehyung blinked, unable to hold back an amused chuckle. You looked over at him, a pout still stuck on your face, along with a few tints of blush. “What’s so funny?!”
“….I would really accept your apology if you do a deep bow,” Taehyung added. You huffed.
“I’m going to my classroom.” You said, storming away as the boys continued to chuckle behind you. Suddenly, Taehyung stopped laughing, eyes wide as he remembered what he was planning to stop them about in the first place.
“Ah, w-wait a second.” Taehyung began, turning in your direction.
“NO! I don’t want to hear it, bullies.” You huffed, closing your door with a playful force that shook some of the wall posters nearby. Seokjin snickered as he saw Taehyung push his lips together in annoyance.
“What did you have to tell her?” Seokjin asked curiously. Taehyung looked over at his boss, before sighing.
“Well…” Taehyung pushed his fingers together. “My manager got me a vendor’s permit at the Ilsan Arts Festival this month.” He began. “And well…I wanted to ask if you guys were able to come and see me….” Taehyung waited for a response. He had never really asked anyone to see his work at a show before, as a lot of them were smaller and pretty intimate, only containing the managers, a few family members, and some art critics. Occasionally, the public would come, but in small droves due to low capacity. However, this was now a huge art festival that could hold tons of people. And he wanted his coworkers to be there. For a moment, there was no response from Seokjin, and Taehyung got a bit discouraged. He most likely has plans. Taehyung thought to himself. Taehyung looked at him. “I was going to ask her, and Hobi-Hyung and Yoongi-Hyung too…” Taehyung added.
“Hmm, you’re going to show your art?” Seokjin asked. Taehyung nodded. “…Consider us all there, then.” Taehyung blinked.
“Really?” Taehyung asked, eyes lighting up in excitement. Seokjin nodded.
“I think it’s a great way to promote comradery between everyone here once and for all.” Seokjin clapped his hands together. “I’ll call Yoongi, you tell Hoseok when he gets here.” Taehyung nodded and Seokjin patted his shoulders, a grin on his face. “This is exciting. I finally get to see your work in person.” Taehyung nodded.
“Y-yeah. I’m excited too.” He admitted. “It’s one of the biggest art shows I’ve gotten to show my work at.” Seokjin nodded.
“We’ll talk more later, so get ready for the day.” Taehyung nodded as the duo parted ways. As he passed your room, he peeked into one of the windows beside the door. He could barely see inside from behind the construction paper rocket ship on the door, or the multitude of big stars and a moon on the wall. He had to poke his head in the ‘O’ of the phrase “Lift Off to Pre-School!” that was plastered on top, and he accidentally knocked down a cut-out astronaut with Lia’s name written on it, which he had to sneakily put back in its place. However, when he finally got a good look, he saw you standing by the board. Your back was toward the door, a marker in your hand as you began writing and drawing on the board. Taehyung couldn’t see the entire thing, since your body covered most of it. However, when you looked to your right, he saw the profile of your face and pursed his lips. The look of absolute focus on your face was a vast contrast to the puffy cheeked, childish pout that was on your face only minutes before. He couldn’t stop staring as you tugged your hair into a scrunchie ponytail, before walking over to one of the cabinets and opening it, now completely hiding from his view behind the door, only your feet poking out. Taehyung, realizing he should probably step back, went to do so, when he heard a high-pitched voice.
“Your classroom is down the hall, Taehyungieeee~.” The voice made Taehyung jump, and he spun around to see Hoseok, standing behind him with a grin. “Are you spying?”
“Yes! I mean no.” Taehyung said quickly, cheeks flushed. Hoseok immediately covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. “…I just wanted to see what she was doing. I wanted to ask her a question but-.”
“She’s probably lost in thought right now, there’s almost no getting to her while she’s in prep mode,” Hoseok assured. “Want me to pass a message along?” Taehyung looked back into the room for a moment, seeing you close the closet and walk over to one of the desks, squatting down to its level and spreading out materials.
“Well, I have an art show at the end of the month, and I want everyone to come and see my work,” Taehyung said simply. “She just apologized to me for the ways she’s acting, but Seokjin-Hyung kind of forced her so I don’t know if we made up or not, and I don’t want to be a bother.” Hoseok sighed a bit, fixing his bag.
“I’ll tell her. She’ll come if I force her.” Taehyung looked at his Hyung, who was now smiling with a finger pressed against one of his dimples.
“I guess she can’t say no to that face, huh?” Taehyung mumbled, amused a bit by his childish Hyung. Hoseok laughed a bit.
“You’d be surprised, but I can be pretty convincing when I want to be.” Hoseok patted Taehyung’s back. “I’ll suggest it. See you later.” He grinned. Taehyung nodded, finally heading to his room as Hoseok entered the classroom. He took another glance into the classroom, watching as Hoseok approached you, a spring in his step. When you turned to face him, Taehyung took that as his time to leave and make his way to his classroom. As he sat down at his desk, his eyes scanned the walls, the off-white paint slowly being covered up in all directions by scattered collections of the student’s dried artwork. All he could see as he scanned the room was his childhood bedroom, which looked extremely familiar visually. Scribbles and sketches covered all of his carefully placed wallpaper, crumpled up paper took up more of the floor than any number of toys ever could. He felt as if he was eight years old again, kicking his legs at the desk in his room as he continued to draw on a sheet of slightly crumpled printer paper. He could even hear the footsteps of his mother approach him from the door.
“Taehyung, have you even finished your homework?” She asked. Taehyung looked up, his pencil gripped tightly in his hands.
“No.” He said, much to his mother’s disdain. “But I don’t need homework, Mom. I’m going to be a great artist one day, just like Vincent Van Gogh!” A deep, frustrated groan escaped his mother’s lips as she hit him over the head just slightly, making the boy pout. “Ow!”
“Enough with that nonsense. No son of mine is going to struggle his way through life. Art is a fine hobby, but be practical.” Taehyung watched his mother yank the paper from in front of him, crumpling it up in her hands. “Now get your homework done, and don’t even think about coming out of this room until it’s all finished.” She demanded. Taehyung watched her storm out, slamming the door and ending the conversation right then and there.  
Taehyung’s memory was pulled away by the sound of his phone vibrating. When he looked over, he saw Jimin’s face showing up on it. Quickly he answered it.
“Uh, hello?”
“Hello, future Van Gogh~.” Jimin cooed happily. “Just calling to tell you that I found out exactly where our vendor spot is going to be for the festival. I sent it to you over text but was shocked to not receive a reply right away. Are you working on lessons or something?”
“Oh uh, no,” Taehyung assured. “I just kind of zoned out. Took a trip down memory lane, I guess…” Jimin hummed. “I’ll check the text message right now, though. Thanks.”
“So, what’s the status with your coworkers?” He asked curiously.
“Well, President Seokjin said he can get everyone to come, but Hoseok-Hyung is going to sweeten the pot for her to say yes,” Taehyung said. “So…yeah.” Jimin grinned.
“That’s great.” He said. “Okay, well if you’re not dead, I need to get back to work before Namjoon finds me and beats me up for sneaking off. I’m supposed to be getting him important documents.”
“Enjoy…” Taehyung said. Jimin laughed a bit, saying his goodbyes before the two of them hung up. Taehyung set his phone down and looked at the desks before him. The materials for the day needed to be pulled out, and Taehyung needed to get an example or two prepared for the children to use as a guide for the craft. He stood up, cracking his back as he strolled over to the cabinet, pulling out a bunch of dollar store mirrors and setting them down. He also collected a stack of paper and a box of markers and crayons. He had planned to have the students pair up and draw each other. His example was done, not forcibly of course, with Jimin before today. He was curious to see what such young minds could see when doing this, and how they were able to put that into a visual art on paper. It was bound to have a few laughs. Taehyung looked up at the clock, knowing that he had more than enough time, and he could probably go outside and greet the kids with you and Hoseok, so that was exactly what he planned to do. Strolling out of his room, he saw you and Hoseok already heading down the hall towards the door, talking to one another. As he watched you, he glanced back inside of his class, seeing the two weeks’ worth of artwork that scattered his walls. As he stared now, he was no longer being brought to the past, but instead was being shown the future. The pictures on the walls morphed from cute and amateur children’s work to abstract, stunning canvases of magnificent artwork. Taehyung could recognize some of the portraits as his own, but some he couldn’t recognize visually, but he could identify them deep in his soul as if they were his, he just didn’t know it yet. He could see the vendor spot perfectly in his mind, though he had no idea what it looked like for real. All he knew was that every day that passed, every hour that passed, every minute that passed, he was closer to it. As he closed the door, he hurried towards his coworkers, hoping to catch up with them in time.
He just couldn’t wait for it.
“Hey, guys.” He said when he approached. You and Hoseok turned your heads, only Hoseok offering a smile to Taehyung. “I wanted to come to say good morning to the kids today.”
“…Okay.” You said simply, turning back around. “Hoseok told me you’re showing art at the Ilsan Art Festival this month.” You said simply. Taehyung nodded.
“Uh yeah.” He glanced in Hoseok’s direction, who offered his friend a smile and a thumbs up. “My manager got me the spot through work. I was hoping you guys could come and see my real art.”
“What? Do your paper plate goldfish with glitter not count as real art?” You teased, smirking. When you didn’t get a reply, you turned over your shoulder to see Taehyung, and Hoseok did not look amused. “…What? I was joking.” You had to clarify, though it didn’t seem to help. You sighed.
“Anyway, are you coming? President Kim said everyone was going to, but-.”
“I uh, I mean I guess.” You looked over at him once again. “The way I’ve treated you…and you still want me to come?” Taehyung nodded.
“Well, yeah of course.” He said simply, putting his hands in his pockets. “I want you all to see my art. Besides, I think we’ve already realized as a group that I’m the nicer coworker out of us.” Hoseok snickered as your eyes widened. Taehyung couldn’t help but grin his little boxy grin. “What? I was joking.” Now, Hoseok began to laugh, and you turned to him.
“Oh, but you laugh at that!?” You asked, which only made Hoseok laugh harder. “It’s not funny!” Taehyung watched you shove Hoseok, and despite the annoyance etched on your face, a smile found its way on there as well. Taehyung smiled as he stared at the scene before him, and he could only imagine one thing.
He could only imagine how stunning your face would look sketched out on a beautiful, white canvas.
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infjabberwocky · 4 years
imagine if she was on something...
Having just turned 50, I decided to reflect on my life.
Why am I unemployed. Why do none of my old friends speak to me?
Why do I get angry at people for the slightest misstep that I perceive to be an attack against me?
Why have I been unable to hold onto any relationship whether it is romantic or platonic.
Why do I constantly feel attacked and insulted when there is no real attack or insult.
Why do I feel superior to everyone on the planet one moment and then start bawling because I feel like a worthless piece of shit, horrible person the next.
Why do I dwell for weeks on something that happened 30 years ago? Why do I beat myself up over something I did as a kid? Why do I beat myself up over nearly everything I do or say?
Why does someone bumping into me at the grocery store and not apologizing send me into a suicidal frenzy? A frenzy of self-loathing and tears and dread and believing that I have nothing but bad luck and that the universe must hate me.
I chain smoke and talk to myself while I plan my own demise. How dare someone give me a dirty look. How dare someone question my Twitter post. How dare someone not value my opinion.
So, I asked some acquaintances what they liked and disliked about me so I could, hopefully, change.
Their answers were not kind. They weren’t mean, but something about what they said shocked me because I never really viewed myself as what they described. I often view myself as better than most. Nicer than most. More polite than most. A better friend than most. Turns out, I’m none of that. I’m just a narcissist who overreacts to just about everything in (mostly) silent self-deprecation. Let me backtrack to the early 70s. I’m around 5 or 6. I’m across the street at my best friends apartment. We lived in Navy Housing. I run back to my house to grab something and run back, only I can’t remember what apartment she lives in. I’d been there 100 times, but I couldn’t remember. By the way, I have an enormous dent in the back of my skull that no one would tell me about. Anyway, I can’t remember what apartment, so I just start opening random doors. A large naked man saw me, laughed and invited me in. I panic, run out of the building, into my room and crawl under the covers where I stayed for days. I didn’t eat and spoke to no one. In fact, I was so mortified that I never saw my best friend, again. Seriously. And that’s how my brain has worked ever since.
The internet gave me the chance to whine to everyone. Any chance I got, I’d whine about my terrible life. My lack of friends. My lack of romance. How no one liked me because I was ugly. I valued myself based on my looks. No one is ever attracted to me. I’m too ugly to live. I should just kill myself and put everyone out of their misery by having me gone.
I drank. A lot. It either soothed me or heightened my insecurities like waking up to a flashlight in my face.
I’ve been told to seek therapy thousands of times, even by my employer, but was either too embarrassed or assumed that I knew better than any doctor. I am, after all, smarter than everyone…until I remember that I’m actually dumber than everyone. I wish that I had kept a journal. However, I’m pretty sure that it would just be a lot of nonsensical writings blaming everyone and everything for my behavior. Someone was mean to me. Someone didn’t appreciate all of the things I did for them. Someone thought I was ugly and fat. Someone didn’t like my hair. Someone molested me. Someone didn’t love me. Someone didn’t pay attention to me. Someone lied to me. Someone avoided me. Now I’m in the introspection phase. I’m trying to put my behavior and lack of motivation together like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Want to come with me? Put your seatbelt on. Better grab a crash helmet, too, because this may get bumpy.
So, in 2013 I had reached the tipping point of being miserable at work. I was a radio personality at a very popular radio station in southern California. I had worked there since 1989. My original goal was to be a DJ, but took any job I was offered just to keep my foot in the door. I started out answering phones for the jocks. I…I’m having trouble describing myself at this time because I was young and don’t know if I was just reckless or knee-deep into a mental disorder. In any event, I was hard-working, yet lazy. I chatted with listeners more than I worked. I was threatened with being fired weekly, but for some reason, never was. My behavior would change for a few days and when things cooled down, I’d go right back to doing what I was told not to. I assumed that I was so beloved, that I’d go far in no time. That didn’t happen. Around this time, I started drinking. I’d take a sippy cup full of King Cobra in the car with me to drink on the way to work or school. Eventually, I was kicked out of college for lack of attendance and poor grades and that just confirmed that I was stupid. I would take a break from school, make up an excuse, petition and be allowed to re-enroll. This happened over and over. I’d make friends, have sex with most of them and never speak to them again. I’d fall in love. I’d fall out of love after they’d do something insignificant that annoyed me. I struggled financially. I went to my parents for money constantly. I stole money from my parents. I’ve never done drugs, only smoked pot a few times but drank a ton of beer I needed it to survive. I was outrageously promiscuous. Always looking for someone to love me, even if it was only for a few hours. When they didn’t love me back, they were banished from my life. I was like this for decades. I could go into story after story and example after example of my lazy, destructive, self-loathing, whiny behavior but it will just trigger me and if you are relating to anything I’m writing, it may trigger you, too. Let’s just avoid that for now. I will add, however, that I chose friends who talked down to me. Who talked shit about me to our peers. Who paid attention to me in negative, judgmental ways. I hated my friends but begged them to like me. I would make friends who were truly nice to me and end up hating them over some minor infraction like using my hairbrush or playfully making fun of me. Nerves were always touched, or should I say torched. I’d plan to kill myself only AFTER I did something to make them regret hurting me. I’ll show them. I’ll show all of them, right? When I was younger, I’d keep my anger and bitterness internalized. When I started drinking, it came out for the world to see. When I got older, I’d internalize it again and when social media became popular, I’d write it for the world to see. Every gripe. Every perceived slight. Every comment was an insult. Every suggestion was a jab at me. Every joke was really an opinion of my faults. See how my brain works? I always assumed I had raging PMS even though my self-loathing and anger was constant. Then, I thought I had raging ADD, which may or may not be true, but probably not the cause of my suicidal tendencies.
After I became a parent, I was so afraid of fucking my kid up that I drank more thinking it would help. Obviously, it made things a gazillion times worse. I was a functioning alcoholic. I was drunk nearly all day, every day. I hid it. At least, I assumed I did. I was an awful human being, so I doubt I hid it well. Here’s the thing, though. I thought I was funny. I was named Class Clown in high school. People at the radio station seemed to like me. The listeners liked me. I got good ratings. Everyone loved me. I think. I became obsessed with sex. I watched porn at work constantly. I got in trouble at work constantly. I eventually became a DJ after 12 years. I slept with anyone who asked. I came to work drunk and left even drunker. I had sex at work, after work before work. I was a terrible mother. Not abusive, but only thought of myself. Everything was an inconvenience to me. I divorced. I slept around more. I liked unavailable men. I hated everyone. I loathed myself. I resented everyone. I was constantly struggling financially. I never felt in control of anything. Not my surroundings, not my brain, not my body, not my career, not my choices. I always felt as if I was being pulled by someone else’s strings, but nobody was there except me. I used to fly off the handle over the smallest incidents. I mean teeny. My poor kid. The shit he had to go through watching me lose my fucking mind over dead batteries in the remote. Jesus Christ if I could go back in time. I assumed my outbursts were because of my drinking. Then I assumed they were because I was a failure at everything and feeling sorry for myself. Then, after 26 years, I finally got fired. Oh. My. God. Wanna talk about a trigger? Thing is. I quit drinking. I quit cold turkey. A few years earlier, three family members died months apart so I was still dealing with packing up their house and I just didn’t have time to drink. No time for hangovers. I also decided to alienate myself from EVERYONE. I didn’t have a job, I was worthless. I lost my only sense of identity. Being that girl on the radio. Turns out that those who no longer HAD to talk to me, didn’t. I lost all of my ‘friends’ and that’s something that pissed me off immensely up until a few days ago. I harbored resentment for YEARS. So, I get fired. Get my real estate license for CA, realize that I’m terrible at math and have horrific dyslexia and decided to LEAVE CA and move to Colorado to live with my mother who I hadn’t seen in 10 years.  There’s so much that happens in between this but honestly, my brain is going 5,000 mph so I’ll have to come back to it later. I mean, up until a few hours ago, I thought I was the nicest person on earth. I never kill bugs, I put them outside. I feed stray cats. I picked dead animals up in the rod and pay for their cremation. I pull furniture out of the road so cars don’t run over it. But maybe I’m not nice. Maybe I’m just seeking validation. Maybe I just wrote that so you’d think I was amazing. Yes, I had an unloving mother (still do) who either ignored me completely or verbally abused me. When I told her that a close family member was sexually abusing me, she became furious with me and said that she’d speak to him about it. Nothing ever changed. I digress. I moved to Colorado and have made no friends, cannot find work and am broker than a mother fucker. I take surveys for spending money. I have a car that has a broken computer and am unmotivated to do anything but whine and cry and contemplate suicide. None of my former colleges speak to me. They claim to be afraid of my wrath. Although, I must admit that there were times that I loved being intimidating. I loved that people were afraid of me. Maybe because I was bullied severely in junior high. I don’t know. So, like I said…and I’m sorry that this is all over the place…I decided to figure out what my major malfunction really was rather than blame everyone else for my woes. I started watching tarot videos and they were all on point (there were a few times in my life that I believed I was a sorcerer and could control everything though magic, but that’s for another time). These videos were mostly ‘pick a card’ or Virgo specific and they were all nail on head. One video would lead me to another, to another, and so on. Then, I started watching videos about having an unloving, neglectful mother. Then I started looking up how to commit suicide. Then I started looking up videos on how to change my personality. Then, I had a meltdown. I was waiting to make a left turn when I noticed the older female driver behind me waving her arms and screaming (presumably at me). I have a Jeep and it’s hard for a car to see what I see. As I waited for the two cars in front of me to turn so I could make mine, I couldn’t stop watching her flipping me off and flailing about in frustration over my lack of movement and it triggered me HARD. I came home and cried and planned my suicide and cried some more and begged God to kill me over this stranger who was in the wrong lane, freaking out over me abiding by traffic laws. Then I dawned on me that there may be something going on in my brain that is making me behave like this. This constant all or nothing overreaction. The, either you love me or you hate my guts thing. The anxiety, the depression, the whining, the negativity, the self-loathing, the hatred of every living person on the planet. I’ve even hated my own kid for weeks because he said something to me that hurt my feelings. Can you imagine? He’s 25 and still lives with me, but that’s also another story. Just like the fact I live with my narcissistic, unloving mother who makes me want to slit my throat. All for another time.  I was so exhausted living in my own world of believing that everything inconvenient that happens to me is bad luck. Someone didn’t smile at me, bad luck I’d better burn the shirt I’m wearing. Do I sound crazy? Yes. Do I know what to do about it having zero income? No. Going back to my mother for a second, she just triggered me. I’m trying to self-soothe as I type this. She does this thing where if she needs help or wants me to do something for her, she screams. Like, a scream you’d make when you catch someone breaking into your car. Screams. So, I always end up running downstairs only to discover that she dropped something or her TV remote doesn’t work. She refers to me as, ‘someone’ and ‘anyone’. Never by my name. Waiting for my heart stop racing…you’d think I’d be used to this. Her behavior is my biggest trigger. I had a boss who reminded me of her. A boss who actually called me a cunt once for posting on my Facebook that ‘d be better off dead. Called me a cunt. To my face. For everyone to hear. Now, I’m glad she fired me. How much more of THAT could I have taken? Oh, wait. I’m still taking it, but this time I’m not getting paid. My goal is to get out of here and never return.
I’m going to assume that I’m mentally ill. I haven’t been in a relationship since 2007. I haven’t had sex since 2011 because I’m afraid ghosts are watching me. I haven’t had a drink since 2014 and I haven’t had a face to face conversation with another human being since 2015. What has happened to me? Am I mentally ill? It has to be more than depression. It has to be more than bipolar. Nothing brings me joy. I’m paranoid. I used to be fun and creative and now I hate myself even more than ever, yet I admire myself. I want to die yet I want to see if something good will happen. I want to be loved yet I don’t want to go through the trouble. I’m not hungry yet I’ll eat junk food until I can’t put on my pants. I can’t even masturbate because I feel like it’s going to bring me bad luck. The thing is, I am fully aware of how insane this sounds. I’m aware that this is not normal, I just can’t stop myself. I’ve learned to hold in my verbal abuse because I avoid confrontation like the plague now. I’ve always kind of avoided it, but booze made it easier. Now, I’ll apologize for things I’m not even sorry for. Things I didn’t even do wrong just to avoid ANY conflict. I’m even avoiding social media. Some girl came after me on NextDoor last week and I actually put a hose in my tailpipe. Over some stranger. On fucking NextDoor. The blessing is that no one will ever read this. No one likes me and no one reads my blogs and fuck if I’m going to advertise this. I need help. I believe if I can fix whatever is going on in my brain, I can function like a 50-year-old adult, find work, maybe even love and live adequately ever after. I guess you’re going to judge me, now. It will trigger me and I’ll cry and probably try to kill myself, but you’ll think I’m looking for sympathy or being melodramatic. I’m not looking for sympathy for the devil, just a little tenderness. Yes, I realize that this looks like just a massive blog of bitching, moaning and complaining but I’m trying to show how my mind works, not whine. Well, whine a little. It’s really all I’ve got right now.
Until my next manic meltdown…
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candaceperry81 · 4 years
Fast Day 1: Why I’m Fasting
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To understand why I’m fasting (and now writing a blog about it), it probably makes the most sense to start with how this blog came to be. I originally started it in 2014. There’s still posts from back then here, but I’ve hidden the rest because they were more raw than this one & it’s time for a fresh start. Apparently, 6 years ago I was going through the same thing I’m going through now: Depressed because I was broke, lonely, & single. Since then, there’s been some ups, but mostly a bunch of downs. 
The depression started around age 10, but I’d say it got serious around 2006 when I graduated from college & found myself without a group of friends to hang out with on a regular basis, we’re talking I didn’t even have people to hang out with once a month. In 2008 it worsened because I was unemployed. I then went in & out of work for years, not reaching financial stability until late 2019. All those years of working my butt off to climb out of financial ruin took a toll on my social life & I found myself in depression again last year due to the social isolation.
Some years ago, I think around 2008 or 2009, I remember walking into Sanctuary Church in Savannah, depressed because I had been single for so many years. A girl walked up not knowing anything about how I was feeling in that moment about my singleness & said God had told her to walk over & share that He wanted me to start praying for my husband. I never really did until many years later, mostly because I was afraid that if I prayed & God didn’t provide, my spirit would be irreparably crushed.
Instead of praying, I did everything else I could think of to change my relationship status. I went on hundreds of one-on-one dates & several speed dates. I tried both paid & free dating sites. I hired a dating coach, a matchmaking company, & a company that will message people for you. I spent literally thousands of dollars in 2019, even though I knew deep down I was wasting my time & money because I’m looking for a needle in a haystack. 
I DID finally begin praying for a husband at some point, I think around 2015. But my prayers haven’t been consistent & I’ve definitely never fasted because I’ve felt weird about it. No one talks about praying for a spouse and when you say you are, people look at you funny. But why shouldn’t we pray for a spouse? We pray for everything else, and who you marry is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.
Over the last few months my depression has grown to the point I started having suicidal thoughts again. Though I’ve had depression since childhood, it’s been years since I’ve been that down. I think they’re this strong now because I’m just plain tired. I’m tired of tired of finding a sliver of hope only for it to be crushed again. It’s just been too many years of fighting this battle.
I know many would say, “You’ll only be happy with God, focus on that” or, “You need to get healthy before you look for a spouse.” I agree to an extent; part of why I’m here is because I tried to do this on my own. However, these same hyper-Spiritual people need to also look at these verses:
“A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18
If Scripture is what we’re to follow, there are no verses that say, “It’s good to be alone & Jesus is all you need,” in fact, the Bible says the opposite, and based on what I’ve read on social media regarding this coronavirus self-isolation period, most people can’t even handle 2 weeks of it. Multiply that feeling times 20, and you have a small picture of what it’s like to be me because I’ve lived like this for most of my life. Some of it’s because it’s very hard to find people who treat others the way they want to be treated, the other part is because my BPD causes me to overreact when I’m mistreated.
Currently, I’m only about 70% sure Jesus/Christianity is real. So this fast might be a total waste of time. But in a last ditch effort to find answers & get out of this cycle hopefully for good, I decided this morning to go on what I’m calling a fast/hunger strike (because I’m a little angry at God for allowing me to be isolated this long).
When I logged onto Instagram this morning, I saw this verse on someone’s story & it confirmed this decision: 
"But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. And when he had came into the house, his disciples asked him privately, why could we not cast him out? And He said unto them, This kind can only come forth by prayer & fasting." -Mark 9:27-29
After I closed my accounts down, I got online to watch my church’s sermon for today & it confirmed this decision too:
The verses that really stood out to me in that message were these:
“Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down form heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” John 6:57-58
My soul has been spiritually hungry for awhile as my faith has gone up & down when everything else went up & down. If Scripture is real, then this is why my life has been so full of death, because I gave up on Scripture.
As far as what to do during this fast goes, these were also in that sermon:
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 
The 70% of me that believes God/Christianity/Jesus is real says that 1) The Spirit of Poverty, Rejection, Abandonment, & Isolation has been over me my entire life & I need to pray, fast, listen to worship, & read Scripture to get it out, and 2) It’s not a coincidence that I was reminded of all these Scriptures TODAY, right after deciding to fast this morning. 
The 30% of me that says I’m wasting my time also says how can any of this change when I can’t even leave the house & God might not even be listening or care anyway because He didn’t care the first time I trusted Him with my love life?
But there’s still a little hope inside that He cares & one day I won’t be so alone and if I’m to stay alive, I can NOT take this cycle anymore, it’s time for something to change. So, here we go. I’m thinking 30 day fast as of now, but it might end up being longer.
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scoutbert · 6 years
my birthday is on sunday 3/3
TW: non graphic mentions of suicide/depression/drug abuse.
i turn 20,, i have had an account here since 2013 (when i was 14) and therefore i have spent 6 years on this accursed site... i wonder if, like webkinz, there will be a day where i log in for the last time and forget about all the stuff that made me /feel/.
anyway yea its my birthday soon and i want to draw your attention cause some people who've been following me/been mutuals for years may vaguely recall my many close encounters with depression-related crises. i never thought i would live to see my 20th birthday. there was never a future i envisioned because i was so wrapped up, and obsessed with thinking, and fantasizing and rolling around in my own sticky angst that i burned bridges, or never even built some.
my teens were frought with mental health problems. ive been in and out of psychiatric inpatient hospitals at least 9 times, gone through several failed therapies and medications. ive had some (severely) traumatic events occur. ive struggled with addiction. and now, as i enter my 20s, i am coming to terms with healing, something i never even /considered/ as a viable option. for too long my automatic thought process was "well i can always just kill myself!" it was an excuse to avoid putting effort into improving myself, a 'plan b' if you will, for when things became challenging or too much.
but since i was kicked out of my abusive, unsupportive household and began my transition last year, things have begun to change. over the last 12 months, i have been forced to adjust to adult life very quickly. and at first it whipped my ass hard. i got a job but due to a pretty bad bender with alcohol i became depressed and quit. then i was unemployed for 6 months, living off the generosity of my partner's family. i am a prideful person, i do not like help, i am the one to OFFER help usually. the shame and pride i felt escalated into my drug abuse last year, and i tried LSD a lot. i had one experience that was amazing; it basically changed my life. more on that in a different post.
basically, i got a job again. and when the winter hit and my seasonal depression kicked in- hard- i made the first move to improve my mental health in *years.* i voluntarily admitted myself to inpatient. i was set up with a professional support system at last, got on meds (that actually fucking work?? you may recall my deep distrust of psychopharmacology) and started just. being more adult.
i filed my taxes for the first time, i am budgeting, taking care of my own transportation, food, clothing. i even planned a little mini vacation for anime boston. ive cut back immensely on the booze, cigarettes, weed and acid. i have outpatient support. i have a handsome wonderful partner and a plethora of wonderful people i surround myself with, and ive cut out all the people who don't add any value to my life/took value away from it.
im still getting my sea legs. there's always the chance i may fall down again. but this time i dont have my mother towering over me and ridiculing me for it. i have a whole network of supportive people there to reach out a hand to help me back up. and ive finally learned to value my own life. i always angsted over how horrible the world was, and how living isn't worth the pain because the pain seemed to outweigh any good things. and it's been REALLY hard changing that pattern of thinking, because it's so easy to believe it's true. but the truth really is that there is no pain versus pleasure. there is pain, and there is pleasure, and there is neutrality. but most importantly, there is my ability to decide HOW these things will affect ME, and my ability to CHOOSE how to respond. in therapy i learned there are thoughts, feelings, and actions. you can't always control your thoughts, and usually not your feelings, but you always have 100% control over how you act and what you say.
so now, im taking actions to affect how i feel, to change how i think. like actively recognizing and challenging intrusive or maladaptive thoughts, learning how to cope with strong emotions and memories, and controlling impulsive behaviors.
the freedom i feel is so refreshing at last. i may still be poor, i may still have no car and no place of my own, but what the hell is the rush? i have maybe 60+ years here. no one gets to tell me how i spend them but me!
happy birthday, me. i no longer dread my birthday, a sign of my impending slavery to society (entering the shitty American system of lower class people.) i am getting comfortable in my body and identity. im going to live and life isn't about what i think other people want, its about what i want, and what im going to do to get it.
so thank you if you've managed to read this far. thanks if you've been with me since the beginning, way back in 2013 when i made that post promising i would follow everyone on tumblr who reblogged it, when i got a little popular. thanks if you're the people who messaged me asking if i was okay or needed to talk; thank you, the people who called for help on me when i posted my suicide notes from high school; thank you to the people who sent me financial help when i was at my lowest and couldn't afford my medications. you all played a part in me coming to this point and i am grateful for you. merci beaucoup, mes amis. je vous aimez.
-scout 2/27/19
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cringeater · 5 years
imagine if she was on something...
Having just turned 50, I decided to reflect on my life.
Why am I unemployed. Why do none of my old friends speak to me?
Why do I get angry at people for the slightest misstep that I perceive to be an attack against me?
Why have I been unable to hold onto any relationship whether it is romantic or platonic.
Why do I constantly feel attacked and insulted when there is no real attack or insult.
Why do I feel superior to everyone on the planet one moment and then start bawling because I feel like a worthless piece of shit, horrible person the next.
Why do I dwell for weeks on something that happened 30 years ago? Why do I beat myself up over something I did as a kid? Why do I beat myself up over nearly everything I do or say?
Why does someone bumping into me at the grocery store and not apologizing send me into a suicidal frenzy? A frenzy of self-loathing and tears and dread and believing that I have nothing but bad luck and that the universe must hate me.
I chain smoke and talk to myself while I plan my own demise. How dare someone give me a dirty look. How dare someone question my Twitter post. How dare someone not value my opinion.
So, I asked some acquaintances what they liked and disliked about me so I could, hopefully, change.
Their answers were not kind. They weren’t mean, but something about what they said shocked me because I never really viewed myself as what they described. I often view myself as better than most. Nicer than most. More polite than most. A better friend than most. Turns out, I’m none of that. I’m just a narcissist who overreacts to just about everything in (mostly) silent self-deprecation. Let me backtrack to the early 70s. I’m around 5 or 6. I’m across the street at my best friends apartment. We lived in Navy Housing. I run back to my house to grab something and run back, only I can’t remember what apartment she lives in. I’d been there 100 times, but I couldn’t remember. By the way, I have an enormous dent in the back of my skull that no one would tell me about. Anyway, I can’t remember what apartment, so I just start opening random doors. A large naked man saw me, laughed and invited me in. I panic, run out of the building, into my room and crawl under the covers where I stayed for days. I didn’t eat and spoke to no one. In fact, I was so mortified that I never saw my best friend, again. Seriously. And that’s how my brain has worked ever since. 
The internet gave me the chance to whine to everyone. Any chance I got, I’d whine about my terrible life. My lack of friends. My lack of romance. How no one liked me because I was ugly. I valued myself based on my looks. No one is ever attracted to me. I’m too ugly to live. I should just kill myself and put everyone out of their misery by having me gone.
I drank. A lot. It either soothed me or heightened my insecurities like waking up to a flashlight in my face.
I’ve been told to seek therapy thousands of times, even by my employer, but was either too embarrassed or assumed that I knew better than any doctor. I am, after all, smarter than everyone…until I remember that I’m actually dumber than everyone. I wish that I had kept a journal. However, I’m pretty sure that it would just be a lot of nonsensical writings blaming everyone and everything for my behavior. Someone was mean to me. Someone didn’t appreciate all of the things I did for them. Someone thought I was ugly and fat. Someone didn’t like my hair. Someone molested me. Someone didn’t love me. Someone didn’t pay attention to me. Someone lied to me. Someone avoided me. Now I’m in the introspection phase. I’m trying to put my behavior and lack of motivation together like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Want to come with me? Put your seatbelt on. Better grab a crash helmet, too, because this may get bumpy.
So, in 2013 I had reached the tipping point of being miserable at work. I was a radio personality at a very popular radio station in southern California. I had worked there since 1989. My original goal was to be a DJ, but took any job I was offered just to keep my foot in the door. I started out answering phones for the jocks. I…I’m having trouble describing myself at this time because I was young and don’t know if I was just reckless or knee-deep into a mental disorder. In any event, I was hard-working, yet lazy. I chatted with listeners more than I worked. I was threatened with being fired weekly, but for some reason, never was. My behavior would change for a few days and when things cooled down, I’d go right back to doing what I was told not to. I assumed that I was so beloved, that I’d go far in no time. That didn’t happen. Around this time, I started drinking. I’d take a sippy cup full of King Cobra in the car with me to drink on the way to work or school. Eventually, I was kicked out of college for lack of attendance and poor grades and that just confirmed that I was stupid. I would take a break from school, make up an excuse, petition and be allowed to re-enroll. This happened over and over. I’d make friends, have sex with most of them and never speak to them again. I’d fall in love. I’d fall out of love after they’d do something insignificant that annoyed me. I struggled financially. I went to my parents for money constantly. I stole money from my parents. I’ve never done drugs, only smoked pot a few times but drank a ton of beer I needed it to survive. I was outrageously promiscuous. Always looking for someone to love me, even if it was only for a few hours. When they didn’t love me back, they were banished from my life. I was like this for decades. I could go into story after story and example after example of my lazy, destructive, self-loathing, whiny behavior but it will just trigger me and if you are relating to anything I’m writing, it may trigger you, too. Let’s just avoid that for now. I will add, however, that I chose friends who talked down to me. Who talked shit about me to our peers. Who paid attention to me in negative, judgmental ways. I hated my friends but begged them to like me. I would make friends who were truly nice to me and end up hating them over some minor infraction like using my hairbrush or playfully making fun of me. Nerves were always touched, or should I say torched. I’d plan to kill myself only AFTER I did something to make them regret hurting me. I’ll show them. I’ll show all of them, right? When I was younger, I’d keep my anger and bitterness internalized. When I started drinking, it came out for the world to see. When I got older, I’d internalize it again and when social media became popular, I’d write it for the world to see. Every gripe. Every perceived slight. Every comment was an insult. Every suggestion was a jab at me. Every joke was really an opinion of my faults. See how my brain works? I always assumed I had raging PMS even though my self-loathing and anger was constant. Then, I thought I had raging ADD, which may or may not be true, but probably not the cause of my suicidal tendencies.
After I became a parent, I was so afraid of fucking my kid up that I drank more thinking it would help. Obviously, it made things a gazillion times worse. I was a functioning alcoholic. I was drunk nearly all day, every day. I hid it. At least, I assumed I did. I was an awful human being, so I doubt I hid it well. Here’s the thing, though. I thought I was funny. I was named Class Clown in high school. People at the radio station seemed to like me. The listeners liked me. I got good ratings. Everyone loved me. I think. I became obsessed with sex. I watched porn at work constantly. I got in trouble at work constantly. I eventually became a DJ after 12 years. I slept with anyone who asked. I came to work drunk and left even drunker. I had sex at work, after work before work. I was a terrible mother. Not abusive, but only thought of myself. Everything was an inconvenience to me. I divorced. I slept around more. I liked unavailable men. I hated everyone. I loathed myself. I resented everyone. I was constantly struggling financially. I never felt in control of anything. Not my surroundings, not my brain, not my body, not my career, not my choices. I always felt as if I was being pulled by someone else’s strings, but nobody was there except me. I used to fly off the handle over the smallest incidents. I mean teeny. My poor kid. The shit he had to go through watching me lose my fucking mind over dead batteries in the remote. Jesus Christ if I could go back in time. I assumed my outbursts were because of my drinking. Then I assumed they were because I was a failure at everything and feeling sorry for myself. Then, after 26 years, I finally got fired. Oh. My. God. Wanna talk about a trigger? Thing is. I quit drinking. I quit cold turkey. A few years earlier, three family members died months apart so I was still dealing with packing up their house and I just didn’t have time to drink. No time for hangovers. I also decided to alienate myself from EVERYONE. I didn’t have a job, I was worthless. I lost my only sense of identity. Being that girl on the radio. Turns out that those who no longer HAD to talk to me, didn’t. I lost all of my ‘friends’ and that’s something that pissed me off immensely up until a few days ago. I harbored resentment for YEARS. So, I get fired. Get my real estate license for CA, realize that I’m terrible at math and have horrific dyslexia and decided to LEAVE CA and move to Colorado to live with my mother who I hadn’t seen in 10 years.  There’s so much that happens in between this but honestly, my brain is going 5,000 mph so I’ll have to come back to it later. I mean, up until a few hours ago, I thought I was the nicest person on earth. I never kill bugs, I put them outside. I feed stray cats. I picked dead animals up in the rod and pay for their cremation. I pull furniture out of the road so cars don’t run over it. But maybe I’m not nice. Maybe I’m just seeking validation. Maybe I just wrote that so you’d think I was amazing. Yes, I had an unloving mother (still do) who either ignored me completely or verbally abused me. When I told her that a close family member was sexually abusing me, she became furious with me and said that she’d speak to him about it. Nothing ever changed. I digress. I moved to Colorado and have made no friends, cannot find work and am broker than a mother fucker. I take surveys for spending money. I have a car that has a broken computer and am unmotivated to do anything but whine and cry and contemplate suicide. None of my former colleges speak to me. They claim to be afraid of my wrath. Although, I must admit that there were times that I loved being intimidating. I loved that people were afraid of me. Maybe because I was bullied severely in junior high. I don’t know. So, like I said…and I’m sorry that this is all over the place…I decided to figure out what my major malfunction really was rather than blame everyone else for my woes. I started watching tarot videos and they were all on point (there were a few times in my life that I believed I was a sorcerer and could control everything though magic, but that’s for another time). These videos were mostly ‘pick a card’ or Virgo specific and they were all nail on head. One video would lead me to another, to another, and so on. Then, I started watching videos about having an unloving, neglectful mother. Then I started looking up how to commit suicide. Then I started looking up videos on how to change my personality. Then, I had a meltdown. I was waiting to make a left turn when I noticed the older female driver behind me waving her arms and screaming (presumably at me). I have a Jeep and it’s hard for a car to see what I see. As I waited for the two cars in front of me to turn so I could make mine, I couldn’t stop watching her flipping me off and flailing about in frustration over my lack of movement and it triggered me HARD. I came home and cried and planned my suicide and cried some more and begged God to kill me over this stranger who was in the wrong lane, freaking out over me abiding by traffic laws. Then I dawned on me that there may be something going on in my brain that is making me behave like this. This constant all or nothing overreaction. The, either you love me or you hate my guts thing. The anxiety, the depression, the whining, the negativity, the self-loathing, the hatred of every living person on the planet. I’ve even hated my own kid for weeks because he said something to me that hurt my feelings. Can you imagine? He’s 25 and still lives with me, but that’s also another story. Just like the fact I live with my narcissistic, unloving mother who makes me want to slit my throat. All for another time.  I was so exhausted living in my own world of believing that everything inconvenient that happens to me is bad luck. Someone didn’t smile at me, bad luck I’d better burn the shirt I’m wearing. Do I sound crazy? Yes. Do I know what to do about it having zero income? No. Going back to my mother for a second, she just triggered me. I’m trying to self-soothe as I type this. She does this thing where if she needs help or wants me to do something for her, she screams. Like, a scream you’d make when you catch someone breaking into your car. Screams. So, I always end up running downstairs only to discover that she dropped something or her TV remote doesn’t work. She refers to me as, ‘someone’ and ‘anyone’. Never by my name. Waiting for my heart stop racing…you’d think I’d be used to this. Her behavior is my biggest trigger. I had a boss who reminded me of her. A boss who actually called me a cunt once for posting on my Facebook that ‘d be better off dead. Called me a cunt. To my face. For everyone to hear. Now, I’m glad she fired me. How much more of THAT could I have taken? Oh, wait. I’m still taking it, but this time I’m not getting paid. My goal is to get out of here and never return. 
I’m going to assume that I’m mentally ill. I haven’t been in a relationship since 2007. I haven’t had sex since 2011 because I’m afraid ghosts are watching me. I haven’t had a drink since 2014 and I haven’t had a face to face conversation with another human being since 2015. What has happened to me? Am I mentally ill? It has to be more than depression. It has to be more than bipolar. Nothing brings me joy. I’m paranoid. I used to be fun and creative and now I hate myself even more than ever, yet I admire myself. I want to die yet I want to see if something good will happen. I want to be loved yet I don’t want to go through the trouble. I’m not hungry yet I’ll eat junk food until I can’t put on my pants. I can’t even masturbate because I feel like it’s going to bring me bad luck. The thing is, I am fully aware of how insane this sounds. I’m aware that this is not normal, I just can’t stop myself. I’ve learned to hold in my verbal abuse because I avoid confrontation like the plague now. I’ve always kind of avoided it, but booze made it easier. Now, I’ll apologize for things I’m not even sorry for. Things I didn’t even do wrong just to avoid ANY conflict. I’m even avoiding social media. Some girl came after me on NextDoor last week and I actually put a hose in my tailpipe. Over some stranger. On fucking NextDoor. The blessing is that no one will ever read this. No one likes me and no one reads my blogs and fuck if I’m going to advertise this. I need help. I believe if I can fix whatever is going on in my brain, I can function like a 50-year-old adult, find work, maybe even love and live adequately ever after. I guess you’re going to judge me, now. It will trigger me and I’ll cry and probably try to kill myself, but you’ll think I’m looking for sympathy or being melodramatic. I’m not looking for sympathy for the devil, just a little tenderness. Yes, I realize that this looks like just a massive blog of bitching, moaning and complaining but I’m trying to show how my mind works, not whine. Well, whine a little. It’s really all I’ve got right now.
Until my next manic meltdown…
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prorevenge · 7 years
Re-use unfinished soups for the next customer? Lose your restaurant.
Very long post but worthy to read! A great recipe at the end.
This revenge story happened in the early 90s when I was working after school as a line cook / chef’s assistant at a Chinese restaurant. The place specialized in noodle soups, with the main attraction being our soup stock. The owner used a much revered passed down family recipe. It consisted of freshly cracked pork bones, fresh spices and fresh vegetables all kept at a rolling boil for over 12 hours. It had to be started the night before and the owner was very particular about the soup stock. If it ran out, then it ran out. He refused to ‘cheat’ as some places do by adding water or powdered stock etc.
The owner himself was this really awesome, old Chinese gentleman. He had some incredible stories. For example, he enlisted into the Kuo Ming Tang (Chinese republic) Army in the 40s and worked as a chef for KMT officers during WWII. He told us about how one time his Division’s HQ was over run, and he had to escape on a push bike ahead of the advancing Japanese Army. Eventually, when the Chinese Communist Party took over in the 50s, he was assigned to a steel factory to work for the rest of his life. He gtfo’d and eventually made his way to the US as an asylum seeker. I digress but my point is that he was an awesome guy and was a genuinely kind and considerate boss. He always made sure his employees were fed before the evening shift and let me study during quiet nights.
His son on the other hand was a real piece of shit. This guy dropped out of college (his parents saved up for him to study medicine) after 2 years. He floated in and out of jobs but mostly stayed unemployed, living with his parents and using their money to well into his mid-30s. He eventually started working at the restaurant, nominally as the front of house manager but in reality, did nothing but watch TV and take naps.
While I was only a line cook, the old man and I got along really well. He trusted would routinely get me to make the soup stock the night before under his supervision. Sadly, the old man died after my 5th year working there. That’s when the son took over (the mother had passed years ago). The son had zero cooking experience but decided to take over as the chef. He didn’t like the idea of putting the soup on overnight (waste of gas) and instead got me to do the prep the night before and then would just switch the pot on himself in the morning. He would also routinely add plain water to the soup when it got low so he could continue selling noodle soups. The most incredible thing however, was disgustingly, he got the wait staff to throw customer’s unfinished soups back into the stock pot for reuse. When I confronted him about it, he told me that it was no problem as the heat killed any germs and threatened to fire me if I said anything.
Not surprisingly customers started leaving as the food quality degraded. This caused the son to panic and cut even more costs. He fired most of the old staff and thus overworked the remaining. He couldn’t fire me because I was the only one left who knew how to do the soup. He also stopped using quality ingredients and started to buy cheap pre-packaged staff in order to reduce my prep work hours. After a few months of this I got sick of his crap. As I was about to start college myself I told him that I was giving him my notice. He of course took this poorly and told me that I was a loser. He told me not to bother coming in tomorrow, but I was to spend the remainder of my shift showing a recent hire on how to do my job, stating that he would not issue my last check if I didn’t complete a thorough hand over. I laughed in his face and walked out on the spot, I didn’t bother chasing up my last check.
As a parting gift, I sent an email to our local Food Safety board, informing them of the poor sanitary practice of reusing left over soups. I helpfully also enclosed a few photos that I had sneakily taken of the practice. The board sent inspectors the very next day and closed the restaurant (there were other issues such as unhygienic bathrooms, uncleaned eating utensils), he was issuied a massive fine and a list of undertakings to carry out before it could be reopened. The restaurant remained closed and was eventually sold off. I didn’t bother chasing up what happened to the son but I hope he has learnt his lesson and done something productive with his life.
Here it is folks! I’ve had to modify this recipe as we used to make in a freaken humongous pot. This makes about 1.5 gallons of bone broth so please modify to your requirements.
Hao SiFu’s pork bone broth.
4-5 pounds of pork leg bones and knuckles
1 pound of chicken bones (neck or wings work best)
2 large onions – chopped in half
6 cloves of garlic – lightly crushed
1/2 Chinese white radish – chopped roughly (replace with carrots if unavailable in your area)
1 thumb piece of ginger
Handful of dried shitake mushroom (pre-soaked)
Handful of conpoy (dried scallop)
1 tpsn of crushed black pepper
Several dashes of Chinese rice wine
Boil the bones in a separate pot for at least 10 minutes. Remove from water and rinse carefully under tap water.
Crack the leg bones along the middle (we used a giant cleaver) Place washed and cracked bones in clean pot with cold water and bring to boil.
Add all other ingredients.
Gently boil with lid slightly ajar for at least 8 hours (the longer the better) stirring occasionally. It will smell terrible for the first 2 hours for some reason – this is normal. I've also used pressure cooker which reduces the cooking time to about 2 hours. It's still very good but unfortunately you don't get the nice emulsification of the fats.
The finished product will look like a rich, opaque, creamy white colour. Strain before serving.
This broth is served with fresh noodles with vegetables and protein of your choice. Ensure you season with soy sauce or salt before serving. For example, I like it served with roast pork, bok choy and mushrooms with egg noodles.
(source) (story by ThomasofHookton)
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svu-stories · 6 years
.89 | The Downward Spiral
Characters: Barba/Reader Word Count: 2,712 Prompt: Barba finds his SO falling ‘off the wagon’ Requested by: @rauliskafan​ (like...6 months ago. I’m so sorry!) Warnings: Eating Disorders (Sp. Bulimia - somewhat detailed/graphic), Depression/Anxiety
You stood over the sink in the kitchen and dropped the spoon in your hand to the bottom of the basin. It clanked against the metal, jarring you slightly. Eyes took in the illuminated clock on the microwave - 1:49 AM - and the numbers were emblazoned in the back of your mind. You knew that this was it. Forever would the numbers 1:49 mean the moment you decided to give up.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream still lingered on your taste buds. It marred the memories of the hot cocoa you’d consumed just prior, along with the red velvet cupcake Rafael had brought home to you and the apple slices you had started the small binge with. There were a few containers containers of leftovers finished off, too. You reveled in the lingering scent of the pork adobo he had made for you only hours ago. Uncontrollable emotions had started to take over again. A medication change prompted by your psychiatrist’s fear of recent complacency seemed to kick off the downward spiral. You knew he had noticed. Rafael Barba wasn’t always the perfect husband, but he still held you when you cried and bought cupcakes when he didn’t have the words to provide comfort.
And in his defense, you had been far less than the perfect spouse, too.
You rinsed the dishes and dropped them into the dishwasher before crumpling the empty pint of ice cream beneath your fingers. Running your thumb over the ridge, you tossed it in the trash, staring for a few moments before slamming the cabinet door shut and letting your feet carry you mindlessly to the guest bathroom.
The master wasn’t an option. You couldn’t let Rafael down, fearing that your failure would make him feel like all of his effort to love you through your reopened wounds had gone to waste. It would never be his fault that you weren’t good enough. All you needed now was to purge all of the emotions that left you exhausted. You needed to take back control. Gripping the doorknob, you pushed the door open easily and toed inside. Just down the hall, through a cracked door, you could hear the silence of a slumber gripped husband who worked too many hours and needed a healthy counterpart. You could feel your heart sink. What you were about to do was a disappointment to you all.
It had been so long.
You had been so healthy.
You followed all of the rules, took every step, opened your heart to him, let yourself heal.
You shook your head as your brain reminded you of the failures. Each time you felt bitter that another court date got his attention rather than you. The job you quit purely because you couldn’t find a way to deal with an overbearing supervisor. The burnt dinners that sat on the table when you were too distracted. The dust that had settled on the furniture because you lost the energy to tidy up. Theu job interviews that had no call backs, or worse - the resumes sent with no response. He deserved so much better.
Shutting the door behind you, you swallowed hard. The tiny surroundings of the half bath were almost too small. You could feel the walls closing in as sobs caught in your throat, unable to make the final journey to be dispelled. You didn’t deserve to cry. This was your choice, your story, and you had to abide in the pain that existed. If you were a little stronger, a little smarter, a little less brash, maybe you would be worthy. Worthy of Rafael and of the life you lived.
It was a delicate dance, but you were too clumsy to be carried away on the twirls of a ballerina’s graceful choreography.
You reached for the faucet, turning it on as high as you could get the water pressure to go in your Manhattan apartment. You paused. It was Rafael’s apartment, really. He took you in when you wed, as was custom, but you knew you could never afford it without him. Especially now, unemployed with few prospects of work.
He insisted it was the right thing to do when you left your previous position. You had worked your way up the ladder, sitting in a management position with nine-to-five hours, plenty of vacation, and a hefty Christmas bonus each year. Still, your supervisor could only point out your flaws, and there were plenty. Your tears each night had started to break him. You took sick days regularly and your job performance suffered as you convinced yourself you were unable to be the employee they needed. Your misery left you helpless.
Still, you hadn’t disappeared into the depths of this dungeon through all of that.
You knelt, scratchy blue carpet from the small rug in the powder room pressing into your knees. You almost regretted your tendency to sleep only in one of Rafael’s v-necks. It had always been your preference since given the option while you were still dating. You clutched the soft fabric and lifted it around your nose, swallowing hard as you inhaled his scent. The sob you’d held back so long ago escaped as you gripped the rim of porcelain before you.
It happened faster than you could really process, but without a second thought you purged the recent intake of junk food from your system. Your body heaved as you gripped the sides of the toilet bowl, eyes closing as salty tears ran down your cheeks. Everything hurt in that moment. It had been so long since the familiar burn had overtaken your senses, but with your previous meal came out all of the fears of being imperfect. The pressure of wondering if you could ever make it in the world dissipated, even if only for a second.
A second was all it took, though, for the thing that you believed you controlled to control you all over again.
This time, it was the opening of the bathroom door. Its creaking hinges made you jump as you realized you had been caught. Rafael’s gasp was barely audible over the running water as he crouched beside you, brushing strands of hair away from your sweaty forehead. You hadn’t even realized how damp it was. You felt lips on the back of your neck and heard a gentle sigh. You heaved once more, swallowing hard before leaning back on your heels once you were certain all contents of your stomach had been expelled. A shaky hand reached up, fingers struggling to push down the lever on the back of toilet, flushing away the contents that were proving the guilt of falling off of the proverbial wagon.
“Mi amor,” he said quietly. His voice was breathy as he ran a hand over your back. The rise and fall of your shoulders was exaggerated as you caught your breath, staring at wall rather than letting your gaze meet his. It was easier for both of you if he couldn’t see the shame clouding your vision. “Did you eat something bad? Are you ill?”
His voice sounded far away, but your skin tingled beneath his touches. You slowly closed your eyes and fell into his chest, letting a warm embrace envelop you as you started to cry. He knew every minute detail of your past. It was part of giving him your heart, and you didn’t regret it ever. At least, not until now. Now he was worried. He thought it was innocent. Your collapse in the bathroom, the faucet running, the burning feeling in your throat, even the relief you felt from purging every moment of the last several years that you had held inside left you wanting to fall asleep, exhausted from hiding from him. But he was right there. You couldn’t ignore his warm hands, the gentle kisses to the top of your head, or his worried gaze for much longer.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, holding you closer. You could almost feel the depths of his thoughts. Perhaps he was wondering if the pure act of vomiting had triggered you. Maybe he already knew you had relapsed into a world of negative thoughts and desires to be perfect. “You’re safe with me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
You sat together for several minutes. Your tears finally subsided into the occasional sniffle and you hoisted your body away from his, standing up to fill a dixie cup with water. You never used to need to rinse your mouth out, but the foul tastes lingered and you had to forget. You swished cold liquid over your tongue and around your cheeks, glancing in the mirror. Red-rimmed eyes stared back at you with a hauntingly empty expression. You were empty again.
Your gut was void of food and your mind void of the self-hatred.
For now.
You turned off the water after spitting and tossed the empty cup in the trash. Leaning against the counter, you glanced at Rafael, who had positioned himself carefully on the now closed lid of the toilet.
“Let’s go to bed,” you whispered, voice raspy as you ran a hand through your hair and tried to avoid talking about what just happened. Maybe he still thought you just had a stomach bug. “Maybe I should stay on the couch so I don’t infect you, though.”
Rafael’s green eyes were all-knowing, and you wanted to shrink under his gaze. Sitting down he was shorter than you, and you tilted your chin down to see him better. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a deep sigh, “Are you ill?”
You pursed your lips, shrugging.
“That’s not an answer,” he continued. His voice held a quiet confidence.
“Can we please talk about it in the morn-“
“You’re not sick,” he breathed, teeth clenched. “Please tell me the truth.”
You shook your head. You weren’t sick with a bug or virus at least, and no food poisoning had overtaken your symptom causing cramps and vomiting that couldn’t be controlled. Instead, you were sick with anxiety and depression, negative thoughts that wouldn’t leave you alone. It was a constant nagging in the back of your mind; a tiny, small voice repeated the failures of your life over and over.
It convinced you that you weren’t worth living.
You could see his face fall. You tried to evaluate his emotions. For a fleeting second you thought you recognized disgust, then disappointment, and finally fear. You had made your husband - the only person in the world who loved you unconditionally - fear you. He had never known you ill. He had never seen the skin and bones version of yourself who was hollow from the inside out. Rafael Barba had watched you fall haphazardly into panic attacks and anger-filled cleaning binges. He had heard you berate yourself over and over. But he had never seen this.
He had never watched the skin be pulled away to reveal the brokenness that was held together with a few safety pins, some tape, and glue. The broken hearted girl who had first started trying to control food as the only chance she had to keep her life in check had never been his spouse.
Until now.
“You did this to yourself?” He asked, his voice quiet as a mouse.
You nodded slowly, refusing to make eye contact as your toes dug into the rug beneath you. This time, you were thankful that you didn’t wear socks. The scratchy fabric pieces grounded you into the moment.
You caught him raise his hand out of your peripheral vision and instantly took half a step back. Realizing he was just running fingers through his perfect hair, you let out the breath you hadn’t meant to hold. “You did this yourself,” he repeated gently. “Which means we have to talk about it. Because God-forbid I let you walk down this road and risk losing you.”
Your mind wandered, unable to handle the sudden onslaught of emotion you felt. You wanted to go finish off the lasagna Carisi had brought over the other night for the entire squad and start the process all over again. Then you wouldn't feel once more. You needed to be able to not feel.
Rafael finally looked up, shaking his head, “Look at me.”
You swallowed hard, eyes still trained on the wall behind him. You were slowly counting the number of loose threads you noticed in the towel behind his head. You frowned, wrinkling your nose, lost in thoughts of replacing the old, ratty towels with new ones that better matched the color scheme.
"Did you hear me?" He asked, voice a little louder. "Look at me."
You snapped to attention, slowly moving your gaze to his. The stare of his green eyes caused you to step back again. You hated hurting him, and all you could see was pain.
"What can I do?" he finally asked.
Despite his quiet tone, you were convinced he was still angry.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. The response was automatic. Being caught in your teenage years, still under the watchful eye of your parents, you had always apologized first in hopes that they wouldn't send you away. You knew the drill. It was a rehabilitation and treatment center with minimal freedoms and a bunch of other kids as sick, if not sicker, than you were. You had to beg and plead with them to not be force fed food and watched for hours after so you couldn't purge. Your entire life was taken away except for the voices that reminded you how much you were hated.
Having to be babysat because they couldn't trust you just added fuel to the fire of your family and friends.
And now your husband.
Rafael stood slowly, his posture non-threatening and easy. He held out his arms, beckoning you into a hug. You doubted it at first, looking away again. This time you stared at your feet, willing them to carry you to safety, but they felt heavier than cinder blocks as they cemented themselves into the rug. Finally looking up, you nodded. The tears were starting to fall again, and this time you fell into Rafael's embrace willingly.
You clung to him as though you could be ripped away at any moment, a fragment of your normally confident self. The mask had faded and finally you admitted to your failure. He whispered sweet nothings as he tried to comfort you, fingers tangled in your hair, butterfly kisses crossing your forehead and temple. You felt his whole body grow broader around you, seemingly protecting you from anything outside of embrace.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself. I couldn't do it anymore."
"Hey, hey," he answered, his voice calm but strong. You could tell he wanted to carry you through it without any other words, but he spoke anyway. "We'll figure this out, mi amor. We'll go to therapy or see a nutritionist, whatever you need. You call the shots, here. But I'm not letting you dwindle away into that world again, you hear me? You're my love, my life, and I need you, all right?"
"You deserve better," you started, hiccuping through your sentence as your strength slowly gave way into leaning the majority of your body weight against him.
Rafael shook your head, pulling you back just enough to place a warm, inviting kiss on your lips, "Don't you ever say that again. I don't deserve you, and I'll fight every day to make you believe it."
You didn't believe him fully. Not yet, at least, but you nodded to at least affirm that you'd heard it.
"I'm scared to death," he admitted quietly.
You smiled sadly, knowing he was telling the truth, "Me, too, Rafa."
Rafael sighed, pressing his forehead into yours as he held you up. He was your rock and strength. You knew his world was filled with skeletons and nightmares, too, and somehow you always made it through together. You nodded against him, letting your noses brush against one another, sending goosebumps down your spine.
"I love you," he whispered. "We'll figure it out."
You found his hand, lacing your fingers together and squeezing it. This time, you believed he was right.
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lizzexx · 6 years
Hello everyone!
I know it’s been a while so I wanted to give some updates. And, forewarning, please forgive the massive rant about to follow…
As some of you may know, I work in a cafe and we had been without a manager for quite a few months. We FINALLY got one right around the time of my last main post, around the Thanksgiving time. Me, and all my coworkers, were like “YES! Finally! It’s not just us on our own! Things are going to get SO much better and less stressful.”
We were SO wrong. We heard all these absolutely great and positive things about the new manager. I don’t know if we just built it up in our heads, but we were expecting someone to come in and, you know, manage. Or at the very least know HOW to manage the cafe.
This was not the case by any stretch of the imagination.
Me and my coworkers, namely me and another Lead (I’m a Lead, like an assistant manager), were STILL picking up all the slack and doing all the work. The leads, especially, were STILL doing next to ALL of the managerial tasks. Also, keep in mind, neither I nor my fellow Lead had been actually TRAINED in what to do as Leads since our manager had left before we were promoted so we essentially had to figure everything out on the fly and if we made a mistake? The general store managers were not pleased :(
We sucked it up, we tried to look at it in an understanding way. The new manager was new, it was Black Friday Week/Weekend, the holidays were starting, December was always going to be crazy. Yes, we were understaffed, but they HAD to hire new people for the holidays, and they did, which was nice.
But the manager was unable to TRAIN any of the new workers, because 1. she put that responsibility on the leads off the bat, and 2. we saw how she didn’t appear to know how to be even a basic cafe server (let alone a manager) so how was she supposed to train others to be a server too?
So guess who had to train the new manager in how to BE a manager. The leads. Me and one other girl. 
But we held on, we tried to think “well, once she knows what to do, it’ll be better.”
Wrong. Again.
The stress of the holidays never helps anything, but we all survived, despite increased frustration with the manager’s lack of actual managing. We made it through the holidays and, again, we thought “Things will get better, they’ll ease up. Now that the manager can actually get used to the cafe when it’s normal again, it’ll work.”
Wrong, yet again. 
Yes, she took over doing inventory from the leads, which IS supposed to be a manager task. But her numbers were always SO off the leads had to “help” her with inventory and we’d have to sneakily review her numbers and fix them. And when I say sneakily, I mean we talked to her about how to do inventory, walked her through it, did it WITH her the first time or two, offered feedback on some areas that concerned us…and she ignored both of us and butchered the numbers each time. (If we have 6 trays of a product in the fridge, writing that we have 0 is SO WRONG, you know? If the inventory sheet literally says “count by slice” and she counts by box instead, it’s wrong.)
Yes, she took over putting away any supply orders that the leads put in during order days…but she NEVER rotates the products. And when she does, she constantly puts things in the wrong places, mixes things up, or just throws them on the side to pile up. And this is a place where literally EVERYTHING is labeled for what goes in what spot. So, again, the leads would have to go in and fix it. And this is after we walked her through how to do this repeatedly and showed her numerous times where everything went.
Besides these two tasks, she’s done almost nothing else to take some burden away from the leads. The ones she DID take from us just caused us more stress and anxiety to constantly worry about her numbers and have to fix them :/
Yes, she WANTS to take over actually filling out the order supply forms. BUT the last three times she has, she’s ordered SO MANY THINGS we did NOT need that I was literally in tears over it. Because it was SO frustrating to have general management come down on us over mistakes we were making, being untrained, and have them say NOTHING about mistakes the new cafe manager was making, being untrained. For example: we need 1 box of all cups on hand? She orders 3 of each (we don’t have the SPACE for 4 boxes). We need 3 bottles of a particular syrup? We have 4? We should be fine, right? No need to order any more, right? Not only does she write 0, as in we have NONE of it, she orders 2 boxes or 12 bottles of it. We now have 16 bottles of this syrup and we BARELY get through 1 in a month. Most will expire before we get to them and we’ll have to waste it. We have potato soup, lentil soup, and chili and NOTHING else in our freezer? We should be ordering the other 6 types of soup available, right? No, she ordered another box of each of those three…which means we’ll be serving nothing but that for a week straight :/
We accidentally got a box of cinnamon bagels once (and I took full responsibility for ordering the wrong one) and she was SO excited to sell them. Two weeks later she threw all of them out in an act of spite. She’d spent the two weeks complaining that I kept putting our order supply in before letting her review it and how disrespectful that was to her. Keep in mind, I put the orders in on Sundays for 2 reasons. 1. it HAS to be in before a certain time on Mondays and 2. by Sunday night we’ve gotten through the busiest days where we use the most product so we have a better idea of what we need to order. The manager doesn’t work Sundays. And the time she works on Mondays gives her literally a 1 hour window to get the order in before it’s too late. It takes about 20 minutes for ME to put the order in (so imagine someone unfamiliar with the form), and it would take much longer to review the numbers. If I don’t put it in on Sunday and wait for her to do it on Monday, the order won’t get put in, and we get no supplies that week. She was so angry I put the order in “again” without her review, (despite reminding her she can change the order at any time before 2pm on Monday) that she threw out all the bagels instead of selling them :/
She also may or may not be poisoning our customers. I came in one day when she had to open the cafe by herself to find her about to waste an entire pot of soup. Now this particular soup is good for 2 days. She wanted to waste it because “the label said yesterday.” After I’d explained to her, repeatedly, which soups we can save and how the label system works. (She’s been here 4 months and didn’t know which soup were water based and which got milk to thicken them and this is including the fact that I personally labeled each soup for what is h2o and what is milk). Once I explained it was technically savable…she put it in the soup warmer to serve to customers. Now keep in mind, this soup had been sitting out at room temperature, not refrigerated, for 5 hours. It WAS waste by that point, I told her this, she still served it. That same day she then asked why our second soup was so thick. So I asked how much water she put in it. She gave me the blankest stare and asked “I was supposed to add water?” before LAUGHING about it. She was serving people super salty, condensed soup, which could have triggered a heart attack in the wrong person, and laughed. (AND she’s been known to bake cookies on the wrong setting, letting them come out next to raw, and serving them to customers too.) And her only defense was “Well I had to open by myself and it was hard.”
I’ve opened 6 times by myself. Twice before I was even a lead, once 2 months into my being there. She’s been here 4 months by that point. I’ve managed to get everything done on time and by myself. And yet the MANAGER didn’t?
On top of all this, for some reason unknown to me, she essentially targeted my fellow lead. She nitpicked everything she did. And NEVER nitpicked me for doing the EXACT SAME THING as her. She would passive aggressively make comments around her, or blatantly ignore her for no reason. (And by ignore, I mean I would be setting something up in our back room, she’d come pull me away from it to show me something out front to ask a question…and my fellow Lead was literally standing right there out front the entire time.) She wrote up my fellow lead for things that SHE HERSELF was guilty of doing (like not taking her break exactly when it was scheduled). She made working there so miserable for my fellow lead that she nearly had a panic attack and had to leave early one day.
She quit. She put in her two weeks without a backup job and risked being unemployed because she could not handle being around our manager any more.
And while I fully understand and support her, because I saw how stressed she was getting and how unfair the manager was being, and I think she needed to get out for her own wellbeing, that means the only lead there is me.
Or was me, I should say.
1 month. My fellow lead was gone for 1 month and the manager STILL wasn’t doing anything to BE a manager. I literally felt like I was managing everything.
We had a massive line? People needed to take their breaks? Manager is out somewhere rearranging chocolate bars instead of taking charge and helping her employees? Fine, I step up and make sure everyone gets their break while dealing with customers harassing me about how long it’s taking to get their drinks, because we’re down a person and the manager isn’t coming to help. She disappeared for an hour or two on end with no warning? Ok, so I guess I’ll handle the customer complaints and pick ups and baking and stocking and paperwork. She hides in the back stuffing her face with food because “I’m hungry” meanwhile I haven’t eaten in 6 hours where she ate 3 ago? Ok, sure, you do that, I’ll just be out there BY MYSELF handling the line and food and drinks alone. We’re out of small napkins? Ok, so she takes a half hour in the middle of a Saturday afternoon to cut bigger ones in half, meanwhile me and ONE other girl are out there with a massive line? :/
I honestly thought that, with the manager coming in, I’d be less stressed and I could have more time and focus a little more on fanfiction and getting back to writing and tumblr. 
I was so, so wrong.
Holidays were hell, the manager was so incompetent at her job that it’s been twice as stressful, and now with the other lead gone and it just being me I can’t take it there anymore.
I put my two weeks in.
Yes, I have a back up teaching introduction to writing as an adjunct, but I’m going to be out a full time job that gave me benefits, but it is NOT worth the stress. What good is healthcare benefits when the place you’re working is the only thing CAUSING your healthcare issues?
To give an idea: I almost started crying last Wednesday, in a freezer, over SOUP. Because I went in to get something and not only was it not where it should be (after the manager put the order away), but…cookie boxes were not put away and just thrown on the side so no one could get to the sandwiches which I had to move around, items weren’t unboxed and I had to do it, items were placed on top of others that were NOT the same product in multiple places that I had to fix, and by the time I got to the soup I was ready to cry. ALL of them were mixed up. We try to keep them in rows of specific kinds of soup. Like one row of chicken noodle, the next is chili, etc, so it’s easier to take count of them for ordering more or doing inventory. I had to reorganize ALL the soup and we had like 30. Keep in mind, I do this EVERY single Wednesday after she goes on her break, I fix the soups…which means she purposefully pulls them out of their organized rows to mix them up :/
And then last Friday, literally 15 minutes into my shift I had to go in the back because I was already in tears of frustration with the state the manager had left the cafe in. My mother had to come and sit with me during my half hour break because I was on the verge of calling out and going home I was that on edge and shaking. 
The last few months, literally since the manager got there, my health hasn’t been the greatest either. I know some of you may be aware that I have some anxiety issues. I haven’t been sleeping well, I haven’t been able to eat when I’m at work because my stomach is just all in knots over all the things the manager does wrong. All things I’ve told her repeatedly concerned me and showed her how to do correctly. My hands have started shaking whenever I have to go to work, which isn’t a great thing when you’re handling hot beverages all the time. Smaller and smaller things are setting off my anxiety and I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I’m not a quitter, but this was all affecting my health in a physical way and I had to do what was best for me. I can handle stress and anxiety, I can handle little things the manager or others do wrong when it’s every once in a while, when I talk to those who did it wrong and correct the situation…but when these little things happen every single day in large quantities? I have minor compulsion disorders as well as anxiety and all the tricks my therapist taught me to deal with it wasn’t working anymore because there was just SO MUCH of it. If I managed to deal with one thing, I’d turn around to see 2 more in its place, then 5 minutes later there would be 3 things. It just kept piling up to the point where I started feeling anxious even on my days off, worried about what state the cafe would be in the next day on her watch. It started to affect me even in the safety of my home. I had to think of what was best for my health.
So I put my two weeks in.
I feel better.
I’m sorry for the massive rant here, but it’s been an incredibly stressful last few months which were made worse by the feeling that they were NOT meant to be THAT stressful. 
The person being brought in to EASE the stress only doubled it. 
But I’m hoping that I’ll be in a better place now that I’m going to be free. I will feel terribly for my coworkers to be left with an untrained manager, but I needed to do what I had to do for my health and mental wellbeing.
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estro-gem · 3 years
Black and White in Grey: Epilogue
Pinkie Pie blinked at the sudden return to reality.
The two noble figures before her blankly stared at her, Discord looking unamused and bored and Luna looking slightly concerned. The lively party pony had gone silent. It was an understatement to say that it was out of character. It took a second for her to realize that her eyes were stinging and her whole exterior had flattened down. It made Luna second guess her idea to let the young one in on their secret.
“How long was I out?” Pinkie asked with a soft, breaking tone.
Discord gave a menacing smile before booming, “A whole week!” He let out something similar to an evil laugh, causing Luna to glare at him before putting the shocked mare at ease.
“Spirit, the poor pony will have a heart attack! He meant to say about 10 seconds.”
“All that in ten seconds? How could you keep this from us? How could Twilight lie to us?” Pinkie was frantically asking, with the pitch of her voice raising with every question. She suddenly simmered down like a deflating balloon, “It’s been almost 10 months.”
“Twilight didn’t lie, she couldn’t. A day after Celestia’s fall, she came running the me in tears.” Luna sighed sympathetically, “She said she couldn’t lie into her friends’ faces anymore and begged me to erase the memories of it all. She had the right spell in a book she brought, for her to be oblivious to the events, as well as avoiding suspicion of the situation and leaving the changed circumstances be. She is non-the-wiser and still idolize my sister, but I know upon the spell’s reversal, she will loathe Celestia again.” A moment passed, “She wanted to be in the same boat as her friends when I finally decide to share the whole story with the kingdom.”
“I always found it strange to see Princess Celestia lay there in a coma, guarded and showcased like some hero that won a war. I also found it strange that there was a very long day 10 months ago, with an announcement of new strange rules and that I never thought that it was suspicious,” the pink pony hissed while wiping stray-falling tears away, “The story felt so rushed and incomplete that it was hard to swallow, but after seeing you and Twilight taking care of things so well, it seemed clear that there was nothing dodgy going on.”
Pinkie let out a breath, “It’s was never you we had to be suspicious about – it was your sister.”
“Ok, can we go back to normal now?” Discord butt in, while waving his arms as if he was waving the tension away, “Pinkie, this is way too serious. I’m all for chaos, but this is way too out of character for you. I thought you were going to go bananas about Lulu and I… especially since I showed you everything.” He ended by putting his fingertips together, smile never leaving his face.
Pinkie lightened up a bit, even though it was barely noticeable, “Planning comes before the party, Discord.”
“I’m sorry, you did what?” Luna asked in a threatening tone, through gritted teeth, “What exactly did you show her?”
“OH, he showed me WAAAYY too much. It was so awkward, I could just gag!” Pinkie actually gagged at the thought of seeing the two nobles in their most intimate moment, “I mean, you guys were cute back at the Sun Castle and I DID ask you to tell me EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about your love story, but that was a bit too extreme. I could have died not knowing what I know now! I regret everything…”
“Discord!” Luna was burning up, cheeks red and flushed.
“Yes Lulu?” The draconiquus asked sweetly, only to be met by a scowl from the Night Princess. He retorted, “Oh, don’t give me that look. You know I would scream it to the rooftops if you’d give me a chance. Besides, she’s gonna forget it all anyway.”
“I can’t wait to forget!” Pinkie cried dramatically holding a hoof to her forehead and falling back.
“I was going to say that it’s time to come clean!” Luna cried, startling the other two in the chaotic room.
“My dearest, are you playing with my feelings? Tell me you are serious, please.” Discord jumped up with sudden giddiness and grabbed the hooves Luna was using to cover her face with to hide her embarrassment. He smiled brightly nonetheless, “I can finally yell it from the rooftops: Princess Luna stole my heart!”
“I thought I could be saved from the misery of knowing what you guys did!” the earth pony whined, but quickly corrected herself, “I mean, I’m happy for you guys, but you gotta understand how much it is to take in. You guys are practically never seen together, you have almost nothing in common and I always thought that Discord had a thing for Fluttershy. It doesn’t make sense!”
“Um hello? What else did you expect?” Discord scoffed in offense, “First of all, we hid or relationship, so there is no way that anyone could’ve seen us together.” Pinkie furrowed her eyebrows and nodded, as Discord continued, “Second, we have a lot in common! I am the embodiment of chaos, Lulu works with chaos in ponies’ heads. We both were corrupted and tried to take over Equestria, only to get our butts kicked by you mane 6 and become reformed. We both have trouble with jealousy and we have the same sense of humor.”
“That’s… all true, I guess.”
“Third,” Discord held three digits in front of Pinkie, causing her to flatten her ears in surprise, “Fluttershy is my first best friend I ever had, so of course we are close! Last thing…” the lord narrowed his eyes and moved closer with every word, “I. Don’t. Do. Logic.”
“Yes sir!” Pinkie Pie saluted the Lord of Chaos like a soldier, before looking at Luna with lowered eyes. Her voice came out hesitantly, “So how are you going to tell to whole of Equestria what happened between you and Celestia, Your Highness? Is everyone going to freeze for 10 seconds straight and see you two making out, or what?”
Luna cringed at Pinkie’s choice of words, but answered honestly, “I was thinking that Discord and I would call you and your friends first thing in the morning to tell you 6 together. We will probably have to organize and plan on telling the kingdom when we hold the function to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Night Kingdom – not that my new home could be called a castle, more like a cottage with a small town surrounding it... It will be an official announcement.”
“Oh yes, it’s finally done with a protection barrier and everything! To think how easy it was for Twilight when her castle popped out from the ground like a daisy! You had so many creatures help to build your home. It was brilliant for the unemployed creatures and for creatures who wanted experience working in construction and designing and decorating… that got me thinking… why didn’t you just ask Discord to poof a castle for you? He is your cult-friend, after all!”
“I have a will of my own, thank you very much.” The lord said in a matter-of-factly way, “Besides, Lulu refused my help.” He grumbled that last bit. It earned a snarky chuckle from the dark princess.
“Why were you two at the Sun Castle, anyway?” Pinkie giggled at her question, confessing, “I’ll never get over it, you know? Sun Castle? Though, it would make more sense if there was an actual Moon Castle instead of your Majesty’s Moon… town-cottage… thingy…?”
“I found that I don’t need a castle to feel like – or be the princess of a kingdom.” Luna deadpanned with no malice, before averting her eyes sadly, “To answer your question, I was there to check on Celestia… I... still love her.”
Luna looked at Discord with a smile while tossing a pillow in his direction, “And then this silly spirit came to distract me.” Discord playfully threatened to toss it back, chuckling with Luna, before setting it down on his lap. Pinkie just observed the encounter before her tone dipped into a quiet one.
“You know, a lot of ponies – and other creatures – will probably be mad at you for waiting 10 months to tell them your story, Princess. They will be mad at Princess Celestia for banishing you for longer than you deserved.”
“I know.” Luna sighed, “But it has to be done. The band-aid must be ripped off eventually. Everycreature will forgive my sister just like they forgave me.”
“Forgive and forget, right?” Discord chimed in, winking at you, only to have Pinkie jump in front of him and blocking the view of him.
“Well, they got the forgetting part under the belt, eh?” She chuckled.
“The subjects dismissed Celestia’s corrupted order, they didn’t forget… What are you two doing, anyway?” Luna asked, clearly confused.
“Trying to break the fourth wall.” Discord glanced at his marefriend.
“What is happening?”
“Don’t worry, Lulu, just (snort) forget about it.” Discord started snickering with Pinkie Pie, “This story took itself serious for long enough anyway.”
“Stars help me…” Luna put a hoof to her forehead.
Suddenly, Luna’s eyes widened then relaxed, making the two goofy characters calm their laughter.
“Lulu, is everything ok?”
“Yes, Spirit, Cadence breached the force field surrounding the Night Kingdom. It works like a charm. We’ll have to go to see her – she’s probably curious about the progress we’ve been making.”
“With the cottage or your relationship?” Pinkie asked curiously.
“Yes.” The nobles said at the same time, before laughing to themselves and leaving the party pony confused. Those to made more sense as a couple the more she thought about it. She smiled despite her confusion and it brightened when Luna returned her gaze while walking up to her, dodging a piece of furniture on the way.
“Pinkie Pie, will you tell the others to meet me tomorrow morning at my Palace? You may tell them our story on the way there to allow them to ask me questions when you arrive.”
“Oh, good!” the pony sighed in relief, “I hate keeping secrets.”
“It’s settled then.” Discord said, finding himself at his princess’s side, “Lulu, are you ready to go?”
Luna nodded. Pinkie’s gut twisted upon Discord’s warning to Luna before teleporting. She knew then why Luna disliked surprise teleportations or flashing lights and it was heart-wrenching to come to the realization. Everypony exchanged their farewells.
Within a heartbeat, Pinkie Pie was back in her room, knowing that the nobles were probably at the new ‘kingdom’ in the south to meet up with Cadence. Someone must have teleported her.
The following day was going to be the start of a new adventure. The kingdom will be put to the test when presented with a grey spectrum of circumstances. Some will choose to see the dark and some will choose to see the light, but it didn’t matter whether black or white were more prominent, because in the end, it was all grey.
Previous: Chapter 27
Author’s note: This was quite a journey and I enjoyed writing this (despite it taking forever to write). I hope whoever read this was entertained enough - if not by the plot, then at least by the grammar errors XD - to get to this point. 
I feel proud of myself for being able to say that I had the guts to post a silly idea of a story online. I also feel so happy that I completed a story for once!
Now, others wouldn’t have to bear the pain of having read an INCOMPLETE story if they stumble upon this one.
Please be strong and stay safe out there!
I’ll see you when I see you.
0 notes
notsoguiltykpop · 7 years
The Tenth Floor pt8
Min Yoongi had gone through 34 secretaries in the past 24 months, and each one of them left in tears. This fact alone should have warned you against taking the job, but the pay was too good to pass up. Surely you could put up with a billionaires temper-tantrums, right?
Yoongi x Reader & Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, humor, probably some angst
Warnings: Strong language at times, maybe some slight smut eventually
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
“Make who pay?” You pulled away from Taehyung, trying to see his face in the scarce light of the half-moon. “Why would you even think that it’s a ‘him’?”
Taehyung shrugged. “You were out with Yoongi all day, so I just assumed...” His voice trailed off. Seokjin must have told Taehyung where you were, and that coupled with the fact that you were only a block away from the carnival made it understandable how Taehyung would figure it out. 
“It has nothing to do with Yoongi.” You took a step back, away from Taehyung as you dried your eyes with the back of your sleeve. “He went home hours ago.” You weren’t sure why you suddenly didn’t want Taehyung to know what happened; maybe some part of you was protecting Yoongi, but you had no idea why. 
“Alright. So who did make you cry, then?” He asked after a moment.
“It doesn’t matter.” You shook your head, trying to clear it. “Can you drive me home?” 
“Yeah, but--” Taehyung didn’t look like he was ready to drop it, and you held up a hand for him to stop. 
“I know you want to help--and I appreciate it. But right now, I just want to go home. Anyway, what happened tonight is my business, I’ll sort it out.” 
Taehyung nodded, though somewhat reluctantly. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” He said gently, and you nodded despite being sure there wasn’t anything he could do. This was between you and Yoongi, and something told you that getting Taehyung involved wasn’t a good idea. 
It wasn’t until you were home, after kicking off your shoes and about to change into your pajamas that you realized that your shirt was buttoned crooked, your lipstick smudged, and your hair a mess. 
All you could do was hope that Taehyung believed your lie, and hadn’t jumped to more conclusions than what he let on.  
You called off from work the next day. You explained to Namjoon that you were fairly sure you had the flu, and that you didn’t want to spread it around. Namjoon didn’t argue, only told you that he hoped you would feel better soon.
His understanding only made you feel slightly guilty for lying to him. But you couldn’t go into the office today. Not after the previous night, leaving things with Yoongi like that--and you weren’t looking forward to seeing Taehyung either.
So you stalled facing your problems, drowning them in ice cream and dumb reality TV shows. By three in the afternoon, you could almost pretend that none of your current issues were real, that it was all just some bad dream and you were still unemployed and racking up debt. The thought shouldn’t have improved your mood, but you figured at least if you didn’t have a job, you also didn’t have a hot boss to almost sleep with. 
And Yoongi was attractive, you had finally decided. Asshole or not, there was something there, something about him that was new and exciting, and made you wish you didn’t care that you were his secretary, or about how it would make you look if anyone found out about it. 
You were starting to feel sick. This could have been all the candy and sweets you had eaten, or could have been caused by your train of thought, but either way, it was time to put away the ice cream and eat some real food. 
You were frowning at your empty fridge when your doorbell rang, and you turned your glare towards the sound. No one should be bothering you. Your neighbors all had day jobs, and they knew you had one too. It wasn’t like you had told anyone that you were staying home that day, other than Namjoon. 
You were tempted to ignore it, but when the buzzer sounded again, you internally sighed. Whoever it was wasn’t going to just leave, so you walked over to the peep hole. Who you saw didn’t make any logical sense, but you opened the door a crack anyway. 
“What’s up, doc?” You narrowed your eyes at Jungkook, who had a grocery bag in one hand, and what looked like a medical bag in the other. 
“Please don’t say that to me again.” He crinkled his nose, and it made him look a little like a bunny. “Namjoon said you were sick. So I’m here to check on you.” 
You rolled your eyes. “What, he didn’t believe me so he sent you to prove I’m lying?” You hadn’t meant to sound so snippy, but you didn’t have the patience for Jungkook right then, not with everything else that had been going on. 
“No.” Jungkook sighed. “We agreed that for you to miss work, you must really feel like shit, so I came to make sure you weren’t dead.” 
“Well, you got your answer.” You said dryly. You weren’t sure if you believed Jungkooks words or not. You started to close the door, but he caught it with one hand, making that impossible. He dropped the medical bag as he did so, not seeming to care as it hit the floor.
“You told Namjoon you had a fever this morning, has it gone down?” He asked.
“Why do you know where I live, anyway?” You demanded rather than answer his question. You let your door open, realizing that Jungkook wasn’t going to give up until he had his answers.
“Namjoon has all that information--you gave it to him, remember?” Jungkook picked up the bag from the ground before following you into your small apartment. 
“Yeah, I remember. But I thought it was confidential.” 
Jungkook shrugged, reaching a hand towards your forehead before you could respond. He put the back of it to your head lightly, frowning. 
“I don’t have a fever.” You said flatly. There was no point trying to convince a doctor that you had the flu when you were perfectly fine.
“No, you don’t.” Jungkook nodded. “Let me see your throat.” 
“Fuck off, you know I’m not sick.” You couldn’t muster the energy for your voice to have any malice, so instead you just sounded tired. Jungkook just rolled his eyes, walking past you to your kitchen. There he took the tea pot from the stove, filling it with water as though this was a normal thing for him. 
“I suspected you weren’t sick, but I wasn’t going to rule it out.” He said mildly. “So what happened between you and Yoongi last night?” 
You watched as he opened a few cabinets before locating the one with mugs, pulling two out. “What makes you think that anything happened between us?” You asked, trying to sound calm. Did everyone at the office know? Had Taehyung told them? Had Yoongi?
“Logic.” He answered, now looking for tea. He found it in record time, which was a little unnerving. “You and Yoongi went out together yesterday, you suddenly don’t want to come to work, Taehyung’s acting like he’s waiting for an excuse to kill Yoongi, and Yoongi came in to work with a teddy bear...” Jungkook gave you a smile. “You’ve really made working there very interesting, you know.” 
You blinked slowly at him as he handed you a mug of tea. “He did what?” You said after a second. 
“Who?” Jungkook was now looking in the plastic bag, and pulled out two to-go boxes, holding one out to you. 
“Yoongi.” You clarified. “You said he came to work with a teddy bear?” 
Jungkook nodded. “Yeah. When Hoseok asked him if he was alright, he just kind of shrugged and kept walking. Didn’t yell or anything.” 
“I take it that’s not something he usually does, then?” You said, and Jungkook laughed. 
“No. He’s more likely to burn a teddy bear than he is carry it around with him.” 
He didn’t stay much longer after that, ate his food and drank his tea, occasionally telling you to do the same, and then stood to leave. 
“You should come to work tomorrow.” He said as he stretched. 
“Why?” You scoffed. “So I can be fired?” You hadn’t told Jungkook anything of what happened, but he seemed to have been able to piece together enough. 
“I was thinking more that it you might be able to keep Taehyung and Yoongi from murdering each other.” He shrugged. “They both listen to you more than they do the rest of us.” 
You shook your head. You didn’t want to have that much influence over either of them, let alone both. “Are you going to tell them that I lied about being sick?” You asked as you followed him to your door. 
“Nah, what would be the good in that?” 
“Jungkook?” You stopped him halfway through the door. “Why did you really come here? You knew that I probably wasn’t sick, you said so yourself.” 
“Maybe I’m trying the whole “not being an asshole” thing.” He winked, and you rolled your eyes. 
You followed Jungkook’s advice the next day and showed up for work early, as per usual. Jimin raised an eyebrow at you in the elevator, but before he could make some snide comment, you started acting as though you were having a coughing fit. 
“Sorry--” You gasped between coughs. “I guess--I guess I’m still a little sick.” Jimin backed into the far corner, making a face as you continued. 
“You should’ve stayed home, then.” He muttered, and you ‘accidentally’ coughed in his direction, making him flinch. 
You fixed Yoongi’s coffee before knocking on his door, pushing it open without waiting for an answer. You had decided that your best bet was to act as though nothing had happened, and hope that he would do the same. 
“Morning!” You said with a smile, though it was slightly painful to look at him. Knowing how his lips felt on your, his hands on you... Were all things that you desperately needed to forget.
“Don’t you mean ‘good morning’?” Yoongi asked, and you noticed that he already had a steaming mug in his hand. 
“No, I was just stating that it was morning.” You replied. “I brought you your coffee, but I see you already have some.” 
Yoongi nodded. “From today on, there won’t be any need for you to bring me my coffee.” He looked back at the spreadsheet he had been looking over, and you frowned. What did that mean? Did it mean that from today you were fired?
“I’m not sure that I understand, sir.” You said, trying not to think the worst. 
“As surprising as it may be,” Yoongi said as he looked up with a small smile. “I’m capable of getting my own coffee, so there’s no reason for you to do it for me.” 
“Oh. I see.” You said with a slow nod. You didn’t see, but you weren’t going to argue. A small part of you felt almost disappointed that Yoongi hadn’t fired you--it would have made your life slightly less complicated if he had. “Well, if that’s all...” You were about to go, planning to slip out of the room before things got to awkward. 
“Wait, I--” Yoongi stopped when his eyes met yours, and he shut his mouth abruptly. 
“Yes?” You said, in your mind chanting please don’t say anything about the other night, please don’t say anything about the other night...
“Nothing. I’m just--I’m glad you’re feeling better, that’s all.” He finished, the words sounding a little strange coming from him. You realized that he seemed to have stopped putting on the act around you, and you almost wanted it back. At least with screaming Yoongi, you knew what to expect. This other Yoongi... You had no idea what he was going to do. 
“Thanks.” You said, somewhat stiffly. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate the words; you just didn’t know if you trusted them. You wondered how many people knew it was an act--did Seokjin? Did Namjoon? Surely not. Wouldn’t one of them have warned you if they knew? Not to mention, they both got nervous around Yoongi when he was angry--they wouldn’t do that if they thought it was a show. 
It made you want to ask Yoongi why he had told you, of all people. It wasn’t like you knew him well, or had even been working for him for very long; you were just a normal employee. One that, before Thursday, you thought he disliked. 
But asking Yoongi anything to do with what happened that night made your palms sweat. You didn’t want to think about it, let alone bring it up. And anyway, Yoongi was busy all day, you weren’t about to interrupt him to talk about something he probably wouldn’t want other people to hear. 
“What are you thinking about?” Taehyungs voice pulled you from your thoughts, and you looked up at him. You were sitting at a small two-person table in the cafe on the first floor, and Taehyung had plopped down in the chair across from you. 
“Stuff.” You replied, not eager to explain. Taehyung had stayed quiet, but would have to be blind not to notice the looks he had been giving Yoongi’s office all day. 
“Wow, you’re so descriptive.” Taehyung teased. You shrugged. 
“It isn’t anything important.” 
“I highly doubt that.” Taehyung sat back in his chair. “Whatever you’re thinking must matter to you, therefore, it is important.” 
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help a small laugh escaping your lips. “Right, like I haven’t heard that one before.” 
“Can I sit with you?” You hadn’t even noticed anyone approaching your table, and you looked up in surprise to see Yoongi standing there with a salad in one hand. The sight was so strange you didn’t know what to say, so Taehyung beat you to responding. 
“There isn’t enough room.” He said simply. 
“You could move, then.” Yoongi replied calmly. “It’s not like you’re eating, anyway.”
“I was here first, you can’t just tell me to give you my chair. Sit somewhere else.” Taehyung pointed to a nearby table. 
“You’re being unreasonable.” Yoongi deadpanned.
“And you’re being childish.” Taehyung smiled. 
“I’ll move.” You cut in, picking up your own food. There was no way you could eat with the two of them bickering like this, so you sat down in at the table to your right. 
“No--” Yoongi started.
“Don’t do that--” Taehyung said at the same time as he started to get up.
“Sit.” You told both of them, and they both slowly did so. For a while, you were able to eat your lunch in peace as the two men gave each other dirty looks, but eventually Taehyung left (to your surprise).
“Can I ask you something?” You asked after a while. You and Yoongi were still sitting at different tables, and it was a little awkward to talk to him like this. But you were afraid to switch seats now, with so many other people around. What would you do if your co-workers started jumping to conclusions? Then again, eating lunch together didn’t mean there was anything going on, right?
“Sure.” Yoongi replied with a nod.
“What’s the deal with you and Taehyung?” You weren’t sure that it was your business, but you were curious, and it couldn’t hurt to ask.
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked carefully.
“I mean you seem to dislike him--more so than if he was just a coworker or shareholder. So why?” 
“That’s... A long story.” Yoongi said after a moments thought. “A pretty boring one, too.” 
“Will you tell me sometime?” You asked, unable to stop yourself. 
Yoongi smiled, only faintly, but it was there. “Yeah. Sometime. Just not today.” 
You didn’t argue--’not today’ was better than not at all. 
You knew you shouldn’t be asking questions, making your situation any worse than it already was; you needed to keep work separate, and only see Yoongi as your boss, nothing more. But that was feeling more difficult by the moment, and you feared it wouldn’t be long before it was too late.
A/N Thank you for reading!! As always, let me know what you think! <3 <3 <3
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exxar1 · 4 years
Episode 1: A New Beginning
2020 has been, to put it mildly, an eventful year thus far. A global pandemic, social and civil unrest, and a national election in 6 weeks. America has been thrust into a crucible, and, if you’re like me, you’ve stood at your front door, staring out at the world with a mixture of astonishment, befuddlement, anxiety, and, at times, quiet fear. Every morning has brought news headlines worse than the day before. Since mid-March, it has felt to most of us as if the entire world was flipped upside down and turned inside out. Where daily life was once an ordinary, comfortable routine, it has now taken on the feeling of a long, terrifying roller coaster ride: lengthy, nervous pauses followed by heart-stopping, terror-filled drops, and we never know at each sundown what the next sunrise will bring.
For me, personally, the last six months have been all of that – and more. No, thank God, I did not lose my job. Ever since moving to Las Vegas in 2012, I have had a successful career at a payday loan company. For the last eight years I have done well for myself, attaining the rank of assistant manager and making more than enough money to not only meet my needs but also put some away for the future. I’m still single with no children to support, so I have always been a workaholic; not so much that I burn myself out and have no social life, but neither do I believe in stopping at just 40 hours a week when I’m still young and capable enough to go for at least 60 or 65 on a good week. The last 8 years have been incredibly rewarding for me, and I’ve been very happy with my decision to relocate to Las Vegas.
But then, in mid-March of this year, my luxurious comfort zone was abruptly – suddenly – shattered. The Nevada governor declared a statewide shutdown of all non-essential businesses and a forced quarantine of non-essential workers. My job remained intact due to our status as a financial services company, but because all the casinos, restaurants, and most of the other businesses on the Las Vegas strip were abruptly shut down, most of my job’s customer base was suddenly unemployed. As a result, our company had to adjust accordingly. We have 26 stores in Las Vegas and Henderson, four of them operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One of the reasons I was making so much money was because I could pick up overtime shifts at other stores. As soon as the statewide shutdown and quarantine went into effect, our company was forced to cut back store hours, lay off some employees, and cancel all overtime. Other perks such as quarterly bonuses were also canceled along with annual raises. All of this caused a sudden and immediate drop in my monthly income that I was not ready for.
Something you should know about me is that I am a type “A” personality. That means that I prefer schedules, planning, and as much preparation as possible for anything and everything. I live my life by a clock and lists. There’s no such thing as spontaneity or lollygagging. We workaholics believe time is money, and even on our days off we never really relax. We’re using that precious little free time to get the household chores done and prepare for the busy week ahead. Even when I watch TV I’m multitasking – usually doing the crossword or playing a game on my phone or Nintendo Switch. Type “A” people need to know exactly what’s coming and we usually plan not just for tomorrow or the week ahead or even the month ahead. We plan for at least 3 months ahead, and we freak out if anything unexpected pops up to ruin our best laid plans.
Now, of course, we all know that daily life is full of little surprises and upsets. But, if we’ve planned and prepped well, then we’re not entirely thrown out of whack by life’s minor emergencies. Flat tire on the expressway? No problem. We have great auto insurance, and there’s plenty in savings to cover a new tire and time lost in wages for missing that day’s work. Wake up with my throat feeling a little scratchy and nose stuffed? No problem! Grab that emergency bag of tea bags and cough drops from the bathroom medicine cabinet on my way out the door to work. Type “A” folks are what keep the world running smooth and on time. We’d control the timing of the sunrise and sunset if it were possible.
So, you can see why the economic shutdown of 2020 threw a massive and wholly detestable wrench into my comfortable, orderly life. I say this with a dryly humorous tone, but it was no joke. I had to scramble to rearrange my finances, but my monthly bills depended on a specific amount to make all ends meet, and I was suddenly going to be very short. The future, which had once seemed so bright and certain, was now dark and unknown, and I could no longer plan for even one week ahead, let alone three months. Yes, there was some relief in the form of the economic impact payments from the government as well as a one-time withdrawal allowed by my 401K. But always, in the back of my mind, there was the nagging worry about what would come after that extra money ran out. If the statewide shutdown wasn’t lifted, if my job didn’t allow me to work overtime, and if I hadn’t found a second job by then, what would I do? This is where it began to feel as if I was on a roller coaster. There were days when I felt good, when I forced myself to not worry about the future and live in the present, and I focused on my work. And, because I had so much free time now that I was working only 35 or 38 hours a week, I used the opportunity to catch up on my reading list as well as my writing. (I also watched more TV and movies in two months than I had in my entire life to that point.)
But then there were sleepless nights where all I could do was toss and turn and worry. April dragged into May, May slowly turned into June, and the news headlines just got worse and worse. George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis in late May, and suddenly the nation was erupting with violent and frightening civil unrest. Portland, Chicago, Seattle, New York – and even Las Vegas – saw marches, protests, demonstrations, and none of them were peaceful. Social media was flooded with black squares and “Black Lives Matter” posts, and now we didn’t have just a global pandemic to worry about. For me, personally, it wasn’t my own financial future that had suddenly become uncertain. The future of the nation which I have called home for my whole life was unexpectedly called into question.
Life had turned upside down and inside out. My own anxiety and worry multiplied with each passing day, and I did my best to distract myself with writing, reading, binging old TV, and a brief vacation back home to Idaho. But always, in the darkest hour of the night, in the back of my mind all during the day, there was that steady, drumming fear: how much worse could things get? How much longer could we endure all of this? What in the world would happen next? I began to suffer periods of genuine depression. It took everything I had to force a smile on my face and pretend at work that everything was fine. Inside, I was falling apart.
In the first week of July I landed a second job at Walmart. My financial future suddenly became a lot more certain, and there was some genuine relief in that. But the violence, the unrest, and politics of the world around me continued to be a major source of worry and anxiety. It wasn’t just my daily life – job, home, friends, local government – that needed to be orderly, calm and predictable. I needed the world at large to also be certain, ordered and organized. I needed to know that my basic freedoms that I had taken for granted my entire life were not going to suddenly disappear. In just a span of a few weeks, the American dream that I had been living for 42 years was rapidly disappearing in a rising tide of ideological dogma that was gaining a foothold in every American institution with alarming speed. For the first time in my life I was witnessing the stuff that I had only read about in sci-fi novels such as 1984. All I could think was, What if the democrats win this election? What if the police really are defunded? Could America really devolve into a true socialist state? What if the worst-case scenario really happens?
And that is what finally brought me to what I can only describe is a mid-life spiritual crisis. I throw the word “spiritual” in there for good reason. I’m an atheist, you see. I was raised in the Baptist church, but I walked away from the church and all religion in my senior year of high school because I couldn’t reconcile the fact that I’m gay with what the Bible teaches about that particularly heinous sin. The only way I could live a successful, happy life was to be myself. I have always been out and proud, and I had no room for any religion that would call me a sinner and claim that my soul was damned because of my lifestyle “choice”. (More detail on this in a later post.) I’ve been on my own for 23 years now, and I’ve been just fine. I decided a long time ago that God doesn’t exist. He’s a figment of man’s overactive imagination, a crutch for those too weak to face life on their own. I have never needed such a crutch, and, until this year, I was doing just dandy living my own life and my truth.
My job at Walmart is to stand outside the front entrance and, per the new health mandates from the state governor, ensure that everyone entering the store is wearing their mask. Those who aren’t and who don’t have a valid reason for not wearing one – such as a medical exclusion – cannot go in. This means that I’m paid $11/hour to do basically nothing. I stand outside by myself, greeting the customers, and doing a LOT of thinking. For the last few weeks I have thought about everything happening just beyond my front doorstep. I’ve thought about the future of my nation, as well as the future of my own soul. I have silently questioned all of the beliefs and convictions that were once so certain. I have wrestled with my ego and my intellect, confused and angry with the fact that I was so certain of many things in my youth, yet now I am so unsure and afraid. My parents say that God is in control. Yet I see no evidence that God – or anyone – is in control. The world has lost its collective mind, and America, in particular, is on a fast track to chaos and anarchy. IF God really is out there, why is he allowing any of this to go on?
One of the fundamental changes that occurred as a result of this soul-searching was my decision to switch political parties. For the last 20 years or so I have been a staunch democrat. I have had no use for the conservative views of the republican party. I’m gay, after all, and I proudly supported all the progressive movements over the last two decades that eventually culminated in 2015 with the nationwide legalization of gay marriage. I also believed that no one other than the police, the military and government agents needed to own a gun. I was also pro-choice. But I have never been much interested in politics. Until 2012 I had never even voted. My reasoning for this was a combination of laziness and apathy. No matter which political party won the election, my life never changed. The world went on every day as it always had since before I was born, and besides, thanks to the electoral college, the majority vote doesn’t always mean a win. Therefore, I reasoned, my one vote didn’t really matter unless I was in a swing state. And since Nevada is a blue state, and since I was a democrat, I knew which candidate would get my state’s vote every time, no matter what. (The only reason I voted in the 2012 national election was because I wanted Obama to have a second term just to piss off my conservative family and friends; and I was bored that afternoon after work.)
But then, in the wake of George Floyd’s death in late May, as the Black Lives Matter movement began a newly rapid ascension in almost every aspect and institution of American life, I began to do a lot of reading online during my lunch breaks and days off. Later, in July and August, as the national election campaigns kicked into full gear, I read even more news from both sides of the biases on the candidates, their views, and their platforms. In particular, I started subscribing to The Daily Wire and The Federalist. As time went on, as I read more and more opinions and news, and as I spent my days in front of Walmart in the Las Vegas heat, I started to ruminate on everything happening in the headlines as well as the ideological war going on behind the scenes in daily American life. I also began to wrestle with my own beliefs and convictions.
There was no specific time and day for my change of heart. I do know it was somewhere in late July that I decided I was no longer a democrat. I was going to vote all republican in November, and I was now a proud supporter of Donald Trump. But this was only the start of my mid-life spiritual crisis. I realized in early August that I wasn’t just a republican. All of my fear and anxieties about the civil unrest, the economic shutdowns due the pandemic, the war over whether or not mandated masks and social distancing were, in fact, the first step in many that would end with all Americans under a socialist dictatorship after November 3rd, the national debates about critical race theory and “white fragility”, the numbers of Americans on forced unemployment with no hope in the near future of any economic relief, the conflicting reports in the media surrounding everything to do with COVID-19 – all of it was just becoming too much to bear. It seemed that there was too much happening at once, every day, for me – or any of us ordinary citizens – to keep track of, let alone properly digest and analyze. By the end of the summer, as every state was debating whether or not to re-open public schools for the fall semester, it appeared to me as if everyone was close to their breaking point. My time spent every day in front of Walmart gave me plenty of firsthand evidence of just how frayed the nerves of all Americans had become. Everyone seemed on edge, yelling at one another because someone wasn’t wearing a mask, or someone else was wearing a “Trump 2020” t-shirt, or a black man cursing at the white store security officer, calling her a racist, because she was kicking him out for shoplifting. Tempers were short, nerves were frayed (including mine), and I – like so many others – started wondering: Just how bad things could really get?
In other words, it seemed to me as if the entire world around me had lost its fucking mind.
It was around the end of August that my worry finally turned into genuine fear. In the last few weeks, I have to come realize that America’s future as a democratic republic is not as sure as it’s been these last two centuries. My mind started to spin with all the “What if?” scenarios. What if Biden wins the election? What if the police force everywhere – not just cities like Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle and New York – really are defunded and scaled back? What if all the chaos caused by the unchecked rioting in those cities spreads to other cities and states? What if this pandemic doesn’t end soon? What if all this “white fragility”, “critical race theory”, and BLM nonsense actually gains traction in the worst possible place: the white house? What if? What if? What if? (Remember, I’m type “A” all the way!)
And now, the present; my reason for putting all this down on electronic paper. I came to a decision about a week ago that I was tired. No, scratch that. Fucking exhausted is more like it. I realized that, for the last six months, I have been trying to digest, analyze, categorize, rationalize, and compartmentalize everything that’s been happening around me so that I can sleep peacefully at night. I’ve been trying to make sense of all of this in order to calm myself and stop worrying. This has always worked before, but not this time. I realized that everything I had put my faith in for the last 23 years – my own reason and intellect, the ordered certainty of the world around me, the calm predictability of everyday life – had been wiped away in the span of six months. For the first time in my adult life, I felt truly helpless.
And that’s when I turned to the one thing that I had been ignoring for most of my life. For the last couple months, during my day shifts at Walmart, as I baked in the summer heat with no company other than my own thoughts, memories started to re-surface. Long forgotten memories, in fact. I began to wonder if maybe God really did, after all, exist. I remembered pieces of old sermons, fragments of Bible verses, lyrics from old songs of the Christian artists whose CDs I had long ago burned into iTunes. Some nights, as I drove home after finishing my late shift at my other job, physically and emotionally exhausted, I would pull up an old playlist on my phone and listen to Steven Curtis Chapman or Amy Grant or Michael W Smith. I have always enjoyed their music over the years as it reminds me of my youth and better times. Lately, however, it was reminding me of something else.
 As I finish writing this, September 23, 2020, I am sure of two things:
1.    I am saved. I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart in 1985 when I was 7 years old. I don’t remember exactly what time of day it was – or even the exact date – but I do remember it was after a SPARKS meeting. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that if I were to die this moment, I would be reunited in Heaven with both of my grandmothers, my grandfather, as well as others in my family who have passed on before. I believe that that prayer whispered by that seven-year-old boy those many years ago was genuine and heartfelt, and that it was uttered in sincere desire to have Jesus come into his heart. I have wandered far from grace in the decades since, but in just the last few days I have felt a peace and a calm deep in my soul that I have not felt for a very, very long time. God does not go back on His promises, and if we are sincere in our prayer for salvation, then I believe we are saved, no matter how far we might stray from Him afterwards.
2.    I am gay. This right here was the main issue that I have been grappling with for the last couple months. I will go into this more in another post, but, put simply, I had been taught for all of my youth that homosexuality is a sin. It is an abomination against God, and the Bible clearly condemns it in several different passages. But I know that I am made in the image of God, and I know that I was born this way. There is no doubt in my mind about this. I knew as early as sixth grade that I was different, and, later, in high school, I came to realize what exactly that difference was. I now believe that God created me this way, and that I can still serve Him and His will without converting my sexuality. I don’t yet know exactly how or why I believe that with such conviction, but I do. Part of this new journey will be to understand and reconcile this conviction through reading, prayer, and other research.
 My reason for creating this blog is twofold:
1.    I have felt a need for some time now to get all of my thoughts and feelings down in black and white. Just writing this post alone has helped me clear my head from what has been piling up in my brain for the last six months. The act of writing helps me organize, digest, and analyze exactly what it is I need to understand about all of this.
2.    And since I’m writing it all down, why not share it with the world? I know that I can’t be the only one who’s struggling to make sense of the world right now. Or, perhaps, there’s others out there, like me, who are trying to reconcile their belief in God with their sexual orientation? Or maybe they’re struggling with their own faith in some way in response to the chaos around us? Whatever the case, I want to be an inspiration for them, and I hope that this blog will help them in some way.
 I don’t know where this journey will take me. For now, I am just re-reading my Bible, starting at the beginning in Genesis. I have the love and support of my family, and, as with everything else in this fucked up year, I – and God – are going to take this one day at a time.
 Thank you for reading.
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Why did a Japanese UC member kill her Korean husband? (Updated 2018)
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Moon and Hak Ja Han conduct the 1995 mass wedding in Korea.
From 週刊文春 Shūkan Bunshun, December 6, 2012 (pages 143-145).
by freelance writer Kenichiro Ishii
Why did a Japanese woman kill her Korean husband?
[On January 29, 2013 a court sentenced 朴美雪, ボクミユキ, Miyuki Park to nine years in prison. Details below.]
Twenty years have passed since the Unification Church mass weddings have become known as a social problem. This started from the time when Junko Sakurai and others participated in a mass wedding. [From the 1970s to the 1990s she was a very well-known Japanese singer and actor.] Even today the Unification Church continues to send Japanese women believers to South Korea in the name of the “blessing of marriage.” In August 2012 one of those believers murdered her Korean husband in a tragic incident.
What was behind this tragedy?
The city of Chuncheon in Gangwon province is known as the setting for the famous TV drama “Winter Sonata.” In 2004, when the drama was released, three hundred and seventy thousand tourists from Japan visited the site. However, the Japanese people who now may be encountered on the streets are the women who have married Korean men through the international mass marriage ceremonies of the Unification Church (the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity).
Today, the number of Japanese women who live in South Korea is estimated to be about eighteen thousand. Of these about seven thousand are supposedly members of the Unification Church.
Mrs M. (aged 52), who killed her husband, was one of them. At around 3:00AM on the 21st of August she called 119 for the emergency services, saying: “My sick husband has become very ill.”
When the emergency crew arrived, her husband, Mr Jegun Park (aged 51), was dressed and sitting on the floor. His head was slumped down, and he was not breathing. At the Gangwon-Do Kangwon National University Hospital, where Mr Park was taken, his death was at first diagnosed as being caused by his illness. However, when the Chuncheon city police asked Mrs M. about the details, she acted strangely. When she was asked whether she had killed him, there was a twenty-minute silence. Then she nodded and said “yes.”
Mrs M. thought of killing her husband during the afternoon of the previous day. In the evening she had smothered her husband with a towel, which covered his nose and mouth, and had pressed on his throat for five minutes.
Why did she kill her husband? “Ever since marrying him, I have suffered – too much drinking and violence, and too little money,” Mrs M. said in her testimony.
Seventeen years have passed since she participated in the mass wedding ceremony of 1995. Mr Park was long unemployed, and they lived impoverished lives. They had no children. They had survived with the help of a national welfare-payment  of about 500,000 won, ($440) and the 500,000 won which Mrs M. earned. She often worked 12 hours in a day – in restaurant or housekeeper jobs. That was the monthly income they had to live on.
For ten years Mr Park had kidney disease. The cost of his monthly dialyses treatment was 700,000 won ($620), and it was a heavy burden. She even once took Mr Park to Japan to see a doctor there. Yet he kept on drinking and abusing Mrs M. When he got drunk, he swore, broke furniture, and threw things around the house. The way he treated Mrs M. was worse than the way he treated their dog.
“Mrs M. told me that her husband did not work and regularly said ‘we are going to the hospital.’ She seemed to be a quiet and serious woman. I often saw her ride her wearing a hat and riding her bicycle,” said a woman who lives in the building where the incident took place.
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The apartment building where Mrs M. and Mr Park lived.
From time to time Mrs M. went to a small shop near their apartment to buy food such as kamaboko (boiled fish paste) and tofu, but she only ever made small purchases, said the man who owned the shop. “I knew that the couple were married in a mass wedding. Mrs M. went to the church regularly, but I never saw her husband go. She was a good wife. She worked very hard, but her husband was exploiting her.”
Mr Park went to the same shop to buy rice wine and other alcohol. The owner advised Mr Park many times that “he should be more responsible because he has a foreign wife. He did try. But he got injured in a bike accident; it just didn’t work out. He even tried to stop drinking. But his character was weak. When there were friends drinking in the park, even as early as noon, he couldn’t ignore them and just pass by. Eventually both his body and face became swollen. It was obvious that he was ill. I’m sure he was aware of it too.” According to the owner, Mr Park’s deteriorating health was a known fact in the neighborhood. After the incident, the local women were sharing these stories with each other.
The above mentioned woman remarked “She had tolerated him for seventeen years – she just had to endure it a little longer. She didn’t have to kill him now.”
Mrs M. had stopped going to the Unification Church in Chuncheon a few months before the incident.
According to the people involved with the Korean Unification Church, “Mrs M. had talked to the church many times and sought help. However, the church did not do anything. She became disappointed, and stopped going to church.” Another person involved with the church said “Mrs M. had been suffering from depression for three years. However, she did not have the money to get treatment. Around a week before the incident, her family came from Japan and tried to take her back there. However, she rejected the offer.”
The attorney appointed by the Unification Church requested a psychiatric evaluation. Therefore, Mrs M. was taken to a secure unit located in the city of Gongju, South Chungcheong Province. The results showed she had a mild adjustment disorder. It was agreed that she had was mentally weak at the moment of her crime. However, she refused treatment, and was charged with murder. On November 9th, the first trial was held in Chuncheon District Court. When Mrs M. appeared in court, her face was devoid of any expression or sense of vitality. In an almost inaudible voice she admitted that she had killed her husband.
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Top: Moon and Hak Ja Han conduct a mass wedding in Seoul in 1995. (Mrs Miyuki Park was married to her Korean husband there. It seems he was not a believer, but just went to the church to get a wife. He was an alcoholic and beat his wife.) Bottom: Reverend Sun Myung Moon who died in September 2012.
“If you become a UC follower, you can get married”
Within the sect the mass weddings are called the “Blessing”. It is taught that this is the means of being “liberated from the original sin and in the end it is the only way salvation can be achieved.” For a Japanese follower, the participation fee is a “1.4 million yen ($11,560) Blessing Donation” in addition to the actual costs. It is the largest event for the Unification Church. It is also, like other events, an event from which to make a profit. To participate in this “blessing” and to build an ideal family is the highest goal of life for the followers. To qualify for the “Blessing,” Japanese followers engage in missionary activities without giving their true identity and “inspiration businesses” using false identities.
However, for Mrs M. and Mr Park it did not result in a “blessing.” During police questioning she was asked “Do you have a religion?” Mrs M. answered “I do not have a religion now.”
A lot of attention given to the mass wedding of 30,000 couples in 1992 because a famous Japanese singer, Junko Sakurada, and others participated. In 1995, in a greatly expanded mass wedding, Mrs M. was one of the 360,000 couples. This was the year the Unification Church planned an event much larger than before. In order to increase the number of participants, they recruited widely to get non-believers to join in as well. Rev Sun Myung Moon reportedly said, “Come to the Unification Church. If you do not have someone to marry, I’ll soon get you married.”
In August 1995, I was a writer for the weekly magazine Shūkan Bunshun. I saw the words “Recruiting unmarried men and women” written on a banner on the wall of the church headquarters in Seoul. This was a week before the mass wedding. In the rural outskirts of Daejeon, I talked to a thirty four year-old man who was going to participate in the wedding. I asked “why did you become a follower?” This was his frank answer: “Because I was told by the pastor of the Unification Church that if I become a believer, I can get married.” (Shūkan Bunshun August 31, 1995 issue)
Through the invitations of a sham marriage agency, men participated who not only had no faith, but did not work, had alcohol problems or a history of violence. For these reasons they had not been able to marry. Wives were chosen for them by the Reverend Moon. The brides could not to refuse because they believed he was the Lord of the Second Coming.
Here is another thing Reverend Moon said, “If you consider the possibility of not receiving a blessing at all, you should be grateful. Even if your husband has no eyes or no nose, it does not matter.”
Marriage to a Korean has great significance for the Japanese women followers of Moon. It is the highest honor for them to marry a man from the same country as Reverend Moon. In addition, the Unification Church teaches that Korea is the nation of Adam, and Japan is the nation of Eve. Eve must serve Adam. It is also necessary to atone for the “thirty-six years of colonial domination by Imperial Japan.”
The women are indoctrinated that they are “paying indemnity 蕩減 (to liquidate sin)” and so must endure any kind of hardship or suffering under any circumstances. They strive to be dutiful wives, devoted mothers and good to their husband’s parents. Nationwide there have been more than a hundred Japanese women followers who have been awarded the “孝婦賞 Woman of Filial Piety Award” or other awards by local governments, agricultural cooperatives and other organizations. This last June [2012] a member was given an award by President Lee Myung-bak himself.
A woman who married into a farming village in Korea, in the same 1995 mass wedding as Mrs M., said “To be recognized means for us that the church is being recognized. With this in mind, everyone works desperately hard.” She is no longer a follower because she became aware of the errors of the teachings. She looked down as she remarked, “I cannot take this as just another incident; it affects me as if it were my own affair.”
Shuichi Okami is an attorney who belongs to the Liaison Committee of the National Network of Lawyers Against Spiritual Sales [fortune telling fraud, etc.]. This incident, he said, reminded him of a former member who was also in the 1995 mass wedding. She met her Korean husband-to-be only two days before the wedding. After the wedding, she discovered some shocking information. “Your partner applied to participate before, but he was rejected because of his serious alcoholism. This time he was only admitted because his parents made a large donation.”
Her pure faith was completely shattered by this. With the help of her family, the woman decided to leave the church. She filed a lawsuit to get her marriage declared null and void. One winter morning in 2000, the former husband-to-be was found dead in a park. At trial the following year she won her case. So far there have been almost fifty lawsuits to prove similar marriages were not valid. In almost all cases the plaintiffs have won.
Attorney Okami continued, saying “this woman joined a group of plaintiffs who claimed that ‘during recruitment the true identity of the Unification Church was hidden and that this was illegal.’ They won this case as well.
The court confirmed their statement that ‘if you refuse a partner selected by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, you had to fear that the path to salvation for you and your ancestors is closed. You also come to worry that you may suffer illness, injury or death, and after you die you will suffer in hell. This caused [the members] substantial mental and emotional distress.’
The court ruled that ‘the formula course direction to participate in the mass weddings inhibited the freedom of marriage of the plaintiffs, and this was against the law.’ The mass weddings of the Unification Church are a serious problem.”
Hiroko Nakanishi (Religious Sociology) is a part time tutor at Kansei Gakuin University. She investigates by interviewing Japanese followers about their life in Korea, and she also analyzes the internal Japanese church newspaper entitled “Hongo People”. [Hongō 本郷 is a district of Tokyo.] Within the regular feature called “Hongo Mutual Aid Association” 本郷互助会 there is a section named “This Month’s People in Need”. Here are published descriptions of families in trouble, and the support they asking for. The main problems they face are alcoholism of husbands, sickness, mental disorders, child and adult health issues, debts, and so on. In the June 2004 edition, the following text was published:
“My husband is an alcoholic and has not worked for the past 4-5 years. I work in a factory. However, the monthly wage of 570,000 yen is not enough to support our lives. Due to the deteriorating economic conditions, I have not been given my wages for two months now…(abridged)… I am worn out, in both body and soul. I want to escape this living hell but I cannot afford to flee, so I am seeking help from the Mutual Aid Association.
<Aid Given> 20kg of rice for 6 months, employment finding services.” Other examples included “Gift of five hundred thousand won,” “one hundred thousand won loan.” It is not clear how much help this assistance was for them.
Ms. Nakanishi said, “I think there are more than a few people who are suffering in similar circumstances to those of Mrs M. Although she was the aggressor in the incident, in a sense Mrs M. was also a victim of the mass weddings.”
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The church in Chuncheon which Mrs M. attended.
Did Mrs M. ask for help? When we asked the Public Relations Department of the Unification Church of Japan, they gave this answer: “Perhaps because she did not want to cause trouble, she did not ask for help or consult us. Instead, friends belonging to the local church approached the ‘Hongo Mutual Aid Association’ on her behalf. They were doing their best to arrange for counseling visits at her home, provision of food, and support for living costs.”
In addition, I asked them if a match between a Japanese woman with sincere faith and a Korean man without any faith at all did not contradict their so-called ‘blessing.’
They replied “what is wonderful about the marriages of the Unification Church is the sharing of common values. The husband and wife place God at the center of their lives, and strive to live for each other. They seek to become ideal couples and, through their mutual support, to build an ideal family.”
However, couples like Mrs M. and Mr Park did not “share common values.” If the Unification Church continues to mass produce similar couples, more problems will naturally arise. The existence of a ‘Hongo Mutual Aid Association’ proves this very fact.
As many as four hundred million couples involved in mass weddings?
After the three hundred and sixty thousand couples’ mass wedding in 1995, the numbers have been reported as 40 million couples, 360 million couples, and 400 million couples. The mass weddings have been taking place almost every year since then.
How did they recruit so many million participants? The Unification Church made a dummy organization. Behind this façade they ran a campaign called “Chastity Education” and produced “Chastity candy” [“Holy candy”]. They distributed these Chastity candies in kindergartens, elementary and middle schools for free in Korea. In Japan, they handed them out them on the streets. Quite amazingly, every person who accepted this candy was counted as a participant.
Without having solved the numerous problems of the Unification Church, Rev Sun Myung Moon died on September 3rd 2012. He was 92 years old. The thirty two thousand Japanese followers of Moon were requested to visit Korea with condolences, each paying 120,000 yen ($1000). Just this amounts to 3.8 billion yen ($31,400,000). Even after the death of Rev Moon, the Church’s profit-first nature remains utterly the same.
Miyuki Park was sentenced to nine years in prison.
Regarding the remarks of the presiding judge at the judgment hearing of the trial at the Chuncheon District Court on January 29, I will quote the Japanese translation made by Mr. Seung-min Park who was there in person.
January 29, 2013

High Court No. 238, 2012 Defendant 朴美雪  ボクミユキ  Miyuki
 Park (known as Mrs Boku Miyuki in Japan.)
The presiding judge addressed the defendant, Miyuki Park.
“You can understand what I am saying, right? In the earlier trial proceedings there was an interpreter. For today’s sentencing, I will speak slowly because the interpreter has not yet arrived in the courtroom. The defendant is a Japanese national, but evidently understands Korean to some extent. Therefore, the sentencing will be given in Korean without an interpreter. According to the prosecution evidence which has been lawfully considered, the court can conclude that there is sufficient for the accused to be charged with the murder.
The presiding judge addressed the defendant by name, “Defendant Miyuki Park! According to the evidence, the court can conclude that the accused is to be charged with the murder. Do you understand? I will explain the reasons for the penalty for the murder for which the accused is found guilty.
“In this case the victim (the husband of the accused) was in a state of poor health, suffering the aftermath of a cerebral hemorrhage and chronic renal (kidney) failure and was unable to resist. He was killed while he was sleeping. The defendant killed her husband, but as a spouse was obliged to support and protect him. The circumstances of this crime are serious. According to the crime report, 50 minutes after killing the victim, the accused called 119 for the ambulance instead of 112 for the police. Even after arriving at the hospital the behavior was bad, as she explained to the doctor that the victim was unable to receive dialysis for several days, and his condition had worsened and he had died.
“The husband had frequently ranted and insulted the defendant, but it is difficult to see a pattern of the accused being punished through domestic violence. The defendant could have gotten out of this situation in which she found herself through other ways besides choosing the extreme course of murder.
“Also taking into account that the victim’s father wants a severe punishment to be given to the accused, a heavy sentence for the accused is inevitable.
“However, there are some points to favor leniency. The defendant was married to the victim after they met through the Unification Church, also she was married to a foreigner. The defendant supported the victim who was suffering from chronic renal failure. The defendant suffered from adjustment disorder and from persistent depression. It seems that due to this, the defendant seems to have suffered from poor mental and physical health. Following all this, she committed the crime.
“Leniency should be considered since the defendant is a first-time offender with no prior history of any criminal offense. We have decided the judgment as follows by applying the criteria for sentencing by the Supreme Court.
“The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than nine years. I will confiscate the towel which was seized. Defendant Miyuki Park, do you understand the sentence that has been pronounced?”
[Defendant Miyuki Park replied,] “I was sentenced to nine years in prison.” 
or possibly 
[Presiding judge:] “You have been sentenced to nine years in prison.” 
It is not clear from the Japanese text which of the two said this.
“If you are dissatisfied with this decision and want to appeal, you can do so. The appeals form can be submitted within seven days from today to the Director (the Prison Director). It will then be sent by the Chuncheon Court to the (appeals court at the) Seoul High Court.
“Defendant Miyuki Park, is there anything you do not understand about the decision? Do you understand about the appeal process? Is there any part for which you need further explanation?”
Miyuki Park spoke in a very quiet voice which the presiding judge could not hear. The prosecutor, who was close by, heard what Miyuki Park had said, and conveyed it to the Chief Justice. It seems that Miyuki Park requested the contents of the ruling in writing.
The presiding judge said, “Yes, you will receive the ruling in writing. Because the accused is on detention, the details of the proceedings including today’s sentence will be written in detail and sent to you. Do you wish to say anything else? …I will now conclude the sentencing hearing.”
日本人妻はなぜ韓国人夫を殺したのか? 統一教会「合同結婚式」の悲劇
“Apology marriages” made by Japanese UC members to Korean men.
“Please search for the 6,500 women missing from the mass wedding ceremony,” victim’s families appealed.
Japanese 20-year-old woman recruited by the UC, and then sold to an older Korean farmer
韓国よ、私の姉を返せ!!Please return my sister from Korea.
Yuka Nakamura, a Unification Church member in Korea, recently took her own life
The ‘True Father’ who could not forgive: “I haven’t been able to release my grudge towards Japanese people yet.” November 2011
Moon personally extracted $500 MILLION from Japanese sisters in the fall of 1993. He demanded that 50,000 sisters attend HIS workshops on Cheju Island and each had to pay a fee of $10,000.
Summary of Professor Park Yuha’s Book “Comfort Women of the Empire”
“The Comfort Women” by Professor C. Sarah Soh
What Is Behind South Korea’s Criticism On Comfort Women Issue
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workingontruth · 4 years
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Our 2 Kings 7 Kind of Life
Don’t you love it when God shows up?
Have you ever missed it when God showed up?
What about now?
Today, opinions are a dime a dozen. Talk to a dozen people, and you’ll get a dozen different angles on any of a dozen subjects. But in spite of our differences of opinion on any of a wide range of topics, I think we all agree on one thing these days; had I interrupted your Christmas celebration this past December (whether or not I were wearing camel’s hair and in need of a good flossing to extract locust legs from between my teeth), telling you the following list of things would all come true in less than 90 days, you would have labeled me a complete crazy man and would’ve told me to go back beneath the rock from which I had come.
“In less than 90 days,…”
1.       You, over there in the Free Enterprise motor coach pullover (that would’ve been me) … you will be returning to the University of Indianapolis with the Men’s Lacrosse team from South Carolina before playing the final game of your trip–but oddly enough, both teams will be fully healthy, the weather will be ideal, and the trip will have been coasting along without a hitch. Oh, and the university’s administration will also require the other eight remaining U Indy teams, participating in their various collegiate sporting events from Florida to California and everywhere in between, to immediately return to campus as well. And, once you return, your entire fleet of buses will be emptied of fuel, removed from insurance plans, and put out of service–though all machines are mechanically sound and all drivers are healthy and available to drive.
2.       And you, in the red Community Hospital valet shirt (that would’ve be my wife) … you will be in your new role in the front office of the Center for Genetic Health. But having been asked not to congregate with your co-workers in the perfectly suited and newly designed office space the hospital had just finished, you and all of your co-workers will be working from home to reschedule all patient appointments sixty days or more into the future–unless they are willing to conduct their appointment over the phone or via video-chat.
3.       The NBA post-season will never happen, and the balance of the season itself will be stopped cold in its tracks at half-time of a game in the Mountain Time Zone on Wednesday, March 11th.
4.       All NCAA spring athletic events will be cancelled for the remainder of the school year and March Madness won’t happen.
5.       There will be no date set to begin the MLB season.
6.       Grocery stores will have been unable to keep chicken, ground beef, bread and toilet paper on their shelves.
7.       Gasoline will, in some places, be under a dollar a gallon, but few will be filling up.
8.       The nation’s restaurants will be closed for all dine-in experiences while the fortunate will try to stay in business by doing carry-out or drive-through business only.
9.       All shopping malls, strip malls, barber shops and hair and nail salons will be closed.
10.   The Federal Government will be sending $1,200 tax-free cash gifts to the vast majority of American citizens.
11.   The world will have a drastic shortage of personal protective equipment.
12.   The Down Jones Industrial Average will suffer 3 of its worst days since the “Black Monday” market crash in 1987 in the span of less than a week, losing roughly one-third of its value in a matter of about eight days.
13.   State governors will be requesting their citizens “shelter in place” by remaining home but for essential trips for food or health-related emergencies, while in some states it will be a finable offense to travel anywhere but to secure such.
14.   The President and VP of the United States will be holding daily, 2-hour press briefings for weeks on end.
15.   Frequent air travel will be little but a memory, international travel banned, airfares costing less than a good meal out (which will no longer be happening).
16.   The President will sign a presidential memorandum that will require the likes of General Motors to begin manufacturing respiratory ventilators.
17.   Dozens of privately held companies like Michael Lindell’s “My Pillow,” will be transformed into N-95 facemask factories.
18.   Samaritan’s Purse will have set up and be running a fully-functioning hospital in the middle of New York City’s Central Park.
19.   The United States Naval Hospital Ship “Comfort” will have been deployed to New York to help in the cause.
20.   Most people will be wearing PPE masks everywhere they go.
21.   All public concerts world-wide will be on hold.
22.   Churches will be asked not to meet, and nearly all will comply without resistance.
23.   Employees representing nearly every U.S. industry will be furloughed, let go or kept on payrolls with forgivable loans from the Fed.
24.   People will be asked to stand in lines outside Lowe’s stores at six-foot intervals to ensure active shopper customer quotas are kept while both one-way entries and exits are monitored.
25.   Many stores will be required to close down public access to much of their merchandise not deemed “essential,” to help support the cause.
26.   Pork, chicken and other meat packing plants in the U.S. will be closing down.
27.   U.S. unemployment will be at the highest rate since the Great Depression as new weekly filing claims will be counted not in the hundreds of thousands, but in the millions.
28.   The nation’s, and most of the world’s movie theaters, will be closed.
29.   People without facemasks will be shunned and avoided by “mask-wearers.”
30.   Neighbors will be sitting in their driveways and on FRONT porches again.
31.   College students will be home with their families, taking part in online classwork since all university campuses will be closed prior to semesters’ end.
32.   In lieu of our celebrating athletes and Hollywood types, doctors, nurses and healthcare workers will be the new heroes.
33.   People in some industries will be earning more to stay at home than while working full time.
34.   The Fed will be paying the unemployed an additional $600/week over and above the state provisions.
35.   All elective surgeries will be halted while hospital ORs remain unused.
36.   Online church “attendance” will skyrocket, leading to thousands and thousands of new believers.
37.   American celebrity musicians will be holding online “Global Citizen” concerts to raise millions of dollars to give to the World Health Organization which is being held liable for its part in enabling the death of hundreds of thousands in nearly 200 countries world-wide.
Would any of these things been plausible just a few months ago?
Obviously, this is only a partial list, and one to which most of us could quickly add another dozen. And NOTE they’re not all bad! Isn’t it just like God to orchestrate blessing in the face of difficulty? 
But in my mind, these “90-days-ago incomprehensible occurrences” are not unlike the similarly baffling predictions that Elisha, in 2 Kings Chapter 7, was revealing to the king and his officer.
Here’s the short version:  
Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah [probably about 7 lbs] of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” 
The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”
“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!”
The officer was utterly confounded. “Really? How could this be?” And to be sure, there is no way, given their circumstance at the time, they could have concocted such an unlikely series of events.
(Read verses 3-13 to learn how this mystifying prophecy actually took place.)
But then, the verdict is recorded in the later verses...
“So they selected two chariots with their horses, and the king sent them after the Aramean army. He commanded the drivers, “Go and find out what has happened.” They followed them as far as the Jordan, and they found the whole road strewn with the clothing and equipment the Arameans had thrown away in their headlong flight. So the messengers returned and reported to the king. Then the people went out and plundered the camp of the Arameans. So a seah of the finest flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.”
Now the king had put the officer on whose arm he leaned in charge of the gate, and the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died, just as the man of God had foretold when the king came down to his house. It happened as the man of God had said to the king: “About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” ...but your officer will not eat any of it.
What’s my point?
God often does things in ways no man would ever script. What we deem impossible is a drop in the bucket of God’s immeasurable and endless power and insight. After all, He knows the future!  
But here’s what WE do.
If told of how the above-mentioned improbables would come true by late-March, we would have responded, “Oh I see. What a tragic series of events. But I understand now how that will happen. It all makes sense.”
And because it “makes sense” in hindsight, we disregard the overriding variable of the supernatural God into the equation and chalk up the now-plausible circumstance as nothing more than the “natural” occurrence of things.  
No matter how crazy things get, when viewing world events on merely the natural plane, most won’t need a God to “see it.” It will all make logical, cause-and-effect sense.
In the same way, I believe much of what will lead up to Revelation 12 and is told us in Daniel 11:31 and following, will likewise “make good sense” to the mind of mankind at the time. Going so far as to think of the Anti-Christ to come, we have to assume he will not come into power forcefully, but peaceably, with the full support of a global community…one that is now forming rapidly. Yes, it will all “make perfect sense,” for the answers and charismatic leadership of the one we know is to come will help to solve what will have become the world’s most pressing and previously unsolvable complexities. And the world community will give him his prominent role. 
Still, for those in Christ, let me be clear that these can be days of amazing intrigue and anticipation, not fear and worry. 
But, you see, my point is that this is how God usually chooses to bring about his plans, through a course of events that will be laced in the common sense of man … so much so that even the elect would be deceived were it possible (Matthew 24:24).
BUT, He gives light to the eyes of his children. Our great and unshakeable God has let us in on his plans. We are his friends if we do what He commands (John 15:14). And as friends of the Son of God, the Son has made known us to his agenda (John 15:15).
Now, my intention is not to insinuate we are absolutely on the cusp of the rapture of the Church, or teetering at the edge of the Tribulation–though I’m also not saying that we couldn’t be, for the Father alone only knows the day of Jesus’ return for his children (Matthew 24:30-42).
What I am saying is that if we can learn anything from history, and from an acquaintance with the scriptures, we can assume that the initial events predicted in the Bible will likely “make sense” in the moment to the mind of unregenerate man.
So, one last question. 
Given our current sermon series at my home church, Northview Church, I am wondering if you are listening, watching and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit living inside you? It’s something about which I wrote in great length as well in SET FREE. 
Do you know the mind of Christ? Do you have the mind of Christ? 
If not, it’s time to change that. If not, you may be missing that God himself is showing up right now on planet Earth.
Place your trust in Jesus Christ. He is ready to open your eyes.
Maybe it’s time you learn more about the God who is doing something incredible right now in the midst of this unprecedented time. Maybe it’s time you gain in you the Resource that dispells anxiety and replaces it with a calm assurance the world will never understand. 
You can learn more about having a relationship with Jesus here. Or, reach out to a pastor at Northview Church by texting “NEXT” to 85379 and selecting Option 2.
God is showing up right now. Don’t miss him in the details.
Keep watching.
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