floorsofgreen · 3 years
My dad has daughter issues
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
thinking of becoming a poltergeist
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
wheres that post about one guy taking his shirt off ready to fight and the other guy putting it on, confusing the first guy and deescalating the situation?
anyway that's zuko and aang
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
i wake up and immediately physically assault my brain with my phone
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
one of the hills i’d gladly die on is that if we simply MUST have the olympics we should evict the pope and just use the vatican to hold the olympics
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
Having a job just really doesn’t fit into my fangirl schedule rn
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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[image description: a mini comic of zuko spread over three panels.
1. a full body drawing of zuko and katara sitting across from eachother in grey-blue parkas with fur along the hood and the cuffs. kataras' has purple and blue detailing and she's talking with her eyes closed, gloved hands reaching up to braid part of zuko's hair. her own hair is pulled back in a braid that disappears inside her parka, and her hair loopies have been braided as well. she has freckles.
zuko's parka has red and blue detailing, and he's kneeling with his hands on his thighs. his hair is cut to his jaw and his head is facing forwards but his eyes have moved to the side as his attention has been grabbed by a speech bubble behind him. sokka's name is attached and it's saying "hey zuko!" in all caps.
2. three drawings of zuko drawn from the shoulders up. in the first he is looking over his shoulder so you can see his face, a small question drawn next to his head. katara's gloves are still in frame, still mid-braid and there are two small exclamation points beside her. a snowball is shooting towards zuko.
the next shows zuko being nailed in the face by the snowball, his hair flying around his head while his shoulder comes up as he's presumably knocked off balance by the blow. katara is no longer in frame.
the last shows zuko glaring over his shoulder, face red as he melts the snow off of his face. his hair is dripping and steam is curling up and away from him. a small speech bubble from the same direction as the last one is saying "oh no".
3. a full body drawing of zuko sitting on sokka's back and shoving his face into the snow. sokka's kicking his legs and batting at zuko's arm with one glove while the other attempts to push himself up with the other. his parka has a white triangular pattern going down the forearm. there is a speech bubble coming from sokka with the line broken up by the word 'muffled' indicating his voice is muffled by the snow. he's saying "I yield!"
zuko is grinning evilly. there is snow spraying around them.
/.end id]
i call this piece "the gaang are still children when the war ends so they should still be allowed to be children, meaning zuko should not have to rule a nation until he's at least 18."
or, the shorter version: zuko and sokka have a snow fight.
soooooo this drawing took me three days technically but the actual time spent on the drawing was maybe... 7? 8? hours, and yknow what? worth it.
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
joking abt how no one joins tumblr anymore isn't enough. we need to get rid of the sign up button
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
every kafka diary entry is like i am too wretched to ever marry (sabotages his own relationships) my health is in shambles (works at the asbestos factory) i need to be writing (goes to sleep)
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
…sometimes I cannot distinguish between the rage that possesses me and the peace I have inflicted on myself.
Fleur Jaeggy, The Water Statues (trans. Gini Alhadeff)
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
can’t have seasonal affective disorder if i say that winter isn’t real it was invented by Big Vivaldi to sell all four of his seasons
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
🙊sokka and zuko writing bad poetry for each other🙊
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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he gets it
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floorsofgreen · 3 years
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happy 100 year anniversary of kafka having such a homoerotic time at a ski-jumping tournament that max brod had to censor it
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