#it sucks because that's my primary arm like!! i need that!!!!!
my goodness what a day,,, it was quite taxing energy-wise but ended positively!!! so i consider that a win :D
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Kinkuary Day 6
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AN: Let it be known that this Chris lives in my head rent-free. I know exploring free use with a dominant partner isn't a new concept, but I still don't see it explored as much, so I thought it would be fun to try my hand at it. Especially with the king of the service doms.
Synopsis: Everything sucks. Today might be one of the worst days of your life (and that's against some stiff competition). Fortunately for you, you have a boyfriend who is more than happy to distract you.
General tags and warnings: Christopher Bang/Bang Chan x Fem! Reader, established relationship, some angst early on but, nothing too bad imo, Christopher being the nation's best boyfriend and that's it. This is pretty much porn with very little plot.
Primary kink: Free use.
Smut tags and warnings: Chris struggling to relinquish control lmao but, Soft Dom! Chris nonetheless, sub! Reader but she does take charge quite a bit in this, free use, facesitting, slight overstimulation (f. receiving), piv sex without a condom, dirty talk, lots of praise and petnames because it's Chris, Daddy kink, creampie and nipple play (f. receiving).
Word count: 2k.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You're surprised you're able to still trudge through your front door after the day you've had. Between completely forgetting about an assignment that was due today, six separate customers yelling at you and your phone screen shattering, saying today has been a bad day would be putting it kindly. You've never wanted to just disappear to a cottage in the countryside more. You're sure you could convince Chris to leave with you.
Speaking of which, the sight of your boyfriend on your shared couch does help ease some of the overall terribleness that has been weighing you down all day. Dropping your bag, you make your way over to him. Wrapping your arms around his broad, solid body while you nuzzle against his neck. His mere presence is enough to relax the tension in your shoulders and soothe the anxiety that never seems to quite go away.
“Hi baby. Didn't know you were home. How was your day?” He asks, taking off his headphones. Placing them and his laptop on your coffee table, which does make you pout a little since he's no longer in your arms. However, he does turn to you and you're struck with just how soft and handsome he looks. That, combined with his question, makes your throat burn and your eyes start to sting.
“Horrible,” you mutter, nestling yourself into his chest and sighing contently when he rubs your back and happily crushes you to his frame. It's easy to forget everything when he holds you like this. All the shitty professors, entitled customers and piles of coursework fade away and there's nothing in your mind but, Chris.
“I'm sorry, baby. Do you want to talk about it? How can I make it better?” God, does he have any idea how irrevocably in love with him you are? Sometimes, you think you might have been some hero in a past life for him to wind up in your life. However, you mull his offer over before an idea finally sets in.
“Lavender?” You ask, blinking up at him and pressing yourself as close to him as humanly possible. Clutching at his simple, thin shirt while you wait for his answer.
“Are you sure? You have had a pretty shitty day so I don't know–”
“Yes, Daddy. I'm sure. So, lavender?” You don't mean to cut him off but, you really do need this right now. His concern is sweet and you always appreciate it but, you just need to shut your brain off for a few hours.
Exhilaration creeps up your spine as you watch the way his face shifts when your words register to him. His hold on you tightening marginally but you notice it all the same.
“Okay, lavender.”
That's all it takes for you to launch yourself into his lap. Nearly toppling both of you over in the process but, Chris steadies you while you make yourself at home in his lap. Holding his face in your hands while you slot your mouth against his. It's messy and more eagerness than anything on your end but, it feels so good to just kiss him again. Chris does try to bring some order into your uncoordinated liplock, guiding your mouth against his while his hands rest on your hips.
Sex wasn't on your mind before you walked through the front door but, now? Grinding down on the hardness you can feel starting to form under you while you explore Chris's mouth? Desire twists like a knife in the pit of your stomach. Your clit throbbing with every clumsy brush against his lap and your walls starting to clench and unclench almost painfully. It's probably some record how quickly your panties become a mess while you hump against Chris for dear life.
“Off please,” you breathe once the two of you separate to catch your respective breaths. Saliva smeared across both of your mouths and you would dive back in if you weren't so focused on getting his shirt off. Luckily for you, Chris is just as impatient as you are so he tugs it off within seconds. Tossing it to be forgotten on your living room floor.
You can't help the moan that bubbles out of you at the sight of his bare chest. You've seen it thousands of times and it still never fails to turn your blood molten. Palming as much of him as your hands can, you litter his neck with kisses and nips. Whimpering into his skin when his hands drift from your hips to grab and knead your ass over your work skirt. His hips shallowly thrusting up into you. Fuck, you're already so tightly wound.
A startled noise leaves Chris when you (gently) shove him onto his back but, he doesn't complain otherwise. Just watches you with a mixture of want and curiosity through his curly hair. His eyes widen when you eventually shuffle up his body until you're hovering over his beautiful face. A shudder runs through you when his tongue darts out to lick his full lips before his dark eyes meet your own again.
You're too desperate to care about getting undressed so, you hurriedly shove your panties to the side before easing yourself onto his face. The first touch his mouth against your drenched, puffy folds sends you reeling. You grab the back of the couch in an attempt to steady yourself but, Chris doesn't give you a chance. Lapping and sucking at you with so much intensity from the get go that you can already feel your thighs starting to quiver.
“Ah, Daddy,” you whimper when he decides to focus all of his attention and energy on your clit. “Fuck, oh my god,” comes your broken moan when he attaches himself to it. Licking and drawing patterns into that you couldn't hope to decipher at the moment when it feels like you're able to break into a million, little pieces soon. It's all so lewd and obscene and hot. The wet sounds of him eating you coupled with your wanton noises of pleasure seeming to echo throughout your entire apartment.
Your hips move on their own accord. Using his unfairly gifted mouth and cute nose to get yourself off. You're practically riding his face at this point and, based on the moans Chris presses into you, he's enjoying this just as much as you are. You know if he had it his way, he'd be using his hands to shove you even further into his face but, he's happy to lay there and let you use him until you're satisfied.
Which doesn't take all that long. Usually, you're pretty good at being able to tell when you're about to orgasm but, this time it catches you completely off-guard. A jumbled mess of ‘Daddy’ and ‘Chris’ fall from your lips as your body convulses. Your fingernails dig into the couch so fiercely that for a fleeting moment you're worried you might have ruined it.
Chris doesn't allow your mind to wonder for too long, though. Licking your gushing wetness like it's the first bit of liquid he's had in days while his nose brushes your throbbing clit. Your thighs shake and tightening around his head as the familiar burn of overstimulation starts to settle in the apex of your thighs and creep to your extremities.
“Da–Daddy,” you choke out, winding your hand into his hair and tugging his mouth away from you, “To–Too much,” you finish with a great deal of effort. Using all of your strength to move off of him until you're hovering over him. Your respective, unsteady breathing all that can be heard.
Cracking an eye open to look at him is a grave mistake. Between his wild eyes, unruly hair, flushed cheeks and full, bruised lips covered in you, you never stood a chance. And the sporadic clenching and unclenching of your still not filled pussy helps make that abundantly clear.
Chris watches you while you shift down his body. Air catching in his lungs when your hands reach for the waistband of his sweats and impatiently tug them down. He's so hard and a teasing dribble of pre-cum leaks from his tip that you can't help yourself from bending down and licking it.
“Fu–Fuck, sweetheart,” he groans, throwing his head back while his hands clench and unclench at his sides. Cute. His hips just barely jerk up in search of more relief from your mouth but, you don't give him the satisfaction. You have other plans in mind.
Grabbing his thick cock, you guide it to your dripping entrance. Just barely able to keep your eyes open to watch him as you sink down onto him. You lose that battle very quickly. Your eyes fluttering shut with every inch of him you sink down on until he's fully inside of you. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You can already feel tears building up at the corners of your eyes just at the sheer fullness you feel right now.
“–so tight. Such a good girl. Always so fucking good,” Chris's words bring you back down for a moment and you blink your bleary eyes open to look at him. Your walls clamp down on him harshly when the sight of your sweaty, flushed boyfriend greets you. That's all the prompting you need to start a brutal pace. His cock just opens you up so deliciously that you can't help but bounce on it. The sounds of your skin hitting his and the filthy squelching between your thighs nearly drowning out your shared noises of pleasure.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” you chant, impatiently tugging open your work shirt and shoving down your bra until your breasts are finally free. Chris's eyes burn as they watch you palm your tits and tug on your nipples until you're just barely able to focus on fucking yourself stupid on him. “I feel so good, Daddy. Your cock makes me feel so full,” you whimper after an especially harsh twist of your nipples.
“Yeah?” He pants out, his dark locks starting to stick to his sweaty forehead while his eyes struggle to pick between looking at your beautiful face, your hands toying with yourself or his cock disappearing inside of your scorching pussy. “Does my princess like using Daddy to get herself off, hmm? Does it feel good to fuck yourself on Daddy's cock while he just lies here? Tell me, baby.”
“Y-Yes, so good, Daddy. Your cock feels ah fuck so amazing, Daddy. You feel so good, Daddy.” You whine, one of your hands snaking its way between your thighs to rub against your swollen clit. A fractured moan bubbling out of your throat while you rub frantic circles against yourself and try to maintain the pace you set on Chris's cock.
“That's good. You look so pretty using me to get yourself off, sweetheart,” he coos, giving you a smile so soft that you can feel your heart grow in your chest while your release grows closer and closer. “Are you going to cum, baby? Gonna cum all over my cock, beautiful? Hmm? I want you to. Wanna see you cum so badly. Wanna feel you make a mess all over me.”
And just like that you feel your entire body seize. You're not even aware of what's coming out of your mouth right now but, you can't bring yourself to care. Your vision blurs at the edges while your entire body shudders. It takes every ounce of you not to completely collapse ontop of him while you ride out the waves that keep crashing into your limp body.
“–my girl,” is all you hear in the distance before you feel his large hands grab your hips and something warm filling your spasming walls. Opening your eyes with a great deal of effort, you're greeted with the sight of a panting, fucked out Chris. His cock pulsing inside of you with every rope of cum that shoots out of it. That does eventually prompt you to collapse onto his sturdy chest. Nuzzling into his neck while your shared releases start to leak out of you.
“Feel better?” He asks, rubbing your back soothingly while pressing featherlight kisses against your forehead.
“Yes, thank you. I love you,” you mutter tiredly into his skin, pressing yourself as close to him as you can.
“I love you too, baby,” are the last words you hear before succumbing to the fatigue that's been calling you all day.
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Do not repost, edit, copy and/or translate my work. I do not give you my permission to do so, nor will you ever receive it.
Kinkuary Masterlist | Stray Kids Masterlist | Ko-Fi.
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WIBTA for asking customers to help out at work and use my wrist braces as the reason?
this is probably a nothingburger of an aita submission, but it's been nagging at me ever since i started to wear them. submitting this 05/18 and tagging @aita-retailbraces for my own reference. TLDR is at the bottom.
i (20F) have recently gotten wrist braces as i've had consistent pain in my wrists and hands for a few weeks now. my mom has chalked it up to being tendonitis or overusage of my hands and i do several things in my professional and personal life that may worsen my hands' condition. so this is very likely, and as it's just an inflammatory/overusage thing, i do not consider this pain to be a disability by any means.
my primary job is working in retail as a cashier for a grocery store. one of my expected tasks is to bag customers' groceries. however, as customers are allowed to bag their own, i try to encourage them to do so.
before getting the braces, i'd usually mention that they can grab a bag and would use the reason that it's faster (especially if the line is long). but a lot of customers tend to react rudely if i suggest this, whether it's just glaring at me the rest of the time or openly stating why they don't want to do that. but lately, i've been considering using my braces and wrist pain as a reason as to why they should bag. i've been trying to hide them since getting them but my wrists/hands have been hurting even with the braces, and having to bag a lot of heavy groceries doesn't help in the slightest.
why i think i'd be the asshole:
i don't consider myself disabled and i'd worry that it'd come across as lying and saying that i am if i blame my pain and/or wrist braces as to why i prefer not to bag.
disabled coworkers of mine don't try to pass off their work onto customers or use it as an "excuse" to not do what's expected of them. so it may feel like a cop-out for me while they do their work with minimal complaints or attempts to pass it off to another.
i CAN bag even when my hands/wrists are in pain, i just go slower.
additional context, if needed:
i cannot ask coworkers for assistance as we're relatively short-staffed. there have been multiple days where i'd be the only cashier for hours at a time.
i'm not actively refusing to bag groceries. if a customer doesn't want to, i suck it up because i have little choice.
i don't try and push off the responsibility if a customer is elderly or mentions they have a disability and cannot bag themselves. i've got quite a few who have mentioned shoulder pain and not being able to lift their arm above a certain height.
i use my hands/wrists a lot outside of work. the wrist braces were not purchased with the intent of faking my pain nor do i only wear them at work.
i'm expected to bag customers' groceries at my job but try to encourage them to do it themselves, and am considering using my wrist pain/braces as a more "valid" excuse to try and convince them to bag.
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tanoraqui · 8 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I think we all know I basically spent these 3 chapters cackling maniacally
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In the demon business, we call that BAIT!
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I'm all but wiggling happily. I love a good game of chess. I'm not entirely sure it actually is a game of chess beyond in Kabru's mind.
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OH GOOD HE'S A LITTLE BIT STUPID. This comic really does take care to portray people as badass, hyper-competent, and kinda stupid, all in different ways.
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oh, ALWAYS love a Santa-coded crime boss.
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I appreciate that Kabru's pride is solidly among the things he's 100% willing to temporarily ignore in order to be someone's friend/get them to do what he wants. I like that in a man.
Interesting - clearly he's being magically influenced, but not so...directly? as to have the hourglass pupils.
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^ words of a man who is about to get his ass, and his entire criminal organization, absolutely WHUPPED by like 6 elves. I suspect the Canaries are underestimating the tallmen and other denizens of this dungeon, because they're arrogant pricks, but the locals are underestimating this elite team of elvish warriors a LOT more. I can't wait to find out what they're actually doing while "sight-seeing." Spreading out into tactical positions, maybe?
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ASS! WHUPPED! omg it's like an evil version of the Wink.
I want to see this fight animated so fucking bad.
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I dunno, Kabru, he clearly uses the combination pretty fucking effectively.
WHY DO YOU THINK THAT A VISIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF MONSTERS WILL GET THROUGH WHERE WORDS DIDN'T? These people already know there are monsters down here... And at best, of course, a bunch of people will die... But they're just short-lived races so I suppose it doesn't matter :)
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While I do appreciate this dedication to making Mithrun look as cool as possible at all times, sending a giant, zombie-making walking mushroom into the middle of the Level 4 lake is going to be SUCH a disruption to that ecosystem!! Somewhere, Senshi just groaned in pain like Obi-Wan when Alderaan was destroyed.
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Mithrun has recognized that Kabru is going at picking out unusual people in a crowd, and is now using him as a manhandled tool to do so, and I just think that's Neat.
And it works! (So now it's their turn to get their asses handed to them.)
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This chapter cover is giving me a lot of feelings about...love, and families of choice.
Except for how I'm holding Laios in one arm while brandishing a knife at that lion fountain behind him. Get the HELL away from my boy, you tiny manifestation of the granting of wishes, and all you greater ones as well.
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oh are they now? They're definitely canaries in a coal mine, then. Badass and valued for their skills, but disposable. Hmm AU where Marcille...
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oh my god holy shit never mind, it turns out Thistle sucks at this when facing an opponent who isn't caught off-guard.
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It is possible that Mithrun is honestly, earnestly trying to help Thistle? As best he can?
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Sharing food as love!!!
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Oh Mithrun actually only has one eye, it's not just dramatic anime effect + hair flop? Hm. Should have a cool scar to make it clearer. I'm impressed with what depth perception he's shown, though, with the teleporting!
Obviously this does mean he ranks up in the Favorite Characters list.
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Kabru: Ooh nice strategy, manipulating all those people in order to manipulate that one person!
Kabru: Wait, right, I still don't like you.
Yes! Yes! The Kabru's inner desires is OUT! He is impulsively risking this chance to prevent another Utaya - his stated goal, the obvious greater good, definitely very genuinely his primary focus - in favor of demanding the answers he WANTS, and the independence from long-lived elves.
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I appreciate that Mithrun isn't bad at this personal assessment thing.
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brb need to go chew a wall or something!
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I seen that you are taking request for smut right now and was wondering if you could do a hc where jake has a gag kink? If not I totally understand
ngl i think he'd quite like this 🤭
also no worries ty for requesting lovely!
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• maybe not as a primary form of foreplay, but more a little playful element that makes things all the more intimate
• it's worth remembering that jake's really a soft!dom, maybe partial to some backtalk and tackles to the ground as you try and establish some short-lived dominance over him, but ultimately he calls the shots likely using his cliche daddy voice
• therefore, gagging will just be another kind of manner in which he can illustrate just how much power he has over you, through a more physical means;
• it could be through taking his throbbing lengthy cock deep into your mouth, but arguably, his long thick blue fingers down your throat get to him more, because he gets the opportunity to see it up close
• i think jake's just interested in seeing how far you'll go to please and impress him, as in spite of the disproportionate power dynamic, he too prioritises new tricks and wooing his partner over other things like sadism, punishment or selfish desires *cough* unlike catboy quaritch *cough*
• e.g., when you crawl into his lap on your hands and knees, getting comfortable through some light grinds and gyrating of your hips, jake'll be more than intrigued to figure out what today's effort will be
• when you begin to nuzzle softly into his strong, muscular chest, rubbing the soft flesh of your cheeks against his collarbones and neck, only to lightly gaze up at him, he'll soon catch on; as you're doing little but intertwining with his fingers, playing gently with the tips, as you suck your bottom lip in what can only be described as poorly-hidden anticipation
• opening your mouth slowly, maybe even sticking your long pink tongue out, jake's mind immediately goes to some form of oral; be it fingers or cock, he's likely game to experiment - especially as you've plucked up the courage to so confidently show your needs through such a slutty, erotic expression
• jake'll snake one arm around your hips, maybe groping the soft round of your ass, while the other lightly strokes your chin and cheek; cupping your jaw ever so gently, he'll let out a "...babygirl..*tsk*...want 'em inside, huh? of course you do, uh-huh, take it in for me, that's it..sweet girl.", as he slides his middle finger into the wet warmth of your mouth
• slowly thrusting it in and out, his eyes glazing over in lust at your expression; eyebrows raised, eyes almost sleepy from the intimacy and softness of his movements, tongue gently moving up and down under the weight of his finger; your mouth still agape, as little whines and needy moans spill from your lips
• he'll bite his lip in arousal, fangs almost nipping into the soft flesh; cock hardening, the veins pulsating as his tip begins to lightly drip at the lewd sight. jake's eyes will almost narrow, keening and focusing to better take in the view of your smaller frame in his arms, your hips now overtly grinding into his hardened erection beneath you
• adding another finger to your mouth, pushing them extra deep down your throat, the soft gags and gurgles around his lightly curled digits only rise the shared temperature between you; the smell of your sticky, slicked up pussy easily noticed by jake, as it drips past your cloth covered lips, and onto his flexing thigh below
• jake'll continue like that for a long while, if you let him; getting increasingly hot and aroused at the glucks and hitched groans that escape your mouth. he'll coax out your more depraved, whorish side for him though small phrases, "..mhmm, yeah, that's it pretty, take it deep for me.."
• "no, no, don't fight it..i want it all inside, take my fingers..take it all in, i know, i know it's deep..you can do it babygirl, c'mon..", his tell-tale smirks of amusement and thrill bubbling just under the surface at your actions
• he'll make sure to test you too, of course. he's ultimately a bit of a daddy, and therefore finds nothing sweeter than your need to impress and catch him off-guard with your sexual abilities;
• watching intently as your eyes twitch and flutter in badly-restrained discomfort, and your throat begins to convulse and gag at his unceasing motions, he'll only find it all more arousing; wetness beginning to build under your eyelashes, cast down at his larger fingers pumping rhythmically inside your mouth
• and of course jake'll likely commit it to memory for when he's especially horny later; tugging his hard, pulsating dick in his fist, watching the reams of hot, thick cum spurt from his tip at the mere thought of your babygirl behaviour
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distractedducky · 5 days
So I was thinking about it… why sterek
I’ve shipped a lot in my time. From the classics like spirk and destiel, to the straight vampire diaries nonsense, from murder husbands to buddy to name a very small few. They all hold weird little places in my heart and mind but they fade and as I flow in and out of fandoms I move on to the next hyperfixation. But sterek just keeps sticking around.
It’s an old ship for me. If you go on my ao3 all the way back to 2013 you’ll see my first ever book mark was a sterek fic. That fic is still a comfort fic for me today and is something I read when my anxiety is uncontrollable.
It was something I read late in 2022 when the reality of the pandemic and the last few years hit me hard and got me back into Teen Wolf so hard it actually pushed me out of the supernatural hole the start of the pandemic put me in.
I’ve always been a shipper and I have my ride or dies, my OTPs and Ot3s, and so on and so forth, but fandom has always been weird for me. I started young and witnessed the birth in Tumblr and ao3, as a tween my taste can only be described as pure trash* Affectionate * but as I got older, like most things in life, my taste changed. And though I still love me some hot garbage, I engage with it differently than that little 12-year-old who thought werewolves and vampires were cool no further explanation necessary.
Now I’m an academic, a librarian, who actually studied critical lit analysis, book studies, and religion. Who spent years learning how to dissect prose and poetry to look beyond text in an professional setting. And though I don’t regret it and it has led to some fun changes in the way I engage with fiction it also kinda ruined the fun engagement I had with things back in the day when baby me bookmarked that first fic.
I need more from my characters now, more from my fandoms and it has led me away from and into the arms of content that I never saw coming. (Looking at you Danny phantom phandom) I needed depth or the potential for depth that some shows just didn’t lend themselves to cleanly enough to satisfy me and yet… sterek persisted.
One of my problems is I didn’t really engage with the fandom when the show was airing and only watched a few season sporadically until recently, so I wasn’t there when things were forming organically. It has left me out of step with the primary directions fan content creators have taken with the ship and the directions they took, though fun and interesting, aren’t really my usual thing.
I hate the infantilization of stiles and other teen wolf characters like Isaac. I generally hate infantilization of adults, hyper feminization of certain types of characters and so on and so forth and it has to do with my own gender stuff, but I usually avoid it in fanfiction. I am also not a huge fan of modern werewolf romance erotica. I have a lot of opinions on real supernatural mythology and legends and I don’t like the anthropomorphism that shows up a lot in werewolf stories. Not that I haven’t read some amazing takes on werewolf lore, especially in the Teen Wolf fandom but I’m speaking generally. I’m also not a fan of pack mom stiles (again my own gender stuff) and though I think Scott’s inconsistent character and writing throughout the show lens him to be whatever your fic needs to be (best friend, hype man, wingman, idiot, genius, villain, so on and so forth) I don’t like a lot of the 'Scott sucks just because' fics. I don’t like the hate in the fandom around that. I also don’t like the hypermasculine depictions of Derek in a lot of fics and on and on. I have read a lot of TW and sterek and by all accounts, it should be a fandom I wouldn't personally engage with this much. Yet for all that, I have found there is an exception to every trope I hate, every hard line i draw for myself, because the fic was just so good. For every dozen or so fics that seem to tell me that this isn’t the fandom for me, there is that one amazing thing that says “No! This is exactly where you wanna be”.
Like I said, I need more from my fandoms now a days and most of what that boils down to is plausible deniability. I need enough gaps in the narrative to fill them in myself, but with enough connective pieces that everything can make sense when put together. The fatal flaw of telling without showing, which allows people to extrapolate out what they want from certain things -all the subtext with none of the text - is exactly where my degree comes in handy.
And sterek well… I think what it is for me as a shipper is the inconsistencies. That is kind of why I still ship it so far and for so long. It's the fact of why was Stiles in Derek's dream at the end of 3b? We can talk about all the things with him being his anchor and the grasping at straws that we as shippers all love to do but the narrative fact is they did not spend that much time on screen together or even saying they were doing things off-screen together. That leads us to a lot of whys. Why were they together at the beginning of season two talking about the alpha pack? Why were they in certain situations in season four that ld them to work so well? What happens in all of this dead time? What happens in season six? We see stiles in episode one be like "Oh my God Derek is a mass murderer wanted by the FBI" and at the end of the season, they've apparently driven and or flown back to California together, apparently spent some time together. They're not on the run from the FBI so that got cleared somehow, stiles isn't limping so his foot healed. There's so much dead time like that throughout the show so when scenes happen like the hand on Derek's shoulder after the death of Boyd you're left thinking that's kind of off, we haven't seen any interactions with them that would show that they have that kind of deep solemn relationship where comforting him would make sense.
The show notoriously has a terrible timeline, but all that does is fuel the fact that we don't know how much time any of these characters are really spending off-screen together. We can only assume that it happened in this weird dead time. This is why somehow Derek's view of Stiles in his head is like a calm stable dependable figure who can help him talk through an issue. This is why they always gravitate towards each other in fights. This is why they work so well together in a crisis. Like we have to assume that happened before which is stupid and I know it's so much reaching, but in my little brain, it's the only way that makes all of this random shit fit together- so I gotta ship it. Obviously, the real-world explanation is inconsistent writing plus putting space between them once the writer stopped wanting people to ship it, but because you get all of these disjointed scenes where they're too intense for what we've been previously seeing there is some type of disconnect here -what is that? and if you're looking at the show, not as a work of fiction, but as a narrative, what else are we gonna do then assume that they have spent way more time emotionally connecting than we have seen on the screen.
And for me that’s everything I want in a ship, that ability to play and extrapolate random events and ask, okay now how would these all fit! And that’s what spawns great ideas and stories and art and why I ship it, dispute the fact that it really shouldn't work for me personally.
I think it’s why a lot of people still stop sterek despite the fact that the attitude towards it and the show has shifted a lot and in many different ways in the last decade.
Sorry for the rant, I’ve been thinking about this for days and had to get it out there. I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I truly love the Teen Wolf fandom and everything it’s done and everything it created and I’m so happy to be able to engage with it.
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
I love your writing so much.
If it's not a bother, could I have a (maybe little bit ooc) scenario about Illumi realizing the people he hangs out with most (Hisoka and Reader, a truly chaotic duo) are dumbasses, but he loves enjoys having them around?
Thank you!!
those two idiots of mine (illumi x reader x bestfriend!hisoka) (scenario)
description: illumi has a semi crisis over his two self proclaimed best friends
authors note:  it’s not a bother at all and you’re so sweet anon! tbh this has to be my favourite request i’ve gotten so far. illumi dealing with his chaotic duo besties with begrudging love? sign me the fuck up <3
also this also had extrovert/introvert themes so i thought i’d include the mbtis of my boys
illumi: istj (according to a quick google search)
hisoka: entp (like yours truly) (i swear sharing an mbti with hisoka is my defining trait)
reader: whatever the fuck you are (insert your mbti here)
warnings: might be a smidge ooc, i really tried my best to make it have an authentic illumi feel but my guy is dealing with emotions so yk...
requests are open!
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Of all the tiresome things Illumi had dealt with in his life, having you and Hisoka be his primary source of socialising might be top of the list. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you all started to meet up regularly for various things, nor could he remember when you had self proclaimed yourselves his best friends.
You and Hisoka were both utterly ridiculous, often matching each other's wild energy as if you were on the same brainwave.
Illumi began to question his ‘friendship’ with you when you and Hisoka started debating whether or not ketchup was a smoothie.
“It’s a blended fruit.”
“But you have it as a condiment with savoury foods.” You argued, whacking the magician’s head with a newspaper.
He swatted you away with an amused hum. “That doesn’t change its nature.”
“You don’t drink ketchup.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Illumi quietly listened to his two best friends argue as you all sat round a table.
As he watched the two of you bicker back and forth, he was unable to fathom your unique stupidity. The assassin understood that individually, his friends were incredibly intelligent and capable people. However once together, you two seemed to share the collective intellect of a prawn. 
“Illumi!” The assassin was brought out of his internal suffering by the very source itself. Both you and Hisoka had decided that for some reason they needed a third person’s opinions on your debate. 
“I’m not getting involved.”
“C’monn, please?”
“I’ll give Hisoka Killua’s number.”
“Ketchup is a savoury condiment, not a smoothie.”
You let out a whoop of victory, fist-pumping the air in your joy. “HA! Suck it Hisoka!”
“That’s no good, he’s biased.” Hisoka tutted, shaking his head and folding his arms. “You know Illumi always sides with you.”
“That’s because he loves me.”
“Unconfirmed by him.”
“Confirmed in his heart.”
“Does he even have one?’ Hisoka shot.
“Do you even have one?” You fired back.
Illumi sat there locked in a daze, listening to his two best friends argue like children. Yeah, you two were both the biggest idiots he had ever met, but he wouldn’t change you for the world. Of course he would never say this, but it never stopped the two of you from trying. 
And so what if he loved enjoyed having the two of you around? Who would be able to tell anyway?
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, some coarse language, implied smut at very end
In which AJ and reader bake a cake for their 3-month anniversary, but it turns into a big ‘ol mess.
Requested? Yes / No
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest and my own)
“So, what’re gonna do today, babe?” Asked AJ.
“Right?” You chuckle, leaning your head onto her shoulder for a moment. “What do you feel like doing?”
“I mean, three months is a bit of a big deal. A quarter of a year together.” AJ mentions, winding an arm around your waist while you snuggled closer to her chest.
“We could always…bake a cake? It’s a celebration, kinda. I think that calls for some cake.”
“Yeah, we could do that. Of course, honey.” AJ nodded, wrapping her other arm around you. She plants a kiss to the crown of your head, “How ‘bout we go do some grocery shopping? Get what we need and stuff.”
“Sure.” You looked up at her with a smile on your face. She looks down at you, “Let’s go, baby. Up we go.” Still in your pyjamas, you and AJ got changed then did the rest of your morning routines. “It’s barely past 8a.m.— you wanna take a drive into the city?” AJ suggests while brushing her hair, “The Targets are open already anyway.”
“Ooh.” You gasped, “Yeah, let’s do that. Can we go to Build A Bear too?”
AJ turned around to face you, “Sure we can.” She grins, “Should be fun. Haven’t been there in years. We said we have to stop having fun anyway?”
Once the both of you were ready, you guys got into her car and AJ started driving. It was an approximately two-hour drive from Rhinebeck into Manhattan. You dozed off for a but due to the motions of the car, but was soon woken up by the sounds of the city. “Shit, I was out for so long?” You grumbled. “It’s okay.” AJ flashes you a quick smile, “Don’t worry about it.” Finding a parking spot was proven to be quite the challenge, but she got that done. And soon enough, you and AJ were walking into the grocery store. She grabs a basket before you could. You offered to hold on to it, on account that she drove here, but she insisted.
“Hey.” AJ tapped your shoulder softly, “Why don’t we have a little fun? Let’s each go around the store and grab some stuff we think the other person will like.”
“Cute.” You laugh lightly.
“Let’s do a drink, a candy, a chocolate, a bag of chips and one more extra thing— whatever you think I’ll like and I’ll get you something that I think you’ll like.”
“Okie-dokie. Got it.”
“Let’s meet up near the checkout line in thirty minutes?” AJ continues excitedly.
“No problem.” You mirrored her smile.
“Good luck~” AJ teases.
“Won’t need it, babe.” You chuckle, turning around to go the other way.
You didn’t use up more than fifteen minutes to gather everything you knew she’d like, so you pretty much spent the remaining time roaming the store just to see it. Right before thirty minutes was up, you headed for the checkout line to meet with AJ— she walks up to you at the same time. You let her go ahead of you in the line since she was closer to it than you were. And when the cashier was scanning the items you looked at anywhere but her, not wanting to spoil the surprise for yourself. You two were out of there soon enough and went to put those bags in her car before taking the Subway to get to the store you wanted to go to.
“Oh, my God. This place looks so different than I remember it being.” You remarked once you set foot into the store.
“Are you talking about the colour scheme because this one kinda sucks?” AJ whispered.
“AJ!” You chided quietly, seeing a staff member approach.
“The use of primary colours their old layout was way better. This place looks like a hospital.” AJ continues.
“Okay, Kingpun.” You joked, “Should we go then?”
“No. No.” She says, “No, you wanted to come here so we’re gonna make whatever you wanna make before we go.”
“Making a matching one with me.” You requested.
“Yeah, of course.” AJ agrees immediately, eyes scanning the options before her. While it’s been years since either of you have been at Build A Bear, the process was pretty much self-explanatory so you two got through the whole thing without any problems. “These are not cheap.” AJ laughs, checking the prices of the tiny clothing on the shelves, “I get why my Mom never wanted me to go here.”
You guffawed, “Yeah, but it’s just one though, right? Since my Mom threw away my whole collection that I had gathered over like— thirteen years.”
“What? That is so— she just threw all of them out without asking you?” AJ squinted at you for a second before attempting to put a t-shirt on her teddy bear, “The head’s so big. How’d you even get it through?” AJ giggles, you told her, “I just squished it and pushed it through.”
“Well.” She bit back a grin, “Yeah, okay.”
“Okay, let’s go pay for these before we end up buying more stuff than we need.” You urged.
“For sure.” AJ agrees, “Come on, baby.” She took your hand and walked to the checkout.
“AJ, why did you pay for me? I could’ve—”
“I wanted to.” She smiled, fingers still interlaced with yours as you walked back to the Subway station. “It’s a gift, alright? Take it. You never want anything, anyway. So just…let me give this to you, hm?”
You sighed quietly, squeezing her hand, “Alright.”
After roaming the city for a little while, and a nice snack— you and AJ decided to it was a good time to drive back home. “Did you have fun?” She asks, hand smoothly finding its way to your thigh for comfort.
“Yep.” You confirmed, “I had a good time. Reliving my childhood and all, without the screaming in my face about prices over a tiny hoodie.”
AJ bit back a laugh which turned into a chuckle as she caresses your thigh, “I’m glad I could let you have a better experience.”
You looked over at her and smiled, “I still think my Mom could have been nicer to me about it. You know? I was what, five or six? And she just raised her voice at me instead of telling me no at a normal volume?”
She doesn’t really say anything, but her hand was still running up and your thigh and then giving it a squeeze.
You offered to take over and drive instead halfway through but AJ still insisted to finish it herself. “I can drive, you know that right? I’m not gonna crash your car.” You giggled.
“I know that.” She smiles while replying, “I just wanna do this, you know? I love having you in the passenger’s seat while I put my hand on your thigh. I don’t know what that’s about, but I just like it.”
You hummed in response, “Oh, okay.” Her thumb softly brushes across your skin at that, and you say, "I like it too."
AJ only smiles back at you while she kept her eyes on the road. You loved seeing her smile— it always made you so happy.
Once you and AJ arrived back at her house, you two were met with her Mom making lunch in the kitchen. "Wow, you girls were up early." Her Mom looks over her shoulder for a second.
"Hey, Mom." AJ went over to give her a hug, "We woke up early so we drove into the city for a bit. Got a few things since we're celebrating today. Three months." "Time flies, doesn't it?" Her Mom commented.
"Indeed." AJ agrees while you walked up to them. She presses a kiss to your cheek, "Hi." You gave her a small smile in return, "Wow, you're making those stuffed avocado bowls? Lucky me."
Her Mom laughs, "She says you like 'em. And I know you're here, so I decided to make this." "Aww. You did?" You looked at AJ.
"I mentioned that you liked it, yes. But you have also complimented her for this dish before, remember?" AJ teases, "Okay, we're gonna go freshen up then we'll be right back, okay, Mom?"
"Of course, mija. Go ahead."
After lunch, you asked AJ if she wanted to watch a movie. "You pick one, honey." AJ nodded in agreement, grabbing the remote to turn the TV on. She hands it over to you, then went to grab the two bags of snacks and things you both got from earlier. You took yours, she took hers, then she sat down, opening up her arms for you to get closer and snuggle with her. "This one?" Your eyes flicked up to look at her. "The Object of My Affection." She reads off the screen, "This is a good one, yeah, sure. Whatever you want." You pressed play and put the remote away. "Just so you know, it's you though." She says quietly, her chin resting on the top of your head.
You let out a small laugh, "Alright, flirty." AJ slides her hand down to find yours before intertwining your fingers together. "Wanna see what I got you?"
"Definitely." She peeks into her bag of stuff from you, "I love all of these, babe, thank you. What is— oh. These socks are so silly, I love them." You cupped her cheek and pulled her face closer to peck her on the lips, "You know me better than my Mom does, not gonna lie. Everything is spot on. Even the freaking candle I've been eyeing for like two weeks."
"You like?" AJ grins, licking her lips then kissing you this time.
"Are you kidding? Of course, I do." While she snacked on some Sour Patch Kids, you munched on a bag of chips that she got you, both of you now completely focused on the movie playing. You and AJ ended up watching another movie after this before deciding that you guys were bored. "Maybe take a nap." Her Mom suggested while doing her daily reading at the dining table.
"Great idea." AJ took you upstairs by the hand, "See you later, Mom." The older woman laughs, "Sleep tight."
Once AJ got comfortable, you rested your head on her chest while laying stomach down. Her hand tangles in your hair, giving your scalp a massage which was easily lulling you to sleep. "You okay?" She asks, a tiny bit concerned that you were this clingy.
You mumbled unclearly, nodding your head, "Can we bake a cake when we wake up?"
"Okay." AJ agrees readily.
"Promise?" You continued.
"I promise." She answered wholeheartedly.
A couple hours later, you and AJ were in the kitchen getting ready to bake a cake. She got the recipe from her Mom, then proceeded to gather the ingredients. While she read off the paper, you snuck a kiss to her shoulder and made her squirm while a smile was plastered onto her face. “Hey, you.” AJ locked eyes with you for a beat, “What ya doin’?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” She asked, playful glint in your eyes as you pulled away and looked at her.
“Kissing me?” She nearly snorted, setting down the bag of flour.
“What’s so funny?” You ask, pushing yourself to sit on the kitchen island.
“Nothing.” She tells you, “You’re cute.”
“You’re also pretty fucking cute yourself.” You cracked a smile, she steps closer to you.
“Charming.” She smiles pulling you close eagerly and pressing a kiss to your lips. You happily welcomed the contact, deepening it quickly. One of her hands rests on your hip while the other cups your cheek, her kisses were soft and warm and comforting— you just couldn’t stop. Her hand brushes against the bag of flour as you leaned back and you got an idea, sticking your hand into the open bag, you got some of the flour and sprinkled it on her face as soon as she broke away. AJ tries to keep a straight face but very quickly failed. “It’s on, baby. It is so on.” She had a devious little smile on her face as she swiftly retaliated, causing a squeal to burst out of your mouth before you jumped off the counter to run away from her.
“Hey!” You gasp, a hand on your hip while you glared at her when she threw a handful of the flour at you and successfully dirtied your shirt.
She couldn’t stop chuckling, “It’s hard to be intimidated by you, honey. You’re so small.”
Brushing it off your shirt as best as you could, you quickly ran for the bag pf flour on the counter to grab some so you could get back at her. She dodged, and hit you again. You yelped, “God, I suck.”
“You started it, you’re not gonna win though.” AJ smirked, “Are you gonna surrender?”
“Yes, but you gotta keep that bag so we both can’t touch it anymore. Whatever we need is already—”
“Girls.” You heard. Both of you turned to look at her mom so quickly. “Oh, no, I’m so sorry.” You gasped, horrified, “We’ll clean this up as soon as we get the cake in the oven.”
“Why do you have your phone up like that?” AJ pointed out, “Were you recording us?”
“Yeah.” She admits, “It was really cute. I’ll send it to you later.”
AJ laughs in disbelief, “Wow. Uh, thanks Mom.” With that being said, AJ grabs the broom and immediately swept up everything. “I’m s—”
“Don’t be.” Her Mom assured, “We all need to have some fun sometimes. I’ll be in my room, but save me a slice.”
“Sure thing.” AJ promised, putting away the broom and dustpan before washing her hands so she could finish mixing the cake batter. Once she put the cake pan into the oven, she focuses completely on you again. “Hi, pretty.” She says. With you leaning against the kitchen island, she places her palms on either side of you and successfully traps you. “Now, where were we?” She grins, tilting your chin up by the finger.
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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earthtooz · 1 year
if you don't mind me asking, what do u think rin's love language(s) is/are?
oooooo i've definitely talked abt this in my RIN BF HEADCANONS before, but i will always stand by the fact that his primary love languages are acts of service, gift-giving and his RECEIVING love language is touch :(
he loves doing things for his s/o and he likes to go out of his way to show his dedication to you. you're different from every other lukewarm dipshit, and he really wants you to know that. as much as he'd love to shower you with flowery words and affection, he's just not one to be like that, so instead, he does things for you that you'd appreciate.
your car needs more gas? rin's on the way to do it for you, don't worry your pretty head about it, it's on him <3 you feel way too tired after a long day? c'mere, rin's running a bath for you. sometimes he joins, other times he just sits and helps you wash lol. you're running late? chill out, rin just let you sleep in for a little longer. he's got your coffee and breakfast all prepped, just do the rest of your morning routine and trust rin !!
he does these things because he knows you'd do the same in return.
and look, i wrote a whole ass fic on rin's gift-giving love language, so i'm not about to expand more than i already have bc that fic... WHOO is anyone else feelin' weak...
now for receiving... yeah. definitely physical touch.
i think i've talked abt this before but rin was shown to be holding a pillow whenever he watches scary movies. JUST... IMAGINE THAT IS YOU. CANNOT GO BACK. will REFUSE to watch a horror movie, or just any movie, without you there to at least hold. sucks for you because you're kinda forced into watching all these films but not really because rin's right there for you lol. loves it when you're there with him. if you get scared easily, he revels in the fact that you can find comfort in him. if you don't get scared easily, rin hugs you tighter whenever there's a high-tension scene coming. either option he adores, just as long as you're in his arms.
love language of touch as in brushing his hair with your fingers, welcoming him home with a kiss on the cheek, cradling his face when he's exhausted, letting him hide in your neck when the world gets too mean, playing with his fingers- he adores all of it.
thank you for your ask anon :) hope i answered it well!!
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bengiyo · 4 months
Hi Sarge, Not sure if you have answered something similar and I missed it but this is a bit inspired by the posts you made about Sailom and Nuea in Wedding Plan (I couldn’t understand why Sailom was behaving that way and really disliked him before I read your posts).
Who are the most misunderstood characters in BL? - doesn’t have to be from just 2023 shows. Thanks!
I've really struggled with answering this question, and have been sitting on it for months, because I don't generally like to create a strawman and then beat up on it. I think what I'll do is express appreciation for characters in a way I don't think I've done publicly on my blog.
Kurosawa Musashi (Ossan's Love)
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This man is incredible and I love him. When I originally avoided Ossan's Love in 2018, it was primarily because commenters complained that this man's attraction to Haruta was the butt of the joke. Having watched it this year, I understand why we would have read it that way in 2018. However, in 2024, I see the primary comedy in how out of step is approach to courtship is more than the fact that he has a crush on Haruta.
I have loved every iteration of this character from Ossan's Love, to the In the Sky AU, to the current season in Ossan's Love Returns. I love how much his affection for Haruta makes him show up to support him, and I love the unhinged fights he has with Maki about it every time.
The show treats his feelings seriously, even if they laugh about his methodology. Everyone who has worked with him adores him, and I am eagerly hoping that he gets a positive resolution for his complex feelings for Haruta this season.
I'm also never getting over DISPATCH 👍.
Pharm (Until We Meet Again)
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Much has been written about this scene as an example of blushing maiden, but I don't think it is. I think there's a level of Intouch trauma coupled with this being Pharm's first kiss. However, we spent about twenty minutes of this show leading up tot his with Pharm publicly telling Alex to fuck off because he's with Dean, and Pharm presenting Dean with desserts about commitment and sweet love. He also moves his arms to deepen the kiss.
I think sometimes the read that Pharm is a blushing maiden undercuts how genuinely assured he is about himself and his place in the world. He wasn't afraid to tell his neighbors to quiet down when they were loud as hell on a Sunday, and he wasn't afraid to tell Dean that he overstepped in the kitchen around sex.
I've been rewatching the show lately and am noting how explicitly these two are into each other and say so the entire time.
Seo Lee Jun (Love Mate)
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I'm gonna be real: This guys sucks! We begin the show with him getting people out onto dates, disappointing those dates with false expectations, and then blocking them. He was so salty about his breakup that he was going to inflict that nonsense onto a whole dating app. Folks struggled with Ha Ram determinedly pursuing this man, but I think he did the rest of us a favor by giving this man a much needed dicking to reset his engagement with romance.
Vee (You're My Sky)
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I don't think this character was misunderstood. I just think it was really cool of a show to have one of the side couples not make it because they started an ill-advised romance. I like that what started as flirting and teasing got way too serious and stressed Vee out so much that he had a whole panic attack over it. In a genre about people getting together, I like the complicated, uncertain place they left these two. Vee understood the seriousness of messing around with his sister's boyfriend and the impossibility of that situation.
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hi sry if this is a little weird but if you need a break from write Be mine or you finish could you write a fic about bakugo turning into a dog (because a villain attacked him w/ an animal quirk) and the reader has to take care of him?
the more I think about this the weirder it seems so u do have to write it if you don’t want to
Don't worry it's not weird at all! thanks for giving me something to foucuse on other than my series and i was quite shocked that you knew about it. Thx for the request <3
Cuddle puppy <3
Bakugo x Fem! reader | fluff, slight angst idrk | this is my first time writing a fanfic so if it sucks be quiet | Basically Bakugo gets hit with a quirk that turns him into a puppy making him ditch your plans.
“Is this your place?” asked Mina pointing to the tall apartment building ahead. It wasn't unusual for Mina to walk with you as you live in the same area, though on this trip to your house your other friend Jiro came along. 
“Awww look it’s a puppy” you and Mina cried in unison speed-walking towards it, Jiro following close behind.
“Ya know you can’t just pick up a stray and bring it home,” stated Jiro as Mina tried to pick up the feisty, baby golden Shepard. 
“Uuuugh I know” whined mina “...but know someone who could keep it… here y/n!” 
“What?” you stared dumbfoundedly as mina handed the puppy currently biting her uniform’s sleeve over to your arms. Bolting before you could refuse.
“See ya on Monday!” hollered Mina as she ran towards her house leaving you and Jiro in front of your apartment.
“Sorry but there's no way I'm keeping that,” said Jiro as she wandered off to the radio shop nearby -her primary intent of the trip here-
“I guess it’s just me and you little guy,” you sighed carrying the slightly less pissed small dog to your apartment.
 Just a few steps away, a bright red sign attached to the building caught your eye ‘NO PETS’ astonished that you had never noticed it before. But before you could properly form a half-decent plan a thin, wrinkled, old, staff member waltzed out of the building. You had talked to this woman a few times before and you knew she despised animals, especially dogs, claiming they were “too loud”. Not wanting to get kicked out you hid behind a nearby bush, brain scattered you did the unthinkable. You shoved the poor dog down your shirt. and when the old hag had turned her back you bolted through the entrance and into an elevator. Fate had left you lucky enough to get into an empty elevator, though not wanting to take any risks you quietly apologized to the seemingly silent dog. Thankfully still feeling it breathing and occasionally adjusting itself reassured you that you hadn't crushed it. After what felt like an eternity of awkwardly slightly getting your chest nipped and praying no one else gets on, you finally landed on your floor dashing through the hallway you stopped at 307, your apartment, and yours only. Your parents died in a villain accident many years ago so you are used to living alone, though the thought of finally having something living that can feel and display love made you feel happier. Gently shutting and locking the door behind you, taking off your red tie you scoop into your white button-down and pull out the puppy now realizing how messy it had gotten you. Dragging yourself and the dirt-engulfed raging fur ball to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Once you got the bath water to a decent temperature and amount of bubbles to not wreck your uniform further you started getting undressed. Even if it is just a dog you were not indecent enough to get naked instead you just left for a second to change into a swimsuit.  Clearly not impressed with previously being suffocated between your bust, when you returned in your f/c bikini the deviant of a dog pounced into the full bathtub leaving you covered in water and suds. This along with the earlier actions displaying this puppies personality you decided on what to name him, “ya’ know you remind me of my friend Bakugo” you huffed “but since it’d be weird to give you his actual name I’ll call you Katsu instead!” you’ve had a crush on Bakugo since day one and the closest you two ever gotten was being accepted into the bakusquad where he just barley tolerated you. You continued to muter to yourself not realizing how tranquil the dog had gotten after being given his name. Once the seemingly now calmed dog was washed and dried the ash-blonde dog sat there cozied up in your lap as you watched f/s when an ad popped up for pet supplies. That’s when it dawned on you, how could you keep a dog if you didn't have any food or, really anything on the matter. I mean you used dish soap to wash the poor thing! Thankfully, after rummaging around your apartment's room you had found a purse big enough for the dog to fit comfortably, as you slid through the building and out the front doors without being caught. Finally reaching the pet store you got just a few cheaper necessities being short on cash at the moment, food (you could use bowls at home), collar, leash, a small baggie of treats, and you thought maybe a toy or two would be nice. While you were deciding on either a rubber bone or one of those tugging rope thingies when a man tapped you on the shoulder. Sightly startled, you turn around instantly absorbed into his golden yellow eyes
 “uh, excuse me,” he said smiling, one hand grasping the back of his neck “but what is your name?” 
“Oh! It’s y/n!” you cheerfully stated.
“What a beautiful name,” you couldn't help but blush “though could I call you mine instead?”  This comment leaving you visibly flustered making him smile as you tried to find a way to say you were not interested without coming across as rude, you then realized you didn't have to as Katsu already hopped from your bag bitting the hemming of the left leg of his pants, too small to really do anything.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry” you frantically apologized as you picked up the wriggling dog still trying to attack the stranger.
“Tch whatever maybe try to learn how to control your pets.” the man bluntly stated. Embarrassed you checked everything out and walked back to the apartment muttering under your breath. Back at the apartment you couldn't help but get rather annoyed at the puppy and it seemed he looked almost guilty. Dinner consisted of instant ramen and binging f/s while katsu sat there unsure of what to do. Should he give you space to snuggle next to you? You noticed how the dog was just standing there unsure yourself of what to do, you pat the cushion next to you inviting him to sit there. Katsu gladly obliged and lied his fluffy head on your thigh, ecstatic you weren't still mad at him. After hours of telling yourself one more episode, you finally checked the time. It was 2 am. Regret seeping into your tired body you carefully picked up the sleeping dog and walked to your bedroom. Where you gently placed him facing your back as you lay beside him unaware the quirk only lasts twelve hours. You felt the dog sift a bit as you were seconds away from drifting into your own slumber too, tired to notice the dog had wrapped his arms around you resting his head in the crook of your neck. Spooning you and whispering faint mumbles of I love you y/n. Mindlessly you whispered back I love you too Bakugo, thinking this was just a dream. Bakugo contently hummed to himself imagining how your face would look seeing him in your bed in the morning and how glad he was that this happened. I mean he got to see you half naked and have you all to himself for an afternoon.
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likecastle · 1 year
Ronance Femslash February - “number”
Thank you, @annieofhearts, for today’s prompt: “number”. I have to admit, I kind of don’t know where this one came from--it’s only vaguely a response to this prompt, and it’s kind of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Ronance, but once the idea got hold of me, I couldn’t do anything else. Sorry it’s probably not quite what you were expecting, but please know I still really appreciate the prompt and had fun with this! (And you can always send in another prompt to give me a chance to redeem myself!)
I’m accepting Ronance prompts all month for Femslash February. Don’t be shy! You can find previous prompts I’ve filled here.
Putting part of this behind a cut because it got a long.
“I can’t do it,” Robin whines, sprawling hopelessly onto Steve’s couch. “I can’t go on another terrible blind date with some weirdo who insists on talking about her raw foot diet the entire night.”
“Maybe this time it’ll be different,” Steve says from the kitchen, as he sprinkles salt onto the popcorn he’s making.
Robin raises her head from the couch cushions to give him a baleful stare across the living room. “D’you remember the last one?”
Steve gives a whole-body flinch. “Nadya.”
“Nadya,” Robin agrees morosely. “And, like, sure, the sex was good, but she also stole multiple appliances from my kitchen.”
“I mean,” Steve says thoughtfully, “from what you told me, the sex was better than good.”
“I need a toaster, Steve! Bread is one of my primary food groups! And more importantly, I need to not wonder where my belongings have wandered off to after I hook up with someone. Like, what was she even doing with them? It’s not like my shitty microwave I’ve had since college was worth anything on the open market.”
“OK, OK,” Steve concedes, obviously trying to forestall a rant he’s heard plenty of times already. “So you’ve struck out a few times.”
“I know I’m not exactly a whiz with numbers, but I think it’s fair to say my recent dating history constitutes a unilateral failure by any metric. I don’t know.” She pulls one of the couch cushions over her head with a groan. “Maybe I just need to give up on the idea of meeting the perfect person and try being on my own for a while. Maybe I already had my shot at the one big love of my life and I blew it without even realizing it. Maybe it’s stupid to think there’s anybody out there who could possibly put up with me, or—”
“Hey,” Steve cuts in sternly, nudging Robin’s legs so he can sit down beside her on the couch. He lets her stretch out on top of him once he’s settled, giving her shin a reassuring pat. “You’re smart as hell and you have good taste in movies and you’re the only person I know who can always make me laugh, no matter how bad a mood I’m in. You’re gonna find someone who can see how great you are, and anyone who acts like they’re putting up with you can fuck right off, because you’re cool as shit, OK?”
“Yeah, I know,” Robin mutters.
“Look,” Steve says, “you don’t have to go on this date if you don’t want to. It’s totally fine it you want to take some time to just be by yourself. But, if you ask me—”
“Which I didn’t,” Robin points out.
“If you ask me,” Steve continues, louder this time, as if volume alone gives him the moral high ground, “you’re gonna start psyching yourself out if you don’t pick yourself up and get back out there. Like, yeah, maybe this date will suck, but if you start going into every date assuming that you’re doomed to fail, it’s gonna become a self-sufficient prophecy.”
Robin groans again, shoving at Steve with her foot hard enough that he sways onto the arm of the couch. “Ugh, I hate it when you’re right.”
“So what do you know about the girl this time?”
Robin sighs, heaving herself up so she can get at the popcorn Steve set down on the coffee table. “Not much. She works with Lois at the Reader, just moved here from somewhere back east a few months ago. Lo said she’s never really dated women—apparently she was in a relationship with this guy for, like, ever, but she’s known she wasn’t straight since high school, and now that she’s single again, she wants to, you know, test the waters.”
“You do have a weakness for emotionally unavailable bi girls,” Steve says, almost apologetically, but Robin can’t even contest it, since this is an observation she’s made herself many times before.
“The Curse of Vickie,” Robin admits with a sigh, though privately it’s not Vickie she regrets the most, but another one who got away. “Fuck it, why not? Who knows, maybe it’ll even be fun.”
“That’s the spirit!” Steve says, reaching over to steal the popcorn bowl from her.
A week later, when Robin walks into the bar and sees Nancy Wheeler, of all people, waiting anxiously in a booth, her first thought is that Steve isn’t going to believe her when she tells him how her blind date turned out. Her second thought, as Nancy spots her and breaks into a bewildered grin, is that maybe she’s finally going to break her streak.
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ccrowsiie · 7 months
I've decided to explain what's been going on with me for the last few months. I figured I owe it to my mutuals since it's definitely going to affect my behavior going forward. I feel it's fair to say something now and maybe even apologize in advance.
In a nutshell: My best friend of 12 years ghosted (me and only me) for people he just met, destroying our relationship. In a coconut shell: One of the most important people in my life allowed our relationship to not just stagnate but actively die, willingly and knowingly breaking our social contract and my boundaries in favor of the adoration and attention from strangers and newer, fresher friends. The fallout sent me into a several months-long spiral that regressed my mental and physical health and led to the relapse of my most self-destructive addictions.
The full story, abridged (if you can believe it):
1/? CW, mentions of child abuse, drug use, mental health.
For clarity's sake, I'll be referring to him as 'Bestie'.
In the hierarchy of closeness, Bestie was right under my husband. Our relationship was 100% platonic but emotionally watertight. We had our disagreements like any pals would, but for the most part, we were siblings. We'd gone on vacations. We'd cooked meals together. We hung out for hours and hours over the many years of our friendship. It's safe to say that he was the closest thing I've ever had to an actual brother. …Because my real one totally sucks ass. I don't have a good relationship with my family. At. All. The majority of our interactions are made out of obligation. It was my dad's literal dying wish to at least try and reconcile with my mother after a lifetime of drugs and abuse. I've been trying my hardest, but dear God she makes it hard sometimes. My sister is alright, I tend to keep her at arm's length because she's a control freak (eldest daughter syndrome + history of abuse) but to say that my relationship with my brother is antagonistic would be a massive understatement. I usually say 'We don't get along' and keep it at that, but it goes deeper. We barely tolerate each other… for reasons I can't understand. I was born dead last in my family, the next oldest sibling is 13 years my senior. Despite the age gap, I may as well have been born the middle child, because bro didn't give up his youngest spot. Both he and my mother show signs of classic narcissism.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Crow, not everyone you dislike is a narc just because your personalities clash~' Save it, please. Don't speak on what you don't know. My mother and brother are a classic narcissistic binary star system. Mother and her golden child. They revolve around each other in a borderline emotionally incestuous way. They do drugs together. She coddles him to an insane degree. He did not move out or get his first job until his 40s. Mom didn't parent me so much as she let me live in her house so she could collect a check from my dad. When I wasn't being actively abused by her husband (won't go into detail here, but know that he was my primary abuser, as he was also her abuser and to a lesser extent my sister's) I was almost always being actively neglected, sometimes in favor of brother. Like, locked out of/into rooms or told to go away whenever she didn't need me for something. Especially in my formative years (age 5-10), when mom was still shooting dope and leaving me alone for days at a time or bringing me around the men she'd shoot up with. I almost lost her to drug-related violence and she almost lost me to the state a couple of times. Eventually, she found a way to have her cake (me, child support check generator) and eat it too (heroin and crack). While she gained sobriety from hard drugs just before I entered middle school, the neglect and other forms of abuse persisted through the remainder of my childhood, until I enlisted in the military out of desperation.
So with all of that boo hoo hoo shit out of the way, it's safe to say that I have a bit of a -thing- surrounding abandonment.
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cakesdown · 2 years
Hello friends and welcome to
~ Things I wish I knew about being a janitor before I became a janitor ~
In my days online I see a lot of autistic people say that being a janitor seems like a great job, and as an autistic janitor myself, I thought I could maybe share some wisdom!
As with any job, it depends on your management and what hours work for you. There are day janitors and night janitors - and sometimes you can be both! Half of my shift is set when the building is occupied and the other half is when it’s (mostly) empty. Im a school custodian as well, so I can’t speak for what it’s like to work in other types of businesses. So with all the out of the way let’s get to Cool Bulletpoints
being a janitor is a physical job. you’re gonna be on your feet most of the day and your body’s going to be moving around. get some good shoes and inserts. you’ll thank me later.
yeah you’re gonna be sore. for a while. I hobbled around the house the first month. hot baths and/or showers and taking it easy after work are important. your body will get used to the strain, but it isn’t gonna be overnight.
key sore spots are gonna be feet, shins, dominant arm, and back.
if you work in a school like me, you’ll be expected to help move furniture over the summer or extended breaks. do not try to do this alone and don’t let shitty coworkers make you do it alone.
you’re gonna get a little buff. like a little. enough to notice the sleeves of your shirts are tighter than they were before.
the schedule and routine is pretty awesome if that’s your thing. it doesn’t change too often.
if you’re working during the day, you’ll likely be asked to do things as people see them. extra paper products in the bathroom, spill in the hall, etc. in my workplace, a school, during the day I’m usually cleaning the cafeteria while my boss deals with on-call stuff. but if someone sees you in the middle of your two minutes of free time to run to the bathroom, there’s a good chance they’re gonna ask you to do something.
working during the night is probably what people are thinking of when they think of being a janitor. here’s where you get your designated route that you have to clean. you’ll have access to just about everything you need. there’s usually a big emphasis on cleaning everything every single night, but don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. for example, I high dust (dusting corners and tops of shelves, etc) weekly and check paper products every other day (even a school full of kids can’t go through full dispensers in a single day). The primary things are vacuuming, trash, and wiping down surfaces. You don’t have to run yourself ragged. Remember how much you’re getting paid, but don’t be a slob, cause people will notice.
if you’re a night janitor you’re probably gonna finish your route early once you get in the groove. either amble around for something light to do or tidy up your closet or something.
if you need to check your phone or sit down for a minute or two your closet is your haven. I take my second 15 in there because of how long the trek down to the break room is.
keep your cart and closet organized. it’ll make your life so much easier.
also get yourself some stuff like personal hand sanitizer to keep on your cart. rubber gloves will make your hands sweaty and also weirdly dry feeling.
wearing gloves, over time, will make you feel invincible. you don’t need to know what I’ve picked up with gloves on.
you’re not “lesser” for being a janitor. people in the building might look at you like you are, but remember that you’re the reason they can wipe their asses at all lmao. this might be a silly bullet point but this can get to me sometimes. you’re gonna have to do your best to ignore them or reaffirm yourself that they’re just weird and entitled.
there’s gonna be bodily fluids and you’re going to get desensitized to them fast.
Bring. Water. LOTS of water. because you’re gonna sweat a lot.
vacuuming kind of sucks. hehe. sucks. anyway you need to make sure your backpack vac is adjusted so that your back isn’t screaming. spot vacuum! like, keep your eyes peeled for bits on the carpet. you don’t have to go back and forth over the entire floor.
pick up stuff like pens and big chunks of paper before vacuuming. you won’t be able to suck it up and you do not want to be leaned over with all that weight on your back; you’ll feel like you’re gonna topple over.
in a school at least, you can wear earbuds as soon as the kids are out of the building.
making playlists the length of the rest of your shift can help make it go by a little faster. podcasts are also your friend!
accept that the building is probably haunted. the ghosts are your friends!
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lunarbard · 4 months
I realize this is influenced by it being one of my favorite media series, but I have a firm belief that most Metroid games have a lot of design elements to look to for inspiration when designing an adventure-oriented ttrpg campaign, especially one with anything resembling a dungeon in structure.
While scenario design that facilitates exploration is vital for those types of games, I also think that Metroid has another gameplay element in the upgrades for some of its games that offers an avenue of solution to a problem in specifically D&D 5e campaigns: beam stacking.
Metroid: Zero Mission & Super Metroid especially are generally designed in such a way that once you get a strong enough beam upgrade (especially the plasma beam), they make back tracking easier because you can just sprint down a hallway firing away and you'll deal with any enemies before they can hurt you. It makes backtracking easier & rewarding.
AM2R easily has the best take on this with how it gives you the ice beam last and made it the super weapon of the game for clearing out corridors as you move about. Prime 3 is a close 2nd with how the x-ray visor + nova beam explicitly let you one-shot certain enemies.
Metroid Dread is the antithesis of this, since the main damage upgrades you get for your arm cannon are immediately followed by every enemy in the environment getting buffed. Dread also has the problem of sucking to backtrack in since enemies are designed to be killed by countering (requiring you to have to wait to bait out their counter-able attack), rather than just the "run down with your arm cannon pointing up and kill everything" style of a game like ZM. (I enjoy Dread, but Mercury Steam seems to really struggle with the exploration element of Metroid).
Before we apply this to D&D though, a disclaimer: I do not hold any of my encounters or monsters as precious; I do not hang my sessions on a single combat for how "cool" I think it will be. Combat is just one procedure for overcoming an obstacle, and a risky one at that; it is more often than not the fail state of the party's primary plan going awry.
In a lot of D&D games & off shoots, the game incentivizes a power treadmill as players go from killing goblins at level 1 to dragons at level 10. Throw those same goblins at a level 10 5e party though, and your barbarians, fighters, rangers, and paladins will feel like shit as in 10 levels, while their wizard friend can fireball a horde 8 times before needing a back up plan, they have barely doubled in their effective ability to reduce the enemy's numbers. Throw something bigger, like a bugbear, and it might only be an improvement to 2 turns instead of 3 needed to slay it.
So, beam stacking: as the party explores the world, they can improve their weapons (and implements) to more effectively deal with previously troublesome enemies. Vital to this element is that foes are components of a recurring faction, rather than one-off fights. This has no effect if the party never fights the same type of foe and so never sees how much more effective they are against them.
For my current campaign, the general structure I have in place is that magic weapon enhancement ranges from +1 to +5. At each even number (+2, +4) the weapon gains an additional die of damage (so a +2 mace deals 2d6 damage, instead of 1d6). The heroes' weapons will also improve when they accomplish legendary deeds, increasing the renown of the tools they carry (and thus the power of those tools).
A weapon can bind a number of additional special properties up to 1 + its enhancement bonus. Properties can be granted by obscure magic or by an arcane smith forging special materials into the weapon.
Monsters have a lot of tags - see an Eternal Ogre, which is a mutant brute in the army of demon-magic soldiers in this campaign:
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fiendish & monstrous apply for a ranger's favored foe, while the miasmic and metamorph tags indicate its type for vulnerabilities.
Metamorph creatures are those who have been wholly mutated by magic. Weapons infused with lunarium are twice as effective against them.
Miasmic foes are those who have been infused with or made of dark energy, such as demons & undead. Radiant damage is twice as effective against them, and weapons infused with Celestine are thrice as effective against them (the radiant component a paladin's smite with a celestine weapon would deal x4 of its normal damage).
The party has been skirmishing with eternals a fair bit in the area they're currently solving, and after fighting some eternals, including an ogre, they managed to get some of their weapons infused with lunarium. The next time they faced eternals, they required fewer resources to deal with the ogres (which was good, since they needed those resources to deal with the hellhounds & Eternal Elites in the fray).
Eternal soldiers are the occupying force of the dark lord in this campaign, so the party will be dealing with the many soldiers of their ranks throughout the campaign. As the heroes become legends and find ancient magic & materials to improve their equipment, they'll have a progressively easier time cleaving through the forces of evil.
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lilythelitten · 1 year
The hatchlings’ weapons of choice
Because I’m the kind of weirdo who thinks about characters who don’t even appear in-story.
No one asked for this, but these kids have been living rent-free in my head for a while now and either I needed to get this written down or try to get them to actually pay the rent (cheapskates). So! Here are the weapons wielded by the hatchlings, AKA Lita’s siblings in @hopeaterart’s TMNT incarnation. (If you haven’t checked it out, what are you waiting for?) Also, FYI, this applies to when they’re fourteen, like Lita is when she appears.
Kiyomi has knives. Knives are simple, knives are to the point, knives end fights really fast. She prefers to end fights quickly so she can get back to what she likes to be doing. If she is bereft of her knives for whatever reason, she’s got a different trick up her sleeve: improvisation with the environment. If Kiyomi has to fight you with a wet towel, then by God she will fight you with a wet towel. And might even beat you with a wet towel.
Nagato dual-wields katanas in much the same style as Leo, which is quite impressive since unlike Leo, Nagato is not ambidextrous (he’s right-handed, if you’re curious). He’s actually kept the Four Sword Technique, and become surprisingly adept at keeping the swords out of each other’s way…though his primary use of his power is “punch you in the face hard enough to break your nose”. He’s short, his regular arms don’t reach.
Satsuki I had no idea for for an embarrassingly long time, but now I do! He has the odachi. Specifically the clan’s ancestral odachi with the ghost living inside. Sometimes, he unsheathes it just to talk with Hamato about whatever. Some people find it weird that Satsuki is more talkative around dead people than he is around living people, but his family has just accepted it as a Satsuki thing and don’t give him too much grief for it. (Again, no one asked, but in my head: Nagato got a power first at six, Akemi was next at seven, then Satsuki at twelve, and Hinata got hers recently according to Word of God, so probably thirteen or fourteen. Kiyomi, Tomiko, and Rintaro haven’t gotten theirs yet. Yes, this does mean Leo had two early-bloomers. God help him.)
Tomiko has a kusari-fundo because I am in love with the idea of her using one. Her fighting style involves a lot of whacks to the head, much flipping and swinging, many quips, and—when she gets her power—possibly wrapping it around the enemy and then channeling electricity through it to serve as a makeshift taser. (She probably gets the purple power, if only because I’ve color-coded her in my head as lavender.)
Akemi is much more of a magical combatant than a melee one. Clumsy, and all. I’m thinking she carries a tanto (shortsword, though it’s more like a very big dagger) for last-ditch defense if enemies get too close, and caltrops to scatter on the ground in front of her to keep enemies from getting too close. But overall, her fighting style is “magically blow everything up with extreme prejudice”.
Rintaro uses a sword, specifically a tachi…and positively sucks with it. It’s not just a tachi thing, the boy just CANNOT wield swords, and he’s actually grown to hate them. The irony is palpable. Yet he uses the sword regardless out of his pathological desire to prove himself and outdo his siblings at everything. (I do think he’d eventually realize he’s handicapping himself and pick a different weapon, probably after having the realization needed for a power; I’m thinking dual-wielding kama. A kama is a small one-handed agricultural scythe, and I like the idea of Rintaro using them because scythes are cool, he’s actually ambidextrous, and it’d be a neat reference to one of his dads having come from a farmer family before The Incident.
Hinata uses a jian, but we all already knew that.
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