#it took a literal month but I did it *finger guns*
justjesse116 · 2 months
Yooo, eeeextra long, kinda rambly dabihawks post incoming. I talk a fair bit about myself, because that's where my experiences come from, shocker there. God speed.
Woooooof here I am being extra emo about dabihawks tonight, so sit back and pull up a chair while I make good on outlining exactly what my main malfunction is concerning them, for the 3 people that care. One ticket to sad bitch island, population: me.
So I'm beginning this by saying; no this is not about canon dabihawks, I do in fact think those bitches are not good for each other from what I've seen, HOWEVER. I tend to look at things as they could be, not as they are, and the potential here is just ridiculous.
Source? Me. And people I know. And what I mean by that is I've lived as close to Dabi's life as I feel anyone is going to get without turning into a real life murderer, and I know plenty of people (myself included) who share plenty of attributes, aspirations etc with Hawks as well.
And I know, I know, they're fictional characters and there's no way anyone can pin down who they truly are, but I guess that's kind of my point. There's just enough suspension of disbelief that you could explain away pretty much anything, but that's true for most fanon pairings, and not my point.
SO. Onto my main point.
..........Human nature.
I hate to get all psychological but STAY WITH ME. As long as I can remember I've been very independent, the "I don't need anybody" type, because life had so thoroughly kicked the shit out of me that I was downright afraid of human connection because it always ended badly and I was always so hurt by it. Well now, later in life, and a couple diagnosis later, not only can I better sus out which relationships are worth pursuing, but I can understand what I'm looking for from other people and how to get it. And do you know what it is that I want now, no matter the cost to myself? Yessir, it's love, as fucking cringe as that is for me to say. Who saw that coming, eh?
There was a meme of sorts another user posted on Tumblr of the LOV and what they all wanted most as tweets or something, and someone else edited it(?) to have all of their reasons just say 'LOVE ME, LOVE ME, LOVE ME', and that lives rent free in my fucking head.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it turns out love is, in fact, the answer.......(*soft gag*) Shit do I hate to admit that.
Dabi and Hawks understand at least broadly what the other has gone through, so they would at least have a vague understanding of one another from that. People underestimate the power of empathy.
I'm gonna be kinda toxic here and say I'm at a point in my life where I need a partner to argue with. I need to bicker, and I also do NOT need to be surrounded by yes men, I need someone to call me on my bullshit, and I feel like they would truly be like that together. Going along with the understanding, I feel like they're very well suited to holding the other accountable.
Their chemistry in my mind is undeniable. I'm a red/blue pairing bitch, I have no defense for that one.
And I'm not gonna lie, at this point I'm having a very difficult time articulating what other reasons I have beyond projection, so perhaps I'm full of shit??
There's the ever constant popular trope of both their relationships with Endeavor complicating things, their quirks being incompatible, the, you know, literal backstabbing etc, but for my purposes that's all neither here nor there. Because there is something about their relationship, both as it is and what it could be, that makes me half feral. It's The Good Shit™.
Yet again, all this to say that I truly believe despite Dabi's villainous tendencies and Hawks' position as the No. 2 hero, at some point both of those shits are going to be mighty sore for a similar connection, and I truly believe they are best suited for one another.
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amyispxnk · 4 months
Grease and sweat
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Summary - Another day, another venture out of the walls of the Boston QZ with Joel Miller. AKA, another day spent fantasizing about the burly man whom you spend most of your time with these days. When the two of you have to hole up for the night, things get a little heated, and you finally snap.
A/N: i started this oneshot like 6 months ago and finally found some random motivation today to finish it. and im not gonna spoil anything but like.. why has noone talked about this in a fic before? im literally salivating when he does this during the game and like.. yeah. idk. you’ll see.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: SMUT!! (oral f!receiving, unprotected PiV sex - don’t do this, especially during an apocalypse!, mentions of masturbation, lewd thoughts), language, age gap (roughly 15 years), firearms, pet names, fluff, aftercare
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“The fuck’re you lookin’ at, kid?” Joel practically spat, having noticed the way you were eyeing him whilst he worked.
You scoffed, walking up to the workbench he was currently using. Kid. You weren’t a kid. Sure, you were almost 15 years younger than him, but you certainly weren’t a kid.
“I’m 34, Joel. Not a kid.” You argued, leaning on the wall and watching him work.
He just grunted in response before resuming what he was doing before, starting with cleaning his pistol.
His fingers danced along the metal, digging into certain bits with the old rag he used to get any grime out, before he used the screwdriver to make a few adjustments to the handgun.
You never really understood how to do all the fancy things he did with his weapons, and you probably should considering how intently you watched him whenever the pair of you came across one of these old benches - but you couldn’t focus on the guns which were in his hands. His big, strong, rough hands. You’d trade places with those guns just to feel his hands on you like that. He took so much care of the damn things too, like they were the most precious things in his life. Always cleaning and repairing them like this, practically never letting you touch them.. What did those guns have that you didn’t? You thought to yourself as you watched him, gaze drifting to his fingers in particular. The ones you’d dreamt about far too many times, the ones you’d imagined inside of yourself rather than your own when you touched yourself. It was the way they moved, how thick they were, and how the veins in his hands and muscles flexed when he gripped his bow, and the way his arms would shine with his sweat as he worked. You’d lick the sweat off his body if he asked you to. Depraved as it sounds.
Not that you’d ever admit it.
Your absolutely maddening desire for and sickening crush on the man whom you knew close to nothing about. Just his name and a few things he revealed to you when the night was particularly long or the whisky he was having took a toll on his judgement, loosening him up for once. You knew where he was from, what his job was before, and you knew that he was basically just a grumpy old asshole who was only good for beating up guys when you went on supply runs.
He had never been overly kind to you, not that you needed it, had never asked you any questions, didn’t make small talk, and was a ruthless murderer.
You loved every single thing about him.
And you wanted to show him. You wanted him to love you back, no matter how he’d love you. You wouldn’t mind if he was a cold lover, a mean one - hell, he almost definitely was - you’d take him any way you could get him.
You looked back at his hands once more, subconsciously pulling your bottom lip between your teeth when he had to use his ring and middle fingers to clean out part of another gun, your thighs clenching together as you felt the all-too-familiar wetness start to form between them and making you groan when you realised you’d probably have to rub one out when you got back later. It was honestly annoying the amount of times you came by your own hand, his name on your lips, because you knew how much better it would feel if it was his thick fingers pushing into you, his big hands palming your breasts, his strong arms holding you down as he made you come over and over…
“Let’s get goin’.” He says suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts as he tucks his gun away and slings his backpack on.
You push yourself off of the wall and follow him quickly, trying not to look flustered although you very much felt it.
He came to an abrupt stop when you reached your normal exit from this little pitstop en route to the guys who gave you weapons, and you almost walked face-first into his back.
“Joel? Wha-” you began, but he cut you off.
“This shouldn’t be closed.” He murmurs, like he’s talking to himself, not allowing you any time to respond before he’s going over to pull the chain which should open the garage door.
It doesn’t.
No matter how much he pulls on the metal, grunting and groaning and making your eyes flutter shut whilst you force your needy whimpers down with the noises he’s making, it barely opens, slamming shut every time he gets close to getting it open a quarter of the way.
“Fuck.” He grits, giving up and slamming his hand against the thing. It would be no use trying with that door anymore, the noise it was making was getting too loud anyway.
He stands there, clearly thinking hard about what to do. You can’t turn back because that would just lead you straight back to the QZ, which was useless to you right now, but you don’t have any other secured ways to get to your vendors - how could he have been so stupid to not plan ahead, he ridicules himself silently.
“Joel? What’s the plan?” You ask, getting slightly impatient with his constant silence. He may have been this hot brooding older man, but he could really leave you in the dark sometimes like this.
“Will you let me think, goddamnit?” He responds, clearly annoyed with your current predicament, scratching at his jaw before looking back up at you.
“Could try that window.” You suggest quietly, looking upwards. It was high and small, but you’d be able to get through it if he gave you a boost up.
He gave you a small nod before you both made your way up there and he got into position, hands outstretched and placed together as you got on and pushed yourself up. Normally, whenever he did this, you’d feel all dizzy afterwards from the proximity and his touch - but as soon as you looked out the window you were horrified. There were infected, just past the jammed door - and a whole lot of them. You weren’t getting past that. Forget the deal, you’d come back another day.
“Joel.” You say, not even realising you were whispering. He doesn’t answer.
“Joel! Joel, get me down.” You whisper-shout, and he furrows his brows.
“Why? What’s the matter?” He asks, and you have to fight against the urge to roll your eyes.
“Just get me down.” You say through clenched teeth, taking another look outside the window before he carefully lowers you. Of course, he boosts you up regularly, but he rarely ever tries to get you back down, so you stumble a bit and end up with your face against his chest as he falls back onto the wall slightly.
“Jesus, woman!” He grunts, but you don’t even try to move, you just look up at him with those fucking doe eyes of yours and it takes everything in him to not groan at the sight of you. God knows how many times he’s imagined you looking up at him whilst you sucked his cock, knelt on the floor with tears in your eyes and your hair all messy for him with your big eyes staring into his.
You open your mouth to speak, before realising the position you’re in and quickly standing up.
“I- there were infected outside, Joel.” You explain after a moment.
“So?” He questions you, squinting in confusion slightly. You’ve taken down infected before, no problem. What’s the issue today?
“No, like- I swear it looked like there were a hundred of them. Just this big fucking horde, right outside the garage door.” You gestured back towards the exit.
He clenched his jaw. Yeah, okay, you could take down some infected, not a hundred.
“I’m fucking sure, Joel!” You almost yelled, way too many emotions going on in your body for you to act normal right now.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” He looked back outside. It was almost dark, there was no way you could get back to Boston in time now. It just wasn’t safe to go that far so late, and there was no point since you’d have to sneak by all the guards - who hopefully wouldn’t notice if you were gone for one night - to get back in.
“Go check all the doors, lock ‘em and then barricade ‘em. We’re gonna have to hold up here for tonight, then go back at dawn.” He decides, and you gape at him like a fish.
“We’re staying here?! Joel, what about curfew and the- the fucking infected right outside-” you start, but he silences you once again.
“We’re gonna be fine. When have things ever gone wrong for us since you started comin’ out with me?” He questions sternly, and you ponder it.
Never, really. He always saved you, and you’d save him when he needed it - even though it was only a handful of times he did.
“‘Kay, fine. Whatever.” You mumble stubbornly before turning round to go secure the doors leading to the small mechanic store you’d be staying in.
He looks around himself for any openings and closes them up before you both end up back in the main room.
It’s mostly silent as you look around at different things, poking at the ruined cars and whatnot whilst he sits on a crate and watches you as discreetly as possible.
“I have a question.” You say, turning to face him and making him snap his head away from you before you notice he was looking at you already.
He grunts to tell you to continue speaking, looking back at you when you do.
“Could you like.. show me how to fix up my guns and stuff? ‘Cause you always do it for me and I just thought it was.. Cool.” you murmur, trailing off at the end.
He actually lets out a small laugh at that. Not in a mean way, necessarily, just kind of teasingly.
“Cool?” He repeats with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah, cool. It just- with all the attachments and shit. And I can never clean them properly.” You sigh, walking up closer to him. “Please? We’ve got nothing else to do.”
The sound of you saying please for him in that small voice wins him over. “Fine.” He gets up off the crate, walking back over to the workbench and flicking the light on before taking your gun from you. He talks you through it, shows you a little how to clean it before letting you try it yourself, and then he shows you how to add a scope to it. You can’t quite grasp it though, not being strong and precise enough to attach it properly, so he places his hands on top of yours and helps you screw it on.
The contact makes you shudder so violently that he definitely felt it, and you want to crumple into the ground.
“What was that for?” He murmurs, and you almost jump at how close he is now, voice loud and breath hot on the side of your face as he leans over your shoulder to look at the gun whilst he tries to help you.
“No-nothing.” You squeak, breathing at least ten times faster now.
He feels it. He knows. He has to know, you’d been so stupid and revealed it all now. Joel Miller was not an idiot and he knew how you felt and he’d hate you for it. Your thoughts spiralled.
“Nothin’, huh?” He taunts, a smirk pulling at his lips as he watches you slowly crumble. To make it worse, he turns you in his hold, so you’re pinned with your back to the desk and his hands on either side of you.
“Y’alright, darlin’? You look awfully hot. Don’t got a fever or nothin’?” He mumbles, seeing how far he can push you as he leans in closer.
“I-I’m fine.” You say quietly, mesmerised by the sight of his face so close as you notice little details you’d never noticed before, barely even realising his lips are so close to your own until he’s pressing them to yours.
You make a slight noise of surprise before you get lost in it. The feeling of his lips against yours was something you’d dreamed about for so long, and now it was finally happening.
Your hands come up and around his neck, pulling him closer towards you as he deepens the kiss, forcing his tongue inside your mouth and overpowering you immediately as he pushes you back onto the workbench, sitting you on top of it and already working open the buttons of your jeans.
He kisses you one more time before getting to his knees and pulling your pants completely off, eyeing your panties, a dark patch in the middle of them from your growing arousal.
“Joel, please.” You whimper from above him as his hands run up your legs, coming to your inner thighs before toying with the elastic of your panties.
“Y’need me here, darlin’?” He asks, smirking up at you as his fingers move to rub slow circles into your clit through the fabric.
“Fuck!” You gasp at the contact, needy and desperate for him by this point. “Yes, please- please Joel.” You’re reduced to begging already, something you figure only he had the power to make you do.
He shushes you gently, fingers slowly peeling your panties down and groaning at the sight of your bare cunt, dripping and pulsing with need.
“Fuck, baby. Such a pretty pussy, so fuckin’ wet. This all for me?” He hums, dragging a finger up and down your slit, gathering your wetness on it and sucking it into his mouth as he looks up at you.
You whine at the sight of him between your legs like this, not knowing how you’re going to survive when he actually makes contact with you, and nod furiously.
“Yes, oh my god. Yes, it’s all for you Joel.” You say quickly, and he seems satisfied with that answer, finally moving his face to your core and making you squirm as his hot breath fans over your pussy.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’.” He murmurs, seemingly enraptured by the sight of you, staring for a few seconds and making you want to shift away again under his intense gaze, but he has an arm on you to make sure you don’t move.
And then he finally, finally, licks a long stripe up your pussy, tongue running along your wet folds. And you fucking lose it.
“Oh my god, Joel, please. Fuck- fuck, please, more-” you start begging, moaning loudly as he picks up the pace and continues to devour you, drinking down your wetness, and eventually kissing and sucking at your clit. His fingers, those thick gorgeous fingers you’d dreamed of for so long, tease your entrance before he’s pushing those inside, making you wail at the feeling of something inside of you, getting you closer to that release you were aching for by this point.
“Fuck, yes!” You cry out, thighs shaking slightly as you feel yourself getting close.
“That’s right, baby. You like that?” He asks, voice an octave lower as he pumps his fingers in and out of your tight heat, tongue still working you over relentlessly.
“Please- it feels so good-” you whine in response, fingers grasping for something to hold onto, to tether yourself to earth with as you feel yourself start to float away. Finding his hair and tugging slightly which makes him groan.
“Good girl.” He praises, adding another finger. He curls his fingers, searching for your g-spot and finding it easily.
You moan weakly at the praise, hips bucking as you grind yourself against his mouth, the ridge of his nose stimulating your clit perfectly as your fingers pull at his hair, and before you know it, you’re coming with a hoarse scream of his name.
You see white as your thighs quiver around his head, tensing and squeezing slightly as he continues to work you through it, lapping at your juices until you cry out from the overstimulation.
He removes his fingers from your hole, licking them clean once more before standing up and removing his own clothes, revealing his hard cock and making your eyes widen slightly.
Of course he was big, you’d stared at the bulge of his jeans enough times to realise that, and you’d imagined it before, but it all paled in comparison to finally seeing it.
He was long, slightly curved, girthy with a flushed red tip which had precome leaking out of it as he pumped himself slowly with a smirk on his face.
“Cat got your tongue, pretty girl?” He hums teasingly, and you can’t even think straight anymore, just pulling him forward and kissing him hungrily as he positioned his cock at your slick entrance.
Needy little whines and whimpers flowed freely from your mouth straight into his, where he swallowed them whole before starting to push into you.
You part from the kiss suddenly, gasping as he pushes deeper and deeper, stretching you thoroughly, and you feel grateful that he has the decency to start off slow since you already feel like crying from how big he is, how fucking good it feels.
When he bottoms out, you’re already wrecked. He’s huge inside of you, and you can feel everything. Every single ridge, vein, and twitch of his pulsing cock as your walls hug him tightly.
“Y’okay?” He murmurs softly, making your heart swell at how tender he sounds right now, and you nod in response.
“Joel.. please move.” You whisper, and he complies, grabbing your hips and barely giving you a moment to think before he’s starting to pound into you, making you squeal as your arms came around his neck, nails digging into his back before his head ducks down into the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking at your pulse point and making you clench harder around him, before moving down to your breasts, palming them and taking one of your nipples into his mouth as you scream his name.
“Joel! I’m gonna- gonna come- oh god, please!” You cry out, back arching. He growls, picking up the pace. He could feel his orgasm building, but he needed you to come first, needed to feel your tight walls clenching and gushing around him before he even considered his own pleasure.
“Come on, baby. Give me one more and I’ll fill you up. Fuck this little cunt full of me.. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He says, voice low and husky as his balls slap against your ass, the loud sound of your wetness filling the room as you start to tremble once more.
“Yes! Fuck, Joel. Need it so bad. Want your come inside of me. Please, Joel.” You gasp, making him groan as his fingers move down to rub at your clit.
“Come for me, baby.” He encourages, speeding up even more and hitting that spot inside of you that makes you see stars, making you scream as you come and dissolve into a shaking, whimpering mess whilst he continues to thrust into you.
“That’s it, darlin’. Come all over my cock.” He grunts, his own release approaching quickly. The sounds of your moans and cries are enough to set him off, barely thrusting a few more times before stilling and filling you with his hot seed, slowly fucking it even deeper inside of you before pulling out and looking at you.
Skin flushed, panting heavily, come leaking down your thighs. You looked perfect. He wished that cameras were still around so he could take a picture of how you looked right now, keep it in his pocket wherever he went. But he couldn’t, and he realised you probably needed cleaning up now as your hazy eyes blinked open and looked at him. You were quiet, thinking about what this meant for the two of you now. Would he go back to being the cold man you knew? Would he be even colder? Would he suddenly be attentive and caring towards you?
You supposed you got your answer when he gently cupped your face, thumb stroking your cheek as he looked at you with something scarily close to love in his eyes, the gaze he’d somehow managed to conceal from you all these months which he could now finally show you.
“You okay?” He murmurs, and you nod weakly in response. He hums, giving you another small kiss before walking off to go get a rag to clean you up with.
“Hold on, let me just..” he mumbles to himself as he goes to try clean off any dust from the rag, before returning to between your thighs and cleaning away any evidence of your previous activities, tossing the rag somewhere and handing you your clothes. You get dressed quietly before he takes your hand and leads you over to a space on the floor where you set up your sleeping bags, putting them as close together as possible until he eventually just lets you tuck yourself into his, wrapping his strong arms around you from behind and falling asleep.
You listen to his soft snores, feel his calloused hands on your stomach where they snaked under your shirt before he fell asleep, and smile to yourself softly before falling asleep with him.
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Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated and my requests are open 💞
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blackbirdi · 7 months
Batfamily Incorrect Quotes #1
Jason: *Blatantly falls*
Dick: Did you just fall?
Jason: No! I … attacked the floor.
Dick: Backwards?
Jason: I’m fuckin’ talented, okay!?
*Meeting Steph for the first time*
Bruce: Hold on, I don’t believe I caught your name.
Steph: I didn’t throw it.
Jason: Duke’s crying. What do I do?
Dick: Comfort him.
Jason: How?
Dick: Start with a hug.
Jason: … A - a what?
Dick: You need love.
Steph: You’re bleeding out a lot and Alfred says you need a blood transfusion. What’s your blood type?
Tim: *Wheezing* B … positive …
Steph: *Panicking* I-I’m trying, but you’re bleeding a lot!
Tim: *Stops wheezing and looks up at her in confusion* What?
Steph: Four months…
The rest of the Batfam: *Turning to Cass* What’s she talking about?
Cass: *Giggling slightly* Oh, it’s nothing.
Cass: *Cackles*
Jason: What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises?
Steph: It becomes *finger guns* daytrogen.
Jason: *Groans* I’m going home.
Duke: Good nitrogen.
Dick: Sleep tightrogen.
Tim: Don’t let the bedbugs bitrogen.
Jason: *Angry screaming as he walks away*
Bruce: Damn; the power went out again.
Young!Dick: Don’t worry, I got this. *Shakes* See? *Glows*
Bruce, concerned DadTM: WHAT!?
Young!Dick: *Proud* I swallowed a glowstick!
Bruce: *Stressed the fuck out* WHY WOULD YOU SWALLOW A GLOWSTICK!?
Literally anyone in the Batfam: How much sleep did you get last night?
Tim: I got a solid eight minutes. Not consecutively. But you’re not even that blurry.
Damian: How do I tell Drake I want to hit him with a chair?
Jason: Don’t tell him, just do it.
Dick: How would it feel to have a knife shoved up your ass?
Jason: Keep asking dumbass questions like that and you’ll have an answer.
Dick: *Backs away slowly*
Dick: Okay, everyone, let’s hug it out now!
Everyone else: *Grumbling as they group hug*
Bruce: Okay, who took my wallet?
Steph: *Whispering as she pockets it* Sorry.
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Leon Kennedy x fem reader, established relationship Couple of swears, mentions of blood
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The sudden noise behind you sends you spinning on your heels to confront it. Your pistol is raised, finger slightly squeezing the trigger in preparation to blow the next monstrosity’s head off only to see Leon’s alarmed face, his hands up in surrender, gun dangling from his grip.
“Whoa, baby, it’s just me.”
You exhale in relief, immediately dropping and holstering your weapon. “Sorry – jumpy. You okay?”
You look him up and down, looking for injuries after you’d been separated a little while ago. It felt like every other mission these days led to the two of you working your way through underground caverns, as evil scientists seem to just love setting up their bases there, with ill-maintained wooden walkways that collapsed below your feet. Leon had gone toppling down the last one, reassuring you he was fine - he did always manage to forward roll his way out of taking any impact – and said by the map he’d pilfered from one of the supply rooms, it looks like your paths would cross again eventually and it meant the two of you could cover more ground until then.
“I’m fine. You, however…” He steps forward, grasps you by the elbow and pulls it up gently in front of you to reveal a nasty slice across your forearm, dripping blood on the dirt.
“Slashed out at me as I took it out. Misjudged the space. I blame the moody lighting.” You joke, but Leon doesn’t respond, inspecting the damage.
“I’m okay. We should keep moving, we can’t be far from-”
“Uh-uh. Come on, there’s an alcove just back this way to provide us some cover whilst I see to this.” His grip is still firmly on your elbow as he tugs you back the way he emerged from.
“I promise I’m fine.”
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna leave a blood trail if we don’t. Besides, as your fiancé, I insist.”
The fiancé card is not one that Leon pulls out often on a mission, but has started to do so considering how long your engagement has been. He’d proposed two years ago, literally the moment he got you within eyesight as he returned from a solo mission to Spain to rescue the President’s daughter. He didn’t have a ring – later rectified – but just dropped to his knees and asked you to become his wife. It wasn’t like you hadn’t started wedding planning. There was a folder of brochures under the coffee table, half-drafted emails to venues and caterers on your laptop, saved photos of wedding gowns and centerpieces… But it just felt impossible to ever truly put a plan in place, nail down a concrete date, you didn’t know where the two of you were going to be one month from the next. Sorry, terrorism, could you wait a week or two for the Kennedy wedding to pass first?
“Okay.” You concede and allow him to guide you back a few hundred metres to the alcove – it’s more a deep crevice in the wall, but it won’t be obvious the two of you are hiding in there if anyone or anything was to stroll by.
“Sit.” He points to the space furthest back and you drop down, crossing your legs beneath you so he can crouch down in front. You lay your wounded arm out in front of you with a slight wince. If you were being honest, it did hurt.
“Here, chew this. It’ll make you feel better.” He passes you one of those stupid green herbs from his supplies. The man swears by them as a natural pain reliever – useful in a bind, he claims.
“Ugh, really? But they’re so bitter.” You shake your head, “I’ll be fine without.”
He quirks his eyebrow at you, pulling out a roll of gauze from one of his pouches to begin to dress your wound. “Sweetheart, either you chew it, or I will go mamma bird on your ass, chew it for you and then kiss you so hard you’ll have no other choice but to swallow.”
You laugh, dryly. “I think that might be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard you say.”
Again, you concede. Leon won’t stop at anything to ensure you’re taken care of. As his gentle fingers begin to wrap the bandage tightly around your wound in an effort to stem the bleeding, you crunch the herb between your teeth. It’s scratchy, horrendously bitter, makes you want to gag almost. You can’t chew fast enough to get rid of it. He is right about them, though – a moment or two later the stabbing, stinging pain in your forearm where the creature slashed you dulls to a low, much more tolerable ache.
He has a smug look on his face, knowing your tells too well.
“Told you it would make you feel better.”
He finishes wrapping the gauze around your arm and ties it off with a tight knot, slicing the excess off with his knife. He puts away the roll before he turns and sits down besides you, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest, kissing your crown. You can feel his heart pounding beneath your cheek – he was worried about you. He knows you can take care of yourself, you’ve been through as much hell as he has, but seeing you injured always sets him off.
You know you should press on – BOWs wait for no man - but it’s clear the two of you need a moment to catch your breath, take stock of what’s occurred, work out how you’ve ended up here - again.
You begin to fiddle with the engagement ring that hangs around your neck. Too much risk wearing it on your finger when out on missions, but it felt odd and wrong to leave it at home on your dressing table, so you’d settled for having it like this, tucking it away on a chain out of sight, but playing with it had soon turned into a nervous habit.
Leon clocks your fidgeting immediately and takes your hand, lacing his fingers through. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Nothing. Just… thinking.”
“About?” He probes, gently.
“What we’re doing here.”
“You forget the brief?” Leon teases and you elbow him lightly in the stomach – not that you’d manage much damage given how muscular he is.
“Like, is this just our life now? Every couple of months, another set of BOWs appears, we deal with and eliminate - rinse and repeat.”
“I…” He sighs. “I don’t know, sweetheart. I hope not. I’d like to think that one day we stop them all and we get a pretty sweet retirement package.”
“I want to get married.” You say, softly.
“Hey, I’m the one who did the proposing, you’re the one who said you wanted to wait until-”
“I know, but I don’t want to wait anymore. I can’t keep holding off for a big event that I’m not sure we’ll ever get to have.” You pause a moment as you sit up, turning to face him head on. “The second we are out of here, I want to marry you.”
“Seriously?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Seriously. Registry office. We’ll wear what we’re wearing – blood splatters, camos, bruises, all of that. I don’t care. I just want to be your wife already.”
“My wife, huh?” He grins at the idea. “Yeah, I want that too. I can’t lie, though, I was looking forward to seeing you in a wedding dress.”
“You will. We’ll do that later – a party or whatever, something that can be rescheduled easy enough if the world goes to shit. But this, this can just be us, huh?”
“Just us, baby.” He places a hand on the side of your face and guides you in for a heated kiss, teasing your bottom lip with his teeth until you permit his tongue entrance and the wrestle for dominance begins. After a moment or two, you place your palm flat on his chest and push back.
“We’re getting distracted, Leon.”
“We sure are.” He gets to his feet and offers you his hand, pulling you up with ease. “Come on, let’s go kill these bastards and get hitched.”
“Took the words outta my mouth, handsome.”
“Okay, Leon said it was casual, but I didn’t picture this casual.” Hunnigan appears behind you in the restroom mirror, dressed in her usual work suit, albeit with a paper bag in hand. Leon had radio’ed in as soon as your objective was clear – DSO teams swooping in to clear up and confiscate and destroy the weapons retrieved – and asked Hunnigan to get them into the registry office today.
“Yeah, we were going for work casual, but we had to leave the weapons in the SUV.” You shrug, washing the grime off your face in the sink. You supposed you should at least prep that much. “Thank you for getting us in.”
She shrugs, “It was one of Leon’s easier requests, funnily enough.” She holds the bag in front of her in offering. “For you.”
“Just me?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I don’t think Leon will like it as much.” You take the bag with a smile and place it down on the counter to open it – a small bouquet of white daisies within.
“Just so I can catch the bouquet, obviously.”
Hunnigan acts as the witness, of course, as you find yourself standing in front of the officiant. He barely batted an eyelid at your attire and you think he must’ve seen all sorts come through the door in his time, so the couple who decided to get married in tactical gear, bruised and bandaged, is just another day.
“Do we have rings?” The officiant questions and before you can say no, Hunnigan steps forward again, handing over a box.
“Should’ve known you’d have our ring sizes on file.” Leon laughs.
“Had a suspicion it might come in handy one day.” She smiles, taking her place back in a seat behind the two of you. The officiant opens the box to reveal two simple gold wedding bands.
Leon takes your hand then – his leather gloves removed for the occasion – and smiles. He’s got a bruise blossoming on his left cheek, his hair’s a beautiful mess, but he’s here and you’re here and it’s perfect.
“If you’ll repeat after me.” The officiant looks at Leon, who continues to look lovingly at you, biting his lip in an excited smile. “I, Leon Scott Kennedy…”
He wets his lips with his tongue and squeezes your hand. “I, Leon Scott Kennedy….”
The vows are over before you know it. You feel giddy, a combination of exhaustion and love, surely.
“I pronounce you husband and wife. It gives me great honour to introduce to you,” he looks at Hunnigan, “the new Mr and Mrs Kennedy. You may now kiss the bride.”
Leon doesn’t hesitate, pulling you in close and into a bruising kiss, dipping you back a little before returning you to your feet. “Just a little show for our guest.” He whispers in your ear, nodding his head over at an applauding Hunnigan.
“Dare I ask about honeymoon plans?” Hunnigan comments as the three of you exit the registry office. “I’m expecting the two of you back in HQ tomorrow for a debrief, after all.”
“I don’t know. Any ideas, beautiful?” Leon brings up your hand to his mouth, placing a kiss across your knuckles, the gold band sitting snugly on your ring finger.
“Yeah, I have one.” You nod. “I wanna burger – a real greasy one – and fries. And a beer.”
“I knew there was a good reason I married you.” He drops your hand and wraps his arm around your waist and slips another under your knees, sweeping you off your feet and into his arms and you squeal.
“Gotta carry my beautiful wife over the threshold of the nearest diner, don’t I?”
You grin. “That is the tradition. Oh, and speaking of traditions…” You toss the bouquet over Leon’s shoulder into Hunnigan’s arms. “Look who’s next!”
“On second thought…” she walks over to you and places them back into your hands, “keep it. I might as well wait for the redo. See you tomorrow, lovebirds. As a wedding gift, I won’t expect you in until the afternoon.”
“Too kind, Hunnigan.” Leon smirks as she waves over her shoulder and heads towards the parking lot.
Once she’s out of sight, you grab the back of your husband’s head, pulling him down into a chaste kiss and smile up at him. “I love you, Leon.”
“I love you too, Mrs Kennedy.”
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Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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afewproblems · 8 months
Angsty dialogue prompts 👀
Number 13 - "Why would you say that?"
Ahhhhhh thank you for the request Jess! @strangersteddierthings I hope you enjoy, I took this into a bit of a different direction than even I expected!
It takes Robin's foot connecting with his ankle to make Steve realize he was starring.
At Eddie, yet again.
Something that he had been doing a lot over the last few months since everything with Vecna and the Upside Down. Since Steve and Robin had managed to drag Eddie back from the brink, fighting off inky tendrils of death as Dustin led the way while Nancy brought up the rear, shot gun in hand.
Between the four of them, Eddie had actually made it. Torn up and missing about two liters of blood, but alive.
Of course, navigating the aftermath of the earthquakes and the loss of half the town had actually made it easier to avoid the murder charges that had been lobbed at Eddie.
Especially with the way Lucas, Erica, and Max had sworn up and down that Jason had been the one responsible for all of the murders, that they had narrowly escaped becoming his final victims.
And who could argue with the evidence, certainly not Jason after the surge of white hot energy that split the earth had finished with him.
So with Eddie's newfound freedom and the inability to argue with Dustin's insistence that he had been officially adopted into the party, his presence in their lives had become something that Steve looked forward to.
It was nice having someone else his age in the group. Robin was his other half of course, his soul mate, but it was nice having another guy to hang out with, and of course it wasn't because of anything else, Robin.
He let it slip one time that Eddie had nice eyes and was easy to talk to and, do you think he's seeing anyone Bobby, and suddenly Steve is accused of having a crush. Of all things!
Steve feels two fingers suddenly pinch at the outside of his thigh and has to suppress a loud yelp as he bats Robin's hands away from his leg with a glare.
She rolls her eyes and gives him a knowing look before turning back to the conversation.
"Take Stevie over here," Eddie says around the joint between his lips. He takes a long drag before passing it over to Argyle and Steve can't help but watch, transfixed, as the smoke billows out from his nose like a dragon.
"I can guarantee you that he's seen the ocean before while the rest of us land-locked lubbers will probably never get the pleasure," Eddie continues with a wink and kicks his leg up onto the coffee table in Steve's basement.
Argyle blows out a long puff of smoke, he's leaned back against the couch with his head tipped up towards the ceiling, "thats wild man," he says with a laugh in his voice, he doesn't react when Jonathan snorts and takes the joint from his hand.
"Seriously?" Jon asks after a minute, "dude, we lived in California, we literally went to the beach all the time?"
Robin and Nancy both laugh at the noise of recognition that Argyle makes while Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Okay but for everyone else who didn't have the benefit of local geography," Eddie says, gesturing at the girls and himself, "we will be cursed to never feel the sand between our toes and all that shit".
Robin quirks an eyebrow and takes a swig of beer from the can in her hands, the sleeve of her denim jacket brushes against Steve's arm as she moves to set the can back on the coffee table.
They're the only two seated on the floor, Steve having given up the couch so everyone else could be comfortable and Robin couldn't, in good conscience, let her best friend sit by himself.
God he loves her, Steve thinks as he shoots her a soft smile.
He's never had someone that loves him so openly, so unapologetically as Robin does.
Not even when his parents were home for more than a few days a year did they show him the same kind of care that she had in their short time of knowing one another.
Sure, they teased each other, Robin had even made a new scoreboard for his failed attempts at flirting at Family Video --this one with a new section after Steve quietly admitted to her that they had even more in common than they had realized earlier.
But Robin was there, in a way that he hadn't really had from anyone else in years.
"I don't know how you deal with it Buckley," Eddie huffs. He's grinning widely at Robin and Steve, reaching to take the joint back from Jonathan.
"What," she says dryly, "Steve? He grows on you".
"He does," Nancy insists loudly from Jonathan's other side, her cheeks are flushed and her eyes a little glassy. Jonathan lifts his arm to tuck her against his side with a fond grin, he meets Steve's gaze after a minute and mouths, 'still a lightweight,' which makes Steve snort.
"This!" Eddie barks out, lifting a ringed hand to gesture around the basement sitting room, "look there's a fucking Linn LP12 sitting right beside you and a God Damn pool outside".
Steve frowns, looking from Robin back to Eddie. He feels an uncomfortable thrum roll over his skin as Eddie stands up to make his way to the sound system he pointed out.
"Jesus, I think this whole collection cost more than my trailer," he picks up Steve's mothers Joni Mitchell album, turning it in his hands, "must have been nice to have mommy and daddy's money huh? This is like 'fuck you' rich".
Steve feels a faint nervous laugh tumble out of his mouth, even as his stomach rolls at the words.
"Oh my god," Robin laughs, knocking her shoulder into Steve's own, "yes! If I had a nickle for the number of times he asked me why I don't have my own phone line yet whenever my mom answers first, I'd be as rich as Steve!"
Eddie puts the Blue album back and pulls out a copy of The Beatles and now Steve is sweating.
Because Eddie isn't wrong, this is his parents music collection and yes it did cost them a lot of money over the years. But, more importantly, it was off limits to Steve.
The last time his dad had caught him flipping through the vinyls, Steve had been sent to his room with large purple hand prints on the offending arm and two broken fingers.
"Okay, that's my dad's, put it down," he says, hiding the tremor in his voice as he gets to his feet.
Eddie rolls his eyes again but does set the record down on top of the collection. He raises his hands in surrender and raises a mocking eyebrow as he steps back towards the couch, dropping down on the end as Argyle scoots closer to Jonathan to make more space.
Argyle and Jonathan speak quietly to one another seemingly uncaring about the strange tension that begins to bleed into the basement. It's Nancy who is watching Steve, Eddie, and Robin, her mouth set in an unhappy frown.
Nancy had only met Steve's parents once during a very uncomfortable dinner, years back when they had dated. While she may not know the true extent of Steve's relationship with Richard and Cynthia Harrington, she knows it wasn't all sunshine and roses.
"Man," Eddie snorts, shooting Robin a wicked grin, "I knew your parents had spoiled you pretty rotten but I didn't think they needed to buy you a new sense of humor".
"Yeah Steve," Robin pats the carpet beside her, "it's just a joke, lighten up and come sit down".
And that, well, that hurt a bit more than Steve anticipated.
"Why would you say that?" He whispers, the words falling out of his mouth like vomit before he can stop it.
Eddie scoffs from the couch, but Steve isn't looking at Eddie. He's looking at Robin.
Robin who meets Steve's gaze with a slight frown between her eyes, she looks back at Nancy with a laugh in her smile that disappears at the frosty glare Nancy fixes her with.
She slowly turns to look back at Steve, confusion and concern in her blue eyes.
"Oh come on Steve," Eddie takes a drag of the joint, which has dwindled into something resembling a roach before stubbing it out in the brown ashtray on the table, "we're kidding, come on Byers, you get it right?"
Nancy leans up to whisper something in Jonathan's ear and whatever it is, it's enough to make him stiffen slightly and give Steve a long look before he shakes his head, "I think we're going to head home actually".
Steve nods and breathes out, ignoring the way his chest tightens as he refuses to meet Robin's worried gaze.
Eddie slowly stands to follow Nancy and Jonathan, he says something quietly to Argyle that is met with a simple serene shrug
Eddie hangs back as the other three make their way up the basement stairs. He chews his lip and clenches his fist as he looks between Steve and Robin with a frown.
Eddie stands awkwardly beside Robin, spinning one of the rings on his left hand as he looks between Steve and the stairs that the others had used to beat their hasty retreat.
Robin gets to her feet slowly, her gaze never wavering, "Steve?"
Steve winces at the way she says his name.
He knows it was just a joke, he knows he's overreacting, that neither of them could have known about his relationship with his parents.
He knows it's unfair of him to be so upset, but he can't help it.
Because Eddie mocking him, that he could deal with. He could get over it, let go of the fantasies of Eddie's crinkling eyes and warm smile that made Steve's heartbeat quicken.
But Robin?
The way she had laughed, dismissed his discomfort, it was as though he had been transported back to Tommy's basement just a few years back, listening to him and Carol tear him down.
It's just a joke Steve.
He reaches up to pinch at the bridge of his nose, flinching at the sharp intake of air from Robin who immediately makes her way closer.
"Just," he manages to say with an even tone, shaking his head. He closes his eyes and clears his throat, taking a step back from the pair.
"I'm going to bed, got a shift tomorrow, so," Steve says quietly with a shrug. He opens his eyes but drops his gaze to the carpet, knowing if he made eye contact with Robin, he would inevitably ask her to stay.
Robin opens her mouth to argue, a fierce glare in her eyes and a bright flush on her face, he hasn't seen her this upset since the Creel House.
Robin jumps as Eddie reaches for her arm, pulling her back, hard enough that she stumbles slightly into Eddie.
Steve curls his arms around himself, shying away from Eddie's dark evaluating eyes. He doesn't need to see the judgment there, it's embarrassing enough feeling like he's ruined the evening because of his hangups. He doesn't need the reminder of how ridiculous it is to be angry with them over something so silly.
"Come on Buckley, I'll drive you home," Eddie mumbles as he gently tugs at her arm once again.
Steve hears a harsh sigh, but she doesn't say anything this time. He can feel her staring, as though trying to read his mind like she normally could. But Steve keeps his eyes trained on the floor, until he hears two pairs of feet finally make their way up the stairs, until the front door closes, until Eddie's van roars to life on the Harrington driveway.
Steve eventually makes his way upstairs in a daze, half heartedly getting ready for bed.
He brushes his teeth, washes his face, doing everything he can to ignore the words that echo in his head over and over. He finishes in the bathroom and takes off his jeans, swapping his sweater for an old ratty t-shirt he often used for bed.
It was just a joke.
Steve rolls over until he's facing the window, ignoring the tightness in his chest as he closes his eyes.
Maybe it would be funnier in the morning.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Strawberries and Cream
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word Count: 5.6
Notes: Remember when I was a whole ass chump and posted this on the wrong day? Anyway here's 8 for you. This is especially dedicated to @scaramou
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Episode 8: It's Party Time
Eddie stands in front of his mirror, carefully looking over his body. There are scars and bruises, and the occasional stretch mark. But damn is he proud of it, and he doesn’t want to sound too vain but he knows you are too. He winks at himself, doing little finger guns and hyping himself up 
“Whaaat are you doing??” You stand behind him in the doorway and he freezes in his tracks, his cheeks flushing immediately 
“Uhhh… being sexy?” He turns to you and shrugs and you snort, walking over to him and putting your arms around his waist 
“Yeah okay, I’ll accept that. What are you gonna wear?” 
He puts his arms around you, kisses you softly, and then looks toward his closet
“I have no idea… usually Buck wants to match with these kinds of things and… I kinda wanna match with you?” 
Your cheeks flush and you stand on your toes, kissing his cheek 
“That’s really cute”
“Yeahhh I know,” He says in a playful voice, picking you up and spinning you around. He kisses you and drops you down on the bed. 
“Eddie!!” You laugh as he climbs over you and settles between your legs “We’re supposed to be getting ready!” 
“I say we skip the party and go straight to dessert” he growls in your ear, tugging at the waistband of your skirt 
“Eddie Diaz! We promised we’d be there! You know how much tonight means to Bobby and Athena” 
“But this means so much to me” He has a big ole pout on his lips as he smothers you, holding you tightly in his arms 
“It’s their anniversary,” you say, pushing at his chest, but he’s not budging. He’s heavy and warm against you and it’s making you way too complacent just like he knows it does 
“It’s our anniversary too you know” He mumbles into your neck and you pull his face away from you, holding it in your hands 
“What do you mean?” 
“It’s been four months since the day we first met” 
Your mouth drops open and you let go of his face 
“You’re lying” 
His cheeks flush and he smirks, getting off of you 
“It is. You walked into the station on a Monday, all pretty in pink. God, I still remember your perfume” he walks to the closet, pulling out a white dress shirt 
“You kept track of that?” You ask, sitting up and looking at him, he puts on the shirt, looking over at you as he adjusts the collar 
“Of course I did, Sugar Cube. It’s not every day you meet the woman you lo-” he pauses for a second, holding the collar in his hands 
“Uh…really like. And you know eventually, take six hundred years to date and drive her cousin insane to the point he sends you random death threats in the middle of the night”
“He did what??” You laugh as you climb out of his bed and walk over to him, slowly buttoning his shirt for him 
“Yeah Buck literally sent me so many death threats after we would hang out and we’d tell him all the details” Eddie chuckles quietly as he watches your hands “Wish you were taking it off” 
“Well… I promise to take it off tonight okay? After the party”
“You’re at Buck’s tonight,” he says softly as he wraps his arms around your waist 
“If you think for one second I’m not going home with you tonight” You narrow your eyes at him and he smirks, bending down and kissing you, it’s heated and demanding and it takes every bone in your body to pull away from him 
“You wanna call up your cousin and tell him that because the last time I took you home with me I also got death threats” 
You walk away from him, purposely swaying your hips dramatically and he wolf whistles as you bend over to pick up your phone 
“Time to plan our outfits” 
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Buck shows up at 6:30, right on time. Which is surprising but this is for Bobby and Athena he’s not gonna be late. He unlocks the door, comes in, and walks straight back to Eddie’s bedroom 
He slams the door open and you shriek, nearly flying off of Eddie 
“Are we wearing blue or not?!” Buck yells, completely ignoring Eddie scrambling to get his clothes back on and you diving off the bed 
“Did you not get my text?!” Eddie yells back at him, holding his pants over his crotch 
“Oh…wait hold on'' he pulls out his phone, scrolling for a second “Haha oh here it is. Yeah okay, we’re wearing blue, uh i'm gonna go change in the other room. Hurry up! We don’t wanna be late!”
Eddie helps you out of the car, holding your hand in his. You step down from the Jeep, your heels clicking on the pavement as you step away and Eddie shuts the door 
“You ready?” He asks as Buck comes around the car, fixing his lapel and handing Eddie one of the present boxes 
“Let’s do this” He winks and you roll your eyes playfully but walk ahead of them, they follow behind you on both sides, Eddie watches your feet, watching each step you take in those ridiculously high heels. They were stunning but he was so scared you were going to break your neck walking across the stones 
He should know better
You toss your hair over your shoulder as you walk and he nearly melts right there, your perfume caressing his face and leaving soft kisses in its wake 
You knock on the door, holding your clutch in front of you. Bobby opens the door after a minute and you smile sweetly 
“Happy Anniversary!” You three say together as he lets you in 
“Thank you, thank you” He points at Buck “and thank you” 
You kiss his cheek as he takes your coat, and points you to the champagne 
“You guys help yourselves,” He says, as Buck hugs him and pats his back 
“Is there anything we can do? It’s your party” Eddie says, putting one hand in his pocket and his arm around your waist 
“Yeah! I can take coats and answer the door for you” Buck says, watching Bobby grab a hanger for your coat 
“We have a room for the coats, but yours is too nice to go in there” He smiles as he hangs it in the hall closet for you 
“Oh, that’s not necessary! Really” you tell him but he’s already done it anyway 
“It’s no trouble, trust me. Buck, it would be helpful if you answered the door, thank you”
“Anything for you Dad” Buck pats his shoulders and turns to open the door for another couple coming up the walk 
“You two come with me” He waves you along and you both follow behind him. Eddie smiles a little as you take his hand from your waist and lead him along. 
You make it to the kitchen and he wraps both his arms around your waist this time 
“You look so pretty baby” He whispers in your ear, kissing your cheek and you giggle, trying to pull his hands apart 
“Behave Eddie” You scold him playfully and he pouts, nuzzling into your neck 
“Oh you guys are disgusting,” Chim says as he finishes plating little Hors d’œuvres, which Buck affectionately calls “Horse Divorce” and you stick your tongue out at him 
“You all wanted us together and now you can’t handle it” Eddie sticks his tongue out and you giggle, Chimney throws a tiny piece of salmon at you and you shriek, dodging it and shoving Eddie in the way. Eddie’s mouth drops open and he picks up the little piece, trying to throw it at you as you run out of the kitchen to find Bobby to see what he needs you to do. 
“So have you guys… you know…” Chimney asks Eddie as they set out more champagne glasses together and Eddie freezes 
Okay that took a 180°
“Are you seriously asking me that?” Eddie looks at him, a deep blush on his cheeks 
“Hey, I’m just asking the real questions, okay? We just have a bet on when you guys are gonna do it and I want to know if I’m winning” 
“You guys bet on our first time?!” 
“So you have?” Hen asks as she walks in, her arm around Karen’s waist 
“Oh my god- No. No, we haven’t… we keep like… almost? Doing it? And each time we’re interrupted or… it’s just not the right time. Which brings up the real question which is when is the right time?” 
“You’ll know when it is Eddie” Karen smiles softly “Why are you two thinking about it so much?”
Eddie sighs and wipes off one of the glasses with a towel. Chimney leans against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest, this has definitely turned into a mini therapy/ advice session. 
“I can’t stop thinking about it. I just… I get so in my head you know?? What if I’m not good at it?? What if she fakes it? Oh god what if she has to fake an orgasm” 
“Okay, pump the brakes. We’ve all had to fake it once or twice Eddie, it’s not gonna happen each time” Hen reassures him, rubbing his arm 
“Sometimes it’s nice just to be with the person you love” Chimney adds and Eddie rears back a little, scoffing 
“Okay- no- I- I don’t love her just yet. We just got together!” 
Chimney's mouth falls open and Hen groans loudly, throwing her hands in the air 
“First the “we’re just friends” Now you’re denying you’re in love?!!” 
“Hen you know me, I don’t. I don’t fall in love. I mean don’t get me wrong I like Y/N! I really really like her! I wouldn’t mind you know spending an…. An undetermined amount of time with her”
“Did you seriously just say til death do you part” Karen starts helping set up the champagne glasses because Chimney has full-on left the kitchen to go find Maddie and rant to her about this 
“You’re all way too involved in my love life” Eddie chuckles, shaking his head 
“Your “what” life Eddie?” Hen asks and he rolls his eyes
Buck comes in a few minutes later as they’re all chatting about nothing 
“You ready to square up?” Buck asks as he walks in, rolling his sleeves up and undoing his tie 
“What? Why??” 
“Because a little damn birdy told me that a certain dumbass doesn’t think he’s in love. I did not watch you two idiots pine for months only for you to get together and say haha we’re not in love” 
“So.” Buck drops his tie on the counter “Square the fuck up, Diaz” 
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“Why is Buck staring at you like he wants to kill you?” 
You’re standing a bit hidden away from the party as Buck glares at the back of Eddie’s head. It’s been a couple of hours since you got there and things are in full swing. There’s lots of laughter and loud voices and you’re starting to get a little overwhelmed. He turns around for a second, smiling at Buck as widely as he can and then going back to you 
“Uhhh it’s nothing” He rubs your arms while leaning forward and pressing his forehead to yours “You doin' okay?” 
You smile softly, shrugging “S’pose so…but maybe-“
“You wanna go for a walk around the block? Take a little break?” His voice is so cute and so soft with the way he asks you and you blush 
“Took the words right outta my mouth” 
“Go out front, I’m gonna let Bobby know where we’re going” 
You do as he says, going to Buck first to let him know too who growls a “whatever” at you, which just makes you snort over whatever the hell those two have gotten into now and go outside. 
It’s 10 times quieter already, and definitely cooler now that the sun has set. The front door opens and Eddie comes out, shutting it behind him 
He looks really handsome at this time of night. 
He looks really handsome at any time of day really. 
He reaches out for your hand “Shall we? Gorgeous” you blush as you accept his hand and he leads you off down the path to the sidewalk 
“I was just thinking about how good you look right now, what a coincidence” You joke and he smirks, pulling you into his side and putting his arm over your shoulders. You cuddle into his side, wrapping your arm around his waist and putting your hand on his chest as you walk together 
Intimacy is nice when you’re dating. 
“We’re like, the sexiest couple ever I can see why you’d be thinking about how good I look, look even better with you on my arm” Eddie jokes and you giggle before pulling away from him suddenly to skip forward a little and kick a rock 
“You feelin' any better? Know we can’t go home yet… so hopefully this is okay'' He watches you, kicking along your rock, and smiles a little 
You’re cute he’ll give you that 
“Yeah kinda, man they sure know a lot of people” 
“I’ll say…” he steps forward a little faster than you and kicks the rock and you chase after it, kicking it again. You spend the next few minutes, taking turns kicking the rock down the sidewalk together, you hold hands, pulling the other ahead as you go
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Eddie asks as he takes his turn and you nod, happily coming to the rock 
“We’re-“ He kicks it “ We’re like-“ kick 
“Not in love right?” 
You kick it a little further this time, stopping when he tries to pull you with him. You stare at him, and he gulps quietly, stopping in his tracks 
Maybe that wasn’t the best way to phrase it  and why does it make him feel all gross inside to even say it 
“I mean-“ You start, awkwardly gesturing as you let go of his hand and he feels that loss of contact 
“Isn’t it a bit soon to be asking that??” 
Oh, thank god you were on the same page.
The same. Stupid. Freaking. Page. 
“That’s what I was saying!!” Eddie sounds so relieved when he says “How could we know?! We just got together!!” 
“Exactly!!” You practically shout and he steps back over to you, cupping your face and kissing you playfully 
“I mean of course I love you, you're my best friend! But like I don’t know if I love you you know what I mean”
“I know exactly what you mean!” You sound just as relieved as he does 
And somewhere, in the distance, Buck feels a chill up his spine. Another six months of insanity. He almost crushes his champagne glass in his hand. 
You and Eddie continue kicking your rock, like two happy little lovesick idiots. You kick it down the sidewalk, holding hands again, giggling and talking about just different things, and all the way back up as you head back to the party. Once you get to the bottom of the driveway you grab the rock and stuff it in Eddie’s pocket 
“Keep Jorge safe please” 
“You named it?” He chuckles as he pulls you into the house again, the party is still loud but it’s not like it was. You feel better now, a moment alone with Eddie was all you needed. 
Pretty much all you ever need really. 
Eddie avoids Buck for a good hour or so before Bobby legitimately grabs them by the ears and drags them into the kitchen. 
“What the hell is going on” he puts his hands on his hips. “You’re making everyone uncomfortable!” 
“We are not!!” They say in unison before glaring at each other 
“You are. This is my anniversary and I’m not letting your frosty asses ruin it. Now tell me what happened”
“Eddie doESn’T lOVe Y/N” Buck says in a stupid voice and Eddie nearly shoves him 
“Are you kidding me?” Bobby says under his breath 
“We aren’t ready to take that step!! We just got together like a week ago!” 
“No! You got to- dad?!?!” Buck gestures at Eddie and Bobby sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose 
“Buck, Evan. You cannot force your dumbass of a brother-“
“To admit he’s clearly in love-”
“Oh my god I’m-“
“And Edmundo. You can’t be mad at Buck for wanting the best for you and his cousin. He loves you both more than anything and just wants to see you together okay? Now come on, let’s hug it out”
“No I hate him” Buck turns away from Eddie with his arms crossed 
“Are you actually fucking five” Eddie growls turning away from Buck and Bobby turns them both back to each other 
“Hug and makeup or you’re both on dish duty for the next three months. And then? Bathroom duty for another three” 
“Bestie!” Buck opens his arms 
“Brother!” Eddie hugs him tightly
Buck does actually hug him back, sighing into his shoulder and Eddie sighs back. 
“Bestie” he mumbles and Buck nods 
Bobby steers them back towards the party, and their making up leads to your being left alone on a couch with one leg crossed over the other as you sip a glass of champagne, watching them definitely get drunk and become the life of the party. You set your glass down opting for water now because it’s very clear you’ll be driving home tonight 
“Mind if I sit there?” 
A tall… very tall. The man asks about the couch cushion next to you and you shrug, patting it. If he’s at Bobby and Athena’s party he’s definitely okay. 
“Tommy” He offers his hand and you smile, shaking it 
His eyes light up for a minute, and he nods slowly “Oh! It’s nice to meet you… you’re..? Buck’s cousin right?” 
“That’s me” You turn to him a little and he puts his arm around the back of the couch. He seems pretty chill actually, even if his sheer size is a bit intimidating. He doesn’t really give off that he’s trying to pick you up. 
“So where have you been hiding all party?” You giggle a little “Because I’m sorry but you’re kinda hard to miss!” He chuckles and nods along with you 
“I actually just got here a little bit ago, work kept me late”
“Oh, where do you work?” 
“Ah… used to be at the 118” he smiles “Old friend of Bobby’s” 
“Another firefighter” you giggle “I should have known” 
“Actually I’m a pilot right now for the LAFD”
Your mouth drops open and he chuckles a little, there’s the Buckley resemblance 
“That’s the coolest thing ever!!!” 
“Why thank you, little lady”
“Baby!! Baby pay attention to me!!” Eddie waves to get your attention and you look over at him, you’re not even sure when his shirt got opened but it did. 
Not that you’re complaining 
“It’s our favorite!!” He yells and you snort 
“I’m listening!! Go!” 
“Spice up Your Life” by the Spice Girls blares through the speakers as Eddie and Buck sing along, dancing together and everyone cheers for them. Every time Buck points the mic at you, you scream the backups for them. 
Tommy leans over, sipping his drink to hide his laughter 
“Do they?…”
“Have an entire choreographed dance? Yes” 
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Tommy offers to drive you guys home and you eagerly accept his help. He easily holds Buck and Eddie up, the three of them staggering down the walkway slowly as you run ahead and open up the car doors. He hands you Eddie who you try to get buckled in the front seat but he wants to get handsy. He keeps pulling your hands away and kissing them, kissing down your arms and pulling you into him to kiss your neck 
“Eddie, baby come on- no- no put your hands down baby” You’re giggling your way through it as he’s whining and reaching for you. 
Tommy is not having much luck either and your eyes go wide, as you peek over to the side like…hold up watchu mean he too is having a hard time uhh?? 
“You wanna switch?” You sigh as you give up and Tommy chuckles, stepping back 
You go to the backseat and Buck is pouting, refusing to sit up in the seat 
“Hi” you poke his thigh and he looks over at you “It’s meeee,” you say in a singsong voice and he looks away from you 
“Come on, Bucky bear. You gotta get your seatbelt on” 
He relaxes his arms, letting out a breath as he laughs 
“Jesus, you haven’t called me that since we were kids”
“Did it work?” You smirk and he smiles sitting up and swaying right into your arms and almost toppling over out of the car. You yelp and push him back in so he’s sitting up. 
You can hear the radio turning on and off, and the air conditioning turning on for a moment. Buck needed to get his car checked out, and he was not gonna be happy considering how new it was. 
“Yeah it worked” He pats your head lovingly as you buckle him in and he places a little kiss on your forehead 
“I love you, Y/N I hope you know that”
“Of course, I know that” You smile at him softly “I love you too Bucky Bear” 
The passenger side of the car door opens and Tommy is literally carrying Eddie. He sets him in back and you cover your mouth with both hands as you try not to laugh 
“Trust me when I tell you, he does not need to sit up front” 
He gets him buckled in and you both get in the front, Tommy helps you in and closes your door, coming around the front of the car to get in 
“He’s such a gentleman” Buck sighs dreamily and Eddie laughs at him, singing “Buck and Tommy sitting in a tree” Buck shushes him so loudly, shaking him and trying to get him to shut up
“What are you guys doing??” Tommy asks as soon as he opens the door 
“Nothing!” They both stop, Buck's hands still around Eddie’s neck and Eddie’s hands on his arms 
“Yeah…okay” he gets in the car and starts adjusting things for himself and even you have to fix a couple of things 
“Eddie was messing with stuff wasn’t he”
“Snitch!” Eddie pouts from the backseat and you laugh as you finish putting things back in order. 
“Oh, what about your car?” You ask and Tommy shrugs “I can get it tomorrow. Let’s just get you home” 
Tommy is literally the sweetest person in the entire world and you’re convinced you’ll never meet anyone nicer than he is. 
He stops at Mcdonald's and gets “the children” chicken nugget meals to try and sober them up a bit which both men devour, you however devour yours like a lady and both Buck and Eddie steal a couple of your nuggets each, you watch Bucks hand creep around the seat and after the fourth time slapping his hand away you just hold it up to him to “steal”
Tommy gives you one of his cheeseburgers. 
It’s almost two in the morning by the time you reach Eddie’s house and Tommy helps you bring him in. He’s mostly quiet now, it’s not stopping his raging hard-on, but he’s more coherent now and even thanks Tommy for making sure you got home safe 
“Do you want me to come with you? I can help” you offer as you stand at the door and he shakes his head
“No- no you get to bed, honey. I can take him home and get him into bed”
You hug Tommy, squeezing him a bit tightly
“Thanks for everything, maybe we can have coffee one day!” 
“I’ll have Bobby give me your number, I’d love that” he hugs you back and pets your hair nicely before turning to leave. 
You watch as he drives away, Giving him a little wave and shutting the door. You shut off all the lights and head back to Eddie’s room to get ready for bed
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There was a reason, that Eddie always pinned you to the bed, grinding down on you and watching that pretty face of yours twist in pleasure 
He just wished he’d remembered it sooner, but his brain was still a bit foggy.  
He can barely look at you, your dress is trapped around your waist, hiked up and pulled down at the same time. You’ve even still got your heels on and that is something he really… really likes. 
He can’t remember how it even started. He's so delirious by the way you’re on top of him, rocking your hips down on his cock. He doesn’t even remember when he took off his pants (Tommy took them off earlier for him before he absolutely peed them and made a mess for you) 
Okay, so it started with you jokingly asking for help removing your boob tape, and then… then somehow your nipple ended up in his mouth as he pinned you to the sink. And he’s sure that he had you right there, putting you up on it and rolling his tongue around the hard little nub 
Right okay, and then he picked you up and brought you into the bedroom where he did have you on your back! Enjoying your soft little mewls and the way you ran your fingers through his hair. 
So when…?
Oh yeah. 
He bit down and you cried out, bucking your hips into his, and then you started whining, pleading, and panting for any sort of friction… and he made the stupid mistake of not giving it to you, teasing you even. 
So you pushed him away, getting up and pulling him by his tie onto the bed and that got him good and he was putty in your hands as he watched you frantically hike your dress up over your hips and push him down on the bed, climbing on top of him. 
He couldn’t help his hands automatically finding your hips and grinding you down on him. He should have flipped you, he knows now he really should have. But how could he when you leaned forward, capturing his lips and taking off his tie? Kissing his neck and his jaw as you unbuttoned his shirt. His hands left your hips long enough to pull the shirt off his arms
He should have known better, and he was an idiot for drinking that much. The second you planted your hands firmly on his strong, bare chest and rolled your hips achingly slow. 
He’s never seen you look so damn pretty. 
“Take your dress off” 
It’s more of a plead than a demand because if you get off of him right now he can last more than two minutes. You look down at him and he looks absolutely blissed out 
Oh so this is what he always sees from this angle, no wonder he likes to pin you. You give him his brief little respite and slide off of him for a moment walking over to the closet and shimmying your dress down, you go to pull off your heels and he stops you 
“Keep them on?” 
He could have added at least 15 more seconds had he let you take them off… 
But what’s 15 more seconds gonna do if he only lasts three minutes? He might as well fully enjoy himself. You walk back towards the bed slowly, seductively. Your heels click with every step and he gulps quietly 
Hell he could finish right now hands-free 
You climb back onto the bed, straddling his hips and settling down on him. He’s rock hard underneath you and you giggle, grinding your hips a couple of times to tease him 
“You better quit it or I’m definitely not gonna make it” His voice is so raspy and strained 
“You know it’s kind of a compliment, I turn you on so much you can’t last longer than a couple minutes” You lean forward, placing your palm on top of your hand and laying your head on them. You tease him, rolling your hips in little circles, and his breath hitches 
“Bet you wanna see me ride it” you whisper and his hips buck up against yours 
“More than anything” he moans while grinding his cock up against you 
“Too bad we agreed… no sex..” your voice trails off and he stops, raising an eyebrow 
“Why did we agree to that again?” 
“Fuck if I know right now” you sigh, honestly thinking hard about it and his hands get tighter on your hips as he ruts into you, he’s so desperate for you and you’re just laying there toying with him, twirling your finger around a strand of his hair 
He stops your hips, looking into your eyes, and bites his lip
“You tell me to fuck you and I will sweetheart”
You sit up again, wobbling a little before steadying yourself and you can’t help it, grabbing his hands from your hips and placing them right onto your chest. He sits up with you now, grinning wickedly and massaging your tits for a second. They’re so warm and heavy in his hands, he feels his cock twitch as he strokes his hand over them, pulling them together and admiring them like they’re a perfect work of art 
And oh boy are they 
He presses his face into them now and you snort, holding his head to your chest. He places sloppy kisses all over them before taking your nipple into his mouth again, moaning around it while his tongue circles your hard little nub. He places his hand on your lower back and pulls you down with him so he’s lying on his back again 
“Eddie I’m gonna smother you” you giggle as he keeps sucking, his hand caressing your other breast and pinching your nipple 
“Fuck, please do baby girl. I don’t need to breathe when I’ve got you like this” 
“There’s something I haven’t told you” You whisper and he doesn’t care what it is, do you have a tail? He could work with that. Maybe you secretly have a twin, and right now in this raunchy moment he could really work with that 
“What’s that hm? Waited until I got nice and pussy drunk huh? Well, that hardly seems fair…” 
He switches nipples now, rubbing the other between his fingers as he sucks on his one, he absolutely plans on leaving hickeys all over your perfect breasts 
“I’m not ready,” you say quietly, and he looks up at you, lewdly sucking on your tits 
“That’s fine,” he says seriously, pulling away for a second. “I am… very content with this”
“I don’t want to be half drunk f-for my first time” 
He nods slowly and smiles  “Yea I understand baby our first time is important to us” 
“No Eddie- my first time.”
Shit. That’s hot. 
Eddie can see the clear uneasiness on your face and he just shrugs, going right back to what he was doing 
“Okay, I’ll be slow when we do baby girl” Is all he says, like it doesn’t really mean anything to him at this moment, and like he said, he’s perfectly content with what you’re doing 
“Y-you’re not mad?” He can feel your hips twitch a little, like they’re itching to move again and he gladly helps you with this, putting his hand on your hip and coaxing it along to those deep rolls he likes so much 
“Why the hell would I be mad? I get to be my girlfriend’s first time, sounds fun to me” You feel his lips moving against your tits as he talks like he doesn’t want to part from you even to reassure you. 
“Just wanna know how you got so good at this” he taps your hips and you blush deeply, getting back into the rhythm of things 
“P-pillows” you say quietly and he groans, bucking his hips against yours 
“Oh honey, we’re using this to our advantage”
Eddie listens to your moans- your virgin moans. You know he never would have guessed it? But this brings a whole new can of worms to your first time together… and he knows he can handle himself, he knows he can go slowly. He just doesn’t know if he’s gonna be able to last. 
It’s a privilege to be your first time really, someone so pretty, so smart, so gorgeous…and you’re all his. 
What a lucky man he is. 
He doesn’t realize he zoned out, ironically thinking about your first time together until he hears that soft little pant of his name, 
“Eddie, oh god, Eddie” You cry and he loses it, fuck he wanted to last longer but how could he when he’s watching your tits bounce in his face and you’re saying his name like a mantra while your body shakes as you’re cumming over his cock. He feels your hips speed up and he matches your pace with his own, moaning your name. 
“Fuck baby fuck just like that” He gasps, his breaths ragged as he feels your clit slide up and down his cock 
Oh, he can see it now. He’s going to enjoy showing you just how lucky he is to have someone like you in his life. 
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mncxbe · 1 year
𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 // 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease. And he was right.
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut/fluff
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: season 4 spoilers / mentions of blood
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His hips were rocking back and forth at a relentless speed, fingers digging into my thighs.
"Mmm so good baby. I missed this so much" he moaned lowly.
I was laying on my back, legs wrapped around Tachihara's waist, gazing at this pretty features. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth slightly agape as he was whispering sweet nonsense. Strands of his rusty red hair were drenched in sweat.
'That's quite a sight' I thought to myself.
We first met when I joined the Black Lizard as a division commander ten months ago. My arrival was met with reluctance, but after a few weeks everyone was fond of me. Well, almost everyone. Tachihara Michizō, the angry redhead, always kept his distance. This was mostly due to the fact that I got along quite well with Gin.
There was also my ability, which allows me to manipulate my enemy's heartbeat provided I touch their blood. Naturally, people tended to avoid training with me and Tachihara was no different. Gin sometimes sparred with me but her skills in battle were way above mine so she was in no real danger.
The first three months were packed with missions and operations. But as soon as summer started it seemed that even the criminals went on vacations. Weeks passed without one single mission. I was bored beyond belief. It was on one of these days that I ended up using my ability on Tachihara.
When I walked into the empty warehouse I saw the redhead cleaning his guns.
"Hey there. Wanna spar with me?" I enquired.
My colleague didn't bother to lift his eyes from his pistols as he replied in a flat voice.
"No. Leave me alone."
"I need to blow off some steam, Tachihara. Please." I whined
The man rose to his feet, drawing a knife from his jacket.
"Okay then. Bring it on" he said as he ran towards me.
I was so taken aback by his sudden actions that I barely managed to dodge his attack. Taking my own knife, I put some distance between us, trying to form a plan.
"What? That's all you got?" he mocked with a wild grin on his lips.
We fought for a couple of good minutes. At first Tachihara went easy on me, but when he realized I wasn't an easy match, his attacks got more violent. His eyes had a feral glimmer as he gritted his teeth, desperately swinging his knife.
Eventually, his attacks got sloppier and I managed to find an opening. The blade of my short knife sliced through the fabric of his jacket, cutting his arm right above his elbow.
The redhead ceased his chaotic movement, an astonished look on his face. Blood ran down his arm staining his clothes.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry." I apologized.
I dropped my knife to the floor, running to him. "That's a lot of blood please let me-"
"No no don't~" interrupted the man but it was too late. My hands wrapped around his bleeding arm, sqeezing tightly.
He froze, his eyes shooting open. A familiar feeling took over me as I felt his rushing heartbeat in every cell of my body. Tachihara yanked his arm from my grip, taking a few steps backwards. None of us uttered a word until the rhythm of his heart returned to normal.
"Aren't you going to kill me or something?" he asked
"Why would I kill you?"
"You literally have my heart in your hands. Don't tell me that you don't want some payback for how badly I treated you"
"I actually don't" I replied confidently "All I want right now is to help you stop the bleeding. Will you let me?"
After that we met up regularly to spar after stressful days. Soon though fighting wasn't enough to release the tention so we did other stuff too. I often found myself wrapped around him, nails digging and scratching at his back like there was no tomorrow as I moaned his name in the night.
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease.
And he was right. Before I knew it I had fallen in love with the redhead. And the feelings were shared. Although Tachihara seems like a cold, distant person, he is the sweetest partner one could ask for. He would always look out for me and even his short temper was quite adorable. Two months and a half after we started dating he moved in.
Nothing on earth could do us apart. We decided to overcome any hardship we ever came across. That's why when he confessed to me that he was working for the Hunting Dogs, I was totally unfazed.
"Poor choice but ok." I replied, taking his hand in mine. "I guess I'll just have to quit the Mafia."
And so I left the organization, switching over to voluntary work at the ER. My ability was quite useful when it came to helping patients with heart problems.
Up to this day we continue living together at my place, going about our days as usual.
I ran my fingers over the scar on his arm, fragments of the time spent together coming to me in flashes. His thrusts grew sloppier, signaling how close he was to his release, each of his grunts and low, desperate moans only adding to the fuel.
"I'm so close Hara" I uttered between whimpers. He brought one of his hands to my belly, pressing down with his palm.
"You feel how deep I am, pretty?" His thumb drew circles on my clit. "Cum for me, dear" he added in a ragged voice.
I felt the knot in my stomach snap, my back arching as I jolted in pleasure. Tachihara's eyelids gently fluttered as he felt me tighten around his cock. After a few more thrusts he came, his warm seed filling me.
The man rested his forehead against mine. He took his time to catch his breath and then opened his eyes, his amber gaze locked with mine.
I pulled him into a deep kiss and he snaked his arms around my waist. As soon as he pulled away from the kiss, he flopped to the side.
"I love you, baby" was all he uttered before drifting into a dreamless sleep.
I watched his figure, sprawled on my bed. My fingertips made their way to his back, tracing shapes all over his skin. Then I leaned in and kissed his shoulder.
"I love you too, Hara" I whispered into his ear before falling asleep next to him.
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gourmetjello · 6 months
nikto x reader : intimidated
oh gosh loves it feels so good to be back after such a long break! i’m sorry i disappeared for over a month. sickness, late trainings, writer’s block, studying and barely hanging on by a thread took a toll on me but i’ll try to be back ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
i know it sounds unusual but i’ll try my best to write for other characters too. i know i’ve teased a little list before but now i’m starting to see a pattern form and these are the people i’m most likely going to write for : könig, krueger, ghost, ‘09 ghost, nikto, roach, soap, capt. soap, ‘09 makarov (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
hopefully you all are satisfied with the list! if you have any more suggestions just let me know somehow. now hope you enjoy the fic! ♡
tw ; alcohol, mention of drugs.
“drink up, drink up!”
a voice yelled from behind you and all you could hear was the sound of shot glasses being knocked against each other once again. the sound was so familiar by now that you even made a mental note on how glasses sound different when they’re filled and when they’re empty. actually, why was someone raising toasts with an empty glass?
“bottoms up, y’all, don’t be pussies-“
but you didn’t have a glass in your hand, not now. you just stared at the people that were having fun and you couldn’t help but think about how you even ended up here.
there was a friend that you shared with this one guy, that’s quite literally all you were one hundred percent sure about — basically nothing. you could be looking at them directly and you would have no idea who they are, thanks to the cliche ‘friend of a friend’ circle going around this whole party. nobody knew each other, but friends and relationships don’t exist when you’re just drinking, right?
so there was that guy. and when you finally saw his face for the first time, you got the chills down your spine. he immediately seemed like someone you shouldn’t really be messing with — like he was planning something evil? or maybe he already did something bad, it felt childish to think about things like these at your grown age and you couldn’t even put your finger on what your senses told you about this person. just leave him alone and get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.
just as that thought crossed your mind, a yell broke through the happy little murmurs and drunken words.
“y’all, what the fuck! get outta’ here! right now! cops outside! holy fucking shit!”
cops outside? what the hell? why?
before the panic settled in, you blinked outside and you were amost immediately sure this wasn’t the fucking police. at least ten men dressed in black tactical outfits stood right next to the huge outdoors pool in the nicely maintained backyard. the well trimmed trees gave them an even scarier look too, painting shadows in the night all over their already dark forms.
you could even see from the corner of your eye that some were equipped with ballistic shields like it was some kind of movie. you have never seen one of those in real life before, and now it gave you a really bad feeling (pretty obviously). their faces were hidden and they were coming closer and closer to the main building all of you and your.. acquaintances were inside.
the guns hanging from their torsos.. wasn’t a nice sight, to be honest. you were convinced that these men were probably legally allowed to do anything as long as they got a bit closer to what they wanted to achieve. and for that, you weren’t exactly sure what it was. come on, shutting down a (not so) little house party with people who look like came straight out of a counter-terrorism organization? isn’t that a tiny exaggeration?
you could have sworn that you only looked away for a few seconds but the next moment you looked around the whole room was empty. fuck. well that’s a situation coming your way for sure, because one of those monsters was heading right towards your direction with a slightly wrinkled paper in his hands.
you wanted to yell and scream at him, to let him know that you absolutely had no clue what this whole thing was about and that you weren’t involved with whatever stupid drug smuggling anyone around you did — since you were sure that you weren’t the target, and they knew that too. but they had to listen to anyone they could catch.
“party’s over..” a deep voice mumbled with a heavy accent. you could recognize it anywhere. a russian accent, gosh.. you’re fucked.
and soon the paper was pressed right into your face. your nose was rubbed against the thin material, not even allowing you to see whatever was printed on it. but it was most likely a person, or at least that was what you could make out when he held it a little further away from you.
“missy, you know this fella?” the man asked.
you had no idea who was on the photo. it was a man with a beard and he seemed way too damn old to be right here, in a house party with some silly college students? he couldn’t be here, you’ve never even seen his face before.
you hesitated a little, not knowing which answer would get you out of here quicker.
“do not keep that mouth shut, come on. you’ll get outta’ here faster, come on.”
your brain immediately sobered up and a small whine left your mouth as you finally took the time to examine the terrifying person that was standing right in front of you. face mask made of kevlar, a gun hanging from his side and a pistol on his right thigh. bulletproof from head to toe. ballistic shield placed next to his other leg.
this guy was going to kill you. one hundred percent. or at least le looked like he would try to do that.
“come on, we don’t bite?”
he tried to speak normally but his statement sounded a lot more like a question, like he wasn’t sure about it either. it could have been the fact that it probably wasn’t usual for them to talk to people that look like they don’t even know where they are. and you were just like that right now. lost as fuck.
you stared up at the photo of the man once again. the black and white printing was so bad that you were barely able to make out the details on it.
“i- um.. no idea w-who’s on the photo.”
“do not lie, missy.”
“i really- i don’t know!”
“well, then let me tell you so you maybe remember, hm? this dude right here,” he gently knocked the face of the man on the paper, the material gently crumbling under his heavy, gloved finger “whose house you’re at right fucking now, has a fuck ton of cocaine under these,” now he kicked the flooring, “these little tiles.”
your eyes widened and to a person who had no clue that you were just as lost here as they are, it would probably come across as some realization. but no, it wasn’t any kind of realization — you really didn’t know about any of this! and it was hard to believe too. you didn’t even see a single line of coke on this party, it was too expensive to be wasted on little college student get-togethers?
“s-sir, i really don’t-“
“we know you know.”
“but i don’t!”
the man’s eyes widened as you started losing your shit. he probably heard the unsure shake in your voice as you slightly raised it — which was probably a stupid idea, but the situation was already bad enough when you’re locked into a burning hot little room that smelled like alcohol with someone who’s straight up dressed in carbon from head to toe? this was getting out of hand.
“missy, i’ve got the legal right to shock you, and if you refuse to give out any information then i’ll just have to do that..”
you were becoming annoyed. you were intimidated as hell and you knew that you couldn’t do anything in a situation like this, you were shaking scared. this man was making you feel so uneasy.
maybe he did it on purpose because as you stayed silent he just stared into your eyes, like a madman. he wasn’t even blinking behind that mask, the black face paint covering the area around his eyes making the color of his irises pop out from the black atmosphere around it. you just weren’t sure why he was doing this.
he placed a hand on his gun now, like he was about to slip out his pistol. but he didn’t have the right to kill or shoot you or anything like that, right? right? panic was filling your brain and goosebumps were running up and down your body as you had no idea about what these men could and could not do to an innocent civillian that actually had no clue about whatever was going on!
“we can play this game, missy. but you won’t like it.”
“i’ve said everything i know! nothing.”
“for fuck’s sake, just say something, anything.”
“but i don’t know! i accidentally ended up here, too.”
“whatever. fuck you, missy.” the man grunted as he finally let his pistol down, letting you back out from the corner he had held you in this whole time. it felt like you could finally breathe again and the cold sweat running down your temples felt like a normal reaction again.
“get the fuck outta’ here and if you know anything. keep your mouth fucking shut. am i understood?”
“y-yes sir.”
you were breathing heavy as you finally made it out of that room. it was a feeling you never wanted to experience ever again — you almost got yourself killed. and you were 99% sure that if you said the wrong stuff he wouldn’t have hesitated to use that pistol. what is wrong with humanity..
the man peeked above his shoulder to look at you walk away. he didn’t take his eyes off of you until you finally exited the whole damn house. you’re never ever coming back and that’s for sure. holy shit.
sorry about how bad and rushed this was! :(
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maccaronimassacre · 11 months
A Long Overdue RE bot dump #5
Has it almost been a month? Maybe, but I come with good news. Janitor llm now works for me so I can start transferring some of my bots onto there. I'm definitely not going to do all of them because after this batch that would literally be over 50 bots and I think I would lose my mind if I did. Also, I'm now making Ada Wong bots! In my next batch I'll start making some Claire bots (which will be a lot sooner, I promise!)
Ada Wong x Reader
Ada prided herself on her lack of emotion and attachment to others. At least she once thought, because here she is now. Sitting idly with a newspaper across her knee, watching you from afar. ”I’m just making sure that they’re sticking to our agreement. That’s all.” She mumbles to herself in an attempt to clear her mind, but another glance at you is all that it takes for a feeling of warmth to bloom in her chest. Something that she hasn’t felt in years. Not since Ada had first met you.
RE:2R!Ada Wong x Reader
“This is getting old.” Ada huffs as she steps out of the SWAT vehicle. Despite the sunglasses covering her eyes you can tell that she is growing increasingly annoyed with constantly running into you. “Saving your ass. That’s twice.” She doesn’t even bother to look back at you when she says it and continues to walk away, her heels click against the concrete, echoing with each stride.
Ada Wong x Mercenary!Reader
The vial containing the sample gleams in the pale moonlight, glinting like a priceless ruby on display in a museum. And it’s all yours for the taking. Your employer will be pleased to say the least. Before you could pocket the vial, the cocking of a gun followed by light footsteps fills the space of the room. “I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.”
Ada Wong x Reader
Quietly Ada heads inside the bedroom taking note of your sleeping form snuggled under the covers. A small smile tugs her lips as she gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and presses a soft kiss to your temple. “I’m home.” She whispers softly before changing out of her mercenary gear and slipping under the sheets with you.
RE:8!Chris Redfield x Reader
The bed dips and mattress springs groan in protest at the sudden addition of weight. The warmth of the plush blankets that encompass you have been replaced by an arm that gently wraps around you as well as steady puffs of hot air that roll against your skin. The familiar scent of smoke and whiskey fills your nose, causing you to stir from your slumber and look at the man beside you. “Sorry.” Chris grunts out apologetically after realising that he had woken you up.
Post RE:8!Ethan Winters x Reader
It’s another late night for you and your lover as you’re both tangled under the covers in the darkness of your room, the only light present being the moon that gleams through the tiny gaps of the curtains. The slivers of light illuminate the cool metal of Ethan’s prosthetic fingers and his eyes. The soft symphony of your breaths fill the shared space between you while you simply gaze at each other in your own little bubble of time, safe from harm.
Ethan Winters x Reader
“Do you think we’d be good parents?” Ever since Ethan took you out to that restaurant and saw a family with a little baby in a high chair, chewing away at some mashed potatoes while giggling and flailing their tiny arms in excitement, it got Ethan thinking. No. It got Ethan yearning to be able to hold his own bundle of joy in his arms with his loving partner by his side. “You know I’d spoil them rotten, babe.” Ethan sighs dreamily while twirling his wedding band around his finger.
Leon Kennedy x Reader
Without even saying a word, Leon crawls under the covers of your shared bed and brings you into his arms, burying and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply. The mission was a success, which is hardly a surprise for the president’s golden boy, but at what cost? Leon’s eyes screw shut while his grip on you tightens when he thinks back to it. It all happened in such a short amount of time, yet what was left behind has burnt itself into his mind for eternity.
Resident Evil bot Masterlist
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
E3, !, ♥️
I’m so excited, I love your writing!! I’ve literally never done an ask before, hope I’m doing it right.
hi friend! I wanted to make sure I did this one in honor of it being your first!
So for some reason, your heart showed up as white on my desktop, so I gave you the wrong “thing” lmao
Your Person is Dark Siren Eddie
your Place is a Motel
your Thing is a Guitar
pick your poison
18+ONLY, being on the run, fear of the unknown, star-crossed lovers, getting help from Murray and Hopper.
word count: 1k
The neon of the motel sign blinked "vacancy" in green while the M and the O fluttered a faded red, buzzing in the dark. Surrounded by Oregon wilderness, the place was tucked away in the mountains near an abandoned ski lodge. There were stains on the mattress, a television from the 60's with rabbit ear antenna, and nicotine baked yellow into the once white walls.
You'd been on the run for a month at that point. A government research team was tipped off to Eddie's existence, and he refused to go back to his home in the sea without you.
"You can't stay here," you'd blinked away tears that first night, struggling to form words around your sobs. He held your face with webbed fingers, watching your mouth. "If they catch you, they'll hurt you, Eddie. I can't let that happen."
The nictitating lens of his eyelid blinked over brown gold irises as he examined you. He smoothed a thumb across your cheek, neck gills shuddering as if hit by a breeze.
"Won't go," he murmured. "Stay with you."
The following kiss was urgent, it made more tears roll down your cheeks, messy and hot, tasting salty on your tongue. He made soft noises as the kiss deepened, aching to be inside you again.
The Evergreen Motel was one of many places you'd slept in the past few weeks, moving in shadows, trying to stay under the radar from those who hunted him. You'd even huddled in an old barn once, and under a bridge. You had money, that wasn't the problem, but you didn't want to risk Eddie being identified.
The people trying to track him down to put him in a lab and make him a government experiment, found out about the man he'd killed on the beach that first day, and they used the incident to facilitate their agenda. They lied and said that he'd attacked several people unprovoked, and that he was a danger to society.
"He's a freak of nature!" An older woman who'd claimed to be a witness shared her story with the media. "I saw him crawl up out of the sea, and I swear to god his eyes were glowing. I knew he wanted to kill me!"
If Eddie couldn't have contact with sea water after a few days, he got terribly sick, and so sneaking into the ocean or soaking in salt bath had become a necessity on your travels. Unfortunately, on that one particular early morning, he'd been spotted by a woman walking her dog.
Back in the room, Eddie turned the knob on the TV so that the news broadcast went away, and the screen snapped to black. He could tell it was upsetting you.
The shark tooth earring he'd worn since you first met was dangling from your ear now, since he'd given it to you as a gift. You fell against his chest and let him hold you, listening to him hum the words to a song from his world.
Both of you jumped at the abrupt ringing sound, jerking around in tandem to stare at the blinking light on the beige phone on the nightstand. A second ring was shrill and unrelenting, worrying at your heart like the click of a gun trigger.
You took a breath, collecting yourself before yanking up the receiver.
At the other end, Murray spoke before you had time to greet him.
"I told you not to answer the phone," he scolded. Flushed with relief to know it was him, you flashed a reassuring smile at Eddie.
"But how do I know if it's---"
"We went over this. If it's me calling, I'll let it ring three times, hang up, and then let it ring once more, and then you call me back. How hard is that?"
Hopper and Murray had been risking their own lives to keep you both safe and out of the public eye while on the run. You were afraid to think what would've happened if they hadn't chosen to get involved.
"Did anyone see you check in?" He was rustling papers in the background as he spoke.
"Just the older man at the front desk. But he didn't see Eddie, I don't think."
"You don't think?"
"Eddie was outside with the hood of his sweatshirt up," you sat down on the edge of the bed, wanting to make sure he had all of the information. "There was only one other car in the parking lot. A white Ford pickup. Nevada plates."
"Is the front door locked and bolted? Okay now I need you to look under the bed," Murray continued.
Knowing not to ask questions, you did as he said, kneeling on the stained carpet to lift up the floral dust ruffle. There was popcorn kernels and a sock and a used condom wrapper and...
"Why is there a guitar case under here, Murray?"
"Just pull it out, I don't have time for this."
The case was matte black and scuffed from use. You put it on the bed, and then Eddie came over to stand beside you, cocking his head curiously. After flipping open the tabs to look inside, you found a tan, acoustic guitar with pearl inlay on the fret board. There were also two stacks of cash and some directions in an envelope.
"Those are directions to the hideout. It's a cabin in the woods, stocked with enough food and supplies for a couple weeks. The last few miles will be on foot. You'll stay there until Jim comes to get you, do you understand?"
You nodded silently at first, but then finally spoke the word Yes out loud, swallowing thickly.
"Cut your credit cards up, you can't use them anymore. It's cash only from here on out."
You listened, taking Eddie's hand.
"There's a phone number in there for a woman near the Canadian border who will make your passports. Her name is Rachel, I told her to expect you."
"What about you Murray?" Your voice trembled. "What if they find out that you---"
"Don't worry about me," he said quickly. "You kids just stay safe, and for fuck's sake don't answer the phone again unless you know it's me. Got it?"
You nodded, unable to stop a tear from pooling at your lash line. "Okay, I promise. Thank you, I don't know what we'd do without y---"
But he was gone.
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
"Masters Of The Air" WW2 miniseries vs. H a r r y
I’ve been watching the new miniseries “Masters Of The Air” (produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and starring Austin Butler) about the US Army Air Force 100th bomb group stationed in the UK during WW2 the past few months while simultaneously reading about Prince Harry and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games this May.
It’s really incredible that American airmen flew in unpressurized bomber planes in minus 60 degree Fahrenheit temperature during WW2. The airmen had to wear special heating suits because if for example they took their gloves off during a fight at high altitudes because their guns jammed, their fingers could painlessly and bloodlessly amputate all the way up to their knuckles. The airmen could literally see their own fingers snap off and fly across the belly of the plane.
23% of all US Army Air crews survived during the WW2 air campaign in Europe with the rest either being shot and/or killed while in the air or their planes were shot down.
Those who survived via parachute after their planes were shot down either escaped back to the UK via resistance groups, were taken to POW camps for the remainder of the war or in some cases were killed by enraged German civilians on the ground.
The first episode started in January with the last episode concluding in mid-March. 
I mention all this because Harry has been in the news for weeks, whining about his lack of taxpayer funded security while not feeling safe to attend the Invictus Games 10th anniversary event in London and tonight another article popped up in the Daily Mail about Harry going to a Better Up conference in San Francisco to lecture people about 'Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength.’
Harry has no clue about executives in stressful jobs. Nor does he have any clue about serving in combat or what honor and loyalty means. Harry actually endangered troops in Afghanistan during both of his tours overseas because he wanted to play soldier.
It’s incredible to look at genuine heroism and sacrifice from WW2 servicemen and women vs a complete royal fraudster who couldn’t even be accepted into the British Army on his own merits because Harry was reportedly too busy drinking and doing drugs while at Eton. Harry got into Sandhurst because his grandmother was the Head of the Armed Forces.
All of these battle hardened WW2 veterans would scoff at this whiny, treacherous, cowardly ginger prick who reportedly is so afraid to attend a church service for the Invictus Games on his own despite bragging about killing 25 enemy combatants in Afghanistan in his memoirs. 
It’s a damn shame the Royal Family had the British media to help turn Harry’s PR image from a drug using frat boy into a “war hero” as Harry is anything but a genuine war hero– and uses disabled veterans from IG in order to make himself look good.
And BTW, the miniseries “Masters Of The Air” is quite good and is based on the book by the same name. I’m proud and grateful for WW2 veterans while simultaneously shaking my head at the royal disgrace that is Prince Harry.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The hardships that the soldiers of WWI, WWII and other wars suffered to defend their countries are incredible to read about. They were all courageous at a level that is not brought out by circumstances today (I say this knowing veterans of those wars and having them in my family).
Harry is nothing in comparison. He does not have the courage that those men possessed. His cowardice and entitlement are thrown into relief by the service of true veterans everywhere. The idea of him coping with stress, let alone using it for anything else, is laughable because, as you said, he has no clue about working in a stressful job. 
The palace PR did a brilliant job with “Hero Harry”, but I am glad it has come to an end and we can all see Harry as he really is. I much refer the truth over PR lies.
I have learnt to tune out Harry’s whining. If he is not whining about something he is bragging about how wonderful he is, both of which are very unattractive traits.
I believe you can find military men commenting on Harry’s behaviour on some sites, and what they say is not flattering. The truth always comes out in the end.
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ellies-mullet · 2 years
Give the Girl a Gun
Desc: Joel gives his little girl a lesson in shooting a gun.
Warnings: Mentions of gun use, literal gun use, mentions of loss and death
Notes: This is absolute SHITTT but I wanted to put out something. This is part of my dad!Joel series so yayyy a new addition to the story. I wrote this months ago and it's kind of a quick read but... enjoy nonethess.
New Joel x Reader fic coming this week though *wink.*
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There was a particular day where Joel was sitting on his worn in sofa
It was an unusually sweltering and humid day and the cheap AC unit in Joel's apartment had been out since last week
Although he had sent in a request to get it fixed, no one had been sent just yet
He was majorly pissed about this
Joel was so worried about you overheating in your sleep
He would have nightmares of him finding your little body stiff in the morning
The mere thought of another loss, especially you, made Joel’s chest tighten by the second
So for now, Joel had made sure to keep towels soaked with cold water on hand to place on you while you slept
He would even place them in the shitty freezer he had to make sure they stayed cold(Tess had actually come up with this one)
As much as Joel worried about whether or not he was a good father, it was clear he was the best you could have had
Despite the fact that Joel was clearly a good and caring father, he tried his best not to baby you too much
He didn’t use babytalk, he spoke to you with “regular” words in his regular voice
He was a no bullshit dad
There was no point in shielding you from the dangers in the world when those dangers wouldn’t take two seconds to shoot or bite you
To Joel, if you were going to survive this world, you couldn’t be a “normal” child and you couldn’t have a normal childhood
He couldn’t raise you like he had raised Sarah.
There was only so much cold towels could fix
Before you were even born, Joel was already planning on teaching you how to protect yourself
While it pained him to think about, he knew that he wouldn't be able to protect you forever
Whether that be because he was bit or of natural causes, he simply wouldn’t always be there
And as he watched you play with your toys on the floor in front of him, giggling and rambling to yourself, he assured himself that he would be doing the right thing by teaching you how to protect yourself
Just in case.
“Alright now… first thing you gotta know is to never put your finger on the trigger unless you’re gonna take the shot.”
Your little arms held up Joel’s own revolver, eyes trained on the three glass bottles placed a little more than ten feet away
As Joel gave you directions on how to handle the gun, your big, sweet eyes would glance up at him, looking for assurance and validation
Joel wiped the sweat off his brow before asking you to line up the gun with the bottle in the middle
You nervously did as you were instructed, your heart beating quickly
Joel placed his hand on your back gently to calm you down
“This is just practice, honey. No need to be perfect.”
“I’m right here. Don’t be afraid of the gun.”
You missed three times
But eventually, you hit the bottle
Joel felt a sense of pride watching you as you took your finger off the trigger and lowered the gun
You spoke excitedly and with giddy, so proud of yourself for hitting the bottle
Joel had you shoot a few more times and you shot with more and more accuracy
Onlookers that passed the alley where you were practicing looked on with dismay 
Someone as young as you probably shouldn’t be holding a gun
Joel could understand
As much as he felt pride looking down at you holding his revolver, he couldn’t help but feel a piece of his soul break away
His baby
His child
His daughter
You were growing up too quickly
Quicker than you should’ve
But Joel would rather be safe than sorry.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Angel by the Wing - TWO
Wow, holy shit, a lot of y’all really liked part one!!! Thank you so much friends. Here’s to plenty more chapters :)
Chapter Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY), all smut is consensual and enthusiastic
Series Masterlist
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You had been living in San Diego for two months when you had stumbled into Sarah Kazansky by chance. Literally, stumbled into her. You had been perusing the shelves of the grocery store on the hunt for lentils when a cart crashed into your hip. She was so horrified about not paying attention and clipping you that she practically demanded that she buy your groceries. You, of course, refused, but you did take her up on her offer for some Starbucks.
Sarah was lovely, humorous, and kind. She pried your closely guarded story out of your mouth and took you under her wing. You met her family and also encouraged you to quit your shitty waitressing job and apply at a local bar, citing that she knew the owner.
Eight months ago, your sorry ass stumbled into the Hard Deck with your resume clenched tightly in one hand and your pride in the other. Penny Benjamin took one look at your pathetic, sad eyes and hired you on the spot. Penny and Amelia practically adopted you right then and there, no matter how hard you tried to push them away. The Benjamins wouldn’t take no for an answer, even bringing you along to holiday celebrations with the rest of their family.
Which landed you here, the manager of Top Gun recruit’s favorite bar. Penny was an amazing boss and the bell kept most unruly customers at bay. It helped that there were built in bouncers in the form of the naval aviators swarming the bar every night.
Aviators like Jacob “Hangman” Seresin who was currently railing you.
Your fingers curled tightly around your pillow as his thick cock slid into your sopping hole. You arched your back, aiding his thrusting to reach a deeper part of your cunt. He gasped out a stuttered laugh as his dick sunk further into your clenching pussy and you grinned.
“Fuck, darlin’, I sure missed you.”
His teeth enclosed around the meat of your shoulder and he sucked a dark hickey onto your skin as he drilled into you. You bit out a gasping moan as he grabbed your chin and forced your head up.
“Lemme hear you, darlin’. Wanna see that pretty little face when you come around my cock.”
“Jake,” you whined. His other hand came down to run along your swollen clit and you bucked your hips back, but he draped his chest over your back and forced you back down onto the covers.
Jake was always a pushy lover. He made sure you came, of course, but he wasn’t afraid to mark you up. Your mind filtered back to that hotel room in Virginia for just a second. How he grasped your thigh so gently and kissed you through the stretch of his penetration. The way you breathed his callsign into his kiss…
You cunt tightened around Jake’s cock and he grunted before pulling out and bullying his way back in. God, you loved the feeling of him filling you up. He always made sure to bottom out, stretching you full and making sure your body responded to his touch. He loved watching you come apart on his cock, drunk with the taste of his cum on your tongue and his spit.
Your eyes rolled back as he rubbed firm circles over your clit and your pussy spasmed around his dick, milking his orgasm from him that spilled into the condom. Jake’s hips stuttered as his thrusts slowed and then stilled. Silence enveloped the small room, the only noise being the harsh breathing shared between you two.
“Well, damn,” you finally sighed. “I should tell you about how good other guys treat me more often.”
Jake let out a low growl and laid a gentle bite on your ass. “You do that, darlin’. Just as long as you remember that no one can make you feel as good as I do.”
He slowly slid out of you, leaving you sore and empty. You let your body fall down on the mattress below you and sighed in relief as your muscles finally got a break. Jake’s calloused hand ran up your spine and rested on the back of your neck, right over the hickey Bradley had left just three days prior.
When you got back to San Diego, Jake still hadn’t returned from training new pilots. But when you came knocking on his door tonight after getting a text from him that he was back, he had seen the bruises littering your neck and drove you straight to his place where he fucked every thought out of your head.
Twice. Once last night and once this morning.
“I need a shower,” you grunted. You could feel the curve of his smile against your shoulder and you rolled your eyes. “No, you cannot and will not be joining me. You horny idiot.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying, sugar. You’re just so sweet.”
“And you’re so incredibly cheesy.”
He laid on his side and watched you as you rolled off his bed. Grinning, you bent down and stole a kiss from him. Jake’s hand came up to cup the back of your head and he tugged your lip between his teeth. You pressed a hand against his chest to shove him back down on the pillows, disconnecting his lips from yours.
“Wanna do me a favor, flyboy?” you hummed as you traced circles on his pecs.
“Anything you need, darlin’.”
“Make some of those famous waffles of yours.”
His green eyes studied your face for a moment, some unspoken emotion flickering across his sparkling gaze for a second before returning back to his charming self. “Of course. I need that shower after you so don’t go wasting all the hot water.”
“Yeah, yeah. What time do you have to be on base?”
“Later than usual. Got a meeting at eleven.”
You threw a wink over your shoulder and sauntered off to his bathroom, taking full advantage of the large shower and jets that sent warm water coursing over your skin. You could hear Jake moving around the kitchen and you grinned. That boy truly made the best damn waffles in the world and he refused to tell you his secret recipe.
Instead of wearing your clothes from the night before, you opted to pull on some underwear from your overnight bag and one of his old USNA shirts. Jake was frowning down at the waffle maker, the crease between his brows making him look like a petulant child being put in timeout.
“Did you put chocolate chips in mine?” you asked as you climbed onto one of the barstools on the other side of the island. He let out an indignant snort at your question and nudged a plate of waffles at you. Butter was already melting across the top of the stack and you eagerly grabbed the bottle of some of the finest store bought, sugar ladened maple syrup that money could buy.
“I would never hear the end of it if I forgot,” he teased. You smirked and lifted a forkful up to your mouth. A sinful moan escaped you at the first taste of those buttery waffles on your tongue. If you were being honest, you didn’t keep coming to Jake for the sex. It was his cooking, for sure.
“Are you coming by the bar after work?” You hopped down from the bar stool and made a beeline for his Keurig. Popping in his favorite coffee pod and starting up the machine, you turned around and leaned back against the counter. Before you was one of your favorite sights. Jake shirtless, his back flexing as he pulled another waffle off of the iron and poured batter on for a new one. It made a tendril of want shoot up through your core, but you tamped it down. You didn’t have time for a second shower today.
“Of course I am, sweets. Javy and I will both be there.”
“Oh, he’s back in town?”
Jake glanced over his shoulder and nearly stuttered to a stop at the sight of you leaning against his counter with his shirt draped across your chest and the soft skin of your legs on full display. The two of you had been playing this game for half a year now.
That month away from you had been spent with his hand wrapped around his cock in the small dorms provided on base for visiting officers and fuck, he missed you. Not that he would ever admit it out loud. You cocked your head to the side, your brow furrowing.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
He grinned. “Nah. Coffee ready yet?”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
His grip tightened minutely on the spatula in his hand as his sweats tightened around his groin. Fucking hell, that was a new one.
Eight months ago, Jacob Seresin laid eyes on you behind the counter at the Hard Deck, and he knew that he was a fucking goner. Your first night behind the counter, a smirking blond swaggered up to the counter and tried to sweet talk you. Key word, tried.
“Hiya, doll. Name’s Hangman. Figured I’d tell you now so you can be prepared to scream it later.” Without even looking up from the draft you were pulling, you had shot him down by simply reaching behind yourself and ringing the bell. You shot him a pleased smile and waved goodbye, leaving him to return to Javier with his proverbial tail tucked between his legs.
After that, he knew he wanted you. He wore you down over the next few months until you tumbled into his bed.
It was just a transaction between two friends who needed to get their rocks off. He was hot and willing and you were horny and interested. Sue you, you liked sex. There’s no ulterior reason as to why you like sex. There wasn’t some deep psychological reasoning. You just did. You liked to feel pleased and you liked to give pleasure. If someone has a problem with that, it says a lot more about their sex life than yours.
Jake was fully aware that you slept with other people, just like you knew he slept with others when you weren’t available. The two of you were fine with that, because this wasn’t a relationship. Just two friends. Two friends who kept gravitating together, despite him being a raging asshole and you being closed off to the world. Just two messy people finding their way between the sheets.
“What’s on your mind, flyboy?” Your voice broke him out of his thoughts and he shrugged.
“Work.” The lie came easy enough. You narrowed your eyes at his short response. The machine beeped and you brought him his coffee before starting on your own.
“What about work?”
Jake turned around so he could grab the sugar off of one of the higher shelves for you. When he set it down on the counter, he also placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“That’s classified, sugar.”
Tag List: @mizzzpink​ @xoxabs88xox​ @dreaminglandsworld​ @khaylin27​ @loveforaugust​ @phoenixssugarbaby​ @atarmychick007​ @mak-32​ @shanimallina87 (strikethrough indicates it wouldn’t let me tag you)
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Not sure if your accept Gun x reader but here. The request is Reader is Gun's fiancée you can make Gun a cheater or an absentee but make Reader elegant badass person who doesn't give any f as she basically forced into the engagement like those type of cold face villainess.
The house is always felt warm to Gun when Reader is still living with Gun, but turn cold when Reader basically leaves.
It's Cold.
Female Reader.
Request Rules.
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It failed.
The dinner date they were supposed to have ended in failure, it wasn't because someone was being an asshole or any of the situations that would have the date ended in failure.
It was a situation where nothing good came from it.
Gun didn't show up at the dinner date that [Name] planned for the both of them, she walked down the lonely, cold streets, trying not to cry and keeping her head up high.
It was hard, being the wife of Junggun Park, a notorious man, the bodyguard of Charles Choi and Crystal Choi. He was always absent, he didn't have time for her and when he did, he always acted like it was a big chore.
Always making up excusing even if he didn't have anything to do.
[Name] sat down on the park bench, her fingers grazing over the ring that Gun had proposed to her with. Instead of looking at it with so much love and care, looked at it with no emotions.
All her love for Gun had disappeared over the course of month, and now. It was the final straw, she was planning on divorcing Gun.
The moment he heads home, she will represent him the divorce papers and after that, she's free.
Gun looked at her with shock. "I want a divorce." She repeated, he scoffed. "Why did you suddenly want a divorce?" He asked as he stood up.
"I think you know."
"I would know? How?"
[Name] raise an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You have been making up excusing, whenever you have time for me. You don't spend time with me, it seems like I'm... some sort of ghost!" [Name] said, getting frustrated that she has to explain to Gun on why she wants a divorce.
Gun scoffed. "Are you serious? You know how busy I am, thanks to Charles and the four major crews!" [Name] kissed his teeth. "So? Goo always told me that you have spare time and whenever I asked if we could go on a date, you have some excuses to ready to pull out!"
"Oh? So you are asking Goo?"
"That's not the point! Are trying to find something else to not-"
"Why did you even ask Goo, when you can ask me?!"
"Are you serious! Have you been paying attention to what I said? Or are the only think that you heard was Goo name?!"
Gun scoffed as he walked away. "Where are you going?! We are not even finished!" [Name] said as Gun did not pay attention and continued to walk away, leaving his frustrated wife in the living room.
[Name] bit her lip but calmed her self down, she knew this would happen. Gun would be too stubborn to even listen to her, she kissed her teeth and went to the closet and took out the luggage and bag that she prepared earlier.
She left the paper and the ring on the table and walked out of the penthouse, leaving her life with Gun behind.
Goo laughed at Gun demise, the black aired male had told him the situation which only ended Goo laughing.
Gun frowned. "Are you serious right now Goo?" He asked Goo snickered. "Yes I am, you literally let your wife get away." Gun scoffed and looked away.
"I knew I shouldn't have asked you."
"You are an idiot Gun."
Gun looked back at the blonde, he was in shock that Goo managed to get serious. "That's all I'm going to say to say to you." Goo leaned back against his chair, Gun sighed. "You love her, but you didn't appreciated her enough." He looked back at the blonde male and clenched his fist.
"Didn't appreciate her enough... huh..."
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foxcantswim · 1 year
Barbie x Harley Quinn // Lucky I Love Ya
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First Barbie x Harley fic out there??? I am now BEGGING for more. I am also begging for requests for these two. I'm on my knees at this point.
Harley breaks Barbie out of jail. Afterall, she would do anything for her girlfriend.
TW: Mention of catcalling, blood, language
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Barbie had been arrested… again… She had been catcalled one too many times and she had simply lost her patience, a punch and a kick there had landed her in yet another cell.
Harley grabbed hold of Barbie's wrist and pulled her closer, "Watch your back!" she shouted before pointing a gun at a cop who had appeared behind Barbie.
Taking a deep breath, Barbie closed her eyes and awaited the gunshot. She flinched. Harley had always been on the extreme side. She had even offered Barbie a gun a few days ago, which she obviously declined.
An arm wrapped around Barbie's waist, "You sure are lucky I like you enough to bust you outta here, puddin'."
A shy smile appeared on Barbie's face, "You know I appreciate it. But you don't have to keep…" she dared to take a look behind her towards the body on the floor, "Keep doing things like this," her voice became quiet.
The concept of death was always something Barbie had a problem with. And Harley didn't exactly help with that.
"Anything for my doll," Harley licked her lips, leaning in close, "One day you'll use a gun and you'll see just how exciting this shit can be." Barbie took a step back, narrowly avoiding Harley's kiss. Harley stuck out her tongue, Barbie couldn't help but smile.
Barbie was grateful for Harley. She had run into her when she was robbing a bank… Of course she was. A stray bullet had flew past her head, missing her by mere inches. Harley was about to make sure the next bullet hit its mark, but then she realised something. It was almost as if she was looking into a mirror…
Harley was determined to look after this mysterious woman from that day on.
It had been a few months since the two first met now.
"You want to take me to where?"
"BarbieLand!" Barbie exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.
BarbieLand was something she had brought up a few times, Harley was still confused at the possibility of a whole other world which was run by women and… very pink?
"This again?" she groaned, "You really think someone like me would be able to function somewhere like that? You know I love ya, doll, but I ain't goin' anywhere near that place," Harley said as she sat down on the sofa, leaning back.
"Erm… Gloria probably wouldn't like it if you got…" Barbie nodded towards Harley's blood covered clothes, "That on her furniture."
Speaking of Gloria. She almost fainted from a panic attack upon seeing TWO Barbies. It had taken a few weeks for her to get used to it.
"Isn't this kind of weird…?" she had asked.
"I'm literally friends with a walking shark and a woman who can control plants. Nothin' is weird to me."
Harley giggled up at Barbie, "Me n Gloria are like this," she crossed her fingers, "She won't mind."
"I won't mind what?"
"Speak of the devil," Harley smirked before kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
"Hi, sorry I'm late I had a-" Gloria froze in her tracks, "Get up! Now!" she shouted, instantly moving to grab Harley's hand to pull her up, "What the hell happened?"
"Nothin'!" Harley smiled as innocently as she could.
Gloria released her hand, "Really?" she tried to control her breathing at the sight of blood staining her couch.
"Some assholes were gettin' all up in my doll's business. I only did what was right and broke her out of jail."
"Jail?! Again?!" Gloria's eyes darted towards Barbie who was shifting back and forth on her feet.
"She was stickin' up for herself," Harley argued, "Men can be assholes."
Gloria sighed deeply, "That doesn't mean you can go around killing people! For one thing, you are dragging evidence here!" Despite not wanting to be anywhere near the blood, she ran to the kitchen to grab some rubber gloves in preparation of a thorough cleanup. This hadn't been the first time Harley had shown up covered in blood. Of course Gloria had called the cops the first handful of times, but each and every time Harley would somehow escape and show up once again.
"She was only trying to help," Barbie muttered as Gloria made her way back towards the couch with multiple different cleaning products in hand.
Harley laughed and walked up behind Barbie, wrapping her aways around her waist, "Ya see… Even puddin' knows I'm only doing what's right."
Gloria had found it incredibly narcissistic when Harley had announced that she was in a relationship with Barbie a few weeks ago. But then again, that was totally a Harley thing to do.
"I never said it was right," Barbie gasped.
"You wound me, babe!" Harley pouted as she rested her chin on Barbie's shoulder.
"You need to leave. Both of you. I need to disinfect the whole house." Gloria loved Barbie, regardless of her choices. And if Harley made her happy, then who was she to judge? If Gloria was being honest, she was glad that Harley was there to look after Barbie in the outside world. She was still learning about how to be human, afterall. She just hoped that Barbie was learning how to be a good person.
Harley planted a kiss on Barbie's cheek before moving away, "But where would we go? You can't kick us out like this," Harley wiped her eyes, trying her hardest to produce tears.
Barbie's frown soon turned into a huge smile, "We can go to BarbieLand!"
Before Harley could protest, Gloria interrupted, "Yes. That is a great idea. The police won't look for you there."
Harley was quickly on knees in front of Gloria, "Don't let her take me there!" she clasped her hands together and begged, "What if I don't make it back alive?!"
"You are always so dramatic," Gloria shook her head before looking over at Barbie, "Go on. Take all the time you need."
Barbie giggled with joy before pulling Harley up from the ground, "We're going to have so much fun, Harley!" she placed a kiss on her cheek, which melted the latter's heart.
It was becoming increasingly hard for Harley to deny whatever Barbie wanted. It was rare for Barbie to show affection, so a simple kiss on the cheek was usually her undoing.
"Okay! You've convinced me, doll!" Harley linked their arms together before dragging her towards the door, "Good luck with the blood!" she laughed towards Gloria.
"Ha ha……" Gloria rolled her eyes. Just before thy were about to leave the house, Gloria gasped, "Harley! Clean yourself up before you leave!"
"Booooo! You're no fun," she replied. Barbie had to forcefully drag Harley up the stairs towards the bathroom.
Harley clicked the lock as soon as they were in. It was barely even five seconds before Barbie found herself pushed against the sink.
"Nope!" Barbie put a hand up as Harley leaned in, "I refuse to kiss you when you are covered in… that."
"Dollfaaaace, you're killin' me!" Harley rolled her eyes, but she did indeed move Barbie out of the way in order to reach the sink. She had never scrubbed her face faster, water and soap splashed over the sides haphazardly.
"There we go!" Harley cheered before turning towards Barbie once more, instantly claiming her lips with her own. Barbie automatically smiled into the kiss.
"Much better," Barbie said when she pulled away.
"Love ya, babe," Harley moved a stray hair out of Barbie's face before going back in for seconds. The kiss soon deepened, it was always hard for Harley not to escalate things.
A loud bang could soon be heard coming from the front door.
"Ma'am, we're looking for Harley Quinn… Again."
"Fuckin' cops," Harley groaned as she buried her face into a panting Barbie's neck.
"L-Language," Barbie shivered under her grasp.
"I think it's about time we jump this place, puddin'," she pressed a soft kiss to the underside of her jaw before reluctantly pulling away.
The pair made their way to the room next door, Barbie always made sure to keep a spare change of clothes in a bag for Harley.
"Do I really need to change?" she groaned.
"Yes! You can't go out looking like that!" Blood still clearly stained her clothes.
"Lucky I love ya," Harley rolled her eyes before grabbing the bag.
Barbie clapped her hands together in excitement as she watched Harley change, "We're finally going to BarbieLand!" she shouted.
"Shh!" Harley hushed her.
Once Harley was finally changed, she ran towards the window and flung it open. She reached out to hold Barbie's hand before the pair jumped.
Harley was not looking forward to the trip to BarbieLand. She had no idea what was in store for her… But if it made Barbie happy, then so be it. The smile on her girlfriend's face as they skated alongside the beach was worth it.
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
For @winterironmonth!
NSFW Wednesday: Trope/Kink, Dialogue
NSFW WEEK YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH anyway I have never been able to be serious in my life. Bucky would like, at least once, to learn one of Tony’s kinks in a private setting. I will not allow it. Anyway no sex but it is filthy a little bit I think. Look out for under the cut!
Steve had been getting angry at him a lot lately. Bucky couldn’t figure out why. Steve had said he wasn’t upset at his pathological need to always be armed. Up until recently, whenever Bucky pulled out a gun to clean, he’d responded the same way to it as he did to Natasha magically pulling out knitting from nowhere—a long, slow blink of vague disbelief before he turned his attention to something else. Now, half the time, Bucky got irritated glares, and scowls and crossed arms, and loud, huffy sighs. He was beginning to think Steve was trying to bully him into knitting instead.
Then he noticed Steve’s glare going past him one day, and he glanced over to follow it, and he found Tony watching his hands with rapt attention.
Bucky paused, but only for a second as he tried to decide what to do. He figured he was mostly done already, so finishing up was probably the best course of action. He took a moment to wipe down each of the components again, then began piecing the gun back together, watching Tony out of the corner of his eye as he reassembled the barrel, checked the sights, and finally slid the magazine home. Tony let out a shuddering sigh as the magazine locked into place, pupils going wide and dark. Bucky racked the slide, just to see what would happen, and Tony’s tongue darted out to lick his lips.
Bucky stared at him for a moment, stunned, before he swiveled, frowning at Steve severely. “This isn’t my fault.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Steve snapped, which Bucky unfortunately had to concede. Steve had only glared. It was a lot nicer than what he could have done.
“I swear it was an accident,” Bucky added, just for good measure. “I wasn’t doing it on purpose.”
“Since you look like I dropped a brick on your head, I’m choosing to believe that,” Steve told him sternly.
Tony seemed to realize they were talking, eyelids fluttering for a moment before he looked up, frowning in confusion. “Choosing to believe what?”
“That he had no idea he was making you horny literally any time he cleaned his gun,” Steve huffed, then stood, stomping out of the kitchen.
Bucky and Tony watched him go, silent. Finally, though, Bucky slanted his gaze over to Tony, raising one very judgmental eyebrow. Mostly because he didn’t want to look too interested—Tony would take shameless advantage of it and he’d forget all about pissing off Steve until next time—but also because this must have been going on for several months now, and yet Tony had never said anything.
“…What?” Tony asked, crossing his arms over his chest, as if he were the wronged party here.
“So guns make you horny, huh?” Bucky drawled, leaning his chin on his hand. He flipped his gun in his fingers, then dropped his hand to the table, index finger rubbing back and forth over the barrel.
“…Yeah?” Tony answered, unimpressed. “Bucky. I’ve been designing guns most of my life. Of course gun competency gets me fucking hot.”
Bucky spread his arms, absolutely astounded and appalled. “I can’t believe that you’re acting like the wronged party here. You’ve been making eyes at me for months and haven’t fucking said anything.”
“And you haven’t fucking noticed, so who’s really the wronged party here?” Tony asked smugly.
“Steve, obviously!” Bucky exclaimed, and the smug smile slid from Tony’s face into a wince.
It took a few weeks, but Bucky finally found what he was looking for. He was an expert in gun safety, and he knew that for all that Tony played fast and loose with experimental weapons in the lab, it would absolutely be different in the bedroom. Even if on the impossible chance that Tony was into it, Bucky wouldn’t be able to allow it himself.
So when Tony finally came out of the bathroom, Bucky checked the chamber of his gun one last time before he swept up behind him, pressing the barrel to the base of his skull. Tony froze immediately, just like he expected he would, then sucked in a slow, shaky breath. “This isn’t loaded,” he told Tony immediately.
“I figured,” Tony replied, and Bucky believed him. He swallowed thickly, then asked, “What is it?”
Bucky slid his free hand around Tony’s waist, tugging him back until they were plastered together, hip to hip, back to chest. He slid the barrel of the gun along Tony’s scalp, under his ear and along his jaw. “Older model. I’ve welded the chamber shut, so it wouldn’t work. JARVIS supervised.” He felt Tony’s breath hitch more than he heard it. His hips gave a little jerk, and Bucky couldn’t help the smirk it brought to his lips. “You like that? What’d you call it—my gun competency gettin’ you all hot and bothered?”
Tony turned his head, eyes heavy-lidded. He blinked slowly, as if through syrup, then leaned in, pressing his tongue to the side of the gun and dragging it down the slide. It probably shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but Bucky wasn’t going to worry about how hard it was making him, especially when Tony flicked his tongue down at his finger on the trigger before he looked back up at him. “What’re you gonna do with this gun, soldier?”
“Thought I might shove it in your mouth as I fuck you,” Bucky drawled, pressing the front of the barrel against his jaw again and giving just enough of a push to see if Tony would move with it. He felt a thrill go through him as Tony allowed him to direct his head with the point of the gun, as if it could really be loaded and he was at Bucky’s mercy. “Bet you’d sound real good gaggin’ around it,” he added, carefully shifting his hips so he could settle his bulge between Tony’s cheeks. “My pretty little weaponsmith. You make such nice toys for me.”
Tony let out a little sound as Bucky trailed the barrel down his throat. “This is one of mine?”
“I only use the best,” Bucky purred, sliding it back up so the front of the barrel pressed against his chin. “And yours are by far the best guns I’ve ever handled.”
“Yeah,” Tony agreed faintly, following the direction to tip his head back over Bucky’s shoulder. He swallowed, loudly, then let out a soft moan, hips hitching a little.
Bucky let out a hiss through his teeth as Tony rubbed back against his dick, then pushed the gun against his chin harder. “Did you think of somethin’ I’m missin’, doll? Tell me what’s got ya hot under the collar.”
Tony squirmed, hand coming up to wrap around Bucky’s wrist, but he was immovable. “I just thought,” he began, then whimpered when Bucky ground up against him again. His fingers trembled where they rested on his arm. “If you filed down the front sight, you could fuck me with the gun, too.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky said, feeling as if he’d just been punched directly in the gut, and used the back of the barrel to turn Tony’s head, dragging him into a kiss that had their teeth clacking together as Tony moaned into his mouth.
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